#demonbirds au
demonbirds-au · 1 month
DemonBirds Au (pt.4)
Damian Wayne
Presently, Damian is the only of one of the batbros to not have made the deal. He is far too sure in himself to even consider getting the supernatural abillities, seing it as a mere cheat for weaklings
That mindset didn't change even after finding out his brothers had taken the deals—though he doesn't think too badly of them
Like all the Robins before him, he was unquestionablly devoted and loyal to both Bruce and Batman
Though he holds no romantic intentions for his father, he loves Bruce unconditionally and would destroy the world for the man
Gotham had approached him several times;
The first few, he had sneered and laugh, thinking the offer absurd. Not for the supernatural aspects—he of all people knows there exists things beyond the mortal plain—but rather that he would need it. The Son of the Bat was strong
About the 5th time, he had actually considered the offer, though ultimately rejected it.
It was right after his father had been found from being lost in time. While many had given up hope, his brothers were so sure of the man's survival—that Bruce was there. None of the three lost hope, doing their best to find the man
To say Damian was envious would be an understatement.
He was jealous of the bond they all shared, one he could never hope to achieve. Of how they all were so sure of Bruce's love for them, never worried about where they would stand. An adoration that was something out of a dark fairytale
(He's not aware of their insecurities, however few they were)
But after a few decades, his father hair now all grey and retired had Damian taken the deal
By then, he was stronger and better—but so were the Bat's enemies. Plus, while Bruce could definitely put up a fight, he was no longer the relentless and powerful fighter he once was.
Gotham, appearance never once changing appeared after one dark night. A sudden ambush led to many being injured, including Bruce. Thankfully, nothing too dangerous, but still required bedrest.
He had relinquish his self for Bruce; a knight forever bound to Bruce side—to protect and cherish his king, his father, for as long as the man was here, as long as he was allowed to
Damian's demon form is draconic. Leathery wings, a tough scaled tail and two thick horns.
His mark is on Bruce's palm; a deformed dragon possesively curled around a cracked heart.
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xaphrin · 9 months
"I've been doing some reading."
"Your hoard is books… I'm certain that's how you spend most of your time." Damian gave a breathy snort. 
Raven gave a one shoulder shrug, unaffected by his response. “There are some texts that talk of new ways to experience pleasure.” Her eyes darkened and she leaned forward towards him, propping herself up on her hands. “I want to try them.” 
Damian felt heat blossom in the pit of his stomach and he fought back the sudden eager feeling. He kept his face blank, making sure none of his emotions betrayed his face. “And what would my role be in these new experiences?”
“I’d like to tie you up and have my way with you.” Her words were simple, her smile was sultry. "Make you beg."
He snorted, but bit back his remark of al Ghul’s don’t beg. He had the unfortunate thought that if anyone did have the ability to make him beg (which he doubted) it would have been Raven. He lifted an eyebrow and continued to stare at her. "And what would be my reward when you lose?"
"When? You’re so certain of my loss?” There was a knowing chuckle in her voice and she waved her hand in the air, dismissive. “If you win, then you can tie me up and do whatever you please with my body." She turned on her stomach and folded her arms under her chin, watching him. "Either way, we both win."
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eleanore-delphinium · 6 months
“Tomorrow, I will be sleeping beside my wife, today my fiance and yesterday my girlfriend.” He looked so entranced by the thought. “And for the rest of my life, you will be the only one for me.”
- Damian to Raven
(another WIP, pending title: The voices)
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marionluth · 1 month
Haven't done any dialogues in a while but I thought I'd post a snippet of my WIP flufftober fic. I feel a little silly posting this considering how small of a following I have, but hopefully some of you will like it and it just might make your lips twitch a bit. Can you guess who the new face is? 🤩
Damian didn't bother to hide the smile at the sound of Richard’s voice. Just like he didn’t stop Dick from pulling him into a tight hug or didn't reprimand him for calling him Dami. When his oldest brother tried to noogie him though, Damian immediately escaped the hold and landed a hearty punch on his shoulder. He had to draw the line somewhere.
Damian smirked at the pained utterance that escaped Richard. “Missed me, Grayson?”
“Of course I missed you, you little piece of Damian,” Grayson responded with a smirk. “It’s been more than a month.”
“And to think I’d actually pay for more than a month of not seeing him,” Jason’s voice rang in the room.
“You kidding? I’d pay for a single week,” Tim added, stepping in right behind Jason, and Damian rolled his eyes. Tim then threw Damian’s duffel bag on the floor, making sure it landed on his foot. “Next time carry your own bag, jerk!”
“But that’s a peasant’s job, Drake,” Damian said dryly. He considered informing them he’d gladly kill both of them so that they never had to see him again, period, but he knew Grayson wouldn’t approve. Nor would Father. Tt.
“No casualties on the road? I’m impressed.” Dick’s grin widened and he glanced at each of his brothers with that annoyingly fond expression that drove both Todd and Damian crazy.
“No casualties yet. We still have to drive back,” Todd pointed out, as he headed to the fridge. “I think I look forward to the little shit’s learner’s permit more than he does. Chauffeuring his ass around is way below my pay grade.”
“Kindly fuck yourself, Todd,” Damian snapped. “And don’t you all think it’s high time you quit the little shit jokes. I’m not ten anymore.”
Tim, who had followed Jason to the fridge, and snatched the last redbull before Todd could even reach for it, turned to shoot Damian a look, raising a single eyebrow.
“Are you still the youngest, D?”
“That is irrel–”
“Then you’re the little shit, little D,” Jason cut him off, a soda in hand and a shit-eating grin on his face.
“Don’t worry, though, Dami. It’s been a hot minute since the last kid Bruce abducted—I mean adopted. I’m sure you’ll have to bid your ‘little shit’ title goodbye sooner rather than later,” Dick added.
Damian turned to glare at him. “Et tu, Brute?”
“Nice Latin there!”
Damian turned to look who the new voice belonged to and found himself staring at a face he hadn’t seen before.
“Gratias tibi ago,” Damian mumbled. He mumbled. He mumbled? Since when did he mumble? Damian sometimes muttered, quite often hissed, snapped and intoned, he occasionally graveled, he predominantly stated and deadpanned, but he never —never— mumbled. And was he just now internally rambling? He never internally rambled. What sorcery was this?
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20dalau00 · 10 months
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🏛️AU - Hércules (Disney)
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dc-and-damirae · 2 years
Constantine: you can't be dating Damian you're not allowed
Constantine: I don't want you to date people until you're old enough. People are terrible!
Raven: Okay, when exactly I can date?
Constantine: When I'm dead. Plus 3 days to make sure I'm dead.
Damian: {takes this way too seriously and unsheathes his blade}
Constantine: what the fuck is he doing
Raven : *digging a grave and is planning what to tell the cops* I know it'll be hard for mom(Zatanna) to raise me alone but this is for love.
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djbunnie · 1 year
DamiRae AU: Batman The Dark Knight- Blackmailing Batman; Raven being a good wife/temporary CEO.
Rachel Wayne: [talking to Reese while focusing on her work]  What can I do for you, Mr. Reese? 
Reese : You wanted me to do the diligence on the L.S.I. Holdings deal again? Well... I found some irregularities. 
Rachel Wayne: Yes, Mr. Wayne is in police custody. 
Reese : No, not with their numbers. With yours. [Rachel now brings her gaze up to Reese in interest]
Reese : Applied Sciences, a whole division of Wayne Enterprises just... disappeared overnight. I went down to the archive and started pulling some old files. 
[takes out a blueprint of the Tumbler and places it on her desk, Rachel removes her glasses, starting to take the conversation more seriously now] 
Reese : Don't tell me you didn't recognize your baby out there pancaking cop cars on the evening news. Now you got the entire R&D department burning through cash claiming it's related to, uh, cell phones for the army? What are you building for him now? A rocket ship? 
[Rachel Wayne says nothing and continues to stare at Reese with some amusement] 
Reese : I want ten-million dollars... a year... for the rest of my life.
Rachel Wayne: [she leans forward and coolly says]  Now, let me get this straight. You think my husband, one of the wealthiest, most powerful men in the world is secretly a vigilante who spends his nights beating criminals to a pulp... and your plan is to blackmail this person? 
[At this point Reese's self-assertiveness is gone and is left totally speechless. Rachel smiles] 
Rachel Wayne: Good luck. 
Reese : [beat, embarrassed, gesturing to the Tumbler blueprint he mutters]  Keep that...
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redstreetsahead · 1 year
Damirae Gods AU Day 4 Damirae Week
The God of War smiled, “Beautiful.” He answered, “Death is beautiful.”
The soldier died hopeful, content.
“You flatter me,” A voice behind him announced. 
His eyes closed, relishing the sound. It had been too long since he heard her voice, since he felt her presence beside him. It soothed an ache deep within his bones, as it was only her that ever made him feel whole.
“It’s true,” He murmured softly, “The Goddess of Death is the most beautiful creature in existence.”
The Goddess of Death meets the God of War at a battlefield
Most soldiers didn’t deserve his respect. Sure, they threw parades in his honor, decorated his altar with the most coveted treasures in the continent, murmured his name before marching into every battle. 
But most of them were petty excuses for warriors. They prayed for victory, but lacked the courage necessary to achieve it. He was the God of War, of Courage, of Victory, of Strength, yes. But he was also the God of Honor. 
This new world was forgetting that more and more.
In every man laying dead across these fields, had seen courage, strength, violence. But so very few of them lacked honor.
He was changing that.
A pull on his ankle removed him from his musings. His sword jumped to his hand, desperate to the taste the blood of another soldier, but he recognized this man. This soldier had not prayed to him before this battle. While his allies had implored his favor, this man had prayed quietly to the Goddess of Death, his Raven, asking simply for the gift of a peaceful trip to the afterlife for everyone that would fall.
For that itself, Damian could respect this man.
But he had proven himself even further after that. On the battle field he had killed swiftly, skillfully. No unnecessary torture. He took out thirty-two opposing soldiers before he died attempting to save the life of one of his fellow countrymen.
He was a warrior. 
He had honor.
So when the soldier gestured up at him, fear evident behind his crystal eyes, Damian gripped his hand, kneeling down into the mud beside him.
He didn’t relish in this man’s death. But it was necessary. He was building a better world, and the lives of a few good men was a price he was willing to pay.
“What-“ The man coughed, grip loosening around Damian’s. “What is death like?”
The God of War smiled, “Beautiful.” He answered, “Death is beautiful.”
The soldier died hopeful, content.
“You flatter me,” A voice behind him announced. 
His eyes closed, relishing the sound. It had been too long since he heard her voice, since he felt her presence beside him. It soothed an ache deep within his bones, as it was only her that ever made him feel whole.
“It’s true,” He murmured softly, “The Goddess of Death is the most beautiful creature in existence.”
She knelt down beside him, eyes locked on the dead soldier. Her knees dug into the mud, onyx cloak billowing behind her. Her hood shielded her eyes, casting a dark shadow across her.
The legends and myths of the human world mostly cast her as a demon. They claimed she adored ripping apart families, cutting the strings of those that cherished life the most. She was reviled, hated and feared for bestowing them a mercy.
They called her a monster.
They called him a hero.
If only they knew.
Raven reached out a delicate hand, closing the soldier’s frozen eyes with a soft swipe of her fingers.
“He died at peace,” she said simply, thankful.
“He deserved to.”
They stayed like that for a moment, gazing solemnly down at the soldier who had taken his final breath. 
She rose suddenly, moving to walk through the field. He joined her. They fell into step, gazing at the miles of bodies littered across a field that used to be filled with the most beautiful of flowers. 
“Some of them were good men,” She told him.
“Most of them weren’t.”
They reached the edge of a battle: a hill. It was from this hill that the South had sprinted down to clash swords with the North. The North had won the battle, but the South had charged as if victory had been as sure as the sunrise.
She gazed out at the battlefield from atop the hill as he intertwined his hand with hers, “It’s been too long, Beloved.”
Her hood fell back as she looked up at him. He rested his hand on her cheek, lightly caressing her cheekbone with his thumb.
A soft sigh escaped her lips as she leaned into his touch, “It has only been a couple of weeks, Damian.”
“Exactly, he agreed, leaning closer to her, “Much too long.”
His lips pressed to hers as he circled his hands around her waist, pulling her flush against him. She felt so perfect against him, fitting against him like a layer of skin he never wanted to shed. She moaned against his mouth as he deepened the kiss, hands curling around his neck.
He smiled radiantly down at her as they separated, “Oh, how I have missed you”
She pressed another chaste kiss to his lips before casting her eyes back to the field. Melancholy eyes surveyed the site of the ended battle. These men were now hers to care for, souls that now belonged to her domain.
“You caused this war,” she stated. It wasn’t a question, nor an accusation, just a fact. She was right, of course. This war was too big, too bloody. This battle wasn’t even a fraction of the deaths occurring across the globe.
“This world needs to be cleansed.”
She smiled bitterly, “That same phrase has been said by some of the greatest monsters in history.”
He rested his hand on her hip, and she leaned her head against his shoulder. They had this same conversation two weeks ago, when the first battle began. After the clashing of swords ended and the sun dipped below the horizon, she arrived to deliver these souls to the realm after this one.
She’d questioned him on if he knew exactly what he was doing, asked him if when this world burned and a new one arose if it would ever truly feel his mission was completed. 
He had simply kissed her. 
“We’re supposed to be the protectors of this planet,” she continued, “We’re supposed to try and save them.” She had always been an idealist. For the Goddess of Death, she was surprisingly hopeful. Every human deserved a chance to her, even if that chance was only provided in death.
He disagreed. 
He had seen the weakness that had infiltrated the humans. Felt their cruelty, their weakness. Something had to be done.
“I am saving them.” 
She sighed heavily, leaning deeper into his shoulder.
“You’re going to cause a war amongst the gods.”
“I know.”
She stilled for a moment, her next sentence forced from her lips as if she was fearful to voice it, “If I asked you to stop, to give up this mission, would you?”
He turned towards her and saw her gaze still locked on the tragedy painted in blood beneath them. After all these years, she should'v've known his answer to that question. He reached out, fingers lightly clasping around her chin. He turned her head towards him, forcing her eyes to lock with his. She needed to see him, needed to look at him and see the truth in his eyes.
His words came out fervent, passionate, “I would do anything for you, Beloved. Anything. I want to burn this world down in the flames that these humans have been fanning since the dawn of life. I want us to sculpt a new one, a brilliant one, together. But if you don't want this—I will always choose you. Over everything."
“I don’t want this,” she answered, voice sad and strong and sure.
He believed in his mission. Wholeheartedly. But as much as he cared, as much as he wanted to save this planet, he refused to do it without her by his side. He didn’t care how perfect his world became if she wasn’t there to relish in it with him.
He brushed a stray piece of hair behind her ear, “One day, Raven, you will see that I am right.”
“Maybe,” she admitted, But that day is not today.”
He smiled softly, “I can wait.”
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Hearts of the Sea: teaser
Here's a little teaser of something I went to sleep thinking about. I've never posted on tumblr before so idk how I'm going to give you all the full story. Or if anyone will be able to see it. RIP
~Damian’s POV~
  To be explicitly clear, Damian was not happy. Every pirate of the Al Ghul empire could see it on his face as he stormed out from the Al Ghul villa and towards the docks.  And while by no means was this new, the glint in his emerald eyes spoke of a rage parallel only to the sea and as always, they silently kept their distance.
  He was heir to the Demons Head, the most ruthless pirate empire in the world and son of the richest merchant enterprise on land. His father, who practically owned the trading city of Gotham and all the roads that lead to it, had such secret but extensive safety measures for his people that his enemies called him The Bat. Silent, but even in the darkest nights he always found his mark.
  Damian was born and bred to be better. To be the best. He owned both land and sea and trained since birth to be the most ruthless pirate his empire ever had.
  So then why does my family put me down? Leaders naturally rise highest when we step on others, but our people worship me like a god while my family treats me like I’m another assassin. Another member of the league to be put in their place. -tt- I know my place.
  Damian violently boarded a small ship and readied it for sail. The league always kept each boat stocked with enough supplies for a long travel so they could launch an attack at a moment’s notice, so he brought nothing but himself and his sword. Damian would buy clothes and restock when he reached Gotham harbor. He wasn’t sure what he was searching for, but something in the depths of his pained heart told him he wanted, needed, change. A different life. To live and be more than a prince desperate for approval that would never come. To be free and maybe, though he couldn’t feel it yet, to be loved.
…and that night he dreamed of a sea witch with curious purple hair...
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ravenfan1242 · 10 months
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I don't know if I'm the only dork that absolutely adores The Gilded Age, but Taissa Farmiga plays the daughter of a Nouveau riche family in New York whose mother is looking for the most advantageous marriage match she can find for her. She's adorable in this show.
But then it hit me what a cute Damirae au this would make, what is wrong with me!? 🤣 Anyway, now I can't stop thinking about this scenario with Damian and Raven out in the social scene. Damian from old money and Raven from new. Gah!
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demonbirds-au · 3 months
I finally finished editing my pinned comment lmao. Anywho I'm thinking about making another fic but am tied between these two.
'A fic where the batfam accidently overwhelms Bruce' or 'a fic where canon universe meets my Au (DemonBirds)'. Both are going to be angsty, and might be multi chapter.
For the first one, it'll be those '5+1' kind of fics. Where the kids (and possibly other people) are unintentionally triggering B's trauma and causing him to become anxious. Since he's, well him, he doesn't show any alarming signs at all—none that are overtly concerning at least; like a slight twitch of his lips, a flinch, etc. He's forcing himself to get it together and to not show any weakness. Eventually, it all boils down to Bruce having a drop/ going utterly numb—which understandably, leads to everyone freaking out. They're used to seeing Bruce mad, angry; hell, even disappointed. But they've never seen him like this. For all his strength and prowess, it's all too easy to forget he was still just a human
Now for the second, I've actually written a small bit of the first chapter. J and D are on patrol when they see an eeriely familiar figure, but when they confront the mystery person, they could tell it wasn't their B. Eventually, after a short fight and some misunderstandings, the 'cosplayer and his demon pet' are brought to the Batcave. Where they are revealed to be Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson—or at least, alternate versions of themselves. Both B's converse and try to figure out how to return them back to their own universe. DemonBirds!Dick however, decides to have an interesting conversations with the alternate batfam
Also, I might genderbent Bruce for this second so I don't getbtoo confused lol—also, we need more female B imo
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xaphrin · 5 months
Trigon has conquered Earth. Raven is supposed to have died after she was tricked by her brothers and used as a portal to bring Trigon into this plane of existence. Unbeknownst to them, she has survived and is the leader of the Resistance against Trigon.
Damian, after witnessing his father’s death and having been killed himself, is resurrected into the League of Assassins. They are the last bastion of neutrality, and are trying to decide if they should side with the Resistance or with Trigon. Damian is tasked to play both sides and learn where the League of Assassins’ strength belongs.
When he takes part in a mission to save a Resistance member from one of Trigon’s sons, he learns two very important things: Raven is stronger than she lets on, and she just may have what it takes to save the world.
He just hopes he can save his heart too.
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eleanore-delphinium · 1 month
The Voices: Bullies
@jiafei-my-beloved & @djbunnie gave me the bullying idea. Thanks btw!
Then I just borrowed existing kids that are plaguing me. You might see this AU, been working on it for a while.
Damian frowned as he stared at his two young children. His daughter had messy hair and his son had scratches. Both their uniforms were disheveled. 
“What happened?” He asked with arms crossed.
The sun had already set and so they stood in a dark hall in their big cold mansion. The children had even come home later than they should have. Which made his wife anxious.
“They called mother crazy.” His daughter carefully confessed.
Damian’s hand flinched and he pressed his lips.
“They pushed her, so I fought back.” His son added.
Damian inhaled sharply, “I will deal with this.”
He studied his six-year-old twins. They were rather mature for their ages, a result of the circumstance of their environment. 
“Your mother–”
“Damian?” Raven’s voice cut him off from finishing his sentence. 
He turned to look at his wife who wore a white long sleeved, floor length silk nightgown. The neckline was low but it was quite conservative. A clothing choice she wore in consideration of their children.
Her eyes flickered at the sight of her young children. 
She was shaking, “What happened?” 
Damian’s lips parted but his daughter cut him off, “We were having too much fun, mother.”
“I tripped.” The son added.
Damian looked at his children, his pensive expression hidden from his wife.
He sighed, “Why don’t you let your mother put some ointment on those wounds son?” He gently urged.
The son nodded and walked to his mother, reaching for her hand. 
Raven quietly accepted his hand and his excuse.
“Why don’t you two sleep with us tonight?” Damian smiled warmly.
Raven looked delighted with the suggestion. Her and her children nodded with smiles on their faces.
Damian approached his wife and cupped her face, “Why don’t you all settle down first while I make a call to their school?”
He patted his children’s head. 
“I will deal with this. You don’t have to worry about anything, beloved.” He kissed her temple. 
She pressed her lips and replied “Alright.”
Raven settled the kids on the bed. She patted her son’s hair while his sister slept on his other side, eyes closed but facing Raven.
She watched them sleep peacefully.
“What really happened?” Her son stirred awake after hearing his mother whisper softly. 
He heard the inaudible whispers that came after, making him open his eyes.
A red figure with white hair almost pressed his lips against his mother’s ear as he told her something he couldn’t make out.
He felt his twin sister’s hand squeeze his hand that she was already holding. He knew his sister was awake and could hear them too. But she kept up with the appearance of being asleep.
They both knew their mother was not crazy. After all, they see them too.
Raven’s son pressed his lips, behind the red figure was another one by the wall, looking at him with a smile and an index finger pressed on it’s lips. 
They all look the same. But they knew there were a lot of them. And one of them was bigger than the rest. 
Their mother called him Trigon.
And he was the one by the wall.
He squeezed his sister’s hand back.  FIN.
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jokodoesstuff · 2 years
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Day 4 of Damirae Weekend // Rachel and Dahlia bonding over birds
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lothirielswandc · 1 year
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“Welcome to the multiverse,
A colorful place
With garnet and gold
Warm skin and lace
Look inside,
Peer through the emerald leaves
The gems have nothing to hide.”
— Etrigan
While we’re waiting for the release of LOVE + FEAR’s sequel, I thought we’d have some fun with some one-shots/mini-series of our favorite pairing! Stay tuned!! c:
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dc-and-damirae · 2 years
raven and john fighting
raven: I’m this close to falling in love with Damian.
john constantine: Your fingertips are touching.
raven: that's the fucking point.
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