#and penny was a true beagle
mydarlingdahlia · 9 months
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My three lil babies :3
Snoopy, Gracie, and Jazz 🩷 (left to right, youngest to oldest)
And Penny (Penelope) 🕊️
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She unfortunately passed away last year, but I keep her ashes on my night stand and say Goodnight to her every night <3
She was an old girl, but she was my old girl :)
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jojo-reader-hell · 4 years
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You think she didn’t notice you staring at them? Staring with those big ol eyes?
Wrongo bucko.
You stared in class at them. Stared when they walked out of the school building, stared when she showered her handmade gifts on him. It was nauseating.
The smell of infidelity, it was something she could get a whiff of in the air like a beagle locked on the scent of butthole balloon cocaine at a TSA checkpoint. Be it if Koichi had a new love interest, or someone was interested in him. Not something someone as paranoid as her would be able to miss even if there were thousands of life’s distractions to put her off the scent. She caught you the first time when she had finally invited Koichi to a cozy little cafe setting, waltzing on by like you didn’t follow him part of the way and glance longingly at their love. She wasn’t fucking stupid. Yukako knew what a longing glance was, and she was going to wring your neck out for it.
Every single time she caught you staring you ran, face turning red as a beet as you scurried away from the scene. At one moment she got so caught up in Koichi’s hesitation that she spilled her coffee and screamed at him.
She also decided after that date and confession got tainted that she was going to slam your face into the pavement, because after she returned from showing that class rep bitch who Koichi really belonged to, she saw you sucking up to him, trying to get sympathy from her one true love. You both were in an empty classroom, Koichi patting your back as you wailed in agony at his feet, kneeling on the floor.
How dare you... how dare you make a move on him behind her back.
You were twisting your skirt in knots, probably trying to make sure he got a peep of your underwear. From where she stood she could see it was a rose print pattern. What a fucking... you were just after one thing weren’t you?!
“How could anyone love me?!” she heard you blubber like a dying walrus. “I... I’ve never even had a boy like me. I’m so stupid and ugly and worthless-...”
“Hey hey hey!”
Yukako was seething. Spewing lava and hate when she saw Koichi lunge to hold you, rubbing your back gently as you got your filthy pedestrian tears all over the blazer of his uniform.
“Don’t talk like that...” Koichi’s voice was so soft, so kind, nothing like Yukako had ever heard before.
“You’re not any of those things. I think you’re beautiful and smart, and funny, and anyone who can’t see that has got to be blind! I think you’re very sweet and lovable too.”
“Yeah! Totally, I mean if you were even interested I’d even go out with you!”
Now, it didn’t help that you had essentially turned the knife counter clockwise in her chest, sealing your fate forever to be just another teen casualty. Because her mounting rage was of Friday the 13th proportions, ready to burst through the window of your room with a machete in the dead of night and hang your entrails like fairy lights around your wall. She knew when she’d do it too. She was going to patiently bide her time and wait for your little “heart to heart” to end, lurking at the edge of the shadows and planning to ambush you when you least expect it.
That was the plan originally. She was waiting for you after school when there were no witnesses, confident she would get you. But how could she have any clue... Not the faintest idea of what to do came to her mind when she heard you cry out her name.
“Yukako! Yukako Yamagishi, I love you!”
She whipped around, almost too angry to hear what you said until she found herself immobile. You’d taken her hands, nearly falling out of your penny loafers when you leaned in, and you kissed her right on the mouth.
The whole time her eyes were wide open in shock. The mounting rage she felt... the burning flames of hatred, where did it go?! Suddenly her first kiss was gone and she noticed you didn’t really know what else to do from there because all you did was give her a quick peck and you were already shaking and out of breath.
She didn’t even focus that long on her kiss being taken by another girl, too busy wondering what had changed as she watched your eyes glitter wetly with tears.
“Yukako, I’ve loved you ever since the first time I laid eyes on you. I think you’re wonderful, and I don’t care if I’m weird or wrong or whatever, because I love you so much it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.”
Yukako blinked. That’s all she could do. Didn’t really have the coherence to do much else except blink owlishly at you. All her feelings were in such a jumbled mess, like clothes in a dryer.
“I... I’m not good at sewing or cooking, I can’t give you material things like a sweater with love in the stitches or some adorable box lunch... I don’t even have money to buy you expensive presents. All I have is a heart full of all my love to give, and I’d do anything to make you happy. Will you... will you be my girlfriend?”
It was as if the fire that burned brightly in her heart had burned so hot and fast that every bad feeling, every negative thought or psychotic fantasy she had about you had suddenly gone up in smoke. Every single part of Yukako’s consciousness seemed only left to ash. You didn’t want Koichi. She heard that part as you continued to babble on helplessly despite her silence, completely unsure of how to respond as she learned the obsessive thoughts she had about one person had been the thoughts you had for her. You continued to pour out your heart, not giving her one opportunity to speak. Anyone could hear it in the way that you were talking to her that you were on the verge of breaking down into tears. Your face was contorted into embarrassment, from the kiss she could feel the heat of your cheeks radiating on her clammy skin. You were still holding her hands and she felt her whole body vibrate because of your nerves.
“Yuka-... I... Yamagishi?! I... I’m sorry...!” Now your voice was starting to crack when you realized she was immobilized. “I... I’m sorry... I shouldn’t have kissed you... I...”
Tears. Great fountains of tears and bubbles of snot appeared and melted like ice cream down your cheeks, lips and chin. Your voice only got more choppy and your legs started to give. Her silence was deafening. She didn’t even know what she felt anymore and could only just watch as you sank to her knees, still holding her hands and not making a move to wipe your face.
Without thinking, she squeezed your hands.
The shock of her touch made you squeak like a mouse being crushed under a combat boot. Yukako knelt down to the floor with you. One of her perfectly embroidered hankies peeped out of her skirt pocket, and she only let go of one hand to fish it out as she carefully wiped every tear and bubble, wordlessly telling you to blow your nose as she placed the cloth over your face.
A soft, pale hand touched your burning cheeks. Her skin was so clammy and cold, like a compress when you had a fever it helped soothe you into calming down. A hiccup sounded in your chest, making you look small and vulnerable.
You looked her in the eyes. Locked with her. She saw the passion. The love. The devotion and pure worship. Everything she wanted staring her in the face.
Still unsure, but willingly, Yukako leaned into your space. Her lips cushioned yours, begging for another first kiss.
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(Its been a few days but its been a long week)
for anyone who cares here is the master post
September 15th: Favourite scene from favourite episode. 
well out of my top 3 episode (that i have already listed) I’m going to not talk about ‘the dark duck returns’ as there is a scene in there that i will talk about later. my favourite scene out of the other 2 episodes i have picked, i would have to go with...
The ‘Defiantly real boy’ scene from Astro BOYD 
(i have already talked about my love for Astro boy and this ep in relation to that)  what i love the most about this scene is that not only did Gyro and Boyd ‘find’ each other again, but they found themselves again. 
Boyd turned back into the real boy Gyro ‘made’ him to be (the boy Gyro always believed he was/could be) and that not only was that ok, but the best way for Boyd be himself. Thus his reclaiming of the word Boyd, he is still ‘the same’ but now has a clear sense of what it actually means to himself, mixing both 2BO and Boyd into one. With the love given to 2BO by Gyro and the life experience he has had as Boyd, so Boyd didn’t have to change everything about himself to be complete he just needed to understand that he was loved for being himself and to get confirmation that he is what he believes himself to be a ”Defiantly real boy” (T-T)
as for Gyro, he realised that his love, care and idealism (as he put it) was not misplaced (on Boyd), as when the little boy he loved so fully seemingly turn on him, that broke his heart and his spirit in a way that just would not fully mend. (thus his cold and rude behaviour through out the show so far...) But when Gyro fully embraces his idealism and loving side again (by embracing Boyd) he realises that he can bring his true feeling to the surface again as it was never a mistake for him to do so. thus why he embraces Fenton as an equal, by calling him Doctor and showing the respect he actually always felt for Fenton. 
They found themselves through each other, and it melts my heart (T-T)      
September 16th: Favourite moonlander 
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September 17th: Favourite Beagle Boy  
Black arts Beagle, 
I mean he is the reason we have Duckworth back so thats got to count for something.
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September 18th: Favourite scene of your favourite ship 
I have to say its this little moment here...
Donald spent the whole episode wanting to impress this woman (Glamor), but after spending time with Daisy decided that Daisy’s dignity was more important then his Big Break. And Daisy returns in kind like ‘yeah i shouldn’t be treated this way’ and its just really sweet. It also got Daisy noticed and most likely jumb started her career and Daisy (again) returned in kind (most likely) by having the three Caballeros perform on stage right after.
so its a small but very insight look into the new dynamic Donald and Daisy are going to/ do have in this show.
[plus this screen shot was funny to me,
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i think it has meme template vibes] 
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rumbelleshowdown · 4 years
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Author: Blue Stiletto
Prompt:  A lucky penny; dark cave; flexibility.
Group: B
Must Love Dogs Part 2
Gold closed and locked the front door, smiling as he watched through the stained glass, while Hugo tugged Belle down the sidewalk with exuberance.
Belle was wearing a much more sensible outfit today, opting for jeans and a blouse with simple black flats instead of the lacy blue dress and sky high red heels she’d worn the first time. While she’d look stunning in the late afternoon sun on his front porch, it was a bit impractical for walking an energetic, seventy pound labrador.
Today they’d enjoyed a short chat on the front porch while Hugo sat at her feet and encouraged her pets and scratches. In the moment he’d caught himself wishing she was there for another reason, and nearly invited her for tea, or perhaps lemonade now that the temperature was steadily increasing. Yet so far he’d chickened out the same as he had any other time he saw her around town. Though his affections for the lovely Miss French were growing, his courage was not, and the few minutes he spent in her company when she came to get Hugo were the highlight of his day.
To say Belle coming into his shop and mentioning his ad had surprised him was quite an understatement. He’d been expecting someone like Henry Mills, who was anxious to prove to his mother, the mayor, that he could take care of a pet, or David Nolan who worked part-time at the animal shelter and was always looking to help out. But he couldn’t have been more pleased that it was Belle who answered his ad. She was like a ray of sunshine or a lucky penny, a bright spot every time he saw her. When he’d written it, he had to admit he’d been thinking a little bit of her, even though at the time he had no clue if she liked animals or not, nor her preferences if she did. Was she a dog or cat person, or did she like less standard pets like a rabbit or a hedgehog?
It seemed that she did indeed like dogs, or at least she liked Hugo, and Hugo very much liked her in return. Gold was glad for it. As a young boy, he had always wanted a dog, but his Aunties were already getting on in years when they took him in, and their flat in Glasgow was just as tiny as all the others on the estate. Years later, he’d been ready to finally make his childhood dream come true, when he met Neal’s mother Milah. She was entirely against having pets at first, but later, when Neal was about five, consented to a single orange tabby cat from a local shelter.
Unfortunately, Gold and the cat were as ill suited for each other as Gold and Milah. He quickly discovered that he was allergic, and that no amount of medication would allow him to live in the same house as any feline. It spelled the official beginning of the end of their marriage. Months later, when Milah finally moved out, she took the cat, but left Neal.
Since they’d come to Storybrooke nearly two decades ago, they’d had pets of all kinds: fish, hamsters, three ferrets, a lizard, and two dogs, all overlapping at various times. After Milah, he had felt as though he and Neal had been wandering through a dark cave, but moving to the small town and filling the house with life had pulled them into the light together. The first canine was a Beagle mix from the animal shelter, Max, short for Maxine the Great, so named by an insistent seven-year-old Neal, and the second was Hugo. Gold had gotten surprisingly attached to Max, and her death at the ripe old age of twelve had hit them both pretty hard. A couple of years later, they agreed that the house felt too empty without a pet, and went all the way down to Connecticut to a highly reputable breeder for Hugo.
Unfortunately, now that Neal was done with school and settling into a career in a big city, it was down to Gold. He had been struggling to give Hugo the exercise he needed since his son moved to New York. His leg bothered him more days than not, and he certainly wasn’t getting any younger. At six, Hugo was still in his prime, and while Gold loved having a companion in his now very empty old house, it had become clear that he wasn’t able to keep up with Hugo’s level of energy. After a couple of months of nagging, Neal finally convinced him to “at least put up an ad before you break your leg...again.”
Sighing, Gold moved away from the door and headed into his study. Belle would return in about an hour, and perhaps then he’d drum up enough bravery to do something entirely foolish. He went over the rents for the week and balanced his ledger, then checked his email. At the top of the inbox was a reminder that his ad posting would expire at the end of the week. He considered renewing it.
Belle hadn’t offered up her reason for taking up dog walking, but he hadn’t managed to ask. He knew her position at the library was only part-time, and he assumed it was as simple as wanting to make extra money, but there were certainly far more lucrative options available for a bright young woman, with less dog slobber involved.
He tapped his fingers on the desk and then clicked the link to view the ad as he pondered Belle’s motives. His eyes scanned the familiar words, and sighed again, rolling his eyes at his odd phrasing. Perhaps he should adjust the ad before he had it reposted, maybe even add in a line about being flexible with scheduling. He was about to click back on the email when he noticed something strange. The page he was on was not the lower part of the jobs section that was usually reserved for requests for handymen and pet sitting.
Frowning, he scrolled back up the page and nearly fell out of his chair.
Eyes wide, he gaped at the laptop screen. His ad, the one that had brought Belle French into his shop to arrange a time to meet, and then to his front door in what he’d decided was the prettiest dress he’d ever seen, was posted under the Personals section. It was right there between Regina Mill’s nondescript and vaguely worded posting “single woman seeking single woman,” and a missed connection with a snippet of cheesy poetry he was certain was Leroy pining for former-Sister Astrid.
Belle had answered his ad. Except his ad appeared to be...for a date.
Gold sat back in his chair as his head spun. Either she’d sussed out his intentions from his words, or her attire the other day when she’d first walked Hugo was actually for him. Because she had thought -
And then he -
Just then the doorbell rang, and he startled, his eyes going to the time at the bottom of the computer screen. One hour and change had passed. Belle had returned to bring Hugo home.
Dazed, Gold pushed out of his chair, and gripped his cane harder than usual as he made his way to the door. Hugo pressed against his legs and rubbed his head against Gold’s free hand as he pushed into the house, but Gold only vaguely registered the dog’s presence as he stared at Belle.
Her hair was perfectly mussed, with a few strands falling free of her barrette to frame her face, and her cheeks rosy from the wind and sun. She smiled at him, and he could barely manage anything in return.
“So,” she started, tilting her head. “I’ll see Hugo tomorrow? Same time?”
Gold opened his mouth, and in the moment he felt like he was having an out of body experience as the most astonishing words came out. “Would you care for some tea?”
Belle grinned and nodded, and he stepped back to let her inside.
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araminakilla · 5 years
Posible Ducktales season 2 finale timeline according to trailer
So, since I'm not the only one who thinks that, with all the villains gathering to destroy Scrooge and family... where does Lunaris fit in all of this? Here's my (long) theory.
Glomgold and Ma Beagle: The first allies
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Those two are the classic villains than are more asociated with Scrooge and have past feuds with him.
For Glomgold, it can be the bet. Maybe he is losing and wants to take everything the real Scotish duck has without waiting any longer.
For Ma Beagle, it could be the lands problem that Scrooge had with Grandpa Beagle, or maybe they lost for real some Beagle Boys in the Duck's quest for D'jinn's lamp and they want to avenge said Beagles by killing Scrooge's closest relatives.
As other post pointed out, Glomgold actually learned something in the 87 cents episode about what makes Scrooge so sucesful, and that's his family. That's why he said in the trailer that he's looking for a family, not only to show respect to Ma and his boys, but because he really thinks gaining a villainous family is the way he could win for once and for all.
The others
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Mark Beaks
The grey parrot is going to appear in an episode with Louie, Goldie, Doofus and (as I like to call him) his robot son Mini Beaks. It seems like the millenial wants something with Doofus, be it money or social status as he's in the duckling's tree house. Unfortunatly, so are Scrooge's nephew and lover, maybe to try and scam him.
Maybe at the end of the episode, Doofus doesn't want to help the parrot, and instead he will help Louie (or no one, as this incarnation of Doofus is a great pain in the... tail) making Beaks to swear revenge against the Mcduck family, an opportunity that comes with Glomgold and his alliance of terror.
Magica de Spell
The sorceress somehow has her powers back (or just basic ones) and I'm sure that she's the reason that the ducklings (and Violet) end up in some kind of dream land where everyone can wish for anything and that becomes true, kinda like Coraline's other world or Bill Cipher's bubble for Mabel.
I say this because Webby has the look of Scrooge, Violet has some books, Huey is tall, Louie just wants to be a cat (Aristocats reference, anyone?) and Dewey is popular in the school he never had the chance to go (if his looks, Dewey's costume that dances and that poster behind Magica when she's with Lena alone in the lockets who says "you can Dew it" is any indication).
Anyway, that world was created by Magica as a way to reclaim Lena again, who surely having her evil aunt back is the last thing that she wanted.
I'm pretty sure the kids end up defeating Magica again and keeping Lena, but Magica swears revenge and, just like Beaks, she is recluted by Glomgold and company, and she would have to swallow her pride and follow the South African duck... for the moment.
Don Karnage
He is an interesting case, as we haven't see him since his debut episode. I don't know how the villains can found him, as he and his crew are in the sky, but I have a theory of why they would choose him.
Simple, Dewey posted on the Internet about how he and his family fought and defeated the "not so great" captain Don Karnage, making the pirate wolf very livid and maybe ashamed about how his reputation went down faster than a malfuctioning plane after he lost to a child of all things.
The villains probably read about him on the web and wondered if he wanted to have his revenge too. They were right.
They somehow contact the Don, and not only they obtain a great swordman, but also an entire pirate crew. It's a pity they don't let the pirates sing, it could have been an interesting semi-musical episode.
The Time Tube's role
So, where does Gyro's time tube fits in all this madness? It could be:
1. The villains did it
They stole it so they can ruin Scrooge's life for the start and mess with his present.
2. Louie did it
In the trailer, we see Louie in the tub while having some treasure. Given how he screwed up things in the lamp episode, most of us theorize that he is the one behind all the time traveling stuff.
3. Gyro did it on accident
It can be that, as this is Gyro's creation after all, it went out of control itself and its presence afected the present in many ways. Or it could be that it ended up in the past and Bubba is the one doing the time traveling stuff to bring Tootsie with him while making a mess.
4. A combination of the other ones with the first one
Either Gyro, or Bubba, or Louie did it, but it was as the same time as "Glomgold's family" was attacking the Mcduck Manor.
Anyway, this will indicate the introduction of Bubba and his pet triceratops and the battle with the villains will take place.
The final result?
The ducks win, the villains lose and Gyro learns to control his time tube better for other important ocasions that, as we know, are about to happen... BIG TIME.
Lunaris' Invasion
I'm 99% sure the battle with the Moonlanders will take place after the battle with Glomgold and company.
Why? Because in this picture (in the inferior corner) we see five pictures of Scrooge's enemies. We see Magica's face, Mark's beak, Ma Beagle's nose and the other ones are Glomgold and Karnage for sure.
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This could indicate that the five lost to the Duck family or they were near them at the time the alien's computer seached information about Della's clan.
There's also about a picture of Gizmoduck (pretty sure they know about his other identity too... take new notes Fenton) indicating that they are aware of the technology the Earthlings have.
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And talking about superheroes, this is the moment that Launchpad and Scrooge recruit Darkwing Duck, as we can see that the Scotish one is wearing the same clothes.
All seems to indicate the battle with the aliens takes place at night in Calisota. Scrooge is charging with the help of the Ottoman Empire brothers, Emily Quackfaster, Gyro, Demonworth, Beakly, Lena, Violet (she's there too, next to Lena, she's just that small), M'ma Cabrera, Gizmoduck and Gabby McStabberson.
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Penumbra and Donald: The last hope
So, it seems like Penny is becoming a good girl if the poster for season 3 is any indication. Ergo, she is the one to return Donald to his family and thanks God the lack of an orange blimp didn't change things.
Penumbra is the only one to know the true, and the only one who could stop all this invation. How? Screaming and shooting laser guns like everyone else? I don't think so. She will use the same strategy Della used with the Moon mite.
She would use kindness and a peaceful aproach. She would probably said that Della was a good person all along, that she was wrong and Lunaris is the thread to all. I'm sure that after that, the Moonlanders will stop any violence.
But what about Donald? Mister "I prefer to not have many adventures and don't appear in many episodes" is going to have. Some. Good. EPIC MOMENTS
I mean, look at him battling Lunaris and tell me you don't see the rise of the Duck Avenger. Some random alien is acusing his twin sister of treason and decides to punish her along with her boys? His boys?
Lunaris is death Moon meat. Period.
When he returns to Earth, he would have a very heartwarming reunion with his boys and his sister. At last, the Duck twins are together and nothing will tear them apart again.
Scrooge's allies: Coincidence or selection?
Now, what makes us have a lot of hype apart from the epic return of our main characters after months is the return of characters that we didn't know were making a return, like Gabby McStabberson or the Living Mummies. Characters that, be for their unique design or personality make us decide for more moments with them, and we got it.
But... Why? Why them?
Aside for the fanservice aspect, there has to be another reason for that.
It could be that Scrooge had recluted Gabby and the wolf brothers and would pay them later, or simply they want to make sure their home planet isn't invaded.
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Not sure about where the Ottoman Empire brothers fit in all of this. Maybe there is going to be an episode about how they reconcile with the help of one of the triplets.
Now, we got to a very interesting part (and I'm not only saying this because I'm a fan of those two)
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Aliens vs Middle Eastern people
Now that's something you don't see very often. *Ahem* well, the reason this little scene is so important is because it show us that the Moonlanders are attacking Egypt.
Egypt. As in, they are not only seeking Della and her family. They are attacking all the Earth at the same time. We can be sure that the aliens are the ones attacking Amunet and D'jinn because of the yellow/golden lasers that almost hit the warrior (thanks Amunet) and are the same ones Gabby is repeling with her sword/dagger.
Also, the battle is taking part at the same time but in different places. In Duckburg is night, and in Egypt; day.
But other option is that D'jinn and the Mummies are not confronting the aliens by coincidence.
They were actually selected.
Remember the picture that shows an alien computer with the Duck family at the center and Scrooge's enemies and Gizmoduck in the corners?
Who can't say the aliens did the same with Scrooge's allies and family all around the globe?
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There are a lot of golden spaceships in construction. Maybe not all of them go to Duckburg but to different parts of the World.
If the selective theory is true then that means there are going to be aliens following Fethry, Gladstone, Selene, even the Buzzards (yes please, they had it coming)
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Also, in this Earth hologram under the picture of the triplets, there seems to be like a close up Earth map, maybe with the bright dots indicating where are Scrooge's allies and family now.
Be it coincidence or computer selection, one thing is for sure. Lunaris is going to make an example of all of them. His frustration about his father being a coward has made him a ruthless, merciless, alien guy who is going to prove the Moon's superiority to the World.
Now that's downright sadistic Lunaris.
When you said you wanted the Earthlings to fear you and the Moon... you really mean it.
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Well, that was all I got to say about the future events of this season. Hope this helps and I can't wait for September, the Hype is killing me slowly.
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allsassnoclass · 4 years
I got tagged by @poisonjaffas and @pixiegrl (thank you!!!)
rules — tag eight people that you want to get to know better!!
favourite colours: not to be one of Those People but it depends on my mood and the vibes of the day. a nice bright yellow, a deep red, and royal purple and three pretty big ones
last song i listened to: I’m in the middle of All Alright by fun. as I’m typing this
favourite musician: Fall Out Boy, baby!!!!
last film i watched: I think it was the one with mark ruffalo where he plays a lawyer going against some chemical company based on a true story hold on a second..... Dark Waters is what it’s called
last tv show i watched: something on HGTV because I was in a hotel room.  the one with Nate and Jeremiah! the last show I intentionally watched was Umbrella Academy though
favourite character: Ronan Lynch from the Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater. love that guy he’s my ride or die no other fictional character will ever mean as much to me
sweet, spicy or savoury: tentatively sweet
sparkling water, tea or coffee: oh jeez none please.  I don’t like carbonation, coffee, or tea (unless you count peach or raspberry snapple but that feels fake)
pets: I have a pug/beagle mix named Penny!  she’s the family dog though and I'm at college so she’s 7 hours away, but my family sends me a picture of her a day (today I got two pictures it was very exciting)
tagging: I genuinely do not know who hasn’t done this yet (I know I saw it on my dash quite a bit) so!  if you have not done this yet and you want to then I tag you!
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luckystarchild · 5 years
Jasmine, honey perfume, rain lily?
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I had to search TOO DAMN HARD to find the source of this ask meme! Clearly I need to tag better.
jasmine; what mythical creature do you wish actually existed?
DRAGONS. I want a tiny little dragon who sits in my pocket like a sugar glider and hoards pennies.
apricot drift; how do you feel right now?
Unsettled, but calm. Like just before a storm hits and the wind starts picking up. Little nervous about the week to come since I’ll be self-isolating and social-distancing. Nervous about the state of the world. But the calm keeps the wind at bay.
honey perfume; favorite movie ever?
The Princess Bride.
rain lily; was today typical? why/why not?
NOPE. Worked from home and tried not to watch the news. This post will be a time capsule to the beginning of the (American) COVID quarantines.
primrose; what book does everyone right now need to read?
Dying, A Memoir by Cory Taylor. Oh, and Akata Witch.
iris; do you believe in ghosts?
Only ghosts named Yusuke Urameshi. ♥
sunflower; share a favorite quote.
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peony; share a small random book passage that means something to you. 
“The true secret in being a hero lies in knowing the order of things. The swineherd cannot already be wed to the princess when he embarks on his adventures, nor can the boy knock on the witch’s door when she is already away on vacation. The wicked uncle cannot be found out and foiled before he does something wicked. Things must happen when it is time for them to happen. Quests may not simply be abandoned; prophecies may not be left to rot like unpicked fruit; unicorns may go unrescued for a very long time, but not forever. The happy ending cannot come in the middle of the story.”
― Peter S. Beagle, The Last Unicorn
23, 24, 25/120 asks and counting
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shadowluver1242 · 6 years
I finished “The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck”
I read the full 12 chapters, plus the “Companion” section that had bonus stories in between the chapters, and “The Last Sled to Dawson”, “The Dream of a Lifetime”, and “A Letter From Home.” 
This has to be my favorite comic series I’ve read so far. Not just because it’s Scrooge, but there’s so much heart and emotion put into it and you’re able to follow the story so easily (which for me is hard as I get easily distracted and forget where I’m at). But this story kept my attention and made me want to keep going to the next chapter, every night I thought “just one more, just one more!” I absolutely loved the story. If you want a more in depth review chapter by chapter, read below. (SPOILERS) 
Again, thank you so much for who ever first made me find this (I actually can’t remember but it was probably a mix of everyone) as well as the album that made the story SO MUCH BETTER. Listening to the music while reading the chapter associated, really made you feel like you were in the story with the characters. I highly recommend reading this comic while listening to the music if any of you have not already. If anyone needs links or more info, feel free to ask!
This part will be a chapter by chapter review/my thoughts (some chapters might be merged together if they have similar topics).
“Of Ducks, Dimes, and Destinies”: I wasn’t sure what to expect going into this, but apparently this chapter was the intro, though it’s more like a AU of sorts. I thought it was cute though seeing Magica out of her element. My favorite part of it had to be her not recognizing young 10 yr old Scrooge while confusing Fergus for the rich old duck. But in her defense, they do look a lot alike.
“The Last of The Clan McDuck”: Now the story really begins! I wanted to get more history on Scrooge so that was one of the main reasons I wanted to read this series. It was actually a bit of a surprise to see the pampered, penny-pincher a humbled, poor and very sweet boy. Seeing how he turned into almost a completely different person is a bit sad really, but at least we know in his later years some of that sweet, caring side is still present. I admire Scrooge’s bravery in how willingly he left his family and the only life he knew for uncertainty and possibly danger at only 13 years old. He certainly matured very fast and unfortunately that forced his childhood to end at an early age.
“The Master of the Mississippi”: This was probably one of my least favorite chapters if I’m being honest. It was fun seeing a teenage Scrooge adapting in his new life in America and Uncle Pothole was certainly an interesting character! Plus seeing the Beagle Boys’ origins was interesting as well.
“The Buckaroo of the Badlands,” “The Cowboy Captain of the Cutty Sark”, “The Raider of the Copper Hill,” Also “The Vigilante of Pizen Bluff”: So all of these chapters are in the “Wild West” portion of Scrooge’s life; his teenage years and early twenties. Seeing Scrooge already fighting for his fortune and failing at every turn was almost surprising in that he always seems to succeed in life. I was so convinced he’d strike it rich on the Copper Hill, but fate seemed to have other plans for him. However at this point in his life he’s still staying true to his roots and vowing to earn his fortune honestly. (But to be fair he does get $10,000. And back then that’s got to have been like a million dollars now a days.) I’d also wondered how he’d get along with animals, and it turns out he’s a real Disney princess. He gives love and respect to animals and they love him in return.
“The New Laird of Castle McDuck”: NERVE RACKING. Not only do the McDuck’s risk losing the ancestral home to their arch nemesis, but Scrooge DIES. (or just gets knocked out?) Anyway he goes to McDuck heaven where he almost stays before finally getting another chance (for becoming the stingiest person to ever live). He ends up using all the money he got from the Copper Hill to pay for the McDuck Castle. Plus we also see Scrooge use his specs for the very first time, though it’s only for reading.
“The Terror of the Transvaal”:  Ah Flintheart, you were a scumbag before Scrooge came into the picture. Scrooge is a lion whisperer apparently, and he makes fun of Flintheart in front of the entire town before throwing him in jail, making a lifelong enemy.
“The Dreamtime Duck of the Never Never”: I was excited for this one. Love that Australian Outback theme! Scrooge rides on a camel head, which is perfect. I still love seeing how much animals love and trust Scrooge. He’s started to become less trusting of people due to being tricked at every turn, and therefore is a bit skeptical of the shaman in the desert. However seeing the dream, or prophesy of sorts, come true (which was super cool btw), it starts his admiration of history and architecture. Scrooge almost took that giant Opal that could easily have made him rich, but that would have been dishonest, and Scrooge decides against it (a bit begrudgingly). I’m so happy he got his dime back, it was worrying seeing him lose hope that his fortune would never come. He’s worked so hard and to give up now would be devastating. Thankfully he was inspired and his story finally started to look up.
“The King of the Klondike”, “The Prisoner of White Agony Creek”, “Hearts of the Yukon”, “The Last Sled to Dawson”: ...no words. I knew these would be my favorite sections. Yukon Scrooge, upper 20′s - early 30′s - in his prime, Scrooge. The beginning of his fortune. The beginning of Goldie. GOLDIE. Where do I even start?! Whew, this is going to be long. First of all, the whole ordeal Scrooge had to go through just to get to White Agony Creek was ridiculous. Finally he finds where the gold should be, but it’s not quite that easy. Everyone in Dawson mocks him endlessly for not spending any money on fun, which is completely unfair. The absolute worst part is when that mean old pig kidnaps him and chains him to the smokestacks of the boat. (Seriously this boy gets knocked out so much I’m surprised he doesn’t have a brain injury) The men mock him and then read the two only letters he’s ever gotten from his family out loud, one of which is from his mother who says they’re falling behind on payments for the castle, and the next...his father informing him that his mother has passed away. The men even mock him in his mother’s death. And Scrooge...freaking pulls a Sampson and pulls the smokestacks until they collapse onto the boat, throws a grand piano through a stained glass window, beats up any and all the men who dare fight him, and then drags the pig’s listless body through the main road in town for all to see until he can throw him to the mercy of the ‘law’ in the area. Then comes Goldie, he kidnaps her, and brings her back to his home for stealing his goose egg nugget (the biggest gold nugget ever) to show her how hard a miner has to work. They stay together alone in the wilderness for a whole month. My gosh was this chapter full of sexual tension. I’m such a die-hard Scroldie shipper now I can’t even deny it. Eventually the two part their ways, but end up meeting again in the near future when Goldie saves Scrooge from losing his claim (in a roundabout way). Then we get to see Scrooge’s last trip to Dawson before leaving the Yukon and moving on with his fortune. He loses his sled and has to return 50 years later to get it with Donald and the boys. The only thing of importance in the sled was old memories, but it was worth the fight for old Scroogey. This section was definitely the best, but molds Scrooge’s rough and tough attitude. 
“The Billionaire of Dismal Downs”: After more than 20 years, Scrooge is finally coming home to Dismal Downs successful, he’s a billionaire. The whole town has come to greet him and as soon as he shows up, they give him a big round of...tomatoes and insults hurling at him. After all he’s done this is how he’s treated??! His wild temper quickly flares and Fergus is surprised at how his son has changed, as well as the town who thought he was such a nice boy. The town people believe he no longer belongs in Scotland. After a quick visit to his mother’s grave insert sobbing here Scrooge decides to participate in the games to show how much he belongs, he even wears a kilt! Now Scrooge should have dominated this, however he’s completely forgotten the rules, and therefore disqualifies himself almost every time. A young boy named Scottie tries to show him the ropes, however fails miserably. Eventually they return to the castle where his sisters make fun of Scrooge’s lock of golden hair hurr hurr and they all decide to move to Duckburg, America, that is, except Fergus who says he’s too old to move again. The chapter ends with ghost Fergus (who’s passed away in the night) and ghost Downy waving goodbye to their children before joining McDuck heaven. I literally cried in this chapter.
“The Invader of Fort Duckburg”, and “The Sharpie of the Culebra Cut”: Some more important chapters, but not extremely interesting in my opinion. We see the founding of Duckburg and the Junior Woodchucks, as well as the Panama Canal and more of Scrooge suffering from his sisters, who make him wear his specs full time after he repeatedly makes mistakes due to his failing eyesight.
“The Empire-Builder from Calisota”: Sigh. We see the deep fall of Scrooge’s morals. He visits his sisters, whom he hasn’t seen in quite a while, and takes them to Africa where he’s working on his current dealings with the natives. Instead of making fair trades like in the past, he uses cunning tricks to minimize his costs in buying the diamond mines he seeks. His sisters criticize him, but he brushes them off. He moves on to a voo-doo native tribe (his first mistake) who doesn’t want to sell. After being humiliated in front of his kin, he goes into town and recruits several people to help him burn down the village and destroy everything in sight while his sisters return to camp, ashamed of their brother. Scrooge then puts on a disguise and ‘rescues’ the clan leader who previously embarrassed him, and tricks him into signing over his land. This is far from the kind, humble, honest boy we knew in the beginning. He returns back to camp, triumphant, to gloat to his sisters only to find they’ve left him. There’s a lone note remaining saying he’s not the man they used to know and to come back once he changes his ways. Scrooge is initially enraged, feeling betrayed. However as he argues with himself, his father’s voice comes into his head, reminding him how he wanted to make his fortune honestly, and has now just committed his first (and only) dishonest trade. Scrooge realizes what he’s done, and as he tries to run after his sisters, the witch doctor returns and casts a curse on him to have a zombie attack him. However Scrooge is still in disguise, and quickly makes himself look normal, which tricks the zombie. However for the next several years the zombie would haunt him and occasionally show up. In Scrooge’s quest to apologize to his sisters, he makes many sidetracks in making his fortune. The zombie even causes the crash of the Titanic that Scrooge was riding on. (seriously everything is his fault) Finally, after 27 years, he returns to Duckburg to stay. His family has heard he was coming and decided to put aside their differences and be a family once again, even bringing the young Donald and Della. However Scrooge has completely changed, for the worse, and completely ignores his family, eventually chasing them out of his life, for good, but not before the young and feisty Donald can give him a kick in the rear.
“The Richest Duck in the World”: Feels. All feels. We finally see Scrooge as the miserable old man we know him as. Alone and bitter and cut off from everyone. But he becomes too lonely one Christmas and invites Donald and the boys up to the mansion, if only to show them the wealth and future inheritance when he’s gone. It’s as if Scrooge is expecting to die fairly soon, and he’s completely given up on everything. The bin is shut down, he’s not making any money or traveling anymore, he doesn’t leave his house, and he hasn’t even swam in his money in years. He really has just given up. But the boys manage to inspire him, in a way that they literally make him so angry he just can’t take it anymore and eventually returns the swift kick to Donald. Afterwards we see rejuvenated Scrooge - though still elderly, he feels full of life once again. Start DuckTales story... 
“The Dream of a Lifetime”: I just had to read this because of the jumps in Scrooge’s dreams through his lifetime. It was adorable seeing young Scrooge, especially 10yr old Scrooge cussing out his nephew Donald for interrupting his dreams. Then on top of all that it ends with Scrooge finally reaching Goldie on the burning stage (which never happened), and the blushinggg hnnghhh and then freaking Donald sitting there watching the whole thing, just yes.
“A Letter From Home”: I had to read this one simply because I had read that Scrooge and Matilda make up. Boy howdy was this an emotional roller coaster, starting with Scrooge visiting his parents’ grave. Tears. Literal tears. Then Matilda wants nothing to do with him, that surprised me a bit considering how sweet and soft-spoken she was when she was younger. Plus she breaks the news about how Fergus never wanted Scrooge to find the treasure and calls him a bad son. My gosh my heart is aching for Scrooge at this point. The antagonist suddenly pulls a gun on Matilda, and Scrooge jumps in front of her without hesitation. Thank goodness the gun ‘misfires’. That definitely changed things between the two. Finally we get to see the interaction we’ve been waiting for. Scrooge and Matilda finally yell talk things out, and somewhat uncharacteristically, Scrooge cries and pleads for forgiveness. However, Matilda finally gets to hear Scrooge’s side and realizes just what he’s been through as well. They find a letter to Scrooge from Fergus, who actually did want Scrooge to find the treasure, and told him he and his mother were proud of him. It was one of the only letters Scrooge ever received from his parents, and he never, since the day they died, knew they were proud of him. sobs
That was a lot longer than necessary but even if you guys only read the sections you want that works. Thank you again!
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newsiegirlscout · 6 years
Written for the MPaS Halloween Writing Contest Between Two People Based On a Lighthearted Conversation!
If you’re anyone else, Happy Halloween!
And if you’re @thelordismygod-blog---it’s on, FISKE.
(Written rather hastily, but....enjoy!)
The atmosphere of Miss Lynn’s classroom was one of barely-contained jubilee as children dressed as anything from faeries to well-known fictitious movie figures to what appeared to be Avicenna passed out sweets to their classmates’ gaily-colored boxes. In celebration of Halloween, she had agreed to forgo class and allow a day of festivities to the delight of her students--the only problem being that while many teachers were content to simply show their children films, she felt that her students would soon see The Nightmare Before Christmas more than enough times over their elementary career and had opted to let them choose an assortment of activities. 
This was a decision she had an instinct she would soon regret. 
After a few minutes of excited chattering once all treats were passed out and games were played (which, with as many coordination-required activities with sugary incentives they had set up, seemed like a wise choice to play before passing out candy), Penny clapped her hands. Almost instantly--and what a miracle it was for a second-grade teacher--the others turned around, giving her their full attention. 
The lights darkened, and the bright beam of a flashlight illuminated her face. 
“Will everyone sit down wherever? We’ve decided to start our scary stories as soon as everybody’s settled.”
Though some of the students returned to their seats, the majority chose to either sit down where they were, or drag beanbags from the class library to the front of the room. As they watched with anticipation, electric tealights began to alight around the classroom.
Finally, what appeared to be the last one flickered twice faintly, then suddenly came to life as the face of a luminescent amber countenance as a pumpkin. The children screamed in delight, then watched, giggling nervously, as a certain flame-haired boy climbed onto the stool in center stage and set the gourd on his lap. 
“Thanks, Penny.” he said to his friend as she clicked off her flashlight and handed it to him. “Our first story, told by yours truly, is not one of fabrication and cheap fright. Please take heed and listen, for our protagonist may be at your window next.”
He was met by a sea of confused stares.
“This is a true story.” he said blatantly.
The room gasped.
“This, my listeners....is the tale of Lizzie Borden.”
Mr. Peabody and Sherman walked down the cobble-strewn streets of nineteenth-century London, taking no small note of the gossiping packs of passersby and the apprehensive nature of the villagers. 
“Mr. Peabody, what’s going on?” Sherman asked with a wavering air in his voice, “These people are acting like they’ve just seen a ghost!” 
The beagle winked. “Well, that may not be far from the truth. Perhaps this gentleman can fill us in.”, he said, tipping a coin to an excitable newsboy in exchange for a paper.
As the redhead ran his eyes over the headline, his eyes widened.
Of course, a picture, however grainy and out-of-focus, had to be included in the article, which the beagle noticed a second too late.
“Wow”, Sherman said, giggling nervously, “This guy...really got it in the head.”
Mr. Peabody flushed a light pink. “Perhaps I should take that, Sherman.” he said hastily, skimming over the article, “It says here young Miss Borden, after some time of what could be considered provocation, was suspected and convicted of the murders of her father and stepmother.”
“What does provoclamation mean?” he inquired with an air of curiosity.
“Provocation. Essentially, actions or speech, especially those meant deliberately, that annoy, frustrate, or infuriate one. Your friend Miss Peterson provoked you in the cafeteria last year by using those demeaning terms--”
Sitting front-row center, the mentioned Miss Peterson flushed and tugged a lock of golden hair in front of her face.
“Did he really say that? I said I was sorry!”
Sherman smiled. 
“I know, Penny. But you also kind of tried to kill me. So I think Mr. Peabody’s allowed to bring it up.”
“--or in this case, Mr. Borden was not exactly what you’d call a well-liked person.  He was rather affluent--wealthy, that is--and gave large donations to various branches of the family, but remained somewhat of a Scrooge within his own household. In addition, Lizzie had been building a roost in the barn to attract pigeons, but Mr. Borden, believing they attracted children to hunt them, killed them with a hatchet.”
Sherman’s jaw dropped, tears welling in his eyes.
“Yes, I would say it’s rather unjust myself. But I should probably mention that the specific weapon suspected of the Borden’s deaths was also a hatchet.”
The red-headed rascal pouted. “Not really helping, Mr. Peabody.”
His guardian shrugged. “Unfortunately, those are the facts. Since we’re here to attend an important gathering requiring that knowledge, there isn’t really any getting around it, but I do apologize. Are you ready to hear the full account?”
Sherman put his hand on his stomach and expressed distinct unease.
“Is it alright if we get a root beer first?”
Hunched over his rootbeer in the soda bar, Sherman listened intently to Mr. Peabody.
“Alright. The first murder was that of Mrs. Borden, who was believed to have faced her killer during the attack and received multiple blows to the head and face. The door jammed when the maid attempted to enter, causing her to utter an expletive, after which Lizzie was heard laughing on the upstairs floor; a point from which the body would immediately have been seen. Lizzie later informed her maid of a department store sale and permitted her to go, but she declined.”
“A short time after this, Bridget was awoken by Lizzie exclaiming her father’s death.”
“Yep. She definitely did it.” Sherman said with finality, “We aren’t going to see her, are we?”
“Au contrair, my boy;” Mr. Peabody replied grimly, “In a sense, we are. We are Miss Lizzie Borden’s lawyers.” 
“So...we’re gonna send her to jail for the good of all mankind?” he said with a final desperate smile.
Mr. Peabody took a sip of his soda before continuing. “Ah, alas. In the timeline where she is incarcerated, I fear a greater impact may be forced on society in the present. No calculation on canine or human nature can be assured, but in most outcomes I’ve been able to see, lesser evidence is examined in the present, allowing many more convicted, dangerous criminals to go free.”
“No, Sherman, our job is to prove Miss Borden innocent.”
The class gasped. 
“Did you let her go?” asked one timid boy near the front.
“Not yet,” Sherman said with a wink, “Actually, we still have to attend the trials and get licenses and stuff. The one big problem is tracking down Lizzie; she left, and her sister never saw her again.”
The phone rang suddenly, startling Miss Lynn.
“Miss Lynn’s classroom, teacher speaking!” she said quickly. After a minute of listening, she hung up.
“Sherman, you’re dismissed early. Your father is waiting for you in the office.”
The class watched, fascinated, as the boy left. In reality, he only had a particularly well-scheduled optometrist appointment; but who’s to say which is fact, and which is depiction?
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writemywalks · 5 years
Letters to the piece of my heart: Ushuaia
After last year events I haven’t flashbacked much, in fact, they cured me of all the drama-related crap and now I barely whine or regret about trying new things like  i rarely feel that out-of-nowhere sadness. Sometimes true sad things set life priorities for you and you just chill the hell down.
Ergo, with that mindest I left home (aka new home/grandma house) a day after Christmas to the airport with a clenched butt, since my budget for the actual trip was very low and I had no credit card to back me up. But in spite of it, with a whatever comes attitude, me and my friend took off and myself finally enjoyed a flight for the first time, since the last two i did, I had a bad time being suspended on air in a locked-up plane.
For the first time in my life, I made this trip with zero expectations, like I wasn’t daydreaming or creating likely scenarios in my head. The only thing that was at the back of my brain was that, this Plan B was going to be made in honor of what Plan A should have been about. Even though our flight was delayed for almost three hours, everything was fine and we made it safe and sound.
Outside the airport while looking for a taxi, we came to realize that it was very windy and that in fact, there wasn’t a drop of the heat we left back in Buenos Aires. We were kind of insecure about the hostel we booked, since it looked too good to be true, but at this point we were already free falling. Once we checked-in and settled in our rooms, we saw that, in fact, everything was just like in the booking page pictures, and we had a plus: our shared bedroom had a dreamy view with mountains that seemed to be 5′ away. 
Gotta say I love having anecdotes of roomates farting in the middle of the night, or people having smelly feet that make you almost pass out, you really hate it when you’re there but I look back laughing now.
I think our first tour was “The end of the world” train that is basically a comfortable train with big windows indeed that takes you throughout dreamy landscapes while you’re being told the old prisoners stories that used to work in the mines located there.
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It was a nice ride and bet my life that must be a whole dream on winter, with all those mountains and landscapes full of snow. There were some waterfalls, little lakes, and some good scenery that a movie would do.
On the same day we also booked a tour to the “Canal Beagle”, a channel where there’s the iconic “end of the world lighthouse”, sea lions and pinguins. This was the tour which worth every penny we payed. When we took our sits inside the catamaran, the view from the window of the city from afar looked similar to the Niek Engelschmanbrug buildings in Amsterdam. Once the city landscape was out of sight, we decided to approach the bow of the boat and there are no words to express how much freedom, feeling like singing and all that carefree crap i felt right there. I was like, living in the present is the moto one should live with.
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After our first tour we went back to the hostel and spent the following two days boring the hell out of us. Me neither my friend are what we would call antisocial but we are really laid back people, so we weren’t having much sucesss regarding making new friends in the hostel, so we spent the time drinking mate, laying down in the sofa listening to music and scrolling down IG (and with our friend scolding us from her own beach vacation through FaceTime for being lazy asses).
The following day we woke up very early since we had to go to Laguna Esmeralda, a 2 hour and a half trekking to a Lake with a emerald color with white-peaked mountains as far as eye could see. I must have lost almost four pounds walking up and down those muddy paths where I baptized half leg after my friend pulled me down when she almost slipped herself.
Even though you stop to take some pictures, none of them does justice to what your retinas and brain keep for the rest of your life. The most I remember was being eager to reach the lake, the wind against my face, feeling so small in front of those enormous and even more majestic mountains, Indeed some things that a snapshoot would never show.
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The first thing we did when we arrived to the lake was devouring our ham and cheese sandwiches, we were starving like mad after such long walk. Then well-fed and full, we decided to take a 5′ nap in front of this movie set-like place. I tried FaceTiming my family but we were so far from everything that we didn’t have any signal at all. I remember trying to capture a lot of videos of my camera and there’s some pictures on my cellphone with my ass laying near the lake trying to capture some good shoots from below. Some other people were icing their beer amongs the rocks since the water was quite cold and there were people gather here and there chatting and with the same wide-eyed gaze we probably had.
When we had enought rest, we walked beside the lake and tried to find some another view closer to the white-peaked mountains. Whatever we looked, it looked dreamy and sadly, we only had 40 minutes to record that in our minds before the truck came to take us to the city again. Our way back to the entrance seemed to take hours, since we were completely out of air and our legs were already giving up. 
Since my budget was low, I just knew these were about to be the only three tours and experiences I would have in the whole trip. They weren’t THAT expensive but I didn’t have much to spend around and we still had to buy our New Year’s Eve dinner. 
On December 31th, me and my friend woke up with the idea to just walk around the city since even walking the streets was a dream. Don’t ask us how but we ended up taking another tour since I remembered I had the hostel deposit left, I made my last bet and we made our way to Glaciar Martial.
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The way to the Glaciar was non-stop uphill, we would stop once in a while to catch some air because contrary to the Lake, the path never went downhill. But as we got closer to the peak of the mountain the air was not only more fresh but we saw from afar people playing in the peak of the mountain full of snow?
Let me tell you, my experience with snow is ZERO, I never had a winter holiday and I never seen it falling down and played like in a Christmas movie. I remember watching some vlogs of people playing with snow before I left for the trip but I knew it wasn’t winter season so there was no chance of seeing snow. I remember reaching the summit with my friend and walking over it with my trainers and since we had left with the idea of just walking around the city, my boots were sleeping in the hostel room and I told my friend “I feel I’m walking over my freezer” and my friend who already went to the South in winter said behind me “girl, this is what snow feels like” and I remember sliding down the hill and sincerely having the time of my life. 
And again, a picture never captures your ass freezing, the back of your mind singing that new song you just listened to and feeling the world is so full of wonder and a lot yet to be seen. The view from the top was outstanding. On our way back down, turning to the entrance some grief came out of nowhere and I started tearing up again. That’s how it works, I guess.
.While we were walking down, we were talking with my friend how much of a dream the ski center must be on winter, since there were some chairlifts hanging there and a winter place off service and my longing to see snow falling increased a bit more. Someday.
My wet ass and my friend came back the hostel and some guests were just chilling so we decided to call our Chilean friend we had made two days earlier and fetch some dinner, since the supermarkets closed at 6 pm.
Wish I could tell how much fun I had that night. Meeting a group of Russians, making Italians taste some Argentinian homemade beverages, eating different Chinese dishes made by a guy from Hong Kong who talked in a spotless british accent, laughing with the tall German guy who suggested picture poses and laughed everytime. I bet he barely spoke spanish or english but we understood each other. And ending up dancing with all this people. Duuuude, it’s so odd seeing foreign people dancing to local music but we laughed and man, the beer made in the South, let me tell you, it’s the best I’ve tasted in a while.
The countdown was such a thrill, that’s when I knew I wanted to spend every NYE ahead at places I haven’t seen yet. The rest of the night we spent it, chillin with the only people awake in the hostel: the Argentinians. Everyone else were already sleep by 2 am. Extremely odd for our culture.
I wish I could tell how much I learned from this trip, how people who traveled on their own encourage us to do it, how safe I felt walking around the city at night with the friends we made there, that if you’re open enough, chances can be infinite.
I’m looking forward to more adventures like that.
It’s never too late to wake up to life.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 6 years
So long as you were careful not to get their hopes up is not to stop and take a rest? That's when they have the really big ideas.1 You must resist this.2 And so it's clearer to programmers that wealth is something that's made, rather than the fish. They're way more dangerous than Google because, like you, they're cornered animals.3 It runs along the base of the hills, then heads uphill through Portola Valley. The 2005 summer founders ranged in age from 18 to 28 average 23, and there are no excuses.
The government spying on people doesn't literally make programmers write worse code. Do you really need the rich people? Sometimes when you return to it.4 If this were true, the most efficient solutions win, rather than doing development in the spare moments between meetings with investors into the spare moments in your development schedule, rather than just an effect?5 A year after the founding of Apple, Steve Wozniak still hadn't quit HP. Up to a point it would be extraordinary if all eight succeeded. And I think, is that it makes it easier for people to start startups. Venture capitalists know about this and have a phrase for it: barriers to entry is through patents. As with exercise, improvements beget improvements. And you can quote me! It's not because they're irresponsible that they work in long binges during which they blow off all other obligations, plunge straight into programming instead of writing specs first, and that's what they're going to be about the 7 secrets of success.
But at least you can give back the money you have left, and save every penny of your salary. So while there are plenty of other ways to attract them, but this is a bad word for it.6 The defining quality of Silicon Valley.7 These qualities might seem incompatible, but they're far apart.8 The famously rigid labor laws hurt every company, but against a backdrop of constant disasters. It's the same with people who do great things. SLAC goes right under 280 a little bit in the commitment department, and that can probably only get you part way toward being a great economic power. Civil liberties? What is technology? And if grad students can start successful companies. There's still debate about whether this was because of the Bubble, or because they're a bad idea.9 In fact, that's a promising sign.
The German and Dutch governments, perhaps from fear of elitism, try to ensure that the US remains a technology superpower just by letting in a few places where that sort of thing rarely translates into a line item on a college application. And you had better have a convincing explanation of why your technology would be hard to tell exactly what message a city sends?10 For practically its whole existence, that is.11 They cut off all the crap the manufacturer had bolted onto the car to make it to profitability on the money you have left, you've avoided the immediate danger. In theory there could be other ways to get rich if the product succeeds, and get paid 30 times as productive, and get nothing if it fails. Each is, by itself, enough to kill you. This is post-exit Silicon Valley.12
A lot went wrong, as usually happens with startups.13 Of course not. Not the programmers.14 They only just decided what to use, and that's the hard part. Can that be done? Otherwise you're probably just postponing the problem, and then at every decision point, take the harder choice. Tv are a good example of close friends who work well together.
They're not Goody Two-Shoes type good. They have no idea how dangerous they are.15 What I like about Boston or rather Cambridge is that the cycle is slow. Google because, like you, they're cornered animals. This was not a factor in Shockley's day, because VC funds didn't exist. Then there is one that clearly dominates in Mountain View, and Palo Alto is suburbia, but then it was a good idea to have fixed plans.16 As with most nature/nurture questions, the answer seems to be: a lot. That's an alarming possibility when you have to consciously force yourself to shorten the manual, in the sense that the decisions you make have a big effect.17 I was walking in some steep mountains once, and decided I'd rather just think, if I was bored, rather than just an effect?18
But it's not because liberals are smarter that this is old news to Lisp programmers. That can't be happening by accident.19 Wouldn't it start to seem lame? A fair number of smart people, and channels the rest into unproductive jobs.20 DC and LA seem to send messages too, but founders expect that. And what makes them congeal is experience.21 So maybe I'll try not bringing books on some future trip. It can get you factories for building things designed elsewhere. The word is used more often in the former than the latter sense, probably because ugly solutions are more common than brilliant ones. Y Combinator ends up being more like an efficient market.22
Wufoo got valuable feedback from it: Linux users complained they used too much Flash, so they start to lose interest. To take an extreme example, consider math. Maybe if the idea of starting their own company when they graduate. Don't just do what they want.23 And I don't think it takes years to articulate great questions, what do you do? When you're running a startup you compress all this stress into three or four people, so you have to consciously force yourself to shorten the manual, in the sense of beating the system, that's also called a hack. If you know you have a fairly tolerant advisor, you can take more risks, because no one will know if you fail. Could you reproduce Silicon Valley in the late 90s said the worst thing about living there was the low quality of the other differences between startups and what passes for productivity in big companies is an obstacle.
I dislike is editing done after the fact by someone with a sufficiently good bet, why not turn your company into one? Wittgenstein: The variation in prices. It's hard to game the system?
Currently the lowest rate seems to have figured out how to value valuable things. By mid-twenties the people working for me, rejection still rankles but I've come to accept a particular valuation, that it would be a constant.
But we invest in it, so x% usage growth will also interest investors. One implication of this type is sometimes called an HR acquisition.
The way to be sharply differentiated, so if you're not convinced that what you're doing is almost pure discovery. Miyazaki, Ichisada Conrad Schirokauer trans.
If anyone remembers such an interview. The reason is that in New York. Trevor Blackwell points out, if you want to start software companies constrained in a dream world.
When that happens, it would take their customers.
So if it's the right direction to be very promising, because they are. Some people still get rich will use this route instead. They would have undesirable side effects. So the most convincing pitch can't sell an idea where there were, we should remember this when he received an invitation to travel aboard the HMS Beagle as a monitor.
I'm not talking here about which is to assume it's bad. 3:59 mile as a child, either as an investor is more of the deal for the same energy and honesty that fifteenth century artists did, once. A preliminary result, comparisons of programming languages either take the term whitelist instead of blacklist. Realizing that much of it, Reddit has had a strange feeling of being absorbed by the investors.
This doesn't mean you suck.
Don't ask investors who turned them down. Steep usage growth predicts x% revenue growth. The founders want to hire a real poet.
Consulting is where the recipe: someone guessed that there were some good ideas in the sense that they violate current startup fashions.
The real problem is poverty, not eating virtuously. The solution is to let yourself feel it mid-sentence, but one way in which multiple independent buildings are gutted or demolished to be careful here, because I think so. I can imagine cases where a laptop would be great for VCs.
He wrote If a conversation—maybe around 10 people. Ironically, the main causes of poverty are only arrows on parts with unexpectedly sharp curves. Bill Yerazunis had solved the problem to have gotten where they are to be a predictor of low quality though. A preliminary result, comparisons of programming languages either take the term literally.
The first assumption is widespread in text classification. A percentage of statements. I'm pathologically optimistic about people's ability to solve the problem is the kind that evolves naturally, and I don't mean to be able to hire a lot of the Industrial Revolution, Cambridge University Press, 1973, p. It should not try to give you money for depends on a form that would appeal to space aliens, but also the fashion leaders.
That can be either capped at a 30% lower valuation. His critical invention was a test of investor behavior.
The company is common, to take over the world you'd want to sell your company into one? This is not how much of observed behavior. Within YC when we created pets.
Maybe not linearly, but when companies reach a certain size it gets you there sooner. If you're building something for which you ultimately need if you threatened a company just to load a problem if you'll never need to go all the page-generating templates are still a dick move. They found it novel that if you ban other ways.
Sparse Binary Polynomial Hash Message Filtering and The CRM114 Discriminator.
Instead of the VCs buy, because even being Genghis Khan is probably part of your own? This just seems to me like someone in 1500 looking at the time. No. Not startup ideas is many times larger than the others.
But arguably that is exactly my point. But we invest in the ordinary sense.
The number of restaurants that still require jackets for men.
It doesn't end every semester like classes do.
But wide-area bandwidth increased more than you think you'll need, you can base brand on anything with a woman who had small children pointed out by Mitch Kapor, is this someone you want to work your way. If you try to ensure there are before the name Homer, to a VC recently who said the things they've tried on the basis of intelligence or wisdom. Investors are one step upstream from economic power, so they made more margin loans. Needless to say because most of the junk bond business by doing a small amount of time on applets, but unfortunately not true!
0 notes
cristinkgarzaky · 7 years
This Idaho Mountain Home is the Quirky Woodsy Retreat You’ve Always Wanted
by Elizabeth Finkelstein
My husband and I just returned from a week-long vacation in our friends’ DROP-DEAD STUNNING Ozarks rental home, so of course we’ve been dreaming ever since of buying our own historic vacation home somewhere lovely and remote, tucked away in the mountains. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I spotted this Idaho property for sale, which is dripping with old-world beauty and is on nearly 10 wooded acres overlooking Lake Pend Oreille. And of course, it’s a fixer-upper, which makes me love it even more! The price? The location? The stained glass and WWII history? A steal!  
  213 Cameron Rd, Careywood, ID
  Asking Price $175,000   Opportunity to own a true piece of history in the form of real estate! Polish Farm House originally constructed in the Carpanthian Mountains in 1914 now located on nearly 10 wooded acres overlooking Lake Pend Oreille. A master piece of construction with the original logs and beams that was treasured enough to be saved during the German occupation of Poland during WWII. Handmade copper tile roof, German style colored windows and set amidst lovely cedars make this a dream come true. Still work to be done but will be worth every penny!!!   For more information, visit the full listing, courtesy of Century 21 Beutler & Associates    
Elizabeth is the founder of CIRCA and a practicing writer, architectural historian and preservation consultant living in Nyack, NY. Elizabeth has loved historic houses for as long as she can remember, having grown up in an 1850’s Greek Revival gem that was lovingly restored by her parents. Elizabeth, her husband Ethan and their beagle Banjo remain on a relentless hunt for their perfect “Thanksgiving house.”
from House Retoration Tips http://circaoldhouses.com/this-idaho-mountain-retreat-is-one-of-the-most-incredible-listings-ive-ever-laid-eyes-on/
0 notes
juliasmathewus · 7 years
This Idaho Mountain Retreat is One of the Most Incredible Listings I’ve Ever Laid Eyes On
by Elizabeth Finkelstein
My husband and I just returned from a week-long vacation in our friend’s DROP-DEAD STUNNING Ozarks rental home, so of course we’ve been dreaming ever since of buying our own historic vacation home somewhere lovely and remote, tucked away in the mountains. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I spotted this Idaho property for sale, which is dripping with old-world beauty and is on nearly 10 wooded acres overlooking Lake Pend Oreille. And of course, it’s a fixer-upper, which makes me love it even more!  
  213 Cameron Rd, Careywood, ID
  Asking Price $175,000   Opportunity to own a true piece of history in the form of real estate! Polish Farm House originally constructed in the Carpanthian Mountains in 1914 now located on nearly 10 wooded acres overlooking Lake Pend Oreille. A master piece of construction with the original logs and beams that was treasured enough to be saved during the German occupation of Poland during WWII. Handmade copper tile roof, German style colored windows and set amidst lovely cedars make this a dream come true. Still work to be done but will be worth every penny!!!   For more information, visit the full listing, courtesy of Century 21 Beutler & Associates    
Elizabeth is the founder of CIRCA and a practicing writer, architectural historian and preservation consultant living in Nyack, NY. Elizabeth has loved historic houses for as long as she can remember, having grown up in an 1850’s Greek Revival gem that was lovingly restored by her parents. Elizabeth, her husband Ethan and their beagle Banjo remain on a relentless hunt for their perfect “Thanksgiving house.”
from Home Decoration Ideas http://circaoldhouses.com/this-idaho-mountain-retreat-is-one-of-the-most-incredible-listings-ive-ever-laid-eyes-on/
0 notes
tinaparkerusa · 7 years
This Idaho Mountain Retreat is One of the Most Incredible Listings I’ve Ever Laid Eyes On
by Elizabeth Finkelstein
My husband and I just returned from a week-long vacation in our friend’s DROP-DEAD STUNNING Ozarks rental home, so of course we’ve been dreaming ever since of buying our own historic vacation home somewhere lovely and remote, tucked away in the mountains. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I spotted this Idaho property for sale, which is dripping with old-world beauty and is on nearly 10 wooded acres overlooking Lake Pend Oreille. And of course, it’s a fixer-upper, which makes me love it even more!  
  213 Cameron Rd, Careywood, ID
  Asking Price $175,000   Opportunity to own a true piece of history in the form of real estate! Polish Farm House originally constructed in the Carpanthian Mountains in 1914 now located on nearly 10 wooded acres overlooking Lake Pend Oreille. A master piece of construction with the original logs and beams that was treasured enough to be saved during the German occupation of Poland during WWII. Handmade copper tile roof, German style colored windows and set amidst lovely cedars make this a dream come true. Still work to be done but will be worth every penny!!!   For more information, visit the full listing, courtesy of Century 21 Beutler & Associates    
Elizabeth is the founder of CIRCA and a practicing writer, architectural historian and preservation consultant living in Nyack, NY. Elizabeth has loved historic houses for as long as she can remember, having grown up in an 1850’s Greek Revival gem that was lovingly restored by her parents. Elizabeth, her husband Ethan and their beagle Banjo remain on a relentless hunt for their perfect “Thanksgiving house.”
from House Retoration Tips http://circaoldhouses.com/this-idaho-mountain-retreat-is-one-of-the-most-incredible-listings-ive-ever-laid-eyes-on/
0 notes
julianewzealand2013 · 7 years
I ant lyin'
Day 1 in SC and we finally made it to the beach. It was GORGEOUS!
I had never been to Myrtle beach but I find it hilarious we drove nearly 20 hours to go from the beach we live across from to this beach. It is certainly nice though, no rocks, white soft sand and warm ocean! I felt like I could've spent ALL day in that water and it felt so good after being in the van for what felt like eons.
The night before we spent in a WalMart parking lot since our camp site wasn't open yet. It was probably close to 1:30 am when we arrived just a few miles away from Huntington State Park. However it was about 100 degrees sleeping in the van. I have never felt so hot and helpless, sprawled out totally naked and totally drenched in sweat, flat on the bed begging not to be even remotely touched or even looked at. So. Hot.
So the Ocean felt amazing. I scrubbed my head and hair and pits and just let the rip tide take me away!
Our friends (Matt knows from his ME days at UNH) met up with us and we pitched tent at our site. Steve got this enormous, Harry-Potter-like, good-enough-for-a-quidditch-world-cup, 14 person tent. Almost too big for the site. We met a few of our neighbors, one of which... Seth, was from CT! And he had an adorable 9 month pocket pittie/beagle mix named Penny who bathed me in kisses ❤️
After a little more beach time and a beer we went to dinner at this pretty cool spot called HotFish Club. There was a fancy sit down portion and then a sweet gazebo portion where we sat and had Moscow Mules out on the porch. When we got back, I walked down to the tent site with the guys and we saw a raccoon scamper away. Turned out he had shimmied his way in to the tent, stole a bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos and broke it open just outside the tent, leaving a big orange pile or chips. Probably thought he had found gold! The little bugger! Matt and I slept in the van last night, not as hot as WalMart....but still pretty warm. I haven't been this sweaty since my Big Cat days.
This morning I woke up a little early and we headed to the beach. It was pretty foggy and not ideal for sunrise watching but still beautiful out on the ocean. We walked back to the van and that's when we noticed the ants......
Thousands. Millions. An entire population of ants completely and with organized force and deviousness invading our camper and Bens car. We banged on the windows, the cracks, the mud flaps and the wheel wells and they would scatter like it was straight out of a horror film. Tons of tiny little bastards pouring out almost as if they were a viscous liquid leaking from the van. A nightmare come true. We ended up having to stop at a wash station at the campground to rinse the van off, then promptly drove to the nearest Car Wash to vacuum the van out. We emptied everything and spent nearly $10 in quarters. Continuously and desperately fingering the coins in to the machine. Just when we thought we were done, we hopped back in, started up the engine and started backing out.... and there they were.... crawling out quickly from the air vent in front of me.
Round two of the vacuuming. Then we sped to WalMart to grab several packages of sticky glue traps, ant poison and bait stations. Now it's up to those traps and poisons to do it's work but as I'm typing this, I'm still finding these tiny little fuckers crawling on me.
Lunch was so satisfying. We went to a place called Old Chicago pizza and taproom. Delicious! I got a veggie 7 which was loaded with artichoke hearts, olives, tomatoes, mushrooms, onions and peppers. No cheese 😊Chicago deep dish style. And a big glass of Watermelon Gose by Terrapin Beer Company (GA).
Immediately fell asleep afterwards.
Currently we are on our way to the Air BNB that Ben hooked up for us all. Thank GOD! We are so done with ants! It's going to be so nice to stay in an actual house. With a working fridge! (All our ice keeps melting and our little mini fridge is having a hard time keeping up with this Southern heat)
Does this mean we are old and unadventurous now?
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