#and rollerskating and swimming.
cloama · 10 months
Going to the gym used for be a hobby that was supplemental to team sports and dance.
Sports and dance was still the main activity.
We're supposed to be playing park league sports and rollerskating but just like everything else, we've been priced out of general leisure. PE class scarring two generations out of liking group activities also plays into this.
I'm not going anywhere with this really. You can love gym. Gym is just a hobby.
But it's weird how gym is the first form of movement that comes to mind for everybody.
I think you're supposed to be moving you're body in a joyful way. Even if you like the gym you should still be finding something else to do as well.
We all should be at the club.
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theatrekidenergy · 10 months
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timemachinelover · 2 months
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brookezitting · 6 days
Hey friends, If you know me you know that I insist on joy. I insist on having fun. In addition to having a creative practice, I like to drop into my body and get real movement for my best mental health experience. In order to keep myself engaged, I choose things I enjoy doing, and I mix it up regularly. Sure I do my morning 30 min cardio infront of my TV some mornings, but I keep it real by sprinkeling in roller skating, yoga, walking and hiking, and let's not forget racing tiny Bill from one end of the pool to the other. Do WHATEVER you have to do to be ok. For me that looks like different practices. Note I'm not saying mastered skills. Practice: the continuous effort of showing up for a greater long-term outcome. Grab your roller disco skates and let's go!
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breathingsong · 2 years
every year i say this will be the year where i do all the things and then consistently i fail to do all the things
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fergarcia220 · 2 years
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heartlilith · 2 months
Astrology Observations
Mercury/Gemini/Virgo/Chart Ruler in the 6th house natives have a telepathic connection to their pets
Water mercuries/water signs in the 3rd house have the perfect ASMR voices, so soothing
Saturn shows where you'll experience your karma, both good and bad. It also shows where others will experience their karma if they wrong you, for example. 1st house = your perception of the world, your looks. 2nd house = your finances, self worth. 5th house = your ability to have fun/date, your creativity, your kids. 7th house = your business partners, your lovers. 10th house = your career, public image.
The house your Pluto is in shows the themes that will be forever changing throughout your life.
Aries Mercury/Mars in the 3rd house always cuts people off when their talking (lol same) they're so impatient in communicating and hate when people beat around the bush
Your ASC sign + ASC persona chart ASC can tell you a lot more about how people see you. For me, I have natal Capricorn rising and my ASC PC has Aries rising = hardworking, moves fast, impatient, wants to finish projects in one sitting, bitchy, can be very harsh
^Example = Natal Libra Rising with ASC PC Scorpio rising, could make the Libra rising more secretive, creative, more attractive and alluring, can make a native more manipulative, "pretty privilege"
^Example = Natal Taurus Rising, ASC PC Sagittarius Rising - Can have a voluptuous body, more carefree, loves to travel and try new things, probably cooks great food from different cultures, extremely chill and laid back
5th house ruler in the 8th house loves to do taboo things on their free time (astrology, learning psychology, reading self help books, watching true crime docs)
5th house ruler in the 2nd house loves to go shopping and experiment with their style on their free time, loves design and probably rearranges their space a lot lol
5th house ruler in the 3rd house loves to read and write on their free time and talk to their friends on the phone. Loves to go for drives and try new spots that have opened up in their town
Fire signs in the 12th house dream a lot. They're more inclined to have "action" dreams.
4th house sign can give insight on the best way to emotionally nurture yourself, since it rules the mother. Fire signs = exercise, moving around, exploring, trying a physical hobby (rollerskating, a sport, yoga). Water signs = taking a shower, swimming, going to the beach, allowing your emotions to flow, art. Earth signs = spending time in nature obviously, walking around the yard barefoot, gardening, getting in touch with nature somehow. Air signs = talking to friends about stress, journaling, collaging, reading books, therapy
Check out my July Reading Specials
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castielsprostate · 1 year
bunker rooms we haven't seen before but do definitely exist: the greenhouse, the swimming pool, castiel's organ freezer and bomb shed, dean's rollerskate arena, sam's torture dungeon and bookclub chamber, jack's nuclear waste site, the dining hall..
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ghostlykeyes · 9 months
Can you do the head canons set for Yone and Sett like you did for Kayn??? Thank you !!!!
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HEARTSTEEL SETT / READER ♡ Gender Neutral ♡ SFW (Light sexuality, nothing explicit.) ♡ Hi my dear! Wasn't sure if you meant the relationship ones or kiss ones—Yone is getting both in upcoming separate posts, and I've already done Sett kisses here ! Hope you enjoy these :D
Sett's most sensitive spot is his ears. They're dreamy soft, like velvet but thicker, and oh-so-warm. When you play with them he goes weak in the knees, tilting his head towards your gentle hands and letting out a low groan. He adores when you play with them. If he plops his head in your lap and looks up at you with pleading puppy-dog eyes, chances are an ear-rub is what he's begging for.
After Sett smashes out a great lifting session, he usually sends you a mirror selfie. He just wants to tell you he had a great workout, and he loves when you encourage him, so it's mostly innocent. But come on...he's shining with sweat, his muscles look fucking huge, and he's got that flushed-cheek, out of breath smile. How are you not supposed to ogle him a little bit? If you accuse him of trying to turn you on with his gym selfies he goes 'no wayyyyyy'. The next picture he says—one of him winking at you, with the hem of his shirt pulled tight between his sharp teeth and his glorious abs on display—says otherwise.
Sett's social media pages consist of basically two things: gymbro shit and cute animal videos. He spams you with the latter. Expect lots of pictures of housecats cuddling ("us", he captions) and videos of dogs doing tricks ("do u think we could teach earnest that??" Probably not, you tell him, but you find him on the kitchen floor the next morning trying to get the poor dog to do a flip anyway).
Sett is all for pet-names, and rarely calls you by your given name. He  goes with the classic "babe" a lot. Sometimes he likes to spice it up by sprinkling in nicknames like "hot stuff" or "sweets". If he's being cheeky, he'll give you a teasing smirk and call you his "favorite groupie".
Sett loves staying active (obviously) and he's always down to try something new. If you're for hurting date ideas, take him rollerskating, rock climbing, or swimming. And, if you're really brave? Ask him and the rest of the Heartsteel guys to go paint-balling with you. Bless his heart, he will try so hard to protect you and hyper-carry your team but his aim just isn't that good. (Predictably, Sett ends up covered in paint-splashes. He's nothing if not a good meat shield.)
For your first Christmas together, Sett's mom knits you a beanie to match his. "Oh, you two are adorable," she beams as her son excitedly tugs the warm hat over your ears. Once you've earned the beanie, trust that you've got Mama's approval on lock.
Anyone that wrongs you is on Sett's shit-list for life. He's a hothead and he knows how to hold a fucking grudge. If you complain about your boss or come to him teary-eyed because a friend blew off plans, he's fuming. "That fucking asshole," he snarls. Of course, he sets aside his fury to comfort you. Just know that a lifelong beef has been started and he's going to scowl every time you bring that person's name up again.
After a hard workout, Sett loves to tease you by pulling you in for a sweaty bear-hug. Don't worry, though—he's always down to hit the showers with you right after.
Sett knows his way around the human body—he's got a near medical knowledge of muscle groups, nerves, and effective stretches just from his time in the gym. What does this mean for you, though? The best fucking massages in the entire universe. The moment you complain about a kink in your neck or a sore back Sett's cracking his knuckles. "Okay, hot stuff," he says, placing his gentle hands on your tight muscles. "Where exactly does it hurt?" Of course, you don't need to be in pain to get a massage—Sett's eager to touch you any chance he can get. Pout a little and ask if he can pretty please rub your neck, and his hands are on you before you can finish your sentence.
Since he's a cuddle-bug and serial napper, plan on spending a fair amount of time snuggled up in Sett's bed. He keeps sweatpants in his closet for you so you can be comfy during cuddle-seshes. Honestly, though, he prefers if you skip the pants altogether and chill out in your underwear and one of his old t-shirts. He tends to take a fabric scissors to any of his shirts with sleeves—your favorite sleep shirt, though? He mercifully leaves that one alone.
Sett's a massive show-off. Anytime you're on your tippy-toes trying to reach the top shelf or you're struggling with the pickle jar, Sett swoops in with an "Oh, lemme get that for ya!" And if he's flexing extra hard opening the jar or stretching his arms so that just the teeeeeeeniest bit of his shirt slips up, exposing his six-pack...well. You might as well enjoy the show, right?
Even though he wears lifting gloves, Sett's hands get chapped and calloused, anyway. He constantly steals your lotion. If you catch him swiping it out of your bag his ears go back and he offers you a sheepish, "sorry, hon...", but does he stop?  No chance. He pops the top and slathers it on his hands, anyway. "Whaaaaaat?" he whines as you stare him down. "If I'm all rough and whatever you'll stop holding hands with me."
You and Sett have a frankly obscene amount of plushies. There's an endless sea of plush on your bed, plus a good handful on his, but he just. keeps. buying. more. You'd complain, since it makes finding a comfy position to sleep a battle sometimes, but come on... how can you say no to a sugarcone furyhorn? Fucking impossible.
Sett's favorite way to pull you closer is by your belt loops. He hooks his fingers through and gives your hips a light tug, loving the surprised squeak you give when you bump into his massive frame.
Sett has a metal water bottle with him at all times (gotta stay hydrated)! Even though he rolls his eyes when you paste cute stickers on it, you notice that he never peels them off.
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emberfrostlovesloki · 4 months
Criminal Minds July  Prompt List - Summer Vacation
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All photo credits at the end
Good evening loves! We made it to June and Happy Pride Month! Here are some more Summer Prompts for July. This prompt list is inspired by the always amazing, @imagining-in-the-margins, who always make the best prompt lists. Her current prompt list can be found here (linked). I won’t write for all of my prompts, but I might for a few. I decided to go with a theme for these July Promts and it is Summer Vacation, and there are a few in here that I am very excited about.
The rules for using these prompts are that there are no rules! You could use any Criminal Minds characters, OCs, reader inserts, etc. You could draw, write, make mood boards, or imagine anything else. I have included 31 prompts for each day of the month. I also get inspiration from plain old words, so I’ve included 10 Summer words that might inspire something. Lastly, I’ve included a few dialog and art prompts too. If any of these prompts inspire you to create, I’d love to be tagged to see what you have made. This is all just for fun. I wish everyone a great start to the month. Please know I’m proud of you wherever you are right now - Love Levi ❤️
You can find all the prompts below the cut
General Prompts
Characters A and B plan their first summer vacation together as a couple. 
Character A accidentally picks up Character B’s matching suitcase at the airport. What they find inside is a surprise. 
At a wedding on the beach, a fem presenting member of the BAU catches the bride’s flower bouquet and makes eye contact with Character B. 
At a wedding on the beach, a masc presenting member of the BAU catches the bride's garter and makes eye contact with Character B. 
A swimming suit mishap at the pool leaves Character A in an awkward position until Character B comes to the rescue. 
Spin the bottle with any members of the BAU when they might have had a bit too much to drink. 
After an incident last year with fireworks on the 4th of July, the BAU received an in-service on fireworks safety from the department. 
Character A finds a piece of jewelry they really like at a market but doesn’t want to spend the money on it, so Character B buys it for them as a surprise. 
Explain what Emily’s ‘Sin To Win’ story is. 
Character A finds out that they need to wear glasses and feels insecure about it, but Character B lets them know that they are as beautiful as they have ever been. 
Spring Break with the BAU. 
A member(s) of the BAU must go undercover at a summer frat party. 
While on a road trip, Character A looks over at a sleeping Character B and realizes they are in love with them. 
Character A learns how to surf, Character B is their instructor. 
For Character A’s milestone birthday, the team goes skydiving. 
Character A has a secret hobby/talent that Character B discovers and supports. 
Character A eats a popsicle in a ‘certain way’ in front of Character B to make them flustered. 
Jack catches his teacher with an ‘adult drink’ at dinner and asks Aaron if they can have that?  
Characters A and B decide to spend some money and have a staycation at home. 
When Character A gets misgendered at a water park, Character B is quick to step up and support them. 
Character A learns how to rollerskate during the summer and Character B can’t stop taking pictures and videos of them. 
Character A gets kidnapped by an Unsub on their vacation and the team comes to save them. 
Character A sees Character B without their shirt for the first time because it’s just so hot. 
Character A and B make icecream with a BAU kid. 
BAU water balloon fight. 
Crossover BAU and NCIS case. 
Only one bed troop with Charater A and B. 
Character A loses something special and Character B tries to find them something else. 
Character A and B are having a rocky patch in their relationship, so they take a week apart and realize just how much they need each other. 
Characters A and B announce a pregnancy to the team. 
A BAU kids first dance where Characters A and B get over involved. 
Word Prompts
Snow Cone
Dialog Prompts 
“What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” 
“Alright, who put on “Last Friday Night’ by Kary Perry?” 
“No, no, no __________, no more adult juice, let’s get you some water instead.” 
“... Thanks for the offer, but I don’t drink. Could you get me a _________ instead?” 
“Hey kiddo, it’s time to get up. Remember we’re going to Disneyland today.” 
“Well, sorry to tell you you’re tires not going to take you any farther. Would you like me to put on your spare for you?” 
Art Prompts
Any BAU character with a silly sunburn. 
Any BAU member in funny sunglasses. 
Any CM character at the beach. 
Any CM kid on their last day of school.
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Text Break Banner by @cafekitsune
Taglist: (🩷) @tgskitten @geminitapestry @silk-spun @alicewonderao3
Want to be added to my tag list? Please check out this post (linked) 
Want to send in a request? Please check out this post, CM Request Post (linked)
Photo credits
Top: Left (@whoisspence) Center (@honeyrosepetals) Right (@flowersforfrancis)
Middle: Left (@cocaineheartz) Center (@littlecarmine) Right (@earlydawnings-blog)
Bottom: Left (@earlydawnings-blog) Center (@autumncottageattic) Right (@emilyinsuits)
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johannestevans · 4 months
i went rollerskating tonight and it was so fucking good, i haven't been skating in like a decade, and it was good fun and like. it was tough at first to sort of get my balance back but then i felt okay on my feet
i did fall once and didn't manage to fall forward - i thought i could right myself when i started losing my core and then fell backwards onto my arse, and i'm so glad it's like. the one part of my body where i actually have some body fat, because my buttocks absorbed it rather than just my fuckin tailbone
i was saying when we were out that like. when i was a kid this shit didn't feel like exercise, whereas now it does a bit more, but like
i LOVE how low impact the exercise is on my joints - obviously when i fall it's a bit of a jar to my knees, but when i'm actually rolling it's not loads of little jars like jogging or similar exercises are, and i'm really relieved because like.
i do want to get into climbing if i can find somewhere they have the electric rig rather than being held up by other climbers, but like, i just can't swim now that the chlorine hits my asthma the way it does
but this, this is GOOD
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mikatoonist · 10 months
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say ‘hello’ to jabari, my total drama original character!
meet jabari, a contestant from the 2023 series. his title is ‘the sweetheart skater’! he is māori and tanzanian, a trans man and bisexual.
more info abt him/text below the cut!
Likes… Roller derby, reciting poetry, Zee, skating, warm weather, romance novels, chocolate brownies and temporary tattoo’s.
Dislikes… Not wearing his skates, winter, heartbreak, mathematics, swimming (can’t swim) and red delicious apples.
Jabari is a shy guy who loves to rollerskate with his roller derby team. He is a hopeless romantic and loves ‘love’ but gets flustered easily, quoting cheesy poetry when he’s nervous. He has a crush on Zee (shh, even though it’s so totally obvious) and cries when reading his romance novels. A true sweetheart, not the smartest friend, but loyal, always leads with his emotions, sentimental and kinda awkward.
Jabari is honestly kind of a loser (affectionate). You know how in Over the Garden Wall, Wirt quotes poetry just randomly like that? Yeah, Jabari randomly does that too and at awkward moments as well. He’s not very smart, like, at all, but him and Zee are dumb boyfriend solidarity. He tried so hard to flirt with Zee but it’s so hard for him; he ends up getting too nervous and tries quoting poetry to express his feelings and Zee’s just like ‘haha cool’.
He always wears his skates, except maybe for sleeping. It’s his comfort thing to him and he wears them during challenges. Yes, you read that correctly; during challenges he never, ever takes them off, despite other contestants, and Chris, telling him it will be a detriment. Don’t be fooled, he’s actually better on his skates than his feet!
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charxan · 1 year
imagine a world where Slimecicle and Mariana are married and yes they still marital issues and everything but they have Juanaflippa and she had 2 moments where she almost never made it home due to something medically but she's there and she's their baby, their sweet daughter and Juanaflippa loves to watch her parents dance and sometimes dance with them.
yup this is what my head came up with before I passed out so here have a bit more to the Au I came up with in the late hours of 3 am!!!
Slimecicle and Mariana do jam skating (dance rollerskating) and their local rink does competitions for couples so missclickduo will do what they do best and be competitive as shit with each other and the other couples, especially one couple and that who are they? foolish and Vegetta of course! though foolish is new too it there still really good. But Juana will always say her parents are better and Leo will deny that like "NUHUH!!" yaknow silly things.
But Juana is adamant that she gets good at roller skating so Charlie and Mariana help her, even if every time Juana falls they can't help the but worry over her excessively because what if something goes wrong and she gets seriously hurt? But she's fine and everytime they go back home they watch Juanaflippa's favorite shows (bluey and sonic prime)
Charlie is a stay at home dad mostly though occasionally he coach's the local swim team and or soccer team and for Mariana? I'm not sure I haven't really decided lol
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ohno-the-sun · 17 days
Oml... I just realised Sun's bad swimming reminds me of myself in rollerskates trying to walk☠️ a disaster if you ask me.
‘I mean I’m not one to judge– kisses on the beach is an important food group
😳😳😳 oml oml oml... HE DID WHAT???
...I did not caught that their relationship was so much more advanced that I thought AAAAAAAAAAAAA💞💞💞💞 so this is why Monty search for him so desparately. Everything makes so much more sense now.AAAAAAAA💞💞💞💞
‘I guess we can't
THEY ARE BONDING😭😭😭🥺🥺 I know this is serious and heartwrenching, but they are bonding😭😭😭🥺🥺💞💞💞🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂
What was I thinking? That somehow Sun had something to do with the whole “siren” thing
Oho!! Hellooo~ detective Bright in business babyyy >:D
Oh lord... not the Honda Civic... I cannot disassociate after that deadpool movie😭🤌
Ok. I may have miscalculated with the sentence that says the book belongs to Sun's mother... hmmm... then who are you Ruth? ...hmmm...
SHE DATED ECLIPSE???... or at least had a situationship with him... Ruth, you are very sus for me... and fortunate he was not a triangle and your name is not Ford... ok... sry sry... I let my other fandoms bleed into this blabbering... sorry...i am normal now😅😅
Oh no Bright🥺🥺🥺 Bright needs to find out soon or forget it like Moon did, because this will break them😭🥺🫂 And no worries, Bright felt in character with the story. I am just worried they find Sun's pointy ears or sharp teeth... or if they observe his eyes a bit more...
The drama goes in so many direction AAAA I am still hooked. What will happen with Bright? What will happen with Moon? How will Sun slither between his 2 life smoothly?? Does this new information bring Ruth or the Corporation into the mix now?? ... did Bright started something there... i am very sus...
And for the love of God, I cannot figure out who 'R' is supposed to reference. 😂😭 I guess it will forever remain a mystery to me.
Enyter I adore your comments everytime I am absolutely eating these thoughts
Pfpptf I guess learning to swim as a fish is similar to learning to rollerblade
And poor sun too is so uncoordinated
Gosh I love your theories they are always so interesting I love them hehehe
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ginger-grimm · 25 days
🌟 + sweet Greer? <3
Thank you @daughter-of-melpomene! Also tagging @dancingsunflowers-ocs!
She loves vanilla Coke
She's actually had a variety of different Buttons' because Minty keeps switching them after they die because Greer never learned that hamsters have short life spans
Greer loves taking baths, especially at Auradon because she has a big bathtub and various bath bombs and stuff, which was not something she ever had at home
When her brother Hero was born, Greer felt extremely protective of him and does until this day, she's always doting on him even though he hates it
She loves swimming at night and watching the moon
She tried learning how to skate to connect with Tee but kept falling so she skirted to rollerskating instead
On her first night at Auradon, Petra began to quietly cry in her bed so Greer laid with her quietly and the next day she put a teddy bear in her bed because it would help her with her homesickness years ago
She hates candy but makes an exception to the rule when Tabby makes her something, generally, she prefers fruit salads though
She learned how to tie a corset by the time she was six all on her own
She plans on visiting as many countries as she can after graduating
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lockwie · 5 months
15 questions, 15 people:
I was tagged by my friend @thepointlessmasterpiece 💜
1. Are you named after anyone?
Kinda kinda not.
2. When was the last time you cried?
No idea, I cry super often so it's generally a non-event.
3. Do you have kids?
Not in the typical way but I have a bunch of young adults/older teens who call me their dad :)
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I think a normal amount. Usually for comedic + venting purposes.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their mood, probably.
6. What’s your eye color?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
I'll watch both. But I normally prefer happy endings.
8. Any special talents?
I was going to say nothing because I am a jack of all trades master of none... But actually I think I am quite good at catching animals when needed. As you can imagine this doesn't happen often.
9. Where were you born?
In a city I never lived in but that's in the same region I currently live in.
10. What are your hobbies?
Drawing, playing the cello badly, learning bits of languages, random arts and crafts stuff
11. Do you have any pets?
A bearded dragon named Ziggy 🦎
12. What sports do you/have you played?
I don't play any sports, I hate competition. I enjoy swimming and rollerskating though.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favourite subject in school?
Mostly consistently probably biology. But every given year my fav subject always depended on the teacher.
15. Dream job?
I agree with @thepointlessmasterpiece , garden hermit sounds perfect 😅 Otherwise anything that doesn't require shit loads of paperwork nor being exploited by some evil capitalist. It's a dream job because it doesn't exist ✨
I'm tagging @zefly @sirnica @hermitcyclop @perevision @fooolisher @quietduckpond @dirbanu @shieldmaidenofsherwood @coccinelf @eaion @mxmollusca @firstofficerkittycat @enterprise-come-in @wtfspocks @tocautiouslygo if y'all feel like it, no pressure at all though 💜
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