#and of course Alastor is all red like a tomato
nikito0x · 2 months
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Maybe I'll color it later...
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petitprincess1 · 4 years
Good Evening Ch4 (Help)
AO3 Link Summary: Alastor gives his reason for the sudden visit, Angelo learns a bit more about Al than he wanted, and an employee recognizes the radio host. Words: 1,449 God, this is all so much fun! I gotta slow down though before burnout comes to claim me. Husk’s human design is created by @akyokanta! Also, sorry if Charlie seems a bit OOC. She did meet Al under different circumstances and is currently stressed. Anyway, hope you enjoy! ~~~ Charlie was the first to approach the well-dressed man and asked, “Al...uh...what are you doing here? I-I mean, I heard the, uh, radio, b-but not all of it.”
Before Alastor could speak, Niffty ran up to him and cheered, “Oh my god! Thank you for coming to the hotel! Can I be on your broadcast? Can I hold your staff? What room are you staying in? How long are you staying? What’s your favorite color or show!? Oh, I bet it’s Hazbin!”
Alastor gave a delighted chuckle to Niffty and grinned, “Slow down there, small one, I’m simply here because I wish to have a room and to help!”
Everyone stared at him in bewilderment, excluding Angelo, who just walked away from it all to go sit on a dusty chair nearby. Charlie blinked up at him and asked eloquently, “Say what now?”
“Help! With this reformative hotel, I would like to help you run it,” Al clarified as he walked over to a wall, peeling off a bit of the old wallpaper that just barely stuck to it. Charlie watched him walk around the lobby and hum to him himself, wondering if he was joking or not. Vaggie just raised an eyebrow at him, clearly not trusting the man that was out in the forest for some odd reason. The pale blonde questioned further, “But...why?”
Al swiftly turned to her and smiled, “Why does anyone do anything? Sheer, absolute boredom!”
Charlie’s confusion then turned into an all out frown as she scoffed, “Well, why would we want your help in the first place? Also, this isn’t just a normal hotel. It’s for bringing ex-cons, criminals, addicts, and any other seeming victims of the law to slowly reintroduce them back into society!”
The man just hummed, looking behind her, “Oh, yes, that seems to be working just fine!”
She raised an eyebrow and looked over her shoulder, watching as a guest had apparently snuck behind the front desk and grabbing some alcohol that was stashed away. Charlie yelled at them, “Hey! Where did tha-” Before she could finish, the guest quickly hopped over the desk and ran into an elevator nearby. Vaggie mumbled under her breath as she went over to the stairs, “I knew that we should have gotten his bottles taken away. I got this, don’t worry!”
She shouted as she gave a concerned look to Charlie before running into the stairwell. Alastor gave the little entrepreneur a sly grin, making her turn her head away from him. She huffed, “That doesn’t mean a thing. A lot rarer than what it seems to be.”
Alastor said snarkily, “Ah, yes because if I wish to send any loved one to a rehab facility, I would love to send them to a place that allows their employees to drink.”
Charlie stuttered over her words and tried to figure out an excuse, while Niffty continued to ask him a random assortment of questions. After just a full 10 seconds of this insanity, Angelo let out a loud, drawn out yawn and immediately quieted the two. He then asked Al, “So, uh, didja bring that food that you were makin’ or whatever?”
Niffty asked in excitement, “Oh! You were gonna cook for us!?” She then quickly hid the bowl of pancake batter behind her back. Charlie’s eye slightly twitched as she questioned, “What!? You’re gonna cook for us!?”
Alastor lightly stroked her golden hair, giving a small chuckle, “Ohoho! Don’t worry, my dear, I shan’t charge you for my services. Besides, it’s the least I can do when you allow me to rest in this hotel and become your right hand man!”
Charlie rolled her eyes and mumbled, “Yeah because that’s going to happen.”
He then leaned down to her eye level and gave her another laugh. She then asked Angelo in confusion, “Wait, have you talked to him before now to know that he was bringing food?”
Angelo nodded, “Yeah….should I have mentioned that?”
Before she could answer his question and further risk her sanity, Al spoke, walking towards the entrance, “Don’t worry, it won’t take long to make. The gumbo just needs to be reheated, while cooking some rice at the same time.”
Niffty squeaked, “Oh! I got the rice! I’m on it!” She then zoomed into the kitchen, dropping the bowl of pancake batter on the floor and it somehow landed perfectly straight up, barely wobbling. Alastor simply grabbed the bowl and handed it to Charlie, informing, “It would be such a shame for this to go to waste. Please, can you place place some wrap on this and put it into the fridge, doll? Young ethel, can you come help me?”
Charlie tried to tell Al that she should really go and check on Vaggie, the man had already walked away, while Angelo went walking with him out the door. She gave a long sigh and used her free hand to text Vaggie about needing to chat about Al. ~~~ As the two were walking outside towards Alastor’s car, Angelo looked around and waited for anyone to possibly jump out to ambush him. He was sure that Al wouldn’t be the kind of person to create an ambush like that, but he still didn’t trust him. Angelo suddenly got stopped by a cane blocking his path and Alastor raised an eyebrow at him, “We’re here, mon pion.”
He then unlocked his car to get into the back and Angelo questioned as the radio host went to crawl into the vehicle, “So, uh, were ya makin’ this gummy-”
“Whateva. Were you makin’ that thing when ya texted me or…?” The taller man finished as he got a large pot full of some savory, seafood smelling soup placed into his arms. Alastor climbed out from the back and grinned, “Oh, no, no! I started cooking the moment you said you needed to be filled. Don’t get me wrong, I knew what you meant, but the timing was too good, my friend.”
Angelo corrected, “Yeah, no, we ain’t friends. So, I guess those 3 hours that we spent talkin’ was also when ya were cookin’, è giusto?”
Al nodded as he grabbed a few more ingredients that were in a brown bag, closing the car door with his foot, and replied, “Correctamundo! Gumbo does taste the best when you give it time for the flavors to intensify. The longer it takes, the better. Of course, the ingredients also help as well.”
“What's in it?”
“Oh the usual? Andouille, shrimp, bell peppers, celery, onions, hot sauce, tomatoes, and a little family secret to give it that special flavor,” He concluded, pinching the mob child’s cheek and starting to walk back to the hotel. Angelo had wondered what it was that had to be kept a secret. Although, he felt like he had a feeling after he saw what looked to be a cut up eyeball floating around in the broth…even if he did convince himself that it was just a fish eyeball. ~~~ The two walked into the kitchen and were immediately shocked, at least Angelo was, to see a much older man in the kitchen with Niffty, instead of Charlie. He was lifting Niffty up to reach the cabinets. The man was wearing a light brown waistcoat, grey pants, and had on a red bowtie that should have clashed but just seemed to work. After he placed the lady on the floor and ran his hand through his greying slicked back hair, the man grumbled about having a headache and turned to leave, just to stop when he faced Alastor and Angelo.
Alastor gave a large shit-eating grin to the man, while Angelo just blinked at his slowly enraging expression. He practically snarled at Al, “You! What are you gonna fucking follow me everywhere, you goddamn piece of shit!”
Angelo blinked again and started, “So...ya two know ea-”
He got cut off by Alastor cheerfully calling out, “Ah! Husker! Always such a pleasure to see you! Had a few rounds with the giggle water, I see? Tsk, tsk. Need to kick that nasy habit, my friend.”
Husk just muttered insults under his breath, while clenching his fists and grinding his teeth together. Alastor just hummed happily as he placed the pot on the countertop, ignoring the increasing confusion with Angelo and Niffty. Al asked Husk, “By the way, can you hand me some plates, good man?”
A plate went flying past Alastor’s face and smashed against the wall behind him, making the Niffty scold Husk about wasting plates and Angelo just lightly flinch, despite looking terrified and spaced out. Al just chuckled, “You missed! Dare to try again~”
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hazbinextgeneration · 4 years
Charlastor Week Day 3
Day 3 (3-3): Cooking The room was filled with sing song humming and the smell of weird food in the air lingered everywhere. Not a bad smell, it smelt delicious whatever it was, but it just wasn't anything she ever really experienced before. Usually she would've  enjoyed something like this but she just couldn't right now. You wanna know why? It was HOT!!  Well it shouldn't have been a surprise really considering Hell was always had hot and burning heat, but HOLY MOTHER OF COW!! This kitchen was more like a giant oven on a million degrees with how hot it was. Ok. Maybe that was a little exaggerated but that surely what she felt with her hovering over the boiling pot and hot stove. What she wouldn't give for a nice cold piece of ice to just slap her face with it's sweet sweet coldness. But unfortunately for her, she didn't have a choice in the matter. Which she hated to bits and pieces.  The humming demon next to her wasn't even breaking a sweat. How was he doing that?! Black magic maybe? He was supposed to be a master of that sort of thing wasn't he? Or maybe it was just because he was just used to this sort of thing by now. She didn't know, but she was a bit irritated at the way he was smiling smugly at her.  "A little hot under the collar, Dear?" His radioized voice asked the smaller demon holding the small tray and staring up at him with a small frown. "You should smile more you know. After all you're never fully dressed without a smile!~" She just sighed and held up the tray slightly when he reached over and grabbed one of the ingrediants off it. WHy did  she have to be put  on helping Alastor duty? ...Maybe it was punishment for causing Angel to fall down the stairs, but HEY! It was an accident. How was she supposed to know he would step on her foot and trip down the steps?! Luckily no one was seriously hurt but she couldn't help but feel like this was still some kind of punishment, or maybe it was because no one else wanted to help him make lunch. Being a known cannibal they were probably scared he'd make them his lunch, not that she cared too much. She had made him promise not to cook anyone and he wasn't really interested in eating anything other today than the weird soup looking stuff he had been on about for a while. But to be honest he looked almost done and confirmed it with the next sentence. The powerful demon hummed staring down inches away from the boiling hot liquid and snapped his neck to her. "Now how about this! All Im missing is the secret ingredient I always use!" "Which is?" He held his hand to shush her as his eyes darted around the tray with a hum. "Well, dog gone. It seems you forgot to grab it from the strange keep-cold machine. Tch, tch. SO forgetful." She made a frown What? How was she supposed to know his secret ingredient? Oh she hoped it wasn't anything too terrible. But before she could retort he squeezed past her and tapped his way over to the fridge. "Now this won't do at all! Oh nonono. Never fear! I'll retrieve the specialty. Add all the peppers to the pot, Dear! And make sure it's all mixed together. Wouldn't want a bland taste now, would we?" She watched with a frown as he hummed all willy nilly and opened the fridge, the door hiding them from view to each other, but sighed and looked back to the tray. Pepper huh? The only pepper she had was the small pepper shaker by the salt. She shrugged and carefully balanced the tray into one hand while grabbing the shaker in the other, she hovered it over the boiling pot before stopping. "....Are you sure you want me to dump all of it in? That seems a lot for one pot."  "Of course! All of them." He answered without looking up from the inside of the fridge. "It's what the recipe calls for you know! It wouldn't taste the same." "M'kay, If you say so." Without another word she began furiously shaking the small shaker. Little specks of black pepper poured into the pot below. It took a couple of shakes which left her hand tired, but the small shaker was empty and just in time for the deer to pop his red head back up holding the bag of venison from the back. "Here we are! Mother's secret recipe." He sashayed his way back over and gave her a look. "Did you add all the peppers my dear?" "Yeah. You said all of it." He hummed and looked at the tray before tutting. "Dear, dear, dear. You must've misunderstood me." With a hand he grabbed a small bowl of chopped up tomatoes from the tray and held them up. "These sliced hot peppers will give the necessary kick it needs!" She froze. Wait. THOSE were chilli peppers, then that means she- "Uh, oh." He hummed and tilted his head sideways. "'Uh, oh what Dear? You sound like you made a mistake." "Uh...I may have added the wrong pepper." He hummed curiously and too her horror turned his attention back to the pot. He curiously looked at the water with narrowed eye but soon enough his face contorted into what she thought was anger since the smile was gone. She jumped when he quickly faced the opposite direction and doubled over. OH CRAP!! She was so dead! But what came next wasn't what she was expecting at all. "*ACH-ZZZZZZZZZTT!!*" A giant sound of high pitched static feedback shot out and she winced. A moment later the deer demon bounced back with a smile like it never happened and looked to her with a smile. "Oh Dear. It seems we'll have to move by lunch idea to dinner time. It'll be too stressful to try to fix the soup you already turned it into Im afraid." She tilted her head confused at his smile. "What are you talking about?" "Well Dearie, pepper soup isn't really a recipe one should mess with or be left with unforeseen allergies." 
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angelfire115 · 5 years
OK, Charlastor part 4, maybe final, you never know
After ten seconds of the unexpected passionate kiss. He finally stopped and let go. His mischevious smile came back as he saw her face. The adorable face as red as a tomato. She turned away from him, holding her embarrassed face, contemplating everything that just happened. What an incredibly hilarious and entertaining day it was. Entering the princesses room, making her shake with fear and anxiety, scaring her so far she ran, chasing her through every hall in the hotel, saving her from falling from a tall building and finally kissing her was a fantastic show in itself. Her reaction to it all though, her desperate eyes, her fearful looks, her heart beating so hard and fast and her adorable face mixed with emotions sent him flying. This girl became the most entertaining person he had ever met. And he couldn't wait for more. Charlie spun and faced him, her face still red. Charlie: "What-what are you, why do you-?" her lack of saying words was also funny. She was so angry, it was so adorable. Alastor: "Like I said earlier my dear, I was testing something but you far exceeded my expectations, this entire day became quite an entertaining spectacle". Her eyes widened in surprise but quickly changed to anger. Charlie "*sigh* of course that's what it is". Charlie's eyes were nothing but rage even if she was still red. She spun around again, stomping towards the hotel entrance. She stopped and slightly turned to him. Charlie: "You know, I can handle most of your games and explosive personality but this". She turned to face him, eyes red, her demon showing more then ever before. Charlie: "but that was too far". She turned once more and continued towards the door. Alastor chuckled slightly, that demon side of her was always incredible to see. Such an innocent girl turning into such a horrible sight was exciting. However, he felt deep inside him an annoying twinge, especially when she got angry, it was new, it was something he'd never felt before or at least in a long time. He wondered if he'll feel this again or even something else new. He was ever so excited to find out.
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snarkybluechristian · 5 years
Hazbin Hotel: Yandere Alastor x Vaggie Chapter 9
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Meanwhile, Rosie had Vaggie bathed and cleaned up before she brought her to meet Alastor in one of his ballrooms wearing a traditional El Salvadoran blue and white dress, sandals, and a traditional braid tied with her pink ribbon.
Vaggie examined the room once Rosie left her side.  It was a large room that looked like an old jazz club.  The stage was surrounded by long red curtains.  There was a dance floor.  There were tables surrounding the stage.  All of it was tinted in red and black.
Suddenly, Vaggie's nose caught a familiar smell.  It smelled like the breakfast her mother used to make, but it couldn't be.  Could it?
Vaggie followed her nose until she spotted the table next to the stage with plates of pupusas, tomato salsa, ensalada drinks, plantains, and a pitcher of horchata with glasses to serve the drinks in along with all the right silverware and napkins that matched the room's decor.
Vaggie couldn't believe her eyes.  She almost wanted to cry.
“Come over and have some breakfast, Vaggie darling,” Rosie said from her seat at the table.
“Oh, Rosie, you don’t need to stay,” Alastor said from his spot at the table.  “I know how eager you've been to play with your new toy again…”
“Oh, thank you, Alastor,” Rosie said before bolting out of her chair and dashing out of the room before Vaggie even had time to blink.
Vaggie took her seat and didn’t waste any time.  
“What the hell are you planning for Angel?!” Vaggie asked angrily.
“I only intend to give him to the highest bidder,” Alastor said.  “I don't want to keep him around.”
“What?!” Vaggie asked incredulously.
“He’ll only ruin the fun,” Alastor said dismissively.  “But no more talk of that now.  Go on.  Eat.”
Vaggie glared at Alastor for a moment before reluctantly picking up her fork.  
Alastor stared at Vaggie contentedly as she took her first bite of plaintains.
Vaggie swallowed her bite and paused in wonder.  
The food tasted just the way her mother used to make it down to the spices and texture.
Vaggie eyed Alastor suspiciously and asked, “How did you do this?”
“I asked my chefs to look into El Salvadoran cooking,” Alastor responded nonchalantly.
“I see,” Vaggie replied.  
“How do you like it?” Alastor asked.  
“It’s passable,” Vaggie said coldly.  
“Passable?!” Alastor exclaimed dramatically leaning backwards in his chair.  “Oh, my love, why must you be so cold to me?!”
“Because I hate you,” Vaggie replied before going back to eating her food.
Alastor shrank back in shock and picked up his staff.  He stood up at his seat and suddenly had a spotlight shining on him out of nowhere.
“Oh, woe is me!” Alastor exclaimed.  “Woe is me!  What can a man do when the woman he loves holds him in such utter contempt?”
“Let her go?” Vaggie suggested.  
“Alas,” Alastor replied.  “That is no option.”
Vaggie rolled her eyes as the lights dimmed and Alastor hopped on stage.  
“I’ll just have to keep serenading you,” Alastor said.  “Want to come on stage and sing and dance with me?”
“No,” Vaggie replied.  
“Then let me perform for you,” Alastor said as an old-fashioned microphone with its stand came up through the stage.  
Alastor stomped his staff on the ground, and his familiars emerged with instruments to perform the overture of an old-timey jazz ballad.
When the overture was over, Alastor sang, “I've been running in circles while playing a game of pretending, I didn't realize I was wise, what love could do; Now I'm facing a future that hasn't that one happy ending, And I'm a fool, I guess, to confess it all to you.  I never knew I could love anybody, Honey, like I'm lovin' you.  I didn't realize What a pair of eyes and a baby smile could do.  I can't sleep, I can't eat, I never knew a single soul could be so sweet, For I never knew I could love anybody, Honey, like I'm lovin' you!”
Vaggie rolled her eyes at Alastor’s song as a group of tapdancing familiars came up behind Alastor.  He began tap dancing with them to a loud jazz ensemble much to Vaggie’s chagrin.
Alastor was completely absorbed in his dancing, so much so that Vaggie realized he wasn’t paying any attention to her.
Vaggie took the opportunity to pile her plate high with food and silently make her way back to the basement where Angel was sitting on his bed alone in his cell.
“Vaggie?!” Angel asked as she sat down on the ground and laid the plate of food in front of her.  “How’d you get back here?  Where’s Alastor?”
“Alastor is singing a musical number to try and win my affection,” Vaggie said clearly showing her displeasure through her voice.  
Angel cackled and said, “Oh, God.  He’s such a ham!”
Angel then winced in pain.  That wasn’t lost on Vaggie.  
“What happened?” Vaggie asked.  “What did Rosie do to you?  Where is she?”
Angel got off the bed and sat down in front of the bars before responding, “Ah, she didn’t do much to me.  I’m fine.”
“I brought you food,” Vaggie said gesturing to the plate.
“Thanks, babe,” Angel said before he began stuffing his face.
“Where did Rosie go?” Vaggie asked again.  “I need to know how much time I have to bust you out.”
“She went to powder her nose,” Angel said before swallowing his food.  “But you know that won’t work.  Alastor’s too good at what he does.”
“What choice do I have?” Vaggie asked while Angel continued eating.  “I’m not going to be his wife.  I don’t know what else to do.”
Angel paused from his eating and said, “You could just do what he says.”
“What?” Vaggie asked incredulously.
“I mean pretend to go along with what he says,” Angel replied.  
Vaggie suddenly understood.  
She smirked and said, “Oh, I get it.  Then wait for an opportunity to escape.”
“Exactly,” Angel said taking another bite of food.  
Vaggie’s smile disappeared.
“But I have to pretend to like Alastor,” Vaggie said sadly.  “I don’t know if I can suck up to him.  He disgusts me.”
“Of course, you can,” Angel said.  “You know how I know?  You were a slut just like me.  And if there’s anything a slut knows, it’s how to keep a man biting for more.”
Vaggie snorted out loud in laughter.  
Angel smiled and scarfed down the rest of the food.  
“What about you?” Vaggie finally asked.  
“Babe, I’ve survived much worse than this,” Angel said.  “I’ll be fine.  He ain’t interested in me.  The one he’s after is you.  Don’t worry about me.”
Vaggie smiled warmly and said, “So, you really did come just to save me.  I never knew you cared that much.”
“What can I say, Vaggie?  I couldn’t let you have all this fun by yourself,” Angel said with a wink.
Vaggie crawled closer to the bars, reached her arms through them, and gave Angel a hug.  
Angel hugged her back with his four arms.
“Go get him, moth,” Angel said.  “Try to get him to go out in public if you can.  Okay?”
“Okay,” Vaggie said slowly nodding as she let Angel go, picked up the plate, and stood up.
Then without another word, Vaggie turned around and headed back to the jazz club lounge.
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angelfire115 · 5 years
Part 28
Charlie woke up in a daze, the morning light gazing through the window. She was so comfortable and warm, she felt like drifting off into eternal sleep. But the hotel couldn't wait and neither could the day. She sat up, her hair was in a mess, her eyes heavy and her body limp. She stretched as far as her body could muster. With a hup, she got up and headed towards her wardrobe. She froze in place, realising the most obvious thing to her. She wasn't in her room, she wasn't even at the hotel. She was instead at Alastors place.
It all came back to her, her fear for Als' well-being, her running all the way here, the scars and blood she'd seen all over his body, her embarrassing moment were she offered to sleep with him, him holding her tightly for so long and finally that annoying realisation he had a spare room and he was just teasing her. She dropped in disappointment and annoyance. He played her like a flute. She decided to try and get over it and try to get back to the hotel as fast as she could and forget everything that happened yesterday.
She strides out of his room and into the lounge where she found Alastor sitting at his couch, drinking some coffee and reading a newspaper. He looked up to see the princess, looking rather tired and rather irritated. Alastor: "Ah, morning my dear, I hope you slept well". Alastor got up from his seat, closing the news paper and putting down his coffee, he approached the sleepy princess to get a closer look at her. Alastor: "What's with the frown my dear? Did you not have a good rest?". He had his arms behind his back and loomed over her.
Charlie looked up at his snarky grin, still not pleased. Charlie: "I did actually, I'm just annoyed on what happened last night, did you seriously make me go through that for your "entertainment?". Alastor still looked at her grinning, he honestly did find it hilarious but at the same time, he enjoyed her company. Alastor: "Oh sweety, do not worry yourself". He stroked her fine blond hair and through his claws felt an incredible softness he hasn't felt before. Her hair may have been in a mess but it's shine and beauty still came through. Alastor: "Besides I didn't exactly sleep last night, I've been out here, enjoying the quiet while reading as well".
Charlie looked up in surprise, he didn't sleep? But why? He must of been exhausted from the ordeal he went through yesterday. Alastor saw her surprise and concern written on her face which gave him a sense of warmth. Alastor: "You see my dear, it is very difficult to sleep with a terrible wound like this and anyway, sleeping isn't something I partake in often". Charlie couldn't argue with anything he said, it made sense after all. A wound like that would hurt too much to even have a goodnight sleep, no matter how comfortable you were. Also, Alastor doesn't seem like someone who sleeps causally like everyone else. She has seen him sleep but even so, she's always been surprised to see it.
She sighed to herself, the annoyance washed away far easier then the shock. She just wanted to get back to the hotel as soon as possible. She knows for a fact Angel has told Vaggie about this and that Vaggie is now worried sick. She walked past Alastor heading towards the door, before she could reach it, Alastor popped up in front of her. Charlie stopped in her tracks confused on what he was doing. Alastor: "Wait a second my dear, are really going back to the hotel looking like that?". Charlie looked at herself, he wasn't wrong, her clothes were messy and her hair was one messed up birds nest.
She didn't exactly care for her looks though but she would be embarrassed to be caught like this. Her parents would definitely go wild about it too if they saw this. Before she could speak, Alastor grabbed a brush that came out of thin air and with a click of his fingers, her clothes had changed from her usual suit to another suit but a little different. It almost matched the same style he had but hers as well, like a mixture of both. It did look good on her though, she had to admit.
Alastor sat at the couch again, welcoming her to sit beside him. Alastor: "Come here my dear, I'll help with your hair". Alastor maybe a horrible beast of a demon but he was kind as well, even if some of that kindness is fake it still felt nice. She accepted his offer and sat beside him. She turned herself so her hair could face him.
He spent 5 minutes gently brushing her hair while also untangling snags here and there with his hands. When it was all done, she gave him a gentle smile as a thanks. He smiled back, her smile always made his heart soar. The feeling for her were strong and he never wanted to let them go. Before she could get herself up, Alastor grabbed her chin gently and kissed her cheek. She jumped, another kiss to add to the collection. She felt her heart pound, her body shiver with goosebumps and her face burn.
When he let her go, she shifted backwards right to the edge of the chair. She held her face as it held its red colour. Alastor always loves seeing that face, her actions made him laugh. He'd kiss her a thousands times just to see it. Charlie: "W-why do you keep doing that?". She tried her best to hide her embarrassment while looking away from him. Alastor: "Hehehe because I love it my dear, your reaction is always hilarious to see and anyway". He leaned in closer to her, right to her ear. Alastor: "Have you forgotten how much I love you, it makes sense to show it, doesn't it?". She couldn't believe what she was hearing, of course she couldn't forget, how could she, it's just something she didn't want to concentrate on.
Alastor got up and opened the door, he spun to her direction and summoned his cane. Alastor: "After all, you will be mine one day". He gave her a wink and left the house, closing the door behind him. Charlie might as well be a tomato, her entire body was completely red. She dug herself into her legs as she sat alone on the couch. All she could hear was the sound of her beating heart and the clock ticking it's tune. He really isn't giving up on her. However, deep inside her heart, she couldn't feel any happier to hear that.
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hazbinextgeneration · 4 years
A Dash Of Salt
She was SO releived Alastor wasn't angry with her over her little pepper mistake, but now everyone was going to be forced to eat pepper soup for lunch as he 'Didn't want to waste any food, you know.' She wasn't sure how they were supposed to eat pepper soup without sneezing, probably holding their noses. But she didn't dare argue with the famous radio demon as he began another pot of soup for dinner since the 'pepper soup' would be served for lunch instead. And once again she had to stand there in the absolute BOILING heat of the stove as the humming demon began remaking this gumbo recipe all over again. Having to get new ingrediants and things to restart, but once again she had to stand there and frown as he restarted. After a few minutes he looked back to her. "Now what's with that frown again!? Smile! You should be honored you get to see me work without the threats of danger others would be in!" ...She gave a forced smile before going back to that grumpy frown on her face. He hummed. "It's a start." Before turning back to the other boiling pot of red liquid and bringing the spoon to his mouth to taste it. "Hmm. Needs more peppers. And this time the chilli pepper kind!" He looked expentantly back down to the tray she was holding and this time picking up the small chopped bowl of chilli peppers (which in her opinion still looked more like chopped tomatoes) and just dumped the whole thing into the pot with a hum. "There MUCH better now! Don't you agree, Biscuit dear?" The gal gave another forced smile before pouting again and stretching her neck in this hot kitchen.The wonderful smell of tomatoes, roast beef, peppers, spices, and all kinds of sweet and spicy foods were all mixed into one giant delicious melting pot of whatever gumbo Alastor was cooking up. It made her mouth water despite still being so hot, and he could tell as his smile became a little smug before looking back to the pot and continued to poor ingrediants in. A small dash of salt. A chopped onion. A squirt of lemon juice and vinegar. But as she watched him sniff and give a few more tastes, and hum. She looked confused.  "What's wrong?" "It's almost there. Just needs a bit more salt and pepper!" He happily chirped before reaching for the tray, before pausing again. His eyes glanced over the salt shaker and the empty pepper shaker next to It and hummed again. Oh right. Biscuit accidentally dumped the entire thing into the other pot of soup. And he rose a brow. "Well this might be a problem." "What?" She blinked back down to the tray. He walked that sashay walk away from the oven to the pantry door. "Well the recipe calls for pepper of course! And I cannot just ignore one ingrediant no matter how small it may be! It wouldn't taste the same!" He opened the door and scanned his red eyes over the shelves and the things stacked on it. Browsing past canned foods and boxes.  ...She blinked. "Uh. Why don't you just take some of the soup with the TOO much pepper and add it to the soup with NO pepper? Wouldn't that be easier?" "A great idea! But sadly not possible. The recipe calls for a pinch of pepper and salt, and I couldn't possibly measure the amount of pepper in the liquid soup if I just randomly mix it in, now can I?" "Can't you just use some kind of voodoo magic to make a pinch of pepper come out of it or make it appear out of thin air or somethin'?" He waved a hand. "Details, details!" His red eyes finally spotted the small box of pepper Charlie kept on the shelf it was on the highest shelf just maybe a foot above his outstreatched arm, but he was sure he could get it if he stretched up. "And I don't beleive using magic for something as simple and effortless as getting pepper. Now what would be the point of becoming that lazy?" "Im just sayin. It'd save a lot of time and get out of the heat quicker." She watched as the feared demon stretched his hand up ad stood on the edge of his feet as he hummed and reached his claws for the small box of pepper. His red claws grazing over the cover of it as he tried to reach it. With a hum he leaned a little more forward, his antlers grazing a loose bag of flour by his head. Her eyes flicked up to the bag of flour as it teetered over more and more everytime his antlers accidentally brushed up against it. And she raised a hand. "Uh. I don't think that's a good idea anymore-" "AHA!!" Those red digits wrapped around the box as his head pulled back. "Here w-" he didn't get a chance to finish that sentence before his face was suddenly smacked by a white bag. His body stumbled back as white power spilt everywhere forming a white dust cloud around him, the pepper box falling to his feet. She jumped as the red demon was turned white and he coughed out puffs of white smoke his head shaking and spreading the white powder around even more making a bigger mess on the kitchen floor as she watched him flounder around like a fish out of water before he stopped and stood there blinking. White as a ghost. Before his face contorted into a weird expression. "*ACH-ZZZZZZZZZTT!!*" A giant sound of high pitched static feedback shot out and she winced, pulling her sensitive ears back to her head once again. The deer demon bounced back with a trip and fell flat onto his bottom on the floor. She watched as he shook his head and still smiled up to her. The sneeze knocking off any left over flour and the two stared at each other, before she silently looked over the mess before glancing back to him. He just smiled and silently held up the pepper box. "AHA!! I've got it!" She couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculous situation.
Request for @star-the-werewolf   Alastor belongs to Vivziepop
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hazbinextgeneration · 4 years
A Dash Of Paper
The room was filled with sing song humming and the smell of weird food in the air lingered everywhere. Not a bad smell, it smelt delicious whatever it was, but it just wasn't anything she ever really experienced before. Usually she wouldn't enjoyed something like this but she just couldn't right now. You wanna know why? It was HOT!!  Well it shouldn't have been a surprise really considering Hell was always had hot and burning heat, but HOLY MOTHER OF COW!! This kitchen was more like a giant oven on a million degrees with how hot it was. Ok. Maybe that was a little exaggerated but that surely what she felt with all her fur hovering over the boiling pot and hot stove. What she wouldn't give for a nice cold piece of ice to just slap her face with it's sweet sweet coldness. But unfortunately for her, she didn't have a choice in the matter. Which she hated to bits and pieces.  The humming demon next to her wasn't even breaking a sweat. How was he doing that?! Black magic maybe? He was supposed to be a master of that sort of thing wasn't he? Or maybe it was just because he was just used to this sort of thing by now. She didn't know, but she was a bit irritated at the way he was smiling smugly at her.  "A little hot under the collar, Dear?" His radioized voice asked the smaller demon holding the small tray and glaring up at him with a frown. "You should smile more you know. After all you're never fully dressed without a smile!~" She just grumbled under her breath and held up the tray slightly when he reached over and grabbed one of the ingrediants off it. WHy did Charlie have to put her on helping Alastor duty? ...Maybe it was punishment for causing Angel to fall down the stairs, but HEY! It was an accident. How was she supposed to know he would step on her tail and trip down the steps?! Luckily no one was seriously hurt but she couldn't help but feel like this was still some kind of punishment, or maybe it was because no one else wanted to help him make lunch. Being a known cannibal they were probably scared he'd make them his lunch, not that she cared too much. Charlie had made him promise not to hurt her and he wasn't really interested in eating anything other today than the weird soup looking stuff he had been on about for a while. But to be honest he looked almost done and confirmed it with the next sentence. The powerful demon hummed staring down inches away from the boiling hot liquid and snapped his neck to her. "Now how about this! All Im missing is the secret ingredient I always use!" ""Which is?" He held his hand to shush her as his eyes darted around the traywith a hum. "Well, dog gone. It seems you forgot to grab it from the strange keep-cold machine. Tch, tch. SO forgetful." She made a scowl. What?! How was she supposed to know his secret ingredient or whatever? But before she could retort he squeezed past her and tapped his way over to the fridge. "Now this won't do at all! Oh nonono. Never fear! I'll retrieve the specialty. Add all the peppers to the pot, Dear! And make sure it's all mixed together. Wouldn't want a bland taste now, would we?" She watched with a frown as he hummed all willy nilly and opened the fridge, the door hiding them from view to each other. She groaned and looked back to the tray. Pepper huh? The only pepper she had was the small pepper shaker by the salt. She shrugged and carefully balanced the tray into one hand while grabbing the shaker in the other, she hovered it over the boiling pot before stopping. "....Are you sure you want me to dump all of it in? That seems a lot for one pot."  "Of course! All of them." He answered without looking up from the inside of the fridge. "It's what the recipe calls for you know! It wouldn't taste the same." "M'kay, If you say so." Without another word she began furiously shaking the small shaker. Little specks of black pepper poured into the pot below. It took a couple of shakes which left her hand tired, but the small shaker was empty and just in time for the deer to pop his red head back up holding the bag of venison from the back. "Here we are! Mother's secret recipe." He sashayed his way back over and gave her a look. "Did you add all the peppers my dear?" "Yeah. You said all of it." He hummed and looked at the tray before tutting. "Dear, dear, dear. You must've misunderstood me." With a hand he grabbed a small bowl of chopped up tomatoes from the tray and held them up. "These sliced hot peppers will give the necessary kick it needs!" She froze. Wait. THOSE were chilli peppers, then that means she- "Uh, oh." He hummed and tilted his head sideways. "'Uh, oh what Dear? You sound like you made a mistake." "Uh...I may have added the wrong pepper." He hummed curiously and too her horror turned his attention back to the pot. He curiously looked at the water with narrowed eye but soon enough his face contorted into what she thought was anger since the smile was gone. She jumped when he quickly faced the opposite direction and doubled over. OH CRAP!! She was so dead! But what came next wasn't what she was expecting at all. "*ACH-ZZZZZZZZZTT!!*" A giant sound of high pitched static feedback shot out and she winced, pulling her sensitive ears back to her head. A moment later the deer demon bounced back with a smile like it never happened and looked to her with a smile. "Oh Dear. It seems we'll have to move by lunch idea to dinner time. It'll be too stressful to try to fix the soup you already turned it into Im afraid." She tilted her out confused at his smile. "What are you talking about?" "Well Dearie, pepper snake isn't really a recipe one should mess with or be left with unforeseen allergies." 
Commision for @star-the-werewolf Alastor belongs to Vivziepop
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