#and of course eridan:
velvetcnidarian-gems · 7 months
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Was gonna add the cape and scarf but i kinda like it more without
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tmos-time · 5 months
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tfw the merman you've been befriending for a week while you visit your best friend has the most dysphoric day of his life and all he can think about is ovens
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pogzhellopart · 4 days
EriKar dump fr fr
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terminallycapricioous · 5 months
look at this distinguished gentlemen :°)
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triptychgardener · 1 year
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Figured I'd post some sprite edits/designs I've been making for those who look different in Early June
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Karkat: NO GOG!
Karkat: NO!
Karkat: NO!
June: *begins playing the office theme on her piano*
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mindfang-srevenge · 8 months
Homestuck Trolls and Which TMA Entity They're Most Aligned With: A List By Static, with the STRONG NOTATION that this is not a diss track, just a general summation of thoughts
Karkat— Extinction. He's the mutation that heralds the end of the world. He's the mutation that dooms the world. His existence inspires the fear of the end of society, and the question of how that society could rebuild.
Vriska— Web. A gimme. Spider8itch is gonna spider8itch. She's literally got manipulation powers that-- if she would use them correctly-- would constantly invoke the fear that her friends had no free will, and were just following her orders.
Aradia— End. She takes on the job of reaper for the entire universe, there's no way her very presence doesn't inspire at least the knowledge or vibes of death in her friends. She's the ferrywoman of this universe, and more than that, she's an archaeologist. She takes an active interest in the dead and the gone. This girl's unnerving, and I adore her for it.
Sollux— Desolation. A man who's had everything taken from him, and taken from him again, and taken from him again. First with Aradia's death at his hands, then when he's killed trying to get his friends into the game, then when he gets incinerated by Jack, then when he's blinded by Eridan, then when he gives it all up to propel the ship across the yard, then when he-- you get the point. Sollux continually inspires, rather than the fear of death, the fear of total and utter loss. It's probably something to do with the Doom aspect, y'know.
Terezi— Eye. She who knows all, she who 'sees' all. She's adept enough at this job to be able to trace both the past and the future, to understand exactly where things went wrong even if she doesn't have the power to fix it herself. Good at predicting outcomes. All of these are eye traits.
Gamzee— Stranger, both because of the circus aesthetic and because of the fear of the 'other' that he inspires. He walks like their friend, he looks like their friend, he even kind of sounds like their friend-- but is it really him? Are they supposed to trust him, especially after what he did? There's something wrong here, there's something wrong about him, and he's a Stranger aboard their ship.
Eridan— Slaughter. He's constantly fulfilling the trait of 'mindless violence', after all, whether he's killing landdwellers or shooting angels or even killing his friends. He shoots first and asks questions later. He's actively thinking about genocide at almost all times. This man is a menace.
Nepeta— Hunt, which feels a little obvious. She's the stalking purredator. She's constantly RP'ing as a creature that would like no better than to play a lovely little game of cat and mouse. If she got more screentime and/or things to fight, I'm sure we could see many more examples of this in-text.
Equius— Lonely. Nobody really seems to like this man? I mean, for obvious reasons- he's kind of a creep-- but he lurks on the edges of the friend group, moreso even than Gamzee or Eridan. If he didn't live immediately next door to Vriska I'm not sure anyone but Nepeta would know him. He probably speaks to his robots more than any other troll, and he doesn't seem to particularly want to speak to anyone but Nepeta? Every conversation is so stilted, so formal, almost as if he doesn't know how to talk to people even if he did want to.
Feferi— Vast. Look, as a seadweller, she's a little more connected to the depths than most-- but she also can't leave the depths, forcing Eridan to do her hunting for her. Her lifespan is implied to be near-endless, judging from )(IC's. She's trapped on all sides by endlessness.
Tavros— Buried. Much in the way that Feferi is trapped by an expanse both around her and within her, Tavros is trapped on the ground despite his wishes. He's buried at the back of his friend group, the butt of the jokes. He's also figuratively buried by his self-doubt, which feeds into his role as Page. I feel . . . incredibly bad for this man.
Kanaya— Corruption. It's the Fear most associated with the bringing of new life, which both as a jadeblood and the protector of the Mothergrub Egg, she's deeply in tune with. Her lusus is also a winged bug-thing (mothergrub, shut up). Kanaya herself is a parasite on the other trolls, because she's a rainbow drinker.
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suddenly got violently reminded of gamzee makara 2day for some fucking reason. do u ever think about how he was fucking stuck under lord english's influence for so fucking long. and then in game over he had one single moment of lucidity and and immediately got painfully cut in half. bro was just a kid and he got CUT IN HALF!!!!! eridan too actually. yeah they were both assholes but jesus christ man. they didnt deserve 2 get fucking CUT IN HALF FOR IT. they did not deserve 2 get FUCKING BISECTED!!!
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wigglermoirail · 3 days
thinkin abt my 3 weed smokin gfs again
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gorillaxyz · 6 months
pippahs trollian whatever handle is contentedAlcoholic . btw😏
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lovelyrotter · 8 months
to this day i cant believe how many people full heartedly dont want any kind of conflict or antags doing antagonistic things or even just well written, nuanced, realistic teenaged characters fucking up and making bad choices in HS. like are. are we reading the same thing. have we been reading the same thing. yall didnt pay attention in eng lit AT ALL i see
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akittyscomet · 1 year
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@potatobugz hi
im not gonna lie during my fread-through i think i completely blocked out the entire eridan and fef parts /srs. anyways uhhh girl
edit: what the shart. cropping
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prospitsdream · 1 year
i think sollux n eridan would love watchinh star trek together. science fiction nerds <333
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tmos-time · 2 years
can i be honest i love seeing headcanons that like. they make SENSE but also you're so used to you and your friends headcanons that you completely forget that people might not go that route. what do you mean eridans knees are nice to him
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superstuckoff · 1 year
[S] Go home
Transcript for Eridan's messages below cut.
> i scheduled an intervvieww for you it’s 8 o’ clock pm sharp on wednesday
> havve you picked out an outfit for the cammys yet
> please tell me you did
> you knoww that outfits are the thing that people care about the most
> if not ill just schedule a fitting appointment wwith kan wwhich wwill be evven more trouble but wwhatevver its not like you care about makin my life easy
> fuckin hell
> it is 8 pm davve wwhere are you dont tell me youvve gotten drunk or high or both
> oh my god
> youre kiddin me
> this is all ovver chittr its literally trendin wwhat did you do
> answwer me wwhen you wwake up
> ill be ovver here fixin your fuckin mess again
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dudoserswag · 1 month
would u ever draw a funny cat eridan :3?
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Yeah of course!!! Also eridan and rose fight for battle victory royal ;]
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