#and only ever gotten added onto it when i could afford it
menlove · 2 months
keep seeing this take that "patchwork" tattoos are tacky and that the only way to have tattoos that look good is to get pre-planned sleeves and i'm likeeee girl not all of us can afford that. also? who gives a shit honestly if someone is 85 with a scraggly, faded spongebob tattoo they got when they were 19 i personally think that fucks
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rosewine-5 · 10 months
Eyes Never Lie
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Coriolanus Snow x b!woc capitol reader
(Contains spoilers for T.B.O.S.&S)
A.N: what the hell is a p.o.v anyways, it bounces from one character to another. I am not the best writer so if you see a spelling mistake/ typo I apologize, I’ll get better.
A.N 2.0 : this might get a part 2 because my mind got one idea, then another and I just RAN with it.
Word Count: 4.2k words (trust me, it was more)
When the both of you first met, it just so happened to be your first year at the academy. At the time, you were only acquainted to one person, a nice boy who, despite his riches, was very humble, and dare you say good looking: Sejanus Plinth. He had approached you, making civil conversation, and before long you both discovered the two of you had similar thoughts and opinions, particularly about the capitol.
That was when you first laid eyes on him. The tall blue eyed blonde boy. From the look on his face, anyone could tell he was a little nervous, hell everyone was a bit nervous to be here, being the first day and all. But flexing your hand every 5 seconds is a clear sign you’re about to pass out from fear. That was when you approached him, Sejanus not too far behind.
When he turned to you, his eyes widened a little, shocked someone was looking to make conversation with him. While his eyes went from in between Sejanus and yourself, yours stayed on his face. He kept a calm face, not showing a lot of expression, one free lesson growing up you had mastered.
Even though you were blessed to grow up in the capitol, you never much cared for the people, viewing the other districts almost like animals and not people infuriated you.
But you were good at hiding your expression behind your eyes, and this boy was good at it too. Too good. In fact, you couldn’t tell what he was thinking, “Odd, I can usually tell, even guess what people think.” Not him, not Coriolanus Snow, as he introduced himself. You knew of him, just not anything about him other than his family name.
As years went by, it became clear the 3 of you would be close friends, but your feelings for Coriolanus grew deeper than yours for Sejanus. You couldn’t see Sejanus as much as you could Coriolanus, so naturally you would have a deeper connection. The both of you even walked to school most of the time because you lived so close together.
Today you decided to add a couple of beads onto your braids this morning and walked out of the house. After walking a couple of blocks, you spotted Coriolanus just walking outside, and waving to you. “You’re up early.” You said, giving him a short hug which he returned. “I didn’t want to be late.” You rolled your eyes as he said that, “You’ve never been late to class, ever.”
He looked forward, a smirk on his face. “Can’t afford to be late.” He always answered. You looked up at him, his eyes never wavering from the road ahead. “You know why.” He then added, to which you nodded as a reply.
You discovered his true reasoning of why he strived to be top of the class by chance. He had gotten sick as he was walking home, having an uncontrollable coughing fit and fell out on the grass. You refused to let him walk home alone and that was the first time you had seen him so vulnerable. He almost looked embarrassed when you helped him in his home and to his room.
As you helped him out of his jacket, he slowly laid back. You went to get a towel to wipe the blanket of sweat off his forehead. As you came back, he caught your hand. “I’m sorry you had to see this.” He weakly said, returning your attention to him,” Go ahead, laugh at me.” I shook your head, “Why would I? You’re my friend.” You then took the towel and wiped the sweat off his forehead.
“I may have been raised capitol, Coriolanus, but I was also raised with a soul. I’d do anything to survive and succeed in this life, who am I to judge you for doing the same thing?”
For a moment the only thing in the room was the sound of his breathing as his hand reached for your hand, and kissed it, before holding it firmly, never looking away from you. You looked in his eyes, and for the first time you could finally see what he was thinking, “Thank you”. You then nodded, not needing him to say a word as you stood up, and kissed his forehead, “Get some rest, Corio, you need it.” As you walked out of the home, you walked in silence.
You felt like a terrible friend, not knowing how much he was going through. But that wasn’t the only reason, your heart soared when his lips kissed your hand. Sure it might have been an innocent gesture, but the way he looked at you made your heart stop for a second. Sometimes you swear he did it on purpose.
During the last academy year, the closer you got to Coriolanus, the more you realized you truly loved him, and sometimes you thought he loved you back. The walks to the academy became slower and somehow his hand always found yours. At one point you had to run to get there on time, earning the both of you harsh stares from Dean Highbottom and smirks from Sejanus.
The both of you also agreed to study together whenever you could, even including Sejanus whenever he was free. There was no doubt in your mind that either you or Coriolanus would be top of the class, and receiving the Plinth Prize. And if you were the one who came out on top, you would give Coriolanus the funds he needed, whatever they would be.
While you two studies for the last test, he smiled when you rolled his eyes. “Alright smartass, you’re going to pass.” You said. Suddenly, he pulled you into his arms, and hugged you tightly.
You then felt his voice break, “Thank you.” He softly said. “You’re my friend, I’d help you with anything.” You said, looking up at him, a smile splitting your face. As you walked to class the next day & took the exam, he had a sly smirk on his face the whole day. Even at lunch he didn’t drop it. “Someone in a real good mood.” Sejanus said, nudging his shoulder. “Yeah, what’s got you in a good mood?” You teasingly asked. “You know.” He said, looking at you, the smirk turning into a smile, which all of your mirrored.
As the two of you walked back home he had a smile on his face again. Confidence. As he stayed close behind you, you stopped when you got to his doorstep. “So, here’s to winning the Plinth Prize tomorrow.” You said, giving him one last hug, which he returned. That was when you lifted your head to look up at him, but he was already looking down at you. Once again, you couldn’t read the thoughts behind his eyes, but you could make a good guess. He only had that similar look when it was just the two of you together: admiration.
“What is it?” You asked, a nervous chuckle leaving your mouth. He only shook his head, offered you a smile, finally releasing you from the embrace. “See you tomorrow, Calanthe.” He whispered before going inside. “One day I’ll look up what that name means.” You said to yourself, walking home.
The next day, graduation day. You woke up early to get your makeup on, slicking your edges back, and, to enhance your braids, added a gold charm in the middle. Afterwards you got dressed in the outfit Tigris made for your graduation. She insisted on it and told you she wouldn’t take no for an answer. As you walked to their home, you heard your name being called from behind you. Tigris was waving you down before hugging you excitedly. “Turn around for me!” She said, making you twirl as she admired her work.
As you waited, you saw Grandma’am clip a rose and walk out of her room. “Oh, dearie don’t you look gorgeous.” She said, smiling at you and opening her arms to you. You met her in the middle and gave her a light hug. “Not a gorgeous as you, Grandma’am.” You said, smiling at her kind words. She then walked forward and after an exchange of words, pinned the rose to his vest.
His eyes finally met yours, and then they took in your dress. He walked forward and kissed your hand, a now normal occurrence between the two of you. “Shall we?” He asked, before walking the both of you out the door. As the two of you walked to the academy, you could feel his eyes on you. “You look beautiful.” He said, giving you a smile, and making your heart soar once more.
“And you look dashing today.” You complimented, not missing the red tint on his cheeks. As you two walked up the stairs, his arm looped into yours. “Never missed a class, never been late.” He said to himself. “Corio, you got this.” You said, encouraging him, he offered you a small smile just as a new and familiar voice broke the moment.
“Why Coriolanus Snow.” You saw the small smirk grow on his face. “Clemie.” He said, offering him his other arm. “Hey girl.” She said, nodding to you, and getting a smile in return. “Two girls on your arm, must be your lucky day.” Clemmie teased and making Corio roll his eyes. As she continued to talk, your mind went to the graduation. You were getting more nervous than usual.
Something felt off today, and you didn’t like it.
You didn’t realize you had stayed in a trance until Sejanus walked up beside you, breaking the gaze. “Sejanus, you made it to the reaping for once.” “And you made it to graduation, Festus, we’re both shocked.” After hearing Sejanus’ quips, you went to sit down. You didn’t know why your nerves were acting up, but you couldn’t kick this feeling. “You ok?” You heard a voice ask, Sejanus was standing over you, concern in his eyes. “I’m just nervous about today.” You said, making him nod in response.
“Well, you may be right.” He said, sitting done next to you. That made the hair on the back on your neck stand up. And the look on his face didn’t help either. “What do you mean?” You asked, but getting no answer. Then as the rest of the students sat down, you saw why he was so silent. After it was announced there would be no more Plinth Prize, you looked at Coriolanus, who had a worried expression on his face.
However, when it was announced that the graduates would be mentors of the Hunger Games, that was when you froze, and your mind started to race.
There’s 25 graduates.
There are only 24 tributes.
Someone isn’t getting a tribute.
Going from district to district, started to guess who had a good chance at winning. Your heart broke when one girl, Dill, was pulled out. You stared to wonder if she had been voted so she could die in the arena. When it got to the district 12 female tribute, it was down to you and Coriolanus. His hand found yours and held it tightly, but you didn’t know who was holding on tighter.
“The runt girl from district twelve, she belongs to Coriolanus Snow.”
And that was when you knew he was the one holding on to you. He squeezed your hand so hard you almost thought he broke it.
The tribute: Lucy Gray, was wearing a colorful dress with a corset top. You had to admit, she was beautiful, and so was her dress. You watched as she put a snake on a girls dress, making you smirk. “I love her already” you thought to yourself. But then your mind suddenly came back to reality, you didn’t have a tribute. What did I do wrong? Did I pass? Did I fail?
The only thing that broke your trance was a voice singing, then another. You saw Lucy Gray stand up, and continue to sing by herself. “YOU CAN KISS MY ASS!” She then screamed. As the rest of the people laughed at her, you and Coriolanus shared a look: I like her.
As the laughter started to die down, one voice spoke up. “If you didn’t receive a tribute, report to Dr. Gaul.” Highbottom’s voice spoke up, and then it was silent. All eyes turned toward you, and it made you want to curl up in a ball and die. Sejanus’ hand found yours, giving you a silent squeeze of encouragement, and Coriolanus’ did the same. You then walked towards the woman, a small smile gracing her face.
“Let’s have a talk, child.” She said, her hand finding your back, leading you away from the hall. You were only able to catch a small glimpse of Coriolanus’ worried expression as you went down the hallway. She started to hum a tune while she led you to her lab. You had never been here, but you always wanted to get a peek. “Guess I got my wish.”
“I’ve been watching you, dear, for a long time.” She said, going further into the room. “Almost the top of your class, but you could never quite get that edge.” Dr. Gaul said, pinching her fingers together. “Why am I here?” You asked, finally finding your voice. Dr. Gaul then raised her eyebrows, and then let out a dark chuckle. “Let me ask you: What do you crave most in this world?”
You sighed, “To survive and thrive in this world.” She nodded, “Good answer.” She said, smiling. “You and your friend, Coriolanus, you two are good friends. Bonds like that build trust, those bonds can help you live as much as they can destroy you.” Dr. Gaul said, going to one of her glass cases in her lab. You didn’t know what the hell was in it, and frankly, you didn’t want to know. “I’ve known President Ravinstill for a long time, and we both live well, and thrive.” She said, putting her hand on your shoulder before looking down at you.
“I see myself in you, child. You thirst for survival, but to thrive you need to reach for power,” that was when she gave you a deadpanned look, “that’s why I pulled you from the games.” Your eyes widened at the realization, and she smiled once more. “You don’t need the Plinth Prize when you got mommy and daddy’s money. Why settle for a housewife when you have the brains of game maker.”
You almost shouted when she finished, “Game maker?” You said, to which she nodded. “You’ve always been a curious child, a strong appetency for knowledge.” Dr. Gaul said, putting her gloved hand under your chin. “You want a look behind the curtain? You wanna know how the puppeteer makes the strings? You need to join the magic show.”
You thought about your options, but you knew this opportunity wouldn’t come around twice. Almost like she knew your answer, Dr. Gaul then took you hand, and led you deeper into her lab.
After talking for hours, you knocked on Coriolanus’ door and it immediately opened to a shocked Tigris. “Where’s Corio?” You asked, after hugging her. It didn’t take long for him to come around the corner and hugged you tightly. “What happened? Did you get hurt?” He asked, but you stopped his hand as he examined your face. “I’m okay. Dr. Gaul just pulled from the competition.” You calmly said, and immediately regretted it, the faces of Tigris and Coriolanus going from worry to shock. “Why?” He asked.
She told me she’d be mentoring me from now on. I’ll be studying under her from now on, as well as continuing my classes.” His eyebrows rose before hugging her again. “That’s great news.” He said, but then I hugged him tighter. “For a moment, I thought my life was done for.” He nodded, and then looked you deep in the eyes. “We will get through this. I promise you.” You left a few minutes later, but before you got down the street, Coriolanus caught you “Hey!” He shouted, making you turn around. He was running towards you, holding out a wrapped cloth.
“I meant to give you this at the graduation, but you were pulled away.” He said. You unwrapped it, and smiled when you saw the flower charm. You smiled and held it tightly. “I meant to get a charm for this one day.” You said, looking up at him. “Guess I beat you to it.” He said, before returning the smile. “Meet me at the train tomorrow. I have a plan on how to get in Lucy Gray’s good graces.” You nodded and went home afterwards.
The next morning you got up early and put your uniform on before walking to the station, where Coriolanus was already talking to Lucy Gray, who saw you walking up to them. “Another mentor?” She suddenly said, turning towards you, pointing a white rose in your direction, obviously a gift from Coriolanus. Smart.
That was when he turned to you, and put an arm around you. “This is Lucy Gray. Lucy Gray, this is my closest friend.” He said, and you gave her a smile. “Another rebel?” She said, looking at you. “If it fits,” you said, shrugging, before leaning closer to her. “ loved the stunt you pulled with the snake by the way.” You added, making her smirk.
The moment was cut short when a peacekeeper nudged her and the male tribute towards a vehicle. “It was lovely to meet you two.” She said, before being led away to the back of a van. You then saw his eyes go to the van, and then it clicked in your head. “Corio, don’t.” You said, but it was too late. He was running toward the van, and you were following close behind him. It finally registered what you just did when he slammed the door behind him and felt the van move, going wherever it was going.
And now here you two were.
In a vehicle.
Full of tributes who were looking at the two of you like lions to lambs. Corio put you beside him, putting you closer to the tribute from 2 and the wall. “Hi.” He said, his voice sounding weak. “You in the wrong cage pretty boy, pretty girl?” The tribute Realer asked, tilting his head to look at you. “This cage is delightful.” He said, and then Reaper went towards Corio, pinning him to the back. You yelped when you were then surrounded by the tributes. “Shit.” You thought.
Somewhere between the exchange between Corio and the other tributes, you felt the truck come to a sudden stop, getting everyone’s attention. That was when you felt the truck start to tilt forward, everyone started to slide down. In one swoop you reached for Lucy’s hand as she reached for yours as Coriolanus wrapped one arm around your waist and your free arm around his shoulders. The three of you were able to hang on to each other as the other tributes began to slide down and out of the van. The three of you followed suit after the harness broke, sending you all tumbling out of the truck.
Lucy slid down first, with you and Corio falling out last. He was able to wrap both of his arms around you before everyone let out groans and curses from falling on rocks. When you were able to look up, you realized exactly where you were: The Capitol Zoo. And if fate couldn’t make it any better, Lucky Flickerman was in front of the pen, with his entourage of cameramen. “You gotta be kidding me.” You said, groaning and leaving you head down, only to be met with a blue shirt.
As you lifted your head, you were face to face with Coriolanus, who, somehow, had managed to keep his hold on you when everyone tumbled out of the van. “You ok?” You asked, to which he nodded. “Yes. Are you ok?” He asked, and you nodded in response. His eyes went to your necklace and the rose charm attached to it, a smile blooming on his face. His hand touched it, “You put it on.” He said in a soft tone & a tender look in his eyes.
As you both smiled at each other, you felt one hand go to your cheek and to then the other to your waist. The rest of Panem melted away as his breath hit your face. You forgot about being in the capitol, being Gaul’s student, and the tributes around you as you looked in between his eyes and his lips. “Calanthe.” He whispered, his voice so soft it was almost a whisper. That was until the voice of Flickerman broke the moment. “Are those academy students?” He said, and the both of you looked up to see the camera pointed directly at you.
“You guys ok?” Lucy asked, walking up to the both of you. “Yeah, you?” You asked, getting off of Corio and helping him up. The three of you looked around, and sighed. That’s when you began to brainstorm: how could you get out of this without getting expelled? “We gotta get them to love her.” You said to yourself. You then brought your necklace to the front of your shirt before unbuttoning the top button, making the rose charm more visible. “We give them what they want: a performance.” You then walked to Lucy and began to smooth out her hair while Corio broke the white rose and tucked it behind her ear.
He then put her hand out for Lucy to take, which she accepted. He then turned and opened his arm towards you, making you raise your eyebrows. “Trust me.” He whispered, and Lucy nodded towards his arm, and that’s how you found yourself being next to him as he presented Lucy to a pair of children at the cage.
You weren’t only shocked of how he fell into the role of a mentor, but how Lucy played her part as a tribute. She had a smile on her face when she talked to the children, and a calm expression when Flickerman approached and interviewed her. You couldn’t help but smile as she talked about her dress and where she was from. The Covey sounded like it was a homely group of people. You couldn’t help but picture how the nature of district 12 looked.
That was when Lucky Flickerman turned towards you. “And who might this lovely lady be? Are you also her mentor?” He asked, the camera’s filling the microphone as it was put in front of you. An innocent smile grew on your face as you shifted your tone into a kind voice, while still having a serious edge to it. “No sir, I’m taking courses from Dr. Gaul instead of being a mentor in the games. I’m here to support my dear friend, Coriolanus Snow.” You said, smiling up at him, which he responded by squeezing you closer to him. “You both seem pretty close for dear friends. How long have you known each other?” Flickerman asked, moving the microphone to Coriolanus.
“Since the first day we went to the academy. She approached me, and we’ve been close ever since. I’ve never known a more intelligent and alluring woman.” He said, and your eyes did a double take at his choice of words. Before you could answer, peacekeepers walked in and escorted you out of the cage. “I’ll come back later.” You said to Lucy Gray, holding her hand for a moment before you were taken away, Corio coming out a minute later. As the both of you walked back to class, you kept looking up at Coriolanus.
“On a scale of one to expelled, how fucked do you think we are?” You asked, making him chuckle. “He wanted us to make them spectacles, he never said how we had to do it.” He said, nudging your shoulder, making you huff out a short laugh. You then took his hand and gripped it tight, which he reciprocated. “To survive and thrive.” You said, walking closer to the classroom. “We will survive these games,” Coriolanus softly said, before stopping you, and making you look up at him. “I promise you.”
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gamerwoo · 2 years
Hyunjin: Age-Restricted (Part One)
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Characters: Hyunjin x female reader (ft best friends/ex-roommates!Chan, Minho, and Seungmin.......and Jisung is there lmao)
Genre/warnings: nanny!reader, boy next door/neighbor!hyunjin, virgin!reader, fluff ig, some humor, mentions of Chan doing OF, reader has anxiety and self-esteem issues, mentions of bad porn plots, one mention of reader being around hyunjin’s height and having big hands (but this is one of the few times i mention reader’s appearance in this series), it’s mentioned that reader is in her 20′s, reader may or may not have a hand kink lmao, minors dni!!!
Word count: 2,889
Summary: You think it’s luck when the new family you nanny for is so stupid rich that they rent you a fancy new apartment just so you can live closer to them. You think it’s luck when the guy across the hall is the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen in your entire life and makes an effort to talk to you. But that’s just about where your luck runs out, because Hyunjin is more out of your league than you could ever imagine, and you’re just some hopeless virgin who never had good luck in the first place.
Permanent tag list (italics are unable to tag): @minluvly @awkwardnesshabitat @woozarts @septicrebel @4kwp @thepencilkorner @shmooooo​ [be added to the taglist by filling out this form!]
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“Last box?” Jisung huffed as he almost dropped the large cardboard box full of your stuff onto the tiled kitchen floor. He stood up straight and looked at you with pain on his features. “Please tell me that’s the last box.”
“I don’t know why you’re complaining when you showed up late,” Seungmin told him with a frown, leaning against the center counter while he tried to catch his breath.
“Well I hardly even know _____, so you’re lucky I showed up at all,” he spat back.
Jisung was one of Chan’s friends, and Chan was one of your friends – one of three that you had since moving. The rest of your friends were left back in your hometown, so all you got was the occasional text when it was convenient for either of you. 
For a little while, you were crammed into an apartment made for three people, and those three were Chan, Minho, and Seungmin. The trio needed another roommate to afford rent and avoid being evicted, so it was Minho and Seungmin who took two of the bedrooms, Chan offered you the third bedroom, and he slept on the couch. Once you got comfortable, though, you ended up rooming with Chan – he made a great roommate since he was always awake doing something until 5am when he’d return to the bedroom and sleep until noon.
But then you got a new job – well, same job but new family. As a nanny, you knew your kids would eventually get too old or their parents would get new jobs or whatever reason that they’d decide they didn’t need your services anymore. In this case, the twins you were in charge of had gotten into some daycare that their parents were on a waitlist for forever. Childcare was hard to get into since it was in such high demand, but it was also hard to afford – not like money was an issue for the family you worked for considering their house. But since their kids got in, they essentially had to fire you.
“But,” the father told you with a growing smile, “we know a family who could use a good nanny, and we want to recommend you – if you’re interested.”
You were interested, but then you found out how far away they lived. They lived on the outskirts of some busy city in a fancy gated community that would take several hours by train to get to. But the mother and father insisted that you meet with them anyway because maybe they could work something out if they liked you enough.
Maybe it was that they liked you that much, or maybe they were just that rich, but they rented an apartment nearby for you to live in – and it was a nice apartment. It was the kind of place only rich people could afford, with several ovens, a nice fridge that you could knock on and it would light up, and one of those fancy jacuzzi bathtubs that you thought only rich people or hotels could own when you were a kid. And all of this was included in your contract to nanny their three-year-old-son, Seojoon, and their one-year-old-son, Hajoon.
“So can we crash here with you now, or…?” Minho asks, his question hanging in the air as he raises a brow.
“What, can’t afford rent without me still?” you smirk. “I always knew I was the real breadwinner.”
“Look, if I could find a rich parent with kids–”
“They weren’t that rich,” you interject, referencing your old family.
“These people are, though!” Jisung bursts as he throws his hands in the air and looks around the space that you now call yours. “Holy shit, this place is sick! Yo, you need a roomie?”
Seungmin narrowed his eyes, “You just said you hardly know her.”
“We’re besties, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Jisung stated completely deadpan with a shrug.
“How does one get themselves into the nannying business, might I ask?” Chan wondered with a smile that had ‘mischief’ written all over it.
“Wouldn’t you like to know, Mr. Onlyfans,” you teased. “I’m sure parents will love that.”
Chan’s face turned bright red as he tilted his head down to the counter and let out a long sigh, “Alright, never mind…”
You didn’t actually think anything of Chan trying to do Onlyfans for money – actually, you kind of envied his confidence. But you did unfortunately see and hear on a couple occasions, all the cringey stuff he had to say and do to get any sort of traction. But he did gain traction, and despite being faceless to avoid issues like a possible future employer finding him, he was making enough money to afford the rent without you. He might’ve been paying more than ⅓ of it, but at least him and his friends weren’t homeless.
Jisung let out a groan, “Don’t remind me about the Onlyfans. That shit haunts my dreams.”
“Don’t you mean nightmares?” Seungmin asked with furrowed brows that melted to show an evil smile. “Unless…”
“Ew! No– Fuck off, Seungmin!”
As Jisung threw packing paper from one of the boxes at Seungmin, and Seungmin began happily teasing the older boy about his possible wet dreams of Chan while Jisung threw even more brown paper at him, Minho seemed basically oblivious to it all as he let out a deep sigh and ended it with, “I’m hungry.”
Chan rolled his eyes, mumbling, “I deal with a bunch of toddlers…”
“Can we get lunch before we unpack?” Minho whined, looking to Chan for the answer. “Channie, can you order us something?”
“Well, here’s your nannying gig you wanted so badly,” you giggled.
You looked around at the open living/kitchen area that was now mostly decorated. There were a few small things here and there, but most of your stuff was put in a place that seemed suitable. You at least didn’t have to worry about furnishings like a coffee table or chairs for the island – the owners made sure the apartment came furnished when they found out all your furniture belonged to your roommates.
You checked the time on your phone. 7:48. Good timing, honestly. Your bedroom was only half decorated since there were some things in some boxes that you did not want your friends – and Jisung – seeing, but everything was put away in the kitchen and moved how you liked it, and the living room was presentable. Your toiletries were away in cabinets in the bathroom or in the shower, and towels were folded neatly away. Clothes were folded in drawers or in your closet, but underwear and bras and any lingerie you bought on a whim was still put away in a box that Jisung had opened before screaming and accidentally knocking it over in his race to get up and away from it. But overall, it took about 5 hours to get settled in.
A knock at the door made you jump.
You were never an ‘answer the door’ kind of person. Chan was the one who answered the door. Minho would if he had to, and so would Seungmin, but Minho wasn’t a people-person, and Seungmin just didn’t feel like talking to any of the neighbors or the delivery guy – yet this kid was somehow an extrovert. Chan would warmly speak to whoever was knocking at the door. You? You had family friends thinking you were mute or non-verbal because you never spoke. You were painfully shy as a child which blossomed into full-blown anxiety as you got older – but still painfully shy.
But you figured it was maybe the landlord or the parents that you worked for now. So you walked to the front door and looked through the peephole.
Who you saw was definitely not the parents, though you would probably call him daddy if he asked. You wondered if he was the landlord, in which place you considered one of those bad pornos where the girl can’t pay for whatever service she was getting and offered alternate means of payment.
‘Yeah, not even in your fucking dreams would you have the balls for that,’ you told yourself.
You undid the two locks on your door and then the chain before opening the door and smiling at the stranger, who had already began smiling warmly before the door was even open. His eyes crinkled as his full lips stretched into the most beautiful smile you’d ever seen.
He was tall, had long, dark hair that was half-up in a ponytail on the back of his head, and looked like he was hand-sculpted by a god. His body, while you couldn’t tell the exact shape since his clothes were a bit on the baggy side, was well proportioned – you could stare at his body proportions all day, especially in his black joggers, windbreaker, and white t-shirt underneath. Still, you could tell he was lean. He looked…cool. And oh-so stunning.
“Hi,” he grinned, holding up a hand in a motionless wave. “I’m sorry, this is probably a little weird, but I noticed you moved in today. Well, not like I watched you move in, but I saw the trucks and heard you and your friends coming up with the boxes.”
“Oh, yeah,” you chuckled, trying your best to make normal conversation even though your brain was short-circuiting the whole time, “they’re pretty loud. Sorry about that.”
“Oh, no worries at all!” he assured you. “They’re kinda funny, actually. Who’s the small one with the brown hair? Almost looks like a coconut?”
You snorted, breaking into a real grin instead of a forced, polite one to hide your anxiety, “Probably Jisung.”
“Yeah, he’s funny,” he nodded.
“I mean, he’s something,” you shrugged, still laughing softly.
“Oh, right,” he seemed to remember why he even knocked in the first place. “I’m your neighbor. I live across the hall and thought I should introduce myself or something since you’re new. I kinda heard you say something about having no friends, so here I am!”
Right, the breathless and annoyed comment you made walking down the hall, carrying a box in your arms while Minho was nagging you about when you were going to throw a ‘sick house-warming rager’ and you had to tell him your only friends were him and the other two boneheads he lived with, and they were now about 2 hours away from you.
And back to the awkward polite smile and laugh you went, exclaiming, “Well, thanks for the gesture! I’m _____.”
As he moved to hold his hand out to shake yours, he seemed to pause, mouth open like he wanted to say something, but he stayed silent for a second too long.
“Hyunjin,” he finally said, though it sounded…off. Almost unsure. “My name’s Hyunjin.”
‘Maybe he’s also full of anxiety.’
“Nice to meet you,” you told him as you shook his hand.
His was so much warmer than yours. And seemed a bit bigger, which surprised you since you seemed to be similar heights and you had the biggest hands in your entire anatomy class your senior year – that was a weird contest looking back on the memory. You glanced at his hand as he pulled it away – maybe you had a thing for hands, so what? – to see his hands seemed strong but delicate with long, slim fingers.
As if you needed another reason to have a crush on this seemingly-perfect random man.
No, not random man. Man who lives across the hall.
“I’m sure we’ll see each other pretty often, so feel free to say hi,” he offered with shrug. “Or if you need help with anything like building furniture or something, let me know. Since we’re friends now and stuff.”
“Cool,” you nodded, feeling your face get hot for absolutely no reason, “I’ll hold you to that.”
“Hope so,” he said in a tone that made you feel…things. But it was quickly brushed off as he said, “I won’t keep you any longer since you’re probably still moving stuff around. I’ll see you later, _____.”
“Yeah, of course. Thanks, Hyunjin,” you replied before closing the door.
Hyunjin. His name just felt good to say. Of course a super gorgeous person would have a nice name like Hyunjin.
‘Thank god it’s not something like Carl or Eustace. Imagine dating someone named Eustace, or moaning like, Timmy or something,’ you thought to yourself before quickly reminding yourself, ‘What does it matter? You don’t have a shot.’
That was the harsh reality. You’d let yourself fantasize while you fell asleep at night, but the truth was you knew it was impossible. You were average-looking at best, so insecure and hyper-aware of what everyone might possibly be thinking about you, and to top it all off: you were still a virgin in your 20’s. How were you going to explain that one to a guy who seemed like he could pull anyone? 
You weren’t. Because there was no chance someone like Hyunjin would be interested in you.
‘Don’t say that!’ you automatically heard Chan in your head like he was living there, too. ‘Don’t ever put yourself down because you’re amazing as you are, and somebody out there will think so too.’
“Thanks, dad…” you mumbled to yourself as you shuffled back into your apartment.
“So how do you like the apartment?” Mrs. Park asked after they were caught up on how your first day with their children went.
“It’s so nice!” you gushed. “Thank you guys so much again for doing this for me.”
“It’s nothing, sweetheart,” Mr. Yoon promised, waving the matter away. “We’ve heard all about how you treated Marcus and Maisy and how well their English has gotten, and Donggun and Jiwon loved you so much. We had to do anything we could to have you be Seojoon and Hajoon’s nanny.”
“Truthfully, we don’t trust just anyone,” Mrs. Park admitted. “These nanny sites say all these people are certified, but I’ve heard so many horror stories from the girls at the salon.”
“We’ve been friends with Donggun and Jiwon for years, so we trust their judgment,” Mr. Yoon agreed. “Plus, the twins always seemed happy and healthy when we saw them. We could tell their family adored you.”
Your cheeks were heating at their compliments, and your smile reached your eyes as you held your hands to your chest, “Aw, thank you! That really means a lot to me. Honestly, the boys are such easy kids. Seojoon’s so sweet, and he really knows how to make someone laugh, huh?”
“He really is something,” Mr. Yoon chuckled. “Well, we hope you find your new place as cozy as your last. We understand moving somewhere new can be scary, but everybody who lives at The Brooke is nice.”
“And safe,” Mrs. Park interjected, pointing a finger at her husband and then at you, giving you a pointed look. “Living alone as a woman is frightening, but I assure you, not just anybody can live at The Brooke.”
Yeah, that was something that crossed your mind. Honestly, moving in with three boys was nerve-wracking enough even if your high school best friend knew them. She reached out after her second year of college because her roommate’s brother was Chan, and she told her that he and his roommates were looking for a roommate, and she told you because she knew you were looking to move out of your mom’s place but couldn’t afford living alone. But it kinda felt like pure luck that that worked out. 
But now you were alone. If somebody broke in, there was no Chan to wrestle them to the ground if he had to. There was no Seungmin with his baseball bat that he kept behind his door. There was no Minho there to go feral with a kitchen knife. It was just you, who typically had ‘freeze’ as their fight or flight response – the ‘secret third option’ as you called it.
However, you knew The Brooke was basically for only rich people. It was all elite people who were influencers or businessmen and women, and the like. They weren’t necessarily trying to tell you those people were background checked, but they were basically saying poor people didn’t live there because poor people were the bad people.
Gotta love rich people logic.
But then that made you wonder who Hyunjin was. Truth be told, you weren’t really keeping up with the latest influencers or ‘It’ people. He seemed like he’d be some trendy influencer that a bunch of girls thirsted after, but you figured you would’ve seen him on social media somewhere, right? But he didn’t really seem like a businessman if you were going based off of his aesthetic. Maybe he just came from money.
“The Brooke is full of the best of the best,” Mr. Yoon continued. “Remember that if you ever feel nervous.”
You smiled warmly, “Right, thank you.”
“Alright, we won’t keep you,” Mrs. Park smiled, gesturing for you to follow her so she could show you out. “Go get some rest, okay? We’re glad you had a good first day.”
“I’m really looking forward to getting to know Seojoon and Hajoon more. Have a good night!”
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givemea-dam-break · 1 year
hi honey! can you do a anthony lockwood x reader, with #49 from the prompt list? maybe reader is close friends with kipps and anthony gets jealous so he hangs out with another girl to make reader jealous, and it works, so kipps threatens lockwood?
i love your work btw 🫶
a/n: of course!! thank you for requesting, and i’m so glad you like my stuff, thank you for your support <3 I'm assuming you mean my angst prompt list as that's the only one with a prompt that makes sense lol. i hope you enjoy! also (for anyone) let me know if you want to be added to my tag list for any lockwood and co fics <3
warnings: mild language, angst prompt: "Are they really just a friend?" gn reader
tag list -> @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy
Lockwood has been avoiding you, and you're not sure why.
It started a few weeks ago.
Usually, the two of you would spend mornings together in the kitchen, talking over steaming cups of tea as you waited for Lucy and George to get up. Your afternoons could go any which way - relaxing in the house, taking consultations with possible clients, running around London for god knows what. Evenings, well, they were your favourite. If you weren't on a case, either with the whole team or just paired with Lockwood, you'd sit in the library together, simply enjoying the other's company as you read one of the many novels in the house and he sifted through magazine after magazine.
Now, though, it's all changed. Lockwood is never in the kitchen when you're there on your own. He doesn't sit next to you during consultations, or invite you on his errands around the city. Worse, he isn't taking you along on cases with him, opting to take Lucy or George instead.
It shouldn't upset you the way it does, but it's not like you can help it. He's your closest friend. Your partner in crime. Without him, what are you?
Lucy has her theories but you're not overly convinced.
One of her theories sits in front of you currently, sipping a mug of coffee under the bright lights of the Costa you chose to hang out in today.
"Any interesting cases lately?" Kipps asks. "I can't imagine Tony would like to take any of the boring ones, but I suppose he'll have to take anything he can get, really."
You glare at him half-heartedly. "We take anything we can get, but that doesn't mean it's a bad thing. We help out the people who can't afford your fancy services. And, yes, I'll have you know we did have a particularly strange one, recently."
One of his eyebrows quirks up. It looks like a bushy caterpillar. "Go on."
"This murdered woman, right, who had been wanting revenge for her death. Turns out, the house was being occupied by some descendant of her murderer. He got ghost-touched, ended up dying, and then his husband came to get our help. You'll never guess what her source was."
Kipps thinks for a moment. "Her favourite necklace, stuffed under the floorboards somewhere."
You cross your arms in an X shape and make a 'wrong answer' buzzer sound. "It was her old record player that had gotten passed on from owner to owner. Apparently, the record on it had been on it for so long that it had melted onto it. The song had been playing while she died."
"That's awfully grim." Kipss takes another sip of his coffee, but he frowns as if it no longer tastes as nice. "And any improvement with Tony? Any conversations longer than five words?"
"No," you say miserably. You stir your spoon around in your tea, hating the way one guy has made your mood go from relatively okay to the opposite. "I don't know what I've done. I invited him to come to Arif's with me the other day, yeah? You know what he said? Lucy would love to go. And that was it! Lucy wasn't even home. The prick."
His gaze flickers to the door of the café. "You might want to keep your voice down."
When you turn, you realise why. In comes Lockwood, hair damp from the rain that pours down outside and jacket dripping, but still as radiant as ever. His face is almost glowing from the brightness of his smile as he laughs at something the girl beside him says.
Something in your chest squeezes horribly at the sight.
You turn back to look at Kipps, plastering on a smile as you swallow the burning feeling in your throat.
"He's coming over," he says, sipping his coffee - not - casually. He seemingly can't decide whether he should look at you or the person approaching. "Act normal."
As you sip your tea, which has gone a little cold after being left untouched during your conversation, Lockwood's shadow covers the table.
"(name)," he says, and you can hear the smile in his voice. "What a surprise to see you here."
You press your lips together. "Yes, well, I told you I was coming here today. What a coincidence."
When you look up at him, he's wearing that dazzling smile of his, and your breath catches. How long has been giving this other girl - the one who floats by his side - that very same smile? Has he smiled at her in that private way of his, where the corners of his lips twitch a little? Has he told her why he's got a scar on his forehead, and the stupid story of how he got it?
"Tony," Kipps says, giving him a curt nod. "(name) and I just met up to catch up on things. It's been a little bit since we last saw each other."
It's almost unnoticeable, but a muscle twitches in his jaw. "Two weeks, if I'm right? That time when our cases were next door to each other." he pauses then, glancing at the girl beside him "Oh, sorry, how rude of me. (name), Kipps, this is my friend Talia. Talia, this is Kipps, supervisor for one of the Fittes teams, and this is (name), my employee."
Your teeth grind together. "Just an employee? Hmm, okay."
"Nice to meet you," Talia says, smiling.
She seems nice, and you want to like her, you really do, but you can't. Still, for her sake, you repeat the phrase politely.
"Well, we best go get a table," Lockwood says, "before they all fill up from the lunch rush. Let's go, Talia. See you soon, (name)."
Despite wanting to swear at him, you give him the best smile you can muster. When he's gone, you visibly deflate, glaring at your croissant.
"Don't look at the pastry that way," Kipps says. "It hasn't done anything to warrant that."
"Oh, shut up."
Back at 35 Portland Row, the house is quiet. As far as you know, George is at the Archives researching for the next case you have coming up in a day or two, and Lucy is out getting supplies from Satchel's along with general shopping. You half wish you had gone with her rather than going to see Kipps.
During the rest of your time alone, you get some cleaning done. You've been putting it off for a while, but the washing-up basket is so full of dirty clothes that there is a mound as tall as your hips beside it. At this point, it's unavoidable.
You're halfway through folding the first load of washing when the front door opens.
"Be careful!" you call from the bottom of the basement stairs, hoping whoever it is will hear you. "I mopped the floor, it's slippy!"
For a few minutes, no one comes down to see what you're up to but, finally, you hear footsteps on the stairs.
"I boiled the kettle not long ago, it should still be warm if you want a cup of tea."
"Thank you, but I just had some."
You freeze for a moment before continuing your folding. Without turning around, you ask, "How was your date with Talia? She seems nice."
Lockwood pulls his chair out from under his desk. The sound is screechy, to say the least. "It was good. She's an agent at Rotwell, you know?"
"How was yours with Kipps?"
The disgust in his voice is palpable, but it doesn't even begin to compare to yours.
"It wasn't a date. Kipps is just my friend."
You can feel the look he's giving you - the disbelief is thick in the air. "Is he really just a friend?"
"Well, Kipps is six years older than me and an adult so, yes, he is just a friend because it would be illegal otherwise." The shirt you're folding probably doesn't deserve the amount of aggression you're handling it with. "It also wasn't a date for the reason that Kipps is my cousin. Now that I think about it, that's illegal, too."
Silence. It makes you feel a little triumphant, to be honest. It isn't often Lockwood is stunned into silence. He's always got something to say.
"Kipps... is your cousin?"
"Yes, he is. My mum is his aunt. Do I need to explain how that works for you?"
"No. No, that's alright. I just didn't know."
You shrug. "Never asked. Not like we were always super close. We've only really started catching up since I joined you guys because I'm in London now and he's my only family here. Not that that sentiment seems to be appreciated."
"If I'd known, I would've -"
"You would've done what, Lockwood?"
Finally, you turn to look at him, practically throwing down the jumper you're folding. He's already watching you, that smile of his nowhere to be seen. If you didn't know any better, you'd think that's guilt in his eyes.
"Would you have stopped avoiding me? Because Lucy seems to think that started when I reconnected with Kipps. I don't - Even if he wasn't my cousin, it makes me ill thinking that you might've thought we had a thing. Ugh, I can't even say it without wanting to be sick. Is that what all of this avoiding-me business was about? Be honest."
His lack of an answer is enough. Usually so full of things to say, it's a shock seeing him this quiet. You wait for him to say something, anything, but nothing ever comes. He just sits there, staring, supposedly figuring out what he should say.
You turn away from him again, folding the last item of clothing. "Your pile is that one on the end. Second load of washing will be done in an hour. I'm going out."
"Going out? Where?"
"I don't see how that's any of your business. I am just an employee after all."
"I didn't mean it like that -"
"Well, that's how it sounded. Jealousy doesn't suit you, you know." You pluck a jumper from your pile, tugging it on. "I'll be back before dinner. George is in charge of food tonight."
"(name), you don't need to go out. Let me just explain a few things."
"I have a great idea! Why don't you explain those things to Talia? I'm sure she'd love to hear it."
"I think I was a bit harsh."
"Oh, I don't think you were harsh enough."
Snorting, you stare out at the park. The bench you're sitting on right now, accompanied once more by Kipps, is soaked from the rain, but your jacket is long enough to save your jeans from getting soaked. The rest of the park isn't in much better of a state; there are massive puddles lining the paths, and the trees are sagging from the weight of the rain.
You pull your hood further over your head. "Tell me why you wanted to sit out in a park while it's chucking it down? I would've much rather had to sit in the same room as Ned Shaw than be out in this. My hands are freezing."
"You're the bait."
"The bait? What for?"
"Ah, there he is. My plan worked perfectly."
"Kipps, what are you -?" Turning your gaze down the path to the right, you realise. "No, Kipps, you're not going to bother Lockwood. I can handle myself."
"He needs to get a grip. He acted like a ten-year-old by avoiding you instead of talking to you, and it upset you. This just gives me the perfect excuse I've needed to give him a bollocking."
As he stands, you make to grab his sleeve. "Kipps, no."
But he's already sauntering up to Lockwood. The two meet halfway, drenched in rain. Lockwood's cheeks are flushed from the chill, and, though Kipps is the one speaking to him, he's looking at you.
"Kipps, stop it," you grumble, hurrying over. "I don't need you to mother me. It'll make things worse."
"I for one would like to hear what he has to say," Lockwood says. The challenging tone he always takes on with Kipps really should've been there, but it isn't. It's more of a guilty statement than anything else.
"You're acting like a kid, Tony," Kipps says angrily. "Do it with anyone else, but not with (name), not when they don't deserve it. I've been warning them not to fall for your tricks, but they've been insistent. He's a good guy. He's just going through a lot at the moment. Bullshit. Buck up your shit, or get out of their life."
"Kipps," you hiss. "Just shut up."
"No, I won't shut up, because he's hurting you. I won't stand for that."
"Just stop it! I'll handle this myself. I don't need you to do it for me."
"We all know that you weren't interested in that girl," Kipps says, glaring at Lockwood. If looks could kill, he'd be dead five times over. "You did it to be petty because, what, you were jealous that (name) was spending their time with someone other than you? Grow up."
"Kipps -"
"I'm going to leave now." His voice has grown quieter, even sterner, taking on the tone of someone using his age as leverage. "You two are going to talk this out. But if I find out that you've hurt them again, Tony, we're going to have major problems."
For a moment, he doesn't move, but then he squeezes your shoulder and leaves. You watch his figure disappear out of the park, blurred by the rain, before turning back to Lockwood.
His hair is plastered to his forehead and he's breathing a little heavier than usual. "(name) -"
"Kipps basically said everything that needed to be said," you say, pursing your lips. "I might've done it a little more gently."
A little laugh parts his lips. "He's right, you know."
"Oh, yeah, I absolutely do know. And it makes you a prick."
"It does." He looks down at his feet, guilt clouding his eyes. "I just - I was upset, and I know that gives me no right to have done what I did, but I felt - I don't know. Pushed aside? So I avoided you because it hurt a little less not having to see you all the time and wonder if you were thinking of someone else. Now I know how entirely wrong I was."
You stuff your hands into your pockets, desperate for warmth. "I was worried I'd done something to make you hate me. Lucy had tried to tell me that my hanging out with Kipps was a possibility, but I just didn't think it seemed like a logical reason. That's why I started spending more time with him - you avoiding me made me feel alone, and, yeah, I've got Lucy and George, too, but it felt nice to have someone shake some sense into me."
"I'm sorry, (name). Truly. If I'd known, things would've gone so much differently. I was more than a prick."
"You were." You laugh softly, and the sound has Lockwood's eyes back on you. "Lockwood, you mean the world to me. I thought you realised that."
There it is: that little mischievous glimmer in his eyes. The corners of his lips twitch. "Well, since I obviously didn't, maybe you could show me?"
"Are you sure you don't want Talia to show you? She did seem lovely after all."
He rolls his eyes, taking a step closer. He's near enough that you can feel the warmth of his breath. "Are you jealous?"
"Well, I wasn't the original jealous one, but, yes, I suppose I am."
When his hand touches your arm, you can feel its heat even through your jacket. You wonder if he can feel your heartbeat. It's never gone so fast before.
"So, about showing me that I mean the world to you?"
"You are insufferable."
It doesn't stop you from pulling your hands from your pockets and pulling his lips to yours. He may be insufferable and frustrating, among other things, but you wouldn't have him any other way. So long as he's yours.
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abitohoney · 2 years
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AO3 Link
Rating: Explicit. MDNI. NSFW.
Tags: Sevika x Female Reader, Established Relationship, Fluff and Smut, Dom/sub, Dom Sevika, sub Reader, Humor, Banter, Vaginal Fingering, Cunnilingus, Lesbian Sex, Praise Kink, Teasing, Begging, Strap-Ons, Spanking, Porn with Feelings, Porn With Plot
Word Count: 10k
Summary: After a series of extended, overlapping assignments that kept you and Sevika separated for far longer than either of you could stand, you finally have a night together in your shared room.
AN: This has been posted on AO3 for quite some time. I'm just now getting around to posting it here. I'll try to bring in my other works as well. Maybe one every Wednesday to avoid bombarding y'all.
Even though this is based on the existing relationship in my story Submit, which you can read here, this can still be read as a stand alone oneshot.
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Soft golden light spilled into the small bathroom from Sevika’s adjoined bedroom, the bedroom you’d been sharing with her for the past several months ever since she'd handed you a key and basically asked you to live with her. A gift, or request really, that you'd never expected from her, but more than happily accepted. Unfortunately the two of you had been apart for nearly two weeks straight now thanks to a series of extended, overlapping assignments from your mutual boss Silco. And after a particularly busy day, Silco having kept you trailing and tracking several of the chembarons, you decided it was high time for some relaxation. Said relaxation took the form of a nice, warm bath and a glass of whiskey.
Sighing as you stepped into the large tub, you took a sip of your drink before letting your head rest back against the folded towel you’d placed along the back edge. The water, already near the brim, sloshed over the edge and onto the floor, but you paid it no mind. You’d have it cleaned up before Sevika could return and scold you for once again ‘wasting water’. Arms lying along the sides of the tub and eyes closed, you smiled as your mind conjured the vision of her scowling down at you, a snide remark on her tongue and ready to fire.
“Can’t afford decent clothes, but you have no issue using all our clean, hot water?”
Shit, that drink must be strong. Somehow your mind even played back her gruff voice as if she was right there with you.
Blinking several times as you opened your eyes, you found Sevika towering over you, brows downturned, but an obvious smirk playing at the corner of her mouth. Unable to hide your own mirth, you grinned up at her.
“You’re back early,” you pointed out, your eyes trailing over her face, noting that she’d apparently just gotten back from a fight. Several obvious cuts and smudges of blood scattered along her right cheek and her upper lip, loose strands of dark hair sticking to her sweat slick skin. “Looks like you need this bath more than I do,” you teased, taking a dramatic sniff before adding, “Smells like it too. Did you bathe at all in the two weeks we've been apart?”
Ignoring your jab, she stepped over to your side, reaching down to snatch your drink from your hand. Sitting up, your eyes narrowed as you watched her down the remainder of the whiskey before putting the empty glass back into your still open hand.
“Sure. You can have all of my drink, since you asked so nicely,” you jeered. She allowed her smirk to fully bloom, clearly pleased with herself. “Seriously, get in here. Let me wash you,” you insisted, sitting up and setting your glass on the floor beside the tub.
Her gray eyes roamed from your face down to your bare chest, lingering on your breasts from where they sat just above the waterline, but only for a moment before she turned to leave the room without a word. Frowning in disappointment, your gaze followed her large form as she walked through the doorway and momentarily blocked what little light filtered in.
“Seriously? You’re going to pass up my offer?” you scoffed. Your eyes rolled dramatically when she provided no response. “At least bring me a refill for my drink!” you called out, voice raised, but you knew damn well she wouldn’t bother. Settling back into your earlier reclined position, you closed your eyes again, trying to relax, which was proving difficult given how disappointed you were that she refused to join you. You'd missed her so much over the past several days it was maddening. Hadn't she missed you too?
Startled this time by her sudden reappearance, you lurched into an upright position, sending more water spilling over the tub edge.
“Fuck Sevika! How can someone of your massive size be so damn quiet?” Your scowl quickly faded when you turned to find Sevika at your side, entirely nude. Drinking in the sight before you, a sly little smile pulled at your mouth as your eyes roamed up over her toned abs, supple breasts, smug mouth and finally her expectant gaze and single raised brow. “What’s that look for?” you asked.
“Not gonna say it?” she replied.
“Not gonna say what?” You truly had no idea what she was getting at.
“You always have something to say when I take my clothes off.”
Releasing a very unladylike snort, you smiled up at her teasingly. “Are you fishing for compliments? And here I thought you didn’t like me commenting on your attractive appearance.”
“I’m not fishing for anything.” Her lips tightened, a scowl quick to appear along with her indignation.
Oh she was not happy with that, and as much as you wanted to toy with her some more, you preferred to get her in the bath with you sooner than later. “Get that perfect body of yours in this tub, you grump.”
Okay, maybe you could poke the bear just a little.
Despite the little insult you threw in at the end, it seemed to satisfy her enough, as she moved closer, metal fingers tapping at the back of your shoulder, a silent indication for you to move forward and make room for her.
“Sit in front of me,” you urged, spreading your legs for her to sit between.
It was Sevika’s turn to release a short snort of amusement. “Not enough room, Princess. Now move.”
“Plenty of room. Just so I can wash your backside, then we can swap.”
Either you were very convincing, or she was truly exhausted, as she released a deep sigh, but finally relented. She stepped in and lowered herself between your legs, her body displacing more water and sending it spilling over the edge.
“You’re cleaning that up,” she grumbled, pulling her knees up so she could move forward and give you room to work.
“Of course, your highness,” you teased, scooting closer to her so you could wrap your arms around her waist beneath the water. With your chest pressed against her backside, you could feel her short chuckle reverberate through you, filling you with warmth and pulling your lips into an appreciative smile. Every little genuine laugh you could get from her left you feeling a little high, and they had become easier and easier to obtain over the past few months you’d been living with her. It was just one of the many signs that she was becoming more comfortable with you. Resting your cheek against the back of her shoulder blade, you buried your nose in the ends of her messy hair, inhaling deeply, her scent overtaking your senses. Blood, sweat, grime, cigars and simply her . So perfect. So wonderful.
“How is it, even when you’re covered in blood, sweat and dirt, you can still smell so good?” you whispered. Her organic hand slipped into the water, gliding down along your leg soothingly as she simply hummed in response. The two of you sat like that for a moment in silence, your fingertips tracing along the muscles of her abs beneath the water, breathing in her scent and reveling in her closeness, while her hand slowly smoothed up and down your leg.
After placing a series of chaste kisses along her shoulder blade, you released her from your embrace, scooting further back in the tub and reaching up to gently remove the elastic band from her messy hair. Even caked with sweat and dirt, her silky hair cascaded softly forward and you wished you could see her face with it framed by it.
“Hand me the washcloth and soap, please.”
To your pleasant surprise, not only did she oblige, she lathered up the washcloth before handing it to you. She leaned forward, arms resting on her bent knees from where they poked out from the water.
“Does the other guy look worse than you?” you asked as you began washing along her shoulder blades and the back of her neck, resting your other hand on her hip. Admiring how her shoulders shook as she chuckled, you smiled knowing you’d set her up for some snarky quip.
“The other guys are face down in their own blood and missing several teeth,” she sneered.
“I don’t doubt that for a second,” you replied with a smile, “but you really should learn to block better. You know I’m only with you for that pretty face of yours, well and I suppose for the entertainment too. I do rather enjoy annoying you.”
“I could say the same to you.”
“That you’re only with me for my pretty face or that you enjoy annoying me?” you asked, rinsing the washcloth after her backside was well cleaned.
Smiling, you placed your hands on her shoulders, tugging gently. “Lay back for me so I can get your hair wet."
With her hands gripping the edges of the tub for stability, she slowly laid back until the top of her head rested on your chest. Her gray eyes, sparkling in the yellow glow of the light filtering in through the doorway, caught yours and her thick lips pulled up into a smirk.
“For the sex too, right?” you asked, your own lips curling in amusement. “I mean I’m definitely in this for the sex too.”
She raised a single brow, clearly questioning why you even bothered to ask.
“I just want to hear you say it,” you admitted, fingers gently combing her hair back away from her face.
“You know damn well how much I enjoy fucking you.” What started as a confident, smug statement, quickly melted into a barely audible whisper, her eyes closing instinctively when you dragged your nails along her scalp, an act you’d learned over the past few months could calm her almost instantly. “That feels good, baby,” she hummed and you watched as every inch of her body relaxed, her hands nearly slipping off the edge of the tub. Not wanting to interrupt her blissful state quite yet, you opted to leave wetting her hair for later, instead grabbing the washcloth with your free hand. Without ceasing your ministrations to her scalp, you began gently cleaning her face, taking your time and ensuring you were extra careful around each cut and blooming bruise.
“I’m going to get the rest of your hair wet,” you warned her once her face was thoroughly cleansed. She didn’t reply, just lay there quietly with her eyes closed. You reached over the side of the tub to grab your empty glass, using it to scoop and pour water over her hair. Once it was fully saturated, you took a moment to just appreciate her face. Your fingers traced along the sharp cut of her jaw, her cheekbones, and when her eyes opened to peer up at you, you thought she would reprimand you, or at least tease you, for getting distracted. Instead, you watched the corner of her mouth pull upward just enough to create that cute little crease along her cheek. Running a finger along that curve, you made no effort to hide your own adoring smile. She really was lovely in those rare moments of relaxation and contentment. You could feel her eyes on yours as you turned your attention to her dark brows, tracing each one before running down the bridge of her nose until you reached the soft tip. Lifting your finger the slightest amount, you pressed back down with just the pad of your finger.
“Boop.” Your smile spread into a shit-eating, playful grin as you watched Sevika flinch before her brows downturned.
“You’re annoying,” she grumbled, but you caught the smile on her face before she could sit up and hide it.
Chuckling, you reached over the side of the tub again to set the glass down in exchange for a small bottle of shampoo. “I know you love it,” you teased, squeezing a small amount of soap into the palm of your hand before dropping the bottle back to the floor. “Besides, I think you’ll forget all about it in just a second.” Adjusting your position such that you sat with your legs bent, knees on either side of her hips, which was quite the feat considering the limited space you had with her massive body taking up most of the tub, you began lathering her hair.
“I do not lo-” she started, but whatever snarky remark she had at the ready washed away along with the dirt in her hair as you started running your nails along her scalp again. The deep rumble from her chest when she hummed in contentment had your chest swelling with pride, delighted by the knowledge that you could make her feel so good. Only you held the power to truly tame this beast.
When the water started to approach a near tepid temperature, you reluctantly removed your fingers from her hair, which by that point had lost most of the suds anyway. "The water is cooling off quickly. Let me get your front side before we freeze." Standing, you rested a hand on Sevika's shoulder for stability as she scooted back and you stepped in front of her. Before you could lower yourself back into the water you caught her gaze fixated on your body. Her eyes raked down your naked form, catching at the apex of your thighs, which just so happened to be mere inches from her face. Heat spilled from your cheeks, spreading clear down your body and settled right at the point of her thirsty gaze. It was a damn good thing you had a hand on her shoulder, because when those gray eyes flicked up to yours for just a moment, a wicked smile on those delicious lips, you lost all strength in your legs. She must have taken notice, as her hands came up to grasp your waist, helping guide you safely back down into the water. Legs bent again and straddling her thighs, you sat on her lap, both hands resting on her shoulders. That cocky smile of hers remained and it became all you could focus on, your tongue unknowingly darting out to wet your own lips. Even after all the months you'd spent with her, she still had the ability to turn you to putty with just a simple look, a smile.
Her augmented hand had slid up to the back of your neck, keeping the sensitive machinery out of the water, but as those cool fingers wrapped around, it became apparent that wasn't the only reason. Slowly, you slipped your arms around her neck as she guided your face towards hers, your eyes fluttering shut. The moment your lips pressed to the plush of hers you released a long, contented sigh, relaxing against her as her flesh hand moved from your waist to the small of your back, pulling you closer. Heated skin pressed to heated skin, bare breast to bare breast, the sensations pulled an appreciative moan from your throat. Taking the opportunity of your parted lips against hers, Sevika pushed her tongue inside your mouth, bringing with it the coppery taste of residual blood from the cut on her upper lip. The hand around your neck gently angled your head to the side, allowing her to deepen the kiss, her nose pressing softly into your cheek. You attempted to move your own tongue along hers, only to be overpowered, and fuck if you were about to complain, instead releasing another deep, muffled moan.
Without warning, Sevika's hand moved from your back to grasp a handful of an ass cheek beneath the water, using it to pull your bottom half closer and grind you along her firm abs. Breaking the kiss, you pulled away quickly, eyes wide as your startled gasp turned into a soft mewl, pleasure coursing through your body.
"Fuck," you breathed, completely flustered as you gaped at Sevika. Her heavy lidded eyes bore into your own, ravenous and impatient.
"That's exactly what I want to do to you," she sneered, voice thick and husky, "So finish this quickly."
Releasing your neck, she rested her arm along the edge of the tub again, her other hand grabbing the forgotten washcloth and holding it out for you to take. It took you a moment to recover from your aroused stupor. The sight of her expectant, arched brow finally brought you back to the present.
"Sorry," you murmured, averting your gaze until you felt the press of her warm, wet hand against your cheek. Meeting her gaze, you found her wearing a crooked, but soft, grin.
"Don't be," she replied quietly, running the pad of her thumb over your bottom lip, lingering for just a moment before moving to rest her arm along the side of the tub.
Trying to suppress the way your heart fluttered at her gentleness, you applied a fresh lather of soap to the cloth and began working on her neck. Despite the desire to take your time, the promise of what was to come after had you working quickly, at least until you reached her breasts. Attempting to peer up at her discreetly through your lashes, you were disappointed to discover her watching you closely. She knew exactly what you were thinking, and when she raised that damn brow again, you weren't sure if that was in expectation or to challenge you. Since discovering how sensitive her breasts were, she had been very particular about when you were allowed to touch, or more specifically, play with them. Biting your bottom lip to keep from smiling, you let your attention fall back to her chest, pretending to simply focus on the task.
When you heard her deep hum, you looked up to find her head resting along the back edge of the tub, her eyes shut and a pleased smile gracing her face. Watching her expression closely, you gave one breast an experimental squeeze. Her lips parted, allowing a quiet groan to slip past. You slowly moved the washcloth to the other breast, slipping just beneath it before gently massaging it as well, pulling another groan from her. Surprisingly, she didn't open her eyes or scold you. Feeling a bit braver, you abandoned the washcloth, moving your hand to place your thumb and index finger on either side of her hardening nipple before gently pressing and rolling it between the pads of your fingers. The sinfully deep groan that left her throat as she arched her back had you frozen. Her eyes finally shot open as she sat up, nearly knocking you backwards in the process.
"Open the drain," she growled, her eyes narrowing as she glared down at you threateningly.
You knew you had pushed her boundaries too far, and that it went without her saying, you were going to be punished. Excitement at the idea of what that could entail, you quickly scooted back far enough to reach behind you and pull the plug, all the while smiling meekly up at your perturbed lover. She seemed mildly pleased with your obedience given how her scowl softened just the slightest bit, apparently unaware that you simply just wanted to get to whatever she had planned as soon as possible.
Handing her the handheld sprayer, you leaned back on your hands, eyes traveling up the length of her body as she stood to rinse. Your gaze followed the path of the remaining soap as it rinsed from her hair and cascaded down her cheeks, neck, swell of her breasts, curves of her waist and hips, thick thighs, and finally down the length of her toned calves.
Apparently not having noticed your ogling, she gave the sprayer back to you before grabbing the towel from the back edge of the tub. Having not used any soap on yourself, you were able to rinse quickly while she stepped out and dried off. You barely had the sprayer back on its hook before Sevika tossed the towel at you, and you nearly dropped the damn thing. It must have been intentional that she caught you off guard, if the cocky little grin on her face was any indication.
"Ass," you grumbled, wrapping the damp towel around your upper half, just under your arms. Too busy glaring at a rather smug Sevika, you stepped out too quickly, carelessly, landing on a large puddle of water. Slipping, your body lurched forward and you quickly lost your balance, landing face first into Sevika's bare chest, but not before she swiftly caught you beneath your flailing arms. As much as you would have liked to remain where you were, she immediately righted you, standing you back fully upright with nearly no effort.
"Maybe use less water next time?" She sneered, but she kept you held close to her body. You weren't sure what was more frustrating, her damn teasing or the fact that your stupid towel prevented you from feeling her skin against your own.
"Maybe I did that on purpose," you sassed back, craning your neck so you could give her a proper view of the snarky look on your face, to which she simply arched a brow. "Maybe I wanted to be in your arms," you clarified, losing most if not all your edge with that admission. She chuckled, a bit too enthusiastically in your opinion, but she left no time for you to respond.
"Could have just asked," she teased, and without warning she bent down and scooped you up into her arms bridal style.
"Hey!" The scowl you attempted to throw her way faded the moment you caught her lopsided grin, big enough to reveal that ridiculously adorable tooth gap you loved so much. Smiling, you wrapped your arm around her neck, using it for leverage as you brought your lips to her cheek, gently kissing one of her scars before whispering into her ear, "I can see your cute tooth gap." Pulling back, you expected to see her smug smile wiped clean and replaced with her signature scowl, but to your surprise she was still grinning.
Eyeing her suspiciously as she carried you into your shared bedroom, you realized a little too late why that smirk remained on her face. She tossed you onto the bed with enough height and force to send you bouncing clear off the mattress and cutting your startled yelp short before you finally landed safely on your back.
"For fucks sake, Sevika!" You hollered. "At least give me a warn…" your reprimand trailed off as Sevika crawled onto the bed, a devious smirk on her face as she quickly positioned herself over you, caging you between her arms and legs. You lay rooted to your spot, hands at your sides, heat spreading like wildfire down your body and concentrating between your thighs as she eyed you hungrily. Expecting a kiss when she lowered her head, your eyes fluttered shut, but instead you felt the soft press of her nose against your cheek. A new warmth took over your body, your chest, when she trailed up your jaw, stopping just as she reached your ear.
"I've missed you…" she whispered, making your heart swell at the sweet admission. Running her large, warm hand over the swell of your hip and up along your side, she continued her confession. "Your body…" Her hand stopped just over the side of your breast, her nose slipping into your hair before taking a long, deep breath. "Your scent," she exhaled.
Finally breaking yourself from your frozen state, you reached one hand up to slip it into her loose, damp hair. "I missed you too," you sighed. Moving her face over yours, she brushed her nose along yours until the tips just barely touched. Strands of her dark hair fell forward, framing her face and yours like a curtain. Stormy eyes bore down into yours and you weren't sure if you wanted to just hold her or beg her to take you. Smiling coyly, you asked, "What do I smell like?"
"Comfort. Home."
Fuck. That's so goddamn sweet.
Her eyes dropped to the big smile plastered to your face. "Missed your dopey smile the most," she teased and your grin only grew wider. Even though she hadn't picked the most complimentary adjective, you knew she was just being playful and she truly did enjoy your smile. It was apparent by how even at her grumpiest, worst days, she couldn't hide her own lopsided grin when she caught your genuine one.
Fingers tangled in her hair, you pulled her down until her lips met yours. Your other hand skimmed over her side and up to her back to bring her chest closer until you felt the pleasant press of her soft breasts against your own. What started as a tender kiss quickly became heated, your lips parting to allow a quiet moan to escape to which she immediately took the opportunity to slip her tongue inside.
Metal fingers fisted your hair, pulling your head to the side as Sevika broke the kiss in favor of moving those full, wet lips to your exposed neck. After leaving a trail of love bites from just below your ear down to the top of your collarbone, she reversed the path, running the tip of her tongue over each mark. You squirmed and keened beneath her, desire driven higher by every sensation she left in her wake.
"Missed the way you taste," she purred against your ear before taking the lobe between her teeth and clamping down just hard enough to make you release a startled squeal. Her resulting throaty chuckle shot a wave of pleasure clear to your core, a wanton moan slipping past your parted lips. "Missed the pretty sounds you make."
"Sevika," you whined, desperate for her to cease all the sweet teasing and just fucking… fuck you already.
"Hmm?" She hummed, her mouth trailing down your neck again, but this time moving right past your collarbone and onto your chest.
Your other hand moved to join the first, threading through her hair, while her hands slid down along the mattress as she moved lower and lower.
"Please," you begged, watching as her lips slowly kissed down your right breast. Her eyes met yours as her mouth hovered just above your hardened nipple, her tongue slipping out to trace agonizingly light around the perimeter.
"Please what?" She teased, waiting until your lips parted to speak before taking you into her mouth and sucking.
"Plea- Fuck," you keened, eyes closing and back arching, chest rising towards her deliciously warm, wet mouth. Just before her teeth grazed over the sensitive bud, you registered the curl of her lips against your breast. The fucking tease was clearly enjoying torturing you, but she left no room for protest. Lifting her head, your nipple still held between her teeth, she tugged just hard enough for you to feel the slightest tinge of pain before releasing it. The startled little cry that pulled from your throat was quickly replaced with a soft groan the moment her mouth returned, tongue soothingly circling the tender area.
"I- I need you," you whimpered, finally able to find words when her mouth left your breast in favor of your abdomen.
"You've got me," she replied between soft kisses and love bites, her descent increasing in speed as she passed your navel. If you hadn't been so fucking drunk on your own arousal, you would have reprimanded her for the obvious sadistic torture, but she made damn sure you wouldn't find the words. Placing one last kiss just over your mound, she paused, metal and flesh hands snaking halfway down your thighs before easing them apart. Even with your eyes still closed you knew her mouth hung just above where you needed her most, her deep breaths chilly against your wet cunt.
God she was so fucking close to where you needed her, and when you realized your fingers were still tangled in the hair at the top of her head, she must have detected your abrupt change in demeanor. Before you could force her face between your legs, her hands wrapped firmly around your wrists. Startled, you released a short yelp, eyes flying open to find her eyes narrowed threateningly and focused on yours.
"Hands to yourself," she growled, and as much as you wanted to protest, you knew she wouldn't have it. Relaxing the grasp you had on her hair, you allowed her to place your hands on the tops of your thighs, her own hands covering yours to both keep them in place and keep you from lifting your hips towards her face.
"Sevika, please," you begged, near tears with how much you desired her touch, her mouth. "I want you so bad."
Her eyes lowered to the space between your legs, where you could feel just how aroused you were, and you knew she could see it too. Locking eyes with you again, a sinful smile painted her face before she spoke.
"I know."
Without removing her gaze from yours, she finally lowered her head between your thighs. And fuck you could feel how they clenched in anticipation beneath where she kept your hands pressed over them. Though you could only see those stormy eyes of hers, you felt the exact moment the tip of her tongue pressed just below your entrance. She dragged a torturous slow line clear to the hood of your clit, and the breath you hadn’t even known you were holding slipped past your open mouth as you sighed. Wrapping her lips around your clit, she switched between sucking and licking the sensitive bundle, leaving you writhing beneath her. The palms of her hands pressed down on the backs of yours, forcing your lower half to remain still as she continued her pleasurable onslaught.
Considering how worked up she’d had you, and how long it had been since you’d had any release, you unsurprisingly already felt that familiar tight, burning sensation build fast. And the moment she lifted her head, leaving you so close yet not quite satisfied, it was equally unsurprising that you cried out in disappointment, eyes searching hers pleadingly as she crawled back up your body again. You were about to plead- no- beg for her to finish you when she brought her face over yours, and the wicked smile she wore knocked any and all cognitive thoughts clear out of your head. Focused entirely on her mouth, you watched as it crept closer to yours, finally closing your eyes when she was close enough to feel her breath fan across your cheek and her breasts press against yours. The contact you felt was not a kiss though. Instead, she teasingly traced the fine gap between your parted lips with her tongue, pulling back the moment your head lifted to chase for a kiss.
God damnit why did she insist on tormenting you in the most cruel yet undeniably arousing ways?
“How do you want me to fuck you?”
As if that question wasn't enough to send a wave of aching desire between your legs, her deep, husky voice, clearly laced with lust, had you gripping the sheets in an attempt to control the urge to just pull her body between your legs and start grinding against whatever the hell you come in contact with first.
"I don't care, just fuck me already!" You nearly screamed, eyes flying open just in time to catch the series of expressions that flashed across Sevika's face. From amusement to surprise and back again. Your cheeks burned with how flustered you were and you knew she took notice.
Brow arched and smug grin back in place, she of course wasn't about to take mercy on you and skip the opportunity to further tease you.
"So needy."
"Strap! Fuck me with the strap!"
God, you couldn't even look at her now, turning your head to the side as if she wouldn't know how desperate you were if you didn't make eye contact. Her resulting silence, lack of action, though only lasting for a few seconds, left you anxious as all hell. Metal fingers wrapped under your chin, pressing firmly into your cheeks as she forced you to meet her gaze. The expectant look she wore pulled you out of your fitful state just long enough to realize what she was waiting for.
"Please," you added, voice meek and quiet, a complete contrast to your previous demands. Her pleased smile was indication that you'd assumed correctly, and thank the fucking gods she was finally moving off you to fetch the strap. Though the loss of her proximity was disappointing, it did give you the opportunity to somewhat clear your head of the incapacitative amount of lust you'd been battling since she threw you on the damn bed.
"I want to be on top, please," you requested, watching as Sevika paused with the harness half way up her thighs. With her back to you, she slowly turned her head to side eye you from over her shoulder. When she saw the earnest look you gave her, she returned to her task of securing the harness.
"Baby, you and I both know how that would go," she replied, tone dry, but you knew damn well she was hiding a smirk.
"Just let me try it. Please," you insisted, getting on your knees and moving to the edge of the bed to help tighten the straps on her harness.
With everything in place, her favorite thick, black dildo included, she turned to smile down at you.
"Fine. This should be- entertaining ," she sneered.
Choosing to ignore the obvious jab at your ability, you focused instead on the fact that she had agreed to your request. Excited to try something new, you quickly moved aside so she could get back onto the bed. The moment she situated herself with her back comfortably resting against the headboard you scrambled to straddle her hips and thighs.
Both of you simultaneously turned to the bottle of lube sitting on the bedside table before exchanging knowing glances. You sure as hell wouldn't need that, not with how wet and wanting you were.
Gaze dropping to Sevika's toned abs, you rested the palm of one hand there, the other reaching between your legs to grasp the base of the toy and align it with your entrance. Lowering yourself just enough for the tip to sneak in, you bit down on your bottom lip to restrain whatever sound of pleasure that was sure to follow. It proved pointless as you ever so slowly dropped lower, the thick silicone filling you perfectly and a shaky whimper making it past your defenses.
With half the length buried inside, you waited a moment to allow yourself time to adjust, lifting your half-lidded gaze to Sevika's face.
Oh fuck. She looked downright ravenous, stormy eyes hyper focused at the sight between your legs, and lips pulled into a greedy smile. A chill ran down your spine at the sight, your body visibly trembling.
"Fuck, baby," she said quietly with the release of a breath. "Missed the sight of you taking my strap." Wrapping her hands around your waist, she guided you down the rest of the way, watching with unadulterated desire as each and every inch disappeared between your folds.
Your hands flew up to her shoulders to brace yourself from falling forward as you bottomed out, the toy filing you completely. Her name fell past your lips with a whimper, finally drawing her attention up to your strained expression.
“Need some help?” she teased.
Shaking your head vehemently, you slowly began to rise on your knees again, legs straining and toes curling as heavenly sensations flooded your lower half. Though she granted you the control you wanted, her hands simply resting on your hips, you knew she was just smugly watching and waiting for you to fail. Unable to focus with her attention on your face, you averted your gaze to the scars decorating her cheek. Groaning as you gradually sank back down, you let your eyes follow the individual paths of lovely blue scars that traveled clear down to her left breast.
You were able to distract yourself long enough to set a steady, easy pace without completely falling apart. Each stroke of the toy against your walls pulled a soft moan from your open mouth, your breath quickly becoming ragged. However, the moment you started to pick up speed, the pleasure rippling from your core and down your legs left you faltering. Sevika, or course, picked up on your struggles immediately.
“Tired already?” Her taunt was a complete contradiction to how her thumbs ran soothing circles over the soft flesh above your hips. “You were doing so well.”
God. Fucking. Damnit.
“I’m- I’m fine,” you panted.
Spite being your only drive, you pushed yourself to keep going. Face contorting in a mixture of pleasure and strain from the amount of effort it took to move as pleasure continued to wrack your body, you screwed your eyes shut tight in an attempt to block out her distractions. Much to your chagrin, and inversely to Sevika’s delight, you only managed several more blissful motions before your legs gave out. Chest rising and falling as you tried to catch your breath, you reluctantly opened your eyes to meet hers. Those beautiful gray eyes sparkled with unbridled joy at the sight of you trying so hard only to fail, and if you weren’t so exhausted or aroused you would have had a few choice words for how fucking sadistic she was being tonight. Driving the nail into the coffin, she arched a single dark brow, waiting for you to admit defeat and beg for her to take over.
Releasing a shaky sigh, you relinquished control with a, “Please help.” Unable to face her in your admitted defeat, you tried to turn away to hide your pout, only to be thwarted when her human fingers caught you by the chin.
“Hey.” Her demanding tone caught you by surprise, but you allowed your eyes to meet hers. “I’ll make you forget all about it," she promised. You nodded in understanding and the look of disappointment on her face faded into a smug smile before she pulled your head to hers for a soft, lingering kiss.
Releasing your chin, her hands smoothed over your ass, fingers grasping at the soft flesh of each cheek. With your hands still braced on her shoulders, you straightened back up, groaning as she lifted you off the toy until just the tip remained inside. 
She set a slow, steady pace, her hips lifting to meet the pull of your lower half as she sank the toy impossibly deep before grinding your clit along the top of the strap. Each stroke pulled a deep moan from your chest, and each rub against your clit left your legs trembling. Arching your back as much as you could without losing your grip on her shoulders, you let your head fall back, eyes closed and lips parted. True to her word, you quickly forgot about the humiliation of your inability to fuck yourself on her strap, the only thing on your mind becoming how fucking good you felt.
“Tell me how you feel,” she purred, bending her legs at the knees so she could gain more leverage, but the change in angle had the toy dragging along your front wall deliciously hard, thus hampering all cognitive abilities. All you could manage was a deep groan of whatever curse word sat closest in your subconscious. Apparently that was not satisfactory to her expectations.
“Answer me,” she growled, pairing the demand with a particularly hard thrust and nails digging into your unforgiving flesh.
Head snapping forward, you caught her heated gaze with half-hooded eyes. “I- I feel good,” you whimpered, face contorting with pleasure when she ground your clit against her strap. “You make me- feel so-” Slowly dragged up off the dildo, your words faltered. “... fuck - so fucking good.”
Another harsh buck of her hips and opposing tug of your body down to hers had your toes curling and a string of unintelligible curses slipping past your open mouth, muffling another one of her unnecessary, and clearly meant to torment, questions.
“What feels good?”
You heard the question, but it didn’t really register. When you supplied her with no response, you hadn’t even noticed she had lifted her human hand from your ass until it was too late. That hand came swinging back down with a resounding smack against your bottom, knocking a startled yelp from you.
“What. Feels. Good?” she repeated, stilling her motions.
Though the sting on your cheek was enough to pull you back into reality again, the sudden lack of stimulation left you desperate to tend to the throbbing between your legs. Nails biting into the skin of her shoulders, you rocked against her while biting out something you hoped would placate her.
"Your- your strap- inside me. Fucking- my cunt."
Dear god let that be what she needed to hear.
"Good girl," she praised, her hand rubbing over your sore cheek before grabbing a handful again and returning to the relentlessly slow fucking.
"Shit," Sevika grunted, "Retract those fucking nails."
Realizing your nails were sunk a little too deep into Sevika's shoulders, you relaxed your grip, letting the palms of your hands slide down to rest against her chest instead. Unknowingly, one of your hands slipped lower as she continued to fuck you, taking a breast in your hand to fondle and knead with the rhythm of her thrusts. She quickly began to lose that rhythm though, her own strained moans reaching your ears and drawing your attention to her face.
Oh shit.
Your hand froze, for just a moment, awestruck by the way she screwed her eyes shut and bared her teeth in an effort to fight the moans that seeped through despite it all.
Fuck she's so beautiful like that.
Much to your chagrin, that small pause in your ministrations left her just enough time to come to her senses.
"Stop distracting me," she growled through clenched teeth, her eyes flying open before narrowing threateningly at you. She didn't bother giving you a chance to move your hand, instead grabbing you by your waist and flipping you into your back, strap still buried deep inside you.
Both of your hands were immediately snatched up, pulled above your head and pinned beneath her human hand. Blinking up at her, still a bit startled by the abrupt position change, you watched her lips as they curled into a cocky smile.
"I'm done playing," she sneered, moving her metal hand down your chest to give one of your breasts a very hard squeeze. Chuckling at the little yelp you released, she dragged those sharp talons down your breast, narrowly missing the hardened peak. The trail she left clear down your stomach and abs teetered on that fine line between pain and pleasure, leaving your body squirming beneath hers.
"Sevika. Please," you pleaded as her nails traveled even lower, dangerously close to where you needed stimulation, just not that kind. Thankfully, her hand slipped off course and behind one of your knees, forcing you to bend your leg as she pushed it up and out of her way, spreading you wider. Sliding the toy out until just the tip remained, her grin widened enough to reveal a sliver of teeth.
"I want to hear you scream."
Oh fuck.
Eyes rolling back as you closed them, you braced yourself for whatever the hell she had planned.
Her thighs slammed against yours hard enough for your body to slip up across the sheets, the silicone toy plunging inside clear to the hilt. Your cry of pleasure was without a doubt loud enough to be considered a scream, but she clearly wasn't satisfied with just one, quickly pulling out before dealing another powerful thrust.
She was quick to set a brutal pace, the sounds of the headboard smacking against the wall and her wet skin slapping against your own were both completely drowned out by the strangled cries and moans she forced from your body.
"Se-vi-ka!" You cried between each mind-numbing drag against your walls. Your orgasm built up quickly and fuck you were close, but you needed more. You needed that external friction. Tears stung the corners of your eyes, your arms pulling helplessly under the iron grip of her human hand. You struggled to form words, to tell her what you needed. Prying your eyes open, you gazed up at Sevika pleadingly. Any hope of getting through to her was lost when you noticed the animalistic look on her face. Teeth bared in a snarl, her stormy gray eyes focused on where your bodies met. The sight of her lost in primal instinct was enough to push you even more dangerously close to the edge, fire pooling low in your abdomen.
The choked sob that left you finally caught her attention, her eyes flitting to your pained expression. Her face softened, only for a brief moment, as she realized what was happening. Without breaking the onslaught between your legs, she released your wrists, her hand slipping down to your neglected clit. Your free hands flew up to wrap around her back and pull her closer. Even with her arm sandwiched between your bodies, she never once lost her rhythm, her fingers making quick work of your swollen bundle of nerves.
Your orgasm hit hard, every muscle in your body tensing for several mind-numbing seconds before relaxing as you dissolved into pleasure. A deep, long guttural moan rose from your chest and rolled past your slack mouth, your nails raking down the length of Sevika's back and withdrawing a hiss of pain from her. She slowed considerably, allowing your orgasm to finish without the risk of overstimulation.
Body falling limp, you collapsed back against the mattress. Stilling her movements, Sevika placed both hands on either side of your head before resting on her forearms as the two of you attempted to catch your breath. You gazed up at her, eyes glazed over in post-orgasm bliss. She was just as much of a goddamn mess as you were. Her once clean hair was a haphazard mess, strands stuck to her face where a fine sheen of sweat glistened in the glow of the dim lighting.
"Missed- seeing you- fucked out- like this," she panted, a weak smirk tugging at the corner of her mouth.
You smiled just as weakly up at her. "You seem- pretty fucked- out too," you teased, struggling to speak just as much as she had.
"Just out of practice," she chuckled, dipping her head to leave a trail of sloppy kisses along your jaw. "I'll just have to fuck you more." Her raspy voice against your ear sent a chill down your spine and relit the fire between your boneless legs.
"Not tonight though," you replied, grinning as she lifted her head to arch a brow at you inquisitively. "I want to please you now," you added, reaching up to tuck her hair behind her ears and run your hands along her back. "Why don't you sit back and have a smoke while I take care of you."
“Can’t argue with that,” she replied before bringing her lips to yours, muffling your whine as she pulled the strap out in one swift motion. Feeling her lips pull into a smile against yours in amusement, you made no effort to mind where your nails dug into her back. She didn’t seem to notice though, sitting up with that damn smug ass smile on her face and moving to remove the harness.
“Ass,” you murmured, but you couldn’t hide your own smile. This had just been a part of your dynamic since the two of you became an item several months ago. She enjoyed toying with you, getting you riled up. And you enjoyed playing along with it, knowing she meant no harm, and seeing her smile like that, just for you, was more than worth it.
Harness discarded to the end of the bed, Sevika set herself up against the headboard. Sitting up yourself, you grabbed her wrist before she could pull one of her cigarillos from her pouch on the bedside table.
“Let me get you one of the good ones,” you insisted, releasing her hand and draping yourself over her lap as you hung over the edge of the bed to pull the humidor out from underneath. With your ass on full display just over her lap, you shouldn’t have been so surprised when her flesh hand collided with one cheek hard enough to have you nearly slip off her lap.
“Damnit Sevika!” Your reprimanding tone was lost on her as you felt her body shake beneath you with her deep chuckle. Not that she could see your eyes, but you rolled them anyway. After lifting open the lid and grabbing a single cigar, you shoved it between your teeth and took out the cutter before pushing the humidor back under the bed. “Help me back up,” you mumbled around the cigar, free hand reaching blindly up behind you. Rather than taking your hand, you felt her grasp your waist with both hands and pull you back up effortlessly.
Straddling her waist, you clipped the end of the cigar off in the ashtray you’d handmade for her. It still warmed your heart that she carried it with her everywhere she went.
Ignoring her pointed look when you took the lighter from her hand, you flicked it open and concentrated on watching the cigar turn a bright cherry red as you took several quick drags.
“Fuck!” you coughed, eyes and throat burning, “This is- a lot stronger than your usual shit.”
“You get used to it,” she replied and you removed the cigar to place it between her teeth. She took a long drag before bending her index finger in a come hither motion. Knowing what her intentions were, you leaned forward, resting your hands on her chest for stability. Cigar in her hand off to the side, she slipped her claws into the hair at the back of your head, angling it as she brought you closer until your parted lips barely grazed hers. Eyes locked on yours, she pushed the smoke into your mouth slowly, small tendrils escaping the gaps at the corners of your mouths. The various spices hit your tongue, a delightful blend similar to her cigarillos, only much stronger, but not just in flavor. You could already feel your body relaxing from the small amount as your eyes fluttered shut. Resting your forehead to hers, the two of you sat in silence for a moment before she removed her hand from your hair.
“I missed you so much,” you sighed, opening your eyes to catch hers still focused on you, but now looking exceptionally more glossy. She was relaxed and she was ready for you to pleasure her.
“Show me how much,” she purred.
Clear on exactly what she meant, and more than willing to oblige, you made your way down the bed. Cigar tucked back between her lips, she bent her knees, lifting and spreading her thighs to make room for you. Settling between them on your forearms, you made no effort to hide the groan that escaped your throat at the sight of how wet and wanting she was for you. Intentionally catching her gaze, you slowly licked your lips. Her own lips curled into a smirk, smoke seeping through her exposed teeth, an image you kept in your head as you closed your eyes and that distance. Dragging your tongue through her slit, you released another groan as the taste of her arousal invaded your mouth.
“Good girl,” she murmured, her metal fingernails dragging along your scalp.
Taking a deep breath through your nose, her scent, combined with her flavor, praise and dangerously sharp claws scraping along your scalp, left your head spinning and legs aching in ecstasy. With another pass of your tongue you delved deeper between her folds before wrapping your lips around her clit. The curse she murmured around her cigar followed the instinctive thrust of her hips towards your face. Metal nails dug further into your scalp as your tongue worked a teasing circle around the sensitive bundle of nerves. Bringing one of your hands between her legs, you eased your middle finger inside her, reveling in the soft, warm, slick feeling that surrounded it, and her subsequent deep groan. With your finger buried knuckle deep you applied a gentle downward pressure as you pulled it back out, bringing with it another curse from her lips and another upward thrust of her hips. Adding a second finger, you began working your mouth in tandem with each rhythmic pump of your digits.
It didn’t take long for Sevika to disregard any bit of restraint she may have been using as her metal fingers firmly grasped your hair, forcing your face against her while she rocked her hips. You let her control where your mouth went, focusing instead on matching her pace with your fingers. It also didn’t take long for you to realize you weren’t going to be able to keep this up, your neck and jaw quickly becoming sore from the difficult angle. Desperate not to disappoint her, you ran your other hand up her abs, watching as the muscles flexed sporadically each time she got your tongue in just the right spot with just the right amount of pressure. The moment your hand reached her breast, you removed your mouth from her clit, quickly replacing it with your thumb. Her hand in your hair started to push you back down but faltered the moment you began massaging her breast.
Not only did your smooth swap allow you to give your sore muscles a break, you were also gifted with the ability to observe all of Sevika’s obvious signs of pleasure. Each stroke or scissor of your fingers, in sync with the press or squeeze of your other hand on her breast, had her brows pinching together, nose scrunching and teeth clenching around her cigar as she fought back any sounds that threatened to slip out. Her metal hand slipped off your head, collapsing onto the bed beside her, both hands gripping the sheets as she put more effort into grinding against your thumb as it rubbed along her clit.
“Fuck,” she groaned, “Right there, baby.” Her mouth started to go slack as she tilted her head back, cigar hanging precariously at the edge of her mouth. Sitting up on your knees, you temporarily neglected her breast to swiftly swipe the cigar from her mouth before it could fall and potentially burn her. Tossing it into the ashtray, your hand moved to her other breast, rolling the hardening nipple between your thumb and index finger. She sucked in a deep breath through her parted lips, hips momentarily losing their rhythm.
Since discovering how sensitive her breasts were, that knowledge had become your not-so-secret weapon. If you ever had any issue with getting her off, it took very little stimulation to her breasts to send her over the edge, and this night was no different.
All it took was for you to lean over her and flick the tip of your tongue across the hardened peak of one breast to bring her to her peak. Sitting back on your knees, you watched in awe as each muscle on that glorious body of hers tensed. The soft, wet walls around your fingers clenched just as deliciously tight. Flesh and metal fingers grasped at the sheets as she held her breath briefly before all the air left her chest in a rush, the muscles across her abs quaking in time with the walls of her cunt.
Removing your hand from her breast and slowing the strokes of your fingers and thumb, you waited for her to ride out her orgasm before completely stilling your fingers. Chest heaving as she slumped against the headboard, her eyes opened just enough to catch a glimpse of your wide, pleased grin.
“Proud of yourself?” she huffed with a weak attempt at a snarky smile.
You were. You always were after managing to get her off. Seeing her wrecked like that, struggling to catch her breath, covered in sweat, hair a mess and eyes half lidded, all at your doing, was a huge stroke to the ego. Rather than answering her question, you pulled out your fingers from between her legs, purposefully curling the tips to provide her with a little well deserved torment for all the times she’d done the same to you. The grimace that drew across her lovely face quickly faded when her gaze dropped to your wet fingers as you sucked each one clean and made a humming sound of satisfaction. Still on your knees between her spread thighs, you crawled over them to straddle her lap as she straightened her legs out. Her hands found their way to rest limply over your hips as you sat down and wrapped your arms around her neck to pull her in for a kiss. Taking advantage of her still slack mouth, you swiped your tongue over hers, giving her yet another, more literal, taste of her own medicine. 
Pulling back to allow her to finish recovering, you rested your forehead against hers, smiling in adoration and running your nose along hers.
“I think this goes without saying, but I missed all the same things about you,” you said softly, a coy smile on your face. “Your body, scent, smile, taste, the sounds you make, the way you take my fingers, and your fucked out face.”
Sevika smiled, something akin to her signature one-sided smirk, but much more genuine, soft even. Her hands slid up your back, the prosthetic stopping midway while her human fingers threaded into your hair and she pulled your body and lips against hers.
"You know," you started after breaking the kiss, "teasing aside, I really did miss you. We were apart for entirely too long."
"I had a word with Silco," Sevika replied, pausing to watch with unabashed mirth as your face contorted in confusion. "Told him I need a specific type of down time."
What the actual fuck?
Keeping your thoughts to yourself as she continued, you simply watched, completely awestruck, as she just smirked at you knowingly.
"He understands your value goes beyond just your ability to handle pointy objects." You're not so caught off guard to catch the way her mouth twitches at the corner at her little quip. Though you're quick to narrow your eyes at her in disapproval, you allow her to finish.
"He knows you're the only thing keeping me sane when I have to deal with all his bullshit, Jinx in particular. Gave me his word he'd take that into consideration when strategizing future missions for you and I."
"He what?!" You asked incredulously. "You have got to be bullshitting me! First, there's no way you approached him about that. Second, there's no fucking way he agreed to do anything about it. You're fucking with me!"
"Why would I bother making up something like that?" She asked, brow raising in challenge.
"I don't know. To woo me," you replied, honestly not sure why she'd make that up, but still astonished all the same.
"To what?"
"Nevermind." You shook your head. "That's fucking great though!" Absolutely beaming at the idea that Sevika had gone to your boss to demand such a- domestic and sweet thing as more time with you, you sensed an incoming snide remark about your cheesy smile, so you quickly redirected the conversation.
"So speaking of my ability to handle pointy objects, you know that includes more than just my daggers," you said with a playful smile. Sevika's brow raised again, clearly not catching on to your joke. Sliding your hands down her chest, you gave each of her nipples a quick pinch, earning yourself a gasp from Sevika and sharp nails digging into your sides. That initial startled response quickly gave way to a much more intentional grip on your waist, her eyes narrowing threateningly.
"Get my strap. Let's see how many times you can handle that pointy object." She snarled, lips curling sinisterly when your eyes widened in a combination of trepidation and excitement.
Turned out that number was three, but you made a promise to Sevika and yourself that you could do better with more practice.
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moljh · 2 years
Unbelievable / Steve Harrington x Reader
Part 3
Summary - Y/N Hargrove, the twin sister of Billy Hargrove. People liked to make their assumptions, whisper and point as you went past, but they didn’t know what happened behind closed doors. The slamming doors, raised voices and poorly hidden bruises. Hawkins was meant to be different, somehow a new start from your old life left behind in California. That’s when the headaches started, the nightmares that felt so real, the unexplainable events and blackouts.
*trigger warning - mentions of abuse*
fluff, slowburn, flashbacks, etc.
part 1 part 2
Edited: currently unedited
Tuesday, July 2
The wooden door creaked open as you quietly walked back into your empty living room. Sharon and your father were clearly somewhere for the day which was a relief as you didn't need anymore trouble added to this morning. You made your way back into your bedroom and slumped onto your unmade bed. The air was thick with humidity and you wished that you could've afforded to have a house with ceiling fans.
  You ran your tongue over your lips and frowned at the taste of the remnants of the night prior. Lifting yourself up, you made your way towards you bathroom and huffed with frustration at the bathtub that Billy hadn't been bothered to empty and was filled with used ice bags. Filtering out the wet plastic, you threw them into the trash bin and watched the water slowly drain from the blue coloured tub.
  The shower had been a welcomed cleanse, you always felt it washed you free of everything, both literal and metaphorical. The water had always been a form of comfort for you since you were little. Your mother used to take you and Billy to the beach when you lived in California, whilst Billy preferred to head out into the dark surf, you would sit on the soft sand and wade in the shallow water. You only had one photo of your mother, it was a small picture that was faded and worn on the edges. She was smiling at whoever was taking the photo and tucking her long blonde hair behind one ear. People used to comment that you two looked alike and only now as you had gotten older did you see the resemblance. You often wondered what she was doing, whether she ever thought about you and Billy and the life you have now without her. In the beginning you had both tried in desperation to call, but as time went on Billy gave up and so did you. It was only evident to you as you got older why she had left, she hadn't been able to handle with the constant berating and abuse of your father but you still couldn't understand how she could've just left her children with the man she was so scared of herself.
  You threw on a random pair of shorts and a t-shirt, not entirely sure what to do with yourself for the day. You could message one of the girls, but you weren't really in the mood for their company and the appearance you would have to muster to be in their presence. They were all fine, completely harmless but just so exhausting and constant. The loud ring of the phone pulled you from your thoughts and you waited a moment as you heard Max answering it. There was nothing for a moment and then some thuds and shuffling followed signalling that Max and her friend were getting up.
"Y/N" Max suddenly appeared in your doorway with an inquisitive look on her face "would you be able to drop El and I to Mike's house?" "Yeah sure" "Great, thanks" she smiled back at you, "ok to leave in 5 minutes?"
You nodded in response and quickly grabbed a pair of shoes. It felt nice that Max had even thought to ask you, she often just resorted to riding her bike or skateboard everything, but you supposed since she had a friend with her she probably thought you taking them would be easier. Grabbing your keys, you and the two girls made your way to the car and you began the drive to the Wheeler's house.
  "Do you guys need a ride home later?" you asked as you pulled up at the curb and they scrabbled out of the back seat "No we'll be fine, thanks y/n I'll see you back home" Max replied before quickly running off with El down the side of the Wheeler's house where they usually went off to
You let out a little sign and turned back out of the street, watching the people and houses of the neighbourhood you had grown quite familiar too. You could remember the first time you had dropped Max off here one random Halloween night where she jokingly swore she wouldn't get murdered by the strange boys she'd just met.
Wednesday, October 31 1984
School had been just another day filled with one class after another, taking notes and occasionally making conversation with whoever you were seated next to that period. Clutching your books to your chest you made your way over to your locker, which you were still trying to remember the code for, clearly evident by the numbers scrawled on the back of your hand.
  "You're the new girls right?" a girl suddenly asked appearing next to your locker "Yeah..." you replied "and you are?" "I'm Tina" she replied eagerly "I'm having a party tonight and you should definitely come" she informed you, handing over an orange piece of paper. She hovered for a few more moments and you could tell there was something else she wanted to ask you. "Is there anything else I can help you with Tina?" you remarked "Do you know if your brother is coming?" there is was, the true reason she had bothered to come and introduce herself to you, not to get to know you, but to ensure the thing that was currently at centre of all the girls desires was in fact coming to her little house party "I don't know" you replied truthfully "probably, if there's free booze, he'll definitely be there"
Tina was visibly happy with your answer as she let out a nervous giggle and trotted away. Rolling your eyes, you grabbed what you needed from your locker and slammed it shut, making your way to your next class.  
You could hear the music from the street when you arrived, clearly the party was already in full swing. Billy had left a while before you, meaning you had had to drop Max off to go trick or treating with some kids she met at school. You hadn't minded truthfully, you and Max got along fine and you preferred taking her over trusting Billy. Making your way inside the house, you enjoyed the attention you got and the eyes that followed you across the room. Your costume left little to the imagination, wearing nothing but a black leotard, cropped grey sweatshirt and legwarmers. You had decided to go as Alex Owens from Flashdance since it was the simplest outfit you could come up with one short notice. Moving through the centre of the room which had clearly been chosen as the dancefloor, you watched as your brother and his new lackies marches towards a couple that had come in moments after you. Billy's name was being chanted in the background as he confronted the other guy who was dressed in all black and sunglasses, you huffed at the basic macho faceoff between the two and went to get yourself a drink
There weren't many options, some bowl of red liquid or beer, you couldn't stand beer, so you took your luck with whatever mystery drink had been mixed together in the glass bowl in front of you. Moving to the edge of the room you looked around at the people either dancing, drinking or making out. The party was pretty dull compared to what you were used to back in California but you weren't complaining, in that moment you were looking to party too hard, having only been in Hawkins for a couple of days.
  A couple of guys tried to come up and talk to you throughout the nights, but had swiftly given up when their advances were reciprocated and moved on to easier targets. You finished the contents of your cup again, having lost count of how many times you had re-filled it. Moving back towards the source of your drink, your attention was brought upon the couple that had come in after you earlier that evening. The two of them seemed to be in some sort of argument, as a cup; the same as yours, was tussled between the two before being thrown down the front of the girl who unfortunately was wearing a white top. A audible gasp was heard throughout the room and quickly fell into a brief moment of silence, before the girl scrambled off and headed towards the bathroom. The guy, who was clearly her boyfriend quickly followed after, obviously desperate to make up for the accident.
  As everyone fell back into noise of before, you carefully watched the door that lead into the bathroom, intrigue encouraging you to watch. A couple of moments later, the guy marched out and slammed the door behind him. You knew that you shouldn't interfere but another part of you was still curious, so you placed you cup on the kitchen counter and headed outside.
  The cool October night air hit you and a shiver swept over your body. Glancing around you saw a figure perched on one of the lone patio benches off to the side, with their head hung and hands resting of his knees. He starred off in front of him as he pulled a cigarette from his pocket and you watched as he put it between his lips and set it alight.
"Hey" you said approaching him causing his head to whip around toward you, "Steve, right?" already knowing the answer "Yeah" he replied grazing his eyes up and down you "and you are?" "Y/N" you paused for a moment "can I join you?" You didn't wait for an answer before sliding in next to him. In the fresh night air, you could feel the body warmth wafting off of him and the glow from the end of the cigarette highlighted his face nicely. "Rough night?" You tried to initiate some form of conversation "Yeah... Kind of... You?" "Ah not really, just a little bored"
Steve turned to look at you and you could see something within his eyes trying to figure you out. Looking right back at him you reached up slowly and plucked the cigarette from his lips, bringing it to your own and taking a long drag. He chuckled a little at the act and took another from his pocket, allowing you to keep the one you had stolen. The two of you sat there in silence blowing the smoke out into the air. Reaching the butt of it, you flicked it to the ground and stamped it out against the concrete with the toe of your heel.
  "So Steve..." you began without fully knowing what you were going to say next "what's a nice guy like you doing sitting out here all on his lonesome?" "Technically I'm not alone, you're out here with me... and I'm pretty sure my girlfriend just broke up with me" he informed you whilst putting out his own cigarette "Well that's a shame" you said slowly, turning towards him "you seem like a pretty nice guy... handsome too"
  You gentle placed a hand on high thigh and glanced up at his face to gage his expression. You noted as he licked his lips and edged closer to you, instead of drawing away. His eyes dropped to your lips and you felt his hand slowly graze your shoulder and grip the back of your neck. He held you there for a second, as if contemplating his next move and then he pulled you in, bringing your lips to his own. You could taste the tobacco, alcohol and desperation on his lips as he wrapped his hand gripped your neck tighter, pulling you in closer. You deepened the kiss and ran your fingers through his hair pulling his head back, exposing his neck. Running your mouth down his neck, he let out a gentle moan which only made you keep going. You could feel his hands moving up your bare legs and to your surprise they weren't soft like you had expected, rather slightly calloused. In between moans and gasps one of you must have mentioned a car, because slowly you managed to climb into the back of his BMW. The windows of the car began to fog up as you both continued to roam each other is desperate exploration. As he pushed up into you, you let out a pornographic moan which caused him to quicken his pace. Gripping onto him, you ran your nails down his bare back, not caring about the marks you were likely leaving.
He was gentle and yet rough, just a perfect blend. You didn't care if anyone walked past the car, the heat within meant you couldn't see through the windows. You gripped his broad shoulders as he pressed his face into the crook of your neck and let out one final groan and pulled himself off of you. Sitting up on the back leather seats of his car, you slipped your clothes back on in silence as he did the same. Trying your best to tame your hair, you opened the car door and got out.
  “Thanks” you said bending back down into the doorway vehicle
  Steve merely looked back at you with bewilderment and confusion, and gave a slight nod. Shutting the door, you glanced back over to the house where the party was still going and smirked when you saw the enraged face of your brother standing just inside looking at you. You never felt any sort of shame when it came to sleeping around, it was the same back in California before you left. There was also a part of you however that enjoyed how much it pissed of your brother as well. He always wanted to control what you could do and who you could even talk to, so you often went out of your way to anger him. You supposed there was a time when you did truly care for one another as normal siblings do, but that hadn’t been for many years now.
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robtopus · 7 months
Get ready for a story.
A piece of Weird Fiction from my collection Purveyor of the Weird.
TW animal death (mention)
Robert R Sidian: That New Car Smell.
There didn't seem to be anything wrong with the car. The engine purred. The brakes were a bit worn, but still had a ways to go. The wheels were only two years old. Even the color was fine-i-guess; some people apparently like pastel tones. And still, looking at it, something seemed to be off. At first, it was easy to just put that on the hideous color (because Kay really didn't like pastel colors. At all). But there was something else, something behind the odd choice in paint job. Some underlying sense of dread. It didn't make any sense, and so he decided that the uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach was just some bad sushi he had recently partaken in. It was just a car. Nothing more than an amalgamation of metal and chrome, designed to ferry him from one place to another. It didn't have a soul. It didn't have a sinister purpose. It was just a car, and one that he had been given as a gift, no less, after his old car had been put out of commission for the foreseeable future.
"So, what do you think? I know the color isn't quite your style, but I hoped you'd be a bit more thrilled" said Bertram, and Kay realized with a start that his friend had asked him for the second or even third time, judging by the annoyance in his tone.
"No, no, it's fine" Kay murmured, or something to that effect, still lost in his contemplation of that eerie feeling he got from looking at the thing. It seemed to smell faintly of… death.
"Has someone died in this car?" Kay wondered, and only realized he'd spoken aloud when Bertram shot him a glance. "No, no person has ever died in this car, don't worry about that at all, it's totally safe to drive!" he added, speaking quickly. Had Kay not been knocked so off-kilter by the inexplicable feeling, he may have noticed the thin sheen of sweat that appeared on Betram's forehead now. Almost as if he was afraid Kay might not take the car, the keys of which now appeared in Bertram's hands. He tossed them underhandedly at Kay, who caught them more by reflex than anything else. Bertram seemed to visibly relax, noticeable to the casual observer, but not to Kay, who seemed still unable to tear his gaze away from the car. Which now, it seemed, belonged to him. Holding the keys had somehow transformed ownership. Bertram left, and he walked with a new spring in his step. It would take him over an hour to get back home on foot, but he would gladly have walked twice this distance, if it meant being rid of the car. There may have been a pang of guilt at hoisting the blasted thing off at his friend like that, but then again, he also had been afforded no mercy when the car had been all but dumped onto him by a former friend. He was just continuing the tradition, really. And with that, he disappeared down the street and out of this story, leaving Kay and his new car in the garage.
About seventeen hours after getting the keys from Bertram, Kay again stood in his garage, in front of the hideous pastel-colored car and tried to understand what the absolute hell he'd gotten himself into. There also was an undercurrent of impotent rage; he badly wanted to rearrange the geometry of Bertram's face using a 2x4, but there was no way he'd walk over an hour to do so. Especially since Bertram had probably moved away. Driving would have been faster, but Kay would not enter the car. The hideous pastel-colored car, which sat in his garage, feigning innocence. As if it had not been filled with dead platypuses only an hour ago. As if Kay had not woken up from disturbing dreams he only half-remembered and stumbled to the garage as if drawn by an invisible string, following a stench he could almost but not quite place. It had turned out to be the stench of death - of a surprisingly large number of dead platypuses, a pile of duck bills and beaver tails and otter feet, squashed together in his new car without rhyme or reason. In this deconstructed state, the animals had looked even more like a bizarre fever dream than they did in nature documentaries or in their native wilds. Kay had, in fact, decided to go back to bed and just discount the thing as a hallucination, some semi-lucid dream brought on by stress or the cauliflower he had had for dinner. And now he was back in the garage and the car was empty, bereft of animal carcasses. It would have been so easy to just write the whole thing off, had it not been for two key facts: One, the garage still positively reeked of egg-laying mammals in an advanced state of decomposition which wafted out of all four of the car's windows. That was the second thing: All four windows had been unbroken yesterday, yet now were shattered. From the inside, as if something (such as a mass of slowly-rotting, uniquely Australian flora) had exerted massive pressure on the glass. But apart from the glass shards on the concrete floor and the smell, there was no sign of the dead platypuses. No bills or tails, no front paws or hind legs, no eggs or milk. Just an ordinary car of an absolutely hideous pastel color.
Kay couldn't help but feel as if the vehicle was mocking him, sneering at him. So he decided to not give it the satisfaction of crawling on his hands and knees to look for more evidence under the car. Most frustrating was the way he still felt that dread in the pit of his stomach. Heavy and cloying, like the stench of blood. There were no blood stains on the seats, which was no surprise. The platypuses clearly had not been killed inside the car, but somewhere else and then transported here. But how? And by whom? Kay would have loved to just regard the whole thing as a bizarre prank, but he honestly didn't know anyone who had access to this amount of deceased monotremes. He was still standing in the garage, transfixed by the car which just sat there, with its broken windows but otherwise absolutely unremarkable. "It's just a car" he told himself, and "This shouldn't be this disturbing". Confusing, yes. Needless? Absolutely. But scary or disturbing? No. Unsettling, maybe, but that's the most of it. But he didn't feel merely unsettled; not even just disturbed. He was genuinely scared, almost to the point of being terrified of this car, and not just because of the hideous pastel.
He had some business to conduct and decided that he'd rather take his chance with public transport than drive this weird car. Even if all of this was just some particularly vivid hallucination brought on by a looming burnout or the broccoli he had had for lunch, he didn't want to risk it. He decided that he'd just shower and head out, putting the car out of his mind. He had a full day ahead of him, and when he returned in the evening, he'd call Bertram and ask what the deal was with the car. As he left his garage to take a shower, he briefly thought that he heard something laugh. Whatever it was, it was not human. The shiver that ran down his spine did not come from the crisp fall air outside, and Kay hurried back inside his house.
Before leaving for the day, Kay took another look in the garage. There was no reason to do so, other than to sate his morbid curiosity. Even approaching the garage, he could feel the dread building up, sweat breaking out on his back and under his arms. But he pushed on; after all, satisfaction was known to bring back cats.
As he was standing under the shower, the doubts had begun to creep back in. Surely, he could not have seen the dead platypuses. Surely, he had only imagined it all. But there had been glass shards on the floor, and the stench of death. Or had that been part of the dream too?
So now, he involuntarily held his breath as he looked into the garage, rendering him unable to tell if the smell was still lingering; but when he looked at the car, shining in its hideous color in the twilit darkness, he inhaled sharply. Something was wrong. The car looked differently than it had earlier. For a few moments, he was unable to place the change, but then it hit him. A cold, cold fear gripped his heart. He flicked on the light, banning the darkness and bringing the car into sharp focus. The car, which was pristine. Nothing wrong with it, except the color. And all four windows were absolutely unbroken. The garage smelled of nothing, except the usual lingering smells of gasoline and rubber. So now, all the evidence was gone. The cat had been well and truly killed. And apparently, he was losing his mind.
Kay turned off the light and closed the garage again. He realized that his heart was pounding in his chest; he could feel it all the way up to his temples. He leaned against the concrete of the garage. It was hot, for no good reason at all; but Kay barely felt the heat, only felt the security that only an unmoving piece of masonry can provide.
Kay took stock of his options: He still had no desire to drive the car. But he also did not feel like going out. Something was very wrong today, and it was not just the fact that his new car had a hideous pastel color.
Suddenly: "Augh, what the fuck!" He recoiled from the wall, almost hearing his flesh sizzle. His garage was inexplicably heating up. He watched in mounting terror as the concrete wall began to melt before his eyes, losing its form, the sense (the illusion?) of safety it provided. But it did not fall down, did not collapse. Then, suddenly, there was a deafening crash from inside the garage, a shockwave of sound that dropped Kay to the floor. He fell and hit his tailbone on the driveway. The pain was immediate and excruciating, yet at the same time sharp enough to cut through the panic that had begun to cloud his mind. He got back up and threw open the garage door. What he saw did not surprise him; he had, it seemed, become numb with terror.
The dead platypuses had blown the roof off the car. Kay slammed the door closed and walked back to the house, slowly and deliberately. He knew that, should he start to run, he would be unable to stop.
He needed to make a call.
"The number you have tried to call does not exist" the computerized voice intoned, and Kay couldn't help but feel like there was a certain smugness behind it. Of course the number had been disconnected. Of course his supposed close friend Bertram had gotten a new phone as soon as the keys had been in Kay's hand. After all, Bertram probably didn't want to be reached by Kay anymore. Kay, rather than a friend, had been a dupe for Bertram, who had used Kay to get rid of a problem, namely the hideous car.
He looked at the phone in his hand. There really was only one solution. He dialed a number.
"Hey, Jenny! It's me, Kay! Say, don't you need a new car?"
© Robert R Sidian 2024. Do not distribute.
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Dear Diary
I fucking hate living in montana, but I’m “supposed” to like it. Really? Moving away from a state I had more protection, and social freedom? Yeah its a big city, and in its own plains way pretty, but I never wanted to be here. My dad has to audacity to assume I’d fall in love with this state like they did, and is fucking SURPRISED when a year later I still don’t like being here?! Are you fucking serious? HOW? Pray do tell, how on earth am I going to fall in genuine love with something I hate when the only emotional state I’ll be in is Survival and Defense. If I’m smiling I’m happy, right? Not a mask? I spent the first couple of hours of the move weeping, not that I communicated that. I had no time to really say goodbye to anyone. He did, good for him. 
The mental health care is subpar at best. Because my past psychiatrist incorrectly added my ADHD and sleep med diagnosis, I don’t have either of those meds. This one lady, I’ve had 4 less than 30min appointments with her, and she doesn’t “see” my adhd, but thinks its only ptsd. We’ve barely talked about my childhood, let alone gotten past Introductions. I was taken so off-guard when she said that, that I started panicking for several reasons (not to mention every time I see her its too hard for her to use my preferred name, and she called me Alexis, not even my legal name, let alone my chosen). god forbid I get on the Med seeking list over a misunderstanding. For another lady I asked for the idea of autistic screening, but after about 40 minutes I made “too much” eye contact. And its SO rare for an autistic individual to know and understand they’re autistic ... Mhmm, sure.
Communication is hard, and part of it I don’t like. It feels too vulnerable, I don’t like hurting other peoples feelings (even thought that’s not my responsibility), and I don’t want them to perceive it as me attacking them because I’m not. I think that’s just my trauma from no one listening to my communication before, why trust I’m going to be all of a sudden heard. Its easier to just lay there and take it, but that’s not healthy. We use BDSM for that. I never again want to bleed my trauma onto anyone else, never again.
Trust is a hard thing for me now. I used to say with an empty heart that I trusted people that I honestly never actually trusted. I over corrected and now require evidence for trust. Not an overall terrible thing, but the ones on the other side see my double checking an outside source as me not having trust. Because I understand, I wouldn’t take offense if anyone did. I’m not all-knowing, and fact check the best I can, but I’m human and I’m wrong sometimes, its inevitable.
On a happy note, I love fixing myself, its much less miserable. My anti-depressant works, I don’t have a gallbladder, I’m signed up for physical therapy for my lower back, I’m on a shot to help with PCOS, I have a semi-permanent birth control, and I’m much more mentally stable and well than I ever have been. Its great! Now I just wish I could afford to help more people with food and bills. I gotta keep myself alive in order to help others tho. 
0 notes
ilikemesometaetaes · 4 years
Good Day (M)
Jeon Jungkook Oneshot
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•••> Author: @ilikemesometaetaes​
•••> Summary: His motive was made quite clear once he called you out of work. He just wanted to spend a nice day with his girlfriend. Is that too much to ask for?
•••> Pairing(s): Jungkook/Reader
•••> Requested by Anon: “Can I request a Jungkook oneshot(established relationship) where they just want to spend the day just getting drunk on wine and having sex on the couch? Y/N could be dressed in just his shirt and Jungkook in just his sweatpants”
•••> Word Count: 6.15k [Unedited]
•••> Rating: 18+
•••> Tags: smut | Established Relationship | Jungkook!au | Boyfriend!Jungkook | Lazy Day/Sex | Wine Drunk
•••> Warnings: smut, slight bloating!kink (but there isn’t actually any bloating), unprotected sex, dirty talk, kookie is a horny little fuck, he literally just wants to bone, all day, he’s also a drunken idiot sometimes, cursing, alcohol use, shower stimulation, showerheads can be a girl’s best friend, drunk sex, lazy sex
Copyright © 2021 ilikemesometaetaes. All Rights Reserved.
Thank you for the request, anon! It took ages to complete and I’m so sorry! I hope you enjoy it :)
Arms tightened around your waist as you woke. The embrace was slightly suffocating.
“Baby,” You wheezed through your unused vocal cords. The grip only tightened and constricted your lungs, serving for a rude awakening. “Kook.”
“Murph.” Hot breath on your neck after a groan of exhaustion was a welcome feeling- comforting despite the uncomfortable position you were in. You smiled despite your lack of ability to move and looked down to see his tattooed arm overlapping the bare one over your ribs.
“I can’t-“ You were cut off as he tightened his grip with a slight whimper of distress.
Immediately plagued with concern, you grabbed his arms and wrestled them from your body so that you could turn to face him from within his encircled limbs. You only got more worried when you noticed his obvious stress-ridden eyebrows, arched up with eyelids fluttering rapidly. His lower lip was trembling as he quietly began muttering ‘no’ repeatedly.
“Jungkook.” You gently placed your hand on his bare shoulder and shook him. His fingers dug into your ribs painfully, warranting a more stern call of his name. “Jungkook!”
“No!” He yelled while sitting up abruptly and heaving for breath. You were thrown from his clutches and rocked on the bed from the movement. Despite the disturbance, you sat up with him and reached for his back to rub it soothingly.
“Baby,” You cooed, quick to reassure him with gentle touches. “I’m here. We’re here. You’re okay.”
Following your statements and ministrations on his back, his breathing gradually slowed with a few sputtering gasps and an audible gulp. Once you gauged his level of calm, you broke the silence.
“What happened?” You asked, tilting your head and leaning forward to get a better look at his face past his long hair. His eyes were shut tight with eyelids wrinkled at the corners while he inhaled slowly through flaring nostrils.
Your boyfriend opened his eyes after a moment, blinking a few times in the process, before turning his head to set you in his line of sight.
“They were taking my dad away.” He wavered. “But he’d already completed his time.”
You knew better- Jungkook’s father was safe in the comfort of his own home in Busan, already having served the mandatory enlistment for his home country- but you also knew that you needed to reassure your boyfriend so that he could relax his tensed shoulders.
“Do you want me to give him a call?” You asked. “I’m sure he’d appreciate hearing from us and it’s not too late in the evening over there.”
“No, it’s okay.” Jungkook said, letting the tremors fade from his body as he let reality sink into him. “He should get his rest. I’ll call him this evening.”
“Alright, Kook. Sounds good.” You gave him one more pat before looking at the clock. Your alarm would go off in eight minutes. “Shit. Might as well start getting ready now.”
“You do have work today.” Jungkook said the words as a statement, as if confirming prior thoughts.
“Yes,” You chuckled, smiling lightly and leaning in to kiss his cheek before getting out of the bed. “I do.”
A soft whine escaped his throat as he quickly grabbed onto your fingers. “Nooo… Don’t goooo…”
“I have to, baby.” You lightly tugged your fingers from his grasp to make your way towards the bathroom. Shuffling sheets from behind you signaled that Jungkook had also gotten out of the bed.
As you turned the shower handle and began taking off your clothes to shower, you heard him creep in behind you with light footsteps padding across the wooden floor.
“Don’t even think about it.” You giggled while he crowded his body against the back of your almost-bare one, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing his ever-present morning wood against your skin. “I can’t be held up.”
“Then call out.” He whispered into your ear, to which you pulled away and turned around so that you could raise an eyebrow at him. Did he really just tell you to call out of work just so the two of you could bone?
His eyes were dark and playful as if challenging you while you stared up into his gaze defiantly. You scoffed in disbelief. “Jungkook, I can’t.”
“Why not?” He jutted his lower lip out into a pout. Fuck. You internally scowled at his tactics, hating the way your heart began trying to convince your brain to consider calling out.
Before you could crumble under the pressure of his ways, you huffed out a response. “Because I can’t, babe.” You slid your panties off and opened the shower door to step inside.
“-And don’t even think of coming in here. I can’t afford to be late.” You added the last part as you closed the glass door behind you, knowing his next strategy would be to tempt you with his naked body- a strategy you would surely lose to.
Jungkook groaned, pressing himself against the door with one arm bracing his weight against the distorted surface while you wet your hair. You watched in amusement as he slowly began accepting his defeat.
“But you work all the time.” He whined again, causing you to smugly and mockingly pout in response.
“So that I can make money.” You jokingly copied his tone and continued with your shower before he backed away from the glass in silence and stepped towards the sink. You watched as his shapeless body moved, deducting that he was going to brush his teeth as he reached into the drawer where you kept the toothpaste. Once he placed the toothbrush into his mouth and began brushing, you smiled, shook your head, and continued to shower.
“Y’know,” His words were jumbled as the toothbrush obstructed his speech. “You gon’ make me act up.”
“Act up?” You asked while laughing. “How are you going to act up?”
Jungkook leaned over the sink and spit, leaving a break of silence to drag your curiosity further. Once he rinsed his mouth, he turned to look at you again despite being unable to see you clearly. He sighed dramatically.
“Don’t say I didn’t warn you, babe.” He quipped before exiting the bathroom and shutting the door behind him.
You only scoffed at him again, rolling your eyes and hurrying with your shower to stay on schedule.
Fresh-faced and ready for work, you grabbed your purse and walked out of your bedroom to make your way towards the front door. The sound of something scraping against a pan while the oven fan hummed lowly tipped off that Jungkook was in the kitchen.
“Jungkook?” You called for him as you were about to round the corner. “Do you know where my phone is?”
The sight you walked in on was one of dreams.
Your boyfriend stood in front of the stove, cooking eggs and bacon, in nothing but a pair of sweatpants. Muscular back on full display, you let your eyes slowly trail all the way down the cut definition around his shoulders to the dimples stamped into the flesh of his lower back. The adorable crevices were graciously uncovered because of how low his pants hung on his hips.
“It’s on the counter.” He haphazardly gestured to the kitchen island with the spatula he was holding. You had to gulp down the saliva that collected in your mouth and blink a few times to snap yourself out of your haze so that you could grab your phone and leave.
“Thanks, baby.” You rushed up to the counter, grabbed your phone to drop it into your bag, turned to kiss Jungkook on the cheek, and quickly began to leave. “I’ll see you later. Love you!”
“Oh, by the way,” Jungkook started. You stopped in front of the door to put your heels on. “Your boss called.”
“She did?” You reached into your purse and fumbled around for your phone. “What did she say?”
“She said she hopes you feel better soon.”
“What?” You froze, unable to understand, and looked up at Jungkook who had already set the food on two plates. “Why?”
“Because you’re bedridden right now. Your head hurts oh, so bad and you have a runny nose with a fever of one-hundred and one degrees.” He pouted and looked at you with a mischievous glint in his eye despite wearing a somber expression on his face.
Realization set in all at once.
He. Did. Not.
“Jungkook,” You started, slightly upset. “I swear to god, if you did what I think you di-“
“A sick person shouldn’t be all dressed in heels and a pant suit. Why don’t you go change into something more comfortable and then come eat so we can get some food in your belly?”
You spluttered incredulously to a halt as he spoke, shocked by his drastic measures to keep you home. He lied to your boss and called out of work for you.
“What- exactly- did she say?” You gritted out.
Jungkook grabbed the two plates and walked to the kitchen table with a seemingly unbothered demeanor, placing them down carefully.
“She just said that you had it coming. You work too much for your own good and now you’re sick because of it.” He sauntered over to the fridge as you eyed him critically, glaring daggers into the back of his head while he spoke. “I agree with her, to be honest. You don’t look so good. All that working took a toll on you- do you want orange juice? Or water? Or some iced coffee?”
The oblivious facade only irritated you further, warranting you to kick off your heels, drop your purse, and stomp over to him. Grabbing him by the shoulder, you spun him around angrily, only to see a smug smirk plastered across his lips.
“I’ll take that as you wanting iced coffee. You were always a grump without some caffeine.” He grinned.
“Jeon Jungkook.” You hissed, glowering at him with increasing intensity. “What the hell did you call me out for?”
“I called you out-“ He started with a smirk, wrapping his fingers around your wrist and spinning you around quickly to press you against the fridge. His face morphed into a stern expression quickly. You never broke eye contact with him, intransigence unwavering under his pressure.
“- so that we can crack open those bottles of wine we hoard and I can fuck you open on the couch over and over again while we pretend to pay attention to a movie playing on the TV.”
Your anger dissipated instantaneously, brain functioning coming to a halt as his words sunk into your skin.
Well… shit. What’s your name again?
“Do you understand now?” Jungkook asked, leaning down far enough that his hair brushed against your forehead and his mint-scented breath tickled your nose and top lip.
“Y-yeah.” You stuttered.
“Good. Now, go change.” He grinned, backing away from you and reaching into the fridge to grab the orange juice and the iced coffee. You followed his command like a robot, excitement building in you so fast that you had no way to process the fact that you were livid with him moments ago.
It wasn’t long before you were bare-faced and clad in one of Jungkook’s shirts that you picked up from the bed. His scent filled the shirt, shampoo and body soap mixed with a slight edge of his natural musk. It was almost dizzying in your current state of arousal.
The heat between your legs distracted you throughout your breakfast as you sat at your small kitchen table across from Jungkook, but falling into a conversation with him came naturally. Your boyfriend lying to your boss about your sickness went easily forgotten as you began to enjoy the day off.
Before long, your plate was empty and all that remained in your glass of iced coffee was a few melting ice cubes. Looking over to Jungkook’s side of the table, you noticed that his dishes were also cleared of food.
“I’ll clean the dishes.” You said, getting up with your silverware, glass, and plate in hand.
“I won’t fight you on that.” He chuckled, getting up from his chair and grabbing his things too. “I’ll pour us some wine.”
“Sounds like a plan.” You affirmed.
As you set the now-clean items on the drying rack, you turned to find Jungkook leaning against the kitchen island with two wine glasses in one hand and a bottle of some nameless wine that someone had gifted to Jungkook not too long ago in the other while he grinned at you.
“Couch?” He asked.
“Couch.” You nodded, nerves building in you once again at the mention of the location.
You were just about to finish your second glass when you noticed Jungkook reaching for the bottle to pour himself the last bits of wine left inside.
“Nooo.” You whined, causing him to turn and face you in the process of pouring the remaining alcohol into his own glass. “I wanted it.”
“Nuh-uh.” He playfully turned his body away from you so that you couldn’t reach for the wine as he poured it. “This was my idea, so I get to have three cups. We can open another bottle anyway. We have a shit load.”
“But this one tastes yummy.” You complained, grabbing onto his shoulder to lightly urge him to face you.
He looked into your pleading eyes for a few moments with his lips pressed into a tight line before he huffed.
“Fine! But on one condition.” He set the bottle down on the table.
You raised your eyebrow at him expectantly. “What is the condition?”
“I’ll pour you this last glass if you join me in the shower when you’re finished with it.”
The shower? Oh boy. “I already took a shower, Kook.”
“So?” He smirked. “That doesn’t mean anything. I want you in the shower if I give you this last glass.”
Slightly warm and agreeable from the delicious wine, you gave in with a grumble. “Fine. I’ll be there in ten minutes.”
“Sweet.” Jungkook gestured for you to offer your glass so that he could fill it. Once he did, he brought the empty wine bottle to the kitchen and dropped it into the recycling bin, only to turn around and meet your following eyes as he stalked towards your bedroom with a devious smile on his lips. “See you in a few.”
You watched with slightly parted lips as he turned back around while beginning to hum an aimless tune to skip the rest of the way, giving you whiplash with how quickly he could turn from a man that made you lustfully feral to a boy that made you want to joyfully frolic through a meadow.
Determined to remain true to your word, you sipped your wine quickly. He wanted to be joined in the shower? So be it. It wasn’t long before your glass was empty once again.
Three glasses of wine and adrenaline pumping the alcohol quickly through your veins were the factors that caused you to feel a slight head rush and a bit loopy once you stood from the couch. Giggling softly at your condition, you left your empty glass next to his and headed in the direction of your bedroom.
Distantly, you heard smooth notes of a familiar song drifting from the bathroom. Jungkook loved to sing in the shower and you loved to listen to it. The sound of the water running only made taking a shower with him more inviting as you approached the closed bathroom door.
Sneaking in quietly, you shed your clothes once again, hoping to take him by surprise. Your plan only resulted in failure when Jungkook slid the door open to beckon you inside when you were in the middle of taking off your boyfriend’s shirt.
“C’mon, babe. We haven’t got all morning.” He smiled, wet hair mussed and pressed to his forehead.
“We don’t?” You laugh as you step inside so that he could close the door behind you. Immediately, you were encased in the tight, warm, and humid space. “I’m pretty sure that you made it so that we do.”
Swiftly, Jungkook wrapped his arm around your waist and spun you around to meet the steady stream of water. Crowding your back with his chest, Jungkook pressed his face up against the back of your neck.
“I know, babe, but I have a few plans now that you’re off.”
“Plans, you say?” You giggled and craned your head down to get his wandering nose away from your neck. He knew that you were ticklish and loved to attack the spot when he got playful.
“Yes ma’am.”
After a moment of standing in the shower, the telltale signs of your situation becoming hot and steamy made themselves prominent in the form of Jungkook’s semi-hard erection brushing your skin and the subtle notes of a growl tainting the edge of his exhales.
“You alright there, baby?” You teased.
“Mhm.” He hummed, detaching a hand from your body to reach for the showerhead. “Just wanna rinse you really quick.”
“Be my guest.” You let your head fall back to rest on his shoulder and closed your eyes, heart slightly picking up its pace at the elevating tension. For a moment, both of Jungkook’s arms left you to change the setting on the water pressure and you felt the steady stream turn harsh right below your collarbones.
You hummed in appreciation while he returned one of his arms around your waist and began running the water over your shoulders and arms with the other. Gradually, he began massaging you with it.
It wasn’t long before Jungkook’s true intentions came to the surface; slowly, the point of the pressure moved south from your shoulders to your breasts. You felt the showerhead point the stream closer and closer to your nipples, causing your eyelids to flutter open and look at the man delivering the sensations to your body.
You gasped softly as the water covered your left nipple and Jungkook tore his gaze from your chest to meet your eyes once you did. What greeted you in his irises was pure, prominent desire.
“Kookie.” You whispered, lips brushing his as your body became electrified like a live wire.
“Say the word, baby.” He crooned softly, encouraging. The pressure on your nipples only left you with your lips slightly parted and taking sharp inhales with a whine teasing your throat. Jungkook only continued to push you along, desperate to hear. “That’s it, baby. Say it.”
You whimpered, barely able to get it out. “Please.”
“As you wish, my love.”
And then he made the showerhead descend further down.
Your toes curled against the floor in anticipation that was fueled by how slow he moved. Your stomach vibrated while the water migrated down your expanse of skin to the place you wanted it most.
As the water touched the top of your mound, you reached up and curled an arm around Jungkook’s neck to prepare for the onslaught.
Your moan was unexpected; the force of the water shocked you into submission instantly.
Jungkook’s grip on you tightened soon after, followed by the low, comforting ‘sh’ that slid through his teeth when your body curled inwards.
The water pressure, turned high, forced its way past your pussy lips with no trouble at all. In its trajectory, your clit was battered as the only thing in the showerhead’s path. The intense amount of stimulation had you approaching an orgasm faster than you could count to three.
“Jungkook,” You whined at a high pitch, unused to the most adamant sensation of pleasure you��d felt in a while.
“You’re okay, baby. Just breathe. It’s alright.” Your boyfriend’s voice in your ear came out as a soothing coo, yet you couldn’t find it in yourself to breathe correctly when he was holding the showerhead so close to your bundle of nerves and tightening his grip around your waist to prevent you from escaping.
“I-I-“ You breathed so fast, it almost felt like you were hyperventilating. Your clit, taking the entirety of the assault by the water, throbbed wildly and spasmed as if attempting to get out from under the force.
Almost on instinct, you raised a leg to allow the water more access the the entirety of your pussy, hoping that your orgasm would crest upon you before you lost your mind, and braced your raised foot against Jungkook’s knee. You hoped that taking the attention off your clit would help balance out how boggled your mind was, but all it did was drive you crazy when you felt the pressure beginning to spread your folds apart to push inside.
“Oh, no. Now I can’t let that happen.” Jungkook spoke as if he were speaking to a child in disdain, repeating the word ‘no’ a few more times with his bottom lip jutted into a pout.
He moved the showerhead back up to solely torture your clit, warranting you to cry out and tighten your arm around the back of his neck while you squeezed your eyes shut. His voice turned into a growl. “I’m the only one who gets to be inside you.”
“No!” You groaned in frustration, jerking your hips in response to the stream returning to your most sensitive area. “Nononono baby, please.”
“It’s unhealthy for you, baby. I can’t put water up there. So just be a good girl and take it here.”
Jungkook seemed to punctuate his statement with a light twist of his wrist to circle your clit with the showerhead. Your legs shook from the strain of spreading them so hard and trembled from the new burst of stimulation.
It only took another few moments for your body to begin curling in on itself again.
“K-kook.” Your teeth chattered as you mumbled his name, eyes rolling back into your head.
Jungkook braced his back against the wall before squeezing your waist to lift your body against his chest. You had half the mind to help him, supporting some of your weight on his neck so that you could wrap your other leg around his to spread your thighs even further.
“You gonna cum?” His breathing was harsh in your ear as he watched your body.
Your response came out as a whimper of affirmation, unsure of how to speak with the vibrations of the water shooting up your spine and back down to your curling toes.
Jungkook’s erection throbbed against your back while you let out sounds that were a mixture of huffs for breath and moans of pleasure. At this point, though, you couldn’t bring yourself to care about anything but making sure you orgasmed in the next five seconds.
You knew you were going to cum when you felt the tingling sensation spread like wildfire from your battered nub. It bloomed in your lower belly and seared every muscle in its path throughout your body, causing all of the sinew and tendons to tighten in response. As the orgasm ripped through you, your body became rigid with a few jerks of sensitivity.
Your eyes rolled back and you pressed your forehead against the side of Jungkook’s neck with the need to be as close to him as possible during your orgasm. Your ecstasy seared through you and overtook your body to act on its own accord. Far beyond the darkness of your eyelids, you reveled in the immense satisfaction, pussy spasming in the aftershocks.
Once Jungkook removed the showerhead and your body calmed, he slowly lowered you back down to the floor. Shaky legs prevented you from standing completely straight and you laughed breathlessly at how the prior activities caused an uncanny amount of oversensitivity in your nether regions.
One step forward and your clit was slightly rubbed, shooting sparks of mild pain and pussy-clenching pleasure throughout your stomach.
“You shouldn’t have done that, babe. I’m way too sensitive for any more action now.”
“That’s alright, love.” Jungkook kissed the side of your temple and switched you around so that he could stand under the stream of the shower. “Go and get dried off and dressed. I’ll meet you in the living room for a movie?”
As if it was glaring at you, you couldn’t help but drag your eyes down your boyfriend’s toned body to the angry red tip of his dick.
“I, uh…” You trailed off sheepishly. “I can suck you off? Let me help you out.”
“No, it’s okay, babe. Now, go.” He ushered you out of the shower while you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. Why was he giving himself blue balls?
Leaving him alone in the shower was most definitely bothersome, but on shaky and fatigued legs, you couldn’t really fight him on the matter. As you toweled off and glanced through the shower door to look at Jungkook’s form, you furrowed your eyebrows even further when he didn’t start touching himself.
After you were dressed in his shirt- again- and sitting in the living room with Netflix open, ready for your boyfriend, you began to feel the exhaustion from your earlier activities on top of the fact that you hated waking up early for work. Comfortably warm, showered, and relaxed on an unexpected day off, the calm had your body sinking further into the couch and reveling in the warmth of the blanket placed over your body.
Just as you were about to drift off, you heard Jungkook padding down the hallway from your bedroom, prompting you to turn and look at him.
Your eyes had trouble staying on his playful expression when he was dressed the way he was dressed.
His hair was still wet, droplets dripping onto his shoulders and cascading down the expanse of his shirtless body. All that covered him was his favorite pair of raggedy joggers. Frankly, they were your favorite pair as well- for obvious reasons.
“Wine?” He asked as he made his way into the kitchen.
“Yesss.” You drawled with a newly awakened sense of excitement.
After grabbing two bottles and popping them open, he snuggled into the couch with you, wine glasses in hand. You held your breath and attempted to control your body, pussy pulsating slightly from the aftermath of the shower.
It took a while to get back to where you were before, but once you were much past the point of being giggly, you began to slur your speech as the movie played on.
Jungkook wasn’t in much better shape.
“You know,” Jungkook sat up and swayed a little too far forward, catching his body right before he toppled over. He snickered at himself before he continued. “I haven’t really been paying attention to anything we’ve been watching.”
“What?” You were honestly shocked, drunken mind and all. “But ‘About Time’ is so good! Like, what the heck Kookie-ookie-ook! This movie is so cute and interesting.”
The new nickname sent you into a fit of giggles. Your creativity tended to get a bit wonky and, honestly, comical when you were drunk.
“But how could I possibly pay attention to the movie when I’ve been thinking about burying my cum in-between your legs for the past hour?”
His statement surprised you to say the least. Your pussy throbbed uncontrollably, sensitivity still present from the shower. You couldn’t help but think of how sex with him in your current state would be.
“Why didn’t you let me suck your dick in the shower? I could’ve taken care of you, you know.”
“But I wanted to give you a break so that I could cum inside. That’s the only place I want to cum.”
“So you don’t want to cum down my throat?” You blamed the wine for the filthily honest statements coming out of both or your mouths. Speaking this casually about your sexual activities wasn’t exactly the norm.
“On any other day, I’d say yes. But today? I really just want to fill you up. Fuck you all day.” Your boyfriend inched towards you slowly without actually looking at you. It seemed that he just wanted to be in a closer proximity with you yet was hesitant to get too close. “Make you bloated. Hear it slosh around when you move.”
You were kind of mortified, but you were also extremely horny at the same time. Of course, he wouldn’t be able to bloat you nor would he be able to hear his cum inside of you, but it was the thought that counted.
“You wanna fuck?”
Jungkook turned to completely face you, chocolate-brown doe eyes silently pleading for the go-ahead. He bit his bottom lip before pushing it out into a pout as he whined. “Uhuh.”
You laughed as you threw off the blankets and spread your bare legs. Your boyfriend’s shirt came to rest on your waist from the action.
You gestured to your crotch and then curled your fingers towards yourself, smiling.
“Come to momma.”
Jungkook did not hesitate to cover you with his body and kiss you sloppily. The wine was taking its toll on your movements with him, encasing him in your hold lazily.
Somewhere between the messy tongues and teeth, Jungkook had managed to push your panties aside to thumb over your sensitivity. It took everything in you to not scream out- whether it would be a scream in pain or pleasure still had yet to be determined.
Your nub tingled desperately, pleasure-fatigued and vulnerable to the ministrations of Jungkook’s thumb. Finally, though, he had begun dipping his fingers into your core to balance out the bliss.
“Gonna paint you white. Make it drip.” Jungkook mumbled almost incoherently as he spoke with your bottom lip sucked between his plump ones. Your fingers threaded into his blonde locks, tugging when you needed a way to release your sexual frustration from his dirty words.
You hadn’t noticed when he retracted his fingers from your depths, but you definitely felt the sensation of him rubbing his dick into your folds. The smooth surface of his tip contrasted sharply with the roughness of the pad of his thumb. You hadn’t even realized that he had slipped the waistband of his sweatpants down to free his erection.
The sensation was beginning to sober you up just a little.
As he slipped inside you, you keened, angling your hips to receive him. He kept one hand hooked around your panties to keep it to the side and circled the other around your waist to allow himself to lay atop you. All of his body weight crushed you into the couch, but the closeness of him on you was gratifying.
Jungkook dug his face into your neck, moaning softly as your velvet walls parted to caress his cock. He wanted to feel your pussy drag on him and squeeze in an attempt to bring him back inside. He needed to feel how much your body enjoyed him inside of you.
So he kept his movements to a slow minimum, lazily curling his hips to just barely rear back so that he could reenter with an unmotivated rhythm. It was perfect for you because your mind was already warm and fuzzy, unable to keep up with much.
You sighed in relief, feeling his skin rubbing against your clit as he bottomed out time and time again. He separated your walls agonizingly slow, yet it was the perfect rhythm that allowed you to feel each time the head of his dick kissed the end of your cavern.
You moaned softly as the movie played on, begging for attention but receiving none. It was no use ignoring the fact that your orgasm was building with Jungkook’s hips touching your skin. Even at the leisurely pace that he fucked you, the passion was ever present and working you up.
For the next ten minutes, Jungkook kept his tempo gentle and relaxed, uncaring of reaching his climax too soon. You, on the other hand, reached your tipping point as he dug his nails into your waist.
Almost like a dream, your orgasm layered itself onto you softly. You trembled under his weight but held him closer to help accommodate the bliss of your muscles contracting around Jungkook’s deliberate thrusts.
When you heard the tell-tale sign of your boyfriend softly grunting into your skin, you could tell he was beginning to feel his impending orgasm born from your own. It was only moments later that he began leaving sloppy kisses and love bites onto your neck as he shuddered a breath.
Calm and still quite drunk, you still managed to feel his cock pulsing against the restrictive embrace of your depths. You ran your fingers through his hair and smiled delightfully at the sensation of being the one to receive his love and affection. The temptation to to kiss his sweaty temple was too strong to resist once he ceased moving and slumped against you.
The silence was peaceful. Minutes had passed without a word. The afterglow of your sex was strong and loving, warming the two of you like a blanket.
From the way he breathed so evenly, you believed that Jungkook had fallen asleep. It was only when he let out a light chuckle that you looked down and saw him smiling with his cheek smushed against your chest.
“I like drunk sex.” He muttered. “It’s fun.”
You had to agree with him on that one. “I think it’s fun too.”
After a beat, he whined. “But why do I still want moreee?”
“I’m afraid that’s not entirely up to you.” You tipped your head back and laughed, inebriated mind coming up with more silly nicknames. “It seems that Mister PP can’t take any more right now.”
Drunk Jungkook was one you could always get behind. Instead of acting like an idiot, he acted like a kid- not the bratty kind, of course. He was cute and cuddly, a perfect opposite to how he acted sober.
The moment he attempted to retain his erection by pulling it out of you and yelling at it became one of the few moments that he acted like a complete idiot.
“No! He can go again! Isn’t that right, Mister PP?” You watched as his dick gave one last jerk of life before it began softening. You wheezed from laughter as your boyfriend’s eyes widened in horror. “No! You can’t do this to me right now! We were supposed to fuck her full of cum!”
“It’s okay, babe.” You reassured him as you slowly nudged him off of you so that you could go clean yourself. “Just take a break, okay?”
On shaky legs, once again, you stood and headed for the bathroom to clean yourself with a giggle slipping past your lips.
Once you got back to the living room, your eyes immediately zeroed in on Jungkook sitting upright on the couch, tenderly stroking his dick through his sweatpants with a look of defeat on his face. You just sighed and grabbed the remote to turn up the volume of the TV in hopes of distracting him.
He couldn’t help it. He was much too drunk to get himself hard again so soon after sex, so you would wait until he was since he was so determined.
The movie as well as your second bottle of wine were coming to an end when he screamed in success. You jumped out of your skin at the exclamation, placing a hand over your racing heart.
“Yes! He did it! He’s back!” You looked at him in shock when he reached into his waistband to grip himself. His eyes locked with yours as he did so, smirking in the process.
You raised an eyebrow at him expectantly, yet below your cool exterior was the unavoidable truth that was the awakening of the flames of your desire.
“Is this why you called me out today?” You turned your whole body to face him. “So you could fuck me all day?”
“Mhm.” He affirmed, grabbing you and slowly turning you onto your stomach. “That’s exactly why. I just need to be inside you. Like, all the time.”
As you felt him slide your panties down your legs, the tone in his voice changed. The chuckle he let out wasn’t nearly cute and innocent anymore; his demeanor became dark and menacing.
“I called you out so that I could fuck you all day- in every way I could think of.”
A shiver ran up your spine at the sudden shift of mood. Your body, worn out and exhausted, still managed to vibrate in excitement when Jungkook took a handful of your ass and squeezed it harshly. He leaned over your body to whisper in your ear after running a hand under your shirt to tweak a nipple between his fingers.
“You got the lazy vanilla shit first. Now, let’s play.”
If you’d like to read more of my work, feel free to check out my Masterlist!
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jenoismydad · 4 years
For Your Eyes Only
its been a while since i’ve written nomin smut. this one took quite a while to write and its kinda crack but i still hope you all enjoy it. smut begins at the ♥️ incase you don’t want to read the plot.
Pairing: Jeno x Reader x Jaemin
Genre: Smut; Threesome, Fem Receiving, Male Receiving, Unprotected Sex
Words: 3.8k+
Synopsis: You take a naughty picture for Jaemin without realising that you accidentally sent it to Jeno instead. One wrong text leads to a night of immeasurable pleasure ;)
Warnings: None
»»————- ➴ ————-««
It was 3 a.m. and you were unbelievably horny. After unsuccessfully attempting to satisfy yourself, you gave up and decided to call your neighbour cum fuck buddy, Jaemin, hoping that he was still awake and that he’d be kind enough to come over and help you out with your ‘problem’. Luckily for you, he picked up, and when you presented your case, he asked you to give him 20 minutes, during which time he’d finish playing a video game, shower and then arrive to tend to your needs. Still, since the offer was better than nothing, you agreed and decided to wait. However 20 minutes later, your doorbell failed to ring. So, you called him once again to check up and make sure that the offer was still standing. This time, Jaemin claimed that he’d only need 10 more minutes, but if you were to give him an incentive of sorts, then he’d consider hurrying up. He also ridiculously concluded by adding that doing so would be a win-win situation for you both as he’d get to see your boobs due to which you’d get to be railed by him sooner.
Since it all made perfect sense, there was no reason for you to say no to this newly introduced
proposition. All you had to do was click a picture and send it to him. That would be the end of that, and you’d both get what you wanted. However, you knew very well how Jaemin’s friends liked to snoop around in his phone. It so happened that you’d once sent Jaemin a rather proactive text, leading from which was an hour long conversation about all the dirty things you both wanted to do to each other. Later on, much to your horror, Jaemin informed you that it wasn’t actually him who you were sexting but instead, one of his buddies who’d borrowed his phone to ‘play some games’. It was amusing for Jaemin but the incident had scarred you beyond belief. The embarrassment you felt afterwards was immeasurable and so, you’d been careful with the way you made your booty calls ever since.
To put it straight, you were reluctant to send Jaemin a few nudes in the fear that someone who wasn’t him might come across them. But after giving it quite a lot of thought, you realised that you were just too horny and impatient to keep dragging this out. If you wanted to get relieved so that you could soundly fall asleep, you needed to get Jaemin down here as soon as possible.
So, without so much as a thought, you opened your camera, took the raunchiest set of pictures that you possibly could, and sent them to him with a reminder that they were for his eyes only. After that you were left to stare at your phone screen, waiting to see if he’d gotten his ‘incentive’ or not. It took him a few seconds, but soon enough, he saw them. You didn’t know if he was at a loss of words or if he was just trying to send you a cheesy pick up line that he couldn’t quite seem to remember. He kept ‘typing’ but you never got a response and it was beginning to make you feel antsy. Just before you were about to call him again, you heard a knock at your door.
Feeling a sense of relief, you straightened yourself up a bit before opening the door. “Took you long enough-”, you muttered distastefully, pausing when you surprisingly met eyes with someone who was clearly not Jaemin.
“Jeno? What are you doing here?” you asked, extremely confused as to why your next door neighbour was at your house at such a late hour. He seemed conflicted, dazed almost, knuckles having turned white because of how tightly he was holding his phone. Something was wrong. You noticed this and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Is everything okay? Do you wanna come inside?”
He shook his head, nodding soon after, seemingly in a dilemma of sorts. You stepped aside, allowing him to enter your home. “Jeno what’s going on?” you asked once again, starting to feel concerned for your friend. He was usually always so calm and composed so his current demeanour seriously caught you off guard. For some reason he was fighting for words.
“Umm, I don’t know how to say this but, did you mean to send those pictures to me?” he spoke quickly, avoiding your gaze immediately after. Now you were at a loss of words. You weren’t stupid and you were pretty sure you knew what he was talking about. It didn’t take you too long to put two and two together. To further support your doubts, his deranged state plus apparent timidness suggested that he’d seen something horrific, something that he hadn’t intended to see and something that you were now realising must have been sent to the wrong person. As soon as it occurred to you, you checked your messages, feeling absolutely dreadful when your suspicions were confirmed. You’d sent your nudes to him instead of Jaemin. How, you did not know. What were you supposed to do now? Apologise? Even if you did, and even if he forgave you, you couldn’t live with the fact that he’d seen you naked, or semi naked or whatever. Jeno wasn’t someone who you could ignore that easily. He lived right next to you, you always ran into him in the elevator and down the halls and he was your go to 5 minute grocery store from whom you’d borrow eggs or laundry detergent, whatever it was that you’d run out of. He was very crucial and unavoidable so now, what were you going to do about this?
“Fuck, I-, I’m so sorry you had to see those. I mean, I wasn’t trying to send them to you.”, you began. “I don’t even send nudes. Like this was the one time, the one time that I did and look what happened.” Chuckling nervously you continued, “I guess you could say that I was super desperate, I mean-”
“Yeah, that’s not an understatement.”, Jeno mumbled, tilting his head with a subtle smirk. You stumbled over your words as you registered what he said. Pausing, you pursed your lips and uncertainly faced him. “What do you mean by that?” Jeno looked up at you and scratched his neck. “I could hear everything.”, he admitted, somewhat embarrassedly. “These walls are incredibly thin. You’d be surprised at how much detail they fail to spare.”
Your eyes widened, face turning a deep shade of red. He’d heard you masturbating. How humiliating. If the door wasn’t closed, you would’ve bolted. The uncanny amount of awkwardness that had settled over you both felt like it could crush you at this point. Why did he feel the need to tell you that? If you were in his place then you would’ve just kept it to yourself, no matter how awkward it would make you feel around him. It was enough that he’d seen your nudes, but this, this was practically the cherry on top.
But then, Jeno proceeded to say something so unfathomable, so completely unlikely of him, that it made you question whether the man standing before you was actually the same cheerful person that you’d been living beside for the past few years or if it was just another overly confident horny teenager on omegle.
“I could help out if you’d like.”
You wanted to scream, to run and hide somewhere where he could never trace you because how the fuck were you supposed to respond to that. So straightforward, so suggestive and so utterly shameless. It felt like he’d put you on the spot. If you said no then it would make things manifold awkward and you didn’t know if you could afford to bear that. If things ever became like that then the only choice you’d have left is to move out, which you once again, were beyond the means of affording. But that in no way meant that you were obligated to agree to his suggestion. So now the question arises...why on earth did you?
Though you’d claim that you’d never thought of Jeno like that, it was common knowledge that you had, at least once in your life, indeed wondered what he was all about. Whenever he wasn’t smiling he looked like a walking full course meal. Jeno was attractive, you would never deny that. And that thing he’d said about the walls being thin. Well let’s just say that you’d lived through a few endless nights of wondering what the heck that man was doing to drunken women in his dingy ass bed that had them screaming like that. It was enticing, it was exciting, and the more you thought about it, the more curious you were to find out. Other than that you felt like it would make things less awkward. He’d seen you partially naked. But if he saw you completely naked and you saw him completely naked then you felt like that would balance things out. Were you stupid? Yes you were. Were you insanely horny? Surprisingly, despite everything that had just happened, yes, you still were.
“Turn the lights off.”, you instructed with a smirk, pointing to the switch behind Jeno. He did as you said, chuckling when you pulled him towards your couch excitedly. Pushing him down, you quickly got on top of his lap and crashed your lips onto his. Jeno wrapped his arms around your waist, sighing into the kiss. Wanting to waste no time, your tongue brushed over his bottom lip. Jeno parted his lips, letting your tongue run over his. He hastily pushed your shirt up, messily pulling it off over your head. He then flipped you over, laying you down on the couch as he hovered over your body. “Can I just go for it?” he asked, grinning when you nodded. With your permission, Jeno shoved his hand into your pants and past your panties until his fingers ghosted over your clit. You gasped, anticipating his next move. Jeno chuckled and began rubbing soft circles into your clit. You let out a shaky breath, moaning when he dipped his head down to place wet kisses on the skin of your neck. For a second there, you got so lost in the feeling of his calloused fingers on your clit that you failed to notice the budding tension in your abdomen. It wasn’t until you came undone all over his fingers, that it occurred to you. Jeno didn’t stop however. He continued rubbing your clit, sending you into a frenzy over sensitivity. You mewled, hugging his body tightly. Your thighs snapped shut, nails digging into his shoulders as the sensation started becoming too much for you to take. “Take your pants off.”, Jeno spoke quickly, sitting up to do the same. You tugged everything off, laying back down on the couch, giving Jeno quite the sight of your glistening core. Once his cock was free of its restraints, he gave it a few hard pumps before lining his tip up against your slit. Your hips twitched at the ticklish feeling. You spread your legs wider, waiting for him to push into you. Leaning over your body, Jeno’s cock soon filled you up. The overstimulation had your pussy burning. But you didn’t mind anymore. Something about the way his girth pushed against your tight walls made you believe that you were in for something amazing. Holding himself up on his palms, Jeno began thrusting into your. Considering how wet you were, he didn’t have to build up his pace. You closed your eyes, basking in the feeling of his cock fucking you. It felt so good. It was exactly what you’d been craving for. Jeno maintained his fulfillung thrusts, not too slow but not too fast. You swore if he kept fucking you like that it would be enough to bring you to a second orgasm. But you were impatient and the desire to feel those euphoric waves crash down on you again was more demanding than you’d like for it to be. And so your hand sneakily came down to your clit, proceeding to add to the pleasure that you were already feeling. Sweat trickled down Jeno’s forehead as he chased his own high. Both of you were so consumed in your own pleasure that no one heard the lock jiggling. Your loud moans masked the sounds of someone entering your home. It wasn’t until the imposter actually said something, that you realised someone was watching you.
“How could you guys get started without me?”, an all too familiar voice whined.
Jeno froze in place. You on the other hand, were so close to cumming, that even though you’d seen Jaemin standing there, your fingers never ceased their movements. And as soon as your eyes locked with Jaemin’s, your orgasm hit. You’d never been in such a intimately awkward situation before. On one hand your body was springing with thrilling pleasure while on the other hand, you were flabergastedly staring at your fuck buddy. Talk about timing.
“Jaemin what are you doing here!”, you asked, not quite understanding how he’d gotten into your home. He furrowed his brows, seemingly offended. “Umm, hadn’t you asked me to help you out with your problem?” Still buried balls deep in you, Jeno looked between you and Jaemin, more confused than he’d ever been in his entire life. How could you have forgotten about Jaemin? Of course he was going to come over. But still, who let him in? “How did you manage to get inside?”, you asked, as you moved to sit up. Jaemin raised his hands in defence. “The door wasn’t locked. That’s not my fault. It’s yours.” He pointed at you accusingly. You rolled your eyes. “Still, you’re supposed to knock. You can’t just barge in-” “
Oh please.”, he interrupted, holding a hand up to stop you. “It’s not like you’re doing something I’ve never seen before.”
“When have you ever walked in on me having sex?”
Jaemin gave your question some thought. “Hmm? Now that I think of it, never actually.” He smiled bashfully, eyes darting over to Jeno. Jaemin clapped his hands. “This guy however, I’ve walked in on him countless times. Surprised that he actually stopped though. Usually he just ignores me and continues.”, Jaemin revealed. Jeno rolled his eyes and looked over to you. “Bitch always cock blocks me. But whatever, if he’s here now I think I can leave.”
Before he could pull out of you however, you grabbed his hand, halting him. “You didn’t even finish yet. Please don’t tell me you’re going to jerk off.” Jaemin nodded at your words. “Come on Jenny. Don’t disappoint yourself. Cum, and then you can leave. You’ve gotta finish what you’ve started.”, he added. Jeno looked at Jaemin. “What are you going to do then? Stand there and watch?”
Jaemin looked at you. “Well I could join if you’d like.” Jeno turned to you as well. “I’m fine with it. Are you?”
You looked between both boys. “Have you guys done this before?” You’d asked because it seemed like they had.
Jaemin nodded, walking over to you both. “This one time, Jeno got super duper day drunk and he called some girl over and then I came downstairs because I needed some eggs and they were doing it on the couch, just like you two were right now, and the girl pointed to me and was like ‘can he join us’ and so I joined them and then we had sex and it was really good and yeah.”
That was only one time though and Jeno was drunk. Something about the way Jeno had agreed to this made you believe that this was something that had probably happened more than once. As if he’d heard all the questions in your mind, Jeno continued Jaemin’s narration. “Jaemin was having a party at his place once. I hooked up with someone in his room and he walked in on us. Dude just joined in like it was nothing and honestly, it was super fun.”
“And were you drunk then?”
Jeno shook his head. “Surprisingly, I was not.”
That sure said a lot. Maybe this wouldn’t be that bad. You knew Jaemin was a good fuck and Jeno was proving to be right up to the mark. You’d never done something like this before but after everything that you’d been through tonight, what was the point in feeling embarrassed. You were ready to let go and lose yourself.
Jaemin undressed himself, and made you lay back down again. “Don’t gag on me y/n. I know you can take it.” You gulped, equally nervous and excited. Jeno pulled out of you, pumping his cock a few times before turning you onto your stomach. He pulled your hips up and pressed his tip into your slit. “Can we have a countdown Jenni?”, Jaemin asked, holding his own cock to your mouth. “No. And stop calling me Jenni, it’s weird.” Jaemin pouted but nonetheless, tapped your lips. “Open up y/n.”, he cooed. Jeno pushed into you from behind and resumed fucking you, the same way he had been before.
You spit on Jaemin’s cock, waiting for him to slick his length up before opening wide for him. Once he pushed his cock into your mouth, you wrapped your lips around his girth, swirling your tongue over his tip, just the way you knew he liked it. Jaemin smiled, holding your hair out of your face. With Jeno’s forceful thrusts, you didn’t need to bob your head over Jaemin’s cock. “Jenni, have you ever gotten your dick sucked by y/n? If you haven’t, I highly recommend it. Y/n ensures 100% customer satisfaction.”, Jaemin spoked happily. You snickered, sending a rumble of vibrations through his cock. Jaemin shivered and tapped your nose. “That tickled.”
Jeno scoffed at Jaemin’s childish tone. “Is he always like this?”, Jeno asked you. You gave him a thumbs up and pulled Jaemin’s cock out of your mouth. “He’s only serious when he’s about to cum.” Jaemin gasped and grabbed your jaw. “Who said you could stop missy?”
Jaemin shoved his cock back into your mouth and held your head down. Your nose was mere inches from his abdomen. You grabbed onto his hand, a sign that you’d gotten the message. You wouldn’t stop until he finished now. Jeno snickered and upped his pace. He fucked you nice and hard. Jaemin’s cock muffled your moans. Every time Jeno thrusted into you from behind, Jaemin pushed his hips into your mouth from the front.
“So Jenni.”, Jaemin started, clearly not close to his high. “How’d you end up here?”
Jeno grunted as he fucked you. “She sent me something that was meant for you. I came here to ask her about it. We ended up fucking.”, he explained, never losing his pace once. Jaemin nodded and raised a brow. “Wonder what she sent you. I never get nudes.”
“It was just a picture of her half naked. Her tits looked real nice though.”, Jeno shared. “Oh. If I’d have gotten them instead, I would’ve been down here sooner.”, Jaemin admitted. You weren’t too sure about that. You knew Jaemin would’ve made you reveal more than you originally had. “Can you send me the pictures later y/n? I’d really love to see them.”
You gently bit Jaemin’s cock, making him wince. He also effectively shut up and continued to remain quite thereafter. The sound of skin hitting skin soon filled the room. Jeno fucked you faster. He was close. You clenched your walls around his shaft, hoping that it would help him reach his high quicker. “Fuck. Do that again.”, he muttered, fingers digging into your ass. Pushing your hips backward, you clenched your walls around his cock again. Jeno groaned in satisfaction, ramming his hips into you one last time before filling you up with hot ropes of his cum. You hummed against Jaemin’s cock as Jeno emptied himself into you and eventually pulled out. Seeing that your pussy was now unoccupied, Jaemin pulled out of your mouth and quickly sat down on the couch. You threw your leg over his lap and lowered yourself onto his cock without wasting a second. Somewhere in the back you could hear Jeno fishing for his clothes. Jaemin sucked in a breath, undoing your bra with a simple flick of his wrist. He tugged the material off your body and went straight for your nipple, running his tongue over the sensitive bud.
“Good night guys.”, Jeno said, standing by your door. Jaemin pulled away from your breast and looked over his shoulder. “Good night Jenni! I hope we don’t keep you up.” Jeno made his exit, leaving you and Jaemin to be. Jaemin bucked his hips upwards, fucking into you from below. Loud moans poured out of your mouth as he rammed into you.
“Isn’t this what you wanted y/n. Didn’t you want to feel my cock inside of you like this?”, Jaemin questioned, losing the playful demeanour. You nodded frantically. “Yes, Jaemin. Oh god, yes!”You couldn’t even speak coherently because of how quick he was fucking you. You could feel Jeno’s sticky cum trailing down your thighs. It all felt so lewd but you would never complain about it. “Are you going to cum all over my cock y/n?”, Jaemin asked, noticing the way your moans became shriller. You didn’t answer him. You couldn’t answer him. You were too focused on the knot forming in your stomach to think about anything else. “Fuck I’m gonna cum.”, you moaned, fingeres tugging on his hair in desperation. Jaemin said nothing further and sped up his thrusts, hammering into you from below.
Your orgasm hit you so hard that your thighs began quivering at the strong sensation. You shut your eyes, a screen of white flashing before them as Jaemin slowed down a bit. He helped you ride out your high, grabbing your hips in order to keep you moving over him. Your walls were tight around his cock, and after a few more thrusts, he twitched inside you, soon emptying his seed into, just as Jeno had. After he pulled out of you, you fell onto the couch, suddenly feeling very fatigued. It was almost the morning now. God knows how long you’d been trying to fuck off your horniness. Thankfully, you were now fully and completely satisfied. “Aren’t you gonna clean yourself up?”, Jaemin asked, walking into your bathroom with his clothes in hand. You didn’t have the energy to move anymore. Jaemin came back, fully dressed, with a blanket and warm towel which he gave to you. You lazily ran it over your thighs, pulling the blanket over yourself soon after. Jaemin concluded that it was time for him to go home now. He bid you a farewell and was about to leave your house before he remembered that he had something to ask.
“Can you still send me whatever I was meant to see? I’d really love that.”
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It's Only Temporary
Feyre Archeron x Rhys - Tattoo Artist Oneshot
After losing a bet, Rhys gets a new tattoo
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Masterlist | Read on Ao3
Warnings: Language, Tattoos
2492 words
“Fey!” Cassian’s voice boomed through the glass door as he grinned and waved to get her attention.
Looking up from her sketchbook, Feyre watched as Cassian tried to open the locked door again, shaking the wood so hard the bell hanging above it started chiming frantically.
She rolled her eyes and walked out from behind the counter she’d been working at, quickly getting to the door before his enthusiasm ripped it from its hinges. Feyre had barely flipped the lock when Cassian swung it open and immediately wrapped her in a bone crushing hug, lifting her off the ground as she laughed before setting her back down and ruffling her hair. Then he strutted through the dim lobby of her tattoo parlor taking his time to survey the walls of designs, the colorful crushed velvet couches, and the small rack of t-shirts and stickers she had for sale with the shop’s logo printed on them.
The Rainbow was Feyre’s baby. She’d saved almost every penny from the time she’d gotten her first job in order to afford her shop. After studying art in school and apprenticing for a few years, she’d finally been able to buy a small storefront in Velaris and built her business from the ground up.
It didn’t hurt that most of her friends liked tattoos and were always happy to be her canvases and subsequent advertising.
Shaking her head at Cassian who’d made himself at home near her front counter, Feyre returned to her spot with her sketchbook, now open to display a howling water wolf, and raised a brow, “Can’t you read? I’m closed.”
He scoffed, grinning, and leaned his forearms on the counter. “Not for me, Archeron.”
She rolled her eyes again but couldn’t help her smirk when she told him, “It late and I’m busy. Care to tell me why you’re here?” Feyre looked at him expectantly.
Cassian just grinned. “Do I need a reason to visit my very successful, very talented friend?”
“Wow, such flattery, Cassian. What exactly are you trying to get me to agree to?” She raised an eyebrow, trying to reign in a smirk.
He flashed her a wolfish grin. “Convince your sister to go out with me.”
Feyre snorted. “I don’t think you’re Elain’s type.”
“You’re hilarious, Archeron.” Cassian deadpanned and rolled his eyes, “Come on, Fey. Talk me up to Nesta.”
Feyre sighed, closing her sketchbook, and resigning herself to not getting anymore work done tonight. “Cass, I’ve done all I can on that front, believe me. You’ll have to win her over all on your own.”
“Been trying that for years.” He grumbled then ran a hand through his hair.
“I know that isn’t why you’re here,” Feyre insisted, “you ask me to do that literally every time you see me, so I know you didn’t seek me out for that. What’s up?”
He shot her a grin that made his single dimple stand out as he glanced at the door to the parlor. “Az is on his way over with Rhys and we were hoping you would do us a favor.”
“A favor?” she asked skeptically.
Cassian kept grinning. “You see, baby Arche,” Feyre snorted at the nickname. “your idiot boyfriend made a bet that he never stood a chance of winning, and he lost. Horribly.”
“Okay…” she rubbed at her face, trying to steel herself for whatever she was about to hear. Cassian’s shit-eating grin wasn’t making Feyre feel any better.
“Az and I want you to tattoo a little something special on Rhys for us.”
She paused, halting her shuffling of her sketches and furrowed her brows. “You want me to tattoo something on Rhys…because he lost a bet?”
“Does Rhys know this?”
A slow smirk spread across Cass’s face, “He knows he’s coming to see you.”
Feyre rolled her eyes. “Cassian, why would I agree to tattoo something—you haven’t even said what it is, by the way��onto my boyfriend when he obviously doesn’t even know what’s happening?”
“Well,” Cass pointed out, “I’d hope he’d realize what was happening once you sat him in the chair and got your needles and ink out.”
She snorted, “You know what I mean.”
“Because, Fey,” He sighed dramatically, “Little Rhysie is a punk and lost a bet so now he has to get a tattoo of our choice. And who better to do it, than his wonderful tattoo artist of a girlfriend?” his grin came back, wider than before.
Feyre said nothing for a moment as she stared Cassian down. Then she asked, “How drunk is he?”
Cassian chuckled, “Very.”
Feyre smiled slowly, “And how drunk are you?”
He narrowed his eyes at her but lifted his fingers to show a small space between his thumb and pointer finger. “Just a little bit.”
“So, a lot.” Feyre corrected
Cassian was silent a moment before grinning, “Rhys bet that he could outdrink me.”
Feyre blinked, then clutched the counter as she bent over laughing. She heard Cassian’s loud chortles next to her a moment later. When she stood back up, she wiped a tear from her eye and shook her head.
“Oh, my gods,” She was still chuckling, trying to picture Rhys go shot for shot with the mass of a man standing in front of her. “I love him, but sometimes he’s such an idiot.”
“I think you mean all the time.”
Just then, the bell on the door jingled again and Azriel held it open with one arm as he gripped a stumbling Rhys with the other.
“Hi, Feyre.” Azriel nodded at her as the door shut behind him.
“Hey, Az” She chuckled and walked towards the pair. “Can you lock that? Thanks.”
“Feyre, darling!” Rhys suddenly beamed and stumbled towards her, stepping close enough that she could smell every shot he’d taken on his breath. He used both hands to gently cup her face, squishing her cheeks in little and pressing a sloppy but sweet kiss to her lips. “I missed you.”
She smiled at him but stepped back to avoid his breath. “I saw you a few hours ago.”
He pouted, “That’s too long. I’ve had to look at those two ugly faces all night when I could’ve been looking at your dazzling one.”
“Why does he have to insult us when he compliments her?” Cass grumbled to Azriel who looked mildly amused.
He snorted. “Perspective.”
Feyre removed herself from Rhys’ grip only for him to wrap an arm around her shoulders and pull her into his side. She leaned into his touch, and helped keep him standing, as she rested her head on his shoulder as she faced Azriel.
“Az, can you fill me in? Cassian tried, but I don’t know how much I trust his story.”
Cassian feigned hurt and shook his head. “Fey, I am wounded that you doubt me.”
Azriel’s explanation had been essentially the same as Cassian’s with a few more details and a little less slurring of words. She’d rolled her eyes but told them to wait in the lobby while she took Rhys back to her studio.
Feyre had no intention of actually tattooing her very intoxicated boyfriend just because he and his brothers had made a stupid bet. He’d have to be completely sober before she agreed to that.
Guiding Rhys into her back room, she waited until he was sitting on the edge of her large, leather chair before moving to stand between his spread legs. His hands instantly found her waist and she rested her palms on his thighs.
Quirking a brow at her boyfriend, Feyre asked, “Did you actually think you could out drink Cassian?”
Rhys scoffed, “I’m just as big as he is, why shouldn’t I have been able to do it?”
Feyre smirked as Rhys pouted. “Babe, you may be fit,” she huffed a laugh at his raised brow, “okay, fine, extremely fit, but Cass is a tank. And he’s a bartender. There’s no possible way you could’ve won that bet.”
Rhys kept pouting, flexing his fingers over her hips, “You’re supposed to be on my side, Darling.”
She laughed and pecked him on the cheek. “I am, always.” She kissed his lips for good measure. “But I’m going to tease you when you’re being an idiot.”
He used his grip on her hips to pull her towards him for an actual kiss. Feyre stayed wrapped in his arms for as long as she could stand his horrid tequila-drenched breath. Letting her arms loop around his neck and her fingers tangle in his hair, Feyre pulled back.
Rhys let his forehead droop onto her chest and Feyre had the distinct feeling that it was less about the warm comfort of her skin and more about an excuse for Rhys to press his face into her breasts.
“I don’t hear any needles buzzing back there, Fey!” Cassian bellowed from the lobby area. She snorted at the clear sound of a hand hitting someone’s head and the following curse.
She rolled her eyes but kept playing with Rhys’ hair as he mumbled something too muffled for her to understand.
“What was that?” she asked.
Raising his face, he looked at her and winced. “Are you actually going to tattoo me?”
She snickered at the disdain on his features.
“Maybe I should,” she teased, “to teach you a lesson making ridiculous bets.”
Rhys winked. “you can teach me a lesson anytime, Darling.”
Feyre rolled her eyes and was about to retort back when Cassian yelled again, “Baby Arche! We’re not paying you to make out back there!”
She snorted and hollered, “You’re not paying me at all! I’m getting there, don’t rush me.”
Azriel’s voice came next, “We didn’t bring your intoxicated man-child here so the two of you could get it on in the back parlor.”
Rhys snorted and replied back, “You say that like it’s never happened.”
“Rhys.” She hissed, smacking his arm as he chuckled.
“Gross,” two voices audibly gagged from the other room. “You’d better sanitize back there!”
A pause, then a disgusted Cassian said, “You’ve tattooed me on that chair, I don’t want to know what you sickos have done to it.”
Feyre and Rhys snickered before she said, “You might want to avoid the front couch then, too.”
Rhys, still grinning, added, “And the check-out counter—”
“—and the bathroom sink!” Feyre finished.
“Heathens.” Azriel muttered.
Rhys and Feyre laughed at their friends’ obvious disgust.
“I don’t need to hear any more of this,” Cassian insisted. “Ever.”
Feyre rolled her eyes and turned on her machine, allowing the steady buzz of the needle to flow into the waiting area; Cassian’s loud whoop telling her the sound was loud enough.
She carefully set the device on her counter and let the buzz echo through the room as she turned towards a small drawer and pulled out a colorful packet.
Rhys raised an eyebrow at the needle she clearly wasn’t prepping to use on him and watched as she flipped through the pages of whatever she was holding.
She paused on a page and grinned, flipping it around for him to see.
“Do you want a flying bat or one that’s hanging upside down?”
Rhys blinked. Twice. He slowly grinned back at his clever girlfriend as she handed him the sheet of temporary, press-on tattoos.
They were cartoonish-looking designs; the ones made for children that you could use a wet cloth to press onto your skin. He flipped through the rest of the pages to see a variety of other animals and plants, all ready to be cut out and used.
“Is my only choice a bat?” He grinned, looking back up at Feyre to see her already grabbing a scissor and paper towel.
She snorted. “That was what your brothers insisted on.” She took back the packet and carefully cut out the two bats. “They may be drunk enough to think a press-on is a real tattoo, but I don’t know if they’d accept anything else.”
When she held up both bat options for him, he nodded towards the one with outstretched wings. Feyre wet the paper towels and pushed his sleeve up to reveal his toned forearm. After making sure his skin was clean and dry, she gently pressed the bat onto his skin and covered the design with the wet paper towel, allying pressure to keep the image steady.
Rhys reached over with his free hand and grabbed the packet again. “Why do you have these? Besides for saving your boyfriend from a stupid bet?” he finished with a wide grin.
She laughed, still pressing firmly on the tattoo. “I keep them for the kids.”
At his raised brow she rolled her eyes. “Sometimes my clients can’t help but have their kids with them, so I keep the press-ons for those who see their parents and insist they get a tattoo, too.” She snorted at some memory. “I used to have washable markers for them to use but then a few of them would walk out of here looking like some avant-garde painting, so I switched to these. It’s adorable when they hold their cartoon dragon next to their parent’s actual ink.”
Rhys chuckled and Feyre lifted her hand, slowly peeling back the sticky paper to reveal a cute, flying bat.
He flexed his arm, grinning as the movement made the bat’s wings look as if they were flying. “How do I look?”
She leaned in to inspect the bat, making a show of darting between the cartoon and his real tattoos trailing down his arm. “Hmm, I think maybe when you’re sober, I should actually ink this onto you.”
Her grin made him laugh. She leaned forward and pressed a kiss next to the bat, careful not to brush it, and he smiled as she looked back at him.
“How’s it going?” Az’s low voice carried from the front room, making Feyre chuckle and Rhys huff.
She leaned over and expertly turned off the still-buzzing needle before calling back, “Just finished!”
Rhys brought his arm up and laughed again at the small, cheery bat placed between his darker swirls of years-old markings. He locked eyes with Feyre again as she put her supplies away and moved to stand once again between his legs. “You think they’ll buy it?”
She snorted, “Probably not.” She laughed again at his sullen expression. “But I don’t think the bet ever specified the tattoo having to be real.”
Rhys’ grin returned in full force as he brought his hands to Feyre’s face and guided her lips towards his. “You, Darling, are spectacular.”
Laughing again, Feyre leaned out of his reach. “And you, babe, still have horrible breath.”
Rhys rolled his eyes but loosened his grip as she stepped out of his arms, taking her hand as she led them back towards the front lobby.
“Come on,” she said over her shoulder, winking, “let’s show them your new tattoo.”
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yellowcabdriver · 3 years
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Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader
Warning: none
A/N: here’s some Javier fluff to soothe the wounds of “Anemone”, hope you’ll like it 😚
Summary: Javier is in love.
Javier Peña is not the type to fall in love. Not anymore.
Or so he thought.
It was his unspoken rule—never catch feelings. Javier has been burnt many times, scarred and at this point genuinely frightened of being vulnerable. To be completely rational, he was in no place of being able to afford having such a gaping weakness that could easily be used against him by Escobar's people or, even worse, the embassy.
And it's not like Javier didn’t care. He did and deeply so; he was a passionate man after all. But that was more of a common courtesy for him, his way of being polite. Caring is okay, never catching feelings, though—that was his rule.
However, it seems that every rule has its own exception. And in Javier's case, his exception was resting naked on a pillow next to him, sighing quietly in her sleep.
Javier ruffled his hair and reached for a pack of cigarettes on the nightstand. Taking a drag, he still couldn't stop staring at your form sleeping soundly with your back turned to him. Something in him stung ever so gently but nevertheless painfully: you always turned away from him in your sleep. Or you would create some sort of barrier between you two, with a pillow or a blanket. Whether you did that unconsciously or not, Javier preferred not to dwell on that for too long because for some reason that made him frustratingly sad and he would just have to sit there and deal with this uncomfortable lump forming in his throat. He never understood why it affected him that much, especially when he usually left rather astonishingly soon after you fell asleep. Maybe that was one of the reasons he never stayed, he thought. Maybe you don’t want him to stay.
The cigarette didn’t bring the usual comfort, only made his throat itchy and mouth all dry and sandpapery. In disappointment, Javier put away the cigarette butt in the ashtray on the nightstand and turned back to you.
Suddenly, you moaned and moved from your side to your back, face all scrunched as if in pain. You opened your eyes rubbing a shoulder that went all stiff because you were lying down in a position that didn’t seem that unpleasant when you drifted off to sleep. The soft movement on your left caused you to sit up with a quiet shriek.
“Javier!” You were looking at him with big surprised eyes and Javier felt the warmth spreading in his chest taking in your disheveled state. Your hair was a mess, you had pillow marks on the right side of your face, and smudged makeup just added to the whole look. He couldn’t help but touch your pillow-marked cheek with his thumb. 
“I’m sorry I scared you, hermosa, couldn’t sleep.”
You unconsciously leaned into his touch and nodded.
“That’s okay, I was just not… um… expecting to see you here at…” You glanced at a clock. “4 am? Wow, usually you’re gone like ten minutes after we finished having sex”, you added with a laughter. Javier’s heart sank at your words as he smiled sadly in response. Did he overstay his welcome?
“I was…” I didn’t want to leave. “I was too tired to go to my place.”
“Javi, that’s okay, you can stay, it’s not like I’m kicking you out or something,” you laughed again reaching out to touch his face but as Javier made an instinctive subtle movement to lean into your hand, you just brushed the tips of your fingers over his jaw and retracted your arm away.
You could’ve slapped him instead, it wouldn’t hurt as much.
“Go back to sleep then. We have a long day tomorrow, you know,” you offered him a gentle smile lying down and once again you turned away from him, hugging a corner of a blanket as you usually do. Javier wanted to scream in frustration. The lack of touch after you two spent half a night bodies intertwined, kissing and covering each other in lovebites was excruciating, painful even. And now he decided that he had enough.
He settled down next to you with a huff snaking his tan arm over your waist. His hand instantly found yours, clutching the blanket to your chest. As he closed his eyes and nuzzled his face into the back of your neck he heard you laugh quietly.
“Javi, whatcha doing?” You inquired, amusement apparent in your voice.
“What do you think I’m doing, cariño? I’m cuddling you,” he buried his nose deeper in your hair. You giggled and shrugged from his tickling breath.
“I can feel that. I guess I’m asking what’s gotten into you? First you stayed the night, now you’re cuddling with me. This is so… unyou.” You turned around a little to look back at Javier. “Are you dying?”
Javier couldn’t help but chuckle.
“I hope not.”
But I’d be a lucky man to die in your arms, he thought. 
What has gotten into him, indeed?
“Why…” Don’t ask that, don’t ask that, don’t ask that. “Why do you always turn away?”
Javier sighed instantly regretting this moment of bleeding vulnerability. But he decided to proceed because, well, it was you he was vulnerable about. His hand was still covering yours as he gently stroked it with his callous thumb.
“You are distancing yourself from me, hermosa. After we have sex… you turn away from me-“ He felt you stiffen under his touch. “Am I making you uncomfortable?”
“No, Javi, of course not,” you finally released the corner of the blanket and held onto his hand instead. “I’m- you are- God, I can’t believe I’m about to say that.”
“Say what?”
You inhaled and said words that unexpectedly for both of you came out as a whisper.
“I heard you don’t like clingy women.”
Frowning, Javier got up on one elbow and turned you to look at him. You smiled awkwardly avoiding looking him directly in the eyes.
“I heard that you don’t like when women are clingy. So I am… giving you space.”
The way you said that, the way you bit your lower lip and cringed at your own words made Javier feel as if someone punched him right in the guts.
He remembered a dumb drunken conversation he had with Murphy one night at the local bar. It was soon after you two started this whole “friends with benefits” thing going. As an assistant, you weren’t usually invited to these sort of afterwork shenanigans, they were mostly reserved for agents. But that time Javier insisted on picking you up after work and bringing you along as he, Murphy and a couple of other agents were sitting at the bar and drinking their problems away. That’s when Javier mentioned that stupid thing about how he liked to have his space and he didn’t like being clung onto after the deed is done. As always, you, being your wonderful considerate and thoughtful self, took into account this little careless remark of his and gave him space which he never wanted in the first place… not from you, at least.
Javier pinched the bridge of his nose and muttered a quiet “fuck” under his breath. You sighed.
“I’m sorry, Javier, I wouldn’t have brought this up, I mean you asked, I answered. Let’s not dwell on this,” you said trying to seem indifferent. You didn’t even have time to react when Javier jolted up and pulled you up with him, cupping your face with his large palms. You had never seen him like this before, desperate and… hurt?
“Hermosa… mi alma… mi corazon… mi amor…” Each word was followed by a soft kiss on your face. “I am sorry, I didn’t… I never meant that. I want your touch, I crave it every night, and it kills me when I have to leave. I want you, I want to stay with you, and I- I want us to be something more if… if you want this, too.”
His monologue left you speechless. You never expected to be awarded with such an unrefined tenderness from Javier, at least, you never thought you’d be on the receiving end. After a brief second of staring into his almost dejected with anticipation eyes, you decided to let go of the constraints you put yourself in and launched yourself onto Javier pulling you both to plump back on the bed. This caused Javier to let out a laugh under you, you had never seen him laughing like that before, beaming with carefree boyish charm.
“I am actually very clingy, Javier, you better not regret letting me go on my merry way,” you warned him as you looked down at him and started covering his face in kisses.
Javier felt the soul-crushing wave of unspeakable tenderness when he felt your unfettered touch that he craved for so long. In a sudden swift motion Javier flipped you both over and now it was him hovering over you, brown eyes gleaming like you had never imagined them to.
“I would never, hermosa, but I’m pretty sure I am the clingy one.”
Javier Peña was not the type to fall in love. But maybe he is now.
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houseofdabs · 3 years
fic idea: lester and jonesy scramble to get ingredients and find the recipe for the cake momma always used to bake the twins on their birthday. they are inept.
warnings: slight mentions of abuse ---------------------------------------
Lester knew how his older siblings didn't really care for birthdays --at least not Bo-- it was kind of a sensitive topic as most familial holidays were for the Sinclair siblings, seeing as they lacked the proper warmth that their parents should have offered. The only semblance of affection was bestowed onto Vincent, being as he was their mother's favorite, and in turn, their father's as well. When holidays came their parents did attempt to share the sentiment with their two other kids, but it was stark in comparison to what Vincent received; it was like they were dogs receiving scraps while the real family sat at the table and enjoyed their meal. Thinking about it made Lester upset and he didn't like to dwell on it too much, he was determined to pick up the slack from his parents and reinstate the feel good emotions that holidays should have brought.
Now how was the question, and a damn good one at that. It wasn't that Lester wasn't good at planning things, he was quite good, in fact former partners always boasted about how thoughtful he was when it came to things like this. But this time was different. Sure he loved the ones that used to be in his life, but these were his brothers who he knew might not react positively to it, he didn't want to dig up any bad memories. And yeah, people liked parties and having things given to them, but when you grow up expecting that same loving hand to strike you, it's hard to cherish the good when you know terrible is right around the corner. It hurt Lester that his brother's couldn't appreciate even the smallest things, and it made him hate his parents for making it that way, but he would never mention it to the other two.
That's when he remembered his mom's old recipe book, she was a horrible mother but a damn good baker, and if he was right he'd be able to find that one caramel cake recipe she always made for his siblings on their birthday. He'd set out to get the ingredients, they were on a budget but Lester had set aside some money to get the good stuff, anything for his brothers. All he needed was some company.
Pup at his feet and directions in hand, Lester sought to set everything out, he had borrowed some cook ware from the house but he'd bring it back when he was done, maybe not clean but returned. He was confident as he measured out the ingredients but with each step he followed his faith wavered. "Y'know girl, this'sa LOT harder than I had reckoned." Lester looked down as Jonesy who just stared up at him with her head tilted.
Determined, Lester continued on whisking and adding and folding till his arms were sore, his mama made it look so easy. He was so caught up in his stumbling over the batter he completely forgot about the beast that would be the icing, and just like with the batter he shook off any concerns, how hard could it be?
He set the ingredients in the pan to melt and went back to pouring the batter in the cake pan before setting it in the heated oven. Directing his attention back to the icing, he noticed it had melted all together and he checked the instructions for what to do next. "Okay girly, it says-- TWO HOURS?" His eyes bulged as he stared down at the paper, he hadn't remembered it taking that long and he didn't have the time to wait.
"Okay y'know what we're g'na do? Not that," Lester set the paper down and turned the eye up to a higher degree, "if it's hotter it'll cook faster, now ain't I smart?" He chuckled as Jonesy barked a response. "You said it sister."
Lester watched as the contents of the pot bubble as it turned a caramel color, stirring it occasionally. He decided to put on some records to help pass the time as he waited for the cake to bake. "S'too quiet," He muttered and cranked the knob to his old boombox as the voice of Merle Haggard flowed from the speakers and into the small kitchen, "there, thas better." He looked at Jonesy before patting his chest, and invitation for her to jump up and dance with him. He held the dog's paws as he swayed and sang along.
"♫ A workin' man can't get nowhere today ♫"
He grinned and stepped with the dog, "Ain't that right Jonesy girl!" Jonesy barked and Lester howled, encouraging her to make more noise. He was having such a good time with his dance partner that he forgot about the now burning icing on the stove. "Shoot!" Lester hissed and raced to stir the liquid and take it off the eye. It was a dark brown and Lester only hoped that it wasn't too bad cause he had used everything he bought and he didn't have enough to remake it. He could only hope that he didn't also mess up the cake.
Equipped with a butter knife, Lester opened the oven and stuck it in the middle of the cake before pulling it out, something he'd seen his mom do, except he didn't know what to look for. He noticed how the top was cooked and it was squishy when he pressed into it, so he pulled it out. Soon the cake was covered in the dark caramel icing and he swore at himself for lacking his mother's artistic ability, wanting to decorate the cake but deciding that he didn't want to mess it up further. He let the cake cool as he gathered everything in his truck, making sure to remember his brothers' presents.
He had gotten Bo a portable jump starter, something he had seen someone use when he was stuck on the side of the road. Lester knew the battery on Bo's truck had seen better days and he for sure didn't want his older brother stuck somewhere. And for Vincent he knew he had to get him this old brush carrier he had seen while he was browsing some antique shop, he even managed to sweet talk the lady up front to hold it for him till he could afford it. The holder was sturdy and made out of leather that had softened from years of use, on the back had flowers and leaves carved into it, nothing too 'pretty' but something artsy that he knew his brother would like. He had also snagged some whiskey while out shopping, hoping that it would help with the nerves of them all.
Once everything was packed in his truck, Jonesy included, he set off to Ambrose, careful to not hit any bumps and disturb the dessert that sat between him and the animal. He said a silent prayer as he crept towards the washed out road, hoping that no one was at Ambrose besides his brothers, that'd be a real thorn in his side and would surely ruin his plan. As he drove through the town he breathed out a sigh of relief as he noticed nothing out of the ordinary, even better that Bo was too busy in his garage to pay any attention to him as he drove by and up to the house.
Lester was careful with taking everything in, not wanting to make too much commotion in case Vincent was up in the house and not in his workshop. Finally everything was set in the kitchen, he even cleaned up a little, more in compensation for taking and making a mess of the dishes but he wanted it to look a little nicer. He was giddy and he didn't know what to do next, did he get Bo or Vincent first? He really hoped they would like it, he would understand if they didn't, but he really did want today to be good for them. He decided to put on some music to drown out the silence the house held, it always unsettled him how quiet it could get.
Soon Lester was accompanied by the sound of Johnny Cash's 'Big River' and the house felt less vacant, he knew his brother's liked different types of music but they never grew out of their taste of the old country tapes his parents had. For a second he wondered if maybe the music might throw everything off, remind them too much of ma and pa, but he pushed the thought down when he remembered how well Bo and music paired after a few drinks.
After he decided everything was ready, Lester headed off to the House of Wax first, seeing as Vincent would listen to him if he asked him to wait in the living room whereas Bo would demand to know what's going on. Jonesy pranced alongside him, her collar jingling softly as she bounced with each step. "Hey girl, you excited?" He asked as they stopped outside the House of Wax before leaning down to pet her head. Jonesy barked and her tail wagged as she basked in the affection Lester was giving her.
The two were in and out quick, Lester telling Vincent to wait for him in the living room and leaving before his brother could respond. It had been easy but he knew getting Bo to come without question would be harder. As he and Jonesy walked to the gas station he went over in his head how would ask Bo without giving away too much, did they even know it was their birthdays? Lester stopped in his tracks.
Did they even know it was their birthdays?
Surely they had to, if they did they hadn't said anything about it. It made him sad when he thought about how it meant nothing to them, but to him it was the biggest day ever, it was the day two of the most important people came to be, two people he loved so much it hurt. He'd be damned if he let his parents continue to torment his brothers from the grave, to hell with them, Lester and his brothers were better without them and he'd show them.
With new found confidence he marched to the garage where his older brother was, head ducked under a hood of some car doing god knows what. Without looking up Bo called to him, "Hand me that wrench will'ya?" He extended his hand and waited for Lester to drop the metal tool in his hand before continuing to tinker with the vehicle. After a few beats Bo addressed him again, "Wha'cha want? M'busy."
Lester wrung the hem of his shirt in his hands as his mind scrambled to find what to say, finally settling on "I need ya up at th'house, got sumn to show ya." He turned on his heel and made his way back to the family home, ignoring Bo's demands for an answer. "I guess you'll have t'come and find out I s'pose!" He hollered back at his brother.
Upon entering the house Lester saw Vincent sitting on the couch, waiting like he expected him to be. Not too long after Lester came in Bo followed, his brows furrowed in confusion as he looked at both of his brothers. "Kay what? Th'hell you drag me up here for? Wha'cha gotta show me?"
Lester motioned for them to follow as he led them to the kitchen, Jonesy racing to be in front of the brothers, evidently more excited than the three men. On arrival Bo asked again what was going on and Lester so badly wished his brother had more patience. "Well..." He had started as he glanced between his brothers and then towards the pan that sat on the kitchen table. "Happy birthday?" Automatically Bo let out and groan and Lester had to move to stop him from leaving.
"You dragged my ass all the way up'ere t'tell me that? I'on got time fer this shit, told'ya I was busy." He stared down at his little brother before watching as his twin inspected the pan, peeling back the foil to reveal a cake, or something resembling a cake-- was it a cake? The fuck Lester bring with him?
Vincent turned back to dig through a drawer, grabbing a cake cutter and some plates from a cabinet. Lester stared at his feet as he shuffled slightly, embarrassed from the rejection. "Might not be good but I made a cake, got y'all sumn too.." His voice was small as he spoke to his brother, avoiding eye contact as he lifted his gaze.
Bo's face fell from anger to neutral as he watched his baby brother fidget, obviously upset from his reaction. "Shit, what th'hell, I reckon I could use a break." He ignored how fast Lester's expression lifted and instead head towards the table where the cake laid, "This car'mel cake?" Bo's eyebrows shot up and Vincent handed him a plate, he was shocked, he didn't know Lester was able to make it. He cut him a nice sized piece with his fork and shoveled it into his mouth.
Okay maybe he got ahead of himself with assuming.
The cake was mealy and the icing was burnt, the fuck did Lester do to this poor cake?
Lester watched as Bo stood there, a bite in his mouth but now chewing. "Well.. i'shure ish a cake" Bo muttered from behind the ruined dessert, trying to not hurt his brother's feelings too bad.
"Oh." Lester felt his shoulders slump and he held back a sigh, he had really really wanted the cake to be decent, "Y'ain't gotta eat it f'is bad.." He mumbled and watched as Vincent chewed his bite very slowly. Bo was quick to swallow, spitting it out would be too rude and he didn't think he could handle his little brother being more upset from the gesture. "Tasted like shit," he laughed and raked his plate in the trash before making his way to Lester, "well, it wasn't that bad but.." he paused, "but I sure do 'preciate it.." Before he could give it a second thought, Bo engulfed his little brother in his arms for a short embrace which Lester was quick to reciprocate. After a little Bo pulled away.
"So, what was that 'bout you gettin' us sumn?"
i didnt do much to correct any errors, its super late, hope yall enjoy it
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aetheternity · 3 years
Hello! I’ve read your work and fallen in love! I don’t know if your requests are open, but I really like the Armin x you x Levi post you wrote🥰 may I please request a smut of this? Thank you!
First of all thank you! I'm so glad you're in love with my work. 😊 Second of all I'm sorry this took a while I got sick and writing smut while being sick is honestly disgusting. Plus I recently fell in love with Saiki K and have been binge watching it . 🤭 N e ways! Hope you enjoy this.
Warnings: Polyamory, threesome, Nsfw content.
Ok you'll be honest with yourself four years ago you didn't expect to be as happy as you are now. 
After you'd grown sick of your living arrangement with your parents. You'd left that life behind. Moving into the small empty bedroom your best friend since your last year of middle school had open in his surprisingly tiny apartment. 
And when you said tiny. You meant tiny. 
Some rooms in the apartment weren't even big enough for someone to stand in with their arms outstretched. Not to mention a couple of your nights were spent huddled next to Armin on the couch with a huge blanket around your bodies because the heat randomly shut off. 
You'd think a situation like that would be worse. But weirdly enough it had been the best for both of you as your relationship had always had a sort of looming sexual tension that went unexplored. 
Long lingering touches to your waist got just a little bit longer while trying to squeeze past you in the bathroom. "Sorry I just need my brush." Armin would whisper. Warm palm against your hip. The ghost of his pelvic bone so close yet so far away. Just the realization making you arch in his grasp. You'd hold his gaze and in the back of your mind you could watch the soft slither of his tongue as it wet his gorgeous pink lips so many times over. 
Of course it escalated with neither of you ever saying a word about your feelings. You spraying water from the sink on a shirtless Armin during a heat wave that just wouldn't let up as he walked into the kitchen wearing only grey sweatpants. (Yup.. only sweatpants.) The way they hung so low on his hips practically begging for your tongue to stretch across the expanse of his pelvis. 
Him hugging you tight around the waist for literally any reason he could think of. (And he found a new reason everyday.)
And then it escalated a little further.. you pulling back the shower curtain to "complain" about him eating your leftovers. Him pulling you into his lap while the two of you watched tv. 
And one day it just ended. And by ended it meant you two opened a bottle of wine on New Years and the ball wasn't the only thing that dropped. He had you laying ass up, legs spread and pussy sobbing as he rocked your hips for eight fucking hours with no stop. Did that table break? During hour five but Armin managed. 
And then you guys moved. After a mutual agreement that the two of you were aware of each other's feelings and wanted to be together. You'd both managed to pool enough money together to afford a bigger place with two bedrooms. One unused and one that was immediately broken in with Armin over stimulating you the second the boxes were halfway unpacked. 
Fast forward to a man named Levi moving in across the hall, him developing feelings for you over a long period of seeing you daily thanks to his best friend absolutely adoring you and constantly inviting herself into you and Armin's home.
After a while you'd started picking up on the signs of his affection too. His long glances that sometimes didn't even break when you looked back at him. The little gifts that began to show up at your door. The way he'd bring over food when he knew Armin wasn't home. 
Once you'd started to develop feelings too Armin allowed you a night. One night to see if those feelings were actually real and what they might mean. Cue a night of carriage rides, roses (lots and lots of roses), stargazing and a kiss that damn near floored you and it was more than one night. 
Two nights and Levi had had you on his couch with him snuggled in what would soon become your favorite blanket. Three nights and Levi had you eating his mom's homemade spaghetti. And by a week you were begging for Levi to fuck you harder, fingers shaking on his white tiled kitchen floor. His relentless thrusts still causing your thighs to tremble hours after. 
He looked so lost in bliss in a way you'd never seen him before and you hugged onto him so tight you didn't even go back to Armin that night. Just curled up under your favorite blanket on his couch with his cock nestled deep inside you. His kisses littering your face till the moment you fell asleep. 
It was definitely a cause for fear. An unrelenting kind and you sat down on the couch with Armin the next day explaining how deeply you loved them both. Only to be shocked when he brought up the topic of polyamory. It definitely shocked you a ton when Armin agreed to it after some explanation of his own feelings but the real surprise was Levi explaining how he'd also thought about it and would be up for it. 
And thus began the beautiful bloom of a poly relationship after him and Armin had gotten better acquainted. You know after you guys all moved because Levi hated living in the apartment. 
The three of you left to live in a gorgeous house. (For once you were living in a place with more than one floor and an island in the kitchen.) A place you'd been calling home for over a year now. 
Your breath hitched soft moans stuttering off your lips. You don't even remember who started it but here you and Armin were, his breath tickling every bit of your face with sweet languid kisses. One hand brushing over every curve you possessed while the other was softly brushing in between your pussy lips. 
Your body perched in his lap as he sat against the headboard. Pillows scattered around the two of you as you writhe and begged for more of his touch. 
You were probably drawing blood where you were grasping his shoulders but you couldn't even begin to think about it. Armin's warm breath tickling your lips in a soft chuckle. The tips of his fingers softly caressing your clit as you let out little whimpers of pleasure. 
"You promise you'll moan nice and loud for daddy's fingers?" He asked, closing the distance between your lips with a much slower kiss. 
"Yes." You could feel his nail brush inside and you almost buried his fingers but his harsh grip on your ass paused your movements. Your thighs shook and you rubbed your forehead against his. Leaned into his broad chest with both hands. "Please daddy.." 
"Good girl." 
With one more small kiss he laid you out flat on the bed free hand coming up to squeeze your areola. With a tap of your outer thigh you spread for him watching the way his spit dribbled off his lips and directly onto your already wet hole. The mixture making a much wetter sound as he pumped two fingers fully inside. 
With a gasp you yanked the sheets hard, almost squeezing your thighs together. His fingers curling, snatching your breath away. The bed creaked a little as he repositioned himself, stomach flat against the sheets with his mouth on your thighs. Spreading a soft array of little open mouthed kisses. 
"Keep your ankles in the air, love. I don't wanna punish you tonight." He breathed 
You sucked in a breath, reaching out to hold your ankles. Almost immediately you felt embarrassed by the high pitched moan that fell off your lips at the first long slide of his flat tongue over your pussy lips.
And then right in between them in a beckoning motion over your clit that had you biting into your lip. The smile on his lips so evident over your core. 
You lifted your head in time to watch the slow drip of more of his saliva stretch between your clit and his bottom lip. Tongue immediately outstretched with eyes drawn to your features as he lapped it back up again. 
With his free hand he spread apart your pussy lips a little further giving your clit an almost harsh knead with his thumb. The friction making you cry out and almost drop your legs onto his back. 
His fingers carefully slipped out of you to your own dismay. The slow drag against your walls almost painful, that is until his tongue was sliding in to replace them. Giving your inner walls a massage that made your gaze fall white. 
You felt him hum. Sweet vibrations flowing through your cunt as he slurped down every bit of your juices. His arms snaking around your legs to yank you so much closer as he pushed his tongue impossibly deeper. 
"Daddy.." You begged 
"Shh, keep moaning for me baby.." He hummed, flicking your clit with his thumb. 
You obeyed with an arch that probably could've launched you off the bed if not for Armin's tight hold. Your eyes squeezed shut, brain going completely empty. 
"Such a good girl." He breathed "So good for daddy." 
The pad of his tongue stretched over both sides of your lips with little nibbles. Sucking the skin into his mouth roughly. You could feel his eyes on you, practically see those bright blues pop with lust as he pressed his tongue back inside with languid thrusts. 
Your heartbeat pounded in your ear and you felt the hold he had on your legs loosen. His two fingers delving and sliding back into your warm fluttering cunt. The overwhelming pleasure forcing your hands back on the bed holding out for dear life. 
"Daddy.. daddy please.." You cried 
"Getting close baby?" When you nodded vigorously he smirked. "Come on baby almost there." He hummed 
He sped up his tongue, fingers stretching you open quickly adding another. Your breath caught with a high pitched cry that left tears  flowing over your cheeks. An endless chorus of his name flooding off your lips. His own moans sending vibrations through your core. 
Your stomach tightened, toes curling in the air as you tried and failed to steady your breathing. One of your hands unfurled itself from the sheets now sticking to your sweat soaked body. Carding it in the beautiful blond locks between your legs. 
"Baby.. baby I'm about to-" He sucked your clit into his mouth and your eyes went hazy, head falling back. 
"Finish baby, come on.." He whispered 
Your lips spewed curse words between every breath lost. When his fingers tapped smoothly against your g-spot you knew that was it for you. And with one last shudder you came around his fingers, screaming his name as your orgasm racked over you in a loud burst. 
And he licked up every drop, nose buried to collect it all like it was the best thing he'd ever tasted. 
"A-Armin.." You shuddered body flush and hazy. 
His fingers feel wet, a combination of your pussy juices and the sweat between both your bodies. You slowly blinked in the darkness combing strands of his hair back as your lips made contact. The mixture of your taste and his on your tongue, in an almost overwhelming way. 
You tensed under him. Hands stretching over every part of him you could reach only for him to back away a bit. With your nails still gently grazing over your back he pressed his damp forehead into yours, fingers sweeping over every bit of bare skin. 
With barely any warning he hoisted you to your feet next to the edge of the bed. And you reached out for his shoulders as he slipped his boxers down his legs. Inching himself back up to the headboard. 
"Take a seat." He gestures, laying back. 
He's got a hand around your waist in seconds. His cock soon just below you, so so close to where you wanted it. Where you needed it so badly. 
Your knees came down on both sides of him, carefully administering your weight evenly until every inch of his hot cock was stretching you open. His tip soon resting firmly against your cervix like it always did and you both relinquished a sweet gasp. 
"F-fuck.. so full.." You huffed 
It felt like it had been so long when in reality it'd probably only been a week. And yet you were moaning like you'd been starved of him. Rocking your hips like he'd punished you with no cock for months. 
Suddenly his arm wrapped itself around your waist again. He hoisted you up with a strong hold moaning directly in your ear as he thrusted up into you like it was the first time. His knees pressing your thighs open.
A hiss falling off your lips as he kissed over your shoulder and collar. Hands squeezing both your breasts like they were his personal stress balls. 
You hadn't been aware of how hard Armin was going until the rough knocks of the bed hitting the walls finally began to settle in your ear. But you could barely care Armin's cock was hitting every spot inside of you and your leg was starting to twitch where it was forced outward. 
His breath grew more ragged with every thrust. Sweat dripping off your forehead onto his. His sweet murmurs of praise turning you on even harder.
"Love, you take me so well.. You're doing so amazing…." He moaned 
You leaned your head into him, feeling that sweet familiarity deep in the pit of your stomach. You reached around to the back of his head, yanking a little rougher than intended on his scalp. 
The uneven slaps of your skin meeting managed to keep the two of you distracted  until the sound of the door practically slamming into the wall shook you both to a halt. 
Levi's dry sigh filled the once noisy bedroom. "Do you two have to make so much noise? I'm busy with a work project." 
Despite Levi's gripes Armin angled his cock back towards your g-spot barely grazing it but it was enough to force a little mewl from your lips. 
He laughed, pulling you a little closer. "Mm sorry Levi. Didn't know we were being so loud." 
There was a small glint in Levi's eyes. The quick dart of his pupils to where you and Armin were joined and then back up to your face putting a devious grin on your face. 
"You should take a break, daddy." You said 
"Tch." Levi huffed, "This thing needs to be done by tomorrow. I don't have time for this." 
You reached out for him with one arm. An arm that unsurprisingly didn't even reach close to him from his stance near the bedroom door. By this point Armin's thrusts were going at almost the same pace as before. Not as rough but enough to resume the gentle rock of the bed. 
You let out a soft moan as Levi took the bait, slowly walking over to the bed. His finger carding affectionately through your tousled hair. He leaned in, pecking your kiss swollen lips. 
If there was anything you knew for a fact about Levi it was that he always had a hard time saying no to you. 
To be completely honest it didn't surprise you that Levi was already more than a little hard. Though it did surprise you how easily he gave in today. Watching with unchanged expression as you pulled his belt from the loops and buckle, undoing it with a light clatter which quickly followed the almost inaudible sound of his zipper being pulled down.. 
You let out a relaxed hum, lip pressed between your teeth at the sight before you. His thick cock poking out over the hem of his underwear. You grasped at the sheets with one hand a little shaky as you slipped his boxers down over his ass until they pooled at his ankles. 
Armin slipped his hand under you right up against your stomach. Levi immediately followed suit already knowing what he was doing. He stepped over to the edge of the bed as Armin laid you down on your stomach. Levi's wet tip dangling in front of your lips. Before you could even register it Armin had your hips in the air slipping all the way back inside with a loud gasp. 
Meanwhile you were wetting your lips. Hand curving up and down the length of his dick. You inched forward on your elbows to slowly surround Levi's dick in the warm confines of your mouth. The hiss he let out sending shivers over your spine.
"How's it feel? I know how much you love taking two dicks." Levi grunted 
Armin reached forward, tugging your hips in close with one hand. The other hand on your ass as leverage. Allowing him to ease out to his tip before slamming back inside. Your eyes rolling back with pleasure. 
As if it wasn't already difficult enough to take Levi he wasn't even fully hard yet. Just expanding in your mouth as you coaxed your throat into relaxing enough to slide every thick inch down. 
"I know that pretty mouth can do so much better than this." He reaches out with zero warning to grab a fist full of your hair. Yanking you forward with barely any restraint. 
Though you must admit the sound that leaves his throat when he does is almost worth the tears pricking over your hollowed cheeks. 
"Baby I'm so fucking close.. I'm gonna fill your pussy." Armin sighs, his hand comes down to wrap around the base of your throat angling your mouth into Levi's rough thrusts. 
Your heart is hammering but you close your mouth as best as possible without biting to take Levi's cock. Already feeling the effects on your jaw as he presses in a little harder with a deep moan. 
By now his cock is fully hard rocking you back into Armin with deep rough thrusts that almost make you gag. 
"That's my g-irl.." Levi grunts, even though they're small his nails dig into your scalp so roughly you could swear you felt something trickling down to the back of your neck. 
You grip the bed sheets with both your toes and fingers, the creaking around you unmistakable. 
"I'm cumming.. I'm cumming!" Armin cries out and you'd honestly give anything to see his gorgeous blue eyes roll back and the little smile that curves against his lips as he climaxes. 
You finish just a couple seconds ahead of him. Eyes unfocused where they roll into shut. Little sounds muffled by the thick dick stretching open your throat. The feeling of Armin's cum flooding your walls makes you whimper and he lets out the softest moan as his orgasm slowly whittles away. 
Your gaze soon fixes on Levi only to be met with the prettiest tint of pink brushed right up against his cheeks. His eyes pressed tightly closed, lips parted over every harsh breath. 
It didn't take long for the sweet drag of Armin's cock to begin again. His light touches to your spine making you arch a little higher. 
"You look so fucking pretty, you know that?" Armin mummered, cock slamming into your g-spot. "Doesn't she look gorgeous, Levi?" He asked with a little whimper. 
Levi's eyes fluttered open a hint of a smirk cresting on his lips. "Like she's gonna.. pass out.." He combed your hair back again gripping it a little tighter forcing your head up. He paused at the back of your throat. "Can't take it baby? Want me to pull out?" 
You grunted at every slam of Levi's dick until that all too familiar sound flooded your ears, followed by almost every curse in the english language. 
"You're doing so well.. f-uck.." He moaned "Swallow my cum.. swallow it. I'm almost there.." 
Levi hoisted his leg up against the already shaky foot of the bed using as much leverage as possible. His fingers tugging your head forward on every pump of his thick cock. Mixing with the loud gasps of Armin behind you as he also neared his end. 
And with one more deep thrust Levi was spilling down your throat with a choked groan. Cock head nestled deep in your tired throat holding you still as his orgasm flooded from his body. 
You were a little relieved when he stepped back allowing your jaw to relax. The still wet tip pressing sweetly against your lips. 
"Such a pretty girl.." He said, so low you thought you imagined it. 
"Switch with me." You heard Armin say 
You sighed as his cock left you, feeling yourself immediately being flipped onto your back. His large hands coming down from where he now stood over you to perfectly envelop your breasts. Meanwhile Levi was pulling your hips close and sliding in as effortlessly as he always did. 
"Levi!" You threw your head back 
Armin smirked over you, his hands kneading a little rougher. You arched into his touch pressing the balls of your heels into Levi's back, pushing him just a little deeper- 
God it was perfect. The feeling of his dick so much different from Armin's but honestly just as perfect. The moan you let out was downright pornographic and you pressed your head back into Armin's thigh. 
One of Armin's hands came up to your face brushing aside your hair soaked in tears. "You look perfect. But I wanna make you more perfect." 
He pulled himself off the bed, sliding a hand over your cheek. "I wanna paint your face baby. It's so perfect.." He mumbled already pumping his long dick over your face. "You'll let me right.." He whimpered 
When he leaned in again it was to press a little kiss to your lips. "P-please.." 
The curve of his lips made your heart flutter in your chest. "Mm.. let Levi see when I'm finished." 
One of Armin's hands sat rather aggressively on the edge of the bed. And you could see the way every vein in his hand moved. Grip tightening a little with every pump of his cock, back and forth his knuckles practically ripping through his skin. 
You gasped as Levi leaned over you, fat cock pressing into your G-spot. "Stop ignoring me." He grunted 
He slid his teeth beneath your earlobe administering a barrage of sweet nibbles mixed with more aggravated bites. 
"Levi.. Levi!!" 
Armin gasped above you, "Almost there.." He moaned 
A bright white was starting to take over your vision as you shut your eyes, mouth hung open for Armin's cock with absolutely no sound coming out as Levi continued to use your tired pussy. 
Small huffs of fuck littering the air. You bore your nails into Levi's back and chest. His leg shaking against you as he pushed through his last thrusts. 
"I-I'm.. I- shit!" Armin came first, missing Levi's head by a hair (literally) as ropes of hot cum plopped onto your face, you barely registering it as your own orgasm hit you like a two ton truck. Levi's thumb coaxing small spasms from you through your clit. 
Levi huffed, face scrunched, lip bitten and eyes shut as he came for the second time with a hard gasp. 
The room went quiet for what couldn't have been any longer than 2 minutes before Armin was pulling himself up from where he'd slumped over the bed. 
"Levi, look how sexy she looks with my cum all over her face." He cooed 
It stuck to your eyelids as you blinked though ultimately chose to keep your eyes shut. You felt Levi's small chuckle and the brief feeling of him slipping out of you to your own disappointment.
"Open baby." Armin said 
As soon as you did his fingers slipped into your mouth. The salty/sweet residue of his cum littering your tongue. Quickly joined by Levi who swiped his thumb across your eyelids before pressing it into your mouth. 
"How're you feeling?" Armin asked as you opened your eyes slowly. 
You blinked in their faces standing above you with a small smile. "Tired." 
"You can't sleep until you've washed off. It'll be better for you anyway." Levi replied, heading into the bathroom. 
Armin quickly followed after carefully lifting your fatigued body off the bed. It took a couple minutes for Levi to get the temperature to perfect but once he did you slowly felt yourself sinking into perfectly warm water. 
The soreness in every part of your body already beginning to dissipate as you leaned back against the edge of the tub. 
"We did a number on you hmm?" Armin asked, carding your hair back. 
"I'll make you some tea once you're cleaned up. Then we can cuddle under your favorite blanket." Levi said 
"Thank you guys but I feel like I could fall asleep here." You say lifting your thighs for Levi to clean under. 
"I promise I'll pay you back big time tomorrow." Armin replied, rubbing your arm with soap. 
Your lips curled up deviously, "Now that I look forward to." You grab his chin pulling him into you, pecking his lips. 
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
Promotion: Nanami Kento x Fem!Reader
synopsis: You don't ever make it to the convention. At all.
wc: 2.4k
tw: NSFW
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"Hey, y/n, are you coming out to lunch with us?" You turn your chair around to face your co-workers, all of them gathering their things to leave for the day. A half-day, right.
You'd completely forgotten about the half-day your boss offered as a reward for meeting every single editing deadline for a month straight. And now you were knee-deep in a manuscript, your mind completely focused on the task on the computer in front of you.
"I think I'll stay here and work on this for a little while. You all enjoy yourselves!" Your co-workers wave goodbye, chattering about their weekend plans as you turn back around, shifting the feedback sheet from your desk and onto the printer.
You dive back into your work - frowning as you come across a massive plot hole - the door to your boss's office flies open. You jump a little, startled by the sudden movement, and watch Nanami Kento adjust his clear frames before sliding them back on his handsome face.
"Y/n, could I speak to you for a moment? I'm sorry to interrupt your workflow, but this is urgent," he begins, and you stand from your desk, saving the work you've done before walking into his office. As you take a seat in the only other chair in the room, you cross your legs at the ankle, waiting for Nanami to take his place at his desk.
"Did you not want to take the half-day?" The blonde man wonders, sitting in his chair and unbuttoning his jacket.
"No, I really want to get as much work done as possible before the weekend."
"Big plans?" His brow lifts, and you inhale sharply, wondering what he's implying.
"No," you admit, looking down at your fingers and feeling your cheeks heat up. "I like to rest on my days off, is all."
"I won't keep you long, then. One of our managing editors - Hisoka - is leaving at the end of next week. You've been working very hard on making sure manuscripts are done right, clients are satisfied, and book deals go smoothly that I was wondering if you'd be willing to accept her position and her spot at the conference next week." A promotion? And a spot a the Editor's Conference?
"Sir, I'm flattered by your consideration--"
"Then it's done. I'll send over the paperwork on Monday morning, and I'll make sure you're settled in your new position by Friday." Nanami begins typing at his computer, and you stare at him, open-mouthed. "What's wrong?"
"I mean, this is all so sudden, I..." you trail off as Nanami frowns at you, his confusion evident. "Thank you, sir."
"You're the most qualified for the position, so I think you'll do just fine." He smiles as you stand to leave, giving him a slight bow.
"I'll do my best."
You shift nervously as the taxi takes both you and your boss from the train station to your hotel, where you hope the assistant booked you a decent room so you can get some rest before the big day tomorrow. Nanami is checking his phone, reading through emails before the taxi stops, letting you both out on the sidewalk in front of the ritzy hotel in the moonlight.
"I'll check-in for both of us," Nanami murmurs, and you go to sit in the lobby area while he speaks with the receptionist. Before long, you can hear a slight disagreement break out, and you turn your head to watch your boss approach you slowly, head bowed a little.
"What's wrong?" you wonder, clutching your bag close.
"Takada booked us only one room instead of two. I think she might have gotten the idea that since Hisoka left, that I would just be going."
"Well," you begin, standing. "Surely we can get another room."
"There isn't any room," he mutters, rubbing his eyes. "All of the hotels in the area are booked." You deflate, wondering what to do next. Nanami watches you carefully, picking up his briefcase before you reply,
"Well, I guess we have no choice, then."
He escorts you up to the elevator and swipes his keycard, pressing the highest floor before clearing his throat. You feel sweat pooling under your arms as you think about possibly sharing a bed with your boss. Yes, he's handsome as hell. But... sleeping in the same bed as a co-worker is... wrong. Right?
When the door to the suite opens, you look around at the lavish furnishings and beautiful view it affords you.
"I'll take the couch," Nanami announces, sighing as he drops his luggage beside the less than appealing couch.
"It looks uncomfortable," you state, and he takes off his glasses.
"I'm not going to assume you're comfortable with me sharing a bed with you, so I'm offering it to you by default."
"I'm sure we can both fit," you offer, and he glances up at you curiously. "Don't worry, it'll be fine." Nanami thinks for a moment, then moves his things into the bedroom, placing them on the other side of the king-sized bed. "And I promise I won't tell anyone," you tease, but he just gives you a blank look that makes you look away, cringing internally. Cool it with the jokes, you tell yourself.
As Nanami takes a shower, you pull out the various items you have to sleep in, groaning at your selection. There were only short, frilly things, instead of what you normally brought - baggy t-shirts and sweatpants. Why did you choose to bring these of all things?
Grumbling, you walk over to the mini-fridge and pull out a small bottle of Moët, tossing it back for courage. You feel the champagne hit your system moments later- and you wonder how you made it through college at this point.
The sound of the shower shutting off makes you squeak, and you throw on the silk slip before climbing into bed and facing away from the bathroom door. When Nanami emerges, you hear him shift around before climbing under the sheets, and muttering,
"Good night, y/n."
"Good night, sir."
Your arm is on someone's chest when you awake. You moan, lifting your head and coming face to face with your boss - who is already awake.
"Oh!" you shift off of Nanami, heart beating wildly. "I am so sorry, sir, I--"
"No, it's fine," Nanami chuckles. "It's not every morning that I wake up with a beautiful woman in my bed. Or have her talk about me in her sleep."
"Huh?" you stop, feeling your stomach drop.
"You said some... interesting things about me while you were asleep. If I had known you were a sleeptalker, I would have--"
"What did I say?" you whisper, frightened.
"Oh, nothing," Nanami chuckles, getting out of the bed and stretching. "Just something about how you found me good-looking and how you wanted to--"
You look away from him, rubbing your face in embarrassment. "I am so, so sorry, Mr. Nanami, it must have been the Moët I had before bed."
"Oh, I'm not upset. I just wish you would've said something sooner, y/n." You turn back to him, your eyes widening. "I find you attractive, too. But I had to be sure you weren't just dreaming before I said anything to you." He climbs back onto the bed, touching your face with a tender hand.
You instinctively lean into his palm, and he tilts your chin up, leaning forward. His lips ghost over yours before pressing against your cheek, and you moan. "Is this okay?" Nanami wonders, and you nod, feeling goosebumps run across your skin.
"Yes," you reply, and he leans forward again. This time, he kisses you gently, hands drifting from your face to your hips, where they play with the edges of your slip.
"Do you know how hard it was to sleep with you next to me?" he breathes, kissing down your neck. "Your beautiful hands fluttering from my face to my chest..." He cups your breasts over your slip and thumbs your nipples repeatedly, making you shudder.
"Nanami..." you exhale, and he removes one of the spaghetti straps of your slip slowly. "Sir, I--" He stops, replacing your strap quickly.
"I'm sorry, I'm not supposed to do this," The blonde man shakes his head, closing his eyes. Your breath hitches, but he doesn't move away from you, still. "I shouldn't--"
"Please," you interrupt him, grabbing his wrist. "Please." At your appeals, his lips crash into yours again and you tangle your fingers into his hair.
"Tell me when you want to stop," he urges you, hands running up your slip and gripping your bare thighs. But you allow him to lay you across the bed, tongues tangling as he undresses you with care.
"I need you," you breathe, and Nanami hums in response.
"We'll be late to the conference," he notes, but you shake your head. "We might not even make it the first day." But he makes no move to stop, again, rolling your nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. "You alright with that?" The only thing you can do is moan as your body writhes underneath his grip, his hands orchestrating the symphonic melodies coming from your throat.
Nanami blinks slowly, leaning down to capture one of the buds between his lips. He sucks and pulls with precision, and your mind goes blank, not even registering that the color of the ceiling. All you know are the sensations you're feeling right now.
"How do you feel?" Nanami wonders, a hand sliding down to your core. As his fingers slide between your folds, you whisper,
"It feels good." He presses a finger into you before adding another, hovering above you as he strokes your g-spot.
"You're so beautiful," Nanami moans, eyes roaming over your exposed body as he drives you to madness, adding his thumb on your clit. You want to let go, you want to cum, but the fear of your boss seeing you in this way is just-- "It's okay," Nanami whispers, pressing his lips to your ear. "I promise I won't tell anyone."
"Oh my god," you shudder, his fingers being coated with your slick and cum liberally. Nanami croons at the way your hips jerk into his palm while you squirt all over his hand. You pant heavily once it's over, and he removes his shirt, revealing a body you've only dreamed about. His muscles are just as defined as you thought, and as he removes his pants dutifully, you watch his thick cock spring free.
"Can I?" he wonders, pumping his cock with his slick covered hand. You spread your legs a little more, inviting him to fuck you just like you've wanted for so long.
All those days he walked by your desk with his sleeves pushed up around his arms... all those times he stopped to speak with you about your day... and all those times you watched him give a presentation, imaging his lips rolling across your skin during the meetings... You would faint if you knew just how close you could get to him in one morning.
As Nanami sinks into you, you exhale deeply, and he grips your leg, leaning down and pressing himself onto you carefully. Your arm winds around his back and he stares at you as he pumps into you, his warm breath caressing your face. "Is that good?"
"So good," you whine, curling your nails into his skin. "Nanami, I--"
"Kento," the man whispers against your skin. "Please, call me Kento."
"Kento," you instantly moan, and he presses a kiss to your throat, picking up his speed. His free hand snakes behind your back, lifting you up a little as he fucks you. His breathing becomes ragged as his cock strokes your insides, pulling sounds out of you that you never considered being in your lexicon.
The smacking sounds and wetness between your thighs are enough to bring you to the edge, but Nanami slows his strokes, making them long and deep. Your orgasm abates, but you don't mind. Being beholden to Nanami is heaven.
"I'm going to make you feel some things," he warns, and you open your mouth to reply, but he continues. "You might not like being edged, but I want you to feel this next orgasm in your soul." Edged? He picks up his speed once more, knocking the thought right out of your head as you're jostled back and forth on the sheets. You can't really think rationally, anyways. Why bother?
"Mmmm," you grunt, face scrunching together as you feel another orgasm building again. And you think maybe he'll let you cum, but he slows down again, sweat dripping from his face onto your chest. "Kento, I can't take it!" you pant, but your boss nods.
"Just one more, y/n." You oblige, toes curling painfully as he quickens his thrusts and pulls you up and leans back, pumping into you from below. The sensation is remarkably different, you note, and his dick curves into you perfectly as he continues thrusting. You gasp, fingers curling into his shoulders as you feel the same orgasm building. "Ken--"
He slows down again, and you cry out, thighs quivering with the need for release. "Hold on to me," Nanami breathes, smoothing his hands down your arms and taking your fingers in his. "I'm going to let you cum this time." You tuck your face in between the crook of his neck and shoulder, moaning obscenely as he fucks you back to the brink of insanity. But this time, when your thighs clench and your hips stiffen, he keeps going, squeezing your hands carefully.
"Kento, oh my fucking god," you shout, losing yourself in the intensity of the orgasm. You might have blacked out if it wasn't for Nanami holding you against him and his hips stuttering violently as he came inside of you.
"That's it," your boss moans loudly. "That's my girl..." You're so overwhelmed that you don't register where he stops and where you begin. Everything is hazy, and you wonder if this is what it's like to be fuck drunk. You feel something being pulled over you and the way Kento holds you close, whispering sweet nothings to you as you try to keep awake, but your whole body surrenders to the finality of the moment, to the peace, and you fall asleep in his arms.
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getawayaccount · 3 years
they were roommates 2
Jay Halstead walked out of his brother’s building more confused and annoyed than he had been in quite some time. Today was his rest day and, if he believed Will’s latest text, the doctor wasn’t working either, also the detective had gotten ready and driven to his brother’s place to hang out or something. Except an exhausted - and clearly irritated - college student had opened the door of Will’s apartment before swiftly closing it back in Jay’s face, right after thrusting a pile of mails addressed to Will into his hands. 
Jay was boiling. He knew Will had money problems and had been looking for a roommate. However, his brother had failed to mention he was on the verge of homelessness… which in retrospect wasn’t that surprising, considering how proud and stubborn Will could be. 
Jay tried to call his brother but Will didn’t answer, also the detective drove to the only place he could think of: Med’s Emergency Departement. He was greeted by Maggie who confirmed it was Will’s rest day and that she hadn’t seen him since the previous evening.
“You wouldn’t know where I could find him, would you?”, Jay asked, not expecting much. After all, if Will hadn’t told him about his situation, it was unlikely he had told anyone at Med. And yet.
Maggie pinched her lips together before looking around as if to make sure no one was eavesdropping before grabbing a piece of paper and a pen. Jay frowned as she quickly scribbled something before looking up and back at him. She held out the paper before taking it out of his reach and he opened his mouth to protest, annoyed, but she shut him up with a look:
“I’m not supposed to give you this, also you have to promise me you won’t make a scene, am I clear?” Maggie warned him.
“Sure, whatever,” Jay answered. “I just want to know where he is.”
Maggie studied him for a moment longer before handing him the piece of paper. It was an address. An address in the Loop neighborhood, which made absolutely no sense considering how expensive the area was. Still, Jay thanked Maggie and walked back to his car.
The drive itself was a pain but he eventually made it to the front of some fancy-looking building that there was no way in hell his brother could afford to live in… unless he had found a questionable way to pay off his debts. Nonetheless, Jay walked in and up to the condo indicated by Maggie, ringing the bell and then knocking forcefully on the door as he had very little patience left in him.
Again, his brother did not open the door. Instead, Jay found himself face to face with Doctor Connor Rhodes:
“You aren’t the pizza guy,” Rhodes said.
His expression was annoyingly unreadable while Jay knew he must have looked pissed by that point.
“Is my brother here?”
Rhodes studied him for another second before he nodded and opened the door wider for Jay to enter. The place had this cozy-minimalist vibe going only rich people could afford… as well as some of Will stuffs laying around. But why? Why would Will move in with Rhodes out of all people? Why would he not tell Jay? Why -
“Will, your brother is here,” Rhodes called out.
There was a bang and Jay heard his brother swearing and a shower being turned off. 
“Can I offer you something? Coffee? A beer?”, Rhodes added, turning back to Jay. “Whisky?”
The detective shook his head, still trying to understand what was happening here. And then Will walked into the living room, a simple towel around his middle section, and still dripping water from his shower onto the - definitely expensive - wooden floor.
“Jay?” Will started, visibly startled. “ What - What are you doing here?”
“Are you serious right now?” Jay shot back.
“Hm. I think I’m gonna leave you two to it,” Rhodes said, retreating towards what had to be a bedroom. However, he stopped on his way to push a dollar bill against Will’s chest. “For the pizza. If it ever shows up,” was all he added before patting Will’s shoulder encouragingly. 
“I didn’t know how to tell you,” Will tried once Rhodes was out of sight and Jay just rolled his eyes. 
“Bullshit, Will,” he said.
“I mean... one minute we are being civil and having a drink at Molly’s and the next he is asking if I want to move in and I just -” Will trailed off.
And, wait, what? Wasn’t this about his brother’s money problems? Was this about Rhodes? Was this what Maggie was referring to when she told Jay to not make a scene? Were Will and Rhodes actually living together as in... seriously dating one another? Was this was that was about? Had Will not told him he was moving because he was moving in with a boyfriend? 
“Wait, wait, wait,” Jay started, holding up his hands in a placating manner. “I thought… God, Will, don’t you trust me at all? Do you really think you couldn’t tell me? I’m your brother, no matter what, and I love you -”
Jay’s heartfelt tirade was interrupted by a snort and he looked away from Will’s uneasy and somewhat confused expression to glare at Rhodes, who had walked back into the room to pick up his phone.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Rhodes said. However, his tone betrayed his words as he was clearly trying - and failing - not to laugh. “It’s just, I think you got the wrong idea here,” he added, before catching Will’s gaze. “He is giving you the Talk.”
“What?” Will asked.
“The it’s-okay-if-you-are-gay-I-still-love-you talk,” Rhodes explained.
“I’m not gay,” Will protested, looking back at Jay as he was insane for suggesting such a thing. And really, the detective wouldn’t have bet his life on his brother’s heterosexuality.  “We are not dating. We can barely stand each other.”
“You live together, Will,” Jay deadpanned.
“Yeah, call it pity,” Rhodes pipped in again.
“Fuck you,” Will shot back immediately. 
“I thought we had established that wasn’t happening,” Rhodes concluded.
He had a way too innocent look on his face and Jay was so done with whatever this was.
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