#Lord Ember
catslocum · 1 year
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bestepisode · 7 months
Vote on the first half of the season here!
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stargirlfeyre · 4 months
Saying Rhys was wrong for how he handled Nesta giving away the trove because he reminded Ember of her abuser is just…laughable.
Ember yelling at him because she felt that a poor woman was being victimized by a Fae male speaks to her not Rhys. Especially since this case did not mirror hers. Again Ember projecting her trauma onto Rhys is not his responsibility. He is not in the wrong for how he handled a grown woman putting his family in danger simply because his reaction made someone (who wasn’t even supposed to be in his court) uncomfortable. He does not know Ember therefore he does not have to tailor his reaction to a situation as severe as this to appease a literal stranger.
She had a surface level understanding of the situation and that caused her to go off. Because she doesn’t know these people and quite frankly doesn’t fully understand the situation, that caused her to jump to her own conclusions and see Nesta as a victim. That doesn’t mean that Nesta was the victim or that Ember yelling at Rhys should be taken seriously by his fans. This is just her perspective which is biased because she doesn’t understand what’s going on.
Her actions are literally the equivalent of walking up to a group of strangers on the street who are arguing and picking a side based on your outside point of view. You have no full understanding of the situation, you don’t know the history of these people, the type of relationship they have, why each side is upset, etc. But you still choose a side because you feel as if that side is a victim of something. That doesn’t mean the opposing side are the ones in the wrong when it comes to this argument.
Y’all are asking his fans to take the ramblings of a random woman who is projecting her trauma onto him seriously and are getting upset because we’re not.
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lord-of-the-dudes · 3 months
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Lord of the flies doodles!
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I thought ACOSF was meant to be a healing arc for Nesta, but in both the beginning of the book and in HOFAS her face was described as vacant.
Her eyes slid down to the red stones. And when they again lifted to his face, the unholy fire in her stare was gone. Replaced by something so dead and vacant it was like gazing into the unseeing eyes of a fallen soldier on a battlefield. He'd seen crows pick at eyes that dead.
Rhysand loomed like a roiling storm in the center of the room. Even the fire seemed to cringe from him. Nesta stood a few feet away, blue-gray eyes wary - no hint of that silver flame. She clenched her hands, but her face was nearly vacant. The handsome, broad-shouldered male at her side was thin-lipped with concern - or anger. Maybe both.
Nothing in that Ember bonus chapter sat right with me. And maybe it's because I don't feel like Nesta fully healed at the end of ACOSF, but I just think Ember was the one holding Nesta together, and when she went back to Midgard, I can see Nesta falling apart.
Nesta said at the end of ACOSF that as long as Cassian was by her side, she wouldn't fall again because Cassian wouldn't let her. But in the Ember bonus chapter, it's clear that Cassian was not by her side, he did not have her back, and he did absolutely nothing to defend her.
I can see Nesta heading into that dark place that she occupied in ACOFAS and ACOSF, but instead of drinking and sleeping around, this time she goes off on her own to figure out why the eight-pointed star was tattooed on her. And Cassian has to come to the realization that Nesta needs him more than he realizes and that he needs to defend her and back her decisions even if he doesn't fully agree with them, and that he has to be fully devoted to her - and not Rhysand.
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froggityboingerrr · 8 months
I really hope he gets to be a wolf warrior. Anwyas, enjoy some wolf warrior Jay!!! :))) Also I hope I put enough spoiler tags for those blocking spoilers 😭
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Really cool epic amazing /jjj bonus
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myfriendscallmeraba · 8 months
Very important Hofas question
Does anyone remember Randall going back to CC with his rifle? Or is the rifle somewhere around The House/Velaris?😂
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longerbee · 7 months
Does the adventure map thingy still count🥺ember island for sure
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"It never occurred to me the smell of smoke could be relaxing."
Zuko tried to make up with Smellerbee and Longshot after knowing Jet's death.
It was not going well at first for Smellerbee slamming door in his face.
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and they won't miss the show
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redgbasp · 3 months
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ABANDON SHIIIIIIIIIP! Every rich, marvelous merchant for himself!
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peaceandlove26 · 2 years
On my hands and knees for more ember!!
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i miss her i dooooo! dragons are hard to draw
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queencoldart · 9 months
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vlarelythere · 3 months
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Day 4- fire & ice
Danny as a half yeti and vlad as a half fire elemental
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cienie-isengardu · 5 months
Zuko & Azula and the importance of Ember Island
As I’m not done with talking about ATLA: The Beach episode, so here comes additional observations about Zuko and Azula and how important Ember Island is to their relationship.
There are three major episodes that explore Zuko’s background and his relationship with family.
“The Storm”, told from Iroh’s point of view, focuses on physical and emotional damage done by abusive father
“Zuko Alone” gives us better insight into Royal Family’s dynamic, with a great focus on loving and supporting mother that one night disappeared from Zuko’s life 
while “The Beach” is primarily about Zuko and Azula on the rare occasion when they are far away from Ozai and aren’t forced to fight against each other.
The Beach is also the episode that introduces us to Ember Island, a place that Zuko fondly remembers as a time when his family was truly happy.
In the same episode, after he got in an argument with Mai at the party, Zuko is seen walking toward his family’s old vacation house. The first memory that comes to his mind?
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Him and Azula running together, while we can hear children laughing in the background. There is an adult figure seen a few steps behind the happy children, but the shape is not detailed, so it could be Ozai or someone else. 
This is an interesting choice on creators' part, to make the first memory not about Ursa, the undoubtedly source of comfort and love in Zuko’s life, but about Azula with whom he currently has a complicated relationship due to father’s abuse and favoritism that shattered their childhood bond. What is even more interesting, this is not the first time we see young Azula and Zuko happily chasing each other, as such a memory was already shown in “Zuko Alone”.  
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And mind you, this memory was presented after flashback how Azula asked Zuko to play with her, Ty Lee and Mai so she could make fun of her older brother. What implies that despite how annoying she could be, Azula and Zuko still enjoyed each other's company and genuinely liked spending time together.
Let's back to "The Beach" episode and the scene when Azula sought Zuko, figuring out the old vacation home is where he would come to calm down.
Azula: I thought I'd find you here. Zuko: Those summers we spent here seem so long ago. So much has changed. Azula: Come down to the beach with me. Come on. This place is depressing. 
This is one of three moments in the same episode, when Azula allowed himself to openly admit being emotional and/or upset about something. The house (past) is depressing. She is jealous how Ty Lee is liked by all boys while she has no clue how to interact with them. Her own mother thought she was a monster and how it still hurts. 
Azula’s way to talk with Zuko is much more direct and less confusing than how she talks with him in the palace. There is no Zuzu nor dum-dum nickname, no making fun of his scar, no sentences that in theory answers his questions but in reality does not set him at ease. Here Azula invited him to go with her to the beach because she doesn’t want to be close to their summer house (the place where they were happy once but none visited for years).
Both Zuko and Azula are influenced by the past and this is a rare moment when they allow each other to be vulnerable in a way they can’t be around Ozai and themselves at the palace. In a way they won't be around the campfire (for example, during Zuko's rant about his anger because he doesn't know anymore what is good and what is bad, Azula will call him pathetic. Here there is no insult, no anger, just some sort of understanding between siblings).
A supplement book, The Legacy of Fire Nation adds another layer to the importance of Ember Island. I won’t lie, I’m disappointed that Iroh did not provide that much insight into Zuko’s family and how little there was about Azula, besides some few remarks about how difficult it was for Zuko to grow up in the shadow of younger sister. In contrast, Zuko’s memories about Ember Island are, again, directly connected to Azula first and foremost. In his list to Iroh (who already passed away many years ago), an old Zuko wrote:
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Dearest Uncle Iroh, Do you remember when I used to write you letters? It must be this place, having its effect on me, but here on Ember Island, I find myself introspective and thinking back about my life. I think I used to write to you to buy me presents. Such a cheeky child. I’ve retired now, given up my throne for the peace of this place, to be warmed by the sun and my own memories. I think of you often here. My good memories wash over the bad ones like waves on the shore, clearing the old sand and resetting. I remember summers on the beach, playing with Azula. We didn’t want to kill each other then, though sometimes we acted like it. But the island brought us together. It did that again, one time, in our teens. It was a golden time. One I never felt again until Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph and I had finished our journey and had a moment to enjoy each other’s company. [...]
I can't stress enough: Old Zuko compared his short stay with Azula at Ember Island to the joy he felt when war was officially over and he spent time with his best, beloved friends. A golden time indeed.
We sadly have limited insight into Azula's mind, even less the older version of her, and how she felt about summers spent on the beach with her brother or the one vacation presented on screen. In the episode, she clearly enjoyed some things, like winning the game (with such nice teamwork between Azula and Zuko) or devastating Chen's house where the fateful party took place. Here, on Ember Island, Azula bonded with his brother and admitted to being hurt because mother thought she was a monster, something she internalized as a truth (“My own mother thought I was a monster. She was right, of course, but it still hurt.”). But above everything else, the fact she finds the summer house - where she and Zuko were happy once but her family does not visit anymore - a depressing place implies Azula was no less affected by the past than Zuko.
Similar impression comes from "Azula in the Spirit Temple" comics, in which runaway Azula imagined all her family together, chilling on Ember Island:
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The vision of a happy family is not just about Azula, Ursa, Ozai and Zuko but was extended to Iroh and grandfather Azulan and great-grandfather Sozin(?) - a people she wasn't that close to in the first place. It speaks a lot about Azula that her idea of a happy family, because it is connected to her childhood memories, not the Fire Lord's Palace that in itself representing the Royal Family's status and power. So I dare to say that Ember Island holds a special place in Azula's mind, the same as it does for Zuko.
All of the above makes me think that when Zuko talks about Ember Island, how once his family was happy here, he specifically means his relationship with Azula, before Ozai’s abuse shattered their bond.
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ign1ted-ember · 1 month
They made him hotter holy shit I wanna choke on sevagoths sevaCOCK!
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time-slink · 1 year
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aaaand etho continues to peel farther away from everyone else on the embers chart o7
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froggityboingerrr · 7 months
( Ninjago leak spoilers ish )
So they’re prob not gonna be a wolf warrior- but if Jay was, this is how I imagine Ras would try to recruit them. ( stupid doodle I’m never finishing) Shhhhh!!!! Jays trying to finish papas freezaria!!! ( one of my fav games fr 😔 )
( ft: ras, jay, jordanna, Leon ( @fernaldoishere ‘s oc, ember my oc, and cinder @nyaskitten totally oc ) also read my tags for extra detail btwwww
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