#and that ginger bitch i tried to shoot
sobaka74 · 9 days
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One day my friend bebelkich and I checked out a post about an idea for a second installment (DE slur) that the creators wanted to make before the studio was stolen. Kim was supposed to be the main character there, and I was thinking….. It's too easy, what if we were playing as some new character and then at the end of the game there's a FURIOUS COMEBACK of these two blockheads and…. …they get hit by a Kamaz.
That's cool, right? And my brain agreed with me. It was late, and what do you think - I dreamed that those biba and boba got hit by some kid on a bicycle.
I thought that such a cool story shouldn't go to waste, so I decided to sketch out an idea in 5 minutes and…. well…. I gone for a few weeks.
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snowdropluck204 · 1 year
How They React to Their SO Getting Sick - BNHA
Katsuki Bakugo
Katsuki is the epitome of tough love, I feel that his parents did try to take care of him when he was sick but he didn't want to take it, he was going to fight this illness on his own! ~ You had gotten poorly over the weekend, so when Monday came around, you had let Aizawa know that you were ill and were stuck in bed watching YouTube with tissues littering your covers, a sign of your cold. ~ Sniffling softly, you settled down to try and nap for a little while, trying to take a break from the discomfort. ~ BANG ~ Shooting back up in bed, causing your headache to worsen quickly. Moving your gaze to the door, flinching at the light coming from the hallway of the dorm building, seeing the halo of light around a certain angry Pomeranian. ~ "What the hell babe!?" Katsuki shouted, causing you to wince at the volume. "Why weren't you in class!?" ~ Taking a look around your room, seeing the bottles of cold medicine, the tissues and your weak form in bed, he put the pieces together. ~ He also saw you had flinched at the light and his shouting, so he quickly shut the door and made his way towards you, trying his hardest to be quiet (which was very difficult for him). ~ Kneeling down next to your bed, he pressed the back of his hand against your forehead, feeling for a fever and not finding one. ~ Sighing a small sigh of relief, Katsuki pulled back and began working, he put on your favourite show, letting you snuggle up and went away, telling you he'd be right back. ~ Hurrying down to the communal kitchen, he found a can of your favourite soup and, whilst he would have preferred to make it from scratch, this would have to do, he began to cook. ~ He boiled the kettle for a cup of hot water with honey and lemon, knowing you hadn't drank or eaten anything, potentially for most of the weekend! ~ He silently scowled as he moved around the kitchen, he knew you were sick now, but he was mad at himself for not noticing sooner, thinking back on it now, he should have noticed you getting weaker, he'd spent the whole weekend with you! ~ Thinking that he was a shitty boyfriend, he stepped up his cooking game, bringing you up soup, honey and lemon and some of your favourite, softer snacks, nothing that would irritate your throat. ~ Shuffling into your room, he set down your food and snuggled next to you, waving away your protests of 'you'll get sick'. He didn't care. ~ "I'm gonna help you make this cold your bitch, babe!" He whisper shouted.
Izuku Midoriya
Baby Green Bean would just panic, I also feel like before he'd do anything to help you, he would observe you, take notes and then research the crap out of whatever it is to find the best and quickest ways to help you feel better! ft. Mama Inko!
~ When you realised you were sick, just a tummy bug, you text Izuku, knowing he would overthink your absence and you didn't want him panicking. ~ Little did you know, as soon as he got that text message, he was panicking. ~ He had gone to visit his mom for the weekend and now he was running around the apartment, his poor mother chasing him, asking him what was wrong. ~ "Mom! (y/n)'s sick! What do I do!? I- I wanna help but what if I do something and it makes it worse!?" He continued to ramble on about how he had never taken care of someone before, he'd never had a sick significant other because he'd never had a significant other in the first place! ~ His mom tried to calm him down, asking, how you were sick, he responded that you thought it was just an upset stomach. ~ "Oh, Izu, that's an easy fix, let's make a bit of a care package for them, they might not want you around too much if their stomach's queasy." ~ And that's what they did, Izuku worked on making a flask of ginger tea and packing some broth, his mom was at the store, buying you some sports drinks for hydration and some crackers, applesauce and bananas, if you're able to handle the fluids. ~ Packing everything in a cooler, Izuku kissed his mom goodbye, thanked her for her help and set off back to the dorms. ~ Knocking on your door, he waited to hear you let him in, fully expecting you to not respond and instead just leave his care package outside your door, but you let him in. ~ "Hi sweetie," He whispered, seeing you're eyes bleary, presumably just waking up from a nap. ~ He gave you a soft kiss on the forehead, fully aware from reading an article on the train over, that an upset stomach can also cause skin sensitivity and muscle aches. ~ You gave him a soft, weak smile. Izuku placed the cooler next to your bed, "My mom and I made you a care package, just a couple things to help you feel better." He smiled at you, stroking your hair out of your face. ~ You blushed a little at the amount of care your boyfriend was showing you, but thanked him and asked him to thank Inko for you, he agreed and went to leave. ~ You reached out and held onto his sleeve as he was leaving, "Stay?" You asked quietly, needing the human contact. ~ Smiling a big smile, Izuku nodded and tucked himself in bed next to you, pulling up the show the two of you had been watching together. ~ "Of course I'll stay sweetie! I'll always stay."
Shoto Todoroki
Shoto I think would be panicking but only on the inside, obviously when you're not feeling well, you're his main priority, but he doesn't know what to do! He'll sit and panic on his own and then try his hardest to help you, not doing too great…
~ You had the flu. ~ You had a fever. ~ And Shoto had no clue, how to help you! ~ He came to visit you in your dorm room, not realising that you weren't very well and got worried pretty quickly, seeing your tired, delirious, face red, sweating and cold at the same time and you didn't even acknowledge his presence when he came in. ~ He steps out of your room again, pulling out his phone to call Fuyumi, begging her to help him, he was so confused, poor baby! ~ Walking back in, he realises you've seen him now, reaching out with grabby hands for him to cuddle you. ~ Of course he's happy to, but he's desperately trying to stay as still as is humanly possible, hoping you'll be comfortable. ~ He notices that you seem to be moving a lot, moving from his left side to his right. He's not an idiot, he knows what the matter is fairly quickly. ~ Shifting you to lie on your front, cradled against his chest, he gently places his right hand on your forehead, soothing your fever. His left hand goes on the small of your back, underneath your shirt, feeling how your shirt sticks slightly to your skin. ~ Once you've fallen asleep, he once again texts his sister, smiling when he gets the text back, 'Keep her comfortable'. ~ He did a good job.
Eijiro Kirishima
Eijiro is most definitely the 'mom' friend, he knew exactly what to do and when he realises you're not well, he's sprinting around to help you!
~ Eijiro probably knew you were sick before you did! He probably always keeps some kinds of medication around, painkillers, cold medicine, cold and heat pads, emergency snacks. Anything really! ~ What kind of boyfriend would he be if he couldn't take care of his pebble? How unmanly would that be!? ~ When he notices that you're getting sick, you were getting tired quicker, you didn't have much of an appetite and you were starting to slur your words slightly. ~ He let himself into your room, with his arms full of - things! Just things! Blankets, some of his hoodies for you to wear, cold medicine, a bucket (just in case), a bunch of movies and TV shows, snacks, drinks and basically anything else he could have brought from his room to your own in one trip. ~ Once you yourself have realised you're sick, he doesn't let you leave your bed and he certainly doesn't let anyone else in! ~ Mama Eijiro is the most protective being and you cannot tell me otherwise! ~ But he's also a total pushover for you! You could ask him to kill someone, rob a bank or piss off Bakugou and he'd do it! ~ He did try his hardest to keep you comfy and happy, keeping you warm and well fed! You two would definitely binge movies and shows together, him happily commenting every now and then and you tiredly nodding along, happy he's happy. ~ But then the weekend was over and he was being physically dragged out of your room by Bakugou and the rest of the class, still shouting instructions at you: ~ "Keep drinking water through the day! I'll be checking how much you've drank! I've left some sandwiches and soup for you, try and eat if you can! I love you pebble-"
Denki Kaminari
Denki is my favourite clueless baby! I can almost guarantee he would have a minor panic attack/aneurysm whenever there is something wrong with you at the beginning of your relationship and probably whenever you're sick for the rest of it!
~ I feel like Denki would originally try to avoid you when he finds out you're sick, not to be mean or because he doesn't want to take care of you, it's because he doesn't think that he can take care of you! ~ The boy can barely take care of himself and boyfriend protocol dictates he should take care of his partner as well!? ~ Panicking, Denki would probably text the Bakusquad group chat, hoping they can help somehow! ~ They do. ~ The squad seemed to have a soft spot for you, even Bakugou! I feel like Mina and Sero would definitely be like, "Your partner is my partner", kind of thing. Then Katsuki and Eijiro are just the group's mom and dad! ~ They all leave different things outside your door for Denki to give to you, both not wanting to overwhelm you with their presence and also not wanting to get sick. ~ Katsuki cooks you lunch, Eijiro leaves you a flask of tea, Mina couldn't think of anything helpful after that so she ran out to get you snacks and sports drinks and Sero just brought you an item of clothing from each of them (definitely not asking Katsuki before stealing from him). ~ Eventually Denki would calm down, you would demand cuddles from him and any other day he would be on you like glue and would not let go! ~ But today, he was so nervous about hurting you, about making you worse, he was zapping like crazy and he didn't want to hurt you. ~ He saw the look in your eyes when he told you, but almost broke down when you told him you didn't care and pulled him into bed anyway. ~ You would spend the rest of the day watching movies, cuddling and most likely sending each other memes. ~ Denki calmed down and stopped shocking you, but he was happy that you loved him, Zaps and All.
Hitoshi Shinsou
Hitoshi would act cool on the outside, definitely acting stoic and uncaring but having a full on meltdown in his head. He wouldn't know the first thing about taking care of something that wasn't a cat, but he didn't want you knowing that!
~ When you tell him you're sick, he had just entered your room, so he stands there, staring at you from the corner, before whipping out his phone to look up what he should do. ~ "What are you doing?" You croaked at him. ~ "Well, I don't know what to do! So I'm googling!" ~ Chuckling and shaking your head, you mutter that you're fine, just needing some company. ~ He tries his hardest to just stay with you, but can't help thinking that he needs to do more for you. ~ He spent the rest of the day basically treating you like a houseplant, feeding you, watering you and facing you towards the sunlight, hoping something would help! ~ Hitoshi would most definitely use your sickness as an excuse to cuddle and take a nap. ~ He just would. Baby is tired and needs to sleep so any excuse will do! ~ Denki would definitely come looking for him. If he didn't find him in his own room, he'd immediately know to check yours! ~ He woke up Hitoshi when he came in and was instantly threatened. ~ "If you wake them up, I will leave you trapped outside the dorms for a week!" He whisper shouted, Denki giggling as silently as he could but did leave, not wanting to wake you up intentionally. ~ Hitoshi would have to wake you eventually so you could eat and take some medicine, he does so with a soft kiss on your forehead (definitely not checking your temperature or anything!).
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capcavan · 4 months
I want to know about all the rps except mukade becuz I'm frightened of bugs so I'm scared what might be revealed to me 😭😭
honestly yeah you DO NOT want to know that one lemme pick few 4 you Two Raven Kings one of my personal favourites actually it's aftg/TRC crossover instead of shooting riko ichirou sends him to study in hendrietta, away from exy and everything that was making riko's world *his*- as we find out later this is the school he himself attended riko is looked after by assistant named Taki (my li love note to ao3 fanfic Brothers 🥺), meets kavinsky and blueballs him because the man looks too much like kevin and Riko decide he will avoid all kevin looking ginger looking and blond looking men which leads him to meet Declan Lynch (and will carry bad consequences) - riko kind of replaced blue the boys still go to the house for some tarot readings - riko tries to get private reading to talk to his dead mother but when he reveals that his question is "did she loved me " the women shot him down and tell him to just go home. - riko shows those lacrosse bitches how it's done sorry cant say more just know that declan spend at least 1 week thinking he hooked up with guy who killed someone in prizon because Declan thought the 1 under his eyes was like tear tattoo Two of Them Riko has twin brother who spend his life living in one room of moriyama mansion kept there specifically as organ donor for ichirou and kengo , after ichirou causes kengo's death to help his brother , the Riko2 who is also called Riko because this family doe snot care to let people be people tells him to fuck off and goes to meet Riko1 feeling entitled to his attention and relationship as his twin, he end sup meeting foxes who inform him that riko1 (already part of fox lineup in this au) is currently on suicide watch in psyh ward and spend few days with this absolute oddity (kevin and riko2 nearly get into a fight 3 times over the title of riko's brother) The biggest fan Riko and Kevin get kidnapped right before the final game in TKM and driven fuck knows where where they get locked in basement of some ultra rich man who wants to keep them as collectors merchandise, they have underground apartment all for themselves with room service and all their needs meet. Riko realises in that moment that this is how heaven feels like , nobody beats him here there is no pressure here , it's his ticket to chocolate factory - kevin is with him too and he can not leave him ever again. Kevin though been out of nest for 2 years now he wants to see his father and his friends again and if he wont convince riko to get out of this mess he will ave to work against not only the kidnapper but his brother too.
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The one where moonmates are actually a thing. And the five stages really are a bitch.
Or the fifteenth installment of the SKZ!pack Prequel Series.
Tags: SKZ, Stray Kids, Stay, OT8, SKZ drabble, SKZ!pack, skz!abo, Poly!skz, omegaverse, pack!Prequel, skz!pack prequel, pack prequel series, bang chan, lee minho, seo changbin, lee felix, han jisung, hwang hyunjin, kim seungmin, yang jeongin, y/n, skz x you, skz x reader, fluff
Genre: Fluff
Title: Out of the Closet
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“Ow. Noona!” 
Your forehead once again knocks with Seungmin’s, and you pull back with a frustrated huff of breath, slipping your fingers out from beneath his waistband as you do so, making sure he doesn’t miss the exasperated look you throw his way. 
“Oh my god, you’re such a poor sport.” 
He rolls his eyes, narrowly avoiding knocking over a broom as he tries to create space between the two of you. 
“I’m not the one who picked a janitor’s closet in the campus library for a romantic tryst.” 
“I was trying to be spontaneous!” 
“Spontaneity doesn’t look good on you, noona.” The beta deadpans, a smirk crossing his lips, as you throw up your hands in exasperation. 
Well, as close to ‘throwing’ as you can get in the cramped quarters of a supply closet on the third floor of the library. 
“I give up.” 
Seungmin blinks at you blankly, slowly-one time, two times, three times-and then, “Can we go back to studying now?” 
You groan and sink back against the door. 
“Kim Seungmin. You’re the worst.” 
“I know.” The beta replies cheerily, catching you off guard by leaning forward and lightly knocking your foreheads together once more. He grins, sharp canines on display. “Minho-hyung tells me that all the time.” 
“He’s right, you know.” 
“I know.” Seungmin simply replies again, before he lets his lips connect with yours. 
It’s nice, kissing Seungmin. He’s slow and methodical and firm, and he always tastes like mint chapstick, and in the dimly lit interior of the janitor’s closet, you let yourself stop thinking for a moment, hand going around to cup the back of the beta’s neck, pulling him closer, nose filled with the scent of citrus laced ginger. 
And then, like the spoil-sport he is, Seungmin breaks off the kiss. 
“Minnie.” You whine in response, and he rolls his eyes. 
“We seriously need to study now.” 
“God, you’re killing me here.” 
He arches a brow and leans back against the shelving behind him, careful not to jostle any of the dozens of cleaners lining the rack, his arms crossed over his chest. 
“You killed me the moment you dragged me into this closet.” 
“Touche.” You shrug and glance around. “What, you don’t like my choice of rendezvous point?” You reach out to finger a mop handle leaning on the wall beside you. “I think the mops really add to the atmosphere actually.” 
Seungmin rolls his eyes and exhales a harsh breath through his nose in response. 
You’ll take it. 
“Fine. Let’s go study.” 
The beta grins. 
“That’s the hottest thing you’ve ever said to me.” 
“Gross. Get out of my closet.” 
✨ Stage I: Denial ✨
Your head is starting to feel like cotton and your eyes are blurring hours later, as you try to focus on the textbook page before you, Seungmin quietly, dutifully, still scribbling pages of notes across the table from you. 
You swear, the beta’s a machine. 
You sit back in your chair and sigh loudly, hoping to get your point across as you shoot Seungmin a sidelong, hopeful look. 
You groan and let your head slouch to the cool wood of the library table. 
“C’mon, Minnie. You’re a slave driver.” 
Seungmin sighs in response and finally looks up from his notes, eyeing you over the dark rim of his glasses with open exasperation. 
“Can you tell me every titration rate and time from memory without referencing your notes or textbook?” 
You groan again and squeeze your eyes shut. There’s a headache starting. 
“Then you haven’t studied enough.” 
“Minnie.” You whine again, louder this time, and the beta across from you visibly rolls his eyes. 
“I’m trying to help you.” 
“No, you’re trying to kill me.”
A beat of silence and then, “Fine.” 
Seungmin snaps his book closed with a loud thud, startling you, and you glance up at him, hope renewed. He settles back in his chair and you wilt again. 
“Let’s take a break then. And talk about something.” 
“Ugh.” You shudder. “That sounds terrible. Let’s just go back to studying.” 
“The moonmate thing.” 
Your ears perk, because it’s not what you had expected him to say, but you keep your head dutifully on the table, and instead, grumble out begrudgingly, “What about it?” 
Seungmin taps his fingers along the table in thought. “It’s real.” 
You start upward so fast you see stars, and stare, dumbfounded, across the table at the serious beta. 
Seungmin shrugs. “Yeah. Like, it’s not some bullshit, fated, romantic mate thing influenced by the stars or the moon or whatever else people believe, it’s actually based on complicated primal biology, wolf behavior tendencies and Darwin’s ‘Survival of the Fittest’ theory, but it’s definitely a thing.” 
You stare at him blankly, mouth agape. 
“Why are we-” 
“And Chan-hyung is yours.” 
You swear you black out for a second, and when you come to, the beta across the table from you is still staring at you seriously, no hint of joking found in his dark eyes. 
What. The. Fuck. 
Seungmin sits back in his chair and pulls an apple from his backpack, taking a bite and chewing casually as if he hasn’t just tilted your entire world on its axis. 
He cocks his head, studying you, and you feel like a bug trapped under a microscope. 
A very confused, very shocked, very appalled bug. That maybe wants to throw up. 
“Yeah. I’ve known since the day Changbin-hyung first introduced him to us.” 
“And you didn’t say anything?!” 
“What was I supposed to say?” Seungmin challenges, rolling his eyes, even as you continue to stare at him in open shock. He pitches his voice into a representation of past Seungmin. “‘Noona, hyung’s studio bro? The one who you objectively hate with a fiery passion? Yeah, he’s totally your equivalent of a werewolf soulmate. Congrats. But also condolences.’” 
“No, but a little warning would’ve been nice!” You splutter out, head still spinning. 
Seungmin shrugs casually and goes back to his notes. 
“Consider this your heads up then.” 
You sit back in the chair heavily and stare at the ceiling with nothing short of despondent woe.
“I think I’m gonna go back to the janitor’s closet. But this time, it’ll be to cry.” 
✨ Stage II: Anger ✨
“Holy fuck.” 
You rest your forehead against the chipped formica of the booth’s table-you seem to be finding yourself in this exact position a lot today-and nod miserably without looking at him. 
“That’s what I said.” 
Chan sits back, eyes still wide and face still contorted into utter disbelief. 
“So that means-” “Yep.” 
“And you and I-” 
A headache is pounding behind your left temple. 
The other alpha lets out a long, low breath, controlled between his teeth, and then says with newfound perspective, voice slightly wondrous now, “I mean. It makes sense in retrospect I guess? The way I saw your picture and felt I had to meet you. And how you normally hate rain but my scent makes you feel safe and that’s always been confusing-” 
The headache is now a persistent hammering migraine in the base of your skull. 
“For the love of God, please stop talking.” 
Chan immediately shuts up. “Right. Sorry.” 
You take in a deep, steadying breath, and push yourself up from your slumped position on the table, fingers already blindly reaching for the glass of alcohol beside you. 
It’s empty. 
You immediately regret downing it in one go when you first arrived. 
The pain in your head is getting worse by the second. 
Chan eyes you warily from across the table, chewing on his bottom lip, clearly deciding whether it’s worth your obvious wrath to speak again or not, and then finally he says quietly, “Did you feel anything weird?” 
You narrow your eyes and stare at him like he’s just grown a third head. 
He clears his throat and looks around, as if he’s about to ask you something entirely too private for anyone else to hear. He leans across the small table and repeats his question. 
“When we kissed? Did you feel anything weird?” 
You continue to stare at him until the words make sense in your brain. 
“Did I feel anything weird when we kissed? What the hell does that mean?” 
Chan shrugs. “I dunno. Like an indication we were moonmates or whatever?” He looks thoughtful, then snaps his fingers. “Like that kids’ movie. About Dracula? The ‘zing’ thing!” 
You honestly don’t know if he’s just not making sense, or the one drink you had upon arrival is already starting to jumble your senses. 
You go with the first option. 
“Christopher, I mean this in the most respectful way possible, but what the fuck are you talking about?” 
He holds out his finger for you to wait and pulls out his phone. 
“Aha!” He exclaims triumphantly after a moment of searching, turning the phone to you so you can see the results-Hotel Transylvania-splashed brightly across the screen. 
The brightness makes your headache flair anew. 
You promptly slam the phone down on the table and squint at him until your eyes come back into focus. 
“I legitimately think you’ve lost your mind.” 
Chan sighs and slips his phone back into his pocket. “Okay. I guess what I’m asking is did you feel anything different?” He looks slightly unsure now, his expression serious. “With me?” 
You stare at him for another moment longer in open disbelief. 
“Besides incredible self loathing from the moment we met? No.” 
Chan sighs and sinks back into the booth, looking utterly helpless. 
“I’m joking.” You soften your tone a little and he meets your gaze once more hopefully. You shrug. “Well, mostly.” 
He taps his fingers along the table and stares you down. 
“Go on a date with me.” 
You stare at him blankly. 
“This doesn’t count as a date?” You ask helplessly, hoping he’ll drop the idea all together. 
“Not in the slightest.”
No such luck. 
“Helping Felix through his heat didn’t count as a first date in your mind?” You try again, already knowing the answer.
Chan shakes his head firmly, and you scoff, crossing your arms over your chest and sinking down into the worn pleather of the booth, even as you glare at him. 
“I saw your dick, dude.” 
He arches a brow, and a slight smile tugs at the corner of his lips. 
“Still doesn’t count, dude.” 
Damn him. Damn his adorable dimples and his adorable curls and his adorable big brown eyes and-
“Fine.” You throw your hands up in the air in defeat. “Take me on a stupid date or whatever.” You point a stern finger at him. “But don’t think, for one second, that this is going to change anything about the way I feel about getting stuck with you as a moonmate.”  
Chan grins. 
The air smells like spring rain and your headache is suddenly nowhere to be found, but you refuse to dwell on that.
✨ Stage III and IV: Bargaining and Depression ✨
“So, do you wanna see the studio?” 
You stop dead in your tracks, hands dug deep into the pockets of your coat, and stare at Chan’s back like he’s just said the stupidest thing in existence. 
He must realize you’re no longer following behind him, because he turns to glance back at you, already holding open the door to the music department building. 
He cocks a confused brow at you. 
“You seriously did not just use that line on me.” 
“It’s not a line-!” He sputters immediately, ears going red and cheeks flushing. “I was seriously just inquiring if you wanted to come in with me and see it while I grab my thesis paperwork-” 
“Shut up.” You command as you push past him, into the welcome warmth of the building, Chan eventually letting the door fall closed and falling into step beside you as you stomp down the hallway. 
“I swear it wasn’t a line-” He’s still talking, stumbling over himself, and you roll your eyes as you reach the end of the hall. 
“Oh my god, Christopher!” You whirl to face him and his eyes go wide, his jaw hanging agape, as you glare him down with obvious ire. “It almost would’ve been better if you had just confidently admitted that it was a line, because this is painful.” 
He stares at you for another moment, the air crisp with chill, your glower fixed on him, and then he laughs. He laughs. 
“So what if I said it was a line?” He asks, arching a brow, holding your gaze, leaning up against the wall beside you, and you suddenly feel your heart skip a beat in your chest. 
His eyes are golden up this close, and you do everything in your power not to stare at the full bow of his lips. 
“Was it?” 
He smirks, cocking his head as he continues to study you. Then, “No, but if it was?” 
He tongues the inside of his cheek as he waits for your reply, and an obviously subconscious action on his part should not be that hot, you should not be so fucking into it, but here you are, staring at the bulge of his tongue and trying not to completely lose your dignity. 
“Would you have come with me anyway?” 
You force yourself to look away from his mouth and sniff. 
He leans back then, and the tension is broken. He gives you an easy, amused smile. 
“Well, good thing it wasn’t a line then.” 
You shove past him, willing your heartbeat to slow in your chest, trying to keep up your annoyed front, cursing yourself for being so goddamn readable, the chill in the air fading with your departure. 
“So are you gonna shut up and show it to me then? Or are we just gonna stand here all night?” 
Behind you, Chan laughs, and you hear his footsteps resume. 
You realize, at the end of the hall, that you have absolutely no idea where you’re going, but luckily, Chan has caught up with you, and stepping around your sudden stop, he gives you a slight, knowing smile over his shoulder, before pushing open a door labeled ‘student studio space.’ 
He bows cheesily as you step past him. 
“Welcome to our humble abode.” 
The lights are dim, the space lit up by a couple of computer screens glowing neon in the dark, and in front of one of them, a dark, huddled figure turns, pulling off headphones as the light from the hallway spills into the studio. 
You stop dead in your tracks and stare at the surprised alpha, his headphones still dangling from his fingers. 
“(Y/N)?” Chan glances between the two of you with open curiosity. 
“You two know each other already?” 
“What the fuck, Joong.” You hiss out from between your teeth, as you stand frozen to the spot, staring at the other alpha, obviously caught off guard by your sudden appearance. “You knew him this whole time?!” 
The shorter alpha throws out his hands, as if offering you a peace gesture, and looks appropriately contrite considering the situation. 
“I mean. Yeah? He and Bin and I work on shit together all the time. We’re kinda partners when it comes to projects?” Hongjoong shrugs, and the smell of coffee wafts through the air at the motion. “I can’t believe Changbin didn’t mention it actually.” 
“I’m going to kill him.” You fume, clenching your hands into fists at your side, as Chan moves to the desk to dig through some untidy piles of paperwork. “I’m literally going to murder him.” 
“Pity.” Hongjoong says casually, spinning in his chair, looking entirely relaxed once more. “I heard you two just got back on talking terms.” 
“Shut up.”
He grins and shrugs once more. “Yeosang kept us well updated on the situation.” 
“I’m also going to murder him.” 
“So wait-” Chan, seeming to find what he’s looking for, turns back to the two of you once more, cocking a curious eyebrow now. “-you guys’ packs are like-?” He hesitates over his choice of words, obviously struggling. Finally he decides on, “-friends, yeah?” 
“Yeah.” Hongjoong flashes sharp teeth in a wide grin. “Friends is a good way to put it. Basically, some of my packmates dated some of (Y/N)’s packmates and vice versa before we all found our spots, and now we’re just a huge ass intertangled mess of queer college students belonging to two packs who go to the gym and studio together and study at the library and occasionally fuck when we’re in the mood.” 
Chan chokes on the sip of water he has just taken. 
“Just kidding on that last one.” Hongjoong grins, with a wink in your direction. 
You roll your eyes. 
“How Hwa ever lets you out in public I’ll never know.” 
Chan is still coughing in an effort to regain his breath, but his ears perk at the name. 
“Wait-Seonghwa, right? I’ve met him once.” He glances at Hongjoong, who is currently fiddling with the headphones around his neck. “No offense, dude, but he’s kinda terrifying.” 
Hongjoong shrugs. “None taken.” He smirks, dark eyes flashing. “I like my men to be able to physically and emotionally wreck me if I so ask.” 
Chan visibly winces, and you laugh. 
“Wanna hear something even more terrifying?” You ask, and the other alpha glances at you, a smile tugging at his own lips at your more obviously relaxed state, perched on the edge of the shitty futon in the corner of the small studio space. He nods, and you drop your voice, like you’re telling scary stories around a campfire. “Seonghwa and Minho used to date.” 
Chan’s jaw drops so quickly that it has you and Hongjoong cackling in unison. 
He glances to Hongjoong for confirmation, and the smaller man shrugs. “Swear to god, man, she’s telling the truth.” 
“Shit.” Chan looks suitably horrified and on the verge of being turned on all at once. “That’s incredibly hot and literally terrifying all at the same time. Fuck.” 
You nod sagely. “That’s what I’m saying.” Chan whistles beneath his breath. 
Hongjoong nods and pats Chan sympathetically on the shoulder, even as he does another spin on his computer chair. 
“Yep. Don’t think about it too hard though. It’ll break your mind.” 
✨ Stage V: Acceptance ✨
You dig your hands back into your coat pockets as you exit the building into the crisp air of the night, Chan keeping step beside you. 
He’s uncharacteristically quiet, and you glance sidelong at him as you turn the corner to the bus stop. 
“You’re not still thinking about Minho and Seonghwa are you?” 
Chan starts slightly, glancing guiltily at you, and you cock your head, raising an eyebrow at him teasingly. 
“No. Although-” He sighs, his breath frosty, and glances up at the darkening sky. “-that really threw me for a loop.” He shoots you a glance. “And I’m not gonna say I won’t think about it later. I’m not impenetrable.” 
You bite back a grin. “Fair.” 
You walk in silence for several more moments, the snow crunching beneath your feet, and then you ask abruptly, “So, did this count as a date?” 
Chan stumbles over his feet, then hurries to catch up with you once more, and you can feel his gaze locked on the side of your face, but you refuse to look at him. Not yet. 
“Do you want it to be a date?” He asks, slightly breathless, and you’re not sure whether it’s because of your brisk pace or the cold air or something else entirely. 
You shrug. “Sure.” 
He sucks in a breath beside you, and you bite your bottom lip to stop from smiling as you finally meet his wide eyed gaze. 
His irises are almost black in the evening light. 
“The real question is, Christopher. Do you want it to be a date?” 
He stares at you for another beat. 
“Of course I do.” You nod and continue walking, dropping his gaze now, because the beaming smile on his face is too much for you to handle right now. 
You also don’t want him to see your own either. 
Not yet. 
“Okay. Then it’s a date.”
💗 Taglist: @hosh1kwon @carolinexkpop @blithevix @sunabokuto @wildflower-at-heart @faericals @5sos-wdw @hyuneyeon @studyingthemind @illicee @maddmartian @binnie--baby @xwinchesterprincessx @ley-lani59 @lady---boner @rosegaming117 @meivida @sai-kida134 @cutecucumberkimberly @aroseharder @spideyweirdo @coureurs-de-bois9 @unfiltered-starlight @sixswaggy @shimmeringmoons22 @thatgirlangelb @beautifulcolorgarden @runningthroughlifestay @dearalice @patat-boi @stay-berryful @laylasbunbunny @misxing-you @sawadabegum @changbinsrightboob @maliamaiden @sunnibearr @bkirsted @jamlou512 @latinxmochi @goquokka @leeknowsw0rldd @yoongihan@simeonswhore @rubberduckieyourtheone @chanlovesme @janvibutbetter
@starlostjimin @vampcharxter @dadonbabysworld @cursed-mars-bars @lexiluness @nanaberry6 @yoongisleftearring @seoulsaver @leeyanyanyaaan @septicrebel @thesingingelephant@kpflyn
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billkaulitzwife · 1 year
More Stupid Shit My Friends and I Have Said Feat. The Outsiders
"Are you seriously on fucking Tomodachi life rn."
"If I had a nickel for every time I got confused I'd be a fucking millionaire."
"I'm mad at you now. I was watching a Livestream of a bird eating and I had to click on your notification."
"I don't own the cat. The cat owns me"
"I love fruit. Why? My boyfriends a fucking fruitbowl, c'mon now."
"Shit I burnt the grilled cheese." *Goes outside and throws it at a squirrel* "Eat it or I'll kill you."
"What the fuck do you mean Johnny's getting married to Elvis??"
"I've never had a soda so when my mom brings soda home we all worry."
"You caused a Chain reaction. You got suspended last week then Pony tells me 10 girls got suspended today."
"I tried to quit smoking. Yeah didn't last long."
"What animal are Teletubbies?"
"They call me grilled cheese cuz I make a mean one."
"They call you queen bee cuz u been fuckin all of 'em."
"Next time I see Cherry Valance I'm throwing a box of cherries at her. Bitch."
"What animal is Mickey Mouse?"
"How the fuck do people on Discord have my Snapchat, too."
"If I had a nickel for everytime I worried you guys I'd be in California."
"Guys I'm almost 17 :)"
"I guess you could say that I am... a little silly in the morning."
*Talking to Steve while high* "Did you see how high Addie was this morning at school?"
"If I had a Nickel."
"I had a grilled cheese for breakfast."
"I'm not gay but my boyfriend is."
"If I had a Nickel for everytime I had something on my face I'd be on a yacht right now instead of staring at y'all's ugly bitch asses."
Addie: I know how to shoot a shotgun.
Darry: HOW?
Steve and Dallas, in the corner: 😳
Steve: That grilled cheese was good. Thanks Ads.
Addie: I made one and you live a mile away.
*Dallas and his mom in an argument*
His Gramma: *Sends a weird Facebook meme.*
Dallas: 🤓
Dallas: I remember when I used to sit on Santa's lap.
Johnny: Just like when some adult man made me sit on his!
Everyone else: 😥
Steve: Hey, hun did you check on the kids?
Sodapop: Hey, twins, Johnny, dinner's almost ready.
Darry: Top four animals
Addie: Kittens, frogs, turtles... Beluga.
Two-Bit: Birds-
Steve: I want a toasted cheese sandwich.
Pony: A fucking grilled cheese?
*Curtises hanging with their cousins*
The ginger cousin: I need to know what animal I would be and why.
Pony: A whale.
Cousin: HEY
Darry Curtis (active 4 hours ago): Phones on the tabke when you get home.
Ponyboy McLovin Curtis (Active Now): WHAT DID I DO
addie curtis (Active Now): are you serious.
Coca-Cola (Active Now): what happened
Darry Curtis (Active Now): None of you. Dallas and Steve.
Daddy dallas winston(Active.): is it cuz I took addie out to dinner or because we went to the shooting range after
Stevie (Active): I wasnt thwre i promise
Darry Curtis: what is this then *sends a picture of addie and dallas holding guns like bonnie and clyde while Steve is in the middle smiling huge*
guys i made a grilled cheese for the first time so These are mostly shit ive said. also ive found tumblr to actually be a safe space so idk.
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crying-pan420 · 2 years
The choir playing video games
Ocean- She really likes the Sims because she gets to control everything and everyone and can simulate the perfect life for herself and enact her dreams in the game with the careers. She definitely plays it for a week straight (when she has no school work) then for the rest of the year forgets about it. Most the time in this week the choir thinks she’s died
Jane Doe/Penny- Untitled Goose Game because she really enjoys just running around and destroy everything she finds it funny and tries to convince the choir to play it. Not much reason behind it just vibes also tomadachi life
Ricky- Pokemon because it’s mentioned in the musical but also!!! really likes FNAF world because of the cool aspect of it and also for the space level and how you can unlock characters and customise your party. Also stray just for the cat and Undertale and Cuphead because
Mischa- I read in a fic once not sure who’s but that Mischa plays Call of Duty but I can also image him playing Subnautica and calling anything that jumpscares him a bitch. Also I think he would play fortnite the keep up with his gangsta shooting game persona and try to get the rest of the choir to play too, Constance is weirdly good at it. Also Friday Night Funkin he likes the jams and uploads all his games to his YouTube
Constance- I feel like cooking mama would be up there and also it takes too cuz she really likes playing it with friends and getting to work together. However one time the pairing was Noel and Ocean, let’s just say stuff got thrown. Anyway other games definitely animal crossing like every version
Noel- He would play Stardew Valley for the love interests and to befriend the town cuz he’d really enjoy all the cut scenes and getting to do the festivals with his husband. I think he’s go after Shane for the driving to drink bit. Also he has declared a war on Robin, Leah and Penny because they are ginger.
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Sean's Bio
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" Why don’ I try fittin' me boot up your nose you snotty old bitch. "
Sean was born in Ireland (presumably Donegal) and spent his early childhood there. Sean's father was Darragh MacGuire, an infamous Fenian outlaw who fled to America with Sean, before being hunted down and killed. The young Sean was sent to a reform school, but it did little for him.
Sean first met Dutch and Hosea at a bar somewhere in North Elizabeth. After seeing a fancy pocket watch that Dutch had, Sean followed the pair into the dark alleyway and threatened them at gunpoint. Much to Sean's surprise, both Dutch and Hosea simply laughed and dared Sean to shoot them, which he did. It turned out that the pair had spotted Sean first and silently taken the bullets out of Sean's gun. Instead of killing him, Dutch and Hosea decided to give Sean some food and inducted him into the Van der Linde gang.
MacGuire is said to be a cheerful man who enjoys spending his time telling stories at the gang's campfires, particularly about his family history. He loves being a part of the action, but he is relatively inexperienced and often overestimates his own abilities. At Clemens Point, he playfully tries to poke fun at Arthur, calling him 'English' and 'King Arthur'. He is perhaps the most talkative member of the gang, as Charles remarks that he speaks incessantly, and Arthur is mildly aggravated by his constant teasing at times. However, he is also somewhat lazy, literally falling asleep during guard duty multiple times, drawing the ire of Hosea.
Sean appears to have a positive relationship with Lenny, who once tried to teach Sean (who is illiterate) how to read. The two are often seen conversing, and Lenny tells Arthur at one point that he likes Sean. By contrast, Sean often expresses his dislike of Micah.
Sean has a generic, very much stereotypical Irish accent. Unlike Molly O'Shea, who has a distinct Dublin accent, MacGuire's is harder to pinpoint.
Sean has shoulder-length ginger hair, and green eyes and is slightly unshaven. He appears to be missing a few of his upper teeth. MacGuire usually wears a jacket of light bluish-grey color over a dirty white union suit and a red and brown patterned vest, accompanied by blue jeans and a green bowler hat. Unlike most members, this is the only clothing he wears, with only slight variations.
When Sean is rescued from Ike Skelding's Boys, he is shown wearing black jeans held up with suspenders, along with a grey shirt buttoned at the top with a black square shape on the front going from the shoulders to the chest, as well as black cuffs.
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Getting Freaky On a Friday Night (Pico x Boyfriend)
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Jamal Gripperton's Masterlist
It was just another Wednesday afternoon, and Boyfriend was casually scrolling through Tiktok, nothin' special. That is, until he stumbled upon a brand-new tattoo parlor just a few blocks away from where he lived. "Sweet" he thought to himself, after all, he had been wanting a tattoo for a few years now, but he just didn't know where...
So he had the brilliant thought of asking the group chat on suggestions regarding the topic. Here's how it went:
Boyfriend: Hey guys im thinkin of gettin a tattoo in that new tattoo parlor but idk where suggestions?
Carol: Dude what happens if you accidentally put tinfoil in the microwave
Kapi: Get it on ur dick and then you can finally pull some bitches man 💀
Whitty: Carol please tell me u didnt put fucking tinfoil in the goddamn microwave
Garcello's Spirit: R u sure gettin a tattoo is a good idea little man?
Sussus Moogus: Im with kapi on dis one get it on ur tiny ass meat stick lol
Carol: Dude i see a flame in the microwave o shit
Carol: Dude this is actually pretty sick i can summon daddy dearest or smn now 🍸🔥🔥😈😈😝😝
Kapi: Yeah i dare bf to get it on his tiny dingle dongle
Boyfriend: Fuck you kapi and dw youll be the first to see the tattoo on my double decker deek 💖🥰
And so, a text and throwing on the first t-shirt and grey sweatpants he could find, was all he had to do to set his journey on the quest of getting his 8-inch dick tattooed.
He settled on getting a dragon design to go all around his "MAGNUM DONG" when in reality, it was just a little above average sized, so nothing too special.
As he made his way to this new tattoo parlor, he couldn't help but feel a little scared, because obviously, having a fear of needles was brutal enough, but having a needle inject ink into your dick for who knows how long, was even worse. But Boyfriend was known for being bold and "cool" so he wasn't gonna let fear get the best of him, and he wasn't gonna chicken out on a dare just because he was being a reckless pussy amirite?
He mustered up the courage of opening the door of that darn tattoo parlor and found himself greeting the nice lady at the front desk and initiating in some small talk before sitting down at the waiting area down the small hall.
"Can a "Boyfriend" go to room 3 please?" a random lady scoffed.
This was it, there was no turning back (he kinda wanted to) but Boyfriend and his overly high ego said otherwise.
He slowly opened the door to see a ginger crouching down to pick up something that seemed like a pack of antiseptic wipes. Boyfriend couldn't help but stare at that juicy ass of his just waiting to be fucked (at least that's what he thought)
"Nice ass" Boyfriend blurted out, as he took a seat on the medical chair thingy (We don't know what it's called okay?)
"I beg your pardon?" Pico turned around to see a rather handsome looking shortie sitting at the medical chair thingy (Still don't know what it's called)
"It's got a juicy look to it, but voluptuous is really the word I'm looking for" Boyfriend then proceeded to shoot Pico an innocent wink which made Pico want to take his gun and shoot himself right in the face.
"Umm... I d-dont think I follow" Pico stuttered, as he tried to hide the bright shade of red forming upon his cheeks (the ones on his face, we're not getting to that part just yet)
"You're cute, what's your name?" Boyfriend asked, trying to start a conversation.
"Erm... It's Pico" Pico blurted out, not quite sure why the "Patient" was talking, well, more like flirting with him in the first place.
"E-either way, we gotta get to business" Pico stammered, as he took a seat on his chair, ready to type in this weird and excruciatingly handsome fellow's details on the computer.
"What type of business sugar?" Boyfriend smirked, especially proud of that one, he pulled like it was nothing #cool.
"Are you kidding me right now? I need your details you douche" Pico declared, getting a little impatient with this weird dude that was hot as fuck and also within cock-sucking range mind you.
"Oh... right" Boyfriend said, taking this a little more seriously (Like he was supposed to in the first place)
"I need your name and age" Pico groaned (Not in that way yet, just be patient little chickadees, it's almost here), as he just wanted this to end as soon as possible.
"Oh yeah, my name's Dick and I'm 19, single and ready to mingle honey" Boyfriend obviously joked, as he let out a chuckle.
"Ha, Dick, surely that explains a lot" Pico rolled his eyes and fixated them on the computer.
"Just pulling on your balls bae, my name's Boyfriend" The shorter of the two said.
"Dude, that's like somehow worse, it can't get any worse than this" Pico let out a laugh at the thought that this hottie had so much potential, and yet, his name was simply "Boyfriend", how pathetic.
"Okay, where do you want the tattoo huh?" Pico asked rather eagerly.
"Um, this is gonna sound a bit weird alright? But it's a dare, so like, I'm obviously doing it..." 
"I'm gonna tattoo my super awesome man pole, magnum dong, I mean, my chode, cock, dick, meat stick-" Boyfriend was cut off mid-sentence.
"Stop, just stop. WHAT THE FUCK?!" Pico panicked at the thought of having to hold his dick while measuring, tattooing it, and all that jazz, he needed someone to pinch him right then and there, or else he really would bring out that gun and shoot himself.
"I would say you're rather excited though, aren't you sugar?" Boyfriend smirked, while also being super proud of that one, he was practically on flirting fire #doublecool
"You wish, you fucking dick" Pico mumbled, knowing damn well that Boyfriend was in fact correct, and he was just waiting for Boyfriend to stick his "Super awesome man pole, magnum dong, I mean, chode, cock, dick, meat stick" up his scrawny little hole (His words not mine)
"I don't even think that's even legal dude, lemme ask my manager" Pico scoffed rather disgusted.
And so Pico did the awkward task of asking his manager if it was in fact legal to tattoo someone's dick. And much to his demise, it was, but they would have to dispose of the tools that came in contact with his "Super awesome man pole, magnum dong, I mean, chode, cock, dick, meat stick" for obvious hygiene reasons and sanitary measures.
"Somehow in fucking hell, it fucking is legal and allowed in here" Pico growled as he spoke to Boyfriend.
"Fuck yes! It's gonna be epic dude!" Boyfriend cheered, breaking out of his flirtatious character towards Pico.
"Whatever, get on the medical bed thingy" (I don't know what the fuck it's called so y'all are just gonna have to deal with it m'kay? Thnx <3)
And so, Boyfriend eventually did, taking his baggy, blue jeans and boxers off for Pico to "Inspect" the soon-to-be tattooed area.
"If you don't mind me saying, I expected it to be bigger than this" Pico giggled as he shot Boyfriend a somewhat of an intimidating look that screamed 'Dude wtf like ew'.
"Like yours is any bigger hon" Boyfriend scoffed, rolling his eyes at Pico
Pico eventually measured it and broke into a fit of laughter.
"Eight inches? Really? I know mine's at least ten dude" Pico teased.
"Please, don't lie to yourself sugar, but if you want..." Boyfriend eventually came to a halt and trailed off.
"If I want, what?" Pico wondered.
"I could measure yours just to be sure it is in fact "Ten inches" like you said it was" Boyfriend smirked as he said so, but of course, no homo though...
Fuck it man, yes homo, Boyfriend was already getting hard at the feeling of Pico's cold fingertips touching his "Super awesome man pole, magnum dong, I mean, chode, cock, dick, meat stick" and he wanted nothing more than to fuck this ginger's voluptuous and juicy ass.
"F-fuck... y-yes please" Pico moaned at just the sight of his rather average "Super awesome man pole, magnum dong, I mean, chode, cock, dick, meat stick" but it was quite thick in size, and that was enough to make Pico's friend downstairs want to rise from the dead (iykyk)
The two passionately smashed their lips together and felt nothing but a strong wave of lust wash over them. A part of Pico was saying that sex at a fucking tattoo parlor wasn't exactly the best idea. But fuck it, buttfuck it, because Pico was just desperate, he longed for the touch of Boyfriend and wanted nothing other than him.
A simple kiss soon turned into a heated makeout sesh - suckin face if you may. Tongue and everything it was filled with passion, lust, affection and pure love. Kissing in a tattoo parlor with some hot hunka meat you just met, super cliche right? But cha live in the moment ma dudes. 
A few minutes later, Pico grabbed Boyfriend's man pole as Boyfriend squirmed in the medical chair thingy and met with Boyfriend's black world-consuming orbs earning a small whimper from Boyfriend. Slowly, he started licking Boyfriend's tip which was already leaking out in pre-cum while Boyfriend was squirming under Pico's strong, cold grip. He trailed his tongue down Boyfriend's length as Boyfriend let out small moans and groans of pleasure.
All of a sudden, Pico took him all in with a yelp from Boyfriend. Bobbing his head up and down and dragging his tongue around his width, licking, sucking and kissing all over Boyfriend's chode. Boyfriend was rolling his hips unable to contain the immense pleasure bubbling up inside him like a simmering stew on high heat.
Pico couldn't help but smirk at how out of control he made Boyfriend feel. Serves him right for earlier. "Where's the 'Mr. tough guy' at?" Pico asked slyly. "You miss him?" Boyfriend managed to blurt out. "Not necessarily " Pico mumbled.
"I'm gonna I-" Boyfriend moaned out. "I know babe let it out " Pico murmured. "Fuuuucccckkkkkk-" Boyfriend spoke barely over a whisper, warm liquid filled Pico's mouth and he obvs swallowed it all.
"Wanna 69?" Boyfriend asked coyly.  "Uh yeah... s-sure " Pico stuttered getting nervous in the presence of Boyfriend's flirtatious side again. As soon as Pico replied, he smacked his juicy, voluptuous, curvaceous, busty, opulent, well-proportioned, luscious ass. Pico moaned at the action and not noticing Boyfriend had moved.
Without warning, he went all in taking him whole. Pico might have had small dick energy, but he was the exact opposite when it came to times like these. Hot, wet and loud were the words to describe the tattoo parlor room, both of their moans bouncing of the room's walls as they sucked each other off. Pico suddenly stopped which made Boyfriend supa confused, so confused, he didn't even notice Pico behind him until he felt all of his dingle in his ass.
"F-fuck Pico-" Boyfriend blurted, as Pico slowly rolled his hips. "What babe c'mon use your words" Pico groaned seductively in Boyfriend's ear as he picked up the speed. "F-fuck you feel s-so good" Boyfriend splattered "I know babe" Pico admitted. His thrusts getting harder and faster, their skin clapping together getting louder and more pleasingly painful.
"I can't take it anymore P-pico" Boyfriend said as he gasped for air. "Yes you can baby, I know you can" Pico replied reassuringly. "Fuck, fuck, FUCK PICO" Boyfriend screamed as he was screaming without the s (iykyk). Pico finished after him with a loud, deep groan. "It's my turn now Pico, get on all fours before I make you" Boyfriend whispered in his ear slightly nibbling on his ear lobe. 
Pico fought against letting out a moan and slowly went on all fours. "If you ain't gonna do it yourself  *smack* I'm gon do it myself". He flipped Pico over and went all in. Plunging in and out of Pico's asshole, Boyfriend was goin at full speed and wasn't holding back at all. And holy shit, Pico would be lying if he said Boyfriemd was mediocre. Pico's soft moans and Boyfriend's deep groans filled the room and were the only thing to be heard within a mile's radius.
Apart from their skin clapping and the squeaking of the medical bed thing. "You like it baby?  Does my Magnum Dong feel good penetrating your ass?" Boyfriend whispered seductively. He only got a moan in response "I need words Pico" Boyfriend whispered. "Yes fucking, hell yes!" Pico moaned out. "Good" Boyfriend muttered under his breath. "Fuck, fuck, fuck. fuck, fuuuuuccccckkkkkk" Boyfriend groaned as he released his load.
"Sit down Pico "Boyfriend spoke. The second Pico sat down, Boyfriend got on his knees and got to work. Sucking every part and gagging anything and everything Boyfriend could do he did until they were both out of breath.
Soon later, Pico did Boyfriend's tattoo and got it 4 free! 
He should really thank Kapi sometime.
Word count: 2203 words
Haiiiii partay peoples! Omfgggg this chapter was super fun to write and we both died multiple times throughout the whole process of writing and editing this chapter. Btw Beezy wrote the first half (Up until da smashing their lips togetha part lmao) and ofc Jamal wrote the bottom half (The makeout sesh all the way to the end) and they tried their best, so why not follow em? Hope you guys liked reading this as much as we loved writin it <3 Stay tuned ma dudes the chapters get even better y'all.
-BeezyBee and Jamal Gripperton
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arrowflier · 2 years
Liking what he likes don’t make Mickey a bitch.  But figuring out what he likes will take some time…and plenty of practice.  
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DAY 8: IN HIS LAP (@gallavichthings​ )
They can't just up and go to Boystown, but Ian can bring it to them. "You ever had a lap dance?"
"You wanna go where?"
Mickey sticks a finger in his ear, scrapes at the wax.  Wipes it on the metal bleacher behind his head. He needs to gat his hearing checked, cause he could've sworn he just heard Ian say--
Yeah, no, so the problem wasn't his ears.  It was the dumbass ginger speaking into them.
"The fuck would I wanna do that for?"
"Cause it's fun."  Ian shrugs like it's no big deal.  Talks like they aren't hiding under the school bleachers just to avoid being seen together.  Like he doesn't know that If Mickey stepped one foot in that gayass hellhole, Terry would--
Mickey scoffs.
"We got a different idea of fun, Gallagher."
He can see Ian's pout from the corner of his eye.  It might've worked a year ago, when his eyes were still too big for his stupid crackly face.  Now, centered between fatigues and a buzzcut, it just looks silly.
So he lasts an extra minute before he breaks.
"What would we even do down there, anyway?" he asks.  Keeps it light, off the cuff.  "Pick up a couple of geriatric assholes for the night?"
"Course not."  Ian has the balls to laugh, like that isn't his usual MO.  "We'd be there together."
"Sounds gay," Mickey shoots back automatically.  Sounds like a date, he doesn't add.
"We could dance," Ian says without arguing.  He pushes off the bleachers, stands straight.  Does something weird with his hips.
"Could we?" Mickey questions.  His eyebrows climb as Ian keeps moving.  "Not sure that qualifies, hot shot."
"No?"  Ian isn't looking at him anymore, twisting to music that isn't there.  "It goes over there well enough."
His spine moves in a sinuous curve, obvious even under his baggy uniform.  It makes him look more like a snake charmer than a soldier, especially as his open jacket starts to slide down his shoulders.
"That's cause if they do that, they'll break a hip," Mickey counters belatedly.  He doesn't think about why else those gay asshole might like it.
Because they'd definitely like what Ian's doing now.  His jacket is down to his elbows, caught there as he shimmies into a sidestep.  There's the tiniest sliver of skin between camo and the cotton of the too tight t-shirt he wears underneath.  It glimmers with sweat and reflected light when Ian spins.
"We could do other things," Ian offers, still dancing as he talks.  He's getting closer, his feet nudging up next to Mickey's.
"I just sell the drugs," Mickey says. "I don't do 'em." 
He looks up at Ian, standing over him now, raises his hands to swaying hips. The jacket slips off Ian's arms, and then Ian's hands are on his, holding him there.
"Didn't mean drugs." Ian's hands slide over Mickey's wrists, squeeze a band of heat around them before he lets go. They lift instead to play with the hem of his shirt.
"Ever had a lap dance?"
He drops to his knees on the dirt, ass landing in the space between Mickey's legs and his stomach.  It knocks the breath out of him long enough for Ian to get his arms around his neck.
“The fuck are you doing?” Mickey tries to ask.  Tries to lean back and put space between their faces, but the metal is hard and cold behind his skull.  That, and he can’t seem to make his hands move from Ian’s rolling hips.
“Guess that’s a no,” Ian says.  “I’m giving you a lap dance, Mickey.”
And fuck yeah, he is.  Grinding down like there aren’t two layers of pants between them, their stomachs touching as shirts ride up from friction.  Ian’s arms are hot around Mickey’s neck, locked in, the inside of his elbow sweaty as it drags across Mickey’s pulse.
“You do this a lot?” Mickey forces out.  Ian laughs, his abs jumping, then gets a hand between them to get their shirts out of the way.  He leaves Mickey’s shoved up under his armpits, lifts his own off his head one-handed and leaves it hanging from the arm still resting on Mickey’s shoulder.
“Never,” Ian admits, and then he’s pressing their chests together as he bounces again in Mickey’s lap.  His nipples are hard, scraping the space right over Mickey’s own, and his cock is harder.
“Could’ve fooled me.”
Ian laughs again, and it’s louder, but also more breathless.
“If I had more practice,” he points out, “we’d have less clothes on by now.”
Well, Mickey thinks as they scramble on their knees to strip off, he can’t argue with that.
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electricratlady · 8 months
My Walmart Gripes List
i worked at Walmart stocking shelves starting in 2020 as an 18 y/o and am about to quit as a 22 y/o, as soon as i have another job lined up.
i have endured endless bullshit and… interesting situations from customers and employees/management across the 4 stores i’ve worked at, and i want to catalogue as much as possible to emphasize how working retail (at least Walmart) is NOT WORTH IT.
(worth mentioning that as much as i’ve had bad experiences i’ve also met a lot of nice people and don’t hold anything against them or their reasons for continuing to work at Walmart.)
this is not going to be chronological, since i’m just jotting down these examples as they come to me, but i’m gonna specify which location i’m talking about with Store 1, 2, 3, and 4. also way too many to write at once so i’ll add as i have time/energy to.
let’s jump in!
1. Store 1– i applied and started my job in January 2020 less than a week before the infamous Toilet Paper Rush from Covid. people were so desperate we stopped stocking it on the shelves for a while and just left the pallets they shipped on out on the floor for people to take, and they’d be cleared within an hour or two.
2. Store 1– fuckin 5’3” ginger guy with tons of freckles and glasses came into work several times with a Sons of the Confederacy shirt, and a couple weeks later during a team meeting where we were asked to raise our hands if XYZ he full on did a nazi salute, then smiled and looked around to see if anyone noticed (i was the only one who noticed but managed to pretend i didn’t).
3. Store 1– this was before i was out as bisexual and well before i figured out i was trans. a coworker two years younger than me came up to me, kinda pointed at me, and randomly said “f*ggot?” and i couldn’t tell if i misheard him so i kinda awkwardly laughed and said “what?” and he said it again and i had absolutely no idea what to say, and he said “see, i knew it! i knew you liked men!” and walked away. never reported it cuz i was a dumb kid who was more just scared that someone possibly knew despite me being closeted. turns out! he didn’t know, he was just beefing with my brother on the high school football team and randomly decided to bring me into it.
4. Store 1– same kid as #3 hated doing his job and would often leave the aisle he’s stocking to wander to different aisles to chat with people, somehow never being disciplined for it despite everyone knowing. he even would walk and chat with the guy from our Subway as he took the Subway trash all the way to the trash compactor at the back of the store and back. Dude only got fired after he was adamant that Walmart was giving employees free Kleenex for Covid and walked out with a 4-pack after his shift without paying. dumb bitch.
5. Store 1– one coworker i thought was cool was in his late 20s and, despite very bad anger management issues, was very openly pro-LGBTQ+ and pro-worker’s-rights and would chat about it a lot. then one day we were both monitoring the front entrance to sanitize carts and count people going in/out (Covid protocols), and he told a story about his grandfather being robbed and him shooting the robber as they fled, and at the very end very casually dropped the n-word while laughing, then said “i’m sorry, but if you’re gonna do that shit, you deserve to be called it.” in retrospect i wish i said something to him or management but i didn’t want to risk being the target of his anger problems so i kinda just stopped talking to him.
6. Store 1– during one surge the people monitoring the front entrances had to tell people coming in that our town was a high-risk/concentration Covid area and tell people that we don’t mandate masks but still suggest them (even had some free paper ones up front for those who wanted them). i tried to be as polite and non-confrontational as possible when explaining each time but one bigger guy walking in genuinely just went “you wanna know what i think? FUCK YOU.” and laughed as he walked past me. made me feel shit for the rest of the day.
7. Store 1– this is a recurring theme at Walmart but certain employees love slacking off and don’t really get reprimanded for it as long as the jobs get finished by other people. still remember when we had a rough truck unload and i looked over as we were about to finish and saw two of the guys supposed to be helping (people who are PAID the same amount as ME who was BUSTING MY ASS) just sitting down for 5 minutes, with a look on their faces like “why aren’t you all done with this dumb bullshit yet?” one of those guys was also in my computer science class and was openly passive-aggressively homophobic there, so add that to the tally i guess.
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pixla · 3 years
Promise (Fred Weasley x reader)
Summary: after pulling a light hearted prank on a slytherin, umbridge takes your punishment into her own hands, followed by fluffy comforting from Fred
Warnings:fluff,angst,injury(cuts),crying,kissing,cursing (tell me if there’s anymore)
— xx —
It was only supposed to be an innocent prank. Slipping a small vile of liquid into Marcus Flint's drink, just to make his hair stick up in all odd directions, or at least that’s what George had told you when he suggested the idea.
You knew you were truly fucked when your giggles and whispers were broken by the pink wearing devil herself stomping over to your table. She was hurried and wore an expression that could only ever be described as pure rage. She hissed your name and you swear you could see a long red tongue shoot from her lips. “My office. Now!”
She grabbed your wrist, making sure to dig her nails into the flesh, sure to leave her mark on you for a few days to come. You pulled away, securing distance from the woman as you reached to grab your belongings. The woman scrunched up her nose before giving probably the most passive aggressive smile you had ever seen.
“Now dear, you won’t be needing those.” The woman scoffed, looking down at the two ginger haired boys who previously sat either side of you. “I’m sure your friends here will gladly look after your things, now won’t you?” Her eyes shot to Fred who gave your satchel a light pat and his head a small nod, looking up at you as he did so.
“Well that’s settled!” She clasps her hands together before turning on her heels. “Follow me!”
You rolled your eyes as Umbridge made her way down the aisle, small clicks of her heels following in her path. “See you later.” You lent down to lay a small peck on Fred’s cheek, him uttering a small “love you.” Before you waved him goodbye, jogging to catch up with the woman.
Awkwardly you closed the door behind you as the Umbridge wandered to her desk, pulling out a large quill from the top drawer. “This,” she pinched her fingers at the base of the feather, guiding them up to outline the shape and length of the item. “Is what you’ll be writing with.”
“Okay…” You step forward hesitantly, not sure just when the woman might bite. She pulled out a small chair, gesturing you to sit and when you didn’t, she stomped her pink heeled foot like an angry toddler. “Sit!” She stepped back, her smile laced with something sinister that you couldn’t quite read. “Now all I want you to do is write exactly what you did wrong.” She pointed to the paper in front of you. “You’ll keep doing this until I think you’ve learnt your lesson.”
Not so bad you thought. You picked up the feathered object from the desk. “Won’t I need ink?” You looked confusedly at the quill that laid lone in your palm.
“My dear, that won’t be necessary.” The woman turned her back once again to find a seat at her desk. You could feel her eyes on you, even as she pretended to be consumed in her work. You never imagined her to be this desperate to watch some student carry out a rather boring detention.
You furrowed your eyebrows, adjusting your grip on the quill before placing it to the paper. ‘I won’t play anym-‘ Your hand closed into a fist as you let out a small gasp. You could see Umbrige smirk before turning back to the piles of paper in front of her. Jesus Christ. You looked down to your hand as you turned it over to reveal the letters you had previously written to the parchment etched into your skin.
“Continue!” The woman interrupted your suffering swiftly. You wanted to spit back some snarky response about how she was a wicked bitch but even you knew it wasn’t the wisest decision as you took the feather back into your hand.
You did it, you braved it through, bearing the scar to prove it too. You tried your hardest to show composure in her office and you did just that, only when you closed that door did you feel your cheeks become wet with tears that were previously only pricks in your eyes.
You didn’t know what to do with yourself, as you became a complete blubbering mess. You quickly wiped your face with the ends of your sleeves. All you could think about was Fred but you knew by this time, even he wouldn’t be found awake.
You dragged your heels along the stone hallway floors, your other hand still gripping your wound.
You wearily muttered the password as the woman looked pitifully at you. You mustered up your best smile and ‘thank you’ as you stepped through the doorway. You felt more tired than you ever had before but you couldn’t bear the idea of walking into the dorms looking in such a state. Dignity was the one thing you were hoping to keep a hold of.
You let out a sniffle as you took a seat in front of the fireplace, your knees tucked into your chest. This spot had always been your favourite, considering how cold it could get in the castle during the night.
You turned around sharply as you heard the creek of a floorboard from behind you. You breathed out in relief, expecting to be greeted with the sight of a teacher or maybe even another student who had the same idea as you to warm up by the fire. But no, it was only what you could have hoped for most, “Fred.” The boy gave you a small but sweet smile, walking over to you. Only once he could properly see your face, illuminated by the blaze of the fire, did his expression change. “Baby, what’s wrong?” He placed his hand to your cheek, lovingly.
“It’s nothing, really.” You smiled, lifting your hand to place it atop of his.
“Jesus.” He grabbed your wrist, not harshly, just so he could see exactly what he thought he just did. “That woman, I swear once I- once dumbledore find out what she did to you-“
“Freddie.” You interrupted him, pulling his hand into your lap, wrapped in yours. “Please, I’m okay.”
“You’re not.” The boy persisted, looking down at the words scribbled into your flesh. “This is my fault. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have let George even suggest the idea, knowing what Umbridge is like.”
“Hey.” The boy's eyes shot up to meet yours. “It’s not like you could’ve known, unless you have some kind of sweet that’d let you see into the future.” You tried your best to try and get a laugh out of him not wanting your poor mood to rub off on him.
You succeeded the boy cracking a small smile and an airy laugh. “ I just can’t bear seeing you hurt.” He breathed out, a slight shake in his voice.
You shifted to your knees, changing your position to sit closer to him as you lifted your hand to carefully brush his hair from his eyes. “And I can’t bear to see you hurt over me, Freddie.” You press your forehead to his, your noses lightly brushing together for a second. “You don’t need to protect me, nor feel responsible.” You spoke, your voice more hushed this time. “I just need you to stay with me, okay?”
Fred finally gave into the closeness of the two of you, leaning in, letting your lips finally meet with his. Your hand fell from his cheek, falling to his shoulders. You breathed in sharply as he pulled away only for a moment just to utter a few words. “I promise.”
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lxngbottom · 3 years
Hiii!! First off love your writing!!! Second I was hoping we could get a part two to cold night? Sweet luv ya!!
A Cold Night. | N.L. (Part 2)
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in which neville tries to make up for what happen at the yule ball.
warnings: swearing, just a tad bit of angst!
i honestly didn’t expect for anyone to actually want a pt 2 to this but once again, you ask i deliver!
it had been a whole week since the night of the yule ball. one whole week of the silent treatment from y/n, and neville felt like he was losing it.
he couldn’t even put into words the guilt that remained sitting in his gut. especially when he would look at her from his seat in one of their shared classes, and she would shoot daggers right into his soul. it was truly killing him. and, he wished he could fix it.
“y/n, will you please get in a better mood? i’m trying to focus, and i can practically feel the anger leaking off of you!” hermione exclaimed, tending to the plant that sat in front of them. y/n simply rolled her eyes at her friend,
“sorry that my emotions are distracting you from cutting... whatever this is!” y/n aggravatingly stated, flicking the mystery plant in front of them, “what in merlin’s beard are we even supposed to be doing anyway?”
hermione huffed and narrowed her eyes at her friend, “were you seriously not listening to sprout? we’re supposed to be carefully trimming the leaves off of this—well... i forgot what it’s called.”
y/n didn’t respond to her, just simply looked over at neville who was going around, helping others around the greenhouse with their assignment. she clenched her jaw, still remembering the yule ball mishap. she didn’t know why, but she still felt so spiteful over it.
why couldn’t neville ask her to the yule ball? was it not obvious enough that she fancied him? or was he truly just that oblivious?
why couldn’t it have been her that night?
“merlin, i have absolutely no idea what i’m doing...” hermione admitted, slamming the trimmers down on the table. y/n chuckled from hermione’s failed attempt at having an attitude, and shook her head.
just as y/n was feeling some sort of relief from her angst, the root of the problem came strolling along to their table. he was visibly nervous as he glanced at y/n for a second, and then at hermione.
“h-hey guys... do you need some help?” he asked, his voice soft.
“actually, yes! we would—“
“piss off, longbottom.” y/n cut hermione off, and hermione’s jaw dropped. the girl scoffed, and neville simply nodded his head in defeat, and walked away.
hermione hit y/n’s arm, and y/n let out a yelp, “ow! what was that for?”
“we needed his help! why would you do that?”
y/n rolled her eyes, “we don’t need his help! we can figure it out on our own!”
y/n picked up the trimmers, and started observing the plant harshly, studying the leaves and where they were growing from,
“if you make us fail this assignment... i’ll never speak to you again, y/n.”
turns out, hermione and y/n did end up failing that assignment. and, if things couldn’t get worse, hermione cursed y/n’s name for making her average drop, which was always quite annoying considering y/n knew that hermione would never fall from her class rank, as she was at the top.
fortunately for the two girls, professor sprout had blessed them with a makeup assignment. it was a simple essay that had to be written, about the properties of any plant of their choice. but, it needed to be four to five pages.... at least.
y/n sat in the library, multiple herbology books scattered in front of her. she bit down on her thumb, staring at the blank parchment. she had no idea what plant would be the easiest to write about, and quite honestly, even if she did, she didn’t know how to describe it. neville had always assisted her in times like this, especially when it came to herbology, but that wasn’t an option.
she huffed, and glanced out the window. she saw students in small groups, talking and laughing. she envied them, as she wished she could not only be free from this dreadful essay, but as well, that she could actually speak with her friends.
y/n whipped her head around, and spotted a nervous ginny weasley standing a little ways away from her designated table. she rolled her eyes, looking away from the ginger. she knew it was probably unfair to be angry at ginny, but she couldn’t help the spitefulness that she had pent up.
“i know you’re angry at me, but... can we talk?”
y/n bit down on her lip in aggravation, and turned her head once more, “what is there to talk about, weasley? i think i’ve made it pretty clear to you and longbottom both that i want the two of you to piss off.”
truthfully, ginny and y/n had never been super close, as ginny was in a year below all of y/n’s friends (herself included). but ginny would be lying if she said that it didn’t hurt her feelings to know that y/n had a grudge held against her.
“i know. but, i need to tell you something. so please... you don’t have to talk, just listen.”
y/n thought about it for a moment, knowing that ginny wouldn’t stop pestering her if she said no, so she motioned for ginny to sit down in front of her. the girl did so slowly, setting her bag down on the table quietly.
“you deserve to know what happened, y/n. that night—“
“i fucking know what happened, weasley. trust me.”
ginny sighed, “no. before the ball. the truth about neville and me, and why he even asked me in the first place.”
that’s when y/n’s thoughts began to take ahold of her.
did ginny and neville kiss? were they official now? what was ginny about to say that could possibly shatter y/n’s heart more than it already had been?
“neville and me... we’re just friends, y/n. strictly friends!” ginny informed her, her hands hitting the table lightly. “and... the only reason he even asked me is because i didn’t have a date, and neither did he.”
y/n scoffed, “well, i didn’t have a date either. you two weren’t the ones that ended up going alone and sitting by themselves all night!”
y/n hadn’t realized it, but thinking back to that night had caused tears to form in her eyes. she could only remember the jealousy, and the sadness from seeing them two on the dance floor together, seemingly having the time of their lives.
“yeah... because neville wanted to ask you.”
the statement sparked interest in y/n’s chest, and she narrowed her eyes at ginny,
ginny sighed once more, and glanced around for a moment, “y/n... the only reason why neville asked me is because he wanted to ask you. but, you know how he is... he was afraid that you had already found someone. and, i’m honestly surprised that you didn’t. you know, you being pretty and all...”
y/n’s lips parted as she tried to process the information.
neville wanted to go with her?
“you—you’re lying...”
ginny shook her head, “i’m not! i would never lie about something like this. he told me himself. before, during, and even after the ball. you don’t even know how guilty he felt when you ran off crying.”
the thoughts running through y/n’s head were going at a pace that not even she herself could keep up with. she glanced down at her books, and then back up at ginny, and began to hurriedly collect her belongings.
“where are you going?” ginny asked, her eyebrows furrowed.
“i-i have to go find him! i have to apologize for being such a bitch to him this last week! mind putting these books up for me?” y/n asked, shoving her stuff into her bag.
“uh, yeah... definitely! go find him!”
y/n flashed a small smile at ginny, taking her by surprise. she began to walk off, but suddenly stopped and turned around as ginny began to close her abandoned books,
“ginny,” y/n called out, and ginny looked at her, “i’m sorry.”
ginny smiled at her, “it’s alright, y/n. just go and fix it.”
y/n nodded once more, and stormed off before ginny could say anything else.
she began to search, and search hard. she considered every place that neville could be, as he was one to hide away from the world when things felt too stressful.
y/n spotted seamus and dean in the hall, and ran up to them,
“oh! hey—“
“do you guys know where longbottom is?”
the two boys looked at each other, questioning looks etched upon their faces,
“uh, no. we haven’t seen him since earlier today. why?” dean told her,
“um... no reason. thanks for letting me know. i’ll see you guys later!”
and with that, she stormed off down the hallway. seamus and dean looked at each other once more,
“girls...” seamus huffed, and shook his head, dean agreeing with a chuckle.
y/n made her way to the greenhouse, more than sure that neville would be there. but, when she peaked in, he wasn’t anywhere to be seen. it truly began to worry her, and she had to take a few deep breaths before she continued her search for the gryffindor boy that she adored so much.
as she stood against the wall for a moment, she realized one more place where he could’ve been.
she was running all over the place, trying to get to the destination as fast as she could. she pushed passed people, muttering small apologies to them as they scoffed from her “lack of manners”.
finally, she arrived. and, when she began to slow down, she spotted the boy. she took a breath of relief before continuing to walk.
he stood in the lake, pants rolled up to his knees, staring at the plant in his hand. just like he always did. and usually, y/n would be sitting under the tree that sat right next to the lake, listening to his small lessons about the qualities of the new found plants.
neville heard footsteps approaching, and he looked up to see a panting y/n, gasping for air.
“y/n? are you alright?”
she didn’t respond, only threw her bag down and put her hands on her knee caps in an attempt to catch her breath from all of the running she had just done.
“fine... just... winded...” she responded in between heavy breaths, feeling as if she could puke.
neville stepped out of the lake, slowly approaching the girl, plant and dirt still in hand. “well... why are you so winded?”
y/n finally fully stood up, and wiped the little sweat that had formed on her forehead. she glanced up and down, observing how he looked. he always looked so adorable at times like this. it made her realize how much she had actually missed him.
“to—to find you. i couldn’t find you anywhere, so... well—never mind that. it doesn’t matter.” she quickly shook off her verbal thoughts, and lightly smiled at him. “i talked to ginny...”
his eyes widened a little, and he coughed awkwardly as he set the small water plant down on the ground, “you did?”
she nodded, “yeah... is it true?”
he looked at her, his cheeks beginning to flush. he knew exactly what she meant.
“yeah... it—it is true. all of it. i’m sorry i didn’t—“
that’s when y/n did something she had dreamed about doing ever since they were 12 years old. she walked up to him, grabbed him by the collar, and forced their lips together in a gentle kiss.
neville was taken back for a moment, but slowly leaned into her. his hand came up to her cheek, and he brought her closer, as he had waited for this very same moment since the first time they had met.
the two pulled away, breathless, lips swollen and pink. neville removed his hand slowly, only to find that he had smudged dirt onto her face.
“um... you got some dirt—“
she giggled, and wiped it off with her sleeve. he smiled at her, taking the moment in.
she then fixed his collar, a bright smile on her face,
“we can save the “i missed you’s” for later. i have a herbology essay to write, and i have no idea how i’m going to get it done.”
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maatryoshkaa · 4 years
merry christmas, kiss my a** | lee minho [teaser]
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✒︎ in which both you and minho get dumped by your partners on christmas eve, run into each other on christmas day, and begin to find yourselves grudgingly confronting all the reasons that made you enemies in the first place.
ryu says: i can explain the title—i wrote out the plot while listening to “merry christmas, kiss my ass” by all time low 🤡
genre: enemies to lovers, college!au, holiday!au, fluff, drama, romcom, all that good stuff--and a pinch of angst if you move your bang to read it again. 
tags/warnings: fratboy!minho is your typical playboy asshole, perfect student!reader is all business and no-nonsense, mild profanity, mentions of drugs/marijuana/alcohol and addiction, unsafe frat parties (never let go of your drinks, guys), slightly (?) suggestive, but more chaotic than anything, some unhealthy relationships, reader and minho have bad blood, a long history paved with misunderstandings, and lots of unpacking to do.
length of excerpt: 1.6k
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With the remnants of a ruthless migraine still wrenching your skull, you pried your eyes open. A weak groan left your dry lips, muffled by a mouthful of fabric. As you came to—brain feeling like jelly sloshing around in your head—you realised you were lying nearly face-down on a queen-sized bed, white comforters tangled around your very sore body. Bright sunlight was filtering in from a window somewhere, and you vaguely registered a green velvet couch sitting in the corner. Frowning, you tried to roll onto your side—and came face-to-face with the yellow eyes of a ginger cat.
You didn’t own a cat. Or a green couch, for that matter. Blinking in confused unison with the feline, you looked around the room—just as the bathroom door swung open, and a very naked Minho stepped out from the wisps of steam.
You screamed, scrambling back on the bed, and grabbed for the first solid object your hands could find—a rusted candelabra on the nightstand. Brandishing it at Minho in horror, you stammered, “Did I—did you—did we—”
Minho looked just as bewildered as you, one hand shooting up as if in surrender. With a yowl, the ginger cat leapt onto the green couch, but neither of you spared it a glance. Minho’s other hand, you realised, was gripping the towel wrapped around his waist as if his life depended on it. Okay, so he wasn’t naked—thank heavens—but that did nothing to stop the sour panic steadily rising in your throat. His gesture sent a vague memory rippling through your muddled mind. That’s right. Last night—the Christmas party at Changbin’s fraternity. You had bumped into Minho, just your rotten luck—the boy you’d despised since high school, and under the mistletoe, to boot. Your mind flashed back to how you’d furiously chugged the drink a frat boy had handed you to fill in the awkwardness, and had desperately tried to eject yourself from the conversation.
Then police sirens had sounded throughout the frat house, students scrambling like cockroaches and hurriedly hiding their marijuana—and that was the last thing you remembered before you had blacked out entirely.
You turned back towards Minho, one hand clamped over your eyes and the other around the candelabra. Two more cats had slinked out from under the bed—a tabby, and another ginger—and were joining the first one in watching the commotion. You put two and two together, voice growing shrill. “Did you—drug my drink, Lee Minho?”
He sputtered, and you could almost imagine his eyes bugging out. “Did I—” he raked a hand through his wet hair, composing himself. “I thought you took something—you were out cold the second you finished your drink.”
Fragments of the night before were slowly returning to you, and with increasing dread you recalled the solo cup you had taken without looking twice, the frat boy who had winked at you with a greasy smile.
“I think you got roofied, princess,” came Minho’s voice, surprisingly gentle.
“Don’t call me princess,” you snapped back automatically, but grudgingly lowered the candelabra. Cautious, you peered through your fingers, and immediately regretted it when you were met with Minho’s shit-eating smirk agaain.
“Not gonna lie, it took me by surprise. Since when did you become a party girl, showing up to Changbin’s parties?” He reached back into the bathroom, ruffling his damp hair with a smaller towel. “Here I was, thinking you’ve changed.”
“Yeah, well, you clearly haven’t,” you shot back coldly, counting off your fingers with a biting laugh. “Treating people like your personal toys or stepping stones. Messing around with multiple girls a night. Drinking like there’s no tomorrow.” 
If your words stung Minho, he certainly didn’t show it—only raising his eyebrows in that way that had infuriated you for as long as you’d known. The typical Lee Minho look of nonchalant contempt, spiked with a shot of amusement to give the impression that he didn’t give a single damn. You hadn’t run into him since—well, since that incident back in high school, and the memories his mere expressions could still rouse made your skin crawl.
Minho watched you curiously—sheets still wrapped around you like makeshift battle armour, your hand wielding the candelabra he’d thrifted from a garage sale, Rapunzel-style—and he had to fight the genuine smile tugging at his sneer. His chest felt...funny, fluttery, even, and not in the gut-wrenching, hangover way he had grown so used to. He almost wished it was, because this new feeling made it seem as though the ground had suddenly been ripped out from under his feet, and that terrified him.
The party. Some snitch had called the cops on them, and that had promptly shut the party down. The flood of panicked students evacuating had shoved Minho flush against the wall, and you flush against his chest. When he hadn’t felt you shoving him away immediately, Minho had almost felt his heart swell with a strange, terrifying shred of hope—until, upon closer look, he had noticed that your entire body had gone limp, glass empty and eyes fluttering shut. 
Panicking, Minho had carried you out of the house, clawing out of the sea of elbows and overheated limbs until he had reached the main road. Mind racing, he had fished his phone from his pocket and called the only mutual acquaintance the two of you had—your boyfriend.
But when Minho had explained what had happened—hey, uh, your girlfriend’s out cold at Changbin’s party, so you might want to come pick her up—Taehyun had scoffed, a harsh bark of laughter that had made Minho’s ears hurt. 
“Yeah? The hell’s it to me? That bitch’s your problem now.”
Before Minho could choke out a surprised reply, Taehyun had hung up. 
Trouble in paradise? He had thought to himself amusedly, before remembering his own situation. Then, the fact that he had no idea where you lived, and he couldn’t very well leave you, unconscious, out on the street. In the end, he had brought you to his last resort—his apartment. 
Carefully stepping over the trail of shattered ornaments his ex-girlfriend had left behind during their fight, Minho had lowered you onto the couch—then, with a second thought and a deep sigh, he’d lifted you onto the bed, tucking the white comforter over your slack body. Sipping a hangover concoction, he’d stood over your sleeping figure contemplatively, a mix of bemusement and worry churning in his gut, before deciding he was probably being mildly creepy and collapsing for the night on the velvet couch. 
“Look,” Minho began, shaking his head as though clearing his thoughts and turning his attention back on you, “I know what you’re probably thinking, but I—we—didn’t—do anything. You were out cold last night.”
Hands shaking, you peeled back the covers—and the smallest sigh of relief left your tightened chest when you saw that you were still wearing the same jeans and top as last night—albeit creased, stained, and reeking of marijuana and booze, but completely intact. The next moment, though, a wave of anxiety washed over you and you clutched the sheets closer, fingers trembling. Someone had still slipped something into your drink at that party. And if the party hadn’t come to a screeching halt—no, you realised, with an inward groan of frustration, if your sworn enemy hadn’t been there, there was no telling how much worse things could have gone. 
The thought made you shudder, panicked tears pricking at your sore eyes. Damn it ll. Here you were, sitting in Lee Minho’s bed, of all people—about to cry in front of him while he watched. Your humiliation—a belated Christmas present for him, no doubt. 
But when you glanced at his face, you were startled at the expression on his face. It was unfamiliar—not exactly condescending, or vicious, or even mildly smug. His lips—rosy from the hot shower—were pressed together slightly, eyebrows almost knitting together in a frown. 
Maybe he was holding back laughter?
Minho’s eyes had caught the way your lips had begun to tremble as you curled in on yourself, and had instinctively moved forward before freezing. What could he do? Give you a hug? He was sure he would end up with a candlestick in his eye if he tried. Comfort you? The words seemed to dissolve to sand on his tongue. He cursed himself silently. Words and actions came so easily with all the other girls—endless sweet talk and flirting, until he had them wrapped around his finger. With you—even after all these years—he was left frozen, mind blank, and only that damned feeling in his chest.
“She’s not yours,” came Changbin’s voice from the previous night, ringing in his ears.
“I know,” he had replied. But why did acknowledging it feel like ripping a Band-Aid off of a nearly-healed wound? Like he had reopened the scar, along with all its pain once again? 
Maybe it was because after all these years, Minho still clung onto the hope that you would hear him out, just once.
Gesturing helplessly, he found himself offering the only sort of comfort he seemed to know how to. “Do you want—uh...some wine? The fridge’s empty, and maybe it’ll calm your nerves a bit.” He tilted his head when you didn’t reply, trying to get a glimpse of your face. “Do we need wine?”
Forgetting momentarily that he was nearly naked, you lifted a withering, exasperated gaze at him, getting an eyeful of his bare chest before yelping and burying your face in the covers again. “No. You know what—I need wine—you need to put some damn pants on.”
You could hear his devilish grin return to his voice then, even through the covers. “But life is so freeing without them.”
“Pants. On. Now.”
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to be continued
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spiltscribbles · 3 years
Prompt: remus and lily as siblings or half siblings or biological family in any capacity pls 🥺
Oh God!!! Baby!!!🥺🥺😭 This is such a favorite AU of mine!! I’m literally— sorta— writing a To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before AU right now and they are the bestest siblings in that!!!  They share a little sister and they are just so cute!! And Petunia is conveniently off in university oaiwefjoiaswejfiogreghoij And I just love Remus and Lily both so much it hurts!!! And so I wanna spit out a bullet point Ficlet at you! And I’m not even sorry just because I love you so endlessly for tossing this into my inbox foiwaeifmkaeoirfgjieoarujoidkioweajgh 
So like in my head, becs that Voldy bitch doesn’t know how to actually world build, the Muggle born children who get their Hogwarts letters, are also invited to join this like support group for ordinary folks with magical children. It’s like a thing that’s held in the Ministry of magic over in London once a month, and the parents are taught about the Wizarding world while their children kind of go to this separate room to intermingle and read Hogwarts; A History with one another, and just vibe, because pure bloods and those close to that have always sorta known one another and such, so this is a nice way for the Muggle borns not to feel so excluded.
So the thing is, obviously Lyall was a wizard, but also we all know I don’t fuck with him lmfao. So I picture that after he leaves for the final time when Remus is around nine, and finalizes the  divorce with Hope, she— being the bad bitch that she is, just marches to the ministry with her half-blood, werewolf son, and demands to learn everything about the world he’s part of, because she refuses to let him be deprived of anything. 
Eventually she becomes one of the tutors for the adult section because she’s such a quick study— being a professor herself back in Cardiff and just being an all around bombshell tbh. So one day, in February of 1970, there’s this ginger haired, northerner who stumbles in with his daughter who looks so much like him that it’s crazy— dimples and smile and upturned nose. Though she has her mother’s eyes, who had past away when she was only seven from a freak car accident.
And when he first shake’s Hope’s hand, he’s like kind of mind boggled over how beautiful she is, and thinks that maybe all wizards just put on some sort of charm to look unearthly, till he finds out that she’s as Muggle as he is towards the end of his visit. And he is just entirely love struck tbh.
And for the next couple months or so, he kind of just yearns from afar, and then spends the ride home to Cokeworth listening to Lily’s excited chortling about her friend Remus who’s apparently a half blood and who likes the same treats as her and knows how to draw things so amazingly, and it isn’t until like May, when he ambles to the other room and realizes that Remus is actually Hope’s fucking son, and he already knows that she said she began this group after separating from her husband who was a wizard himself. So Lily’s father— Nate— quite literally just shoots his shot and asks if Lily would like to get ice cream with her new friend since Petunia won’t be coming back from there Grams’s house till late, and Hope sorta smirks from over the kids’ heads because she sees exactly what he’s doing and is impressed that he’s finally done something for fuck’s sake.
And like obviously they fall hard for one another, and they probs get married like Lily’s second year at Hogwarts.
Wait, just Lily’s you ask??
Yes my beautiful duckling,  because plot twist!! (We lovee plot twists!!!)
In this AU i picture that McGonagall kind of visits during the summer months leading up to the children’s first year at Hogwarts, just to give them some supplementary readings and answer the questions for their future schooling, and when Dumbledore tells her about Remus’s full situation with his lycanthropy and all, she does some research, and figures out how Beauxbatons is much, MUCH more accommodating to “dark” creatures, and she’s already pretty chummy with Hope and knows that she’s actually a French citizen herself, the daughter of Algerian immigrants. So Remus technically has the possibility to attend Hogwarts or Beauxbatons, and so Hope and Remus talk on it long and hard, and she knows he’s already become fast friends with Lily and their thick as thieves with one another, but it’s also just so much safer for him.
So the week before Lily is set to go off to King’s Cross, they fly over to France and they get Remus settled in his dorm abroad.
I think while they’re away, Lily and Remus actually somehow become closer, because their parents are still dutifully dating and neither of them are all that familiar with their surroundings, so they send one another so many fucking letters through that first term, that the owls of their schools always give them the dirtiest looks lmfao. And they really catch on like a house on fire, like it’s one of those relationships that is just innate? Like you know when you have a best friend you guys kind of just slip into one another lives? Like even when you don’t talk for a while or whatever, it’s just natural<3 <3 
So neither of them ever spend the hols of winter or spring in Hogwarts/Beauxbatons, becs that’s when they really get to vibe.
They tell one another the different cool charms they’ve learned, and hate that they can’t show them with their actual wands yet. And they watch all their favorite films and almost adopt this secret language that’s only the quirk of their brows and twitch of the lips, and Petunia hates how freakily attuned they are with one another and sneers at them for being such freaks in all aspects. Also in this AU Lily fucks off from Snape wayyyy sooner, because instead of having to deal with that nasty, bigoted, slime ball she has the cutest and funniest and most amazing bestie in Remus!
And before Hope and Nate exchange vows in the winter of their second year, the little family of five go to this tiny park that’s all lush grassland and a shiny jungle gym and a pair of swings tucked away by trees, and they sit at this picnic table, and Hope— with her steady, ever buoyant voice, explains to them why she and Remus decided to send him to Beauxbatons instead of Hogwarts, and Petunia is like gawking in fright, and Nate looks sort of distressed, but Lily just cocks her head and shrugs her shoulders, because it’s still Remus— her closest companion Rem— and nothing could change that. So she takes his hand from where it’s fiddling with a splintered piece of wood on the tabletop and she squeezes it tightly, watches him glance up at her with the late summer wind billowing in his tawny curls and the fear in his honey eyes, and she simply tells him that it doesn’t matter. And Lily will never forget the way his features spasm at that, going suddenly loose and bright and thankful, and then Nate probably tousles his hair and kisses Hope’s temple and shyly asks how they should accommodate once they move in with one another.
And that park becomes sorta special tbh.
It’s in that alcove with the swings and trees where Lily and Remus go when things are becoming too much, or they would just like to escape the world by one another’s side.
It’s where they tried their first cigarettes that Remus had gotten from an older bloke in Beauxbaton’s when they were thirteen and feeling adventurous. And where they go to listen to the releases of their favorite albums, and when Remus told Lily that he’s gay for the first time before leaving to both their fourth years and it’s like one of those spots they both think of and feel golden.
Oh God! Imagine how cute of a celebration that Nate and Hope hold for them both becoming prefects!!! Hope and Nate definitely insist on some sort of summer todo! And they invite their friends and all that jazz and OMFG what if Lily’s wearing some sorta powder blue sundress that matches Remus’s oxford shirt and they both are grimacing in all the photos and are just not thriving foieajfoierjgiearfoijsdkgxh But like they would be doted on rotten that whole day! This is so cute! OMFG! And this probs means James became Prefect as well and so Remus gets to tease her when he sends her some sort of congratulations letter and she’s totally blushing and trying to hide her grin, and Lily retaliates by kicking his ankle tbh bahaha 
Okay also now I’m thinking of like Lily’s like fifth year, and her Muggle studies class is doing some sort of seminar to see if these idiots can actually survive in a totally Muggle area without a lick of magic, so like it’s spring hols, and guess who she’s partnered up with??? 
Cookies for you because we all know she had to work with James and Sirius lmfao!!! 
And she’s totally still trying to hide her crush on James— who’s nearly always leering and winking her way— and she might actually punch Sirius’s face simply because he’s such a smug bastard, and being from a working class family like herself, she’s like always ready to fight preppy rich boys tbh
So James and Sirius decide to plan out the simulation in her house that’s right outside Cardiff and Remus is cackling the entire morning before they’re set to arrive because she’s so pissy about it lmfao
Okay so like obviously the boys end up taking the port key and land in front of her place and it’s Remus who answers the door, still painted with humor because Lily was just screaming about “if Potter brings that insufferable snitch here I’ll bloody shove it up his arse” and James is immediately on the defense because Lily’s only ever talked about her sister and brother who live with her at home, and this dude is golden where she’s pale and has curls over her straight hair and just, obviously they’re not related by blood at all. And for his part, Sirius is like *Oh! Oh! Oh! Pretty!!! Pretty boy!! Muggle boy? Pretty Muggle boy!* 
But Remus obviously knows who they are straight away, so he like waves them inside before rounding to the stairs and calling for her to stop clogging the toilet or something else mortifyingly embarrassing, and Lily promises to put like pickles in the next set of face masks that they do because she knows how fucking allergic he is to them, and she wants her chuckles damn it!!  
“Potter— Black,” is how she greets them with a derisive sort of glower that Remus can completely see through, so he has to excuse himself while laughing over to the kitchen. “You’ve met my delightful brother I see.”
And James’s entire posture relaxes and he’s back to grinning like a dope, and the only weird part is that Sirius has got on the very same face, *Pretty Muggle boy is Evan’s brother* So like they are both scary levels of elated, rip.
But sucks to be Sirius because Remus leaves after that to meet up with a friend from town who’s also the best dealer tbh, and  so he has to deal with James’s awful levels of flirting with Lily while they scrounge up their itinerary to send their professor for the seminar type thing, and he doesn’t even have a pretty distraction XS
But Lily does force Remus to come along with her on the trip to London because “On God, if I spend a day alone with those bellends by myself I will punch a wall” 
And it is literally the worst, but best double date/first date that’s full of Sirius and James fucking up with everything— including asking some poor Tesco employee where are their fudgeflies and giving a homeless man a hand full of galleons and James’s snitch somehow ending up in the meaty hands of some kid at the tube. But also tbh it’s hella cute when Lily lets James give her his jacket when they’re walking along the Thames and it’s getting chilly, and when Remus lets Sirius share his stick of cotton candy and they both sorta stare at the sugar on each of their lips.
But then they go to some tiny museum, and while they’re looking at a impressionist piece, Sirius is totally trying to show off to Remus and is explaining how he could turn the bench their sitting on into a really nice bouquet of Lupins, and in the middle of his stupid showboating, Remus lightly corrects him on some facet of Gamp’s law, and Sirius freezes— shocked still— and he’ sort of gaping like an idiot, before Lily stops his blustering with a scoff “He’s a damn wizard also you arse.”
And Sirius is floundering for the rest of the evening, and he has so many questions, but they all die on his lips every time he glances over at Remus and he’s just smirking at him with this electric glint in his golden eyes
So obviously when they’re back at Hogwarts he pesters Lily every second of every day about Remus, and why he’s not at Hogwarts. “None of your fucking business.” And asking where Remus goes instead. “Beauxbatons, thankfully far away from you.” and he asks her about a thousand other questions that Lily either scoffs at or simply cuffs him around the head for daring to even try getting his address.
And she pokes fun about the situation to Remus and tells him how much more of an idiot he’s acting like, and how hilarious it all is. And she’s shocked when he responds to her letter merely by saying, “Hah- he’s cute.”
And so obviously she shoots back a reply that’s a letter of all his worst traits, mainly that he’s an arrogant toerag, and that he’s a posh idiot who could probably live off his inheritance for three lifetimes without blinking, and about how he doesn’t date anyone for longer than a couple months, and how he’s practically brothers with James bloody Potter, and yet again, Remus just tells her, Hah- he’s cute, before mildly moving to talking about his latest charms paper and how he’s been asked to be their DADA’s professors TA next year, and how Andrew keeps trying to try again with him but Remus would rather poke his eyes out with a spork.
So Lily is totally fuming when she recognizes that she’s lost and begrudgingly gives Sirius Remus’s info, after telling him lowly and with her most menacing glower, “IF you fuck around with my brother I will murder you without a flinch.” And she’s quite literally five feet nothing to Sirius’s broad, six-foot frame, but he knows that she could do it with a snap of the finger, and he promises that it’s not just a gag on his end. And Lily actually believes him.
So Remus and Sirius begin writing to one another a sickening amount, like so steadfastly that it gives Lily a complex whenever she finds Sirius waiting at the Owlry every Wednesday morning for the bird that arrives with two letters tied to it’s leg, one for each of them.
And God, one time, right before they let out for summer hols, Lily accidentally takes the one marked for Sirius— and holy christ!!!, She did not need to know just what exactly her brother has been getting up to in the sex department of things— like she legit contemplated using a memory charm on herself JFC
And Sirius probably ends up on their doorstep again in late July, with James at toe, and somehow their is a small harmony painted between the four of them, and it’s by Christmas of sixth year when James and Sirius begin talking about how amazing it’ll be when they’re actually in-law brothers, and Lily blames Remus for everything when she’s pretending to be cross over it, but then James puts his arm around her shoulders, and she sees how gentle Sirius is when he twines his fingers into Remus’s own, and it feels good, feels right. 
It feels like something that can be forever.
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lottiebagley · 4 years
You belong with me- Oliver Wood
You're on the phone with your girlfriend She's upset, she's going off about something that you said 'Cause she doesn't get your humour like I do.
"She's infuriating," Oliver complains, throwing the quaffle just a little too hard at his best friend. She was a chaser and the pair often did drills even when practice was long over, it helped Oli calm down and being utterly enamoured with the boy she happily stayed behind, wanting to be around him.
"She's your girlfriend Oli," She reminds, tossing the quaffle back and smirking when in his distracted state he almost doesn't catch it
"I know that, and I really do like her. It's just hard, we don't have much in common," He admits with a sigh.
"But she's beautiful and..." she trails off, no matter how supportive she tries to be she doesn't really have any more positives to say about his girlfriend Harriet. Harriet was truly beautiful, the year above and a Ravenclaw. She had longs legs and perfect skin and golden curls.
Other than that she was kind of a bitch.
She knew she was beautiful and it was the only personality she really had. She was rude and harsh, often make snide remarks and overall a typical bitchy mean girl. If she didn't like someone she wasn't secret about it and as her boyfriends best friend who just so happened to be a girl, the Gryffindor was becoming the victim of most of this.
Oliver, of course, would never have stood for this, he simply didn't know. It was little comments that went over his head and remarks when he wasn't around, it was looks he was too busy to notice and it was slowly but surely pushing her further and further away.
"She just doesn't ever take anything as a joke,"
"She's just got a different sense of humour than you Oli, don't worry, with time you will grow and adapt to each others humour," she tries her hardest to smile and Oliver seems not to notice how upset she is. He nods sending her a smile that melts her heart feel like it's squeezing in her chest.
"You're right, you always are. I'm going to go find her and see if she wants to study. D'ya wanna come?"
"No. Thanks. I should go and find George, I promised I'd help him with some potions homework," she excuses herself far too quickly, turning on her heel and heading up towards the castle without him despite the fact they're both going. Leaving Oliver wondering why he feels so jealous that she is spending her evening with their teammate that she was undeniably close with.
I'm in the room, it's a typical Tuesday night. I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like. And she'll never know your story like I do.
"You okay?" it's George's voice that seems to almost wake her up as she sits, pushing cereal around a bowl with her spoon.
"Do you think he notices?" she questions, George lets out a sigh, looking down the table at where Oliver is eating breakfast and chatting with Harriet, his eyes trained on her smile.
"He's stupid,"
"Y'know we haven't had breakfast together in three weeks. Lunch and dinner never mattered, we always ate with our group of friends. But breakfast, every morning since first year we got breakfast together and no one else comes, it's just us," She speaks in a tone that makes it clear to the ginger boy in front of her, the only one who knows of her feelings for her best friend, that her heart is slowly breaking.
"I'm sure he notices," George sighs, giving her shoulder a rub
"I don't know if that's better or worse," The girl admits, watching subtly as Oliver presses a kiss to his girlfriend's lips. "I'm going to class, I'll see you around George," she announces, standing from her seat and leaving towards her first class of the day even though it doesn't start for another 45 minutes. A feeling like she could be sick just sat the thought of him and her.
She doesn't know that Oliver immediately notices her leaving, to him it feels like the whole room feels a little colder, a little darker, like the sun itself just disappeared. He was almost used to the feeling, it meant she had gone. He looks up, noticing the bowl of cereal he had watched her pour 5 minutes before was untouched, grabbing an apple and throwing it into his bag to give her second period when he knew she'd be starving. His concern for only getting worse when she never shows to the lesson.
But she wears short skirts I wear T-shirts She's cheer captain And I'm on the bleachers Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find That what you're looking for has been here the whole time.
Oliver wasn't expecting her to show to practice that night, she hadn't eaten breakfast, she hadn't shown to any classes that he shared with her and she wasn't at lunch. He assumed she was ill, planning on checking on her after practise, he'd been busy with Harriet all day and hadn't had a chance to run to her dorm. So, he's mildly confused as she approaches the pitch, dressed in her quidditch robes and chatting happily to Angelina who was walking by her side.
"Hey love," he greets with a smile
"That is most definitely not me," Angelina smirks, slipping away to give the pair a moment of peace and privacy.
"Where were you all day?" he questions
"I just wasn't feeling great," she shrugs, in reality she had been avoiding classes shared with Oliver, the thought of him and Harriet a little too much to bare. She'd only come to practise because she thought she might get a minute alone with her best friend, desperate for his company, feeling further from him than she ever had before.
A quick glance around told her she wouldn't get this. Harriet is sat with her friends, dressed in a skimpy top and short skirt and clearly trying not to freeze. A dark and dirty glare aimed at the girl talking to her boyfriend. Making the girl feel uncomfortable and want to leave and be with anyone other than Oliver, after all she would never hear the end of it if she was with him too long.
"So, are you feeling better?" he questions gently, reaching a hand out to see if she feels warm. He tries to ignore the pang of hurt in his chest when she ducks away from his touch, shooting him a tight lipped smile.
"I feel fine now, so no need to go easy on me or anything," she informs attempting to make a joke but he can tell something is wrong with her, he just has no idea that it is him. She's walking away in the direction of Harry who is calling her over before he can question her any further.
The hour long practice feels off to Oliver. She plays well but she hardly looks at him. Only speaks to him when spoken to and only about quidditch. That would be fine if it was how she was with everyone, perhaps having a bad day or just tired but with every other player on the team she's her normal charming self.
His plan to catch her after practice is shoved aside when Harriet comes over and by the time Oliver can ask her to give him a minute before they go to his captain's office, his best friend is walking with the twins back up to the castle. With a sigh, Oliver decides to drop the whole thing, maybe tomorrow would be back to normal.
If you could see That I'm the one Who understands you. Been here all along. So, why can't you see You belong with me, You belong with me.
It kind of does fall back to normal. He watches her eat breakfast with their friend group and she's smiling and laughing, enjoying her waffles. He enters the Charms class room to see her talking happily with the Hufflepuff girl who sits behind them. Maybe it really was just an off day.
The slither of hope drops when her entire vibe changes as he drops into the seat next to her. There's no friendly hug good morning. There's no questions about how he slept and his day so far. A simple 'Hi Oli' before she's suddenly more interested in a Charms textbook than he's ever seen her before. Throughout the day and their shared classes he slowly manages to get through to her. From no chitchat to talks of quidditch to more personal chatter to their normal selves. Joking and laughing and utterly invested in the other.
She almost feels like this whole weird phase is over and everything is going to go back to normal, but when normally they would go and hang out with their friends in the common room after dinner he is heading to take Harriet to the astronomy tower and she's once again reminded that her best friend is slowly slipping away from her. That one normal day isn't going to replace the 4 months he's been drifting further and further away.
Oliver feels like his chest is on fire when he returns to the common room. She is no longer surrounded by their friend group. Instead she is sat with George, her head on his shoulder as he reads quietly to her by the fireplace. It wasn't long ago that it would be Oliver she would fall asleep in's arms and force to read to her, she would claim that she just loved his accent to guilt trip him into doing it and he would do it every time just to see her bright grin.
He tries to convince himself that the raging jealousy in his chest isn't that George and her may like each other. No. The jealousy he feels is because his best friend is doing best friend things, their things specifically, with someone other than him. He had Harriet. He was happy with Harriet. It just didn't help that the person she always seemed to be around now was tall and funny and good at quidditch and kind. It didn't help that they shared so many qualities because it made him feel like she could find a new Oliver and he knew he could never find someone who even compared to her. That is why he is jealous, he forces himself to say it in his head a few times to convince himself.
In reality nothing was going on between George and the girl. They had always been close friends, Oliver just never noticed how much time they spent together cause he was usually there too.
Walk in the streets with you in your worn-out jeans I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be. Laughing on a park bench thinking to myself, "Hey, isn't this easy?"
When word reached Oliver, through Percy Weasley of all people, which only rubbed salt in the wound, that she had gone on a date with Christian Ward, a boy from the year above, he couldn't help the spark of jealousy. He wondered why she hadn't even bothered to tell him, until he realised that they barely even saw each other anymore aside from in class.
So, when he saw her sat alone in the courtyard, nose in a book and enjoying the quiet he couldn't help himself from going over. He was only there because he was supposed to be meeting Harriet there but she was nowhere to be seen so he figured he had a minute.
"Hey angel," He doesn't quite understand why it hurts so much that she doesn't look up. Before now, if he called a pet name across a busy hall she would always look up, knowing it was meant for her, he supposed it was because recently they hadn't been and it hurt to know that the habit had been dropped from her life so quickly. Yes. That's what hurt. Not that he knew it was his fault. Not the thought of the first few times she would have turned around with that beautiful smile ready to greet him only to see his arms wrapped around someone else.
"Hey, I'm talking to you," he speaks gently, nudging her knee with his as he sits down next to her. He wonders why she springs away from his touch, not knowing about the threats and comments his own girlfriend had made towards her.
"Hi Oli," her smile doesn't reach her eyes
"What are you reading?"
"Little women," she shrugs with a small smile
"I've seen you read that book a thousand times and I have been forced to read it to you at least twenty," he teases
"It's a classic!" she defends. He knew the real reason it was a favourite of hers was that her and her sister used to read it together when they were kids. "Besides, you're attempt at doing voices was pretty incredible," she smirks, he laughs at the memory, speaking in a high pitched girly voice. He'd been trying to cheer her up after a hard day and he'd never heard her laugh as hard.
"I can't help being so masculine," he defends through a chuckle, thinking when she giggles that he couldn't remember the last time he was the reason behind her laughter. "So, heard you went out with Christian?" he question casually
"How'd you hear about that?" she asks, tilting her head to the side in curiosity making Oliver's heart melt.
"Percy," he shrugs. He doesn't say that Percy had told him when he was purposely pissing the prefect off, more as a way to get him to shut up than as friendly gossip. He also didn't feel like sharing that it had immediately worked.
"I forgot they do prefect rounds together," she comments
"How was it?" he questions
"Awful," she admits, he gives her a look of pity as she continues "He was just so stiff and the whole thing was awkward and it just felt so hard to talk to him," she admits. She doesn't add that it was the opposite of when she spent time with Oliver and everything felt so natural.
"When it's the right lad it'll be good and you will feel so at ease from that first moment that you will just know," Oliver comforts
"Is that what it's like with Harriet?" she questions. He feels uncomfortable.  When he had offered that advice his mind hadn't been on Harriet, it had been on her, on how natural it was with her. It shouldn't have been, they were best friend but they were nothing more and he needed to remember that.
"It could be, in the future," he settles for his response even though it's a lie. "Listen, angel, I know that recently I-" he's cut off by a sickly sweet voice.
"Baby, are you ready?" Harriet is calling from across the courtyard. He sighs, wanting to talk to his best friend and apologise for how shit of a best friend he had been recently.
"Go, it's fine. We can talk whenever," the girl assures. Oliver nods, giving her a smile and walking off to his girlfriend, stealing one last look at the girl on the bench, the setting sun creating a golden glow that made her seem so angelic he could have melted on the spot.
And you've got a smile That could light up this whole town. I haven't seen it in a while Since she brought you down. You say you're fine I know you better than that. Hey, what you doing with a girl like that?
"Is it just me or does Oli seem off recently?" she ponders the question to Ally and Josh, their friend groups only couple. Ally was her closest friend besides Oliver and had her suspicions the girl may be head over heels for the boy.
"How so?" Josh asks, looking up from the open potions text book in front of him
"Just quiet and I don't know how to explain it just not himself," she shrugs
"He's been normal with me," Josh shrugs, thinking for a second "A little quiet I guess but normal on a whole,"
"Right," she nods, so it really was just her.
"You are stupid Josh,"  Ally comments, laughing when he jokingly grabs his chest like she just stabbed him "He has been completely off, he barely cracks jokes anymore and he's stopped being stupidly cocky, he practices quidditch less and he is never smiling. Like ever,"
"Do you think it's about Harriet?" she asks the question timidly, what if everyone else thought they were a happy couple and it was just her undeniable jealousy.
"Nah, no one is depressed because they are dating a girl that fit. I mean have you se-" He cuts himself off when Ally shoot him a pointed look "Like me I would never be depressed over a girl because you, my love, are so incredibly beautiful," he clearly misread the look that screamed shut up, not realising Ally was trying to silence him because she could see her friend sinking slowly into herself.
"Maybe it's about how he is never with his best friend anymore," Ally smiles gently
"What do you mean?"
"Just that you guys have kind of drifted a little, that's probably what's getting him down," Ally explains.
It was true, they barely spoke anymore and although the girl cared so much for Oliver she was more than a little annoyed. What started with a small distance was becoming a great gaping hole and he barely bothered to notice it. He'd slowly began to drop her, sitting with different friends in classes,  speeding away from practice rather than staying late with her, not showing up for their Tuesday evening study sessions, not talking to her between classes, their best friend breakfasts, as Oliver used to call them with a stupidly wide grin, were a thing of ancient history.
She was annoyed. Annoyed that there was no doubt in her mind Harriet told him to distance himself from her. Annoyed that having been best friends for 6 years he was so ready to just toss her aside.
"That was his choice," The girl snaps, letting out a sigh "Sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you. I've got to go, I have practice," she explains, standing up and grabbing her quidditch kit bag from the ground.
She wears high heels, I wear sneakers. She's cheer captain, And I'm on the bleachers. Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find That what you're looking for has been here the whole time.
"Hey! Wait up!" Oli's voice is calling and she knows it's directed at her. Straight after practice he had retired into his captain office and so she had taken her time in the locker room, not in a rush to escape the area for once as Harriet was no where in sight so she finally took the time to tidy her locker up a little. The twins had offered to wait but she insisted she was fine. Leaving her the only person here, the only person he could be talking to.
"Hi," she speaks quietly, a layer of nerves that she had never felt around the boy in front of her. Every single bone in her body wanted to ask him to hold her. Life without him felt so much harder and she was tired. she needed him but she felt like she couldn't even ask anymore.
"You were great out there," he praises
"Oh, thanks. I've been a little off my game recently, sorry about that,"
"Hey, you have always played exceptionally well. I'd have said something if I thought you weren't"
"You don't really say anything to me anymore Oliver," he cringes a little, she hadn't called him Oliver ever. Not when he blew a potion up in her face and left her with a large burn there for a month. Not when he threw a quaffle too hard at her and knocked her unconscious. Not when they were so angry at each other they were both screaming. The distance between them had never been so clear.
"Look, I know that I have been a really, really, shit best friend. Recently, I haven't prioritised us and I should, I always should, because you are the person I trust the most on this planet and I know this isn't ever going to make up for the last 6 months. I know nothing I can say will make all of it go away but I miss you, I really miss you, and I hate not having you around and please, please just come back to me," He almost looks like he's going to cry and without a second thought she flings her arms around him, he lets out a sigh of relief, feeling every muscle in his body relax for the first time in months as he wraps his arms around her, holding her head to his chest and breathing in her scent.
After a minute or two she lets go, pulling away from him again.
"So, do you wanna do some extra practice?" he questions with a grin, she beams, ready to nod and finally spend some time with her best friend.
But then she notices it. The door swings open and he tenses up, a look of pure horror on his face, spinning around as quick as possible only relaxing when he sees Harry in the door way.
"Sorry to interrupt, I forgot my school bag," He informs, grabbing the bag from the bench and leaving again.
A tense silence fills the room. Oliver turns back round, maybe she didn't notice. Maybe she wouldn't be mad.
"You thought it was Harriet?"
"No. No you thought it was Harriet and I saw the look in your eyes. You were terrified she would see you talking to me. It's the same look as when she walks into the great hall and you were with our friend group even if you've ignored me the whole time. It's the reason I can under perform at practice and you say nothing cause she's watching, and don't lie cause George and I threw a practice just to see what happened and you shouted at him but me, nothing,"
"Of course you were doing it with him," he regrets the comment the minute he says it when she scoffs.
"I would forgive you for a lot Oliver. I really would, but I refuse to be your dirty little secret," She turns on her heel and storms away, leaving the boy staring after her and wondering how he would ever repair this.
If you could see That I'm the one Who understands you, Been here all along. So, why can't you see You belong with me.
Oliver's hand hammers on her dorm door, he hadn't seen her over the weekend, he assumed she was avoiding him, but with the news he just heard nothing was stopping him from speaking to her.
"One minute!" she calls out. Oliver ignores the way his heart swells at the sound of her voice.
She pulls the door open, clearly fresh from a shower, her hair still damp and only clad in a large tshirt and some sports shorts.
"What do you want?" She demands, arms crossed over her chest and a scowl on her face. He pushes past her into the dorm, closing the door behind him.
"You quit the quidditch team," He tries to remain calm, not wanting to scream at her
"I did," she nods
"You didn't just quit, you broke protocol and went straight to the head of house rather than speaking to your captain,"
"Yeah, well my captain looks like he's been hit by a truck whenever he's seen in my general vicinity in public," she retorts
"Why the fuck would you quit the team?" He's furious, more at the fact he was loosing her than actually at her
"Because I can't be around you!" she shouts, unable to keep her temper down
"What are you talking about?" he questions, his heart sinking in his chest
"It kills me! Being around you physically hurts. Just seeing you creates this pain in my chest like I can't breathe. Seeing you so fine without me kills me Oliver! You were supposed to be my best friend and now you don't even look at me. You left me. I can't breathe because I don't have you anymore and you just seem so fine and it hurts, it really hurts!" She has tears streaming down her face as she shouts but she doesn't seem to care, he'd seen her in a worse state.
"What makes you think I'm so fine?" he demands
"If you weren't fine. If you felt even half as shit as I do then you wouldn't do it. You wouldn't ignore me."
"I have a girlfriend and I am trying to make it work and she doesn't like the way we are together. I'm saving my relationship you would do the same!"
"No! When I date a boy if he questions us for a second, if he asks me to distance myself from you I drop him. I drop him because I don't ever drop you. I couldn't do to you what you have done to me,"  Oliver's heart hurts because he knows that she's right. What he has done is the complete wrong thing.
"Rejoin the quidditch team. You love playing quidditch. Please, please don't let me ruin that for you,"
"I love quidditch, it's fun and exciting and it makes me feel free. But I only ever joined the team because you asked me to try out with you. I love quidditch because it was time we spent together,"
"You are making a mistake,"
"I can't be there. I can't be around you anymore because it hurts me too much. So, captain, respectfully I quit the team, if you are wondering I think you should put Katie Bell on in my place, she's you best alternate by a mile and she works hard. Now, please leave me alone,"
Standing by and waiting at your backdoor. All this time how could you not know, baby? You belong with me, You belong with me.
"I hate Oliver Wood," Fred grumbles, dropping into the seat next to the girl in the common room. She's sat in her workout clothes, planning on going for a jog but had got distracted by her a conversation with Ally who returned to her essay at Fred's arrival.
"Why?" she questions, turning to the ginger boy who is covered in mud and slightly sweaty, clearly fresh from his quidditch practice.
"He's even worse now you're gone. He made us do fitness drills for 45 minutes, I'm sorry what sane person asks someone to do burpees and run laps for 45 minutes. And he's so aggressive, I mean shouts at everyone. All the time. Seriously, poor Harry's glasses fell off and you'd think the boy murdered Oliver's mother. He's in a foul mood," Fred complains.
She can't help but feel a little bad, she knew Oliver like the back of her hand. If he was upset rather than processing it he would simply try to ignore it. He would take his anger out on others.
"Chin up, he'll get better," she smiles, patting Fred's shoulder before leaving the common room.
She exits the castle into the warm evening, summer truly beginning.  She starts jogging her usual route and if she had thought for even a second she wouldn't have. She would have turned left in the direction of the greenhouses and not right, in the direction of the quidditch pitch. She could have guessed he would be there, if he was as frustrated as Fred claimed it's the only place he would be.
She sees him and her heart breaks a little. He's alone. Beating a bludger around, something he doesn't need to practice, as he never needs to do it, but often does when he wants to relieve some anger.
He sees her, jogging the route they've ran together a hundred times. Her hair thrown back and her sports shorts poking out of the baggy t-shirt she is wearing. Distracted looking at her and not thinking about the bludger racing towards him.
"Oli, duck!" she shouts, he reacts quickly, plummeting to the ground at her demand, hearing the whizz of a bludger snipping past him, it would have hit him in the head if she hadn't warned him. He lets out a sigh, looking up to thank her to see she's turned around and is sprinting off towards the castle. He could cry, watching his best friend so desperate to escape his company.
Oh, I remember you driving to my house In the middle of the night. I'm the one who makes you laugh When you know you're 'bout to cry. I know your favourite songs, And you tell me about your dreams. Think I know where you belong, Think I know it's with me.
It's two weeks later when they next see each other. Oliver knocks on the door to the 6th year girls dorms, cringing a little when it's pulled open by Ally.
"What do you want?" Ally demands, closing the door behind her so the girl can't hear.
"Is she here?"
"No. Your precious girlfriend is in her own dorm,"
"You know that's not who I mean," Oliver sighs, it's only then that Ally notices his eyes look a little red and puffy.
"Fine, but if she tells you to leave you do so instantly," Ally sighs, feeling bad and knowing they both wanted each other back. Oliver nods and pushes through the door as Ally leaves.
"Who was it?" The girl questions, not turning around from her desk
"Uh, me," he's nervous. She turns around an angry look on her face but softens when she immediately notices that he is on the brink of tears.
"Oli, what happened?" she questions, standing from her desk and approaching him tentatively, leaving a respectful distance between them.
"Well," he sighs, "I had a fight with Harriet. She always said she didn't like us being friends and all and I should have stopped her right there, but, it's just that I really thought I liked her and I didn't want to ruin it and she never actually spoke badly of you. But then today she started talking about you and she was so rude and I just, I couldn't handle it, so I snapped and shouted at her and, well, I don't think I have a girlfriend anymore,"
She sighs, not really sure what to say. Yes, he had defended her but now he was crying over loosing Harriet.
"Look, Oli, don't get too upset. Go and apologise and she'll be stupid not to take you back,"
"I'm not upset, I feel like I can breathe for the first time in nearly 7 months,"
"Then why are you crying?" She asks, sitting down on her bed and patting the spot next to her. He sits immediately.
"Because I hate myself. I treated the most important person in my life like absolute shit and now I'm running back to you and it's not fair on you. I hate that I hurt you, god I'd kill someone for hurting you as badly as I did,"
"It's okay," she sighs, reaching out to grab his slightly trembling hand. He uses his other hand to roughly wipe his tears from his cheeks.
"No. No it's not. Shout at me or slap me or ignore me," he demands
"Honestly Oli, I just want my best friend back," she admits.
"I'm still you best friend?" he questions timidly
"You're stuck with me Wood," she grins
"I wouldn't have it any other way," he admits, opening his arms out and unable to stop himself from smiling when she climbs into them.
"If anyone asks-"
"You didn't cry," she finishes, he laughs at how well she knows him. "Wouldn't want anyone questioning how strong and manly you are," she teases
Can't you see That I'm the one Who understands you? Been here all along. So, why can't you see You belong with me.
They lay on her bed. Oliver on his side to face her and her head turned to look at him properly, catching up on everything they missed in each other's lives.
"So, what's going on with you and George?" Oliver questions
"What are you talking about?"
"You guys are dating now," he shrugs, trying not to seem jealous. She bursts out laughing, making Oliver look at her in confusion.
"Where in the world did you get that?"
"Fred told me after practice," he seems truly baffled, only getting more confused when she laughed more.
"We aren't dating. Fred was annoyed at all the fitness drills and was trying to piss you off as revenge,"
"So you guys aren't even like seeing each other?"
"Oli, he is two years younger than us, obviously I am not seeing George," she laughs a little and he realises the relief he feels is because he is utterly and completely in love with his best friend. The realisation hitting him like a truck.
"About practice, you going to come back because we need you at this game against Slytherin on Saturday or we will lose?"
"I'd be honoured," she grins.
Standing by and waiting at your backdoor. All this time how could you not know, baby? You belong with me, You belong with me. You belong with me.
Oliver has his arm wrapped around his best friend's shoulder, two weeks later when he sees Harriet for the first time since the break up. He immediately tenses when he hears her let out a snicker.
"It's embarrassing really that she took him back," Harriet speaks snidely to her friends.
"What did you just say?" Oliver demands, spinning around to face her.
"Leave it Oli," the girl attempts to pull her best friend away but he doesn't listen.
"She is pathetic. You were so whipped you dropped your own best friend and the minute we break up she just takes you back into her life like nothing happened,"
"Well, if she's pathetic what does that make you given that you were so jealous of her," Oliver snaps, his voice low.
"If you think for a second I was jealous of her than you're fucking stupid,"
"Harriet, the whole school knows you were,"
"Why would I ever be jealous of that?" she questions, her eyes looking the girl up and down
"Because she is 10 times the person you will ever be. Because she is kind and funny and smart and beautiful. Because you can't hold a fucking candle to her!" Oliver shouts, aware of the crowd watching them.
"She is pathetic and desperate,"
Oliver doesn't react in the way she expects. She expects him to shout an insult and storm away tugging her along with him.
Instead he pulls her flush against his chest and slams his lips to her. He kisses hard, pulling her impossibly close to him and putting every ounce of love he feels for her into it. She kisses back, melting at his touch and certain if it wasn't for his hands holding her up her legs would give way.
She pulls away breathless and vaguely hears the Weasley twins starting out some loud chants and cheers but her entire mind is focused on Oliver.
"An interesting way to get her to shut up,"
"Well, I've been meaning to kiss you for a while so I figured two birds one stone,"
"So it wasn't just to get her to shut up?" she questions, seemingly insecure and shy.
"No, it was more because I've been in love with you for years and I never realised" he grins
"What a happy coincidence that I'm in love with you too," she smiles
"How could you not be?" he teases, smirking when she wraps her arms round his neck and tugs him down so his lips are on hers once more.
Have you ever thought just maybe You belong with me? You belong with me.
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forthehpfanboys · 4 years
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Pair: Ron Weasley x Reader; he/him.
Summary: After pestering  Ron about your romantic relationship for far longer than you anticipated, Your relationship with Ron was more than a mystery to his two friends, but one day, it comes tumbling out in the library, in the middle of the night, with a few witnesses.
Warnings: Swears, arguing.
Notes: I love Ron so much, oh and friendly Draco. And Slytherin reader. And I’m posting this at 4:35, so it isn’t the best.
You didn't even want to look at him, not in class, not in the corridors. You ignored his longing glances and his little notes during class. If he’d kept his promise, you would be sitting beside him, joking with his friends, not having a care in the world, but of course he didn’t. Ron had already made you more promises than you could count on both hands and he, somehow, managed to keep none of them. Almost every night he made a new empty promise. 
So, you sat across the dining hall, your nose stuffed in one of your favorite books to distract yourself from the big blue puppy dog eyes a table away. You turned the page, your eyes gliding across the words with ease. Your brain effectively blocked out the empty threats, loud laughs and extra noise of the cramped room. 
“I’m surprised you weren’t put in Ravenclaw.”
You barely casted the owner of the voice a three second glance before going back to your book. The body next to you let out a silent huff of annoyance before filling your empty cup with water. He never did like being ignored.
“If you’re gonna be petty, at least drink some water. I did warn you this was going to happen. His pride is higher than his squeaky voice.” The Slytherin next to you snatched the book from your hands before setting the glass in front of you.
“I don’t need you to take care of me, Draco.” Your nose scrunched up, your eyes scanned across the room, almost on instinct, and rolled seamlessly over the pouting redhead. “I can handle myself.” You gave Ron a sneer, causing him to flinch. The sneer quickly vanished as your gaze moved down to your plate. Reaching forward, you grabbed your goblet of water and took a sip.
“Good boy.” Draco’s words had you close to spewing water all over the book and poor students in front of you. Instead, it slid down the wrong pipe, resulting in a coughing fit that had you seeing shooting stars behind your lids. “Now maybe you can actually talk to him?” Draco gave your back a few pats, pathetically helping you recover from the near-death experience.
“No. I’ve spent too many nights sneaking out with him and too many hours in hidden tunnels arguing over this shit.” Your nose scrunched up again at the idea of experiencing another fight, the words from the night before still echoing in your conscious.
You didn’t like saying Ron had many flaws, most of them were stereotyped or just gossip floating around, but this was one of, like, five. He was thick-headed. He hated losing, hated arguments, and hated losing arguments more. He was a redhead that was hot-headed and he could be a nightmare. Swearing, interrupting you, yelling- however, he never insulted you head on. Just the occasional ‘don’t be daft!’. 
Oh, and the topic of argument never really changed.
“So, you're going to break up with him? That’s… Well, as much as I hate the weasel, that might not be the best idea.” Draco held his hands out, palm side up, teetering his hands up and down, weighing the options. You watched him, now chin on your own palm, elbow on the table, eyes rolling. “I’d just talk to him.”
Your eyes moved from Draco’s silvery ones to Ron’s baby blues. A silent sigh left your body as he gave you a sad smile and a shy wave. He was doing that adorable thing where ears turn pink and it spreads across his cheeks and down to the tip of his nose. It wasn’t something he could control, but it was still adorable. 
“They’re gonna pick up on it. Seriously, you’re making it far more obvious than he would like, (Y/n).” He gave you a soft nudge in the arm. Naturally, your attention moved from the Weasley trying to get a smile out of you to the blonde at your side. You missed Ron’s smile dropping off his cheeks. “I won’t beg you to talk to him, but you really should. Sometimes, words speak louder than actions, (L/n).”
“Says the one who decided the best way to ask out Zabini was knocking him off his broom during practice.” You smirked, raising your eyebrows as your friend's cheeks quickly changed from the usual pale to pink. You couldn’t help but snicker at his flustered expression. It wasn’t easy to fluster Malfoy, especially when he knew he was one of three people that knew this secret topic.
“Shut up, this isn’t about me. Focus, (Y/n). Just ta-” He was cut off by Dumbledore announcing that breakfast was over. He let out a groan, his hand coming up to rub his temples. “Look, please just talk to him. I’m sick of hearing him cry and bitch and moan and whimper and whine about how he’s so touch deprived.” Draco stood up, sliding your book off the table and into his hands. “Now stop reading and comfort your idiot lion.” 
With a pat on your shoulder, he was following the rest of the Slytherin table out the colossal doors. You kept your eyes on his retreating figure until he got lost in the crowds. Soon enough, you were left alone, sitting idly by yourself in a huge dining hall. You watched the house elves come in and the food disappear, so you decided to find your way out. 
You were swimming in your own thoughts, eyes not fully seeing and ears not fully hearing. You didn’t want to break up with Ron, you loved the idiot, but he was absolutely terrified to tell people he was dating you. Not because he didn’t feel the same way, but rather because of your house.
Not like your home status, like money and all that jazz, but over your Hogwarts house. He didn’t want to face the shit he’d get from his brothers, family and both houses in question. Ron was more worried about you than him. He didn’t want you being bullied, being thrown off the quidditch team or targeted by Snape like every other Gryffindor out there.
As you were walking out, you passed the Golden Trio, who were all chatting and chuckling, until they noticed you. Then the chatter died down, and two scowls were directed in your direction.
“What?” Your voice was flat and unwavering. Your eyes flicked between emerald green and cocoa brown, completely avoided the baby blues right between them. “If you're gonna say something, do it now. I’m really not in the mood for more of your biased shit.”
When no one spoke up, you nodded your head and turned away. You missed your ginger boyfriend taking a step forward while you hurried down the corridor. However, you didn’t miss the not subtle ‘Ron, what are you doing?’ and a soft ‘nothing’ following after. You rolled your eyes hard enough you almost tripped on an uneven tile. 
They still didn’t know.
You stomped to your first class, ignoring the echoing footsteps a few feet behind you. You peeked over your shoulder and couldn’t help but let out a dramatic sigh. You ducked into transfiguration, hurrying over to an empty desk, claiming one of the last few empty seats. The trio that had followed you to class filled in after you, all three freezing at the sight of the desks. 
It was usually two students per desk, meaning one was going to have to branch off to sit next to you. Hermione offered to split off, but Ron beat her to the desk, setting his stuff down on top and sat on the bench next to you.
“(L/n).” He greeted, watching his friends move into the empty desk from his peripheral vision. The redhead was trying to play it off like you barely talked to each other and that only fueled your disgruntlement. 
“Weasley.” You responded, voice just as flat as before. You crossed your arms over the desk, hopefully signaling you weren’t in the mood for playful chatter during the class, but of course he didn’t pick up on it. 
“How was breakfast?” His voice was quieter, softer than before. He played with the quill that once sat at the top of the desk, watching the drops of ink land back into the well.  “I saw you talking with Malfoy.”
“Yeah?” You didn't even turn to him or show him a hint of a smile.
“Yeah.” Ron set the quill back in the ink before looking up at one of the many cages that surrounded the room. The silence that spread between the two of you quickly dispersed as McGonagall finally entered the classroom and started a cheerful good morning. She quickly slid into the lesson, the chalk effortlessly floating in the air as it wrote out the spells they’d be learning. 
You rested your cheek against your hand while your dominant hand scribbled away on parchment. Soon, the various animal sounds were accompanied by the sound of writing and you really couldn’t complain. It was a nice sound, but you noticed your boyfriend hadn’t even picked up his quill. Giving him a harsh nudge brought him back to reality, allowing him to catch up on the topics.
“You never answered my question.” Ron leaned over to whisper to you, still actively scribbling his notes. Granted they were messy, but if he could read it, who cared? “How was breakfast?”
“Fine, Ronald. It was fine.” You still didn’t turn to him or look at him. Like Draco, Ron didn’t like being ignored. He licked his lips before opening his mouth again. He knew why you were grumpy with him, but he was hoping his charming demeanor would shove the frustration away from you.
“Can you at least look at me? I miss your pretty eyes.” He tried to flash you a charming smile, but it quickly faded when you gave him an unimpressed look. He swallowed thickly, turning back to the front of the classroom. “Sorry.”
You let out a sigh, glancing at the table to the right of Ron, accidentally meeting brown judgmental eyes that belonged to your boyfriend's friend. You faced the front quickly, letting out a sigh through your nose.
“Alright, I’m sorry for being sour. I have every right to be, ya know.” You whispered quickly, repeating the spell with the class after McGonagall, like she instructed. You brought your pointer finger to your mouth, nibbling on the skin next to your nail. It was a stress habit you had picked up recently.
“It’s ok, lovie.” Ron couldn’t help but smile, albeit a small one. He reached out, gently placing his hand on your knee. “I- hey, stop that.” He smacked your hand away from your lips, shooting a soft glare at you. “I know you're stressed. It’s gonna be ok.”
With a quick glance back at the table to Ron’s right from the corner of your eye, you gently moved his hand off your leg. When he opened his mouth to question what you were doing, you cut him off.
“They’re getting suspicious. I’ll meet you in the library tonight, usual time.” You tried not to smile at the enthusiastic nod he gave. And you especially tried not to nod when McGonagall called on him.
“So, Mr. Weasley, you do know the answer?” Her tone had a hint of judgement to it, and the sudden attention drawn to him had Ron’s cheeks brightening in color again. You almost snorted as he stuttered out a loud ‘n-no ma’am!’.
The classes dragged on from there, leaving you tired, frustrated and more touch deprived than ever. You were excited to have some time alone with Ron and prayed to Merlin that it wouldn’t lead to an argument. You wanted to lean against him while he read the Beedle the Bard stories- more specifically the Tale of the Three Brothers that he knew by memory.
The daydreams of being pressed against him while he read to you helped you get through dinner. You borderline sprinted through the halls, weaving through everyone to get up to your dorm. You grabbed a few books from your collection before you were running through all the halls again. Balancing the thick books against your chest, you pushed open the towering doors of Hogwarts library and hurried in.
“Ronnie?” You whispered, walking deeper into the dark room. Your eyes were naturally drawn to the faint light of a lantern illuminating from one of the many tables and figured it must be Ron. It was far past curfew to be anyone else. “Ron?” You called out, louder this time, weaving past the study areas and great book shelves.
“Over here, darling.” His distinct voice filled in the room, immediately putting you at ease. You quickened your pace, breathing heavily from the weight of the books. Once you made it to the table Ron had deemed his, you set the books down, wincing at the volume of the bang. “Merlin! What did you bring?” He teased, looking at each book title.
“What? They're just books. I know you can read, so I plan on extorting your vocabulary.” You smiled, slipping into the seat next to him. You reached for his hand, enjoying how his calloused skin finally eased the itch you’d been feeling for the past few hours. “Will you read to me?” The edges of your smile twitched downward when he broke out in a fit of giggles. “What?”
“First of all, that’s adorable.” His sideways smile and charming voice had you blushing under his gaze. “And second, we’re in a library. I’m gonna say the words again. We’re in a library. Why did you bring your books when we’re surrounded by them?”
“Because.. I did not feel like looking for them.” You stammered, nudging your boyfriend away from you when he wrapped an arm around the back of your chair and tugged it closer. 
“I have a feeling that’s not the real reason, dollie. Is it because my boyfriend forgot what a library was for?” His smug tone had your face turning a darker shade of red.
“Shut it, Weasley. Just read to me.” You stood up, ignoring Ron’s deep laugh. You effortlessly slipped out of his grasp and transfigured your chair into a medium sized bean bag for you and Ron to share. While you moved the bag against one of the book shelves, Ron regathered the books and the lantern.
He plopped onto the bag, enjoying how his body sunk into the middle of the bag. He set the books down next to him in a stack and balanced the lantern on top. Then, he opened his arms, allowing you to sit on his lap and lean back into him. He was able to wrap his arms around your waist and peer over your head, making this the best reading/snuggle position known to wizard or man.
“Pick your poison, (Y/n). What story do you want?” Ron kissed the back of your head before naming off the stories. 
“What about Babbitty Rabbitty and her Cackling Stump?” You looked up at him, craning your neck to see his expression. His eyes gazed into yours before his tongue was poking the inside of his cheek. 
“You just wanna hear me say Babbitty Rabbitty and think it’s cute. Not gonna happen, cookie. Pick a different one.” He gave your stomach a pat of affection, his eyes twinkling in the lamp light.
“Fine, the Three Brothers, then. I knew you would end up picking that story anyway, it being your favorite and all.” You grumbled the last part, jokingly crossing your arms with exaggeration. He rolled his eyes, not that you saw, and began to tell the story, by heart, like usual.
The only unusual thing was his story telling kept getting interrupted by his own yawns, causing him to lose his place and nearly start the story over. He removed an arm from around you to rub his eye, trying almost desperately to stay awake. The ginger was so focused on staying awake he almost missed you speaking, but managed to catch the tail end.
“-like the brother who asked to hide from death, don’t you think?”
“Come again, love?” Ron ran his fingers through your hair, enjoying the way it moved with his hand. His grin matched his joy, easily, especially when he thought his amazing and talented boyfriend had a question about the story. However, he was no wear near ready for the curve ball coming his way.
“I was just saying maybe we.. We could actually sleep if we told everyone. We wouldn’t have to sneak around.”
“Not this again, (Y/n), come on.” he spoke, putting his hands on your waist and moving you forward on the bean bag, trying to signal you to stand. “We’ve talked about this dozens of times! I’m just not ready.”
“When will you be ready?” You stood up, turning toward him. While he thought over his reply, you ran a hand through your hair, foot tapping impatiently as tension filled the once related and happy room. He just pathetically shrugged his shoulders. “Ron, that isn’t an answer.”
“It isn’t fair for you to ask me to set a date to tell my friends I’m frisking with the enemy!” His frustration over the topic was quickly coming back, as it usually did. You, on the other hand, just felt pissed. Your jaw was hanging open in disbelief. 
“I’m sorry. ‘Frisking with the enemy’ might not be the term you're looking for. Would you like to try again?” You stood up, crossing your arms over your chest, this time with actual anger. 
“You know what I mean!” He shouted while struggling to leave the bean bag’s slippery grasp. “Damnit!” He grumbled through his teeth, effectively slipping and falling back into the soft chair.
“All I’m saying is that it’s just beneficial. We could be open! We wouldn’t have to stress about looking at each other too long or brushing shoulders in the hallway! We could be a normal teenage couple!” You didn’t think you were being unreasonable. 
“I thought you could let this go for one day!” Ron had finally stood up, moving around you to now pace in the empty library. He put his hands in his pocket, turning back to you again. “Just one day, let us, maybe, not fight.” 
“It isn’t my fault you don’t listen to reason.” You grumbled. Ron made a confused and almost betrayed sound.
“Me? Oh, no, darling. You’re the one that’s being all mental. Do you know what they’ll say about us? A Slytherin and a Gryffindor?” He pointed to you, then himself. “We’ll be a target for both teams. They’ll drag us apart and run us through mud!’
“Ronnie, I’m not asking you to wear a sign that says you're boning a Slytherin and share it with the whole school. Just our friends.” You ran your hand through your hair again. Your stress from the day was beginning to boil over. “You can’t keep  brushing this off like it’s not affecting either of us.”
“It isn’t! I’m perfectly content like this.”
“The bags under your eyes and the constant yawning say otherwise.” Running a hand down your face, you looked around at the empty library. You were sure Madam Pince was out, due to the fact that she would’ve already had a cow over the fact you both snuck in. “I..” Draco’s words from earlier were ringing in your skull all over again. You brought a finger to your lips without even realizing it and began to chew at the skin anxiously.
“What’s wrong?” Ron tried to keep the anger out of his tone, but he failed. It shined through like a dirty penny being whipped clean, exposing the shiny copper beneath the grime. “Is it something I did again?”
“I don’t know how long I can keep doing this, Ronnie.” As you spoke, your nose began to sting while your eyes burned. You didn’t want to say it, and maybe you shouldn’t have, but you did. His face changed between a few dozen emotions before finally landing on confused. Ron took careful steps toward you, his eyes swirling with worry and fear. Fear of losing you. When he was close enough to feel the short breaths leaving your mouth, he grabbed your arms, giving you a soft squeeze.
“What do you mean?” His eyes bounced back and forth between yours, his arms squeezing a tad harder. “Do you want to break up with me?” His heart felt like it was caught in his throat. Once the words were out, you realized that was far from what you actually wanted. 
“No!” Your anger was making a sequel appearance in the argument. “I just can’t keep sneaking around! It hurts!” You didn’t care that you sounded like a child, it felt like everyone was waving a relationship in your face and you couldn’t do anything about it. 
“What do you want me to do? Stand up on a table and shout it out? I’ll do it!” Ron ran over to one of the few tables not crowded by carbon copies, putting one foot on a chair and the other on the top of the oak polished. He easily put all of his weight on the table, flaring his arms out before allowing them to fall back against his legs.
“Ron, get down!” You whispered harshly, hurrying after him and tugging on his hands. You’d gladly tug him down and continue this argument anywhere else. “Please get down.” 
“Nope! Not until you stop being mad at me!” He crossed his arms over his chest, ignoring the sting of his lip trapped between his teeth. The Gryffindor took a deep breath before he let out a sigh. His fingers tapped along the side of his biceps and his gaze moved to the old high roof of the library.
“I have every right to be mad at you! Now come down right now!” This time you tugged at his pant leg, a groan of frustration leaving your lips as he took a step back. The table creaked in protest, but both of you ignored it.
“No! If this is what I have to do to make sure we can keep staying together, then I’ll do it! Because you mean more to me than anyone in this school and I can’t afford to lose you!” He stomped his foot to emphasize his point. While he was doing his tangent, you made eye contact with some students who really should’ve been sleeping.
“Um, Ron?”
 “I really should say it more often but I love you! And-”
“Don't interrupt me, lovie, I’m trying to save our relationship. And I should prove it more often too, so, tomorrow, I’ll stand up on the dining tables during breakfast and announce I have been dating (L/n) for the past year and that nothing can change that!” He tossed his head back, holding his arms out like a man feeling rain for the first time in a century. 
“Are you done now?” You watched him carefully, crossing your arms over your chest. Once his arms dropped to his sides again, he nodded his head. “Cool, cause they know.” Ron’s head snapped around the empty library before he turned around, seeing Harry and Hermione standing just a few feet behind the table he was standing on.
“Oh. Hi, guys. I thought um.. What aarre... Why?” He took a step back, effectively shifting the weight from the middle, resulting in the table tipping. With a shout, the ginger collided with the floor. You, Harry and Hermione flinched at the thud that echoed in the dead silent room. 
“Ronnie? You ok?” You walked over to him. You couldn’t help but snicker at the strawberry tint that covered his pale skin. You bent down, obstructing some of his view of the beautifully articulated ceiling, which he quickly brought up, hoping to cause his friends to forget about what they heard.
“Wow. They really put a lot of work in the detailing, huh? Brilliant! It’s truly fantastic. Is that oak?” He rubbed his head as he sat up, looking at the titled table. He looked up at his best friends before standing up, albeit clumsily. 
An awkward silence quickly fell over the room. Ron shifted his weight between his feet. You chewed on your nail. Hermione played with her hair. Harry rubbed the back of his neck.
“Well? Are you going to explain yourselves?” Hermione spoke up suddenly. She put her hands on her hips, clearly not happy with the outcome of everything.
“Or we could just let them be. They seemed to be having a moment.” Harry spoke up, awkwardly putting his hands in his pockets and looking down at his shoes.
“Nonsense. You dragged me out of bed for this, Harry. I expect a full explanation.”
So, with that, Ron fixed the table, everyone sat down and the story of how your relationship with Ron morphed from enemies to lovers in a few years time. Both of his friends listened intently until the story was over. Hermione asked a few questions about some basic things, one of them being if that was why he was rubbing your knee earlier that day, but soon enough, the four of you decided it was late. After transfiguring the bean bag back into a chair and putting the lantern out, you split up, heading back to your different common rooms, but not without a kiss and a good night from Ron.
The next morning came quickly and Ron was waiting by the entrance to the dining hall. He had woken up early, despite the few hours of sleep he’d gotten from the night before. Talking to his best friends about his secret boyfriend went far, far deeper into the night than he’d expected. So, here he was, waiting patiently for them to show up so he could keep his promise.
He nodded to his brothers and their friends, and his sister and her friends, before his own finally came trotting along. His heart physically fluttered when he saw Harry, Hermione and you, not just walking side by side, but joking and laughing. He bit his lip to try to prevent his smile from growing too wide.
“Hey guys!” He called out, ignoring everyone in the hall and rushing over. This time, he didn’t hesitate to grab your hand, even going as far as kissing your knuckles. You couldn’t stop yourself from grinning or blushing over the simple affection, and you felt the touch starved itch disintegrate inside of you slowly.
“Hey, Ron.” Hermione chimed in, catching her breath from laughing.
“Good morning, mate. Ready for the big day?” Harry asked, nudging Ron in the side.
“As ready as I can be.” He replied with a grin, shooting your confused expression a wink.
“What are you guys goin’ on about?” Your eyes danced between Harry’s and Ron's, that seemed to have an invisible way of communication that you were quickly becoming jealous of. 
“Nothing, prince. I’ll tell you while we eat.” Ron casted you his mischievous grin while getting the door and was hoping Merlin you couldn’t see the nervousness in his eyes. When you walked in, you instinctively began to head over to the now waving Draco, ready to tell him the news, but the hood of your robe was grabbed and you were being dragged to the Gryffindor table.
You were sat down and Ron was scuttling up to the teachers table, but before long, he was coming right back to the table to sit next to you. Except, he didn’t sit, he stood behind you, fixing your robe.
“Seriously, Ron, what are you doing?”
“Nothing, bunny, just relax.” He kissed your head, shooting you another wink. “I just want to keep my promise from last night.” Before what he said could even click in your head, he was climbing onto the Gryffindor table, grinning down at you. “Oh, and before I forget, or get buried alive by my family, remember that I love you, yeah?” All too suddenly, he was whistling to catch everyone in the dining halls attention and he was dramatically clearing his throat.
Why McGonagall let him stand on a table and talk for almost fifteen minutes about how he was dating a Slytherin, you still don’t know, but you couldn’t help but smile up at him as he ranted about your gorgeous smile and your perfect hands and shiny eyes to the entire school.
And, of course Draco started chanting ‘kiss! kiss! kiss!’ after his speech was done.
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