#and possibly reddie even tho only one of them is dead
sotiredimbored · 1 month
i absolutely love all my dead fictional queer people <3333
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kitsch n sink - actually something more poetic  like w an enigmatic metaphor embedded - i did tell u bout the obsessive yah and u u musta guessed compulsive - and i aint  lately seen a wild card but so many dealt already not all of them the good kind  - t u not bob dylan neither miles davis - 3 fukken a em and here i am a yam like popeye - w coffee instead of spinach - unpoet suggested - anything to keep me from toss and turn like a record machine - spin me right round - well not exactly but close enuff for existential over easy just a pinch - im quantum quark like - imma edit cuz ig - or maybe keep it it onna tumblr down low not worry about size - or who iz reeding - actually like giving a speech i pretend that nobody is listening - wait imma mean dancing and people watching - tho u really dont wanna see wat that look like on t - worse than guitar grimace emoting thinking hez an og method acting its been a month or more since i mention wim wenders - imma reddy for demille close - up and godot - i am - awaiting 
the things that sustain me maybe gonna kill me - life on life’s fukken terms - its gospel sunday - imma work on a building and a hallelujah fukken anyway  - summer jest start imma think about the heat on - aging aint 4 sissyfussy - how i get so far and not even mention my kitty - and pet shop onna western town in a dead end world - but she is a good one of the - always - variety - in dire straits especially tho no bullet in  the chest pleez - even once upon a time - a crash n burn while flyin maybe - to b expected part of game player  - on the stage will yah 
complicated - yah fs  - but then again imma james bond - billy strange maybe a western but i only ride a horse a couple times - one practically wild i didnt know better - but thats a story  for later maybe - remind me imma forget for sure for years maybe  - was unbaked completely a while just to baseline reset assess - man was that confusing i dont know how peeple do it - actually - i do and did - pain could b debilitate if i let it but fukk - a song or 2 to play and a dozen in the queue - and slow af  not 2 mention lazy - so a million things to do
imma live pretty much the way i duz it since jump street tho modifications - i mean 3 years ago i would swear i never give up smoking - 35 drinking i would tell u - the liver is a muscle it needs exercise and mean it laffing  - but i almost coulda killed myself 18 months ago walking trippin take a header but i fall down good - used to recover - uh faster - anywaze im careful on steps dont even go near ladders 
a stage yah - and a challenge - yah i can play a whole set twice - i think  - stage fright of course par - emoting like a motherfukker over even - cramps in season - panic attack la mode de monde  - shake it up not stir tho  a marley   - but hear and there - a glimpse a transcend moment - a flurry then slow sustain thick - imma trynna good foot - hard af sometimes - ego omg and off the chart fear - just enuff  whatever takes and not too - for a - spell - flow stops time - weave a new pattern - imma wave not a particle - sometimes people listen - enough to sustain - keep on keeping - morning birdsong - i mitta slept a minnit just after midnight - no tambourine too noisy  man but in the morning maybe jj - t its morning now and sid in ny sez nancy - and yes we heard the birds sing but shouldnt we save that for the usual - tho maybe all the bases covered - except murder  
imma wrap it up - finally got new shades to replace broken - not lost - anywaze store wuz finally open 
so officially imma rawk star again - i mean u cant possibly b without shades can u 
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preppymayhem · 5 years
This is where I live now
But there is something that is to be said about me. I unironically love the book. I know it was written on a coke binge. I know there is a whole lotta shit in it that I wish wasn’t because it was so unnecessary. And you can rec me other similar things that may be less problematic, and I will love them too, but I love this. This is my trash hill and I have lived here for over 20 years.
Everything is spoilers below the cut.
I am going to start with the not great stuff
So most of the most problematic content in terms of graphic discomfort is stuff that is literally lifted from the books. The homophobic gay bash which was graphic but honestly wasn’t as traumatizing as the hammer scene from Roswell New Mexico so you know mileage may vary.  Also Beverly’s abusive husband. I imagine that those will effect you harder if you hadn’t read the book and knew they were coming.
Holy mother of Fat!phobia, Batman! So unnecessary and not all of it is lifted from the books. I felt they could have at least at the end had Ben make it explicit that losing the weight didn’t matter at least that he was still loved for he was.
I don’t know exactly how I feel about how they found the Ritual of Chud stuff (which is different in the book, it involves some more graphic stuff but that wasn’t filmable so I understand why that changed.) I am not knowledgeable enough to comment or critique the Native American bits so I’ll leave that to better people than me to dissect. I will say that the ritual loses something in adaptation not due to the actual change but that in the book it is involved in BOTH timelines.
I understand why they were cut and I wouldn’t argue that they weren’t necessary cuts, and it wasn’t like their roles in the book were that great but the cutting of Patty and Audra in particular was a little sad to me. Why make such a big deal about who they cast as Audra if they weren’t going to do Audra’s whole bit in the final act??? They might as well should have cut her all together and just reference Bill has trouble with endings.
I had to shut my eyes at the two child!deaths, because while they weren’t scary, I just can’t handle that. So I guess content warning for that because in the first Georgie’s (nor Patrick’s or Henry’s for that matter) were all that graphic, but this one was.
While I love that Mike got to be in the sewer, and he did get more this time around than the first, but I still think he was short changed over all. I think they should have given him more of an emotional resonance with Stan’s death since he made the call. And in the book that was such a big thing for him, stressing out about making the calls. In the film they make it like Mike is just bulldozing them into this (I didn’t like the lie about the ritual) whereas in the book, Mike’s whole thing was him being worried that he was leading the others to their deaths. 
Now the middle of the road - neither here nor there stuff:
So the just a bit of casting fun, the main gay basher dude in the beginning. That actor actually plays a major character whose gay in TNT’s Animal Kingdom whose love interest on that show is named Adrian of all things. Just a bit of an odd coincidence, that.
It was gorier but just as scary as the first one. I just closed my eyes during the child deaths as mentioned, but other than that if you didn’t find the first one scary, I doubt your mind is going to change with this one.
There were way too many trailers in front of this movie. That is all. (Also someone needs to talk to me about Ewan MacGregor’s American accent. Also does Doctor Sleep take place in Kubrick’s The Shining or King’s The Shining because those two are very VERY different things)
Now the big one, which wasn’t a downside for me which is why this is in this section and not the above, but I guess it will be for others because I know people had hopes up. Reddie is not subtext but it isn’t like out and out explicit either. The reviews calling this “Horror Brokeback Mountain” were overblown and it was over-marketed. It is not on par with the queer baiting of many things but you aren’t going to get an explicit “I love you” or “I am gay” out of either Eddie or Richie. BUT it isn’t subtext, they make explicit references to it so that anyone who doesn’t read it for what it is, is just fooling themselves or being willfully homophobic. My expectations on that front were low, and I do think they baited it as more than it was, but honestly we all knew Eddie was dying and this film already had one bad gay death, do you all really want to die on that hill?
My big Mike complaints are above, but I guess my middle road of thing was last year they made a big thing about Mike possibly being in an addict in which I was just, “No.” But while there was some subtle prop hints they didn’t really lean on that and for that I am grateful.
All the Billverly was basically what you saw in the trailers, I will talk more about this below.
How they explained how Henry Bowers survived was pretty weak. 
The Stephen King cameo was great! I LOVED IT!
No really all the kid scenes were great, and the CGI used wasn’t too bad, the only scene where I was like “uh oh puberty” was in the Bill and Bev bike scene with Jaeden and his voice which definitely sounded different from the connecting scene from the first film.
The separated scenes during the climax were great (tho so sad Mike didn’t get one :(((((((() Particularly the Bill and the Bev and Ben ones. Like the emotional pull of the Ben and Bev scene was amazing and PRIME OTP material, their hands grabbing each other.
MY BOY BEN!!!! Omg, I know everyone was and is rightfully crowing about Bill Hader (Richie) and James Ransone (Eddie), but THIS WAS MY BOY BEN’S BIGGEST FILM. And he may have forgotten most of the events but he held on to that yearbook page and he never forgot Bev, and he understood all this time. I LOVE HIM> HE IS MY THIRD AND ONE NON-DISASTER SON!!!
Ben and Beverly who are my RIDE OR DIE IT OTP, were so good. AND THEY RIDE OFF ON A SAILBOAT?! OMG Is this real, did I dream that? OMG Benverly is so good!! The kiss at the lake, 
I am not over this but Ben Hanscom gave me such Pacey Witter vibes it was fucking UNREAL. We love a great, thoughtful romantic lead guys. WE LOVE IT SO FREAKING DAMN MUCH!!!
Ok I really loved Bill’s whole thing with his guilt over not wanting to play with Georgie one time and and the scene in the cellar..... Was it cliche? Yes. Do I care? Hell fucking No.
I love that they changed the ending and that they don’t forget. Bill and Mike’s I love you (which in the movie is platonic, but if anyone wants to go there I wouldn’t complain). 
I love how they kept Stan present even with what happens in the beginning. I loved that he is the emotional core of it all. I loved the bar mitzvah scene. I JUST....STAN!!! Take me to the universe where you get to live. Please. I guess you could say that the way his letter frames the suicide is problematic, but the letter at the end had me in tears.
THE DEADLIGHTS - OMG, The dead lights. I kept my expectations as to IT’s true form very low, but if you are worried they are going to just repeat with Giant Spider from the miniseries you are wrong, they allude to it but keep the Lights and it was everything that I hoped it would be.
IT SAID IT’S NAME! EATER OF WORLDS!!!!! I literally cried. I was so worried when I saw the Bev scene that they were going to ruin IT’s backstory and make it boring and they didn’t. The animation sequence was really brilliant.
Give Bill Skarsgard a fucking medal.
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Headcannons for the Group Therapy fic thing cuz it was requested like twice that I continue this so. I might do a fic later, no promises.
This also includes stuff already mentioned in the fic ‘Group Therapy’ which I wrote :D
I know someone else made some headcannons that i kind of base some of these on ? but i read a lot of headcannons so i dont exactly know which are based and what theyre based on. Sorry.
-Eddie has social anxiety and is a huge germaphobe
-He and Stan bond over cleaning things and how neat things should be.
-Eddie is very nurturing and will disregard his germaphobia if it means he can comfort someone
-also very badass ??? Eddie will use all of his first aid kit for his friends and he’ll punch people in the face if they mess with them
-Eddie is the only one that Stan will touch him bc Stan knows that this kid washes his hands more than Richie makes crude jokes and he basically bathes in hand sanitizer so he’s the cleanest
-Eddie is so good at handling emotional episodes and panic attacks that the others go through ?
-Like he’s internally freaking tf out but in the outside he’s so cool and collected that it’s hard to feel threatened around him
-has like friend crushes on everyone ? Like he only wants to date Richie but he loves he others so much that he hates being apart from them
-Stan has OCD and is obsessed with the number three.
-He prefers Stan over Stanley because Stan Uris is three syllables.
-Everything in his room is sorted in three; pants, shorts, and underwear. Polos, button ups, and t shirts. Etc.
-Everything he does is in sets of three and he’s constantly bullied bc of the panic attacks he’ll get during class or when he helps the teacher clean up and ends up sort everything in the classroom into threes.
-Stan’s dad took him birdwatching in an attempt to get Stan out of the house but at the same time keep him in a calm environment and he loved it so much so now they regularly go birdwatching for exactly three hours
-Stan goes to school two hours early so he can arrive at six and he is allowed to leave three minutes before everyone else so he doesn’t have to come in contact with people
-for the first week of school, they forced Stan to try and be like everyone else and it didn’t work ??
-like he doesn’t know what they expected but he couldn’t do anything bc if he wasn’t having a panic attack, he was compulsively tapping his desk or the wall in threes in an attempt to calm himself down
-Stan wakes up at five thirty am every morning
-he goes to bed at nine pm
-it’s like fucking clockwork and if he’s even a minute off, he’ll be hella upset and no one wants to see Stan upset
-Mike has insomnia and stays awake for days on end.
-He survives purely on coffee from the coffee shop located down the street from the school where the rest of the losers go to
-he’s really good at hiding the bags under his eyes by keeping his head tilted forward so the bags look like shadows and no one looks close enough to tell the difference.
-if it gets bad, he uses make up to cover up the bags under his eyes
-he loves talking to people so much ? Especially kids his age bc he isn’t really exposed to anything back at the farm
-he was actually the only one who was really excited to do the group activity
-Bev and Richie were okay with it bc they knew they’d see each other but Mike was excited !!
-new people to meet and talk to ??? Hell yes !
-he and Ben hang out pretty regularly at the library to find history books and discuss them
-they’ve gotten into some pretty awesome debates that would end abruptly bc they’d get really heated and the two boys would start laughing bc they can’t take each other seriously
-Mike likes to draw and he does it mostly when he can’t sleep
-One time Richie had spilled some water on a picture that Mike was drawing and Mike didn’t talk to Richie for a week and a half
-Ben had to convince him that Richie didn’t mean it and that Richie was probably sorry
-of course Eddie made Richie apologize
-it wasn’t very sincere bc Richie + an apology is just a mess
-but Mike accepted it and forgave him nonetheless
-Bill has mild depression and can see and hear a clown (Pennywise) talk about his brother
-no one else can see this thing so Bill feels like he’s tripping balls 90% of the time
-he can see Georgie too which is why he’s so adamant about finding him alive bc he can’t be seeing Georgie’s dead ghost ?? That’s not allowed ??
-Bills stutter had gotten so much worse after Georgie’s disappearance and at this point he just doesn’t talk in public
-Bev steals money from her father for cigs and weed that she buys from Richie because he charges her a lot less then most of the dealers she’s encountered
-she has like three outfits that she wears but that’s it. Don’t even try to buy her clothes bc she just won’t accept it.
-she smokes her sadness and fear away. That’s how she copes and it’s really not a good habit but she doesn’t really care
-Beverly and Richie smoke up on the rooftops during gym class and sometimes whenever Richie needs a break during whatever class bc the boy gets very overwhelmed very easily ??
-Bev is the only person who can tell when he’s getting overwhelmed and since they had every class except for Spanish and geography, she’ll always pull him aside and go for a smoke whenever he looks tense.
-Beverly is such a fucking babe ? Like she does literally nothing and she’s so pretty ? But she hates compliments with a passion.
-only Richie can compliment her without getting slapped
-I’m living for the Bev and Richie friendship tbh they’re like siblings and will die for each other.
-one time Henry Bowers was hitting on Bev and wouldn’t leave her alone and Richie fucking decked him
-Richie left with a black eye, busted lip, some cuts, and some burn marks (curtsy to Patrick) but it was fucking worth it
-Bev is like 10/10 great at making deals. Patrick and her are actually acquaintances bc Bev gives him new lighters when his run out of fuel from terrorizing people and his weed goes missing all the time so she give him some of hers so he’ll leave her alone
-Ben is so fucking soft ?? I love him so much
-he is literally the embodiment of a book, flower, and warm aesthetic
-Ben cares about people so much ? Like he will fuss about his friends eating but then he will forget (or sometimes purposely) to eat
-he’ll be so into writing poetry for someone cough Bev cough that he’ll just not do his homework or remind himself to stay hydrated
-but what’s weird is that when he reads, he’ll be brought back down. Like the self image problems and the forgetfulness temporarily go away
-he’ll be reading a history book that he borrowed from Mike and suddenly he’ll remember that he hadn’t eaten all day and he’ll ask his mom for something to snack on as he reads
-or maybe he’ll be reading a book for school and then he’ll think “shit when was the last time I had some water ?”
-And he spends most of his free time in the library reading or writing so he knows the librarian personally and uses her first name
-he even has his own little place to go with a mini fridge so he has something to eat whenever it hits him that he needs to do shit to s u r v i v e
-Richie doesn’t even want to go to therapy but it’s helping him so he just deals with it
-Eddie and Bev being there is also a plus
-Richie is broke asf so he basically makes Bev pay for his sessions in exchange for weed
-He steals the weed from Patrick and whenever the school decides to have drug dogs come, he just slips that shit right back into Patrick’s locker
-Richie really likes Eddie ?? And he sees Stan as like a little brother that’s easy to annoy
-he’s indifferent towards Ben and Mike bc like he doesn’t interact with them very much but when he does, they’re okay
-Bill is a fifty fifty. Sometimes Richie respects him bc the dudes brother is dead and here he is getting help that’s pretty fucking cool but other times it’s like shit does this kid ever take less then ten minutes to say something ?? And who tf does he think he is telling Richie what he can and cannot say
-Richie has little to no sexual experience so everything he jokes about is purely based off of what he’s read online
-the little experience that Richie does have is making out with Bev while they’re high
-Richie is always the second to arrive (Stans first, he arrives three hours early) and he’s always the last to leave with Eddie.
-he does the same with school, even if he does skip a lot
-he’s really fucking smart tho so skipping class never fucks with his grades
-he tries to stay out for as long as possible bc the boy doesn’t like staying home alone or with his drunk mom
-he has some anger issues
-he and Bev have a thing where every night they go out and break shit
-he really cares about these idiots in his group therapy
-like he could get extremely annoyed with them sometimes but he will fight for them
-Stan was once trapped in a locker by the Bowers gang and Richie was the one who found him
-Stan was freaking out bc he was in an unsanitary locker and he was supposed to have left two hours ago
-Richie calmed him down and took him home
-now Stan allows both Richie and Eddie to touch him
-Stan is basically Reddie’s son at this point
-Richie steals everyone’s clothes all the time and he just walks into they’re house, except for Bev.
-Knocking is not a concept to this kid and it pisses everyone off
-Richie once walked in on Bev and Ben making out in Bens room. He simply smiled and said “wow the new kids on the block poster must be a real turn on for this sex fest, eh ?” and left
-Richie now has a burn mark on his collarbone from Bevs cigarette
-Richie has to take like three different medications and when they were trying to figure out the dosage, it was a rough couple of weeks
-basically these kids are all fucking messed but we love them anyways
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