#and softens as the years go by
heavyheavycream · 3 months
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puppyeared · 3 months
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Alex and my farmer Cosmo (he/him)
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tricoufamily · 7 months
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keeping w my very inconsistent tradition of "what would my villareals look like if i had made them this year?" i'm supposed to do annually and then forget
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ignisgalaxia · 2 months
Parents convinced me to not skip Threshold on our Voyager rewatch.
It is actually not as bad as I remember.
Like most of the episode is fine, actually kinda good. A decent character story for Tom.
It’s just that god awful ending.
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fluffypotatey · 2 months
I have been thinking about down bad Wukong and Macaque, and I don’t know. I got to get this out of my head.
When they were young Macaque had shown to be quiet (whether from shyness or being a big introvert who knows), as shown with the brotherhood. Or that he wasn’t big on relationships or expressing his feelings. Which makes me believe when Macaque was young and gotten feelings for Wukong, he hid his down badness/feelings. He would still show them but in quiet little ways that might be missed, like making sure FFM is stocked with peaches or make sure if Wukong really wants to do something if not find a way for Wukong or both of them to bail. The older Macaque, or the Macaque now, is much more open and into relationships, as well as a bit more expressive than his younger self. Meaning when his and Wukong relationship starts getting better again, he doesn’t really try to hide his down bad behavior (unless someone is there with them, but even then it’s obvious and he’s not putting a lot of effort into hiding it). Even if their relationship doesn’t improve much, he probably not going to hide his down bad behavior. He’s just going to throw a punch in their to show that they are not friends, and he still haven’t fully forgiven or moved on from Wukong killing him.
For Wukong’s down badness it’s the opposite of Macaque’s. Young Wukong was loud and proud of it. Macaque feeling hungry? Wukong go to opposite side of FFM because Macaque’s favorite food is there, and bring it to him. Macaque is feeling cold or lonely? It’s cuddle time, we’ll worry about the fact we’re doing this on a pathway later. Young Wukong would go so far to show his down bad behavior, that he will tell Macaque ‘love you’ as he leaves the room regardless of who’s in there. And that’s before kind of before he realizes he has feelings for Macaque (and probably before forming the brotherhood. (The down bad behavior also got worse during the brotherhood)). During JTTW happens Wukong has the realization that he could tone it down and still show he’s down bad/have feelings or care about/for Macaque/someone in more quiet, meaningful ways. Which makes older/current Wukong be a bit quieter and not that expressive as his younger self (it’s the exact same but he’s not going to do big grand gestures nor do it every hour of the day). When Macaque and Wukong relationship improves, Wukong would show his down bad behavior in subtler ways. Like if he’s sees Macaque sleeping in a tree, Wukong would make sure he’s comfortable and maybe lay a blanket on him. Or when Macaque gets into fights/battles Wukong would make sure he’s okay and treat any injuries he could at that moment. If his and Macaque relationship had not improved, then he would be even more subtle about it that not a lot of people would notice. Even Macaque wouldn’t have noticed if he didn’t think about their recent interaction deeply. That makes him wonder if Wukong had changed or it’s just the same old Wukong.
This was longer than I was expecting. Hope you enjoy reading it, or the ideas.
i did enjoy reading it, thank you anon 🥰💖💖
also, this is just me, but i like to think that Macky isn’t aware of how obvious he is showing it. he is more open to the idea of relationships (mostly platonic ones thanks to MK), but actually identifying that what he is doing is him showing affection? he would probably blame it on trying to stay civil. maybe he is more aware that his feelings never truly faded away, but Macoddle is unaware of how down bad his condition is
meanwhile, Wukong wasn’t aware in the past but now is fully aware of it. or at least recognizes what his behavior means quickly. and he doesn’t want to fuck it up. he wants them to make this new acquaintanceship/ally-ship work. so he takes note quietly and shows it subtly in a way he hopes respects Macorís’ boundaries
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thesistersarcheron · 3 months
Obsessed with The Alchemy! Poor Rhysand because he must be having very conflicting emotions right now.
Do you know if there will be a time jump for the next chapter or what age Feyre will be
The next chapter will cover Feyre’s first year in Velaris. I didn’t think this fic would be so detailed, but the more I write, the more I enjoy exploring how she fits into the Inner Circle’s dynamic.
And I think Rhys is probably the least conflicted of them all, to be honest! Some protective instinct went into the snap decision to take her in, but now that she’s in Velaris and he can spoil her all he wants, he doesn’t regret it. He did definitely get his feelings hurt because Feyre is a little reluctant to trust him right off the bat—he did trick her and then upend her entire life (for the better, even if she doesn’t realize it yet). But, if Fionn is any indication, I think he’ll make quick work of winning her over.
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eternal-reverie · 3 months
my two ocs have to stop being so sweet and perfect for each other in my head; they’re supposed to be a tragic couple that have wronged each other in terrible ways
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kazieka · 7 months
chronic pain thots in the tags
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boyruggeroii · 1 month
I might actually find enough articles to write a systematic review instead of a tesi compilativa??
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khaotunq · 3 months
#ignore this it's going to upset pls dismiss it as a bad take :}#why have we off jumpol'd ktnw what are we doing there i know he's a younger brother but why does he look like a KID brother what's happenin#(not a slight on off. off made the hair work in not me. i am hopeful but. not very.)#aaaaaand it is cosmic right for a tattoo artist to have bad tattoos it's ok i'm breathing i'm breathing thru it#praying it's just a bad photoshop job and they're not actually that fucking dark because what#tell me they're cereal box water transfers without telling me they're cereal box water transfers#is ktnw's character genuinely still in high school it is the only thing that makes sense#how are we going to make fuzzy hair and hollywood veneers work khaotung thanawat rattanakitpaisan h o w#he's either in high school or he's a 55 year old accountant Goin Thru Something there is no inbetween#slutty crop top on dunk is a redeeming factor but a tremendously minor one i'm sorry#my concern is joong. why doesn't he have any wild decisions being made with his look. why does he look normal. why is he the only one.#ignore me i just need to Post Opinions On The Internet somewhere asdfjhsfk#i have no doubt in fk's abilities but fucking hell#i am in the minority and fully aware of this#but my fucking god am i losing hope for this show by the day#though fwiw i do like first's styling. it's just the tattoos that have me wanting to sink into my grave#i'm posting this to vent and immediately going to bury it under reblogs#i support my kids but at what cost. at what cost.#initial looks at characters always soften and settle as shows progress and i know this but also fml#maybe i'm just a miserable bitch lol
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collegeoflore · 8 months
rotating post-game xarrai and astarion in my mind. if u even care
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transthatfag · 6 months
some days you treat yourself and ur environment better than usual and you wonder. how come I don't do this all the time? yknow?
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sysig · 1 year
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Got ‘im (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Captain Sterling#KUP#I guess lol#He's new! Though I have been tossing around the idea of co-opting the nameless design I made years ago and retroactively making him KUP lol#I thought of this Very Funny joke on the way home and was so excited to implement it and use VUK ZIX - which is not mine btw lol#I'm not entirely sure how to credit it? AFAIK they're not here on tumblr but I'm not sure? Big big credit to eco_mono on LJ!#It's a very cool alphabet! :D There are still some parts I don't understand - like R being a vowel but O being a consonant?#Would that make ''TRO'' an acceptable name by VUX standards? :0 I do like the idea of it being a kind of push-sound I think it's neat :)#But as you can intuit by my not actually spelling his name with a C - there wasn't a C listed in the alphabet and my silly joke crumbled :'D#But when has that stopped me! I can figure it's because C is kind of phonetically extraneous with both S and K as consonants so use K!#Sterling would probably intentionally soften the ''K'' sound so it implies a ''C'' and KUP gets so mad about it lol ♪ ''I can hear that!''#Something something harshness of tone/strength of breath while speaking - subtleties of spoken language since they're so visually different#It's fun to think about ♪#There's also something funny to the difference of ''>o<'' to a human and ''>O<'' to a VUX lol ♪#And then more thoughts about phoneticisms and translation - specifically thinking about VIJ writing the Captain's name for him#I'm still going back and forth on whether Sterling's name would be translated as two or three syllables in VUK ZIX - I kinda like both tbh#Either ''SER LIN'' or ''SET TER LIN'' - the latter with emphasis on the middle syllable and a drop-off on the first#Which would take priority? Matching syllables or the consonant T break? Maybe both for different contexts??#As well as the fact that -ing sounds wouldn't really have precedent being a vowel at the beginning followed by two consonants#So the rounded G sound at the end of his name would be completely skipped over - would they even have a soft palette to constrict??#Ahh <3 It's really fun to think about!! ♫#Anyway he goes back to explain later and KUP smacks him lol#''Do not make a crass joke at the expense of my name >O('' lol
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berryblu-soda · 8 months
so funny thing, trying to doodle roy and sara looks vaguely like if i was trying to draw show percabeth without a refference lmaoo (before coloring)
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cabbxges-and-kings · 1 year
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@honorhearted just called me Residential Abe and I'm weirdly flattered by it
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people who think new years day doesn't fit in reputation because it's an intimate instrumental and clashes against the complex production of the rest of the record don't actually get the central thesis statement of reputation
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