#and that I tend to run into open spaces/not use cover very well
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Photos taken seconds before disaster
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jpitha · 11 months
Color Me Surprised.
Human vision is hacks upon hacks upon hacks. Forget about how our brains just make wild guesses about things we see, or how there are whole parts of your vision that your brain can't see and just does "content aware fill" on it, or how your peripheral vision isn't nearly as good as you think it is.
Our brains just make up colors because we don't like to see two colors next to each other.
Magenta doesn't exist.
“Ugh, what is going on?” The Gren moved to cover their eyes as they staggered back, their reverse articulated legs unsteady.
“What? What is it? What’s wrong Peni’tam?” Jalisa stared at her friend as they moved back, their 2 pairs of eyes squeezed tightly shut.
“That… that thing. It hurts to look at!“ Peni’tam finall turned away and with their back to it, opened their eyes. They looked down at Jalisa. “It doesn’t hurt for you to look at? Is it some kind of human weapon?”
Jalisa peered around Pani’tam. Behind her, on the landing platform was a starship. It was small as starships go, likely only holding 4 or 5 people. With a Flip drive, you didn’t really need a large spacecraft for anything. Most destinations were no more than two or three days away, but humans tended to build large anyway. No reason not to when space is nearly limitless. Interdiction ship probably. Military, or at least formerly military.
It was small and sleek, with very few protrusions. Currently sitting on spindly landing legs, it almost looked like an insect.
It was also bright magenta.
“It’s just a ship Peni’tam. The color is a little unusual, but humans tend to paint their ships wild colors anyway. It’s got a bit of a dazzle camo pattern, made up in two or three shades of magenta.”
“Magenta? What’s that?” Now that Peni’tam wasn’t facing the ship they were much more steady on their feet.
“It’s just a color. Like, a really bright pinky purple?” Jalisa looked down at her pad. “Here, let me see if it’s emitting something.” She touched a few points and ran a scan. “Pani’tam, it’s cold. Even the reactor is off. It must be here for a refit.”
Pani’tam turned again and immediately winced. “Ow! No, something is up. That ship hurts to look at. I don’t mean like figuratively, I mean, literally it is painful. It is doing something.”
“Well, let’s step away from it then. We can find another way to the cafe. I just wanted to pass by the pads because I like to look at the ships.” Jalisa said, wistfully.
They went to the cafe by circling around the station past the gymnasium. Inside, Jalisa saw people running and lifting weights that seemed almost comically tiny until she looked over at the sign over the entrance.
She rolled her eyes. Of course the gym nuts would find a way to use the gravity generators to make the workouts more intense.
At the cafe, Jalisa and Peni’tam got their drinks and sat down at a wide, long table. “I just can’t believe that color doesn’t hurt you.” Pani’tam took a sip of their tea. “Your vision must be completely different than ours.”
Another human at the table heard their conversation and turned. “Oh, you saw the Variegated Elegy?”
“The little magenta ship? Yeah, Peni’tam here-“ Jalisa gestured at her friend “-got a massive headache when she tried to look at it.”
The human nodded. “I’m not surprised. It’s an old interdiction ship, originally designed to strike deep into Gren territory during the war. Now that the war is over, it’s here to be refitted into a yacht, and probably repainted too.”
“Oh really? That’s too bad. The magenta dazzle camo is so interesting.” Jalisa sipped her coffee and looked at the human. She was tall, with close cropped hair on one side, and the rest was swept up almost into a dark asymmetric pompadour. She was wearing a tailored uniform without any indicators of rank and just two silver pips on her left breast. She had a scar along her right cheek as well. She looked very rakish, and Jalisa had to look away quickly.
The human laughed. “It’s pretty neat isn’t it? Unfortunately, the Confederation races can’t process magenta. For some it just looks like a very odd blue, others see a very odd red. A few races like the Gren with very accurate color reproduction get headaches and it causes them pain. The color was chosen on purpose for that particular ship.”
“A color… hurts? Also I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”
The woman winks. “I didn’t throw it. You can call me Tyler.”
Jalisa blushes just a bit. “Hi Tyler, I’m Jalisa.”
Tyler nods. “Works over in HVAC with Pam and Lan’urian? Nice to meetcha.”
How did she know that? Tyler continues. “Anyway. Yeah, for the Gren, when they see magenta they try and process it, but since the wavelength for blue will never be with the wavelength for red, the color can’t really exist.”
“But we see it?” Her coffee forgotten, Jalisa leans forward.
Tyler laughs. “That’s because our eyes are hacks upon hacks upon hacks. Half the things we ‘see’ aren’t real. Our brains just invent magenta when we put red and blue next to each other. We learned early in the war about Gren vision processing and were able to use it to our advantage. Now that the war’s over, we’re retiring the pain job. Gotta be good members of the Confederation after all.” Tyler rips off a sharp - though sarcastic - salute.
“So, the color of the ship itself is a weapon?” Peni’tam said, with a note of amazement in their voice.
“Yup! Pretty neat right? A weapon with no power and no ammunition and still causes nearly incapacitating pain if a Gren doesn’t look away.”
Jalisa looks at Tyler more closely. She seems so effortlessly confident. “How do you know so much about this, Tyler?”
Tyler shrugs. “Oh, it’s my ship. In the war I was an Intelligence Collection Agent and I ran the Variegated with a small tight crew.”
Jalisa nearly chokes on her tea. “You’re a spy?”
“Was a spy. War’s over, so we don’t need spy’s anymore, right?” Tyler winked again. Jalisa wasn’t sure if Peni’tam caught the gesture or knew what it meant. A wink was very situational and could mean lots of things. Tyler tossed back the rest of her coffee. “Anyway, I’m here for a few more weeks while the refit takes place.” She stands and looks down at Jalisa. “I’m free tonight. Call me, we’ll get dinner.” And without another word, she turns and walks out of the cafe.
After she left, Peni’tam stares at Jalisa. “You aren’t going to go to dinner with her are you?”
“And why not, Peni’tam?”
“She’s a spy! She spied on us during the war!” Peni’tam’s grey fur ripples and her mouthparts clack with stress.
“The war is over Peni’tam. Everyone on both sides fought it. I’m sure you had plenty of your own spies.”
Peni’tam shakes their head. The fur whooshes back and forth while they do it. “She’s so… cocky and self-assured. She practically made your date invitation a command.”
Jalisa blushed again. “I know. It was pretty cool.”
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malusmagpie · 6 months
Unbreakable Bonds
Pairing: Master!AnakinxPadawan!Reader
Summary: A master is supposed to care deeply for his Padawan… Right?
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Word count: 3.8K
A/N: IMPORTANT: Anakin is 26 in this one. You’re 21. Okay? Okay. First. Sorry for disappearing! I’m fine and thank you so much for all the kind words in my inbox they meant the world to me. I just got uninspired for writing and burnt out from work. Second. I genuinely thought this was way longer than it is. Uhhhhh it’s a two parter. Maybe a three. No promises. Can y’all tell this is my fav trope? But i missed u guys 🫶🏼 lazy ending warning i didn’t wanna keep going i wanted to split it in two.
The sounds of the 501st yelling around you was not what you expected to wake up to. The men of the battalion had set up a camp for everybody on the remote planet you’d landed on in the Outer Rim the night before because the walk had been far too long to do in one stretch. You couldn’t even remember what the planet was called. You just knew your Master was assigned to a mission here and that meant you were assigned to it as well.
You shot out of your sleeping bag when you heard blaster shots above head. One flew through your tent, barely even a foot away from you. Your hand reached for your lightsaber on the ground and it flew into your grip as you ran through the flimsy tent door.
The bright suns of the desert planet blinded you for a moment and you adjusted your eyes before whipping your head toward all the commotion.
“They’re flanking left!” You heard Fives yell. You ran over to where you saw Anakin using a rock as cover.
“Master, why didn’t you wake me?” You yelled over the sounds of blaster fire and explosions with wide eyes. He smiled at you, a smile that didn’t aid your panic.
“Well good morning, Princess. Sleep well?” He always had time for jokes, even in an ambush. You groaned and ducked further down when you felt a blaster shot coming directly at you. “If you didn’t already notice. We’ve been ambushed, but I have a plan.” He finished and you stared at him with a blank expression.
“What would that be, Master?” You said wearily, you were preparing yourself to hear what could be considered by most to be an insane string of words in response to your question. To you though, it would be a normal Anakin thing to say. The 501st was doing a fantastic job at keeping them at bay for the short duration of your conversation but instead of responding, Anakin simply smiled before running right at the blaster shots, blocking them as if the ambush meant nothing to him.
The five year difference in your ages didn’t seem to matter. You tended to act and feel like the older one most days. It was a shame when your previous Master died, you cried in your room for days when the news arrived and you still flinched when you heard his name, it gave the council pretty much no choice but to put you under Anakin’s charge until you finished your training and completed your trials.
Regardless of who was more mature, you followed him blindly. The knowledge that you could trust him not to get you killed at the very minimum was reason enough to stay right on his heel. He was running toward a tank that was firing explosives at your camp. You tried to take deep breaths to calm yourself when he climbed up on top of it, dodging whatever came his way in the process. You followed him, doing the best you could with what you had been taught.
You stood with him on top of the tank and he used his lightsaber to cut the locked door open. It dropped to the floor of the small space inside the tank, crushing a battle droid in the process. Anakin jumped down to the bottom and you opted for climbing down the ladder, following him closely. He took the second battle droids head off with one swing of his lightsaber and took the piloting chair when the droid fell to the ground. You stood watch behind him, in case anybody came in behind the two of you.
With an aggressive turn to the handles that controlled the top half of the machine, Anakin turned the tanks artillery around causing your body to jostle around. You caught your footing and within moments, most of the battle droids around you became victim to the explosives flying out of the tank.
You heard something above head and your eyes caught sight of a droid holding a blaster toward you. You expected the thing to climb down before it blasted but when it shot at you from its vantage point you stumbled back with a stagger. Using a relatively easy Force ability, you pushed it off the tank and it landed on the ground. The tank moved as if it had gone over a bump and you safely assumed that you had done your job at getting rid of the droid.
“What was that?” He called over his shoulder and you looked down at your arm where your previously dry robe now had a small, blood-soaked patch.
“Nothing. I took care of it.” You replied with no hesitation. You heard the commotion eventually come to an end and Anakin let the 501st finish off the few remaining droids before getting up out of his seat.
“Thanks for trusting me, Y/N.” He said as he walked by you in the dimly lit space. You placed your lightsaber on your hip and followed him as he climbed up and out of the tank. You winced every time you pulled yourself up the ladder with your injured arm but you still got to the top fairly quickly. Anakin hopped down to the ground and held his hand out to help you. His eyes trailed to your stained robe as you reached your own hand to meet his.
Anakin pulled you down with both haste and caution. His eyebrows furrowed as he examined your wound as best as he could and you stared at him with an expression that screamed silent apologies.
“I’m sorry. I misread the situation and it shot me-“ You started and he didn’t let you finish.
“Next time I check in on you. Tell me the truth.” He spoke sternly as he guided you back to what was left of the camp. You closed your eyes for a moment, beating yourself up for not speaking up.
“I didn’t want to distract you.” You spoke softly and he scoffed.
“You know what’s worse than distracting me? Letting me turn around to see you bled out on the ground.” He stopped walking and his hand still held a firm grip on your uninjured bicep. Your eyes watched your shoes, feeling Anakin’s gaze bore into you.
“Never lie to me again. Mistakes happen, don’t let them fester.” Anakin’s voice was softer now. He let go of your arm and he continued walking before you could apologize again.
Your head hung low as you approached the men who fought valiantly for your Master; not because you were embarrassed, but because you couldn’t keep your head up. You felt your body begin to lose stability and you looked at your arm again, the patch had become almost the entire lower half of your arm and you were beginning to feel the pain. The adrenaline wouldn’t bring you much further and you knew it.
You opened your mouth to speak but you began to see small black dots in your vision. Your head spun slowly and your eyes fell shut. You had very little control over where you dropped, but you felt the impact right before you blacked out and you knew it was going to leave a bruise or two.
You woke up to see the interior of Anakin’s star fighter. You blinked slowly, wincing in pain. You looked down at your arm, it was dressed professionally and your sleeve had been cut off, likely to access the wound without undressing you.
“Keep still. You’re still healing.” A voice rang through the room and you turned your head to find the source. You winced when the movement caused your wound to burn. You heard Anakin sigh and stand up. He stood over you, eyebrows knitted in concern with his arms crossed over his chest.
“What part of ‘tell me if you’re not okay’ do you not understand?” He said sternly. You watched his eyes analyze your dressings from afar and you let out a sigh of your own, your voice sounded cracked and dry.
“I’m sorry-“ You started. Anakin held a hand up, signalling for you to stop speaking. His head angled itself away from you and he took a deep breath with his eyes shut. The way he always did when he had to calm down.
“I care about you.” He said after a moment of silence as he let his hand drop to his side, his voice sounded softer again. “I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if you died under my charge. Do you understand?” He gazed at you, looking for a sign that you did in fact, understand. You nodded.
“Good.” He pulled his chair over by the small cot you were laying on and sat down. “How’s it feeling?” He asked, eyebrows furrowing with concern.
You looked at the wound with a shrug. “Could have been worse.” You seethed causing him to deepen the lines in his face, resting his hand on your arm.
“Just… Rest. That’s all you can do until we get to Coruscant.” He looked at you for a moment before getting up, presumably to fly the ship. You leaned back against the pillow and shut your eyes, letting sleep take over you. All you heard before sleep took over your body were the four words he let slip earlier. They echoed in your head as you lulled away.
“I care about you.”
You didn’t dream. At least you thought you didn’t. It was a shock to you when in your slumber, your mind filled with images of your own master smiling, laughing, and holding you. Soft words were whispered behind the backs of the council. His hand reaching for yours to squeeze it because he knew you were nervous. Kisses placed on foreheads and lingering touches were halted when you heard the 501st clanging around beyond your minds eye. In the cockpit on Anakin’s ship. Your eyes snapped open and you immediately closed them again, pretending to stay asleep and trying to grasp what the hell your brain was doing.
By the time the ship arrived on Coruscant, you’d rested and the bacta-bag wrapped around your arm seemed to have worked wonders on you. You opened your eyes to Anakin shaking you softly and the sound of his voice made a small part of you fill with an unexpected warmth.
“I’ll deal with the Council by myself, let me get you to your apartment first.” He said when you finally sat up. He rested a gentle hand on the back of your waist and you felt tingles over your entire back from the contact. The feeling shocked you, causing you to clear your throat to suppress a gasp. Anakin guided you off the bed and helped you off the bridge and onto the landing pad of your balcony.
“Are they angry?” You asked with a look toward him. He smiled, the kind of smile he held on his face when he had a joke in mind.
“They’re not allowed to feel angry remember?” He muttered humorously and you cracked a half smile. “Don’t worry about them.” He finished as he sat you down on your couch.
“Master, I really am sorry.” You spoke as he mindlessly placed the throw blanket from the back of the couch over your legs. Anakin shook his head.
“Really, Y/N. I’m just glad you’re alive.” He said, settling down on the couch beside your legs. His forearms rested over his knees and he clasped his hands between them. You looked at him for longer than you thought appropriate. He looked tired and it took everything in you not to reach out and place your hand on his cheek.
He cared about you. He said it himself. Surely it was the same kind of care every Master had for their Padawan.
But it didn’t feel that way when he looked at you now.
You grappled with your thoughts, convincing yourself you were imagining things, that it was delusion. You almost didn’t hear him speak when he did.
“I almost lost you today.” Anakin said sternly. “I don’t have the time between all my meetings for a funeral, believe me.” He chuckled humourlessly.
“But you didn’t.” You shrugged and played with the frayed edge of the blanket over your legs. He shot you a look that made you smile and he followed with a chuckle. His hair pushed further into his face as he shook his down turned head.
A silence crept its way between the two of you and you watched his every move. You couldn’t explain the feeling that arose every time he smiled at you. It was like a switch had flipped and you desperately tried to figure out a way to flip it back while you watched him place his hands on his knees to push himself to his feet with a sigh. You gnawed at the skin inside your cheek as you watched him.
When he finally looked at you again, your mouth opened to say something, but it shut just as fast. You couldn’t trust your own words right now. Not with the way you were feeling. His lips thinned as he glanced at your arm again and he cleared his throat.
“Rest. I’m leaving you with C3-PO. He’ll help you get back on your feet so we can get back to our job.” He said, not bothering to look at you. You tried to ignore the pang of disappointment you felt at that. You gave him a nod as he retreated to his ship, leaving you with nothing more than a small nod in return.
You worked your jaw as he ascended and sped off. With a swift movement you pushed the blanket off your legs and stood. You felt fine, sure maybe a little bit weak from the blood loss but him calling in a babysitter for you felt unnecessary. You channeled your confusing emotions into annoyance at his childlike treatment of you. Because that seemed healthy.
As you paced your living room you swung your arm around gently to test how mobile you were. It seemed alright, nothing to pause missions or call reinforcements in for. You planned to give him a mouthful when he came back, you practiced your speech out loud as you walked around your apartment.
Anakin left yet another long winded meeting with a sigh, closing the door behind him as he left the council chambers. The meetings were a lot more tedious when he didn’t have Y/N with him. She tended to soften the blows, her charm and kindness carried them through plenty of scoldings and lectures from the council. He ran a hand through his hair as he stalked the busy hallways of the Temple.
All he could think of was how dumb he’d been. How blind he was to her struggle. If he’d just taken one second longer to check on her, she wouldn’t have that nasty bruise on the side of her face from the fall. Maybe if he’d kept a better eye on her she wouldn’t have gotten hit with the blaster at all.
Not only did he have to deal with the guilt of letting her get hurt, it was only a matter of time before he finally faced the reality of his feelings toward her. He knew it was coming, he couldn’t hold it back much longer. It already pained him immensely to hide it before she got hurt. Now, the very real fact was, he could misstep once and lose her forever. That dwelled on him and he wouldn’t let anymore time go on without telling her he cared for her in a way a Master shouldn’t care for their Padawan.
He sighed again, turning a corner and making for his speeder that was parked in the corner of the hangar. He’d give her a choice, of course. He’d tell her it was fine if she wanted to ask the council to place her with somebody else. He’d even go as far as push for her trials to be done quicker if it meant she could leave his charge if this all made her uncomfortable. He had every aspect planned but he needed to do it. If not now it would eat him alive forever, possibly until it was too late. He shook the thought from his head as he sped back to her house.
He arrived, later than he wanted, but with flowers and her favourite fruit. It showed he paid attention, at least in his mind. As if any of that would matter if she rejected him.
None of this was right, nor okay. He knew this all too well. He knew exactly what he was doing here and he’d weighed out all the pros and all the cons. Pros, he might have her. Cons, the Code. The damned Code.
He ruffled his hair nervously before taking one final deep breath and exiting his speeder. He caught sight of her pacing around and his eyebrows furrowed. 3PO intersected his path.
“Master Anakin, I fear Miss Y/N has lost it.” He said nervously. Anakin quirked a brow, smirking at the girl pacing her apartment and mouthing things.
“I’ll be the judge of that, thanks 3PO. Stay here.” He muttered as he pushed past the droids and left them on the balcony.
With a swift hand motion, Anakin opened her balcony door and placed her gifts on the table next to him. It wasn’t long before Y/N turned to face him during her paces.
“You. What have I done to lead you to believe that I would need not one, but two damned babysitters when I’m realistically only mildly hurt- What’s that?” You stopped in your tracks as you pointed to the flowers on the table. Your eyes landed back on Anakin where he leaned his shoulder against the door frame with his arms crossed.
He gave you a smile and you couldn’t seem to remember where you were in your speech. In fact, you couldn’t remember the speech at all.
“A gift. For you. I guess it’s more of an apology now though, isn’t it? Since you’re upset at me.” He shrugged, looking down at the bouquet and back at you.
“I’m not upset.” You shrugged, crossing your own arms as you took a few steps toward him. Your eyes fixated on him, you didn’t even care about the gift.
“Is that so? I could have sworn..” He trailed and you shook your head.
“Not upset. Glad you’re here.” You muttered and he chuckled as you approached him to snatch up the flowers and fruit to place them their respective places in a home.
“Right.” He nodded, that crooked smile never leaving his face. You didn’t even have to look at him to know what he looked like right now. You muttered something in agreement as you filled a vase with water and began cutting the stems. After a few moments of letting you arrange the flowers, Anakin rounded the counter to stand beside you and cleared his throat. Your breath caught as you looked up at him.
“You feel it too don’t you?” He asked quietly, leaning against the edge of your counter as your hands worked away at the flowers. His words gave you pause, and you placed the flowers neatly in the vase before sliding it to the middle of the counter.
“Feel what?” You questioned, barely looking away from your finishing touches on the arranged bouquet before you grabbed a cutting board for the fruit. His hand rested over yours where you held the board, causing you to look at him again. You studied his features and somehow you knew. You knew exactly what he was talking about, what he was eluding to. Your heart raced as you watched his eyes scan your face, looking at every inch of you to gauge your emotions.
“Don’t make me say it, Y/N. Just tell me if you want it as badly as I do..” His voice was barely above a whisper. Your eyes fell shut for a moment and you took a breath, trying to steady your thoughts. To see reason.
“Say it.” You replied without thinking.
Anakin sighed. “I care about you far more than what would be considered normal… Or.. Correct. In the eyes of the Jedi.” He said, his mouth formed a thin line as he gauged your response.
You stared at him, long and hard. You couldn’t help but feel like this was supposed to happen, that it was always going to happen, that nothing could have stopped it.
“I care about you too, Anakin. But-“
“Show me.” He breathed.
Your eyebrows furrowed. “Show you what?” You asked, already knowing the answer. It was always like this. You were always one step ahead of each other. Which made this conversation feel all the more tedious.
“Show me how much you care. No buts. Use your feelings.” He said, his eyes never leaving yours.
Your breath shuddered again as you placed your hands on the counter next to him and pushed yourself up toward him. Your eyes watched his flutter shut and you followed suit before placing your lips against his.
You melted into him when his hands circled your waist, bringing you directly in front of himself and a small sigh left your lips between kisses. It felt perfect. It felt right. Fated, even. His warm hands sent shivers through you and you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling yourself closer.
When you finally broke the kiss, he almost chased you before retreating and placing his forehead against yours. His heavy breaths matched your own and your eyes finally opened to see blue hues looking back at you.
“Well. Shit.” You whispered and he chuckled. “What now?” You asked.
“I don’t know.” He said quietly. “I know I’m screwed if you change your mind though.” He finished with a cocky smile.
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moodymisty · 5 months
Getting it in at the last minute hopefully, but one thing that's on the brain is Chapter Serfs, the mortals who do a collection of jobs on fortress monasteries and are devoted to certain chapters. They're treated a whole range of ways depending on the chapter from "worse than slaves" to "members of the family". I've read somewhere that the Raven Guard treat their Serfs surprisingly well given they're all Spooky Scary, but I wanna know what you think!
Also on the brain is a serf worrying about her Raven Guard battle brother constantly, and being extremely gentle and doting on him because like... Look at him, being a space marine seems like an extremely painful existence.
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[ 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖞'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕬𝖔3 ]
Author's note: This is a cute idea, and I want to write more Raven Guard. I hope you enjoy this little snippet!
Relationships: Unnamed Raven Guard/Gn!Reader (could be read platonic or very slightly romantic if you really squinted)
Warnings: Mentions of wounds like burns, Your astartes being apathetic about the whole thing
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You almost have everything you think you'll need, looking over the spread of materials along the small table. If you've forgotten anything you hope he'll be as forgiving as the last times; As he always is.
The Raven's Valour has moored at Deliverance and you know his arrival is imminent; You'll finally be able to see him again. It's been months and while you serve the other Raven Guard with nothing but respect, there's something about your Raven Guard that is special. That has his arrival stirring your stomach.
It's become harder to even sleep without him nearby. You sleep in his private quarters with him- many of the serfs tending to higher rank Raven Guard do. The reasoning seems to be so you're always available to serve them, but too many of them seem to just like their serf's company to make it an excuse that doesn’t get doubted for a moment.
You hear the door open and quickly turn, spotting his wide shoulders and dark hair. Moments later however, you see that on areas not covered by his robes is what looks to be burns of some kind; Mostly chemical. It has that distinctive look, compared to a burn from a flame. He has other jagged cuts as well, but the burns are the most dramatic and eye catching.
"What happened?"
You say surprised, watching him sit down on the small bed and push his robes off his back. You can see his back is almost burned, and even though he has no reaction there isn't any way the cloth of his robes against his skin hadn't hurt.
You can also see the sores and dents where his armor weighed on him; in the weeks of nonstop use.
"We encountered heretics worshiping Nurgle. There were far more than expected, and they’ve learned new tricks."
He says little more than that, which doesn't surprise you. He isn't very talkative, particularly about these sorts of things. You presume his mission didn't go well if what little he gave was any indicator.
"I, I'm going to go get some things to help you, I'll be right back."
You quickly rush to grab any of the things you think will help, though much of it is more so for the humans around Deliverance than the astartes. The general consensus is they simply deal with the pain until it stops- that using healing solutions is a waste unless needed to preserve their life. you don't want him stay like this. He deserves more for protecting humanity; For protecting you.
"Here. This should help all of this heal."
You expected him to resist you, but you're surprised when he doesn't. You crawl onto the small bed and get behind him, holding your materials in your lap. He lets you come closer and apply medicine to all of his wounds, careful around the interface ports lining his back and shoulders. They run all along his back, digging directly into his spinal cord. They’re surrounded by old scars, and you fear it’ll hurt if you aren’t gentle.
You brush some burn cream over the massive one spanning his shoulder blade and he shifts, causing you to pull away for a moment.
"I'm sorry if this hurts, my lord."
He grunts at you, and you don't quite know if he's just responding, or scolding you for the use of title. Either way you eventually continue, but far more cautious.
You continue tending to his wounds, cleaning them and applying medicine to speed up his already incredibly fast healing. You know he doesn’t need it; But you know it will at least help. He's silent almost the entire time, until he turns to look at you over his shoulder.
"I can hear you thinking." You look up from his wounded shoulderblade.
You're thinking that he deserves better than this; To not be in pain, and treated like a weapon to be thrust at the enemy, and then be left in pain he's been trained to ignore. Or at least refuse to show.
"Sorry," Is all you can mutter, however. He looks at you for a moment longer, and you notice his dark eyes flicker around your face before he turns back around.
Once his wounds are as well as you can make them you rake your fingers through his black hair, until it's untangled enough to pull it back. Once you're finished, he looks towards towards the top of his bed. His hand tugs the thin fabric draping over it.
"You slept in it," He says bluntly and out of the blue, catching you red handed. You're still kneeling on the bed behind him, wringing your hands.
"I couldn't sleep one night. I was worried since the Raven's Valour was gone longer than you'd said it would be." He turns, and you notice a very small smile on his face.
"Do not worry about me so much." You look away, and you don't know why your eyes suddenly feel so watery.
"If I don't, then who else will?"
His small smile stays, but you notice something change in his look that you can't quite place.
And before you have a chance to even try he reaches a hand up, and rustles the top of your head. Afterwards, he cups your jaw with the same hand and keeps you facing him.
Don't worry little raven, I'll be fine."
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konekoling · 2 years
Hi hello since the states are gonna get blasted with cold soon I figured I'd shave some Helpful Cold Survival Advice I've absorbed as someone who lives in an area that hits -50C/-58F temperatures periodically
-Starting with a somewhat obvious one, but HOLY SHIT DO NOT BRING BARBECUES, GENERATORS, OR ANY OTHER FORM OF OUTDOOR HEAT SOURCE INSIDE FOR WARMTH. CO poisoning WILL kill you if you don't accidentally start a fire in the process.
-If you wanna stay in your car and turn the heat up for warmth DO NOT do it in the garage. Again. CO poisoning.
-You can turn up your stove/ oven and crack the oven door open in an emergency if you have zero other heat sources available, but only if its electric (Gas stoves will generate carbon mono...yeah you get it already), and even then its going to be much less energy efficient than a normal space heater, and you're gonna want to stay nearby while it's on to make sure you don't start a fire.
-Don't plug a space heater into a power bar or extention cord unless you're 100% sure it has a high quality cord. They need an absurd amount of power to run, and most extention cords in particular aren't insulated enough to handle those levels of power without becoming a fire hazard. And for the love of God, don't run multiple heaters on one power bar.
-Candles don't actually do much to generate heat unless you're ina very small area, but they ARE an excellent light source should power go out
- tragically, the best way to keep warm in the absence of home heating is through boring ol layering, especially on your feet and head. Avoid jeans, as they're somehow terrible at heat retention despite how thick they are, and throw on a pair of long underwear/leggings if you have some. Also feel free to pile as many blankets as you own on top of yourself, you deserve it.
-Youre gonna want to stay well fed, too. Keeping your body temperature up in the cold is pretty calorically demanding, AND the digestive process tends to heat your body up as well. Its a win/win.
-Also unfortunate: another excellent way to stay warm is through your enemy and mine, physical activity. Every half hour or so, pace around your living space to get the ol blood pumping a bit.
-If you get wet outside while it's substantially cold out, get inside as soon as possible bc that WILL suck the heat from your body. This goes for sweat too, so layer responsibly if you're out shoveling
-Electric blankets are a scam, don't buy them.
-heating pads and heated mattress covers are less of a scam, but don't fall asleep with them on bc once again, fire hazard.
-If you have any faucets in your house that don't see a lot of use/you live somewhere that doesn't usually see cold weather, keep all your faucets on just a bit so your pipes don't freeze and/or explode. This WILL cost thousands of dollars to fix.
-Likewise, if you're traveling for the holidays see if you can have someone come by to turn the faucets on every day or two so you don't come home to find your house sunk into the ground
-ALSO if you're traveling and think "hm, I think I'll turn off the heat while I'm out to save some money that is the devil speaking, do NOT listen. (Heating helps keep the pipes warm and unfrozen)
-Fill your bathtub up with water and/or stock up on bottled water if you're gonna be getting unusually cold temperatures in case your pipes DO freeze, since you're probably not gonna want to hit up the store should this occur
-Stay off the roads if you can help it. Turbocold weather makes cars periodically fail to start, and also the second snow touches the ground people somehow forget how to drive.
-IMO If it's below -38C before windchill, you have a substantial commute, and you have any PTO/can afford to miss a shift at work, don't bother going in. Just lie and say your car wouldn't start.
-If you absolutely need to go to work/go out for whatever reason, take public transit if possible. If thats not possible, keep some blankets, food, candles, and a lighter in your car in case the battery dies on the road so you can stay toasty and Alive until help arrives.
Probably gonna add more as I remember it, but thems the basics! Stay warm!
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vexwerewolf · 6 months
Hey, do you have suggestions on a stealthy, shoot'n'scoot build for the Pegasus? I'm really, really new, but I like the idea of this thing that can always hit you and fades away until the next attack.
-- HORUS Pegasus @ LL6 -- [ LICENSES ] HORUS Pegasus 3, SSC Metalmark 3 [ CORE BONUSES ] Overpower Caliber, The Lesson of the Open Door [ TALENTS ] Infiltrator 3, Skirmisher 3, Crack Shot 3 [ STATS ] HULL:2 AGI:2 SYS:0 ENGI:4 STRUCTURE:4 HP:17 ARMOR:0 STRESS:4 HEATCAP:10 REPAIR:4 TECH ATK:+1 LIMITED:+2 SPD:5 EVA:10 EDEF:10 SENSE:10 SAVE:15 [ WEAPONS ] FLEX MOUNT: Smartgun FLEX MOUNT: Smartgun HEAVY MOUNT: Anti-Materiel Rifle // Overpower Caliber [ SYSTEMS ] Personalizations, Active Camouflage, Pattern-A Smoke Charges x5
So this is a very simple build.
What we're doing here is creeping around the edges of the battlefield, looking for a good opening. We use our Active Camouflage to remain Hidden even when it isn't our turn, and we look for a good firing position.
Our ideal turn start has us Hidden and in hard cover. We activate Crack Shot protocol and Active Camouflage if our heat's looking okay, line up on our intended target and shoot them with the AMR, hopefully hitting and hopefully critting. We don't bother rolling dice for our AMR - we just use By The Way, I Know Everything to set our damage to 11, or 14 if we crit. Having hit an enemy with an attack from Hidden, we proc Ambush, plus Watch This if we crit. With Lesson of the Open Door buffing our Save Target, we're well-positioned to inflict a horrid array of status effects on our target.
That was our first quick action. We spend the next quick action to Hide again, rendering us untargetable.
Next turn, Immobilized from Crack Shot goes away and we only need to keep Active Camouflage up if we're in immediate danger. We have various options:
If we want supreme mobility (or if there's someone close to us) we can exploit the extra movement from Mastermind: using Boost breaks Hidden after it resolves, so we can Boost, use the slide from Mastermind and then move normally, allowing us to move up to 15 spaces, 5 of it reactionless. If we're feeling really spicy, we could even Boost adjacent to an enemy, use the flashbomb clause of Mastermind and then run 10 away from them.
We can Skirmish with a Smartgun and proc all the same effects as last turn. If we want to apply more damage and don't need to be Hidden next turn, we can even Barrage with both.
Occasionally we'll need to Stabilize to deal with the heat build up from Active Camouflage, but that's great because it also allows us to reload our AMR.
This mech only has 17 HP, so with 0 Armor and 10 Evasion its survivability is fairly low, but this is aided by the fact that it spends most of its time Invisible, and due to the absurd range of its AMR (and the fact that its Smartguns don't even need line of sight) it often won't even be in range for enemies to hit at all. Skirmisher III also means that the first reaction attack taken against us each round will miss automatically, and if we're smart, enemies won't get an opportunity to make a second one.
The largest dangers to this build:
Enemies that have AoE attacks and thus they can get around their inability to target you by targetting an area that they think contains you, although Invisible will still protect you from this by providing a 50% miss chance. In particular, Bombards can just dispense with trying to narrow down your location and shell your entire zipcode instead.
Enemies with abilities that deal damage but aren't attacks. This completely bypasses Invisibility, and since this sort of ability tends to be AoE, they can also ignore Hidden if they have a reasonable idea of where you are. A great example is the Assault's optional Micro-Missile Barrage trait.
Enemies that are themselves also Invisible. Because we have no Reliable damage and there wasn't room on this mech for Eye of Horus, we have no reliable way of penetrating Invisible. This means our ability to engage with such enemies are completely at the mercy of the dice.
SCOUTS. They ignore Hidden and Invisible entirely, and have multiple tools that strip Hidden and Invisible from us, completely negating the main survivability tools of our build. Worse, they have excellent Evasion, decent E-Defence and can become Invisible themselves. Prioritize their destruction, or better yet - get your allies to do it.
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antimatterz · 1 year
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boyfriend/dating headcanons
ft. dan heng, gepard (my fav hubbies yesyes)
they might be ooc since i'm still getting into hsr and still trying to get to know them. might rewrite this when i am at that point and maybe i'll expand it with various other characters, i'll see lol
content under the cut | masterlist
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— dan heng
here's the thing with dan heng
he's quite reserved but also unintentionally blunt and bold sometimes
i mean, he literally was about to perform cpr when he found you unconscious? boy going for that kiss after meeting you a minute ago
the proverb "still waters run deep" perfectly applies to him. he appears placid and that's something you really have to get used to in the beginning
he doesn't say much, nor does he seem to react much to what happens around him
which is a little weird to you at first. is he even happy with you? is he even affected by your presence and your actions? it doesn't seem that way... it confuses you
but really, once you get to know him, you learn to read him very well and you start to see things
his eyes, the corners of his mouth, the faint blush on his cheeks, the secret glances, the way he seems less indifferent around you
the light touches when he thinks no one is watching; his hand on the small of your back as you walk through the corridors of the space station, his fingertips grazing yours as he ponders whether or not to just take your hand even though you're in public..
eventually he grows more confident and open, and though he's still not a big fan of pda, he just can't resist showering you with subtle hints of affection
like playing with your hair during trailblazer meetings as you sit against him (the corners of his mouth would curl up ever so slightly that it's barely even noticable)
oh as i said before, he tends to be quite blunt sometimes, as he often speaks his honest thoughts. okay, he isn't the type to just blurt out things so he knows what he's saying but he also knows how it never fails to make you blush as his remarks leave you flustered
he's not the most cuddly person, you might have to help him get into a little. maybe you have to initiate acts of affection 9 out of 10 times but that doesn't mean he doesn't love you !! it's just how he is
you'd be surprised, though, as the longer the two of you are together, the more he makes the first move when it comes to showing love and affection
still though, i feel like he's more the type to verbally tell you how much you mean to him than through affection
and yeah, he'll leave you flustered as heck because he likes you a lot and he bluntly tells you so because why hide it?
you often tease him about the cpr thing and all the teasing will eventually lead to your first kiss (c'mon, you literally challenged him with all your teasing and who would not indulge if their s/o is literally asking for it?)
well, dan heng takes the chance
as blunt as he is with words, he is way more shy with next-level physical affection so his kisses are shy shy shy and careful which is really cute especially since he becomes so blushy afterwards in the beginning
and seeing the always so collected dan heng being flustered is a rarity and it's just super adorable
— gepard landau
this guy has a reputation
that of being a tough guy, stern and with a strong sense of justice, strong-willed and to some maybe even as cold as the ice of the eternal freeze that covered jarilo-vi
however, that was merely a facade, one that was pretty much mandatory as the captain of the silvermane guards and part of the royal family of belobog
it was only his public image, one that he showed to the people of belobog. you fell for it at first, being quite intimidated by the reputation that preceded him far and wide
but oh, then he developed a soft spot for you and it's so so so obvious that even the people of belobog notice it lol
yes they might notice it but they will never actually get to see the softie he is around you and he r e a l l y is soft for you
will go to his sister serval for advice in the beginning because as tough as he may seem he is actually quite insecure regarding this matter and just wants to do it well
and he is such a sweetheart??
special little smiles only for you, watching him utter out compliments and sweet nothings while he's trying to hide how very flustered he is even more so when you are the one calling him cute names and stuff
not afraid to show you off when the two of you are walking around belobog during his free time, always holding your hand and all
gets beet red every time serval teases him and that happens a lot – which is super adorable; seeing such a tall and tough guy all blushy, you can't help but coo at it which makes it even worse for the poor male
i wouldn't necessarily say he's super cuddly, he's more casual when it comes to that? like he loves it when you snuggle up against him and he won't hesitate to wrap his arm around you and hold you close but going all tiny and cuddly? that's just not him ig but he loves it when you get all clingy around him and he'll reward you with the cutest smile
but really, he has his own ways of showing that he's super into you. for instance, the fact that he's gepard around you instead of captain landau
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memoiich · 15 days
Hey !!!
i just wanted to ask if you could write a Captain Rex x reader where reader is a medic? Thanky you so much i really liked the last fic
(thank you for the request ❤︎︎)
In service of serenithy
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Medic!reader x Captain Rex
Wc: 1,2k
Tw: light angst and setup
Read on ao3: here!!
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It wasn't an uncommon sight anymore. Covered in cuts and quickly mended bones, troops staggered out of their ships at the coruscant plaindoc. Wayworn faces that all carried a sole sadness. Maybe they had lost friends and companions or their own blood. Your heart couldn’t help but burn for them. Yet they wore the knowledge that battle would call in a fourth night as a protective shield against their own tears. Brave beyes almost all the same color shined true.
Sure it has shocked you the first time, but after the last 4 months the med-bay got used to it. Some of your colleagues grumbled about the clone’s recklessness, others complained about their medic’s competence. The odd one here or there questions the need to heal a dying army. Almost all saw the downgrade from the hall of healing to army medic as an insult. A strange sentiment for a bunch of healers.
You put on a more welcoming face. All you cared for was to help the wounded, clone or jedi it did not matter. Both had shed blood in the endless war and both carried scar far deeper than skin.Your hands dropped to the bag on your hip. Having been taking in as a child in the halls,you had the time to create your own personal medkit. You skimmed past the bacta patches. They clearly needed more than that.
A clone like many others made his way over with a small wobble to his left leg. You quickly walked over in hope to not burden him. Before you could form a sentence he spoke panicked, “Could you please follow me our captain is in dire need” you nodded immediately.
“I tried to suture the wound as best as I could but we were running low on supplies” the man added while jogging you through the port to a white ship. As you stepped inside you noticed the trooper's medic logo on his arm. That explained why he carried the monster known as guilt with him “Sadly a common problem Sir” Your tongue cut through the claws of the beast leaving the poor medic to breath for a second.
You were brought to a chamber that looked like a very small version of the floor you worked on. By a centered bed there sat a Jedi master you presumed with his padawan. You were confused for just a second, they both looked fine. The medic next to you spoke up once again “General Skywalker, I brought the medic from the heeling halls.” “Thank you kix” as he spoke, the Jedi and his padawan both sat away from the bed. Leaving you space to slide next to the bed.
As you laid your eyes upon the man you quickly started to take the wraps of the cash on his abdomen. You were used to these kinds of injuries, blasts that were strong enough to pierce their breastplates. You opened your medical kit near your hip when a squeaky girl voice spoke up, “Is he going to be alright?” The padawan to your left asked.
You took a second to assess the damage better. “He should be” a wave of relief came over the room. Whoever this man was, he was well loved. You moved quickly cutting open the stitches Kix (as you now know) had inserted. Maker, this man was lucky, as far as you could see no vital organs were hurt. You drained the wound knowing that infection was a painful silent killer. After that, you dressed and tended to the wound. Once you were done you wiped your forehead with your sleeve.
You finally looked over to his face. He was truly lucky. His blond short hair suited him, you could not deny that he was handsome. You quickly avert your gaze to Kix. “Here” you handed him a bottle out of your pack “he should take these 2 times a day for the next 2 weeks” Kix nodded as the Jedi stood up next to him “And make sure to redress that wound every 2 days. If he doesn’t improve in 3 days bring him in straight away to the med-bay” Kix was about to turn away to what you presume store away the bottle. “Kix” his head whipped around “You did well with what you had, you should bear no guilt” you wanted him to know that. He looked a little less lost. A soft smile appeared slowly as he left the room.
“ How long would it take before he is able to work again?” The jedi to your left asked guilty. Normally who would recommend 3 weeks but you knew they didn’t have time. No one has these days. “ In a week he should be able to stand and the pain should be subdued a little” they both looked hopeful but you couldn’t send a wounded man out “ give him at least 10 days general skyewalker “ the young togruta still looked a little stressed. You gave her a reassuring smile “ he will heal and if you would be sent out before those 10 days, he’s always welcome in the halls of healing”
You took one last glance to the man’s abdomen to check your work of course. The jedi cleared his throat to catch your attention. “Uh, could you take a look at my other men?” He asked while a knowing smirk played on his lips “Of course” you answered far too fast. You walked out to go help the others who only had minor injuries.
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Rex woke up groggy. He tried to sit up straight but was held back by a stabbing pain and the sour muscles from the last 5 months of labour.A dumb reminder of an even dumber mistake. Jumping between a crossfire is as stupid as can be . Ahsoka was in the middle of a battle herself when a blast was aimed at her back. He understood that she could have parryd it easily but the risk wasn’t worth it to him.
An image of Kix Frustrated state trying to stitch him up fleshed to his mind. He pulled the blanket off him, expecting a festering wound but instead he found his stomach neatly wrapped in soft, white cotton gauze. Before he could question where those supplies even came from Ashoka rushed in.
“Rex! You’re finally awake!” She yelled excitedly as she raced past the door. He looked back up to her confused by his mended middle. Ahsoka wiggled her eyebrows “That was done by this really pretty medic.” She was about to continue when her face went a little blank “Now that I think about it she didn’t give me her name.” “Y/n” Anakin said smugly as he walked in “but that doesn’t matter. You could always go visit her in the halls of healing” Both of his commanders gushed out in fits of giggles.
Rex was even more confused than before. He knew of the healers, having accompanied Anakin on one of his many injuries. They were the top of the medical world, specifically for the Jedi. Years and years of knowledge filled those halls, when you walked past them (as Rex had done a few times) you could smell the old ink and parchment flowing by. Libraries filled with hopeful students patiently studying their teachers' brilliance with passion that could rival the jedi they so cared for .So why did they help a clone?
Rex ended up too far in his own thoughts again, he didn’t hear Anakin or Ahsoka speak or really anything for that matter. Finally he decided to lay his head back. Sleep would not quiet the storm raging in his head; it would also help his injury.
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I am going to make this a tiny series just because its set through a few weeks and otherwise it would be a lot of timeskips and past days.
I hope you enjoyed it and thank you for reading ❤︎︎
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
ok fix-it time hilary you can do this i believe in you
prompt is a classic one--Aziraphale runs after Crowley after the "i forgive you" "don't bother" exchange OR the kiss does magically work like Crowley hoped
no i am not using english grammar and spelling today my feelings are too strong
Aha. Well, I wrote this fic yesterday, but it... might not entirely qualify as fix-it. My bad. To make it up, I offer you this: technically not either of the suggested scenarios, but still something to salve the pain, set at the end of Season 3 or thereabouts.
The late afternoon light is still and weighty: golden, heavy, purposeful, the sort of light that takes up space, that polishes floorboards and sets dust motes drifting, settles on the backs of furniture and the pages of books like a sleeping cat. The sort of light that fills the room almost tangibly, that stripes the bed and spills off it to the floor like too much olive oil poured into an amphora, back in the hot white heat of the Holy Land. Since he is, of course, a being of pure light, Aziraphale can feel it in his sinews, in the core of his soul, but it almost seems... wrong. Not the light itself, but that he's still allowed to touch it. He doesn't know if he's Fallen or not, or if such trite distinctions even matter. He only knows this. Them. Now.
Aware that it is incumbent upon him to start the conversation, he clears his throat and looks at Crowley, sprawled out on the bed with a fair show of his old insouciance, but Aziraphale can sense the fragility behind the flippant smile. Crowley's black-clad legs are jauntily crossed, his shoes kicked off, his hair a particularly vibrant red against the little-used, age-yellowed lace of the pillow cover; this bed, after all, doesn't get much use in the traditional sense. Aziraphale's preferred human vice is food, not sleep, though he knows Crowley is very good at it and might have to teach him a thing or two about that, about rest. He craves it, but he doesn't know where to begin. That seems applicable to any number of things right now, but he has to start somewhere, he supposes. He just doesn't know.
"Er," Aziraphale says at last, to Crowley's increasingly-strained expectant expression. "My dear, I... I am..."
He bites his tongue. He's rarely been in this position before, knowing that he's the one who needs desperately to ask for forgiveness -- real forgiveness -- and not at all certain that it will actually be granted. It's always seemed so slick, so easy, something to toss off as easily and unthinkingly as the humans say bless you when someone sneezes, and carrying about the same spiritual or emotional depth. Aziraphale feels mortifyingly ashamed of it, of himself. He shuffles his feet, twisting the hem of his waistcoat between his fingers. At last, to the carpet, he says, "I'm so very, very sorry. I've been an absolutely dreadful ninny, and I don't... I don't know if you can forgive me, but..."
"Angel." Crowley's voice is rough. "Bloody look at me, would you?"
Half-fearing to be dissolved by infernal hellfire on the spot, but knowing that he deserves it, Aziraphale looks up.
It's hard to read Crowley's expression, even more than usual. The glasses are off, but his slitted amber eyes are opaque, careful, wary, not quite sure what this is or what's going to come of it. The dead-silent moments that follow, as he weighs up his options, are among the very worst of Aziraphale's entire unending life. Then Crowley fractionally shifts his weight, opening up a spot on the bed next to him, a silent invitation. He doesn't say anything. Using their words tends to backfire tremendously, even if they need to get used to it. He just looks. He just waits.
After all this time, after everything, Aziraphale finally doesn't hesitate. In fact, he almost trips over himself as he blunders across the floor, falls onto the squeaking old mattress, and clambers into Crowley's arms. Crowley wraps them both around him with fierce, ferocious, furious strength, pulling Aziraphale down next to him, Aziraphale's softer, rounder corporal form fitting neatly into the hard lines and lean angles of Crowley's. Aziraphale rests his head on the bare triangle of throat where Crowley's shirt is unbuttoned, burrows his face into the sharp cleanness of Crowley's collarbone, and becomes belatedly, embarrassingly aware that he's crying. It seems beneath the dignity of a (possibly-ex?) Principality, but he doesn't think he can stop. He just wants to lie here and clutch onto Crowley for literally dear life, to mourn for all the time they've missed, for the simple, unbearable, shocking, agonizing, perfectly exquisite pleasure of holding his love close. "I'm so sorry," he says again, struggling not to let his voice crack too extravagantly. "Dreadful ninny. Absolutely dreadful."
"You were doing what you thought was right. What you needed to do to stop the Apocalypse, just... differently." Crowley's voice turns distant, his fingers absently stroking Aziraphale's hair. It feels strange and shocking and quite, quite lovely. "Can't really tell you off for that, can I? After all, I'm a demon. What do I know about doing good?"
"Hush," Aziraphale says, primly and a little watery. "Now you know that's not true."
Crowley lifts his head and regards Aziraphale for a long moment. He doesn't answer, just thinks about it. "All right," he allows, at deliberate length. "Maybe a little. I'm still very mad at you, though."
"I do understand." Aziraphale nestles again, and Crowley doesn't stop him. "But perhaps, even if I have no real right to ask it, you can... you might... one day think about... f-forgiving me?"
His voice trembles and squeaks. It takes all the courage in him, even more than when he stood up to the full hosts of Heaven and told them no, no more, not ever again, but he looks Crowley in the eye. He tries not to look too expectant, or too arrogant. He waits.
Crowley, for his part, looks mildly flabbergasted. He makes one of those incoherent nnngh noises that he resorts to whenever he finds himself at a loss for words, and shakes his head. "Idiot," he says, very softly. "Of course I bloody forgive you. Of course. Now if you -- "
He doesn't get to finish his sentence. That's because Aziraphale likewise screws up every drop of courage, takes hold of Crowley's collar, and lowers his head, terrified that he's about to muck it up. But Crowley just looks at him like he's luminous, like the light is still in him and he is the light itself, and tips his head just that bit, in order to settle their lips together.
The kiss is long and slow, soft and sweet. Crowley's hand flutters up to rest in the wild white tufts of Aziraphale's hair, and Aziraphale -- somewhat in terrified awe at his own daring -- nibbles experimentally on Crowley's lip. He's quite bad at it, but neither of them care, or can think about anything else, or do anything but heave short sharp breaths, half-laughs, muffled sobs. When they finally pull apart, Aziraphale says anxiously, "I hope it wasn't very awful?"
"Oh." Crowley's eyes are half-lidded, and in the sunlight, he too looks as if he is burning like a beacon, brighter than his favorite stars. The affection in his voice is greater than the wings of heaven or the reaches of hell, the heights of the sky or the depths of the sea, and his smile outshines them all. "Absolutely terrible."
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sleepingasimdead · 9 days
This post covers two topics. First, the common types of "magic books" and second my personal advice for when making your own. The "read more" includes a link to a tutorial and the amino post I am quoting myself from.
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Books of Shadows, Grimoires, & Books of Mirrors
Modernly these terms are often used interchangeably for personal spellbooks/witchcraft based journals; however, originally they had three distinct meanings.
I originally read about the differences in my moms older books circa late 80s - late 90s.
Books of Shadows:
First, the term you are likely to encounter most often. A Book of Shadows (BoS) was originally specifically a Wiccan term in reference to a shared book containing spells, rituals, basic theory, and associations. It was meant to be used as a reference and teaching tool between a Coven as well as a place to record Coven specific practices. Usually, the High Priest(ess) would look after, control what is added to, and control who has access to this book. It was not shared with people outside of the Coven and was considered a sacred object. With the rise of solitary practice valued over Coven based practice, the term has lost its Coven, and often Wiccan, associations.
Next, Grimoire was originally in reference to a personal book of spells, theory, and associations that had a textbook or cookbook tone of writing. This term is older and doesn’t have religious connotations and is usually used as a reference or teaching tool. This was basically a Witches recipe book. However, it was still usually in a more neutral to formal format.
Books of Mirrors:
Lastly, a Book of Mirrors. This term is not as popular as the other two despite, modernly, being what many people have and are actually referencing when they say BoS. The term is in reference to a journal outlining or recording a person’s experiences and path in relation to witchcraft. This book was highly personal but was not required to be kept secret. 
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As mentioned before, these terms are modernly used interchangeably due to people just having one book that is more of a mix of all three. They range from a fancy homemade leatherbound book to a cheap planner, there are no specific rules on their construction or what a Practitioner puts in them and not everyone calls their Witchcraft book by any of these terms.
It is usually a very personal item, and so each person has their own rules for it. There are many theories behind the item ranging from it being sacred and having magic of its own to its significance being rooted more in a personal nature.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Dead's Advice for When You are Making Your Grimoire, Book of Shadows, Book of Mirrors, and/or Magical Tome(s)
The Materials
As tempting as buying a really pretty stylized notebook is, they simply rarely work well if what you want is equally stylized pages. They are too easy to mess up, misplace, run out of space, and tend to be expensive.
Instead try binders + laminate pockets. Binders allow you to remove and reorganize pages. This eliminates the pressure of making the page perfect the first time and lets you remove out of date info with ease. Stylizing is made so much easier when you can safely remove pages.
Not to mention the pockets allow for you to include things like pressed plants with 0 risk of destroying your whole book thanks to rot, protect your pages from water damage, and make making "secret pages" much easier, allows you to make pages digitally first. You can personalize binders with fabric, paper machete, cardboard, hot glue, wood, clay, etc.
Personally, I made 3 "book sleeve bags" out of scrap leather and fabric that allow me to switch up the style and determine how many pockets are necessary that day. On top of just making an embroidered cover and gluing it to the cover of the binder.
The Writing
• Always write full notes before you even open your book and then condense the info like you would if you were rewriting notes for test/exam purposes to act as your Rough Draft.
• Don't use hard to read/made up script unless you are fluent in it. Elsewise the book becomes 20× harder to actually use.
• Make a laminate sheet for base "step by step" sheets for things like sigils or spellmaking and pair with dry erase to make it easier on the environment when you make new ones. Then if they work give them their own page.
• Try to keep one topic / subtopic to a couple of pages and succinct.
The Art
• Do any motifs or small artwork first and then use a tracing method to add to your book so that it can be consistent.
• Section out space on the page for large artwork/diagrams before writing, but don't do them until after you have written your text.
• Try using tracing paper / see-through sticky notes for any 3d diagrams. Diagrams as watermarks are also a good idea. Or if you don't intend to make a Symbarium section you can make them into watermarks as well.
• Don't be afraid to "hide" diagrams behind things like stickinotes + flaps to mixinmize possible text.
OG Amino Post:
Below is a quick tutorial video on making fabric covers with handles that I actually used myself (although I adjusted my measurements to fit a large binder). However, tbh you can find quite a few on youtube, as well as tutorials on making your own binder.
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brightdarkness-2013 · 22 days
It was difficult to make out with the rain pouring down on me so I crept closer. If it was another opossum I was going to be pissed. Those things had been ripping open bags of garbage for us to clean up in the morning. And it wasn’t enough to rip it open, they were practically tossing it around the yard.
Chapter 1: Opossum?
The rain that I had foolishly hoped would be gone by the time that our show was over had decided that it would not only stick around, but simply pour harder. And as we stared out at it, instruments over our shoulders and held closely in our hands, we knew that there would be no escaping mother nature’s wrath today. No matter how long we waited. A sigh left my lips. The sun that had shone brightly all day had not bothered to hint at this outcome. Five percent chance of rain my ass.
“I really wish that I brought an umbrella. Or had the sense to bring the case for this thing.” Blaster spoke up next to me, his bass shifting from his shoulder to be held to his chest in preparation.
“You and me both.”
I had no doubt that Ray was going to be calling a cab to keep his keyboard safe. That was a smart idea, but the fact that I didn’t live too far from here would make it a bit of a waste. Blaster on the other hand didn’t live quite so close to this place.
“You seriously gonna walk it?”
“I’m debating.”
“May as well come home with me then.”
“That’d be good.”
“Streets are flooded.”
“We could get a cab.”
“We could.”
“Are we?”
“Don’t think so.”
“Smart people would.”
“I know.”
Neither of us moved. We both knew that we were just stalling. But we kept it up anyway. We hadn’t a clue how long it would last for. Sure when it pours hard it doesn’t last very long, however there was no telling how long it would go for with how dark the sky was. It could be a few minutes or an hour more. The street lights were hazy orbs in the distance and without the moons light it was quite dark. Wanting to get it over with I bolted out from under our cover and calling out quickly.
“See you at home!”
“You’re going to slip and die!” Came the answering call.
I kept my head down as I ran as if that would somehow protect me from the rain. I silently counted at each corner. One block. Two. Three. I was going to be drenched by the time I reached home and I was going to be so happy to step into a warm shower before bed. A rumble of thunder overhead. Another block. When I finally turned to run up the stairs and into my apartment I paused, nearly slipping and falling into the mud. Under the wooden staircase where my downstairs neighbors and I left our trash bins was a white creature. It was difficult to make out with the rain pouring down on me so I crept closer. If it was another opossum I was going to be pissed. Those things had been ripping open bags of garbage for us to clean up in the morning. And it wasn’t enough to rip it open, they were practically tossing it around the yard. When I caught it in the act it had the gaul to play dead like I hadn’t even seen it. Then when I tried to shoo it away it snarled at me and bolted. Our attempts at catching it never panned out so we tended to throw things at it hoping that it would get the hint that it wasn’t wanted. It hadn’t been seen in a few weeks thankfully.
Cautiously I bent down to peer into the space between the bins. It was a cat. Skinny and covered in dirt. Its paws were almost black with mud. Well shit. What was I supposed to do with that? Should I just leave it? Feral cats were dangerous and very rarely did domestication work out. The least I could do was give it something to eat. I had some leftover chicken from the other night. A little bit of that should do. I withdrew from the unconscious animal and moved up the stairs and into the top part of the home that had been remodeled into two separate apartments. I took a second to set my guitar down on the couch and wonder whether or not I should heat up the chicken in the microwave or leave it cold. Glancing out side I decided that having a warm meal would do more good. Thirty seconds in the microwave it was.
As I headed down the stairs I blinked and looked up as the rain ceased. Well how about that? I kneeled before the creature and set the small dish down. The little ting that it made on gravel made it jolt out of whatever restless doze it was in. The cat hissed at me, deep ice blue eyes staring me down. When I made no move it bolted behind and around the recycling bin before escaping over the fence and into the next yard. I breathed a sigh and left the dish there in case it came back. The following afternoon revealed that something had eaten the free meal. I really hoped it wasn’t that fucking opossem.
I had taken to leaving food out for it and each time I came out to take the dish all of it was gone. Then one evening I saw the cat again. It stood at the side of the shared garage and stared. So it was the cat that was taking the meal. Thank God. I walked forward a few steps and set the small bowl of ham down and stepped back. I sat on the steps when it made no move. We simply sat there and watched each other for a long while. Then it took a step forward. Then another. Slowly it approached and ate. It never took its eyes off of me so I did the same. Then when it finished it disappeared into the night. I wasn’t sure, but was this what it was like to bond with a cat? I’d have to ask Blaster.
I ran through the storm in search of shelter. The past few months had not been fruitful when it came to food or luck. Larger beasts had moved into my home forcing me to find another. I had no desire to fight something that was so much larger than I. Creatures my own size were trouble enough. Unfortunately that also meant that my previous hunting and scavenging grounds were no longer options either. With no other choice I moved on. My search found me nothing but more trouble. I was chased out of others territory. Challenged as it was believed that my intrusion was on purpose.
I hurt. My stomach was empty. I wanted nothing more than to rest, but this storm had proved my temporary shelter wasn’t good enough. So I ran and squeezed into the first dry space I came across. It was damp, but it was far better than being under the full weight of the storm. Cold and exhausted I lay to rest and wait out the storm.
I was ripped from my sleep by a foreign sound. I backed further into my shelter and glared at the threat. A large predator. One species that roamed the lands as far as the eye could see. The scent of food had filled the area as I came to a sudden conclusion. It lived here. I had made an awful mistake. Using the nearest escape route I fled, thankful the rain had ceased at least. I hid and listened as it finally moved. But it didn’t give chase. I peeked through gaps in my hiding place. It went up and disappeared, leaving the food to waste.
Well if it was going to leave it there unguarded then I would take it and teach it a lesson. Leaving your meals unguarded was stupid. However my lessons weren’t going through it seemed. Each night it left its catch unguarded and each night I’d claim it. It was pathetic. No matter how much I took it never learned. I’d have to give it a more obvious lesson. So one night as it left its food I made myself obvious. It watched me and then sat down. It Watched me. It didn’t seem to be connecting the dots yet so I moved toward it slowly. One step at a time. Trying to get it to understand. But it didn’t even move when I started eating. With my meal finished I disappeared into the bushes.This lesson didn’t even phase it. What was wrong with it? Did no one teach it anything on how to survive. I couldn’t very well leave it on its own like this. It would starve. Looks like finding a new home was going to have to be put off for awhile.
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howtofightwrite · 2 years
I've been mulling over how to give mermaids guns. Underwater combat is three dimensional and the water pressure around you is different from air pressure. There are modern guns that people claim can be fired under water, and with the supernatural elements of the setting i can very much invent a reason for why these guns are fine in water. The one thing im troubled with is what guns would be practical, and how they would be used in combat. Do you guys have any ideas?
So, Glock liked to advertise that you could fire their handguns underwater. That's technically true, but it's more of a marketing thing than a practical option. The “real,” danger that they were discussing was if a barrel is partially obstructed by water. For example, if you need to use your handgun, and have been running around in the rain, or worse, if you've accidentally dropped your gun in the mud and retrieved it. They were saying was that the gun would still operate safely under those conditions. You could have rainwater in the barrel and still shoot someone without a catastrophic failure.
So, this a major problem for most guns? Well, no. Or at least, not normally. Back in the 80s, polymer frame handguns were new and not widely understood. The Glock was characterized as a, “plastic gun.” You can even see this in contemporary media portraying the Glock as being able to pass through metal detectors because, “it's plastic.” (In reality, over 80% of the weight of an unloaded Glock 17 is steel.)
Now, the firearms market (and this applies to civilian, military, and law enforcement purchasers) tends to be extremely technologically conservative. Reliability is paramount, and any design innovation that could be perceived as a reliability issue (at least without offering something extremely enticing as a trade-off) will struggle to find buyers. While I've never heard an official statement on the subject, I suspect that Glock's advertising of the pistol's durability had more to with overcoming it's reputation as, “a plastic gun.” Even with that campaign, it still took them 15-20 years, with wide-scale law enforcement and military contracts, to fully shake that reputation.
The problem with firing a gun underwater isn't that it won't work; it's that the bullet's not going to go very far. Usually less than 2 meters. Even CAV-X rounds, which are designed to operate underwater tend to have an effective range of around 60m. Water creates an immense amount of friction on the bullet, and unless you're basically using the gun as a melee weapon (or using some very cutting edge rounds), the projectile isn't going to reach its target.
So, what are the options?
I don't know where you're going with Mermaids, but if you're digging into Atlantis myth, then there's always orichalcum, the mythical mountain gold from which the island derived its wealth. Often times orichalcum is described as possessing magical properties. (As far as I can remember, it was just a mundane, if rare, ore in Plato's original description. It's elevation to a magical material came later. So there's no consistency on what this could allow. But, magically hydrophobic bullets that have an orichalcum tip, are not any more fantastical than mermaids.)
Of course, if you're running with, Atlantis, Lemuria, or any other lost continent myth, then already have a justification for technology that is literally thousands of years more advanced than what you'll find on the surface. So, some kind of high energy, light based, weapon wouldn't be off the table. You might even be able to use something like a focused sonic shock gun, to use the water density itself to remotely deliver a kinetic impact on the target.
As for how you would use guns in a three dimensional space, you'd need to remember that up and down exist. Some concepts like cover and concealment would remain unaltered. But, engagements in open water could be extremely dangerous, as there may not be anything to protect you for, literally, miles in any direction. Once you get past that point, it starts to spiral out into full world building. Asking questions like what does warfare look like, when the most direct route between two points may be a vast void of nothingness, with no place to hide? Conversely, if they tend to stick close to the sea bed, then it's not going to be that different from conventional warfare, except for the part where they can freely move up and down to make use of available terrain and structures with combat, potentially, taking place across any surface.
There's a lot of potential, but most of it will be in creating a new world, and deciding the kinds of characters which inhabit it.
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redheadspark · 1 year
Can we get #15 for September prompts w Jack Russell and fem reader?
A/N - Thanks for requesting this, Anon!
Summary - You know how to tend to Jack when he needs it the most.
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Warnings - Just some fluff :)
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“Jack?  You in here honey?”
At first, your heard nothing in your tiny home, the lights were dimmed in the living room and the fire in the fireplace barely had any live flames in it.  You saw the duffle bag that he would use for his Lycanthropy tossed on the loveseat couch in front of you, already opened with some things ruffled about inside.  It was giving you a small red flag in your mind, maybe thinking that his last session out in the woods did not go well.  
He texted you earlier that day that he was on his way back, not giving you a clear sign that things went great or horrible.  Usually in his tests, he would give you one or two sentences, but this one was only a handful of short words.  So you knew then that something was wrong.  But of course, he said nothing else in his text, making you worry over him the rest of the day while you were at work.
Now that you were home, you were going to check in on him.
“Jack?” You called again, placing your purse on the kitchen counter and looking around for any signs of harm or danger.  But there was none, and now you were more confused. 
“Amor?” You heard a tentative voice in the direction of the bedroom down the hallway.  It wasn’t an urgent tone, nor was it casual and laid back.  It seemed more drained, almost uneven as you walked down the hallway instantly to the source of the voice.  Pushing the bedroom door open, you froze at the sight and you grinned from ear to ear.  
Jack, in a small little ball, under the blankets on your massive bed.
“Oh, Jack,” You hummed, closing the door behind you and toeing off your shoes as Jack’s head was poking up from being under the blankets. His hair was disheveled and his face already looked drained.  You could truly tell that he was out of it, even with his eyes looking a bit glazed over and his breath sounding off, “What happened?”
“It was exhausting,” he sighed as you sat on the side of the bed, reaching out to run your fingers in his hair to bring him some sense of comfort, Although you could tell he had no energy left in him, he was still looking rather adorable under the covers and looking at you with his puppy dog eyes.  Jack always looked innocent enough and nonthreatening, his eyes and the smile alone made him seem like such a model citizen.  And he was when he wasn’t transforming into a werewolf or hunting monsters around the world.  To you, he had such an old soul trapped in his own body that made him youthful and kind to others.  Jack can make the most mundane action look so innocent.
Like now, being under the covers.
“I have more energy left in me after taking down that monster,” He admitted as you were still caressing his hair, “The client was glad though that I did the job, and we have enough money for the vacation we both wanted,”
“We could have gone on the vacation without that money, Jack.” You reminded him soothingly, “So now that you’re done with that job, you get to have some sleep, okay?  Did you shower yet?”
“Was too tired to shower,” Jack grumbled as you chuckled.
“I’ll get a shower going and make you some tea.  You find some comfy pajamas and get ready for the shower, use that lavender salts that I got you, got it?” You asked him, seeing him smile and nod his head while you pushed yourself up from the bed.  Shrugging off your jacket to hang, you walked into the bathroom and got the water running.  After that, you made it to the kitchen to get the kettle going and fish out the right tea bag for Jack.  
There were times when he could come home with a pep in his step, the job going very well and plenty of softies to tell you.  Other times they went south, Jack sporting a new cut or bruise here and there and really not wishing to talk about it.  You were willing to give him space when he needed space, and you held out your arms when you knew he needed a hug.  All you could do was trust that Jack would not push himself over the edge.
Once the water was boiling and the tea bag was already taken effect in the mug, you made your way back to the bedroom to see Jack coming out of the shower in fresh pajamas, looking 10 times better.  He saw you with the mug in hand, breaking out into a grin as you handed it to him.
“Drink, it’s your favorite,” You urged him as you both walked back to the bed.  Both you and Jack sat side by side against the headboard, you draped the blankets over the pair of you as he was taking small sips from the still-hot tea.  You could breathe in the lavender salt on his skin, feeling a bit better that he was now taking care of himself.  
“Tell me about your day?” Jack asked you as you rested your head on his shoulder.  You giggled as he smiled, “What, I wish to know what was going on at work?”
“Compared to what you went through this past weekend?  It’s a bit mundane, don’t you think?” You asked him back as he rolled his eyes.
“I like hearing about your work, helps me take a break from what I go through with monsters,” He admitted as he reached down to lace your arms together, his fingers tracing shapes along your skin.  You loved that about Jack, how he would wish to hear all about your office desk job and the office drama that happened.  When you would ask about his monster hunting job, he wouldn’t want to give too many details because of how graphic it would be.  So for him to want to hear about your boss, and co-workers, it both surprised you and made your day at the same time.  
“Well Sara, the co-worker I told you about, she’s actually seeing some new guy…” You were explaining some of the new gossip with Jack while he was sipping his tea, listening to every word you were saying, and staying attentive.  You could sense he was getting sleepy as you were telling your story, but you knew he wasn’t going to have you stop then and there.  So you went on, noticing how he was finishing his tea and placing the mug on the nightstand before his eyes were starting to droop.
Finally, after another good 15 minutes of chatting together and talking about the upcoming weekend, You and Jack finally went to sleep.  There was no more exhaustion on his face, just the simple need of slumber on his cheeks and being his eyelids as he wrapped you in his arms and you both were out cold within a minute of the lights being turned off.
The End
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September Prompt Session
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bethelctpride · 7 months
Accessibility site checklist
I was on a panel this weekend about logistics for Pride celebrations and was specifically doing the part about accessibility. This is the checklist I use for a site visit beforehand.
This is used to prep two things
a FAQ about the site
a list of things To Do before the event
The FAQ means that anybody on team has access to detailed information about site right away. We usually put the most common information right in the event announcement descriptions, but the less common ones might be a linked page or an "ask for details" if it's a complicated answer or involves something we had to address Day Of.
The To Do list is broken into two things, one, annoy the venue owner to fix and two, day of fixes. For example, the venue we use had a wheelchair ramp that went up to a heavy, manual pull door. Whomp whomp. So close to accessible! So every time I saw people involved in renovations for building, I annoyed them about the "how's that coming, that's gonna have a power assist, right?" and it FINALLY HAPPENED. But meantime, day of, we stationed a volunteer there that opened the door and answered wayfinding questions for people like "how do I get from here to the bathroom?" (there were signs we added as well, but that was the backup)
Sometimes if the site visit reveals too many problems, you should just pick a different venue!
This was set up as a two page, printable list for the event, but here's a GDOC where you can download a copy for yourself and add more things! Or just use it to make a FAQ about sites you're using. I can guarantee I missed some things that might be relevant for your particular disability because I don't know everything to look for. But it covers a lot of the most common things you need to know for a location! the GDOC allows comments if you want to suggest stuff I should look for.
Wheelchair checklist
If it passes on all counts for a wheelchair, it should also be fine for strollers, walkers, rollators, cane users, or crutch users. 
Is there a ramp? If so, where is it? How do you get from this door to other points in the building? Is there signage showing how to do so?
Doors are power assist yes/no.  If not, which direction do they open? Is there enough space for a wheelchair user to open the door and still have the chair on a stable surface? You need a 3’ X 3’ space to be able to turn a wheelchair.
Are all bathrooms accessible or only some? Make sure the sink and hand dryer are also reachable. Is there signage pointing to accessible restrooms?
Are thresholds raised more than a half inch yes/no (no is good)
Are tables or counters at a height accessible to wheelchair users?
How wide are the doorways? Note anything less than 32”. You may need an alternate route to get between spaces if they are smaller. Make sure to measure with the door open, to account for any problems fully opening the door.
Is there an elevator & is there signage pointing to it?
If a stage is in use, is it accessible?
Check outdoor surfaces are level and intact. Note surfaces other than asphalt/concrete. Cobble tends to be very difficult to travel over. If possible, observe when snow has fallen to see which surfaces are regularly cleared or not
Where is the curb cut and does it flood during heavy rain? Is it plowed?
For any temporary structures, find a weight limit. A power chair may weigh 1000 pounds with the user in it!
Is a gender neutral or family restroom available? Does directional signage point to it when you enter an area?
Can the door be operated one handed or by someone in a wheelchair?
How high is the sink? Can it be used by a wheelchair user or child?
Where is the changing table and is it clearly labeled where it is?
Is there any seating in the bathroom?
Are menstrual products available?
Is there an emergency pull cord in the bathroom? Make sure the cord is NOT tied to the grab bar and reaches the floor!
How close is this to a public transit stop? Does the transit run during the event? 
What is the condition of the sidewalk between the transit stop and venue? Check curb cuts and condition of surfaces. Check for obstacles that may make the sidewalk too narrow for a wheelchair. 
Is there signage by the transit stop pointing to your venue?
Is their signage at your venue pointing to the transit stop?
Do curb cuts at the venue have a different textured plate on them?
Where is handicapped parking compared to the entrance you are using? Is there signage by the parking indicating where the entrance is if it is not visible?
If there are multiple entrances to parking, is the one that leads to handicapped parking clearly labeled?
Is there a bike rack?
Are there flashing lights some or all of the time?
Are there fluorescent lights? Can they be swapped for a different bulb type?
Is there background noise that makes hearing conversation difficult?
What type of flooring is in this venue? Hard or soft surface?
Are there sudden, intermittent loud noises?
Is food present here?  Does the food contain any common allergens?
Are there any strong non-food scents associated with the venue?
Are non-service animals allowed or present?
Is alcohol served?
Are drugs of any type present?
Is there seating for anyone over 250lbs?
Is there secluded seating away from noise or general line of sight?
Is there a sharps container anywhere on site? Is there signage pointing to it?
Is there an AED on site? Where is it? Is there signage pointing to it?
Is there a first aid kit on site? Where is it? Is there signage pointing to it?
More about what some of these items MEAN, why they're here, and some of the solutions for common issues.
You may not from the wording here (where I had limited space) that there's no explanation of WHY this is here, or what you're supposed to do about it. Also some of this is not necessarily aimed at people with obvious disabilities, just people that may have trouble interacting with the environment for some reason.
Signage questions- a resource you can't find is USELESS. this is why there's so much emphasis on signage. Signage doesn't help folks that can't read the sign due to language barriers or sight troubles. You still may need humans stationed at confusing spots to answer questions for these folks.
Signs should be as CLEAR AS POSSIBLE. A black and white sign with foot tall letters that says PARKING and an arrow is way more effective than themed signage you can't read. Signs are to convey info. If theming interferes with conveying info, function wins.
Even a place that's overall good still may need additional day-of signage if you will have some areas blocked off or people enter from a direction other than the building designer planned for. Or if you have significant number of folks attending that speak a language other than that used on the venue's signage.
Bathrooms- a lot if covered under wheelchairs, but there's specific concerns here for other users. We solve the menstrual products problem by put a bag on the counter in every restroom with menstrual supplies AND basic first aid items.
You may be able to ignore the things related to children at age restricted events.
TRANSIT- if you can't get there to start with, it doesn't matter if the inside is accessible. if you're US based, a car might be a necessity, but if you have a choice between a venue by public transit vs one away from it,pick the one with transit. You just potentially opened up attendance to a lot of people that don't drive for some reason (disability, minors, economic). and advertise its by the transit!
OTHER CONCERNS- most of these are related to sensory processing issues. some of these you can solve day of with some noise reduction stuff or just offering earplugs on site. Some you just need to let people know "this is a thing" so they can make their own preparations ahead of time.
Sometimes just knowing there is an issue may mean someone doesn't attend... but it's better to know than come and leave due to a bad surprise. Focus on who your core group attending this event is and make sure they can use it.
sometimes you simply can't make it accessible to everyone due to conflicting access needs. The group that couldn't get full access this time gets to be the priority a different time. This is extremely frustrating for both organizers and attendees when there's a conflict, but sometimes all you can do is go "we see the conflict, we can't resolve it without prioritizing, so we are focusing on core group attending. We'll focus on your group at a different event where we can solve this issue."
Weight limit for seating. this is sometimes really hard to figure out, you may need to ask the venue owner about it. They may also never have considered it! this might become a permanent fix at site. It might be you bring in heavy duty temporary seating. if you rent seating, ask the rental place too!
sharps containers you may be able to obtain for free from your local health department. Ask! The last thing you want is someone coming into contact with a needle in the trash. It's better to have it and not need it, than have a problem.
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bluewavesofchange · 2 months
The guardians of the Pharaoh
Sea and shadows: the Queens of the abyss
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I don't own Yugioh or it's characters
Mentions of intense violence and blood. Have to say this has to be some of the gruesome I've ever written...hope you enjoy.
Chapter 2
Eons ago…
In a dark fortress that gloomed in the distance, a dark mist surrounding its parapets making it seem like a storm was hanging low on the structure. The land surrounding it was devoid of life, cracks decorating the ground like a crooked mosaic, the magic sucked from the depths to feed the magicians that roamed the area. The fortress carved out of black stone with purple flakes amongst the rock, thrumming like a slow heartbeat. Cages holding corpses and half dead creatures handing from the 6 towers surrounding the castle like building, their wails for freedom (whether for death or escape remained to be seen) filled the air as they were devoured alive by small raven like beasts with a hunger for flesh.
Down below was an open courtyard with different items used for training and magic filled the area, normally well-kept and pristine with everything in order as everyone tended to use this space and today was no exception as the sound of metal clanging, grunts and blasts of power filled the space. In the centre of the arena was a young girl no older than 13…she was wearing leather armour and long red hair was tied back in a loose pony tail. Her hands were cover in fine elegant markings and her fingers were blackened from magic use…this was Rozu…much older now and having done nothing but training since she was small. She was currently fighting off a group of warrior wizards, a special brand of fighter created by her father Lord Yomi who was standing on one the balconies watching his daughter.
He didn’t care much for her except for what she could do for him. He had hoped for a hybrid child, a creature that could match up to the Siren that fought on the side of the dragons and the warriors. He had thought that Rozu would be another disappointment, a weakling who would fall in battle like many of his other fighters…but she had shown some potential. Her proficiency in magic was…acceptable to say the least. She was able to use spells at an early age, able to summon even the smallest of shadows since the age of 5. The girl had potential but it needed to be trained and harnessed…to turn her into a dark lord like Yomi himself…and once she had used up her usefulness, he would devour her soul and gain her power.
Rozu had been at this for several hours now, since the moment she had woken up. Her muscles were aching and becoming stiff from the strenuous continuous movements as she swung her spear around at her opponents, either to pierce their flesh, slice at them or send blasts of dark energy at them. But even her magic was drained at this point. Her fathers’ training was relentless. He made her earn her right for food and water, she need to prove she deserved it and if she failed him in even the smallest way she would end up on the training grounds running drills till she collapsed from pure exhaustion and even then he would dump cold water on her to awaken her just so that she could get back to training.
She didn’t understand why she was doing all this. Her father had always been secretive about his motives…never speaking to her and simply giving her commands on what to do. He never even taught her personally, he delegated that to his second in command. He always watched her from a distance and never intervened (unless it was to drag her back to her feet when she had collapsed). Rozu hated the man. She knew the only thing that connected them was that he was the sperm donor that gave her life. He made her life a living hell and made her fight her very life every single day, making her bleed and use up every ounce of her strength just for something he wanted her to attain…she had never even left the fortress since the day she was brought into this world. She had seen glimpses of the outside world…a shining light in the distance, glowing with life and a hope for something better…something she wanted to see someday when she escaped this hell hole…
Rozu ducked a warrior swung his sword at her, nearly taking off her head. Her skin was covered with sweat, several cuts and abrasions covering her arms and legs, a gash running down the side of her temple, dried blood covering the side of her face. She stabbed him in the thigh with her spear, driving it in deep till it was sticking the other side, making the man lose balance and fall to the ground with a yell of pain, black purplish blood gushing from his leg. She yanks her weapon out and twirled it around and raised it over her head, ready to end him. However…she hesitated…for a split second she hesitated because despite everything she hated taking a life. It didn’t feel right. Life was a sacred thing, a gift given to every person that came into existence. She found it distasteful to kill anyone even if her father forced her to do it repeatedly. It was expected of her to take a life…they were nothing but tools to use or weaklings in her father’s way for glory.
In that second of hesitation a warrior came up behind her and thrusted his sword through her side, piercing her skin, muscles and tendons, barely missing several vital organs as the metal blade stuck out her stomach. A gasp of pain leaving her lips as a spike of pain flooded through her at being impaled. The man lifts his leg and shoves her over his blade, sending her falling to the ground, dropping her spear. Blood comes pouring from the massive wound in her side, soaking the dusty ground. She didn’t have time to press her hand to it to stop the bleeding because the warrior was ready to attack her again, raising his sword to send her. She covered her head with her arms to brace herself but the end never came…
She heard the man gasp loudly, her arms lowering and her eyes widening as she saw her father standing behind the man, his long clawed fingers around the fighters neck, crushing his wind pipe, his nails piercing his skin, ripping into his flesh…Yomi’s fist just closing further and further as the fight gasped for air. The next second the dark magician thrusted his hand threw the man’s chest, the fighters still beating heart in his palm, blood splattering across the faces of the other warriors and his daughter. He glares at the girl on the ground as she looks up at him with shock and fear…speaking to her in a dark cruel voice, “Pathetic.” He closed his fists around the man’s throat, his vertebra snapping and his head falling off, landing at Rozu’s feet, the warrior’s dead unmoving eyes staring into her very soul.
Lord Yomi dropped the man’s corpse and turned to the other fighters, “Dismissed.” He growls. The men bow and leave, not even caring that one of their own had just been brutally killed by their ruler. Rozu manages to stand up, holding her bleeding side; she could tell her father was angry… “F-father I--” before she could finish her back hands her across her face, sending her falling to the ground again as she winces. He steps forward and steps on the girls wound, pressing his heel into the tender flesh, blood squirting out of the deep cut, getting on his black leather boots. She screamed on pain as she grabbed his leg to try and shove him off but he simply lifted his other leg and kicked her in the face, her head being thrown back and hitting the ground as s sicken crack fills the air…blood gushing from her nose as she looks tearfully up at her father, her vision blurring as he leans over her.
A nasty snarl covers the man’s face, his golden eyes ablaze with rage, “You better listen well girl, there are two types of beings in the world: those that devour and those that get devoured. You best decide quickly which side you are on because right now you aren’t even worth being the dirty under my boot.” He spits in her face as he steps back and raises his arm, summoning a number of large shadow like beasts, their mouths snarling at Rozu, their sharp black teeth on display, purple drool running down their chins. “You can go for healing once you’ve destroyed every one of these creatures…if not, you will be their food.” He turned and disappeared into the shadows and reappeared on the balcony, “Begin!” He shouts as the beasts charge at Rozu. She quickly grabbed her spear and despite the agonizing pain she was in and the fact that she was bleeding profusely, she fought through every single one of them…promising that she would be the one to devour one day and she would start with her bastard of a father.
Back in the present, in the virtual world to be specific.
Noah was sitting in his large revolving chair surrounded by screens, several of them showing the locations he had dumped his hostages. He didn’t much care for the majority of them, they were nothing more than pawns in his plans and bodies for the Big 5 who agreed to help him if he found a way to get them new bodies. His main focus was the Kaiba brothers, Seto to be specifically. He had stolen everything from him, his father, his life, the company that was meant to be his, even his name. He had the life that was meant to be Noah’s and the green haired kid was going to get it back while destroying Seto Kaiba and stealing everything he held dear, leaving him in this virtual prison for the rest of eternity.
He watched as his victims started to awaken, all of them having been split up. Yugi was on his own in the middle of the woods as well as Serenity. Joey was on his own on side of a castle while Duke and Tristian were trapped together in another part of the castle, but the 3 friends would never find each other. Seto and Mokuba were together out in the forest and Tea was on her own in the middle of a canyon. Each place was chosen specifically for the teens to face on of the Big 5, well except the Kaiba brothers, they were Noah’s to toy with. But what of Lillian? Well the green haired boy had chosen a special place for her.
He knew exactly who she was; he had been watching Seto and examining his life closely since he took over Kaiba Corp, having been able to hack into the buildings security system was child’s play (even after Seto had put his own system into place). Noah had seen the girl in the office building on several occasions and her interactions with Seto every time she was there (including the intimate moments they had behind the closed of his office {and before anyone says anything, despite Noah’s youth appearance he is close to Seto’s age and no one can tell me different [plus I’m pretty sure most dudes have seen some kind of porn]}). It was very clear that the two of them had close relationship…he had overheard it when Yugi had confronted Seto about him hitting his sister (which how interesting that the one person who was able to beat the teen in a duel was the younger brother of the girl he loved. Noah found that rather hilarious, plus he two more thing he could use to turn Lillian against Seto just like he was planning to do with Mokuba) but this may be a little more difficult than Noah thought as it would seem that the couple had reconciled after everything that happened.
Still if Noah pushed the right buttons he could drive Seto and Lillian apart and making the teen suffer for stealing his life from him.
He pulled up the screen displaying the raven haired girl; he had placed her on an isolated island in the middle of the ocean in his digital world, far away from any of her friends and brother and her bean pole of a lover boy. She was his to do with as he pleased…so he set his plan into motion…
A soft whimper leaves Lillian’s lips as her eyes slowly opened, finding herself lying on a hot beach in the middle of nowhere. Her whole body ached, both her front and back. She somehow managed to sit up, wincing as she felt her stitches pulling despite moving as slowly as she could. She lighting touched her bandages, finding them dry meaning nothing had opened again. She looked around, gauging her surroundings. In front of her was a vast ocean and behind her looked like a dense jungle with luscious foliage and tall palm trees…this felt familiar…
Her mind goes back to that fever dream she had back on at Duellist Kingdom when the wound on her arm had gotten infected…the vision she had of herself as an infant crawling on the beach following a Blue eyes hatchling (which weird) and its mother showing up when she had cut her hand on a broken shell…
Lillian was still confused on the whole thing; she didn’t understand what it meant or where it came from. Maybe Seto’s obsession with those dragons was leaking into Lillian’s subconscious. Speaking of the tall teen, where was he? Where was her brother? Where was anyone? More importantly how did she even get here? Weren’t they kidnapped by some green haired kid and shorts, which by the way was not the weirdest situation Lillian has found herself in (watching the Millennium ring burning a man to death would always be the first). 
She slowly stood up with much difficulty as she rested her arm around her middle when she heard something rustling in the plants behind her. She narrowed her eyes as her eyes glowed faintly, a few tendrils of water emerged from the ocean behind her, ready to defend herself if it was trouble…but relief washed over when she saw who it was, “Seto…” she looked at her beloved as he emerged from the foliage. She tried to step towards him but falls to the ground as she loses her balance, wave of pain washing over her as she clenched her teeth, grinding them together as she breathed heavily. She needed medical attention and fast.
She felt a hand on her shoulder, gentle fingers under her chin as they guide her to gaze up at Seto’s face, “You ok?” he asked in a soft voice. She shakes her head a little as she leans into his touch, letting herself relax as she knew she was safe now, “I’ll be ok. Where…where’s Mokuba? Where are the others?” a strange smile formed on Seto’s face as his fingers moved to her throat, the tips tracing her over her skin, “Why would I care where he is if I have you?”
Lillian frowned as she pulled back, this didn’t sound right…they may have been a couple but Mokuba was everything to Seto, everything he had ever done was for his little brother. Hell he had been beaten, whipped, treated like a dog and even been assaulted by his step father…he had endured it all just to ensure his brother had a good life…to hear him say something like that didn’t sound right at all. “He’s your brother…your family. How can you say something like that?”
He lets out a laugh, deep and condescending sending a chill down Lillian’s spine as his lips curled into a smirk, “Who cares about some brat? I don’t need him. And better yet…” his long fingers quickly curl around her throat and push her back into the sand, “…I don’t need you.”
Lillian’s eyes widen as she grabbed his wrist when he gripped her neck, letting out a choked gasp. What the heck was going on with him?! This wasn’t like him! He sneered down at the girl, leaning over her as he squeezed her neck, “The f@#$ is wrong with you?! Get off me!” She started to panic as she struggled beneath him, trying to push him off but the grains of sand were scraping horribly against the wounds on her back. Seto moved his free hand to the medical robe she was wearing and lifted it, exposing her bandaged torso, “I don’t think so…I’m gonna have little fun with just like we always do Lil. After all it’s just us here.” He walked his fingers up her stomach and hooked his index finger on the edge of the bandaged and yanked it hard, ripping the fabric and exposing the mess of stitched skin spanning across Lillian’s belly.
Her eyes widening tried to kick at him but he pinned her legs down with his own, his focus of the wires keeping her wounds closed, “But first I wanna hear what screams I can pull from those pretty lips of yours.” He grins as he pushes his hand down hard onto her stomach; some of the stitches pulling lose, ripping her skin as she lets out a blood curdling scream, blood starting to seep from the found as the man she loved was laughing above her.
She didn’t understand what was going on, this couldn’t be her Seto. She refused to believe that it was, he wouldn’t hurt her like this and he surely wouldn’t revel in her suffering…so she didn’t feel so bad when she clenched her fist and punched him as hard as she could in the face, unintentionally a stream of water shooting of the ocean, hitting the brunet with a such force that he is knocked clean off the girl and is send flying into a nearby palm tree.
With adrenaline running through her veins Lillian got up and ran as fast as her legs could carry her, needing to get away from the thing that was wearing Seto’s face.
Noah was watching all this unfold, satisfied with how things was going, getting ready to appear and save Lillian from his digital version of Seto Kaiba but somehow the girl had pulled water from the sea and sent the clone flying. How was that even possible?? She had no power over anything on this digital prison! He sent the clone after her, deciding to go with a different approach…
Lillian was searching either for a place to hide or a way to escape this island but the fake Kaiba had gotten up and was chasing after her, “You’re gonna pay for that you bitch!” he threatened. She turned for a moment and threw her arm out, sending another stream of water at him but doing something she had ever done before…as if moving on instinct she close her fist and the water freezes around his legs, hindering his movement and stopping him in his tracks.
Noah couldn’t understand what was happening, he searched through his programs to see it this was a bug or something…but what he found was even more confusing…it seemed like Lillian was functioning like one of the duel monsters that roamed the world. How the hell was that possible?!
She stalked towards the clone, a stream of water swirling around the false Seto, the tip freezing to form a sharp blade and presses against his throat as Lillian glares at him, “Who are you?” she demands before he starts to laugh, “I’m Seto Kaiba, who else would I be?” he doesn’t even flinch as the ice blade presses further against his neck, slicing into his skin ever so slightly, a drop of blood running over the ice. “A trick…a clone…something but you’re not Seto. I know Seto Kaiba and you’re not--” he laughs harder, “You don’t know me! I’m an egotistical asshole who doesn’t need anyone and wants to watch the world fall at my feet.” Even though Lillian knew this wasn’t her beloved, it still hurt to her seeing someone use his face and voice to say such horrible things and try to do something horrible to her…
Speaking of what he did, she was trying her best to ignore throbbing pain in her midsection as several of her wounds had opened and was bleeding through her medical robe…her body quivering slight as the adrenaline was wearing off. The man before her simply smirked, “You’re not looking too hot. You know I could get you some help…” she glared at him as she held her stomach, “Why would you help me?” he shrugs as he looked at her with condescension, “I’m not offering to help you…just putting it on the table…you’re more useful for me alive than dead.”
It was true; Noah had more use for her alive than dead. However this weird power thing she had going on was throwing a some issues into his plans…and even though it was a virtual world and none of this was real since technically her body was out in the real world, if her mind died in here then she would be brain dead out there…and that would be much greater blow for Seto than turning her against him. So all he needed to do was to stall for time and let her ‘bleed out’ and wait for her to die.
She didn’t want to believe him but she didn’t have a lot of options. With her wounds reopened and being trapped in the middle of nowhere she was sure she was going to bleed out again if she didn’t get help…so she chose to hear what this fake had to say, “What do you want from me?”
“Simple…a duel.”
Lillian raised a brow, “Seriously? A duel?”
“Why not? If you defeat me then I’ll take you somewhere to get medical attention. Seems fair doesn’t it?” he smirked, his blue eyes glinting with something evil. Lillian had to admit that this sounded stupid and too good to be true and she didn’t trust him but…
“Fine…I accept your challenge…” she waved her hand and the ice encapsulating the false Seto melted away. He chuckles darkly as a duel disk appears on his arm and one appearing on Lillian’s. She was confused for a moment before remembering that upon walking into the room and meeting the Big 5, they had mentioned every would be sent to some kind of digital world…so that’s what this place was…it explains the abomination that was in front of her.
Rows of cards appeared in front of her, hundreds of duel monsters cards. The fake Seto explained the rules and the aspect of a deck master which would’ve been interesting if she wasn’t duel for her life (one of the weirdest thing ever).
She searched through the cards and chose ones she thought could work against Seto’s deck (if he would even be using the same deck as her beloved but she suspected he would be if he was trying to make her believe he was her Kaiba). She saw a card she didn’t recognise…‘Maiden with Blue Eyes’. Its effect could be useful for her stagey…if she could get it to work that is. She selected the card and a few others, soon having her deck…she decided to use the Maiden card as her deck master and of course the fake Seto used a Blue Eyes White dragon as his…because of course.
Lillian holds her own for a while, she had made the right choice in picking cards that would work against Seto’s deck since the fake was using all his strategies…she was fine but was growing weaker with each passing turn as her robe was nearly soaked with her blood at this point…her vision growing blurry. The fake Kaiba could see she was struggling and decided to use his deck masters ability and summons two more Dragons and Fusing them with his deck master to form Blue Eyes Ultimate dragon. With a smirk he blasted Lillian’s monster on the field, the burst of energy knocking the raven head back, sending her flying back and slamming into a tree. She falls to the ground in a heap, her life points nearly at zero. She can barely stand as she was on the verge of unconsciousness…to her surprise her deck master is at her side and helps her to stand…
The false Seto laughs manically, “Any last words before I end you next turn?” Lillian glared at him weakly as her eyes started to glow, the sky filling with dark clouds as a harsh wind starts blowing…
Alarms started going off on one of the screens swirling around Noah, alerting him that something was happening to the system. He frowned as he tried to fix it but nothing was working. He turned his attention to the duel between his program and Lillian, the screen going static.
She slowly stands on her own as her tattoos light up, “This duel is over.” She declares as she draws a card and turns to her deck master, the white haired girl nodding before closing her eyes and clasping her hands together, her whole body glowing as the Ultimate dragon is moved to Lillian’s side of the field to fake Seto’s surprise, “H-how?” Lillian took a shaky step forward, “The Maiden with Blue Eyes special ability let’s her summon ever Blue Eyes monster that has been played to her side of the field for one turn…including the 3 you used to create you great beast…” his graveyard slot glowed as 3 beams of light shot out of it and flew towards Lillian’s side of the field, forming 3 dragons. They all snarled at the false Seto as he took a step back, the wind blowing harder as lightning strikes the sand between the two duellists, grains of dirt going everywhere, leaving a creator of glass.
More alarms go off as Noah starts to panic.
“You used Seto’s face to torment me, you used his words to turn him into something he’s not and you used his hands to hurt me!” Lillian‘s voice boomed over the howling wind, raining starting to pour heavily as one of the dragons roars in anger, “There’s only one true keeper of these beasts and it’s not you…” it sounded like another voice was echoing with Lillian’s, a voice filled with rage as she raised her arm, “…And now they will send you to oblivion! WHITE LIGHTENING ATTACK!” she belted out, a waved of sonic energy leaves her throat, encircling the beams of energy that come streaming out of the 4 dragons mouthed, creating an overwhelming attack that obliterated the fake Seto and most of the island.
Noah’s system goes haywire for a second before Lillian’s screen goes dark, losing signal to her location. His eyes wide as he doesn’t know what to make of this…
Lillian’s vision slowly goes black as she collapses to the ground, unconsciousness taking over as the duel disk around her arm disappears as well as the Ultimate dragon, the maiden and 2 of the others…one remaining. It hovers over Lillian’s pale near lifeless body, slowly leaning down, pressing its snout against the girl and nudging her gently to try and wake her up but she doesn’t respond. It makes some kind of soft distressed sound before it slowly disappears…and in the sand where it had once stood…was Lillian’s Blue Eyes necklace…
While Noah was still trying to regain a connection with Lillian’s location, he gets another alert…he turns his chair to look at the screen…the data on it revealing that some kind of virus was in the system…how was this even possible??! Could this day get in stranger?!
Elsewhere…in a pool of black ink and shadows a figure slowly rose from the ooze, a tall slender figure…the ink slowly sinking into the persons skin, revealing caramel coloured flesh, covered in red and black symbol tattoos, her fingers blackened, her hair a deep red, her eyes golden, long black skirt with slits running from the top of her thighs to her feet, exposing her curved thighs and calves that had markings on them too…her breasts were covered in a black fabric bindings, leaving her toned midsection exposed…she looks down at her hands and down at her body, running her fingers over her warm skin as a smirk forms on her lips, revealing her fangs…it had been 5000 years since she last had a physical form…she didn’t know how it was possible but here she was…
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tavyliasin · 9 months
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Pfp and blog header image by Juiciebox_art also here: @juicieboxart
Welcome to Tavylia Sin's Tumblr
This is your guide to my content and links to all of my most relevant posts and content! Please peruse at your leisure~
I'm going to keep updated links here to my posts, sorted by topic, which honestly it's 50% just for me so I stop forgetting what I've done! Please be aware that most of my content is unsuitable for minors, but I will be marking posts as SFW or NSFW as well as even those 18+ may prefer to filter content which is completely valid, so I'd like to give you that choice. Please use the titles to skim down to what you're looking for! The list in order of appearance: - Abdirak Cameo for Chronic Pain Pals - Essays and Fandom Discussions - Community Posts and Events - AO3 FanFic Directory and About Me - Character Comfort Shorts - Drabbles and Short Fics on Tumblr - Full Chapter FanFic on Tumblr - Ask Box Responses - Other Posts/Misc Side Blogs If you'd prefer reblogs of the works grouped into types: @atavsguide has all of the ongoing longfic ATG, A Tav's Guide. @tavyliaonlyfics is home to all other fanfic and one shots. @tavyliasinessays hosts the essays and thought pieces. @sins-of-the-dragon will house any Dragon Age posts I make (less common but I love DA too) @lostplotbunniesbg3 is a place to send all of your loose fic ideas to find new homes, or to find new ideas to write your own fics.
The Declan/Abdirak Cameo for Everyone Who Suffers Chronic Pain (SFW)
This one was crowd funded by a few Abdirak fans, who tend to have a deeper understanding of pain. Please feel free to share this post to anyone who might need to hear it.
Essays and Discussions Around Characters and Fandom
These are all deeper examinations on characters, story, fandom, and the ways we connect to those characters~
The Abdirak Essay - Fandom, Pain, and Loviatar's Love (Some Mild NSFW References)
A discussion around how Abdirak helps us to relate to pain, chronic pain, and each other, with a vague discussion around why pain can be pleasurable in kink.
Raphael - Archduke of Asexuals (Mostly SFW)
A look at how Raphael is actually a potential representative of Asexuality in the game, and how those under the Asexual umbrella relate to him - and each other - through this representation.
Villain-Fucker Angst Hours aka The Appeal of Raphael and Villains in General (Some NSFW References)
A general examination of the appeal of villains as romance options, with a focus on Raphael in particular.
The Highs and Lows of Being A Fandom Creative (SFW)
How our moods and confidence levels follow the same cycle, from starting a new work, to posting it, to feedback, and how to deal with those low points when a lack of feedback feels too painful to bear. Not BG3 exclusive, covers all kinds of creative things in any fandom.
Body Positivity and Representation in BG3 and Fandom (SFW)
A discussion - very much open to other experiences and backgrounds - around the importance of representation and the positivity that can be found in fan creations and in the game itself.
Tagging and Censoring FanWorks (NSFW)
A look at what kinds of content needs tagging and why we tag content in the first place. Also a brief discussion on censoring topics.
Curating Fandom Experience Online (Mostly SFW)
An overview of the online spaces we have access to for fandom, and how we can best look out for ourselves and each other when using them.
Beta Reading Guide for Readers and Writers (SFW)
A guide for new beta readers and writers to seek and give useful feedback in order to make fic writing the best it can be.
Community Posts and Events
This is where you'll find events that I am hosting, or have hosted in the past.
Discord Server I own and run the creative focused fandom server: The House of Hopeful Sinners - see link post for details
Advice on setting up a Discord Server for Fandom (Based on HOHS layout and tools)
Redbubble Shop - silly items for silly people, with only 2-5% markup to keep the prices lower for you~
Active No Active Events
Past Events and Collections
April Foolishness - Comedy Smut Event (NSFW) Baldur's Date Collection NSFW (NSFW) Baldur's Date Collection SFW (SFW) TaValentine's Day Collection (NSFW) GaleCord - Gale-ntines Collection (NSFW)
GaleCord Secret Santa Collection (NFSW)
Baldur's Date Open Creative Challenge! Artists, Writers, Creators of All Kinds! (18+ Only) (But there is an SFW side of the event)
AO3 FanFic Directory & About The Author
This has a whole lot about me, what I do, and what I aim to write, but if you'd just like the Works Directory then these are the links you need Each directory contains links to the individual works on AO3 as well as a brief summary of the piece and word count.
Carrd - Main Page and Contacts (General links and info) Carrd - Ongoing Series Directory (ATG and Scent of Cinnamon) Carrd - One Shot Directory (Standalone Stories)
Character Comfort Shorts
Short fanfiction pieces designed to feel comforting to a reader in some way or another. Some are specific to pains (eg, Migraine) but others are more general for any suffering (physical or psychological). They're generally written in 2nd person (you/your pronouns) and are gender neutral.
Abdirak - Migraine Comfort Yurgir - Migraine Comfort Tav - General Comfort, with Audio Multi-Character Comfort Drabbles (Astarion, Halsin, Abdirak, Raphael, Haarlep, bonus from Tavylia)
Please feel free to make requests for these in my ask box, and I will add more as I write more too.
Drabbles and Short Fics on Tumblr
A selection of short fanfic pieces, each of these is the full piece on Tumblr.
Raphael and/or Haarlep Brat Raphael and Haarlep (NSFW) Haarlep x Non-Gendered Reader/Writer (Mild NSFW) Haarlep x f!Tav x Brat Raphael (NSFW) "Raphael is Bad in Bed" Raphael x f!Tav (NSFW) Haarlep x Raphael x f!Tav (NSFW) Haarlep x Non-Gendered Writer 2 (2nd Person, mild NSFW) Haarlep Won't Let Lia Sleep (SFW, mostly.) Raphael is a Party Favour (NSFW) Raphael and Haarlep on Fiendmas Eve (NSFW) Raphael and Haarlep Drabbles (NSFW) Haarlep x m!OC Soft Drabble (Mild NSFW) Dom and Sub Raphael (NSFW) Falling for You - Soft Raphael/Haarlep (Mild NSFW) Forbidden Papers - Raphael/Haarlep (Mild NSFW) Devil Gets His Due - DomBottom Raphael/m!Tav (NSFW) Haarlep Angst Short - The Price Of You (Mild NSFW) Raph/Haarl Angst Short - All That We Hide (NSFW) Haarlep x GN Tav - Speak of the Devil... (NSFW)
Gale Dom!Gale x f!Tav (NSFW) Dom Professor Gale x AFAB Reader (2nd Person, NSFW) Dom!Gale x Non-Gendered Reader (Mild NSFW) Dom!Gale x Non-Gendered Reader 2 (Mild NSFW) Switch!Professor Gale x Non-Gendered Assistant (NSFW) God!Gale Angst (Mostly SFW)
Halsin Halsin x Reader (2nd Person Short, Not Gendered, SFW) Dom!Halsin x f!Tav (NSFW) Halsin x GN Reader - Flu Comfort (SFW)
Others Volo x Tav (Cursed, NSFW, Non-Gendered Tav) Shadowheart x AFAB NonBinary Tav (NSFW) Daggers and Gods, Shadowheart x Lae'zel (mild NSFW) Drabble Selection Assorted Characters (NSFW) Durgetash Trans Gortash x NonBinary Durge (NSFW) Gortash x m!Tav (NSFW)
These pieces are often warmups, and sometimes from prompts. I use them as a fun exercise to get going before working on longer chapter pieces.
Full Chapter FanFiction on Tumblr
Complete FanFics available to read in their entirety on Tumblr, no need to go to any external links! Series titles are links to the AO3 collections for the series, individual works chapters link only to those works.
ATG Chapters are reposted on @atavsguide Nothing else is on that side blog just FULL chapters of ATG so I won't list them here too.
The Book Of Loviatar
This series centres on Abdirak and He Who Was. It started as a single one shot that got out of hand, and became so much more. This is the heavy BDSM series so please do not go in expecting only some cuffs and a light whipping. Every chapter has the CWs.
Pain and Penance (NSFW) Suffering and Serenity (NSFW) Agony and Adoration (NSFW)
The Scent of Cinnamon
A series focusing on the relationship between Raphael and Haarlep from the time they first met up to the events of the game.
The Scent of Cinnamon Tumblr Masterlist (NSFW)
Coming Soon
BG3 FicFeb Challenges (some SFW some NSFW)
Daily writing prompts, posted on AO3 and on my main Tumblr here. I will make a link summary compilation post later to go here~
One Shot Fics
A Feast Fit For A Fiend (NSFW) Raphael, Haarlep, and Tav
Iron Flowers Never Wilt (SFW) Barcus Wroot and Zevlor
Above Him, Down Below (NSFW) Yurgir and Gender Neutral Reader
All We Cannot Have (Mostly SFW) Halsin x f!Tav, Angst/Emotional
The Meaning of Pain (Mostly SFW) Wyll and Abdirak discuss pain's purposes.
Learning to Dance on Hot Coals (NSFW) Wyll x Haarlep
More Coming Soon
Current WIPS:
Yurgir x Halsin "The Bear Hunt" (working title)
Planned Fics and Upcoming
God!Gale x Raphael FanZine Works ATG 16 Scent of Cinnamon 7 Barcus Wroot Collab (on hold, release tbc)
Ask Box Responses
A collection of responses to things that have landed in my Ask inbox! Please feel free to send some in if you like~
NSFW Alphabet - Raphael and Haarlep (NSFW, Obviously) Raphael and Haarlep Works (Nov 2023, NSFW) Raphael and Haarlep Turn On/Offs (NSFW) Raphael, Haarlep, and Jealousy (Headcanons, NSFW) Raphael and Haarlep Modern AU (Headcanons, NSFW) Why isn't Raphael at The Druid Camp (Headcanons, SFW) Raphael Jealous of Tav and Yurgir? (NSFW) Raphael Jealous of Tav and Yurgir? Pt2 (NSFW)
I'll try to get to these relatively quickly if I can!
Other Posts
Headcanons and Misc that don't fit anywhere else~
A Little Art (Mostly SFW) Tavylia's Raphael/Haarlep Headcanons (NSFW) Fandom Positivity Discussion (SFW) Cerudinae's Art of The Halloween Special (NSFW) Prequel Sample and Haarlep's "True" Form (Mild NSFW) Festive Cards from the BG3 Characters (Mild NSFW) Raphael and Haarlep Lia Fic Links Jan 2024 (NSFW) Tavylia's Top Ten Writing Tunes (SFW) Lia's New PFP by JuicieBox (SFW) Haarlep vs Harleep - A Silly Look At Spelling (SFW)
So there's a nice little mix of things, and more will be added! I didn't link every reblog or short post, just the more interesting ones.
This list will be pinned and updated with new posts to keep a good log because Lia has such bad memory she can't remember half of what she has written or where~
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