#and started the Frollo Show with Gaston
salem-sapiens · 16 days
Let me just...here we go. Fixed.
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Only ending I deem acceptable, sorry folks.
Uncropped version and sketch beneath
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Also, his shoes fell off. Not that I had no idea how to draw them in perspective or anything.
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francis-writes · 2 years
Regarding my last ask about alt-fasion reader, I was thinking Dr Facilier, Hades, Jafar, Ursula, Gaston and Frollo
Hey! Sorry but i didn't include dr facilier, i just had no idea what to write about him
Disney villains with reader who wears alt fashion
Hades He just thinks that you look really hot. Your outfit was probably first thing that catched his eye and then he noticed that you're even more stunning so he came closer and started flirting with you (just as he always do, we know how smooth he can be) Hades spoils you with new clothes, accessories, whatever you would dream about. Even if you don't ask, he will often buy you something he thought you would like and make you a surprise gift. Everything for you.
Jafar Jafar knows some things about fashion, he's always well dressed and he knows how to make impression but for him clothes are a way to show his wealth and position. So he may have some problems with understanding that you dress ignoring conventional trends just to express yourself through your style. But he encourages you to do whatever you please and spoils you with new clothes. Whatever to make you happy.
Ursula She's the most enthusiastic about your style. Ursula isn't afraid of showing her style and she really appreciates people who are bold enough to look as they want. She may also get curious and dress one day in your style.
Gaston Honestly, at the beggining he's skeptical. Gaston is a conservative after all and he never saw alt fashion before so it's new to him (and he has problems with accepting changes in his worldview) But it doesn't long last before he starts to appreciate your look. Not that he becomes fan of this style himself, he just decides that hot person is hot however they dress.
Frollo First thought, he wants to send your soul straight to hell but lets be honest, he wants to send there practically everybody except himself. He's quite suspicious at the beginning as he would be with every outfit that isn't conservative and overly modest. It also looks a bit... witchy to him. But (of course he won't admit it, trying to keep the mask of a pious judge) it really turns him on. He may become more... flirty? Seductive? Whatever you call his specific way of trying to ask someone out.
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hannahhook7744 · 1 month
Mother Knows Best (For Real This Time!);
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Summary: What if Mother Gothel was a decent mother?
Trigger warnings: violence, swearing, insecurities, and unsanitary eating habits.
Let me know if I should add to it.
Part of My 'Even Villains Love Their Kids' Series.
Previous Parts: Frollo, Cruella, Gaston, and Gideon & Honest John.
"Ginny! Don't eat random mushrooms you find growing off the wall! You'll get sick!" Gothel scolded, hand on her hip.
Feeling exasperated as her four year old daughter spun around and hid one of the wall mushrooms behind her back. Staring at her with startled, big gray eyes (eyes that were so much like her Cassandra’s—). 
"H-hi mama!"
Gothel raised an eyebrow and stuck her hand out, waiting.
Ginny huffed but handed it over. 
Gothel patted her on the head "Good girl. Now go play. Dinner will be ready in an hour.”
Mason threw his rattle at Glenn’s head, causing the other baby to start crying. 
Gothel sighed, going over to make sure no serious was done—which, thankfully, seemed to be the case. His forehead would probably be bruised for a while, but as long as he didn't start acting strange then he'd likely heal quickly. 
The witch kissed the baby's forehead and once he was soothed, she turned to his twin. Giving him her best ‘I’m very unimpressed with you’ look, as she rested a hand on her aging hip. “Now why did you do that?”
Mason, of course, couldn't answer with anything more than a babble since neither boy had started talking yet. 
“What am I gonna do with you two?”
The blonde (who was so much like her flower) blew a raspberry at her in response.
Gothel groaned. “Hopefully that attitude of yours will dissipate as you get older.”
(It did not. But she loved both her boys anyway).
Magnolia Marguerite or ‘Gigi’ as Ginny and the twins liked to call her (though where she’d gotten that nickname from in her sister’s name, Gothel didn’t know) was the quietest and smallest baby out of her siblings. Including Cassandra and Rapunzel.
If asked, Gothel would have insisted that her daughter was no bigger than the size of a kitten and that she was quieter than a mouse—rarely ever making a peep about anything. It wouldn’t even have been that much of an exaggeration considering how close to the truth it was. 
Gigi, as it turned out, was also an extremely easy to please baby. Almost always being calmed by her mere presence alone (which was not creepy at all, despite what the other parents said—who were probably just jealous that their babies weren’t as well behaved and easy to please as her daughter was) and when that didn’t calm her, rubbing her head (that was starting to sprout black strands of hair) usually did. 
It was lovely.
Ginny jumped away from her mother's skincare products, looking at her guiltily. 
"Yes mama…?"
"What are you doing in here? You know you're not allowed in my room without me in here." Gothel scolded, removing her apron and hanging it on a hook on the wall. 
"Well, uh… I was looking for you cause I wanted to show you something and then I saw your products and… I just wanted to try some on so I could be like you." 
Gothel sighed, shaking her head. "Ginny, darling. You're eight. You don't need my products. Your skin is just fine and you're beautiful just the way you are, no matter what anyone else says. You hear me?"
Ginny perked up "yes mama."
"Good. Now go get whatever it is that you wanted to show me."
The twins' hair darkened from blonde to light brown when they were four—which they both eagerly pointed out to her, seeing it as a sign of the magic they had never gotten to experience first hand. 
It was adorable (even if it did make her heart ache for the heritage her children were being robbed of because of her actions).
Gigi, even at only three years old, loved appearing on her mother’s show—Skin Deep with Mother Gothel. 
She adored handing her mother her makeup and skincare products, and listing off the various facts she knew about them to both Gothel and the audience’s amusement. 
Gigi also loved it when Gothel taught her how to do different hairstyles on the dolls she’d made for her and  always told her mother that she wanted to be just like her when she grew up.
(Mother Gothel couldn’t help but secretly hope that all four of the children she’d had on the isle would turn out more like their older sisters who the witch knew now she had never deserved in the first place).
"Are you SURE he's the one you want? You could have anyone you want" Gothel asked exasperated, eyeing her daughter's boyfriend—Clay Clayton—as he roughhoused with another boy nearby. 
She scrunched up her nose in distaste as the boy's nose broke—causing him to laugh instead of cry in pain as she expected.
She probably should have intervened but Gothel excused not doing so by rationalizing that he wasn't one of her kids and thus wasn't her problem. 
"Absolutely" her 18 year old replied without hesitation. 
Gothel sighed "Alright, alright. Go… invite your.. boyfriend to dinner."
Ginny beamed and gave her a quick hug "thank you mother!"
Honestly, the things she did for the love of her children were ridiculous. 
Oh well, it's not like she had anything better to do while stuck here on the isle. 
“Pirates? Really Darling?” 
Gothel was really starting to wonder if this was some kind of twisted karma for all she’d done that got her sent to the isle. 
Because really, Ginny joining her half sister, Harriet Hook’s crew, hadn’t been enough for the universe? It really had to go and make not just one, but both of her twin sons— her fourteen year old twin sons, at that —attached enough to Ursula’s daughter for some unfathomable reason  that they decided joining a pirate crew would be fun?
“Yep.” Mason replied immediately, popping the ‘p’. Greenish-blue eyes twinkling with unfiltered amusement; not even bothering to finge shame or embarrassment as he stroked what was starting to become a beard. 
Glenn, on the other hand, just pouted at her (still baby faced and beardless, unlike his brother). Attempting the puppy dog eyes he’d likely seen one of his friends give another but looking constipated instead.
The graying witch sighed. “Very well. Just don’t do anything stupid.”
(A year and a kidnapped Auradonian King later, she would very much regret her decision not to fight her boys on the matter).
“And why are you doing hair at Curl up & Dye again?” Gothel asked, leaning back in her favorite armchair. Massaging her temples as she debated the pros and cons of going to one of the many bars on the isle and drinking until she was unable to comprehend just what she had heard.
“Because Amara's friend, Cailee, doesn’t have the time to go on a date?” Her precious, preciously sweet and naive fourteen year old daughter replied hesitantly. Pushing her slipping glasses back up the bridge of  her nose.
If that Beckett girl was manipulating her  baby, Gothel was going to kill her consequences be damned—
(Thankfully, that didn’t turn out to be necessary). 
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jules-has-notes · 14 days
Aca Top 10: Disney Villains — VoicePlay music video
Many actors contend that it's more fun to play baddies who get to indulge their darker desires without regret. The same often applies in musicals, whether they're on stage or screen. Disney knows how to craft a good villain song. These are some of their most fun, slick, seductive, and dastardly.
title: Aca Top 10 – Disney Villains
original songs / performers: "Friends on the Other Side" by Keith David as Doctor Facilier in The Princess and the Frog (2009); [0:33] "Mother Knows Best" by Donna Murphy as Mother Gothel in Tangled (2010); [0:50] "Trust In Me" by Sterling Holloway as Kaa in The Jungle Book (1967); [1:08] "The Siamese Cat Song" by Peggy Lee as Si and Am in Lady and the Tramp (1955); [1:28] "Oogie Boogie's Song" by Ken Page as Oogie Boogie in The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993); [1:52] "Cruella De Vil" by Bill Lee as Roger Radcliffe in 101 Dalmatians (1961); [2:16] "Gaston" by Jesse Corti as LaFou & Richard White as Gaston in Beauty and the Beast (1991); [2:50] "Hellfire" by Tony Jay as Claude Frollo in The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996); [3:06] "Poor Unfortunate Souls" by Pat Carroll as Ursula in The Little Mermaid (1989); [3:25] "Be Prepared" by Jeremy Irons as Scar in The Lion King (1994)
written by: "Friends on the Other Side" by Randy Newman; "Mother Knows Best" by Alan Menken & Glenn Slater; "Trust In Me" by Robert & Richard Sherman; "The Siamese Cat Song" by Peggy Lee & Sonny Burke; "Oogie Boogie's Song" by Danny Elfman; "Cruella De Vil" by George Bruns & Mel Leven; "Gaston" by Alan Menken & Howard Ashman; "Hellfire" by Alan Menken & Stephen Schwartz; "Poor Unfortunate Souls" by Howard Ashman & Alan Menken; "Be Prepared" by Elton John & Tim Rice
arranged by: Geoff Castellucci & Layne Stein
release date: 22 March 2019
My favorite bits:
Layne kicking things off with scampering percussion before settling into a swingy groove
J.None showing off his smooth lower range
the vibratto Earl puts on that final high ♫ "motheeer" ♫
both Eli and Layne doing snaky hand motions during "Trust In Me" 🐍
Geoff's big bass drops on ♫ "ey-yyyes" ♫ and the final ♫ "meee" ♫
that crunchy harmony on ♫ "don't pleeease" ♫
all the shenanigans with the tiny kitty figurine 🐈
getting a preview of the "Oogie Boogie" production to come
that funky take on the second half of "Cruella"
the back row's dubious reactions to Geoff asserting his intimidation factor in "Gaston" as Layne fixes his hair
the extended transition — ♫ "Gimme hip-to-hip" ♫ ::Eli and J start flossing:: 🕺 "Chapstick!" ::Earl holds up a tube::
the clever coordination of ♫ "[tur]-ning me to" ♫ and ♫ "number two" ♫ at the end of "Hellfire"
Layne's bubbly percussion during "Poor Unfortunate Souls"
Earl getting annoyed at J and Eli joining him on the lyrics of "Be Prepared" before they return to harmonies
the three octave unison between Geoff and Earl
that nice clean ending
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○ VoicePlay had recorded or performed several of these songs before.
They did a full version of "Cruella de Vil" in collaboration with Disney for the Diamond Edition release of 101 Dalmatians on Blu-ray. They also included an excerpt in their aca-Disney medley to celebrate 20 years of Disney shows on Broadway.
"Gaston" is part of their Beauty and the Beast medley, Tale As Old As Time, on their 2012 album "Once Upon an Ever After".
"Be Prepared" is part of their "OUaEA" Lion King medley, The King Has Returned. (That's also where the snippet over the end screen is from.)
"Mother Knows Best" was part of "The Story of Rapunzel" that they performed at Disney World's 2015 Social Media Moms Celebration.
○ They had also previously created a shorter villains medley including several of these songs for Jonathan Freedman as part of their Disney Sessions collaboration with the Aladdin stage cast.
○ Since this video was released, the guys have recorded longer versions of several more of these tunes.
"Friends on the Other Side" was their Halloween video for 2021, as well as their first reunion with J.None after he left to join the U.S. Navy Band.
"Oogie Boogie's Song" was their Halloween video later in this year.
"Poor Unfortunate Souls" was included in their Little Mermaid medley with Rachel Potter a year and a half later.
"Hellfire" was their Halloween video in 2023, also with J.None as the featured guest.
Geoff did a short of "Trust In Me" on his solo channel in 2024.
○ The guys' shirts are once again thematically appropriate.
Eli — Darth Vader from Star Wars in the style of Leonardo Da Vinci's "Vitruvian Man" drawing
Earl — the face of Hades from Hercules in blue and purple linework with yellow eyes and teeth, surrounded by blue flames, all with a glow effect meant to imitate neon lights
J.None — a full-body portrait of Claude Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame with one hand extended to the side (I couldn't find the exact design, but I found one that's somewhat close and did a bit of editing to get it closer.)
Geoff — the stylized face of Scar from The Lion King
Layne — Dr. Facilier from The Princess and the Frog mirrored in the style of a playing card, with glowing red cards floating near his outstretched fingers and his name on a banner across the middle
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○ Geoff later mentioned in his interview on The Charismatic Voice that he'd considered auditioning for Gaston at Disney World when he worked there, but that the guys who play the role are usually four to six inches taller than him due to the costume and choreography required.
○ They garnered a bit of praise from prolific a cappella arranger Rob Dietz, who they'd met during The Sing-Off, and who would become a frequent collaborator in a few years.
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○ An artist fan was inspired to create a gender bent version of Cruel-Layne De Vil.
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drawing by rtlndr_ on Instagram
○ The boys busted out some of their best evil laughs to further entertain their social media followers.
○ This is the final entry in a mini-series within their "Aca Top 10" series, which was preceded by countdowns for "Disney Heroes" and "Disney Sidekicks" over the previous year and a half.
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Prompt "I wish I could hate you"
This might be a weird pairing, but I read this and I started thinking about Gil and Claudine. Cuz Claudine is a huge grouch and no matter how hard she tries she can't hate Gil.
Okay, so. I feel like the Vibes in this are off, but I don’t know how to fix that.
I hope you can enjoy anyway?
’cos yeah, Gil is a sunshine, no one can hate Gil. ✨
Claudine can’t breathe .
Now, that’s not true, of course. Not now, at least.
She is just a liar.
She just hadn’t left her father’s house and chapel in forever and the cold grey walls are suffocating her. They look like they might fall at her at any given moment, but then again, what’s new? This is the Isle. Everything can fall at her head at any given point at time.
Claudine scoffs at that thought.
Steps sound down the hall – her father – and Claudine quickly wipes her face blank and cold as marble.
The footsteps mercifully pass around her door and she breathes in again.
She looks at the pebbles at her windowsill: They clicked at the glass and got her attention and fell back down the street, but some caught at the edge. She hadn’t brushed them away yet.
She is lucky her father didn’t see, she knows, but she leaves them there regardless.
Each of these pebbles mean: „Are you in there? Are you okay? Do you need help?“
(She does not need help, thank you for asking.)
As more and more pebbles clank at her window, the meaning shifts:
„Are you okay? Answer now – Do you need us to intervene? We are going in. If he hurt you, he won’t live..“
Claudine can’t let them kill her father. What kind of daughter would she be, then?
She ignores the dark thoughts circling around her mind: She won’t have her father killed and the house burned down.
She needs to tell them she is alive, and fine, maybe she wants to see them. Pirates, witches, heretics. Demons and thieves, whores and murderers. She should recoil by the very thought.
Instead she smiles, just barely showing her teeth, and looks at the pebbles again.
„If he hurt you, he will burn, and we will drag you away from the flames.
So Claudine sneaks off again.
She shouldn't – she knows.
But Claudine can't help that, that wanting.
She shouldn't leave her father and her home, she shouldn't hide the fact that she does. She is only making her sin worse.
She shouldn't even want to leave in the first place.
She should want to stop it, at the very least, but instead, she holds her breath as she walks down the hall; the dust dances in front of the windows lit up as if by a fire. She places her feet quietly: it's almost as if she was never there. (It's art – it's witchcraft.)
She can hear her father muttering his prayers in his room.
Down the stairs, down the hall, don't make a sound.
Heavy doors, open them silently – that's it, just like that. Don't slam them behind you, even if you want to. Be gentle, for once.
Claudine glares at the door as if they had mortally offended her or just tried to kill her. Notably, she does not kick them, as her father would probably hear that.
She scoffs at the door and the man behind them before she takes off into the streets: Freedom, finally. Or something that almost tastes like it.
Claudine fixes her glare above the kids’s heads.
She walks away and glares at a pair of children passing by: They certainly didn’t see Claudine Frollo leave her house. Absolutely not, thank you for asking.
One of the children pretends to lock their lips and throw away the key; the other laughs at that.
She rounds the corner.
She doesn’t scream when Gil basically drops down from a nearby in front of her. She expected that, really.
„Claudine!“ he greets her excitedly. She attempts to pierce him through with her eyes instead.
„Yes, Gil,“ she hisses, gesturing to the house behind her, „No talking.“
„Right, right,“ his voice drops to what could pass for a whisper – yeah, no, it could not. It’s Gil.
„I’m not supposed to –“
She ignores his „Sorry!“ and grabs his sleeve. She drags Gaston’s son behind her easily, and they both pretend he isn’t only letting her do so. No one lingers in their way too long. Where Gil smiles, Claudine glares daggers, and pretends to ignore the big moron behind her.
She stops, and Gil does too. She lets go of his sleeve, which just means he grabs her hand, obviously. Why wouldn’t he.
Finally, they’re far away enough, where her father’s eyes can’t see, where his fingers can’t reach.
Her mind flashes back to the Revenge, and, yes, that would be it. Show-offs, heretics. Of course Gil thinks physical contact is okay.
Claudine looks at the big warm hand wrapped around hers and doesn’t jerk away. Instead, she says: „Gil. People are around.“
How did he not yet managed to pick up that, you know, human contact equals bad? Affectionate physical contact equals very bad? Danger?
Gil pouts at her as she takes her hand away and turns away.
„I’m fine. I’m always fine. You needn’t have worried.“
„Liar,“ he tells her way too softly.
She whirls around.
„What did you just call me?!“
„Just let me check if you're okay?“ he says instead, „See Bonny or Marya?“
Marya the half-demon. Possibly just hearing she knows her could cause her father a heart attack.
„Okay, then,“ says Gil, „If you say so. But it’s been long–“
„I’m fine,“ she repeats stubbornly, „I don’t need to see a medic.“
And as far as she is concerned, she isn’t lying: She isn’t actively bleeding out and she can stand up, can’t she now?
„I know–“ God, it has been so long Claudine could cry.
„Okay.“ She allows herself to be pulled away and they climb up the roof from a dingy alley: Gil waits down till she’s almost half-way up, prepared to catch her, and then easily scales the wall next to her. He helps her pull up.
Gil comes closer to her and touches her elbow.
„I know, I know,“ he says as he points up, „But let’s go up there?“
She dusts her skirt and nods at him instead of saying thank you and he beams at her.
„So? We’re up here.“ She can see the ruins of the marketplace and the half-rotten docks. She turns away from there. „What now?“
„Now we can just talk!“ he tells her, „I’ve missed you!“
He’s impossible, isn’t he.
Still, she sits besides him, their legs dangling down the roof. Claudine closes her eyes to angle her face to the dying sun, as if that was any good, but hey. She just spent an eternity locked in.
She opens her eyes and looks at Gil briefly: He’s looking over the Isle and the sky – not the Barrier, the sky, it’s Gil – and then looks away.
She looks at the scorched and sprayed-over walls of her father’s chappel when she says:
„I wish I could hate you.“
„It would make it so much easier.“
But god – she can’t hate Gil. She can’t.
She doesn’t look at him when he answers.
„I know,“ he tells her and bumps his shoulder against hers gently, „Now, would you like to hear the newest drama in the port?“
She really can’t hate him.
You see, Claudine shouldn’t want to, and she knows that. However:
„Do tell,“ she says.
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 months
(M.I.) The Cafe as Blackie's mom-figure makes the Situations even funnier. Like the pushy mom who says her kid just HAS to give the neighbor's kid a chance. "Now you're gonna take that sweet young lady to the beach and you'll like it, mister!" "But mo-om!" And it makes that moment in the show when Frank calls The Cafe a dump and Blackie gets all snarky actually really sweet. You insulted his MOM, Frank. Jeez!
Oh, all my crushes...it's a good thing I'm both asexual and not prone to confusing fiction and reality, because I'd be murdered because of my own sex drive lmao...Frollo...The Cryptkeeper...this giant, vengeful zombie named Big Ben from an 80s horror comedy called House...The Horned King...Freddy...On the one hand, you've got all the creeps like that, and, ya know, Robert's whole Thing he's got going on. Then on the other, you've got my years long attraction to Hugh Dennis. That started with him playing just the worst, Gaston-like egomaniac on My Hero (which is the subject of my 3 years in the making longfic) but he's usually, like, a cuddly dad type. And I'm over here going "he's sometimes got gleeful serial killer vibes...I like that."
Thank you for the terrible Blackie gifs. And by that, I mean Blackie's currently being terrible in the part i'm writing. The gifs are great, though. I shall treasure them.
Hahaha XD That bit with Frank insulting the Cafe now reminds me of rhe bit in Final Chapter when Drew insults the Bickerman cabin saying Mrs Bickerman wasn't a good housekeeper (and, but the way, fuck him for that- ) and Jim gets all up-in-arms about it. That's no way to talk about the dead, son.
Eeeeee, I love your taste in men XD I can relate, except I'm not ace and so I'm in a very confusing spot where uh... I would probably let many of my terrible fictional crushes do whatever actually 😶 *cough*- AND I'M EMBARRASSED ABOUT IT XD Like goddamnit Hannah pull it together. Don't be such a whore, oh my god.
I CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT PART! I need to know what kinda terrible you mean XDD
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acaplaya-musings · 7 months
Voiceplay Visuals: ACA Top 10 Disney Villains
Aka the medley/top 10 video that probably has the most songs covered by Voiceplay in other videos (whether partial or in full) (and though I won't talk about vocals or arrangement, I will point out each one as we go along). (And yes I'm skipping over most if not all of the Partwork videos)
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It's another Aca Top 10 video (released in March 2019 btw), and so it's another round of themed shirts! Geoff is wearing a very cool Scar shirt, Layne is wearing a Dr Facilier shirt, J is wearing a Claude Frollo shirt, Earl is wearing a Hades shirt, and Eli... is wearing a Darth Vader shirt (in the style of Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man, it seems). Like I know Lucasfilm was acquired by Disney in 2012, but seriously Eli, c'mon man! 😂
Starting off with Friends On The Other Side with J on lead vocals, which of course J did as a full-length cover with Voiceplay in 2021, his first "guest vocalist feature" since leaving the group 5 months earlier to go join the US Navy Band (and I'm very much looking forward to eventually doing a post for that video, let me tell you!)
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Earl and J fooling around during the Trust In Me section 😄
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"Close your eyesssss" (why would I close my eyes when I could just stare at Geoff instead?)
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The teeny tiny cat is I think the cat from Pinocchio? Figaro I believe?
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Geoff and Layne have been best friends since middle school, roughly 30 years ago (same with Earl), and it shows 😄 (Friendship Goals honestly)
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Unintentional funny pause moment! 😂
While we're here, time for another hair study!
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My sketch really doesn't do it justice, but Geoff's hair in this one has a bit of a "lions mane" quality to it imo (which is fitting given the shirt he's wearing)
We're now onto Oogie Boogie's song, with Geoff on lead vocals, and of course I don't actually have to say it, we all know it. but Voiceplay did a full-length cover of it (again with Geoff on lead) 7 months after this video, as their Halloween release for the year!
Love Geoff's facial expressions on "and if you aren't shaking"
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Eli Eyebrow Raise!
Now we're onto Cruella De Vil, which VP did a full-length cover of back in 2015 for a promotional collaboration thing with Disney! (Not on Voiceplay's channel though)
Gaston next, which Voiceplay did as part of their Beauty And The Beast medley on their 2012 Once Upon An Ever After album
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"As a specimen, yes I'm intimidating," ('intimidating' isn't the word I would use...)
And yes I see Layne's wrist tattoo that I first noticed in the This Is Halloween video! (Also a little jealous of Layne getting to touch Geoff's hair)
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"Gimme that hurrah!"
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Eli and J doing a mini floss, and Earl holding a chapstick? 😂😅
Number 3 is Hellfire, which, as I'm sure you know, Voiceplay finally did a full-length cover of, 4 and a half years later, in October 2023, again with Geoff on lead vocals just like here, and well, I'm gonna save my thoughts for when I eventually make a full post about it because oh my god
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(Also love J pointing to his shirt like he did in the 80s Cartoons video 😄)
Immediately followed by Poor Unfortunate Souls, with Earl on lead. Earl had left the group by the time Voiceplay revisited the song for their Little Mermaid Medley in 2020, but we were treated (and I mean treated) to an amazing "Geoffsula" performance instead! (Another one I'm very excited to get to)
And finally we have Be Prepared, another one that was in a medley on Voiceplay's Once Upon An Ever After album (Geoff took lead for that one, but he can definitely go much lower now than he used to be able to)
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Final frame!
So basically there were only 3 songs in this that Voiceplay hadn't already done previously or revisited at some point later: Mother Knows Best, We Are Siamese, and Trust In Me (hey Geoff if you ever wanna make a cover of Trust In Me on your channel, like even just as a short... 👉👈)
I'll be skipping over a few more videos from here, but the next video I talk about will be very fun!
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dragoneyes618 · 2 years
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Gil was sidling his way over to the side of the yard, trying his best to be unobtrusive. Which was difficult for someone of Gil's size and weight. His brothers always told him that he was clumsy and always messed everything up. Although they weren't much better themselves.
The yard was crowded. A couple dozen villains filled it, all straining for the best view of the duel. Many of them had placed bets on who would win.
Duels weren't always messy, but sometimes they could be, if one or both parties were skilled with swords or daggers or whatever the chosen weapon was. Then there might be a lot of blood-or a body, if the duel was to the death, which rarely but occasionally happened, or if one party had gotten carried away, or simply stabbed a little too hard in the wrong place. Then he-it was usually a he; women seldom settled disputes through duels, especially not in the backyard of Gaston's Duels Without Rules. If Uma had a grievance with someone, for instance, they would just fight on her ship.
Anyway, then the winner would walk away with whatever he had won-food, weapons, money, respect, revenge-and Gil would have to clean up. Gil always had to clean up. Unless he wasn't there, which was why he was trying to remain unnoticed on the side. If his father wouldn't see him, he would tell his brothers to clean up instead.
And the two duelers in question were each very skilled with a sword, it seemed. Judge Claude Frollo and Arawn the Horned King were battling each other, and neither showed any sign of letting up.
The Horned King's eyes glowed a devilish red as he raised his sword to block a strike from his opponent. Despite his rotting green flesh literally hanging off his bones-but gruesome sights were no curiosity on the Isle-he barely staggered back as the swords met, standing his ground and pressing his sword forward with undying strength. And the Horned King certainly looked undead.
His jagged, snaggly teeth didn't look as if they had ever been white, and some of them protruded nearly all the way out of his mouth. His skin was a sickly yellow-green, almost chatreuse, that was even more of an ill viridescent pallor than Maleficent's. His nose was almost completely gone, leaving nothing but an empty hole in the middle of his face. His grotesque grin inspired terror in almost anyone who saw it. And of course, the horns that gave him his namesake were gnarled and twisted, stretching up a full foot into the air. They were the same color as dead tree branches, except that the top four inches of both of them were permanently stained a rusty red-brown. This was why the Horned King tended to win most of the duels he fought.
That wasn't deterring Judge Frollo, however. The judge's grey eyes glittered with menace as he moved forward to strike again at the Horned King. Despite his age, he was an excellent swordsman, and he moved with the agility of a far younger man. He was strong, too, although his hair was grey with age; he struck the Horned King's sword with a blow so forceful that the horned-zombie, sorcerer, monster, whatever he was-actually staggered back a pace. He was tall, dressed all in black, and glared at the Horned King the way Gil's mother had used to look at mud all over her nice clean floor. "Fell demon," he spat.
The Horned King attempted to stab Frollo from the side. "Sanctimonious zealot," he retorted as the judge easily blocked him. Neither participant showed a sign of letting up.
Gil didn't know what "sanctimonious" meant, and he didn't know why the judge had said "fell" when the king hadn't fallen. He didn't know how the duel had started, either. All he knew was that the Horned King had come to see if the shop had any broken weapons he could buy to melt and make new cauldrons, and the judge had come to buy some new swords for his soldiers, and suddenly they were dueling.
Then again, in a place like the Isle, where a disparate population had been crammed together for years, not having a break from each other, where tempers ran high and tolerance ran low and grudges lasted for a decade, random sudden duels were nothing new.
Gil reached the fence that surrounded the yard, and made his way along it, trying to get his way to the corner farthest away from everyone else but that would also allow him the best view of the fight.
"Oh - pardon," he said automatically, bumping into Claudine, the judge's daughter, who was already there.
Real villains didn't say they were sorry, as Gil's father always yelled at him whenever he accidentally did so. Gil's father wasn't here now, luckily; he was up at the front of the yard, supervising the fight. But Gil tried to look tough and intimidating, to make up for his lapse. He hoped it was working.
Claudine glanced at him and murmured, "C'est bon," and it wasn't until she assured him that it was fine that he realized he'd spoken in French.
Gil knew French, because his father and mother were from France. Sometimes he got mixed up and would speak in French instead of English, or vice versa. His father would always yell at him whenever he did that. Speak English instead of French, that was. If he spoke French instead of English at school the kids who didn't speak French would laugh and make fun of him, until the kids who did speak French showed up-which was a lot of them. Apparently France produced a lot of villains, for so many of its citizens to end up on the Isle-and then they would have a fight. People always found something to fight about, on the Isle.
Gil wondered if Claudine's father also got mad at her if she spoke English instead of French. He knew that her father was from France-from the capital, Paris, actually, instead of a little village like his father and D'Arque were. Sometimes his father and the judge and D'Arque-he liked to be called "the doctor," but everyone knew that if you wanted a doctor who actually helped you and didn't want to cut your brain open, you went to Facilier-would talk to each other-in French, of course-and reminisce about France and how awful the Isle was and how they, as Frenchmen, were better than everyone else. These meetings usually ended with Gaston and D'Arque yelling at each other about whose fault it was that the plot to put Maurice in the asylum had failed and Frollo stalking out in disgust.
Claudine didn't go to school with Gil, so he didn't know if she spoke French instead of English by accident either. Her father taught her at home. Gil wished that he didn't have to go to school all day, but he didn't want to have to stay home with his father either. His father would just get mad at him for everything. At school people still got mad at him, but he was allowed to punch them, and he had Uma and Harry. At home he didn't.
He wondered if Claudine was lonely. She didn't even have an Uma and Harry to be friends with. She didn't really talk to anyone, except once in a while Harriet or Carlos, but not often enough for them to be her Uma and Harry.
Claudine was watching the fight, her eyes nervously flicking from her father to the Horned King. She bit her lip, twisting her fingers around each other.
Claudine had dark hair and pale skin and eyes that always looked like they were watching out for something, even when there wasn't a duel going on in the middle of a noisy, crowded yard. She look overwhelmed. Gil thought that Claudine was maybe the kind of person who liked quiet places without people, or only a few of them at least. Sometimes he felt like he wanted a quiet place with only a few people, to have some time for himself and his thoughts, but he knew his father would just laugh at him if he said that, so he didn't.
"So, who do you think is going to win?" Gil asked, still speaking in French-after all, she knew it-and trying to be friendly and make conversation like his mother used to tell him.
Claudine didn't answer.
"Oh, right," Gil remembered. "You're nervous about what's going to happen if the Horned King kills your father, exacte?"
Claudine looked slightly ill.
Gil wondered what he was doing wrong. Wasn't making small talk supposed to be a good way to make friends?
Maybe she didn't want to talk about the fight. Gil wondered what he would feel if his father died in a duel. He didn't want to think of the answer.
"So what happened?" he wanted to know. "How did they start?"
Claudine folded her arms around herself. "Father came to buy weapons for his soldats, soldiers-he doesn't trust them not to sell them on the street for money. I don't know why the...the demon is here. Father says he will cleanse the earth of all like him."
"That's kind of like what Monsieur D'Arque says," Gil remembered. "He says he wanted to get rid of all magical beings like King Beast. But it didn't work, and he ended up here on the Isle with everybody else. Hey, is it true that your father executes people in your basement?"
Claudine blanched and didn't reply. Gil supposed that if his father executed people in the basement he wouldn't want to talk about it either. Especially if he had to clean up all the blood afterwards.
"So, what are you afraid of?" he asked conversationally.
Claudine blinked at him. "Quelle? Why?" Her face went all stiff and blank, as though worried that she'd asked a question, but Gil didn't mind. He always liked it when people answered his questions, so he was glad he could answer hers. Besides, it was only fair, since he'd brought it up in the first place.
"My maman used to tell me that people who are friends know each other's fears and strengths," he said. "So I figure if I'm getting to know someone I should know that about them. I can tell you what I'm afraid of. Heights. Also my brothers. And-yeah."
Claudine regarded him for a moment, as though guessing what he hadn't said. "It is a terrible thing, to fear one's brothers," she said finally.
Gil shrugged. It was what it was. Besides, Claudine didn't have any brothers. Which meant she was lonely. But Gil would take loneliness over his brothers, usually. They weren't very nice.
"So," he said again. "I told you what I'm afraid of. What about you?"
Claudine hesitated, and Gil remembered some of the things the judge talked about. He didn't understand most of it.
"What are you afraid of on the Isle?" he asked. Things on the Isle, he knew and understood.
Claudine looked like she was looking at something far away, but there was nothing behind Gil but the chain-link fence.
"Fire," Claudine said finally, in a whisper. She rubbed her arms like they hurt her, or an old scar was itching.
"Yeah, big fires can be scary," Gil said quickly, in an attempt to avoid the implication he didn't want to think about. "Remember that time lightning hit-"
The crowd shouted, and both Gil and Claudine looked in time to see the Horned King's left horn falling to the ground as Judge Frollo's sword complete its arc in the air and landed with its point on the ground. The Horned King roared in anger, but Gaston got in between the two of them.
"All right, rules are clear!" He shouted. "First blood wins, that's the judge over here!"
The Horned King, his head tilting somewhat lopsidedly, tried to argue that the judge hadn't gotten first blood because his horn wasn't bleeding, but the judge in question paid him no attention. He collected the swords he'd needed to buy, paid, and turned for his daughter.
"Claudine!" He called. "With me! Now!"
Claudine sort of jumped a tiny bit, and then walked very fast, tensely, to her father. He told her something in a whispered undertone, then turned without looking back and stalked towards the door. Claudine followed, her face perfectly blank again, as usual.
"Bye," Gil called in her direction, waving.
She looked back, for a moment. Her eyes met his. Then she was through the door and gone.
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raeynbowboi · 4 years
Disney Villains in DnD
With the Disney Princesses and Princes, I put them into parties, but for the villains, I’m going to start by listing the ones powerful enough to be a Warlock Patron in descending order of power (by their base form). The rest are ordered by the release date of their film. I’m not going to cover all of the Disney villains in this one post, as there’s just too many, and not all of them map easily onto DnD.
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AS BIG BAD: Archfield Patron Warlock (Asmodeus)
As Playable Character:
Race: Asmodeus Tiefling Background: Courtier Class: Divine Soul Sorcerer (Evil) Skills: Insight, Deception, Intimidation, Persuasion
The Devil on Bald Mountain, Chernabog stands as Satan and Lucifer incarnate, the Disney-Canon equivalent to the Prince of Darkness, and the ruler of Hell. Like with Maleficent and Hades, Chernabog lacks a stat block, being a Greater Deity, and King of the Archfiends, Ruler of the Nine Hells. As a playable character, Chernabog doesn’t lend out his hellish powers or get them from an outside source. Instead he is a Tiefling with the infernal bloodline of Asmodeus (Lawful Evil) running through his veins. When he was an angel, Lucifer would have been a courtier, standing in the shining Court of Heaven before he was banished to Hell. His skills make him adept at lying to and manipulating people, as Insight lets him learn a person’s desires, and then use lies and honeyed words to lead them astray in his service. Consider this a free “how to play as satan” build.
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As Big Bad: The Raven Queen
As Playable Character:
Race: Hexblood Background: Noble (History, Persuasion Intimidation) Class: Wildfire Druid Skills: Arcana, History, Intimidation, Perception
Lore-wise, Maleficent uses “All the Powers of Hell”, but in terms of Dungeons and Dragons, the Wildfire Druid gives Maleficent the best parallels to her powers, as she’s able to grow a wall of thorns, call a bolt of lightning, Polymorph into a fire-breathing dragon, and spread fire. It also works lore-wise as the Wildfire Druid destroys the very forest they swore to protect. As a Hexblood, Maleficent becomes a fey hag, able to curse princesses and disguise herself as a racial ability. As the Big Bad, Maleficent maps perfectly onto the Raven Queen, ruling over the shadowfell, summoning the Heartless to do her biding, and loaning Diablo to those who worship or swear fealty to the Raven Queen.
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As Big Bad: Hades/Death God
As Playable Character:
Race: Mephistopheles Tiefling/Reborn Background: Charlatan Class: Death Cleric Skills: Deception, Insight, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand
For Hades, the God of the Dead, making him into a Cleric was a no-brainer. But Clerics have very limited options for fire magic. Sacred flame and Flame Strike both deal radiant damage, and their only other fire spell is Searing Smite which they got in the spell list expansion. But as a Mephistopheles Tiefling, Hades can also gain temporary access to Burning Hands and Flame Blade, along with Mage Hand. Mephistopheles is also the demon best known for making a deal with Faust, a trait shared by the deal-making Hades. If you’re not feeling the fire theme, or your DM doesn’t like the tiefling subraces, Hades can also work as a Reborn.
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As Big Bad: Undead/Undying Warlock Patron (Lich)
As Playable Character:
Race: Reborn Background: Noble (History, Persuasion Intimidation) Class: Necromancy Wizard Skills: Arcana, History, Intimidation, Investigation
Ironically, there is a new magic item that maps perfectly onto the Black Cauldron, the Cauldron of Rebirth. But oddly, it can only be attuned by a Druid or Warlock, and the Necromancy Wizard creates the strongest undead thralls, as he adds his Proficiency Bonus to their attack and damage rolls. But if you’d rather have the Horned King be able to use the Cauldron of Rebirth, then make him a Spores Druid. If you absolutely must go warlock, make him an Undead Warlock. As a Warlock Patron, he would be a Lich. In the Chronicles of Prydain books, he served Arawn, God of Death. But the Horned King serves no such master in the Disney film.
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As Big Bad: Genie Warlock Patron (Efreeti)
Race: Human/Fire Genasi Background: Courtier (Insight, Persuasion) Class: Genie Warlock (Djinni)/Wild Magic Sorcerer Skills: Arcana, Deception, Insight, Persuasion
Jafar is the only one of the patron villains who themselves is a warlock to another patron. In his human form, Jafar has little to no powers. Everything Jafar is able to do is through either his magic snake staff or Genie’s magic. It’s only once he becomes a genie himself that Jafar has his own powers. So, Jafar here is split between two builds. As a human, he’s a warlock relying on a djinni. As a genie himself, he’s a wild magic sorcerer. Technically, he could be both. Play Jafar however you want. As a big bad, Jafar is stuck as one of the most subserviant types of warlock patron, which isn’t so surprising why he’s this low on the patron scale. Only Ursula is technically weaker than him, but that’s only true when she’s in her base form. Once she wields the trident, Ursula is even more powerful than The Horned King.
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As Big Bad: Fathomless Warlock Patron (Sea Hag/Kraken)
As Playable Character:
Race: Triton Background: Courtier (Insight, Persuasion) Class: Glamour Bard Skills: Arcana, Deception, Insight, Performance, Persuasion Items: Circlet of Human Perfection (reskin as seashell necklace)
I built Ariel as a Fathomless Warlock because in order for her to be on land, she had to make a deal with Ursula. So, with Ursula on land, she can masquerade as Vanessa, using Ariel’s voice to charm and manipulate people. We even see Ursula do this when she charms Eric, so we know that as Vanessa, Ursula could easily run a successful criminal empire using Ariel’s voice to hypnotize and manipulate people into obeying her orders. The Circlet of Human Perfection allows Ursula to maintain a perfect beautiful human disguise without having to eat up spell slots. As a Fathomless Patron, Ursula in her base form is a simple Sea Hag, being much weaker. But once she gets a hold of Dekella, the Bident of Thassa from King Triton, she can grow in both size and power to rival the might of a Kraken. And with Thassa’s divine bident, Ursula can command the tides and all the beasts and monstrosities within it, puting her nearly on par with the powers of a goddess of the sea. But unlike Hades, Maleficent, and Chernabog, even at her near godlike power, Ursula still has a stat block, her bident can still be taken from her, and she can still be slain and defeated.
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Race: Human Background: Noble (History, Persuasion Intimidation) Class: Alchemist Artificer Skills: Arcana, History, Intimidation, Investigation
I really did consider the Transmutation Wizard for Grimhilde, as it has the power to cast polymorph for all of your Frog Prince needs, and a master transmuter can even Restore Youth. But then, the alchemist can brew a potion of transformation, and the chemistry set is clearly how we see Grimhilde using magic. The only magic she performs without the chemistry set is when she creates a gust of wind in front of her magic mirror. She doesn’t even create the lightning bolt for her transformation spell, it just happens to be storming outside, so she’s not controlling the weather either. Plus, the most powerful spell she has is the poisoned apple and she has to summon a bolt of lightning to cast Alter Self, a 2nd level spell. By DnD standards, Grimhilde’s not really that powerful. She doesn’t even fight the player herself in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep.  If you want Grimhilde to be more magical, then go with Transmutation Wizard, but if you want to be more accurate, the Alchemist is how Grimhilde does her magic. Yzma from The Emperor’s New Groove shares a nearly identical build.
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Race: Human Background: Pirate (Athletics, Perception) Class: Swashbuckler Rogue Skills: Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Persuasion
While Hook’s still a putrid coward, he holds himself quite well, and is the epitome of Lawful Evil, maintaining a strict personal moral code to clash with Peter’s frankly Chaotic Neutral “heroism”. Hook’s not really good at the normal rogue skills like hiding or thieving, but he shines as a manipulative double-talking liar. Long John Silver from Treasure Planet has a similar build.
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Race: Human Background: Folk Hero (Animal Handling Persuasion, Survival) Class: Monster Slayer Ranger Skills: Athletics, Perception, Persuasion Stealth, Survival
As the strapping hero of Belle’s Village, Gaston has the favor of his entire community, keeping them safe from any and all beasties that lurk beyond the city. Too bad he’s as rotten as they come. Likely one of the weakest villains in terms of pure power scale as little more than a local hero, he’s still an iconic enough villain I couldn’t resist adding him. Clayton from Tarzan shares a similar build.
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Race: Leonin Background: Noble (History, Persuasion) Class: Oath of Treachery Paladin Fighting Style: Unarmed Skills: History, Insight, Intimidation, Persuasion
Simba was a druid because he was a wise king who could call upon his people to stand beside him. Scar is a paladin because he has devoted himself to a single goal: his own personal power. Scar shows little wisdom, but has a strong character and savvy charms about him that make him better suited as a CHA caster.
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Race: Human Background: Investigator Class: Light Cleric Skills: Insight, Investigation, Persuasion, Religion
This was an easy villain to build. As a religious man worshipping God (who would def fall under Life, Light, and maybe Knowledge) Frollo would go for the one that lets him keep witches warm. His background was chosen as an investigator because he’s responsible for keeping the peace in Paris, and there wasn’t a background option for lawmaker. Noble or Courtier might have worked, but didn’t seem quite like the right fit as they deal more with aristocratic authority and royal court politics.
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Race: Human Background: Soldier (Athletics, Intimidation) Class: Raven Queen Warlock/Hexblade Warlock, Shadow Sorcerer Pact Boon: Blade Skills: Arcana, Athletics, Deception, Intimidation
In the first Kingdom Hearts game, Riku spends most of the game being manipulated by Maleficent. His DnD counterpart would surely be a warlock to her. But Maleficent oddly has not one but three possible warlock patron options. As the Raven Queen, she obviously has the Raven Queen Warlock, but the Raven Queen also created the Hexblade, which come from the Shadowfell, which she rules over. The third is unique to Maleficent, as she is a fairy, and a powerful one at that. Making her a valid choice for an Archfey Warlock. Archfey doesn’t quite fit Riku, but the other two do, and as a Sorcerer, Riku draws power from the Shadowfell which his patron rules over.
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Race: Human Background: Charlatan (Deception, Sleight of Hand) Class: Fiend Warlock Skills: Arcana, Deception, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand
It’s kind of hard to deny that Dr. Facilier is obviously a warlock, though his patron options don’t really come close to a neat fit. Among his choices though, fiend comes the closest to selling his soul to the Other Siders or Shadow Folk. It’s possible he could have sold his soul to the Raven Queen and his shadowy friends are the emissaries of the shadowfell, but as he has no raven or crow familiar, that’s a somewhat weak comparison.
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hafanforever · 4 years
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How the Mighty Have Fallen
While there have been a number of main antagonists from the Disney animated canon who die, only six of them have fallen to their deaths. Two fall-to-deaths occur for two Disney villains outside of WDAS, that being Queen Narissa from the live action/animation hybrid Enchanted, and Charles Muntz from the Pixar film Up.
Again, my dear buddy and little soul sis @minerva-warner came up with this title, and I see it as fitting since the Disney villains who die by falling from great heights perceive themselves as mighty people, with three of them being ruthless, cunning, murderous hunters/poachers, and the other five being cruel, ruthless, sadistic, murderous tyrants.
Thanks again, sis! I love you, and enjoy this new analysis! 😁😊❤️
WDAS Villains
The Evil Queen - The first villain from the first Disney animated feature film, the evil queen is the one who started this trope when she falls off a cliff to her death. After successfully poisoning Snow White with an apple, the dwarfs arrive home and see her. As it rains heavily, they pursue the queen until she becomes trapped at a dead end cliff on a rocky mountain. As she tries to roll an enormous boulder down the mountain to crush them, a sudden bolt of lightning strikes the ledge of the cliff and destroys the portion holding the queen, causing her to fall hundreds of feet below to her death. The boulder tumbles down after her, crushing her body and ensuring her demise.
Ratigan - With an almost fifty-year gap between their respective films, Ratigan is the first Disney villain since the evil queen to die by falling from a great height. After crashing his blimp into Big Ben with Olivia and Basil in tow, Ratigan chases after them and engages in a fight with Basil, which takes place on the clock’s hands. When the bell rings upon the clock striking ten, the vibration knocks Ratigan off balance and off the hand. He catches onto and takes Basil and a piece of the blimp with him as he falls. However, while Basil manages to escape using the blimp piece, Ratigan plummets into the abyss below to his death.
Percival C. McLeach - After falling into Crocodile Falls while trying to shoot the rope holding Cody (so he can fall into the river and be eaten by crocodiles), McLeach travels so far down the river that he ends up getting caught in the current, causing him to plummet over the waterfall to his death.
Gaston - Upon seeing the Beast climb up the castle’s balcony to embrace Belle, Gaston follows and stabs him in the back with his knife while dangling from the balcony. Because he is so focused on having just stabbed the Beast while preparing to do it again to eliminate him once and for all, Gaston does not appear to realize the dangerous spot in which he has put himself. But when the Beast swings his arm backward at him in pain, Gaston’s attempt to dodge it makes him lose his balance and grip before he falls off the castle and down into the ravine below to his death.
Claude Frollo - While trying to kill Quasimodo and Esmeralda inside Notre Dame, Frollo gets himself in a perfect position to kill the latter (as she is attempting to save the former) by standing on a gargoyle as he raises his sword. But before he delivers the killing strike, the gargoyle starts to break off, causing Frollo to lose his balance and drop his sword, though he manages to cling on to the gargoyle for dear life. In his last moments, the gargoyle comes to life and demonically roars at Frollo, terrifying the latter. The gargoyle then breaks off completely and sends Frollo falling to his fiery death into a vast lake of molten copper that had earlier been poured on to the street by Quasimodo and the gargoyles. This symbolically shows that Frollo has been condemned to Hell for his crimes.
King Runeard - During the war he instigates between the Arendellians and the Northuldra after murdering the tribe leader in secret, Runeard becomes so wrapped up in fighting one Northuldran that he apparently does not even notice when their fighting leads to them approaching a cliff. But when the Northuldran attempts to dodge him, Runeard stumbles and loses his footing and balance, then he hits the man as he begins to fall over him, which pushes both of them over the cliff and plunges them down into the depths below to their deaths. Unlike his predecessors, Runeard dies very early in the movie, with the war and his death happening over 30 years before the events of the film takes place, and long before anyone (even the audience) knows that he is the true villain of the story.
Outside WDAS
Queen Narissa - Narissa transforms into a dragon (per inspiration by Maleficent, who I mention below) and takes Robert captive while fighting Giselle on the spire of the Woolworth Building. When Pip, Giselle’s chipmunk friend, climbs on to Narissa’s head, his weight causes the spire to bend, making Narissa lose her grip and drop Robert (who is saved by Giselle). She falls on to another part of the building, but just as quickly loses her grip on it and continues to fall hundreds of feet below where she dies in a shining explosion upon hitting the ground, leaving nothing but her viscous, glowing remains.
Charles Muntz - During the climax. Muntz confronts Carl and Kevin and they fight while Russell is left at the house surrounded by three dog-piloted planes that Muntz sent to take them down. Dug, Russell, and Kevin make their way to Carl's floating house with Muntz in pursuit, trying to bring down the house with a hunting rifle. He makes his way into the house and tries to shoot them with his rifle, but Carl lures Kevin out of the house with a bar of chocolate, knocking away the rifle, while Dug and Russell are on her back. When Muntz leaps out of the window after them to grab hold, his foot gets entangled in some balloon strings, and when they snap, they drag Muntz thousands of feet below to his death. Muntz’s death makes him the third Pixar villain to die, and the first one to fall to his death.
In the animated canon, there are a few Disney villains who fall down and die, but the fall is not what causes their deaths. Rather, they fall and meet their demise through some other means shortly afterwards.
Maleficent - In her dragon form, as Maleficent corners Phillip on a ledge during their battle, she blasts the Shield of Virtue out of his hand, leaving him defenseless. However, the three fairies then immediately empower the Sword of Truth and Phillip throws it into Maleficent’s heart, fatally wounding her. Weakened by the stabbing, Maleficent collapses on to the ledge, with her body’s weight causing it to crumble beneath her, and she dissolves into dark purple smoke. When Phillip looks down at the ground, all that remains of Maleficent is her shredded cloak, plus the Sword of Truth, still embedded in the cloak, turning black, having its enchantment worn off.
Scar - While dueling with Simba on the top of Pride Rock, Scar strikes him down and leaps over to him to release the killing strike. However, Simba uses his hind legs to throw Scar over the ledge and down to the base of the formation. Scar survives the fall, but is immediately surrounded by the hyenas (following the main trio having overheard his betrayal and alerted the others), and they quickly advance on him and brutally maul him to death as flames surround them.
Hades - Following Hercules’s successful rescue of Meg’s soul in the River Styx and becoming a god for it, Hades tries to smooth talk him into making another deal. In his rage, Hercules punches Hades off the precipice on which they are standing and into the river, where he is dragged into its depths by the souls trapped within. Hades presumably remains trapped in the river afterwards, though it cannot kill him due to his immortality.
Clayton - While fighting Tarzan up in the trees, Clayton pulls out his machete after Tarzan takes and smashes his gun. Tarzan jumps back to escape Clayton's furious swipes, ensnaring Clayton in a mass of vines. As Clayton mindlessly slashes the vines, one of them slips and coils around his neck like a noose. When he inadvertently hacks the final vine holding him up, Clayton and Tarzan are sent plummeting towards the ground. Tarzan lands safely, but Clayton vainly struggles to free himself and is hanged by the vine, which snaps his neck and instantly kills him. A flash of lightning briefly illuminating the tree behind Tarzan displays the gruesome shadow of Clayton’s hanging, lifeless body. This makes his death scene one of the most graphic in Disney's animated history, even for villains. Due to this, it is often rewritten in printed media that Clayton merely fell to his death rather than being hanged.
Gothel - Once Flynn cuts Rapunzel’s hair, the magic disappears and the hair turns from blonde to brown. Due to the loss of the magic that kept her young and alive for hundreds of years, Gothel’s true age quickly catches up to her and kills her. This all begins before Pascal trips her, causing her to fall out the tower’s window. By the time her cloak hits the ground, dust is all that remains of Gothel.
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alittlecursed · 4 years
Villain dads ( your choice) finding out there daughter is being mistreated by the hero's kids. Also I love your blog 💛
Captain Hook 
When Hook hears his daughter is being mistreated by Pan's kid (or rather a new favorite lost boy/girl of Pan since he'll never grow up and have kids of his own) Hook snaps into action because no way in hell will he allow his daughter to go through that kind of experience like he did
As an adult and a parent, Hook will give his daughter advice on how to defend herself both verbally and physically
But when that is not enough, Hook will step in and threaten the kid to knock it off
This will lead to a confrontation with Peter Pan and Hook will try to reason with him and call his lost kid off but that won't ever work with Pan
So Hook almost kills Pan and lets him go with a threat that if he or the Iost kid ever go near his daughter he will take drastic measures
He's not playing games
It's one of those rare times when Pan actually fears the pirate
The second Hades hears his kid his Daughter is being mistreated by Hercules' kid she is on top of that. No way in fuelling hell is he allowing the blood of Zeus mistreat his own blood
Hades Scares the kid half to death with threats and giving the kid a tour of Tartarus and the end of River Styx
Sends henchmen to make Hercules' kid's life a misery. (Pain and Panic are also in on making the kid’s life a nightmare)
You have powers and you're learning to use them and Hades part falls in year lessons to teach you everything he can so you can defend yourself
for a while Hades appoints Cerberus was your guard day with strict orders to bite the kid should you even Malone small noise of discomfort
Hades threatens Hercules and Meg to educate their kid some manners
Clayton straight-up scares the kid by waving that large gun in their small face
Clayton's daughter is a daddy's girl so at a young age he spoiled her with the best clothes & gifts but he also trained her to handle a gun and small knives, so when his daughter comes to him that Tarzan’s kid has been mistreating her, he tells her to straighten her back and show that kid who’s the boss
Honestly, that idea worked and Tarzan’s kid doesn’t mistreat Clayton’s daughter anymore
Instead, what Clayton had to deal with was Jane who, while she understood a parent must protect their children from bullying and mistreatment, was livid when she found out Clayton waved a gun at her child’s face. She shouted at Clayton and threatened to feed him alive to the crocodiles of the swamp
Tarzan was also angry and had monkeys terrorize Clayton (and only him, not his daughter) for a few days.
He’s conflicted because he remembers he used to treat girls the same way Belle’s kid is treating his daughter when he was young
Like, he would prefer to leave the kid alone because he understands that it’s like a kid’s phase to mistreat others for a while because he’s had that phase and he can still act like it sometimes
But it’s his daughter who is suffering and he doesn’t- shouldn’t let that happen because he needs to protect her
This is actually good for Gaston to experience, sticking up for his daughter when someone is mistreating her, because it helps to get him out off sexism and learn that gender bias isn’t always (read never) right
Gaston tells the kid to back off and intimidates the poor kid just by his grand stature and muscled body
Afterwards, Gaston starts to care of his daughter (like actually being there and taking care of her) trying to give her the best life she can even thinking back to when Belle used to read all those books and thinking he could maybe show that to his daughter
Claude Frollo
He’s known for being verbally abusive and manipulative so when he hears his daughter is being mistreated by Quasimodo’s kid (and Esmeralda's kid too since she is a hero too) of all people, Frollo confronts the kid and Quasimodo and verbally shames them for the mistreatment of his daughter
He has never hit a child before and he doesn't plan to but it doesn't matter when he uses abusive language that can still cause damage
Frollo puts the fear of God and the fear of Judge Claude Frollo in the kids and reinforces that fear in Quasimodo and that's that
Frollo doesn't have to do anything else since his fury is known to all and hardly anyone dares to oppose him
But that interaction does cause Frollo to think about the past and how he treated Quasimodo. In a way, Frollo believes it is justice being done to Frollo for treating Quasimodo awfully by his own daughter receiving some of that mistreatment but Frollo shakes that thought away
If anything he deserves that treatment directly to his being rather than his offspring
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francis-writes · 1 year
I know you’re busy, so please ignore my ask until you’re free and you feel like answering, take all the time you need
The ask: headcanons for all the Disney villains you write for with an FTM s/o please
Disney villains with transmasc!reader
Jafar Very chill about that, accepts you instantly. Moreover he's a powerful sorcerer and I think he can easily change your body as you please, so you don't need to worry about transition. If anybody dares to misgender you, Jafar will lock them in the dungeons or maybe curse them.
Judge Claude Frollo It's gonna take some hard time to get used to your identity. He's very conservative and homophobic so at the beggining he sees it as a sin. He loves you nonetheless, so after some time of being together he may try to use your name and pronouns, seeing how happy it makes you. The only problem is, he may ask you to present more feminine when you are out in public. He's a high ranking official and he's afraid that people would think about him as a sodomite. (just two guys in one cathedral praying five feet apart bc they are not gay)
Hades He's a god, okay? Gender for gods is something completely different than for humans. They are immortal, they are more spiritual beings and most of them are shapeshifters. So they don't make much fuss about gender. I suppose it's like hair color for them. Or idk favourite restaurant. I lack the words, I am not a god after all. In the summary: if you didn't tell him, he wouldn't probably even notice that you're trans but Hades is fully supportive. As with other magic users, he can also change your shape as you please.
Dr Facilier I can't explain this but I feel that even though he lives in the 20s, Dr Facilier is pretty familiar with whole LGBT community and he is really supportive toward them. He sees a fellow outcasts in them, often living in margins of society. He can curse some transphobes also
Gaston Where do I start with him Gaston is usually problematic but you can't deny, he wishes you well He's usually old-fashioned but you're special for him and he supports you fully The only thing that may annoy you... he thinks of himself as perfect man, master of masculinity, and without any word from you, he decided to be your teacher and mentor. He's gonna show you how to be (the second) best man in France.
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hannahhook7744 · 10 months
Influencer Hannah Hook (Au);
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The internet, tv, and wifi quality are all largely improved by Carlos’ invention (that also unintentionally punched a hole in the barrier briefly but who cares about that) and because of that many isle kids become influencers.
Including little eleven year old Hannah Hook who thinks others will find her life as entertaining as she does.
So starts making Royal Media accounts.
She becomes hannahhook7744 on Royallr, InstaRoyal, ZapChat, and just Hannah Hook on GraceBook.
She creates a Geniemail and makes fanfiction of all her favorite shows on Ro3 under the name ‘Slimeypirate’ after getting a nasty comment with the insult on one of her RoyalTube videos (in which she posts vidoes under the account names ‘Hannah Hook’ and ‘The Stormbringer Crew’).
And She just has fun with it because Hannah has nothing better to do.
And neither do her crew and family.
Hannah does anything and everything she can think of to keep her and others entertained.
She pranks the Coachmen, Judge Frollo, Mother Gothel, Cruella de Vil, Gaston, and even Maleficent.
She plays her favorite game ‘Piss off the Villain’ on camera and narrowly avoids getting shot on camera.
She plays all kinds of different games, does reactions, makes roasts, makes theories, and reads all her favorite books. Shows people how to go on an adventure and how to take care of little kids and even attempts cooking (as her friends beg her not to in the background).
Hannah even plays with fire and does circus tricks (which Hermie Bing joins her for).
Oh and she’s gotten into fights with her siblings on camera.
There’s even a live stream on her channel where she’s blasting one of the bad apples songs as she plays ‘Carriage Crush’ with a green toddler she calls ‘Harley’ in her lap and as her dad and uncle Jasper have a three hour long (violent) fight in the background until her grandmother breaks it up.
And another one where she and Luke play ‘Storm the Castle’ (with two toddlers in their laps) as Hans Westergaard, The Stabbington Brothers, Lady Caine, Stalyan, Brock Thunderstrike, Anastasia Tremaine, and Drizella Tremaine all argue (loudly) with Lady Tremaine in the other room.
While the other Tremaine and Stabbington kids (minus the youngest four Tremaines who are in the room with them) fight upstairs.
And another (24 hour) live stream where Hades is asleep in the background the entire time.
Even as Treycor and Alex throw knives at each other and Luke.
All posted on school nights/days.
And they have several videos where they're in the various restaurants of the isle. Eating food that wouldn't be up to code in Auradon.
Making food that wouldn't be up to code that they also eat.
And they even get tattoos once at 12 years old. After officiating a wedding.
Auradon is more than a little concerned.
And the isle kids are all just confused as they keep doing what they're doing.
Doing death defying stunts and games.
Summoning things (and screaming in fright when Hades walks into the room to ask them to stop).
Swimming and wrestling with crocodiles, Tigers, and sharks.
Giving the Auradon adults heartattacks in the process.
(Note this is a separate au to the main one).
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hockeysweetheart · 4 years
What Character are you THG Disney Verson. PART 2
Please Note if you don’t wanna Read why I picked everyone To be the Characters Check out my other Post without explaining why...
Hello. So I decided to make Disney Collages of Characters who I think they match in The Hunger Games… I added their Name. What Character(s) and the Movie(s). So I was going off looks at the start. But as I gotten to some it’s more the personality. ( Some Do have that personality of the characters chosen others Are the farthest thing but Look like the Characters). So I will write under each Collage of why I picked the Disney Characters for The Hunger Games one. Because man some do need explaining.  Also some don’t match the Princess to Prince  But Look past that point for this, And Please note yes this is all my opinions On this. I wanna Thank @alliswell21 @mandelion82 @b-boop5  @winegirl65  For all your  help giving me ideas of who to use when I was stuck and Yes Some where chosen.   I will for sure make more Disney realted ones now that I Got the pictures so don’t you worry.  ( I want to note there may be a few spoilers if you haven’t seen these movies)
This is Part 2 of this..
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Gale I Chose Gaston from Beauty and The Beast and Hans from Frozen 2 Villians. Okay. Sorry Gale but It’s not my fault you have that Villian in you.  Gale realates to Gaston in a way that he’s  a hunter and kinda thinks he’s a big shot but really isn’t. And for Hans. Every single time Hans is like Oh Anna if there was only someone who loved you... I think of Gale. Gale wants that power to be in charge and comes to a point he would do anything ( like hans) to get it.  And Gale wanted to end the war and go back to normal but with that he became deadly.  
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Cinna Prince Ali ( Aladdin ) and Prince Naveen. Okay Cinna is not really like any of these characters. Aladdin why Aladdin the theif and the person who breaks in. and why Naveen who is basically a spoiled Prince getting In trouble. Cinna is like Aladdin  by somewhat looks and I truely do think that Cinna would set the genie free for his last wish.. Naveen Looks and maybe Naveen was Cinna before reality who knows.  I honestly had a hard Time with Cinnas. And thought okay these two are simmular to him but kinda not even close.
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Primrose Everdeen... As Rapunzel. Okay Prim is not locked in a tower. Because shes kidnapped And cannot be discovered. But Prim is sheilded from her sister. Rapunzel has healing hair. Also Prim is a healer. Rapunzel is good at many things and so Is Prim.. So between looks at personiality they both are Simular in those ways. 
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Rue Princess  Tiana and Moana. I  was going off how she looks like both and Has that Moana you say I can’t I will show you I can type of deal there. Tiana Basically they Don’t have a whole lot in common but a bit. Like how Tiana is smart and willing to kiss a frog to help out someone. ( Not saying Rue would kiss a frog) but shes smart and is willing to help out a friend. 
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Sejanus is from The Ballad of songbirds and Snakes I wont say a lot on this spoiling anything. But he is rich and gives me that Prince charming vibes . In the live action verson the Prince Actually does remember cinderella. So over all  Sejanus is Kinda prince Charming
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Lucy Gray Baird. I chose Esmeralda something about her gives Me Lucy Gray ( I haven’t watched the Hunchback really to much) 
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President Snow I chose The Evil Queen and Thanks to @b-boop5​ For the Claude Frollo idea. I decided to  use these two For Snow Because  That Evil Queen is scary af and likes Posion ( Now I don’t know much about Claude ) So I cannot really speak how he realates to Snow but Hell Fire...
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Coin... I chose  Mother Gothal and Cruella De Vill for Her. Now Coin doesn’t seem to be the one to hurt puppies but you Never know.. But she is known to be sneaky and Not gonna lie kinda scared of her.. Now why the Awesome Mother Gothal.. Pretty much one of the favourite villians. I chose her because she kinda screamed coin. I think once upon a time Coin had humor. 
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Thom ... Thom is my Bonus one I chose Eric for him Becuase I wanted Eric in this and I Had no one else to fit this. You may say Finnick . But Finnick is way to good to be Eric lol ( No offence). 
And that is Part 2..
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Ok ok, taking inspiration from your horror carnival idea, I thought a bit of how Disney villains would be in a carnival.
The magical villains can be the magical acts. Fortune telling, magicians, you name it they got it. Maybe even trying to one up each other (I definitely want to see Jafar and Mal go against each other. Dragon VS giant snake).
The hunter gang could be like animal tamers (good luck with that when they have to deal with Scar or Shere Khan). And Gaston definitely is doing the strongman work on the side.
Other villains who happen to just be, mostly, regular people, like Cruella and Sykes, or the twist villains like Hans and Ernesto, could promote the carnival with their fame and money. Maybe Hades as well since I guess godhood technically counts as royalty?
Yzma and the Evil Queen SOMEHOW wound up being in charge of the food, as well as their performances. I wouldn't advise eating the candy apples or drinking the drinks. Fortunately Silver is the head chef too so he can double check the food before it goes out.
Frollo is that one manager that nobody likes. If there's one thing they all can agree on, is that Frollo is a dick.
The weasels (not just the TP, but we're focusing on them now) and villain sidekicks can be the stagehands. They make sure everything runs smoothly behind stage. They have to know SOMETHING about this stuff if the villains trust them all to help them with their plans (dear God, imagine Greasy trying to sneak in the woman's dressing room as a stagehand. Frollo would not be pleased).
That's all I could think of for now. What do you think? Do you think this carnival has potential or will it fall apart? XD
I LOVE THIS IDEA!! All of this is just-
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You know the circus is in town when you see Chernabog hanging over the whole damn town 😅😅😅 Just follow the giant winged satan and you'll find it XD
Imagine at shows Hades sits in a big throne (A sort of seat of honour I guess) and he releases a lotta smoke when the show is about to start- just hyping everyone up and giving the acts something cool to come creeping out of. Like you notice the show is about to begin when you see the glowing red eyes of Jafar's staff coming out from all the smoke in the middle of the arena, the mystical green light emitted from between Mal's fingers, and then big, fat, slightly terrifying tentacles start to creep out from the smoke, too.
Hades sucks up all the smoke again back into his body and everyone watching knows the show has begun.
Ohhhhhh! I love the thought of thr hunters gang being animal tamers!! Especially with Scar and Shere Khan (And Zira? Oh!! And Brutus and Nero!) being the animals XDD Goodluck to them. That'd be a good show to see! XD
Oh!! "Come and see the Pure Paragon- Sir Gaston! He can tear a log in two! He can lift 10 men! He can fight a Wildebeast! How does he do it? We dont dare ask... Come see for yourself!" Gaston would love the attention.
I loveeee the idea of the high profile villains promoting the carnival!! That's oddly wholesome and it makes my heart warmm! Like Cruella could have pamphlets made and tucked into the clothes she sells or set on the seats at her fashion shows, Ernesto might do something super extra by having thousands of the pamphlets dropped on the audience at the end of a show ("Be sure to visit 'La Casa de las Voces'!- that is my tent! I hope to see you all there, mi familia!"), Hans using his prince-hood (?) to make sure the carnival gets to set up camp in primo positions in cities, Frollo announcing the Carnival's arrival to town and having his guards wear the carnival's logo somehow (It is his circus after all! It has to do well), etc.
Imagine also Cruella creating costumes for the carnival!! Like she's not strictly apart of the carnival, she's not act or anything, but everyone knows she's the designer and fits in there just as easy as anyone else.
Oh thank goodness Silver is there too XDD I also love the idea of those 3 being a team! Like there's the older, matriarchal one- the unstable crazy one- and the one that talks the other two into not poisoning everyone XD
And!! The thought of all the sidekicks running around making sure the show goes smoothly even though they're kind of bumbling fools is so cute and fun XDD They're doing their best and most of the time it works out... but there are definitely moments where, like, the wrong rope gets cut or some animals are released too early because they growled at them and scared them 😅😅😅 Imagine Iago and Sir Hiss and Co-Stagehand Managers!! <3<3
Greasy get your creepy ass BACK to the stage, Ernesto the drama king is having a meltdown again and we need you to translate.
Ahhhhh, this is such a good idea, I love it!! I hope you didn't mind me adding 😅 You can ignore any or all of it if you want XDD I think they could make it work, as long as they all try to remember they are on the same team here. I REALLY WANT IT TO WORK.
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twistedtummies2 · 4 years
31 Days of Disney Villainy - Number 7
The 31 Days of Disney Villainy Continues! I’m counting down my Top 31 Favorite Villains from Walt Disney Animation Studios’ film output. We’re in the last week of the countdown! “Now, Here is a Riddle To Guess If You Can…What Makes a Monster, and What Makes a Man?” Number 7 is…Judge Claude Frollo, from The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
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In Victor Hugo’s original novel “The Hunchback of Notre Dame,” Claude Frollo is the archdeacon of Notre Dame, and is a sympathetic villain. He starts off as a good person, taking in Quasimodo out of the goodness of his heart, legitimately caring for him like his own son, and while he does dislike the gypsies of Paris, he isn’t obsessed with how much he despises them. Frollo doesn’t become a bad guy until he faces his fatal flaw: human lust. It’s his obsession with the beautiful Esmeralda that drives him to insanity and inevitable destruction; a classic case of “living long enough to see yourself become the villain.” There is a misconception that Disney was the first to jettison basically all of this, making Frollo a judge who despised the gypsies and partially became a villain because of the fact his detestation of the gypsy people mixed with his lust for Esmeralda, while also generally making him an unsympathetic cad. In point of fact, this was actually nothing new, entirely: in the book, Claude Frollo has a brother who is a judge and hates gypsies immensely, named Jehan. In early film treatments of the story – including the silent picture with Lon Chaney as Quasimodo, and the 1939 remake starring Charles Laughton as the deformed hunchback – it was JEHAN who was made to be the main villain, with Archdeacon Claude as a benevolent and much more minor figure. What Disney really did was bring the concept to critical mass. They eliminated Jehan altogether, making the Archdeacon an unnamed separate character, and Claude the judge. They also managed his motivations and being much better, in my opinion: in those older films, it’s claimed that Jehan took Quasimodo in out of the goodness of his heart. Well, one automatically wonders what “goodness” that was, because he shows absolutely no love for Quasimodo and is generally a terrible person. In this film, Frollo’s relationship to Quasimodo is explained in detail in the opening of the film, and while it’s not at all a sympathetic start, it IS a logical one. So from start to finish, Frollo is a straight up horrible person…but, to be fair, he’s no less fascinating for that. What makes Frollo so intriguing is that, unlike other Disney Villains, he doesn’t do anything for the typical reasons. He’s not after money; he’s rich enough. He’s not after power; he’s basically in charge of the city. There’s nobody he seeks revenge upon, really, and he most fervently does NOT believe anything he does is evil in the truest sense of the word…or rather, if it is wrong, it is a necessary evil: a cruel means to a justifiable end. Very few other Disney Villains (at least in the “core canon”) have this distinction. In fact, his basic reasons for what he does and what he seeks are not too dissimilar from Gaston: fear and loathing of things he doesn’t understand, and a dollop of lust for good measure. However, while Gaston you can at least say has a fun side to him, Frollo is another story. Frollo is a character of fire and ice; he’s cold, ruthless, intelligent, powerful, and will stop at nothing to see his enemies destroyed and his desires fulfilled. In the story of “Disney’s Hunchback,” he is the perfect foil for Quasimodo: a young man who looks like a monster, but whose good deeds and tender heart make him a hero. What makes things even better is our hero does this all while under the belief that he IS a monster; Quasimodo believes he’s the bad guy, because all his life he’s been shunned and tutored to believe so. Frollo, meanwhile, does all he does under the pretense of being the only one who knows what is right; the only person who understands God’s true will, and who is seeking to make the world a cleaner, better place…but the actions he takes and the methods he uses, as well as the beliefs he furthers, all point to him as being the villain. He looks like a man, and speaks like a hero, but he’s the REAL monster. Top it all off with “Hellfire” – arguably the greatest villain song of all time – and the glorious, majestic vocals of the late, great Tony Jay, and it’s pretty clear what makes Frollo a fantastic baddy. To be fair, there do seem to be basically two crowds when it comes to Frollo: one crowd hates him the way I hate Lady Tremaine – they concede that he’s an effective villain, but there is no love in their hearts for him. I can’t say I blame them; in fact, that was sort of what the filmmakers wanted. They wanted Frollo to be a villain the same vein as Lady Tremaine; a character who would fight back the “evil is cool” concept. I find this amusing because, while there definitely is that crowd out there, most people seem to fall into the second crowd: they really, REALLY like Frollo. And I’m one of those sorts; I don’t know why, but something about this character truly fascinates me, and I legitimately love watching him. I do want to give a shout-out to the version of the character from the stage version of “Hunchback”: that show, and its depiction of Frollo, mix elements of the film and the book together with some new material to make an interpretation that honestly rivals the movie. The Frollo in the stage show is a much more sympathetic villain, while still having his dark side and even still getting that glorious song. But I’m not ranking villains from the stage shows, just the movies, so…that’s another story for another time. Tomorrow, the countdown continues with my 6th Favorite Disney Villain! HINT: He Might Bug You.
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