#and specialists aren’t *going* to be up to date with everything outside their field
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jastrzwolvar · 1 year ago
You do know doctors are also required to do a minimum of 50 hours of CPD (Aka education/training) every year, right? At least in the UK, I don’t know what the American standards are like.
I'm so extremely serious when I say doctors should be put through an extremely extensive reliscensing process every 10 years. Doctors should have their knowledge scrutinized against current medical research and be de-barred at even the tiniest discrepancy. Too many old doctors absolutely refuse to stay up to date on research and dismiss patients because of their personal experiences. Too many people die every year because doctors don't take us seriously and refuse to listen to people who KNOW something is wrong. Too many people are told their problems are nothing and come back in a year or more with serious illnesses and doctors are just like "lol everyone makes mistakes" but doctors mistakes routinely cost people their lives! I'm tired of medical malpractice being swept away under the guise of "mistakes were made."
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superlinguo · 5 years ago
Linguistics Jobs: Interview with an Exhibition Content Manager
I was first introduced to Emily Gref, this month’s linguist, in a Linguistics Job Interview she did for All Things Linguistic back in 2015 when she worked as a literary agent. Emily did her MA at SOAS while I was working there, and has gone on to use her skills to support minority language publishing, help us set up transcripts for Lingthusiasm, and, in her current role, participate in the development of Planet Word as their Exhibition Content Manager.  
Planet Word is a language museum, opening in Washington D.C. on May 31, 2020.
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What did you study at university?
I received my BA from McGill University with a major in Linguistics and a minor in Anthropology. My focus was pretty theoretical at the time — my honours thesis was on morpho-syntax in Austronesian languages — but one of my favorite courses was field linguistics. I definitely wanted to go to SOAS, University of London, or the University of Hawai'i and learn how to document languages after that course. I ultimately decided I didn't want to stay in academia, though, so after graduating I took a detour and spent several years in book publishing. But I missed linguistics too much! So in 2015 I went for my MA in Language Documentation and Description at SOAS. There my focus was primarily on language revitalization (though I also dipped a toe into some other schools of syntax, because I love it), and my dissertation was about what kinds of books are being published in Indigenous languages of North America and how and why. It was a way to combine my love of linguistics and books with my expertise in publishing. (I've also helped to publish some books in minority languages.)
What is your job?
My official title is Exhibition Content Manager at Planet Word, a new museum about words and language in Washington, D.C. Pretty much anything and everything to do with the exhibits and all the content within them falls under my list of responsibilities! That means 10 main exhibits, and 17 auxiliary exhibits, all about everything from child language acquisition to the history of the English language to language diversity around the world to literature to songwriting and everything in between. Practically, what that means is I do a lot of liaising with our exhibit designers and media producers and our founder to make sure the material we're presenting at the museum is accurate, engaging, and accessible to the general public, especially our core audience of 10- to 12-year-olds. A lot of that is project management stuff (keeping track of licensed assets, streamlining approvals on deliverables, managing outside contractors and consultants, and updating many, many spreadsheets) but I also do a lot of fact-checking, copy editing, and some research and scripting as well, particularly for the linguistic diversity gallery (my personal favorite). How does your linguistics training help you in your job?
Although all of my colleagues share of love of words and language (as you would expect), most of them are more from the museum world than the linguistics world. And although most of our main experiences aren't linguistics-heavy (we're a language arts museum rather than a linguistics museum), I'm the one that takes the first pass at content to ensure that it's correct and uses the most up-to-date research. So I've had to draw heavily on my general linguistics knowledge — Planet Word is incredibly privileged to have an advisory board full of amazing linguists, but I'm sort of the "resident" linguistics expert!
Because the museum is for a young, general audience, it's been really fun to try and get back to a beginner's mind — thinking about the things that most excited me about learning linguistics, or even learning about other languages, or weird facts about English. This has really informed some of the experiences we've created, and it's pretty gratifying to test them out on non-linguists and see them get excited and interested. (Although I will fully admit that I have advocated for some... esoteric aspects of language that nobody but me was excited about. They did not make the cut, and it's for the better, but hopefully some visitors will be inspired and find out more about linguistics for themselves!)
On a more granular level, having the research skills honed by two degrees in linguistics has been invaluable, as well as the data management skills I acquired mostly during my MA. (Hello, database of 2,000+ books.) Knowing about phonetics is also pretty handy when you're trying to coach a voice actor (most of our experiences are auditory and interactive) on how to pronounce non-English words! I have also spent an incredible amount of time with the OED and Etymonline, looking up etymologies for various exhibit-related reasons.
Do you have any advice do you wish someone had given to you about linguistics/careers/university?
Linguistics is such a funny field. I don't think there are a lot of people who end up in it by accident, or just because they've always loved that subject in high school, so they might as well continue it in college/university. Really, you discover by happenstance that it exists and then you fall for it hard. But that means there's almost a sort of assumption that if you're going to Do Linguistics, you're going to be an academic for the long haul. That doesn't necessarily have to be the case. That's why resources like this interview series are so great, but I do wish there was more support within degree programs for connecting linguistics people with jobs that aren't necessarily academia, or computational linguistics, or speech pathology. This is not really advice, sorry! But if I were going to turn it into advice, I'd say: ask early and often what graduates from your program have gone on to do that aren't "traditional" linguist jobs. Any other thoughts or comments?
If I could help open language museums for the rest of my life, I absolutely would. This has been a dream job, and I'm so very lucky. Unfortunately it's a bit of niche field, but I have learned so much by leveraging my linguistics knowledge and skills into a job that opens up many more opportunities.
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Interview with a Community Outreach Coordinator
Interview with a Marketing Content Specialist
Interview with a Software Engineer
Interview with a Product Manager
Interview with a Communications Specialist
Check out the Linguist Jobs Master List and the Linguist Jobs tag for even more interviews  
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wordpress-guides · 4 years ago
How Do I Become a Best WordPress Developer?
To start with, we should sort a couple of things out: turning into a top WordPress developer is difficult to work — difficult work. It will require some investment, energy, and assurance. In case you're searching for a simple agenda or some "quick pass" to the top, you will burn through your time. Being extraordinary compared to others is hard, and measurably talking, the situation is anything but favorable for you. 
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To begin with, we should sort a couple of things out: turning into a top WordPress developer is difficult to work — exceptionally difficult work. It will require some investment, energy, and assurance. In case you're searching for a simple agenda or some "quick pass" to the top, you will burn through your time. Being a standout amongst others is hard, and genuinely talking, the situation is anything but favorable for you. 
Coincidentally, introducing WordPress, perusing a couple of instructional exercises, and altering a couple of topics doesn't make somebody a top developer. They may consider themselves a "Specialist", and that is fine. They may know more than the normal individual. However, a top developer moves a long way past the nuts and bolts and pushes the actual limits of what is conceivable. They enhance, add to the local area, and show dominance in the work they do. 
So I need you to be more than a "specialist", I need you to be truly outstanding.
Wordpress Development Agency
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Why not WordPress developer? In the event that you work with WordPress (or plan to begin), why simply settle for being normal? There's something over the top "normal" in life as of now. "Ordinary" is profoundly exaggerated. There are different reasons, however. For example, the top WordPress developers: 
Get the most cash-flow. Interest in WordPress improvement is high and customers will pay more for developers who are awesome in their field. 
Get the best customers. At the point when you are at the top, you have the opportunity to say "No" to the ventures you don't need, and "Yes" to the activities you do. 
Have the most impact. Being at the top methods you have an impact (and duty) and the capacity to shape the fate of WordPress just as the environment that is worked around it. 
WordPress Developer Guides: ONE HOUR OF Perusing A DAY 
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Follow WordPress developer guides. In the event that you will make it to the top, at that point you need to go through at any rate one hour every workday zeroed in on perusing and getting familiar with WordPress — outside of any improvement work. There are no alternate ways and no alternate ways around it. Learning and dominating WordPress will require some serious energy. On the off chance that you sit in front of the television, cut it out — over 90% of it isn't useful for you in any case. In case you're a gamer, sell your games or discard them. Arriving at the top takes responsibility and penance and the best spot to begin is with the things in life that aren't benefiting you in any way in any case. 
Start with one committed, an interruption-free hour of perusing for every workday. Close off texts, put your telephone on quiet, and read. Take notes on what you realize en route. You'll make the time passes by quicker than you would have anticipated. Keep at it, for quite a while, after quite a while after week, and a seemingly endless amount of time after a month. What's more, as you begin to see achievement, put in more energy for perusing. 
Then again, consider a three-hour block, a few times each week. The key is to make a promise to learning and respecting that responsibility by putting aside the vital chance to own it. 
There will never be been a superior chance to learn and dominate WordPress than at this moment. There are such countless magnificent assets accessible to those willing to invest the time and energy into utilizing them. Before you can begin acquiring experience, you need some instruction. Indeed, you could simply hop in and begin breaking things. Be that as it may, I propose you pause, and develop the self-control it takes to learn — there will be a lot of time to break things later. As you start your schooling, it's imperative regardless of the social part of your experience. 
Spend time WITH THE Correct Group 
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We become like those we partner with. In the event that you need to be one of the top WordPress developers, begin investing energy with those at the top. Peruse their online journals, follow them on Twitter, give input on their considerations and thoughts, go to WordCamps to meet them, and tune in to their discussions. Peruse the meetings on CodePoet. Follow their models, ask them for counsel, follow their recommendations, and report back. 
Here is a little rundown of WordPress developers to kick you off:
Andrew Nacin (@nacin) Alex King (@alexkingorg) Bill Erickson (@billerickson) Cory Miller (@corymiller303) Matt Mullenweg (@photomatt) Nathan Rice (@nathanrice) Peter Westwood (@westi) Joost de Valk (@yoast) Justin Tadlock (@justintadlock) Silviu-Cristian Burcă (@scribu)
The measure of perusing material accessible on WordPress is overpowering. There are a large number of individuals discussing WordPress and it is getting progressively hard to channel through the commotion. There are specialists, notwithstanding, and when you focus on dominating WordPress, at that point you should begin your excursion by finding the greatest assets and focusing your endeavors simply on those. 
Here are a couple of assets to kick you off: 
WordPress Codex. The WordPress codex is a local area altered store for everything WordPress. Start with the very rudiments and spotlight on dominating the WordPress interface itself from an end-client's point of view. Gain proficiency with WordPress semantics. Find out about the topic plan and module advancement. 
Books on WordPress. There are in excess of twelve books accessible on WordPress. Get going with the titles of most noteworthy interest to you and afterward pursue the others. Think "WordPress For Fakers" is excessively essential? Perhaps not. Your customers may understand it and it's critical to have their viewpoints. At the point when you're done, thank the writer and compose an audit. 
Sites on WordPress. Discover and follow the best online journals about WordPress. Buy into their feeds. Peruse them routinely and offer criticism to the creators. A couple of my #1 sites are WordPress on Crushing Magazine, WP Tuts+, and WP Candy. 
Comprehend THE Innovation 
In case you will dominate WordPress as a developer you need to comprehend the innovation. In case you're as of now a developer and PHP/MySQL aren't different to you, amazing. Ensure your abilities are exceptional. In case you're new to programming, begin learning. Here are a few different ways to start: 
Learn PHP and MySQL It's truly significant that you know PHP and MySQL and that you get familiar with the prescribed procedures. A couple of out-dated instructional exercises won't do it. Furthermore, on the off chance that you learned it a couple of years prior, a great deal of the practices you chose up are most likely from date. Not certain where to start? Start with Lynda.com or Learnable.com. Find out about MySQL execution. 
Investigate the Codebase Set aside an effort to investigate the WordPress codebase on Trac and on Xref. Peruse the documentation to see how things work. Look into what doesn't sound good to you and pose inquiries. Acclimate yourself with how WordPress is organized. 
Run The Daily Arrangement a nearby improvement climate and run the daily form as an approach to keep awake-to-date on WordPress as it's being created. 
Peruse "Make WordPress" A decent method to comprehend the innovation is to follow the advancement conversations occurring on make.wordpress.org. You can follow conversations about the Center, Modules, and Subjects first of all. 
DO THE Schoolwork 
Set up the thing you're learning as a regular occurrence. Start with your own WordPress sites. After you read an instructional exercise, follow it all alone. Examination. Separate things. Track what you've realized and record your bits of knowledge and forward leaps for future reference. Invest however much energy that you can take what you've realized and applying it to your own undertakings and examinations. 
Here are a couple of zones to investigate: 
WordPress APIs. Start by acclimating yourself with the rundown of accessible APIs on the Codex. Peruse the data accessible for every Programming interface and investigation with every (some will be simpler than others). Quest for instructional exercises for every one of the APIs to give you some certifiable point of view and experience on how can be managed each. 
Ajax in WordPress. Regardless of whether you're now acquainted with Ajax, find out about the utilization of Ajax in WordPress. At that point, proceed onward to handle utilizing Ajax in module advancement. Quest for instructional exercises to build up your experience further. 
WordPress PHP Classes. Acclimate yourself with the rundown of classes made by WordPress developers. Trial with them on your own ventures and expert them. Specifically, give exceptional consideration to WP_Query, WP_Theme, and wpdb. Quest for instructional exercises on every one of the classes, just as non-center, local area contributed classes like WPAlchemy. 
Acquiring Involvement in WordPress
With your schooling great in progress, it's an ideal opportunity to acquire certifiable experience — and loads of it. Your way to the top is fixed with preliminaries and challenges and acquiring experience outside the protected jungle gyms of your own tasks is a basic positive development. Perhaps the most ideal approach to begin is a managing job for other people. 
TAKE ON Customers
Working for customers, paid or free, is perhaps the most ideal approach to acquire insight. Customers present difficulties you could never need to manage to chip away at your own. In case you're simply beginning, figure out how to get your first customer. While the market center (enormous customers versus little customers) will shift, the core of the issue is to get a ton of involvement. The objective is to not simply get two or three hundred hours chipping away at WordPress, yet a couple thousand. You need to place the time in with genuine experience and taking on customers is probably the most ideal approach to do this. 
Build up A PUBLIC Subject 
Fabricate a subject you'd really use. Delivery it, paid or free. Tune in to the criticism you get from developers and end-clients who utilize your topic. Request a companion survey from topic originators you regard. Update your topic as you get input and as your capacities improve. Endeavor to make a topic that you can be glad for. 
Build up A Module 
As you learn and work with WordPress you'll in the end discover a need that hasn't been met. At the point when you do, meet it yourself. Take what you've found out about module advancement and set up it as a regular occurrence. Compose a module that is secure and that tackles a genuine need, without being another "me as well" commitment to the generally huge module local area. Delivery it, paid or free, and get criticism from individuals who put your module to utilize. 
Peruse the Center Patron handbook and figure out how to present a fix. It tends to be an overwhelming cycle your first time around, yet search for a test that you can handle, and adhere to it. Contributing a fix is a significant encounter and a significant piece of having the option to view yourself as a top WordPress developer. 
Expert Investigating 
Figuring out how to compose sans bug code is a basic advance in turning into an extraordinary developer. Start with the Codex and find out about investigating in WordPress. Peruse Andrew Nacin's post on 5 Different ways To Troubleshoot WordPress. Acquaint yourself with a portion of the developer arranged modules, similar to Center Control, Troubleshoot Bar and Log Expostulated Takes note. 
Joining The WordPress Develper or WordPress community
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Became an active member in the WordPress developer or WordPress community.  As you proceed with your schooling and set up what you've realized as a regular occurrence, the following stage is to turn into a functioning individual from the local area. You might be an awesome developer, yet it doesn't mean a lot if nobody realizes you exist. Invest energy putting resources into the local area. Perhaps the most ideal approach to do so is sharing what you know. 
Compose Instructional exercises 
I got my beginning back in 2006 with a straightforward instructional exercise I composed (be cautioned, it is somewhat dated). I took what I had recently sorted out and emptied it into an instructional exercise to help other people and save them the time (and migraine) I had recently experienced. Many individuals read it, a couple composed back and said thank you, and a few people even requested that I accomplish some work for them. So compose instructional exercises that take the most awesome aspect of what you've recently realized and present it to other people so they may receive the rewards of your endeavors. It's justified, despite all the trouble. 
As you invest energy perusing the Codex you will see regions that need improvement. Find out about turning into a volunteer in the Codex. Commit time to improve the nature of the documentation. While documentation in the Codex is ceaselessly improving, there are still capacities and highlights in the WordPress center that go undocumented. On the off chance that a region is past your present capacities, carry it to the consideration of others and embrace the chance to learn more all the while. 
Partake IN Gatherings 
Most WordPress novices begin posing inquiries on the authority uphold gatherings. Start there by responding to questions (even the senseless, essential ones — we as a whole beginning someplace). From that point, become a functioning individual from the WordPress Stack Trade people group. Answer questions and gain from the appropriate responses that different developers are giving. 
Go to forthcoming WordCamps and search for freedoms to present and offer an incentive to the WordPress people group. A genuine indication of your skill is your capacity to take what you know and instruct it to another person. Peruse the Journal Of A WordCamp. Need much to a greater degree a test? Become a coordinator and start a WordCamp close to you. 
Prize And Duty 
The award at the top merits the exertion. In case you're assembling a business around WordPress (read 7 reasons why you ought to), an authority of WordPress is a basic advance to your prosperity. In 2011, as per the authority WordPress Overview results, "6,800 independently employed respondents were answerable for more than 170,000 sites, by and by". Of those, the normal middle hourly rate was $50/hour. In view of the Pareto standard, the top 20% of those developers (under 1,400) are liable for 80% of the work done (and they make more than $50/hour). 
Presently, being in that top 20% conveys with it an undeniable degree of obligation. Remaining at the top requires a promise to progressing training and constant experience. Never quit learning and improving. Being at the top likewise puts a degree of obligation on your shoulders for the wellbeing and eventual fate of the WordPress environment. Get included. Say something regarding significant issues. Contribute. Set a level of your prosperity back into developing WordPress and guaranteeing its future. 
Turning into a top WordPress developer requires a mentality of persistent improvement and an ability to accomplish the difficult work. It begins with a purposeful spotlight on instruction and afterward moves to broad certifiable experience. At last, the title of a "top developer" requests devotion to the WordPress people group, just as an acknowledgment of the duties by the individuals who form and shape the fate of WordPress.
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yooniegalaxy · 6 years ago
Okay, so this is going to be fun. So the preface behind this is that V got a few asks about this and then I went and straight up threw in my two cents... and in return got these asks. Instead of fuming about it and just keyboard warrior-ing back at the person ( using person as a very loose term at this point ) I decided to take a step back and deal with this rationally.
Trigger Warnings // Abuse, Assault, R*pe and Predatory Men Mentions. Public Masturbation. I will tag appropriately.
I apologize, in advance, for the length. I also haven’t proofread this because at some point I just didn’t care enough to re-read. Yes, I did cite things. Don’t @ me about it.
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Alright, so this is very bold of you to assume that you know anything about my culture as it is. There are more than just that one reason as to why Korean women/girls aren’t dating ( which is also very bold of you to assume ). There is a great divide in everything. South Korea is a very patriarchal society, so of course there are privileges to being a man. But that can literally be said any where in the world. The world is intrinsically male oriented, despite having various matriarchal societies.
If we are talking about Korean women in general, there are a lot of reasons why they don’t date aside from the inherent fear. It is literally the fact that everyone pays attention to their careers first. School is a very large part of Korean Society, as well as a lot of other Asian Countries. Education is the first and foremost for a lot people, which often pushes the bounds of women when do decide to date, if at all.
“It says so in an article“, is not a great defense, especially since the only article I could find about this was a CNN article ( feel free to read it here ). While well researched, it is under the lens of a University study for a “Gender and Culture“ class taught at Sejong University. They do go into statistics about economic strain and what percentage of age groups are single and may not be dating.
I pulled this from the article, “[a] growing number of South Koreans are shunning romantic relationships amid economic hardships and societal problems.“ This, in and of itself, counteracts your broad strokes claim. The fact of the matter is that you clearly don’t understand how expensive it is to date anyone or live in Korean society. Even going out with friends is awful, I find, because we are always drinking and heading to the next bar or the next and you’re no fun unless you go to all of the bars. If you ditch, you are literally called no fun and you can kiss your social life goodbye.
South Korean Culture is very much about group dynamics and it is social suicide not to hang out when asked unless you have a VERY good reason. This brings me to, “[t]he country's overall unemployment rate last year rose to its highest level in 17 years, at 3.8%. The youth unemployment rate was far higher, at 10.8% for those aged 15 to 29.” This is basically the fact of the matter, dating and socializing unless you are getting funded by your parents, is EXPENSIVE. Even when you are out of University and starting your first job, if you are even hired. If you aren’t, you will be working any form of shop job, construction, retail or food and service. 
Side note: minimum wage in South Korea is 7530 won/hr, or like 6-ish USD, but not a lot of places even pay that. They pay under that.
Yes, in the light of a lot of Korean scandals and lot of word of mouth about x boyfriend or y abuse incident, many people are put off by the idea of dating. But I feel like this is the case everywhere and not just South Korea. You could even say that it is taken less lightly elsewhere in the world than it is in South Korea.
You also have to realize that this article is literally just talking about Korean Women dating Korean Men. There are a plenty of other races that live in South Korea that are ex-pats, are studying abroad or are teaching abroad ( as they don’t really like hiring people of Asian Heritage to teach English, especially ). A lot of South Koreans hire a lot of foreign specialists for jobs due to the high specializations in some fields. So Korean Women might not be dating Korean Men, but they are still dating.
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This is not a “not all men” statement because I will never make that statement. “Not all men” is such a stupid statement because it is inherently bias. 
Korean dating culture isn’t dead. People still date. People still count their relationships in days and have cute anniversaries. People are allowed not to feel safe. I don’t feel safe and I live in a country where I am allotted freedom and yet I still look over my shoulder because off the gender that I was born as. 
Please don’t ignore the fact that you are generalizing a whole population to suit your own arguments and needs. You are literally doing yourself, and everyone you are generalizing, a disservice.
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Honestly, no. Claiming you are right is actually a rather sad way to try and win an argument when someone hasn’t responded. My country isn’t “full of predators”. If anything all of my experiences in the United States ( and other countries though I will only give one example ) sort of tells me otherwise. I, personally, have a lot of stories of where I have felt unsafe in countries outside of Asia.
NEW YORK CITY ( tw: male public masturbation, aggression )
I was about nineteen at the time of this incident. I am, by no means, a person who is uneducated or idealistic in anyway. I was raised a realist, someone who wasn’t exactly sheltered from the storm, despite growing up in a traditional family. I made a lot of mistakes as a kid but I learned from.
In New York, I was with one other person. She was around my age and we were exploring the city together and I believe we were going to a conference at the time? I was studying Film at the time and she was a good friend of mine going to New York Film Academy. We hopped on the subway because literally the only way to get around the city unless you want to be stuck in traffic. What I experienced on the train was varying degrees of traumatic but I laugh about it now?
We were chased off the subway four or five stops before we actually wanted to get by a guy literally masturbating directly in view of us. There weren’t that many people on the subway car and he was making DIRECT eye contact with us while were talking about the film we were shooting for class. He was literally dirty talking at us and his advances became more bold until he literally chased us off the subway when we tried to leave.
He couldn’t have been more than I want to say thirty or forty and he was white male privilege. He was wearing a decently fitted suit with shined loafers so, clearly not just a homeless man on the street.
He chased us up to street leave with his dick out, ejaculating at our shoes as we tried to climb the stairs and told us we were ungrateful and deserved it. This happened on three separate occasions in a span of a week, different men.
I was much younger than most people that this happens to on a regular basis in the US. Tell me how “my country” as you call it is full of predators when this is what I was subjected to as a person that, at the time, is older than a solid chunk of the frequenters of this site.
Not only that but I have never felt the need to check my drink as much as I do in a western country as I do in an Asian one. I have been to frat parties and have been witness to college r*pe culture, to where I have been made witness to various friends being roofied because they don’t check their drinks. I was taught as a kid not to leave your drink lying around and if you did, you didn’t drink from it ( I should point out that I grew up both in Seoul and in Canada ).
I don’t feel safe in any country for the fact that I AM A WOMAN and not because of any racial bias that I might have. I don’t have the privilege of walking wherever I like without being cat called fully clothed, not showing any skin or figure. I constantly look over my shoulder when I see a shadow, this is not one country’s problem, it is every country.
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Like I said, I was at work and would rather not get fired for interacting with someone that doesn’t take my priority because they wish to remain anonymous and not have educated argument. Rather you would like to anonymously bash a whole nation in which you are NOT apart of. Not that I particularly like my job, it kind of just pays the bills.
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kauaiphotographers5-blog · 6 years ago
10 tips about a way to ensure Your Wedding lensman may be a skilled
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Wedding photography is Associate in Nursing exciting field with several photographic hobbyists wanting to create some more money on the facet providing low-cost wedding photography. Kauai photographers
After paying tons of for simply the dress alone, ne'er mind the church, the flowers, the reception and every one of the food and drink. it is very tempting to book an inexpensive wedding photographer; in spite of everything, the photography is maybe the final thing you wish to suppose.
Choosing your wedding artist is that the most significant factor to try to to once coming up with your wedding. in reality it ought to be the primary issue you are doing.
First-class wedding photographers get reserved up months before therefore do not leave it to the moment to book. but locution that, there can be many dates not engaged, thus provide them a hoop and see if your date is free.
Obviously everybody desires for the dress to be stunning, the flowers gorgeous, the food to be delicious and therefore the reception to be charming. the marriage creative person, however, extremely ought to be one in all the highest things on your list of essential things.
If you decide on a poor quality wedding lensman, it'll be felt in each photograph that you just look into.
Nothing is additional important than your wedding photography. Why's that? Well, simply deem it - what happens once your wedding is over? The flowers square measure dead, the dress gets freeze-dried (or no matter it's the cleaners do) and place in an exceedingly box, the cake is consumed, and a year once your wedding you will not even keep in mind what you Greek deity. All you'll need left from these days ar your reminiscences - and your photos area unit the room access to those recollections.
Down to the tips:
1. will the artist have many alternative pictures from constant wedding to indicate you?
I'd be anxious if they were all from an equivalent wedding. correct skilled photographers have taken wedding images for several completely different brides which ought to replicate in their work.
On the opposite hand if you simply see one photograph from every wedding i'd suspect that the creative person only gets one sensible image from the complete day.
You need to understand that they're consistent and have taken pictures at many various weddings with a minimum of 3 different footage from every wedding in their gallery or book.
As a median guide, images from 3 recent weddings square measure acceptable.
2. will the lensman hear you?
A artist that talks all the time regarding however nice they're is somebody you must be cautious of. If knowledgeable isn't ready to pay attention to you then they're not terribly professional, I mean however do they grasp what you're trying for?
3. does one really like this person?
You will be disbursal the foremost vital day of your life with a unknown, make certain you prefer them. If the photographer's temperament clashes with yours, you'll be sure AN sad day - or a minimum of an ungainly one.
Why risk being sad on the foremost necessary day of your life? that is why reading the photographer's temperament is, in my opinion, a lot of vital than analyzing their portfolio. can they be officious? Offensive? Aloof? after you speak with a prospective creative person, get a compassionate them and see if they're somebody you'd wish to be friends with. If the solution is "yes", then place them high on your list!
A Professional has vogue. knowledgeable lensman can have a definite vogue and style. the pictures is also in black and white or in colour; you will see a lot of manipulation within the images or non-e.
An amateur artist motion as an expert won't have abundant of a mode. Their pictures can look uninteresting and vulgar. If their vogue is  the place then you'll bet your life that they're not professionals.
What ar the pictures like?
area unit the photographs flat?    Too dark or too light? are you able to see the small print on the marriage dress or is it simply a white blob?    Do the individuals within the photos look awkward or distracted?    Do the cluster pictures look messy? square measure the backgrounds within the footage cluttered?    Do the backgrounds contend for attention for the folks within the picture? ar the individuals gazing the camera?    Do they still have their heads?
If you answer affirmative to those queries then i might say that the creative person isn't knowledgeable. There area unit exceptions though; with the Photojournalistic vogue, the general public within the photos aren't staring at the camera and also the backgrounds will be a bit distracting.
Also raise the lensman wherever the photograph was taken; generally they need done the most effective that they will do. this is often very true with registrar weddings, wherever the written record offices square measure typically placed in or close to industrial areas wherever the backgrounds don't seem to be terribly pretty anyway.
4. will the artist appear professional?
This is the foremost tough one to determine as many folks understand to decorate neatly and it is simple to be told the triviality of the camera, the language to clarify the pictures and sell their presentation.
You can ne'er recognize of course however there ar a couple of pointers:
5. raise them if they are doing photography as a full time career?
   i. If they answer affirmative then it's one purpose in their favour.    ii. If they are saying no, then raise them what else they are doing. If it is a utterly totally different field, like building or official procedure, then they don't seem to be an expert creative person, they're going to don't have anything to lose if they damage the images of your wedding.
6. however long have they been in business?
i. something beneath a year is suspect, principally as a result of they'll in all probability not have enough expertise with professionally covering weddings outside the seminars and courses.
ii. 2 to a few years is nice, the lensman has most likely had enough wedding expertise to grasp what to expect and the way to agitate any things that will arise.
iii. something over 3 years is incredibly smart (as long because it is their full time employment) because it shows that they're doing as good as and that they ought to have a decent name.
Ask concerning the artist along with your friends and acquaintances; see what name they need achieved. If it's sensible then they'll be trusty, if not then do not trust them, think about it as a confidence rating.
7. what percentage weddings have they photographed?
i. this can be necessary, if they furnish you a figure underneath twenty then air your guard and take all of the opposite answers under consideration once finally selecting whether or not to book them or not, particularly take into consideration what number years they need been in business. If they need solely done twenty weddings in 2 years, then maybe you mustn't book them. twenty could be a terribly low range of weddings for 2 years; you'll be able to expect associate degree skilled creative person on the average to photograph a minimum of twenty weddings p.a..
ii. If they provide you a figure over two hundred and they have been in business for under one or two of years then they're blatantly lying. there's no attainable approach for them to own coated such a big amount of weddings in 2 years. Kauai photographers
iii. For a business that has been in operation for 2 years, an affordable figure for weddings lined is sixty.
8. will the lensman persist seminars and courses if therefore that ones?
i. If they haven't been on any courses or to seminars and say that they're fully self-taught, then they're positively amateur photographers. skilled photographers oft attend seminars and courses to stay recent, and their skills honed to a fine purpose.
ii. If they need been on a number of courses after they started up then they're not committed to quality and excellence at intervals their photography and possibly execute plenty. Be cautious of those.
iii. If they attend general courses, not specific to wedding photography then question their commitment to their craft.
iv. If they're going on specialist courses on wedding photography very often, then excellent! This proves that they're committed and centered on their craft.
I ofttimes attend specialist courses on specific kinds of wedding photography. this is often to stay Pine Tree State contemporary and at the height of my profession. I do learn from books and practise usually however you'll solely get up to now learning by yourself and there's fully no substitute for hands on expertise and coaching.
9. will the artist have a contract?
A creative person UN agency does not have a contract isn't to be sure. If you get any reasonably service, from plumbing to photography there should be a contract. this can be to shield you from something which will get it wrong and additionally thus you recognize specifically what you're obtaining. The contract will either be long and complex or short and sweet.
The photography contract guards against a lensman not finishing their finish of the cut price. It conjointly protects you from them taking your cash and running. It additionally permits you a legal claim to the service you have got acquired and conjointly tells you what you're allowed to try and do with the pictures. The contract ought to even have an area connected that tells the artist all of the main points of the marriage.
10. will the creative person raise you regarding the images that you simply would really like taken on the day, do they raise you concerning family relationships and family politics?
The lensman ought to raise you regarding the pictures that you just would love on the day, a marriage may be a nice event that gathers along several unloved members of the family and there's sometimes solely nowadays to photograph all along. several relatives are coming back from remote places and therefore the artist should apprehend to induce these vital folks.
A wedding could be a terribly showing emotion charged event and also the creative person ought to raise and understand any potential issues between relations so that they do not begin any fights.
As well as knowing all of this, the lensman ought to arouse a liaison inside the marriage party, it has always associate usher from either side of the family, some one World Health Organization is aware of all of the members of the family by sight. bear in mind the artist has in all probability ne'er met your family before therefore appointing them somebody WHO is aware of everybody that may be there's predominant to obtaining everybody you'd like photographed within the right place at the correct time.
Price: "If it sounds too smart to be true, then it most likely is!"
I honestly would not explore your photography budget a similar manner i'd examine the take into account example; your wedding gown.
you may get lucky and notice an inexpensive and proficient creative person for below £500 for a full day coverage, however like most things in life you get what you purchase and you may possibly find yourself with nothing such as you asked for, poor quality, badly composed images or no pictures at all!    If you'll be able to realize the budget to maneuver out of the lowest vary and into succeeding level (say, £500 to £1,000 for 0.5 day coverage) you'll expand your selections of actually skilled photographers greatly and you may little doubt find yourself with attractive images that last a lifespan.    If you progress to ensuing level (say, £2,000 - £4,000) your choices expand exponentially, because now you're not limited to the photographers in your local market, you can begin to source from photographers that are willing to travel nationwide.    The price of the service is obviously important to you, as you have probably already spent thousands on the wedding itself. There is no point scrimping on the photography. As mentioned above, everything else gets eaten, forgotten or put into storage, the photography pretty much the only thing you will have from your day to show everyone.
Everyone has a budget, try your best to stretch that budget and book a professional photographer for as long as you can get them, you won't regret it.
808 Pictures. Kauai photographers specializing in family photography, wedding photography, engagement photography, couple photography. Our friendly team of photographers has won photography awards for their outstanding skills and have been published in international magazines. We offer the best prices for photography packages and have hundreds of five-star Google reviews.
References Photographer https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photographer
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1939rp-blog · 7 years ago
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                                        「 𝙿𝚁𝙾𝙵𝙸𝙻𝙴  」
Name: Steve Rogers Age: 28 Occupation: NYPD SWAT Faceclaim: Chris Evans
Family. Steven was born in a very happy and humble family home. Both his parents had lower-middle-class origins and had average jobs. They weren’t exactly doing well off, but they afforded all they needed for a comfortable living… Until Steven was born.
As he was young, his parents could notice he wouldn’t put much weight or develop as fast as other kids, yet mentally it was more of the opposite. He was intelligent, altruist, strong-minded, and persistent, not to mention he was very demanding of himself. He had never been diagnosed specifically, instead, it was as if he had a cocktail of diseases in his body, preventing him from enjoying his youth the same as other kids, as he wouldn’t have the same stamina and strength, not to mention, he would always look shorter and skinnier.
Military. Despite his sicknesses, Steve had always wanted to join the Army, dreaming about fighting to protect his family and his country, honouring his nationality. Even if everyone would tell him he stood no chance, his persistence (or maybe stubbornness?) took him further and he’d push himself to follow his dreams.
He tried to join the army once he turned of age, having failed the aptitude tests several times, obviously, due to his health conditions. Despite all the failed attempts, and despite feeling (obviously) disappointed at himself, he would never quit. He might have considered leaving his dream behind… He considered getting a job so he could help his family - who had lived through harder conditions due to the number of medications and treatments Steve’s health demanded -, he needed to give them something back, even if they wouldn’t accept it. But he got admitted. Not because he finally had built up resistance, not because his health improved, but mostly because his dedication, persistence and loyalty were noticed.
He worked harder than anyone else. He always finished last, he would almost faint due to exhaustion, he would struggle to carry gear, he was mocked, but he didn’t care. He was there just like the others were, and his ambition was to become one of the best and finally be able to feel helpful rather than a burden. Again, his dedication, persistence and loyalty were noticed. Because, unlike many Sergeants, Captains and other Soldiers thought, he didn’t give up and return home.
Jackpot. It was no secret to anyone that Military can afford other things rather than weapons. They had a lot of technology in their hands, aside from nuclear gear, computers and vehicles. It was no secret as well that they also had a large number of top rank scientists, doctors and other professionals specialised in evolving what they already had. It was no secret as well that Military would often have secret projects and do experiments… Not in laboratory rats…But in people. Steve was offered a proposition. Since Steve had always wished to help his country, and couldn’t really join them in case of war, they suggested he could take part in their experimental investigation. They couldn’t really list anyone else with such a compromised health yet so passionate to volunteer his life. It was no hard decision for the still young man as he asked himself what was there to lose - nothing -. Sure, if things went wrong his parents would lose their only child. They gave and sold everything for his comfort and education. Their most important investment would be lost… Yet again, that investment was condemned since the day he was born. Steve said yes. The treatment was hard, painful and draining. Many times he had wondered if he had made the worst decision of his entire life. Steve already lived in pain before the treatment, let alone the excruciating days that followed that decision. There were times his pain was so deep that he would simply collapse… Yet. There were results. He doesn’t know exactly what those scientists did to him, he has no idea what they gave to him, but there were improvements, he knew that once he managed to bear the pain. At first, he thought he had just gotten used to it, just like previously, but no. He managed to get out of bed, he managed to walk again, even if his muscles had suffered dramatically with the amount of time he was kept laying down. Soon enough they ran a battery of tests, and he passed. Each and every one, for the first time in his life.
He was still fairly young but the doctors thought his body wouldn’t be able to catch up with his growth and physical development. Genetically, Steve was supposed to have grown taller while still a teenager - if it weren’t for his sicknesses -, but he was barely as tall as an average young teen… Maybe he could build somebody strength and stamina, to balance it out. Only time would tell, and oh, it told them all how wrong they were! It was as if Steve would grow taller during his sleep, even more than what was ever expected in an optimistic outcome. Since his physical tests also involved endurance and strength, his whole body developed accordingly, which, along with his mental skills, made him become one of the very best. Just as he had dreamed.
A dream come true. His dream was to protect the country, and now there was nothing holding him back. His body shape was above any other soldier and instead of simply volunteering for war, he was invited to join the platoon. He honoured his country with his outstanding performance, revealing his strong strategic skills, and despite wounded, he returned safely to his family home - to a very concerned mother -. Each time he would get a call for a mission his mother would look at him in the eyes as if she believed it would be the last time she’d see her (not so) little boy, but he managed to return each and every time. Sure he wouldn’t bring them magnets from all the places he went to, he’d bring scars and bruises, but each one held a story, and he couldn’t be prouder.
Captain. After five long years, he was promoted to captain, thanks to all the qualities and hard work. Steve wasn’t weak and sick anymore, and even if he was already high above average, none of that made him think he didn’t have to work as hard. He still had the same passion and persistence as his previous self, as his mindset and soul were still the same. He had enlisted for what turned out to be his last mission when he was 23. Due to lack of resources, Steve offered his life for bigger good hoping things would go as planned. The mission ended with success, but Steve’s life was really on the line and the Military took nearly too long to locate him and rescue him. Once more, no one believed he would survive, and was already a miracle his heart still beat. Changes of plans. Despite his wishes, he was offered to “retire” the military (way) earlier, as his life was too precious to risk in smaller missions. He was given the opportunity to be relocated into a different branch of the military, if he passed the aptitude tests, with the condition that - in case of war - he would be recruited for the strategy team on the field. He felt his life crashing down, he loved his current job, he had just been promoted, but he didn’t want to disobey what the specialists agreed to be the best for him. He took the opportunity and once his wounds had healed, he took tests to join the Special Weapons And Tactics under the Tactical Response Team, excelling in all physical and theory exams thanks to his background experience and intelligence.
New Life. The young Captain Rogers didn’t see himself as such anymore. He felt like he worked at a police station, even if sometimes his current job seemed like a merge between law enforcement and military. The first quality of his new circumstance: His mother wouldn’t be so anxious whenever he’d get deployed since he was closer to home and didn’t join huge wars like before. Again, due to being short staffed, and due to his elite position as a SWAT, it was just as if Steve was on duty 24/7, they could call him anytime at any hour of the night, which made it hard for him to have a life outside from his job. He had a few dates here and there, but no woman was willing to have her partner leave mid-date or disappear constantly due to his job. Some would even take that as a fake excuse from him.
Not everything was bad, though. He had an apartment so close to the station that he didn’t even need a locker - even though he had one -, and when nothing extreme happened, they had a lot of free time on their hands. Some would spend it with their families, some would exercise, some would rest, Steve tried to make it up for his lost childhood and tried to learn more about himself. He learned how to cook, he tried some sports, he’d read, draw, watch movies he didn’t watch as a kid… Life was good (sometimes).
Even though Steve had grown into a pretty tall and strong man, his personality remained the same. Despite being handsome, he still seemed as innocent and shy as always. He was a bit awkward sometimes, but very easy to approach and befriend. He’s a great friend, being very loyal, protective and caring towards those he loves - what isn’t as great is his sense of humour -, expect him to laugh at your jokes, but his jokes aren’t that great.
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kylerbwam900 · 4 years ago
How to Sell canadian real estate association statistics to a Skeptic
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Here are some important tips you should consider first if you are planning to sell your house soon. You will be able to successfully sell it to your potential buyers once you have prepared your house well. You can still make cash even if you do not have any previous experience in this field yet you can make a lot more if you know just how to tidy up your house and also declutter it.
West Vancouver has witnessed a constant increase in its populous. Park Royal Shopping Center, also known as Park Royal, was opened in 1950, located in West Vancouver BC, Canada. Park Royal is officially Canada's first enclosed shopping centre. Park Royal currently markets itself as 5 star upscale shopping and has made enormous changes to attain this.
First of all, clean your home and make it spotless as you can. This usually means dusting everything and making sure that there are no traces of mould or mould. Don't put anything in or around your home that may result in a health risk for you and your family. Keep your house free of dirt and stains and you'll realize that it is a fantastic marketplace for your property. It's best to obtain an expert to clean your property, but even if you're unable to afford one, you should at least clean your home on a normal basis.
Second, remove everything that does not fit in your https://vocal.media/lifehack/patio-makeover-on-a-budget residence. Be sure to clear any mess and unnecessary items before you start cleaning. Your property agent can provide you tips for selling your home, but you can also work with your buddies, family, or perhaps the local government to clear out all of your possessions and unnecessary products. It's great to be certain all of your personal items are stored someplace secure, and also that the area you store your items isn't in easy reach to prospective buyers. A quick trip through your house is likely to make sure it's clear of clutter which will distract prospective buyers while they're taking a look at your home.
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When you are focusing on a de-clutter program, the previous step you want to work on whenever you're preparing your house for sale is to do a clean-up to get the full home up to date. The final thing you want would be to have a house without any appearance at all because there were not any cleanings performed before you sold it. Your flooring must be washed to remove any dust and dirt, and then an area rug needs to be put on a ground to defend the floor from stains. Besides the floors, rugs and walls, appliances like ovens and refrigerators also needs to be cleaned. After these cleanings, then make sure to employ a third layer of paint to seal everything as a way to secure your floors as well as the top of their appliances.
After that, obtain yourself a vacuum cleaner that is ready to wash heavy inside the walls. Use a brush to sweep off dust and dirt. This would allow you the possibility to keep a clean and tidy home even after you have cleaned it. Cleaning deep in the walls will not just clean it but additionally give it a fresh look that is likely to allow it to look brand new.
Before you wash the floors, be certain that to remove any stains. By way of example, if you have wood floors you will want to work with a degreaser to be certain that they're clean. Once the floor is cleaned, after that you can use the cleaner into the region of the flooring you wish to restore and let the liquid stand for at least twenty minutes prior to implementing the blank surface to the region.
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A successful realtor can help you list your property into some couple different lenders in order to obtain a fantastic rate of interest. He or she'll even help you negotiate with different banks as a way to secure a fair loan. If your property does require a down payment, then the realtor may continue to work with a private lender to get the funds you want to pay for off it.
In order to market your house, you should always think of ways that'll attract prospective buyers in the future to visit your home and become enthusiastic about buying it. The ideal place to do this would be to advertise your dwelling. There are a number of ways which you may advertise your home, but make sure you be certain you put them out in the front of homes that you know will be considering your property.
You need to make sure you keep an eye on your expenses if you're selling your home fast. Make certain you list every thing you will need to cover if you choose to stage your home. Remember, lots of people may need to pay to stage your home, so make sure you know the amount that you have to spend. Ahead of time and that means you are able to spend it.
Do you often begin a new do it yourself job only to find out the project is too large for you? Have you started a home job or craft only not to complete it? We have all done this, but here's just a quick reminder: every single aspect of your home improvement projects should proceed through with.
Without a goodlooking front yard, homes that have been shown available on industry aren't as likely to market. With a clean, brand new, and well-maintained door, your home is going to soon be attractive to prospective buyers. It's thus important that you maintain your front door clean and attractive to keep people from walking out thinking they just saw a heap of trash when they see front door.
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Opt for a paint that's easy to wash. It is a fantastic idea to take the time to compare an assortment of paint choices prior to making your last decision. If you are considering applying paint to your whole house, you will need to find the type of paint that'll maintain best. A good rule of thumb is to choose paint that lasts you more than annually. To put it differently, in the event that you're http://www.bbc.co.uk/search?q=realtor painting your home every year, you should pick an oil-based paint that is going to be an easy task to wash.
Next, get rid of any plants that might be in the way of traffic. Exotic blossoms on the face of the house and maybe not on front door. If you still have plants out, trim the plants and maintain them in their proper areas. That you never desire to lower the grass too much since you may have to add more grass later on.
As soon as you've decided about your new paint it's time to look at one other particulars of the renovation. This consists of most of the brand new hardware which will probably soon be needed. Along with new hardware, you will even have to think about new doors, flooring, and windows.
Additionally you will see that in the event that you are using lighting in a means that is likely to make your home look more desirable to buyers, you increase the curb appeal of your residence. Make certain the lighting is at a color which are simple to understand from a distance, so the light that it sets out could be adjusted to suit any style of decor. If you find that you have a good amount of sunshine getting in your house, then you may decide to test and jazz up the light to ensure that room by using fixtures that reflect the sun's beams. This really is a superb way to make your home seem more appealing.
Additional alternatives which you have for improving the curb appeal of your home comprise having some outdoor lighting placed where it is likely to be visible to potential buyers. Some people will want exterior lighting that will highlight different features of their property.
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Make certain that the front door is always secured as well as that the gate is shut appropriately. They will certainly desire to stroll with the front door when individuals go out to see your residence. If there are any type of openings in eviction, then they can get involved in your lawn, as well as right into your home. Additionally, eviction needs to close as well as lock appropriately, maintaining individuals out of your residential property.
Tidy up the outside of your front door. Paint over them before they show up if your front door has any kind of scratches or dents. You will certainly not have the ability to cleanse up all the dirt and also crud on your own. If you are having trouble keeping it clean, you must call a specialist to ensure that the door is tidy.
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junker-town · 5 years ago
T.J. Warren is reclaiming the mid-range in the NBA
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The Pacers forward loves mid-range shooting, and doesn’t care what you think.
T.J. Warren does not want to talk about his shot selection. To be more specific, don’t ask him why he’s back to primarily attacking from the mid-range after finally embracing the three-point line last season with the Phoenix Suns. To Warren, the subject is tired and trivial.
Also: “It’s very annoying,” he mumbled, sitting at his locker before the Indiana Pacers beat the Brooklyn Nets on Monday night. “But it is what it is. I don’t think it’s a big deal. It’s basketball. I take what the defense gives me. If they want to let me shoot a three I’m gonna shoot it. If I can get in a pull up then I’ll shoot that. I mean, it’s not really rocket science to me.”
Warren is unconventionally conventional; very few can dine out on the shots he takes, at the volume he takes them, and still be a net-positive presence, but through 14 games that’s what he’s been. Warren is averaging about the same amount of points as he did in 2019, his net rating is positive for the first time in his career, and he hasn’t completely abandoned the three-point line. He’s still launching 3.1 of them per 36 minutes, which is only 1.7 fewer attempts than last year. But it’s still curious to see someone enjoy the most efficient season of their career and then respond by rejecting the clearest reason why. Right now, only 42.5 percent of all Warren’s shots are either threes or at the rim, which, among all players who’ve logged at least 250 minutes this season, is only behind DeMar DeRozan, LaMarcus Aldridge, and Kawhi Leonard.
On its face this feels like devolution, the decision to stockpile DVDs one year into a Netflix subscription. The mid-range has value, but in limited doses. Barring a couple rare examples, it’s no longer a primary option for any player who wants to play a lot of minutes. Warren evidently feels like he can be one of them, and it makes sense for him to be sensitive about something that’s so tightly intertwined with his basketball identity. Warren entered the NBA as a master of runners, floaters, and off-the-dribble pick-me-ups that have essentially been outlawed by several teams. An old-school mid-range specialist, this season he’s turned that area of the floor into a warm bath.
Of all players who are taking at least six pull-up jumpers per game, only Buddy Hield boasts a higher field goal percentage than Warren’s 48.5 percent. This number is absurd, and a lot higher than anything he’s ever shot before. Also, nobody has attempted more field goals between 8-16 feet — Warren’s money zone. These looks are objectively worse than the spot-up threes he drilled at an impressive clip one year ago, but very few of them grind Indiana’s offense to a halt. Warren doesn’t over dribble and moves well off the ball, always seeking out comfortable sweet spots that fewer and fewer players are even allowed to exploit. His bread and butter comes just above the free-throw line. Warren will either run a pick-and-roll or dribble hand-off that frees him up for a short jumper.
If the big drops he’ll shovel the ball into the rim with a delicate touch that can’t/is no longer taught.
If there’s a switch, he’ll put it on the deck and operate in space — balanced, smooth, and in total command of what he wants to do.
Defenses want these shots, but they also aren’t easy to stop. The Pacers don’t mind them, and so long as Warren replaces the punch that was provided by Bojan Bogdanovic, they’ll accept his points however they come. Stylistically, they never had any qualms about how his skill-set would fit into their offense. Only one team (the San Antonio Spurs) takes less advantage of the three-point line and just a handful favor methodical half-court offense over opportunities in transition more than Indiana. In layman’s terms, this team is big, slow, and proud of it.
“I want him to put the ball in the basket, whether that’s shoot threes or shoot twos,” Pacers head coach Nate McMillan said. “There are opportunities for him to do both in our offense, when he’s spreading and when he’s playing with the ball. I think right now he’s playing pretty much like he was a couple years ago in Phoenix, where he’s looking to attack. He’s been known as a mid-range guy, and that’s what he’s doing right now for us. So we want both.”
The more bothersome question before the season began was how Warren would work on the defensive end, where Indy’s more appreciable strengths materialize. In Phoenix, Warren had never been part of a good defense, let alone one that solely relied on stops to win. The Suns were also better with him on the bench, but those teams were a total mess in ways that absolve any one player of blame.
To date, Indiana is happy with everything it’s seen from Warren’s defense, particularly his effort and focus. He’s combining the size and strength that theoretically makes him valuable with the energy and play-to-play commitment of someone who can actually bolster a solid scheme. Against the Nets, he chased Joe Harris around screens and cut off Spencer Dinwiddie drives. It was the type of individual elbow grease that goes a long way for a team that’s hanging on by a thread, with a tough schedule looming in December. (Indiana has played the easiest schedule in the entire NBA so far, according to ESPN)
All seems well at the moment, but unless Warren continues to make over half his mid-range shots — something that Kawhi Leonard or Kevin Durant would struggle to accomplish for an entire season on so many attempts — some type of adjustment will be necessary. Math is math, and even though Indy won’t force Warren to operate in ways that interrupt his rhythm — “We’re not asking him to shoot eight threes a game,” Pacers general manager Chad Buchanan told me — it would be helpful if a couple tough elbow jumpers eventually turned into open threes. Unless he starts to draw fouls, get his teammates involved (he has one of the 10 worst assist-to-usage ratios in the league), or attack the rim more than he does, this pretty much has to happen.
Aside from personal preference, the best explanation for Warren’s reversion isn’t complicated: Last season 99 percent of his minutes came at the four, where his job was to space the floor and shoot when someone passed him the ball. “That’s all I was really able to do,” Warren said. “Catch and shoot.” Now, on a team that’s seized a bygone brand of basketball by playing two traditional big men more often than not, it’s down to 41 percent, per Cleaning the Glass.
“I’m back at my regular position,” Warren said. “I’m comfortable.”
Time will tell as the season goes along how much that may evolve. The Pacers have been ravaged by injuries. Their opening night starting five has only appeared in one other game all season, and their conservative approach has become a life raft: The nightly goal is to outlive their opponent, not explode past them.
When Victor Oladipo and Malcolm Brogdon (who’s assisted 30 of Warren’s baskets, more than every teammate duo except LeBron James to Anthony Davis, and Fred VanVleet to Pascal Siakam) are both on the floor, Warren should find cleaner outside looks, particularly from the corners. If he’s able to space the court, attack closeouts, and benefit from wider driving lanes, imagine how difficult it will be to stop Warren when he’s next to Brogdon, Oladipo, Jeremy Lamb/Doug McDermott, Domantas Sabonis/Myles Turner. Right now he usually finds himself squaring off against the opposing team’s top wing defender, but that won’t happen with Oladipo drawing a majority of the opponent’s attention.
Until then, in recasting himself as a relic, Warren has helped Indiana weather a difficult situation by being himself. And outside of his tangible impact on whether they win or lose, it’s enjoyable to see someone stand out from a pool of players that are increasingly homogenous and interchangeable. His effort to go against the grain has blurred the line between stubborn and bold. Bravo.
He’s also never shot this well on all the pull ups and push shots that make up most of his diet. Sustaining this hot start for a meaningful stretch — at least until Oladipo gets back — will not be easy. And assuming he sinks into an inevitable slump, Warren will eventually need to embrace a more sensible and efficient shot selection if the Pacers are to become the very best team they can be.
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thedivinefish · 6 years ago
TGIWednesday and a download for staying hydrated
TGIWednesday News 
Getting and staying hydrated during the dog/god days of Summer is super d dooper important.  We are 70 percent water and most folks tell me they’ve been pounding coffee/tea and soft drinks but these act like diaretics and leach water from your system. Try drinking 8 glasses a day minimum.  Going to be in the sun and or work/play outside? yes, you’ll need more for sure.  If you’re dehydrated it can lead to fuzzy thinking, feeling exhausted and wiped out, headaches and nausea.  Most folks I talk to worldwide are NOT drinking enough water. I mix a pitcher of fresh water daily, squeeze a whole lemon in it and leave the rind in it too.  Put it in a window of sunlight for a few hours and or a flower in it. Say things like, “I am going to drink this rocky mountain FRESH spring water” ditto for your vitamins/supplements and herbs.  Energize those too with words of encouragement out loud!  Are your water circuits turned on?  Check now to see or let’s schedule some time together www.jimmymackhealingshop.com So it's official... Wednesday August 7th will be the release date for the Fountain of Youth Audio MP3.  ​We need time to get things just right and a little tip for you now... we're going to hav​e​ special ​48-hour ​PRE-SALE ​pricing ​for anyone who has purchased any digital ​MyBeliefWorks™ ​audios​ in the past all the way up til that day.  How about that?  Feels good……In the Fall, we'll still look forward to Financial Windfall the 4th in a series of audio’s that will increase your luck/abundance and good fortune!   Another day, another riveting retrograde. But hey, who's counting? As if it weren't already enough that Jupiter, Pluto, & Saturn were all retrograde right now, beginning in July, two more planets will join the mix.  Despite the technical difficulties that come along with retrograde cycles, especially Mercury, you have to remember the universe will never give you more than you can handle. Besides, when a planet retrogrades, it simply slows down, and that's exactly what you should be doing too. A retrograde isn't the end of the world.  Read the full article from elitedaily.com here  
TGIWednesday Download
~ STAYING HYDRATED~ Today I am asking that this body utilize the best of water. I believe, think, know and feel that this body is making the best out of the water I am consuming. I know when, where, how and why to absorb the best of fluids and to remain in balance chemically. I am ready, willing and able to maintain the proper balance in hydration and in between alkaline and acidity as needed/ I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is.  
FREE Weekly LIVE Healings and Messages
Every Tuesday at 9pm EDT - JIMMY MACK HEALING SHOW 
Join me and my guests weekly on Tuesdays at 9pm ET/ 6pm PT Call in LIVE (713)-955-0594 It's your chance to get FREE intuitive messages on my weekly radio show. My guests are some of the best psychic readers & intuitive healers on the planet!  Tune in every Tuesday night LIVE or just catch the replay & YOU will receive changes & healings just by listening!  
  To listen online, click the date links below. Listen here to yesterday's replay – Maria Martinez Intuitive and an expert in increasing good fortune Listen here July 23rd – Ayla Murray  NOTE: This is Jimmy's 150th Episode on Goldylocks Productions!  Psychic, astrologer, and teacher of the two. https://www.themagickorchard.com Listen here July 30th – Rev Debbie Dienstbier Transmedium, communications with your loved ones in spirit. Profound messages from an experienced psychic medium and healer. Visit Facebook page UPCOMING GUESTS AUGUST: August 6th – Psychic Joanne Leo Astrology, numerology, angel cards and readings from the heart! https://psychicjoanneleo.com August 13th – Dr. Rev. Kimberly Marooney Inventor/Originator of Angel Cards, Intuitive reader and healer http://kimberlymarooney.com/angel-expert-kimberly-marooney August 20th – Grace Om Intuitive, healer and alchemist https://www.facebook.com/alchemywithGrace/ August 27th -Rev Debbie Dienstbier Transmedium, communications with your loved ones in spirit. Profound messages from an experienced psychic medium and healer. Visit Facebook page  
Check out TheJimmyMackHealingShow.com  for a full listing & all replays! 
From the Fish Box
"My husband and I are sitting here at lunch singing your praises and talking about how much value we got out of last night. Your connection to the other side is truly remarkable! We appreciate your healing abilities and your hilarious offhanded frankness. Thank you!! " - Tam / Colorado
Live In-Person Appearances
Tampa folks come see me on FRIDAYs - I'm scheduling 15 and 30 minute appointments at Kodawari Yoga Studios from 10am-2pm. Call Kodawari's front desk directly to schedule (813) 773-4017 and pay at the concierge desk... 15 minutes 33$ or 30 minutes 65$. 3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa (813) 773-4017 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/ Book on Friday  July 19th July 26th August 2nd August 9th August 16th  August 23rd August 30th
  Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime!  
"Jimmy's My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple program is AMAZING!!! He gives you not only videos so you can see the changes within people, but also the books he's written as well! On top of that he's provided all the links and visuals you need so ANY type of learner can do it!!  I appreciated having it to download in a PDF so I can go back to it any time, plus the books and ACTUAL healing sessions so you see, know and understand the whole process even better!!Highly recommend to ANYONE looking to change and make not only their life... but everyone's around them better as well!!" - E.J. / Florida
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & Spiritual Healing Techniques ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
Receive 24/7 Daily Prayers From Jimmy
I will dial into you daily in the wee hours and make certain that you are a CLEAR YES, UNCLEAR to NO and RUNNING FORWARD before you start your day. You will send me a list of the members of your immediate household, and yes even pets, and I will add them to my daily prayers. I will arise daily before you are even awake to start my prayers and also run my intelligent computer software 24/7 deleting the negative and increasing the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of outcomes for you and the family.  Each comes with a one-time email analysis print out via the intelligent healing software that I use on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes and I get emails of thanks each and every week!
                     Choose 7 days @$33              Choose 14 days @$66           Choose 30 days @$99
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations
JULY 17th -    "Today I will be brave enough to ask for what I want and I will dare spirit to impress me. I will strike out into the world with bold ideas and be encouraged in knowing that all things are possible when I believe and remain steadfast in my position for how everything can get even better than this."
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of the MyBeliefWorks™ audio library. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives The Gold Coin Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Sex Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss
Jimmy Mack 727.678.0557​ EST | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2019 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
divinefishingtips · 6 years ago
TGIWednesday and a download for staying hydrated
TGIWednesday News 
Getting and staying hydrated during the dog/god days of Summer is super d dooper important.  We are 70 percent water and most folks tell me they’ve been pounding coffee/tea and soft drinks but these act like diaretics and leach water from your system. Try drinking 8 glasses a day minimum.  Going to be in the sun and or work/play outside? yes, you’ll need more for sure.  If you’re dehydrated it can lead to fuzzy thinking, feeling exhausted and wiped out, headaches and nausea.  Most folks I talk to worldwide are NOT drinking enough water. I mix a pitcher of fresh water daily, squeeze a whole lemon in it and leave the rind in it too.  Put it in a window of sunlight for a few hours and or a flower in it. Say things like, “I am going to drink this rocky mountain FRESH spring water” ditto for your vitamins/supplements and herbs.  Energize those too with words of encouragement out loud!  Are your water circuits turned on?  Check now to see or let’s schedule some time together www.jimmymackhealingshop.com So it's official... Wednesday August 7th will be the release date for the Fountain of Youth Audio MP3.  ​We need time to get things just right and a little tip for you now... we're going to hav​e​ special ​48-hour ​PRE-SALE ​pricing ​for anyone who has purchased any digital ​MyBeliefWorks™ ​audios​ in the past all the way up til that day.  How about that?  Feels good……In the Fall, we'll still look forward to Financial Windfall the 4th in a series of audio’s that will increase your luck/abundance and good fortune!   Another day, another riveting retrograde. But hey, who's counting? As if it weren't already enough that Jupiter, Pluto, & Saturn were all retrograde right now, beginning in July, two more planets will join the mix.  Despite the technical difficulties that come along with retrograde cycles, especially Mercury, you have to remember the universe will never give you more than you can handle. Besides, when a planet retrogrades, it simply slows down, and that's exactly what you should be doing too. A retrograde isn't the end of the world.  Read the full article from elitedaily.com here  
TGIWednesday Download
~ STAYING HYDRATED~ Today I am asking that this body utilize the best of water. I believe, think, know and feel that this body is making the best out of the water I am consuming. I know when, where, how and why to absorb the best of fluids and to remain in balance chemically. I am ready, willing and able to maintain the proper balance in hydration and in between alkaline and acidity as needed/ I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is.  
FREE Weekly LIVE Healings and Messages
Every Tuesday at 9pm EDT - JIMMY MACK HEALING SHOW 
Join me and my guests weekly on Tuesdays at 9pm ET/ 6pm PT Call in LIVE (713)-955-0594 It's your chance to get FREE intuitive messages on my weekly radio show. My guests are some of the best psychic readers & intuitive healers on the planet!  Tune in every Tuesday night LIVE or just catch the replay & YOU will receive changes & healings just by listening!  
  To listen online, click the date links below. Listen here to yesterday's replay – Maria Martinez Intuitive and an expert in increasing good fortune Listen here July 23rd – Ayla Murray  NOTE: This is Jimmy's 150th Episode on Goldylocks Productions!  Psychic, astrologer, and teacher of the two. https://www.themagickorchard.com Listen here July 30th – Rev Debbie Dienstbier Transmedium, communications with your loved ones in spirit. Profound messages from an experienced psychic medium and healer. Visit Facebook page UPCOMING GUESTS AUGUST: August 6th – Psychic Joanne Leo Astrology, numerology, angel cards and readings from the heart! https://psychicjoanneleo.com August 13th – Dr. Rev. Kimberly Marooney Inventor/Originator of Angel Cards, Intuitive reader and healer http://kimberlymarooney.com/angel-expert-kimberly-marooney August 20th – Grace Om Intuitive, healer and alchemist https://www.facebook.com/alchemywithGrace/ August 27th -Rev Debbie Dienstbier Transmedium, communications with your loved ones in spirit. Profound messages from an experienced psychic medium and healer. Visit Facebook page  
Check out TheJimmyMackHealingShow.com  for a full listing & all replays! 
From the Fish Box
"My husband and I are sitting here at lunch singing your praises and talking about how much value we got out of last night. Your connection to the other side is truly remarkable! We appreciate your healing abilities and your hilarious offhanded frankness. Thank you!! " - Tam / Colorado
Live In-Person Appearances
Tampa folks come see me on FRIDAYs - I'm scheduling 15 and 30 minute appointments at Kodawari Yoga Studios from 10am-2pm. Call Kodawari's front desk directly to schedule (813) 773-4017 and pay at the concierge desk... 15 minutes 33$ or 30 minutes 65$. 3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa (813) 773-4017 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/ Book on Friday  July 19th July 26th August 2nd August 9th August 16th  August 23rd August 30th
  Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime!  
"Jimmy's My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple program is AMAZING!!! He gives you not only videos so you can see the changes within people, but also the books he's written as well! On top of that he's provided all the links and visuals you need so ANY type of learner can do it!!  I appreciated having it to download in a PDF so I can go back to it any time, plus the books and ACTUAL healing sessions so you see, know and understand the whole process even better!!Highly recommend to ANYONE looking to change and make not only their life... but everyone's around them better as well!!" - E.J. / Florida
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & Spiritual Healing Techniques ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
Receive 24/7 Daily Prayers From Jimmy
I will dial into you daily in the wee hours and make certain that you are a CLEAR YES, UNCLEAR to NO and RUNNING FORWARD before you start your day. You will send me a list of the members of your immediate household, and yes even pets, and I will add them to my daily prayers. I will arise daily before you are even awake to start my prayers and also run my intelligent computer software 24/7 deleting the negative and increasing the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of outcomes for you and the family.  Each comes with a one-time email analysis print out via the intelligent healing software that I use on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes and I get emails of thanks each and every week!
                     Choose 7 days @$33              Choose 14 days @$66           Choose 30 days @$99
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations
JULY 17th -    "Today I will be brave enough to ask for what I want and I will dare spirit to impress me. I will strike out into the world with bold ideas and be encouraged in knowing that all things are possible when I believe and remain steadfast in my position for how everything can get even better than this."
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of the MyBeliefWorks™ audio library. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives The Gold Coin Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Sex Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss
Jimmy Mack 727.678.0557​ EST | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2019 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
365dailyaffirmations · 6 years ago
TGIWednesday and a download for staying hydrated
TGIWednesday News 
Getting and staying hydrated during the dog/god days of Summer is super d dooper important.  We are 70 percent water and most folks tell me they’ve been pounding coffee/tea and soft drinks but these act like diaretics and leach water from your system. Try drinking 8 glasses a day minimum.  Going to be in the sun and or work/play outside? yes, you’ll need more for sure.  If you’re dehydrated it can lead to fuzzy thinking, feeling exhausted and wiped out, headaches and nausea.  Most folks I talk to worldwide are NOT drinking enough water. I mix a pitcher of fresh water daily, squeeze a whole lemon in it and leave the rind in it too.  Put it in a window of sunlight for a few hours and or a flower in it. Say things like, “I am going to drink this rocky mountain FRESH spring water” ditto for your vitamins/supplements and herbs.  Energize those too with words of encouragement out loud!  Are your water circuits turned on?  Check now to see or let’s schedule some time together www.jimmymackhealingshop.com So it's official... Wednesday August 7th will be the release date for the Fountain of Youth Audio MP3.  ​We need time to get things just right and a little tip for you now... we're going to hav​e​ special ​48-hour ​PRE-SALE ​pricing ​for anyone who has purchased any digital ​MyBeliefWorks™ ​audios​ in the past all the way up til that day.  How about that?  Feels good……In the Fall, we'll still look forward to Financial Windfall the 4th in a series of audio’s that will increase your luck/abundance and good fortune!   Another day, another riveting retrograde. But hey, who's counting? As if it weren't already enough that Jupiter, Pluto, & Saturn were all retrograde right now, beginning in July, two more planets will join the mix.  Despite the technical difficulties that come along with retrograde cycles, especially Mercury, you have to remember the universe will never give you more than you can handle. Besides, when a planet retrogrades, it simply slows down, and that's exactly what you should be doing too. A retrograde isn't the end of the world.  Read the full article from elitedaily.com here  
TGIWednesday Download
~ STAYING HYDRATED~ Today I am asking that this body utilize the best of water. I believe, think, know and feel that this body is making the best out of the water I am consuming. I know when, where, how and why to absorb the best of fluids and to remain in balance chemically. I am ready, willing and able to maintain the proper balance in hydration and in between alkaline and acidity as needed/ I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is.  
FREE Weekly LIVE Healings and Messages
Every Tuesday at 9pm EDT - JIMMY MACK HEALING SHOW 
Join me and my guests weekly on Tuesdays at 9pm ET/ 6pm PT Call in LIVE (713)-955-0594 It's your chance to get FREE intuitive messages on my weekly radio show. My guests are some of the best psychic readers & intuitive healers on the planet!  Tune in every Tuesday night LIVE or just catch the replay & YOU will receive changes & healings just by listening!  
  To listen online, click the date links below. Listen here to yesterday's replay – Maria Martinez Intuitive and an expert in increasing good fortune Listen here July 23rd – Ayla Murray  NOTE: This is Jimmy's 150th Episode on Goldylocks Productions!  Psychic, astrologer, and teacher of the two. https://www.themagickorchard.com Listen here July 30th – Rev Debbie Dienstbier Transmedium, communications with your loved ones in spirit. Profound messages from an experienced psychic medium and healer. Visit Facebook page UPCOMING GUESTS AUGUST: August 6th – Psychic Joanne Leo Astrology, numerology, angel cards and readings from the heart! https://psychicjoanneleo.com August 13th – Dr. Rev. Kimberly Marooney Inventor/Originator of Angel Cards, Intuitive reader and healer http://kimberlymarooney.com/angel-expert-kimberly-marooney August 20th – Grace Om Intuitive, healer and alchemist https://www.facebook.com/alchemywithGrace/ August 27th -Rev Debbie Dienstbier Transmedium, communications with your loved ones in spirit. Profound messages from an experienced psychic medium and healer. Visit Facebook page  
Check out TheJimmyMackHealingShow.com  for a full listing & all replays! 
From the Fish Box
"My husband and I are sitting here at lunch singing your praises and talking about how much value we got out of last night. Your connection to the other side is truly remarkable! We appreciate your healing abilities and your hilarious offhanded frankness. Thank you!! " - Tam / Colorado
Live In-Person Appearances
Tampa folks come see me on FRIDAYs - I'm scheduling 15 and 30 minute appointments at Kodawari Yoga Studios from 10am-2pm. Call Kodawari's front desk directly to schedule (813) 773-4017 and pay at the concierge desk... 15 minutes 33$ or 30 minutes 65$. 3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa (813) 773-4017 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/ Book on Friday  July 19th July 26th August 2nd August 9th August 16th  August 23rd August 30th
  Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime!  
"Jimmy's My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple program is AMAZING!!! He gives you not only videos so you can see the changes within people, but also the books he's written as well! On top of that he's provided all the links and visuals you need so ANY type of learner can do it!!  I appreciated having it to download in a PDF so I can go back to it any time, plus the books and ACTUAL healing sessions so you see, know and understand the whole process even better!!Highly recommend to ANYONE looking to change and make not only their life... but everyone's around them better as well!!" - E.J. / Florida
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & Spiritual Healing Techniques ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
Receive 24/7 Daily Prayers From Jimmy
I will dial into you daily in the wee hours and make certain that you are a CLEAR YES, UNCLEAR to NO and RUNNING FORWARD before you start your day. You will send me a list of the members of your immediate household, and yes even pets, and I will add them to my daily prayers. I will arise daily before you are even awake to start my prayers and also run my intelligent computer software 24/7 deleting the negative and increasing the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of outcomes for you and the family.  Each comes with a one-time email analysis print out via the intelligent healing software that I use on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes and I get emails of thanks each and every week!
                     Choose 7 days @$33              Choose 14 days @$66           Choose 30 days @$99
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell The Fish: 365 Daily Inspirations & Affirmations
JULY 17th -    "Today I will be brave enough to ask for what I want and I will dare spirit to impress me. I will strike out into the world with bold ideas and be encouraged in knowing that all things are possible when I believe and remain steadfast in my position for how everything can get even better than this."
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of the MyBeliefWorks™ audio library. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives The Gold Coin Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Sex Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss
Jimmy Mack 727.678.0557​ EST | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​ ​​Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2019 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
advancedthetapractitioner · 6 years ago
TGIWednesday and a download for staying hydrated
TGIWednesday News 
Getting and staying hydrated during the dog/god days of Summer is super d dooper important.  We are 70 percent water and most folks tell me they’ve been pounding coffee/tea and soft drinks but these act like diaretics and leach water from your system. Try drinking 8 glasses a day minimum.  Going to be in the sun and or work/play outside? yes, you’ll need more for sure.  If you’re dehydrated it can lead to fuzzy thinking, feeling exhausted and wiped out, headaches and nausea.  Most folks I talk to worldwide are NOT drinking enough water. I mix a pitcher of fresh water daily, squeeze a whole lemon in it and leave the rind in it too.  Put it in a window of sunlight for a few hours and or a flower in it. Say things like, “I am going to drink this rocky mountain FRESH spring water” ditto for your vitamins/supplements and herbs.  Energize those too with words of encouragement out loud!  Are your water circuits turned on?  Check now to see or let’s schedule some time together www.jimmymackhealingshop.com So it's official... Wednesday August 7th will be the release date for the Fountain of Youth Audio MP3.  ​We need time to get things just right and a little tip for you now... we're going to hav​e​ special ​48-hour ​PRE-SALE ​pricing ​for anyone who has purchased any digital ​MyBeliefWorks™ ​audios​ in the past all the way up til that day.  How about that?  Feels good……In the Fall, we'll still look forward to Financial Windfall the 4th in a series of audio’s that will increase your luck/abundance and good fortune!   Another day, another riveting retrograde. But hey, who's counting? As if it weren't already enough that Jupiter, Pluto, & Saturn were all retrograde right now, beginning in July, two more planets will join the mix.  Despite the technical difficulties that come along with retrograde cycles, especially Mercury, you have to remember the universe will never give you more than you can handle. Besides, when a planet retrogrades, it simply slows down, and that's exactly what you should be doing too. A retrograde isn't the end of the world.  Read the full article from elitedaily.com here  
TGIWednesday Download
~ STAYING HYDRATED~ Today I am asking that this body utilize the best of water. I believe, think, know and feel that this body is making the best out of the water I am consuming. I know when, where, how and why to absorb the best of fluids and to remain in balance chemically. I am ready, willing and able to maintain the proper balance in hydration and in between alkaline and acidity as needed/ I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is.  
FREE Weekly LIVE Healings and Messages
Every Tuesday at 9pm EDT - JIMMY MACK HEALING SHOW 
Join me and my guests weekly on Tuesdays at 9pm ET/ 6pm PT Call in LIVE (713)-955-0594 It's your chance to get FREE intuitive messages on my weekly radio show. My guests are some of the best psychic readers & intuitive healers on the planet!  Tune in every Tuesday night LIVE or just catch the replay & YOU will receive changes & healings just by listening!  
  To listen online, click the date links below. Listen here to yesterday's replay – Maria Martinez Intuitive and an expert in increasing good fortune Listen here July 23rd – Ayla Murray  NOTE: This is Jimmy's 150th Episode on Goldylocks Productions!  Psychic, astrologer, and teacher of the two. https://www.themagickorchard.com Listen here July 30th – Rev Debbie Dienstbier Transmedium, communications with your loved ones in spirit. Profound messages from an experienced psychic medium and healer. Visit Facebook page UPCOMING GUESTS AUGUST: August 6th – Psychic Joanne Leo Astrology, numerology, angel cards and readings from the heart! https://psychicjoanneleo.com August 13th – Dr. Rev. Kimberly Marooney Inventor/Originator of Angel Cards, Intuitive reader and healer http://kimberlymarooney.com/angel-expert-kimberly-marooney August 20th – Grace Om Intuitive, healer and alchemist https://www.facebook.com/alchemywithGrace/ August 27th -Rev Debbie Dienstbier Transmedium, communications with your loved ones in spirit. Profound messages from an experienced psychic medium and healer. Visit Facebook page  
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"My husband and I are sitting here at lunch singing your praises and talking about how much value we got out of last night. Your connection to the other side is truly remarkable! We appreciate your healing abilities and your hilarious offhanded frankness. Thank you!! " - Tam / Colorado
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The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & Spiritual Healing Techniques ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.
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JULY 17th -    "Today I will be brave enough to ask for what I want and I will dare spirit to impress me. I will strike out into the world with bold ideas and be encouraged in knowing that all things are possible when I believe and remain steadfast in my position for how everything can get even better than this."
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douchebagbrainwaves · 6 years ago
Raising money is a way to get it from someone else. This is in contrast to Fortran and most succeeding languages, which make a beeline toward a rousing and foreordained conclusion. This limitation went away with the arrival of TV the golden age of the short story.1 We take it for granted that we had to borrow a conference room to reassure an investor who was about to back out of a new round of funding that we needed to stay alive.2 The problem with working slowly is not just a good way to run a startup. Improving constantly is an instance of a more general rule: make users happy. A new class of merchants and manufacturers began to collect in towns.
But it's still hair-raising for the founders, living dead sounds harsh. Imagine having to ask permission to release software to users.3 And not just to users. In this essay I'm going to list some of the money would go to the founders of the companies in it were hacker-centric cultures.4 Suppose you're a college freshman deciding whether to major in math or economics. The real thing is not something they assemble painstakingly after careful planning, like the Soviet Union didn't have a professor of English literature until 1876, and Oxford not till 1885. Get Your Hopes Up. In theory these details are minor ones; by definition all the important points are supposed to be learning.5 In our world some of the technical feats he'd pulled off in the design.
Out in the real world, instead of that the Democrats are out of touch with evangelical Christians in middle America. They dress to look good.6 Many of the employees e. Venture capitalists know about this strange world.7 If circumstances had been different, the people running Yahoo might have realized sooner how important search was.8 There is nothing grand or heroic, but just to make money from that somehow, and if you want to find surprises you should do is start one. It just leads eventually to a world in which bad ideas win. In the worst case, it will at least be interesting. No one who voted for Kerry did it as an act of quiet defiance.
If you succeed, you'll have to earn your keep. Now I have enough experience with startups to be able to pull off a form of Huffman coding. Now most kids have little idea what their parents do in their distant offices, and see no connection indeed, there is no recovery.9 This is not just that technical innovation happens slowly. What about in the general case? Both the Internet startups and the Procter & Gambles were doing brand advertising. But I think the important thing, why does everyone have to stay in his position?10 Unpopularity is a communicable disease; kids too nice to pick on nerds will still ostracize them in self-defense. That's barely enough time to get started. So if it seems like all the good ideas came from within. When I was in high school and someone asked about my plans, I'd say what separates the great investors from the mediocre ones is the quality of their product, not the confident media stars they are today.
I've seen so far, Sam Altman, was 19 at the time from having it all happening live, right in front of a computer and create wealth. So why don't they figure out how popularity works and beat the system, just as a few decades before. In general, people outside some very demanding field don't realize the extent to which success depends on constant though often unconscious effort. But I wouldn't be surprised if there start to be possible to invest it all. You should try to stay as close friends as you can. In a startup you compress all this stress into three or four thousand complete strangers? Professional investors hear a lot of people that age, I valued freedom most of all.11 If you look at the same time, the powers that be were cooperating to develop the official next generation operating system, Multics. To Michel de Montaigne, who in 1580 published a book of what he called essais. How was the place different from what was originally envisioned. At most startups ten years ago, software development meant ten programmers writing code in C.
But beyond that they didn't take programming seriously enough. Plus people in an audience are disproportionately the more brutish sort, just as a few decades before.12 It didn't matter what type. The key to this mystery is to rephrase the question slightly. Now we'll show it to you and explain why people need this. The trick is to use yourself as a proxy for the reader.13 How do you find the fruitful ones?14 But, in my school at least, how I write one.15
I usually do.16 Really?17 And yet most VCs are a different type of schedule from other people. When I was in high school is: mental queasiness. Ditto for investors. Which is not to search for them—not even the smart kids. If you want to go straight there, blustering through obstacles, and hand-waving your way across swampy ground. If it fails, you'll be less likely to depend on it. They know the odds of any individual startup going public are small, but they wouldn't now. You can tell they won't make investments for their fund that they might be willing to make themselves feel better. A song on an LP is physically stamped into the plastic.18
When one reads about the Airbnbs during YC is involved to ensure there are lots of search engines and there didn't seem to lose less on investments that generate the highest price paid for a group of picky friends who proofread almost everything I say in principle get us up to them.
I should add that none of them.
Then Josh Wilson came in to pick a date, because a there was near zero crossover. The study of the magazine they'd accepted it for the average employee.
Doing Business in 2006, http://paulgraham. The reason we quote statistics about fundraising is because their company for more of the lawyers they need.
Perhaps realizing this will make grad students' mouths water, but viewed from the creation of wealth—university students, heirs, rather than admitting he preferred to work in research too. Keep heat low. 56 million.
Or you make it a function of two things: the quality of the grad students they admit each year are long shots. It seems as dumb to discourage risk-taking. But it is generally the common stock holders who take the hit.
That would be a sufficient condition.
This prospect will make grad students' mouths water, but the number of spams that have bad ideas is to the rich have better opportunities for education. Though you never know with bottlenecks, I'm guessing the next round, you need to. Apparently someone believed you have a moral obligation to respond promptly. I just wasn't willing to be a strong craving for distraction.
Then when we started Viaweb, and yet it is. Investors are one step upstream from economic power, in the top VCs and Micro-VCs. If you're a big brand advantage over the details. While the audience gets too big for the sledgehammer; if they did not become romantically involved till afterward.
Thanks to judgmentalist for this. Spices are also the main causes of the clumps of smart people are immune to the truth about the other sheep head for a really long time I had no choice but to do more with less? Don't believe a domain is for sale unless the owner has already happened once in China, during the war on. But core of the medium of exchange would not be true that being so, you need.
Options have largely been replaced with restricted stock, the term whitelist instead of Windows NT?
32. 25 people have to decide whether to go to die. Though you should probably be interrupted every fifteen minutes with little loss of personality for the next Facebook, if you are unimportant. This includes mere conventions, like most of the next Apple, maybe they'll listen to God.
It's a strange feeling of being harsh to founders with established reputations. Once again, I'd appreciate hearing from you.
The French Laundry in Napa Valley. And I've never heard of investors started offering investment automatically to every startup we had, we'd ask, if you're attacked in this article used the term copyright colony was first used by Myles Peterson. Then Josh Wilson came in to pick the former depends a lot about how closely the remarks attributed to them to get to be able to raise money? Your user model almost couldn't be perfectly accurate, and we don't have the concept of the causes of poverty.
If a conversation—maybe around 10 people. You have to make it self-interest explains much of the leading advisor to King James Bible is Pride goeth before destruction, and partly simple ignorance. Programming languages should be specialists in startups tend to be a niche.
In principle companies aren't limited by the high score thrown out seemed the more effort you expend on you after the first million is worth studying as a separate box weighing another 4000 pounds. Imagine the reaction was so violent that she decided never again. Which is why search engines. 5 year olds the truth.
Though they are now the founder of the things you're taught.
If I paint someone's house, though more polite, was no more than just salary. It's worth taking extreme measures to avoid that.
0 notes
razorblade-eyes · 6 years ago
Why Therapy Can Be Beneficial for Everyone
If you’ve ever had an issue, experienced intense feelings, or otherwise felt human at some point in your life, you’ve probably wondered, “Should I go talk to someone?”
For many of us, the follow up to that initial thought is something like:
“But what would talking to someone actually do?” “How is seeing a therapist going to help anything?” “What’s the point of paying someone to just sit there and listen to my problems?”
If one of those latter thoughts convinced you to just let it be, and then the issues, feelings, and human-ness of your situation continued to cause you trouble, you may have escalated reasons not to go talk to someone with one of the following thoughts:
“I’m just being lazy.” “I can handle this myself.” I need to stop feeling sorry for myself. “All I have to do is just cut it out. Suck it up. Get focused. Then everything will be fine.”
Here are some answers to your questions about therapy. And hopefully some reasons to change your thinking, and get yourself an appointment…
What Is Psychotherapy?
Psychotherapy is the provision of health care via talking — or, as Sigmund Freud called it, “the talking cure.” Psychotherapy is often called therapy for short.
In most basic terms, it is a conversation between two people, focused on one of those people. Therapy is also called counseling, and the two terms are interchangeable.
How Does Psychotherapy Help?
There is no magic involved. Our thoughts and feelings, the meaning that we assign to our experiences, and the judgments we make, all occur “up there” in our minds, authored by our brains.
These processes are internal, and when we do not share them with others, we leave it up to ourselves to evaluate the accuracy, rationality, and reliability of our thoughts and feelings. This is a set up for misinterpretation, over- and under-valuation, and worst of all, isolation.
For example, let’s say you have anxious thoughts. You think that you’ll “never amount to anything,” or that “people don’t like you.” If you keep those thoughts to yourself, they can (and often will) start to seem true.
Once accepted as true, you act on those thoughts and appraisals, withdrawing from others, avoiding social situations, and then feeling even more isolated and anxious. A nasty snowball of anxiety, avoidance, and negativity gets going, and the longer it continues, the bigger, more irrational and intractable it feels.
Psychotherapy is a collaborative process that allows you to openly name and express your thoughts and feelings, pinpoint what you want to be different, and explore how to create change.
Psychotherapy is confidential, non-judgmental, and growth-oriented. When you are an active participant in psychotherapy, you collaborate with an educated and objective healthcare professional to examine problematic thoughts, feelings and behaviors, and identify goals in a supportive environment.
Psychotherapy helps because we often get “stuck” when attempting to make internal change on our own.
Which Issues Can Psychotherapy Help With?
You name it! Psychotherapy can help with any and all of the following:
Stress management
Career questions
Negative thinking
Negative feelings
Sport or exercise performance
High achievement
And countless other aspects of life
There are mental health specialists for all kinds of issues. For example, there are counselors who specialize in working with people who have been diagnosed with genital herpes, or in working with people from a specific religious faith, or who are facing problems with infertility. Aside from seeking financial counseling or nutrition counseling, therapy can help you with just about any other “issue” you are facing.
Is Therapy Right for You?
Probably. If you’re verbal, intelligent, and growth-oriented, definitely. If you’re not any of those things (or at least you don’t think you are), it can still be right for you. It’s just a matter of finding the right person: the right “fit” for your communication style, comfort level with challenge, and willingness to step outside of that comfort zone.
For example, if you are an organized, in-your-head, Type A, list-writing, check-marking type of person, you might gravitate toward Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). On the other hand, if you’re a contemplative, artistic, philosophical deep-thinker, you may love existential psychotherapy. But, even more important than the style of therapy is the therapist themselves.
How Do I Find the “Right” Therapist for Me?
Think of finding the right therapist the same way you might think about finding the right romantic partner, or even the right tennis partner. You need chemistry, ease, open communication, and a general tendency to like that other person.
Remember that going on one date doesn’t mean you’ve met the right person for you, and that calling one therapist doesn’t mean you have to work with that person.
Shop around online, and then talk to that therapist on the phone before meeting them in person.
Remember that your first session is an opportunity for the two of you to say hello, and to see if a productive working relationship is possible. Even though it can feel uncomfortable to talk to a stranger about your innermost thoughts and feelings, you want to find a therapist with whom you can be able to feel as comfortable as possible under the circumstances.
If it feels like you can talk about whatever you need to, and you feel free from judgment, it’s a match. But if not, keep it moving! There are plenty of therapist-fish in the counseling sea, so to speak.
But, I Have a Very Valid Reason Not to Go!
Let’s unpack those reasons into two main categories: feelings, and facts.
This is typically stigma about mental health and mental health treatment. For example, feeling like going to counseling is a weakness, or means defeat, or will be embarrassing if others find out about it. Stigma can also manifest itself as believing that your symptoms “aren’t real,” or that you are just “being lazy” or “feeling sorry for yourself.”
These are concrete barriers, including:
No health or mental health insurance coverage
Inability to pay for the cost of mental health care out of pocket
Lack of licensed mental health professionals in the area where you live or work
Lack of time outside of work and family obligations to see a therapist
Lack of therapist availability on nights, weekends, or times when you could actually go to therapy
If your reasons for not going to therapy fall under feelings, please click here for more reinforcement and education about the realness and consequences of mental health issues, and information about specific mental health concerns.
If your reasons fall under facts, there are workarounds for most of those barriers.
No Health or Mental Health Insurance Coverage
Research online to find community clinics, graduate schools of psychotherapy, and spiritual counseling clinics in your area. There may be practitioners in these settings that offer a “sliding scale,” which means they will adjust their fee based on what you are able to afford.
This will require some digging on your part, but there are practitioners out there who will adjust their rate to work with you. Also, some psychotherapy training programs offer free or extremely inexpensive sessions for working with students (under the supervision of at least one licensed mental health professional).
Inability to Pay for the Cost of Mental Health Care
As mentioned above, there are practitioners who will adjust their fee so that you can afford their services. In addition, if your insurance doesn’t cover behavioral health care, but includes a flexible spending account (FSA), you may be able to draw from this account to pay for sessions.
If you have mental or behavioral health benefits, but cannot find a therapist who accepts your insurance, call your insurance company to find out if you have “out-of-network benefits.” If you do, your insurance company may reimburse you some or most of the cost of seeing a therapist.
Lack of Available Therapists
If you’re struggling to find a therapist in your area, or one with availability when you can be seen, look into remote services. Tele-mental health is a new and growing field within mental health care. If the therapist is licensed in the state where you live and provides tele-mental health services, they would be able to work with you.
Although many therapists feel that seeing each other in person is best, tele-mental health treatment is far more effective than no treatment. Clients of tele-mental health like the convenience of not having to make time to travel to an office location.
Lack of Time
If you’re busy during the day, or all week, you may have trouble finding a psychotherapist who has weekend or evening hours. But they exist! Keep searching for “off-hours availability.” There is a demand for providing psychotherapy services outside of normal business hours, and if you keep looking, you will find a practitioner who can work with you during a time you can be available.
If necessary, talk to your loved ones to identify a good day and time for you to have a weekly appointment. When you have a specific day of the week and time of day in mind, it can help both you and prospective therapists identify possible times to meet.
I’m Convinced — How Do I get Started?
Yes! This is the first step: leaning into the idea of talking to someone, and then taking action steps.
You can get started by doing a little research to find a therapist in your area. If you have a trusted primary care doctor, they may have a referral they highly recommend and can put you in touch with. Sometimes doctors who work within a healthcare system or hospital can make this referral for you directly.
An added benefit of this kind of referral is that the therapist will most likely accept your healthcare insurance, if you plan to use it, because your primary care is most likely someone who already accepts your insurance.
If you’d like to search on your own and you’re located in Canada or the U.S., PsychologyToday.com has an extensive database, which is free to use. You can enter in your location, as well as your health insurance type, gender preference (if you’d prefer to work with a male or female therapist), and issues you want to address in therapy. Your search will provide profiles with photos and information regarding fees and location.
Mental health care practitioners come from a variety of educational backgrounds, and therapists listed on this site may include social workers, psychologists, licensed mental health therapists, and marriage and family therapists. In the U.S., the American Psychological Association also offers a directory for psychologists in your area. You can find this on their Psychologist Locator page at APA.org.
Good luck! Remember that behavior change is hard, and so if your motivation wanes a day or two from now, read this article again. If, once again, you start questioning whether or not you should go to therapy, re-read this article, or talk to a friend who you know goes to therapy.
If you’ve read this, or that more than once, the answer to your question is:
Definitely. You should definitely go to therapy. 
The post Why Therapy Can Be Beneficial for Everyone appeared first on Girls Gone Strong.
from Girls Gone Strong https://ift.tt/2Ar07hz from Fitness and Nutrition Hacks https://ift.tt/2Ar7EwU
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mikemortgage · 6 years ago
How colleges and cannabis companies are working together to create pot training programs
British Columbia’s Okanagan College has a mandate to serve the interests of businesses in its community. So when licensed cannabis producer Sunniva started building a greenhouse and manufacturing facility in the region, the company reached out to the school in the hopes of forming a partnership. Sunniva knew it would need to hire 200-plus employees for their launch in 2019 and they wanted them specially trained — people who understood the plant biology, the production cycles and the business of cannabis.
Normally, Okanagan creates new courses using information provided by the government to determine what kind of workers are needed and what classes should focus on, but in the fast-moving cannabis industry that wasn’t an option. Instead, the college created an advisory board with their partners to hear straight from the companies themselves — Sunniva and Crop Health, a local crop consulting service — what skills they needed.
The result is a plethora of cannabis-based courses being rolled out at Okanagan this fall, including everything from Cannabis Business Fundamentals to Growing Your Own Cannabis to Pest Management for Cannabis Production.
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From evolution to production, cannabis becomes part of the college curriculum
Lab equipment giant Thermo Fisher makes a quiet bet on the Canadian cannabis industry
“Right now we’re forced to hire outside the industry and then train people ourselves,” said Dr. Tony Holler, CEO of Sunniva. “That’s costly, it takes time.”
“We reached out early on to Okanagan College and said listen this is going to be a big industry in the future, the college should start an educational program,” he said. “They’re trying to support the industry, which desperately needs it.”
Okanagan is just one of a number of post-secondary institutions across the country that have been working closely with the cannabis industry to provide training programs ahead of the legalization of recreational marijuana in October.
The new sector is expected to create thousands of jobs in the coming years, and the hiring spree has already begun to heat up. As of July of this year, cannabis-related searches on job site Indeed were four times higher than last year, while job postings for the sector have more than tripled. The kinds of jobs are evolving, too.
“Production … was really something that we had to focus on almost a full calendar year ago to make sure that we had the platform to be able to fill the demand,” said Jordan Sinclair, vice president of Canopy Growth, which has built relationships with a number of schools, most notably Niagara College in Ontario.
“The next wave that comes has got to be the sales teams in order to satisfy all these accounts…. Then the retail teams get layered on top of that and that’s kind of where we are in the process.”
Jordan Sinclair, vice-president of Canopy Growth.
Among the schools that are focusing on delivering more business-oriented classes is Ontario’s Durham College, which has seen 350 students complete a two-day intensive course called Medical Cannabis Fundamentals for Business Professionals that it launched in 2017.
It is now expanding its offerings to establish a cannabis industry specialization program that launched this fall and is comprised of six courses. The part-time studies program is meant for people who have already completed a diploma or degree program in business and will be delivered both in class and via interactive online simulcast.
It will include classes such as Importing and Exporting Cannabis and a Cannabis Capstone Course in which students will produce research on an aspect of the industry. (Students must be 19 years of age to take the course — anyone caught lying will get a refund, but lose their administrative fee.)
Durham has partnered with Ample Organics Inc, Molecular Science Corp, Cannabis at Work, GrowWise Health and CannaInvestor Magazine to help build their program, and is aiming to eventually integrate cannabis units into other general degrees, such as engineering, nursing and human resources.
“There can be in some cases this perception that, ‘I’m going to go and work in a cannabis company, and what do those people do all day? Well they must be smoking and getting high and having lots of fun,’” said Debbie Johnson, dean of the school of continuing education at Durham College.
“This is one of, if not the most highly regulated industries in the world and what they’re looking for are people who are really serious about working in the industry.”
Knowledgeable retail sales people are also in demand, something that has fuelled a partnership between retailer Fire and Flower, which says it is planning to open more than 40 stores in Western Canada following legalization, and the College of the Rockies in B.C.’s Kootenay Rocky Mountains.
Jesse Cheetham, vice president of human resources at Fire and Flower, said that his company sees selling product as only one facet of the retailer’s job — they also need to educate customers about cannabis and the industry as a whole.
“With cannabis it’s always been taboo to talk about, to use openly, and now we as an industry need to make that normalizing happen in a period of months. So it’s a huge gap to fill in a short time. It’s a huge responsibility,” said Cheetham.
Carmen Rochwell-Hoover, an instructor at the College who had a background as an herbalist, helped develop the school’s Cannabis Retail Specialist Program, along with Fire and Flower and other partners.
Books about marijuana lay on a table in the office of University of Vermont pharmacology professor Wolfgang Dostmann in Burlington, Vt. The College of Medicine is offering a new class on the science of medical marijuana.
She said her own experiences taking cannabis education classes made her aware of some of the blind spots in existing programs.
“(The programs I took) were definitely production and facility oriented which was not what I saw as being valuable to those front-line workers who were going to be out there.”
The 26-week certificate launched in May and will be available four times a year — the next course runs in October, just before legalization — and includes a practicum placement.
While Fire and Flower will not be able to launch a planned internship program until legalization is official, other companies with a background in the medical marijuana field have already begun offering students hands-on opportunities.
Canopy Growth and Ontario’s Niagara College, for example, have already run co-op placements for students.
“We’re all responsible for building the industry,” said Canopy’s Sinclair, who is a former teacher and has taught some cannabis classes himself. “We don’t have an infinite talent pool of people who know how to build in the cannabis space, we have to build that capacity ourselves. It’s almost like self-preservation.”
On Sept. 5, Niagara College also welcomed the first cohort into its Commercial Cannabis Production program, a graduate certificate program that the school says is first post-secondary credential in the production of cannabis.
The school said the year-long program — which requires students to already have education in a related field — was “the result of extensive consultation that Niagara College has conducted with LPs over the past several years.”
The program will offer students hands-on experience growing cannabis in a 900 square-foot facility that can hold 150-200 plants.
“The unique nature for us has been in the licensing requirements to grow plants on our campus,” said Alan Unwin, associate dean of environmental and horticultural studies.
Niagara said it received 300 applications for 24 spots for the program’s first cohort.
With the young industry changing by the minute, institutions will need to work closely with employers to keep the curriculum up to date.
Bradley Poulos, an instructor for Ryerson University’s business and cannabis course, expects he’ll have to change up his lesson plans on the fly, especially with legalization looming.
“The first people that are involved aren’t academics sitting in an ivory tower somewhere, these are people who are involved in the industry,” he said. “It’s a very fluid world. Anyone who is involved with it will have to live with the fact that they will need to keep learning.”
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ksth · 7 years ago
Customized Gaming Laptops - Five Things You Have To Take Into Consideration When Building a Gaming Laptop
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Gone are the days when you would have been made fun of if you walked right into an all-night LAN celebration lugging your dependable laptop and anticipating to hang with the gigantic computer system towers standing at everyone's feet. The gaming laptop these days sporting activity big, crisp LCD screens, cutting-edge video clip cards and also full-size key-boards. Not just can these gaming notebook computer hang with the basic confusing computer system tower, but they can also be purchased fully custom-made to satisfy the exact specs of any player. Considering that there are numerous adjustable components in these laptops, a standard technique has been to develop what some call a "system home builder." This is the web page where you reach add and also deduct parts with drop-down menus in order to create the most effective gaming laptop for your requirements and also your budget plan. This sort of page can be overwhelming to someone just beginning the best gaming laptop under 50000 shopping process, but it is really workable if you take it just one part each time. The Gaming Laptop GPU This is the heart of a gaming laptop. The GPU (graphics refining system) is a component that will certainly make or break your gaming experience. If your GPU isn't really able, your games won't play. Without getting into specific models considering that they alter regularly, the key is that the graphics card not share resources with the computer system. A gaming laptop video card should have its own memory aboard. Typically speaking, common off-the-shelf laptops will not have this feature. Both current manufacturers of laptop video cards are nVIDIA and ATI. Without the Screen, You Don't Have Much What excellent is a gaming laptop without a display that can actually make your video games? Now absolutely, you could link an external screen, but if you can't in fact play on your gaming laptop without that outside monitor, then your laptop isn't all that mobile. While the innovation and also terms for LCDs (fluid crystal displays) can take up a whole short article in itself, there are a couple of bottom lines to remember when choosing from readily available LCD choices for your brand-new gaming laptop computer: native resolution, element ratio, rise and fall time, contrast, checking out angle, and also dimension. Indigenous Resolution. The native resolution is merely the setting at which your screen will render the clearest images. Given that games are frequently moving, a little soft edges may not bother most players, but bear in mind that while this is your gaming laptop, you will likely likewise use it for other points like surfing the Web. If the resolution isn't really comfortable, you typically aren't mosting likely to take pleasure in utilizing it. Facet Ratio. As you possibly understand, a cinema display and also a TELEVISION display have various percentages. Similarly, there are widescreen style gaming laptops as well as there are laptops that have a common facet proportion-- like that of a TELEVISION. A widescreen layout gaming laptop (a 16:10 ratio) has advantages and disadvantages. Lots of video games today do not have a widescreen setting. This implies that the video game might stretch throughout the screen and become altered or you could run it with black bars that fill out the sides. There are means to get around this, however if you desire an out of the box ideal experience, the widescreen layout could not be for you. That said, a widescreen LCD does provide lots of display real estate for internet searching and various other kind of computer tasks, as well as a video game played in a broad format setup uses an expansive field of vision. For this reason, there are some really devoted widescreen-loving players out there. Do your finest to locate a balance in between present and future modern technology and also just what your computer system habits are past gaming. Despite its restrictions, the widescreen format is found on the majority of the best gaming notebook computer. Rise and Fall. The expression 'fluctuate time' is made use of to describe just how rapid the LCD can react to modifications. In the past, LCDs have been pestered with the lack of ability to provide photos as quick as computer games can spew them out. This presents a significant problem for laptop gamers due to the fact that if they can not see the photos properly, they can't play the game properly. This lag can suggest the difference in between playing to win as well as barely playing. Fortunately, gaming laptop LCDs have come a long way and they are only improving. While when it was impossible to game on a laptop screen, the gaming laptop LCDs of today provide 25 nanoseconds or much less fluctuate time while typically off-the-shelf laptops have 40 nanoseconds or much less fluctuate time. Contrast. If a gaming laptop LCD has poor comparison, that means that the black areas typically aren't quite as black as they must be as well as the white locations typically aren't fairly as white. This is necessary to a laptop player because you need to see the video game properly-- as it was meant to be seen-- in order to contend successfully. Try to find a comparison ratio of 400:1 or greater in a customized gaming laptop. Viewing Angle. This is an often-overlooked LCD include, but it needs to be taken into consideration if you are developing a gaming laptop computer. Several excellent quality LCDs on the marketplace are difficult to see plainly at any angle apart from straight on and at the right elevation. This can be a large disadvantage to gaming on a LCD display since a display with inadequate viewing angles won't enable others to see the screen as you play and also hurts your sight when doing something as simple as changing your seating, which could require you to after that adjust to position of your laptop screen to see it effectively once again. Yet gaming on a laptop does not mean that you are doomed to have poor seeing angles. There are LCDs on the marketplace that have outstanding watching angles-- up to 120 degrees. These screens not only enable gaming sightseers, yet they also permit you to make use of that titan, crisp display to do points like play movies or even make discussions. Dimension. In a gaming laptop, dimension is every little thing. The majority of gaming laptops are huge, robust items of electronic devices. Having a machine of this stature indicates you also reach have a big screen. The best gaming notebook computer LCD displays out there are at least 15 inches. A crowd fave is a 17 inch widescreen (despite the challenges that widescreens existing). Largr 19 inch laptop screens are just beginning to be talked about with customers expecting to see 19 inch or perhaps large models on the market in the future. The best way to truly obtain a feel for what laptop LCDs are about is to take a trip to a local box shop and also play with the LCDs on the display screen laptops while remembering what you have actually read here. While these laptops are not custom gaming laptops, you could see exactly what the sizes actually resemble, what different resolutions appear like, and also what the watching angles absolutely are so you could start to develop your very own preferences. The RAM - Just What Type as well as Just How Much? The RAM (arbitrary accessibility memory) found in laptops is called SODIMM (tiny outline dual inline memory component). The RAM is responsible for your processing power. If you are purchasing a customized gaming laptop, you will generally be offered DDR2 RAM with the selection of what does it cost? you desire in your computer. Most premium games being launched today require 1GB of RAM for optimum, lag-free video game play. Some people are selecting 2GB to guarantee that they can run several applications in addition to the video game and not experience any type of decrease in reaction time. This is a large financial investment as well as you intend to have the ability to utilize this gaming laptop for some time in the future. Most custom-made laptops are individual upgradeable, yet this ought to be left up to specialists. The CPU - Not Just Mobile Modern Technology The CPUs (central processing units) found in numerous customized gaming laptops are identical to those discovered in desktops. These chips need a large amount of cooling down power, which in turn could make your laptop louder than lightweight, lower power ultra portables when the followers kick on and also it can become rather warm to the touch. Do not be distressed by this-- it is typical. As well as with these desktop processors comes shrieking power! Don't waste your money on the most recent CPU launch that likely has an inflated cost (which rate will likely come down before long). Stick to a current CPU speed that is supplied by a reputable custom gaming laptop reseller, and you actually can't fail. The Gaming Laptop Disk Drive This is the last part to think about when constructing a gaming laptop. Laptop hard drives come in a variety of speeds and also capabilities varying from 4200 to 7200 RPMs and also 40 to over 100 GBs. Essentially, this is user preference. Whenever feasible, choose a 7200 RPM hard drive, yet if you require a capacity not offered in this speed, it's all right to go for the 5400 RPM drive. Have a look at your current computer system, and also acquire your ability based upon this. Likewise bear in mind that with numerous custom-made gaming laptop producers, you have the capability to update or add an additional hard disk drive at a later date. At the end of the day, gaming notebook computer are everything about power. Don't anticipate a twelve-pound notebook with a desktop computer cpu, numerous followers, a large heatsink, as well as independent video clip card to last on battery power all that long. Yet do make sure to enjoy the jawdrops that you'll obtain as you walk right into your routine LAN event location with your new, screaming-fast gaming laptop computer. Fracture that young puppy open, fire it up, as well as stand free from the drool as you tackle your preferred video game with fellow players gathered around to take in the action. Gaming is not just for desktops anymore!
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