#and someone being like: theyre both harmful!!!!
skitskatdacat63 · 3 months
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The final boss of caffeine addiction
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bugbuoyx · 11 months
Other trans people are not your enemy.
This goes for both trans women & fems and trans men & mascs. There are popular trans women twitter accounts telling young trans women that trans men do not care about them and simultaneously denying trans men face any transphobia, there are popular trans men on tumblr telling young trans men that trans women do not care about our oppression, pointing to the lack of talk about murdered trans men as proof.
And some of these points are fair, we should listen to each other more about our struggles. But you are making that difficult. Do you think a trans woman wants to listen to someone who accuses all trans women of hating trans men and not caring about our struggles? Do you think trans men want to listen to someone who says tells people that trans men are future terfs and will never care about trans womens struggles?
Are we not all just sides of the same dice? Are we not all facing oppression from transphobes? Terfs write books about how trans men are mutilating themselves and articles about predatory trans women in bathrooms, republicans fund legislation targeting trans surgeries and hormones, which affects all of us.
And even if we did not face the same struggles, why are we divided? Again, are we not all the same, simply trying to be ourselves in our own bodies? We can each talk about our own struggles, the difficulties we face and the joys we experience without the opposite being true of the other, infact more often than not it's extremely similar and I think we'd benefit from listening to each other more.
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royaltrios · 9 months
chsc and willingly surrendering bodily autonomy… both of them exhibit forms of self harm through becoming monstrous. foul legacy being difficult to maintain, (parts literally peeling away in that last fontaine cutscene?? falling to pieces..) + sc tearing himself up physically from shouki no kami? (immediately giving up and going limp upon the strings snapping?) both so against the concept of weakness it manifests physically… thinkge.
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 months
can you do slashers x s/o who is cruel to others but nice to him
Michael, Jason, Brahms x reader who is mean to everyone but them
have to bake a cake soon and i am lowkey not looking forward to it- though i may be thinking that now because at the moment i am bone tired LMAO notes: reader is gn, short post cws: none
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you two are made for each other, being in the same boat- youre the only person hes really nice to, and hes the only person youre nice to
sure, calling his behavior nice is a stretch but hes yet to kill you or harm you in any way... leagues better than anyone else who has crossed paths with him
vaguely finds you amusing and interesting when you switch from being sweet with him to snarling at someone who dared to look at you wrong
there isnt much to say here! the two of you share similar energy, sometimes you both kind of just silently bristle over someone who was rather... irritating that day.. whether it be a victim or someone at the store
doesnt quite know how to feel about it but youre never nasty to him so ultimately hes not too concerned about it
depending on whats going on he may lightly disapprove some of the things you say but hes not going to stop you
though if he agrees with some of the nasty things you say to someone who deserves it... hes silently agreeing, assuming hes not already marching over to put an end to them- more likely than not theyre not supposed to be anywhere near the camp in the first place... so they have this coming! your words are just added punishment for not staying away!
if youre on the vulgar side he may pause for a moment, especially if this is a new side to you hes never really seen... its just a bit of a shock is all!
it makes him feel special and the fact that you treat him so well in comparison to others goes to his head- like a lot
sure you dont interact with many people outside of him, really you just talk to the grocery boy if youre not talking to brahms... but hes more than pleased when youre so obviously not interested in wasting your time on the man
watches from the wall with a satisfied smirk as you let a hiss slip through your teeth as the man tries to strike a conversation with you
now does he think you sometimes come off as rude and have no manners? yes, but that first bullet overshadows those thoughts, besides brahms himself can be a bit... rude himself as well so really he doesnt have much room to talk
also gives him reassurance that youre not going anywhere because why would you be around those you hate?
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delphientropy · 3 months
as well as why! i'll add on as i go!:)
we do NOT condone harassment, please just block.
includes: pro/endos, radqueer, transID, anti good faith, and more!! XP
first off, so were on the same page, what are these and why are they bad?
pro/endos: try to demedicalize a dissociative disorder, claim you can be a system without trauma, more info here 👉 [X] [X] (both are carrds that link multiple sources) (sorry they didnt save ill put it in later)
radqueer: these are people who transIDs (transage, transrace, etc. these people claim to identify as a different race or even pretend to "transition" into being disabled like transautistic) or ARE them.
anti good faith: good faith identities are basically identities made in good faith. this tends to encompass "contradictory" identities such as lesboys and other mspec identities. anti good faith people police gender and sexuality identities and invalidate these peoples experiences and try to exclude them from spaces or tell them what THEIR sexuality is. dont be misguided into thinking you're doing good if you exclude these people, its splitting up the lgbtq+ community, and thats what they (TERFs, anti-lgbtq+) want us to do.
now onto the blocklist!:)
radfems, TERFs, and transmeds
pach1-pach1 (deleted his dni but befor it was deleted it said that they support vivzie, are anti xenogenders and neoprns iirc, and anti good faith. a reply on my post abt telling ppl to block them also said theyre a transmed, so did another account. theyve also been seen harassing anti endos despite claiming to be it himself) (they own syspunk-is-anti-endo-losers as well)
analog-transid (also transID, as implied in the name) (they run the blog alters-in-a-box which is one of those alter pack things)
whore-hangout (its 18+ as implied keep yourself safe)
cardsoffools (harassed me and told me to kms 🫶)
fools-temps (run by cardsoffools)
maskaphiliax (also transID, also they have alfreds playhouse in their banner so please be safe)
kowalapantheon (also a.. "plural aligned singlet?") (headmate blogs are nonexistent-loli, trans-obsessive-love-disorder, ex-harmful-transpeaceful)
forced-silence (18+, lots of violence, please beware on their page)
zomb-bunny (also think they harassed someone??? i cant remember or find the post)
parxgender (also ace exclusive, anti pan/omni, and anti mogai)
yourfavehatesmspeclesbians (because god forbid someone have a complex relationship with gender and sexuality.)
pollingsystems (also doesnt believe in transandrophobia. wtf.)
anti-lies (spreads misinformation that can be paranoia-inducing)
theinfernalcollective (claims that bullying isnt valid enough to be a system) (TRAUMA IS TRAUMA.)
disys (same as above)
permababy (transID, doesnt label themself as radqueer but does reblog it)
problema-non-grata (pro transID discourse blog)
thefakersystem (demonizes systems and those with personality disorders, anti good faith, fakeclaimer (literally, fakeclaims EVERYONE.) harasses people minding their own business, overall the worst asshole i think ive ever blocked. dear fucking lord.)
cringey-systems (dumbbb dumb baby fakeclaimer doesnt think systems are real dumb idiot baby man who reblogs systems and calls them fake because they have no life ♡)
(people who make ID packs for people to "create" their own headmates, all are pro endo, radqueer, and transID)
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could i request for a hero x villain dating but neither of them know theyre hero/villain until like villain unmasks hero and oops! thats their partner of like a year. or maybe the hero makes a huge sacrifice by unmasking themselves..either way, i leave it up to you!! thanks!
The hero leaned their head back, smiling, and god, the early morning light hit their face just right. More at peace than anything else, they enjoyed the moment and despite the blood on their neck or their bruises on their fingers, they seemed happy. The villain could only watch in awe, astonished that this was the person they were dating. At least that took their mind off the fact that they were sitting on the edge of a rooftop.
“This is really unfortunate,” they said. “I didn’t see this coming at all.”
It wasn’t sarcasm and the villain knew that feeling. Shock at first, denial right after and somewhere along the way, anger and frustration mixed together. But what was there to say? What could one make of this?
One thing was quite clear; everything had changed.
“I think I should apologise, then. I’m the bad guy here.” The hero turned towards them, their face still calm, still beautiful.
“Darling, we’ve been in this for long enough to know that it’s not black and white,” the hero said. They gazed into the distance, thinking. “Isn’t it funny? We found each other in both our lives.”
They looked down, probably drowning in their own thoughts. The hero had a talent for that. Being patient.
“This makes everything a lot more difficult, though. We agreed that work is work and home is home. But now work isn’t just work anymore and home isn’t just home. Home is work and work is home and I don’t want to, no, I cannot—”
“Love,” the hero interrupted them, “I am not mad at you. God, I cannot blame you for keeping it a secret. I did too. And I know why. This isn’t a violation of trust, this is a question of protection. Who on earth would tell anyone that they’re a superhero? Who would tell them they’re a villain? I cannot be mad at you, we both made a choice.”
“This is jeopardising our relationship,” the villain reminded them. “We’ll fight here because we have to and we’ll fight at home because there is nothing else to do. Just thinking about the pain I caused…I can’t believe that it was me all along who scarred you.”
“I love you, you know? We can figure this out,” the hero said quietly.
The villain could only sigh.
What if they could not? There was no way the villain would give up on their job, they loved the hero, truly, deeply loved them but if they quit, others would take advantage of it and either expose their identity or make sure they would wake up in a coffin the next day.
Giving up their power meant giving up their protection and their own vulnerability would harm the hero as well.
“Christ, I can’t do this…” they mumbled. They looked at their feet, feeling the world spin around them. This was it, this was the end of their relationship and the hero still tried to solve it.
It was true, the world wasn’t black and white but this wasn’t really grey either.
“We can figure this out, I promise,” the hero said. “Calm down, my love.”
“I can’t,” the villain whispered and they came to the tedious conclusion that they were crumbling inside. Hadn’t they deserved this one person? Hadn’t they deserved this one home that didn’t scare them? Hadn’t they deserved to sleep next to someone without having nightmares? It fell to ashes right before their eyes, running like sand through their fingers.
Tears burnt in their eyes. Having someone in their house, in their bed who worked against them, who could use them…the villain couldn’t stand the thought. Conflicts at home were hard for them and they often caught themselves being manipulated by people they loved. The hero wasn’t like that but now the hero had the potential to become that. The first tears were rolling down their face by the time they had realised it.
“Love…” The hero’s voice was careful now, trying not to cross any lines.
“I think we should take a break,” the villain whispered and in the hero’s eyes, they could see theirs and their very own soul breaking.
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ikkosu · 6 months
IKKO, very very important question 🫡💚. How would Pharma act if both him and maybe Tarn or prowl (your choice🫶) were after one persons affection
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RAGGHH 🛐🛐🛐 MORNING COMPY!!! :D ❤️❤️❤️❤️🫂🫂
Important question indeed. And of the highest order too 😺☝️ long ramble below because I love those two to bits !!
I wasn't sure if you meant love triangle or individually 😭
Prowl wouldn't act on his affections. He'd hide it at first. And would would battle a long churning conflict between his logical side and his feelings — over countless cubes of engex Ratchet would diagnose him dead after
Mister-cold-to-the-bones-I'd-rather-die-than-ever-smile would definitely manipulate your surroundings to get him closer to you.
He'll move your schedule around, your seat placement (no harm in a little thigh touching, eh?) Maybe even discussing with Optimus about your 'work ethics' so he can flunk out your current superior to take his place. Yeah, sure. Totally because they were under performing. Totally.
He knows you yap alot, ranting about things in general so he purposely dawdles by until you notice him and just,,run your mouth
He pretends he's grumbling, saying it's wasitng his time but he's literally recording EVERYTHING you say so he can recharge to it at night (poor little pookie has nightmares, :( doesn't have anyone to coax him)
And you're always so surprised when he remembers an obscure fact about you,,,like sir,,,that's,,,a little 😅 um
but still you chalk it up to him being the strategic officer in charge of information, so not surprised that he knows
Despite his blatant attitude to you, you really don't fucking know what's his problem. Does he hate you? Does he think you're that bad at your job hes finally taking reign over your responsibilities?
So, confusing. He's like,,,got this stare that borders between his usual scowl and a squint.
And while you think you're about to get demoted, it usually means he's saving a picture of you in his processors. 😭😭 And a little note for it too (new shirt today, very nice.)
He's the type to be so stoned up and cold when he's approaching you, but the moment you smile at him (while imperceptible to you) Internally he feels like hauling himself off a bridge
Why do you exist, if not to make a fool out of him?!???2!#(
Pathetic pining. 100 percent
Doctor pharma on the other hand,,,,just invades your boundaries
🤨he's lucky he's naturally charming, you're not even suspecting why he's suddenly more interested in your wound stitching skills.
He's got his servos on you and guiding you through it and shit, whispering into your ear : "good little pet" for following his instructions to a t. He's obvious about his affections but not so vocal because while he recognizes hes caught some feelings for you there's no way he's going to be the one admitting it
So he showers you with gifts, flowers, and chocolates, waiting for the day you're going to realize what it all means.
Nope. You don't. Because a) you either think he's messing with you, ratchet did say he's kind of a flirt to everyone b) pharma being pharma c) asking you to cover another late night shift, which coincidentally, gets you stuck with him
Like prowl, since he's your superior, there's going to be a lot of schedule tampering and unlike Prowl he gets jealous, very easily.
(Prowl does get jealous. Nobody really likes him and he thinks you're obv going to like someone that's wayyy more genial and warmer than what he is. But he keeps it to himself because at least you're interacting with him)
Pharma gets,,, obvious about his jealousy in a very passive aggressive way which sometimes gives way to physical confrontations (pulling you away by your waist, getting in between you and the meh you're talking with, shooting daggers at the person who so much as to praise you)
Messy, messy doctor.
Oughhh so much things to add. Okay but more wholesomely, theyre both the type to put a blanket over you wen you're asleep at your desk, or giving you a drink when you're tired. Basically the tiny acts of kindness that's makes me go oughhh 🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭
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kusuokisser · 1 year
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it definitely took kokomi some getting used to. at first she was kind of hurt by just how often kusuo would deny her requests or disagree with her, but after a while she started understanding it from a new perspective. he's not being disrespectful, in fact he's being exactly the opposite. he's showing her that his love is not based on his perception of her, but rather on who she truly is. the time they spend with eachother isn't based on a desire to worship kokomi, but the activities they enjoy with each other and a genuine appreciation for the time spent with one another. of course, kusuo's going to have to do some things he may not want to do, but so is kokomi. in a relationship between two people regarded as higher beings for once they can regard someone as their equal. and thats everything to them.
they teach eachother to be open in different ways. kusuo teaches kokomi that it's okay to be negative sometimes, that she's not any less of a person for getting upset. he teaches her that the most perfect person she can be is her authentic self, and that having negative emotions is natural and doesn't make her worse in any way. just like how kokomi teaches saiki to look at things from a more positive perspective, she helps him learn to see the beautiful side of things he once regarded as ugly. she teaches him that being kind and accepting people into his bubble will not harm him, and will in fact make him all the better.
they bring out each other's most authentic selves. theyre both terrified of being so open about the worst parts of themselves but not once does the other judge them. they think that the other is all the more beautiful for it. they accept each other's flaws and find them endearing in a way.
their love for eachother is soft and gentle, it's something they can always return to for comfort and oftentimes do.
kokomi helps kusuo to be vulnerable, even if just with her. she provides a safe space for him to be his truest self without even a shred of disregard. she shows him that she cares and that no matter what he does she will not love him any less for it. she shows him how it feels to be accepted for his powers and not to be made into anything for having them. not a monster, not a god, not selfish, not selfless, nothing. she lets him define himself, not his powers.
(me copying the text from my reblog and editing it into the original post spitefully)
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walnutcookie · 3 months
What have you been thinking about lately? (:
i have been thinking about walnut so much lately.. more specifically her character development as well as her relationship to both roguefort and her mother. ill focus on her and roguefort more in this post though :] im gonna try to be comprehensible in this one but thisll be a doozy
reblogs ok!
what i find interesting is that in every case we've seen walnut and roguefort BESIDES their release event, walnut has always defended them. In the butter painting affair she knew that they would have left a calling card, in the lost holiday she knew that they wouldnt have done any harm to eggnog cookie, and in face the trial she knew they wouldnt have stolen something with such little value. Theres a big contrast between her first interaction with them in their release event and how she treats them from that point on, and its clear that they dont have quite the rivalry that was shown in that first event. Walnut isnt nipping at their heels every chance she gets lol
i think that from the start, roguefort has always been fond of her,, in a mentor or parental way almost; they see her potential. they see her skill. they want to watch her grow, to see her learn from her mistakes and become a better detective and a better person. in the lost holiday the calling card was a gift itself - they know how much she loves doing detective work and they want to encourage her, though if they break character then the game isnt fun anymore and it feels less genuine ,, so they observe her from a distance. I do think that they wish they could care for her more but they have to be discreet about it since theyre. yknow. A thief and supposed to be her most hated rival (be weird abt these two btw and i will eat your fingers)(dont ship them)
i dont know if this was intended to be canon or not, but thinking about how roguefort left in their release event feels,,, strange? If the boat was far enough from the docks that nobody was trying to stop them, then surely they couldve escaped with the jewel still in their hands. sure, they threw to distract everyone and allow them to escape, but there was a Whole crowd of people there ? if walnut had caught the gem, someone else could have jumped onto the boat and caught them. i like to interpret it as them trying to reward walnut. While they werent going to turn themself over just like that, they wanted to give her a prize for being smart enough to solve their puzzle. They wanted to encourage her by giving her back the gem, even if Cheesecake had a spare and nothing would have really changed if they had kept it :]c
heres my interpretation of them, and its mainly based off of the lines "One logical answer always exists!" "One logical answer? Sounds rather... dull."
in the start, walnut did consider them rivals. She was pretty young at the time and still figuring the world out so she saw them basically as a supervillain, basically just a person filled with pure evil intent and thats... Obviously not who they are. but little wawer just saw someone stealing and went Ah evil!! Evil!!!!! you are WRONG and you must be STOPPED!!! And thus their rivalry began. Also why she was so bitter towards them in the first event :]
in the events of search for lost time/pursuit of lost time, though - and keep in mind, this is completely based on my own headcanons since we hardly know anything abt these costumes - walnut realizes a shift in their behavior. At some point, they even put their own life on the line just to save her... would an evil, cruel person really do something like that? Why would they risk themself to save her when all shes ever done is try to have them arrested?
this is when she starts to realize that not everything in the world is black and white. Not everything has one logical answer. What is rogueforts motive? that is one messy question with multiple answers and none of them are logical. This also goes into my headcanons with her relationship with almond but thats for another ask heehee... Walnut starts to realize other things, too. Roguefort always leaves a calling card, and theyre always incredibly polite to everyone, even the authorities,, of course thats just phantom thief stuff but she realizes that they really arent just some villain. Theres much more to them than some urge to cause mischief and steal from others. in my timeline, all of the other events take place after search for lost time/pursuit of lost time, and this is where walnut starts to defend them rather than just try to chase them.
At this point, i dont think walnut wants to see them behind bars anymore. that was pretty clear when she was distraught at the sentence cappuccino gave them. i think shes conflicted about them. She wants to know the truth about who they are, and why theyre doing everything. She wants to see them change - for them to start doing good. but at the same time, she doesnt. at the same time,,, roguefort is one of the only ones who takes her seriously
Almond is the most guilty of this, and ill elaborate on that in another post, but oh Boy does he make walnut feel worthless and dumb. walnut is always trying to act more mature, more professional and less child-like despite Very much being a child, first example off the top of my head being her not wanting to decorate her office for the holidays and also the way that she always calls almond by his name instead of mom/mother(or dad/father if we're not talking about my hcs lol). She doesnt want to be treated like a child. and to some extent, yeah, people baby her!! almond told cappuccino he was scared that shed eat a Rotten jelly are you fucking kidding me ? (dont even get me started on the one twitter art where hes worried that roguefort kidnapped walnut i do Not consider that canon because from what weve seen abt how he acts towards roguefort?? No the fuck he wouldnt????) he didnt want her to be involved in the butter painting affair because it was "dangerous" despite it basically being identical to other theft cases shes dealt with and there wasnt any violence to begin with. in her story even, people usually let her investigate just because shes cute which.. works in her favor but also FRUSTRATING because its only because shes a kid. almond is always talking about how worried he is that she'll get into trouble and YES she is a child she does need some sort of supervision but shes also so much smarter than people give her credit for. she has so much potential thats being wasted purely because people think shes too young, though at the same time, i think walnut overestimates herself. i think that because of the lack of support she gets from almond and other adults in her life she tries to go above and beyond to Prove that shes better than she actually is and that shes worthy of being a detective and taking on more cases and ends up getting hurt because of it (cough sflt). she tries to act more mature because she wants people to take her seriously but she is a Child and thus people will just look at her and go "Aww! what a cute little detective :)"
i think that the reason why shes so involved with rogueforts cases is because theyre the only one who takes her seriously. They do tease her about it - this is seen throughout all of the events but most specifically in the first one when she gets upset at them calling her "little detective." though they still take her seriously. They see the skill she has now, and they dont just see what she could be in the future. theyre more focused on supporting her now and giving her encouragment and more puzzles to solve rather than babying her and telling her she'll be a great detective someday like everyone else. thats especially important to walnut considering almond does Not show her the same support and is more often restricting her and trying to get her to stop
if roguefort were to stop, to be arrested or to decide that their life of crime was over, walnut wouldnt have that support anymore. Thats terrifying to her. while she does want what is best, there is also a part of her thats a little selfish and just wants things to stay the same forever.
idk where to put this but im elaborating more on her wanting to learn more about them. because really she shows a much deeper understanding and respect than most other characters despite them being her supposed rival ? Lost holiday in specific was so funny because she was so chill with them like "yeah i know you probably didnt do it lol i just needed to have u here just in case" ANYWAYS just the fact that she keeps standing up for them is enough to show how much respect she has for them. The general public is SO cruel and dehumanizing towards them through either idolization or vilification or both at the same time and shes one of the few who actually treat them like a person. she doesnt like it when people are unnecessarily cruel to them, like almond insisting that she stays out of the butter painting affair despite them not committing the crime or her reaction to the harsh jail sentence cappuccino gave them. Both almond and cappuccino are characters who are very close and friendly with her, might i add, and yet she still wants to protect roguefort. She knows that they deserve so much more than how the public and how authorities treat them, thief or not.
anywasy yeah um. In summary. i think that the two lines "One logical answer always exists!" "One logical answer? Sounds rather... dull." symbolize them quite nicely ... roguefort is a motivation for her, a mentor disguised as a rival. they teach her more about the world and detective work. they made her realize that not everything is black and white and taught her to people and situations in more complicated shades of gray. and i think that it goes the other way, too - in a world where roguefort is so Deeply misunderstood and misjudged, walnut tries to stand up for them and does understand them, to a degree. better than anyone else at least. she gives them hope.
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l0viez · 2 years
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Back again with another dumbass "imagine sagau fics"
Im going crazy either way its fine. Anyways imagine having MEGAN in a Sagau fanfic lmao, (if you havent watched the movie yet , i 97% recommend!)
Imagine having MEGAN as a gift or just a comfort "toy" to have gifted by someone and ever since that day you guys became like twins , technically glued to eachother☠️
Being in a SAGAU with MEGAN is like having a bulletproof bodyguard
Devoted Followers, Vessels, Personal Bodygaurd, Worshipper Who??? I only know MEGAN
Whenever theres someone trying to attack you aka their "grace" , MEGAN will slice their throat in half in like 0.1 faster than xiao teleporting to traveller whenever they call his name/hj
Your "followers" in teyvat WILL glare at MEGAN and if you tell them to leave MEGAN alone MEGAN will smirk at them like "I win btch" but if you just brush it off or like laugh it off MEGAN will death glare at them back
MEGAN has the "grace's right hand" privileges, Shes like your co-worker or vice-president or sum LMAO
The non humans (yk like Archons,, Venti, Zhongli, Ei, Xiao, Ganyu, and etc) would be like salty or envy over the fact you hang out with MEGAN and has more trust on MEGAN than them, like they has been worshipping you for what?? 99999+ years, centuries?? what did that "doll" do to gain your attention like that??😦
I feel like the ones that would accept MEGAN whole heartedly and would love her /p is the childrens or the teens,, if that makes sense😭 ! (Klee, Diona, Qiqi, Sayu, YaoYao, Dori, Xiangling, Noelle, Collei, Fischl, Bennet and more)
Since MEGAN has that fighting skills noelle would probably ask MEGAN for some advice so she can be apart of the KOF (as usual) ! and MEGAN would use her "robotic skills" and just give out noelle the whole description on how to fight and stuff it probs took like 3-6hours for MEGAN to finish bc noelle wants to know alot😭
It would be more cooler if like MEGAN plays genshin or like knows all the lore and characters (the power she holds☠️)
Whenever you sneak out, go on a meeting, went out to buy some stuff , went to travel you bet your ass MEGAN will be beside u 24/7 even if the mobs dont attack you MEGAN would still be on gaurd to make sure nothing harms you
MEGAN would play some songs back in your world if you feel stressed out by the work and responsibilities
MEGAN would make a deal with the fatui or the abyss to secretly spy on you where ever or whenever you go (its not like you will leave without her🫣!!!)
MEGAN gives me that platonic yandere vibes so if you ever have "secret admirers" , MEGAN would scan that letter properly and find your admirers house and "talk" to them nicely to stop bothering you
MEGAN would have that resting bitch face on 24/7 but whenever you talk to her she would look so bubbly and nice, but whenever your not around shes so close on choking the people that has been "eyeing" you whenever you breathe, theyre lucky that you told MEGAN to not harm anyone
MEGAN wouldnt give a damn fck about visions, like she would think its useless but the fatui would give her a delusion either way😭👆🏻 (you requested it)
MEGAN would find a way to either destory teyvat or make a portal to make you both go back home cause she doesnt plan on sharing you with anyone any time soon shes only having thin patience around these mfs , but she has to play nice for now😄‼️
you both somehow got teleported in genshin, idk how maybe MEGAN like heard you say you wanted to go to teyvat and MEGAN is like "im a robot i can do technology i can do portal shit lets go"
so now here you both are, eating soup in a small little camp and some fruit giving by some monsters you two met along the way! isnt that nice:')))
You had abit of wound, you were thinking you would have more wound than the wounds you got but suprise suprise MEGAN protected your sorry ass
looks like MEGAN has to train harder but good thing she still have some tricks on her sleeves
MEGAN doesnt mind threatening off a few "side characters" so you two would survive
MEGAN would send death threats to the "creator//the real imposter" and she would have it in like some of the archon's handwriting without signing (bc in the movie she managed to make a masterpiece of a drawing like zamn😭)
MEGAN would give out fake informations and will say its from the "creator//the real imposter" so they would believe it but it will take like a 1-2 year from them to realized that someone has been spreading fake informations
MEGAN would sneak in the academy and do some chaos in any technology plans they have just to make distractions and give you time to get like items you both might need
If the fatuis know your the real creator and take you both in, MEGAN would only help out the fatuis by giving out personal informations of other characters that they call themselves "devoted worshippers"
MEGAN would probably be great friends with Sandrone & scaramouche
MEGAN would be "friendly friendly" with dottore just to get more technology uses😭
MEGAN has thoughts on just beating the shit out of childe (and probably dottore) but she choose not because she doesnt have time to play around with "childe-rens" and has to be by your side 24/7
but If the abyss finds you both first
ofc they would take you both in and MEGAN would also share some tips or advice to defeat those vision users
The abyss sibling would ask your permission to take MEGAN with them from time to time to set out their plan on destorying teyvet and the people who wronged you
MEGAN was abit hesitant at first cause like,, leaving you alone with the abyss? Naur..
But then you insisted that MEGAN should go with aether (also so you can go explore the abyss abit without MEGAN breathing behind your neck😭)
MEGAN would be a trump card for the abyss like if the traveller sees their abyss sibiling with MEGAN, MEGAN would glare at them, if glaring can kill people traveller would have been dead already
and if traveler shares what he saw when he saw his sibiling to like,, someone they would probably go like "yo wait isnt that the kid with the imposter?!"
If people in teyvat finally get to their senses that the "creator" in the throne is the real imposter
they would hunt you and MEGAN down (again) but with "good intentions"
you and MEGAN would troll these bitches
MEGAN would sing creepy songs while theyre haunting at the dark
you and MEGAN will only go out at night but if theres a squad looking for you both
MEGAN would be hella overprotective and going infront of you with her weapon out while glaring at them
"Your grace!"
"Tsk. little bugs like you shouldn't show yourself infront of your "grace""
MEGAN wouldn't HESITATE too ROAST them.
and you would be laughing inside bc of it too
if ever you get recrowned as the "creator" and the real imposter gets jailed up
MEGAN will TOTURE that bitch whenever your sleeping
those "devoted followers" of yours would look at MEGAN and be like
"damn i wish i was her"
MEGAN will be your loyal bodyguard and right hand
why would you need those people when you have MEGAN who sticked with you even when you were still so young?
like you would have the largest trust issues with stuff like imagine
"(maid/bulter's name), please call zhongli."
"yes your grace!"
"yes your grace, you called?"
"please call MEGAN."
and even if the real imposter comes back and claims their the real creator , MEGAN would know their bullshitting bc she has that scanner stuff😭‼️
MEGAN will always protect you from any harm and if something even touch you without your permission, their hand is getting cutted off
"MEGAN.. Was that really necessary..?"
"Of course, Its also my duty to make you comfortable at any time _____"
"Right,, but you didn—"
"Shush now, silly _____! I was only protecting you after all we're best friends aren't we?"
Que that person whos trynna touch you screaming in pain in the background🤭‼️
Have this shitty azz drawing❤️Goodbye xoxo
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spookyscaryskidnpump · 6 months
my thoughts on spooky month 6
copy pasted from a page and a half of google doc. crying. spoilers inbound.putting it under the cut cuz its super long. also swear warning.
Ok to start off LILA. LILA MY GAL NO UR DOING UR BEST AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Im crying im actually fucginf crying. She's trying. So hard. Skid is trying so hard. THEY'RE DOING THEIR BEST PLEASEEEEE. Father Gregor can go EAT SHIT. THEY'RE TRYING AND THAT'S WHAT COUNTS GODDAMNIT.
Susie… Susie no… please… she deserves better istgggggg. What happened to their parents? Are they actually just busy? Are they DEAD? Holy shit what if they're dead. Poor Pump, poor Susie, god please just let these kiddos be ok. PLEASE. ABUELO WONDER IS TYING SO HARD BUT SUSIE KNOWS IT ISN'T REALLY FROM HER PARENTS IM CRYING. SUSIE NOOOOOO
ROYYYYYY ROY MY BOI NOOOOOO poor guy :( i understand why he hates the kids they DID kinda ruin him so. At least he knows theyre trying now :( and ross n rob just ASSUME he did something bad isnt helping here!!!! I get that theyre also trying to help him and its nice to see him opening up to them about stuff (even if we dont get to know what specifically PELO WHY) but PLEASE get this kid an anger management class or smthn PLEASE. He needs SO MUCH THERAPY. I dont think hes gonna get therapy because im pretty sure his parents are Part Of The Problem but STILL.  Also FUCKER LITERALLY GOT POSSESED BY A DEMON?????? THATS GOTTA BE TRAUMATIC TF
Side note i love ross and robert dearly and i appreciate them doing their best to help on both sides i love them smmmmmm AUGH
KEVIN AND RADFORD FRIENDSHIP REALLLLLLLLLL i am SO fucking happy about that!!!! Also Kevin having conflicted feelings on the kids FAIR. Similar thing to Roy except hes an adult with a semi-functional support network and is able to understand that theyre just dumb kids and they dont actually mean any harm. He’s harsher on the hatzgang cuz theyre teens and old enough to know stealing is wrong but Skid n Pump are little kiddos they dont know better. Also him disapproving of father gregor REAL THO. also HE GOT POSSESSED TOO?? TRAUMA CENTRAL HOLY SHIT
Rick just has the WORST luck lmao
JAUNE AND ROSS’S DAD… HE'S REAL HE EXISTS!! I get ur trying jaune but that is NOT the best way to comfort poor lila… AT LEAST SHES TRYING THO I APPRECIATE HER
MOLOCH IS GONE. he deserved it but also THE KIDS ARE SO SAD ABOUT IT? Like they don't really get it but they just watched someone they thought was their friend DIE. HOLY SHIT.
Ok for real tho theyre so much more self aware than the fandom and bulk of the show give them credit for?? Like Skid is VERY aware of his dad being dead/possibly missing and legit just doesn’t wanna talk about it. He knows what death is and he finds fun in it to cope. My poor sweet boyo… and PUMP. PUMP ANSWERING THE CALL AUGHHHHHH HE WANTS HIS PARENTS BACK IM CRYING. SUSIE AND ABUELO ARE DOING THEIR BEST AND HE'S TRYING SO HARD AND AAAAAAAAAAUGH. Also him getting possessed by Moloch while having Star-Eyes basically debunks the theory of the Star-Eyes being a form of possession which is FASCINATING. Anyway that scene with Susie and Pump got me misty eyed and then during the ending with Skid and Lila i actually genuinely started crying. I just want them to be happy. Please let them be happy. Please. PLEASE.
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aroanthy · 10 months
thinking about nanami and touga both telling utena not to trust anthy at the end of the series. whilst nanami and anthy being friends is something that makes me bawl like a little baby and overjoys me immensely, ive never bought a reading of nanami post-32 that is anthy positive. like idk how you could get that impression when all she does is talk about how anthy is a terrible and dangerous person. she’s scared of her. and you know she shouldn’t be, but it’s understandable why a 13 year old living in ohtori academy might be scared of someone she already didn’t like after finding out something deeply traumatic regarding them and not having the tools to make sense of it in a compassionate way. and it makes me want to eat drywall
what’s really interesting about all this to me tho is how both kiryuus tell utena not to trust ‘the chairman/end of the world or himemiya anthy/the rose bride’. anthy and akio are a package deal of toxicity and harm to both of them and if that isn’t just the most fascinating thing ever. also the difference between nanami’s ‘chairman/himemiya’ and touga’s ‘end of the world/rose bride’ (nanami giving her warning during the badminton scene, touga giving his at the end of his duel. so much going on here wrt roles and settings and rituals and reality). but getting back to my real point isn’t it so cool (agonising) how nanami and touga are incapable of extending compassion or understanding to anthy despite the fact that they’re the two people who know the most about her other than utena and akio. and like. they don’t know a Lot, but theyve both had a smidge of insight into an abusive relationship that mirrors aspects of their own lives in myriad ways
idk something about the rose bride as a symbol who bears all of humanity’s hatred. and in the end all girls are like the rose bride yes, but key word here is like. an approximation; all trapped, all agonised, yes, but not all literally fucking crucified for eternity by a million swords that shine with human hatred. not abstracted in such a particular and insidious way. i always find anthy/kiryuu parallels compelling wrt issues of race and class and mannnnnn. nanami takes a step away from the duelling game. she’s not out, but she’s not actively partaking, not actively being exploited. touga, whilst a little more overtly involved in stuco business and still meeting with akio, does also take a step away. like, they’re both able to do that. it’s a bit of an artifice, sure, they’re still here, but oh my god oh my god oh my god. theyre not anthy. am i making sense can anyone hear me holy shit
i think what im trying to say is that for everything that both nanami and touga learn about ohtori academy and the people living in it, for everything that forces them to self-reflect and question the ground that they stand upon, they fail to break the chain with it. like, they too contribute to anthy’s abstraction. she’s an idea that they secretly embody/emulate (not sure which word works better for what im trying to say just yet), and not a person who shares experiences with them but is still wholly separate from them. this kind of compassion is like. it’s too hard, when you’re in the situations that all three of them are in. anthy too perceives both of them as nonhuman, but there is a crucial power dynamic at play here. how can you stomach such a kindness to someone you can only see as a poor imitation of the worst parts of yourself, whom you loathe??
^ THIS GUY loves it when characters commit acts of extreme violence against one another that they themselves have experienced. the nanamianthytouga brand
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m00nl1ght-sun25 · 1 year
Akjdjffnjg Lloyd headcanons dump
!! lloyd head canons !!
-He has bad vision from Misako, but he tended to wear contacts more
-His natural eye color is red but between season 7 and 8 he became more connected with his powers so that's why he has green ninjas from there on out
-He has cat like eyes
-speaking of cats he loves cats! Theyre his second favorite animal, dragons soming in at first.
-hes very short, like 5'1-5'4... Yeah very smol
-He's cold blooded because of his oni/dragons genes
-Has autism and dyslexia
-Can use both hands(I forgot what it's called- but like idk 😭)
-Is scared of lightning
-When him and Brad were kids at darklys, they didn't know what being gag was, but they had kissed a few times. But they didn't think anything of it
-He likes to cuddle
Here's some angsty ones too <3
so tw for people who are sensitive to dark topics
~Use to do self harm
~Was abused at darklys
~He often has nightmares about past trauma and has to sleep with someone.
~He's scared of the wind because of Morro
~also because of trauma purposes he carries a after bottle with him everywhere bc water is the only thing that kills a ghost
~feels sick whenever he smells roses because that's the fregrenese(?) that harumi used
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anthroposeen · 4 months
tma/tmagp spoilers below!!
im very hesitant to make any theories about the type of powers at work in the tmagp universe, i dont think theyre the exact same set we had in tma, but i do think the old fears exist in some capacity in this dimension, but likely as different factions, all swirled together, one huge conglomerate, or a secret fourth thing (mixing with whatever entities originally existed in this universe). but after the recent few tmagp episodes im starting to think the old fears (and their divisions) are still playing a role in how the powers are manifesting.
ink5oul is largely an eye-coded avatar to me. they seem to be following a similar path to tma avatars (ink5oul has their own agenda and is researching old tattoo artists and likely has a connection to alchemy in some respect). as an influencer, they feed from the fear of people watching their content and the person whos being tattooed. their victims that we know about have also been somewhat eye-adjacent. in episode 2, they feed off of a woman who suffers from extreme body dysmorphia and is hyper-aware of how others perceive her. she refuses to turn on her camera for therapy, constantly compares her own appearance to others, and insists her therapist perceive her as sane. madam e is similar in that the perceptions of others physically harms her. she says that the hate comments and online drama were cutting her, saying she could feel it when people viewed her content. her body deteriorated because she was famous, because she made a call out video, because she just wanted to be known. these are both incredibly eye-aligned incidents, though they do have aspects of other powers.
other incidents have struck me as overwhelmingly similar to fears we knew from tma, episodes 15 and 14 were heavy handed with their tma fear alignments. lady mowbray is the head of a hunting party who instructed a man to chase after his coworkers and kill them to prove himself as worthy prey, exploring a twist on themes of pack hunting we saw in tma. in episode 14 we get a man whos been puppeted by snakes, operating a disgusting shop infested with pests and littered with rotting food- obviously adjacent to the corruption. just like with ink5oul's victims, these cases also had elements that related to other fears, but ultimately i think they highlight a specific type of fear within each incident. even tma statements had cases that overlapped- confession/desecrated host, monster pig, lost johns cave, murder club. i do think that the tma fears still exist in the tmagp universe, and im actually coming to believe theyre operating similar to in their "original" (who knows) universe, but with some extra variables to scrabble things around.
im still super vague on what i think is affecting the fears, and i doubt ill subscribe to a true concrete theory before we get a reveal, but i do have some loose connections across the tmagp episodes so far. alchemy has been an obvious aspect of whatever is making tmagp's fears a different flavor to tma's fears. the logo for the series is of the trinity expressing the mind, body, and soul- together creating the philosopher's stone, a key to immortality. im being careful to not draw many connections to tma since i believe this to be largely an independent storyline, but this draws some obvious similarities to jonah's pursuits of immortality, ruling the world, and combining the fears to create one all-powerful entity. or, as lena said, creating balance. im unsure of how this is playing out so far- i think whatever big bad (if there is one) that wants to disrupt or bring about this balance is either not known to us yet or has yet to fulfill their arc into a big bad (this could be a corruption arc for someone like sam or gwen, or a reveal of big bads lurking in the background like jmj). but whatever the details of that are, im confident that achieving a balance and connection of the alchemic trinity is a key aspect of how the fears are being expressed in this universe. i mean, there were never really 14 fears, but they still manifested that way because they were partially constructed by human minds. if this universe comprehends them through the lens of alchemy, seeing them as manifestations of the mind, the body, and the soul, then they'll likely conform to that in some way.
another thread i think might be relevant is the amount of gore and personal harm in just about every incident so far. in almost every case we've seen theres been some instance of pain, loss, and intentional harm. this is especially connected to getting a response or reward (being fed) from the encounter. needles needs to cause fear, and he accomplishes that through physically harming someone. the murder violin and the fedora guy dice are both fed by the suffering of others. ink5oul made one girl tear into her own face, and made another self inflict her own heart problems. lady mowbray is a devout cannibal. i dont feel the need to get into mr bonzos messy history. for every avatar/external/feeder of these powers, they inflict a physical mark or pain upon the people theyre feeding from. this draws a much more physical horror than the more psychological fears we dealt with in tma. im not entirely sure what this means in terms of its connections with alchemy and the fears, im not sure if its a real dot to connect or not, but its some food for thought!
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druidshollow · 5 months
yea exactly!!! thats what I was trying to say lol. both dune and rivers are capable of shitty things no matter what universe theyre in (and the shitty things are Very Different to des and flowers) whereas the worst thing des did was yell at flowers when he had fucking lied to her about fire, got mad at her etc etc which is like a perfectly fine fucking reaction to that infomation. like it wasnt even directly yelling anything at him it was just her being mad at what he did and her yelling what she woulda done different. and like. so swapping them over just feels really really fucked up because des was never ever the villan in any situation she was in, she tried her best and the universe fucked her up where both rivers and dune kinda made their own choices to do a very obvilusly fucked up thing and then suffered from it.
hi yes big agree on everything you said! but im gonna derail and talk about my thoughts surrounding
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this part because when i started drawing the comic youre referring to i literally worried that shed come across irrational and people wouldnt understand why. because she really is acting pretty irrationally, the first thing she does when she sees him is yell at him. she demands the truth but doesnt elaborate whatsoever and continues to get mad and yell even as flowers expresses confusion on what she's talking about
now, flowers' first response to seeing her is to make passive aggressive comments, get angry, raise his voice (only after the door closes), and guilt trip.
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i think the fact that language like this is the first thing to come out of his mouth implies that this is the normal way hed talk to her. in case anyone isnt clear on this, his language here is manipulative and harmful. almost every time talks in this comic, hes being abusive, even if its subtle. emotional abuse often involves wearing someone down and can be very insidious
after descent drops the "john i want a divorce" bomb, flowers loses his composure and i think he is responding much more emotionally and... genuinely, then he is beforehand when theyre discussing fire. anyways anyways im kinda losing my point
my POINT is that yes she yells and screams and freaks out at him but i hope it comes across that she is behaving that way because shes been being worn down and abused for nearly 30 (yes 30) years at this point and shes reached her breaking point with him. its not her natural state to be explosive and angry, shes been pushed to this point. really hope that reads
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turnstechgodhead · 7 months
Le sign... speaking of the server,
dirk is encouraging me to be more firm on my own thoughts for my comfort
i've seen ppl talk about it in stream a lil which im always like I Don't Care when it pops up but i've had Enough and i want to talk about the topic bc it's itching at my brain follicles.
since we're pretty strider-oriented, this had to happen at some point: strider cest/strilonde cest/in cest wont be allowed in the main server. if other people don't care, i might make a separate server.
-"hey why is that ^ something you would allow? pretty insane." / "are you a pro shipper then??"
"so you're an anti?"
also no
i dislike this argument as a whole bc i don't 'get it' i guess because im audhd. neither side is fully correct nor fully wrong.
"fiction affects reality." and "fiction is not reality." are two different thought processes that can and should coexist in the same space.
look. fiction can affect reality, but it IS also possible to separate from it. you can para or whatever responsibly. tag it. try to make sure people who don't want to see it don't have to see it. and if minors are getting sent your shit, make sure its clear that this should NOT be happening in reality. if you're a child, keep that shit blocked. it's NOT for you and you should not be actively consuming it. (please listen to this advice bc i grew up on the internet barely supervised, from a very unhealthily early age [7-8] and then developed into a fucked up hypersexual.) (seeing something fucked up and being like AUGH my eyes! is normal because that just. happens. thats life. you deal with it afterwards in some way. talking to someone you trust etc. you do not go back for more i am begging.) (if someone is showing you these things on purpose then please read this website all the way through for me ok?)
you should not be looking at an adult exploring/enjoying fucked up shit
videogames are not going to make you or me more violent by having violence, gore, and murder in them. but videogames DO make some people violent. those people should not have access to these things. but we (you and i) cannot control that beyond making sure content is labelled and set aside. i like playing games where i assassinate people. i am not an assassin. someone could play the same game and get terrible ideas they act on. this is not my fault for playing the game.
and, if you're an adult who likes fucked up shit (me too) tag your shit or have it listed somewhere on your about that it's something you post about frequently there. and maybe reiterate that it's not real. its just toys. and should never be followed irl. yeah, it fuckin sucks that we gotta do this shit, but kids are unfortunately on the internet, with the inability to differentiate grey from black and white. your shit might be the first exposure. which sucks!! so it's our responsibility to try and mitigate harm on both sides unfortunately until we can convince parents to start parenting their children again. which sucks. i just wanna post shit in peace but the buzzing around from very loud teenagers makes me anxious. i get it.
it fucking sucks!!! but we can't control other people, especially if theyre malicious
but you control what YOU see on the internet. block anyone. (i blocked someone back in the day for disliking johndave. be free.) and help people do that (control what they see) by making it very clear. you aren't evil for not wanting to see it, and other people aren't evil for enjoying fucked up content.
also some of yall on BOTH SIDES do some truly vile shit in the name of this argument when your energy could be spent elsewhere doing shit you like or even doing things that are actually. Helpful.
so i don't like either label i dont want to be associated with either of the sides but if you want to call me one or the other then . Whatever i guess? thats your business, not mine. just know you are not a failure or a freak for not constantly reinforcing and reassuring everyone that you think adults doing their own thing in fictional spaces with little toy dolls (that theyve been doing since the 70s-80s) is gross. you can just think that like. in general and look away because the dolls are dolls. but don't go posting doll horn-knees untagged. that's rude as fuck.
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