#and now i kinda wanna bring the series i put over there on here
paladin--strait · 13 hours
soulmates - l.hughes x plussize!reader
part 1 in the soulmates series
part 2 coming soon!
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tw!!: none other than some language! use of y/n, reader is plus size.
this story moves kinda fast, since I want it to only be a couple of parts long. it's also pretty cringey...sorry about that lol
warning: this is a complete work of fiction. I am no way saying or implying that these people act the way the do in the story. I am open to any sort of constructive criticism! thank you!
I take another sip of my drink and look over at jack who has his arm around his 'fling of the day' as the guys and I like to call it. she's blonde with green eyes, which seems to be his type since that's what most of the girls he brings around look like. with a shake of my head and a sigh, I look over at timo, who gives me a understanding look with a chuckle. I ruffle my hair that is still damp from jumping off the boat into the lake with the guys earlier while I stand up and walk over to the kitchen island to talk to jamie, dawson, and john.
"yo luke!" dawson says, grabbing my shoulders and shaking me a little, "what's life like having to watch jack and his fling of day all the time?" he questions with a laugh, slapping me on the shoulder. my eyebrows raise and I sigh, shaking my head with a laugh. "its interesting, I guess." I say, shrugging my shoulders.
"you guess?" john asks, taking a sip of his beer. "doesn't it get annoying after a while? ya know? constantly coming home and he has some random girl in the house or when he comes home he has a girl? that would annoy the fuck outta me dude. I would honestly pack up my stuff and live somewhere else." he says with a chuckle, trying to lighten the conversation to some extent but it doesn't work.
"I've just gotten used to it over time. when we're in jersey I just go out for a walk or I just go over to cap's house and hang out with him. when we're here I just go out in the boat and stay in the middle of the lake for a while." I say with a shrug.
and its true, sad, but true. I'm just glad quinn doesn't act this way. at least, I don't think he does. I'm not in vancouver with him everyday so I wouldn't really know. but I don't really see quinn acting that way. jack's always been a bit of a player, but when all the guys are around during the off season he seems to want to show off.
sure, I've had a couple hookups here and there, but nothing like jack. he's my brother and I love him, but recently his player antics have been getting worse. I admit, I've been looking into some apartments lately. it's not like I can't afford them, because I can, it's just the fact that me and jack have lived in the same place for basically our whole lives. first it was our house and now it's our apartment in jersey. I don't wanna move away from him just because of some girls he brings back.
I make some more small talk with the guys, now including trevor, who had just woken up from his nap on the couch, and quinn, who had recently come out of his room after his shower, when the doorbell rings.
jack jumps up, almost knocking his girl on the floor in the process, and runs to the door. "I got it!!" he says, disappearing into the hallway that leads to the front door. the guys and I make our way to the couch, taking our seats and continuing our conversation.
soon enough, jack walks back in with nobody. "quinn, there's some girl here to see you. she's putting her stuff up and then she'll be in here." he sighs, sitting back down with his girl, who I've now learned is named kaitlyn. I look at quinn, who is looking at me with a confused look on his face, before he stands, waiting to greet who ever is here to see him.
Then, she walks in. she has got to be one of the prettiest girls I have ever seen in my life. her flowy hair, that sort of bounces with almost every step, her blue canucks jersey that fits her curves like a dream, and her eyes. god, her eyes are gorgeous.
I'm snapped out of my daze by her voice, "quinny!!" she says, practically running to quinn, who's face lights up, before grabbing her and hugging her tightly. they hug for a while and I can hear them talking, but i can't hear what they're saying. after a minute or two, they pull away looking at each other happily. brock stands and walks to the unnamed girl with open arms, yelling her name, and embracing her in a hug.
"everyone," quinn starts, "this is my best friend, y/n. she lives in vancouver with me and works in media for the canucks so this is a surprise that she's here." he says, looking at her with a smile.
I can tell her likes her, crush or not, quinn likes her. he never smiles like that for anyone. she smiles back, and waves hello, a tiny of blush on her cheeks. she then makes eye contact with me, eyes widening a bit and her cheeks getting a bit redder before quinn pulls her away to introduce her to everyone.
I gulp, realizing that quinn's best friend might be the death of me. I get up quickly, walking outside with my drink in hand. I sit in a chair facing the lake and take in the sunset. I can't help but think about her as I sip my drink.
y/n's pov
"and this is the middle brother, jack, and his girlfriend, kaitlyn." quinn gestures to them, and jack stands to give me a handshake, but eventually settles on a hug. I notice that his girlfriend is eyeing me hard. but the look I give her back is enough to get her to look away. "and luke is over there." quinn points to where he and luke were previously sitting on the couch, but luke is nowhere to be seen. quinn frowns, before looking around and finally spotting him sitting outside on the deck through the window.
"you can stay in here, quinny. I can go introduce myself on my own." I say, smiling before quinn does as well, walking back to take his seat beside who I think is a guy named trevor.
it's a short walk to the porch outside. the sun is glaring in my face so I pull my sunglasses down from my head to cover my eyes. the wooden boards of the deck clack as I step on them, making my way to luke.
I sit in the seat beside him as he turns to look at me with a suspicious look on his face, wondering who followed him outside. I give him a smile and makes eye contact with him, which he returns for s split second before looking away. "hi luke! my name is y/n. it's so nice to finally meet you! quinn has told me so much about you." I say, hoping to get him to look back at me.
all he does is nod and say a quick hello with a 'nice to meet you'. I frown, my gaze settling on the wooden boards below our feet. I sigh, and stand back up, walking back to the house.
my mind is racing as I try to figure out why he won't talk to me or even look at me. maybe he's tired? maybe he just wants some privacy? I'm not sure but the sadness in my eyes is evident when I walk back into the lake house, my eyes meeting Quinn's and I give him a small smile which he returns with a frown.
Quinn walks to me and puts his hand on my shoulder as he leans in to whisper something in my ear. "I'm sorry about luke. I'm not sure what's gotten into him. I'll talk to him and see if he'll come around." he pulls back and gives me a smile before he walks outside.
"hey y/n!!! come sit with us!" I hear a voice say, soon figuring out it was that trevor guy. I smile and make my way to them.
luke's pov
my heart is racing when she sits beside me. I can't believe quinn is friends with such a beautiful girl. I feel my cheeks begin to heat up even more when she mentions how much quinn has talked about me.
I try to be nice to her and return her greeting but I just can't focus on what she's saying. my mind is thinking at a billion miles per hour, wondering what quinn had told her about me and whether I need to be worried if it's bad.
I'm so focused on my own thoughts that I don't even realize she's gotten up to leave until she was halfway back to the house. I stand, and outstretch my hand, wanting to call her name and tell her to come back, but nothing leaves my mouth.
I sit back down and wonder what I just did. is she gonna hate me now? is she wondering why I won't talk to her? does she think that I think that she's ugly and I don't wanna look at her?
I'm pulled out of my thoughts by a hand touching my shoulder and a voice calling my name. I snap out if it and look over at the person. its quinn. he's got a worried look mixed with a bit of anger on his face.
"why won't you talk to her?" he says, crossing his arms and looking at me with a look of confusion. "she was so excited to meet you and jack and you won't even look at her. I told her that you two would get along so well and she's been so excited ever since. what's the deal?"
his voice gets louder at the end of his questioning. I can tell he really cares about her.
"i don't know..." my voice trails off and I look down, fiddling with my fingers.
"you don't know?? luke, she was more excited to meet you more than anyone else. I didn't know that she was coming down today or even at all but I was planning in buying her plane tickets later to get her down here tomorrow or the next day so she could meet all of my friends and family. I don't understand what has gotten into you, luke." quinn's head shakes in disappointment and disbelief.
"listen quinn, I'm sorry. I don't know what's gotten into me either." I say, about to play everything off. and then it all comes out. "all I know is that she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life. I don't even know anything about her but I can already tell that I'm about to have the biggest crush on this girl. so seems so kind and so fun from what I've seen. which is not much but still! I can already tell what kind of person she is. she just gives me that feeling of kindness. please don't tell her that I said any of that and I'm so sorry quinn."
I don't think I've even spoken faster in my life. quinn's face went from disappointment and anger to disbelief and happiness in a split second. he jumps up and puts his hands on my shoulders.
"luke. I wanted to bring her down not only to meet all of you guys, but I wanted her to meet you. you're perfect for each other! she's always so happy and excited for everything and that's just what you need! I'm not saying you're a huge party pooper or whatever, but sometimes you need more excitement in your life! look at jack. he's living his best life right now. sure, he's definitely had way too many girlfriends, but that's what makes him happy and you deserve something or someone that will make you happy too. if you wanna date her, go ahead. y/n hasn't had the greatest experience with relationships. and I think that you could change all of that for her. so I'm absolutely fine with it if you wanna take her out."
quinn's words shock me. he stands there with an excited look on his face and he urges me to stand up.
"I guess I should talk to her then." I look at quinn with a smile and he puts his arm around my shoulders, laughing excitedly as we walk back to the house.
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kkyaka · 2 years
It's the way that I'm slowly not caring about what people think when it comes to my writing. I'm literally writing self-indulgent shit and I do not give a damn lmfao
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roosterr · 1 year
white flag ✹ ch 2
note: thank you all again for the support on this series im seriously so grateful <3 not sure how to feel abt this part but pls enjoy anyway <3
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pairing: ghost x gn!reader
wc: 3.0k
no use of y/n readers callsign is 'stingray'
summary: the gang goes out to the pub, and against your better judgement you decide to tag along. you end up having far too much to drink and ghost has no choice but to look after you.
warnings: ghost is less mean (but it's still ghost), the usual angst, hurt/comfort, arguing, some ambiguous drunken confessions, mentions of throwing up but i kinda skipped over it
【prev】 || 【next】
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the relentless buzzing of your phone next to your head wakes you from your slumber. you groan, squinting at the screen to see soap's name on the caller id. you answer and lift the phone up to your ear, rubbing your eyes with the other hand as you pull yourself up to sit.
"hey! where are you?" soap's voice is almost deafening in your ear as soon as you pick up, you have to hold the phone away from you to save your hearing. "y'are still comin', right?" the faint noise of a crowd can be heard in the background, reminding you of what soap's question means.
you check the clock on your phone and wince at the time; it was almost nine, and you were supposed to meet them at the pub at eight.
"ugh," you clear your throat, your voice croaking from having just woken up, "yeah– yeah, i'm coming. just gimme, like, fifteen minutes."
"awright, l.t. said you was still asleep," soap chuckles, clearly amused by your sleep-addled state. you sit up and throw the blankets off your legs, swinging them over the side of the thin mattress and beginning the search for some clean clothes.
you hadn't gotten out of bed all day, opting to stay in your comfy pyjamas and barely leaving the living room except to briefly eat and use the bathroom. after the the disaster that was yesterday, you felt you deserved to have a lazy day for once.
"oh, so he already left without me? why am i not surprised?" you grumble, balancing your phone between your cheek and your shoulder as you pull on some trousers.
"he said he didn't wanna wake you!" soap is half laughing as he replies. you have to hold back your scoff as you put him on speaker and drop the phone onto the coffee table as you quickly put your shirt on.
"yeah, okay." your voice is dripping with sarcasm, and you can't help but roll your eyes, even though he can't see it, "i'll be there, hanging up now, buh-bye."
you just about hear his muffled 'bye!' before you press the red button and shove your phone into your pocket. 
you really didn't feel like being social right now, but maybe being around your friends and letting go is what you need right now. you could just ignore ghost – it's not like it'd be hard, you were fully expecting him to completely avoid you all night. knowing him, he'd probably make you walk home by yourself again.
the walk to the pub is uneventful, thankfully dry, and it takes you twenty minutes instead of fifteen. you feel a little bad for making them wait, but they've been there over an hour already, an extra five wouldn't hurt.
the noise of the crowd hits you as soon as you walk into the old building, and you hope it isn't noticeable the way you frown at the sight of how packed it was. you were feeling even less like socialising now that you were actually here, but it was too late to turn back now. your eyes scan the room, searching for your teammates in the sea of people. you spot a familiar mohawk fairly quickly, and begin pushing your way through the crowd to the booth he and gaz are occupying.
you glance towards the bar and price and ghost both there, too locked in conversation to notice your arrival. you'd have to find price later to say hello.
"sting, you made it!" soap's cheery voice brings you back to the present. he pats your shoulder as you slump into the seat next to him, and gaz slides your usual order across the table to you.
"ordered for you a minute ago." gaz smiles, leaning forward on his elbows, "figured you could use it."
"you're legend, gaz, honestly." you chuckle in response, taking a drawn out sip and relaxing in your seat. as much as you would rather still be in bed right now, you couldn't deny you needed it.
"you okay? you look a bit worse for wear." gaz asks, his gaze turning serious as he takes in your exhaustion.
did you? you hadn't actually looked at your reflection before you left the house, you simply hoped that you didn't look too dishevelled and didn't think twice about it. you suppose the bags under your eyes must be quite heavy after the nosedive your life seems to have taken lately.
"charming, thanks for that." you mutter, teasingly raising your brows at him as you take another sip of your drink.
"sorry, sorry," he and soap both laugh, before he regards you with a more concerned look, "but seriously, you doin' alright?"
"i'm fine, just tired, you know how it is." you dismiss his question with a wave of your hand, hoping he'll drop the subject and you can get started on forgetting about the events of this week. "sorry for being late, by the way."
"make it up to us with another round?" soap wiggles an eyebrow at you, tilting his empty glass at you and nudging your arm. 
"since you asked so nicely," you say with a lighthearted roll of your eyes. they both give you a triumphant 'thanks!' as you slide out of the booth and begin making your way through the crowds of people to the bar.
as you approach, you see ghost standing by himself at the bar, a black surgical mask cover the lower half of his face, and before you can stop yourself your legs are already leading you to the empty spot next to him. as usual he doesn't acknowledge you, but you can't find it in yourself to care through the buzz of the alcohol in your system.
you flag down the bartender and order the drinks for the three of you while adamantly trying to ignore the large presence next to you; you'd barely started on your first drink, but you were going to need more than that to get through this, especially if you and ghost were going to be dancing around each other all night.
the next couple of hours are filled with you downing drink after drink, steadily becoming less and less intelligible as the night progresses. at some point gaz excused himself to go chat with price at the bar, leaving just you and soap at the table. though you couldn't see ghost when you looked over, you had no doubt he was lurking in some shadowy corner somewhere, just watching.
"he's just so…" you wave your hands around, willing johnny to somehow understand your point as the words escape you, "...y'know?"
"do i know?" he laughs, obviously very amused by your drunken state.
"mean! he's rude and uncooperative, and it pisses me off." you groan, pressing your fingers into your temples. venting to someone about ghost was somewhat cathartic for you, even if that someone was his closest friend.
"aye, that's not how you really feel though, is it?" soap raises his brow, that insufferably teasing smirk on his lips as he gives you a light nudge.
"wha–" you gawk, freezing in the motion of downing your drink – you'd lost count of how many you'd had at this point. you narrow your eyes and glare at him, "garrick… he grassed didn't he?"
"you think i needed him to tell me?" soap laughs again, and you feel your cheeks heat up at the thought that you were really that obvious. "but seriously, you should talk to him."
"i should, right? i mean… we live together, it's not unreasonable to ask him to be civil."
"exactly!" he exclaims, making encouraging gestures at you with his hands. "maybe you two can get a bit more than civil," he grins mischievously and wiggles his eyebrows at you, earning an embarrassed groan from you.
"oh, shut up soap." you hiss, gulping down the rest of your drink in one go. "i'm not drunk enough for this…"
after that conversation, your concept of time truly left the building, along with any reservations you had about moderation. eventually you do find time to say hi to price, though you think he was probably laughing at how out of your mind you were rather than the hilarious joke you told him.
you're not sure what time it is when gaz, soap, and the captain track you down to say goodnight, leaving the pub with much more coherency than you when ghost drags you out with him.
the freezing temperature hits you as soon as you step over the threshold, but thankfully there's more than enough alcohol in you to keep you warm.
you started the night fully intending to give ghost the cold shoulder, but that was hours and however many drinks ago; now you were long past the fun part of being wasted and the depressive nature of it all was hitting you hard.
"i wish you– you didn't hate me…" you mutter, dragging your feet as you follow behind ghost. he's not walking as quickly as he did yesterday, but even in your inebriated state you can tell he's making sure to stay ahead of you.
"i don't." he replies dismissively, evoking an exasperated, albeit rather dramatic sigh from you. of course he was going to argue about it, owning up and apologising would be far too mature.
"y–" you hiccup, "yeah you do," frustration lacing your voice. you slow your pace until you completely stop walking, staring at the back of his head with narrowed eyes.
"i don't hate you, sting." he sighs, half turning his body to look at you. "come on, keep walkin'." he gestures with his head.
"ugh…" you groan, but comply and stumble forward catch up to him again "then why're you such a fuckin' prick all the time?" you glare at the side of his masked face now that you're walking next to him.
he says nothing, doesn't even look at you. if you didn't know any better, you would doubt he even heard your question.
"i don't hate you, y'know…" you mumble,  crossing your arms over your chest. "even though you're so– so horrible to me all the time." the urge to cry overwhelms you, your eyes falling to your boots as you shuffle along.
"i'm n–"
"you are!" you interrupt, throwing your arms out to the side and stopping in your tracks again. "every day you say shit to me, i don't– i don't get it! i don't know what to do…" you sniffle, dragging a hand over your face and taking a wobbly step backwards, away from ghost. "why can't you just be nice? like everyone else?"
the night air is cold, and so tense you can almost feel it. ghost's hands curl into tight fists by his sides as he stares you down. 
"i'm your lieutenant, sting, not your mate." he states it like a common fact as he reaches an arm out to you, stepping towards you. "you're drunk, come here."
you don't let him get close, however, and take another few steps backwards. "but you're friends with soap, and gaz, and even the captain!" your eyes well up with tears, and despite your best efforts to stop them, you feel the hot sting of them rolling down your cheeks. "what did i do wrong? why can't you like me too?"
again, he does nothing but stare at you. he blinks once, then twice, in what you might call shock – if you could see his face through the way the world spins around you.
"i like you!" you cry. "i always have, and you– you don't have to like me back, but please," you close your eyes in an attempt to alleviate your sudden dizziness, "just stop being such a dickhead to me! you make my life so difficult, and– and miserable!"
"sting…" ghost mutters, watching as you crouch down on the pavement with your head in your hands. he steps closer again, reaching a hand out to awkwardly pat your shoulder. "is that why you got yourself hammered tonight?"
"yes!" you whine through your tears, your head still swimming and causing you to sway slightly. "like you care!"
"listen," he begins, but you quickly cut him off by lurching forward onto your hands and knees on the harsh pavement.
"i'm gonna throw up–"
"i'm sorry," you blubber, feeling rather pathetic where you're slumped next to the toilet, "please don't kick me out," tears still fall into your lap, but you gave up wiping them away a while ago.
"what?" ghost mutters from next to you. his calloused hands were keeping you upright from where he's crouched beside you on the bathroom tile. "why the fuck would i kick you out?"
"be– because i'm annoying, a– and you hate me…"
he sighs, "do you really think that lowly of me? how many times have i gotta say it before it gets through your thick skull?" he gently raps his knuckles against your forehead, "i. don't. hate you."
when you only sniffle in response, he sighs again before shifting to sit with his back against the bath next to you.
"well you could've fooled me…" you mutter, letting yourself lean against his side when the effort of keeping yourself up gets too much. you feel him flinch slightly and tense underneath you, but he doesn't move.
"i'm not good with…" he pinches the bridge of his nose, his head tilted downwards and his eyes squeezed shut. "i'm not kickin' you out, alright? no matter how much you piss me off." he pauses, and all you can do is watch him with your mouth slightly agape; this is the most he's ever said to you in one go since you met all those months ago. "and i shouldn't have run off last night. i just… i didn't realise you actually wanted to be friends… with me."
"bu…" your voice trails off, train of thought completely abandoned when he looks over and meets your gaze with his rich brown eyes.
"you're… you– i, er…" his eyes dart away from yours, finding a spot on the wall behind you to stare intently at. a sudden wave of exhaustion floods your senses, dropping your head onto his shoulder and allowing your eyes to fall closed, interrupting whatever thought he was trying to articulate. "fuckin' hell, alright… you're drunk, let's just get you to bed, eh?" his voice is just about audible as he manoeuvres your arm over his shoulders and lifts you to stand with practically no input from you.
he all but drags you out of the bathroom, and if you had any shred of coherency left within you you'd be mortified that he had to take care of you like this, but that's something for you to deal with in the morning.
you're pulled into the the living room where ghost drops you rather unceremoniously onto the sofa-bed, tugging the blankets from underneath you and settling them on top of your already half asleep form.
"night ghosty…" your sigh is muffled with your face buried into the pillow, but he pauses in the doorway when he hears it.
"goodnight, sting." he mumbles, before quietly shutting the door and letting you drift to sleep.
you wake up the next morning – or rather afternoon, since it was already one o'clock – with an absolutely splitting headache. it was expected, obviously, but it didn't stop you whining in pain as you sat up and clutched your head. how much did you end up drinking last night?
last night. right. it was all coming back to you now. you'd cried at ghost again, for the second night running, and even though he said he wasn't kicking you out, you would seriously prefer living on the streets to facing him right now.
you reluctantly emerge from the living room and squint at the bright daylight, groaning pitifully when your head pulses. maybe you should save yourself the trouble and just go back to sleep.
"so, you survived the night." ghost's voice calls from the kitchen, sounding incredibly unimpressed. you cringe at his words, naively hoping that he'd pretend the night before didn't happen like you so desperately wanted to.
"did i?" you grumble, walking through the doorway to find him sitting at the kitchen table, clad in his usual balaclava. you lean against the counter and massage your temples, "feel like i've been shot…"
"maybe you'll keep your head on straight next time. i don't want a repeat of that."
you purse your lips. "right…" you mutter, no energy left in you to come up with a retort.
"i had to drag you home, cryin' your eyes out." he gets up as he speaks, grabbing his cup and skirting around you to place it in the sink. he keeps his distance, but you see him watching you from the corner of your eye. "anyone would'a thought i was kidnappin' you."
"oh god…" you bury your face in your hands, your face heating up with the humiliation of the memory, "i'm sorry,"
"s'alright." he mumbles, still opting to gaze out of the window rather than meet your eyes. you blink in surprise at his short dismissal, but before you can formulate a response, he speaks again. "have a shower, sting. you stink."
you open your mouth to argue, but quickly forget about that idea. he was right, of course. without another word, you scurry out of the kitchen and lock yourself in the bathroom. you drag your hand over your face, willing the floor to just swallow you whole already.
you might as well have just died in your sleep, because you can't see ghost letting you live any of this down for as long as you live; though, as you stand there contemplating fleeing the country, you notice that he hadn't been nearly as pissed as you'd expected him to be this morning. you'd anticipated him grilling you about how careless you'd been and how irresponsible it was to drink that much, but the light teasing you'd endured just now felt more like the kind of banter you witnessed between him and soap, or gaz.
you can't help the giddy smile that overtakes you, your killer hangover nearly forgotten in favour of the thought of him finally letting you get close to him.
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taglist: @sofasoap , @siilvan , @mockerycrow , @i-love-ghost , @projectdreamwalker , @achelois-is-here , @adamsloverboy , @thatchickwiththecamera , @chickensandwich69 , @batmanunicorns523 , @tiny-kasper , @dezibou , @pampeop , @cumbermovels , @goth-boi-atlas , @berryjuicyy , @guiltgoreglory , @postmodernrevolutionist , @ghostlythots , @untoldshortsofthefandoms , @isseisslvt , @prodyng , @neteyamsb1tch , @delilah-grimes , @sunflowerqueen1416 , @luvssemma , @ghostslittlegf , @imonmykneessir , @dimitriene , @kenz-ee , @eistro-phobia , @rzmarona , @alanalanalanalanalanna , @dommmymommy , @carolelacroix , @1234ilikecowsthanyoumore , @cathnoneofyourbusiness , @madsothree , @geisterfvhrer , @lazyninjaphilosopher , @aliilium , @koi-feish , @chaoticgoblindev
if your name is crossed out, i can't tag you for whatever reason, sorry!
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iheartgavi · 1 year
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his world
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summary: when his first and only son is born Pablo couldn’t be more then happy.parings! gavi x fem! model reader! warnings. cute a/n. I was going to make this only one image but I decided to make it a series! because it needs a back story!this is totally different! the last part of this series is the image I was going to do! and this is only going to have two more of this series!
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you just got out of child labor hours ago,you were sitting in the hospital bed admiring your boyfriend and your new born son,gavi was shirtless holding his son mateo in his arms doing skin to skin.your parents and your brothers were on their way over to the hospital and Pablo’s parents had just called to say that they were here and just looking for parking. “mateo your favorite auntie has arrived”aurora said opening the door revealing her boyfriend and her and Gavi’s parents.
you chuckled at her remark as everyone came into the room and gave you a hug and a kiss on the head, “your his only aunt for right now till my brother’s get wife’s”
“oh y/n baby how are you?” She asked “I’m good just tired and ready to go home” you said to aurora while you were looking at Pablo who paid no mind to his family,acting like him and Mateo were the only one in the room.
“Pablo hijo podemos cuidarlo?” belien asked (Pablo son can we cary him?) pablo looked at his parents,sister and her boyfriend he was kinda hesitant but gave in.
pablo have his mother mateo,as his mom grabbed the babby everyone went over and admire the first born grandson,son and nephew. pablo walked over to you grabbing your hand and kissing it.
“he’s perfect amor,thank you mi amor”he whispered in your ear you were about to respond till you heard a nock at the door revealing your parent’s,older brother’s and the fc barcelona team as well as the coach and wags.
“we brought company” your older brother alex said as the wags came running to your side. “y/n how are you feeling?”mikky asked “I’m okay I just can’t wait to get out of here and go back to work” you said. as soon as you said that every one looked at you nodding their heads “no no no amor stop thinking about work just in joy your time at home” Pablo said as everyone agreed “I know but I’m bored at home all day”
“hermana, no te preocupes, pronto volverás a trabajar”(Sister, don't worry, you'll be back to work soon)pedri said as your siblings parents and the rest hugged you and Pablo.
the whole day everyone was carying the babby,kinda scarying pablo,he just wanted to hold his little boy in his arms and never let him go he knew he sounded selfish but he didn’t care he was a new dad and all he wanted right now is to take his girlfriend and his new born son home.
when everyone left the doctor came in saying that you and Mateo were free to go home,as you were putting mateo in his car seat pablo couldn’t help but admire you and his son “you ready?”pablo asked “yeah”you replied tiredly as you closed the back door of the car holding your son’s little hand in one arm.
once you were home pablo was rocking mateo in his arms,and mateo was perfectly laying on his dad chest sleeping peacefully “oh mateo I promise I’m going to be the best dad in the whole world,I promise you because your my world just like your mom is”pablo whispered in mateos ear as she was asleep but smile once he heard his dad talking causing gavi to let out a chuckle.
lucky you were standing in the door frame hearing in the conversation not missing this beautiful moment between a father and son. “pablo amor put mateo down in his basket net and come and eat”you said as you went behind pablo hugging his waist.
“I don’t wanna leave him amor”he said “amor we have a babby monitor in our room so we’ll hear when he’s crying,or you can bring his basket net downstairs so he’ll be with us”you said he nodded with a smile handing you mateo as he brought his basket net down stairs.
the whole night gavi wouldn’t leave mateo’s side even when you were brest feeding him all gavi can do was stare at you both and admire the both of you.pablo even convinced you to let mateo sleep ontop of him. “but starting tomorrow we have to get into a routine”you said as gavi nodded in agreement.
@yourusername & @pablogavi
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liked by pablogavi,pedri,gigihadid,bellahadid and 103,478 others
meet mateo paez gavira y/l/n🤍
view 10,963 comments
gigihadid congratulations baby your going to be a great mom💗
yourusername thank you gigi 🤍
pedri congratulates to both of you ❤️
pablogavi thank you hermano❤️
liked by yourusername and 26,688 others
fan12 he’s a dad nowww!
gavifan I’m so happy for you both 🥺
ynfan there going to be great parents
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thejujvtsupost · 5 months
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Smitten: The First Date
It’s been way too long since I’ve updated this series and I have so many ideas for them coming up. Lmk if you wanna be added to the series taglist!
Notes: F!reader, first official date, anxiety and jitters, fluff. Just really fluffy.
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“Satoru you’re already running late, I’ll be okay here.”
“The kids will understand. Do you want another blanket?” Gojo’s class started three minutes ago and he refused to leave his office until he was sure you were set.
You’d been taking up the couch in his office during the day for the last few weeks, it soothed some of Gojo’s anxiety about leaving you alone now that his energy was rubbing off on you.
You nodded your head and Gojo draped another throw over your body. Hopefully it wouldn’t be too much longer before your leg healed so you could freely walk; maybe then your boyfriend would relax. (Unlikely) “The kids rely on their teacher to be on time, but thank you. We should bring in a space heater tomorrow, how did you get by without having one in here so far?”
“You’re always cold, and it’s not that bad usually but I don’t spend much time in here; too lonely. You know I’m not far and text me if you need anything at all. I’ll see you for lunch?”
“Go be a teacher before Yaga decides to hire someone with better attendance please.”
“Kiss first!” He exclaimed and kissed your lips before pulling away with a ‘mwah!’ sound, leaving you laughing at his cartoonish display.
You just shook your head at him while reigning yourself in, “I’ll be here when you’re done.”
“Are you sure about this, Kugisake? It looks like a lot with the flowers on the table too.”
“Girls love surprises, Sensei. Last time Fushiguro poked his head in she was asleep, this is literally the perfect time.” Nobara was putting the finishing touches on the makeshift dining table, while Yuuji and Megumi plated the food- something they took surprisingly seriously. Really they just wanted to impress you. “You should go get her before the food gets cold.”
Gojo followed the directions given to him by the 15 year old girl and took the short trip down the hall.
You were still sound asleep, and he heavily debated on postponing but the kids were indiscreetly spying on him. He couldn’t back out on it.
“Hey, baby, it’s time for lunch.” He knelt down to your level and rubbed your shoulder until you stirred- he hated waking you up. He hated it a little less when you gave him your half asleep smile.
“Lunch?” The coffee table was empty, usually he brought lunch with him.
“We’re actually going on a little mission, you and I. So up you go!”
“‘Toru! Crutches!” He had you in his arms and out of the room before you could even reach for them.
“Nope!” What did he mean no? How long was he going to carry you?
“Ta-da!” Apparently not long. Your boyfriend sat you in a chair and did jazz hands at the display in front of you- you put together then that it was a date. Your first date.
It was all arranged carefully and the food made your stomach grumble. “‘Toru this is wonderful! You didn’t have to do all this!”
“The kids helped, they’d kill me if I didn’t give partial credit.”
“I kinda figured since there’s three mysteriously floating heads spying on us in the doorway behind you.”
Gojo turned around, shooed them away with only some complaints, before closing the door and returned to your lunch date. “I know our relationship hasn’t evolved in the most traditional ways but I still wanted you to know that I care about the normal stuff too. A lot has been going on but I hadn’t even taken you out yet.”
“I wasn’t expecting anything-”
“I know,” Gojo sighed. “But I pulled you into a world you never knew existed and now you’re stuck with my baggage too. I think you’re doing great by the way, you haven’t even tried escaping.”
“Tried escaping- you’re ridiculous sometimes Satoru. Your world isn’t baggage, I know it can be cruel at times but it’s not all bad. It’s just a different experience, but I feel like I found my place with you all; I’ve never had that before…”
“You always have a place where I am, always.” His tone was serious enough to make your heart feel warm. Sometimes Gojo catches you off guard with how much he cares. His silliness is only one piece of the puzzle that is your boyfriend.
“Well I guess it’s good that I wanna be where you are, always.”
You both smiled at each other, and if you chose to ignore the sets of peeping eyes through the classroom window; then that was between you and the first years.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 8 months
Seven: Wednesday
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Moon Boys x F!Reader
Summary: You’re a workaholic, but now that you’re on a week’s vacation, your lives are going to take FULL advantage of your presence aka the Moon Boys keep you in bed for a whole week.
Warning: smut - tit sucking/licking/biting, p in v
Series Masterlist
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"F-Fuck, baby. That's it!" Marc grips your hair as you suck him off in the shower.
You two had just gone a round in bed and you two went to the shower to clean yourselves up. However, it seems like Marc really just can't get enough of you because he was hard again while you soaped up his body. That then resulted in you getting on your knees and sucking him off.
"Shit. I'm close," he groans as you pull him from your mouth and begin to pump your hand up and down his length.
"Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!" he exclaims as he cums on your face and hand. The shower water immediately washing the remnants away.
Marc fell limp against the shower wall, the water cascading down his body. You chuckle as he gives you a weak hand to help you up.
You peck his lips, "Will you be satiated enough to let me finish my shower?"
He gives a tired smirk, "I think I can manage."
As promised, Marc kept his hands to himself for the rest of the shower. You dressed in just your underwear and sleep shirt while Marc dressed in sleep pants and a t-shirt.
"We've been home for the past few days, baby. You don't wanna go away for a few days?" he asks as he cooks up some lunch, you two sleeping through breakfast.
You shake your head, "No. I kinda like this. Just staying inside with you guys. Relaxing, catching up on shows and movies that I've been meaning to watch."
"If you're sure."
You come up behind him, hugging him around his middle and kissing his back, "I'm sure." You press another kiss to his back and head to the couch to do some reading.
You put on a record that Steven grabbed, the music softly playing in the background. You felt so comforted by this, the sense of domesticity. You don't have to worry about work, at least not until next week, and you're just enjoying your time with your loves.
You're engrossed by your book. You're on your stomach, still on the couch. The fantasy genre bringing you to a different world, allowing you to escape. You're not sure how much time has passed, but you're taken back to reality when you feel hands running up your thighs.
You gasp and look over your shoulder to see Marc, no. You know that look.
"Hi, Jake," you greet him as roll onto your back.
His lips twitch into a smirk as he hovers his body over you, "Enjoying your vacation?"
You nod, slipping your bookmark into place and shutting your book. You set it to the side, "Very much so. Been having so much fun with Steven and Marc. Missed you though," you reach out, running a hand through his hard curls.
"I'm right here, mi amor," he mumbles as he takes your hand and kisses it.
"Is everything...okay?" Jake made himself scarce, always lingering in the back of Marc's mind, keeping a careful eye out. He made himself known every once in a while, at least, while you were around.
"Just wanted to see you."
You smirk at him, "Just to see me? That all?"
He gives a dark chuckle as he leans in, pressing his lips against yours. Okay, maybe you had hoped he'd come out to see you, especially since you purposefully put on the pair of underwear he likes on you.
His hands slide up your legs and to your black lacey underwear, "You wore this for me?"
You nod, "I know how much you love it."
"Sí, I love it very much, especially when I get to take it off you." He hooks his thumbs onto the fabric, pulling it down as you chuckle. He tosses the garment over his shoulder and pulls you closer to him.
He's kissing you fervently, obviously desperate for you, as he presses his clothed cock against your naked core.
"Jake," you whine his name and, fuck, does he love the sound of it.
He pushes your shirt up, palming one of your breasts before leaning down and sucking on it. His tongue swirling around one nipple and his other hand pinching the other.
He's grinding down on you, the more he's on you, the wetter you become. You reach down and begin to play with your clit, but Jake pushes your hand away and mumbling, "No," before replacing your hand with his.
His finger dips into you, collecting some of your slick before circling around your clit.
You moan at the added pleasure, your arms circling around him to hold him close. He's still rutting into you and you can tell he's as desperate to have you as you are him.
"Jake, please. Fuck me already."
"I hear you, mi amor. I hear you," he mutters as he pulls his cock out, pumping himself a few times before coating himself in your wetness.
He fills you with ease and you're both moaning at the feeling. He takes your legs, placing your legs over his shoulders so he can fuck you deeper.
He's thrusting hard, like his life depends on it. He's watching as your face scrunches up in pleasure. Your hand circling your clit for more. You're so fucking beautiful. He, along with Marc and Steven feel so lucky to have someone like you.
Jake lets your legs fall and he uses his arms to hold himself above you. He thrusts harder, practically moving the couch with every thrust. You're sure some things from the side table fell because of the force.
"Fuck," he curses, as he buries his face into your damp neck.
"Right there, Jake," you pant, holding onto him as if you'd float away if you don't.
"You want, amor? You want me to cum in you?"
"Fill me up, please. I want it, Jake," you beg, "I'm so close," you're trying to chase after your own orgasm as you're rubbing your clit more desperately now.
He's working hard to help you get there with him. He grits his teeth as he snaps his hips, once, then twice. The third time he stills as he cums in you. You gasp when your own orgasm takes hold.
"Good girl. Good girl," he rasps out as he feels you clench onto him.
You let out a deep breath after your orgasm passes. He remains inside as he calms down. You're both panting and sweaty messes at the end of it all.
Jake slowly sits up, pulling out of you as carefully as possible. He helps you sit up and presses a kiss to your head, "You okay?"
You nod, "More than okay," you peck his lips.
You snort, "Marc and I just showered."
"Well now you and I can shower," he gives a tired smirk as he stands to his feet with a grunt.
When you stand, you stumble a bit, to which Jake catches you. With ease, he lifts you into his arms and brings the both of you to shower for the second time that day.
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spideycatt · 11 months
Cat & Mouse Part 2.5 || MM x F!READER
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You see Miles at a party after a mishap
Now playing:
Yea, I said it // Rhianna, Astrothunder // Travis Scott, Slow Motion // Don Toliver
Warnings: Cussing, BLACK reader, aave (Ik its in like every fic i write but its how i talk dont come for me), partying, bumping n grinding on the dance floor oooo, Mentions of drinking, Use of n-word
Not rlly warnings/ A.N: Mentions of Gwendolyn Stacy🙄, the dancing scene popped up in my head after listening to the linked song on repeat so ofc i wrote about it!!, Just a lil sumn sumn before i close off this lil series
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“Oh my GOD Miles just shut the fuck up! I dont care if you and that bitch Gwen got something goin on because you’re not my nigga! Everyones right. Im not gon trip over you and whatever hoes you might have because obviously- this ain’ gon work. I’m over here stressing over finding a new roommate, I’m not gonna stress over someones who’s not my nigga, too.” You scream, staring at Miles as he stood in your doorway, both of you breathing heavily from raising your voices. You shook your head as you slam the door in his face, making sure to give him a pointed look before it shut.
You sigh at the memory of you and Miles’ fight from two days prior. He hadn’t come back to talk to you, and that only made you feel worse for slamming the door in his face like that. But it was true. You two weren’t dating, so you wouldn’t think it over too much. Hence why you were at a some 90’s themed party with your friend right now.
(“You need to bring someone home! Forget about Mr. Lame out there. Have some fun!”
“Girl what? I’m not even thinking bout boys right now.”)
“I’m gonna go get us some drinks! Remember what I said- let loose!”
You nod your head at her, nodding your head to the sound of Travis Scott bouncing off the walls. Which, wasn’t very 90’s, but as long as you were dressed up did it really matter?
You start walking to see where your friend went, but got stopped by someone grabbing your waist. You whip your head around to see who had the guts to touch you like that, and was met with a random guy you’ve seen around school. ‘Kinda cute.’
“Wanna dance, baby?”
You cringe inwardly at the nickname, being so used to Miles saying it to you. ‘You’re literally here to forget about him. One dance won’t hurt!’
Your friend comes back as soon as he starts tugging you away, you shrug at her as she gives you a questioning look.
You both move to the make-shift dance floor as Let’s chill by Guy starts playing. His hands on your hips as you sway your bodies to the music. You were getting really into the song, you were caught by surprise when you look up and see none other than Miles, staring at you two from across the room like he wanted to kill the guy behind you. You roll your eyes, continuing to dance on the boy behind you, when you felt him get pushed off you suddenly. You whip your head around for the second time tonight to see Miles and the guy almost chest to chest.
“Dude what the fuck?!” The guy yelled over the music, looking up at Miles with furrowed brows.
“Hands off my girl.” Miles quipped, looking down at the man with a mean look on his face, making the guy quickly back off.
“You’re crazy.” The boy huffed out, putting his hands up in surrender, quick to run off into the crowd.
Miles turned to look at you, grabbing your hips and pulling you close with a smirk.
“Miles, what the fuck.”
“Hey, Moss. I missed you.” He said, trying to lean in for a kiss, but you put a finger over his mouth.
“You dont get to ‘Hey, Moss,” me right now. Is that a durag on your head? Who the fuck did your hair?” You question rapidly, pushing his hands off you.
“Chill, baby,” he whispered in your ear, placing his hands back on your hips, and kissing down your neck. “My homegirl did them yesterday.”
“I don’t like that.”
“I knew you wouldn’t. Thats why I did it.” He smirked, spinning you around to hold you from behind. ‘Typical.’
“Y’know ma I like this style on you. You really turning me on right now.” He grabbed your hips and moved them along with his, dancing to the song currently playing.
“Don’t think you can make me forget about you and Gwen.”
He sighed in your ear, throwing his head back as he grinds into you. “I already told you baby, it wasn’t like that. She had a thing for me, and I fucked up by not putting her in her place. You know I only want you, ma.”
“No. I don’t know, Miles. You out here letting girls touch on you and do your hair ‘n shit. And that’s making this very hard to believe.” You spat, glaring at no one in particular.
“You’re so sexy when you mad, ma.”
You stay silent at that, slowly bringing one hand up to wrap around the back of Miles’ neck, and putting the other hand over his, which stayed on your hip.
“So do you forgive me baby?” He muttered, rubbing his thumb over your jean skirt.
“Why would I forgive you if we’re not even together?” You counter, tilting your head to the side.
“Oh it’s like that?” He raised a brow, mouthing over your neck.
“Lets make it official then, yea? Let me be yours. And you can be mine. Just mine.”
“You’d better to tell your ‘homegirl’ to keep her hands out ya hair if I say yes.”
“When you say yes. Y’know you can’t act like this forever.” He turned you back around and smirked down at you, making your tummy fill with butterflies.
“Forget you.” You kiss your teeth, looking away from him as he spreads a hand over your ass cheek.
“Nah. I know you want me, too. Así que dime, Moss. Whats up with you?” (so tell me)
“Ok, ok. Yea.” You sigh, pressing yourself against Miles, hugging his middle and resting your head against his chest.
“What was that baby?” He said smugly, rubbing his hands up and down your sides.
“Don’t make me change my mind, Miles.”
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onlyyours2love · 9 months
How “A Tale of Two Sisters” (Tangled the Series) and “Promise” (She-Ra) are literally the same episode
I literally made this post on Twitter but it got no traction and I was looking to get a discussion going but I will just repeat what I said there and paste it here because I can’t get over this
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Angry Lesbians = Cassandra & Catra
Team Blondie = Adora & Rapunzel
Parallel #1: Close Proximity
It’s funny how the premise of both episodes is that the sworn rivals (lovers) are put in a position in which they are stuck and cannot find an exit. In TTS, Cassunzel is stuck in a cave with poisonous gas and Catradora is trapped in that weird chamber thingy with the First Ones tech.
Parallel #2: Dangerous Setting
Additionally not only are they trapped together, but they are trapped specifically in a dangerous environment that is hostile impartially to both parties which leads onto my next point...
Parallel #3: Enemy x Enemy Teamwork
Literally the designated Angry Lesbians (Catra & Cass) hate their counterparts' guts. They literally wanna kill them,
In fact, the reason why in both of these cases they ended up in that very same dangerous setting was because the designated angry lesbians decided to attack Team Blondie (Adora & Rapunzel) and got them stuck there IN THE FIRST PLACE !!!! ARGGHH !!
And now since they're stuck in a hostile environment that is way too distracting to kill Team Blondie -& that also threatens their lives as well- they're forced to put a pin on that whole "i need to kill my wife" plan so that they themselves don't die, which forces them to ✨work together✨
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Parallel #4: Facing the Past Pt. 1
This teamwork leads both parties to reminisce about their ex friendship. It’s actually funny to notice that these two share the same trope (aka friends to enemies to lovers [ok I know Cassunzel isn’t canon but the lesbians ship them idc]) AND since these two both have a past of being friends earlier in life they both get back into that groove that they easily slip back into while they’re trying to survive.
ie. Rapunzel and Cass reminiscing the memories they made during the trip to the dark kingdom & Catra and Adora just goofing around during that chamber after a while
Parallel #5 villain/hero enemies to lovers dynamic
This kinda goes hand in hand with Parallel #4
The designated Angry Lesbians (who are also the show’s labeled villains) are in constant turmoil about the way they feel about Team Blondie and its fucking hilarious because they’re so down bad for Team Blondie & you get these moments where they’re softening slowly throughout the episode // meanwhile Team Blondie (the show’s designated heroes) are just trying the whole time to get through their girlfriends and realize that they’re on the wrong side
Parallel #6: Facing the past Pt. 2 + Resentment
This one is super important because it really brings perspective to the rivalry and the motives behind why Cassandra and Catra are doing what they are doing and brings a depth and complexity to both Cassunzel and Catradora.
Facing the past also includes looking back into childhood memories and learning about a specific mother figure and the way this mother figure shaped the entire view in which they see themselves- whether it’s conscious or unconscious.
For Catra and Adora, it meant exploring Catra’s relationship with Shadow Weaver and how that influenced her own self worth during childhood and how she was always outshined by Adora, who was able to gain Shadow Weaver’s affections with ease thanks to her specialness as she’s a First One’s decendant.
For Cassandra and Rapunzel, it meant realizing that Gothel was a selfish person who never really loved either of them, and that Gothel only chose Rapunzel (and consequently, abandon Cassandra) for her magic hair. That is until Cassandra finds the broken mirror that shows Gothels apparent “love” for Cass.
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Parallel #7: the mother figures that traumatized our angry lesbians
This also kinda goes hand in hand with parallel #5 because these two women are the very root of why our angry lesbians are traumatized and on the ‘evil side’ of the story.
These women created all the insecurities that our angry lesbians cling onto & project onto Team Blondie by making them feel as if they were not enough or loved & made them feel inferior to their counterparts
In Catra’s case, it was shadow weaver
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For Cassandra, it was Gothel
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It was both of these women who actively made the decision to choose Adora/Rapunzel due to being “special” & treated Cass/Catra like shit
Parallel #8: The end + presumed death
this one makes me SCREAM
At the end of both episodes SOMETHING -and by something I mean a childhood memory is triggered- that makes the angry lesbians lash out and any hope that they return to the good side just vanishes.
Also they both leave Team Blondie out to die and walk away thinking they killed them.
But ofc team blondie never dies.
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I kept obsessing over this and thank god for tumblr for having unlimited character count because I could’ve not made my point thoroughly on twitter
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk
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4townie · 9 days
Road to 4☆TOWN
part 41 | part 42 | part 43 | part 44 | part 45 | part 46
“Hey, Robaire.” Jesse said into his phone. “I kinda need you to do me a huge favor right now so please tell me you’re not doing anything.”
“Nope. Why would I be doing anything?” Robaire rolled his eyes. “It’s not like I have a—” He paused, listening to the background noise. “Why is Selina breathing like that? What are you guys doing?”
“We’re kinda sorta in the maternity ward at the hospital.” Jesse shrugged awkwardly.
“Oh. Ohhhh.” Robaire’s eyes widened. “What do you need?”
“We kinda left in a hurry so Marcel’s just stuck with my brothers right now.” Jesse explained. “I love them both to death, but they don’t actually know what to do with a toddler. I know you have two nieces so—”
“Say no more.” Robaire started grabbing his things. “I got you, man.”
“Ugh, thanks. You’re a lifesaver.” Jesse sighed with relief. “By the way, his car seat’s by the closet in our room for when you bring him in tomorrow. And make Sean sit in the back with him cuz he gets carsick sometimes and Danny can’t handle that. Y’know what? Just don’t feed him before you leave, bring something for him to eat here. Like cheerios or—OOH, he’s really into yogurt lately. Oh, and when you put him to bed, you have to stay with him until he falls asleep or he’ll just come running back out. And you have to let him sleep next to you cuz ever since the tour we’ve been co-sleeping in our room and that’s pretty much the only way he can sleep now.”
Robaire sat on the other end, completely baffled. “G-Got it!” He lied. “I’ll have everything under control.”
“Great, I knew I could count on you.” Jesse nodded. “If you have questions…don’t call me or I’ll get my ass beat. Just use your best—” He paused. “Call your sister.”
“JESSE!” Selina waved her hands at him, trying to snatch his phone away. “I need you to hang up the goddamn phone and—…” She let out a loud moan.
Jesse’s eyes widened. He looked her up and down.
“I don’t think I wanna be on this phone call anymore.” Robaire said awkwardly. “I kinda feel like a third party in this…deeply personal experience of yours.”
“Yeah, no. I gotta go anyway.” Jesse said as he leaned over to wipe the sweat off her brow. “I think it’s almost time.”
“Awww, that’s sweet.” Robaire swooned. “Good luck, you g—” he was cut off by another moan. “O-Oh.”
“GET OFF THE PHONE, MAN!” Jesse yelled frantically. “I’M A LITTLE PREOCCUPIED!”
“Right, right. Hanging up, watching your kid.” Robaire nodded and hung up the phone he paused. “How hard could a two year old be? Litta and Sabrina were pretty chill.” He looked back at his phone. “At least it’s not that.” He shuddered.
Sorry for such a short scene and for kinda vanishing on y’all😅 I’ve been super busy with my job and trying to get my mental health under control, but I have no intention of abandoning the series. I just need breaks for my brain. Thank you guys for sticking around through the long waits🫶🏾
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angry-trashcan · 5 months
For The Birds, Bees and The Catfish
Part three of What Are You Doing Here?! The series about the chain showing up in my house one day.
TW: None
1.4K WC
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I stepped into the living room, the sight I found earning a giggle.
The couch was pushed out of the way for there to be room in the center. Wind and Twilight stood in the middle, the others sprawled about randomly. “Kid, ya step back two times then the other food goes back once. How hard is it?!”
Wind threw his hands up, backing away from Twilight. “This is pointless! I don’t even wanna learn to dance!”
“Weren’t you the one to ask?” Hyrule asked, his focus staying on the dog in his lap.
“Yeah, but I didn't wanna learn to dance like a hick! Vet! You teach me!” Wind grabbed Legend’s arm, trying to get him up. He pushed him off, scoffing.
“Were you trying to teach him to two-step?” I spoke up, trying to find a free place to sit and watch.
Twilight’s eyebrows raised, “Yeah, ya know how?”
“Kinda? I go dancing with a friend of mine sometimes.
His face lit up and before I could push Sage out of the way to sit down, he was grabbing my arm. “Dance with me then!” I flustered, grabbing his shoulders so that I didn’t topple right into him.
“Come on now, it’ll be fun!” And how could I say no to that smile? One of my hands found his, the other staying firmly on his shoulder. His free hand fell to my waist before he started to move his feet, leading easily.
Two, one, two, one, two, one-
The rhythm was set quickly, his smile growing wider. Without realizing it, we had made two laps around the living room. A smile and light laughter reaching my face. The laughter grew when he spun me, his hand following my waist and bringing me back against him. Before I could recover, he was dipping my head backwards towards the ground. I lost myself, gripping onto him for dear life. He spun back, pulling me up with him. I laughed breathlessly, “Wanna go dancing?”
“I think that sounds like a great time.”
“They have line dancing on Tuesday nights.”
“It’s Tuesday.”
“Let’s go.” I pulled away from him quickly and rushed to my room to change. When the door closed behind me I heard the loud sounds of confusion.
“Is dancing code for something?!”
After a quick and way too expensive stop at the local Cavenders, Twilight had a new set of jeans, a hat and a pearl snap shirt. He insisted his boots were fine (thankfully because I could NOT afford those too) and we were pulling up to the bar.
“You come dancin’ here? This looks like a bar, doll.”
I coughed hard at the sudden nickname, glancing at him as I put the car in park. “Yeah- it’s a bar. But they have a huge dance floor and people come here to dance.”
“Huh, alright.” He was struggling to open the car door before figuring it out and stepping out quickly. I followed quickly, shoving my things into my pockets as I locked the car. I offered him my keys. He looked down at my hand before raising an eyebrow. “I see ya trust me and that’s great an’ all. But I ain’t think you should trust me enough to drive that.”
“What?! No, Twi. I need you to put them in your pocket. Mine aren’t big enough for them.” He mouthed out a silent ‘oh’ before taking them and shoving them into his front pocket.
The person at the door checked my ID, giving one look over to Twilight before telling us to go on in. Wish I could get into bars that easily. The lights were already off, the neon beer signs lining the walls and surrounding the bars on either side of the dance floor. Tables littered around the walled off floor. The wall being about waist high for dancers to set their drinks on. People were already crowded on the wooden floor, boots scraping against it in a rhythmic pattern.
“Well?” I turned back to Twilight, “Whatcha think?”
He smiled, his canines poking out slightly. “I think this was a great decision.”
I smiled back wider, “Let’s get some drinks and then we will join in when a good song comes on.” He nodded, following me through the tables towards the bar.I quickly ordered our drinks and passed him his once it was done. He lifted it to his face, smelling it. He laughed lightly, bringing the glass to his lips.
“Ya know me well.” He clapped a hand onto my shoulder, his arm going across my back. I stood up straighter, trying to keep the blood from rushing to my cheeks with my own drink.
“Who doesn’t like whiskey?” I cleared my throat. Bailey, you idiot. YOU don’t like whiskey.
“Can’t argue with that.” With his arm still around my shoulders we walked over to a table near an entrance to the dance floor. We sat together watching people dance for a few songs, letting the faster ones play out. The chords to a familiar song started, the pace of it a bit slower than the last. 
I stood quickly, grabbing his arm. “This one, I like this song.” He nodded, taking the last drink out of his glass and setting it down onto the table. I stepped onto the wooden floor first, his steps trailing right behind mine. We fell into the same position as the house, his hand finding my waist easily. The other people on the floor all began to move in the familiar motion around the edges of the walls. His steps guided mine, the spins coming unexpectedly, the dips even more so than that. I pulled back from him, letting him spin, my hand trailing along his shoulder blades as he did. Our bodies reconnected, if only for a moment, before he spun me through his arms. His arms rose over my head, coming to cross in front of my chest and pulling my back against his chest. I took a shaky breath and swallowed hard at the contact before raising my arms back over me to turn back to face him. His smile never faltered through every spin and dip. 
The song ended too quickly, a faster pace line dance song falling on the speakers. He gave me one more dip, pulling me up slowly so we were face to face. I cleared my throat, looking away from his eyes. “We should get off the floor. I don’t know this song.”
He nodded, pulling away from me. His hand stayed in mine, guiding me off of the dance floor and back to the table we had claimed. I noticed his empty glass, picking it up from the table. “Want another?”
“If ya don’t mind.”
“I got it, wait here. I’ll be back.” He smiled, sitting down and watching the dancers until I got back. I set his newly full glass in front of him. He lifted it, taking a look to see how full it was. “I got you a double.” Before he could ask, I answered the question.
He laughed, “You didn’t gotta do all that. I bet it cost twice as much.” He brought it to his lips, taking a sip from it.
“Nah, I just smiled real pretty and he didn’t charge me.” I joked, nudging him as I took a seat next to him. 
He snorted, putting the glass down. “I’ll have to remember that trick next time.” We sat together watching the dancers for sometime. Occasionally getting up to dance to a song that caught our attention. I would join in for line dances I knew, letting him stay back and laugh at me stumbling over my own feet.
We were winding down and getting ready to leave when an all too familiar song started. “Hold on, I promise we can go after this one!” I stood quickly, hurrying to join into one of the lines.He only smiled, taking the drink from my hand.
The lyrics started, and with it the lines started moving. The steps to this song being (unfortunately) engraved into my brain for as long as I could remember. It was at the chorus that everyone shouted the words along with the blaring speakers. I made eye contact with Twilight at the same moment, his glass to his lips. “Save a horse, ride a cowboy!” His whiskey caught in this throat, coughing as he looked away from me to catch it in his hand.
I snickered, barely processing the words I was actively yelling at a real-life cowboy. And when the lines circled back to where I was facing him again his face was as red as a ripe tomato as he finished the glass.
This is just really fun to write I have no other explanation.
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felixakranken · 5 months
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@zetanuma pointed these out, and I found it extremely interesting. I have my own thoughts on it as well:
The first part really caught my eye because it made me realize we have already been shown that Bon can mimic voices. He lured Rosemary backstage using Jack's voice.
Going off my previous theory that Jason Pooltrick might be Bon, maybe this has something to do with how Norman seems to wanna keep Felix around despite his influence over the company bringing nothing good.
People keep dying around Felix, yet he remains untouched. Norman seems to use him as a scapegoat for why employees are going missing and the company is failing, and we also know that Norman is very persistent in keeping his father's legacy alive. So if Bon/Jason is attached to Felix in some way that'd make sense why Felix is kept around.
Maybe this can also explain how Edd and Molly became attached to Rocket as a vessel? Bon seems to want to tether people. It'd make sense why Edd and Molly got trapped in Rocket and in Wonderland if he were present around their deaths to somehow meddle in that, and he's manipulating them and sometimes even pretending to be them.
Leading into the theory that perhaps Bon could also be shadow man, I'm not taking this one too serious since its kinda a stretch but hey! Food for thought:
Shadow man being Felix has a lot of evidence, but that evidence has a whole new connotation if you think about it as Bon/Jason Pooltrick instead:
- Shadow man's eyes resemble Bon's (and what I'm now assuming is Jason's from the website) much more than Felix's.
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- Shadow man in bunny farm being there at Ed and Molly's death, if it were Bon that would explain how he put them inside Rocket and brought them to Wonderland. Or perhaps if not that the symbolism of having one of the animatronics seemingly "playing" with this accident as if they were toys. manipulating them and having fun doing so really makes me think more about if Bon had some influence over it.
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- These lyrics from Slowly by Sweet Tuesday on the Showstoppers album:
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This is phrased in a way that "He" could potentially mean someone who is aware of the accident. "He" swears he had no part, which could mean Bon acting as if he didn't manipulate the car accident in some form because now we know Felix did own up to crashing the car to both the police and the Waltens, he just didn't tell them he buried Ed and Molly. The "He's got no heart" makes me think about how Jason Pooltrick specifically died from a heart failure.
I hope I'm phrasing all this well here. This series has so many things going on, it's hard to verbalize where my train of thought is going sometimes.
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viveela · 1 year
your art is ❤ I wanna squeeze them to death (affectionate) also do you read sp fanfiction? if so do you have recs? 🙈
Ah thank you sm!! I'm so glad people enjoy my fanarts, I honestly didn't think my whole shift to south park posting would go this well lol I'm very glad to be proven otherwise!!
As for sp fics ...this is gonna be a long post lol.
So I have been reading some, buuut I guess I'm kinda picky...I am kind of particular about fics in general honestly. If I love something I want to see it portrayed authentically, that goes for every fandom I've been in. I know aus are fun but I want to be able to mainly consume canon compliant content, rarely do I read anything else oops. Unfortunately I've found that to be kinda hard since aging them up and doing all sorts of aus is heavily the vast majority with the sp fandom so I don't really have too many fics I personally have to recommend; just a handful that stood out to me, but I will happily share some!! They're all style and creek tho as I haven't found any I like that aren't yet, but I hope to find some for other pairs or nonromantic ones soon.
Stan x Kyle: A Ballad of True Hearts It's ongoing but really good so far! I really enjoy it, I'm a huge sucker for the fantasy look from the show/game and when it comes to aus this is like the only one I really indulge in. I really like how they're characterized and the tense dynamic they have that reflects the one seen in the current state of the series. The underlying plot has me very intrigued too! Sign of Devotion Adorable canon feeling story where their fantasy world is rarely portrayed as in the show with them simply playing pretend (which is my fav way to see it done). I loved this one to pieces and idk I just really like the idea of some feelings arising between them from trying to stay in character!! To Be More Than My Daydream I really enjoyed this one because it really nailed down how comfortable the two boys have gotten with each other's presence. I enjoy the idea of Stan taking a while to realize how his feelings changed over time and the way awareness of this slowly comes to light. It's written so tenderly and sweet it's really cute, I love the way they are here. Say it and mean it (for both our sakes) Such an awesome fic covering the distance that has grown between the two and how they're both happier when close to one another. They are both wanting and missing what they once had before but so bad at communicating this to each other until now. It was just perfect, loved it. Tweek x Craig:
Signs Point to Yes Incredibly fun fic, super in character, felt like an actual episode. The call back to the fortune teller is great. It was just such an enjoyable fic that really captured their dynamic and the struggle to save a relationship they didn't even ask for but now want. Super cute!
A Stripe of Love This fic was made before there was that much info on Stripe I believe, but it is very cute and I enjoyed it a lot. I am also always a fan for people bringing in Tweek's unofficial/official parrot into the mix, even if briefly. Overall, it's just a really sweet read.
Baby steps
Really cute exploration of how the two would feel about the awkward transition from faking to actually putting real feelings into their actions and being a little more vocal about it. Tweek's nerves are captured really nicely too.
That's all of them, hopefully my tastes in fics overlap at least a little with yours and you gain a nice read out of this!
I also plan to write some fics myself so maybe keep an eye out for that...?
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cheekyowldraws · 11 months
Hey it’s me Owl. Yeah I’m still alive and I’m kinda wanna revive my Tumble blog and because I’m really into the new Pokemon Horozons Anime I think it’s a good start to share my very first fanfic <3 I ship Friede and Murdock because I really love there dynamic. In this fanfic they have an big argument with heavy miscommunication. It’s hurt/comfort and they kiss at the end <3
Series: Pokemon Horizons
Characters: Friede, Murdock, Small part with Liko and Roy
Ships: FriedexMurdock also called Capncrunchshipping or Murfrieshipping
Murdock seems like he isn't good at Pokemon battles. Yeah he did watch Likos and Roys Trainings Battle against Captain Pikachu, but I think he doesn't enjoyi doing battles himself. Because when we saw him fight for the first time he was kinda relieved that Roy took over the battle and went away with his hurt Rockruff. So I headcanon that he might feel weak and useless when it comes to protect everyone he loves. So with the Liko situation right now I think he will blame himself so much that Spinel could manage to lure Liko away in his name. But he won't tell anyone about his feelings and that were things are starting.
Friede noticed that Murdock cut himself off a bit from the others, but especially the kids and him so he tries to confront him and goes into the kitchen were he mostly always finds him. Murdock is indeed there peparing the dinner, but he doesn't seem as focused as usual, because he almost cut himself with the knife when Friede started to talk to him
F: „I knew I would find you here“ he said to him while smiling softly
Murdock was so deep in his thoughts that he jumped a little and almost dropped the knife „H..hey Friede what brings you here?“ while putting on a nervouse smile
Friede wastes no time and comes to the point directly „What is bothering you?“ putting on a serious but concerned face
Murdock of course just shakes his head and says he's fine, trying to change the subject asking him what he wants for dinner but Friede didn't fell for that so he asked him again „Don't lie to me! I know somethings wrong! You stopped spending time with the kids and you barley can focus cooking so what is it!?“
M: „I..I'm fine I just thought they might get annoyed when I'm around to much t..that's all!“ it's just a half of a lie because he really thinks having him around might bring them into danger
Friede of course isn't satisfied with the answer the bigger man gave him so he continued „And why aren't you talking to me? Something clearly is bothering you and...“ in that moment Murdock just snapped and screamed at him „I SAID I'M FINE SO LEAVE ME ALONE!!“ Murdock startled himself with his loud voice and was shocked what he just said, regretting every single word in an instant. So he hastely looked into Friedes direction and like he feared he saw a very irriated and concerened face. Friede himself was seemigly shocked and surprised, because the last time Murdock snapped at him like that was when they were kids. F: „Sorry that I got worried about you. If you want me to leave you alone I will gladly do that, but I thought we are friends and trust each other...maybe I was wrong“ he said that in just a calm but angry and dissapointed voice that it made Murdock shudder and regret even more what he just did...But before he could apologize and say something Friede was already gone. „Nice Murdock....you just runied everything...I'm so stupid...why I'm so stupid“ and starts crying The Dinner was awkward because everyone could feel somethings wrong. Friede and Murdock didn't talked to looked at each other even once.
Later at night in Murdocks room:
He just rolls over and over and can't seem to sleep. I mean how could he after he surley just runied his friendship and his relationship with the man he loved so damn much that it hurts. „Why didn't I just tell him I feel weak...I'm so stupid...no wonder he hates me now...I didn't deserve him anyway...he will be better of without me...b...but I love him so much...“ At this point he was just hugging his pillow very tight and bawled his eyes out repeating the words „I'm so stupid“ and „I'm so sorry“ over and over again, because he didn't know what to do and believed Friede never wanna talk to him ever again
The same night in Friedes room:
He also can't sleep. To many thoughts going through his head...why did Murdock snap at him? What is bothering him that much that he even can't tell him? His best friend, his lover...he wants to try and ask him again but he doesn't want to pressure him either. „I shouldn't have said that to him...I pressured him to much so him snapping at me was just a normal reaction...i didn't wanted to hurt him with my words....ARRGHH WHAT DO I DO NOW!!?? I can't just go to him like nothing happened and ask him again after saying I leave him alone!!“ He grabbed his pillow and smacked it to the other side of the room and let himself fall down on his bed with a big and long sight „I better wait a few days and then gonna ask him again“
The next morning:
Friede couldn't sleep of course so he kinda looked more tired then usual but he hopes no one notices it. When he went to the breakfast table he just saw Murdocks face for a split second because said man vanished back into the kitchen as soon as he spotted him, just like he wanted to avoide that Friede saw him like that. But he saw...he saw his tired face...he saw his puff and swollen eyes...He was clearly crying the whole night and it was his fault...He felt so sick in his stomach that he barley could eat anything, but he did eat, because he doesn't want to upset Murdock even more than he already had. I mean how does it come off when he didn't ate his delicious meal after their argument?
This whole mess goes one for the next 3 days. Friede managed to take a few naps during these days, but Murdock....he looked like a mess to the point even the kids asked him if somethings wrong, but of course he didn't wanted to worry them and put a fake smile on his face ensuring them he is fine and couldn't just sleep well. Liko and Roy still had a worried look on there faces, but let it be for the moment.
Friede on the other hand couldn't take it anymore. He can't longer just watch and look how the love of his life is suffering and hurting himself, because he clearly haven't slept a single minute the past 3 days and that shows...not only on his face but his hands...especially his left hand was covered in bandages, probably from cutting himself because he couldn't focus while cooking....and that never happens...
That's it! He has to clear things up and apologize for what he said, because he didn't meant it like that. So he went to the kitchen and just the moment he walked in Murdock accidentally cut his left thumb again letting out a soft but frustrated „Ouch...Shit not again“ Without any hesitation the white haired man rushed over and grabbed Murdocks left hand so he can look how bad the cut was. „Let me patch this up for you“ His body just simply moved on his own when he saw Murdcock was bleeding. Murdock was dead silent for a short time, because Friede popping out of nowhere startled the shit out of him.
But instead of letting Friede tend to his wound he just hastly pulled his hand away and turned his back to Friede „I..It's okay...y..you don't have to force yourself to talk to me..I mean it's just natural that you hate me now..but i deserve that...i couldn't even tell you what bothered me so..I'm sorry for being such a terrible friend...i won't bother you anymore I'm sure it's better that way and...“ He said that in such a gently but trembling voice that it was clear that he was at the verge of crying
Suddenly it made click for Friede and he felt even sicker than he already have. DID HE REALLY THINK I HATE HIM THE WHOLE PAST 3 DAYS!!? No no no no that's not what he wanted...that's not what he meant to make him feel... „MURDOCK STOP!! I'M SORRY!??“ He screamed in such a heartbreaking voice while grabbing Murdocks hands, turning the other man over so he can look right into his face. Murdock of course was just staring at him with such a confused face and teary eyes.
„I'm so sorry Murdock! What I said to you was not okay, becaue I didn't meant it...I was just so frustrated that I couldn't tell what was bothering you so I let all that frustration out on you and i'm so sorry...You haven't slept the past 3 days right? And you probably cried a lot and i just watched and didn't come back to you earlier...“ *he took a deep breath* „Because I didn't wanted to pressure you...I thought it's better I give you some space, but at the end I even fucked up more making you believe I hate you when I'm not and...“
Before he could even talk more he heard Murdocks soft voice asking „Y..you don't hate me!?“ he looked at him with his wide brown beautiful eyes like he couldn't believe that so Friede cups Murdocks face between his hands and with the sweetst smile and teary eyes he said „I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART AND NOTHING WILL EVER CHANGE THAT“ At this moment Murdock just couldn't hold back his tears and tried to talk but no words came out so Friede just pulled him into his arms and repeated „Yes I love you“ while gently rubbing over his back to calm the big man down.
After a few minutes Murdock still was a mess, still crying but he could manage to talk now so he tried to apologize as well. He grabbed Friedes hand and started talking „I'm also sorry for snapping at you..I didn't wanted to...I didn't want to worry you...I immadiatly regretted yelling at you, but I could bring myself to face you, because i thought i fucked up our whole friendship...oure relationship...“ And without a warning Murdock gently grabbed Friedes face and gave him a short but tender kiss but pulled away seconds after so he can continue talking „Your the love of my life and can't think of living without you. I LOVE YOU!!“
Now it was Friede pulling him into a passinate and tender kiss. They only pull away because they had to breath again at some point. After that they just sat there silenty for some time. Murdock watched while the white haired man patched up his cut thumb he almost forgot about „Thank you“ he said while smiling at Friede and this time it was a geniune smile again so Friede happily smiled back at him saying „Everytime“
The brown-grey haird man then started nervoulsy fidgeting with his fingers „Ehm..the you know the thing I didn't wanted to tell...what's bothering me right now...it's just I'm...“ He felt a gently hand pressing on his shoulder encouraging him to continue „The truth is...when we got attacked by the explorers on Roys home island, or when they tried to hurt Liko luring her away with a fake shop message for that spice I told her I would love to have...I couldn't protect them... I failed them..I'm the adult I should be strong and fearless...BUT...“
He lowers his voice in an instant after realizing he started to get louder again, looking at Friede to get sure he didn't startled him, but to his surprise he was met with a soft smiled at him so he continued, still fidgeting with his fingers „..but I was just useless...someone as weak as me can't protect them so I thought these two might be safer when I'm not around...and to answer your question why I couldn't tell you...“ he paused for a few seconds before continuing takeing a few deep breath so his voive would stop being so shaky „ I felt to embarressed admiting that I'm so weak. And I also was frustrated at myself and yeah that's literally it“ He awkwardly scratched the back of his head and tried to not look into Friedes eyes.
The smaller man just sat back and let out a reliefed smile „So that's what was bothering you...“ He took a deep breath before continue talking because he wanted to say it propperly. He took Murdocks hands so that he looks at him „Your definately not weak. You hate violence and don't enjoy pokemon battles, because you can't bear seeing others getting hurt and that's totally valid. Be strong doesn't mean strengh only, I mean you could just punch someone unconcious with your fist, but that's not the point“
That got a small giggle out of his lovers mouth and he continued „You are the strongest person I know. Even though you shy and all you still keep going every day, always doing your best, caring about everyone so much, so what I'm trying to say it that your are far away from being weak okay?“ With finishing his hopefully engouraging speech he winked with his eyes in Murdocks direction. The bigger man just let out a heartful laugh while giving him the beautifullest smile he has ever seen „Thank you Friede for everything“
That night the decided to stay together in one room and finally could get some well needed sleep while hugging each other tightf
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A Huge Update Post!!!!!!
Hi everyone, @thattoastygecko (your moderator) here. It is me.
This bracket has been quiet recently but now it is time to resume it. But I have a buncha changes to make bc let's face it, this bracket? It's an unorganized mess lmao
Congrats to our last winners!
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Also I was thinking of going back to doing 2 groups of contestants at a time again, y'know 8 votes at once. Because let's face it this bracket is huge & honestly some of the entrants I kiiiind of wish I didn't put in.
Example of what I mean: Hanamusa. Don't get me wrong I love that ship, they've brought me so much comfort. But honestly they got like 600 votes. & Something about seeing them bring in THAT MUCH ATTENTION but none of the other polls got anywhere close to that kind of attention & knowing they'll probably just completely sweep the entire thing makes me think putting them in was not a great move. If only because it's gonna be super unfair & also makes me a bit sad that none of the other parts of the bracket are gonna get that much attention. I SWEAR IF I EVER TOOK THEM OUT IT'S NOT BECAUSE I HATE THEM IM HAPPY IF THEY WIN ITS JUST
seeing the rest of the poll get ignored so hard in comparison just makes me sad bc i feel like it means i did a crummy job on the rest of the tournament when it doesnt involve them, it's entirely my fault & just how my brain is, so pls understand that
But ultimately I am gonna avoid doing this, because I also don't wanna remove anyone. I mean if any character is in this poll, its because they damn well earned the right to be in this poll. They all mean something to me even if its just very very barebones like "they look cool"
I mean I put my own OCs in this fucking poll ffs & I know all of those guys are probably gonna lose. I love Oddworld but that series is obscure & I know they won't win.
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Please pray for this poor cat guys, he's gonna need it. Because he's struggled to get the love he damn well deserves & by god I want him to win at least one match on this poll. He deserves at least that much.
I'm gonna try to not remove them tho bc I would feel bad if I did too, bc it's my fault for not realizing how immediatley biased this site is gonna be in their favor. I think it's just on me for not thinking that through, but I promise you guys
I PROMISE YOU AINT GONNA BE LIKE THE MODERATOR FOR THAT SAPPHIC SHIPS BRACKET THAT CANCELLED THE WHOLE THING BECAUSE THEY WERE WINNING & THEY WERE IDK SALTY OR WHATEVER???? LIKE OK BRO BUT IF YOU DIDNT WANT THEM TO WIN YOU SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT OF THAT BEFORE PUTTING THEM IN BUT IM AT LEAST ADMITTING ITS MY FAULT FOR PUTTING THEM IN HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE KNOWING HOW BIASED IT WAS GONNA BE GIVEN ALL THE CONTEXT BEHIND WHAT THE SHIP WAS BUILT WITH. Aka being kickstarted by a well known popular storyboard artist with a big following & being yknow on here of all sites and etc. Like yeah it's gonna instantly be a landslide in their favor to some degree. It's like putting Rise Donatello in this bracket & being angry when he is gonna start sweeping too. Because we all know Donnie is gonna be winning several rounds at least. I know he will. & I love Rise Donnie so I'm okay with it. Donnie Nation strong. I AINT GONNA BE A BITCH LIKE THAT OTHER POLL THO NO MATTER WHAT. Like No I aint gonna cancel the whole bracket over them, if Delia & Jessie win? Fuck it I mean I put them here I knew it was gonna end up this way the second they were in the limelight. But no matter what happens I ain't gonna disqualify them for existing. I guess it's more just the fact that they got so much more attention & I cvan't help but put myself down for it.
I just kinda wanted to vent about it a bit because I was being overly mean to myself & I know it's just my brain being a jerk. So I'm gonna keep my spirits up
Also I mean heck the attention picked up a bit. Rayman fans apparently felt seen in my statements so thanks rayman nation for that. I too am salty about ubisofts treatment. Speaking of:
Thanks to your votes: MURFY IS BEING PUT IN THE BRACKET!!!
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MIKU IS BACK!! & After discussing it with some friends in group chats, they told me I should team her up with one of my OCs. So I went with my MAIN OC ZOEY!!
Speaking of Zoey:
1. My blog @thornsboroughcomic is a thing Zoey is the protag also thanks for voting her it means a lot to me I cried a few times ngl
ZOEY GOT A FULL REDESIGN A BIT AGO: Behold Zoey's current design. :]
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And now Hatsune Miku has been brought back from elimination after you guys voted her to come back!! And Zoey is a huge Miku stan so she's very excited to team up with her.
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And while I'm here: I'm gonna reveal to you guys some of the new contestants entering the bracket!!
I might also consider bringing back more old contestants who got eliminated via voting & maybe I'll start having team ups happen periodically that you guys vote on. I want this bracket to be just, I'm gonna embrace what a total mess it is. It's unorganized, chaotic & nonsensical & I think we just gotta embrace the pure chaos of it all. So that's what we're gonna do!!
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dylanmunson · 2 years
Baby parker part 11
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this story is also on wattpad!
join the taglist
an: thankyou all for your comments and votes it means the world! keep them coming! also feel free to leave suggestions of what you wanna see in this story!
Turning my attention towards eddie as he says henderson, i sit up before getting up fully and walking over, "whats going on?" Eddie shakes his head "alright calm down" i look at eddie, he puts his hand on his head and im out the door going back to the trailer. 
Hearing my little girl crying i push open the front door and try to find the cries "dustin?!" "in here" he says, i go to parkers bedroom dustin with the phone inbetween his ear and shoulder, parker fussing in his arms. "im so sorry" he says, looking like he's about to cry. 
"what happened?" i say taking parker, "sh-she fell over, an-and bumped her head, an-and cut her lip" dustin says, "hey baby girl look at mumma" i sigh trying to get her to hold still so i can look at her head. I take her into the bathroom and sit her on the closed toilet seat and look at her lip, "baby girl" i sigh, seeing the blood drip down her mouth, i grab some tissue and hold it to her lip, but she pushes it away. "dustin can you grab me an ice pop please?" i say as eddie walks in "hey baby" he says softly. "look mumma and dada are gonna make it better baby girl" i sigh as she carries on crying. 
noticing a bump beginning to form on her head. "dustin what did she fall over?" "uh her feet?" he says handing me the ice pop, to which i wrap some tissue around the end and hand it to parker. She sucks on it the pop and the crying quietens down. I sigh looking at her head "would it be to dramatic to get it checked out?" i say to eddie, he shakes his head. "was it a bad fall?" eddie says to dustin, "i mean kinda yeah, she busted her lip open." 
I look up at eddie, "come on" he says "dustin get in the car" he says walking towards the front door, i grab a blanket and wrap parker up as i make my way to the truck and sit in the front with parker on my lap, dustin in the back. 
"im really sorry" he says, "i was watching her the whole time i swear" keeping my eyes on the little girl, her eyes slowly closing "hey no baby stay awake" i say kissing her head, she whines and carries on closing her eyes. "parker hunni" i sigh, looking to eddie, beginning to panic. "baby wake up" i say "eddie" i look to him, "going as fast as i can sweetheart" he smiles sadly. 
"y/n im so sorry" "dustin stop its fine" i say rather loudly, not meaning to, but trying to concentrate on the little girl. "right come on we're here" eddie says "go get signed in i'll park the car ok?" he smiles softly "i'll be two minutes, dustin go with her" he says. I jump out the car and walk a fast pace to the entrance going over to the front desk. 
"hi my daughter fell over, bumped her head, split her lip and is falling asleep on me, and i know thats bad like she shouldnt sleep in case" i say but the nurse stops me, "ok, ok, follow me" she smiles softly "is this little one" i nod, biting my lip, "alright it's ok" she smiles, bringing us into a room. "wanna pop her down here for me" she smiles softly. "I gave her an ice pop to try make her lip go down, she wouldnt let me clean it" i say, playing with my hands now. 
"I'm gonna wait outside for eddie" dustin says, i nod looking over at the boy before my attention is back on parker. 
Parking the car, and jogging up to the hospital entrance i walk in and see dustin walk out of a room, "are they in there?" he nods "im so sorry eds" he sobs, i frown and wrap an arm around his shoulder. "henderson its ok" he shakes his head "really? then why are we here" he chokes. "you did the right thing kay? you rang me and we got here as soon as we could" "y/n hates me, shes not gonna trust me anymore" he says. i sigh softly and look at the younger boy "she doesnt hate you man, shes just worried about our daughter" i smile, he nods and looks up at me "im sorry eddie" he sighs wiping his eyes. "dont be, honestly" i smile giving him a hug before sitting him down in the waiting area, "she in there?" i nod towards the door he came out of. He nods "yeah, the nurse is looking her over" he says, i nod "you ok if i go check in?" he nods "of course." 
"hey henderson" he looks up at me as i walk towards the door, "i love ya man kay?" he nods sniffing "i love you too" he says wiping his eyes, i slowly open the door and see parker on the bed, "hey sweetheart" i say wrapping my arms around y/n as the nurse is looking over parker. She begins to open her eyes, but begins fussing, "hey p, your alright" i smile letting her hold my hand, her lip begins to wobble as the nurse towers over her. "hey shh" i mumble, as me and y/n both get down to her level to try comfort her. 
"She seems ok, however i would like to keep her overnight, just to keep an eye on her, purely because the bump was so close to her eye, and the fact she does keep dozing off" the nurse smiles softly, i nod and hold y/n. "i can get you into a room in around an hour ok?" she says "until then your welcome to wait in here" she smiles before walking out the small room. 
y/n is quick to turn and hide into my chest "hey shh" i mumble kissing her head "its alright sweetheart" i say rubbing her back, feeling her sob into my chest. "do you want me to run home and grab some things?" she shakes her head, "dont leave" she sobs, i nod "ok, ok" i sigh "what about henderson?" "i'll i'll call steve or something" she says looking up at me "just dont leave please" she says biting her lip. "alright, you stay in here with her and i'll go ring harrington and update henderson ok?" she nods but doesnt let go "im scared" she sobs, i nod "i know but we're in safe hands ok?" i kiss her head then kiss parkers head before leaving the room to update dustin. 
while y/n waits with parker, for eddie to return, eddie is on the phone to steve explaining whats happened, steve says he'll be there in 20mins max, to make sure everyone is ok and that dustin gets home safe. we love mumma steve. 
Steve arrives 30minutes later, handing eddie a bag of things from home, gives him a hug before taking dustin home. Eddie walks into the small room and smiles softly at you, "hey baby, harrington brought this" he says showing you the bag, you just nod and cuddle into his side. "why dont you go get changed into these before we move rooms then we can get comfy and get some rest yeah?" he smiles kissing the top of your head, "dont wanna leave her" you mumble, he nods "i know sweetheart but youve gotta look after yourself as well ok?" he says placing a hand on your tummy. 
"need to relax a bit, i know your worried but we're in a safe place and youve gotta think about you and little bean" he says, you nod your head and sigh grabbing the bag before speed walking to the toilets to change in to the joggers and jumper that were in there, both pairs of clothes being eddies, not that you minded. 
you quickly return to the room just as the nurse walks in, "room is ready, if your ready" she smiles, "does dad wanna bring parker up and i'll get her all sorted" the nurse smiles softly, eddie picks up parker, who is still a bit out of it. She cuddles into his chest as you all walk through the hospital to the small family room. 
Once he has placed her down into the hospital cot, the nurse puts parker on a drip of fluids to keep her hydrated, before grabbing some pain relief and giving it to the small girl before leaving you to it. Telling you if you need anything just press the button beside parkers bed. 
You pull the big chair closer to the babies cot and sit in it, watching over your little girl as she rests. "i hate this" you mumble "we shouldnt of gone out" you sigh, eddie shakes his head "it was an accident baby" he mumbles, bending down to your level. "not the point" you mumble, biting your nails. "sweetheart i need you to calm down ok" he sighs taking your hands into his. 
"you dont get it" you say "what dont i get sweetheart?" he says softly, "your child isnt in a fucking hospital bed are they, your child didnt have an accident, bump their head or split their lip open and end up in said hospital bed did they" you sob. 
Eddie nods, "i know sweetheart but" "but nothing eddie, you dont get it" he sighs, closing his eyes. "im gonna have a smoke ok? i'll be back in a few minutes" he says kissing your forehead then kissing parkers forehead before walking out the room. 
Eddie hasnt smoked a lot in a while, he has the odd cig here and there but not as constant as he used to, he doesnt want it around parker, or you and little bean. But he needed a moment, he needed to calm down, the words got to him, 'your child isnt' 'your child didnt.'
yet all eddie had done was treat parker as his own, was he doing something wrong? was he not doing enough? he knew you were upset and kinda overly emotional anyway at the moment but is that how you really felt? 
he sits on the bench and lights another cig, then another, before long he's smoked like 5-6 cigs in one go. His mind blank, as he looks out to the road, he stomps out the last cig before throwing away the packet and making his way back inside. He enters the room quietly and sees you curled into a ball in the chair. 
"i didnt mean it" you mumble, "i didnt mean it like how it sounded" you say sniffing "she is yours, i just" you sniff again, "i know sweetheart dont gotta explain yourself ok?" he sighs, picking you up and placing you on his lap. "i get it, your feeling alot right now, but please let me help you" he sighs kissing your head. You nod "sorry eddie" you sigh hiding away in the crook of his neck. "shh, get some rest ok" he mumbles, rubbing your arm, and kissing your head every so often. 
Munson taglist
@bonkynsteeb @maddsthereader
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Headcanon - X is a month older than Zero
Since I haven’t made this into a headcanon post yet, I might as well do it now since I’m sure some of you are curious
Timeline wise, Xevdex was activated officially on September 18, 20XX. And he’s been that way for a little bit to meet and spend time with his family. Since that’s supposed to be a peaceful time where Wily isn’t around.
The rumors of him being dead since the last incident, which was the time of Megaman 11, have risen and the people of Mega City are relaxing and thinking Megaman’s done his job. Some opinions have risen as well politically about Robot Masters being put out of commission and bringing the Mayor of the town on edge. But that’s definitely another post for another day.
That’ll be more touched upon there, and the times during both the boy’s activations will be very brief in this post and the details will be put into another.
Anyway, Xev’s time is September 18th. And as some of you know, Zero’s activation is October 25th, over a month later.
Some shit starts to happen here that gets worse as it progresses after that. In a very brief summary, Wily’s been hiding in a 12th fortress after the failure in the events of MM11, he’s been working nonstop on Zero for two whole years. Not stopping once.
Some shit happens, bass happens to be there to help cuz he was spying and he chews the ever so growing older man out for his idiocy. Which, nothing ever changes with Wily, being so stubborn as he is.
So- that’s literally the timeline with X and Zero’s “birth” as it were~. Along with the very brief timelines with what happens in those events. I will make another post about them too, but they’ll still be brief as they’ll be written out as a story possibly soon~.
Plus, I kinda wanna give off the illusion within the story where people speculate Zero’s the older one when that’s not really true, and because of Zero’s “unknown” activation date within the X timeline into Crimpphire-verse, it’s not even known to Xev or Zero themselves that X is a month older.
I’ll tell you, though, once they find out and talk about it, there will be hurt/comfort within it, and they’ll soon laugh about it, since they themselves have even thought X was younger the whole time. When again, that wasn’t true at all.
I should make this a short story within this series if I can’t fit it into the actual timeline somewhere lol
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