#and of course we know that the only person (apart from teddie) who has seen yosuke's shadow is yu
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daily-hanamura · 2 years ago
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hotchs-second-wife · 2 months ago
DON'T BLAME ME || 7 || Jay Halstead x Teddy Rhodes
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Chapter Synopsis: With the Severides' sister missing, Teddy deals with it as best as she can. And with her birthday coming up, Jay needs as much insight as he can get.
Chapter Warnings: Mentions of drugs and drug addictions; description of depression; mild swearing; bad coping mechanisms to deal with stress; somewhat big personality change; dirty thoughts; rich person doing rich people shit, and her middle class husband being shocked; read ahead at your own risk.
Author's Note: I am studying psychological science at university, so all the knowledge about depression is either from my studies or from my own experience with depression. Starting to change up the photo above to be relevant to the chapter. The chapters will also have a single POV from now on. Also, eat the rich.
Keep an eye on Teddy. Her coping mechanisms are worse than Kelly's. Must be an eldest child thing.
That promise was hard to keep when the only place Teddy ever was outside work was our apartment. Even then, she barely came out for anything to eat. Halloway reasoned that she has a mini fridge in her office—both at home and the firehouse—to save her the effort while doing paperwork.
I was a bit put off by her mostly eating whatever fits in a mini fridge, but the only junk food I've ever seen her eat were a bag of chips once, watching a movie.
"I'm tired of being cooped up in here waiting for Lindsay's call. Let's go out." Teddy sighed, slipping a white rattan bag onto her shoulder and checking the contents. It matched well with the pink-and-white sundress that reached her ankles, and matching white shoes. "The housekeeper can come take care of Scout while we're out."
I stared up at the Louis Vuitton store from the sidewalk. "When you said 'go out', I didn't think you meant shopping."
"Retail therapy exists, Jay. And if my dad is going to keep throwing money at me for a grandchild, I'm going to spend said money on us." She smiled, fixing her sunglasses in the crown of her head before opening the front door.
My jaw was minutes from dropping as Teddy picked out bags and shoes she would buy, passing them off to me to carry. I had about three bags hanging from my arms and two pairs of shoes hooked into the fingers of each hand when she decided she was done. When I offered to carry her items, Teddy stared at me like I grew another head.
"I'm a firefighter, Jay. I think I can carry two bags to the car."
"Firefighter or not, you're still my wife." I pointed out. "My mother raised me well."
Teddy laughed, continuing on to the car regardless of whatever I say. "I have no doubt." As I drove to the mall nearby, Teddy stared at me. "I'm counting your freckles, not trying to stare into your soul, never fear."
"Counting my freckles for...?"
"A grounding technique," she reasoned. "Helps me to feel less overwhelmed by things. They're also really pretty."
My face heated at the compliment. "Thank you." She reasoned that it was the truth, and started telling me about the new candidate she was taking on.
Apparently, Search Squads could take a candidate right out of the academy—Teddy had done on multiple occasions—instead a candidate getting a truck placement. It wasn't too common for Search Squads to do this, since their equipment required significant careful handling, but the officers weren't too partial to picking out the elite academy students to take in.
"I know Rebecca graduated at the top of her class, but I didn't select her myself. I don't select people from the academy unless I put them in it." She sighed, holding her face. "She's only been given a placement on my team because of who her brother is."
I hummed a little unenthusiastic, as I looked for a parking space "I thought it was her dad that's the chief."
"He is, but her brother's my ex."
Crashing her car was the one thing keeping me from staring at her. Of course she dated people before we met, are you kidding? An attractive woman in her twenties, with money and a firefighter, no less. A lieutenant at that, only the cherry on top.
She wasn't overly tall, and she had slight curves. Thighs I would die to be smothered in, her hands in my hair—
"Jay. I'm starting to think you have a staring problem." Teddy looked back at her phone. "I have exes, as I'm sure you do too. And I've dated a firefighter or two in my career, but not since making lieutenant." Her eyes cast up at me, "and I'm not one to bail out of this marriage for someone else."
I felt my face heat up, thanking God that she thought I was annoyed at her having dated before and not thinking that I was wanting her to sit on my face.
"I'm not a virgin either, so you can get that hope out of your head too. I'm not an innocent virgin you can corrupt just because you're a few years older than me; I can be a bitch when I want to and I want to be spoiled every once and a while."
Noticing a small flower stand outside the mall, I pulled into the nearest parking space. "Then let me buy you some flowers." Teddy smiled at me, happily climbing out of the car and waited for me to join her before we stepped up to the flower stand.
"What can I get for you, loves?" The sweet elderly woman approached as Teddy checked out the flowers. "All hand picked from my garden, I'll tell you."
"They're beautiful."
I agreed with Teddy through a nod. "I'm just looking to get my wife some hyacinths."
The lady nodded, moving swiftly towards the stand to collect a small bunch. "I always love seeing young men like you buying flowers for their partners. It's a beautiful sight to see."
"He even brought me flowers when he picked me up from work last week." Teddy tucked her arm through mine, squeezing my lower arm.
"Oh, I remember my husband doing that." She wrapped the flowers with beautiful paper as she continued talking. "Seeing you two reminded me of us when we were young. So happy and full of life. I bet your parents are very happy for you both."
"My mom and dad adore him," my wife rubbed my arm, smiling as she talked about our wedding. I remembered Herrmann walking her down the aisle, given her father not attending the ceremony itself, and his wife, Cindy, gave the mother of the bride speech.
Kind of a given that Cindy would make that speech—Teddy had told me beforehand, since her mother couldn't do it. Herrmann was surprised to be asked to walk her down the aisle, Teddy having invited them and their kids over for dinner to ask them.
He'd teared up, promising that the wedding could have been that very moment and he'd still walk her down the aisle.
I loved her relationship with Herrmann, knowing what her relationship with her father was like. I knew she had someone she could count on if I ever messed up so horribly that I needed a punch in the face.
Not that I doubted her squad wouldn't do that first, or Kelly. Shay was, honest to god, Teddy's number one protector, so she would probably beat everyone else to the punch. Literally.
"Oh, you found a real sweetheart then. I'll think of you as my daughter whenever I wish her marriage was just as sweet." The elderly lady smiled, holding Teddy's hands before passing over the flowers. I handed her enough money for a sum of a tip for her service, and we headed inside the mall after a happy goodbye.
Teddy held the flowers on her arm, staring at them as we walked through the building. I knew something was up, and when I asked, she just gave me a sigh. "That was my grandmother."
"That daughter she was talking about was my mom." She readjusted the flowers on her arm as she continued to explain. "After my mom died, and I became the typical rich party-girl, my father cut off my maternal grandparents and we've never heard from them again."
"She didn't recognise you."
"She's old, Jay. And it's been almost eighteen years since she even heard about her grandkids. My grandfather has dementia, and she's been spending all her time that isn't spent taking care of him outside this place. Every time I want to tell her that it's me, her granddaughter, I chicken out. I think that maybe she's better off only worrying about her husband."
"That's ridiculous." I scoffed, before realising how rude that could have sounded. "I'm sorry, but you should tell her who you are. I know you buy from her all the time because the logo on the flowers I just got you and the ones you buy all the time are the same.
"She seems like a lovely woman, and you clearly get along well enough when she thinks you're just a regular customer. I'm sure she would love to know her great-granddaughter as much as she'd want to know her granddaughter."
When I felt like I'd said too much, or said the wrong thing based on Teddy's silence, some woman approached us with a snarky look on her face. "If it isn't Thea Rhodes with another boytoy."
"Hello, Clementine." The tone of Teddy's voice was all I needed to know that we didn't like this woman.
Clementine St. Clair. Pretentious, number 1 at backhanded compliments. Typical popular girl in highschool, only got into college because dear old daddy paid for the Dean to take her. Heiress to St. Clair Brewery, not that she's good at anything other than being a two-faced snake.
Teddy gave me a rundown of all the faces I'd eventually meet in high society. Most of them she apparently didn't like, and the one she figured I would like no longer partook in any events since he left for the Rangers.
Her ex-fiancé, and her best friend from birth, that she didn't want to marry anyway.
"Have you gave up on that fireman dream now?"
"It's called a firefighter now, and no. Claire's going to take over the company instead." Teddy gave this Clementine the fakest smile I'd ever seen on her. "My father's grooming her to be the face of the company anyway."
"Oh, so you're stepping out of high society." Clementine sneered.
Teddy scoffed in return. "You wish. Someone has to show up to Madelyn's birthday and prove you can actually live without daddy's money."
"Speaking of birthdays! Isn't yours coming up?" Clementine snickered. "Not that we would know, since you never do any big galas for your birthday."
"I wouldn't want some two-faced snakes making my day about them, now would I?" Teddy's smile didn't even falter as a man wrapped an arm around Clementine. "Oh, Jeremiah, how are you?"
"I'm well, Theodosia, thank you. This must be your husband Clem's told me about." Jeremiah reached his hand out to shake mine.
I shook his hand, with a glance at Teddy. "I guess marrying below our status is the new thing, huh? How's it been, man?"
"Well, I'm engaged now, but I'm sure Will told you. I can't believe you settled down." Jeremy laughed, turning to his fiancée. "I went to school with the Halsteads. Theodosia's a lucky woman to have Jay's heart."
"You're telling me," Teddy grinned as she took my hand.
My heart raced at her touch, and I begged myself to not blush. "Really, I'm the lucky one. Someone like her looking my way?"
Jeremy laughed, "tell me about it. I'm sure Will's happy to finally have a sister-in-law."
"I haven't heard from him since I sent him the invite to the wedding." Sensing Teddy's tension, I squeezed her hand. "But I'm sure he's excited to meet you when he comes to visit."
"Will's always wanted a sister," Jeremy told my wife. "He used to say all the time how he wished Jay was a girl so he'd have a sister."
"How cute." Clementine scoffed lightly, as it was clearly painful for her to be nice even about her fiance's friends.
"Will you be a stay-at-home dad once there's a mini you running around?" Jeremy joked.
I liked the thought, almost as much as I liked my job. "We'll see."
"We're still trying," Teddy lied through her teeth. It was a little scary how easily she could do that.
Clementine crossed her arm over her chest. "I want to go home now."
"You heard her. We should catch up for dinner one night, on me!" Jeremy waved as he jogged after Clementine.
Teddy bit her lip until they were out of earshot before laughing. "I'll never understand why he's marrying her."
"I guarantee it's not for the money. Jeremy's loaded."
"I didn't know you knew Jeremiah." She wrapped her arm around mine, as we kept walking.
"He was friends with Will when we were in school. Jeremy and I got a little close when Will moved away for college, but that sort of crashed and burned when I left for the Rangers."
Teddy rested her head on my shoulder. "I'm sure he doesn't resent you for leaving too. He's a great guy."
Jeremy and Will were closer than I ever was with Will, and while I had left as soon as I could, Jeremy was there when Mom died. Will wasn't. In a way, Jeremy was more a big brother to me than my actual brother was.
So, I was glad he and Teddy already knew each other and got along, despite the fact my wife didn't like his fiancee. Maybe I could ask him for advice on Teddy's birthday present.
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plus-size-reader · 4 years ago
Perfect World
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Gendry Waters x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2094 words
Warnings: Literally just fluff. I love this man so much, he’s like a teddy bear.
Summary: Having to keep your relationship with Gendry a secret because you're highborn and he isn't. 
Your mother would lose her mind if she could see you right now.
This was hardly the place for a lady.
The air was thick with smoke from the large fire of the forge and you knew that you would surely stink of it when you got home. Still, there was nothing in the world that could have kept you away.
The allure of this place, of him, was simply too strong.
You had met Gendry by chance one day, walking through the square but since that moment, you hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it. The entire situation was far too comical to slip your mind so easily.
He worked for a blacksmith, and by all accounts, shouldn’t have interested you in any way. Though, it was sort of hard to remain blind to his existence when he rescued you in the way he had.
You were walking the streets of Kings Landing as you had a million times, practically dancing about as you took in all the sights this place had to offer, all in ways that your mother would also find deplorable.
It wasn’t a place for a Lady.
...And while you would have usually assured her differently, telling her it was plenty ladylike, she seemed to have a point on that particular day.
You had gotten so caught up in the excitement of sneaking out and all the things the streets had to offer you that you hadn’t even noticed a block placed outside, directly in your path.
Right outside of Master Tobho Mott’s blacksmithing shop.
Your foot caught the block, and by all accounts, that should have been more than enough to send you tumbling to the ground.
Though, just as you should have hit the dirt, you found yourself stopped, held tightly by a man you’d never seen before. He had a rather tight grip on your arm, something he noticed as soon as you stood back up.
There was a black soot handprint left on your skin, further proof of what he’d done.
They could have taken his head for that alone, laying his grimy hands on a highborn lady like you, but you hardly seemed scandalised at his action. In fact, when you stood up, you had a smile on your face.
Like you were having the grandest time in the world.
It made quite the impression on both of you.
You sat there, somehow more intrigued by this place and this man than you had been by anything outside, for hours. You talked and laughed, and when he finally relaxed about the whole thing, Gendry found himself having fun too.
It was hard not to be with you around.
All his life, he’d had this idea about what high borns were supposed to be like, based on how they treated him. As a poor bastard, no one had a better idea of how people really were than he did, but you were different.  
For a high born, you weren’t as stuffy and vile as he assumed you’d be.
You had a clever wit, and didn’t seem to care much at all for the expected formalities that were expected of you. That was because you didn’t, of course, but you couldn’t rightfully admit that to him.
After all, just because you were having all the fun in the world out in the open, you weren’t dull.
If anyone else found out about what you were doing outside the castle walls, under the watchful eye of your mother and father, there would be hell to pay. Not to mention how they would react if they found out who you’d taken to spending time with.
Though, that was what gave what you were doing now such appeal.
In the weeks that followed that initial chance encounter you’d have with the bastard, Gendry Waters, you’d been sneaking out just to see him again.
It was hardly something you had any business doing, but that was part of the fun. All your life, everyone made it their personal responsibility to tell you who to be and what to do, down to who you could talk to or how you could act.
Gendry didn’t.
He wouldn’t have known where to start if he wanted to command you. Besides, getting to spend time in the dark, dingy backroom of the smithy had given you the perfect place to hide from your family.
No one would ever assume a classy young woman like yourself with royal blood would ever take to spending time in such a place.
“Are you out of your mind? The Master has only just left” Gendry tutted, his head snapping in the direction of the storefront, where Master Mott had just taken his leave not even a moment prior.
It was by far the closest you two had ever been to being found out here, but you didn't care about that.
All you cared about was seeing Gendry again today.
“The old man didn’t see me, relax” you hummed, a small smile on your face as you took in the way his brow furrowed as he looked at you. He was always so serious about things, something you didn’t understand.
Though, you never had.
In your life, you never had to worry about things falling on your shoulders, or having to take care of yourself. You didn’t understand life in the way he did, and frankly, you had no reason to want to.
Life was much more fun your way.
“Though, perhaps I should go say hello to him before he gets too far away-” you teased, making your way past him slowly, as if you were actually going to go blow the biggest secret you two had.
It wasn’t funny.
Gendry didn’t think it was funny at all.
Not that you would have known based on the way he grabbed hold of you as you neared him, his hands coming to rest on your waist in a desperate attempt to keep you still. You wouldn’t have done it, you both knew that, but the point was still there.
You didn’t understand how serious this was.
“That’s not funny” he mumbled, ignoring the fact that his hands, covered in ash and dust, were surely dirtying your dress. How you managed to keep this all a secret from your family, he wasn’t sure.
There was more than enough evidence of what you did when you snuck out left behind.
“It would be if you laughed” you countered, tilting your chin up enough to close the bit of space between your faces.
The shop was small as it was, full to the brim with dense air, heated by the forge, which had you close together to begin with but that wasn’t the real reason for the close contact. You both knew it, but didn’t bother to amend it.
It was going to get you into trouble if someone saw you, but there was no one around.
No one even knew you were here.
Which was what you’d been ensuring Gendry of every chance you got since you two had started growing closer, romantically.
Not that he was all together convinced, even now.
Unlike you, Gendry lived in the real world. He understood the consequences of what you were doing and that no matter how fond he was of you, there was no future in which the two of you could be together.
He was of no title, and had no castle for you to rule by his side. There was no way around the unfortunate truth, that a lady had no place in the arms of a blacksmithing bastard.
After all, you saw what he did to your dresses each time you came here. He wasn't designed to be around pristine, perfect things, of which you were.
It was for the best you stayed apart, but you just kept coming back.
It was almost as if every time he told you that you needed to go home and stay there, or that you had to stay away from this place because it was dangerous, because you would get hurt, you came around that much more.
You just didn’t like to be told what to do.
How you’d managed to live in that stuffy castle all these years, he wasn’t sure.
“You understand that you can’t keep coming here? Someone is going to find out, and who knows what they’ll think we’ve been up to” he muttered, repeating himself once more, his hand falling gingerly on your cheek. You knew perfectly well how he felt about you coming here, but it wasn’t like he was showing you the door.
He just wanted you to know that he knew what a risk this was.
“What have we been up to, blacksmith?” you grinned, separating the two of you just enough to show off the blacken imprint on your clothes and now, your skin.
The people were bound to draw their own conclusions when they saw you, in the state you were in, but that was why you were so cautious about this entire thing. You hadn’t gotten caught yet, and you weren’t planning on ever letting that happen.
The threat to him was too great, but that didn’t mean it was worth you never seeing him again.
Your moving away from him instantly made Gendry panic, because as much as he didn’t want your reputation tarnished, he was more concerned about your physical safety.
This place wasn’t designed for this, after all.
“Would you stay away from that? You’re going to get yourself hurt” he sighed, understanding exactly what you were doing after he reached for you again. Each step you took, each move you made, was designed to antagonize him.
You were playing a game.
Of course you were.
You knew perfectly well that Gendry wasn’t going to let you get hurt, and seeing as this entire place was quite dangerous for a lady like yourself, he had to keep you close to him to make sure that didn’t happen.
It was all part of your devious little place.
“You sneaky thing” he tutted, a small smile creeping onto his own lips as he found you once again pressed against his frame, both hands holding your forearms just tightly enough to keep you from stepping back.
This was bound to cause you both trouble in the long run, could even get him killed if it went too far along, but right now, you were here. You were right in front of him, as beautiful as ever in the fires glow, and he couldn’t rightfully shoo you out.
He was a man after all.
He would have had to have been mad to do something like that.
You started to say something, likely snide or teasing as you always did, but before you could even get a word out, Gendry put an end to it. You would have to go before too long, before anyone noticed you weren’t locked away in your study.
Gendry smelled of sulfur and metal, his breathing hard against you as you tried to focus on anything with his lips against your own.
The kiss you shared even took you by surprise, even if you had been practically begging him to do it since you arrived, and you jumped a bit. Thankfully, you couldn’t go anywhere due to his still keeping a hold on you.
It was nice, as far as first kisses went, not that you had anything to compare it to.
You weren’t exactly in a position to go about kissing and galavanting with every man in King's Landing, but in that moment, you were sure that didn't matter. It was surely a kiss to end all others, and you knew that was because of him.
Technically, he was little more than a bastard but in the weeks you’d been showing up here, content to just bother him as you had, that couldn't have been further from your mind.
“Now get out of here before you get burned or something” he ordered, though that would have been pretty difficult to manage, considering he still hadn’t let go of you, his hands now held to your waist.
In a perfect world, he never would have let go.
He never would have caught you in the street, or let his lips touch yours in what only could be described as the most beautiful torture.
He never would have done any of it, but Gendry knew better than anyone that this world you lived in was anything but perfect.
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fr1d4y-wr1t1ng · 4 years ago
Your “Love Song”
Request: nooooo, I wanted to do an intro kinda writing thing lol.
Can I request?: absolutely.
Genre: Fluffy romantic head canons of the CC’s!
Content Warnings: none, except for swearing maybe. And of course my music taste /j (thought I would put this here, any references to a “her” or “him” has a they/them in brackets just letting y'all know)
CC’s in Post: irl!Dream(wastaken), irl!Sapnap, & irl!Wilbur Soot.
Description: These are the songs that I think would fit for your relationship with these CC’s!
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Cupid's Chokehold/Breakfast In America - Gym Class Heros
Holy shit Dream loves you so so so much it's unreal.
Like he would quite literally do anything for you like quite literally ANYTHING you can imagine.
Your day was shitty and you don't wanna do the dishes? He's got you covered.
You're sore from doing something physically exhausting? Don't worry, he'll do ANYTHING to make you feel better.
You got sick? He's already making soup and nursing you back to health.
He's semi-clingy like that you know?
Sometimes you may have to tell him that he doesn't have to do EVERYTHING for you, and that sometimes you can just do things yourself.
Remind him to take breaks too holy shit!! Like seriously mate go in there and REMIND HIM!!
But that's just because he loves you so much, he just can't express it any other way dude!!
I think the line that PERFECTLY sums up how he feels for you is “if I had to choose [them] or the sun, I'd be one nocturnal son of a gun.”
Just make sure you treat him the same, trust me on this one okay????? Pls?????
“Take a look at my [s/o], [they're] the only one I got!”
That's the only thing you've truly heard since he started streaming. You'd been sitting on his bed, scrolling through Twitter while minding your own business. You hadn't done anything to disturb him given the fact he was streaming and well… he hadn't exactly revealed you yet.
You looked at your boyfriend, just wanting your clingy little teddy bear back, you stared at him for a second, before seeing him mute and turn to you.
You two stared at each other, a slightly awkward but… mostly comfortable silence. His eyes looked like they had literal hearts in them. He chuckled quietly, looking at you until you spoke up. “...Clay?”
You questioned you boyfriend until he muttered, “you know, you're the most attractive person I've ever seen… right?” You started to laugh as your boyfriend got up and sat next to you. He quickly pecked your cheek and went back to his stream, attempting to make up for having chat wait.
To say this happened often would be an understatement.
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Never Ever Getting Rid Of Me - Waitress
I know people like to use this song in a more... stalkerish tendency. But, I don't think that's the meaning, you know.
Sapnap is very much... newer to love. It may come off in the wrong way, but he's trying to show you that he's not going anywhere because he loves you.
He can be awkward, but of course he's just excited!
You're his first s/o!!! How the hell could he not be excited?
Sapnap can be very “clingy” when your relationship starts... but don't worry. He calms down quickly.
Before you even know it, the relationship becomes natural, like you've been together for several years.
You two kind of end up acting like newly-wed’s when you get settled? If you get what I mean?
It's like you've been together for god knows how long, but you're just getting super settled and shit into a whole new level of your relationship.
I feel like the line that really represents how he feels is the line, “Oh, I'm gonna love you so. You'll learn what I already know, I love you means your never ever getting rid of me!”
He really believes that you're the one! So maybe (if you can) try to give the same energy back! Tell him you love him like, a lot!!
“I will never let you let me leave, I promise I'm not lying!”
What the fuck was that? You lay awake, thinking about the nightmare that just woke you. You slowly turned toward your phone. It's 4:08 am. You really shouldn't be up this early, should you? As you try to get back to sleep, you hear a muffled groan from him.
“Babe?” Sapnap asks, barely able to keep his eyes open, “Why ‘re you up?” You turned back to face him, wrapping your arms around his midsection. “‘is nothin’. Don't worry.”
His brows furrowed in thought, trying to stare at you for a second before asking, “Ya’ sure? You can tell me anything-” you quickly peck his lips, effectively shutting him up before mumbling, “it's just a nightmare. I'll be fine, as long I have you with me.” a small chuckle came from him before replying with,
“M’kay… love you.”
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Wilbur Soot:
Telephone - Waterparks
At first when he falls for you he's... really fucking nervous.
He doesn't wanna mess your relationship up AT ALL.
He thinks the you'd legitimently regret being with him, but we all know we trolley want a man like Wil.
But, there's still apart of him that really wants you to feel the same.
But once you start dating, this kind of stressing about making you regret dating him calms down a bit.
Keyword: a bit.
The intrusive thoughts about you two dating can still get to him yk, so, please just remind him that it'll be okay babes-
He's so soft when he's with you though, like, legit it's such a magical experience.
When he's not streaming or making music he's usually spending time with you!
He's just so sweet man, tbh I want a bf like Wilbur 🥴.
I think the lyric that really explains how he feels is “I can be your best yet, future favorite regret.” because he can be the softest motherfucker ever!! (or... well... hm.)
“I’m interested but distant to a fault, and I'd never want to complicate your heart!”
Boop ba boop! Boop ba boop! Your phone's ringtone filled your apartment as you dragged yourself from your bed to your desk. You sighed, looking at the number and realizing who was calling you. “Hey Wil.” you answered somewhat bluntly.
“[Y/N]! Hey!” Wilbur’s sweet voice rang through your ears like a whimsical melody. Your lips perked at his response, “Whats up?” you ask, your cheeks filling with heat as you looked at the screen. “Well I-” Wilbur cuts himself off at the noise in the background.
“...anyways, I'm coming over!” he finished. You realized he was probably walking his happy ass to your flat. You looked around at the mess, a small sigh escaping your lips as you replied, “I'll see you in five then?” a chuckle escaped his lips, “yup! See you in five!”
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Note: AAAAND THATS FINISHED, FINALLY. Why the hell did this take 2 days holy shit!? So, uh, I have an idea for making a part 2 but like... with the song that kinda describes the breakup (if there is one)? So let me know if you want that! Kay, see ya, byeeeeee!!!!
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givemea-dam-break · 4 years ago
Omg no one writes for Reyna!!!! You’re the best! Can you do a fic where the reader is a daughter of Apollo (and v flirty) and they kinda have a ~thing~ going on and Reyna finally kisses her when she gets hurt on a fight?
a/n: yes yes yes!! a reyna fic i wrote on quotev involved a daughter of Apollo reader and i loved the concept i was able to come up with so i’ll incorporate some of that in! i know that reyna is asexual so the only thing relationship-y that i've included is a kiss as i'm not completely in tune with how asexual relationships works (please tell me if there's any way that i can improve) Warnings: injury, Words: 1.5K Female reader
"Why is she here?" Octavian sneers, scrutinising you with his eyes as you sit down. "We have no need for a seer." "We have every need," Reyna corrects. "The augur, of course, is a cherished role within New Rome, but y/n here is our first seer in decades. Her power comes in handy." "You're just jealous that I'm Apollo's kid and you're not," you mumble. The legacy of Apollo clenches the head of a poor teddy bear so tightly you're worried it'll burst. "You -" "Shall we actually start this meeting?" Reyna interrupts, catching your eye. The corners of her lips quirk up. "Y/n ha told us that there is important news." You shift under the eyes of the centurions, though not uncomfortably. While you've only been in Camp Jupiter for a matter of weeks, you've become quite the asset for information and war plans, much to Octavian's displeasure, meaning you've been scrutinised and studied like mad. Already, you've managed to strike a nerve in the camp's augur, simply by being more closely related to your own father. According to Reyna, the camp hasn't had a seer in decades, only augurs, like Octavian who is only a legacy of Apollo. Other children of Apollo tend to just excel in his areas of expertise - light, music, archery, healing, et cetera. And, while you are particularly skilled at archery, you discovered shortly after your arrival that you are a seer, someone able to have glances into the future. Now, you're not sure whether that was what brought you and Reyna together or just sheer luck and a friendly smile. For the weeks you have been at camp, you've spent a lot more time with Reyna than would be classed as usual, according to your cohort members. You, personally, haven't seen a problem with it. The two of you have just grown closer... Maybe closer than friends, which you're hoping is a reciprocated feeling from the conversations you have shared. "Go on, then," one of the centurions insists. He's from the second cohort - stuck-up and self-obsessed, you've noted. You catch Reyna's eyes again, watching as the light shining in through the windows seems to accentuate every perfect feature of her face. Later, you tell yourself. There are more important things. "From what I've seen, Frank, Hazel and Percy have made it to, at least, the border between Canada and Alaska," you say, "meaning there is a good chance that they can complete their quest." "But?" the centurion of the fourth cohort, a daughter of Ceres, says. From what you've seen, she's confident yet closed off, the opposite of the boy from the second. "The giant Polybotes plans to attack with his army," you continue. "Cyclopes, basilisks, dracaenae, the likes. I've seen them marching through the borders and beginning to tear the camp apart." The air fills with tension so thick you can cut it with your gladius. Octavian looks like he's about to burst which, honestly, you won't mind. It's embarrassing to be even distantly related to the bear-butcher. "How do we even know we can trust you?" he demands. "You show up out of nowhere, having spent such a little amount of time with Lupa and, then days later, we discover you're a seer that can use her power as if she's had it for years." "I have had it for years." "Yes, but you've never used it!" "Enough," Reyna says, her voice sharp. "We've got no reason to not trust her. Every piece of information she's been shown that she then passes on to us has been accurate. I feel like that's a good enough reason to trust her." "Yeah, so shove it," you say. Reyna shoots you a look, but there's a gleam of humour in her eyes and her lips have tightened like she's holding back a smile. Octavian gasps to the high heavens. "I won't tolerate this -" "Prepare your cohorts for battle," Reyna interrupts. "We don't know when this threat will arrive, so we must be prepared. Understood?" Everyone nods, though some do it so begrudgingly that you wonder if they care more about their pride or the people they are in charge of looking after. "Meeting adjourned. Y/n, wait with me." You stay seated as everyone stands to leave, ignoring
the spiteful look you get from Octavian and resisting the urge to throw curses at him. When everyone is gone, Reyna moves from her seat to the one just next to yours. Her metal dogs follow, perching their heads on her knees as they sit on the ground. Their metal hides shine like they're molten in the light. "You shouldn't put Octavian in a worse mood than he's already in," Reyna says. "He's so mad that I'm not letting him become praetor." You snicker. "He's mad thinking that anyone will want him to be. Percy's got more of a chance of becoming praetor, and he arrived, what, two, three days ago?" A smile curls on Reyna's lips. "I was thinking about that. It would be a good decision to have someone like him as praetor, no? He's experienced, loyal..." "Don't tell me you have a crush on him." "Oh, gods, no." "Good." You smile. "I'd have to have some words if you did." Reyna's hand rests on your knee, sending shivers up your spine in waves. "When this battle comes, and it will, be careful, all right? I'd hate for anything to happen to you. You're the first person I feel like I can rely on since Jason disappeared." "Of course," you promise. "As long as you are, too." "When am I not careful?" -- Reyna may have a knack for being careful, but it's apparent now that you don't. The battle, the one you have seen in your most recent visions, did in fact come, and it has not been easy in the slightest. You've not had much experience with monsters seeing as you only found out you're a demigod a matter of weeks ago, and it is by far the most terrifying thing you've encountered. You started off with distance attacks with your bow and arrows, which was going great for a while. That was until more monsters flooded in and you got overwhelmed. How that leads to you now lying by the Little Tiber (though you're not sure where) with an arrow, or maybe three, in your gut, you're not sure. It all happened so quickly. You'll survive thanks to your prior knowledge of healing, but there's little you can do to ease the pain that makes your whole body tremble and sweat. You can hear the battle raging on everywhere; the sounds of swords against swords, arrows whizzing through the air, cries of agony. It's terrifying. Maybe that's why you're trembling. A hand grazes your face as you feel yourself beginning to drift off. When you crack your eyes open, you see Reyna's face above yours, worry creasing her brow and filing her eyes - those alluring brown eyes... "Hey, stay with me," the praetor orders, though her voice isn't demanding. "I'm not going to die," you reassure her, voice quiet. "I've made sure of that. I'm just... I'm tired." "I know." Reyna's hand rests firmly on your cheek. "I know. And I know that you're scared, but it's over now. We won." A smile tugs at your lips, though pain stops it from coming. "We won?" Reyna nods, wiping the sweat off your forehead. "Percy killed Polybotes. He came back with Hazel and Frank - they helped us win." "Better make him praetor then, huh?" "I was planning on it." Reyna searches your eyes. "But you have nothing to worry about." "I don't need to worry," you croak. "I know that he doesn't mean anything more than a friend to you." Reyna smiles. "You, on the other hand..." Your cheeks feel warm and, from the way her smile grows bigger, you can tell she feels the heat. "Kiss me," you say before you can regret it. "Before I fall asleep and miss my chance." "I thought you'd never ask." When her lips brush against yours, the whole world seems to melt away. Butterflies swarm in your stomach, fireworks explode in your brain, electricity runs through your lips. It's exhilarating and all you could ever want. She tastes like chocolate and honey, a combination you're sure you'll grow to enjoy. You flinch in pain, which makes Reyna back away. "Sorry," you say. "I've still got arrows in me." "Help is coming," she says reassuringly. "Don't worry." "Not worrying." "Of course you're not." "I saw it coming. I'm a seer." Your vision slowly goes black. "Sure you did." The last thing you do
before you fall unconscious is smile, lips tingling from the kiss you just shared with the girl of your dreams.
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lucky-catttt · 4 years ago
Maxwell Lord’s Aphrodite - Pt 1
Summary: When Maxwell Lord’s world comes crashing down, you, his personal assistant bring him back from the pits of despair.
Pairings: Maxwell Lord x Reader (female), Maxwell Lord x You
Rating: Mature 18+ ONLY - I’ve also put a smut alert ahead in bold if you want to skip straight to the good bits ;)
Word Count: 7,381
Warnings: Sexual intercourse, foreplay, mentions of domestic abuse, trauma, drug/alcohol abuse.
A/N: This is my first fan-fic, so the writing might not be fantastic, but if you have any pointers/advice please tell me! I always read stories about Maxwell being a domineering guy and never stories about how he can be romantic and soft. When I watched WW84 especially at the end I saw how emotional and vulnerable he was with Alistair and wanted to write a story that portrayed him as a big cuddly teddy bear under all that masculine exterior. Enjoy!
You’ve worked for black and gold corporation for the better part of 7 years. You were hired as an intern assistant at just 21, soon after the company jettisoned from its humble beginnings inside a matchbox office suite on the corner of a strip mall, to a stock market listed company leasing the top floor in the tallest high rise office building in Los Angeles. Soon after moving in, the top floor office was packed with young, vibrant men and women who helped profits soar. But even at its busiest, Maxwell always made time for his staff. No matter what he was going through, he would give his staff his undivided attention and empathy. If they were having personal or professional problems, he would do everything he could to help. It aligned with his company motto, “life is good, but it can be better”.
He believed it was important to be as personable and helpful to others as possible, he felt that it was imperative to his own success. Only you knew this really stemmed from his less than favourable upbringing, being abused by his father, bullied by his peers and having to work hard for his achievements. He could be having the worst day, but he would never make it known to his team, all except you of course, being his personal assistant. As you spent a large amount of time together, Maxwell confided in and involved you in many personal areas of his life. 6 months after you started working for Max, he invited you and your then boyfriend to his wedding, stealing a waltz from you at the Reception. A year later, when his son, Alistair was born, he would show you picture after picture of baby photos, gushing about how proud he was to be a father. 3 years later when the company had its first day on the US stock exchange, you and Max stayed up all night at the office running through press releases, interviews and planning the next 6 months of his now very hectic schedule. When Alistair would come to the office to visit, you would babysit and play with him, change him, feed him, read him stories and sing him to sleep.
As he started to grow up, you soon rivaled Max in Alistair’s favourite person to spend time with at the office. Two years ago when you ended up in a very bad car accident and broke your arm, Max showed up personally to the hospital looking frantically worried about you. He even brought along Alistair who was helping carry a giant bouquet of flowers, a teddy bear and balloons. He stayed overnight after your surgery, sleeping in the most awkward positions on the single armchair next to your hospital bed. While you were in surgery, he made sure your work health insurance covered every cent and even provided company paid physiotherapy so you could get better properly. You knew you were in love with him since that dance at his wedding, but you had too much respect and adoration for him to be a homewrecker. Plus, you just assumed as he was so involved with all of his staff, that it didn’t mean he would be into you romantically.
As you were required to attend many of the shareholder and CCO/CEO/CFO meetings to take minutes, you became intrigued with the world of business and economics. So you enrolled in a Bachelor’s degree part time through a local University. At the time, women in business was largely unheard of, and to avoid sexist comments and discrimination, you told no one. When the Global Financial Crisis hit, it slammed into Maxwell’s dreams like a meteoroid. Overtime was required at the office and you spent most of your time in Max’s office doing paperwork for staff that had been laid off due to the budget cuts. Each day he would be on the phone, yelling at other business men on the other side of the world. You watched his positive energetic demeanor slowly chip away, as his drinks cart full of spirits and liqueurs dwindled alongside. Not long after, Black and Gold’s Chief Financial Officer and advisors within the company were arrested for Insider Trading and other shady business dealings.
Throughout all of this, you had given Max as much support, personally and professionally as you could, while still being respectful and platonic as he was a married man. With most of the staff gone and the company’s finances in disarray from the GFC and mismanagement, the universe dealt Max the final blow, his divorce. His wife, who was clearly only interested in him for his money and how it could provide her a cushy lifestyle, filed for divorce as the company was failing. She tried to take him to the cleaners financially, but Max was smart enough to have a prenuptial agreement and keep what was left of his dwindling fortune. So she used their son, Alistair, as a pawn in her game. The courts granted Max shared custody, but only one visit per fortnight. This devastated him as his son was his whole world.
He didn’t want to become destitute by giving up his fortune to his wife, but he didn’t want to lose his son, either. It started to tear him apart, leading to drunken nights in his office, alone. Except, he wasn’t totally alone. Every night, after everyone had gone home, you would stay back late each night to check on him and make sure he hadn’t done anything stupid. You would sit in one of the barren office cubicles with a vantage point to his office, but invisible to see from his desk. With tears sitting at the edges of your eyes, you silently watch him drink enough alcohol to chill out a bull, take some pills, flip through photo books of Alistair and start to sob. This went on for months. Overdue bills and foreclosure notices started to pile up on his desk. Egregiously inflated child support payment requests from his ex-wife littered the coffee table in his office.
Today was an exceptionally hard day, Max had received a resignation letter from his second last employee, leaving just you and him in the office. He slept on the futon in his office the night before, waking up looking disheveled, his tie pulled loose, shirt half tucked, suit jacket on the floor and his shoes god knows where. He looked awful.
Night falls, shrouding the office in darkness. Apart from a few desk lights, the floor is cold & dark. As you start packing boxes with office paperwork and belongings, you glance over to see the outline of Max at his desk, with his back turned, silently smoking a cigarette and drinking a glass of whiskey on ice. He reaches back for a brief moment, to press the answering machine, illuminated by his desk lamp. *beep* Message received, Wednesday, 4:33 pm “Hello Maxwell this is Brittany from AMP investments, your lease agreement with us has been defaulted for 6 months now with $150,000 in rent arrears. If it is not paid by the 30th of this month, building management will deactivate access to the floor and repossess any remaining belongings on the property. *beep* End Message. Message received Thursday, 5:43 pm “Max it’s Barb, I’m cancelling Alistair’s visit this weekend, seeing as you don’t want to pay me any extra child support.” *beep* End Message. Message received today, 7:02 pm “Hey Daddy, it’s Alistair, Mommy said I can’t come over because you’re working too much to see me. I wish you weren’t working all the time so we could play together and go to the movies and-“ you hear Barb, Max’s ex wife cut him off with “Alistair? What are you doing on the phone?! Who are you talking to?” Alistair whines, “I wanted to talk to Daddy” suddenly the sound of the receiver slams into the phone. *beep* End Message. You have no new messages.
The office is dead silent, but you can audibly hear the sound of Max’s heart shattering into a thousand pieces. He begins to cry, slowly shrinking in his chair, slumping down with his forearms on his knees and his head bowed. The cries slowly become more intense, with Max gasping for air between the long loud shrieks as his whole body shakes. “Alistair! My Alistair! My boy! I’ve failed you! Your Daddy failed you!” He wails, tears freely flooding down his face and snot dripping out of his nose, both like endless waterfalls. He drops to his knees and collapses onto the carpet, like he’s been shot right through the chest. He continues to sob & wail, forgetting that he isn’t alone in the office. You walk to the doorway of his office, frozen with indecision. Your heart was pounding and eyes on the verge of tears from what you just heard. On one hand you feel like you’re intruding on something extremely personal and maybe somewhat embarrassing for Maxwell, but you’ve never seen him like this and he looked like he was physically dying.
“Mr Lord, is everything okay?” Your soft voice quietly called out from the doorway of his office. Your medicated voice jolts Max out of his catatonic state and into a sitting upright position, as he quickly wipes his face and fixes his hair. “Oh, Ug-I’m so sorry for you to see me like this, it’s quite unbecoming of me” Maxwell apologises, trying to play it off with a light hearted chuckle between quiet heaved sobs. You catch a frozen stare, peering straight into his soul past the bloodshot, weepy but warm, brown irises.
Your heart is thumping hard, as if to try and break out of your ribcage and fly over to him. Max had been there for all of his staff, especially you. You couldn’t walk away after everyone else in his life had abandoned or given up on him. “You don’t need to apologise, Mr Lord.” You slowly reply, stepping over the booze bottles littering his office floor as you walk over to him. He’s frantically adjusting his outfit and hair, to look as put together as possible before you sit down beside him on the floor. You both sit there in silence, with the odd sniffle coming from Max’s nose. You finally pucker up the courage and say “I didn’t want to intrude but I heard the voice messages, I’m so sorry all of this has happened to you, Max”.
He had never heard you say his name before, it was always “Mr Lord”. It felt like honey soothing his dry strained throat as it rolled off your tongue. You continued, “You’ve always been there for me”, you paused to redirect attention, “for all of us. What can I do to help?”. You reach out and place your hand on his. Your warm, soft touch sends a shock wave of emotion through his body. No one has cared about him like this before, let alone touched him in such a gentle way. Max stares at your now teary eyes, realising he can be vulnerable and trust his longest and closest friend.
He collapses by your side, crying into your shoulder “I’m a failure” he sobs “My business, my marriage and most importantly I’ve failed my son. I just hope one day that he can forgive me and love me and be proud of me. He is my whole life, I just want him back”. You start to choke up but you have to remain composed. You look up and away, silently biting your knuckle and blinking tears back into your eyes before responding. “Max, you are not a failure, you are an exceptional human being. You built this company from nothing and you changed peoples lives. And don’t even get me started with Alistair, you’re the best father a kid could ask for, it’s not your fault your ex wife is being abusive”. He continues to sob, so you wrap your arm around his side and let him cry for a few minutes. The smell of his chemically lightened & straightened dark blonde hair filled your nostrils as his forehead pressed against your chin.
His large fingers and palms grip your free hand. They’re surprisingly soft & very warm. You freeze as his touch sends zaps of electricity up your arm and down your body. As Maxwell leans against you, your perfume overloads his senses, bringing him back to a conscious state. What was he doing? He thought to himself. I’m a failure, and everything I get close to fails or leaves. He looks down at your hands. I can’t hurt such an amazing person. I have to rip off the metaphorical bandaid and be cruel to be kind. “Thank you” he sighs, catching his breath after minutes of sobbing “You can go home now. In fact, I want you to take a redundancy payout so you can find another job. There’s nothing left for you here. I’m a failure and I don’t want you drowning with the ship” he says, in a clinically professional voice. Max hands you a company envelope with your name on it. He sits up to take a sip on the remaining whiskey left in his glass.
Your ears begin to burn and your cheeks redden with anger. Tears prick at the edges of your eyes, begging for them to flow. “Alfred will take you home in the company car, or wherever you want to go”. He continues, now smoking a cigarette.
“But what If I don’t want to go?” You whisper, trying to hide the sobs that are trying to break through your voice. “Please, I just want you to be happy” Max replies. You take great offence at his ignorant statements, as if he knows what makes you truly happy. “How do you know what makes me happy, Max?” You huff, standing up abruptly and folding your arms. “Well, I don’t know, but I can’t exactly see how you would be happy staying here while my company fails” he answers, shrugging. You feel your heart begin to break, realising that even being single and having such a close professional relationship with you, Max seemed to hold no deeper feelings for you and was almost starting to turn on you. You stand there wanting to run for the door but trying to think logically. Men are dim, maybe he doesn’t realise your true feelings? Maybe he’s preoccupied with his own and too overwhelmed to face them?
Max’s embarrassment from being caught in such a vulnerable state compounded with offending you takes its toll and he starts to get frustrated and impatient. “I think I just want to be alone now”. He sighs, looking away. The words cut deep, slicing you apart like ribbons. You begin to feel yourself fall apart, your emotions and thoughts spilling out with force. “I can’t leave” you sob, hanging your head in shame. Hearing you start to cry, he starts to hate himself more as he's clearly made you upset. With emotions bubbling over, he stands up, looking at you with tears in his eyes. “Why? Why can’t you leave!?” He shouts, a pained look of frustration and confusion on his face as he puts his hands on your arms, gently shaking you to get you to speak.
The last of the ribbons tying up your words from coming out fall down around you. You look deep into his crazed brown eyes, longing for an answer. “Because I love you!” You blurt out, sobbing. The tension in the room is now thick enough to cut with a knife. “I’ve loved you since the night we danced at your wedding. I fell in love with one of the most empathic, intelligent, hard working and compassionate men I know. You changed my life and every day I wish I could’ve shown you the love & kindness you deserve. That you need”. You step back from his grip, straightening your pantsuit as you compose yourself. “But I guess if I’m not needed anymore, I’ll leave you alone, Mr Lord”. The duality of your emotive declaration of love against the rigid clinical final words lurched his heart forward like a freight train and then slammed against his rib cage with the force of 100Gs.
You start to stride towards the door, but Maxwell follows behind you quickly, grabbing your hand, where you turn around on your heels. He grabs both of your hands and brings them up between you, squeezing them gently. “Pl-please don’t, don’t leave me” he begs, “you-you’re all I have left”. His dark brown eyes shimmer with tears as he shoots you a pleading gaze. He drops to his knees, wrapping his arms around your legs and squeezing tight like he's hanging on for dear life. You stand frozen on the spot, feeling Max’s warm breath on your legs as he heaves a few more cries. As you start to run your hands through his dark blonde locks, the sensation calms your mind and you reach your hands down to cup Max’s face, tilting it up to look at you. “I won't, Max” you say with a concerned gaze. “As long as you don’t push me away”. Max nods silently as he reaches into his jacket pocket to pull out his pocket square. He stands up and starts to gently wipe your tears away. “I’m so sorry” he apologises “I lashed out because I felt like a failure and I didnt want to let you down anymore and disappoint you.” he continues while making sure he’s wiped all of the tears from your cheeks and cleaned up some of your smudged makeup. “You’re not a failure, Max” you reply, “You’re an incredible man and you should be proud of everything you have achieved”.
Max gives you a small smile, blushing slightly as he gently embraces you with his big arms, pulling you close against his chest. His strong cologne masked the slight tinge of body odour from not showering mixed into a masculine and attractive scent. You quietly inhale as much as your lungs will allow, savouring every smell. As he starts to brush through your curls with his large fingers, he plants a small kiss on your head, making you feel like you could melt out of his arms and into a puddle on the floor. “I’m sorry, too.” you whisper. “Sorry for what?” he quizzes, looking down at you, puzzled. “For telling you that I love you. It’s true, but I feel like it was not the most appropriate time to tell you with everything that’s going on with Alistar, the company, your-” Max interrupts your sentence “Come with me”. Max strides you across his office floor with his arm around your waist. You both walk over to an unassuming door, which you always thought led to a supply closet. Upon its opening, you step into the room to reveal a whole bedroom, complete with a dining table, sofa, TV and ensuite. You had been Max’s personal assistant for 7 years and had no idea such a room even existed. “Wow” you manage to blurt out in complete shock. “I had this room made so that when I was working long hours my ex-wife and Alistair could stay here” Max explained, adjusting bits and bobs around the room “Although my ex-wife never stayed. She always accused me of sleeping with other women in this bed when in fact I was actually working. I kind of live here now, having sold my estate to pay to keep the company running”
He gestures to you to sit on the timber art deco dining chair, as he picks up the phone on the coffee table. “Alfred. Can you please take a drive and bring back any decent takeout food you find. Make sure to get some for yourself, too”. Max hangs up the phone before turning on the radio and then grabs two wine glasses from the small bar by the lounge and a bottle of red wine. He places both glasses on the table and fills both half way. You pick up your glass and walk over to the floor to ceiling window, overlooking downtown LA. As Max is fussing over tidying and making the room perfect, he glances over to see you standing alone, looking out the window. Lost in your own little world, you feel Max’s large soft hand intertwine with your free hand. “I started black and gold in a shoebox office inside a strip mall, over there, in South LA” he points just in front of the hills. He pauses. “I expect that after I get evicted I won’t even be able to lease that same office”. You give his hand a small squeeze. “Maybe I could help you”. Max looks at you dubiously. “How do you mean?” He inquired.
Just as you were planning to answer, Alfred arrives with some food. Max walks over to your dining chair and pulls it out, gesturing for you to sit. You take your seat and he flaps a linen napkin into your lap, before sitting down adjacent to you. Alfred had bought some delicious Mexican food, the intoxicating smell of meats, cheeses and spices filling the room. “Thank you, Alfred. I’ll call you again if we need anything” Max smiles, patting Alfred on the back as he leaves. You both sit at the table for hours, eating, drinking and talking about the company. Max finally learns the secret that you’ve been hiding about studying at University. “I haven’t officially graduated yet, but learning what I have, I could probably help Black and Gold get out of its current predicament. I also might know some investors that I befriended in the same units as me from the University”. Max shoots you a soft smile. “You really are the best assistant and friend anyone could ask for” he beams, placing his hand on yours. Embarrassed by his compliment and burning with desire to want to kiss him, you stand up and head over to the couch to distract yourself from your intense feelings. Max realises the use of the word friend was probably a poor choice. He must be honest with you and tell you how he feels. Max joins you on the couch where your arms are crossed and you’re staring ahead. You’re trying to avoid eye contact else you’ll burst into flames.
********SMUT ALERT********
“I hope you don’t think I’m rude or ignoring the impassioned declaration you made earlier” Max smiles “I just wanted to give you a semi-decent first date”. You feel your cheeks begin to blush and you unfold your arms. “The truth is” Max continues, resting his hand on yours. “I feel the same way about you. Even before my ex-wife divorced me, I started to fall in love with you. The way you are with Alistair, how committed you are to helping me. I just didn’t think you’d wanna be with an older man like me and even more so when everything started to go downhill”.
You place your hand on top of Max’s, both now staring at each other softly yet intensely. “Max” you turn to face him, edging closer. Max nervously places his hands on your cheeks. “I’ve waited for 7 years, please kiss me”.
Max finally kisses your lips, setting your whole body alight. Dizzy from the sensation, you lay back on the couch as Max follows down on top of you. He begins peppering slow, thoughtfully placed kisses down your jaw and neck. You let out a whimper as your hands twirl through his hair. Every movement he makes is slow, as if he is trying to slow down time and make this moment last forever. Max comes back up and passionately kisses your mouth, your tongue begging his for entrance. As your tongues intertwine, he holds your head and neck with one hand, while stroking your hair with the other. Max holds you gently yet strongly in his arms, like he’s holding onto a fragile Fabergé egg. With the position you’re in on the couch and the impracticality of your work attire in non-work sitting positions, he senses that you’re uncomfortable.
“May I?” He asks, holding the zipper to your dress as he places his arms behind your back. You nod and he slowly unzips it, gently slipping it off you and carefully folding it over the armrest of the lounge. Overcome with passion and desire from Max’s romantic gestures, you blurt out “I want you to take me, Max”. Without a word, he scoops you up in his arms and walks you over to the bed, placing you down gently in the middle. Max sits at the foot of the bed, marvelling at your stunning body. You’re wearing stockings and a purple lingerie set, coincidentally Max’s favourite colour.
Max leans down and kisses the top of your foot, peppering kisses up your legs before reaching the clips of your garter belt. He unclasps them before rolling down the stockings, kissing back down your legs. Burning with desire, you unclasp your bra and garter belt, throwing them to the side of the bed. Max looks up from kissing your legs to see your breasts exposed in the moonlight, your nipples hard from his gaze.
“Y-you look absolutely beautiful” he chokes before climbing up on top of you to reach your face. You blush, feeling Max’s extremely hard cock straining in his suit trousers against your thigh. “Kiss me, Max” you moan, brushing your lips against his and moving your hand down towards his crotch. Max slowly and passionately begins to kiss you, your tongues swirling in each other’s mouths, the taste of wine and chilli making for a sensual combination. As your hand reaches Max’s crotch, you begin to grope and rub his sizeable length, causing him to let out a loud moan. You shoot him a cheeky sexual gaze, but he grabs your hand and brings it up for you to cup the side of his face. “Not just yet my little dove” he whispers. You pout but decide to put your hands to better use and unbutton his shirt, revealing his strong chiseled chest. Max starts to breathe deeper from arousal as you unbuckle his belt and throw it to the floor. “I want to take my time with you” Max whispers “You’ve waited so long and I want this moment to be everything you deserve. I want to worship and pleasure you completely”.
Your pussy is now completely soaked, the faint squelches from your juices against your panties sounds in the background of Max kissing your neck. Maxwell is more preoccupied with taking his time in a combination of making up for lost time with you, giving you the best first time with him and making this moment last as long as possible. “Guide me” Max sighs between kisses, giving you his free hand. Holding it with both hands, you guide him down your neck and to your breasts. Max traces your breasts, flicking your nipples as he watches you whine with pleasure. Slowly he leans down and begins to suck on them, gently swirling his tongue and flicking. He kisses from one breast to the other, squeezing them in his hand. “Your body is perfect. Your skin is so soft.” he moans. By this time you’re rubbing your thighs together in an effort to stimulate your clit without your hands as they’re gripping Max’s dark blonde hair.
“Max, take off your pants” you pant, becoming overstimulated from all this teasing foreplay. He stands up off the bed and unzips his trousers, pulling them down to reveal his rock hard cock. “Oh Max” you moan, reaching down under your panties to touch yourself as his cock twitches. Max hurriedly crawls onto the bed and back up to your face, pulling your hand out of your panties. He brings your fingers close to his mouth and rubs them on his lips before bringing his tongue out to swirl around them, sucking your juices off them. “Touch me Max” you immediately whimper “I need your touch”. Max moans before kissing you passionately. As you both enjoy your tender kiss, Max traces his hand down your body, over your breasts, along your stomach and reaches the edge of your panties. Max reaches into your panties and gently places a finger at the top of your pussy, gently but firmly pressing down as he traces over your clit and down to your opening. Your wetness has coated every inch of your pussy. “You’re so wet” he pants, the sensation starts to send some beads of precum out the tip of his cock. “For you” you moan, writhing in pleasure at his calculated & lingering touch.
Looking deep into your eyes, Max rubs your folds slowly before he inserts two fingers gently but deep inside you. He begins to switch between a circling and a come hither motion on your g-spot, sending sparks shooting up through your body. You arch your back and let out a moan, while Max kisses your neck. “Oh Max baby that feels so good” you moan, gripping the sheets. “You feel amazing” Max sighs, brushing your hair out of your face so he can study your facial expressions as he pleasures you. Just when you thought it couldn’t feel any more amazing, Max places his thumb onto your clitoris, bringing you closer to climax in a matter of milliseconds. “Oh my god Max, Max I’m gonna cum” you moan into his neck, biting him. Max continues fingering you, intently watching your face waiting for you to reach orgasm.
Between Max’s fingering, his kisses and eye contact it doesn’t take long for it all to send you over the edge, riding into a full body orgasm, squirting all over Max’s hand. “You’re so beautiful baby” Max coos, holding your body close with his fingers still inside you as your back arches and your body trembles while you let out a long loud moan. Despite this exquisite display and sensation happening between your legs, Max keeps eye contact with you, peering deep into your soul, completely enamoured. As you start to come down from your orgasm, Max slowly removes his fingers and sucks them clean. “You taste incredible, so sweet baby” he moans, licking the squirt off his hand. As you begin to catch your breath, Max kisses down your body and reaches your pussy, where he begins to lap up the rest of your juices. Very gently, Max parts the puffy pussy lips covering your clit. He starts to lick in between the folds, avoiding your clit as it recovers from the intense orgasm. He travels down to your entrance where he sticks his tongue inside, tasting your juices inside you.
The hum from his moan as he eats you out relaxes you like a lullaby. Max then comes back up to your face, kissing your forehead. “That was incredible Max” you pant, staring up at the ceiling. He rests his lips against your neck, cupping your breast and gently squeezing it and thumbing your nipple. “Let me pleasure you Max, please” you beg, giving him a pleading gaze. Max obliges as you change positions with him now lying on his back. You cup his face with one hand, giving him a loving smile as his hand grabs yours. He starts to kiss you as your hands both guide down his chest, stomach and reach his groin. You begin to tease him, tracing your fingertips around the base of his cock, then up the shaft. Your light touches cause his cock to twitch. “Your touch is magical'' Max groans as your hand grips his shaft and travels up to his tip. His precum has soaked the head, giving you enough lubricant to slowly jerk your hand up and down, gripping tightly.
The sensation for Max is heavenly, panting and moaning between kissing your cheeks and forehead as you concentrate your gaze on his pulsing cock. Your jerking movements become more intense as you look up to see Max with his eyes closed, like he’s dreaming and if he opens them you’ll cease to exist. You continue to jerk him as you kiss his neck, feeling his cock harden even more and begin to pulse rapidly, like he’s getting close. “W-wait” Max whimpers. “I want this night to be about pleasuring you. Your mere presence pleasures me enough.” He kisses your hand & cups your cheek, looking deeply into your eyes. “What can I do to please you? Would you like t-to make love?”. Your heart bursts with emotion as this man is so set on pleasuring you so much. “Yes Max, I would love that very much” you sigh.
You lay back down on the bed, Max lying by your side. He begins to embrace you, running his hands over your body before kissing down your neck and chest as he rubs your clit. Max stops for a moment, studying your beautiful naked body. He then moves down and pushes your legs up, exposing your pussy. As you squeeze your breasts and look at his chiseled jaw, Max nervously lines up his cock before rubbing it on your clit, soaking the tip in your wetness. Impatient with how he’s teasing you, you whisper “Fuck me Maxwell”. Slowly, he pushes his cock down your clitoris and through your folds before the tip pushes inside. Without even being all the way inside, he moans “this must be what Heaven feels like”. With one gentle thrust, he’s completely inside, shuddering as your warm, tight, wet walls squeeze his cock shaft and tip. “Oh my god Max. You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this moment” you moan, as he starts to slowly thrust. “M-me too beautiful” he grunts, feeling pure ecstasy wash over him as your pussy tenses, massaging his twitching length. A few minutes go by of you both silently staring intensely into each other’s eyes, kissing passionately. With every thrust you begin to connect deeper to Max, your bodies intertwining on a physical, emotion and spiritual level. Max’s cock twitches inside you as he watches you moan and bite your lip, squeezing your breasts.
“I can’t believe you love a man, a man like me” Max says still in disbelief, watching your body motion up and down as he slowly strokes in and out of you. He studies your body intensely, watching the moonlight and shadows play across your curves as your breasts bounce with every thrust. “You’re so beautiful Hermosa”, his mother tongue now coming through “como una diosa, like, A-Aphrodité.” he sighs, cupping your face with both hands. You cover his hands with yours, interlocking your fingers, turning your face each way slightly to kiss his palms and stare back at him lovingly and seductively, feeling like you could float away. “Your Aphrodite” you sigh, arching back slightly in pleasure, gripping his hands to guide them down to your breasts for him to lovingly caress and fondle. In slight shock at your romantic response, he immediately leans down whilst thrusting and peppers kisses all over your lips, letting out a sniffle.
With his eyes closed, focusing on lasting to bring you pleasure and to hide his emotions, a few tears drop onto your cheeks as he continues to thrust, now grunting each time into your neck to cover up the small sobs. You kiss his cheek, to take his tears away, the saltiness turning into sweet nectar on your tongue. “It’s okay baby, you can be vulnerable with me, I will protect you. I love you”. You choke, now crying also. Both sharing a connection transcending physically, in that exact moment, without an increase in volume, the lyrics of the Bob Dylan song playing on the radio seem to stand out and ring true in this very moment;
Storm clouds are raging all around my door, I think to myself I might not take it any more. Take a woman like your kind, To find the man in me. But, oh, what a wonderful feeling, Just to know that you are near. Sets my a heart a-reeling, From my toes up to my ears...
Your foreheads now together, staring deeply into each other’s eyes, Max whimpers “I love you so much” as his whole body begins to tense, signalling he’s on the precipice of an orgasm. Feeling his cock become even harder as it thrusts into the deepest part of your pussy, slamming the extra nerves to unlock your powerful orgasm. “Oh my god Max I’m gonna cum” you moan, slamming your eyes shut as you begin to try and slow down so this moment can last forever. “Cum mi reina” Max pants, keeping the tempo of his thrusting steady as the waves of your orgasm reach its peak before crashing down & flooding your entire body. Your body arches and trembles as you scream “Oh Max!” while your pussy clamping down & releasing in pulses on Max’s cock. The sight of you orgasming tied with the sensation around his cock sends Max over the edge. “Cielo” Max groans, shuddering all over as his cock spurts thick ropes of cum against your sensitive cervix. You both share a passionate kiss as Max’s cock softens inside you. “That was amazing Max” you pant, your body weak from the two mind blowing orgasms Max gave you.
Max collapses on the bed beside you, kissing your neck and running his fingers through your hair. “I can’t wait for us to do that again” Max chuckles against your neck. You kiss Max’s forehead, sighing as your body still slightly shakes from the two powerful orgasms Max just gave you. “I think a shower is in order” He embraces you momentarily before scooping you up in his arms and carries you off the bed, walking towards the ensuite. “Are you ever gonna let me walk again?” You giggle, nestling into his neck. “I like feeling you be as close to me as possible” Max laughs, before your feet land back on the tiles inside the bathroom. Max turns on the water and you both step into the shower, the steam now filling the room. Max has an assortment of body washes and shampoos, ranging from musky to citrusy and floral scents. You step closer to Max as he takes some lavender body wash and begins to rub it down your back, his hands dancing over the rest of your body as he starts to wash you. “I know I keep saying this, but you are so beautiful” Max sighs, running his hands over your ass, grabbing a cheek in each hand. “You’re not too bad yourself, handsome” you giggle against Max’s neck.
You both spend at least an hour in the shower, washing each other, chatting and sharing a few more intimate moments. Soon, the wine from dinner, the warm shower water, the scent of lavender and your fatigue from your orgasms starts to take its toll and you feel your eyelids drooping. Max finishes washing you and grabs a towel to help you dry off with. As your eyelids close completely Max has already scooped you up and walked back to the bed, placing you in the middle before wrapping you up in blankets and placing a small kiss on your forehead. “Goodnight my love” he whispers. “Mmmm” you moan, already in a dream state. Max soon gets under the covers with you, embracing you tightly as he watches you sleep, twirling his fingers through your hair. The smell of lavender on your skin soon lulls Maxwell to sleep.
The next morning you wake up, dazed and a little hungover, but well rested. As you look around the room, you survey the many pieces of clothes, miscellaneous items and wine bottles strewn across the floor in a tornado of passion from the night before. As your eyes adjust to the sun, you see Max in an under-shirt and pyjama pants over by the dining table. Max, in his own little world, frantically setting the dining table with some breakfast Alfred had brought up while you were sound asleep. He’s making sure everything is laid out perfectly, straightening the cutlery and pouring Orange Juice and Champagne into a glass from the bar. He hears the cotton sheets move behind him, immediately turning around to see if you’re awake. “Good morning beautiful” Max hums, rushing over to the bed to pepper your cheeks and lips with hundreds of little kisses. “Morning handsome” you giggle, running your hands through Max’s hair, in an attempt to match your bed hair. “Are you hungry, mi amor?” he asks between kisses. “I’m famished” you reply, stretching to help you wake up more. As you writhe around in the sheets you notice you’re wearing a chiffon baby doll.
“I hope you don’t mind I uh, had it in the wardrobe & wasn’t sure if you liked to sleep naked so I put it on you just after you fell asleep.” Max laughs, scratching the back of his head. You blush, feeling embarrassed that you got that drunk, but Max’s reassuring smile makes you feel at ease. “I do usually sleep naked, but I like it, it makes me feel beautiful”. Max sighs “so beautiful”, wrapping you up in a tight embrace and planting a single kiss on your forehead. Max scoops you up and carries you out of bed before you lightly plant your feet onto the carpeted floor. As you glance over to the dining table, Max comes up behind you and helps you slip on a long beautiful chiffon robe, accented with feathers on the hem.
“Another little something for my beautiful mariposa” Max coos, kissing your cheek before pulling out your chair at the dining table. You feel like you’re walking on clouds as you step over to your chair and sit down, Max flapping a napkin onto your lap. “Oh my goodness Max you’re such a gentleman” you blush. “My mother taught me to show women the highest level of respect and care. She made me the man who I am today.” Max replies, looking out the window momentarily. You outstretch your arm across the table to squeeze Max’s hand “And she would be so proud of the man that you’ve become” you beam with a sweet smile. Max soon draws your attention to the diverse spread of pastries on the table, pointing out the different fillings of each and asks if you would like coffee. You nod before noticing a large bouquet of red roses in the middle of the table. As Max places a few pastries on your plate, you feel a sense of intense attraction wash over you like a wave.
Your internal monologue starts to read back to itself, reflecting on how loving, generous and respectful Max is towards you. How much he takes care of you and oh god, how handsome he looks…you start to feel aroused by this somewhat submissive gentleman, sensing a rising heat from your core. Max submitted to your every want and desire last night, raising you up and worshipping you like a goddess, now you wanted to submit to him. Knowing now that you can be vulnerable and honest around Max, you lean back in your chair, biting down on a blueberry pastry.
To be continued..... ;) muahahahaha
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a special thanks to the users below for the inspiration and encouragment!
@pintsizemama @anaaaispunk @maxlordsgf @rav3n-pascal22, @pedrostories, @absurdthirst @pedrosbrat​
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blush-and-books · 4 years ago
always you-shaped thoughts inside my head
so, we found wonderland, the amazing fanfic by @pink-flame ended this week. as a result of my deep and sorrowful mourning, i wrote a fanfic for a fucking fanfic. yes, everyone, we have reached that point. so if you’re one of the unfortunate souls who hasn’t read it then you can start here and do not read this if you don’t want spoilers babes!!!!
anyways, i don’t want to talk about how much i cried when i wrote this. moving on. title from find u again by mark ronson ft. camila cabello and once again THANK YOU @pink-flame FOR THIS WORK, I LOVED IT, I LOVE YOU, ENJOY
A/N: the first part of this is a reimagining of a scene from the story, and the second part is more of a deleted scene. grab tissues if you’re one who cries easily. also tagging @bluefirewrites because i kept texting you while writing this
Julie doesn’t know in what timeline she thought that going to the bookstore would be a good idea. 
Even with her back flat against the wall and Luke’s book clutched identically between her hands and the palms of every other eager fan in the room, she felt like she was too close. Like this was a mistake.
She was the one who insisted they don’t look for each other. 
But here they were. Him, with a poem that crossed time with the silent, lost plea for her to come back to him; her, who chose to answer the call even if she knew she shouldn’t have. Julie should have realized that she couldn’t avoid him forever. Their paths were meant to cross in every universe. 
When he takes the stage, she doesn’t shatter. Yet. 
People are swamped beside her and Flynn on all sides, and she still feels like it’s just the two of them. Once he’s in her line of sight, it’s only him in the room, only him that exists. 
In a world where she’s jumped to and from across time, Luke may be the most real thing she’s ever known. 
The words he says as he reads and answers questions hit her ears as just a series of tones and syllables that are achingly familiar. He’s laughing through one of the book’s anecdotes and suddenly she’s back in the arcade, laughing with him at the pinball machine. He’s talking about the rush of playing their first sold-out show, and she’s back in the greenroom as he heatedly kisses her up against a wall after she spent so much time fighting for him to love her again. 
He’s reading about his parents, and she’s back on that pull-out couch that was only comfy when he was in it; listening to him whisper about their fragmented relationship. 
But then a 20-year-old pokes him about the poem. And he says he loves her -- well, not explicitly, but he says it’s about love -- and the other shoe drops. 
Tears inundate her eyes. 
“I have to go,” her voice shakes as a sob threatens to rip through her words. Flynn offers to join, but Julie needs fresh air and to be alone and to just let her tears fall onto the asphalt of an alleyway without feeling the need to explain herself. She will always be alone in these emotions, in this heartbreak, and that’s okay -- she just doesn’t want anyone to act like they get it.
So she passes her book to Flynn, urges her to get it signed, and flees out the side door. 
Right before she’s out, the 20-year-old presses on about Find Me: “Well, what if they came to you now? What if they found you? Wouldn’t you be happy to see them?”
The exit slams shut behind her and she doesn’t get to hear his answer. 
“Well, what if they came to you now? What if they found you? Wouldn’t you be happy to see them?”
Flynn watches intently as Luke’s eyes darken. The book feels heavy in her hands, and she feels like she is suddenly intruding on an intimate moment between Luke and Julie -- even with Julie gone. 
She didn’t always understand what happened with her best friend. But this was clearly a mind, body and soul situation. 
Luke has to clear his throat and blink rapidly before answering. “God, sorry, that one caught me a little!” The audience chuckles. “No one’s asked me that so far on this tour. That’s a good question. I probably think about it more than I should, but… I mean, first of all, they wouldn’t come and find me. I know them well enough to know that Find Me just… Went out into the universe with no expectation of a response. But if they decided too, I… I’d wanna make sure they were happy. And I’d probably thank them one more time for everything they did when I was younger. I would probably be in shock, honestly. I haven’t seen them in a long time.”
Flynn is wiping her nose with a stray tissue from her purse before she can even register that she’s started crying. 
The random people in the back row with her send her strange looks, wondering why she’s getting so emotional, but hearing Luke talk about her best friend like that… 
“Do you still love them?”
God, this person won’t give him a break!
The rockstar visibly tenses up, and the easy grin plastered on his face breaks. That’s when his manager hustles onstage and announces that they are going to start the signing; and everyone needs to start lining up. 
Flynn has to fight to get farther up in line, but it’s worth it when she reaches him.
“Hi,” he smiles, “who should I make it out to?”
The word makes her tongue feel like lead. “Julie.”
His head snaps up, and he’s fully looking at her for the first time. There are a thousand Julie’s in the world, but he knows it’s his. 
“I’m her best friend,” Flynn continues, shifting her teary eyes down to her converse because fuck Julie wasn’t kidding when she said his eyes were intense sometimes. 
“Oh... She told you-”
“Where is she? Is she here?”
She’s not even looking at him, but he sounds so desperate, and the water in her eyes swells as she glances at the exit off to her side. “Not right now. But she wanted me to get this signed for her.”
Luke’s Sharpie doesn’t move across the inside cover. In fact, he’s frozen; staring off in the distance with what Flynn is sure must be a whirlwind of emotion that he didn’t ask for. Flynn isn’t sure how to handle it -- they’re in public, and she’s minorly concerned she just sent him spiraling, and they don’t even know each other -- but she feels the need to relay a message since he’ll never get to hear it from Julie himself. 
“She…” Luke looks back up at her; eyes boring into hers in a way that could tug the truth out of anybody. As she blinks, an enthusiastic tear drops onto her cheek, and she instantly lifts her index finger under her eye to catch anything else. “Fuck, my eyeliner. Sorry. Anyways-”
The words get caught in her throat again, so she has to take another deep breath. Helping star-crossed lovers communicate when they are almost thirty years apart is more emotionally taxing than she anticipated. 
“She’s really proud of you,” Flynn finally manages with a voice squeakier and higher than she ever wants to hear it again. Another tear falls from her other eye. “She loves y- your music, and hopes that you have everything you wanted and she’s so proud of you for everything you’ve built.”
At this point, the crumpled tissue in her hand has been helping her dry her eyes because standing in front of Luke Patterson and trying to tell him that the love of his life still cares -- still watches from afar, still wants the world for him -- is making her realize the emotional turmoil that Julie must have been feeling all this time. 
How did she do it?
In front of her, Luke is rubbing his hands over his face and audibly takes a deep, sniffly breath in. Turning to the same woman who got onstage to transition the event before, he informs her: “I need to get some air.”
“Luke, where are you-”
But he’s already forcefully pushing himself back in his chair, grasping the book off of the signing table, and darting out the same exit that Julie stormed through ten minutes ago. 
When the manager turns to look at Flynn -- she bolts away and towards the front entrance. If Julie and Luke are about to meet in that alleyway, she doesn’t want to intrude. Even if she already fucked up both of their plans to never see each other again. 
Julie is still hyperventilating and sobbing in the alleyway when the emergency exit loudly flings open against the wall of the bookstore. Her arms are wrapped tightly around herself with a childish prayer to have Teddy Luke in her arms, because at least then there would be a little piece of him to stay with her when the rest of him is gone.
She’s expecting Flynn, or an employee on their smoke break, but not-
A whimper leaves her lips at hearing him say her name for the first time in so long. His own eyes are glassy, and even though he’s so much older his eyes are still the same. He’s still her Luke, and that’s such a dangerous idea to touch in this timeline but she can’t let it go. 
“I’m so sorry,” she wails, trying to avoid looking at his heartbroken expression for too long. “I know, I said we can’t do this, I just-”
“Did you want me to find you?”
Air puffs from his mouth in a harsh sigh as he takes a few steps closer to her; incredulously focused on the fact that she’s there, in front of him, real. “I- Of course, of course I did, Julie. I just didn’t think you’d come. But I wanted you to know I was looking.”
Her eyelids fall shut. More tears are pushed out, and she doesn’t know if she’s crying or laughing because of course Luke would look even when she told him not to. He respected her, and he respected her wishes, but he could never help himself from pushing the boundaries. 
Achingly, she’s always been so grateful for that trait in him. 
But now the two of them are awkwardly standing only a few feet away, and the urge to just feel him, assure that he’s solid in front of her is becoming all too real. 
Gravel rolls under the soles of her shoes. “I loved the book,” she confesses. “All of the stories. I mean, I’m sorry about the- About your splits-”
“I shouldn’t have even tried with them-”
“But everything else, just…”
How does she say it?
“When- Back when, in the other timeline, and you guys were ghosts… Those stories were the kind of thing you had always wanted. You were so determined to get it, and-” She sniffles. “I’m so glad you got it.”
His lips turn downward. It’s a flash of the familiarly frustrated Luke who is trying to make a tough decision, but in this case, she doesn’t know what that decision is. All she sees is the wince at her saying it was what he wanted, and how happy she was that he got it, and-
A conceited part of her contemplates if he’s about to correct her, tell her that life hasn’t been great, say that he would have rather had it differently; but he doesn’t want her to think her sacrifice was for nothing. 
Oh, God, please say he’s happy. She doesn’t think she could handle anything less. 
“It’s thanks to you,” he responds instead, gulping down any more that threatens to come up. “You saved me.” Beat. “Are- Are you happy? Is everything in this timeline okay?”
Well, in her head, not exactly. Of course she still had her dad and brother and Flynn, but Sunset Curve never stayed together, she erased Carrie’s entire existence, and everything felt just a little tilted on its axis. Julie felt like a stranger in a world of her own creation. 
She yearned for the days back in Wonderland where everyone belonged. They were a little scarred and a little broken, but they were home. Her house from the original 2020 timeline was her home. Luke was her home, and he was right in front of her; the only security blanket she has right now. 
Once again, she finds herself bursting into tears and wanting so badly to reach out to him, to give him a hug and tell him she wishes that she stayed in bed in Wonderland with him forever. She wants to jump back down the black hole and go back to 1995 when things made more sense than they did now and Luke could be hers again; and not a distant love that could never materialize in the present. 
Julie, miraculously, holds herself back. But watching Luke’s hands flinch at the sight of her crying doesn’t make things easier. 
“Please don’t cry.” His voice is a whisper but the words hit with a force that almost buckles her knees. “Julie, please, take a deep breath.”
She takes in a breath that makes her lungs expand into her ribs. “I’m happy,” she lies through her teeth as she breathes out slowly. “I’m happy. We’re happy.”
Tears are running down his face. She recalls a time where it was easy for her to hold his face and swipe under his eyes with her thumbs until there were no more tears for her to kiss away. 
In unison, they clear their throats and shift their eyes. The air changes; they know they’re in a public place again, and Luke is an adult musician, and he’s with a fan. He holds his hand up, the one that has the book, and shakes it a little back and forth. 
“Flynn said you wanted this signed?”
A watery smile blooms on her face in spite of the bitter moment. “Yeah,” she nods. “Thought it could be another memento.”
To put emphasis on the idea, she lifts up onto her tiptoes and tilts her voice up. Make it a more positive moment. Don’t dwell. Stop crying. 
You can’t change things now. 
Luke pops the cap off with his teeth, and toys around with it in his mouth like it’s one of his marked-up guitar picks as he holds the book open and scribbles something (probably illegible) on the inside of the front cover. 
Then, once he’s done there, he starts flipping the pages around like he knows where every detail of the story is and marks up certain pages with… Something. She doesn’t know. After he’s made his wanted notes, he writes something out on the last page before firmly shutting it and returning it to her possession. 
“Thank you,” she smiles simply as she pulls the book from his hands and carefully assures that their hands don’t overlap. If she touches him, she falls apart. 
Luke hums in response. 
Stupidly, Julie decides that moment to open up the book and see what he wrote while he’s standing right in front of her. But she isn’t thinking about him, or looking at him -- she’s looking at the inside cover. 
We were always meant to find each other. Don’t forget that - please. 
When a tear drops on the page, she quickly turns farther into the book because she doesn’t want her feelings to ruin his beautiful, even if messy, words. These words are all she’ll have after today. 
The few pages in the book that he made notes on were just little things that she never knew she needed to hear. 
The chapter about his first sold out stadium show? Thought of you the whole time
When he heard he was nominated for a Grammy? Wanted to call you first
The night he won his first Grammy? Almost thanked you in my speech
The last page he wrote on was the Acknowledgements page. Unsurprisingly, it wasn’t that long. Luke kept a core circle of people and that was that. But below that short list, in bold, black letters:
To Julie Molina, who sacrificed everything so that I could be able to tell these stories. I wish she could have been a part of them. 
Her tears slip from her face so clear and quickly that she’s surprised her tear ducts are generating such a mass amount. The words replay in her head, in Luke’s voice, over and over. The affirmation that he wanted her with him all this time. 
But she had to go again. This had to be a one-time thing. This hurt too much for her to put either of them through it again, and besides -- now she had closure in his own writing; with her tears notarizing each word. 
“It’s time, Julie,” she mutters to herself. “It’s time.”
To say goodbye. Again. 
But Luke never answers. It’s dead silent, even though cars should be racing on the road behind them. When she looks up, Luke is frozen to the spot. Everything is, except her. 
“Time is a funny thing isn’t it? Just when you think you have a handle on it, it manages to surprise you.” 
It’s Willie, but not actually Willie. The one who was giving her the clues and trying to lead her in directions all over 1995; the one who she hasn’t seen in a really, really long time. For a moment, she doesn’t believe it. 
But he tells her that fate is in her hands. This is her choice. And despite the doubt that lingers uneasily in her chest, she can’t help but be desperate for this to be real. 
“Why not you? Who better than Julie Molina? Teenage girl with a good heart and music in her soul. Braver than most. Why not you?” 
Julie jumped across time to save her boys, and now she is willing to make the trip again if it means there’s a chance of saving them all. 
But there’s one more thing she wants to do. Just before everything either is perfect again or goes to complete shit. 
Spinning away from Willie, she takes a second glance at Luke’s still frame and softens her face into a smile. He had been looking down at her while she was reading his notes with tears in his eyes and a sad grin on his face. 
No one is looking or judging anymore -- so she stands on her toes and throws her arms around his neck, squeezing him close even if he can’t hug her back. She’s been dying to do this since she saw him in the bookstore. 
And it feels like coming home. 
“I’ll find you again,” she whispers into his ear that probably isn’t listening. “I promise.”
And without any more hesitation, she turns back to Willie with her chin up and shoulders back. 
“What do I have to do?”
The book never finds its way back to her the way that the bear does or the way that the ring does. 
But that’s okay, because the bookstore does, and she’s with Luke when she registers that they are walking by the bookstore on their way to meet everyone at one of their favorite diners. 
By now, Luke had been told everything. She felt herself starting to fall in love with this third Luke just as she had all the others, but could never tell if he was falling back in love with her. Julie found herself -- while this timeline was infinitely better than the old one -- pining for Luke to come back to her and love her like he did in two other lifetimes. 
Their hands were brushing each other’s on the sidewalk when the bookstore sign met her eyes. 
Her feet are glued to the cement; her eyes are glued to the alleyway. Luke approaches behind her and lays a hesitant hand on her shoulder. 
“Jules, are you- Is everything okay?”
“Can we take a detour, really quick?”
And suddenly, he’s letting her lace her fingers through his and pull him through traffic -- no crosswalk in sight -- across the street to stand in front of a bookstore that has zero meaning to him whatsoever. Julie selfishly revels in his calluses rubbing her knuckles and doesn’t make a move to let go unless he will. 
He doesn’t. At least, until they hit the alleyway.
“Julie, what is this place? Why are we out here? Is this… Did I like it here, or something?”
They never spoke much about the Luke’s of other timelines. Julie quickly caught onto the fact that he got uncomfortable when she talked about guys with his name and face that he knew virtually nothing about even though he felt pressured to know everything. 
But he dealt with her when she had moments like these. She never thanked him properly for it.
“It wasn’t like that,” she shakes her head, “we were here in the other 2020. The one where you were older, and this huge Grammy-winning solo musician. The one that was a result of what I did in 1995.”
The exit door is still rusty on the hinges. The brick is the same shade of red, and-
“Okay… And? What did you guys do?”
His use of third person is a clear message. “Him and I had made this promise in ‘95 that we wouldn't find each other, right?” “Because he would be old.”
“Yeah. But he published this book and had a whole signing tour called Find Me, and Flynn told me we should go, and… Basically, I had a mental breakdown at seeing him, and then he came back here and signed the book for me, and we talked, and-”
Her voice cracks. Her eyes feel wet. 
Can’t she make it one timeline without sobbing in an alleyway?
A familiar hand rubs up and down her back as she stares, firmly, at the spot where her and Luke were so vividly standing and talking and pining for the other. 
“Jules, hey, look at me.” 
Because it’s Luke -- because it’s her Luke -- she listens to him, and rotates to face him. The soft fabric of his shirt hits her cheeks as he presses his fingers into the cotton and lifts his hand to wipe the tears from her face in a gesture that tempts her to cry more. Instead, she tries to laugh it off. “God, I really need to stop having meltdowns in alleyways, huh?” He stays quiet; looking at her in a recognizable Luke way that reminds her of all of their loving times in other lives. But she can’t get her hopes up. “I’m sorry. I know you don’t like when I talk about it. Sometimes I just-”
“You need to,” he nods. “I get it.”
Her feet are planted identically where they were in alternate-2020. But Luke is in a different spot, because this is a new Luke. One that’s right in front of her, lightly holding her arms; not one that’s a few feet out of reach. 
“He told me that we would always find each other.” Her voice is watered down, and quiet, but Luke is close enough to hear it. 
“Well, he was right, wasn’t he? We did it. For like, the fourth time, according to you.”
And then, she’s hit with a Luke Patterson smile. She sees it all of the time now but it never gets old because he’s young, and he’s happy, and he’s here. 
Her lips turn up to reflect it, and in a shocking turn of events: Luke instigates the hug. 
They are nearly best friends, so they’ve hugged before. But this one is different. 
His arms fold around her shoulders and tug her close and snug into his chest so that his chin is nearly resting on her hair. This leaves her able to press him close to her with her arms wrapped tightly and lovingly around his waist -- almost, dare she say it, like he was a teddy bear. 
“I never said I’m sorry,” he murmurs into her forehead. “Or thank you, for that matter.” “For what?” “I’m sorry you went through so much for me. For us. It still affects you a lot and I’m sorry you have to carry that alone.” His chest rises and falls under her cheek as he takes a deep breath, and she doesn’t think she’ll ever get tired of feeling him breathe or hearing his heartbeat. “And thank you for loving us enough to do it. You sacrificed a lot.”
She is too choked up to verbally comment -- but she squeezes him tighter, almost tempting her arms to swish through him. 
They don’t. 
And Luke continues talking after a moment of a peaceful silence. “It’s kind of cool, though, for me to think about this person I have in the universe. You know? The whole thing with us finding each other. I always have you, no matter where I am. You’ll be out there.”
“Always,” she sighs into his chest, because she can’t help it. It took them a few tries, but here they are: In the same timeline, with full family and friends and lives, in a reciprocated hug. 
“Always.” Luke repeats the word, almost feeling it out in his mouth. “Well, thanks for doing it again. Maybe let me do the work next time. You need a break.”
God, this Luke is always so good at making her laugh. Ghost-Luke was, too, but the other Luke’s and her were always swept up in emotionally-taxing situations for her to be laughing like she could when she was with this Luke. 
It was almost as if this one had practice. Maybe those other lives were kicking in.
He was her final Luke, hopefully. 
As she props her chin up on his chest, she gives him the widest grin she’s worn all day. “I would appreciate that. Just don’t take too long.” Her forehead nuzzles itself into his neck as she settles herself back into his arms; fully content to be wrapped up in him for as long as he will let her stay. “I’ll get worried.”
A soothing hand over her hair is all the confirmation she needs. 
“Don’t worry, Boss. I’ll be there.”
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limitlessgojo · 4 years ago
The Truth Hurts, but does it really?
Kamo Noritoshi x F!Reader
This is Part 2 of the story.
Here is part 1
Extra: Kamo's POV
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You quickly flew straight to the edge of the campus. Thank goodness it's covered in many trees at the border. You gently made your descent and jogged over to a small open field surrounded by trees. There were small bushes of roses here and there. Releasing your cursed technique, you sat down on a flat stone and breathed out a large sigh.
You took a moment to breathe and looked up to see the pink, orange, and blue sky. The sun was beginning to set. It's gorgeous. 'What in earth do I do now?! I just confessed to him didn't I? In front of like at least half the student body?!'
You can literally hear your pulse thundering against your eardrums with how furiously your heart is beating, both from the adrenaline of flying high up and the disaster that just happened.
You remembered the shock in Noritoshi's eyes. He didn't look so happy upon hearing the confession. 'I've gone and fcked up didn't I? How could I ever talk to him again?'. You finally decided to live a life of forgetting him. 'Okay. I'll definitely apologise. Not now but soon". What more can you do? Just do your best to put your feelings for him behind.
"Ahhhh, I wanna listen to BTS." You reached for your phone, only to realize it wasn't with you. Ah shit. What a day this was. You only wanted your phone, but even that was with Noritoshi-senpai.
You closed your eyes and sat quietly. About 10 to 15 minutes passed in silence. It was just you, the wind that you loved so much, the trees, and the darkening skies. Finally, your pulse slowed down to a steady beat. You could feel the fog from your head clearing up a bit more, your thoughts getting more organized as you began to compartmentalize.
You blew out a loud breath and sigh as you felt yourself getting hungry. You needed to go back soon, but you didn't have any courage to do so. The sun had already set, and the sky was turning darker by the second.
But just standing up and thinking about Noritoshi already makes your knees weak. You've always found it a bit harder to fall in love. But when you do, you completely find yourself devoted to that person.
"Why I am I like this?!!" You frustratedly pulled the roots of your hair. "Why indeed y/n". At the sound of your name, you whipped your head towards the source of the sound, only to find Noritoshi standing at the edge of the open clearing by the trees. He was damn good at hiding his presence.
Time froze. The harsh winds have transformed into a gentle breeze. You didn't dare breathe, just stared at him. Then remembered what you had to do. "I'm so sorry for earlier." You blurted out loud as you suddenly stood up.
Noritoshi's expression darkened. You felt yourself shiver and shrink into yourself. 'Ah, I made him more mad didn't I?". He walked towards you, while you slowly stepped backwards. "I didn't mean to confess- I mean, there was this cursed tool that Mai senpai had- and she and Momo senpai told me they wanted to help me look for my phone, but that was after I did what they-".
Your words were brought to a halt as your back hit the trunk of a tree. Noritoshi stopped just as you did. The sky grew dark and another awkward silence stretched between the two of you. He suddenly leaned down and sternly said, "Don't apologize".
"Are you apologising because you like me? It makes me feel bad, like you're trying to take your confession back." He grumbled, confusing you further.
".... How did you even find me?"
"Your cursed energy is leaking everywhere, I could sense it from afar." He stated.
He was still frowning. You found yourself wanting to smooth out the lines on his face, so you cupped his cheek. The edges of his lips quirked up as you did so, and he leaned ever so slightly into your touch. You eyed his features, eventually settling on his lips. 'Does he like me back?'
Finding a burst of bravery, you looked up at him, straight into his eyes and confessed properly.
"Noritoshi senpai. I've liked you for a long time now. I think I more than like you, but I'm not sure if you feel the same way so...." You trailed off feeling more unsure by the second.
He leaned down, placing one hand above yours, and pressed in close to you until his half lidded eyes were all that you can see. You can feel his breath against your lips, only a centimeter apart from his. He smells so good and clean, like warm freshly laundered cotton sheets with fabric softener. You felt the tension seep away from your form as he finally murmured "I love you too", in response to your confession from earlier.
His lips pressed against yours as you closed your eyes. Warmth was all you could feel around you. Your head feels way too fuzzy like you're tucked in the softest blankets in the middle of winter.
You reached up and clasped your hands together behind the base of his neck, playing with the baby hairs there. He shivered then slid an arm around your waist with another hand behind your head, pulling you even closer to him.
His lips were so soft. You nibbled on his lower lip, and you felt him smile against you. He then pried your lips apart with his tongue and slipped it inside your mouth. This was your first kiss, so you just let him lead. Before long, you were running short of air, and you repeatedly patted his shoulder before he got the message and let go.
It was only then you realized how heavy Noritoshi was breathing as well, his face flushed red. Visible even in the dark. "Is it too fast for you?" He quietly asked. Even at a time like this, he is so thoughtful. "N-no, I'm fine." you replied as you stared back at him. He smiled as you brought your hands to his face. Kissing the tips of your fingers, then the inside of your wrist, he pulled you back and peppered kisses all over your face.
He pulled you down to the ground. You sat in his lap, making yourself comfortable before leaning back up to catch his lips. His hands felt hot and heavy, running down the side of your body, as if trying to convince himself that this is real. Noritoshi tasted too good. You were losing yourself in him.
He pulled down the collar of your uniform to suck the skin and leave love marks there, making you moan out and shiver.
"Senpai! I- I've never-". He stopped and kissed you on the forehead ever so gently. "Let's take it slow then love? I've never as well".
You stare at him, unbelieving. The man should have some experience with the way he made you so dizzy. "I'm telling the truth you know." He muttered, ears red.
It was then you realized that he was trying to put on a stronger front. So that he could take the lead and not seem awkward.
He brought his lips beside your ears as he nervously laughed, his breath making you shiver. 'Ah. Her ears and neck are her weak points' Noritoshi thought to himself.
"Be mine?" He asked you while kissing the side of your neck. "Yes I'm all yours. As long as you're mine too." You shook as he latched onto your weak spots. You pushed at his chest. "Can I get a bit of air?" You whispered. He smiled down at you, giving you a bit of space.
A distraction would be nice. "Here's your phone." he handed it to you. "Aaahhh you're the best Noritoshi senpai!!!" He leaned down once again pressing his lips to your ear as he whispered, "Didn't realize that you loved me more than you did BTS." (This man doesn't have any self control when it comes to you apparently).
For the millionth time that night, your brain just stopped functioning. You felt your cheeks heat up even more, realising that he saw the polaroid of both of you that was stuck to the back of the phone case. Just under the Suga photocard.
"Noritoshi senpai, I don't think I can handle anymore teasing." You weakly tried to push him off while he continued kissing your ear and neck. 'Has he always been this touchy??', you wondered.
"Huh?" Now it was his turn to blush and fluster.
"I wanna call you Toshi, if you don't mind. Or darling?" You smiled up at him as you hug him tightly once more. He flushed REALLY BRIGHT RED upon hearing the term of endearment. 'He is so cute.' "Of course you can. Call me anything you want love", he snuggled against you, rubbing your cheeks together.
.. .
"Toshi, we need to go back now."
"Ah" he said. "Five more minutes". He dove back for more kisses. Who knew Kamo Noritoshi was just a fluffy teddy bear?
"Fine. But I'm the one flying us back, we need to hurry later." You pouted up at him, but he just gently smiled and kissed your pout away.
Epilogue (Bonus after story scene)
Five minutes later, on the dot because Noritoshi is proper like that, he was holding onto you, as both of you flew back to the main building. "Oh bloody hell." You muttered as you could see Mai and Momo cheering and hooting from afar. "Nup, detour. Toshi! My room or yours?" You asked him. Putting your cursed technique in motion as you placed another invisible cloak over the both of you.
"Mine", he replied straight-faced as ever. "Y/N-CHAN you owe us deets tomorrow!!!" both girls yelled out loud as soon as they saw both of you disappear. "Oh my gosh, just ignore them Toshi." He laughed above you, still holding onto your shoulders. You both landed in front of the door to his room. "We should thank them for somehow helping us get together. But then again they're the types to hold it against us so best to not thank them." he said as you both entered his room.
Your heart kick-started another fast beat as you walked inside. You're alone, with your lover.
"I'm home" he said. You felt your eyes mist a bit. Oh how you loved him fiercely with all your heart, and now he's all yours. "Welcome home, Toshi".
Second extra side scene:
Arata was still rummaging around, looking for your phone until he ended up in the common dining room. "Good evening Zenin senpai, Nishimiya senpai, have any of you seen y/n's phone? She misplaced it somewhere." He wheezed out.
"Noritoshi found it already, it's all good." Mai found herself laughing at the poor boy who was stressed out from you earlier, freaking out about losing your Lil Meow Meow or something. "Ahh, I can finally get some rest." Arata cried.
(yes reward the poor boy who looked for your phone for hours and still ended up empty handed, while Noritoshi somehow found it immediately).
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Author's notes: Hope you enjoyed reading! This was originally intended as a one-shot. But it grew much longer than I expected so I made it a two-part. And now I can think of extending it for a bit longer. Or leaving it as it is.
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snappedsky · 3 years ago
Fanatics 94.5
The Nightmare tries to slow down the Battalion and the Night Terrors.
*Links to previous and next chapters in reblog*
Final Awakening: Road Trip of Doom Part 5
           Squee stands on top of the building he landed on when he fell. It’s a small, one-floor house, likely abandoned. He’s mostly unharmed; just a little winded and shaken.
           He examines the empty street below and the skies above, but he sees no sign of his friends. Who knows where they landed.
           “How am I gonna find them?” he muses, scratching his head.
           He turns at the voice to see Dib crossing the roof to approach him, and he smiles with relief.
           “Dib. You’re alright. Do you-.” He stops as Dib gets closer and whips out his knife, pointing it at him. “Don’t come closer.”
           “Squee, what are you doing?” Dib asks, raising his hands.
           “You’re not Dib.”
           “What are you talking about? Of course I am.”
           “No, you’re not,” Squee insists vehemently. “I can see it in your eyes. You’re a fake.”
           Dib’s skin suddenly starts wriggling like tentacles before falling apart, revealing himself to be just that- a mound of tentacles, tendrils, and fangs. The Nightmare.
           Squee takes a fearful step back, his knife hand wavering. The tendrils lash out at him and he squeaks and moves to dive out of the way, when someone jumps out in front of him.
           The Nightmare mass slam into the person and is quickly absorbed, slurped up into his mouth like a plate of spaghetti. He sighs contently, patting his stomach.
           “Shmee!” Squee gasps.
           His old teddy-bear-turned-human looks back at him, smiling. “You alright?”            “Yeah,” he sighs, “what was that?”            “Just a small piece of the Nightmare,” Shmee replies, “looks like it’s taking matters into its own hands-er, tentacles.”
           “Where are the others?” Squee asks.
           “No idea, you were my first priority. But look.” He points towards the sky where a bright purple light can be seen.
           “That must be Tak,” Squee surmises. “Maybe the van’s there.”            “My thoughts exactly. Let’s go.”
           They hop off the building and walk down the quiet street. It’s only after a couple minutes when they come across someone else.
           “Hey!” a voice calls out from above and Pepito flies down. He lands in front of them as his wings shrink back into his shoulder blades.
           “Pepito,” Squee sighs with relief. “It’s really you.”
           “Yeah, of course it’s me,” he replies with confusion.
         “The Nightmare is trying to trick us,” Shmee explains, “I just hope the others don’t fall for it.”
           “We’re smarter than that,” Pepito argues, “…probably.”
           Meanwhile, not too far away, Dib is also walking down a street from where he landed. He has spotted the purple light in the sky and has resolved to go it.
           He passes a few Korean people as he walks. They give him odd looks but otherwise ignore him. Dib ignores them too, keeping his eyes open for his friends or any sort of threat.
           He turns at the voice and sees Gaz coming down an adjacent path towards him.
           “Gaz, you’re okay!” he says with relief.
           “Come on, we should go this way,” she orders, pointing back down the path she came from.
           “Huh? But what about that light?” Dib questions, “don’t you think it might be Tak?”
           “I saw more of our friends this way,” Gaz insists.
           “Oh, alright,” he nods and begins to follow her.
          She leads him towards a tight alley between two buildings and he hesitates slightly. “Uh, Gaz, are you sure you saw them this way?”
           “Yes. Come. Hurry,” she demands.
           Dib starts to take an apprehensive step forward and a voice cries out, “wait!”
           A blue force field appears between Dib and Gaz. Gaz exclaims angrily and pounds against the shield as Nailbunny drops down next to Dib.
           “What are you doing?” Dib asks accusingly, “let her go!”
           “Calm down,” Nailbunny calmly orders, “that is the Nightmare trying to trick you.”
           “What are you talking about? It’s Gaz!”
           “Just look.”
           Dib looks back at Gaz to see her skin wriggling before falling apart into a mass of tentacles. Dib flinches back with disgust and fear as the nightmarish mass slams against Nailbunny’s shield. Then Eff drops down from a roof over top of it and slices it in half with a sword. The severed pieces flop about on the ground before disappearing into black smoke.
           Nailbunny drops the shield, letting Eff out of the alley. He rests the sword on his shoulder and cocks an eyebrow at Dib.
           “You must’ve been one of those kids who went off with strangers who said they’re friends with your parents,” he remarks.
           Dib withers beneath his gaze. “Ah, s-sorry.”
           “At least we got to you before the Nightmare did,” Nailbunny points out, “now let’s go.”
           The three of them continue heading towards the purple light.
           Not too far away, the real Gaz glares at Tak as the cyborg Irken approaches her.
           “Who are you?” Gaz asks.
           “I’m Tak,” she replies, “now come on. I saw our friends this way.”
           “Yeah, right,” Gaz scoffs and grabs her war hammer off her back. Without hesitation, she smashes it into Tak’s chest. Dark goo splatters the road and weapon as the fake Tak shatters into tentacle pieces before disappearing into black smoke.
           “Wow.” Gaz looks back at the voice and sees Sickness standing on a building. “Guess you don’t need my help.”
           Gaz points her hammer at her threateningly. “Are you real?”
           Sickness grins with amusement and disappears into a blur of purple, stopping just in front of Gaz. “Does that answer your question?”
           Gaz huffs and lowers her weapon.
           “Now let’s get a move on,” Sickness orders as she looks at the purple light in the sky. “We shouldn’t stay separated from the others for long.”            The girls march their way down the street.
           Back with Pepito, Squee, and Shmee, their walk through the outskirts of the city has been quiet. They haven’t run into any other Nightmare clones and have passed by only a couple of civilians that keep to themselves. Eventually they reach a dead-end and take a left turn to get to another road out of the city. As they reach this road, they run into Dib, Eff, and Nailbunny.
           “Dib,” Squee says, “you’re really you.”
           “How can you tell?” Pepito asks.
           “I can see it in his eyes.”            “You guys-.” Eff starts to say as he and Nailbunny approach, but Dib stops them.
           “Hold it,” he orders and points at Squee and others. “I may really be me, but how do I know you’re really you?”
           “No, they are-.” Nailbunny tries to reply but Dib cuts him off again.
           “It’s okay, I’ll handle this,” he says and addresses the other group. “I trust Squee’s judgement, so if you’re real, I’ll know the others are real too. So, tell me something only the real Squee would know.”            “This is such a waste of time,” Eff groans, “he’s real-.”
           “Shush, let him speak,” Dib orders.
           “Did you just shush me…?” Eff growls.
           “Something only I would know?” Squee muses, “okay. You remember when you let me borrow your computer, and I accidently went into your search history and I found that site with the tentacles-.”
           “Okay, okay!” Dib exclaims, frantically waving his hands. “It’s really you! I believe you!”
           “Wait, what site? What tentacles?” Pepito asks excitedly.
           “Nothing, there was no site! No tentacles!” Dib snaps as he walks forward. “Let’s just keep going!”
           “I promised I wouldn’t tell,” Squee shrugs as the others follow.
           Back with Gaz and Sickness, they’re making steady progress to the purple light when they come across Tenna and D-boy.
           “Hey, guys!” Tenna chimes happily. She’s carrying a little Styrofoam box.      “Tenna, you alright?” Sickness asks.
           “Oh, yeah. D-boy saved me,” she replies, patting D-boy’s cheek, much to his chagrin.
           “What a hero,” Sickness comments cheekily, further aggravating him.
           “What do you have?” Gaz asks.
           “Ah, they’re called um...” Tenna looks at D-boy.
           “Gimbap,” he replies.
           “Right,” she nods and shows off the contents of the container. They’re little rolls of rice wrapped in seaweed and stuffed with salmon. “This food vendor saw us fall and gave it to us.”
           “You probably shouldn’t take food from strangers,” Gaz points out but takes a roll and pops it into her mouth. “It’s good though.”
           “Let’s keep going,” Sickness orders, “we’ll probably run into the others along the way.”
           She is quite right. As they continue down the road towards the edge of the city, they run into Dib, Pepito, Squee, Eff, Shmee, and Nailbunny coming down a connecting road. None of them break their stride as they continue together.
           “Did you run into any problems?” Squee asks.
           “The Nightmare tried to trick me,” Gaz replies, “but I could tell right away. You?”
           “Nope, no tricks here,” Dib insists and Eff rolls his eyes.
           “So we’re only missing Zim, Tak, Johnny, Devi, and Reverend Meat right?” Pepito asks.
           “If Tak’s making that light then she must be okay,” Squee replies, “hopefully we’ll find the others there too.”
           “You guys hungry?” Tenna asks, holding out her box.
           “Yeah,” everyone replies and grabs a roll.
           They exit the city and head straight into the trees. The closer to the light they get, the harder it is to see through the branches, but they just keep going forward.
           “Are we close?” D-boy asks.
           “I don’t know,” Sickness replies as she tries to look past the branches. “I can’t see it.”
           “What’s that?” Eff asks.
           Everyone stops as they see something metal high up in the trees, resting on the branches.
           “It’s the van!” Nailbunny gasps.
           “Hey!” Eff calls out.
           They see some movement around the van then Reverend Meat falls down, landing perfectly before them.
           “Oh, good. You’re all here,” he says.
           “Not quite,” Squee replies, “we’re still missing Zim, Tak, Devi, and Johnny.”
           “Tak, Devi, and Johnny are on the bus,” he replies, pointing up.
           “What about Zim?” Dib asks.
           As if on cue, Zim emerges from the bushes to the left…and the right.
           The group looks back and forth at the two Zims incredulously.
           “Not this again,” Pepito groans.
           “Imposter!” both Zims bark, pointing at each other.
           “That one’s the real one,” Squee states, pointing to the one on the left.
           “Good eye, Squee!” Zim booms, “Gir, Minimoose, attack the fake Zim!”
           The two minions leap out of the bush and tackle Zim into a tree. “No, not me, you fools!”
           “Watch it!” Shmee warns, turning everyone’s attention to the fake Zim. His skin squirms before he splits open into the Nightmare appendages. They lash towards the group but Nailbunny blocks them with a force field. Then Shmee bites them and sucks them up into his gullet.
           “Mm, good snacks,” he comments.
           “Nice work meeting back up, everyone,” Zim remarks as he approaches, Gir and Minimoose harmlessly banging his head. “Now onto the next order of business- how will we get the van down?”
           “Um, I think that’s about to take care of itself,” D-boy replies.
           Overhead, the branches holding the van creak beneath its weight before finally snapping one by one. Everyone screams as the vehicle plummets towards them.
           “Duck!” Reverend Meat barks and throws up his arms. He easily catches the van, balancing it over his head. Everyone quickly scrambles out of the way and he carefully lowers it onto the ground.
           They open the door and peek inside to find Johnny, Devi, and Tak lying on the floor, dazed but unharmed.
           “Wha-what happened?” Devi asks as she sits up.
           “Devi, what happened to your arm?” Squee asks with concern.
           She looks at the bandage wrapped around her forearm and shrugs. “It’s nothing. Just a scratch.”
           “Other than that, are there any injuries to be reported?” Zim asks. Everyone shakes their heads. “Are we all present and accounted for?”
           “Probably,” Pepito shrugs.
           “Then let’s get a move on,” Zim orders, “we have a lot of time to make up for.”
           He sits in the driver’s seat and starts the engine, but it sputters and dies.
           “Ah…” he sighs with disappointment.
           “Great,” Tak grunts. “Now what?”
           A few minutes later, Johnny and Reverend Meat are against the back of the van, pushing it through the trees while everyone else sits inside.
           “Why do we have to push it?” Reverend Meat asks.
          “Cause you two are the strongest ones here,” Devi replies through the broken back window.
           “What about the alien cyborg?” Johnny questions.            
           “I could push it if I wanted to,” Tak replies and leaves it at that.
           “You don’t have to go much farther,” Squee says, “I can see a road.”
           They break through the last of the branches and onto an empty dirt road. After shoving the van around so it’s facing the right away, Johnny and Reverend Meat sit on the ground, panting with exhaustion.
           “Now what?” Pepito asks as everyone exits the vehicle.
           “We’ll have to walk the rest of the way,” Shmee replies.
           “Mimi, you stay here and repair the ship,” Tak orders.
           “Gir, Minimoose, you stay too,” Zim adds, “we may need a quick escape.”            “Yes, Master,” Mimi nods and pops open the van’s hood.  Gir cheers and starts making snow angels in the dirt while Minimoose squeaks.
           “Good, because I am not pushing the van all the way home,” Johnny grunts as he and Reverend Meat stand up.
           “Come on,” Shmee orders, “we’re close.”
           They quietly walk down the dirt road for a couple minutes until they see where it ends.
           A small house sits before them. It looks like it used to be taken care of but has recently fallen into disrepair. One of the front windows is boarded up and fallen leaves from the surrounding trees cover the porch and roof. A car is parked out front with tire tracks leading down the road.
          Everyone stares at the house solemnly as they reach the same conclusion that Shmee voices.
           “This is it.”
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tuiyla · 4 years ago
Sentimental Affection: Hambo, the Shirt, and Objects of Psychic Resonance
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Adventure Time and the mundane, aka Daddy, why did you eat my fries?
Ever a show to be full of hidden symbolism and so much more under the surface than its 11-minute runtime would allow, Adventure Time uses seemingly mundane objects like a teddy bear or a T-shirt to convey the monumental importance of character dynamics. This doesn’t only apply to objects but actual parts of one’s self, like Finn’s arm and the interwoven significance of his many swords. And then, there’s Marceline.
Like with many of the show’s more complex aspects, this is especially prevalent in Marceline’s story. How do you stress the sheer volume of having lived for a thousand years? How do you signify the lack of letting go of the past, lack of maturity? You give a girl a teddy bear and have her hold on to it for as long as she can. And it’s not just Hambo that adds unexpected depth to Marceline’s character and her relationship with others. There’s the infamous rock shirt, which we’ll get to, and then there’s the French fries eaten by Hunson Abadeer.
As iconic as the Fry Song has become and as synonymous with the complex Abadeer father-daughter relationship as it is, it seems silly, at first glance, that Marceline would be so upset over that simple transgression. But Adventure Time has a special talent for making the mundane whimsical and significant, so through the context of the full song, through little glimpses here and there, we understand the symbolism of the fries. It’s Hunson’s disregard for Marceline’s feelings, his carelessness, his lack of understanding, that really matters.
Just a teddy in the wreckage of the world
So what about Hambo? Hambo is, for a while, everything to Marceline. Hambo is the one representation of her relationship with Simon that she has left. It’s a remnant from the wreckage of the world, a plushie given to a scared little girl by an equally scared old man. It’s the one thing Simon leaves behind when he abandons Marcy, for her own good, and summons Hunson to take care of her instead. But Hunson eats those fries and so Marceline takes the family axe instead and keeps it as safe as she keeps Hambo.
Hambo stays with Marceline long after she turns into a vampire, ever a symbol of the tragic childhood she lost and yet is stuck in. It’s not a coincidence that she’s implied to tolerate much of Ash’s jerkish behaviour but draws the line when he sells Hambo for a new wand. That’s the only thing of Simon, the real Simon that she has left and it matters more than a boyfriend who doesn’t care about that. Disregard for Hambo is disregard for her. So Marceline keeps moving all across Ooo, both to escape from this new, twisted version of Simon and to find the one thing that proves he wasn’t always like this.
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You kept the shirt I gave you?
Let’s take a break from Hambo for a moment. Let’s picture a time long before Finn washed up on the shores of Ooo, before the Candy Kingdom grew into what it is today. Marceline and Bonnibel are friends, maybe more - details depend on whatever nuggets “Obsidian” gives us. For a while, it works, and Marceline gives Bonnie a rock T-shirt. That shirt is so quintessentially Marcy that it becomes a symbol of their relationship when it’s with PB. The two drift apart, though, as Bonnie becomes known as Princess Bubblegum to everyone else and Marceline leaves before she can be left behind. The shirt becomes a sort of inverse of Hambo: a token of love that’s - as Marceline initially thinks - never cared for. Bitter as she might be over this, Marcy leaves it all behind as she left Hunson with the fries. She never really got to grow beyond being that young girl who was left Hambo in the snow.
Except, Finn does come along, eventually, and he brings Bonnie and Marcy together again. It’s intense and Marceline lashes out because, well, sorry she’s such an inconvenience. But in truth, it’s Marceline who tags along to defeat the Door Lord despite having no stakes in the mater, and it’s PB who wants to get her precious possession back. Her treasure is, of course, Marceline’s shirt. The one she always has worn, just in the comfort of her own room or under something else. Not out in the open, one might say, but constantly nonetheless, even long after Marceline was gone from her life. A reminder of what they had as much as Hambo is a reminder of who Simon was to Marcy.
That’s the wonder of “What Was Missing”. It lampshades the potential cheesiness of the message, that being “the real treasure is friendship”, but it is genuine in how it portrays that message beyond what would be expected of a kids’ cartoon. Finn keeps a piece of Bubblegum’s hair, but PB is right there to hang out with whenever they want to. Bonnie keeps Marcy’s shirt because she thinks it’s as close as she’ll get to be around her again, but Marceline tagged along just for the joy of being around them. What these two examples have in common is that both Finn and PB want something more from the relationship with the actual person, something they think is unattainable, so they hold on to the objects instead of reaching out.
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I’ll get your kid back, toy
So what about Hambo and Marceline reaching out to Simon? When the Ice King inevitably finds her, again, Marceline is rightfully frustrated and just about ready to pack up and move again. But she’s grown these past few years since Finn entered her life and helped her face her past demons. It breaks her heart but she starts accepting Simon back into her life. They hang out and she insists on calling him Simon, because she never stopped viewing him that way. She knows who he used to be, even if he doesn’t, and she clings onto the representation of that hope, Hambo.
Marceline is already in a much better place by the time “Sky Witch” rolls around than she was at the start of the series. She kind of has Hunson, Simon and Bonnie in her life again. It’s all a bit complicated and unresolved - ”Stakes” isn’t for another two seasons - but she’s on her way. That doesn’t mean she’s gonna let the opportunity to get Hambo back pass by, so she asks for Bonnie’s help. It’s a bit awkward but she spent all this time being angry and feeling like she wasn’t good enough when PB cared enough to at least keep the shirt, so maybe that’s as much hope as Hambo is for Simon. And that’s exactly what “Sky Witch” proves, as Bonnie’s level-headedness helps Marcy navigate Maja’s treacherous turf and gets her Hambo back.
There's only one Hambo
There’s a misconception, a common and understandable one, but a misconception nonetheless when it comes to the shirt and Hambo. When Maja says that Hambo’s psychic resonance is nothing compared to the shirt’s, it’s easy to see the implication being that the shirt is that much more important. Therefore, Marceline is that much more important to PB than Simon is to Marcy. This isn’t entirely inaccurate but I also think that what’s important here is not to put these two objects and therefore the two relationships on the same scale. It implies that we’re comparing the familial type of love between Simon and Marcy to the romantic love between Bonnie and Marcy and that’s just a false and pointless comparison. Instead, the significance once again comes through trademark Adventure Time subtlety.
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“What Was Missing” was mainly the Bubbline dynamic from Marcy’s perspective: her hurt, her anger over not knowing why it all ended. The twist with the shirt at the end only hints at PB’s side of things and “Sky Witch” takes it home. From the little moments at the beginning of the episode to the revelation that PB gave up the shirt for Hambo, it’s a full package. It’s in everything, including the scene where Peebs dismisses Hambo’s importance. It’s just a doll, totally replaceable, an insinuation which insults Marcy deeply. Bonnie doesn’t necessarily get why Hambo is so important but, in a way, PB does understand. She understands, because Hambo is to Marceline what the shirt is for her: hope.
When PB gives up the shirt, she gives up the only piece of Marceline she’s had for all these centuries. It wasn’t replaceable, just like Hambo wasn’t, but by giving it up she gives Marceline her most treasured possession, her hope. And you know what else? By giving up this remnant of the past, Bonnie gets Marceline back. “Sky Witch”, then, is the beginning of their new dynamic, as the lesson from the Door Lord finally sinks in. And by equating, in a way, Hambo and the shirt, after we’ve already seen in “I Remember You” and “Simon & Marcy” how monumental that relationship is, this makes Bonnie’s devotion to Marcy clear as day.
Magic, madness, sadness, and all the rest
Hambo becomes something even bigger in “Betty”. The reason why Maja wanted Hambo and then the shirt in the first place is because Adventure Time acknowledges within the logic of its own universe how important the love poured into these objects is. She uses the magic of the shirt and Simon uses the magic of Hambo. Marceline, reluctantly, lets go of Hambo because she just got Simon back, just as PB let go of the shirt and got Marcy back. Nothing is ever that straightforward in the land of Ooo, though, so Hambo brings Betty back but it can’t save Simon. Now Marceline got a taste of the old Simon, had hope, and it lives on in the person they sacrificed Hambo for: Betty.
Betty’s hope is misguided, though. With her time jump to modern day Ooo, a journey of denial and desperation begins that leads her and the whole land down a road of magic and madness. Betty’s shenanigans is its own separate post, really, and all the themes of acceptance, denial and change they represent. What I find fascinating in this context is how, again, in true AT style, the butterfly effect did its magic and the mundane lead into the whimsical and grandiose.
Right there where you left it, lying upside down
Simon gave a little Marcy her teddy doll and Ash carelessly passed it on. Marceline gave Bubblegum a rock shirt, something so quintessentially her that it was the one thing Peebs held onto even after all those years. The shirt was a symbol of their lingering connection and its sacrifice meant the start of a new chapter. The significance of the shirt was enough to get Hambo back, which in turn was powerful enough for Simon to get Betty back. And, eventually, by moving almost literal heaven and hell, Betty brings Simon back. Everything stays, but it still changes.
The shirt is not Marceline. Hambo is not Simon. Objects are not people, nor can we only be with people if we let go of those objects. That isn’t the message the show is going for. And these objects are only catalysts for character arc and dynamics in most cases, anyway. Marceline doesn’t grow up by letting Hambo go, she succeeds in leaving the past behind in “Stakes”. And, if the “Obsidian” trailer is any indication, even that doesn’t mean she’s done with all her demons.
What the intertwined stories of Hambo and the shirt tell us is that complex, emotional stories can be told through simple objects. A teddy doll can signify a thousand years of pain and yet provide hope, while a rock T-shirt can pack some good old-fashioned queer yearning into it. Hambo and the shirt aren’t even monumental parts of Marceline’s, Simon’s and Bubblegum’s stories, even if Adventure Time finds clever ways to use them in the plot. They are just two simple things that represent so much in terms of character development and some of the show’s central dynamics, and that’s damn good storytelling.
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waatermelon-sugaar · 4 years ago
Half-Priced Chocolate
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Words = 2.8k
Summary = You hate Valentine’s Day. Nick tries to change your mind. 
Warnings = One swear word
A/N = Reader is described as a similar height to Nick, and taller when she wears heels. Also I didn’t mean to write this, it just sort of happened so sorry if it’s not very well thought out ahaha
Posted to AO3
“You know, I’d pegged you as the type of girl who would do anything to ensure she had a Valentine’s date.” This observation comes casual as anything from your boss, Mayor Wasicsko, as the two of you work together to build beds in the town hall. 
A combination of a lot of snow, an early thaw, and then rain, had resulted in flooding all around the city, many having to be relocated. And so here you were, on a night that most were celebrating with their loved one across an over-priced bottle of champagne, some heart-shaped chocolate and probably something red themed, in the town hall, setting up extra accommodation with Nick. 
Who you should probably call Mayor Wasicsko in your head. 
You’d been here for hours, first building the beds with other volunteers, all of whom had melted away as the night had gone on. All, apart from you and Nick.
“Yeah? Well I pegged you as the type of mayor to sit on his ass all day.” You snipe back, not thinking for a moment, before slapping a hand to your mouth in horror. “Sorry, Mayor Wasicsko, that was really unprofessional of me-”
You stopped your rambling, because … was he laughing?
You flip your end of the sheet the two of you are attempting to fit to the bed, successfully causing his end to yank out of his hands, flying up and causing enough of a breeze to dislodge his hair enough for a strand to flop onto his forehead. 
Not that you’d noticed. 
“I told you, call me Nick. And it’s ok,” he’s still smiling, annoyingly. “I just - you don’t have some annoyed boyfriend who’s sitting at home waiting for you?” 
You shake your head. “Not that it’s any of your business, but no.” You finally tuck in the corner of the sheet at the top of the bed and move to the bottom. “And anyway, I hate Valentine’s.” 
Nick throws you a pillow and a case when you hold your arms out. “So you hate love? And happiness?” 
You roll your eyes at him, busy stuffing the case, leaving him to struggle with the duvet, gathering the new sheets for the next bed as you talk. “No. I just … I hate the commercialisation of it.” 
You wait for Nick to finish with the duvet, before attempting the next bed. “It’s like … so what? If my hypothetical boyfriend doesn’t get me flowers, and chocolate and some shitty card on this one specific day of the year, he doesn’t love me?” You scoff. “No thanks.” 
Nick tucks in his corner, thinking about his response. “I think it reminds people to be thankful for the people they love.” Oh God he’s one of those. As if he hasn’t managed to drop in the fact that he’s woefully single for the last two hours whenever the opportunity arose.
“Only romantic love,” you remind him. “And,” you continue, remembering more and more reasons. “It’s all over-priced anyway, and it’s just so couples can feel smug while they walk hand in hand down the street, trying to get a table to a restaurant, where the prices have been upped for two people, and so single people, specifically women, can feel shit about themselves?” 
You harrumph again, handing Nick the other end of the sheet. “There is good about it though.” He’s looking at you differently, and you’re not sure how, but maybe it’s because you’re having the first real conversation with him tonight, despite having worked for him for the last year. 
You’d talked before, of course, but it usually had something to do with politics, Nick ducking out of his office to ask your opinion on something, before returning back to his phone and papers. It had never been a two-way conversation like this, never nothing to do with either of your jobs. 
You raise an eyebrow, tucking in your corners as you wait for him to make his point. “What about the half-priced chocolate the next day?” And … he nearly has you. Until you remember a counter-argument.  
“So it’s back to its normal price?” 
Nick looks at you like he’s never seen you before in your life. But he changes tack, which you take to mean that you’ve won that particular battle. 
“And what’s wrong with celebrating love? Even-” He anticipates your response before you do, “-if it is just romantic love?” He grabs the pillow before you can, leaving you to struggle with the duvet this time. 
You’re smiling now, unable to help yourself, as you watch the Mayor of Yonkers, of all people, pick up a pile of bedding. He looks good like this, you think, shirt rolled up to his forearms, collar open, tie left behind somewhere with his jacket. Not that he doesn’t normally look good. 
You’ve become more relaxed too, you can feel it, as though every bed that the two of you have completed has shod you of another layer, making you feel lighter. Your heels are by the door, and you are a similar height to Nick without them, which you’ve never noticed before, either being taller than him, or sitting in his presence. There’s something weird about it, but also nice, in a domestic sort of way, as your stocking feet pad around the beds, occasionally catching on the wooden floor. You hope you don’t get a hole. Or worse, a ladder. 
But you know it’s your mind which has relaxed the most. Allowing you first to smile at his jokes, then joke back, the tension in your shoulders melting away. And now this. A deep conversation. Which you suppose was bound to happen, the two of you alone after the last volunteer had called it a night at 1am and gone home. But love? Really? 
“There’s nothing wrong with celebrating love. It’s just forced, somehow. Like you’re a bad person for not doing it, just because of some long-dead guy who’s now in our calendar.” You finish your duvet, and move to help Nick. 
“I think you’re wrong.” And maybe it’s the way he says it, like it’s the most simple thing in the world. “I think it makes sure that people take a breath and appreciate what they have.” 
He looks so hopeful, you stop the scoff in your throat, instead letting yourself consider his point. “Well it doesn’t matter, it’s …” You pause and check your watch, blinking in surprise. “Fuck. It’s four in the morning. It’s not Valentine’s Day anymore.” 
And then you look up. Properly. 
There’s one bed left. You turn around, admiring all the made-up beds. Ok they could be neater, but so what? 
“Well.” You turn back to look at Nick as he speaks. “Do you want to take advantage of those sales, or not?” 
You blink at him, even as he gestures at you to take the other end of the sheet, unsure if you’re dreaming now. 
When you exit the town hall, the sky is the cool blue of pre-dawn. Grey clouds still hang, heavy and angry over Yonkers, a precursor of the rain to come. It’s been a cold night, a glimmer of frost on the ground, but you can already feel that it won’t last the day.
You yawn, rubbing your eyes with one hand, while your other holds your heels. Nick’s thrown his blazer over one shoulder, the tie hanging out of his trouser pocket. “C’mon.” Is all he says as he walks towards his car. 
It takes a second for your brain to engage. “What?” Your voice has become hoarse from a lack of sleep.
“Can I show you something?” And how can you say no, when he leans against the car roof with one arm, opening the door for you, and looking like that?
Inside the car it’s warm, and tiredness sinks down on you until you can hardly keep your eyes open. Nick only asks for your address, which you give him, and then you’re asleep. You wake when he stops the car on the high street, but fall back asleep when he tells you he just needs to pick up some groceries. 
You don’t wake up when he comes back, nor do you wake up when he sets off again. You open your eyes when he gently shakes your shoulder. The sky is much brighter now, the sun peeking over the horizon and you blink, looking at your watch. It’s nearly 7. Which means Nick let you sleep for 2 hours. It takes a second for your surroundings to fall into place, green and brown surrounding you.
Nick’s sitting next to you in the driver’s seat. And in the back seat are his groceries. 
You blink again. Harder this time.
Praying your makeup isn’t smudged all down your cheek, you move to sit up straighter, where you’d fallen asleep against the window. “What … where are we?” 
Nick doesn’t answer until he’s grabbed one of the bags, clambering out and opening your door for you. “We are in one of the city’s finest parks.” He announces, using his Official Mayor Voice.
As far as you can tell, it’s a pretty basic park. The only notable point is the view. You can see the full scrawl of Yonkers below you, as the sun rises to your right, still fighting the storm clouds left over from yesterday. Funny. You’d heard there was going to be more rain. 
As you step out of the car, you put your heels back on, and wince a little. Nick hands you a blanket to carry and sets off towards a clear area without too many trees, and you follow him, spreading the blanket for the two of you to sit on. Nick’s put his blazer back on and you try not to be disappointed, reminding yourself that he’s your boss. 
He places the bag between you, and … it’s stuffed with half price Valentine themed food. Chocolates, champagne, even a small teddy. You can’t help it. You let out a laugh as the two of you sit next to each other, the bag between you. 
“I never knew the Mayor would be a cheapskate.” You’re only half-serious, and you think Nick knows this, catching the glint in his eye as he replies. 
“You’d rather I bought you this full price?”
You shake your head, grinning, but confused on the inside. You must be tired. Hearing that the Mayor, your boss, wants to buy you something for Valentine’s? You must be misinterpreting this. 
“And I’ll have you know, that everything in this bag came to less than what it would be in a normal month.” He winks and you groan, theatrical and over the top. 
So instead you open the chocolate, grabbing the first one you see and popping it in your mouth. “Nice though,” you mumble, without having swallowed your mouthful, savouring the sweetness of it as it coats your tongue, eyes closing as you lean back on the blanket, missing the way Nick looks down at you. 
“Yeah? Worth every cent, aren’t they?” You smile, shaking your head. 
“Yes, Nick.” You finally sigh, giving in. “Worth every half-price cent.” You squint open an eye, waiting for his reaction, glad when he laughs, propping yourself up onto your elbows so you don't fall asleep again. And then you look down, and your eye catches on a bottle of champagne. 
You reach for it, twirling it on the ground. “So Nick, seeing as how you’re the Mayor and my boss,” you start, sure you’re going to get what you ask for, “and we worked all night long, can we have today off?”
You look at Nick to see him watching your face, amused at the long winded way you’re going about this. Finally he nods. “Yeah I think we deserve the day off.” 
You grin widely then, sitting up properly with a burst of energy, and pop the cork. You take the first sip straight from the bottle, leaving a small ring of lipstick behind. You use your thumb to wipe it off before passing it over, the bubbles still tingling on your tongue, washing away the chocolate. 
Nick takes a healthy swig as soon as his hand is wrapped around the cool bottle, and you can’t help but watch the way his throat bobs when he swallows, wiping at a drop that escapes his mouth. 
You turn to the rest of the bag to distract yourself. There’s at least 3 boxes of chocolate, a pack of strawberries, and a small bear. All of them have the tell tale yellow half-price stickers in clear view. You pull out the bear, amused. “He’s cute.” 
Nick hands the bottle back to you, running a hand through his hair. “Got a name for him?” 
You think about it for a minute, before deciding. “Arthur the Fourth.” And you place Arthur at the bottom of the blanket, so he’s looking at the two of you. 
Nick frowns, looking between the two of you. “The Fourth?” 
You laugh, biting on another chocolate. “Yeah. Throughout my childhood, I have had three other teddies, all named Arthur. He will be the fourth.” 
“And you lost them all?” 
“No, I still have Arthur the Third.”  You wash the chocolate down with another sip of champagne, and when you go to scrub away your lipstick again, Nick’s hand stops you. He shakes his head, like he’s having a secret conversation within your public one. 
“Shame to hear about the first two though.” You let him take the bottle from you, watching as he - his mouth - touches your lipstick. You can feel your heart rate raise, thumping inside your chest like a drum. You can still feel the ghost of his hand, warm where it touched yours. 
You look down on Yonkers again, unable to cope. “Yeah, well. It’s how it happens in real life, I guess.” 
The two of you fall silent as the sun climbs pathetically further and further, finally disappearing behind angry storm clouds. Conversation is quiet observations, both of you feeling wrapped up in a bubble of tiredness. 
You lie back down, ignoring how the cold of the ground is seeping through the blanket now and closing your eyes as you take a chocolate from the box which you intend to be your last, and you can hear Nick’s smirk when he talks. “Chocolate’s not too bad then?” 
You just hum, pretending to think about it. “Yeah not bad,” you finally agree, opening your eyes and turning your head to watch Nick as he leans back on his hands, “But it’s not Valentine’s day so you haven’t changed my mind …” 
And Nick’s looking at you like that again, and you could never in a million years anticipate his next question. “So you wouldn’t count this as the best Valentine’s Day date you’ve ever been on?” 
You freeze, what? You decline in that moment to mention that it’s the only Valentine’s date you’ve ever even been on, and you also choose to ignore that it’s not Valentine’s Day anymore, shaking your head. You can’t quite believe what you’re about to say, heart beating faster than normal, blood thrumming in your ears. “I would count it as the best date I’ve been on.” 
And then you’re laughing at the look of shock on his face, quickly stopping when he ducks down to kiss you. 
Nick, your boss, the mayor of Yonkers, is kissing you. 
It takes you a second to respond, shock freezing you where you lie. But then your hands are on his neck, pulling him back down over you as he deepens the kiss, tongue exploring your mouth. His forearm is resting on the blanket next to your head, supporting his bodyweight, his other hand cupping your cheek. His moustache is tickling you slightly, but you don’t care. 
He tastes sweet, from the chocolate. But then, you can taste the bubbles from the champagne, you can taste how cold it was, you can taste the birds chirping in the trees above you, and you can taste how warm the sun’s rays felt five minutes ago.
It’s perfect.
Until the clouds open above you.
It starts gently, and you don’t feel it at first, and when you do, you ignore it, more interested in snogging Nick. Your feet are becoming wet quickly and the rain falls in large drops. 
Nick’s the first one to pull away, and you follow him, chasing his lips with your own, not wanting to open your eyes. When you do, you realise your feet are wet from the bottle of champagne falling over, and Arthur’s looking to be in danger of rolling away. 
You can feel the rain on your head, and the drops are falling faster. You snatch Arthur and the now-empty bottle up, Nick scrambling to get everything back in the bag. At the last second, you ball up the blanket, ignoring how it brings half the floor with it, and the two of you run towards Nick’s car, laughing as the rain soaks the pair of you. 
Thanks for reading! Reblog and comments mean the world to me 🥰🥰🥰
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darkacademicfrom2021 · 4 years ago
The Dark Team (part 15)
<<Previous part Masterlist   Next part>>
Spotify playlist of the whole series.
(Taglist: @lucywrites02, @louieboo87, @the-departed-potato, @jesuswasnotawhiteman, @idontknow296, @beksib, @spythoschei, @geekwritersworld, @whatafuckingdumbass, @mysticunicorn7 @shadowolf993 @toe-vind-ek-jou @joscelyn02, @t00-pi, @irwxnhugsx, @selfship-mishaps)
Warnings: mentions of kidnapping, ptsd, anxiety.
N/A: In here there's a specific kind of physical comfort I'm okay with, and I'm aware not many people might actually like to be comforted this way. For that, I apologize, but I really wanted to spill some of me in here lmao.
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Bucky’s arms surrounded your whole body, like a huge teddy bear; comforting. Letting you know you were safe, you were in the compound. Nobody could hurt you there. Not anymore. You didn’t care you were covered in just a towel, you didn’t care everyone was in there, you didn’t care your hair was dripping wet over the common room’s couch (the one that you bought yourself and you always insisted nobody could drink on it), and you certainly didn’t care you haven’t said a word every since they landed the quinjet with you on it. You only indicated to the medics where you were hurt. Nothing else.
Not a word escaped your throat, more than a dry sob in the shower, once you were finally on your own. And then you were surrounded by concerned people, again. Not the kind of comfort you liked, though. Not like a birthday kind of surrounding; more like a we-thought-you-were-dead-and-now-you’re-here, or a we’re-so-sorry-we-let-this-happen-AGAIN. And no birthday cake.
Loki observed you with his arms crossed. He had apologized twice already, but his lips were still paler than usual. So he really cares, you thought. But your mind was still too clouded with residual fear to even think about him. No shower could clean up your wounds. Your chest tightened and you almost broke in tears again, but Bucky’s arms held stronger around you, squeezing your uncomfort away. Being his best friend for so many years prepared him enough to know exactly how to hold you in the worse.
“I shouldn’t have let you go”, whispers Loki, looking at the floor. He muttered it almost to himself.
You remembered him grabbing your arm and repeating “I’m not letting you go” on the verge of tears, and your throat tightened. He has saved your life before and now he blames himself for not getting there in time, as if it was his job to keep you safe. It definitely wasn’t, though. He showed that he cared so many times, and you were clueless of why. Why would he? You treated him like a punching bag and he welcomed the hits, without knowing why. If you were anything, you were guilty.
It was to be expected. Guilt. You shouldn’t, you knew. You were told you’d feel this way by the medics as they brought you back.
“It wasn’t your fault. It was my idiocy”, you whispered back. But no matter how tiny you shrunk your voice, the compound (silent as a church) and everyone on it was reduced to that same room in there with you, paying attention. You were the spotlight when you wanted to be alone the most. You hid in Bucky’s chest and he covered your head with his chin, knowing how uncomfortable you were. He caressed your back with an open hand, careful as to not touch your injuries.
“This is nobody’s fault, other than Hydra’s, alright?”, said Steve, patting Tony’s back. Tony was marauding with his head low, muttering things about security devices.
“I have installed security against kidnappings ever since my own deal with it. All kinds of systems. How, how the fuck did they manage to fuck this up this badly?”, he finally said. “If it’s anyone’s fault…”.
“It’s certainly not yours, Stark”, said Loki, trying to assure him without crossing any lines.
“No”, Tony laughed sarcastically, “I was gonna say, it’s definitely yours”.
“This is not going to help”, said Bucky, holding you tighter. “If y/n doesn’t feel bad enough… I’m just saying, they doesn’t need you arguing”.
“He’s right. It might be my fault, but if you need to deal with it in any way, now is not the time”, said Loki, defeated. “What is a matter of urgency, actually, is… you know. Hydra”.
“As much as I hate to agree with my brother, he’s right. We need to take you all to a safer place as soon as possible”, added Thor, pointing at the members of The Dark Team.
“Hydra’s nets are not only extent. They’re global, and aggressive. Like cancerous cells in the marrow bone, they are the roots of malice, and they’re going to find you anywhere you go on this planet”, said Clint, not bothering to look up from his phone. He was probably texting his wife to alert her.
You started shaking again.
“Barton, really?”, whispered sharply Bucky.
“He’s right. That’s why you’re not staying on this planet”, snapped Banner, who has been quiet ever since you landed. He assessed your injuries and treated you kinder than any other doctor. You were so glad he was in the rescue quinjet when they picked you up.
“Beg your pardon?”, inquired Loki, cocking an eyebrow. “You mustn't mean…”.
“Yes, Asgard!”, he interrupted him. It was a good idea, though. “Unless you know of a safer place, of course”.
“I… I don’t think it’s a good idea”, Loki looked like he was about to faint. He finally sat on the chair behind him and Thor nodded.
“It’s a terrible idea, I must say”, he agreed once again with his brother.
“Can I ask why?”, Tony was already convinced that if Earth wasn’t safe, other realms could do perfectly fine. And if his certainty was not enough, it was already highly supported by Banner, Clint, Sam, Natasha and Steve. “And if you give me one more of your daddy issues discourse I will literally kick you out of my place”.
“Odin’s not…”, he started.
“I said no daddy issues”, interrupted Tony.
“He’s not my father”, corrected Loki with a patience you’ve never seen on him. “As I was saying, he’s not exactly fond of… humans”.
“He…”, Bruce furrowed his eyebrows, “he what?”.
“No, come on. If you’re giving us a lie at least think of a better one”, snapped Tony.
“Alright. Truly, Odin would not take y/n’s presence very welcome”, he said, and Tony nodded as if he knew what he was talking about. “It’s a personality thing. He didn’t like Dr. Foster either”. You knitted your brows. What was that supposed to mean?
“And because you think your dad wouldn’t like…”, Bruce started arguing, but Loki interrupted him, this time with less patience.
“He is not my father”.
“What about…”, you started saying, and everyone else shut up. You felt ashamed. You were being treated as if you were made out of crystals. You hated it. You tried to raise your voice and toughen up, trying to show you were your normal self. “What about other realms, else than Asgard?”.
Loki sighe, but as soon as he began to think of another place, the ideas crumbled apart. He explained it out loud.
“I’m not welcome in most of them. You know, Odin’s mass killings. In Jotunheim you’d freeze to death after a few hours. I wouldn’t recommend Svartálfheim either, I died there a couple of times. Not a pleasant place to survive either”.
“So Asgard it is”, said Thor, patting Loki’s back. He looked like he was about to stab him in the guts just for implying that.
“Look, Loki. If the King doesn’t like me there, I’ll deal with it”, you said, overly confident.
“What makes you think you’ll deal with Allfather’s disgust, exactly?”.
“I’ll tell you how”, you said, less confident, trying to gain time to think of an answer.
“Do enlighten me”.
“I’m… well, I’m not gonna be there”, you said as if a great idea had just occurred to you. Truth was, it did.
“Yes. That’s the whole issue, pancake”.
“No, no. Hold up, Loki. You can actually shapeshift things”, you suggested, and he raised an eyebrow. “How much of a thing does it have to be, and for how long can you do it?”.
“Did you just call them pancake?”, asked Banner in awe.
“You’re not suggesting…?”, continued Loki with your idea, ignoring Banner.
“Oh, yes. It’s perfect. Tell me you can do it and it’s done. It’s perfect”, you said. You started repeating yourself. Everyone looked at you as if you needed to still convince them of it. “It’s perfect”.
“It is one issue less, that’s for sure”, Sam added. Tony nodded, and everyone else followed. “Can you shapeshift living beings for extended periods of time?”.
“I’m shapeshifting myself right now, in fact. Have been ever since I was born, without even knowing”, he admitted, kind of embarrassed. “But I’m not sure Odin wouldn’t be able to read through it. At least I know my mother would”.
“Oh, she once recognized I was from the future”, added Thor, a reminiscent smile brightening his face. “I didn’t even have to say anything”.
“My point stands”, finished Loki.
“I think it’s worth the try. If he realizes, then I’m leaving and we’re back here thinking of a new plan. Come on, you can’t say it’s not the best option”.
“It’s a terrible one”, he pointed.
“It’s the only one”.
“Fine”, he sighed, resigned.
“Fine”, you tried to finish, but he continued.
“You guys done?”, cut Bucky. Both Loki and you sighed at the same time. “We’re going to Asgard, then”.
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iballisticcatt · 4 years ago
Old and New Friends
Note: Some of this writing is not my own.  rainbows-fanfics let me have a draft and create this. Thanks!
Louis’ POV
It had been a bit over a year since the Delta. Violet had started to get social again and Willy ended up making a prosthetic for Clementine. Life had been good, great even. I was in the piano room, playing away anything I could remember or any sheet music I found before the other music room burnt down. The door creaked open and scared me, making me jump and scream like a girl. Clementine came in laughing.
“That scream was amazing Louis,” Clementine chuckled, “Do it again!”
I became defensive but playful, “I was in the middle of playing piano when that door decided to creak in the middle of me playing!” 
Clem made her way over to the bench and sat down on my left, putting her head on my shoulder.
“I was thinking back to that card game we played when I first got here. You remember when I talked about that baseball player I met?” Clem seemed to be a bit brighter than usual as she spoke.
I responded, clawing into my memory to see if I could recollect, “Very, very vaguely.”
“Well, I was wondering if we could take a trip down there, the wars going on in the area are sure to have died down by this point, and Javi would be glad to see me. It’s where Richmond used to be, It’s called New Richmond, It is pretty far from here, but we can make good time if we find a car. It’s 300 miles from here to there. It should be about a week’s walk from here.” Clementine seemed excited at the prospect of seeing these people again, how could I say no to a face like that?
“Sounds like a hard trip, but I’m in. Who’s coming with us?” 
Clem smirked and looked right into my eyes, “Just us.”
That was unexpected, to say the least, but I was all for it. I nodded and smiled at the thought of being alone with her for so long. We both got up and went outside and explained the idea to everyone. Clem did most of the talking while I sat there and looked dumb. The idea eventually passed through and everyone helped us pack, we were going to head out in two days.
The two days passed, and with several goodbyes from A.J and Violet hugging me out of nowhere, we were off. Those days on the road were harder than I had ever expected, it only made me feel more guilty for leaving Clem and A.J to die in the forest, before the Delta. They were also some of the best. The cuddle sessions were amazing by the fire each day as one of us was on watch while the other slept. Seven days on the road and we finally arrived at gates with spikes on the ends of it and a control platform above it. As I first saw the gate, my mind forced me to blurt out, “This gives off medal music vibes to me.” Clem chuckled and said simply, “That’s kinda the point, don’t you think?” I replied quickly, “Yep.” As we approached the gates we saw a boy in an orange beanie, tallish, and holding an AK-47. 
Clem yelled out at the boy, “GUESS WHO’S BACK GABE?”
The boy jumped and looked at us, gun raised, then lowered it after looking a bit longer.
“Clementine? Is that seriously you?” The boy seemed shocked and happy
“In the flesh.”
The gates opened as Gabe came out and approached, I was walking beside Clem as the boy came and eyed me.
“Who are you?” He asked, strength in his voice.
“I am Louis, Clem’s boyfriend, she wanted me to meet you and Javier. I’ve heard about you guys from her.” I replied with strength above his own, subconsciously asserting my dominance over him.
His face dropped a bit at this realization. The face he made confused me a bit, but I brushed it off as Gabe spoke, “Well Clem, You are always welcome here to New Richmond, so let’s come in and find Kate and Javi, I’m sure they will be as glad to see you as I am and meet a new face.”
We were guided through the gates and a clang followed as they shut, seeming to trap us here. I hoped they wouldn’t kill us, I was sure they wouldn’t though. We followed a road down through the city, the buildings tall and unlike something I had seen since I was ten. We stopped in front of an apartment complex, the building standing tall with a raven or a crow standing in the front. We entered the building and climbed a flight of stairs before arriving at a door.
“Well, here is their apartment, I need to go back and get on watch, have fun.”
I quipped and smirked, “We certainly will!”
Clem looked at me and turned bright red, “Louis!” 
I just chuckled and knocked on the door three times. We waited for a second before the door opened and a tall man with black, moppy hair and a beard opened the door.
“Guess who’s back?”
A woman’s voice came from inside the house, “Wait, are you talking to Clementine? Is she back?”
The man, whom I assumed to be Javier, called back and said excitedly, “Yeah, it is! I can’t believe it! Wait, who is this?”
Clem responded, warmness in her voice, “Javi, this is my boyfriend Louis! Been with him a year and I adore him, I brought him along to meet you guys.”
Javier eyed me before sticking his hand out, I took it in kind, giving a firm grip to return his own. 
“Well come on in, Kate can’t wait to see you, Clem!” Javi seemed to be ultra excited, it had been a while since they had seen another. 
The one I assumed to be Kate stood up, her bangs split into thirds on her head with a braid in the back. She hugged Clementineshe was caring before eying me.
“Who might you be?” Kate seemed slightly concerned at my presence, her protective mode seemingly kicking in.
I replied, trying to defuse the tension, “I, am Louis, Clementine’s boyfriend.” I laid a kiss on Clem’s forehead as Kate relaxed a bit.
Javier spoke up, “Well, the last time I saw Clem she had the personality of an aggressive rock.”
I laughed, too long for Clementine’s liking. 
“I can’t imagine her like anything else but a teddy bear!” I replied between laughs and wheezes. Man, I like this guy already. 
A knock came back to the door, Three taps. Javi moved over to the door and there stood Gabe.
Gabe spoke, “My watch shift just ended, figured I’d hang out with you guys.” 
Javi looked over at Clem, “Well Clem, Kate and I would like to show you some of the newer things here in New Richmond,” Javi turned to face me, “You sure you’ll be okay with Gabe here?”
I replied with humor, “Of course, I have to be on my best behavior for my teddy bear here!”
Clementine punched my arm and chuckled. 
Kate entered the room, “We’ll get going, see you guys in a bit.”
They left without another word, stranding me with Gabe. We turned to face each other and I gave him an honest grin, nodding once in his direction. He smiled and awkwardly copied the gesture. We were then left in silence, our eye contact slipping as neither of us dared to start talking. I twiddled my thumbs under the table as I thought of what to say.
"So..." I whistled under my breath. "You're an old friend of Clem's?"
He looked surprised as I started speaking, but nodded in regards to the question. "Yeah, you could say that."
"How do you know her?" I pressed.
This may be awkward, but I was least getting to know him some more. I felt that was appropriate to do in this time frame until Clem got back. Gabe looked startled before going quiet, staring at the table and messing with his cuticles in thought. He looked up and shrugged, not bothering to make eye contact with me.
"Clementine helped us with overrunning the New Frontier. I helped her with some things and Javi said we made a great team together. Whether it was taking out walkers or playing a card game. She was just nice to be around."
I arched my eyebrow in interest. "Card games?"
"Oh, yeah, I, uh, taught her one." He squeezed his eyes shut before opening them again. "I think it was euchre."
"How about you and I play one, then?" I offered, grabbing the deck out of my usual pocket and holding it in my hands. "While we wait for them to get back, of course."
His eyes lit up. A good sign. "Shit? You carry a deck around with you, too?"
"You bet! Never know when the opportunity is gonna' come. I find that card games help lighten the mood." I dealt him a pile. "How about we play...war? Easy and shouldn't take that long."
"You seem to have a lot of confidence," He commented as he took his pile. I shrugged.
We started by focusing on the game first, easing into it by dealing with our cards. We had the same rank right out of the bat and, after turning them over, I found Gabe had the higher cards. I winched watching him take them and tuck them under his pile. Not a great start on my end, but I was sure I'd be doing better as the game progressed. We did a couple more rounds before I decided to speak again, clearing my throat.
"You said Clem was fun to be around with. Why's that?" His eyes looked into mine. They were too tense, so I followed it with a joke. "Didn't she, like, scare you? She has this aura about her, doesn't she? Freaked me out when I first met her."
"Oh, yeah." He gave a pitiful laugh. "I thought she hated me. Didn't think she'd ever talk to me."
"Right?" I laughed along. "I thought she'd stab me in my sleep when I first met her."
"She's intimidating, but I think that's why I liked her, you know? She's...interesting, once you get to know her."
He wore a shy smile as he flipped his card. I didn't say anything about it, not even when I won the round and took the cards. Gabe was right, after all. Clementine was a tough shell to crack, but when you got to know her, she was caring. To those, she liked, anyway. I admired her toughness as much as the next guy, and as much as it fazed me, I still didn't let it stop me from flirting with her.
"You're pretty good," He told me. I nodded back to him.
"You, too."
"So, Louis, uh..." He drummed his fingers against the table. "How do you know Clem? How did you guys meet exactly?"
"I think it was about a year ago. My friend, Marlon, found her and A.J. in a car crash near our boarding school. They treated Clem, but A.J. was a lot to handle without her there. He didn't exactly warm up to us at first. He was giving my friend Ruby a lot of issues. He even bit her on the hand just because she walked up from behind him."
"Oh, shit." Gabe cringed. I nodded and followed with a shrug.
"Yeah, well, I calmed him down by playing the piano. I don't know how long it was until Clem came into the room and met with him again. When she told me her name, I couldn't help it." A shit-eating grin grew on my face. "When she asked for another song, I sang her 'Oh My Darlin' Clementine'."
"How did she feel about that? She'd have punched me."
"She told me she loved that song. So I kept playing. I thought it would get on her nerves but it didn't. Not like that's an issue; I've found other ways to get under her skin."
I saw I had won the round and collected my share. By this point, we were getting closer to the end of the game. I was winning right now; Gabe's pile got smaller while we were talking. I grinned as we flipped over our next set of cards, hoping to get this meaningless victory just so I'd have something to talk about later. I noticed Gabe's sudden silence and glanced up. He was staring at his cards, a troubled expression on his face.
"Sorry, I meant to go easy but my cards were just too good." I rubbed my hand along my coat conceitedly.
He looked up in surprise. How do I manage to keep startling him just by talking? Either that or he was spacing out a lot. "O-Oh, uh, I was just...thinking."
"Well, then. Penny for your thoughts? They're not back yet and, as good as I am at winning, the game isn't exactly over just yet."
"Yeah." He chuckled nervously, watching as I won the round again. "I, uh...I was just wondering something. Like, um, how you and Clem are...together." His hesitation made me quirk an eyebrow. "The last time I saw her, she was really serious and kind of, well, hard at times. You're the exact opposite. How did she...fall for you, exactly?"
My eyes widened in surprise. I wasn't sure how to respond to that question. Juggling the card box in my hand, I thought about it seriously for a moment. "Well, I guess making her laugh a lot helped."
"How do you do that, though? It was hard just to get her to smile when I last with her." His frown deepened. "But you do it so easily...you don't even have to say anything and she still smiles."
"Heh." My chest warmed at that. "I don't know, honestly. It's usually me making a stupid joke and just hoping someone will laugh. If she finds it funny, she'll laugh."
His look didn't change. "Yeah. That makes sense."
It grew tense as we ended the game, all the cards in my pile. I expected to feel triumphant for winning, but the look on his face made me feel guilty for naturally doing so good at the game. I knitted my eyebrows together as I stuffed the cards back in, wondering what went wrong in our conversation. As I closed the lid and slid it back in my pocket, I faced him again.
"Well, that was fun! We should play another after dinner." It encouraged me to see him nod slightly. "I'm sure Clem will want to join, too."
He perked up. "Really?"
I wondered why he reacted that way so quickly. Before I question anything about it, we heard footsteps coming. Gabe smiled looking past me and stood from his seat, moving faster than I could get off of the bench. The door opened as we saw Clem, Kate, and Javier coming in. They were smiling, but I could tell just from the look on Clementine's face that there was something important. Gabe greeted them and I followed behind, slipping my hand into Clem's.
"You guys are back quicker than I thought," Gabe commented.
"Everyone's doing their job. We just checked in on things. We saw Jesus too." Javi explained. "What have you and Louis been up to?"
"We played a short game of war."
"And I won. Naturally." I added. Clem shoved my side as she rolled her eyes. I noticed Gabe watching us intently through the corner of my eye. As I turned, he faced his uncle.
"I can help you get everyone for dinner. And set things up."
"Thanks, Gabriel." 
Dinner was a blur, everything blends together when everyone is laughing. The next day Clementine and I left, giving our goodbyes. I was sad to go, Gabe was a cool dude, but that’s just how it goes. Seven days later and A.J tackles Clementine and then me. We were home.
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starrynite7114 · 5 years ago
Body Art (Angel Reyes)
A/N: Good morning everyone! This was done last night, but work was insane and I didn’t have a chance to post it. Hope you all enjoy this one. It was one of my requests that I have not had the chance to do. But I finally got to do it! I’m making my way through my request list right now, so hopefully I’ll get everyone’s request done soon. 
The request list link is below, please check if your request is there, if it is now, let me know so I can put it in! Still currently taking requests if you all would like to make one. 
Art smut with angel Reyes! He asks you to let him do body art on you. All front and you’re wearing panties right and he asks you to take your bralette/ bra off and he’s like woah and yea lol - @cherry-icetea​
Sorry it took so long love! Hope you enjoy! <3
Request List tagged list: @justahopelessssromantic : @ifoundmyhappythought : @iambabyharry : @everyhowlmarksthedead : @briana-mishell24 : @bribri-82 : @briannab1234 : @carlaangel86 : @twistnet : @marvelmaree : @blackmissfrizzle : @thickemadame : @woahitslucyylu : @chibsytelford : @agirllovespasta : @sesamepancakes : @enamoured-x : @encounterthepast : @trulysuccubus : @jadert15 : @elcococruz : @gemini0410 : @cherry-icetea : @claytoncardenasbabymama : @sadeyesgf : @xserenax-13 : @whyisgmora : @samcrobae : @summertimesadnesswithadashofsass : @sheeshgivemeabreak : @lady-pswrld
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You and Angel have been quarantined together for a month. 
While you two enjoyed the other’s company, the movies and television shows to binge on was slimming down. You both loved nature and craved to be outside. You missed being able to just walk outside without a worry.
But you also knew not to be selfish. 
This was for the better and it was going to save lives. 
But you both were surprised that you haven’t wanted to kill one another. Surprisingly enough, you two enjoyed one another’s company and gave the other space when needed. You two shared a two bedroom apartment. It was nice to share your apartment with a friend, especially one you met through your ex-schoolmate Ezekiel. You and Ezekiel had become close during your first semester at Stanford and when you found out of his fate, you visited him weekly. He didn’t close you off and you were thankful for that. One time you came and his family was there, you met his big brother, Angel and his father Felipe. 
The attraction to Angel was immediate, but you kept everything at bay since you both were in different places.
But somehow, four years after meeting, you found yourself in Santo Padre. While you two texted often, you didn’t hang out with Angel much. When he offered to room with you when you immediately moved to Santo Padre, you were hesitant at first, but you realized that there was no other person you would want to room with besides Angel. 
Work brought you to Santo Padre. Currently, you were a teacher at the high school. It was nerve wrecking since teenagers could be little shits, but somehow, they enjoyed your world history facts that you always taught them.
Living with Angel was a delight. He always brought you home food when he could and helped you cook when he could. He did your laundry for you when he was doing his. Always made sure your oil was changed for your car and everything. And it was always a plus to see Angel walking around shirtless. That man was a god and if you just had some guts, you would jump him, but there was always this unspoken thing between you two. EZ was his younger brother and you were EZ’s best friend, you two were just not allowed to be together, for EZ’s sake.
Regardless, that didn’t mean your attraction was nonexistent. Angel was very attracted to you, and he has been for years, but his promise to his brother always trumped his desire for you.
However, with this quarantine in place and the time he spent with you, Angel found it harder to resist you. Walking in those booty shorts of yours that showed off your assets. He was a strong man, but there was just so much he could take.
One of the best things about living with Angel was the artwork. He painted your room, the artwork suited you so well. You loved watching Angel paint. Your favorite thing to do was reading a book while Angel painted on the ground, concentrating on his next masterpiece. If this outlaw biker thing didn’t work, he could totally open up a gallery. 
Currently, you both were on the couch, finishing up the Punisher. Angel had his head on your lap, as you watched the show intently, digging the storyline and enjoying the eye candy.
“This show is amazing.” You praised it as the ending credits came on.
Angel clicked his tongue. “Or you mean the guys are hot?”
“Don’t be jealous Ignacio, you’re still the apple of my eye.” You pinched his cheek, causing Angel to push your hand away, but he chuckled, loving the feel of your skin on his. It was pathetic really, but he promised EZ he would never fall for you. He thought that maybe EZ was in love with you, but that didn’t seem to be the case.
“Want to take a break from watching?”
“Sure, what you got in mind? If you say let’s fuck, I’m going to slit your throat.”
“I love it when you threaten me.” Angel chuckled, sitting up. “Want to help me paint?”
“You know I don’t have an ounce of talent for art in my body.” You’ve painted with Angel a few times and he always told you how you were getting better, but you somehow doubted that. Angel was a great teacher, really nice too. Maybe if he didn’t want to do the art gallery, he could definitely be a teacher. 
“No, let me paint you.” Angel really enjoyed your presence whenever he was painting, he felt inspired and encouraged whenever you were around. 
Angel has never requested to paint you before. Wait, that’s a lie, he has numerous times but you always shut him down and made an excuse to leave. He knew that you wouldn’t be able to make an excuse today. You were stuck at home after all.
“Me? No way.” You shook your head. “I feel like we can FaceTime someone and you can paint them instead.” 
“Come on mi dulce, I’ve always wanted to paint you.” He took your hand in his, trying to ignore the butterflies and the spark that just coarse through your body.
“Angel, let me FaceTime Kristin, remember how hot you thought she was?” You were really trying to get out of this as best as you can. You couldn’t keep still and there was no point in painting you.
He recalled making that comment, but he only said it to get a reaction out of you, which obviously didn’t work. “Nope, I want you.” The way he said it, it made the butterflies in your stomach move around even more wildly than before. 
“Can you just not paint me and say you did?” You offered.
“You don’t trust me?”
“No, I’m just shy.” 
Angel smirked. “Shy? You don’t have to be shy with me.” He stood up, taking your hand and taking you to his room. “Do me a favor mama, strip to your bra and panty.”
“What?!” You crossed your arms over your chest.
“Come on baby girl, you won’t be fully naked.” He tried to ease your shyness.
“Alright fine, but I expect to be compensated for this.” You were comfortable with your body, but this was also Angel who most likely has seen so many beautiful girls naked. And he may have also slept with you before, it was a drunken night which you remembered well however, you weren’t sure if he did. He’s never mentioned it and you didn’t want to be the one to do so.
As you took off your clothing, Angel immediately regretted asking you to be his model. He’s always imagined how you would look in your unmentionables and he was beginning to forget about his promise to EZ and well, he was fucking forgetting EZ. 
He’s seen it all before. He was buzzed that night, but he definitely wasn’t drunk. At times, you haunted his dreams, seeing you naked could make any man go crazy and it fucked up Angel. He didn’t even know how to approach the subject and quite frankly, since you didn’t mention it, he didn’t want to. He didn’t want to embarrass you or himself.
That one night three months, two weeks, and five days ago was embedded in his mind. He never told EZ about it knowing it would upset his younger brother. But seeing you before him now, Ezekiel could go fuck himself.
“Angel?” You broke him away from his thoughts, biting your lip nervously.
“Sorry, fuck.” He chuckled. “You look fucking gorgeous, querida.”
God when this man spoke Spanish? Used a term of endearment for you in Spanish? It made your thighs clench together because all you wanted to do since that night maybe 3-4 months ago, was fuck Angel again. But with his relationship with EZ just being repaired again, you didn’t want to have them fighting over this. You understood why EZ was protective of you, you technically just had him, but it was also quite annoying.
“Thanks.” You smiled shyly. “How do you want me?”
“You want to lay down? Just so it’ll be more comfortable.”
Laying down on the floor, Angel looked at your bralette which was burgundy at the area of the cups with flowers branching up from the sides, the bottom of the bralette was black lace. Angel bit his bottom lip, thinking of how he could connect your bra to your panties. Your panties were burgundy, matching your bralette, with lace at the top of your underwear.
You watched as Angel’s eyes roamed up and down your body. It was comfortable, oddly, not creepy whatsoever, but then again, this was Angel. Even though he had this intimidating presence, he was a fucking teddy bear that loved affection and being spoiled.
“Can you at least give me a pillow?” You requested.
Angel chuckled, handing you a pillow. “Don’t know if I told you yet, but you look absolutely stunning.” He began to feel nervous, unsure if he could actually do this. But he reasoned that of course he could, why wouldn’t he be able to do so? He was an artist, he could push his desire for you to the side while he was touching your body. 
Fuck. He was screwed.
Taking out the paint for him to use, he picked burgundy, white, green and a light shade of blue. He had this picture in his mind that he wanted to portray on your body, but all he could picture was having you naked, your sweaty body against his, you breathily moaning, gasping out his name. He shook his head, trying to concentrate. He could paint on you, this was going to be easy. 
Angel began to paint on the black lace of your bralette, a giggle escaping your lips. He chuckled, forgetting how ticklish you were. This whole quarantine has been ridiculous, but he never knew how much he would enjoy life just being at home, but that had a lot to do with you. At first you had offered EZ to stay with you two, but EZ insisted on staying with Felipe. Angel didn’t mind, he wanted you all to himself. Even though you two have been roommates, he didn’t know much about you. He barely found out that you were afraid of heights even though you went hiking with him whenever you two had the chance to do so. He also didn’t know you could handle your liquor better than any of the fucking guys, which thoroughly impressed him. He also didn’t know that you have four tattoos, all on your back, that represented major events in your life. 
He also didn’t know how much he’s been avoiding his feelings for you till he was stuck at the apartment with you with nowhere to go.
“Is this the set I got you for Christmas?” You asked him as he began his work on you.
“Yeah, it was. I’ve used a majority of the set except for this.” Christmas, it was three days after that you two slept together. Angel woke up and you weren’t in his bed anymore. He was going to bring it up, but it seemed every time he tried, it just never happened. “Do you remember what happened a few days later?”
“When we got plastered and played a prank on EZ?”
It was a few hours before you two slept together. EZ was sleeping so you and Angel had the idea of using a feather and shaving cream, tickling EZ on certain spots on his face till he was fully covered. EZ didn’t wake up till Gilly and Coco busted out in laughter when they walked into EZ covered with shaving cream.
“Oh yeah, good times.” Angel chuckled. You felt his fingers moving across your stomach, spreading the paint. “Why are you so tense?”
“Cause I’m trying not to be ticklish.”
“Or maybe I make you nervous?” You could hear the smugness in his voice.
“Nervous? For what?”
Fuck it.
“I don’t know, you tell me mi dulce.” He moved on your other side, to paint that side. It wasn’t his best work, but he just wanted to touch you. “So do you remember that night?”
“I remember bits and pieces of it.” You were being truthful, but it seemed that Angel was trying to have that long awaited talk. It’s not like you didn’t want to discuss it, you just didn’t know where to start. 
‘Hey, remember the time we fucked? Just wanted to let you know that you’re the best fuck I’ve ever had.’
Yeah, that would go over well.
“Do you remember when we had sex?” Angel was playing it nonchalant, painting random patterns on your skin. He wasn’t even sure what he was doing anymore, but he just needed something to distract him, in case you rejected him. 
“Yes, I do.”
“Why’d you leave me alone on my bed?”
“Come on Angel, you don’t want to have this conversation.” You didn’t. Angel always seemed forbidden and they were so right that forbidden fruit tasted so much fucking better. You were certain that you and Angel had sex at least four times that night. 
“I do, you don’t? I promised Ezekiel that I would never make a move on you, but to be fucking honest, I don’t really give a fuck anymore.” Angel noticed then that he had painted angel wings below the lace of your bralette. He bit his lip, just thinking of how beautiful you would look with something he created tattooed on you. 
“What are you talking about?” You slightly sat up, looking over at Angel. He softly pushed you back down so he could continue painting, or whatever the fuck he was doing.
“I like you, I’ve liked you for quite some time but I haven't made a move cause Ezekiel asked me not to.”
You were speechless, unsure of what to reply. You like Angel too, but you were wondering if he just liked you now cause there was no one else to sleep with. But he wouldn’t say those words to you just to get in your pants, it would ruin everything. 
“You're kind of making me nervous here.” Saying his feelings aloud made Angel feel vulnerable, made him feel terrified of what the outcome could be.
“I’ve liked you for some time too, but I just figured you didn’t want to cross the line and I could respect that. I left you in bed that morning because I’m not good with rejection. We were both intoxicated and needed some release, I was cool with that.” You truthfully told him. “I think you’re an idiot for listening to Ezekiel.”
The brush strokes stopped and before you knew it, Angel was hovering over you, his lips on yours. His lips were warm, just as you remembered, parting slightly along with yours, his tongue slipping in your mouth. Your hands were on his neck, scratching the back of it. He groaned into your mouth before he pulled away. His eyes roamed down your body, biting his lips as he did.
“Fuck baby, can I take off your clothes?” His voice was so intoxicating, it became deeper. You remembered his voice the most that night. Angel was very vocal, which didn’t surprise you. His mouth made you fucking go insane.
You nodded your head. Angel removed your bralette, licking his lips as his thumb played with your nipple, grazing it softly before rolling it in between two fingers. You bit back a moan, arching into his touch. You’ve slept with a few people after Angel and you were upset how he ruined other men for you. Angel knew your body so well, that one night fucking ruined you and you honestly weren’t even mad about it.
“Are you wet baby girl?” His hand drifted down to your underwear, his art work was slowly being lost with every movement of his fingertips against your skin, but he didn’t care. Your body was art for him, the way you were taking a breathy gasp was music to his ear. He couldn’t wait to hear your moans again. He’s fucked other women after you and he would call out your name, even though the moans, the scent, the feel wasn’t the same.
“Yes,” you answered. 
Angel’s fingers slipped underneath your underwear, running a finger up and down your slit. Circling your clit a few times, you moaned out his name, feeling yourself become wetter with every touch. He slipped a finger inside you, pulling it out and adding another when he slipped it back in. Your legs voluntarily widened, accommodating him as he kneeled in front of you. He slipped your underwear down your legs, you were bare in front of him now and he felt his cock twitched as he watched your pussy swallow his fingers. 
“Are my fingers stretching you enough baby? Preparing you for my cock?” He kissed your lips, moving down your neck, nibbling, marking you as his. Looking down at his artwork that was smeared by his own fingertips, he had to say that it didn’t look terrible whatsoever, your skin was glistening with sweat. “Can I take a picture of you baby, take on my runs?”
All you could feel was Angel’s fingers working their magic on you. His words registered, but as much as you wanted to fight him about having your nakedness on his phone, it was kind of hot. 
“Yeah baby? Fuck.” Angel got his phone that was on the coffee table, smirking as he opened up the camera app. Your face was covered by your arm, which he didn’t mind. He already had so many pictures of your face, but this was different. He took some pictures before putting his phone away. He felt your pussy clenching as he continued to go in and out, stroking your clit every once in a while. “Oh baby, I feel that. Querida, you cumming?”
“Fuck, yes Angel, holy fuck.” You cried out, back arching as you came.
“For months, I’ve been waiting to see you in this state again, to hear you moaning out my name in a blissful state. Hearing it again, seeing it again, I won’t ever be able to have my fill of you.” He continued to move his finger in and out of you as he said that, helping you through your orgasm. 
“I’m feeling it again,” the feeling was building in your stomach, again. You heard Angel chuckle as he took his fingers away, causing you to whine. 
He took off his shorts and his shirt, sitting against the couch. He pumped himself as you licked your lips, remembering just how good his cock felt inside of you.
“Like what you see?” Angel held his hand out to you.
You nodded your head, crawling over to him. 
“No time for you to suck my dick baby, I need to be inside of you.” He watched as you stood up and slowly squatted in front of him, making him groan. Slowly, you sink down on his cock, stopping every once in a while to adjust to him. He threw his head back, the sensation was incredible. “Look at that pussy stretching to fit my dick.” He rubbed his thumb around your slit, using the wetness to wet it so he could rub your clit. 
Throwing your head back, Angel watched the look of pure pleasure on your face, memorizing it. He knew this wouldn’t be the last time he would have you, like he said, he didn’t care what Ezekiel thought. They were adults, you’re a grown ass woman, EZ could suck it up.
You had your hands on Angel’s shoulder, using it as leverage as you moved up and down his cock. The burn, the stretch, everything about it felt amazing. If there was one thing you remembered vividly about that night all those months ago, it was how well you fit with Angel. Maybe it was cliche to say, but you didn’t care, his cock just felt so damn good.
“You feeling good mi dulce, you missed my dick?”
“Do you ever shut up?” You groaned as you felt your movements speeding up, trying to chase that euphoric feeling. 
“I could, but I know how much you like my filthy mouth.” Angel pulled you against him, your chest against one another. He wrapped his arms around you, trapping you against him. His hips thrusted upward, hard and fast, and you just took in the onslaught, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as your orgasm hit not a few minutes later. He continued to fuck into you, causing you to scratch his sides, moaning out his name over and over again. He slowed down, letting go of you. 
Your head landed on his shoulder, your hand on his stomach. “Give me a minute.”
Angel chuckled. “My dick too much for you baby? Don’t worry, we’re gonna be fucking so much, you’ll learn how to keep up with me.” He kissed your shoulder. “This pussy is mine now, hell, it’s been mine since that night.” He pulled you away from him so that he could kiss you, his tongue entering your mouth. When he pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours, helping you move up and down as his lips touched yours, his breath just hot against your lips. “We sleeping in the same room now baby.”
It wasn’t even a question, it was a statement.
“My room, I don’t like your bed.” You kissed him again. Pulling away, you ran your fingers through your hair.
“Don’t care which room, as long as you’re in my arms.” Angel laid you on your back, bending your knees and holding them at the back. Looking down at where you two were joined, he smirked. “Can’t believe I listened to EZ.”
“Such a good older brother.” You teased Angel. “Shit Angel, go faster.”
“You don’t like this pace baby? You don’t like it when I go slow, taking my time on you?” Angel ran his hands up and down your thighs, moving it down to your stomach as his art was smeared all around. “I wanna design a tattoo for you querida.”
“No, we have time for that later. Fuck me.” Angel chuckled. “If you fuck me good enough then you can design whatever you want for me.”
You saw how Angel’s eyes darkened, he had your legs hanging on his shoulders. He pounded into you, in and out at a fast pace. You slightly regretted challenging Angel, but this felt so fucking good. 
“This hard enough for you baby?” He taunted. 
You nodded your head. “It feels so good.”
“Yeah you do, you feel fucking amazing querida.” Angel groaned. “You look so beautiful underneath me baby, you’re just gripping my dick baby. This is my pussy, ain’t no one else ever going to see you this way from now on. Fuck those puto’s you took home.”
Taking one of his hands that was beside your head, you took his thumb into your mouth, sucking on it before you directed it towards your clit. Angel immediately followed your order and rubbed it.
“You look so good like this.” Your eyes were closed, toes curled, and lips bitten. You hold onto one of his arms, nails digging into his skin and he fucking loved it.
“Angel!” You cried out as your orgasm finally came. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
He followed right after you, moaning out your name as well. He pulled out, the emptiness making you whimper. Angel helped you up, his cum dripping down your leg. He smirked as he watched it go down and you rolled your eyes.
“Such a guy.” You playfully pushed him. 
He wrapped his arms around you from behind, his cock was already semi-hard. 
“You ready for round two, cause we ain’t fucking leaving our bed till at least Monday.”
It was only Thursday.
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itsarealshitshow · 5 years ago
Stray Kids’ reaction to falling in love with a fan secretly
Requested by anon
Pairing: Stray Kids x reader
Warnings: None
Author: Admin Wiki 
Scenario: Each member has a secret fan account to keep up with their fans and to secretly interact with them. Eventually they make friends with a fan online who thinks they’re just another fan. However, now that the members have fallen in love with you, what will they do?
Bang Chan (Bang Chan or Bang Chris)
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Chris already knew that stays knew about him having a secret twitter account. He started it as a way to stay connected with his fans and to see what they thought about recent comebacks or what concepts they want to see. But now he mainly uses it to talk to a special fan that captured his heart. You’d messaged him first wanting to become friends and mememates. At the beginning of the friendship, both of you agreed to keep your identities anonymous. However, it wasn’t too long before Chan was head over heels for you. 
To be honest his first reaction is just staring at a wall thinking about the situation he got himself into. It seems unreal that he’s fallen for a fan he’s never even seen or met in person. He’ll want to come clean about his feelings but because you guys are anonymous he thinks it’d be weird. Chan will slowly start hinting that you guys should video call or show each others photos of yourselves. Eventually when you reveal your face, he will too. 
He’s all like “let’s go on skype to see each other for the first time. It’ll make it special” and bam his face is on the screen. You were so confused and when it finally hit it was over for you. He’ll confess his feelings to you that same night and hopes that you like him too. 
i mean if chan appeared on my screen i’d piss myself and be so flustered. i would definitely say yes to him. y/n is always living the life i want 😪 
Lee Know (Lee Minho)
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He’s literally only ever on his secret accounts once a month. He probably never remembers about them until Felix sends him something and is like hyung please look at this. However this one time, Minho noticed he had a DM from someone other than his members. This intrigued him and made him look at it. He quickly becomes more invested in the platform that his secret account is on. 
He’s literally only on that certain platform for you. He hasn’t seen your face but your personality and mannerisms definitely ensnared him. Which is also something his members quickly realized. Felix teases the hell out of him about the fact that he only ever checks the app to see if you sent him something. 
This also makes him realize that he likes you. Someone who he’s never seen, never met, never spoken to. It makes him question himself and his feelings for a little bit. bc to be honest with you guys talking to someone online is way different than talking to them in person. especially if you like them Without a doubt he tries to keep it secret from the members, but Chan figures it out way too fast. Chan being the absolute dad that he is, encourages Minho to confess to you. Chan’s encouraging works because Minho plans on confessing to you as soon as you know his real identity. 
Seo Changbin
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He’s both the person who never goes on his secret account and the person who’s always on the app. It stays the same even when you guys start talking. He can be on it for a week straight or he won’t be on it for a month. But of course when he’s on it he’ll take the time to actually respond to your texts. You always text him theories that you’ve seen and funny memes that other stays have made. 
It’s before one of their comebacks when he’s writing songs that he realizes that he’s fallen for you. It’s something that helps inspire him during his slumps and that makes him happy to feel. He’ll keep it to himself for a long time but after his realization he’s definitely going to go on his secret account a lot more than usual. He won’t disappear for a month and will start to talk to you consistently. He can’t believe that he’s fallen for a fan. To him it seems like something that rarely happens and that he should appreciate. 
Huang Hyunjin
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He definitely has like a tiktok or instagram account to see what the fans are up to. I feel like he’s really good at blending in with his account, not making it too obvious it’s him. Cause Felix or Jisung would accidentally confess their real identities. He’s the one who started to talk to you first, wondering how you felt about their recent comeback and what you think their next one would be. You’d send each other memes, crack videos and so much random shit. 
Eventually you’d be the one to ask if you could send each other photos of each other or maybe go on a video call because you’ve been talking for a while. You’re just curious and if he’s okay with it you want to see each other. He’ll send a photo of himself and be like ‘I don’t think you’ll believe that this is actually me’. So of course you’re like ‘Send a photo of yourself with Chan and the both of you with toothbrushes and teddy bears’. Something specific like that and he’s like 😐  girl I’ll just video call you. 
He already had a crush on you before seeing you, but after being on video call together he quickly realizes that he needs to tell you how he feels before someone else snatches you up. He doesn’t care that you’re a fan because in reality you’re just a regular person who idolizes him. A while after you guys started to video call more frequently and he’s certain you’re good and the one for him, he’ll confess his feelings.  
Han (Han Jisung)
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He’s not as bad as Felix but seeing as they were literally born a day apart, they’re pretty much the same. He’s definitely got a secret twitter, instagram and tiktok. He’s on them as much as he can because they’re all really fun but we all know that he’s also writing songs and in the studio all the time. 
When he starts talking to you it’s both of you clowning stays. You’re all like “hii I know we haven’t talked before but I like the stuff you post so here’s something I think you’ll like.” AND NO CAP HE’S PROBABLY ALREADY FALLEN FOR YOU. You guys talk a lot after that and there’s multiple times where he’s revealed his identity and that you just sit there all confused. He’ll quickly be like “haha I’m joking.” 
Finally there’s a time where he suggests you two do a video call and you accept. But mans forgot that you’ve never seen each other and he answers your call both of you just sit and stare at the screen like 👁 👄 👁 . He’s “ahaha yeah um, hi. I’m Jisung, what’s your name.” He kinda panics about liking a fan but soon after that video call you two organize to meet. And when you finally visit him he’ll confess. 
Lee Felix (Lee Felix or Lee Yongbok)
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Felix knows that we know he has a secret twitter and tiktok account. It’s so painfully obvious. Of course none of us have found it yet so maybe we’ve already unintentionally interacted with him. 
In not so new news, there’s a clown right here. When he first started his account he started talking to a select few people and quickly became friends with you. On multiple occasions he’s accidentally said things like ‘What did you think of my comeback?’ or ‘What do you think of my new hair colour?’ and send a photo of himself that hasn’t been posted yet. He quickly realizes his mistakes and covers them up by changing the sentence and posting the photo to the Stray Kids instagram. 
It takes him a long time to realize that he likes you. It’s Chan who makes him realize it by asking questions about you and seeing Felix’s reaction. Every single time Felix immediately smiles which makes Chan tell him that he should confess. This causes Felix to panic. You were a fan and he was the idol you adored. Would you be with him because you genuinely liked him? or just because he was an idol? 
He decides that he has to confess either way or else he might start drowning in his feelings. 
Kim Seungmin
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He doesn’t seem like one of the members who has a secret stan account. Like Chan or Felix stole his phone and downloaded it so they could scroll on it if they didn’t have their phones. One day he gets a notification from one of the apps Chan and Felix downloaded onto his phone. Curious, he opens it and sees that it’s you sending a meme and are like “Your comments are super funny here’s a meme I think you’re gonna like.” Seugmin was like “Oh uh sorry it’s my friend who uses this account I’ll show it to him for you though.” Quickly though, Seungmin starts using the account for himself and starts to befriend you. 
It’s not until Felix accidentally looks at the texts you guys have been sending each other that he realizes just how he feels. He realizes after he gets mad at Felix and telling him it’s an invasion of privacy to just read these intimate texts. i mean it is but i’m more relaxed with people reading some of the texts that my friends and i have sent. He’ll want to confess to you pretty soon after that incident. To him it doesn’t matter if you’re a fan or not because he likes you for you. 
I.N. (Yang Jeongin)
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He’s like Felix and Jisung. He’s on his secret account all the time but no one really notices because he doesn’t make references all the time. He loves being on his secret accounts and talking to fans secretly. It makes him feel closer to fans when comebacks are close. 
You direct messaged him first which is what made the friendship blossom. You two send each other memes of his members and of just random things, like shows you two watch. It takes Chan talking to Jeongin about you to make him realize how he feels about you. He gets super nervous about the fact that he likes you. This insecurity comes from the fact he feels like if he were to reveal his identity you’d like him because he’s an idol you like and not for him. He’s not going to want to confess anytime soon sadly because of his worries. 
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angeltrapz · 4 years ago
hey dude 💚 sorry yr having a shit night too— chainshipping ask tho! I’m always down to head more thoughts abt just. things they do to make th other person smile. but also favorite things to do together? not necessarily Big Activities but the lil domestic stuff (like cooking, maybe chores they do together, etc) that’s just better bc they’re Both doing it
Yeah it was a. rough one kdjks... ty <33
I'm always game to talk abt things they do to make the other smile!! One I think about all the time is the simple act of getting things for each other? Maybe sometimes before they even realize they want said thing, or that they need said thing. As you've mentioned b4 I do think Adam has one of those lavender-scented stuffed animals that you can put in the microwave (I have!! the celebration bear one, who naturally is named Lawrence bc he's blue... and uh... I associate teddy bears. w him) and sometimes, when Adam is doing poorly and has gone nonverbal, Lawrence will just be like "Oh! I know what might help!” so he’ll grab the husky from the bedroom (got Rlly attached to that idea when you mentioned it <33) and pop it in the microwave for a minute, rounding back to the couch to hand Adam one of his shirts to snuggle in and a kiss on the forehead. When he gets Adam’s husky from the microwave and hands it to him, Adam just kinda has a moment like oh... I didn’t even have to ask... and he smiles, for the first time that day, and honestly? It rlly does help, to have someone who knows what might comfort you/knows what types of things do, and who just. Does those things when you need them, sometimes without prompt. It’s an intimate kind of knowledge, and it makes Adam feel all warm on the inside.
Another good example of this is Adam making sure Lawrence has his cane while he's walking around the apartment, esp those first few months when he's just getting used to using it - because he's still learning + trying to get used to walking with his (properly fitted) prosthetic, he often left the cane in random places because Adam would often offer his arm if Lawrence needed it (which, again, took some time for him to be okay with, but Adam always tells him it's okay to need help sometimes), and it would frustrate him because he'd be sitting on the couch like "I. I don't know where I put it." but Adam will be like "It's okay, I know where it is!" and it's as simple as that! Lawrence can't help but smile when Adam hands it to him because Adam just. He gets how hard it is. It's so simple to Adam but to Lawrence it means a whole lot. <3
Something else is that Lawrence will remind him to eat. I've touched on this a little bit b4, but Adam has issues with food that extend past textures and tastes and such - his eating is very disordered, and has been since childhood. He doesn't eat three meals a day, sometimes he hardly eats anything at all (usually the bare minimum that will allow him to take his medications without getting sick), he tends to gravitate towards snacks/easy foods that aren't necessarily super healthy, and combined with him already being underweight + having spent the last seven or eight years since leaving his parents' place at 18 getting by on very little, it causes him frequent dizzy spells/fainting episodes. It also takes him a while to realize that hey, I don't have to spread my meals out anymore, I don't have to worry about getting food, and I don't have to feel guilty about eating when I'm hungry. I think Lawrence is a very observant person by nature, and while he might not understand it fully right away, I think he'd definitely realize that some of these issues are tied to the state of the apartment he'd seen only once + Adam's life from before.
So he doesn't force him to eat, obviously, because that doesn't work and helps no one, but he will definitely be like "Hey, I know you're not feeling great today, but why don't I grab you a granola bar or something? We have those oranges you like too. I just want to make sure you don't give yourself a headache or get sick." and admittedly Adam is. Not used to that kind of regard whatsoever. But it feels so much easier to at least eat something small when he knows Lawrence sees him, understands that it's hard and isn't forcing anything out of him. I do think that once they settle into a routine after moving in together, some of that becomes a little bit easier because hey, he's not living paycheck to paycheck, he doesn't have to survive off of ramen and monster energy, he's allowed to eat and not worry about what happens after. The stress of worrying about groceries is definitely nonexistent with Lawrence, and that takes so much weight off of Adam's shoulders; not to embtion the fact that Lawrence is also conscious about his same foods, and makes sure they've always got some in the kitchen. It's not easy, but having someone care about him so much, someone who wants to make sure he's eating right and caring about him like that always makes Adam smile a little bit.
For Lawrence, I think a big thing is just like... seeing Adam hanging out with Diana? There's nothing that will put a smile on his face faster than coming home from work to find the two of them in the living room, a Disney movie (or The Princess Bride!) playing in the background while Diana paints Adam's nails bright glittery blue and pink, because she wanted to practice patterns and she really likes the glitter. Her nails are already painted black with a glitter coat on top - "Adam's nails always look so pretty like that, and he said maybe I couldn't do full black, so he put glitter on them too!" - and he's sitting there, hand spread out on the coffee table while they both sit on the floor, talking about anything and everything that pops into Diana's head, and Lawrence just kind of stands there and watches for a little while. His two favourite people, relaxing together, enjoying each other's company. Adam turns around and Lawrence has always got this huge grin on his face, just like, "Oh, don't mind me. What was it you were talking about, Diana?" which of course prompts her to jump up to give him a huge hug, but after that she's right back to painting Adam's nails, and Lawrence is more than content to just sit in and listen. (He also absolutely adores finding Adam reading to her before bed, because he does voices and everything. He gets a little bit embarrassed about it at first, but once he sees Lawrence watching them with the most loving look he thinks he's ever seen, he just blushes, smiles back, and continues. Sometimes Lawrence joins in, but not always, because then it becomes a competition of voices and they'll never get Diana to bed if she's laughing too hard!!)
Another is that Adam is really good at pulling him out of his own head. He can usually tell when Lawrence is thinking way too hard about something, or when he's beating himself up for some perceived slight he feels he's somehow performed, or when something is bothering him and he's debating whether or not to bring it up for fear of bothering Adam. Often times he'll just sit beside him wherever he is, or lead him somewhere to sit down if they're standing, and he'll just guide Lawrence's head to rest on his chest and he'll just talk softly, making sure Lawrence isn't sitting in silence, knowing that Lawrence doesn't typically feel up to talking himself right away. He'll run his fingers through his hair and tell him about his day, or something he saw while scrolling through his phone/on TV, sometimes he'll read to him, basically just letting him know that hey, I'm right here, I know you're not doing great right now, and that's okay. I'm here for you. Lawrence cries sometimes when Adam does this, the relief of being held + feeling safe enough to express his emotions making it easier, but he smiles by the end of it because he knows how much Adam loves him + wants to make sure he's okay, and he knows that Adam isn't going to judge him. It's the safety of it all. <3
Favourite things to do together!!! Like you mentioned I like to think they do chores together! It’s just more fun that way. Again as you’ve mentioned b4, I think Adam has some difficulty with the dishes despite liking the repetitiveness of the task, both because of textures and because of his shaky hands - so what they do is Lawrence will wash the plates themselves and then hand them off to Adam, who will dry them and put them away/the strainer! They both find it helps a lot to just be around each other like this, listening to the radio above the stove and bumping hips, tapping their feet, sometimes humming along if they know the song well enough. It’s just a nice little routine. (Sometimes they dance in the kitchen after, and sometimes to the goofiest pop songs Adam has ever heard, but if you heard that, no you didn't.)
They like folding laundry together, too! That one is just because it's fun. Lawrence will toss him one or two of his shirts while they're warm because he knows Adam likes the feeling + stealing Lawrence's clothes, and every now and then Adam will throw a washcloth at him just 'cause he thinks it's funny (it is, especially bc Lawrence's gut response is to throw it back?? so they look like two dorks bc they're just throwing it back and forth???), and it's just a nice way to share space. Sometimes they get a bit too caught up in whatever is on TV (its on bc they both need background noise) and end up just sitting against the couch, two baskets of laundry on either side of them, and then eventually Adam will be like "Okay babe I think we should probably finish folding clothes now," and Lawrence will just groan like "I forgot that's what we were doing. Damn it." and they take a moment to laugh before they finish up. (Adam Loves hearing Lawrence swear bc he doesn't do it often, so even smth as simple as "damn it" cracks him up for a good minute lmao!!)
I do think they also enjoy cooking together!! Adam will hand him ingredients/assist in cutting vegetables/what have you; I think, for the most part, that Lawrence does the majority of the cooking, but Adam does help where he can! Sometimes he'll just hop up onto the counter and hand Lawrence things as he needs them, and Lawrence thanks him with either a squeeze to his hand or a kiss on the cheek, and Adam will joke about how he's basically just sitting there looking pretty, but he learns very quickly that Lawrence will just be like "Well, you DO look very pretty, so I think that's fine," and it ends with Adam red in the face but smiling into his hands anyway. The payoff is always a nice meal that they can sit down to together, and it's just such a peaceful, enjoyable thing for them to do together!!
Other than those three they'll take turns doing chores for each other - sweeping, dusting, tidying up the bathroom, things like that just to help each other out <3
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