#and probably on character bios but those haven't been posted yet
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project-sekai-facts · 1 year ago
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Here's Leo/need's new artworks from the 3rd anniversary website!
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jellazticious · 1 year ago
sorry i don't have much better to ask, but how long have you been doing Jelllaverse stuff? it's always interesting to know how long people have had their ocs/stuff.
Jellaverse is not any official name lol, that's for organizational purposes in which I fucking forget to tag oc stuff as 😩😩😩😩😩 Also I need to update the link in the bio. Maybe temporarily hide it too
also DW ABOUT IT any ask is welcomed and appreciated! mamacita for the love of crust send me more
Answer under the cut
She-Clops has been the first among all of them, I think they've been there since 2016. It has had two rewrites and so many characters came and went but I think I'm satisfied with the Blueyesque story style it has now
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Ghost Pile and When The Moon Is Bright both came around 2017 when Deltarune and Cuphead are huge hits. These are probably gonna be dormant but like, I like to include em but also here's a random pic cuz I can't find any drawings of either
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The Light Plague started at 2018 and it has had many beautiful and painful rewrites. TLP is also the oc set with the densest story since it's a compilation of angsty characters that has each their own thing going on
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Crank Those Gears, I believe that was 2020 or 2021 during my TF2 era because that is heavily inspired by EngieSpy. Still adore GR-17 and Nodiel dearly, hope I get to start on the webcomic
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On the same world building as CTG, there's Shallow Stares with the magic tree babies. Shallow Stares came along shortly after She-Clops. One of the trees in the trio, Twelve, his design actually came to me in a dream and I just drew him. Next thing you know it became an entire dndesque adventuretimesque fantasy world, post apocalypse and all (and that apocalypse was TLP)
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Not part of any self made world but TF2 ocs but Michel and his team should also be here too, somewhere mid 2021 or early 2022, that beautiful fucker is made because the DNAD server (GODBLESS DNAD YEEHAW) has a pack of people who absolutely adores tentamercs and I joined in with em. Gave him a whole team with their own original traits to go along with them. I haven't posted anything about this but the Soldier in Michel's team is a druid that wanna be human
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Leave You're Not Safe Here, heavily inspired by Don't Hug Me, is the second newest out of all the sets, I think it's one year old or about to be a year old. Honestly I LOVE the concept of LYNSH cuz the main characters are all these weirdcore or abstract people but it's like a Regular Show thing so there's also humans in it. Tho the humans are rainbow coloured like Psychonauts characters (fun fact, TLP characters used to be coloured the same way, Cobalt is the only one that isn't changed) Lemme tell you smthn about LYNSH. It's the humans that act like weirdos and they insist that the abstract characters don't belong anywhere. Absolutely not a metaphor for anything
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And now it leads us to Cursed To Charm. First oc set that's collaborated with someone else on the writing, shoutout to my brother from the same mushroom root @beefy-the-stronk CtC is barely three months old and yet we already came up with three seasons worth of a timeline, it's beautiful shit
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mantisgodsdomain · 1 year ago
Yet again, we speak about half-foot spec bio. Namely, diet. We've talked about this a bit in prior posts, but when we've been having them as semi-arboreal omnivores who'll eat just about anything available (with some focus on insects, since those are a Very viable food source at that size), but we haven't spoken of one notable thing: teeth.
Any diet will, of course, influence the teeth. This gets Fun and Interesting, of course, when we're applying things to fantasy races - though we're trying to keep our setup for Dungeon Meshi's races fairly human-looking, teeth are Fun in that you can swap them out fairly easily without compromising the Look too much. Teeth are unique in that they're generally fairly concealed in the jaw while still offering a major character design component - wonky teeth are noticeable! Fangs are a trope for a reason, and teeth have a particularly fun setup in character design by being very interchangeable without compromising the... human-looking-ness, of a face.
Some forms of teeth are more popular than others on design, of course. We're considering tinkering with a more ungulate-ish tooth setup for elves, but that's up in the air at the moment...
So: small, omnivorous, with some focus on insects. Considering pre-existing influences, we're probably looking at something similar to a possum or similar creature - something that can eat a wide range of food, without being particularly picky. Humans eat a very wide range of things, after all. We've been focusing on marsupials for a lot of influence, and that means mainly possums for half-foots - and as it happens, there are semi-arboreal possums that fit the bill. Ones you're probably familiar with, even.
(note: image below should belong to a virginia opossum
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So, likely, a bit sharper in the front than your average human, and slightly more prominent canines. Despite the aesthetic differences, there aren't as many differences as you'd think, but we're struggling with getting appropriate pictures of the same species without risking an AI-generated source at the moment, so you'll have to wrangle with this image - posted in 2010.
You've still got your incisors for cutting, your canines for tearing, your premolars and molars for chewing... it's just that the premolars, canines, and incisors are a bit longer and sharper. More prominent, maybe. Realistically, if imposed on a human-ish face shape, this isn't a BIG change - but it's probably Noticeable.
...people do see cat's teeth as being Cute fairly often, don't they? Why not apply a similar status to the Little Baby Fangs you see in half-foots?
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thsc-scattered-stars · 9 months ago
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Heya! You can call me Saisk or Star! So, just a beforehand- I have never run an ask blog before, so here's to hoping this goes well... but!
This is an Au where post Valiant Hero, something shifts and goes wrong- what, you may ask? Well, that's just what you're going to find out as you follow a certain pilot that's been displaced. Though I will say this is not a crossover of any kind, Charles has been displaced in a different way.
Another little note, you can find my main blog here! I don't really use it much, except for reblogs- I honestly should probably clean it up a bit, but- I'll get to that eventually-
Currently Open for Asks: VH Charles, VH Henry, SSaT Henry, SSaT Ellie, SSaT Chester
Timeline for VH: SE(Sneaky Escapist)-UB(Unseen Burglar)-GSPI(Government Supported Private Investigator)-PD(Presumed Dead)
Timeline for SSaT: BBO(Badass Bust Out)-JPE(Just Plain Epic)-PBT(Pure Blooded Thief)-CA(Convict Allies)
Now, before we get to the actual rules... some notes!
This is an AU, and while I will be trying to keep the characters as canon as possible, some things will not be exactly as what you think of the characters! The Henry Stickmin fandom, from what I have seen, tends to be really chill with this- but I still thought I'd say!
I... do not have a schedule. I'll post as much as I can, if I'm not posting, I'm likely busy! I do have a life outside of drawing and writing, sadly.
If you click on characters, you'll get a bio :) And maybe other things, I haven't decided yet. I'll update this if I do something more besides bio's
I don't mind like or reblog spam! I know some blogs do, but I don't :3
If you want to send an ask towards me instead of Charles(or other characters if/when they become open), feel free! I might not give an answer to some questions if the answer would be a spoiler, but still!
My submission box is also now open! I didn't really expect any fanart of any kind, but thank you so much to those that have either expressed the want to do so, or have done so! It means so much to me that people are liking this so much that they want to!
1. No M!A's. Sorry, I know they can be fun, but that's not something this blog will be doing.
2. Don't use anonymous to be unkind or anything like that, please. If it does happen, and it happens a lot, I will be turning it off. I don't expect that to happen, but still.
3. Don't repost my work! It's not kind, as I put work into this. Reblogs are very much okay though :3
Extra Notes
I will have tags for things! As things change, or tags get added, I will add more things here
Comic: #scattered stars comic
Pages with in-character asks: #asks
Out of character asks(Or asks directed at me!): #ooc asks
Bios: #bios
Extra stuff like art: #extra stuff
Art that is still thsc related but not related to the SSaT au: #unrelated au art
SSaT related are: #scattered stars art
Polls: #polls
Fanart of the comic: #fanart
You can find the beginning of the story here!
You can also find all the characters side by side with others of their faction below! I also plan to update these everytime new character's appear for each faction, so keep an eye out for that!
SSaT Toppats
SSaT Gov
VH Gov
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fleouriarts · 2 years ago
Hello! I thought I’d just say this here, your art is outstanding!! I love your world building abilities, it’s incredible how you’ve created such an in depth universe! It’s a huge inspiration to me! Also the way you portray trans characters in your work makes me so happy! Since I’ve found your work I’ve started making my characters unapologetically trans after seeing how confidently you draw them! I’ve stopped worrying about making a character’s gender easy to read or understand and it’s been more euphoric than I expected! I was wondering if you have any story writing tips/world building tips? I’ve got this one story I’m working on but I’m a bit stuck on adding creatures and stuff to it
Thank you so much!
first of all thank you so much for all the compliments! i'm always really happy to see people touched by the way i depict my trans characters + my interpretations of other characters as trans, it's nice to know my art has that sort of impact
as for worldbuilding/story writing tips, i honestly get most of my inspiration for worldbuilding from my college classes. i'm a biology major who usually takes some anthropology and art history classes on the side to offset my ridiculous amount of STEM work, so i end up encountering a lot of stuff that would inspire both my cultural and biological worldbuilding. however, obviously i know that not everyone is in higher education, but you could probably get the same sort of thing by hunting down documentaries about things you'd like to put in your world (or things you like in general! i often just add something to my worldbuilding cus i like it and find a way to justify it later). if anyone has any recommendations for stuff like that please post those in the replies!
for creature design specifically, i would recommend looking through jayrockin's character design tag, especially if you're going for more hard spec bio. i haven't really gotten around to designing a lot of sumakha's fauna, but when i do, i'll probably take this approach to it. i think a really good way to make unique-looking designs is by focusing on a species' niche and what they would've had to evolve to be successful in it. for example, ketvidae are a mishmash of cats, lemurs, mustelids, and a bunch of other random mammals cus i was basically just pulling from anything that was an ambush predator and/or arboreal. i sort of did the same thing with pemadae, where i based them on horses/antelopes but gave them a raptor stance since all of those animals are things that run fast and (at least for horses and antelopes) live in grasslands. i find this approach to be helpful for making creatures that don't look exactly like a single real-life animal while also not getting too nonsensical about it (but also things being nonsensical CAN be really fun, don't be afraid to 'rule of cool' your way into a design you really like)
as for story writing... i wish i had tips but i'm really flying by the seat of my pants with it. my two main stories/worlds (comatelma and sumakha) are things i've had for multiple years now and i've just been rewriting parts whenever i come up with something or the old stuff no longer works. i know it's hard NOT to stress about being stuck, but if you keep trying to brute force your way out of that block, i think it'll just make you feel worse (speaking from experience). personally, inspiration hits me at the most random times in the most random places. i didn't work on sumakha for almost a year because i couldn't figure out how to redesign pemadae, and then someone in a server i'm in posted about raptor furries and suddenly everything clicked. so don't feel bad if you haven't had that 'click' moment yet, it'll come eventually (though i know it's frustrating to wait for LOL)
i guess that's all the tips i have, hopefully i answered your question well!
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sloanerisette · 10 months ago
Ok I was tagged for this and it took a few days but i'm finally doing it!
How many works do you have on AO3? 46
What's your total AO3 word count? 508,068
What fandoms do you write for? Right now? Digimon, Persona, Fire Emblem, and Dungeon Meshi (technically only one fic for that but who's counting)
Top five fics by kudos:
Falling Through Life (Life is Strange)
At The End of The Day (Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury)
You Never Forget Your First Time (Life is Strange)
A Whole New World (Life is Strange)
A smut fic with a name I won't mention because even the name itself is NSFW lmao (Dungeon Meshi)
(For the record I find it very funny that three of these are for a fandom that, while I love the game, I haven't really kept up with the fandom in forever and the top one is an abandoned fic WOOPS. Pro-tip: writing about the hot new game about queer girls will really give you those kudos if you want them)
Do you respond to comments? I do my best to! If someone either doesn't have anything nice to say or doesn't, really, have anything substantial to say or they're just kind of Yapping then I avoid it, but otherwise I take the time to go through comments and thank people profusely for enjoying my stuff
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Oh god this is tough??? I generally write either lighthearted fics or smut and my main dramatic fics just, either aren't anywhere near done to have an angsty ending or were abandoned? If I had to pick probably the Dungeon Meshi fic listed in my top 5 by kudos-- I almost went for a comedic ending but wanted to go for something angsty-ish and unnerving and I thought it hit pretty well! Otherwise the one Fire Emblem 3 Houses fic I have (also a smut fic) has a pretty oof ending
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Man this is TOUGH. I have a lot of happy/nice/sweet endings just by virtue of writing a lot of smut and heartwarming stuff for the fandoms I love. Uh, maybe At The End of The Day??? It takes a nice ending and makes it cute? Otherwise maybe Especially For You which is a smut in my Persona 5 AU that has a really sweet ending for the main ship of the AU???
Do you get hate on fics? Thankfully no! I did have one person laugh at one of the connections a character made even though the character had no reason to believe otherwise? Another time I saw someone bookmarked my fic and mentioned "this character isn't at their best" when frankly I put my whole bussy into writing them incredibly well SO I was salty about that and they have bad taste on that in my imo BUT WHATEVER I KNOW THE TRUTH
Do you write smut? Dawg you have NO idea. I have so many wips that have just not been finished and probably never will be, so many documents with vague outlines that I have no clue will be finished. A small handful I haven't posted yet. Plenty I've written for friends for their birthdays or otherwise. I'm a smut maven and I love it. And I'm apparently pretty good at it, I've been told.
Craziest crossover: The closest thing to a crossover I've done is a crossover AU I did for one of the Jyoumi month challenges that was Joe and Mimi in The World Ends With You? It was... alright. I wrote it all in one day like I did the rest of the onesehots for those challenges and I had some neat ideas but man, I just don't think I'm all too great at crossovers, nor do they entirely interest me? More power to those who CAN do crossovers and do them well, y'all are more powerful than I can imagine
Have you ever had a fic stolen? No, but I DID have a character bio stolen in roleplay before. I know this because I had to make very specific changes/specifications to their power set for that site. Someone used it exactly as is but changed some of the history and I called them out and they insisted it was theirs, despite me having proof and having others verify for me. They kept saying "Oh I've had this forever" and when I asked for proof they turned it around on me being like "Well people have stolen my stuff so I don't want you to steal it" so. It was a great fun mess. Fics? I pray not because if I have to get into something like THAT but for fics I think I'll actually throw hands for real for real.
Have you ever had a fic translated? I have not, I'm not esports enough for that treatment.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? I haven't! It's definitely something that would interest me/would drive me to work harder and more consistent but as of right now, nope.
All time favorite ship? This is not fair this is not right you cannot ask me to do this. I'm gonna do a small handful and y'all will have to put up with it
Joe Kido and Mimi Tachikawa (Digimon)
Kari Kamiya and Yolei Inoue (Digimon)
Davis Motomiya and Yolei Inoue (Digimon)
Kumiko Oumae and Reina Kousaka (Sound! Euphonium)
Suletta Mercury and Miorine Rembran (Gundam: The Witch From Mercury)
Joker and Ryuji Sakamoto (Persona 5)
Yu Narukami and Ai Ebihara (Persona 4)
Yu Narukami and Rise Kujikawa (Persona 4)
Nico Minoru and Karolina Dean (Runaways)
Jemma Simmons and Leo Fitz (Agents of SHIELD)
I have so many fucking ships these are just the first ones I thought of this isn't even counting the rp/tabletop ships with original characters or otherwise we'd be here all day.
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Probably my old main Life is Strange AU that I was writing as the game was coming out or an Agents of SHIELD AU I wrote when I got back into fic writing early into the pandemic. Neat stories I hold dear but I just don't have the time, energy, or motivation to work on them anymore.
What are your writing strengths? I think dialogue and conversations. I've also been told I'm pretty good at writing characters true to how they are in the source material which is great. I've also been told my writing is very snappy and sincere which makes me very very happy. I also like to think I'm alright at fight scenes!
What are your writing weaknesses? Probably good descriptions of places/people/things, especially in smut. I always feel like I can get better so I'm pretty hyper critical of my own stuff, so I think descriptions, as well as being too wordy sometimes. I use so many words to say a few things and it's frustrating.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? Personally I'm iffy on it. I think it's something that needs to be worked on very well. I've recently seen stuff of people writing characters in English for like, fics in English or rp in English but they'll say stuff like "Naruhodo" and it just absolutely throws me off and I just think "You are not serious people" a la Logan Roy. When I write fics in Japan (besides Digimon because I generally go dub-focused but that's another matter) I'll do stuff like honorifics, but I generally won't try to use dialogue in another language. It trips up easier than it actually works well in my opinion, and I think I would need to be a lot better of a writer to do it-- there's a reason why so many Digidestined across the world speak in Japanese primarily in stuff like the sub of the World Tour after all, lmao
First fandom you wrote in? Tales of Symphonia! I love that game so much and I have to credit it with my love of fic writing. It was a horrible self-insert fic that I cringe whenever I think about it, but it's MY horrible self-insert fic that makes me cringe.
Favorite fic you’ve written? This is literally not fair lmao. I think Someone On Your Side for Persona 5 as part of my AU was a lot of fun, very affirming, but also took the issues of societal transphobia especially in the context of my AU seriously and with weight. Also, The Curse of The Beast was some fun unhinged smut I got to write and I adore it. But also something something all my fics are special except the ones that aren't.
Tagged by: @zuzsenpai Thank you for tagging me! Sorry for the wait but I hope you enjoy this haha. It was a lot of fun to do this!
Tagging: whoever wants to feel free I always feel weird about tagging this stuff so go for it
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hollowflight-propaganda · 1 year ago
Also I would really like to hear more about your wolf OCs! They seem so interesting from what I’ve seen in the “howls of darkness” tag
MY TIME HAS COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDD
(CAUTION: Long Ass Loredump Ahead)
So, best place to start is probably with the setting itself. There's this single continent with no humans whatsoever, which I've been calling Ashland. (Name is subject to change, but to be honest it'll probably end up sticking like the series title did) And thousands of years ago, before it was known by that name, the continent's apex species where phoenixes, dragons, and gryphons. But, as you probably gathered, a phoenix named Frostburn accidentally caused a mass extinction event, which wiped out all of those creatures. The only surviving life was a little amount of smaller creatures due to how some of them adapted to stay underground to steer clear of the large predators. And yes, this includes our wolves.
Cue a whole bunch of family drama between some wolves, classic post apocalypse survival, and other shit I'm not getting into right now. Besides all of this, something interesting started to happen due to the absence of the Great Beasts. The dragons and phoenixes had five main different elements tied to their different sub species, fire, ice, water, earth, and sky. In ways I haven't fully decided on yet, the surviving wolves were able to harness these elements, and through the centuries, they've developed their own sub species akin to what the dragons and phoenixes had. There were also the griffins, and while it was possible for them to learn to wield elemental magic if they worked for it, they didn't have this magic inside of them. What they did have however, is the magic that let them exist as both avian and mammalian beings. It took longer for the wolves to harness this, but they formed their own sub species as well. (bird wolves my beloved)
These six groups are called the Coldborn, Flameborn, Skybound, Earthbound, Coastdwellers, and Cliffdwellers. There are now many distinguishing factors between these groups, both cultural and physical. I'd go into some, but this is already getting long and I haven't even talked about a single character yet, so we're moving on for now.
Now that I've gone through a crash course of what the world's like, I'm gonna talk about the main characters!
Starting with Eclipse cause she's the closest to being the protagonist, she's a Skybound wolf who at the start of the series, left the Skybound for currently undisclosed reasons. Whatever made her leave seemed to have really shaken her up, and the first section of the story is largely dedicated to getting her on the path to start resolving her issues.
Next is River, who runs into Eclipse one day, and immediately decides his new mission is to befriend her because that's how he is. He's a pretty carefree guy, and at the start of the series he seems to be the most mentally stable. (Which in this series is a VERY impressive achievement)
Next is Rain and Dew, River's older siblings. Rain is River's bio sister from a different litter, and Dew spur of the moment adopted them even though he's only about half a year older than Rain. Rain has a pretty similar attitude to River, if only a bit more subdued. Dew is The Ultimate Big Bro to sum it up.
Now Frost! Best I can describe him is that he's a very cocky himbo, but that's mainly the front he puts up to hide his insecurities. He's a character who gets explored a lot more later in the series, so I'm gonna leave it there for now.
Last I'll do for now is Ember. He's a short and scrawny Flameborn wolf who is pretty stone-faced a lot of the time, he's also begrudgingly friends with Frost. He's Edgy Mcgee and I love him for it. He's also being tortured by a demon, but I digress.
Anyway, that's all the major players for the most part! Feel free to ask me about any other characters I've mentioned if you'd like!
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yjwhatif · 3 years ago
YJ EPISODE 22 SPOILER NOTES… only four episodes left ☹️
Interesting…this is the first arc to not start with showing its focal OG character in their off time.
I love seeing what happen inside the bio ship before Zooming off
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Look at that face - Bart on a mission! Love seeing that super quick thinking of his, his expression changes to serious as time slows around him - LOVE IT!
OH you did not just attack my boy!
Somebody, just lost their redemption rights
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Are those burns or blood... Or are they such deep burns that there's literally no skin there anymore... because ouch! And yet it doesn't ever phase him - it takes being punched by a Kryptonian to actually stop him... if only a certain teleporter was there to catch him again… Also, since he doesn't speak this episode they must have a sound effect on file for Bart gets knocked out by someone with Super strength since it happens every season - Just like the Robin laugh - its become a classic!
GO CHAM GO… Oh no!
GO BIOSHIP GO… Oh no… Wow we’re losing everybody!
The return of the daring Dan Danger! He looks happy and at peace in a way I don't think were seen for a long time
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TEAM EL PASO! Tye & Asami! Family trip to the circus/double date... We are so close to a Runaways Reunion right now! Give it to me! Also, I've already done a post on this (here) but what if it was supposed to be a triple date? It'll be interesting to see who's aware of the Bart situation at this point... Maybe Jaime is worried about Bart but Traci’s gonna be going into the helmet next so it’s their last chance for date night and maybe she was looking forward to it?
Very flirty...
on a separate note, IS Dick still dating Barbara because I've been confused about that ever since I found out Jason Bard's ex who fixed him up With Artemis may have been Barbara - but he said she dumped him for “her EX” - So did that mean, She's broken up with the person she dumped him for, OR, did she get back together with someone she had previously broken up with? I'm sure this will get answered in one of the up coming episodes as we’re in Batfam territory - but this is my current confusion on the relationship Status of Dickbabs.
Ghosty playing possum - very clever
It cracks me up every time someone says House of Luthor or House of Zod... they sound like fashion designers or a clothing store.
No Conner don't show then the S logo!
Genuinely thought she was going to flick him then...
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Do all the Magic users who who were at the bell séance thing know they were looking for Conner’s lost soul and since they didn't find it - are they aware that Conner may not be dead? Could Traci tell Jaime or anyone else that there’s a chance Conner’s not dead - she probably wouldn’t unless absolutely necessary - but could she?
I feel like Dick's reluctance to investigate Conner shows he really doesn't want to get his hopes up
Oooh I like how they reveal that Bart’s officially missing - and because Z and Dick have been out of the loop they had no idea... does that mean this alert was issued at an earlier date/time and they’ve only just seen it, or, that they just haven't been around to hear people have been looking for him and the alerts only just been officially released?
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"So now two outsiders have gone missing" Thank you Zatanna for acknowledging that both Bart and Conner are outsiders - now can we please see some OUTSIDERS dealing with these losses beyond just Gar!
Why is the concept that Bart has a credit card so funny!? And not only that, but its a platinum credit card! Guess that answers the question I've always had about how the speedsters afford all that food they consume. Also I like the idea that people were so sick of Bart stealing shit that they gave him the card and said all you need to do is tap it and you're done... Who pays for the credit card though?
Why is it so funny to me that Orion's on the front page of the Newspaper article... and does this mean Clark uses Justice League data to get his images?
Love it - Mirroring Clark’s meeting with the legion in the diner exactly
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Clark, you really need a lesson in vigilance
Superboy stop talking to bad guys!
Phantom girl is reacting to the things Conner is telling Zod
“Oh Please, the Monarch’s are going to run away with it-” “Clark!” “Right, What do you need?” I really do love Clark - he's such a dad!
Callback to s2 and showing how everything always has an effect - they didn’t have to give a reason for Bibbo having CCTV - but doing so connects back to a previous season - whilst showing that that event had a long lasting effect on Bibbo who became more wary/vigilant to avoid such an experience again. Its a tiny detail but a really strong one that emphasises that things don't get forgotten about - No matter big or small, major or minor
“…Uh-huh.” “Wait… 'Uh-huh'? That's it, ‘Uh-huh’? they were with Bart the day before he disappeared - Who are they?” I love this whole interaction... One thing we've learnt from Clark is when he commits to keeping a secret - he commits - even when he's clearly been found out
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“I hope the Knight’s slaughter the Monarchs!” I thought this was a really random line to hint toward something in the next episode - but I think its just clicked that she says it because Clark said the Monarch would with and she's in a mood with him for not telling them what they wanted to know - So she's hoping Clarks team doesn't win.
Not fast enough Bart
I love this investigation style - seeing all the clues that have been sprinkled through out the series since the end of S3 - highlighting how well planned this show is
"And Bart’s a time traveller!" I love all the acknowledgment we keep getting to Bart being a time traveller
Amistad is so adorable!
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I think its interesting that Z didn't look far enough into the memory to see the very angry time travelling Kryptonian fly onto said camouflaged bioship - probably putting those on board who just ruined his plan in serious danger... Or that no one seems to question Raquel on what actually happened to Lor - I feel its a pretty big detail to not discuss since Dick suspects Bart was on the Bioship... it makes me wonder if he would have still been as quick to move away from looking for Bast had he been aware of Lor escaping to the Bio ship
I like the detail of Artemis being the one to remind Dick & Z of Bart still being missing as they start focusing more on Conner
Dick just recites the entire not of the season so far
"Bart made a choice and we should trust him on it" - Gotta love seeing characters actually trust one another instead of judging, criticising, or belittling the acts of others to create conflict and drama. If you wish to gain trust you must show the some level of trust you wish to receive.
“Conner was asking for help” Dick's reasoning behind choosing to focus on Conner over Bart remains objective and is very valid without showing favouritism towards Conner
"You two dated him" - Call back to the comics
I wonder if Ursa will be more dangerous than Zod?
So, what kind of sun did Krypton have if Zod didn't know what a yellow sun could do?
“I need some air” “There is no air in the phantom zone” *Ursa tries to Punch Conner* — Funny!
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Wakey, wakey, Ghosty
Kaldur, while you may have come to terms with Conner’s death… I believe I may have finally come to terms with the beard... It looks a lot better with his hair properly styled - though, Wyynde’s beard better still be gone by the time we next see him - I'm adamant on that one!
Kaldur takes one thorough look at the pinboard and doesn't question a thing... Also I definitely read every visible note on that board and I have no regrets - though I do always find it funny when shows use screenshots for the Show for character photographs - like, that picture of Bart is from Away Mission and is the image used on his DC Database Fandom Page — Who took that photo for it to be a printable picture in-universe - same goes for Conner’s image but I can't think where that's from off the top of my head.
Yay more Klarion!!
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"Klarion won’t dare enter the tower - it’s Fate’s place of Power"… erm zee… do you not remember Klarion and Nabu are buddies now? Clearly, you weren't paying attersion throughout their entire are... yes, they may fight and hate each other - but ultimately, brothers stick together!
“Where is Doctor fate?” “Otherwise occupied” - I feel like that’s gonna come back up again later
WHO DARES SUMMON KLA- hey — I LOVE HIM! Though, I've gotta say it bugs me every time when he doesn't say “With Fate away, klarion can play!”
Its a great stylistic detail to differentiate the backwards spells by having Zatanna’s be actually spoken backward while Klarion’s are spoken forwards and replayed backwards
Well that was a bit of a waste of a deal
Tell him how it is Saturn Girl! You’ve screwed up Lor!
Do you think they’ve lived out that week on the bioship or jumped forwards in time?
Bart’s in an inhibitor collar - which means he’s not healing - which means he’ll be suffering under those bandages! 🥺 I wonder who bandaged him up?
Lor you little shit… you better hope you’re ready for the reckoning that’s coming for you - because it’s going to hurt!
If Lor’s selectively allowing Bart’s super speed then does that mean his meta-metabolism will kick back in and start healing his injuries or not?
I'll be honest, it took me so long to work out why she needed to write ‘Magic School Bus’ on a card - and then I realised it's so Dick can add it to his pinboard as the next clue to investigate.
This end credits scene is HORRIFYING and just got worse and worse the more it went on. I don't think I've ever felt such a way about anything as much as this
This episode was amazing - a really great start to what may just be an epic final arc.
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fangaminghell · 2 years ago
I guess this will be a new master post since it's been a while and I've gotten pretty far in rejuvenation! That, and the new ocs I've made. Please keep in mind that these character bio's are prone to change as I get further into each story.
Rejuv Cast
Imani Ambrose ( she/her. Has gotten used to they/them): The main protagonist of Pokemon Rejuvenation! She's a chill and cheerful gal who has a small mischievous streak ( read: she's a chaotic gremlin)! All she wants is to protect her friends and make people happy! She's very into fashion and can sketch and make her own designs.
Flynn Fujimori ( she/her): A student at Axis High University aiming to be a doctor....at least that's what her parents want. She doesn't really know what she wants herself, even if she's really good at what she currently does. Is friends with Risa, someone who got her out of her shell.
Arrow Chalcedony ( they/them): Lives in GDC( The Underground), but was originally from the Badlands. May or may have not joined Team Bladestar but quit when realizing how dangerous they really are ( this is still undecided, but thought I'd mention it)
Reborn Cast!
Leo Joshi (he/him): Reborn main protag.Formerly a rich douche bag, now a runaway to get a new start when he got a wave up call( via his friend group finally leaving him). Actively trying to be better than he was before, but still puts up the mask of being cool and confident ( he doesn't really see himself in the best light anymore). Did not expect all shit that's going down to go down. Send help.
"Delia"/ Suraya Indu Joshi ( she/her): Leo's older sister who followed him to Reborn. He did runaway after all. Use the fake name of "Delia" to get around easier ( as easy as you can when you look moderately rich), and is generally more prepared than her brother. She's very concerned for him, and can only hope he's doing okay.
Blair Winters ( Xe/xem and they/them. Mostly xe/xem): Formerly an assassin, now a gun for hire/bodyguard, now tasked with escorting "Delia" across Reborn in search for her brother. They are as cold as ice with many inner demons, and they have a deep hatred for Team Meteor.
Desolation Cast!
Asra Reverie ( they/them): Desolation main protagonist! Posh goth royalty with a cool ass parasol. They are good at cooking, music and especially physical fitness( their parasol can be deadly). Despite having a calm collected demeanor, they love winning and can be pretty competitive. They are still fairly easy to talk to, especially over a cup of tea.
Cande Caballero ( he/she): Eldest sibling of two that lives in Cellia City. Takes on lots of jobs to provide for her siblings, but also has a strong sense of justice, this refusing the offers that the Foxes offer him. Is generally well loved among his community, always willing to help those in need.
Philomena ( she/her): A mysterious woman that seems to know more than she lets on. She's friendly enough,and has a slightly air headed nature to her. Whether or not that air headedness is an act no one knows. She likes to call Lilith "Lillie".
As you can see, desolation doesn't have a lot of ocs. This is mainly because I don't have a good basis for them yet. I haven't played desolation in a long while and am currently waiting for the update! That being said, Asra won't be the only one from desolation, I assure you!
So that's it! Other than these guys, I'm gonna just be posting a whole lot of reactions to the fangames and rom hacks I'm playing ( which probably means more ocs lol). Also feel free to interact if you wanna! Ocs and all :).
Okay, now that's it. I hope you enjoy your time here!
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nagichi-boop · 3 years ago
Red flags are different for everyone. Unfortunately liking twin characters in of itself has a negative connotation online due to the rampant amount of incest typically involved, which is doubly normalized with twin characters... People are going to see our hyperfixations on the twins as red flags if we are vague about our stance on the whole pr*ship debate. My advice is if you don't want to be misconstrued or mistaken for a weirdo, you should probably put pr*ship and/or bl*nkshippers dni somewhere on your acc if you haven't done so already. But keep in mind: You do not control what other people think about you or your interests. I've met people who hate our hyperfixation simply because of the reputation its fandom has, and I'm going to meet more of those people whether I'd like to or not. The best we can do is try to separate ourselves from the gross shit and the people who consume it and make our stances clear and concise. You're not a bad person because other people have had bad experiences, don't worry. /gen
Gonna add a read more, oop-
I suppose part of my problem is cuz I’ve not been diagnosed with any NDcy yet? So it my mind I’m like “nah, you can’t call this a hyperfixation, you’re just weird” even tho like…it feels like a hyperfixation. As obsessed with trains that the twins themselves are, that’s how I feel about them atm. I’m thinking about them all the time, I will yeet as much information about them as possible if asked about them and I’m pumping out headcanons and such like it’s my last day on earth.
As for the pr*ship thing, yeaaah I should probably mention not liking them. I haven’t rly put DNIs in my bio because I’m scared of a supporter of such DNIs causing havoc on my account and I get overwhelmed very easily. But I suppose I can just delete anons, block them, etc if they do that. For a while I didn’t want to because my intrusive thoughts told me I’m a pr*shipper, which makes zero sense cuz I find inc*st, minor x adult, etc ships disgusting. Again, not self dxing, but could be POCD. I’m desperately trying to get diagnosed cuz I feel horrible because of my thoughts, but healthcare sucks and no one is listening to me. But that’s not what this post is about lol.
Hopefully none of the content I make comes across that I see these brothers as a romantic pairing. I do not ship them.
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mcmoth · 4 years ago
This bio hasn't been updated in years sorry for that 😭 one day I'll get around to it (maybe) ...
I realised I'm kinda really late for an intro post, but, better late than never, so? Uh...
Hello, welcome!! 💚
My name around these parts is Eshi (she/her), and I mainly post meta/analyses of the characters and story, occasional art, and the few scarce fics and drabbles, if I ever want them on my blog instead of just my ao3.
I DO NOT support cc!Dream btw. Just as a quick disclaimer before anything, I need that man Gone. My current remaining interest in the dsmp is purely for the characters, story and nostalgia.
Some specifics:
(For context, most of these points were written back in DSMP's heyday, and have only been slightly altered - if that clears up anything lmao. And I don't feel the need to rewrite it entirely yet as I haven't been active enough to change the status quo of this blog, so to speak, yet, so!! There you go)
As you'll find out quickly, my main focus is c!Tommy. I love the other characters, too, however, I simply find him to be the closest to my heart, the most familiar :>
I've been in the fandom since the start of the smp!
I do not frequent twitter, tik tok, reddit, and wherever else besides youtube and obviously tumblr. Thanks to my friends who are for sending updates on that (as... cursed as they might be sometimes).
Obviously I love cc!Techno and miss him greatly like we all do, but most of my posts were made before his passing, so you will still be able to find posts critical of c!Techno (and c!Phil here). So if those upset you, probably best to not root too deep into my blog and block the respective tags ;^^
Really critical of c!Dream as well btw. But that should be obvious coming from a c!Tommy main, idk what a c!dream apologist (or a cc!dream stan, for that matter) would even do here.
That said, I apologise if I ever upset anyone with my rambles. I generally try to keep this blog positive, but some things I just don't feel positive about, and I don't always succeed in expelling that well. But I do want to be truthful in these opinions, and I adore having civil discussions. In any case, feel free to block me if needed. Others' comfort comes before my block men thoughts, please take care.
As for my general opinion on every character - everyone is gray, but gray is a gradient. Noone is blameless, and I want everyone to be happier.
And for my final point - I am... kinda inactive a lot, for personal reasons. So I really apologise if I don't answer your ask, I promise it's not against you or cause I don't want to, I'm simply really bad at juggling my time and focus. I might get to everyone eventually. But for now, sorry for that, and thank you for any interaction <3
Oh, and I want to say: Please don't be afraid to ask me to tag something!! And also, feel free to spam like and reblog it does not bother me at all ^^
And... that should be about it. Have a pleasant day or night y'all, byeee <3 ✌
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builder051 · 2 years ago
1️⃣🏃‍♂️💣 for the asks?
1️⃣ What’s the first fandom you ever participated in online?
Like a lot of folks my age, it was Harry Potter. I'm a perfect fit into that very specific subset of younger millennials that's been nicknamed "The New Bratpack," referencing Miley, Selena, Justin, Nick, Ariana, Timothy, and a number of young male actors and artists whose popularity has spiked enough to give him press coverage, until he does something dumb and and just fades away, as a revival of "Original Bratpack" wide group-recognition Matt Dillon, Tom Cruise, Patrick Swayze, Ralph Maccio, Rob Lowe, and a many others who have made Hollywood shine for the past four or five decades.
All of that might be jumbled, but this, people who started attending school in the year 2000, after spending birth through 1999 raised without much encombus, at home, with a family. Schools had just introduced a new special activity, "Computer Lab," (during which a "technology educator" and a teacher would show the students the bells and whistles of Windows 1998, then keep everyone from putting misspelled profanity at the top of their word documents, because they hadn't learned to use the backspace key yet. Anxious children would cry out for help, and devious ones would pester their friends to ask if "the F-word" ended with a C or a K.)
My bio family got one of those white Gateway boxy things when I was 5-ish, and then when I was 12-ish they replaced it with a laptop and desktop, AND I was now allowed to have my own profile and (loosely monitored) internet access.
Very much true to that spot of a generation, the magic or still-releasing Harry Potter books and, and continuous release of "limited edition" paraphernalia was still a concrete part of, well, everyone I knew's lives. It made making school acquaintances easier. I can be very OCD about my most voracious task of interest of the moment, and memorizing trivia was a hobby of mine.
I'm not going to go back and count the years or do math, but I'm not THAT much younger than Emerson Spartz. By the time extended periods of free internet were allowed, I found MuggleNet, which had just barely spiffed up enough to be a Google recommendation, in addition to becoming navigable for a middle schooler who knew computer skills, up to and including, QWERTY and click-with-mouse.
Once I'd poked around enough to have read all the tabs and verbally debated the guesses for upcoming book subplots (I was way too afraid to leave a comment), I found their fanfiction collection, and I was immediately hooked. I thought it was fun, but there. was probably a glitch in the system. A search term would be run through all data of all text of all files, of all stories of the site. I have some buzzwords. They haven't changed much over the years.
At 12ish I was reading fanfic a few times a week. By age 16 I was hand-writing or making shitty (ha, windows 98, remember?) typed stories that I'd print out and just hide in my room. I just got onto AO3 a little bit before starting my blog, making me a full adult before I hit the "publish" key.
🏃‍♂️ What/s your longest running fandom you still have interest in?
I love Titain A.E., which is a very underrated 20th Century Fox animated film released in the summer of 2000. It's a StarWars-type adventure/mild thriller, definitely PG (kid friendly, but the plot's intricate and there's some canon-typical violence), it really hit the ball out of the park for me. Yes, I believe it is now a Disney pawn, since the mouse in whiteface is carrying on with throwing cash, and grinning at the knowledge of the outcome of the next slippery deal, but it's been long forgotten.
After a disappointing theater run, someone let dust gather on the cover of the original notebook. Characters voiced by Matt Damon and Drew Barrymore, pushed together by fate, must continue to survive in the midst of an inter-species war as they search for a hidden method to restore Earth, all whilst overcoming the obstacles of their post-apocalyptic cyberpunk environment and keeping an eye out for enemies, which may not be where they're expected...
Ok, that sells, right? And the soundtrack is amazing (even if it's a smidge dated, but that underscores the cyberpunk vibe nicely as well)--Lit's Over My Head is a big feature.
The three main characters in the film are all humans in an alien-dominated environment, and they come from drastically different backgrounds. There are three scenes dispersed along the plotline where each of the three characters are wounded/sedated/receiving medical treatment/engaging in field medicine... And with the three characters also having huge potential for the filling in of missing moments and little opportunities of added H/C, one can take things in a lot of different ways, and with a lot of freedom to create complementary backstory.
💣 Have you ever been a part of a fandom during what might be considered a major fandom event?
...No... Not, like, a con. Though I'd love to attend a comicon.
But I have done, oh, eight or so, midnight releases over the stretch of my teens. And a few book parties. Though those, at least in the geographical area in which I grew up, meant that maybe 20 or 30 people would walk aimlessly around Borders (remember when those stores existed???) whilst trying to wave at the news van with its high beams on before it backs out of the gridlock of the parking lot.
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samiholloway · 3 years ago
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I posted 28,394 times in 2021
783 posts created (3%)
27611 posts reblogged (97%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 35.3 posts.
I added 996 tags in 2021
#diary - 541 posts
#nasa - 158 posts
#ifttt - 158 posts
#division of muse relations - 48 posts
#loki spoilers - 20 posts
#people have always been people - 17 posts
#loki series spoilers - 17 posts
#loki tv series - 13 posts
#good ideas for a better world - 12 posts
#our dystopia - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i hope someone makes a documentary or a biopic and then somekne else makes a counter bio and it stays just as convoluted & strange & sketchy
My Top Posts in 2021
Hey, so. I still don't believe Han and Leia would be crap parents after how they both grew up, so that means Ben was born messed up, so that means his whole story is (probably unintentionally) about suffering from mental illness. What he needed was therapy and meds, if all that's true. Do those not exist in star wars? Is the dark side just congenital depression leading to weird psychotic breaks?? Couldn't the midichlorians come up with some endocannabinoids or something???
I don't think they meant to tell a story about how crap it is to not support your mentally ill family members, but they did it twice on both sides of the original series soooo.
17 notes • Posted 2021-09-18 20:44:31 GMT
Me: remembers I haven't done my taxes yet
Me: so anyway I'm going to run away into the woods and take the cat and my books and all my pillows and bend the soft young trees into a growing house and never be seen again.
18 notes • Posted 2021-05-12 13:26:41 GMT
I bought a mortar and pestle yesterday. Why? Because I wanted one. But also, that means now I have to make pesto from scratch to justify it and I am not at all sad about it.
25 notes • Posted 2021-07-16 14:48:03 GMT
In a few hundred years, people will look at Tumblr and all the nested references like it's Darmok and Gelad at Tenagra.
25 notes • Posted 2021-11-06 01:05:34 GMT
How can we tell if ancient references are actual or, like, old stuff used as memes or some other sort of whimsical thing. Like if someone dug up the cat museum and saw the statues of bast watching over the lists of people's cats names, could they tell it's not a bast religious revival, but an old reference? Is this how the knights vs snails thing happened?
47 notes • Posted 2021-06-04 00:33:24 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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