#and she was literally correct about that one
I recently scrolled past this one post that talked about how a certain turian was oh so important to the SR-1 crew because he was working on Mako while Kaidan and Ashley were basically doing nothing. And while I have no interest in "correcting" the author of that post, I'm pretty sure we don't talk enough about how essential Kaidan and Ashley are to the SR-1 crew.
So Ashley is filling in for Corporal Jenkins, which means she has her own unit of soldiers to command, just like she did on Eden Prime.
What does that mean in practice? She does the training, she does the physical and psychological assessments, she does the team building exercises, she writes reports for her CO. If you've ever been the leader of a small team (in Ashley's case, about 7-10 people), you know it's a hell of a job because you have to be both a babysitter and a confidant to fully grown adults who tend to get into all kinds of trouble with each other.
She also maintains the squad's weapons in her off hours, which is wow? Great job, Ash. Now go get some rest.
Kaidan is the staff lieutenant and head of the marine detail, which makes him the third most important person on the ship after the captain and the XO.
What that means in practice is that he's constantly observing and evaluating the work of all the marine personnel aboard the Normandy, working with lower-ranking officers like Ashley to determine how correct and effective their actions with their units are, determining what kind of duties and positions are best suited for each Marine on board (he's definitely responsible for Anderson's decision to take Ashley on board), and doing the same babysitting, training, and confidant duty for not just one squad, but for every member of the marine detail.
He's also a really good tech specialist, so I bet he does a lot of calibrations on the squad's weapons, armor, and omni-tools.
So yeah, big shoutout to the most useless members of Shepard's team, who are literally responsible for keeping this whole Sarenhunting Spectre shitshow running smoothly.
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Shibajuku Girls: The Return?
Soooooooooo I've been debating whether to post about this at all because I doubt anyone will find it very interesting, but doll gossip is thin on the ground these days and I'm not quite ready to go to bed yet, so eff it let's go--
Alright so, those of you who follow these things may remember back during this year's Toy Fair it was announced that for some inexplicable reason the Shibajuku Girls doll line was planning a comeback. For reference: These 13" dolls from the Australian toy company Hunter Products originally turned up on shelves in the US back in the mid-2010's, to a fairly lackluster reception. Between their unusually high price point ($30-$35, a good deal above the average for fashion dolls at the time) and the fact that they are a rather blatant knock-off of Pullips, no one seemed to be that into them. In a way with their hair play gimmick (a lot of charms and hair clips) meant to interest children in Japanese street fashion I suppose one could see them as a precursor of the Decora Girlz, albeit with far lazier and less successful execution. I did end up buying one--Yoko--for the big head collection, and she's...fine, if forgettable. I like having her in the mix for variety, but I could never quite work up the enthusiasm to get another. The demise of ToysRUs around the time of their release probably didn't help matters any, as it was one of the few places that stocked them. These dolls lingered on the shelves of my local Target seemingly forever, before quietly disappearing to absolutely no fanfare.
But to bring it back to Toy Fair 2024--
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For reasons that NO ONE I've heard speak on the subject can quite understand, seemingly out of nowhere Hunter Toys showed up at Toy Fair this year with a display of older dolls from the first two waves of Shibajuku, plus a wall of these mock-ups for a projected third series of anime-inspired characters. If you look closely at the 'prototype photos' in the boxes--not actual dolls--they appear to literally just be restyled Pullips. A lot of people (myself included) speculated that they may have put the money into creating a new head sculpt that more closely replicated the doll this line was always made to emulate, and the lack of actual dolls in boxes was a sign that this Shibajuku 2.0 head had yet to go into production in time for the event.
Turns out--no. That's not what they did at all. So--
A few days ago through a series of random browsing encounters I stumbled across listings for two of the five proposed 'Shibajuku Anime' dolls on Walmart's website. They are showing up as out of stock, but if you put them on your wishlist you can add them to your cart from there (though not check out), which is a pretty sure indication that they're expected in stock online and in stores soon.
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So...what to say about these. First of all they quite obviously have the same old Shibajuku face. The fashions have considerably less detail than the prototype photos, which in itself I'd be willing to forgive for reasons I'll get to in a minute, but the main thing that overwhelmingly stands out to me here is that Kiki, one of the two characters shown with a darker complexion in the mock-ups, has gone from having tan skin and white hair to pale skin and black hair. Which, yeah no fuck that. No way of knowing if this was the brand's decision or a specific request from Walmart, but whichever way you slice it, it sucks. Lack of diversity was a huge issue with the first iteration of this line, and after the promise of a course correct it looks like we're back to more of the same. I will definitely be bending a critical eye on them to see if the other dark-skinned character, Sakura, receives a similar whitewashing :/
Now, with that rant out of my system, is there anything good to say? Well, the price, for one. These are set to retail for $19.98, which is significantly below what they sold for originally. No doubt the lower quality fashions and lack of accessories have a lot to do with it, but on the whole I'd say it's a plus. Also...as much as as I would have loved to see the ensuing drama if they had had the audacity to churn out a more blatant Pullip clone, for continuity's sake if nothing else I'm glad they stuck with the old face. She's a weird little bird and despite it all she deserves her place in the wider family of Big Head dolls, however derivative that might be (I mean, if anything Pullip needs MORE clones, Blythe has such a start on her in that arena....).
And finally (FINALLY) to wrap things up--will I be buying one? Perhaps surprisingly--yes! I plan to order Akira when she becomes available to ship. I think she's decently cute--you all know my bias for green hair--and I have a purely academic curiosity to compare her to my 'classic' Shibajuku. Plus, despite all my dismissive snark, I would actually like to see this relaunch be successful. I'm always in favor of diversity in the doll market, and this particular type of doll has been sadly under-represented of late. There is plenty room on the shelves for more big head girlies! MGA is daily signing that real estate away at an increasingly rapid pace XD My hope is that they do well enough to warrant the release of the other three dolls from the proposed new line-up, and that maybe--MAYBE--if the Dolly Gods are kind we will see Sakura with her original dark skin tone, as intended.
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee ok that's enough sleep-procrastinating for one night, I'm done. If anyone else cares about this at all I'm sincerely curious to hear your thoughts.
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taniahylian · 3 days
Vertin and Esperanto
So, first of all, there'll be spoilers for chapter 7 of reverse 1999 under the line. If you haven't finished it, I suggest you to come back to read it after you do.
Alright, here we go.
First, let's talk about the incantation Marcus recovered from Isolde's mind, the one Arcana spoke.
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It's an incantation in a language that, Ulrich said, Laplace has no records of. Literally, Enigma argued that decoding it in 24 hours was impossible precisely because they didn't have the language or any clue as to what it could mean.
And yet...
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Vertin can read it. Naturally. As if it was her first language. And not only that, she also adds that the incantation that unlocks the suitcase is in the same language.
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And what language is it, you ask? Well, irl it's Esperanto.
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However, it's doubtful that the foundation would've no records of Esperanto, so it's only logical to assume that this language doesn't exist in the game in the same way as it does irl. In fact, it's likely the original language of arcanum. However, knowing it's Esperanto, we can get some in-game clues about it.
There are mainly two ppl who use this language. The first is Vertin. Now, we don't really see her cast many incantations, but the few she does cast are in Esperanto.
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Why is this relevant? Well, because it seems most arcanists cast incantations in their native language. Sonetto uses italian, Kaalaa uses Hindi, Sophia uses Greek, etc. What's interesting is that, even though Sonetto has resided in the Foundation since she was very young, and speaks English fluently, she still uses Italian. Maybe because arcanum only works if it somehow connects with the arcanist's own roots, or something like that.
This implies Vertin's native language, aka mother tongue, is... Esperanto. But who taught it to her? Was it her mother? Is there any character that naturally speaks this language?
Well... yes, there is.
When Vertin agrees to joing Manus Vindictae in chapter 2, Arcana is pleased and says the following:
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However, although the text translates it to English, what she actually says out loud is bonvenon hejmen, which is, you guessed it, Esperanto.
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And this isn't the last time she does it. Later, in the same chapter, when Vertin is reunited with her team and is about the leave the manus, Arcana says this before teleporting away:
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Again, the text translates it, but what she actually says is "adiaŭ", which again is in Esperanto. What's interesting, however, is that in these two ocassions she's not using incantations, but simply speaking... kind of implying it's her native language.
Now, Arcana is a very ancient being, I think we can easily deduce this. Not only that, but her name is very similar to arcanum/arcanists. And she even speaks about how the the "first magic circle" came to be, so I wouldn't be surprised if she's somehow related to the origins of arcanum.
So... what if Esperanto is the original language of arcanum? Maybe that's why powerful spells, like the storm immunity ritual, are in this lost language. Although it's not the only one.
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That's right, the teleportation arcane skil, Aferoj Around, is also in Esperanto. Not only that, but it's described as "an advanced arcane skill" both times it's mentioned.
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However, what's interesting here is that the Foundation and Zeno know this skill. In fact, they even have a number for it. So, how could they not know the language of the storm immunity ritual? Well, I lied. Because the only reason Laplace had the correct pronunciation and spelling of the storm immunity incantation was because of paper sent to Lucy by the "White Marble House", which seems to be an independent and very important faction within the foundation, of which we know nothing about.
But that's a theory for another time. For now I'd just like to conclude saying that I think Vertin's mother taught the language to her (or maybe she was born knowing it somehow?), wether her mother is Arcana or someone else with great knowledge of arcanum (personally I think Bessmert), or maybe even both.
Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think!
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fiamat12 · 18 hours
One of the things about the pap walk that just occurred to me, is that according to witnesses the first pap pics were done at the place where the after part was held, correct? And it seems like there was a game plan for L to greet fans while his sis and A went to the car. Then the second set of photos at the hotel A totally disregarded what they planned previously for the other pap pics. It seems like she was trying to force him to claim her as his GF by trying to hold his hand. Anyone with common decency would have understood what he was comfortable with based on the first set of pap pics where they stayed separate, but she tried to literally force his hand.
Now, obviously this didn’t bother him enough to end things with her at that point but it does show a disconnect between them and to me it shows her intentions.
Sorry, I know this is old news but it was just stewing in my brain and I wanted to get it out.
Papgate is like a gnat that won't go away.
I believe a plan was in place prior to pap walk - that N knew about - for L to disentangle from A. Imo, after papgate adjustments had to be made, which included L having to appear w/ A publicly as he did and perhaps longer than intended.
But it's over now... and he's back with Mom.
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irena-dubrovnaa · 1 day
damian and mara/teen titans/demon's fist headcanons because i saw this post and im thinking about them again
this isn't a headcanon this is very canon, they look damn near exactly the same. like could pass for one another with little to no effort
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just look at them
they argue literally constantly. it can be THE most benign thing like the exact shade of blue something might be, but it has to be turned into an argument
talia acts like a second parent to mara since it appears her mother isn't in the picture, they were raised like brother and sister
they don't correct people when they're mistaken for twins/siblings
mara's actually pretty fond of damian's friends
damian is still on a first name basis with the demon's fist members and damian and mara make training regimens for both their teams sometimes
the teen titans and demon's fist still can't stand each other but they acknowledge it's good to have each other as occasional allies
nightstorm is the kid of one of the league's top assassins and was trained somewhat alongside damian and mara, the three of them know everything about each other and constantly threaten to expose the stupid ass things they did when they were little
damian and ace do one on one hand-to-hand combat training frequently and one time mara helped damian demonstrate a takedown, that was the first time he realized just how similar they looked and he didn't retain any of the information. he was too busy trying to figure out how their genes were so strong
emiko and mara get along extremely well, she wasn't on the team when the demon's fist was after them but of course being related to damian she knew who she was and decided she was gonna give her a shot at friendship
they're both the queer cousin, damian's bi and mara's a lesbian in my head
mara loves her uncle bruce, she thinks he's ridiculous and kinda stupid but she also thinks he's cool and respects his abilities, as well as how happy he makes her mother figure
mara and emiko "secretly" watch keeping up with the kardashians together. that's already canon on emiko's part
xiomara and mara have some weird gay rivalry going on
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My brain keeps thinking about it Agatha lays awake that night thinking about how janus said "no one's ever yelled at you" to Sasha and how to her it was second nature to yell at her about "arguing" but then her son says that on the 3 years Sasha's been alive no one has yelled at her and what that must make Agatha think about with how she raised her children
YEAH and like... right up till that point, Agatha has only seen Sasha be friendly and polite and vivacious, cheerful and smiley. the realization that janus and remus and the rest of the fitzroys do not have to yell at her to get her to behave. it's unnecessary.
(the only time anyone raises their voice around her is to warn her of danger, she is never yelled at, but agatha hasnt seen that)
That her and charles belief that correction should come in the form of yelling and scolding seems to be demonstrably incorrect has got to be absolutely harrowing. because agatha loves her children, but just loving them is not always enough to parent them properly!!!
And she's already gone through this twice, with Janus being trans, with Nessa and her touch starvation - the reasons Nessa has gotten so much better in the past three years from her compromised immune system is because touch starvation is actively dangerous to children that young, it was literally making her physically ill
to be repeatedly confronted with the fact that whether they meant to or not, she and charles raised their kids and their grandchildren, children they do genuinely love, in an abusive environment and cant ever take that back. guilt alone doesn't absolve them, only being committed to doing better every day can do that (and they are) but i do have some amount of sympathy for this kind of parent
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witches-dream · 1 day
The way Smoked Cheese says "I'm looking forward to it" right after Burning Spice says "your destruction shall be my greatest pleasure" makes me think they want us to believe that he's gonna be on Spice's side. Option 1: it's correct and Smoked Cheese doesn't get redemption, cuz when he's allying with a beast you know he's too far gone, after such a thing it wouldn't make sense either for us nor Goldie to forgive him. Option 2: it's a red herring, he could be saying this as in "I'm looking forward... To seeing you FAIL" or he pretends to be on Spice's side. There's two reasons for me to believe this. One is the end of chapter 18 where Goldie forgives him and he looks sorry for a moment there. The way that that moment was written makes me think that redemption is a logical next step for his character. Two is Mozzarella, it's that she pretended to be by Smoked Cheese's side, only to betray him last second and reveal she was still loyal to Goldie the entire time. So if Smoked Cheese does this, it would be a great way to have us on edge, wondering if he has really committed to the path of a traitor, or if he's fooling all of us, but also it would show that he has learned from his mistakes and learned from Mozzarella as he would be doing the same thing she did to him. I think the second option is more likely cuz i don't see Smoked Cheese being wholly evil as a character. Cuz i feel like, unlike Affogato, a similar character, he doesn't have traits and motivations that makes him as likeable of a villain; so if he is made wholly evil, he'd just be a mean jerk and nobody likes that. Anyway that's my theory i will pull for him no matter what cuz i love him and i have faith in the writers at devsis to make him and all the new characters awesome as hell either way
Edit: i forgot about this while writing, but i do not think Smoked Cheese would want Burning Spice to destroy Golden Cheese. He wants her kingdom for himself, and he's fucking dead and Goldie is the only one who can revive the kingdom, so if she's dead then he's dead and the kingdom's dead. And even if it can be revived through other means, like if Burning Spice will promise Smoked Cheese to revive the kingdom for him to rule, Smoked Cheese will obviously not believe the Beast of Fucking Destruction saying that, like?? So when Smoked Cheese reveals he was fooling Burning Spice all along, he'll be like "don't think I'm doing this for you, Your Radiance, I'm doing this for MY kingdom" and Goldie will be like :") he's still my sweet greedy child.. (not literally, you get what i mean). So those are my predictions
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mdhwrites · 20 hours
The Mis-Projections of Odalia
Odalia's fanon versus canon characterizations are fascinating to me because at every turn, the fandom takes what is actually a reasonable trait of Odalia and cranks it up to 11, even to the point where it's entirely incongruent with both the facts and the spirit of the show. Consider this a continuation of me questioning how bad a parent Odalia is. I will also say upfront here that I have point, beyond just bashing fandom's ability to remember what the show is, for why this matters but I need to get through the rest first.
So, how does the fandom, or most of them at least, characterize Odalia? Well, they make it that she is the root of all evil, abusive, racist, classist, doesn't care about anyone or anything but herself and is a capitalist who only ever sells snake oils and lies.
In the show... She's very few of these things and many of the rest are actually her being a part of the Isle's culture. Not its nebulous culture that's bad but like the ONE element of its culture that is ever consistent. We'll get to that though.
Is she evil? Honestly, by the metrics of the show, not really. She isn't an slaver like the publishing lizard. She doesn't kill people just for fun like the bounty hunters. She doesn't scam people (we'll get back to that) like Tibbles. She isn't entirely good mind you, she's scrupulous and is willing to break her own beliefs when emotions run high but compared to like ALL the other villains in TOH, she's weirdly tame. Now mind you, the villains of TOH are all charicatures based out of the 90s so the bar is ROCK FUCKING BOTTOM but rather than fantasy levels of evil, Odalia is boringly modern and constrained. Put her in the human realm and literally nothing of what she does changes, including making a killer robot. She is not the worst person on the Isles though.
How about being a bigot of any sort? Well, Dana is correct that as far as we see, Belos is the only bigot on the Isles. The closest that ever comes to it otherwise is Boscha scribbling Round Ears on Luz which as far as bigotry goes is the equivalent of calling a kid with glasses four eyes. No, instead, she is, like all of the Isles, merit based in how she treats people. Period. No ifs ands or buts.
I say this so firmly because people don't seem to understand that. Boscha is liked because she is strong and gets results. Amity was popular because she was top of her class and got results. Willow was disliked not because of any racial, religious, gender, etc. element, it was ENTIRELY from the fact that she fucked around, caused trouble and was entirely unskilled. By her own society, young Willow was an abject failure. She wouldn't listen to rules, even simple ones like 'go to class' in the flashback we see with Amity, and her skill with magic was genuinely abysmal until she swapped courses at which point she excelled and became popular.
So, who does Odalia dislike? Gus, Willow and Luz. One of these fuckers doesn't want to follow what he's a savant at and instead wants to chase cryptids by their societies standards, and also got his ass put into detention before breaking detention to get out, the next already had a history of fucking around and is associated with two troublemakers already meaning she is still trouble, and the third... The third is the apprentice to the OWL LADY. She practices WILD MAGIC. Everything about Luz is illegal WITHOUT getting into all the times Luz has broken the law, rules and just general common sense. By a meritocracy, what the Isles is, these three are the bottom of the barrel. It'd be like saying a parent was unreasonable for not wanting their kid to hang out with the sixteen year old drug dealer behind their school and skipping class to do so. She's pretty fucking valid honestly for not wanting Amity to associate with these people.
Is she abusive? This one is more up in the air but besides Escaping Expulsion, we never see consequences for disobeying her, minus when her kids break the law and try to sabotage their own family in Clouds on the Horizon for which they're ONLY GROUNDED instead of way worse. We also never really see her kids worry about punishment outside of, again, Escaping Expulsion where the twins mention not telling mom they're helping but also they don't try to stop Amity out of fear for her own safety. You know, like people who are used to strict retaliation for mistakes should be. Amity quits the covens and seems to have literally no repercussions from that. She can also just keep telling her mom to go fuck off about her hair. This is not the attitude of an abused child. Oh and on the side of Odalia gives zero shits about her family, first I'm going to say I'm entirely ignoring Clouds on the Horizon's bullshit of "I knew about Belos' plan" because there's no reason for her to have been told that, no need for her to have been told that and is such a needless escalation of her character being cartoonishly evil, ratcheting back into being at home with the rest of the villains of TOH, that it it is just a transcendentally bad piece of writing that should only be mocked. HOWEVER. The first time we literally ever hear about Odalia is a moment of kindness and care. She sends the twins to bring Amity her lunch to make sure she eats. That's... Caring. She didn't send them to scold her or punished her by not letting her eat, she sent her troublemaking twins to the library to feed her and probably in hopes that the twins might study a bit. That's a fine mom move. Without more that is clearly abuse, I see it as neutral at worst. The necklace is the same way. It's more secretive than sending her daughter texts but they all have cellphones, she can just text her and that's really all she ever does with the necklace. She never actually controls Amity with it. Without more to sustain allegations of abuse, I don't see it as anything particularly nasty.
And finally: Is she a scammer? I won't say she isn't a capitalist but TOH never tears down the whole economy and the Isles appears to be by volume 80% scammers or criminals of some sort when it comes to their shopkeeps so capitalism is still absolutely a thing. Is Odalia one of these though? No. The worst she does is exaggeration and that's just marketing. It's not false advertising, it's just painting your product the best you can. She never says the abomaton can take down an Emperor's Coven guard so a trained, albeit young but also top of her class, abomination witch being able to take down the abomaton 1.0? Yeah. that's not lying. It still would do a plenty good job protecting your home and kids from things most people want out of their home defense systems like burglars. It also factually can do everything else Odalia promised. We're shown that. Whether it does it well is up for debate but it DOES do everything legitimately with Amity up until she's supposed to feign being in danger which like... Did you want her to be actually in danger? Actually have her life at risk? Because that would be irresponsible especially to do to your OWN DAUGHTER. She only removes essentially the safety constraints once it's someone she gives no shits about and sees gain in their removal (and also is pissed.) That's not scamming people, that's a product demonstration. It was still able to grab Amity and lift her in the air with one arm, showing its strength. Also, everything else Odalia shows off as Blight Industry tech is legit, much to Luz's detriment.
SO. As you can see, the fandom is essentially dead wrong when it comes to Odalia. They took kernals of truth, that she's a strict mom, capitalist, judgemental, etc. and blew them up to be as bad as they could be. Why did they do this though? Why is this even important?
Well, it's because the show WANTS you to take her that far. Amity doesn't actually do much to redeem herself, especially to those she wrongs. She NEVER does anything but a bare minimum apology to Willow for YEARS of bullying that Odalia didn't ask her to do. Odalia just asked her to stop being friends with Willow. But hey, since all Amity does is an apology, that Willow only kind of accepts, literally stating they're not friends still... What do you do about that? Standing up to Boscha is for Luz after all. Standing up to her mom is for Luz. She never even bashes the ideologies she used to have to show her change, just that she was nebulously wrong but she's better now without any real sacrifice or meaningful acts of redemption. So... As a viewer, what the fuck do you do with that?
Edit: Someone pointed out that she doesn't actually apologize. She does say she was wrong when she was younger which is actually good for redemption BUUUUUT she claims she'll make Boscha and everyone else stop bullying Willow. Then Winging it Like Witches happens where Amity doesn't give a fuck about what Boscha is doing until it is focus fired on Luz making her whole speech there just a bold faced lie. Good job Amity.
Well, you do what the show did and scapegoat people. Why is it okay that Amity abandons her friends like she did Willow so many years ago? Because they're evil and bad people, or Boscha is at least, despite Boscha doing nothing Amity hasn't already in the show. But she was only like that because of her mom. Her awful, abusive, controlling, classist...
Wait a second. Do you dear reader see the problem?
This is why the projection is required. TOH actually is really bad at redemption arcs, namely that it doesn't know what redemption means besides no longer being a dick, and so you actually no way to forgive the characters for what they did by what they do. As such, you need excuses. The people the fandom hates the most are usually those scapegoats, especially for Amity. Why is Boscha worse than Belos when all she is is a bully? Because people claim she was the reason Amity was a bully and shift the fact that Amity was Willow's main bully to Boscha, despite all evidence to the contrary. Why do they make Odalia worse than all other villains in media combined? Because otherwise, their blorbo, the lesbian that helped make TOH as popular as it was, the one who was endlessly praised for having a transcendentally written character arc... Is never redeemed nor actually has much of an arc or depth to her character. She NEEDS to have all these serious elements put upon her through her mom or else... She's just a mean girl who fell in love and decided to care about one person and be a LITTLE better to other people. Remember, at the point of Labyrinth Runners, an entire season after Understanding Willow, Amity does not recognize that she was wrong that Willow is weak despite Willow's entire character for the past season being defined by how overpowered she. Amity very clearly has not been paying attention or caring about anyone about Luz and that's not what a good person does? You care because caring is the correct thing to do.
And I care because I would like her to be written better. I would like her to be more than what she was. I would like the whole show to be. But... Odalia isn't what you think she is and that matters because it means Amity isn't either. The show isn't either. See you next tale.
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lolli-popples · 2 days
So, I absolutely love "No Longer You" from Epic, and there are some things I've realized about the lyrics on the release of the recent sagas, so I wanna do a little analysis about what all of the prophecy prediction lyrics are about.
Okay so first line; "I see a song of past romance" This is specifically referring to "Suffering". The siren featured is singing and pretending to Penelope. She's literally singing a song of past romance (since she's using his memories to create the image of Penelope, hence "past") "I see the sacrifice of man." You could read this as a reference to Odysseus becoming a monster, sacrificing his humanity, but it's also definitely about what happened with Scylla. "I see portrayals of betrayal and a brother's final stand," this about is the mutiny, I'm assuming the betrayal is the betrayal on both sides.
So, with those 3 lines, we have a direct retelling of the Thunder Saga, in order! I knew when I first listened to the song that the "brother's final stand" thing was the mutiny, but relistening, it's *incredibly* accurate to what happened. Next is more unclear: "I see you on the brink of death, I see you draw your final breath" Now, you could reason that this is Odysseus nearly dying at the end of the Thunder saga, but so far, the lines have been VERY specific, so I feel like "I see you draw your final breath" might be something more specific that hasn't happened yet. If that's the case "On the brink of death" could very well be when Odysseus is on the Cliff in "Love in Paradise".
"I see a man who gets to make it home alive, but it's no longer you" This one is pretty obvious even before the recent saga releases, with the themes of the musical the point is clearly that Odysseus will make it home, but he'll be so changed he'll no longer be the person her currently is.
Now the middle verse!
"I see your palace covered in red, faces of men who had long believed you're dead," This is pretty clearly about Odyseuss getting home and killing all the suitors. His palace is red with their blood, and they *long* believed him dead, but now they see he isn't. I think most people know this one.
"I see your wife with a man who is haunting, a man with a trail of bodies," Now when I first listened to this, I thought this was referring to Antinous. But what I realized, and why I wanted to go through all the lines of this song again, is that it's not. It's Odysseus! He killed the suitors, and in general, has a trail of bodies from all the stuff on his journey, and this is line, that makes Odysseus so upset, is about him seeing his wife again!
So yeah! Tiresias is truthful, he is the prophet with the answers you seek. He's 100% correct in all his predictions, even tells them in order! And when Odysseus complains about coming all this way for nothing, he even tells him he's gonna see his wife again!
Unfortunately, his wording is absolutely terrible XD
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sigmundthesorcerer · 4 months
M would be obsessed with the fact that vault-tec dropped the bombs bc she's a paranoid freak who's been running off a conspiracy theory that america nuked itself as a population control tactic and the rest of the world is doing fine
but the point is that she's supposed to be wrong!!!!!
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bunnyboy-juice · 3 months
#personal#i am emotional yes#over the years ive had this blog I've made a few posts abt being femme#nd whether they're serious or jokey..... inevitably someone in the tags goes “ohhh yeah bc pink”#or in the case of what inspired this post: someone going “what about the pink ones” on my praying mantis post#and im just.#sick of it. im sick of femme being equated to pink and frilly girlie behaviors.#im sick of femme being equated to skirts and heels. to makeup. to skincare. to pristine nails exactly almond shaped.#im sick of ppl acting like All femmes aspire to this shit. im sick of femms being reduced to this shit.#and i love pink! i love pink! my phone theme is quite literally just black and pink all over.#im just. so tired of any expression of Femme identity being shoehorned into being a Specific type of femininity#especially as someone who DOES get dysphoric wearing skirts. wearing dresses. embodying the femme aesthetic yall are so set on making#if u guys wanna rb this i truly dont care#i just needed to scream#and this is one small thing#but the 2nd largest category of anon hate i have gotten since making this blog is str8 up homophobia from other “queer” folks#saying i cant be femme bc of how i present. calling me slurs (and using them as such) bc they cant understand femme as anything but that#my wife and i have our users in our personal discord server set as 2 different things of anon hate ive gotten#i have had OTHER FEMMES tell me i am not femme. femmes who Know im femme who still call me butch. femmes who ive corrected and been blocked#-by bc of it. the number 1 largest demographic of queerfolk who have me blocked rn is TME femmes who embody pink also#and i dont think its a coincidence at all. (and i know this bc i go to try and follow these ppl bc they get rbed on my dash & i cant)#and ik their blogs arent deleted bc some of them don't block my wife (tall. white. butch) and it cant be politics cause her and i rb#a lot of the same political shit (fuck. i think she rbs More than i do even. this is genuinely mainly a nsft blog)#and usually i don't say anything but im having a bad day so i get to be angry about this and if anyone fucking tries me i will block u#idc if we've been mutuals 4ever. im judt so tired of feeling like i am not Enough as a femme bc i dont embody this shit#im sick of this lameass lip service to he/him gnc femmes etc when the thin white 50s housewife femme is still what is preferred and loved#im sick of this lamesss lip service when y'all feel entitled to theorizing on other femmes genders bc u cant conceptualize a femme who does#wanna be hypetfeminine. im sick of it. im sick of it. im sick of it.#celebrity bun
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kraro-school-life · 6 months
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✦ 15. 4. 24 ✦ 📓 ✦ Monday ✦ Day 13/60 ✦
I stayed after school for a physics lab workshop (kinda?) about solar panels and we got to experiment a bit, I liked it a lot. At home I decided to write my history homework on paper for once, which is ironic, because I still have to type it on the computer, so it turned out to be double the work. But at least my notes look pretty :)
✓ school - history homework ✓ art - started project in art class; art course ✦ sport - //
🌱🌿🪴 - 1h 20min on Forest ♫₊˚.🎧 ▷▷ Void - The Haunting
Have a great day/night !! ~ ♦️
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crimescrimson · 9 months
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"Understand The Palm Of My Hand, Bitch."
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lesbianralzarek · 4 months
trying to not complain about the discrepancy between how much content fictional women and poc have vs the white dudes in every fucking fandom im in, because no one owes me fanart/fic and i can make shit myself, but holy fuck can any of you name a woman?
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sexynetra · 9 months
Y’all I went feral just over the screenshot, the full video has me actually dead on the floor 😭
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starlooove · 21 days
No one is asking you to like cops IRL, not even the show. If you look at Arcane and what you see is copaganda, if you look at Cait and only see PoLiCe OfFiCeR and not the character, the problem is YOU.
1. I never said anyone asked me to like cops irl
2. I know that’s what I said.
#I was gonna make a long drawn out response specifying or whatever but the post is very self explanatory#idk if I see it as a#‘problem’ but like yeah that’s literally the point of the post#I already have to extend Grace sympathy and understanding to police irl being black in the south#I’m not doing it for a show I like for a character I tolerate#like the surface level analysis I do of Caitlyn has her as a well written character#I don’t care to delve any deeper than that unless it’s about how she interacts with or shapes characters I like lmao#And the characters I like are doing thing that I wish I could see more of irl#I think I made a post a while ago about how fandom as escapism for me is difficult bc the way I interact w/ media is shaped by my real life#and since fandom is majority white they just don’t get it and refuse to#this might be part of that#like idc about the redeemed bigot there’s enough of those in my spaces already#I’m sure they’re very sad and important and educational for you but I don’t care#one more time for anon I ME THATS JUST ME ALONE NOBODY ELSE JUST ME! I don’t care#uhm in conclusion cry about it?#WAAAAIT#I also never said arcane was copaganda#I quite literally specified my issues are w/ fans who can’t spare a single thought for a black characters that’s not ‘he’s so obsessed with#sad white girl 5’#again idc enough to think about the enforcers beyond what they mean to ekko or Mel#depends on s2 but so far#well now I’m thinking do I think it’s copaganda?#from a character standpoint maybe not but like any show that’s wants me to believe or root for a grown ass woman who didn’t realize cops#were bad. like there’s a lot of y’all irl but it’s a show yknow?#they diiid have that Caitlyn ekko fight and ekko was clearly correct but again the results of that are more fandom bias#um idk I’ll have to rewatch maybe! but I#did nooot say arcane was copaganda in the og post like I said I quite literally spoke on how I felt#oh but the way vi broke up that fight#hem hawwwww#conclusion vi wants to be copaganda for coochie but her common sense stops her from being completely stupid 💔 sad 💔
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