#and ride the wave of ocean action
montereybayaquarium · 5 months
Happy Earth Month! What better way to sea-lebrate than diving into ocean conservation news and taking action?
Join forces with us and other aquariums to urge U.S. leaders to take bold action on plastic. https://mbayaq.co/sign    And don’t forget to sign up for our quarterly Ocean Action Newsletter for the latest updates and ways that you can help protect the ocean 💙🌎 https://mbayaq.co/oceanaction
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blumuggle · 3 months
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Immerse yourself in the thrilling world of surfers conquering rough waves.
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cloudcountry · 1 year
SUMMARY: The Octatrio takes you to the ocean, where you explore a shipwreck with them!!
WARNINGS: Jade & Floyd being slightly threatening? They imply that they'll drown you lol sillies.
COMMENTS: i had this in the works for like a week and i really like how it turned out!! (i'm especially fond of the floyd parts hehe) THERES ALSO SOME DEUCE CONTENT BC I COULDNT HELP MYSELF but thats only in the beginning wahhwawah ANYWAYS i hope ygys like this one!!!!!!!! im excited to hear what you all think!!!!!!!!
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You slowly unfasten your arms from around Deuce’s waist as the blastcycle skids to a stop. Vehicles in Twisted Wonderland are still incredibly hard to get used to, even though you’ve been here for longer than you want to think about.
“Thanks for the ride.” you lean back, swinging your legs over the side with a smile, “I appreciate it.”
“Ah…no problem.” Deuce replies, eyes darting from the seemingly empty shoreline to you, “Just…if anything happens, call me. Okay?”
You sigh, touched by his concern. Lifting your hand, you extend your pinkie to him. He wraps his pinkie around yours, and when you whisper that you promise, he nods and lets you go.
“Thank you,” Deuce whispers.
It’s nice having people who want to protect you.
He drives off and you wave, even though his back is turned to you and it wouldn’t be safe for him to wave back. Once the roaring engine has faded completely, you turn your attention to the beach. There’s a set of wooden stairs leading down to the bay, and you take them down. The sand feels warm and inviting, and you kick your shoes off without a second thought. It’s odd, your three companions should be here by now, but you don’t question it too much. Those three do what they want when they want to, and there’s no telling what they decided to do today.
You spend a few minutes swiping at the sand, collecting a small pile of pretty shells. It’s a modest collection, nothing to write home about, but the childish act alone fills you with a glee you haven’t felt in quite a long time.
Perhaps Azul was right. A trip to the sea really might be all you need.
“Hello, angelfish.” a familiar voice croons from behind you.
You turn and barely manage to contain your surprise when you see Azul in casual shorts and a shirt. Although it’s plenty warm outside, the mental image you have of him always wears a suit. It’s a nice change.
“Hello, Azul.” you smile, and take the hand he extends to you.
A kiss that burns hotter than the sun is pressed to the back of your hand. Your arms fall back to your side far too soon.
“I do hope you’ll enjoy this little trip I’ve planned.” he muses, turning his attention to the water, “There’s a shipwreck a little ways from here that Floyd and Jade wanted to explore, you see. Bad things happen when I don’t indulge those two.”
Something tells you that you are also part of that indulgence.
“Where are they?” you ask, scanning the wide expanse of golden sand, “I didn’t see them when I arrived.”
“Ah…” Azul winces and shakes his head, pointing a single finger toward the water.
You turn just in time to see two pairs of glowing eyes peeking up from the water. They’re gone in an instant, and if it wasn’t for Azul’s uneasiness you would have thought you imagined it.
“They’re very sneaky, aren’t they?” you murmur.
Azul nods.
You shake your head, mimicking Azul’s earlier actions. Except you decide to take the route the three of them probably wouldn’t expect.
And so you start walking towards the water.
Azul sucks in air through his teeth and grabs your arm as if warning you not to go.
“It’ll be fine.” you turn back to him and pat his hand, offering him the most reassuring smile you can manage, “If Floyd gets a little too rambunctious and forgets that I can’t breathe underwater, I’ll have you to stop them.”
Azul hesitates but lets you go. He does follow you though, which is rather endearing.
It’s nice having people who want to protect you.
Once you reach the water, you start to sink into the sand. You keep walking until it’s reached your knees. There isn’t any sign of them, but you’re sure Floyd will ambush you sooner or later. You start moving again, eventually wading into the deeper part of the shoreline. Azul watches you apprehensively.
Something brushes your foot.
You can’t help but jerk, but the ticklish sensation makes you laugh.
Someone pinches your thigh, and you swat at them.
There’s a swarm of bubbles that surrounds you, and for a second you swear you can see a tail flick out of the water before a giant merman jumps out of the water and body slams you into the waves.
“Shrimpy!” Floyd cheers, squashing your faces together and splashing salt water everywhere.
“Hi, Floyd.” you giggle as he digs his webbed fingers into your sides.
“My my. No greeting for me?” Jade pouts, resting his chin on your other shoulder, “You’re so heartless, Pearl.”
“You didn’t even give me a chance!” you laugh, running your fingers through their hair, “Hello, Jade. I’m very happy to see the two of you.”
“Will you two be more gentle with them!?” Azul hollers, a sour look on his face, “They haven’t taken the potion yet, so you should be cautious!”
Floyd sinks into the water and blows annoyed bubbles. Jade just smiles serenely, making no move to leave your side. Azul groans loudly, exasperated.
“Azul, it’s okay.” you call, slowly making your way towards the shoreline with two mermen in tow, “If I didn’t want them here, I wouldn’t have come into the water.”
“Well, there you have it.” Jade smiles triumphantly, wrapping his tail around your leg, “The Little Pearl doesn’t mind one bit, do they Floyd?”
“Yeah, Jade. They don’t mind at all.” Floyd grins menacingly, wrapping his tail around your other leg.
“Guys, I need those.” you remind them gently, and they begrudgingly let you go.
It’s funny how they listen to you and not the man they call boss (who is still fuming on the shoreline.)
You clamber out of the water with the grace of a crab as Jade and Floyd continue to pinch at your legs. You’re only safe when Azul catches you in his arms, lips pursed and hair tousled from the wind.
“What’s this potion I’m supposed to take?” you ask, paying no mind to the splash of water that hits you in the shins.
“Ah. It’s a water breathing potion.” Azul hums, clearly proud of himself, “I brewed it myself, so rest assured, it will work. The potion allows you to breathe and see underwater with minimal difficulty. Your payment for the potion will be assisting us in collecting artifacts and such from the shipwreck I mentioned previously.”
You have a feeling that all that meant was your payment is spending time with us.
You suppose they are rather lonely, with their reputations and all. Azul especially, with that sensitive heart of his.
“Okay,” you say softly, following him as he leads you to a neat row of duffel bags. He leans down and unzips the one with a cute little octopus charm and produces a purple glass bottle. The cork is shaped like a clam shell, and you marvel at how pretty of a bottle it is for only a few seconds before you look at Azul.
The sea is dangerous, you remind yourself. But these three will protect you.
“Now, I will not be joining you.” Azul declares, taking out a book from the same duffel bag, “So you may go with Jade and Floyd.”
He plops down in the sand, opens the book, and ends the conversation.
You must have stood there for far too long because Azul looks up at you over the rim of his glasses as if you’re the one doing something weird.
“Come on Azul!” Floyd yells from the sea, “Shrimpy doesn’t care!”
“Indeed. And you were so excited about this trip, too. I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t want to come.” Jade sighs, shaking his head in disappointment, “There’s nothing to be done about it, I suppose. It looks like we’ll be getting the pretty little pearl all to ourselves, won’t we, Floyd?”
“Oooh, yeah!” Floyd beams, tongue flicking out between his sharp teeth, “All to ourselves, Jade.”
You see Azul’s eyebrow twitch.
Floyd groans, seemingly annoyed at Azul’s lack of reaction, and shifts his targeted jeers to you.
“Shrimpy! I can tell you why Azul doesn’t want to go!” Floyd yells, flailing his arms around, “He doesn’t want you to see his merform! He’s super squishy and slow!”
“Now, now. That’s rude, Floyd.” Jade chastises his brother, but his smile lets you know that he’s getting a kick out of this too.
“Well, that’s a good thing, right?” you turn back to look at Azul and kneel next to him, “I won’t be a fast swimmer either, Azul. Not as fast as Jade or Floyd. It’d be nice to hang back with someone.”
Azul says nothing.
You block out Floyd’s jeering and focus on him.
“Hey.” you whisper, “If you want to come along, you can. Don’t let me stop you. I promise I won’t judge how you look, hell I won’t even look at you if you don’t want me to. But I’d really like it if you came—”
“That is out of the question.” Azul says curtly, pushing his glasses up his nose.
You hesitate, debating if leaving him here would make him more comfortable.
Except you know Azul. And you know if he doesn’t join you three on this trip, he’ll regret it.
“Listen, Azul.” you murmur, keeping your tone gentle and firm, “I want to go with you. It won’t be the same without you. So if you want to come, you should. I don’t want to leave without you.”
Azul hesitates, and you know you’re getting through to him.
“So come on!” you place a hand on his shoulder and smile reassuringly, “It wouldn’t be fun without you. Who else is going to teach me about all the different coins you can find?”
“Gahh, fine!” Azul snaps his book shut and tucks it back into his duffel bag, hands shaking, “You run a hard bargain, my dear.”
You laugh, and your heart feels light. You lead Azul to the water and turn away as he prepares to transform. You hear a soft splash and you pop the cork off the pretty glass bottle. Tipping it back, the contents spill past your lips and down your throat. Not wanting to be messy, You place the cork back on and put the bottle on a nearby rock. A slimy hand reaches for you, and you turn to see Jade smiling up at you. Floyd is a little ways away, bouncing around in the water like he can’t wait for you to enter. 
Azul is nowhere to be seen, but that’s okay. You can only hope he’ll feel more comfortable as the trip goes on.
”Come on, Shrimpy!” Floyd yells, and that's all the encouragement you need to take Jade's hands and let him drag you into the water.
And he coaxes you into the smooth waves, just like a siren. His eyes certainly glow like he’s hypnotizing you, but you’re certain his beauty is enough to have the same effect.
Once your head is submerged, you open your eyes. Instead of the sharp pain you expect to feel from opening your eyes in the salty water, you’re able to see clearly. Jade’s still holding your hand as he drags you deeper, tail swishing as he darts around coral. You try your best to follow him as you cut through the water, and you know if it wasn’t for the care he puts into making sure you’re not getting scraped on the rough outcrops of coral, you surely would have been injured already.
Floyd swims down from up above and snatches you from his brother in the blink of an eye. You’re pressed into a slick, pale chest as Floyd bears his teeth playfully, swimming farther up.
“No fair, hogging Shrimpy all to yourself.” Floyd grumbles, clutching you against him like a prized catch.
“Now, now. No need to get aggressive.” Jade hums, swimming up to meet Floyd, “They were very much enjoying themselves with me, weren’t you?”
You’re saved from the growing conflict between the brothers by Azul, who pokes his head out from a small cavern in the coral.
“Our goal is to get to the shipwreck, not mess around.” Azul chastises him, and you marvel at the parts of him you can see (which just so happens to be his face and the upper part of his chest.)
He really is beautiful.
“Yes, boss.” Floyd smiles lazily, flicking his tail at him before swimming off with you in tow.
Jade smiles but says nothing as he follows after his brother, who decides to take a small detour. He spins you around a coral spire as if he’s dancing, holding your hands as you spin. His grin is toothy and wide, and his laughter rings clear even in the water, eyes shimmering as if reflecting the sun. He twirls you around like a dancer, and the water fans around you like a costume. It makes you feel like a performer, gorgeous and renowned, and you find yourself grateful for Floyd’s adventurous spirit.
“You see that, Shrimpy?” Floyd giggles, halting mid-dance to swim closer to the coral reef, “It’s you!”
You swim a bit closer, using Floyd’s hand as an anchor to keep yourself close to him. There’s a small shrimpy fluttering through the crevices, skittering across the coral-like an underwater insect.
“Do I really look like that to you?” you tease, shooting Floyd a doubtful look.
“Sure ya do! You’re tiny and you scitter around and you’d probably taste really yummy.” he teases.
He bites just beside your ear and you swat at him. Floyd laughs and swims circles around you, jabbing you with his hands and poking you with his tail. He’s more touchy than usual, you think, and it makes you want to hold him too.
The next time he circles you, you latch onto his tail. Floyd shrieks and flings his you through the water, shooting you towards the coral reef with his pure strength.
“Only shrimps this tall get to ride for free!” He holds his hand up just a few centimeters taller than you and sticks his tongue out.
“Only eels this tall get to receive hugs from shrimpies.” you say, holding your hand just a bit higher than him.
Floyd swims upward and bonks into your hand, looking very proud of himself. You hug him as he takes you the rest of the way to the shipwreck.
It’s a towering thing, made almost entirely of wood. There’s a gaping hole in one of the sides, and you assume that’s how it sank. Floyd giggles and you realize your mouth is gaping in shock. You slam it shut, embarrassed.
Jade and Azul are already examining items they found in the sand, Jade swishing around in the open water while Azul hides most of his body in another crevice. There’s a small treasure chest by Jade’s tail, full of coins and what looks like paper—?
You’ll have to ask them about that.
“It certainly took you long enough.” Jade chuckles.
Azul acknowledges you two with a curt nod as he sorts through coins that look older than Trein. He’s far too deep in his element to engage in pleasantries, you think.
“Floyd, I found some well preserved musical records.” Azul says mildly, handing Floyd a book that seems completely dry without sparing him a glance.
Floyd positively lights up and tears the book out of Azul’s hands, flipping through the pages that are indeed dry.
“Old merfolk spells.” Jade explains, smiling at your surprised expression, “We find paper books fascinating, you see. If the pages are protected by leather and metals they last underwater for quite a bit of time. We had to preserve them somehow.”
“That is fascinating.” you breathe, and Jade chuckles.
He grabs your hand and you turn to him questioningly. He gestures towards the large ship, towering over your little group. You gape at the structure again, and Jade laughs at your facial expression. The hole in the side of the ship looks just big enough for someone to enter it, and you find yourself wondering how it got there again.
Now that you think about it, the hole could have been made after the ship sank.
“Shall we?’ Jade murmurs, pressing a guiding hand to your lower back.
You let him lead you into the shipwreck, but he doesn’t allow you to enter until he’s checked the floor you’re on thoroughly.
“It’s all clear, my pearl.” he offers you his hand again, and you take it.
The second you’re inside, you break free from Jade’s grasp and swim around the room. There’s a collection of silverware in a rickety old cabinet. There’s an old chest that’s cracked open, and you can see scraps of paper peeking out from their age-old prison, suspended in the water. There’s an armchair with an intricately woven cushion, one of its armrests broken off.
Jade watches as you dart around the room, silently following you as you glance from item to item. You know he must think it’s amusing that you can be so enraptured by your own kind. He can’t blame you, though. Humans have always fascinated him, and you’re well aware he’s aware of you indulging him on many occasions.
Many people would be frightened if Jade Leech examined them so closely. You are not one of those people.
“Jade.” you whisper, swimming over to him with curiosity in your eyes, “Is this an old terrarium?”
Oh, you can tell that piques his interest. You point to a dark corner of the ship to a small table and a tiny, house-like structure. It’s made of some type of fibrous material, and two glass panes extend diagonally from the rectangular base. Jade swims over, gently taking the structure in his hands and peeking inside. His sharpened teeth glint in the slivers of sunlight as he beams, cradling the discovery as though it was worth more than all the gold Azul was sorting outside.
“Yes, it is.” he murmurs, voice soft as he coaxes you forward, “Humans didn’t care so much about how pretty terrariums were as long as they were functional. I’ve heard many merpeople talk about how boring these terrariums in particular are as a result of their lack of stained glass, but I can’t help but find this style charming.”
“Sometimes being functional is better.” you agree.
Jade gazes upon you with a softness he does not normally display. It makes your heart take a little tumble in your chest.
Jade opts to take the terrarium with him, and the two of you bounce ideas of what to put in the container back and forth. At one point you bring up taking some coral and sea floor rocks for decor, and Jade perks up like you’ve just reinvented the world of terrariums.
“I’ve been so fascinated by your world that I forgot about the beauties of mine.” he murmurs, lifting a silver knife to examine it, “Say, what do you think about using this knife as a plant marker?”
“You could carve the name of the plant in the handle.” you muse, and Jade nods with a wide smile.
“You have a fascinating mind.” he places a hand on your head, scratching gently at your scalp, “It makes me want to explore you, too.”
You feel your face grow warm in the chilly water.
With your suggestion in mind, Jade begins collecting the various plates and silverware he can find, debating how he can use each bit of his treasures. You watch him for a while as he darts around, storing the items you used every day in his terrarium as though it was a precious treasure chest.
“Isn’t there a story about how the mermaid princess believed that a fork was a comb?” you ask as he picks up a golden fork, “I think Floyd told me that one.”
“So he does pay attention.” Jade chuckles, turning his gaze to you, “Yes, indeed. She was so excited upon seeing one at the prince’s dinner table that she snatched it right up and began vigorously brushing her hair. As you can imagine, the prince was very confused.”
“That would have hurt her scalp pretty bad.” you murmur, furrowing your brow, “But she had the right idea, I suppose.”
Jade laughs, and you feel proud that you were the cause.
“Jaaaade!” Floyd pokes his head in and beams when he sees you, “Have you gone down to the bottom floor yet? Azul says there's a lot of fun stuff down there.”
“I haven’t.” Jade says mildly, “We’ve been having a grand time up here, you see. I daresay I got a bit distracted.”
Floyd sticks his tongue out and blows a raspberry, but with the unparalleled length of his tongue, it looks incredibly odd. You barely manage to stifle a laugh, and Floyd beams as though he’s just won a prize.
“C’mon, Shrimpy!” Floyd cackles, darting forward and snatching you up into his arms, “Let’s go explore!”
You’re surprised when Jade follows the two of you down to the deeper levels of the shipwreck. You expected him to continue perusing the selection of silverware, but instead he clutches his terrarium in his arms and swims after you and his brothers. Floyd’s chattering away about how you aren’t going to believe what’s on the lower deck and how it’d shock your poor shrimpy heart to death if you were alone. He giggles and wraps himself around you, covering your eyes as he leads you into an open space.
“Look, Shrimpy.” Floyd murmurs right next to your ear, peeling his hands away from your face, “Look at all those weapons.”
Floyd’s not wrong, this would be a rather creepy sight if you were alone. There are two long rows of cannons, each one covered in seaweed and coated in a strange green film. The seaweed reaches out for you in the water, almost as if they’re composed of dead souls that yearn for vengeance. Jade swims out into the room and swats away the seaweed as it clings to his tail. Floyd leads you after his brother and giggles when you shy away from the plant, hating the way it feels against your skin.
“Shying away from a little seaweed, Shrimpy?” Floyd hisses, playfully swatting at the tendrils that reach out to you, “Don’t worry about it. You’ll be fine.”
You’re relieved when you reach the end of the hallway.
Jade carefully examines a wad of mud that bulges from the opening of a nearby cannon, sediments peeking out from the sludge. Floyd busies himself with darting up and down the aisle, laughing and flipping around in the water. You let him drag him with you, and slowly get used to the texture of the rough seaweed clinging to your legs. Floyd twirls you dramatically and dips you, proclaiming loudly that dancers always do this in those silly little human movies, taking the opportunity to snap at your ear again.
He seems amused when you still don’t flinch.
“Floyd, don’t tease them.” Jade calls, a devious grin on his face, “We wouldn’t want them getting cold feet now.”
“I dunno, Jade. I think their feet are already pretty cold.” Floyd giggles, poking the bottom of your foot with the edge of his tail, “Cold as ice.”
Your toes flex at the ticklish sensations. They certainly do like finding all your weak spots, don’t they?
“We should warm them up, don’t you think?” Jade quips, tilting his head innocently.
“Maybe we shouuuuuld.” Floyd hisses, running his claws down the length of your arm.
They must see how your face twitches because they laugh and close in on you. What teases they are, whispering things to you like that. Just when it seems like they’re going to give you one of their famous squeezes, they stop.
“C’mon, Shrimpy. Let’s get you back up to the surface.” Floyd snatches up your wrist and yanks you so hard you’re certain he almost popped your arm from its socket.
Jade grabs your other hand, much more gently, and curls his fingers through the gaps in yours. You let them pull you upwards, powerful tails cutting through the water and they propel you up and out of the structure. Azul is nowhere to be found, and you must look confused at his absence because Jade squeezes your hand. You turn to him and he offers you a calm smile.
“Don’t worry, Azul is back on land. He’s had his fill of being seen for today.”
He doesn’t want you to see him in that form more than you already have.
“That’s okay.” you murmur, “He’s done more than enough already. I’m proud of him.”
“I’m certain he’ll appreciate the understanding.” Jade smiles his closed-eyed smile and nods.
The trip back is full of the same coral reefs, the same tails twining between your legs and curling around your waist, the same laughter from Floyd and quips from Jade. There’s a bittersweet feeling that wells up in your chest as you reach the shoreline again, knowing you likely won’t be back here for quite a while. Despite the rumors that the students of NRC spun about the Leech brothers, they weren’t nearly as dastardly as they usually were. You wonder if it has something to do with the joy of exploring a ship, of being in their element, of being able to talk about things they like.
“If you two want to talk about the things you like, I’d be happy to listen.” you say.
The Leech brothers share a look, one that seems as though they’re communicating without words. They turn back to you and smile, Jade’s grin is far less toothy than Floyd’s but just as happy.
“Keep talking like that and we’ll have to drag you down into the depths and keep you to ourselves.” Jade murmurs, eyes flashing, “Won’t we, Floyd?”
“Ohhh, yeah.” Floyd giggles, “Jade’s right. Who knows what’ll happen, hmm?”
You laugh and shake your head, to which Jade chuckles.
Your head bursts from the water and you stumble onto the warm sand, where you see Azul sitting in front of three treasure chests. His brow is furrowed as he hunches over the coins, sorting them by year. You decide to sit beside him as the Leech brothers continue to swim. At some point, you hear Floyd slam his entire body into the water, and shriek as Jade slams into the water and pushes an even bigger wave back at him.
“Did you have fun today?” you whisper to Azul.
“I did, yes. I haven’t gotten the chance to explore a shipwreck since enrolling in NRC.” he pushes his glasses up his nose, and they make a soft clicking noise, “I found many more coins for my collection. I’m pleased.”
“I’m glad.” you say, and you don’t say anything else because there’s no need.
You do, however, find yourself splashing back into the water when Floyd calls your name a little while later.
You’re glad you came.
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godidontevenknowwhat · 7 months
Missed Lessons
Tonowari x Metkayina!Reader (Romancing Pandora 2024 Day 6 - Heat Cycle)
A/N: Later than I had hoped but it is finally complete, my magnum opus, my first Tonowari fic
Sequel now posted: here
Tagging: @eywaite @neteyamsyawntu @pandoraslxna
Synopsis: Tonowari placed an incredible amount of trust in you when he asked you to assist him in teaching the Sully family the ways of the Metkayina. He placed the reputation of the clan on your shoulders. When he finds out from his son that you didn't show up to Jake's Tsurak training with no explanation and no sign of you at your Marui the concern of your friend mixes with the disappointment of your Olo'eyktan. That is, until he manages to catch a whiff of your scent leading from your Marui.
Fic Includes: NSFW so MDNI, bullshit about the Metkayina culture that I made up heavily using Māori culture because there's not a whole lot of information on the Metkayina but I know the Māori culture was a big inspo for them, reader being in heat, random lore about heat cycles that I will not be expanding on, no reference to Ronal but Ao'nung and Tsyeria exist so it's up to you, friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, oral (fem receiving), p in v, creampie, breeding kink, I'm feral for him I stg, 3.8k words
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You and Tonowari had been close throughout your lives, spending your childhood days running across the warm sand of your home Awa’atlu. You had passed your rites together, became adults in the eyes of your clan together, danced around the fire after drinking too much kava made from the fermented, sweet fruit that could only be harvested from the swampy inland of your home. So when the time eventually came for Tonowari’s father to step down as the Olo'eyktan, you were the one to crush the rare shells that you’d painstakingly collected together and fashion them into a beautiful, glisting paint that sparkled when the light of the fire hit it and the one to paint the delicate swirls and waves of ceremonial importance onto him all the while berating his skxawng ass for not sitting still. 
Tonowari trusted you with his life and everything in it. So, when the winged creatures of the mountains far to the west arrived with a family of na’vi hailing from the Omatikaya, your eyes were the first he met and it was your nod of approval that solidified the Suli family’s place at Awa’atlu.
It had been a quarter of a cycle since that day and the clan had become well adjusted to the family of forest people, leaving Tonowari to gradually withdraw from training Tsyeyk Suli and give more attention to his duties as Olo’eyktan once again. A discussion between the three of you ended with Tonowari granting you the responsibility of training the once great Toruk Makto in his efforts to learn the ways of the txampay taronyu (Ocean Hunter) and more importantly how to master the riding of the viscous Tsurak, a milestone all Metkayina must meet while passing their rites.
Teaching Tsyeyk became a daily task of yours, one that you excelled in if his progress was anything to go by. In fact, if you pushed him enough, Tsyeyk might go as far as to say he’d made more progress with you than with Tonowari himself and you took an incredible amount of pride in that.
Your clan observed a special community kinship, sharing duties equally based on talents and specialities. Whakairo (Carving), Raranga (Weaving), Tā moko (Permanent Marking/Tattooing) and Txampay Tìtaron (Ocean Hunting) being the most respected. Every adult in the clan contributed what they could and shared responsibilities amongst themselves.
In the many cycles Tonowari had known you, you were not a person to skimp on your responsibilities. A skxawng? Maybe. But Eywa herself couldn’t drag you to the lows of disappointing your clan. You knew for a fact that being so close with Tonowari meant that your actions and reputation reflected on him, so when the warm tones of the evening sun began colouring the sea and Tonowari was assisting the late returning tarpongu (hunting party) with distributing their catch he was surprised to hear his son calling his name.
“No one has seen her today”. Despite the irritation bubbling inside him by the fact that you had left Tsyeyk with no help for the day, concern for you itched under his skin and forced him in the direction of your Marui to check for you himself. 
His concern for you only increased when he noticed your privacy coverings were still pulled shut and when he entered your home only to see it a complete mess it was all he could do in his power not to yell for you like a wild man. Your belongings were rifled through, strewn across the floor. Your portion of the community meal laid untouched near your sleeping mat, it had been long enough that the uneaten food was congealed and filled his nose with an unpleasant smell. 
Taking a deep breath to try and scent you through the overwhelming smell of rotting food he was able to catch a faint trail of your distinct scent leading from your home, a strange, staggering sweetness clung to the inside of his nose as it mixed with your usual smell. It clouded his senses, made an unfamiliar prickling sensation appear along the back of his neck and spread down his spine all the way to the base of his tail that swayed with unease.
As Tonowari followed the trail of your scent through the humid, dense mangrove forest of your village he thought back to the last evening meal, were you even there? Did he actually see you engaging with the clan at any point? If you were there, how could he not have noticed that something was clearly wrong? Wrong enough for you to disappear for almost a full day. 
Bile churned in his gut at the thought of something awful happening to you because of his nonobservance, blaming himself immediately for whatever state he would find you in. 
Sweat beaded on his forehead and the back of his neck despite the cooling air of the evening, the loose curls that cascaded his back in a delicate waterfall were beginning to stick to his slick skin. 
Taking another deep breath of your scent, Tonowari was able to follow the trail to the edge of the water where it suddenly dispersed, indicating to him that you’d gone into the water. It wasn’t until the first spits of rainfall began to hit his skin, the cool shock breaking through the cloudiness that seemed to have settled over his mind the moment he smelled that strange sweetness to your scent, that he realised just where he was and where you would most likely be.
In your teen years, before he was Olo’eyktan, before either of you had even begun to think about your Iknimaya, you’d gone exploring. Past the swampy inland together, through the mangrove forest and to the edge of the water at the other side of the island. You’d quickly spotted a rocky outcrop in the distance and before he could convince you it was time to turn back you’d already dived into the water. He remembers rolling his eyes, calling you childish, hiding his real feelings about how pretty you were with water clinging to your lashes and slicking your hair back before jumping into the water with you. You spent the night together camping in the hidden beach of the outcrop, laying by the fire and talking about your futures. It was the night you promised to paint him for his ceremonial induction as Olo’eyktan when the day came, picking an iridescent shell out of the sand and vowing to make the paint yourself with the shells from your special outcrop.
Hanging his heavier, more ornate items of clothing over a branch after he removed them, Tonowari feels a literal and metaphorical weight lift from his shoulders. How long had it been since he’d been here last with you? Surely before he became Olo’eyktan, before his life became an endless cycle of being the most important person in the clan, weighed down by his duties, responsibilities and the representative clothing that he still didn’t feel he carried like his father once did.
Left in his tewng with his knife still sheathed at his hip and his songcord blending into the heavy leather fringe, Tonowari runs his thumb over the small shell you gifted him so many cycles prior before diving into the water and making the swim to your outcrop.
Tonowari took care to enter your space slowly, if you were injured or ill then you’d most likely react to his presence negatively. Entering the cave of your outcrop, he feels the water of the sea begin to dry against his skin as the lit fire inside warms him. 
Taking a deep breath of your scent, Tonowari finds it almost unbearably strong in this area, the strange sweetness clinging to you is stronger here too. It’s thick in the air and it makes an unfamiliar ache radiate through his kuru, trickle down his spine and spread throughout his body. 
His jaw ticks in thought, he’s never reacted like this to your scent. Never reacted like this to A scent at all. 
A deep, rumbling hiss rips through the air. Vibrating through your vocal cords in a warning grumble that makes Tonowari’s hand instinctively reach for his blade, his fingers barely brushing the hilt before he’s knocked off his feet. His head throbs with the collision on the sand but the sensation can barely push to the front of his mind through the pulsing of his heartbeat in his ears and the feeling of your burning hot skin scorching his own. 
Your pretty eyes don’t hold their usual warmth as you glare down at Tonowari and the cool, sharpened tip of your knife threatens his Adams apple, for a moment he’s convinced that you aren’t even aware of who he is from the way you’re snarling at him until you speak.
“You should not be here! Skxawng!” 
The harsh tone of your voice echoes through the mist that your scent placed over his mind and his earlier irritation boils up again tenfold. 
“You would hold a knife to your Olo’eyktan?”
“To my Olo’eyktan? Of course not. To the Skxawng that followed me out here though?”
Tonowari snarls at you, a noise you’ve never heard in the cycles you’d spent together. It’s so out of character that even Tonowari himself looks shocked at the authoritative noise before his expression hardens once more and he pushes you off of him, sending you back on your ass in the sand with your knife dropping with a thud beside you.
Your ears drop back uncontrollably, a whimper slipping out before you can stop it at the way Tonowari stands over you. You’d seen him shout, yell and berate people before that deserved it and it had never caused a reaction like it was causing from you right now. If you were in your right mind, not overtaken by the swirling intensity of your heat, then you would have had more fight in you.
Tonowari immediately notices your subdued nature and takes a chance to properly look at you. Your hair is unkempt, loose from it’s usual neat updo, your skin is flushed with such a deep colour that he worries for a second you may be suffering from sun sickness before he notices the rapid rise and fall of your chest.
Your breath is quick as Tonowari looks at you, every second around him is harder for you to get through and the heat in your gut is burning hotter than the fire lit beside you. 
“Y-You need to leave Tonowari. You cannot be here.”
Tonowari’s eyes drop to your clenching thighs and it finally clicks for him what is happening to you, maybe he really is a skxawng. His irritation, the heat burning him from the inside out since he caught your scent, the odd sweetness clinging to your scent even from such a distance creating a fog in his mind. It was all because of your heat. 
“Your heat? How is your heat here? It is not mating season and you..”
An irritated hiss rips out of you uncontrollably and you glare at Tonowari with whatever fierceness you can muster when all your heat riddled brain can tell you to do is submit to this dominant presence. 
“What? I am unmated? You think I do not know that? Why else would I have come out here by myself?”
Getting to your feet quickly you busy yourself with brushing the sand from your body that clings to your sweat slick skin. 
“You could have come to me for help. Or the Tsahik”
“Do not be ridiculous. What good would that have done?”
A growl of frustration leaves Tonowari’s lips and it takes all your remaining strength to stay on your feet and not immediately fall to his but the tell tale signs of your submission show themselves anyway. Your ears drop once more, your head bowing forward and your eyes refusing to meet his. Your fists clench with defiance but you can’t hide how Tonowari is only making the effect of your heat worse.
Your slick is flowing uncontrollably and it has been since you picked up Tonowari’s scent coming towards you. The truth was that your avoidance of group meals and your duties was purely due to Tonowari and his lingering scent being present in every part of your village. Even your own Mauri. 
“You need to be filled”
Your eyes roll back in your head at the thought, almost going braindead over the image that plagues your mind of Tonowari sitting you on his fat cock and plugging you full of his cum.
“Do not be so crass, I will survive without it. I would be doing just fine if you hadn’t shown up”
The waver in your voice makes Tonowari take a step towards you, he sees your ears twitching and listening for his movements but you make no move to stop him so he takes another and another until he is directly behind you. 
For a second there is silence and he basks in it, it reminds him of your simple shared childhood, when you could be with each other from sunrise to sunset without anyone bothering either of you. He thinks to himself that if he’d never been born into this family of his, if he’d grown to be a simple fisherman or weaver instead of the Olo’eyktan then maybe.. maybe the courage to approach you like this would have came without a push from nature and maybe, just maybe, you would have been his long before he’d had children with another.
Tonowari clears his throat and it startles you for a moment before you feel his large, rough hands settle themselves on your waist. The sensation of his skin against yours so purposefully forces a gasp from your lips that you can barely convince yourself was meaningless.
“Perhaps.. I really am a skxawng like you say-”
“You know I don’t mean anything-”
“Mean anything by it or not, it’s all you call me by anymore.”
Shame burns in your throat and your eyes sting with the prick of tears as Tonowari continues  voicing his thoughts to you.
“Maybe I am a skxawng.. but I have never, ever questioned the will or the way of Eywa.. and I know in my heart you have not either.. so to end up here, your scent enticing me and finding you in heat despite being unmated I..”
A fond smile spreads across your face as you listen to Tonowari speak, cycles and cycles of being Olo’eyktan had taught him how to speak to crowds and how to speak to the clan but yet in this moment he was reduced to the mild mannered boy you used to know.
“Perhaps it is Eywa’s will..”
Tonowari sucks in a breath at your words, waiting for you to accept or deny his thinly veiled confession. 
“And who are we to question Eywa?”
You gasp as Tonowari spins you to face him, a giddy smile spreading across your face to match the one on his own. Tonowari smashes his lips to yours in a kiss so passionate it makes up for all the years of dancing around each other, the way his tongue licks into your mouth makes an embarrassingly loud whine escape you and you worry for a moment that he may feel the rapid beat of your heart against his chest that’s pressed against your own. 
Your body is burning hot against Tonowari’s and he’s almost certain the shape of you will be scorched onto his skin like a brand when you finally pull away from him. He can feel your breath getting shorter and more laboured the longer he kisses you but the real sign that your heat is well and truly taking over you is the almost buckle of your knees when he purposefully presses his knee between your thighs and against your soaked cunt.
Taking the brunt of your weight, Tonowari hooks your legs around his waist and lays you back in the sand. The stretch in your hips forced around the thickness of his waist will surely burn once you’re in your right mind once again but for now the only thing you can focus on is the pressure of your closest friend's rock hard cock pressed against your pussy.
You’re so distracted by finally feeling Tonowari’s fat cock pressed against you that you don’t recognise him reaching for your discarded knife until the cold blade is touching your skin, immediately becoming foggy from the pure heat coming off of you. In a swift series of movements your clouded brain can’t keep up with, Tonowari slices through the material of your tewng and the delicate beading of your chest covering. The cool air finally hitting your body only gives momentary relief from the heat eating you from the inside out. 
Tonowari feels the pressure of your thighs squeezing around him and he drops his hips into your own, the roughness of his tewng against your bare cunt bringing a startled squeal of pleasure from you and your clit pulses overwhelmingly at the minimal contact.
Large, rough hands grip the backs of your thighs and force them higher, almost bending you in half as Tonowari settles between your plush thighs. Your slick coats every inch of your pitifully swollen and neglected pussy, your swollen, pulsing clit begging for attention from between your lips. 
Your voice comes out in a whiney rasp and you barely sound like yourself in the way you beg.
“Please! Please! Please!”
Tonowari takes a moment to admire you fully, every part of you begging for him and him only, before he gives a firm lick through your folds. His wide, rough tongue licking from your slick dripping entrance to your twitching clit forcing a breathy sob to rip from your throat and your back to arch almost painfully as you grip onto his hair.
Purring against your soaked cunt, Tonowari licks up every drop of your slick he can to savour the taste of you on his tongue. The obscene sounds of his tongue lashing against your wetness combined with your high whines fills the air.
You feel Tonowari suck your sensitive clit into his mouth and your hips automatically rock towards his face. His right hand reaches for your plump tits, tugging on your pebbled nipple in rhythm with his suction on your clit as the fingers on his left hand trace your entrance, teasing your clenching hole by pressing the tips in ever so slightly.
Tonowari growls into your heat as he feels your rough tug on his hair but he relents and lets you feel like you have some power from gripping and pulling him until his lips meet your own once again.
Moaning at the taste of your slick on his tongue, a possessive part of your brain is elated at the thought of him tasting like you, smelling like you, being a part of you. Parting from the kiss you can barely catch your breath, little whimpers huffing against his lips as he stares amusedly down at you. 
“It hurts, ‘Wari” 
A large hand brushes the sweat tangled strands of your hair out of your face, cooing at the tears wetting your lashline while his other hand works on positioning his cock at your entrance.
Tonowari rubs the head of his cock between your lips and over your clit, picking up a combination of your slick and his pre-cum that makes pressing into you an easy feat. 
Crying out at the stretch, the conscious part of your brain in the deepest part of your mind is relieved that you didn’t get a good look at Tonowari’s fat cock before he started pressing into you. He was easily the largest man you had ever been with and you felt like he was ripping you in half the further he pushed inside but your heat and your dripping cunt just wanted more. 
Tonowari feels your heels digging into the meat of his ass, encouraging him deeper despite the gentle wince on your face. 
“You can take it, ma’yawne”
Your mouth parts in awe, a choked whimper rumbling from your chest as he finally reaches the hilt. You can feel his heavy balls pressing against you as the tip of his thick cock kisses your cervix. 
Tonowari’s eyes lock onto your own as he begins thrusting, each drag of his cock against your gummy walls threatening to send your eyes rolling so far back in your head they would never return to their normal position. You swear you can feel him hitting your stomach, knocking the breath out of you as each thrust gains momentum and knocks against your g-spot with unimaginable precision. 
Reaching for your clit, he rolls it between his fingers as he kisses at your neck and shoulder, selfishly biting at the flesh to mark you as his as if the scent of his cum stuffed inside you wouldn’t ward off any idiot who came around sniffing at you.
The brutality of his pounding thrusts only increases with each punched out whine he receives from you as a reward. He can feel your cunt tightening around him every time his head bullies its way against your g-spot and with renewed vigor he viscously rubs his fingers over the sensitive nub of your pretty little clit.
Your vision goes white for a moment, your ears ringing and when you finally return to your body you hear a high pitched wailing that you’re shocked to realise is coming from you. Tonowari continues his pounding thrusts, each one punching out another gush of cum from you and a fucked out noise from your throat.
Digging your nails into his shoulders you peer up at him, eyelashes clumped together with tears that you can’t hold back any longer.
“Need you to cum inside, want you to fill me up ‘Wari”
Large hands grip onto your hips, tight enough ,you’re sure, to leave ugly discoloured bruises that you’ll wear around the village with pride. Tonowari's thrusts are animalistic as he chases his release, mutterings of a wild man talking about the image of you round with his next child. Tits plumper than usual full of milk for the baby.
Hands leaving your hips, they slam into the sand next to your head. A punched out snarl leaves him as he finally allows himself to cum inside of you so deeply he’s sure not a drop will spill out. 
Tonowari’s nose brushes against your own, a gesture almost too intimate in comparison to the way he just ravaged you. You bask in the silence, breathing each other’s air and feeling each other’s heart beats as the sweat cools on your skin and the mist clouding your mind finally settles. 
You can’t stop the laughter that bubbles out of you and you watch a fond smile stretch across Tonowari's face, the smile lines at the edges of his beautiful eyes crinkling and reminding you of how long it has taken you both to finally get here.
“Nga yawne lu oer..”
You stroke his hair as you smile up at him, the love of your life, your best friend.
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m4ttslvr · 8 months
High By The Beach
sub!chris x fem!reader
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one shot: where you get high by the beach with your bff chris but things get heated when you two are left alone ;)
warnings: smut, riding, fem receiving, drug use obv
Your guys' last day in Hawaii was coming to an end, the sun disappearing behind the slow waves of the clearest ocean you had ever seen. You, Chris, Matt, Nick and Madi had spent the day doing all sorts of fun activities- swimming with dolphins, taking a tour on a helicopter, walking all over the island visiting stores and restaurants. Needless to say, you were all exhausted from the days itinerary.
That's why you were all resting at the beach, sitting in a circle by the fire, recounting the days events while passing a joint around.
"And then Nick slapped the dolphin!" Matt was saying, all of you dying of laughter. Nick who was taking a drag of the joint choked on the smoke, making everyone laugh harder.
"I apologized to Mr. Squeaky!" Nick defended between coughs and laughter, "He sneaked up behind me, I didn't mean to do it!"
Chris, who was laying his head on your lap, took the joint from Nick's hand, "If I was Mr. Squeaky, I would have bit you" he joked, earning a dramatic scoff from Nick.
You giggled, Chris grinning up at you, his eyelids low. You watch him as he wraps his pink lips around the roll of weed, his cheekbones prominent as he inhales the smoke, his hair tickling your thighs, and his jawline sharp as he blows the smoke up at you.
“Hey!” you protest, falling back into the sand. “Stop that you goof!”
His head rolls over onto your exposed tummy and he looks at you with a mischievous smile, discarding the finished joint. He puffs his cheeks and before you realize what he’s going to do, he leans forward and blows a raspberry on your tummy making you laugh uncontrollably.
“Chris! Chris!” you say between gasps for air, he’s now tickling your sides while blowing raspberries. “Stop it” your hands are on his hair but you’re too weak to push him off.
He pulls away laughing with his tongue sticking out “You’re tummy was right there, I had to!” You roll your eyes. You’re about to protest when he stuffs a marshmallow in your mouth. Your protests are muffled by the marshmallow and he breaks into a louder fit of laughter.
You can’t get annoyed at his actions. His laughter is super contagious and with the weed in your system you can’t help but join him.
Your laugh is cut off by Madi yelling “I’m awake!” out of nowhere. You all watch her as she slowly falls onto Matt’s shoulder and she shoots up again “I’m awake I swear!” she mumbles, her eyes closing.
“Alright!” Nick exclaims, “time for bed!”. Matt agrees and carries Madi to the hotel.
“Whaaat?” Chris whines, sitting up. “I was about to light up my other joint!”
“You haven’t had enough?” Nick asks.
“No” Chris deadpans. “Have you y/n? Cmon back me up” he pleads.
“I could have another few more hits” you shrug.
“Alright you stoners,” Nick replies. “Have fun!”
“Niiiight Nicky” you both wave goodbye.
The fire is dying out and the breeze is getting cooler, as Chris searches his shorts pockets for the other joint. “Whoops.”
“What?” you ask.
“I…may have… already smoked the other joint earlier”
“Sorry y/n!” he falls back into the sand next to you, defeated. “I forgot I did that”
You both sigh, looking up at the starry night, the fire died out completely.
You turn to look at him, his side profile stunning. You were always taken aback by your best friend’s beauty, no matter how many years of friendship you had under your belt. His wavy hair fell over his face perfectly, like a prince. His nose sculpted like a greek statue, and his cheekbones like a model’s. His dark blue eyes as blue as the ocean a few feet away from you.
Those eyes were looking back at you now. “Hey” his voice quiet.
“Hey” you smiled.
A silence settled between you. The silence usually comfortable, but right now, for some reason, you were getting nervous with his eyes on you. You felt your cheeks get hot and you couldn’t hold eye contact with him.
“Am I making you blush y/n?”
“What? No!” you quipped. It wasn’t unusual for Chris to jokingly flirt but something about how he looked tonight and the heat of his body…it was making you panic.
“You sure?” he has a smirk on his face, unaware of his effect on you.
“Yeah- yes I’m sure. I’m just getting chilly. The sun set already, the fire is out and the breeze is cool, I’m in this swim suit.” you ramble. “Can we get in the tent or something?”
“Sure” he helps you up and tucks you under the blankets, cuddling up against you.
This was okay. You were cool about this. You and Chris cuddled all the time. Best friends cuddle. Best friends share the same tent and cuddle under the same blankets. Right? Yeah! Of course. This was normal and cool.
His arm brushed your breasts as he lifted it to wrap it behind your neck. Your heart skipped a beat and you felt something flutter down there. Alright, now you were blushing hard. Like this your breasts pressed against his side and you you felt your nipples get hard. You knew he could feel them through the thin fabric of your bikini top.
“You alright?” he asked, his voice huskier than before. God, what was happening to you? Now you were noticing a change in his voice? It must be the weed in your system. Of course! The weed is the one making you think like this.
“Mhm” you hummed, your pitch high. It was obvious you were not alright. He must feel your heart beating out of your chest and your legs rubbing against each other.
“You sure?” he asks again.
“Yes Chris I’m alr-“ you stop mid sentence when your leg slides up his body and it hits something hard, causing a low moan to escape Chris.
You both freeze in place, both of you shocked at what just happened. You had just felt Chris’ erection on your leg and clearly heard him moan.
Chris is the first to move, sitting up and hiding his face in his hands. You sit up next to him, placing a soft hand on his shoulder.
“I’m sorry y/n, I don’t know what happened” his voice muffled against his hands.
“It’s okay Chris, don’t worry about it”
“I don’t want you to be uncomfortable, i’m sorry”
“I’m not uncomfortable Chris” you reassure him. “I’m actually…feeling…the same.”
Your feel him tense under your hand. You can’t believe you just admitted that. You just admitted to your best friend that you’re as turned on by him as he is by you.
He slowly lifts his face from his hands, turning to look at you. You see a hunger in his eyes that you’ve never seen before as he scans your face, his gaze lingering on your bitten lips. “R-really?”
You nod slowly, shuffling closer to him. Your body was acting on its own, as if by a magnetic pull. You wanted nothing more than to be pressed up against him again. You wanted to be the cause of his moans again. Now that you’ve had a taste, you were starving for more.
You leaned forward and kissed your best friends lips. They were softer than you thought and you tasted marshmallow. His lashes tickeled your cheeks as you deepened the kiss, his tongue gliding on your bottom lip. You pulled him closer, your fingers in his hair. You parted your lips, letting him explore your mouth with his tongue. He hear him moan for the second time tonight and the sound goes directly to your pussy, making it throb with yearning.
You guided his body down to lay on his back, his eyes locked on yours. You could both see in each other’s eyes that you both thought this was crazy, you had been best friends for years now, nothing more. But you could also see the fiery desire in your expressions and that overpowered any other reasoning.
You lifted one leg over his body and he quickly guided your hips down to his groin with his hands. You could feel every inch of his growing erection against your wet heat, making you both moan in unison. He felt big which didn’t surprise you, but it did make you instinctively grind against it.
“Fuck y/n” Chris groaned underneath you, his head tilting back in pleasure. Your tummy did a flip, desire growing hot inside of you. It was intoxicating to be the reason he’s making those filthy noises.
He gripped your hips tighter, his biceps contracting, grinding your hips against him. “More more more” he pleaded. You had never seen this side of Chris, so needy and whiny. Every sound escaping his mouth was heavenly.
His cock was rock hard now and your bikini bottoms were soaked. “Enough grinding” your voice breathy but your tone stern. His eyes wide and expectant. “I’m dying to ride this cock”
“Mmm yes please” Chris whimpered, his hip bucking up as you slid his shorts down. “God y/n, youre hypnotizing” he mumbled, lifting himself on his elbows to admire you. Your ass was up in the air, back arched, and your teeth biting down on your lip to keep from drooling.
His boxers were wet at the spot where the tip of his cock was leaking precum. You leaned your head down toward it, licking through the fabric. Chris inhaled through his teeth, his eyes rolling back.
You reached over to grab his hand and place it in your hair, “pull it”
He quickly obeyed, wrapping your hair in his long fingers and pulling. You moaned against his clothed cock, the vibrations making his dick twitch. “Holy shit” he groaned out.
You wrapped your lips around his hard cock, tasting his precum through his boxers. He was watching you in awe. You took in every expression he made, looking up through your eyelashes.
“y/n?” he moaned as you started palming him.
“I…..I-I've dreamt of tasting your pussy for the longest time y/n, can I please? I promise I'll make it good, please let me taste you on my tongue” he begs.
You're hypnotized by his string of pleas. You quietly crawl up to straddle his face. He takes your ass in both of his big hands, pulling you down quickly onto his mouth.
Your back arches in pleasure as his hot tongue licks a fat stripe up your folds. Your head falls back, your eyes in the back of your head. “Fuck yeah Chris,” you moan, riding his face.
He’s making all sorts of porn-like noises into your wet pussy. “Just like that Chris, fuck yeah, right there”
He is assaulting your hole with quick jabs of his tongue. It reaches impossibly deep inside you. He folds it in a way that scratches that sensitive bundle of nerves, making your legs shake.
You feel pleasure pool in your belly and you lift off him. He whines at the loss of contact.
“Need your cock now” you shuffle down to straddle his lap and align his memeber with your pulsating hole.
You sink down on his cock, balls deep. His jaw hangs open, his body washed in so much pleasure that the only noise he’s able to form is a small squeak. “You like my tight pussy taking in your entire cock like this, hmm baby?
He nods, another small squeak, his jaw slack, his eyes in the back of his head.
You start bouncing on his cock, sliding all the way to the tip and slamming back down to the base. His girth is spreading you wide open and his length is hitting you just right. “Your dick’s so big, making me feel so good baby,”
“Mhm,” his grip on your thighs tightens.
“Am I making you feel good baby?"
He nods fast, his hair sticking to his forehead.
“Tell me how good”
He moans louder, biting the sheets at his side.
“Tell me how good Chris”
“So fucking good y/n/n, you're fucking me so good”
Your hips stutter at the mention of your nickname. He usually ever only called you that when he was being serious with you. In this context, it only motivated you to give it to him harder and rougher.
“Yeah baby? You like my pussy slapping down on your balls like this?”
“Yes yes yes, you're riding me so well y/n/n" he said between gasps for air, "your pussy feels heavenly y/n/n- ah just like that mhmm”
You take his hands placing them above his head as you arch your back so your clit is rubbing against his groin. His attention is now completely on the feeling of your pussy grinding down on his cock. He’s moaning and whining incoherent praises, his eyes shut closed.
You wrap your free hand around his jaw making his eyes widen, “be a good boy and fuck up into me” you pant into his open mouth.
His breath hitches and a beat later he’s slamming his dick up into your pussy, making wet sounds reverberate inside the tent. You are both panting hot air into each other's mouths. Chris starts whimpering when you swivel your hips in small circles. You take his bottom lip between your teeth, “want it to last”
He slows his movements, pumping slow and deep into you as you grind down into him. “Yes y/n/n, whatever you want”
“You're so good to me baby, doing everything I say”, your legs start to quiver and your elbows fall on either side of his head. This pace is excruciatingly pleasurable and you feel your cunt clench around his full member.
“Make me cum sweet boy” you whisper shakily in his ear.
He wasted no time pumping fast into you, his hands flying down to your waste, slamming your hips down into every thrust up of his hips. Your hands grip onto his hair as your pussy clenched around him, your orgasm ripping through you in a string of loud moans.
He spurts hot cum into your pussy with a couple last hard thrusts, coating your walls and groaning deeply in your ear. The mix of your juices with his cum drip out of you coating his balls and your spent body drapes over him.
He stays inside you as you both come down from your highs.
“Loved every fucking second of that Chris” you whisper, lifting yourself to look him in the eyes.
“Yeah?” he asks softly, a sweet smile on his face.
“Yeah” you replied, elated.
“Me too y/n/n” he kisses your forehead and you smile, resting against his chest. You both drift off to sleep at a beach in Hawaii.
a/n: my first chris smut 😵‍💫 i’m feeling things !!!! hope u enjoyed<3
— LEV ᖭི༏ᖫྀ
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malavera · 2 years
What Makes a Grown Man Wanna Cry?
“Give, in.”
He doesn’t want to admit that he’s wrong.
He doesn’t want to admit that he should’ve just listened to you, hear you out.
He doesn’t want to say that touching that woman was a part of his job, his livelihood, and yours.
But, he lied to you.
And, you didn’t take it very well.
You specifically said no more sex scenes in the acting business. Acting is his passion, that doesn’t mean it should come out as disrespecting you. You understood his passion, but you refuse to understand the part where he needed to do it in spite of his passion.
He grunted, holding onto the cuffs as if his lives depends on it. Stubborn by nature—You didn’t mind it at all as you could do this all day. Increasing the speed of the toy that wraps around the head of his reddening cock, he yearns to let go though not with the cock ring hugging his shaft tightly. Entertained, is what you feel—watching the way he gritted his teeth with his eyes shut, eyebrows scrunched together either in pain for he couldn’t shoot everything he’s got or pleasure for little did both of you know that your beloved secretly enjoys this.
“Ugh.” You grunted, straddling his face—aiming your glistening cunt, who is dying for the touch of his tongue or his hands, towards his face. He sensed you, slowly he opens his eyes as he couldn’t help but let out such a slutty moan coming from a man. His visions are welcomed by your hands aggressively rubbing your slippery cunt, playing with your clit. Your hands coated with your own fluid.
“Just, give in. Baby, I’ll put this around your needy cock and fuck you like our life depends on it.” You purred. He grunted, his cock throbs even more if that’s possible, longing for your tight cunt sucking his cum to come out and fill you.
“All of this would be easier if you’d just give in.” You breathlessly spoke, your hands never stop playing with your cunt throughout the whole promises that you sell. His body never stopped producing sweats, his chest heaves, his heart thumps like a big fat bass. A smirk expressed on your face, he’s bargaining with his willpower to give into you than holding onto his pride. Tiny bits of sweats formed against his forehead, his whole figure soaking wet as if he received a wave from the ocean.
You pulled yourself away from him, straddling his chest—leaning down towards his face stopping just an inch from his lips, your eyes watching over him. Tilting your head to the side before you look over at his pulsating cock, who looks like he could be coming in just a few seconds.
“Come on, admit it. Admit that I’m right, and you’re wrong. You’re a selfish human being who wouldn’t want to listen to his wife who practically begged you to stop acting if there’s a porn script.” The words spoken out of you intended to coax him, sounded so delicate yet you were trying to spit at him. Surprised as you watched a tear escaped from his closed eyes, his breathing turned ragged, his chest heaves even more, lips tremble.
The man of action is crying.
“Aw, you’re crying?” You purred, slowly making your way down towards his hips. “You’re fucking crying?” By the end of your words, he is practically sobbing.
You breathily laughs before you turned off the toy on his cock, and take out the cock ring. Once both objects are off of his precious cargo, he lets out a big sigh of relief only to be quickly exchanged with a loud moan from his mouth when you harshly shove his cock into your warm cunt.
He opens his eyes to find your ass in his vision, as you ride him cowgirl reverse style. You take a look at him from your shoulders before you started to move your hips to bounce on his throbbing fat cock. You knew this shouldn’t take long as you’ve been edging him for 30 minutes. You knew, sooner or later he would spill his warm seed in your cunt.
“Tell me honey, are you sorry? If you are, I’m gonna let you cum in my pussy.”
He grunted, his whole body shudders to the thought of making a mess in your pussy. “Fuck! Yes! Yes! I’m sorry, it’s my fault! I shouldn’t be touching her other than you! Please baby, let me cum. Fuck, let me fucking cum please!”
You let out a scoff laugh, “You wanna cum baby? You wanna cum on my pussy?”
“Yes! Fuck, I’m gonna-” And before he could spill his load inside of you, you lifted your ass—made his cock fell out of your pussy hole. He choked out a breath, his body launching forward, his eyes opened wide in surprise.
You smirked, looking at him from your shoulders. Clicking your tongue, your head shook from side to side as you turn your body towards him.
“Oh honey, bad boys don’t get to cum in their wives pussy.”
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sivyera · 2 years
Avatar characters falling and realizing they're in love with you
ft. jake sully, tsu'tey, tonowari, lo'ak, neteyam, tsireya, neytiri, ao'nung
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⤷ Jake Sully
Jake would spend as much time as he can with you. Tutoring him, telling each other stories, just sitting next to each other, eating together - doesn't matter. He would fall in love with you quickly, because you are just amazing! Once a time he had fight with Tsu'tey, Tsu'tey hit Jake badly in his head so Jake fell on ground, his head was spinning and he just couldn't stand up. And right at the moment when Tsu'tey wanted to finished the fight by punching Jake once more you jump right in front of Jake. You were furious and growling. Tsu'tey stopped and his friends took him away. Jake still couldn't see well because of his spinnig head but he saw exactly what you did and how you protected him. That was the moment when he realized he's in love with you.
⤷ Tsu'tey
Tsu'tey would tease you A LOT. Play fights, which always ends with him winning. It would take him time to fall in love with you. You first have to earn his trust. He realized he's in love with you at the moment were you win one of your fights. You two were playing fights/training like you usually do, but this time it was very heavy fight/training. You both are very stubborn so no ones wanted to give up. He attacked you, but you knew him, you knew what he will do so you surprised him by your secret move which made him fell on the ground with you on top of him. He was on his stomach and you held his right arms so he cannot move. You get of him and start smiling like crazy. He saw the smile on your face and promised himself that he's going to be the only one who's gonna make you smile like this.
⤷ Tonowari
Tonowari is a strong leader with lots of experiences and you were just a young woman. He was teaching you how to free drive and how to ride the ilu. You had so much fun but Tonowari didn't seemed so pleasured by your actions. But you just wave it off. But really deep inside Tonowari felt warm and fuzzy. Earning his full trust would take some time. He always had his eyes on you just to make sure you're safe. He would fall in love and didn't even know when it happened. But he realized it when you both where in the ocean swimming on ilu's. He watched you so many time and he cannot stop looking. You looked like a goddess. The way your hair waved behind you, the way your body looked, the way you smiled, the way you rode your ilu - you were hypnotizing to him.
⤷ Lo'ak
Lo'ak would be very confused at first. He wasn't sure if you want make fun of him like many other or you really wanted to be his friend. But when he realized you want to be his friend he was very happy. You get along very well and have become inseparable over time. He fell in love with you immediately. But he realized when you stood up for him. Some guys were picking on him again and you had enough of them and of Lo'ak getting into trouble. When you showed up, start yelling at them and showed them that you're not afraid to fight them they back off. And they weren't so brave after all so they just walked away. You turn to look at him, ou still looked very angry so Lo'ak thought you are now mad at him, but what surprised him was that you hugged him. For once in his life he felt loved and accepted.
⤷ Neteyam
Neteyam would at first look like he hates you but the true was that he was just protecting you. He's a confident guy, but you really got him off track. He fell in love fairly quickly. But realizing would took him a while. It was a day like every other, that's what Neteyam thought. He heard a yelling from afar so he decided to follow the yelling just in case it's his younger brother in trouble again. But when he got there it was worse. He saw you and another na'vi fighting on the ground. He also saw a scratch on you bottom lip and some other smaller wounds on your face. He separated you from the other na'vi and took you some place safe. He took care of your wounds and promised himself that he's gonna protect forever. That was he time when he realized he's in love with you.
⤷ Tsireya
You two were friends but Tsireya was always in love with you. She just fell in love with you immediately. It was love at first sight. She wanted to be with you every second. She was very kind to you and you two usually spend most of the time in the ocean together. Your common favourite activity to do was racing on your ilu's. You both were very good at it so why not. You had your common track which usually no one is on, but this time yes. You were racing and saw a kid in front of you. Your ilu got scared so it got under water and you weren't thinking so you jump off it and over the kid. you floated to the surface to catch a breath and the first thing you saw was Tsireya laughing. It was quiet funny so you started laughing too. Tsireya loved your laugh and that was the time when she realized she's in love with you.
⤷ Ao'nung
Ao'nung would tease you all the time. Because he thought it was very cute when you wrinkled your nose when he nudged your nose or when you twitched your ear as he poked your ear. Ao'nung after some time realized that he's in love with you. He realized when you stood up for him. He was arguing with his father about what he did to Lo'ak, you heard it and you knew that you should talk to his father like this, but something just told you so. You told his father that Ao'nung for sure didn't mean to hurt Lo'ak or something. Tonowari wasn't pleased about it much but he gave Ao'nung smaller punishment. Ao'nung was really surprised that you stood up for him like this and it made him happy and warm inside. He started to look at you more in his free time and he realized he loves you more than he thought.
⤷ Neytiri
Neytiri always find you very interesting and amazing. She always watched you when you did even the simplest things. She spend time with you as well. She fell in love like normally, not quickly not slowly. Racing on ikrans or hunting with you is her favourite thing to do. She realized when she saw you tutoring children. She saw how peacefully you looked and how the kids were amazed by you. It was like you were a goddess to those kids. She also saw kindness in your eyes and she found your voice unusually calming. I mean you were always her safe place and she always found your voice fascinating but this time it was different. She for the first time in her life felt warm, fuzzy and so relaxed inside. She realized that you bring her that feeling and that you are her true love.
Thinking about other character from Avatar that you didn't saw here? Let me know, my requests are open now!
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honeybeefae · 8 months
Nesta and Eris love triangle
smut number 9 🫣
Flames of Silver (Nesta x Reader x Eris)
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Summary// You have been playing a dangerous game for the last month. It started with harmless flirting between Nesta and Eris, never veering too close to the sun, until one night during an Autumn Court ball, you realize not only that you were not playing the game alone but that you had just lost.
(First ACOTAR fic in a while and I am SO PUMPED. 4,720 words later and here it is! I love Nesta, I love Eris, I want them both to rail me simultaneously so this was a very self-indulgent fic. Thank you to the like-minded anon who requested this I love you <3 Enjoy!)
WARNINGS: Smut, 18+, Spanking, Cum Eating, Dom/Sub, Overstimulation
The invitation to the ball had been no surprise to you. Eris had been boasting about it for weeks, claiming in his letters that it would bring about a new era of the Autumn Court. You had rushed to tell your High Lord, Helion, who was already planning to attend after receiving his invitation from the Lady of Autumn. 
You had given him a curious look, raising an eyebrow, and he quickly turned that look around on you by asking why Eris Vanserra had sent you an invite. Helion smirked when you fumbled for an excuse and left to prepare, warning you not to play too close with fire as the door slammed shut behind you.
He had very little idea of just how close you were to getting burned by not only Eris but someone else, someone who you would argue would be even more dangerous if pissed off.
Nesta Archeron.
When you met her, you already had somewhat of a flirting relationship with Eris, but you couldn’t resist her temptation. She was an enigma, a storm in the middle of the ocean that only the bravest sailors would dare to tread. Or the dumbest of ones. Which category did you fall in? You weren’t sure, but you knew from the moment she gave you an ounce of attention that she had you hook, line, and sinker. 
Just like Eris. The two of them were so similar in their actions and words. How could you not fall for both? Each one could easily make you feel like you were the only person to exist, each one giving you exactly what you needed. You had been trying to make sure you never got too close with either, not wanting to go too deep in fear of hurting one, but that line was getting blurrier by the day.
Even now, as the day of the ball finally had come, you were reading over a letter from Nesta asking if you were available tonight. It hurt to tell her no but you had already agreed to this ball with Eris. Your heart felt like it was being torn in two as both seemed to be demanding your attention more and more over the last few weeks. 
You needed to make a choice. You could string them along no longer, as it would only break everyone’s heart. But which would you choose?
The imposing architecture of the Forest House sends a chill down your spine as you step out into the chilly air, following your High Lord as the rest of your group falls in line beside you. Your stomach had been in knots the entire ride over here, and it only seemed to get worse the further you went into the building. 
Laughter and music echo around the halls as you stop in front of the grand mahogany doors of the ballroom. The smell of a feast made your mouth water as you made sure your outfit was perfect, knowing Eris was waiting for your appearance. 
Tonight, you will have to decide which fae you want to court, but for now, as the doors open and the warm lights of the room welcome you, you are going to enjoy the peace while it lasts. 
Helion walks in first, greeting everyone with a warm smile and a wave before he goes off in search of his Lady. You follow swiftly, nodding to the servants as you scan the room for the red-haired male. It only takes you a moment to spot him, standing by the throne with his crown atop his head, but who you see beside him makes you falter.
And the peace you entered with shatters.
Nesta turns her head to look in your direction, her smile dangerous as she gingerly taps Eris on his shoulder and nods towards you. He smirks, amber eyes matching the tone of Nesta’s smile as he raises his head in greeting. 
You immediately turn around, hoping Helion is miraculously waiting for you, only to find him still engrossed in his conversation with the Lady of Autumn. The tightness in your chest continues to grow as you spin back around, looking for anyone or anything that could buy you time to escape, until you realize Nesta is heading straight towards you.
“Why, dove, you look as if you’ve seen a ghost.” Her voice is sickly sweet as she grabs your arms, turning you so that she is now blocking the exit. Damn it. “Are you feeling alright?”
“I’m-” Your voice cracks, and you flush in embarrassment, clearing your throat and straightening your spine as you try again. “I’m alright, Nes. I just got a little dizzy. I did not know you would be here tonight. When you wrote me, I assumed you had other plans.”
She smiles again, her eyes dancing with amusement as you refuse to hold her gaze. “I did, but they fell through, so I tagged along with the rest of the Court. However, I don’t recall you mentioning anything about a ball in your rejection.”
The pounding of your heart seems to drown out the music as you fumble for an excuse, frowning. “It was a last-minute thing, Nesta. I am so sorry. Of course I would have invited you if I had-”
“Known?” A sweet, sardonic voice repeats behind you. “You’ve known about this event for weeks now, pet.”
Dread pours over you like cold water as you turn to look up at Eris, dressed in his finest suit, while he looks down at you with the faintest hint of a smile. You swallow, mouth suddenly dry, as you realize you are now stuck between the two sides of your indecisive heart. 
“I…” You trail off, looking between the two of them. “I didn’t realize you two knew each other this well.”
“Oh, we just recently started getting closer.” Nesta waves her hand dismissively, taking a sip of her wine. “Isn’t that right, Eris?”
“Yes, we found out we both had something very similar in common.” He agrees, handing you your own goblet, which you down without a moment's hesitation. “It seems we are being played by the same woman. Someone’s been bad.”
You choke on the wine, covering your mouth as your eyebrows raise to the top of your head. “Played? What do you mean played?” Your voice is bordering on hysterical. This is not how you wanted things to play out. 
Suddenly, an icy, soft hand grips your chin and turns you until you look into Nesta's steel-blue eyes. “Do you think us stupid, dove? That we wouldn’t figure out your little game?” She frowns and it breaks your heart, your mouth flying open to explain before your brain can tell you to shut up. 
“It wasn’t a game!” You protest, shaking your head vehemently. “I-I swear it was never a game. Not between us,” You say, looking at Nesta before turning to Eris. “Nor us. I didn’t mean for this to get out of hand, for anyone to get hurt, I just-”
“Just what, pet?” Eris cocks his head, his jaw clenching. 
“I couldn’t choose between the two of you. You are both so similar and yet so different. I met you,” You gesture towards the High Lord of Autumn, smiling wistfully. “And you swept me off my feet with your sarcasm and wit…and then I met Nesta, who did the same, only with her passion and fury. I wanted you both. I still do, and I know that is impossible, that you must hate me, and I understand.” 
The shame you feel for stringing them both along threatens to swallow you whole as they share a look over your head, one that you miss due to keeping your eyes on the floor until their mocking laughter makes you jump and look up in surprise. 
“Look at her face, Eris,” Nesta coos, stroking a hand down your bare arm. “She looks as if she is about to burst into tears.”
“As she should. It might teach her a lesson in being greedy.” He responds darkly, seizing your wrist and pulling you into his chest. “You have been very bad, pet. Very bad and very greedy.”
Your face must give away your confusion as you blink blankly at the redhead, trying to figure out if this is a game or if you are about to be called out in front of the entire room. What were they doing?
Nesta’s slender frame presses up against your back as you feel her lips ghost against the shell of your ear, sending a pleasurable thrill down your spine as she whispers, “Go upstairs to Eris’s room. You know which one. And when you arrive, we want you to strip down and kneel by the edge of the bed.”
You lick your lips, trying to form a sentence until you give up and mutter the only word that matters. “We?”
“Yes. We.” Eris confirms, a sinful smile on his red lips as he releases you all at once. You stumble back, barely catching yourself before you fall on your ass and look between the two of them. “Go.”
It wasn’t a request. It was an order. One that Nesta was nodding along with. You turn and leave numbly, going over the whiplash of conversation that just happened, and it doesn’t hit you until you get to the stairs of what this meant.
They knew you were talking to them both. They knew you couldn’t choose. They had planned this. It wasn’t anger or sadness in their voices that you thought you heard…it was lust. And power. You had played right into their hands.
And you were excited. 
“I’m in way over my head…” You shake your head as you ascend the stairs and take the familiar route to Eris’s room. Time seems to slow as you arrive at the ornate door and slowly turn the brass knob, your fingers slightly trembling as you push the door open and peek inside. 
The room itself looks as it always has. A large four-poster bed against the back wall decorated with warm browns and vivid reds, a large fur pelt blanket at the end. His grand wooden desk was against the other wall, close to the fireplace, with a tall, plush chair directed towards the bed. 
As you scan the room, you almost miss it, the candlelight catching the array of objects that one of the two had laid out on the bedside table before you had arrived. You take a tentative step forward, mouth opening in shock as you see various ropes, paddles, and other things that make your skin flush and cunt clench.
What were they going to do to you?
You snap out of your thoughts when you hear heels clicking down the hall. Realizing you hadn’t followed instructions, you make quick work of your dress and underwear. The clothes fall haphazardly to the floor, and you barely kick them out of the way and kneel before Nesta opens the door.
“Hmm.” She hums, shutting the door behind her as she walks across the room. You clench your fists on your thighs, resisting the urge to look until two fingers find your chin and tilt it up. “You listen well, dove.”
The praise makes you shiver, your eyelids fluttering while she watches you for a moment longer before releasing your chin. You make a small sound in your throat but one sharp glare from her silences you. 
“Don’t pout. This is your own doing.” She chastises you, removing her long, silver gloves and draping herself across the chair you noticed earlier. “You will accept everything we give you with a ‘Thank you,” do you understand?”
“Yes.” You answer immediately, jumping when you hear the door open again. Eris’s tall shadow envelopes the entrance as he turns to lock the three of you inside, his gloves already removed as he lays them across the nightstand. 
“She was ready when you came in?” He asks over his shoulder, ignoring your existence as he removes his coat jacket. Nesta nods, shifting in her seat as the High Lord smirks and grabs your face roughly. “What’s your safeword?”
“I, um,” You falter, shying away from his gaze as you rack your brain. “Suriel.”
Nesta snorts but doesn’t say anything else as Eris grabs your arm and hauls you off, shoving you toward her. She catches you easily, positioning you to lay across her lap. “Stay still, little love. This is your first punishment.”
“First?!” Your voice is shrill as you struggle briefly, craning your neck to the side to watch as Eris considers which instrument to use on you. “How many am I getting?”
“However many we feel you deserve.” Eris snaps, grabbing a paddle and placing it in Nesta’s awaiting hand. “You think we would just let out off easy, pet? That we wouldn’t feel hurt about what you were doing?”
“I didn’t mean to-ah!” A shriek tears itself out of your lips as Nesta lands a sharp smack across your bare ass. The sting makes you wriggle, your nails digging into your palms as another two slaps follow in quick succession. 
“No excuses.” She hisses into your ear, grabbing a fistful of your hair and pulling until you are facing her again. “Show us your apology by giving this to us, by submitting to us, and we might forgive you.”
Your eyes search her face, looking for any deception, before you nod and bow your head. You care for them both, love them both, and you would do anything to be in their good graces again. 
“Okay…” You murmur, eyes squeezing shut when she delivers another blow of the paddle. 
“What do you say, dove?” Her voice is teasing again, and despite the pain, you feel the first trickles of pleasure flow through your body at her nickname for you. 
“Thank you!” You gasp out, tears starting to form in your eyes. 
They share another look over your head while Nesta rubs a soothing hand over your red cheeks, a reward for being good. You freeze momentarily when you feel another hand join, this one larger and calloused, but you feel it dip between your folds before you can look.
Eris kneels next to you as he runs the tip of his finger through your pussy, feeling the wetness that is only growing as he coos mockingly, “I knew you’d enjoy this, pet. Was this your plan all along? Did you want to be punished?”
Before you can shake your head, Nesta gives you another spank, only this time, as it lands, Eris harshly shoves two fingers inside of you and crooks them. The sensation is dizzying, and you can’t stop your hips from pushing up in search of more of it. 
Their chuckles fill your mind as they work your body expertly, giving you both pain and pleasure. You can feel Nesta shift again in her seat and your mouth waters as you imagine how wet she must be. Eris scissors your cunt and strokes your walls, his face heating up with desire at all the sounds you are making.
It takes only two more blows before they’ve had enough of the game. Eris pulls you off of her, forcing you to be on your hands and knees as he admires you from behind. You blush, feeling his hands groping your ass until your attention draws back to Nesta as she begins to undo the laces of her dress.
“Holy hells…” You whisper as the fabric falls and pools at her feet, the candlelight giving her an ethereal glow as she stands before you. “Nesta, you are so beautiful.”
“Such pretty words,” She smiles, reclaiming her seat on the chair before spreading her legs so you could see her glistening cunt. “But I can think of other things I want your mouth to be doing.”
You lick your lips subconsciously, looking back to Eris, who also seems captivated by her beauty until he feels your eyes and nods. “Go on, pet, show her how talented your tongue is.” 
No further encouragement is needed as you crawl towards her, rising so that you can bury your face between her thighs. One of her hands immediately falls to grasp your hair while the other grips the fabric of the couch. Your tongue greedily laps up her juices, moaning at the taste as the rustle of fabric behind you has your ears perking.
“How does it feel, Nesta?” Eris asks huskily, folding his clothes and putting them aside before returning to his spot behind you. “Is she showing you how sorry she is?”
“Oh, yes,” She gasps, her hips grinding against your face as you continue to eat her out. “You’ve trained her well. I could almost get over you having her first. Almost.”
She emphasizes the last word by giving a sharp yank to your hair, enjoying the cry of pain you give before she pushes your head back down. You feel emboldened to make it up to her, to make her feel good, and you use the tip of your tongue to flick over her hard clit. This causes her to moan louder, and you smile, doing it over and over again. 
You’re so busy focusing on Nesta’s pleasure that you forget Eris is behind you. However, he is quick to remedy that as you feel the head of his cock bump against your entrance. It takes you by surprise, but you instantly push your hips back, silently begging him to fuck you.
A low growl comes from his chest as he lines himself up and thrusts all the way into you with one rough shove. The stretch is painful and burning but you can’t find it in you to care. 
“Fuck!” You moan into Nesta’s cunt, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as Eris starts a brutal pace. Every thrust pushes you further into her, the entire bottom half of your face covered in her wetness as her cries grow louder. 
Eris’s hands come to grip your hips to hold you steady, the sound of his balls slapping against your sex making you shiver as he lands a sharp smack on your ass. You whimper, enjoying the pain, and he does it again. And again. And again.
“Take it, little whore,” He grunts, long hair falling into his eyes as he fucks you deep. “Cry for us, scream for us, let everyone in the hall hear how pretty you sound when you’re getting ruined.”
Nesta’s thighs start to tremble as you do exactly as he instructs, her nails digging into your scalp as she starts to rut against your face desperately. You can feel your orgasm building from Eris hitting your sweet spot, but before you can cling to that feeling, you hear Nesta scream out your name, her cum flooding your mouth as she holds you against her pussy. 
You lap at her like a kitten with cream, opening your eyes to watch her face contort in pleasure. The vision of her coming undone by your tongue is one you ingrain into your memory. After a few seconds, she relaxes and lifts you by the hair again, tilting your head left and right to see the mess she’s made of you. You smile at her, proud of your state, until Eris rips another moan out of you that makes your eyes screw shut. 
“Right there, Eris, gods-” You groan, looking back to watch him disappear into your tight hole. “I’m close.”
The coil in your stomach was tightening by the second but just as your vision gets fuzzy, the High Lord pulls out with a hiss. You couldn’t stop the whine even if you wanted to, pleas falling from your lips for more. 
It falls on deaf ears as Nesta shoves you off of her, making you fall backward onto your sore ass. You hiss, frowning, until Eris seizes your shoulders and turns you around to face him. He is standing now, fully naked, with his large, glistening cock hanging right in front of your face.
Whatever words you were about to say die in your throat as you swallow, your breathing growing shallow as you glance from his dick to his face. He’s got his signature scowl, and one eyebrow raises as he waits for you to do what you already know he wants.
You raise your hand tentatively, grasping his cock and giving it a small stroke. Eris’s hips follow your motion, and you repeat it, rising to your knees so that you can move more easily. He allows you a few seconds before he grabs the back of your head, his other hand grabbing his cock.
“Open for me, pet. Stick out your tongue.” He orders, smiling with his teeth when you follow obediently. You gaze up at him through your lashes as he slaps the head on your tongue a few times, smearing your own wetness over your mouth and cheek. “Such a good, obedient girl.”
“Mmmph!” You moan, swirling your tongue over the tip before he shoves himself inside you without warning. Instinctively, you gag, your eyes watering as he pulls out all the way and does it over and over again. You have to brace your hands on his thighs to steady yourself as he fucks your throat just like he fucked your cunt. 
Just as you feel like you’ve got it down, two hands roam over your shoulders and down your chest, cupping your breasts. Nesta’s scent surrounds you as she presses herself against you, toying with your nipples as she coos, “You look so pretty with his cock in your mouth, little dove. You were made for this.” 
Eris continues his assault on your mouth as Nesta works your body with her fingers, her lips trailing down your neck and over your ear while one of her hands drops to your sopping pussy. She brushes against your clit teasingly, and you moan around his cock, your hole clenching on nothing as she repeats the action agonizingly slow. 
“So desperate for us,” Eris growls, his hips beginning to stutter as he feels his orgasm rising from his spine. “Fuck, I’m going to cum in that filthy mouth of yours, and you are going to hold it. Understand?”
You try to nod, tears falling down your cheek as Nesta’s fingers speed up in time with Eris’s thrusts. She moves from your clit to push three long, slender fingers inside of you. In seconds she’s curling them to hit the spot, making you see stars just as Eris throws his head back and cums with a low groan of your name.
His seed coats your mouth, and you do your best to hold it in, feeling some of it leak out the corners of your mouth from just how much he cums. It’s tangy and musky, but you love how nicely it mixes with Nesta’s taste. Eris slows his pumping and gingerly pulls out, though he remains hard, lifting your chin to make sure you followed his directions. 
However, you can’t focus for long as Nesta nips your shoulder playfully, reminding you of her presence. You allow your head to fall back as she continues to fuck you with her hand, rolling your hips as you feel your orgasm build for the second time that night. 
Everything in you wants to cry out, to scream for more, but you know you can’t. You didn’t want to upset Eris more, but gods, Nesta’s fingers were heaven-sent. Just a little more, and you would….
She pulls them out just as you teeter to the edge, ripping your orgasm away with a cruel laugh. You sob, bucking your hips like a bitch in heat as you try to hold the feeling, but it’s no use. Instead, she kisses you fiercely and uses her tongue to scoop up Eris’s cum. 
The action makes you shiver, and she pulls back so you can watch her swallow it, her eyes flicking to Eris, who’s smirking at her. A thought crosses your mind briefly of the two of them ravishing each other in a battle for dominance, a sight you would give anything to see. 
Tonight was not that night, unfortunately, as a pair of strong arms lifted you and all but tossed you on the bed. You bounce, barely catching yourself before Eris is pulling you by the ankles until your ass is almost dangling off the bed. Nesta appears to the side of you, and looking at both of their expressions, you know your punishment is not over. 
“Beg for it. For us.” Eris demands, his hand dipping down to begin to rub your clit again. You were already so sensitive that even that small action had you getting close, but Nesta held your hips down, her eyes glaring down at you.
“Do it, dove. Beg for mercy. Beg for us to use your body, to fuck you stupid.” She snarls, twisting your nipples until your back arches, and you sob again. “Be a good girl and beg.”
You gasp, staring at them as the last shreds of your dignity disappear into thin air. “Please, please, use me!” You squeal, heart racing. “Let me cum, please, I’ve been so good. I’m so sorry! I’ll be a good girl, I promise, just-” You swallow, your throat constricting from the overstimulation. “I wanna cum, I wanna be good, please let me.”
There were a few moments where you thought they would continue their torture, continue taking joy in your pain, but all at once, they pull back, and the entire mood shifts. Nesta maneuvers until your head is in her lap, her voice soothing as Eris smiles down at you and begins to kiss your inner thighs softly.
Your whole body is shaking as he takes your clit into his mouth, sucking, before moving down to tongue at your cunt. Both of your hands fist into the bedsheet as you slowly start to roll your hips, your mind buzzing as Nesta plays with your tits again. The combination of both of them makes you feel a bliss you’ve never felt. If you died right now, you’d be happy.
It doesn’t take long to bring you to the edge as Eris’s tongue fucks you. Your soft moans turn to whimpers, the only warning they get before your body seizes and you arch off the bed. Nesta talks you through it, telling you how good you were for them, while Eris drinks everything you give him.
He pulls away when you start to squirm, not wanting to overwhelm you anymore. He and Nesta share a look as she pulls you further into the bed, shushing you as you mumble out another apology. 
“It’s okay, dove, you’re okay,” She soothes, brushing your hair out of your face. “You did so well for us. You were so good.”
A warm, wet something is felt between your legs, and you barely open your eyes to see Eris wiping you down, making sure to be gentle before he tosses it to the side and crawls to your other side.
“We could never stay mad at you, pet, not when you give us this.” He smiles, kissing your temple. “Sleep now. We’ll talk in the morning.”
You nod, nuzzling into Nesta’s bare chest while moving your arm to touch Eris as well. They both smile and rest against you, content. Tomorrow would bring new challenges and conversations, but tonight, you all could bask in each other and your shared bliss. 
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velvateen · 11 months
leg day (zoro x reader) smut- mdni
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warnings: thigh riding. sex. unprotected sex. thigh riding. g/n fem bodied reader. thigh riding. thigh riding. thigh riding. thigh riding.
Watching Zoro work out was something you had gotten used to, given how much time you spent in each other’s presence. Normally you’d sit on a bench in the crow’s nest, reading or drawing or mindlessly looking out over the cool blue ocean. Today was an exception, your mind blankly spacing out as you watched him intently.
It was the way he did it, not just the actions themselves. The way he would hold in quiet sounds as he lifted or heaved or thrusted. The way he would tuck his bottom lip under his teeth, or peek his tongue out in concentration. The way he would run his hands across his thighs after finishing his rep.
His thighs. After watching him work out, you just couldn’t shake the image of them out of your head. The tan of his skin accentuating the movement of the muscle, the hard work behind them. The worst was the knowledge that you had them at your disposal all this time and had done nothing about it.
“Hello?” He waved a hand over your face as you snapped back into reality. He laughed as you tried to pull yourself together, gaze still tracing his defined leg muscles. Something about them was really making you feel…
“Is something wrong? You’re spacing out on me here,” Zoro chuckled, shaking his head at you.
“No, I just can’t seem to stop looking at your legs I don’t know what’s up,” you laughed. You sat up from where you rested against the bed, crawling over to where Zoro sat on the end of it.
“My legs?” You nodded, reaching your arm towards his thigh to trace the muscles outlined there. Your approach made Zoro shift where he sat, caught off guard by you. You squeezed his thigh and he jumped, eyes searching your body, trying to read your next move. You crawled to straddle him, weight supported by those strong legs you spent all day staring at.
“What’s gotten into you today,” Zoro muttered, looking at your lips before you brought them closer to meet his. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders and hands wound into his hair, your fingers reveling in the dull buzz of it at his nape. One of his hands cradled the small of your back while the other pressed you fervently closer to him. This could’ve gone on for hours if your body didn’t give you away so easily, making you rock back and forth subconsciously against him.
Zoro lifted you wordlessly to place you square on one of his thighs, graciously giving you the surface you needed as you continued to push down onto him. He leaned back, hands still on your lower back and guiding you as you chased friction against the skin of his thigh.
“Hold on,” you said, getting up and hastily beginning to unbuckle your shorts. Zoro helped you as you stepped out of them, climbing back to your position on his lap. He had discarded his shorts as well, leaving only a tantilizingly thin layer between you. You started back with the rhythm you had chased before, his lips capturing yours as they had been. The thickness of his legs alone had gotten you this far, your breath heaving with the air stolen from your lungs. You rested your head in the crook of his neck, now focused solely on the sensation his leg was bringing you.
“Come on,” you whispered, your pace desperate as you dragged your core against him, the feeling of his muscle grazing your clit inching you further, “come on.”
Zoro groaned as he felt your arousal growing, and he lifted his leg with your rhythm, sliding you down quicker and harder than you had been able to do yourself.
“Little more,” you mumbled, taking note of how hard he had grown under his boxers, the brief touches of your body pulling a sharp inhale from him as he continued to shift you back and forth across his leg.
“More,” you groaned, more definitively this time, and finally making a move to get rid of everything separating you two. Your legs were burning from all the effort, but the look of satisfaction gracing Zoro’s features made it worth it. He loved knowing that his hard work was paying off, really paying off. He watched as you pulled his shorts away, your underwear following suit, and he shuffled towards the head of the bed, bringing you with him as you sat straddling above him. You leaned over, placing a kiss to the corner of his lips, dragging your core over his leaking tip.
The sensation made his eyes close, using all his power to hold back the sounds you were pulling from him.
Maybe it was the way you’d been holding back, or the blatant body worship you’d been giving him all night, but Zoro was finding it hard to hold back and keep with your torturous pace. You continued to drag yourself back and forth over him, savoring the delicate sensation, occasionally teasing him by sinking slightly down.
He couldn’t take it anymore.
As you teased, lowering slightly down onto him, the grip he had on your hips tightened, pushing you down to bottom out inside you. The surprise caught you off guard, completely overwhelmed at the feeling of him stretching you out all at once and so quickly. He sighed, feeling satisfied at the warmth finally surrounding him after what felt like forever.
After you recovered, a stubborn resolve marked its way onto your face, taking the time to lean down and whisper in his ear.
“Don’t move.” You nipped at his ear lobe, gently tugging one of his gold earring as you pulled back. You took back your position on top of him, resting your hands across his chest as you started to rock back and forth. Zoro’s eyebrows scrunched in compliance with your command, a testament to his strength, the sensation you were eliciting was driving him crazy. It took everything in him to not reach out, to run his hands along your body, to touch where he know you would want him to. Instead, his hands stayed glued to your side, neither pushing or pulling you as you tried to keep up your pace.
“So good for me, Zoro,” a sheen of sweat starting to appear on your forehead, “so good, all mine.” With your slowing pace and faltering resolve, Zoro let his hands take action, lifting you back up and down, back and forth, hitting all the sweet places inside you relentlessly. You became putty in his hands, your body exhausted and ready to reach the reward you worked for, the one you deserved. The tension inside of you was building to an insurmountable pressure as you finally let go with a shudder, Zoro thrusting you through it. The unwinding of such intense pressure brought Zoro there just after you, his strength finally failing him as he let go the praises he’d been holding back.
You shuddered a last time as you got up, laying down next to him for a moment to catch your breath. You turned to him and smiled.
“I love leg day.”
A/N: i’m sorry guys i just had to write about zoros absolutely delish yummy scrumptious legs i thought abt them for one second and then got possessed by some kind of thigh smut demon. lmk if i should write abt sanji with this prompt next. i’ll do it, just dare me.
okay bye now kitties meow *.•
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3d-wifey · 9 months
And They'd Find Us in A Week - Chapter 12
Pairing: Finnick Odair x Reader Word Count: 8.4k Synopsis: Here! Playlist: Listen up! Tag list: - @melancholicmelanin, @yvy1s, @glomp-me, @honethatty12, @swftlore, @hashcakes, @antoheartit, @finnickodaddy, @lilifl0wer, @antoheartit, @kermitcrimess, @persophonekarter, @aawdrea, @obaewankenobis, @xyxlyn, @meandurdaughtergotaspecialthing, @innercreationflower, @kisskittenn Chapter Summary: There's a certain kind of pain in reading or watching something from the perspective of a character who doesn't know about the tragedy ahead of them. It's like watching a scary movie and going, "No, don't go to sleep! He's behind the door!" Like in The Song of Achilles, we all know how the original story ends. We know how the actual prophecy plays out. We know that the moment Patroclus's heart stops, Hector and Achilles fates are set in stone. You wince whenever Achilles says he has no reason to kill Hector because "What has Hector done to me?" You want to tell him that Hector will do the unforgivable to him. You want to tell Patroclus not to go on the field. Tell Achilles to get his damned head out of his ass as he disguises Patroclus as himself because he is at risk of losing something far more important than his pride. You hold your breath as Patroclus is speared in the back and as Achilles realizes the consequences of his actions. You knew it was coming, and yet, you still read the story because a part of you hoped. You hoped for the hopeless. All this to say that knowing and still having hope regardless is crueler than complete ignorance. A/N: I imagined your stylist as Anne Hathaway in Alice in Wonderland.
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Past (xiii) - You [22 & 23] - THE CAPITOL
If you were from any other district, maybe it would have surprised you how attached Rue is to you. But the sense of community in Eleven breeds this need for kinship. You’re social creatures; you’re not meant to be on your own. Certainly not in a place like the Capitol. It’s how you end up hugging your knees to your chest, an unnamed ocean projected on your wall as you try to get lost in the tides the night before the tributes will be marched into the arena.
No one talks about this part, or maybe they just don’t want to think about it. The part where being forced back into the room you slept in during your own Games eats at you—that anxiety that courses through your veins and leaves your body thrumming. Because no matter what you tell yourself, your body isn’t entirely convinced that you won’t be the one entering the arena tomorrow. You close your eyes and suddenly you’re fifteen again, gripping the sheets so hard you could tear holes in them as you fight the vomit threatening to ride the wave of acid reflux.
Sleeping beside Finnick helped. He reminded you that you weren’t fifteen and alone and wishing you’d die in your sleep so you wouldn’t be slaughtered live. And now? Well, at least there’ll always be the ocean.
There’s a knock on your door, so tentative that you would have missed it if you weren’t already so keyed up.
You pause the projection of the ocean, assuming the sound woke someone up. You get up and go to open it, only to see Rue. Suddenly you’re shamefaced and embarrassed, like you’ve been caught doing something pathetic, even though it’s doubtful she even knows what the sound was, let alone the significance of you listening to it.
“I’m sorry, honey. Was I being too loud?”
“No.” She shakes her head, shifting from foot to foot. “Um, I couldn’t sleep. And I just—I saw that your light was on and thought maybe you couldn’t sleep either?”
That may be true, but you don’t think it’s the only reason. Rue is the oldest of six and they all live in Shacktown. With all those people in one house, you’re sure Rue’s never slept alone a day in her life. It makes you wonder how she managed these past few days.
You’re an only child; your dad was killed before your parents could have any more, so you can’t say for certain that you understand what she feels. Yet, you reminisce on the fact that you’ve never really gone through a year of mentoring without Finnick being within arm’s reach.
She stares up at you with those big, pleading puppy-dog eyes, and you twist your mouth to the side.
“C’mon.” You move so you aren’t blocking the entrance anymore and you nod your head towards your room. “How ‘bout you sleep in here with me tonight? You don’t have to, of course, but we might as well stay up together.”
You know you’ve made the right choice when she grins big, rushes in, and takes a running start to jump on your bed. You shake your head fondly as she scurries to get under the blanket, lying down with them pulled under her arms and getting comfortable like she belongs there. The door slides shut behind you and you twist the dimmer until the only light comes from the projector. You settle into your bed beside Rue andyou snort at how she keeps smiling at you.
“So… What were you watching?”
“Uh.” You pick the remote up to unmute the device and the sound of crashing ocean waves fills any remaining silence. “The ocean.”
She looks over, seemingly transfixed by the drag and pull of the water. The nearest ocean to Eleven is the one that rests just outside of the towering fence and only serves as a deterrent for escaping. This is her first time seeing one outside of a textbook. “Why?”
“Well, I,” you let out a weighted breath, "I thought it would make me feel better. Help me sleep.”
“Oh.” Says Rue and then she looks at you. “Why?”
You let out a surprised laugh. “Um. I guess the ocean reminds me of my friend and—I don’t know. It’s just easier to sleep with him around."
“Is he your crush?” Crush? Such an innocent question feels surprisingly weighted considering your current relationship with Finnick. Or lack thereof. Is it a crush now that it’s unrequited?
“I love him.” You tell the wall and it’s the sad truth. You still do. You wouldn’t be so hung up if you didn’t.
"Whoa. You like like him.” Like like. It’s been years since you heard that. It brings to mind how young she is. It’s not as if you needed another reminder. “It’s okay, I won’t tell. I like someone too.”
“Oh? And what’s his name?” You smile. You both flip over to face each other. You picture little you and little Sage, shyly holding hands during downtime, and find yourself hoping this boy liked Rue back.
“You can’t tell anyone.” She narrows her eyes and makes you swear, which you do with a pinky promise. “Coriander.” Her voice goes all quiet and timid as she hides her face and you wonder if you’ve ever seen anything cuter.
“Ah, I think I might know him.” She looks at you with wide eyes as you tease her, peering out from between her fingers.
“Nuh-uh, no way.” She denies it as you tap a finger on your chin and pretend to think about it.
“No, no. I think I do. He’s got pink hair, no teeth, and walks with a waddle, right?”
“No! ” She giggles and you can’t help but giggle along with her. You take a moment.
“Finnick. The boy I like.” You provide when she looks confused. “His name is Finnick.”
“Oh, oh! Is he that boy from Four? The victor?” It’s hardly shocking that she recognizes him. He’s one of ‘the greats’. You nod and she gasps like that’s the juiciest piece of gossip she’s ever heard.
“He’s pretty.” She whispers.
“He is.” You laugh.
“Is he nice?”
“The nicest,” you say without thought or contempt. Finnick’s indeed been nothing but kind to you since you’ve met him, current behavior not included. You find that even when you’re mad at him, you can’t disparage him. And you don’t want to lie to Rue. “He made me this." You lift your wrist and show her your bracelet. You’ve been wearing it around your ankle while you’re out in public, but when you’re on your own, it goes back to its rightful place.
“Cori made something for me too.”
She pulls her necklace up for you to see. It’s woven grass attached to a wooden charm shaped like a flower—you squint—or maybe a star? Definitely the handiwork of a child. Adorable. It reminds you of Cane.
“Your token?”
“Yep. He gave it to me when everyone came to see me off after I was reaped. He ran all the way home and back to give it to me. He almost didn’t get back in time, but I waited for him. I knew he’d come, and that’s why it’s good luck.”
“Makes sense.” You nod and she nods with you, like she’s happy that you get her logic. “He must like you a lot to go through all that.”
“Yeah. He’s sweet.” She smiles, fidgeting with the charm.
“I bet he is.” You push some of her curls out of her face. Just two doomed girls talking about their equally doomed crushes.
It’s silent for a moment; ocean noises make your eyes feel heavier with the pull of each tide. You watch as the shadows cast from the projector paint the ceiling in a series of swirling blues. You think you can see Finnick’s favorite color hidden amongst the other shades.
“Were you scared? When you went into the arena?” Rue asks and you still can’t find it in yourself to lie to her.
“Really? You’re so brave though?” She sounds so genuinely confused that you have to hold back your laughter. You don’t want her to think you're making fun of her. You appreciate the vote of confidence. It’s more than you have in yourself.
“I think…being brave means doing something even if you are terrified.” You look away from the ceiling to make eye contact. “It’s okay to be scared, Rue. You know that, right?”
“Yeah, I know.” She mumbles like she doesn’t actually believe it.
“I think you’re incredibly brave.” You know she regularly went foraging for food for her siblings, and she took on more hours than what was required of her. Who knows how many times she’s entered her name for Tesserae?
And she’s still so young.
“Oh, definitely.” You laugh at her skepticism. You’ve laughed more with Rue in the short time you’ve had with her than in the last two years combined. Sadly, there hasn’t been much of a reason for you to. Realizing that this is the last night you two will laugh together is devastating. “I was fifteen and I felt like I was on the edge of breaking down the entire time. How are you so calm?” She’s only twelve years old—not even a teenager. If you were in her shoes, you’d have dehydrated yourself from how much you were crying.
“I am scared, but…" She drags out the ‘uh’, then shrugs. “I don’t know. I guess it doesn’t feel real.”
“Hmm. I get that.” You don’t tell her that it won’t start feeling real until she either wins or dies. It’ll only make her feel worse. She closes her eyes and you two are quiet for a time—so long that you think she’s fallen asleep.
Her voice is small when she asks, “Can I hold your hand?”
“Of course.” You hold your right one out for her to take, and her little fingers lace with yours. Her palms are callused too. Not as much as yours. No, she’ll never have enough time to catch up to yours.
Rue moves closer to you and you wrap your left arm around her. You feel her say your name more than you hear it and you hum in response. “Thank you.”
You pull her closer to your chest, your linked hands resting between you. “Of course, sweetheart.” You say this into the crown of her head, wishing that you could have done more for her and Thresh—wishing you weren’t so helpless.
But you can do this. You can give her this last comfort, this last embrace from home. You hold her tight as you both fall asleep and you only let her go when they come to take her away in the morning.
You do not cry.
You miss him, you decide one day. You thought you hated him after you got through your self-pity, but the words "hate" and "Finnick" are too oxymoronic to ever stay together for long. You were so angry at yourself, angry at the world, but you sat with that anger long enough to know what it truly was. Grief. You miss him the way you'd miss a limb. You're so used to having it that you only remember it's gone when you notice the space it used to occupy and feel the phantom aches of what it used to be—what you used to have and took for granted.
Chaff has described in detail the pain of losing his hand. But, he said, nothing hurts worse than remembering it’s not there.
You've never taken Morphling and you don't know anyone personally who's gotten hooked on it, but you imagine this is what withdrawal feels like. You haven't seen him since before he sent that letter, and it feels like he's actively avoiding you. You said years ago, after Annie's Games, that you could handle just being his friend if he decided he didn’t want you anymore. But he never gave you the chance.
That’s alright. It’s perfectly fine. You know when you’re not wanted around, you can take a hint.
Maybe it's for the best. There’s no telling what you would do if you ran into him again. Something pathetic, probably, like begging him to take you back. There's a specific moment when you really feel your loss. A few days into the 74th Hunger Games. Chaff is finalizing the transaction with the money Eleven gathered to send bread for Rue and Thresh, so you’re on your own. 
“Your girl is something else.” You tell Haymitch from where you stand beside him, arms crossed, as you split your attention between him and the Games.
He cocks his head slightly, glancing at you out of the corner of his eye, then returns to watching Katniss and Rue rehearse their strategy. “I can say the same to you.” You hadn’t expected Rue to team up with anyone, but you can’t say you are surprised that it’s Katniss. The girl did volunteer for her little sister, after all. Primrose, was it? But you’re concerned that your little speech about being brave by doing things that terrify you may have swayed her to come out of hiding and help Katniss.
You can’t take full credit, though. Rue—well, she’s far too kind for her own good.
You look him over, a glass of something alcoholic in one hand while the other remains buried in his pocket. Honestly, you’ve never seen him this invested in the Games before, but you could hazard a guess why. You weren’t just blowing smoke up his ass about Katniss. She’s honestly got a pretty good shot of winning, if not making it to the top five. She’s already a fan favorite, along with Rue, Peeta, Glimmer, and Cato. She’s exceeded your expectations, along with Haymitch’s. No wonder he’s been networking his ass off. If she’s actually got a chance at surviving this, he owes it to her to try.
That’s when it happens.
Rue’s screams echo in your ears as Katniss races through the forest. Something has gone wrong—she's been captured or the Careers are using her as bait, or—you wipe your sweaty hands on your dress and then recross them, wanting more than anything to bite at the skin around your nails. You hold your breath, hoping beyond hope that she’s saved from whatever fate has befallen her.
She’s by herself in the clearing. Caught in a net, but not hurt. Katniss manages to get Rue out and your muscles begin to untense, but the relief is incredibly short-lived. 
Marvel, that cocky little boy from two, throws his spear with deadly precision, lance soaring past Katniss to pierce Rue in the abdomen.
Your hands are numb as they cover your mouth, but then you remember where you are and drop them just as quickly. She pulls the spear from her chest and you want to yell at her not to, that taking it out will only make her bleed quicker. Like it even matters at all when she’ll bleed out regardless. You think you need to sit down.
Katniss catches her before she falls. You’re lightheaded.
Katniss sings to her after she whispers something that the mics can’t pick up and it feels like your heart is being wrung dry. You think of Rue’s mother. You think of her six siblings, who all look up to her. You think of Coriander. You think of how small she felt in your arms and how tightly she held your hand. You think of a lot of things in the time it takes for her heart to stop beating.
The cannon fires and all eyes go to you. Ranging from curious to pitying. Some are even tearful. She was a fan favorite, after all. Mentors and Capitols alike split their attention between you and the screens to catch your reaction, but your face is deceptively blank. You stare ahead silently, your eyes unseeing as they remain on the screen.
You will not give them the pleasure of seeing you break down. Katniss will leave and Rue’s body will be airlifted out and that will be the end of it.
This is nothing new for you. You’ve gone through this twelve other times. Why would she be any different? She isn't. You tell that to your shaky hands and they only tremble further. You tell your heavy lungs and they only get heavier. You try telling your chilly skin, but all it does is make you feel colder. Why is she different?
You want to close your eyes as Katniss grieves. To be able to save one little girl but not another, it must weigh heavy.
“I’m so sorry." Someone comes to stand beside you, some Capitol elite. “One less chance for your district to win.” You look at him from the corner of your eye and Haymitch scoffs on your other side. For one stupid moment, you thought he was offering his condolences.
“Right. Well. There’s still Thresh.” He nods along to your words, thoughtfully, like you’re talking about the likelihood of a horse winning a race.
“Yes, he’s the big one, right? I have money riding on him or Cato winning.” Of course, he remembers his name and not Thresh’s. You close your eyes before they can roll out of your head. “I’d like to send him something to eat as a sponsor. I worry—what is she doing?” You open your eyes to see what tribute has captured his attention, only to see Katniss again. But she’s still with Rue, kneeling next to her body with an armful of flowers—
“She’s giving her a funeral.” You bite your bottom lip to keep it from trembling. Rue rests on a bed of flowers—white daisies and lavender. She tucks a bouquet of daisies in her little hands and you wonder if Katniss knows the significance that being surrounded by flowers has for your people. Or maybe that’s something your two districts have in common. All that’s missing is fruit and it would be a proper Eleven funeral.
A funeral for a little girl. Your heart grows heavy with that realization and your mouth curls into a scowl.
You shouldn’t think about how she clung to you before she was sent into the arena. You shouldn’t think of Coriander’s childish hope dying with her. You shouldn’t think about her family watching this. You shouldn’t think of how her mother woke up this morning with six children and will go to sleep with only five. You shouldn’t, you shouldn’t, you shouldn’t—
“Oh, how sweet.” The man coos.
“Yes.” Katniss faces the camera, kisses her three middle fingers, and salutes the cameras—salutes District Eleven. You don’t think of Coriander sprinting to the train clutching a grass-woven necklace with a good-luck charm that wasn’t very lucky. “Very sweet."
On instinct, you reach to the left for Finnick, but there's no hand to hold other than your own.
You need Finnick, and he isn’t here and for the first time since you've become a mentor, you have to brave the games by yourself and shoulder your grief alone. 
“Kid…” A flinch rolls through you at the unexpected voice, and you look to your left at Haymitch’s face as he goes through a range of emotions before settling on sympathy. No. Empathy. For a moment, you forgot he was beside you. But he hasn’t forgotten you. 
He does something that surprises you again. He places a big hand on the nape of your neck, warm and callused, and squeezes. You exhale sharply, your face twisting minutely, and it’s the closest thing to crying that you’ll allow yourself to do. He pulls you into his side, and it’s a battle not to burrow into him—a battle you lose. Your image will allow you to do this much. Allow you to be comforted while many of the other Capitols in the room do the same thing because it’s all very sad. You wrap your arms around his waist from where you’re held tight against his side and his hand goes down to rub your back soothingly.
No words are said between you two, and that’s enough. It has to be. Past (xiii) - Finnick 
[ 22 & 23] - DISTRICT FOUR Finnick has never felt worse.
The sky is clear, the stars are bright, and Finnick has never felt worse.
It’s a particularly quiet night on the beach. There’s no one walking along the shore, no bonfires, no night swimming. There’s only Finnick. 
He sits with his legs crossed under him; the coarse sand is warm against the exposed skin of his legs and feet. He’s always been able to come down to the beach to think and unload any weight on his shoulders. With how heavy his heart feels, he’s never needed that release more. A cool breeze carries the smell of the ocean, but it’s not as comforting as it should be. 
He reaches into the ornate box sitting between his thighs and just rests his hand there, letting his fingers ghost over the pages upon pages of parchment paper. He’s kept a tight lid on this box, hoarding your letters and your scent inside like a corvid. Even now, outside on the shore, your smell wafts around him—concentrated and stiff. He blinks past the tears in his eyes.
He doesn’t look inside; he doesn’t think he can handle it. To see the length of your relationship measured by words on paper, to know he’ll never be adding to this box again—it’s too much.
He pulls out a letter at random. 
His eyes have already readjusted to the darkness as he uses the moonlight to read. He traces the looping lines of your handwriting. 
This is the letter you sent along with that pretty picture of yourself in case he forgot what you look like. A beautiful sentiment, but largely unnecessary. Finnick knows your reflection as well as he knows his own, if not better. Even now, with all this space, time, and hurt between the two of you, he could draw your portrait blindfolded. Not that anything could ever live up to the real thing. Nothing can compare to you.
He sighs, twisting his bracelet around his wrist absently. He feels the cool grooves of the fish charm between his thumb and pointer finger as he looks at the stars. There are more stars than there are grains of sand. Each tiny, flickering dot is a blazing inferno, the likes of which he can hardly comprehend. They don’t shine nearly as brightly as you do in his memory. 
He just…he just wishes he could have told you that.
Unconsciously, his eyes fall on Cassiopeia. Punished for boasting about the beauty of her daughter. It’s not fair. Her only crime was loving her child, and for that, she was forced to give her up for the safety of her kingdom.
Sacrificing someone you love for the greater good. He can’t tell if he wants to scoff, scream, or cry. Maybe all three.
Are you looking at the same sky as him? Even now, are the two of you still connected? Is it cruel to hope for that? It has to be, but Finnick has found that he's grown rotten in his misery. Rotten and incredibly selfish. 
Over the past year, you’ve sent him letter after letter and he read each one with ravenous eyes—desperate for you in any way he could have you. You were angry, you were hurt, you were confused. You alternated between begging him and demanding him to reply. So he did. Of course, he did. He could never deny you anything.
He just never sent any of them.
He kept them stashed in a drawer, locked away so he didn’t have to look at them—wouldn’t have to look at his bleeding heart. It wasn’t healthy; he knows that, but still. He just wanted to pretend, just for a little while, that everything was back to normal. That he hadn’t ripped out his soul by tearing yours apart. 
Those letters had been a constant staple in his life for nearly seven years, and—he was going to wean himself off of it, off of you, really, he was. 
But he never got the chance to before they stopped coming a few months ago. They just stopped.
He should be happy about that. He should be pleased that you're moving on. He should be a lot of things that he's not, but, as it turns out, he’s getting pretty fucking sick of performing for an empty audience. You've given up on him, and you have every right to, but— 
God, it hurts.
It’s for the best. It’s what he wanted—no, it’s what he needed to happen for both of you. And it’s certainly better than the alternative Snow offered.
Knowing all that doesn’t make it hurt any less; it doesn’t make the pain any easier to bear.
He takes out another letter, and it’s…it’s the first one? The first letter you left him after you spent the night in his room. He remembers waking up on the floor, tired and raw from that conversation on the balcony. He was fully prepared to act like it never happened. He was a little disappointed to wake up alone, but he was sure that it only proved that you wanted to forget about it too. Imagine his surprise when he rolled over—not to the empty space he was expecting, but to a note on your pillow.
I really appreciate…
Thank you for…
Just thank you.
He was left floored. He was seventeen years old and he couldn’t remember the last time anyone thanked him for anything.
Finnick brings the note to his nose and your perfume floods his senses, drowning him in memories. Memories of long train rides home from the Capitol, his only company being the smell of you on his clothes.
And try as he might, he can’t forget. He can still feel the blood caked under his fingernails and flaking at his wrist. Can still feel the warmth of your beating heart in his hand after he ripped it out. That’s his punishment. Remembering it all, good and bad.
He’s broken from his musing by the crunching of sand approaching him from behind.
“You’ve been out here for hours. Aren’t you cold?” Annie's soft-spoken voice is almost lost in the wind. No. He isn’t. He’s the exact opposite, actually. He’s scorching from the inside out. He’s burning bright and hot and one day he’ll implode under the weight of it all like a supernova. The only respite he can imagine is the cool relief of your touch. He’s scared he’ll forget what that feels like. 
She sighs when he doesn’t answer. “We know you’re hurting, Finnick, and we’re worried. You can talk to us. You don’t have to just…talk to your letters. We’re here for you.”
He doesn’t look up; he doesn’t have the strength to, but he nods anyway. Of course, they can tell he’s hurting. A blind man could spot his suffering from a mile away. He hadn’t bothered to hide it outside of the Capitol.
“...Try not to stay out here too long, okay?
Annie squeezes his shoulder before walking back up the beach, leaving him alone, and he's thankful. She shouldn't have to see him like this. She shouldn't have to see him break down. 
I'm allowed to, he thinks, I'm in mourning.
But how can he mourn something he killed?
He reaches into the box one more time, pulling out a stray scrap of paper and a pen. His hands shake along with his shoulders, his handwriting so bad that only he and you would be able to understand it. He writes:
Dear Heart,
I don’t know who Finnick Odair is without his love for you.
Every day, I think I can’t possibly miss you more than I already do. And then another day passes and I prove myself wrong.
Is there a fate crueler than this?
I just want to see you again. I just want to hold you again. One last glance, one last smile, one last laugh, one last kiss. If I knew the last time I saw you would be the LAST time I saw you, I never would have blinked. I’d have made the moment last forever. But forever isn’t nearly enough, is it?
Do you think you could ever forgive me?
-I love you I love you I love you,
Present (XI) - Finnick
“I thought I’d find you here."
“Haymitch.” Finnick leans in the doorway of your room, wiping sleep from his eyes. He hadn’t meant to fall asleep. He wanted to stay awake and bask in the little time he had left with you, but he hadn’t slept next to you in so long and it felt like he was lured in.
“Listen,” the man rubs at his scruff, “it’s not what I came here for, but I’m happy you two figured out whatever the hell…” He trails off with a particularly constipated look, waving a hand vaguely in the direction of your room.
“...Right. Thanks.” Finnick clears his throat. “I’m, uh, I’m happy too.”
“Yeah… Anyway.” He sighs. “There've been a few last-minute adjustments to the plan.”
That wakes Finnick up, his mind running over what Haymitch has already told him to do in the arena. “Oh, should I wake Star—”
“No, no. This is just for you. We realized you’d have no way of knowing when you should be heading to the pickup point, especially since things out here can change on a dime.” He steps closer, burying his hands in his pockets. “Once all of the necessary players are gathered in the arena, a sponsor gift will be sent down, probably some kind of food. Pay attention to the district and the amount that’s sent.”
Finnick squints. “Why?”
“The district tells you the day we’re coming and the amount tells you the hour—do not get the two mixed up.” Haymitch raises a hand, staring Finnick down until he nods. 
“Alright, I won’t. And the pickup point?”
“When in doubt, Beetee will know.” He sighs, running a hand through his hair. He’s sure working behind the scenes and acting as a messenger is harrowing work, especially with Snow on such high alert. “Our girl managed to get in Peeta’s good graces. Not that I’m surprised; they probably bonded over how ‘fun’ and 'rewarding' it is to help the less fortunate or something. Having her plus Beetee and Wiress will definitely give Johanna and Blight some credibility in Katniss’s eyes. You, on the other hand, are gonna need to rely on something other than your good looks and Mags.” He fishes a flash of gold out of his pocket—some kind of bracelet.  
Finnick takes it gingerly, examining how the light makes it shimmer.
“Take it into the arena as a token. Show it to her, preferably before she shoots you between the eyes. And, shit, if that doesn’t work, ask her…tell her to remember who the real enemy is.”
He wants to ask what that means outside of this very specific context; he wants to know what this bracelet means to him and Katniss if just seeing it will be enough for her to make him an ally. But he doesn’t. He feels like it’ll bring on more questions than it’ll answer.
“I’m gonna need you to hold onto something for me then.” He reaches into one of the deep pockets along his billowy pants until he feels the familiar shape against his fingers. He’s almost hesitant to give it away. When the Quell was announced, he was sure he would die with it on him. But it’s a part of you and he can’t take the chance of it getting destroyed. “It’s, um. It’s a photo she gave to me a few years back, I always carry it on me—”
“You don’t need to explain.” When it’s handed to him, Haymitch takes a moment to look at you. Finnick feels a little self-conscious of how faded it is from years of him running his fingers along your face—faded from years of being well loved. “I’ll make sure she gets back to you.” He’s careful when placing your photo in his pocket and Finnick feels relieved that there’s someone on the outside who wants to get you out of the arena just as much as he does.
“Good luck, kid.” He squeezes Finnick’s shoulder and hesitates. His eyes shift to the walkway that leads to where you’re resting. “When she wakes up, tell her… Tell her I said…” He trails off, his face severe, and Finnick understands painfully well.
“I will.” He promises. Haymitch purses his lips before giving a nod. Finnick watches his back as he leaves and wonders if that will be the last conversation he has with the man, one of his oldest friends.
Present (XI) - You 
[23 & 24] - THE CAPITOL; THE ARENA “Your tracker.” The Peacekeeper yanks your arm up wordlessly and waits for you to pull your sleeve back. You squint around the sharp pain as he jabs the needle into your forearm, burying the tracking device under your skin. You glare at his back and rub at your now-raised skin. 
You grip the straps of your seatbelt as the hovercraft begins its ascent.
As relayed from Haymitch to Finnick to you, Peeta brought you up as an ally, and, luckily enough, Katniss wasn't against the idea. It might have something to do with the conversation you and she had before the Chariot Rides or maybe it’s the fact that you're the only person Peeta suggested. It hadn't been your intention to get on his good side when you offered to train him, but you're glad you did. It makes your job that much easier.
“It's a very breathable, lightweight material, so I’m thinking of a humid environment, maybe tropical. Large bodies of water for certain. Have you decided on a token?" Your stylist pipes up from her seat beside you.
“Oh. Yeah.” You lift your hand to show her the blue bracelet sitting snugly on your wrist. She gasps and you pull your wrist away, looking around the carrier for anything that could be the cause of the sound. “What? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, nothing!” She waves you off with a flippant hand. “It’s just, I didn’t think I’d see you wear that bracelet again. I know Finnick never took his off, but—” You yank your arm back against your chest, holding your bracelet almost as if you can hide it.
"Wha-what..how do you, how…?”
“Us stylists confide in each other, and, well, those of us behind the scenes thought the two of you were just so cute together! I never saw you without that bracelet for five years straight and then one day, it was just gone. Poof! Oh, we were worried sick something happened with you two. But now it’s back!” She cheers, clapping her hands.
You gape at her. “You…you knew? All of you? And you never…?” Never leaked the gossip to the tabloids? To Snow?
“What? Heavens no! We're not heartless, dear. It wasn't our place. Besides,” she leans over, her crimson-painted lips pulled into a smile as she pats your thigh. Her eyes are glossy enough that you’re almost certain she’ll start crying. “You two deserve to be happy.”
You nod stiltedly, rocked by this new information. Did Finnick know? No. If either of you did, you would have been a bit nicer to your stylists. You’re quiet for the rest of the flight as she talks to you. This time around, you do try to listen to what she’s saying, nodding along at the right moments to show you’re paying attention. It’s a bit late, but you feel like you owe it to her.
She walks you down to the tube that’ll take you to the arena.
“This is it, my dear.” She sniffs, raising a hand to her mouth as she actually starts crying now. “Oh, I’m a mess. I’m sorry.” She apologizes, fanning her pale face. You don’t think about it too hard; instead, you step toward her and pull her into a tentative hug.
“It’s okay, Shimmer,” you comfort her. “And for what it’s worth, thank you.”
“It’s not okay. It’s not fair at all.” You let her squeeze you tight, allowing the hug to go on longer than you normally would. She inhales and then pulls away. She holds you by your shoulders and takes you in. “It’s been an honor working with you, my dear.”
“Same here.” You smile, but it feels more like a grimace.
You step onto the platform.
The door slides shut behind you and you start feeling sick as you rise. Sick enough that you worry you might vomit before you even make it into the arena. Your heart beats in your teeth. It’s starting to dawn on you, you realize, just how fucked you are. There’s the revolution, but there’s no guarantee you’ll even live long enough to be saved. You’ve been training like crazy, not that it was that hard with the way you grew up. It’s one thing to use your skills for physical labor; it’s another to use them in a fight to the death. That wasn’t how you survived your Games.
You hold your breath, gathering and reminding yourself of what’s important. The plan. And the plan hinges on you getting to the Cornucopia and surviving.
Your stylist tearfully waves you off as you rise, her elaborate and puffy white gown the last you see of her. You look up at the hole of light as you approach it, your nails digging into your palm.
The drastic temperature change makes you shiver and squint, raising your hand to block the blinding rays of the sun. This heat is different from the kind you’re used to. Heavier, somehow even more humid than Eleven’s muggy summers. The sun disorients you and the little wind that comes through carries the smell of salt. You push through the fog of your senses and force yourself to see.
There’s water—a shit ton of it. Saltwater if your nose is to be trusted. Shimmer was right.
The first thing you do is look for Finnick. You can’t help yourself; the need to know where he is is stronger than your need to acclimate. Your gaze bounces from tribute to tribute in your search for him. Sweat is already gathering on your brow when you finally find him. You see him, but only barely, on your left. He’s about three sections away, close enough that you make eye contact with him. It’s brief and fleeting, but long enough for your stomach to settle and your heartbeat to slow. 
You’re all divided by rocky strips of land that protrude from the island the Cornucopia rests on like the spokes of a wheel. And in between each spoke are two tributes. That would mean there are twelve sections.
Mentally, you try to map out where everyone is. You note that Finnick is standing beside Chaff.
On your immediate left is Johanna, sectioned off from you by the long line of rocks. You nod at each other and relief courses through you knowing you won’t have to search for her. Beetee stands with Cecilia in between Finnick and Johanna’s respective sections. Was this placement intentional or just luck?
With half of your group near you, your eyes rove around for the missing two and—
“Shit.” You curse. You’ll have to go looking for Wiress. That’s the first part of the plan: Johanna gets Beetee, you get Wiress, and Blight waits for the four of you away from the Cornucopia. You’re lucky to be placed next to Beetee and Johanna, but it would have been nice if Wiress was a little closer. Or within your line of sight, at least.
“Let the 75th Hunger Games begin. May the odds be ever in your favor.”  
The sound of Ceasar’s cohost echoes throughout the arena and you rush to gather more information. On your immediate right is the woman from Nine, about the same distance from you as the strip of land on your left. You know she never stepped foot in the training center, so you’re confident in the fact that she isn’t a threat. A little further down are Peeta and the man from Ten. You do a double-take. You hadn’t expected him to be so close to you and you have to force yourself to ignore him. You beat back the instinct to watch him like a hawk; that isn’t your job right now—it’s Mags and Finnick’s. The next section houses Woof and Mags and beside them are Enobaria and the female morphling. That’s as far down as you can see.
Your muscles tense up when he begins the countdown. 
You take stock of your surroundings. Before you is the Cornucopia, and behind you is a beach and a deep forest—no, a jungle. The large body of water surrounding your platform looks pretty clear. Nothing but fish and plants, you’re sure. It’s doubtful they’d put anything deadly in there. Not when so many of the tributes can’t do anything more than doggy paddle. And certainly not this early into the Games. What an odd choice to have water this deep. Especially considering how rare a skill swimming is in the districts.
You watch the red, rotating cube as it flashes down to one, your muscles poised like a spring as you prepare to jump. You take a breath and dive in.
Deep in the woods behind the shack your family used to call home, there was a lake in an area the Peacekeepers seldom patrolled. That’s where your dad taught you to swim. You haven’t done it in a long time, not since before he was killed. You’re more than a little rusty and you wish you had aimed a little more to your left.
The cold water is a shock to your system, but you don’t have time to stay idle. You don’t sink to the bottom like you think you will; you’ve forgotten how much lighter water makes your body. The salt in the water burns your eyes every time you try to open them so you squint and swim towards where you think the strip of land is. It’s a battle. The distance, while a problem on its own, is nothing compared to the strength of the waves. 
You’re panting by the time you make it there, shaky fingers grappling with the wet rocks as you pull yourself up, thanking your forethought to focus on training your upper body strength. The woman from Nine had jumped in the opposite direction, aiming for the beach instead of the Cornucopia. Smart. You’d do the same, but you need a weapon and you need to find Wiress. You push your water-laden hair out of your eyes, getting your feet under you and taking off towards the Cornucopia. 
You're surprised when you make it across without slipping. You have to make the split-second decision between getting a weapon or looking for Wiress first. You glance behind you, and no one seems that adept in the water on your side. Johanna is just now clawing her way out of the waves. You guess there aren’t many reasons to swim in Seven. You make a run for the mouth of the Cornucopia with the sound of cannon fire chasing you and you hope to God that no one sets their sights on Wiress. You glance to your right, and you can blurrily make out Finnick, Katniss, and Mags helping Peeta out of the water.
You skid to a stop, your legs freezing without your actual input.
“Finnick!” You yell, and his head whips up before you fully get his name out. The water weighs his hair down, turning it a darker blond than you’re used to seeing it. You aren’t entirely sure why you called out for him. Maybe it was more for his comfort than yours; he’ll need to know that you weren’t the cause of one of the cannons firing. 
“Star!” He grasps his trident tighter, scanning your surroundings for potential threats. When he sees none, his shoulders relax but his trident remains poised in anticipation.
He looks from you to his group and back again. You shake your head to stop him from taking that step forward. It was only three hours ago that you last saw him. And before that, the two of you stayed up talking about nothing until you fell asleep in each other’s arms. Nonetheless, the desire to run to him is strong. You can see him fight that same impulse you do. When the cannon fires again, Finnick leaps into action, nodding at you with an uncertain gleam in his eyes before placing Mags on his back. 
You watch them all run for the jungle before getting your weapon. You spot a scythe propped up with spears and tridents and can tell immediately that it was planted for you. You take a second to analyze it distrustfully. A metal handle and a deeply curved blade, undoubtedly for show rather than harvesting. You won’t take it. It’s big and cumbersome, and it’ll slow you down in this kind of terrain. Plus, the strength needed to wield this in an actual fight is beyond you. Someone like Chaff or Brutus would get far more use out of it. Maybe even Finnick, if his trident ever fails him. It’ll just tire you out.
Instead, you opt for the twin sickles hanging next to it. They’re also bigger than any you’ve seen in Eleven. With their thick, smooth wooden handles, the blades are sharper than any you have ever used. Their weight will take some getting used to. When you notice more tributes orienting themselves on the rocks behind you, you decide the time for contemplation is over. 
You sprint to your left, eyes scouring the water for a small brunette woman. Wiress is on the other side of the Cornucopia, more floating in the water than swimming.
“Wiress!” You call. She waves her hands as if you can’t see her and you nod, weary of attracting unwanted attention. Luckily, she’s been in the water for so long that the waves have carried her towards the island. It doesn’t take much to pull her out.
“You, you’re hurt?” She speaks in her usually broken speech pattern, gesturing towards you, and you’re quick to look down, thinking you’ve been hurt without knowing it. When you come back with nothing, you look back at her, confused, and she gestures again. You realize it’s a question, not a statement. 
She seems tunneled in on whether you’re hurt or not. Drenched with water and frustration, you spin around in front of her. “I’m fine, Wiress, I’m fine, but we have to go.” She’s a lot more amicable now, allowing you to corral her back to where you saw Johanna last. The bodies littered around give you pause. In front of you lies a woman who is half-submerged in the pinkish water. Taking a deep breath, you step over her and drag Wiress with you.
When you get to the mouth of the Cornucopia, you spot your two allies locked in a fight. That is to say, Beetee huddles behind Johanna as she fights, clutching a spool of wire to his chest as if it were the only thing between him and certain death. Johanna and the man from Nine are locked in the most dangerous game of tug of war you’ve ever seen. They both have their hands on an axe and if this were a game of speed, she’d have him on his knees already. But he’s bigger than her, stronger too, and just as unwilling to let it go.
Her teeth are bared in exertion, legs almost buckling under the strain. He has the blade pushed alarmingly close to her neck and you don’t think about it; your body is pushed into action before you’re even aware that you’re moving. Later, you’ll think back on how easy it was. You’ll think about how quickly he stopped being a human being like you and instead became an enemy—a threat. You’ll think about it—about who he used to be before he became a body—and you will come alarmingly close to crying. For now, you kick the man in the back of the knee and he goes down with a grunt. Johanna uses the leverage the new position gives her and snatches the axe out of his hands with a huff.
You lift the sickle in your dominant hand high in the air, putting your full weight behind it as you drive the blade into the top of his head. The collision of metal against bone ricochets up your arms, leaving your muscles vibrating. He falls forward with a heavy thud and you stumble backwards. Your hands feel like they’re vibrating and the adrenaline coursing through you puts a stop to any panic before it can begin. 
You move forward and have to place your foot on his back, grunting as you use both hands to yank your weapon back out. He makes a keening sound in the back of his throat—the guttural moans of a dying animal. You’re not used to being the one on this side of the slaughter. He’s still alive, but he won’t be for long. You won’t wait for the cannon to go off. 
“Let’s go!” The four of you sprint towards the beach, glancing behind you in case the Careers decide to give chase. There are still plenty of tributes on their platforms, too scared to brave the water. They should hold their attention long enough for your group to get away. Running away as the Careers lay claim to the Cornucopia makes you feel like prey. 
“Blight!” Johanna shouts and your head whips around, searching until you find the burly man a few yards away, waving you over. You all run to him and you take another mental stock.  
Between the five of you, you have an axe, two sickles, a machete Johanna managed to snag, a spool of wire, and two brilliant minds. That should be more than enough for the plan. Johanna hands the machete over to Blight and you and her share a glance before wordlessly booking it into the jungle with your charges. Blight leads and you carry the rear. 
You really hope it doesn’t take long to find Finnick.
A/N: ┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴ Heyyyy, are you mad at me? I hope you didn't mind that rant in the summary. I felt like Rue's death from this perspective hurt a little more bc you know it's coming, but Star doesn't, and sometimes I get carried away with writing my thoughts. ┐(シ)┌ More Finnick audios in the next chapter to make up for the shortage in this one. Come yell at me!!!
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hazzyking · 1 year
Hiiiii so I posted this before I finished it- whoops! This is for @onyxopossum some fluff for you! I hope you enjoy! I'm not the best at fluff so I apologize in advance 😭
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As the World Falls Down
You sat at the dinner table with black boots resting up on the white table cloth while picking dirt out from under your nails, your foot bobbed to some tune you had stuck in your head. You heard someone calling. Based on the voice, it seemed like Buggy in the distance yelling "HEEEEEEEYYYYY" You were torn from your thoughts and looked around. "In the bag idiot!!" Buggy yelled. Your face went from bashful to offended as you took him out of the bag, listening to him pant loudly. "Oh jeez, thanks. Hey, I got some sand in my eye. Would you mind OWWWWWW!!" Buggy shouted as you stabbed him in the eye with your finger.
"That's for calling me idiot!" You grumbled. "Where the hell did Arlong go?" You asked, looking around the disastrous restaurant.
"He left with my friend." The kid in a straw hat muttered walking past her.
"W-wait, kid," you spoke as you gripped his wrist. His body kept moving toward his boat as his arm stretched out. "Excuse me, kid!!" You shouted. You looked over at Buggy, trying to remember the kids name. "Bugs, you gonna help me or not?" You asked, looking at the head on the table.
"I'd love to sweetheart but my eyes aren't working like they should be- I wonder why" Buggy said, sarcastically as he squinted his eye.
"Hey, strawhat!" You yelled, a mysterious wind blowing past the kid, lifting his hat off his head and landing it in your hand, making it look like you caught the hat.
"My hat! Thanks! Hey, don't I know you?" The kid asked as he resecured the hat to his head.
"Unfortunately, I'm (Y/N), and you remember my... uh -" You stuttered, motioning towards Buggy, unsure what to call him.
"Captain," Buggy said, rolling his eyes. You felt a pinge of hurt in your chest as you nodded in false agreement.
"Yeah... captain"
"Buggy," you, and Buggy muttered in unison. "I was wondering if I might hitch a ride to Arlong Park with ya. The Fishmen left me without a boat. And Buggy is left without his body. I can help you get there if you want. " You smiled a friendly and approachable smile. Buggy just watched you in this kind conversation. Guilt festering within his gut. 'She's never this kind around us,' Buggy thought to himself as his normally excitable mood changed to a deep gloom. 'Maybe I am bad for her'
"Yeah, sure, come on!" Luffy smiled, you nodded, picking up Buggy. And the bag he was in just in case.
"C'mon, little guy," you cooed, scratching the back of his ear.
"Little!? Who are you calling little!?" Buggy argued, you responded by ceasing your actions and rolling your eyes.
On the boat, you sat in the kitchen with the newest crew member while Buggy directed Usopp on where to go. You rested your head on your hand as you looked out at the vast ocean.
"You new to this?" Sanji asked while he sliced up vegetables.
"No, I've been at see since birth" you muttered still watching the waves rock against the ship.
"Your dad a marine?" Sanji asked.
"Pirate" you simply replied.
"Are you hungry, Miss (Y/N)?" Sanji asked now, offering you a plate that had vegetables and meat and rice almost pooling off it. the food smelled delicious. You smiled brightly and began to eat the delicious meal.
"Get your hands off me! Lemme go, lemme go, lemme go!!!" Buggy yelled as Zoro burst into the kitchen holding just the head. You pinched her nose looking over at him.
"Set him down," you muttered, watching as Zoro tossed Buggy's head into your chest "oof" you let out, winded by the weight of his head.
"Ahh, such a soft landing~" Buggy smiled, nuzzling into your breasts. You growled in frustration and plopped him back on the table. He looked at you with a sad expression 'I fucked up. How the hell did I fuck this up' Buggy thought to himself as the fear of abandonment set in.
"She's with that Clown. And you fed her!?" Zoro groaned.
"Just shut up Moss head." Sanji sighed. "Is it good?" Sanji asked, turning his attention back to you
"Delicious!" You say with a mouth full of food. Buggy sits at the table watching you eat. His mind flooded with thoughts. 'She's gonna leave me... I know it'
That night, the crew gave you and Buggy your own cabin to share, you prepped yourself for bed and slid under the covers, placing Buggy's head on the pillow next to yours. "Night." You simply said before turning your back to him.
"W-wait (Y/N)" Buggy muttered, wishing he had his body back so he could pull you close.
"Yeah?" You said turning to face him.
"Do I bring out the worst in you?" Buggy asked, his face full of fear.
"What? Why?" You asked, taken aback by his kine of questioning.
"Becsuse... well... seeing how you act around these guys... it's just... different" Buggy muttered.
"Bugg- that's because your crew is constantly trying to take shit from me. These guys have an auctual respect for one and other. And I know Luffy is our enemy but-"
"But you like him?" Buggy asked sounding more depressed.
"He's nice" you responded looking at him. "I will never leave you. I am here permanently" you smiled.
"So... My nose isn't turning you away?" Buggy asked. You pouted and kissed his nose softly.
"Your nose is my favorite thing about you" you said quietly. "Aside from your booming personality"
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montereybayaquarium · 9 months
Let’s start the year with some ocean conservation news! 🌊✨
Check out our Ocean Action Newsletter for the latest updates and ways that you can help protect our ocean.
Yes, it’s email, but worry not! This fintastic newsletter comes out once a quarter because we care about you and your inbox 😌🌊✨
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soulsnatcher0xx · 1 year
Yandere Merman X Reader
“ You may now kiss the bride” said the priest as your new husband lean in to give you a kiss. As you kiss your husband and walk down the aisle with the biggest smiles on your face everyone cheers. 
Days pass quicky and now you guys are on your honeymoon, you guy chose a boat ride with pool and luxury hotel room to do your deeds, best of all the foods was really good and at nighttime the waves would be calm, and stars shine so bright. Just like this night when your husband was asleep you would sneak out in the middle of the night to look up at the shinning stars and the ocean. The moon shining on the sea and the water moving in calm motion was just the sight you needed to be at peace since you couldn't sleep tonight. You look at the view with a drink in your hand, once in a while you would take a sip of it since you didn't want to get drunk and in your drunken state fall over and never to be seen again. Just as you thought that, you noticed something in the water and soon enough whatever it was shows itself to you and it was a handsome young man with white long hair and his eyes color was like the deep forest. He didn't speak to you and in fact just stare at you. His forest green eyes never leaving yours even when you call out to him thinking someone have fallen off the boat, he never speaks, just staring into your eyes. you stop calling out to him when you notice his ear was not like human ears but something you never saw before in your life and every time you speak it would twitch like how a dog ear would twitch out of curiosity. You thought to yourself that you must be dreaming because in life there was no magic, there was no flying magic school bus you wish badly existed but just when you are about to call out to him again, he submerged his head into the water, and he was gone just like that. After that night, you would sneak out again, just so you could see him again and you were hoping he would show himself to you but each night you were meet with disappointment since you never saw the unknown man again. That morning when you were on your last day at the trip, you woke up and find out that your husband was nowhere to be seen and you touch your wedding ring to give you comfort. You thought that it would be ok and that you would wait for him but when it was past noon, and he was nowhere to be found. you become worried and look everywhere for him. But every time you try to ask someone, they never seen him even though they talk to him just yesterday. It was like your husband never board the ship with you or that he never married you and you become so confused with yourself and you ask yourself did you even got marry in the first place or were you dreaming? that night you wonder to yourself as you look at the sea below, while you were so lost in your thoughts, the merman show himself again and this time he speaks but you didn't even hear or notice since you were so lost in your thoughts about what was going on. This time he didn't want to speak anymore since you weren't even listening, so he was going to show you in his action. In no time he dives deep into the ocean and leap into the air and grab you by the waist. He ask you to hold your breath before diving again into the deep sea. Swimming so fast that the water went right into your ear and it hurt hella bad. You try to swim away from him but he just hold you tighter and just when you are about to run out of air he carries you back to his underground cave where you can breathe again. You were so confused and shock about this, you pitch your arms to wake yourself up but no matter how much force you pitch yourself with you couldn't wake up from this. The mermaid talk to you with sweet voice but all you can look at was your dead husband body floating in the water and his skin was pale and starting to become green from how long he has been dead for. 
“I was the one who you lost your virginity to, my sweet Y/N” the merman said with a smile on his face and when you didn't look at him, he grips your chin and make you look away from your dead husband body and into his beautiful green eyes. 
“As for you are forever mine and we are bounded together, forever until the last stars in the sky burn out. 
The merman said with a smirk on his face as he emerges out of the water, as his tail came out of the water, they begin to turn into legs as he shed his fish scale. 
“Now, let our life new begin as husband and wife” the handsome merman said as he closes the gap between you guys and kiss you deeply. 
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lieslab · 5 months
The depths between: Chapter two
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Trigger warning: Brief mention of blood and gun violence.
Chapter one
꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎
Nature vs nurture is a controversial topic to some. When it comes to human beings, is it embedded in our genetics? Are we victims of our own DNA? Are we like this by nature or are we nurtured to be this way? 
Does every serial killer have cold-blood? When they pop out of their mother’s wombs, was the story already prewritten or is it the people around them that make them that way? Does the bitter father and the emotional mother play too much of a role? 
Which one is the truth? It’s a topic that’s been debated for years. It’s either one dominant force or the other or maybe, just maybe, it’s both. Maybe we act the way we do partly from genetics and partly from the environment we’re raised in. 
Perhaps, it’s the people we call parents. The friends we surround ourselves with; the good ones and the bad ones. Maybe it’s the step-parent who tends to treat you harsher than their biological children. That one teacher who tended to go after you when you were just a defenseless kid. 
For Hwang Hyunjin, the picture was blurred. He wasn’t sure what made him turn out the way he did. Over the years and into puberty, something seemed to change inside of him. Maybe it was just the teenage angst that he never outgrew. 
The pessimism that started as a mustard seed until it grew and grew and grew. Eventually, the optimism faded away until it was nothing, but microscopic dust particles. He could attempt to reach out and grab it, but they slipped through his fingers. 
The truth is that you get to pick the kind of person you want to be. If we push aside the thoughts and opinions of others. If we pretend like those parental comments and snide remarks from bullies don’t hurt, you can be whoever you wish. 
Once you break free from the gravity of others, you become weightless. You are your own person, your own brain, and your own actions. You have the power to do whatever your heart desires. 
Growing up, there was only one thing that interested Hwang Hyunjin and that was pirates. It was probably a way to fulfill the void of missing family. The idea of being in the deep ocean blue with a group of people who wanted the same things as you. 
In the ocean, it’s sink or swim. You either learn to live with the people on their ship or they’ll throw you overboard without a moment of hesitation. There are no rules when you’re living the life of a criminal and very few morals. 
The thing about pirates? It’s incredibly hard to find them. Nobody walks around with their spine straightened and chin up proudly announcing that they commit crimes on the open sea. In most places, it’d get you a free ticket to jail. 
Hyunjin had to go look for those people himself. He learned everything he could about boats. He learned the positions and he learned about the wind. He learned about sailor’s lore and deep sea stories. 
He spent his days researching in the library and taking notes. He sang sea shanties and earned his keep. At least, he did in his head. In his head, he’d be the best pirate that there’d ever be. 
You want to know the truth about pirates? They’re fueled by greed. On quick ships with trustworthy crews, they don’t take boasts hostage for the fun of it. They’re there to do a job and they’ll do whatever it takes to complete a damn good job. 
Hyunjin knew what he was doing when he booked a sketchy boat ride through a dangerous part of the ocean. He knew the waves were high and there was a chance pirates would attack, but he couldn’t help it. Some part of him wanted to experience it. He wanted to feel the rush and adrenaline of it all. 
Pirates don’t have time to make friends with strangers. They don’t have time to talk to you either. They’re there for one thing most of the time. They just want whatever you have that’ll be valuable to them. 
It was a miracle when his small ship, with seven other people, got attacked. Hyunjin laughed in the beginning. It worked out exactly how he wanted it to. At least, it did until one of the pirates pulled out a gun. 
He didn’t remember what happened much after that. Beside him, the captain’s head blew into thousands of tiny pieces. He could still remember the sticky bits of brain that coated his face. 
He remembered the metallic taste of blood that landed in his open mouth. He remembered it all and he remembered everything. The screams came and then he finally felt the single thing that he hadn’t been prepared for; the fear. 
The last thing he remembered was diving. He jumped directly into the ocean and disappeared beneath the waves. He didn’t know where he was going or what he was doing, but he couldn’t let them kill him. 
Anger began to bestow in his veins. It ran hot through his temple and bubbled in his gut. He couldn’t believe something like this happened to them. He knew pirates could be mean, but he wasn’t expecting ruthless cruelty. 
He wasn’t sure how long he had been beneath the blue waves when he began to swim back to the surface. At least, he tried to swim. When his body wasn’t moving, he began to panic. 
The rope of the anchor was wrapped around his foot. He must have brushed up against it and kicked without realizing what was going on. Once he noticed the tangled rope around his ankle, the pain began immediately. 
The sharp sting of the rope fibers cut into his ankle. Clenching his teeth, he moved backwards and attempted to free his ankle. The more he moved, the more energy he used. 
Soon enough, he couldn’t breathe. His fingers fumbled at the rope blindly. He needed to get a breath of fresh air and he needed to get one soon. His fingers jerked at the water, in an attempt to free him, but he was stuck. 
When you’re taken by the water, you’re either good or evil. When Hyunjin’s eyes rolled back into his head and his body began to free fall, his anger went dormant. Without a conscience, there was nothing to be afraid of. 
Down, down, down his body fell until his limbs hung limply. The taught rope kept him from floating too far away from the bottom of the boat. Luscious black locks ebbed back and forth beneath the waves. 
Curious small fish began to swim through the gaps between his fingers. Their scaly bodies moved swiftly and their teeth gently nibbled. The tiny teeth weren’t much when it came to water-logged skin. 
The longer he stayed beneath the waves, the more his fingertips puckered with pruning. On the boat, the pirates took their fair share of belongings before they climbed back onto their own boat and drifted away. 
Sharks in the area were on the prowl. The sharp scent of blood was addicting and a high that even the weakest shark couldn’t resist. One bite of flesh and the bloom of perfumed blood, it was rare for them. 
The ocean was so big and vast. Sharks didn’t stay in one place. They swam wherever they pleased and some stayed further in the depths. If you were to munch on a human, you had to be in the right place at the right time. 
One moment, a shark was heading full speed ahead towards Hyunjin’s body. Jagged and razor sharp teeth grinned as the large being gunned him down. Before he could get there, Hyunjin’s body began to transform. 
Nobody understood the exact science behind it. One moment you were a corpse and the next, your body began to change. Gills carved into the side of your ribs. Invisible claws cut you open and you began to change. 
Hyunjin’s legs bound together and began to morph. The skin of his calves constricted tighter and tighter against each other until the skin began to burst. The soft skin jutted out and poked into tiny hardened pieces of fish scales. 
Soft popping filled the surrounding area beneath the water. It sounded a lot like the faint popping of popcorn. His precious toned legs would never walk on the land again. Being a siren is nothing, but a curse. 
Realizing what was happening, the shark halted and spun around instantly. Dark sirens were the deadliest creatures of the sea. Too many larger aquatic animals had been defeated. 
Over time, adaptation and evolution cause you to change. Sharks stopped fucking with dark sirens the moment dark sirens began putting their claws and teeth to good use. The stinging sensation of being carved open and ripped apart, bleeding out via your own bloody mist, was unforgettable. Not only for them, but for the creatures who happened to be in attendance as well. 
When Hyunjin sucked in a breath, he realized everything was wrong. He attempted to kick his legs, but to his surprise, they were band together. His hands jerked against the water and that’s when he found the thin bands of webbing padded between each finger. 
When he found the long pitch black tail, he thought he lost it. He must have been out of his mind to imagine such a thing. The movement of it came to him naturally. The thin pointed webbing helped him slice through the water like butter. 
By the time he resurfaced, it took him a moment to switch his breathing from the gills to his nose. The sensation was strange and unfamiliar. There was an itch in the back of his throat and a burn around the gills. Would he ever get used to the salt water against them?
The metal hull of the ship stared back at him. It was still rather sunny outside when he popped up. Droplets of water fell down his neck and along his chest. He remained in the plain black shirt he was wearing when he died. 
His reflection was an entirely different story. The once normal human teeth became sharper. The two front teeth tapered off into two sharp points and the other teeth followed suit. He ran his tongue along them to confirm the sharpness. 
That’s when he realized his eyes were pitch black. The russet brown had deepend to charcoal. The color spread out and seeped into the rest of his eyes. The bright white scleras darkened to black. He could see perfectly, but it still looked unnatural. 
Questions surrounded him, but they were never answered. He gripped the fishing boat and attempted to pull himself inside. His arm muscles strained until he toppled over the edge. He wasn’t used to the new dead weight of his lower body. 
His tail thwacked right into a puddle of warm blood. He gagged at the sight and glanced around. The bodies of the people he was on the boat with were spewed in every direction. Faces were frozen in shock and fear. Limbs sprawled out in unnatural contorted angles. Everyone was attempting to get away when they were gunned down. 
The anger inside of Hyunjin began to grow. The people he idolized, the pirates, it turned out that they were nothing, but monsters. A crew of misfits who did nothing, but took and destroyed because there’s no law in the water. 
As the blood began to dry along Hyunjin’s arms, he vowed revenge. With sharpened teeth and a snarl, he dived overboard and back into the water. The sharp waving motion projected his body forward. 
He took off with hatred brewing in his heart. It wasn’t the first time he’d choose hate over love. Once you pick hate, there’s no going back. Dark sirens will never be pure again. Cursed from their human death onward, they’re like this until they’re destroyed. 
It’s rare, but it does happen. Every siren can be killed if you try hard enough. There is no heaven and there is no hell. What happens to a dead siren? They turn into foam; sea foam, ocean foam, whatever you want to call it. The soft white murkiness in the waves that brush against your bare feet. 
After all, sea foam is just the decomposition of organic ocean materials. And the souls? The ocean is a mystery and has many secrets. Some of which, you’re not supposed to know and you won’t know. 
You’ll never know because some things are meant to stay hidden beneath the waves.
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Next part: Chapter three
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adorastarot · 1 year
How will the Supermoon influence you?
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Is everyone ready for the Supermoon tomorrow? I decided to do a mini PAC reading with all of the changes you may experience! Let's goooo! How to choose a pile: Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Ask the universe if there is a message that you need to hear right now. You may either hear a number or be drawn to a pack once you open your eyes! If the message doesn't resonate then it may not be for you.
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Ace of cups, 9 of pentacles, 9 of cups, wheel of fortune, 4 of wands, Full Moon in Virgo
As soon as I started shuffling the cards, Agust D’s Snooze came to my mind especially the way he says ‘dream’. Our lovely people from pile 1 are big dreamers and their dreams are about to come true with the energy of this supermoon! It seems like this supermoon is going to help you focus more on yourself - falling back in love with yourself and understanding that you are good enough. Deep down you know this, but the past 2 months or so have been up and down and you may have struggled with whether you are worthy of the things that you have achieved/ the things that you want. You may make a few new acquaintances over the coming weeks and the moon’s energy shines on you and you attract important people into your life. Watch out for signs! Especially numbers 9 and 4 - they will guide you. Are you going home soon? Wherever home may be! Enjoy your time there and rest! Allow your family to shower you with love and nurture you. You deserve to be taken care of as well, never doubt this. Be adaptable because luck and the divine is on your side, the door to the future is open and you will be guided step by step.
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Strength, knight of swords in reverse, 9 of cups, 6 of swords, ace of pentacles, Full moon
Oh how strong you are, do you even realise it? You may be feeling a bit jittering because you have been having to watch your back for a while. You have been sooo busy and now that things are starting to come down…you feel like you should be doing something. But you don’t you really don’t! You did it! Even if you can’t see it yet or believe it, things are done, it is done and now you just have to enjoy all of your hard work. You will start to get the acknowledgement that you have been craving from your colleagues, managers or professors. Say ti with me “It’s done, I’m done, there is nothing else I need to do”. Say it until you believe it. You may feel a strong pull towards the ocean, just go! It will help your energies to settle. The full moon is not helping your own restlessness but once it’s over you will feel better. All you need to do is ride the wave and surrender to the divine. It will not let you down.
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The world, the fool, justice, 10 of cups, 10 of pentacles, Full Moon in Scorpio
You’re world is changing and you are feeling a lot more carefree and restless than usual but in a good way - where has this sense of freedom come from? You are going to be focusing on being unapologetically you. You may decide to jump into situations in a very foolish way without thinking about the consequences of said actions but things…will work out for you?! Over the coming 4 weeks, you are likely to either start a new relationship with someone that you have just met not long ago or start a new job that you applied for “just because”. You are working on releasing the negativity that is not helping you. As autumn comes, it is spring in certain countries and this is what your energy feels like! It feels like Spring has arrived in your life. Get ready to feel a lot more steady and grounded and to dance with life! Let’s dance the tango!
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thequeenskeep · 3 months
Key to Enlightenment🗝️
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For the past 3 months, I've been riding the tides. High and low I've been with myself through it all. These past two weeks have been increasingly difficult. On the outside I hold it together; it seems like my life is magnificent and joyous. An unsuspecting passerby would see me and admire my sophistication and grace. Inside, however, I am an ocean; pushing and pulling myself in every direction flowing and crashing hoping that one day I'll pull myself onto shore. Consequentially, I've lost a lot at sea. They say treasure lies at the bottom of the ocean. What I discovered was my essence lying dormant, waiting to be cherished, realized, and utilized for a beneficial cause.
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Life is a war; a constant battle within yourself represented by choice. The ability to contemplate and choose is a gift to humanity. Like all things in life, there exists a duality; two sides to a coin. Every choice made is the greatest gamble you'll take with odds erratic and unpredictable. This perspective amplifies fear and discomfort. The complete lack of external influence is enough to drive the most sane person mad. How do the mentally fortified maintain their composure when faced with reality?
Intentionality. The universe rewards authenticity; it is the treasure we reach at the bottom of the sea. The dive down is filled with choices built to develop a tolerance to the power and fragility of our soul. You are what you ingest. The preface to authentic living is intention. When faced with turmoil it's best to simplify life. Life is muddled with could'ves, should'ves, would'ves. Intentionality is a form of clarity. When you have a set goal it gifts you with purpose.
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When you write out your life goals what do they all have in common? What is the root cause of your desires? One of mine is to be a student of life. My desire to learn and grow is a byproduct of my intention resulting in my actions becoming a reflection. Sometimes, when the waves are crashing and you're tumbling about it's best to stop reaching out for something to uplift you. Let the ocean take you, allow your body to become limp, fall into the flow of the waters, and eventually, it will guide you to shore treasure in tow. Embody what you desire and it will become of you.
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