#and part of me still wonders if he will (temporarily) die too
marimeeko · 2 years
So the premise I imagine around the doodles I posted last night(or particularly the one of Kacchan grabbing Izuku)
Katsuki gets revived, but is forced to stay down. And as he breathes and restores energy and oxygen to his system after Edgseshots surgery and Internal CPR, he feels the rumbles of UA shaking. He knows it's not over yet. He knows Izuku is there now, knows he is fighting, even if he still is being blocked from seeing.
Clarity comes to him as those around him keep looking over their shoulders and curse in hushed voices. Katsuki can tell though, something is wrong.
Not only has Togas clones overwhelmed Monoma and Aizawa, but the whispers insinuate that Izuku himself is losing ground, and is reaching exhaustion.
With more resolve than ever, Katsuki pushes himself into a position to see.
Izuku is breaking down, his 5 minutes up. His body seems to be locked up. Katsuki doesn't quite understand why, but he can see Izukus pained gasps for breath, hear murmuring from Best Jeanist and Mirio of
"He can't breathe..." "Does he... should we intervene?" "Is it part of OFA?"
Katsukis stomach sinks because he sees Shigaraki next, still not defeated, about to take advantage of the sudden break.
Before Jeanist can finish shouting for them to get to Izuku, Katsuki erupts. Through the pain of shattered limbs and broken pride, he tears forward to get to them. The exhausted, emotionally broken Izuku unmoving except for some weak tendrils of BW doesn't, can't move to get out of the way of Shigaraki in time, and even though he internally shouts at himself to move, do something...
A hand grips into the back of his suit and a body careens into him, they go flying, with the added propulsion of Katsuki aiming all he's got towards Shigaraki.
Being half broken as he is, the rescue is clumsy, and they land and tumble across the grass and rubble. Katsuki cringes from the pain and doubles over around Izuku, who realizes his rescuer with wide, tear brimmed eyes.
He is still fighting the consequences of the seconds Quirk, having trouble drawing breath. Katsuki sits them both up. He notices that Jeanist, Miruko and Mirio have rushed Shigaraki to run distraction, Nagant is still shooting from far away. So he grips Izuku tightly and tells him
"Just focus on breathing, you damn nerd!"
Izuku can't take his eyes off of Katsukis,
"Kacchan....you....you were..."
Katsuki nods "Yeah. I was."
"I'm sorry--I--" Izuku hiccups, shoulders shaking now from overflowing emotions.
"Hey! Shut it and breathe!" Katsuki scolds. Though his voice is breaking as well. He brings their foreheads together, keeping Izukus gaze. "I want you to breathe with me, dammit."
Izuku still feels reluctant in his grasp, he can tell that Izuku is trying to scope out the others and their fight with Shigaraki "Let them handle it, you just need a fucking second. Izuku. Breathe. With me."
Izuku finally melts and tries, drawing in a quivering breath with Katsuki. And then out. In, and out. As Izuku's breath turns from frantic and desperate to level and deep, with the exception of a few hiccups or quivers, Katsuki hooks his arm around Izuku, drawing him to his chest.
Izuku buries his face into Katsukis shoulder and clutches the back of his uniform.
Within moments, Izuku flares with energy and stronger arms of Black Whip surrounding him. The wind whirls around them, and Izuku pulls away. His eyes meet with Katsukis again, glowing a fierce, blinding green. For a moment, he swears that Katsukis eyes are full of awe, and something he can't quite put a name to.
"It's time to end this."
Katsuki nods, and the two get to their feet, hand in hand.
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baby-xemnas · 5 months
thinking about how the last time we see law and bepo in chapter 1081, law is barely conscious and bepo is in tears, begging for law to not die, to hold on. how in the very last panel it looks like bepo, in his desperation to get law to safety, has been forced to dive underwater with law on his back, and he must know how risky that is- but the risk of blackbeard seeing them on the water’s surface is higher, so bepo can’t stay above water the whole time, until he can find a safe spot for them to hide. the sheer terror bepo must feel because the likelihood of law drowning is high too, with bepo possibly having to dive underwater and resurface intermittently, and bepo is so scared, he doesn’t know how long a severely injured and barely conscious law will be able to hold his breath, if law is even still awake and hearing bepo talk to him, but bepo can’t afford to slow down because blackbeard and co. are too close by and might catch up to them. thinking about how bepo is probably so exhausted from the fight (who knows what side effects force inducing sulong form without the full moon could potentially have on his body) trying his hardest not to pass out, his vision going spotty, but he can’t won’t let his captain down, and it’s like a countdown in bepo’s head, a race against the clock, to get to a safe spot where he can temporarily stop and check on law. and with each passing second bepo is filled with even more panic at the worst case scenario. thinking about law being unresponsive when they do reach a temporary safe spot (maybe like a small island or a shipwreck idk), and bepo having to perform cpr on law and just how terrifying those few moments would be for bepo, when law isn’t breathing, bepo crying and pleading for his captain to come back to him
god i didnt even think about the Law holding his breath part being so scary (i only saw jokes abt it lol) you are so smart...
fuck fuck fuck
and these are the tough decisions Bepo has to make for his captain - because Law is incapacitated and Bepo is going against captain's wishes - his instincts really - to stay with the crew. Law cannot, will not even THINK to prioritize his own life - Bepo has to do it for him and save him. Captain had given it his all, 100% and then some - to win, then to simply survive and save their family - it wasn't enough.
Oh this is getting me so fucking emotional i want to cry, because Bepo, sweet and wonderful Bepo has risen to the occasion because of course he did...push really did has come to shove and he really mother bear-ed it. Wow
And the craziest part is what he says - we've been through bad times, we got through them and we will get through this too - he's learned from times of crisis that they had - but it was never like THIS. Never this devastating. Never to the point where LAW was incapacitated...One can imagine Bepo moving on instinct
Great ask thank you so much i nearly cried while making soup
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paradoxcase · 6 months
John 9:22
So at this point, this can't be anything other than "the tower has reactivated". So the Tower, so far mentioned only when calling Ianthe and Gideon "Tower Princes" is some sort of mechanism or something that can be activated? I guess I would guess that it's some part of the Mithraeum
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I hope that's not actually as horrifying as it sounds. They both have godlike powers, so they should be able to do this in a not-entirely-horrifying way, right?
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That's not the first time in this story that John has specifically objected to cannibalism, but that's an interesting place to draw the line, when he has no problem using human bodies for ornamentation or military weapons, and he wears baby fingerbones in his hair. But using human bodies for sustenance, which has actual IRL precedence, even in cases where starvation wasn't a possibility, is too far for him. I'm not even talking about the non-European tribespeople who were accused of cannibalism here, white Europeans were eating mummies in the Middle Ages because they thought they had medicinal properties. Using human bones as ornamentation was also quite common, but I don't think cannibalism was any more alien to John's culture than that. Also, I don't think the actual Nine Houses religion has a problem with cannibalism - it seems to be a normal part of Ianthe's necromancy for example, at least before she became a Lyctor, and it's a necessary step in the method that the OG Lyctors came up with for attaining Lyctorhood
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Now I'm kind of hoping/expecting this means that Augustine is going to somehow reappear at some point and kill John, or help kill John? I mean, we don't know where the Stoma actually goes, and I'm sure John doesn't either, and I think we will probably find out by the end of the story
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This would explain BOE's "death sense" that they talk about, but I still don't think that this is something that happens to most ordinary necromancers, because otherwise Harrow would have noticed Magnus and Abigail dying back in Gideon the Ninth, and I think Mercy and Augustine would have realized that Mercy hadn't managed to kill John
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So, after everyone on Earth died, presumably because of the nuke, John temporarily gains a huge amount of power and is able to use that to resurrect everyone? Is that why he can't resurrect people anymore, because it requires the amount of thanergy that's generated by the deaths of 8 billion people? This is part of a section where John is talking about his quest to figure out how to resurrect people
Also, someone (maybe Cassiopeia or Nigella?) probably should have told John at this point that that wasn't what people meant when they said "defund the police"
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With all these little snippets of stuff we hear about G1deon in these, I kind of wonder how he would have reacted if he'd survived Number Seven and had been the one in the room with John and Mercy and Augustine when Mercy had apparently killed John for lying to them about their cavaliers having to die, during the short period of time they had to react to that before John reconstituted. Augustine clearly expected some reaction, because he said
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(Pyrrha obviously don't give a fuck, and there wasn't really anything she could do to Mercy or Augustine even if she did)
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Yeah, this doesn't surprise me, since he'd already decided to be Dr. Evil at this point. I actually thought I misread something when he initially described telling Pyrrha it had been an accident
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smileyvillainarc · 1 year
so this is inspired by a darksun one shot that i saw on ao3
young, drunk and alone - regiulusblack
but instead of Barty being the one to drunk call James, it’s in reverse and takes place during 5th year as Barty starts to realise how messed up James really is and how much holding in his feelings is literally crushing him alive !!!
Barty had got stood up. Officially speaking it had been about four hours since he been stood up but he had decided to give it a couple of hours just in case James had been running late or his ADHD had hit him and he had temporarily forgotten about him but four hours in he could no longer make any excuses.
He was pissed of course. That’s how he should be feeling, but he was also feeling this slight ache in his chest that made him feel sad. He didn’t quite understand that part. It wasn’t as though James had been required to come tonight, they only had makeshift plans from last week that he had never reconfirmed. He had probably forgotten. He had never forgotten before.
It was in this angry, confused and partly upset state that a patronus appeared in front of him.
“Barty”, James sighs. His voice is heavy with an exhaustion that Barty didn’t recognise.
“Did you know that muggles don’t have an instant remedy for healing a bone?” he sighs and then yelps slightly as though he were injured.
“You probably do, you’re smart like that- my genius boyfriend,” Barty didn’t know but he was too happy that James was calling him his boyfriend to care.
“I thought you might be wondering why I didn’t show up tonight, I’m sorry. I tried sending this like a million times, the muggles here actually thought I was drunk and started to feel so bad for me that they gave me some free alcohol- it sucks,” he then chuckles in that self-deprecating way that Barty feels his heart break a little.
“Anyways, I was feeling a bit sad today and Moony says that I should be careful when I’m sad because I do very dumb things and maybe just maybe I’ve done one of those things,” James starts, “ Okay this is definitely a very dumb thing to do, especially considering Padfoot banned me after the last time, but it’s okay - I’m okay, I’m in total control.”
“It’s why I sent it to you Barty, you won’t get like super mad at me because you don’t know yet,” he goes back to cackling as though he just made a funny joke.
He then suddenly pauses his laughter as though he remembers that he is still sending a patronus and a slight hustling noise is heard as James moves from a busier environment to a quieter one.
“I told them about you, you know. It’s funny how much they kept telling me that I should get over you, that I shouldn’t care for someone that would break my heart. They again they also said that I shouldn’t call you when I’m drunk but you know I’ll probably die before that happens,” he continues rambling,his words slowing at an alarming pace, “I think I love you - but it would be easier to die for you than to date you, Barty.”
And then the patronus dissipates and Barty is left only with overwhelming dread.
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pokejstor · 1 year
Excerpt from The Journals of Warden Nobori: A Glimpse into the Mundanities of Hisuian Life.
Part of Sinnoh Historical Society Digital Collections.
Klio Mizuki
Documents of the late Hisui Era, vol. 16, no. 10.
Once again, I find myself in the infirmary, though despite Warden Yūgao’s insistences, I feel that the reason this time is far less frivolous than usual. Unfortunately, the injury is far more serious- it is likely that I will be unable to walk far for quite some time. I have been told that my pelvis is fractured. This is not surprising, but it is painful and irritating. Still, I believe it was worth it.
I was sent to forage in the icelands. While I was told of the Alpha Garchomp that makes its territory in this area, I believed that I was outside of its range- unfortunately, I was not. At first, I thought I was rather lucky, as it did not seem to notice me, but it was not good luck for me. Rather, it was bad luck for some poor Gligar, who the Alpha Garchomp was focused on defeating, presumably to eat. While I am no longer squeamish about hunting and butchering Pokemon for sustenance, something about seeing a Pokemon that normally sports a distinctive grin no longer “smiling” wounded my heart.
What I did next was foolish, I will admit. I should have thrown snowballs to stun the Alpha Garchomp. I was not thinking. Instead, I ran directly to it. The next time I see Warden Hamarenge*, I will be sure to thank him, though he may not appreciate the implication that his self defense lessons emboldened me to punch an Alpha Garchomp in the snout. This did work to temporarily stun it, and the Gligar immediately took the opportunity to flee. I was not as quick as him. The Garchomp grabbed me in its mouth and, to tell the Truth, I thought that I would die right there. Thankfully, the Gligar had not fled far. Perhaps he felt indebted to me, because he attacked the Garchomp, causing it to drop me.
The two of us were able to flee, if only barely. The cold atmosphere of the icelands seems to slow even such a swift Pokemon as Garchomp, and a mixture of Mud Bombs and snowballs eventually convinced it to leave us alone. As I write this, he clings to my shoulders, watching as if he can read the words I am writing. He was wary at first when Warden Yūgao began to inspect my injuries, and became angry when it became apparent that her treatment was causing me pain, though I managed to calm him. I shall have to remember to ask her what is in the poultice that she applied to the bite mark, though I am certain that she will tell me anyways, considering my track record with injury.
If nothing else, it soothes my heart to finally have a Pokemon as a companion. While it is not all that common in the Pearl Clan, I have often felt jealous at the sight of Clan Leader Kai^ with her Eevee, or Warden Yūgao with her Bidoof. Perhaps, wherever I was before Hisui, I too had a Pokemon as my partner. Perhaps they are even wondering where I am. I am uncertain if the naming of Pokemon is a common practice here, but it feels right to me to do so. I feel that I should consider the matter more carefully, but for now, when I look at this Gligar’s smiling face, only one name comes to mind: Em. Perhaps this shall suffice.
*[This is the Hisuian name of the Warden known as Gaeric.]
^[This is the Hisuian name of Clan Leader Irida.]
[The translators do not recommend punching any wild Pokemon, let alone an Alpha. Warden Nobori’s actions were reckless and should not be imitated.]
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stuckonmain · 2 years
An Unwanted Discovery
 ROTTMNT Donatello x Yokai!reader
Part five to The Junkyard at the End of the World, Midnight Comics, The Aftermath (And Normal Blueprint-maker Math), and ....Yeah. Friends.
Summary: The shields are down. Oh no.
Warning: Mentions of blood and people definitely die. No major character death though.
4k words
 I stitched a final yellow eye onto the left sleeve of Donnie’s hoodie as I monitored the tracker surveillance. 
  Most of the main group were out on missions today, with just Mikey and I left as the remaining commanders. Heck, even Splinter had a mission. 
  According to the maps, everyone was staying safe, which was a relief-
  Huh. My nose was running. Weird, it still seemed a tad too warm out  for that. Then again, it was December, so…
  Oh, what?!
  I looked at the tissue to see it was covered in blood?
  “Well that’s new…” I mumbled, and set Donnie’s hoodie a safe distance away from the bleeding. “Bizzare.”
  And it was. I never got bloody noses. Fantastic. At least Donnie wasn’t here to go ballistic about having a ‘biohazard near my tech!’ today, so I could continue hiding out in my nest of blankets and power tools.
  “(Y/N)! (Y/N), COME IN (Y/N)!”
  I jumped.
  “Micheal? What’s going on at the base?” Donnie’s voice crackled through the comms.
  I glanced over at the map to see Mikey’s orange tracker quickly moving towards me.
  “I’m here Angelo, I’m here, what’s going on?!” I stammered into the comm. “Are you okay?! Is it bad?!”
  “It’s bad, man, it’s real real bad-” He coughed. 
  “Angelo- I- I’ll meet you at the entrance!” I hopped up and ran towards the doors. Outside the window stood Mikey…and a good ten to twentyish humans.
  And beyond that, the shield had glimmered into visibility. Which was helpful, considering had it not, we wouldn't have noticed the gash in the shield.
  My mouth went dry as I shoved the door open to let everyone in.
  “Angelo…go to the safe. It’ll recognize your face.” I said evenly, calmly, too calmly (Y/N) you should be screaming but no-
  “Cass, lead the group to the basement.” I continued, and she nodded. 
  “Yessir.” She bowed in her own version of a salute. “OKAY, YOU HEARD THE BOSS. INTO THE EPIC BUNKER!”
  The group nodded, following after her.
  I swallowed as Mikey appeared behind me, safe in hand.
  “Guys, what's going on?!” Said Raph’s voice over the comm.
  “A…a lot.” I said, feeling the blood from my nose drip down into my mouth. Ugh.
  But I didn’t have the time to deal with that.
  For outside stood a small army of krang zombies.
  “Angelo…get those mystic hands ready.” I said quietly, raising my fists. My wrist tech beeped, which meant at least someone  on our team was back, but I tuned it out. “I’ll hold them off, you work on getting the shield back up, okay?”
  “How are you gonna do that?!” Mikey squeaked.
  I shrugged. “Water is powerful. You ever seen eroded rocks?”
  He stared at me nervously still, brow-ridges knit together.
  “Hey…trust me, okay?” I smiled weakly. “You may technically be a ‘better fighter’ or something, but you’re also like, a wizard, which we need. So save us with your wizard powers while I temporarily take the role of a European dragon!”
  Mikey blinked, smiling. “You’re lucky I own a copy of the DnD monster manual. Otherwise I would not have understood that reference.”
  I laughed, facing the zombies. “Tis an honor to serve with you, nerd. Now get inside! Save us all or something, I have faith in you!” 
  “Ditto!” Mikey yelled, ducking inside.
  “Aight zombie dudes, let's see what water magic can do…” I said.
  And with a deep breath, I hurled a wave of water at them, combining the molecules in the air.
  “Hehehe, try dodging that ya assholes!” I grinned. “Wipeout- Surfing joke, boom!” 
  “Help!” Yelled a voice in the distance, by the zombies, in Huo Hall…
  “Shit.” I hissed. The building was apparently not vacated…
  Well…could I risk it? I wondered, pushing back the zombies with another wave. Was it worth the risk to try to save Huo Hall…if it meant going through them…Woah, the ground was spinning….
  “(Y/N)! (Y/N)- What the heck is going on?!”
  I looked up to see a familiar purple jetpack.
  “Dee! Hey…” I waved, coughing. “I…I think I might’ve used too much magic.” I shrugged. 
  He landed next to me, propping me up with his metal arms. “You’re bleeding. Are you injured in any other way shape or form? How would you describe your symptoms? How-”
  “Look out, moron!” I yelled, blasting a krang-zombie with ice-cold water.
  Donnie looked over his shoulder. “Oh no.”
  “Oh, and the blood is just a nosebleed Tello, don’t worry about it. I’m just…kinda low on mystic energy…” I added, shakily standing up.
  Donnie glanced back at me, pulling me closer with the robotic arms until I was pressed against him. He swallowed uncomfortably at the contact, but tore his eyes away from me after a second. 
  “Mikey, how are the shields?” He said into his tech-bracer.
  “No luck.” Mikey’s voice said weakly. “Our mystic powers still aren’t working- just (Y/N)’s are.”
  “What the heck-” I coughed.
  “You’re a dragon, (Y/N), you run on a different sort of power.” Mikey answered. “C’mon, I thought you read the monster manual.”
  Donnie frowned, hovering off the ground while keeping me propped up with his mechanical appendages. “The monster manual is not a scientific source! Do we have any valid proof of that, Micheal?!”
  “It’s in these scrolls. You should read them!” Mikey said matter of factly. “They have pictures.”
  “I thought those were spell pages?! You read them?” I said in shock.
  “Uh yeah. It’s just like the monster manual!” He said, and I could practically hear the grin in his voice-
  And then suddenly the shield closed. 
  There was a beat of silence that hung over us as we stared at the wreckage.
  Donnie swallowed. “Mikey, what did you do?” 
  “What? I didn’t do anything-”
  “Oh hey,” I said weakly, looking out at the krang-infected-former residents of Huo Hall as they pounded on the outside of the shield, begging for mercy. “My nose stopped bleeding.”
  And then it went dark.
  Donnie carried me back into the engineering building in a blur, and the next thing I knew, I was on a cot in a room I didn’t recognize.
  I sat up, looking around. It was a tiny home with purple lighting just like the lab….Donnie’s tiny home, probably. I pulled the purple blanket over my shoulders and turned on my tech-bracer.
  “Hey…Dee?” I said, and my voice came out horse and scratchy.
  “(Y/N).” His voice said through the comm. “You’re awake.”
  “Yeah. How long was I out?”
  “About eight hours.” He replied. “I put you in my spare room because the med bay is full- and absolutely crawling with germs, which is not only gross, but also…well, we’ve made some discoveries.”
  “Oh….rad? I think? I guess it depends on the discoveries.” I mused.
  “Uh…yeah, these are very….well, they’re discoveries, and the pursuit of knowledge is always positive?” He said lamely. “Nervous chuckle?”
  “No…” I yawned. “...not if you’re in a Lovecraft novel…”
  “...No. Not if you’re in a Lovecraft novel.” He agreed quietly. “I’ll send SHELLDON to escort you to the lab, okay?”
  On the cue, there was a knock on the window, and the turtle drone waved at me.
  “Hi dude.” I smiled, swinging the door open. 
  “Hey (Y/N)!” Said SHELLDON. “How’re you doin’, bro?”
  I shrugged. “That depends entirely upon whether or not I like what Donnie discovered.” I said bluntly, folding the blanket and tossing it onto the bed.
  I stepped outside, taking in the damage that the zombies had caused. Huo Hall was empty with the exception of caution tape, which was…just fantastic, and the whole campus seemed devoid of people.
  SHELLDON hummed ahead of me, occasionally checking back to see how I was doing. I gave him a dishonest thumbs up, and we trekked on.
  Raph was at the door of the engineering building, and he let me in with a nervous smile.
  “So…how’s it hangin’, (Y/N)?” He said, following me down the corridor.
  I shrugged. “It’s….well, things are happening….?” I said, gesturing at the wreckage outside vaguely. “How was your mission?”
  “We successfully brought a few Yokai safely into the base,”He said, but his smile was hollow. (Reasonable.)
  “That’s rad, Raph.” I smiled genuinely. “I’ll see ya in a bit, okay?” I said, turning into the Lab.
  “Cool….cool.” He said. “Look, (Y/N), if you need help with anything- we’re here for ya, okay? It can’t have been easy, what you and Mikey went through today…” 
  I smiled, looking back at him. “Thanks dude. I…I appreciate it- and ditto.”
  He waved, and I stepped into the Lab.
  “Hey Dee….you called?” I said, my voice echoing around the space.
  “Yes. Micheal and Draxum had some quote-unquote ‘science’ to share with you.” He said, emerging from behind a stack of salvaged machinery. “I don’t understand this mystic nonsense, but…they do.” He added, a bit quieter.
  “Okay…does it have to do with the shields?”
  “Duh.” He scoffed. “Man, I just wish I’d been there myself for more than just the tail end of the action. Then maybe I’d be able to dispute or agree with their claims, but it’s all so frustratingly out of my realm of knowledge. Scoff. Stupid scientist wannabes….” He ranted, leading me towards a whiteboard covered in calculations and paragraphs of explanations.
  “Woah.” I said, sitting on the couch that faced the whiteboard. “That’s a lot of exposition.”
  “Scoff. They spent too much time on flowery language.” Donnie snorted, crossing his arms irritably as he sat next to me.
  I patted his shoulder in half-ironic sympathy. “Tough.”
  “Right?! See, you get it!” He exclaimed, throwing his hands into the air.
  “Donnie, (Y/N)!” Said a voice behind the couch, and Mikey stepped forward. “There you guys are! Draxum gave me this script to tell you about our findings, which I shall read from….now.”
  I glanced at Donnie, a hint of amusement in my eyes that was not reflected in his. His eyes remained narrowed as his brother stood in front of the whiteboard.
  “Ahem.” Mikey coughed, reading from the script. “You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's the signpost up ahead - your next stop, the Twilight Zone- Heeeyyy, this is the wrong script!” He scowled, and Donnie scoffed again.
  “You’re not a scientist, Micheal.” He said grumpily.
  “Sure I am! I’m Dr. Science-man, mystic scientist!” He said cheerfully.
  “That isn’t a thing.” Donnie groaned. “Now are you done with your juvenile presentation so we can talk about what the Baron told you?”
  Mikey scoffed. “Did I just hear you dismiss Dr. Science-man? Did you dismiss Dr. Science-man, Donald?!”
  “Uh, yeah, I thought that needed no clarification?” Donnie said bluntly.
  “Boys, boys, you’re both beautiful, but I ain’t sittin’ through this.” I sighed, resting my face in my hand boredly.
  “Oh right, my script.” Mikey smiled, bouncing back to his cheerful smile.
  I nodded. “Yes. Gimme the diagnosis, Doc.”
  Mikey flipped through the script, skim-reading it. “Uh…you’ve been diagnosed with…a lack of mystic energy.”
  I snorted, a bit defensively. “Is that all? I…I feel like we already knew that, to be honest-”
  “Yeah, shows me for letting him into the lab. “ Donnie sighed.
  “No, you have literally zero mystic energy. None. Nada. Zip. None whatsoever.” Mikey elaborated.
  I blushed, irritated. “I know! I can’t do much magic or fix the issues that are staring us in the face! You can quit reminding me!” I snapped.
  Donnie nodded, glaring at him. “Yeah. Micheal, this isn’t new information, you’ve only succeeded at wasting our time.”
  “No-guys, that isn’t-” He sighed, and shoved Donnie’s goggles down onto his eyes. “Just look, Donald.”
  Dee raised his eyebrows, staring at me through the blue and red lenses. He tapped the side of them, furiously adjusting the settings before quietly giving up. 
  “But…but that’s impossible...” He stuttered.
  “What?!” I snapped, standing up.
  He raised the goggles. “You’re a Yokai, but you’re not showing up on my goggles that detect mystic energy. Mikey is, and so  am I, but you’re not?! What is going on? This makes no sense! Clearly you have powers, what with the whole waterbender thing-” He continued rambling, staring at his goggles in confusion, but I mentally tuned him out.
  I sat down, afraid that my legs would give way if I stood on them. 
  Mikey sighed, shoving Donnie back down onto the couch next to me. “See, this is what I wanted to talk about. You’re not mystic, you’re a different form of magic. You’re a dragon, (Y/N)...and you run on a different power source from the rest of us, which is why Draxum and I can’t affect the shield at all. Tada!”
  He bowed. 
  “I’m sorry what?”
  I sighed as I sat in the lab, this time the subject of examination rather than the examiner, much to my chagrin.
  Donnie prodded my arm with his bo staff, muttering things and writing down stuff that couldn’t possibly be helpful. All the while, the sound of the meeting that was going on in the office played over Donnie’s monitor.
  “So we officially lost Huo Hall.” Said April’s voice over the livestream. “But as my team was coming back in, we saw that the Krang zombies weren’t infecting people, they were just…taking them.”
  Leo frowned. “So you think they have some sort of…ulterior motive?”
  April didn’t reply audibly, but based on the deepening frown on Leo’s face, I assumed she had nodded from offscreen.
  “Maybe they’re using them for free labor.” Mikey suggested.
  Leo nodded, jotting something down in his notebook. “That is certainly a possibility. Any other ideas?”
  “Torturing!” Cass’s voice said a little too enthusiastically.
  “Torturing- valid point, they do seem like the type…” Leo added it to his list.
  “Ransom.” April volunteered. 
  “Food?” Raph said.
  “A bait to lure us out of hiding.” Said Splinter, coming onscreen.
  “Good points, good points.” Leo swallowed and wrote them down. “Okay. Meanwhile, Mikey and Draxum discovered a connection between the shield powers and (Y/N)- something something ‘ancient magic powered by bloodlines or dragons or something’, excetera excetera, so on and so forth.” He said, doing air quotes. “So that…is not ideal. (Y/N) is currently in the lab to run tests on this theory.” 
  The livestream clicked off as Donnie stepped in front of me.
  “So…(Y/N), I’ve got a few questions for you.” Said Donnie, finally setting down the equipment.
  “Oh boy, questions.” I said unenthusiastically. 
  Donnie ignored my comment. “So. Where were you when the shield broke?” He said in a bored-sounding monotone. 
  “Here, pretty much. I was monitoring the scouting parties as Leo instructed me to.”
  “Hm.” He said, typing something on his tech-bracer. “Okay. Did anything unusual happen before the events of this afternoon?”
  “Uh…not that I know of- Oh! I got a nosebleed.” I said.
  Donnie narrowed his eyes. “You didn’t get blood on anything, right? That is horribly unsanitary-”
  “No, Dee, of course not.” I sighed. I would never! When I bleed I’m smart about it Dee-
  Wait. Wait, when I bleed? When was the last time I had to deal with blood like that?!
  “Hey, do you think- Dee, the shield closed when I stopped bleeding!” I gasped. “What if the magic is-”
  “-Somehow linked to your physical health?!” He said, eyes widening. 
  “Exactly!” I said, jumping up. “Think about it- that was the first time I’d been physically weakened since I put the shield up in the first place!”
  Donnie nodded, scratching at his forearms manically. “Yeah- yeah! We’d obviously need more evidence to say for sure-”
  “-But it’s a solid hypothesis, at least as much as it can be when working with magic!” Donnie said excitedly.
  “Ohmigosh, I’m a genius!”
  “Fibonacci, I’m a genius!” We spoke over each other, grinning.
  I held out my fist, smirking. He matched my expression with a smug look of his own, and knocked his fist into mine.
  “Boom.” We chorused.
  I trudged into the commons as the night began to fall, having reached a dilemma- Huo Hall was…not someplace that I wanted to be in tonight. Which sucked, considering I had nowhere else to sleep.
  Should I ask someone for help? I thought, fidgeting with my hoodie strings. I hesitantly glanced at my tech-bracer, considering the possibilities. 
  I could text April, she probably has room…no, no, April is probably busy. Uhm….there’s Raph, I’ve slept at his place before, but I don’t know, maybe he’s already asleep? Hm, Raph is…possible. Uh…Leo is way too stressed so that’s a definite no, and Donnie probably needs a break from me since I’ve bothered him enough today…uhhhhhh…
  I sighed, looking out the window to the silhouette of the now-falling apart Huo Hall, and the craziness of the past twenty-four hours caught up with me.
  People had died. And I couldn’t save them. What was the point of having cool powers if I couldn’t save people when they needed it?! 
  Woah there (L/N), you do help people. Said a part of me. If it weren’t for you, the base would have entirely run out of drinkable water by now, and more people would be put at risk trying to scavenge for it. 
  “If it weren’t for me getting a fucking nosebleed then thirty people would still be here.” I argued out loud, glaring at my reflection in the window.
  That’s not fair, you’re only human- of course you’re gonna be fallible. 
  “But that’s the problem! I’m not only human, I’m a quarter dragon! It’s my job, my freaking evolutionary purpose to not be fallible!” I exclaimed, scowling into the mirror-like window. My reflection scowled back, unsurprisingly, and suddenly I was laughing. 
  “This is absurd.” I managed to choke out, grinning. I was a sixteen year old talking to my reflection in the wake of a horrible event- this was ridiculous! 
  “It’s the apocalypse, (L/N), blaming yourself is stupid. Go to bed.” I said, and my reflection beamed back.
  I texted Raph. 
  You: Hey…sorry to bother you dude, but do you think I could crash at your place for a bit? My bedroom is kinda out of commission at the moment :,)
There was a moment of silence, and my phone dinged.
  Dee :) : Yeah, no problem so long as you bring your own blankets. 
Oh shoot. 
  You: Ahh sorry to bother you, Dee- I meant to text Raph lol
There was an unsettling bout of silence. I swallowed.
  Dee :) : …Are my quarters not proficient? /hj
I smiled, tension lessening. 
  You: Nah, I just don’t wanna bother you lol
  Dee :) : Again, (Y/N), if you were, I’d tell you so with very little tact. So don’t worry about it dear lab partner.
  Dee :) : You know, since SHELLDON likes you of course. He added.
  I smiled. 
  You: But of course. 
  You: Okay, just let me know when I should head down.
  Dee :) : Now is good. Allow me to just grab a Jupiter Jim DVD from Leon’s collection.
  You: Cool :)
  “What do you think you’ll do when we run out of those?” I asked, glancing over at Donnie as he drew his eyebrows on with a sharpie.
  His eyes flicked over to me before he looked back at his reflection. “...I’ll make some permanent ones with tech stuff, probably? What’ll you do when you run out of eyeliner?”
  I shrugged. “Stop wearing eyeliner, probably. Hey, why do you draw yourself eyebrows anyways? None of your brothers do,”
  “Well, I’ve been told that it can be hard to read my…emotions. So. They help with that.” He said simply.
  “Huh. Like how you say ‘scoff’.” I noted.
  “No, that one I started doing ironically. But then it stopped being ironic after a while.” He replied.
  “Ooh. Reminds me of how I started stealing Leo’s aviator glasses ironically but now they’re a staple of my apoca-licious wardrobe.” I grinned at the mirror and flicked the stolen sunglasses onto my eyes.
  “Exactly.” Donnie smirked, looking at my reflection. “Has Nardo noticed they’re missing yet?”
  “Of course- did ya read what he sent to the group chat?”
  Donnie pulled up his phone. “...No, I did not.” He grinned as he read Leo’s message. “Dearest Michealangelo, I know you took my sunglasses. Return them or die. Frowny face emoji.” He read it out loud dramatically, looking up at me. “Framing Angelo. Nice.”
  “Yup.” I smirked, tossing my head dramatically. “I’m cool like that.”
  “Oh god, no! Now you look and sound like Nardo!” Donnie bent over, laughing. 
  “Hm. Uh…I’m hot and beautiful and uh….tubular. Kiss me, beautiful men.” I said in a bad impression of Leo.
  “Oh- oh that’s worse-” He gasped, burying his face in his hoodie sleeves. 
  I grinned, taking the sunglasses off to flop onto the bed next to him. “So- which film did you steal?”
 “An Atomic Lass focused one, obviously.” He answered, reaching for the DVD.
  I nodded in approval. “Yes, that shall indeed prove sufficient.” I said in a Donnie-impression.
  It went over his head. “But of course. You know as well as I do that my taste is simply undeniably good.”
  “Of course, of course.” I nodded, biting back laughter- knowing him, he was probably 100% serious and would be confused by that reaction.
  “Man, I can’t believe we skipped Halloween this year.” I said as I regained my barings. 
  “What?” Donnie said. 
  “Y’know, we could’ve all done Jupiter Jim costumes. Too bad we were all too worried about that whole doomsday thing.” I smiled, only half joking.
  “Snort. My incorrigible brothers would spend so much time fighting over who gets to be Jupiter Jim that we’d miss trick or treating.” Donnie smiled.
  “We’d settle it by letting April be Jupiter Jim, obviously.” I shrugged.
  “Ooh. She’d definitely like that.” Donnie nodded.
  “But then that begs the question. Which one of us would get the honor of being Atomic Lass?” I said dramatically, putting the sunglasses back on.
  “Gasp! You know full well she’s my favorite! This is a betrayal of the highest degree!” He said, clutching his heart as though in a soap opera.
  “All's fair in Halloween wars.” I said darkly, but then he smiled so I had to smile back. “We’re being ridiculous.” I acknowledged, falling back onto the bed and splaying my arms out.
  He fell next to me, still smiling, and I glanced at him before looking back at the ceiling. 
  “Hey, Dee?” I said softly, for once not overthinking my words.
  “I’m glad we’re friends now.” I said simply, staring at the intricacies of the ceiling. “It’s nice, hanging out with you.”
  Donnie hummed in reply, and his mechanical arm patted my hand. 
  “Likewise, my dear lab partner.” He said with a smile.
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vixen525noms · 1 year
Defying Certain Death Part 6
Copied from my DeviantArt account, a non-sexual G/T vore story featuring adults along the lines of the lion and the thorn fable. There will be tons of hurt/comfort aspects, lots of safe vore. That is the primary focus in this.
Barrett is and adult giant standing 85ft tall and Hope is an adult human at 5ft 6. Barrett does not eat children at any point.
Warnings: Unwilling Mention; Fatal Mention; Characters in Distress
Future: While this part is relatively tame, future parts include fatal vore and violence. Barrett, the giant, is not a good guy, so will be doing some occasional bad things.
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He could smell fear on her as he had explained himself and asked the question. It didn’t seem to lessen at all. He slowly moved his thumb to rub her back gently, trying to comfort and reassure her. She smelled wonderful... and he knew how she tasted as well. He didn’t want to ask permission, didn’t want to wait for her to agree or spend time convincing her. He just wanted food. He watched how she had cringed slightly even at a gentle touch, at how difficult it was for her to accept she was safe.
It was at that point he realized that no matter how much he asked, she wouldn’t agree to it. She wasn’t familiar with their magic, and she was still terrified of him. Or more precisely, she was terrified of his kind. True, at first his main reason for not wanting her hurt was desperation, but things had changed. He had been trapped, he had no choice but to leave her unharmed, she had been his only hope of survival. They had spent weeks together. She had stayed with him, even when she wasn’t working. She talked to him and gotten to know him, but that wasn’t enough to keep her from fearing him. Some of what he’d talked about had probably made things a little worse... But even so, it surprised him a bit that she would think that all she had done meant nothing to him. 
He sighed as she finally spoke, having expected the answer or something similar, “Please... don’t hurt me... Please... I don’t want to die.” He shook his head, slowly lowering his hand. “You probably need some rest... You’ve worked so hard to care for me... Here. You’ll be safe here and it’ll be quiet.” He carefully slid his hand into his jacket pocket with her on it, gently releasing her to lay in there. “Just rest... We can figure out what to do once you’ve rested.”
He pulled his hand out after a moment, standing still as he listened to her, making sure she had settled down before starting to walk. He could hear her breathing slow, tell she calmed quickly once he placed her there. She knew he was half starved, so she was willing to accept that if he didn’t eat her immediately, he wasn’t likely to hurt her. He was glad at how she calmed down, although still disappointed he hadn’t been able to get her to agree to help him cope with hunger temporarily. He waited a moment longer, until he was relatively certain she had fallen asleep, then started to walk, making his way through the rocky area to find what he needed.
It didn’t take long for him to find water, and he could tell by scent that it was where the girl had been coming while caring for him. He knelt carefully to keep from disturbing her too much in his pocket. He used the fresh water to wash his face and arms a bit, removing some of the dust and dirt that had collected since he was pinned. He felt filthy from all that time trapped, and wanted to wash up more thoroughly, but he was near starved... Food was still a powerful need, and until he had something to hold off the hunger, there was no way he could try to clean up. The need for food was just too strong to hardly even think. 
He started to walk again, following the scent trail of the sheep that had stopped here for a drink. Perhaps finding food wouldn’t be too difficult. He rested his hand over his pocket to check on his little passenger, glad when she didn’t react. It seemed likely she was asleep; after all her hard work, she surely needed rest. He lowered his hand, sniffing the air to check the direction the sheep had gone. He moved in silence, a talent his kind often had despite their large size. As he walked he paused at times to sniff the air and look around. The steep rock faces blocked the view in many directions, acting like a canyon in some ways. He noticed sheep tracks and smiled, knowing it wouldn’t be long until he had a meal.
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beliscary · 8 months
@necromycologist #👀 prev im begging you to elaborate on your vision for them
oh my god. im so sorry. I have can't shut up disease. so many series spoilers here we go
for context, these were my tags on user cemeterything 's post featuring this gem:
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#nick & sam mutually in the trilogy postcanon I made up in my head #shut up you're not transmuting into a sword and/or stone and I'm not becoming primordial destructive light let's think this through #very much IF I CAN'T NEITHER CAN YOU
ok I gotta bring up Nehima
The ancient Clayr made sure that the sword Nehima and the Dark Mirror found their way to Lirael. Lirael in turn will find Sameth, who passes the bells and the Book on to her. Eventually, she passes the panpipes and then Nehima on to him so that he can forge what they will need to defeat Orannis. This sword bears the inscription: 'Remember the Wallmakers. Remember me.'
Now, here's this passage from the very beginning of Abhorsen, which has been the rock in the shoe of my brain since I read it:
"He was a Wallmaker as well as a royal prince, but what did that mean? The Wallmakers had disappeared millennia ago, putting themselves into the creation of the Wall and the great Charter Stones—quite literally, as far as Sam knew. For a moment he wondered if that would be his destiny too. Would he have to make something that would end his life? At least as a living, breathing man? For the Wallmakers weren't exactly dead, Sam thought, remembering the great Charter Stones and the Wall. They were more transformed, or transfigured, not that he fancied that either. In any case he was far more likely to simply get killed..."
Nehima made something that ended her life, at least as a living, breathing woman. 🤷‍♀️
With Sam's canonical fear of capital D 'Death' Still Very Much Existing, I feel like the best course re: future character development would have been to dig into the tension between immortality as a construct/weapon vs. accepting death and deciding to be fully human. Is that very narrow eternal life as a part of the Wall, or a weapon to be wielded, or a Charter Stone… tempting? terrifying? Does he feel becoming some kind of weapon or tool is inevitable? Has he ever wondered what the inscription on whatever remains of him should be? Has he written it somewhere and burned it like all those letters to his parents he was too afraid to send?
Time and again in the books, Sam thinks to himself how glad he is that he's not the Abhorsen and how happy he is to be able to make things, to be Of Use to the Abhorsen/the Kingdom. He feels awful about what he considers his moments of cowardice and his abandonment of his responsibilities. I think he's in the perfect pressure cooker to be an enormous idiot about what duty calls him to do, while also struggling internally with his own fears. 'I can make this ultimate sacrifice... and also not die.... am I being a coward.... no one has to know.... is this a fate worse than death?... maybe I deserve that. maybe what I deserve has nothing to do with it, and this is simply what I must do, just as the Abhorsens must walk in Death...'
I think Nick needs to kick him in the shins about it (ughgbhfhfhh there's that part in one of the later letters Nick writes in the books that's like 'come here and tell me I'm being a stupid asshole so I stop being a stupid asshole'... fave. this vibe, both ways.) Sam never got to see Nick possessed by Orannis so I feel like Nick should get to deal with Sam, sometimes unsettling conduit for The Charter's intent. ('I Didn't Get Possessed In His Place And Temporarily Die For This!')
and Nick!!! arghhh WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE THE SURVIVING VESSEL OF ORANNIS?! his skeptic's worldview is shattered! he's traumatized! he's IRRADIATED! he has sooo much to feel guilty about and thinks he has to make up for, especially with regards to what he thinks he owes the Kingdom and the survivors of Forwin Mill.... but his very existence disrupts the Charter. Not too long ago, he was walking talking anathema to life itself. also he has these weird temptations to shuck off his mortal body and become a being of pure Free Magic??? Is it worse that he's still alive, because he's so dangerous? He came back from Death, why him when so many others died? Shouldn't he have just taken what was left of the hemispheres' powers to the grave with him? I'm sure he gets in his head about 'I need to do something with this life I got to return to because otherwise...'
obligation v. guilt v. desire. basically so much trauma and also Need To Make It Right. Sam would kick him in the shins about it except then he'd have to recognize the self in the other and 😬 he's probably still emotionally recovering from Nick saying those exact words to him and coughing his dying blood on his face. I digress
I think too that even though nick's irradiated and the Charter goes all wonky around him, the fact that the baptism took and the mark stays Means Something, and I choose to believe that in this strange way Nick is the new walking talking Destroyer, and that remnant of the Destroyer which exists as Nick wants to be a part of the Charter this time around, and with Sam having so many of the bloodlines it's just.... the most bizarre mutual understanding of what being alive means, as kids who used to vault desks at boarding school and also as... living manifestations of the cycle of creation and destruction. and they both have to constantly grab each other by the scruff of the neck to remind each other they're allowed to live too, not just throw themselves "into the making" like the Bright Shiners
(at my Most Bittersweet I think about how maybe it's Sam who passes away first, and until the very moment he goes, Nick can't quite believe he actually decided to die a man and not forge himself into some other thing. they had of course talked about it before but there was always a part of Nick that wondered...
and when he does cross into the River, Nick is the one to perform the final rites and burn his body so it can't be used because oh boy he Gets It)
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nikibogwater · 2 years
Final Daniel Spellbound Blethers (season 2):
In terms of overall quality, it’s like Season 1+. All of the stuff I love about the show has gotten even better. But unfortunately, a lot of the things that didn’t work for me in season 1 were done even worse in season 2. Or, maybe they just looked worse because the good stuff was better? Yeah, let’s go with that, I like that better.
Anyways, I’m gonna be bouncing all over the place here (more so than usual, I mean) so apologies if this is a little jumbled. 
Spoilers below the cut!
My biggest positive from this season was the new characters and their involvement in the story. Shak is an endearing little brat in the way that only kids can be, and Jayce is a deliciously tragic villain with all the swagger and charisma of a main protagonist. It genuinely broke my heart a little bit to see Shak reunite with her brother, only to realize that he’s not the person she once knew and loved. 
On the flipside, I also often felt like the show wasn’t giving this situation the emotional weight it should have had. Shak and Jayce reuniting played off more like old classmates running into each other at the grocery store. And Jayce being able to temporarily fight off the Dread Magic within him because of the love he still had for his sister seemed more like an afterthought than a serious character moment. 
Looking back on it, I think this was more to do with how the scenes were directed and edited than with the script. Like I said, the characters and the story they are part of are enthralling, it’s just something about the way it was delivered in the final product that felt a little....I don’t wanna say half-assed, but more like the directing/editing team were skittish about making things too serious. Which is a real shame because they had everything they needed to make a really emotionally compelling arc here. 
Jayce as a character is surprisingly complex and oddly sympathetic. I loved that there were often no clear visual cues to let you know who was talking at any given moment--you’re left guessing as to whether this is really Jayce saying/doing these things, or if it’s just the corrupting force of the Dread Magic. 
I’m anticipating a redemption arc for him somewhere down the line. There were just too many hints that the real Jayce is still in there for this to be the end of him.
Shak is just as fun to watch as her brother, and speaking as a little sister who loves her big brothers, I think the writers nailed her personality and motives. Her bit about touching all of Jayce’s belongings when he’s not around to yell at her felt particularly true-to-life, haha. She’s also allowed to be vulnerable, and I like that the show never lets you forget that she is just a child.  
Daniel getting a little sister in Shak is everything I could have asked for from this show (sans Hoagie being turned into bacon) and I can die a happy woman now.
I really loved Daniel’s character as a whole this season, even more than last season. He’s clearly grown a set of morals since we were first introduced to him, and he constantly gives off these wonderful Exhausted Oldest Sibling vibes. I love seeing flawed characters change and grow to the point that they can start guiding other characters through their arcs. 
Hoagie was slightly better this season, but not enough to really change my opinion of him (I detest him and I’m always extremely disappointed any time he escapes from a near-death experience). He had a handful of moments where he acted more like a genuinely likable character, which is a marked improvement over season 1, where he had literally zero. But he’s still unbearably loud and obnoxious and just overall despicable, and I’m afraid no amount of self-aware jokes about his general awfulness is going to fix that. They’d have to either send him through one hell of a character arc to make him clean up his act, or turn him into lunch meat. Personally, I’m voting for the latter.
This second season also delved into darker visuals and implications, which really lent a feeling of weight and tension to the story. I’m of the opinion that antagonists/antagonistic forces ought to be at least a little unnerving, but Dread Magic and the way it manifests is downright scary, and I love it. 
I adore Elyse. She exudes massive amounts of raw Karen Energy, and Julie Sype sounded like she was having a blast voicing the character. She was a really fun minor antagonist. 
Alright. I’ve put it off long enough. I have to address my biggest negative with this season: the character drama. 
The conflict between Daniel, Lucy, and Hoagie felt as forced as a toddler jamming a circle into a square-shaped hole. In order to establish conflict, one or more of them had to act in a way that is painfully at odds with their established personalities. And what’s even worse is the way this retcons all of the relationship development that happened in season 1. Lucy is constantly assuming the absolute worst about Daniel and flat-out refuses to hear his side of the story. Like, Luce, honey, I thought you guys were friends. I thought you cared about him and valued his friendship, why are you suddenly so determined to push him away???
Then there’s poor Daniel, who is constantly being treated like he’s the one who needs to learn a lesson here, but given the circumstances, he’s really not the one who should carry the blame. Yeah, of course he can’t help Lucy find her scepter, he has a literal bounty on his head. He’s not actively putting off finding a way to turn Hoagie human again, he genuinely has no idea where to even start. The show keeps painting this as Daniel putting his career as a Tracker before his relationships, but in an effort to keep him from looking irredeemable, they kind of forgot to have him actually do that. In fact, it’s always his supposed friends who push him away first.
If anything, the lesson Daniel needs to learn here is how to end toxic friendships, because my LAND, Lucy and Hoagie spend the entire season treating him like trash when he’s not done anything that even comes close to warranting such behavior. And then they have the gall to make him feel like he’s at fault??? I’m sorry, but no matter how much this show tries to convince me otherwise, the fact of the matter is that Lucy and Hoagie were the ones instigating every negative interaction with Daniel. Why wouldn’t he focus more on his job instead of his toxic friends? The whole Friends Before Career thing only applies if your friends are actually, y’know, your friends.
I don’t know, maybe I’m overthinking this, maybe I missed some crucial detail, or maybe it was just the ten-episode limit that kept the writers from being able to tell the story they actually wanted to tell. Whatever the case, the whole thing left me with a very bitter taste in my mouth, and I’m actually a little concerned about the kind of influence this could have on young kids starting to form friendships of their own. Like, I think it’s great to show kids protagonists who screw up and do or say awful things, but if you then forget to portray those protagonists realizing that what they did was wrong and working to fix it, then you’re just telling kids that it’s actually okay to treat people like this. 
I feel like I should clarify that I really only notice this show’s flaws because it does so much so well. It’s like when you love someone, and then that person does something stupid that only hurts themselves, and you want to take them by the shoulders and shake them because DANGIT, STOP SHOOTING YOURSELF IN THE FOOT YOU BEAUTIFUL, WONDERFUL FOOL!
So yeah. In conclusion, season 2 was a very fun time for me, but also as frustrating as it was fun. But I will definitely take strong feelings of fondness and frustration over apathy and anger any day. So go watch Daniel Spellbound if you’re even a tiny bit interested. This is an original IP floating in an ocean of soulless reboots and cash-grabs, so even if it’s not absolutely perfect, I still want it to get as much attention as it possibly can. I will always want a flawed but inventive story over tasteless, risk-free rehashes. 
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Mia and Alan
yes I am on this train again. it also felt prudent to remind people I am not making it up when I say of the short list of people we have working for the connections Mia is the only one alive (that list will be at the end of the post under the read more)
this got so long I am so sorry
cutscenes dire state of affairs and death of a friend
Mia Winters: "Alan, you're getting worse."
Alan Droney: "She must have infected me during the attack. And I'm too far gone anyway. But it serves me right. It's my fault she got out."
Mia: "Yeah, it is your fault. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna let you die."
Alan: "She didn't attack you?"
Mia: "It's part of her imprinting protocol. I can't believe this is happening."
Alan: "Here, take it. It has her tissue samples. You find her—you fix this."
Mia: "OK, Evie. Where are you?"
I always end up wondering about what actually happened with the attack and how long it was from then to this cutscene and of course I make it a different colour as people forget Alan a lot and place the blame solely on Mia for the outbreak
the bit about the imprinting protocol makes me sad for Evie but also very curious about imprinting in a actual sense of the word (and not what twilight makes it out to be) quick google has imprinting down as "In psychology and ethology, imprinting is any kind of phase-sensitive learning that is rapid and apparently independent of the consequences of behaviour. Imprinting is hypothesized to have a critical period." this kind of makes me wonder when this happens to Mia and if Evie imprinted on someone else?
Mia Winters: "How did you get here?"
Alan Droney: "Where's Evie?"
Mia: "She's out of control. Without the treatments, she's deteriorating."
Alan: "Well, it's a good thing I'm already dying."
Mia: "Don't say that."
Alan: "She trusts you. That little bitch, she never—No, Evie, I—Evie—I didn't mean to call you that, Evie."
Mia: "Alan, listen! She's trying to take control. You have to fight her. Eveline, stop! Stop right now!"
Alan: "Don't touch me!"
we already know why I highlighted the part about the treatments
and of couse Mia gets directly infected by Evie when she reached out to support Alan
file: orders found in 2nd deck safe room of the annabelle
Special Operations Division Director Alan Droney and Caretaker Mia Winters
Recent reports suggest that if Eveline remains at her current location, she is at a high risk of being stolen by opposing organizations. Your orders, therefore, are to transfer Eveline to our Central American branch for safe keeping until further notice. During transfer, be sure to adhere to the following protocols: Act as parental guardians for Eveline at all times to avoid suspicion. Manage Eveline's vitals via the Genome Codex provided. If the mission s compromised beyond reconciliation, dispose of Eveline.
director dĭ-rĕk′tər, dī- One that supervises, controls, or manages.
as in Alan in Mia's boss she answers to him. what i do wonder though is if he is the boss of the whole E series or just a specific branch of caretaking
caretaker kâr′tā″kər One that is employed to look after or take charge of goods, property, or a person; a custodian. One that temporarily performs the duties of an office. One who takes care of something.
so I have said before and I'll repeat myself until the end of days possibly at the connections sending 2 TWO people to transport Evie who is
very powerful
easily unstable: true we don't know how long they were traveling for or planning to travel for but they still sent her without treatments to keep Evie stable
addition: I got curious and looked at other files for the wrecked ship and Jim's letter makes me want to scream a bit
"Dear Janet, Hey, how's it going? I guess half a year or so will have passed by the time you get this letter. Life is so boring here. Day after day, just the same old sea. Although there is one thing that's different. This time we have some passengers sailing with us, which hardly ever happens. It's a couple with a young girl. I think they're distant relatives of the captain. Imagine, traveling on a tanker instead of a passenger ship. They must be hard up! I tried talking to the little girl earlier and her dad shot me this nasty look. What's he so worried about? Now that I think of it, the captian said he didn't even have any relatives... Maybe I'm overthinking this. I miss you. Love, Jim"
empahsis mine. So I was toying with the idea that the connections wanted Evie to get out and do what she did and it kinda fits but then I read the letter and its kinda more solidfied in my mind. My other reasoning for it is them getting into contact with Lucas in early 2015 and giving him the means to cure himself and his ongoing updates on what Evie is doing (files Lucas email salt mine, Evie observation log)
not sure which type of ship the Annabelle (looks wise) is but for tankers the average speed is 13- 17 knots bulk carries 13- 15 knots
so according to metric conversion
13 knots = 14mph/24 kph; 14 knots= 16 mph/25 kph; 15 knots= 17 mph/ 27kph; 16 knots= 18 mph/ 19 kph; 17 knots= 19 mph/ 31 kph
its not really that fast in the grand scheme of things is it
another thing I wondered about is how many crew members where there outside of the named ones from the crew members register and Giovannis will but that's a thought for another time i think and more speculation under the cut
and looking at loving message again "Oh! Good news! I'm gonna be coming home soon! Yay! I cannot wait to be done with this babysitting job—And come home to my loving husband"
I wonder was Mia going to replaced? because Jims letter suggests its not gonna be a short journey. We don't know where they coming from on where Evie was originally based nor where she was going outside of "central america" but I was curious to look about and see distances for things and well after looking for spots along the coast going a little farther away from LA then I wanted I found a small place called Conception and I looked it up and the first result?
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image id: screenshot from indeed of a job offering from a company called conception with the tag line "turning stem cells into human eggs." and the tags "biotechnology research" which is highlighted end id
and i promptly lost interest of doing that research and had to take a minute to scream
connections members list
(adding this because I can but I still don’t know if i count it or not) Brandon Bailey founder of the connections we only find out about him as extra file you can buy in RE8 (Baker Incident Report written by Zoe part of the trauma pack dlc it’s a paid add on and not really part of the game imo)
Mia Winters: Caretaker of Eveline
Alan Drooney: Caretaker of Eveline/ Director, Dead
Miranda: Researcher dead
Lucas Baker: Researcher, made into head researcher, double agent (selling the data to a unknown third party) dead
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CW: Ignorant white guys from America writing native East Africans (immense cringe, definitely racism).
Uncanny X-Men #198- LifeDeath
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Last Issue Recap- Kitty Pryde and Colossus were forcibly volunteered to help protect Arcade from Dr Doom. Cyclops left his wife Madelyn Pryor to temporarily rejoin the team and help an ailing Professor X. Storm's not dead!
From cover alone, you can tell this is going to be a different sort of story. The art here is gorgeous and that'll continue throughout the issue, all drawn by Barry Windsor-Smith. I haven't heard of him before, but I think I'm going to check out more of his work now. I love the rich colors and the textured shading. An interesting piece of foreshadowing as well: usually, the portraits next to the pricing while show headshots of the whole current X-team, but in this cover, it only shows Wolverine, Jean Grey, Professor X and Forge.
Issue proper starts with a beautiful panel of Storm tossed by the winds of the East African... desert? Yeah, the location panel states that Storm is in the vast dune desert part of Serengeti National park. Y'know. The desert. In Serengeti National park. That famous East African desert. Because East Africa sure is a region known for vast deserts! Seriously, Claremont, if you're going to be so pretentious as to name this issue "LifeDeath-From the Heart of Darkness" you could at least have the decency to do basic research on the place your portraying. Then again, this entire issue is very trippy and unreal in art and story. So I'm going to be nice and assume this is an intentional choice as a delirious Ororo is mixing up her current environment with her memories of growing up in Egypt or something.
(Side Note: If someone who has actually read The Heart of Darkness could tell me whether anything in this issue is an actual reference to Conrad's work or if this subtitle really is just a pretentious bit of nothing, I'd appreciate that.)
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As Storm stumbles across the "desert," she begins to hallucinate her people from her past, starting with her once-love Forge.
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I'm super happy to see him back, I really enjoyed Storm and Forge's doomed romance (TLDR he's a technopath mutant who was commissioned/forced by the government to build the technology that took Storm's powers away in the first place, he helped her recover after the attack but when she discovered what he'd done she throughly dumped him). It was flawed in a good way, a beautiful blend of melodrama and real emotions that I hadn't seen in an X-romance before and I haven't seen since. Forge is a good character and certified badass who deserves more pagetime.
Storm rejects Forge a second time, crying out that his sweet words are a falsehood and he, just like everyone's she's ever loved, has hurt her. She is than attacked by a pit viper (symbolism?) and, convinced she's been bit, crawls into a cave to die and face her next hallucination.
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I find it pretty interesting who shows up in this hallucination, or, more accurately, who doesn't. This are clearly the X-men who Storm feels closest too, so I wonder why Banshee isn't here as well. Yes, he hadn't been part of the team for a long while, but when Sean was an X-men I personally saw him as the emotional rock of the team. It feels like the writers have just totally forgotten about him and that's sad.
Just as the cover foreshadows, only Jean, Wolverine and Professor X have conversations with Storm. Jean helps Storm grieve her death in Dark Phoenix Saga. Wolverine, in his usual blunt manner, offers Storm death to force her to confront that she still wants life. Professor X yanks her out of self pity with blunt truths, albeit in a smug, self-agrandizing way.
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Even in dream form man is a still mildly a dick.
The X-men disperse and Storm, who wasn't bit after all, crawls out of the cave, confronting the pit viper again. This time goes much better because Storm has finally begun the process of reconnecting with the Earth and with herself. I really wish she'd spent more time in the cave. Partially because there are more X-men I think should have been given their moment to speak (um, hello? Kitty Pryde, Storm's protege who she loves like a daughter?! Kurt and Piotr, her peers who she never truly could connect with?! Scott Summers, rival team leader who she clashed egos and ethos with?!), especially because I feel like what happens next is pretty stupid.
Storm quickly finds a bus wreck and rescues the only survivor, a pregnant young woman named Shani. Supposedly the wreck was source of the heat and smoke smell in Storm's hallucinations, and this is where the comic claims the story switches from largely taking place within a delirious Storm's head to fully real but I don't believe that. There's still plenty of unexplained weirdness here (I'll compile them all at the end).
Also, we've reached the part of this comic that contains some very stereotypical depictions of native Tanzanians. I do not know enough about the people of Tanzania and their culture, religion or history to be a good judge of how offensive this is. I mean, it's definitely racist but somebody more informed than me will have to whether this is seething rage inducing or blazing rage inducing (update: oh no, its for sure blazing rage inducing).
So, Shani is returning to her home village from the city (Which city? Its never named!), where she went to find a better life but instead ended up poor and abandoned by the baby's father. As stereotypical and kind of infantilized as this character is, we at least get some lovely snippets of character for Ororo. As the pair camp for the night, she reflects on her admiration for Shani's life choices, risky and selfish as they may be, as Storm has spent so much of her adult life distancing herself from her own emotions and desires to be the goddess and hero people expected her to be. She realizes that the vision of Professor X is right, she was afraid; afraid of her own humanity, and the flaws that humanity brings.
The pair make their way through the ruined farmland and wrecked equipment around Shani's village. It turns out the desertification of the region isn't natural, but the result of over-farming. As they enter, they're greeted by Shani's tribe, including her parents, and the village elder Mijnari.
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Oh boy, straw mudhuts and loinclothes. From some cursory research the housing in this village does somewhat resemble those of the Maasai tribe, which are indigenous to northern Tanzania and Southern Kenya, but the clothing doesn't resemble Maasai traditional clothing at all, so I'm going to assume the semi-accurate houses are not on purpose. Also if these people had the technology and resources for mass agriculture until very recently, surely they would have also had the technology for, like, electricity and shit. Also, Shani and the rest of the tribe all have the dots and slashes on their faces that I think are supposed to be scarification marks but I'll be damned if they remotely resemble Maasai patterns, or any other sub-Saharan scarification types.
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Like, I'm pretty sure this is just some made-up bullshit right here. Which is so fucking offensive because scarification usually has deep spiritual, religious or symbolic meaning in the cultures that practice it.
Mijnari welcomes Shani back into the tribe, and the rest of the people follow his lead. Ororo collapses. When she awakens, Shani has gone into labor, and there are complications. The village has responded by... oh for God's sake, dancing around a fire to "propitiate the spirits". I just. I can't even.
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Even this supposed in-universe explanation still doesn't explain why Ororo has to do the lion's share of the work in the delivering the baby and resuscitating it when it comes out stillborn. Are you telling me there's really no damn midwives in this tribe?! Nobody has any basic knowledge of childbirth?! We've got this page of close-up panels of Storm delivering the child interspersed with the naked tribal dancers and am I taking crazy pills or is this racist even for the 80s?! Like, this feels more like a scene out of something written in the 40s. A forgotten draft of Jungle Drums (1943) or something. Holy shit this is awful.
So, the baby lives, yay, happy ending, and then Mijnari commits ritual senicide by walking off into the wilderness to die to maintain the tribe's population which is definitely a real fucking thing and not an awful uneducated and barbaric depiction of indigenous Africans and their cultural practices oh my god I want to smack something, preferably the upside of Chris Claremont's head. He gives this speech about the how the tribe misused the technology imported from more industrialized areas and forgot the old ways or whatever and the importance of balance and the folly of hubris and its a metaphor for mutants or whatever and its just so pretentious and racist and stupid and I don't fucking care. Anyway, it allows Storm to self-actualized and realize her purpose as the bridge between mutants and humanity or whatever and love her life even without her powers, yay, oh my God, can we please move on and never speak of this again.
So, why do I think the second half of this issue is still a hallucination?
The sheer coincidence of Storm finding an overturned civilian passenger bus in the middle of Serengeti National Park. Unless we're to assume that Ororo somehow managed to walk all the way to a road in her state.
We see some of the bodies in the buswreck half-hidden in detailing of a panel, and one the bodies in a picked-clean skeleton. From context clues like the smoke and the state of Shani (she's described as mostly healthy and only suffering from superficial injuries), we can assume the wreck happened quite recently, so there's no way any of the bodies should look like this. (CW: corpses, I wish I could spoiler images for y'all)
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3. The farming machinery Shani and Ororo pass are huge, they tower over the landscape and I can't imagine how these things could possibly be operated, let alone be efficient for farming.
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4. Again, a desert in East Africa. You can't even be like "oh actually this is the result of desertification because of overfarming and drought and stuff" because in X-men #197 we quite clearly see Storm waking up in a savannah, and not only that but a savannah in the middle of Kilamanjaro National Park. Are you telling me either A) somebody allowed commercial agriculture in an ecological treasure or B) Storm managed to stumble all the way out of a 652 square mile park delirious and with her head cracked open?! It doesn't add up.
5. This is supposedly Ororo's homeland but save for the mystical tribal chief (🙄) who somehow knows everything about her, nobody recognizes Storm as the goddess they used to worship. Hell, nobody even talks about that like "gee I wonder where that mysterious goddess with the white hair who used to protect us from natural disasters went." It'd only been 10 years real time, which is probably more around four to five years in comic time since she left. People ought to have remembered her. I guess either Claremont forgot that plot point ever existed or he was ashamed of it (as he fucking should be because that's hella racist) and wanted to quietly sweep that under the rug.
This comic feels completely different than anything the X-men have done before. Did it pay off? Well... I thought the first half with the hallucinations was great. The second was super racist, and pretentious to boost. At least the art was consistently gorgeous, the lines flow like wind and the posing is dynamic (the expression work is sometimes lacking but that's a common issue with many comic book artists). The coloring I take some issue with, though; all the African characters save Ororo have a greenish/greyish hue to them. So, I applaud Claremont for taking such a big risk, but I also flip him the bird whilst applauding. I am very dextrous.
Please God, let the next issue be something I don't have to put a trigger warning for racism or pedophilia or whatever in front of. Please God let it be normal because otherwise I think I'm going to just quit this series and only read Wayne Family Adventures for the rest of eternity just to cleanse my fucking palette.
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prompt-master · 2 years
henlo i am sorry to bother you but i am ten years late to the danganronpa fandom and two years late to your fanfics but i was wondering if you might consider finishing your Bear Trap story? like even if its just a quick lil synopsis of what you wanted to write, or if its an unfinished chapter, id take anything 👉👈
also ur lovely ok bye
Ok this was worded very kindly so I'm going to justify it with a full geniune response.
I'm honestly probably never going to update Bear Trap, but I WILL give you a synopsis. I did however want to first quickly explain why I don't plan on finishing that fic.
To keep a long story short. I kinda hate BT. It was my first fic after a two year break and imo it shows in the quality. I thank BT for temporarily getting me back into the writing groove, but I cringe way too hard looking back on it. I do have an unfinished chapter draft, but I'm not sure if I'd ever post it. I'll have to reread it at some point and see how I feel.
I would also like to say that if anyone else is willing to write the last part, I am more than willing to work with them.
Now, here is what I had planned for BT, bare (haha bear) in mind that it's messy because it was just self indulgent nonsense:
The format of BT was meant to go; build up, impact, aftermath. With each chapter focusing on a different story beat.
There was going to be a fake chapter released only on tumblr where Naegi died, only for the characters to go "did you actually think that would happen?" meant to poke fun over how many people thought I was going to kill Naegi.
This means the last chapter was going to entirely focus on the aftermath of Naegi's injury. I wanted each character to get an analysis of how they're feeling and each individual relationship would get a spotlight
This also means that. Tbh. The aftermath segment probably would not fit cleanly into one chapter since it would be pretty big.
It began with the hospital ride from the helicopter, Togami and Kiri watching as medics struggle to keep Naegi stable. There's a very dissociative vibe going on.
Because Togami and Kiri are closer to Naegi then they are each other, they don't really know how to comfort each other. It's awkward, quiet. They only speak to share facts and speculation. But there's a moment where they lean shoulder to shoulder.
Naegi was going to lose his leg, and have to get a prosthetic. Some of the fic was going to focus on him relearning how to walk with his new leg with the help of his partners.
I wanted to make sure that Naegi becoming disabled wasn't a "bad" ending. It's obviously upsetting to lose a limb in a tragic accident, and Naegi does have to cope with it. But I wanted to feel more empowering in a "see this shit? It's proof I survived"
Togami was ofc going to lovingly call him a cockroach
There was going to be exploration over how despite being known around the world for surviving a tragedy, they still don't really know how to LIVE with tragedy. They are just forced to keep moving on without getting a moment to breathe.
Due to Naegi seeing how freaked out Togami and Kiri were, he tries to keep everything together and stay lighthearted for their sake. He knows they want to see he's okay. This meant he pushed aside his own coping however.
The fic was going to end with Naegi finally letting out his emotions and crying in front of both of them, admitting that he was scared and thought he was going to die, and that he was so grateful they were there. Even if he had died then, he wouldve been more okay with it if they were with him. But that doesn't mean he was actually okay with it.
Togami negotiates them all a 2 week vacation lmao
If I remember correctly (I did not reread the fic to check, I'm going solely off memory) I was going to make a point about how despite feeling like they nearly lost their chance to tell Naegi they love him, both Tog and Kiri know that a confession shortly after a traumatic experience isn't the best idea. But also, Naegi doesn't need a confession to know they love him.
There were certainty more details to thefic that I can't fully recall ATM, such as the specifics of each individual character/relationship analysis. Let me know if you have any questions! Ty again for your kindness
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atopearth · 1 year
Piofiore: Episodio 1926 Part 2 - Orlok Route
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I don't really remember liking Orlok's original route but I do remember being very frustrated with it haha. Raul is hot. I completely forgot that they're not in Burlone and are in hiding. I wonder what will happen now since they want Orlok to go back and fulfil his disciple duties. Kinda cute seeing Lili and Orlok take care of kids at the church though, they're so sweet. I'm glad Orlok realised that leaving Lili here by herself is dangerous as well and that it would be better for her to be next to him so he can protect her. OH, I didn't realise that Dante died as well, is everyone dead or something?? Well I guess they are... Anyway, didn't expect Raul to be a distant relative of Dante, is that why he's hot? Okay, Gil is alive🥲 One thing I do remember is Luca's death. I didn't remember that it was in this route, but now that they're visiting Luca's grave..then yeah, it's terrible to think about. Luca was so young and full of life... Honestly though, I can't even blame Leo for hating Orlok because I remember when I finished Orlok's route, I hated him too haha! Maybe not as much as the Gil in his route but I still did! I've kinda come to terms with the whole thing but yeah...still sad to think about how Orlok killed them. I'm glad Henri is helping out, even if just temporarily, I like the update on all the Mafia families because I needed it for a refresh haha!
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It's quite sweet to see that Henri wants to help them because he doesn't want to see another Key Maiden suffer, very understandable. Seeing Orlok really appreciate having someone like Lili want him to live and live with him regardless of their "sins" brings a tear to my eye though. The boy has suffered alot regardless of how I feel about everyone's deaths and it's sad to think about his life because it's just terrible. Dita degli apostoli looks so good (after googling). It's funny that Lili is the one more self-conscious about Orlok but I guess that's to be expected considering Orlok's life. Well, Johann isn't cute at all~ Raul just keeps looking more and more hot though. I hate seeing Leo be suffering in such anguish, it's just so sad. Especially when he remembers how kind Nicola and Dante was to him. Gil being Gil and not the crazy Gil is always welcome, loved how thoughtful he was to have Orlok and Lili have a cute gelato date. Orlok protecting Leo and not wanting to kill anymore kinda reminded me of Rurouni Kenshin haha, just that painful lesson of learning what it means to kill people and how much pain it causes to others, and then not wanting to do it ever again, that feeling just really pierces my heart. Lmao when Orlok said he would eat more so he can grow and be as big as Gil so Lili can rely on him haha! It was so nice to see Gil adopt Leo into his house lol. Oliver being obsessed with the greatness of potatoes is hilarious. I'm glad Orlok told Lili that she is who she is regardless of the fact that she's the key maiden. She shouldn't be burdened by something that doesn't define her.
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Anyway, Raul was a disappointing guy, and I felt so bad for Oliver but at least he could joke about his injuries, he's very strong for mainly being the lawyer treasurer guy of the family! I feel like Johann ended up being dealt with as a side plot at the end even though it felt like he should have been the main plot lol. Seems like Emilio reincarnates with his memories all the time as the guardian of the Falzone or something, and really wants to properly die so hope he rests in peace. Lili and Orlok going to Venice and travelling around is quite cute. Orlok's tragic ending was pretty cruel. I felt so bad for him that he had to keep killing and killing to protect Lili. I wonder why Teo hates Lili so much but anyway, this ending was just full of torment for Orlok as he had to go against his convictions and kill again. I'm glad that Lili didn't listen to Orlok at the end and instead chose to die together with him because she wanted to bear everything he has to bear as well.
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Overall, I feel like Orlok's route had good ideas but it didn't seem to really focus much on either one - being the existence of Raul as the new Falzone leader, Johann the new disciple wanting revenge for his brother and Leo wanting revenge for Dante and Nicola. Raul was definitely the most disappointing because he barely had a role and basically did nothing and was just a pawn for the tragic ending. Johann had a better role and I enjoyed how he had a proper reason for wanting revenge even though we don't really know his brother and the trial and the church was at fault, not Orlok but it was understandable since they're all brainwashed into blaming everything else except the church. But it was still kinda a weak story especially in the good ending when Johann feels like an afterthought even though they focused quite a bit on him in the beginning of the route. Leo was definitely the one who had the best reason, mainly because we got to see flashbacks of how much Dante and Nicola meant to him, but also because throughout the game, we've seen how much they mean to Leo and how happy he was with them, so I honestly couldn't help but agree with that desire for revenge. It's terrible, it's painful and it was just hard to watch Leo be so tormented. But I guess no one was as tormented as Orlok as he did all he could to not kill people anymore but everyone really wants to test his limits and make him break his conviction. Personally, I quite liked the tragic ending because it was interesting to see Orlok's pain and how difficult it was for him to handle the idea of "needing to kill" again. But otherwise, I enjoyed the little dates Orlok and Lili went on, I just kinda wished there was more romance because it felt like there was no romantic progression at all!
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missmeinyourbones · 2 years
prompt ; linking hands together during sex
character ; gojo satoru
you can choose another character if you want though, i just wanna read your writing huhu😽😽
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13. linking hands together during sex (S. GOJO) 
NSFW 18+ (afab!reader) - part of L’s 1K event!
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Satoru, regardless of the things you’ve heard, is a terribly lonely man. 
He’d become accustomed to eating alone at his far too large dining table, buying enough sweets for two and eating the entirety of them on his own, falling asleep in the center of his king-sized bed rather than on a side to share his space. There were plenty of choice words to describe Satoru Gojo, but lonely seemed to be the most consistent, the most permanent. 
While he finds himself able to be desired and praised and followed, he is always alone. A forever returning equilibrium. 
He often wonders if that’s the appeal of him—the knowing you can’t quite keep him, but still pursuing anyway. The act of breaking your own heart. The free trial before returning the product. He was all squeaky wheels and rusted gears and money-back-guaranteed. 
While he may be lonely, Satoru is no stranger to sex.
He’s had his fair share of experience with all kinds of people—messing around with strangers, acquaintances, even friends at times. Thriving off of the brief high the physical touch ignited within him: the fingers caressing his forearm, the scratches painting his upper back, the feet pressed flat against his calves. 
It allowed him to feel temporarily held, even if it wasn’t (at all) true—it felt true to him in the moment. In the midst of fucking some stranger he’d met at a bar, he felt normal. Confusing adoration for admiration, mistaking lust for love. He found himself stuck in a repeating cycle of meaningless hookups resulting in muffled tears and waking up alone—and while he’d rather die than admit it, it stung. 
Sex with you was different, though. He didn’t have to pretend or convince himself that these feelings were real—they were. He can feel it flowing through his veins as his cock teases your folds, slick gathering on the tip as he continues to rub himself through your lips. He can feel it in his saliva as he slides his tongue into your mouth, your pleasure-induced cries tasting sweeter than any dessert he’s had the privilege of consuming. Sex with you wasn’t just physical. And when he was with you, he wasn’t just Gojo. He was Satoru.
How could he not be, when you’re panting it like a prayer underneath him?
“Satoru,” you plead, desperately needing to feel him inside of you. Your chest rising and falling embarrassingly heavy from just a few teasing touches—but Satoru has that kind of effect on you. He’s too much, yet you can’t seem to get enough of him; he’s his own kind of curse. 
“I’ve got you, it’s okay,” he shushes your pleas with a tender kiss to your lips as he finally pushes himself into your warm cunt. The both of you audibly gasp at the feeling of him filling you to the brim, his tip hitting your cervix as he bottoms out on his very first thrust. 
You let out a sinful whine, eyes glued shut so tightly in bliss that you’re seeing stars on the insides of your eyelids. Satoru lets out a breathy moan at the sight, burying his head in the crook of your neck as he continues to ravish in your warmth.
“I know, baby, I know,” he coos against your temple, platinum strands sticking to his forehead. He wants you closer, somehow. He doesn't know if it’s possible, but he’s willing to find out. 
“Look at me, angel,” he commands and your eyes find his immediately.
This is what sex with others lacked—the intimacy. He doesn’t find himself shying away from you or begging for your affection. You give it to him freely, every single time. It makes him feel both grateful and unworthy, sick to his stomach with both insatiable love and numbing fear.
“Right-fuck, right there,” you moan as he finds your sweet spot with ease. Like he was made for you, like you had molded to his curves and veins over time. 
“Yeah? Here?” He takes his hand from your waist and presses it flat against the pouch of your stomach, feeling himself dip and thrust in and out of your heat. You cry at the pressure and Satoru swears he’s never heard anything more melodic. 
He takes his unoccupied hand pressed against the mattress and moves it to find your own, currently grasping at his satin bed sheets. He intertwines his hand into yours, fingers interlocking like an unspoken oath as he desperately clings to you. He feels your grasp tighten around his palm as your cunt clenches around his cock.
“I love you,” he declares, mouth on yours as he continues to ruthlessly pump his cock into you. He chants it like a holy mantra, matching each thrust along with it’s verbal honey, “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
“I love you, nnngh, I love you more, ‘Toru.”
The sweet nickname passing your lips is more than enough to send him over the edge, spewing creamy threads of cum inside of you. He rides his high selfishly, whispering a delicate love you with each rut of his hips. The warmth of his seed filling you allows you to shortly follow him after, milking one another of every last drop you can manage to spare. 
He takes the both of your hands, still tightly locked together, and brings them to his mouth. He presses a kiss to their intertwined state, before resting the both of them on your chest. 
“See? I can be romantic,” he lightly jeers, still inside of you as he collapses onto your chest. You press a kiss to the crown of his head, sweaty and sticky and yours, as you snort and mumble into his hair. 
Satoru was a terribly lonely man, that is, until he met you. 
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
DHMIS: Thoughts on Lesley's Motivations
I don’t know if I can call this a theory per say, but I noticed that Lesley seems to be... slightly more fond of the trio than Roy was. She’s still clearly unhinged, as emphasized by her outbursts, but she does show affection towards Yellow Guy.
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“It’s nice to meet you. You’re one of my favorites,” booping Yellow Guy’s nose, “You are just too funny,” etc etc. Her also putting the trio back in their house at the end of 5 could be malicious (keeping them trapped) or helpful (they had no food or shelter at the dump).
On top of that, in the original series, the teachers rarely come to harm. But in this series:
Briefcase: Doesn’t die at the end, but is the only teacher from this series to show up dead at the end of 6 to compensate
Coffin: Tormented by Bird and killed by Yellow Guy
Lillie and Todney: Killed by Roy (they also killed the actual apple teacher)
Warren: Killed by Bird
Train: Keels over and dies on his own
Electrical Box: Temporarily put out of commission by Bird
In fact, a lot of the shenanigans in this series are caused by the trio rather than the teachers. (They’re the ones who decided to get jobs, Bird’s the one who decided he was dead, Bird and Red insult Yellow which results in him going catatonic, Red drives away in Train’s corpse, and Bird takes the batteries from the Electric Box. Lillie and Todney are the only ones with malicious intentions, and keep in mind they’re not the actual teachers, as emphasized by them being human; the actual teacher was the apple they ate at the beginning. They also keep Yellow alive while drop kicking Bird and Red back to their house).
And that’s not getting to the end of 6, where the briefcase and a bunch of teachers from 1 show up dead. Roy is also there:
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There’s also a TV playing footage of the puppets. The whole plot of the original series was that it took place within a TV that Roy controlled.
Another thing is that when former teachers do show up, they’re weirdly friendly towards the trio:
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Colin is a prime example of this. Not only does he outright state he loves the trio, he actually presents some factually correct info about eagles (keeping in mind that 90% of what he says in the original series is pure nonsense). He also goes ballistic in the OG series when touched, but the trio touch his keyboard and mouse throughout this episode without him minding.
Other teachers that are more placid include the Lamp (sober, non-malicious) and Tony (just chilling on the wall).
Keep in mind that Lesley controls everything. This means that she presumably killed the teachers and Roy for their treatment of the trio, made the teachers in her universe nicer, and make sure they get killed off if harm comes to the trio. This may make this series a sequel to DHMIS, though it’s possible it’s a complete AU instead.
In fact, part of me wonders if, from a meta standpoint, Lesley is supposed to represent the fanbase in a sense, seeing as she’s happy to meet Yellow and says he’s her favorite, characterizes the teachers as nicer than they are, and seems to be on the trio’s side to some extent. She also doesn’t answer the question of if she actually made everything or not (instead just saying it’s a “good question” and laughing). Could be completely wrong about that though, especially because we don’t know much about her or her motivations.
Final note: the song she sings at the end might reference her taking over from Roy, if this is a potential sequel (”Batteries can be replaced, but some things stay the same / no matter how we twist and turn, we’re still dancing in chains”). Even though someone else is in control, the end result in the same: the puppets getting tortured.
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
chapter four: closure
Synopsis: you love him but you can never touch him
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Series Masterlist and Regular Masterlist
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“Op. Timers up.”
You rolled off of Peter and reached for your phone to turn your alarm off, sighing sadly as you did.
“I hate that sound.” Peter groaned as he rolled onto his back. “That sound should be illegal.”
“Well if you feel that strongly about it, you can gather a group of strong willed individuals and start a petition.” You teased him as you sat up.
“Are you sure that was 20 minutes? That went by really fast.” He pouted as he rolled onto his side. He lazily played with your fingers as he looked up at you with puppy dog eyes. You sighed deeply, eyes filling with regret as you pulled your hand away.
“Pete.” You said apologetically. “It was 20 minutes. No more touching.”
Peter nodded in understanding and withdrew his hand, letting it rest on his chest instead.
“It’s not long enough.” He mumbled as he stared out the window. “No amount of time is long enough.”
“I know.” You agreed with him. “But it’s better than how we used to be. At least we get to touch now.”
“For less than half an hour a day.” He grumbled as he sat up, his mood entirely altered now.
“It’s for the best. You don’t even know what I’d do to you if I could touch you all day.” You smiled coyly, trying it bring him back to a good mood as you stood up on your knees and crawled towards him. Peter perked up with a curious gaze as he turned his body to face you.
“What would you do?” He cocked an eyebrow as he leaned towards you but didn’t make contact.
“I’d tell you, but you wouldn’t be able to handle it.” You teased him before swiftly pulling away. Peter groaned and threw a pillow at you before his mood shifted.
“I don’t mean to sound ungrateful.” Peter said apologetically as his eyes softened. “This is so much better than what we were doing before. I would prefer if I had all the time in the world to touch you, but I’ll take my 20 minutes. I’m lucky I get even that.”
You bit your bottom lip and checked your phone, seeing that it was two minutes past your allotted 20 minutes.
“We still have a minute.” You lied, focusing all your self control on not hurting him as you leaned in to kiss him. Peter eagerly kissed you back, rising on his knees to hold you closer to him.
“I love you so much.” He whispered against your lips. “I’m never going back to what we did before.”
“Me either.” You smiled fondly at him as you stroked his face with your thumbs. “Okay, times really up now. No more touching.”
Peter pouted and let go of you before flopping on the bed with a huff.
“No pouting either.” You teased him as you rubbed your aching temples.
“It would be a lot easier to stop touching you if you weren’t so pretty.” Peter chuckled as he watched you get dressed.
“Sorry about that. It’s all my fault.” You sighed dramatically as you pulled your shirt over your head.
“It is.” He nodded repeatedly. “It’s unbearable trying to resist kissing you every time you walk into a room.”
“I know the feeling.” You told him as you looked at him through the mirror on his dresser.
“Don’t look at me like that, peaches.” He warned. “The 20 minutes are up.”
“I know.” You smiled a little sadly. “I’m just looking.”
“I have to get to training.” Peter sighed as he checked his phone. “I’ll see you after, okay?”
“I’ll see you later, lover.” You blew him a kiss. He caught it, despite how corny it was, and held it against his heart.
“You make it so hard to leave.” He whined as he walked up to you, leaning his hands on either side of you but never touching you.
“Go. You don’t want to be late.” You reminded him playfully. “I’ll see you soon.”
“All right.” He jutted his bottom lip out. “Bye.”
As soon as Peter left the room, you ran to the connected bathroom and threw up in the toilet. You brushed your teeth with the toothbrush he had left there before sliding against the wall and putting your head in your hands. Your brain was pounding in your head, as if it had a heartbeat of its own. You rubbed your temples as hot tears of anguish rolled down your face, the pain worsening before going away.
“What’s wrong?” Bruce asked once he noticed the pained look on your face in the living room.
“Nothing.” You shook your head as you sighed. “I just have a headache.”
“Again?” Bruce began to worry. “You’ve been complaining of one all week.”
“Yeah. I don’t know, it’s probably just a cold.” You lied as you adverted your eyes. Bruce didn’t buy into your lies and pressed a hand against your forehead. You immediately jumped back, fearful that you’d hurt him.
“Y/n, you’re burning up.” He really began to worry now.
“Careful, Br. Banner. It’s not safe for you to touch me.” You reminded him as you kept your distance.
“Could I run some labs?”
“Is that necessary?” You asked. “It’s just a headache.”
“You’ve only been using the stun gun once a week right? Like I told you?” He asked making you stop in your tracks.
“Yeah.” You lied. “Just once a week.”
“Alright, good.” He sighed in relief. “I made it with gamma radiation, you know. Too much of that will kill you.”
“Kill me how?” You wondered as your mouth went dry.
“Well, you were born with your powers.” He explained. “Your abilities are a part of your nervous system. Temporarily taking your powers away for 20 minutes holds up with nervous system. Too much radiation will slowly weaken you until you die.”
“Oh.” You nodded slowly. “I see.”
“But once a week is fine.” He assured you. “That shouldn’t do too much damage. It might give you a headache though. Would you mind if I ran some labs?”
“Sure. Whatever you need.” You said quietly as a panic set it. You used the stun gun 7 days a week and you we’re finally feeling the consequences.
“Let’s go.” Bruce escorted you to the lab.
An hour later, you left the lab with an anxious feeling in your tummy. You ran into Peter in the hallway and plastered a fake smile on so he wouldn’t worry.
“There you are.” Peter smiled as he approached you. “I burnt my hand on the oven again.”
“You did?” You worried as you tan to him. “Let me see.”
You took Peters hand in yours and squeezed it but didn’t feel his pain transfer to you.
“That’s weird.” You blinked in confusion. “I don’t feel anything.”
“Hm.” Peter fought a smile. “Weird.”
“You’re such a liar.” You playfully hit him when you realized his trick. “You didn’t burn your hand.”
“No. I just wanted to hold my girlfriends hand. I’m sorry.” He looked at you with his puppy dog eyes, still holding your hand.
“I forgive you but don’t do it again. This isn’t a game, Peter. I could seriously hurt you.” You reminded him. You began to worry he was gonna make a habit out of tricking you to touch him. You were feeling horribly sick, and you were a fast healer. You had no idea what would happen to Peter if you accidentally transferred your pain to him.
“I know.” Peter smiled apologetically. “I think I have a paper cut, though.”
“Where?” You raised an eyebrow, not believing him.
“My lips.” He said sheepishly.
“Uh Uh.” You shook your head teasingly. “Not fooling me, Parker.”
“I thought that would work.” He whined. “Fuck me.”
“Aw, I so would but we already had our 20 minutes today.” You teased him, making his jaw drop.
“That is not what I meant and you know it.” He narrowed his eyes at you. Before you could respond, you heard your name called from behind you.
You turned around, your smile immediately fading when you saw Bruce standing there with a frown.
“I’ll catch up with you.” You told Peter before jogging over to Bruce.
“Hi Dr. Banner.” You smiled weakly. “Is everything okay?”
“I’m so sorry.” Bruce whispered, looking incredibly guilty as he held your lab results in his hands.
“What happened?” Your mouth went dry.
“There must be something wrong with the gun. I must’ve calibrated it to disperse more gamma radiation than I intended. Your whole body is full of it. There should not be this much. I don’t know how this happened.” He apologized as a sick feeling settled in your tummy.
“Dr. Banner, it’s okay.” You assured him. “It’s not your fault.”
“It is. I must’ve gotten the calculations wrong or left out a variable or-“
“I use it everyday.” You blurted, cutting him off. Bruce’s face twisted in confusion as he processed what you said.
“The stun gun. I use it everyday so I can touch Peter.” Tears came to your eyes as your confession came out. “It’s not your fault. It’s mine.”
“Y/n, your body needs at least a week to recover from a blast of gamma radiation.” Bruce told you. “That’s why I told you to only use it once a week. Your body can’t heal in just a day, even with your enhanced abilities. Every time you use the gun, you make yourself sicker. Your ability to heal quickly is the only thing keeping you alive right now.”
Your jaw locked in fear as the tears fell down your cheeks. You didn’t say anything as you sucked in a shark breath.
“Hey, it’s all right.” Bruce rubbed your shoulder. “My body is full of it too.”
“I’m so sorry. You told me it was dangerous and I did it anyway. I’m so stupid.” You whimpered as you wiped your face on the back of your hands.
“You’re not stupid. I’ve been here before.” Bruce sighed. “I pushed people away, even when I really loved them, because I was scared of hurting them. You’re not a monster for wanting to be loved.”
“Am I gonna die?” You whispered.
“I don’t know.” Bruce answered honestly. “How long have you been doing this?”
“Everyday for the last three months.”
“You should stop for at least 6 months then, and we’ll reassess then.” Bruce advised. You felt the air get knocked out of your chest when Bruce told you you wouldn’t be able to touch Peter again for 6 months.
“Dr. Banner, I can’t go back to how I was before.” You protested. “I can’t do that to Peter.”
“The only other option is poisoning yourself with the radiation until you die. I think Peter will understand.” Bruce told you.
“What about me?” You shrugged sadly. “What if I don’t understand?”
“Go talk to him.” Bruce advised. “Just have a calm, adult conversation.”
“Okay. Calm and adult.” You nodded. “I will.”
You immediately went to Peter’s room and knocked on his door, waiting to enter until he told you to.”
“Hey, peaches.” Peter smiled brightly as you shut the door behind you. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Peter we have to break up.” You blurted out, making Peter sit up and go to the edge of his bed. So much for your calm and adult conversation.
“What?” Peter’s face fell at your words.
“I…I did something really bad.” You shook your hands as you began to panic. You paces around his room as the guilt and anxiety ate away at you.
“Peaches, it’s okay. Talk to me.” Peter reached out to touch you but quickly withdrew his hands when he remembered he couldn’t.
“I lied to you.” You confessed as tears came to your eyes.
“About what?” Peter asked slowly as you stopped pacing.
“Dr. Banner told me I could only use the stun gun once a week. I knew it was dangerous to use everyday but I did it anyway and it’s killing me.”
“Killing you?” Peter’s eyes darkened.
“The radiation. Dr. Banner said if I keep using it, it’ll kill me. I’m so sorry.” You began to cry, wishing more than anything that you could reach out and touch him.
“Then we just won’t use it anymore, peaches.” Peter said calmly. “Not if it’s killing you.”
“But we can’t use it for at least 6 months.” You cried. “You said so yourself, you hated the way we were before. You don’t want to go back. So I’m letting you go. I’m not gonna make you stay in this relationship if we can’t touch each other.”
“Peaches, I don’t love you because I get to touch you.” Peter chuckled softly. “And don’t get me wrong, I love getting to kiss you and hold you, but just being with you is my favorite part. I can go another 6 months without touching you if it means you’re still my girlfriend.”
“But…but you said you’d never go back.” You calmed down long enough to realize Peter wasn’t mad.
“I’d never go back to us being just friends. I can go back to us not touching if it keeps you safe. That’s all that matters to me.” Peter promised you.
“Really?” You asked hopefully.
“Really.” He nodded. “I love you in any way I can have you.”
“I love you too.” You smiled gratefully at him before pulling him into a kiss. In the heat of the moment, you didn’t think about the pain you were holding inside and kissed him deeply. Peter kissed you back for just a moment before you heard a small gasp emit from the back of his throat. You felt him slid off your lips and opened your eyes to see him collapsed on the floor.
“Peter?” You asked as you knelt down beside him. You rolled him over and let out a gasp when you saw how pale he was.
“Peter?!” You shook him aggressively. “Peter?!”
When Peter didn’t respond, you let out a guttural scream for help.
“Dr. Banner!”
Bruce rushed into the room when he heard your scream, stopping shortly when he saw Peter.
“What happened?” He asked as he knelt down beside you.
“No no no the radiation.” You cried as you shook Peter. “I just gave him the radiation.”
“Okay, calm down. Let me get him to the lab.” Bruce instructed as he grabbed Peters feet. You hooked your arms under Peter and helped Bruce carry him to the lab. You laid him on the table and stood anxiously as Bruce hooked Peter up to a monitor.
“You said the only thing keeping me alive was my healing abilities.” You worried as you chewed on your nails. “He doesn’t have that.”
“But he has something like it.” Bruce reminded you. “He’s still enhanced. He might not die from this.”
“Might?” You whispered at the little hope he was able to offer you. Bruce gave you an apologetic look as he continued to work on Peter. You felt useless as you stared at Peter’s lifeless body until you got an idea.
“Wait.” You spoke up. “Let me take his pain. I’ve done it before.”
Bruce was quiet for a minute as he stared at Peter’s monitor.
“He’s not in pain.” He said quietly.
“He has to be. He has to be if I was.” You reasoned.
“Y/n, Peter isn’t in any pain.” Bruce repeated. You realized he had stopped working on Peter and felt a sinking feeling in your tummy.
Bruce looked away from the monitor and took his glasses off for full dramatic effects.
“Because he’s dead.”
“What?” You shrieked as all the color left your face.
“I’m kidding. Was that a bad joke?” Bruce grimaced as you gasped for air. “You can take his pain. It’s just gonna hurt a lot.”
You gave him a frustrated look before placing your hands on either sides of Peter’s face.
“Come on, Peter.” You willed him. “Come on, Spiderman.”
It took a minute, but his pain slowly drew out of his body and into yours. Your veins darkened to a jet black as the radiation seeped back into your body, making you let out a scream.
“Y/n, be careful.” Bruce warned as Peter’s vitals began to improve.
“It’s killing me.” You screamed in agony as the color began to return to his cheeks.
“Because it’s three months worth of radiation at once. You’ve been building it up.” Bruce grimaced when he saw the toll it was taking on you.
“It hurts so bad.” You cried.
“It’s almost all out.” Bruce told you. “Just hold on a little longer.”
“Dr. Banner, I need you to do something for me.” You said breathlessly, your body beginning to shut down.
“What is it?” Bruce asked.
“I need you to recalibrate the stun gun to permanently remove my powers.”
“What?” His eyes widened. “Why?”
“So nothing like this ever happens again.”
“Then you can’t be an Avenger.” Bruce protested.
“But I can be a human being.” You shouted. “I want that more. I want that most.”
“Please.” You cried. “Just do it.”
“Okay.” Bruce agreed. “I will.”
“Thank you.” You nodded. “I’m gonna pass out now.”
“Okay.” Bruce told you, but you had already hit the floor.
Once Peter’s vitals were stable, Bruce transferred him to his own room. As soon as he was awake and responsive, you went to visit him.
“Hey.” You greeted Peter in a soft tone as he woke up from a nap.
“Hi peaches.” Peter lit up when you sat on his bed. “I’m surprised you came to see me. I’m…I’m really glad you did.”
“Why wouldn’t I come to see you?” You smiled teasingly
“Dr. Banner told me what happened.” Peter admitted. “I thought you were going to blame yourself for what happened and be too scared to come near me.”
“Are you scared that I’m near you?” You asked him softly as you kept your eyes down.
“No.” Peter shook his head immediately. “I want you to be near me.”
“Good. I want to be near you too.” You chuckled as you laced your fingers through his. Peter looked at your hands in happy shock before giving them a squeeze.
“You’re touching me?” He asked happily.
“After what happened, I had two options.” You explained. “I could’ve shut you out to ensure I never hurt you again, or I could make sure I never hurt anybody again.”
“What do you mean?”
“I had Dr. Banner remove my powers.” You smiled sheepishly. “I told him to take them all away, but he found a way to let me keep the healing aspect. I can still heal, but I can’t hurt.”
“You had him take away your powers?” Peter asked in shock as he sat up straighter. “Why?”
“Because human beings need to be touched.” You shrugged. “I didn’t want to live without that anymore. I didn’t want to be allotted 20 minutes a day to touch the boy I love.”
“You did this for me?” Peter asked fondly as you stroked his cheek with your thumb.
“No.” You shook your head. “I did this for me. I didn’t want to worry anymore. I wanted to be free.”
“So this means…” Peter raised an eyebrow. You nodded a little before leaning in to kiss him, feeling weightless as the fear of hurting him was long behind you.
“It means we get to do this all the time, lover.” You whispered against his lips. “Anytime we want.”
“Anytime we want?” He asked for comfirmation.
“Yup.” You popped the p for emphasis.
“In that case.” Peter raised an eyebrow. “What were you saying before about what I couldn’t handle?”
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