#and since everything floods i can't take a chance
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Alphabet Soup
summary: prompt fill. the journey of a clandestine love affair at several stages because Wally Clark craves what he can't have and refuses to keep his hands to himself. and you live for it.
pairing: grey!Wally Clark x fem!reader
warnings: smut. AU - modern setting. romanticized toxic behavior. cheating (not on you). egregious use of the word 'baby'.
bon reading, frens
Alphabet Soup - N
N is for your name on Wally's lips whenever he jerks himself stupid. It's for the nonsense newly flooding his brain—no longer just what are you wearing, but how you feel and what you think and when can I see you for things other than getting his cock wet.
It's for the fact that, as of fuck-knows-when, there's little to nothing Wally won't do for you if you look at him just right and ask oh-so-pretty. Never in his life has he been so consumed by someone apart from himself. He wants to know you, inside and out, back to front, top to bottom, and who the hell is he, where's the real Wally Clark? The Wally Clark who took girls home to bolster his ego. The Wally Clark who, "until Janet", never settled for one thing when he could have everything.
He assumed it was sexual tension, then sexual satisfaction, then sexual rampage, but, Christ Almighty, he can't get enough of you. It's never enough, no matter how many times he has you under him, over him, face to cunt, cock to mouth, around him inside you, limbs so tangled it's impossible to distinguish where one ends and the other begins.
What makes him more nervous isn't how addicted he is to the sex. It's how you've fucking nestled into his heart, brain, soul as much as he nestles into your body. The notion terrifies him—that he might be falling...down, over, backward, tripping over his own feet navigating shit he promised himself he'd never need. Yet, here he is, Wally Clark, wrapped around your little finger and you don't even know it.
He's in Janet's room, arguing with her as calmly as she'll let him, telling her to back the fuck off and stop sabotaging your chances to win an award Janet has Claire's money on. It's so fucked up. Nasty for the sake of it, because Janet's nabbed almost every number one spot she can get away with. Why can't she let you have one?
And Wally knows. Has a vague idea, anyway. You're naturally sweet, friendly, smart where you want to be, and willing to put in the work where you're not. A whole person with a nuanced sense of self that Janet loathes because she lacks identity. You're competition, and jealousy is poison in the wrong hands. Janet intends to softly kill as many of your high school accomplishments as possible before you graduate just to rub in your face how much better she is than you.
"Jesus, Janet," Wally bites, "She earned it. Let it go."
"Since when do you give a shit, Clark?"
Wally doesn't respond. Locks his jaw, crosses his arms, stares her down like he means business. Defensive.
Janet smirks, "I see the way you look at her, you know. Like you care." One step, two, and Janet's in his space, forcing him to her level with her nails in his scalp, "You don't get to have her—" LOL "—not unless I say so, and that'll never happen."
"This isn't even real." Wally reminds her, nudging himself out of her grip and taking several steps back. "I can end this whenever I want. Leave you to fucking rot on your own. We break up and you lose everything."
"Is that a threat?" Janet glares, but there's a hint of fear behind her eyes.
"Let her have the award." Wally narrows his eyes. "Do that and I'll be the best fucking boyfriend you could ever dream of. Dates, appearances. I'll start driving you to school like you wanted."
Janet considers his proposal and Wally swallows. What the fuck is he doing? The arrangement was exactly how he wanted it. Exactly how he could stomach it. Distant. Shallow. Virtually nonexistent in his mind outside of school. Now? It'll take up more time, energy, effort. But he saw how excited you were to be nominated, how much it meant to you that your talent was finally recognized, so he'll bite the bullet and adjust his terms.
Eventually, "Fine," Janet submits, sits primly in at her desk and dismisses him after negotiating details.
Wally finds you at your friend's house. The Nihilistic one with the permanent frown. Rhonda Something. It's apparently game night and he doesn't leave until you're in the car with him. No fight, just urgency and frustration and, yeah, whatever, a little bit of pleading.
He parks behind the Walmart and fucks you from below, hard and vicious, to avoid going nuclear. He hates Janet. Hates what he got himself into. Hates the whole fucking world except you. Beautiful, brilliant you. "I want you to come again, baby," He pants, numbing out so he doesn't come before you blackout from pleasure. "I know you can. That's it. Let me see how good I make you feel..." Bites your nipple, nips a mark into your neck, fucks you like he owns you, and then lays with you in the back seat for a while to remind himself why he let Janet win.
There's nothing in this world, too big or too small, that Wally wouldn't do for you. And that realization scares the living shit out of him. Too bad there's absolutely fuck all he can do about it now.
also available on AO3!
#Milo Manheim#Wally Clark#Wally Clark x Reader#fem!reader#Wally Clark smut#Wally Clark fanfiction#Milo Manheim fanfiction#School Spirits#zed necrodopolis#Disney Zombies#Alphabet Soup#prompt fill#alphabet challenge#ABC challenge
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now that mom can't do stuff i'm learning to be Grateful and Thankful bc i'm doing everything she does.... literally how does she do it 😭😭😭
#but i'm also mad at her bc i'm the one doing everything and she won't even ask my brother to help out 😭😭😭😭😭😭#anyway it's kinda crazy how my mom would get 10 billion things done before 10am#i can't possibly do it all as fast as she did so what takes her a morning takes me around 3 days#but honestly...??? after isolating myself for months it's kind of nice having stuff to do#and i love not being home. my neighbors are annoying and the dogs bark too much and my brother annoys me#its the weekend tmrw and most things are closed buuuut as soon as monday comes i got so much to do#yayyyy#the bad thing is that i have to drive the car and i hateeeeee itttttt my city is full of brainless cunts in cars and its stressful#i'll try to ride my bike as much as i can#it's near the end of rainy season so i can't really tell if it's gonna rain for the next 15 minutes or the next 5 hours#and since everything floods i can't take a chance#00
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re: hurricane helene hey, y'all. so... immense survivor's guilt, subsequent depression and an overall helpless malaise has made my presence on tumblr here weaker during this horrific time. but there's nothing like some good ol appalachian rage to light a fire under the proverbial ass so i'm back to push back on some of the bullshit i keep seeing get spread about what's happening in the aftermath of hurricane helene, and in western north carolina especially.
appalachia has always been low hanging fruit for the rest of the nation, and now that disaster has struck and we are even more vulnerable than we have been in a long, long time, bad actors are using us as a way to further their political bullshit and conspiracies.
please use some of the cited-information below the cut to push back on and educate any family members, friends or otherwise when you see them spreading misinformation. now is your chance to help appalachia, no matter where you are in the united states. myths, rumors and other flavors of horseshit regarding hurricane helene debunked under the cut. please reblog.
Let me just get my heart out of the way before we get into the nitty gritty, cause I got things to say. #1: "Why should we help these people? They get these storms there all the time. They didn't move away or do anything to prepare for this, and now it's our responsibility?"
These storms are not at all commonplace. For much of this area, especially WNC, this level of flooding and damage--spanning an area the size of Belgium between NC and TN--is largely unprecedented. Growing up, we get told our mountains protect us, that they shield us from the really bad, and that's because historically, they have. Hurricanes blow through, and they bring with them hella wind and rain, but nothing like this.
We do not have the infrastructure for this, physical or otherwise. So many of our homes, businesses and everything in between have been standing for more than a century, unkept and brittle. Dams are breaking or near breaking because they are not meant to hold this kind of water. Our roads tend to follow creeks and rivers and thereby have been completely washed out. Keep in mind that in the individual hollers, and in most of these small mountain towns, we only got one road. You go up holler one way, and you don't come out the other side of it; you leave the way you came because it's the only path to take.
We are not built for this. We were not ready for this. We could not have prepared for this. And even if by some miracle we all received some premonition about this disaster, telling us to "just move" is NEVER the answer to vulnerable people living in volatile environments, especially ones as impoverished as Appalachia. Fuck you.
#2 "Appalachians are lazy and just want handouts, anyway."
First off--which one is it? Are we poor, pitiful fodder for concern trolls who deserve more than we're getting, or are we lazy, needy, greedy people who deserve to rot? Can't have both.
Second off--we been hearing that about us since the dawn of time. Wasn't true then, ain't true now.
Appalachia has been verifiably exploited as long as there have been people to exploit, but that is a topic long since discussed here.
We don't WANT anything. We NEED it. Alongside the aid coming in through donations, official search and rescue and organized volunteer services, much of the boots on the ground are Appalachians themselves!! We take care of our own, and it's always been that way.
They got people on foot hiking up into the hollers to bring supplies to cut-off communities. They got pack mules passing otherwise impassable roads where no car nor other vehicle can tread to get lifesaving necessities to the hollers. Look around, and you'll find countless stories. Just in my personal circle alone, I got a sister bringing supplies up by foot, and her hiking group is moving through so much toxic mud that the soles of their fucking boots are melting. I got a brother in law taking chainsaws to downed trees to clear the path for supply deliveries. I got another sister meeting friends of mine at the state line to collect donations and distribute them by hand to counties all over WNC. We can do this, but we can't do it alone.
#3 "It's a conspiracy/It's not that widespread outside of Asheville because we don't see pictures of anywhere else."
It's happening. It's fucking happening.
You don't see pictures because many of us don't have reliable cell service right now, let alone wifi. Hell, even in perfect weather there's a joke that you better have a friend with a cell phone from each provider when you go out because only one of you is getting service at any given time in any given place. There is no way to document this from the inside for many folks at this point in time, and there is NO WAY IN from the outside.
As I mentioned--you got one road leading up the holler. That road is now gone. No one is making it up the mountain to take pictures of these horrific scenes, y'all. If they're going up the mountain its to care for their neighbors, to bring supplies to individuals and entire communities so isolated by the devastation that the only way they can be reached is on foot (or hoof!).
Which also brings me to my next counterargument: "Nothing is being done to help."
#4 "Volunteers are being turned away/Donations are being confiscated."
Volunteers are being DISCOURAGED from coming in out of state, but they're not being told to leave with a malicious intent. And they are not even being forcibly denied. They can still come, but it's really not a good idea. As I mentioned, these roads wasn't meant to take this kind of damage. They are falling apart, and all this extra traffic coming in on these streets barely hanging on is making them worse and making it harder for organized relief and rescue operations to actually get in there. People are getting stuck and taking away time and resources that could be going to survivors. Outsiders with good intentions are eating up the scarce gas and using up even scarcer water. Some of these places, like Black Mountain, physically do not have enough hands to manage and distribute the amount of donations being brought in in, so they're getting rerouted. Donations are not fucking being confiscated.
#5 "They aren't letting people be rescued/They're closing the airspace off."
The airspace is OPEN, with some temporary restrictions in place by the FAA for civilians and volunteers. Civilians can still access airspace in coordination with officials and emergency responders. What they ain't allowing is people just flying in willy nilly. What they ain't letting in is unauthorized air traffic that is clogging up airspace which otherwise needs to be used by official aircraft to bring in donations/S&R groups. Airspace is still accessible in the area, but it's not safe to just have everyone with a big heart trying to search and rescue, especially with no training, organization or proper skills. What they ain't letting happen is people trying to take trucks up obliterated roads that can't be traveled, no matter how confident you are in your vehicle. Christ, y'all. The point isn't to add more bodies to the count!
#6 "National Guardsmen are being told not to go."
The National Guard HAS been deployed.
And in numbers, too. What you're hearing is rumor of people asking to be deployed and being told no, because that's not how it works. That's not how any of this works. People can't just rush in unorganized. There is a system. There has always been a system.
#7 "But I saw TikToks of people coming to help and locals shouting them out of town!"
Oh, honey. No, what you saw was people doing what they LOVE to do in Appalachia: take poverty tours. Record how we live. Post their poverty (and now disaster) porn with thoughts and prayers and oh those poor creatures to get likes. That's been happening to us since before TikTok. Before the internet.
During FDR's administration, photographers from the Farm Security Administration went down to collect poverty porn and turn it into Hollow Folk, a collection of photographs which was then used by eugenicists and corporations alike to dehumanize us further so we could be exploited and relocated with the favor of the nation behind them.
We're done with it. We been done with it. And now, in this time of crisis where people are DEAD, you're clogging up our roads, taking up our gas, AND shoving cameras in our face. Y'all ain't from here and now more than ever y'all kinds need to get the FUCK out.
✨ FEMA ✨
FEMA deserves its own section, because holy shit. I'm mad that I'm about to defend the man in any capacity but it needs to be done. So, I'm gonna preface this by saying, largely, fuck FEMA. There are many valid complaints against FEMA and their inefficiency, but right now is not the time to use them as a tool of misinformation against Appalachia. We got enough problems without pouring the salt of government conspiracies into these raw, gaping wounds that barely even have bandaids applied to them right now.
SO. Let's get into it.
#8 "This is all planned and by design/Don't evacuate, because FEMA is just gonna take your land and mineral rights!"
If they wanted the fucking lithium or anything else for that matter, they would just enact Eminent Domain. They don't need elaborate schemes and """weather control""" to take it. They can just literally... do it. Did we all fail civics in middle school?
(And this is purely anecdotal so I have no proof of this, but a friend of mine told me a few days ago people were actually being told NOT to evacuate in Lake Lure because they didn't anticipate the flooding to be this bad.)
What y'all SHOULD be worried about are these companies and their "disaster investors" who swoop in like fucking vultures and try to get people to sell their land before FEMA has a chance to assist them. These companies prey on the vulnerable, offering them quick cash for their land and for far less than they'd get if they held out for FEMA's relief instead.
#9. "But... but FEMA is only giving out a piddly $750 in relief!"
Yes, they are giving out $750. INITIALLY. This $750 is initial relief money for immediate needs. Medicine, food, supplies. It is NOT all that's being allocated to folks. From FEMA's website:
This is a type of assistance that you may be approved for soon after you apply, called Serious Needs Assistance. It is an upfront, flexible payment to help cover essential items like food, water, baby formula, breastfeeding supplies, medication and other emergency supplies. There are other forms of assistance that you may qualify for to receive and Serious Needs Assistance is an initial payment you may receive while FEMA assesses your eligibility for additional funds. As your application continues to be reviewed, you may still receive additional forms of assistance for other needs such as support for temporary housing, personal property and home repair costs.
A service being offered in the meantime, for example, is for temporary housing and you can still currently apply for it!
Long-term disaster relief funds are not being released immediately. That does not mean they do not exist.
Here is what FEMA has already allocated for North Carolina alone.
Please note I said "allocated" but not "paid out." Which brings me to my next point.
#10 "FEMA is giving their relief money to undocumented immigrants!"
This is false, and you can verify this for yourself. Cash payouts to undocumented immigrants isn't even a thing, dude. They haven't even paid out to citizens in their entirety yet. From the FEMA page "Questions and Answers for Undocumented Immigrants Regarding FEMA Assistance:"
This is in regards to STATE, LOCAL AND VOLUNTEER AGENCIES. Not through FEMA or any other federal programs. This is probably what people are hearing about, and not even bothering to look into it before running off to tell lies.
And in this, as you can see--undocumented immigrants who CAN receive assistance are not receiving cash. They are not just getting money handed over to them to spend on whatever your racist, xenophobic uncle thinks they are. FEMA is required by law to report on the use of their funds each month by the 5th day. Historically, it looks like it takes about a week for them to be posted. Keep an eye on this page to see for yourself in coming days that FEMA is not giving out money from their funds to immigrants.
#11 "But FEMA has appointees from Biden!!! How can we trust that this is the truth?!"
Please use critical thinking skills. Please, we beg. Yes, there are appointed FEMA officials from this administration, but there are also appointed officials from Trump's time in office. What sense does it make that during Trump's administration, FEMA employees were Good And Pure, and suddenly, just because they are active under Biden's administration, they are suddenly Evil And Corrupt? This is clear bias and has no solid footing.
Besides, the President doesn't even have any sway over FEMA funding like this. That is ALL congress.
H.R. 9747 "Continuing Appropriations and Extensions Act, 2025," which provides relief funding (among other things) for the 2025 fiscal year, was ACTIVELY VOTED AGAINST by Republicans, including Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene--two people spreading the bullshit the loudest. UGH. Okay. In exasperated conclusion: Please, please, PLEASE leave Appalachia alone and let us get back on our feet without having to constantly dodge dumbass conspiracy theories. We are heartbroken and grieving and would really appreciate a brief reprieve from being the nation's fucking punching bag. Help us, don't hurt us.
#long post#appalachia#hurricane helene#western north carolina#fema#appalachian#hurricane relief#disaster relief#western nc#wnc#north carolina#txt
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I loved you Leah Williamson fic! I was wondering if you could do a Lucy Bronze x matildas reader where reader and lucy both player for barca and then they verse each other in the world cup semi final
Don't Be Sorry - Lucy Bronze
Lucy bronze x matildas!reader

summary - the Matildas lose to England in the semi final of the womens world cup and you take the blame.
warnings - death threats and hate comments
90+ minutes of you playing your heart out, the hope of a World Cup final promised if your team could get the result you desperately wanted slipped through your fingers as the dreaded sound of the full-time whistle rang through your mind. You collapse to the floor, face buried in your hands as you feel your tears wet the floor around you. The salty taste burned your already parched throat as you sobbed into your hand.
You were never an emotional person over football, but you had the weight of an entire country resting on your shoulders and you had let them down.
This was the moment you had spent your life working towards, ever since you were 4 years old, when you first watched a game of women's football you had made it your goal to one day be like the women you had seen on your screen. You promised yourself that one day you would represent your country in a World Cup, and now that dream had become reality you had stuffed everything up.
The haunting images of the ball flying past you and into the net still haunts you. You had the chance to stop the ball from going in but stuck your leg out too far and the ball went right past.
Not only did you feel like you had let down your fans, you had let down your teammates as well. It was your job as the team's main center-back to stop the goals and you failed. It was a stupid mistake for Tony to pick you to start, even more stupid that he'd kept you on the full game.
You felt the England player's hands patting you softly on the back, but you didn't bother getting up to congratulate them on their success not feeling up to facing other people.
'Hey, it's going to be ok y/n/n.' You hear the soft, comforting whisper of your captain, whose voice makes you sob even harder. You roll over onto your back so you can see her properly, out of everyone on this pitch you knew you owed her a proper apology.
'I'm so sorry Sam.' Your voice is hoarse and it pains you to see her tear-stained cheeks 'I let the whole team down, I know how much this meant to you. I'm sorry for ruining it, you deserved the win.' You burst into tears again as your captain pulled you into a warm embrace, rubbing your back to try and calm you down.
'This is not your fault.' She says, her voice is stern but you know she's not using the tone in a mean way, 'You played your heart out. I'm not allowing you or anyone to take the blame for the result. Every single person who has pulled on the green and gold jersey this tournament needs to be proud of everything they have done. We've made history this World Cup and that can't be forgotten because of one game. We still have the bronze medal match, we need to dust ourselves off and focus on winning that.' Your breathing slows down, knowing you were overreacting and that Sam was right. You needed to concentrate on the third-place game, there was still a chance to bring home some silverware for your country.
As you rose from the ground, extending congratulations to several of the Lionesses for their victory, you found yourself mid-conversation with Kyra and Mini. Suddenly, you felt the gentle embrace of two arms encircling your waist and a head nestling into the curve of your neck.
You turn around, enveloping your girlfriend in an embrace, the silent language of your intertwined bodies speaks more than any words could in the moment. It was a relief to be in the arms that felt more like home than anywhere else, her presence was all you needed to feel slightly better. Tears trickle down your cheeks again, a release from the flood of emotions that have become too overwhelming.
After a while the silence is broken 'I'm so sorry,' Lucy whispers into your ear 'I know how much this meant to you baby, I wish it didn't have to end this way.' You shake your head at her words, not wanting to ruin the special moment that she had also worked so hard for.
'Luc, don't be sorry. I'm not hearing it. Go and make the most of this moment. You deserve it.' You say pulling out of the hug, not wanting your disappointment to ruin her occasion, you knew better than anyone how much effort Lucy put into getting here in her career.
Lucy looks at you with sincerity in her eyes, you can see how excited she is to have made it to a World Cup final, but she still stays with you instead of celebrating with her team. You know you would've done the same thing if the roles were reversed but you still feel bad for keeping her away. 'Babe, go celebrate, I know you want to.' You tell her, your tone almost demanding.
But she doesn't leave your side and for the next 15 minutes she's constantly peppering your face with kisses and expressing words of admiration and respect, acknowledging the relentless dedication you had put into getting here. You keep trying to push her away but she refuses to leave, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and keeping you tucked as close to her as she possibly could not letting you free anytime soon.
Whilst you walk around the pitch together the fact that you two are rivals dissolves, no one would know that one of you had just lost to the other in a World Cup semi-final if it wasn't for the two different jerseys the two of you were wearing.
You gaze at her, and you know that you look like the biggest simp for her as you send her a loving look. The fan's edits after this match would be crazy.
The two of you were a popular couple that the fans adored even though you two had never properly gone public with your relationship, you just weren't the best at keeping it much of a secret.
Neither of you minded though, you found both the tiktoks quite funny.
After a little more walking around with Lucy, you know you can't let her stay with you any longer. 'You've poured your heart into every match, every training session,' you murmur, your voice barely a whisper against the loud atmosphere. 'You deserve this win more than anyone. This victory is yours, you've earned it through all your determination and hard work. Now please go and celebrate, I know that you'll be greatly missed in the changing rooms. I refuse to keep you to myself anymore, we'll have so much time just the two of us back in Barca. I love you, now enjoy your win' You tell her managing to wriggle free from her tight grip and place a light kiss on her lips, which she tries to deepen before you pull away laughing lightly at her clinginess.
'I love you sunshine.' She tells you blowing you a kiss before running over to her teammates who all bring her in for a large group hug. You smile at her almost forgetting how you'd felt only a short time ago.
Seeing Lucy happy made you happy.
'Hello, Miss Bronze.' Caitlin says standing beside you and you can hear the smirk in her voice. 'Care to join your team anytime soon or are you going to keep staring at your girl like a freak for the rest of the night?' She laughs and you shove her slightly.
'I'm coming, you can piss off now.' You tell the brunette, following her towards the team huddle not too far away from where you were. Steph and Kyra wrap their arms around you as you squeeze into the team circle.
The circle is quieter than your previous huddles, the energy gone from the disappointing loss and everyone exhausted from the game you'd just played.
Tony speaks to everyone, telling us it's not over yet and we can't stop working. The talk is coming to an end when he begins to talk about how we should all be very proud of ourselves 'You girls should all be extremely proud of what you have done,' he waves his hand across the sea of fans in green and gold, still screaming and cheering despite the loss. 'Every single one of you has won the hearts of a nation, you have inspired generations to come, and have changed the future of women's football in Australia. That is an incredible achievement.' A small round of applause echoes throughout the group and Tony finishes up the talk letting everyone head off.
All the girls do one more lap of the field, thanking the fans for their support before quickly getting changed and heading back to the hotel, everyone wanting a good nights rest after the long day.
The next day, the bright sun and Kyra's snoring wakes you up. You chuck a pillow at her, laughing at her annoyed grunts and swearing before getting out of bed, showering, and getting changed. You're quick, not wanting to be late for Lucy as the two of you had planned to go out for coffee this morning. You were excited to see how hungover she would be, you'd be surprised if she even managed to get out of bed this morning.
You weren't meant to be meeting Lucy until 10 and it was only 9:15 when you got out of the shower, so you took the extra time to scroll on your phone.
You had hardly thought about the game last night, knowing it would only affect your upcoming game if you worried about that too much. But as you open your phone, which you hadn't been on since before the game, your stomach twists and you feel like you're going to be sick.
A million notifications pop up on your screen. DM's of people telling you to kill yourself and posts that tagged you showing the two goals you couldn't stop yesterday. You tried not to read them but there were too many and you couldn't stop yourself.
Y/N L/N can go fucking throw herself off the Sydney Harbor Bridge for all I care. What a fucking joke this is, I knew women's football would suck. You're telling me that a 'professional' fullback can't stop the easiest goals. hope she fucking dies, let down a whole country.
Morning Y/N, hope you slept terribly last night. Let down a whole country with your shit performance. I'm sure many people would appreciate it if you took a break from football and found a job you're good at. I don't want to see you step foot on a pitch ever again and if you do I'll make sure you're sorry for it.
L/N just proves that female athletes are all just sluts, lost her team a world cup semi-final and all she did after the game was eye fuck Lucy Bronze, what happened to being a team player?
Hi Y/N, thanks to you my daughter cried herself to sleep last night, what happened to inspiring all the young girls, get a fucking life and get back into the kitchen. women like you don't belong on a football pitch. Never touch a football again thanks.
There were so many, all saying the same kind of things that it all just blurred together. Your thoughts from yesterday returned and all you could think about was about how all these people were right. You let down your country and you were a joke.
You were so caught up in everything that you hardly noticed the time slowly tick past 10:15 and all the notifications from Lucy asking where you were. You just sat on your bed, not quite sure what to do. You'd never felt more like a failure in your life, tears poured down your face they were practically choking you but you didn't mind.
You had let down your country and thousands of people agreed with you.
When you didn't answer Lucy's fifth call she got seriously worried. You always had your phone on you and you never ignored Lucy's calls. She called you one more time and when you didn't answer, she took matters into her own hands.
As soon as the Uber arrived outside your hotel, Lucy sprinted up to your room. Until security stopped her at the front desk, demanding that she prove that she was staying at the hotel before they let her in.
She was begging them for a good five minutes until it got to the point when she was offering money for them to let her in. Fortunately, Alanna spotted Lucy at the desk and after seeing her desperate expression she decided to go over and see what was happening.
'Is everything all right?' She asked both the receptionist and Lucy.
'She's not letting me see y/n/n' Lucy snapped shooting the desk lady a dirty glare.
'I need proof, I can't just let anyone in.' She says matter-of-factly causing Lucy to roll her eyes. Alanna ignores the lady giving Lucy all her attention.
'I thought she was going out to see you?' Alanna asked confused 'That's what Kyra told everyone.'
'She was meant to, but she didn't show up and hasn't been answering my calls, I need to know if she's ok.' Lucy's forehead creased with worry, her girlfriend was never late and always picked up the phone.
'I'm sure she'll be fine, I'll take you to go and check her room and see if she's there.' Alanna tells the brunette before turning around having a quick word with the receptionist who mumbles something under her breath before turning to Lucy and allowing her to go up, apologising for the trouble.
Her words aren't heard by the English footballer who is already speed-walking up the hallway despite having no clue where she is going. Alanna jogs lightly to catch up to her grabbing her wrist to stop her from walking. At first, Lucy tries to pull her wrist away but stops when Alanna drops it.
'Her rooms the other way.' Alanna says softly, causing Lucy to turn around and start power walking in the opposite direction. Alanna laughs lightly at her. 'Slow down, you're just going to get lost. I'll take you to her.'
You're curled up under the blankets in your bed. You'd been lying there for almost an hour. Your phone was on silent so you hadn't seen all the missed calls from Lucy, you felt guilty for not showing up but surely she wouldn't care too much. No one in their right mind would want to be seen with a mess like you, especially not the Lucy Bronze.
You lay in silence for a while longer, nobody disrupting you as the do not disturb sign was up and all the girls were out for the off day. You were almost too caught up in your thoughts to hear the knocking on the door and Alanna's voice calling out your name.
'Y/N, are you in there?' She asked again 'Y/N?' You groaned pulling the blankets up so they were almost covering your head.
'Go away Lani.' You mumble only just loud enough for her to hear. You are shocked when she agrees and you hear her footsteps getting further away.
You roll further into your bed, groaning when you hear another knock on the door. 'Baby, are you alright?' Your girlfriend asks, your stomach flips with guilt.
'I don't want to talk right now Luce.' You tell her even though you know that's not going to stop her from coming to see you.
'I need to know that my girlfriends ok.' She tells you and you hear the doorknob twist, the bright light that fills your room makes your head pound and you bury your face into the pillow.
When Lucy sees you lying in the darkness she immediately rushes to your side and places a hand on your forehead, probably checking to see if you had a temperature.
'What's wrong my love?' She asks sitting next to you on the bed and stroking your back. 'Are you sick? Do you need me to get anything for you?' The brunette asks the worry evident in her tone. You turn around to face her, only seeing her concerned face makes you burst out crying.
As tears streamed down your cheeks, you poured your heart out to your girlfriend, the weight of disappointment and guilt heavy on your shoulders, you couldn't not tell her about what was going on.
The two of you told each other everything.
In the quiet of the hotel room, you confessed her insecurities, voice choking with emotion. 'I'm a failure,' you whispered, hands trembling as you recounted the mistakes that haunted you from the semi-finals and all the awful messages you'd received after the game. With each word, Lucy listened intently, offering comforting words of reassurance. 'You're not a failure,' she whispered back, gently wiping away your tears. 'You're brave for putting yourself out there, for giving it your all. Football doesn't define you; your resilience does. You are the best player I know, you didn't win Player of the Year for nothing. All the girls were talking about how well you played last night, just because the result didn't go your way it doesn't mean you're a failure.' She places light kisses over your face 'The people hating are all just dickheads, I can't imagine them doing even half of what you've achieved. Don't let them get to you.' She tells you, midway through your conversation she had laid down beside you, wrapping you in her arms. You had your head lying on her chest, the beat of her heart helping calm you down.
You don't know how you got a girlfriend like Lucy. But you were undeniably grateful for her no matter what. She'd been there for you through the worst and best parts of your life.
'I'm sorry Lucy.' You whisper to her.
'Don't be sorry.' She tells you placing a light kiss on your forehead 'You've done nothing wrong.'
'You're meant to be enjoying making it to the final, but instead you're stuck looking after me.'
'Yeah, but being stuck with my favorite person in the world is my kind of heaven.' She tells you softly causing a small smile to break out on your face 'I love you y/n/n.'
'Love you more.' You say back to her.
'That's impossible baby.' A small smirk appears on her face 'I'll always love you the most.'
#woso#woso community#lionesses#matildas#woso fanfics#woso x reader#lucy bronze times reader#lucy bronze#matildas x reader#sam kerr#kyra cooney cross
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he'd visit your room at night and put a hand over your mouth while he fucks into you. "shh, take it like a good girl."
and he would pin you down as he cums inside of you to make sure you can't get away.
might even do this when you're asleep too, pumping you full of his seed every night so there's no way he won't knock you up <3
and when he does... he'll be a thousand times more horny. now that he's claimed you and ruined you for everyone else, you'll just have to put up with his kinks. he doesn't even tell you beforehand when he stuffs his cock into your ass unprepared or ambushes you while you're busy just to have you open up your mouth for him because he needs to piss.
slowly but surely your bump will become too large to hide and you'll be forced to come clean to your parents about what you and your stepbrother have been doing <3
pairings: park sunghoon x f! reader
warnings: stepcest + perv! hoon + innocent! reader + creampies + breeding + dacryphilia + virgin killer! hoon + pregnancy + lactation + anal + omorashi + hair pulling + impact play + toys + throat fucking + manipulation + blackmail + inflation + filming
💌: this ask has haunted me since i received it /pos i cant believe i was gifted w this incredible idea 💔
your parents trust sunghoon wholeheartedly. they trust him to protect your innocence and to take care of you while they’re away, and god does he take advantage of that. convinces you to sleep in his bad and let him spoon you, unaware of how he grinds his cock against you, cumming on your back as you sleep. he’s weirdly obsessed with being your first everything. the first to spread your pussy open with his fingers n cock, the first to make you cum on his tongue, first to fuck your asshole open and the very first to paint your womb with his cum.
he acts like the perfect stepbrother around your parents but little do they know he’s spitting mean words at you and calling you degrading names while he pulls your hair :( slaps you too and forces you to touch his cock. don’t even think about snitching either because if you do, he’ll make you pay. threatens to show everybody the pictures and videos of you begging for him to cum inside you again as you cream around him.
you’re forced to put up with his sick kinks and let him use you however he pleases. you don’t even pull away when he shoves his cock in your mouth, piss trickling down your throat as you swallow every drop, whining when some of it spills out. the obsession he has with your virginity involves your unruined asshole too btw. he doesn’t bother wasting his chances to knock you up by dumping his cum in your ass. instead he fills your asshole with piss, grinning like a freak when you squeal and cry because he’s never gone this far before. and when the stream of piss finally stops sunghoon slips a buttplug in you, forcing you to feel the way his pee flooded your insides.
he’s the biggest perv and can’t go a day without fucking you full of cum. goes on and on about how he’s so looking forward to the day his semen finally takes and it’s not long before that happens. you’d honestly be more surprised if you didn’t end up pregnant with your stepbrother’s child because he pumps you full of so much cum. when you start lactating sunghoon finally realizes he can’t give you up. would rather get disowned by your parents than be forced to stop fucking you because he’s trained you to be the perfect cum n pissdump for him. every time he fucks you during your pregnancy his mouth always finds its way around one of your nipples, drinking your sweet milk while his fingers roughly pinch ‘nd pull at the other one to make your milk leak out <3
#i hope yall like this bc im obsessed#♡.signed. sealed. delivered.#♡.the honeypot#💌.breeding#💌.somnophilia#💌.noncon#💌.blackmail#💌.pregnancy#💌.lactation#💌.omorashi#💌.throat fucking#💌.manipulation#💌.creampies#💌.stepcest#💌.impact play#💌.anal#💌.toys#💌.inflation#💌.dacryphilia#park sunghoon#enhypen#park sunghoon x reader#park sunghoon smut#park sunghoon x reader smut#enhypen x reader#enhypen x reader smut#enhypen smut
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quiet dream. / dan heng x reader, 18+, smut, reader is fem bodied, grinding, thigh-fucking, fingering, creampie, soft dan heng, reader is super needy, dan heng offers to help when you can't sleep. word count: 4.7k


You can't sleep.
It's a realization you've slowly come to after waking up in the middle of the night several times in a row, but it really starts to hit you like a truck after the fourth. This time, you don't even bother to try and close your eyes again. You just sigh, twist onto your back, and stare begrudgingly at the shadows on the ceiling.
You want to get some rest, you really do. You know you're going to need it. You can't let exhaustion affect your performance on such a difficult and important mission. But no matter how hard you try, it's damn near impossible to sleep when every time you start to drift off, you get interrupted by dark visions and terrible nightmares and loud voices you don't recognize echoing inside your head.
It's been plaguing you ever since you first set foot in Belobog. You were almost starting to think you were losing it. Perhaps this hotel is cursed. Or maybe not, since none of your comrades seem to be suffering from the same fate.
You stumbled out of your room and saw your teammates already waiting for you in the hall. March chuckles and tells you she had a nice dream about making snow angels with Pom Pom. Dan Heng doesn't look up from his phone as he answers, I didn't have any dreams.
So it's just you.
At this point, you've tried absolutely everything — you've made yourself comfortable in every position you can think of, you've got up and paced around hoping it'd relieve some of your energy, you've tossed and turned and yet still, nothing has helped. No, no, you can't take this, you have to do something. When your missions are only getting more and more difficult, you're going to need all the energy you can get. You can't go another night without sleeping.
Your brain spins with ideas of possible solutions. You can't get any medicine, it's way past the time for any stores to be open. Can't get any food or something to drink either. You don't feel like bothering March 7th, she'll just babble on and on and keep you up even further. Sitting here alone in silence though, with nothing but the idle hum of the passing train cars to keep you company does nothing but make your insomnia worse.
When it comes down to it, there's only one last idea you can think of.
You fling the covers away from your face and sit up to plant both your feet on the ground. You open the door to your room as slowly as you can to keep it from creaking, and you carefully make your way down the hall, rounding the corner, to the first room on your left. Sucking in a nervous breath, you raise your knuckle and knock, but when there's no response after a few seconds, you twist the doorknob and invite yourself inside.
The blankets shuffle and Dan Heng lifts his head immediately, hair messy and eyes squinted as they adjust to the sudden flood of light. He seems to relax, tense shoulders slumping once he realizes it's only you.
"What happened?" His voice is rough and laced with tiredness, but he's sitting up further, and he's getting right to the point, "Are you okay?"
"Nothing, I'm fine. Relax." You raise your hands defensively and gently close the door behind you with your heel. It clicks shut. "I can't sleep, so I figured I'd stay with you for a bit. If that's okay."
Dan Heng eyes you up and down, considering, before he flops back onto the bed with a quiet sigh, the mattress bouncing from the sudden weight.
"Sorry, I'll leave if you want me to."
"No," He retorts sternly, shaking his head, his response catching you a little off guard. Is he really okay with this?
Much to your surprise, he continues, "It's fine, I understand. Here." Then, he shifts, turning over and onto his side to make some space next to him. "You can sleep with me if you think it'll help."
Quickly, without giving him a chance to change his mind, you make your way over, and Dan Heng lifts the covers so you can crawl in. You aren't used to seeing him like this; his hair all ruffled, his clothes casual, just a blank t-shirt and sweats. When you settle in and he leans his head onto the fluffy white pillow, you swear you catch him trying to stifle a yawn.
Honestly, you really didn't expect him to let you in so easily, either. You haven't known him for very long, but you're somewhat familiar with each other, to the point you'd consider him your friend, but Dan Heng's a private sort of person. He's a bit stiff, a bit hard to talk with — You like him, you really do. You like those parts of him. You like the way he's serious and smart and strong, how he's much kinder than he appears.
You like the way his nose scrunches when he's focused on something. You like how he cares for you awkwardly but earnestly, slipping his jacket off of his arms and draping it over your shoulders when you first arrived to Jarilo-VI and said you felt cold. He cleared his throat and glanced away, muttering something half-hearted like, Just thank me later.
The thing is, despite all that, despite everything he's done for you, you can't seem to figure out the way he feels. Dan Heng is the most impossible person you think has ever existed.
And right now, even though he's invited you to come lay next to him, you still can't decide, and your brain is a little too scrambled to really start thinking about it.
He's already shut his eyes again, his face is close, wisps of dark hair messy. His chest rises and falls, up and down.
"Did I wake you up?"
He cracks his eyes back open when he hears you speak once more.
"Yes." Dan Heng answers bluntly, and if you weren't feeling so shitty right now you might've just chuckled.
"Don't worry about it." The smallest specs of golden light cast from the street lamps outside reflect in his gaze. "I wasn't upset. I'm more concerned about you. Why can't you sleep?"
"Mmm," You look away, shrugging your shoulders, "Bad dreams."
"Nightmares, huh?"
Yeah, he'd surely know a thing or two about that. Though, strangely, he hasn't had any bad dreams since arriving in Belobog. Maybe it's because the plush hotel beds are way comfier than his little setup on the Astral Express, he figures.
The exhaustion in your tone doesn't lie: "They've been happening ever since we got here. And it's not a regular thing, it's the first time I've had so many dreams like this and… they're relentless."
If the room was a little less dim, and if you were paying just a little more attention, you might have caught the way Dan Heng's expression starts to soften.
"I'm sorry. I wonder if there's a reason for it. Something with the environment here." He says. You let your eyes close at the sound of his voice. "I'll check the data bank tomorrow. I researched Jarilo-VI thoroughly before we came here, and I don't remember anything like that in any of the submissions, but… I suppose I might've missed it."
You snuggle into the pillow, your body feels warm and light; Dan Heng's presence alone provides you with comfort, and you're already starting to drift off. You silently hope to yourself that this will be the last time, and then you murmur in response, "Dunno. I'm tired, you can tell me about it later."
"Right." Dan Heng answers. "I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight."

Dan Heng is losing his mind.
When you first stumbled into his room, he didn't think anything of it. He knows how difficult nightmares can be, especially the ones that seem to be affecting you. Until now, he's never seen you so troubled. He doesn't have a problem keeping you company — you'd do the same for him, and he knows that.
The first time, you managed to drift off for an hour or so. He stayed awake for a while to watch over you, and when you ended up waking up from another bad dream, Dan Heng slung an arm around you, he rubbed your back with his palm and tried to mutter something into your ear to help you fall asleep: some boring story he learned from the archives.
But you were quick to wake again. And again, and again. Nothing worked, trying his best to help you has only served to make him just as restless as you are, and right now you, you're just —
"Dan Heng, please."
You say his name in a voice so pleading, so sweet and sugary it takes nearly everything he has to struggle to resist. A warm blaze of heat rushes to every corner of his face, his breath is hot and thick, the slightest bit shaky when it fans over the expanse of your neck. In your tossing and turning, you've chosen to face away from him now, with your back pressed deft to his chest. Dan Heng wonders how strongly you can feel the thudding of his heart.
The proximity alone is enough to get his heart pounding — you're so warm, so close, he can't take it — but each and every word you say makes it so much worse, and you keep shifting back, you keep pressing into him and you just have to know what you're doing.
"You're still awake."
Dan Heng breathes the words into your ear, his voice as still as he can get it. Matter-of-fact, just an observation. Not acknowledging anything but not ignoring you either. Exactly as you'd expect him to respond.
Softly, barely audible, you grumble back a simple response: "Yeah."
"Get some rest."
You back up into him a bit more, your ass rubs against his groin, right there; you both sigh in unison, yours of relief, his more like exasperation.
Dan Heng grips you hard, fingers curled into your side. "Stop it."
"I can't, I can't fall asleep like this. You're so stubborn." You huff, and you sound honest with that, you're seemingly breathless already.
It's half his fault this is happening. He'll take some of the blame. Perhaps he shouldn't have held you so close earlier. When your breathing got faster, when you hugged him tighter, maybe it was wrong of him to let his lips ghost over your neck, or his palms drift over your thighs.
He wasn't trying to take things this far, he's never had any bad intentions. He's the one in the wrong for getting carried away. You were just so close, and Dan Heng hasn't been able to stop his heart from pounding for hours now.
It wouldn't be the first time he's thought more with his heart than his brain. Stupid.
He swallows the lump in his throat. "I'm sorry."
He's realizing he's weaker than he thought he was, he's more obvious about his feelings for you than he intended. He has to be stubborn, but he's already failed, because you've gone and found him out. Now, you know.
You know, because you're gripping his arm with an urgency, you're twisting around and forcing him to meet your desperate eyes while your free hand finds and fiddles with the loose drawstrings of his sweatpants.
Dan Heng, please fuck me.
God, how can you say that without even hesitating? His head is spinning. He feels dizzy, he feels like this isn't really happening.
"You're- that's enough." He presses his hand to your shoulder and shoves, but clearly with no force behind it. You don't budge.
"How many more times?" Your warm fingers are working their way under the hem of his pants now, teasing his bare skin ever-so slightly, "How many more times do I have to ask?"
How much longer, because you know he's going to give in.
"I-" Dan Heng looks away, anywhere but where you're staring at him. He breathes a long, heavy sigh out from his mouth. There's an ache in his chest he can't possibly shake, and an even harder throb between his legs.
He shouldn't. He really, really shouldn't. You don't have protection. You're not even dating.
One hand twists up to hold the back of his neck, and when the other brushes down to squeeze the bulge of his stiffening cock through his sweats, Dan Heng starts to forget about all the things he'd better not do.
He sucks in a sharp breath through his teeth, and with eyes half-open, he looks towards you again, finally. "You think it'll help you sleep?"
You nod, "Mhmm."
"And you're okay with that? This is really what you want?"
"Yes, it is, I'm sure," You say, you're starting to tug his sweats from his hips and his breath is hitching and stuttering in his throat, "I can't wait any longer. I need you."
Dan Heng gives himself just one more moment to attempt to compose himself. Your thumbs brush the space just underneath his hip bones, and he takes an unconvincing deep breath in. Then, he's placing his hand on your chest and gently pushing you back; the hotel bed creaks, the mattress shifts and the sheets rustle as he slowly climbs on top of you.
"Need is a strong word," Fingers grasped around the hem, he makes quick work of shedding his t-shirt. The crisp night air is colder than he thought. The dim light casts most of his face in shadow. "What's got you like this?"
"You want it with me just as badly, don't you?"
You've dodged the question. But you aren't wrong.
"Just this once." Dan Heng affirms, "We won't bring it up again."
One time. That'll be enough. If he's lucky, you'll save him the embarrassment and remember this as just another dream.
When it comes to you, he's just too weak.

"Dan Heng-"
There it is again, you're saying his name in a tone reserved just for him — Dan Heng gasps, he fucks up into you a little harder, he rams right into your sweet spot and you grasp his forearm to steady yourself, his muscles firm when you squeeze. The sound of skin against skin along with the rhythmic creak of the bed echo around the walls of the small hotel room. Arm wrapped around your stomach, you're on your side, and his body curls around yours, his head leant on your shoulder, hand tightly gripping the fat of your thigh.
Sweat coats his skin, his head feels hazy, thoughts dreamy. By now, he's come to lose any semblance of lucidity he once had, any hope of not taking things any further. But when he's buried all the way inside you, he's hardly even come to realize.
His voice feels sore and tired, but he still manages to mumble into your ear, "Say it again."
And you do, you say his name once more, twice more. Dan Heng fucks his cock right into that perfect spot for the hundredth time and you're cooing each syllable for him even louder.
"S-Shit, you-" He interrupts himself with a gasp for breath, "You feel so amazing, I'm- I can't," He never sounds like this, so needy and awestruck. A soft moan uttered right into the nape of your neck, then, "I'm gonna cum again."
Your fingers clench the sheets tighter, your breath comes out in short pants, "Wanna hear you say my name too, Dan Heng-"
His arms are shaking, and once he teeters over the edge he's practically biting down on your shoulder to keep himself from getting too loud; he focuses less on hitting the right spot and more on getting off, his thrusts into you become sloppy and clumsy and erratic. As he cums, chanting your name with each fragile breath, he just barely manages to find a moment of clarity, slipping out to fist his cock and empty all over the sheets.
His heart thuds incessantly in his ears, drowning out everything else. He's gasping, wiping his hand off on the sheet, resting his forehead onto your shoulder and swallowing to keep his throat from drying up.
"You alright?" Of course, your well-being is the first thing Dan Heng is concerned about.
"I'm fine," You answer immediately.
Dan Heng stays quiet for a few agonizingly long seconds. Slowly, he guides his half-hard cock to your thighs, he slides it in between them and feels it start to throb and pulse with need again once you squirm, adjusting to give him more room to work with.
Warm, you're so warm, he closes his eyes and thrusts forwards and he's already thinking about how it's going to feel so much better when he puts it back inside you.
"Sorry, what am I doing?" Dan Heng suddenly freezes, rubbing his temple with his fingers. He's absolutely losing his mind. "I'll stop. I'll stop if you want me to."
"Don't," You reply, and he finds it difficult to object, "I want to keep going, come here."
You're twisting around then, pulling away from him and shifting onto your back, splaying your arms above your head and blinking away whatever exhaustion is starting to form behind your eyelids. Dan Heng is quick to follow suit, settling into his familiar spot on top of you.
He raises his hand, and he lets his knuckles brush tenderly over the side of your cheek. "You sure? You're still not tired?"
Your response comes in the form of a hasty shake of your head and an eager grab of his arm.
It's been like this for hours now. Dan Heng gives you what you want, you're satisfied for a bit until you beg and coax him into giving you more. The faintest hints of sunlight are starting to creep past the curtains now, and as much as Dan Heng is trying to hold on to his sanity as best as he can, he's really starting to think he's past the point of no return.
How is he supposed to face you tomorrow? Hell, tomorrow is already practically here, and yet he still can't stop.
He keeps telling himself the two of you need to calm down — but as you're gripping his hand, as you're pressing his fingertips over your swollen clit, dragging them down and getting them nice and wet on your arousal, his heart is once again caught in his throat and all he can do is listen.
Dan Heng's whole body shivers. He gives you exactly what you want; he sinks his fingers into you knuckle-deep, he pumps them in and out to a slow and careful rhythm, slick sounds ringing in his ears.
He quirks his fingers up and presses them right where they belong, and you can't manage to get out the other half of his name.
"More?" Like he already knows what you're going to say, he pulls his fingers out before he even sees you nod, just like that.
His palms find your waist, he holds you with shaking hands as if you're delicate. Shiny, wet precum is already budding at his slit, and he aligns his hips to press the needy tip of his dick to your entrance. His bottom lip finds its way between his teeth as he's sliding in, just barely, stretching you with just the fat tip of his cock; the rest of him aches, his eyelids flutter and he groans, he can't move. He can't, or he already won't last.
Please, Dan Heng. Put it in all the way.
You're greedy, so ridiculously insatiable. He doesn't blame you though. He can't.
Here you are, always so kind to him, always asking so nicely. Always saying please, always loyal, always sticking by his side. Begging for him, all for him. He'd be stupid not to give you everything — everything you ask for, and every last second in the stretch of this infinite universe.
Because you're special to him. You mean more to him than he'd ever be able to admit. And after being cooped up in the Astral Express for so long, after so much running and running and never finding his place, after never having time for anything like this and never realizing how badly he needed it, he knows he's even worse.
It fits in so easy when he finally slides all the way in, like he was meant to be there. He stays still at first, taking deep breaths, getting used to the feeling. He's sensitive, way too sensitive. He tries his best to ignore it and focus on you. He rolls his shoulders backwards, waits for the moment you start to impatiently squirm. And then, he pulls back only to press all the way in; he starts up a gentle rhythm, taking things slow, fucking you nice and softly.
Even just his shallow thrusts feel heavenly. Your nerves feel like they're on fire, you're warm all over from head to toe. You're a second away from choking out a plea for him to go harder, but Dan Heng seems to read your mind before you've spoken a single word.
You're pretty when you're underneath him, pretty face and pretty wide eyes locked onto his. It's a pretty sight each time he buries the length of his cock all the way inside you, shaft slick and wet and glistening when he pulls it out. You make the prettiest noises when he shoves in deep only to pull out and slam himself back inside, you've got the prettiest expression as he grips your legs and folds them up to fuck his dick into you even harder than before.
You've always been pretty in his eyes. But more than anything, he wants to see how pretty you'll look when he makes you fall apart.
"You're getting loud," He mumbles, in that matter-of-fact way you've come to expect. He doesn't slow down though, doesn't give you a moment to breathe; he squeezes your thighs and rubs them with his palms. "If we keep going like this- they'll hear. You know that?"
"Don't care," You can barely get out the words, your back takes on a tell-tale arch, "Let them. Just don't stop."
Dan Heng isn't sure how thin these walls are. But in hindsight, it might be too late. The thought makes him feel dirty. He should have considered quieting down a long time ago.
Forehead to forehead with you, his pace speeds up a little, a tight knot forms in the pit of your stomach. His hair is a thick, tangled mess, even messier when you reach up to run your fingers through; you grasp and tug, sending waves down his spine, and Dan Heng can't help but whimper. He bucks into you hard, desperately, and you can't do anything but claw at his back, leaving scrapes and marks of red.
He's panting, his face is inches away from yours; he can't take it anymore. He starts with a single quiet please, and when you cup his cheek in your hand he's sighing and stammering without even thinking, "Please I- please kiss me, please please please-"
You pull him closer, he tilts his head and you shut him up as your lips connect for the first time tonight — Dan Heng kisses you softly, his lips plush, his heart flutters and flips. His first kiss with you, and it's so much more desperate than he expected, but he needs this too badly to take things slow. Your lips part and he's groaning, licking into your mouth, sucking on your tongue.
He takes the opportunity to grab your thigh, tossing your leg over his shoulder to give himself a better angle. He pistons in and out at a steady pace until you're about to snap, until everything else is melting away and you're focused on nothing but him. Until he gets carried away, the tip of his cock shoves in too deep, and you're tossing your head back, crying so loudly you're certain someone would hear. He feels so good you can't bother to care.
"M'close," You're mumbling once he gives you a moment to breathe, dragging away from your lips to plant wet kisses onto your cheek, your jaw, your neck. Your fingertips drag along his back, you feel out the shape of his mismatched scars — you're whining even louder, begging for him to make you cum, and Dan Heng is really, really done for.
He's thought himself to be somewhat of a strong person. Someone with a good resolve. Tonight, you're making him rethink everything.
He's close too, movements getting sloppy, it's growing harder and harder for him to hold back how you make him feel. He's never felt like this, never been so desperate. Dan Heng's fingers twitch, he moans and wraps an arm around your back securely. He rests his head in your nape and sighs, breath warm and heavy on your skin.
"I-" He hesitates, because even now, even after all this, he's nervous to speak; his chest heaves, his whole body's trembling. "I want to cum with you."
"Don't pull out, please Dan Heng, it feels so good, you're making me feel so good-"
He shouldn't listen to you. But he will. And he won't even think twice.
"Gonna cum," His shoulders tense, his voice nearly breaks, "F-Fuck, you're so sweet, I'm-" A stuttery whine, "I'm cumming, I'm cumming…"
A few more sloppy thrusts and you're both done for. Wet sounds fill your ears, Dan Heng reaches up with an unsteady hand and grips the headboard to keep himself steady. When you cum, clenching hard and throbbing around his cock, chanting his name just as he hoped you would, Dan Heng has little pent-up tears forming in the corners of his eyes, he hastily covers your mouth with his free hand, your noises muffled on his palm. He's riding his high out with you and fucking you through it all, biting hard on his bottom lip to stay quiet, shamelessly spilling every drop of his spend inside.
It takes a while for him to finally slow down, for his vision to unblur. He nearly collapses on top of you, and it takes him even longer to work up the strength to pull out.
The early-morning sun shines even brighter through the curtains. His fingers slip over your cheek, they fiddle idly with your ear. He kisses your lips once before finally settling, rolling over next to you with his eyes already closed.
"Dan Heng."
He was hoping you'd managed to fall asleep, finally. He gives himself a second to regain some energy, and then with a huff, he lifts his head and props himself up on his elbows, meeting your eyes.
"I don't want this to end."
Your words catch him by surprise. Your genuine expression does even more so.
"It won't," He concludes, earnest as ever. Your hands are splayed out above your head, clenching and unclenching, and he grips one to give you something to hold onto. "I'm not going anywhere. And I won't forget about this, or about you. I'll be here when you get up, do you think you can try and get some rest now? It's late."
It's early, more so.
You offer him a shallow nod in response, and Dan Heng wastes no time fluffing your pillow, pulling the covers over you, and giving you some space to curl up. He doesn't bother to find your clothes, he just tucks the blankets in around you and hopes that'll suffice for now.
"I…" He gets comfy next to you, resting his head on his arm. "I don't want this to end either. I don't. I didn't even think it was happening for a while. I think… I think we should focus on our mission. We can't afford to get distracted. But when we're back on the Astral Express- Once we've got more time on our hands, we can talk about this. How's that?"
You don't answer. He takes a few moments to realize you've stilled, your chest calmly rising and falling.
"Are you asleep?"

#dan heng x reader#dan heng x you#honkai star rail x reader#honkai star rail x you#hsr x reader#hsr x you#dan heng smut#honkai star rail smut
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Paige Bueckers x Reader
You have sworn off dating after a horrible break up with your ex. He would always cheat on you and only use you for money, he would also do the bare minimum. After a messy break up you swore to never date again for the rest of your college life. Until you meet a girl who tries to change your perspective of dating.
"Please babe I love you, after everything you can't just break up with me and kick me out, you know I have no where to stay" you now ex boyfriend plead on his legs. You were done with him after finding out he used you for your money. You were also annoyed on how he never even tried. He would always spend your money carelessly and tell you how he loved you and adored you when you bought him stuff. But when it came to physical affection he would always come up with the excuse of "sorry I'm tired".
The straw that broke the camels back was when he cheated you for the 4th time. You were done with it especially his constant excuse for cheating which was. "I was just drunk", you felt no more sympathy for him in the moment and dumped him and kicked him out.
Thinking of that memory still brings you bad vibes, remembering how you gave him your all but he never tried for you. Swearing to never dating. As you finished zoning out you decided to grab the rest of your coffee and head back to your apartment. Till you bumped into this girl and group while walking. As you were about to say sorry you looked up and saw the person.
It was your schools basketball star, Paige Bueckers. You knew of her, you also were both in the same year but you just have never seen her. As you soon realized you bumped into her you spluttered out the word "Omg I'm so sorry I didn't mean to" as she looked down she felt like she had butterflies. Bumping into a pretty girl such like you made her blush hard. "Oh, Its alright" she responded trying to sound like it didn't bother her.
As you guys made eye contact for longer then you expected, you heard a scream from a girl far away. It was one of the other women's basketball player. As you were trying to think of who it was. You heard Paige wave back "Oh hey kk" she said. She soon turned away and walked to her as you were still puzzled on what happened. You decided to continue walking back to your apartment.
Soon throughout the next week you constantly saw her more often, it felt weird as this was your normal route and you never seen her take this route. But what you didn't know was since the encounter Paige developed the biggest crush on you. Opting to take the route she took on the day you met everyday.
While during one day you were walking through your campus not watching where you were walking as you tripped. As you were trying to get up you saw some girl rush up too you helping you. Hey are you okay let me take you to the medical office. As your head felt like it was spinning you could hardly recognize the voice. Till after she started chatting to you as you continuously nodded to her words you realized it was the girl you bumped into.
As you were in the medical office you got to know Paige much more soon becoming close friends. She soon got your number and you guys started hanging out much more. Almost hanging out daily, as you were in her dorm hanging out with her. KK was live soon dragging you into the live and introducing you.
As you saw many questions flood KK read one of the comments "Are you single" she asked you. Which peaked Paiges interest as she looked at you hardly, as you gave a reply "yeah I'm single, but I don't plan on dating anyone in college anymore" as Paige felt disappointed she tried to keep a upbeat attitude.
As the live ended Paige went up and asked you why you weren't planning to date anyone anymore as you replied "I'm just scared of another heartbreak after my messy break up with this guy who used me, treated me like shit and cheated on me multiple times" as badly she wanted to say you should not let that stop you she felt like it would be insensitive after all many things had happened to you.
Even with the way you swore off she told her to self to not give up you and still trying. Even if it would take some time, as you soon hung out with her more she slowly made more small hints. Like always walking you too your classes even it means being late to her class or practice. Buying you cute trinkets and snacks often and always holding your hand. You felt like your feelings were starting to grow but still not ready to give in to her just yet.
One day you soon ran into her after her practice and she asked you if you wanted to go with her too Ted's. As you agreed as you had no classes tomorrow you took up her offer and went to go change then met back up with her. As you both walked in you both ordered a drink while putting it on her tab. As you grabbed your mojito, you guys went to the dance floor dancing and drinking all night. As she drank non alcoholic drinks knowing she would be the one driving you home.
After many drinks and dancing it was about 2, as she saw how intoxicated you were getting she dragged you out of the bar. You were clearly drunk and stumbling with your heels. As she seated you into the car. Before you could think of anything you grabbed her face and kissed her. She knew it was wrong but she couldn't help but lean into the kiss. As you guys were making out in the car she started remembering that she had to bring you home. As clearly the state you are in she couldn't just leave you alone she decided to bring you to her dorm.
Soon waking up the morning next to her you remember what had happen that night. Feeling guilty you shook her up, as she woke up she gave you a sleepy "good morning ma whats wrong" as you quickly started apologizing for you drunk actions. She grabbed your chin and kissed you silencing you. Maybe you should give dating another shot as you kissed her back.
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With all my love, pt 4
Since I’ve gotten home, I’ve been unable to relax. Bakugou’s text messages have forced me in a trace since I sat down to read them on the train. I’ve read and reread each one, analyzing every word and punctuation detail.
Katsuki’s drunk voicemails are even harder to process; his slurred speech is filled with hiccups and desperate pleas for me to come back. These are messages he would never send when sober, making them all the more gut-wrenching.
I fall onto the hotel’s bed and curl up next to the Uravity plushie I keep there for comfort. Ochaco was never a fan of my relationship with Bakugou, but she was always the best at giving advice. If she were here now, she’d probably offer to float him up into space until he exploded.
I take a deep breath and hit play on the first voicemail he left. Katsuki's voice floods the room, and even in his vulnerable moments, there's a magnetism to him that I can't resist. Each drunken word reveals a side of him that he keeps tightly locked away when he's sober. It's these rare, unguarded moments that leave me crying, aching to heal his broken heart.
His voice cracks, and I can hear the pain and confusion in every syllable. I clutch the Uravity plushie tighter, tears welling up as I listen. The raw emotion, the unfiltered regret, makes the distance between us feel insurmountable.
Saturday, June 1st, 10:52pm
"Hey... it's me. Damn it, I know you hate me now, but I can’t do this without you. I know I don’t deserve you; you’re so smart and the only person who challenges me. I've been thinking 'bout you all night. I miss you so much it hurts. I miss your touch, the way you laugh... everything 'bout you. It's killin' me not havin' you here."
His voice slurs, thick with alcohol, and I can hear a few thumps and groans as he fumbles with the phone.
"I... I screwed up, I know that. But... please, just gimme another chance. I need you. I don't know what to do without you. Our bed feels empty. Please, just... come back to me. I... I love you."
A few similar voicemails are left on my phone for that night, each one repeating his drunken rambles, filled with regret and longing. Each message blurs into the next, a cascade of sorrow and hopelessness.
Monday, June 3rd, 2:39am
"Hey... it's me. Look, I know you’re probably just busy, right? You wouldn’t just leave like that. This is just a misunderstanding or something. Call me back when you get this, okay? We need to talk. I... I need to hear from you. I can’t believe you’re really gone. Just... just call me.”
There's a long pause, filled with the sound of his shaky breathing, before the voicemail clicks off.
The silence that follows feels like a weight pressing down on my chest. I close my eyes, trying to steady my own breath, then tap on the next voicemail he left, only an hour later that evening.
Monday, June 3rd, 4:32am
"Hey, it's me again. Why aren't you answering? I... I keep checking my phone, waiting for your name to pop up. This can't be real. You can't just be gone. Please, I need to hear your voice. We can work this out, can't we? I know I screw up, but we always find a way, right?"
The sound of him stumbling, maybe knocking something over, echoes through the phone. His frustration is clear, and it cuts deep.
"I miss you so much. This stupid house doesn’t even smell like you anymore. You always knew how to make everything better. Please, just call me. We need to talk. I can't do this without you. I love you."
Wednesday, June 5th, 3:47am
"Hey! What the hell is wrong with you? You think you can just walk away from everything we had? I’m pissed! I miss you, damn it! I can’t stand this! How could you just leave me like that? You think this is easy for me? It’s not! Get your ass back here and fix this!"
He takes a harsh, shaky breath, the anger clear in his voice. Kats moves the phone away from his face, clearly yelling at some random person before shoving the phone next to his ear again.
"You think you can just walk away like it’s nothing? Well, it’s not nothing to me! I can’t do this without you. Every day feels like hell. I can’t eat, I can’t sleep. Everywhere I go, I see you, I hear you. It’s like a ghost haunting me, reminding me of everything we had and everything I lost. Do you even care what this is doing to me?"
His voice cracks, the raw emotion breaking through his anger.
"You were my everything. We had plans, dreams... You can’t just throw all that away. I know I screwed up, but I can fix this. Please, I need you. I need you to come back and tell me it’s going to be okay. I can’t do this alone. So get your ass back here, now! Before it's too late... before we lose everything we’ve built together."
He pauses, and the silence is filled with his labored breathing, each inhale shaky and uneven.
"Please," he whispers, the anger gone, replaced by a mixture of loss and desperation. "Please, just come back."
The voicemail ends abruptly with a sharp click. I press the next one. As soon as I hear his voice, I sit up straight, knocking a pillow off my bed in the rush. This one was different. It’s the day before Eijiro called me, begging me to have lunch with him and refusing to take no for an answer.
Monday, June 8th, 10pm
"Hey... it’s me. I... I don’t even know why I’m calling. You’re not gonna pick up, are you? I just... I miss you. I miss everything about you. It’s so damn hard without you here. I don’t know what to do anymore. Everything feels empty."
Katsuki pauses for a moment, and a muffled cry is given before he brings the phone back up to his face, his breathing hard.
"I... I just wanted to say that I get it. I understand why you left. It doesn’t make it hurt any less, but... I get it. No one has ever put up with me for as long as you have. I’ve never had someone defend me like you did. Take care of yourself, alright? I love you, always."
Fear spreads across my body, engulfing me into a paralyzing state. My mind races, trying to make sense of it all. Katsuki Bakugou has never, and I mean never, accepted defeat. Bakugou is a fighter; he’s an asshole. Katsuki Bakugou once made me play 12 rounds of Mario Cart because I kept beating him. So why did his voice sound so defeated? What did Eijiro see that I haven’t been able to?
I stand up, pacing back and forth, my thoughts spiraling. Should I call him? Would he even want to speak with me? Isn’t this what I wanted? I wished for his pain, but seeing it unfold feels like a gunshot rather than enjoyment.
My heart pounds as I replay his last voicemail, each word contrasting the Katsuki I thought I knew. His usual fiery spirit, the bravado, the unyielding strength—it was all stripped away, leaving behind a raw, aching vulnerability that I didn’t know he possessed. The thought of him being so broken sends a dagger through my heart.
I stop pacing and sit on the edge of my bed, my hands trembling. This isn’t how it was supposed to be. I wanted him to understand my pain, to feel a fraction of what I felt when he pushed me away, but this... this is too much. The idea of him being in such a dark place, feeling so lost and defeated, twists my stomach in knots.
What if he doesn’t answer? What if he does and I don’t know what to say? I reach for my phone, my fingers hovering over his contact. The weight of the decision feels crushing. I wanted him to hurt, but not like this. Not to the point where I’m afraid for him.
Taking a deep breath, I press the call button, my heart pounding in my chest as I wait for the call to connect. The ringing seems to go on forever, each second dragging out the torment.
"Hello?" A woman's voice, light and giggling, cuts through the receiver. In the background, there's a commotion—a struggle, I can only assume is my asshole ex-boyfriend trying to wrestle his phone back from her.
"Is Bakugou there?" I question, trying to keep my voice steady despite the irritation bubbling up inside me. I can hear a party going on in the background.
"He's a bit busy right now," she replies, a teasing hint to her tone. "I'll have him call you back once he's free."
Before I can say anything more, there's a final click and the call abruptly ends.
#my hero academy fanfiction#my hero academia#my hero acedamia#mha x reader#mha bakugou#mha#katsuki bakugo x reader#bakugo katsuki#katsuki bakugo#katsuki bakugou#bakugou x reader#bnha bakugou#fanfic
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Reclaiming Hope
Law x reader (one use of y/n)
Summary: In the aftermath of a crushing defeat by Blackbeard, Trafalgar Law grapples with overwhelming guilt and self-doubt, haunted by the fear that his crew might be lost forever. With the Strawhats’ help, Law’s crew is rescued, and he takes comfort in knowing that you are alive.
Words: 2.1k
Notes: We don't know for sure what happened to the crew, and I don't think they were taken hostage, but that didn't stop me from writing that story. (In my mind, they're all alive and will reunite soon)
English is not my first language
Trafalgar Law felt a sharp pang of shame as memories of his crew's defeat at Blackbeard's hands flooded his mind. He knew he should be grateful for Bepo's timely intervention, but all he could focus on was his overwhelming sense of failure. The nagging thought that, had he been stronger, his crew would still be safe clung to him relentlessly.
“Damn it,” he muttered, barely above a whisper. “I should’ve done more… I should’ve been stronger.”
Despite the weight of his self-doubt, Law knew he couldn’t afford to sink into despair. Every second wasted could mean his crew drifting further, unreachable—if they were even still alive. The uncertainty gnawed at him, like a ravenous beast.
The only thing Law could be certain of was that Bepo was still by his side. The loyal polar bear mink remained a steadfast source of emotional support, and yet, Law couldn't help but feel like a burden.
He glanced at Bepo, whose usual cheerful expression was now overshadowed by concern. Guilt tightened in Law’s chest—Bepo had gone through so much to save him, yet here he was, drowning in self-pity.
“Bepo” Law began, his voice betraying his inner turmoil. “I know I’ve been a wreck since we lost to Blackbeard. I just… I can't shake this feeling of helplessness. Not knowing if my crew survived is tearing me apart.”
Bepo’s eyes softened as he placed a comforting paw on Law’s shoulder. “Captain, I get it” he said gently. “But you can’t let this guilt consume you. We have to believe the crew is still alive. We’ll find them together.”
Law exhaled heavily, knowing Bepo was right. “I know… but it’s hard to hold on to hope when we don’t even know where to start looking,” he muttered, running a hand through his dark hair in frustration.
After days of aimless wandering, Trafalgar Law stumbled upon an unexpected sight—the Jolly Roger of the Strawhat pirates fluttering in the wind. It was a twist of fate he hadn't anticipated, but Law knew he couldn’t afford to let the opportunity slip away.
Standing before the Strawhat crew, his usual confident demeanor carried a faint trace of desperation. With a steadying breath, he began recounting everything that had happened since his crew's fateful clash with Blackbeard, leaving no detail untold.
The Strawhats listened in silence, their expressions growing increasingly serious as they absorbed the weight of Law’s words. When he finally finished, a tense stillness hung in the air.
Luffy broke it with a resolute slam of his fist into his palm, a determined glint in his eyes.
“We can’t let Blackbeard get away with this. Your crew fought bravely—they don’t deserve this.”
With the unexpected support of the Strawhat pirates, Law and Bepo set sail alongside them, their mission clear: confront Blackbeard and rescue Law's crew from captivity. Though the road ahead was fraught with uncertainty, Law felt a glimmer of hope. With the Strawhats by his side, they just might have a chance against the ruthless Blackbeard.
As they neared their destination, Blackbeard, and his crew awaited them, a mocking smile curling on the pirate captain's lips as he spotted their approach.
“Well, well, if it isn't Trafalgar Law and Strawhats, I wondered when you'd show up.” Blackbeard sneered, his voice dripping with arrogance.
The Strawhat pirates bristled at the provocation, but Law remained resolute, his eyes locked on Blackbeard. This fight was inevitable.
“We've come for my crew.”
Blackbeard let out a low, chilling laugh, the sound sending a shiver down Law’s spine. “Your crew? They're safe with me. But if you want them back, you'll have to earn it,” he taunted.
Luffy, never one to shy away from a challenge, stepped forward with fists clenched and a fierce gleam in his eyes. “We're not leaving without them,” he declared, signaling the start of the battle.
The air crackled with tension as the crews collided, the clanging of weapons and grunts of effort filling the battlefield.
Law found himself in the thick of the fight, his strikes driven by a volatile mix of desperation and rage. Each blow landed on Blackbeard's crew felt like a small victory, but Blackbeard himself seemed maddeningly untouchable, dodging and countering with ease.
Despite the overwhelming odds, the Strawhat pirates fought with unwavering resolve. As the battle raged on, their attacks grew more coordinated, and their rhythm was unshakable. Law couldn’t help but feel a flicker of respect for Luffy and his crew— their fierce determination mirrored his own.
After what felt like an eternity of fierce battling, the tide began to turn in their favor. Law watched as, one by one, Blackbeard's crew members fell, their bodies sprawled battered and defeated across the deck.
Amid the chaos, Law noticed something that sent a wave of relief through him—his crew, now free from their captor, had arrived on the scene. Their grateful eyes were locked on him, and he realized that one of the Strawhat pirates had freed them during the heat of battle.
Seeing his crew, bruised but alive, filled Law with immense relief and gratitude. The familiar faces, though injured, were determined, and their presence felt like a heavy weight being lifted off his shoulders.
As the last of Blackbeard's crew collapsed, the Strawhat pirates and Law's crew gathered, their victory reflected in the weary yet satisfied smiles they exchanged. Law turned to Luffy, his respect for the Strawhat captain growing with each passing moment.
“Thank you,” Law said simply, his voice sincere. He hoped those two words could convey the depth of his gratitude. “For helping me save my crew.”
With the chaos of battle finally behind them, Law turned his attention to his crew. He moved through the group, checking on each member to ensure they were relatively unharmed. Law couldn't suppress a small smile that tugged at the corners of his mouth, a flicker of pride and relief in his eyes. They had made it. Although they were bruised and battered, they were alive and, at last, safe.
As Law examined his crew, a pang of anxiety struck him—someone was missing. He scanned the faces of his crew, searching for the familiar face.
The realization hit him hard. Where were you?
“Hey,” Law's voice cut through the post-battle celebration. “Where’s y/n?”
A hush fell over the group. His question hung in the air like a dark cloud, casting a shadow over their victory. The crew exchanged worried glances, but no one had an answer.
Then, a quiet voice answered from a short-distance away. You stood there, your expression unreadable, your body a canvas of cuts and bruises.
Law’s eyes widened as he took in your battered appearance, a mix of anger and concern bubbling within him. He approached you quickly, his eyes scanning for injuries as he tried to gauge the extent of the damage.
Despite the numerous cuts and bruises that marred your skin, each a testament to the fierce struggle you had endured, one fact stood out starkly against the chaos—you were alive.
He moved closer, his gaze fixed on the injuries, and gently touched your shoulder. “Are you okay?”
You chose to ignore his question about your well-being, instead offering a small, strained smile.
“I’m just happy to see you,” you murmured softly, your voice carrying an undertone of warmth despite the apparent pain.
Though your words seemed casual, Law wasn’t fooled. He noticed the subtle tension in your eyes and the way they betrayed the exhaustion you were trying to hide behind this brave exterior.
“Come on,” he said, his tone firm. “I’m not taking no for an answer. You need to be examined properly. You must get checked out to make sure there’s nothing more serious going on.”
His voice carried authority, making it clear that he wasn’t going to let you dismiss your injuries.
Upon entering the infirmary, Law gently helped you onto one of the beds. He then set about gathering supplies—antiseptics, bandages, and other essentials needed.
As he tended to your injuries, Law’s hands moved with practiced precision, each motion deliberate and careful. His fingers deftly applied antiseptic and wrapped bandages with a steady, experienced touch. Even with his focused attention on the task at hand, he couldn’t help but frequently steal glances at your face.
Each time he looked up, he was met with the sight of you trying to stay still, yet your expression betrayed the strain you were under. The tension in your features was palpable, manifesting as subtle furrows in your brow and the occasional tightening of your lips. Every muscle in your face seemed to be working hard to maintain some sort of composure, but Law could clearly see the underlying discomfort and fatigue you were battling.
While tending to your injuries, a torrent of emotions surged within him. The overwhelming relief of having you safe and alive, despite your injuries, was almost too much to bear. Each time his fingers brushed against your skin, he was reminded of the stakes he had fought so hard to protect.
His usually stoic demeanor betrayed the depth of his feelings. Though he was fixated on the task, there was an undeniable tenderness in his touch.
You, on the other hand, found yourself unable to resist occasionally looking over at him. You observed his concentrated expression, the way his hands moved with efficiency, and the subtle relief in his eyes. Each time your gazes met, a comforting sense of reassurance washed over you. Despite the pain from your wounds, his presence and care brought a gentle smile to your lips.
Once Law had finished attending to the last of your cuts, a tranquil silence settled over the room, punctuated only by the faint sounds of your breathing. It was in this stillness that your voice broke through, “I didn’t get the chance to tell you something.”
Law looked up from the medical supplies he had been meticulously arranging and met your gaze.
“What is it?” he asked, setting aside the bandages and ointments to give you his undivided attention.
You offered him a playful smile, your eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief. You knew he might have been expecting a heartfelt confession, but instead, you decided to catch him off guard.
“You made a hot woman,” you said, referring to the brief, odd moment before your battle with Blackbeard when he had temporarily transformed into a woman.
Law’s eyes widened in shock at your unexpected remark. He had almost forgotten about that peculiar incident, a fleeting transformation that had occurred in the midst of your preparations. A mixture of surprise and amusement flitted across his face as he processed your comment.
“Seriously?” he responded after a moment, his usually gruff voice softened by a tone of incredulous affection. “You’re bringing that up now, of all times?”
Despite the gravity of the situation, Law couldn't help but let a smile break through his usually stern demeanor. It was entirely typical of you to catch him off guard, even in moments fraught with tension and seriousness.
“You’re ridiculous,” he said, trying to sound exasperated, but his voice betrayed a soft tenderness that he could not fully mask.
Though he tried to sound annoyed, the truth was that your playful comment was a welcome distraction. It offered him a brief and much-needed respite from the heavy burden of your circumstances. The contrast between your light-hearted remark and the seriousness of your recent ordeal created a moment of levity that he secretly cherished.
You met his gaze with a broad grin, your eyes twinkling with warmth. “I know I’m ridiculous,” you said, your voice carrying a genuine, tender undertone. “But you still missed me.”
Your words cut through his defenses, revealing how well you understood him. He felt his resolve soften, and the walls he had built around his emotions began to crumble. The familiarity and warmth in your eyes made it impossible for him to maintain his usual composure.
“Yeah, well,” he muttered, his voice softer and tinged with a rare vulnerability. “Maybe I did.”
He looked at you with an uncharacteristic fondness, his gaze filled with a deep, unspoken devotion. The sincerity in his eyes reflected the truth of his feelings, a stark contrast to his typically guarded nature. At that moment, the weight of your situation seemed to lift, replaced by a simple yet profound connection that spoke volumes about your bond.
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[Poll results]
A smut piece for Rolan that became a 7k word fic. I don't know what it is about him--I just need him to be happy. 🖤 For anyone else who feels the same!
In Amber
Rolan can't remember what made him this way. Bitter, insufferable. He only knows he wants things with her to be different. A series of encounters between Rolan and the person who is teaching his black heart how to hope.
Tags: Fem Unnamed Tav, Explicit Sexual Content, Mild Hurt/Comfort | Word Count: 7,033 [Read on AO3]
The beloved hero of the Grove has saved them all from the Shadow Curse, apparently.
Word spreads fast, and it's all Rolan hears the Harpers talking about in their rush to take final leave of Last Light Inn. Nearly all had gone to Moonrise Towers with the Druid, but a small group stayed behind with Isobel in case the fight turned to the worst.
Rolan was the first one packed. With the shadows lifting, all he wants to do is travel the road to Baldur's Gate and finally reach his destiny. Leave this hollow place behind him.
At last they are finally moving in the right direction again--the three of them along with Lakrissa and Alfira, led by the Harper rangers.
He glances at Cal and Lia walking beside him. They're in the middle of chatting about the first things they want to do when they reach the lower city. Rolan can't seem to stop checking that they’re still there–as if he might look to find them gone once more.
He hasn't seen their savior since the night she brought his siblings back to him. That made twice now that she'd saved all three of their lives. Few things bristled against his nature more than owing a debt that couldn't be repaid. Rolan didn't like the feeling of being under anyone's thumb.
She wouldn't even accept a reward for saving his brother and sister's lives, just waved him away with a smile on her lips. The memory frustrated him endlessly. He couldn't understand why she took such an interest in helping him and his family. He was even beginning to consider that goodness of heart might really exist…at least when it came to hers.
Half of his mind felt tormented by her inscrutable kindness. The other half thought he'd very much like to kiss her.
Before he could brush away the alarming idea, the Harpers in front threw up a cheer. Rolan looked around to see the commotion.
She and her companions were covered in more blood than he'd seen on them yet, but they were still standing as they led their small army down the path from Moonrise Towers.
His eyes light automatically to her face–it shines with a radiant smile, but Rolan recognizes the way her shoulders slump under her armor. He is flooded with relief. At least she's alive.
Their groups converge on the road outside the tower. Everything is a jumble of cheers and shouts as the Harpers jostle forward to reunite with their comrades; a man he's never met claps Rolan’s shoulder hard enough to make him wince.
"Go on, then," says Lia beside him. She's following his gaze knowingly. "While you've got a chance."
He only manages to throw his sister a scowl before she trots away. Is it that obvious?
He decides to take her advice after all. She was right that this could very well be the final time their paths converged. Baldur's Gate was a large city, and whatever grand adventures their savior would face next, he doubted they would involve spending much time browsing magical emporiums.
She gave him a little wave as he approached, the kind one might give an old friend. It pricked his conscience. He'd thanked her for saving Cal and Lia, true, but his mind tossed up all the countless other times he'd been needlessly unpleasant toward her.
"Seems we owe you thanks yet again," he said, hoping it came off sincere.
She shook her head wryly. "I've never done any of it alone, you know that. Every one of these people fought like hells in there."
Standing close, his nose was hit by the thick tang of blood that coated on her armor. How much of it was hers?
"You should go to see Isobel," Rolan insisted. He'd drag her straight to the cleric himself, if she'd let him.
"Do I look that bad?" She was teasing, but there was a strain to it. "As long as I make it to my bedroll in the next hour, I'll be fine. You're sweet to worry, though."
"Stop saying things like that," Rolan snapped, unable to contain himself. "You're so nice, and I'm just a bastard."
Her eyes widened at him, taken aback. "I don't think you're a bastard."
Rolan looked down at his hands. "That's what makes you so nice," he said. He had to get to the point. "Look…I know I haven't been the easiest person to get along with. I've been rude and awful, ever since the Grove, and you didn't deserve it. So." He straightened up properly. "I'm sorry for that."
It's far less eloquent than he'd rehearsed, but she seems to understand the sentiment.
"Don’t worry about it," she tells him. "You feel responsibility for the people you love. That can make anyone forget themselves for a while."
"I suppose," is all he can manage to say. How well she seems to speak what's in his mind.
Her Githyanki companion approaches with a clear intention to speak with her, and Rolan turns away, not wanting to intrude on the company of her true friends.
"Rolan, wait–"
The flutter in his stomach humiliates him. Will he ever get used to her saying his name?
She rummages in the pack at her waist. "Almost forgot. I found something–well, stole, but it doesn't matter now."
A fist is held out to him, closed around something.
Uncertain what to expect, Rolan offers his hand. Her fingers graze softly against his as they deposit something small and hard. He looks down at his palm.
"A rock," he says, deadpan.
"Not just any rock, it's a topaz."
Rolan blinks at her. "And…what am I supposed to do with this, exactly?"
"I don't know," she shrugs. "Keep it, or don't. It just made me think of you. Matches your eyes." The admission brought a flush of pink to her cheeks.
He felt his heart skip at the sight, followed by a jolt of fear–as if she might be able to see the hope blooming inside his chest.
He turns away with a tut. "Absurd."
She gave only a satisfied laugh before taking her leave. Once she'd retreated out of sight, he tucked the gem securely into the folds of his robe.
Rolan has long abandoned the fantasy that he is his master's apprentice.
Whipping boy would be a more accurate job description. Perhaps test subject. He is trapped in an impossible game that he can never win, and his highest purpose is to be the canvas where Lorroakan paints his next magical experiment.
His mind shudders at the way the red wizard's eyes rest on him during "lessons": casually devoid of all concern or care. No matter how hard Rolan concentrates, no matter what he answers, it won't be good enough. And then the pain will follow.
The mindless Constructs are worth far more to his master than he is.
There was a time when someone made Rolan feel like he could deserve more, but that time is gone now. All he can hope is to learn enough, train hard enough, and one day claw his way through to something better.
Today, however, will offer the chance of a reprieve. He's been sent to deliver a message on foot across the lower city. Weeks ago he would've seen the task as an insult. Now he wonders whether it might take all morning, if he's lucky.
If he often feels like a drowning man, these moments of escape are like a sweet gasp of air. He walks with his face tilted up to soak in the sun's warmth.
The marks of abuse that paint his features have long stopped troubling him. An occasional passerby might stare at the bruises, but since the Absolute army's march, most Baldurians give Tieflings a wide enough berth not to notice. One wearing fine robes is no different to them.
As he passes the bridge to the Counting House, his eyes land on her figure. He stops short in surprise, earning himself a rude remark about clumsy devils from the woman behind him.
Rolan would recognize her face in any crowd. She stood on the bridge in the middle of some kind of confrontation between two women; one of them a beggar, by the state of her, the other finely dressed.
As he watches he very clearly sees her invite the rich one to "piss off", to the woman's indignation.
An affectionate chuckle escapes him. Then he winces, hand rising to the cracked skin on his lip. He tastes a drop of blood.
Swift panic grips his chest. She can't fucking see him like this, not once–more broken and pathetic than ever. Not after how many times she's already played rescuer to him. He cringes in shame at the thought.
At least she hasn't found him trapped behind his desk, there's a chance he can slip away unnoticed yet–
He missed his moment by a hair. It's unfortunate that hearing her voice after all this time freezes him straight to the cobblestones, or he might consider dashing away like a coward.
"I thought that was you! I'd recognize those horns anywhere."
Resigned, he turns back toward her. But he keeps his face cast down toward the pavement.
"What do you want?" He asks stiffly.
"Hello to you too," she laughs, and he stifles the impulse to watch her do so. "It's been a while. Cal and Lia, they're good?"
"Thanks to you," he concedes. No thanks to me.
"I'm glad to hear it." He watches her boots step closer, tentative. "Everything okay with you?"
She can never just leave him alone, can she. Why does she insist on caring when so many others don't bother?
"Fine, busy with my studies," Rolan deflects. "I've got to get back to the Sundries."
There's a tight pause, and then her voice grows firm. "Look at me."
He curses himself for being unable to disregard her, and for his eyes wanting to take her in despite everything. Slowly, he raises his head to meet her gaze.
Her face is somehow lovelier than he remembered. As he watches, it shatters in shock. He can see her eyes flit from mark to mark as if taking inventory.
"Who did this to you?" She whispers, aghast.
He turns away, unable to hold her gaze. "Believe me, it's nothing that can be helped."
"Rolan–" Her hand extends toward his jaw.
If the thought of her touch thrills him, the thought of being touched by her with pity is unbearable.
"I don't need your help," he spits, slapping the hand away with his own. "And I certainly don't need your damned sympathy!"
The shock and hurt on her face are the last things Rolan sees before he turns on his heel.
The archwizard was not pleased with his late return. That night, Rolan comes home with a large fresh bloom of purple over his left eye.
Lia's already limited patience snaps. She flies into his face with angry tears and threats that she'll march straight into Lorroakan's tower herself with shortsword in hand. Cal stands between them, pleading for peace, eyes wide and sad.
"Enough," Rolan orders them both. "Don't you see we're nothing but hellspawn refugees to these people? My position is the only thing keeping us under this roof, the only thing."
He doesn't stop Lia as she storms out–she didn’t take her sword with her. The door rattles on its hinges as it slams behind her. He pushes wordlessly past Cal to his room, and collapses in a heap against his bed pillows.
His face aches enough that he knows sleep won’t come easy tonight. One hand reaches into the robe at his chest, and he slowly pulls out the small amber stone. His fingers turn it over and over as he closes his eyes once more to escape into imagining.
In some other world, he could've been the one powerful enough to save and protect her. Even be the person who makes her smile.
He would not be the pathetic, broken man that he is. He could feel worthy to return her tender touches with his own, drawing her close to him instead of pushing her away. Feel her lips on his own…her hands circling his shoulders…
Rolan rouses himself to stare down at the topaz shining in his palm. He feels his rotten heart crumple.
He can't remember what made him this way. Bitter, insufferable. He doesn't like the man he is. He wants to be different–he wants things with her to be different.
The stone grows warm in his fist as he clenches it. She crept deep into his heart a long, long time ago. He'll probably never get the chance to tell her, so he might as well admit it to himself.
And even if he did see her again–what chance did he have that she might feel the same? None. She single-handedly managed to improve every part of his life that she touched. What could he possibly offer her?
In this world, precious little.
Lorroakan of Ramazith lay dead on the ground.
Rolan felt a numb hatred as he stood over his former master, eyes frozen wide in the final shock of death. Months from now the expression might have given him cause to laugh. Today, Rolan can only stare mutely.
One more sick megalomaniac who possessed more power than Rolan could have dreamed of wielding…brought down by his insane, insatiable lust for more. Always always more. For what? In the end, he was just another corpse.
It was she who dispatched him, of course. Why wouldn't it be?
After all this time, it was perfectly inevitable that she and her friends would be the ones to fly in and deliver him from yet another tragic end. He felt like he was stuck on a wheel going around and around. He couldn't escape her, either in reality or in his own mind.
Rolan comes to himself and looks down at his robes. Blood splatters his front and soaks up to his elbows; a crust of frost coats his boots, from whose spell he can't remember. All at once an overwhelming tiredness soaks into his bones.
The dream of destiny that had carried him here…had it ever existed, really?
He decides to slip away while she's distracted, speaking urgently to one of her companions. Her plans probably extend far outside this room and beyond, but this is where his path reaches a bloody dead end.
He allows himself one last look at her profile before stepping quietly to the portal. He wants only a bath and the release of sleep.
His feet drag along the streets of the lower city as they carry his body home, ignoring any frightened stares at the state of his clothes. Silent as he can, he slips through the front door and down the hall to his room. Cal and Lia's voices carry from the kitchen. He'll face their questions when he wakes.
In the end, exhaustion and relief overtake him. There will be no more lessons. He falls to bed in a heap and drifts off, still wearing his master's blood on his hands.
In retrospect: letting Lia discover him face-down in his bed covered in dried blood was not the smartest decision Rolan had ever made.
After he'd groggily yelled himself hoarse enough to stop her screams, a sharp pang of conscience drove through him like ice. During the time he thought the two of them were lost to the Shadowlands, he wanted nothing more than to drink himself to an early death.
He never wanted either of them to feel that emptiness. For once, he let Lia hold him tight without protest.
With a few days' rest, and some of Cal's better efforts in the kitchen to date, Rolan's spirits had rallied sufficiently that he felt well enough to leave the house. Even to attempt a cautious return to his place of employment.
To his surprise and distinct confusion, no one at Sorcerous Sundries had a thing to say about Lorroakan's disappearance, or about any possible employee involvement.
If anything, the mood around the shop was noticeably lighter. He even caught Tolna humming a soft little tune to her bookshelves. “The tomes never respected him, you know,” she whispered to Rolan.
And once he got over the bizarre sight of Lorroakan's projection, hovering with a vacant smile behind his former desk, he found a perverse humor in it. Who was the fucking errand boy now?
Most of all, Rolan found himself free to finally do what he came to this place for: study magic. He had no archmage master, but he was intelligent, and he now had free access to all of the tomes in the tower library that Lorroakan had enjoyed dangling under his nose.
These days he preferred to spend his days alone in the upstairs, absorbed in theory and practice. His skills grew, and so did his confidence in himself.
If he also felt drawn to the spot because it was the last place he'd seen her…well, he was far too late on that score. He could've finally confessed the feelings that had long been bursting through his chest.
Instead he had slunk away in silence, too scared to stand in front of her and admit how misguided he'd been all this time. She must think very little of him. She probably didn't think of him at all.
Who knew if she was even still in Baldur's Gate? He searched every face he encountered on the streets, hoping for an answer. It had become a reflex.
At the end of another day, he trudged alone across the twilight square. His hands ached from practicing the gestures for elemental conjurement over and over. One of the Steel Watchers clomped mindlessly past, looking about like Rolan felt.
The thought of going home filled him with weariness. Cal and Lia's cheerful bickering always annoyed him, in an affectionate way. But tonight, he truly felt he might not be up to it.
He felt sad. Lonely.
Glancing up, he found that his legs had carried him to the steps of the Elfsong. A drink…that would soothe his sorrows for an hour or two, at least.
The doors swung open to usher a wave of stimulation over his senses. Warm firelight, the smell of roasting venison, tables packed with conversation and clinking glasses.
He was grateful that many others seemed to have had the same idea this particular night. It made it easier to slip through the crowded taproom unnoticed, catching meaningless slices of gossip and flirtatious banter on his way to the bar.
The surly bartender didn't look overjoyed to be serving a Tiefling. He took Rolan's gold without comment, however, and left him alone with his wine.
As the alcohol spread a welcome relaxation through his limbs, Rolan passed the time by idly watching the groups around him.
A halfling sat alone with shoulders slumped, staring down his tankard as if he wished to drown in it. Across the way, a large bearded man was leaning across the table in open pursuit of his female companion. Clearly getting nowhere, from her expression. But he looked far too drunk to notice.
In front of the great hall fireplace, a pale elf sat in conversation with a pretty dark-haired young woman.
Rolan's brow furrowed; he knew those two. His eyes quickly scanned over the room's faces until he found her.
She was removed a ways from her usual traveling companions, seated at a small table in the far corner. He watched her swirl the cup in her hand idly. Her eyes followed the liquid’s pattern, but the look behind them was leagues away.
For the first time in days, Rolan felt his heavy heart lift. She was exactly the person he wanted to be with tonight. Even if it was just sharing a drink.
This was it, he told himself. He had to speak with her or he'd regret it the rest of his life.
But first–he knocked back a very large mouthful.
His heart pounded in his ears as he drew closer to her. With each step he expected she might look up, piercing him with those eyes that visited most of his dreams. But she remained transfixed by the wine even when he drew up beside her table.
Improvising, he cleared his throat. "Hello."
She glanced up at him in pleasant surprise. "Oh!"
They stared at each other for an awkward silence. Then, somehow, he found himself laughing with her.
"Sorry, it's so strange. I was just thinking about you," she said, her face brightening.
The fact that he occupied any space in her brain would consume him later, but he shoved it aside for the moment.
"Mind if I join you?"
She patted the chair next to her. As he sat, he wondered if the spot had been a tactical choice on her part. Their table had a view of the whole room and both exits, yet the wall behind offered a sense of privacy.
"You're not drinking with your friends tonight," Rolan observed.
"Just taking a little break. We're celebrating another family reunion," she explained, gesturing her glass toward the group around the blazing hearth.
Rolan looked back over his shoulder. He recognized the one-eyed young man with curling horns, but not the older one whose hand was clasped on his shoulder. Quite clearly father and son to anyone with eyes.
"I'm glad for them," Rolan said. To his surprise, he found he truly meant it. The Absolute had ripped apart so many families in so many ways, including his, leaving the lower streets flooded with the hopeless and broken and displaced. He counted himself and his siblings incredibly lucky, and it heartened him to see another happy scene among so much misery.
“You know–” She eyed him curiously. "I was hoping I’d see you. You ran off before we could talk that day."
He looked down at his drink. "I know. I've regretted it since then. At the time, it was just…a lot to take in."
Her eyes narrowed, but not at him. "I hope you don't mind me saying, but that man can burn in Avernus for all I care. For what he did to you. For what he tried to do to Aylin."
Rolan recalled the runic circle in Lorroakan's library, the one whose mysterious power had at first awed and enthralled him. And then he'd seen the aasimar with the shining wings, and watched the demented hunger in Lorroakan's eyes, and the horrible realization had run through him like a sickness.
"Lorroakan was a monster," he agreed. "I just wish I'd seen it sooner. Or even found the strength to open my own eyes."
He felt a hand rest on his forearm.
"I saw what you went through to get here,” she said. “It’s natural that you thought you had to see it all through, no matter what.”
Rolan said nothing for a while, just let her kindness soothe into his chest like a balm.
“On the bright side,” he added suddenly, “He did keep an excellent library. I’ve learned more from one of his books than I ever did from him.”
“That’s because you’re a proper talented wizard,” she laughed. “And he was an idiot.”
“A dead idiot.”
“To that,” she said with a lift of her cup, and they both drank. He noticed she used her free hand, not moving the one that laid on his arm.
When he caught her eye after, she was watching him with a smile. "You look so well, Rolan."
He knew what she meant. The last time she saw him, his face had been dappled in marks and bruises from Lorroakan's brutal instruction, with more that she couldn't see under his robes.
Now, the last mark across his cheekbone had faded almost to nothing. He hoped it would take the memories of the meaningless pain he'd endured along with it.
"Thank you," he said simply. "So do you."
He meant it; he realized now that he'd only ever seen her dressed for combat. Tonight she wore soft hide pants tucked into her hunting boots, a linen shirt half unlaced at her collarbones. It softened her. Close beside him and bathed in firelight, she set his heart racing again.
Perhaps it was her closeness or her touch that gave him the courage, or perhaps it was just the wine. He shifted his arm slightly to capture her hand in his.
"No one else has ever shown me the kindness you have. Not even Cal and Lia, though I do love them."
She watched him speak in silence, and he gazed back at her, as if the answers to everything might be found in her face.
"I don't understand you,” he said earnestly. “Why you've kept giving me chances. You've been so much more generous with me than I deserve. I've insulted you, yelled at you, I've been an absolute unbearable prick–"
Before he could think, she leaned in to silence him with her lips.
The kiss lasted forever and only a second all at once. Rolan closed his eyes, breathing in the faint smell of lavender on her skin.
Before he was anywhere near ready, she gently pulled away.
"Because," she murmured, "you're a good man, Rolan. And I like you." Her words, the lingering taste of her on his lips, they made his head spin. He felt like he was watching the door to a new world swing open before his eyes.
Before anything else, Rolan had to kiss her again. He released her hand to smooth the hair back from her face, watching the way she tilted into his touch, and gently guided her toward him.
It was deeper this time; he tasted the heady wine on her mouth, her breath a soft tickle against his cheek. As his fingers tangled her hair, he felt her hand wind sweetly over his shoulder, holding on to him.
A wet stripe flashed across his lips. His mouth gasped open in surprise, allowing her tongue to softly meet his, then draw slowly over his pointed teeth.
The unexpected sensations brought his mind back to reality, and to the fact that they were in a public place. With effort, he wrenched himself out of the kiss. They breathed against each other for a moment.
"I've got a room upstairs," she murmured. "If you want to?" Her cheeks were flushed from firelight and wine, and possibly even from him.
Whether or not he wanted to was no question: her words sent a fervent rush of blood to his groin. But first, he mustered enough control to hold her back from him for a moment. Her lips were parted in question.
"I adore you," he said. "I think I have for a long time. It's–very important to me that you know that. Before anything else." Even if the anything else was a dream that had kept him awake more nights than he could count.
Her soft hand cupped his cheek; he thought he might combust if she didn't say something. "Thank Gods," she laughed breathily. "I swore you hated me for a while there."
"I had no idea what to do with my feelings for you, I was a fucking idiot." It was all tumbling out of him now. He opened his mouth to continue, but her fingertips went to his lips.
"Rolan–" Her voice was full of relief, and he was charmed to see the blush across her face deepen. "I feel the same way. I really, really like you."
His rotten heart could have flipped with joy.
“Now.” She cocked her head askance, and he felt her fingers twine with his. "Make it up to me?"
Yes. Please, please, yes. He nodded in a daze, reeling like he'd sustained a blow to the head. All he could feel was the elation and anxiety swirling around and around in his stomach as he followed her toward the staircase, let her lead him by the hand like a lovesick idiot.
As they passed her companions he pointedly averted his eyes; he couldn't afford to lose any of the nerve building inside him. He'd need every bit of it in a moment.
The dark staircase seemed to ascend forever. Part of him wanted it to–he was no virgin, but the hand she held tight was shaking with anxiety. He wanted to make this perfect.
Overthinking proved pointless. The moment the heavy door closed behind them, he found himself pinned against it with a thud by the length of her body.
His involuntary groan was lost in their kiss. She was everywhere around him at once: hands pinning his shoulders back against the wood, hips grinding into his thigh with no pretense, her tongue pressing against his lips and slipping past his teeth to taste him. She moaned against his mouth, and the sound reverberated from his head to his feet.
His erection was practically instantaneous. He hooked his thumbs over her hip bones, sharp nails finding purchase in her pants, and rolled himself against the yielding softness between her legs.
Whatever release the pressure provided multiplied it tenfold. Desire coursed through him, burning in his veins hotter than he thought possible.
The maneuver brought an approving hum from her throat, however. Encouraged, he ground her into him again, and again, as slowly as his body could be convinced to go.
Her hands released his shoulders to rake upward through his hair, pulling his face toward her.
Pulling him deeper into the room, he realized. He stumbled slightly against something; tasting her lips was infinitely more important than breaking the kiss to look where he was going. He trusted her lead, impatient to reach whatever destination she had in mind so he could freely explore her.
Their connected bodies bumped up against the edge of something soft. She pulled away, and his immediate disappointment rapidly turned around as he felt her fingers fumbling with the clasps of his robe. He guided her hands, struggling at the same time to kick off one boot and then the other.
As his robes pooled on the floor, her palms pressed him away for a moment.
Rolan stood frozen and panting in his trousers. She licked her kiss-swollen lips as she looked over his bare shoulders, his chest. When her eyes reached the obvious hardness straining in his pants, she let out a delicious sound.
Rolan's hands grabbed for her of their own volition. They slipped under the hem of her shirt, against the bare skin of her waist, and wrenched the garment up over her head in one motion.
To look at her directly was almost too much–he felt love and desire churning together inside of him. "Beautiful," was all he could say.
He buried his face in her shoulder instead, fang-like teeth brushing over her skin as he left a trail of kisses along the curve of her neck. She let out a gasp when his hand gently stroked her breast.
"You're so warm," she murmured into his hair. To him, she was pleasantly cool; he shivered when her fingers traced the small set of ridges that ran from his collarbone to his sternum.
But he needed more of her. He hooked both thumbs over her waistband and tugged ineffectually. She quickly took over, shucking them off with a shimmying motion.
The sight of her bare, for him, was almost enough to make Rolan come then and there. He reached out to her hips to steady himself. She was so much more divine than anything his paltry imagination could have conjured.
Through his blazing arousal, he was barely aware of the hands unlacing his pants until she tugged them down to finally let his cock spring free.
A sigh of relief escaped him. He watched her take him in, her eyes half-lidded with arousal.
"You're incredible," she whispered. Then her arms slid around his neck, pulling him down into a kiss.
He tried to concentrate on her mouth, but the way his cock brushed and nudged against her skin every time she moved was taking over his brain.
With a motion of her hips, she captured his length between her thighs and rocked forward and back, sliding her dripping wet center over his cock. The revelation of her own state of desire sent his mind spiraling with want.
Rolan let out what could only be called a whimper. He clutched her to him, capturing her bottom lip between his teeth as firmly as he dared, as if she might suddenly disappear and leave him in an aching pile.
She made a pleased sound, then gave his shoulders a push. With his pants still around his thighs, he lost his balance–knees buckled as he fell backwards onto the mattress behind them.
He propped himself up on his elbows just in time to see her kneel on the floor in front of him. Her two hands pushed his knees apart, as far as the straining fabric would allow–
Rolan tried and failed to breathe normally, heart pounding in his ears. It felt like time was slowing to a crawl. Her eyes glanced from his face to the stiff erection between them. A droplet of moisture shone at its tip.
"Can I–?" She was asking him for permission, hands poised on his thighs, her expression heady with arousal.
"Anything," Rolan swore, and he meant it. She could do whatever the fuck she wanted to him right now. Before he could prepare himself, her mouth closed wetly around his tip.
Truly, nothing could have readied him. He let out a gasp–his head dropped back as his hips rose involuntarily to seek more of her soft, cool mouth.
He had scarcely adjusted before she took him in further, sliding her tongue down along his length to his very base–then slowly, achingly slowly, back up again.
He heard the rip of fabric as his nails gripped the bedding. He gathered the will to raise his head up to look.
Rolan was mesmerized by the sight of her lips wrapped around taught red skin, his length disappearing into her mouth and returning wet with saliva. She was working him over almost reverently slow, eyes closed as if tasting him.
Tasting herself on him. His cock twitched inside her mouth at the realization. She glanced up at him, releasing him from her lips with a soft, wet pop.
He could have groaned at the loss of her. Instead, he used the moment to work off his constraining pants and toss them away. Before she could reach for him again, Rolan pulled her up and onto his lap.
Her knees sank into the bed on either side as she straddled him, but she kept herself hovering well above him without contact. He pushed aside the ache between his legs to focus on more important things.
He leaned forward to press a soft kiss between her breasts, allowed his mouth to explore. She sighed with pleasure as he alternately licked and kissed across each curve, then drew sharp breath as his teeth sucked at the soft flesh under one breast.
Her hands, at first resting on his shoulders, flew to grab two fistfuls of his hair. The sensation sent a shiver down his spine.
Rolan pulled away for a moment for admire the purple mark blooming on her breast. He glanced up as though looking for approval. She gave it, tugging his hair to tilt his face into a waiting kiss.
Ever so carefully…mindful of his fingertips, he placed the flat of his palm on the heat between her legs.
“Rolan–” she gasped, breaking away.
The sound of his own name had never been dearer to him. He was run through with a thrill, and a fervent desire to do whatever it took to make her say it again.
He massaged gentle circles into her, the base of his palm pressing against her clit in slow rhythm. Her wetness coated him with each stroke. She quaked under his touch, eyelashes fluttering, and his other arm circled her back to support her. He felt her lean against him without a second thought. Trusting completely.
“I can’t believe I have you,” he heard his voice say, perhaps to himself.
As he spoke he felt the core of her tightening under his hand. Abruptly, her fingers closed around his wrist to still his ministrations. He froze, immediately afraid he had scratched her somehow. But her face shone with nothing but desire for him.
"On your back," she directed.
Rolan nearly pinched his tail under himself in his haste to obey. He swept his legs out from between hers and stretched out as she climbed over to straddle him.
Now they were finally here, she wasted no time leaving space between them. Her hips rolled down onto him and drew the wet folds of her center across his tip. His entire length throbbed at the blessed return of her touch, the head of his cock burning against her.
Smoothly, simply, she lowered herself onto him.
The shuddering exhale from his lips met against her moan of relief. Rolan willed himself to keep his eyes on hers, even as her inviting walls gripped him, even as he practically felt his pupils dilate with want. Her features relaxed into a state of pure, unadulterated satisfaction.
Then she started to move her hips.
She pushed her palms against his chest for leverage, riding his cock at a steady pace that felt entirely too slow. Whatever will he had to follow her lead was immediately tested; he was overcome with the need to touch her everywhere at once.
Care forgotten, he gripped the soft flesh of her back with his fingertips. She cried out softly as his nails dragged from her shoulders to the base of her hips, but he felt her walls clench around him in response. His tail curled up and around her waist of its own volition, holding her as she took him in further with each bounce of her hips.
She gasped and fell over him, hands braced on either side. She was already losing control. He felt his own release closing in, used the new angle of her hips to thrust up into her.
“Oh, Gods, yes–” Her mouth dropped open. She moved her hips back with each of his thrusts to take him more deeply.
Rolan thought he might shatter apart. Waves of searing desire swept harder and harder through him. She took him so perfectly, his cock almost painfully gripped by her tightening walls, so wet and lush and sweet and for him–
A hand flew up to the back of her neck to grasp and to pull her down so he could taste her as he came. Lips crashed together frantically as the pace of their bodies started coming apart at the seams.
In one bright concentrated moment, she shook and trembled violently into him as she grasped for whatever part of him she could reach. He managed one last stuttering thrust before his climax was ripped from him by her own, spilling inside of her clenching center, hurling him outside himself and into the wide Astral plane.
They shuddered against each others' bodies as white-hot waves receded outward farther and farther. Her head dropped to his shoulder as though she'd lost all muscle control.
He felt her slowing breaths fan out across his chest, and he rested a hand on the back of her head to keep her there.
As Rolan stared up at the wood-paneled ceiling above them, something cold dripped down at the base of him. He realized he was still inside of her. He swung his free arm over the side of the bed–still woozy enough from his climax that he nearly slid head-first to the floor–and snatched up his rumpled robes to clean them both.
She rolled off him then and cuddled up on her side to watch him. He mirrored her pose, adjusting against the pillows to make a spot for his horns. One of her fingers found the point of his ear and began tracing.
“How do you feel?” She asked.
Rolan sighed deeply. “Happy.” He could cast around for another dozen words, but he’d rather take her in. He smoothed a hand up and down along the curve of her side.
“So do I.” She leaned over to spread light kisses along his lips, then his jaw and cheek. His tail brushed against her leg in an idle caress.
She glanced down. “I didn’t actually know about…that.”
“Am I your first Tiefling?” He teased, though the thought genuinely pleased him.
“First and last,” she replied. The words were instantly locked away in his chest.
She gave a little shiver then, tucking her body against his warmth. He dug the covers up over themselves and wrapped her up tight with his arms and legs. The simple feeling of holding her brought him a deep sense of calm.
“I love this, Rolan.” Her lips moved against the hollow at the base of his neck. “I wish I could take tonight and carry it with me everywhere.”
Something sparked in him at her words. He opened his eyes and reluctantly released her to feel around the floor at the floor for his stained robe.
"What are you doing over there?" She lifted her head curiously to peer over the bedside.
"Just need to find something." He rummaged through his layers of discarded clothing before finally, his knuckle grazed something hard.
He slid back up under the covers beside her. She propped herself up against him, resting a palm on his chest with an expectant look.
He held out his thumb and index finger. Between them, an amber stone glinted in the dim light.
Her mouth fell open in recognition. For one second, he was afraid she might cry.
Then she buried her head in the crook of his neck, wrapping both arms tight around him. "I knew you were a darling all along."
#blowjobs and self esteem#bg3 rolan#rolan bg3#rolan x tav#bg3 fic#bg3 spoilers#i can't be trusted with this man apparently
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lol i felt that no worries, well whenever you get the chance, could you write some angst for jisung? where reader has self isolation issues and jisung has bad anxiety so he overthinks and enters a panic attack one day but reader genuinely can’t bring themselves to care for him. hurt/comfort basically. maybe another member helping them go through their individual episodes and then they soothe each other in the aftermath? — 🌵

A/n: Thank you for the request! Honestly I didn't know where to go with this, and I don't know if this lived up to your expectations. I really do suck at writing comforting stuff, so I wouldn't be surprised if this is a failure. Anyways, I hope you enjoy <3 taglist: @forever-atiny warnings: swearing, mentions of panic attack, self isolation, reader is not in a good headspace and self deprecates a lot throughout this, Minho is a bit mean in this since he doesn't know about reader's self isolating tendencies, anxiety and overthinking in general from both jisung and reader.

"What do you want, Hyunjin?"
"Hyung…it's Jisung. He's having a panic attack and just- please come over. He needs you."
Your heart drops. But you can't get up from your studio chair. You've been too absorbed in work, but your boyfriend should come first right? You zone out for a while, only to be broken out of it by Hyunjin.
"Right. Jisung. Can you just take care of him? I'm busy."
Sure, you felt horrible for saying that, but you couldn't go in there and comfort him, pretending that everything is fine when you're sure you're the reason he's having a panic attack in the first place. You hang up immediately after saying the words which felt like venom on your tongue, not wanting to hear what Hyunjin thinks of you now. If he even looks up to you anymore. The studio and your laptop makes the weight of human interaction go away. You don't have to go out and "have fun" if you're busy working. You feel bad. You do. But you've been avoiding everyone. Eating food later or earlier so you don't have to see your members. Dance practices consisted of you laser focused on the choreography alone, not taking part in the usual jokes and laughter which accompanied them.
The thought of Jisung flooded your mind. You couldn't bear the thought of him suffering like that. Why does such a pure soul have to suffer like this? What did he do to deserve you who couldn't even give him a damn hug when he needs it?
That's the only word you said. You could swear you felt your eyes getting teary, but you cursed every god out there when the tears didn't come out. You can't cry. You wanted to, but you shouldn't. You didn't deserve to.
You sat in there, losing track of time. Your stomach growled. Was it time to eat yet? The clock struck five. The members would've eaten their lunch before 5pm, so you go downstairs. You didn't expect to see Minho, looking as if he was ready to burn you alive.
"What's wrong with you huh?? When did a fucking song become more important than Jisung?"
It would've been better if Minho just punched you in the face. Obviously, Jisung was way more important to you than work, but you couldn't explain why you wanted to stay away. Quit all this idol business and go live in a sparsely populated village.
"Minho. I just..I don't know okay? He's more important, yes. But I-"
"You couldn't even comfort him? The poor boy was having a panic attack!"
You watched Minho's disapproving eyes in silence which you weren't sure if you chose or not. That's what people should be like. Fierce and protective over the people they love. Not some asshole who avoids everyone the second they feel a negative emotion.
"Honestly, he should just break up with you."
"He should." You didn't even realise what you said until you saw Minho's expression. His fists clenched at his sides and he opened his mouth to speak, only to shut it and walk away. You wouldn't be too surprised if what he was about to say would absolutely destroy even the little will you had to stay at the moment. You wanted to hold Jisung, you wanted to talk to him so bad. But you felt undeserving. You just agreed when Minho said Jisung should break up with you. You wanted to leave a letter and move away. Would they be happier? It would be easier for sure without having to deal with such an on and off person.
As the night came, Jisung found himself outside. Talking to the moon as they say. The thoughts were spiraling in his head. "Does he not want me anymore?"
He felt like he was too hard to deal with. Panic attacks, anxiety, his constant clinginess. Minho hasn't told him about what you said. Maybe he calmed down. Jisung felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned, and it was you. You, with a multitude of emotions in your eyes. Guilt, regret, fear, love, pain, hesitation. Even you could name only this many.
"Sungie..I'm sorry. I just wanted to say that first off. I was just feeling overwhelmed with everything and I tried to deal with it, but I couldn't. I felt so undeserving of you and I just thought you deserve better. But I never thought I'd be horrible enough to not be there for you when you had a panic attack. If you want to leave me over this, I totally get-"
"Mn..don't..don't say that. I get it, okay? But I just…I needed you. And you weren't there. It hurt, Mnie..it hurt a lot. I love you so much but it just hurts so fucking much when you disappear out of nowhere. Like we'll be just fine one day and the next, you don't even look at me. And I get that I'm hard to deal with and all, but when you do this, I feel like more of a burden than I already am."
"Hey…you're not a burden, Sungie.." You sit down beside him and pull him closer, taking both his hands in yours. "I know that the way I act sometimes can make you feel like that, but I promise you, I do not think of you as a burden." Your heart ached seeing him so desperately hold back tears. You held his face in your hands and scooted even closer to him. "I'll change. I promise you I will. I'll be there for you more and I'll talk to you instead of isolating myself."
He couldn't help but smile when you interlocked your pinkies as a response. "I promise."
#stray kids x male reader#han jisung x male reader#han jisung x male reader angst#han jisung x male reader fluff#stray kids#stray kids x male reader angst#stray kids x male reader fluff
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hello! may i please request some hcs of your poor, snivelling adam stanheight 😔😔 thank you! <3
Dealing with trauma headcanons
Adam Faulkner-Stanheight x gn!reader
A/n: hello!! Sorry this took so long to get to, I've been super busy lately! I wanted to touch on the trauma from Amanda breaking into his apartment a bit more, since i think that's quite overlooked imo. Hope you enjoy!! :^)
It's not uncommon for you to come home from work to the apartment you and Adam share, only to find him curled in a ball sniffling softly. He's been trying so hard to get back on his feet, but somedays he just gets too frightened when you leave him alone in the apartment. He finds somewhere where he can make himself small, and just sits and cries. You've found him in the closet, in the bed, even under the table in his redroom.
When you asked him why he does this, he said it's because every little sound makes him think someone's broken into his apartment again, and he thinks he has better chances of survival if he hides, because trying to defend himself didn't work last time.
One time the power went out in your apartment complex, and he had the worst panic attack you'd ever seen. He was absolutely convinced someone had shut off the power on purpose so they could break in and get him in the dark. There was literally nothing you could do to calm him down, he pulled you into the redroom and began to barricade the door with whatever he could find.
It took about an hour of convincing for him to let you go out and prove to him that there was no one in the apartment. Only once you'd opened all the cupboards, and checked under the bed and the sofa three separate times, did he believe that there was no intruder. Once his adrenaline wore off he collapsed in your arms in floods of tears.
Ever since then, you keep an electric lantern for every room, to make sure that even if the power goes out, there's still some light. In a similar vain, your apartment is dotted with lamps wherever you can put them. He can't sleep without a lamp being on, and even then he has to keep a torch and some batteries under his pillow just in case.
Adam avoids talking about his ordeal, but if he's had too much to drink he can't help himself. He stumbles over his words and chokes out sentences between sobs, telling you everything he went through in excruciating detail. You know he doesn't want to hear some spiel about how he's "so strong, and so brave", he just wants you to hold him while he cries.
You can tell when Adam is about to cry by the way his nose scrunches up, and the way his lips become pursed. It takes quite a lot for him to cry, he usually gets frustrated and angry first, brows tight together and his fists held tightly. But after a while, this becomes exhausting, and despite his restraint, the tears come flooding.
One of the most unexpected incidents of his emotional outbursts was when the two of you were watching a movie in bed. You were cuddling up together, acting all cutesy and giggling, when you had absent mindedly stroked his cheek. Without any warning, his giggles turned into sobs. As it would turn out, when he was trapped in the bathroom, the doctor had held his face in a similar way. It wasn't that he didn't find it comforting when you did it, it was just that the last time it had happened he was unsure if he would ever be comforted by another person ever again.
Ever since learning this, you'd both agreed to try and give him new, more pleasant memories to associate with his cheek being caressed. For example, when he landed a job as a photographer for a local venue, you held his face and kissed him. When the pair of you got a cat together, you did the same.
You wouldn't be surprised if Adam is never completely okay again, no one would be after the ordeal he went through, but you know how to care for him when it gets bad. Cuddles and kisses are always a big help, as well as warm blankets and fresh bedsheets. You know Adam well enough to know his triggers and when that fear is bubbling up just below the surface, and you know exactly what to do; order some pizzas, put all the lamps on, and before he can even ask you for reassurance, tell him "you're safe, babe. I promise"
#saw#leigh whannell#saw 2004#adam stanheight#sawposting#adam faulkner stanheight#fluff#adam saw#x you#adam faulkner#adam faulkner x reader#adam stanheight x reader#x reader#x gn y/n#x gn reader#adam x y/n#x yn#x y/n#x f!reader#x m!reader
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jude bellingham x fem!reader
summary: a late night beach walk reunites you with your ex in the best way possible
a/n: i'm abit unsure on this bc it's been a while since i attempted to write a full fic but enjoy. i also might make a part two if that's something anyone wants to see <3
you'd taken a break from the flowing drinks and crowded club to walk to the beach. in hindsight a girls trip to madrid was an idea that should've stayed in your group chat.
the sun had almost set, the gentle sound of the waves crashing against rocks soothing all of your worries. uni had drained you massively and you needed a break.
you knew you couldn't stay much longer, the darkness that was beginning to blanket the sky making you feel a little uneasy. as you were walking back you saw a tall figure at another part of the beach. you couldn't help but feel drawn to him, something about his presence sucking you in. any other time you'd feel unsafe, but this stranger brought you an immense feeling of comfort and safety. you had nothing to be afraid of.
something in you told you to walk over to him. a decision that seemed impulsive and risky but the adrenaline that ran through you told you differently. his head cocked to your direction at the sound of your heels coming his way. you got closer and closer until a streetlight illuminated his face. it was jude.
you had no doubt that his bewildered expression matched yours. "y/n" his voice was confident but his eyes said otherwise. you could still read him like a book no matter how hard he tried to put up a front. "jude" you matched his tone.
a few seconds felt like decades, both of you unsure of what to say. jude broke the tension first "i'm sorry. i never meant to hurt you. you know that don't you?" his confidence had slipped and you sensed the vulnerability in his voice "but you did jude. you did hurt me" you whispered back. memories flooded back to you far too fast and the need to you had to leave was overwhelming. you'd forgotten all about jude bellingham and you weren't ready to remember him.
"i didn't think i had a choice. it was end it and give you the chance to follow your own dreams or force you to watch me follow mine. neither of those options were fair but i had to choose the one i thought was right. i know it was fucked and i'm still so sorry for hurting you but i had no choice"
"if you had to do it again what would you do?
"i'd do the same thing. i know it's horrible but i couldn't live with myself knowing i'd forced you to live in a foreign country with you resenting me for taking away the life you've spoken about since we were 13" his cheeks has a few stray tears falling down his face and the sight broke you in a completely different way.
"i forgive you jude. i know why you did it. i hated you at the time but i got into my first choice uni. and i wouldn't be able to do that without you. thank you"
"can i hug you?" he whispered, the fear in his voice unlike anything you'd never heard. you only nodded, allowing him to hold you for the first time in years.
his arms wrapped tightly around you waist, his chin resting against your head as he screwed his eyes shut. you could feel judes tears on your hair, your own soaking his shirt as you gripped him tightly. "i never wanted to lose you, i still love you so fucking much" he mumbled into your hair, kissing you lightly.
you eventually pulled back, still holding his waist loosely. "i love you too jude." his gentle smile giving you goosebumps. "where are you staying now?" he asked, taking your face into his hands and stroking your cheeks with his thumb. "in a hotel. it's only two minutes away. can you walk me back?" he shook his head "no, 'm not letting you stay in some hotel by yourself. come back with me" "jude i can't just-" he pressed a finger to your lips "i'm not bringing you back to try fuck you or anything. you can have my bed and i'll go on the sofa and we can talk everything through in the morning."
"are you sure? i don't wanna intrude"
"yes i'm sure. moms gonna be happy to see you aswell."
you grinned at jude as he took your hand in his. you both walked hand in hand back to his new flat, catching up and reflecting on past memories as you both prepared to make many more.
#jude bellingham#jude bellingham x reader#jude bellingham imagine#jude bellingham blurb#footballer x reader#footballer imagine#football imagine
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Sounds like a dream
Part two here
Gator Tillman x fem!reader
Contents; Angst, fluff, mother!reader
Summary; Y/n visits Gator in jail to introduce him to their son.
It's been a long time since Gator was first sentenced to prison. It was even worse for him to begin with, considering he had to deal with it blindly, too. To help, he'd been given a mobility cane, of which he struggled to use it within the first few weeks.
Gator hasn't had many ways of keeping track, but he assumes he's already been locked up for almost two years now. He assumes so because he can visualise the layout of the prison in his mind – he knows where everything is by now. Every day is Groundhog Day, so it doesn't take very long to learn.
What isn't hard to keep track of is the number of visits Gator has gotten. Two. Both from Dot. Both with cookies. Both several months apart. Other than that, nothing. At least she is a woman of her word.
Gator is sitting on his bed in his cell when he hears a loud bang at the bars with a guard's batton. It startles him, and he looks in the general direction to which it came from.
"Oi, Tillman. You got a visitor comin' in. Get up." The guard says. The recognisable sound of the door creaking open echoes through the jail. Gator carefully stands. He reaches out for the guard's shoulder and keeps it there so he can be lead away.
Gator's mind is filled with wonder. Who would be visiting him? Surely not Dot again. She didn't visit too long ago now, and she rarely visits. But it's not like anyone else does.
Gator is instructed to sit at a table, and then he hears the guard walk off. It seems that he's alone in the room. He can't hear a single sound of someone else. Disappointment floods his heart for a moment, his shoulders sinking.
The sound of shoes on the floor brightens his spirits suddenly. He hears someone sit opposite him. Gator feels his excitement come back.
"Hey, Gator." It's Y/n.
Y/n's voice soothes Gator, somewhat. He hasn't heard the sound in so long, yet it's so refreshing. She was Gator's girlfriend. But, when she found out Gator wasn't as good of a guy as she thought he was, she broke up with him. She was one of the last people he saw before his eyes were taken from him. He'll always remember the sight of her, no matter how long passes.
"Y/n? What're you doin' here?" Gator asks softly, not quite believing that this is her.
"Visiting you." Y/n replies.
"I– I know that." Gator pinches the bridge of his nose just below the black-out sunglasses he wears. "But I mean... Why?"
"I wanted to see how you are." She shrugs simply.
"Well, I'm shit, yeah, I'm in jail." Gator scoffs.
"That's not what I meant."
"It's not?"
"No." Y/n responds firmly. "I meant I wanted to see if you've changed. If this this has done you any good."
The truth is, it has. Even losing his sight was enough to flip his whole world upside down. Now, jail has flipped it about continuously like a washing machine. He's not the old Gator anymore. Or at least he's not the Gator that tried to be a Roy. He's the Gator trying to be a Gator.
"I hope so." Is all Gator musters up to say. "How've you been?" He asks.
"Good. I actually moved out to Chicago not long after all that shit happened." She answers. "I got a new job, new friends, the whole lot."
"New boyfriend?" Gator can't help but ask, a hint of jealousy in his tone.
Y/n laughs and shakes her head, but then she remembers that Gator can't see her and quickly tries to verbalise it. "God, no."
"That's a... shame. You deserve someone nice." He tries not to make it sound too forced, but he's more just excited that he still has a chance with her.
"Thanks. I, uh... I brought someone that I'd like you to meet." Y/n finally says, as if she's been debating to go through with this. Gator hears the sound of her rising to walk away, then shortly after start to walk over to his side of the table.
"What's goin' on? Is this some kinda prank?" He questions, sceptical of her behaviour.
"Turn around." She ignores him. Gator huffs and does as told on the bench, spinning around to face where her voice comes from.
"So who the hell am I–" He starts, but stops himself when he feels someone lowered into his lap. A small someone.
"What's this?" He questions. His hand gently reaches to feel whatever is in his lap. He finds a face and quickly repositions his hand, finding hair instead. "I mean, who?"
"Meet your son."
Gator's whole world stops. His heart stops beating, and his brain stops working. His son? When did he ever have a son? He tries to ask her about it, but he just can't get any words out as his mouth gapes open. His bottom lip quivers slightly, and he gently wraps an arm around the small boy, holding him closer.
"My.. My son?"
"Well, our son." She corrects. "I found out I was pregnant after we broke up."
Gator can't help but smile. "Our son.." He murmurs to himself.
Y/n sits next to Gator. She leans her head on Gator's shoulder to get a view of Gator and their son. Gator feels his skin heat up at her being so close, but she doesn't think much of it whatsoever.
"What's his name?"
"Alex. I couldn't think of anything creative, so I just named him after the midwife. Luckily, she had a gender neutral name." She recalls with a soft chuckle.
"Hey, Alex. It's Daddy." Gator softens his voice, looking where he thinks Alex's face will be.
"Daddy..." Alex mumbles, a small hand reaching up to grab at Gator's face. His heart melts, and he smiles widely.
Gator's smile vanishes, although. The sweetness of his son has quickly become something he doesn't know if he could live with. He'll never see his son. His face slowly falls into one of despair.
"Are you okay?" Y/n asks, peering around to study Gator's facial features that she can read from his eyebrows, cheeks and mouth.
"No, no, I'm–" Gator stumbles on his words. He makes a noise, like he's about to speak, but it just comes out as a shaky breath like he's about to cry. "I'm never gonna see my son."
Y/n gently rubs Gator's back. There's not much she can do besides that. She can't give him his sight back. If she could, she would. She feels bad for him.
Gator tries to calm himself down. He slowly relaxes himself, for now, even though he knows this is going to be keeping him up all night. He won't be able to sleep with that thought. It's terrifying. Terrifying that there's nothing he can do about it.
"What does he look like?" Gator questions after a moment of pure silence. He gently pets Alex's hair, enjoying how soft it is.
"Honestly, better than I'd imagined." Y/n answers. "He's got the same shade hair as me. It's all messy. He's got your eyes and your nose. Freckles. The cheekiest, cutest smile you'd ever see."
"He sounds like a dream." He says, voice wavering as his hand gently combs through Alex's hair.
"He is. He reminds me of you in a way." She chuckles. "Because, he–"
The buzzer for the end of visiting.
Gator finds himself sitting on the edge of his bed. His mind is still on Y/n and Alex. She was about to say something good about him. He knows it. Surely she wouldn't badmouth their young son, so surely he's onto something here? Gator wishes he had just a few more seconds to hear what she likes about him. Or to hear more about his son. Maybe next time...
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Silent- Gaz x plus size reader
Summary : Finding a way to relieve the stress of work in a DnD discord, Gaz meets Silent. A player whose microphone is always turned off, using chat only. Maybe he'll find a way to break the silence with them and finds why their mic is off…

(Sorry in advance, English is not my first language, so sorry if it's bad or OOC.)
-TW social anxiety.
-"What a quiet kid you've got there. I wish mine was as calm at home."
-"Oh, you know, they're pretty mature for their age."
-The laughter faded into distant murmurs as I glanced over at the other kids.
-Yelling, chasing, breaking a vase or two—my eyes couldn't look away from them.
-They seemed to inhabit a world entirely different from mine.
-A world where scraping by at month's end, nightly dinners, locking up the house, solo bus rides, laundry routines, and helping siblings with homework simply didn't exist.
-Because, after all, they were just eight years old.
- But so was I…
-So why didn't I have the right to have fun, yell, chat, ask for sweets, act immature, or doodle on walls?
- My hand reached out briefly, hoping for a connection, but my mom's glance quickly reminded me to stay put…
-Being silent seemed to be the key to earning praise and keeping peace.
-So, I stifled that urge, withdrawing into myself, standing alone behind her legs, engulfed in a heavy silence.
"Silent, huh?"
-My gaze drifted slowly to the chat.
-"Yeah, dude, they're usually a regular on Thursdays. Never says a word, their mic's busted, can't afford to fix it," one of the guys responded.
-The tone carried a hint of disdain.
-I felt out of place.
-Yet, I stayed put, unable to leave the server.
-It was the only place where I felt I could express myself.
-Through words, carefully chosen, controlled, retyped, erased, and sculpted to bring a story to life—a space where my imagination, so often overlooked, could finally roam free.
-By chance, I'd become enamored with Dungeons and Dragons.
- The only snag, of course, was the void in my social life.
-So, like figuring out how long it takes to cook broccoli, I scoured the internet.
- Discord groups organized sessions. I panicked at the sound of mics, voices.
- What would they think of me? What should I say? What could I do? And then someone asked if my mic was broken.
- Ever since, I'd stayed that way, and the nickname Silent stuck.
"Hi Silent, then :) I'm Kyle aka Gaz."
-Usually, I ignored introductions.
- People interested me little, their characters were the interesting ones.
-However, Gaz hadn't spoken those words aloud.
- He had written them. It was stupid honestly, but few people wrote back to me, few people responded to me in writing.
-Everything was done orally.
-Suddenly, someone was on my turf, reaching out.
-The campaign proceeded as usual.
-My thoughts were focused on my actions, the dice rolls, and the resulting outcomes.
- Yet occasionally, I let my eyes wander over Gaz's profile.
-"Hello guys, I don't know if I've played with some of you before or not. "
-"Don't worry, we accept everyone. The days are rarely fixed."
-Gaz was back. It was Friday. It was my favorite group, the game master Ylias really managed to transport you.
-"Well, I'll start then-"
-Ylias started rambling, I followed the story when I noticed a notification in the discord. My finger brushed it, and then ignored it.
-What would he think if I clicked now? that I'm a friendless attention-seeker? But if I wait, they'll think I don't care about the campaign?
-So I waited 5 minutes, trying to find the right balance between the two.
-"Hey, Silent. I missed a campaign without you, the others keep on rambling about their athletics, last time I even had a guy mimicking a goblin with his mic, I'm glad to see you back in text :) !!!"
-Pressure flooded over me. What should I reply? A heart? Thanks? Ignore it? Tell him he's nice too?
-Too cold, too short. I thought it wrong, I should delete it, rephrase it, add a smiley, make it warmer, he must think I'm a monster.
-"I think we should try opening the door, are you coming with me? I don’t feel like going into the forest with the rest of the team."
-Oh. Usually in campaigns, I go with the flow, I heal and stay in the background. I never-
-"You need a score of 13 for that, folks". Ylias said.
-"Come on, Silent, roll the dice." Gaz replied
-Nervously, my mouse hovered over the virtual dice. With a score of 15 showing, I heard Gaz's laughter.
-"I knew we had to do it! Let’s go, plus with your stealth, impossible to get spotted. "
-"We'll see about that." Ylias replied, laughing.
-And just like that, Gaz made me smile. It was probably one of the worst campaigns, but it was the first where I could finally choose my actions.
-"Back again :) ?"
-" Yes."
-Dry, too dry.
-"I was waiting for you. "Gaz replied.
-" Why? "
-"I don’t want to play a campaign without you, you bring me luck."
-" I'm not sure about that. "
-"Yes. I tried a campaign with colleagues, we died blowing up. "
-"Probably because of your colleagues. "
-"Okay, maybe my colleague set fire to a mystery barrel. But it was their first campaign. "
-"You're recruiting? "
-"Introducing them. He's trying to quit smoking, and I thought DnD could occupy his free time."
-I stopped myself.
-Curiosity, imagination, everything overwhelmed me.
-What was it like to be close to colleagues like this, to freely discuss your passions, to laugh…
-"And then?"
-" It's not his thing, he's more into action. "
-"I see. "
-"It's not for everyone. "
-"Is it your thing? "
-"What? "
-"To let off steam? If your colleague needs it, so do you, right?"
-Stupid. Too personal a question. Invasive.
-"Yes. It allows me not to think, to be someone else."
-" Me too."
-" Plus, being an elf is great."
-" You say that because I am one."
-" Maybe. "
-"Thank you. "
-"For? "
-"Talking in chat. People usually ignore me outside of campaigns, they don't respond by text."
-" They ignore the sexiest elf?"
-" There's no image, you don't know what I look like"
-". Hm, exactly! I imagine your elf tall, muscular like the Rock, hair like Gordon Ramsay's, and maybe makeup like Ru Paul's."
-" I'm not sure about the result. "
-I snorted at my screen.
-" How do you imagine me? "
-"Your wizard? "
-"Yes. "
-"With long hair, maybe dreadlocks, white eyes, and a smile. "
-"A smile?"
-" Your voice sounds soothing. "
-"Really? "
-"Yes, sorry, it's weird to say that, I shouldn't have."
-" No. No. I've never been told that, I was just surprised, that's all."
-" I see. "
-"So, a sexy elf and a smiling mage.
-"Sounds like the beginning of a weird porno."
-He responded with a meme.
-"So, what do we decide, Silent? Honestly, I don't want to raid the goblin but the vampire to face, I'm sure the score will be high." Gaz asked through his mic
-"It's your choice, not mine."
-"they're right, Gaz, this one's all on you," Ylias said.
-"Can't I even ask for help?"
-"Score of 15 in insight to spot an ally." Ylias announced.
-Gaz scored a 10. No one addressed me throughout the campaign.
-"Back, Gaz?" someone said.
-Three weeks of radio silence.
-My mind had been looping, wondering if my refusal to break the rules had driven him to find a more interesting group, a more exciting duo.
-But there he stood, his username glowing green.
-"Yeah, I finally got some days off."
-"Good for you, man."
-"So spill, I see some new names and all!"
-Strangely, his voice had become grating to me. I didn't understand why, so before he could reach me, I disconnected.
- Alone in my apartment, I held my knees to my chest.
-Why am I reacting like this? He's entitled to a life, damn it.
-I fet like he...gave me up.
-Shit it's stupid.
-I didn't understand. I tried to calm myself, but the deafening silence of my apartment seemed to slowly engulf me, and before I knew it, I found myself in a new spiral of anxiety.
-There were no campaigns. I just liked reading. Reading what had happened. Living vicariously, imagining their voices, their reactions.
-"hey :)"
-The off-campaign tab was blinking.
-He was addressing me, I knew it, I was the only one online with him.
-My thumb grazed the notification, but I ended up entering the chat.
The period was too harsh, too dry.
-"It's been a while! Something happened?"
-"Work." I answered.
-That's a lie.
- But lying is like oxygen, it's easy to come up with excuses to avoid others.
-But harder to let go of it to face the potential risks of social suffocation.
-"I know quite a bit, just got back from mine."
-"At 1 am?"
-A shiver ran through me. Uniforms had never been positive in my life.
- As the long seconds passed, I hesitated.
-"Not a fan?" Gaz asked.
-"You could say that."
-"Military family?"he asked.
-"I see."
-"Sorry, that's stupid."
-"No, I understand, I mean, we all have red flags." He said.
-"It's not a red flag."
-"You'd been quiet for 5 minutes."
-"With everyone." I answered.
-"I'm not the best at socializing."
-"Really? Yet when you blew up a castle instead of talking to the princess in a campaign, it seemed normal to me." He joked.
-A laugh escaped.
-"And you?" he asked.
-"Your job?"
-"For books?"
-"Yes, I read, annotate, and correct."
-"No humans."
-"Would you like to add me? I'm not super comfortable with everyone seeing this."
-Stupid. I should have accepted without questioning.
-"To prevent everyone from knowing the secrets of the sexiest elf on the discord."
-Always there to catch my blunders.
-I accepted it even though suddenly there was added pressure, what to say when there's a pause?
-"A dragon arrives and—"
-My eyes glanced at my notifications. Kyle was in the campaign but—
-"The narration is terrible, isn't it? The guy has been stuck on the dragon for thirty minutes while Théis killed it."
-He was writing to me. Like someone whispering in your ear during class.
-"Yes, Roxanne is a beginner, but she'll get there."
-"So kind."
-"Not really, one day I insulted a game master."
-"Oooh, a gangster among us?"
-"Never, besides, you'd arrest me, wouldn't you?"
-The ellipses seemed to linger.
-"I wouldn't mind."
-"I don't want to end up in a secret government cave."
-"Caves are old school, we have containers now."
-"I don't know if you're joking."
-"I'll keep the secret, I think you won't have a choice but to be arrested by me someday."
-"… it won't happen."
-"I haven't committed any crimes."
-"Not even indecent exposure? I thought you were 45 years old and hiding in bushes naked."
-"For that, I'd have to leave my house."
-"Quite the homebody?"
-"You could say."
-"I'm the same, I don't like going out much."
-It's different. I didn't know what to add, so I let him continue the conversation.
-"Still into your nerd stuff?"
-Gaz looked up at Soap.
-"It's not nerd stuff." Gaz said.
-"Dragon, princess, elf, discord all mixed together. It's nerd stuff. "Ghost replied
-"Dressing up as a skeleton at Hot Topic too, L.t."
-"Ooh, I wouldn't have liked that. "Soap laughed. "But seriously, don't you think about doing it for real? I mean, gathering around a table."
-"They think about it, but we all live in different parts of the world."
-But it would be amazing. Maybe he could even hear Silent's voice, see them…
-"Hm." Johnny said with a smirk
-"It sounds like you have someone in mind."
-"I don't have anyone in mind."
-"Not even an elf you get along with, Garrick?" Ghost retorted
-"I- we're a duo, it
-"It's different."
-"I mean it, we just get along."
-"So if you check discord in a military bar at 11 p.m., it's not to reply to him second by second?"
-"Shut up," Gaz said as the two laughed.
-"You're not participating anymore?"
-I ignored his message.
-Three months.
-Three long months of descent, of confinement, of discomfort, of crises.
-Everything was too much.
-Crowds, outside, errands, people.
-My lungs constricted at the thought of meeting someone's gaze. My eyes avoided every contact. My lips were dry from lack of words.
-"I admit that campaigns suck without you," he had written.
-That was two weeks ago.
-"I refused to play with Théo, he wanted to take your place," he had sent.
-That was three months ago.
-"The office GIF."
-Three weeks.
-He… Gaz had never stopped.
-No matter the views, the winds, his boldness didn't stop.
-I was confused.
-Usually, people quit after a month.
-They had better things to do, and I understood. The burden of my social anxiety was mine and shouldn't inconvenience them.
-So why was Gaz standing there carrying this burden unknowingly? Coming back every day, bearing a heavier load…
-Three letters.
-Too short.
-Too dry.
-"Sorry." I continued.
-For what?
-I didn't deserve his forgiveness, I knew it.
-"Glad to see you're back :)" he replied.
-A tear rolled down my cheek.
-"thank you." I replied by text.
-For staying.
-For not asking questions.
-For welcoming me.
-"Sorry, I was at the hospital, do you think I can join the campaign or not?" he had sent.
-My eyebrows raised.
-"No. Wait, you're just out of the hospital and your concern is DnD?"
-"I should really stay by my favorite elf's side."
-"Gaz, seriously, are you okay?"
-"Fractured ribs."
-"Broken arm."
-"Wait, what—"
-"And a bullet in the thigh."
-"But I'm fine."
-"I assure you, I've had worse."
-"And???? You need to rest, not focus on rolling dice to defeat Mindflyers."
-"…but I have no distractions."
-"I'm here."
-"You're in the campaign."
-"Wait, what—"
-"I- I saw you were absent so I didn't…join that one."
-"But you only play on that day."
-"I know. But it's not the same without you."
-I didn't know he was currently smiling like an idiot.
-"Thanks, Silent."
-"No worries. Besides, I was also coming out of the hospital."
-"WHAT?! Why didn't you start with that?!"
-"It's ridiculous."
-"No, are you okay?"
-"It's awkward."
-"Oh, serious awkward or-?"
-"No, I'm used to it. I- I took the tram and I couldn't handle it, the crowd was too big, I passed out inconveniencing a hundred people, embarrassing."
-"That's not embarrassing."
-"Yes, I made people late, Gaz."
-"And??? It was for your health."
-"No, I should've known I couldn't handle taking the tram. It's been two years since I couldn't do it, I shouldn't have tried again."
-"Two years?"
-Shit. I said too much.
-"Forget that."
-"Wait, no. You help distract me when I'm on base, I can listen to you in return :)! "
-"There's nothing to say, I don't handle social stuff, that's all."
-"So, your mic, that's it?"
-"My sister has it too."
-"Has what?"
-"Social anxiety."
-"I see."
-"I know it's different for everyone, but don't give up. Honestly, it's a huge step, right? Taking the tram after two years. Surely you wouldn't succeed all at once, I mean it's like rolling a 20-sided die hoping for a 35."
-I snorted.
-"You're a nerd too, Silent."
-"yes, I- I just thought I could succeed, tell myself I could do it."
-"You did it."
-"I passed out."
-"So what? next time can't be worse."
-"Yes, if I have another one."
-"Then you'll have another one, I'm sure you'll manage. Look, I can even show you a tutorial."
-I furrowed my brows and saw a video. A man in an apartment, a cast on one arm, his face cut off from the frame.
-"Quick tutorial for falling on a tram. So lesson 1, stand next to a tall person. We want a good pillow when we fall, so tall people are perfect. Then manage the fall. Fall on the person, not forward. We want to avoid a bloody nose. Especially if there are vampires on the horizon." Gaz said in the video.
-He lay on the ground pretending to fall.
-"Step three, play dead to see sexy firefighters and avoid stares, and step 4 get taken home while flexing in the truck."
-I snorted.
-"Wow, thanks for the tutorial."
-"I know, I know. Passing out pro here."
-"Do you often fall on fridges?"
-"Hm, considering the build of my colleagues, you could say that."
-"Are they as tall and wide as a fridge?"
-"My L.T. yes. With Soap, we even thought he was an android, I mean it's not human to be that built."
-"You look fit too."
-"Oh, a compliment?"
-"Gaz, I-"
-"But yes, honestly, I try to do his routine but I think his genetics play a big part."
-"Shame, no Fridge Gaz then."
-"No, you'll have to settle for Normal Gaz."
-A smile slowly spread across my face.
-"Thanks for the video, it was funny."
-"You're welcome. Plus, if I can flex with my favorite elf."
-"I'm not an elf."
-"Nothing proves me wrong."
-"Who are you posing for? "
-"No one."
-" So shirtless, sunlight, flexed arms for no one? Damn, don't tell me it's for your mom. "
-" I'm just asking, man."
-" It's for Silent. "
-"Oh, your magical voiceless elf."
-" It's not— "
-"Yes, yes, not a magical elf, I know, no need to give me another DnD lecture."
-Gaz sighed.
-His selfie was good.
-Shirtless, in the sand, sun rising.
-He looked good.
-But he was nervous.
-What if it was too much?
-After all, this little game of sending each other sunrises or sunsets had started by chance.
-Silent had told him the view was beautiful and sent him a sunset from their window.
-Gaz replied with one from Las Almas, and eventually whenever he went to a new country, he would send a photo.
-But now… maybe it was too much?
-Sending his face.
-Price would kill him.
-But he wanted to progress the relationship.
-Maybe his face could appeal to Silent, they would send him a voice note or even a selfie back?
-"Is this too much? "
-"Hm? "Soap asked confused.
-"This photo, is it too much? "
-"For a thirst trap?"
-" To say hello."
-" It depends on the hello. "
-"Hello as in "I'm showing you my face for the first time." "
-"Oh, maybe. I thought it was a "hello, did you sleep well because look what I could bring to your bed" kind of thing. …But if I received this photo, I'd be happy. "
-"Soap. "
-"I mean, man, you're handsome."
-" Soap. "
-"Plus, who would say no to your abs? "
-"No need to- you know what, I'll send it. "
-"Also, you—"
-Gaz ignored him and sent it.
-Damn, he hoped everything would be fine.
-Too beautiful.
-My eyes scanned that smile not knowing what to do.
- How could someone like that end up playing DnD?
-I closed the conversation.
-I am…. Out of his league.
-So much.
-I could barely bring myself to look at my mirror.
-I knew what I would see there.
- My rolls, my thighs, my stretch marks, my horrible hair, this disproportionate face.
-I'm not ugly.
- But I'm not…I'm not like him
-. I'm the second choice, I'm aware of that.
-I don't get free compliments.
- Nobody turns back to look at me. I'm just…there.
-And him.
- He seemed so radiant, so kind. Damn, I wasted his time.
-"So? " Soap asked
-"It's been two weeks with no response."
-" Ouch. "
-"It's not— Sometimes it happens, I think they are doubting."
-" Doubting what? "
-"Themselves. They…before every message, they take 5 minutes to rewrite it, every syllable is thought out and then I send this out of nowhere, I didn't handle it well."
-" You couldn't have known, Kyle. "
-"Yes. YES, I could and I messed up. They told me about their anxiety and then I send them a half-naked photo when I've never even heard their voice. "
-"Try to talk to them then. hmph."
-My eyes hesitated.
-"hey." I finally replied
-" For the selfie, I can explain. "
-"No, I- it's not your fault."
-" Yes, honestly, I screwed up" he texted back
-". No, I've been looping again. "
-"You- "
-"seeing you, it was…good, really, but too good." I answered.
-" Too good?"
-"I feel- Illegitimate to talk to you. "
-"what- "
-"You're so- beautiful, and smiling and nice, and the only thing I do is disappear for days and turn up out of the blue. I-"
-" And it's okay, we talked about it." he said.
-" But you deserve better as friends."
-" I decide what I deserve, Silent. And no one beats you. "
-"…I- I don't know what to say. "
-"Send me your sunset :) I haven't had mine."
-Damn. A tear rolled down and I took my phone and sent my sunset. How can someone be so adorable?
-"Perfect." he replied
-He had continued to send his face on the sunsets. It was stupid, but I waited every time he could and I rewatched them.
-However, it had been three months of silence. I wasn't worried, he was probably on a mission somewhere.
-By a stroke of courage, I had put my phone down to take a photo with the sunset.
-He wouldn't see it. I would delete it.
-But for a moment, I felt beautiful. The sunlight on me warmed me, my outfit was cute, my curves were beautiful.
-I sent it. I would delete it tomorrow. After all, Kyle had said it could last four months.
-"Hey, everything alright, mate?"
-"They're amazing."
-"Lasswell or tony ? For Lasswell of course, why do you think her wife is—"
-Soap raised an eyebrow and glanced at Kyle's phone.
-"Oh, oh."
-Kyle couldn't tear his eyes away from his screen
-. During the mission return, he had picked up his phone and seen a notification. Clicking out of habit, he saw it.
-their smile, their hair, their body. My god.
-"Lucky bastard." Soap said.
-They were perfect. And their belly, their hips, everything was beautiful. Kyle had always preferred curvy people, it was a fact.
-Sure, he had imagined that silently they could be one, but the fact that it was true… It filled his heart with joy.
-"They… damn. "he murmured, zooming in on every detail.
-Mole or freckle, he observed every pixel.
-"So the elf wasn't the only one sexy." he texted.
-I raised an eyebrow at the notification as I woke up.
-"The photo. "he replied.
-Oh fuck.
-"You saw it?"
-"Yes, I shouldn't have?"
-"I thought of deleting it before, I—"
-"But did you like it?"
-"Yes. you— I— honestly, I can't stop looking at it. you look radiant."
-He was lying. -No?
-"And that outfit is amazing on you, really."
-It hugs everything, why… why is he complimenting that?
-Usually, people say "those jeans make you look thinner than you are" "you look better in loose clothes" "hide your rolls".
-"Thank you."
-" I have to admit I'm so relieved. I mean if you ended up being a 40-year-old, I wouldn't have been so confident I think."
-"Oh really, wrinkles and gray hair aren't your thing?"
-"No, I'm more into curves and people my age."
-"Damn, I was about to confess that I was 70 years old". I joked.
-"I can make exceptions, but only for elves."
-"I'm lucky then."
-"Very. I— I hope to have more, or occasionally."
-"Photos of you, it's more beautiful than a sunset."
-A warmth spread to my cheeks, a smile settling in.
-"Do you think I'll hear your voice someday?"
-It was late, or early for him and late for me.
-"I don't know."
-showing my face in a photo…
-I could control that, take back the photo, delete it, edit it. But talking…
-Talking is taking up space.
-"I imagine it smooth."
-"My voice?"
-"Hm, like a stream, it rocks slowly."
-"I might have a smoker's voice."
-"That would suit you too."
-"Maybe one day then."
-"I'm looking forward to that."
-Those were the last words sent from him.
-No more contact.
-His absence wasn't due to missions, he had confessed to me that he was off the day before.
-So he had decided to stop.
-I tried to find excuses, before accepting the reality of it.
-Days passed and I hoped he would come back.
-Maybe he was like me, needing time to recover.
-Maybe he was hurt.
-Everything was silent.
-When four months had finally passed, I understood.
-He had grown tired of the silence. I held back a sob and closed the discussion.
-A stab wound would have been better I think.
-To ease the constant pain and intense questions in my mind.
-What had I done wrong? Was I too much? Did I ask the wrong question? Should I have kept quiet?
-Everything was spinning and I finally closed the app. damn.
-My feet led me to the publishing house.
-Today I had to make the final corrections for Madame Lasswell before her vacation with her wife Kate.
-Hesitant, I knocked on her door.
-An "enter" was heard and I entered the already crowded room.
- A mustached man in a beanie, a masked man, a mullet, Kate, and Gaz were watching me.
-My eyes betrayed my surprise at his presence. What was he doing here? Why now? How should I react?
-"Y/n, sorry for the crowd. I guess you have it."
-"Yes ma'am."
-My voice barely above a whisper was usual for Jocelyn. I handed her the manuscripts.
-"We're going to drink at the bar downstairs, do you want to come?"
-Come? To a crowded place, surrounded by drunk people, constant noise, blinding lights with the icing on the cake being a guy who blew me off for the year?
-"No, I'm busy tonight, sorry."
-"No problem."
-Slowly my heels turned, I took the elevator but I heard footsteps. Kyle was with me.
-"I was on a mission."
-"I know I told you no, but he… there were quite a few problems and I had to leave, I didn't have time to warn you, it dragged on, Ghost broke my phone by sitting on it with his stupid hard ass, and we just got back from the airport actually. Lasswell, Kate finally— she works with us so that's why I'm here"
-A silence stretched, he took a breath.
-"you didn't have to explain… I mean after the word mission, I understood I was wrong."
-"I wanted to be clear."
-"I should have asked and sent you messages."
-"No, it's okay, it must have seemed suspicious. I ask for your voice, you say no, and I disappear. The conclusion was logical."
-"but it wasn't the right one."
-"It's okay, we're here, aren't we?"
-The elevator rang, the door opened. Hesitant, I watched him.
-"I love it." -"hm?"
-"your voice."
-"I… you're really busy tonight or…"
-"No, I just don't like…"
-"The crowd."he guessed
-"I— I can invite you for dinner? At my place, we'll grab takeout, no crowds, no one to see us."
-"That sounds like the pitch of a serial killer."
-He widened his eyes. I snorted.
-"Okay, you got me." he chuckled.
-" At your place sounds good. Better than a restaurant." I admitted.
-"Cool, so…"
-"Shall we go then, yes". I murmured as he finally released the elevator button and we stepped out of the elevator.
-At his place, everything was calm.
-Not me.
-How should I stand? Too close? Too far? What to talk about? And what if I'm boring in the end? What to order? Does he like seafood or is he allergic? My eyes focused on every detail and…
-Everything's fine.
-His hand on mine, he took the initiative for the restaurant to order, asking me my preferences, and we waited for the delivery guy.
-Slowly, he asked questions about my work. I mastered it.
-And slowly everything unfolded naturally.
-Sitting on his couch, his hand not letting go of mine, he drew circles with his thumb while talking.
-I liked that. In groups, I liked… listening.
-People like to talk about themselves and I like listening to that, not participating, and Gaz understood that in such an impressive way.
-Occasionally, he asked questions in return, gauging my desire to speak, I answered and this back and forth held until the food arrived.
-Maybe everything would turn out for the best.
-Standing in front of his door, I didn't know what to add to this evening.
-A not-so-stranger, three years of virtual chat and now I was unable to figure out the right goodbye on his doorstep.
-Hesitant, we observed each other.
-"I hope we'll do this again."
-"Yes. "I replied.
-He stepped forward.
-I remained still, his face close to mine. -Kiss? Cheek? Goodbye? Whisper? -Which action would he choose? -I wished for a dice to decide, a title, or a "Gaz approves".
-"May I?"
-Oh. -I nodded. -His hands on my hips, he placed a brief kiss on my lips. -"I'm glad we managed to break the silence." -"me too."
-Perhaps, after all, I wouldn't return to my solitary silence tonight. His hands guiding me back to his apartment and the door closing behind us.
-I could easily guess that a die had just been thrown for a long evening and we both seemed to have the right score.
If you want more my COD Masterlist
#cod x reader#kyle gaz garrick x reader#gaz x reader#kyle garrick x reader#kyle gaz garrick x plus size reader#cod x plus size reader
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Weed always makes me sooo horny, I mean it feels like I've been edging for hours when all I did was hit my pen hard enough to cough. But I have to, my disabilities have me in so much constant pain, and it's the only thing that helps.
I can't take it. I ache I throb I burn. I'm always so very desperate to be touched. I go back and forth between painful agony and excruciating pleasure over and over. Sounds like a fun or not so fun night right?
Except for me? it's my entire life, there are no breaks, no safewords, I can't say no. I am raped at every moment and I'm always caught between HATING it... and absolutely fucking loving it.
I wish someone would take advantage.
We've been out on a few dates so your aware of all my disabilities and that I microdose with weed. You've made me feel comfortable enough around you to let my guard down... We're watching a movie at your place and a pain wave hits me. I don't want to burden you but you see me flinch.
"oh your hurting babygirl? Here hit your pen. You already did? It's ok another won't hurt"
"here I brought you a gummy, yes take the whole thing. No it won't be too much, the pen will wear off before this kicks in"
"time for another pen hit baby. You still have time before that gummy hits."
"Oh no that wasn't big enough take another. Mmmmm, I don't see any smoke darling, just one more hit"
By this time I'm a shaking puddled mess and you haven't even touched me yet. You can tell by the way I clench my legs together, my shallow ragged breathing and the way my eyes don't quite focus anymore. THEN the gummy hits me and I realize it wasn't a small 10, it must have been atleast a 20 or a 30. I panic, but it's far too late.
I'm so sleepy, so foggy, so sensitive and it doesn't matter what you ask, whatever it is, I give in. I wake the next morning so terribly confused, embarrassed, humiliated as everything that happened last night comes flooding back to me along with a soreness in my whole body I've never felt before. My eyes tear up, I'm trying not to cry, not to make a noise and wake you up. It's no use, you hear me whimper and you roll over to face me and I jump, and then flinch. I hurt so much and I'm so scared.
"awww princess it's been too long since you hit your pen! Let me get it for you"
You start to get up to get my pen for me but I shake my head no violently, and then cry out from the pain shaking my head caused.
"baby if you won't smoke, at least take a gummy, your hurting"
You pout me while trying to hand me a gummy. I shake my head again, my anxiety is panicking so bad I'm starting to hyperventilate.
You pounce on top of me pinning my arms under your knees, the most conflicted look on your face, somewhere between concerned kind smile and sinister evil smirk
"I will NOT have my babygirl hurting herself, now open up!"
You squeeze my cheeks hard trying to pry my mouth open and I taste blood. Finally I can't fight anymore and my jaw opens wide at the pressure. You shove not 1 but 2 gummies down my throat so far there's no chance of them coming back up, forcing me to swallow them whole. Then you let me go and kiss my forehead.
"that's my good girl, now since there is no fighting it anymore, are you sure you don't want to hit your pen? You must be hurting so bad, I just wanna make you feel good"
I start to cry and nod. I realize I've lost my last shred of dignity as I say yes. It's too late anyway, what's coming is inevitable, you made sure of it. At least I can stop my pain.
You grin and hand me my pen, I hit it and cough, already feeling that slow burning pressure build inside me. As I relax I can feel the adrenaline leaving my body and I realize it was the only thing keeping me conscious. My heart rate is too high, triggering my heart condition. You can see I am losing the battle to stay conscious and the look on your face is utterly wicked and unhinged.
"it's ok babygirl, rest, I got you"
You walk towards me and I can feel you start to touch me as I faint.
#attention slvt#daddy’s babygirl#intoxication kink#r@pe fantasy#r@petoy#daddy’s wh0re#r@pe k!nk#r@pe play#daddy's good girl#cnc fr33use#cnc daddy#cnc drugging#cnc somno#cnc free use#forced intox#intox cnc#weed intox#intox kink#somno fantasy#somno k!nk#soft somno
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