#and save yourself by mcr! still one of my faves
pansypr3p · 1 year
whats ur fave mcr song
this is very mean to ask me. you will not get a straight answer. my favorite album is, by far, i brought you my bullets you brought me your love. here are my top song picks and why <3
famous last words — first mychem song i listened to and resonated with. will always be very important.
our lady of sorrows — secondish mychem song i resonated with. star crossed lovers. i will always love her.
thank you for the venom — i looped this in a dark but valuable time in my life and im still obsessed.
kill all your friends — same as above.
skylines and turnstiles — this was/is my comfort song. she is so fucking underrated. pay attention to her more plz.
this is how i disappear — god. do i need to explain.
sleep — see above. these songs are sisters to me. very special girls.
cubicles — NO ONE loves cubicles like i love cubicles. we should be going FERAL and RABID over her but nooOoo.
ftwww — kiss my battery stickers coming soon (im crazy about this ep in general)
only hope for me — im gay and this reminds me of my boyf. actually so does this is how i disappear. these songs are like, parallels or something im not smart but they drive me fucking crazy.
save yourself — LOVE LOVE LOVE this song AGAIN my boyf but also these songs in particular off DD resonate HOPE to me. i love it i love you my chemical romanc.
hang em high — i jam to this song so fucking hard. great to sing. love her dearly.
jetset life — honestly i dont think i need to explain.
heaven help us — mostly ive been sprawled on these cathedral steps while spitting out the blood and screaming someone save us / will you pray for me or make a saint of me and will you lay for me or make saint / and the punchline to the joke is asking someone save us / and im burning im burning im burning again . something something my band asking desperately for help. something something theyre alive and playing shows with their kids watching . etc
planetary go —
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if u dont get it im sorry i cant help u. planetary go forever
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edgy-dragon-trash · 1 year
tell me about the dragons
Yeah boss I will, I have a nice collection. When I say I got these over the years I mean I just kept alot of things from when I was young.
Tumblr fucks up my shit alot when I put things under the read more thingy so lets hope all is well. I also had to switch to the browser in the middle of this to add more pictures so that also adds to my worries yippee. Tumblr is a perfect website.
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Anyways lets start strong, this one is a fave of mine. Love the pose, love the colors, classic dragon shape. It sits on my nightstand.
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Up next, another good one. Very beautiful, very powerful.
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This one? The last dragon I bought, latest in the collection. He was in a really odd place, between a bunch of books. And I felt a very strong urge to save him.
Haven’t really got a new dragon since this one, because these things are getting stupid expensive. Enjoying yourself is slowly becoming a privillage. But lets keep this post light hearted.
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This one is from when I was younger. One of the spikes on its back is a button. You press it and the wings and jaw move. Its old tho so the springs don’t work well anymore. It also has bendable legs.
This bad boy guards my manga and very special mcr funko pop.
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These are not dragons, but they are draconic. So they deserve a mention. And they look sick as hell and thats what matters.
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These dudes are very clearly broken, one missing its jaw, the other a leg and both missing their wings. They were gonna be thrown out but I took em in and gave them a home.
They were meant to walk around making loud dragon noises.
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Yeah the pictures says it all. I lost 4 httyd action figures. I’m sure they are in a box somewhere but I didn’t find them so far.
They were 10/10 to me tho. As is any dragon.
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Speaking of httyd, heres something I didn’t lose. A toothless funko pop and bootleg plush.
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This is Murdoc, he quickly became a fave. His shape is perfect. Saw him in the last moment, epic find.
it seems I have to switch to the browser to add more pictures oh for fucks sake.
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Videogame dragons!! Thats my good friend Spyro! My good time boy! And the ender dragon! Did you know her name is Jean? You do now!
And of course, before you ask, I am looking for a Spyro plush.
10/10 and 10/10
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A pop out pet. I got this one many years ago so idk if they are still relevant anywhere but the ideea was that its 3 toys in one, and you just switch them inside out. Mine is fantasy themed, it has a dragon, an unicorn and a phoenix. Of course I keep it as the dragon. It became a little lumpy over the years.
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Big boy. Massive. Old as fuck too I don’t remember when or how I got this guy. I just know they are loved.
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Uhh these guys. I got the small ones from 3 different people. And the big guy from my mom. I never told any of them about this because the more dragons the better.
10/10, 10/10, 10/10 aaand 10/10.
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I almost forgot about him but, Mega Charizard X who is a dragon type so at least poor Charizard has that going on every now and then.
This mega evolution is one of my fave pokemon. Yes the mega evolution specifically. Shut up.
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And here is the dragonology book who was doing the hard work in those pictures. Aswell as the page it was open on, which is about diffrent colored dragons.
I’m also on the lookout for the famous dragonology book so I can be part of the cool kids.
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wait I forgot a dragon. This guy!! Love his tail! 10/10
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andydreamzzzz · 1 year
Ooohhh boy, everyone in this fandom needs to watch this. I’m busy now and will be for the next week or so, but I have thoughts. One important takeaway is this: grooming does not have to end in sexual abuse. That doesn’t even have to be the intent. Grooming is about power dynamics, and using that power to manipulate and bully through specific tactics (like being super nice at first AKA love bombing) It is also about how the victims are affected for the rest of their lives by the groomers actions.
This is important information because I have found through my lynz posts that many fans who are deep enough to be in a full parasocial relationship, not only with the members of the band but also with every person who surrounds mcr, has a hard time being able to see manipulation for what it is and call liars for what they are. This fandom is also particularly vulnerable because what connects many of us are mental health issues. Please protect yourself. Please find solace in the friendships you make here but learn to question any direct interaction from whoever surrounds your faves. And remember that it is YOU who ultimately saved yourself. Not a band, even when their art inspired a hope you didn’t feel before. It is still YOU who is strong enough to continue to live.
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franeridan · 6 years
What’s your favorite song?
H e c k that’s sort of an unreasonable question, anon D: I love so many songs, picking just one is kind of really impossible for me!
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robinrunsfiction · 4 years
-inhuman noise- you're one of my fave MCR writers; your Basement!Gee makes me squeal and flail happily. SO I kinda have a request? (Actually I have about a million requests but I'll try not to spam you.) Like, the (female) reader and Gerard are best friends, have been for awhile. Perhaps it's just after finals (or during the winter holidays) and they're hanging out in her dorm and maybe he finds her 'toy' stash? idk, confident!reader and shy!Gee are my jam. IDK BUT ILY MUCHLY
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Learning Curve
Pairing: Gerard Way x Female Reader Rating: Mature (smut) Requested By: Anon Word Count: ~1,350 Author’s Note: Love a college AU! This was a fun request, thank you!
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“Isn’t it kinda weird that we pack up our whole lives to live in these tiny, shitty dorms for like four months, and then we pack everything back up just to go home for another month, just to then bring it all back for another four months!” you practically shouted as you paced your room.
“You really hate packing huh?” Gerard laughed from where he was sitting on your bed.
“Obviously!” You said throwing your hands in the air before bursting out laughing. “I just don’t know what I can’t live without for the next month or so. Obviously my computer, art supplies, and some clothes. But I do have clothes at home, and hygiene stuff,” you thought out loud.
“You’re still gonna come up to my place for New Year’s Eve right?”
“Oh definitely! That means I’ll have to bring something I’d wear to a party.”
“I mean, I dunno if we’ll go out to a party,” Gerard replied, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Well you know I’m always ok with hanging out too,” you smiled. Really all you cared about was the thought of kissing him at midnight, if you were lucky.
“Do you still have my Smashing Pumpkins hoodie?” Gerard asked as you folded up clothes and stuffed them in your duffel bag.
“I may have already packed it,” you giggled.
“Hey (YN), can you come here a second?” The girl across the hall called to you. She had a date that night and had been asking your opinion on what to wear all afternoon.
“Yea just a second! Gee, if you want the sweatshirt back, it’s in the bag. I was gonna take it home and wash it, but,” you shrugged before heading across the hall.
After confirming with your neighbor that she looked smokin hot, you headed back to your room. When you walked in, Gerard was kneeling in front of your duffel bag. In his hands was a smaller bag that you stashed your toys. It was open, and his cheeks were burning red.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t know what I had grabbed, and I’m ugh” he groaned dropping the bag back into your duffel and getting up.
“Gee, it’s ok,” you smiled, putting your hands on his chest to stop him from rushing out. “I mean, they’re just sex toys. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”
“How do they,” he shifted on his feet uncomfortably. “I mean… what all do you...”
“Do… you wanna check it out?” You asked hesitantly.
Gerard ran his hand through his hair nervously and shrugged before eventually nodding.
A smile crept across your face. Minutes before you were hoping you were gonna get to kiss Gerard in a few weeks. Now you were about to fool around with him? This was a dream come true. “Ok,” you nodded. “Umm, don’t think I’m like… busting all of this out every weekend or whatever,” you laughed.
“(YN), we usually hang out most weekends,” Gerard replied. “I think I’d notice.”
You laughed. “Ok fine, yes but umm, come on,” you said picking up the bag, and taking his hand, leading him over to your bed. “So I have some restraints and a blindfold. Those haven’t seen any action in a long time,” you said in a disappointed tone. “And umm, my vibrator, and some… other things, but maybe save those for another time.”
Gerard’s eyes were as big as the moon when you looked up at him. “How’d you know you liked all that stuff?”
“By not being afraid to try stuff,” you shrugged. “Practice makes perfect and all that.”
Gerard nodded again. “I’ve only done like… basic, vanilla stuff.”
“Do you wanna try something new?”
“Yea! Yea, I mean if you want?”
You nodded this time. “I’ve always kinda wanted to kiss you Gee. Anything more, well, that’s just icing on the cake.”
Gerard bit his lip as he tried to keep from smiling too big. You both leaned in and your lips met chastely at first until you ran your hands through his hair, giving a little tug, and he responded with a moan. You smirked to yourself as you realized how much fun you were about to have with him.
You climbed into his lap, pushing him down onto the mattress as his hands slid under the hem of your shirt. You let your hips grind down against his as your tongues moved together. You broke the kiss long enough to pull Gerard’s shirt off and grabbed the wrist restraints from your bag. You could feel how hard Gerard was getting underneath you as you got them set up around the headboard of your shitty dorm bed. 
“Hands please,” you said and Gerard complied. You secured his hands above his head, and bit your lip at the sight. “We probably won’t need it, but safeword?”
“Sounds good,” you nodded in agreement. You pulled the blindfold over his eyes before shifting down his body to undo his belt and pull down his jeans. You palmed him over his boxers, and he let out another moan.
You pulled his boxers down and then took him in your mouth. He let out another delicious moan as you started to bob your head, one hand working what you couldn't take in, the other scratching at his pale thigh. Gerard's moans and gasps had to be the best thing you'd ever heard. 
"(YN), I'm close," he warned and you pulled off.
"What do you want Gee?" You asked innocently. 
"To do what?"
"Ride me."
"Perfect," you replied. You grabbed a condom out of the bag, sliding it on him. "Ready?"
"Yea," he replied, almost whimpering.
You took off your clothes before climbing back over him. You lowered yourself slowly over him. His lips parted in ecstasy and you wished you hadn't put the blindfold on him so you could watch his whole face.
"Oh my god," you gasped at how he filled you. When you started to move on him, you watched as he tugged against the restraints, wishing he could touch you.
"I'm, I'm not gonna last," he moaned. "I'm close."
"Come for me, Gee," you gasped. With a moan you felt him coming undone beneath you. The sight was more than you ever could have hoped for.
You stopped moving after a moment and pushed the blindfold off and you couldn't help but giggle at how blissed out Gerard looked.
“Sorry that was so quick, I just, it was just so fucking good. Like better than I ever dreamed it would be. God, and you’re so beautiful”
“It’s fine, I… wait, you’ve thought about this before?!”
“How could I not (YN), you’re like everything I’ve ever wanted in a girl.”
You grinned and leaned in and kissed him hard again. “If you wanted to, you could take care of me another way,” you suggested when you pulled back.
“Yea, but you’ll have to let me go first,” he replied with a laugh.
“Right,” you laughed before releasing the restraints around his wrists. You rolled off of him as he took a moment to clean himself up.
When he turned his attention back to you, it was more than you expected it. It felt like he was practically worshipping your body. He kissed you passionately, and then made his way down to your neck, chest, down to your thighs. The kisses and attention he paid to each touch was deliberate and tender. As he made his way between your legs, you were caught off guard at just how good he was. Your back arched off the mattress as you grasped at his hair, moaning as he slid first one finger, then another inside you. It wasn’t much longer you were coming undone yourself.
“Well this has certainly been more fun than packing,” you laughed once you had calmed down.
“Can… we maybe not have this be a one time thing?” Gerard asked shyly.
“I would love that,” you grinned. “And I think we definitely should stay in for New Years.”
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smileandasong · 4 years
danger days for the album thing!
SORRY this got lost in some other asks from last night! but!! i’m bored, so let’s go ahead and do it anyway :) 1. Planetary (Go!) (honestly, if you listen to this and don’t go at least a LITTLE wild? idk if i can trust you...) 2. Na Na Na ***while driving (an important distinction, because if you’re not listening to DD while racing down a deserted highway at sunset, blasting this song? you ain’t listening to it the way you’re supposed to) 3. Summertime (god, i don’t usually go for songs like this much, but this one just DESTROYS me) 4. Vampire Money (i 1000% would have wanted a serious mcr song in twilight in 2008. fourteen year old me was who they are @ing) 5. Party Poison (I DON’T GET WHY PEOPLE HATE THIS?!!? it goes the fuck off imo, such good energy!) 6. S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W 7. Na Na Na ***while not driving 8. Bulletproof Heart 9. Destroya 10. The Kids from Yesterday 11. Look Alive, Sunshine (this intro gets me SO HYPE!) 12. The Only Hope For Me Is You 13. Save Yourself, I’ll Hold Them Back (controversial, i know. this was my least favorite overall up until the other day when i was talking about it with @bringmoreknives and she mentioned how much she loved it! still not my fave, but now it beats SING lol 14. SING 15. Jet Star/Kobra Kid Traffic Report 16. Goodnight, Dr. Death (i HATE the ending, it fucking startles my ass every time!!!) //send me an album and I’ll rank the songs from my favorite to my least favorite :)
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xmbulance · 5 years
What’s ur like? Top 5 mcr songs n why
ooh ok story time i guess (this is long and personal read at own risk of getting bored)
1. headfirst for halos
my fave bullets song bc it SLAPS but also it helped me through my shitty school years (i was like being bullied by this group of really mean girls, i was really REALLY depressed my family treated me like shit cause they couldnt understand the concept of being depressed n were like “ure so lazy blah blah” and had SO many issues w what i looked like so yeah it was the worst) and i felt completely alone like myself vs the world lol
2. house of wolves
(my fave mcr song of all time its my baby you shit on it ill come after you) i live in one of the most catholic neighbourhoods of the WHOLE COUNTRY so even if youre not religious at all its smth thats like always there and people r really judgmental here so me being this emo depressed little teen made me feel like an OUTSIDER and was forced to involve on the church and i didnt want to so religion has always been and issue to me. also people r like really homophobic and all this shit and at that time it was WORSE and i started liking girls from a young age (i went to an all girls catholic school LOOOOOOOL) and i kept hearing conversations and priests talking bout lgbtq+ like a mental illness SO yeah this songs was #relatable
first of all people dont like this song as much and like WHY ://. SO i get this really nostalgic and homesick feeling anytime i listen to it and it kinda relates to what i said before (pay attention to the lyrics) and it made me feel a part of smth for the first time ever which was what i really needed back then n now im like so emotional bout it god im such a sentimental bitch
4. heaven help us
yes i have many issues i know you can tell by now jskfdjfdsk i am known (in my close circle lol) for not telling anything that happens to me or what i feel so im changing it but i still have this side of me thats still battling with my shitty past that i havent shared w anyone in my life and its very personal i dont even think bout it and this songs just AAAAA
5. save yourself ill hold them back
ddays is usually compared to that summer breeze while driving w your windows down feeling and it has to be one of my top 3 feelings in the world. THIS SONG this baby right here is peak feeling i love it i feel so full of happiness and hope when i listen to it i cant control my emotions :´)))
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brokenhostage · 6 years
okay so i wanna try and find people who’d like to befriend me and speak of these communities/fandoms with me
supernatural (ITS BEEN NINE WHOLE FUCKIN’ YEARS SINCE I FIRST WATCHED MY BOYS! THEY’VE GROWN SO MUCH FUCK! fave quotes “jerk, bitch” “college boy thinks he’s so smart” “balls!” “hey! assbutt!”
panic! at the disco (pre-split mostly but new fans are welcomed as well! i’d love to spread my knowledge of panic! amongst you! trust me i know quite a bit)
emo trinity basically (fob, mcr)
emo frens who listen to various music other than the “main” stereotypical bands. (don’t get me wrong i love them, but i wanna interact with some real authentic emos too (not that you’re a fake emo, there’s no such thing) but ya get what i’m saying i hope)
teen wolf (tyler posey, and dylan obrien stans)
blur (i ship gramon hardcore my dude i’m telling ya!)
gorillaz (murdoc reacting to 2doc is my religion)
twenty one pilots (tyler and josh literally saved my life. plus tb saga will forever be praised by me)
the all-american rejects (an underrated band like wtf!? where’s my ta-ar fans at!?)
pewdiepie (been with this dude since forever, you don’t gotta like him, but i love him)
troye sivan (helped me come out to my parents on january 11th of 2018)
lgbtq+ (of fucking course!)
trans community (not SJW’s who say that you can be trans and still identify as your birth gender. i mean trans who identify as the opposing gender and not the cis body they’re given.)
my hero academia (bakugou needs to calm the fuck down, like boy get yourself a snicker geesus!)
filthy frank (maxmoefoe, anythingforviews, idubbbz)
joji/88rising/rich brian (ive been with joji since filthy frank and i’m so proud to see how far this boy has come, please tell me there’s people who stan him just as much as me!)
tyler, the creator (“oh the wall? yeah his name is tan”)
classic rock fans (bands like ‘The Kinks,’ ‘AC/DC,’ ‘David Bowie,’ although he’s not a band fuck off, ‘The Strokes,’ ‘Nirvana,’ ‘Green Day,’ ‘Weezer.’ etc)
and britt pop fans (Blur as mentioned before, Oasis i guess???, Gorillaz?, idk just find me some britt pop bands okay??)
peter parker/peter kavinsky (OF FUCKING COURSE PETE PARKER HAS BEEN THE LOVE OF MY LIFE SINCE I WAS SIX! I LOVE SPIDER-MAN! as for peter kavinsky, i’ve loved him since i read ‘to all the boys i’ve loved before’ in middle school)
CMBYN (the peach scene fucked me up, swear i busted at least five nuts)
THE MAZE RUNNER (minho is a mean ho sometimes)
so please do follow this blog and i’ll follow back. (it’ll probably show up as my main blog followed you but idk it’s stupid how tumblr works). i wanna make frens plzth! SO LETS BUILD A FAMILY! fair warning though, i’m quite strange.
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plounce · 7 years
People don't trash MCR they usually trash middle schoolers and their deification of Gerard Way that is everywhere on the Internet if you're so much as a little bit interested in MCR's music
1. Who R U. you’re talking about this post right. i made that post because literally half of my ocs are based off of different gerard eras (teal roots revenge, touring party poison, helena revenge) and also because i love my lesbian mother gerard way, who is nb and dresses like a lesbian. i like to tell Joaks about one of my fave artists
2. mcr aimed to be “deified” by young people going through hard times. mcr was a band with a Mission that gerard way very fervently believed in yet doubted; in the aftermath of 9/11 (he was a new yorker at the time) he quit art and started a band with the mission to “save lives.” all of mcr were raised catholic and had complex relationships with their faith, especially gerard, who saw mcr as a “mission from god.” mcr included a lot of christian imagery in their music - black parade especially, with the patient/gerard being a christ allegory. many mcr songs are about gerard way’s apparent martyr/messiah complex (see esp heaven help us) and his struggle with it. he belts out lyrics about inspiring the youth as well as lines like “you wanna follow something, give me a better cause to lead” (along with the rest of thank you for the venom) as well as the entirety of blood. this culminates in danger days, where gerard implores his audience to “save yourself, i’ll hold them back.” mcr mythologizes itself very deliberately.
young people, such as middle schoolers, feel their hurts very rawly and deeply, often for the first time in their lives. gerard way especially set mcr up as heroes and inspirations to guide them and be their voice in their darkest times. members of mcr struggled/s with personal problems: addiction, eating disorders, mental illness. many of them still do. they were and are open and vulnerable about these problems. young people aim to be understood, and mcr provides that. mcr’s music and lyrics are raw and bleeding with emotion and honesty. and also allusions to horror movies. that’s what i meant by calling them overdramatic: it was a bit self-effacing due to how often i lip sync along and snarl along to gerard’s yowling in the mirror, but it’s a fair adjective. mcr’s music was goth rock opera! brian may himself played with mcr and compared gerard to freddie mercury. stylistically, “welcome to the black parade” and “bohemian rhapsody” have a lot in common. it’s emo! emotional! it’s meant to be overdramatic, and that’s what makes mcr so great!
mass culture hated mcr. there were of course the people who branded them satanists who caused suicides and gun violence. but greater than that was a disdain for mentally ill youth, mcr’s counterculture and often effeminate aesthetics (this was 2005: “gay” was still widely used as an insult), and, as you mentioned, their fanbase of teenagers, many of whom were teenage girls, who love very passionately. there was also an element of homophobia: mcr was brashly emotional, and men aren’t meant to show emotion; mcr wore eyeliner and skinny jeans and dyed their hair and wore Outfits and were seen as “pretty boys”; stage gay; etc etc. and that was the scene they were in. “emo” was widely reviled and mocked. pop culture in the mid 2000s was littered with jokes about self harm, guyliner, and bands that were seen as trash largely because they had a fanbase of teenage girls.
i refuse to blame teenagers for mcr being hated by pop culture. i was a teenager when i first got into mcr: i listened to teenagers in the back of a marching band bus to give myself strength at the beginning of an intensely stressful time in my young life. culture sees teenage girls as the lowest rung of the fan ladder; many bands are praised when they shed the “teenage girl band” label and become “mature” and “real music.” mcr refused to do that. til the end, they were there for their fans. and young people today still get into them, post breakup, because the music still speaks to the parts of them that hurt. i roll my eyes at the dumb “sassy gerard” memes i occasionally still see, but that’s just my personal reaction. teenagers are teenagers. leave them be.
gerard way is still a martyr for the “beaten, the broken, and the damned” beyond the figurative grave. the music video for SING ends with all four of them being gunned down, by forces that seek to destroy art and expression, while The Girl they taught, nurtured, and kept safe is swept to safety. they sacrifice themselves for her. in the killjoy comics, which were published around the time of the breakup, all the girl has left of them are fuzzy memories, mannequins with costumes, and her life. and a mission: to go save the world.
mcr’s deification was intentional, and to blame vulnerable teenagers for the hatred, misogyny, homophobia, and ableism of greater society is shit. that’s not how you respect mcr’s music, because you would be disregarding what drived it.
3. the only music by mcr ive ever listened to is that all i want for christmas is you/black parade mashup
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mayabrowne · 7 years
yo there!
I’ve had tumblr for about 5 years - as of the 23rd February! I’ve never really made many original posts or anything... last one I did must’ve been 2/3 years ago. I’ve kinda just been here to look at content and reblog, but I wanna change that now! 
So I guess I should tell you a little about myself!
• I’m 18 years old - born 16th March 1999
• I live in London, UK!
• I’ve been drawing pretty much my entire life.
• Both of my parents are in creative/vocational industries, so it’s no surprise that I’m a creative person as well!
• I currently go to an art college where I study Visual Art and Design!
• I want to start posting my art to tumblr - so look out! ☆
• I got into my no.1 uni the other day which I’m kinda over the moon about - I’ll be studying Illustration and Animation!
• However, I’m debating taking a gap year for a few reasons - I have some amazing opportunities coming up which I may not be able to do once I’m in uni due to timings! These include possibly going to Japan in October - something I’ve dreamt of doing my whole life! 
I also might be going to Thought Bubble in September - a comic art festival in Leeds - which is an event I’ve been wanting to go to for about almost 3 years now? This year looks particularly exciting because Gerard Way is gonna be there, along with his Young Animal imprint crew, and if you’ve seen my tumblr in recent years, you’d know I’m a big Gerard Way/MCR fan! I’m also a fan of quite a few comic artists who are going this year so that’s something I’m super hyped for! 
I also wanna earn a bit of money before uni, have some experience in the real world before going into education again. There are some other reasons as well that I’m debating taking a gap year, but I don’t particularly want to go into them - personal reasons that I’d rather not share right now. 
• From the above, I think you can guess I’m a massive comic book / manga fan! It’s something that has constantly been here all my life, due to my aunt and uncle owning a comic book shop for 25+ years! Sadly they don’t own it anymore, but I still go in there all the time.
• I love going to comic cons! I’ll be going to MCM Expo in May, October (as long as it doesn’t clash with my Japan trip - if that happens) and probably Thought Bubble! I might go to a couple of others if I can! (maybe Hyper Japan and another one if I can find one!)
• I’ve been a fan of anime/manga since I was about 9/10? When I started secondary school (an all-girls private school), and expressed my interest of it to people, a lot of people didn’t know what it was, and found it super weird that I was into it. 
On a daily basis I had comments from people saying that I was a freak and weirdo for liking it, and being 11, starting a new school where I knew no one previously (whereas most other people knew at least one person) it was a difficult time for me, and I wanted friends so I kinda forced myself to stop liking it, and I tried to like the things the other students were into (which in actual fact... I just couldn’t get into) - this is definitely my biggest regret in my life so far. NEVER change yourself for ANYONE.
I now think the best thing to do if anyone calls you ‘strange’ or ‘weird’ (even if they’re trying to put you down) is to just embrace it. Shows that there’s something cool and unique about ya!
Though I had a few friends from Year 8, it was from Year 9 I ended up being more generally accepted from the other students, which I guess felt nice... except I felt I wasn’t being my authentic self, so I actually felt quite unhappy. So in Year 10, I started portraying my true colours again, and though I may have lost people I was ‘friends’ with along the way, I am still close to the people who stuck by me, accepted me for who I am - I know who my true friends are now and I can see us being in each others lives for many years to come.
• However, though I read comic books and watched Studio Ghibli throughout my secondary school life, due to the comments I had from other students about anime and manga, I didn’t read or watch it for years after, even once I was in Year 10 onwards... until last year again! 
• After Year 11 I changed school to the (state co-ed) sixth form college I’m at now (much happier there!)
• Music is one of the greatest passions in my life too. I’ve grown up around it (due to my dad being a musician) and it’s influenced me in so many ways. I’m pretty open to any music (apart from EDM / house music and heavy metal screamo music. Ain’t really my jam.) so if you wanna suggest me anything, please do! Send it here → ask me 
(also feel free to send me any films or TV series recommendations!)
• Something that interests me the most is the connection between visual art and music, whether that be through record sleeves, stage visuals, posters, or even though graphic novels (you’d be surprised at the amount of musicians who have done something within the comic book world.)
• I LOVE going to concerts and festivals. I’ve been going to Reading Festival for the past 3 years, went to Download Festival in 2015, and I occasionally go to some others, depending on the time. I go to concerts quite a lot! Recent concerts I’ve gone to include: Frank Iero and the Patience (Acoustic Session in Kingston) Twenty One Pilots (I saw them 5 times in the course of a year... wow ) Muse Babymetal Darlia Coldplay Panic! At The Disco The Damned The Tuts Skinny Girl Diet Senseless Things  • Instruments I’ve learned / teaching myself are violin, piano, ukulele and guitar!
• My favourite saga of films has to be Star Wars - has been since I was about 9/10 (The Empire Strikes Back is the best one... no doubt about it)
• Studio Ghibli is my favourite animation studio - I admire the process that goes behind each of its films, how they are the only remaining animation studio that still hand draws each of its frames. I also think the meaning behind each of their films is beautiful, and I love how they have many female protagonists, as well as story lines which aren’t just about a male character saving the female character, but rather the two supporting each other - as they find strength in themselves.
• My favourite book of all time is probably The Great Gatsby - though there are many books that I love and cherish.
• Pokémon is probably my favourite game ever - I have many memories attached to it (games, anime and manga) and have been playing it since I was about 5/6. My favourite games are probably Diamond / Pearl / Platinum and Sun & Moon. (I am forever hoping for D/P/Pt remakes this gen!)  My fave series of the anime are seasons 1-5 (the Kanto and Johto seasons). They’re nostalgic to me and I also feel Pokémon had its best episodes here - much less filler and had meaningful eps with more of message.
• I’m mainly active on my twitter, so hit me up there! Twitter - @mayabrowne1
• If you want me to see anything - tag me! → mayabrowne
• if you ever want to talk, whether you want to get to know me, need help, bored, in need of advice, just hit me up in my DMs! ♫
That’s all I can really think of for now - you’ll be hearing from me again soon! ☆
- Maya 
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ratmonologue · 8 years
You know the drill, all tHE ASKS
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? I don’t actually use any of them
is your room messy or clean? Room is okay, but desk looks like a war zone
what color are your eyes? brown
do you like your name? why? Yeah? It’s fairly unique but it’s spelled how it sounds, which is nice. And I’m used to it so
what is your relationship status? in a polyamorous relationship with about a dozen fictional characters
describe your personality in 3 words or less um…. obsessive, spontaneous, triestobeagoodfriendbutidkhowconsistentlyisucceed (that counts as one word right?)
what color hair do you have? brown
what kind of car do you drive? color? 20 years old and don’t have a driver’s licence eyyyy
where do you shop? At stores? Mostly of the grocery variety
how would you describe your style? Pretty casual I guess. Jeans and tanktops/t-shirts, dark colors, boots, army jacket
favorite social media account Does the OT count as social media? If so that
what size bed do you have? Sad little twin-sized mattress with very broken innersprings (yay college apartments)
any siblings? one younger sister
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? I’m honestly loving Edinburgh so staying here for the time being would be great
favorite snapchat filter? don’t have snapchat, so don’t know
favorite makeup brand(s) whatever’s cheap and doesn’t smudge
how many times a week do you shower? Usually every other day, so, like, 3-4. If it’s hot out then closer to 5-6
favorite tv show? FIREFLY. With additional special mentions to Blackadder, M*A*S*H, and Merlin
shoe size? US size? UK size? European size? CAN YOU TELL I’VE HAD A CONFUSING TIME SHOE SHOPPING OVER HERE??? (US 8, Euro 39, UK a Mystery)
how tall are you? 5′5″
sandals or sneakers? COMBAT BOOTS (but converse are second place so sneakers)
do you go to the gym? pfffft no
describe your dream date A ride in the Millennium Falcon with Han Solo would be pretty cool
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? *checks* around £55
what color socks are you wearing? not wearing socks
how many pillows do you sleep with? two
do you have a job? what do you do? college student who really does need to start thinking about an actual job, seeing as how they’re graduating in a few months
how many friends do you have? I think that number really depends on where you draw the what-defines-a-friend line but, um, a decent enough number I guess? I do need more irl friends over here though
whats the worst thing you have ever done? Some high school friends and I were kinda shitty to this one girl in our group, so maybe that. Idk, I’ve done a lot of small-ish terrible things but nothing super dramatic so it’s hard to pick one as the /worst/
whats your favorite candle scent? IKEA had this one green-apple-scented candle that to this day I wish I would have bought.
3 favorite boy names That’s so hard to narrow down and now all I can think of are fictional characters that I like. Um… *throws darts at mental dartboard* Sam, Nathan, Adrian. Although those might be pretty heavily influenced by the fact that I’ve met awesome people with all of those names so. For fictional characters, Kaz Brekker is a fantastic name, as is Han Solo, as is Ronan Lynch, and…. I should stop. There are so many names that I like though
3 favorite girl names Same problem as above. *throws more mental darts* Sierra, Lyra, Clare
favorite actor? I’m currently in watch-everything-that-Diego-Luna-has-ever-been-in mode. More long-term favorites are Harrison Ford and Richard Armitage
favorite actress? Catherine Tate is pretty fantabulous.
who is your celebrity crush? I like how the question asks for “crush,” singular
favorite movie? Raiders of the Lost Ark and Jurassic Park
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? Not as much as I used to. Favorites (yes, plural) include The Book Thief, Six of Crows, Illuminae, Inkspell, The Dream Thieves, Half Moon Investigations, and so many more…..
money or brains? For me or in others? Either way, both is always nice xD
do you have a nickname? what is it? Well the OT crew knows me as Clary so. My camp counselor name was Coconut
how many times have you been to the hospital? I’ve been to the ER once or twice, but I don’t think I’ve ever stayed overnight in a hospital
top 10 favorite songs How dare you. Okay, um…. *tries to pick from a variety of bands and not just my 1-2 faves* Save Yourself, I’ll Hold Them Back (MCR), Daze (Poets of the Fall), When Everything Comes to an End (Plan Three), Brush it Off (Plan Three), Boulevard of Broken Dreams (Green Day), Morning Tide (PotF), Subrosa (Plan Three), What About Now (Daughtry), Ambulance (MCR), Rogue (PotF)…. that’s ten…. that didn’t even come CLOSE to covering them all (and so much for a variety of bands, heh)
do you take any medications daily? nope
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) Pretty normal? Maybe slightly on the oily side
what is your biggest fear? jellyfish and plane crashes
how many kids do you want? ZERO, ZIP, ZILCH, NADA, NONE, KEINE, NUL. NO THANK YOU.
whats your go to hair style? Well seeing as how my hair’s kinda too short to do much with it, either down or in a partial ponytail
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) grimy old student apartment woohoo
who is your role model? Nina Zenik
what was the last compliment you received? I have no idea
what was the last text you sent? “Honestly though I can’t say I’d mind if he actually did invade my hotel room. He’s one of the few people that could get away with it ;D” …..I’m not sure whether the context would make this better or worse
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? 8, maybe? There was never a dramatic earth-shattering reveal; understanding was kinda gradual
what is your dream car? a spaceship
opinion on smoking? it’s disgusting why would you ever
do you go to college? yes
what is your dream job? underwater archaeologist by day, bestselling novelist by night. space pirate is also an option.
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? Can I just say smack-dab in the city center? Is that not an option? Because that’s where I am now and I’m loving it.
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? No but the last hotels I was in provided instant tea/coffee/hot chocolate packets and I stole all the hot chocolate packets
do you have freckles? no
do you smile for pictures? usually
how many pictures do you have on your phone? 1248. I need to delete a bunch.
have you ever peed in the woods? Yes, many times. I’ve also peed in the desert many times.
do you still watch cartoons? Yes, although different ones than from when I was a kid
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? Neither, honestly
Favorite dipping sauce? There’s this one place in San Francisco whose french fries are, like, award-winning and they have a zillion dipping sauces, one of which is a lemon saffron aioli and it is heavenly.
what do you wear to bed? a t-shirt and sometimes pants, if it’s cold enough
have you ever won a spelling bee? no but I think I was in the top ten?
what are your hobbies? wasting time, reading, watching movies/tv shows, writing and drawing when I have the motivation
can you draw? Kind of?
do you play an instrument? Clarinet for 11 years, plus saxophone, mediocre piano, and mediocre guitar
what was the last concert you saw? Poets of the Fall. I died. Many times over.
tea or coffee? neither honestly, though tea if I absolutely had to pick
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Don’t really care
do you want to get married? If I somehow find a way to make fictional characters come to life, sure
what is your crush’s first and last initial? S.B.
are you going to change your last name when you get married? Unless I marry someone with an impossibly cool last name, no
what color looks best on you? probably black. purple and olive green look good too
do you miss anyone right now? The SOAR Squad
do you sleep with your door open or closed? Considering I share an apartment with five other students, closed, always
do you believe in ghosts? not really, no
what is your biggest pet peeve? When people are unwilling to look facts in the eye
last person you called? Maybe my mom?
favorite ice cream flavor? COOKIE DOUGH
regular oreos or golden oreos? Does golden mean no chocolate? If so then regular, why would you take away chocolate
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? always chocolate
what shirt are you wearing? a purple one that for once isn’t fandom related
what is your phone background? Sir Gwaine in sunglasses
are you outgoing or shy? It honestly depends. I think I’ve gotten a lot better at pretending to be outgoing
do you like it when people play with your hair? Depends who that person is
do you like your neighbors? I’m gonna interpret this as apartment-mates and while I don’t really know them too well yeah they seem pretty alright
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? Whenever I shower
have you ever been high? Only on sugar and sleep deprivation
have you ever been drunk? Yes, but not enough to black out or give me a hangover
last thing you ate? Cheesy bacon-ey mushroom-ey salsa-ey scrambled eggs
favorite lyrics right now “And now assassination is just the only waaaaayyyyyy…..” by the cowboys in Dr. Horrible
summer or winter? Winter if there’s snow, but summer’s great too. idk
day or night? Night
dark, milk, or white chocolate? All of the above?
favorite month? October has the best weather
what is your zodiac sign? go away
who was the last person you cried in front of? My friend Josh (some of you might know him as medieval dude 1.0) because I went to see Rogue One with him
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