#and pony flies him out of there to safety
liviavanrouge · 10 months
Running Away pt 3
Malleus: :*Scowls, standing beside Leona*
Jaseem: What do you villains want?
Leona: One of your own snatched away one of ours! I think it's time you guys pay for his mistake!
Jaseem: There's already a team searching for Neige and your student, go back to your school!
Leona: That's not enough
Malleus: *Walks forward, Diasomnia following him*
Jaseem: Stay ready! They're tricky! *Walks forward, his eyes narrowed*
Leona: *Roars, scowling*
Savannaclaw Students: *Bursts from the ground, covered in dirt, attacking the RSA students as Diasomnia leaped into the fray*
Elliot: *Yells in alarm, Ziro snatching him down and pouncing on his chest knocking the wind out of him*
Vex and Henry: *Rolls across the ground, glaring at the other*
Silver: *Ducks underneath a tossed RSA student, looking around*
Felix: *Slams into Silvers chest, falling to the ground*
Sheryn: *Laughs, smiling at Rielle* Sad that you're paying for Neige's mistake?!
Sheryn: *Tackles Rielle down, rolling across the ground till she was on top*
Malleus: *Swats RSA students away, a few dodging his lightning*
Livia and Neige: *Runs side by side, hurrying towards RSA*
Neige: *Freezes, staring at the fight alarmed*
Neige: *Rushes away, his eyes wide*
Livia: *Hurries after him, staring at the fight ahead*
Pony: *Yells in alarm, Nex and Vex tackling him down*
Jaseem: *Throws a student off him, shielding the dwarves behind him*
Sebek: *Whips around as Trevor and Lassie attacked him, the three fighting in a whirlwind of colors*
Kuro: SEBEK! *Leaps into the fray, kicking Trevor right in the jaw*
Bakunawa: *Watches the fight with Jack, the two staying neutral*
Genny: Hey, why don't you let this go?
Ziro: I'll never let it go!
Genny: I bet...
Ziro: This is for the one you stole! *Snarls and leaps at Genny, his claws out*
Parker: *Tackles Ziro, the two tumbling away*
Genny: Parker!
Tink: *Flies after the two, his eyes wide*
Ruggie: -LAUGH WITH ME-! *Laughs, making Tink stop in his tracks*
Livia: *Rushes across the bridge, her eyes wide*
Neige: *Runs after her, dodging a blast of lightning*
Livia: NEIGE!
Neige: Go! Save your family!
Livia: *Smiles and runs off*
Leona: *Dodges RSA students, Malleus using a shield to block magic attacks*
Jaseem: *Whips around and shoves Dominic to safety*
Leona: *Swats Jaseem down, causing the fighting to come to a halt*
Jaseem: *Stands up, a bruise on his neck* Lousy lion...
Malleus: *Flanks Leona scowling*
Leona: *Snarls and lunges at Jaseem*
???: STOP!!
Livia: *Lands between them, stopping Leona*
Leona: Livia!? Move!!
Livia: *Looks over as Neige ran over and stood beside her*
Malleus: You!
Livia: Malleus, I love this idiot hero!
Neige: And I love this kind villain...
Jaseem: *Stares in surprise*
Malleus and Leona: *Glances at each other*
Livia: What were you two thinking?!
Leona: These guys-!
Livia: "These guys"? No, it's us! Look at these heroes, they are us....what differences are there
Malleus: *Turns away, scanning the students*
Genny: *Glances around*
Leona: *Looks around, his ears flattened back*
Jaseem: *Scans the crowd silently* I see no differences
Malleus: Neither do I
Leona: .....I don't either...
Livia: *Laughs, smiling at them* See!
Malleus: *Smiles* Beastie.
Leona: *Grumbles* We approve of your silly relationship with that brat
Livia: *Steps forward, hugging Leona and Malleus*
Jaseem: What now?
Malleus: I guess, we all retreat....together
Jaseem: *Snorts* Fine by me.
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m0chisenpai · 3 years
Fairy!Reader Traveling with Company
black!fairy!reader x company (platonic)
alright so I have many headcanons for fairy and the company 
contrary to belief it was Bilbo who had to beg her not to go on this adventure but hearing the loss of a home and the chance to regain it hit a never in her
I can imagine like as the company are leaving and she hears Bilbo coming she flies like a bullet into him 
she has a pony but doesn’t ride it, she’s trying to strengthen her wings and chooses some moments to fly above
speaking of flying her dust has accidentally been sprinkled over one of the dwarves and they have floated once or twice which caused Thorin to command her to ride her pony or else he’d have her tied down to it 
speaking of Thorin it takes time for his hard shell to be softened by the small creature, and it’s not cause she bothers him he’s encountered fairies during his days before Smaug, she reminds him of the mountain and those good times and it hurts himself to look at her
he can remember the small creatures not making it out and hearing them small screams and cries 
however, there is a small moment where the two have a heart to heart and it’s when Azgog attacks I can just see her ignoring him and fighting the pale orc to try and help
and at first she nearly had the upper hand until her wings seized up and she could no longer fight
he refused to leave her side till she’d awakened and it was then that the two formed a bond
as for the rest of the company the elder dwarves teach her the history and friendship between the fairies and the dwarves speaking of the days the fairies would often take refuge or live in the mountain
the younger dwarves however beg to know if the stories and myths their family told them as children were true or not and she messes with them and tells them it’s tru that naughty dwarven children were indeed lured into the woods and stolen away by fairies 
fairies and dwarves have much more in common than one may think, dwarves are more of a singing/musical folk so these two go hand in hand
there are some nights of singing and dancing 
small angst moment: Bilbo sees how attached the company have gotten with fairy reader and he sees how much she adores the thrill of traveling and seeing the mountain and when they have a moment to themselves together he tells her if she wishes it she can stay in Erebor for however long she wishes to 
she however scolds him and tells reminds him they made a deal plus dwarves were not better cooks than hobbits, who would make her, her delicious pastries?
another angst moment: king thranduil after encountering the dwarves and locking them up demands to see fairy reader and tells her if she values her life she’d stay in Mirkwood for her own safety, I imagine he even extends the offer towards Bilbo as well and for a moment she wants to agree, but fairies do not go against their promise and she refuses
fairy reader is a stealthy little fighter when she has to, but emphasis on the stealth part cause when it comes for bilbo to go in and speak to smaug and there’s the light argument beforehand she sneaks in and the whole company nearly runs in after her but they have to stop because that’ll only result in unnecessary deaths
smaug has encountered fairies, he hasn’t eaten them on the account of them being too puny, and fast and he even reminisces on how they often mistakened fairies as treasure but I can imagine this tiny little thing carefully and quietly dancing about the dragon as quietly and carefully as she can and somehow gets the arkenstone 
when it comes for her and bilbo to get their shares of treasure her request is quite a silly but simple one in thorins eyes: she demands fabrics to take back to the shire as a way to remember them 
Ooooooo even bigger angst moment, when thorin dies he passes on his cloak to her and she still holds onto it tailoring it and taking care of it
the dwarves offer to allow her to stay and help build back the kingdom and politely declines and says she’s had her fair of adventures to last her
she keeps in contact with them over the years, sends countless of letters travels to meet with the company and here their stories and whatnot 
if you have any requests, imagines, etc you’d like to see for fairy reader feel free to leave some suggestions or messages <3
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ask-healthy-light · 2 years
News reporter on TV: breaking news notorious criminal boom Lord has once again for the 58th time this year broke out of prison
This notorious criminal was wanted for multiple accounts of assault destruction of property and vandalism!
While it is unknown how exactly he broke out he apparently left a note marking down multiple weaknesses of the prison the warden of the prison has left a quote for us
"At this point I don't even know why we're bucking trying!"
Back in the Medical Centre in Canterlot, shortly after Nox had left to head to the park after visiting Harvest, the news reporter spoke of Boom's escape, along with his sarcastic, yet insightful comments about the state of security in the city, adding to his growing list of infamous accomplishments, leaving every Guard in the area on high alert.
The only being in the room when the news report appeared was Harvest, for Nox had left earlier, and the Nurse had not yet returned, and the news worried him greatly, not only for the safety of Ponies and other beings in the city, but also, in particular, all of his friends who had gone to the park to help recover Light and their friends who had gotten trapped.
The note that Light had left for Harvest helped him remain calm when he first woke up, finding himself alone in a bed in the Centre, as tired as he was, after using such a strange and foreign power, of which he never knew, nor realised he had the ability to wield it to help others, even though it required great focus and the help of a great Sorcerer to help him unlock his strength.
Shortly after the news report finished, which had moved over to the weather, showing a warning for potentially dangerous storms in the following few days, the Nurse re-entered Harvest's room, who was told, in no uncertain terms by Harvest, that he was feeling much better, even after just a little bit of rest, and was asked if he could leave the Centre to rejoin his friends.
The Nurse, whom Nox implored to take very good care of the exhausted Kirin, subconsciously fearing the possible repercussions that the Dragon-Pony would unleash upon her, replied that she believed him when Harvest said he felt better, but she wasn't entirely sure, so she would ask the Doctor for certainty, as their second opinion would help, and left the room to search for them.
Though he knew that waiting for both the Nurse and Doctor to return would be wise, and despite personally having known him for a very long time, Harvest, still highly concerned over the great threat that the Lord of Destruction posed to everyone, stealthily snuck out of his bed, into the hall, and ran out the door, all while figuring out how to get to Ponyville as quickly as he could.
Remembering the note that Light had left for him, which explained that Luna and Starswirl had teleported them and the group, including Nox, to the town, but still drained of magical energy after reawakening Light, Harvest knew he had to figure out a way to get to the park quickly, for a myriad of reasons, but magic means would not be possible for the present.
He quickly ran through the alternative options in his mind, including travel by train, which he knew would take a long time between Canterlot and Ponyville, and, if at all possible for a wingless being like himself, flight, for the park was close to Canterlot, as the crow flies, as he knew that Nox arrived quickly after leaving, having been able to watch them from his room.
As he was running towards the Centre of town, from whence he knew he would have the greatest number of options when he decided what to do, when a familiar voice called out from above him, Harvest stopped running and looked up, finding it was Starshine, and flying next to her, Light Rain, both friends of his friends, and whom landed next to him to chat.
Though he tried to be as polite as possible, Harvest explained to both Pegasi that he had to get back to Ponyville as soon as he could, as he had very little time to spare, but before he could continue, they stopped him, and said that since they were on their way to Ponyville themselves, if he wished, he could join them to the town, after which, from there, he could make his way to the park.
Before Harvest could object, both Pegasi had lifted him up, noting he felt light as a feather, and raced off to Ponyville.
(Thanks for reading! And if you enjoyed, please reblog! Thanks in advance!)
Send an ask or request! | Start at the beginning! | Next part!
Featuring: Boomlord from @thedumbguywithaheart43 Harvest Duran from @duran301 Light Rain and Starshine Nova from @ask-light-rain-and-buds
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rosiegeee · 4 years
Best Equestria Girls/Unconfirmed Couples in MLP
This is once again going to be a heavily biased list. I literally like all these ships the same except #10 but it would be a weird list to have a nine way tie. these couples were either only hinted at in the final season of My little pony, were in the comics, or were from Equestria Girls. They will be ranked on how much of a romance they seem to have.
#10:  Applejack and Rainbow Dash
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There is nothing wrong with these two being a couple, as they are implied to be in the final episode of MLP, I just never shipped them and never found there was any romantic tension between the two, just friendship. The only romantic thing I can think of is from the scene the picture shows where they are friendly bickering about how Rainbow should be allowed to help Applejack with her farm chores.
#9:  King sombra and Radiant Hope
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I love these two so much. Through flashbacks we see how these two met, were the best of friends growing up, and than Sombra falling in love with Hope. Even in his monsterous shadow pony form Sombra wants Hope to be his queen, and Hope still loves him, and when he is turned into a full pony they run off together side by side to explore Equestria finding Amore shards to restore her. Hope risked her safety and her freedom to save Sombra and there love oozes from the pages. However, the reason they are number 9 and not number 1 is because of Sombra’s treatment of her as a shadow pony. He emotionally manipulated her to stay by his side, screamed and yelled at her, threatened her, and kept her basically prisoner in the castle, he changes in the end but that doesn’t change what he did to her.
#8: Flash Sentry and Twilight Sparkle
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They used to be my favourite ship when I was young, they were so cute and I found it funny seeing a blushing embarrassed Twilight, something the normal show didn’t have. However I was like 13 at the time when I watched this and Rainbow rocks for the first time, and have since seen some flaws here. There relationship is sweet in the first film and and you can tell how good of a guy Flash is, and Twilight returns these feeling, and the quick showing of them being at the dance together was adorable, but than Rainbow rocks happens. It is made clear to use that the entire time Twilight has been gone Flash has missed her(so cute) but from the show we know Twilight hasn’t thought or mentioned human Flash or pony Flash since, and continues not to think about him until she literally runs into him, and awkwardly the cuteness fades as Twilight no longer seems to know how to interact with him, which upsets Flash. Than as the sirens work there magic they become increasingly hostile towards each other and don’t really get a lot of screen time together for the rest of the movie, and than they literally never see each other again, but Flash still waits for her to return. In Everfree Forest he starts to move on.
#7: Curly Winds and Wiz Kid
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I don’t know enough about these two to give them a true ranking so they get this neutral spot, but from the images above I’d say they are a pretty sweet couple. And Being LGBT, I always love representation in tv shows.
#6:  Timber Spruce and Sci-Twi
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Sci-Twi was never meant for Flash Sentry, and I’m glad they did not get together, but Timber and Sci-Twi is a different story. He was so sweet to her, and there chemistry seemed natural, and he actually asked her out, something Flash never did, that and the almost kiss. This Twilights reaction to having a crush is different from Princess Twilights, and I love how well she gets along with him. The only reason they are not higher is because he was covering for his sister who planned on doing dangerous and illegal things. That and she’s in high school and he is an unmentioned amount years older who seems to have done this camp at least once before so it could be anywhere from a year difference to six.
#5: Yona and Sandbar
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Oh my god, they are so cute. The episode that first shows hints of a romance between these two is also one of my favourites because Yona is worried that the Pony’s attending the dance (aka Sand Bar who is the one who invited her) will judge her because she does not look, act, or dance like a pony(because she’s a Yak) and she tries to make herself more pony only to make a fool of herself and mess up the dance. However when she runs off Sandbar finds her and comforts her and tells her that he liked her for being herself and that he doesn’t care that she is a yak. He than asks her back to the dance where they spend the rest of the night together. Also they are seen holding hoofs in the big fight at the end, and are seeming living together at  Carousel Boutique.
#4: Hoofbeard and Jewel 
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If you didn’t read the IDW comics you would never know these two, but the mane six go on an adventure with Captain Hoofbeard and try and find his treasured Jewel, but the X on the map keeps moving, in the end its revealed that Jewel isn’t a gem, but a seapony and an old girlfriend of Hoofbeard. He confesses that he still loves her and wishes they could be together but knows that she breaths water and he breaths air, but Twilight uses a spell that gives him gills and some fins. He traveled the ocean, like how Cranky Donkey traveled the land, to find his love again, and faced many dangers to do so.
#3:  Fluttershy and Discord
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I always thought these two should stay friends, especially considering he’s immortal ad she isn’t, but in the later seasons it was impossible to deny the romance forming between the two. Discord loves Fluttershy and gets giddy anytime he thinks about her and has pictures of her, and they have tea parties(dates) every week. For Fluttershy she knows Discord like the back of her hoof and is deeply hurt when he sort of betrays the group in the finally, but before that Angel(her bunny who knows everything about her) while in Fluttershy’s body stated how it was Fluttershy’s wish to MARRY DISCORD. In the finally Discord drops Fluttershy at Twilights and gives her a lunch, implying that they live together and during Fluttershy’s part of the song The Magic Of Friendship Grows, as she sings the line, “And because the love that I feel, For every single living creature is something that is real , Friendship happens so naturally ” Discord comes out of a portal and they stare at each other and se extends her wing out to him as he flies just off screen. The writers say there relationship is up to the viewers interpretation, but they are obviously in love and married by the end. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImsTS1Kb9ww
#2:  Flash sentry and Sunset Shimmer
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Here’s where the bias comes in. In the first film its said how these two used to be a couple but that they broke up not long before the series because of how bad she used to be, and than its never mentioned again until Everfree where Flash and Sunset have a momment where they confide in each other because they still know each other in ways the other main characters don’t know her. Flash even asks her if she’d like to start over, than awkwardly adds the friends part but its obvious hw they look at each other that there is still a spark there and it will most likely be rekindled soon. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VI5lTaUahfU
#1:  King Sombra and Princess Celestia
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This was the Romeo and Juliet is Romeo and Juliet where literally from other worlds and actually loved each other. This comic pulled at my heartstrings so much that I could never look at Sombra in the TV show the same way again. In this four part series its revealed that before Luna even became Nightmare moon Celestia had been visiting this other Equestria where its ruled by a kind Sombra and the two fell in love and have secretly been visiting each other on and off since. But there travels is ripping the barrier between the two world apart so they can’t see each other as often. In the end Sombra restores the barrier, saving both there worlds, by sacrificing himself by absorbing the evil of the alternate versions of Luna and Celestia, becoming just like Sombra in Celestia’s world. His final act is telling Celestia to leave him(So he won’t do anything he’d regret to her) than on the final page Celestia alone says how much she still loves him, and in his own dimension, despite being evil, admits how he still loves her as well. In the end they are never allowed to see each other again, but there love still transcends dimensional boarders. 
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Chapter 10: Dragon Love
Spike’s first stop when he went out of the castle was to the post office, where he goes to meet up with a new friend, Gabby the griffon. Perhaps one of the few overexcitable griffons ever. Their friendship managed to make Rarity a bit jealous of Gabby, but in the end they learned to share their time with Spike.
Spike: Hi Gabby!
Gabby: Oh hi Spike! How’s my favorite little scarred, but still adorable dragon doing?
Spike: Pretty good! I actually came over if you were interested in going with me, my mother, and all our friends friends to Saddle Arabia to see a Royal Ball. There will be plenty of entertainment, food, and friends both new and old to mingle with.
Gabby: Sure thing, Spike! Sounds like a good time!
The steps of hooves are heard from behind the desk. It’s the town mailmare, Derpy Hooves.
Derpy: Both of you going to the ball, too? Awesome!
Spike: Oh hey Derpy! Did you want an invite too?
Derpy: Oh, I actually happened to come across Rainbow Dash before I went into work today! So I’ve already been invited. But I still appreciate it, Spike!
Spike: Very nice! It’ll be great seeing both of you there! I need to head off to find a few more friends I want to invite, but I’ll catch both of you later!
Gabby: Alright, Spike! Seeya!
Spike leaves the post office while waving back to Gabby and Derpy.
Spike: Alright next stop, Thorax’s changeling hive…
Spike gets out his own pack of portal gum to travel to see his friend Thorax. Once just a normal changeling that was discovered in the Crystal Empire by Spike who defected from Chrysalis’ rule and would later help Starlight, Trixie, and Discord defeat Chrysalis. And then showed many others in the Changeling army another way for them to live instead of dependent on invasions to feed on love. The Changelings quickly became a sovereign kingdom of their own.
Spike walks near the hive, Changeling guards recognize him and acknowledge him as a friend of Thorax’s and allow Spik to pass to see him. Eventually he reaches Thorax’s throne.
Spike: Hey there, Thorax!
Thorax: Hello Spike! It’s been a while since we talked just the two of us, what brings you to the hive?
Spike: I just came over to invite you and any of the other changelings here craving some real love, cause in Saddle Arabia there will be a Royal Ball that precedes a Wedding for two of me and Twilight’s friends who live there! Both events are sure to have plenty of love to go around whether it’s friends with friends, family with family, and relationships old and new coming together! And that’s before the actual wedding!
Thorax’s mouth just starts drooling
Thorax: Oh wow… two events full of scrumptious love we can get our fill just by sitting around all the love that will be in the air?! You bet that I’ll go! Is it ok if I bring along some of our hungrier citizens that could use a boost?
Spike: Of course! I definitely wouldn’t want to deprive any of your subjects, if they really want a piece of the love that is sure to be everywhere!
Spike and Thorax go around the hive inviting any changelings that want to come to, as obviously this event is going to have enough love to perhaps fill these changelings for maybe a week or even more. If they decline, they likely know they’ll have their fill for one reason or another anytime close to the time the ball might start, Thorax’s brother Pharyanx among them. Otherwise, they could usually tell who wants to go for if they drooled or flicked their tongues just imagining all the love they could get.
Ocellus: Oh my gosh, I absolutely must go! I have been quite starving as of late…
Spike: Don’t forget Ocellus, your friends from School should be there as well. In fact, I plan to get Smoulder too, when I head on over to the Dragonlands. I think my pony friends will get the rest.
Ocellus: Oh yes, absolutely will be nice to see my friends there too! So much love and friendship to go around! I can’t wait!
In a few short moments, they’ve gone though the whole hive and determined who wanted to go and who didn’t.
Thorax: Thank you for telling us about this, Spike! You will help a lot of our citizens, plus we should have a great time aside from our love feast we’re sure to get!
Spike: No problem, Thorax! It’ll be great to see you there. For now though, I’m heading off to the Dragonlands for my final stop, before settling down for whenever my mom says it’s time.
Thorax: Ok Spike, tell Ember and Smoulder I said hi!
Spike: I will! Bye!
((Story continues after the break))
Spike waves off to Thorax before creating another gum portal, this time to the Dragonlands. He’s still become too accustomed to Equestria, but the Dragonlands is still his species’ home. So Spike always gets to have a dose of his heritage every time he comes over. Spike doesn’t plan on leaving Equestria, even when he’s a super huge adult (And he and Twilight have already discussed how that will go, probably will take a little bit of Genie magic to make it work but that is a very, very, very long time from now, so it’s not exactly a subject that comes up often between the two). But as perhaps the first dragon to grow up in Equestria he’s very much an ambassador to Dragons who may themselves want to move into Equestria, though mainly the smaller ones since if too many big ones come in, there will be problems like when a red dragon sleeping made smoke that was polluting Ponyville, and it took him learning what Fluttershy’s stare could do in order to get him to leave. Not to mention the large size of the big dragons tend to cause a panic in fear-stricken populaces.
Spike flies around the skies of the Dragonlands until he finally catches a glimpse of Smoulder. Which then he swoops down to catch up to.
Spike: Hey Smoulder!
Smoulder: Heeeeeeyyyyyy! Sup’ Spike! Come here to toughen yourself a bit, in the Dragonlands?
Smoulder gives Spike an affectionate punch in the shoulder
Spike: Ouch!
Smoulder: Oops, sorry
Spike: It’s alright, I know that’s your way of saying hi, sometimes. But anyway, I came to invite you somewhere. Your other friends in school will be there as well, I just got done with a visit to the Changeling hive and Ocellus will be going. My pony friends will probably be getting the rest.
Smoulder: Where are all of you going?
Spike: Saddle Arabia, a Royal Ball is being held as well a wedding between two friends of me and my Mom’s who live there.
Smoulder: Hahahaha, no wonder Ocellus is going. She’s going to get the biggest love feast she’s had in a little while!
Spike: Yeah, probably ha. But do you think YOU will go.
Smoulder: Eh, kinda sounds a little too lovey-dovey. But maybe I should go for a chance to hang out with my school friends at least.
Spike: There should be plenty of food as well as entertainment as well. So even if you’re not exactly into any of the love stuff happening, it’s still mainly just a party.
Smoulder: True, I could probably enjoy just going anticipating a big party... So sure, I’ll go!
Spike: Great! Now I only need one more invitee, and I think I’ll see if Ember’s able to go. You have any idea where she is?
Smoulder: I think Lord Ember is meeting with her father, former Lord Torch in their volcano home.
Spike: Huh, I don’t think I’ve ever seen their volcano home. Can you take me there?
Smoulder: Sure! Just follow me!
Smoulder jumps up in the air to start flying, Spike following as well through the air., until they finally get to a humongous volcano that definitely looks like Torch, and probably Ember too once she’s as big as her father many thousands of years from now could fit in. Spike and Smoulder approaching a cave near the bottom of the volcano.
Spike: Is this an active volcano?
Smoulder: You bet it is! But when it erupts, that only means it’s shower time for ol’ Torch
Spike: This place definitely isn’t a place anyone other then Dragons want to approach then, that’s for certain.
Smoulder: I guess if any ponies wanted to try visiting they’d probably need some sort of heat shield spell or wish from your genie mother. Otherwise yeah, this is a pretty dragons-only spot. But only for the safety of non-dragons, we swear.
Spike and Smoulder head into the cave, the cave is actually pretty hot. It’d probably be unbearable for any ponies without some sort of magic heat suppressor around them to just walk in this place, even besides the fact it’s a volcano that could spew out deadly lava and suffocating ash at any moment. But for dragons like Torch, it’s an atmosphere they revel in. Dragons after all treat lava simply like a hot sauna, and the smoke just brings the lovely smell (At least, in a typical dragon’s opinion) of ash and sulfur.
Eventually they get to the center of the volcano where they can see the towering Torch and his daughter Ember. The current and the former Dragon Lords.
Spike: Hey… er… Ember and Torch!
The two look over to see they have visitors in the small dragon that was born and still chooses to live in Equestria, and another who happens to be the representative in the Friendship school.
Ember: Ahhhh! Hello both of you! Spike, this is the first time I’ve seen you go as far to see us at our home! You’ve sure came a long way from Equestria. What’s the occasion?
Spike: I simply went on over to ask if you and Smoulder would like to attend a Royal Ball and wedding between two of my mom and me’s friends. Smoulder already agreed but thought while I’m here I thought I’d extend an invitation. Oh, and Thorax says hi to both you and Smoulder.
Ember: Haha, of course Thorax says hi. If you invited him he was probably drooling for all that love that will be at that event you’re going to. But perhaps for the sake of peaceful diplomacy, I should go. If a Princess like Twilight is going, along with Thorax, I have a feeling others like the Yaks aren’t too far behind.
Spike: I’d ask your father too but er… his size would probably be a problem unless he agrees to being magically shrunk.
Torch: BA HA HA HA HA, it’s ok little Spike. I don’t think I was going to go, anyway. After all, I’m retired now. But I hope you, Lord Ember, and Smoulder have a good time in Saddle Arabia. Show the ponies how dragons can really light up a party!
Spike: Uh, I hope you aren’t telling us to light the palace on fire.
Torch: Nah, I promise it was just the expression.
Spike: *phew* I guess while I’m here, anything going on lately here? Equestria will always be my home, but as a dragon I guess I should still keep up with anything going on here. You’re the current and former Dragon Lord’s. I imagine you two talk about this nation a lot.
Ember: Heh, maybe a little. But this is our home, usually we just jokingly rib at each other between just us as father and daughter. We sometimes talk about our politics, but things are usually stable when you have one leader promised in power for tens of thousands of years and a general populace that generally remains for themselves with their own stash of treasures.
Torch: Yeah, in fact after I’ve retired I’ve simply been just reflecting about my long reign and the many, many, many, many mates I’ve had over my era.
Spike: Wait… did you say many mates?
Ember: Oh shoot, that’s right. Spike grew up in Equestria, he doesn’t exactly know how… “relationships” for lack of a better word work in the Dragonlands
Spike: What are you talking about?
Torch: In the Dragonlands, there is no such thing as marriage. Only several mates over our long, long lives.
Spike goes wide-eyed
Ember: Yeaaaaaah… I imagine that must be surprising to anyone who’s mainly experienced life in Equestria. But if you just think about it, most Ponies’ average lifespan is just over 100 years and their regular definition of love is. once they find somepony they love they’ll spend time with them for the rest of their life, barring something happening resulting in divorce, or an unfortunate early death of half of the couple. However, dragons live so long that even if there was a mate a dragon really loved. It might of been perceivably boring at least in our views, to had been with only one. 
Thus, it’s actually pretty normal for both male and female dragons to just move on to a different mate at some point. Sometimes, more then one at one point of time! That’s not even seen as wrong here whether you kept it a secret from your mate(/s) or not. And if for any reason a dragon misses a past mate, absolutely nothing wrong with going to see them again to become mates again, if both consent of course.
Spike just stands there trying to process this information that dragons have a very vastly different outlook on love from the one he was raised to know by ponies.
Ember: We’re just starting to at least have some aspects of Friendship. Is it any surprise that love is a lot different too? We can still love and can get infatuated, such as your crush on that white unicorn. But we never settle down with just one mate throughout our lives. Though forgive me for being grim, but you might actually be kind of thankful that this is normal for dragons. Because even if you get into a relationship with the white unicorn at some point she… won’t exactly be around very long in relative to your long lifetime…
Spike breaking out a bit of his trance of being told how Dragon love works, to look to the side solemnly.
Spike: Yeah, I’m well aware of that… I don’t exactly like talking about it however…
Ember: Well uh… it’s still a little while until then. I don’t mean to get you down, but we’re just teaching you a few things about us that most ponies don’t put in any books about us, since until they actually bring brave enough researchers. Any information they have about us are pretty incomplete or even inaccurate information. It’s possible that pony researchers thought we had lifelong mates if they had noticed a couple once or twice but never actually asked if the couple had ever been married or anything. 
I think at the very least Celestia knew enough about us, but since she sort of kept her policy towards the Dragonlands as leaving us alone. Informing Equestria about how we live never came up as a priority.
But thanks to your pony mother who’ll soon be ruling solo in Canterlot, we’re entering a new era of prosperity between Dragons and Ponies and other species. I’m pretty sure soon we’ll have some updated books about us in the coming years that will make this common knowledge there. You were raised by ponies, but you’re still a dragon. So thought it’d be useful information for you to know
Spike: I gotcha, but still. Can’t help but feel wowed, and almost a little scary of how many I might end up meeting over my life when I’m old enough to start mating.
Ember: Hehehe, you’ll still have that scar of yours, eye scars happen to be a very attractive trait in older dragons cause it’s perceived strength. You’re sure to have a lot of female dragons after you in your older years. Maybe even me and Smoulder at some point
Ember jokingly winks, Smoulder being the rebelllious teenage dragon just gives a “blegh”.
Spike: …Aren’t you and Smoulder both a decent bit of years apart from me?
Ember: I’m mostly joking, but in actuality once both dragons in a couple are about hundreds of years old it’s not considered wrong to go with any dragons whether they’re 100 years older or younger. Again, just think of the difference between Pony and Dragon concepts of time passed. Yes, it’d be wrong right now, but that’s mainly because relative to dragon aging you’re still just about a hatchling. But say in about maybe a decade or two when you’ve grown to early teenage size you may just be young enough to still be ok for Smoulder to be with, if she so wished.
Smoulder: You better not be shipping me with him, or else I don’t care if you’re Dragon Lord. I’ll kick you in the shins!
Ember just laughs.
Spike: I guess I understand, but boy this feels like a lot of odd conversations will come across from all this…
Ember: From a pony perspective, yeah. Dragon’s approach to love is really weird, but some day it’ll be normal to you at some point, I assure you.
Torch suddenly looks a little away from the conversation and thinking a little solemnly. Ember noticing that’s kind of odd for him to do so.
Ember: Huh? Father? What’s up?
Torch: Nothing too big, Ember. Just reflecting on the conversation you just had with Spike and on my own history. Even though yes, I’ve had many, many, many, many mates over my long life. I… admit there may have been one dragon that I was with for only a few years, that if the pony concept of Marriage for a lifetime did exist in the dragonlands. I would of certainly tried to propose at the very least… though I doubt she would of ever accepted it…
Ember: Who was this, Father?
Torch: Her name was Jennesis, though I liked to affectionately call her Jenny. She was a beautiful pink dragon with green back spines. And she was absolutely the most beautiful and kind dragon I ever had the pleasure to live with.
Spike: Is she still around?
Torch: I don’t know, this was a few thousand years ago. And also unfortunately, she probably wouldn’t say the same about me. As I admit unfortunately, I wasn’t exactly as good a mate to her as she was to me. Which is why we were only together for a few years.
Ember: Which in relative lifeline comparison between dragon and ponies, is like a pony relationship ending in at most less then a week...
Spike: Oof
Torch: Yeah… I admit it’s one of the few regrets I otherwise have, of what I otherwise feel was a glorious reign as Dragon Lord. I had many mates before and after Jenny, but none have ever quite matched up to her.
Ember: Dang, not even my mother?
Torch: Your mother was a lovely mate as well Ember. But Jenny was just on a whole ‘nother level.
Spike: Well, this has certainly been an interesting conversation. But if it’s ok, I’m going to start heading back to Equestria. I have everyone I wanted to invite now. But I suppose thanks for teaching me a few more things about being a dragon. I’m sure it’ll be useful information to know in the far future.
Ember: You’re welcome Spike! I’ll see you in Saddle Arabia!
Spike: Bye Ember! Bye Smoulder! Bye Torch!
Spike waves off to all three before using another gum portal to get back to Equestria, where he walks back to Twilight’s castle. All that information Ember and Torch gave him still kind of bouncing in his head as some of it was still a lot to take in. But nonetheless he gets set to just relax until Twilight likely gets back from finishing her own list of invitees.
UP NEXT: Chapter 11 - Celestia’s Secrets, Part 1
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afterspark-podcast · 3 years
My Little Pony/Transformers: Friendship in Disguise, Part 2 Transcript
[This can also be found on AO3!]
O: [laughing]
S: Like, I told you about this before.  You- you know my reasoning, you know where it comes from.
[Intro Music]
O: Welcome back to our April Fools’ Special!
S: For the My Little Pony/Transformers crossover.
O: Today we will go through issues 3 and 4, which will finish this little series and now on to part 1 of issue 3- Fluttershy makes friends, or [clears throat] um, ‘Pet Sounds’.
S: Fluttershy and Discord are in Fluttershy's house having a tea party, when they hear a very loud noise outside.
O: Discord, for reference, is a reformed villain in the series.  He's basically just Q from Star Trek if Q were an amalgam of a bunch of different critters all smooshed together.  (Including being played by the same actor.)  Ah, but he's good friends with Fluttershy at tha- this point in the series, presumably.
S: Outside in a crater, Soundwave emerges concluding that this world is ‘illogical’.
O: Fluttershy asks Discord if he's trying to play a trick on her, but he says even he can't think of something this bizarre.
S: Soundwave scares several of Fluttershy's animal friends, who flee into her house for safety.
O: Fluttershy attempts to calm them by saying, “No one's all bad!”  Before she catches sight of Ravage, Ratbat, Rumble, and Laserbeak.
S: Her first instinct is, “I can bond with this person!  He has PETS!!!”
O: Pretty much.  Fluttershy gathers up a few of her animal friends and flies directly over to Soundwave to introduce herself.
S: Said animal friends do not appear to be happy about this turn of events.
O: I don’t blame them!
S: Soundwave does not detect a threat from Fluttershy, but correctly detects a threat from Discord.
O: Meaning Soundwave can scan for chaos magic.
S: Well, considering Starscream, I'm pretty sure he can just scan for chaos in general.
O: [laughs] That's not a bad way of looking at it!  Soundwave begins attacking Discord, while the cassettes make a beeline for Fluttershy
S: Rumble, being the only one who can presumably speak in this group, starts badgering Fluttershy for information about this world's defenses.
O: And also, “Why does everything smell like lavender!?”
S: The Decepticons… I guess, know what lavender smells like.
O: I think the question is, do the Decepticons like what lavender smells like?
S: Very good question.  Discord proceeds to make a nu- a nuisance of himself to Soundwave, transforming into a metallic version of himself.  With puns even!
O: [snorts] Fluttershy, being Fluttershy, spots a scratch on Ravage's nose.
S: Or a booboo, as she calls it.
O: And pulls out some ‘booboo cream’ to tend the wound.
S: Ravage looks rather disarmed by all of this attention.
O: The rest of the animal cassettes all gather around Fluttershy, while Rumble is in the background getting more annoyed as he protests that it's not a ‘booboo’ it's ‘battle damage’.
S: Rumble backhands the cream out of Fluttershy's... hand?  Hoof?
O: Hoof, probably. [laughs]
S: To the shock and chagrin of the rest of the cassettes, Discord, and all of the animals in the vicinity.
O: Fluttershy gets upset because she was, “Trying to be nice!”
S: The other three cassettes turn on Rumble, as Discord transforms Fluttershy's animal friends into little robot versions of themselves.  Surprisingly menacing ones!  And they all attack Soundwave.  Soundwave gets to learn what being attacked by a dozen rabid little bunnies feels like.
O: Rumble attempts to dissuade his fellow cassettes from murder, invoking the ‘f word’.  The ‘f word’ being ‘friendship’ here.
S: Fluttershy immediately changes her tune and asks if friendship is what they really care about.
O: Soundwave responds with, “Unquestionably: Friendship superior.”
S: While being covered in a bunch of tiny, rabid, metal animals.
O: Yes.  The fighting stops, as Fluttershy says they can start over and be friends.
S: Discord points out that he could just turn them all into little pretty ponies, but doesn't.
O: The animal friends are returned to normal, and Rumble apologizes to Fluttershy.
S: Megatron coms Soundwave at this point, and tells him to meet up with the rest of the Decepticons.
O: Soundwave responds in the affirmative, but with the caveat of, “Eventually.”
S: And the final panel has Soundwave sitting down and looking on at- as his cassettes and Fluttershy frolic.
O: It is a stupidly cute panel.
S: Mm-hmm, Rumble has a bunch of bunnies in his arms.
O: Ravage is playing with a birb.
S: Laserbeak and Ratbat are both giving tiny animals rides.
O: And Discord is giving Soundwave a thumbs up.
S: It's happy communication all around.
O: Right!? Like, this is what Soundwave deserves, okay!? This is my humble opinion- Soundwave should just stay here and be happy.  I actually would pay good money for a crossover- like, a crossover fic of them.  Just Soundwave helping with like, Fluttershy's animal hospital thing.  That sounds so cute! [laughs]
S: It would be a relaxing vacation for him.
O: He deserves a relaxing vacation.  My boy deserves a relaxing vacation!  Also, just going to pause- if you guys hear creaking, I am super sorry.  But we- my neighbor is moving around a lot for some reason, and there's a lot of cranking going on here.  So, sorry you can hear that.
S: Issue 3 part 2, “The Flying Fox Trot,” begins with Rainbow Dash reclining on a cloud and chomping on an apple, content with life.
O: At least until Windblade zooms by, dissipating Rainbow's perch.
S: The two introduce themselves to each other and rainbow proclaims herself as, “The fastest in Equestria!”
O: To which, Windblade, seasoned warrior, plane with literal jet engines, asks, “Until I showed up?”  Of course, the only way to settle this is with a race, apparently.
S: Considering Rainbow Dash's personality, yeah.
O: Yeah.
S: At the starting line we get cameos from some horse-based Transformers, Mach Kick and Battle Unicorn.
O: Which, honestly, since one’s a horse and one's a unicorn, I'm just amused that these exist at all- in a toy line for boys.  And also, I kind of want them on principle.
S: They're-
O: They look amazing. [laughs]
S: With very convoluted transformations.
O: Apparently.  Because apparently, you can't, you- you- you- can take the horse out of the organic but you cannot take the horse out of a horse.
S: [laughs]
O: I know that wasn’t right.
S: You can take the organic out of the horse, but not the horse out of the robot.
O: Yes.  So it's, uh, anatomy is just about as bad as a real horse is what I'm getting at here. [laughs]  Windblade and Rainbow Dash take off and are neck and neck, figuratively speaking, since Windblade doesn't have a neck right now, but whatever.  Until they run into a gaggle of Decepticons.
S: Misfire and the Rainmakers not- well, to be specific.  And honestly that just sounds like a band name?
O: Jem and the Holograms’ new rival! [laughs] I like- great- okay, okay, I know- I know- I know that we were talking about this in our warm-up, not in the actual episode but if you want to get into weird things you can that like, fit into the Transformers-verse, arguably Jem and the Holograms takes place in the fit into the same continuity.  And in fact, there was a G.I. Joe character whose entire backstory is that he was a roadie for Jem and the Holograms, and G.I. Joe definitely takes place in the same universe as Transformers.
[Okay, so like, I’m not wrong per say, but arguably Transformers, Inhumanoids, G.I. Joe, and Jem and the Holograms all take place in the same universe due to the presence of Hector Ramirez in all four series. ~O]
S: And considering the comics, which definitely have had multiple G.I. Joe crossovers.
O: Yeah, but not Jem and the Holograms.  Like, I think the last IDW Jem and the Holograms was kind of weird because it didn't- it didn't tie in with the rest of like, the Hasbroverse.
S: Mm.
O: Anyway, I'm sorry, tangent!  It just cracks me up that's all.
S: [laughs] The Rainmakers popped up in a season one episode, in G1, when the Autobots had to visit Cybertron.
O: Misfire doesn't show up in G1 till like, very late season four, and by late I mean, season four only has like, what?  Three episodes?
S: Mm.
O: But, you know what I mean!  And he's more widely known from his IDW appearance with the Scavengers, who are ‘sirs not appearing in this comic’.
S: And also for his incredibly bad name-
B: [laugh]
S: And also for his imp- incredibly bad aim, for which, poor Misfire gets his name.
O: Rainbow Dash suggests doing the ‘Flying Foxtrot.’
S: Which Windblade, understandably, is not familiar with.
O: And I'm half convinced that Rainbow Dash made it up, but whatever!  This entire thing seems to be baiting the Cons into shooting heat seeking missiles at the two of them, and then nyrooming behind them so that the missiles hit the Cons instead.
S: The comic ends with Rainbow Dash and Windblade agreeing to a tie and sitting atop a pile of Rainmakers and Misfire.  Who all look like they are regretting their life choices.
O: They were defeated by a pony, [speaks while laughing] I would hope they were regretting their life choices! [returns to speaking normally] Issue 4, part 1, is, “Strength in Numbers,” featuring Applejack and the Insecticons.
S: It opens with Applejack being very upset that there are some giant ass bugs in her orchard, eating everything.  And, I mean, she unfortunately has a super big pest problem here.
O: Which is a bad thing when her entire income is dependent upon farming.
S: Yep.  The Insecticon horde is very happy, and surprisingly cute as they munch on delicious apples and trees.
O: Applejack attempts to chase them off in multiple ways… none of which work.
S: Spraying them with the hose, hitting them with rakes, spraying them with the hose again, and then trying to push them off the apple trees.
O: Back inside her house, she brainstorms more things to try when Discord appears out of nowhere and she too is like, “Are you playin’ a prank, Discord!?”
S: Well, if i lived in ponyverse or-
O: Equestria.
S: Equestria, I think that might have been my first thought too.
O: I mean, fair.  Giant insects are eating her apples.  Like, who else could do that but Discord on a normal day? [laughs]
S: Mm-hmm.  However, Discord says that this stuff is too mundane to be one of his pranks.
O: Applejack asks for his help.  He declines, as he'd much prefer to watch this madness, but he does summon all of the Apple Family to aid Applejack.
S: The Apple Clan is here!
O: No, really, like, ALL of them are here.  And I am not listing them off, because it's pretty much every single Apple character that appeared in the show at some point.
S: So all of the Apple Clan charge in, and I'm kind of wondering now if he like, showed up and briefed them all- just-
O: [laughs] I think they all saw through the portal, and saw bugs eating apples and were like, “My people are calling me!” [laughs]
S: My- my home needs me!
O: My home needs me, exactly.
S: Babs Seed, Big Mac, and Apple Bloom take out an insecticon by themselves by kicking it,
O: Which are Applejack's cousin, older brother, and little sister, respectively.
S: Several other Apples take out other Insecticons with ropes.
O: And an elderly Apple accidentally kicks one of Bombshell's Cerebral Shells back onto him and then orders him to go away while she's sort of flailing.
S: Accidental mind control, here we are!
O: And the day is saved thanks to the Apples, and we move on to the final chapter of the crossover fittingly called, “Finale.”
S: We open in the Crystal Empire with one of the other princesses of Equestria, Princess Cadence, as several of Twilight’s students report back to her that the Decepticons are nowhere to be found, but are likely planning an attack according to the Autobots.
O: Speaking of attack!
S: [sighs] The wall is smashed in as Megatron, Queen Chrysalis, and their allies arrive and demand that they hand over all the magical artifacts.
O: Twilight Sparkle and Optimus arrive just in time.
S: Optimus attempts to get Megatron to leave with politeness.
O: Surprising no one who's dealt with Megatron for more than 10 seconds, he declines. [laughs]
S: And with a combined call of, “Transform and trot out!” and, “Till everypony are one!”  …Oh, so grammatically incorrect.
O: [laughs]
S: The Autobots and their allies go on the offensive.
O: And I get secondhand embarrassment from those lines existing in a printed form.
S: Pinkie Pie throws a pie in poor Soundwave's face.
O: And we get a pretty great two-page spread where a variety of things are happening...
S: Rarity is riding in Arcee's vehicle mode as they launch themselves at Shrapnel.
O: Optimus is punching the crap out of Starscream.
S: Megatron orders Shockwave to just get some magical shit already!
O: Bumblebee goes on a tangent about Equestria's tasteful decor.
S: More bickering back and forth, and went- then Twilight summons the orange cap of shame onto Megatron's Fusion Cannon.
O: For reference, this is referring to the fact that Megatron with his original alt can't normally be sold without said orange cap identifying that he's not a real gun.  Which was a thing that was put into place after- or like you know, late 80’s, early 90’s.  Um, at least, you know, he can't be sold without this in the states and personally I think it's fucking hilarious.
S: And through the powers of friendship and Spike's awesome skills, the Space Bridge opens and Spike and Grimlock come through and assist.  And this is dragon Spike.
O: Yes.
S: Not human Spike.
O: Oh- to which, dragon Spike is wearing adult human Spike’s exo suit though.
S: Mm-hm.
O: To make this more confusing, how many Spikes would you like to go around?  That sounds really dirty within the fandom- and I'm gonna move right along!
B: [laugh]
S: Twilight and Optimus use alicorn magic and the Matrix in tandem to send the Decepticons home.
O: One delightful tea and Energon party later… the Autobots arrive back home themselves.
S: Optimus then explodes the space bridge behind them to protect Equestria from the Decepticons.
O: Much to the sadness of the Autobots, who enjoyed their time with their new friends.
S: Unfortunately for the ponies, Shockwave might have figured out a way to bring them to Cybertron instead.
O: And on that sequel bait, the crossover ends.  And yes, there is actually a sequel that's been announced.  In fact, I think the first issue or two might be out, and we're definitely looking forward to reading it at some point.
S: I feel like I've definitely seen a cover…
O: Other than that, what were your thoughts and feelings about this crossover?
S: The colors and such were really nice, but the cartoony style that the My Little Pony artist used for the robots didn't really work for us.
O: And we want to add, we're not saying they're a bad artist!  It was merely a stylistic option that didn't mesh well for us, specifically for the robot characters.
S: Mm-hm.
O: Um, this was further compounded by the fact that normal- like, Transformers artists that we are more used to doing comics, were also involved in other issues.  And so, they were drawing the robots better, and then the ponies also didn't look like terribly off model or something.  So it was just less distracting when they were doing it.
S: Mm.
O: Overall the special was good, and we recommend it to you if you like Transformers and My Little Pony.
S: Not that you should, you know, wait for our recommendation or anything.
O: [laughs] Uh, the Fluttershy/Soundwave chapter was a standout for both of us.
S: It was very cute, and I really enjoyed how emotive the non-speaking cassettes were.
O: I loved seeing the poor man have to deal with Discord's nonsense.
S: I feel like... we could have done with something longer having him deal with Discord’s nonsense.
O: I- yeah, it was constrained in the way that they did this, where each- there were only four issues, and each issue was- was split into two parts.
S: Yeah, and it's only 24 pages an issue or something.  So it's very- they're very minimal and very constrained.
O: Right.
S: It's just an issue with the medium.  I also really enjoyed the Spike/Grimlock chapter, because it was nice to see them both admiring each other's qualities, and supporting each other, and just being so uplifting.
O: And cute!
S: Mm-hm.
O: My second favorite was probably the Pinkie Pie chapter though, because it was just completely batshit insane.  Uh, just- again, Shockwave had a whisk and a spatula, because he was planning on eating the ponies.  I- where do I go with that?  How do I make that better!?  I can't, that's the answer! [laughs]
S: Shockwave just really wants to- to practice his, um…
O: Culinary arts? [laughs]
S: Yeah. I don't know, the implication that Cybertronians have culinary arts is- it just kind of weirds me out.
O: [continues laughing] Yeah, but- but Gauge was like, “I have a recipe!”
S: I know!  Well, that's the entire implication, it's just like, oh.  Mm.
O: I love that we probably got more actual like, culinary cannon from a fucking My Little Pony crossover than any of the other Transformers comics combined!
S: Yeah.
O: That's weird! [laughs]
S: I mean, the fact that it does come from effectively a pre-war era does mean that we'd potentially get more culture.
O: Eh, yeah.  I mean, but I don't think this was pre-war.  It seemed like it was mid-war?
S: I know, but just the fact that the uh, IDW2 is mostly pre-war.
O: Ah, that's true, that's true.
S: The characters all felt in character, the relationships were entertaining and sweet, and barring the one artist everyone was very expressive.
O: And with that, thanks for joining us for our April Fools’ special.  We hope ya’ll enjoyed, join us next time as we go back to business with episode 43, The Golden Lagoon.
S: Yay.  And that just about wraps it up for us today.  Remember to check us out on Tumblr or Pillowfort as Afterspark-Podcast, for any additional information, show notes, or links you may have mentioned.  You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter at AftersparkPod (all one word), and various other locations by searching for ‘Afterspark Podcast’ such as AO3, iTunes, Spotify and Youtube, just to name a few.  And feel free to send us questions on Tumblr, Youtube or AO3.  Till next time, I'm Specs!
O: And I’m Owls!
S: Toodles.
[Outro Music]
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el-gilliath · 5 years
Day 5: Freaky Friday
Prompt by @bialiencowboy: with the aftermath of all the shit that's rained down on michael and isobel, they shut themselves up in izzy's house. they don't know rath blew into town when he felt something shifting in their distant bonds. they don't know he's here. they don't know he walked into the wild pony, dressed as michael and kissed maria.
I’m just gonna warn for douchbagery here, because Rath is a douchebag. And he does kiss Maria with her thinking it’s Michael, so be warned for that as well.
It’s quiet, when he rolls into town. Quiet in a way he doesn’t think Roswell New Mexico should be quiet. It might just be because something is missing, that Zan, no not Zan, Max is dead. Maybe that’s why he’s able to enter without any prodding in his mind, why he was able to go to Michael’s trailer. Michael, what a stupid name, nothing like their true name. Rath is a good, strong name, worthy of a general. Michael just sounds like a sobbing child, and from the grief he feels in their distant bond, that is exactly what he is.
Now though, now he gets to have some fun. Some fun in Roswell, New Mexico, maybe make some waves. He wishes Villandra and Zan would come with him, but he also gets that they don’t want to go to Roswell. It’s nothing like New York, a hole in the fucking dessert. He doesn’t like it, but he does look forward to maybe fucking up his sibling clone’s life.
He stops at The Wild Pony, hoping he will find Maria there. She’s been a delight, the other times he’s been there, disguised as Michael. Like she actually tolerates the little child that his clone is. 
He’s not disappointed when he walks in, she’s at the bar, beautiful and wonderful as always. She looks up when she sees him, her eyes going huge in surprise. Like she’s… happy to see him. Interesting, so the child might’ve actually made a move.
“Hey DeLuca, you’re closed, I guess?” he asks, his gaze calculating as she turns around to look at him. Her eyes are hopeful, yet guarded, he can work with that. “I’m sorry if I interrupted you. I just- I just really need a drink.”
She looks at him, a small smile coming to her lips. “No. No, we’re open, actually.”
He grins, a grin he knows is more predatory than the child, but he doesn’t let her look too long before he stalks over to her. Her breath hitches as he gets closer, and part of him doesn’t want to play a game where he flirts, she flirts back and they drink. 
He kisses her instead, his hands hungry as they grip her face, fingers sprawling to drag her in and angle her just the way he wants. She lets out a small squeak of surprise, but kisses back after a moment of hesitation. It’s good, he knew she would be good at this. That he could just take for a bit, without her pulling back.
“Guerin,” she whispers as she pulls back a little, but Rath doesn’t want to hear his name. He shakes his head, minutely, and pulls her back in, kissing her deeply to distract her. It works, she doesn’t try to speak again.
They keep kissing, wrapped up in each other that they don’t hear the door open.
“Maria, are you he- Oh.”
Maria breaks away from him, pushing him away slightly as she turns towards the door, her eyes going wide. “Alex!”
“Sorry, I uh. The door was open.”
Rath turns around slowly, eyes narrowed at the sight of Alex Manes standing just inside the bar. He looks like a snack, like someone Rath would devour whole if he could, in black jeans and a leather jacket. No wonder the sob child wants him.
Alex is looking at Maria, betrayal and pain in his features for a second, before he’s able to hide it. Serves him right, for being who he is.
“I wanted to talk.”
“Don’t worry about it, Maria. We-.” He stops himself mid sentence, as he looks over at Rath. Rath doesn’t know what he sees to make his eyes narrow, but he doesn’t like it. It irks him that Alex apparently sees something, it irks him even more when the son of a dogshit pulls a gun on him a second later.
“Alex! What the hell are you doing?” Maria all but yells, taking a step back as her eyes widen in surprise.
“Look at his aura.”
“Look. At. His. Aura, Maria. I don’t know who that is, but it’s not Michael.”
He looks at Maria as she turns towards him, her eyes confused, disbelieving, but ready to do what Alex says. Rath schools his features, taking on a mask of neutrality he knows has worked well for him before, that has gotten him through some pretty interesting spots.
But from the way Maria gasps a minute later, it doesn’t work here. She backs away from him, coming to stand closer to Alex who still has his gun trained on him. Oh well, he was hoping he would get to have a bit more fun before he had to leave.
“Well, well, well. I never expected that someone could tell us apart with only a look,” Rath says, his face taking on a predatory grin, his eyes going dark in annoyance. “How well do you know my counterpart for you to be able to do that, huh Manes. You must be something special. Or you were, at least.”
Alex doesn’t rise to the bait, so he does a cursory look up and down, his eyes zeroing in on the gun. Loaded, and the safety is off. “Planning on shooting me, Manes?”
“Maybe I should try to figure out how many bullets you could stop before one gets through,” Alex replies. He’s cocky, this Manes. But Rath knows that he can pull it off, just like the rest of his family.
“The question you should ask is, can you get a shot in before I throw you to kingdom come?”
“Yes.” And Alex doesn’t sound the slightest bit unsure. “Michael’s powers work on a slight delay, and I’m a quick shot. I could shoot you in the head before you could come near me with your powers.”
Maria looks really confused behind him, making Rath laugh. “He didn’t tell you? We’re aliens, babe. Came down from the stars above in 1947. My siblings and I woke up in New York, 1995. Our… clones, woke up in 1997 in Roswell, New Mexico.”
She looks at Alex, unsure. Alex just nods, making her take a breath in shock. Alex lets one hand go on the gun, taking hers and squeezing it. She squeezes it back, seemingly finding strength in it. Humans, disgusting creatures. If only they weren’t so delicious to play with.
Alex takes his phone from his back pocket, and hands it to Maria before bringing his hand back up to the gun.
“My birthday. Call Michael, tell him we’re here.”
Maria wastes no time, unlocking the phone and finding Michael’s number. “You sure he will answer?”
“He always does.”
Maria gets a slight pained look in her eyes, but nods through it, hitting Michael’s number and putting it on loudspeaker as she does. It only rings a few times before it connects.
The grief in the voice is exactly as Rath thought it would be, he really is like a sobbing child. But there is a slight hope that comes through as he says Alex’s name that intrigues Rath. Maybe going to Maria wasn’t what would’ve destroyed his clone the most.
“We’re at the Wild Pony, you need to bring Isobel and get here now.”
The phone stays silent for a few seconds, before Michael yells for Isobel on the other end of the phone. He hears Villandra, Isobel, grumble as Michael tells her they need to go.
“Give us fifteen minutes, we’ll be there.” The phone clicks off, and Maria puts it back in Alex’s pocket.
Rath scoffs. “He comes when you beckon, then. What a wimp.”
Alex doesn’t reply, Maria either, though she looks at Alex like she’s trying to figure him out. Like she has finally unlocked something she wasn’t aware of before. Rath doesn’t really give a shit, but it is more entertaining to watch than the floor.
The next 15 minutes is spent in silence. Rath keeps expecting Alex’s laser focus with the gun to lessen, to relax for just a second so he can throw him into the wall but it doesn’t. Which is a shame, because Alex is right. He has a slight delay to his powers that would enable Alex to put a bullet through his brain, and he has no doubts that he would.
A car screeches to a halt outside soon enough, and the door flies open, Michael coming in first with Isobel right behind him. Both of them look wrecked, not that it surprises him, he probably would feel some kind of pain if Zan died.
Michael runs over to Alex, looking him up and down as if he’s searching for wounds, giving Maria the same treatment a second later. But Isobel, oh Isobel is looking straight at him. He tips his head at her, making her take a sharp intake that finally makes Michael look at him as well. He enjoys the look of shock on their faces, as he knows this is the first time they’ve seen him, even if he’s seen them several times before.
“What the actual hell?”
“What?” Rath asks. “Never seen a clone of yours?”
“The fuck do you mean, clone?”
“He means genetic identical,” Alex interrupts. “I found some files in it from Caulfield, but it was only speculation. Obviously there was something true to it.”
Rath watches with glee at the confused, maybe even panicked look the child sends him. He’s obviously not fine with it, and it makes Rath positively burst with joy, that he can do something so easily as exist to disrupt the day for his lesser counterpart.
“Don’t worry. We took care of the third set of clones. They liked to feed on their victims,” Rath says, the predatory grin coming back on his face. “There’s only us now. Well, us, and you two. Since you managed to kill Zan.”
“Wh-We didn’t kill Max! He sacrificed himself!”
“And you let him, knowing he was high on power and willing to do anything for that girlfriend of his.” Rath subtly starts gathering his power, slow enough to not set off Alex. “Have. You. No. Shame.”
Isobel is starting to become angry. She’s so much like Villandra, probably the most alike of all three of them. If Rath was an honest alien, he would know just how much he and Michael are alike too. But today, he chooses not to be honest. After all, why be honest when you can do the more fun thing and wreck some good, old-fashioned havoc on other people’s lives.
He turns to Isobel, his eyes softening as he looks at her. “I’m sorry about what Noah did to you, you didn’t deserve that.”
He turns to Maria and smiles. ”I’m not sorry I kissed you, you’re a great kisser. You ever want to come to New York, you’re more than welcome”
He ignores the angry yell from the child and turns to Alex. “If you’re anything like your father, I hope you die like the Manes Man you are.” He  gives Michael a quick once over. “But if you’re not, and you get tired of this sorry sack of bones, you’re also more than welcome to New York.”
He erects a forcefield around himself, just in time for the child to lose his temper. So predictable in his tantrums.
“Get the hell out of Roswell,” Vill- Isobel says, her voice low but with brimming with anger. He bows at her, a traditional bow before he turns around and starts walking towards the back door, happy with what he’s managed to accomplish in such a short visit.
“Oh, by the way, Michael? You only have one soulmate, and you already know who it is. Stop being an assbag,” he says, grinning as the child once again yells angrily towards him.
He can’t help but smile though, as he gets into his car and starts to drive. At least he managed to stir up enough shit to keep himself entertained for a while. And if maybe, just maybe, that helps the other clones to get their shit together and do something about their lives and Max being dead, well. Then that might be a good thing too.
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erisgregory · 5 years
Mylex Prompt - Michael and Kyle constantly sniping at each other and Alex being fed up with it, saying “I’m so sick of this whose-dick-is-bigger contest! If you really wanna know, I’ll happily tell you!” (Implication that Alex has already seen Kyle’s)
This was such a fun prompt, though it was a bugger to write, thank you so much! Prompts are currently closed as I try and catch up with my inbox. I have ten prompts left.
cross posted to AO3
I’m Caught In Between (explicit)
Alex had been listening to it for almost an hour now. He didn’t think he could take much more. It was giving him a headache that the beers weren’t quite drowning out any more. He’d invited them both over in an attempt to get past the pettiness they both had any time they were around each other. However it was looking like it had backfired on him. So much for game night.
“You were a dick in high school and you’re no different now!” Michael was almost shouting and Kyle was no better, right up in Michael’s face like he didn’t even think about his safety.
“Some of us did grow up, Guerin, but maybe not all of us!” Kyle threw back.
“Oh that sounds mature, sure!” Michael threw a glance at Alex as if to say, see?
“Leave me out of it.” Alex told them both, holding his hands up.
“You know Alex doesn’t want to get involved because he knows you’re wrong.” Kyle said.
“Alex doesn’t want to get involved because he doesn’t want to hurt your precious feelings!” Michael told him.
“Alex doesn’t want to get involved because he’s not stupid enough to pick sides in an argument about who was the best Spiderman.” Alex explained. He couldn’t believe they were still going at it and now they were dragging him into it.
“You know what? I can’t take this anymore. “I’m so sick of this whose-dick-is-bigger contest! If you really wanna know, I’ll happily tell you!” He said, standing up and staring them both down.
Kyle coughed, but Michael laughed. Alex wasn’t even slightly amused. This sniping had been going on for days, and though the subject changed the underlying issue never did.
“You can’t mean…” Michael said.
“Oh I’m serious.” Alex raised his brows at them.
Kyle had the good sense to flush a warm pink across his cheeks. He was embarrassed or ashamed and either way really worked for Alex. He really wanted them to shut up. Alex didn’t think he was ashamed about the knowledge Alex had about him or the circumstances that led to Alex finding out. He was more embarrassed for being called out. Or so Alex was guessing.
“When did you…?” Michael still wasn’t forming complete sentences and he looked slightly abashed. Which was a much better look than smug was just now. Alex was sick of his superiority complex over Kyle. Both of them needed taking down a peg and he knew just how to do it.
“Twenty eleven. I was home on leave very briefly.” Alex told him. ‘We gave each other handies in the bathroom at Wild Pony.
“You said we were never going to talk about it.” Kyle said, but he was grinning looking at Michael like he’d already won.
“You’ve pushed me to this.” Alex said. “I don’t see that I have much choice.” He shrugged.
Kyle actually laughed proving he wasn’t ashamed of what they’d done. Alex was pretty sure of that, but it was nice to have it confirmed.
“Okay then, so tell us.” Michael challenged, though he didn’t sound as sure as he had been before when he was egging Kyle on. He maybe sounded a little worried and though Alex did want him taken down a peg or two he didn’t want to make him feel actually bad.
“Okay well, Kyle is longer.” He said. Kyle gave Michael the biggest shit eating grin.
“Wait, I’m not done.” He told them. Michael looked a little hopeful at that. “Michael’s thicker.”
Now Michael had the grin.
“That doesn’t help at all!” Kyle complained.
“Sure it does. It’s all about what someone’s looking for.” Alex assured him.
Michael laughed.
“Don’t do that, I didn’t say what I was looking for.” Alex cautioned Michael.
Then he had to laugh. They both looked so gobsmacked, it was hilarious.
Michael smacked his arm. “That was uncalled for.”
“You should have seen your face.” Alex wheezed.
“I’m glad you think this is so funny.” Kyle said with a huff. He was starting to look very put out.
“Come on, you should both be very happy.” Alex told them. “Now maybe you can stop all this pissing contest bullshit.”
“I don’t know, now I feel like I need to see if you’re telling the truth.” Michael said with a grin.
Alex turned to level a look at him. “That wasn’t exactly the point of this.” He said.
“But it could be, right Michael?” Kyle asked, grinning again now himself.
“Are you two serious right now?” Alex asked them. He could feel his own cheeks starting to heat up just thinking about it. Seriously?
“I’m dead serious, Manes.” Michael said. He cocked an eyebrow at Kyle.
“Dead serious.” He echoed, though Alex caught him swallowing nervously.
“Fine, let’s see it then.” If everyone else could be cocky so could Alex. Besides there was a part of him that would never admit it outloud, but this was fulfilling some serious fantasy fodder.
“Together then?” Michael asked Kyle who nodded. They stood facing each other on the other side of Alex’s coffee table.
Michael reached for his zipper first, but Kyle was right with him as they both undid their flies. Alex was holding his breath. This was really happening. They pushed their jeans down to their thighs. And then they paused and Alex felt his breath woosh out of him as they finally lowered their underwear in one fluid movement.
Kyle was already half hard, but he stroked himself a few times until he stood out fully hard. Michael was already there too. Both of them were staring at the other which was perfect actually because they completely missed that Alex almost fell off the couch leaning forward.
“What do you think, Valenti?” Michael asked. “Because I think Alex owes us for this little show.”
Kyle laughed and his eyes darted over to Alex. “I think you might be right.” He said, licking his lips.
Now it was Alex’s turn to swallow nervously. He didn’t think he’d had quite enough to drink be able to handle this onslaught. “What do you mean?” He asked, knowing exactly what they meant. He licked his lips as they stalked toward him, Michael from the right and Kyle from the left. It was almost too much to take.
They stood in front of him stripping the rest of the way out of their clothes until they both stood stark naked before him. It was just a lot to take in and if Michael hadn’t been the one egging this on he never would have believed he’d be comfortable with this. He looked more than comfortable though, he looked totally confident. So he hadn’t exactly been taken down a peg after all. Alex couldn’t help but grin nervously at them both.
Michael reached forward and took his hand, pulling him to the edge of the couch and laying his hand on his hip. Kyle repeated the motion until he was touching them both and suddenly very hard in his pants. He glanced up at them, first Michael then Kyle, they both clearly wanted it, and he wanted them. So he leaned forward slightly and kissing the juncture of Michael’s hip and leg, where he was most sensitive. He didn’t really know Kyle’s body despite some drunken fooling around years ago, but he thought about what he liked and went with that for now. He kissed down the little trail of hair from his belly button to the base of his cock.
Then he took Michael’s cock into his mouth and moved his hand to circle Kyle’s. Michael made a muted little noise as Alex sucked him down. He was always reserved in the beginning and Alex took it as a challenge to get him to let loose and make some real noise.
When he pulled off Michael’s pupils were blown wide leaving his eyes mostly black. Alex gave him a little grin before sinking over Kyle’s cock, sucking gently as he sank down to the base. Kyle really was longer so it took a little mind over matter to take him all the way in. He pulled back and swirled his tongue and then before he could think of his next move, Michael was there, moved in closer and nudging his cock against Alex’s full mouth. Alex obediently opened for him, not able to really close his mouth around them but he managed to suck on the heads of both, licking them in turn.
Alex had to press the heel of his hand to his own dick as it twitched hard in his pants. He was more turned on than he could ever remember being. Michael sank a hand into his hair and held him in place as he tried to get his mouth around both of them.
Looking up just made everything hotter because Michael and Kyle were kissing. Kyle had a hand on the back of his neck and Michael was tugging at his hair now and all of it felt so good. He pulled back just enough to take a breath before sinking his mouth back over Michael’s cock, all the way down, his jaw aching with the stretch. Michael cried out above him and it made Alex feel powerful.
He pulled off with a pop and turned to give the same treatment to Kyle’s cock, sinking down and then swallowing at the head until Kyle was moaning softly. All the while he kept a hand on both of them effectively holding them in place.
“Look at him.” Michael said to Kyle. “Look at those pretty lips.”
“Trust me, I’m looking.” Kyle said with a huffed laugh.
“This isn’t what you two did is it? What was it? Tell me.” He demanded. Alex loved when he got like that, all demanding and in control, but he didn’t expect Kyle to go along with it so easily.
“Hand jobs. Drunken handjobs in the parking lot of the Wild Pony. He didn’t know I was bi until that night.” Kyle explained between panted breaths.
“I see.” Michael said. “Bet that came as a shock.”
“Oh yeah.” Kyle assured him.
“A good one, I’d wager.” Michael told him.
“Seemed so, yeah.” Kyle laughed.
All of this was just too much talking for Alex so he pulled them by the dicks closer and took as much of them in as he could effectively shutting them both up again. It was a lot, almost too much and his jaw was certainly going to hurt later if he kept stretching it like this, but he wanted them, wanted their pleasure, wanted to drive them crazy.
Alex made his tongue flat and wide and licked the tips of both their cocks, tasting them both. Michael was saltier, but they both tasted so good. Alex wanted so much more. He sucked Kyle in, using his hand to jerk Michael off slowly but steadily.
“I want to be inside you.” Michael told him.
Alex pulled off Kyle and looked up at them. He swallowed hard. Maybe that was the next natural progression of this but it seemed like kind of a big deal. A bigger deal.
“Yeah?” Alex asked. He looked from Michael to Kyle and back to Michael.
“If you want to.” Michael amended.
“I do.” Alex said. “Do you?” He asked Kyle.
“God, yes.” Kyle breathed.
“Then we should take this to the bedroom.” Michael said.
They stepped back and Michael helped Alex to his feet. He kept his hand as they walked to the bedroom, and Michael leaned in to Alex and whispered, “This is okay with you, right?”
Alex nodded, he didn’t trust his voice just then. They made it to the bedroom and Michael immediately started to strip Alex. He pulled off Alex’s shirt and kissed him before going for his belt buckle. Once he had his bet off he gently pushed Alex to the edge of the bed and sat him down next to Kyle. Then he worked open Alex’s fly and helped push his pants and underwear off.
Michael backed off giving Alex the space to remove his prosthetic and lay it aside, which he did. Then he was back on him, taking his head in his hands and kissing him deeply.
When Michael pulled back to breath he turned Alex’s face toward Kyle who leaned in and took over the kissing. Kissing Kyle was something Alex wasn’t really prepared for. He was much more enthusiastic than Alex was expecting, more forceful, just more. It was pretty awesome all things considered.
Then they were climbing up into the bed, the three of them with Alex in the middle which was a pretty good place to be, he guessed. Michael immediately latched onto his neck finding the sensitive spot below his ear and Kyle brought their lips back together for another scorching kiss.
There were hands everywhere, on his chest on his thigh on his arm, on his jaw, too many to keep track of it seemed and that was okay by Alex. It wasn’t long before Michael’s hand made it to Alex’s cock, stroking it gently, in an almost teasing manner.
“Oh.” Alex said in an almost surprised voice. It felt good though, being between them, so he let himself relax into it. Alex reached for both of them then, wrapping a hand around each cock and they moved against him, each moaning softly as he touched them. It was a heady thing, having them both in bed like that.
“Can you get him ready?” Michael asked Kyle, reaching back and finding the lube in the draw. “He likes a lot of prep.”
Alex flushed at such an intimate detail coming out, but it was true so he just grinned at Kyle sheepishly as Kyle climbed down his body.
“I’ll be gentle.” Kyle told him softly. Alex nodded back. He liked gentle for this part. Kyle nuzzled into his thigh and placed kisses along the inner part of his knee leading up to the junction of his hip and leg.
“Can I?” He asked and he asked it so sweetly that it made Alex’s chest squeeze tight like he couldn’t breathe for a moment.
“Yeah.” Alex answered him when he could.
Then Kyle was taking him in his mouth, gently, slowly, as though it meant something more than just getting off, and that made Alex wonder. But not for long because Kyle was sucking him down and swallowing around the head of his cock and Alex couldn’t think clearly after that. The world narrowed down to the points of contact on his body, where Kyle was licking and sucking his cock and Michael was kissing across his chest, nibbling on a nipple and stroking him with his hands.
Kyle was just distracting him though, as it turned out, because next Alex felt a cool finger swirling around his entrance, pressing oh so lightly. Alex made the tiniest noise and Michael raised up to kiss him, swallowing the moan that came next as Kyle’s finger breached him. Alex didn’t know what to do with his hands then. He found that one of them had somehow made its way into Kyle’s hair and the other was holding on to Michael for dear life as he tried to anchor himself in some way.
One finger was taking out and two returned. Slowly pressing forward until Alex keened. Then they stilled and Kyle went back to sucking his cock down, keeping him balanced between discomfort and pleasure. It was working too, Alex could feel himself relaxing. Until Kyle found his prostate and then there was nothing but bursts of pleasure as he rode between Kyle’s fingers and his mouth.
“You look so good like this. I never get to just look at you when you’re coming apart.” Michael whispered into his ear, the words tickling and raising goosebumps on the back of his neck.
Kyle came back with three fingers and just pressed them in slowly and left them there until Alex’s hips were pushing down onto them. He needed more, he was ready, beyond ready. “Please.” Alex begged. “I need more.”
“Okay babe, I’ve got you.” Michael told him. Alex felt sure it was true, Michael always knew what he needed and when in bed.
Together they moved around on the bed until Alex’s back was to Kyle and he was facing Michael, laying on his side. Michael lifted his good leg up over his hip and settled between his thighs. Kyle came in close behind him, placing kissing along his shoulders and the back of his neck. His arm wound around Alex holding him snugly in place between them.
Michael slicked his cock with more lube and then slid into Alex with one smooth motion. Kyle pinched his nipple as Alex cried out softly. Michael felt so good, but being pinned between them brought an extra layer to the moment that was unexpectedly brilliant. Alex had never felt anything like it before.
“You make the best noises.” Kyle told him, licking the shell of his ear. “Don’t hold back.” He commanded.
Alex was pulled into a kiss by Michael who licked into his mouth and kissed him deeply as he began to move inside him. When he let Alex breathe again Alex couldn’t have stopped the little sounds falling from his mouth if he’d tried. Kyle’s hands seemed to be everywhere, stroking his belly, his thigh, playing across his nipples, and his mouth was attached to the side of Alex’s neck in one of his most sensitive spots. It was all Alex could do just to hang on to Michael as he fucked him slow and deep.
“Ah, ah.” He cried out as Michael found his prostate and then angled toward it on every thrust.
“Yeah.” Kyle whispered. “Let us hear you.” He reached around and took Alex’s cock in his hand and began to stroke it in long slow movements that made Alex feel like he was losing his mind. He knew he was getting loud, but ti was only spurring both of them on.
“Tell me when you’re ready for more.” Kyle said. All Alex could do was hang on and nod. He wanted more, he needed more but he didn’t know how to ask for that.
“Alex, I need you to say it. Tell me you need more.” Kyle told him. Alex felt his heart was going to trip right out of his chest.
“I need… I need more.” Alex managed to get out. He was trembling with excitement thinking about what more might mean.
Michael slowed to a stop then as if this whole thing were choreographed. “I want to know if it gets to be too much.” He told Alex and then leaned in to kiss him. Alex watched then as he pulled back to pass the lube to Kyle and Alex’s eyes went wide. He wanted it, but he wasn’t entirely convinced it was going to work.
Kyle rubbed the head of his cock against Alex’s stretched entrance. Alex was so sensitive it tore a moan from his throat. The thrill of what they were doing was causing Alex’s legs to tremble. He’d never done anything like this, not even close to this. It was exciting and scary and overwhelming in the best possible way. Kyle began to press in and Alex held perfectly still. So did Michael though he kissed Alex again as a distraction. Kyle attached his mouth to the juncture of Alex’s neck and shoulder and bit down gently, just enough for Alex to really feel it, enough that he was able to relax and let the head of Kyle’s cock slip inside him.
“Ahhh.” Alex moaned. Kyle petted at his hip and thigh, soothing him. He felt so full already and he knew they weren’t nearly done.
‘You’re doing so well.” Michael told him. Michael moved his hips the tiniest bit, maybe getting a better angle and Kyle slipped in a little deeper.
“Oh, ohh.” Alex moaned. The stretch burned just a little, but the feeling of being filled, really filled, was intoxicating. Alex wanted it all. He needed it. He was trembling all over now and he couldn’t keep quiet.
“Just a little bit more.” Kyle told him. “We’re almost there.” He whispered in Alex’s ear.
“Still good, baby?” Michael asked.
“Yes, yes, ohhh.” Was all Alex could manage. His knuckles were white where he gripped Michael’s arm, but he felt so good it was almost indescribable.
Kyle pressed and pressed and suddenly slid into place and Alex saw stars burst behind his eyelids. The world went away and everything, everything in him narrowed down to where they were all connected. Then Michael began to move.
He started slowly, pulling out part way and then pressing back in. Once they worked out that rhythm and Alex felt he would never walk straight after that, Kyle began to move opposite of Michael so that as one was slipping in the other was slipping out meaning that Alex was full at all times. He keened his pleasure and bit down on Michael’s shoulder without meaning to.
“Yeah, that’s it.” Kyle encouraged. “Let go, we’ve got you.”
This time it was Michael’s hand on his cock and he wasn’t gentle at all. He was jerking Alex off hard and fast, just the way Alex liked it when he was getting close. He felt it light up his spine like a firecracker. Everything felt hot and electric.Kyle was panting in his ear and Michael was huffing against his mouth. They couldn’t even kiss properly because the need to breathe was that intense.
“I’m close, I’m so close.” He warned, feeling like he was about to fly out of his own head. The feeling began in his gut and then lifted higher and higher until he felt he was flying.
“Come on, baby, you first, we want to see you come.” Michael told him. Kyle was at the point where he could only grunt his agreement into Alex’s neck.
Alex cried out loud and long as his orgasm ripped through him sending him spiraling out of his head. Michael stroked him through it, rocking into his body steadily, but slowing his hand as Alex reached the end. When he was spent he felt totally boneless between them and they held him tight and their capable hands.
Then they sped up. They both began to lose the rhythm and Alex could only lay there and enjoy it. He couldn’t even hold on any longer.
“Fuck, fuck.” Kyle stuttered, and then he was coming, his hips stilling deep inside of Alex, and Michael was right on his heels.
“Oh god!” Michael exclaimed, and Alex felt a warm heat filling him up and beginning to drip out of him.
It was too good and Alex was barely awake. He was completely out of it, more so than ever before and everything felt warm and tingling. Carefully, Alex could feel them slipping out of him. First Kyle, then Michael. And Alex whined, he couldn’t stop the sound from slipping out. Suddenly he was too empty and it left him feeling bereft.
“Shhh, babe, it’s okay, I’m here.” Michael soothed. Then Alex could feel fingers slipping inside him, filling the emptiness. It helped, and Alex felt grounded once more.
“Thank you.” He whispered. His voice felt too hoarse to use just yet.
“I’ll go get a washcloth.” Kyle suggested and then he pulled away and Alex missed him immediately.
Michael kissed him softly on the cheek. “You did so well.” He crooned. Alex soaked up the praise. He felt such bliss lying here in Michael’s arms. The only thing missing now was Kyle. But he was soon back with a warm wet cloth and a towel to lay under Alex. Alex submitted to a brief cleaning after Michael apologetically removed his fingers. They laid him back over the towel and caged him in on either side.
“I love you.” Alex slurred, already half asleep. “I love you too.” Michael said softly.
“Kyle?” Alex asked, his eyes closing.
“I’m here.” Kyle assured him.
“Stay the night?” He asked sleepily.
Kyle leaned in and kissed his cheek. “Of course.” He said gently.
Alex was drifting then but he could have sworn he heard them talking over him as he slipped off to sleep.
In the morning they shared breakfast around the little table by the window and no one bickered about anything. Alex had a huge grin because of it and Michael and Kyle knew exactly why he was smiling. That was the end of all the fighting and the pissing contests and the beginning of something new between them. Something that soon became precious to all three of them and Alex was so grateful for the way they’d found each other. Even if they’d almost driven him mad, in the end it was all worth it.
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horsepriest · 3 years
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I did this meme for Adelie on a whim and to link to her Refsheet page. There is hints towards spoilers for "The Moonlit Path" but none for "A Glimpse Beyond the Illusion."
There is some content warning of general malice and mentions of murder.
Elite Adelie
Basic stats:
Name: Elite Adelie
Gender/Pronouns: Agender she/her
Height: 8 ft with crown
Species: Other-Merged Hirudian Elite
Domain: The Firmament
Sexuality: Undefined
Romance: Undefined
Birthday: Dec. 12
Age: 260
Occupation: She is the Hirudian Elite that oversees all efforts outside of the sphere of Hirud and Light's Landing. Her wing of the military goes off-world to other planets to reap their resources. Her civilian forces mine the asteroid belts and guard them heavily. With her lab nestled in space rock, she is close enough to oversee the extraction processes. However, there is a large facility of hangars on Hirud that is incorporated into her domain. She occupies her time mostly with her experiments with the Other, sapient alien species, and her Liberated.
Weapons: Like all other Elites: innate control of the parasite in nearly every form. This includes her own, the metal plates that form the shell of her body can be molded into weapons she can control tele-empathically. She can, and does, use the Liberated parasite to force Liberated to fight for her- even if they don't want to.
Personality: Aloof, haughty, fickle. Adelie is the highest rank within the Great Hirudian Empire and she knows it. All other beings are below her, beasts or ooze. Adelie likes total control and will do whatever is needed to gain it (even ally with another Elite). Even her experiments are Liberated. She "loves" her experiments, like a person does with pets. This includes her Warlord Gresham. She has raised him from a kit. She indulged his worst impulses and encouraged him to follow through with them. She rewards him for his malice- in a way, she finds it cute.
OC Question Meme
1. How easy is it to make them angry? Do they show their anger or hide it? Extremely easy. Adelie likes everything to be exact to her mysterious specifications and she becomes irritated by anything that does not meet those specifications. Due to the immobility of her face and lack of vocal voice, it is difficult to see or hear her emotions, but it is easy to feel them due to her tele-empathy. She may kill you or take over your Liberation to do her bidding regardless. (In the case of Gresham, she loans him out to other Elites as she knows that is what hurts him most).
2. Do they believe in soulmates? Maybe she did, before becoming an Elite and essentially immortal. Her understanding of companionship has been twisted by her access to extreme power and merging with the Parasite. It has made her manipulative and view others as pawns, beasts, or ooze. Other influence has further twisted her view of the world causing her to lose touch with feelings. The closest thing she feels to “love” is akin to a human’s love for pets, including all the horrible aspects that crops up (breeding for specific traits for aesthetics/the hell of it to the detriment of the being’s health). Gresham is the perfect example of this.
3. Do they have any pet peeves? Disobedience. Disorderliness. Chaos. Anything that is outside of her expectations. While she is familiar with the drawbacks of many of her monsters (such as drool or blood in unsightly places), she prefers sterility. For Gresham, she just holds his jaw shut in her presence. Most others are stored in appropriately sized glass terrariums or aquariums for observation.
4. Do they have a happy place? Somewhere to go to in their heads when they need to relax? Adelie probably does not feel happiness in the same way a mortal could. Such a long life and access to such power and information leaves Elites numb to most emotions. She passively watches her newest experiments when she needs a distraction. She does this by passively accessing the Hirudian collective conscious to access the Parasite’s hivemind (not HiveMind) to watch through janitorial swarms.
5. At what stage of their life were they the happiest? Probably right before Ascension. The process requires being entirely in tune with one’s parasite and exerting one’s will beyond the parasite’s needs. It requires a lot of stubbornness and ambition—typically one ascends when they are at their most powerful, confident, and sure of themselves and thus, typically at their happiest.
6. At what stage of their life were they the least happy? Probably around when she realized that she required the starlight to live initially. Prior to infection, Hirudians are your typical organic-based organism, they don’t naturally require sunlight to function. It is a common frustration when becoming speakers to learn how to be purely diurnal and not require assistance with getting home before the star sets. It is a typical time of mourning of their lives that they have “lost” in the dawning of the new life they face (like many great shifts in life). Perhaps this is what spurred Adelie to become the Star Shunner? It is much easier to protect oneself from the light, than it is to require it.
7. At a bar/tavern/pub are they more likely to buy someone a drink, or have someone buy them a drink?
Adelie is more likely to buy someone else a drink. She cannot drink anymore and lacks a mouth. As for interplanetary negotiations, an expensive drink and hospitality goes a long way. Despite Adelie’s beliefs of her superiority, she knows you catch far, far, far more flies with honey. Or champagne.
8. Have they ever broken any bones? If yes, how?
Ascension is a bloody violent process where the mechanical form tears through the flesh then crushes the organic body under its metal weight. Deep in Adelie’s core, her organic body remains, crushed and unrecognizable by every means. Yet, it is still alive. It will still live long after her “ending” as well.
9. Do they have any memories/experiences they would rather forget? Not really. She does have the ability to remove harmful memories as needed. Also, her long life has numbed her to most of her memories and feelings.
10. What is their favourite memory from their childhood? Her long life has numbed her to most of her memories and feelings.
11. Do they have a “type” they are usually attracted to? Bestial, mutated, and as changed from their natural form as possible. She tends to pick larger specimens, breeding them into a much larger form if needed (usually artificially except for Vactyr).
12. Do they have any favourite possessions? Probably Gresham. He is her show pony, a prime example of her skill in bioengineering and in raising a horribly loyal war machine. He is a monstrous titan that is wrapped around the smallest finger of her smallest hand; he is utterly under her control under his own will—Liberation is just a cherry on top.
13. Do they have any tattoos? If no, would they ever consider getting one? At her present form, she is incapable of receiving tattoos. Not that she would want one anyways.
14. Do they have any piercings? If no, would they ever consider getting one? At her present form, she is incapable of having a piercing. Not that she would want one anyways.
15. What is their dream house like? They already live in it. An isolated asteroid containing all her active experiments and a handful of personal servants to assist her.
16. What is something about them that people would not expect just by looking at them? She is a lot more reactive emotionally than she looks, and her mind is a lot more active than she seems. Adelie is focused on her experiments far away while also handling matters requiring her attention.
17. How good are they at choosing gifts for others? In terms of impressing a potential business partner, she is exceptionally good at selecting things to do and give that feel extravagant and luxurious. However, for those she “cares” about, the gifts are not quite gifts. She will only give something that will benefit her. For instance, she rewards Gresham with the opportunity to torture others to his content for being a good Warlord.
18. Do they have a certain skill that they are particularly proud of? She can survive in the dark, unlike the rest of the infected Hirudians. She can somewhat controlthe Other, as much as one can at least. Her military wing is also running tightly and without direct need of her control; much unlike the crust, which is a mess and is out of control. (Adelie and Argiope have some tension between them)
19. How would a stranger they just met describe them? Intimidating, ethereal, alien. Interacting with an Elite is much like interacting with a biblical angel. Only, they are okay with you being afraid.
20. How would a close friend they have known for a long time describe them? Stuck up, aloof, perfectionist, a bitch, etc. The other Elites do not like her, but honestly, the Elites do not like each other overall.
21. Do they have any personal insecurities? Not really. She is comfortable in the fact that her minions will not revolt and issues in the home world do not bother her much at all.
22. What is their highest physical stat? (Strength, stamina, defense, speed, etc.) and their highest non-physical stat? (Intelligence, perception, charisma, luck, etc.)? Physical: Stamina. She is a machine infused with the mysteries of the universe- there is not anything that could stop her if she really wanted something. Non-physical: intelligence.
23. How would they react to finding out someone lied to them, even if it were for their own safety/well-being? She would get the truth out of you. Lying shows too much free will and that will not do.
24. Do they prefer cold weather or warm weather? Adelie does not really mind any temperature but keeps her lab cold.
25. How easy is it for them to say, “I love you”? Easy, too easy. It is as sincere as an abusive pet parent saying I love you to their pet though.
26. How easy is it for them to tell someone about their worries? Others would be able to feel her worries around her, there would not be really any question of what is bothering her. Adelie probably talks to herself in her lab.
27. Have they ever witnessed someone die? She has killed people in unique and messed up ways. So yes.
28. Are they ticklish? No.
29. How high/low is their pain tolerance? Exceedingly high. She is a machine at this point.
30. Is there something they secretly wish they could do but are too afraid to? Probably take a vacation. Adelie is a bit of an introvert and the Hirudian collective consciousness is probably low-key torture.
31. Are they a messy eater or a neat eater? Adelie is currently incapable of eating like an organic being. Mysteries of how Elites consume resources has not been determined yet, but Adelie is probably neat with the process.
32. What moment of their life made them feel most unloved? As she is so detached from every other being, Adelie probably does not feel very loved as is. Everything around her is either working against her or is a servant of hers. Not that she cares.
33. What moment of their made them feel most loved? If she paid attention, it would be in how Gresham adores her and cares for her. But she does not care.
34. Which of the senses would they hate to lose the most: vision, hearing, smell, taste, or touch? I have good authority to say that she will probably hate it when she loses pretty much everything.
35. Are they good at small talk? Adelie does not engage in small talk; she will steer such conversations back to important matters.
36. If they could ask anyone one question and get the absolute truth, who and what would they ask? She would ask the “powers that be” if her trust in the Other will betray her someday.
37. If they had the chance, would they prefer to travel to the past or to the future? If she knew what is in her future, she would go into the past.
38. Who had the biggest impact in their life, both positive and negative?
A mix of the parasite and the Other. She became an Elite due to the parasite and became more powerful through merging with the Other.
39. Would they rather life a life always surrounded by people, or always alone? Always alone.
40. Is there anyone or anything that immediately instills fear in them? There is a moment in the story she feels terror for the first time since she became an Elite—It’s when Gresham chooses to stay with her.
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decadentenemyturtle · 7 years
The Great Unknown
Summary: As if it wasn’t bad enough to fall in a random hole in a road and find yourself in Middle Earth, travelling with Thorin Oakenshield and his company, but also get turned into a dog by Gandalf. And when the wizard doesn’t even know how it happened or how to turn you back, you could only hope that this was just a bad dream. But is it?
Pairing: Thorin’s company x Reader
Words: 1942
Author's note: I'll be gone a week and a half, so I'm not sure when I'll be posting next chapter.
Previous chpaters
You ran back to the trolls camp, cursing silently the dwarves. Of course you could forgive them the fact that they didn't understand you most of the times, but when they did and didn't care, even mocked at you... Well, that's something you couldn't forgive. They were so indifferent that it was actually a wonder none of them died until they reached Erebor. But because of stupidity of certain two and events that happened after that, they lost most of their supplies and the ponies. 
You sneak in the bushes and stop there, getting down. You watch as the three trolls talk about the food, but you do not spot the Hobbit.
"Where are you Bilbo?" you whisper, looking around the camp. You didn't see him. You sigh and are about to move, when one of the trolls sneezes to his handkerchief and few seconds later he lets out a scream. You lift your head, surprised. There he was, on top of the handkerchief, covered in trolls snot. You lift your upper lip and move your tongue out, as if you tried to get something out of your mouth. The sight of Bilbo covered in snot was disgusting and you felt bad for him.
Then the troll threw him on the ground, as if he was some sort of bug climbing on teenyboppers arm. You wanted to giggle to the thought, but you knew better not to. You didn't want to get caught.
You could hear the trolls questioning Bilbo whatever he was and Bilbo almost spilling out that he was burglar. And right after that they try to catch him to make some dinner of him. The poor Hobbit keeps dodging their arms for few seconds, until one of them catches him and starts to question, whatever Bilbo has friends with him or not.
"No friends in the woods, I'm alone" Bilbo tries to confide them, but none of the trolls believes him. You crawl a little closer to the trolls, causing the bush make a sound. The trolls shoot their gaze towards you, but the leaves cower you enough that they do not see you.
"Oh, so ye don' have any friend's with ye, ehh? Then whose in de bushes, hmm?!" one of trolls questions, seeming to be rather angry of Bilbo's lie. Bilbo still tries to say that he is alone, but the trolls don't buy it anymore. Your heart was beating like crazy and you were ready to leap from the bush, when you notice Kili running from the next bush and cutting one of the trolls leg. Troll lets out a whinging scream and starts to hop on his better leg.
"Drop him!" Kili commands, swimming the sword he has. The troll who is holding Bilbo from his leg turns to look at Kili, rather shocked.
"You wot?!" he asks, as if he was deaf. Kili grins and turns to point the sword towards the two trolls.
"I said, drop him!" he repeats and soon Bilbo flies over the air and lands right on top of the young prince. You let out a huffing sound and stand up, as the rest of the company runs from the bushes to attack the trolls. What a fucking timing. And hey, they actually came here! Thought not because you warned them, you knew it. Fili and Kili must have alarmed them. You sneak quietly to the ponies as the company keeps the trolls busy. You try everything you can think of to release the four pony, but you can't get the ropes loose.
"Were's the bloody dog?!" you hear Dwalin shout. For a second you turn to look at him. He actually cared? Then you shrug, dismissing the idea and try to continue to free the ponies.
"I'll help 'er!" you hear Balin shout and only few seconds later he and Bilbo appear next to you, knife's on their hands and already sawing the ropes of. You take a work to calm the ponies, telling them that they'd be free soon and you could take them away from these frightful creatures. While you three are at the job, the company keeps the trolls away from the three of you. And soon, about a minute later, you are leading the ponies to safety as one of the trolls tries to get close to you. You saw Dori and Dwalin attack him, before you disappear into the forest.
 You come to an stop when you reach to the other ponies. They are frightened, but relieved to see you and the four ponies following you. Even more, when Balin and Bilbo appear from behind them.
"The lass was right! There were trolls in the woods that tried to eat us!"
"She saved you! You are alright now!"
"But didn't the dwarves get caught by these trolls?"
"Now what do we do?"
"We have to save them!"
You listened the ponies frightened talk, before you step forwards and let out a bark to get their attention. They all stop and turn towards you. Now that you were sure that they believed in you, you could easily tell them anything and they'd believe you.
"It's alright, calm down! Yes, the dwarves do get caught by the trolls, but they start to fight to how to eat them -" you start, but the ponies start to get nervous again when they hear that their riders are about to get eaten. "SHUSH you lot! The morning's not far away, and Bilbo realizes it and tries to buy time. And then the wizard comes, breaking a boulder behind the dwarves and the sunlight will turn the trolls to stone" you get to finish. Some of the ponies nod along, remembering that you had actually once said the same thing.
"Only that there's one problem, lass. The Hobbits right behind ye" Angus, Dwalin's pony, points out and even nods behind you. You open your mouth to protest that he surely isn't here, but when you glance behind you, your mouth fells open. There he stood, right next to Balin, staring at you and the ponies in shock.
"She's... talking to the ponies" Bilbo states the obvious. Balin only nods. Did.... did they realize just now that you could talk to other animals. Oh, jeez. What are they, blind and deaf?!
"Well, blimey. Ah well, change of plans, then" you sigh and turn back to the ponies, ignoring the two behind you. The ponies got nearer to you, interested to see what you were going to do.But to be honest, you had no idea what to do. You had trusted that Bilbo would get caught and would do the job, with Gandalf finishing the trolls. Now that the hobbit was here, there was no one to buy time for the dwarves. And they surely weren't that clever to do the job themselves. Unless you'd quid the hobbit back there and he would do it. But... Would he listen? How long would it take to make him follow you? You glance at Bilbo and Balin who are whispering about something. Then your eyes drift to the empty camp behind them. Someone needed to put the stuff back to place and the ponies surely couldn't do it. You turn back to the ponies, who were still staring at you.
"I'll be heading back to the trolls camp, to buy some time. If I'm lucky, the wizard will come back. If not, then I'll come up with some plan" you say, then turning towards the dwarves empty camp. They needed the supplies and the food, the little money they weren't carrying with them 24/7 in their pockets and they needed the ponies.
"What do we do meantime?" Gungoll, Gloin's pony, asked. You turn to look at him, then to Balin and Bilbo and then the camp. Then you turn back to the ponies.
"The camp needs to be dissemble. If you start to do that, I'm sure Bilbo and Balin will help you" you say and turn to leave.
"Are you sure they won't follow you?" Merel, Thorin's pony, asks. You stop and turn to look at those two, alarmed by your sudden movement. Then you turn to look back Merel.
"The dwarves didn't follow me to the troll's camp. So why would those two follow me now?" you almost spat the words out, then you turn and ran away. Balin's eye shoot big and he took a step towards your direction. But he came to a stop when he noted how the ponies started to move towards the camp.
"Balin... What are they doing?" Bilbo asked, looking at the ponies, almost horrified. Balin shook his head and then turned to look after you.
"I do not know, lad. But I'm sure that lass told them something. Something we don't know" he says and then turns to give Bilbo a stern look.
You get near the big rock, not sure what to do. You knew you should get the trolls attention, but since you were a dog and couldn't speak for hours, you needed another way to approach this. But the problem was, your brains were empty from the ideas. And you were scared.
You stayed down behind the rock, listening to the yells of the dwarves. You heard Dwalin shouting and commanding the trolls to let him go. You guessed that he was worried about his brother, who had ran after you and the ponies to the camp. Not that the others weren't worried too.
You took a deep breath, finally deciding to take action. First, you needed to make sure what was the situation. You started to crawl closer to the camp. When you got close enough, you saw that half of the dwarves were bound to the stick and two of the trolls were reeling it over the fire, like they were trying to grill a kebab. You sneered to the idea of trolls opening the very first barbecue restaurant and selling kebab there. Though, hopefully not made of dwarves.
Then you focus on your task again. You couldn't see well the other half of the dwarves, who apparently were tied in the sacks. You lift your head to the rock and wondered, whatever you could climb on it. Since you weren't a human or a monkey, it would be a little difficult. You withdraw behind the rock and stood up. You took a step back and look at the rock. It's wall was too strict and high so that you could get atop of it. You sigh and sit down.
"Now what do I do?" you mumble and let your tail wiggle slowly from side to side.
"Are you in need of assistance, lass?" you hear Bilbo's quiet voice. A little bit shaken you turn to look at him. Why was he here? Shouldn't he be helping Balin with the camp? Whatever the dwarf was actually doing that, not trying to control over the ponies. Bilbo crouches down next to you and rubs you from behind your ear. You look at him and then turn back to the forest behind you.
"Balin is helping the ponies to... put things back and preparing the ponies for the trip. They were almost ready when I left" Bilbo explains to you. Hearing this makes you happy. You give Bilbo a lick on his cheek, causing him a let out a chuckle. He pats your neck and then turns serious.
"Well, I suppose we should help our company out of trouble, hmm?" he asks and you nod. A little smile grows on Bilbo's lips and he stands up.
"Let's go then"
Tag list:
@lidda​ @bee-wrecker​ @queendarkmuffin​ @silencegetawayfromme​@kettnerjanea​ @sdavid09​ @ealasaid​ @jumpingmanatee @fab-notfat​ @bae-kage @fricking-ghoul​
Those who I couldn’t, from some reason, tag in this, have been marked in bold.
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