#and only those three countries
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netherzon · 11 months ago
Just went to my first bull riding show and from now on America, Brazil, and Australia are the bull riding trio to me
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I think Danny Phantom fandom is absolutely sleeping on the sheer dumb bulshittery Danny, Sam and Tucker generate on the regular and it’s a fucking shame. Like, the three of them have exactly one (1) single braincell between them, and the only one to use it at least semi-regularly is Jazz. You literally can’t leave them for five minutes without them stumbling into some new bullshit every single time. Granted, a lot of times bullshit finds them first instead of the other way around, but by god will they make the situation worse. They run into the situations with the same reckless abandon the cockchafers fly into any solid obstacle in their way, and you’d think that at least one of them will be the voice of reason, and you’d be dead wrong.
Danny? He thought pranking a murder happy millionaire with a vindictive streak the size of Grand Canyon was a great idea. And then, like a moron, he decided to use equally murder happy government agency with a huge prejudice against ghosts and a vendetta against him, personally. Absolutely nothing that could go wrong with that, obviously!
(spoiler alert, things did go very wrong very fast)
Tucker? A valid choice at the first glance, except he is always down to commit crimes for either his friends or just for funsies. Remember that time he ran an obviously illegal babysitting scam business? Or that time when he brainwashed and then dimensionally displaced the whole school into Ancient Egypt setting? Another notable instances of Tucker being a menace, in no particular order: organised o pro-meat protest in a few hours, tried to shoot a ghost with his phone as a projectile (and succeeded), sold Sam out to a ghost out of sheer pettiness, gave Skulker an alarm-induced ptsd, almost killed Danny that one time (don’t worry, Danny was fine) and in general committed to being bullshit-enabling gremlin.
Now Sam would seem the most grounded and reasonable out of three of them, but it is what SHE wants you to believe. She is just as, if not more, unhinged as the boys, she just hides it better. Remember that time she trashed the castle and antagonised a few dozen of armed guards, while having no back up, no weapons, no allies and while being in some shithole in the Ghost Zone? And then basically told a tyrannical asshole with op dragon powers “fuck you and your entire kingdom” in the face? And then rode another dragon who put said asshole through a wall? Good times.
They all seem like perfectly reasonable people at the first glance, and then Tucker and Danny would dare each other to lick that weird glowing green rock, and Sam would roll her eyes and groan about how stupid boys are, and then Tucker would dare her to lick that glowing rock too, and Danny will say, “Come on, Tuck, it’s okay if she’s too afraid to do it-”, and yes, Sam and her mother have many disagreements on a lot of things, but both her mother AND Granny did not raise a fucking bitch, move over, Tucker, or so help her the spirit of Pandora-
They all end up absolutely miserable in ecto-containment units sick as hell with ecto-flu and on all questions answer that no, they don’t know how this happened, maybe it was ghost attack last week, they did get blasted by that green goo, after all, but really, they have absolutely no idea, honest. Jazz suspects something, but she also has no proof and therefore can’t prove anything. In the end, it was one of the worst weeks in their life and they all ended up swearing to not do it ever again.
(they do end up doing it again two months later)
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the-valiant-valkyrie · 1 month ago
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i'm KIND OF REALLY BAD at making outfits/designs for characters so i'm not sure if i'm ever going to get around to anyone else.... but the isat tag can take my cultist au odile. as a little treat.
Odile - Siffrin - Isabeau
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agalychnisspranneusroseus · 3 months ago
Someone should make an analysis of Amphibia's geography for fanfic writing purposes and by someone I mean Oh god please let there be something out there so I won't be tempted to procastinate on studying for my finals working on a detailed world map for a fantasy Disney show about talking frogs and polyamorous lesbian divorce when the writers themselves probably didn't think much about it beyond what would be funny in each individual episode
#so there's a train running through frog valley right?? but there are only like 5 settlements in frog valley#those being wartwood bog bottom lily paddington swamp shiro and the southern toad tower#but we never see any train stations going through neither wartwood nor toad tower#which means the train must connect at least two of the other settlements. why would wartwood be excluded? is the railroad still#under construction? why create such a huge piece of infraestructure for such a scarcely populated region connecting only three towns?#because we know for a fact that train doesn't connect frog valley to Newtopia or the rest of the continent#otherwise Anne and the Plantars would have traveled via train which would have been safer and faster#plus if the only way in and out of the valley is inhabilitated during several months a year it would explain the absence of said connection#since it would be really hard to maintain#maybe there ARE other ways out of frog valley but that road would mean going AROUND the mountains? rather than through them?#which could be more dangerous AND take longer than waiting for the ice to melt away in the most commonly used passage#the train could take advantage of that by going through those other passes#but it wouldn't explain why Anne had to wait for like 3 months to leave#the only explanation I can come up with is that the railroad system is incomplete#either because it's still under construction or because important parts of it have fallen out of use due to lack of maintenance#resulting in short and tiny tracks you can't take to go fucking anywhere#you know. like in my country!#my posts#amphibia
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deathbysports · 2 months ago
like, i know i complain about hockey fans being picky about wanting "personality" in the NHL, but also if the national fucking anthem is the only good music performance over the *actual* band/artist performances... then yeah you might have a problem when it comes to appealing with audiences.
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wellhellod0lly · 2 years ago
Javier Bardem being a 'Spanish ballerina' and flinching every time he fires a weapon
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medium5 · 8 months ago
crazy that indonesian isnt even top 29 help??? its 56(?)
IKR??? esp bcs Indonesia is like the fourth modt populated country in the world ,,, like obv mandarin and english n hindi wld be above it, then spanish n arabic bcs its got so many countries, but its wildddd its so low for native speakers. Even if u include non native speakers its only 11th :0
#lookin at the top 10 tho im.not suuuper surprised#english is 1 which makes sense. over a billion second language speakers#mandarin is 2 and it can get up there by native speakers alone#like literally the number of native soeakrrs os over 300 million more than the third one#hindi is 3 urdu is 10 and bengali is 7#those are all spoken in India +which give them a huge boost just by native speakers (not to mention the other countries its just India has#A Lot kf people)#and then second languahe speakers are pretty high too#spanish duh#its thd go-to second languahe for any english speaker and I assume a lot kf other european language speakers#plus theres all of south america besides three countries#and EG#french is also duh its an official language in lime 30 countries#Arabic actually Kinda surprises me to be 6 only bcs the classification doesnt include dialects#and theres A Lot of dialects#OH WOW actually thatd entirely by second langauge speakers#it doesnt list ant native speakers sjnfe every1 learns their respective dialects first#b4 learnjng standard#thays less surprising then actually#since a lot of ppl wld learn MS arabic after already knowing theur own dialect#esp for like international business n stuff w/ other arabic speaking countries#and then lots kf ppl learn it as a second language#portugese at 8 ... its got PALOP and brazil so I get that yeah#and russian at 9#honestly im just surprised its below portuguese and russian. esp russin tbh#also I didnt know urdu has sk few speakers ....#(“few” its 232 million LMAO)
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cosmogyros · 1 month ago
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musicrunsthroughmysoul · 6 months ago
When will the cruel mental illness be over...
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garrettwrites · 7 months ago
The internet is amazing because if before the commoners and the wealthy were separated to such an extent they barely glimpsed into each other's lives, now we get to hear those well off in society complaining about cruises, vacations, fancy earphones, incomprehensibly expensive computer parts and niche pieces of equipment being expensive, while I need to weight my pasta to make sure it does indeed last for 7 meals rather than six so it's one less expense ""in the long run"", or wear trainers with a busted sole for months because shoes "are an unnecessary expense if these still work, no matter how much the rubber is snapping off", or eat like shit for an entire week because how dare I send 40€ on a second hand game instead of thinking off how many tuna cans, rice packs and vegetables that is. Or making groceries last so I can pay my pets' food.
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unreadpoppy · 6 months ago
mom: why didn't you do a party for your birthday this year
me, internally: so is this finally the moment where my mom realizes i count my friends on one hand?
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wyn-n-tonic · 1 year ago
hosting the World Cup in six countries on three different continents? what could possibly go wrong?
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grapecaseschoices · 2 years ago
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 (1/5 @infamous-if MC’s; more details here)
Alana Carita, lead singer of Promised Promises
Fans call themselves ‘The Promisers’ and call Soft Violence fans (especially those who were Alana or Alana/Seven fans) ‘Broken Promises’. (Alana has no idea about this, or she’d be heartbroken)
The mainstream calls her the ‘Mexican Taylor Swift’, which MOST of her fans hate, but some -- get it. (Alana thinks it’s flattering!) 
She has been playing guitar most of her life, and used to post tutorials. She doesn’t as much any more. However, she does still have an online presence -- a lot of it is spent thanking fans, posting pictures about cookies native to places she’s toured, gushing over fashion, and supporting trans rights.
Her fans are SUPER over protective of her because they think she’s a ‘cinnamon roll too soft for the world; too pure’ and a ‘naive romantic (affectionate)’ 
She vocally sounds like a mix of Lindi Ortega (she’s actually done a cover of ‘To Love Somebody’ too that sounds similar) and Brandi Carlile.*
Her fans absolutely go gaga for her commitment to faerie tale and romantic aesthetics on stage (and for the camera); and are as dedicated to wearing something pink (or pastel) whenever Promised Promises performs. Some even wear flower crowns. Yes, even the chadbros. 
There is no one in the world who can get her to bad mouth Seven. And she’s a supporter of Soft Violence. Much to many of the Promisers chargin. (As for the few who secrety the ship the two women and wish for a best friend reunion -- well, they’re smart enough to keep that to themselves. JK: They don’t but most try to ignore them. They’re seen as worse than the Broken Promisers). 
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rickless-self-indulgence · 11 months ago
I always get Feelings when I, a hairy little wasian thing, go into the K-pop merch store for my sticker hunt when it borderline fetishizes/cherry pick asianess to curate it to an aesthetic vision rampant with colorism
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cluepoke-archive · 2 years ago
Ohhhh birds on the brain tonight.. all day really!! It seems to me every time I try my hand at writing for comics or just general stories... I tend to look back on my duck comics writing!!! The set ups!! The fall downs!!! The direction and design.. all very appealing!! They fit such a short closed format !
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always-a-slut-4-ghouls · 1 year ago
I would say that the United States, as of right now, has three main food groups (aside from junk food) and those are, Italian, Mexican, and Chinese. All of which have been Americanized here to some extent but differently in different parts of the country. I find this very funny because I have heard people from Italy be indignant about what we’ve done with the stuff (and about good restaurants too!) like, sorry if you guys weren’t creative, mixing things up a bit is great. “What about (regionally popular food)?!” I know we all have those, I haven’t heard of bitches in the south eating lefse, but that’s not my point! What was my point actually? I think I was going to say that, even if we bastardize stuff a lot, I’m super glad we have, as a country, agreed that more seasoning is good. Because if this place had been like “fuck immigrant food forever, we are eating British style” I think I would die.
This country has historically treated immigrants like shit, but we do tend to cave eventually and go like “actually,
your food is really good” a kind of shallow prize I guess, but I’m glad we actually start doing it eventually because I WILL mock British food and I WILL be sad that the only good family recipes my family has from before immigrating are all desserts. Don’t get me wrong, I love sweets, but I’m pretty sure there is a reason we stopped making other stuff
Wait, I re-read this today and realized I sound like my family is British. We are not. What even are British desserts? I bet they don’t have enough cardamom. Although lefse doesn’t have cardamom and i like a lot of things without it, my point is that their holiday and special event foods probably don’t have enough! Which wouldn’t surprise me tbh because apparently the only place that went crazy for the stuff outside of where it originated seems to have been Scandinavia for some reason. At least some maps I looked at seemed to suggest it. Which rocked me to my core
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