#and tbh i think i’ll tattoo it on myself so i need to leave some front of leg space open lol
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violetfaeryrealm · 7 days ago
using every ounce of my willpower to wait for alecto to come out before i get a locked tomb tattoo but maybe i have zero willpower
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angelic-sturniolos111 · 1 year ago
Some Privacy 🌌 pt. 1
You’ve been staying with the triplets in LA for a few weeks and are growing incredibly sexually frustrated being in Matt’s presence all the time. A late-night hot-tub sesh between the two of you reveals all…
matthew sturniolo x fem! reader
warnings: smut in future parts 🤭, mentions of rape, lots of sexual tensionnnnn
author’s note: quite possibly my best work to date tbh had to make it into parts
future parts will be linked here =>
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Y/N’s POV:
The triplets, close friends of mind, were kind enough to let me stay with them in LA for a few weeks while I had off from school while I work remote. They’ve showed me all around LA and we’ve spent a lot of time together having fun and making content for their YouTube channel. Everything has been great, and I really have no reason to complain, except for one thing…
I’m horny as fuck.
Normally, my libido is a little above average I’d say, but there’s one major contributing factor to my frustration.
Matt Sturniolo.
I’ve always had a crush on him since we’ve met though I’d never act on my feelings in fear that he’d reject me. Aside from my feelings for him he is absolutely, incredibly, insanely hot. I can never get my eyes off of him when we’re in a room together. The way his stubble perfectly contours his jaw, his big veiny hands, the tattooed, everything. Though he wasn’t just a looker, he’s also one of the sweetest kindest people I’ve ever met— which is why I can’t risk losing him as a friend.
I’d typically handle my current situation on my own. The problem is, I’m sleeping on the triplets couch in the living room. Knowing those night owls, anyone could enter the room at any given moment, and I can’t risk getting caught. Not only that, but we’re always together and not once have I had the house to myself or any moment of privacy since being here.
I’m laying on the couch seriously debating on whether or not I should touch myself, but then my mind wandered to the thought of Matt possibly catching me in the act. The thought of Matt watching me touch myself made my situation worse as the heat built up between my legs and my heartbeat got that much faster.
“Ugh— fuck this.” I said to myself. I got up off the couch and grabbed some of my workout clothes to change in the bathroom. Then I went back into the living room by the front door and sat down to put on and tie my sneakers. The only other way I could let this frustration out would be to go for a run, and that’s just what I planned to do until I hear a door creak open.
I see Matt stepping out of his bedroom, clad in sweatpants and a t-shirt, rubbing his eyes as if he’d just woken up.
“Hey, I’m sorry if I woke you up.”
“Nah, I was kinda already awake and I thought I heard you— wait, what are you doing? Where are you going?” He questions once he sees me dressed and tying my shoes, ready to head out the door.
“I’m going for a run.”
“Ummm no you’re not.” He says in a serious tone.
“Ummm yes, I am.” I reply in the same tone.
“Y/N, I’m not letting you go for a run alone this late at night.”
“I’ll be fine Matt,” I say as I stand up and start grabbing my bag and water bottle. He roughly grabs my wrist and stops me forcing me to look up at him.
“NO you are not going! You’ll get kidnapped, or raped, or something… I am not letting you leave this house.” He said sternly. I sighed, staring up at the ceiling in surrender.
“Why do you want to run this late anyways?” Matt says letting go of my wrist and leaning against the kitchen counter. I pause thinking of how to answer.
“I’m just… stressed.” I half-lied.
“How come?”
“It’s ummm— it’s complicated. I’m just really stressed and needed to hash it out somehow so I could relax and go to sleep.” Matt nods his head in response, and though the room is dimly lit I can still see the concern behind his blue eyes.
“How about I go get the hot tub heated up and we can relax in there together, okay?” The hot tub? Alone, with Matt? Before I could protest he speaks up, “C’mon, go put a bathing suit on and I’ll meet you out there, k?” Matt says assuredly. I sigh, turning back to the living room to get a bathing suit out of my suitcase and change again.
I push open the sliding glass door to see Matt already in the bubbling, steaming hot tub. He's in his bathing suit, shirtless, the front strands of hair gently clinging to his forehead from the steam, soft blue light of the hot tub illuminating his face… Fuck. In no way was this helping my sexual frustration.
I saunter over to the tub and step in letting the hot water consume me. The pulsing jets hitting all the right spots on my lower back and shoulders. I inhale deeply feeling the humid steam fill my nostrils. I exhale letting my head fall back onto the side of the tub.
"Feels good?" Matt asks. My heart skips a beat at his question as I imagine him saying it to me under different circumstances, and for the filthiest of reasons.
"Mhmm." I hum in reply, not dropping my head back to look at him because I know that would just drive me up a wall.
I stayed in this position for a while, head back and eyes closed as I try and focus on the soothing sensation the hot tub is giving me while also trying not to bring my attention to Matt knowing that would only make my situation worse.
"Why are you stressed? What's on your mind?" Matt asks bringing me back to reality after zoning out. I reluctantly drop my head back down and open my eyes to meet his. Big mistake. The steam had collected on his skin causing small beads of water to fall down his chest into the tub. His arms were outstretched against the walls of the tub, and his legs part wide open as he laid his back against the tub wall. Despite being submerged underwater I could feel my core getting increasingly wet.
"I told you it's complicated, and it's personal…" I reply shyly.
"Awe c'mon Y/N, you can tell me. You know Nick nor Chris can have mature conversations about our feelings like I can." I sigh. He's right. I've always been able to talk freely and openly with Matt about my problems, my anxiety, and he opens up to me about the same things.
"I've been very… frustrated recently." I say hesitantly, looking at the blue bubbling water to avoid eye contact.
"How come? Is being in the house with us too much? I know we can be a lot sometimes so if you want to go home that's totally fine, we'll understand." He says genuinely. My lips curl into a smile huffing out a light laugh at his cute assumption.
"No! No that's not it at all. I love being here with you three." I say bringing my eyes up to find Matt's already looking deeply into mine. He raises his brows slightly and tilts his head indicating for me to continue. "I've been," God, was I really about to tell him this?
"I've been sexually frustrated. Extremely." I say, not breaking eye contact. Everything inside of me is vibrating and I feel like sinking down into the tub and drowning myself in it.
Matt's eyes widen slightly as his mouth gently parts. "Oh…" he said softly as that was all he managed to get out. He dropped his arms into his lap and stared at the water looking deep in thought. We both didn't speak, only for a moment, but the silence made time feel like it was dragging out forever.
"Why, then… Have you— have you touched yourself at all?" Matt stutters out. I can sense he's just as nervous as I am to have this conversation, but I also can tell that there is genuine concern laced in his voice.
"No. Trust me, I've wanted to. I’ve been sleeping on the couch in the living room, so I haven’t. You and your brothers are up at all hours of the night, and one of you has come into the kitchen for a late-night snack, or come to the living room to see if I was awake to chat or film. So I feel like I just haven’t had enough privacy to do so— that’s all.”
Matt and I have had many deep conversations before, and I am always super honest with him because he makes me feel safe and comfortable. But right now, I’ve never felt so vulnerable in front of him.
“Mmm.” He hums, his eyes darting away from mine.
A few moments of slightly uncomfortable silence pass before he pushes himself off the hot tub wall and slowly makes his way over to me. Our eyes lock again, but his are different this time, darker.
“We have some privacy now.” Matt says in a low, deep tone.
We? My breath hitches in my throat.
Suddenly, everything in the atmosphere changed. We deeply stared into each other’s eyes. Our stare was one where we both didn’t have to speak, and the silence felt comfortable. His stare quieted the millions of thoughts racing in my head until I was only focused on him and how my body called for him. I no longer felt vulnerable. I felt stronger. Confident.
I could see in his eyes that he was thinking the same thing I was, and his blown out pupils told me he wanted it just as badly…
@flowerxbunnie @delimeats-000 @daddyslilchickenfingers @sturniolosluvv @lovingmattysposts @lustfulslxt @sturnioloskies @recklesssturniolo @strniohoeee @apclyptc @strawberrysturniolo @hoesformatt @luv4kozume
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Prompt: Back to School Pairing: YasMoon More cheer content for Best Lesbians!!!
You’re at the mall with your boyfriend, he’s upset He’s yelling at you while completely drenched in sweat He doesn’t get nonviolence like I do
I’m in Marseille, it’s a typical summer night Watching the kind of sissy chick flicks he doesn’t like And he’ll never smell like roses like I do
But she wears short skirts I wear t-shirts She’s cheer captain And I’m on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find That all that macho shit Won’t keep your chakras aligned!
If you could see that I won’t get a tattoo of you Without asking first because that’s creepy You don’t belong to me And I think you should flee
Walking the halls with you and your lecturing I’m sort of shocked that you still want to hang with me Seeing your laugh and thinking to myself “I’m glad Moon forgives easy”
And I see your ex acting like he’s worth your time After all he ever did was treat you like some prize You said it was love but I know better than that Have some self-respect and don’t you dare take him back!
But she wears high heels I wear sneakers She’s cheer captain And I’m on the bleachers
Know I’m nobody now, and I’m just some tryhard But despite how Hawk’s changed He’s got no clue who you are!
If you could see that I know all your favorite smoke spots Music, movies, outfits down to your bikinis And where you go on shopping sprees
Flying home to see you on the prom night I know they thought that I came for Demetri But he’s only a beard to me And you’re all I see
Oh, I remember you leaving me behind For the school karate gang But you’d end up in a bind ‘Cause mean kids are all the same
And I know that I fucked up And I know I was a bitch But if it meant there’d still be an “us” Then for you I’d make a switch
Do you see it when we’re tanning by the poolside? Do you see it when we’re sitting in the booth and I’m like please Why can’t you see me?
And I know I’ve missed my chance over and over And longing’s not bringing you any closer Even if I have to plead But you belong with me Maybe someday you’ll see
You belong with me And one day I’ll feel free To say what I wish we could be And what you mean to me
@karatecaulfield pspsps
After I made this, I...maaaaaay have gotten kinda carried away with the YasMoon cheerleading content and wrote them a dumb little You Belong With Me cover. Whoops ^^;
So You Belong With Me has actually always kinda given me YasMoon vibes, but like...in a roundabout way? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know that technically Yasmine and Moon BOTH canonically wear short skirts and high heels (which like. Good for them!!! It's such a Look and they slay!!!), but it makes me think of post-S1 YasMoon, where Moon was still one of the most popular girls in school, and Yasmine...definitely was not anymore. And we DO know that Yas started dressing more "modestly" from S3 onwards (as annoying as it was that she had to give up her "evil slut clothes" to undergo character development ig -____-), so it doesn't seem out of the question for Moon to keep the skirts and heels while Yas transitions to more casual, mundane stuff so as not to draw attention to herself. Definitely wouldn't blame her for wanting to stay under the radar after the wedgie video went viral lmao
Also TELL me Yasmine wouldn't look cute as fuck in pink tennis shoes and/or pink converse!!! Like come on!!! Girl would be ADORABLE in bright barbie pink stereotypical "not like the other girls" clothing and the more I think about it, the more I NEED to see this in S6. Also because it would be really funny if Moon just like. Had a thing for mean people in casual sportswear XD
Actually, went a bit apeshit and made this entire thing pink💗💗💗 What can I say!!! They just look so good in bright girly feminine colors!!! I have SUCH a weakness for hyperfemme4hyperfemme lesbians tbh. Same for hypermasc4hypermasc gays, hyperfemme4hyperfemme gays, and hypermasc4hypermasc lesbians 💖 Idk there's just something so special about queer couples who don't give a single flying fuck about The Straights™️trying to impose their "one person MUST be masculine and one person MUST be feminine in all couples!!!" brand of heteronormativity on LGBT folk. Masc4masc pairings that feel 0 desire for any femininity in your romantic relationship I love you, femme4femme pairings that feel desire for any masculinity in your romantic relationship I love you--
Yes I know realistically speaking most LGBT and non-LGBT couples are a pretty solid mix of masc and femme between BOTH people but I'm trying to make a point here akjsdiulfhkdufh
Fun fact: I was reading cheerleader anecdotes while researching how cheer squads work, and I learned the stereotypical pleated cheerleader skirt is...actually considered kind of dated??? At least in the actual cheer community. Which I think is a damn shame, because those skirts are cute as fuck D: But TBH Moon is popular enough that she could wear the most dated pleaty cheer skirt on the market and STILL rock it. Plus make it look "cool" and "retro" XD And we damn well know Yasmine will think she looks hot regardless <3
ALSO idk if I've ever mentioned this before, but it blows my damn mind that Yasmine is practically wearing the lesbian flag during the scene where she signs Demetri's cast :O Take away that blue stripe and she literally would be??? Like that whole but needed to be any more ragingly queer-coded than it already way XD NOT MY GIRL SAYING SHE KNOWS WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE PUBLICLY HUMILIATED TO THE POINT OF BEING OUTCASTED AND OTHERED. WHILE WEARING A GODDAMN LESBIAN SWEATER. AND THEN IMMEDIATELY "STRAIGHTENING" THE HOMOPHOBIC JOKE ON HIS CAST AND COVERING BOTH THEIR GAY ASSES IN ONE FEEL SWOOP AJDIOSUHYFDUG Lesbian queen!!!
Also this subtext is going to make me go fucking INSANE I swear to GOD
Rambles specific to the dumb little song I wrote under the cut!
Basically the scenario I'm imagining here takes place during S3. A recently fallen-from-grace Yasmine is now at the bottom of the school food chain, forced to watch from the sidelines as her ex-best-friend (who STILL gives her the time of day for some reason) remains a popular, universally-loved socialite. And she finds herself in a strange position.
She can't help being a little envious, of course, since she remembers when she was that widely respected. It leaves a sour taste in her mouth that she once ruled the school, and now her second-in-command is blossoming and thriving while she's been reduced to a pathetic laughingstock. And with Moon expanding her circle as Yasmine's shrinks, Yasmine always ends up feeling left behind.
But it's more than that. With Moon soaring high while she's crawling through the dirt trying to catch up, Yasmine believes more and more that she's not worthy of her best friend's time. Like Moon has outgrown her in a way that leaves her feeling desolate and lost.
And yet Moon lets her stick around. Yasmine knows she should spend more time counting her blessings and less ruminating on her newfound status as the school loser.
Because, for some strange reason, Moon doesn't actually seem to care. For now, that's enough.
Unfortunately, her enduring popularity doesn't make Moon immune to the kind of self-interested assholes Yasmine's trying not to emulate anymore. Moon's ex--the subject of many a horror story concerning the Valley in Yasmine's absence--can't seem to leave her alone. Whether it's making passes at her when she's very clearly not interested or wrecking her science project because he can't stand to see her happy without him, the guy cannot for the life of him take a hint.
Moon vents at lunch one day that she loved him, and it broke her heart to watch him turn into such a jerk. Yasmine hopes for the sake of her own sanity that her friend is exaggerating.
Because Moon really, really needs to set her sights higher than some possessive creep who gets her name branded on his skin after a month of dating, and then acts like it cosmically bound them forever. The issue is that Yasmine has no idea how to convey this tactfully enough that Moon will actually listen.
For the most part, Yasmine is grudgingly happy that Moon grew a backbone. But she misses when her opinion had more sway, based on force and conviction alone.
It's times like these she wishes the two of them were on speaking terms over the summer. Then Yasmine could've told Moon to fucking run.
Moon's ex gets better, at least. Stops being a raging ass. Actually steps back and respects Moon's relationship with Piper.
(As sad as that thought makes Yasmine, for whatever reason.)
And yet he still watches her walk by with those big, sad eyes of his, like she's eternally the most tear-jerking scene in some depressing drama. When Moon stops to chat with him--friendly and kind, even after everything--whatever she says flies in one ear and right out the other.
It's so fucking pathetic. Hawk puts her on this shining pedestal of divinity and utter perfection--his own personal angel of salvation. But ask the boy so much as her favorite color or her favorite animal or her favorite store at the goddamn mall, he would bluescreen faster than a Windows Vista.
And frankly, Yasmine doesn't give a shit about his stupid fucking redemption arc. Good for him that he's not acting like a human dumpster every second of every day, but Moon isn't obligated to patiently help him wade through the muck of his own bad decisions. Fix and tidy up his perpetual list of issues.
Moon is more than some trophy to hand out for not being a shithead.
She's a whole human being, with thoughts and dreams and hopes and feelings. She likes turquoise jewelry and yoga and California rolls. She wants to be a massage therapist, but is worried it would pay like shit. She likes spending quiet, thoughtful nights walking around hidden corners of the bustling city. She realized she had a talent for baking and cooking when she made weed brownies to give out at school. She loves decking herself out in glowsticks at raves because it makes her feel like some mystical fairy. She listens to mostly electronic and top 40s bubblegum pop, but every now and again, she craves nothing but a good classical piano piece. She adores trashy romcoms, and has only ever been taught to be ashamed of it. Especially by people like Hawk.
And she's the most incredible person in the world.
She’s the reason Yasmine boards that plane back to LAX, if she’s honest.
Sure, it’s got something to do with her father’s frequent pestering about her love life. The exhaustion of constantly faking enthusiasm for a relationship that has only ever been a cover-up. And she isn’t keen on missing junior prom for a ceremony ushering in a stepmom scarcely better than the one who gave birth to her.
But the moment she sees that blue dress, that curled hair, that euphoric beam when Yasmine walks over…
Nothing else at that dumb dance even registers.
And yes, she dances with Demetri. Grinds on him as much as she’s expected to. Even stays for the afterparty to make out with him for good measure. She has to keep up appearances, after all.
But with Moon tired and headed home, Yasmine excuses herself after 20 minutes, suddenly no longer able to stand Demetri's mouth on hers.
In the coming weeks, Moon seems to buy into Hawk's song and dance hook, line, and sinker. Somehow, sad puppy eyes and pining stares and sob stories about how he's "lost his confidence" are enough to make up for him not knowing any more about her than a stranger of the street. All the conversations they've had and dates they've been on and intimate ways they've entwined their bodies, and Hawk has managed to ask Moon so remarkably little.
He's learned so remarkably little about the girl he's convinced is his soulmate.
And it's beyond frustrating to see Moon worrying herself over Hawk's neverending teen angst and annoying inner demons when Yasmine worked to better herself, too--and all she expected in return was a halfhearted pity friendship. When Yasmine's the one who can make Moon laugh without even trying. When Yasmine knows Moon's brunch order and favorite spa treatment. When Yasmine has seen Moon high and wasted and everything in between. When Yasmine's the one who always held Moon's hair back when she yakked her entire stomach contents into the toilet.
When Yasmine's the one who rarely leaves Moon's side. When Yasmine's the one who sits closer than just friends in every restaurant booth. When Yasmine's the one who sneaks longing glances at Moon not out of some mopey self-pity that she can never get the girl, but because she simply can't help it.
She'd look at Moon forever if she could. She'd gladly spend eternity taking in everything that was Moon--everything she'd ever been and everything she'd ever be--and never expect a damn thing for it.
And again and again and again, Yasmine is overlooked. Nothing but background noise in Moon's solemn duty to take care of a boy who will never deserve her.
And it's pathetic, really. Moon had a girlfriend. Kissed her in front of the whole school. Yasmine saw the instagram pics. It's not like Moon isn't open to being with girls that way.
Yet every time Yasmine wants to finally tell the truth, something stops her. Something holds her back. Something whispers in her ear that Moon would laugh in her face. And perhaps it has less to do with them both being girls, and everything to do with how they feel worlds apart these days.
After all, what hope is there for the cheer captain to love you back when all you are is that joke of a Front Wedgie Girl sitting in the bleachers?
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ishikawayukis · 1 year ago
Sorry I disappeared but life has been, well: life 🤡 BUT!! we should just get that 3rd piercing at this point and blame it on zoro LMAO I actually told my mom I’m planning on getting it and she told me that if I did it maybe she would get a second piercing on her ear!! again I would say go get it, but I know healing is horrible when it doesn’t go well so definitely think about it more as to not regret it c:
AND YESSS I’m also so excited!! Especially since I’m now FINALLY on the Alabasta saga when I truly felt like I wouldn’t be able to get there, but I discovered x1.25 speed and made it possible LOL
Iñaki is so so so luffy seriously, the whole cast is great and they seem so passionate about it, I can’t help but watch the bts of the show bc of them, and yes I’m down bad for zoro LMAO like he can be a little dumb but I love him that way, he’s a loyal dumb man<3
Tbh every time sanji appears and does something silly/shocking/pathetic I think of you and I’m like “yeap, I get it, I see the vision” AND YES CHOPPER IS SO CUTE!!! they made me sad for a freaking whale and then they got me weeping with chopper’s past, I thought sanji’s was a pretty strong one but damn, I wanted to get into the screen and hug chopper fr<3 also I wasn’t expecting to see ace so quickly after and well, I’ll just say I said “I’m sorry zoro” when they introduced him on that food place scene LMAO but I’m still a zoro fan I just had to acknowledge ace is definitely built different 😔🙏🏽
don't worry about dissapearing i get it it's all good dear 💕 i think i'm 100% gonna get it next time i go out with a pal that we always end up going to a place with a lot of tattoo/piercing shops and i simply will have no control over myself when they're There you know LMAO also love it that your mom wants to get one too my parents just sigh when they see another piercing
dude 1.25 speed my beloved LMAO i was talking to some friends yesterday that i started watching it and they were like dude do not feel bad about skipping some parts or going faster because these fuckers take Time, and i was liek oh no no no worries i for sure have been doing that LMAO i saw a video the other day that described the whole alabasta saga as "they're in the desert for way way longer that you think they're gonna be" and man if that isn't true
they are all honestly so passionate about it i wish we could see even more behind stuff, not only for the interactions between them because i Live for iñaki and taz together, but to see how everything was made as well
that's my pathetic little man i love him so much glad that you can see the vision as well SDLGKHSL they made chopper's backstory so sad and for What like we were gonna get attached to that little reindeer no matter what why make us suffer as well. if that isn't all of us when ace appears like hey so sorry main crew i need to know everything about luffy's brother immediately can you all leave us for like 30 min. ace is indeed build different i love that guy so much, but zoro will still be there you can enjoy ace in alabasta for a while LSKHDGL
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cupcakeinat0r · 10 months ago
Thnx 4 the tag, bae <333 @lazyjellyfish300
Do you make your bed?
Every morning! Gets my day started feeling productive right off the bat <3
Favorite number?
69 ���
jk, it’s 928 obvi!!!
What’s your job?
Angel fairy princess
If you could go back to school, would you?
Actually a full-time student right now!!!
Can you parallel park?
Princesses don’t need a license <3 (I never learned how to drive.)
Do you think aliens are real?
Duh! n they def clutch their purses real tight when they come around these parts.
Can you drive a manual car?
I can sit in the passenger seat rlly well <3
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Sweet treats. And I have the same interests of an 8 year old girl. Do not leave me around a plate of baked goods or the remote control (I will put bluey or SpongeBob on). I take cartoons so srsly, it’s embarrassing.
Im terrified of the needles unfortunately, but if I weren’t such a wuss, I would totally get one that accentuates my scoliosis scar!! Maybe like a path of flowers framing it all the way down or som!! Ugh it would look so cute n sexy for…. Oh Nvm😋
Favorite color?
Favorite type of music?
Honestly, anything but country, and even then, they got a few bangers (the ones about how men suck lmao). The artists I mostly listen to right now tho are Laufey, Rosalia, Sza, Stephen Sanchez, Lana, and anything Salsa, rnb, Bachata, Jazz, classical, rap, etc!.
I’m also a theater kid so I like…. Enjoy that unironically, sorry 😭
Do you like puzzles?
Not by myself, they’re way more fun w my friends!!!
Death fs, but other than that, nothing rlly, I’ve mastered the art of thugging it out :3
Favorite childhood sport?
To put it simply, one time I was in a volleyball team and the ball came right towards me n I did absolutely nothing, resulting in the ball completely wrecking my glasses and my pride.
I was on my school’s “name that book” team tho n made major w’s in that so 🖕🏐
Do you talk to yourself?
Lmao no that’s weird (I talk to the wall almost every day n imagine myself getting interviewed for an upcoming film im starring in and recreate conversations I wish I had but didn’t think of responses at the time).
What movie(s) do you adore?
As mentioned before, I’m a literal child, so my fav movies include, well, literally any Disney animated film tbh. My favs are Ratatouille, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and Coco! I also luvvv old school animation like Don Bluth’s Thumbelina or The Swan Princess, ughhh <333
Star Wars (original trilogy preferred).
Marvel. top three is Cap: Winter Soldier, Spiderverse, and Black Panther. FYI my fav spiderman is Toby, sorry to the Andrew/Tom clan <\3 Those movies r just untouchable for me!!
Harry Potter, fav is Prisoner of Azkaban tho.
I also love horror! Favs include Midsommar, The Fourth Kind, As Above So Below, Saw franchise, Blair Witch Project, Paranormal Activity, Get out, and The Ritual.
Romance is my other fav, which includes Before Sunrise, Never Been Kissed, A Walk in The Clouds, Pretty Woman, and Clueless. Some other unpopular favs are To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything, Cat in The Hat, Moulin Rouge!, aaaaand Dead Poets Society. Fuck I wrote a lot but I’m pretty passionate abt film so I’ll shut up now!!! I have so many fav movies just ask me more abt it and I could recommend some like pls, I love talking abt film!!!!
Coffee or Tea?
Ima teabag gal, thru n thru! I’ve tried, but I just never really liked coffee, however !!! I like coffee flavored things like ice cream or tiramisu!!
First thing you wanted to be growing up?
Had like 2 sec phases of various things but it has always been and always will be an actress that does it all! Currently what I’m in school for and have a full scholarship in!!! Yippie!!!
No pressure tags:
@gltzpzy @sweetlemongrove @hwasoup @sassypossumm @yougavemeyourheartyouknow @angel-of-the-moons and anyone else <3
Thnx for reading to the end, pookie🥹
Thank you for the tag @sleketon666
Do you make your bed?
Yes, on the weekends especially, but If I don't make the bed my partner does. 
Favourite number?
17, Idk just a good number.
What's your job?
I won’t get specific, but I do stuff that involves art on the daily. 
If you could go back to school, would you?
Maybe, just to get my masters. But as of now definitely not doing that. 
Can you parallel park?
Yes! I’m not the best but I have done it before.
Do you think aliens are real?
Yes, I think there's just no way there isn’t other life out there.
Can you drive a manual car?
What's your guilty pleasure?
Writing smut and drawing cocks. But also pop music and cheesy romances.  
None, but my partner does!
Favourite color?
Like a light blue
Favourite type of music?
I like many different types…Just anything but country.
Do you like puzzles?
Yeah sometimes. 
Any phobias?
I don’t know what the phobias are called, but I am scared of deep murky water and also the dark (don’t judge me…) 
Favourite childhood sport?
I used to like volleyball and basketball 
Do you talk to yourself?
Yes, all the time. 
What movie(s) do you adore?
Pride And Prejudice, Sixteen candles, 10 things I hate about you, and the original Halloween. Plus many many more. (Fun fact about me, I quote movies all the time so much it’s become a game between me and my mother) 
Coffee or tea?
Neither….I don't like bitter drinks
First thing you wanted to be growing up?
I wanted to be a vet and then for a long time I wanted to be a mortician. 
No pressure tags-
@cinnasalmon @dark-and-kawaii @dutifullylazybread @lazyjellyfish300 @lemonsrosesandlavender @drizztdohurtin
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whatifyoulivelikethat · 4 years ago
heart+head(ache), m | myg, jjk
pairing(s): yoongi x reader x jungkook
summary: Like the seasons, the highs and lows come and go. Unlike the seasons, the lows are unpredictable and multiplicative, because life is not just one aspect, but many. If there's one person that can be your heart, it's Min Yoongi. If there's one person that can occupy your head, it's Jeon Jungkook.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; fluff / comfort, then PWP; smut (fem reader, nipple play, scratching / marking, fingering, hair-pulling, penetrative sex); softdom!Jungkook
this series has always been the personification of Yoongi and Jungkook as my muses. therefore it's not really a story, but rather a glimpse into my emotional state at the time it was written (about two weeks ago). I thought about not posting it, but, hey, you can choose to read it or not. I don't expect anyone to read it, tbh.
heartspace!Yoongi - his POV
"Leave me alone."
He sat down, silent, beside the hunched form.
"I can't take it anymore."
The only light came from the desk above them, the laptop screen blaring brightly in the darkness.
"I want to go back to the way it was."
He reached up and touched her knuckles, rubbing his fingertips over them.
"Back when no one knew I existed. Back when no one wanted to get in my head."
Over the silver rings, tracing reach one, decoration and armor, mirroring the outward self that protected the one inside. The fragile one that hid from the outside world. She let him see the fragility in this space, but only in this space. Her nails dug into her skin, tearing it up from the outside as the thoughts inside tore her to shreds.
"I don’t want these wings. I don’t want to fly high."
He waited, quietly, saying nothing, hand on hers. In this space, it was only him and only her.
The heart and the heartless.
"I don’t want to be in this light..."
Her eyes found his and he looked back, into shadowed orbs clouded from struggling for far too long and would continue to do so until she was no more. That was the way of the world, persistent and hurtful for no reason at all.
Time heals all wounds, but some wounds are blind to time, stagnant and frozen.
"I don't know the difference between pretending and not pretending anymore," she whispered, so quietly that he had to strain to hear.
He finally spoke, squeezing that thin hand gently.
"In some ways, they're the same thing for you, aren't they?"
She looked at him for a long, long time.
He lifted his hand from hers and stroked her cheek with the back of his fingers.
“You are with me,” he murmured. “And with me, you can be anything.”
This face hid behind smoke and mirrors. This face didn’t trust the world and trusted their own reflection even less. The world could pretend to know, but the reality was the depth of the scars was much deeper than anyone could ever fathom and this mind was unlike anyone else’s, too creative for its own good, producing new and intricate tortures for the one that lived within it. Only here, in this space, did he have a glimpse. Even then, he wasn’t sure he would ever see all of it, because that wasn’t necessary and because some shadows should stay in the dark where they belong.
"I can't be like them, Yoongi."
Min Yoongi shook his head.
"They're ordinary. You're special."
"I'm not."
"You know you are, otherwise no one would find solace in knowing you exist."
He held her face in his hands.
"Nameless, faceless, and yet... they flock to the safety of you."
He leaned forward, forehead to forehead.
"Who else can say that? No one. Not even me. Everyone knows my face now."
Into dark, dark eyes full of pain, reaching in, shouldering the weight so it was a little lighter, a little less heavy. He didn’t need to know the reason for the weight. It was there, and so he assisted.
"They'll never know the one I know."
A little despair, a little helplessness, all her.
"I'll never know the one you know."
He kissed her, softly, whispering her name and his love.
“If you think you can’t feel, then I will feel for you. If you ever feel like you don’t have a heart, know that I will be yours. Trust me.”
“Can I?” she breathed against his lips, eyes closed, lost in his taste.
Yoongi chuckled, running his hands through her hair, breathing in the scent of sweet matcha marshmallow, deeper, richer, warmer now that it was soaked into her skin, smooth and soft under his fingertips. She was like that. Everything she touched became more vivid, more alive, more real, even if it was only a fantasy.
“Of course. You are with me.”
He pulled her into his hold, into his lap, both of them still on the floor, cradling her at her lows so he could raise her at her highs.
“However long you need, one day, one week, one month, a year, until the end of time… I will be whatever role you need me to be. Obsession, possession, enemy, protector, muse, lover, one of them or all of them,” he murmured softly, lips on her temple, hand on the left side of her ribcage, cradling that rapid rhythm under his fingertips.
It was easy to say, don’t think about anyone else, but much harder to do so, and thus he didn’t say it. There was no need to. She already knew. That’s why she had retreated in the first place, retreated to the safety of his heart and blocked out the outside world.
“They are but visitors and they should be grateful to visit.”
Her fingers twisted into his shirt, clutching the fabric tightly.
“But I am, can, and will be everything you need, if you let me.”
She spoke into his neck, her hot breath wafting over his skin.
“You already are, Yoongi. You already are.”
They stayed like that, for a long, long time.
headspace!JK - reader's POV
You opened your bedroom door to find Jeon Jungkook laying on your bed.
His dark brown eyes shifted to you.
You looked away and closed the door.
“Where have you been?”
Every time. Every time you heard his smooth, silvery voice, you were reminded of home, even if he wasn’t always here. Then again, home was never a place to you. Like a permanent resident, Jungkook always managed to find his way to your bed and you, well, you resided with his voice.
“Who knows,” was your answer.
Because, in truth, you didn’t know.
Jungkook tilted his head, pink lips slightly parted. “What’s wrong?”
He sat up, watching you, black strands brushing against his dark brows. There was a slight furrow to them, somewhere between disbelief and inquisition. White t-shirt, blue jeans. He hadn’t been here long, otherwise he would have given up on the jeans. His eyes followed you, resting his right arm on his knee, black tattoos standing out against the light wash of the jeans and white-shirt, tan skin the perfect background for them. With the red eyeball tattoo, perhaps it was more accurate to say that three eyes were observing you.
You stood beside the bed but didn’t get on it.
Jungkook let out a soft sigh, the side of his lips quirking up ruefully. “If I was hyung, I would say the right words.” He frowned slightly, chewing on his lower lip, tiny mole underneath flashing into view, a soft kiss from the moon, perfectly placed in the middle. “He always knows what to say.”
You could almost hear that gentle, deep voice murmuring to you, hand on your chest, right above the rapid rhythm below his palm.
You always say it’s nothing when it’s something you know no one will understand.
Jungkook placed his chin on the back of his hand and looked up, catching your eye and pulling you from your thoughts with his voice.
“I don’t know what to say, but I can make you feel.”
You looked back, but still didn’t get on the bed.
“You cut your hair.” It was to his ears now, still black, just shorter.
“Mhm.” He smiled. “Do you not like it?”
You chuckled dryly. “You could be bald, Jungkook, and you would still look good.”
He wiggled his eyebrows. “Someday I’ll show up like that and then I’ll know if you’re telling the truth.”
You didn’t laugh or banter back, settling into silence instead. He noticed right away. His features softened and he raised his other hand to beckon you to him.
You didn’t move.
His lips formed to the words and you could tell he meant them because he maintained eye contact, not letting you avoid his gaze.
“I missed you.”
Where have you been?
You placed your hands on the bed, fingers spread, silver rings glinting in the light, lighting each and every one, all except your left pinky. You still hadn’t found the perfect one for that one yet. The three silver necklaces you wore clinked together as you crawled to Jeon Jungkook, mind full of thoughts that fell away one by one, replaced by the sight, sound, smell of Jungkook, tongue remembering his taste, skin prickling, remembering his touch.
“I could have distracted you,” he whispered, leaning forward.
“I wasn’t the best version of myself,” you whispered back, the dull ache of intangible weight pressing down on your ribcage. “I couldn’t see you like that.”
He lifted his right hand from his knee and reached around your head, burying his fingers in your hair, pulling you closer to that face and those eyes, sharp and defined with an endearing softness, lashes lowering, inhaling your scent, lustful satisfaction clouding his gaze as he once again recognized that you had changed it from that spiced, warm chestnut to a heady matcha marshmallow.
“You know,” Jungkook breathed, tugging you to him, his lips brushing against yours. “I am here for all versions of you, good or bad, sad or mad, fallen apart or all in one piece.”
His teeth nipped your lips and your breath caught your throat, knowing he was making you wait, curling his fingers in your hair to hold your head in place.
In this space, with him.
“If your head is full of me, there’s no space for the other thoughts.”
“That’s not how it works, Jungkook.”
“That’s how I want it to work.”
His lips captured yours, firm, intense, hand pulling you to him and his hard body, surrounding you in his embrace, your gasp in his mouth as he pressed you to his chest, pinning you down, forearms flexing against the small of your back, your hands coming up to steady yourself on his shoulders, digging your nails into the thin fabric of the t-shirt. You shivered in his hold, eyes opening slightly, not realizing they had closed, and his were open too, filtered by his lashes.
“I don’t want to go back out there,” you said, so softly that the words didn’t seem real.
“Then don’t,” Jungkook whispered. “Stay with me.”
“You’re not good for me.”
“They’re worse.”
He spread his legs and put you in his lap. You could feel the texture of his jeans through the thin fabric of your pajama shorts, thighs on top of his, softness to hardness. His fingers traced the lapel of your pajama shirt and the red piping, smiling at the print, little red devil heads making various faces against the black jersey fabric.
“You’re insufferable.”
The small smile lifted and now it was yours, turning into a smirk. “Yeah, but you love me.”
You stared into those eyes, that face, trapped in his arms, his body, his voice, his sound, everything just Jeon Jungkook, and the hesitation remained. You felt his hand shift, raising, fingertips brushing your cheek, sending shivers up your neck and to his electric touch.
“I couldn’t come back because it didn’t feel right.”
His hand lowered, cradling the side of your neck, thumb stroking your jaw.
“What about now?” Jungkook asked, silvery and sweet.
You told the truth, because the truth was eating away at you.
“I don’t know.”
He turned his head and leaned in, inhaling your exhale, eyes closing.
“I’ll help you know.”
His kiss.
I want to be your everything.
He made you memorize the shape of his lips, made you memorize the weight of his hands, made you memorize the curve of his shoulders and chest, pushing you down on the bed, your hands sliding down and pressed to his chest, palm to his heavy heartbeat, hungry kisses and fleeting tongue teasing you, the lower half of his body pinning yours down. Heavy. Inescapable. You tried to move away to speak but he caught your lips, pulling your back, his left hand peeling your right off his heart and interlocking his fingers with yours, slamming it down on the sheets, his right snaking in between your bodies, undoing the buttons one by one. You cried out into his mouth and he lifted his head, black hair messy, breathing hard.
His lips were dark, swollen from kissing you so fiercely, irises shadowed and pupils expanded.
“This is how it should be, with you saying my name like that.”
You glared at him, but he simply chuckled, diving back down again, lips attacking your neck, kisses and bites that made your breath hitch, clutching fistfuls of his shirt, and it didn’t matter, it simply didn’t matter anymore, too many outside thoughts when you could just have Jungkook invading your head, clawing the hem of his shirt upward, digging your nails into his back and his soft skin, his moans on yours, tongue dancing up your trembling throat, biting that space right behind your right ear, your pulse roaring under his lips and your name in his throat, no distractions., only Jungkook.
“My mark belongs all over you,” he growled possessively.
Your nails dragged down his broad back and his hips bucked into yours, his oppressive force and weight a welcome one. You didn’t respond. A single dark brown orb watched your face, smirk against your earlobe. No response needed because Jungkook could see it in your expression and the way you held him, violent but desperate, needing him more than anyone or anything else in this world right now.
“Someday,” he murmured teasingly.
“In your dreams,” you shot back, finding your voice.
“They’re all about you.”
He sat up, thighs straddling you, crossing his arms and pulling up his white t-shirt in one swift stroke, tossing it aside. His lips curved into a sly smile, seeing you bite your lip and narrow your eyes to hide your breathlessness at his muscular and toned torso, the black tattoos of his right arm rippling as he leaned down again, his large hands next to your head, smirk dancing above your face.
“Just like how yours are all about me.”
You didn’t look away. “They’re not.”
Neither did he. “They will be.”
You clicked your tongue.
Unfazed, unbothered, unwise, you pulled Jungkook down to you, closing your eyes, his fresh scent filling your nose, lips on your skin, murmuring, so sweet, so delicious, kissing your collarbones, pushing your shirt off and reaching around you, forcing you to yank your pajama shirt off to avoid getting tangled in it and your unhooked bra, already moving on, lips wrapping around your hard nipple and you felt his eyes on you, opening yours to see his smirk and his tongue flicker, pulses of desire clawing through you, all because of Jungkook.
“What?” you managed to get out, sucking in a breath as his hand came up, fingertips pushing the other hard nub, watching your expression with his tongue extended.
“You belong under me, like this, enjoying everything I do to you,” he murmured, lapping slowly, not enough but still too much with the visual included.
“S… Stop looking at me like that.”
He shook his head slowly, your name falling from his lips, black hair brushing over his brows. You stiffened as his hand slid under the waistband of your shorts, under the thin fabric of your panties, long fingers dancing closer and closer to your heated, dripping core.
“If I look away, you might disappear from me again.”
You were lost, lost in the feeling of Jeon Jungkook.
Brown eyes ensnaring you, drowning your senses with his sensations.
“I can’t have that.”
His lips wrapping around your nipple again, deft fingers slipping inside your pussy, moan drifting from your lips as you raised your hips, shorts and panties sliding down, but Jungkook was already moving, plunging his fingers in fast and rough, sucking hard, tongue teasing the hard tip, other arm wrapped around you and free hand splayed in the small of your back, locking you in his space.
“Fuck, Jungkook, fuck…”
Your walls clenched around his fingers, his chuckle vibrating through your nipple, faster, harder, so easy because you were so wet and he was so close, one hand in his hair and the other clutching the sheets, back arching, muscles pulled taut in his touch, thighs unable to close because his own were holding them open, fingers tightening in his short black hair, nails digging into his scalp, breathing hard, not letting him have his favorite sounds, so Jungkook increased the pace, his own fingernails clawing at your back, and your eyelids fluttered, jaw clenching, moan torn from your throat.
“A-ah, Jungkook…”
And it all crashed down, fierce blossoming pleasure overtaking your veins, pitch hiking as his fingers stilled and his thumb pressed to your clit, fuck, don’t, but he did, he did because you pulled him even closer, chest to chest, his triumphant pants against your neck, hand sliding up your back, pushing your head down, taking your lips and your scream as you came again, all over his hand, tight pulsating walls clenching around his fingers, the scent of sex painting the air and his palm, covering him with you.
You broke the kiss, hand wrapping around his forearm, squeezing hard, taut muscle pushing you back, tattoos peeking out from beneath your fingertips, staring into his eyes, time stopping, slow circles on your most sensitive spot, his blown-out pupils reflecting yours, skin to skin, heart racing against his.
“What?” Jungkook panted. “Tell me.”
His brown orbs searching your face, shrouded by lashes, desire so obvious that it was tangible and palpable.
“Want you.”
His lips curved into a smug smile.
“Yeah? Say it again.”
Your hands left his hair and his arm, reaching between your bodies, still gazing into his eyes.
“Want you, Jungkook. Want you to fuck me.”
His forehead touched yours as the button came undone, his hair sticking to your face, both sweaty from the intensity.
“I really missed you more than the words,” he mumbled against your cheek, helping you push his pants down, skin to hot skin, kicking them off the bed.
“I’m not lying.”
“I’m not an idiot, Jungkook.”
“You are if you don’t believe me.”
You stilled, holding the condom out and Jungkook took it from you, ripping it open, cocking an eyebrow defiantly as he rolled it down his hard length, nudging your thighs.
“You… You’re just here to annoy me.”
Your eyes shifted away and you felt him pick up your legs, pushing them up, hooking them over his shoulders. One of his hands cupped your chin and tugged you back to face him, not letting you avoid his gaze.
“We both know that’s not true,” he said softly.
You gasped sharply as he gripped your chin, holding you in place as he slid in, setting his jaw at your tightness, both of you shuddering at the feeling of your pussy surrounding his cock, feeling it swell inside you and get harder, stretching you out, his determination nearing as he leaned down, bending you in half, hand leaving your chin and pressing his palms flat against your sheets, breathing hard as he shoved himself the rest of the way in, a little pain but so much pleasure, soft thighs against his hard torso, your breath mixing with his, hot and heavy and sweet despite how firmly he had you pinned down.
“I want your head full of me,” Jungkook sighed, slowly rolling his hips into you, making you gasp. “You’ll never have a bad thought if I’m occupying that space.”
“Fuck, you can’t… ah, that’s not how it w-works, Jungkook…”
He was using his weight to drive his thrust, powerful and intense, ramming his hips into you, your juices leaking out and sticking to his crotch, the inside of your joined thighs slick and wet, loud slaps echoing throughout the bedroom, stiff length so hard you could feel it twitch inside your pussy, hitting you as deep and as rough as you liked, probably too much for the normal person, but not you, because you wanted to feel it all, wanted Jungkook to really fuck you and not be gentle about it, grabbing his hair and smacking your hips up to meet his, making you both moan loudly, names mixing with the visceral sounds of sex.
“I’ll just keep fucking you then,” Jungkook hissed. “Keep fucking you and make you feel so good that nothing else matters, nothing except how good I can make you feel.”
You looked up, your silver rings glinting in his black hair, your silver necklaces cutting into your neck and the three coin-shaped pendants jingling and clinking in rhythm with the mattress bouncing under your bodies, pressure and pleasure building inside your core, struggling to breathe as you glanced down and watched him enter and reenter, thick cock slick and hard before disappearing inside you.
Back to his eyes, nearly black from arousal, groaning as you came around him, throbbing walls squeezing his entire length, feeling it all with every pulse.
“You’re gonna have to f-fuck me harder… than t-this…”
He smirked, raising an eyebrow. “You got it.”
You threw your head back at the first smack, clutching his head, feeling it all over, pleasure like rushing fire, eating up all your nerves and replacing it with sound and touch, the swift squelch of his length plunging into you, the feeling of him filling you up and taking your breath away, so good you could barely breathe, so good you could barely think, nothing but the feel of Jungkook towering over you and slamming down into you so you could thrust your hips up to meet him, so close, so close, heavy exhales blending together, skin and nerves prickling, humming with ecstasy, feeling so good you could only moan his name, and he groaned yours, right in your face, edge of desperation in his normally controlled, deep voice..
“Cum, yes, cum for me – fuck!”
And it all crashed down, fierce fire rocketing through you and hitting its peak, gasping as you smacked your hips up and clenched all around his cock in rapid throbs, his moan washing over you, jerking and flinching as he came in strong jolts, rutting his hips into yours to feel it all, shifting the head inside you so your muscles massaged him all over and drained his orgasm out.
“Jungkook… fuck…”
He lifted his arms and lowered your legs, hands coming up to hold your face, tipping your lips up to him, kissing them deeply.
“You don’t understand,” he mumbled, staring at you through his lashes. “It hurts when you don’t come to me.”
He kissed you again and again, your words wisping out between them.
Feeling sorry there wasn’t another way.
“I have to get through it myself… It wasn’t you… You didn’t do anything…”
Jungkook collected you in his embrace, breath becoming one with yours.
“Yeah, but I can do something, so I need you to give me the chance.”
His eyes were telling you, you don’t have to go back out there. Stay. Stay with me, in this bedroom, in this space, just you and me. Your hand was against his temple, silver rings against his silver brow piercing, tracing his sharp features, feeling airless as you looked into those dark brown orbs and listened to his voice that seemed to be a permanent resident of your thoughts.
“Keep me with you, always.”
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washymylifeaway · 4 years ago
SakuAtsu Fanfic recs
Edit: minor changes (grammar and stuff) cause I rushed this :’)
OKAY so I meant to make like a long list of MULTIPLE VARIOUS ASSORTED ships but as I was making it I realized I had WAY too many SakuAtsu fics. Like TOO MANY AHHHH. Anyway, I decided that for the sake of everyone, I should just make a separate post LOL oops I’m sorry but I’m so far into SakuAtsu hell it’s not even funny :))))))))) I tried to keep things short so I could not BORE you while reading this post LOL, but also THERE WILL BE A PT 2 because I cut myself short in order to get this out for.....
As per usual, pls check WARNINGS, TAGS, and SUMMARIES for each fic before reading and make sure you’re taking care of yourselves (since mental health is key!) Stay healthy loves <3
astroeulogy // I LOVE their works and they write BEAUTIFULLY AHHHHH!!! My fav? Possibly Dance of the Parallax by astroeulogy (T) 6.7k, but all of them are SO good! (My love for mythology really be showing here hehe.)
DeathBelle // this writer is on SO many of my posts cause I ADORE the way they write and characterize!!! My fav? Burden of Blame by DeathBelle (E) 91.2k but you already knew that LOL. I love the other ones too, but mafia? UGH.
hatsuna // ahjfsdjfhkasj need I say more? There isn’t a lot BUT the ones there are so so good! My fav? Pas De Deux by hatsuna (T) 19k surprise :D I love this one for their interactions but also Omi’s childhood! It’s really good (and you don’t even need to understand ballet) <33333
bastigod // again another writer you will be seeing in other posts because their writing gives me LIFE AHHH. My fav? my love, take your time by bastigod (T) 9k again you already knew this, but I LOVE THIS ONE ahagdhls. I have reread this one so many times oops hehe :)
volchitsae // I LOVE THIS WRITER, like some of my favorite SakuAtsu fics are from this writer, like favorites of ALL TIME. Please go read their stuff because I love it so much. My fav? take me to the limit, hold me down there by volchitsae (E) 3.8k this was the fic that got me into their writing, and oops I’ve fallen and I can’t get up haha leave me....
awkwardedgeworth // THE FICS THIS WRITER MAKES AJKASDLK. I love them and everything they make omg!!! My fav? This was SO hard but Notte Stellata by awkwardedgeworth (T) 20.8k cause I’m basic LOL but your flame will not survive in this cold tundra was a close second :’)
TBH, there are more that I don’t have time to get to (I started this a while back but then pretended like it didn’t exist for a while LOL) but these were the ones here hehe :) I could honestly make an ENTIRE fic rec list from these writers alone and it would be WAY too long, so for the sake of everyone,,, MOVING ON
Fics (in no order, but also I’m missing a bunch I LOVE but like I said TIME CONSTRAINTS AHHAHAH RIP)-
the inherent romance of classical conditioning (or, the fine art of emotional recognition) by pseudoanalytics (E) 13.7k // this fic made me laugh so much, starting from the fact that there needed to be clarification (which was, after finishing, understood LOL) that this was indeed NOT a fic with a foot fetish.
Routines (and How to Break Them) by cajynn (T) 1.6k // this fic makes them SO CUTE ugh the fluff ajsjkfhajh. I love how Atsumu just slips into everything Omi does (like a snake) ITS SO ADORABLE AHHH.
sense of purpose (or, what comes next) by pseudoanalytics (T) 3.6k // this fic was so HEARTWARMING!!! It made me kinda sad though cause I’m just that kinda person (and I don’t like to think about the past LOLOLOLOL), but the ending was !!! SO !!! CUTE !!! and I love the ending notes (me too Osamu, me too)!
crushed by citruslemonade (strawberrycitrus) (E) 4.2k // I feel like it’s a crime if I don’t mention this fic LOL and it’s very quick and funny! We all want to be the watermelons in this fic and no I don’t take criticism. No thoughts just Miya Atsumu’s thighs :’)))
Clipped To You by littleboat (T) 8.1k // (cp) okay first of all THERE’S ART, second I love Omi in hair clips <3333 It’s really funny with lots of ~pining~ Atsumu and there’s cameo’s of other players,,, it’s just a great time :D
bet on it by selenophim (T) 13.3k // this is a ~classic~ literally I keep seeing this fic because I like to stalk the relationship tags (LOL) and since it’s so good, I keep seeing it (also LOL). This may be SakuAtsu, but this is Osamu supremacy, again I don’t take criticism LOL.
Just as much by Sapphirine (NR) 16.1k // this is peak gay panic as demonstrated by one Miya Atsumu hehe. This fic is so FLUFF but also PINE! I’ll just be sitting here with my 851 million microorganisms to keep me company cause I’M SINGLE LOL.
every action has an equal and opposite reaction by akanemnida (T) 10.4k // nothing to see here, just Sakusa saying things that make Atsumu’s heart stop ;) I love ~caring~ Sakusa so if you do too, read! But also hello? Perfume drop please,,,,
see this through by basilleia (T) 17.7k // I am shamelessly a HARDCORE Atsumu wears glasses fan, once again, I take absolutely no criticism! Again some ~caring~ Sakusa heheh but also love the twin dynamic in this one!
dogshit (first comes the fall) by kitcassiachan (E) 15.8k // PLEASE CHECK WARNINGS! ngl this was one of the first fics I read for this ship and GOD did it get me hooked onto bottom Sakusa agenda (it really hit different). Of course, I’m not promoting the way this relationship happened (don’t have hate s*x), BUT I have nothing to say other than I had no regrets. RIP (not actually but you’ll get what I mean LOL) Bokuto and Ushiwaka for that matter.
let's get physical by rosegoldwriting (T) 4.3k // I really like medical stuff (you’ll see later LOL) BUT even if you don’t still read it cause IT’S FUNNY OKAY. We gotta love boys day and STD’s~~ (also don’t be stupid like him and get hurt to see hot doctors :))))
all i do is crave by newamsterdam (E) 12.7k // were we waiting for me to bring a 5 + 1 to the table? If so, here it is! We do love the olympics and oblivious Astumu~~
lay it on me (no, really) by ayushi_writes (T) 4.2k // please the way I was hesitant to read it at first but then the ‘being very fond and caring in a homie way haha’ made me read it LOL. The fluff (and Astumu being caring because that is another one of my favorite things to read hehe) in this is almost worth the awkwardness that made me want to go put my head into a hole like an ostrich LOLOLOLOL.
ink blossoms by entrechat (T) 8.1k // I think this fic IS SO CUTE OMG. I love the way Omi sits in the shop to draw was ADORABLE and making them do that to get tattoos? Smart af (and v respectful we stan). Also, I love flower meanings :D
crimson colored lotus by sieges (M) 16.5k // (cp) this was a demon slayer AU LOL. TBH I haven’t watched DS, but you honestly don’t really need to in order to read this LOL. It’s explained really well and the writing is AMAZING! It’s not a linear fic, but you can read it in order if you so choose.
where i want to be by tookumade (G) 8.8k // THIS ONE ahhhhhh so cute I love it. Omi trying SO hard in this relationship and Atsumu being so understanding. I love it here :’)))))
three roses and a smile by strawberrycitrus (T) 19.7k // I LOVE THIS ONE not only cause I love professor AUs (I do, I LOVE THOSE) but also it’s just some great writing :D I really love their interactions and the misunderstanding killed me ahhhhh.
If you were wondering, I already have 50+ fics (yes I counted but no I’m not done looking so there will probably have to be some cuts D:) lined up for pt2 AND I took out series in another post, so yeah this is why it’s a cursed draft hahahaa..... I hope you enjoyed cause SakuAtsu is my life and blood.
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zabrak-show · 5 years ago
The Letter | Maul x Reader
Word count: 1.9k
warnings: fluff, mention of alcohol, nudity, gender neutral reader, adopted children, mention of slavery and trauma, so fluffy and sweet dear god, I hope that it’s not too cliche, sex is suggested, but never explicit.
a/n: I wrote this because I have been really stressed lately and also have baby fever really bad. I have never done a story like this from the reader’s perspective and tbh wasn’t sure if I would ever try, but I figured why not?! I also usually only write angsty things I’ve realized, like even when I think I’m being sweet it still ends on a bad note LOL anyway, I hope someone else enjoys this please leave me hearts and feedbacks. I’m new at this and need validation hahah xoxo
~*~*~*~AU where Maul left Sidious to become a bounty hunter. Y’all lovebirds met and adopted a couple sweetie night brother babies and settle down on Dathomir to live the domestic Star Wars dream.~*~*~*
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The hour was late and you were pacing around the large office in your home on Dathomir. The house was everything you could dream of for a home. It was a lovely 3 story, sprawling with more than enough rooms to make everyone happy for your family of 4. You had adopted two night brother children while your husband, Maul, had been on a mission to free them all from a life of slavery and subservience on Dathomir. After peace was established on Dathomir, you decided to settle down here for the kids and it really was a dream come true.
 You could not believe this was your life sometimes. Your husband was the most handsome man in the whole galaxy with his crimson skin, sharp facial features, and dramatic black tattoos decorating his entire body. Your two children, Zabrak boys, the older one with orange complexion and the littlest one, yellow, were sound asleep in their rooms above you. The bottom of your long black robe lightly crawled across the cool wooden floor as you made your way around the room, too restless to sleep, too tired to get anything done.
Maul had been gone three months now. He was set to return any day now and you hadn’t heard a word from him in weeks. His work was dangerous as a bounty hunter, but you had full confidence in his abilities. He was the strongest and fiercest person you’d ever met. Of course, around you and the kids was another story, but you knew the way he was raised by Sidious had led him to do some really dark things that made him more than capable of taking care of himself.
Finally, you decided to pour yourself a glass of Tevraki whiskey to help calm your nerves. You sat at the long dark wooden desk at the corner of the room and turned on the green lamp atop its surface. It was Maul’s desk and you usually never sat there to not disturb his things, but you hadn’t gone this long without seeing him since you’d been married and craved any sort of reminder of him. You ran your fingers over all the drawer pulls in a futile attempt to feel him through the things he touched repeatedly every day when he was home, noting where the wood and metal parts of the desk were more worn. You reluctantly pulled open one of the drawers. If there was one thing you weren’t, it was nosy, and you fully trusted and respected your husband’s privacy. It felt like you were being possessed by a hand not your own now opening the top drawer and seeing a small stack of papers. One folded neatly with (y/n) written on it in your husband’s handwriting. 
Oh dear, I really shouldn’t 
I mean it does have my name on it though…
No, it’s not for me to decide
Just take a small peak…
You were slowly opening the folded paper, despite the argument in your head, your hands had made up their mind and your eyes weren’t going to pretend to look away either.
My Dearest (Y/N),
I will never understand how someone so gorgeous inside and out could love a monster like me. I struggle to understand every day, sometimes I think you’d be better off without me. I am filth compared to your innocence and beauty. I look into our children’s eyes and see the same purity reflecting off their eyes. How lucky they are to have you as a parent, to learn about love, acceptance, and family. All things completely foreign to me until I met you. How can I teach the children these things, when I myself still have so much to learn?
  I get so scared, my love. Scared that I won’t be able to protect you all. Scared that I do not deserve this life. Scared that I will somehow hurt you or the children. I had my mind made up that my presence was a downfall to this family and would degrade us all into the grime and dysfunction I know all too well. I fear it is all I know and that I will always be drawn to it like a flii to bantha fodder.
Despite my fears, I can never leave you. I love you too much and I need you now more than ever. I remember once threatening to leave you before because I felt like you were better off without me. You told me that wasn’t my decision to make for you, and I don’t think I ever told you just how much that resonated with me. My whole life has been others’ making decisions for me and me being forced to go along with it. Here I was doing the same thing to you, something I never wanted you to experience. It horrified me and I pledged to do better for you, for myself, for our children.
I am so sorry you fell in love with someone as despicable as me. I wish I were not who I am. Every day I can only try to do my best and show you how much I love you and how much you mean to me. I wish I could give the entire galaxy to you, for us to both rule and unite. I know that is not what you want, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t still day dream about it sometimes.
I don’t think I will ever be brave enough to give you this letter, but it has been a good feeling for me to get these feelings out somehow without using violence.
                                      Yours forever and always,
You held the note to your chest and held back tears, finally succumbing to them and just letting yourself cry. Hot tears rolled down your face, you were overcome with emotion, bursting at the seams with love and saudade. At once, you heard a door creak behind you. You had been so zoned into the letter you had completely lost track of your surroundings. You felt a slight panic at first from the noise, but then figured it may be one of the children up to go to the fresher or ask for a snack. Wiping your eyes, slowly you turned, and saw a tall dark cloaked figure in the doorway to the office. Highlights of ruby red could be seen through the shadows and you knew at once who it was.
“Maul!” you jumped out of the leather office chair like there were springs attached to your feet, entirely forgetting the open letter still sitting on his desk. You ran over to him so fast it felt like you were flying. You wrapped your arms around his neck in a long overdue embrace.
“My love, I am still dirty from my travels, I do not want to get my grime onto your perfect pristine self.” His voice was low and calm, just as you had remembered it and he smelled like blaster fire, ozone, sweat, and petrol.
“Oh I don’t care I missed you too much to ever care about that.” you didn’t let go as you spoke softly into his ear, “I was so worried. I...I thought maybe something had happened.”
He backed away shaking his head looking directly into your eyes with his alluring golden eyes, “No. No my sweets. I will always return to you. Always. No matter what.” 
With that he wrapped his hands around your waist so hard it drew the breath from your lungs and he lifted you off the ground walking slowly towards the ‘fresher. You held on tight, not worried about him dropping you, but simply to get closer to your lovelorn partner, drinking in his scent and making a mental note to store away this memory forever in your mind, to get you through future dark days.
He gently sat you atop the counter in the fresher as he began to peel off his bloody, singed, and greasy clothes. You didn’t have the patience to sit and watch so you began to help him, slowly lifting his shirt over his head, examining his gorgeous red skin for more wounds and tracing your hands along the old scars and tattoos that adorned his unique skin. He gently took your hand and held it up to his lips for a small kiss. You smiled sheepishly and he took your face into his calloused and strong hands and looked at you like he needed to study your face for a quiz on all your features.
“I missed you so much,” he said low and gravelly.
“I’m so happy you’re home, Maul.” you turned your cheek to kiss his hand, and he finished undressing to get into the shower. You lost yourself in a daze, watching his hands run soap and water over his naked form to wash off all the debris of his last hunt. You never even had to ask if he was successful anymore, he was always successful.
With a sudden jolt, you remembered you left the letter open on his desk.
“I’ll meet you in the bedroom, sweety.” you winked at him and started to walk out.
“(Y/n), I already know you read the letter you don’t need to try and hide the evidence.” Maul’s bright yellow eyes cut into your soul and you remembered he could read your mind.
“Oh, I wish you wouldn’t read my mind like that.” you pouted.
“Sweets, you left it out on my desk. I saw it when I walked in to hug you. It doesn’t take a mind reader to use context clues.” he laughed and you didn’t even care that he was teasing you, seeing him laugh and smile was the best sight in the galaxy.
“I’m sorry I read it. I..shouldn’t have. I should not have gone through your things, that was wrong.” your eyes got big to show your remorse at the decision. He stayed silent and you panicked at the thought of him being upset with you. “Can you ever forgive me?”
“Hmmm… well. You did go through my things without asking. And read a highly classified document, I’m not sure if I can forgive you. I wonder if there’s some way you could make it up to me?” He was now climbing out of the shower and toweling himself off, with a sly smirk on his face. You rolled your eyes and grabbed his hand to lead him into the bedroom.
His eyes never leave your elegant figure and you slowly begin to undress, dropping your long robe to the bedroom floor, but still wearing your thin black nightie. He delicately throws you on the bed and gets ready to climb on top of you, his own figure still slightly wet from the shower, when a clatter is heard from down the hall. Maul whips his head around to look at the door behind him with his killer instincts, your head peeking out to the side of his.
“Shhh… I think daddy’s home.” a small voice from outside the bedroom followed by a gentle knock at the door. Maul growled so lowly that only you could hear it. Your eyes grew big and you threw your robe at Maul to cover up with as the door handle slowly rotated and two orange and yellow faces peered out from the darkness of the hallway. The sight of Maul excited them beyond measure and they ran to tackle him now wearing your fancy robe. There was nothing but laughter, happy tears, smiles, and warm embraces. It was the most beautiful family moment you could ever think of having in your life and you truly did not want it to end...mostly. 
No use in lying to yourself, you could not wait to get Maul all to yourself again for even just a little bit.
tags: @wolfpack-arts-industries99​, @pinkiemme​
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parkjess · 4 years ago
hello! can i request for a rocky fake sating au w some angst?
Ty for requesting!🥰
Tbh I never cried from my own scenarios, but this had me crying 3 times while writing.
Some nights/ Park Minhyuk
The skies turn dark blue as the clock shows 7, it feels colder than ever, regardless of the winter that is supposed to feel like it. The heart feels empty, like a glass box that is about to explode soon from a very high pitched voice, or a hammer slamming right into it.
Some nights just feel like it, he thinks to himself, walking down the bridge with both hands hidden in the pockets of his black hoodie.
A thunder hits and scares most of the people walking around, some of them have their hearts filled with warm and love, but not him. He feels lonely and not enough for her. Above all this heavy feeling, the rain approaches the ground, matching the sound of his phone ring.
Her name appears on screen, between two red hearts, although the young man doesn’t feel like he own even one.
“Minhyuk...” she calls his name softly through the phone, as a lighting is added to the feeling of his mind. He doesn’t reply, only hums to show her he listens. “Why are you outside in this cold weather? I’m worried, I hope you’re soon to be home...” This was all she could speak out, the weather; But she involved emotions into it, her concern, she didn’t lie.
-“I’ll be there soon, please don’t worry.” He felt like he wasn’t enough for her, cause he knew how much she loves him, but it couldn’t be the same, not that much.
“I’m making your favorite soup, be careful of the wet ground.” She said finally and hung up before he did. His favorite soup was all he had to hear to let tears stream down his face. It’s not the soup he likes, it her care and the way she treats him, while his heart doesn’t belong to her.
As he looks up at the sky, it’s almost completely black, his salty tears collide with the heavy rain drops. Everyone around him run, but the storm is the last thing that bothers him.
He finally arrived, able to sense the delicious smell of his favorite food you always make in such cold weather.
“You’re home.” He opens the door which makes you run with the smallest smile, and layers of concern plastered on your face; open arms only for him, your beloved one.
“Oh my goodness, you’re all soaked!” You may sound like his mother at this point, but his hair was sticking to his forehead and you could fill a whole bathtub squeezing his clothes. He fakes a smile, but he could feel the empty heart has a dot of something.
-“I’m so sorry...” he says with a low, breaking voice. “About the carpet? You know that’s the last thing I care about right now.” You mention the carpet he stands on, wetting it unintentionally with his soaked clothes.
-“Why do you have to be such an amazing person to me?” He asks at once, not even angry but appreciating all you’ve done for him. “What do you mean, am I not your girlfriend?” You joke, but you can feel the pain right after you say it out loud.
-“I don’t deserve it, you do too much for a person that-“ he stops himself since he can’t say it. It hurts him too badly not loving you.
“That doesn’t love you back?” You look up at him, swallowing hard on your saliva, the tears that want to burst out your eyes choke you inside. Minhyuk didn’t have to say anything but really wanted.
“You think I don’t know that?” Your tears disappear behind the pain you feel now, although you know this for a while, it didn’t change your feeling towards him. -“Why the hell are you being such a good person to me?” He nearly shouts, only mad at himself. “Because I love you! I fucking love you Minhyuk!” Your voice gets higher and the tears don’t give a warning and wash your cheeks right away.
“Please don’t say anything, I know you can’t. Just, change your clothes and eat dinner.” You breathe hard before calming down and wiping off the tears from your face, giving him the time he needs, yet not letting him go in this way.
He doesn’t move even after you tell him that, only staring at the ceiling and then at you with a heart completely broken. -“Y/n...” he calls your name, almost in a whisper and grabs your wrist gently. “Move, you’re wetting my carpet.” You loosen the grip of his hand, and go back to the kitchen without saying any other words.
After he gets out of the shower, scared to look in your eyes, he feels ashamed that he used you like that (you didn’t see it like he was using you and he really didn’t).
The table is ready and prepared, you light the last candle and place it between your soup bowls. “I’m not an amazing person, I just love you. That’s what people that know what love is do.” You tell him as he sits infront of you, he didn’t expect it to happen.
-“It looks like our first date...” he murmured loud enough, looking at you.
“You don’t say.” You reply and move the white envelope that rests beside your plate, forward, to his direction.
“Last words from me, I’ll leave by tomorrow night. And no, I don’t hate you, I never will.” He looks at you, wanting to grab your hand and hold it since he appreciates you so much, but you don’t allow him too.
He opens the envelope, taking out the piece of paper with your handwriting on it, he looks at the date it was written- which is somewhere around 6 months ago.
I could never imagine myself not loving you, even tho my eyes have seen you do the opposite.
It’s not your fault, nor hers, that you’ve fell for each other. The best part of loving someone, is doing it without you even put effort into it, you just fall into a huge ocean of feelings and drown, with no intentions to do so.
I don’t know when this will end, but I hope you two will love each other the way I love you. In a strange way, I’m not even mad at you, my heart won’t let me feel this kind of feeling towards your pure one.
You deserve to be loved by someone you love with every cell of your body, and feel the same way they do towards you.
Please don’t expect me to treat you differently after we part ways, you’re name is tattooed on my loving broken heart.
Those will be the last words from me if you read this letter. I’ll leave the day after we both realize it’s not our fate to keep going the same path holding hands. And no, I don’t hate you, I never will.
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purplesurveys · 3 years ago
What was the longest time you’ve had the hiccups for?  Maybe for half an hour? Mine are never that bad.
What type of TV shows are your favourite?  Not a big TV show type of person to begin with since it seems as if my attention span wasn’t built for once-a-week, season-breaks kind of content haha. I do like sitcoms, I guess...bite-sized ones like Friends, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, The Big Bang Theory, etc. Drama shows I’d bite into if the plot is extremely intriguing to me or relevant to my interests, like The Crown or Breaking Bad.
Have you ever been a complete fangirl/fanboy over anything?  I was before then I wasn’t for a very long time, then I came back just recently with this BTS shit I got myself into.
Do you know anyone who has died in battle?  Hmm. I don’t think so. My great-grandpa lived a few more decades after the war.
When was the last time you went on an adventure?  July. My friends and I spent the whole day driving around and stopping by sooo many spots around the metro. It was a lot of fun and we were fucking b e a t after.
What brand is your vacuum cleaner?  I dunno. My mom mainly uses ours.
Are you good at rapping?  I have a number of songs and verses memorized that I can recite quite okay, but I can’t write any of my own.
Name one world issue that upsets you.  Racism.
How do you feel about tanning?  I never saw the the big deal. I will say tanning beds and salons are such a culture shock to me, though. Are some people really that obsessed with modifying their skin tone?
Have you ever given a public speech? Hmm, just the one time I was entered into a public speaking competition and was given a topic to talk about on the spot. That was honestly a lot of fun and I wish there were more opportunities to do that exact same thing.
Do you read comic books?  No. I tried getting into that whole thing, but didn’t see the appeal.
Do you force your way into conversations in which you are not involved?  Not always but if I’m starting to feel left out or awkward, I will start to ask a question here and there to ease my way into the conversation. But if the topic is clearly none of my business then I do stay out of the way.
Kiss with your eyes open or closed?  Closed.
Do you believe you can change someone?  This isn’t a black and white matter, I think. The idea of changing a person can have a lot of layers; in my org, for instance, I got to pick up a few quirks and behaviors from my friends just by being around them for a long time – in that sense, I changed. But you can also strive to change someone who’s struggling and try to make them become happy, which I tried to do with my ex – which of course I learned the hard way that you can’t change someone if in that context.
How did you react when your first pet died?  I was bummed out but didn’t throw a fit.
Have you ever drawn anime?  No.
Can you use a pogo stick?  I’ve never even seen one in real life. I’m dying to try it out just once.
When’s the next time you’ll see the person that you like?  I don’t like anybodyyy.
Do you like bathing/showering?  I mean...yes? Like I’m not obsessed with showering, but it’s a necessity that I have to regularly do anyway lmao.
Have you ever considered entering a race?  Sure! Just give me a couple of weeks to practice because my endurance and stamina are embarrassing.
Rihanna or Lady Gaga?  Rihanna.
Who was your first good kiss with?  My ex.
What accessory do you want in your bedroom?  SHELVES
What do you take the most pictures of?  My experiences.
What are you always in the mood for?  Starbuuuuuuckssssssss.
What is something that you never turn down?  A day out with friends. I’ll always make time. What is something that you always turn down when offered?  Food, if I’m a guest at someone else’s place.
Name something sexy about your significant other.  I don’t have any.
What is one of your hobbies that you refuse to give up?  Surveys, I guess. I enjoy them too much and have been doing them for nearly a decade.
If you could be a professional in any sport what would it be?  Tennis.
If you could be a professional at any instrument what would it be?  PIANO.
Would you rather be a surgeon or mortician?  Surgeon. I would be too terrified seeing dead people, anyway.
Have you ever been on a subway? Nope.
Are you in love?  No.
Do you like having your lip softly bitten when you’re kissing?  Sure. Softly, roughly...both are fine hahaha.
Do you want to get married when you’re older?  I hope so. I want my turn, too.
What was the last band shirt you wore?  Eh, I don’t own any. I wore a fanmade V-themed shirt yesterday, if that counts.
You can have a milkshake right now. What flavor do you choose?  OMGGGG that sounds so fucking good rn. Chocolate chip cookie dough.
Have you ever given someone flowers?  Mhm, I used to give my ex bouquets whenever it was our anniversary.
What day of the week is usually your busiest day?  Monday like 98% of the time, so I hate them. It ultimately varies, though. Sometimes some days are a hell of a lot more hectic than others.
Do you have any concerts coming up? I mean...obviously not.
Do you like or hate the smell of fish?  Oh yessssssss. The smell of seafood/ocean always makes me fucking drool.
What’s your favorite brand of chips?  Pringles, or this local brand of salted egg chips that I love to get.
Have you ever written a poem and then read it aloud?  Yeah, once. We had to write a poem as our homework and my teacher picked out a couple that he thought were the best-written, and one of them was mine even though I still firmly believe I did a shit job.
Do you like pineapple?  Oh god no. One of the worse fruits I’ve had.
Does your house have a dishwasher?  No. It seems to be just a Western thing.
Do you know anyone who has a flower tattoo?  I probably do, but I just can’t give you a lineup of names. Flower tattoos seem to be trendy these days, especially in the line style.
How many different languages can you say goodbye in?  So I have goodbye, paalam, 안녕히 가세요, adios, auf wiedersehen, sayonara, au revoir...so that’s 7.
Agree or disagree: You like Adam Sandler movies.  Ummmm definitely childish and I can feel that the humor tries so hard sometimes but I do enjoy some of his movies, like 50 First Dates. 
Have you ever had to get a tooth pulled? If so, what for?  Yeah, I mentioned this on a previous survey.
Have you ever dated anyone while they were in jail?  No, I’ve never dated anyone who’s been imprisoned.
If you’ve ever babysat, do you like it?  I ‘babysat,’ but technically all eldest Asian daughters are expected to look out for their younger siblings and cousins anyway. I didn’t actively enjoy it, but sure, it was fun playing with them and it’s always nice to be viewed as responsible.
What is your favorite flavor on sunflower seeds?  I don’t eat sunflower seeds. I don’t dislike them, I just really never seek them out.
Do you get cold easily?  Yes.
Do you get a lot of spiders in your house?  Hmm no. If we do get visited they are almost always too small to be seen.
Do you admire nature?  Yeah, I try to be around it as often as I can.
Name one naughty thing you’ve done.  Had sex while a few people were in the same room. I pay for it now hahaha; those friends who had the misfortune to be in that situation have never let me live it down and it’s one of their go-to stories when I’m being introduced to new friends.
Name two of your favorite things as a child.  I loved everything Bratz. I also liked Play-Doh.
Do you own a Pillow Pet?  No, I’ve never even heard of that.
Do you tend to solve problems with violence?  Never.
Have either of your parents gone to jail?  Nope.
Do you know a hoarder?  I heard my grandma had been one, but I didn’t see traces of it when I used to visit her. I guess she had been when she was younger and stronger. I show traces of hoarding too, but I don’t think it’s at a concerning level; I literally just threw out a bunch of shit in my room I’ve hoarded over the last five or so years.
Do you wax, pluck, or leave your eyebrows?  I don’t touch them; I’m never all that worried about my appearance. On very rare instances, I will shave some of the excess hair off. Do you have any interesting scar stories?  None of them are interesting tbh, just results of my own stupidity.
Do you hate the texture of meatballs?  I don’t hate their texture but I also just don’t enjoy meatballs in general. I find them boring, which has always led me to think if they’re really supposed to be just boring clumps of meat or if I’ve just always been served average meatballs.
Do you get migraines? Yes, I usually get one after work. They’ve decreased in frequency now but one will drop by every now and then to give me a shit time.
Do you like guns?  No.
Are turtles amazing creatures? All animals are. :') < Yes! Except cockroaches.
How much time do you spend taking surveys?  I dedicate an hour or so every weekend. I often wish I can allot more time, but I also have other hobbies and interests I would usually want to catch up on during the weekends. 48 hours is just too short :(
Would you rather visit: The Eiffel Tower or Egyptian Pyramids? Pyramids, in a heartbeat. I wouldn’t even need to think about it.
Would you like to work at a candy shop?  Uh no. If I had to, it would be on the back-end, maybe in the corporate side of things lol.
Do you have feelings for someone?  Nope.
Which one of your guy friends is the best looking?  JM.
Do you have anything to say to your ex bf/gf?  No.
Which band do you have the most of on your iPod/music player?  I don’t use music players anymore but my Spotify always reminds me of how much I listen to BTS whenever they do one of their quirky listening habit reports lol.
Which song describes your mood at the moment?  I want to go with RM’s Bicycle just because I’m feeling quite content and relaxed at the moment.
Which movie(s) do you quote the most?  Eh, I’m not a big movie quoter.
Which one of your best friend’s friends would you most likely date?  I honestly don’t see any of them as date-able.
Would you ever let anybody else drive your car?  Sure. I’ve let Hans and Gab drive it countless times when I’ve had too much to drink. It’s a small car and is fairly easy to use and navigate. I would let Anj use it too at some point, but I want her to perfect her u-turns first hahahaha.
Which one of your friends will be the most successful?  It’s already one of my friends to begin with but I’m not naming names. They come from a privileged background to begin with and their godfather already handed one of his companies down to them, so. They were also told the CEO position is already a sure slot for them.
What store did you last shop at?  I wanna say NCAT, this Korean-themed store that sells trinkets and jewelries and plushies and stuff. They also sell BTS albums so Anj and I dropped by to check out and touch all the albums we can’t afford yet HAHA
Do you think telepathy is real?  No.
When did you last draw something for fun?  Last Saturday when I played an online drawing/guessing game with my uncles and aunts.
Who makes the most in your entire family?  My dad.
Do you like writing essays?  I love essays, it’s my favorite writing piece to make.
Do you think plastic surgery is no big deal?  It turns into one when it gets obsessive, like when people get excessive plastic surgeries specifically to look like another person. I’m looking at you, fucking Oli London.
Do you take your trash to the dump or have it picked up?  It’s picked up.
When you sneeze do you sneeze into your shirt or your hands?  I look away and just sneeze. Sometimes I’ll put up my elbow.
Do you usually have sex in the morning, noon or night time? Erm, I usually had it at night. I only had morning sex when we would spend the night; and I nearly never had noon sex.
Did you ever fail your learners/drivers test?  No.
Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?  Gun to my head, Lil Wayne.
Name someone you’ve become a lot closer to recently:  Reena!!! I’m so grateful Angela introduced us to each other :) We both tend to get shy so we don’t actually actively get chatty when we see each other irl, but I love her presence and I love that she is my friend. I make up for it by being super friendly and wacky in our group chat haha. Does your car have a sunroof?  No. We used to have a car that did, but we had to sell that during the peak of the pandemic.
Are you closer to your mom or your dad?  Dad.
Have you ever had a friend with benefits? No.
Who’s the last person you cuddled with?  My ex.
Are you friends with any of your teachers on Facebook?  Yeup.
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lululawrence · 5 years ago
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Lululawrence’s March 2020 Fic List
There is no associated podcast this month, but I’m easing back into the monthly fic lists, so here we go! 
Please remember to always leave kudos and nice comments for the authors to show your appreciation!
what's mine is yours to make your own by @soldouthaz / soldouthaz (40k, E, Harry/Louis, Friends with Benefits, Dom/Sub, Pining, Canon Compliant, You’re so in Harry’s head you get very frustrated at times trying to figure out what is going on lol, It’s wonderful)
His and Mine by @kissyboystyles / glitteredcurls (66k, M, Harry/Louis, Soulmates, Soulmarks, Dystopian, Adoption, Soulmark Removal, This is such an interesting take on Soulmates, I loved the world building, kind of open ending but also not?, It’s hard to explain)
Unchain My Heart (Baby, Set Me Free) by @fallinglikethis / FallingLikeThis (49k, E, Harry/Louis, Royalty, Slavery, Angst, Happy Ending, This fic is so rich in so many tropes that I remember from when I first entered the fandom, Which makes sense I suppose since it’s an older fic, Please be careful and read the tags)
Fellowship of Eroda by @sadaveniren / SadaVeniren (5k, E, Harry/Louis, Kink, DnD, Three Night Stand, Enemies to Lovers, Ish, Basically it’s the sexiest DnD has ever been, And you don’t need to be familiar with the game to follow the fic)
ain't no stopping your plans by @disgruntledkittenface / disgruntledkittenface (4k, M, Nick/Louis, Canon Compliant, Established Relationship, Bastardized pronunciation of Givenchy, Banter, Sexy Times, Basically excellent Tomlinshaw content)
Knead You Now by @writsgrimmyblog / Writcraft (11k, E, Nick/Louis, Banter, Bad Cooking, Cooking competition, Matchmaker Harry, or is it Wingman Harry?, Either way it is excellent and a wonderful read)
Dress You Up in My Love by @rsadelle / rsadelle (7k, E, Harry/Louis, Girl Louis, Flirting, The other lads are boys, They’re still in a band, I don’t really know what else to describe it as, But I enjoyed reading it!)
Your secret's safe with me by @lightwoodsmagic / lightswoodmagic (sarah_writes) (7k, M, Harry/Louis, Royalty, Famous/Non Famous, Friends to lovers, Hidden Identity, Pure Adorableness)
No One But You Got Me Feeling This Way by @runaway-train-works / runaway_train (4k, E, Harry/Louis, Camboy Louis, Pining, Longing, Something else I don’t really wanna tag because the reveal is too great, so just please read this and scream with me kthanksbai)
adjudication by @bottomlinsons / bottomlinsons (75k, M, Harry/Louis, Royalty, Arranged Marriage, Miscommunication, like a LOT of miscommunication lol, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending, One of my fav reads this month tbh)
with no way out and a long way down by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed / we_are_the_same (21k, T, Harry/Louis, Royalty, Soulmarks, Soulmates, Angst, Happy Ending, I cried reading this, but it was 3 am and I was feeding the baby so maybe you won’t, I loved it)
laktatsiya by @jaerie / jaerie (6k, E, Harry/Louis, Girl Direction, Lactation Kink, Trans Harry, Pregnant Louis, What more do I need to say? lol)
light my heart up baby like a matchstick by estrella30 (9k, M, Nick/Louis, DJ Nick, Intern Louis, Banter, Miscommunication, Flirting, They get it right eventually, I love them in this fic, and Niall and Liam are the best little cameos ever)
Silicone Knot by @jaerie / jaerie (2k, E, Harry/Louis, A/B/O, Camboy Louis, Omega Harry, He identifies as alpha, but alpha Louis makes him wanna explore things, yaaassssss)
Series of random ficlets. by @himynameiszayn / Greenmetblue28 (344, T, Harry/Louis, Only one is posted so far, A/B/O, I love it so much, I kinda want more hehe)
some things fade (some never do) by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed / we_are_the_same (25k, T, Harry/Louis, Exes to Lovers, Magical Tattoos, Pining, Longing, Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending)
social distance psychic by @jaerie / jaerie (2k, NR, Harry/Louis, Psychic Louis, Referenced Cheating, not between them, Meet Cute, This fic was so short and so perfect and so lovely, I barely ever reread fics, I’ll probably reread this one though)
touching me, touching you by @disgruntledkittenface / disgruntledkittenface (6k, E, Harry/Louis, Meet Cute, Strangers to Lovers, Listen, There are such lovely details in here that have me continually thinking about it, pretty much every time I wash my hands, it’s so great, and you’ll understand that comment if you read it, please read it)
For As Long As I Can Remember (It's Been December) by @greenfeelings / green_feelings (128k, E, Harry/Louis, Exes to Lovers, Amnesia, Angst, Alllllllll the Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Secrets, Friends to Lovers, Happy Ending, I am like the last person to read this fic, So I’m not trying to sell it to you, but DAMN I loved it)
Destiny Won't Be Denied by Jesapeak (10k, E, Harry/Louis, Royalty, Exes to Lovers, Harry runs away, Louis finds him, Shiall is the CUTEST)
I Like It Better When It Hurts by @dimpled-halo / dimpled_halo (7k, E, Marcel/Louis, Dom/Sub, Exploration, I just have to say that this was fucking hot, and I can’t wait for later installments)
Sometimes You Just Know by @2tiedships2 / 2tiedships2 (34k, M, Harry/Louis, A/B/O, Exes to Lovers, Miscommunication, Longing, Pining, Soulmates, Just everything you always love about Mel’s fics, but then she takes it and twists it around a little, so it feels brand new)
Lean On My Shoulder (I See Myself With You) by Jennifer_Kaid (20k, E, Harry/Louis, A/B/O, Royalty, French Louis, Courting, Period Typical Prejudices, Except in like an A/B/O world, Just go with me on this)
We'll Never Fall Apart by @goodmorningtoyouuniverse / GMTYUniverse (21k, M, Harry/Louis, Exes to Lovers, Oliver the Cocker Spaniel, He’s adorable and very important tbh, Famous/Non Famous, Gosh this fic was just, perfection)
Falling Again by Halos_Boat (15k, M, Harry/Louis, Exes to Lovers, Friends with Benefits, Pining, Angst, Happy Ending, With the amount of exes to lovers on this list, you’d think I’m turning into Anitra, lmao, for real though this is also kinda a song fic, it’s so good)
202 notes · View notes
merinnan · 4 years ago
Time Raiders
Okay, pausing the DMBJ 2 watches to watch the Time Raiders movie instead! I've been told that the entire movie is basically one big crackfic & I want to see how true that is
- Apparently the only place I can find it is YouTube 
- And we open with someone laying down cards which...seem to be making a qilin pattern. Okay. 
- And now we're at the Himalayas, and it seems to be a bunch of white soldiers shooting people? 
- Oh, this leader white guy has a classic villain look. I love the pocket watch, too 
- Wait, he's supposed to be a scientist? 
 - He obviously hasn't read the Evil Overload Handbook 
- And now this is giving me flashbacks to Xiaoge's first appearance in DMBJ1
- Ah, yes, I think this is the Xiaoge for this movie. Excellent. 
- DUDES. You have GUNS. You were using them just before. Why are you now using knives only? 
- I mean, it wouldn't do much better, because Xiaoge, but still 
- This is A Look
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- Finally, one of them uses a gun, and it's as useless as I expected it would be 
- Ahahahah, omg, what he did to these two guys is hilarious 
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- That is a TERRIBLE hiding place 
- Don't....don't leave him alive. JFC
- This flashback montage is super weird 
- Look, I don't have a tattoo myself, but I'm pretty sure that that's not how you get tattoos 
- And now we move to Wushanju 
- Oh, I think it's Sanshu who's been playing with those cards
- ...you have got to be kidding me 
- Really? We're really doing this? 
- I guess this is Wu Xie, then 
- What even did he just randomly put that mask on for 
- That is NOT a newborn
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- Awww, kid Wu Xie 
- Yay, creepy old houses. And ofc kid Wu Xie is gonna try to get inside 
- But that is a fucking massive lock 
- Yes, of course, wrap the porch in giant fuckoff chains, but don't lock the front door. Why not? 
- ....k 
- Sure, that happened
- And bratty kid Wu Xie still pinched one of the medallions after all of that 
- Okay, yeah, if you were a kid who had to go to a funeral every month, no wonder you'd be so bored at them
- This movie is all over the place in terms of timeline 
- I think we're finally into the time period of the main story 
- And it seems this one also has Wu Xie as having been an architecture student of some kind
- Oh, yes, that's exactly what you want to find while crawling through a tunnel 
- WX: "Sanshu can never know about this. You didn't tell him, right?" 
WM: *oh shit I'm screwed face* 
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- Hi Sanshu, I wonder how you got here
- I love that no matter what version it is, Wu Xie is a little shit XD 
- ...Wu Xie. Moths. Light. No. 
- Wu Xie gonna Wu Xie 
- Wu Xie, what are you doing? 
- OMG 
- Sanshu, this is all your fault for never letting him in anything like this. He doesn't know not to touch
- Wow, that wasn't subtle at all 
- That's some steampunky looking villain lair right there 
- I love how the 'passerby video' getting screened fucking everywhere is just the movie footage of that scene XD That's some high quality passerby video with interesting angles
- That's an interesting drinking spot, Xiaoge 
- I love that so far Wu Xie's instincts for everything is either 'touch it', 'wear it', or 'dismantle it' 
- ....okay 
- Yeah, I....I think this is going to be my reaction to most of the movie, tbh
- Although at least this whole magic Snake Empress and weird ancient technology/magic thing is more interesting than the bland het palace drama randomly dropped into the middle of DMBJ1 
- Oh, finally, some product placement 
- I was wondering what was taking it so long
- I love how all their desks and papers and such are inside what look like coffins, and then fold out 
- Oh look, Xiaoge's sword is inside one of the coffins. 
- And there's Xiaoge 
- Hei Ye gave Sanshu the sword decades ago?
- lol, this is like some Sword in the Stone bullshit right here 
 - I love it 
- a) Was all that really necessary 
- b) wtf even is that sword? 
- It's a really bizarre design, and surely being able to be moved like a mechanical device would weaken it?
- ...okay, that was a cute meeting, I'll give it that 
- Love how the older guys are teasing Wu Xie in the truck here. 
- Oh, Wu Xie's actually a psych student in this one
- And like, Wu Xie, how do you know Xiaoge was looking at his reflection. It's a window, he might have just been spacing out at the scenery 
- You must have been paying a lot of attention to him to notice it was the reflection he was actually looking at, hmmm? 👀
- This is a cute Wu Xie, tho 
- Yes, Wu Xie, despite your lack of modesty there I totally caught that you just called Xiaoge handsome 
- Hahaha, Xiaoge had exactly the same reaction
- No, Wu Xie, it doesn't matter that you'd taken the ammo out, you should never stick the barrel of a gun in your face and look down it like that. 
- Even if you're certain it's unloaded, you just DON'T DO THAT
- Wu Xie, lacking impulse control and survival instincts without Xiaoge and Pangzi since....forever 
- (okay, lacking survival instincts was perhaps a bit too far, but still)
- I love Xiaoge's "omg what even are you" look at that 
- This is a very talkative and open to talking about himself Xiaoge 
- It's kind of weird
- lol @ Sanshu locking Wu Xie in the truck so he can't come with them 
 - I mean, really, does he actually expect this to work? 
- He knows his nephew both likes and is good at taking things apart, after all 
- lol, I knew it 
- Oh 
- Oh, that's not a good sign
- Even Coral's logo just screams 'villainous organisation' 
- These mercenaries look like video game characters from like COD or something 
- Oh hi, lady I presume is A-Ning 
- I like the haircut. Looks kinda like DMBJ 1 Xiaoge's haircut, just with the fringe over the opposite eye
- Oh, there's that gratuitous boob shot that @thosch3i​ told me about 
- I really don't see why it was necessary for A-Ning to crawl all over the truck like that when everyone else just walked past it
- There is some really nice scenery in this movie with all the mountains and cliffs and such 
- "What I'm doing isn't about right or wrong, it's about how much" I like this A-Ning. She is refreshingly direct and mercenary
- Damn, I though Xiaoge was going to notice the drone. I mean, it's so close to them! He should notice it! 
- Love Hendrix's surprised Pikachu face at recognising him, though 
- I'm honestly surprised that none of them have looked in the truck at all
- I do appreciate that this movie doesn't even attempt to pretend that they're not tomb raiders 
- And that they have no interest in preserving this place 
- Because BOOM! Let's just dynamite our way in and destroy half the wall
- Oops, no floor there 
- Hahaha, this tomb is a fucking platform game 
 - Lovely, a shootout in a tomb. Just what every good tomb raiding movie need 
 - lol, Sanshu 
- Don't you ever ever again wonder where your nephew's little shit tendencies come from
- I think Xiaoge and A-Ning are the only truly competent people on their respective teams 
- A-Ning, 'keep them alive' does not mean 'try to shoot one in the face at close range' 
- That little boot knife is kinda cute, though 
- Clever move, Pan Zi
- I love the Xiaoge/A-Ning fight. He really is the only one who could keep her distracted 
- I'm impressed at how well she held her own with him 
- IDK why he was holding back
- Also, Xiaoge participating in fight banter, no matter how minimal? Strange, but also kinda cool. 
- I'm going to be giggling about that "Not bad"/"I know" for awhile, I think 
- IDK how they had the time or the ability to stay still long enough to rig up that trap, I'm impressed
- lol, yeah, I didn't think that it would take Wu Xie long to get out of the truck 
- I take back my earlier comment about it being too harsh to say that Wu Xie lacks survival instincts without Xiaoge and Pangzi around
- Wu Xie, there is not enough light down here for you to get good shots without your flash being on 
- I know having your flash on is a BAD idea, but still 
- You cannot be getting good photos in this light
- Why is Xiaoge separated from everyone? He jumped down with them 
- I mean, it's good that he is, otherwise Wu Xie would be kinda screwed right now 
- Huh, bats, there must be an actual entrance to this tomb, not just the one that Sanshu's team made.
- A-Ning's tiny baby drones are so cute 
- The English dubbing in this is surprisingly good compared to the shows 
- Yes, good, the staring is starting 
- ...Wu Xie, you little shit 
 - He's so pleased with himself 
- Xiaoge is so confused until he explains it 
- OMG, a Xiaoge smile
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- Ah yes, multiple large tornadoes, a way to signify weird shit is going now 
- And weird spinny planets forming an...energy grid of some kind? 
- ...k 
- The mini drones apparently only pick up on people who are part of A-Ning's team, I guess
- I mean, I had a strong suspicion that was gonna happen, but it still made me jump 
- Xiaoge to the rescue! 
- Damn, that sword is strong 
- This tomb definitely has a spider colony, but given it also has a bat colony that doesn't surprise me
- Those are some creepy looking mannequins 
- This set up looks like a game of Mouse Trap 
- A game of Mouse Trap with fire 
- That's actually a really cool way to light all the candles and lamps 
- I'm impressed that none of the cobwebs have caught on fire
- Oh, so NOW you use your flash, Wu Xie. When the room is all well lit and you don't actually need it 
- Wu Xie and his compulsive need to touch things 
- Are all the puppets connected somehow, or are we gonna have spooky magical shit making them all come to life?
- Oh, the puppet band is like the bells, I guess 
- Huh, it seems Wu Xie's the only one who got thrown into memories in these illusions, everyone else's hallucination still has them inside the tomb 
- wtf, a lion is a weird thing to hallucinate
- Magic Zhang blood, go! 
- IDK why he needs to cut himself for each person, though, surely one cut should be enough to get all the drops of blood he needs 
- Good boy, Wu Xie, already so protective of his Xiaoge
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- This really is a fucking platform game 
- Guys, this is why you study up on the raid mechanics BEFORE you enter the instance 
- Ahahahah, the music playing as Wu Xie basically dances with the sword trap
- lol, the look on Xiaoge's face as he realises Wu Xie is just...fucking dancing and taking photos 
- And that it's WORKING 
- OMFG, this is basically just a bizarre dance sequence 
- I love it 
- It's so stupid
- The puppets having fucking crossbows 
- Because ofc they do 
- Repeating crossbows 
- ...k 
- So now we have a room full of skeletons stuffed into cages 
- Why not 
- Ah, we're about to have bugs show up 
- Excellent 
- This is what I've been waiting for
- Let the hilarity begin continue 
- Dude, you can quit right now as much as you like, but it doesn't mean you're going to be able to get out of here by yourself 
- I guess this guy's gonna die now 
- For the tropes are hungry and must be fed 
- Much like the bugs
- Yep, here we go 
- Hello, shibie, I've been expecting you 
- These ones don't look as cartoonishly ridiculous as the ones in DMBJ 1, I'm sad 
- OMFG, it's eating the shovel/pick/thing 
- Okay, this is a good effort at cartoonish ridiculousness
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- It's a lovely day in the tomb, and these are horrible shibie 
- Poor Wu Xie, so shocked at getting slapped
- And yeah. Yeah, that's about the only thing you can do there. 
- Only way to save the guy is to just give him a quick death so he doesn't suffer from being eaten alive
- They're lucky these shibie move so slowly. It gives them plenty of time to climb up onto those frames 
- lol, weird bendy sword again 
- Wow, good catch, Wu Xie 
- Y'know, Wu Xie, it might have been more useful to give the knife to Da Kui 
- And ofc Wu Xie falls down
- What is a DMBJ adaptation without Wu Xie getting himself into danger like this?
- That was so much wtf all at once 
- First, an unbroken flute just, like, laying there on the ground 
- Then, Wu Xie somehow thinking that playing it would save him from the bugs 
- Then that WORKED 
- He's like the fucking Pied Piper of the shibie 
- What even is this movie
- Haha, the little OK sign he flashes at Xiaoge 
- The wtf look on Xiaoge's face 
- Same, Xiaoge. Same 
- I love how everyone just. Accepts it & congratulates Wu Xie on being an awesome flute player 
- But then ig what else are you gonna do? 
- It's like, well, this may as well happen
- Sanshu's team really likes using grenades, huh? 
- Well, it does work pretty well! 
- See, Wu Xie, this is when you need to summon your bugs back
- On a completely different tangent, I cannot get over how weirdly the subs translate men you ping. I had to look up wtf shtum was. I've never come across it before. Is it something more commonly used in the US or something?
- Xiaoge, when you said you had a better way than digging under the door, I didn't think you meant just BATTERING THE FUCKING DOOR WITH THE SHOVEL 
- Oh, no, it's with your sword
- Because the best way to look after a sharp blade and keep it in good condition and keep a good edge is to...hack at rocks with it 
- Ofc 
- Why didn't I think of that? 
-  OK, ig fucking up your sword's edge did actually work, there's now a giant-ass hole in the door
- This is serious Day After Tomorrow vibes here
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- Ah, yes, giant lightning strikes that cause so much force to travel through the earth that they can semi-collapse a tunnel deep underneath a mountain 
- Just your usual tomb robbing dangers 
- Physicists and meteorologists would have a fucking field day here
- Ah, I see we're at this level of the platform game 
- With the collapsing floor you need to get across without falling
- Okay, that's really kinda sweet of Wu Xie here. He thinks he's likely to die, and the most important thing to him is giving Xiaoge the pictures he took of him so that he doesn't lose all his memories 
- And aww, Xiaoge's so worried about him
- Like, I'm totally understanding why the transmigrated Wu Xie in that fic looked at these two and went "wow, we're so gay in this timeline" 
- Even the music in this scene is shipping it 
- Romantic line, and dramatic fall through the floor. Yep.
- I'm amazed he survived that fall, but it's Wu Xie, and he can't die 
- ...yes, ancient Persian architecture totally had anachronistic technology. Sure. This is definitely like that 
- omfg, they're statis chambers 
- 2000 year old stasis chambers
- Guess they're not worried about catching Sanshu and his team to get the key anymore. They've been kinda sidetracked 
- Side quests will do that 
- ...plant golems 
- "Don't shoot the thing that's in the process of murdering your friend! You might damage my research project!"
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- Ew, that's not a nice death 
- Yes, good girl, A-Ning 
- That thing was just gonna kill your whole team otherwise 
- ...how did that laptop survive the blast enough for Wu Xie to be using it with no problem 
- That's one tough laptop 
- Where do I get one?
- And hey, I guess the one Chinese guy with A-Ning isn't actually one of her people, since she just, like, left him there 🤣 In the room with a plant golem 🤣 That she then threw a grenade into 🤣
 - ...omg, that's meant to be Pangzi?
- I was wondering why no Pangzi in the movie. I guess 3/4 of the way through isn't too late to properly intro him 
 - Ahahaha, Wu Xie actually thinks his bluff was super successful when there's a plant golem behind him 
- Xiaoge to the rescue again XD
- lol @ both Pangzi and Wu Xie using Xiaoge's sword as a restraint 
- ...surprise A-Ning! I wasn't expecting her to actually come back 
- And she's somehow lost all of her guys
- That's a lot of snakes, but I'm more interested in where all the water is coming from and why you can see the sun behind those shelves 
- Given how deep under a mountain they're supposed to be 
- I do love competent, pretty girls wielding huge fuckoff guns
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- This door mechanism is so intricate (like the key/timer). So ofc I'm sure they're going to destroy it all 
 - Because that's how tomb raiding movies go
- Introduce a tomb with intricate and complex mechanisms far in advance of anything else known to that time period and civilisation, and then destroy them in dramatic fight and escape scenes 
- OMG the floor is lava 
 - Of course there's lava as well
- Oh, and it seems it's now all open to the sky 
- Ig the lightning which could mysteriously exert high levels of force must have smashed through the mountain and very neatly cleared it all way so that this part of the tomb and only this part of the tomb is now open air
- Wang Zanghai wishes he could go this extra with tomb building 
- And now Xiaoge being super extra to get across the destroyed section of the bridge 
- So this dude is gonna wake up just before Xiaoge gets there, isn't he? 
- And we're going to get an epic swordfight between them
- At least, it better be an epic swordfight 
- Otherwise this buildup will be very disappointing 
- Ah, yes, good, there we go 
- And all the plant golems are also waking up 
- ...along with a shitton of snakes 
- OMG the snakes have arms 
- The snakes 
- have arms
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- OMG Xiaoge's sword is doing what now? 
- That's almost as ridiculous as the snakes with arms 
- It's like a sword designed by a 13 year old weeaboo boy
"it's gonna be ancient, and super strong, and nothing will ever make it blunt" 
"okay, seems like a typical magic sword so far, that's fair" 
"and you can bend it at right angles" 
"...you can what"
"and when it's bent at right angles, you can make it spin really fast and still use it like a proper sword" 
"...it what"
- ...the Snake Empress is reforming in her armour as thousands of little vines all coming together 
- k 
- Sure 
- This may as well happen 
- And her armour has boobplate, because ofc it does 
- Oh, she ain’t happy that Xiaoge just killed her plant golem boyfriend
- Her aesthetics are hilarious 
- It's part Queen of the Damned, part Little Shop of Horrors 
- Okay, snake lady, your worms might change the world but honestly I think that lightning would be more effective if you could control it
- Sanshu and co just randomly walk in through another entrance 
- Oh, and there's the rest of A-Ning's team
- I want the story behind this A-Ning and her team. The way they all call her captain, and follow her without a second word, and are so genuinely happy to see her. This isn't just a throw-together team, or a team that Hendrix put together and put her in charge of. This is her team, and there's an obvious history between them
- And snake lady is suddenly not looking as pretty as she was, for no discernible reason 
- One minute she's jumping around, the next she's all pale and falling apart. At least her face is 
- It's like she's decomposing throughout the fight
- And here come the snakes with arms 
- They move just as slowly as the shibie in here do 
- They jump pretty fast, though 
- RIP the next member of Sanshu's team 
- Yeah, machine guns aren't that effective against regular snakes, let alone magic snakes
- And the plant golems are here 
- RIP more of Sanshu's team 
- Ah, the little snakes with arms are all grown up and off to conquer the world
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- ...omfg Pangzi 
- And this time it's A-Ning to the rescue 
- I love how quickly Wu Xie and Pangzi fall into the dynamic of a pair of clowns, regardless of adaptation
- RIP Harry. You went out like a badass 
- Oh wow, both teams are having some fucking epic sacrificial deaths in this fight scene 
- I like 
- And more cute pingxie, this time in flashbacks 
- lol, clearing out plant golem conversion by pure force of will
- ...and channeling blood down the grooves in the sword blade apparently...makes it sharper? 
- At least, it couldn't cut through the vines before, and now it can 
- That's not how magnetic fields work
- Ahahaha, Wu Xie pulling out his flute 
- He's gonna pull that Pied Piper shit again, isn't he? 
- Here come the shibie, come to nom on plant-snake-lady flesh! 
- She's having just as much trouble with them as everyone else does
- Because it's a lovely day in the tomb, and they are horrible shibie 
- Wow, she hits hard, she knocked Xiaoge like halfway across the chasm 
- Good thing there was a random broken pillar there
- Are they getting obliterated? 
- Ah, no, they're getting sucked up by the wind 
- Shibie-nado! 
- You know, I kinda like how bad Wu Xie's English is compared to everyone else who's spoken English so far 
- It nicely demonstrates who speaks it a lot and who doesn't
- Aw, Wu Xie, you're always so optimistic when you're baby 
- And it actually worked. I'm impressed. 
- Oh wow, A-Ning, that's some character development right there, caring about right or wrong instead of money
- Nice Pangi & A-Ning dynamic in this movie, given how they usually hate each other 
- This is definitely the final level of a platform game 
- Hahah, the two teams now 
- Awwwwwwww 😭
 - I think this is the first time I've seen Wu Xie rescue Xiaoge rather than vice versa 
- "I regret not locking you in the truck myself" 
 - Sorry, Xiaoge, I don't think you'd actually have much more luck with that than Sanshu did 
- Xiaoge, you really should have been more careful there, you almost did low Wu Xie 
- Good thing A-Ning was close by!
- ....the sword...is being used...as a boomerang 
- wtaf 
- Hahahah, the snakes' death throes, omg 
- lol what even was that ending
Overall: This movie was just one long DMBJ PingXie AU crackfic, and the author didn't know how to end it so just...didn't write an actual ending. That's the only way I can explain it. 
29 notes · View notes
surveys-at-your-service · 4 years ago
Survey #299
“you look so beautiful tonight  /  reminds me how you laid us down and gently smiled before you destroyed my life.”
Ever done any drugs? Besides alcohol, no. How many people have you kissed? Three or four. What’s your favorite show to binge? I could only ever willingly *binge* Meerkat Manor and not get bored after like, two episodes. Do you watch porn? No, it's never appealed to me. What’s one of your fantasies? Being financially stable. :^) Do you have/would you get your nipples pierced? I've lightly considered getting one, but I really doubt I ever will. What’s the most overrated movie? /shrug. Let people like what they like. Tag someone you want to talk to but have been too shy to message. I'd love to get to know my Facebook acquaintance Courtlynn better; I've wanted to for a long time. I think we could be fantastic friends. We'll like each other's stuff regularly and occasionally leave comments, but we don't really talk. Do you like paper books or ebooks better? Paper ones, by a long shot. I just really like the feeling of a book and being able to clearly see how far in you are. I enjoy the smell and sound of turning pages. If you could live in a fictional world, what world would you pick? Probably Wonderland, realistically. I would say Azeroth, but too much world-threatening shit goes on every day lol. If money was no object, what would your wardrobe be like? G O T H Do you still have feelings for any of your exes? Yep. Do you drink? Very, very rarely. Almost exclusively during celebrations or on the once in a blue moon occasion we go to a sit-down restaurant. Do you read erotica? No. It would make me super uncomfortable. What color was the last candle you lit? I don't remember at all. Do you own a treadmill? No, but I want one. Have you ever signed up for a gym membership? Well, not exactly me. Mom and Nicole both had memberships to Planet Fitness, and I was able to come as a guest. It was just cheaper that way. What color was the last fish you had? That I owned or ate? Either way, idr. Is there a garbage can in your room? What color is it? No. If you play The Sims, do you download custom clothes, hair, etc? I don't play it. Does your animal sleep with you? Roman does, yes. He legitimately spoons with me lmao. Sometimes he'll move to the bottom of the bed, other times he'll sleep through most of the night there. Have you ever had to wear a hairnet? Yes. What is your favorite song to play on Guitar Hero or Rock Band? "Hotel California" by The Eagles on expert is so much fun and just feels good. The ending solo is just great. When you drink chocolate milk do you just buy the jug of it or the syrup that you can put into the milk? Almost always just the chocolate syrup. Do you own a robe? What color is it? No. What’s the worst abuse you have done to your phone? I know I've thrown it across the room once. Well, not my current phone, but a really old one. How did you meet your first love? High school. Well, you could maybe say Facebook. He sent me a friend request and I literally only accepted it because I thought it was another Jason. We talked via messenger some and then we ran into each other at school, and tbh I kinda knew I was fucked from there lmao. Have you ever worn the opposite sex’s underwear? I don't believe so, no. Have you ever kissed in a pool? Yeah. Are there any hobbies you have that you don’t perform in front of others? I absolutely cannot write in front of others, and I HATE drawing when people are watching. What do you do when you simply don’t know what to do? Odds are I'll probably be scraping the bottom of the barrel to find something in WoW that sounds even remotely fun, or I'll browse Facebook. How did you find out about your current favorite band? He's one of my mom's favorite singers/bands, so I grew up with some of his music, and when I was getting into rock and metal, I decided to go through her music case and listen to some of it. Ozzy's Black Rain album set the adoration into motion. Where are you most likely to go when you need clothing? The Internet or Wal-Mart, depending on what kind of clothes I need. When was the last time you tried to do something yet failed? I should have an answer for this very quickly... yet I'm unsure. I don't think anything *major* has happened in a while. Oh, this is a tiny thing, but I did look really hard for the pencil sharpener so my niece could finish coloring her drawing, but I couldn't find the damn thing for anything. Do you think your life is comprised more of success or failure? Lots and lots of failure. What’s one personality trait that’s not strong in you? Uhhh outgoing, ig. Are you a difficult individual to get to know? Considering I hide a lot about myself to try and be accepted, yes. When was the last time you opened up to someone and about what? Literally yesterday to my mom about this unreasonably massive fear I've had lately that she doesn't have much longer in her. I'm terrified she's going to get COVID or her cancer just comes back faster than we hope. To whom do you feel the most important? My mom. Is there something you want but might not ever have? Many things. What’s something you’re working to obtain? Mental stability. Do you tend to enjoy your dreams? No, considering they're usually violent and rarely just psychotic nightmares. Are there any projects or goals you’ve recently abandoned? Hm. What in life serves to keep you going? The hope it'll get better, and I'll reach a point of actually being happy and content with my life. What was the last good news you received? Nicole's trip to Maryland to bring back a baby was successful (if that sounds weird, she's a child social worker). He has a heart condition where if his heartbeat or something like that was irregular, she'd have driven all the way up there for nothing; the baby wouldn't have been able to take the ride. Are you more inclined to appreciate sweet or savory foods? Sweet. Are romantic relationships important to you at this point in your life? I mean I'd like to be in one, but I highly doubt it'd be successful, just given where I am in life. I'd be signing up for heartbreak. Who was the last person to apologize to you for something they did? I don't know. Probably Mom for something minor, like just bumping into me or something. Are you wearing a necklace, and if so, who got it for you? No. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done lately? Lately? Uh. I don't know, but I can guarantee to you it wasn't long ago at all, considering breathing embarrasses me, pretty much. Do you ‘think out loud’? Sometimes. Do you take gummy vitamins? No. How do you know the majority of the people you know? Former schools. Hell, or maybe various online locations. I just might have more online friends and acquaintances than in-person. Is there a random object you own that has a huge personal significance? I've talked about my pebble from my partial hospitalization program enough. Can you play electric guitar? I used to be able to play a little bit; I took guitar lessons for a short while in high school. Best I could do was the intro to "Crazy Train," but I'd still occasionally mess up. Are you one of those people who chew two pieces of gum, not one? Usually. Do you believe in ghosts/supernatural occurrences? Yes. Without the aid of mascara, do you have long eyelashes? Yeah. Is there a kind of music you listen to that helps you release your anger? Yes, usually songs that are also angry. How does it make you feel looking at pics with your ex and someone else? The only case this has ever happened was with Jason and his gf after me. There are no words to describe the fucking hatred I felt. I haven't seen pictures of him with an s/o in a long time, and I absolutely never plan on seeking them out ever again. What song are you listening to right now? "Rest In Pieces" by Saliva. If you’re not in college, why? I couldn't handle the stress anymore. Just couldn't. Do you own a studded belt from Hot Topic? I have a good number of old ones from high school, actually. I wore them all the time. I could never fit into them now. Favorite fictional character? Um, Darkiplier, duh. Most recent thing you are looking forward to? I think it's finally set in stone that I'm getting my tattoo redone soon. Thanks to my laptop saying "ha fuck you," it's not as soon as I originally planned since I had to pay to fix it, but Mom seems fine with helping me pay for my birthday. Not a guarantee that it'll happen on that date of course, given scheduling, but yeah. It should fucking finally be happening. How many stairs can you climb before you wanna pass out? This is too embarrassing to even answer lmao. Have you ever kissed someone with braces? No. Would you ever consider adoption? I don't want kids, and even if I did, I probably wouldn't. I feel like I'd personally need the "wow this is a part of me (and/or my s/o)" connection. Do you ever go hunting/fishing? I would never go hunting, and the only occasion in which I'd fish again is if Dad asked me. I don't like the idea of fishing for fun anymore, but that's like... always been our bonding experience, and I wouldn't tell him no. Do you know anyone who plays guitar? Knew. What are you currently sitting/laying on? My bed. Who are your godparents? I don't think I have any. Do you have any friends who are famous? I have two friends who are parts of bands, but idk how successful they are. I don't think either are like, huge. Nova Mortis if you're into heavy metal and I think Toukan does rap? When was the last time you stayed at a hotel? Hm. I have no idea. What side of a heart do you draw first? Uhhhh I think the left? What is your mom saved as in your phone? "Mama Bear." Do you want your tongue pierced? I had snake eyes for a while, but I took them out because I kept chipping my teeth. I miss that piercing, it was so cute, but it wasn't worth ruining my teeth. Ever made out in a pool? It's possible very briefly, idr. Do you like to have long hair or short hair? SHORT. SHORT. SHORT. Do you change your phone background a lot? Not really. Would you get back with your last ex if you could? Yeah. Have you ever been strip searched? No. Has the person you like ever seen you in your pajamas? Yes. What is your least favorite type of chocolate? White chocolate is way too sweet. Did anyone see your last kiss? It was at an airport, so probably. Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend? I mean, I do, but I don't really know how smart it would be right now. Is there anyone you wish you could fix things with? A few. Who IMed you on Facebook last? My friend Girt. Were you kinda scared of the goths in high school? Hell naw man, I looked up to them lmao. What size is your mattress? (single,twin,double,queen,king) Queen. Do you like spaghetti? Hell yeah. It was my favorite food as a kid. What about lasagna? No; I don't like the cheese at all. Have you ever been stung by anything? What was it? Mosquitoes of course, as well as a bee once. Maybe other things, idk. Have you ever worn contacts? (even just to try them out) Yes, but I changed to glasses because I had too much trouble putting them in and taking them out. Have you ever had any suspicious moles removed? No. Have you ever been screened for STDs? No. Did you have your tonsils taken out? No. Did you have your appendix taken out? No. Do you have any collector’s glasses or cups or mugs? What is a "collector's" glass or mug? Were you your parents’ first born? No; I'm the middle child. Do you have a child? Is the father still with you? No. Were you born perfectly healthy or with some (or a lot) of health issues? I was born healthy. Good 'ole days. Did you ever catch any bugs or insects with your friends as a kid? Ohhhh yes, my neighbor and I loved doing that. My favorite was catching fireflies with my sisters, though. Would you prefer to travel around the world by yourself or with a friend? With a friend. I'd get lonely. Do you know anybody who has been diagnosed with cancer? A whole lot, sadly... I'm despising that disease more and more every day that goes by. I know far too many people who have it or have died at its hands. Have you ever had to take care of an intoxicated person? No. Do you and your boyfriend/girlfriend fight a lot? N/A. Do not stay in a relationship where fighting is common. Would you ever share a site password with a family member or partner? I mean sure, depending on the site and person, and the reason they (may) need it. Has anyone ever told you they couldn't trust you? Hm... I actually don't think so? Who in your family has the prettiest eyes? Idk, I don't see enough of my extended family to know. What is an odd food item you would like to try, or have tried? I'm sure there's something I'd like to try, but nothing I think about with consistency, really... Most "odd" food I find unappealing anyway. When/if you drive, do you go the speedlimit? When I did, I certainly always tried to, but I was bad at maintaining a stable speed. I went up and down too much. Are you an aggressive driver? Or more passive-aggressive? I was dangerously passive at driving. Describe a hairstyle you had as a little kid? Well, I had long hair with bangs. What routine of yours would you most hate to break? Probably stopping getting a soda first thing in the morning... That is like so deeply ingrained into my day and is a motivator to get up in the first place. I want to change this to where I'm not allowed to grab one until I've had a full cup of water, but yeah, that hasn't happened yet. Has jealousy ever ruined one of your friendships/relationships? Honestly? I think it's possible that Jason totally split on me because of it. We were in this very unstable "friends" position after the breakup and hung out very briefly and awkwardly twice (which I'm pretty sure he didn't want), and I think one of our last attempts at conversation was who a girl he was talking to via Messenger was. No, before any assumptions are made, I didn't snoop. He showed me something on his phone and I just inevitably saw the little Facebook chat icon of a girl I didn't recognize. I don't even remember his answer. I just know it wasn't too long later I was blocked and everything. What is one restaurant you would NOT recommend? I personally am not a Chili's fan. What was your last conversation about? Mom and I were just talking about what a mush the cat is, haha. Who is your favorite person to debate or discuss with? Yo fuck debates, I got mad anxiety over that kind of stuff. Are you more likely to praise or insult yourself? Why? Insult. I don't even believe myself when I try praising, so it's not worth the effort. I have a billion and two reasons. Do you enjoy cloudy days? Why or why not? Honestly, not very much anymore. I've found that it actually does affect my mood. I like some cloud coverage, though. Would it bother you to be forgotten after death? Yes, even though when you think about it, most of us will be. I want to do stomething so badly; not even particularly something major, but just contribute to things and causes that matter and slowly change the world for the better. It's especially likely I will be forgotten though at some point because I don't want kids, so my blood isn't carrying on. Do you tend to prefer healthy or unhealthy snacks? Ugh, unhealthy. Has anyone ever asked you for diet advice? I think so, back when I started recovery and lost like 60 lbs fast as fuck. I wasn't even dieting though, just... came off awful meds. What age is your youngest aunt? Ummmm I have no clue. Do you like bowling? Yeah, it's fun, but I'm not good at it. Do you like roasting marshmallows on a bonfire? Totally. Do you prefer sweet or sour fruits? Sweet. How're your dancing skills? Rusted to the point of just not functional anymore lmao. What brand of batteries do you usually get? I don't pay attention to the kind Mom gets. Are any of your friends pregnant or have kids? A lot of my FB friends have kids. At least two are pregnant, but I only consider myself remotely close to one. I'm beyond worried about how she's going to be as a mom. Where's the strangest place a fast food restaurant was located? I've certainly seen some questionable placement in busy areas, but none that are super odd. Do you stay up all night on New Years Eve/Day or go to bed after 12am? I don't care nowadays; I just stay up until I'm tired like every other night.
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boobear-harold · 4 years ago
I was tagged by @sunflowrhaz to answer a few questions that dig a little deeper. thank you love <3
1. Do you prefer writing with a black pen or a blue pen?
don’t really care but prob black
2. Would you prefer to live in the country or in the city?
Country. I’ve lived in the bush all my life - although I would love it if I lived closer to a big city.
3. If you could learn a new skill, what would it be?
Piano (i know like the right hand of one song), and I spent a year studying Italian and dont remember anything from it so I would like to actually be fluent.
4. do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar?
I only drink black tea(with milk) and I have 2 sugars. I do have pretty big mugs though
5. What was your favourite book as a child?
the harry potter series, and then probably the Eragon series or the Wings series. do not get me started on just how badly they did the Eragon movie though
6. Do you prefer baths or showers?
showers tbh
7. If you could be a mythical creature, which one would you be?
a mermaid or a faerie, I was obsessed with both as a kid
8. Paper or electronic books?
Defffinitely paper. Theres just something about the smell and the feel <3
9. What is your favourite item of clothing?
😬 i have an overflowing wardrobe... maybe the Spell dress I treated myself to, or my denim jacket, or one of my maxi dresses idk idk
10. Do you like your name? Would you like to change it?
as a kid i always wanted my middle name to be my name... like i started calling myself that and everything sdskfjhlksfk but now no not really. I like my name (although it is annoying that there is a brand with the same name)
11. Who is a mentor to you?
my mum 💕 she’s an absolute legend
12. Would you like to be famous? If so, what for?
I wouldn’t mind if like my art or the things I made were famous but like me actually famous myself? noooooo thank you i’ll pass
13. Are you a restless sleeper?
lmao no i remember once my dad apologised for using the chainsaw near my bedroom window and i was like ??? I didn’t hear it at all.
14. Do you consider yourself to be a romantic person?
very much so but I feel like other people don’t think I am
15. Which element best represents you?
i am an earth sign but would probably pick water
16. Who do you want to be closer to?
i miss seeing my siblings as much as i did when we were kids, and i miss my friends from high school so much... we never see each other anymore
17. Do you miss someone at the moment?
18. Tell us about an early childhood memory.
most of my childhood memories include horseriding or swimming at the beach or river
19. What is the strangest thing you have eaten?
tbh i’m pretty fussy. Oh! actually I had kangaroo once in primary school when we had this like ‘indigenous culture education’ thing. Do not remember what it tastes like at all
20. What are you most thankful for?
i was going to say the same thing so I’m just going to leave your answer there lol 
my family, my health, the beautiful country i live in, the friends i have made on here 💛so many things
21. Do you like spicy food?
not in the slightest. I dont even like pepper on my food
22. Have you ever met someone famous?
depends on what kind of famous we’re talking lol i’ve met a couple of mildly well known aussie bands, a politician, an athlete that carried the 2000 olympic torch through my town, but nobody like really famous
23. Do you keep a diary or journal?
i dont use it as much anymore but from like mid teens until a few years ago i used one a lot. It was the best feeling to just like write everything i felt like i couldn’t/shouldn’t say but i guess i dont need it so much anymore
24. Do you prefer to use pen or pencil?
25. What is your star sign?
capricorn sun, aries moon, aquarius rising
26. Do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy?
i haven’t eaten cereal in years but its gotta be crunchy. are there actually people who like soggy cereal lmao
27. What would you want your legacy to be?
this sounds so cheesy but I just wanna be someone people are comfortable to be around
28. Do you like reading? What was the last book you read?
do i like breathing? my first memory of books is having fairytale books stacked like 30cm+ high on the end of my bed when I was like 4/5. I just finished The Lost Book of the White and am currently reading Midnight Sun(dont judge me i needed to know what it was like)
29. How do you show someone you love them?
i’m definitely a show not tell kind of person. hugs, doing a task they don’t like doing so that they dont have to do it, hugs, gifts, hugs, 
30. Do you like ice in your drinks?
31. What are you afraid of?
losing my family, never travelling, not doing anything with my life
32. What is your favourite scent?
jasmine, rain, freesias, books, roses, my mums perfume, 
33. Do you address older people by their name or surname?
calling anyone by their surname is not really a thing where i’m from (unless it gets turned into a nickname)
34. If money was not a factor, how would you live your life?
travelling a lot, secretly paying off peoples debts, handing out money to strangers, I would just travel and try to make peoples lives easier
35. Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean?
100% pool. I always feel like a plant that someone poured salt on after i’ve swam at the beach
36. What would you do if you found $50 on the ground
keep it unless i could figure out who’s it was
37. Have you ever seen a shooting star? Did you make a wish?
i’ve seen a few :) and yes
38. What is one thing you would want to teach your children?
i don’t think i want kids, but if I had them probably just to be kind, tolerant and not to judge to quickly, and definitely to use common sense
39. If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it?
hmmm definitely something small, probably ~aesthetic~ artsy or some symbol that means something to me. I’d get it wrist, above or below my elbow (inner), or maybe ankle. I’ve actually always wanted an infinity symbol on the side of my ring finger
40. What can you hear right now?
my fan and my cat yawning
41. Where do you feel the safest?
at home, probably in my bed reading or smth
42. What is one thing you want to overcome/conquer?
procrastination, self-doubt, anxiety
43. If you could travel back to any era, what would it be?
i’m always thinking fashion when it comes to history so probably some where from 1850s - 1920s england/france. or like 1600s france.
44. What is your most used emoji?
45. Describe yourself using one word.
creative... or stubborn, or kind idk
46. What do you regret the most?
... not trying. But there’s always time to change that I guess :)
47. Last movie you saw?
dont remember... i’ve been watching a lot of tv
48. Last tv show you watched?
currently watching Hart of Dixie
49. Invent a word and its meaning
solgim - the sparkly feeling when you have a crush on someone
i tag: @weareonejazzhand @queerlydestructive @sunsetlarry @feellikearainbow @babygater @fuckingniall @sunflower-vol14 @oneandonlyhl @softcoeurs @heyangel @louisteapot @proudandexcited only if you feel like it <3 also if i didnt tag you and you want to please do and tag me 
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whataboutdisney · 4 years ago
i am absolutely stressed as fuck. i'm always really negative on here but this is the only place i can say what i really want to say and nobody bats an eye. i'm still on my corona job as i call it. it's absolute shit. you know at first it was alright giving out samples but after a month they told us well woops corona really is shit isn't it you can't be standing in the store giving out samples anymore. why we're not allowed god fucking knows but ok. so then they told me to go wash the shopping carts. which was way too kich work for 1 person and my anxiety went trough the roof every workday but at least i was moving around doing something. and i don't take breaks cause i don't want to eat so i just told myself alright i wanna die but at least i wont gain weight today. but at the end of november the bought a "carwash" (no it's not funny) and now people have to clean their own carts in that thing if they want to and i just have to stand there 5 hours at the time to explain people how it works.. cause humans really really are just too fucking stupig to even shit sometimes... and tell people to wear their masks. sure i make money but tbh no. fuck that shit. and i dont even make enough money to do the little things i enjoy so why tf am i doing this. i'll tell you why, it's because lots of people are going on holiday on planes, boats and trains and everything is fine. but being in a theatre is seen as a crime. so theatres are closed and i haven't worked at my "real" job for almost a year now.
and i keep applying for jobs but nobody wants me.
but today i got called. for a job interview. holy shit. for a extreme burger place. i mean i thought it looked cool and since nobody wants me i though well shit lets apply. but i didn't think they would call back.
anyone else would have been really happy with that probably bit i'm shitting myself.
1. i never worked in a restaurant before
2. job interviews are aweful anyway
3.i already have a job and you canvt just leave, they have a month where you still have to deal with them after you quit.
4. i need to go to the dentist next week and what if i can work there, then i have to tell them like yo cool but i cant on that day.
5. i have a tattoo appointment on the 20th (if the shops open againg cause lockdown..) same thing as the dentist.
6. i have a tattoo appoinment on the 17th of februari(i made these appointments when i was still earning proper money..) same thing
7. i'm scared and axious about new things and people
so yeah that's nice
and my dad has this disgusting cough for almost a year now and he doesn't want to go to the doctor. i think it's something bad and i think my dad thinks so too so thats why he doesn't go to the doctors. which is pretty fucking selfish. fuck him too if he doesnvt even want to go for me he doesnvt give a fuck about anyone else anyway. if he dies i'm alone but he once kinda said that's not his problem so cheers to that.
then my cats were ill a few months ago. then one of my cats got allergic for some stupid reason and because of that he scratched a huge hole in his head which i had to deal with.
and now they both have diarea and i am fucking done with this shit. can't they just get a grip on themselves for once. i have enough shit going on i don't need this. and the vet is expensive as fuck. they havr to eat special food now, almost €40! ridiculous.
so yeah and i have to go to the dentist which give me sleepless nights for weeks now. also nice.
i'm trying to get my stomach fat to go but i hate to work out. it's not working as well. i hate my body, i hate my face god how i hate that stupid fucking ugly shitspot of a face, i hate my voice, everything and shit is not making it better.
i can still live with myself but i don't know how long i can still stand my job situation. i swear i'm gonna freak out anyday soon.
i just read that if you eat around 20 applecores the poison in there can kill you and i swear don't challenge me.
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purplesurveys · 3 years ago
Social Media Survey
What is your favorite social media site?  Either Twitter or YouTube, though I never use YouTube as a social media site per se so I guess this round goes to Twitter.
Do you use...
facebook? myspace? twitter? snapchat? instagram? youtube? pinterest? bzoink? another site with message boards? tumblr? deviantart? xanga?
Do you get on Facebook every day?  Yeah pretty much all throughout the day. I used to never use it, like never ever; but back in college all announcements were coursed through Facebook so I was technically required to be on it regularly, and it was from there that I began to see memes and start to be more active. I’m a shitposter more than anything though and I rarely ever post stuff of my own. How many FB friends do you have?  I have 679 at the moment but I want to get rid of like 500 of them; it’s just such a long list to go through so I never get to proceed with my unfriending spree lol.
Have you ever been on a deleting spree?  HAHA I just mentioned that. I’ve always wanted to, but like I said 679 is already such an exhaustive list for me, and that’s considering I only started touching my Facebook in like 2019. I can’t imagine people who started Facebook in like 2009 and have 4000 friends aka most people I know.
Have you blocked a lot of haters?  I don’t have haters; at least I’m not aware of any that I have. Not that it’s something I care about at this point.
Do you get bullied online a lot?  No, but that’s also because I don’t really open the channels for people to send in hate. I don’t have Q&A handles like Curious Cat and I never pick out that option in Instagram where people can send in questions.
What's your favorite Facebook app?  Oh I never use Facebook for their apps. Are those still even a thing...? Anyway, I mainly go there to be on the hunt for stupid memes I can reshare or to watch videos that are either funny or informative.
Are you a fan of selfies?  I don’t mind if other people do it, but I think I’m honestly bad at selfies so I almost never take them. I’ve never figured out my angles or what filters look ok on me.
Has anyone ever called the police on you because they didn't like your status?  No but I have had my posts reported because they were deemed ‘offensive.’ Which is weird because my posts that have been taken down are those that speak out against disgusting men, which says a lot about Facebook runs their shit more than anything else.
Are you in any facebook groups?  I’m in nearly a hundred groups, both private i.e. for school purposes, and public.
Are you the admin of any groups?  Nah. Too much time and effort needed out of me.
Do you report abuse to group admins whenever you see it?  Yes. I report the post then leave the group.
What could make Facebook better?  They could put more effort into detecting and banning troll farms.
What year did you start using Facebook?  I made an account in 2012 because of a high school class that required us to upload this specific video-format homework onto Facebook (which in hindsight is such an insensitive homework considering that was nearly a decade ago when the Philippines was still severely behind in internet connection speeds?? Ugh). But I didn’t start actively using my account until around two years ago.
What is your current profile picture of?  Myself, posing in front of the sunflowers in school during the recent graduation season.
Did you like the old Myspace better than Facebook?  I was never a regular user of Myspace, so...
What are some of your favorite boards?  I’ve never had a clue what the purpose of Pinterest was. I mean I have an account...but I’ve also never gotten the hang of it?? so I never touch it hahaha.
Have you ever done a craft you saw on Pinterest?  Well no, because I’m terrible at arts and crafts anyway.
Do you have a Dream Wedding board? If so, what's on it?  No.
If you have a Dream House board, what does your dream house look like?  Ok fine this one I did start hahahah but I don’t even remember what I added on there anymore. I’m sure it was filled with modern-style houses with minimalist interior design.
Do you wish they'd bring the "like" button back?  I’m not even aware of this option.
Do you have a Bucket List board?  Not aware of this either.
Which do you like better: Just Girly Things or And That's Who I Am? The second one sounds less childish. < Same, and it sounds like it covers more.
Do you have a board for tattoos you like? If so, what are some of your faves?  No. The only one I ever made was the house one, then Pinterest quickly became boring from there when I realized there wasn’t much else I could do besides making mood boards.
Do you have a "Random" or "Miscellaneous" board?  No.
Have you ever reached the maximum number of boards?  No.
Do you have any secret boards?  No.
Have you ever had a Pin deleted because of copyright laws?  No.
Do you have a Color board? No.
Do you have an About Me board? If so, what's on it? No.
Do you have a YouTube channel? If so, what is it?  Technically I do but I only have it so I can tailor video suggestions to my interests and so that I can like videos and subscribe to channels I like.
What kind of things do you post on YouTube?  I’ve never posted any video on there, not even private ones. I’m also not the type to comment.
What do you like to watch on YouTube?  These days YouTube serves as a stress reliever for me, which is to say I would typically go for humorous BTS-related compilations because there are sooooo many hilarious channels that make these great videos haha. Occasionally I’d go back to channels or series that I used to frequent, like Good Mythical Morning, Buzzfeed’s Worth It and Unsolved, Try Guys, Watcher, etc. 
Are you subscribed to any channels?  To so many.
Do you watch any vlogs? If so, what ones are your favorite?  Hm probably Jiwoo’s, though her channel is called Mejiwoo. I find her content calming and conversational and basically fun to binge-watch when I’m not looking for anything super super particular to watch.
If you have a channel, how many subscribers do you have?  0. I’m just a lurker.
Will you subscribe to my channel? (msg me if you want a link!)  Only if it’s really fit to my interests, I guess.
Do you watch music videos?  Rarely; not a fan of MVs in particular. I only really ever put an exception for BTS.
Have you ever watched a TV show on youtube?  Well no since their copyright team works hard and works fast lol. I do watch entire video game walkthroughs from time to time.
Have you ever worked out to exercise videos on youtube?  No, I can’t care less about working out tbh.
Have you watched Amanda Todd's famous video?  No. I’m scared that it might be too upsetting or triggering for me.
Have you ever looked up how to do something on YouTube?  Not really, I prefer looking up articles that can teach me step by step in words.
Do you get a lot of hate comments on youtube?  No, I’ve never posted anything on there.
How long have you been a youtuber?  Never been.
Do you post on Instagram a lot?  I do 1-3 Instagram stories in a week, I would say. As for posts, I only have 4 in total and I don’t really feel the pressure to add more. I just post when I feel the want to.
Have you ever posted a poll on instagram?  Nah, I’m not too sure if anyone would participate so I’ve never tried. If you don't have an iPhone, do you wish you could use Instagram?  I’m pretty sure other operating systems can also use Instagram...
Do you have any followers?  Around 50, I think.
Do you like Instagram filters? I’ll use them sometimes to make my stories appear prettier.
Do you think twitter is stupid? Hehe show me at least one person who doesn’t think so. < Coming from someone who regularly uses Twitter, agree. It is crazy stupid but stupid is what I’m there for. Which is honestly not always such a bad thing to me - I like that people are more themselves, more stripped-down, vulnerable on Twitter. People always seem to want to show off their best selves on Facebook and Instagram, so I’m actually kind of grateful that there is at least one social media out there where people can just be their clumsy, goofy selves.
How often do you tweet?  Probably a maximum of five a day. Nowadays I’m on there mostly to just scroll through my timelines.
Do you get on twitter every day?  Yes, both on my personal and fan account.
Do you make a lot of surveys?  I never make them but I try to take them as often as I can.
Do you take a lot of surveys?  Haha sorry, was one step ahead of you. Yeah, I do.
Do you post in the message boards?  Nah. I dunno if I’m even permitted to check the message boards on Bzoink considering I don’t have an account.
What types of surveys are your favorite?  Categorized surveys like this one or countdown ones can be fun, but at the end of the day I like sticking to the classic random survey.
Do you have friends on here?  Not on Bzoink, but here on Tumblr yes! There’s a number of people here I like keeping up with :)
Do you post all your secrets on here?  Again, not on Bzoink; but yep I share pretty much everything here.
What type of survey do you think I should make next?  Anything but basic/about me-themed ones that will ask for my name and eye color and weight.
Do you read peoples' answers to your surveys?  I’ve never made a survey.
Do you think you are good at making surveys? 
Do you try to make unique surveys?
What type of surveys do you want to see more of?
This or That
Have You Ever
Are you like me?
About You
Personal, Deep Questions
Music shuffle
Would You Rather
Do you have this in your bedroom?
All About Your Crush
Your health
Your friends
Girl Confessions - how different is this from just confessions? Hahaha
Controversial topics
Did you have a myspace when you were in high school?  I started an account in like 4th grade when Myspace was ~big, but I didn’t find it fun and everyone my age was on Friendster anyway, so I was largely inactive.
Do you use myspace now?  No. Is it still even around? I have no clue.
Do you miss bulletins? I didn’t get to join in on the fun so there’s nothing to miss.
Did you like customizing your profile with the old myspace?  Not attributed to Myspace but I did have a lot of fun customizing my Multiply and Tumblr accounts back in the day. That was a period where I really got to learn and play around with HTML :)
Did you have music on your profile?  Not on Myspace again but I did on Multiply! I had a cute little playlist that played the songs immediately as soon as you landed on my page hahaha.
Did you learn HTML when you used Myspace?  Tumblr, yeah. I believe the skills are still there but I’ll definitely be a bit rusty.
Did you have a customized cursor?  Oh, no. Wasn’t a fan of those as I found them a bit tacky.
Did you use glitter graphics?  Also found those tacky haha no, I never used those.
Do you remember posting glitter graphics on friends' pages?  Nope.
Did you make "dolls"?  I don’t recall ever making those.
Did you use photo captions?  Not sure what this is referring to so let’s just say no.
Did you have a photo slideshow on your profile?  Hmmm nope, I don’t think so.
Did you have a Xanga account back in the day?  No. It wasn’t big here so I had never heard of it until I started taking surveys on here and heard people mentioning Xanga, actually.
Do you have a xanga account now?  No.
Did you post photos and quotes on your xanga page?  I never had any.
Do you use snapchat?  I did; I was superrrrr active on there for a time. It kind of just got old at one point, though, and my feed got more and more dead until I too just left my account dormant altogether.
What is your favorite filter?  There were a lot of cute ones on there that helped me be more confident with taking selfies but my favorites have to be the dog and flower crown ones.
Do you understand Tumblr?  I had a better handle of it when I ran a fan account that required me to be more active; but now that I really just go on here to take surveys I just use the basic functions and nothing more. But yeah, I understand just enough to get by.
Do you use Tumblr?  Yeah. Even on the days I don’t post surveys, I regularly go on here to keep up with friends I like keeping up with like Elisabeth, Lane, Steph, Lina, Julie :)
What forum sites did you use to love that aren't around anymore?  There was one message board I frequented for this girly/tween magazine I used to collect, but I won’t share the name.
Are there any other great social media sites that you recommend?  I think this survey was able to cover all the main ones I use.
Do you use a photo editing site? If so, what?  I use apps instead of sites to edit my photos.
Do you ever use BeFunky.com?  Nope.
Do you use a video editing site? If so, what?  Nah, I rarely have to edit videos in a super intricate, detailed way. Apple’s video editing features suffice for me.
Have you ever downloaded fonts?  Very occasionally since it’s never necessary.
Have you ever used photobucket to upload an image?  No but I remember going on there back in the day to look for images. I never uploaded any, though.
Do you use iTunes?  Not anymore. I have an account on Spotify now.
Do you listen to music on Pandora?  No, never used it.
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