#and other sirens. some allies some not
mimiteyy · 4 months
doin worldbuilding for rough waters but it’s just writing down stuff I came up with a week ago 🫡
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dcxdpdabbles · 1 year
i don’t know if I’m allowed to ask right now and feel to ignore this but I just really like your shit so here I am :D
I love the thought of Fanny being the ghost king and the crown not fitting on his head so it falls to his neck line where it hangs off his neck and is either the spikes(idk what the call the pointed bits-) are short enough to see his face or they are thin enough to see though and then when he’s in his human from the crown turns into a black neck tattoo that’s really pretty and stuff!! So imagine this, Danny in Gotham and he’s a singer for Penguin and some rouges or something and he’s irritated so instead of running he continued to sing and it actually sways the course of the fight in favor of his allies while the enemies ears or like bleeding or something as his hair turns white and his eyes go green as the crown shins around his neck and let’s say that his outfit is quite androgynous and nice looking but he’s really pissed because it was a gift and it got damaged or bled on and this starts a rumor that Danny is a meta so the bats and birds go to investigate
Hope you like it and do a little Drabble :)
They hear about the Siren for the first time after a bit of trouble happens to go down in Old Man Rob's. At first, they were a little shocked that anyone would dare give Rob any sort of trouble, seeing as it was a general unwritten role to leave the old man who made clothes for the working girls/boys and for the Gotham Rouges well enough alone.
His work was so well appreciated that the Rouges would even send their minions to outfit them with the standard hire goon outfit. Joker swears by his purple cloth that only Rob could make his men look good.
Old Man Rob made the clothes right out of his home, so anyone who went to him would have a hot cup of tea and soft music from Rob's home country playing in the background. Everyone agreed that Old Man Rob's was welcoming and neutral grounds.
So imagine the uproar when some stupid out-of-city punks attempted to follow some working girls into the house and trash the place. The girls had taken refuge with Old Man Rob after realizing the punks were much more dangerous than they first thought.
When Rob tried to defuse the situation, things turned ugly as one of the men punched the old man to the ground- injuring his back. They had then attempted to take the screaming girls, gone about the house for anything valuable, and smashed everything that wasn't with a bat.
That's when Siren walked in. The androgynous being looked around before throwing themselves onto the men like the snaring mystical creature they earned their name from.
Siren had taken care of the men and had even had them hand-delivered to Penjuin when the supervillain caught wind that the fools were responsible for Rob not being able to complete his latest suit due to his back injury.
One of the working girls had texted her boyfriend, who was employed with Penguin, and that meant the Rouge, with a group of men, had rushed over to help not even ten minutes later.
Once everything was settled, Rob had enough time, as he was being transported to the hospital, to give Siren their outfit as a gift, and Penguin overheard the old man wishing Siren luck on his audition.
After a bit of question, Penguin gave Siren his card and told them to swing by the Iceberg Lounge for an audition if the one they were going to didn't work out.
That was all the Bats were able to gather from the last working girl, who is Jason's informate. Since Siren had no other known sighting, the Bats let them fade into obscurity until rumors of a hot new singer began to feature at the Iceberg Lounge.
Their voice left hundreds of clubgoers memorized, even those who didn't often prefer slow seduction songs when going to the club. The Iceberg does have a more classy feel about it but Siren could make anyone stop for their voice.
Bruce thought it was wise to investigate the meta after rumors that Siren would often help security when someone got too rowdy by singing a tone that could make human ears bleed. So far, there wasn't much information past rumors, and Penguin hadn't made the singer a member of his crime yet, but it was only a matter of time.
No one that powerful could remain neutral with the company they kept.
That's why Dick, Cas, and Jason all dressed to the nines and visited Iceberg Lounge with Brucie Wayne's unlimited credit card. They are treated VIPs- as the Lounge is a legitimate business despite everyone knowing the owner is Penguin- and are seated right before Siren's stage.
The lights drop, and the music tickles to a stop so the live band can get into place. Dick adjusts his cuffs, presses the record button on the hidden video camera on the metal, and leans on his hands to point it to the stage.
They are all wearing earplugs, hoping to stop Siren's powers, but it's better to have someone far away who won't be effect by the sound watching just in case the three get mind-controlled.
The singer who takes the stage is beautiful androgynous in everything from their outfit to their features, but none can deny their beauty of them. They stand in a shimmering black suit resembling a modern king attire, with a half veil dripping from their shoulders. A particular ice crystal snowflake design tattoo circles their neck in a breath-catching upturn of their head.
Once Sirens opens their mouth in the first verse, Cass can understand why the mythical creatures could lure sailors to their water deaths. The voice is as beautiful as the singer, and she can't look away.
She rises with the tempo, falls with the beat, and flouts into the rhythm of Siren's voice. It's not until the singer descends the stage to sing to the lucky few upfront does she realizes she has forgotten why she came here tonight.
Jason carefully presses his foot against her, and she struggles to take her eyes off Siren to look at her bother. His face is relaxed and cocky, like the wealthiest man son can be, but his body language screams worry.
Worry for her.
Shoot, had she allowed herself to fall under Siren's spell?
The singer struts back to the stage, arms raised before slowly lowering on the last long memorizing note, and the lights drop. She clasps politely along with the rest, her heart fluttering.
"That was amazing!" Dick cheers, whistling like a loon. His civilian persona does resemble Brucie the most. "Encore! Encore!"
Siren looks at their table with a bashful smile, and Cass's heart falls. Before she can do anything knowing what that means, the doors to the lounge get blown right off the hinges, and screams erupt through the room.
A rival gang is tearing through the room. Cass hits the ground with her brothers, mentally cursing they can't blow their cover as the thugs quickly round up hostages. One grabs Siren's veil, ripping it right off as the singer tries to run. The action causes them to trip over the stage's long walkway before falling into a table stacked with wine glasses.
She fights to urge to scream when Siren falls. Cass needs to focus on finding a place to change and get control of the situation. Siren could be hurt, they could be-
"You asshole!" The siren screams, standing up and neck tattoo flaring a bright blue. "You ruined my suit!"
The man scoffs, pointing a gun at their head "So what? It couldn't be that expensive for Penguin's little plaything to offered."
"It was a gift!" The siren screams in a sound voice as cold as ice and as unforgiving as death. Cass feels the air freeze over, and suddenly, Siren is signing. But it's not the sweet song from before; now, it's a dead melody that promises death.
She presses herself against the floor more, trying to escape the sound. Her heart is beating so fast that she wonders if she is dosed with Fear Toxin. Cass doubts the others are fairing better as sobs break through the room.
The man holding the gun drops to his knees, screaming and clutching his ears.
Siren remains standing, hair bleeding into white, eyes a blazing green, and his neck tattoo expanding into a crown that seems to cover the lower half of their face. It's a beautiful sight as much as it is terrifying.
Cass can't look away.
Just as quickly as it started, the signing ends when the man falls unconscious and Siren looks human again. They fret over their suit uncaring of the stares from the rest of the club, and make their way to the changing room without a by-your-leave.
Cass is in love.
"We have to report this to B," Jason hisses. "That was Lazaurs Wails."
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mymoodwriting · 2 months
Tumblr media
16.3k, yandere, sirens, minor hydrophobia, sleep walking, lucid dreaming, potential drowning, trauma, drugs, manipulation, kidnapping, smut, aphrodisiac, monster fucking, monster cock, fingering, penetration, female penetration, french kissing, pussy licking, cream pie, implied gang bang (@starillusion13)
“This trip is gonna be awesome!”
Your friends had always told you to visit the Fairy Tale Waterfall, since it was a big tourist attraction, and something you had to do at least once in your life. You agreed, it was an incredible place, but you definitely didn’t have the heart to tell them you had already been there once, and weren’t really eager to go back. You had gone with another friend group back then and over the last year had drifted apart. You didn’t want to disappoint your new friends and make them feel bad if you were left out, so you packed a bag and went out with them.
You arrived at the waterfall early in the morning, the sunlight shining down on the water, making it sparkle. This place was really beautiful, you couldn’t deny that. Although you felt this nervousness in the back of your head as you stared at the water. You knew how to swim, and you still did so at pools and the beach, but this waterfall, you weren’t so sure you wanted to get in the water at all. You put that to the side and helped your friends set up the tents. You focused on that even as some of the others went for a swim, saying you wanted to make sure everything was set up before nightfall.
When you had mostly finished up you took a little break, sitting down in the shade of a tree, staring out at your friends. They were having so much fun, and their smiles brought one to your face. This really was an amazing place and you were glad to be here, but the memories of the past continued to haunt you. This whole scene before you actually felt like deja vu, especially when your friends noticed you and began gesturing for you to join them. You shook your head and pointed towards your campsite, telling them you weren’t done. They let it go for now, but you began to worry. It might not have been a good idea to come at all. As you continued to watch them you could help but think back to the last time you had been here.
“Y/n! Get up and get in the water!”
You opened your eyes to the sound of your friends calling for you. A groan escaped your lips, followed by a smile. You took a moment and then dressed yourself before stepping out of the tent. The warm sun shined down on you, and after a moment your eyes adjusted. You saw your friends out at the water, seeing them waving and gesturing for you to come over. You walked towards the shoreline, but yelped when you felt the water.
“It’s so cold!”
“Just get in!” Jemma shouted. “You’ll warm up to it.”
You laughed and walked into the water, shivering a bit but smiling all the way. Your friends cheered as you wadded over to them.
You heard a splashing sound, hearing a familiar voice call your name. You stopped and turned around, seeing your friend, Ally, frantically making their way over to you. It was an odd sight especially when you had seen Ally with your group of friends that had called you out. Something was off, and it was starting to freak you out. As Ally approached you stepped back, panicking. You wound up slipping and going under. When you resurfaced everything had changed. Day had turned to night and you felt a greater chill in the water. While you looked around confused and disoriented Ally caught up to you.
“Y/n, what the hell are you doing?”
Ally could tell you weren’t in your right mind, so she helped you out of the water and onto dry land. She told you to stay put and not move a muscle while she went to get you a towel. She helped you dry off, bringing you over to a fire to help warm you up.
“Wa… what happened?”
“You don’t remember?”
“I… I don’t know…”
“Girl, I woke up to get a drink and I see you walking out into the water. You scared me, were you sleepwalking or something?”
“I… I guess… I thought… you guys were out there… and it was morning…”
“Talk about a vivid dream. Let’s properly dry you up and change your clothes.”
You got up and went with Ally, cleaning up and getting into dry clothes. You couldn’t really go back to sleep, but come morning you packed up, Ally and your friends thinking it best to leave after such an experience, and you weren’t going to argue with them. As everyone finished packing you stared out into the water. Something strange happened to you, but you couldn’t quite understand it, nor did you want to. You thought you’d never come back, but it seemed that fate had something else in mind.
As the sun went down you helped prepare dinner, coming along with some of the guys, the smell of meat in the air. For everyone’s safety you had agreed on no alcohol, but you had plenty of other refreshments for the trip. You played some games to determine tent-mates and then everyone slowly started turning in for the night. You were one of the last to go to bed, staying up to admire the stars and the calmness of the water. Although after a while a bit of uneasiness settled in and you figured it was best to go to bed. For your own sake you set up a little trip wire with a bell on it outside your tent, just in case something happened again. You hoped that wouldn’t be the case, but at least you found it easier to fall asleep.
Come morning you woke to the smell of breakfast, hearing your friends outside. You made your way out, startling yourself when you tripped over a wire, a bell snapping you awake. You tumbled to the ground panting, sound hearing some chuckles, and then a hand came into view. Your tent-mate, Misu, helped you back onto your feet, commenting on your little contraption. She noticed right away when she got up and was careful not to trip it so you could sleep in. She didn’t think you would fall for it yourself, but one could be very groggy in the morning. Things were left like that and you joined the others for breakfast. Although today you probably couldn’t avoid going into the water, and it made you a bit nervous.
“Y/n, look over there.”
Avary pointed over to a group of boys near the water. It was so early in the morning but they were already going for a swim. You could feel the blood rush to your face as you noticed some of them weren’t wearing any shirts, and the others were in white t-shirts that were already soaked. You had never seen such a thing before, and you couldn’t stop staring.
“This is exactly why we came to the waterfall.” Misu commented. “The boys. We should say hi, maybe go for a swim together.”
“I… I don’t know… I… we can’t bother them…”
“Y/n, if they were just here to swim then they wouldn’t be doing all that.”
“I… I guess…”
Misu had a point. The boys weren’t just swimming around, but being very playful with each other, and being quite loud. At this point they were surely attracting everyone’s attention. Maybe this could work in your favor. You were already too nervous to enter the water, and you could use the pretty boys as another reason not to go. You’d surely embarrass yourself if you got near them anyway. Yet, you couldn’t help but stare, something about them drawing your gaze. You only broke away when your friends called to you.
After breakfast you helped clean up, your other friends going off to swim and make conversation with those boys. They’d be distracted trying to make nice with them, so you trusted they wouldn’t be bothering you about getting into the water. You were right about that, even as you kept catching yourself staring at them. You didn’t know what it was about them that kept getting your attention, but you tried not to keep staring. After the fifth time you told yourself you needed to have the waterfall out of your line of sight, so you went to your tent. Since it had always been your plan to stay out of the water you brought a book with you to keep you busy.
You laid down to read it, having a mini fan in the tent to keep you cool. You got engrossed in your book until you heard a bell that startled you. A scream escaped your lips and you quickly turned around, seeing a stranger poke their head into your tent. You screamed again and they quickly apologized, stepping out. Once you had regained your breath you carefully crawled over to the entrance of your tent, looking out at the boy who had startled you. He had a nervous smile on his face, waving at you and apologizing once more. Now that you got a good look at him you realized he was one of the boys you had been staring at earlier. You immediately retreated back into your tent, feeling your face heating up again.
“Excuse me…” The boy peeked down into the tent. “Are you alright?”
“Uh… fine… uh… can I help you?”
“Could you come out of the tent?”
“… why…”
“Well, it’s difficult to talk this way.”
“I won’t bite.”
“… what do you want…?”
“To talk.”
“To be honest, I was curious about you. I saw you staring again and again, yet you didn’t go into the water. Are you afraid or something?”
“What’s it to you?”
“This is the Fairy Tale Waterfall, one of the most beautiful places there is, but you won’t get into the water. Why bother coming all the way here if you’re not gonna enjoy yourself to the fullest?”
“I’m perfectly fine where I am…”
“Are you though?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You know, I can teach you how to swim if you want to.”
“I know how.”
“Then why don’t you come out to play?”
“I’m good.”
“You’re very interesting.”
You heard the voice of your friend. You were glad not to be alone anymore, and this gave you the motivation to get out of the tent. You scrambled out and ignored the boy nearby, looking for your friend. When you tried to walk away your arm was grabbed and you were held back.
“Ya! Let go.”
“We weren’t done talking.”
“Y/n! Oh- I see you’ve met Juyeon.”
“I’m Juyeon.” The boy introduced himself. “Nice to meet you.”
“Can you let go of my arm now?”
“Ah, sorry.”
Juyeon had quickly changed demeanors when your friend showed up. He was no longer giving creepy vibes, but had a big friendly smile on his face.
“My brothers and I were talking with your friends.” Juyeon explained. “And they mentioned that someone from their group was missing. I thought to come over and get you myself. We don’t want you missing out on the fun.”
“I’m alright, thanks.”
“Come on, y/n. You didn’t get a chance to get in the water at all yesterday, you have to get in today.”
“It’s okay, Mina. Besides, I was about to start preparations for lunch, I’ll call you all when it’s ready.”
“My brothers can prepare lunch for all of us.” Juyeon suggested. “That way you’re free to come and swim with us.”
“That sounds perfect!” Mina cheered. “Let’s go!”
Before you could say more Mina grabbed your hand and pulled you along towards the water. She caught you off guard so you stumbled behind her, trying to protest. Even as you spoke your eyes were fixated on the water that was fast approaching. Your words were failing you, but just as you got close to the water’s edge you screamed.
Mina abruptly let you go and stepped back. You slowly settled your breathing, moving away from the water, keeping your arms close to your chest.
“Y/n… are you okay…?”
“… yeah… I’m fine… I just…”
“Close your eyes and take a deep breath.” Juyeon took your hands in his and turned your back to the water. “Just breathe, okay?”
Even though you were creeped out by Juyeon earlier it didn’t matter at that moment. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm your breathing. Juyeon gestured for your friend to go, keeping you company while you regained your composure.
“Just focus on my voice and breathe. Everything’s going to be okay.”
“… sorry…”
“What are you apologizing for? You didn’t do anything wrong. Just breathe, you’re okay.”
Once you had steadied your breathing you opened your eyes, seeing the worry on Juyeon’s face. He quickly hid it behind a soft smile, giving you some reassurance.
“Hey, you okay?”
“I’m fine…”
“We should go back to the tent, right?”
“Alright. Let’s go, one foot after the other, I got you.”
Juyeon stayed at your side while you made your way back to your tent. Your legs were a bit wobbly, but he made sure you didn’t fall. He helped you get back into your tent, not wanting you out in the sun, and disappeared for a moment to get you some water. You took the bottle and he figured that was an invitation to join you. It wasn’t, but you didn’t have the energy to tell him otherwise. Juyeon sat down next to you, pulling his knees up to his chest. He watched you quietly for a moment.
“What happened?”
“What happened to you that you’d react like that?”
“Why do you care?”
“Well, what am I supposed to tell the others? Everyone saw…”
“Ugh, I never should have come back here in the first place.”
“How about this, you tell me what happened to you a year ago, and I make sure no one mentions this little incident. Deal?”
“As if you could do that.”
“You’d be surprised.”
You stared at Juyeon, but he kept that friendly smile on his face. You had never really told anyone about what happened, and those that had been present back then were no longer in your friends circle. Maybe you did need to talk about it, and a stranger was less likely to judge.
“I won’t tell anyone.”
You sighed. “It’s silly.”
“I doubt that considering the way you reacted.”
“Last time I was here… I wound up sleepwalking into the water… it was the middle of the night, but for some reason I thought it was morning… my friend saw me and went after me… in my disoriented state I slipped under the water and panic took hold… I nearly drowned… I would have drowned if not for her…”
“And is that friend here with you?”
“No… we lost touch afterwards… my current friends don’t know about this… I didn’t want to tell them so I agreed to come along, but it was a bad idea… I couldn’t just avoid the water the whole time I’m here… I’m so stupid!”
“No, you’re not. You didn’t want to upset anyone so you came along. I think it’s great you came back here.”
“I don’t think it is.”
“From what I can tell, you’re not afraid of drowning, you know how to swim, what you’re afraid of is the waterfall.”
“That sounds crazy.”
“Is it though? The soothing sound of the calm water probably enticed you and caused you to sleepwalk. That’s understandable.”
“Why are you being so nice?”
“Can’t I? This place is amazing, I love it here, and the last thing I want is for someone to be afraid. Tell you what, how about I help you?”
“With what?”
“This, to overcome your fear so you don’t have to feel silly anymore. Not that it is silly.”
“And why would you help me?”
“Don’t you wanna have fun with all your friends and play in the waterfall? You had fun last time with your friends, so much so that you got into the water without hesitation when you thought they were calling for you. There’s nothing to be scared of. I promise.”
“… what are you gonna tell the others?”
“That you were startled and not ready to go into the water. No one’s gonna bring it up, I swear. So how about we go prepare lunch?”
“… sure… I can help…”
Juyeon got out of the tent, careful not to trip over the bells again, and waited for you. It took you a moment but you got out, taking the hand that was offered to you. Juyeon led you over to his camp area, not letting go of your hand the entire way. A few other of his brothers had already started preparing, and welcomed you as you arrived.
“These are my brothers Sangyeon, Jacob, and Younghoon.”
“It’s nice to meet you.” Jacob commented. “Hear a lot about you.”
“Yeah, your friends kept talking about you. Nothing but good things I promise.”
“Right… so what can I help with?”
“How about you wash some vegetables for us.”
“I can do that.”
You helped the boys with lunch preparations, loving the smell in the air. There were plenty of picnic tables in the area, so the boys brought a few together so you could all eat together. Once the food was ready the others were called over and everyone gathered to eat. That’s when you were properly introduced to the rest of Juyeon’s brothers. There wasn’t much of a family resemblance, but from the way they treated each other it was easy to tell they were very close. You on the other hand were a bit nervous, expecting some questions and concerns about the earlier incident, but there were none. Everything seemed normal, as if you didn’t have an outburst at all. You weren’t entirely sure if you should be grateful over such a thing, cause it was kinda strange, but for the moment you could at least enjoy your time with your friends.
“Hey, come with me.”
Hyunjae took your hand and led you away from the others. You thought maybe you’d go back to your camp, but he began making his way towards the water. You stopped, but his pull was far stronger than you anticipated.
“I know, we’re not getting into the water, I swear, but I wanted to try something.”
“What do you mean?”
“Trust me.”
You probably shouldn’t, but something about his words felt reassuring, so you followed. As he promised, you only came to the edge of the water. Hyunjae sat down and pulled you down with him. Your feet were inches from the water, but you weren’t all that nervous.
“Nothing much can happen at this depth, so there’s nothing to fear. How about we just dip our feet in?”
“… how… who…”
“Maybe I overheard you talking before… but anyway, let’s do this. Nothing like literally getting your feet wet to help you overcome your worries.”
Hyunjae put his feet in the water and gestured for you to do the same. In this situation you could see how your fear would be silly. You were just putting your feet in, and you were mostly on land, so there was no real danger. You took a breath and slowly dipped your feet into the water. The cool sensation was welcomed, and a little smile appeared on your face.
“Good job.” Hyunjae cheered. “See, everything’s okay.”
“I’m right here, keeping an eye on you, nothing bad is gonna happen.”
“You can stop, you’re making it sound like I’m a child.”
“Alright, I’ll back off.”
You moved your feet around in the water, feeling a bit childish with your actions. Your gaze was on the water around your limbs. It was clean and beautiful, not at all like it could swallow you whole. When you heard a splash you looked over, seeing Sunwoo swimming towards you. The water was pretty shallow over by you, so he began crawling to get close.
“Look at you, enjoying the waterfall?”
“A bit…”
“That’s good. Why not come in for a swim? I’ll be right with you.”
“I’m okay…”
“Baby steps.” Hyunjae stated. “Little by little. Besides, you shouldn’t be in the water either, Sunwoo, you just ate.”
“I’ll be fine.”
Sunwoo splashed some water up your legs, getting a bit on your shirt. It was refreshing, and you couldn’t help but laugh. You remembered doing all this back then with your friends, deep into the waters of the waterfall without a care in the world. You didn’t want to be scared of such a wonderful place. You stood up and both boys looked at you curiously. You took a shaky step forward, going just a bit deeper into the water. Sunwoo backed away whereas Hyunjae got up and grabbed your arm.
“Woah, we don’t need to do anything drastic today.”
“I can… I can go further…”
“Don’t push yourself.”
“I know… this… this is real… I’m not dreaming… right…? Pinch me.”
Sunwoo splashed some water in your face, getting you pretty soaked. You were stunned and wiped your face off before glaring down at Sunwoo.
“What was that for?”
“Splashing water in your face is usually a good way to wake up.”
“I said pinch me.”
“I can do that too.”
Of course Sunwoo didn’t miss the chance to move over to your leg and give you a little pinch. You yelped and jumped back a step.
“So, are you awake?”
“I guess I am.”
“Good. Let’s go waist deep.”
“No, no, no.” Hyunjae mentioned. “You also just ate, you shouldn’t be going into the water.”
“Just a bit more.”
You continued moving forward, even if it was like half a step at a time. Sunwoo was encouraging and cheering, while Hyunjae was worried and right at your side. With every step you thought about what Juyeon had said. You weren’t afraid of drowning, but of the waterfall itself. If you just showed yourself that there was nothing to fear, that it was just one bad experience, then you’d be able to enjoy this place just as you once did. The water got up above your knees when you had a bit of a slip. Hyunjae caught you and Sunwoo got up from the water to make sure you were okay.
“I think that’s good for today.” Hyunjae commented. “Let’s get back to land.”
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
You got back on shore, and the two took you to your tent, helping you dry off. You definitely needed a change of clothes, so you went off to do that. When you got back the two were still waiting for you.
“Since you’re not gonna swim, what are you gonna do for the afternoon?” Sunwoo asked.
“I have a book with me. So just some relaxing in the shade.”
“Why don’t you come over to our campsite, we have some games and we could keep you company.”
“I wouldn’t want to keep you from your brothers.”
“We come here all the time. So we won’t be missing out on much.”
“You should join us.” Hyunjae said. “You’ll love it.”
You spent your afternoon with some of the boys in their campsite, playing games and munching on snacks. It was nice, and you felt less bad about not being in the water. Later in the day you helped with dinner, and prepared some sausages and marshmallows for the campfire. Despite what had happened earlier you quite enjoyed your day and were happy to make some new friends. You stayed up a little late roasting marshmallows to make smores while sharing campfire stories. Nothing too spooky, so when you did finally sleep you didn’t have any nightmares. Come morning you were actually looking forward to the day.
After breakfast your friends mentioned they wanted to take a little hike to one of the other pools by the waterfall. You weren’t really one for hiking, but before you could give an answer Chanhee had come over to your camp, asking if anyone wanted to go for a swim. Your friends obviously already had plans, but at least now you had an alternative than to just staying behind. They didn’t seem to mind, and Misu gave you a knowing look telling you to have fun. Once they had gone you went with Chanhee to his campsite, greeting the others. They were happy to see you, and all eager for you to get in the water. Perhaps Juyeon had talked, but you didn’t care to scold him now.
Chanhee and Changmin were the two that took you over to the main pool. Not many others were around, so you’d have the place mostly to yourselves. The first to get into the water was Chanhee, diving under and getting himself completely soaked. He had a bright smile on his face, gesturing for you to join him. As you stared out into the water you felt nervous, but it was minor compared to the other day. You could stand at the edge of the water without being afraid. After a moment you took a deep breath and took a small step forward, feeling the water along your toes. You moved slowly, Changmin right at your side to make sure you were alright.
Although you only got a few inches in before Eric jumped into the water near you. He startled you a bit, causing Changmin to grab your arm and waist. You hadn’t really lost his footing, but his touch assured you that you weren’t alone. Although a moment later you were suddenly soaked as Eric was splashing water in your direction. You couldn’t help but laugh, trying to shield your face before Changmin moved you behind him. The other two began scolding the maknae but you were just curious as to why he had done this.
“What? Sunwoo said it was best to get her all wet so she’d know she’s awake, and pinch her too.”
“We’re not doing that.” Chanhee stated. “So don’t even think about it.”
“He said it was important.”
“It’s alright.”
Eric smiled and stuck his tongue out, going over to you and pinching your arm. You groaned but you grinned through the whole ordeal.
“Wide awake.”
“I am.”
“Good. Now we can continue with the important things.” Changmin said. “Shall we?”
“Yeah, baby steps.”
You continued where you left off, soon enough having water above your knees. It was as far as you had made it yesterday, and the goal was to go further. The water was a bit chilly but you were getting used to it. As you walked you kept your arms up, Changmin right behind you ready to grab you at any point. Meanwhile Chanhee stayed in front of you like a guide. You moved slowly, taking every step with caution and making sure you had your footing. Before you knew it the water was slightly above your waist. Now your nerves were starting to show.
“We can stop here.” Chanhee suggested. “You made good progress.”
“I… I can keep going…”
“You don’t have to.”
“I can… I know how to swim… I won’t drown…”
“We’re right here.” Changmin assured. “You can do this.”
You kept going as you had been, careful with every step. The two cheered you on and encouraged you. It wasn’t long before the water was at your breasts. You started laughing, a bit of nerves and joy mixed together. This wasn’t scary. You weren’t alone and the water around you was calm. Perhaps it was all that which caused you to lose focus. You took one wrong step and slipped into the water. You weren’t under for long but that was enough to trigger you and throw you into a panic.
The darkness you were met with when you went under put you back in the mindset of that day. Your vision was blurred and you were frantically reaching out for anything to hold onto. Before panic could truly settle in and take hold you felt someone lift you up. Next thing you knew you were sitting on Changmin’s shoulders, grabbing his face for stability. You were gasping for breath, shaking water out of your face.
“Easy, easy.” Chanhee grabbed your hand, trying to get your attention. “Deep breaths, deep breaths. That’s it, just breathe.”
“… what… what happened…?”
“You just slipped, but you’re okay.”
“… I’m okay…”
“Yeah, yeah, let’s get you back to land.”
Chanhee kept a hold of your hand and Changmin moved slowly, getting you back to shore. You only took a few steps away from the water before collapsing to catch your breath. The two boys came to your side, keeping an eye on you as you recovered. A few of the others came rushing over to check on you.
“She’s alright.” Changmin assured. “Perfectly fine.”
“Good. We should probably dry you off.” Sangyeon held his hand out to you. “Come on.”
You accepted his hand and got to your feet. He kept you close, at his side, as you walked back to camp. As soon as you were there Jacob came over to wrap you in a towel, doing his best to warm you up.
“I’ll get you some cocoa.”
The boys had you sit by the fire, getting you another towel. Haknyeon was working on drying up your hair, being gentle, and keeping conversation.
“When did you learn to swim?”
“Uh… when I was like five…”
“Do you like it? Swimming that is.”
“Yeah. The cool water, moving in a way that feels like floating, it’s great.”
“You must have enjoyed swimming at the waterfall last year. Unlike pools, here the water is constantly moving on its own, adding to the experience.”
“You did really well today.”
“I still messed up…”
“You did no such thing. Most people would never come back here, let alone get in the water again after such an experience, but look at you. You’re quite brave don’t you think.”
“I guess…”
You had both hands on the mug of cocoa, using it to warm up. It really wasn’t that cold out, but right now you just wanted to get dry. You had lunch and stayed at the camp to play games again. No one else really brought up what happened in the morning and just focused on the present. You helped with dinner and afterwards found yourself rather tired. You wanted to wait for your friends to return, but sleep was calling to you.
“Maybe you should get to bed.”
“I’m gonna stay up and wait.”
“I don’t think you can.” Kevin chuckled. “Why don’t you go take a nap in one of our tents. We’ll wake you when your friends get back.”
You couldn’t argue, well, you didn’t want to. A nap sounded like a good idea. One of the others went to get your sleeping bag and had it set down in one of their tents. None of them would be sneaking in later, so you could rest easy. It honestly wasn’t difficult to slip away into dreamland either.
“Rise and shine.”
You woke to the sounds of someone unzipping the entrance of the tent, peeking over with blurry vision to see Younghoon smiling and waving at you.
“Morning? You were supposed to wake me when my friends got back.”
“Yeah, but they got back pretty late and didn’t want to wake you. Besides, it seems like you were sleeping happily.”
“Sorry. I’ll head out right now.”
“It’s okay. Let’s have breakfast first.”
Younghoon held his hand out to you, which you took after rubbing the sleep from your eyes. Everyone greeted you, and this time no one let you help with breakfast preparations. The rest of your friends came over to eat, talking about their hike and how much fun they had. You were glad to hear their stories, not speaking about your own activities from the previous day. After eating and waiting for the food to go down many went back out into the waterfall. You thought about yesterday. Even though it ended badly you had made great progress. You needed a different approach this time, and you knew exactly what to do.
“Where are you going?” Sangyeon asked. “Especially by yourself.”
“I’m gonna go swim.”
“I got pretty far into the water, but I keep walking and that’s my problem. The water is deep, if I keep walking I won’t make much progress. I need to swim in the water, that’s how I get my confidence back.”
“Okay, but you’re not going out alone.”
“I’d hope not.”
Sangyeon went with you to the waterfall, finding a place that was mostly empty. He got into the water first, diving down and getting completely soaked. You felt your face getting a bit red, seeing as he was shirtless and now completely soaking wet.
“You coming?”
“Yeah, yeah.”
You slowly walked towards the water, but stopped at the edge. You had to mentally prepare yourself, but you were still nervous.
“I’ll go with you.”
Jacob suddenly appeared at your side, giving you a reassuring smile. He took your hand and the two of you walked into the water. You shivered from the cold water, letting out a yell.
“I guess the morning sunlight hasn’t warmed it up.” Jacob teased. “Shall we check to see if you’re awake?”
You nodded which prompted Sangyeon to splash water in your face. It was still cold, but nothing changed, it was still bright and early. Jacob gave you a little pinch, making you jump ever so slightly going further into the water.
“Shall we continue?”
You took a few more steps into the water, getting up to your waist. You stopped and slowly lowered yourself further in, getting the water up to your neck. You moved your arms around, trying to get a good feel for the water. The area around you was clear, so there wouldn’t be anything in your way. You mentally counted to three and then dove down into the water, swimming a little bit before surfacing. The sun was still out, Jacob and Sangyeon in your view, big smiles on their faces.
“I did it.”
“Yeah you did!”
Such joy surged through you, and your fears began to wash away. You were happy to be able to swim in the waterfall again, assured that you were awake and with good company. You swam around with Sangyeon and Jacob, some of the others coming over as well.
“Can I show you something?” Sangyeon asked.
“Follow me.”
Sangyeon led the way over to the waterfall, helping you get out of the water and carefully moving along the rocks. Next thing you knew you were behind the waterfall in what looked like a cave entrance. You sat down by the edge, watching the backside of the waterfall, taking in the beautiful sounds and scenery.
“I didn’t know you could get back here.”
“It’s a bit risky, but worth it.”
“I agree.”
“I have something for you.”
Sangyeon grabbed a plastic bag out of his swimtruck, revealing these transparent spheres. He pulled one out and popped it in his mouth, holding the bag out to you.
“These are gummies, mystery flavor. It’s my favorite so I thought you’d like some.”
You grabbed a gummy from the bag, curious as to what they were since you had never seen them before. They were very squishy and then you put it in your mouth. You chewed on it while focusing on the taste to figure out what flavor it was.
“Hm… I’m thinking peach.”
“Mine tastes like strawberry.”
“Nice. Where did you get these anyway?”
“That’s a secret.”
“Come on.”
“Not telling.”
“Why? I-”
Your words were cut short as you felt your throat drying up. You thought maybe something was stuck as it became difficult to breathe but you didn’t feel anything. You clawed at your neck, trying to find some sort of explanation. You looked to Sangyeon in fear, but he didn’t seem at all concerned. He popped another gummy into his mouth and then grabbed you. The two of you fell into the water together. You thought panic would overtake you, but for some reason you felt fine. You quickly surfaced and stayed a float, suddenly able to breathe again.
“What… what just happened…?”
“It’s temporary, just to get you home.”
“You’ll see.”
Sangyeon pulled you back under water, scaring you and causing you to flail around. He held you tight though, and pulled you close, surprising you with a kiss. His lips pressed firmly against yours, and you began feeling dizzy. The more you tried to push him away the less strength you had. The edges of your vision began to go black, and it wasn’t long before darkness swallowed you whole.
You gasped awake and began coughing up some water. As you began to regain your senses you looked around. There was a large pool of water before you, and there seemed to be rocks all around. You were in some sort of cave. A bit of sunlight came into the room from an opening in the ceiling, but there seemed to be nowhere else to go. You were trapped here. Now you were starting to wonder how you even got there and how you would escape. You got up on shaky legs and looked around for some type of opening you could reach.
“You’re awake.”
You jumped and looked around for the voice, then you saw Juyeon in the water, waving at you. For a moment you thought you were imagining things, but he swam closer, and that’s when you got a real good look at him. His eyes had become slits, like a cat, and were a golden color. A few bluegreen scales decorated his cheeks and ran along his arms. His fingers were webbed together, also showing claws instead of nails. A few fins seemed to poke out of his arms, and even his ears had changed to look more aquatic. Seeing all this causes you to stumble back and fall. Juyeon remained in the water though, chuckling over your actions.
“You’re very cute.”
“Wa… what are you…?”
“Isn’t it obvious?”
“A fish?”
“Okay, that’s just rude.”
“Where am I!? Why did you bring me here!?”
“Easy. We’re not gonna hurt you. We just brought you here while we got everything ready. We’ll leave soon.”
“To where?”
“Yeah. We were gonna bring you a year ago, but your stupid friend took you from us before we got to meet. Kinda wish they were here with you, I wanted to give them a piece of my mind.”
Juyeon growled and revealed sharp teeth, making you scream. You scrambled back and as far away from the water as possible. You had your back pressed against the wall, mumbling to yourself that this was all just a dream.
“You’re not dreaming, and before you get any ideas, there is no way out of this place. Well, not for humans. The only way in and out is through some underwater caves, but you’d need diving gear to go to and from, which you don’t have.”
“How… how did you bring me here?”
“Sangyeon gave you something that would let you breathe underwater for a while. Long enough to get here.”
“The gummies…”
“Yeah those things, I don’t know where he gets them.”
“Just let me go, please.”
“Nope. You got away from us once, and it’s not gonna happen again.”
“Please. I won’t tell anyone anything. I’ll never come back and-”
“We don’t want that.” Juyeon got out of the water, revealing more scales and fins. “You disappearing again is the last thing we want.”
You swallowed nervously. “My… my friends… they’ll look for me…”
“And they’re never gonna find you. No one will.”
You felt tears sting your eyes and start sliding down your cheeks. You closed your eyes and went back to mumbling about how this was all a bad dream and you’d wake up soon. You felt Juyeon approach, but you kept your eyes shut tight. Then you felt a hand on your chin.
“Look at me.”
Juyeon’s voice was so calm and soothing. Despite your fears you began to relax. You slowly opened your eyes, seeing that Juyeon had returned to normal. He had a soft smile on his face, seeming far friendlier than before.
“Just listen to my voice. Everything’s going to be okay. You can go back to sleep, and when you wake up, you’ll be home.”
“… home…”
“You’ll love it.”
Your eyelids felt heavy, and this sudden exhaustion was beginning to take hold. You wanted Juyeon to let you go, but you didn’t have the strength to lift your arm. He kept coaxing you to sleep, and you couldn’t resist for long. Soon returning to that void.
Once again you woke with a sharp intake of breath, followed by coughing up some water. You recovered quicklier than before. This time you discovered you were no longer in a cave, but what seemed to be some sort of cabin. The walls showed logs, and you were laying in bed. The room itself was mostly empty besides the basic furniture. You slowly got out of bed, avoiding the water you had coughed up. You made it to the door and carefully tried the knob, relieved to find the door unlocked. You carefully opened it and peeked your head out of the room. The halls were empty and quiet. You quickly decided which way to go and quietly snuck out of the room. All you needed was an exit.
You walked down the hall trying to make as little noise as possible. It seemed that no one else was in the cabin, and then you came into what appeared to be the living room. The TV was on, but no one was on the sofas watching. You noticed trees out the window, and another body of water, but you didn’t care for it. There was a door that you figured led out, but taking the front door might not bed a good idea. You noticed another way leading to the kitchen and you figured that could lead you to the back. You moved quickly and made sure no one could see you from the windows. The kitchen was clean and empty, and there was your back door.
You ran over, happy to find it unlocked and you stepped out. The fresh air was so nice, and it seemed that no one was around. Now was your chance, you made it to the trees, being quiet and once there was some distance from you and the cabin you began to run. Surely you’d find a trail or some other signs of civilization soon, but you just needed to get away from the cabin and the others. You ran until you needed to catch your breath, looking around for any possible clues as to where you could go. All you could really see were trees, which wasn’t much help, but at least you had gotten away.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
You screamed and looked back, seeing Hyunjae and Chanhee standing a few feet away from you. Your first instinct was to run, but you immediately tripped on an exposed root and collapsed to the ground. You scraped your knee and screamed again. The two boys came to your side, helping you to your feet. You wouldn’t be running anymore with that injury, and the two took you back to the cabin. Despite running for so long and getting so far, in a few seconds you were back at the cabin, as if you had never gone anywhere in the first place. Even though you were injured you yelled and tried to free yourself, but the boys held you tightly.
“We are trying to help.” Chanhee hissed. “You’re injured.”
“Let me go! This is kidnapping!?”
“It’s not. More like claiming ownership.”
They brought you over to the edge of the dock, having you sit with your legs hanging over the edge, your toes just above the water.. You saw movement in the water and started freaking out, but you couldn’t go anywhere. Moments later Eric popped his head out of the water. He looked similar to Juyeon in his fish form, and that scared you all the more. You tried to pull your legs up but Eric grabbed your injured one, making you freeze. You could feel the tips of his claw pressing gently at your skin. You whimpered and Eric met your eyes.
“I’m not gonna hurt you.”
“What are you?”
“A friend.”
Eric cupped some water in his hand and splashed your wound, cleaning it a bit. Then he pulled your leg closer and kissed your wound. You yelped, but he just chuckled and disappeared into the water. You were confused but then your leg began to feel better, and you noticed your wound was healing. In a matter of seconds your leg was healed, as if nothing had ever happened.
“… how…?”
“Come on, let’s get you back inside.”
The two picked you up and took you back into the cabin. That’s when you noticed there were multiple cabins around, giving the impression this was some other camp. Although there was a waterfall as well that led into the lake the camp surrounded. You were still too shocked to voice any of your questions, so you were easily dragged back inside. The boys plopped you down on the couch, giving you the TV remote.
“We’ll be right back, and don’t go anywhere this time.”
You put the remote down and examined your leg, seeing for sure that there was no cut. You couldn’t believe it, you couldn’t believe any of this actually. You thought back to how you wound up here, remembering you went for a swim with Sangyeon, and then wound up in a cave, and now you were here. You looked out the window, seeing the sun. It was barely reaching its peak, meaning it was morning. It was hard to believe a whole day had gone by since you were last at the waterfall with your friends. They must be panicking and looking for you like crazy. Since you were alone you got up and looked around for a phone or something you could use to contact them. You found nothing, figuring they were probably hiding any means of outside contact.
“I’m pretty sure you were told to stay put.”
Younghoon offered you a smile, leaning against the entryway to the living room. You gave him a shy one in return, feeling like you were caught doing something bad when in reality you hadn’t done anything.
“Relax. Sangyeon wants to talk with you. Follow me.”
It wasn’t a request, but an order. After a moment you followed Younghoon, going up to the second floor and down the hall to the door at the end. He knocked and then gestured for you to go inside. You were kind of nervous, but it wasn’t like you could run away again. You shakily reached for the doorknob and turned it, making your way inside. You walked into what appeared to be a study, seeing bookshelves on the wall and a desk at the center. That’s where Sangyeon sat, staring at his computer and typing. He stopped when you entered, the door closing behind you, and glanced over at you.
“I could stand…”
“Sit down.”
“… okay…”
You sat down in front of his desk, keeping your legs close together and your hands in your lap. You didn’t dare to raise your gaze, feeling a scolding coming.
“Look at me.” You slowly lifted your gaze. “Good girl.”
“What do you want from me?”
“It’s good to finally meet. I’ve gone through a lot of trouble to bring you here. So, let me lay down the rules.”
“You can’t escape our little camp here. As you saw before, you can run for hours and days but you won’t go anywhere. Our home has magic surrounding its borders that prevent people from leaving or entering without our permission. You also won’t be able to contact anyone outside our home, signals come in, but can’t go out. If you try anything we’ll know.”
“What are you?”
“You speak of magic like it’s normal, and however you brought me here… I don’t understand…”
“You haven’t figured that out yet?”
“Are you… fish people?”
“That’s insulting.” Sangyeon chuckled. “We’re sirens.”
“How do you think we brought you here? A sweet melody to lure you into the water and into our embrace.”
“It… it was you… I wasn’t sleep walking that day… you lulled me into the water… if it hadn’t been for my friend-”
“Quite unfortunate we missed you the first time. Which was all the more reason to be cautious the second time around. We were all so happy when you came back. So we had to make sure you didn’t escape us again. It was nice of your friends to go off and leave you with us.”
“Did… did they even come back…? They wouldn’t just leave me with strangers!?”
“Are you sure? It’s easy for us to put someone to sleep, and you’ve seen what else we can do.”
“You… my friends will look for me! They’d notice I was gone when they got back!”
“They won’t. Who do you think gave them the idea? We took all your things too darling. As far as they’ll remember, you never came with them.”
“… wa… what … why… why me! I didn’t do anything to you! I didn’t even see you at the waterfall a year ago!”
“But we saw you. My boys were very entranced by the beautiful girl playing with her friends. They wanted you for breeding season, and who am I to refuse them.”
“Bree… what did you say?”
Sangyeon chuckled. “I’m certain you heard me. We won’t hurt you, so rest assured you’ll be fine.”
“You’re insane…”
“The boys agreed not to touch you unless the time came. I’m quite curious who’ll break first.”
You were still trying to come to terms with what you had just been told, and make sense of it, but your brain did not want to process. Sangyeon got up from his desk and took your hand, giving you a proper tour of what he kept calling your home. The cabin you were in was the main house, and where your room was. Since it was the biggest, everyone used it as a communal space, although besides Sangyeon and Jacob, the others actually had their beds in the other cabins. The whole camp surrounded the waterfall and the lake it led into, which you had noticed was much bigger than the one you had been to before.
A few docks led into the water, and there seemed to be a little farm area where they grew fruits and vegetables. In all honesty this place looked so beautiful, but it was hard to take it all in when you knew this was your prison. You weren’t really paying attention to the tour, and next thing you knew you were back in the living room, alone. You grabbed the remote and turned off the TV, not wanting to be reminded of the outside world you could no longer get to. Now that you sat in silence you realized you didn’t like it, so you left the cabin. After a few steps you stopped and looked all around. There had to be some way out. From what you understood the surrounding forest wasn’t an option, so that left the water.
You thought back to how you supposedly wound up here, which would mean the water. Your eyes looked to the waterfall, and you remembered getting to the cave behind it back at the other place. There was surely one here too, and that could be your way out. You started to make your way towards the lake. Now that you knew what really had caused your previous fear, you had let it go, having other things to worry about. Although before you could jump into the water you were grabbed. Haknyeon offered you a smile, but you didn’t return it. You didn’t trust any of these guys, especially now that Sangyeon had told you why you were here.
“You wanna help with lunch?”
“Come on, you helped before.”
“Yeah, before I knew you were a bunch of psychos!”
“Hey, we’re perfectly sane.”
“Is what an insane person would say.”
“Let’s just go, everyone is waiting for you.”
You didn’t have a choice as Haknyeon dragged you back over to the main cabin, and your strength was no match for his. You resigned yourself to being a complete klutz in the kitchen, and the second you got your hands on a knife you began swinging. Of course it was taken away from you immediately and you were removed from the kitchen.
“I get it, you’re upset.” Chanhee led you outside. “But I swear to you that you’ll like it here.”
“How would I ever like it? You kidnapped me and are holding me hostage!”
“That’s not true.”
“You used your stupid siren song thing to get me here, and I can’t leave, that’s kidnapping and being held against my will!”
“Okay, but this place is great. Your own paradise. It’s beautiful, and you have no job or responsibilities, you can do whatever you want here. And you’re not afraid of the water anymore, so you can swim to your heart’s content.”
“I want to go home.”
“Why? Back to school to work yourself to death for some corporation.”
“Being taken against your will isn’t exactly the best alternative, now is it?”
Chanhee scoffed. “You can fight with us all you want, but you’re gonna change your tune.”
“I won’t.”
“You will.”
It was obvious you didn’t want company, so Chanhee let you go off by yourself. He told you someone would come find you later when lunch was ready. You waited until he was gone before making your way back over to the docks. The water wasn’t super clear, so you couldn’t really make out how deep it was, but you figured it wouldn’t be bad. You sat at the edge of the dock and then let yourself drop over into the water. You didn’t touch the bottom, so you definitely didn’t go into the shallow part. You kept yourself afloat once you surfaced and figured which way the waterfall was. You began swimming towards it when you suddenly noticed something moving out in the water.
You came to a stop and looked out. As far as you were concerned there were no creatures in the lake, besides the boys themselves. From what you had heard before, all the boys would be gathering at the main cabin, so no one should be out in the water right now except for yourself. Still, you didn’t like this, so you decided to swim back. You got to the dock and pulled yourself out, although you suddenly felt something grab your leg. You screamed and managed to pull yourself free, looking back to see what had gotten you. Yellow slit eyes looked back at you from the edge of the dock. You couldn’t make out who it was until they got out of the water, crawling onto the dock towards you.
“Su… Sunwoo… what are you doing…? I… I thought you were with the others…”
“… pretty…”
You crawled back, nervous that any sudden movements would cause him to pounce on you. While you maintained eye contact you kept moving away, and he followed.
“… want…”
There was something different about his voice, and his gaze. He seemed more like a predator stalking his prey. A devilish smile adorned Sunwoo’s face, and it sent shivers down your spine. You were scared, and this little game would only last so long. All of a sudden Sunwoo made his move, lunging at you. Your scream did nothing to deter him, and even though you scrambled back he managed to grab onto your leg. In one swift motion he pulled you towards him, and you soon found yourself pinned under him.
“Sun… Sunwoo… let go…”
“… mine…”
Sunwoo buried his head in the crook of your neck, breathing you in, his wet lips against your skin. His arms began to move along your sides, and you realized the claws were gone. That didn’t change your current situation though. You began to squirm, trying to get him off, but he was wet, and kinda slimy. Not to mention he was much stronger than you. As hard as you tried, you couldn’t get him to budge. He began to pepper you with kisses, his legs pushing between yours. You kept fighting until you felt something poking at you down below. Your gaze slowly looked down to see a tent in Sunwoo’s shorts, starting to realize the inevitable.
“Sunwoo, get off!”
Your actions seemed to upset him as he growled and pinned your hands above your head. You stared up at him, seeing his eyes remained the slitted yellow color. He seemed to be reading your expression for a movement before he dove down for a kiss. It was rough, and since he caught you off guard it wasn’t difficult for him to get his tongue into your mouth. Even as you tried to fight him you realized there was a certain taste on his lips. Something sweet with a bit of a kick. Then for some reason you started kissing back, your head feeling fuzzy, followed by this warmth spreading down your body.
When he pulled away you were gasping for air, your vision a bit blurred, but the yellow of his eyes you could still make out. His hands trailed down your body once more, effortlessly ripping your shirt open. You felt hands grab at your breasts, followed by lips sucking on one of your nipples. You couldn’t help the moan that escaped you, this dizzy sensation messing with all your senses. You ran your fingers through his hair, trying to verbalize your thoughts, but it just came out as incoherent mumbles. A moment later Sunwoo’s hands were tugging down your shorts and panties. You tried to push your legs together, feeling a chill but he seemed to growl at that. He shoved your legs apart and moved down, burying his face into your center.
You yelled and grabbed fistfulls of his hair. You don’t know if you wanted him off or to go in deeper, but either way you felt something slimy between your folds, making you whimper and squirm. He didn’t tease you for long though, pulling away and climbing on top of you once again. You had no idea when he had gotten his shorts off, but now you felt something else poking at your entrance. In your state it was perfectly logical to reach down and feel this thing for yourself, but the result was very unexpected. Sunwoo was big, bigger than expected, and different. You could feel these ridges along his length, starting to wonder what that would feel like inside you. Although you didn’t have to wait too long.
Sunwoo pressed his lips to yours once more and then you felt something stretching you open. You moaned into the kiss, feeling the slow movement of his length going inside you, every little bump making you whine. You were quiet surprised you could take all of his like that. There was a moment of discomfort as you adjusted to the feeling, practically on the edge of being split in two. You whimpered as the slightest of movement shook your whole body. When he started moving you knew you were going to go insane. Sunwoo was taking in everything, your scent, your sounds, the slight twitches all over your body. He was going to enjoy this.
He wasn’t sure if you were ready, but he didn’t have much patience. Sunwoo pulled out nearly all the way before slamming back into you, over and over again. Your whole body moved with him, shaking and crying out in delight. He played you like an instrument, his giant cock rubbing against your sweet spot at every moment. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, incoherent sounds of pleasure spilling out of you. Sunwoo had your arms pinned above your head with one hand, the other trailing along your stomach, making you twitch. He purposely had his claws out to tease your exposed flesh, loving the reactions he was getting out of you. Every part of you was on fire, and his touch was fanning the flames.
You felt this bundle heat and sensations building up inside of you, well aware of what it meant. You tried to tell Sunwoo, but you still couldn’t do words. Although it seemed he understood your desperate pleas. He let go of your arms and grabbed onto your hips, the tips of his claws digging into your skin ever so slightly. He just needed a better grip to ram into you, his movements becoming erratic as he wanted to see you tremble in pleasure beneath him. You grabbed onto Sunwoo’s arms, mouth hanging open as you reached climax. You screamed out his name, shaking and twitching, getting more stimulation as you squeezed him tightly. Your lips were so inviting Sunwoo divided down to kiss you once again.
You moaned into the kiss, trying to devour him in your own way. He tasted so sweet you just wanted more and more. You didn’t really have a chance to calm down as Sunwoo kept moving, not losing his rhythm. He definitely had more stamina than you, so he took advantage of your sensitive state, building you up to another orgasm and forcing it out of you. Even if you were tired your body still reacted to him, holding him tightly, and letting him do whatever he pleased. You had devolved to a whimpering mess, more of a ragdoll in his arms. Your vision faded in and out, but you still felt every inch of him. The only distinction you could make was when Sunwoo’s movements became sloppy, his hot breath against your ear followed by the feeling of something warm inside you.
Sunwoo rested on top of you, breathing heavily and making low groans, his hips twitching and continuing to move, pushing his seed deeper and deeper into you. He seemed very content, nuzzling your neck, and mumbling sweet nothings. You could only respond with content whines, a ditzy smile on your face. You were floating on cloud nine, and had no idea when you’d come down. Although things did take a sudden turn for you. One moment you were laying on the dock with Sunwoo on top of you, and the next thing you knew you were in the water. The cold water seemed to snap you back to reality and you began to flail, trying to float. You managed to calm yourself a bit, but then something yanked on your leg and pulled you under.
You fought back and freed yourself, not caring to know what was happening and began swimming to shore. Once again your leg was grabbed and you were yanked beneath the water. You thought it was over this time, but you were suddenly grabbed by another force and brought up to the surface. You gasped as you took a breath in, unable to see as your vision was blurred by water. Someone was dragging you to the shore, but you noticed a clawed hand wrapping around your ankle. You could barely make out the yellow eyes staring at you, but that was the least of your concerns. Before you could scream and ear piercing screech filled th air. You slammed your hands over your ears, but it did little to block out the sound.
The hand had let you go and you heard a splash in the water. A moment later the sound disappeared. You took a moment to compose yourself and then realized what was going on. You were sitting on the shore, a few of the boys around you, and others knee deep in the water. They all seemed to be recovering from the sound as well, except for Sangyeon. He was speaking, but you couldn’t really make out his words. Then you began to remember you were naked. You quickly tried to cover yourself, but hands grabbed you and pulled you to your feet. A towel was wrapped around you and then you were swept off your feet. Sangyeon was carrying you bridal style, heading back to the main cabin.
“Are you okay?”
“Wa… what happened…?”
“You tell me.”
“Uh… I…”
“Kidding. Just take it easy, you’re fine.”
“I don’t feel fine…”
“I know.”
Sangyeon took you to your room and let you take a shower, properly cleaning yourself up, from head to toe, and then dressing yourself in fresh clothes. He was sitting in your bed and waiting. You were still a bit unsteady on your feet, and stuck close to the wall, holding onto the furniture. It didn’t take Sangyeon long to notice and bring you over to the bed so you could sit down. You mumbled a small thanks.
“Does your chest hurt? Or anything else besides… well you know.”
“No… but what… Sunwoo…”
“He was the first to break. My money was on Juyeon.”
“What the hell are you talking about? You said you brought me here for… that thing… but Sunwoo-”
“During breeding season a siren goes into a frenzy. There’s only one thing on their mind, and they’ll search for the nearest thing to satiate them. For the most part we stay in the water, but you were nearby, so he took advantage of that.”
“I… I wasn’t in my right mind… I didn’t mean-”
“Don’t blame yourself too much. We excrete a very lovely type of aphrodisiac to make our partners more agreeable. It’s okay to say you enjoyed yourself.”
“Fuck you. That’s not fair.”
“Sunwoo was just the beginning. Although I will apologize for him as he nearly drowned you.”
“Let me guess, he wasn’t in his right mind because of the frenzy?”
“Basically. He wanted to take you back to his cave.”
“Why do you think the lake is so big? We all have our own little caves down there. Of course he’d want to take you there, but you obviously can’t breathe under water.”
“No shit.”
“I’ll get him to apologize when he comes back to his senses.”
“Forget that. I want to leave. If that’s what’s gonna happen to me again, I want no part!”
Sangyeon chuckled. “We’ve been over this. You’re not leaving.”
“I’m certain there are plenty of other girls, or boys, who’d be down to help you through this, but not me! You managed last time without me, so leave me out of this!”
“They were very upset last time. Many wanted to chase after you, but it’s not safe to leave the waterfall. I’m not going to upset them again.”
“I don’t care about that! Find someone else, or better yet, another siren! You said it’s breeding season, and I’m not about to get pregnant!”
“A siren can’t impregnate a human, it’s a very rare thing. Which is all the more reason to have you around.”
“Then like I said before, find someone else.”
“They don’t want anyone else, and neither do I.”
Sangyeon came over to your side and pinned you down on the bed. Your heart was racing but you tried to keep your cool.
“You enjoyed yourself, we all know it. So you don’t have to lie and be upset. We heard you turn into a mess out there.”
“… you… you did…?”
“It was music to my ears. You know, we’re all the same down there, although maybe just different sizes. Tell me, how was it? A whole new experience right?”
“You don’t have to be shy. I know you wanna do it again, and you’ll get to, just be patient. It starts with one, but that’s all it takes to drag the rest of us down. There’s nowhere you can go to escape us, so look forward to that.”
Sangyeon placed a small kiss on your head and excused himself. It wasn’t until he closed the door that you let out the breath you were holding. You felt so hot, aware of the burning in your cheeks. You shouldn’t be into any of this, and you were certain he had influenced you somehow, but you had to focus. They all overpowered you, and the way Sunwoo was acting before, you’d be in major trouble if it was more than one next time. You needed to get out, but the problem now was your leg. There was no way you could make the swim out to the waterfall right now, so there had to be another way.
For the rest of the day you stayed in your room. One of the others brought you food, leaving outside your door. You didn’t want to eat, but you were going to need your strength. You stared out your window towards the lake and the waterfall. Right now the best idea seemed to be to get as close to the waterfall as you could from land, and then swim the rest of the way. The only other problem was to figure out when. At night the water would be very cold, and your vision would be impaired. You figured early morning would be the right time, so it was probably best to go to sleep now. You were quite tired after all.
It was a bit difficult to sleep, as you kept waking up after a while. At least you didn’t miss sunrise. The cabin was quiet, and you carefully made your way outside. The rest of the camp area seemed quiet, and even the lake was still. You had mapped out your path the day before, so you just made sure to keep hidden and made your way towards the waterfall. When you got to the end of the path you carefully got into the water, making sure no one was around to notice you. Once in the water you cautiously made your way to the waterfall, trying not to let the cold overwhelm you. It would have been worse if it was night time. 
You thought back to how you made it to the back of the waterfall with Sangyeon before, although this was a different waterfall so things would be different. In theory it was the same, climbing up on some rocks and carefully making it towards the back of the waterfall. The danger was how slippery the rocks were as they were always coated in water. Still, you managed to make it, feeling relief and quite proud of yourself too. You admired the waterfall for a moment before going into the cave behind it. Sunlight came in through some holes in the ceiling, illuminating your path. You walked down this tunnel until it opened up into a bigger room. You began looking around for a way out, but to your horror there didn’t seem to be one.
You walked around, but there was nothing but rock surrounding you. The only way out was through the tunnel you had come from. This was just a room. There was a small puddle of water at the center, only going up to your ankles. Even the holes in the ceiling didn’t seem big enough for a person, and there was no way you could climb up to escape. You collapsed to the floor in defeat, realizing there really was no way out of this place. You pulled up your knees to your chest, hugging them. You had no idea what to do now, and you certainly had no idea how much time passed. You only snapped out of your daze when you heard someone approaching. You quickly got up, scared for what would happen next.
“How’d you get here?” Younghoon looked you up and down. “I didn’t know you knew about this place.”
“Ah, did you think there was a way out of here behind the waterfall? That’s cute, but we meant it when we said you weren’t leaving.”
“Just let me go… please… I don’t know how long this breeding season thing lasts for you, but I want out, now.”
“You’re not just here for that. You’ll be staying with us permanently.”
“It would be nice to have someone else around, and we all like you.”
“I have a life! You can’t just-”
“Do you really want to go back?”
“I… I…” You started feeling dizzy. “Uh…”
“You humans tend to live such boring lives. Wouldn’t it be more fun to stay here with us? We can give you everything and more. If you’re having all these pesky thoughts bothering you, I can just wash them away.” Younghoon stepped towards you. “Would you like that? Do you want me to take away all those bad thoughts?”
“Stay… stay back… you…”
“Sh, you know, we come here for some privacy, so imagine my joy finding you here.”
“I… no… no…”
“I’m certain Sunwoo took good care of you, shall I continue where he left off? Did you like the way he felt inside you? I promise I’m just as big.”
“Stop… stop it…”
“That’s not what you really want, is it?”
Younghoon pinned you to the wall, watching you curiously. His eyes had changed to that golden yellow, and a few scales decorated his skin. He gently caressed your cheek, no claws present, but other siren features were.
“How about a little taste, before I spiral down into madness. Strip for me, baby.”
Despite the sorrow of realizing you were trapped, the fear of being caught, none of that seemed to matter anymore. Your head was fuzzy like before, and you felt oddly calm with Younghoon. His words flowed into your head and were welcomed with open arms. When he asked you to strip it just seemed like the right thing to do. You started with your top, slipping it past your head and tossing it to the side. Younghoon helped you with your bra, happily taking in your exposed breasts. You reached down to slide off your shorts and panties, feeling the chill of the cave, causing you to shiver.
“I’ll warm you up in a bit.”
Younghoon stripped out of his clothes. Your gaze took him in, unable to resist running your hands along his chest and feeling his scales. He was wet and slimy, and you quite liked that. He was like a fantasy come true. Fingers wrapped around your chin and raised your gaze, Younghoon capturing your lips in a kiss. It was natural to kiss back, getting another taste of the unknown sweetness. You felt yourself melting into this sensation, moreso when you felt a hand between your legs, teasing your folds. You mewled into the kiss, jumping up a bit when you felt something cold push into you.
“There’s a good girl.” 
Even in the cold you felt warm, and it was slowly spreading. Younghoon worked you over with one finger before adding another, his thumb rubbing your little nub in circles, just adding to the stimulation. You were whimpering, the fog in your head already making you lose the ability to communicate. Despite taking things slow, Younghoon had little patience. He pulled his fingers out without warning, grabbing your hips and lifting you up off the ground with ease. You could understand what he was doing, and followed his movements without being told. You wrapped your legs around him, feeling something poking at your entrance before you sank onto it, taking it all at once.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you were suddenly filled to the brim, stretched wide open and feeling those bumps running along inside you. Younghoon was whispering dirty things in your ear, his hot breath making you squirm. Every little movement just sent another wave of pleasure coursing through your body. It didn’t matter that rocks pressed against your back, or that you weren’t entirely in your right mind. At the moment the only thing that mattered was you and Younghoon. Your mouth hung open in silent ecstasy as he provided you with a whole new experience. Gravity played a part in all this as no matter how he moved, you’d always sink down on him to the base, feeling every inch.
He kept his movements steady and it was a testament to his strength. You couldn’t imagine anyone else doing such a thing, but he played his part wonderfully. He didn’t break a sweat as he rocked his hips into you, stealing a kiss from you every now and then. His moans mixed with your own, echoing in the room. You felt hot, like you were burning from the inside out, but it was a pleasurable feeling. Your whimpering became more desperate as you were nearing your climax, and Younghoon took note of this with joy. He took one of your nipples into his mouth, adding to the sweet sensations that were overwhelming you completely.
You ran your fingers through his hair, barely able to whimper his name before you cried out in ecstasy as an orgasm shook your body. Younghoon pressed his lips against your when you came, wanting you to moan into his mouth and get more of his sweet lips. You were so drunk on him that your vision had blurred. A soft voice lulled you into a safe space, telling you to let go and relax. It was so easy to listen and just focus on the nice feeling between your legs, taking care of everything. You couldn’t tell when Younghoon had lost it with you, but you certainly felt something warm between your legs as another orgasm took over and made you scream. At some point you were moved off the wall, soon being laid down on your back and feeling water.
Younghoon assaulted every bit of exposed flesh with kisses, starting to leave bruises and holding back from straight up leaving bite marks. He just wanted to mark you and claim you for himself at this moment. You held him close, your body still moving with his as he was trying to make this feeling last for as long as he could. You were both desperately needy, and there was no one to get in the way. Younghoon was mumbling against your skin, but you couldn’t make out his words. At one point you could see those golden eyes stare down at you with hunger and then everything went dark.
You gasped awake, looking around in a panic before realizing you were back in your room in the main cabin. You breathed a sigh of relief, but when you tried to get out of bed you collapsed to the floor. Your legs were sore like never before, and as you tried to stand you noticed all the marks on your arms. The best you could do was pull yourself back up onto your bed. The sun was nearing its peak and you could barely remember your morning. You knew you had gotten up to get to the waterfall, but from there things seemed to blur. You were pulled from your thoughts when there was a knock at the door.
“You’re awake.
“I was a bit worried when Younghoon brought you back to shore and you were half conscious. I guess he really did a number on you.” Sangyeon chuckled. “He certainly broke the rules.”
“Rules… I…”
“Sh, I’m sure he already messed with your memories in the hopes of not getting in trouble, but that’s not gonna work. Here. I brought you some medicine, should heal you up.”
“Thanks… I guess…”
Sangyeon offered you some pills and a glass of water, which you took. You laid back on the bed, just wanting to go back to sleep after whatever happened.
“You’re really not gonna let me go… once this is all over, right?”
“You won’t stop with that, will you?”
“What if I say no?”
“What are you gonna do right now? Run away? You can’t even stand. I’m lucky Younghoon didn’t try dragging you into the water. I won’t be able to stop them all when they go into a frenzy.”
“Won’t you be in the mess with them?”
“Exactly my point.”
“Amuse me then… how do I go back?”
“The only way out is through an underwater tunnel. You’ll never be able to reach it, even if you could breathe underwater, you can’t move as fast as us. Besides, there are multiple tunnels down there, you won’t find the right one.”
“How many people have you trapped here before?”
“No one. My boys like their space.”
“Wait, so I’m the first person you’ve ever brought here?”
“What about other sirens?”
“Like I said, my boys like their space.”
“So… why… what’s so special about me?”
“I don’t know. You’re beautiful, intelligent, sexy. They don’t always agree on things, but you piqued their interest, mine as well. There’s no harm having a nice little pet around. It’ll make this place feel more like home.”
“I’m not some pet!”
“Yet you like it when there’s something nice and big between your legs, acting like a little creature in heat. You can say whatever you want about our influence, but we’re just bringing out your desires. Rest up, I don’t know when they’ll snap.”
You didn’t want to argue anymore, needing to go over the fact there was no way out. Well, there was, you just couldn’t access it. This place was supposed to be home now. You stared out the window, zoning out a bit as you took it all in. Everything was really beautiful, as if it was a work of fiction. It really wouldn’t be bad to live here, but you had your own life. Now that you thought about it, you realized there wasn’t exactly much to return to. There was school, getting your degree in the hopes of building your life. You had some friends, but given what Sangyeon said, you were probably a missing person’s case that had no explanation. You weren’t sure there was anyone who would seriously look for you, regardless if they had their memories messed with or not.
When that came to mind you shook your head. There was a chance none of these thoughts were your own, but something they had planted. Still, you couldn’t resist the idea to just let everything go and stay here, live in peace and happiness. Even if you had been trying to figure out a way to escape, you couldn’t deny your time here had been nice, in multiple ways. It kinda felt like time didn’t matter, and even if you were being difficult, the boys were just waiting for you to warm up to them. The funniest thing was that this whole situation was probably someone’s wildest dream and you were fighting it so hard. You took a breath and laid down in bed. You had a lot to think about, but you definitely needed to rest as well.
You inhaled softly as you regained consciousness, seeing that it was dark out. Your stomach grumbled and you realized you hadn’t eaten all day. Although the problem was you weren’t so sure you could get up and walk. You had no idea where the others were, or how you would even reach them. So you took a breath and got up. You were still unsteady on your feet, but you could more or less stand. You stumbled your way to the door and out into the hall, using the wall as support and making your way to the kitchen. You were doing well, but one wrong step cause your legs to give out. You nearly collapsed to the floor, but were caught by someone before you hit the ground.
“I thought you were gonna sleep the whole day away.” Hyunjae joked. “You okay?”
“You must be hungry. We have some leftovers saved for you.”
Hyunjae brought you over to the kitchen and had you sit at the table. He heated up some food for you and brought it over. Your hands worked just fine, but he insisted on feeding you.
“I’m not a baby.”
“You’re my baby, now open wide.”
You were hungry, so you weren’t going to fight him much. You ate and afterwards he gave you some medicine. That’s when you finally noticed the marks on your arms were gone.
“You think we’d just hurt you?” Hyunjae scoffed. “Come on. We can’t break you so easily.”
“Do you… like me… or am I… just some toy…?”
“Hm… when we saw you at the waterfall a year ago we were entranced by your beauty, as if you were a siren yourself. You seemed so joyous and happy, your smile so bright. We were curious to know what you were like. We tried to bring you here before, but your friend got you out of the water before we could get to you. We didn’t realize that would traumatize you, sorry.”
“It’s fine. I just thought I was insane for a year.”
“I could just make you forget that.”
“I’m certain you’ve already messed with my memories.”
“Maybe. Only good things, I promise.”
“What happens… after…?”
“After what?”
“… well… after… the season…?”
“Oh, you mean that. Well, I guess we’ll see, but the idea certainly isn’t to discard you or anything like that. We waited a long time for you.”
“Alright, if you’re done, I’ll get you back to bed, you’re probably still tired.”
Hyunjae tucked you in for the night, and you found it easy to fall asleep. You probably shouldn’t have eaten so late, but you needed something in order to keep up your strength. You slept until morning, waking to the sounds of birds chirping. You had expected someone to wake you, but there was no one at your bedside when you opened your eyes. You didn’t think much of it and got up, realizing your legs were much better. Once you washed up you headed out of your room, but the cabin was eerily quiet. Perhaps the others were still asleep, and you didn’t want to bother anyone. 
So you made your way out of the cabin and towards one of the docks, sitting at the edge and letting your legs dangle. A morning view like this was something you could get used to. The sunlight danced on the surface of the lake in such a way that made it sparkle. The sounds of the waterfall filled the air, providing a soft melody. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to sleep outside one of these days. You weren’t even sure what the stars looked like at night. You were lost in your own mind, thinking of all the possibilities when you suddenly heard shouting.
“Get away from the water!”
You looked back to see Sangyeon running towards you. Before you could make a move to stand something wrapped around your leg and pulled you down. You screamed, but managed to hold onto a loose board in the dock. Sangyeon came over to your side, grabbing you and letting out an ear piercing screech.  You yelled, but you couldn’t do anything to diminish the noise. Whatever was holding onto you let go and Sangyeon pulled you up, getting you away from the water’s edge.
“Are you okay?”
“What… what was that?”
“Sorry, some of the boys have been in the lake since yesterday, and I know what that means.”
“Ah… how… how many…?”
“Eight of them, and I have no idea how much longer the rest of us will last.”
“Is it a bad thing to fight it?”
“Partially, but I have to make sure they don’t hurt you.”
“That’s gonna be hard to do if they’re goal is to drag me in the water.”
“Let’s just get back to the cabin.”
Sangyeon got you back to safety, checking on your leg to make sure it wasn’t bruised or sprained. Thankfully you were fine. The two of you prepared breakfast, but you could tell Sangyeon was anxious. It was starting to make you feel uneasy, so you tried to distract yourself.
“Earlier… when you… screeched… do you do that often? I thought sirens had these beautiful voices that they use to sing.”
“Are you saying my voice isn’t beautiful? We’ve sang for you before.”
“With the intention of manipulating me… but with the type of persuasion powers you have, I guess your voices must be divine.”
“Precisely. As for the other thing, I only use that when I need them to back off and I know they won’t listen to reason.”
“I see… well, it really hurts.”
“Imagine how they must feel with sensitive hearing.”
“Right… uh… how old are you?”
“Don’t you think that’s mean to ask?”
“Uh, well… I don’t know… you look like you’re in your twenties… all of you really…”
“I’ll just say we’re older than that.”
“So you guys don’t age?”
“Not really.”
“Are you immortal?”
“Why? Are you gonna start looking for a way to kill us?”
“Just wondering…”
“Then I’ll leave you guessing.”
You both ate breakfast together, but you weren’t really hungry. Sangyeon noticed and encouraged you to eat, saying you needed your strength. Although that wasn’t entirely motivational.
“What… what’s gonna happen to me…?”
“Honestly. You’re gonna black out.” 
“How long is this supposed to last?”
“Days! I… how are you not supposed to-”
“Easy. We’re not all gonna pounce on you at once. We have each other to mess with, and believe me, no one is gonna be allowed to hurt you.”
“You can’t promise that when you’re talking about going into a frenzy, all of you! I can’t do anything to defend myself!”
“Not that you’d want to.”
“Shut it!”
“Just saying.”
“I… I need to think…”
“About what? The outcome is the same either way.”
“Yeah, thanks for that reminder.”
You left the table and stormed off to your room, slamming the door behind you. Once you were alone you let out a breath, sinking to the ground. The most annoying part of all of this was the tingling sensation between your legs. As messed up as this all sounded, you hated the bit of excitement that was slowly starting to course through you. Just one of those boys was able to mess you up, so you couldn’t imagine what would happen to you if they all got their hands on you. More than anything though, you were confused on how this was all supposed to go down. The others were in the lake, and you certainly couldn’t breath underwater. You were pulled out of your thoughts when you heard a knock at your door. You quickly got up and opened it.
“Hey, Jacob, where were you for breakfast?”
“Busy. Mind if I come in?”
“Uh, sure… is everything okay?”
“I was gonna ask you the same thing.” Jacob sat down on your bed. “How are you feeling? Better now, I’d hope.”
“Yeah. I’m fine.”
“Good. So how about we go for a swim.”
“Sangyeon told me to stay out of the water for now.”
“He’s just saying that, come on, the two of us can have some fun.”
Jacob got up and came over to you, taking your hands in his. He had a sweet smile on his lips, but something felt off.
“Jacob, are you okay?”
“Fine. Just so happy you’re here with us this time.”
“Right… I actually need to clean up and-”
“You don’t need to lie with me. I’m not gonna hurt you.”
“I didn’t say-”
“Trust me. Take a deep breath, and just relax.”
“I want to take you somewhere special. Follow me.”
“… okay…”
Jacob pressed a kiss to your cheek and led you out of the room, but was quickly interrupted. Sangyeon separated the two of you, pushing you back into your room and shutting the door. A moment later you snapped out of your daze, realizing what had just happened. You quickly locked the door, stepping away from it. You knew time was running out, and you had nowhere to hide. Your heart was racing and you were trying to think straight, but your thoughts just drifted from fear to excitement, and everything in between. Somehow you managed to calm your mind, sitting on the floor against the bed, wondering what you should do.
“Y/n, open the door.”
You heard the knob turn, followed by Sangyeon’s voice. You quickly stood, but hesitated as you reached to open the door. It had been a while since you last saw Sangyeon, and you weren’t sure if it was a good idea to see him right now.
“Open up.”
“I’m okay… Jacob didn’t do anything…”
“That’s good, but I still need you to open the door.”
“Why? We can talk like this.”
“Don’t be silly. Open the door and let me in.”
“No?” Sangyeon chuckled and slammed his fist against the door. “This isn’t a debate sweetie. Let me in, or I’ll force my way in.”
“Sangyeon… you… you’re scaring me…”
“Good… then you know where we’re at. You know you can’t run, so open the door before it’s too late!”
“I don’t-”
Another loud bang against the door startled you. It was instinct to look around for some escape route, but it was pointless. Next thing you knew the door swung open. Sangyeon calmly walked in, his golden eyes finding you immediately. You thought to run, to get past him, but he caught you so easily.
“Relax. You’re perfectly safe.”
“… sangyeon…”
Sangyeon led you out of the room and outside, walking towards the lake. You noticed the sun setting, realizing it was nearly dark. You hadn’t noticed so much time passing. Although as you got closer you began struggling against Sangyeon.
“… wait…”
“Sh, everything’s going to be okay, I promise.”
You came to the end of the dock, and your gaze turned to the water. You could vaguely make out shapes swimming in the water just below the surface. As you were distracted Sangyeon slipped another one of those gummy spheres into your mouth.
“Eat it.”
Sangyeon’s gaze on you was so soft, mixed with the sweet melody of his voice, whatever fears you had before were all washed away. You ate the gummy as he asked, somewhat having forgotten what the effects were before it came back to you. Your eyes went wide as you struggled to breath, but Sangyeon pulled you close.
“You’re so beautiful.”
He pressed his lips to yours, stealing away what little breath you had left, and letting you fall into the water. You immediately went under, no longer struggling to breathe. It took a moment for your panic to stop, for the air bubbles to clear your vision. You could see everything around you clearly, but you weren’t looking in the right direction. You made a move towards the surface, only for something to grab your leg and pull you down. When you looked to see what it was, a multitude of yellow eyes stared back, and then your world cut to black. 
You inhaled sharply, only to find yourself coughing up a bit of water. Your vision was a blur, yet you moved to get on your hands and knees. Although the problem was your legs were incredibly sore, and you felt bloated. Still, you pushed through that and looked around, finding yourself at the center of a unique scene. You recognized where you were, the cave behind the waterfall, and you weren’t alone. The rest of the boys were scattered around you, all seeming to be in some shifted form or another, and not really wearing clothes. That’s when you noticed all you had on was a large t-shirt.
You began to examine your body, seeing all the purple markings on your exposed skin, a few cuts here and there as well. You were also in water, realizing there was far more here than last time. You tried to stand, but your legs weren’t really working, and you slipped, falling on top of one of the boys. He had been sleeping a moment ago, but was startled awake when you hit him. He quickly pinned you down, seeming ferocious before recognizing you and calming down. Juyeon had a ditzy smile on his face and leaned down to nuzzle your neck.
“My baby’s awake…”
“Uh… what… what happened…”
“You’re the best.”
“Ju… Juyeon…”
“Sh. Forget about the bad things and just stay…”
“… stay…”
“Good girl, our good girl.”
“… good…”
“Very good.”
Yellow eyes seemed to fill your vision, making everything spin. You couldn’t help the childish smile that adorned your lips. Despite the water around you felt warm, and safe. Juyeon stole a kiss from you, filling your mouth with a sweet taste, further reminding you everything was okay. This was where you needed to be, and where you would remain forever.
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tarjapearce · 9 months
Iridiscent (Pt. 4)
Pirate AU! Miguel O'Hara x Mermaid! Reader
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WARNING: Angst, mentions of violence, graphic depictions of violence, mild gore, political implications, character origins, character backgrounds, introduction of character, Greek mythology mentions.
Summary: The aftermath of a mermaid encounter brings an unexpected ally.
A/N: Pirate Miggy is back ❤️
Mermaids, sea witches, sirens, sea monsters. The latter was the most accurate name for what your mere existence rendered. And now, men eater.
Existing since way before humans understood the concept of civilizations, silent watchers of eons of evolution, yet unfortunate by the simple fact of being.
The permanence of the kin itself was a result of a fateful domino effect the God of the dead had unleashed by being invaded and bewitched by a mortal feeling. Love.
His whim had turned into obsession and this somehow morphed into love. A feeling so strong that made him kidnap the Spring goddess for himself, tired of the miserable companion solitude was in the underworld. And that was the moment everything changed.
The nymphs in charge of their queen's safety were turned into winged beings, as a punishment from none other than Demeter. Her wrath over them, ruthless and merciless as they were forced to look everywhere for their vanishing queen to no avail.
Some of the nymphs had escaped the aftermath to a recluse island, abandoning all purpose of finding Persephone, to follow the whims of their hearts in lieu. Singing and music.
But even so, Demeter's fury had no match, vengeful and blinded by anger she looked for the rebel ones to kill them, but these hid in the sea. Eventually, the feathers hardened, turning into scales. These etched and covered their legs. Securing them in a colorful long tail.
Bird's talons turned into beautiful and deadly hands, that once a prey was caught there was nothing it could do but to accept it's fate. Death.
Damned be Hades and his stupid obsession. Damned be Demeter and her blinding rage, and damned be the men that polluted the earth above with their existing and constant evolving.
Men. The real wretched creatures. The executioners of everything they decided unworthy of living. Stupid beings that played God in a self imposed role in  life's hierarchy.
Creatures that had hunted and killed your kin for ages, forcing to separate and face new dangers at every turn in the endless ocean. Humans, a little too praising title considering their acts and actions were everything but, had forced you to hide in the deepest waters and forbidden lands not many were brave enough to venture in.
A couple of centuries were more than enough for you to have a glimpse of their nature. Destructive, dangerous and merciless. They sullied and tarnished everything unfortunate enough to go under their hands.
They killed everything unknown or deemed too frightening for their existence and had no mercy while at it. The bloodier the better. A disgusting yet necessary example of behavior you had to follow in order to survive.
Humans had shaped your temper. Heart rejoicing at every sunken ship the sea swallowed. Even their flesh had lost the sizzle to be enjoyable enough, making your feeding habits more inclined towards other creatures within the sea.
You didn't eat men because you hated them. You ate them because their hatred had poisoned enough the seas, leaving you without resources, pushing you to consume them. And your refusal had made your body weak, it had been years since your body felt properly satisfied.
You collapsed.
How many days had passed, certainly was unknown. Time under the sea was measured by how long it took for a reef to go completely white, how often the ships let their nets in a single spot. Sometimes you remained on land, sea too dangerous to venture alone.
But none of that mattered anymore. Inanition wasn't exclusive of humans, the last thing in your mind was to curse Hades and the men.
But death escaped and picked you and others alike within a net. Pushing some survival instinct back in you as the net wriggled and broke. Injecting the right amount of life to hand you a buffet in a wooden platter. Gathering your bearings after the little commotion in your head, was quickly overlooked when the attention focused on the scene unfolding.
A ship full of men, that stared in wonder and fear. One of them stood out from the rest. It reminded you of Hercules. His physique unique, just as his eyes. A fine specimen and surely a delicious one. Their language was unknown, but it became clear the moment you kissed the fool before your apparent naive form. Absorbing his knowledge and a little more in that simple gesture. Which was little.
But enough to understand what the men said and whispered around you.
Foul and salty smelling, with a faint tinge of wine. He tasted sour and ashy, but edible enough to sate your rampant huger. You wanted to go for the herculean man in shackles, his scent rich in leather, voice like a soft and firm caress in the back of one's head. His cinnamon toned skin made your mouth water.
You were about to move for him, but Elliot, the idiot infront and your hunger kept you in place. You knew your initial prey would fight and would waste the little reserve of strength you had left. He was no fool.
As moronic as the man on your way  was, he'd save his purpose. The prey was subdued, flesh and bones devoured; bland and tasteless, but well welcomed within your body. Revitalizing energies and restocking the strength you had been lacking for a time.
Expected as it was, they attacked, all by the command of the shackled man, that had dared to injure you with a bullet. But you were too frenzied and hungry to care. Your meal hung in your maws, as you fought to get it off the ship.
Your Hercules watched in horror from afar, and never in your life had you felt more realized and satisfied to provoke such disturbing reaction in a man.
You could almost taste the fear behind his raged and shaky breathing, his shock in every powerful beat his heart did, the denial in his eyes as they widened the more your teeth sank into the corpse. It fueled you. And also ignited with new strength the already flickering purpose of your existence.
Destroy as many of them as possible.
You went under the ship, away from their archaical defense to eat and consume your food. Humans weren't definitely on the top, for a moment the hunter became the prey and didn't survive to brag about his new kill.
Skin and flesh was torn, consumed with such hunger it had you full and completely sated like never before, within matter of minutes. Elliot Jackdaw no longer existed, but served as a reminder that your kin prevailed and endured.
But also, had unleashed a new domino effect you weren't aware of.
The man in shackles, your forsaken greek god, was thrown at the sea. Your territory. You saw him move, fight against the current; trying to free himself from the heavy cuffs that weighed him down and reach back to the ship. And then nothing.
He became still and it made you frown. Where that bravado had gone? The smirk that was about to emerge in your lips faded as soon as a red cloud oozed and swallowed his head.
His scent was too rich and alluring, stagnant almost. Sickly sweet for your senses and he wasn't moving.
If you recalled, he was called a captain. What was a captain doing out of his ship drowning in the sea? Your lip twitched in scowl.
The lack of loyalty among his kindred was another reason to hate them. He wasn't the first nor the last you had saved in these conditions. Mostly women or little children that were expelled without much reasons other than being a burden.
As much as you cursed your heart for not turning its back to these sort of injustices, and your need to have a tiny taste of him, you hauled him up shore. Light as a feather in water, but heavy as lead on land. The heavy iron around his wrist didn't help, so you destroyed it, inflicting little cuts around his flesh in the process.
Ancient eyes scrutinized his form. Sharp cheekbones that could only match a sword. Strong features that screamed fighter in every direction you looked. A jagged and nasty cut on a side of his head, some strands obscuring his face, you removed them and some bloodied debris from his wound, inspecting it.
Not a too deep cut, the contusion of his head against the moving ship had been rough. A single cut in the upper right cheekbone, clothes clung to him like a second skin. His pockets however were too tempting to be left alone.
Sand and water on them, along a shiny pearl that had you staring and sniffing at the trinket for a close inspection, that didn't pay attention to the locket nesting deeper inside. The pearl was true, so you took it as it quickly etched to your skin, under the ribcage as a decor motif of the raggy top you used to cover your chest.
He'd surely serve as one of Aphrodite's lovers. His forearms laced in tiny and fading scars, that also loitered his solid and somewhat hairy chest. A man through and through. A natural enemy of yours, yet you had saved him.
Probably, he would hunt you too, like the scarce quantity of men you had pulled out of danger. The pearl was a token for saving his life.
You could kill him, filling your tabs with another number, but it wouldn't be honorable. Even if you were a different species, you refused to let some of their habits to rub on you. You opposed greatly to be like them, and so with a look that would suppose to be a final one back at him, you dipped back into the sea.
He was on land. Alive, heart beating along every single erratic breath. The sea waves washed over his hips, not cold neither lukewarm. Just the ideal temperature for the humid weather
I'm alive.
His mind couldn't comprehend what had happened. One moment he was in the sea, to then hurl himself back up and puke all the salty water his body had unwillingly ingested.
Miguel was dizzy, but alive. Beaten up, but still breathing. Pissed and ever ready to get his treasure back. But he had to recover some energies first.
Sighing and rising slowly, he turned around to kneel in the moist sand. Tiny grains of it etched to his moist skin, they were rough, altering his sensorial touch for a second. Feet finally got the strength to stand up, careful to not let the nauseas get to his head entirely. Skin burned, but he could bear the discomfort, what Miguel truly needed was a big gulp of water.
He remembered the sun being high on the sky, blazing with all it's glory and witnessing his crew marooning him for good. And now it was night. Somehow thankful that he didn't have to deal with the weather's inclemencies. Step by wobbly step he approached to the thickets and palms rooted in the soil, dressing up modestly the land he walked on.
As another wave of nauseas hit while his head pounded, Miguel stopped to rest in a nearby palm. Calloused hand cupping and covering his mouth to prevent the bile and vomit to spill out once more. Dehydrated as he was, Miguel also understood the dangers of drinking too much salty water.
If dehydration didn't kill him, puking too much without having any other resources on reach would. But none of his survival could be done with the unbridled headache that hammered in his head. A side of it was caked in dry blood, like some strands of his already matted and full of sand hair.
With careful steps he ventured in deeper into the jungle, looking for a spot to spent the night away from land's troubles. The island wasn't familiar for him, he didn't even know if it was big enough to harbor sustainable life, or if ships would pass nearby. With a gasp and a frantic move, he palmed his pockets.
Mierda, no! No
Panic rose upon not feeling the pearl, the sudden motion made his steps stutter as he puked, unable to hold it in anymore. But once he was done and wiped his mouth with the back of his arm, he searched into them.
Por favor
The pearl was gone, that was for sure, but relief washed over him upon feeling the fine golden chain of the locket. Hand clasped on it while he brought it to his chest and sighed.
He nearly gave up.
Heart pounding in his ears along his head, and only when he opened the locket, the tears flowed. Calloused fingers full of sandy grains probed the valuable mineral, feeling the dents of the shell shape he knew by heart at this point. Eyes drowning and his voice muffled into a silent and wrathful sob as he inhaled the trinket.
Perdóname, Gabi. (Forgive me)
A faint tickle of fresh home bread, coconut oil that he used to fry the fish, and the eucalyptus ointment that was always next to him brought back the bittersweet memories that flooded his mind about the last years he had with Gabriella. She adored when he cooked, and always smelled his fingers after using the oil.
It reminds me of you, Papa.
She loved freshly baked bread. But hated the smell of the eucalyptus ointment the doctor left her.
The only memento he now had of his beloved and long gone daughter. The only thing that mattered the most for him.
How dared them betraying him when he had been everything but fair and good?
How dared them into taking his ship and some important things he had hid inside? But most importantly, how dared life to show him that mermaids were real when the reason he believed in them in the first place was no longer with him?
Who was he supposed to tell that he saw a mermaid?
A karma for turning into a pirate, maybe. All his mind was able to remember was the way the creature looked at him, a clear assessment of her power. Fear invaded every fiber of his being, making him too stunned to actually think or act until he saw the creature devouring Elliot.
Another reason for him to respect the sea. Now that he had a glimpse of what laid underneath, Miguel wondered what other things crawled in it's depths. But he would think about it all tomorrow.
His eyes drooped in exhaustion. Thinking consumed the last bit of his energy reserves. Despite the thirst clawing at his throat with a vice grip, the headache and weariness were greater. Even though a thicket wasn't the right choice to spend the night, he hadn't the time nor the energies to be picky. He just collapsed once more and hoped whoever above to live another day.
The sunlight was slippery enough to leak through the dense foliage and reach patches of the humid and moss textured land, as well parts of his weathered face. With a wince he rolled to his side, avoiding the aurifeous and warm touch from the ever blazing sun.  Head clear from it's pain, and thoughts in order, like it should be.
With a sigh he rose and stretched, popping joints back in their place. Discomfort remaining in his head and wrists, that upon further examination he deducted the cuts in them were fresh, and undoubtedly someone had saved him from a certain death. Who, he didn't know but was grateful for the mysterious savior to let his revenge start.
With a rested yet hungry body, and a fresh head to think, he rolled his shoulders back and took a look around. Surveying his environment to decide which way to go. No weapons, no resources but packed with skills that were honed precisely for these sort of situations.
He still remembered the first time Mundaca had left him in an island with a single knife to fend for himself, since Miguel refused to accompany him in a slave hunting trip. At first he thought that Mundaca had left him for good or out of spite, but Fermín had only taught him a valuable surviving lesson. This time however, he didn't have that knife and would rely only on his hands, brain and brawns.
Naturally, Miguel headed for the north, palm trees left behind, instead acai palms, rubber trees and soursops begun gathering in the place. The scent of wet soil and rotting wood was pungent in the air, oddly, he liked it. Macaws and other birds cackled and cawed as he pushed deeper along some distant rustling.
The overgrown roots twisted and tangled here and there, weaving a walkable path free of them to his right, His eyes darted to the tail of a cobra slithering away from him, minding it's business.
The copious squaking of the birds was a good white noise along the crunching of his wet boots. His throat was beyond arid, that even spit couldn't form in it if he wished; stomach rumbled violently, begging him for some food. Breathings paused but deep.
Hours stretched for what seemed forever, he didn't know if he was walking in circles, the island was definitely not small. He had found some fruit trees along the way, but the things were so our of reach, that attempting to climb for them was a risk. He'd knew the wait would worth it.
Ears however perked at the gunshot given in the distance. Eyes widened, both in surprise and excitement at the thought that civilization was within. Cause that meant, food and water. And also weapons. And what a better way to confirm it than a booming gunshot that spooked away the nearby fawn.
With careful steps, he followed the echo, making the least of noise possible. As much as it thrilled to have a bite, he also understood the implications of such things. Armored men, guarded bodegas, overpowered foremen and probably slaves.
Time flew by, but his spirits lifted upon spotting the first red uniforms in a distance. Two of them. He approached closer to take a better look.
The soldiers had a rifle each, a belt full of ammo and firing at what were now dead slaves as shooting dummies. To his right, Miguel saw a few tents and supplies. Food and water tossed in a nearby bench, a fire was alight, serving as a cooking source for the pot placed above. His eyes however fell upon a machete. Probably belonging to one of the dead men tied up in the wooden posts.
After all, working tools had to be in perfect conditions, leaving no room for slacking off.
Miguel forayed slowly, moving within the foliage until he reached for the machete, with paced breathings he awaited for another shot to rumble to pull the weapon within his reach. The metallic drag was drowned. He couldn't eat until the men were disposed off.
Now that he was armored, a distraction was needed. The branches used for the iron's pot makeshift support were weak, the stew inside boiled. Miguel pushed the tip of the machete on the pot's edge, a little clink connected as the pot was pushed forward, but it barely tumbled it. He awaited for another gunshot to echo to push the pot entirely on the ground.
The lard immediately sent sparks on the floor as smoke surrounded the area. The noisy thud of the pot alarmed one of the guards that didn't waste time into blaming his companion for the shitty structure and how they'd have to go fishing again to get food done.
A little too late the guard noticed the fiery red eyes that glowered at him. Before he could even say something the sharp blade of the machete sliced through this throat in a firm thrust, all the guard could do was a gurgle, perturbed, before plummeting on the floor, staining the blade with a warm crimson as Miguel pulled it out of the body. Flesh sizzling at the contact of the hot coals and wood.
He took a rock that filled in his palm and aimed it for the head of the remaining guard, the other soldier yelped as he fell on the ground, the rock hitting his head with a lurid crack. Miguel lurched for him to end his misery by impaling the weapon in his back. Right in the middle. It was quick, deathly and effective.
Miguel panted but waited in case  another guard was around, but none approached, just the wing flapping of a macaw somewhere. With the machete in  hand he approached to the tent and wasted no time in gobbling down the water in a container, quenching his thirst, not really caring for the droplets that rolled down his neck.
His hands then wiped his face as he scrubbed the caked blood and sand away, then scarfed down the leftovers left in a plate and devoured anything within reach that was cooked or preserved, Adia probably would scold him for eating like an animal, despite being starving.
Once he was satisfied and his strength back, he looked for other weapons he could use. As much as the machete proved a worthy aid, it was long and it made noise. The opposite of what he needed.
The Red Eyed Demon searched into the soldier's pockets, a couple of coins, bullets and gold teeth that seemed freshly pulled out of the bodies in the back. He took the bullets and left the rest, he also found a short ranged pistol, a combat knife and a rope.
Also, to his luck, some fresh clothes. As much as he was set into his vengeance he wouldn't waste the chance into being comfortable while at it. His boots were soiled full of sand and saline water, he changed them, like his pants. The shirt was the only thing he kept since none of the men actually wore his size.
Ridiculous as it was, one of the soldiers had abnormally larger feet. But were perfect for him. Pants still a bit too short but he'd had them any other day instead of walking around feeling uncomfortable and itchy by the salt etched to his skin and clothes.
He ventured deeper only to find a familiar scene before him. A state. Hacienda Valverde read in the overly embellished metal structure that held the sign.
So far, Miguel had done a good job in keeping himself hid, the least of attention he attracted, the more successful his escape plan would be. So far he had counted around fifteen soldiers in the property. Five of them scattered through the plantations, making sure the workforce didn't dally in their duties.
He ventured over the trees, avoiding unnecessary trouble, to then land nearly quietly in a mountain of hay. His breathings stopped at every time an unsuspected guard passed by him. Heart pounded in his ears when his steps brought him closer and closer to danger
The rest of the guards were scattered through the property, watching over the stables, the main storage room, inside the hacienda and of course, watching over the supply.
He had snuck in the warehouse, to his surprise the cells were empty, he went through each of them to see if anything worthy had been left behind, but the sound of the lock being picked made him hide behind a couple of haystacks.
"Stop, Stop!" A groan came from a wriggling man, "I told you the truth! Let me go!"
Miguel couldn't see who was the prisoner, peeking out would be too risky, but the lack of accent, gave him a hint. An American.
The man grunted as he kicked, managed to land a punch or two to the guards that only twisted his shackled hands backwards. This made the man whine and curse, blind hot pain shot in his ribcage as another soldier hit him with the base of his rifle.
"Shut your fucking gob!" With a rough shove, the fighting man was thrown into the cell, the enclosure's door stilled with a loud creak as the main door was slammed shut.
The only noises the pirate could hear was the pained grunts that only increased when the prisoner tried to pick himself up from the floor, and the shaky huffing that turned into whiny whimpers when he managed to recover some air.
The day was set to surprise him, cause in his life he had seen a white man being thrown in a slave cell. Until now.
The man was tall, lean muscle in his body, a five o'clock stubble in his narrow cheeks and blue eyes. Hair hapzardly peeking ontop of his head.
"Fuck..." He groaned but recoiled in his cell even further upon seeing the shade of red glinting at him behind the haystacks. Pain screamed in every breathing he did, but that didn't stop him from trying to get himself free.
The man's eyes widened as soon as Miguel came into full view. He had to crane his head upwards to meet his eyes and gulped as soon as he realized the color in the behemoth of a man. Breaths shallow but less erratic than before now that he knew he had company.
"Please. Help me out of here, pal"
He was definitely American.
"And why would I do that?"
Miguel’s bushy brow quirked while taking another look through the warehouse, searching for alternative escape routes.
"Cause my wife just gave birth and I wanna meet my little girl."
A red stare seized the blue one. His unwavering, but the man's rivalled against it. Miguel broke contact as his hands fisted briefly. The prisoner's chest heaved whole he rubbed the area he was hit on.
Lucky bastard
"I was supposed to arrive last week but I was taken from the ship."
Miguel looked through the haystacks and other corners he didn't have the chance to search thoroughly.
"That's what I'd like to know!" The man sat against the lateral bars and winced defeated, watching at the moving man.
"I was a merchant, on a trip to improve a little familiar business I have, but Nueva York isn't precisely friendly with the working class." He paused to take some air the hit had taken away, "So I came back. And that's where the english trapped me." His forehead rested ontop of his scrapped and bloodied knuckles. The spark that gave him a beating and his imprisonment.
"The English are press ganging civilians at sea."
Miguel's lip twitched in a scowl upon hearing the news. Of course they would, Americans and English were too deep in political wars that could barely stand eachother. But in the sea, the English were the masters and none was there to stop them. More like he wasn't there to sink as many of them as possible.
"How old is your daughter?"
The pirate asked above his shoulder and this made the gaoler to look up.
"Three weeks old. According to my wife's last letter."
Miguel's shoulder slumped, and he turned to look at the man. A little hesitation passed over his eyes, but it vanished as soon as he saw an old acquaintance of him. Hope. Red eyes rolled annoyed, as if regretting the sudden decision he was about to make.
"Do you know how to use a weapon?"
The question surely threw the man off, but still managed to reply
"Y-Yeah. Not fond of them, but yeah."
"Not a complete useless if that's what you're hinting at."
Miguel chuckled and approached closer to the cell, examining the lock while the detainee put on his pair of boots.
"Gimme a wire and I'll get myself out of here."
Miguel instead took a nearby shovel to destroy the lock in a couple of hits. The metal piece clanking on the floor as it fell.
"O-Or you could do that. Yeah."
The man stood on his feet and stretched before offering his hand to him, Miguel just stared at him for a moment before taking his hand in a firm shake. Peter hid a wince at the sheer display of strength and that he had grabbed his injured hand.
"Peter B. Parker. Merchant and lock master."
"Miguel O'Hara. Pirate."
Peter could only blink stupidly at him.
"Let's go."
But followed him without much thought.
@nerdykat @munixumai @raiirai @sarapaprikas-blog @deputy-videogamer @rizahawkeye1380 @littlenyx @marit332 @iz-iplier @mad-hatter-rici @viriexo @obi-mom-kenobi @allysunny @lishdfish @not-ur-average-fangirl @freehentai @darksidecorner @winteringfalls @ellasarich @eustashh @nyxismoon @murnsondock @pluviophilis @oooof-ifellforyou @plusultrayokai @teacoffeeflavored @ctizu1 @dickfartcheesy @s0lm1n @vonev @iwumrndbm @azuredragonstrike @Iyykeyyy @arrozyfrijoles23 @frompeach @ghostlyworld @liamdasimp @straw-berry-ghoul
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moodymisty · 6 months
𝕽𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖒𝖇𝖊𝖗 𝕺𝖓𝖑𝖞 𝕸𝖊
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[ 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖞'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙| 𝕬𝖔3 ]
Part 1 of 5 - Part 2
Author's Note: It's here! The first chapter of the Yandere Salamander/Fem!Reader/Yandere Night Lord love triangle(corner) fic! It's going to be 4 chapters (5 actually you'll see tehe) and I drafted a good portion of it in advance so it should be smooth posting? We'll see. Enjoy!
Summary: A Night Lord becomes interested in you while you stand under the eyes of your Salamander guardian, and you find yourself stuck between two titans.
Relationship: Yandere!Salamander/Fem!Reader/Yandere!Night Lord
Warnings: Hints of nsfw at points, Yandere, Size differences, Very toxic suffocating relationship(s), Some knight/princess dynamics, Demeaning language, Both these guys have hero complexes, Violence blood and bruises and possibly death to say without spoilers
Word Count: 2068
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Word travels fast aboard even the largest of ships, you had learned quite quickly.
Space marine legions are not fond of working with one another, was what you had learned first. Many times even different squads within this same Legion can butt heads, as different styles of commanding and battle conflict with one other. Salamanders often try and remain cordial when problems within them arise, but friction was and is inevitable.
The second, was Vulkan was apparently quite firm with his legion that they were to welcome their temporary allies with respect. At least that is what you’ve heard from any Salamander that you’ve heard mumbling as you pass by, or any that have given you a moment of their time. That’s all you know, and these tidbits of knowledge fail to put together a full picture that you can understand. Their lips have been quite tight other than the bare minimum they believe you need to know.
Or what you can get from them if you ask very nicely; Much like the Commissars and Lords you've dealt with over the years, it seems Salamanders aren't immune to a bit of flattery also. You just need to make sure he doesn't find out, as you know how displeased he gets whenever he finds out you went wandering around chattering with his brothers.
Speaking of...
You can ask him about it; You just need to wait for him.
He always visits you in the librarium, once his second round of training is concluded. He then goes for his five hours of rest, and the cycle restarts. Though even if it isn't that time, you know he still keeps a keen eye on you.
You don’t wish to bother him with an issue as seemingly meaningless as gossip, but none of your fellows have been able to piece together what's happening, as none of the Salamanders have loosened their lips about it in the slightest.
It's made you more than a bit unnerved; Knowing that something is wrong but no one will tell you what it is. The tenseness in your neck is worse, and sirens and calls once normal now make you jolt when they sound off.
The large piece of parchment in front of you remains nearly empty, apart from the crude outline. Commander Artellus's face is fresh in your mind, but you for some reason can't put it to parchment.
You hear the sound of harsh, heavy boots on the ground, and turn to see who you've been waiting for coming towards you. You shift in your seat and turn to see him coming.
“Ralkan; You’re back,”
You smile wide at him, a put down the pen you'd been fruitlessly trying to use. The way his eyes look down at you is warm, his helmet hanging on the side of his hip. He stands close to where you sit alone at the massive table, covered in a mess of materials. The ink in your well shakes with waves, when he steps closer.
“You should have been there this time. I feel like I'm missing something now without your curious looks.”
You smile even wider and laugh, remembering the time. He had outpreformed Salamanders his senior, and you wondered if he was overdue for an ascension in rank, or if he was simply showing off.
“I'll come next time. As long as your battle brothers don’t mind me seeing your training again.”
He places a massive gauntlet on your shoulderblades, thumb against the side of your neck.
"They won't, I am sure of it. Though I hope you'll reserve your cheering only for me again."
His hand brushes along the upper half of your back before it slides away, his chainsword hanging neatly on his back. He looks out the massive window to the vast reaches of space directly in front of your makeshift desk for a moment, before pulling his bolter off his thigh and checking it.
He’s always meticulous. He’s been trained into flawless discipline, and it shows in every aspect of his existence. From the way he keeps his thoughts closed to the way each piece of armor and each weapon must be meticulously maintained.
You can hear the mechanics of his armor shift as he moves, but you can only tolerate few more beats of the near silence before you can’t help it anymore. Your pen twirls in your hand as a soothing gesture before you speak up.
You look up to him, sniffling from the disturbed dust in your nose. He turns to look at you as you abandon your parchment, and finally put pen down and place your ink stained hands in your lap.
You hesitate for a moment, pursing your lips and looking away from his hard gaze as he turns back to you.
“What is happening?”
He is genuinely confused by your question for a moment, before he realizes what it is you're asking about, and his face stiffens. But still he doesn't answer. It irks you; Thinking that he’s trying to keep this all from you. You add on to your earlier question.
“I know that you are going to be fighting alongside another legion, but why are all of you acting like it's something you're all dreading?”
Perhaps you might simply be a guest aboard this ship, gifted from Terra to a legion eager to put their deeds to written memory, but you wish to know more than the servitors do. You pull your hands from your lap and lightly slap the table with them, gripping the edge.
“Ralkan, Who are the Night Lords?”
It is so instantly apparent that you struck something in him, as his body visibly tenses and his face briefly flashes with anger as a legion's name other than his own leaves your tongue.
He makes eye contact with you, the burning red of his eyes making your curiosity waver. But you still want to know- need to know. He takes a step closer, and his left hand rests against the surface of the table. He lets out a tense breath.
“The Night Lords are the 8th legion. They," Ralkan tries to find the words, pausing for a moment. "The way they wage battle is in near direct opposition to us Salamanders."
He speaks the name with a stern, cold demeanor. It fills you with a hesitant sort of interest.
These legions; Have they really developed cultures so unique that they find themselves unrecognizable to each other?
“They have no respect. They will cull entire cities for the slightest infraction.” He looks to you, and he catches that your curiosity it still taking hold; You lack the fear that he's trying to instill in you.
He takes a step forward, and you can hear his armor hiss and grind as he lowers to a knee, now only a head taller than you as you sit. He puts his hand on your shoulder again, but it lacks the gentleness it had the last time, as he grabs tight and forces you to face him. You wouldn’t be able to pull away even if you wanted to; And while he is still trying to be gentle, his gauntlet still yearns to bruise your skin underneath your clothing. The seams of his armor dig into your flesh even through the fabric.
“They are going to be crawling over the ship soon. Do not let them even see you. You cannot run from them and they will know it.” His hand makes sure you can’t look even the tiniest bit away from him. “They will take advantage of your weakness. You must stay here, in your quarters, or close to me. I was charged with protecting you, and I will see it through.”
There’s not many places on this ship you go, at least without him. He is your guard, or perhaps more accurately your handler. He is in charge of making sure you don’t wander where you don’t belong, as even if the Salamanders have been welcoming to a remembrancer on their ship, they have their limits. For your safely and their privacy.
This ship- A world for giants, it isn't meant for someone like you either. Ralkan makes it a bit easier to navigate.
Though out of all the titles he's been given, he seems to enjoy calling himself your knight first and foremost. You assume it’s simply a part of their culture, you’ve heard other Salamanders call themselves knights as well. The tone is different, but you assume it’s simply Ralkan’s own brand of oddity. Perhaps he isn't fully cognizant of the intimate undertone behind saying such a thing to you.
Stuck in his grip, your nose wrinkles as you try to say something in defiance, to learn a bit more, but you know this it all you'll get from him. Even if you ask sweetly.
“I just wanted to know what was happening. I'll," You turn your face away from him and blow air from between your tight lips. "I'll stop the questions about it."
There isn’t much you can say otherwise in the matter anyhow. You want to trust him, and to listen to him, but perhaps it’s simply curiosity that makes you hesitate on the matter. Or naivety he probably assumes, as much as that irritates you.
He lets out an audible sigh of relief, and loosens the hand on your shoulder, it drifting up your neck before it cups your jaw. The other joins it on the opposite side, holding your face in his gauntlets. They're so gentle, even with cold ceramite between your skin and his.
“You know I do this to protect you, yes?” He continues, his eyes soft as they gaze over you. “I only want for you to be safe here. With me. I have seen these astartes before; I know what they are capable of.”
His eyes are warm, brow softened. You always enjoy when he looks at you this way, even if you might fear of what lays between you being far beyond the supposed title of knight and his charge. 
He leans forward, and his forehead touches your own. You feel like he wishes to do more, but is forcing it back. Your bare hand lays overtop of his gauntlet, and you smile at him.
But after a moment, he leans back away from you.
“I must leave now. My brothers and I are part of the battalion that is due to greet our temporary allies.” 
You so desperately don’t want him to leave, but at the same time, you wonder if the weight on your chest will finally dissipate if he does.
He rises, and in doing so also removes his hands from your jaw. His cape shifts behind him just barely brushing against the floor, and you swear you can hear the crackling of a vox channel in his helmet. His battalion must be calling for him.
“I will return soon. Please, do not forget what I have said.” You nod in understanding, and pick up your pen. He smiles at you after you do, and turns to leave. You turn to watch for a moment, until he's out of your sight. You turn back to face the table and let out a sigh, rubbing your jaw.
You didn’t want him to leave, but at times Ralkan can be so, suffocating. His very energy is that way, many of the astartes are, but Ralkan seems to have his grip around you particularly tight.
You sum it up to him being dedicated to the safely of their brand new remembrancer. The sheen of a new toy that hasn't worn off yet. Or perhaps him simply wishing to make sure you don't deviate from the path, and tread where you aren't welcome.
You assume the ladder, though the way he looks at you fills you with doubt.
You aren't opposed to him being fond, but he is so overwhelming. You might consider yourself lucky you think you feel the same way, as you don't know if you'd be able to get free of his grip if you didn't.
You don’t forget his words, but as you write word after word, and the drawing of Commander Artellus's face slowly forms, your mind begins to fall into the paper, and his voice becomes little more than a tickle in the back of your mind.
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caffeineandsociety · 3 months
I think there are a lot of people on the left who WANT all the antisemitic conspiracy theories to be true for exactly the same reasons a lot of people on the right do.
There are lot of people who WANT it to be true that "billionaires" is synonymous with "Jews"; that the greedy "elite" can be identified by demographic data. Who WANT it to be true that both major US political parties are the same because in the end, they're all part of the same unified hive mind of greedy power-mad misanthropic mutant lizard people - figuratively or literally, doesn't matter. Who WANT it to be true that all of Israel's few allies are ultimately just puppet governments of theirs (even though the opposite is much closer to being true), and the REST of the world is NEXT to fall to this horrible hive of evil.
Because, many people don't realize this, but conspiracy theories are PLEASANT to believe. It's exciting to think you're onto a deep truth that most people aren't privy to, especially when it sounds like something straight out of a scifi thriller. It's empowering to think the solution to all of society's ills is simple, staring you right in the face, and as soon as you just get enough people together to smash some crucial load-bearing element it will all come crashing down and lead us to our "natural state" of utopia like in an action-adventure epic. Even the helplessness of feeling like it's insurmountable has its own satisfying bent as a gateway to an extreme "positive" nihilism - if we're all fucked regardless, if (((their))) power is just too overwhelming, then nothing we do REALLY matters - we're free, we never have to do anything we don't want to again for the benefit of the world around us, because it won't change anything~!
Sound uncomfortably familiar yet? Perhaps like some arguments about voting, environmental protections, or local initiatives beyond libraries and public transit you've seen floating around right here on tungle dot hell? About the struggle of relating to "normies" and recognizing where the Overton window sits at any given time, even? About the prospects of getting ranked choice voting nationwide?
It doesn't matter who you are, or what your beliefs are, or how "smart" you are - at the end of the day we're all just hairless apes capable of falling for the same brain chemistry tricks as any other, and bullshit can be spun in leftist flavor just as easily as it can be spun to appeal to the right. You are not immune to the feeling of "awww yeah, it's all coming together~" over what you might realize, out of the moment, is a complete nonsequitur or cherry-picked to hell and back. You are not immune to the thrill of believing you're basically Neo The Matrix. It's hard to build resistance, let alone immunity, to the siren call of alleged easy solutions to complicated problems, or to the sweet relief of helplessness. The internet is doing a great job of making recreational outrage more and more appealing to more and more people.
I only beg more people to be willing to recognize those facts and TRY to course-correct when those feelings start to take them to some dark places.
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c0ld0utside · 3 months
Beach Centaur father adopts a siren kid that is super timid?
Siren kid (timid) Centaur dad
Warnings: (Let me know if I’ve missed any): Mentions/descriptions of violence, poorly written timid reader, manipulation
Criticism + advice is welcome, here we go
At first, Jordan didn’t care much for humans. As far as he knew all they did was whine, take, and fight over the smallest things. Not to mention, their other behaviors were… interesting. So, like most other species that the humans deemed “monsters,” he ignored them. He focused on his own life in his home in the woods, tending to his pond and garden and admiring his collection of fish. Ignorance is bliss, as they say. 
This, however, was something he couldn’t ignore. 
It’s true that voices carry. The news that some human sailors had killed a pod of merfolk spread like wildfire through Jordan's coastal town. A few weeks later, a small pod of merfolk washed up on the shore, their tails sloppily lopped off. Everyone was in an uproar. The outrage was understandable; most species had been allied with sirens for centuries. Their songs and stories were loved by all.
Jordan’s dislike for humans grew with every new report. Being humans, they got curious and wanted to explore. Instead of asking for help like any other sane person, however, they settled on harming those who would be happy to lend a hand. 
So when he found you washed up on the rocky part of the shore, covered in cuts and a large, nasty gash, he was more than happy to help. Jordan swaddled you in wet towels and hurried home with you in his arms. He clutched you close to his chest the entire time, and you may or may not have heard him muttering prayers to the Gods under his breath. Originally, he had planned on fishing and collecting trinkets to sell, but you were far better. You were precious. A helpless, innocent little thing. How could anyone want to harm you?
The trip back didn’t take long. It turns out the stranger lives up on the cliffs. It’s different from observing them below, somewhat hidden by the fog. Seeing that first thing in the morning always filled you with a sense of something that you couldn’t explain. Trees and greenery tinted by the mist…beautiful yet ominous. Up here, however, the trees are thinner than they seem, covered in moss and fungi. Trails are constantly battling with plants growing back over them, too.
“We’re almost there, little one,” the centaur said. “May I call you that, by the way? ‘Little one’? I hope you don’t mind.” You respond by curling up further into yourself, trying to hide. The stranger responds to that by rubbing soothing circles on your shoulder. 
When you arrive, he nudges you carefully. “Look,” the stranger says. “Isn’t it pretty?” You look up, and he’s right. It’s beautiful. A cozy wooden house with a large decorated pond surrounded by odd thin trees, wildflowers, and shrubbery everywhere. If you squint past the fog, you can see the ocean down below. Home, your heart aches. 
The centaur gently lowered you into a closed-off part of his pond- an area he had for whenever his fish got injured somehow. “Wait here,” he said quietly, rushing into his home and returning a few moments later with a jug of…something. He slowly poured some of it into the pond, the liquid smelling absolutely wild. “I don’t know much about sirens or merfolk, so I figured the medicine I use when my fish get hurt might help.” The centaur explained sheepishly. “Are you comfortable? What do you want to eat? Have you had strawberries before?”
He couldn’t stop bombarding you with questions like a fussy mom when her kid is sick. “No,” you answered, voice weak. Sure, this centaur was helping you, but you had no idea who he was, where you were, or if he would hurt you. Was he luring you into a false sense of security like those humans had? It all happened so quickly. You and your family had been lounging in the shallow waters and basking in the sun. Your mother was humming a tune when a boat approached. Some humans called your parents over and the next thing you knew there were harpoons and nets and screams and cries.
The stranger must’ve noticed you sinking into your mind because he (to the best of his ability) knelt down at the edge of the pond. “Hey, you’re okay here, I promise. I just want to take care of you.” The stranger says, keeping his tone as comforting as possible. He frowns when you slip underwater, peeking out a few moments later. “Okay, let me try this,” the centaur mutters under his breath. “My name is Jordan, and I’m going to help you get better. I swear on my heart.” He introduces, making a cross-my-heart motion. “Now, I’m going to go get you some strawberries. Let’s see if you like them, yeah?” Jordan announces, getting up and trotting away.
Jordan doesn’t quite get it. He’s trying his best. He keeps his voice soft, he talks to you, and he tells you interesting things, like the weird scent you smell when he pours the medicine into the water is tea tree oil.And that the hammering noise you heard is a bird called a woodpecker. Oh- and that pretty fish swimming around you is called a koi fish. And aren’t those strawberries sweet?
Yet it’s always the same. You barely answer, only shaking your head or nodding. You hide underwater most of the time, hanging out with the fish and poking at the underwater plants. If his voice is anything but soft you freak out and disappear into the pond, back to the safety of rocks and pebbles and weird-looking fish and plants. 
That’s not the only problem. The news of human attacks on sirens and merfolk is getting worse. Apparently, humans are treating them as they would seafood. As if that couldn’t get any worse, reports of kidnappings turned into busted “fish farms” after clans raided human settlements in search of the missing sea creatures. 
Jordan can’t possibly take you back to the ocean now. It’s too dangerous, and he’s getting attached. You’re not some prized fish, oh no. You’re a treasure that he has to protect. So when you finally muster up the courage and ask him to take you home in that nervous, tiny voice of yours, he’s quick to say no. 
He knows you won’t understand right away, so he tells you things he’s heard through the grapevine from his time in town. 
“I went to sell some of the vegetables from my garden today, and saw a poster saying that a pod of mermaids has been taken by humans.”
“I went to buy these shells to remind you of home. …I also heard that a group of humans killed some more sirens today.”
“That market is full of depressing news nowadays. A group of werewolves found that missing pod. I don’t know how they’re ever going to recover, kept in those cramped tanks. Poor things.” 
“You don’t need to worry about that happening to you as long as you stay here with me. You’re safe up here!”
“Humans have no reason to come up here. And if they do, I’ll take care of them. Promise.”
Slowly but surely, it works. You stop asking to go home. You start talking to him. It isn’t much at first, but Jordan’s smile grows every time you give him more than just a few words. He’s also made a whole new pond just for you, decorating it with shells and sea glass and other ocean-y things he got from the market. Jordan only goes down there to sell his crops and decorative plants, along with seeds in case anyone wants to try making their own garden. The rest of his time is devoted to tending to his garden and spending time with you. 
Like a good, proper guardian. 
I'm finally free for the summer, expect a lot of things. To the people who did not read the pinned post; requests are closed for now. Will admit that like my Miguel O'hara one, this wasn't my favorite mostly because I think it's bland and I don't know how to write timid/shy characters just yet. At least I gave it a go.
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newobsessionweekly · 1 year
Listen to me
Main masterlist | 9-1-1 masterlist
Evan “Buck” Buckley x fem!reader
Fandom: 911
Summary: You and Buck have been fighting, deciding to take a break from the relationship. But he wants to make it right.
Warnings: Angst, fighting, not proofread
Requested: No
Words: 1.7k
Requests are open for Buck / Eddie!
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Gif not mine, credits to the owner!
You and Buck had been arguing for days, each feeling like the other wasn't listening. You didn’t know where all this fighting came from, but you sure do know it hasn’t stopped since then. You both knew something was wrong but couldn't put your finger on it. The tension was palpable, and it was only a matter of time before something gave.
It all came to a head one evening, with you and Buck yelling at each other in the living room of your shared apartment. You moved in a few months back, all cozy and peaceful. Enjoying each other’s company, being able to see one another all day. It felt like a date that never came to an end.
You had been fighting about the little things, but it was clear there was something deeper bubbling beneath the surface.
"Why can't you just listen to me for once, Buck? I feel like I'm talking to a wall!" you yelled, patience running out now.
"I am listening, but you're not hearing me either!" Buck shot back, frustration lacing his words.
The other night, Buck’s messages suddenly stopped and they never come back. You couldn’t sleep during all his shift, not knowing if something had happened to him. Your thoughts were filled with worry and anger as you waited and over checked your dms. Maybe, maybe he texted you but you missed it.
Eventually, a few hours before his shift was about to end, you text Eddie, asking if they were ok. He replied that everything was fine and you didn’t need to worry. But that was something that made you question even more.
“I was waiting for you to text back! Or even a small reminder that you’re ok, you haven’t died. Or to tell me you’re on your way to a call and you can’t talk! Is it that hard?” you
“I was on a call, then I went to bed! It just slipped my mind!” he yelled back at that point.
You couldn’t believe his words. It slipped his mind. Talking to his lover slipped his mind. Reassuring them he’s alive slipped his mind. Maybe you were asking too much.
“Okay, fine!” you gave up. You gather a few things from the apartment, stuffing them in your bag as Buck watched your every step, his eyes filled now with worry less than anger.
“Wha-What are you doing?” your boyfriend placed his hand on top of yours, stopping you from circling around.
“We should take a break. I’ll spend the night at May’s and we'll see after that.” you were just texting May as his hand dropped, now resting on the kitchen counter. His eyes show the pain and fear that’s bubbling inside, and, maybe, because you were hurt as well, you chose to ignore it.
Your chest aches and your head was spinning trying to keep inside the feelings. You didn’t want to show him you were hurting just as much, he wouldn’t care anyways. It is a painful decision, but you need some time to clear your head and you both knew that.
Buck was afraid he’s being left behind again. Forgotten by the person he’s loving the most. More that he loved Abby. More than he loved Ally. And even more than he loved Taylor. And that’s something. But he gulped the lump in his throat and nodded.
“Yeah, maybe that’s best.”
“Take care of you, Buck!” and with those words, you shut the door behind, leaving Buck all alone in his apartment.
One night turned into days and then into a week, and Buck found himself missing you more than he ever thought possible. He texted you every single day, babbling about every little thing that happened in his life.
“I think it’s over. Uh, me and Y/n.” Buck admitted between the siren’s wiling.
“We’re just having a little girl’s week. It’s been ages since we had a proper hangout. We just catching up.” Hen said, watching Buck swallow the lump in his throat. “How is that code for it’s over ?”
“Well, what’s past is prologue, right?” Buck sighs, “And, based on my past, Y/n and I have reached the point in a relationship where the woman flees.”
“Women flee you? Routinely?” Ravi asks, surprisingly turning his head in Buck’s direction.
“Starts out small. Uh, she's-she's canceling plans. She's got to work. She needs to wash her hair or do her laundry, and before you know it, poof. Dropping them off at the airport and never seeing them again.” your boyfriend explained, hoping his words won’t coincide with the reality.
“Okay, Buck, you're being a little too Buck about this. “ Hen shake her hands, waving off Buck’s worries.
“A little? When was the last time a woman told you she had to go home to wash her hair? 1952?” Eddie chuckles from his seat.
“Listen, Y/n is not Abby or Ally or Taylor. It doesn't even rhyme. I mean, that's a good sign, right?” Hen asks.
“The thing is... she’s been living with me for a few months now. And it’s been great and I do think I really really love her and I don’t want to lose her. Not her-“ Buck let out from his mouth some words he never had the chance to say to you. Well, he had the chance, millions of times, but never seemed the right time.
“Why does this keep happening to you?” Bobby turned his head to watch Buck as the truck rolled down the streets.
“Well, to be honest, I think...”
“No. I'm gonna tell you why.” Cap stopped him before he could explain. “Because you don't talk to the women you're dating. You just go with the flow and find yourself in a relationship with no idea how you got there or what to do when things start to go wrong.”
“Yeah. Who does that?” Eddie sarcastically laughed.
“My point is, breaking up is not inevitable. You can turn it around. You just have to make the effort. Talk to Y/n. Tell her how you're feeling. Find ways to reconnect.”
And that was the moment Buck realised he gotta do something. He’s never done anything to stop the women from his life leave. He never fought. It was their decision to leave and he never said a word. It wasn’t like he’ll force you to stay with him. It was more like showing you he wants you to stay by his side. He needs you to stay by his side.
So, he spent all night planning a grand gesture. He always wanted to do that, but he never felt like it was the perfect moment. Until now.
The day after his shift ended, he showed up on May’s doorstep. He had a little hint you’ve been crashing on her couch all week, and after a few texts exchanged with May, she tricked you into putting some nice clothes on and let her do your makeup. But she never said why.
The door bell rang, sending shivers down your spine. “Please answer that for me!” Athena’s daughter shouted from the bathroom, making you roll your eyes. What’s she up to?
When you saw Buck standing in the doorway with a beautiful bouquet with your favourite flowers gathered in his hands, your heart melted. He was the last person you’d expect to see. You didn’t think Buck would show up; he always gives you time to think and heal until you’re ready to go back to him. That’s how it’s always been.
"I'm sorry," Buck said, taking your hand in his. "I know we've been fighting a lot lately, but I want to make it work."
“I know, Buck. I want to make it work too.”
your eyes softened, and you could see the sincerity in his words.
"You trust me?" Buck whispered.
“Yeah?” your response was more a question than an affirmation when you saw him pulling out a scarf. He motioned and you turn around, letting him cover your eyes. He led you outside, hearing a car door open you realised he was taking you somewhere.
“Where are we going?” you broke the silence a while after the car was rolling down the streets of LA. Hoping it was on the streets of LA.
“You said you trust me!” he chucked, turning right and left on the roads, as he entered the off-roads. “It’s a surprise, Y/n!”
When the car finally stopped and he helped you out and took off the blindfold, leaving you speechless. There was this giant hot air balloon, ready for you to wonder above Los Angles.
“Come on!” he smiled at your reaction, all you can do was nod and return his smile, feeling the anger and tension slowly dissipate in the air.
“I’m sorry, I know I was wrong. I should’ve texted you back. In my job there’s no such thing as ignoring a text. I did had the time to text you back, but I was stubborn. I don’t know why.” finally opening up to each other and sharing your fears and concerns after weeks of constant fighting and silence. It wasn't an easy conversation, but it was necessary.
“I want you to stay by my side. I need you. And I don’t want to give up on you. On us.”
“I’m not leaving you, Buckaroo. I promise!” you extended your pinky and waited for Buck to intervene with his.
“I love you!” he suddenly spoke, his words echoing through your mind. You knew he loves you, you’ve known for a while. His actions spoke louder than his words, but that night you decided to ignore everything your heart’s been telling you.
“I love you, Buck!” he smiled softly as he grabbed your waist and pulled you closer, sealing your lips together in desire, love, warmth and longing.
By the end of it, you both knew you wanted to be together and were willing to work on your relationship.
As the sun began to set, Buck held you close, refusing to ever let you go again. And you both knew you were going to be okay. It was the first step in a long journey, but you were in it together.
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hadesoftheladies · 5 months
“that’s just war” is what i keep getting told. women get raped and butchered? that’s just war. children get bombed and buried? that’s just war. when i read stories of the hamas hostages and the frustration and pain of jewish families caught up in the war, what do online politics offer? “that’s just war.” that’s just the price of resistance. when i tell my dad while watching the news on palestine “thousands more children were bombed by israeli forces this week” all he can say is “that’s just war.” if a man pointed a gun at you wouldn’t you want to have a gun, too?
were the allied soldiers better than the nazis? depends on who you ask. they bombed, raped, sabotaged the planes of women in their own army. nazis were terrible. did that make allied soldiers saints? we weep for the mass graves in 20th century concentration camps across the world. then when we grow up we learn that those black and white photos were actually grey all along. the victims had also victimized others. male prisoners could rape as the soldiers did.
“ignore war men will be men” some women say. “they’ll find a way to keep killing each other. let them have at it.” is it feminist action to bask in our own self righteousness as women? do people sleeping while sirens go off in their city have any choice other than to wake up and run? can they ignore such a thing?
where should i stand? will the white women online help me if their president ordered a siege of my country? my country’s history is riddled with blood. the resistance gave me freedom. I can walk on my own land. go to school and own a car. I can dress myself without dressing a white mistress first. I can farm for myself and not for some smelly englishman. that’s good, isn’t it? but they also killed scores of setttlers, the resistance. they raped white women and girls. slaughtered white children and dumped their bodies in pits for their husbands and fathers to find. wasn’t that bad? but wasn’t it the black kikuyu children and women that bent their backs over white fields? wasn’t it the white people who put them in camps and exacted harsh curfews. didn’t white men shove broken glass up black detainee’s private parts? which white women came to free them? didn’t they laugh at the same racist jokes as their husbands did? didn’t she smile and pour tea for him as he told her about work? didn’t she love having such a wide sprawling estate? wasn’t that bad?
“so you stand with the evil black men that raped white women just because they could? you think their rape served a purpose?” no, but— “so you stand with white women who were okay ordering your people to be shipped, slaughtered and starved?” no! these questions are like asking me which bullet i’d prefer to be shot with. the answer is i don’t want to die. i am not comforted by the rape of women or by the enslavement of my people. why would either be something i want?
what this all is, ultimately, is a question the entitled never like to hear. in regard to the oppression of women by men, blacks by whites, the indigenous by the colonial, the one question at the heart of it all is this:
who has the right to self defense?
why is the woman that killed her rapist jailed? why is the slave that killed his master himself killed? by what means and to what extent do we rule an act of violence as self-defense or something monstrous?
the answer is even more uncomfortable: to the extent that we view the aggressor as human.
it’s not an answer that really solves anything. it doesn’t change what happens in war. it won’t stop any war.
but in these scenarios, my way has been to accept that there is rarely such a thing as moral purity in a human, and for this reason, our default attitude may need to be humility, the acceptance that we can be hypocrites. that we aren’t exempt from tragedy or more special than another life. that we’re as alike as we are different, even if we may not be equally guilty of certain acts. because if we are open to the humanity and dignity of the life of others (and I do extend this to animals as well, because they have the capacity to suffer and the will to live), we are bound to be less prone to repeat the cruelties we decry.
and maybe that’s more of a solution than a neat, easy answer or a casual dismissal like “that’s just war” might be.
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tiredfox64 · 4 months
Hello !! I was wondering if I could request a selkie! Reader x Raiden, where they are allies, but raiden doesn't know that the reader is a selkie and while training together and Raiden finds the readers seal skin and the reader tried to seduce him to get it back. Raiden has feelings for the reader and falls into it and ends up confessing to the reader, who then explain the situation??
Smooth and Selkie
Prior notes: Ah yes selkies, the original furries…I have a fear of the leopard seal from Happy Feet. Those things bellow or something.
Pairing: Raiden x Selkie! Afab reader
Warnings ‼️: WE’LL CARRY ON
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You have traveled far from your usual harbors and shores. It’s fun to travel to new places and it’s even more fun to see new people. One swim got you all the way to China near the Fengjian Village. A young man with a straw hat caught your eye. Oh how badly you wanted to meet him.
But you can’t meet him when you can only make some grunting sounds. Smacking your stomach won’t bring the right attention to you. Making a banana shape won’t do it either but you look cute at least. Yeah, keep rocking back and forth you look silly. You had to wait for a full moon, then you had the chance to meet that young, handsome man.
A full moon came and you were able to shed your seal skin. Your beautiful figure was being appreciated by the moonlight. Your voice was sweeter than a siren’s call. All you need is some proper clothes and you can finally go out to see that lovely man that the villagers call Raiden. Guess you are staying in Fengjian longer than you expected.
From the beginning Raiden was tempted by you. How couldn’t he be tempted? You were just so pretty and he could listen to you talk for hours. Something about your voice made him feel warm in his stomach and heart.
The kindness you both showed each other would make any passerby’s tooth ache from how sweet it all was. Damn near gave Kung Lao a stomach ache as if he ate too much candy.
You were fascinated by his fighting skills and his care for gardening. Raiden was fascinated by your knowledge of multiple places and your love for the sea. He could sit there and listen to you talk for hours about which fishes are the tastiest and different sort of Celtic mythology.
Soon enough you felt the desire to train and learn from him which he was happy to hear. Why not learn to fight, it will do you good. It also allowed you more time with Raiden.
Just remember to keep your seal skin safe and nearby. You can’t risk anyone getting their hands on it. Not even Raiden.
Usually you left your seal skin in a bag or hidden in a bush that was nearby. And you did the same today. Except your bag fell over and your seal skin was peeking out. It’s hard to miss the soft, spotty-patterned material. But it’s okay! Maybe you can hide it again once you and Raiden are finished training. If you actually figure out what happened before it’s too late.
By the end of training you two were beat. Huffing and puffing as if you two just had—I’m sorry I won’t finish that statement.
Even when you were a little sweaty Raiden saw you as so beautiful. Your smile never faltered. You were just happy to spend time with him on such a nice sunny day.
“You’re doing excellent. I’d say you’re doing better than my sister. Oh but don’t tell her please.” Raiden said in a joking manner.
You giggled softly, “You’re too kind, Raiden. I’m going to get some water, you coming?”
“No, I think I’ll just sit here for a bit. I just need to catch my breath.” He answered.
You nodded before walking off to get yourself some water. Raiden stayed sitting on the floor, basking in the sunlight while appreciating the nature around him. Then something caught his eye. Something white was poking out from the bushes. Oh how strange.
Raiden got up and started walking over to investigate. When he got close he saw that it was a furry material. He looked at it with a perplexed expression as he reached down and grabbed it.
Your seal skin felt so soft to him. The pattern on it was unique. Though he has no idea what animal this came from. It doesn’t feel fake so he knew it was real. Before he could even notice the flippers that were part of the skin you were already back after getting a drink of water. Your eyes widened as you see what Raiden had in his hands.
Oh no
This didn’t seem good. You were always warned about men taking your seal skin. They will keep it and never return it and you will be forced to stay with them. You don’t want to be forced to love. Raiden is a nice guy but you’re still scared he might know what he is capable of now that he has your seal skin. You had to get it back. The only way you know how to do that is by seducing him. Your heart was pounding as you made your way over to him.
“What are you doing over here, silly? I thought you wanted to rest.” You said in a voice that was as sweet as honey.
You placed your hand on his face and made him turned towards you. You already got a reaction out of him. You saw his shocked expression while feeling his cheek start to warm up. This is the first time you ever touched him in a loving manner.
“I-I just saw this thing and I…” He was stumped.
“You shouldn’t be getting distracted by silly things, Raiden. Though you do look cute when you’re curious.”
That was a genuine compliment and Raiden felt that. His heart just did a backflip hearing that. To hear that you thought he was cute made him so happy. Just look at that dopey smile in his face.
“How about you put down that seal skin and spend some time with me?”
He was about to do what you said but paused once he realized you said seal skin.
“Seal skin? How do you know this is a seal skin?” He asked as he went back to looking at it.
You panicked and made him face you about before he could see the flippers, “It was just a wild guess haha.”
You were getting close to Raiden without even realizing it. Your chest was pressed against his arm. You were looking up at him with a panicked smile on your face but he overlooked that fact. His brain was being fried due to the close contact.
Don’t mess this up again. You have him wrapped around your finger. Push it.
“Just let it go, you don’t need to hold onto that thing.”
You started bumping your nose against his. It’s a way that you show affection. And he is really affected by this affection. You could hear his breathing grow heavier. You seemed even more adorable to him than you were before. You’re really putting in the work to get your seal skin back.
Raiden’s heart might just explode. He didn’t know you liked him that much. He thought he missed some signals beforehand. He would feel stupid if he did.
“If you love me you’ll let the seal skin go. Don’t you love me, Raiden?”
“Yes! Yes! I do love you!” Raiden was so ecstatic that it surprised you.
“I thought you would never ask. I didn’t want to push any boundaries. I don’t know what made you start flirting with me now but I’m very glad you decided to do it. You know you didn’t have to do all that though, you already won my heart the moment I saw you.”
Finally, he dropped your seal skin. He immediately hugged you which prevented you from grabbing your skin. You were also in shock. One, you didn’t hide the fact that you were trying to seduce him. Two, he thought this was genuine.
You feel so bad now. You need to spill the truth and tell him what you were doing.
“Uh, Raiden, I need to tell you something very important.”
Oof, that was difficult.
You told Raiden the truth about you. You told him that you are a selkie and that he was holding onto your seal skin. You explained your worries and how you were just trying to get it back from him.
He understands but he did get bummed out that you weren’t actually trying to flirt with him. You were doing it out of desperation. He apologized for worrying you. You apologized for misjudging him on his intentions.
“So that means you don’t actually like me.” He said it in such a somber tone it felt like your heart was being choked after hearing it.
He looked like a sad rejected puppy who didn’t get adopted by a loving family. He felt embarrassed too since he admitted he likes you.
“No! I do! I really do like you! Please believe me, Raiden.” You practically tackled him to the ground trying to proved that you did like him.
You would never think about breaking his heart. It would kill you. You came on the land just to be closer to him. You’re worried that you have ruined it all and now he won’t like you. You didn’t tell him the truth and you deceived him. How will he ever forgive you?!
“Thank the elder gods.” He let out a sigh of relief. Clearly, he forgives you. He’s happy that your feelings were true.
So what if you’re a selkie. Won’t change the fact that you have a lovable personality that brings Raiden closer to you. If anything it makes you even more unique to him. Who you truly are won’t change the fact that he will love you still, human or seal.
After notes: I love listening to seals make noises. Listen to these stupid idiots. Look at that banana form. Glorious creatures of nature.
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gardenletter · 1 year
Yandere orc x reader🔥🥀🔪💚
People of all species lived in mixed communities, cities and kingdoms and the land was at its highest and with all species together living was easy playing off each other's strengths. But a famine came causing a panic .Starting a war between species for resources and land as people left or were kicked out of kingdoms to their previous home lands.But before the war took place you lived in an intermixed kingdom and your best friend was an Orc boy.
"Xurl"I called as I was trying to find my friend as we have been playing hide and seek for the past 2 hours and I haven't found him yet.As I called for him again I heard a childish giggle over my shoulder as I looked up to see him hanging from a tree above.
"Hey that's sooo unfair" I whined as Xurl swung down to the grass. "Oh come on y/n don't be a party pooper it's not like we said trees were off limits....so next time look in a tree" he says with his teeth filled grin showing off more than his baby sized tusks. I pout as I grabbed his hand and we walked to my house for some snacks. A faint blush danced his cheeks as I pulled him along...
But as we reached my yard a siren cried over us.Me and Xurl never heard such a siren before but as we saw the panic in adults faces we knew it was bad.Parents we're picking up their children and leaving or grabbing other things of value.Me and Xurl just looked at each other.And just on cue a man....or a knight I have never seen before in red and gold armor grabbed Xurl and I apart and through Xurl.
"XURL" I screamed as I tried to run to him but was stopped by the human in the red armor"don't touch that filthy thing child...it will infect you"...I was shocked and scared as i looked at him"no no he won't...Xurl is my friend" and when I went to look at Xurl he was being taken by other unfamiliar people in red armor.I was scared and didn't know what to do...my friend...my best friend was being taken and I wasn't doing anything.But as he was being dragged away adrenaline ran through me as I looked around to see every thing on fire.I grabbed a small piece of wood burning with a flame and shoved it in the eyes of one of the knights holding Xurl. She cried in agony and horror as her fellow knight also let go of Xurl to assist her.The three knights were distracted as I grabbed Xurl's hand and ran never looking back at the knights in fear of feeling guilt or seeing what I have don't to the eyes of one of them.
As we ran we see that it's not just humans taking orcs it orcs taking humans or other people not of their species.I heald onto his hand tighter as we ran.We weaved through crowds of frantic people as we tried to find one of our parents remember the four of them going to town square for shopping.And as mother luck was on our side I bumped right into the chest of my dad.His eyes the size of plates as we meet eyes...he grabs me and Xurls arms with no explanation as he lead us though the crowd to an ally way leading us to mom and Xurls parents.Xurl runs out if dad's hold into his mother's arms with tears running down his face...
Some time has passed and me and Xurl were holding each other for dear life as our parents talked about what was happening and what the next plan was."kids"Xrul's mom says as she bent down to our level."this is going to be really hard...but we're going to have to leave". And of course I thought Like no shit look at the place but then she said"and go our separate ways"
To cut the sob story short it was hard.
me and Xurl had to be literally torn apart as our parents made it to the forest line and had to go our separate ways...but no matter how young we were we know deep down way we did...no we're we went would expect a orc and human family as a package deal at the time.
That all Happened nearly 9 years from now...I still think of Xurl a lot
( I have a part 2 and 3 out now)
HEYyyyyy people I hope you like this short intro to my orc character and if you are interested in a part 2 show some love and that is possible just need to know if you guys are interested ...well hope your doing well
Love gardenletter 💕
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callimara · 1 year
The Aegis & Spellbook
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An ancient spellbook written by The First Keeper. He spent his life collecting the Aegis from all corners of the world to seal them away in this book. It contains detailed information on each Aegis, their Sentinels, history, as well as powerful spells capable of commanding them. Thus, the wielder of this spellbook has compulsion over all Aegis.  To prevent this book (along with the sealed Aegis) from falling into the wrong hands, it was hidden in a concealed crypt; enshrined with The First Keeper himself. The Aegis and their stories were soon forgotten and lost to time.
Songbird Aegis
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A hair comb embedded by a splendid rainbow opal. It is inhabited by Wren, the Sentinel of Emotion. He is represented by the songbird, creatures known for their melodious calls, capable of affecting the psyche of any living creature. With their songs, they evoke joy and hope, or even sorrow and alarm. They sing to form connection and they fill their environment with life.  After all, it is said that the experience of emotion is how one can truly be alive. To express emotion and to evoke them in others is the power of the Songbird Aegis. Thus, it is no wonder that those chosen as Wren’s vessels are those in the arts. Individuals who evoke emotion through their craft: artists, writers, musicians, and actors. Creative spirits who are highly in tune with their feelings and the feelings of others. However, this has not always resulted in a noble outcome. Some have used this aegis to spread dangerous feelings and ideas, creating in discord and disunity within communities for generations. The Songbird Aegis grants its wielders a power called Siren Song: a vocal compulsion that fills those within hearing range with powerful emotions (be it crippling sadness, strong determination, burning anger, or sluggish laziness.) It functions as both a support for their allies and an obstacle for opponents. However, the wielder must genuinely feel those emotions for the power to work, and the effect only lasts for as long as the wielder’s performance lasts. If they stop or are interrupted, the effects of the power immediately disappear. Often times, Songbird Aegis wielders will also have keen hearing if they are musicians, heightened perception if they are artists, greater empathy if they are writers, and higher charisma if they are actors. In their transformed state, Songbird Aegis wielders will also sport wings, gain perfect pitch, and the ability to sing in any language. To activate the Songbird Aegis, one must use the phrase “Crescendo” and to deactivate, “Morendo.”
Cat Aegis
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A choker necklace embedded with a luminous Cat’s Eye Moonstone. It is inhabited by Felis, the embodiment of Wonder. She embodies a living being’s curiosity and wanderlust; the desire to push the limits of what is possible and thrive by one’s own means. She is represented by the cat; adventurous and independent creatures who will always find their own way in the world. They seek adventure as often as they provide it to others, but they rarely stay in one place: one moment here, then gone the next. Their presence is a common sight among the occult: enshrouded in mystery yet always seeking more to pursue.  Vessels of Felis are known for their wanderlust and daring spirit. They tend to follow the path less travelled: they hunger for sights few others will ever see. They desire to forge into the unknown, chase thrills, and refuse to allow long odds to slow them down. However, vessels of Felis are incredibly secretive and flighty individuals, often living a double life and never staying in one place for long. Thus, many of Felis’ chosen vessels have been explorers, secret intelligence, and lawbreakers. Many have pioneered the discovery of lost ruins and unknown ecosystems, accomplished feats previously thought impossible, and uncovered (or created) deep-rooted conspiracies. However, it is the curse of the Cat Aegis wielder to walk a path of solitude, until the day the secrets they have guarded swallows them whole. In their transformed states, Cat Aegis wielders gain agility, dexterity, and reaction speed that is superior to other aegis users; as well as unique traits such as night vision and ‘9 lives.’ These 9 lives are a culmination of a feline’s ‘righting reflex’ and the wielder’s increased dexterity and agility; allowing them accomplish off near-impossible feats of athleticism or escape from life-threatening situations unharmed. They may also develop cat-like features such as claws, fangs, cat ears, tail, and eyes.  The special power of the Cat Aegis is dubbed Leap, which allows the user to instantly teleport to any previously visited location through the creation of portals. Only the user is able to see and pass through these portals (creating the illusion of teleportation to others), and the portals close immediately after the user steps through. Portals can be opened anywhere within the user’s line of sight, and only one portal can be open at any given time. If a portal is left open, the user cannot open a new one. However, an open portal will close on their own if the user detransforms. The user cannot open portals to locations they have not physically been to before, and the further the destination is from their current location, the more energy is exerted, which may force the user to detransform sooner. The amount of times the user can use Leap depends on their stamina. However, leaping to locations within their line of sight requires little to no energy. This Aegis’ activation phrase is “Bewitch” and her deactivation phrase is “Disenchant.”
Snake Aegis
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This Aegis is a serpent-shaped bangle embedded with a piece of colour-shifting alexandrite. It is inhabited by Naga, the Sentinel of Change. As the Sentinel of Change, she is the embodiment of a living creature’s innate and instinctive need to adapt to its environment in order to survive. She is represented by the snake; a polarizing creature that is both feared and admired: similar to change itself. It is considered a symbol of evil, dark magic, and temptation; but at the same time, it is also revered as a symbol of medicine, fertility, and rebirth. As such, Vessels of Naga are usually introspective and resilient; adaptable and ever-changing; and always striving for improvement and self-betterment. They are determined to overcome barriers and help others to do the same: rarely losing heart in the face of an obstacle, instead seeing it as a challenge to be overcome. Thus, many of Naga’s vessels are those in the position of guidance, care, or progress; often being involved in healthcare, innovation, the sciences, and education. But when misplaced, this ability to overcome obstacles often lead the snake aegis wielder to cross boundaries that were put in place for the safety and protection of all; sometimes, the fact that they can is more important than whether they should. When transformed, wielders of the Snake Aegis also develop snake-like traits such as thermal sense, fangs, and scales; as well as superior flexibility and agility to other aegis wielders.  The Snake Aegis grants its wielder a unique power dubbed Devour, which allows them to absorb the energy of their opponents’ attacks and stockpile it into one extremely powerful attack, or use it to recharge themselves to remain transformed for longer and heal injuries. Though, there is a limit to the amount of force that can be absorbed.  To activate the snake aegis, wielders must use the phrase, “Jaws Open.” Its deactivation phrase is, “Brumate.” 
Hawk Aegis
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A brass bracelet embedded with a brilliant fire opal. It is Inhabited by Beddiah, the Freedom Sentinel. His name was inspired by the minor loa Badessy, who holds the domain of the sky in Vodou. He embodies every living creature’s desire for self-determination, and the power to act without any hindrance or restraint. He is represented by the hawk, a creature championed as a symbol of freedom: inspiring hope wherever it soars through the skies. The hawk are magnificent birds of prey known for its flight prowess and fearlessness, preying on not only small mammals and birds, but venomous reptiles. Wielders of the Hawk Aegis are self-assured and strong-willed. They live in the moment and follow where the wind blows. But most of all, they value their autonomy and cannot be tethered or bound; for many of them, this extends to others as well as themselves. Thus, many of its wielders have been freedom fighters or rebels. This freedom does not necessarily have to be physical; the wielders of the Hawk Aegis often champion freedom in all of its forms. However, this focus on freedom has a cost; some of the Aegis wielders have taken their ideals of freedom too far, often sowing the seeds of anarchy and chaos in their wake. The Hawk Aegis grants its wielders a power called Changing Winds, which allows the wielder to will an event into reality. However, the wielder must be able to picture the event clearly in their minds and it must affect them directly; as it manifests as strokes of luck to aid the wielder in action. The Hawk Aegis also grants its wielders the gift of speed and flight. In fact, Hawk Aegis wielders are the most proficient fliers as they possess increased durability against high gravity, immunity from whiplash and may even reach Mach speeds in their flight course. Its wielders may also develop hawk-like traits such as keen eyesight, sharp talons, brown feathers, and wings. To activate the Hawk Aegis, its wielder must say the phrase, “To the Heavens” and to deactivate, “Down to Earth.”
Wolf Aegis
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This Aegis is a fingerless glove embedded with an earthy brown onyx. It is inhabited by Villr, the Sentinel of Protection. Villr embodies the natural instinct in all creatures to provide shelter and safety to those they care for: be it for the sake of survival, genuine affection, or both. He is represented by the wolf, a symbol of guardianship and loyalty. They are pack animals that thrive off of community and develop deep emotional bonds to each other; forming the foundation of loyalty and dedication which compels them to protect each other.  Vessels of Villr are often self-sacrificing, with a strong sense of belonging and a stronger urge to protect those they consider home. Thus, the aegis often finds affinity with people in roles of protection, such as parental guardians, firefighters, search and rescue, and law enforcement. However, when taken too far, this desire to protect has led to delusions of ownership and entitlement; exerting absolute control and isolation over those they wish to protect, and stopping at nothing to ensure their safety: even if it means decimating anything and everything they consider a threat. When transformed, wielders of the Wolf Aegis develop a keen sense of smell that is superior to other aegis wielders. They also possess greater armor strength that allows them to absorb only a fraction of damage other aegis wielders would sustain. Wielders will develop wolf-like features such as fangs, ears, tails, and claws when they are transformed.  The Wolf Aegis possesses a special power called Lycan’s Rage, which increases its wielder’s strength the greater their anger or determination grows to protect or eliminate a threat. Any damage received while this power is activated also increases their strength. However, the stronger they become, the more difficult it is to control their power, and the sooner they become exhausted and need to de-transform.  To activate the wolf aegis, its wielder must call out, “Howl Havoc” and, “Silence Reigns.” To deactivate.
Stag Aegis
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This Aegis is a wooden ring mimicking the shape of a deer’s antlers with a verdant malachite embedded in its center. It is inhabited by Cernunnos, the Sentinel of Harmony. Cernunnos is partially based off of the Gallo-Roman deity of the same name, who was also associated with the Horned God in Wicca. As the Sentinel of Harmony, Cernunnos embodies the importance of balance and coexistence; for all living creatures to fulfill their roles and maintain the natural order. He is represented by the stag, often perceived by many cultures as the lord of the forest; and as the lord of the forest, it falls to him to maintain balance and harmony across his kingdom.  Thus, vessels of Cernunnos are those with a strong moral compass and sense of justice. They will fight for the prosperity of all living creatures, human or animal. Many go on to pioneer movements to abolish cruelty and mistreatment upon all living beings. They have a strong sense of community and connection to their surroundings. Thus, the stag aegis has often been wielded by conservationists, activists, and humanitarian workers. However, the wielders of this aegis may become consumed by their righteousness and concept of justice that they fail to recognize the needs and desires of those they are fighting for; often projecting their own ideals and corrupting their cause. Due to their strong connection to nature and every living creature, stag aegis wielders also gain the ability to communicate with any animal they come across when they are transformed. All stag aegis wielders will also develop antlers and a keen sense of hearing that is superior to other aegis wielders.  The stag aegis also possesses as unique power dubbed Metamorphosis, which allows its users to transform into any animal that they have anatomical and physiological understanding of. As long as this power is active, they are able to freely change between different animals. However, the longer this power is activated, the more energy they use to remain transformed.  To activate this aegis, its wielders must use the phrase, “The Hunt Begins” and deactivate it using the phrase, “The Hunt Ends.”
Raven Aegis
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A feather earring embedded with a striking black opal. This Aegis is inhabited by Hugenn, the Sentinel of Thought.  He is the embodiment of every living creature’s ability to process information, analyse, and problem-solve. His name was inspired by one of Odin’s ravens, Huginn, whose job it was to bring information from Midgard to his master. As such, Hugenn is represented by the raven; an intelligent creature capable of problem-solving, planning, and using tools.  Vessels of Hugenn are those with extraordinary intellect, critical thinking, and cognitive flexibility. They value knowledge and the pursuit of truth above all else. Thus, the Raven Aegis often finds itself in the possession of scholars, scientists, and investigators. They strive to uncover the mysteries of the world and gain a better understanding of the unknown. Many bring about groundbreaking discoveries and innovations that have changed the world, for better or for worse. Though occasionally their single-minded pursuit of knowledge and truth blinds them to the morality of what it takes to achieve it. Thus, Raven Aegis users are blessed with superhuman thinking speed, processing elaborate strings of information and multiple lines of thought within a fraction of a second. This processing speed allows them to seemingly slow down time when they analyze their surroundings and contemplate their next course of action. Wielders with particularly keen intellect will also gain photographic memory. However, most will develop raven-like traits such as black feathers, wings, and the ability to perfectly mimic any human voice.  The Raven Aegis grants its wielders a special power called Vision, which allows them to see a second or two into their own future, and giving them to opportunity to anticipate, plan, and react inhumanly fast. However, while they are using this power, it also renders them completely blind, forcing them to rely on their other senses and memory of the terrain. To activate this Aegis, its wielder must call out, “Part the veil” and to deactivate, “Curtain falls.”
Tiger Aegis
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The Tiger Aegis is a belt with a tiger head shaped buckle embedded with a vibrant red tiger’s eye. It is inhabited by Maung, the Sentinel of Strength. Strength is integral to any creature’s survival: it determines who eats, who starves, who continues their bloodline, and who succumbs to natural selection. The tiger is a symbol of strength and power revered for its grace and beauty in many cultures; and many more attempt to evoke its strength and courage in the face of adversity. Therefore, vessels of Maung are individuals with extraordinary strength and will, who command admiration and respect within their community. They do not falter in the face of a challenge and will march until they claim victory. They are fierce and determined, and once they have set their mind on a goal, they will not rest until they have achieved it. Thus, the Tiger Aegis often finds itself in the possession of leaders, soldiers, and mercenaries. Individuals who are willing to lay their lives on the line for the sake of achieving their goals. However, often times wielders of this aegis will not fret about the morality of how they will achieve their goals, so long as they succeed in doing so. When transformed, Tiger Aegis wielders develop physical strength that is superior to other aegis wielders. Wielders may also develop tiger-like features such as: tiger ears, tail, claws, fangs, and striping on their bodies. The Tiger Aegis’ unique power is dubbed “Killing Intent,” which spreads an aura of intimidation to those in their vicinity; activating the flight portion of their fight or flight response which causes their opponents to hesitate, retreat, or freeze in place. This power affects those within a 20 meter radius regardless of whether they are able to see or hear them. This aura also affects allies and may require the user to exert themselves to affect individuals with nerves of steel. However, the longer it is activated, the shorter the time the wielder is able to remain transformed. The activation phrase used for this aegis is, “Go for the Kill” and its deactivation phrase is, “Hunger slaked.”
▶ Wildward Master Post
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narrans · 2 months
Stellar Allies | Part One
GT July | Stellar Allies | Part One
Words: Studying, Plush, Behemoth, Shipwreck, Alien
Sirens blared all around him. Lights flashed, creating blinding sparks left and right. There was no choice now. The vessel needed to land – and now. The controls and steering mechanisms groaned and tugged against his grip.
This landing wasn’t going to be pretty.
“Just another mission. In and out. Routine. Yeah, routine my juthez! Make contact with the team. It’ll be easy. Communication breakdown is common. Juthez! This is bad!” These thoughts wouldn’t do any of them any good now.
With all his might, he threw himself backwards and attempted to level off the ship, but the damage along the edges of the wings was irreparable. Whatever had hit them knew exactly how to incapacitate their ship to force a landing.
“It’s no use!” the captain pathed. “Get to the escape pods! Coordinates have been sent. Go!”
“Captain!” The second-in-command was shot a single look, which silenced her. The captain leaned over and tapped a few lights on the console, giving the ensign a determined look.
“You heard the order. Get to the pods. I’ll be close behind. Go!”
Relinquishing the controls was the most difficult thing he’d ever done, but it was the captain’s orders and the longer he waited the less of a chance the captain would have to get out safely.
“See you soon, captain,” the ensign pathed as he slid out from the chair and ran to the escape pods. It took only two seconds to slide on the emergency suit, even though it felt like an eternity, and the ensign slid into the pod, slamming it shut behind him. The other places were vacant, showing the other members of the crew had already ejected.
He was the last one other than the captain.
Leaning back and scanning in, the pod rumbled around him before ejecting. The space craft was igniting rapidly from what little the ensign could see as he sped off through the atmosphere and to the ground far below. The wings broke off. The shields were obviously failing. The ensign watched with wide-eyed horror as the ship continued to burn up as it entered the atmosphere.
Something broke free from the ship. Was it the other escape pod? Was it just more debris? There wasn’t time to think about it as the ensign’s escape pod clipped something else, making it spin and spiral.
The ground far below was spinning out of control. Everything was blurring. Nausea swelled inside him. As the pod entered the atmosphere, the ensign blacked out, hoping beyond hope that his pod would arrive at the same emergency destination as the others after hitting some unknown thing in orbit and not somewhere completely off course.
How quickly those hopes would be dashed….
Space. An unlimited source of curiosity. The ever expanding abyss that exists all around us. It is the Dark Forest. It is the potential for greatness. It is the terror of the unknown.
It was here that Clifford Neilson found his true fascination. He had been studying it for years. Well, he and his best friend Jaxon Warner. Both boys were obsessed with the idea of going into space. They stared up at the Nevada sky for hours upon hours once it was supposed to be lights out for bedtime just to gaze at the night sky. They’d memorized the constellations and made their own telescopes before their parents bought them each one for their thirteenth birthdays.
Their love of science and the enjoyment of many of the same media forms made them best friends from early on in their lives. They were inseparable from day one of elementary school and they were still so in the summer before their first year of high school.
So, as they gazed up at the summer sky admiring the view, they naturally were in contact with one another. It was the time for the Perseids Meteor Showers, and naturally both boys were glued to their windows. As a massive streak lit up the sky, Clifford reached over toward his desk and fumbled for his walkie-talkie.
“Cliff to Jax. Cliff to Jax. Do you copy?” hissed Cliff into his walkie. The mechanical button clicked under the pressure of his fingers and a light static filled the air by his ear. There was a click and the sound of jostling on the other end of the line before his best friend’s voice filled the air.
“Jax to Cliff. I read you buddy. Did you see the tail on that last one?” asked Jax. “And don’t forget to say ‘over’ when you’re done talking. Over.” Cliff rolled his eyes, which almost made him miss the next shooting star, as he clicked the button onto his walkie again.
“Copy, and I definitely did see it. I can’t believe how many we’re getting tonight. And don’t you lecture me about radio etiquette. I’m the one who taught you about using ‘over.’ Over.” Cliff’s elbows ached as he continued to lean against them as he absorbed the sky above him. The billions of twinkling lights above him was absolutely mesmerizing. He already knew he’d be asking for an astrophotography set that was compatible with his telescope for his next birthday.
“Hahaha sure buddy. Big ole’ 10-4 on that. Anyway, you logging all of these? I’m trying to guestimate the length of the tails and approximate where they’d land if they collided with earth. Over,” Jax replied. His mocking laugh on the other side of the line would have gotten under Cliff’s skin if not for the next series of massive meteors falling from the sky making beautiful arcs as they burned up in the atmosphere.
“I haven’t actually. That’s a good idea though. We’ve got some record breakers tonight,” muttered Cliff, mouth agape as he stared up. A twinge in his neck as he craned it backward to keep a full view of the sky made him groan. He pulled his eyes from the sky to try and massage the area.
“You okay dude? Over?” asked Jax. Cliff glanced down at his radio and noticed he hadn’t fully released the “talk” button. Jax probably just heard a garbled moan from his side of the radio. Leave it to a friend to call me out on this stuff Cliff thought.
“Yeah, I’m okay. Sorry. Just a tweak in my neck. Didn’t mean to cut out on you. Over,” replied Cliff. He heard his friend scoff over the line and, before he even said anything, Cliff already knew what Jax was going to say.
“From looking up? Shouldn’t you be used to that since you’re always looking up? Over,” stated Jax. Cliff felt himself shaking his head and laughing silently as he understood his friend’s meaning; and it wasn’t just a looking up at space joke. Cliff had achondroplasia, so he was usually looking up at the people around him. It was said in jest and meant as a joke between them, along with the frequent joke of, “You’ll always look up to me,” stupidness, but it still made Cliff smile.
Jax was one of his only friends who didn’t treat him any differently than anyone else, and the jokes that he made were ones Cliff genuinely thought were amusing. He rolled his eyes and clicked his button again.
“Yeah, ya’ big oaf. I can only imagine how your neck must feel. Do giants have neck problems? Over,” grinned Jax.
“Naw, man. It’s in the knees. Always in that deep squat to talk to everyone. Gotta get that replaced. Know any good doctors? Over,” asked Jax. Cliff opened his mouth to retort when a massive streak ignited the sky. All words abandoned him as he gazed up at the dazzling lights. “Woah! Man! Are you seeing this? Over!”
“Yeah,” he mumbled, mind barely registering that he had squeezed the “talk” button as he watched the tail ignite the sky. Cliff’s eyes fixated on the meteor, but then something caught his eye. There was something about how it was breaking apart that didn’t seem like a normal meteor.
Thinking fast, Cliff redirected his telescope to the sky and the place where he could see the tail. He had just gotten it in his sights when he saw seven different pieces break off one by one. What was interesting was the fact each one of the pieces broke off separately with little bursts, each propelling it away from the main body. It was a behemoth of a meteor, at least for average size measures, and was sure to make the news the next day.
Cliff nearly continued tracking along the main body of the meteor but paused when one of those fragments broke off and, to his sheer excitement, saw it hurdling toward him. He pried himself away from his telescope and looked back out the window eagerly, heart pounding a hole right through him.
Sure enough. The piece he saw before looked like it had broken off and was arcing right for the ground and, if he was right, it was probably going to land close. Cliff watched with baited breath as the larger mass continued toward the ground far to the north while the smaller fragment he spotted spiraled and crashed. The teen boy was practically throwing himself against the window as he realized where the meteorite had impacted.
“My dude! Did you see that? Did you see it! It landed! We’ve got a meteorite in the fields! It’s in the park! It’s gotta be!” Cliff was sprinting around his room pulling on a jacket and his science bag while shoving his radio clip through the side pocket. He was pulling on his headphones when he heard Jax’s reply.
“I know! I know! And you didn’t say over! Over!” Jax said. From the rustling sounds Cliff heard in the background, he guessed his friend was also pulling on his clothes.
“I’m on my way down the block. Meet me there on your bike. We’re going after it! Over!” hissed Cliff eagerly. Despite his excitement, the teenager was able to slip out of his childhood home past his parents’ room without issue and, within a minute, was on his Joni peddling his heart out.
He beat Jax by only a few seconds as the two boys turned their attention to the fields that led to the national park right across the way. Both boys gazed in the direction they saw the crash and grinned at one another eagerly.
“You think we can actually make it?” asked Jax. “Before anyone else I mean. I can’t imagine we’re the only ones who saw that.”
“Only one way to find out. It’s probably a few miles in. Fastest peddling will get us there in fifteen to twenty minutes if we’re really going at it,” estimated Cliff. Jax grinned and pushed his unruly hair out of his eyes and under the rim of his helmet.
“Then we’d better get moving,” he said firmly.
Determination and excitement fueled the two boys as they turned their bikes to the swath of desert that lay in front of them. The terrain was tricky and navigating in the dark was also a bit of a beast. These boys, however, were undeterred. With their monochromatic lights geared for seeing in the dark and their knowledge of the terrain, their adventure felt short lived despite nearly thirty minutes passing since they’d left the safety of their home to charge out into the midnight lit desert.
Jax and Cliff both huffed and puffed as they pushed their bikes up the final part of the hill. The entire way, the smell of burning stone filled their nostrils. They knew they were close, and they had the right gear for the job. They’d done their research and had several of the essentials including gloves, tongs, aluminum foil, and even multiple containers to put it in. They’d figure out how to divide it up later.
As they crested over the hill, they saw it – a small crater. It wasn’t very big, but neither of them expected something massive. It was just a meteorite fragment after all. The bigger piece was far to the north, and it was way too far away for them to go after tonight. This piece, however, was going to be perfect for the aspiring astronauts.
“Almost… there,” puffed Jax. He hopped back on his bike and rode the hill all the way back down. Cliff did the same. The bumpy terrain shook Cliff up one side and down the other, but he didn’t care. This was going to be his first adventure harvesting a meteorite. The first of many if he had anything to say about it.
Cliff was trembling with excitement as he and his friend abandoned their bicycles a few hundred feet away from the flickering, fiery mess burning in the ground.
“Safety first,” Cliff instructed as he pulled off his backpack and put on a filtered face mask that he’d used for chemistry class. Jax did the same before handing Cliff a pair of heat resistant gloves.
“Nice and careful. You get the aluminum foil and I’ll get the tongs,” directed Jax.
“I’m only saying that because my arms are longer. I don’t want to get too close to the fire. You should be happy you get to hold it first,” Jax pointed out. Cliff rolled his eyes, wanting to be the one to use the tongs, but relented with the alternative of being the first between them to hold a meteorite.
“Got it. Ready?”
They crouched and cautiously stepped forward. The ground crunched under their shoes as they crouched and inched their way closer and closer to the burning place on the ground. Thankfully, nothing nearby was burning to create a dangerous fire.
Their hearts were hammering faster and faster, both glancing nervously at one another as they approached their target. Cliff wondered what the texture was going to be like. Was it going to be rough or smooth? Would it have ridges or be like an ocean smoothed stone? There were so many different reports of what it could be like.
But, as they approached, the boys began to notice some irregularities. For one, there wasn’t a distinct crater. There were skid marks that were parallel that looked more like that of a docking boat in sand and stone. Jax glanced back at Cliff, who noticed his friend looked just as confused as he felt.
Neither spoke and continued to approach. Cliff felt his hands starting to get cold and clammy within the protective gloves he had on. The hair on the back of his neck began to stand on end, and there was something unsettling in the air. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but there was something off about this area.
Now nearly thirty feet away, they could better see their target, and it made them stop in their tracks. What they expected was a hunk of rock from space, but what they saw was far from that ideal image.
The parallel skid marks didn’t lead to a rock, but a cylindrical tube that was the color of liquid mercury. Something was hissing and whatever it was looked a bit banged up, dents creating odd imperfections in the surface making it look like scuffed silverware. Jax turned around to look at Cliff, mouthing “what on earth” before looking back at the tube.
For a moment, Cliff contemplated turning back or getting Jax’s attention to plan a new strategy, but he knew his curiosity would always get the better of him and already he and his best friend were stepping cautiously forward toward the metallic cylinder. The hissing was starting to subside and, now that they were closer, they could see that it was hissing because there was a small section that was open along the side.
Jax crouched down and, like a military sergeant, he held up his hand with a closed fist, signaling that they should stop. He turned and, in a hushed voice, asked, “Do you see this? It looks like a shipwreck.”
“Yeah. It does,” muttered Cliff as he inched forward toward his friend. “Should we get closer?”
“I mean, I think so. I’m just worried about the hissing and stuff. Like, what is it putting in the air?” asked Jax. Cliff glanced around at the smoldering brush nearby and the tiny flames that hadn’t extinguished yet.
“Well, it’s probably not toxic. Look,” he said as he pointed to the fire. “The flames are still orange. If there were other chemicals in the air, the fire would probably change color.” Jax gave his friend a disbelieving look, actually swinging his head over to stare at his friend before fixing his eyes back on the flames.
“That’s only a little reassuring. There’s a million other explanations for that,” Jax pointed out.
“I know, but it’s what we’ve got. We’re either turning back or investigating. So? Which is it?” The ultimatum made the decision an obvious one. Swallowing dryly, the boys inched forward once again, this time with the intention of moving forward.
Both of them were quaking in their shoes as they were now close enough to glimpse inside the small section of the metal cylinder. Just inside, they could barely make out what looked like some kind of odd plush made of a reflective leather. Tongs in hand, Jax’s trembling hands reached forward and nudged the slit in the metal cylinder open.
The hatch clicked and hissed again as it slid open, parts of it grinding as it clicked open and revealed what was inside. The boys’ jaws went slack as the realization hit them. Neither could tear their eyes away from the sight.
It was an alien. A real alien.
@gianttol #gtjuly #gtjuly2024
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rachelsfav-queer · 29 days
This might be awful cause I’m sick and sleepy but here’s some Wenclay ❤️
(also some background Enid/Yoko/Divina)
Wednesday walked beside her girlfriend through the halls of Nevermore, while Wednesday ignored the stares from all the other students, Bianca quite frankly reveled in them. All eyes were on the siren and the raven, more specifically on their joined hands between them. It sent a clear message.
Wednesday Addams and Bianca Barclay were dating.
As in girlfriends, kissing, hugging, holding hands. It was a strange sight to see, especially as for the rest of the student body, or just anyone not in their tightly knit friend group, who wouldn’t have noticed the two girls growing closer in private. The last anyone else had known, they were still bitter rivals and nobody could’ve imagined them dating. Again, anyone not in their friend group.
While some self-described tortured artists were still throwing a hissy fit over the development of rivals to trusted allies to friends and now finally to lovers, the rest of the group were quite invested in their relationship. Specifically Enid and Yoko, both absolutely dying for even the smallest bits of gossip and updates on their progression. Though their girlfriend, Divina, had managed to reel them in and keep them from getting too excited about it all.
Overall, it seemed that all the other students were mostly impressed with the new relationship. The two school rivals who had came together to defeat the undead pilgrim wizard zombie that threatened all of Nevermore now dating? Talk about power couple, right? It would definitely be the talk of the entire school for at least a couple weeks, which Bianca was sure would get on Wednesday’s nerves pretty quickly. But they had both agreed to coming out with this. It’s not like they’d be able to keep it on the down low for very long, after all with Bianca’s Queen Bee status and all.
So they decided it would be best for them to come out on their own terms. And this way, they could control the narrative. An Addams and a siren dating? The rumors were starting to form in the air as they walked. So yeah, this was very much for the best.
Soon enough, Bianca and Wednesday reached the quad where their friends were all waiting for them. As soon as they caught sight of them, Enid had let out a squeal that could probably be heard from all the way in Jericho as she quite literally bounced out of her seat between her girlfriends on the bench and ran to give the newly out couple a huge hug before being guided back by Divina to the table. The group all made quick congratulations to the siren and seer for announcing their relationship before they all fell into their own individual conversations.
Bianca looked over to her short girlfriend and smiled, and Wednesday looked up at her and returned it with a smaller smile. Bianca only smiled wider as even this was practically wide toothy grin when it came to Wednesday Addams and she pulled the seer in for a small kiss before they separated and continued talking to their friends.
End <3
(I think I’m delusional again. Should I post this on ao3?)
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jaybirdie421 · 3 days
What are the skeletons opinions on horror games
ooooo!! First ask, hi!! I'll go down the VERY long line LMAO
Classic: Thinks they're neat, doesn't play them often though. He's just kind of busy all the time with the machine and lowkey taking care of like. 14 idiots in his house, but he does think they're cool I feel like he would like One Night At Flumpty's if you know what that is!! or JR's!! Not really a horror game, but i think he'd like "Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes"
Papyrus: Think's they're super interesting but can't play them LOL. He'll watch Youtubers play them and loves watching the other skeleton's play them, but if he feels like a jumps scare is coming, he's defiantly covering everything but the youtuber's face-cam or just watching whoever's reaction. I think he'd like.. Indigo Park and Security Breach. I feel like he'd appreciate the bright colors and minimum scare-ies :)))
Blue: LOVES them but is very quiet about it!! He definitely would've liked JR's and Poppy Playtime, probably Indigo Park, too. Not a big fan of gore tho!
Stretch: can't handle horror games at all LOL. Loves horror movies and books, because he can detach himself and laugh at their stupid choices, but when it's HIM?? ..NAH. but!! again, not really a horror game, but i think he'd also like "Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes"
Helvetica: Generally just doesn't horror games scary?? He just doesn't find them worth his time for the most part. He works a LOT and gets plenty thrill from night rides on his bike, so horror games are just kinda. eh. i feel like he would like that one game where your a 911 dispatcher though
Malvery: ALSO LOVES HORROR. Def a big Puppet Combo guy, defiantly likes creepypasta, also?? FNAF?? for sure. I feel like he liked 3 and sister the most, maybe 6 too! Doesn't find horror scary at all.
Red: Oooo he liked horror games, even if he doesn't play them often. He doesn't care for real loud or gorey games (other than Dead by Daylight, he fucking LOVES that game. i feel like he would like res evil too, but i havent played it so idk) but i feel like he would LOVE games that just.. put you on edge. Like. Phsycological horror. Little Nightmares type shit. He def loves LN. Also likes Puppet Combo.
Edge: Genuinely just doesn't play them, but I think he would like "We Harvest Shadows" and 'Doors.'
Lust: Likes them fine, but really just likes the character designs more than the actual games. Security Breach and Sister location are probably some of his favorites just because he likes drawing them outfits. Loves the lore ab Dress to Impress though LOL
Dezi: Doesn't like horror. Doesn't really have a tolerance for it, doesn't enjoy it. He will make outfits and cosplays though for fans and he enjoys it. I feel like he'd like DDLC though
Dust: Also a Puppet Combo fiend, tries to get Dyrus to play with him. Also a big creepypasta fan, really fucks w the Slenderman and Siren Head games
Dyrus: Terrified of Siren Head specifically do not even play with him, he will haunt the shit out of you. Doesn't really like horror, but likes watching the others play. Liked Indigo Park, i feel :)))
Hop: Nah. not his thing. thought Sister Location was cool tho
Tango: Also a nah, but he really likes dating sims and will play the spooky ones.
Cosmic: Not technically horror but i feel like he'd like subnautica and lost in space games. The ocean is something that's just kind of.. incomprehensible to him, and the stars remind him of home sooo
Orion: likes mechanical games!! Help Wanted's vent repair and animatronic matnience would be RIGHT up his ally! Also subnautica and space games for the same reason as his brother
Mars: yes and no. some can trigger him really bad so he usually avoids them, but he likes FNAF
Jupiter: honestly really likes farming games. he doesn't care much for horror but sees it as a challenge!! Probably would like We Harvest Shadows and Pumpkin Panic
Keigo: Oh, horror FIEND. Played and loved every single fnaf game, loved Little nightmares, liked poppy playtime and indigo park. They will get him a little jumpy though!! cares a lot about audio!! the music in JR's and LN is what MADE it for him
Apollo: he thinks they're really fun but certain sound design can REALLY set him off. Like little nightmares' sounds are SO good but would trigger the shit out of him.
i think thats all!! wow that was a lot LOL
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 5 months
Dark Blue Moon and the Suffering Sun Chapter 30
huge thanks to brekitten again for betaing uwu
Despite Damian complaining of the smell, Danny personally thought his new outfit was very comfortable, at least compared to the alternatives. At some points their little nature walk along the road brought them close to the river they’d swum up to get to the locks. They could’ve easily jumped in if they wanted, but the presence of GiW boats in a narrow passage made it a very unappetising option.
They also didn’t know what his human form looked like, but they did know about siren human forms in general. Once they realised the canal itself was empty, they would very likely transition into hunting him on land. Then there would be problems.
Danny picked up the pace. Jogging was easy when you could ice over your overheating muscles from the inside, a technique that had fascinated and disgusted his friends. To their right, the remains of the canal shipyards, and to their left, a large hill covered in trees and foliage overlooked the water. Wind rustled through the leaves and blew through his clothes. Ah, to be clothed at last. What a luxury.
As they walked, the boys made idle commentary on the scenery, including sardonic comments at the presence of a golf club on the hill.
“I should hope they do not punt any balls into the water.”
“I dunno. Could be a fun challenge. Imagine doing a hole in one across the canal!”
The shade was nice too. Even the air felt cooler underneath the trees. As they rounded the corner of the mountain, their next issue made itself known.
A car drove past them, only to stop and slow down at a check point manned by, who else, the GiW. At some point Danny was seriously questioning the Panamanian government. If he were in charge, he would definitely not let the US government just run roughshod over his country’s infrastructure. That being said, it probably wasn’t the first time the government fucked things up in South America, as Sam’s many rants had led him to learning.
Danny ran his finger along Damian’s forearm, earning a hiss from the kid. He slathered the mucus over his ear, turning it into its siren form.
“Shush. Lemme listen.”
He closed his eyes and concentrated. “Sorry ma’am. We’re with the US government. We’ll need to inspect your car for any siren contraband or smuggling. We’ll also have to test you for mind control.”
With that, another voice seemed to repeat the command in very apologetic Spanish. It seemed their translator was about as unhappy with the arrangement as the poor civilian.
“Tt. Amateurs.” Damian muttered.
Then came a very rapid series of what he believed was swearing from the driver, an older woman. Oh. He didn’t need his ears to notice the sandals smacking into the agents. Danny couldn’t help but laugh a little.
It wasn’t like the blockade would do anything! There was a whole-ass hill right beside him.
“How were these people ever a threat to us?” Damian muttered. He hissed at a stray branch jabbing into his ribs, batting it away.
“Probably all the money the government throws at them to buy weapons. From my parents.” Yeah it kinda said a lot that the only reason they were any issue at all were because of his parents.
Damian stiffened. If Danny weren’t holding him so close, he wouldn’t have noticed it.
Danny hiked into the forested hill. Great thing about clothes, Damian, is that they protect your very soft human skin from being sliced up by thorns and branches and other sharp shrubbery. “It’ll be fine. I’ve beaten these clowns a dozen times before.”
 “With allies, and a healthy body. And in the water. Be wary.”
Danny grinned. “But I still have my powers!”
“Tut. Be wary. Triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall.”
“Hah! How many dictionaries did you consume to be able to say that?”
“Five. And I do not consume books, I read them, unlike you and your sullen species.”
“I am literally human right now. And I read plenty of books.” Comic books, in fact. But that addendum didn’t stop the (invisible) smirk on his face. Comics books are literature too! Even if the canon keeps getting ruined every few years.
Damian began another retort, only for the forest to fill with alarm blares. The sounds overlapped and pounded in Danny’s ears. “What happened!?”
He was in human form, they couldn’t detect-  Wait. He slapped himself in the face. It was Damian. They’d detected Damian’s signature. Fuck.
“The forest covered up their smell. Dangit. The one time they weren’t wildly incompetent.”
His head snapped to the side, then he turned around. Nobody yet. Damian growled. “We need to get moving.”
“You can say that again.”
Danny wove through the branches amidst rising shouts, and alarms that continued to sound. He caught a glint on the side of a tree. One ice spear was all it took to take out a sensor. More still screamed.
“Behind you!”
Danny dove to the floor. A shot whizzed past his head. His body creased leaves and pressed the dirt.
“There’s the specimen! Take it down!”
Several more guns whined. Danny rolled to the side. He got up in seconds. The dirt exploded behind him. Three more shots fired into a tree, causing it to creak and groan.
Damian squeezed his arm. “Throw me,” he whispered.
Danny’s face went slack. “What?!”
“There are only two of them. They do not know my identity, and they have weapons.”
Yeah them having weapons was a very good reason not to throw you at the racist government agents, Damian! “You’re crazy.”
“The Atlanteans underestimated me similarly. Now hurry!”
Another two agents flanked them on the other side. Despite his reservations, Danny was forced to admit the kid had a point. “Fine, but be careful!”
Danny stepped back. He threw his arms over his shoulders, Damian’s waist held tightly. With all his strength, he hurled him like the screaming ball of fury and spite that he was. The boy flashed into visibility. The agents behind him screamed girlishly, a fact that he wished he could have recorded.
Instead he squared his shoulders at the two in front of him. It was G from earlier and another guy. Hello misplaced aggression. The goons cried out, preparing to fire on Damian. While the kid was still on top of their friends’ faces!? Well, friendly fire never stopped them. Danny flicked two beams. One froze the trigger on G’s gun solid, scoring half his hand as a bonus. The other got his friend’s gun muzzle. The agent pulled the trigger anyway, and was rewarded by scalding hot metal shards to the face for his troubles.
Danny’s eyes glowed steely black and blue. He fired off another salvo. His attacks bound their wrists and feet to the ground. At the same time, his nose tickled with a coppery odour. The screams of the men behind him reduced to pained sobbing.
“I am returning,” Damian declared. Danny had about half a second between that warning and the kid slamming onto his back, arms wrapping around his neck again. The extra weight almost knocked him off his feet.
“What the heck are you carrying?!”
The skin around his ears shivered. A gun charged right over his shoulder. Damian nailed a reinforcing agent in the shoulder. “A new acquisition. Now move!”
Only Damian. Only Damian.
So the stealthy approach wasn’t working out amazingly. By the time Danny had cleared the forest, and lost his pursuers, there were about a dozen men lying on the dirt in various states of pain. Danny jogged past the now-unmanned barrier, wondering if there was really any point to sneaking around.
Damian panted over his shoulder. They needed to stop for another water break. His friend wouldn’t last long without one. And he was feeling the fatigue of keeping his powers up already. He’d need another snack soon.
“We cannot afford another confrontation. It was lucky we had the advantage in terrain, and they squandered their numbers by walking in one by one. The next fight may not be as fortunate.”
It was an apt time to say that, seeing as their presence had definitely not gone unnoticed.
A large white truck barreled through the road, giving Danny an honest to god heart attack. He dashed behind an electric post without thinking. Luckily it hadn’t noticed him, but the road ahead reeked of further agents. He wouldn’t be surprised if there were checkpoints along every road and intersection from here to the beach.
“Like seriously. There’s no way Panamanian government could be happy with this. I’m not going crazy, right?”
“This will likely be an international incident, especially if my plan is to go through.”
Danny suddenly felt rather uncomfortable. “What plan?”
“It is simply the most logical way to proceed. As I said, we do not have the resources to fight many more battles. At some point, we will be encircled, and either be captured or severely injured.”
“So what’s your plan, then?”
Damian laughed. It was not the joyful, innocent laughter of a kid his size, but rather a cackle fitting a demon, or some sadist coming up with creative ways to inflict pain on his victims. Danny got very, very worried.
“Wrench!” Dad called out. Jazz pulled one out of the toolbox and handed it over.
“Nope, wrong tool. I need the, uhh the thingamajig.” Without a beat lost, Jazz passed some fiendish contraption meant for measuring hydroplasm levels, name still pending.
“Thanks Jazziepants.”
For a man who’d been insistent on keeping her in bed or out of any hard work, and whom had been specifically instructed to do so regardless, her father’s willpower was very weak when subjected to Jazz’s arguments. That was what led her to sitting in the engine room with her father, watching him put the hydroplasm back into working levels. She felt a little bad about making her dad spend so much time, but what guilt she felt would have been outweighed a thousand-fold by the pain of seeing her brother in their parents’ grasps.
Now she needed to know the direction of his heart.
“Dad, are you ok?”
He shrugged. “I’m ok as ever, Jazzie.”
“You’ve been worrying.”
Her father yanked out a faulty wire. “What kinda dad wouldn’t be? When I was a kid, my grandpa Fenton told me one day, I’d be the man of my own house. I’d protect my wife and my kids from those gosh darn delinquents of the deep. Of course, I ended up finding a lovely wife who’d protect me just as much as I her, but,” He swallowed.
“It’s ok. I’m here for you, Dad. Is it something to do with the interrogation?”
“Jazzie, look, I don’t want you to worry.”
“But it’s bothering you, right?”
Her dad’s boots arced inwards, like he’d clenched his toes. “Our only lead was Phantom. That’s the whole point of this trip. But we got him, and he wouldn’t spill. And I didn’t know what to do.”
“Were you hurt?”
“No. Nobody got hurt. But your mother… I’m sorry, it’s not something you should be hearing.”
Her father’s voice went uncharacteristically serious. No! She didn’t need protecting. She needed information.
“Dad, you and mom have been dreaming of capturing a siren for years.”
Her father’s body went still for a moment. He quietly screwed in a bolt. “I know. It was nothing like I’d ever expected.”
“In a good way?”
“I thought he was gonna fight. Or throw snark at us like the fish felon he is. It was what our research told us what would happen. But it didn’t.”
She said nothing, her silence prompting her father to continue.
“Jazzie, he… cried. And suddenly I realised that Phantom looked like a kid. Like Danny’s age.”
“That young?” Jazz said with fake surprise. “Do you think he still could’ve done it?”
“I don’t know. But he must be involved, somehow. In any case, we’ll still have to pursue him.”
Jazz leaned in closer. Her father’s goggles were off, which gave her an unblocked view of his eyes. Just like her mother, they faltered with hidden speculation with doubt. The relief made her cry, almost. “There’s no guarantee, Dad,” she whispered.
Her father sat up from the creep. He stretched his arms out, and pulled her into an embrace. “I promise we’ll figure something out. Your brother’s got the might of the Fentons in him.”
‘Specimen Phantom is in disguise. Be on high alert. Nobody is above suspicion.’ Agent H hummed. That damned fish freak. Crawled its way out of the water the moment trouble hit. Now everyone was mobilising. Agent H shut off the radio, having heard enough.
Frankly, he’d had enough of this damned country and the heat. He’d been got by at least three mosquitoes already, and this brief respite in the truck was all he’d get until another six hours spent underneath the tropical sun, looking for a damn slippery siren.
He hoped Phantom would turn into fried fish before he did. Goddammit.
That was not to mention the freaking local police, who’d been harassing them all day about their tasks. Ignorant locals. How could they not notice the threat lurking right under their noses? Without the help of his organisation, the Canal would’ve been wrecked, then who’d have the final laugh? Definitely not Panama.
“Be on high alert, H.” Agent I said. “Specimen Phantom and its accomplice just took out squad A in the trees.”
H turned to her. “And why aren’t we assisting them?”
“Squad B’s taken care of it. We need to cut of the specimen’s escape, before it reaches the open ocean.”
H scoffed. “We have enough manpower, I. These sirens are smart enough to get around us. We need to hunt the specimen actively.”
“And you need to follow orders, Agent H. The local government’s only barely tolerating our presence as is. One wrong move and there will be hell to pay, do you understand?”
Agent H grumbled.
“Do you understand, Agent H?” Agent I ground out.
“Yes, ma’am. I-”
Agent H was unable to finish his sentence. He slammed the brakes. He and Agent I jerked forward in their seatbelts as the truck screeched to a halt in front of a gruesome sight. In the middle of the road, two wooden stakes were erected. Blood stained the road at the base of them. Strung up to the stakes were two familiar uniforms.
“Agent G! Agent F!” He cried out. Agent H tore off his seatbelt. He snatched his hydro gun and rushed out. His blood ran cold. How dare that- that- that monster!?
“Agent H! Get back here!” His superior ordered. He ignored her. He needed to-
Agent H was right in front of the wooden stakes when he realised his error. What looked like G’s soft brown skin and F’s paler tan from afar became patchy, holed. It was no human, but a kind of mocking imitation made from dried reeds and branches.
That meant- Shit.
Agent H had no time to react. Brilliant blue blasted him across the road. He struggled, cursed, tried to reach his communicator, but his efforts were for naught. The ice bound his wrists together like concrete. In the corner of his eye, he saw Agent I put up just a few more seconds of fight, before a barrage of hydro beams took her down too. That was their weapons!
Shame burned his skin hotter than the tropical sun. The dirty, evil sirens opened the door to the truck, invisibly. He could only watch helpless as a trapped rat as the truck kicked into full gear.
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