#and something that'd make me feel stupid or bad so yeah
sugaroto · 4 months
Not a lot of people know that I'm changing universities
But now at the school trip, the head teacher is the mother of my old friend
Who I haven't told anything cause we kinda lost touch and he was toxic af
And she asked me how I was done with the exams so early to be back already
(I mean, we also didn't do καταλήψεις, but yeah still my exams supposedly end at the end of the month, tho she'll probably think I'm done already until she asks me later and I explain)
But yeah my friend was a huge gossiper (though he'd never admit it) and, well his mom probably is too
Prepare Island of mine, to learn as to why I am here so early. The time has come
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void-wolfie · 1 year
summary: Jenna helps you through an asthma attack. [request]
pairing: Jenna Ortega x gn!Reader
words: 1.5k
tw: asthma attack (is that something that needs a warning?), mentions of smoking, my crappy writing
a/n: hope this lives up to your expectations anon, (totally not inspired by that video of Jenna smoking)
*I don't have asthma myself so this is based on the little research I did, if it's not accurate I apologize
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"Rough day at work?" You asked, watching as Jenna hurriedly put her cigarette out. Ignoring how you could already feel your lungs tightening with the smoke in the air.
"Jesus, y/n, you scared me."
You'd just gotten home, wanting nothing more than to curl up in bed and fall asleep between the warm sheets. But you couldn't help but spot Jenna on the balcony, watching the bustling city below.
"Those things will kill ya, you know," You said, referring to the cigarette still burning in the ashtray.
"They'll kill you long before they kill me," She sighed, running her fingers through her hair, "You know you shouldn't be out here when I smoke."
"Yeah, yeah..." you scuffed your shoe along the ground, avoiding eye contact with the actress.
You hated being babied over your asthma, you hated Percy for getting her addicted to those stupid cigarettes, but most of all, you hated how the past week you've been so busy you've barely been able to see your girlfriend.
"Come on, let's go inside," She nodded her head to the door, but you made no indication of moving.
"I want to stay out here a little longer with you." You gave her those big puppy dog eyes, the ones you knew she couldn't deny. "It's nice out and I miss you."
"I don't want to trigger your asthma though,"
"Just for a little while, please?"
Part of you knew it was a bad idea, sitting in the chilly air where she'd been smoking only moments ago. But you didn't want to go in just yet. It was nice out, the cool breeze felt good against your skin, even though it pierced through your lungs. It was fairly quiet for once, despite the city below and the soft hum of Jenna's music in the background.
She sighed and her shoulders dropped. How could she ever say no to those adorable eyes? "Fine, but the minute you start coughing we're going inside,"
You weren't going to tell her how you'd been battling your asthma all day, nor how the second you stepped outside you could feel your chest tighten, your breathing becoming just a tad more labored. All that would do is make her worry more, and she worries about you enough already.
You leaned against the railing next to Jenna, taking in the scenery below. She took the blanket that'd been wrapped around her shoulders and draped it around the both of you, cuddling into your side.
"How was work?" she asked, breaking the silence.
"Annoying." You scoffed, "My producer was in a bad mood all day, it was like trying to work with an overgrown toddler."
"And the new album?" She pushed herself into your side, wrapping herself around you. You could make out the smell of smoke on her and the blanket, which your lungs were not happy about.
"It's coming along, still has a long way to go," a small cough wracked your body and you could make out the worried look on her face from the corner of your eye.
You went to take a deep breath, to steady yourself, only it was like your lungs couldn't inflate. You'd had asthma attacks before, but this one felt different, worse. It was like breathing through a paper straw with an elephant sitting on your chest.
You could barely hear her call out to you through the coughing and the dull ringing in your ears.
No, no, no... Not now...
"I- I can't-"
Jenna's whole attention was on you now. You were putting almost all your weight on the railing in front of you, not having the strength to hold yourself up at the moment. You started wheezing in-between coughing, the look on your face told her all she needed to know.
"Shit." She ran inside, racing to the bathroom to grab your spare inhaler.
When she got back, you were sitting on the floor, your back against the railing.
You weren't coughing much anymore, mostly wheezing, possibly on the verge of hyperventilating. You couldn't think straight, the lack of air and the onset of panic muddling your thoughts. All you could focus on was the rapid rise and fall of your chest, how your lungs didn't feel like they were inflating at all, or if they were even working. It was hell.
Jenna was doing her best to stay calm. Panicking right now would only make things worse for you, but she was worried. She hadn't seen you have an attack this bad in a while.
She shook the inhaler before popping the cap off. She kneeled in front of you and slid the inhaler into your hand, guiding it toward your face.
It took you a moment to figure out what was happening. There was an inhaler in your hand, inches from your face, and Jenna was kneeling in front of you looking terrified.
You did your best to take a deep breath, it was almost painful, like trying to break through your ribcage from the inside out. You pushed the inhaler to your mouth and pushed down on the top. There was a rush of cool air as you inhaled. Your lungs were burning, aching for any sort of air they could get, your chest rising and falling faster as they started bringing in more air.
It took another puff from the inhaler before you finally started to settle. Your breathing finally slowed to a semi-normal pace.
"Talk to me, love," Jenna was hovering in front of you, concern etched into her features.
"Inside, please," You managed to get out between heavy breaths.
Jenna helped you up. Slinging one of your arms around her shoulders as she helped you inside and onto the couch.
Your chest still ached from all the coughing, and your throat felt like it was on fire. You could already feel the medicine kicking in, your chest wasn't nearly as tight, and your hands were starting to shake.
"How can I help?" Jenna asked, cupping your face in her hands. You'd barely noticed the tear tracks streaming down your face, the way your vision blurred from unshed tears. But it didn't escape Jenna's attention. She wiped away the tears with her thumbs, making sure to be as gentle as possible.
"Of course," She had to stop herself from sprinting to the kitchen, settling instead on a fast-paced walk so she wouldn't look like a madman running off.
You gave her a weak smile, gratefully taking the water from her. It felt like magic against the back of your throat, like rain in the middle of a drought.
"Anything else?" she asked, a little less worried now that your breathing had mostly returned to normal.
"Cuddles?" You asked, making grabby hands toward your girlfriend, wanting nothing more than to forget about your shitty day and fall asleep.
She giggled, grabbing your hands and intertwining your fingers with her own, placing a gentle kiss on the back of one of your palms.
"Ok, but let me shower first." You pouted, not liking the idea of having to separate from Jenna, "I'll only be a few minutes. I just want to get the smell of smoke off me."
Normally, Jenna liked to take scalding hot showers, bask in the warm water and let the day's worries melt away. But not tonight. She took a shower as quickly as she could, not wanting to leave your side for very long, not when it wouldn't take much for you to have another episode.
When Jenna got out of the shower, she found you still in the living room, sprawled out across the couch asleep. You still had your inhaler clutched in one hand, holding it close to your chest as if you were scared to have another attack in the middle of the night.
She hated seeing you like this, and she hated not being able to help you even more. One of her greatest fears was you not being able to get to your inhaler in time, essentially dying from suffocation. The idea scared her half to death and put an ache in her heart she never wanted to feel again.
She didn't want to move you, you looked too peaceful on the couch, but she didn’t want to leave you alone either. So she settled on the idea of sleeping on the couch with you instead.
She went into your bedroom, yanking one of the blankets off the bed, and carrying it into the living room. She gently took the inhaler from your hand, making sure to set it within arm's reach on the coffee table.
You woke up to the feeling of her hands in yours. A feeling you adored, "Cuddles now?" You asked, trying to fight off the urge to fall back asleep.
"Sure," She laid down with you, letting you get comfortable between her legs as you laid your head on her chest. She covered the both of you with the blanket, making sure you were cozy.
"Love you," You mumbled, barely awake as you let the sound of her heartbeat lull you to sleep.
"I love you too," She whispered, gently brushing a few strands of hair from your eyes.
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
I think my favorite thing about pre-timeskip Sanuso is that they are 17/19 years old. They are. So young. Teenagers. They know nothing about love and. And they are so stupid. Don't get me wrong, they still are. But they were even MORE stupid, if that's even possible.
And I love saying they started crushing on each other around Skypiea but-- Just imagine these two idiots already giggling and kicking their feet right after. I dunno. Arlong Park. Extremely early. They literally just met. And you have this casanova-wannabe having the realization™ about maybe perhaps kind of liking boys. And the other idiot who has a type™ (rich, classy, kind blondes) and won't stop asking himself why because Sanji is annoying af. He genuinely doesn't understand why he likes Sanji. Seriously. He hates it. And Sanji's sexuality crisis lasts between like, zero seconds and absolutely nothing because he sees Usopp smiling at him and his mind goes "prettyprettyprettyprettyboy" and there's no use trying to fight his demons (bisexuality).
The funniest thing about this is that they won't stop arguing like. From the moment they see each other. Usopp understands why he likes Sanji, okay? He is a pretty boy. He is also kind when he isn't being a complete jerk. He is kind of cute when he talks about the All Blue. He helps people whenever they need to. But then Sanji says something stupid and Usopp has the "fuck he is so annoying I wanna make out with him I mean---" crisis like, three times a day. While Sanji, since he has stopped fighting his demons, is a mix between "I will get over this crush fr fr he is just a guy" and "haha maybe if I save him he will give me a kiss on the cheek haha that'd be nice hahahahahahaa *gives in to gay thoughts for an hour until he sets the kitchen on fire*"
Sanji gets Usopp's goggles back in Alabasta because he is so down bad he just wants Usopp to thank him. Usopp is burning with jealousy in Whisky Peak when all those girls flirt with Sanji. They are both like "teehee it's cold out here we should probably sleep together just for warmth right hahaha". They spend all of Alabasta being annoying and everybody hates it. Vivi thinks they are dating. Sanji explains Usopp the 'Mr.Prince' trick and puts his glasses on only because Usopp thinks it's soooo cool. And Usopp thinks it is soooo fucking stupid but he wants to hype him up because, again, he is seventeen and he wants the pretty (and very stupid) blondie to kiss him.
When they get to Skypiea it is. The fucking worst. That is peak crushing on each other. It is not even realizing they are crushing, it is extreme "if we aren't next to each other constantly I think I will die" type of thing but "we can't tell each other how we feel bc what if it's not mutual". So they sleep next to each other. They hold hands. They pretend like they don't like it. They are dying from embarrassment. Sanji tells Usopp he doesn't care if he dies because he is having an "I need to look straight" moment and Usopp is having a "fuck why did I fall for a straight guy" moment. Then Sanji saves them, because he is like that but also because he is. Head over heels. Usopp takes care of his wounds right after and they are both so. So nervous.
Like-- Sanuso but they are crushing early in the story and they are both SHAKING every time they talk to each other. Sanji tries to act sooo cool and Usopp is like "haha yeah you're sooo cool" while regretting every decision he has ever made because why the hell does he want to fuck a blond loser.
By the time they get to Water 7 everything is more like. Genuine and romantic and they are basically in love with each other at this point. So I don't need to explain anything but. But. But Usopp in Thriller Bark thinking he is so cool with his little vampire hunter outfit and Sanji being down bad for him because he is, indeed, very cool. But Usopp is also having his teenage Conan Gray 'Heather' moment because Sanji won't stop saving Nami and Usopp just really really really wants Sanji to save him instead but okay fucking blond guy I hate him I hate him I hate him---
They both have their moments of screaming btw. Sanji finds moments alone to go to the kitchen and just. Scream inside of pots. Scream inside of glasses. Scream inside of cabinets. He likes Usopp so much it's physically unbearable and Usopp won't stop spending time with mosshead so of course he is angry. And Usopp goes to the boys' quarters to scream in pillows and the lockers and he is so stressed.
Sanji tells Usopp to taste his food before anybody else (please I am making this for you this food is for you love me love me love me love me) and Usopp constantly tells Sanji his stories because nobody else listens to him (do you think I'm cool please think I'm cool please please). Sanji has so many nosebleeds every day but they are not exaggerated they are. They are just there. He will constantly have nosebleeds and he lies and says it's just a weird condition because saying "please let your hair down more I am in love with you" is weird. And Usopp constantly bumps into walls and shit like that when he is trying to make Sanji look at him.
Their crushes on each other take like, at least, 80% of their time. It is insane and ridiculous and awkward and they are blushing 24/7 and kicking their feet and screaming and they like like each other. They don't say it like normal people. They like like each other. Because they're. Stupid. And young. And they make so many mistakes but they are growing up together. And I think that's beautiful and I adore them <33
WAIT WAIT WAIT EDIT: Not to mention the first time have sex. Not going into details bc. That's for another post I want to make. But they definitely had sex like. Before Sabaody. And it was the weirdest most disgusting teenage thing ever and I adore them. They were SO anxious. And it is. So cute. And I love themIlovethemwefnlwkefnln (<- normal person)
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years
SSR Leona Kingscholar Beastly Garb Personal Story: Part 1
"Whatever I feel like doing."
Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)
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[Sports Field]
Leona: We'll end today's practice here. Make sure you do your cool down exercise on your own.
Magift Club Members: YESSIR!!!
Leona: Ahh, I'm beat. Think I'll head back to the dorm and snooze a bit.
Epel: Um, Leona-san! There's something I'd like to ask of you…
Leona: Ask of me? If it's something stupid, I ain't gonna hear you out.
Epel: Uhhm… That means I can still ask, right? Thank you very much.
Epel: Recently, I keep missing passes and dropping discs a lot.
Epel: Please tell me a way to train so I can improve my control of the disc and make less mistakes!
Leona: Oh, is that all? Don't worry about it. Bye.
Epel: Eh… Wait, no, I wanted more specific advice…!
???: EH!
Epel/Leona: ?
Ruggie: You guys are gonna go into town? By bus?
Magift Club Member A: Yeah, but… What's up, Ruggie? You wanna go too?
Magift Club Member B: You can come, but we're not gonna buy you any food.
Ruggie: Tch, that sucks. But puttin' that aside… If you're headin' there, can I getcha to buy somethin' for me?
Ruggie: It might be a liiiittle heavy, but… It should be easy enough for two people to carry 20 boxes of sports drink powder packets!
Magift Club Member A: No way!! You can do that by sending a first year to the Mystery Shop or something, instead.
Ruggie: If I ask you guys to do it for me, then that saves me on the bus fare, and the club's money. It's basically killing two birds with one stone.
Magift Club Member B: Not my problem. It's not like that amount saved is gonna go into our pockets or anything… If you want to save money so bad, why don't you go yourself?
Ruggie: Mmkay, I mean, I don't really care~ But there's that time you owe me from when I swapped clubroom cleaning duties with ya…
Magift Club Member A: O-Okay, okay! We'll go buy some on the way back!
Ruggie: Thanks a bunch. 'Kay, here's the money for it. I need the usual 20 boxes of sports drinks!
Leona: Man, you're being so cheap…
Ruggie: Ah, Leona-san. Were you listening to all that?
Ruggie: I'm not being cheap at all. That's me saving 6 Madol on 20 boxes each, y'know!? It's completely a rip-off otherwise!
Epel: 20 boxes of sports drink powder…
Epel: That'd be difficult to carry by broom, maybe? I guess it would be pretty impossible to bring back without taking the bus.
Ruggie: Riiight? Brooms're great 'cause you don't gotta think about schedules and fares, but...
Ruggie: If you gotta carry stuff, it's basically the pits…. Or more like, someone scrawny like me can't do that.
Epel: Yes… Whenever I try to fly with my stuff on the broom, I'm always swaying so hard it makes me anxious…
Epel: If I try to use magic to carry it, then I get so focused on the floating luggage that my speed drops.
Leona: See, you get it.
Ruggie: Huh, but your flight ability's way out of our range.
Leona: Well, yeah. But that's not what I'm talking about.
Leona: I meant about what I said to Epel earlier to not worry about making mistakes when handling the disc.
Leona: Your flying's one of the best out of all the first years.
Leona: If you're gonna try to greedily grab at everything and neglect your actual strong point, how're you actually gonna be useful?
Epel: That's…
Leona: You don't need to think about anything unnecessary right now.
Leona: If you think about it, the disc is just a single object. Moving it with magic is like, the fundamentals.
Leona: As long as you keep up your studies, you'll improve over time.
Epel: I see…!
Ruggie: Shishishi, can you really say that, though, since you skip all your classes?
Leona: Hah?
Epel: Ahahaha…
Leona: But when it comes to shopping… You guys figure it out on your own.
Ruggie: Ehhh. Even if you say that…
Ruggie: Public transportation costs money, and there's not that many buses running on Sage's Island to start with!
Ruggie: If we used brooms, then that'd help save time, but… If there's a ton to buy, then we'd need a bunch of people to work together to go get it.
Leona: Luckily, the Magical Shift Club has more members than any other club. Shouldn't be a problem.
Ruggie: What're you even saying? There's no way any of these guys would take on something like this before coming to practice.
Epel: And magical wheels… Aren't really geared towards hauling stuff, either.
Ruggie: Maaan, it'd be great if we had someone who could bust out a car in times like these.
Ruggie: If we did, it'd be so easy to go shoppin' for the club, and we could totally use it to take full advantage of all the bargains that happen in town!
Leona: …
Epel: Most of the adults back home have cars… But I don't think I know anyone here at school with a license, I think?
Ruggie: I mean, the first years're probably too young, and everyone at our school's pretty busy anyway. I don't think there's anyone who'd be able to get one.
Epel: I thought you'd be someone to get something as useful as a license as soon as he could, Ruggie-san.
Ruggie: Eh? But getting a license and renewin' it costs money, don't it?
Leona: How long're you guys going to be talking about something you can't have? No one can drive, so just give it up.
Leona: C'mon, it's an easy decision. Just don't go to into town.
Leona: Night Raven College is a prestigious Magical Shift school. Our club's really well funded, if not abundantly so.
Leona: Basically, the Mystery Shop should be enough. Just don't be greedy.
Ruggie: Tch. This island's reaaaally inconvenient.
Part 1 (Part 2) (Part 3)
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Requested by @dorito9708 and @kiingsroar.
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nightfallgame · 7 months
(NSFW) SHORT — Hiroyuki Yamada (01)
Originally Written: 06-09-2020
Prompt: How would Hiroyuki react if, after having a bit too much to drink together, reader was to confess that they like watching, and playfully suggests that they'll love to watch him jerk off for them? Maybe they're sitting side by side and they joke that they'll hold him while he does it so that he can feel that they're there with him? >:3c
“You know, you’re kinda cute today~” you comment, leaning in close to Hiroyuki with a slight slur in your voice.
He shudders at the feeling of your breath against his ear.
“Wh-Why’re you saying that all of the sudden... Did I do something?” It has to be the alcohol loosening his tongue. Normally, he’d never be able to say things so bold. Normally, compliments like that would be the point where he’d panic and back away from the conversation before he panics and does something wrong.
“Nah, I think I’m just drunk,” you laugh. “Liquid courage, you know?” Your smile is doing things to Hiroyuki. Bad, bad things. Things that just make him think of what he’ll never have.
“Yeah... I get that.”
“Mhmm. But that makes me think... can I say something weird?” You take another large gulp of your sake after you ask.
“Sure, go ahead.” Hiroyuki takes a matching swallow.
“It’s a sex thing, just to warn you.”
Hiroyuki chokes.
“Aaah, I shouldn’t have said that while you were taking a drink! I’m sorry!” You pat his back a couple of times while Hiroyuki coughs and sputters, trying to be able to breathe again.
“N-No,” he says when he manages that much. “I j-just got st, startled, I’m sorry. S-Say it?” Once again, the alcohol has to be giving him courage.
"Alright, if you're sure... Well, I just wanted to say that I like watching, y'know? Like, seeing people do sexy stuff. It's kind of stupid now that I'm saying it, but you're super cute, and I've kiiiind of been wanting to see you jerk off for a while now." You say it laughingly, a smile on your face, but your cheeks are flushed from more than just the sake. 
Instantly, Hiroyuki lets out a squeak that he should probably be embarrassed about. He feels himself going red. How could you just say something like that!?
And yet...
"Y-Y-You're joking, r-right? You c-can't, can't p-possibly—"
"Mm, it's a joke if you want it to be. I wouldn't mind either way. But... I will say that I'd hold you during, if you wanted me to. So that you know I'm right there for you. That'd be nice, right?" By the end of it, your voice has lowered to a sweet, intimate whisper. 
Hiroyuki swallows. He's so embarrassed that he can barely breathe, but he's drunk enough that he might have the courage to...
"I'll do it!"
"Wait, really?" Immediately, you set your cup down, leaning forward with a look of sudden captivation. "You'll do it!? Shit, this is gonna be so hot—"
With those words, before he can lose his nerve, Hiroyuki goes for the fly of his pants, undoing the front and tugging them down over his hips. He wriggles out of them in a way that's definitely awkward and unattractive, but he doesn't care. This is the closest to sexual contact with another human being he's had in his life, and it's you. He's got enough courage to go through with, maybe, and there's no way he's wasting the chance. 
The next thing he knows, you've scooted up behind him, tugging his taller, skinnier body up against your chest, with him practically sitting in your lap. Hiroyuki shudders at the contact, leaning back into you on pure instinct. 
"Come on, take 'em off," you coax. 
Shaking, Hiroyuki obeys. 
He slides his underwear down over his hips just enough to get his cock out. He hasn't even touched himself, but this discussion alone has him almost all the way hard. 
Hesitantly, he lowers a hand to his dick, painfully aware that you're watching. It should be beyond embarrassing, but instead, it's pure arousal. The barest brush of his fingers against his skin is like electricity, making his thighs tense and twitch. 
Somehow, he manages to get his hand around his cock all the way, giving an initial pump. He's already dripping, pre-come slicking his hand and making everything slide perfectly. You're right there behind him, warm and solid and real, and Hiroyuki knows immediately that this isn't going to last long. 
"I'm— I-I'm not g-gonna—" he chokes, closing his eyes. It'll be over in seconds, he knows it. 
"That's okay. Fuck, it's more than okay. You're gonna come fast for me, huh? So excited you can't hold it back?" All but purring, you give Hiroyuki's ear a little nip. 
Hiroyuki whines. His hips buck helplessly. 
"Stroke yourself for me." You don't stop. "Keep going. Come on. Faster... good job. Let me hear your noises." 
It's an endless stream of praise whispered right in his ear. Hiroyuki knows that this is only happening because you're both way too drunk, but this whole situation is a fantasy come true. You're holding him close, he's so sensitive he can barely take it, and the sounds leaving him are both humiliating and wonderful— because he knows they're what you want to hear. 
It doesn't take long. Under a minute of touching, or stroking himself off while sitting in your lap and feeling your breath on his ear, and Hiroyuki can't hold it back. Letting out a shuddering moan, his grip tightens, his legs squeeze together, and—
Hiroyuki comes harder than he has in his life, moaning your name all the while. 
You hold him through it, still murmuring praise. Hiroyuki feels come coat his hand and stomach. He's shaking, shuddering, letting out helpless, helpless noises. The aftershocks seem to go on forever, and when they end, Hiroyuki realizes that there are tears trailing down his cheeks. 
The next thing he knows, he's sobbing, cock now limp in its own sticky mess. The reality of what he just did is crashing down on him, humiliation eating him alive. 
You're going to hate him, make fun of him, or something. There's no way that your friendship will last after you've seen him hard and dripping, after watching him come hard in his own hand right in front of you. 
All you do is hug him. 
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So like are Soudaionji gonna talk now?
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Honestly, knowing that we'll all be living together in a place like this feels unreal. Never thought I'd see the day.
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Yeah, well, I bet you never thought you'd see the day where you got stuck in a death game and started living on a tropical island either, huh?
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Heh! True enough!
*As everyone splits off to claim their rooms and decorate the old place, Kazuichi sticks with Hiyoko and helps her sort through her own luggage.
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You're leaving a lot of space on this side of the room.
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Yeah, well, I need to claim at least half the stuff so my roommate can claim the rest. I might have a lot of stuff, but I'm not selfish with my living quarters.
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Have you decided who you wanna share with yet? Seiko seems like a pretty obvious choice now that she's here; since Mahiru's staying with Izuru.
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Um...Thing is...I was actually wondering if maybe YOU wanted to stay here?
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M-Me? But...I...A-Ain't that a problem?
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Why would it be?
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Well...First off, you're always talking about how bad I smell-
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Because you do.
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Are you screwing with me!? Ugh...Look, I just didn't think in a hundred years you'd be asking some jerk of a guy like me to be your roomate.
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I think you already know why, don't you?
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I-I...Uh...Yeah, I guess I do...Even I'm not that dense.
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Neither of us have been very honest about how we feel, have we? We're not very good at that...haha...
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Do you...remember that time I told you that as stupid and lame as you are, there was always gonna be someone out there who would end up falling for you? Well, turns out that someone is me. How stupid is that.
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But...why...? You never say good things about me.
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And yeah, I know you don't always MEAN the harsh things you say; it's all in good fun at the end of the day! But...I guess I just couldn't get myself to believe it...
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That's the problem with you. You've lived your life having so many insults hurled at you that you can't believe it when someone actually likes you, be it romantic or not.
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But even though everyone thinks you're a coward, the truth is you always try to fight off your own fear and help his classmates. Even during the Killing Game when you kept everyone at arm's length, you did so many things and tried so many times to stop people from getting hurt, like when you tied up Nagito, and when you built that communication device for the hospital.
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Sure, they never really worked out, but that's not your fault. And even though you're usually distrustful, you were still trying to help out people who were basically complete strangers to you. I think that's worth something.
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You're also smart, and kind to people, and help them with their problems, and you care about the people around you...In a way that...I've never been able to...
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What are you talking about? Back when I met you, you were an insensitive, selfish little jerk! Look how far you've come since then! You've made amends with Mikan, and you've stepped up to solve the problems you can! Every single one of us was distraught when you died!
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And I've done little to earn that...Even now, just randomly asking if you'll be with me is selfish and stupid...What I'm trying to say is that you don't need to earn my approval or anything Kazuichi.
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I can only hope to earn yours with something other than my looks...
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Hiyoko...I...I don't really know what to say that'd make you feel better about all of this...It almost sounds like you want me to reject you...
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I'd prefer if you did...One way or another, I want to put these feelings aside. And I don't want my image of you to be shattered if you pick a shallow girl like me.
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...Well, that's too bad.
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*Kazuichi suddenly pushes Hiyoko onto the bed.
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Wh-What do you think you're-!?
*She halts as he suddenly hugs her.
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imogen, orym, and fcg!
First impression
oh she's cute, i love her hair and accent!
Impression now
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Favorite moment
"my mama's here. i'm coming to visit her" top ten imogen quotes of all time to me
Idea for a story
god i want her to fucking rest. send her to a state fair and let her pet the fucking goats oh my god get the weight of everything off her shoulders
Unpopular opinion
imogen isn't a mean selfish bitch and her story isn't meant to end with her turning evil. she isn't abusive towards laudna nor does she refuse to see laudna has flaws. she doesn't hate orym or mock his trauma. she doesn't hate ashton and mock their trauma. why is this such a common theory/concept. i understand it's died down now that she's told ludinus to kill himself but i can't understand how so many people will joke about how keyleth was bashed for stupid reasons and then turn around and bash imogen for very similar stupid reasons, and when you point this out to them they'll whine about how you're "girlbossifying" her.
Favorite relationship
her and everyone in bh except for chet, dorian and braius. sorry guys. nothing you have done with her yet has jumped out at me as the rest.
Favorite headcanon
imogen likes hatch chiles. irony as she is cast
First impression
ngl i thought he was one of the most boring characters in exu. not that he was a bad character, he just felt like he had barely anything going for him compared to the rest of the team and only existed to be the least weird out of them
Impression now
after finishing exu i went into c3 27 episodes in like "this is just beauregard if she was a guy and played by the rules instead of broke them. okay i like him now lmao" which morphed into "oh god you need someone to tell you to stop, you are going to die if you keep this momentum up." i like him but he needs severe help that isn't solely positive reinforcement
Favorite moment
him hugging imogen and telling her he's proud of her and cares for her and him apologizing for being so objective towards her and her mom.
Idea for a story
i wanna know how him and fearne met. please tell me she saved him from a monster or something, that'd be cute.
Unpopular opinion
as someone who has seen legitimate hatred and extreme bad faith criticism of orym, i don't like him being whiteknighted because he's biased in a "good" way. yes, he's objectively correct, but that doesn't account for him being so stubborn about it and i hate it when he's used against his friends.
also yeah it's increasingly obvious he self-harms and i don't like that it's either ignored or even encouraged by the fanbase.
Favorite relationship
every single platonic situationship orym has had with a woman has altered my brain chemistry in ways that scientists do not have a word for so yet thanks liam. (imogen, fearne, opal, laudna, keyleth)
Favorite headcanon
he's mixed and has ocd!
First impression
"but... why does the robot have a southern accent...?"
Impression now
gods bless you letters, you were taken from us too soon
Favorite moment
IS IT D OR IS IT DANCER for a silly bit, and who wouldn't say their speech and sacrifice to save the hells?
Idea for a story
i've had time to dwell on it and i really don't want them to be wholly revived or reincarnated at the end of the campaign because it'll feel weird, but i do want like, a dalen's closet moment where everyone gets to talk to them one last time.
Unpopular opinion
he should have gotten the shard. also i refuse to believe he should have gotten legs. let them keep their wheel, dammit.
Favorite relationship
him and ashton (cute) and fearne (many thoughts brain making whirring noises). loveletters didn't really do it for me, sorry.
Favorite headcanon
the flat exandria thing was a bit in-universe too. they see the hells talk about keeping up the theory in his honor as a ghost and keep trying to be like WAIT NO NO NO I WAS KIDDING from beyond the veil
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sapphic-agent · 10 months
Does it make me a bad person if I victim blame Bakugou?
I had a couple of friends talking about the second Deku vs Bakugou fight, and how they were all bawling when he went on about “ending All Might” and he was crying and all that and how they were sad that he thought it was all his fault. And I simply said, “Because it is.” I then explained to them that if he didn’t act like an idiot and tried to show off, All Might would probably would have OFA a little bit longer.
Needless to say, they didn’t take it well.
I don’t know. It’s just, in my opinion, he did something monumentally stupid, and because of that, he literally affected Japan and their trust in heroes because he wanted to show he was a badass. So, yeah, that’s all on him, and he should feel bad about screwing over Japan and All Might because he acted like an idiot.
Or does that make me a bad person for not showing a sliver of sympathy for him?
No that doesn't make you a bad person lol.
To be completely fair to Bakugou, Japan losing trust in heroes in particular isn't his fault. Society, especially hero society, was based on a false pillar of peace and protection perpetuated by corruption. The fact that it was solely on All Might's shoulders to be that beacon is already disgusting and too much for one man (even one as strong as Toshi). It was always going to crumble whether he used the last of OFA saving Bakugou or anyone else.
(This is actually the one thing I agree with Nighteye about. All Might should have allowed himself to retire peacefully when he was injured instead of working himself into the ground. I like to think it could have eased Japan into a future without him a lot easier. BUT that's his choice to make and Nighteye had no right to attempt to dictate that)
I'd also like to add that All Might would have done this for anyone, not just Bakugou. He's not as special as he thinks he is to be the "one who ended All Might."
However, it was Bakugou's fault that he got captured. Not because the LOV targeted him in the first place, but because he actively made the situation worse. He knew they were after him, but instead of doing as his teacher instructed and running, he attempted to confront them (twice, as @nutzgunray-lvt has brought to my attention). If he'd done as he was told and still got kidnapped, that'd be one thing but he deliberately did the opposite.
If Bakugou had owned up to that in his "wHy WAs i thE oNe WhO eNdED aLL mIGht" spiel, I could have felt bad for him. But he didn't even mention the fact that he could have made better choices at the Training Camps. He resents that he needed to be saved and that he was weak, not that his irresponsibility was the reason he was kidnapped in the first place. Yet another reason that his redemption is poorly written; the things he actually does wrong are never brought up or mentioned
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if you have "top bar with useful info" which disappears while scrolling down, and immediately comes back into existence the second you scroll up. I hate you so much
so fucking much it's never coded right, you can't disable it, if your on computer it shouldn't even be a fucking thing by default, cause guess what, there is stuff on the side. tumblr you have so much room wasted on this website.
use it instead of implementing this god awful idea
also for mobile apps, I get it, understand it even, but fucking fuck please just have an option to lock it in a position, or even move it to the bottom or just something that'd be better than this
I don't want to have to wrestle with this piece of shit every time I wish to attempt to take a screen shot of a long post.
it'd be so much better to just have it locked so I'm not even trying in the first place, plus you have the problem of it suddenly blocking information that wasn't blocked before.
it's a lazy design that takes way more effort to implement than the alternatives, and actually fucking stupid.
I don't need to suddenly see "whatever ai bullshit we're peddling that actively ruins our platform in an insidious way, top, newest" or "hey you want to go to the home page of this blog, you know the one which if you wanted to go to, you could just scroll up to after reading this article?" or "a page no one in their right mind uses, the actual stuff your here for, and of course the 'wait this actually exists' tab" you shitty companies making slightly bad user interfaces for me to get irrationally mad out.
a good tip for whether or not you've made a good website is thusly "is someone's basic boilerplate forum from the early 2000's better to navigate through than our website?"
and if the answer is yes. try to fix it.
on top of that.
if something can be done better and feel better with basic html, use basic html or design something better, no "oh yeah here is my 2000 lines of javascript, it displays a comment system that when you click the buttons in the wrong order explodes, and will sometimes just not load"
also shout out to ao3 and this
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like seriously, it works completely fine without it. javascript just adds a bit of feel to it, and makes things easier. but it won't break the website at all.
meanwhile tumblr?
doesn't work at all whatsoever.
now are ao3 and tumblr completely different beasts? yes, but like, one of these I can use on phone like it's nothing, like it was built for it, and the other feels like it's a shell of it's superior desktop version, and it isn't fucking archive of our own.
ao3's website is amazing on mobile and tumblr doesn't even let you be on mobile without downloading an app that's kinda sorta ok because honestly?
they don't care about you, they care about what they can get from you.
but sure I guess, the new web is better or something, now explain to me why a website from the 90's works better and runs better than you supposedly new and amazing website...
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bunbeeplays · 6 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 62 - The Slap Heard 'round The Save
Hector keeps filling up her glass as Ophelia tells him about her life, her interests and her cat. He asks lots of questions and seemed engaged in the conversation. She mentions she likes Thorne Bailey, and apparently he had his wedding at La Coppia Serena. Small world!
Hector: You know, Thorne and I stayed in contact. If anyone could get your name out in the industry, it's him. I can give him your info.
Ophelia: Seriously? That'd be amazing. Thank you so much, Hector! I don't know how I'd ever repay you.
Hector: I can think of a few favors.
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Ophelia: Let me wash these dishes.
Hector: Not that kind of favor. I was thinking of something that we could do… upstairs.
Hector's whole demeanor has changed. Ophelia steps back when he approaches.
Ophelia: What?
Hector: Come on, I know you're young but you're not dumb.
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Ophelia: Hector, you're making me really uncomfortable.
Hector: I don't want you to feel that way. I just want to give you the tools to advance your career, help you out. In return… maybe you could help me out in a way Hilary has refused to for a long time.
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Ophelia: Oh my Watcher… Is that the reason you hired me?
Hector: Don't act coy, you're the one who pursued me at the Blue Velvet.
Ophelia: I was trying to network!
Hector: And I'm giving you the chance to advance your status. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
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Hector: I'm trying to be nice and help you out here.
Ophelia: By coercing me into woohoo and cheating on your wife? Yeah, you're a saint!
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Hilary doesn't know whether it's a good or bad thing she came in through the back door tonight of all nights.
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Hilary can't bring herself to move. No, this can't be happening.
Ophelia: If you think I'd woohoo you to advance my career, or EVER, you're delusional.
Hector: That doesn't sound very ambitious. I thought you wanted to be famous.
Ophelia: Not by sleeping my way to the top!
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Hector suddenly appears very sympathetic.
Hector: It would be a shame if word got out to Thorne Bailey that you're… difficult to work with. Hard to succeed when you're blacklisted.
Ophelia: Are you threatening me?
Hector: No, no. Just helping you remember what's at risk.
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Ophelia turns away, clutching her head. She feels like the world is crumbling around her. How could she be so stupid?
Hector: I didn't think you'd be opposed to sleeping your way into a wealthy life. After all, you let Alexander have his way with you.
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Ophelia's never hit anyone a day in her life, but she's so glad she chose today.
Ophelia: You bastard! I love him. I don't care about his family's money!
Hector rubs his cheek, silently fuming.
Hector: You also don't care about having a career after tonight.
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Ophelia: How could you do this to Hilary? Some family-oriented Sim you are!
Hector: You've seen how she speaks to me. That woman has lost all respect for me.
Ophelia: I'd lose respect for a limp-dick loser like you too!
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Hector: I should have known a stupid floozy like you wouldn't be professional about this.
Ophelia: At least I'm not a total cheating scumbag! I'll die a nobody before I stoop so low, or keep working for an asshole like you. Consider this my resignation.
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Hector: If you walk out that door, I'll have you blacklisted by every lot owner I know! You won't even be able to perform in woohoocking Batuu when I'm done with you!
Ophelia flips him off as she turns to storm out.
Ophelia: Sit and spin, Laurent. I quit.
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Hilary trembles as her husband screams every forbidden word he knows at the fleeing Ophelia. This can't be her husband. The man she loves wouldn't do this.
They'd been fighting about his weird friendship with Tiff, but Hilary never thought he'd actually betray her like this.
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Hector goes back to hit the bar and suddenly, Hilary doesn't feel frozen anymore.
Hector: You're home early!
Hilary: The Watcher deleted some mods. The loading screen was much faster.
Hector: Oh. So how was-
Hilary: No. You just did plenty of talking. It's my turn.
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Ophelia runs until she can't anymore. She's never felt more hopeless, more worthless in her entire life.
She lets out a guttural wail and falls to her knees, her sobs echoing throughout the quiet Tartosa night.
Her life is over.
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Jane's Pets Chapter 104: Evolving and Adapting
TWs in the tags
Before leaving, Puppy reluctantly puts her stuffed animals into her bag, along with everything nonperishable from the pantry that you and Leo didn't pack for yourselves. You think that's a good sign. She also grabs all the medical supplies in the house, which makes you feel really stupid for not thinking of that earlier. Before closing the bag up, she takes out two water bottles and passes them to you and Leo.
"If we're going to need water for the walk you will too," Leo says.
Puppy takes out one more water bottle mechanically and closes the garbage bag, then heads out the front door. You and Leo follow.
"Leo, make sure to let us know if you need a break, or help carrying your stuff." You say.
"I will. I'm not feeling too bad, though."
You believe them. It's been a long time since they were even a little okay, and the difference is very noticeable.
"We should ask the day and year as soon as we get to town." Leo jokes. "Like time travelers."
"Fuck, it'll be so nice to know what day it is again, and what time it is. I've definitely missed that."
"There are so many small things we'll finally get back." 
After a bit of silence, Puppy starts humming a lighthearted song. You feel like your heart could burst from happiness. So many small things…
Unfortunately, you're quickly distracted from that feeling by the annoyance of carrying full garbage bags through the woods. Your bag quickly collects several tiny tears, but luckily none are big enough for anything to fall out. It just means you have to hold the bag very carefully so that extra weight isn't put on the tears, causing them to get wider.
"We really should've double or triple bagged this stuff… or brought the box of garbage bags." You grumble.
Leo laughs. "We haven't gotten that far, we can go back if you want."
"Oh, no, I'm never going back. I'm just annoyed that we planned so much and didn't even think about what carrying this stuff through the woods would be like."
"Yeah, that's what happens when you have a group of three people where one is severely sleep deprived and probably still starving, one is experiencing withdrawal, and one is…"
"Brain damaged." You finish for them. Stupid Bunny.
"Right. Um… I'm really sorry I called you stupid, back in the basement. I don't think you're stupid."
"I am stupid. It's okay."
"B– Li– Austin. You're the one that found a way to kill Jane. You're so smart, and even if you weren't, you're so brave and compassionate. You're amazing. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, even me."
Are you… tearing up? "Thank you. You're… both of you are amazing too."
Leo smiles. "Of course we are. Just a little group of amazing people."
The rest of the walk is quiet. Trying to avoid your bag ripping open takes a lot of mental and physical energy. That'll be the first thing you buy when you get into town– new bags. And something for Puppy to drink to prevent her dying from malnutrition.
You take plenty of breaks, initiated by Amanda more often than not. She always opens her bag during breaks too, without ever taking anything out. When you asked her why, she took a stuffed animal out of her bag and showed it to you, which… didn't answer your question. Leo told you not to worry about it for now.
You feel… tense, stepping into the town. The last time you were in any kind of human civilization, Jane killed a lot of people to punish you.
It's pretty dark. You clear your throat. "Puppy, do you think the grocery store will still be open?"
Puppy shakes her head.
"Okay. Let's find a hotel. In the morning we can go get new bags and something for you to drink, and then… if there's a library we can use the computers to look at all the hotels nearby and see what's cheapest. Sound good?"
Puppy nods.
"So… do we just wander around until we find a hotel?" Leo asks.
You look over the three of you. "That'd be a good way to get the cops called on us."
"Well, what else are we supposed to do?"
"That's… a good question. Maybe we should've waited until morning to leave…"
"I'd rather spend all night in the woods than spend more time in that house than necessary. I… guess those are our options. Wander around trying to find a hotel, stay in the woods all night, or head back to the house. Should we… do a vote or something?"
None of those options sound particularly good. "I don't even know which one I want."
"Yeah… I guess we could split up, too."
You immediately shake your head. "Whatever we do, it should be together."
"But one person wandering around a town at night is a lot less suspicious than three people. Especially if said person leaves their bag of stuff here to be watched by the others."
Puppy stares at her open bag for a moment and then sighs. You guess she didn't bring anything to write with. "I think I'd be the best for that. I look the most pitiful." She lets her hair fall so that her missing ear is uncovered and touches the bandages on her face. "And I'm a scrawny white woman. It'd be harder to interpret me as a threat. Even if the police were called, I'd probably be fine. I've also been here before. I'll have an easier time navigating, even if I don't know exactly where to find a hotel."
These are all great points. "But… what if you get hurt?"
"I know people here. Including a lot of criminals, most of whom probably think Jane is still alive. People are less likely to mess with me than with either of you."
"But… I mean, if we're bringing race and gender into this, isn't it less safe for a woman to walk around alone at night? There are threats besides career criminals, people you probably never would've met."
"I'm not saying there are no risks. It's just the least risky option. Unless you think it's safer to wander through the woods at night, or sleep in the woods without shelter?"
Leo nods. "It does sound the least risky… though, to be fair, even if it does work, we'll have to walk to the hotel as a group with our garbage bags of stuff anyway. I mean, I'm the one that suggested it, but I don't think it makes much of a difference whether one of us finds the hotel, comes back, and guides the others or we just look around as a group for a while."
Leo's the best. "Right! Let's just go together. You should definitely lead, still. Like you said, you know this town the best. We'll look suspicious no matter what we do, let's just stick together."
Puppy hesitates, then nods.
"Perfect! Let's go."
Puppy walks quickly through the streets until you get to an area with fewer homes and more businesses, then starts moving more slowly, inspecting each building. Fairly soon after you've started searching, you stop in front of a building very clearly labeled as a hotel.
"I… think we spent more time arguing than it actually took to find this place." You say.
"Eh. Better safe than sorry." Leo pulls open the door. "After you."
It takes a bit of effort to get everyone's garbage bags through the door without ripping them, but you all manage it. The hotel clerk stares at the three of you the whole time, which you guess is fair. 
Leo sets their bag down and goes up to the front desk. "Are there any vacancies?"
The clerk puts on a customer service smile. "We do. What are you looking for?"
…you never discussed if you were going to share a room, or how many beds you'd want. Luckily Leo seems undeterred.
"The cheapest room available, please."
"How many nights?"
The clerk types something into a computer and gives the price. Puppy starts taking out some of the cash and counting it. 
"...do you take cash?" You ask. Probably should've asked that sooner.
"We can, but you would still need a card on file."
Shit. Shit shit shit.
"...Do you know of anywhere that doesn't need a card on file?" Leo asks.
The three of you look at each other. What are you supposed to do now?
Puppy goes up to the desk and places down the cash she just counted out. "I have a card."
There's no way that's true, but she reaches into her pocket anyway. She pulls something out, holding it in a way that covers most of it, but you notice a flash of green and realize it's just more money. She passes it to the clerk.
"Are you… trying to bribe me?"
Puppy nods.
The clerk looks at the money, then types something into the computer. They hand Puppy a key. "You'll be in room 104. Check-out is at 11 AM tomorrow.”
Puppy smiles at the clerk and heads down the hall, looking for the room. Leo grabs their bag, and the two of you follow Puppy.
"We don't have to hide," Leo says. "We can go try and get cards tomorrow."
Puppy unlocks the door labeled '104' and leads you inside. It's a pretty small room, and it only has one bed.
"Puppy and you will share the bed. I know both of you would be fine with all three of us sharing the bed, so since I'm the one with the problem, I'll sleep on the ground."
They already did that sometimes at the house, when they wanted to be close to you but not sharing a bed close, so you aren’t as concerned as you might’ve been otherwise. If they chose to sleep on the ground when they had access to a bed, obviously it’s not that uncomfortable to them. They’re the one that asked for the cheapest possible room, anyway, they must’ve expected this.
"Yeah, let's make you a nest." You find extra blankets in a closet, take most of the pillows from the bed, and start the nest-making process. Leo tries to help as much as they can, but it really is just a one-person job. Puppy sets her stuffed animals on the bed.
“We should all get showered and change,” Leo suggests. “We’re dirty from walking through the woods.”
“Great idea!” You finish up the nest. “Puppy and I should replace our bandages, too.”
“You do that while I shower,” Leo says, pulling a clean outfit out of their bag.
“Perfect.” You bring Puppy to the bathroom and remove the bandages on her face and neck while Leo gets in the shower.
You wet a towel and start to clean her wounds. “I’ve been thinking. It’s okay if you don’t want to sleep tonight, I’m not as worried about that as you not eating. No one’s going to shock you when you start to drift off or anything, so you’ll fall asleep eventually no matter what. If you want to try and stay up tonight, though, I want to keep you company.”
You replace the old bandages with clean ones. Puppy doesn’t say anything. She takes your hand and takes off the bandage.
“Oh, I can do that myself.”
Puppy raises an eyebrow at you.
“Oh, I guess… you could’ve done your face and neck yourself…” It honestly didn’t even occur to you. “Sorry, I didn’t even ask.”
She waves dismissively and starts to clean the cut on your hand. 
“So!” You say loud enough that Leo can hear you over the shower. “Tomorrow, we’re going shopping and getting ourselves cards. Not necessarily in that order. Then we’ll use library computers to find the cheapest hotel nearby, and… go there. We’ll also research the buses around here.”
Puppy rebandages your hand. “We… need IDs. To get cards.”
“…shit. I lost track of mine after I came to the house, Jane probably took it. Leo, do you have access to any of your IDs?”
“I didn’t even have mine before Jane took me. I assume yours are lost too, Puppy?”
Puppy nods.
“She said yes. And we don’t even remember our names…” You frown. This is going to be a problem.
The shower turns off and Leo grabs a towel to dry themself. That was fast. “You remember your last name, don’t you? There’s that. And me and Puppy know your first name. Do you remember your social security number?”
You try to remember. There’s a shape to it, a rhythm you followed whenever you had to share it… but you can’t remember what actually went inside the rhythm. You don’t know if that’s because of the brain damage or just regular forgetting. “I don’t.”
“Don’t worry, I don’t know mine either. We’ll just… maybe you can get your hands on your school records? Or maybe someone you knew before could vouch for you? I mean, there are people who don’t even get a birth certificate when they’re born and they can still get IDs as an adult, so there’s got to be something we can do.” They get into their clean clothes. “We can worry about it tomorrow. I’m going to bed. We’ll want to get up pretty early tomorrow so that we can leave our stuff in here while we shop.” They exit the bathroom, leaving just you and Puppy.
“Hmm… maybe we should’ve replaced the bandages after showering…” stupid Bunny. “I guess we’ll just do our best not to get the bandages wet? And it’s not that big of a deal if we have to replace them again. Do you want to shower first?”
Puppy nods and leaves the bathroom to get clean clothes from her bag. She was allowed to shower when she wanted unless she was in the basement, so you don't think she'll need a lot of support in this. Having no reason to hang around in the bathroom, you go to hang out with Leo in the main room while Puppy showers.
Leo is playing with the clock on the nightstand. "I'm trying to set an alarm… if we get up at 7, we should have time to shop and stuff, right? Mostly I just want to be able to get back here and re-bag our stuff before we check out. It would be especially nice if we could do the shopping and the library research before we check out, so we don't have to worry about if we'll be allowed into the library with garbage bags full of stuff."
"Will stores even be open that early?"
"...I don't know. We'll have to ask Puppy. I'll leave the alarm at 7 for now, though." They set down the clock. "I really missed knowing the time. This is awesome."
You look over the small room. It's unremarkable in most ways, but… it has a clock. And you can leave whenever you want to. "It really is."
Leo yawns and goes to dig through their bag. "We should all eat something before bed. Or at least drink some water." They pull out a box of raisins and pour the contents into their mouth. "I'll try to convince Puppy to drink some water while you shower. Think you can handle convincing her to sleep? I heard you talking about it, but I didn't catch everything."
"I should be able to. I said I'd stay up and keep her company if she doesn't want to sleep– which I will do if she refuses to sleep– but I think if I just asked her to lie down with me she'd fall asleep quickly whether she wants to or not. It helps that this room is so small, she won't be able to keep herself awake pacing."
Leo nods. "Perfect. I, uh… I wish we didn't have to constantly push her, but we can't just let her hurt herself without trying to help… It's not fair that we get to adjust before working on any heavy-duty deconditioning while she has to be working on it constantly… But putting ourselves through that by taking off our collars or something wouldn't make things any easier for her."
"It sucks." You agree. "It wasn't fair for you to have to deal with withdrawal, either."
"...Yeah. I guess… we take care of each other. We have for a long time. And if we take turns, that's even better, because it means the person who's struggling can get the full undivided attention of the others."
"Exactly." You dig through your bag for some granola bars and have those and some water for dinner. Not the best meal ever, but far from the worst. 
Puppy emerges from the bathroom, her bandages still dry. She couldn't have been in there for longer than five minutes…
"Have you guys always showered that fast?" You ask.
"The water's cold," Leo says. "I… guess we could've waited… but in a place this big it would've taken forever. Better to just get it over with." 
Puppy nods in agreement.
"Okay…" You grab some clean clothes from your bag and head to the bathroom. "I'm gonna have a nice, warm shower, if possible, so… goodnight. Love you."
Puppy wishes she had waited, or spent longer in the shower. All she does when she's around is worry the others.
Kitty hasn't started pestering her to sleep or eat or drink yet, though. They look deep in thought.
She's so tired, and the white noise of the shower certainly isn't helping her stay awake. She forces herself to walk in place.
"It's weird, right?"
Puppy has no idea what they're talking about specifically, but she nods. Everything's weird right now.
"I mean… it didn't even occur to me to wait. I just… I guess the pathway in my brain between 'uncomfortable stimuli' and 'endure it' is so well-trodden other solutions didn't occur to me. Did it occur to you?"
Puppy shakes her head.
"Exactly. It's like… those guys that tortured those poor dogs… what's the word… Learned helplessness! That's what they call it. When you can't do anything to protect yourself for so long that you start to assume there's no escape without even checking."
Puppy remembers Master teaching them about that experiment… it's not a pleasant memory, but it could've been worse.
"It's good to be aware, though. I'm glad she taught us so much about psychology, at least. It was to hurt us and taunt us, but now it can be really helpful." They smile. "We'll have to look out for that. Times where we could make ourselves more comfortable easily but aren't."
Puppy is so, so tired. She misses just having to endure. Having all these choices… it's so hard. Things weren't easy before, but they were… simple. She misses that, even if she doesn't miss the torture.
"It'll be hard because we still have to endure a lot of things. We don't know when we'll next get money, so we'll have to settle for a lot of uncomfortable things to make it last as long as possible. So I guess… we just need to think of the reason we're uncomfortable. Make sure it's something we're consciously choosing and not just falling into because we're used to it."
Puppy nods along, but she doesn't really want to be comfortable. Comfort is for when Master chooses to give it, otherwise… it makes her sloppy. Like, if she was comfortable right now, she would fall asleep without permission.
Master is dead. Master is dead. Master is dead so she's never going to get to feel comfortable again– stop that!
"-uppy?" Her thoughts are interrupted. "Would you please sit down? Or… stop marching in place?"
She reluctantly stops moving.
"Thank you. I need you to drink some water, alright? You didn't drink any on our way here."
She feels… guilty. Like a kid getting caught not eating their vegetables. All she does is make people worry!
She grabs the water bottle she was supposed to drink during the walk and chugs it until there's none left. She wordlessly begs Kitty to stop worrying, to be satisfied.
"Thank you." They sound so relieved that she can almost ignore the waves of terror crashing over her. "Let's do something to keep your mind off it. Um…" They look around the fairly barren room. "Wanna play twenty questions?"
Puppy nods. A distraction would be nice.
"Okay, think of a person, place, or thing. You got one in mind?"
Puppy, not feeling very creative, decides on 'hotel.' She nods.
"Okay, is it a person?"
The two of them play a few rounds before Bunny finishes with his shower. Puppy feels a bit better about drinking water without permission again, as long as she doesn't think about it.
"Alright, I'm really tired, are you two going to be okay if I go to sleep?"
Puppy nods.
"Get some sleep." Bunny says. 
"Oh, wait– I set the alarm for 7 AM, do you think anything will be open then, Puppy?
Puppy nods. She remembers checking the hours the grocery store was open to try and figure out what time it was. It's open from 7 AM to 10 PM. 
"Sweet! See you in the morning, goodnight." Kitty gets curled up in their nest. 
Bunny turns his attention to Puppy. "Do you want to try going to sleep?"
She slowly shakes her head. She doesn't want to, but she knows she'll have to eventually.
Bunny sits on the bed, legs under the covers. "That's okay. I'll keep you company, like I said. You must be cold, though, after your cold shower. Wanna get under the blankets?"
She knows what he's doing. It's not subtle. But… being warm does sound nice, and she doesn't want to worry Bunny, and he was right that she'd fall asleep eventually anyway, so… it might as well be now, right? Better than passing out when she's needed.
She carefully sets each of her stuffed animals next to the bed before climbing into bed with Bunny and oh– he's warm. That makes sense, but she wasn't expecting it. She cuddles up close to him.
"Thank you." Bunny says, and that's all. He doesn't try to convince her to lie down or rest her eyes. He just holds her, and runs fingers through her hair, and breathes deeply and evenly.
She didn't stand a chance. She falls asleep within the first minute of sitting down.
A/N: Let me know if I should tag anything else, or if you want to be added to or removed from the tag list! Let me know if you want a summary of any of these logistics-heavy chapters, I know they're a lot longer than normal and that not everyone finds the logistics of escape and recovery as interesting as I do.
Tag list: @eatyourdamnpears @whump-in-the-closet @scp-1296 @thecosmicmap @quins-whump-stuff
@fuckcapitalismasshole @whumplr-reader
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dabislittlemouse · 1 year
Throw back to Halloween when I was giving out candy and this dude came over. I offer him some cause why the fuck not and he says he doesn't like candy while holding a fucking mini milky way chocolate between his teeth. It's silly but I over think a lot so he's on my creep list 😔
it's dark af out, no one's around and I looked like I was alone so gotta take shit with a grain of salt even if I don't want to :( but like it was Halloween my guy so like I'm at this dumb little war with myself like "duh hello Halloween maybe he saw you were alone and just wanted to be a cool dude and interact he just so happened to be a guy, you have anxiety so you get bad vibes all the time" and that then clashes with my crime obsession and i remember certain killers looked friendly and handsome as well so like bitch if you wanna be the next motherfucking documentary in fucking uhhhhh explore with us you do you fucking dipshit
Anyway he recently came along and helped my mum bring up groceries and her red flags are all over and my mum has been through shit so like when she says something's off, it's fucking off so like
Yeah we're not like special but lmao this dude now knows where we live it's stupid cause like logic tells us "oh no, he respected us and helped he's a fucking future murderer" Like bitch we know that don't make sense but then life and guts tell us "bad bad bad vibes big bad wolf, bad person no trust "
Anyway I say all this to say
Imagine Dabi fucking doing that shit like sure Halloween isn't celebrated everywhere but like for funsies
It's Halloween, you're giving out candy, or at least trying to but it isn't a rich neighborhood so all the kids are in other places.
Dabi approaches you, you think he's simply a dedicated fanatic cause like
Why would a fucking criminal be out and about in the open public like that amirite? Especially with cops being more aware and shit, heroes too so like, that'd be fucking stupid.
Your vibes are acting up but like, hello it's Halloween and you're a gal, alone in a parking lot and this is a man approaching you. Sure you can protect yourself but you wouldn't want to go through such an ordeal you know?
You offer him some of your candy and he claims not to want any, which, sure I suppose. More for me when I go home. Trying to lift the awkwardness, you ask him what's up, if he's having a nice night and such and as he goes through the motions you notice he's quite handsome.
Still, Being cautious, you ask who he's dressed up as since he doesn't seem to have any intention of leaving but he hasn't proven any ill intention either. Of course, you already knew who he was dressed up as.
He smiles and you awkwardly look around
"I'm Dabi"
"Well nice details Dabi. Did you make the costume yourself? Doesn't seem store bought and you'd need special dedication for such material"
"nah, a friend made it for me." He puts his hands in his pockets as he kicks around some dirt. Confident in himself as he does a few turns. Finally ending his little...dance or whatever with a grin. A grin that didn't quite sit well at your core.
You sigh, becoming increasingly uncomfortable at all the awkward silence and space between his sentences
"well you certainly play the role of creepy really well let me tell ya" you laugh uncomfortably and he just smiles at you.
As if invited, he proceeds to sit next to you. Uncomfortably close.
You're starting to regret not telling this guy to fuck off at the first alarm in your head.
Dabi seems to notice how your anxiety grows. How you've tucked into yourself, your body facing away from him and your lips hidden. He smiles at your discomfort but stands up and with his hands at his side, he apologizes for overstepping while stepping back and gently bowing his head to you.
It...makes you feel bad. You're just..profiling him right? It's dark, it's late, if he wanted to do something apologizing for making you uncomfortable is the last thing some dumbass would do so you just.. "it's cool just uh....you know. Stranger danger.."
"true true. You have to be careful out there. You don't know who you could meet." He smiles at you and you give a smile back, although, obviously, an uncomfortable one.
"well I'll let ya be, It was nice talking to you..."
But you simply looked at him, not giving him your name, he caught on and simply nodded as he turned. clearly seeing the invitation to your name has been dismissed.
"bye bye"
Well clearly... That was it for that night. So you proceed to go home but mid journey, you decide it'd be a bad idea to just go home without knowing if he's following you. It's dark after all.
So you avoid home on the well lit, quite vivid street. Going to a seven eleven and simply buying a few instant meals. While you're looking through the tag stickers, you notice something at the corner of your eye-Through the convex mirror. You look but don't see anything out of the ordinary. This douche had officially creeped you out and now you're seeing things. You just want to go home now, but you don't want to be alone.. so you call a friend to see if they'll let you stay over to which they comply after hearing your discomfort.
Calling an Uber, you finally breathe a sigh of relief. Finally feeling safe once it arrives. As you sit and make yourself comfortable you spot something from the back seat through the drivers rearview mirror.
A silhouette.
A silhouette that looked horrifyingly familiar.
Starting to freak out, you text your friend, telling them you think you're being followed and not knowing what to do. They ask if you're certain and you tell them yes. They try to calm you down and say not to worry, they'll meet you with their boyfriend outside and go around the block so whoever's following you doesn't know where you're headed.
Anxiety building in your belly you can't wait to just get there and for this day to finally end.
AND THATS IT FOR TODAY FOLKS maybe forever cause I never finish what I start, thank you for your loving attention I'll see you later mwah mwah 💋 😘
I missed you greatly b! If I die from the guy I'm basing this off of just know you and your discord group were awesome friends, hilarious, and to listen to your guts ✌️ honor my documentary or whatever lmao
SECOND OF ALL, that experience of yours is so fucking creepyyyyy omfg? I mean, I'd like it if it was Dabi for sure but a man irl? Nope nope. Listen to your gut, gut feelings are REAL‼️ you never know the psycho next to you, acting all friendly just to make yall believe he is gold. So please watch outt 🤧
And third of alllll.....
How DARE you get me so hooked with your Halloween story and leave me like this?? That brain of yours is treasure, I love your ideas so much holy shit- now I'm in the mood for a creepy horror stories of Dabi x reader 😩😩😩 him stalking you for sure like a shadow, always behind you~
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yakool-foolio · 8 months
this is just a loser finding ways to partially vent but my story it's cringe, undeniably funny, and related to Danganronpa in ways So, uh yeah, if you want to read that'd be nice but if not I understand. When I say Danganronpa is the most impactful media I've ever consumed in my entire life I'm not joking.
I got into Danganronpa after GameGrumps played the first game in 2020, when they finished it I loved it so much I went on to watch someone else play Danganronpa 2. At the time my life was pretty awful, I was sort of becoming numb emotionally everything felt the same day after day, and it's stupid, but when Nagito Komaeda made me feel something after feeling so numb during that time I kind of got obsessed. It was so bad not only did I make myself so much lonelier, but I had to research hyper fixations to know I wasn't insane. So you could say Nagito caused me learning and acknowledging i'm autistic! Which sounds like a big impact until you hear the biggest one.
It was 2021 now, I was still obsessing over Nagito Komaeda and the fixation was so bad that I joined the fandom early before playing v3, Danganronpa on the Nintendo Switch was announced and I was eager and excited so I looked up a ton of reactions on Youtube. A day later Youtube recommended me a live stream, two guys were just joking and playing Danganronpa. My humor was changing but I knew that I laughed at their streams and videos so I stayed, I watched every stream I could and every video uploaded. Eventually I joined their Discord Server, I edit videos so after a while I asked the main owner of the channel for advice on videos and such, and then we bonded over some videos and songs like the v3 hated by life itself animation. After that I always thought of something to text to him every day, as a matter of fact we talked so much that I became behind on School because I'd be talking to him instead. After a while we started calling every day, and then we started face timing, and after that he had confessed to me. At the time I wasn't sure about my sexuality and I had repressed any attraction I felt for anyone out of "respect" So when he confessed to me I was able to think about it finally. It took me 3 days to think about my life and myself and I said yes and we started dating. We met in person 2 times, and dated for 2 years before he broke up with me a few months ago just because life has been hectic I suppose. The channel doesn't have any of its videos public anymore, the server is somehow barely alive for now despite one of the owners already leaving and the other just not talking much, and basically anything that came from all of it no one will know about other than the small group of mutuals that keep in touch and me making these. Most of those mutuals still don't even know that we ever dated. The channel is Emigc btw I think the only thing ever left public is someone reacting to a video he made on Danganronpa S.
anyway boohoo story sad ending but yeah that's how Nagito Komaeda helped me experience my first romantic love and know that i'm autistic, that's it. he's still funnily enough one of my favorite characters of all time i'm normal about him now at the very least Lmao. I finally got into Rain Code after the breakup since I got it for Christmas and it's stupid but it really does feel like the next step? if that makes sense? Danganronpa was the impact to my life, Rain Code is what I'm loving in the aftermath of what Danganronpa has done to my life. I honestly have loved Rain Code somehow even more than I loved Danganronpa, maybe not to the insane extent of Nagito though Lmao. Oh yeah, I also completely skipped over how Danganronpa helped me bond even more with my best friend who feels like a brother to me now but this is already long enough! I've just been making messages about what happened because those were the happiest years of my life and I miss it.
thanks for reading if you did
Goes to show that media really does have a grand effect on our daily lives. From my personal experience, I wouldn't have met any of my friend group, aptly named Ding Dong Bing Bong, without Danganronpa. Long story short, I started playing the first game after watching Game Grumps' playthrough of the 2nd game (and proceeded to spoil myself about the entire trilogy), and I did so in a Discord server. Someone ended up joining me during the start of the prologue, and we shared in voicing the characters. After a few days, another person joined, then another, then another. And now we're a tight huddle of ten after more than a year of playing games together!
It's interesting to hear how the Dangan series, Rain Code, and other media has affected other people as well. Meeting new people, discovering new things about ourselves, and watering our creative roots! Looking back on the moments can boost our spirits, too! I hope the future bodes well for you as you continue to enjoy your interests!
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
Ok, I have a question about your Midwestern au. And I've tried to figure the answer out by myself, but ???? So I figured I should just ask. When you say Midwestern, I feel like you mean, and other Americans infer, that phrase to mean something specific about, maybe, the people, or the attitudes, or whatever, that JUST DOESN'T TRANSLATE to non-americans such as myself. I mean, I've googled Midwest - wth, it's, like, the north-east? I don't get it. So can you explain, for the slower and less American of your readers? (It could very well just be me that doesn't get it!)
Yeah in America we treat regions of the US as completely different entities a lot of times so I can understand how it could be confusing to non-Americans, and I'm sorry about that. I genuinely don't mean to be presumptuous that everyone would get it, and you're not wrong for being confused. I'll try and kind of give a few quick ideas, but just bear in mind that America is Big and there's a lot of space even within States and regions for people to have completely different experiences.
Ok so midwestern life. I saw you say it looks more North-east on a map and you're not entirely wrong, but the reason it's considered a completely different region is for 2 things: how America was settled, and how drastically the land and agriculture changes as you move on toward the Ohio valley and the Mississippi (the river, not the State) and westward of the actual North-east. Along the north-east you got the coastline and a lot of sprawling metropolises, then you have the mountainous appalachians region that is world all its own. Midwesterners have nothing in common with either of those lol
While even within the midwest you do have some mountains and some valleys, the vast majority of what you see here is miles and miles (and fucking miles) of flat land. I mean you can go out to a field and look around and see a never ending horizon above absolutely nothing but flat corn and soybean fields and prairies as far as the eye can see. There's a certain beauty to it, but it's boring and we know it. Which is why we learn to make our own fun doing the really stupid shit like going mudding and getting hammered around bonfires in the middle of cornfields. Yeehaw lol
Now as for the attitude. There's is a very specific kind of midwestern attitude. Midwesterners are by and large just... nice. We're a surfacely nice people. Now that's not to say you won't run into rude people. Of course you can and absolutely will, we have our fair share of assholes and Karens and redneck racists and bigots like everyone else. But overall it's just A Thing of the midwest: be polite, be kind when you can, say your pleases and thank you's, and be mindful of the people around you.
It's not uncommon for a neighbor to shovel another's walkway if they get out to it first and have the time. It's downright expected of you to hold doors for people even when they're a bit behind (but not too far behind, because then they'd have to run to not make you wait because that'd be rude, and making them run or feel bad about making you wait would also be rude. You learn to feel it out with your heart). You step out of people's way the second you see them coming (and apologize for even being in the way in the first place 🥴). If you're walking along and make eye contact, smile and nod at strangers as you walk past, maybe drop a little "Mornin'/Afternoon/Evenin'" on the end to boot (depending where you are). It's just what you do. That's why a lot of times when midwesterners venture out into different parts of the US it's a bit of thump on the head experiencing just how Not Pleasant people can be.
There's a dark side to this habit.
In the same breath as I just said midwesterners are genuinely nice, we are also judgy as hell. And the problem is that we wrap all our snarkiness and judgemental sniping in that exact same ribbon of niceties. So outsiders will not usually be able to tell when a midwesterner is trying to, politely, tell you that you're boring or bothering them. Or that they think you're stupid. Or would literally gnaw off their arm to get away from you.
If a midwesterner says, "Alright I better let you go now," what you hear is "I'm enjoying this but I know you must be busy and I'm taking up all your time". What we mean is "Please leave me alone now, stop talking, go away." If you tell or show a midwesterner something and they reply with an "oh" that is looong and ends in a question sound? Know they are trying to think of what non-committal but pleasant thing they can say instead of what they're truly thinking, which is that they hate everything about it. And they will be talking shit about it and you to someone else later 🥴. It's from that understanding that you need to realize if midwesterners can do anything, it's read a room. We often get portrayed on tv and movies as being simpletons who are so innocent and oh gosh golly gee wiz we just don't understand don't cha know 😒 No. We are born and raised learning to listen to what people aren't saying in their words. We are raised knowing quite often the nicest person in town is the one you need to watch out for cuz they're the nastiest mf as soon as you're out of earshot. We speak and live in subtleties that are usually cloaked in manners and niceties. Cuz even when you hate a mf, you don't wanna come off as rude.
Now again I say this with a reminder to read this as mostly anecdotal because everyone has different experiences. America is so goddamn big you can never truly generalize anything about anywhere here to any degree of perfect accuracy. In my State alone you could drive for 5 hours straight and not even leave the State, so obviously that leaves a lot of room for people to live very different kinds of lives with wide ranging experiences. But as a generalization, that's a very brief understanding of what I mean by midwestern.
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crystalelemental · 1 year
I've finally had the time to read through your Pokemon Team characterization! Gen 5 was when I realized that, maybe the Pokemon team and the arrangement actually had something to tell about the characters, but reading through your characterization made me realize that perhaps that already happened a lot sooner than I thought! Thank you for writing all of those, I had fun reading them.
Steven was the trainer that made me want to add Skarmory to my team. Raising it was rough since it's purely defensive, but I had a good experience having it. The Claydol setting the screens...I still remember my Emerald team almost getting defeated because my 10-years old brain didn't understand why his Metagross took less damage from my Blaziken. But yeah, Steven's Emerald battle was so much fun, and I agree his ORAS fight is kind of a downgrade.
I also like your analysis of Cynthia's team, and I very much agree with them. No matter what team she's using, she'll always be a challenge and difficult to defeat...that Double Team-spamming Spiritomb, I hate it. And the fact that I had to raise my own Garchomp just to counter hers in my Shining Pearl playthrough said a lot about how strong her ace is.
And your Hop team analysis...I love it so much! I think the story and characterization behind his team composition are more apparent than the others, especially because he takes center stage in Gen 8. That doesn't mean it's a bad thing, I like it. He's one of my most favorite rivals alongside N and Hau, so I am very happy when you did a post of him.
I read through Whitney and the Poison specialists too, they're all great! This makes me want to request some as well, but feel free to take your time and do it whenever you want to. I was going to request N's BW final fight team and B2W2 seasonal teams but realized that'd be way too much to work on, so...Morty and Zinnia! For Morty, you can do his GSC or HGSS, or B2W2 version, your choice.
I'm honestly interested to see what your characterization analysis of their team will tell about them, especially Morty (other than the fact that Johto doesn't have that much Ghost Pokemon selection he resorted to the Gengar line).
There's a lot, so I'll respond fully under the cut.
In completely fairness, I'm making up a lot. None of this is confirmed, but the idea is to showcase that you can make stuff up, and that's the basis of developing a character back in those times. Gen 5 was the first character-centric game where they really had a lot to work with, and Gen 7, oddly enough, really emphasized character moments to the point you have a pretty effective idea. But before that, you just cobbled together, and I really wanted to see more of that than just the Red and Blue favoritism stuff, so I decided to try my hand at this. I'm glad it seems to be at least somewhat popular, given how some of them got a decent response outside of my immediate sphere.
I was kinda surprised that his first ORAS fight is exactly the same. Like, it's almost the same movesets. Which is kinda funny, the way things change just by mechanics and movepools. But yeah, I really love the Emerald team, definitely my current favorite fight.
Cynthia's generally tough. I haven't done the BW or BW2 fights in a long time, so I don't remember them too well, but I can't imagine it's any easier. And...yeah, my opinion on BDSP is low, but I think as a good example of "Cynthia is always really weak to setup," Cresselia swept both of her big rematches in my game. Cresselia is stupid good as a Calm Mind setter.
Hop's felt slightly like cheating because we know so much about him, but it seemed to go over well with Hop fans, so I'll take the win.
Whitney's...might have been my favorite so far? Because there's so little to go off of. Well...okay, no, Geeta's was my favorite because I have an ulterior motivation (being contrary), but Whitney felt the most cobbled together from stuff we don't know. Which I think was more fun.
I can do all three. No promises on turnaround time, but I'll give each a try. And hey, great news! Morty's in a similar bracket to Whitney, and I don't actually know much about Zinnia! So this will be cobbling together nonsense real good.
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luxshine · 1 year
Going back to Stranger Things 3 and the episode opens with my favorite squad, the Scoops ahoy team, aka. the anti-russian squad, aka. the ones with one working brain -that'd be Robin's- and the collective braincell that the other squads don't use -that'd be Dustin's.
And yep, as I said, Dustin has the working braincell. Steven must be so proud of his little adoptive son even if they are in a deep shit situation.
Meanwhile back with the not-emotionally stable adult squad, I really wish Joyce had accepted Hooper's offer for a job. At least then she'd had a gun.
Coming from RRR, the fact that I have now again a series that has a serious lack of communication due to different languages is hilarious. But at the same time, stupid russians, they should send only agents who can, and will speak english to be able to be unnoticed by the local police.
Oh, finally a russian who speaks english.
A russian who has obviously seen a lot of copaganda shows because if there's one thing that cops love to do is shoot people, armed or not (yes, I know Hooper wouldn't shoot him, but still)
Is Russian guy's name Terminator? I feel it should be Terminator.
Oh, hey, Nancy AND Jonathan have finally clued in that there's something wrong going on.
Joyce trying to communicate with the Russian is hilarious.
I KNOW that the show is trying to shove the Hooper/Joyce ship but Hooper is not doing his work for it to work with me.
I LOVE that Max is the one who cares for El when Mike is just, in Max's words, BLA BLA BLA. Count me as the lone El/Max shipper because those two make more sense than El/Mike.
Will needs better friends, and better taste in men.
Dustin is a bit too dramatic. And a bad shipper because Robin and Steve is no going to happen. They;re siblings.
UGH. Robin I agree.
I take away what I said about Erica's braincell. She is not smart if she is planning to drink a glowing green neon stuff that doesn't say Gatorade on the bottle.
Go Steve super Nanny!
I really don't think Alexei is going to survive the hiking trip. But he's far more sympathetic than Hooper right now.
Oh, the bavarian fire drill with Todd was fun.
Robin is a nerd too. I love her. Steve needs to start learning to speak his child's language.
Jonathan and Nancy are not that good as babysitters. They don't even look comfortable with the Children's squad.
I see that Will is the one with custody of the collective braincell right now.
Murray speaks Russian! Wow. And he has gone a bit more paranoid than before. Not that I blame him.
Joyce Wheeler is the BAMF. I don't think she will like to know that Murray got her baby to sleep with Nancy.
The Anti-Russian Squad is amazing. They're in deep shit, but they're amazing. Of all the groups in this season, they're the ones who had advanced their part of the campaign the most. And all they have is cute uniforms, a walkie talkie, a unicorn bagpack, and gumption.
Robin using the only words in Russian she knows was great. Steve doing his usual Super Nanny adrenaline moment was perfect. And Dustin being so happy because his adoptive dad won a fight? AWWWW.
Also, I see Russia has no awareness check, or they all botched it because man, the anti-Russian squad is NOT good at hiding.
SIgh, And Jonathan is back in the clutches of Nancy. SIGH.
Lucas is worse at romantic advice than Steve and I thought that was a record.
Fuck. The Flayed are stronger than usual, I see. And now Nancy has a VERY good reason to go postal on her coworkers.
Will is a good friend. Mike doesn't deserve his love and loyalty.
OTOH, the Mind Flayer has a good strategy. You control the media, you control the world. (Not that the media he is controlling was that good)
Yeah, Jonathan is not as good as Super Nanny Steve. Who I know I promoted to Adoptive Dad, so I need to make that official. Congratulations, Dustin, your Super Nanny evolved into Adoptive Dad.
IF Nancy and Jonathan end up flayed while Mike is making puppy eyes at Eleven, I will scream.
Hivemind problems... you don't keep a body that your heroine has NO reason to keep alive.
THAT was very cathartic.
Oh, wow, FINALLY the kids notice. And of course, it was Will, not the lovey couples.
All I have to say is YUCK at the Mind Flayer's sort of real form. It is VERY uhm... Have you seen the game Deadly Premonition? It reminds me of the red vines that appear in the other world there.
And well, now it's time to get this in gear as there are only 3 episodes left in the series before I get to Stranger Things 4
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