#and of course you can easily square this with the idea that the foundation is more about shoring up it's own power
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artbyblastweave · 4 months ago
My increasingly preferred interpretation of the SCP Foundation is the version invoked by SCP-173- the fluorescent-lit bureaucracy housing or monitoring a few hundred distinctly impossible objects, entities or locations; contained and corralled less out of some sweeping ideological mandate about the veil of secrecy and more for the practical reason that they have no goddamn idea what these things can do or how they'll react to any given stimuli. Largely (though not totally) divorced from extant folklore and conspiracy culture in favor of a unique pantheon of weirdos that don't fit an obvious schema. Terse, clinical documentation that nonetheless clearly implies a discovery process only a little to the left of a bunch of nervous nerds poking at something with a long stick to see what happens. Don't get me wrong, I love the modern foundation. I love Eigenweapons, I love Akiva Radiation and tactical theology, I love the sprawling supernatural subcultures and the nine different equally-extant eschatologies that are slugging it out. But after a certain number of articles predicated on entire secret fields of academia or postmodern articles about "what even is an anomaly, man," you become increasingly aware of the ways in which you're looking at least three really cool settings that don't necessarily play nice with each other thematically. There Is No Canon yadda yadda
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drill-teeth-art · 9 months ago
I have no idea how to ask but here goes…
How do you shape your characters and your designs so good??? The shapes of them are soo good! Big, slim, sharp, round, etc! They’re all so good, how do you design them so well??
I could write an entire book on character design and how it's changed over the years and how open ended it is and what I think are good principles and what commonly shared rules are honestly a bit too overly restricted because I'm crazy about character design but! Shape work. Let's stick to that for now.
Now of course for bodies and body types my number one recommendation is: For the love of god look at real people of different body types look at actual photos of fat people and skinny people with different bodies different distributions of their weight look at disabled bodies look at trans bodies look at people of all different races and draw them and learn PLEASE.
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Here's a little design principle I like to work with that I find very helpful for spicing up my designs. I find the common character design advice of "simplify your design to ONE major shape motif! circles for friendly characters. squares for stubborn characters. and triangles for villains." to be overly restrictive. And of course the pros giving you that advice aren't trying to say you have to do every design in that framework every time. But they're not really going into detail on how you can use more shapes to add more layers and interest to your character design. Also tbh I think that the "circles for friendly characters and etc" piece of advice is stupid actually. You can easily make a villain character that is all circles and a hero that is all triangles. Plenty exist already in media.
I see a lot of people trying to diversify their body types fall into this trap of drawing all their fat characters with the same fat body type. And even if it is an accurate way fat distributes, it's still not representative of the diversity in fat bodies. Something that helped me (along with looking at references) was introducing secondary shapes. An additional shape motif. As you can see on Toxi here, he's mainly circles and round shapes. But I also added a crescent motif! To broaden his shoulders more and give a pointy and sharp edge to him.
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Your primary shape for a fat character doesn't even need to be a circle. Tempos is square heavy with roundness as the supporting shape to emphasize how unassuming and soft he deliberately tries to look. And you can apply this to characters who are slimmer too. Conductus is composed of longer rectangles supported by triangles to emphasize its speed and electrical theme.
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Viperos' major rounded shapes are supported by triangles to emphasize their flexibility and power. Gaz's square shapes are pushed with round shapes to make him look stronger and more agile. Mesmeris' crescent heavy design is supported with squares to help her look sturdy and imposing. And it's all about context too.
Squares can read as sturdy and trustworthy or rigid and intimidating. Circles can be soft and friendly or flexible and slippery. Triangles can be speed and cunning but also power and mystery. It's not about saying "circles are always friendly!". You can make villains who are round and imposing. It's more about "I want my character to come across as (blank)" and picking what major and minor shapes you want to use to support that. And (blank) shouldn't be just one word. "I want my character to come across as fast and agile while also being large and round" is a much more clear goal for your design than "I want my character to come across as fast".
And again as always please use references of real people too. You can study my art, and I highly encourage you to study the art of other artists you like and how they design characters. And I highly encourage you to get a solid foundation of "what different bodies look like irl" so you can also be respectful and accurate in your depictions. And remember that creativity doesn't occur in a vacuum. Please take the time to also sit down and watch movies or look at animals or read books or look at videos of machines working or whatever. Look at tons of media. Creative designs don't just spawn from my brain. Toxi's look is partially inspired by centipedes that crawl on ceilings I saw a video of. Viperos' look was inspired by snakes and also roadrunners. I was inspired by that Virus Ghost from Scooby Doo And The Cyberchase for Conductus' look. Please remember research is ALSO part of the design process. So I appreciate you asking me how I do things because asking questions is part of good research!
Anyway! Long ramble! Hope all this helps you in your design endeavors.
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omghallucinations · 4 months ago
if when you read an idol's chart without their birth time what aspect of their chart would you be able to know? I'm not that good at astrology but I imagine that maybe i would be able to know the general traits like analytical, eccentric, serious etc. but not where they put that energy towards?? maybe??? like maybe capricorn mars is all about that discipline and work work work but Where is the work though? something like that perhaps.
I love your enhypen reading so much baby. you're really great at making everything easily digestible in a fun way, i especially love the conversation between the planets in your enhypen readings. its Very entertaining.
and I know you're probably busy but if its not too much to ask could you maybe probably possibly do a reading on Leeseo IVE's birth chart? you don't have to of course, i know it might not be as enjoyable to read for a group you don't stan and you might not have the time. love you and have a good day and night <3333
aw thank u i'm so glad, this makes me happy to hear !! <3 and sure i can add leeseo to my list of charts to look at! i don't mind doing people i don't stan esp if they have an interesting chart.
and with time unknown, i talk about it a little bit in hyunjin's birth analysis, bc he doesn't have a known birth time! from a purely practical perspective most planets don't change much, so the degree sign and aspect will be pretty much the same no matter what time of day it is for almost all planets, unless there is a planet at like... 29.99 pisces in the morning that will move .01 degree by the evening to aries. the moon is the only one that moves a lot and sometimes it's still only within the one sign. so moon aspects will be vague, and ascendant and the angles and the houses aren't known, but every other aspect is consistent, even if it might change intensity a little bit (like an exact square at 1:00 am is not exact but still close at 11:55 pm).
it's hard to explain succinctly exactly bc astrology is always a big mix of things, but i don't really see the houses so much as straight up "where in your life you see this", it's more mixy mixy to me--tbh i really do think a house gives your shit a flavor, like an aries sun in the 5th house acts WAY more leo-y (the 5th house is the leo house and also the sun's favorite house) than an aries sun in the 4th house (cancer house) would. and that flavor influences your priorities, so that 5th house aries sun is much more interested in creativity and expressing themselves and like... theater and shit (5th house things) than an aries sun in the 4th, but they are both aries suns so they are both in this world to Act and Shine and Assert Themselves in some fashion. idk if i'm explaining this well it's like very chicken or the egg i guess?
the houses also influence how important different planets can be and other overall Life Direction/Personality/Energy takeaways too--having all/most of your planets in fire houses (1st, 5th, 9th) is very different from having lots in water houses (4th, 8th, 12th), and that is going to influence a reading a lot. if i read jake's chart without his birth time his scorpio placements would give me some idea that there is going to be some like need for self-healing and facing up to his issues, but having those scorpio placements in his 4th house (cancer house, foundation/home house) amplifies it and shows his need not just to deal with his problems but to establish an internal sense of security. with just the scorpio placements and the trines i might not see how big that need is. i'd still see the need though, just not as much, u know?
or like sunghoon's venus-mars conjunction in the 11th house looks like he often acts in a fairly logical way, he wants connection but it's hard for him to really take the plunge. his social exchanges (venus) can sometime feel a little alien or removed, detached-feeling in an aquarius way, but he tries to act in a fair, democratic way that aligns with his ideals (mars, 11th house). if we just saw the venus-mars conjunction in scorpio without the house we'd know he has a like... Pull Towards the Depths and intensity of action that is softened a bit by venus, but we wouldn't see that detachment there. same thing with his pluto-sun conjunction: that's a real pull towards the depths and an issue with his identity, but in his first house it's even more that.
a lot of the time, ideas in a chart repeat over and over and over in aspects and placements and degrees and stuff, so we might see it somewhere else. we see sunghoon's Pull towards the Depths in his scorpio placement, his pluto-sun conjunction, and his tendency towards detachment/reticence/abstraction with saturn opposing mercury and neptune square mars-venus, and other things aside from his 11th house. astrology really likes to hammer themes on the head lol.
basically i'd say my shorter answer is: you can read a lot about someone's tendencies and needs and energy even without the birth time, but some flavors are missing and u don't know if a planet is gonna pop up like BOO, i'm ACTUALLY VERY IMPORTANT AND LOUD, SURPRISE. like bang chan, without a birth time you don't see his jupiter conjunct MC or his pluto-mars conjunction on his descendant, and anything on the angles (asc, dsc, ic, mc,--those 4 lines that split up your chart) is gonna shout. you see a lot of other stuff, but there might be a big piece missing. on the other hand, sometimes u don't have anything on the angles or in the 1st house, so the missing piece would not be quite as big as someone who does.
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unohanabbygirl · 2 years ago
Re: my last ask about forever by your side xFMN crossover.
FMN IS THAT GIRL!! Aemond having to pump himself up out of depression to make Luke fall in love with him again like he’s done a thousand times before but this time he doesn’t have any sort of foundation to lay not even one of hatred. Luke being like wow this guy is in a bad place like me but obviously Luke has his work an problems too so he’s not sure he can help or even should? Don’t put on someone’s oxygen mask before yourself type thing which is obviously so at odds with their Luke who was always so quick to lend a helping hand.
Honestly the independence of Luke even having a favourite movie beyond the types of stories they remember him loving — grown Luke likes horror movies?? He was kind of forever stuck at 14 before so watching them deal which the type of man luke could’ve evolved to for better or worse?? Is such an interesting premise.
Because I imagine they’re not used to Luke remembering arguments and holding grudges from before because obviously their actual experience with him is from when he’s 14 and anxious and eager to please. So I imagine a kind of frustration building with his stubbornness and being like his mom never forgetting a slight (even if Luke is on his best behaviour as a foster kid).
Just the thought of them kind of not liking a Luke that they have to actually confront everyday with their own actions from the day before because for some I imagine a kind of apathy building in (well he’s not going to remember tomorrow so what’s the point of holding back? — cruel but people can become selfish when no consequences are guaranteed) tho I imagine Aemond and Rhaenyra always making sure to never go to sleep angry — so to speak lol
This AU is just so much potential in my mind and thank you for filling it out with your own headcanons from how you understand your AU to work! I love your tumblr lol!
The idea of Aemond taking a week to stuff his face with junk food and cry into his pillow as he comes to term with the man he spent his entire life with not remembering him is actually so devastating. But once Monday comes back around Aemond forces himself out of bed, goes to the gym and listens to every motivational tiktok audio while lifting because he WILL win Luke’s heart. If he could get his husband to fall in love with him each day for over fifty years then he can do it again 😤
I like the concept of everyone getting to know the man Luke would’ve grown to be had his fall from Arrax never happened. Because of his condition the guy was sort of forever trapped in the mindset of an eager to please 14yr old. Never truly growing and evolving as time passed.
“Luke skimmed the small table of treats for the umpteenth time. Taking in the decorative porcelain plates and cups that looked like something Rhaenys would’ve had plated on the rare occasion that her lady friends came over to drink tea and share gossip. A generous helping of a bit of everything for him to pick at; Zested lemon squares topped with fresh cut candied slices, flaky blueberry honeyed biscuits with a side of pepper spiced goat butter, and large pork sausages that were roasted to the point of having that slight charred crisp Luke always preferred when it came to meats of all kinds. To top it all off, a silver goblet of sweet Dornish wine. The very same drink he’d gotten drunk off of the night of Aemond’s little toast.”
These are the same foods served in the same exact ways he enjoyed as a teen despite being in his forties. Of course you’re always going to have that one favorite foods thats had you in a chokehold since a kid, but I don’t even like all of the same foods from when I was that age, so the idea of everything within Luke down to what pleases his tastebuds remaining stuck in time isn’t only sad but sort of eerie.
Even with trying new foods. He could’ve easily found new meals/snacks he loved or came to enjoy foods he once hated. But since he’s stuck in a memory loop Luke was never able to remember these things.
Change is such a normal part of life, but that all changed for everyone once Luke’s condition became clear. In a way they were all trapped in time to a certain degree, so to see that 17 year old Luke is so drastically different is a lot to get used to. I can imagine Luke asking for onions on his burger only for Rhaenyra to be like “you…like onions?” Luke tells her he hated them as a kid but decided to stop being childish once he hit highschool.
The same goes for movies like you said! The Luke they remember was no big fan of scary stories so to see him binge the entire “The Conjuring” universe in one day leaves everyone shocked.
Its odd but fascinating to see how their boy has grown and evolved.
Yes! Oftentimes with Luke’s bad days came arguments and with arguments came hurtful words. Aemond would be so used to Luke’s memory being wiped the next day onwards that once they have their first official argument that doesn’t simply resolve itself over night he’s kinda lost as to how to proceed. Luke is the only romantic partner he’s ever had in both lives so it’s not as though he can pull from past reference for how to settle things with your partner when he’s angry.
I do feel that during arguments hurtful words were exchanged out of no more than the pure frustration of it all. It was a difficult way of living for not only Luke but everyone in his life as well. Its not a far out idea to imagine saying things they knew would sting out of frustration became normal. The difference that comes with this grown version of Luke is that he’s not going to forget those words. He remembers every slight against him and has no problem holding a grudge.
Its truly a learning experience for everyone involved. Learning to get along with and accepting everything about the person you love (including the parts you find you aren’t so fond of) because at the end of the day you’re going to continue loving them more than life itself. I even feel that some people would come to not exactly like the person Luke is, a harsh reality to accept.
But that’s just life, not everyone’s personalities are going to mix well. It doesn’t mean you love them any less, just that they aren’t someone you’d enjoy spending time with if they weren’t your loved one, you know?
I’m happy you enjoy my tumblr. This little corner in the fandom is truly my safe space so it’s heartwarming to know you enjoy it here as well 🥰
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teenytinyhomesblog · 2 months ago
Best Tiny House Designs
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The tiny home is a small factory-made home made of Steel that is, most of the time, built on a road trailer. It can therefore be moved at any time and does not require a permit to build. These homes are available with wheels on a trailer or without the wheels which can be placed directly on pre-casted foundations. The possibilities are endless for what a tiny home hotel can provide. Tiny home hotels offer a more intimate experience with their environment than traditional hotels for the same price. Tiny home hotels contain homes many square feet, are often located in scenic places, and offer guests the chance to explore the outdoors or local attractions. In addition, they can offer unforgettable experiences for weddings, dining, business retreats, and family reunions - flexible financing for tiny homes.
We believe that everyone deserves a chance to embrace the simplicity and freedom of tiny living. Over the years the vision has remained the same - to build beautiful, high attention to detail tiny homes with great design aesthetic. We supply a self construct service for anybody that desires to build their very own Tiny House the place we provide a watertight box for you do all of the inside work yourself. We nonetheless do the design with you so we know the place windows/doors/rooms will be - Tiny Houses in Australia.
A tiny home is an accessible reality for many first-time home buyers, whether it's a prefab tiny house or one built from a floor plan. They make sustainable living easier because they can run on clean energy and reduce your environmental footprint. And, of course, they can serve as an extra office space, a guest house, or a fully separate rental in your own backyard. Given all that, many designers and rental hosts build in innovative small space design ideas to make their tiny houses as well equipped and stylish as a full-size home - low-cost tiny houses.
The mobility of tiny homes is an appealing aspect. Whether they are built on wheels or a foundation, they can be easily moved, making them a popular choice for those who value flexibility and the ability to travel. This feature also makes it easier to find affordable land to park and build a tiny home on, as well as the ability to change locations if desired. For more information, please visit our site http://teenytinyhomes.com.au/
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beyondanimations-blog · 10 months ago
A Guide to Graphic Design for Beginners | Elements & Principle,Tools, Role
Theory of Graphic Design
A Guide to Graphic Design for Beginners | Elements & Principle,Tools, Role
The art of visual communication using typefaces, layouts, and pictures is known as graphic design. In the context of graphic design theory refers to a framework that guides designers in figuring out how best to use images to convey ideas to audiences. Graphic design is everywhere nowadays. Everything from the stylish logos of your favorite companies to the eye-catching packaging of everyday products. For beginners venturing into the world of graphic design, understanding its theory is essential to mastering its practice. Entering the world of graphic design might be considered entering into a huge and unknown environment. Do not be worried! Your map will be this guide. Guiding you through the fundamental ideas that drive successful graphic design and providing you with the skills necessary to produce powerful images and learn graphic design easily.
Elements and Principles of Graphic Design for beginner’s
Graphic design is based on two main pillars: elements and principles; just like a structure needs a solid foundation; similarly, graphic design needs elements and principles. If you are willing to do a graphic designing course in jaipur at an affordable price beyond animation is the best place, offers you an elite learning experience.
Elements of Graphic Design for Beginners
Line: The simplest element, lines can convey a multitude of emotions and meanings. Subtle lines give a sense of peacefulness, while bold lines might convey a sense of urgency. You may draw the viewer's attention and enhance the visual appeal of your design by experimenting with different line weights and opinions. This will be helpful for graphic design for beginners.
Shape: For graphic design for beginners, Shapes create recognizable forms and add visual interest to your composition. Geometric shapes like squares and circles offer stability and structure, while organic shapes like leaves and clouds convey a sense of fluidity and movement. Understanding how different shapes interact with each other is crucial for creating visually balanced and engaging designs.
Color: In graphic design color is a very powerful tool. It evokes emotions, influences perception, and helps create a visual hierarchy. As a beginner in graphic design, It's essential to learn the fundamentals of color theory. Consider the color wheel, color harmony, and color psychology when selecting and using colors in your designs.
Texture: Texture gives your design depth and visual dimension. It might be something visible, like a fabric's design, or something real, like the roughness of paper. Textures may improve the overall visual experience and offer a hint of reality. This skill is important for graphic design for beginners.
Space: Negative or white space is just as important as the actual parts. It allows elements to breathe, preventing the design from feeling cluttered, and guides the viewer's eye through the composition. Mastering the use of space is a crucial skill for graphic design for beginners.
Principles of Graphic Design for Beginners
Balance: Balance creates a sense of visual stability and prevents the design from feeling off-center. Symmetrical and asymmetrical balance are both effective tools in a graphic designer's collection, depending on the desired message and overall composition.
Contrast: Contrast highlights important components in your design and adds visual interest. You may do this using texture, value, color, or size. Gaining attention and directing the viewer's eye need an understanding of effective contrast. Knowledge of contrasts is a must for graphic design for beginners.
Repetition: Repetition creates a sense of unity and visual rhythm. Using repeated elements like patterns or colors can enhance the design's overall impact and make it visually appealing. However, it's important to avoid extra doing it, as too much repetition can become unexciting.
Proportion: The connection between various design aspects is referred to as proportion. A composition that is harmonic and pleasing to the eye is ensured by using the right proportions. Understanding how different elements scale and interact with each other is a valuable skill for graphic design for beginners.
Graphic Design Beginners Tool
Understanding the theory is crucial to learn graphic design for beginners to advance,  application of such information requires the appropriate gear. Fortunately, you can get assistance on your path from a number of software applications and resources:
Adobe Creative Suite: Industry-standard software like Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign provides a comprehensive toolkit for image editing, vector creation, and layout design. While these programs offer a wide range of functionalities, new users may find the learning curve more challenging. Learn photoshop through a dedicated photoshop course in jaipur by beyond animation
Canva: A user-friendly online platform, Canva offers drag-and-drop tools and pre-made templates, making it a great choice for graphic design beginners. It offers an intuitive user interface and lets you make eye-catching designs without requiring a lot of technical knowledge.
The Role of Graphic Design for Beginners
There are many uses for graphic design. Graphic design to, professional graphic designers, branding and advertising to journalistic layout, and user interface design are very important. Let's explore some of the applications where graphic design plays a significant role in creating impactful visuals:
Branding: Graphic design is essential for establishing and maintaining a brand's visual identity. Logos, color schemes, and overall brand aesthetics are carefully crafted to create a recognizable and cohesive brand identity. By utilizing graphic design principles, companies can effectively communicate their values and stand out from competitors.
Advertising and Marketing: The foundation of every effective marketing or advertising effort is graphic design. Graphic design is used to make compelling print ads, captivating social media visuals, and eye-catching posters. It also helps capture attention, deliver important messages, and change customer behavior. Make a career in video editing through a video editing course in jaipur, visit beyond animation website for more information.
User Interface (UI) Design: In the world of technology, website layouts, to mobile app designs, graphic design plays a key role in producing user interfaces that are both visually beautiful and clear. A successful digital product must have an understanding of how to build user-friendly interfaces that improve usability and promote good user experiences.
Graphic Design for Beginners’ Conclusion:
As a graphic designer beginner, If you are just starting, learning the theory and fundamentals of graphic design will provide you with a strong starting point for your career in this exciting industry. Always use the fundamental components of graphic design—color, typography, layout, and composition—while keeping in mind their significance and intent.
Remember, graphic design can seem overwhelming in starting. Still, with practice and a solid understanding of the theory, you will develop the skills and confidence to create stunning visuals that effectively communicate your ideas and messages.
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ramblingguy54 · 3 years ago
Sonic & Tails R: A Love Letter To Miles Tails Prower’s Characterization
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     Warning: This will contain massive spoilers for the short radio play series of Sonic & Tails R. If you haven’t listened to the radio play yet on Youtube, I’d highly recommend any hardcore Sonic fan who hasn’t seen it check it out. It’s one Hell of a treat.
     For as far back as I can remember in my childhood, Tails’ story of trying to step outta Sonic’s shadow has been such a resonating one for myself. Even when I was a much younger kid playing my Dreamcast, during entries like Sonic Adventure 1 & 2, there was some idea lingering about why Tails just stood out more emotionally in his journey to grow beyond depending on Sonic all the time for help. Now here I am a young adult in my late twenties having such a deeper appreciation of this little two tailed genius kiddo because he’s got an important element that’s made him so beloved for good reason.
     In spite of his genius being a rival to that of Eggman’s high IQ and of course proving to surpass it plenty of times when scenarios boil down to being a high stakes battle, Miles Tails Prower beneath it all is still just like any one of us. We’re all trying to find our place in this world about what defines us for who we are as unique people. He wants to be more than just seen as someone who’s alongside Sonic The Hedgehog’s never say die attitude, but prove he’s plenty capable of standing on his own two feet to protect everything the kid holds dear to himself. Underdog stories, when they’re naturally executed very well, can reel me in so easily. They are very much my bread & butter trope I adore seeing.
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     To no one’s surprise, the two Sonic Adventure’s iterations portrayal of Tails’ characterization are hands down some of my favorite writing for the two tailed fox, regarding what the 3D era has done toward him, development wise. It gave him more of an existential struggle to endure like, “What happens when Sonic isn’t around to help stop Eggman? What if I’m not strong enough to accomplish what he can?”, making Tails plight to be seen as an equal all the more endearing when stopping Eggman in his climatic battle against the Egg Walker in Station Square. This here is a great use of a timeless lesson you can apply in life that if you set you heart and mind on anything, there isn’t a thing you can’t accomplish on your own, which is why many fell in love with Sonic Adventure 1 & 2′s writing for Miles Tails Prower’s journey of independence.
     As someone who comes from a large family tree of relatives, I feel the weight of my existence on my shoulders at a number of points more than I’d care to count, admittedly. Seeing Tails struggle with his sense of purpose, in contrast to observing how much Sonic has accomplished with his carefree, yet deeply compassionate attitude, means the world to me in watching another trying to comprehend their value as a whole on how much they matter, overall. This is a big part of why my fondness for SA1 & 2′s quality has never wavered over these years, besides still obviously enjoying most of their game play mechanics. People can try to debate to their heart’s content on whether the Adventure games still hold up in their own eyes, but I’ll always respect them for how they tried to develop certain characters, such as Tails, Gamma, and Shadow The Hedgehog notably, to attempt expanding upon their characters, as well as world building.
     I won’t bother going into a rant about how Sonic’s recent 3D games have butchered Tails’ personality & relatable nature, due to the current writers in charge of handling the cast of characters. More or less, I greatly empathize toward the notion many have already stated about Tails being so cowardly and God forbid, looking at Lost World, downright severely mean spirited. Rather, I’m obviously writing this lengthy post to breakdown why Sonic & Tails R succeeds, where these certain 3D games have greatly faltered in exploring Tails’ emotional dilemmas as an insecure, yet still having the courage to prove himself, talented boy full of hidden potential he doesn’t quite realize, until his back is against the wall in life threatening situations.
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“That day, I realized I couldn’t depend on you forever. Not that I can’t depend on you, but like, “What happens when Sonic isn’t here?”, you know?”
     Sonic & Tails R further delves into this fundamental rule of what has defined Tails in Sonic Adventure 1 & 2′s stories of events where Sonic wasn’t there to aid his best bud in taking down Eggman’s evil efforts for global domination, most importantly his fear of defending the Earth without his role model. Besides what I already stated in SA1′s events in Station where he stopped the Egg Walker, as well as the missile Eggman launched from detonating before their climatic battle, Tails watched Sonic blow up in ARK’s capsule presuming him to be dead after Sonic imparted how much faith he has in the kid’s abilities to be truly strong in the face of any foe. Sonic & Tails R manages to use fan service in a way that doesn’t feel like “pandering” for the sake of it, using this past canon material to do more of an in-depth study about Miles’ anxieties of existing without Sonic.
     Wouldn’t put it past them if EmuEmi & crew were using SA2′s Sonic death fake out scene in that space capsule to further add trauma to Tails’ psychological attachment to Sonic, as well as his insecurities of depending on him too much, to boot. While it’s never obviously outright stated in their radio play, I definitely believe they were factoring this element into adding dramatic exploration for why Tails is so self-conscious about the worst case scenario of permanently losing Sonic. Watching Sonic supposedly die put Tails into a deeper state of self-reflection, so I very much enjoyed how they went using these past events to create a thorough exploration about him learning just as it’s important to realize you need to stand up for yourself without using someone else as a crutch all the time, it’s doubly important to remember there’s nothing wrong about asking someone for help when you’re about to be down and out with little options left.
     Sonic & Tails R beautifully builds upon the foundation these two games’ stories left behind years ago, creating new damn great material to explore with the most iconic characters of this cast, Sonic & Tails brotherly dynamic. I’ve been praising Sonic & Tails R out the wazoo for how well it captured Tails underdog story of overcoming death defying odds, but it managed to remind me how simply adorable and outright wonderfully endearing their brotherly chemistry is as a whole. This is a big friendly reminder Sonic isn’t all about being cocky wise cracking character making meta jokes left and right, but he can be plenty capable of showing serious compassion to anyone he values as an ally and friend. This is no greater evident, than with him verbally lifting Tails up in his time of need when he’s self-depreciating his own significance. It can be seen in Episodes 2, 4, and 7 giving Tails motivational pieces of advice.
    Episode 2 In Adabat’s Cavern
-Sonic: Wasn’t it your radar that helped us find these Emerald shards in the first place? How could you be slowing us down when you’ve gotten us this far?
-Tails: But, I...
-Sonic: I could never make something like that. You’re the smartest person I know, Tails. One way or another, we’ll figure this out, count on it.
         Episode 4 In Holoska After Helping Silver Save The Chao
-Sonic: So, what was that back there? At the cave, in Adabat? -Tails: What do you mean? -Sonic: Frozen stiff. Confidence shot. It’s not like you. It was more than feeling like you were “slowing us down”, right?
        Episode 7 Inside The Egg Carrier 3
-Sonic: Let’s split up! I’ll distract them and you can go after the energy source. -Tails: You’re gonna take them on all by yourself!? Let me help, Sonic! -Sonic: No time for this, Tails. Stop overthinking and just go! If I can get their attention, I’ll take the heat off of you and that room you’re going to probably won’t have any security. Take this emerald and I’ll take the other one we have. It’ll lead me right to you after I beat these guys. -Tails: O-Okay... -Sonic: Hold on, Tails! Listen to me. Don’t stop moving and be careful. I’ll be fine and so will you!
     Sonic & Tails R remembers the most crucial detail of their important relationship. One isn’t better than the other and needing to always rely upon that notion for helping one outta a jam, but instead showcases how they’re equals as a team/bros. Sonic may be super fast and strong, however Tails has his intelligence to analyze situations in a different angle Sonic wouldn’t necessarily consider, per say. Which isn’t to say Tails couldn’t put up a fight either, as we’ve seen in SA1 & SA2′s stories where he faced Eggman one on one with no outside help to best him at his own game of wits & strength.
     We get see the apex of this idea through Tails facing Eggman in his super improved mecha walker. Although Tails may get thrown for a loop here at first by Eggman, it’s his villainous speech about winners and losers in their world that ironically does the exact opposite of what he intended. Eggman wanted to crush Tails’ sense of self worth before finishing him off, but all it did was reignite the very lesson Sonic told him earlier before running to distract Eggman’s robotic minions. That said lesson of he’s more than capable of facing dangerous threats
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-Eggman: Poor boy. We all have to learn this lesson, sooner or later. In every game there’s no one you can depend on. You’re all alone and you’re either a winner, or a loser. And as you know, loser’s lose all of their lives. Say goodbye, fox!
-Tails: You’re wrong! I can depend Sonic! I won’t let him down! I can’t because...Because he’s depending on me! And because of that I won’t lose to you!
     This radio play strikes a good balance in utilizing the grey moral area about depending on someone vs it being an unhealthy display of attachment derived from serious insecurity. Word’s can’t begin to describe how much I loved this moment to pieces because it’s oh so important for writing Tails’ characterization. If you’re going to tackle him being super self conscious about his reliance on Sonic, then you gotta remember why they are so close to one another to begin with. Sonic & Tails have an unbreakable connection, considering they’ve brought out their best qualities in themselves from being together as individuals. For Sonic, it’s his older brother compassion to Tails to bring him outta feeling melancholy. For Tails, the kid finally understands there isn’t anything wrong with depending on Sonic when he needs it most.
     After all, that’s what a real healthy friendship is all about. Whether you’re giving someone a dose of tough love, or simply a piece of motivational advice, it defines how much you truly care about someone, period. Sonic & Tails have this very same power from their bond, which is why new emeralds form from their compassionate friendship that hasn’t been shaken after all the years they’ve been together. Another detail worth noting is it adds to the lore in an impactful manner when Tikal expresses in Episode 8 about positive connections and thoughts from users of the Chaos Emeralds having a strong will & heart. Using the ideas they had for encapsulating Sonic & Tails’ dynamic to create new emeralds from their love for each other as brothers adds an emotional weight.
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“So, Sonic’s not the only one who harness the power of the Chaos Emeralds? I can too!?”
“Yes, you have a strong heart! There is a power waiting to be unlocked within you, as well.”
          I’d always daydreamed about in my childhood seeing Super Sonic & Tails take down a threatening villain, whether it was Eggman or different powerful creature such as Chaos or the Biolizard. You can imagine how fucking giddy I was beyond belief to see this artwork of Episode 9′s cover for the radio play. Tails not only got to have another one on one with Eggman, but a team up with Super Sonic in his own respective Super form? Sign me the Hell up! Talk about an all you eat buffet of good writing for Tails’ journey reaching its climax. Getting to hear this play out, alongside the amazing song of Fly With Me, made it authentically feel like something straight outta if there were an installment of Sonic Adventure 3 being brought into reality, which certainly feels like it now.
     Episode 9 has so much awesome stuff with Sonic & Tails working together in their super forms. Particularly, my favorite scene is at the beginning when Sonic teaches Tails how to navigate his newly acquired speed in his respective Super form. My heart melted hearing Sonic help Tails through it all, while he was overjoyed about how fun this new form is for himself. Wholesome Sonic & Tails content is the perfect daily serotonin for me, easily. It’s an awesome fun fact to know they used a scrapped boss from Tails Tornado segment in SA1 for Eggman’s flying dragon three headed robot in their big final battle, once again using old canon material in a very effective manner to boost the quality of their fan made story.
     It’s been a real thrill to hear Mike Pollock play a straight forward serious Eggman making my day in more ways than one, considering that’s another thing I’ve been yearning for desperately besides Tails being a competent character again. His performance in Episode 9 when Eggman gave that speech about how long he’s been at odds with Sonic & Tails stubborn will power was simply excellent. The moment he told his mechanical dragon to crush them I got serious chills. That’s the Eggman I remember and grew up with. He could be a hammy villain sure, but Eggman wasn’t a doormat that could be swiftly beaten. Robotnik can be considered a serious threat in his own right and this radio play nailed it down to the very letter with how much he predicted their actions.
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“Sonic, all I ever wanted to do was be like you. You’re not scared of anyone or anything. I could never be like that. At least, so I thought. I grew from that, but then I got so caught up in trying to prove it that thought it wasn’t okay to depend upon anyone, especially you. I just didn’t want to be that scared little kid in Station Square anymore, but now I understand. It’s okay to depend on your friends. It all means is that we’re stronger together, so the next time Eggman comes back and wants to start any trouble with you, or any of my friends. Emeralds or no emeralds, he’s gonna have to get past me and he won’t!”
Sonic By Episode 1′s End: Aww, yeah! Adventure, here we come!
Tails By Episode 10′s End: Aww, yeah! Adventure, here I come!
Turn your thoughts into power. Be all that you can be.
     The ending legit got me choked up because what of they decided to do for wrapping up Tails journey in a poetic fashion. Having Tails go off on his own separate journey to grow more independence pulled on my heart strings perfectly. Very much so, as I’m transitioning slowly, but surely, into gaining more freedom to go out into the outside world in my own life. Concluding the story, by Sonic & Tails holding onto the two Emeralds their bond had formed from positive energy, due to their powerful friendship, was so heartwarming. This is how you write an overview of what makes Sonic & Tails chemistry work so well as it does.
     Sonic & Tails R’s ending represents while some things never change, like Sonic and Tails bond for each other, it also shows there’s very much a necessity for people to grow, hence Tails’ whole solo journey in the epilogue. People can’t stay in the same place forever and will need go about finding their own path, even if it means saying “goodbye” periodically for a notable amount of time.
     It’s for these reasons I’ve listed in great explanation above throughout this detailed post cement Sonic & Tails R high on my list of favorite Sonic fan projects. They captured the magic of what made the Adventure games so beloved. Gonna be looking back on this passion project for many years to come. Everyone involved in this year long effort of a project dating all the way back Summer of 2020 ought to be immensely proud for how much their hard efforts paid off in the long run.
Thanks for taking the time to read my thoughts here! 
Hope you enjoyed. 
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bonnie-barstow-of-flag · 3 years ago
Killer Knightmares:
@avictimofthejazz an au based off a KR season 2 episode of the same name & knight of the drones vibe.
Dr. Bonnie Barstow is dutifully diligent with all of her work. She obsesses over even the most minuscule and trivial details to achieve perfection. It’s one of the many reasons she’s been added to the staff at the University of San Francisco under the supervision of the reputable David Halston.
It’s virtually unfathomable how much damage an ill-programmed microchip the size of a finger-nail could inflict. A twisted sense of insatiable fascination clutches a bewitching grasp over her complete attention. The tiny chip captured under the view of the highly advanced microscope was an absolute marvel with it’s bright ridges of gold along with it’s small valleys and backroads paved in a far duller shade of silver. It’s a coded maze that Bonnie can easily interpret. One infinitesimal change to the programming can mean the difference between life and death. Bonnie’s searching, seeking out the one piece of the prototype keeping it from functioning as designed. She could never and would never give the go-ahead on anything that could be considered dangerous. Even more so given the incidents that occurred because of Karr.
“There’s a call for you on line four, Bonnie.” Comes Halston’s abrupt half-careless words. Placing indelicate hands upon the slopes of her shoulders, he continues. “I’m starting to feel like your personal secretary.” It’s a gripe he made in earnest. He’s been, in no uncertain terms, telling her former associates to stop calling for months now. That Bonnie’s happier here without them hounding her. He delighted in being able to get her to refuse their offers to have her return. Of course, David hadn’t bothered to asked permission to make those direct assertions. He just did. Dr. Halson needed her. Even if Bonnie wasn’t fully aware of it, she had become vital to the success of his and Margo’s operations.
He leans over her shoulder to take a non-committal glance at her progress with the microchip. “It’s quite strange really.” He cryptically starts. The rest of the explanation failing to come as an immediate continuance.
Skeptical, Bonnie’s turquoise orbs lift towards her revered mentor while he speaks. Worry warps her usually beautiful countenance as she discovers herself clinging to his every utterance. Every easy breath hinged upon what would come next.
When her attention is fully upon him, he reveals against the shell of her ear all that he’d been biting back. “It’s a hospital near Los Angeles. A nurse Langly from Hoff Medical Center or other. She ‘claims’ it’s urgent.” There’s a deep trench of sarcasm imbued when his lips reach the word “claims”. He is well aware that she has no real family in the city. At least no one she should want to have contact with, given all the bridges he’s helped her burn. The remnants of her family were located in Boston. His eyes befall her with the great expectation that she’d pass it off.
Halston’s blasé indifference to the potentially serious situation doesn’t settle right with her. It lays like a load of swallowed bricks and mortar, in the formation of a thick, impenetrable, unmovable wall might; uncomfortably heavy. “I...” She swallows thickly, “I’d better get that.” The brunette rises from the stool she had been occupying and brushes past him. “It’s probably a crank call.” Arrives her half-hopeful utterance as she moves towards the thick plastic phone.
Sweeping a buoyant wake of chestnut barrel-rolls from her face, she lifts the receiver to her ear. “Dr. Barstow speaking. How can I help you?” She answers. Her lower-lip tucking between her teeth as she actively listens to the other voice. Twirling her fingers around the curly-q chord, she attempts to sort her thoughts. “Wait? What?” Panic bubbles upwards in her tone. Her once lax stance stiffens against the nearest wall. Her grip on the phone tightens to prevent it from slipping from her hand. “Are you sure?” A pause. “Could you repeat that name again?”
Nurse Langly patiently repeats, “Michael Long.” After a few seconds, she adds, “you’re his emergency contact.”
The warmth and color that usually could be found in Bonnie’s features drains as the gravity of the situation is rapidly dawning upon her. This was either a twisted macabre prank or it was a genuine emergency. Hardly anyone outside the Foundation knew that name or the history behind it. To invoke that name was to tug at Bonnie’s heartstrings. She has no other choice but to go investigate. If it was Michael and he was in trouble, she would never be able to forgive herself for ignoring his call.
Was it possible that he still had her number in his wallet? That Michael had never gotten around to changing his ICE list? If he hadn’t- why?
“Keep him there as long as you can.” Bonnie tersely instructs. Her heart skips a series of beats as she continues, “I’m leaving now.” With a glance down at her own delicate wrist watch, she calculates the amount of time it’ll take her to get that location. “I should be there in a few hours.” As she puts down the receiver, Bonnie contemplates ringing Devon and the Foundation. But she doesn’t. Not until she can fully ascertain if this is a joke or not.
Halston snags the frantic brunette’s wrist as she races towards the door. Throatily he demands, “where do you think you’re going? I didn’t give you permission to leave, and I know class hasn’t been dismissed. If you leave in the middle of our project, you’ll be costing the University thousands of dollars. You’re potentially destroying any hopes you had of a scholarship.” His concerns obviously rest with their work.
She wrestles her arm back from her professor’s clutches. Turquoise orbs darken when they lock upon Halston’s. Her expression is obviously deeply wounded and yet, out of respect for her mentor, she delays. “I’m sorry. I have to go...” Her words leave no uncertain airs about them. “I’ll be back when I can.” Bonnie is well aware that her defiance of direct orders could potentially cost her this incredible opportunity. Yet, she does not care! The Foundation has and always would be a primary concern for her. It didn’t matter how much time had elapsed since her employment with them, they were her family.
Bonnie is keenly aware that Halston is beckoning for her, yelling intangible words in her wake. She doesn’t dare turn back now with her feet already set on a steady course.
Only one thought prevailed as the brunette lunges past other students and into the parking-lot. Michael Knight could be in real trouble, and he needed her. She can’t fathom any set of circumstances that would require resurrecting a name that should have been buried. In her gut, she knows something is terribly amiss. But what?
Seven hours of the endless highway and traffic sprawled between the former partners. Every minute of that time seemed to conjure up a fresh, new fear as to what the explanation could be. Internally, she had been running herself through an extensive list of people who knew Michael Knight before he was the man she’d grown to love. Stevie was murdered. Tanya walker died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Vernon Gray and the others were in rotting in jail.
With the review of every case, came the discomforting realization that Michael and the Foundation were in the habit of making ruthless adversaries. Some of them were worse than others.
A startling thought does occur to her. Garthe and Elizabeth Knight knew about Wilton’s pet project. He knew that his father rescued Michael Long from that cold Nevada desert. However, Garthe and Goliath had taken a swan dive off a cliff. He couldn’t be pulling a crude trick like this. He had to be dead. Or was he? Worse still, could this be the work of Garthe’s vengeful mother? No. Why would they call her for help and risk the Foundation foiling another one of their wicked plots? They wouldn’t. Not even if they were aiming for the absolute annihilation of Wilton’s every dream.
Could it be the Chameleon? No. The man couldn’t have uncovered Knight’s former life. As far as the skilled impersonator knew, Michael had always existed as Knight. His previous life was a mystery. Or so Bonnie hoped it had remained an unsolvable riddle.
Every trudged up possibility seems to leave Bonnie with more unanswerable questions. She returned, time and time again, to square one. Frustration wells up inside of her veins as the brunette settles on the idea that Knight’s run into deep trouble on an investigation. This had to be a cry for help.
Whilst Bonnie Barstow was not known for speeding, her foot increases the pressure on the gas pedal. The rev of the engine increases. Tires find themselves turning over at a quicker and quicker rate. All four heated rubber tires give a squeal of relief when she finally pulls up in front of the Hoff Medical Center.
With haste, she abandons her car in the parking-lot and races inside. Flagging down the first nurse she can find, she spurts out. “Please, I’m here for Michael Knight.” Entreating eyes catch the vacuous look to the nurses eyes and she repeated her words. “I’m Dr. Barstow. I got a call at the University where I work. I’m here for my - Michael Knight...” Ah, that’s where the issue dwells. She cringes before correcting herself. “Michael Long.”
That name garnered the desired knowledgeable reaction from the nursing staff. “This way.” The blonde nurse instructs taking up the lead through the sanitized hallway, armed with her clipboard.
“Can... can you tell me what happened to Michael?” Bonnie fearfully presses. She swallows down every fear collecting inside of her veins and penting-up in her chest. Having a breath catch in her throat, she manages to choke out. “Is he -- is he alright?” The concern taking up residence in the concentric confines of her eyes is genuine. Lord knows, she wouldn’t be able to cope with losing him.
The nurse keenly eyes her. The sympathy evident upon all of her etched features. “We’re looking at a mild concussion and bruised ribs. He’s lucky that nothing is broken. He must be in really good shape. Built like a tank that fella of yours is.” Any other man would have been in far worse shape.
Bonnie is too taken aback by the diagnosis to correct the woman’s assumption about her and Michael. In fact, she nearly misses the correlation as she is ushered into the room.
“He’s a real charmer. Your Officer Long is.” The nurse adds casting a wink in her direction.
Officer Long? God. It still felt anomalous to hear that in a sentence even with their extensive history together. She knew about his past. She was there the day Wilton brought Michael under his care. Until today, it had been years since that name fell upon Bonnie’s ears. Now, all of the sudden, she couldn’t seem to escape the shadow of the vastly unused moniker.
“Tried to flirt his way out of X-rays and everything.” The nurse actively points out. Her amusement with the fact is fairly obvious.
A perfectly manicured brow raises as Bonnie seats herself beside the man she knows under a very different name. “He really is. Isn’t he?” She fondly agrees. That had always been a part of the problem between them. Hadn’t it? His natural charisma instantly endeared him to almost every woman on the planet. She vividly recollects that he had tactfully employed it on more than one occasion to get what he wanted. He was kind enough to polish his act every time he attempted to use it on her.
Until the moment Bonnie cast her eyes upon Michael, it hadn’t struck her how intensely homesick she’d been for his familiar presence. Her heart gives off a series of palpable pangs against her ribcage as if it was sending Mores Code. Rescue was not bound to happen. No one could heed an unspoken SOSes. Could they? Despite her efforts to reign the unruly muscle in, it kept barreling ahead like an out-of-control freight train down the tracks.
Why was it that only Michael could arouse such chaos inside of her even when she had striven so desperately to move on? She tried to replace him with Dr. Halston and many other guys. Yet, nothing could fill that awful void that Michael left behind.
In that moment, with his large frame half swallowed by the hospital bed, she uncovers a dangerous revelation. She still loved him. As loathe to admit it as she is, those deeply-rooted feelings exist. They dwell in the undismissable realms of shadows where buried emotions and feelings are destined to remain.
Bonnie’s trembling hand gingerly brushes a dark-chestnut curl from the expanse of his warm forehead. The fluffy texture under the worn-pads of her fingers causes a familiar ache to awaken inside of her. “Michael, sweetheart....” She coos the term of endearment with a gentle insistence. She dare not startle him awake after the hell he’s obviously been put through with his injuries.
Her own lips bend into a shaky smile. “I’ve come to take you home.” His home? Her home? The Foundation? It didn’t really matter so long as he was back with people who loved and would protect him. As long as he was safe, Bonnie would never issue a complaint.  
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galvanizedfriend · 5 years ago
Klaroline Drabble
Random. 1.4k words. Totally not canon compliant. I’m trying to write more, so.
Caroline stops by New Orleans ten years after that lovely afternoon in the woods with Klaus and they have dinner. Or try to. It’s hard to concentrate with Originals fighting werewolves and a blue witch right outside. 
Caroline should've known there was no way this was ever going to be anything resembling normal. She just didn't think it would ever be... Well... This.
 Being a vampire and growing up in a city like Mystic Falls, which is basically the world's magical belly button - although, more accurately, it's more like the world's magical drain, where all kinds of crap get sucked into - you kind of forfeit the right to a normal life. You may cry, you may scream, you may even try to leave it all behind and start anew elsewhere, but magic always finds its way back to you, no matter how far you go. She’s long accepted that they're flames in a world of supernatural moths. There is no escaping it. So they might as well embrace their fates, find a way to live in spit of it all. And if an opportunity for a bit of a social life arises -  don't even question it; just hold on to it like it’s the last drop of water in the desert.
 With that thought firmly in mind, she chose to go with the what the heck shrug when Klaus asked her out to dinner while she was passing by New Orleans. Of course passing by meant stopping by when she really didn't have any good enough excuses for sticking around, waiting to get noticed. It was a bit of a coin toss; if it happened, it was meant to be, if not... Well.
It took Klaus exactly twenty three minutes to find her. He really does have the city wrapped around his little finger. Color her impressed.
 Caroline hadn't seen him in ten years. She was... curious. Of course she'd heard all sorts of stories - resurrected Originals, bloody wars raging across the French Quarter, the Strix, whatever the hell that was. Caroline wondered what a decade and the conquest of a city would've done to him, and she's not surprised to find that he is indeed... different. He looks exactly the same, and the dimpled smirk on his face is familiar in a way that makes Caroline feel inappropriate things, but she does not remember Klaus being this composed in the face of chaos. Especially involving his siblings. And a bunch of rabid werewolves. And...
"Is that person... blue?"
 "Spell gone wrong, I'm afraid," he speaks calmly, lifting his glass so one of his employees - that's how Caroline is choosing to call it; she'd rather believe the man is being handsomely paid to wait on the Mikaelsons - can refill it. "More wine, love?"
 "I... Yeah. Sure." Klaus nods at the man, smiling at her from behind the hem of his glass while hers gets refilled.
 "Are strawberry cheesecakes still your favorites?" he asks mildly. There's a loud crack outside, and Caroline turns to look in time to see Kol flying across the courtyard.
 "Klaus," she says. "Your siblings are fighting werewolves and a blue person outside. I think I just saw a fireball. They're trying to burn down your house."
 "Nonsense. This house won't burn so easily. It has very good foundations. Besides, I had it spelled against fires back when there was a different one raging across the French Quarter every other day," he says flippantly.
 "Elijah just got bitten by two wolves," she remarks, wide-eyed and disbelieved. "And now he's biting the guy back?" Caroline makes a little disgusted sound under her breath, scrunching up her face when Elijah rips the man's head off with his teeth.
 "Yes, it seems like it," Klaus replies around a sigh, unbelievably bored. "Do you have any ideas how many peaceful evenings I get to have around here? There's always someone trying to start an uprising for some reason, somewhere. When it's not wolves, it's witches, when not witches, vampires, when not vampires, it's my own bloody family. I haven't seen you in a decade, sweetheart, so I'm clinging to this evening until one of those rascals flies through my French doors and ruins our dessert, in which case I will be forced to retaliate. Otherwise, I'm staying put. If you've changed your mind about our date, love -"
 "No," she hurries to reply. “I didn’t.”
The slow self-satisfied grin tugging at his lips is positively obscene.
 Klaus' Henley clings to his torso at just the right places, the first couple of buttons undone, revealing the beaded necklaces around his neck. His hair is longer than she's ever seen, styled rather fashionably, and all Caroline can think is that she wants to bury her fingers in those silky-looking curls and then pull. Klaus looks more appetizing than anything he's served tonight, so no, Caroline does not regret saying yes to the invitation she oh, so smoothly sought. She never expected Klaus to be so respectful of that agreement they signed in sweat and orgasms ten year ago, so it was up to her to take a strategic detour and hope he'd take a famous hint.
 It's just... Well, it's a little awkward, sitting here with classic music and people waiting on them while Rebekah's skirt is on fire right outside. Do you have any idea how much this cost, you ogre?! This is vintage Chanel!
 "Uhm... Aren't you worried they might die?" she asks, tearing her eyes from Kol stabbing a man with what looks like a table leg, cutting to the incredibly enticing movement of Klaus' throat as he swallows his wine.
 He scoffs. "Please. Four werewolves and a witch that can't even fix her own botched spells? If they die, it'll be well deserved and I won't be attending their funerals."
 The creases on Caroline’s forehead deepen. "You're all completely insane around here, aren't you?"
 "This city does have a way of twisting people's sanity, yes," he says calmly. "But is it really insane that I just want to have a quiet night in with an old friend?" A soft smile curls his lips as he stresses the word in a way that leaves no doubt as to all the lewd intentions underneath. Caroline tries not to blush. Probably fails. "As far as wishes go, that's a rather simple one."
 "You're apparently in the wrong family for that," she counter, sipping from her glass. The wine is fantastic. "And the wrong city, too, I guess."
 Klaus shrugs just as what looks like a human hand hits the glass doors, leaving a gory splotch of red.
 "For goodness' sake," he grumbles, putting his palms flat on the table as he pushes up from his chair. "Rebekah! We're trying to eat in here!"
 Rebekah comes to stand right in front of the door, a grim expression on her blood-stained face, hands firmly planted on the sides of her charred skirt. "Oh, I'm sorry, Nik. Am I disturbing your romantic endeavors whilst fighting for my life?"
 "Yes, dear sister. You are, indeed. Can't you wrap this up or go play with your food outside?"
 "I -" Rebekah is cut off by a fireball flying right over her head. "We could do with a little hand, you know?"
 Klaus shakes his head, exhaling in frustration as he turns back to Caroline, his expression instantly softening. "Would you like to join me upstairs, love? The view is lovely from the balcony and we won't be disturbed by my barbaric and incredibly incompetent siblings."
 Caroline smiles sheepishly, not quite disguising her excitement. "Well, I do love a good view."
 Klaus offers her his arm as he guides her up the stairs. Caroline's hand balls next to her as she refrains from touching the dimple denting his cheek, missing the feel of his stubble under her fingertips, wanting to follow up with her lips. The night is young, though.
 "Next time," Klaus starts. "We'll go out. There's a lovely restaurant called Antoine's, just around the corner. I'll get us a private room or perhaps I'll have them close the courtyard for us, and we'll have a nice dinner without interruptions. Then we'll go for a stroll across the Quarter, beignets at Café du Monde, a walk around Jackson Square, the view of the Mississippi at night from a terrace bar. I'll show you all my favorite places. Perhaps you might yet fall in love with New Orleans."
 Caroline looks up at him, drawing just a tiny bit closer, and smiles. "Perhaps I might."
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passionbooties · 5 years ago
title: i bet you taste like gold  rating: t  pairing: raihan/leon  summary: raihan's never been afraid of the chase. because in the end, he always knew he'd be the winner. that all crashes when the reward at the end of the chase is leon: the one man raihan has always lost to.OR five times raihan has mentioned or shown that he likes leon, and the one time leon finally gets it.
can be read on: ao3!
read under cut ! 
“Damn, we lost again! But ya did good, Duraludon.” Raihan calls back his Pokémon. Rotom flies around to snap photos of the moment. Because even though Raihan lost, he’s still handsome. And there’s something his followers love about his pouts after defeat-a beauty found in the pain, sort of thing. 
He looks upward, to Leon’s smiling face. As brilliant as the sun while he laughs with his partner, Charizard. “Another win for the great champion of Galar!” Leon is so confident , so sure of himself, but so pure. His boasts never come off cocky. Only mere facts that the entirety of Galar have written into their history books as gospel truths. “But it’s to be expected. After all, I’m unbeatable.”
“Yeah, for now.” Raihan snorts, but there’s no derision. No anger. Only this unsettling warmth that seeps into his bones the more he looks at Leon’s smile and continues comparing him to the sun. Bright, orbiting, so expansive and heat-filled that ignoring him was impossible.
Not that Raihan ever tried. He’d been captured by Leon long ago… 
“I was close, though!” Raihan continues, striding over to meet Leon on the other side of the pitch. “Duraludon nearly had your Charizard begging for mercy.”
Leon barks out a burst of laughter, Charizard following suit. “Yeah sure! If that’s what you want to call it, we can work with that.” Raihan rolls his eyes while Leon keeps laughing and laughing. And Raihan’s stomach keeps tumbling and twisting into knots. 
Leon’s laughter is one of his favorite sounds. Better than any music Raihan’s ever listened to. 
Rotom whirrs by, bumping into Raihan’s cheek. A subtle reminder to get his life together and not drool so much over his longtime rival and friend. Right, good. 
“Well,” Raihan works his jaw, adjusting his posture to come off as casual-and not monumental or anything of the sort to show how much impact he wanted his words to convey. “If you were anyone else, I’d definitely try to throw hands. So you’re lucky that I like you so much.”
So much. So much more than any harboring feelings of platonic platitudes he carried for the other people in his life. His heart rate never sped up so viciously as it did around the champion. His thoughts were never consumed by anyone else other than Leon. 
It was horrific. Raihan wanted to scream.
His nerves became static, but Leon doesn’t seem to catch onto his words. Not really, not to their significance. But the smile he gives Raihan is soft, dare he say intimate, and Raihan has to hold back-for now-the urge to pull Leon by his cape and kiss him.
Instead Leon says, “I like you too.” 
And it’s not the same.
Raihan feels the heat dissipate and a weight drop, deep. Then comes the sandstorm. Obscuring the flash of disappointment from breaking through to the surface on Raihan’s face. 
Then they’re swarmed by fans who happened to oversee their battle. Quick as a standard, covering up their tracks, asking Raihan and Leon for photos and autographs of their league cards. Leon, the beloved Champion, falls into the steps of his role. Signs the cards and strikes his pose and sprinkles advice for budding trainers. 
Raihan follows suit. Slips on his little mask and uses Rotom to take a bunch of photos with his fans. 
If every so often, Raihan peeked over to catch Leon laughing with the kids or striking his pose, embracing the spotlight he made with ease, then so be it. 
It was hard to ignore the sun when it shone so close, so brilliantly, anyways. 
Raihan can’t remember when he fell. 
But he knows it was a graceful fall. A sudden snowstorm that drowned him in the feeling of attachment and yearning and longing for Leon that resonated a powerful chord one day when Raihan least expected it. 
All the leaders of Galar knew about his one-sided affections, except Leon of course.
It had almost become a joke. A running bet among the leaders about how much longer Raihan would skirt around before he finally lost his patience and straight up proposed. Others wondered about the opposite: how much longer would it take until Leon finally noticed?
Both bets ended in similar fashions: whatever the outcome was, it wouldn’t happen anytime soon.
Really, Raihan was somewhat coping with the fact that he was enamored by his best friend and greatest rival who was also, simultaneously, the most powerful trainer in all of Galar.
And the biggest idiot in all of Galar. 
But that’s what was so charming . 
And Raihan really, honestly, should have seen it coming. Leon attracted everyone. He was lion like. Prideful in his strength while caring a sort of regality that made others want to follow him. Raihan always chased after him from the start. To become better than him, to surpass him in the race and become champion. 
Then somehow, someway, the chase ended in a plunge. And Raihan was diving face down into a rainstorm of emotional attachment. 
While he may not remember when the feelings took root, he remembers vividly the first time he ever let it slip to Raihan about his feelings. 
They were eating dinner at Bob’s Your Uncle. Raihan was snapping photos and Leon was making funny faces. Their food was gone by this point, but conversation didn’t stop. It never stopped between them. Leon always had stories to share about challengers who came for advice, for a battle, for a moment to bask in his presence. Raihan was always dishing out strategies, new ways to utilize the elements for his team’s advantage, better ways to craft synergy between his Pokemon in their double battles. 
They were always talking and talking, bouncing back and forth, cracking jokes. Then Leon got called over by the manager and Raihan waves him off, because what is a Champion if not at the beck and call of their people, and as he watches them interact he thinks to himself how Leon looks like a king-cape aside.
Broad shoulders, a strong back, his shoulders squared. Everything in Leon’s stance is that of someone fit to rule. Fit to command. Fit to oversee. Fit to love . Strong and sturdy, a foundation that Raihan found himself wanting to utterly wreck and destroy beneath him.
Then his face got all red. His cheeks burned, a hot scorching sun across the expanse of his face. His eyes wide as he looks at Leon walking back over to him with a bottle of wine and two glasses. On the house from the manager for the two of them being such loyal customers. 
When Leon sat down, he immediately asked, “What’s wrong?”
“I like-” Raihan nearly bit his tongue. Leon blinked and Raihan couldn’t believe he almost confessed. Almost said I like you. I like you. So much, so much that I'm going to be swallowed whole and I had no idea this was going to happen. 
“You like…?”
“Like-that we can use your Champion status to get free drinks, yeah.” Raihan lied easily, smoothly. Ignored the burnt taste on his tongue from his lie. Leon, thankfully, didn’t ask further. They shared drinks and went back to their conversation but this time Raihan couldn’t help but think Leon was the sun, over and over again, and how much he wanted to become an Icarus-scorched by his touch. 
“Honestly, just kiss him.” 
“I’ve thought about that multiple times, Ness.” 
Nessa folds her arms and leans back against the back of the booth, “Super surprised you haven’t gone full dragon mode and slobbered him silly with kisses, at this point. You’re normally much more straightforward with your conquests.”
Raihan rolls his eyes while Rotom snickers. “I’ll bring out the screwdriver on you,” he threatened but that only made Rotom whir and snicker louder. Gremlin. Raihan meets Nessa’s pointed gave, brilliantly blue and as fearsome as the ocean. 
Which he needed, because Raihan was tired of bullshitting himself. Nessa was absolutely correct that Raihan wasn’t being himself. Not really, anyways. Raihan has confidence in his looks, his reputation, and overall swagger that he carries like a crown upon his head. He’s just as notorious, if not just as famous, as Leon-the only man to come close to someone Leon considered a rival. He can get anyone-he knows he can get anyone. 
Usually it only took a smile in their direction, a flash of fang, a flex of muscle, a whisper in their ear covered in husk, sprinkled with secrets they could make between the two of them under bright moonlight and starless skies-yet all those tricks and tactics fell utterly short at Leon’s feet. 
All Leon had to do was exist in the same space and time as Raihan and Raihan forgot how simple it was to breathe.
“Oh wow,” Nessa exhales with a whistle, reaching for more of her shake. She takes a pointed slurp. “You’ve got it bad , mate.”
“Shut up,” Raihan growls, but it sounds pitiful even to his own ears. 
Nessa smirks with her straw still in her mouth, “Listen, I love Leon. Truly do, but the man is only focused on one thing: winning. I don’t think I’ve ever heard him even utter words like dating or love-they’re just too out of his orbit.” 
“You think I don’t know that? The man’s got a bad case of one track mind and he’s barreling down that track at breakneck speeds.” Raihan goes for one of her fries because he needs comfort food and Nessa pinches his hand. “Ow! Rude, Ness.”
“Rai. Call him up and ask him out on a date. Then he can buy you fries.”
“I’ve considered that.”
“And… what?”
“Let’s not play the who’s more dense game. Be the forward Raihan I know you can be and ask him out. What are you so afraid of?”
Ah, there it is. What was Raihan afraid of? And truly, what has he to lose? Everything comes snapping at him, fangs and claws at his neck. He never hesitated before. Never, because they were calculated wins. He knew with the people in his past he could obtain them, and obtain them easily. They were games where his outcome always ended with him as the winner. 
But that changed with Leon. Not once, not ever, had Raihan been even close to winning against Leon. Perhaps that spiral of losses had downward dove into Raihan believing he’d lose to Leon in this too. 
Raihan swore and Nessa simply shook her head. “Do what you need to do, Rai. But… if you ask me, I don’t think your chances of success are as low as you think they are.”
Raihan looks up at that. Sees the mischievous glint in Nessa’s eyes and a snow swirl of hope spike up in his chest. “What makes you say that?”
Nessa snorts and finishes off the last of her milkshake before she stands up, “The stars,” she answers impishly before she skips off to the bathroom. Leaving Raihan to stew and mutter and contemplate and go simply mad over her cryptic language. 
Later that night, he texts Leon. Asking a simple question: What would you do if I said I liked you?
He gets a response about thirty minutes later and nearly cries. 
Well of course I’d tell you I like you too. Haha, why what’s going on :P?
Raihan isn’t avoiding Leon. 
No, he’s simply busy.
He has a gym to run after all. And Pokemon to train. Food to eat and places to explore. The wild area’s raid dens were popping off more often recently. So of course Raihan had to go and explore. See if there were any new dragon Pokemon he could catch, or Pokemon in general to battle against. 
Sure, Leon would text him and Rotom would get all up in Raihan’s face whenever he did. But suddenly, Raihan couldn’t read anymore and to force himself to learn a skill he no longer had would be madness. So he refused to do so!
He was, in fact, avoiding Leon.
But his pride would never allow him to admit that. 
Raihan’s able to pull this off for about three weeks when his luck runs out. 
“Raihan!” Leon’s voice carries across the pitch of Hammerlocke stadium. Raihan stops his training with Flygon and Torkoal, nearly jumping from his skin. 
Shit. Fuck. Shit. Flygon and Torkoal are giving him knowing looks and Raihan’s incredibly close to asking them both to set him ablaze with a flamethrower. 
“Finally!” Leon runs over, all smiles and sunlight and Raihan wants to dig himself into the ground. “I’ve been trying to get a hold of you all week, yeah? Where have you been? Why haven’t you answered any of my messages?”
Raihan tilts his head. Makes his stance casual, hands in his pocket and words coming out with a drawl. “Been busy, mate. Got a gym to run and all that jazz.”
Leon looks at him strangely. And his sunlight starts to turn harsh. “Right… well, my mum’s grilling up a barbecue tonight. I was wondering if you wanted to come by and hang. I texted you and didn’t get a response. So I thought it’d be easier to just come in person!”
He’s so earnest. And so pure. So straightforward and just. Raihan’s heart squeezes, and aches. Every nerve in his body is snarling at him to confess. To unleash all the truth at Leon’s feet and hope for the best. To not let the fear of losing, again, so visceral, stop him from pursuing the golden man he craves. 
Tell him you like him. Say it over and over until it penetrates the thick fog of obliviousness. Let him know over and over again how you crave the taste of his mouth. Want to run your nails down his back. Want to feel his surety and strength in the palm of your hands. How much you want to-
Rotom softly whirs beside him, having popped out to scope the scene. Flygon and Torkoal are looking at him, encouraging him to say something. To speak. Even if his voice shatters. 
Yet, fear is stronger. 
Fear wins. 
“Can’t tonight,” ashes in his mouth-and the taste makes him sick as he continues. “I’ve already made plans.” he turns on his heel, lowering his visor so it shades his eyes. Leon could pierce through him, easily, and Raihan would rather die than have Leon see how pathetic he feels written all over his face. 
Before Leon can say anything Raihan calls back Torkoal and makes Rotom go into his pocket. Then he climbs onto Flygon and tells it to take him to the Wild Area. Flygon hesitates, for a second. Looks back to Leon and softly hums before taking off with Raihan. 
The mighty tamer of dragons, a coward when it comes to feelings.
The next time Raihan and Leon meet their world is unfurling at the seams.
Falling apart in bright columns of purple light.
The Darkest Day , Chairman Rose calls it. To save us all! To protect the future of Galar! 
“He’s gone utterly insane,” Raihan hisses as the clouds above them turn pitch black and turbulent. The other leaders and challengers were doing their best to calm the masses and get them to safety. Raihan’s already making plans to go to Hammerlocke so he can go down to the power plant and beat some sense into Chairman Rose himself. 
“I have to stop him,” Leon says from beside him. Raihan is reminded immediately how this is the first time in about a month that they’ve existed in the same space. They had a brief crossing in the locker room before the Championship Cup but it had been tense, and Raihan had kept himself short.
Time apart did his feelings no good. They festered like bacteria, crawling under the ground he tried to firmly pack like worms. Horribly gnawing away at his heart until Leon and the guilt he felt over their last meeting was all he his thoughts consumed. 
“Leon,” Raihan says, the name dropping effortlessly out of his mouth before it can be stopped. Leon glances over at him, his mouth ready to move until the ground starts to shake at their feet.  Crackling, gurgling with ancient energy. “Leon, move!”
Raihan’s body works faster. He pushes Leon out of the way as the earth cracks by their feet. A giant burst of purple energy, raw and vicious, shoots up into the sky. There’s screaming, and the scattering of feet. Dust floats in the air and rubble lays around them. 
Raihan swears again, coughing as the dust settles. He pushes himself upwards, when he realizes the position their in. Leon is sprawled underneath him. Raihan’s on top. And Raihan hates, hates the sort of images that-Leon’s looking at him. And Raihan can read every single emotion behind his eyes-the anger and hurt and surprise and shock and joy and-
“Raihan,” Leon says quietly. Raihan’s snapped out of his thoughts as the world continues to collapse around them. “Are you alright?”
“I,” Raihan works his jaw, tries to make the words come out. “Yeah. Yeah I am. You?”
Leon’s still looking at him, still searching. And for once, just this time, Raihan lets himself be seen. Be pierced. Be examined and looked. Let’s the lion scrape away at the ground until there’s nothing but bare bones of emotion that Raihan can’t really hide from anymore. 
There’s a few seconds that passes, then Leon closes his eyes and exhale deeply. “Help me up, please.”
Raihan does so, robotically. The two stand and stare at each other, a minute more, before Leon steps into Raihan’s space. 
“You can’t go without backup,” Raihan starts. “You’re the Champion and all, I get that. But not even you-”
“I can,” Leon interjects, and he’s so close. So close and so sure, unwavering, Raihan doesn’t know how he thought he could run away from Leon when his gravitational pull was so deep. “And I’ll be back. Safe, and sound, so that when I come back, we can talk.”
“We can-?” Raihan’s words are swallowed whole by Leon’s lips on his. 
Leon kisses the way he battles-sure, strong, and forward. It’s clumsy as all hell though, and Raihan hates the little choking noise he makes in surprise from it all. But Leon tastes like gold, with dirt, with liquid heat. 
Leon pulls back, and his eyes are hooded. But his lips are pulled into the brightest grin as their foreheads touch in the middle of the chaos. 
“Yes, we need to talk. We have a lot to go over." And then, a beat later and with a goofy grin to seal the deal, Leon says, "I talked to Nessa.”
Raihan’s eyebrows shot up to his hairline. “What did she say-”
“That you like me." Leon says effortlessly. "And that I’m as dense as a house of bricks. And she’s right, I am dense. But she also told me that I need to tell you that yes, Raihan, I like you too.”
Raihan is rooted. Cemented to the ground and Leon just gives him his soft smile, his confident gaze, and Raihan shoots forward to kiss him again. Sharply, one more time before letting go. One more time to make sure it’s real. 
“Brilliant. Absolutely fucking brilliant ,” he wants to laugh in hysterics but now, now is not the time. And this was not the place nor the setting he envisioned where this moment would finally come. “Yes. Okay. We will talk. After we save the world… be safe, Leon.”
“Always, Raihan.” 
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itisakindofafunnystory · 4 years ago
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Things to Know About Paris
Paris has always been considered one of the most romantic cities in the world. The population of Paris, including its suburbs, is around 12 million. The population of the city center is around 2.3 million. Located around the Seine River, the city is one of Europe's most popular destinations. Many famous buildings in Paris are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Some of the best medieval and Roman works can be seen on long walks in the city from Montmartre to Quartier Latin. Compared to an open-air museum, Paris is one of the most visited cities in the world. Although the Celtic traces cannot be seen much in the capital, the magnificent architectural structures date back to the 13th century when Notre Dame Cathedral was completed. In the 19th century, with Napoleon assigned to Baron Hausmann to develop modern Paris, long boulevards, beautiful buildings and large parks formed the foundation of today's city.
Where is Paris?
Paris is the capital city of France and the center of the Île-de-France region. It was founded on the Seine, in the middle of the Paris basin. It is located 375 km inland from the mouth of the Seine River, which flows into the Channel.
Paris Attractions
Our first recommendation in our article on places to visit Paris is: If your plan is to walk around without hurry and see many tourist attractions, the Seine River will be the perfect address with its romantic and peaceful location. As one of the most visited cities in the world, more than 30 million tourists come to see Paris's mouth-watering cuisine and, of course, exciting fashion every year. Apart from that, there are many places to visit Paris with its historical buildings, especially museums and impressive squares.
Where to Stay in Paris?
Paris is one of the most tourist-attracting cities in the world, and accordingly, many different concept hotels serve. Tourists who come to wander the streets of Paris, shop and see undoubtedly the most popular historical sites often want their accommodation in the city center. For this reason, although there are many hotels in the city, you may find it difficult to choose Paris hotels that vary according to their features and budget. However, you can easily stay in these hotels, which are generally clean and safe. In addition, as Paris is an expensive city in terms of hotels compared to other European cities, it takes care to provide the necessary comfort for the comfort of tourists. It is necessary to ask the question of where to choose a hotel for a nice holiday in Paris. Everyone has their own opinion for the answer to this question. In recent years, the Latin Quarter and its neighbor, St Germain des Pres, have become increasingly popular, some even very touristy. But considering their individual location - easy access to almost all the city's attractions - makes them a good option, and you can still find charming bars, cafes and more in these two neighborhoods with more. The popular location on the other side of the river is the Marais, once had a fairly low appeal but is now one of the popular places to stay in Paris and full of great hotels. Montmartre, located in the 18th district of the city and home to the famous Sacré Coeur Basilica, is also a charming neighborhood. With its narrow winding streets and the renovated Moulin Rouge, its bars and dining venues are a must-see even if you don't stay there. Those who devote a large budget to their travel should definitely consider the 1st arrondissement. If you are on a business visit, the 2nd arrondissement is probably your street very close to the workplace. Canal St Martin is full of lively cafes and multicultural influences, making it an ideal destination for tourists. Also, this place is home to both Gare du Nord and Gare de l'Est.
If you are going to Paris, you should definitely buy your Paris flight ticket in advance and have a detailed idea about the Paris weather before making your plans.
Hello: Bonjour Good Evening: Bonsoir Thank you: Merci How are you : Comment allez-vous? When to Go to Paris?
When to Go to Paris?
Paris is beautiful in every season. Therefore, its doors are open to visitors twelve months of the year. Usually, it gets more attention than ever during the summer and around Christmas. The climate of Paris is between semi-oceanic and semi-rural climates. Warm and humid winds from the Atlantic Ocean make winters short, warm and rainy. Rainfall in Paris is evenly distributed throughout the year. Dry weather prevails from February to April. It rains 111 days a year.
The temperature is between 7 ° C- 8 ° C in winter and 25 ° C- 30 ° C in summer. Generally, the weather is cool in spring and autumn, and warm and humid in summer. August and July are the hottest months in the city, while December and February are the coldest months. The weather in Paris is very variable. The most beautiful months in Paris are spring, when everywhere is green, and autumn, when the number of tourists is less. The most beautiful months are April-June and September-November.
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senior70 · 5 years ago
On the Ridiculous Hobby of Quilting
For those of you who find the idea of cutting materials up into small pieces and fastening them all together again, otherwise known as Quilting, a ridiculous idea, just bear in mind that to some of us the very idea of walking around trying to hit a small hard ball into a small bucket with variously shaped sticks, a wasted effort known as Golf, equally preposterous. But I will concede that both require patience and accuracy and a good deal of skill.
Having cut a large number of small triangles from three different materials, one starts by sewing two together to form 216 squares! At this point one adds triangles of the third material on either side, and then a bigger triangle of a fourth material to form a bigger square. I hope you are paying attention and following closely.
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The next step involves sewing two of these squares and an equal sized square cut from a fifth material, into a line of three squares, twelve of them in number. While this may sound fairly straight forward, bear in mind that every effort must be made to maintain a perpendicular relationship between up and down seams, and the point of all those triangles should, ideally, meet exactly at the seams. This is a form of geometric nightmare of which Pythagoras never dreamed.
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Now, three lines of those three sewn together squares are sewn to form a square block of nine. Again, those seams must be parallel, or the square will easily become deformed into a sort of curving parallelogram, that will defy any subsequent attempt at joining to another square. At this point one has four big blocks, all of which are supposed to be square, an achievement that borders on the unlikely unless one is a master quilter or just plain lucky.
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To complete the quilt top, these four big blocks must be sewn together. Let me tell you, those are l o n g seams to sew on the sewing machine, and a BA in material handling and feeding would perhaps be a good preparation for this task. Should one succeed in such a way that all the up and down seams are actually perpendicular to each other, a congratulatory glass of wine is in order. Now one has a quilt “top”. But it is not yet a quilt.
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Quilts have a “backing” material, which though perhaps not often seen, needs to have some pleasant coordination with the pattern and colouring of the quilt top. Quilts also have “batting” between the top and the backing, a spongy, soft material that gives quilts their “poof”. Of course, the only way of holding these three layers together is to “quilt” them together. To be totally utilitarian, a series of straight lines across the whole thing would achieve this mechanical necessity. But, that would be no fun at all, would it? Why not make it challenging and sew all sorts of patterns and crazy feather or spiral shapes instead. Why not indeed.
For this part of the process, one leaves one’s tabletop sewing machine and goes to the quilting machine. Consisting of a big sewing machine mounted on two sets of rollers, at right angles to each other, such that the machine has a full range of movement, it also has a set of three (or more) long rollers on which to carefully mount the backing, the batting and the quilt top. This can involve a lot of pins and the attendant risk of finger pricking and bleeding on the material, which is a poor start. Once mounted, the three layers are rolled up so that only about an eighteen inch strip is actually showing and available to begin quilting with the sewing machine.
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What and how should one quilt? If one is brave, foolhardy or already skilled, one can “freehand” quilt. This means one stands at the front of the machine, holding both handles and one moves the sewing machine in patterns that come into your head, carefully filling in the space as one slowly moves along the exposed strip of materials. If less brave, one follows a pattern, and there are thousands of possible patterns, and hundreds of quilt books with suggested patterns in them. One catch. The patterns have, ingeniously, to be continuous, the end point of one repetition being the start point of the next. Try drawing one of those freehand, I dare you.
So, having chosen a pattern, how does one follow it? Ah! Attached to the travelling sewing machine is a device made of two adjustable arms, that carries a small laser flashlight on its end. The selected pattern is taped or otherwise fastened to the flat strip of board that forms the back of the quilt machine. The sewing machine is moved such that the small laser beam falls on the beginning point of the pattern. Oh, did I mention that one has to simultaneously ensure that when the laser beam is on target, the needle end of the machine must be positioned such that the first stitch will be a quarter of an inch into the corner of the quilt top. Damn, reposition the pattern and start again. Sooner or later this celestial alignment can be achieved, hopefully with greater regularity than most astronomical coincidences.
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Now, to follow the pattern, one works from the back of the machine. Never fear, the sewing machine has the same set of controls at front and rear, a little like those vehicles made for driving instruction in which both driver and passenger have controls. However, in this case, there is no emergency brake.
Take deep breaths and do countless exercises to relax (as if one can actually relax at the point at which one is going to start piercing the layers of material with the first few stitches). Stand, feet a little apart, and in line with the side of the machine of the direction in which it will be moved. One must learn the “Quilt side step”, by which, without faltering with the upper body, one slowly walks along the length of the quilt, somewhat like a stealthy cat coming up on its prey. Now grip the two handles of the machine. Can you see the laser light point on the pattern? No. One’s arm is now in the way. Start again. Adjust the laser holder arms so that one can see the point of light. That helps a lot.
Deep breath, press the button on the handle and start trying to move the machine such that the laser point follows the line of the pattern. At this point one is fiercely concentrating on the pattern, and apart from the clattering of the machine, one has no idea what is actually happening at the front where stitches are being stabbed into the three layers. Let’s just hope that all is going well over there. If it isn’t, and there are numerous reasons, such as thread tension, lack of alignment or needle/bobbin timing, one can look forward to a back bending and eye aching task of picking all that thread out of the material, using a tiny pointed tool, a few inches at a time. You didn’t have anything else to do, did you?
So, let’s be optimistic, and say that all is going well. Printed patterns can be taped together to make a useable length, but sooner or later one comes to the end of the pattern, at which point the needle can be stopped in the down position, thereby holding the point temporarily. The pattern can now be moved and re-taped such that the starting point of the pattern is under the laser light again. That sounds easy.
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Repetition is the foundation of land surveying techniques, the British Ordnance Survey picturing the ideal surveyor as standing by his theodolite on some windswept hill top, on which, with infinite patience, he repeats his ‘round of angles’ sixteen times in order to meet the exacting standards of first order surveying. Quilting is not much different, though not windswept.
When the first row of quilting is finished at the far end of the quilt, the three layers are unrolled enough to expose the next eighteen inch strip, the machine is moved back to the beginning end, and the process is repeated. While quilters are notorious for having fifteen projects on the go at once and rarely actually completing one, once the machine quilting process is started there is no stopping. As one quilt book author notes, all other aspects of life cease until the work is done.
Did you think that you now have a completed quilt? No, not quite. One now has a quilted quilt with rough edges around the square or rectangle. The final task is now to “bind” the edges with a border of some kind, at least a half inch simple edge if not something a bit more attractive such as a double or multiple strip border. Back to the table top sewing machine and those material handling and feeding skills.
At last! The quilt is complete.
Now what? Well, if you add up the hours that you have spent on this marathon project and multiply it by the dollars per hour you would like to think that your quality of work deserves, you will quickly conclude that only billionaires can actually afford to purchase your quilt at the net cost of your time and materials. So, unless you have an immediate use for this “magnus et opus magnifico” yourself (and there are only so many beds in a house), you will likely be seeking a friend who would like to be given a quilt, or you will end up taking it down to the Shelter to give to someone who could make good use of it.
Well now, what am I going to do for my next quilt?
senior70 April 2020
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nadisabug · 5 years ago
Title: Sick
Fandom: Danganronpa (SDR2) AU: post-simulation Warnings: disorientation and sickness A/N: okay so I've been super stressed with school, and all I can think about is what if Hajime is getting sick right and he tries to hide it because now hes in charge of the class and apart of the Future Foundation and he is really good at hiding it except nagito notices bc hes nagito and watches hajime closely and now its all i can think about here i go
Hajime felt awful.
He had been feeling really off for days now, but he brushed it aside. He had to, everyone relied on him. The only reason why they were allowed off the island in the first place was because Hajime convinced Makoto and the rest of the Future Foundation to allow them to move back to the mainland because staying on the island where everything happened would just be worse. Makoto knew Hajime was right, staying on the island was the worst thing that could happen to the students, he told Hajime himself that. But, the Future Foundation was nothing if not skeptical. They were not sure if the students were properly rehabilitated, seeing as they got all their memories back, so they still did not trust the so-called Remnants. Consequently, they were a lot of conditions associated with leaving the island and moving into their relatively nice place. All of which rested squarely on Hajime's shoulders.
One of them was the morning report to Makoto.
He had to report how everyone was doing, feeling, saying, and acting. They did have an assigned therapist that was required to meet with them biweekly, who had her own report, but they wanted an update from the supposed leader of the community as well. Hajime took this responsibility very seriously. Honestly, he had nothing else to offer. He couldn't make patrol groups to help keep the streets safe like Kuzuryu, Pekoyama, Owari, and Nidai, he couldn't help create relief packages like Teruteru, Soda, Tsumiki, and Tanaka, and he couldn't go out into the streets and inspire hope like Moida, Nevermind, Koizumi, and Saionji. He couldn't even just cycle through the three, like Komaeda did, lending his luck to all of the causes. He had a knack for finding out where trouble was occurring, adding personalized items to packages just right and relying on his luck to deliver it to the citizen who needed it most, and no matter how unnerving he could be, no one could deny his unwavering charisma and the faith and hope it inspired in the citizens. Hajime could do none of that. All he had were his supervision and regulatory jobs. So he committed himself to completing them to the best of his ability. He collected and documented everyone's reports flawlessly, he kept inventory and sent out refill requests before the other students knew they were running low on anything, and he never missed a morning report.
Until today. 
Hajime woke up groggily to the sound of his Comm beeping. His head was pounding, needles pressing into his temples, and he could feel the dull throb as his blood pumped through his exhausted body. The pain flared in rhythm with the beat, waves of pain rolling over his head as the pressure within felt like it was going to burst. He was about to chalk it up to the fact that he had gone to sleep at 4 am the night before when he sucked in a deep breath, stopping halfway when a fit of coughs overtook him, curling into himself and coughing desperately into his elbow. Once the fit subsided, he took another, full deep breath and picked up his Comm device. On it, read the time.
7:37. Fuck.
He answered it quickly, then threw the covers off of himself, launching to his feet. As he did so, a wave of nausea rolled over him, his vision going completely white. He stumbled forward and caught himself on the dresser, slamming the edge of his elbow on the corner in the process. He bit down on his tongue to keep the contents of his stomach down. Hard. He tasted the the sour blood as it coated his tongue and filled his mouth, but he did not let up.
"You're late," a cold voice announced from the Comm's speaker. With how hard Hajime was gripping the thing, he was surprised it was still working.
Fucking hell. The one day he was late of course Kirirgiri had to be there. He swallowed the blood and the pain radiating from his head, and now his funny bone, with a grimace. "My apologies Kirigiri-san. It was not my intention to-"
"I have neither the time nor the patience for your excuses, boy. Get to your device, now."
The line went dead, much like how Hajime felt and knew he was. Kirigiri pointedly refused to use his name. She was livid.
And she had every right to be, Hajime thought as he desperately pulled on the first pair of trousers he saw. He was an entire 37 minutes late. He started buttoning his shirt frantically, but found that he could not get his hands to stop shaking enough to do so. Hajime cursed and tossed the shirt to the side, instead opting to wear his undershirt to the meeting, and not his usual formal wear. He ran into the bathroom to smooth his hair when it hit him.
His stomach convulsed and the next thing he knew he was heaving into the toilet, a white knuckle grip on the toilet bowl. He skipped dinner last night because he hadn't been feeling well, so the only thing that came up was bile, burning his throat and stinging his nose. All he could think about was getting whatever was in him out as fast as possible so that he could get to the meeting.
Once the heaving subsided, he rushed to the sink and rinsed his mouth quickly, wiping the snot and vomit onto his hand towel. He rushed out of the bathroom, not bothering to flush or brush his teeth. When he finally threw himself into the conference room, he found that the screen on the computer was already depicting a grainy image of Makoto, Kirigiri standing over his shoulder. He threw himself into his usual seat at the head of the table and in front of the monitor, straightening up  and trying to appear as composed as possible.
Both Makoto and Kirigiri did not appear pleased.
"You took your time," Kirigiri announced the obvious for the second time, her voice dangerously sharp.
Hajime's eye darted to the time and found that it was now 7:53. He had spent nearly ten minutes emptying his stomach into his toilet bowl. /Fuck.
"And did not even bother to get dressed. Did you fall back asleep?"
Hajime knew it wasn't a question, but felt compelled to defend himself. He opened his mouth to respond, but Makoto waved his hand and spoke before he could.
"It does not matter. You are here now. Give your report, I am already late for another meeting and really do not have anymore time to waste." Makoto's voice was unusually cold and strung tight. Hajime had made him very late for a meeting. Hajime couldn't tell if his gut was clenching from the nausea or the guilt, but it didn't matter.
He quickly launched into his report, desperately hoping he wouldn't vomit all over the desktop.
Once the meeting was over, and he had been given another reprimand, he slowly picked himself up out of the chair and stumbled to the door. His next meeting wasn't until noon with the Patrol unit, so he had time to return to his room and clean himself up. He knew he should probably got to breakfast, but the idea of food made his stomach clench and he decided against it. He swung open the door, leaning heavily on the handle, when he realized someone was outside of it. Before he could register who it was, he straightened up and wiped the grimace off of his face. He couldn't let anyone know.
Komaeda pushed off the hallway wall he was leaning on and froze when he saw Hajime. "Oh shit, you look awful," he blurted.
"Thanks," Hajime grunted, rolling his eyes, and started down the hallway to his room. He heard Komaeda scramble to catch up behind him and within a moment he was walking backward in front of Hajime.
"I mean, you just look so sick, you don't look bad Hinata-kun, you never do- I mean well, I just meant that-"
Hajime felt another wave of nausea tear through him and he was forced to stop walking. He folded his arms over his chest to play off needing to put pressure on his stomach and attempted to mask his grimace as a scowl of annoyance at Komaeda.
Komaeda immediately snapped his mouth closed and stopped walking. "Sorry," he apologized quickly. "I just-"
"Why are you here?" Hajime grunted. He didn't mean for it to come out as harsh as he did, and couldn't help but feel bad when Komaeda flinched at his tone.
"Sorry... you just skipped dinner last night... and then you weren't at breakfast... so I was just... worried... I know I am sorry that sounds super stalkerish, like I am watching you or something, but I was so worried that you got hurt or something because you never miss meals, even if you don't eat and I am so sorry for pointing that out I am just-"
"No, thank you Nagito." Hajime found himself thanking the rambling boy before he could stop himself. After the morning he had, being yelled at and just feeling shitty for fucking up, the kind words made him feel better more than he liked to admit. "But you don't have to worry, I'm fine." Hajime moved to walk past Komaeda, but Komaeda caught his arm. If Hajime had been feeling better, he could have easily brushed him off. But for some reason, Hajime couldn't find the strength to break away.
It didn't matter though, Komaeda hissed and pulled his hand back quickly. "You are burning!" He raised a hand to Hajime's face and pressed his hand to his forehead before Hajime could smack his hand away. "You definitely have a fever."
Hajime's stomach dropped. He knew Komaeda was probably right, but he couldn't bring himself to admit it. "No, I told you, I am fine." Hajime stalked toward his room and let himself in, planning to slam the door behind him so that Komaeda did not follow him in, but at that exact moment, a violent wave of nausea hit him and he bolted to the toilet.
Hajime thought it was impossible to throw up nothing. But here he was, heaving over the toilet, nothing but spit falling in. As his entire body clenched and spasmed, he felt a soothing hand on his back. The presence beside him comforted him immensely; just knowing someone was there made this bout of vomiting just a bit more bearable than the first, even though it was worse.
Hajime wasn't sure how long he spent over the toilet, but he knew it was a while. After Hajime no longer felt the need to vomit up his entire stomach, he kept his head hidden in the bowl, unwilling to face Komaeda.
Komaeda stayed silent, rubbing Hajime's back. He gave him a moment, then curled his arms around Hajime's shaking torso. "Here," Komaeda said as he helped Hajime stand up. "You'll want to brush your teeth."
Hajime no longer had the energy to fight, so he just did whatever Komaeda told him to. He guided him through the motions of washing out his mouth, and allowed Komaeda to brush his teeth for him when it was apparent that his hands were shaking too bad. Komaeda took over wordlessly, not commenting on Hajime's shortcoming, but Hajime still had to close his eyes as Komaeda brushed his teeth for him. He wasn't sure what it was exactly, but he knew it was a combination of shame over how useless he was and the fact Komaeda was so close to Hajime's face. He kept his eyes squeezed closed as Komaeda prompted him to spit, and only opened them once Komaeda began to lead him to the bed.
To be very honest, it was more like half dragging Hajime to the bed. Hajime couldn't seem to get his feet to work correctly, and it tore him up. As Komaeda sat him up on the bed and crouched to take off Hajime's shoes, Hajime found himself closing his eyes again. He didn't even ask me to try. He knows I can't do it. I'm fucking pathetic.
"Hey," Hajime felt a hand cup his face and he blinked his eyes open in surprise. He almost shut them again when he realized Komaeda was mere inches from his face. He could feel Komaeda's warm breath fan his own flushed face, and felt Komaeda's thumb wipe away tears he did not know he had shed. Hajime felt so weak and small, but when he looked into Komaeda's eyes, he got lost in the genuine sincerity they held. "It's okay. I want to help."
How did he? Hajime's mind was swirling. Had he said that out loud? He wasn't sure anymore. He was too overwhelmed to fight back at anything, so he just nodded weakly. He let Komaeda take off his shoes and turn him to lay down on the bed. He didn't fight when Komaeda got up to get him water and something to swallow; he just took it.
As Komaeda pulled the covers over Hajime, he finally realized what was happening.
"Wait, meeting..." he protested weakly, trying to sit up, but collapsing back onto the bed when his vision blurred and spun.
"I'll take care of it," Komaeda insisted. He pressed Hajime down into the covers and placed a wet towel on his forehead. Hajime didn't know where Komaeda had found it or gotten it, but he was grateful nonetheless.
"They can't... I'm not..." Hajime struggled to form words as exhaustion tugged at his mind.
"Don't worry," Komaeda smiled, shushing Hajime. "I won't tell them. It will be our secret."
Hajime knew that he should have been creeped out by that, just like all his peers would have been, but Komaeda's reassuring words and kind actions overwhelmed him. Hajime chalked it up to him being sick. He was probably delirious, and that was the reason why he felt like kissing Komaeda. It was the fever and not because he liked him, because he didn't.
"Thank you, Nagito," Hajime muttered with a small smile, his eyes closing before he could gauge Komaeda's reaction.
After that, Hajime fell into a deep sleep, no longer able to keep himself up for another second.
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beyondanimations-blog · 10 months ago
A Guide to Graphic Design for Beginners | Elements & Principle,Tools, Role
A Guide to Graphic Design for Beginners | Elements & Principle,Tools, Role
The art of visual communication using typefaces, layouts, and pictures is known as graphic design. In the context of graphic design theory refers to a framework that guides designers in figuring out how best to use images to convey ideas to audiences. Graphic design is everywhere nowadays. Everything from the stylish logos of your favorite companies to the eye-catching packaging of everyday products. For beginners venturing into the world of graphic design, understanding its theory is essential to mastering its practice. Entering the world of graphic design might be considered entering into a huge and unknown environment. Do not be worried! Your map will be this guide. Guiding you through the fundamental ideas that drive successful graphic design and providing you with the skills necessary to produce powerful images and learn graphic design easily.
Elements and Principles of Graphic Design for beginner’s
Graphic design is based on two main pillars: elements and principles; just like a structure needs a solid foundation; similarly, graphic design needs elements and principles. If you are willing to do a graphic designing course in jaipur at an affordable price beyond animation is the best place, offers you an elite learning experience.
Elements of Graphic Design for Beginners
Line: The simplest element, lines can convey a multitude of emotions and meanings. Subtle lines give a sense of peacefulness, while bold lines might convey a sense of urgency. You may draw the viewer's attention and enhance the visual appeal of your design by experimenting with different line weights and opinions. This will be helpful for graphic design for beginners.
Shape: For graphic design for beginners, Shapes create recognizable forms and add visual interest to your composition. Geometric shapes like squares and circles offer stability and structure, while organic shapes like leaves and clouds convey a sense of fluidity and movement. Understanding how different shapes interact with each other is crucial for creating visually balanced and engaging designs.
Color: In graphic design color is a very powerful tool. It evokes emotions, influences perception, and helps create a visual hierarchy. As a beginner in graphic design, It's essential to learn the fundamentals of color theory. Consider the color wheel, color harmony, and color psychology when selecting and using colors in your designs.
Texture: Texture gives your design depth and visual dimension. It might be something visible, like a fabric's design, or something real, like the roughness of paper. Textures may improve the overall visual experience and offer a hint of reality. This skill is important for graphic design for beginners.
Space: Negative or white space is just as important as the actual parts. It allows elements to breathe, preventing the design from feeling cluttered, and guides the viewer's eye through the composition. Mastering the use of space is a crucial skill for graphic design for beginners.
Principles of Graphic Design for Beginners
Balance: Balance creates a sense of visual stability and prevents the design from feeling off-center. Symmetrical and asymmetrical balance are both effective tools in a graphic designer's collection, depending on the desired message and overall composition.
Contrast: Contrast highlights important components in your design and adds visual interest. You may do this using texture, value, color, or size. Gaining attention and directing the viewer's eye need an understanding of effective contrast. Knowledge of contrasts is a must for graphic design for beginners.
Repetition: Repetition creates a sense of unity and visual rhythm. Using repeated elements like patterns or colors can enhance the design's overall impact and make it visually appealing. However, it's important to avoid extra doing it, as too much repetition can become unexciting.
Proportion: The connection between various design aspects is referred to as proportion. A composition that is harmonic and pleasing to the eye is ensured by using the right proportions. Understanding how different elements scale and interact with each other is a valuable skill for graphic design for beginners.
Graphic Design Beginners Tool
Understanding the theory is crucial to learn graphic design for beginners to advance,  application of such information requires the appropriate gear. Fortunately, you can get assistance on your path from a number of software applications and resources:
Adobe Creative Suite: Industry-standard software like Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign provides a comprehensive toolkit for image editing, vector creation, and layout design. While these programs offer a wide range of functionalities, new users may find the learning curve more challenging. Learn photoshop through a dedicated photoshop course in jaipur by beyond animation
Canva: A user-friendly online platform, Canva offers drag-and-drop tools and pre-made templates, making it a great choice for graphic design beginners. It offers an intuitive user interface and lets you make eye-catching designs without requiring a lot of technical knowledge.
The Role of Graphic Design for Beginners
There are many uses for graphic design. Graphic design to, professional graphic designers, branding and advertising to journalistic layout, and user interface design are very important. Let's explore some of the applications where graphic design plays a significant role in creating impactful visuals:
Branding: Graphic design is essential for establishing and maintaining a brand's visual identity. Logos, color schemes, and overall brand aesthetics are carefully crafted to create a recognizable and cohesive brand identity. By utilizing graphic design principles, companies can effectively communicate their values and stand out from competitors.
Advertising and Marketing: The foundation of every effective marketing or advertising effort is graphic design. Graphic design is used to make compelling print ads, captivating social media visuals, and eye-catching posters. It also helps capture attention, deliver important messages, and change customer behavior. Make a career in video editing through a video editing course in jaipur, visit beyond animation website for more information.
User Interface (UI) Design: In the world of technology, website layouts, to mobile app designs, graphic design plays a key role in producing user interfaces that are both visually beautiful and clear. A successful digital product must have an understanding of how to build user-friendly interfaces that improve usability and promote good user experiences.
Graphic Design for Beginners’ Conclusion:
As a graphic designer beginner, If you are just starting, learning the theory and fundamentals of graphic design will provide you with a strong starting point for your career in this exciting industry. Always use the fundamental components of graphic design—color, typography, layout, and composition—while keeping in mind their significance and intent.
Remember, graphic design can seem overwhelming in starting. Still, with practice and a solid understanding of the theory, you will develop the skills and confidence to create stunning visuals that effectively communicate your ideas and messages.
0 notes
phoenix-downer · 6 years ago
Sora and Xehanort’s Final Conversation: Japanese and English Comparison
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This is the fourth in a series of translation posts I’ve done about KH3. The first three were about Sora and Kairi’s scenes in KH3, but this one will be about Sora and Xehanort’s final conversation.
Here’s a general key for the kind of analysis I like to do:
JP: Official Japanese Dialogue
EN: Official English Dialogue
TR: My Translation (usually more literal and thus more stilted than the official English version. I’m not using natural-sounding English in order to stick as close to the Japanese versions of the lines as possible for the purpose of analysis)
Notes: things I found interesting, grammatical points, extra thoughts, etc.
One last note: media doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Every work of art must be viewed through the cultural lens of the people who made it. Kingdom Hearts, for all its ties to Disney, is still very much a Japanese game, so it should be analyzed in light of that.
With that in mind, let’s continue.
After you defeat Xehanort, the cutscene opens with this shot of Kingdom Hearts:
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The camera zooms out:
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And we get this shot of Scala ad Caelum:
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Quick note on the name: it means “Stairway to Heaven” or “Stairway to the Sky” in Latin (according to a quick check - my knowledge of Latin is rudimentary at best). Caelum is a part of Noctis’s name (of FFXV fame), and, of course, Sora means sky in Japanese, so the link between Sora and this world is clear.
This shot of the sky really emphasizes this fact, and note that night is already starting to fade as a new day dawns:
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The camera pans down... 
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...and Xehanort is standing on a white/light square, Donald and Goofy are standing on the gold anchor-like thing, and Sora is standing on a black/dark square. Sora and Xehanort are standing on opposite sides; Xehanort on the white “square,” Sora on the black “square,” like two kings facing each other off in a game of chess.
Is it symbolic? Probably. It’s interesting that Xehanort is on the white “square” and Sora on the black one, as perhaps we might expect the opposite, as Sora is on the side of good and Xehanort is on the side of evil. Perhaps it also foreshadows Sora’s final fate - to be lost, to be alone, while Xehanort gets to... ascend to the light with Eraqus? Hard to say.
Sora is not alone here, though; here at least he has Donald and Goofy with him.
We get a slightly closer look at this design...
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...and we can see that there are seven numbers, starting with I on the bottom-right corner and moving clockwise. I, II, and III use Roman numerals, but the other letters do not; they use a star-shaped pattern of sorts. Sora is standing by the III. Maybe because this game is Kingdom Hearts III? 
Three is also a number associated with completion, wholeness, perfection and even divinity in Christianity, and Nomura has used Christian imagery in the series before, so... Sora will be a god/have godlike powers someday confirmed?
I kid, I kid. This is reaching at straws a bit, but it’s fun to speculate, and Sora’s placement here is interesting to note nonetheless. The number seven is also significant because it’s the number of the Guardians of Light and the number of the Foretellers plus Luxu and the Master of Masters. It’s another number that tends to be associated with wholeness/perfection as well.
Continuing on, the camera moves to this shot of Xehanort’s leg:
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And then he drops the χ-Blade in a shot that is a visual callback to an earlier shot in the game...
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...namely, when Sora’s friends were torn from him and he likewise dropped his Keyblade:
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Xehanort collapses to the ground at Sora’s feet with black smoke wafting off him (probably a sign he’s fading)...
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...much like how Sora dropped to the ground at the Keyblade Graveyard (minus the smoke):
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As I said in an earlier analysis, this is significant because Xehanort is no longer towering over him. They’re on equal footing now. Sora has dragged him off his high horse and defeated him, and Xehanort is a guy who loves to tower over people...
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...whereas Sora lowers himself to be at the same level as his smaller friends:
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Not only that, Sora has actually managed to get Xehanort to collapse to the ground when before he had collapsed to the ground over his grief at losing his friends, culminating in the moment he loses Kairi... 
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...and then his grief over Kairi’s death:
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But not here. He’s the one standing over Xehanort for once: 
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Man was this satisfying to see.
Sora, Donald, and Goofy are all panting in this scene, indicating how grueling the battle was for them. Look at Donald and Goofy’s glares, too:
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Xehanort tries to lift himself up...
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...to no avail. He’s too weak, so he collapses back to the ground:
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JP なぜだ なぜこんなー
EN Why... How...
TR Why... Why like thisー
Notes: No real significant difference here. In both versions Xehanort seems to be questioning how he was defeated like this, implying he’s in a state of disbelief that he was defeated by these three in particular.
We can see he isn’t doing so well, and he winces in pain:
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His pose is reminiscent of Sora’s pose when he despairs. Sora’s fists are clenched, and Xehanort has one fist clenched as well.
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The camera cuts to Sora...
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...who flings his arm out...
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...and then clenches his fist again. He sounds furious/fed up with the way Miyu Irino delivers his lines, too:
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JP 決着はついた もうあきらめろ!
EN It’s over now! You lost!
TR It’s over. Give up already!
Notes: “It’s over” can also mean something like “it’s settled” here. They fought, Sora (and Donald and Goofy) won, Xehanort lost, the matter has been decided. And when Sora tells Xehanort to give up, he’s commanding him to do so by using the imperative form of this verb, akiramero. In other words, he’s had it with Xehanort at this point and is sick of fighting him.
But Xehanort isn’t about to give up that easily:
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JP 見るがいい もう手遅れだ
EN No, look... You are too late...
TR Take a look. You’re too late/you lost your final chance.
Notes: “Take a look” is literally “(to) look is good,” but I changed it to make sense in English/to better match the pragmatic meaning of the Japanese sentence instead of the literal meaning. Even in defeat Xehanort won’t give in; he taunts Sora by telling him it’s too late already anyway.
Sora and Donald inhale sharply and look up...
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...to see Kingdom Hearts looming above them:
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Something is happening. Light is starting to leech off of it in a way that almost looks like solar flares:
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Sora and Donald both notice. Look at their concerned faces:
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Sora gasps...
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...and tilts his head a little higher:
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As Donald and Goofy confer about what’s going on, Sora keeps looking up at Kingdom Hearts:
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JP 手遅れなの?
EN Are we really?
TR Are (we really) too late?
Notes: Goofy uses the construction ~nano here at the end of his sentence to check for confirmation from Donald, hence the English version’s use of the word “really” here.
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JP わかんないよ!
EN I don’t know.
TR I don’t know!
Notes: Donald speaks really colloquially here and it’s pretty cute; instead of the standard wakaranai he uses wakannai. He also uses the emphatic particle yo at the end of the sentence to make it clear he has no idea either.
The camera cuts back to Sora, and he is furious about what’s happening. Note his gritted teeth, curled lip, and eyebrows tilted downward in a frown:
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He even leans forward as he chews Xehanort out:
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JP 何が起きるんだ?
EN What’s gonna happen?
TR What’s gonna happen?
Notes: Sora uses the ~nda form here to indicate he wants an explanation and he wants an answer.
As he finishes his sentence, he is leaning forward and still glaring: 
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The camera cuts to a shot of Xehanort still on the ground at Sora, Donald, and Goofy’s feet. Note Sora’s clenched fists and how he’s hunched over:
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Xehanort tries to get up again, and you can see Sora relax a little:
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JP 浄化 世界を元の状態にリセットするのだ
EN A purge... The World will be returned whence it started.
TR Purification. The World will be reset to its original state/condition.
Notes: Xehanort uses the construction ~noda at the end of the sentence to give an explanation. Sora asked for it, and he’s giving it. 
The word I translated as “original” here, moto, can mean a number of things, including “origin,” “source,” “foundation,” or even “root,” depending on context. I’m mentioning it here because it shows up again later on in Xehanort’s story, and I have to translate it differently for it to make sense in English.
Xehanort says “whence” in English to indicate he is speaking in a narrative fashion, as “whence” is no longer commonly used in English anymore.
The English version of Kingdom Hearts renders sekai as World with a capital W here to refer to the overall World that existed before it was split into the smaller worlds you now visit on the Gummi Ship, and I maintained that distinction here. Japanese kanji and kana don’t have capital or lowercase letters, so this is something the English localization uses to make the distinction between the World and the worlds clear for the English-speaking fans.
The word the English version translated as “purge,” jōka, can mean a purge or purification. Looking it up on Google, I found the following definition:
To remove things like dirt and evil, and make them pure/clean. 
So in other words, the World will be purged/purified and reset to its original condition/the state it was in at the beginning. That was Xehanort’s goal.
Continuing on, Sora fully straightens and lets out a surprised noise, his hands no longer in fists:
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Xehanort manages to lift himself up to a kneeling position, and he is clutching his side, clearly still injured:
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JP 世界の起源は闇だ 光はその闇から生まれたー
EN The World began in darkness. And from that darkness came light.
TR The origin/beginning of the World is darkness. From that darkness, light was born.
Notes: The word I translated as “born” umareta, can also mean “come from/came from,” hence why the English version went with “came” here. In the second sentence I rearranged the order a little to make better sense in English; in Japanese it’s more literally, “Light, from that darkness was born.”
Also, just as a quick note that will apply throughout this analysis: Japanese does not have articles, so any “the” and “a” and “an” in the English version or translation have been implied from context and added in the translation. Japanese simply does not grammaticalize the definite/indefinite distinction the way English (and a lot of other European languages) does.
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JP そして その光から人が生まれ 心が生まれた
EN From the light came the people, and the people had hearts.
TR Then, from that light people were born, and hearts were born.
Notes: The English translation did a good job of maintaining the story-like language Xehanort uses here. In Japanese he uses umareta or a variation of it several times at the end of his phrases to form nice parallels, which the English version translates as “came” in most cases.
Anyway, according to Xehanort’s story, the world began in darkness. Then, from that darkness came light, and from that light came people, and then came hearts. But the story doesn’t end there.
Xehanort winces again here, indicating he’s still in a lot of pain:
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The camera cuts to this shot, and Xehanort is standing by the number six, which is one number short of the number of completion/perfection (in Christian thought at least), seven. Because it falls short of seven, it can mean imperfection. It is also is the number associated with humanity, as in the creation story in Genesis, humanity was created on the sixth day.
Significant? Maybe, maybe not. Xehanort certainly falls short of the mark of perfection, that’s for sure. He wore armor reminiscent of a goat earlier on... 
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...and goats are associated with the devil, so... 
Xehanort as a fallen angel of light makes a lot of sense, actually. As the Kingdom Hearts version of Lucifer, as it were. Especially with his whole speech in this scene about wanting to reset the World to get rid of the darkness and bring back the original light. 
In the next line, he also talks about how evil came into the World while standing by the number associated with imperfection and/or humanity, so... actually yeah, maybe this is all linked together:
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JP 心に悪意が生まれ 結局また闇が生まれた
EN  Evil burgeoned in those hearts, begetting more darkness.
TR In people’s hearts evil/malice was born, and finally, darkness was born again.
Notes: This is where the direct umareta/“came” parallel is a little lost in English, though the meaning is maintained in a way that makes Xehanort’s story sound very poetic. Xehanort uses words like “beget” which are typically only used in religious contexts in modern English to add a sense of gravity and religious gravitas to his speech.
Speaking of religion, the Japanese version of these lines strikes me as very cyclical. The World began in darkness. Then, from that darkness light was born, and from that light people were born, and then hearts. From hearts evil/malice was born, and in the end darkness was born again. The World began in darkness and darkness is born anew; the cycle repeats. 
This type of language reminds me of Buddhism, with its cycle of birth, suffering, death, and rebirth. This isn’t surprising, as Kingdom Hearts is a Japanese game and Buddhism (along with Shintoism) were the majority religions for a very long time in Japan (though less so in modern times, as more and more people are not religious nowadays). Perhaps Xehanort is trying to break this cycle (or a similar cycle) by resetting the universe.
The word for evil/malice here, akui, is also often used in legal contexts to refer to crimes that were done in bad faith. When I googled the word, I also got this definition:
Bad feelings or perspectives towards other people and things (among other things).
The word I translated “finally” here, kekkyoku, I am noting here because I will have to translate it differently later on but wanted to point out the parallel in the original version. It can also mean “in the end.”
Continuing on, the camera pans to Sora, Donald, and Goofy, still standing by that III:
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Then cuts to Donald, who looks very distressed by Xehanort’s story:
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JP そうやって世界を闇で覆っていったのだ
EN And that darkness spread across the World like a plague.
TR In this way, the World was covered in darkness. 
Notes: Xehanort uses the ~noda construction here again at the end of the sentence to give an explanation. 
The word I translated as “was covered,” ōtteitta, can also mean “to hide,” “to conceal,” “to wrap,” “to disguise.” It can be used in the context of snow or water covering land, for example. In this sentence I’m sort of getting the sense that the darkness cloaked the World and covered it. 
The English version goes with the plague metaphor, which immediately brings forth to mind images of impurity/dirt/disease in association with darkness. Which is fitting for the overall tone of the scene, as Xehanort claims he wanted to purge/purify the World.
The camera changes to a shot of Sora that begins at his heart and pans up to his face along with a line that very well might have been meant as foreshadowing:
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JP 世界に生まれた光という希望も 結局は闇になる
EN The light, the symbol of the World’s hope, was devoured by shadow.
TR In the end, the hope that is the light born in the World also becomes darkness. 
Notes: The phrase I translated as “in the end” is the same word I translated as “finally” earlier, kekkyoku. Just wanted to point out that parallel because Xehanort is deliberately reusing certain words over and over again here in the telling of his story.
The Japanese version says that even the light becomes darkness again, whereas the English version says that the light was devoured by darkness. The end result is the same though: darkness.
I think it’s very telling that this line is spoken when Sora is shown; he is the light and the symbol of the World’s hope, in a way, and earlier in this scene we saw him transform into darkness...
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...and at the end of this game he will be lost as well.
Continuing on:
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JP この世界はもうダメだ 失敗したのだ
EN Leaving nothing but ruin... An utter failure.
TR This World is no good anymore. It’s a failure.
Notes: Xehanort uses the ~noda construction here again at the end of the sentence to give an explanation, and the phrase I translated as “It’s a failure” is more literally, “It failed.”
The phrasing is a little different in the Japanese and English versions, but the overall meaning/intent is the same: Xehanort thinks this World is a failure and that a new one is needed. Xehanort delivers these lines with a lot of emotion, too; clearly he feels strongly about this.
The camera switches to a shot of Kingdom Hearts again:
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JP だから はじまりの光ー
EN  But, the first lightー
TR So, the first lightー
Notes: The Japanese version is more literally, “(the) light of the beginning.”
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JP キングダムハーツによって 世界を元からはじめればいい
EN the light of Kingdom Heartsー it can give us a new start.
TR by (using) Kingdom Hearts, (we) should start the World from the beginning.
Notes: The word moto is used here again, which I translated as “original” earlier but “beginning” here.
There is no “we” pronoun in the Japanese version; Japanese does not require pronouns the same way English does and they can often be dropped and implied/inferred from context. I added in the “we” for it to make sense in English. 
Xehanort uses the ~baii construction, which he’ll use again here soon. It’s a conditional grammar construction and it’s used here to indicate what Xehanort thinks is the best course of action.
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JP 何もない 真っ白な世界からー
EN An empty World, pure and bright...
TR Nothing/empty... from a pure/blank Worldー
Notes: Kept the translation very literal here to make it clear what exactly the Japanese version said.
While it’s true masshiro can mean “blank,” it can also mean “pure.” Think in the sense of “pure white.” For a more detailed Japanese definition, feel free to check this dictionary entry out. I saw debate over whether the English version mistranslated this part and thus messed up Xehanort’s motives, but as masshiro can mean blank or pure, I’d say the translators handled this part very well, especially with some of the other phrasing Xehanort uses in this scene (like purify/purge).
Continuing on, Sora doesn’t let Xehanort finish his grand speech; he interrupts him in a very satisfying “shut up and stop rambling” moment:
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JP それは おまえが決めることじゃない
EN It wasn’t your decision to make.
TR That’s not your decision (to make). / That’s not something (for) you (to) decide. 
Notes: The word for “decision/decide,” kimeru, I will have to translate as something else later on for it to flow well in English, but the word used in the Japanese version is kimeru throughout. 
Anyway, Xehanort is not happy to hear this and clutches the χ-Blade:
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And struggles to his feet as Sora, Donald, and Goofy watch:
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He’s still weak, though, so he has to brace himself with the χ-Blade (props to the χ-Blade for actually being sharp enough to pierce the ground):
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Then speaks again:
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JP では 誰が決める?
EN Then whose was it?
TR Then who (gets to) decide?
Notes: The word for "decide” here is kimeru again. 
Xehanort holds the χ-Blade up before holding it at his side:
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And Sora reacts, not liking how Xehanort is holding the χ-Blade like that again:
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But, he very tellingly says nothing. Perhaps because he doesn’t have an answer. Perhaps because he knows Xehanort thinks he will claim he should have been the one to decide instead of Xehanort. But Sora isn’t arrogant; he doesn’t think he should make this kind of decision for people because he knows he has no right to. So he says nothing instead.
Xehanort misunderstands Sora’s silence as not understanding, and so tries to explain to him. Here you can even see him do his weird finger thing before he clenches his fist:
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JP 力を持つ者が決めるしかない
EN The World needs someone to stand up and lead.
TR Only those who have power can decide.
Notes: Here we have Xehanort’s whole philosophy in a nutshell. He thinks that only the people with power should be allowed to decide. Took long enough, but he’s finally giving Sora (and the audience) a straight answer. 
The word for "decide” here is kimeru again. The word for “only,” shikanai, means something like “there is no choice but to~.” The word I translated as “those,” mono, more literally means “people.” Xehanort’s saying the only option here is for the people with power to decide.
The Japanese version gives a bit of a “survival of the fittest, the powerful will rule over the weak” sort of vibe with the phrasing. He’s pulling from the evil dictator textbook, basically, and the English version diverges from the Japanese version here and phrases the whole thing in terms of leadership. Yes, it’s a noticeable change, but I think it works well, plus it gives Sora some really awesome lines here in a bit.
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JP 力なき者は強者の決めた世界で身勝手に闇を生み出すだけだ
EN Someone strong, to stop the weak from polluting the World with their endless darkness.
TR Those without power, in the World the strong have chosen, only selfishly bring forth darkness.
Notes: “Chosen” was kimeta, the past tense of kimeru, in the Japanese version.
The word I translated as “the strong,” kyōsha, is literally “strong person,” when you look at the kanji. Xehanort defines weak people as those without power and strong people as those with it. He blames the weak for bringing darkness into the World, says it’s all they do, and calls their behavior selfish. 
You sure get the vibe that he thinks the weak are only capable of bringing forth more and more darkness, which is probably why in his mind he is justified in resetting the universe, murdering Kairi, attempting to murder Sora and the rest of his friends, norting Terra for years, trying to nort Sora, a murder attempt on his best friend, etc., etc. in order to bring about a new World. It’s all for the best in the end, right? The ends justify the means, don’t they?
No. They absolutely do not. 
And speaking of which, what on earth was he thinking with murdering Kairi? She’s one of the few hearts that is made of the pure light he claims to love so much. He wants that light back so badly he’s resetting the universe, and yet one of the few people it exists in naturally he decides to... kill off? For motivation Sora didn’t need because he already had plenty of motivation to fight him? What?
In other words, Xehanort is a massive hypocrite who can’t even behave consistently with his own beliefs. What else is new.
Continuing on, the camera focuses on his face in profile here:
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JP 強者の決めた運命を受け入れていればいい
EN Someone to dictate their destiny.
TR (They) should accept the fate the strong have chosen.
Notes: “Chosen” was kimeta, the past tense of kimeru, in the Japanese version. The ~baii construction pops up again here to indicate what Xehanort thinks is the best course of action.
So now the strong get to decide the fate of the weak, hmmmm? Man, I wonder where I’ve heard that kind of reasoning before...
Oh yeah, that’s right. Evil dictators. Xehanort still sounds like one of those. He has delusions of grandeur, but Sora’s about to set him straight.
The camera goes to a wide angle to paint Sora and Xehanort’s ideological clash in epic strokes, with Sora on one end of the screen and Xehanort on the other. Between the two of them are three doorways with three keyholes above those doorways. Symbolic? Probably. It makes for a lovely visual even if it’s not though.
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JP だとしたらー
EN  If so...
TR If soー
Notes: Sora decides to entertain Xehanort’s notion for a moment. Okay, even if the social Darwinism nonsense he’s spouting is true (it’s not), does that mean Xehanort deserves to rule?
Sora’s face is shown in profile here on the left side of the screen, in contrast with Xehanort’s face being shown in profile earlier on the right side of the screen:
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And Sora gives his answer:
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JP おまえも強者じゃないよ ゼアノート
EN  you’re not that person, Xehanort.
TR you aren’t one of the strong either, Xehanort.
Notes: The Japanese version is more literally, “You also aren’t the strong/a strong person, Xehanort.”
Sora uses the derogatory/familiar pronoun for “you” here, omae, to address Xehanort, showing how little regard he has for him. He also uses the particle yo to indicate he’s imparting knowledge to Xehanort - he’s telling him that he’s not fit to decide. His sass and attitude is great here; he’s speaking like he’s qualified to instruct Xehanort on this.
I love the Japanese version of this line because he’s basically saying, “Okay, maybe all of the stuff you just said is true, but you know what? You’re not one of the strong. You’re one of the weak. You don’t deserve to rule. You don’t deserve to decide other people’s fates for them.”
The English version is fantastic too. As Xehanort’s lines in the English version earlier phrased this in terms of leadership, Sora tells him he’s not the one who should lead. He’s not fit to lead.
In both languages, Sora hands Xehanort an excellent burn. 
Xehanort is displeased at hearing this:
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Then makes a hmmm? noise...
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...and tilts his head, waiting for Sora to say more:
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And he does, and look how angry Goofy and Donald still are:
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JP 本当の強者は世界の運命は握らない
EN A real leader knows that destiny is beyond his control...
TR A real/true strong person doesn’t grasp/seize (the) World’s fate/destiny.
Notes: The word for “strong person” here is still kyōsha, which I translated as “the strong” earlier. Had to tweak things a bit for the sake of English grammar. Makes sense that the English version went with “leader” to maintain the parallel throughout and avoid this problem.
In the Japanese version, the focus is on the World’s fate/destiny, probably to parallel all those other times Xehanort spoke about the World, whereas the English version focuses on destiny in general. Sora also notes that a real leader/strong person doesn’t try to control destiny or seize it for himself/herself. In fact, Sora would probably consider someone who does so to be unworthy of such power, just how he considers Xehanort unworthy of the power. 
The English version adds in the pronoun “his” because again in Japanese pronouns tend to be omitted and implied from context. By saying what a real leader does here, he is saying that Xehanort is not one... and, perhaps, subtly claiming that he is one, as he has accepted his fate/destiny, whatever it may be.
The word here for fate/destiny, unmei, also pops up in Sora’s opening lines. Borrowing from an earlier analysis: 
They can take your world.
They can take your heart.
Cut you loose from all you know.
But if it’s your fate…
…then every step forward will always be a step closer to home.
(My) world was stolenー
(My) heart was stolenー
(My) connection (to my friends) was even brokenー
(But even) if that’s (my) fateー
The road to walk, the way that will lead me homeー I’ll always keep facing it.
Notes: These lines show how Sora has accepted his fate, and in the KH3 Ultimania Nomura confirmed that these lines reflect Sora’s mindset at the end of the game I believe it was (someone fact check me on that though please!) 
Even though Sora doesn’t say it outright, his words here could be taken to mean he thinks he’s the rightful leader here, not Xehanort, because he has accepted his fate in a way that Xehanort refuses to. At the very least, Xehanort does not deserve to rule because he’s trying to seize hold of the World’s fate/destiny.
And we see Sora follow through on this in the end; he accepts his death with dignity and saves Kairi, even knowing it will probably cost him his life. 
He blinks here briefly:
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Then opens his eyes again to deliver the rest of his speech, complete with extra frowning at Xehanort. Note how his eyebrows change position:
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JP そんな力は持たないよ
EN and accepts that.
TR You can’t hold/keep that kind of power.
Notes: Sora flat up tells Xehanort in the Japanese version that that kind of power is not something that can be grasped, held, or kept. Fate/destiny cannot be controlled the way Xehanort is trying to.
The Japanese version does not have the word “can’t” or “you” in it; Sora more literally says, “(You) don’t hold that kind of power.”
Sora uses the particle yo here again to really emphasize that he’s telling Xehanort this. 
He continues to stare Xehanort down after he finishes speaking:
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Then we get this closeup shot of Xehanort’s face...
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...as his eyes narrow:
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The camera goes back to Sora’s face in a similar closeup shot:
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And Sora’s eyebrows tilt downwards even further as he just continues to glare at Xehanort:
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It’s a battle of wills, if you may. Who will stand down first?
The answer is Xehanort. He actually smiles, too:
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Takes a moment to gather his thoughts:
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And says:
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JP おまえは我が友に似ているな
EN You... make me think of an old friend.
TR You’re like my friend.
Notes: Xehanort uses the same derogatory/familiar pronoun for “you” Sora used earlier to address him, omae. Here it seems a little less hostile though. Xehanort also uses the pronoun wa here to refer to himself when in other contexts he’s used watashi, I believe? 
Huh. Probably using wa here because he’s an old dude. 
He also uses the particle na at the end of the sentence to express some extra emotion with his declaration here.
He even smiles a little, probably because he’s thinking back on fond memories he has of Eraqus:
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Sora just stares back at him, and the background kinda looks like he’s wearing a giant crown though I admit this is a stretch. Goofy’s displeased look sure isn’t though:
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The scene goes on and the others arrive, so skipping forward to this moment when Xehanort hands over the χ-Blade:
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JP 見事だった
EN Very well done.
TR (You did) splendidly/admirably/excellently.
Notes: Xehanort expresses his admiration for Sora’s efforts here. 
Note Sora’s shocked look:
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He looks down...
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...then takes the χ-Blade. Note how one hand is on the hilt and the other hand is holding part of the χ-Blade’s wing-like things, almost like he’s admiring it:
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Then he takes it from Xehanort and looks up:
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And as someone pointed out... (can’t remember who, sorry, but credit to you!) this is the first time Sora has officially been bequeathed a Keyblade by someone else. And it was Xehanort who was the one to do it. 
Make of that what you will.
Screenshots are from here and here. Usual disclaimers apply about my Japanese ability and translation abilities being a work in progress, etc. Might tweak things if I notice mistakes or if people mention stuff I forgot to.
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kingdomheartsfaq · 6 years ago
KH3 Secret Reports
By completing Battle Portals 1-13 in KH3, you can obtain thirteen secret reports!  I couldn’t find a transcript of those reports online so they are listed below.
Secret Report #1:
Am I alive?
I awoke in a cell, alone until the researchers came with their tests and their prodding to uncover my identity.
I had no answer to offer them.  Four friends, and a key… that is the sum total of my memory.  I could not even recall my name.  I was simply called “X” there.  My only solace was the time I spent talking with the two boys who would visit from time to time.
One day, A man came to take me from the prison.  I could not see him for the darkness, save that he wore an eyepatch.  Even now, years on, I feel no closer to understanding who or what I am.
May my heart be my guiding key.
Secret Report #2:
Mark of Mastery Journal—
Some days have passed since I set off on my journey to prepare for the Mark of Mastery examination.  Eraqus asked for leave to undertake the same pilgrimage, but apparently I am to be first to tour the worlds written of in the old fairy tales.
Until a few short years ago, I’d known only my own world, a spec of land surrounded by sea.  But how I’d dreamed of, reared for the World beyond… And, granted guidance from the future, I left that nest behind.  As I treaded the path to my master’s side, I came in contact with darkness in many forms.  I knew even then, as by instinct: terrifying as its power was, it could be harnessed.  Mastered.
Eraqus is a blue blood, descended from the very first masters in the age of fairy tales.  But I did not come this far to indulge in adulation.  I will be his peer.  His equal.  And to do that, I must learn to wield the power born from both darkness and light in proper balance.
Secret Report #3:
Experiments of the Heart
Notes on Subject X, Excerpt 1—
Subject was found in the central square shortly after dawn.  Female, approximately fifteen years old.  After seven days’ observation, she spoke her first words, but could not provide a name.  Subject exhibits signs of profound amnesia, and displays concern about which world this is.  Her words suggest that she departed her home world with others, though she cannot recall the names of her erstwhile companions.  All efforts to explore those memories have been met with a rejection response.
After his initial experiments on me, Ansem the Wise ceased his research into the heart, his hand stayed by some fear I cannot fathom.  Yet this new subject is like me: devoid of memories.  She is the perfect sample upon which to continue my master’s work.  She, too, could benefit from it; by traversing the heart, we have a direct path into memory.  I myself have begun to reclaim my lost past thanks to these very experiments.
Who is she?  Whence has she come?  These are questions no scientist could ignore.  And the words she muttered, “May your heart be your guiding key”…
Secret Report #4:
Experiments of the Heart
Notes on Subject X, Excerpt 2—
Subject’s memories have not returned, and our conversations remain less than lucid.  What fragments can be gleaned evoke a bygone world, like one out of fairy tales.  As improbable as it seems, the question may not be where she has come from, but when.  If she truly has crossed through time, the prospects of probing her heart is all the more compelling.
My pilot studies used a handful of subjects, but none possessed the fortitude to endure them.  Ultimately, all suffered mental collapse.  I knew it would be a heavy blow to lose a subject as unique as she.
Upon discovering the tests I’ve been conducting, my master demand that I cease my work immediately and destroy what research I have compiled.  Worse still, he ordered the release of my remaining subjects.  She is gone.
Where is Subject X now?  Has “wise” Master Ansem hidden her away?  Whatever the case, I will not be deterred.  I will take her place as the first subject in the grand experiment to come.
Secret Report #5:
Memoirs, Excerpt 1—
That castle was a wonderland to us children.  Within its walls, Ansem the Wise conducted his research, and the fruits it bore allowed everyone outside to live in peace and happiness.  That alone was enough to stoke our interest, though not all of the rumors that escaped its walls were so benevolent.  By night, the muffled sounds of human wails emerged.  There was talk of dangerous human experimentation.  Lea and I couldn’t help but hatch a plot to steal inside and sate our curiosity.
The two who stood guard at the gates were researchers themselves, though you wouldn’t think it to see them, massive and barrel-chested as they were.  And slipping past that duo was only the first hurdle.  It proved one not easily cleared; we were found and tossed out on our ears, time and again.
On the day we finally secured our entry, we descended the long spiral stair at the heart of the castle to find a dark space below it, lined with cages.  There wasn’t light enough to see if they were inhabited, and we were in no position to call out to any occupants within.  Yet we could feel it.  A definite presence, there in the black.  Terror washed over us, and we immediately regretted coming.  But just as we turned to flee, we heard the faintest of voices.  The urge to run was nigh overpowering, but someone or something beckoned us on.
There, framed by a tenuous sliver of light, we found her.
Secret Report #6:
Memoirs, Excerpt 2—
It was too dim to make out her features.  We spoke to her in hushed whispers.  Who was she?  Why was she imprisoned here?  She had no answers for us.  Had no memories at all.  She was an enigma, but I knew I wanted to help her.
And so we continued our infiltrations, most of them stopped short at the castle gates.  When we did manage our way inside, we spoke with her.  That was all the comfort two children like us could offer.  But Lea had other ideas.  He was determined to free her.  We slipped into the castle that day knowing only that we wanted, with all our hearts, to save her.
But we did not find her inside on that day or the next, or any of our subsequent visits.  Had she been moved?  Had we simply imagined her?  Lea and I knew there was only one way to be certain.  And so we stand before the castle gates today, not as trespassing children but in order to become Ansem the Wise’s newest apprentices.
Secret Report #7:
On the Replica Program and Reanimation—
Following my erasure and my recompilation as a human, I did not awaken right away.  Perhaps the damage was exceptionally grave.  Even after waking, I remained in bed, pondering my next course of action.
In my work on the Replica Program for the Organization, I produced some twenty vessels.  Most of the early results were failures, not one of them granted a number.  The first success to emerge from that early lot was the Riku replica.  Subsequently, Xion (No. i) was essentially indistinguishable from a natural human, though she became unstable due to the influence of others.  Using those two as my foundation, I worked to construct a number of nigh-perfect replicas, but just as they neared completion, my efforts were cut short.  I suspect Xehanort aims to use both the initial lot as well as the unused replicas from my later work.
I arose today and decided to walk out to the square, my first outing in some time.  Yet my stroll was interrupted when a surprising visitor appeared with an unexpected offer.  Though younger than me, he’d risen to become Xemnas’s right hand.  I accepted his terms and became a Nobody once more—easier to gain access to the old Replica Program that way.
Whatever it takes to atone.
Secret Report #8:
The “Real” Organization—
Xehanort seeks to gather twelve vessels, which—together with his true, actual self—he considers the “real” Organization XIII.  Now that he has the numbers he needs, Demyx and I are being treated as reserves.
Several others who served Xemnas in the old Organization have followed the same course as mine, electing to abandon their newly restored humanity and rejoin the “real” Organization as Nobodies.  But not Xemnas.  Xemnas cannot exist in the present because there is already a Xehanort here: the old man in charge.  The old man’s humanity prevents his Heartless and Nobody, others vanquished in the past, and his younger self from being denizens of this time.
To circumvent this, Xehanort is using the prototype replicas I created in the past as containers, plucking his other selves’ hearts from the time they existed.  Xehanort ordered me to refine the prototypes, to make them closer still to the real thing.  Perfecting my creations so they my house true, flesh-and-blood humans suits my own purposes as well.  All that remains for my atonement is to devise a way to pass on as many of the vessels as I can to those who truly deserve them.  
Secret Report #9:
Ansem Code Conspectus, Excerpt 1—
I have pored over the data my master entrusted to Riku.  Here, I offer my preliminary conclusions.
Within Sora’s Heart are three compartmentalized “boxes,” each containing the heart of another.  One box holds Roxas.  Another holds a second heart that has been with Sora nearly as long.  The third has held its heart for much longer.  These hearts have melded with Sora’s and no longer have voices of their own.  Any attempt to mechanically extract them could prove as dire for Sora as what caused him to become a Heartless in the first place.
First, a vessel for each heart must be readied.  Then, a spark of some sort is required to induce its waking.  Obviously, the ideal solution is to restore each heart to its own body, but (whatever the case for the two unknown individuals) Roxas possesses no such thing.  The same is true for Naminé, who we believe resides in Kairi’s heart.  Still, if alternate bodies can be secured for them, all their hearts require to be awakened is that “spark”—people they cared for and who care for them, who can show them the way home.
Complete and perfect digitalization of the heart is impossible.  We can only hope to partially reconstruct it.  Thus, I see no way forward but to extract the hearts we so desperately need directly from within Sora.  Fortunately, the data stored in Twilight Town contains a near-perfect record of the memories of those who lived there—and for Roxas and Naminé especially, this is crucial.
Secret Report #10:
Ansem Code Conspectus, Excerpt 2—
As for how to contain their hearts, the only conceivable option is the replicas.  If we transfer in the digital memories from the Twilight Town archive, the replicas should be able to reconstruct each individual’s human appearance with near-perfect results.  Then, their hearts need only the right spark to wake them, so they may find their way out of Sora and Kairi and into those newly made bodies.
The Replica Program was truly revolutionary, but it was incomplete at the time of the old Organization’s Dissolution.  Without Even, how are we to further the research?  We need at least three replicas: one for Roxas, one for Naminé, and one for the unknown stowaway within Sora’s heart.
These are difficult quandaries, but as I work through my master’s data, I find myself remembering the taste of ice cream.  When I was a boy, he would bring me some when we took walks together.  There will be time to regret my betrayal later.  For now, my focus must be on restoring Roxas and Naminé and proving my master had good intentions.
Secret Report #11:
Observations, Excerpt 1—
I have seen it through; the Keyblade War unfolded exactly as written on the Lost Page.  Now, the Keyblade the Master enticed to me must be bequeathed to another.  Five Union leaders have been chosen from the surviving Dandelions.  I will pass the Keyblade to one of them, and then continue watching the future unfold.
Yet it seems that someone has pulled the old switcheroo.  One of the Five is an imposter, someone the Master did not choose.  They represent a virus in the program he so carefully wrote.
The virus has begun a strange undertaking: a reckless plot to allow the Five to escape into another worldlines.  Surely such a thing can’t be possible?  We’re talking about the same trick that allowed the Dandelions to transfer to other worldlines after the Keyblade War.  But these children are no Masters.  They haven’t the means… unless, of course, a certain lady of magic summoned here from the future knows more than I do.
The whole Union leader thing was supposed to be by the books.  Are these new events just another phase in the Master’s grand plan?
Secret Report #12:
Observations, Excerpt 2—
Even on a worldline with no Keyblade War, peace is but a dream.  In the absence of us and our Master, a “darkness” arrived—one that shall surely lead the World to yet another demise.
Amid the chaos, I bequeathed my Keyblade to one of the Union leaders, just as the Master instructed.  I watched as the Five were sent to another worldline—at no small cost—ensuring the line of Keyblade wielders will live on.  And now, Keybladeless, I must depart this land to fulfill my final task.  This means casting my own body aside and sojourning my heart in vessel after vessel—as many as it takes.
But I will continue gazing upon each passing era, one unto the next.  In time, be it years or decades, centuries or millennia, I will meet the Five once more.
Somewhere in this cyclical history of bequeathings, a chosen one will appear and reenact the Keyblade War.  
When this scapegoat arrives and takes my Keyblade in hand, that will be the time to take the stage and finish my role.
The Lost Masters will awaken.
Secret Report #13:
Observations, Excerpt 3—
It seems this body, this name will be my last.  The lives I have lived over the ages could fill volumes, but for now I must focus on what matters most.
The Keyblade has been successfully passed down, generation to generation, and it seems a Keyblade Master devoted to the darkness may finally arise.  Until now, I have watched over the course of events from a distance.  Perhaps the time has come to intervene.  I need only play the role of a fool desirous of the Keyblade’s power.  I will don the mask of his ally in order to keep watch over my Keyblade from close by.
The Gazing Eye: A Keyblade forged from the eye of the Master of Masters.  He passed it to me, as I have to others, and through it he can see the future—all that will ever come to pass.  Spanning the ages in body after body, life after life, my task has been to keep vigil over the Eye as it passes from hand to hand.  It has been a long time.  Longer than I can express.
But now at last the Keyblade War has begun, and Kingdom Hearts will open—a true and complete Kingdom Hearts, born of the clash between darkness and light.  I will soon be reunited with my old companions, and in that moment my long vigil will reach its end.  He will return…
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