#and now they know they have the capacity to do something like that and be used like that and they're scared
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chicklit-or-chocolate · 1 day ago
Mia madre adorava Vincent van Gogh e, anche se mi piaceva molto, non capivo fino a che punto fosse meraviglioso il talento di una creatura tanto sfortunata. Con il tempo ho imparato ad amarlo, ma è stato riscoprire la bellezza del giallo, da un lato, e dall'altro il vedere un film che mi ha fatto capire. Il film non è affatto incentrato su van Gogh, ma sulla schizofrenia. Si chiama The Promise, è del 1986 e l'ho visto per caso, perché sono in fissa con un attore e quando mi capita guardo tutto quello in cui ha recitato. In quel film, un film televisivo realizzato da Hallmark e che vinse per altro numerosi e meritatissimi premi per le produzioni TV, è stato inserita nel copione una frase vera, che lo sceneggiatore, Richard Friedenberg, trasse da un dialogo reale con un ragazzo ricoverato in una casa di cura a Santa Monica, California. Forse, oggi quel ragazzo è morto, ma anche se fosse vivo la sua memoria vivrà per sempre in quel piccolo film e in tutti coloro che lo amano, tra cui certamente i suoi interpreti, poiché la fonte di questa informazione è uno dei protagonisti, il compianto James Garner, mentre l'altro protagonista, James Woods, ricorda The Promise come il film e il ruolo che ha più amato e di cui è più fiero (considerando che si tratta di un attore ormai nell'Olimpo del cinema grazie a C'era una volta in America di Leone ed a Videodrome di Cronenberg). La citazione quasi letterale dalla voce del giovane di Santa Monica è questa: [being schizophrenic]"It's like, all the electric wires in the house are plugged into my brain. And every one has a different noise, so I can't think. Some of the wires have voices in them and they tell me things like what to do and that people are watching me. I know there really aren't any voices, but I feel that there are, and that I should listen to them or something will happen. … I can remember what I was like before. I was a class officer, I had friends. I was going to be an aeronautical engineer. Do you remember, Bobby? I've never had a job. I've never owned a car. I've never lived alone. I've never made love to a woman. And I never will. That's what it's like. You should know. That's why I'm a Hindu. Because maybe it's true: Maybe people are born again. And if there is a God, maybe he'll give me another chance. I believe that, because this can't be all I get".
Vincent Van Gogh ebbe molto, molto di più del ragazzo a Santa Monica e di DJ, il dolce e sciagurato protagonista di The Promise. Ma forse la malattia non gli permise di godere come meritava di quel che gli era capitato in sorte e che, del resto, fu più successo postumo che gloria durante la sua breve vita. Però c'è una gioia del mondo, di vivere, delle cose non avute ma ammirate, che è purissima, e goccia da ogni pennellata anche quando si tratta di dipingere soggetti altrui (questo è da Millet, che Van Gogh ammirava moltissimo). Poche volte in così grande sventura si è manifestata così splendidamente la possibilità che esista in fondo qualche genere di dio.
Now I understand What you tried to say to me And how you suffered for your sanity And how you tried to set them free They would not listen, they did not know how Perhaps they'll listen now
Questa è per mia madre, con cui non ci siamo mai capite. Eppure l'ho amata tanto disperatamente: non mi sembrava mai di essere all'altezza. Non stava tanto bene di testa, povera mamma mia. Spero che sia andata a star meglio e che mi veda da su, come mi sforzo di star bene... E come direbbe DJ, è stata una brava mamma, e mi auguro che si sia rincarnata in una splendida creatura felice e fortunata come avrebbe meritato. Le sarebbe piaciuto tanto The Promise, lei mi faceva spesso vedere film sulle persone malate o sulle diversità, voleva che io crescessi capace di amare e rispettare tutti. Con lei vidi Figli di un dio minore, Anna dei miracoli e Priscilla, la regina del deserto. Vedi come il cinema lega le persone? Da non crederci, eh.
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First Steps (1890) by Vincent van Gogh
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sophie-frm-mars · 2 days ago
i'm sorry if this isn't something you want to hear about anymore but having unfollowed you back when the initial callout and everything was posted, it took going through something similar a few months ago (less severe, but similar in circumstance) for me to realize just how little grace people give trans women. when they decide you're evil, you're evil, and nobody even gives you the chance to talk about it and figure out what you even actually did. i get that now. don't reply if it makes you uncomfortable, i just wanted to share that. solidarity between socially ostracized trans women i guess
Hi. Yeah I already know this, but as I'm guessing this is fairly new for you and probably feels like the biggest thing in the world, I want to let you know it isn't as big a deal as it feels like.
You just have to take personal responsibility for anything that you really need to actually confront and work on it, and for the most part work on building a life worth living. Please be brutally honest with yourself and with the people who choose to stick by you and understand it's the only way to get better. DBT worked for me. Someone gave me the advice to change up my schedule as much as possible just to shake up all my associations and get used to the idea of building a new life, and I think that's very helpful advice. They took it as intensely as changing what time of day they showered.
People haven't decided you're evil, they've decided you're socially inconvenient and not worth the effort to overcome their discomfort. Some of them on a long enough timescale will decide that they want to be friends again, if you seem stable and like you're getting on with things and not just stewing and feeling sorry for yourself. Many will not.
It's horrible and desperately, crushingly sad and lonely, and it's one of the worst things that we can do to people socially and I feel wretched that I ever participated in any capacity in doing it to anyone else, even my abuser, and it's utterly horrifying that this social dynamic exists that means it will happen so often to very unwell trans women specifically, who are already so vulnerable, but until people generally free themselves of a punitive mindset and understand where conflict and harm comes from, it will keep happening.
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atiianeishaunted · 2 days ago
before we get into the actual post, I need to have a lot of preamble and stuff, pretext or whatever just so people dont assume the worst! also probably will add to this and clean it up later on when im not exhausted lmfao
Trigger warnings: grooming, familial abuse, and things adjacent to that, those are the two major ones though, and obviously this is not a shiro safe zone. you are not being held at gunpoint to read this post, read it at your own discretion. nothing is explicit or like graphically described because why the hell would i do that
This is from the perspective of someone who has been groomed and abused by a family member. This is NOT a proshipping thing nor is this a place for proshippers to jump in and romanticize what i am about to discuss. Also I am autistic and have been nitpicking this show to pieces for 6-7 years now, this is just something I've personally noticed.
I am not saying ANY of this was intentional by dreamworks, im not delusional, but whether they intended it or not the pieces ARE there, the subtext IS there! "They didnt mean it like that" or "They just didnt show it" is not going to change my stance, see the previous sentence.
all i ask of you is that you hear me out please, let me cook. also this will be a mess, just bear with me okay!! this post isnt like an absolute guide to my take as i do not have the capacity to do that but moreso like "rewatch the show with this in mind youll see what i mean"
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I have no clue how to start this but with the fact upon recent rewatches, I have grown a distaste for Shiro due to how he's genuinely just a bad person. His whole character is just like sucking the government's dick yk and being one of the good gays, i wont get into that here, theres a whole other rant i posted like months ago about him that covers that area of him being a bad person and my pure hatred for the "space dad" title the fandom had given him.
With that being said, i don't think about him often clearly as he irritates me but like he's always lurking in the back of my mind, you know those itches on the palm of you hand you gnaw on because itching wont work but biting doesn't do shit either, yeah like that. I've kind of always held the belief he's a groomer, not in /that/ way, more like grooming Keith into being a perfect soldier and tool for him to use and project onto however upon recent reflection and rewatching the show, i have come to the conclusion that the subtext of the show (INTENTIONAL OR NOT) (HEAVY EMPHASIS ON THAT!) has him fitting both definitions of grooming.
His and Keith's dynamic will always be inherently unhealthy, Shiro is not a good guardian to Keith at all and makes it clear that Keith isn't someone he genuinely cares about, even in their softer moments, Shiro is just manipulating him / using manipulation tactics. He preyed on an isolated, grieving kid who clearly needed support and used that mental state to his advantage, arguably worsening Keith's state and driving the poor kid insane. Not to mention the fact we discover later on that Shiro was hiding his relationship with Keith.
When Adam is arguing for Shiro to stay on Earth, he doesn't mention Keith at all, only himself and Shiro's health. You'd think Adam, Shiro's boyfriend, would know about a kid Shiro had taken in and would bring up the fact that Shiro has a kid relying on him but he doesn't. Because he didnt know. The Holts dont know about Keith either despite Shiro being very involved in their lives. (side note,, matt and keith.. u shouldve been besties u feral men.. . we lost so hard..) Not even that, literally NO ONE acknowledges that they have a connection besides Keith. Keith is the only one to label him as family, as his brother, but Shiro explicitly avoids labeling things or reaffirming the label, which seems harmless vaguely i suppose until we get into the next point. Like what do you mean you dont tell anyone you're attached to this kid. Why are you so scared of clarifying or saying something. Why would you be so afraid to admit you took in a kid? hm???
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(also before i get to the next point id like to add just now the fact shiro frequently brought keith out into the middle of nowhere which is. insane. now that i think about it. wdym you only interact with him when you're very separated and alone from everyone else. what the FREAK. most of their interactions/genuine acknowledgement of their relationship is when they are isolated. frowns. this is so sinister im ill.)
Shiro's romantic relationships, which we only see two of them, shows he has a specific preference for those who blindly do what he wants without questioning him or fight back. He broke up with Adam (willingly abandoned him) and never acknowledges him again beyond a quick scene of him looking at Adam being confirmed dead on a screen, the scene of Adam's argument, hes openly pushing against Shiro and mentions he cannot wait for Shiro again, he cannot keep doing this. And Shiro never mentions him, not once, throughout the show unless its a scene with Adam. Curtis is his second partner and husband who we actually meet before the finale where it shows them getting married, and you wanna know all we see of Curtis? him blindly following orders by Shiro. And I think one clip of him working out in Kinkade's vlog(?).
Keith is super devoted to Shiro, its constantly brought up even in the handbook (which isnt. very reliable but still) where he talks about Shiro as if Shiro is the only thing in existence and basically his god which lines up with the show. Keith borderline worships the ground Shiro walks on and Shiro eats that shit up, thats his /type/. He picked Keith very intentionally. We discover that Keith's worst fear is Shiro (its implied at least) in season 2 episode 8, Keith passes out and hallucinates Shiro. Its important to note this is a hallucination first of all due to the fact this is how he views Shiro. His brain pulled from his interactions/memories of Shiro.
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Shiro's behavior isnt met with Keith's usual lashing out or anger we see him use when the others are mean to him. he looks Resigned, exhausted, hurt and scared. He isnt confused, he isnt surprised Shiro is acting like this, hes simply resigned. Implying this is something hes actually experienced outside hallucination land.
This happens again when Clone Shiro and him fight, Keith doesn't lash out, he avoids hurting Shiro, none of the words coming out Shiro's mouth are met with the intended reaction. Keith constantly jumps to a fawn response around Shiro, constantly spouting "I love you" whenever Shiro's upset which is not normal behavior for Keith. At all. Everyone else is met with anger and him snapping but when it comes to Shiro, hes suddenly very anxious and tries to appeal to him as if thats what he was taught to do / thats what Shiro wants from him.
Keith's attachment and behavior towards Shiro is not normal at all. If Shiro was a responsible non ill-intentioned adult he would've nipped things in the bud, established a healthy bond with Keith and made sure to redirect him but he does not. He allows Keith to spiral over him and consistently encourages it.
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Keith was like 13 max. When they first interact (timeline wise), Keith wasn't scared of Shiro, literally stole his car, snapped at him, etc. What did Shiro do to him? What the hell happened!!!
That is all I got for now, will probably clean this up later and add to it but like 4 people wanted me to post this and i dont wanna keep people waiting so . gestures vaguely. theres the gist of things. rewatch the show as i said at the start, youll understand what im saying better.
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magiclwritings · 2 days ago
"You act like I have any choice." He didn't feel that way and perhaps it was his tone that made even him react badly to it. He winced, his hand coming up to cover his face for a moment. "Sorry." He mumbled and faced Apollo, he took a step towards him hating that he felt hesitation. Whatever had happened earlier wasn't going on and he just had to let it go. Maybe they'd talk about that later and maybe they wouldn't. Whatever was decided, Cass had to put his own shit away for the time being. "I didn't mean that. It's been ..." He breathed out and dropped his hand, more certain now. "I'm with you always, Apollo, you know this."
He could see the look in his best friend's eyes. He knew today had royally fucked him up. And, well, they just had to get through this. This wasn't the worst of anything they'd been through before just ... different. They were older, the stakes were higher and Theo ... Cass took a step towards Apollo and placed his hand on the other's arm. He felt ... himself. Which he couldn't explain but it pulled a sigh of relief from him that he couldn't hide. And the look in Apollo's eyes didn't go unnoticed. "I just want to find out what is really going on. If she ... " He could feel that well of emotions filling up again. Cass knew it was true and it made him feel something he hadn't thought he'd feel for this person in particular.
Cass had relinquished himself to the notion that he'd be helping raise Apollo's children in some capacity no matter what. They were souls bound in ways he could never explain and didn't care to. And for a while he'd known those children would also be Alexandria's. And, as any petty person would do, he properly hated her for it. Not because of anything she did but because of all of their circumstances. And ... now ... His fingers dug in to Apollo's arm and he felt himself starting to lose it. There was a breaking point and he was reaching it. Had this been earlier, had this happened before Oliver and Isaac. Before all that time had passed then this wouldn't have been a problem.
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A shuddered sigh escaped his lips and he looked the man in the eyes for what felt like the first time in ages. "I'm with you always." Slowly a smile tugged a the corner of his mouth and it felt more okay than anything had that whole day. "Let's go take care of this son of a bitch."
Apollo turned at the sound of Cassio’s voice; he eyed his best friend for a moment, trying to decipher the look on his face. He still didn’t know why there was thick tension between them or why he felt like Cassio had his guard up. He didn’t know what happened, but there was one thing Apollo was sure of. Cassio was the one who had knocked him out. Everything pointed to that. Apollo had woken face down on the floor; he imagined he had been blasted backward, considering the broken table pieces surrounding his body when he was in the basement. He knew that Oliver would never be able to take him down physically; Isaac wouldn’t be able to bring himself to do it. That left Cassio. His closet and oldest friend. He was the only one with enough training to catch Apollo off guard.
But with that, Apollo knew, deep down, that Cassio would only physically attack him if he had exhausted all other options. He hated not knowing what had happened or what he had done, but there were bigger things than the past. His primary focus was on Theo’s future. 
He moved past Cassio and threw the clothes in his hands on the dresser. “We both know what my next move is,” He said, reaching up and grabbing the back of his shirt, pulling it off his body in one fluid motion. “I’m going to track down that fucking monster and make sure he can never lay a hand on that boy again.” He turned to look at Cassio after pulling on his shirt. “We both know men like him don’t stop. He’s probably working on tracking Theo down as we speak. I can’t..” He swallowed hard, turning away from Cassio and focusing on dressing himself. He popped open the button of his jeans and slid them down his legs, exchanging them for more flexible, black-fitted pants. “I can’t,” He tried again, shaking his head as if that would do away with the overwhelming bubble of emotion he felt. “I can’t let Alexandria’s sacrifice be in vain, Cassio.”
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Apollo bent down, tugging a small chest from beneath the bed. After waving his hand over it, the chest popped open. He pulled a dagger from it, sheathing it in the strap at his thigh. “I don’t expect you to come with me,” He said as he stood back up, turning to face Cassio, studying his face for details about what was wrong between them. “Especially not at a time when you can barely look at me. I take full responsibility for what I’m about to do.” They had done things like this before, back during their uni days—always the two of them, always together. He was the only person Apollo trusted to have his back. It would kill him to do this alone, but he would for his son. 
“But I’m asking that you don’t stand there and lecture me or try and stall me. You saw what Theo went through. It’s written all over your boyfriend’s body. We're all in danger if I don’t act now, and he tracks us down, including Oliver. All it takes is that fuck demanding a DNA test, and Theo goes back to him. And,” Apollo cleared his throat, feeling the thick swell of grief overtake him. He sat down on the edge of the bed, pulling his boots over to him, slipping them on, and lacing them up tightly. “And Alexandria…wherever her body is deserves to be properly buried. Theo might one day need a place to be with her. She doesn’t deserve to be in an unmarked grave. So,” He stood up, crossing his arms over his chest. “What’s it going to be, Cassio?”
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mcytegg · 2 months ago
as a zamcvit enjoyer im winning now i think. the roles have reversed. 4c is the one yearning for zam now ^-^
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numberonetribble · 2 months ago
Stuck at my mom's house until the 27th, can't finish the comic I was working on until then :( here's a rough Cowboy!pinup sketch of Bumblebee and some Breakbee + Piston angst:
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#I'll delete this later i just want to talk about it :3#not featured: WHY Piston is pulling a [REDACTED] on their sire#rubbing my hands together like a fly ooooooh do i have some angst in the works for you guys i just don't have a perspective tool rl#Okay i had the idea of a cute Bumblebee and Breakdown in cowboy hats with a bonus piston but then i had an Idea#yes that but then follow up later when its time to pick a side piston does a cowboy accent very sadly like they have to pretend its not real#the REASON is s3 bee and break fighting in the dome and bee lost on his back with Break towering above him with a [REDACTED] pointed at him#and Piston is beating on the glass WAILING for them to stop#but the view point is slightly behind breaks so he's HUGE and bee is small and Piston is even smaller in the foreground#they stop fighting but Piston can not forgive their sire for that Piston took after Breaks they were thick as thieves but no no#they saw the look in his eye the fear in bee and he only stopped bc shockwave called him off yes he was hesitating to pull and shaking#like a leaf knowing he was being used like a rabid dog to take down the autobot he has to pretend to hate but Piston will always wonder#if he'd do it and they can't decide and it eats them alive but that's their carrier and forgiveness is not cheap#bumblebee does what he can to talk Piston down its just business he didn't really mean it they ve had centuries of faking it but Piston#oh sweet Piston childish days are over their spark has been hardened#they arent on a path of violence or vengeance but when breaks seeks them out “come with me we can be a real family on cybertron ”#piston says “we already were”#and later later we land on the So i guess that's it....i guess so.... you best get on out of here then#AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH#does piston ever forgive? no but they understand things kinda get better but it's different now#i think they're scared that they'll end up like breaks bc they're so much like him they looked up to him and loved him so much#and now they know they have the capacity to do something like that and be used like that and they're scared#just so so so SO scared and it bothers them breaks was forced into it and they just want to SCREAM#they just want to run away with their parents away from the war where no one can bother them and live quietly#transformers#maccadam#transformers oc#tf piston#worry not i shall draw these once I'm home#but i have a laundry list of other things i want to draw first
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moonchild-in-blue · 2 months ago
I haven't really done much art for tumblr (at all) lately, cus life, but! Here's a lil something I've been working on (it's a Xmas gift) 💙
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(also peep that lil January calendar painting 👀 i did mini squares for each month for myself, because I need to have a physical one always, and they each have their own colour 🥺)
#sometimes i forget i'm a painter lol#this is just the base so i'll still add some cool stuff (colours and some gold leaf details hehe)#usually my thing is more flat/less busy painting (with more mixed media) but i've been digging this vibe lately#my art account is completely wiped cus i private everything earlier this year (same with personal)#but i wanna start posting again. not just old stuff but actually *make* something new everyday#like a little challenge i suppose#since i'm not currently working in my field and have being going through a bit of a rough adjustment period about ✨things✨#(plus the whole depresh spiraling)#i barely have been making any art at all that isn't just sketches/silly stuff#i miss painting. i miss making murals and working on an actual project etc#now that *some * things have been settled AND i finally have my own space i feel a lot more keen on working on it#i know i hardly ever talk about that part of my private life cus i do wanna keep it somewhat separate from here#but i guess i'm in a good mood and kinda ready to admit some stuff#??? that didn't make sense#i'm feeling hopeful for next year and have a semblance of a plan. That's what I meant there you go#i can already feel myself cringe cus everytime i share these type of things something ALWAYS bites my ankles#and that's why i hardly ever share anything at all with anyone ever until it actually is done or underway#which is! not good! i'm aware! but. ya know#ANYWAYS. rant over. look at the pretty colours and ignore my rambles#hmmmm my band crush guy (platonic) (guess who) (🕊️🥁) said my name and loved my super insightful question and i'll probably dream about it#(and the other really liked it too. MY BABE. it was kinda silly so very unexpected)#(okay i think this is buried deep enough to not make myself look like a 12 with a stupid crush) (hehehehehe)#darya does art#<- sure in the art tag it goes#blue#(it was a coincidence! i've never done anything exclusively blue before actually!) (in this capacity i mean)#traditional art#abstract painting
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intertexts · 6 months ago
i sgould get really into quiltin.g.
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jackass-jones · 3 months ago
Really into the episode of Ouran where this girl confesses her love to Mori but he doesn’t feel the same because he’s into Honey and the girl’s reaction is just like YIPPEE I LOVE YAOI THATS SO COOL FOR YOU YAY 🥰
#the klock keeps ticking#ouran high school host club#i watched ouran when i was 13 and repressed ah the classic experience yes yes#and i always said id rewatch but never did. until now cuz im going through something#im like halfway through and yeah id say theres quite a lot that ages like milk lol#like mostly just the way haruhi is treated is just. bad lol#a good thing is i like how haruhi personally feels about their own gender where they really honestly dont fucking care#which was a big relief cuz similar cases will have the ‘secret girl’ character either be really defensive#or you know. be like a naoto where its actually just the most uncomfortable thing ever#but the problem is the way that tamaki and occasionally the twins are like really obsessed with the girl thing#and constantly want haruhi to take on a feminine role cuz that wouldnt threaten their sexuality as much#tamaki in general is written so fucking weird lol and i do remember being based back then and hating him#and i never liked him with haruhi like im sorry hes just the worst option#hes capable of being funny when hes not being weird but I think he still ends up feeling horribly written#like when hes having his DRAMATIC LOVE INTEREST moments they just feel so horribly out of place#and theyre often times just badly aged tropes also the way haruhi is written in relation to the other members is weird#like i can see why theyd like the other characters but ive not really seen any reasons for them to like tamaki#but then the show will just randomly be like ‘oh yes haruhi thinks tamaki is a lovely person’ and its like. ooookay?#its ass lol and im probably preaching to the choir but like. haruhi is way better with a woman right?#i just know some desperate ass bastards have made some haruhi/renge content and i get it#other than that stuff i dont like i will say i enjoy what exists outside of the weird haruhi stuff#i like the characters and the concept is very funny and the episodes where everyone is normal are charming#and you know i gotta appreciate it for the impact it had on lame ass gay people even if the queer content is messy#ouran was just like. what we had for a long time. or at least was the most popular anime that featured queerness in some positive capacity#but also like. as it goes with this stuff once youve gotten to see better representation#you look back and youre like wow. im so fucking glad we can do better than this dogshit 😩
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sylustra · 2 months ago
Sylus saying "...don't run" to MC when they're finally being openly honest about their desire for one another and their trust and shared spaces.
#their stupid connection was made in a lab to torment me I can't BELIEVE I want to write fic for them#the fact that her desires are essentially laid bare for him but that he still verifies#that he knows her SO well... her tendency for avoidance that both hinders and benefits their situation#her own underlying possessiveness of Sylus and need to be his equal. on his side.#Sylus trying to be patient and playing whatever role she needs until she's ready to accept that place. accept their mutual connection#MC seeing no other option but to embed herself in his life and his problems even though he's a risk to her career and life in Linkon#the fact that she meets him after she loses the people she considered a family... when their background brings up the concept of Home#I actually love when MC is petty and jealous and Sylus just accepts it and finds it insanely charming like.#the way he obviously Sees her pain and anger and need to protect him over seeing his old scars. angry that he or another didnt properly care#and then with knowledge from their myth origin its like...#the idea that theyre essentially mirrors containing eachother in equal capacity. the allusions to the threshold of light and shadow#the whole aspect of freedom from restraint and captivity. the mirror of her past being raised as a weapon and his nature. l#the little dragon statue she coveted and kept as a secret confidant...#and then like their shared capacity for indulgence. Sylus preparing all that food for her even when he was willing playing her villain.#his tendency to replicate his memories of the past to stir her own#im so obsessed and its been a week. help.#he always gives her space to retreat. and in the newest content now he's revealing his own desperation. dont run this time#dont retreat into yourself or into your role as a hunter or a lawful citizen#I just love that he also adores everything about her even her darker aspects that echo in himself#and the whole who will ''win'' in the end. will she make him more human or will they both embrace their predatory nature in the Fiend#them being the lovers and the devil simultaneously. sylus as death and mc as temperance. idk idk im insane rn#i literally made a sideblog for these posts apologies all 😂#personal tag#they have so many callbacks its crazy. the stupid territory thing is so cute like he'll play into anything for her and just be delighted#i need more main story so bad like. Sylus talks to MCs boss in one of the memories or something.#what the fuck is he doing there?? one assumes he's covering their asses and cooperating in some manner so that MCs career isnt at risk#since he knows she loves hunting#and with the whole mutual enemy in Ever... lets not forget that also Sylus might be the head of a crime syndicate or whatever but what#i just need to know when he became aware of MC in her current life.#I have no one to talk about this game to can you tell
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mainfaggot · 2 months ago
how do you cut someone off
#like without drifting apart gradually bc tbh i dont wanna be close friends anymore#i feel constantly misunderstood and perpetually weighed down in this person's presence#we're close friends but i dont even like her anymore#and i feel BAD about it but i just cant stand their ass! everything feels like a competition with them. everything feels miserable.#it's definitely partially my own fault bc i do a lot of comparing due to our laundry list of similarities#but it's partially their fault bc shes always adding fuel to the fire#like we can never just agree on things#and whenever i try to balance myself and stop being so competitive here she comes with her damn#need to make even more comparisons between us#also like. they cannot just shut up about how hard life is#Trust me i know! i take 3 pills daily for psychological issues. i have been since i was 18#like they always have to talk about how haaaaard having ADHD is how difficult their life is like#it's one thing to open up to your friends and vent every so often and another to make your illness your entire personality#i rant about all my issues in depth on tumblr BECAUSE i know better than to dump all that onto my friends who are already struggling#im not saying it's Trauma Dumping to talk abt ur problems but holy shit in moderation#like i dont have the mental or emotional capacity for this!!!!#that might sound really mean and god forbid extremely individualistic but it's truly because#im trying to HEAL im trying to RECOVER#and with someone constantly messaging me about their ailments and symptoms and struggles! well it makes me feel like we're both bound to be#stuck foreverrrr#also apart from that i dont enjoy their company. they used to be interesting and now they're just negative half the time if not more and#constantly playing the devils advocate for seemingly no real reason#im not perfect either in fact i can be a real asshole in friendship im aware. but this one particular friend has been pissing me off for#over a year and that has to mean something#like why now and why for this long?#if it really is a Me Problem then okay! like i fucking suck im horrible or whatever lets not be friends so that she can be happier!#idgaf anymore maybe im the bad guy but either way we're better off apart#z.post
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jelliebeanbitch · 5 months ago
#i am realizing i have the capacity to be rly ambitious and hardworking when it’s something i care about#which i didn’t think i did. because adhd and academic struggles and such#but another side effect of caring a lot about this is i am rly disappointed and worried when i feel like i’m not doing well enough#which is a feeling i think most people get academically#but i turned that feeling off in my brain for a long time cuz again. at a certain point i was academically struggling#and i couldn’t be disappointed anymore#like it was just less stressful to care a little less#which i am currently experiencing in my classes right now actually. need to deal with that#anyway#idk i keep finding out how much i don’t know about theater design and then feeling so so embarrassed#and thinking i might be a fraud#but then people look at my work and they say nice things and i am deciding to take that to heart!!!#and just hope that they’re right#it’s existential about career hours rn#also mandatory acknowledgement that i’m privileged for even considering an artistic careen#and i’m definitely gonna be living off ice soup if i try to make this happen#uh. that is all . yeah#ok yk what i should probably be a theater professor#that is definitely the biggest way i’ve seen theater professionals get regular gigs (on college shows) and make enough money to live#and also have access to massive prop and set collections!!!!!#which is what it’s really all about baybeeee#ok that is all goodnjght#theater#career#rambling
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yanoharuhito · 6 months ago
grey really fucked me up beyond belief i am SO insecure about relationships at this point
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thespacebetweenworlds · 10 months ago
A protest against Wattpad's new Content Guidelines
Recently, Wattpad has changed the Content Guidelines on sexual content, declaring that the age of consent is now 18. "Any sexual content between characters must abide by this age of consent and not be in violation of Canadian Law."
This is embarrassing for Wattpad. This is disrespectful to Wattpad users. This is a capitalist company conforming to conservative politics.
Wattpad is and has always been home to teenage writers. When I first learned of Wattpad at age 13, this orange app was everything to me. Wattpad is home to teenage writers and readers all around the world, with its many languages Wattpad is unique, and that is something to be proud of. Wattpad has given a creative voice to a generation and inspired young people to write and with multi media challenge our perceptions of the written word and literature. That is not nothing.
But the thing is, teenagers write stories about teenagers. Teenagers write sexual content that includes teenagers. Teenagers have sex in real life with other teenagers. To declare any of that illegal only has negative consequences.
Wattpad declares they want to create a safe space. They want to protect the community. If they really wanted to do that, then they wouldn't have these restrictions on WRITTEN, FICTIONAL sexual content.
Things that would make this a safer space and create and protect our community of global writers: - quality sex education - quality sex education in all languages used on Wattpad
NOW we are in a situation where WRITTEN FICTIONAL depiction of sex between fictional characters under 18 is not allowed. "Illegal sex acts" aren't allowed either. Should we thank Wattpad for clarifying that they mean "according to Canadian law"? Or should we wait with the thanking until they change it to local laws, or LGBT+ stories will be illegal as well?
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lith-myathar · 10 months ago
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moafleco · 6 months ago
i hate that duality that your mind can be your safe heaven that helps you get through some difficult things, keeps you going and brings you happiness at the worst of times. and at the very same time it could be your worst tormentor that won't let you rest and won't let you breathe, literally for no particular reason at all. and you can't leave or silence it. can't get it to stop when it gets dark in there. can't get the light in when you desperately need to feel a respite instead of suffocation.
#its so difficult#sometimes its too much to handle#yeah particularly today im just.. screaming internally#and the inability to do something YOU LOVE due to your brain having one of those bad days so everything feels fucking BAD is just so unfAIR#its frustrating#the only thing you can do is sob apparently#my room doesnt feel like my room anymore all i feel is fear and dread#i just dont understand why and how it came to this point i want out#nothing grounds me to reality or to my normal state and im afraid#instead of watch fav movie to get better ill count the duration time and decide thats its too long i dont have that much time#i will be painfully aware of numbers and wb scared of them and then ill just not move at all immobilized at place#i cant#all i could do is desperately bother my friends trying to connect to them and hiding that obvious ache#i dont have capacity to soothe myself with my favorite guys and gals from games and movies i dont feel anything at all#and i hate that but also i cant do anything im so idk what i feel like but like im not anything#i lost myself i lost my favorite things to do and my hobbies and my spark and everything i dont even know anymore#on small bad days you could conjure a good thoughts and watch somethinf and think about what makes you happy#theres a void in my head now that just counts and counts and counts and cant do nothing#i will just open up a chat w friends and look at empty textspace i want to connect so badly but i wont send anything just freeze still#i dont feel that im in here but i want badly to be here and yet i cant grasp anything to still keep myself real#and like i have a feeling that in next 2 hours I'll just vanish spmething bad will happn carcrash orso i cantbe spendin much timeon anythin#i hate this#suddenly your brain just want you dead and fills you with dread unimaginable and my dumbass thinks that it's right#that my brain is right and im inclined to believe in this shit. im not but deep down i kind of is so thats why this anxiety causes me probl#ms for the whole week i didnt done anything i just could not i want it to stop#its so sure of itself that i will pass away in couple of hours by unknown reasons that it imagined so why even try
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