#and oh‚ my tongue is a weapon / answered ask
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noisilyscreechingsong · 10 months ago
“The what?”
Danny and Duke had been having a pretty okay day. Duke got a ridiculous packet to complete from his professor, and Danny tripped down the stairs in the library, causing a ruckus that got everyone’s attention.
So yea, everything was going well until they decided to push their luck and go to a new coffee shop a bit further away. It wasn’t the coffee shop itself, but the goons that came out of nowhere to kidnap Tim Drake-Wayne who was getting an order to go, which turned into a gang fight in the middle of the street.
Danny and Duke, along with Tim, ended up sheltered behind a car and missed the opportunity to bunker down inside the shop.
“Well, this isn’t what I planned today,” Tim comments.
“Same,” Danny agrees.
“Maybe we can wait it out?” Duke suggests.
The other two give a look that says that it was not going to happen.
“Rock, Paper, Scissors for peeking,” Danny says, already holding out his fist.
They look at Duke.
Peer Pressure works and he groans with clear discomfort at the situation.
Duke loses. A bullet whizzes past his head.
“Nope! Nope. Not doing that again.”
Tim rolls his eyes at the dramatics, but with Danny still there he bit his tongue.
“What’d you see?”
Duke looks at Tim like he’s crazy.
“Lots of people with guns,” he answers hysterically.
“Need a hand?”
Red Hood had swung down from the nearest rooftop, hand gun in both hands. He pops off three shots before having to duck behind the car with them.
“Hood, what are you doing here? This isn’t Crime Alley,” Tim asks like they bumped into each other at the supermarket.
Hood shrugs, “Close enough.”
“Oh sweet, can I borrow that?” Danny randomly asks.
Before anyone can question what he was talking about he was already reaching out to take the handgun off of Hood’s thigh.
Danny turns to look over the car’s hood and pulls the trigger. Nothing happens.
The others pull him back quickly. He winces at the hard fall to his tailbone.
“Holy crap! Danny!”
“Dude, are you trying to get yourself killed?”
“What is wrong with you?”
“Hey!” Danny interrupts their freak out. “It’s not my fault his gun is broke.”
“The safety is still on, idiot,” Hood tilts his head.
“The what?” Danny asks in genuine confusion.
The three brothers all pause and look at him.
“The safety? On the gun? So there isn’t a misfire?” Tim explains. He was stuck between shocked and judgmental.
“This is why people who don’t know how to shoot shouldn’t touch guns,” Hood says in frustration while reaching to take it away.
Danny pulls it back out of reach.
“I know how to shoot, thanks. My parent’s weapons just don’t have safety things. I’m not used to it,” he grumbles.
“What do you-“
But Danny was already finding the safety and flicking it off before trying again. This time he hits two goons, one in the shoulder and another in the leg.
The batboys glance at each other.
“So,” Hood tries to be casual, “what do your parents do?”
“They’re scientists,” Danny answers, mainly focused on shooting another person dressed in a mask, “but they make their own weapons.”
“Are they by any chance mad scientists? Or borderline rogues?” Duke asks as half a joke.
“Of course not,” Danny answers. Then he pauses to actually think about it. “I don’t think so.”
“Cool. That’s fine.”
After that Danny had a few more ‘meet and greet’s with the local vigilantes and saw some lingering shadows around their apartment. They had the weirdest questions about his family.
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arc-misadventures · 3 months ago
I'm Too Expensive For You
Coco: Jaune?
Jaune: Yes?
Coco: How much do you think I cost?
Jaune: First off you're expensive, that's a given...
Coco: Naturally of course.
Jaune: But, what is the context about all of this? Because, if this is about what I think it is, I'm going to be very upset.
Coco: Do you seriously think I'd ask how much I would charge if I was a hooker?!
Coco: I was going to ask how much a I'd cost as a, Mistress.
Jaune: A: That's the same fucking thing. B: A lot.
Coco: so, how much would you pay to have sex with me?
Jaune: Do I seriously have to answer that...?
Coco: Because, Cardin tried to 'buy' me, so I'm curious how much I'm worth.
Jaune: Oh so that's why, Cardin was wedged into a tree...
Jaune: Haa... A pair of boots.
Coco: ...
Coco: You seriously think you could buy me... with a pair of boots...?
Jaune: If they were these boots I bet you would.
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Coco: ...
Coco: Well that's not fair; I'm your wife you don't have to buy me for sex. Just ask, and I'm up for a tumble. Or, where something stylish, you know how that get my motor going.
Jaune: See it's expensive, because it's either a really attractive outfit, or...?!
Jaune: Wait... 'Your wife?' Coco, you're not my wife, because I gave you a pair of boots.
Coco: Why not?! Those boots can totally be used for a marriage proposal! So, give me the boots, Mr. Adel!
Jaune: Okay, Missy! You do not get the boots as a marriage proposal, that's what the engagement ring I got you is for! And, you are taking my last name, Mrs. Arc!
Coco: ...
Coco: Y-You got an engagement ring...?
Jaune: Yeah. Yeah I did.
Coco: So... y-you're going to ask me... t-to marry you...?
Jaune: ...
Jaune: Yes.
Coco: If I say yes... does that mean I'll eventually get those boots...?
Jaune: I'll give you the boots if you take my last name...?
Coco: ...
Coco: Coco Adel Arc...? Hmmm... It does roll of the tongue~!
Jaune: So then, Mrs. Coco Adel Arc, do you want the boots, or the ring first. Because, you get the shoes first!
Coco: W-Why not the ring?!
Jaune: Because... Nora swiped it... And, she won't tell me where it... Coco...? Coco, why is, Gianduja in it's weapon form!?
Coco: That bitch stole my wedding ring! I'm gonna get my ring, and my man so help me Gods!!!
Jaune: ...
Jaune: Fuck she is so hot...
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lavandulawrites · 6 months ago
The fact that there are no yandere Kinich fics/hcs is illegal. Litterly, the whole internet is all over him and no single fic/hc? R u shitting me?
Anyways, if you would be as kind as to consider this following request: yandere Kinich with a darling who is in love with someone else.
You dont have to do it if you dont want to. Have a nice day and make sure to drink enough water!
A Supporting Friend
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He is truly criminally underrated</3 Fun fact my saurian is called Roberto haha
Warnings: stalking, Ajaw being a dick (what’s new), Kinich is delusional, murder, slight gore, Kinich is jealous, female reader
Word count: 814
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A second didn’t pass without him thinking of you. His hazel eyes trains on you as you went about your day. You were so effortlessly beautiful. Like a goddess. As the dark haired man snuck in the shadows following you, he couldn’t help but feel a burning hatred whenever you looked at him. He was taller than Kinich with huge muscles and a stupid smile that never left his face.
The raven haired man hid behind a large stacks of boxes as he watched over you. God knows what could happen to you now that the Abyss were more aggressive than ever.
His annoying companion popped out of thin air with a whine. “Are you seriously still following her?” the little dragon-like creature asked with amusement.
Kinich spared him not even a single glance as he continued to let his eyes watch you.
“Jeez, ya are seriously fucked in the head, aren’t ya?” the little gremlin laughed. “Just face it, she doesn’t like you. Just like everyone else, so why don’t you just trip and die?” Ajaw snickered like the little devil he was.
“Shut up” Kinich sneered as he looked Ajaw away which resulted in multiple cursers following.
Of course Kinich knew your heart didn’t belong his, at least not yet. Your eyes were sat on that disgusting fool of a man. It was a pity and made Kinch’s skin crawl.
Days passed and you continued to see Kinich as only a friend. A friend which you told all your secrets and asked for help with various matters. Normally the young man would be over the moon with being so close to you, but not when you continued to rant about him.
“Roberto looked at me today. He even smiled! Do you think he likes me Kinich?” you asked him as you looked off in the distance with a longing gaze.
Oh if only you knew how much he loved you, how his heart fluttered in his chest when you looked at him. When you smiled it was like the Celestia had granted their blessing. Still, he chose to hold his tongue and only hum at your question. “I don’t know. I haven’t talked to him” he answered with a strained voice. As he watched the red flowers that littered the meadow in front of them, he couldn’t help but imagine how Roberto’s blood would look against the lush grass.
“I want to ask him on a date” you interrupted his trained of thought. “Tomorrow” you turned to look at him with a huge smile. A bale blush dusted your cheeks as you thought about your crush.
Kinich’s heart quickened at the cute display of your blush. If only he was the one to make you blush. “Oh really?” he mumbled.
“Yeah. I want it to be perfect though. I am thinking in the field with flowers in the forest near my house. It’s the perfect spot. Really romantic.
“Indeed. Romantic” the words akin a sneer.
The next day the ancient name bearer jumped from tree to tree as he stalked Roberto on his way to hunt. The robust man was busy adjusting his crossbow, completely unaware to his surroundings. Kinich scoffed at his obliviousness and he couldn’t help the smirk that crept upon his lips.
He leapt down on the grown as silent as a feather as he crawled towards the man. His claymore already in his hand.
Quicker than a heartbeat he jumped up from the bush and ran towards Roberto.
Roberto screamed as he picked up his crossbow. Unfortunately for him, the weapon were not loaded and completely useless.
“What do you want?!” he screamed as he backed away with quick steps.
The hazel eyed man remained silent as he stalked closer and closer towards him.
With wide eyes Roberto turned on his heel and ran.
The case was as thrilling as Kinich had expected. Given his massive body, Roberto was rather slow compared to the shorter man. Stupid too.
It didn’t take long before Roberto had stopped at the end of the cliff. He was trapped between the blood thirsty man and the high fall. Neither he would survive.
Kinich had become tired of the little hunt so he leaped forward and missed Roberto’s chest by a mere centimetre. Which resulted in Roberto falling to his death with a high pitched scream that suited more a little girl than a 190 cm man.
Kinich peered over the cliff and down on the stony ground. Roberto’s body was no more than a red mass that looked like spaghetti given how he had landed on multiple sharp rocks. A satisfied smile tugged on Kinich’s lips.
Now he had to play the role of a comforting friend and hold you in his arms as you sobbed over your deceased crush. His smiled widened uncharacteristically at the thought of you finally being his.
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tgcg · 1 year ago
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bad mouther, hole master
TG: kissing with tongue is gross as hell
TG: what
TG: oh
TG: youre talking about it like its a goddamn military weapon or some shit
TG: some kinda scientific fuckin method to fondle a dudes mouth with your own mouth thats
TG: thats gross
TG: this isnt supposed to be a debate before fuckin congress on the pros and cons of getting your mack on
TG: its i would say a reasonably personal thing to react about and thats just my reaction man you dont gotta arbitrate it
TG: and like why the hell do they have to linger on it so long in these movies do they really want me to immerse myself in people necking each other that much
TG: roll the sounds around in my earholes like im swilling a fine fuckin wine
TG: well my professional opinion is that shit tastes and sounds mad gross and tbh i havent seen a single movie where it was close to being any kind of necessary
TG: its just a cringy waste of everyones time
TG: did you just homestar me
TG: hell no
TG: proving your point--
TG: bro have uh
TG: have YOU???
TG: come on
TG: i walked into this stupid conversation with a fucking shovel and by god am i digging myself a damn hole big and wide enough for every dave across time to squeeze in so i might as well get cosy in this shit before we all start collectively shoving dirt in our mouths
TG: bet your ass im taking you down with me though
TG: grab your spade and get digging man
CG: GRAB MY WHAT????????
TG: just tell me
CG: ???????!!!!!!!!
TG: karkat
TG: f-
TG: wait no
TG: oh my god dude
TG: you can spin that shit all you want but you can do it the hell away from me
TG: i do not need to be hip to your weirdo foursquare fantasies
TG: patently not my business
TG: ……..
TG: way to defuse the situation solid work
TG: real gold star effort grabbin that lit wick and blowing on it
TG: ok first of all you asked me first so dont act like im the one being a weirdo about this
TG: second of all i didnt mean it like that and you know it
TG: THIRD of all what the hell was the point of engaging the knightly theatrics then if you cant even verify that shit
TG: youre
TG: oh gimme a break
TG: bro youre going apeshit over something you havent even done
TG: you know what that sounds like to me it sounds like an overcompensating fake fan who doesnt get any
TG: you heard of troll napoleon complex
TG: -- oh yeah i bet huh
TG: -- not a real thing you just said
TG: stop saying nub
TG: not too much worse than being a perpetual fountain of emotional diarrhea
TG: dude did you actually run out of insults
TG: okay this is getting concerning
TG: youre the international dude of verbal dunks
TG: that can not be happening
TG: you cant run out of em youre like the ultimate peddler of hate
TG: feel like ive done some damage here
TG: alright bud time to calm down
TG: okay whatever!
CG: WHATEVER!!!!!!!!
TG: jeez
TG: here
TG: yeah
TG: really glad stuff like this happens in private
TG: what conversation?
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nocasdatsgay · 4 months ago
A Lesson in Heartbreak
2 of 3: Words are Painful Weapons
Rating: T | Word Count: 3983 | Pairing: Azris/Reader
Summary: Eris and Azriel made promises they didn’t keep. When you confront them about it, Eris says some things he instantly regrets. Now him and Azriel have to fix what they broke.
Neapolitan Bonds Masterlist| Read on A03| Part 1| Read Below
Warnings: Angst, Eris has a sharp tongue, alcohol, drunk!Eris
A/N: HI so… yeah… I am alive. Sorry this took so long. A second shout out to @daycourtofficial for inspiration with Azriel and his comments when he comes back.
Tagging: @myromanempiree @pit-and-the-pen @lilah-asteria @thisblogisaboutabook @hieragalbatorixdottir @mybestfriendmademe @paleidiot @div94 (if you are tagged by accident or want to be tagged in the future, let me know)
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“There. A letter to Tarquin and a letter to her.” Eris sent them with a flick of his wrist. 
Azriel calmed enough to sit while Eris penned the letters. They needed you to come home so they could talk with you in person. Deep down, Eris was thoroughly embarrassed over the whole situation. Not only at himself but for you leaving to another court. He wondered if this was how Tamlin felt all those years ago, when Feyre ran off to the Night Court. Eris suddenly had empathy for him in retrospect. 
He slumped back in his chair and sighed. He needed a stiff drink. But he wanted to be sober if you came home. Azriel sat across from him, arms  crossed against his chest and brows furrowed like he did when he was deep in thought. His eyes were still rimmed in red from earlier. The Shadows were nowhere in sight. 
“What?” Eris looked at his mate. 
Az cut his eyes to Eris, still frowning. “I want you to tell me exactly what you said to her.”
“I’m surprised your shadows didn’t already tell you.” Eris didn’t hold back his eye roll or his sigh. “I don’t fully remember.” 
Everything was a blur from earlier. When he got like that, he never remembered what he said. 
“Well think fucking harder.” Eris could see Azriel’s fingers dig into his sleeves. 
“She came in screaming at me about missing dinner.” It reminded him too much of his mother. The way she would yell at his father when he was a youngling. Eris tried to focus, to put that aside. “I told her the high lord meeting was more important. We were hosting, and.”
After a moment Az said, “And what, Eris”
He cursed under his breath. “I said she would understand that if she had bothered to help. Since she isn’t helping, she doesn't get to complain that we are busy. She knew what she was getting into when we mated.”
Azriel recoiled where he sat. “How could you say that to her?” 
“It’s the truth, Azriel.” Eris brushed back his hair with his hand. “This is what it’s like to be mated to a High Lord. We have responsibilities. Yes, I was wrong for implying she didn’t want to help because she asked and I told her she didn’t have to. I admit that.” 
Shadows came out as Az replied. “And we made promises we didn’t keep.”
“I know I did. It eats me alive that I broke them but what else am I supposed to do? It’s our first time hosting, I’ve only been High Lord for a decade and a half. She’s worked for multiple courts. She knows these things have to be perfect or others will talk.” 
“That doesn’t mean we can’t take a break to have dinner with her.” Az countered. 
Eris glared at him. “Do not act like you are any better. You weren’t there either.”
He winced. “You’re right. I wasn’t.” Then he glared back. “But maybe I would have been there if you let other people do their job instead of making it our problem.”
“Oh you’re going to blame me?” Eris was on his feet. “By the gods. I’m always your scapegoat because it’s easy to blame me than for you to look in a fucking mirror.”
“Eris.” A warning, as shadows built around him. 
“Am I wrong?” Azriel didn’t answer. Eris and his sharp tongue kept going. “You blamed me for centuries when it came to Mor. To this court. To my father. Let’s just add this to it.” He paused. Before he could stop himself he added. “It wouldn’t even be a fucking issue if it was just us.” 
Eris felt the shock through the bond from Az before he shut him out. Even the shadows recoiled from around Az.
“What are you saying?”
“I don’t have to repeat myself. We work well together,” he gestured between them, “because we know what to expect from each other. She wants so much more than either of us are capable of.”
Shadows shrunk back again. “That’s not true.”
“It is!” Then words spewed from his mouth like viper venom. “I wish Elain never told us. I wish I never let you get your fucking hopes up, looking for a third bond in every fucking fae you brought to our bed. But I love you, so I let you do it.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Azriel was on his own feet, siphons on his hands flashing. “I always got your consent, you said it was fine. You brought your own-”
Eris’s mouth ran away from him again. He didn’t raise his voice; his tone did the work for him. 
“Maybe I lied. I only took other lovers so you wouldn’t feel guilty. I was just trying to make you happy because I was never enough for you. Even the Mother herself knew. She knew I wasn’t enough for you so she sent us her.” 
Az looked like he’d been struck. Guilt and insecurity Eris had buried for decades laid out on full display. At that moment Eris hoped Azriel hurt just as much as he did. The silence between them was heavy and loud. It was finally Azriel who spoke, his own words sharp and stinging. 
“I never asked to be mated to you. You say this is easier for me and you, but it’s only easy for you. What’s easy is loving her. It’s not my fault you’re too fucked up to know that too.” 
Shadows grew thick around him and he winnowed out of the room. 
You showered and changed into a soft seafoam colored nightgown, given to you by Samira. She was sitting by a small side table reading when you came back into the bedroom. She set her book down and got up from her seat. 
“Did you tell him, Tarquin?” You asked. 
In your haste to get away, you didn’t think about the implications of your actions. Namely as High Lord’s mate seeking refuge in another court. You liked Tarquin a lot. He was kind and you were so happy when Samira and him hit it off. But he was still a High Lord of another court. Samira didn’t look you in the eyes from where she had sat on the edge of the bed. 
“I only told him what you told me.”
“That’s fine,” you said quickly. You got onto the bed and crawled up beside her. “I understand. If you hadn’t told him, I would have.”
“That said,” she put her hand over yours. “You’re here as my guest. Any correspondence will come directly to me unless there is a threat to the court.” 
You winced and she gave you a sympathetic look. Your mates were both known for their tempers. Azriel was well known for his impulsive behavior. You prayed to the Mother that neither of them acted irrationally. A hard thing to hope knowing you sealed this room the moment you entered. 
“Did you want some tea or do you want to rest for the night?” 
“Tea. I need to talk if you’re willing to listen.”
“Always,” she smiled. 
You grabbed a light robe and moved into the small sitting room. She waited as Samira had tea brought to the room. She fixed you a cup, and then she sat down and took her own in her hands. 
“So what happened?”
You let out a heavy sigh, trying to figure out where to start. 
You explained the best you could. How they both made a promise to go to dinner and neither showed. You explained how distant they’d been for months. You explained how Eris told you that dinner wasn’t as important as whatever he was working on with the upcoming summit. 
“He said I knew what I was getting into when we mated. As if I’m not managing his court while his nose is stuck in itinerary lists.” You added bitterly. 
She winced. “And Azriel? What did he say about all this?” 
“He said he was sorry. He lost track of time. Conveniently he was silent when I asked why his shadows didn’t remind him.” You stared down at the tea in your hand. You could feel your eyes water again. “He hasn’t- he has always been more physically affectionate than Eris. Out in public, at least. But he hasn’t even-“
You stopped yourself, your face burning. Samira didn’t need to know how Az hadn’t even called you by a specific pet name in weeks. Eris even longer. And how was you supposed to explain they even stopped just casually touching you? It was childish, to be upset about something so silly. Yet thinking about it just made you cry again. 
You wiped your eyes. “It just feels as if  they don’t want me anymore.”
“They're your mates, of course they want you.”
“Mates doesn’t always mean love, Samira. They did just fine without me for what? Two decades? Maybe longer. Maybe they miss it just being the two of them.” 
“Now you’re talking nonsense. Stop it,” she gave you a pointed look. 
“What if it’s the truth?” You were so sick of crying. You sniffled and wiped your eyes. “They know each other so well. What do they need me for?” 
They didn’t.
That was your whole issue. They didn’t need you. Eris and Az could practically communicate without words. They moved around each other seamlessly. Eris knew exactly how Az liked his tea. Az knew to move papers closer to the inside of the desk when Eris was on a rant, his hands moving about as he talked. Eris knew when to make the spare room without even asking Azriel if he needed it. You tried to watch, to listen. Five years and you still weren’t in tune with them. 
Samira shuffled in her seat, drawing your attention back to her. 
“Eris wrote a letter to Tarquin. I got it while you were bathing. It wasn’t much, just him requesting to know if you were here and if so, that you get this.” She held up an envelope with his seal on it. “I wrote back that I would handle communication and you’d be staying the night.” 
She laid the letter on the table in front of you. Your chest ached, begging you to open it immediately. You shoved it down. 
Samira added, “I informed him that if you want to stay longer, I can’t make you leave. Tarquin has already agreed to allow you to stay as long as you need.”
“Thank you,” you whispered and stared back down at your tea again. 
“Sleep on it. You can have breakfast with us and decide what you want to do in the morning.”
You nodded. Sleep sounded nice now that the adrenaline of the evening had crashed. You drained the rest of your tea and bid Samira good night. You left the letter on the table. You’d read it in the morning. 
Eris poured himself the stiffest drink he’d had in decades. The shame and embarrassment of everything was still burning in his chest. He downed his drink in one swing and poured another. Both his mates were gone. He walked over to his desk where the correspondence with summer sat. Your friend had written back instead of Tarquin. He downed his second drink. 
To make things less complicated, I will be handling correspondence until this is resolved. Unless there is a threat to the court, I will not involve the high lord. I promise I will give her your letter in the morning. She was distraught when she arrived and I’ve just gotten her calmed. She’s currently bathing and I will get her some tea to help her sleep. 
There was a break in the letter and she added. 
She has yet to tell me what happened fully, but as her friend I am warning you both that you two better make this right. I will try to convince her to return in the morning, but she is a grown female. If she requests to stay, Tarquin has already told me she may. 
Eris tossed the letter back onto the desk. He doubted once you found out Az left too that you’d come home. It’s what he deserved. 
He was a fool to think he could do this- have two mates. To think he could be any better than his father. Three years mated to you and he still couldn’t control himself. Couldn’t toe the line between work and leisure. Fifteen mated to Az and he still spewed venom in his direction the moment he was cornered. And Eris finally got a taste of his own medicine when Azriel spewed it right back. 
With a heavy sigh, Eris pulled out more parchment and ink. There would not be a high lord summit- not with all of this happening. He’d draft the letters and send them in the morning. If he could sleep at all, with no one sharing his bed. He went and made a third drink. He opened his bonds and see if you or Az would respond. 
Still shut out. The urge to down that third drink was strong. He needed to be sober in the morning even if he didn’t want to be. 
Azriel flew until his emotions settled. Eris’s foul words rung in his ears still. ‘I wish Elain never told us’ he’d said. ‘Even the mother herself knew I wasn’t enough for you so she sent her.’ 
His eyes watered and it wasn’t from the wind in them. There was an ache in his chest- both bonds were shut out. He and Eris fought plenty, before and after they reconciled and the bond snapped. Somehow this was still the worst. He ignored his own words that spewed like venom in response to what Eris had said. 
Azriel was angry and hurt. He left- if he stayed any longer the whole Forest House may have been burned to the ground. He circled the border between Autumn and Winter. He couldn't go back, not tonight. He landed in a clearing, stretching out his wings before tucking them back in. He didn’t want to go to Valeris. He had one other option. His shadows seemed to agree, as they circled him and he winnowed. 
He landed outside the wards of Rosehall. The fae lights shown through the window. 
She is awake. a shadow whispered. 
He thought about turning back. He didn’t want to disturb his mother, to bother her with his problems. Yet his feet carried him forward, the wards rippling around him. He tucked his wings in tight and walked to the door. He didn‘t have to knock; the wards were designed to let only few in and to notify her when someone arrived. He could hear the rush of footsteps inside and braced himself as the door opened. 
“Azriel?” His mother answered the door, a navy shawl you made for her wrapped tight around her shoulders, sides shaped to accommodate her wings. “What has happened?”
”I had a fight with my mates.” He said quickly. “They’re fine; I just- I couldn’t stay.”
His mother brushed back loose hair to tuck it behind her ear. He realized her hair was half braided. She nodded, and stepped aside to let him in. 
“I’m sorry, I can go.”
”Nonsense, come in. I just made tea.”
His shadows swirled past him, one or two weaving around his mother. They always loved her; probably more than him if he was honest. He stepped through the frame and looked around. He had visited two weeks ago and already things had changed. His heart skipped, looking into the sitting room. Feyre had taken to decorating his mother’s house with portraits and paintings. The one above the fireplace was of him and his mother. It was a new one on the wall to the left that wasn’t there two weeks ago that made him stop in his tracks. It was of his mother, himself, you, and Eris. From your mating ceremony, based on the clothing and how close together you all were. 
“The High Lady spoils me,” his mother said from his right. “Says my house is too empty. You should see the garden painting she had mounted in the hall a few days ago. Come.” 
He felt her hand grab his own. He could only grip back loosely. He didn’t realize how cold his fingers had gotten from flying. If she noticed, she didn’t say. She led him to the kitchen where a kettle sat on the stove. He sat at the small table and watched almost numbly while she gathered cups and poured the tea. 
“Zemër, tell me what happened.” 
Az looked down at the cup as she sat it in front of him. He wrapped his hands around it, letting the warmth ease the stiffness in his hands. If he was home, Eris would do it for him. He pushed that thought away. He took a few sips, relishing in how the warmth flowed through his chest. His mother waited patiently across from him, braiding the rest of her hair for bed. 
“I said some things I shouldn’t have.” His shadows nudged him on the shoulder. “I made a promise and didn’t keep it.” She hummed and tied off her hair. His voice cracked a little when he added. “I don’t know if I can fix it.” 
There was a beat of silence and his mother took a sip of her tea. “Why do you think such a thing?” 
“Because she left!” He snapped. His mother flinched and shadows hissed at him for raising his voice. “I’m sorry. She left and he- we’ve been so busy and she asked for one dinner and neither of us went. Then she left. And Eris said things. So I said things back.”  
He hated that hot tears fell down his cheeks. And that his mother was looking at him with pity. She reached over and took his hand, holding it tightly in her own. 
“Words are painful weapons and you are the best warrior in all prythian.” That made Azriel snort and she smiled softly. “This is a fight. Not a war. You haven’t lost yet. They are your mates. You love them. If you haven’t given up your love for them, what makes you think they have so easily given up their love for you?” 
She had him there. He gave her hand a squeeze, a gesture of thanks. Then a shadow swirled up his arm quickly. 
We must go. He furrowed his brows. He walks to our balcony. We must stop him. We must go. Go. 
“Shit.” Azriel winced at himself. He hated cursing in front of his mother. “Mama, I have to go. Thank you. For the tea.” 
She watched him stand, not letting go of his hand. “Be careful, my love.” 
Despite the tugging of the shadows he gave his mother a kiss on the forehead. “I’ll see you in two weeks. I promise.” 
She nodded and he winnowed away. 
At some point, Eris wasn’t sure when; he grabbed the whole bottle instead of pouring himself a glass. He couldn’t sleep. Not alone, with his thoughts and past memories hovering around the edges of the bed. They we’re waiting in the dark to grip him when he was most vulnerable. So instead he drank. Drank to numb the emptiness like he used to in the days before. 
One minute he was in his chambers and the next he was stumbling up stairs. There were several balconies in the forest house but there was only one nearest to the roof. He built it for Azriel. It had no railings, just a place for him to take off when he went flying. Az swore he didn’t need it; but he still used it. In Eris’s mind, Az would use the balcony when he came back home.
Because he had to come home. You both had to come home. Eris didn’t think he could bear it if you didn’t. It took him a moment when he reached the door to focus enough to grab the handle. Gods, he hadn’t been this drunk since his youth. Pushing into the room, it was bare- save the single old couch, rug, and unlit fireplace. His gaze fixated on the double glass doors that led to the balcony. If he could just get out there, he could wait. 
“Where do you think you’re going?”
Eris nearly fell over, balance upended by Az’s voice behind him. He grabbed Eris by his shirt to pull him steady. Shadows that had been absent swirled in his vision, grazing his hair and neck as if checking him over. It took a moment for the world to stop spinning and his focus fixated on the male before him. 
“You came back,” Eris whispered. 
“Of course I did.” Azriel’s nose crinkled at Eris’ breath. “You're drunk.”
“Can’t sleep.” He felt his eyes water. He reached for Azriel’s shoulder but Az held him in place. “I’m sorry. I'm so sorry.” 
“Look at me,” Az’s hands were cold as they cradled Eris’ face, forcing him to look him in the eyes. “I’m sorry too.”
“Your hands are cold.” He muttered, his own reaching up to cover them. He wasn’t sober enough to focus his magic like he wanted to. 
“They are.” Az gave him a soft smile. “I’ll live.” 
Eris frowned. “Why did you come back?” 
To Azriel’s credit, he didn’t seem shocked at the question. 
“I came back because I love you.” And Azriel meant it. 
“But you said-“
“I said it’s not easy.” He paused for a moment. “It’s not easy but I choose you. I will always choose you. Because I love you.”
There was silence between them for a moment. 
“She’s not coming back.” 
Az grimaced. “Eris, it’s late. She’s safe in Summer and probably sleeping. Like we both should be.”
“But I need her here.” Eris could hardly bear it. He needed you back. He needed to apologize. “Can’t we go get her?” 
“So you want to start a war with Summer?” Az’s face was serious but there was a tilt in his voice. 
“You’re laughing at me.” Eris replied solemnly. 
“You’re drunk. It’s hard not to.” He sighed, his wings slumping and shadows buzzing about them. “Let’s go to bed and sleep this off.” 
Eris was silent but seemed to concede. Az guided him out the room and back to their chambers. He would have winnowed if Eris hadn’t been so inebriated. He really didn’t feel like cleaning up vomit. 
“You’re too good to me,” Eris muttered as they made their way down the hall. 
Az tightened his arm around him. “I could argue the same.”  
More silence passed. “Do you think she’ll come back?” 
Azriel didn’t reply. He could only hope. His shadows whispered as much as he helped Eris undress in their chamber and get him to bed. 
In Summer, you tossed and turned. The air was too warm even with the cool magical breeze that floated through the open windows. The bed was too small. Too empty. You finally cast a spell on your blanket and pillows, making them colder. How funny you’d gotten used to Autumn's colder climate.
The spell worked too well. You were suddenly too cold, too cold without Eris and Az’s body heat to keep you warm. Tears fell on your pillow. They were probably sleeping fine without you. Your mind went to the letter you left in the other room. You were too afraid to open it. They probably only wanted you home until after the High Lords’ meeting. Or maybe they never wanted you to come back. You pulled the blanket tight around yourself. Whatever the letter said could wait until morning. 
You sighed and tried to go to sleep. 
Part 3
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luimagines · 4 months ago
Wind Calls You Mom
Another commission!
They asked for Wind calling Reader mom and then gets embarrassed about it.
Content under the cut!
When you first started traveling with the boys, you thought you were about to jump off a cliff.
Don’t get it mixed up. You adore each and every one of them, but you were sure that their antics were going to make you go gray before thirty.
You had known that teenage boys were a pain even on the best of days. But you didn’t realize how quickly you would have been singled out as it was. And because they were all nasty, testosterone filled menaces, your poor nose was about to keel over and call it quits.
So! Much to your behest, you took it upon yourself (by gently bullying them) to be the one to actually keep them on top of their cleanliness and their hygiene because you refused to baby these nearly fully grown men. Honestly, you could have started crying by the stench alone if you had the misfortune of being down wind of them.
“Take a shower.” You held a hand up, shutting the poor boy down before he could say anything else.
“Oh come on!” Wind whines, dramatically pouting and throwing his hands by his sides. “It’s not even that bad-!”
“Because you’re the one living in it.” You press, keeping your hand up between you both. “Either go jump in the river or change your clothes- for goodness sake-!”
Wind turns to one of the other guys for support but they all collectively shrug. This isn't a battle they’re willing to fight. You’ve been quite adamant about it over the weeks you’ve traveled with them. Time in particular isn’t going to fight you on this and you know it.
Teenage boys smell the worst.
“Next town we go to I’m getting all of you some sort of odor neutralizer.” You grumble and turn back to cleaning your weapon. “It’s a miracle I haven’t dropped dead.”
Wind groans even louder. 
Hyrule snickers in the background. You turn and point a finger to him, fighting to keep a straight face as you speak again. “Don’t you start! You’re one of the worst offenders!”
“Who am I offending?” Hyrule puts a melodramatic hand to his chest.
“My nose!”
You stand, ready to fight the boy before Wind flops over, dragging you back down to your spot. He doesn’t actually smell that bad. If you think onions aren’t that smelly to begin with, that is. You don’t even know why he smells like onions. You didn’t even eat onions today!
“Wind! Get off! You smell!” You groan and try to push him off. He chooses violence and latches on instead. 
“I don’t want to now.” He pouts. “You’re being mean.”
“I am not!” You try to push him off again with more force. “Wind!”
“Wind.” Warrior comes to your rescue. “Come on. We have to do laundry anyway. We can clean your clothes and it’ll solve the issue.”
Wind rolls over, covering himself with dirt as he hits the ground. “You’re no fun.”
Warrior chuckles. “And you smell.”
“Warrior, you traitor.” Wind grumbles and gets up. His whole back is filthy and it makes you laugh.
“Hold on, Sailor.” You take a rag and brush him off. You turn him around and wipe the rouge dirt on his cheeks as well while you’re at it. “Honestly, it’s a miracle you’re not sick after all of this.”
Wind sticks his tongue out. “Whatever mom.”
You roll your eyes and put the rag away. When you look back at Wind, you see that his cheeks have gone pink and that his ears are pinned down. He suddenly refuses to meet your eyes. The change startles you. What happened? You bend a bit to look him in the eye. “Wind?”
“I’m going!” He turns on his heels away from you and dashes off to where you know Wild and Legend were doing the laundry.
You tilt your head in question. Strange. What came over him? You turn to Warrior with an eyebrow raised to sell your unvoiced question.
Warrior snickers and covers his mouth with his hand.
Well that doesn’t answer your silent question at all! What are you missing?! You level Warrior with an incredulous look. “What? What’s so funny, Mr. Chuckles?”
Warrior meets your gaze easily with a charming smile. The laughter in his eyes is borderline obnoxious. “Really? Did you miss what he said?”
“Wind?” You say for mere clarification. “I happened to be a bit preoccupied at the time if you missed it. Poor kid covered himself with nothing but dirt and didn’t even care. I’d hate for his clothes to stain.”
Warrior snickers even more but doesn’t comment on your words. “He called you mom.”
You pause. 
He did, didn’t he? Huh… You heard for sure, but it just seemed like the typical teenage response for someone who was being a bit bratty. You can recall the amount of times you’ve done that yourself on a friend or over doting well meaning acquaintance. Heck, even sometimes to your own mother. But that was usually less funny than if you did it with other people.
You had thought that Wind was being sarcastic and didn’t want to bother with acknowledging it. Some battles just aren’t worth it. And you knew it would have been well deserved anyway.
However his reaction wasn't what you thought it would be. He looked embarrassed and awkward. He hadn’t meant to call you that at all.
You know that your silence doesn’t read well while you’re thinking but if Warrior hadn’t pointed it out, you fear how long it would have taken you to figure it out.
You cough, feeling your own cheeks go a bit pink as the realization washes over you. “I see.”
“Do you?” Warrior smirks and crosses his arms. “No shame in it if I need to further spell it out for you.”
“You have something in your teeth.” You say instead.
Warrior perks up and instantly goes looking for the mirror shield.
You try to keep from laughing, wondering how or if you should bother bringing up Wind’s little slip of the tongue. He called you mom- he’s probably mortified. 
You rub your knuckles against your forehead. Ok. This can’t stand. You’ll talk to him. Maybe not immediately but you don’t want Wind to shrink into himself and lose his confidence.
You wait until after dinner.
Instead of waiting for the right moment to make your move, you decide to simply sit yourself next to Wind once the boys had gone around amusing themselves by the fire. The resident pirate was moments from joining in but your presence seems to have embarrassed him once more.
So he’s also still thinking of his little slip up.
You tilt your head, trying to appear nonchalant. “...Everything good, Wind? Did you like dinner?”
He nods. 
You wait for him  to say something but he struggles to meet your eyes even now. His cheeks go pink again and you’re forced to think of a solution on the fly. You told yourself you were trying to avoid this! This is not avoiding it!
“I’m sorry.” He says instead, rubbing the back of his neck. The poor boy finally turns his head to you. “I didn’t mean to call you that. It just came out.”
You sigh. Ok. He beat you to it. This is fine.
You sling your arm around his shoulders and ruffle his hair for the heck of it, trying to keep the energy casual. “Don’t worry about it. I didn’t even notice.”
Wind turns toward you with wide, almost hopeful eyes. “Really?”
You nod. “Granted, I heard it, but I thought you were being sarcastic at first. I didn’t see a problem with it until Warrior decided to make it a problem.”
“Warrior?” Wind tilts his head, looking over to where the Captain was losing a card game to Four. It’s not even a close game. Four is wiping the floor with him. “What did he do?”
“In his words, he spelled it out for me.” You grumble. “He was laughing that it went over my head so easily.”
“I hope Four wins that game.”
“Warrior always loses anyway.”
You chuckle and ruffle his hair again. “You ok? Feel better?”
Wind laughs a little bit but nods.
You also feel a bit better, but there’s one thing that you want to ask now that you’ve thought about it. “I don’t smother you boys, do I? I’m not that bad, am I?”
“No, you are.” Wind answers honestly. “...But it’s nice.”
“You think so?” You say, ignoring the mild sting of his blunt honesty.
Wind nods again. “I think… that having someone to keep us clean and someone to make sure we’re all taken care of is helping us a lot…” You watch him think for a moment longer. Wind bites his cheek. “It… actually would’ve been nice to have someone give me snacks when I was on my adventure.”
You smile. “Happy to help.”
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dyaz-stories · 11 months ago
you know my tongue is a weapon || gojo satoru x reader
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synopsis: Shoko suggests a study night, but Gojo's bored and he doesn't want to study. So, instead, he offers to play a game, when all the others have left to get some food: every time he gets an answer right, he gets a kiss.
As you soon find out, Gojo can be very good at studying, as long as he gets something out of it.
word count: 3.8k
genre: college!AU, mostly fluff i think
cw: kissing, making out, semi-public kissing, unresolved sexual tension, reader is insecure and is therefore an unreliable narrator, dry humping ig, fem reader (the word girl is used once)
a/n: first time writing for jujutsu and for gojo! any feedback is appreciated, and i hope you enjoy yourselves :)
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Exam season is never a fun time to be on campus. Stress fills the air, the hallways, the always full libraries, even the coffee shops where people usually meet to relax between two classes. It’s the only conversation subject between sleep-deprived students, looming over their head threateningly at any time of the day and night. It’s stifling, a weight on their chest that never quite wears off.
As for you, well, you’re doing alright.
Oh, for sure, it’s a lot of work, and you’re not thrilled about it by any stretch of the imagination, but academia is your thing, so you don’t find it nearly as crushing as others do. You’re more terrified of the time period that comes afterwards, while you’re waiting for the results like Judgement day.
In the meantime, you’ve given up on trying to find a spot to study in the library, and you’ve been doing most of it in your small student room. You haven’t stepped outside in days when Shoko texts you to suggest a study night. You suspect that she hasn’t started working and intends to cram, but you take her up on the offer nonetheless.
You show up at her place right on time — you always are — with your notes and some snacks. You wait quietly after knocking, trying to make sense of the chatter you hear on the other side of the door. She had mentioned she would ask a few other people if they wanted to join, which you had assumed would be fine, but faced with the reality of it now you can feel a lump growing in your throat. Academia might be easy for you, but people… aren’t.
When the door opens to reveal Gojo Satoru, piercing blue eyes meeting yours through white locks of hair that he pushes out of his face a second later, you fully consider turning around and leaving.
“You made it,” he says, shooting you a wide grin.
“Hi,” you squeak in reply.
Gojo is a… friend. Ish. Kinda. You think. Well, he’s a friend of Shoko’s, anyway, so the two of you have hung out, socially, before. Up until last summer, you assumed he didn’t even know your name.
“Thank God you’re here,” Shoko says, appearing from behind him to grab your hand. “No one here wants to work. We need to whip these imbeciles into shape or something.”
“I’m working,” Nanami sighs from the table in the living room, where he’s sitting alone.
“I was just waiting for everyone to be here, Shoko,” Geto says, his voice soft and even, as he approaches the table.
You set your bag down, giving Nanami an sympathetic smile, and he pushes his glasses higher on his nose. When he nods at you, you’re pretty sure it’s a silent way of saying ‘thank you for not leaving me alone with them’.
“What are you guys starting with?” you ask, pulling some books out of your bag.
Everyone here has different majors, but with some classes in common. You’re not sure how efficient this enterprise is going to be, if you’re completely honest, but as Gojo lets himself fall on a chair with a dramatic sigh, you suppose it can’t be worse than if he was left to his own devices.
“I’m doing literature, algebra and physics tonight!” Haibara announces, perhaps a tad too enthusiastic. You don’t want to crush his hopes and dreams, but—
“You’re never going to get through all that in one night,” Nanami says with a frown.
“Don’t listen to him”, Gojo intervenes, “you can do anything you set your mind to.”
There are stars in Haibara’s eyes when he looks at him, but you notice the glances Gojo is stealing at Nanami, and the way his smile widens when Nanami grits his teeth in annoyance. You bite your lip so you don’t let out a chuckle.
“Do you want to start with literature with me?” you offer. “Nanami, you’ll have to handle algebra because I’m not taking any algebra classes this semester.”
The corner of Nanami’s lips curves to form a smile.
“It’s good that someone here is taking this seriously.”
“Ugh,” Gojo mutters. “Fine. Hey, Suguru, do you know what tests I have next week?”
Nanami buries his head in his hands with a pained groan, and you laugh again, lump gone from your throat now, as you move your chair to come sit next to Haibara. Gojo’s eyes follow your movement silently. When you lean over the same textbook as Haibara, shoulders brushing against his as you push a lock of hair behind your ear, his expression turns thoughtful. It’s only when Geto drops a book in front of him that he snaps out of it.
“Are you sure you don’t want to do shots instead?” he asks, tone sour.
“Man, don’t tempt me,” Shoko whines as she sits down as well. “The shots will have to wait.”
Truly, Gojo thinks, sadder words have never been spoken.
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Nanami calls it quits right before 10 pm. He’s tried to leave a few times by then, usually because of one of Gojo’s quips, but Shoko’s managed to keep him around until then. It doesn’t help how delighted Gojo gets by his reactions, and you can’t blame him for abandoning you. You don’t doubt for a second that he would have been much more productive without everyone else around.
“If they pass their exams, we should give ourselves all the credit for that,” he comments at your intention, right before walking out the door. “Good luck with them.”
Then he’s gone, before Gojo can start to protest about why he is not getting any encouragements, even though he’s suffering so much, and everyone is mean, and nothing about this is fun, and—
Haibara, despite his best intentions, falls asleep on the couch less than thirty minutes later. It was just supposed to be quick nap, but by midnight he’s still down, and you can’t bring yourself to wake him up. Plus it’s not like you were making a lot of progress with him anyway, so he just might be better off sleeping.
It’s not long after that that Shoko starts to get real antsy. So far, she has kept on track despite Gojo’s attempts at distracting her, but you can tell she is starting to get incredibly bored. Somehow, that doesn’t seem to be Gojo’s case, even if the way his leg bounces underneath his chair tells you he’s itching to do anything other than sit here doing nothing.
“Fuck it,” Shoko says, finally giving up. “I’m going to get something to eat.”
Geto frowns.
“Now? Alone?”
“As if anything would happen to her,” Gojo says, spinning a pen between his fingers. “She’ll be the scariest person out there.”
Geto rolls his eyes.
“I’ll come with you,” he tells Shoko, and she shrugs. “Do you want to come too, Satoru?”
Gojo lets himself fall down on his chair, looking at Geto with his head hanging behind the back of the chair.
“Nah,” he says after a few seconds of intense deliberation. “Can’t abandon the teacher here.”
You feel your face heating up.
“Oh, I mean, I’m sure I’ll be fine. If you want to go, you should—”
“It’s fine,” he handwaves your protests away. “I’ll finally get some work done without Shoko here to constantly distract me with—”
He bursts out laughing when Shoko throws her pen at him.
“We’ll be right back,” she announces, standing up. “You,” she points at Gojo, “play nice. And you,” she gives you a severe look, “don’t hesitate to hit him. I’m not joking.”
She leaves the room, escorted by Geto. Haibara doesn’t even stir when the door slams.
“Alright,” Gojo says, not wasting a second to reach for your chair so he can pull you closer to him, “it’s my turn to get my own personal tutor.” His fingers brush against your leg as he pulls you in, and you know, from how his eyes seem to drink in everything about you, that he doesn’t miss your quiet gasp nor the way your breath quickens. You’ve noticed this before, too. If he likes annoying Nanami, he seems to delight in your reactions at least as much — though he tries to make you laugh or to fluster you rather than piss you off.
“Um,” you say, with the eloquence that characterizes you around him, “what do you need help with?”
He tilts his head to the side as he studies you. You find him breathtaking, you always do, but you think you’ve gotten better at hiding it, so even if it feels like he’s looking right into your soul, you give him an easy smile.
Somehow, he is the one who ends up averting his eyes.
“How about philosophy?”
Right, the two of you share that one class on the history of ideas.
“Sure,” you say, already grabbing a book and thumbing through it. “I’ve taken quite a few notes for that class, actually, I can give them to you if you—”
“That’s boring,” he interrupts you. “We should do something else.”
You put down your book, intrigued, and something twists in your stomach when you see the look he’s giving you. He’s like a cat with a mouse, with exactly the same hunger in his eyes.
“What—” you clear your throat when your voice cracks. “What are you suggesting?”
“Well,” he leans forward, resting his elbow on the table and putting his chin in his palm, “I need an incentive to work, you know?”
You swallow. Sure.
“So how ‘bout I get a kiss for every right answer I give you?”
And you almost choke on air.
“What?” you manage to croak. Blood is rushing to your face, and it feels like your brain is short-circuiting. Your heart’s beating faster, hammering in your chest, and you feel your palms grow sweaty.
“C’mon,” he teases, reaching out to pull on a lock of your hair and twirl it around his finger, and you know, you know, he knows he’s got you right where he wants to, “help me study.”
“Satoru,” he all but purrs.
“Satoru,” you say, “what are you doing?”
“What do you mean?” he blinks innocently. “Just trying to find a fun way to study.”
You examine him carefully, try to figure out what, exactly, is going on behind these beautiful eyes of his. You’ve had— moments, with him. He fell asleep on your shoulder in the car once. He held your hand through a busy festival, teasing you about not wanting you to get lost, and later helped you get on his shoulders so you’d get a better view of the stage. The one time you agreed to accompany Shoko to the club, you remember his hands on your hips, his breath against your ear, the ghost of his lips to your neck. But nothing actually happened between the two of you. You’d told yourself that it was all a distraction for him, that he didn’t want more.
This isn’t exactly confirmation. You don’t doubt that it’s all in good fun still, and knowing you, and how hard you tend to fall, you should walk away while you have the chance.
But you really, really want to kiss him. Want to know what it would feel like to taste his lips, to have his body pressed against yours, to feel his hands all over you.
You always take the smart decision. This is not the smart decision. But…
“What if you get it wrong?” you ask.
Satoru blinks.
“You can, uh, spray me with a water bottle?”
You let out a brief laugh.
“Isn’t that a dog thing? That feels unethical, Satoru.”
He preens at your use of his name.
“You should take your chance,” he drawls. “Shoko says it’s really cathartic.”
You’re not sure you need catharsis, but you feel a little lighter now. It’s all a joke to him, clearly, and from what you’ve seen in the past couple of hours, he hasn’t seriously studied once. He’s not going to get the answers right. You don’t think he’s even trying to.
“Fine,” you say with a playful roll of your eyes, reaching out for a water bottle and positioning your chair so you’re facing him. “Who came up with the notion of civil disobed—"
“Thoreau, 1848, but the essay was republished with that name in 1866.”
You stare. Gojo gives you a lazy smile.
“Now where’s my kiss?”
“Um,” you say. You feel incredibly awkward now. He’s leaning back against his chair, with eyes that have not left you once since he’s suggested that idea. You— have to move, now, don’t you?
Very slowly, very hesitantly, you push yourself to your feet. Satoru doesn’t move at all, and you don’t know if it relieves you or stresses you out even more. The position is quite uncomfortable, too, with you standing and him sitting down. You don’t know that you’ve ever towered over him like that. Gingerly, you put a hand on his shoulder, and then you’re leaning over him, and then you’re kissing him, and then you’re moving away as fast as you can. This was just a peck, really, a press of your lips to his that lasted a second, tops, and that you’re already trying to forget about.
You’re not a teenager anymore, and you know this shouldn’t be getting to you that much, but it’s— it’s Satoru Gojo. You’ve worked very, very hard not to think of him like that, because you didn’t want to let yourself get hurt. And now, you’ve let yourself be dragged into this so easily? Ugh. You wish you could slap yourself.
“Okay,” you say, voice more high-pitched than you’d like, but still understandable, which you’re grateful for. “Next, um, can you explain what philosopher kings are?”
“Of course,” Satoru pretty much sing-songs. “Plato thought that cities should be ruled by trained philosophers, because only a philosopher would know and act for the good of a city.” There’s a brief pause, before he adds, “Aristotle thought that was bullshit, though. For the record.”
And then he waits. You narrow your eyes at him.
“When did you study for that?”
“I never study,” he answers lightly.
Instead of standing up this time, you scoot your chair closer to him, and you lean forward. Satoru chuckles, but humors you — even if the temptation of leaning further back to make you come to him, because you’re just adorable when you’re flustered, is great. This time, when you kiss him, though, he presses forward before you can move away, his nose brushing against your cheek as he chases after you. And oh, what a sight you are after that, wide eyed, lips parted, hands tightening on your notes.
“Next?” he asks.
“Right,” you say. You’re— not sure what’s happening here, to be quite honest. Should you stop this? You— don’t think you want to, but you’re also not sure what this charade is all about. “Um. Spinoza thought that free will—”
“—could only be reached through knowledge, and that most people never obtained it.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be a physics major?”
He raises an eyebrow, looking genuinely amused.
“Determinism’s a pretty big deal in science, actually, but let’s not change the subject here.”
You bite your lower lip, and his eyes track the movement like he’s starving for you.
You’re feeling hot all over, anticipation burning inside of you, and this time, you can’t pretend that he hasn’t done this on purpose. That he wanted to kiss you. You can’t quite reconcile the way you see yourself with that thought — how could Gojo Satoru want you, of all people? — but you find that it doesn’t matter.
You lean towards him once more, and this time, you let yourself kiss him. Really kiss him. You press your lips to his, soft at first, but when you don’t move away immediately, you feel him pressing against you, one hand coming to cup your cheek. His teeth pull at your bottom lip, and you let out a involuntary gasp. He doesn’t waste the opportunity to slide his tongue inside your mouth, and you keep inching closer to him, hands coming to his shoulders for support. You can feel yourself melt into him, and you curse your common sense when it leads you to break away from the kiss.
It doesn’t deter Satoru, though, because as you do, his hand slides under your knee, and next thing you know, he’s pulled you into his lap. His face is deliciously flushed, pink hue under the pale skin. He looks up at you, long fingers tightening around your thighs.
“We should waste less time like that,” he says.
Shoko likes to say he’s insufferable, and you can see why. Everything all seems to come so easy to him, and you’re defenseless against the way your heart races. When his eyes are on you, it feels like you’re the only person in the world. You’re not usually the type to indulge in that idea, but, ah, what’s the harm, as long as you know how to come back to earth later on?
You shake your head as you take him in.
“How are you even doing that?” you ask, mildly peeved.
“Haven’t you heard?” he grins widely. “I’m a genius.”
You roll your eyes at him. You’ve heard about that, of course, about how he maintains stellar grades without breaking a sweat. You just hadn’t seen that in application until now. In class, he’s usually asleep, or taking great joy in bothering the teacher. You’ve never seen him try to get something.
“Well, where’s my question?”
You sigh, putting your arms around his neck. You left your notes on the table, meaning that you might be less prepared than he is, actually.
“Descartes famously said—”
“Cogito ergo sum. C’mon, rational doubt is at the heart of science. I’m starting to think you’re just trying to kiss me.”
You do want to kiss him, but you have the self-control to shrug.
“Well, if you don’t want to—”
His mouth is on yours before you can think of how to end that sentence. He kisses you hungrily, hands gripping your hips as he tries to pulls you closer to him. Your chest presses into his, and you tighten your hold around him, fingers running through his hair. He grunts when you pull on it slightly, tilts his head back a little more to give you better access to his mouth, and when his tongue brushes against yours once more, you can’t help but to rock your hips against his. The friction makes you gasp into his mouth, and one of your hands falls down to his shoulder, fisting his shirt as you try to find better support.
“Fuck,“ you hear him mumble underneath you, right as you feel him grow hard. He pushes up against you. His fingers dig into your skin, one hand slipping under your shirt to run over your skin, leaving a trail of fire behind. It moves higher, brushing against your bra.
Against your better judgement, your hands travel down his body, tracing over his muscles. You feel him twitch under you, and when you roll your hips once more, with much more intent than the first time, he groans.
“Satoru,” you whisper, though even you don’t know if it’s a plea for him to stop or to keep going.
His eyes widen, and you feel him lift you up easily, pushing you onto the table. You lean back slightly, resting your weight on one hand. He’s red all over now, from his ears to his neck. His pupils are wide, his lips swollen, his hair messy. He looks like sin.
You don’t want to think about what you look like.
“C’mon,” he says. “Last question.”
“Haibara’s in the living room,” you point out. Even you know where this is leading.
“He’s dead asleep,” he merely shrugs. He’s mesmerizing, but you note that the glimmer of amusement that always dances in his eyes. This feels— serious.
“Um,” you say, licking your lips and watching how he bites his as his grip on your waist tightens once more — like he’s holding himself back. “Confucius—”
And then, the front door opens.
Gojo clicks his tongue and reluctantly steps back as you jump down from the table, beelining for the bathroom — you know that kiss is written all over your face.
You glare at yourself in the mirror. Your body’s still tingling, and you’re aching with want, now that release has been denied to you, but you know better. You’re supposed to know better. You take a few seconds to comb through your hair with your hands, and when it no longer looks like someone’s, well, kissed you senseless, you cautiously step back outside.
“We got you some fuel,” Shoko announces loudly, before getting shushes by Geto. He points in Haibara’s direction, who’s started snoring slightly.
“Thank you so much,” you say sweetly. “I’ll— Why are you wet?”
Gojo deadpans as he looks at you but, well, there’s water dripping from his hair, down his chin, and onto the shirt your hands were fisted in just a few minutes earlier, so, you think the question is valid.
“He was splashing water on his face when we got here,” Geto supplies helpfully. “Gojo runs hot.”
“And now it’s all over my floor,” Shoko mutters. “Next time, just wait ‘til the bathroom’s free, huh?”
Gojo looks like he has something to say just on the tip of his tongue, but he glances at you and seems to swallow it back.
“If anything, I made it cleaner,” he proclaims, leaning back on his chair. “Shoko, how long has it been since you cleaned in here? We really need to find you a partner who’s willing to do that stuff, otherwise you’ll keep living in fil—”
Shoko’s pencil case lands right in the middle of his face.
“You absolute brat,” she spits out, “I can’t believe you’d have the nerve to tell me something like that when you rely exclusively on Geto to—”
The bickering continues, but you tune it out. Under the table, Satoru’s knee brushes against yours. It’s almost hesitant at first, before he leans his leg against yours, when he realizes you’re not moving away. This isn’t the smart choice, either, but, ah, you’re always, always the smart girl. Is it so bad to have a night of fun? Is it so bad that you want to know what it would feel like to have him, even if it’s just once?
He’ll break your heart, the voice of reason says in the back of your mind, but then Satoru looks back at you, checking to see if you’re laughing at how he’s making fun of Shoko and, well.
You think you’ll let him.
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Any and all feedback in the form of asks, reblogs, comments, tags is highly encouraged and appreciated~ If you enjoy my work, interactions are what keep me writing and motivated!
I haven't written anything in months and I think it shows but, well, I have to restart somewhere lol, so I hope it was still fun for you and you enjoyed yourselves here for a little while. Thank you for reading <3
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justporo · 1 year ago
Opening chests - A guide by Astarion Ancunín
As someone who's been merely seen as a body to use in the worst kind of ways, Astarion enjoys being needed for just about anything else.
You first noticed this when the rest of the party struggled to open a promising looking treasure chest which you all hoped would contain some direly needed riches - or at least something to make for a good dinner.
You were just about to step in and offer your expertise when Astarion made an entrance.
“By all the gods above and below! You bunch call yourself adventurers and can't even pick a simple lock such as this?” he exclaimed as he strode over with a swagger and a viciously teasing smirk. Gale moaned. He knew just like any of the others that Astarion was about to be insufferable when he put on a tone like this - more insufferable than usual that means.
“All these books and not a single one to be useful, just as always? Am I right - oh great Gale of Waterdeep?” the vampire barked back at the wizard's annoyed reaction.
Gale just pressed his mouth into a thin line, not willing to hand his pale companion more opportunities for snide remarks.
“I could always smash it with my axe,” Karlach chimed in and immediately grabbed for her martial weapon and took an enthusiastic step towards the chest.
Astarion threw out his arms to hold her off: “NO!” The tiefling just shrugged and casually hammered her weapon into the ground and leaned against it - an impressive show of her strength.
“My dear Karlach,” Astarion began “your uhm… enthusiasm is deeply appreciated.” (The sarcasm in his voice told another story. But Karlach still beamed at him) “But stuff like this is in need of a little more finesse,” the rogue finished and wiggled his long fingers.
You watched all of this as you crossed your arms over your chest. The lock really wasn't that big of a challenge. You could have probably done it in the middle of the night, with no light source and drunk out of your mind. But Astarion was keen to make a show of it seemed - and by now you were too interested to watch it play out as your less roguish companions watched.
Astarion produced his thieves tools out of his pocket with an artful flip and a wink he aimed specifically at you. You grinned at him. Despite his sometimes goofy or weird mannerisms and the cheesy lines he dropped on about everyone ( but especially on you), you couldn't helped but to be charmed by the vampire.
Astarion made to get to work.
“Now watch,” he exclaimed cheerfully “and take some notes,” he finished dryly with a pointed look at Gale who just threw his hands in the air at another unneeded jab towards him.
It was merely the blink of an eye and suddenly the lock made an very audible a click and fell to the dusty ground.
Astarion jumped up again almost as quickly as he had kneeled down in front of the chest. “Hah!” he exclaimed, twirled around to the party and made an obnoxiously gracious bow.
Karlach clapped, honestly impressed.
You just smirked.
Shadowheart rolled her eyes.
Gale immediately went to open the chest and- “It's empty,” he declared. “What a grand treasure you have revealed to us, oh great Astarion of Know-it-all,” the wizard spat. “It was all for nothing.”
The glance the vampire threw at Gale couldn't have been more sharp had he used his dagger on the wizard. “You all got a great learning opportunity. You should be grateful!” Astarion answered and pursed his lips
“Learned what exactly, Astarion? We could see nothing,” Wyll commented dryly, earning another dagger glance.
Astarion clicked his tongue and strode off as the others seemed to have lost interest in the damned chest now that it had proven worthless.
“Don't come to me again then, crying for help,” the vampire snarled as he walked off, shoulders slumped a little. There might have been just the tiniest tinge of hurt in his voice.
“No one asked him,” Gale muttered. But now he earned sharp looks from the others too.
“What?” the wizard asked offendedly looking around the others.
“Every once in a while even a Know-it-all like Astarion deserves a little praise,” you said as you looked after the vampire. “The next time he opens a lock up for you, you better give him a little pat on the back. We all should, actually,” you closed and then went to go after Astarion.
The others muttered in quiet agreement.
And in fact, from there on out, Astarion became the designated lock picker of the party. And you were happy every time you saw Astarion's ruby eyes sparkle a little with pride when you asked for his help.
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mehiwilldoitlater · 4 months ago
Another Request ~
Macaque falls in love with Y/N? Maybe. It'd definitely be one-sided for sure.
Sorry, I'm just a sucker for the guy. Also, one-sided love is so fun to read. Loved the last request you answered psycho Macaque for the win.
- Phoenixeclipse-Lmkau 🩷
In front of him, two pieces of fabric. He pondered deeply, massaging his chin. Deep in his thoughts.
"Um, yes...yes, I see..." He esclaimed before throwing the two samples in the air. "They're the same color! I'm regretting helping you, Y/N!"
You laughed, putting on the small tablet the other samples of silk that the third and fifth sisters had brought for your dress. He collapsed on his back, in desperation, while you reached him, kneeling near him.
"I told you that it was a dirty job."
"Yeah, yeah, I know...butbi really wanted to help! As a future husband, it is my duty! And...for other reasons!"
"Other reasons?" You lay next to him, allowing him to take you in his arms, hugging you for comfort.
"Well, I can't see you in your dress, but I can imagine you!"
"Aaaw, aren't you the romantic one?" You said kissing his nose, which he enjoyed—maybe too much.
He guided you to his lips, depending on the kiss, trying to avoid tò becoming too aggressive and still taking the best from it.
"Oh gods," he gasped, his face contorted in a painful expression. "I regret this too!"
"Aaaw, baby, you wanted to keep your hands on yourself until the wedding night! Your words are not mine." You said with a mischievous grin on your face. He had to bite his tongue, avoiding Just screw everything up.
"Not the best idea of mine..."
"It was romantic! A lot to be fair."
"Yeah, and you're a walking temptation,he sighed in defeat. You had already shared your bed, to use others words, but the fact that he knew how good you were for him and putting some stakes made everything just so hard. He had urges, and so do you.
"Well," you continued caressing his chest. "We said nothing about kisUMPF!" And he didn't give you the chance to continue. 
You stayed like there, enjoying each other in that small moment, well knowing that the line between a kiss and a falling into your desire was thin like hair.
A series of giggles and shush woke you up from the trance, which made you both remember that you were technically in an area full of other mobkeys instead of your shared house.
"Just in time, uh?"
"Yup!" You said standing up, reaching the door.
"AH AH! Brother, get a room, please!"
"So scandalous!"
"As your king, I demand respect!"
The group of monkeys Just started at him, expecting them to show respect?! Yeah, sure, believed that!
Míngzé, one of the more composed ones, and the one that had opened the door, with some awkwardness, had stepped inside.
"There's someone who said he knew you, brother." He asked for you and Lady Y/N."
"Someone?" He said sitting up.
"He's a brother from afar!"
"Must be Shen!" You said with a joyful voice, "Maybe he had finally decided to come visit!"
"In that case, let's not make wait the forefather!" Yuán Fèn made a Jumo on his feet, causing some laughter from his younger siblings while others ran away to go back to their duties. The day couldn't go wrong!
"Hello darling..."
A white furr as snow, a pair of glowing yellow eyes, emphasized by a deep black sclera, and six ears that heard your heart stop beating, in your chest.
He just smiled; it seemed an innocent, kind one, but you were sure that inside he knew that you were struggling to not just run away from him. He feaked ignorance; he was good at lying.
Yuán Fèn held you so close that you could feel his heartbeat racing, his breath getting heavy, and his eyes literally digging daggers in the other monkey.
"Look at you! You're radiant, you know that? Honestly, you're looking like AGH!" The Macaque was able to stop the sudden attack of his counterpart just because he had his weapon ready, just in case.
"What are you doing here?!" Yuán Fèn was gnashing towards him; the other monkeys were now screaming and mimicking his own action, ready to throw rocks and whatever kind of weapon was in their hands. The other one smiled, amused by the fact that he could still pull some stringer on you and him.
"Can't a monkey try to get in touch with his kind?!"
"Your kind?! AH! We have nothing to do with you!"
"Still salty for what I did? You almost kill me; I should lash out at you." He huffed, husing his tail to get free from the stalemate.
"I'm not here to cause troubles."
"Do you think I believe you?! After what you've done?!"
"Well, no, but I guessed that two kind ones like you would hear my pleas." He looked at you; he seemed to be mocking the fact that you were renowned to be a kind soul around these parts. You wanted just to get smaller and smaller, trying to disappear from his sight. Yuán Fèn had already blocked his eyes on you, putting himself in front of him.
"She's the kind one; I would love to smash your head."
More than a threat, the macaque rollers his eyes bored by the other monkey's hyper-portective behavior. Seriously, couldn't he just move in and forget that he tried to kill him, take his place, and almost amputate your leg? What a bommer.
"Listen, "he sighed," as much as I would love to kick your ass again."
"Yes, of course. Dream on."
"Thank you; I'm really here without malevolent intent! I...Need your help." By saying that, he gestured both of you.
You widened your eyes: he needed your what?!
Yuán fèn face contorted in a growling expression; he didn't buy it a single word, the Macaque was saying, and nobody wanted to hear his stupid plea of help. A small revenge for what he had done before...
The Macaque understood that the two of you weren't convinced, so he tried more.
"I've nowhere to go. As far as I know, the Celestial Realm never saw monkeys in a good way, and those old Bián huá survivors aren't the most nice with our kind. And, since it's clear I'll never regain my full power, at least I wanted to plead for asylum."
Yuán Fèn emitted an outraged scoff. How dare he ask for asylum?! Especially after what he had done! He went to you, moving away to discuss the matter, even if, for him, nothing was to debate.
"I'll make him leave. Just give me a few minutes, okay?"
You looked at him...then to the ground, biting your cheeks.
"...OOOOH no!" He crossed his arms. "You can't really consider him staying here!"
"Yeah, but...think about it! If he's here, we can control him, and he can have a home! Is a win-win!"
"I don't want a win-win; I want me to win and him to leave!" The monkey was exasperated by your suggestion. You sighed, massaging your temples.
"I want him around as much as you, but... leaving him dying out there won't make us different from him."
"...so you're basically telling me to be the bigger person?"
"Basically, yes."
He groaned in defeat. You were right, he had to be a good king, and even Wukong would prefer to be on good terms with that monster.
And, since now he knew that he was not a dead corpse rotting somewhere, he couldn't just let him run off like he was nothing. Again, you were right: keeping him near you both was a good way to monitor him.
"How much I wish to be the small one..."" he turned toward the macaque, suppressing the urge to smack away that smirk of his face.
"You can stay."
"Aaaw, brother, I know you-"
"Do not, Brother, me! I haven't finished!" He pointed the iron rod toward him. "If I even heard, no, sniff, that you're planning something, I'll erase the memory of you from this world. Am I clear?!"
His smirk disappeared from his face, sending the seriousness in the other tone.
You were so regretting it, and you and no one to blame but yourself. You were too arrogant to believe that you could stand even in the same place as him, and it was clear to everyone that this thing was stressing you out.
"Big sister, are you there?"
You looked at the small monkey, confused on why you were cleaning that pearl for five minutes straight.
"You look worried... Is that creepy guy again??!"
When the small one started to greet her teeth like a small piranha, you were already in awe at how such a small cutie pie like that could become such a menace to the world.
Well, all the monkeys were cute until someone of their own felt threatened or there was a danger around. Which, to your prospective, were now both on the plate right now.
"Nooo, no, no! Please no more grrr and no more rawr here! I Just Need...some peace, that all."
Thing that was true, again, you were in a mental mess since you both decided to let that psycho stay at Mount Huaguo. You couldn't focus correctly, and the few times that you had to breath was when you had to visit the Spider sister to talk about the wedding and everything.
Every day was another fight. Despite you both letting the macaque stay, Yuán Fèn had always shown nothing but animosity towards the other male, and this had been murrored by the other monkeys. 
Even if he was supposed to work alongside others, the same monkeys had tried to attack him or push him away. During the meals, he was forced to go and eat away from the group, and even the night he had to sleep somewhere else.
You stayed silent, observing the flowers and the flowers around you.
"Say, why don't you bring me one of these snacks that I like? ...We can share!"
The promise of free food made the monkey dart from her spot to the door in a second, disappearing in a few screams and laughter.
You too laughed with yourself, giving you the chance to calm lady down and relax in the silence. Who knows, a good action could have led to such successful events? Well, it was better to not think about it at the moment...
You were almost there, ready to fall in a small nap, when you sensed the light of the sun from the window was clouded by something. You didn't think about it at that moment...
"Slacking of work, uh?"
You gasped and rose up immediately, looking at the window. His white tail moved slowly in waves, his chin on his hands, looking at you with some half-open eyes.
You jumped on your own two feet, pointing one of the many hairpins at him as a makeshift weapon.
"What are you doing here?!"
"I'm enjoying the view, of course!" He used that cheerful tone, reminding you of the day that he almost made you list a leg. He snickered, lowering down the hairpin with his tail.
"Relax, I'm not here to make a mess...for now."
You rolled your eyes, forced now to go back to the jewelry instead to relax like you were doing a few minutes before.
"Those are a lot of treasures here," he said, getting down from the window and taking one of the gens with his foot. "Have you decided to steal someone?"
"They are garmet for my wedding robe. Friends had sent too much of these, and now I had to decide which one I wanted."
"Wedding,?!" He threw away the gen that you caught before he could break it. "And since when did monkey get married?!"
"Since," you said, start to save everything from his grasp," me and Yuán Fèn are pretty much very in love, and since it's something nice to be done."
"OOOOH, so you coerced the poor king?"
"I didn't coerce him!" You said offended." He proposed, and I accepted! ...like you could understand..."
Why he had to put his nose in your business?! He was lucky that it was you around and not your fiancé since he was already One step closer to smashing his skull.
"And by the way," you said, fixing on yourself another pair of earrings. "Why are you here? Aren't you suppose to work?"
"Well, I did have the intention to help around, but," he said, sitting on the edge of the window, "your future husband's little servants didn't enjoy my presence...so I left them."
"Wait, wait," you started to face him, a little more concerned than before. "They told you that?"
"Not exactly the same words, but gritty teeth and snarls are quite explanatory themselves."
So it wasn't just about the food and sleep, even in the working hours...you started to scratch your arm, nervous from this revelation. A part of you wanted him to suffer, yes, but another knows that this was too much.
Despite their mimicking of normal human lives, monkeys were still monkeys. He was a stranger—one that once had even hurt you and their leader. If you two felt unsafe, the entire group needed to intervene, and even if you did accept him, more for pity than for anything else, you still felt uneasy around him, and they were acting for you.
"Maybe I could...try to talk to them?"
He arched his head, now looking at you with a curious glim in his eyes.
"I mean, to let you help. So they'll gonna Let you work and won't make a fuss about it."
He stayed silent after your suggestion. Then he started to giggle, then chuckled, until he just erupted in a big laugh.
"You...want...you want to...oh oh! This is hilarious! You think that they will listen?!"
"Yes, they will!" You responded with an offended tone in your voice.
He calmed his laugh and took a step closer to you. This time, you didn't flitch.
"Darling...Y/N...honey, this is not a human village...and the monkey king servants hates me more than everyone else does!...but it's not all bad."
"Ah!" Now this was your time to laugh, feeling more irritated with those nicknames. "Pray to tell?"
"Firstly," he started with his finger, "I can do what I want, and no one cares what I do until I do something bad. And second..."
He paused, looking at your figure. Your foot was tapping on the ground, your eyes were thinging, and your face was in an annoyed glare. He stopped more closer; only now you noticed the vicinity, which made you uncomfortable. His finger touched your face, giving you a small buffet on your cheek. 
"If I'm busy working, I can't mess with you."
You gulped; all your bravado left your body. 
He enjoyed that view, seeing you all a mess. After trying to sound so strong. He could really look at that forever...until a small monkey started to throw at him snacks that you like.
"You want WHAT?!" You covered your ears, while Yuán Fèn had literally thrown away the apples that he started to pick.
You had to avoid the fruits too, but you never lost sight of your husband.
"It's just letting him work! It's not such a bad option!"
"I would love to help you, Y/n, but you can't ask the others to accept him!"
"But why?!"
"Because," he jumped down the tree, cleaning one of the fruits that he had picked and gave it to you. "Monkeys don't work well with threats."
"I'm not saying that you have to threatened them!" You have a bite of the fruit. "I'm just saying that they need to learn how to cooperate!"
He hummed, thinking about your idea. He knew how kind you could be—too much for your own good, but he had to admit that you were right on your own part.
"So... less he stays around, less he's going to do evil staff?"
"More or less, yes!"
He hummed again, clearly reconsidering your idea. And, by the way, he needed to work around the colony, or he would be Just a freeloader... A freeloader with an evil plan. And, since all of this happened when he couldn't come to kick his butt After touching you, it seemed like a pretty good option on his part.
The next day, with your satisfaction, you heard about the Macaque being part of the team that was supposed to take care of the vegetables, and, with the same satisfied smile, you decided to go and take a look.
You founded him there, taking care of the snails and the small parasites against some lettuces—clearly not a job for someone that wanted to take the place of Sun Wukong.
"Enjoying your work day?" You chirped happily, and the monkey looked at you with an annoyed glare. How the table turns...
"I would prefer," he putted a snail in the bucket, "to have a more... less parasitic job."
"Ooh, don't be such a baby! You're doing great!" You laugh while the monkey just sighed while fighting another snail.
As every night, he took what he needed and left the area where everybody was supposed to eat. 
"Hey," you looked at Yuán Fèn. "Where he's going?" He looked at the monkey, following your finger, chewing a small piece of rise bun.
"I guess he's going to eat alone."
"Alone? Why?"
"I don't think the others are feeling that safe to have him around."
You looked at the macaque, eating alone under a tree—not so far but not that near to track attention. You felt again that sensation in your chest, the pressing feeling... and you were getting the name of it.
You felt guilty.
He gave a small sip of his soup when he noticed the movement of a skirt, the smell of meat near him, and a not-so-stranger perfume.
"Your fiancé is going to kill me."
"Maybe, but I'll spend eternity with him. One lunch with you, what could happen?"
He looked at you between his eyelids, hiding between them and the small spoon. How curious you were with that strange attitude of yours. Firstly, you were ready to smack him with a broom. Now you were there, eating your dinner all nice and cozy, with no trace of fear of his past actions. Well, maybe there was still some fear, but maybe you started to grow out of it?
And, while the two of you were eating in silence, you didn't notice the approaching of three young monkeys. Those were some teens, and by the looks of them, they were training in the martial arts. They sat a few meters away, looking at the two of you, sharing looks and talking between themselves. You noticed them and felt a rush of nervousness.
"Calm down," the macaque spoke. They just want to talk to me."
"Oh! And how do you know?" He just trapped one of his six ears, making you remember that he had an amazing gift there. You looked at the small group back again, then called for them.
"Come closer! He doesn't bite!" He begged to differ.
The three monkeys didn't lose that chance to get closer to eat alongside you and pester with question one of the few that put their future king down. It was a peaceful night, even if all of you were under the not so pleased eyes of your lover. 
Days start to pass, and with the change of the sky, even the Macaque had to noticed some changes in him.
Before, he was feared, hated, left behind, and mistrusted. Now he has to look at three teenage monkeys that want to become stronger and that want to learn something different. He has duties around the colony, and a few ask him for his consulence. He wasn't always welcome, but he was tolerated by the others—all because of little you.
You with that almost bothersome optimistic nature, you with that annoying way to look at everyone and try to see equality, you with that kindness that had made enemies trust you.
You feared him; he hurt you. When did you stop feared him and felt sympathy?
Oh, wait, he knows when... that time at the river...
"Now, be honest with me." You said, posing down the scroll full of names and invitations.
"Why were you trying to steal the relics? I got the all-powerful being thing, but it was just that? Nothing less?"
He darted his eyes from his disciples to you, cursing your curiosity and your ability to read between lines. He sighed, shifting his weight from one leg to another.
"What am I to you?"
"An edgy monkey."
"Not that, i mean regarding the story."
You moved your head, trying to understand his words. What you knew was that he was some kind of evil monkey that wanted to take his place during the journey, but their motivations or his reasons never were explained at all. By the time you needed to find the reason, he understood about your confusion. 
"I guessed, back there, "he finally spoke," that if I was able to get the sutras, everyone would have finally acknowledged me. What I didn't understand back there was that Sun Wukong was behind this... and I was supposed to be just his copy forever."
His silence struck you, but not as much as his words. So that was it? He wanted to exist as himself... Despite the senplicity, for someone that was bound to be Just Sun Wukong, the evil twin It was... A lot 
That's why he wanted the relics; with those he would have been able to exist. To you, it felt simple yet so complicated.
"I do believe you exist."
He turned around, looking at you. Your face was adorned with that gentile smile that had bound many before him.
"I don't think you need the relics for this, but, as much as it could matter, I do think you exist for everyone else."
From that day on, after those words, you were more Kinder than before. You searched for him, asked him things, walked with him, and more.
And so his mind started to act different.
He wanted for you to search for him, to meet him, to call for him. He wanted you to desire for him to burn like that flame in his chest.
He wanted you, and he knew how wrong It was... but after all, he was bad...
He believed that it was just a small fantasy, something like a silly idea. How could he love? Love was above him, a creature born only to be the malice of someone else. 
He always wanted to be more; no one even cared to understand...but you did. You talked to him; you gave him a second chance, and he opened himself to you.
You have that power over Yaoguais, tò Just be so fucking nice and gentle, to be a different view.
You made him imagine things. You made him dream of courting you, to take you away from that wedding of yours, far too near to his own liking. He dreamed of fighting properly against the Destined One and winning you, and...and you were happy. You were happy to be with him.
"Thank you for the help. I REALLY needed another pair of arms!"
He hummed, looking around, trying to see if someone was looking for you or if you were watched.
No one was around...
"So you were saying that those mushrooms were on this side of the mountain?"
"Yeah... Just a little further. It's far from the village, so no one comes here."
Why did you have to be so trustful? Why did you believe that he had changed? He would have tried this if it wasn't for your naiveté.
No... No It wasn't you... It was him, the bad guy of the story.
While you both get deeper in the mountain, he opted so many times to stop, to just find some mushrooms and leave it...but he was too deep now, and he didn't want to stop.
Hours passed, and more you both got on that road, and more darkness started to fall. But you felt safe—too much safe, and he was taking advantage of that.
Finally, you spotted what you were searching for, under the base of a lonely tree. You gasped, happily knowing that your search did give you results, and you ran towards those mushrooms, starting to pick them up.
"There are so many! Look! Ah! You're so good at finding staff!"
You didn't see his body moving towards you, his staff in his hand.
You would understand; you always do. He would even take the form of Yuán Fèn if you wanted, just to make you happy and comfortable, but he needed it.
He needed the love you showed the other to him. He wanted your total attention.
He wanted you.
He prayed for your forgiveness while rising his staff.
"There! Done! I guess these are...uh?"
He was gone? Where did the Macaque go?
The trident puerced his shoulder, going so deep that the metal met the wood. The macaque needed to hold a scream of pain, scratching the metal of that weapon and trying to break free from it.
Erlang's piercing eyes didn't show remoteness against the monkey; she stopped to look at him with a silent hate and disdain.
"Despicable One... She trusted you, and this is how you're repaying her?! I knew I should have acted immediately when you set foot at Mount Huaguo, but I couldn't believe you could go this far."
The macaque looked at the celestial being in front of him. So that was why many other deities had left alone the mountain because of the sacred divinity protection? 
"Big words," he mattered between his hiss of pain, "for someone that kiled monkeys for sport!"
Erlang looked at him without trace of any emotion this time; he hated when people used old mistakes to make him feel bad, like he wasn't already.
"And I'm not the one that is trying to take away another groom's bride."
The Macaque was intelligent enough to see something else in that pure hate look on the divinity's face, and he couldn't hold a laugh at the event that was unfolding upon him. Erlang looked at him, annoyed by his antics.
"So you fell too, uh?! You fell for her! This is too good to be true!"
"I suggest you to watch your mouth, monkey."
"I watch mine, but at least I have some guts to actually act. You're nothing but a coward, too afraid of rejection than fighting for the hand of the one you love!"
Erlang didn't answer his provocation, yet he saw it. In his eyes, he did leave a mark with his words. The Celestial being freed the monkey from his grasp, but his weapon was still pointed towards him, even when he was at his knees.
"It's because I love her so much that I decided to stand back. And for love, I'll keep fighting to be his protector and shield against the skies and the other celestials. And I gladly can make some space for you too, monkey."
Despite the threat, the macaque couldn't do anything but smile. So that was it, eh? Old Erlang Shen has fallen for you and wanted to be your champion. He could have had another joker, but the idea of dying wasn't appealing at all.
"I trust that my words reached you, monkey." His weapon was sharper than ever right now.
"They did, sacred divinity."
And so that was his destiny—long for something that he wished but couldn't have—such was his life, uh?
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kivino · 5 months ago
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my jjk masterlist || my cod masterlist
Word counter - 900-ish
Tags/Warnings - NSFW - MDNI; professor x student relationships; reader is an academic weapon (or not really); p in v freak nasty; oral (reader receiving); afab!reader.
A/n - my first time in a long time writing smut, so i hope it’s decent ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪ please, like and reblog if you liked it, i’m trying to find my jjk audience (╹◡╹)♡
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Professor!Nanami, who went into education instead of pursuing a job of a salaryman and surprisingly, found it rather fulfilling, helping students, explaining the nuances of classical literature to them and igniting the passion for his subject of study among them.
Professor!Nanami, who’s eyes keep lingering on you, despite his effort to force his gaze away from you, so beautiful, incredibly insightful and hardworking, pages upon pages of messy notes under your fingers.
Professor!Nanamix, who recognizes your efforts, fond look in his eyes when your answer to his question strikes a chord within him, making his heart swell in his chest. “Good job. I see you’re already familiar with the material, are you?” He asks, arching his brow at you, as he puts his hand on your desk for some support, his tall form towering over you, making you hold your breath from a simple glance of his hazel, almost golden eyes.
Professor!Nanami, who, upon seeing you through the glass doors of the study hall freezes in his place, his eyes taking in your every movement, down to the flutter of your eyelashes and quick fingers turning another page of your notes.
Professor!Nanami, who lets out a shaky exhale when you bite your pen, lips squishing against the tip of it so deliciously, oblivious to your infatuated observer.
Professor!Nanami, who can’t refuse you a conversation after class, getting lost in your eyes, dissecting your mannerisms and patterns of speech in his thoughts during his evening rides back home, just to find some sort of sign that you might like him more than as an educator.
Professor!Nanami, who can’t help but palm his hardening dick through his slacks when remembering your absolutely stunning doe eyes looking at him with such eagerness and fascination, when talking about his subject.
Professor!Nanami, who clasps a hand over his mouth and shuts his eyes tight, imagining it’s your thumb swirling around his red tip, and it’s your fingers clasping around his painfully hard member as you nip and kiss the soft skin of his exposed neck.
Professor!Nanami who, when noticing at your messy hair and ragged breathing after you’re late for class, has to squeeze his hand into a fist, blunt nails painfully digging into his skin just to keep him grounded.
Professor!Nanami, who feels nothing but shame, pining for his student like he’s some kind of pubescent high school boy.
Professor!Nanami, who just can’t say “no” to you, when you ask oh-so-nicely to help you and explain the final assignment privately, in his office. “Of course you can come in for a consultation. This card here has my office hours…” he nods eagerly, pulling out his business card holder from the inner pocket of his discarded jacket.
Professor!Nanami, who’s oblivious to a fault to how you’re leaning over him when asking for help, your soft hand connecting with his shoulder, fingers gently rubbing his arm and sending electric sparks right to his brain.
Professor!Nanami who makes you see stars on his tongue alone, devouring your pussy like it’s his last meal, fingers spreading you folds, soft lips leaving rough bites on your thighs and suffocating himself in you.
Professor!Nanam, whose hair you keep tugging for leverage, whose face you keep grinding into, desperate and hot from his passionate touches, aching for release, that he’s so nicely working you up to with his fingers and his mouth.
Professor!Nanami, who has you cross-eyed, fingers toying with your clit, halting your attempts to squirm away from his touch, overstimulated and needy, making your whole body twitch with uncontrollable surges of pleasure as you forget any words, but the name of your favorite professor.
Professor!Nanami, who wishes he would’ve taken you out on a nice date, perhaps a candlelit dinner at his favorite place, before having you with your legs spread out, whiny and sensitive on his office table, as his hand muffles your (very loud) moans. But what’s done is done.
Professor!Nanami, who marvels at the way your pretty tits bounce with each thrust of his cock in your drenched pussy, lewd, pornographic squelching and your pleasure-filled yelps filling the dark space of the room.
Professor!Nanami, who just can’t keep his mouth shut, when he’s looking at you. “Ah, hah, y-you’re, a-ah, doing so…m-mh! so well for me…” Nanami whispers, hot breath fanning over your ear, as he dives back, leaving wet kisses all over your neck, some of them swelling into rough, stinging markings, reminders from him.
Professor!Nanami, who keeps driving his cock inside of you, reaching so deep you’re barely able to form a thought when you all can feel is his broad tip giving such sweet kisses to your cervix.
Professor!Nanami, who after multiple hours of you getting to know each other so deeply and intimately in his office, your captivating smell still in his mind, gingerly asks you, while buttoning up your shirt: “Would you like to get dinner sometime with me?”
“Are you inviting me on a date?” you clarify, not able to hide your incredulous tone when asking this question. You knew that he was a gentleman, but had no idea he would want it to be something else…more than you imagined. Or he just felt obligated to do that, in which case…that’s worse.
“Precisely. I…it’s embarrassing to admit, really…” you mentally scoff. You just saw each other naked with every possible consequence of that also happening, and he’s…embarrassed? “But you’ve caught my eye. So, I’d like to invite you out. See where it goes.”
Well, how can you say “no” to your favorite professor?
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check out this masterlist for more jjk fics or send me a request/comment!
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emperordinozenmon · 3 months ago
The Daughter of the Sun
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Part II
We were in the middle of lunch when you were struck by Cupid’s arrow—or maybe it was love at first sight. Honestly, it’s hard to tell the difference sometimes.
“Yo, you can’t be serious, Long. The charge blade? That’s your favorite weapon?” you asked, giving me a look that screamed disappointment.
I nodded, unapologetic.
You grimaced, shaking your head as if to physically remove the thought of my “inferior taste in Monster Hunter weaponry” from your mind. “All I’m saying is—”
Your words trailed off as your gaze locked onto something—or someone—behind me. I didn’t even have to turn around to know.
“Who is that?” you whispered, your voice suddenly soft.
I turned my head just in time to catch the girl walking in. She wasn’t just pretty—she was radiant. Her smile was warm, effortless, and maybe just a little bit teasing as she waved. And you? You smiled back, dumbly, raising your hand in a sluggish, half-hearted wave.
For a moment, it was like the entire cafeteria fell away. I could practically hear the angelic choir in your head.
I had to snap my fingers in front of your face. “Yo, Earth to Cece. You back? Good, because you were three seconds away from drooling all over your lunch.”
You blinked rapidly, snapping out of it. “No, I wasn’t.”
“Yes, you were,” I said, grinning. “But it’s fine. Just go over and talk to her. I think she’s the new girl—the one who just joined today.”
You rolled your eyes like I was being ridiculous, but I could see the curiosity starting to get the better of you. It wasn’t long before you gave in, standing up and making your way toward her.
The girl—Yujin, as you’d soon learn—noticed you coming immediately. Her smile widened, and her eyes, big and soft, seemed to light up as you sat down across from her.
“Hi, I’m Cecila, most people call me Cece but you can call me anytime,” you said, attempting your calmest, coolest tone. To your credit, you almost pulled it off—if you ignored the slight stutter on your name.
Yujin’s smile didn’t falter. If anything, it grew. “I’m Yujin, legacy of Aphrodite,” she said, her voice carrying a natural warmth that only amplified her charm. Despite her short, tomboyish haircut and athletic build, there was an undeniable elegance about her—an effortless femininity that seemed to draw everyone in.
You stared, completely captivated, long enough for her to tilt her head in mild amusement.
“You okay?” she asked, snapping you out of it.
You inhaled sharply, suddenly realizing you’d been holding your breath. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” you said, scrambling to regain your composure. “Uh, so… who’s your godly ancestor?”
“Aphrodite,” Yujin repeated with a slight laugh, like the answer was obvious. “And you?”
“Oh. Uh, Odin is my dad ,” you mumbled, trying to sound casual. “But it’s no big deal, really.”
Yujin’s expression softened, her smile turning just a bit more personal. “I like it,” she said simply.
The cafeteria had quieted down, the rush of lunch fading into soft chatter and the occasional clinking tray. You sat across from Yujin, sunlight spilling through the windows and catching the playful glint in her eyes.
“So,” you said, swirling your drink nervously, “what’s it like being a legacy of Aphrodite? Do people just… fall in love with you everywhere you go?”
She laughed, the kind of laugh that made your heart flip in a way that wasn’t entirely comfortable. “Not exactly,” she said, her tone light but teasing. “It’s not like I have people fainting in my presence. Although…” Her lips curled into a sly smile. “I might have noticed someone smiling a little too much at me today.”
You felt heat rush to your cheeks, but you weren’t about to let her have the upper hand. You leaned back in your chair, trying to play it cool. “Oh yeah? Well, it’s a nice smile to smile at.”
Her eyebrow quirked, clearly amused. “Was that a compliment or a tongue twister?”
“Both,” you shot back, grinning despite yourself. “What about you? Do you always walk into rooms looking like you just stepped out of a magazine?”
She tilted her head, her gaze unwavering. “Depends. Do you always flirt this much with girls you just met?”
Your brain faltered, and for a moment, you forgot how words worked. “I, uh—” you stammered, scrambling for a response. “Only the ones who wave at me first.”
Her grin widened, and she leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table and closing the space between you. “So it was me who started it. Good to know.”
Your heart was pounding now, loud enough that you were sure she could hear it. Somehow, she had you walking a tightrope between exhilaration and disaster, and you weren’t sure which way you were going to fall.
“Alright,” you said, forcing yourself to hold her gaze. “You win this round. But let me ask you something—if you’re so good at spotting people falling for you, can you tell when someone’s about to ask you out?”
Her expression flickered with surprise, but the teasing light in her eyes didn’t fade. “I think I’m starting to get an idea.”
You took a deep breath, your palms sweating despite your best efforts to stay cool. “Yujin, would you want to hang out sometime? Just us? Not here, not with everyone else. Maybe grab some coffee, or… go on a walk or something?”
For the first time, she looked genuinely shy, her hand brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. “I’d like that,” she said softly. Then, with a playful grin, she added, “But only if you promise not to drool.”
You groaned, dropping your head into your hands. “I’m never going to live that down, am I?”
“Nope,” she said, standing and slinging her bag over her shoulder. Before leaving, she shot you a wink. “But that’s okay. I like you better when you’re a little flustered.” She takes out her phone and hands it to you,
“Can you put your phone number in for me Unnie,” Yujin says teasingly and your heart races. You enter the number in and Yujin smiles.
“I look forward to our date Unnie,” Yujin says happily before she leaves.
You watched her walk away, stunned and grinning like an idiot. You hadn’t just survived that—you’d actually scored a date. You grin like a complete dork as you leave the cafeteria, clutching your bag tightly against your chest. Your head feels like it’s floating, every step lighter than the last. It takes a moment to find me, sitting in my usual corner outside by the training field.
I’m hunched over a collection of weapons, carefully sharpening the edge of my blade and oiling a set of throwing knives. The rhythmic scrape of stone against metal fills the air, and I don’t look up right away when you approach.
Still, you’re practically vibrating with excitement, and it’s not long before the words burst out of you. “I asked her out, and she said yes!”
I stop mid-motion, glancing up to see your face glowing with a mix of triumph and disbelief. A smile spreads across my face as I give you a slow, approving thumbs-up.
“Nice,” I say simply.
But you’re not done. You drop your bag and sit on the bench next to me, leaning forward like you can’t keep still. “We’re going out for coffee!” you exclaim, practically bouncing in place.
I smirk, setting down the blade and wiping my hands on a cloth. “That’s a solid start. Coffee’s good.”
You nod, your energy spilling over as you replay the moment in your head, grinning all the while. “So… any advice?”
I raise an eyebrow, thinking for a moment. “Talk to Sana. She’ll get you ready.”
You blink, caught off guard. “Sana? Really? You’re recommending her?”
“Yep,” I reply without hesitation, grabbing the next weapon in the pile. “She’s dated more women than me, so she’s got the edge. She’ll know what you’re up against.”
For a second, you stare at me, speechless, before breaking into laughter. “You’re serious? Sana, the queen bee daughter of Frey , is your go-to for this?”
“Hey,” I say with a shrug, “she’s the best when it comes to advice on dating. Just tell her what you told me, and she’ll handle the rest.”
You’re quiet for a moment, a rare pause where your excitement fades into something softer. Then, out of nowhere, you wrap your arms around me in a tight hug.
I stiffen immediately, caught off guard. We’ve never really been the hug-it-out type. Teasing, bickering, maybe the occasional high-five, sure—but this? This is new.
“Thanks, Lo,” you mumble into my shoulder before pulling away, your grin still impossibly wide.
I cough awkwardly, scratching the back of my neck as you grab your bag and sprint off toward the arts section. “Don’t make it weird!” I call after you, shaking my head with a small smile.
Watching you go, I let out a soft chuckle and pick up my blade again. It’s rare to see you like this—so unguarded, so excited. And honestly? I’m rooting for you.
You find Sana and Miyeon lounging in the arts section, where sunlight streams through the tall windows, casting warm, golden light across the room. Sana is perched on one of the tables, swinging her legs idly as she works on a vibrant watercolor painting of what looks like a summer meadow. Miyeon sits beside her, absentmindedly flipping through a book of spells, her fingers tracing glowing runes on the page.
Their energy couldn’t be more different. Sana radiates warmth and playfulness, like a summer breeze, while Miyeon is all calm elegance, her dark hair falling in waves over her shoulders as she hums softly to herself.
You hesitate for a moment, unsure whether you’re interrupting, but Sana spots you immediately and waves enthusiastically. “Cece! Hey! What’s up?”
Miyeon glances up, arching an eyebrow. “Did Longinius finally bore you with all of his nerd talk?”
You grin. “Not yet, but give me time.” Then you take a deep breath. “Actually, I, uh… kind of need some advice. Sana, you’re the expert.”
Sana sets her brush down and leans forward, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. “Ooh, I’m intrigued. Spill!”
Miyeon closes her book with a soft thud, resting her chin on her hand. “This should be good.”
You scratch the back of your neck, feeling a little self-conscious under their expectant gazes. “So, I asked Yujin out—”
“Finally!” Sana exclaims, clapping her hands together. “I’ve been rooting for you two since she walked into the cafeteria.”
“Wait, you knew?” you ask, eyes wide.
“Of course,” she says, waving you off like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “I can practically smell a love connection. Summer instincts, you know.”
Miyeon snorts. “That’s not a thing, Sana.”
“It is a thing,” Sana insists, shooting Miyeon a playful glare. Then she turns back to you, her expression softening. “Okay, details. What’s the plan?”
“We’re going out for coffee,” you say, the words coming out in a rush. “But I don’t want to mess it up. I figured… you’ve got experience.”
Sana grins, sliding off the table and looping an arm around your shoulder. “You came to the right person. Coffee dates are my specialty. First rule: be yourself. Yujin already likes you, or she wouldn’t have said yes.”
“Second rule,” Miyeon chimes in, her voice smooth and teasing, “don’t overthink it. Trust me, nothing scares someone off faster than trying too hard.”
Sana nods sagely. “Exactly. Be casual, but not too casual. Compliment her, but don’t go overboard. And—oh! Don’t forget to order something cute. Girls love it when you have good taste.”
You blink. “Something cute? Like… what?”
“Like a lavender latte,” Sana says, grinning. “Or something with whipped cream. It’s charming.”
Miyeon rolls her eyes. “Or just order whatever you like. Don’t listen to her dessert propaganda.”
Sana sticks out her tongue at Miyeon, who smirks in response. The warmth between them is obvious, even in their bickering.
You can’t help but laugh. “Okay, okay. Be myself, don’t overthink, and maybe order something cute. Got it.”
Sana squeezes your shoulder. “You’ve got this, Cece. And if it goes really well, let me know. I’ll help you plan date number two.”
Miyeon chuckles softly. “You might want to survive this one first.”
“Hey,” Sana says, pointing at her girlfriend, “don’t scare her! Cece is going to do great.”
“Thanks,” you say, feeling a little more confident as you step back. “Really. I mean it.”
“Anytime,” Sana replies with a wink. “Now go make her swoon!”
As you leave, you can hear their voices behind you—Sana’s bright laughter and Miyeon’s low chuckle—filling the room with a comfortable, familiar warmth.
“Cece Wait!” Sana calls, practically dragging you back into the arts section’s small lounge area after you explain your coffee date. “If you’re going to Yujin, you’re going to need the right look. And lucky for you, I’m a genius at this.”
You blink, glancing at Miyeon, who still sitsnearby with her book, looking both amused and resigned. “Uh, I was just going to wear what I normally do…”
“Absolutely not!” Sana interrupts, already pulling you toward a mirror. “This is your first date! It’s the perfect chance to make an impression—show her who you are while cranking the charm up to eleven.”
You cross your arms, suddenly self-conscious. “And who exactly am I?”
Sana steps back and studies you with a critical eye, tapping her chin dramatically. “You’re Cece. Punk rock rebel with a heart of gold. The cool girl who can pull off eyeliner better than most people can pull off a basic smile. And—” She grins. “—you’ve got the best accessory.”
Your brow furrows. “Accessory?”
Sana lightly taps under your eyes, motioning to your reflection. “Your heterochromia, duh! Left eye like a fiery sunset, right like a stormy sky. It’s your secret weapon. Trust me.”
You glance at yourself in the mirror, then back at her. “So, what’s the plan?”
She lights up and starts rummaging through a nearby wardrobe where costumes and props are stored for performances. “We’re going to lean into your punk rock style but soften it just a little. Make you approachable while still screaming you.”
Miyeon looks up from her book with a small smirk. “She’s going to add glitter, isn’t she?”
“Not glitter,” Sana says with a wink, “but… maybe some shimmer.” She pulls out a black faux-leather jacket covered in silver studs and holds it up. “Step one: jacket. Punk classic. But underneath…” She grabs a fitted black tank top with delicate lace trim at the neckline and a loose, off-the-shoulder plaid flannel. “Balance. You want to show you can rock both edges and softness. And plaid is timeless.”
You hesitate as she tosses the pieces into your arms. “It’s not too much?”
“Not at all,” she insists. “Now for the bottom half—ripped black jeans and your combat boots. But!” She points dramatically. “Add some accessories. Maybe a chain necklace or a few stacked bracelets.”
Miyeon chimes in, her tone calm but teasing. “Or just let Sana pile you with jewelry until you feel like a chandelier.”
“I do not over-accessorize!” Sana huffs, then glances back at you. “Okay, maybe a little. But it works!”
She grabs a smoky eyeliner pencil and gestures for you to sit down. “And the eyes. This is the best part. Your heterochromia is stunning, so we’re going to highlight it—literally.”
You sit reluctantly as she leans in, her face close to yours as she applies eyeliner. “For the amber eye,” she says, brushing on a subtle touch of gold shimmer around it, “we’ll make it pop with warm tones. And for the blue-gray eye…” She switches to a soft silver. “Cool tones to match the stormy vibe.”
When she’s done, she steps back and grins. “Perfect. Yujin won’t know what hit her.”
You stand and glance at yourself in the mirror, turning slightly to take it all in. The outfit is undeniably you—a mix of edgy and effortless—but elevated in a way you hadn’t expected. Your eyes catch the light differently now, the subtle makeup amplifying their unique colors.
“Wow,” you murmur, half to yourself.
“I know, right?” Sana says, beaming. “Now, two last tips. One: lean into the eye thing. Make eye contact—it’s captivating. And two…” She pats your shoulder, her tone suddenly more serious. “Be confident. Yujin already likes you, Cece. This? It’s just the icing on the cake.”
You turn to her, a small smile tugging at your lips. “Thanks, Sana. Really.”
She waves it off, grinning again. “Anything for love. Now go knock her socks off!”
As you leave, Miyeon chuckles softly. “You should charge for this.”
“Nah,” Sana says, her voice warm. “Seeing Cece crush it is payment enough.”
The coffee shop is warm and cozy, with the soft hum of indie music in the background. The light coming through the window is golden, casting a soft glow on everything. You and Yujin sit across from each other at a small table near the back, each with a steaming cup of coffee in front of you. The tension is light, a mix of excitement and nerves hanging in the air.
Yujin leans forward slightly, her eyes sparkling as she takes a sip of her drink. “So,” she starts, setting her cup down and giving you a playful smile, “what’s the deal with your friends? You said you hang out with some pretty cool people.”
You laugh, the familiar warmth of the conversation easing your nerves. “Yeah, my friends are a bit… eccentric,” you say, running a hand through your hair. “I’ll start with Sana. She’s crazy about fashion and always knows how to make a scene, but she’s also super supportive. She has this, like, sixth sense for matchmaking, too.” You pause, thinking about how she helped you get ready for this date. “She’s the one who helped me with the outfit tonight.”
Yujin raises an eyebrow, clearly impressed. “I should have known! She definitely has an eye for style.”
“Definitely,” you agree, a smile tugging at your lips. “Then there’s Longinius but I call him Long for short. He’s my brother, even though we’re not technically related. He’s… protective, but in a big brother kind of way. He’s always looking out for me, and honestly, I don’t know what I’d do without him. He’s a bit of a goofball, but I can always count on him.”
Yujin smiles bright before asking, “oh was he the one you were sitting with earlier? He tough looking. how did you meet him,”
You pause then answer plainly, “he hates when I tell this story but when I was on my first quest I was tasked to find my dad’s spear Gungir which had been stolen as a “prank” by Utgaard Loki. I met Long on the way and he helped me get it and we’ve been inseparable ever since. He actually carried me back to the Celestial Country Club when I was injured. He’s guarded most of the time but he’s one of the kindest people I know. Also one of the most ferocious.”
Yujin smiles softly, her gaze warm as she listens. “You’re lucky to have people like that around you. Who’s his godly parent or ancestor?”
You sigh and reveal that you don’t know.
Yujin’s shock is evident in her tone as you hear her say, “you don’t know his godly parentage?”
You nod and reply, “he’s super guarded about it but with how he is I get it.”
Yujin nods amazed and says, “Well I know not to break your heart or else I’ll have that mountain of a man after me,” you chuckle and say
You shrug modestly. “Yeah, I am lucky to have him. What about you? Tell me about your friends.”
Yujin leans back in her chair, her expression thoughtful. “Well, I work with Wonyoung sometimes,” she starts, and a soft fondness enters her voice. “She’s the daughter of Athena, so she’s like a walking encyclopedia. Always quoting ancient texts or making strategic plans, like she's some mini genius. She’s pretty cool, though. I actually look up to her a lot.”
“Sounds like a real brainiac,” you tease, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh, she is,” Yujin says with a playful smile. “But she’s also a lot of fun. She’s always dragging me into her random projects. Then there’s we actually used to be part of a bigger group called Izone and a smaller group called IVE later. They were cool but a massive undertaking when questing. So I wanted a break and came here,” she says, gesturing toward herself, “I was the group’s ‘charm’ specialist, I guess.” She laughs, making air quotes. “We’re all demigods, but somehow we make it work, and we have each other’s backs no matter what.”
Your heart does a little flip at hearing that. “I like that,” you say softly. “Having that kind of connection, especially when you’re in a world full of… well, other gods and monsters.”
Yujin meets your eyes, her smile softening. “Exactly. It’s important to have a good support system.” She reaches across the table, her fingers brushing against yours. “I think that’s why I like being around you, Cece. You get it. You understand what it’s like to have people who are always there for you, no matter what even if some of them are a little scary.”
Your pulse quickens, the closeness making you feel a little breathless. You try to play it cool, but your heart’s definitely speeding up. “Yeah, I do,” you reply, your voice quieter now, the flirtation settling into something deeper. “It’s hard to imagine life without them.”
Yujin’s gaze shifts to your hand, her fingers lightly tracing the edge of your palm before she locks eyes with you again. “I’m glad you’re not alone. And I’m glad we’re getting to know each other better. It feels… right.”
Your heart skips a beat at her words, and you can’t help but smile. “Me too,” you say, your voice slightly more confident now. “It’s like everything just clicked when I saw you. I didn’t even think twice about asking you out.”
Yujin’s smile deepens, her cheeks flushing slightly. “I’m glad you did,” she admits, her voice soft. “I’ve been hoping you’d make a move.”
You laugh, feeling a lightness in your chest. “Good to know I wasn’t the only one.” You pause, then lean forward, your hand slipping under hers as you gently brush your thumb over her knuckles. “So, now that we’ve got all that out of the way… how about a second date?”
Yujin’s eyes widen slightly, her expression a mix of surprise and excitement. “You’re already planning the next one?”
“Why wait?” you reply with a smirk, your heart hammering in your chest. “I’m pretty sure we can top this coffee date.”
She laughs, the sound soft and musical. “You’re bold. I like that.” She leans in just a little, her breath warm against your skin. “I think a second date sounds perfect.”
You’re sitting on the steps of the training field with Sana and I, sunlight spilling over the horizon. The air smells of freshly cut grass and sparring dust, a familiar combination that reminds you of home. You’re in the middle of recounting last night’s date, your cheeks flushed as you gesture animatedly.
“…And then, she said yes to the second date!” you finish, a wide grin plastered on your face.
I smirk, leaning back on my elbows. “Look at you, Casanova. I’m impressed. Didn’t think you had it in you.”
“Excuse me?” you say, mock-offended, throwing a small pebble at him.
Sana, sitting cross-legged beside you, claps her hands together in delight. “A second date already? I knew that outfit would do the trick!” She tilts her head, studying you. “Though, honestly, it’s all you. You’ve got that whole mysterious, ‘I-can-punch-a-dragon-but-also-bake-you-cookies’ vibe going on.”
You laugh, shaking your head. “Thanks, Sana. Pretty sure it wasn’t just the outfit, though.”
The banter is interrupted by the sharp sound of footsteps. You glance up to see a young woman approaching, her movements purposeful and her expression unreadable. She’s tall, composed, and intimidatingly poised—everything you’d expect from a daughter of Athena.
“Cece,” she says, her voice cool but not unkind.
You stand instinctively, Sana and I exchanging a glance behind you. “Hey…you must be Wonyoung,” you reply, a touch hesitant.
“I need a word,” she says, crossing her arms. Her gaze flickers briefly to me and Sana before settling back on you. “Alone.”
Your stomach tightens slightly, but you nod. “Sure.” You follow her a few paces away, aware of my watchful eyes on your back. I summon lethal tempo from the ether as this girl talks to you.
Once you’re out of earshot, but not eyeshot (I made sure of that) Wonyoung stops and turns to face you, her sharp features softened by the golden light. “I heard about your date with Yujin,” she begins, her tone neutral but tinged with something harder.
Your nerves spike. “Yeah, we had a great time,” you say cautiously.
She tilts her head, her expression unreadable. “Yujin is one of my closest friends,” she says slowly. “She’s kind, trusting, and—sometimes—too good for her own good. She doesn’t fall for people easily, but when she does, she gives her whole heart.”
You shift uncomfortably under her piercing gaze, but you hold your ground. “I really like her,” you say honestly. “I wouldn’t ask her out if I didn’t.”
Wonyoung takes a step closer, her voice dropping just slightly. “Good. Because if you hurt her, even accidentally, I will find you. And it won’t be pleasant.”
The weight of her words hangs in the air. There’s no malice in her tone, only a cold, unshakable certainty. You know better than to doubt her—Athena’s children are nothing if not precise in their threats.
You swallow hard, meeting her eyes. “I don’t plan on hurting her. Ever. I mean that.”
For a moment, she studies you, as if trying to decide whether you’re being sincere. Finally, she nods, her expression softening just slightly. “Good. Because she deserves someone who will treat her right.”
There’s a pause, and then she sighs, crossing her arms again. “Honestly, I don’t dislike you, Cece. You seem… decent. But Yujin’s happiness means a lot to me, so if you’re serious about her, then prove it. Show her that you’re worth her time.”
You nod firmly. “I will. I promise.”
Wonyoung holds your gaze for a beat longer, then steps back, her posture relaxing just slightly. “Alright,” she says, her voice lighter now. “I’ll hold you to that.”
As she walks away, you let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding.
Sana and I are waiting for you when you return, both of us were grinning.
“Well?” I ask, raising an eyebrow.
You roll your eyes. “She just wanted to talk.”
“Talk?” Sana says, smirking. “That looked more like an interrogation.”
“Pretty sure I passed,” you reply with a small smile, though your heart’s still pounding. “Barely.”
I chuckle, clapping you on the shoulder. “If you survived that scary girl, you’ll be fine. Just don’t screw things up with Yujin, or you’ll have more than her to deal with.”
“Yeah,” you say, glancing in the direction Wonyoung disappeared. “Noted.”
A few days pass and you and Yujin go on a second, and a third, then a fourth, fifth, and sixth date, by that one the two of you have made it official y'all are truly dating. Which meant Wonyoung Sana, Eunbi (another friend of Yujin’s who I actually had a crush on) and I all had to endure y’all.
Wonyoung and Eunbi were cool. Wonyoung was one of the few people who I actually got into positive looping behavior with because she was one of the few people as smart as me.
The clang of metal and chatter fills the training grounds, but all I can focus on is Wonyoung’s voice, sharp and insistent like she’s trying to pierce me with her words alone. She stands across from me, arms crossed, her stance as calculated as her arguments.
“I’m telling you, the spear is the superior weapon,” she insists, her eyes narrowing at me. “It’s versatile, precise, and perfect for a demigod who needs to adapt on the fly.”
I lean casually on my training sword, letting her words roll off me like water on a shield. “Sure, if you want to poke monsters from a safe distance like some kind of scared tactician. A sword, on the other hand, is balanced and reliable. It’s the weapon of someone who’s not afraid to get up close and personal.”
Wonyoung snorts, her lips curling into a smirk that’s as irritating as it is strangely… I don’t know. Engaging? “Get up close and personal? Please. A sword is just a beginner’s weapon—something flashy for rookies who don’t know better.”
That gets a laugh out of me. “Flashy? You mean like you waving a spear around, pretending it takes more skill than it actually does?” I raise an eyebrow, waiting for her to take the bait. She always does.
Her cheeks flush—not enough to call her out on it, but enough that I notice. “Pretending? Oh, please. At least I don’t need a sword to feel like a hero. Maybe you’re compensating for something, Long.”
There it is. I whistle low, shaking my head. “That’s rich, coming from someone who quotes Athena’s strategies like it’s gospel. Let me guess, you’ve got diagrams for how to defeat me in your back pocket?”
Her eyes flash, and I know I’ve struck a nerve. The thing is, I don’t mind arguing with Wonyoung. I kind of like it. There’s this weird energy between us—like every sharp word or sarcastic jab only fuels the fire. It’s not attraction. Definitely not. But something about it feels… satisfying.
“Don’t tempt me,” she shoots back, stepping closer like she’s ready to challenge me to a sparring match right here. “Unlike you, I don’t need to swing around a glorified kitchen knife to prove my point.”
I smirk, tilting my head. “You should work on your insults. That one’s getting old.”
“Maybe I just need a new audience,” she snaps, but there’s a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. She’s enjoying this as much as I am, even if she won’t admit it.
From the corner of my eye, I catch you watching us, sitting under the oak tree with Yujin. The two of you are completely absorbed in each other, all smiles and whispers, like the rest of the world doesn’t exist. It’s disgustingly cute, but I can’t bring myself to be annoyed. You deserve this.
Yujin leans into you, her head resting against your shoulder as she laughs at something you say. Her fingers play absentmindedly with the hem of your sleeve, and you don’t seem to mind one bit. You tilt your head down, brushing your lips against her temple in a soft kiss that makes her cheeks flush a warm pink.
“Look at them,” you say, nodding toward us with a teasing grin. “They’ve been at it for twenty minutes.”
Yujin giggles, shifting closer to you so her hand rests lightly on your knee. “I know. It’s kind of hilarious. They act like they can’t stand each other, but you can tell, right?”
You smirk, your voice low and playful. “They’re having way too much fun arguing. It’s basically flirting.”
Flirting? I catch the word and glance over at you two. I frown, annoyed but not surprised. “Don’t you have better things to do than narrate our conversation?”
You grin, completely unbothered. “Not really. You two are way more entertaining than anything else going on right now.”
“Yeah, seriously,” Yujin chimes in, her hand now fully intertwined with yours. She leans her head against your shoulder again, sighing contentedly. “It’s like watching an old married couple.”
“Married couple?” Wonyoung and I say at the same time, turning toward you.
“See?” You gesture between us, laughing. “You’re even in sync.”
I groan, pointing my training sword angrily at you. “You’re lucky I like you, Cece.”
“You mean love me, big bro,” you tease, tilting your head toward Yujin and planting a kiss on her cheek. “But don’t worry, we’re not judging. You and Wonyoung make a cute couple.”
I roll my eyes. “Say that again, and I’m not going on that double date you asked me to do.”
You laugh, leaning into Yujin and resting your head against hers. “Relax, Long. You’re not fooling anyone.”
Meanwhile, Yujin’s attention is entirely on you. She shifts slightly, her free hand reaching up to trace the edge of your jawline. “You’re way too good at pushing his buttons,” she says softly, her voice dripping with affection.
“It’s a gift,” you reply with a grin, turning to capture her lips in a quick kiss that leaves her smiling shyly.
From across the field, I catch Wonyoung rolling her eyes at the display. “Do they always act like this?” she mutters.
I shrug. “ I don't know you're Yujin's best friend Cece is never this… mushy.” Wonyoung rolls her eyes
Her smirk returned. “Though I suppose it’s better than the alternative.”
“And what’s that?” I question genuinely intrigued
She smirks mischievously, “Watching you wave that sword around like it’s impressive.” she counters
I laugh despite myself, shaking my head. “You really don’t know when to quit, do you?”
She steps closer, her smirk widening. “Not when I’m right.”
And just like that, we’re back at it. Wonyoung’s voice rises to meet mine, sharp and quick, every word a challenge. My grin grows wider, feeding off the fire in her eyes. We’re locked in another argument about weapon preferences and battle tactics, our voices echoing across the field.
From the corner of my eye, I catch you and Yujin sitting together, her head resting on your shoulder as she laughs at something you said. You’re watching us with that knowing smirk, nudging Yujin and whispering who-knows-what into her ear.
“Your brother’s at it again,” Yujin says, loud enough for me to hear.
“Oh, he’s always at it,” you reply, your voice teasing. “Think it’s gonna end in another draw?”
I glance at you both, narrowing my eyes. “I can hear you, you know.”
You just grin wider, shrugging. “Good! Means we don’t have to repeat ourselves.”
I turn back to Wonyoung, my competitive streak flaring even brighter under your commentary. “You know what?” I say, my tone shifting as I step closer to her. “Let’s settle this properly.”
Her brow arches, her hands on her hips as she gives me that infuriatingly smug look. “If you’re propositioning me for something indecent, Long, I’ll have you know I’m a noblewoman and—”
“No!” I interrupt, throwing up my hands. “Ew. Seriously. Granted, you’re gorgeous—anyone would be lucky to have you—but that’s not what I meant!”
From behind me, I hear you snicker. “Smooth,” you murmur to Yujin, who giggles.
Ignoring you both, I barrel ahead. “I’m talking about making a wager. Let’s put our skills to the test, once and for all.”
Wonyoung rolls her eyes, but I don’t miss the way her posture straightens, the spark of interest flickering across her face. “What could you possibly have that I’d want?”
I smirk, crossing my arms. “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe a chance to wield Lethal Tempo?”
Her eyes widen, the feigned disinterest slipping away. “Your enchanted weapon? The one that enhances physical and magical abilities and changes form?”
“That’s the one.”
She hesitates for half a second before nodding, the excitement in her voice barely contained. “Fine. You’re on.”
From the sidelines, Yujin gasps dramatically. “Oh, it’s serious now!”
You lean forward, resting your chin on your hand. “Finally. Some entertainment.”
Wonyoung glares at you both. “What are the rules?”
“No holds barred. First to yield,” I say, meeting her gaze head-on.
She lets out a low hum of approval, spinning on her heel to grab her spear. Light flares around her as she summons two glowing orbs of Lumina magic, the air around her practically crackling. “Let’s go,” she says, her voice laced with exhilaration.
I ready myself, shadowy energy curling at my fingertips as my Noxus magic flares to life.
“Wait,” you whisper, loud enough for Yujin to hear. “He can do magic?”
Yujin nudges you. “Why didn’t you tell me that?”
“Didn’t know,” you reply, eyes fixed on the unfolding scene. “But this just got way more interesting.”
We race toward each other, spells colliding midair in bursts of light and shadow. Her Lumina magic clashes against my Noxus energy, canceling each other out as we close the gap. Our weapons meet with a loud clang, and for a moment, we’re locked in a bind, faces inches apart.
“Not bad,” she says, a smirk tugging at her lips.
“Same to you,” I reply, pushing back with all my strength.
“You two should kiss!” you shout from the sidelines, earning a burst of laughter from Yujin.
Wonyoung’s face turns bright red, but her grip doesn’t falter. “Excuse me?!”
“Don’t let them distract you!” I hiss, though I’m pretty sure my own cheeks are burning.
The fight escalates, each of us pushing the other to our limits. When she lunges, light beams trailing behind her spear, I counter with a sweep of shadow flames. When I feint, she’s quick to dodge, her movements sharp and precise.
It’s exhilarating.
“You’re brilliant,” she says between breaths, her eyes gleaming.
“So are you,” I reply, meeting her next strike with a parry. “This is the first time I’ve fought someone who can keep up with me.”
Her smirk returns, and for a moment, I catch something in her gaze—something raw and real.
We clash one final time, our weapons coming to a halt: her spear at my throat, my blade at her heart. A perfect stalemate.
The world around us seems to fade as we stare at each other, breaths mingling, the adrenaline thrumming through my veins. For a moment, it feels like it’s just the two of us, stripped bare by the intensity of the fight.
But then the cheers from the crowd reach us, snapping the moment like a twig. We pull back at the same time, collapsing onto the grass, our energy spent.
As the crowd dissipates, Wonyoung turns her gaze toward me, her expression unreadable. You see her say something to me but you can’t make it out, as you get closer the only thing you can hear is
I blink, caught between amazement and mild embarrassment. “You notice everything, don’t you?”
“Only the interesting things,” she teases, leaning back.
Before I can respond, you and Yujin stroll over, grinning like you’ve won the lottery.
“Good fight, both of you!” you say, tossing a coin in the air. “And thanks for helping us make a fortune.”
I groan, rubbing my temples. “You’re impossible.”
“Well, that was anticlimactic,” Yujin teases, walking over to you with a handful of coins. “But at least we made a killing off the bets.”
You flash me a grin, tossing a coin in the air. “Good fight, Long. Next time, maybe you’ll actually win.”
I groan, covering my face with one hand. “You’re impossible.”
Wonyoung laughs beside me, and when I glance at her, she’s smiling, her expression soft and full of something I can’t quite place.
It’s late afternoon, the kind of day that hints at the crisp bite of approaching twilight. Yujin and you are back to sitting under that oak tree near the training grounds, sharing a small bag of candied nuts that Yujin somehow always manages to have. You and her laughing about something—a joke, a shared memory, or maybe just the ease of each other’s company. As I watched the two of you I feel happy for you. You gone through so much and here you are happy with the love of your life,
A little further off, I lean against a low wall, fiddling with the edge of my jacket as Wonyoung waves goodbye. Our sparring match has left me both exhilarated and exhausted, though her words about my heritage linger more than I’d like to admit. I glance toward you and Yujin, catching the light playfulness between you two, and can’t help but smile. Lost in thought I don’t sense a soft presence approaching behind me.
“You’re staring,” Eunbi’s voice teases from behind me.
I turn to find her grinning at me, her spear resting casually on her shoulder. Her short blonde bob catches the sunlight just enough to make her look like some kind of celestial warrior. “Admiring the lovebirds?” she asks, nodding toward Yujin and you.
“Just thinking,” I say, a little defensive.
“Oh is someone jealous?” she says, her grin widening.
I roll my eyes. “No not really?”
Eunbi steps closer, her tone shifting from playful to a little more serious. “Well that’s good. Besides you have me don’t you”
I blink at her, trying to decipher the meaning behind her words, but before I can overthink it, you call out.
“Hey, Longinius! Eunbi! What are you two scheming about over there?”
Eunbi smirks and winks at me before turning to face you. “Oh, just talking about how cheesy and gross the two of you are.”
Yujin raises an eyebrow, leaning back on her hands. “Gross huh? We’ll see about that little Mrs Clingy.”
You shoot her a curious glance, already catching onto the playful rivalry brewing. “What are you suggesting?”
Eunbi crosses her arms, her smirk now fully playful. “Double date. Us four tonight.”
I choke on air. “Wait, what?”
Eunbi gives me a look, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “What? Don’t tell me you’re scared of a little old me.”
Yujin grins, catching onto Eunbi’s energy. “And what exactly is this supposed prove?”
“Who’s the better couple,” Eunbi says matter-of-factly. “who has the better vibes, who just… wins.”
You bursts out laughing. “Wins? Is that even how dates work?”
“It is now,” Eunbi retorts, her confidence unshakable. I look at you then at Eunbi then back to you so confused.
You shrug to me and smile teasingly  thenYujin looks at you, a gleam in her eye. “What do you think? Ready to crush them?”
You grin and lean forward. “Oh, absolutely. We’re winning this.”
I groan, rubbing the back of my neck. “Do I get a say in this?”
“Nope,” Eunbi replies, grabbing my arm and pulling me toward you all. “C’mon, Long, we’ve got this. Let’s show them how it’s done.”
As we gather together, the lightness in the air feels contagious. I’m still not entirely sure how I ended up here, but the way Eunbi looks at me—half daring, half amused—keeps me from arguing.
“Alright,” Yujin says, standing up and brushing off her pants. “Meet back here in an hour. Best double date wins.”
You exchange a look with me and smirk. “Hope you’re ready, Long.”
I sigh, though I can’t quite keep the grin off my face. “Im so lost! What’s going on?”
Eunbi gives me a triumphant look, and we walk off together, already brainstorming plans. In the distance, I hear you and Yujin laughing, the sound carrying on the breeze.
You and Yujin go to Sana and Miyeon who were at the preparing to go on a date of their own. They look at you both and Sana says, “Oh look at the two lovebirds”
You smile and say, “We need your help, make us look like a better couple then Eunbi and Longinius.”
Sana smiled and Miyeon pouted as she looked at the two of you,
“What have you dragged Long into?” Miyeon asks suspicious
“Nothing,” Yujin lies innocently.
Sana being the love-drunk girl she was said, “who cares lets do it,”  
The smell of Sana’s floral perfume fills the room as she bustles around, her enthusiasm spilling over into every corner of the space. She rummages through a small chest of accessories, holding up necklaces, bracelets, and even a pair of matching rings with such fervor you’d think she was planning her own wedding.
“You’re lucky you came to me,” Sana declares, draping a shimmering scarf over Yujin’s shoulders. “If there’s anyone who knows romance, it’s yours truly.”
Yujin wiggles her shoulders and smirks at you. “Do I look fancy yet?”
“Like a bedazzled peacock,” Miyeon mutters from her seat by the vanity, one leg crossed over the other as she absently flips through a book of enchantments.
“Hey!” Sana shoots her a glare before turning back to you and Yujin with an exaggerated sigh. “Don’t listen to her. She’s just bitter she wasn’t invited to compete.”
Miyeon raises an eyebrow, leaning back with an air of indifference. “I have better things to do than play dating games with children.” She pauses, smirking slyly. “Besides, I’d win without even trying.”
Yujin bursts out laughing. “Bold claim, Miyeon. Too bad we’ll never know.”
Meanwhile, you’re sitting on the edge of the room, watching as Sana holds up different outfits in front of Yujin like she’s designing a mannequin. Finally, Sana turns her attention to you, her eyes narrowing as she sizes you up.
“Alright, Cece. Your turn.”
You blink, startled. “My turn? I’m fine—”
“Fine?!” Sana gasps, clutching her chest like you’ve just insulted her honor. “Honey, this is a competition! You can’t just show up fine. You have to look stunning. Jaw-dropping. Completely untouchable.”
Miyeon glances up from her book, smirking. “Good luck with that. Cece isn’t exactly the glamorous type.”
You shoot Miyeon a look. “I can clean up when I want to.”
“Prove it,” Miyeon says, her tone challenging.
Sana claps her hands together, practically vibrating with excitement. “Yes! That’s the spirit! Now, come here and let me work my magic.”
Reluctantly, you step forward as Sana drapes a shawl around your shoulders, tilts your head to the side, and squints like she’s trying to unlock some great cosmic mystery.
“Hmm… We need something that says confident but approachable,” she muses. “Romantic but not trying too hard. Oh! I know—Miyeon, toss me that charm.”
Miyeon barely glances up. “Which one?”
“The one for confidence!”
With a sigh, Miyeon flicks her wrist, and a small charm on a chain floats across the room into Sana’s waiting hand. She immediately hooks it onto a bracelet and clasps it around your wrist.
“There,” Sana says with a grin. “Now you’re practically glowing. Yujin won’t be able to take their eyes off you.”
“Yujin already can’t take their eyes off her,” Miyeon deadpans, earning a playful shove from Yujin.
You glance down at the charm, then back up at Sana. “Does this actually do anything?”
“Oh, absolutely,” she says, waving her hand dramatically. “It amplifies your natural charm. Trust me, by the end of tonight, everyone in town will be talking about how perfect you two are together.”
Yujin sidles up next to you, sliding an arm around your waist. “I mean, they’re not wrong,” she says, flashing you a grin that makes your heart race.
Miyeon rolls her eyes but doesn’t hide the faint smile tugging at her lips. “Alright, lovebirds. You’re as ready as you’ll ever be. Go knock ‘em dead—or at least don’t embarrass yourselves too badly.”
Sana steps back, admiring her handiwork one last time. “You two are going to crush them. Eunbi and Longinius won’t even know what hit them.”
Yujin winks at her. “Thanks, Sana. We owe you one.”
“You owe me three,” she corrects, shooing you both toward the door. “Now go! And remember, confidence is key!”
As you and Yujin leave the room, Miyeon leans back in her chair with a sigh. “You realize they’re going to take all the credit if they win, right?”
Sana smiles, sitting next to her and watching you both disappear down the hall. “That’s fine. I already know who the real mastermind is.”
As we gather back under the oak tree, the group’s energy is buzzing with excitement and a bit of playful tension. You, Yujin, and Eunbi look fantastic—Sana’s and Miyeon’s handiwork evident in every detail of your outfits and the effortless confidence you radiate. Then there’s me: trying my best to look presentable despite my height and less-than-tailored wardrobe. But the teasing grin on Eunbi’s face as she surveys me tells me I’ve at least passed her test.
We set off toward the first stop on our double date: a local chicken wing spot that you and I have loved for years. It’s one of those places where the smell of spices and crispy fried food greets you before you even step inside. The warm, familiar scent makes me feel like this might actually be a fun evening.
As soon as we arrive, your face lights up with pure joy, the kind that’s infectious. Yujin notices immediately, her brow quirking in curiosity as she glances between you and the restaurant.
“I love chicken wings!” you say, practically bouncing in place. Then, with even more enthusiasm, you add, “This is my favorite spot in town!”
Yujin’s expression softens, a small smile creeping onto her lips. “I had no idea you liked wings this much,” she says, slipping her arm around your waist as we head inside.
The four of us are seated at a booth near the back. The table is already stocked with rolls of paper towels, wet wipes, and an intimidatingly large menu. You and I launch into a discussion about which flavors to order, while Yujin and Eunbi exchange amused glances.
“You two are like kids in a candy store,” Yujin teases.
“Let them be,” Eunbi chimes in. “Chicken wings are serious business.”
After placing our orders—half the menu, it feels like—we settle in. As we wait for the food, the conversation drifts toward memories and stories. Yujin rests her chin on her hand, looking at you with a softness in her eyes.
“You’ve got to tell me,” she says. “What’s the story with this place? How’d it become your favorite?”
You smile, leaning back against the booth as you explain. “When I first got here, I didn’t know many people. This place was one of the first spots I found on my own. I’d come here after training, or when I needed to clear my head. It became like… my little safe haven.”
Yujin nods, her gaze steady on you. “That makes sense. You’ve always had a way of making things feel special, even something as simple as a wing spot.”
You roll your eyes, but there’s a faint blush on your cheeks. “It’s not that deep.”
“It is to me,” Yujin says, her voice quiet but sure.
The table falls into a comfortable silence for a moment before you glance at her. “What about you? Any places like that for you?”
Yujin tilts her head, thinking. “There’s this lake near my hometown. It’s surrounded by these big, old trees, and the water’s so clear you can see straight to the bottom. I used to go there all the time, just to think. It’s where I made some of my biggest decisions.”
“Like what?” you ask, curious.
Yujin hesitates, her gaze dropping to the table for a second before she looks back up at you. “Like deciding to come here. And… deciding that when I found someone who felt like home, I’d never let them go.”
The weight of her words lingers in the air, and for a moment, it’s like the rest of us aren’t even there. Yujin reaches for your hand across the table, her fingers brushing yours lightly.
“What about the future?” you ask softly.
Yujin smiles, a little mischievous but entirely sincere. “The future? I don’t know all the details yet, but I do know one thing: it’s you.”
You blink, caught off guard. “Me?”
She nods, her grin widening. “I mean, yeah. You, me… maybe a house. Maybe a ring.”
Your eyes widen, and Eunbi nearly chokes on her water.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” I interject, laughing nervously. “Are we seriously talking about this over chicken wings?”
Yujin shrugs, completely unfazed. “Why not? Wings are sacred, and so is this conversation.”
Eunbi shakes her head, muttering, “You’re all nuts.”
You, meanwhile, are still staring at Yujin, trying to gauge if she’s joking. But the look in her eyes tells you she’s not—not entirely, at least.
The arrival of the wings breaks the tension, and we dive into the feast, the conversation taking on a lighter tone. But the weight of Yujin’s words hangs in the back of my mind, and I can’t help but glance at you occasionally, wondering if you’re thinking about them too.
The four of us spend the rest of the meal laughing, debating the best wing flavors, and wiping sauce off our faces. It’s chaotic and messy, but it’s perfect in its own way—a night that feels like it could be the start of something bigger.
As the meal goes on, the atmosphere grows even more comfortable, and Yujin seems to have this way of zeroing in on you, Cece, that’s impossible to miss. Her attention is undivided, her questions thoughtful and genuinely curious.
“So,” Yujin says, picking up another wing, “did you always want to be this fearless, tough adventurer? Or was there ever a version of you who wanted something totally different?”
You pause mid-bite, caught off guard by the question. “I mean… I don’t know about fearless. I just wanted to prove I could handle myself, you know? Growing up, it was always like, ‘Oh, Cece can’t do this,’ or ‘Cece isn’t tough enough.’ So I guess I leaned into that—became someone who didn’t need anyone else to stand up for her.”
Yujin nods, her expression soft but intrigued. “That’s admirable. But you know, being strong doesn’t mean you can’t let someone else take care of you once in a while.”
You frown, a little defensive. “I don’t need anyone to—”
“I know you don’t need it,” Yujin interrupts gently, her eyes locking on yours. “But don’t you think you deserve it?”
That catches you off guard. The words hang between you two, and for a moment, you’re not sure how to respond. Slowly, your posture shifts—less rigid, more open.
“I… never really thought about it that way,” you admit, your voice quieter now.
Yujin smiles, her hand brushing yours on the table in a gesture so casual yet so intentional. “Well, you should. You deserve someone who sees you for all of it—your strength, your independence, but also the parts of you that don’t always have to fight.”
Your cheeks flush a little, and you find yourself toying with the edge of your napkin. “That’s… really sweet of you to say.”
Eunbi snorts from her side of the booth, breaking the moment. “Wow, Yujin, laying it on thick, huh?”
“Jealous?” Yujin fires back, completely unfazed.
Eunbi rolls her eyes, and I try not to laugh, but your focus remains on Yujin, who is now leaning in just slightly, her tone turning conspiratorial.
“So tell me,” she says, her voice dropping just enough to feel intimate, “what’s the girliest thing you’ve ever done?”
Your eyes narrow, though there’s a flicker of amusement in them. “Are you trying to say I’m not girly?”
“Not at all,” Yujin replies smoothly. “I just want to know what soft side you’re hiding under all that tough-girl charm.”
You huff, crossing your arms. “I can be soft! I… I’ve braided someone’s hair before. And I’m not terrible at it.”
Yujin grins, leaning back in her seat. “See? There it is. I knew there was a softer side to you.”
You try to hold onto your tough demeanor, but the way Yujin’s looking at you—like you’re the most fascinating person in the room—starts to melt your defenses.
“Alright,” you say, a bit more shyly now. “Maybe I like… flowers. A little. And pretty jewelry. Sometimes.”
Yujin’s smile grows. “There we go. What kind of flowers?”
“Why do you care so much?” you ask, your voice a little high-pitched as you try to deflect.
“Because,” Yujin says, her tone teasing but gentle, “if I’m going to spoil you one day, I should probably know what to get.”
That does it. Your tough-girl exterior crumbles entirely as your face turns bright red. “Spoil me?”
“Of course,” Yujin says, reaching across the table to take your hand in hers. “You deserve it, remember?”
Your fingers instinctively curl around hers, and you find yourself smiling—soft, bashful, and entirely out of character for the version of you everyone else knows.
Eunbi, watching this unfold, shakes her head. “Yujin, you’ve got her wrapped around your finger.”
Yujin glances at you, her expression smug yet affectionate. “She’s not the only one.”
I exchange a glance with Eunbi, and we both try not to laugh as you sit there, completely entranced by Yujin. It’s as if every wall you’ve built has been gently nudged aside, leaving you free to just… be.
By the time the wings arrive, the dynamic between you and Yujin has shifted entirely. Where you were once the confident, tough adventurer, you’re now sneaking glances at Yujin, blushing at her jokes, and even giggling when she teases you. It’s clear to anyone watching: you’re utterly lovestruck.
As the plates of chicken wings arrive, you’re practically glowing with excitement. The scent alone has you grabbing the first piece with zero hesitation, diving in with such gusto that it’s hard not to admire your enthusiasm.
Yujin watches you with an amused smile, taking her time as she picks up her first wing. “Wow,” she teases, “I’ve never seen someone eat wings like they’re on a mission.”
You shoot her a playful glare, your cheeks puffed slightly with food. “Don’t judge me. This is serious business.”
“Oh, I’m not judging,” Yujin replies, leaning closer as if sharing a secret. “I’m just trying to figure out how someone so cute can also be so intense.”
You pause mid-bite, a faint blush creeping up your neck. “Cute?” you mumble, trying to hide your reaction.
“Mm-hmm,” Yujin hums, taking a bite of her own wing. “Though maybe a little messy.”
You frown, swallowing quickly. “Messy?”
She gestures toward your chin, where a tiny streak of sauce clings. Without a word, Yujin grabs a napkin, leans in, and gently wipes the spot clean. The casual intimacy of the gesture has your breath catching, and for a moment, the world narrows to just the two of you.
“There,” she says softly, her eyes meeting yours. “Perfect.”
You blink at her, feeling suddenly shy but also oddly warm. “I—I could’ve done that myself, you know.”
“Sure,” Yujin says, her grin teasing. “But then I wouldn’t have an excuse to pamper you.”
Your lips twitch, and you try to fight the smile threatening to break through. “You’re really laying it on thick, huh?”
“Am I?” she replies innocently, though the sparkle in her eyes gives her away.
Eunbi, sitting across from you two, clears her throat loudly. “Okay, seriously, do you two need a separate table or something?”
“I wouldn’t mind,” Yujin quips, her gaze still fixed on you.
You roll your eyes but can’t suppress the laugh bubbling out of you. “You’re impossible.”
“And you love it,” Yujin says with a wink, grabbing another wing as if this entire exchange is the most natural thing in the world.
As the meal continues, Yujin keeps up her playful banter, finding small ways to keep the focus on you. Whether it’s comparing whose wing sauce is spicier or mock-pouting when you finish the last of the honey garlic wings, she seems determined to draw out every smile and laugh you have.
At one point, she offers you the last piece from her plate, holding it up with a grin. “Here, take it. It’s the best one.”
“No way,” you say, shaking your head. “It’s yours.”
“Cece,” she says, her tone soft but teasing. “Take it. You’ve already stolen my heart. What’s one more wing?”
You groan at the cheesy line, but your smile betrays you as you take the offered wing. “You’re impossible,” you say again, though this time your voice is lighter, softer.
“And yet,” Yujin says, leaning her chin on her hand as she watches you eat, “here we are.”
Eunbi and I exchange glances from the other side of the booth, both of us trying not to laugh. It’s clear that Yujin’s relentless charm is wearing you down, and honestly, it’s kind of adorable to watch you go from cool and composed to completely flustered in her presence.
By the time the plates are cleared and the conversation shifts, you’re sitting a little closer to Yujin than before, and there’s an undeniable warmth in the air that even Eunbi’s occasional snark can’t dampen.
After we eat, Eunbi and I finally concede. Competing with Yujin and you feels pointless—it’s clear you’ve already won. Instead, we relax and let the night settle into an easy camaraderie as we all walk back to the country club/community center, the cool evening air filled with the quiet hum of conversation and laughter.
As we near the entrance, I stop and turn to you. “Oh, Cece, quick reminder—I won’t be here tomorrow. Or, uh, the rest of the week.”
You blink at me, confused. “Wait, what? Why?”
“It’s the Huntress Moon and Half-Blood’s Giving,” I explain casually, like it’s the most normal thing in the world.
Your expression shifts as recognition dawns. “Oh, right. Yeah. So where are you heading this time?”
“The sequoias and redwoods,” I say, stuffing my hands into my jacket pockets.
Eunbi perks up, her eyes lighting with interest. “That sounds like fun. Can I come?”
I shrug, smiling faintly. “Sure. Why not?”
Yujin, looking increasingly baffled, tilts her head. “Wait, hold on—why is Long disappearing for two weeks? What is this Huntress Moon thing?”
You laugh, clearly amused at her confusion. “It’s… complicated.”
Yujin’s brows knit together, and you, ever patient, decide to elaborate. “Okay, so Artemis and her Huntresses come by once a year for the Huntress Moon. They team up with some of the major half-bloods—Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Reyna, Nico, and a few others—for a week of friendly competitions.”
“Friendly competitions?” Yujin echoes, clearly skeptical.
“Think Capture the Flag, archery contests, obstacle courses,” you say, grinning. “It’s basically Camp Half-Blood on steroids. Everyone gets really into it.”
“Okay…” Yujin says slowly, still trying to piece it together. “But why is Longinius leaving did he do something to  Artemis? I know the Huntresses were… you know, anti-guys, but they typically tolerate them?”
You smirk at the question, clearly anticipating it. “Oh, she Artemis hates Long and my other bestie Dio. She thinks they the reason I left the Huntresses.”
Eunbi and Yujin both squint at you, intrigued. “Wait,” Eunbi says, clearly fishing for drama. “Is he?”
You pause for dramatic effect, your expression unreadable for just a moment, before delivering the punchline with perfect timing: “No. Sana is.”
Eunbi snorts, and I can’t help but laugh along. It’s the way you say it every time—so dry, so deadpan—it gets me every single time.
Yujin, however, turns a noticeable shade of red. “Do you still like Sana?” she asks, trying to sound nonchalant but failing miserably.
“What? No!” you say, mock-offended. Then you flash her a playful grin, your tone shifting to something softer. “She’s way too old for me now—especially since I have a lovely lady like you.”
The words make Yujin’s blush deepen, and her embarrassment melts into a smile. “You’re so cheesy,” she murmurs before leaning in to pull you into a kiss.
Eunbi groans dramatically. “Alright, that’s our cue,” she says, grabbing my arm and steering me toward the exit.
I glance back just long enough to see you and Yujin completely lost in each other before Eunbi nudges me. “C’mon, let’s give them some privacy before we turn into third and fourth wheels.”
We step out into the crisp night air, and I chuckle under my breath. “So… you still up for the sequoias?”
“Absolutely,” Eunbi says with a grin. “Anything to avoid being caught in that level of PDA again.”
As we walk off, the distant laughter and warmth from you and Yujin linger behind us.
The next day, the sun hangs high in the crisp blue sky as you and Yujin sit near the gates of the camp, waiting for the others to arrive. It’s quieter than usual, with most of the employees and persons of interest busy preparing for the week’s festivities. Yujin leans back on her hands, watching the horizon as if expecting a battalion to march in at any moment.
“So,” she begins casually, glancing over at you. “You never really told me—what was it like being with the Huntresses?”
You shrug, the corners of your lips twitching in a small smile. “Strict, disciplined, a little overwhelming sometimes. But also… freeing, in a way. It’s like being part of a sisterhood. You know everyone’s got your back.”
Yujin hums thoughtfully before asking, “Then why’d you leave? Was it really because of Sana?”
You chuckle, a bit sheepishly, and nod. “Sort of. I had this… puppy love crush on her. You know how it is—being young, being dumb, thinking someone’s the coolest person in the world.”
Yujin raises an eyebrow, smirking. “And let me guess, she knew.”
“Oh, she definitely knew,” you say, laughing now. “But Sana was always kind about it. She never made me feel bad or embarrassed, even when I started realizing it wasn’t going anywhere. Still, it was distracting, and Artemis… well, let’s just say she doesn’t tolerate distractions. So I left.”
Yujin leans in a little, her expression softening. “Do you ever regret it?”
“Not for a second,” you say, meeting her gaze. “Leaving the Huntresses let me meet people like you. And honestly? You’re worth it.”
Yujin grins, her cheeks coloring faintly. “You’re so cheesy, you know that?”
Before you can reply, the air grows colder, a stillness settling over the camp. The distant sound of hooves and footsteps reaches your ears, and you both turn toward the woods. Emerging from the tree line is Artemis, flanked by her Huntresses. The goddess of the hunt looks every bit as regal and commanding as you remember, her silver hair catching the sunlight, her moonlit eyes scanning the camp like a hawk.
“Here we go,” you mutter under your breath as Yujin straightens beside you.
Artemis approaches with a measured grace, her Huntresses fanning out behind her. She stops a few paces away, her gaze locking onto you.
“Cece,” she says, her voice as cool as a winter morning. “Where is the boy? The one who follows you like a shadow.”
You blink, caught off guard. “Dio and Long? One's not coming and the other already gone you have nothing to worry about.”
Artemis narrows her eyes slightly, as if trying to gauge your honesty, then shifts her attention to Yujin. “And you are?”
“Yujin,” she replies, offering a polite nod. “Cece’s girlfriend.”
Artemis tilts her head, her expression unreadable. “A mortal?”
“No,” Yujin says with a small smile. “Aphrodite legacy.”
Artemis considers this, her piercing gaze flicking between the two of you. “You have potential. Have you considered joining the Huntresses? A life free of mortal attachments, dedicated to something greater—”
“Thank you,” Yujin interrupts gently, “but I’m happy where I am.” She glances at you, her smile widening. “With Cece.”
Before Artemis can respond, Yujin leans in and kisses you, a soft, lingering gesture that sends warmth rushing through you. When she pulls back, her grin is both playful and defiant.
Artemis exhales sharply through her nose, clearly displeased but not entirely surprised. Her gaze shifts back to you, her expression tightening. “So he’s not the reason you left,” she mutters, almost to herself.
“Nope,” you say with a hint of amusement. “But I’ve got to say, I’m really glad I did.”
Artemis doesn’t reply, though her lips press into a thin line. She turns on her heel, motioning for her Huntresses to follow. As they move deeper into the facility , one of the younger Huntresses shoots you a sly grin before jogging to catch up with the group.
You and Yujin exchange a glance, and she smirks. “Think she’ll ever let it go?”
“Probably not,” you reply with a laugh, taking her hand. “But who cares? I’ve got you.”
The two of you watch as Artemis and her Huntresses disappear into the community center/country club thing.
The sun reaches its peak, bathing the area in golden light as the unmistakable sound of approaching voices and footsteps filters through the woods. You and Yujin sit side by side, your fingers lightly intertwined as the air grows lively with anticipation. From beyond the tree line, figures begin to emerge, each one carrying a unique presence that sets the atmosphere abuzz.
First comes Percy, his dark hair tousled as if he’d just stepped off a wave. He’s flanked by Annabeth, her sharp gray eyes scanning the camp like she’s already analyzing every potential strategy for the upcoming competitions.
“Yo, Cece!” Percy calls out with his trademark grin, throwing a hand up in greeting.
“Hey, seaweed brain!” you shout back, smirking as Annabeth elbows him lightly for the nickname.
Behind them are Piper and Reyna, walking in step despite their contrasting energies. Piper’s laid-back aura is underscored by the ever-present glint of her dagger, while Reyna’s commanding presence seems to draw everyone’s attention without her even trying.
“Good to see you again, Cece,” Reyna says with a respectful nod as Piper flashes you a friendly smile.
The next group to arrive includes Nico, whose dark attire and quiet demeanor contrast starkly with the cheery gold glow that seems to follow Hazel and Frank. Magnus and his friends aren’t far behind, the son of Frey already chatting animatedly with Frank about some shared Norse and Roman connection.
“Wow,” Yujin murmurs beside you, squeezing your hand. “So many legends in one place.”
You grin, leaning a little closer to her. “It’s not every day all the major half-bloods get together. Trust me, it’s always a bit chaotic—but in a good way.”
As the crowd filters in, introductions are exchanged, and the energy becomes electric. Percy and Magnus immediately start comparing weapons, while Piper and Annabeth get into a friendly debate about which Greek hero would win in a sparring match.
Hazel and Frank join you and Yujin, their warm smiles making her feel welcome. “So, you’re Cece’s girlfriend?” Hazel asks, her tone kind but curious.
“Yeah,” Yujin says with a confident smile. “And you’re the couple everyone talks about, right? The power duo?”
Frank rubs the back of his neck, blushing slightly, while Hazel laughs. “Something like that. Welcome to the chaos.”
A short distance away, Nico is already rolling his eyes as Magnus tries to rope him into a conversation about the underworld. “I’m just saying,” Magnus insists, “Hel and Hades could totally—”
“No,” Nico interrupts flatly, crossing his arms.
Artemis and her Huntresses remain at the edge of the clearing, observing the gathering with a quiet intensity. Artemis occasionally glances in your direction, her expression unreadable. You meet her gaze for a moment, feeling a sense of closure in the acknowledgment.
The facility feels alive now, buzzing with the kind of energy that only comes when heroes gather. Yujin nudges you with her shoulder, pulling your attention back to her.
“So,” she says, her voice soft but full of excitement, “what’s the plan for all of this?”
You smile, the warmth in your chest matching the golden afternoon light. “Friendly competitions, maybe a little chaos, and definitely some memories we won’t forget.”
She laughs, leaning her head against your shoulder as the rest of the group continues to mingle. For the first time in a long time, you feel like you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be—surrounded by friends, legends, and the girl who makes it all worthwhile.
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sweettofuki · 8 months ago
"Every relationship is different, but ours was my favourite" | part two
pairing: hoshina x emotionally reserved reader genre: second chance, angst -> fluff, a little smut summary: Hoshina finds ways to rekindle your love for him warning: minors do not interact, slight cursing mentions: @swivi @kaoiyeva @sleepymeix @lillycore thank you for your support!! I hope you enjoy this continuation!! a/n: part two! part one here
wc: 3.1k
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“I’m home,” you heard the door to your shared apartment clicked open.
You walked over to greet your boyfriend, Hoshina, at the front door, who came home late again.
“Hey baby, how was your work today?” you asked
“It was okay. I’m so tired though,” he replied.
You helped him with his bag and got him settled down.
“Do you want me to warm up your dinner? I made your favorite, katsu curry!” you beamed.
He took a sharp inhale. “Actually, my coworkers and I went out for dinner after work. I’m so sorry, dear.”
You sighed, disappointed, before turning your heel to heat up your portion.
“It’s fine, I can keep yours for lunch tomorrow,” you mumbled.
“When’s your next off day?”
“Oh, that’s great! I’m off that day too! Do you want to do something together? I was thinking of going to that new cafe that just opened—”
You started rambling about plans for your shared day off, but he seemed uninterested. He just wanted some peace and quiet when he got home. He clicked his teeth against his tongue.
“Actually, is it okay if we stay in? I’m just exhausted from being out every day.”
“… You always do this”
“Do what?”
“You always find excuses not to spend time with me. ‘Captain Ashiro needs me to finish this paperwork.’ ‘Officer Hibino is causing trouble again.’ ‘There’s a new weapon that needs testing.’ When is it gonna be ‘Sorry, I can’t, I have plans with my girlfriend?’’ you huffed.
“You neglect me all the time Soshiro. When are you finally gonna make time for me?” you yelled, frustration boiling over.
“Why are you getting mad at me? We can still spend time if we stay in. I just don’t want to be around people on my off days.”
“But we never go out anymore! Do you even remember the last time we went out?”
“Maybe. I’d be more willing to spend time with you if you didn’t spend every single minute of our time together nagging me,” he snarled.
“well, I’m SORRY for wanting to spend time with my boyfriend. Shoot me!” your voice raising a volume higher, hands balling into fists.
It wasn’t usual for you to raise your voice at him.
His eyes widened before his lips pressed into a thin line.
“Fuck y/n. Can you just shut up for a moment?? I don’t have time to deal with this. I have responsibilities y/n. You can’t expect me to just drop everything because you’re clingy.” he snapped.
A veil of silence fell over you. A sharp pang hit your heart, discomfort spreading across your chest.
“You…you think I’m clingy?” you whispered.
His words resonated repeatedly in your head. You looked down, not even wanting to hear his answer. Slowly, hurt morphed into anger. You felt something inside you snap.
“How the fuck do you think I’m clingy? I barely see you. We live together, and I only see you once a week. And even if we do see each other, you look irritated just talking to me, like it was a chore. You're always late coming home or to our dates—”
“Don’t you think I’m always out late because I don’t want to deal with you!? You’re always breathing down on my neck, suffocating me. I have a duty to serve, y/n.”
You let out a sharp gasp, pain etched across his face as he immediately regretted his choice of words.
But it was too late; he knew there was no taking them back. His words would be forever engraved in your mind.
“Fuck you and your fucking duties. Did you forget that I’m also working the same job as you? You don’t see me giving you excuses just because I’m exhausted. You know what? I’m done.”
Then you turned on your heels and stomped towards your shared room.
Hoshina leaned against the counter, breathing out a deep sigh. Then he heard the sounds of something zipping open, closet doors being thrown open, and frantic rustling.
Suddenly, the drop in temperature was the least of his worries. Panic overtook his exhaustion.
“Y/n, dear? What are you doing?” he shouted down the walkway.
You didn’t answer him .
Until he figured it out himself, reluctantly. He watched as you emerged, dressed and lugging a large suitcase behind you.
“w-where are you going at this hour?”
A stupid question he knew the answer to.
“y/n, please wait. Talk to me, baby—.” he pleaded but got cut off by your cold tone, something he had grown to hate.
“I think we’ve talked enough, Hoshina.” you hissed.
He never knew he could hate the sound of his own family name.
He opened his mouth to speak, but the words stuck in his dry throat. He wanted to pull you into his arms, to tell you that what he said wasn’t true, and apologize endlessly.
He wanted to tell you that he loves you, that when he comes home after a long day and holds you in his arms, he likes the feeling of your warmth and comfort. He adored your bright, contagious smile and your endless patience and love for him.
It wasn’t his first relationship, but he would be damned if you were his last.
Yet, his feet stayed rooted to the spot. Unable to move.
The moment he saw you take your keys, he knew there was no way of turning back time.
He watched your figure disappear behind the closed door, leaving him to stand alone in their empty apartment.
Well, he finally got what he wanted.
You repeated the line in your head, trying to reassure yourself that what you did was the right choice. With you gone, he could focus on his career without anyone holding him back.
But damn, does it hurt.
Hot heavy tears streamed down your face as you drove towards headquarters, where you had a spare private room.
You managed to hold in your tears until you left, refusing to let him see you at your weakest.
You felt like a dam, that broke down from holding in too much pressure for too long. The pain jabbed at your chest, obstructing your airways, making it hard to breathe—
You gasped awake.
Sitting up in bed, you clutched your chest, breathing heavily.
Calm down. Calm down. It was just a dream.
You sank back down into your bed, back in your dorm, your eyes still brimming with unshed tears. Hugging yourself, you sought comfort and fell asleep in your own embrace.
The next morning, you carried your duties on as usual. In your Captain’s office, you reported on recent improvements among your officers. Then, you discussed upcoming drills and training plans with your Vice Captain.
“Focus up Officer Izumi. You’re doing well,” you called out.
You nodded in approval as Officer Izumi swiftly took aim at the furthest target.
You have been monitoring your platoon’s progress during the drills, and recently, you’ve noticed Officer Izumi had climbed up to one of the top few spots in your squad.
“Hey, Platoon Leader L/N, did you see that shot? Pretty impressive right?” he said, standing a bit too close to your comfort.
“Yeah, good job officer,” you replied nonchalantly, not bothering to meet his gaze.
Lately, you couldn't shake the feeling that Officer Izumi has taken a liking to you. He always finds ways to strike up conversations with you and sometimes he would ‘accidentally’ brush his arm against yours. It hadn't gone unnoticed by the squad, resulting in him being teased constantly behind your back.
Yet, you can’t deny feeling a hint of flattery from receiving said attention. It had been a while since anyone had paid you this much attention since your breakup.
Thank god my dry pussy spell has lifted.
As you walked down the hallway, you heard your name being called out from behind you.
“Platoon commander L/N! Wait up!”
You turned to see Officer Izumi jogging towards you.
“Do you need something, Officer Izumi—”
“I know this is sudden but…I think you’re pretty and I’d like to get to know you better. Will you go out with me?”
Stunned, you’re not sure how to respond to something like that. For a split second, it brought back memories of the last time someone confessed to you—by a vice-captain.
“Officer Izumi, I’m flattered and I appreciate your interest, but I’m sorry. I can’t accept your confession. It crosses professional boundaries.”
He moved closer, you instinctively stepped back, feeling your back hit the wall.
“Why don’t you take some time to consider it? I can wait. Maybe one week or two—”
“She said no, dumbass. Learn to take no as an answer.”
Izumi froze. You turned to see the figure standing behind Izumi. As if just thinking about him made him materialize into thin air.
“What are you doing here, Vice-Captain Hoshina?” you asked
Your division and Hoshina’s share the same headquarters, so it’s not that odd to run into each other. What’s odd, though, is the sheer frequency of running into him, despite the base being HUGE.
Hoshina grabbed the officer by his jacket, effortlessly pulling him back despite Izumi's towering height. Even though Officer Izumi was a head taller than him, it did not seem to affect the vice-captain. However, the mere presence of the Vice-captain and his menacing grin seemed to have affected Izumi.
His grin bore nothing of its usual friendliness.
He smiled at you as he sent Officer Izumi away, flashing his canines. His menacing grin quickly shifted to a gentler smile upon facing you. You can’t deny that his smile didn’t stir up old butterflies in your stomach.
“I leave you alone for one minute and some poor bastard is already chasing after you, with additional borderline sexual harassment.”
“Why would he be a poor bastard? You don’t believe that I’m capable of dating Officer Izumi or anyone else for that matter?” you retorted
You saw a slight twitch in his eyebrows when you mentioned Officer Izumi.
He backed you against the cold, dry wall once more, slamming his hand beside your head with his thumb brushing against your ear. You felt a flame ignited at where his thumb is touching your earlobe, warmth radiating. His body hunched forward, completely caging you in.
“I know you, Doll. You wouldn’t settle for someone like him” he whispered, his intense gaze locking with yours in the close distance, his pupils dilated.
You blushed, immediately looking away and taking a deep breath.
You heard him stifle a laugh, feeling victorious from gaining a reaction from you.
“I don’t think exes normally care about this kind of stuff, Hoshina,” you teased “Like I said before, you don’t know me.”
“Hm, we’ll see about that, L/N,” he replied.
You were heading to your dorm when you passed by the training room. Light illuminating from an opening in the door.
“Seriously? They never remember to turn off the lights,” you mumbled to yourself
As you entered and made your way toward the light switches, you were about to flip the switches when your attention was drawn to the sparring dummy standing in the middle of the room.
Memories flooded back as you recalled the time when you were training alone, when Hoshina walked in, and you’d asked for his help.
“Baby, you’re not punching hard enough.”
“I don’t want to hurt you Soshiro,” you whined.
“How many times do I have to tell you, dear? I can take a hit! I won’t get hurt that easily, ya know?” he smirked
“Alright, you asked for it, love.”
Stepping back, you closed your eyes to clear your mind, then launched an attack on Hoshina.
Your right arm swung with full force, but he swiftly caught your fist and pulled you close. His arms wrapped around your waist, and with a swift move, he tripped one of your legs, sending you falling backward. In an instant, you went from aiming at his face to gazing up at him against the bright ceiling. His smirking face hovered just inches from yours.
Then his lips closed the distance.
You let out a small squeak at the surprise kiss.
Even after he pulled away, you still felt the softness of his lips lingering on yours.
You wet your lips.
His hungry, crimson eyes glanced down at your mouth.
He breathed out a deep sigh.
“Have I ever told you how absolutely breathtaking you are?”
“Not that I remember.”
In that moment, he fell harder in love by how your lovely lips curled up into a smirk, replicating the one he perfected.
You felt the hands around your waist and the back of your thigh grip harder, his fingers digging into your skin. His breathing grew heavier than before.
“Well, I’m telling you now sweetheart.” He whispered against your lips “You take my breath away.”
This time, he pressed into the kiss harder. He nibbled on your bottom lip, seeking entry with his tongue.
You let out a sharp gasp, which was immediately swallowed into his mouth, feeling something hard pressed against your crotch.
Trailing kisses along your jawline and down your neck, his warm lips gently nibble at your most sensitive spots.
“Babe not here. People might walk by and see us,” you panicked, whispering in a high pitch.
“Let them watch,” he muttered lowly into your skin.
You palmed hard at his hard-on through his pants. He let out a deep groan.
“Are you suggesting we find somewhere more private? Use your words, you naughty girl,” he added, chuckling lowly.
And the rest, as they say, is history.
You were deep in thought when a familiar voice interrupted you.
“Oops, my bad Y/N! I forgot to switch off the lights again," Hoshina said, lightheartedly.
You couldn’t remember when he started going back to first name basis with you again.
You turned and narrowed your eyes at him.
With him, nothing is ever a mistake.
“Oh? What had you so preoccupied that you forgot something so trivial?”
You noticed irritation flicker across his face. You mentally cheered for getting under his skin
“It was an honest mistake, y/n. Surely you've made mistakes in your life too.”
You paused halfway through switching off the lights.
Meeting his gaze, in a hard tone, you replied, "No, I haven't." If your words had made any impact on him, he made sure not to show it, his expression remained neutral as ever.
“Anyway,” he continued. “I suppose I have my moments of absentmindedness.”
You stared aimlessly at the wall ahead, refusing to make eye contact with him, tension thickening the air between you. Finally, he asked, “Did you remember? That night when the kaiju attacked and you exhausted yourself to the point that you blacked out.”
“what about it?” you replied, your voice hinting with intrigue.
There was a brief pause before he continued, his words carefully chosen.
“ When I saw the medics carrying your lifeless body on a stretcher, I felt like my heart dropped. I waited for you to wake up. I was there first thing in the morning and stayed by your side until you regained consciousness. I brought you flowers, hydrangea, your favorite, hoping that the scent will wake you up."
You remembered. The flowers. The empty chair.
Your hand reached out to brush against the beautiful, delicate petals. You ponder to yourself who could have left such a thoughtful gift. Fresh hydrangeas! Coincidentally, your favourite. What you didn’t notice was the pair of footsteps receding after one last glance.
“Thank god you woke up only after two days. If you had died before I could atone my mistakes, I would never forgive myself for watching you take your last breath.” He choked out the last few words, the pain evident in his voice as he imagined the worst. "It made me realised how much I still love you."
He fought back the tears that were pushing against the water gates.
You have never seen him this vulnerable before. A sharp pain throbbed in your chest at the sight of his unshed tears.
“Did you know how I noticed you hadn’t been leaving your office? Because I’ve been passing by your office every day since you left, hoping to see just a glimpse of your face. To know that you’re doing alright. After a week with no signs of you, I started to wait until you fell asleep on your desk before I dared to enter.”
He vividly remembered the moment he quietly stepped into your office, praying that you were too busy or asleep to notice. There you were, sleeping peacefully with your arms cradling your head. He cracked the door open wider, stepping closer to the front of your desk. Taking a peek at your sleeping face, he noticed your deep sunken eyes, the purple hue under your eye, and the discoloration on your cheeks. Almost as if life had drained from you. He gently tucked a strand of loose hair strand behind your ear.
Despite being overworked, and looking like you hadn’t slept in days, he couldn’t help but admire how angelic you looked at that moment. Then he noticed your petite hands trembling from the chill. He looked around the room, his eyes fell on the thick quilt on your couch. With a sigh, he retrieved it, carefully draping it around your shoulders and tucking it in, making sure no amount of warmth could seep out.
You stood frozen in place, staring at him, unsure what to make of his sudden confession. His heartfelt words clashed with your memories, particularly of your last argument with him. You clench your fists involuntarily.
“I don’t know….I don’t know if I’m ready for something like that again, Soshiro!” you cried. “When I left our apartment, I was nothing but my aching soul. It felt exhausting being in that relationship,” You started crying in hysteria, tears pooled in your eyes before they streaked down your cheeks. It was the first time you had really cried in weeks since the breakup. It felt good.
Without another word, you let him slowly embrace you, tightly, as though gathering your broken pieces.
Then you felt something wet hit your head, followed by another. Looking up, you saw tears flowing down his face.
“Please…give me another chance. We don’t have to start off strong right away. We can start at whatever pace that feels comfortable for you! I know I’m the last person who deserves your love right now, but when you left, I never realized how big our apartment was. I finally understood how you must have felt each time I left you alone. I promise you, if you take me back, I’ll never make you feel something like that again.” he begged.
With a shaky breath, you gripped his shirt close as you cried, whiffing in his familiar scent. “Okay, Soshiro,” you said. “Let’s give it one more try.”
“Really?!” he exclaimed, pulling you back to search your face. He held you tighter. “Thank you, baby! Thank you!” His words muffled against your hair.
Both of you stood there engulfed in the soft glow of the dim lights, reunited at last, each feeling as if a missing piece of the other had finally been rediscovered.
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sugurugetofavoritemonkey · 7 months ago
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Summary : You were ordered to kill Rufus Shinra, alas things didn’t go as planned…It could be said that Rufus was the one who got to play with you the way he desired.
Pairing : Rufus Shinra x f! Reader
Word Count : 2.560 words
Warnings : Smut, p in v sex, talking about murder (there is none), RUFUS IS A TEASE 🫠, light choking (sexy), mention of blood (light I think), Dom!Rufus, but a soft one ? (He’s still a fucking tease and control freak but I love him), enemies to lovers kinda ? (But in a quick way), a bit of nipple play, this man embarrasses and praises you at the same time, marking, Rufus cums inside, he plays with your pussy (no fingering), cum licking. Sorry I don’t even know how to TW anymore (please tell me if I forgot anything, thank you🥺).
Author’s Note : This man has me in such a chokehold, it’s not even funny anymore. I don’t even know what this is, sorry if it’s bad, I just got extremely inspired by this man. 🤍 Please keep in mind that English isn’t my first language. Though please tell me if I made errors, that would be lovely. 💞
Divider’s Credits : @/strangergraphics
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You were assigned to the murder of president Rufus Shinra. A simple task as they said, nothing you couldn’t handle. You laughed internally at the thought of it. Then how did you end up in this predicament ? Your form pressed up against the glass wall of Rufus’ office, your hands locked behind your back by the blonde man who pushes his body firmly against your back, as your dagger was laying on the ground near your right foot.
« Simple my ass », you muttered under your breath. Rufus was quicker and stronger than they told you, it was so easy for him to manhandle you into this position after you tried to slit his throat that Rufus almost thought that this was a joke as he chuckled against your ear, not in the least unsettled by your « attack ».
« Tsk-Tsk what do we have here hmm ? », Rufus pondered more to himself than to you, his foot pushing aside the blade on the floor, eyeing the weapon for a second before asking.
« Who sent you ? Was it Avalanche ? », his tone was calm and stoic. Another chuckle fell from his lips at your silence, he knew he would break you one way or another, he just had to wait and take his time, and Rufus was well provided with patience.
His hold on your wrists became tighter, not to the point of hurting, more to make you understand the position you were actually in. He had you trapped here, alone with him and you won’t escape this building as easily as you entered.
« Cat got your tongue, precious ? It would be a shame to force my hand and hurt such a pretty thing just to get the answers that I’ll obtain one way or another. »
The first answer that Rufus got wasn’t to his liking. You hit his nose with the back of your head harshly, laughing at the groan that escaped from his lips. You thought that would be enough to break free from his grasp but oh how you were wrong. With his free hand Rufus wiped the blood from his nose, creating a red streak on his cheek and on his black glove. Alas, the grin that Rufus wore didn't diminished in the slightest. He was even more eager to discipline you. His blood-coated fingers delicately went to run from your chin, on the column of your throat that gulped with anticipation and to the base of your neck, stopping there for a moment before tightening his hold on the tender skin of your throat, just enough to make goosebumps rise on your skin, a surprised gasp escaping your lips. His breath feels hot on your skin when his mouth comes closer to your ear, his smile evident.
« I’m going to enjoy breaking you, sweetheart. I don’t think you realize what situation you’re in. »
You smiled at the statement, turning your face back just enough to lock gaze with Rufus, the movement barely feasible with Rufus’ grip on your neck. « Care to enlighten me, dear president ? », you asked with apparent sarcasm.
His fingers tighten just a little more on your pretty little throat, just enough to cut some air out of your lungs for a moment.
« Wipe that smile off your face before I do it for you. », Rufus threatened in a composed manner, the frown on his face distracting you for a second, as if his blue eyes gazed directly at your soul, two unsettling gems that were watching your every move. You gulped at the feeling, sensing how small you actually were in front of him. Rufus’ smile widened when his hand that squeezed your windpipe felt you gulping. However, even though your smile faded, a defiant smirk still lingered on your pretty face that almost screamed challenge in its eyes. And Rufus couldn’t lie to himself, he was enjoying this, more than he could ever admit.
« You’re a defiant one, aren’t you love ? », Rufus whispered confidently, the hold on your throat easing just a bit. Your face turned back to the glass wall in front of you, but even though you tried to escape his piercing stare, the glass mirrored his reflection temptingly in front of you. You couldn’t escape him and Rufus hasn’t stopped toying with you. You didn’t know how you felt about this, your brain screamed at you that it was wrong, alas the other parts of yourself wanted to let themself be convinced by the blonde man. Still, you tried to resist, tried.
« Stop calling me that. », you tried to sound harsh, wanting to convince him - you, that you weren’t interested, that this man wasn’t interesting, that the warmth that was building in the pit of your stomach was just an illusion. But Rufus easily noticed the light break in your voice, the fragility in which he could penetrate. His hand that rested against your throat was now sliding teasingly towards your collarbones, smearing some of his blood there as well. His tone became softer, coated with honey, toying with your mind and self-restraints.
« You’re not used to being called sweet names ? To be touched like that ? Is that why you came here ? »
You spat back, « Of course not », but still you didn’t move, Rufus noticed. His fingers softly went down, sliding over your cleavage to rest on one of your breasts. His thumb curiously rubbed your hardened nipple, making you let out a strangled whine at the touch and making Rufus chuckle in your ear. At this point you weren’t even fighting back anymore, your hands in his hold grew limps behind your back. Your body unconsciously leaned towards his torso and he hasn’t barely done anything.
« You’re so sensitive, such a sweet angel, aren’t you ? »
The unexpected praise made you blush, making you hide your face away from his prying eyes, to no avail. Rufus took your chin in his free hand, leaving your breasts aching for his touch, and gently turned your face back towards his. His ice-blue gaze and cruel teasing smile made you feel even smaller now. And at this instant, Rufus really debated with himself if getting rid of you was a good idea, he much preferred to take your mouth in his.
The tantalizing idea wasn’t even rational to him, he wasn’t his usual self, you were a threat, he perfectly knew that eventuality. But the president of Shinra Company also found himself completely lost in the way you were unconsciously biting your lip and gazing down at his own mouth. Brushing the rational thoughts aside, Rufus closed the gap between the two of you, a kiss held with such possessive feelings that even himself felt surprised. Hesitantly you kissed back, even though Rufus kept leading the dance during the kiss, biting your lower lip to make you gasp so he could taste your mouth with his tongue. Your neck started aching with the position you were in, Rufus holding your jaw firmly from the back to keep kissing you. His kisses grew lighter as his breathing became heavier and Rufus broke the kiss to breathe against your mouth. As you turned back to face the glass wall in front of you, Rufus let go of your hands so you could brace yourself against the surface.
Rufus got closer to you, towering over you as he pressed himself against your back so tight that Rufus cornered you between him and the transparent wall, your hands on the wall being the only things creating a small gap for you to breathe. Rufus’ body was so close to yours that you could feel his evident boner that he made sure to teasingly rub against your ass while one of his hands gripped your side, firmly holding you in place the way he desired.
« You can be such an obedient angel when you want to. You just need a little…discipline. » Rufus’ free hand started caressing your body deliberately slowly as a way to show you just how much he held your pleasure in the palm of his hand. He possessively held your jaw from behind with the hand that was not tightening on your side, letting his hand slide down the column of your throat that he felt pulsating with need, letting it rest there just to make you guess if he would choke you like earlier or not. To your disliking he didn’t, toying with you as he preferred to let his hand reach your covered breasts once again. At first, Rufus just let his fingers trail over your erect nipples, passing over them without actually touching them or giving them the attention they craved so desperately. Rufus took great delight in hearing you whine his name out loud, a silent plea that made him feel prideful. Two of his fingers started to play with your nipples cruelly by rolling the buds of nerves between them, alternating with fully groping your chest, making you let out a moan of pleasure that you tried to hold back. The bastard perfectly knew what he was doing, Rufus knew how he was affecting you, a grin plastered on his face as he sensed your heavy breathing, the butterflies dancing in your stomach as his hand trailed down between your thighs that were rubbing against each other in anticipation. His face nuzzled in the crook of your neck, lapping the skin there as his mouth left a few bites here and there, leaving marks for all to see as his hair tickled your sensitive skin.
His black boots nudge your feet apart in order to part your thighs wider, letting him access below your skirt and to his surprise and contentment his fingers already find you oh so perfectly prepared for him. His hands slide between your pussy lips on top of your already drenched panties, the movement creating a lewd wet sound between his fingers as Rufus groans into your ear appreciatively before pressing a kiss under your earlobe.
« Shouldn’t you be ashamed ? Being this wet for the man you were ordered to kill and yet I’m the one that gets to play with you, isn’t this ironic ? », Rufus chuckles darkly.
At the humiliation you try to unwillingly close your thighs around his hand but Rufus is quicker and forces your legs open again, with a tone that requires only one answer from you.
« Do as I say. », and you do, you became so enthralled by the man, that it almost feels instinctive when you execute and open them even wider for him, causing Rufus to reward you with an open-mouth kiss on the cheek, his hand resuming the teasing movements as his fingers rub between your covered puffy wet lips, the lewd sound echoing even more in his office now as you crave for more.
« Good girl, you finally understood who’s in charge here, maybe we can get something out of you after all. »
Rufus gets off on your soft mewling cries as he continue to edge you a bit more, his fingers now drenched in your own arousal as he plays with your pussy in a way that pleases him, as Rufus try fingering you through your panties, letting you feel only the tip of his finger that can’t reach deeper due to the material blocking his movements.
« P-Please Rufus, you’re cruel… », he can hear you whine desperately, as a pleased chuckle escapes from his lips at your already messy state.
« Since you asked like a polite girl… », Rufus drags the sentence as he pulls your panties to your trembling ankles, the material sticking to your cunt in the process as Rufus admires the effect he has on you. His soiled fingerless-gloved hand reaches to your mouth, you understand the silent demand from him immediately as you open your mouth to clean his fingers, your tongue lapping at them as his fingers massage your tongue with your own wetness. When Rufus removes his fingers from your mouth he murmurs sweet nothings in your ear in an appreciative tone. When you think that you’ll finally feel his fingers where you need them the most, you’re surprised to sense him unbuckling his belt behind you, soon followed by his hard cock nudging at your wet entrance, his hand guiding his cock through your folds, coating himself with your arousal.
Your chest starts to heave more and more when you think that he’ll edge you once again and as you were about to whine out loud to make him move, Rufus thrusts the head of his dick inside you slowly but with enough force that it pushes you against the glass wall. When Rufus is finally sheathed to the hilt inside you, his office is silent except for the sound of your labored breaths, Rufus holds you possessively by your hips as his head rests on your shoulder for a moment. Rufus isn’t known for his reassuring presence, yet in this moment the many kisses that he places on any patch of skin that he can find are enough to appease your beating heart. Rufus towers over you from behind when he places a kiss on your temple, on your cheek and the side of your throat, ending with numerous open-mouth kisses where your neck meets your shoulder.
When he starts moving, his pace is slow and steady, increasing in speed as the vice grip your walls have on him, paired with your high moans, starts to make Rufus dizzy. He knew you were close, his cock could barely move the way he wanted with how tight you got, he just had to give you a little push. Rufus groaned as he nuzzled the side of your face, gazing at your blurry reflection on his transparent wall, smirking at you when he locked his eyes with yours and started whispering with a hint of truth in his last words.
« How do you feel knowing that the entire building just have to look up to see you being fucked stupid by their president ?What would people think, hmm love ? Wouldn’t they think that I own you ? They’ll be smart to think as such. »
With that, you came on Rufus’s cock with a moan of his name, as Rufus finished inside your pussy soon after, moaning in your ear as he painted your walls white, a bit of his seed already oozing out of you as it trickled down your thighs. Even after you came down from your orgasm, your body was still trembling slightly with everything that Rufus made you feel. You were thankful for his strong arms that held you against him, preventing you from falling down out of exhaustion. Your head rested against him as you closed your eyes for a moment, your mind dozing off as you felt Rufus’s face nuzzling into the crook of your neck, pressing a gentle kiss here. You could hear Rufus whispering something that you couldn’t quite grasp but you still discerned his soothing tone as he kept you tightly against him.
« I might keep you after all »
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uranvittie · 11 days ago
Dark Paradise \ ONE.
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader.
Summary: After a particularly boring mission, Bucky asks Natasha out for a drink. Natasha isn´t thrilled with the idea, but she doesn't hate it either. She accepts out of curiosity. And she ends up captivated by the beautiful singer on stage.
Warnings | Tags: Mentions of violence, alcohol and tobacco, altough this first part is actually quite mild. Mil, mild, mild. Mention of several characters, yes, Yelena is a regular. I should probably add Yelena x Reader, but in a platonic way ーOh, Yelena, i like you so muchー, also a lot of friendship between Natasha and Bucky. Slow burn? Somenthing like that. Age gap. SHIELD as a criminal organization.
Note: Yes, the tittle of the story is the tittle of a Lana del Rey song, but the story is not based on that song, I think. I included the song Off to the Races because it is the song that is actually sung by reader. This is just the first part of a short ーreally shortー serie. Please keep in mind that my english is mediocre.
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Natasha lets out a tired breath, looks down at the floor in boredom and waits for two minutes until Bucky stands next to her. She doesn't even bother to turn to look at him.
"You look more irritated tonight." He mentions. And even though he's not looking at him, she knows he's making a worried expression.
Yes, she was irritated, but not with Bucky.
After a sigh, she turns to look at him with a crooked smile.
"I don't know how you can't be irritated after this." She looks down at the ground once more and clicks her tongue in annoyance as she notices the blood on the ground coming up to her shoes. "I hate people who bleed so much." Natasha mutters with more irritation.
She watches Bucky, who moves around the room silently, the man surely realized something was wrong as, during her chores, he kept looking as if he was afraid she would break her hands from banging.
"I should call Maria to start the cleaning." He announces loudly.
"Wait until we're outside." Natasha stops him before he could dial on his phone. "I don't want to run into them on the way out."
Bucky nods, puts the phone away and picks up the briefcase in which he was carrying his weapons, he nods to her and walks out the door. Natasha stays alone for a moment to assess the scene, nothing was out of place. And the only mess was the red liquid spread all over the carpet, the body was almost hidden behind the couch. She looks at the guy's face in disgust and then turns around and leaves the room.
She watches out for the cameras in the hallway on her way out, her hair hides her face and as she enters the elevator Natasha stays in the camera's blind spot. She takes off her dirty gloves to tuck them wrapped in a handkerchief inside her pocket and caresses her hands carefully.
The guy had hard bones.
The reception was completely empty, not a guard, not a clerk. It wasn't past midnight, but everything was supposed to have been planned to be a clean job. She walks out without looking up.
Outside it was just as quiet, hardly any cars were passing by, even though it was one of the most prestigious areas of the city, there wasn't much movement that night on that side of town. She didn't care too much to keep thinking about it, instead, she focuses on Bucky, who stands at the car that was already waiting to take her.
"Eh, Bucky." She calls and makes him turn to meet her. "Why are you still here?"
"What are you doing next?" Bucky asks instead of answering. Natasha then gives him a dirty look that he easily ignores.
"Oh, what's that for, you want to go have a nice dinner after smashing a guy's face in with your hands?" Natasha asks in an incredulous tone.
Bucky doesn't even bother, he looks at her calmly and proceeds to pull a cigarette out of his jacket, places it between his lips and lights it.
"Yes, shouldn't we?" he replies calmly. "And don't wreck anyone's face." He adds after taking a puff on his cigarette.
Natasha smiles at the man's cheekiness.
"Okay." She accepts without further ado. The truth was, she didn't mind going to dinner, she wasn't hungry, but she could accept a few drinks. That was always needed.
Besides, it piqued Natasha's curiosity that Bucky would invite her to do something after a mission. Bucky was just beginning to immerse himself in the duties of the SHIELD organization and was assigned to her side as her apprentice, although she preferred the term ‘partner’. He was quiet, attentive and caring. Someone Natasha could work with.
Despite the reputation of Bucky's old organization, he seemed to have learned good manners. She was a little envious that he could adapt so easily to everything despite having been tortured.
And during all those months carrying out his duties, Bucky never asked her for anything. He did not give her any problems, although he had to accept that his attitude many times he irritated her, he did not ask too many questions, nor did he want to act without having received orders, he never sought to obtain more than what he was assigned. The SHIELD organization was known for having hungry dogs, needing admiration, power, always looking to prove they could stand above others, but Bucky wasn't like that. He never tried anything like that. He was good. And he knew it wasn't going to work for long that way, if he wished to continue within SHIELD.
So yes, she found it odd to hear a proposal from him. An invitation to dinner.
He wouldn't even ask for water in anxious, heated meetings.
Bucky gives her a long look as he gets into the car first, Natasha remains standing on the sidewalk, her gaze turns back to the building behind her and lingers there for a second.
"What's wrong?" he asks. And she notices the slight change in his tone.
"Oh, nothing." Natasha replies calmly. "I just thought Maria's dogs have been slow to show up."
Bucky shrugs, slams his back against the seat and looks straight ahead with disinterest.
"Our work is done." He mentions simply.
And she has to agree with him. The work on her part was done. The rest shouldn't have mattered to her at all.
Natasha gets into the car without looking back, Bucky steps to the side as she stretches out on the seat with her legs spread wide. Oh, he was so easy. Bucky just directs a scowl at her.
"It's your car." He speaks, and Natasha really wasn't expecting it. "I'm not fighting for more seat space."
"I didn't say anything."
"You're looking at me like you expect a reaction." She nods at Bucky's words, he was right, sometimes she was just looking to provoke him to see how much he'd put up with without getting upset. He never got upset.
And that, somehow, continued to be a nuisance.
Natasha turns to the window and ignores when Bucky leans forward to give his driver directions. She barely hears him for the short attention span at that moment.
A bad part of town.
The kind they go looking for when someone goes missing, because it's usually in barrios like this where they find the body.
She knew it, of course. A lot of SHIELD assignments came to these places, she had never walked there in person, but she heard everyone talking about this part of town.
Natasha wonders what a good restaurant could be in a place like this.
The whole way there, Bucky doesn't speak or react to the offensive comments she makes every time she looks out the window.
The car finally stops.
Natasha looks at the building in front of her in awe. It wasn't an impressive place, it was impressive that Bucky directed them there.
The man just gives her a look, not saying anything, he gets out of the car a second later and she has to do the same.
"I don't think they serve the pasta I like here."
"I thought you wouldn't be hungry." He mutters with a shrug. "I thought you'd just want to drink."
She directs a sly smile at him, Bucky smiles back, Bucky's smiles have always been barely visible.
He begins to move towards the building, Natasha walks behind him, her gaze scanning the place carefully. The most striking thing was the big sign announcing the name of the Dark Paradise place, it was nothing original, it was a big wooden sign with some lights. The whole place had an old and classic look. With an old wooden facade, the doors and windows had large frames. It looked discreet, nothing over the top, with dark curtains that seemed to provide more privacy.
There was nothing else to remember about the place. It was like any other pretentious, cheap nightclub.
A line of at least thirty people stretched around the place, she sees Bucky step forward to bump into the man guarding the door.
She is a little impressed that her companion offers a ‘tip’ in a quick manner to the security guy to get passage.
She has never seen Bucky act so brazen.
Natasha follows Bucky closely around the place, she looks around without so much interest at the time. It had already been established that the place was forgettable. Of course, there were a lot of people in the place. It was completely packed. And the big stage was surrounded by men and women with girls sitting on their laps. Natasha gives Bucky a frowning look as he breaks off to talk to one of the waitresses. One of the few waitresses who remain standing. The place inside also has all that fancy, pretentious atmosphere. The lighting is dim and warm, with wall sconces casting a soft light on the emerald walls decorated with framed photographs and paintings.
Natasha notices how some tables are more private, in more secluded and exclusive locations and hoped Bucky would get one of those tables, however, Bucky guides her to one of the tables in the center, in front of the stage. Apparently they had just kicked out those seated there at Barnes' request. The round table has a white tablecloth with a small vase, at least it looks clean, Natasha thinks as she sits down on one of the leather seats.
She didn't understand why her suave Bucky Barnes had taken her all the way to a cheap bar and made her sit at a less than exclusive table, but she doesn't argue anyway.
Maybe Bucky had only chosen the place because it was certain that no one ‘decent’ from SHIELD would bother to go in there.
She watches Bucky curiously, the man kept looking around, as if he was looking for someone. Natasha sighs as she drops back into her seat.
"Have you arranged to meet someone else?"
"Then why are you looking around so desperately?" She questions irritably.
The place was already starting to bother him, that was because none of the waitresses had approached to bring her a drink. And all around her there were only men reeking of alcohol. Mostly drunk adults who kept yelling at each other.
"I was just wondering what time Yelena will show up..."
The expression Natasha was directing at him at that moment must have scared Bucky because he even recoiled in his seat.
"Why would you invite Yelena to a place like this?" She asks in what she hoped was a calm tone.
"I don't." He hastens to say. "Yelena comes here often." He informs her. "It was she who invited me."
Natasha then looks at Bucky with irritation, she thinks about getting up and leaving, but that would surely just give Bucky something to think about. She just stands still in her place, she wonders if he was aware of the fight she had had with Yelena that morning, she supposed he should be aware enough to make that move.
Though it was also odd that he would do something like that to arrange a meeting for her with her sister. Was Bucky trying to help? Natasha looks at him funny for the next five minutes.
"Can I get you a drink?"
"Let's wait for one of the waitresses to come over." She replies grumpily.
"They only come over when you call them to spend time with you." He warns her gently. Which makes her even angrier.
"And why did you wait so long to say it?" Her voice is a growl.
After only giving her a blank stare, Bucky gets up and gets lost in a group of people, so he's left alone.
He had barely spent two minutes alone when he feels arms wrap around his neck. Natasha doesn't even flinch, as she quickly recognizes Yelena's scent.
"Natasha..." The blonde croons in her ear. "I never thought to see you in a place like this."
"I'd say the same about you." Natasha replies. Yelena releases Natasha to then sit down in one of the empty chairs at the table.
Yelena laughs, bringing the drink in her hands to her lips, she lets out a sigh after drinking.
"Bucky brought you."
"Yes, he did." She replies calmly without looking at her sister. "Apparently he's looking for us to reconcile."
"Ah, he's such a good boy..." Yelena whispers in an affectionate tone. Natasha grimaces. "Where is he?"
"He's getting drinks." Natasha replies with a smirk. "We could talk in his absence..." She offers.
"What could we talk about?" She watches Yelena look with interest towards the rooms at the back of the place.
Yeah, it looked like it was one of those clubs where you could go to private rooms with some of the girls. Definitely a place just like any other, but louder and with more girls in slutty outfits. Is that the only reason it was so popular?
"Yelena..." Natasha starts, but the blonde is quick to interrupt.
"It's okay, I understood before... the mission was for you, only you, because I wasn't up to it." She speaks in a bitter tone, with a smirk, anyway, Natasha recognizes the slight tremor in her voice.
"I don't think so."
"But everyone else does." Yelena slams the glass down on the table. She gives him a hurt look and it's at that moment that Bucky decides to show up.
"Belova." He calls out to her in greeting mode.
"Oh, Barnes..." Yelena looks at him with something akin to affection and Natasha grimaces. "When I showed you this place I didn't think you were going to share it with Natasha..."
Natasha just rolls her eyes, reaches out to grab one of the glasses Bucky sets on the table and downs the drink.
She thinks that letting Yelena get away with not talking about it is fine. Natasha doesn't feel like pursuing it anyway, it was going to be annoying.
"I didn't think it would bother you." He takes a seat on the spot across from Natasha.
Yelena helps herself to the bottle Bucky had brought, looks at Natasha, surely expecting some teasing comment, but Natasha doesn't even move.
"I would have preferred it to be secret." Yelena laments in a mock-sad tone.
Natasha gives Bucky a nonchalant look. Her partner just smiles with, what he admits, embarrassment.
They are silent for a few seconds, in which Natasha only devotes herself to drinking and looking at the table, while Bucky next to her does the same. Yelena seemed to seek to entertain herself by looking over to the other tables.
"You didn't run into Kate Bishop on your way to the bar?"
"No." He answers after a moment in silence.
"Agh..." Yelena grunts. "She must be with that stupid kid serving the drinks..."
"Ah, you know him too..." Yelena takes a long sip from her glass then looks at Bucky with interest. "What's so special about him? Kate Bishop wants to be with him all the time? I thought he'd be someone interesting the first time she mentioned him... but he's just a simple boy, he's not even that pretty." Yelena makes a grimace that shows her displeasure as she speaks. "I don't understand what your relationship is...”
Bucky remains silent as Yelena continues to ramble on about the relationship of her partner and the drinks boy that irritates her so much.
"Is that why you come here, Kate is forcing you to accompany her?" He asks after a while.
Yelena gives him an amused look, smiling behind the glass of vodka she holds close to her lips.
"Oh, no, it's also because I enjoy the show..."
Natasha frowns at that. There was nothing entertaining about that place. Nothing that could be considered a show in that run-of-the-mill club. Or was it that Natasha didn't consider the morons around her who kept shouting an entertainment.
She was about to ask what he meant by that when she senses the presence of someone at her back. Natasha relaxes as she recognizes Kate Bishop's presence.
"Speak of the devil..." Yelena mutters, looks up at the girl with a smile. "Are you done playing with that boy of yours yet?"
"Yeah, Peter had to go back to his shift." She answers painfully. As if she's truly sorry. "Let's go now." She speaks in an almost authoritative tone as she tugs on Yelena's arm.
"What?" Yelena lets out a scream. Natasha isn't paying attention to them. She was already used to hearing her sister arguing with everyone. "Do you have things to do or what? We usually stay until your friend is done..."
"Yeah, but he said not to stay and wait for him because we won't be able to join him. He's covering someone for the next shift too..."
"And you don't want to wait until that happens?"
"He already asked me not to do that..."
"Maybe he just said that because he didn't want to bother you, but he really does want you to wait for him..."
Natasha can't believe Yelena was encouraging anyone, there must be Yelena's interest in the whole thing because her sister never extended kindness to anyone.
Kate Bishop was naive enough to swallow all of Yelena's silly words. Kate seemed to analyze it for a moment then took a seat next to Natasha, between Bucky and her.
Natasha decides to tune out the ensuing conversation because it was all Kate Bishop yelling at Yelena, who would occasionally reply with calm words. Bucky would intervene, several times, talking about the boy named Peter most of the time, getting Kate Bishop to sweeten up.
About half an hour had passed when she notices Yelena turn her chair slightly toward the stage, almost as if she wished they wouldn't notice. Natasha looks up to the stage then, where she could see someone arranging a microphone on the platform.
Kate Bishop next to her continues to talk about the girl she likes, so Yelena reminds her that she's an idol to tease, which makes Natasha get lost in her thoughts again.
Natasha could have left there a long time ago, probably by then she would have been getting home and would have been quietly drinking. Which she was doing at the time anyway, but she would have avoided hearing the screams of the brats and drunks around her, she would have avoided the lingering scent of cheap cologne and the smell of sweat from some guys. Natasha had no reason to keep putting up with Yelena's dirty looks or Kate Bishop's stupid questions.
He had just poured himself another glass of vodka when the loud sound of the music made her look up at the stage. The lights in the place had lost their intensity, there was a spotlight pointing towards the empty spot on the stage.
The shouting around her had ceased, Natasha is surprised to notice that, in fact, everyone is paying attention to the stage. Even Bucky, who had kept his eyes down for the entire time.
Natasha's eyes light up with surprise as she watches your figure walk toward the light focused on the microphone.
Natasha watches with interest then, you, who appears from the shadows. You wear a long black dress with a wide neckline that allows the skin of your chest to stand out. You raise your bare arms towards the microphone, wrapping the stick between your hands in a way that seems almost lascivious.
Some people start shouting some things in the background, but Natasha isn't paying attention to her surroundings, so she doesn't register anything they say.
My old man is a bad man, but 
i can’t deny the way he holds my hand 
and he grabs me, he has me by my heart 
Natasha never thought she could feel pleasure through her ears, but when you start singing, you cause even her body to tremble.
She looks around cautiously, fearing that her reaction might have been exaggerated enough for someone to notice, but it seemed that everyone was looking at your figure in the center of the stage in the same way.
It's amazing the way you move on that platform, Natasha running her eyes over your stunning figure. She couldn't believe a dress could look so good on someone. The open cut from your waist allowed the thigh-high lace stocking you wore to show off. The light shining on you made the glitter of the sequin that adorned the lace garter around your thigh sparkle. And again, Natasha was impressed by the way your entire figure shimmered.
The sparkles of glitter on the bottom of your dress made you look even more stunning with every step you took.
Light of my life, fire of my loins 
be a good baby, do what i want 
light of my life, fire of my loins 
gimme them gold coins, gimme them coins 
Natasha thinks she heard a sigh from Yelena but she is not so sure because the people around her are also sighing.
I need you to come here and save me 
i’m your little scarlet, starlet, singin’ in the garden 
kiss me on my open mouth 
ready for you 
Natasha feels a sigh escape her lips as well when she sees you lean forward to hold the base of the microphone in an insinuating manner.
She notices how your gaze sweeps over the tables in the place and her breath stops when your eyes meet hers.
Light of his life, fire of his loins 
keep me forever, tell me you own me 
light of your life, fire of your loins 
tell me you own me, gimme them coins 
She notices how your lips curl into a smile as you stop to look at her for a second, until you shift your gaze to another table.
Natasha bristles at the fact that that look made her feel things.
She brings one of her hands to her mouth to hide the smile on her own lips.
I’m sorry that i’m misbehaving 
i’m your little harlot, starlet, queen of Coney Island 
raisin’ hell all over town 
sorry ‘bout it 
Natasha's eyes fix on your face, she can't believe you were performing that song like that.
The lyrics were so—
Natasha felt even dizzy.
Boy, you’re so crazy, baby 
i love you forever, not maybe 
you are my one true love 
you are my one true love 
Natasha never thought anyone could steal her breath away like that.
She had been watching in fascination the way you moved around on the stage, around the long base of the microphone, how your hands held and caressed the stick throughout the song. It was quite a fucking sight to behold.
You are my one true love. 
The melody of the song had begun to diminish. It was already over. You threw several smiles at the audience, who kept clapping, some had even gotten up from their seats to throw tickets at you. Ugh, how ordinary, thought Natasha.
Yelena was the one who drew her attention back to the table, her sister had leaned over to pour herself another drink, the blonde laughs and drinks.
No one speaks for the next few seconds, Natasha still feels numb. With a strange heat on her face.
She doesn't look back at the stage, not because she was embarrassed or shy, Natasha really didn't want to stoke the feeling that had been born by watching you on stage.
It had been only a second since her gaze left Yelena, her eyes had returned to the table, so she is surprised when she hears her sister raise her voice, in that low, smug tone she usually uses.
“Come here.” Yelena had ordered, in a mocking, demanding tone. Natasha notices the roll of bills Yelena raises towards you, you were now facing in the direction of her table. Yelena practically has her arm resting on the stage as she looked at you with a smug smile. “You want it, don't you?”
Bucky lets the air out of his nose noisily, he looks away. Kate Bishop doesn't even flinch, looking at pictures on her phone of the idol she was apparently in love with while drinking.
Natasha ignores the look you give her for a second. A curious look.
“Yelena.” You pronounce in a bored tone, you look at Yelena almost with annoyance.
Natasha watches her sister smile more openly after that.
“You can do better than that.” Yelena mutters in the same annoyed tone.
Natasha watches as you scrunch up your face in pure disgust. She hadn't had your face this close before, so instead of concentrating on what Yelena was saying, Natasha devotes herself to looking at you.
She looks at the way your hair falls softly over your face, the curve of your nose, and the deep color of your lips. Your eyes shine under the stage lights and the skin on your chest seems to glow. Natasha looks at the light makeup you're wearing, she thinks how beautiful you are even without all that makeup. And she notices that you're young. Pretty young to be in a place like this. She gets a lump in her throat when she realizes that you don't even look twenty-five.
Your nose wrinkles as you grimace in disgust as you lean over to take the roll of bills Yelena offers you.
"Wear a girdle next time, I don't like your huge waist, God."
Natasha could have silenced her sister, who was just being rude for no reason. Yelena was lying. You looked stunning without the damn girdle. The dress fit you perfectly.
"I've told you before, Yelena…" You draw out your words in contempt. "You can write letters with your suggestions… I'll use them to clean the disgusting drool you drop on the stage." You reply in a harsh tone. And Kate Bishop's laugh is loud enough to make some of the customers turn to look at the table. "It's clear you like me anyway, it's kind of disgusting the way you're throwing yourself at me like a dog for my attention here…" You add before just gracefully standing up again.
Natasha is shocked to hear you talk to Yelena like that. She didn't think you had the guts to answer her. Kate Bishop for her part can't stop laughing or slapping Yelena's shoulder, the blonde gives you an angry look, but has the decency not to open her mouth.
Your gaze falls on Natasha again, just for a second, but it was enough to awaken an emotion in her that made her feel anxious.
You turned around and left without further ado.
You could still hear the voices of the customers, screaming and throwing money at your feet as they begged for another song, but you didn't stop on your way to the spot behind the stage curtains.
"She's a bitch…" Yelena mumbles with a bitter smile.
"You provoked her." Natasha replies, taking a sip of her drink and ignoring the dirty look she gets from Yelena.
"But she can't answer like that. Not to me." Yelena insists with a frown, slamming her back against the back of the chair and groaning. "She's just a shitty singer in a shitty club. And I gave her some advice."
"Some shitty advice."
Yelena gives him another dirty look, but doesn't answer.
They remain silent for a while. Yelena ignores Natasha for the next half hour, only paying attention to Kate Bishop. Bucky looks tired as well, so Natasha gets up to say goodbye.
She takes Bucky with her, after putting money on the table to pay for the bottle they drank, more than enough, when she says goodbye, she doesn't get an answer, just a nod from Kate Bishop.
They walk to the exit of the place without any problems, Natasha had collided with a man before, but the guy had just collapsed on a table without any problems. He was so drunk that he didn't get up.
The music starts playing again in the whole place, Natasha had immediately turned around only to be disappointed to see that you weren't at the microphone again, in your place several girls in lingerie had appeared, apparently they were about to start another show.
Natasha then turns her gaze to her former table, where Kate and Yelena are still there, seemingly arguing without paying any attention to the show. She lets out a sigh and leaves.
When they finally get outside, two cars are waiting for them. Bucky goes to his, and Natasha would have easily done the same, but she went after Bucky.
"Who was she?" The question seems to catch her partner off guard, as he just turns to look at her in confusion. He seems to take a second to figure out what she's talking about, but Natasha is quicker. "The singer."
He looks at Natasha curiously for half a second before answering.
Yeah, Natasha couldn't believe she was interested enough to ask either.
"I don't know much more than you do after tonight…" He looks around and shrugs. "The times I visited the place, it was always with Yelena… the singer shows up, sings a song and leaves. Yelena must know more… she always comes to the stage to tip her." He finishes with a thoughtful expression, then looks at Natasha warily. "Why do you ask? Do you want me to find out something about her?"
Natasha puts a hand on Bucky's shoulder, pats him and smiles at him to calm him down.
"It's nothing, Barnes." She rushes to speak, but there's no change in Bucky's expression. "It just piqued my curiosity."
Bucky stares at her in silence until he finally shrugs, gives her a nod, and opens his car door.
"Yeah, I guess she's someone who attracts attention."
With that, Bucky gets into the car, the window rolls down to give her a few parting words, and Natasha leans against the door with an amused smile.
"Anyway, you shouldn't have driven me all the way out here just to meet up with Yelena."
Bucky's face reflects guilt.
"I'm sorry if I gave you a hard time…"
"Don't apologize." She says, stepping away from the car and putting her hands in her pockets as she looks at him with her amused smile. "It really was a night to remember."
And with a nod to the driver, the car pulls away, leaving Natasha standing alone on the curb.
She takes the pack of cigarettes out of her pocket, brings one to her lips, lights it, and looks back at the building. There weren't as many people lined up outside anymore, the street was filled with parked cars and a few drunks dancing under a light pole on the other block. Natasha looks back at the bright sign of the nightclub.
She takes a long drag on her cigarette.
Dark paradise.
It wasn't so forgettable after all.
She blows out the smoke and goes to the waiting car. God, she needed a shower after being exposed to so many smells.
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zorosdimples · 8 months ago
KEEP YOUR COOL ꒰ ajax tartaglia childe x reader ꒱
minors do not interact—i will block you. cw: mild violence and blood. suggestive content. cursing. reader is gn and called “sweetheart” once. wc: 616. notes: just a quick little something for my beloathed’s birthday!
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The honed edge of the dagger is flush against the pulse point beneath his jaw.
Lightning cracks through your veins and sets your nerves ablaze, a storm brewing in your mind as you stare down the Harbinger you’ve pinned against the wall. One hand grips your weapon, the other splays across his throat in firm warning. He’s hot to the touch—almost burning—tiny clusters of stars and constellations floating across the milky expanse of his skin. 
Nonplussed, Tartaglia beams. His freckled cheeks are flushed and dimple boyishly. “To what do I owe this pleasure? It’s not often that I’m greeted so intimately.” 
You can almost feel the saccharine lilt of his voice vibrate through your starsilver blade; your fingertips prickle. His flippant tone stokes your temper, his words burrowing beneath your flesh—it’s all a game to him. Keep your cool, you think to yourself. You inhale deeply to steady your breath. 
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing here?” you ask with more venom than intended. 
In spite of his compromised position, the Fatui agent grins, knife-sharp teeth gleaming—a beast on the hunt. His azure irises glow in the gloom, fathomless as the cloudless horizon. 
“I was in the neighborhood.” 
If looks could kill, he’d be nothing more than an oozing heap of meat on the floor. You apply more pressure to the dagger, the delicate skin of his neck stretching, blood swelling just below the surface. “Don’t play coy with me. How did you break into my home?” 
Breezy laughter peals in the air and rings in your ears, his Adam’s apple bobbing against your open palm. “That’s a steep accusation, sweetheart. Don’t work yourself up so much—this is an innocent misunderstanding.” 
“Don’t fucking call me that,” you spit. “There’s nothing ‘innocent’ about a stranger lurking in my kitchen while I’m asleep.” 
His face contorts in mock-hurt. “Stranger? You wound me.”
“I’ll do worse than wound you if you keep being a smartass. Now tell me how you got in here and I’ll—”
Before you can finish, Tartaglia surges forward and grabs your wrists, forcing you to drop your blade in a clatter. He takes advantage of your shock to flip you around and shove you against the wall, restraining your hands above your head. A lithe leg slips between your thighs to hold you in place. You can’t so much as take a breath once his lips crash into yours. 
The kiss isn’t an embrace so much as it is a spar, a violent clash of fervor and frustration. It’s impossible to tell where one mouth begins and the other ends; you blur into one another, saliva and ichor mixed and mingled, pushed back and forth between teeth and tongue. Ugly and raw, you duel out of both pride and pleasure. You only part when both of your lips are swollen and bruised—an embarrassing badge that you’ll deal with later, after the thrill subsides.   
“How was that?” you murmur.
Instead of answering your question, he licks at the mess of fluids that smear your chin. “Mmmm.”
You roll your eyes. “I can’t believe this is what you wanted for your birthday, Ajax. You’re a sick freak.” 
Your lover cups your face, examining you too closely. You squeeze your eyes shut.
“Well, you agreed to this, so: pot meet kettle,” he coos. “Archons was it sexy. You’re lucky I have excellent self-control—I nearly ended it mid-scene to fuck you.” 
“Shocking,” you scoff, gesturing to the tent in his pants.
“Are you going to help me take care of it?”
Pretending to think for a moment, you hum. “Convince me.” 
“Oh?” He leans in wearing a smirk that spells trouble. “Don’t mind if I do.” 
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miryum · 6 months ago
"The Box"
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Summary: Detective!Jason Todd x detective!Reader based on Jake and Amy’s relationship
Series Warnings: Swearing, descriptions of violence (but nothing descriptive), guns and other police stuff
Series Masterlist
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“I'm Lex Luthor.” A man strode into the precinct and rapped a fist on Damian’s desk. He was wearing a crisp suit and his bald head had been shined. “Detective L/n asked me to drop by.”
Damian’s eyes flickered up to the man before going back to his origami knives. He had found a new tutorial on YouTube that promised sharper cuts. “Mm, yes. The CEO who murdered someone. Spoiler alert: they think you did it.” He flagged down another officer. “Duke, can you show him to interrogation room C, please?” He waved to Lex and snickered. “Have fun in there.”
“Thank you.” Luthor drew his lips into a thin line.
A couple minutes later, Captain Wayne stood by Y/n as they watched Lex Luthor behind a two-way mirror. “What are you smiling about?” he asked.
“How uncomfortable this guy is,” Y/n replied. “I jacked up the thermostat, got the table all sticky, made one of the chair legs too short, and worst of all, I had Damian greet him.”
“What did you have him do?”
“I told him to be himself.”
Wayne shook his head. “Poor son of a bitch.”
Y/n glanced at her capitan before asking, “Why are you wearing a tuxedo? You look like Fred Astaire.”
“I take that as a high compliment, but I’m not off to sing the number one song of 1935, Cheek to Cheek, which was top of the charts for fifteen weeks and the following year was nominated for the Best Song Academy Award to The Way You Look Tonight.”
Y/n stared at him until she muttered, “I’m not even surprised anymore.”
“Clark and I are attending the opera,” Wayne explained simply.
“Ooh, the opera. Is it the one Bugs Bunny sings?”
“Yes.” Wayne turned away from Y/n and asked, “So, who's this?”
“Lex Luthor,” Y/n said proudly. “We have a clear motive, clear means, a nonexistent alibi, but the DA won't bring a charge because it's all circumstantial. If we wanna bring this guy down, we have to get him to confess right here, right now.”
Wayne raised a brow. “An interrogation with a ticking clock and everything on the line? I better call Clark and tell him I won't be attending the opera.” He pulled out his phone and began dialling. “There's someone else I'd rather hear sing.”
“Oh, damn!” Y/n covered her mouth appreciatively.
“Hello, Clark. I won't be joining you at the opera tonight-”
“Oh, sorry,” Y/n shushed herself. “I didn't know-” 
Wayne cut her off, saying, “it's under my name, W-A-Y-N…”
Y/n squinted at him and finished her sentence, “you were on the phone already….”
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Wayne poured over the case file which stated facts, showed pictures, and other minute details. “You're right.” Wayne nodded. “He did it. But we have no murder weapon, no witnesses, and you really didn't find any usable forensic evidence?” He was doubtful that his best detective found nothing.
“The body was discovered rotting in Ocean View. It'd been rained on for weeks and chewed up by coyotes,” Y/n explained. ”The only other DNA other than the victim’s was some bear semen found in the hair.”
“Right. Who found the body?”
“Hikers,” Y/n replied. ”You're really just gonna blow past the bear semen detail?”
“I imagine a bear mistook the rotting corpse for a female of its species and had intercourse with it.” He waved her away. “Nothing I haven't seen before.”
“It isn't?” Y/n stared at him, aghast. “I am fascinated by your life,” she whispered.
“Let's get in here.” Wayne cracked his knuckles. “Start working this guy.”
“Oh.” Y/n clicked her tongue and crossed her arms. “You're gonna come in with me? I just thought maybe you'd watch from out here, you know, pull me out when I'm getting a little too hot, possibly?” She waved her hands around. “Call me a loose cannon. You know, classic captain stuff.”
“L/n, do you know what I miss about being a detective?” He answered his own question, “a good interrogation.” He clapped a fist into his open palm. “Breaking suspects down.” He lowered his voice. “Talking quietly and then talking real loud! Looking away and then looking right in their eyes.” His eyes flared at Y/n and then he leaned casually on the desk. “Leaning.”
“That was amazing,” Y/n gaped.
“So, can I join you?” Wayne straightened his cufflinks.
“Well, a lot of these techniques do work better with two people: you know, good cop-bad cop, crazy cop-sane cop, chill cop-ADHD cop. Wanna be ADHD cop?”
Capitan Wayne deadpanned, “I think you have that covered.” He turned away and said, “let's do this!”
Y/n strode into the interrogation room where Lex stopped fidgeting with his uneven seat. “Hello, Luthor.”
Lex hummed and greeted, “detective.”
“This is Captain Bruce Wayne,” Y/n gestured to Wayne who was brooding in the corner like a vigilante watching over their city. “He's a bit of a legend in interrogation circles. Hey, Cap-i-tan, who's the scariest person you've ever gotten a confession out of?”
“Abner Krill,” Wayne said. “He was known as Polka-Dot Man.”
Y/n’s nose scrunched up. “Okay, I thought it was gonna sound a little cooler, but whatever.” She clapped her hands together and sat down across from Lex. “So, shall we recap the night that Axel Granite was murdered? Friday the twenty second? I believe you were the last person to see him alive, correct?”
“No.” Lex raised a brow. “I'd imagine whoever killed him saw him after I did.”
“Ooh, nice dodge,” Y/n complimented and  leaned back in her chair. Finally; a challenge. “Tell us about Friday.”
“I had a late afternoon meeting.” Lex matched her stance, leaning back as well. He seemed relaxed- one leg was propped on the other, hands were loosely clasped on his lap, and eyes smiling. “A simple board meeting. It wrapped up around six o’clock, and Axel and I talked after. He had just wrapped up his last appointment.”
“And why do you have a doctor on sight?” Y/n asked.
“In case of any emergencies,” Lex answered easily. “We also take blood samples for some of the experiments we conduct at LexCorp, so we need him handy.”
“And who else was in the office?”
“My secretary and driver had gone home, and Cheryl, who‘s usually one of the last to leave, left early because her niece had a school play,” he explained.
“So it was just you and Axel? No witnesses?” Y/n hummed. “That's lucky.”
He shook his head. “Not lucky at all. There was nothing to witness. Axel just wanted to talk about firing one of our employees, Gretchen.”
“And that's all you discussed?” Y/n clarified.
“Nothing else?”
“Zero other subjects were mentioned?”
“None. We just talked about Gretchen.”
“Right.” Y/n squinted at him. “And, of course, there's no way for me to check if that's true, because whoever took Axel’s phone wiped all of his calendars. Except…” She flipped open her notepad and sucked a breath through her teeth. “It was all backed up on his home laptop. Would you like to hear what he said the meeting was about?” She cleared her throat and read aloud, “Seven P.M. talked with Lex about-" 
“Missing equipment,” Luthor finished. Once again, he mimicked Y/n and sucked in a breath. “Ooh. Did I get that right?”
“Uh, yeah.” Y/n closed her notebook and said, “But ‘missing equipment’ hardly sounds like ‘firing Gretchen.’ So maybe you want to explain…”
“He thought Gretchen was stealing lab equipment. That's why he wanted to fire her.” He inspected his nails. “Any other questions?”
Wayne suddenly started chuckling. Honestly, Y/n had forgotten that he was there. “Boy, you really thought you had him with that one, huh?”
“Well, I…” Y/n’s mouth dropped open.
“And you got so excited for it… Let me guess, you, ah, practised the notebook flip?” 
“Uh, Captain, something's come up in the case. Can I talk to you outside for a sec?” Y/n interrupted. Once they were outside, she cried, “What the hell are you doing in there? You totally undermined me.”
“I know, and I apologise.” Wayne held up a hand. “But I'm executing a strategy.”
“Oh, really, and what strategy might that be?” She placed her hands on her hips. “Make Y/n feel like an idiot?”
“No, I want Luthor to underestimate you and fear me. I'll badger him with my superior intellect, while simultaneously belittling you. Once Luthor dismisses you as a threat, I'll leave you alone with him, and he'll let his guard down.”
Y/n glared at him and mumbled, “ If I didn't know any better, I would say you're describing smart cop-dumb cop.”
“Look, I thought you had him on the calendar reveal,” Wayne conceded. “But he was a step ahead. You got flustered, and I realised in the moment we could use this to our advantage.”
“So what do you want me to do, ask stupid questions?” Y/n shrugged dramatically.
“Stupid questions, grammatical errors, lose your train of thought, just ask him to confess.” Wayne listed on his fingers. “This is not a comment on you, L/n. You’re a brilliant detective. I only want to bring this guy down.”
“Yeah, that's all I want too.”
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“So, the night of the murder, you met with Robert in his doctor's office,” Y/n reiterated. “Why there? Why not your office which is much better suited for business meetings?”
“He was preparing for the next day's appointments. By taking the meeting in his office, we saved time. And time is money.” He mimicked tapping a watch.
“Right, and did…” Y/n trailed off. “Nevermind. I forgot what I was saying. Come back to me.”
Wayne swept in easily, “now, we did a sweep of the room where you and Axel fought-”
“Talked,” Lex corrected.
“Right. ‘Talked.’ The entire room had been scrubbed. It had undergone industrial sterilisation to remove all traces of blood and DNA.” Wayne crossed his arms.
“It's a doctor’s office,” Lex reminded them. “Blood draws happen every day. Per law, we have to sanitise it.”
“Ooh!” Y/n butt in. “I remembered what I was gonna ask. Did you kill him?”
“No,” Lex answered calmly.
Wayne redirected the conversation back on track. “So, after you and Robert fought-”
“You left the office, but you didn't take your car?” Wayne asked.
“I went to a bar, The Scotchman,” Lex said. “I didn't want to drive drunk, so I took a cab. You know, like a responsible person.”
“And you didn't have your phone?” Clearly, Wayne didn’t believe this story.
“I left it charging in my office and I didn't realise till I was already out of the building,” Lex offered easily.
“Oh, man, if I go ten minutes without looking at my phone, my pumpkin crop dies on my little farm.” Y/n shook her head sadly.
“This is not the time for stories about your digital squash, L/n,” Wayne said sharply.
“What does it matter that I forgot my phone?” Luthor completely disregarded Y/n’s comments. A look of realisation dawned on his face and he chuckled, “I had it on me, you could've seen it pinging off the cell tower.”
“So you took a cab to this bar,” Wayne narrated. “However, we talked to the employees of The Scotchman. Nobody saw you there.”
“Nobody remembers seeing me,” Luthor pointed out. “It's not surprising nobody remembers seeing me. The bar was extremely crowded that night and I spent my whole time in the corner talking to this woman, Helen.”
Wayne hummed. “Oh, so you say. But when we ran all the credit card receipts, nobody named Helen bought any drinks that night.”
Lex chuckled and held up a hand. “Trust me, Helen wasn't buying her own drinks.”
Suddenly, Wayne’s phone rang and he said, “I need to deal with this. Let's take a five.”
“Or…” Y/n suggested slowly, “I could keep this interview going solo.”
“Yes,” Captain Wayne said after a moment. Luthor regarded their interaction closely. “I'm sure that'll be, um… pretty helpful.”
Once Wayne had left the interrogation room, Y/n sat herself down at the table and smiled broadly. “I have some questions,” she said brightly. “What kind of car did Robert drive?” She flipped open her notebook and suddenly rattled off, “also, what colour was Helen’s hair, which night does the cleaning crew sterilise your office, have you ever been to where the body was found, when you left your phone at the office was it plugged into your computer or an outlet, did you kill him, and what did your cab driver look like?”
Lex rolled his eyes and sighed heavily. “This is a huge waste of time. But, here you go: Robert drove a Saab, Helen’s hair was brown, they sterilise on Wednesdays and Saturdays, I haven't been to Ocean View in twenty years, the phone was plugged into the wall, I did not kill him, and the cab driver had a beard and an earring… I'm sorry I didn't get his licence number.”
Y/n clicked her tongue and smirked. “Wow. Very impressive. You didn't even fall for my ‘did you kill him’ gambit.”
“Nope,” Lex grinned.
“Although,” Y/n tapped her chin. “It is interesting that you knew the body was found in Ocean View, New Jersey, when that information hasn't been released to the public yet.” When Luthor’s gaze flickered to her, Y/n muttered, “Got ya.” She laughed and said, “I can't believe you thought I was the dumb cop. I mean, Tim made me watch Planet Earth with the British narrator. I can tell you anything you want to know about three-toed slow-ths,” she said in a farcical manner. “I totally got you to say where the body was found, which kinda seems like something only the murderer would know.”
“Actually,” Luthor’ jaw twitched and he sat back. “Axel’s wife told me. I've been comforting her a lot lately. To help her through the pain.”
Y/n growled, “we asked her not to share that info, and she promised us she didn't.”
“Well, she's been distraught,” Lex said. “She might not remember.”
“Flimsy.” Y/n rolled her eyes. “So what did you mean when you said you hadn't been to Ocean View in twenty years?”
“My uncle has a cabin there. I would visit him as a kid.”
“So your uncle owns a cabin in the town where the bear-semened body was found. That is quite a coincidence,” Y/n commented.
“I haven't been there for twenty years. You can call my uncle if you want,” Lex waved his hand.
“Oh, we are.” Y/n nodded reassuringly. “So you might as well just confess now, or we can take our sweet time like the mer-jestic slow-th.” Her British accent came out once again. “Either way, we've got you.”
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“We don't have him,” Y/n sighed behind the two-way glass. 
“Luthor’s uncle said he hasn't been to the cabin in months and he hasn't spoken to Luthor in over a year,” Wayne said, tapping on his phone.
“What about the neighbours?” Y/n asked.
“There's only one other house on that road and we haven't been able to contact the owner.”
Y/n poked her tongue in her cheek. “Yeah, but Lex doesn't know that. If we tell him the neighbour saw him that night, he'll crack for sure.”
Wayne glared at her. “You want us to lie?”
“No,” Y/n sassed. “I want me to lie and you to stand behind me and say, three ‘oh damns’ when I defeat him.”
“There will be no ‘oh damns.’” Wayne said, “we're not lying.”
“The Supreme Court said that we're allowed to lie in an interrogation,” Y/n argued. “Couple of days ago I told a perp I knew Selena Gomez. It had absolutely nothing to do with the case, but I can say it.”
Wayne shook his head. “What if Luthor never went to the cabin? Suppose you're wrong. Then Luthor knows we have nothing. There goes our credibility and our leverage.” He scratched his nose. “No, we need a different strategy. Admittedly, all this dental talk has given me an idea.”
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Y/n barged into the room and announced, “We have a few more questions for you, genius.”
Wayne snickered. “Genius.” Luthor slowly turned to look at him. “It's funny when people call businessmen ‘geniuses.’ Especially male CEO’s.”
“I had to build my company from the ground up,” Lex said.
“That doesn’t make you a genius,” Wayne retorted.
“I have an IQ of two hundred twenty four.” Luthor smirked. “Does that qualify?”
Wayne’s jaw ticked. “Have you made any notable contributions to science? Have you discovered a new element? Building up a business hardly qualifies you.”
“My company has contributed to many scientific endeavours, thank you very much.” Luthor’s voice was tense and Y/n’s eyes flickered between the two men. 
“But were you the one actually experimenting?” Wayne pounded a fist on the table and it rattled. “We live in a society where CEOs take credit for the things-” A few moments later, Wayne was sitting in the viewing room and saying, “Apparently that’s a trigger for me.” His cufflinks were undone and his tie was loosened.
“Yeah, apparently.” Y/n handed him a glass of water. “So… now can we lie?”
“No. But you know what works? Making him confront his victim.”
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“Look your dead friend in the eyes and say his name,” Y/n demanded, holding up a picture of Axel Granite.
Luthor looked at the picture. “Axel.”
“Okay, maybe say his full name,” Y/n suggested.
“Axel Granite.”
“His middle name's Holt.”
“Axel Holt Granite.”
“His wife called him Axe. Work that in.”
“Axe Granite.”
“Work it into the full name.”
“Axel ‘Axe’ Holt Granite.”
“Now say it with a frown on your face.”
“Axel ‘Axe’ Holt Granite.”
“Don’t blink so tears come to your eyes.”
“Axel ‘Axe’ Holt Granite.”
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“Man, this guy is a good murderer!” Y/n cried once she and Wayne were back behind the two-way glass.
“There's got to be some way to break him.” Wayne rubbed at his temples.
Y/n’s eyes lit up. “Wait a minute. I just had an idea.”
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Y/n held a guitar and chanted, “two, three, four!” She strummed the guitar haphazardly and started screaming loudly. 
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“Yeah, I really gotta stop trying that.” In the viewing room, Y/n set the guitar aside, huffing out a breath. “It never works.”
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“Tell us more about your relationship with Axel.”
Lex exhaled. “We've been over this a thousand times,” he said. “We got along well. I mean, we disagreed sometimes, but we had a good partnership.” Luthor smirked and muttered, “he never, for instance, skipped a party so he could micromanage me as I tried to do my job. That's what's happening here, right?” He pointed towards the two officers. “That's why you're wearing the tuxedo?”
“I skipped the opera, not a party,” Bruce said. ”It’s not a big deal.”
“Yeah, it's the Bugs Bunny one!” Y/n piped up.
“And I'm not here to micromanage anyone,” Wayne frowned. “I'm here because I enjoy interrogating scum.”
“You don't think the fact that he skipped the opera has anything to do with him not believing in you?” Lex asked slowly.
“He believes in me!” Y/n defended before pointing an accusing finger at the CEO. “You're not interrogating us. We're interrogating you. Tell us about the missing equipment! If Gretchen didn't take it, then who did? Because we're pretty sure it was you. Honestly, it could have been any of your employees. They all have access to the storage room.”
“You know, it's silly, but, uh…” Luther glanced up at them knowingly. “I trust the people who work for me.”
“Captain Wayne is only here because I want him here,” Y/n said.
“Really?” He pointed at Y/n. “So you're in charge? And all these strategies have been your ideas?”
Y/n stuttered and then said after a moment, “the guitar thing was mine.”
“And you signed off on that?” He then pointed at Wayne.
When Bruce didn’t say anything, Y/n turned towards him and scoffed, “seriously?”
“I just feel bad for you,” Luther shook his head. “Your boss thinks you're an idiot; that can't feel good.”
“Alright, listen,” Y/n snarled. “You son of a bitch, you think you're smarter than us? You think you've gotten away with it? You haven't.” She wagged her finger. “Imma find something. One skin cell, one eyelash, one tiny inconsistency in your story, and you're gonna spend the rest of your life in prison. Everyone who loves you will leave, and you will die alone! And at that time, it will be your head that a bear has sex with!” A few moments later, Y/n was sitting in the viewing room and saying, “Apparently that’s a trigger for me.” Her sleeves were rolled up and she tugged at her collar.
“Yeah, apparently.” Wayne handed her a glass of water. 
“He just gets us so riled up!” Y/n complained. She furrowed her brows and stared at nothing for a minute before murmuring, “I got it. I got it!”
“He's not answering any questions,” Luther’s lawyer, who had just joined him, said firmly as Y/n burst into the room.
“That's okay.” Y/n grinned. “I have no questions. That's right. I'm about to monologue, son!” She snapped her fingers theatrically.
“You better make it quick,” the lawyer said. “You have eight minutes until I file a harassment claim.”
“Alright, let me paint you a picture.” Wayne strode into the room and stood in the corner, arms crossed, listening to Y/n. “Lex Luthor, CEO of LexCorp, has been stealing equipment from his own labs.”
“Why would I steal from my own labs?” Luthor asked incredulously.
“What’s the point of this?” His lawyer demanded.
”I'll get there,” Y/n held a finger up. “One day, I'm working late when my colleague, Axel Granite, surprised me. He found out I was stealing equipment and said he's gonna file a police report. My reputation could be ruined. We fight, and something in me just snaps, so I grab the first thing I can find and I hit him with it.”
“You still have no murder weapon,” the lawyer reminded her.
“I do now.” Y/n slammed a picture down on the table. “I found a picture on Yelp of the doctor’s office six months ago, and here is a shot that our crime scene photographer took of the same room two weeks after the murder.” She slammed down another photo. “Notice any differences?” she asked.
“We're not answering that,” the lawyer said.
“That's all right, I can just tell you myself.” Y/n shrugged before continuing, “the Yelp picture has six of these glass awards in the background, whereas this shot only has five. What happened to number six?” Y/n asked rhetorically. “Murdered Axel with it!”
“I didn't,” Lex glared.
“You lost all control and you bludgeoned him to death,” Y/n, true to her word, kept monologuing. “There must have been blood everywhere, but you got lucky. You never would have gotten away with it in your carpeted office!”
“That's not what happened.” Luthor’s hands curled into fists.
“Don't say anything, Lex,” his lawyer reminded him.
“And Cheryl would’ve heard all of the screaming but she was at her niece's play. Lucky again.”
“You're wrong.”
“You put Axel’s body onto a dolly and shoved it in the elevator. It's a miracle there wasn't blood everywhere.”
“That's not true!” Luther insisted.
“Now you're in the garage with a corpse. You panicked and left your phone in your office and you don't have your car keys, but Axel’s are in his pocket so you put him in his car and take off.”
“You simply can't believe what you've done.” She fans her face dramatically. 
“Luthor,” his lawyer placed a hand on his forearm.
“You're flustered,” Y/n placed a hand on her forehead, faux swooning. “You have no GPS, so you just start driving.”
“No!” Lex pounded the table.
“Lex! Stop!” his lawyer cried.
“Next thing you know, you're in Ocean Views, and it hits you: your uncle's cabin! He has a place there. You're the luckiest son of a bitch ever.”
“It wasn't luck!” Luthor shouted and Y/n’s jaw twitched.
“Yes, it was,” she laughed. “You got lucky at every turn!”
“No!” Luthor fumed, slowly rising from his seat. ”I knew exactly where I was driving, I left my phone in the office on purpose, I was in the doctor’s office by design, and I didn't use some glass award that any idiot would clearly see was missing. In fact, a cleaner had broken it a week before!” He leaned forward on his fists, rings shining fully in the dim light. “I made a rod out of lab glass, killed him with it, then melted it back down. It's already another test tube, son!” His face morphed into one of shock and he fell back into his seat. His lawyer’s eyes widened before rubbing him sympathetically on the back.
Wayne’s mouth dropped open and he mumbled, “oh, damn.” In a louder voice he repeated, “oh, damn.” Shocked, the police captain cried out, “oh, damn!”
Y/n spun her finger in the air victoriously. “And that is three oh damns!” she shouted out. In a whisper, she said, “I feel so cool right now. Like I’m in a fanfic.”
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