#and q was the one who had to rescue him
dhampir72 · 2 years
📓 Hi there! (Not sure if this is what you are expecting but I’ll ask anyway. Feel free to ignore me if it’s not ;P) First I just wanna say that I’ve read all of your 00q fics (some of them religiously lol) and absolutely loved every single one! You are amazing!!! My question is about some of your unfinished works, like A King and His Knight (love the character design btw). I know it’s a long shot that you’ll ever finish writing that, but I kinda wanna know where you were going with the plot cuz it really ended with a cliff hanger.
Thank you for such lovely compliments! I'm so happy that you have enjoyed my works, even the incomplete ones!
This kind of ask is actually really great, because a lot of things I daydream about are continuations of stories I haven't finished!
I actually do want to finish A King and His Knight someday. I think, at the time, I soundboarded a few ideas with someone who didn't really like any of them, and so I never felt inspired to continue. I also worried that my plot might be too ablest, so I never continued with it! I do have a few bits written here and there, but nothing super concrete :(
Originally the story was going to be something like follows (under the cut for length)
Bond falls off the cliff, but doesn't die (obviously!) and instead wakes up in a mysterious wood, tended to by an even more mysterious woman. I had two versions: one where it was Eve and another where it was Vesper. In both, Eve/Vesper is a very powerful sorceress/mage/spirit(??) with ties to the forest. In both versions, Bond is hurt badly and is unable to continue his journey back to his kingdom to see Q. He's anguished by this, knowing that Q will likely die before he sees him again.
There were two versions of the story after this, but I like this one: after weeks of rest, Bond is ready to return to his kingdom (to bury and mourn Q or to sit by his side as he dies), but just as he is about to set off on his journey, Q appears in the woods. He is vibrant and healthy, riding a horse and wielding a sword with strength he never had before. And he is no longer blind, Their reunion is emotional, of course, and Bond thinks that it's a miracle. Eve/Vesper can see that it is not, and reveals the truth to Bond, who then extracts the truth from Q: that on his deathbed, he had made a deal with a sorcerer (Silva). He would be granted one year of vitality in exchange for his life/soul/etc.
Bond and Q then set out on a quest to find a way to break Silva’s spell. They have less than one year to discover the way to do this. On their journey (where they meet others--in one version this is Trevelyan and Eve [making Vesper the witch in the woods] and a third original character who is actually a magical creature of some kind) Q gets to experience life in a way he never has outside of books. Sunsets and snowfalls and spring flowers blooming. He can ride a horse without tiring and mend torn clothes with precision and take care of a fire without worrying he'll be burned. And, he can see Bond clearly without straining, can make love to him without weakening. Q admits that he knows it's a curse, but that there's a blessing in it too. Bond says that he'd rather have had years and years with Q as he was than such a short time with him like he is now. It's important to me that this was emphasized: Bond loved Q from the beginning, he never considered him less, and never thought of him as a burden.
In the end (by HEROIC MEANS!!!) they find a way to break the spell, but there's a catch: Q would return to his original state. That means he would lose his sight and become sickly again. He might even die. But he might not. He might have time, and be fine…
And Q is fine at first! And he and Bond are still in love, stronger now that they've faced their trials together. Q learns Bond's estate by walking the grounds, touching the walls, and using an assistive cane until he can walk confidently by Bond's side. He doesn’t have to hide his affliction here like he did at the castle. He also does not have to hide his affection for Bond. It's obvious to all that live in Bond's household what they mean to one another, and everyone supports them. They have another happy year together. But when winter comes, Q grows sick again, and will likely die.
Bond despairs.
On the night of the winter solstice, a witch appears on their doorstep with a proposition. She can restore Q back from the brink of death and grant him full health, all in exchange for Bond's life/soul. The witch is generous, having heard of Silva’s proposition. She offers 3 years before Bond has to fulfill his end of the bargain. Bond is tempted--anything to save Q--even after everything they'd gone through. In the end, he realises what it would mean: giving Q his health but then leaving him to live the rest of his life alone and in mourning. Q doesn't want that, just as much as Bond doesn't want to see him die. They eventually decide: if they let things take their natural course, even if it might be unbearable, even if one of them might be lonely, when they die, their souls would be their own and could be together in the afterlife.
So Bond refuses the witch, who then reveals herself to be Eve/Vesper (LE GASP??? not really I guess but I was leaning heavy on the fairy tale tropes here). It had been a test. She is glad to see that they would not be tempted by dark magic again, and that their love is the truest of true loves and deeper than ever. She then bestows upon them a potion/remedy that cures Q's illness. It does nothing for his sight, but makes his lungs and body stronger. He will have to take this potion yearly to not succumb to his body's natural frailty. In exchange, Bond will protect the forests on his land from destruction/desecration, and provide offerings to her at specific points in the year.
The ending scene is the two of them, older now, walking hand and hand through the forest to place gifts on her altar. And they are happy :)
Again, because of the sort of feedback I got originally, I don’t know if it’s worth pursuing the above plot or trying something different. Always happy to hear feedback about what works and what doesn’t. Who knows, maybe it will inspire me one day!
Thanks again for the lovely words and the ask! This really got me reminiscing about this fic!
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untitled-tmnt-blog · 1 year
Summary of some answers from today's Q&A with Ron Corcillo!
(July 29, 2023)
Bullet points are below the cut, since it's a pretty long list! Some combine multiple answers, and they're categorized for ease of reading (obviously not every single answer is included, but I tried to get most of the ones I thought people might find interesting!)
Apocalyptic Future
The turtles were fighting side by side with Cassandra when Casey Jr was born, and Leo trained him to be a warrior. Casey Jr only has brief memories of his mother from when he was very young, and he was mostly raised by Leo.
The chips on Leo's plastron are probably battle scars.
Mikey was likely the equivalent of being in his 70's. He was powerful enough that he could unlock almost any mystic ability you could think of, but using them took a toll on him physically. The more powerful the ninpo, the more potential it has to sap your energy.
Mikey can open up portals through all of space and time (as opposed to Leo, who can mostly portal over relatively short distances), but it took him a long time to get to that level of ability.
Mikey probably grew a little taller than seen in the movie, but shrank as the use of his powers depleted him. Donnie would be slightly taller than Leo, and Raph would be at least 6'6".
The characters have obviously taken hits and lost some things from years of fighting the Krang, but Leo still does have his ninpo.
They never worked out the specifics for how Raph and Donnie died, just that they lost their lives in the war against the Krang.
Future Leo was mortally wounded in his bleeding side, and that was why he didn't go with Casey to the past.
If season 2 hadn't been cut short
The sudden declaration of Leo as leader wouldn't have happened, and was more of a joke because of how abruptly the show ended. The original plan was for the transition to be drawn out over much of season 3. Raph and Leo probably would have been co-leaders for a while, and the transfer of leadership wouldn't have caused tension since Raph would like to share the burden. There might have been some situations where Mikey or Donnie took the lead, too. Ron never saw the turtles as a group where there had to be one absolute leader.
Karai would have lived for much longer, and been training the boys in person for a number of episodes.
If there was a season 3 / plans they had for future seasons
They probably wouldn't have ever taken a dark turn with the show, but may have gotten into more of an extended plot line after the movie.
The missing sister who was Big Mama's henchperson would probably have been a very disciplined super serious ninja, to the point where she's actually funny. She was going to be named after a female artist, possibly Frida Kahlo, and the turtles would have had to win her back from Big Mama by helping her to see that she had been brainwashed as a child.
Their other missing sister was going to be trapped in another dimension for years, and might have been "a little kooky" from being there so long. The turtles would have split up to rescue their sisters, but there were no definite plans beyond that.
We would definitely see Casey Jr again. Ron would love to see a spin-off where Casey and Cassandra roam the world and fight the Krang and remnants of the Foot.
It was going to be revealed that a Krang spaceship had crashed into the back of the crying titan in the Hidden City. The ship's fuel was the source of the ooze that gives the Yokai their power, and possibly the origin of the Yokai themselves. The crashed spaceship is what drew the invasion there a thousand years ago.
Mikey's powers could have opened the door to some multiverse episodes.
We might have seen some redemption from Big Mama, but then also seen her relapse to her villainous ways.
The Rat King likely would have been the next big villain. Shredder's story is pretty resolved, so they wouldn't have gone back to him, but maybe they could have revived the dark armor. There were no existing plans for Bishop, but once the turtles became better known heroes, he could be a thorn in their side. They would have done a lot more with the Krang.
Donnie probably thinks he's much smarter than Raph, so it would have been fun to do an episode where he got to see how Raph beats him in common sense and emotional intelligence.
The turtles would probably talk to Karai's Hamato spirit when they need guidance.
Season 3 would pick up where the movie left off. They would have launched a new story right away, but the aftermath would have been in the background. We would have seen how they changed as a result of the movie events, as well as how they deal with now being in the public eye as heroes.
The 2012 series was very traditional TMNT, so a big goal of Rise was to mix things up. Making Raph the leader opened up a lot of possibilities for both Leo and Raph: Raph didn't have to be angry all the time about not being the leader, and Leo was free to be cocky and fun-loving. It was a breath of fresh air for writers who had done previous TMNT versions.
As for how the turtles take after Yoshi: Donnie got a lot of his cockiness from him, as did Leo. Mikey senses that Yoshi misses his family, and that's part of the reason he always tries to hold the family together. Raph got his courage and sense of duty from him.
For Halloween, Raph would be a kitten, Mikey would be a lion, Leo would be a rock star, and Donnie would be J. Robert Oppenheimer.
Raph's favorite music is R&B, Leo's is glam rock, Donnie's is techno, and Mikey likes boy bands.
When asked about the turtles "favorite" brothers (obviously they all love each other): Mikey is Raph's favorite. As much as Leo gives Donnie a hard time, he really likes him. Ultimately, the three younger brothers all really look up to Raph.
The turtles all had their mystic powers inherently, but they didn't know it and couldn't unlock them without a little boost. Their mystic weapons acted as a conduit.
Splinter has a lot of power that hasn't been revealed, and there's a good chance he can do anything the boys can do if he really tries (which is how he could use Leo's portals). Their powers all would have grown and expanded over time.
Ron really likes fanart of the turtles, Splinter, and April in emotional family situations, as that is the heart of the show.
They didn't really get into romance in the show, but fans are free to use their imagination.
Hueso would never admit it, but he and Leo do have a close friendship.
While Ron doesn't think the show will be brought back any time soon since Nick's focus is on Mutant Mayhem (which he thinks Rise fans will enjoy, since they seem to have a lot in common), he does think it could be brought back further down the road. The most helpful thing is fans' continued support through watching, posting, and spreading the word!
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
when raider met sweet pea
1k words  | analysis of raider!Joel x f!reader
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Raider Joel Master List 
This is a peek inside early, unevolved raider joel in the original fic from March. We know how much he’s grown since then, but he’s done terrible, inexcusable things, and he knows it.  NOTES: You're referred to as sweet pea in this, Joel's pet name for you. General HC followed by Q&A. Thank you @milla-frenchy for always having good Qs. I have great Qs from others too that I'll get to as I can (looking at u @javier-penas-wifexx420, and others). To raider's pr team, sorry for going back in time but FIWB. WARNINGS: References to noncon, assault.
Here’s how I HC what happened under the surface:  When Joel interrupted the men from taking sweet pea, it wasn't a noble rescue mission. Mainly, he was fed up with the men and wanted to put them in their place. But then, one of the men used the butt of his rifle under her chin to make her look up, and this is what unlocked or triggered something in Joel:  She looked at Joel thinking he was saving her, and something in her face had a subconscious effect on him -- like he saw her hope and appreciation, and saw someone looking at him like he was a good man who mattered to them. It made him feel needed, which he hadn’t felt for so long that he didn’t even recognize the feeling, or know how to feel it, much less what to do with it.
That moment created the tiniest crack, a minuscule window into the man buried under the persona built by trauma and the apocalypse. The crack was too tiny to change his behavior yet, but that tiny window allowed him to see a glimmer of something else possible and allowed him to subconsciously connect with her in a way he hadn't connected in ages.  From his raider persona, everyone is pretty 2D, so consciously, he's not seeing or treating her (or anyone) as a real person at this point. But that moment still resulted in a “spark,” like a magnetism, and the crack in his shell grows over time. 
When he takes her inside: it was likely unusual that he took her somewhere private. Normally, he does things in front of the other men to show dominance (see Stash House).  Subconsciously, that tiny part of him wanted to feel like a protector, and taking her somewhere private may have been his pathetic idea of a protective gesture, physically picking her up and taking her away from the worse (more violent) guys.
He takes her to the room intending for her to suck his dick by default, but I don't think P in V was always his intent:  He doesn't threaten or mention fucking her upfront when he’s telling her what’s going to happen.  He tells her she's gonna suck his dick and to be a good girl and it'll be over quick. While she sucks him, he decides he has to have her (be inside her).  He says "alright sweet pea, now pull down your pants for me." He was acting on his primitive urges and what his body wanted in that moment for whatever reason -- he's a raider and has a huge sense of entitlement. Even though his escalation wasn’t out of malice, the effect is that he made the attack worse. He’s a bad person and a r*pist, and he knows it.
(Note, I’m only censoring this word because other people censor it and I sense some people find it jolting to see even if they read noncon. I'm not censoring it to try to make him look better. His past is a part of him, there's no getting around the fact that he's a r*pist. He's the last person who would want it forgiven or excused. He kinda hates himself ). 
Q: I've been wondering if he could have done to other women what he did to sweet pea in the 1st chapter
He did at least make other women suck his dick in the past. As for how he sees his past behavior now, it'll come out eventually, not like an OOC monologue, like a word in passing or implied here or there.
Q: I think you wrote somewhere that Joel didn't approve of the behavior of some of his men with women, and that Carter wasn't like that (was I dreaming?)  
The men who had sweet pea at the beginning of ch 1 are more physically aggressive and violent with women, physically forcing them and hurting them, whereas Joel calmly told sweet pea what to do (while he was heavily armed) and didn’t physically hurt her. The other men will smack them around and gang rape them. Joel feels like that behavior from men is weak, like if you're going to physically hurt someone, pick on someone your own size. He doesn’t feel moral superiority for this (I mean he doesn't see himself as a good guy), but he sees himself as stronger and more dominant than men who need to hurt a weaker person.
Q: Why is he so possessive and jealous, since day 1? In failed rescue : "He describes you. Joel’s jaw clenches and his eyes darken.  He waits a beat before answering." I love that 😏 but it's super fast. Did she trigger something in him from day one?
When he initially decided she's his so quickly, most importantly, he means she's not anyone else's. He's in charge, he's claimed her, he's dominant, and he's the boss. That was his original intent and he didn't expect it to go further than that.  But it goes beyond that because of the moment explained above. So it's also his primitive instinct that she's his, and that’s what you see when her bf describes her in your quote. Whatever connection or feeling was created by the way she looked at Joel made her special, and he couldn't let go of it. So she became like a precious possession at that point. Since then, he’s slowly evolved to where she’s not just a possession, but certainly still his. 
Thank you so much for reading. I really adore everyone's interest and investment in raider!Joel. If you love raider joel, please interact with his fics -- it's always better late than never. Comments mean a lot no matter how small, and reblogs mean a lot regardless of blog size. I know most of raider's fans started as lurkers, and I don't judge for your lurking era. Most of my tumblr bffs started as lurkers.
Ik the tense is all over the place in this sorry lol
TY ILY 🖤🖤🖤
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swordfright · 1 month
what are your logistical questions about the guard dog au?
Ohhhh boyyy. Well. First of all I'm sorry it took me like a month to answer this, I got busy.
I wanna start by saying I wasn't around when Guard Dog AU was created, it was before my time (just barely) but I have read dozens of fics with this premise so bear in mind that I thiiiink I have a pretty solid understanding of how GD is supposed to work?? But I could be wrong about some details, in which case please feel free to correct me! Also, I wouldn't normally poke holes in someone's AU because at the end of the day, AUs are supposed to be fun fantasy what-if scenarios and not airtight canon-compliant thought experiments. The only reason I feel comfortable doing it with Guard Dog is because, from what I can tell, this AU wasn't created by any one specific person, it just sort of manifested on twitter in like 2021 and now there are literally hundreds of pieces of fan content about it. What I'm saying is, Guard Dog is The People's AU and that's the only reason I don't feel weird answering this ask.
Yeah, so. My logistical questions are as follows:
What's Sam's motivation for letting Q borrow Dream?
When in the timeline is this taking place? (because that affects EVERYTHING)
What threat is Dream purportedly guarding Las Nevadas from?
How does Dream's presence change the preexisting dynamic in Las Nevadas?
What is Quackity actually getting out of this?
Who does or doesn't have the revive book at this point?
I'll try to address these as neatly as I can. So, my understanding of the premise: Quackity somehow gets Sam to agree to let Dream out of the prison so he can live out the remainder (or some unspecified portion?) of his life sentence acting as security for LN. In some variants it seems like this is happening after Dream gives up the revive book, but in other variants that's not the case or it's left unclear. There are a couple points at which this feels implausible/OOC, namely:
1.) Sam would never let Dream out, even on parole. He does not want Dream under anyone else's watch. He wants Dream in Pandora at all costs. You cannot convince me he would just let someone borrow the prisoner for a bit, for any reason - especially not Quackity, who imo Sam probably sees as a greater threat to his authority as warden than almost anyone. Think about it: aside from Sam, Q has probably had the most consistent contact with the prisoner during his incarceration; Q's violence and general temperament mean that Sam likely knows Q killing Dream is a possibility, and that without the warden's supervision this could very well happen. Sam obviously isn't concerned for Dream's wellbeing, but he does want his prisoner alive because otherwise he's not a prisoner and Sam's not a warden. So yeah. "Just me and him" line etc etc. Dream ain't never gettin' outta there if Sam has anything to say about it.
2.) What is Dream actually capable of contributing to LN? In other words, would initiating Guard Dog actually pay off for Quackity in tangible ways? It depends on where in the timeline we are. If this is happening post-torture era or even mid-torture era, Dream is likely physically incapable of performing the feats of combat he was capable of prior to prison. Hell, even if Guard Dog era is happening instead of the torture era, Dream has still been in prison for a while and is probably already experiencing the disabling effects of prolonged malnutrition and neglect. So if Dream is known for PVP and his PVP skills took a severe blow recently, then what use is he as a security guard? Which brings us to the next question...
3.) What threat is Dream even guarding LN from? Quackity's foremost enemy is Technoblade, who has largely peace'd-out between Doomsday and Jailbreak. Q is evidently not eager to reignite a direct conflict with Techno because he got his ass handed to him last time. Also, he's aware that Techno and Dream are allies, so why would he put Dream in a place that's easier to rescue Dream from than Pandora? You could argue that maybe by publicly turning Dream into a glorified slave laborer Q is indirectly flaunting his power (the power of ownership) in Techno's face, but I don't see this as terribly likely given that (based on some of the visitation dialogue) Q misunderstands the nature of Dream and Techno's relationship. Critically, he doesn't seem to realize that they are comrades in addition to allies. And I think flaunting ownership of Dream would only make sense if you thought you were really hurting Techno in the process - Quackity just doesn't seem to have picked up on the fact that this is even a possibility. Based on all this, the enemy Dream is supposed to be fending off probably isn't Techno, so who is it? Las Nevadas is pretty much a neutral state. Q has people he doesn't like, but his list of Actual Real Enemies is surprisingly short. The population of the server is also comically small, so like...intruders? What intruders??? It's not as if Q really has to worry about strangers breaking in and robbing him or something, which is usually what guard dogs are for. My current answer to this question is that the threat would have to be the Egg. Possession by the Egg can turn people you know into strangers, and the entity that is the Egg can travel/infiltrate new spaces by way of the vines. Also, this conveniently answers the sub-question of "what threat can Dream defend LN against that the actual members of LN couldn't?" If you suddenly have to worry about contamination, it makes sense that you would send someone disposable to deal with the contaminant - not your own friends or employees. Speaking of which...
4.) Dream's presence in LN would change the faction's dynamic and Quackity is sooo poorly equipped to navigate that. Quackity's whole shtick is that he's charismatic because he can't be strong. He's volatile, conniving, violent, insecure, hedonistic, profit-motivated and has poor impulse control, but he's also able to project confidence and affability in ways that have been advantageous to him. There are two sides to Quackity and he seemingly likes to keep them separate. If Guard Dog is happening after the torture arc, then Quackity is used to showing the worst aspects of his personality only around Dream. In Pandora, he's a torturer; in Las Nevadas, he's a leader. So what happens when those two places effectively become the same place? If LN is Dream's new prison, how is Quackity supposed to act there? Sure, he's not particularly kind and caring when dealing with his staff (most of them were recruited via intimidation, after all) but they've never seen the side of him that Dream has seen. How is he supposed to maintain that authority over Dream while continuing to be the version of himself that Fundy and Purple and Foolish and co. know? Quackity talks a big game about (and makes gestures toward) not caring that people know about the torture, but he obviously does have reservations about it. When Wilbur asks him about visiting, he dodges around the question. When he discourages Foolish from breaking in, he's weird and cagey about it even though he knows he needs to come clean. When Tommy confronts him about the torture directly, he says "Don't ever say that, not even as a joke." He's defensive. This is another one of Q's hilarious contradictions: he wants to enjoy the benefits of being known as a dangerous person without the downsides of people being actually scared of him or finding him repulsive. He wants to have his cake and eat it too, and Dream's presence in Las Nevadas puts that impulse in jeopardy. There's a big difference between people suspecting you may have done some torture vs people actually witnessing that torture firsthand, or even seeing its aftereffects. Not to mention, there are now other people for Dream to interact with besides Sam, Q, and the prison guards! That changes things, even if Dream isn't allowed to speak to them directly. In Pandora, Bad and Ant had one job, which was to keep the prison running and keep Dream inside it - that's not the case with the LN crew. These people have shit to do! Foolish is building Quackity a replica of the Eiffel Tower, he doesn't have the time or interest to be a prison guard. I could go on but you get my drift. Things would get so weird so fast.
5.) The revive book complicates all of this. If Dream actually did give up the book and Sam understood how to use it, I could be convinced that maybe he would let Quackity borrow Dream for a bit - because hey, if he kills Dream then Sam can just revive him! However, I don't feel confident saying that Q wouldn't just kill Dream immediately after getting the book. We know Q enjoys torturing Dream, but we also know that he seemingly gets bored of it after a while. We also know he has at least some level of concern for propriety/his own rep, so he does have plausible reasons to just straight-up kill him after getting the book. Like, he got what he wanted (necromancy knowledge + a fun 3 months of recreational activity) and if he kills Dream then that's one less person to potentially spread word of Q's uhhhh proclivities around the server - which, again, he paradoxically does seem to care about. Even if Q's plan was to relocate Dream to LN to better access to his fave chew toy and never intended to kill Dream, would Sam believe that?? Q can't directly go against the warden's orders when he's visiting Pandora because that would be stupid and dangerous, but in Las Nevadas? Hm. I think Sam may see Guard Dog as an attempt on Q's part to move the prisoner to a location fully under Q's control so that he can kill Dream without risking retaliation from the warden. Basically, I think this au only has a chance to work in a scenario where Dream has given up the revive book to Sam, but not to Quackity. Because otherwise, Sam just wouldn't let him go. Quackity does want the revive book, but moreso he enjoys torturing Dream, so I do find it semi-plausible that Q would initiate Guard Dog even if he didn't have the book yet.
Ummmm so yeah! These are my questions and thoughts about Guard Dog! i think it's a really fun AU with a lot of potential, but there are kinks in the premise (pun intended) that I find it difficult to wrap my head around. anyway please talk to me about this because I think about it all the time and I wanna hear some other folks' takes too.
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lemotmo · 2 months
I don't understand why they keep walking into this. Wow. 🤣
Q. When you remove the scene context from his dialogue you deliberately diminish the character. The context provides the importance. Of course you already know that. It's why you chose to remove it. You're not very good at this, are you?
A. You're correct, anon. I shouldn't have removed the context. Allow me to provide it for you now.
'can never have too much closet space, right Evan'.
The context of this scene is: Buck is on his first ever date with a man. He's clearly nervous, as most of us would be. He runs into his best friend, whose opinion, as Tommy is well aware, is insanely important to Buck, and he was not prepared to run into him in the middle of said first date. So he panicked and made things awkward. In other words, he acted like Buck.
'look, Evan I think you're adorable, but you're clearly not ready'
The context is: After Buck's nerves get the best of him, and, again he acts like Buck, Tommy had the opportunity to grant him the grace he obviously didn't get when he himself came out. Instead he called an Uber and left Buck standing alone on the restaurant's curb. (No one in that scene was trying to 'force' Tommy back into the closet. That take is super gross and the definition of overreaching to force a narrative).
'mm okay so not like that'
The context is: This is just Buck also being Buck, and wanting to fix something he thinks he messed up. He wanted to try again so he called and asked to meet. He messed up the coffee order. And this was the way they worked Tommy into the bachelor party.
' they had Henley's in the 80's'
' who are you all supposed to be, The Wedding Singer?'
The context is: Tommy shows up to Chimney's bachelor party (he gets props for showing up at all, it was nice of him). Buck had told him the theme, but Tommy chose not to participate in the costume part. The context for the Wedding Singer line was to point out that not only was Eddie dressed on theme, he actually coordinated with Buck. Then the writers wanted Tommy away from the bachelor party so they sent him to fight a fire. The rest of the bachelor party was a deliberate parallel to the story Eddie would later tell Christopher about the day he met his mother. Buck and Eddie separated themselves from their friends and spent the entire night talking and hanging out with one another. As it turns out, paralleling that story was the entire point of the bachelor party.
'sorry I'm late, that fire was a beast'
The context is: they needed a second kiss and something else 'light' to put in the ending song overlay. They also needed a way to allow the group at large to find out without Buck having to tell everyone individually. Thus making Eddie the only one Buck intentionally came out too. They made a point of showcasing Buck's parents and Eddie's reaction to this. And Hen confirmed she knew he was queer all along.
'well enjoy it while it lasts'
The context is: Buck and the group involved in the cruise rescue were given medals for their efforts. Buck was, once again being Buck, and wanted to soak up the attention, because Buck has a praise kink, but Tommy wasn't interested in playing along.
'well I certainly hope so' (daddy kink joke)
The context is: The audience had just spent the previous 45 minutes watching the man Buck considers his dad basically die, and Buck wanted to talk about it. When he attempted to start the conversation, Tommy turned it into a daddy joke.
The scene context doesn't help him, anon. When you provide the scene details it actually makes him look even more like a plot device. And makes the obvious Eddie of it all even more apparent. But ask for context and receive it. You're not very good at this are you?
I know Nonny! They should know by now that they're fighting a losing battle. They don't seem to get the context of what will happen when they send passive-aggressive messages like this to Ali. :b
She is lethal with words. :)
I don't think this needs any additions, so I'll just shut up. LOL!
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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damagedintellect · 5 months
ADA Dazai x Reader
💌Obligatory sex pollen fic I guess?? chapter 2💌
Summary: Certain abilities Dazai can dispel outright without touching the user. This has always confused the brunette greatly where the technical line was drawn. During Q's apocalypse, he couldn't bring individuals back to their senses but with Shiwabusa's fog he could prevent Chuuya’s ability from manifesting. Apparently this “Sex pollen” ability was more like the former example. Which left Dazai the only one conscious of their actions as everyone fucked like rabbits.
Notes: Based on a dream I had a few nights ago....This chapter is shorter because I started waking up once I realized it was THAT DREAM, I'm literally crying it got a second chapter some one help😭
Contains: sex pollen, dubcon, pregnancy, mpreg, pregnant Fyodor, Fyodor being painfully religious, 🍋 in chapter 1
💌 Wordcount 1,971 💌 Chapter 2 of ?? [If I have another dream I am obligated to update this] <= Previous chapter
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Just like that for a few weeks everything was back to some semblance of normalcy. Out of sight out of mind you guess. Once you stopped feeling sick all the time you could hardly tell you were pregnant at all. You were still confined to the office since it would take anywhere from 3 to 6 months to fully heal from your injuries but that was fine with you. Honestly you don’t understand how Dazai does it. You've been pampered by Yosano's ability. It didn't even occur to you that you'd still have to have some sort of physical therapy afterwards either. Meanwhile Dazai gets shot and stabbed all the goddamn time and he takes it like a champ. Just one more reason to like him you guess.
Dazai looked up to catch you staring. You didn’t look away but your face did start to feel warm. You hadn’t really sat down and talked about it in depth yet. That night or about the child and honestly no one in the office has really tried to bring it up either. Although you still don't know what to say, sooner or later someone has to say something and hopefully it won't have to be you. Unfortunately you have a feeling it's going to be you.
Dazai glanced at the door and frowned. He's been trying to avoid any meaningful confrontation but judging from the sounds outside he swallowed. He knew those footsteps better than anyone and it was only a matter of time before “he” showed up. This might as well be happening today. Without warning Chuuya emerged from the doorway looking annoyed. 
“Okay, which one of you is the weretiger!”
Atsushi hesitantly raised his hand. You raised an eyebrow at the exchange. What was the mafia executive doing looking for Atsushi? Dazai sighed and rose to his feet, putting an arm around Atsushi as Chuuya approached the two. 
“Why Chuuya, what brings you out to our domain! I almost didn't see you there, have you gotten shorter?” He smiles cheerfully. You swear you could see flowers and sparkles surrounding him.
Chuuya crossed his arms “Go to hell and wait your turn. I have a bone to pick with you after I square away business with the tiger boy.” He glared at Atsushi, sizing him up. “And you, my boy Akutagawa hasn't been the same since your guy's little rescue operation. Mind telling me why that is?” It was surprisingly less threatening and more of a genuine question.
Atsushi’s face flushed a few shades darker “Why don't you ask him! He's the one who-” He stopped mid sentence, groaning. He figured Akutagawa wouldn't talk about it to anyone either but being asked directly because Akutagawa was out of sorts was insulting. How did he think Atsushi felt? “You know what, the bottom line is I'm pregnant and it's his fault he used his stupid ability like that. If anything I should be the one who's traumatized!” 
Chuuya hummed, putting his hand under his chin as he thought about an earlier encounter. “Oh so that's why he was muttering about being bound to the weretiger. He was saying something about not even holding hands yet and having to marry you. Guess that makes me the godfather for two babies then.” the redhead shrugged like this conversation was an everyday occurrence.
Atsushi slouched, was this karma for trying to suggest that Fyodor and Nikolai should get married? 
“Don’t tell me Akutagawa is religious too.”
Chuuya furrowed his eyebrows. “What? No listen kid, this is about stepping up to responsibilities. Raising a kid's a big deal.” He looked over at Dazai with a smirk about to add one more thing but Dazai interjected, flicking the brim of Chuuya's hat.
He continued to wave his hand in the other's face. “Who said you were the godfather? I don't remember calling you.” Both of their expressions went flat for a moment as they glared at each other passively.
“You should have, it would have been better to hear the news from you than from Mori.” He huffed “Why didn't you? It's not like you to go back on your word. What happened too, I wouldn't lie about something like this.” He mocked in a Dazai like fashion.
“I thought you were too drunk to remember that!” Dazai whined.
“Yeah well I also remember promising to be your best man if you ever lived long enough to find someone.” Chuuya leaned back into his hip “So?” the redhead crossed his arms, waiting.
“So what?” Dazai said matter of factly. As the two stared back at each other, Atsushi finally sat down. Why did they have to do this at his desk?
“So what? You're not even going to introduce me!”
Dazai rolled his eyes. Is that really what Chuuya came here for? When Chuuya walked in you had gotten up from your desk to make tea. As you brought the cups over Dazai walked around you and put his hand on your shoulder “(Y/N), Chuuya, Chuuya, (Y/N). There, you happy?”
“Wait (Y/N)? You mean your-” Dazai cut him off but Chuuya looked surprised. You wonder what he was going to say. It sounded important.
Dazai pankicked and grabbed the other from behind covering his mouth as he dragged him out into the hallway. “Nope that's it you overstayed your welcome.” 
Once the door shut Ranpo pouted “I'm pregnant too ya know. I wouldn't mind Mr. Fancy hat being the godfather.” He puffed out his cheeks.
Atsushi rolled his eyes. “That's all you got from that!”
Ranpo sighed “No, I also got the image of Akutagawa tying you up so thanks for that.” 
Atsushi stood up so fast his chair nearly fell over. “How can everybody speak about it so casually!” 
He looked over to you with pleading eyes. Atsushi was probably hoping you'd back him up. Instead you laughed, handing him the disregarded tea. 
“Well for starters only the adults are here today and the more you talk about it the less power it has.” You handed the detective another cup. “Although instead of putting you on the spot Ranpo should have asked if you wanted to talk about it first or at least opened up about his experience.”
He took a sip of tea before shrugging. Ranpo didn't mind sharing at all in fact he’s glad someone asked about it. “Not much to say really. Poe hugged me from behind and by the time I realized he wasn't doing it to be cute I just kinda went with it.” Ranpo shrugged with a smile on his face. “I'm more curious what happened with Kunikida!”
The blonde tensed as you set the last cup down in front of him. He had stopped his typing as a bead of sweat dripped down the side of his face. “Do I have too?” Out of everyone in the office Kunikida had been the one trying the hardest to skirt around the conversations. He wanted to forget it ever happened. It was bad enough that Dazai would tease him about it whenever they were alone.
Ranpo hummed “Akiko's really careful because she could never give up drinking for that long, so since you're not forced into being a dad, dealer's choice?” You all nodded in agreement, it only seemed fair since you were putting him on the spot.
Kunikida pushed up his glasses. You assume he probably doesn't want to share. Instead he turns to address you. “Which reminds me, I thought Yosano gave you a contraceptive too?”
“I was so exhausted I forgot it was in my pocket and never took it.” You frowned. It didn't feel like a priority in the moment but like most of them you were out of it. “But forced parenting aside, right now this is about sexual trauma.”
 Kunikida cleared his throat “I wouldn't know what to share. I turned to look at Yosano and the next thing I know we're kissing in a passionate manner.” He paused wondering if he should say something about the elephant in the room. “Also this should go without saying, but no one is forcing you to be a parent. Ranpo and Atsushi might not have a choice but there's still plenty of time for you to think it over. No one would stop you if you decided you're not ready to be a mother.” This was true but your mind was already made up. 
Somehow only Ranpo knew of your crush? You thought it was fairly obvious. Had it been anyone else you probably would have gotten rid of it by now. 
Ranpo laughed before you could answer, sharing his two cents. “Who said I don't have a choice? I'm choosing to have this little munchkin! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to see what me and Poe create. Besides, I've always wanted a mini me!” He patted his stomach proudly.
Atsushi sipped on his tea “That's true. So in a weird way it kind of worked out for you and Poe huh. At least one of us lucked out.” He’s been avoiding Akutagawa as much as possible ever since that night.
Ranpo snickered, “I would say two of us lucked out.” He draped one around your shoulder opening his eyes to give you a smug look. “Well you care to share with the class? This was your idea after all.” 
So that’s why he bothered to bring all of this up. You sighed in defeat. “Lucked out my ass!” Your cheeks were red as Atsushi and Kunikida gave you incredulous looks “Keep in mind Dazai was fully conscious of his actions. He kind of just let me get it out of my system in hope that I would eventually snap out of it,” You groaned hiding your face in your hands “and yes, apparently I was begging him to fuck a baby into me. Is that what you wanted to hear, Ranpo!”
Ranpo blinked a few times “You didn't have to go that far but yeah I was just trying to get you to mention your crush on Dazai.”
“You have a crush on Dazai?!” Both Atsushi and Kunikida shouted. Kunikida nearly spat out his tea. You groaned “That’s why I was planning on keeping the child but I feel like I'd be baby trapping him.”
“It’s not baby trapping if you decide to keep the child, it's your body. I already told you that you have the final say.”
Everyone slowly turned their heads back to see Dazai coming back into the office. You swallowed “How much of that did you hear?”
“Not much but you already told me your reason for wanting to keep the kid.” He shrugged nonchalantly and everyone wiped their heads back to you.
Atsushi was dumbfounded. “Wait a second, let me get this straight. He knows that you-”
Dazai spoke over him. “-Always wanted kids, it's not that big of a deal. Unless that's not what we're talking about?” He tilted his head to the side. Did he miss something? It took a lot out of him to turn Chuuya away especially after the stupid slug made his own revelations about the situation. 
You released the breath you were holding. Everyone else understood Dazai was just as oblivious to your feelings as always. Eventually you would have to tell him but it was still early enough in the process to figure that out. At least everyone else in the office knew why you’ve been acting weird since that night.
Kunikida groaned at the realization. “I don't know if I can handle a mini Ranpo running around, let alone a mini Dazai.” He went back to his work. “It’s bad enough having to work with Dazai as is.”
You laughed as the two tried to defend themselves.
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ivanttakethis · 5 months
Round 7 Predictions
Since we’re only halfway through Alien Stage, I don’t think there will be a Round 7 winner.
There’s a ton of material Q and V could get into if both Till and Luka survive in some way or another. I also think there’s still a lot more left to learn about the lore of Alien Stage as a competition and how the whole system functions for the competition part to end so quickly.
I think Till will be rescued by the rebels at some point, either before or during Round 7. He’ll get to reconnect with Mizi, see how much she’s changed, and hopefully come to see her as less of a godly savior and more of a person.
Freeing Till would also force him to confront his own wants and dreams beyond escaping the competition and taking Mizi with him. What does Till want out of life now that both he and Mizi are free? How does he process all of the shit that went down in the previous rounds, especially Round 6?
As for Luka I think one of two things will happen: (1) he won’t be rescued by the rebels at all or (2) he’s offered the opportunity to leave with them but he refuses.
The second option is definitely more interesting as it will tell us more about Luka’s mindset, but also Hyuna’s if she can choose whether or not a rescue attempt is made for him. It would possibly give us insight into how they feel about each other given the current circumstances.
Either way, I don’t think Luka will leave Alien Stage or rebel against the aliens.
What would be his reason to? He’s the face of the whole competition. His status within the alien society has provided him with a lot of access that he could possibly not be able to live without, given his chronic illnesses.
But more than that, I think he’ll stay for personal reasons. Fame? Accolades? Ego? Maybe a mix of all three? Or perhaps some long buried guilt or remorse? There’s still a lot we don’t know about his feelings and motivations.
Personally I think he’s too interesting of a character to kill off so soon (a.k.a. I want to study him under a microscope).
Now this next part is me being delusional, so I’m putting it under the cut.
If Till is rescued before Round 7 starts, that leaves Luka as the winner by default. But that’d probably be pretty boring as a finale for the audience.
How do they spice things up? By healing/reviving Ivan and putting him up against Luka.
Think about it: they’re both insanely popular in-universe, they’re somewhat equally matched in terms of singing ability, and they’re both considered pretty boys.
Think of the fashion! Think of the theatrics!! The material is LITERALLY. RIGHT. THERE.
In my opinion they’re two of the most complex characters in the cast, but they haven’t had much (if any) direct interaction with one another. I’d like to see how their similarities and differences stack up once they’re side by side, and what that tells us about each of them.
They’re also both weirdos (in their own ways), so putting them head to head would be the ultimate Freak (derogatory) vs. Freak (affectionate) final showdown.
And if Ivan were to win, he would essentially take over Luka’s role as the face of Alien Stage. How would that affect him personally? What would he do with his life after?
If he learns that Till managed to escape with the rebels, would Ivan still want to escape on his own? Or would he be content to stay put with the knowledge that Till is free?
Similar to Till with Mizi, who is Ivan beyond helping and supporting Till? What are his hopes and dreams?
I went more in depth about how Ivan could potentially be brought back and what ramifications it could have on the story depending on how it’s done in this post, if anyone wants to read that.
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kadextra · 1 year
Imagine you have managed to lure & successfully capture a special, and dangerous animal in a cage. You brought it to your facility for a reason, to use it for something important that it can provide you, or that it’s capable of doing… and to run some tests.
You know this animal has a history of being extremely vicious, and that it’s really intelligent. You knew what you were getting into beforehand… you’ve heard the hundreds of horror stories, about it being capable of causing terrifying harm- and it hates being in a cage. it’s crafty and will attempt to escape, so you need to treat it nicely, with utmost respect. You have to pacify its temper while you run the tests, so you give it something to care for, other test subjects for company, and objects that it likes. enrichment to make it all more bearable to manage.
It works, and the animal has gotten attached to the things you provided for it! you see how much it cares for them every day, and that’s good because now it doesn’t bite back as much at the keepers you send in to monitor. All the tests are going smoothly. Sometimes, there are unfortunate accidents (it was in a particularly bad mood the other day and someone lost a few fingers) but that’s okay, things like this can be excused in the long run. It’s unwise to punish the animal, as it’s scary, and special, and you aren’t sure if doing that will make it become completely uncontrollable or ruin the tests/any of the benefits. Just continue using more enrichment and hope that works! there is nothing more important than having it be calmed in the cage.
Everything goes well for a while… until one day, when what you had given it to care for disappears. you don’t know where they went (or maybe you do) and the animal falls into a deep depression. you observe as it begins exhibiting stress-related self destructive behaviors like biting its own fur off. but those soon switch to threatening behavior. it starts slamming and tearing into the cage, openly attacking with fangs and claws at the employees, causing a ton of problems- it was only a matter of time until this happened. It has nothing to lose anymore, and you now understand the murderous rage that all those stories talked about. In the dead of night, you walk by and can’t see anything in the darkness but you can feel its sharp eyes watching your movements…. plotting.
If it got out it would certainly try to kill you.
One of the employees goes missing one day, on top of the animal being way more unstable and hard to deal with. While you try to solve this new problem, you tell everyone to halt their work and warn them to not make any sudden, startling movements around the animal + not go near the cage at all for the time being, in fear of it lashing out more. They are all following your orders to stay away. But unbeknownst to you, the missing keeper had actually fallen into the cage with the animal, who is now very focused on toying with its new prey...
When you find out about this, there will need to be a choice: face the threat directly, rescue the employee and risk punishing this already unstable animal for its actions in an attempt to get it under control (you have never done this before) or, cut your losses like previous times and just allow it to play with its toy…?
fun little analogy & speculation of the federation’s pov related to q!bad, with a sprinkling of special guest theory. the reveal that they’re scared of him & treat him kinda like a dangerous wild animal gave me thoughts :3
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No because Atsushi was always alone. He was told consistently throughout his life that no one wanted him. That he was someone the world itself abandoned.
His parents left him inside a rubbish bag in a bin. The orphanage kicked him out.
No one wanted Atsushi Nakajima he was not someone people wanted…and then Dazai looked at him in the warehouse and said you’re one of us now.
The Agency will be your home.
The Agency who came to save him on that boat, who rescued him and bought him back home because he was loved.
All the while Dazai was off sneaking around the Port Mafia to find who put a bounty on Atsushi’s head.
He finally had a home, finally found a place where people love him.
And it’s being taken away right before his eyes. It’s his worst fear come to life, he’s going to be all alone again.
And it doesn’t matter how much power he has, how much strength or how much he’s grown. Because in this moment much like with back with Q, much like back on the boat with Fukuchi, Atsushi is powerless to stop this.
All he can do is watch as he loses everything.
All over again.
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Altman has had a career that any Silicon Valley exec would absolutely kill for, and he hasn’t accomplished a single worthwhile thing. He founded one failed company, ran a factory that bought predatory amounts of equity for virtually nothing from every Stanford dropout with an idea for software to replace something Mommy used to do, then founded a company to build a product that he himself believes could eventually destroy humanity. He managed to do such a bad job organizing that company that he nearly got it taken away from him by the guy who runs the Christian babies Q&A site and Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s wife before he was rescued by a nightmare blunt rotation of Microsoft, Marc Benioff’s Number One Boy, and Larry Fucking Summers. And the Quora guy even got to stick around! -Today in Tabs
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arcadia75 · 3 months
Why Janeway needs a therapist
I got a request for a follow-up to list out why Janeway also needs to see a therapist
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Note: I'm treating at least Mosaic as canon. Some of the Voyager stuff might be out of order and probably forgetting stuff.
Got captured by Cardassians and had to listen to her Captain be tortured (and was possibly tortured herself)
Lost her fiancé and father in a shuttle accident, in which she could maybe have saved one of them but didn't
We have no knowledge of what she may have been thru in her career before Voyager. Wolf 359? Other battles?
Lost x% of her crew when thrown to the Delta Quadrant
Made the decision to blow up the Array that stranded the remainder of her crew 70 years from home
Effectively lost another fiancé by stranding herself 70 years from home
Had to deal with a race wanting to steal her crews organs
Had to deal with a Cardassian spy on her ship
Had to deal with integrating the Maquis crew into her Starfleet crew
First Officer got kidnapped by above Cardiassian spy
Got hyper-evolved into a salamander and had babies with her helmsman
Had to deal with Q, on multiple occasions
Saw a double of herself blow up her ship to save them, plus had to accept a duplicate Ops officer and baby onto her ship
Had to kill one being to get her Security officer and Morale officer back
Got stranded on a planet with her first officer, fell in love with him, and then got rescued where they had to go back to being just friends
Got ship taken over by hostile force and then stranded on another planet, where crew died
Had to rescue her Ops officer and Helmsman from prison
Ferengi fucked up a way home
Had to deal with time traveling back to 1996 Earth and saving the future
Single handedly fought a macrovirus to save the ship
Died. Then gaslight by an entity posing as her dead father
First Officer brainwashed by a bunch of former Borg
Had to save officers from a rouge holodeck program written by the Cardassian spy from 3 years ago
Had to make a deal with the Borg, that her First Officer kind of went back on and then fought with him
Had to rehabilitate a former Borg drone
First Officer brainwashed to fight in a alien war
Brain chemistry messed with by aliens doing experiments
Destroyed the ship in a timeline that reset
Fiancé officially broke up with her.
Aliens captured the ship and brainwashed entire crew to participate in war simulations
Switched bodies with some of her crew (was this in Vis a Vis or just fanfic?)
Had to deal with the Omega particle
Alien that they all forget was on their ship and fell in love with her First Officer
Duplicated into goo, then dies later when she doesn't realize she's a duplicate
Major depressive episode during a part of space with no stars
Gets her crew killed by deciding to try a slipstream drive
Demoted helmsman for defying orders
Had to play mind games with alien who wanted to fuck her
Had to discipline her love struck ops officer when she's not getting any herself
Drove her First Officer/Best Friend/Would be lover to the brink of madness to save the ship
More temporal mechanics shenanigans
Found another Starfleet ship and then they turned out to be killers and crazy
Holographic boyfriend malfunctions
Former alien crew member who evolved to a higher being comes back super pissed off
Willingly assimilated into a Borg
Had to help First Officer put the ship back together after it was split into 37 different timeframes
Brainwashed to work in a factory, falls in love with an alien, forced to give him up when her memory gets restored
Had to deal with future self coming back and telling her the awful things about the future
Watched First Officer/Best Friend/Would be Lover get involved with her protégé
At least a year we don't know about. Hopefully she saw a therapist
Promoted to Admiral then sends Starfleet flagship on a mission that costs the life of one of their most beloved officers
Three years we don't know about. Hopefully she at least took a couple vacations
Sends Former First Officer / Best Friend / Would be Lover on a mission where he gets lost 52 years into the future
Spends possibly 3 years looking for said First Officer / Best Friend / Would be Lover
Retires! Buys a nice house! Gardens!
Forced out of retirement cuz synthetic beings attack Mars shipyards
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loserchildhotpants · 1 year
here have an angst drabble inspired by an evil post by @sheepstiel that posited ‘you know what would be evil. dean rescues cas from the empty but cas is set back to factory settings.’ #remembers nothing... etc’ 
@sendhelpnewobsessionincoming asked to be tagged when i eventually got around to writing it
this will probably have a sequel at some point bc... pain and suffering lol
“You need to calm down, Dean.”
“Don’t fucking start with me right now,” Dean mutters flatly, pacing crop circles into the floor; he’d usually muster more vitriol, but he’s exhausted and still half-terrified.
Jack insisted on everyone staying out of the dungeon as he rescued and healed Cas, and so, of course, Dean is directly outside the dungeon door, anxiously waiting to be let in.
For a long time there was just stressful silence, but then, after roughly three hours, he, Sam, and Eileen had heard the bizarre, pulsating sound inter-dimensional rifts make when they materialize, they’d felt the barometric pressure throughout the bunker shift, and Dean very nearly barged in, breaking his contract with Jack.
Sam’s hand on his shoulder was the only thing that reminded him of the terms of this agreement.
A peculiar torture, knowing Cas is right behind that door, and Dean still doesn’t understand why he’s not allowed in yet. 
He wanted to be there to receive Cas from the Empty, he wanted to be the first to touch Cas, to speak to him, but beggars can’t be choosers, and he can’t question Jack — not with the stakes so high, and not after it took so long to get Jack to bend.
Dean paces in angry circles for another hour, and then Jack summons Eileen — and only Eileen.
Sam and Dean are flummoxed, but can do nothing about it; the door opens, Dean sees absolutely nothing, Eileen walks through, the door is shut again and Dean goes back to pacing.
When Eileen reemerges, she looks nervously between Sam and Dean, and tells them, while half-signing, “you need to be prepared. This… isn’t going to be easy.”
“What does that mean?” Dean asks.
“The Empty took from him,” Eileen replies, face regretful, “it’s… hard to explain.”
“Am I allowed in there?”
“... be careful, Dean,” she says — and Dean wants to tell her that he’s insulted she thinks he’d be anything other than that with Cas, but it quickly occurs to him that she means with himself.
Knowing he’s allowed in now, he doesn’t bother hemming and hawing in the hall any longer — he lets himself in, Sam right on his heels, and they both stop before they’ve made it ten feet inside.
Cas’ body — vessel — is young again. 
He looks malnourished, windswept, weak, but not grotesquely harmed, as Eileen’s ‘prepare yourself,’ tone in the hall might have implied.
Swallowing the guilt that comes with seeing the evidence of Cas’ long imprisonment and torture, Dean ventures forward again, opening his mouth to greet him, but Jack intercepts him, looking at Cas and saying, “Castiel, do you know who that is?”
“This is the Righteous Man and Michael Sword,” Cas answers in monotone, “I recognize him as all Angels can. The color and sound frequencies of his soul indicate that he has divine purpose, and the engravings on the spires of his soul specify what purpose that is.”
Dean’s brought up short again.
No one says anything; Jack looks at Dean, repentant, and trying to communicate nonverbally that this is not a joke.
Dean’s not sure he believes that yet; it’s an awful joke, a bleak, horrendously un-funny joke, but no alternatives are coming to mind.
“Do you understand where I’ve brought you from?”
“You’ve told me I’ve come from the Empty, but I have no memory of this.”
“Oh… oh, no,” Sam utters just audibly.
Dean’s stomach churns, sharp and hard.
“Regret is a corrosive,” Jack explains to Cas, but also to the room at large, “the Empty uses regret, shame, and guilt, and sort of… injects all of one’s memories with it, amplifies it in the ones that already contain it, which reduces the memories to only regrets. Regret strips the memories of all other qualities, until all that’s left is the interject; the regret. Memory becomes feeling only, a reductive feeling, which makes everything smaller and smaller until…”
Jack glances up at Dean and finishes, “... well, until there is nothing left.”
There’s loud static in Dean’s head.
Jack adds, “this is how the Empty feeds. This is what it takes. It is the full power of regret.”
“I’m missing memories?” Cas asks Jack.
“Many years of them, yes,” Jack replies.
“Heal him,” Dean rasps, barely a whisper, white hot terror sparking at the soles of his feet, flickering up into all of his body as it tenses from the hairs on the back of his neck to the nerve endings under his nails.
“I cannot heal what isn’t there,” Jack responds sorrowfully, “there is nothing broken. There is — there’s nothing.”
“Why does he — look like that?” Sam asks, throat sounding thick.
“Castiel used to age his vessel’s appearance purposefully, to feel closer to the two of you,” Jack tells them, “I think, at first, it was so that a unchanging human person who does not visibly age wouldn’t alarm the two of you by how unnatural it seems — the same reason he gave his vessel vital signs and engaged in sensory processing in the third dimension. He didn’t want to upset either of you by being too… alien. Then he came to appreciate looking as though he belonged among you.”
Cas raises his hand to his jugular, and must be setting a pulse into motion, then he studies Sam and Dean for a few moments and his vessel ages rapidly before their eyes, until he looks about their age, until he’s just as he looked nearly a year ago — the way he looked in this very dungeon when the culmination of he and Dean’s shared memories were so fortified with happiness, fealty, and unwavering, unconditional love that it was enough to save the world.
He glances between Sam and Dean blankly, and asks, “is this more acceptable?” 
“He —” said he loved me - but he said he loved me. He loved me. It was the most important thing he ever said, the way he said it, what he told me... he said he loved me, he can’t have lost that, I can’t have lost that — Dean can’t say it.
No one else knows.
He and Cas were the keepers of that beautiful, terrible moment in time, but Dean’s just flashing morse code into emptiness now. 
“... Dean?” Sam starts worriedly from somewhere over Dean’s shoulder.
Emptiness in his eyes, empty hands, an empty mouth with no words left for Dean; an umbra. 
Shaky legs move backward, Dean’s unsteady where he stands, and while it’s hard to look away from Cas, it’s also too painful to keep staring. All he can do is retreat.
“Dean?” Sam asks again.
Dean can’t get out of the dungeon fast enough; he shoves past Eileen and Sam, even as they shout after him; he can hear Jack’s voice in his head, apologizing so gently, full of a child’s fear that they’ve done wrong by their parent.
He can’t breathe in the bunker, he thinks he might vomit, so he rushes outside for air, and the summer storm raging there mutes his voice as he pants, out of breath from running, and then roars into the night; no particular words, just grief made audible, just another monster languishing, just the sound of suffering.
He’s bombarded — what if I’d convinced Jack sooner? What if I’d been able to figure it out myself? What if I’d grabbed Cas when the Empty first came for him and just gone with him? What if I had gotten to him sooner? Would he have any memories left? Would he have lost even more of himself had he stayed any longer? Is this why he’s so skinny? Did the Empty run out of incorporeal food and so cannibalize him? What more could I have done? I should have gotten to him sooner, I should have saved him faster, then there’d be something left, there’d be anything left —
How many times? Dean wonders as his voice crackles like dying embers, splintering and winding down in a clap of thunder, tears bubbling to his eyes, and in how many ways can he be taken from me? How many more times will I have him ripped from me? How many more times can I survive it?
When Dean lands in a sprawl in the mud, head in his hands, fingers clawing at his scalp, he feels Sam approach, he lets Sam wrap him in a hug, and he thinks to himself — I can’t. I can’t survive it. Not even once more. Not even now, I think.
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anonymous-dentist · 11 months
A list of things the Federation has done to/taken away from q!Roier:
They gave him hope about Bobby coming back to life and they sent him on a rescue mission only to give him… ten minutes. And then they laughed in his face when he said he would destroy them.
Kidnapped q!Cellbit and did something to him traumatic enough to make his hair start to go white
Took his best friend q!Jaiden away through some Freaky Gaslighting Cult Shit with the :) Units aka Cucurucho and Osito Bimbo
Kidnapped his other best friend q!Quackity and wiped all of his memories
Tried replacing Quackity with Evil Federation Guy ElQuackity, who Roier knew would have killed him and all his loved ones if he had stuck around any longer
Sent his good friend q!Forever on a suicide mission to the Nether that he still hasn’t returned from
So like. Is it any wonder that he wants the Federation dead as much as his husband does?
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luke-hughes43 · 9 months
okkk i have so many requests ideas sooo here’s a quinn one firdt!!
so the reader has been working at the canucks for a few years now and has become good friends with the team and great friends with quinn, quinn is definitely head over heels for her and has been trying to give her hints for a while that he wanted to be more than friends, maybe they finally get together maybe luke or jack who have become good friends with the reader as well but maybe they end up slipping up and telling her that quinn is in in love with her and she had no idea thinking he only thought of her as a sister, and maybe she goes and kisses him or something and they tell each other their feelings
yes! I love this. (she'll be one of the media girls) I changed it a little but it's good I promise!
so for a little background here, my name is Y/N Y/L/N, I'm 24 and do social media for the Vancouver Canucks. I'm born and raised in Vancouver so working for the Canucks is a dream come true. I've worked here since I got out of college 3 years ago.
I've formed close relationships with a few of the players like Elias Petterson, Brock Boeser, JT Miller, and Thatcher Demo. Quinn Hughes and I have formed a very close friendship. I'm the closest with him out of anyone else.
over the years of being with the canucks, I've grown very close to Quinn. we often find ourselves hanging out with each other after practices and games just getting dinner and watching movies at whoever's apartment.
the more time I spent with him, the more I realized that I have grown to have romantic feelings for Quinn.
we're very similar people, the quiet, observer type. very family oriented and driven in what we do.
this season, Quinn was named captain for the Vancouver Canucks which is a huge honor. the guys decided to throw a little party for him at Thatcher's house. they graciously invited me which I was quick to accept.
as soon as I get there, I go looking for Quinn. I bump into Elias and ask, "hey Petey. you seen Quinn?"
"you're boy is in the kitchen. he's about 2 minutes away from disappearing for hours and being a recluse. go rescue him."
I blush, "thanks."
they guys noticed my feelings for Quinn in the middle of last season, insisting that he felt the same. I denied it and said that we're just friends regardless of how I feel.
true to Petey's word, Quinn was in the kitchen, presumably hiding form everyone. he hates being the center of attention. it'a a trait I've grown to love about him. I smile and make my way over.
when he sees me, he smiles too. he pulls me in a for hug and says, "I'm so glad your here. save me please. these people are crazy."
I smile into his chest and say, "Petey sent me to rescue you. come on, let's get a drink and relax q."
he nods and leads me over to the drinks. he has his hand on my lower back, guiding me through demmer's house. we find ourselves some drinks and just stay close to each other for a while finding comfort with each other.
the guys call Quinn into the living room and do a few speeches in congratulation before we all break off and hang with our own people.
Quinn and I just stick to each other and giggle softly about random things we tell each other. many many many drinks later, Quinn and I are dancing together to whatever song is playing and he just looks so good. so happy and handsome. I can't seem to resist the urge I've had for a while to kiss him anymore so I go up on my tip toes and press a soft kiss to his lips.
it catches him by surprise but he kisses me back once he realizes what's going on. if it ends badly, I'll blame it on the alcohol. he pulls away and smiles, "I've wanted to do that for months. looks like you beat me too it."
"I've wanted to do it for months too." I say back in a whisper.
he smiles softly before leaning back in and kissing me again. there's a bunch of hollers around us causing us to pull away. we realize that everyone just saw us kissing and so I blush and hide my face in Quinn's chest. JT yells, "Huggy finally got the girl!"
Quinn says back quickly, "That's captain huggy to you millsy. anyways, we're gonna head out. thank you guys for this, it means a lot and I love you guys. I'll see you at practice tomorrow."
and with that, we graciously make our exit. neither of us are ok to drive so Quinn calls an uber to his place. his hands have not left my body since we kissed. we end up in the back of the car kissing the whole back to his place.
it's peaceful and quiet.
once we get in the privacy of his apartment, neither of us hold back. one thing leads to another and we end up in his bed, with no clothes. we wake up the next morning around the same time, tangled in each other. Quinn pushes the hair out of my face and smiles, "morning beautiful."
I blush and whisper, "morning q."
"so about last night?"
"what do you say me and you give this whole relationship thing a try? I've wanted this for months but I didn't wanna ruin our friendship or lose you." he says softly.
I nod and press a soft kiss to his lips. I say back, "me too. I'd love to see where this goes. there's only been you Quinn, even though we were only friends, it's always been you."
he nods and just pulls me into him and kisses me again. let's just say our morning was as late as our night...
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jotunvali02 · 16 days
Playing Ace Attorney, Rise from the Ashes part 7
"I'm sorry Lana. I didn't know. And I've treated you so badly all this time…" "It's not too late. There's still plenty of time to make up..."
Like you and a certain baby prosecutor, Feenie??
Married Objections.💙💞❤️
OMG! My baby's trying to comfort a person who made him feel betrayed again! 😭
"Just relax, and enjoy the sound of the noose tightening around your neck." ^q^ Yes…
Shibari, Daddy.🔥
First baby Edgey, now baby Ema… like has this world no care at all about children?? Does it mean nothing at all in this world? That world rly SUCKS!
Guilty of what?? Forging evidence 2 years ago or Goodman's murder???
So pursuing the truth is NOT what I should have done here?? Taku, did you purposely tried to fuck us up here??
And HOW Ema's fingerprints on the cloth prove SHE was the killer? I bet GANT put her hand on the vest while she was unsconcious!! And she only crashed a vase on Marshall, she never touched him!!
And Edgey tells me off cause I shouldn't have pursued the truth too far, while bitch YOU kept telling over and over that the truth is the only important thing here, "no matter how tragic it might be"!
Oh. I just had to lie about the evidence to have Gant telling the truth. Huh. Sneaky and low, Taku. Sneaky and low.
Wait. Wai-wait So when I presented the handprint the 1st time (and got the guilty verdict), everyone knew instantly it was Ema's.
But now we need it to be sent to the labo??
So, to get a guilty verdict, the court or Edgeworth doesn’t need actual scientifically proven evidence?? WTF??
Ok, pfff. In both choices, we prove the handprint is Ema’s but we can say there is a contradiction in one choice but not the other while they’re eventually the same choice??! WTF???
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"You and me we’re the same."
He’s NOTHING like you rotten asshole!! He’s a sweet pure baby!!👼😭 A baby you beat up and had beaten up endlessly during 3 fucking days because he’s too much of good and righteous sweet baby to your taste!!
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«I can hear them singing a melodious melody!»
Like this?
But wait.
WHY did he kill Neil Marshall ????
And is Lana going to get harsh penalties for HER forged evidence?
Oh. she's... beautiful when she smiles. O///O
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Yeah, you feel for him, but can you at least say "Sorry I'VE put you in deep shit?"
Baby Edgey: "It was nothing! Baka."
Shut the fuck up.
"I was worried all this might break you." Careful, girl. CAREFUL!!! "But you rose above it and guided Mr Wright to victory."
Yes. Bc he's the best husband!! 😭 😭 ❤️💞
Wait. He basically wanted to prove you guilty in the beginning!
"No one can change the past. The only thing we can do is making up for our mistakes. So we find the way back to our rightful path. And walk towards a brighter future."
Phoenix,... are you sure you're ok???
"At least, that's how I felt looking at the two sisters."
No no no!!!
*hyperventilates* scared as fuck.
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"I'll be going now."
NO!!!!! ♫ Ne me quittes pas, il faut oublier...♫
♫ Je ferais un domaine où l'amour sera loi... ♫
"I hope you don't blame yourself for what happened."
Bitch, he has a fucking DISCIPLINE WHIP instead of thoughts!
"It's too late for me..."
Bitch. Shut uuuup??
"I can't correct my mistakes."
But baby... 😭
Oh, Fee-Fee says the same!
Mama Lana to the rescue!
"Contrary to Gant or Von Karma, YOU weren't alone." 😭 "You had your husband Fee-Fee Wright." ♥
"Come on! Show Mr Edgeworth what Lana is talking about!"
What? His love? His lips? His plan to propose?
"It was destiny, Mr Edgeworth." #starcrossedlovers
"If you'll excuse me, there are still some """"loose ends"""" that need """wrapping up""""
Oh God! Feenie's holding him back!!
"You can let what happened kill the prosecutor in you or let it help you grow."
Why did have to pick THOSE words, Phoenix?? Why THOSE specific words???????
"I owe you my thanks too, Wright."
What? "thank you for making me realize I have to kill myself so everything is good and right again??"
"What I face now is MY problem."
Bitch, I assure you Phoenix will make sure it's EVERYONE's problem!
"Edgeworth... I'll be waiting for you at the altar in court." He said, caressing then kissing his beloved's cheek.
Serisouly, WHO says that except a lover??
"As for the sisters, I had faith, their lives had just begun. As for me..."
Shut up.😭
Edgey as the last person we see in Feenie's flashback? Hmmm.❤️❤️
And it's the tea boy who fins the cursed letter.
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lemotmo · 2 months
Okay she posted a message saying she isn't going to answer their nonsense for the foreseeable because you can't actually talk to them like normal people. So she's answering other kinds of questions. No idea if you're interested in this kind of stuff but I liked this one so enjoy!
Q. I see the alternate reality theory really gaining traction do you really think that's a possible storyline? Also if they were going to go full fanfiction for one storyline which trope would like to see?
A. The alternate reality theory was starting to look more likely anyway with the BTS stuff they were posting, and now that I know they have Lone Star writers on board I absolutely think they're doing an alternate reality episode. Knowing them one of the team, most likely Eddie, will get stung by a bee and end up having some kind of reaction that will result in him falling into some kind of alternate reality dream like state. Several people have also noticed and pointed out that the locations they were showing have all been previous Buddie rescues so that adds to the likelihood of it being Eddie's dream. Buck's already had his version so I don't see them giving him another one. I also wouldn't be surprised if Buddie were together in the alternate reality because it gives them a way to kind of test the response, and would be a way of confirming that it's coming without having to actually spoil the full story. I genuinely think we are going to get pining Eddie for at least a bit. I have no idea why I think that, but I do. I just think we're going to get one of them figuring it out before the other and I'm more and more convinced it's going to be Eddie.
There are several fanfic tropes I would like to see, and if you've followed me for any amount of time you know that I'm an angst girlie. I like a bit of angst. So I would go with an amnesia storyline for one of them. I like the idea of one of them spiraling because the other doesn't remember who they are to one another. And the idea of them kind of having to relearn their dynamics in a new way for a little while. I also think it would be interesting to see the one with amnesia hearing all the Buck/Eddie stories and being completely confused when he finds out they're not an actual couple. I am well aware that angst is not for everyone, lol. But I am a fan. I also like the idea of mutual pinning but neither believing the other one feels the same way, so because of that I also like the roommates trope. What would yours be, anon?
God YES Nonny! I am very much interested in these kinds of questions. We have been fed well with lots of bts and promo with Oliver and Ryan. It's time to focus on the positive side of things as well. :) So thank you for dropping this in my inbox!
I really like your alternate universe theory Ali. I would love to see something like this play out on our screens. It has so much potential.
I can't speak on the Lone Star writers, because I don't watch Lone Star. I tried when it premiered, but after two episodes I gave up. It isn't nearly as appealing to me as the OG. So, I don't know how their storylines differ from the OG.
Oh talking about tropes I see. The amnesia trope is a really good one. The trope I personally love best is the whole friends to lovers thing where one of them is aware that they're in love with the other and they're pining hard. The other is oblivious until they find out and promptly realise that they feel the same way.
So, as you can see, with Buddie we are already half there. They are very close friends already. One of them (and I do believe it'll be Eddie) just has to catch a clue and start pining after the other. It'll all work itself out from there. :)
What tropes are your favourites?
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If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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