#and now i am in the catacombs but from the other side
foxstens · 1 year
getting lost in this game is easy but also not
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amandav09 · 4 months
Valéria x Princess Reader
Sorry for the wait time, but I went back to work so it got me a little stuck, but it was mostly the lack of motivation that made me slow
MasterList of COD x Princess Reader
Summary : The dangers of the forest
Warming : violance
Word count : 3K
The forest was peaceful under that spring afternoon. The horses were moving the car at a calm pace.
The birds sang outside and it was necessary to fight so that the princess does not fall asleep.
The sound of a whistle reaches her ears before the metal tip sinks into the wall in front of her, a cry of surprise escapes her, and she notices blood flowing between the wood of the arrow and the stagecoach.
The driver was dead, let one of the horses pitch up at the appearance of two men in front. The car stopped quickly, she could hear the cries of the guards face the enemy, the sound of metal against metal resounded and she took the initiative to flee. She opened the door that was the opposite of the fight.
"Are you going somewhere princess?" A man blocked his way, a vicious smile in his face. He quickly grabbed her arm and forced her to come with him
The spectacle that faced him when they walked around the carriage made him clench his teeth. His knights had died on the ground, men, dirty and bloodthirsty, were already stripping the bodies.
The man who was holding her pushed her further between the trees. She protested, asked where he was taking her, or what he was going to do with her
But she gets no answer. He kept pulling her behind a big rock.
A group monitored the surroundings while a woman was leaning against the rock
«Hola Princessa» Smiles at the woman
The man dropped his arm and walked away.
(Y/N) crossed her arms on her chest «Valeria» She whistles between her teeth
«It is a very dark forest for a girl of your rank» Valerian’s mocking smile made the nose of the princess wrinkle with disgust.
"I didn’t expect to find you here, I thought you’d hide in the catacombs or in a rat hole."
«So many harsh words» The chief gets up and takes a few steps to find himself right in front of the princess. She reaches out and grabs her chin, forces her to keep her eyes on her
«Your look to change since the last time» Taquina Valéria, but her smile fades to the angry look of the young woman
«The last time we saw each other, you had not yet betrayed the kingdom» His way was full of venom and pain «Are you happy with the sacrifices you made? You were one of the best guards in the kingdom, and you came down low.”
“I did what I had to do, no matter the price. Now no law nor kings can touch me.” Valeria’s gaze was cold. “ If I had continued as a knight, I would have just learned to bend my knee and make nice little fights to please the people of the course.” Her smirk comes back.
"Nothing could have prevented you from remaining a knight?"
The chief remained silent for a few seconds, her eyes dipping into his «If... One thing. But I had to make this sacrifice, and it allows me to be stronger, I am the most dangerous person. The nobles are afraid of me and the people turn to my side. One day, I will be at the head of this kingdom” A slight hint of sweetness passes in his eyes “But you can choose, you too, you can leave all that behind you, you just have to join me.”
She takes the face of the princess in her hands «I beg you mi amor» Murmured she
“You’re asking me to betray my family.”
Valeria frowns and retreats, dropping her face at the same time
“Betray your family? What did these people do for you? They spent their time dictating your good behavior! You were only a bargaining chip for them! With me, you can be much more, I will offer you the kingdom you deserve. By my side, you will no longer have to play the kind obedient girl” Valeria pulled out her sword and held the handle towards the princess «All these nights teaching you to handle weapons. You could have knocked my men down when they attacked your car, but you didn’t.”
The young woman gently takes the handle of the sword. The chief knew that at any time she could stick her own gun in his chest, but she trusted him.
“I am better than any man the kingdom will force you to marry. I will make you my queen.”
(Y/N) grabs the woman by her top and pulls her towards her
"Betray me again and I will kill you with my hands."
"Is that a promise?" Valeria smiles mockingly «I never make the same mistake twice» She adds before closing the gap between them to be able to kiss her. She would burn an entire kingdom if her princess ordered her to
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potol0ver · 1 year
Can you write an Erik x GN reader fic where the reader has frequent nightmares, and Erik comforts them?
Omg yes- fluff time ✨
Am I writing for this ask months after it was submitted- yes, yes I am- sue me
But seriously sorry for the wait a lot of irl stuff was happening.
Tags; just soft sweet heart Erik and mentions of nightmares.
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It was the dead of night and you should be sleeping, but all you could do is lay there staring at whatever is in front of you. It was another night that a nightmare caused you to wake up prematurely from sleep. What was it now? Fifth, sixth, time this week?
You didn’t remember and didn’t care to. You just want a good night sleep, and apparently that’s to much to ask for. Sitting up and tossing your legs over the side of your bed you rub your eyes. Stretching a little you prepare to descend to your lover, if you’re going to be awake at this ungodly hour you might at well spend it with him.
Grabbing a small candle and putting on a pair of slippers you find the nearest catacombs entrance and walk down into the labyrinth. Some may say it’s foolish to walk in the catacombs without a map, but you have visited Erik enough times to memorize the pathway to his home. It was truly second nature.
As you got closer to him, you could hear music echoing on the walls. You chuckle to yourself, “of course he’s composing.” You say to yourself teasing him lovingly. He truly adored his music, but he adored you more. So when Erik realized you we’re walking to him, a smile graced his features.
“Mon amour!” Erik said sighing happily and walked up to you from his place at his organ. It was obvious when he was love stricken, he had a big smile and eyes that went half lidded yet still had a slight shine in them. You swear if he had a tail like a dog it’d be wagging uncontrollably at this moment.
“Hi my love,” your voice drenched in fatigue, “how are you tonight?” You say smiling up at him.
He takes the candle out of your hand and takes in his, kissing the back of it softly. “Perfect now that’s you’re by my side, but I have to ask, why are you done here at this hour? Shouldn’t you be sleeping?”
His worry and sweet words make you swoon for him, remembering how in the first place you came to love this brilliant mind. “I had another nightmare.”
“Another?” The smile he had got replaced by a frown. “That’s the fifth night this week.” Erik’s voice filled with worry as he pulls you closer to him, he holds your waist gently and kisses the top of your head. “What can I do mon amor? Do you want to talk about them? I promise nothing shall harm you while I’m here.”
“Im afraid I’m to tired to speak about my nightmares, but trust me my love I know I’m safe with you.” Happy he brought you so close to him, you lay your head against his chest, arms wrapping around his torso. “Please for a moment just hold me.”
More than happy to do as you said, he gently brought you over to his bed and held you. Arms wrapped around each other, soothing one another with your presence, it felt heavenly. After a while of comfortable silence Erik speaks, “If there is anything else I can do for you mon ange, tell me, I won’t hesitate to do it.” His hand gently petting the back of your head makes you melt into him more.
A grin tugs at your lips “I’m not sure, I love your touch, but your music also comforts me.” You could hear Erik’s heartbeat go faster, you didn’t need to see his face to know he’s flustered by your words and actions.
“Well…” he pauses thinking for a moment, eyes looking around trying to figure something out. “How about I play some music for you, you can sleep here in my bed- if you wish of course.” He became shy at the thought of you sleeping in his bed like it’s the first time you’ve done it. In reality you have slept in his bed as much as you’ve slept in your own.
You smile up at him and nod, “that sounds perfect, thank you my love.” You say relieved you’ll finally sleep soundly, giving Erik a peck on the cheek. His face immediately grew warm as a small grin showed. He might be the ‘scary’ and infamous Opera Ghost, but he truly was so smitten with you he acts like a love sick school girl.
Giggling quietly with a grin, you raise up from him so he could get up. Sad you had to let him go you plopped down on his bed, making yourself comfortable. Unlike your own bed his seems to feel like sleep itself is cradling you, if his bed was actually this good is debatable. It could just feel that way to you because it was his and had his scent.
Once you hear him playing his music, you couldn’t possibly stay awake now. You could feel your body relax against the bed, warm from the cool air around you. Letting his music lull you to sleep, you slept soundly with happy dreams that’s night.
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ravenclaw-legend · 7 months
If I Killed Someone For You
I'm sorry that I did this
The blood is on my hands
I stare at my reflection
I don't know who I am
Practice my confession
In case I take the stand
I'll say I learned my lesson
I'll be a better man
"You KILLED him, Sebastian! You used an UNFORGIVABLE CURSE! I cannot look past this, if I turn a blind eye I am just as guilty!" Ominis was yelling at Sebastian in the Undercroft, completely ignoring Sebastian's attempts to explain himself and convince Ominis to not turn him in.
"I KNOW OMINIS! I'M SORRY, ITS MY FAULT! You don't think I know that. The nightmares of being covered in blood are reminder enough. Just let me explain myself. I will be better, I swear to you!" Sebastian shot back when he swore he would be better, his eyes moved to lock with mine, across the dimly lit Undercroft. Their secret place that holds so many positive memories now is the backdrop for this fight, it's almost poetic.
You're conflicted about whether to turn him in or protect him. Anne has made her choice and abandoned the house in Feldcroft with only a note left behind. She told people that Solomon had died in his sleep, which was convincing enough.
I'm packing up my things
And I'm wiping down the walls
I'm rinsing off my clothes
And I'm walking through the halls
I did it all for her
So I felt nothing at all
I don't know what she'll say
So I'll ask her when she calls
After we returned from the catacombs, Sebastian pushed everyone away. The most I heard of him was Ominis telling me how Sebastian would be screaming in his sleep, always the same things; "I won't let her suffer!", "ANNE!" and "Nooo!"
I didn't know what to do, I was in love with Sebastian. Never acted upon the feelings but I loved him regardless. I always helped him but tried to keep him away from the dark arts; he wound up heavily into the dark arts anyway. Sebastian Sallow was determined to a fault and sometimes crossed the line from determination to stubbornness. Unfortunately, he still learned the Unforgivable Curses despite Ominis attempting to stop him.
After Ominis and Sebastian's argument, I found Sebastian in the boy's dorm in the Slytherin common room. He was packing up his things, obviously he was preparing for the worst. I looked at him sadly, it was like the bright personality he had when I first met him was now dulled. Sebastian's shoulders were now slumped and his confident posture was now seemingly weighed down. "Bastian?" I said quietly as I reached to place my hand on his arm, at my touch he spun around to look at me with his face stained with tears.
Would you love me more
(Would you love me more)
If I killed someone for you?
Would you hold my hand?
(Would you hold my hand?)
They're the same ones that I used
When I killed someone for you
Sebastian looked at me with so much pain and hurt in his eyes. "Would you love me?" He asked, keeping his watery hazel eyes locked on mine. "What?" I asked, shock filling my voice. Did he know? How did he know how I felt about him?
We stayed that way for what could have been minutes, hours, or even days. Time seemed to stop as we stared at each other, the air becoming thick with the tension between us. "Would you love me, if I killed someone for you, MC?" Sebastian said this as he began to walk towards me and took both of my hands in his. His hands were larger than mine. They were warm, inviting, even comforting. "Would you hold my hand, if they're the same ones that killed someone?" He says quietly. I know what he is doing, he is trying to figure out who is on his side, who he can find comfort in and open up to. "Bash" I sighed "I care about you. But you know what you did was wrong. Killing Solomon was wrong, no matter if he was attacking us or not." I hugged him. This man may be a murderer to everyone else but he is still my best friend, he is still the man I love; he is just misguided right now.
Would you turn me in
(Would you turn me in)
When they say I'm on the loose?
Would you hide me when
(Would you hide me when)
My face is on the news?
'Cause I killed someone for you
"Are you going to turn me into Black, to the Ministry?" Sebastian asked holding me close enough that I could feel his heart racing in his chest. "No. I won't. But I don't condone what you've done and it will take time to fully forgive you." I stepped back from him looking him in the eyes as I continued to say "I killed for you too Sebastian...
You have to understand that
The one I killed was me
Changing what I was
For what you wanted me to be
I followed your direction
Did everything you asked
I hope that makes you happy
'Cause there's just no turning back
"MC. I'm sorry. You never needed to change for me. You had my attention from the moment I saw you enter the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom on your first day and I knew I loved you the moment you beat me in that duel. I know you probably don't feel the same but I had to tell you, in case I never get a chance again. I don't know what Ominis will do" Sebastian reaches out to cup my face in his hands, cradling it like I am made of glass and will shatter if he isn't careful enough. "Sebastian," I sighed turning into one of his hands and reaching out with my own to grab a hold of the front of his robes "I love you too." The next thing I felt was Sebastian's lips on mine. He was clutching me tightly against him. Our lips moved together in sync as if this was meant to be. It felt right to be in his arms.
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azlrse · 11 months
➳ pater noster (a yandere!om!belphegor x gn!nun!reader) w/ a hint of solomon x reader
synopsis: some faces are not meant to be trusted but what if your faith towards father himself was just a mere illusion? or is it perhaps that the prince of sloth took a liking for you and do whatever it takes for your innocence to be tainted.
cw: yandere themes, religious au, gore (includes mutilation and blood), minor character death, manipulation, fic has a cliffhanger.
a/n: happy halloween everyone! this fic has been kept on my notes for over a year now and publishing it in the spirit of halloween (also college has been killing me slowly so this is the reason why I am not that active here anymore ;_;;).
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No one knew how humankind can feel the sense of paranoia when attending the church’s grounds, despite it’s gruesome and horrid history from the 18th century. Some say that it’s because of the church’s dark history while the others passed down the same story that you heard from your childhood that several unrested souls had haunted these holy grounds you stood above since the day you’ve arrived. Thus, beginning your mission as a devoted nun to the high divines.
You didn’t blame those people. After all, the church had stood from thousands of years ago as many of your ancestors were executed for the sake of appeasing the gods, or perhaps is it the demons who are offered these so-called sacrifices. You didn’t believed the words from that crazy woman you’ve encountered this morning that a demon took it’s residence in the catacombs below the old ancestral chruch, knowing that those words are nothing but blasphemy, words that could taint the same people you’ve worshipped and adored.
As the bells of St. Michael Parish had rung, signifying that the mass (which had begun an hour ago) had concluded. Many of the people (who attended) and your peers had left, ready to celebrate grace together with their beloved families, going out to eat or spending time alone in the covenants while a certain nun had stayed behind to make up for the missing prayer they missed this morning.
Speaking in the words of old religion, they closed their eyes and began their session alone to give their thanks to Father himself. The empty church had given (M/C) the sense of peace and quiet they needed after hearing such loud noises during the day, preventing them from having a peace of your mind and soul. They firmly gripped the small rosary that they’ve kept on the side of their habit as they spoke the prayer that indicates the beginning of their daily prayer.
“In nomine Patris et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti”
As you lit the candle, you think about your own family. How are your siblings doing? Are your parents doing fine since your departure? Are they well? Do they missed you terribly?
They prayed for an hour, forgetting about the concept of time and was contented with Father hearing their prayers. Each hail mary’s and our father are spoken many times and it finally concluded with a small “amen.” You feel the soreness of your knees from kneeling on the tuffet as you stood up and make the sign of the cross while staring into the giant cross you say your prayers with. Before you went back to the covenant to join the others, you lit a candle and spoke a small prayer before you make your way towards the others.
Of course they are. After all, you almost recieved countless of messages from your family about your well-being. You spoke your prayers towards them for they will have a good and lasting life, away from the dangers lurking around their lives. You’ve closed your eyes for a bit until a voice interrupted your alone time. “Making up for the missing prayer for this morning, (M/C)?”
“Ah!” You jumped from the voice behind you. “Father Solomon! I didn’t know that you’re here for your nightly walks. You scared me for quite a bit and yes, I did make up for this morning’s prayer.” He replied with a soft hum and lights up another candle for him to say his thanks before he calls it a day. The looming light for the tainted windows of the solemn adds some light aside from the many candles that was lit as the buildings source of light. You find peace within these walls and the peaceful silence doesn’t even bother you, contented with your closest friend by your side.
Speaking of your friend, he breaks the silence and asks a single question that sparked up your curiosity. “Say my friend,” He solemnly spoke, lighting another candle but this time, the color of the candle he lit up was black. “Do you believe these rumors that the demons roaming this sacred grounds? Aren’t you afraid of such creatures who would lured humanity into an endless pit of sin and everlasting pain?”
Hearing that question makes your skin crawling and feeling uneasy. Speaking this kind of question during night time is kinda scary and quite unnerving at the same time. You didn’t want to upset your friend and just went with the flow upon answering his question. “While I do believe in the concept of those creatures, yes. I believe that the demons are still roaming around these holy grounds, tempting for us to succumb into their sin and no, I am not scared. Don’t you forget that one of my closest friends is an exorcist?” You patted his back as you refer to the young priest as your closest friend. The old bell rang from the tower above, signifying that the time for prayer and seclusion has been completed and what better way to call it a day was to eat dinner together with your fellow nuns.
“Now, come along now, Father Solomon. We don’t wanna miss out today’s dinner special won’t we?” Before you make your way towards the kitchen, Father Solomon stopped you on your tracks, held your hand and gave you something. “Wait, my friend. There’s something I should give you.” He handed you an item that was small and light, the first thing you thought that the item you hold was a small jewelry of some sort. “Think of this as my gift of appreciation for being one of my most trusted friends.” The priest then opens his hand and showed you a ring. The ring looks really minimal with the exception of a purple gem on top of the small jewel.
“I found this while I was tending in the gardens the other day and it turns out that this precious gem doesn’t have an owner. Plus, the color kinda reminds me of you and I want you to have it.” Speechless, you took the ring from his hands and slipped it right into your ring finger. It was a perfect size! It wasn’t loose nor tight. You loved this ring but you’re still hesitant upon accepting your friends small gift. Solomon noticed that you were nervous and hesitant on wearing that ring. “Don’t worry about that ring being cursed. For I have already blessed it with the blessings from the celestial realm. That ring definitely can protect you from any harm.”
His words convinced you that this ring wasn’t cursed but just an ordinary ring. You slipped it right back to your ring finger and thanked your friend for the small gift he gave you. “Now come on, let’s get to the cafeteria first before we ran out of those delicious juice they served!”
“You can go first, my friend. There’s something I need to tend in the gardens. I don’t want the children to be playing outside of the gardens this late.” You nodded and proceeded to walk towards the dining area where the rest of your peers gathered. It was quite unusual for your friend to tend the gardens this late, considering that the children are given strict rules when it comes to them roaming around the grounds without adult supervision. Plus, Father Solomon only tended the gardens every Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.
Today was Thursday and it was supposed to be his turn the next day, which is strange to say the least. As oblivious as you are, you shrugged it off, thinking that it was just a mishap or just a mere coincidence that happened today.
The dinner was good and not long after you finished your meal, everyone in the room heard a scream from the outside. Children are escorted and ran outside from the dormitories, which is led by the nun who took charge in watching over them. “What happened?!” The reverend mother spoke as the young nun shook in fear while trying her best to answer her question. “The demon attacked them! I saw the creature devouring the poor child in front of my eyes! A creature surrounded by darkness as their teeth feast on the poor child!” You hugged the shaken nun, collapsing into your arms as she sobbed and sobbed, knowing that she failed her duty in watching over the orphans, now paranoid and scared due to what’s happening outside of their dorms.
You quickly ran outside towards the scene of the crime and what came out from your mouth was a gasp and felt the feeling of dread and nausea seething through your stomach; a child’s mangled form is laying on the floor, lifeless as blood continuously flow from it’s main source, staining the dirt below. Their eyes wide open, mouth distorted into a scream, as if they had called for help. A bite wound can be seen on the side of the child’s stomach, exposing their remains.
Colors of red and blue, flashing throughout the entire grounds, despite all the noise and commotion the police made, all you can hear was a deafening ring on your ears. Your legs gave out after you knew which child is assigned to this gruesome fate. It was none other than the child whom you’ve taken care of ever since their infancy, the same child that gave you the brightest smile you’ve ever seen and the one who made your day even better. You began to cry hysterically, catching the attention to your closest friend as he gave his shoulder to cry on.
“There there, it’s okay (M/C). I know it’s hard for you to process what happened and I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect them in time.” Solomon rubbed his hand back and forth on your back while watching their body being placed in a body bag and placed on the back on the ambulance, ready to be examined by medical professionals to see who’s the main perpetrator of this horrid crime.
You couldn’t sleep that night after you went back to your residency alone (due to Solomon being one of the people being questioned). The more you blinked, more tears slid from your cheeks, staining your pillows, thinking on what happens if you rescued them in time. Will they still be the same child you took care of? Will they grow up and obtaining their dream profession after they graduated college?
You wished those events can happen in real life but alas, they couldn’t because they finally succumb to their untimely death. You felt the numbness coursing throughout your body while staring towards the dimly lit ceiling of your room.
Despite trying you best to fall back asleep, you couldn’t shake the vivid and gruesome scene. You became scared for a bit but prayed to the celestial beings that you and the others are guided to a safer path. You prayed and prayed until you couldn’t feel your knees anymore as tears continuously poured down your cheek. After what it felt like hours, you lay down on your bed as eyes finally closed, taking a good night’s rest for tomorrow’s occasion.
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You woke up on a strange environment, standing barefoot on the stone cold ground gave you goosebumps throughout your entire body. You’re still wearing the exact same clothes you went to bed but didn’t remember that you put on the ring right before you went to bed. It’s strange to say the least, you remembered that you took off that ring and placed it right on your bedside table.
The ring itself began to glow, bright violet specks of light flickered as more fog appeared in this strange place. The more you walk in this endless loop, the more the temperature became colder and colder to the point that your body began to shiver. The thin clothing that clings to your skin doesn’t help and you felt like you’re about to pass out due to hypothermia.
Out of nowhere, a voice called out for you.
It was a man’s voice. It echoes across the void. You whipped your head back and forth to see who’s the owner of that voice. At first, you thought that it was Solomon’s voice but it isn’t or wasn’t it Simeon to begin with? No, it’s not the same person who spoke your name.
“Come home to me. For you have committed such crime and sin, a sin that belonged to one of my brothers.”
There it is again! And what crime is he talking about? You? A nun who’s devoted to Father himself, committed a sin that belonged to the 7 deadly sins? That’s absurd! You never commited such acts, not after you became a nun in the first place. “What are you talking about? Who are you and what crime did I even commit? I’ll never turn my back against God and commit a sin!”
The voice chuckled and that’s when you felt your ring finger began to tighten up. You tried removing the ring in your finger but it felt like it was glued on your poor finger. A bruise began to form on your finger as it cuts off the circulation. “Who I am doesn’t matter, little one. After all, you’re gonna meet me soon.” You screamed as the ring began to bury deep within your skin, blood dripping from the newly formed wound. “As for your crime, well. You already know what that is, my dear. You’re gonna find out about that soon. But for now,” You screamed in excruciating pain, more blood came rushing from the cut as your finger was completely cut off, laying lifelessly on the cold stone ground.
Before you know it, a shadow looms over you. Ram like horns on each side of it’s head and it gave you a eery smile, taking pleasure on the pain you just went through. It’s violet-pink eyes stared into yours and in response, you gave this malicious entity a sharp glare as you bare your teeth, both in pain and to show your bravery despite being in pain.
The demon surely loves your bravery towards him and it amuses him. He picked up your severed finger, keeping it as a souvenir and leaned in closer towards your face and spoke,
“It’s time for you to wake up.”
A sudden jolt of energy woke you up, sweat dripping down from the top of your head while the beating of your heart becomes faster and faster the more air you breathed in. You look around your room; the light of the sun seething through your window as the fresh breeze of cool air makes its way to your room. In a panic, you checked your ring finger. To your relief, it wasn’t severed nor wounds appeared around the finger. As for your ring, the simplistic jewelry is still on the same area you’ve placed since last night.
It felt so real. The pain, the blood dripping from your wound and the way your ring tightens up. You thought that when you woke up, all that was left on your finger was torn up muscles and blood staining the comfortable bed sheets. Not to mention how that mysterious entity pinpointed a crime that you didn’t even committed, let alone considering that it was also a sin.
A sin that belonged to one of his brothers.
Instead of becoming scared due to your horrible nightmare, you’ve become even more curious not only towards that entity but also to the ring Father Solomon gave you yesterday. And it looks like you have something to talk about to the young priest himself.
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“Solomon!” You called out to your dear friend from afar, seeing him reading the sacred scriptures underneath a tree that’s located from the outskirts of the old church. “There you are. I was searching for you everywhere and it’s unusual for you to be alone in this tree since you almost spend your time in your office.”
The priest only hums softly, moving aside to indicate that he’s inviting you to sit with him, which you gladly accepted. “I hope you’re doing well since the incident last night. Condolences to you and the others.” You smiled in sadness from the words you heard from him. “It’s fine, friend. They’re still trying to find the killer. I hope they caught them fast and finally have some justice to [c/n]. Poor child, may God let them rest in peace.”
You wiped off your tears, still remembering the sweet, innocent smile the child gave to you. They’re such a good kid, taking the role-model as an older sibling to the other orphans and even taking some of the blame if one of the orphans made a mistake. The thought quickly subsided, shaking your head and a serious look appeared on your face. “The kid’s not the reason why I’m here. May I ask you something, my friend?”
Solomon placed a bookmark on his book and placing it over the soft patch of grass. Wait a minute – you noticed that his eyes are quite strange; eye bags and the soft color of purple and pink hue over his brown eyes. You saw how his eyes twitched as if he didn’t sleep well last night. You’ve become so distracted over the color and the eye bags of his eyes that his voice broke your trance. “Ask away, (M/C) and I’ll try my best to answer those questions of yours.”
“Do you know this ring’s origins?” You showed him the ring around your finger. His smile widen when he saw you wearing the ring. “Quite beautiful, isn’t it?” He took your hand on his, inspecting the piece of jewelry he gave you yesterday. “Yes, I agree with you but I have a dream- nightmare rather, about this piece of jewelry.” The priest’s giddy expression suddenly dropped as soon as you mentioned the term ‘nightmare’. This concerns Solomon and he felt the atmosphere between the both of you became serious.
“What nightmare, (M/C)? Please do tell me what happened there?” You hesitated at first, still vividly remembering how a demon appeared out of nowhere as the ring began to sever your poor finger. The lingering pain still subsided within your mind, for the pain you felt was too real in the awakening world.
You randomly rubbed your hand against your ring finger while looking at the green patches of grass, noticing on how each sway of the individual leaves was caused by the cold winds blew across the courtyard. After what felt like hours, you’ve spoken about this gruesome dream of yours. “I’ve encountered something…evil from this dream of mine. I saw an entity that we feared and loathed, it’s horns are long and twisted, a tail which can choke a mere human to death in under a minute and his white sharp eyes.”
You shivered alone by just describing the demon’s features but it didn’t stop you from telling your close friend what such events had left you shaken since this morning. “I also remember how the ring you gave me tighten and remembering the pain I’ve endured as I try to pry off this cursed piece of jewelry. Believe me or not, this caused my ring finger to be severed, blood dripping non stop from my veins as I screamed in agony and pain while that demon watched me cry in satisfaction. What does that filthy creature even want from me?”
Solomon only listened to your words with a fixated expression on his face. “So your saying that this ring I gave you is the main reason why you have a nightmare last night?” You nodded, still feeling the your body shaken a little after you told your horrid story of a nightmare. “I thought this ring was blessed by you, father. Isn’t the blessing by the celestial beings cleansed this ring from the likes of 'it’?”
“I did blessed this ring. In fact, I performed a ritual that has been done way back thousands of years ago. I thought that the ring couldn’t be possessed by any entity unless..” Your priest of a friend suddenly stood in silence and after what felt like hours, he finally break the silence. “I did blessed this ring. In fact, I performed a ritual that has been done way back thousands of years ago. I thought that the ring couldn’t be possessed by any entity unles..” Your priest of a friend suddenly stood in silence and after what felt like hours, he finally break the silence.
“I think that the ring isn’t the target to begin with.” His words send chills down your spine. Hands are sweaty from paranoia and nervousness, eyes widen a bit from the words his spoke and your mouth wide agape; no words are even coming out from your mouth. Solomon looks at you in a serious manner for he knew that your life is in danger.
“The demon wants you, my friend. You are in grave danger…”
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Reblogs and likes are appreciated! 💕
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lilasbutterflygarden · 7 months
Is this love?
Catacombs under Paris Cerise’s lair
Ladybug, and Chrysalis are fighting.
Ladybug: “This ends today lie-la!”
Chrysalis(evil smirk): “I don’t think so my little ladybug!”
Ladybug throws her yo-yo at Chrysalis to try and catch the villain. Chrysalis cuts the yo-yo’s string with her cane.
Chrysalis(crazy wide eyes, and evil smile): “You should be happy! I’m going to grant a great wish! I’m going to make a world where no one has to die! I love you Ladybug! I love you Marinette! I'm only alive when I’m fighting you! Think about it! We can fight each other for all of eternally! I love you! THEREFORE I HAVE TO KILL YOU!!!!!!!! Because violence is the only way that I know how to express my feelings for you!
Ladybug: “Lila you need help!”
Chrysalis(laughs): “Don’t pretend to care about me! You hated me from the day we first met!”
They continue to battle. They are evenly matched. Chrysalis sweep kicks Ladybug tripping her. Chrysalis pulls a needle out of the top of her cane, and jabs Ladybug in the neck with it. Ladybug passes out.
Marinette wakes up. She sees that she’s still in Cerise’s lair underneath Paris. She tries to get up, but she realizes that she’s tied to a chair. Marinette also realizes that she’s no longer wearing her Ladybug costume. She’s wearing a black gothic lolita dress, with black lace gloves She looks around the room that she’s in, and sees a round table in front of her. The table has chocolates, and a teacup.
Cerise: “Oh good! You’re awake!”
Cerise enters the room. Like Marinette she’s also wearing a gothic lolita dress only hers is purple, with purple lace gloves, plus she has a small purple hat on her head which has the butterfly miraculous attached to the hat, and her face is covered by a black veil.
Marinette(struggling against her restraints): “What the hell is this?”
Cerise sits down on the other side of the table opposite of Marinette.
Cerise: “It’s a date silly!”
Marinette: “You undressed me!”
Cerise: “I made Nooroo cover his eyes.”
Marinette: “That’s not the point, and where is Tikki?”
Cerise: “She’s safe.”
Cerise pulls out a silver tray with the ladybug earrings, and puts it on the table next to her. Tikki appears, and flies over to Marinette.
Cerise: “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to knock you out, but it was the only way.”
Marinette: “Why did you do this?”
Cerise(in a sweet tone of voice): “How else am I supposed to spend any time with you?”
Marinette: “There’s no us Lila!”
Cerise: “Why?”
Marinette: “Do I need to list the reasons why? You’re evil, and I’m with Adrien!”
Cerise(laughs): “Are you now? I’m pretty sure that he broke up with you after he found out that you lied to him about his father. You know when you stop and think about it you’re just as much of a liar as I am. So don’t think that you are too good to date me.”
Cerise gets up, grabs a chocolate off of the table, and walks over to Marinette.
Cerise: “Now open up, and say ahh!”
Marinette: “You must be crazy if you think…”
Before Marinette can finish her sentence Cerise forces the chocolate into Marinette’s mouth.
Marinette reluctantly eats the chocolate. To her surprise it’s really good.
Cerise: “It’s good isn’t it? Nooroo loves those chocolates too. Don’t you Nooroo?”
Nooroo appears out from Cerise’s hat.
Marinette(worried look on her face): “Are you ok Nooroo? She hasn’t hurt you has she?”
Cerise(offended look on face): “ I would never hurt Nooroo! He’s my best friend. The only one who smiles at me ever.”
Cerise holds out her hand, and Nooroo flies over and lands on her index finger.
Nooroo(sad look on face): “I know it’s hard to believe guardian, but there is good in her! Please don’t hurt her!”
Cerise starts coughing.
Cerise: “I don’t have much time left before Gabriel’s wish kills me. Just let me make my wish to create a world without death!”
Marinette: “I can’t let you make your wish. Death is a part of life. Without death there can’t really be life. I’m truly sorry that you’re sick. Again let me help you.”
Cerise: “No! I’m not going to spend the rest of my life in prison!”
Marinette: “You’re die if you don’t.”
Cerise: “It’s your fault that I’m dying! You let your guard down, and because of you Gabriel made his wish, and Nathalie’s illness passed to me!”
Cerise walks behind Marinette, and unties her from the chair that she’s in.
Marinette tries to slap her, but Cerise catches her hand.
Cerise: “That’s not very nice my little ladybug.”
Marinette(Smirk on face): “I had to try.”
Cerise: “Now let’s finish all of these delicious chocolates, and enjoy this date. After all today is Valentine's Day.”
Marinette: “We are not a couple!”
Cerise: “But we can be.”
Cerise sits down on Marinette’s lap.
She lifts up the veil that’s covering her face.
Cerise: “Let yourself love me.”
Cerise kisses Marinette.
Marinette pushes Cerise off of her lap.
Marinette: “Get off me!”
Marinette looks down at the gothic lolita dress that Cerise put her in.
Marinette: “Why did you pick this outfit?”
Cerise(smiles): “I thought that it would look good on you. You look sooo perfect in it like a doll. But we both know that you’re not perfect. You’re just as bad as me. You lied to everyone about Gabriel.”
Cerise jumps back into Marinette’s lap.
Click. There’s a flash of light, and Marinette sees Nooroo holding a camera.
Cerise: “Good boy Nooroo.”
Cerise(whisper’s into Marinette’s ear): “I love the way you lie.”
Marinette’s face blushes.
Tikki: “I’m sorry that I can’t be of more help.”
Cerise: “We can be queens of a new world. All you have to do is let me make a wish.”
Marinette: “I will never help you! What you’re doing is wrong!”
Cerise: “There’s no such thing as right or wrong! You either have power or you don’t!”
Cerise turns away from Marinette.
Cerise: “I’m not like you Marinette! You have a Mother, and Father who both love you! I have nothing! I don’t have many memories of my past.(Cerise starts to cry)My Mother died shortly after I was born. My Father hated me. He blamed me for her death. I’m not human. I’m a sentimonster. I’m nothing.”
Cerise turns back around, and looks at Marinette with a sad smile on her face.
Cerise: “I remember when Gabriel hired me. I was so happy until he fired me. He said I was nothing.”
Marinette gets up from the chair, and walks over to Cerise.
Marinette: “I’m sorry.”
Cerise: “What! Stop! I don’t want your pity!”
Marinette walks over to the table, and
 takes a chocolate off of the table, and eats it.
Marinette: “You’re right.”
Cerise: “Excuse me?!”
Marinette: “You’re right. I do hurt people. I lie to people. I hurt Adrien. I hurt you too. I never should have embarrassed you in front of Adrien on the day you first came here.”
The butterfly miraculous activities, and Cerise can feel Marinette’s negative emotions. Cerise takes the butterfly brooch off of her hat, and pins it to her dress. She places the hat on the table.
Cerise: “Nooroo dark wings rise!”
Nooroo gets sucked into the brooch, and Cerise transforms into Chrysalis.
Chrysalis opens up the top of her butterfly cane, and a akuma flies out of the cane, and towards Marinette.
Marinette(turns and looks at Chrysalis): “ Do it! Akumatized me! I deserve it!”
Chrysalis smacks Marinette across the face.
Chrysalis: “Stop it! Stop trying to be noble!”
Tikki flies over to Marinette.
Marinette: “I’m not trying to be noble. It’s true, I’m a bad person.”
Chrysalis: “Stop it!”
Chrysalis calls the akuma back to her cane.
Chrysalis: “It’s not fun if you want to be akumatized!”
Tikki: “Marinette you need to snap out of it!”
Marinette: “How can I Tikki?”
Chrysalis: “I don’t get it!”
Tikki: “Get what?”
Chrysalis(confused look on face): “I thought that it would make me happy to see you so sad. I’ve dreamed of akumatizing you, but now I just feel uncomfortable.”
Marinette falls to her knees.
Marinette(crying): “Please do it! Just akumatize me already!”
Tikki looks on helplessly not knowing how to help Marinette.
Chrysalis watches Marinette.
Chrysalis: “Dark wings fall!”
Chrysalis turns back into Cerise.
To Cerise’s surprise she finds herself crying as well.
Cerise(thinking): ‘What is this? Am I really crying?’
Just then the wall behind them explodes. A grim-faced Cat Noir walks towards them. He sees Marinette on the floor crying.
Cat Noir: “Get away from her!”
Cerise: “I didn’t do anything to her!”
Cat Noir: “You’re lying!”
Cerise: “Fine don’t believe me! Dark wings rise!”
Cerise turns back into Chrysalis.
Chrysalis: “This is a mood killer. I’m outta here.”
Chrysalis runs towards the table where the silver tray is only to find the ladybug earrings are not on the tray.
Tikki(holding the earrings): “Looking for these?”
Chrysalis(coughing): “I will get both of your miraculous if it’s the last thing that I do!”
Chrysalis turns to look back at Marinette. She grabs the camera off of the table.
Cat Noir: “She’s getting away!”
Marinette(sad tone of voice): “Let her.”
Tikki flies over to Marinette, and places the earrings in her hands.
Marinette gets up, and cries into Cat Noir’s arms.
Marinette(sobs): “I’m a failure!”
Marinette looks into Cat Noir’s eyes.
Marinette: “It’s all my fault! I treated Lila as an enemy before I knew her cause I was jealous that she would steal you away! I kept Chloe at arm's length when she wanted to be Queen Bee, I failed to save Gabriel, and I let my guard down and he made his wish! You must hate me!”
Cat Noir: “No I don’t hate you. But I can’t forgive you. Not yet anyway.”
Marinette: “But what am I supposed to do?”
Cat Noir: “Claws in!”
Cat Noir turns back into Adrien.
Adrien: “I think that you already know what you have to do.”
Marinette: “I have to save Cerise.”
Abandoned warehouse
Cerise is looking at the picture of her, and Marinette on her camera that Nooroo took. She pats Nooroo on the head.
Cerise: “Nooroo why couldn’t I bring myself to akumatize her?”
Nooroo: “Love is a funny thing I think. Kwamis can’t fall in love.”
Cerise: “Maybe people are better off without love.”
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red-ropes-of-avalon · 9 months
All I Wanted Was to Be Loved For Myself
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Chapter 1- Angel of Music
Phantom of the Opera! Nanami x Christine!Reader
Author Notes: Nanami and Reader are around the same age, not the weird age gap in the actual Phantom of the Opera. 
The auction in the abandoned opera house was solemn. The few bids caused little noise, while the most common noise was coughs from the settled dust. “Lot 665 then ladies and gentlemen.” A collector’s music box, it piqued Gojo’s interest at that moment. “A paper mache music box, in the shape of a barrel organ. Found in the catacombs of the opera house. In perfect working order.” The announcer had wound up the box letting it play its eerily beautiful song. “Shall we begin at 20?” The room had not a single bid, just a small cough. “Fine then fifteen?” The announcer said with an exaggerated sigh. Gojo raised his number for the bid. While 2 others bid against him, Gojo eventually won. “A fine piece Vicomte Gojo. Thank you, sir.” As Gojo looked over the music box his heart was filled with longing, a faint memory of the girl who had told him all about that very music box. “Lot 666- the broken chandelier. Now some of you may recall the strange affairs with the supposed ‘Phantom of the Opera’ the ghost of this very opera house. It was never known if this monster truly existed but this is the chandelier supposedly involved in that famous disaster. We have worked hard to restore it and add in new wiring for electrical lights. Perhaps we can shed some light and frighten out those ghosts from so many years ago.”
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You were stood on the side with your fellow dancers dressed in flowy outfits for this scene of Hannibal. When Mei Mei hit the highest note of Rome, you all flowed out dancing in synch and singing beautifully. Shoko was on one side of you, a new girl on the other side. The scene was cut abruptly when Naoya the male lead sang Rome incorrectly, to which Gakujani the conductor stopped to yell. “No, no, no! You must enunciate Rome.” As Naoya and Gakujani argued Shoko simply rolled her eyes, rehearsal was long enough without Naoya being unable to pronounce Rome correctly. Mei Mei was the most annoyed and having him hold her hand for his higher notes, her face spoke entirely to her displeasure with Naoya. However, you had no time to watch her face as the ballet portion followed immediately and you were not getting yelled at by Yaga for being distracted. Following the big ballet, the pinnacle of the act was reached as the ensemble behind moved forward to begin singing. Of course, another fluke with Naoya occurred as the sword got stuck. You swore you heard him mumble something about cheap props and by the look on Shoko’s face, she did too. “Maybe if we didn’t have to pay you and Mei Mei an arm and a leg each we could have better props,” Shoko snarked.
“We are running that again from the top.” Gajukanji shooed everyone from their spots. You crossed the stage amongst the dancers though not without catching a nasty side-eye from Mei Mei simply from crossing her path. Still, it was better than passing Naoya who would push you and then delight in mocking you for falling.
“As you can see gentlemen our rehearsals for this season’s production, Hannibal are well underway,” Ijichi spoke as he led 2 men through the theater and to the stage. Trying to gather the cast’s attention was always hard for Ijichi. Yaga instead banged his foot, gathering the attention and causing silence for Ijichi. “I’m sure all of you have heard rumors that I’m retiring. I can put the rumors to rest today, I am in fact retiring.” Ijichi was always so timid despite being the owner of the opera house. “But these are the new owners, meet Monsieur Sukuna, and Monsieur Uraume.” The two men side by side couldn’t be more different. One looked like a bull of a man, and the other looked delicate enough he could be one of the dancers with you. “Monsieurs this is our prima donna Mei Mei. We’ve had the pleasure of having her as our leading soprano for 12 seasons now.” Mei Mei seemed to preen under the attention.
“I've heard you have an amazing voice, Miss Mei Mei. I know there is a wonderful aria in this production. Would you care to sing for us?”
“I don’t do any excess work for free Monsieurs.”
Sukuna barked a laugh motioning for Uraume to give the women some money to incentivize her.
“Ah, now Gakuganji would you do me the honors.”
“Is 2 bars sufficient Miss Mei Mei?” To which the woman gave a dismissive handwave. As the woman was singing she was clearly engaging the 2, strutting her stuff and proving just why she was the leading soprano for so long. As she reached the end, the backdrops for the other scenes fell from the rafters. It cut Mei Mei short, obviously startling the woman. Among the cast whispers of the phantom’s doing were spreading.
“Where is that stagehand? Haruta why would you drop the backdrops?’ Ijichi was clearly nervous, more than he usually was.
“I didn’t, I wasn’t even up there sir. If there was someone it would have to be a ghost.” The blonde’s response just spurred more phantom murmurings.
“It’s an accident. Things happen they probably weren’t tied well enough,” Sukuna dismissed.
“These aren’t just accidents! This has been my life for the last 3 years! I should not have to worry about my life whenever I rehearse. No amount of money makes this worth enduring! I am leaving, either sort that out or I will be finding a new contract.” Following her little tirade Mei Mei stormed out. Naoya sneered at the 2 men before storming out behind the woman.
“Sirs a note for you was found in the rafters,” Yaga handed the men an envelope with an ornate wax seal.
Dear New Owners of My Opera House,
I welcome you to my opera. I am sure Monsieur Ijichi has established with you the rules of how this opera house works I shall give you them in writing. You are to leave Box 7 empty for me and my salary is to be paid on time. I will not tolerate it being late. I hope the best for you in my opera house and look forward to our collaboration.
Opera Ghost
“A salary?” Sukuna almost wanted to laugh, a phantom demanded a salary.
“Ijichi used to pay him 20,000 a month, though with the Vicomte sponsoring you.”
“We can return to the matter of a ghost’s salary later. Who is the understudy for Mei Mei?” Uraume tried to soothe the situation by diverting.
“There is no understudy for Mei Mei.” Gakuganji balked at the insinuation.
Seeing no volunteers Shoko dragged you forward, “she can do it. She’s been taking lessons.”
“This little dancer girl? Tell me your name girl.” Sukuna intimidated you and Shoko wouldn’t let you disappear back into the cast.
“Y/N L/N.”
“L/N, tell me are you perhaps related to the famous cellist of the same name?” The way Sukuna’s voice was tinted with intrigue did you little comfort.
“Yes sir, he was my father.”
“Very well then, sing, show us if you are good enough.”
Very timidly you began to sing Think of Me, and while it seemed Uraume still held his doubts Sukuna was sold, despite your nervousness. Meeting Yaga’s eyes with his firm glare you began to open up more. Gaining a false confidence simply to avoid Yaga yelling at you. It seemed that was what sold Uraume on your ability, that or Sukuna’s insistence.
The performance was sold out and while you were nervous you were also excited. All eyes would be on you for the first time ever. Having the heavier costume on was an odd feeling, the weight of the skirt and how restricted you were compared to the ballet costumes. Wringing your hands deeply and taking a deep breath, you exited your dressing room to wait in the wings for your cue. By the end the packed opera house was applauding your every move and every note.
After bowing you exited offstage where the ballerinas quickly encircled you giving you praise. They were gossiping though just as quick after, something about the new owners with another man in their box. “You did well Y/N. I’m sure he will be impressed,” Yaga said placing a hand on your shoulder. You guess you had zoned out listening to them chatter and Yaga had pushed through the group of girls. “As for the rest of you, that was a pitiful performance. We must rehearse now, your feet were too flat and not enough bend in your knees. Y/N go get your costume off there’s nothing for you to fix.”
Seeing as you didn’t need to rehearse with them anymore, which was odd to say the least, you began the walk back to the dressing room you were given. In the hall an eerily familiar voice echoed, “bravo, bravo, bravissimo.” You felt yourself go pale at the words walking faster to the room.
Sitting yourself down in the room you let out a sigh. Seconds later Shoko enters the door, obviously having ditched rehearsal. “You were amazing out there. Where did you learn to sing like that?” Shoko quickly sat herself beside you and took your hands in hers. “Oh dear your hands are so cold, and you look pale.”
“I’m fine really. I was taught by a mysterious Angel of Music.”
“Who’s the Angel of Music though?”
“My dad he said when he passed he would send to me an Angel of Music, so that I will always know I am loved.”
“That’s weird but whatever you say. Don’t worry I’ll get all the gossip from the ballerinas and we can keep making fun of the rest of the cast during rehearsals.” Shoko was rambling again, she probably missed you in the wings.
“So this is where you snuck off to Shoko. You are still a dancer and therefore you still need to rehearse.” Yaga stormed through, obviously annoyed that Shoko had disappeared. Shoko shuffled off unhappy to have to part without talking to her best friend more. “As for you, I have a letter.” Yaga handed you a pristine letter swiftly before disappearing after Shoko to watch the ballerinas.
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katyspersonal · 3 months
Hey, guys! Have you enjoyed it? :) A break from my SOTE spam? :) LMAO TOO BAD HAVE MORE OF IT LOL
1) I've met the purple person sleeping in the flowers from the first DLC trailer!
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Turns out that he is a he, lol. Also a literal twink; he talks about how he has been weak, frail and useless in combat since birth but he however excells in poisons. He functions as a merchant and his store is ALL the poison-related items thinkable
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2) Speaking of Perfumers, I love the bit of lore that they are versatile and are always looking for the ways to find more useful herbs
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3) Okay, so they've FINALLY committed to the Red Spider Lily imagery (also known as "that one sad anime flower" fgfhhvgg). Grave Violet already looked like this flower but purple, but yeah, now it is blatant
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These grow in the place affiliated with death.on the map it is Charo's Hidden Grave, very red cliffs above the very blue cliffs (Cerulean Coast). You fight Tibia Mariner and Death-Rite bird there!
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Also yeah.. My idea that pale blue and purple are both colors of death seems to be confirmed. It started with coloration of Trina's flames and Tibia Mariner's magic!
4) So these things were crafted, not born!
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5) I found a tool item that transforms your body into a kind of a Crucible (a type of hornsent given they ARE the kind in Land of Shadows?) if you are not wearing any clothing item!
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I took better screenshots that I'll load later via USB exchange, very interesting stuff! Fuckin Beast's Embrace Rune tier stuff gghhvhn
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You get this full set and the dual swords after defeating her as a boss in Southern Nameless Mausoleum! You can easily access it from Cerulean Shores; find the Cerulean Coast West grace (found on.... west-most side of this area... yeah shocking I know fvhkfffc) and go along the shore backwards (towards east) until you see the path downwards, you will find the cave! It forks in two directions, one of these is an item/cliff and another is an underground passage to an island you could see!
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This boss uses strong slashing attacks and also the fire attacks! Fire is not a skill of the weapon, but a tool! You can find the tool that gives this ability at the top of the very place where you come out of the cave!
Also this lore reminded me of Tanith, who was also a dancer from a foreign land once.. I wonder whether this is connected ;-;
7) The goddamn catacombs and gaols in this DLC are super hard and tangled, I wandered in Lamenter's Gaol for a good while -_-
8) On the other hand, by now I am feeling the same joy of discovery and fun as I did when I first started playing Elden Ring! Damn, Soulsborne REALLY needed an open world game <:3
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my-cabbages-gorl · 4 months
So I was bored and I read all your fanfics and oh my god it's so addictive!!! Your way of writing is just so relaxing the way you write makes me feel on a cloud ☁️ ✨️ it's just so beautiful and the way you write the angst is so heartbreaking ughh please please write more
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omg????? YOU ARE TOO GOOD TO ME 🥲😭❤️😭🥺 I am so flattered by this you have no ideaaaaa- "heartbreaking and beautiful angst" is a compliment of the highest order and I hope you know I will cherish that to the grave. More coming VERY SOON. As a thank you for your love and your support- here's a sneak peek from the next chapter of Bewitched. This is a flashback to the night of Aang's 19th birthday (the one he told Zuko about in Chapter 5 on the steps after the banquet) the night Zuko kissed him and didn't remember in the morning. ENJOY 🫶🏽
The igloo was small enough that the meager fire in the center could warm its entirety, even through long Southern nights that stretched on for days. Small enough that when Zuko stepped inside, he was already sharing Aang’s air.
“Z-Zuko hehhe. Hey.” Aang breathed with a chuckle. It wasn’t the first time that night Zuko had heard the way Aang’s voice lilted in a fuzzy stupor. But now, alone, it bewitched him far more than the four cups of moon-peach shine warming his stomach.
“Aang. Hi.” Zuko whispered; fragile tenderness, long subdued, poured from his smile and his skin, dewy with drunkenness as he watched Aang’s every movement.
“’S isn’t your igloo.” Fingers fumbling with the leather fastenings running along the seam of his parka, he giggled.
“Nope.” Zuko slurred through a lazy smile as he stumbled closer.
Nodding, Aang knit his brow as he struggled against the tight knot. Laughing pathetically, he looked up at Zuko’s sweet, quiet stare. “'ve always been bad at this.”
“Can I?” Zuko caught himself as he fell forward. Already within arm's length, another step and there were just a few inches between their faces.
“Ookay,” the smell of ash and lily on Zuko's skin sobered him abruptly, and his throat plummeted into his stomach as he watched the tendons on the backs of Zuko’s hands fluttering. When Aang saw him bite his lip with drunken, single-minded focus as he undressed him, he stayed the urge to cover his eyes with his hand. In his current state, it was almost more than he could hold.
Tugging loose the second of three knots on Aang’s side, Zuko exhaled. Alcohol and mint prickled sharply over Aang’s lips. As he moved on to the last knot, Zuko kept his eyes anywhere but the rose flush of Aang’s face.
Hands as hot as the sun itself burned against the exposed skin of Aang’s torso as the front of his parka fell open, ripping a hiss in the shape of “Zuko,” through his parted lips.
Much more than alcohol flooding his system, Aang stumbled and Zuko’s hands instinctively wound around the inside of his open garment, holding him upright. One warm hand splayed against the lightning-garbled flesh in the center of his spine, the other’s fingertips grazing the twin dips in his lower back.
Eyes wide, Aang flinched at the contact. No one had touched his scar since Katara brought him back. He usually guarded it with careful attention, that way he could relegate the memory of flickering out of the world far enough from his awareness that it would leave him alone, and he could rest. Some nights, he'd wake up with a start, scar throbbing and Zuko's helpless expression in the catacombs burned into his field of vision. As if he could read his mind, Zuko's hands were frozen in place as his glazed eyes searched the twisted lines of Aang's face- only the thumb of his hand pressed to Aang's scar moved; running back and forth over the jagged edge where olive skin met marred mauve, studying with a pained awe the physical boundary of his own betrayal; where life ended and the death that changed him began. " 's thissokay?" Zuko hummed as Aang's ragged breaths puffed against his skin. Breath he'd almost snuffed out, now chasing the shadows from every dark corner of his being.
And for some reason, mysterious and unbeknownst to Aang, it was. It was more than okay, as if his were the only hands meant to press against the place lightning had entered his body and robbed him from existence. As if it was cosmic justice, the absolving of many sins crashing over them in a moment of carnal honesty. As if Zuko's wrongdoings could only be made right in this frank evaluation of what he'd wrought, what he'd stolen, and what he’d spend the rest of his life trying to give back. "Yes." Aang released, a floodgate cracking open in his chest. As he examined the man who'd needed to kill him to discover his reason to live, he could hear his heartbeat pounding in his ears. Thud. Thud.
It was still here.
After everything, somehow, they were both, still here. Together, the tangle of their bodies etching the outline of every confounding turn on their paths; winding inevitably toward one another.
“I. Ah. I want- I-” stuttering, Zuko’s babble slid to a halt as Aang’s grey eyes found his. Everything they were too drunk and too afraid to say flowed through their gaze as Aang shrugged his shoulders and his parka slumped to the ground.
Zuko breathed, Aang inhaled. They traded four more breaths in the curious space between them until the familiar touches of a friend rushed impatiently into the places their exposed skin pressed together; until Aang could feel dampness pooling under the palms still clutching his back.
Then, rough, moist hands began to wander over cool skin, and Aang let them.
Zuko’s fingertips worshipped in the pools of blue mastery lines, prayed to the expanse of his battle-broadened chest, made supplication in the valley of Aang’s sternum—the tender dip that separated the Firelord's skin from the Avatar’s heart. And as Aang shuddered, his eyelashes caught the firelight, and his lips released a few whimpered words he could barely understand himself.
Big grey eyes quietly devoured the mystified reverence on Zuko’s face as his eyes followed his own fingers' expedition of the uncharted sea of Aang's body, painting the unspoken across his skin in jagged, drunken traces until one hand trailed up the front of Aang’s neck, resting just beneath his chin. Cradling Aang’s jaw between his thumb and forefinger, he tilted his face to his.
“You okay?” Zuko whispered against Aang’s parted lips.
Aang nodded dumbly, “Are you?”
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anamelessfool · 9 months
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Ribbons & Ties (AO3 Link) Chapter 5
M/M, GEN (Ch 4 Here) (Start here on Tumblr!) 2000ish words
Terzo x Omega, Terzo & Family, Terzo & His Ghouls, Cardinal Marian is in there for like ten minutes
Tags: Domestic Fluff, Commitment, Rom Com Energy, There's a Wedding, Secondo is Papa Emeritus, Gift Giving, The ghoul names are all messed up sorry it is for plot purposes, I can't have Fluff without some Angst sorry
For reasons beyond Terzo's understanding, he wants to give Omega a present for the ghoul's "birthday". It proves to be a lot more complicated than Terzo realizes.
Art by @kabukiaku used with permission
Chapter 5 Below the Cut! (We like Reblogs, Comments and Kudos omnomnom)
Terzo’s eyes flew open. He stared at his ceiling, his mind racing. He knew. It was 2 AM and he finally knew what gift he wanted to give Omega.
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Terzo’s eyes flew open. He stared at his ceiling, his mind racing. He knew.
It was 2 AM and he finally knew what gift he wanted to give Omega. It wouldn't be easy, but he decided if he cared so deeply about the ghoul nothing could stop him for long.
Now all he had to do was get out from under this naked sorella in his bed.
She settled in, her arm closing around his neck. Terzo’s eyes rolled in his head as his mind calculated a solution. He slowly shimmied out from under her, gently resting her on her side. She sighed, shifting and reaching for him. In the moment she raised her hand to look for him he was free.
“I’ll uh…I’ll be back,” he mumbled, although that wasn't necessarily the truth. He leaned over and gave her bare shoulder a gentle kiss.
He got to work throwing on his undershirt, slacks and shoes. Something about this sudden revelation required urgency. He did not want to wait a moment more and risk overthinking it all. He closed the door as quietly as he could and scurried down the stairs.
The courtyard was seemingly empty as he journeyed just within the shadows. Chairs and decorations had been toppled by guests and the nighttime wind. For a moment Terzo thought no one was there, but as he passed by the obscene fountain it looked as if a statue had been installed at it's edge.
Earth Ghoul sat on the rim of the fountain, his head tilted upwards. He was surrounded by the half broken down party mess, his hands calmly on his knees. Terzo flattened himself against the wall of the arcade, shuffling past as quickly as he could. Earth probably noticed him but remained still. Terzo didn't want to stop to talk as he continued his hurrying towards the Sanctum.
Terzo could see well enough in the dim light of the Sanctum. The dark made the sweep and spread of the arched, ribbed ceiling even more dramatic, more stomach-droppingly steep. The bronze filigree across the Altarpiece gleamed softly in some unseen light source, its doors the only barrier between this world and the Void from which Omega and the other ghouls were brought forth.
Beyond the choir box, under an archway was an often overlooked area of the Sanctum, unless you were a very under-supervised and lonely small boy in the early 1970s. A place with a certain fondness that now returned to him as he looked upon the carvings surrounding the locked entrance.
The catacombs.
The bars of the catacombs gates were easy to slip through as a tiny kid. But Terzo was now just over forty so the childish contortionist act was out of the question.
It was a good thing he was still proficient in picking locks. He always kept a few bobby pins attached to the inside laces of his shoe. He pulled two out, bent and arranged them in a way that at this point in his life was second nature. The lock fell as easily as the few times he had picked it before.
There is always a last time one visits a treasured place, although one rarely knows when that last time is. He didn't remember when was the last time he stood at these steps looking down toward the darkness. He closed one eye, his human eye.
He did however, realize that this time the curse of the Infernal Eye helped him see perfectly well in the dark. “I can keep my shoes on, at least,” he chuckled to himself, and the words fell flat in the thick air.
The steps then were easier to navigate than the countless times he'd wander down her before, although his feet remembered which way to go. The catacombs were cool, reminding him of the thin shirt he wore. It was constructed of bricks and cobble, with various concrete and stone sculptures of skeletons and mourning shrouded maidens perched in corners and alcoves. There were urns stacked on shelves. Some grander stone sarcophagi were built into the walls, sporting carved names and phrases like ROCKEFELLER, GATSBY, CAMINO and COMMIT FLESH TO EARTH AND SOUL TO VOID. He passed his favorite carving of a winged death’s head skull, remembering the times he made crayon rubbings and taped them to his wall.
Terzo turned a corner and there was a small tunnel to the left side, waist height. He suspected it was some sort of drain to keep the place from flooding. Here. Here was the place. He stooped down and settled in. He could still sit cross legged with his back up against the wall, albeit he had to stoop a whole lot more. As he nestled himself amongst the rocks the familiar posture and texture brought the memory to life again— the solidness of cool smooth cobble against his back, the security of his body crumpled just so in a comforting darkness. It was the closest thing to being held by the Earth itself.
No wonder he would come down here when he just couldn't take it anymore. He let out a sigh.
He looked down further into the tunnel. The Infernal Eye gleamed as if illuminated by invisible moonlight. He could see his prize, twenty feet or so down deeper in. He unrolled his body and crawled towards it.
And the walls enveloped him, a little too tightly now. He didn't want to think about what grime he was dragging himself through, but then again at ten years old he barely cared. He army-crawled on his stomach, blowing cobwebs off his face. His singular focus started to waver. Doubt began to arrive and take a seat.
I'd love to meet him.
Terzo unfortunately did not successfully steal the whole top of the cake that evening. Although he did charm his way into collecting eight slices to present to Omega, who was impressed just the same.
He was stuck. He had been stuck like this before, many times, as a younger, spryer kid. Now this was getting ridiculous. He knew how to get out of this jam but he had to commit to going further. He felt a soft skittering across his bare arm that he hoped was not a spider.
“Come on, Terzo,” he muttered to himself. He exhaled, flattening his chest and pushing his body forward through the shaft. His arm strained, the tendons across his shoulder blade stretched. He could see his prize just a foot further ahead and he reached as far as his limb could take him, swearing. His fingers grazed the corner of a papered wood surface— a box, his box.
“Porca troia, come on!” In this case Italian swears were needed for their unique flavor of frustration. He didn't want to think about the possibility of getting stuck, but he was so close to collecting the box at this point that he didn't want to give up just yet. One more exhale, one more tiny shove and he felt the knee of his slacks tear open.
And his fingers fully on the box.
Terzo managed to slip the box towards him fully into his hand. He backed out of the shaft, knocking his head a few times. At last he was back at the opening, curled up again and looking down at a dirty little cigar box he had reverently placed there. He stroked the embossed paper seal on top of this reliquary dedicated to his deepest self, found in the deepest place below the Sanctum.
Inside the box were treasures he had not seen in nearly thirty years. A yellow diecast roadster. A few dried Ghost Pipe flowers gently pressed into a folded piece of parchment. A photograph of a pretty nun with deeply sad eyes. A rusted harmonica. A collection of crude sketches of nudes he drew as a curious kid that needed to be buried securely and never ever be discovered by his stepmother, not even a decade after her death. He chuckled softly at the memory.
But he was looking for the most important thing. It was hidden under a few foreign coins. A white stone, no bigger than his palm. There was a hole in it, a hole worn away by a thousand years of some ancient river caressing its body.
He thought it was perfect. And so he put it in his pocket.
Terzo wasn't even halfway across the courtyard before he felt a rush of intense feeling through him, a psychic tap on the shoulder. He stopped and looked. Earth Ghoul still sat there, on the fountain edge.
Earth Ghoul at last had his head turned towards his summoner. And with two small but firm gestures of his hand, the ghoul summoned him. Terzo had no choice but to draw near.
Ghouls picked names for themselves when they arrived. Terzo thought it was pretty presumptuous of the ghoul to name himself “Earth” but his presence immediately brought a sense of calm and solidness that proved he deserved such a name.
The Ministry Compound itself was located high in the mountains, far away from the city lights that bleached the sky. Up here anyone could see a dazzling show above. And usually there was at least someone awake, observing them.
Terzo was compelled to settle beside the ghoul as he sat on the fountain rim. He glared up at the sky, squinting as if it would help him hear better. He jiggled his leg as nothing stepped forward for him.
Terzo realized that he was covered in dirt and cobwebs. He fussed with his hair and some sort of grit from the catacombs flaked out. Earth said nothing, continuing to be more interested in the stars overhead. The silence was unbearable. The fact that Earth had not admonished him for crawling through a hole was excruciating.
“You both…must hate me.”
Earth made a gravelly sound deep in his throat.
“But you've come back,” Terzo said. “You've come back many times.”
“I don't even know why any of you want to be here. Sometimes I don't…want to be here.”
“We’re stupid,” said Terzo. He got to his feet, and he became aware of a pulled muscle in his back. He would definitely be feeling it tomorrow. “Good night, Earth Ghoul.”
Earth Ghoul snapped his fingers, once. As if calling to a dog. TERZO. YOU ARE NOT THE WORST PAPA I HAVE SERVED.
“Congratulazioni, I'm just getting started,” Terzo snorted.
“I don't listen to many things.”
“Okay, then what do you have to say to me?”
Terzo knew Earth Ghoul had some inkling. He was tied to him as a being created from his own essence. But ghouls believed more in the value of actions than thoughts, So Terzo had to play into Earth’s hands. “Omega Ghoul and I…we are together. We are…in love.”
Earth leaned forward, knitting his fingers together as if rolling that concept around in his head. It was a unique sort of agony to watch him. IT’S NOT RARE. IT’S NOT COMMON EITHER. IT’S JUST… Earth patted his chest. THERE’S LIMITS. GHOULS ARE NOT AS STRONG AS YOU THINK. THE CONNECTION TO THIS BODY IS FAIRLY FLIMSY. IT DEGRADES.
“Your bodies can be restored. Fairly easily.”
“I don't want to think about that,” Terzo replied quietly.
“Sometimes I don't think I'm making the right choice.”
Terzo unconsciously slipped his hand into his pants pocket, finding the stone there. He stroked it with the pad of his thumb. “Yes.”
It felt like Earth was smiling behind his mask. THEN IT'S THE RIGHT CHOICE. He got carefully to his feet, rolling his shoulders. GOOD NIGHT, TERZO. GET REST. TOMORROW COMES SOON. IT ALWAYS DOES.
Terzo nodded, watching the ghoul slip back into the darkness of the stone arcade. He sat down again, brow furrowed, glaring up at the stars.
But he still didn't hear anything.
My AO3 | Tumblr Fic List | My Terzo/Omega Fics
Please reblog! Thanks and have a lovely Solstice season!<3
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untilteddocument · 16 days
After-Action Archive Caves of Qud - The Cradle and the Grave
Welcome again, one and all, to the After-Action Archive! If the previous hors d'oeuvre was to your liking, here's the...salad? It's not the main course yet. Soup? Like restaurants do appetizers first, and then they do soup and/or salad, and then the main course, right? I don't know, whatever, this metaphor is breaking down fast.
ANYWAY here's Part Two of my journey through the Tomb of the Eaters! Even abridged as this recap is, there's a lot of ground to cover, physically and otherwise. With that in mind, we've miles to go before we sleep.
After the rubble-strewn entry hall, I and my team made for a side hallway and the pit at the end of it, leading to the first "real" section of the Tomb: the Folk Catacombs.
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I feel the weight of centuries here, the base of a vast monument to death. There is a heavy, hushed feel in the air, not holy but not mundane either. The wet scrapes of oozes picking at the bones, conservators loosing the quiet whines of their servomotors, the low chanting of the death pilgrims in prayer to whichever sultan they revere, even the deliberate rustling of cloth as the graverobbers sneak among the piles of rubble and oddments. I sniff, amused, at the realization that even here, in this dead place, this death place, there is some semblance of the exchanges and tangles of life.
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I hear the chime of the Bell of Rest, and wonder at the necessity of its effect. Isn't everything with the Mark of Death on it supposed to be...dead? Perhaps it's a deterrent for graverobbers, those seeking to cheat the system. That would make some sense, though why it doesn't just strike everything dead to make sure and have it all swept up by conservators is a question...I probably shouldn't be asking, since that oversight is what's giving me a chance here.
As we pass even more walls of bones, I take the time to examine some, wondering at the shapes. Most look like many of us, not even just the True Kin. A few don't look even remotely similar. And what did that matter, anyway? Did an inch here, an angle there, matter at all? We live, we drink, we die. I entertain a wild dream of the Putus Templar crumbling under that knowledge, that kinship.
I shake myself awake from it, for the only knowledge the Templar own is dogma and the only kinship they feel is for humiliation drugged to sleep with violence. We will find no salvation from them in logic. They would deny the mountain in the same breath as naming it their enemy.
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We pass more walls, and I find myself wondering at what the eyes that would have been set in those sockets drank in, what those hands held, what words passed the holes of their ears. This world was not always choked in salt. Did they greet each other with "live and drink"? Was water so plentiful they saw no need to hoard every dram?
I find myself thinking of the outside. They say the ruins in the jungles are of unfathomably vast Eater settlements. My mind aches attempting to imagine. Each of these, living in some great canopy of metal and stone, knowing nothing of the world that would grow in their absence, perhaps each wondering in their quiet moments the same as I am right now.
My musings are broken by a mechanical cry for help.
I look to its source and see a painted turret being engulfed by a gelatinous cupola, its cameras turned unmistakably to me. While initially confused, I leap to action anyway, the ooze falling in the space of a few attacks. After some cursory cleaning, I take a look at the one I had saved.
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I remember Zothom's recounting, and I realize that this must be the entrance to the mopango's home, and this is Vivira. I put my tinkering skills to work with some quick repairs and greet em.
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I mention where I heard of this place from, and...
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I have a feeling I know why ey's offering me sympathies, but...
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Well, ey're definitely a turret, because those were some shots fired.
Related to self-realization, though, I asked em if, being that ey're of the mopango, ey had a credo.
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Having been warned beforehand about asking the meaning, I ponder it myself in silence.
There is an obvious meaning in eir specific context. Ey is a turret, created to be a tool of order and death, and yet here ey is, growing and learning more among these literally-underground philosophers. Form needeth not follow function. Body need not be being.
That can be applied elsewhere as well. Appearances do not govern reality. The seeming of prosperity can hide want. An inviting cave can be a mouth. A fearsome beast can be a frightened whelp hoping to chase away a threat. That threat can be a simple passer-by, unconcerned with all but a distant destination.
Much to ponder.
I thank Vivira and resolve to meet Agyra, of whom ey spoke. It doesn't take long; ey happens to be in just the next room.
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My conversation with em proves informative and interesting, as Vivira posited. After introductions, I decide to ask about eir people.
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...I feel awkward and silly as soon as I ask, but my mouth beats my brain to the punch.
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I'm glad my curiosity was received well, and it heartens me to know that the adage of "it takes a village to raise a child" holds true here as well. Speaking of, I wonder at their leadership structure.
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I agree on its sensibility, and I am warmed by Agyra's joy. On to brass tacks, though.
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I suppose that means I'm truly lucky. Aside from my given task, the treasure I seek is mostly in the form of knowledge, and what Agyra proceeds to describe will, I discover, prove most intriguing.
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Of course, before I forget, and before departing Agyra's company, I have some more information to glean.
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Dardi will be happy, I'm sure. As for the credo...it certainly suits em, in the obvious interpretation. As one so happy to share knowledge, truly the worst scenario is one who questions in ill faith, or with ill intent. Such questions are not aimed to learn, but to harm, rendering the whole exchange toxic.
I continue to ponder other possible interpretations of the credo on my way to find Lebah, who despite eir secluded place is easy enough to find.
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Lebah is reticent, as Agyra mentioned. I introduce myself and privately resolve to take up little of eir time and peace.
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Huh. Wondrous and profane, indeed?
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Careful questioning reveals this k-Goninon to be an elder ooze, much like the gelatinous cupolas that populate this place, compounding the danger of their floor-eating fluids with sheer size and appetite. On the plus side, oozes are not specifically hostile to me, but I may have to confront it regardless, if it decides hunger is more urgent.
More importantly, that description of the device...what prison could Lebah mean? The Tomb certainly could be seen as one, but something tells me this isn't a simple key for a simple door. These children...despite the importance of my task, I find myself wanting to know more.
Speaking of knowing, I ask Lebah for eir credo.
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Heh...I hide my laughter, lest it be mistaken for mockery. That credo, if my interpretation is valid, has much relevance in the now. The Girsh rising again, the Putus Templar marching as they will, an unprecedented signal from on high...I don't think I could put it better myself.
Thus heartened, I continue my journey.
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hyenahunt · 2 years
Obbligato: The Devotion to Tatsumi Kazehaya - 4
Writer: Akira
Season: Spring, three years ago
Characters: Tatsumi, Kaname
Proofreading: Remi (JP) & honeyspades (ENG)
Translation: Peace
Tatsumi: Ah... You've pinned me. I'm rarely so close in contact with another person like this, so I'm a little nervous. Haha...
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Time: (At the same time, in Reimei Academy's Labor Camp.)
Tatsumi: There, there. All will be well.
Kaname: .....
Tatsumi: Everyone else has already left.
I've locked the door and erected a barricade just to be safe. Of course, I've closed the windows as well.
Please treat this impenetrable room as if it were a confessional. No matter what is said, the only ones who will be listening are myself and God.
Ease your mind, and lay bare that which ails you.
Kaname: .....
Tatsumi: There's no need to be afraid. See? You and I are the only ones in this room.
Now then. Until you speak, I shan't move. No matter how many days, no matter how many weeks it may take, I will remain here at your side and keep calling for you.
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Kaname: For what...? What are you even...?
Tatsumi: Ah, so you can speak. How wonderful. ♪
Nonetheless... Pardon my lateness in introducing myself, but I am Tatsumi Kazehaya.
"The wind blows quickly from the Southeast," is how you can remember the reading for Kazehaya. Ah, and as for Tatsumi itself, it's read using the characters for the Serpent and the Dragon from the Chinese Zodiac. They're both on the Southeastern corner of the calendar, which is how you can remember them as well.
Haha. Serpent, though, alike to that which tempted Eve... A rather poor omen, wouldn't you say?
Kaname: Tatsumi Kazehaya—
Tatsumi: Yes, that's me. Please do call me however you like, though, whether it be Kazehaya-senpai or Tatsumi-kun. Recently, I've even been called "Reverend" and the like on TV.
It seems religious terms are becoming quite popular lately, hahaha... We don't call them Reverend in our doctrines, but going with what the public wants is best.
Kaname: Why are you... here, of all places...?
Tatsumi: I could ask you the very same. If I recall correctly, HiMERU-san, you're a Special Student as well, so you should have been granted a luxurious private room in the new dormitories.
Well, I'm very much the same. I find having a large dorm all to myself to be a little too much, so I've recently transformed it into a training room everyone can use.
All are welcome, without paying a single yen, to come practice and socialize as they please. However, with so many coming and going, it's become much more tumultuous than before... As a result, my former dorm has gained quite the poor reputation among the other residents.
Kaname: Yeah, I remember hearing about something like that. A lot of the other Special Students have ended up returning home to simply commute to school instead so they don’t have to live with such discomfort.
Tatsumi: Is that so...? Mm, and I tried to make a space that was as comfortable as possible for all too...
The other Special Students and I have never seen eye to eye. However, little by little, it seems as if there are those who are beginning to understand the things I do and why I do them.
The road may be longer still and fraught with countless trials, yet...
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Tatsumi: Haha, it's rather exciting.
Kaname: .....
Tatsumi: Ah, but this isn't about me... HiMERU-san, what are you truly doing here?
If you stay here there may be others who won't have a sleeping space themselves... Ah, not that I mean to scold you any, I only wish to know.
Kaname: ... How are you? If you transformed your room in that way, then you don’t have a place to sleep yourself, do you?
Tatsumi: Are you worried about me?
I can generally fall asleep anywhere so long as I have a sleeping bag, but most recently I've been staying overnight in the catacombs as my activities do go on quite late.
It's as if I'm camping every day, so it's rather fun. I've even been barbequing with everyone.
Kaname: I'm not an idiot, but I don't understand a word you're saying. It doesn't sound like we're attending the same school whatsoever.
Tatsumi: Haha. Well, it's hard for Special Students to see those who are not.
That is why I cannot allow myself to become the same, and therefore I strive to mingle with as many kinds of people as I can.
Kaname: ... Do you hate that you're a Special Student?
Tatsumi: I cannot say I hate it, necessarily. I only feel that the inequality on which Reimei Academy bases its system tramples those who are weak beneath its feet without sparing a single thought, and thus needs to be changed.
My being here, as well as the actions I take, are merely a small protest to that system.
Kaname: If you hate being a Special Student so, soooo much, then—
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Tatsumi: ...?!
Ah... You've pinned me. I'm rarely so close in contact with another person like this, so I'm a little nervous. Haha...
Kaname: Tatsumi Kazehaya, Tatsumi Kazehaya, Tatsumi Kazehaya—
Tatsumi: Yes, I am he. I'm happy you've remembered my name.
Kaname: An outstanding idol even among the Special Students at Reimei Academy, one who stands above all others. This era's darling, a child prodigy, a man walking on the shining, glittering path of glory.
Tatsumi: I have been spoken of in that way, yes.
Kaname: Even though I deserve that title, that fame, you...
Tatsumi: If I'm not mistaken, you do have a similar reputation to me though, HiMERU-san...
Kaname: Give it to me... Give it to me... Please, give it to me! Give me your position!
Tatsumi: ...?
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Kaname: ... There's no point in living if I'm not a Special Student!
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yugenwrites · 1 year
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∗ —— Adrian “Alucard” Tepes x D.
∗ —— Part one, part two, part three, part four ( coming soon ).
∗ —— NOTES: This story is inspired by some of the fanart that is done by tender miasma / suzannart! The worlds of Castlevania and Vampire Hunter D are connected to one and another.
"When we first got here, they were saying that the Belmonts and the speakers were the cause of all of this. If the fucking church was the one who burned Dracula to ash, wouldn't you think they would have enough common sense to think it was y'know . . . the church!?" D hummed in agreement at the left hand's words.
"The people depended on the church more than anything else. They saw her as a witch because she practiced medicine and of course was married to Dracula. They would not see the actions of the church as a form of wrongdoing. If they would have listened to the warning he gave one year ago, they would not be a part of such a predicament." D sneaked along, making sure that no one from the angry mob had seen him.
The dhampyre noticed that Trevor was surrounded by a bunch of angry Wallachians who started to close in on him. But when they had gotten too close, a ring of fire would surround him as protection, making the people back themselves away in fear. "Witch!" A priest had yelled, pointing his short blade at a woman who stood on top of a building.
"No! I am a Speaker, and a scholar of magic. I serve no demon and I do no evil." After she spoke, she made a pathway for Trevor who would walk down it.
"You never told me you were a magician." "You never asked." "Though I guess I now understand why it was you who went down into the catacombs to look for your sleeping God. What are you doing here?"
D's brows had risen under his hat. He now understood why Trevor had been gone for so long instead of trying to help. It seemed that he had a calling. "Fine." Trevor stopped in his tracks and turned his head and pointed at the priest. "You!"
"Kill them! Quickly!" The priest shouted, directing his hand at Trevor.
"No. Just you and me. Come on. You're very big at telling other people what to do. Getting the good people of Gresit to commit murder for you. Let's see how you do on your own." The ring of fire that separated the two had vanished and Trevor took steps toward the priest who did nothing but back himself away with a glare. "You and me. I can see that you're carrying a blade. I wonder if the people of the great City of Gresit have ever seen a priest draw a knife before."
The people gasped and whispered to each other. "Your long knife, my short sword. Let's go." The priest stared at the Belmont who got himself into a fighting stance. "Come on, you had no problem beating an old man this morning. Huh? You had no problem lying to these people about the speakers!"
"The speakers brought this upon us!" The priest yelled out, pointing at Sypha.
"No, they didn't, and you know it. The speakers stayed here to offer aid. It was your bishop who brought all this down on us. Your bishop who started it all by killing a defenseless woman. You have made murderers out of these people, but the only one here who isn't innocent . . ." Trevor had pointed his sword at the man with rage in his eyes. "Is you." A man had pushed his way past Trevor, plunging a knife right into the Priest in the abdomen while others began to join in, killing the man while screaming at him. But while that happened, a group of townsmen ran forward, and their lives were taken by sudden flame.
"It's them, they're coming!" Sypha stood beside Trevor and a horde of night creatures began to run forward. D made his way over to the two of them while he removed his blade from his sheathe on his backside. "It's you." Trevor turned his attention to D and Sypha did the same with widened eyes. "What are you doing here?"
"Back to the far side of the square! Pikes! Up front, now!"
"What—?" A man holding a pike turned to face Trevor, terror in his eyes and face. "Why?"
"Because I'm the only man here who knows how to fight these things." Trevor walked over to the male and D let out a soft huff. "Everyone with a pike or a long weapon, get out in front with me. Six in front, six behind, and in between, pikes forward. Hold steady. I need a priest, one who was properly ordained in a church." A priest from the crowd had raised his hand, stepping forward. "Grab some people. Go to the nearest well, start drawing water. You know what to do with water, yes? For the aspersion? Go. Sypha?"
"Yes." "I want them walled in when they hit the square. I want it so that they can only come toward us. Is that something you can do?" "Will ice do?" "Better than fire, anyway. Let's hope so. I want salt over here! As much as you can find!"
The people began to line up buckets of salt upon the ground and Trevor picked up a handful, covering it with his blade. "Everyone with a sword, wipe their blades in the salt. Now!" Trevor walked back to the front with Sypha and D, holding a bucket of holy water. As the demons came closer, D looked down upon the speaker and Trevor's eyes narrowed. "Sypha, walls."
Ice began to surround the demons, making sure that they couldn't escape the area. One touched the ice and shrieked with its hand sizzling from pain. Trevor threw up the bucket of water, making it touch two different demons, causing them to groan, flesh sizzling. "Well. That priest really could make holy water after all. Pikemen! For steps forward! Sypha, close the door behind them."
When the door closed, one of the demons growled and dashed itself forward towards the small army, getting ready to attack and kill. "Rear pikes up!" When the demon leaped in the air and attempted to attack, it would land upon the pikes and shriek. "Cut him down!" A man with a sword had sliced the demon in two. "Salt kills demons! Don't forget — spread the word!"
D took a couple of steps back before he had lunged forward into the very back of the small group of demons. While he came down, slicing one in half and piercing another directly in the head before throwing it at the ice, causing it to sizzle, burn, and explode. Trevor threw a bucket of salt within the air and Sypha would cause the bucket to explode with ice, and with the ice covered in salt, it had struck two demons and killed them instantly.
One stepped forward, fire forming in its mouth and aiming at the group who avoided the attack running into groups of two, letting it hit Trevor while mumbling "shit" who cleared it with his whip and attacked the demon in the abdomen causing it to explode.
Sypha looked at him in wonder, but Trevor looked at his whip. "It's consecrated . . . for fighting vampires and demons. Swords!" As Trevor raised his hand and kicked another bucket, men with swords ran forward with the holy water spreading forward and to the sides. They pierced the demons which filled the air with even more agonizing shrieks.
Blue fangs only groaned and lept in the air, landing on the ground which caused Trevor and Sypha to dash away. He swiped at Trevor and injured him and dodged the large block of ice that Sypha created above him. He whipped the demon across his face who hissed and hit the ground before charging at the Belmont. Before he could reach him, Sypha raised her hands and ice came out from the ground which pierced the demon's jaw all the way up to his head.
"There's an army of us! An army . . . From hell!" Right after that was said, D's blade had struck the top of his blade and pinned him to the ground before his blade was removed. Trevor whipped at the creature and D moved, watching it as it exploded.
"You—" Sypha looked at D and began to speak but before she could finish her sentence, the ground shook and crumbled beneath them. Before they could run from it, they fell in.
As the three fell down into the catacombs, Trevor pulled Sypha close with his whip and she created a landing for the two while cold air formed at the bottom . . . but they rolled on the floor and into some planks which opened a path. D on the other hand had no problem with the fall and landed on his feet. He was down before the other two and was waiting until they got themselves situated but they landed with trouble. He walked himself over as the two stood up.
"You could have helped us, you know?" Sypha glared at the dhampyre who remained silent, practically ignoring her. They looked at their surroundings before Sypha spoke once more. "The catacombs again. I think we're deeper than I went before."
The three of them began to walk forward and D's eyes shifted to look at the machinery. His left ear twitched slightly and he tossed the two of them on opposing sides of his shoulders before running forward. As he ran, some type of trap had already been set off and made an attempt to crush them but thankfully they managed to make it through safely. Although there was yet another jump and he slid down a wall, holding the two and being careful to make sure they would not get harmed. He let them go right after and stood on his feet as if nothing happened.
"This place is going to be filled with traps and we're bound to die if we don't stop moving." As that was stated the ground beneath then crumbled and fell in. Sypha used cold air to land upon the mechanic wheel, D leaped onto it, and Trevor had stumbled before jumping at the last second. Upon connecting them to another wheel, Trevor made his way over to Sypha and D while trying to balance himself.
Their gaze shifted to the surface and Trevor made a tightrope with his whip. Sypha began to go float her way over, Trevor swung himself and groaned during the impact once she made her way over safely, and D had yet again leaped his way next to Sypha. What Trevor bumped into began to crumble and he quickly grabbed onto his whip. The three watched as everything went down before their support did the same. Once they hit the ground, they fell into another hole and landed roughly upon the ground with soft pants.
They shook it off and began walking forward only to see a coffin. As they continued to walk, Trevor stepped on some sort of button and the magician and dhampyre glared at him. "I didn't do that." Smoke came from underneath the coffin and the top of it began to open. A shirtless man with a scar across his chest along with his hand against it came arising from said coffin. His head had then lowered, hair following suit. His hand had clenched his chest before he spoke."Why are you here?"
"Aren't you the messiah that sleeps underneath Gresit! The one who will save us from Dracula!" Despite Sypha's praise, Trevor and D glared at the blonde man with looks of distrust. It was hard to tell who had seemed more irritable by the sight of the man.
"And I take it that you two are in search of a mythical savior as well?" The man asked the two men.
"I fell down a hole," Trevor answered and looked over at D who lowered his head slightly with his hat covering his eyes but the snarl he had was more than present.
"You are more than some so-called messiah. You're his son, aren't you? Adrian Tepes is your name, is it not? But the people of Wallachia refer to you as Alucard." The other dhampyre seemed very much surprised by that information he knew and Sypah's eyes widened.
"You're Dracula's son?" She asked only for Alucard to close his eyes.
"And your father has released his horde on Wallachia. I don't think that you are a messiah at all, just someone who the people believe can save them. They don't know that the man they have been worshiping is the son of the very man who wants them dead," Trevor spoke in a bitter tone which made Sypha glare at him.
"And he is the same as me, yet you trust him more than you trust me?" Alucard asked as his golden eyes shifted so he was able to look at D.
"He is a vampyre hunter. He has fought alongside my family since the beginning of time. Of course, I would put him over you. Any time of the day." Trevor grinned and placed his arm on D's shoulder, but the man simply removed it.
"The both of you are vampyre hunters. A dhampyre and a Belmont from the house of Belmont." Alucard observed the both of them, looks of interest. "Are you two going to kill me?"
"That answer could be dependable." Trevor shrugged his shoulders and D remained silent, keeping his eyes on Alucard as his feet touched the cold floors of granite. "Depends on if you are going to help us or not and make yourself the messiah that the people have been longing for."
"If you do intend on killing me, you are not going to get far, Belmont." Alucard took a step forward and so did Trevor. There was a tension between the two of them and it was easy to be sensed.
"If you are planning on killing each other do it at another time, there are people up there fucking dying," the left hand exclaimed and for once D did not try to hush him because he was right. "You can kill each other after that old fucker is dead!"
"What the fuck was that?" Alucard looked at D's hand to see that there was now a face morphed into it. "Did your hand just . . . talk?"
"Of course, I did, you're looking right at me, aren't you?! Think for a se — ow!" D dug his fingers into the face of the hand and within seconds he vanished but not before mumbling a soft "fuck you" under his breath.
"We could need all the help that we could get. The stories said four people would be the ones to take down Dracula and if you ask me, we have our four." Sypha gestured to all of them, and everyone looked at one another in surprise.
"You knew?" D asked as he looked at Sypha who gave a proud nod of her head. The dhampyre had turned on his heel and began to walk away from the three while Alucard went to grab his sword and his coat.
"A speak magician and two vampyre hunters, never would I have thought these would be the companions I would fight with."
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tumblingxelian · 7 months
Wednesday Fanfic Concept - Mothers
When Enid slipped away from her mother and the horrifying thought of Conversion Therapy she did not expect to stumble on a conversation between Bianca and her own mother, let alone one so terrifying.
Bianca did not expect to spend Parents day trying to escape her mothers grasp. Let alone trying to do so in the Nightshades catacombs with Enid Sinclair at her side.
With any luck their mothers will kill each other or give up the search, but then, when have they ever been lucky?
Sort of brief, more of an episode divergence, but I feel there is so much potential for a Enid Bianca team up during parents day.
Like, even within the context of the show and it works narratively and thematically!
In one side of the story you have:
Wednesday and Morticia overcoming the distance between them to reveal the truth of crimes past and free Gomez.
Meanwhile, unaware of all this, Enid & Bianca are hiding from their mothers who team up to hunt them them down.
Esther: I am sure your Childs rebelliousness will pass, but I envy you a child of such talent and power. I once thought Enid showed such potential but she lacks the will to find it.
Gabrielle: You are too kind my dear, but I must confess some of my own envy. For its clear despite her weakness and fear, Enid adores you in a way Bianca never could I.
Esther: The Grass is always greener on the other side I suppose.
In the middle of the episode, Esther and Gabrielle encounter Morticia in the Nightshaders library and have a veiled & tense stand off where Morticia.
Gabrielle: Ah, our apologies dear, we were simply seeking our missing daughters, I am sure you understand.
Morticia: If my daughter desired to go missing rather than speak with me, I'd accept that rather than force my presence on her.
Esther: Given the rumors swirling about her, that sounds more like an excuse for negligence than anything else.
One can feel the air growing tense, twisted, writhing shadows stretch across the walls showing hints of the women's true nature as the three stare each other down. Perhaps here seconds away from striking.
Wednesday: Mother, I did not expect to find you down here.
Morticia: (Smirking) I knew you would seek me out, when you were ready.
Gabrielle & Esther roll their eyes and leave.
Enid & Bianca cobble together a desperate plan, Perhaps after a rendition of a particular song, or at least a fencing match. The song may come at the end of the story too or elsewhere.
They used Bianca's song to force Enid into a partially transformed state and try to isolate Gabrielle to try and... Convince her to leave well enough alone.
Esther is quick to place an arm between the Siren and their children it morphing into a full developed Lycan arm even while her body remains otherwise the same as Gabrielle leans on it and smirks playfully,
Esther: Now, now Enid, that is no way to treat our fellows is it?
Gabrielle: You see dear, you inherited your swift social skills from me.
Bianca & Enid glance at one another before Bianca concedes.
Bianca: We would like to offer you two a deal.
Gabriele: Your bargaining position is rather dubious dear.
Esther: But I can't deny the boldness, let's hear them out.
The deal outlined lets them both runout at the year at Nevemore.
If Enid has not wolfed out she will go the conversion camp and Bianca will return to the cult regardless but ask permission to return to Nevermore to finish her education, but return whenever she is called.
Enid (Snarling) It isn't at though you need Bianca's song to make your critics go quiet, not with my mother on your side.
Esther: I am pleased to see the instincts of a hunter are not lost on you Enid.
Gabrielle: I would ask you to remember, we Sirens are as much hunters of men as Lycan.
Bianca: Then you can keep things under control, until I return, and give you everything you ask of me.
Ultimately the parents concede, though its shown they exchange info before parting ways. Also Lycan are semi-immune to Sirens song thanks to their brains morphic physiology.
At the end of the episode, Morticia respects Wednesday's boundaries but Wednesday also takes a step towards showing her affection.
Meanwhile after confronting their mothers, Enid & Bianca gets hugs that clearly distress them or that they obviously don't want.
Cue all three meeting up at the end of the day and:
Enid: I heard you had a crazy day"
Wednesday: It was, but before that, my mother asked after both of you, and whether you would be fairing well?
Bianca:... We got ourselves some time.
Their hope is to find a solution to Enid's transformation and Bianca's situation before the year is out.
Also, I know what canon Esther looked like but I swear, this version lives rent free in my head in any version she serves as a villain. or important figure:
The potential for toxic Yuri with her and Gabrielle it soo good to pass up.
Low key has me imagining a different AU:
Wit the passing of her mate, Esther Sinclair was introduced to Morning Song. Suffice to say she never expected to find a kindred spirit in the 'communities' mistress.
Gabrielle had never been one to believe in things like love, but maybe she had just never met anyone of a mind to her enough but still distinct enough to share herself with.
Neither Enid or Bianca are having a good time.
I have no idea where this story would g, but I low key love the idea of Esther once having been a big deal and still having a lot of potential and fairly anti human politics.
& her finding an alliance in Gabrielle who is extremely predatory and powerful in her own right but who needs muscle/deniable agents to keep her little cult running.
With the pair rather liking the prospect of pairing Enid & Bianca up post Enid's wolf out. Or in the above case, they are busy engaging in toxic Yuri and ambitious schemes and their daughters are just having a bad time.
Not sure on Enid's brothers.
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theoverseerau · 1 year
Uber's Hard Mode part 1
ok. so I might not be making the Ruins section completely game accurate. but I hope that makes things more interesting.
the scene starts in the ENTRANCE TO THE UNDERGROUND. a scream is heard from above as FRISK falls from the sky and lands on the bed of soft flowers, shaken, but not injured. floating nearby them is CHARA, who looks around the room. before settling on hovering behind Frisk, who stands up and stretches
FRISK: Hmm... something is off here. this reset feels different somehow. CHARA: That's because you somehow triggered Hard Mode Frisk looks at Chara with a very confused expression CHARA: Hard Mode. It's exactly what it sounds like. FRISK: Ok... you're the narrator, so I trust you on this. what kinds of things are changed by this? CHARA: For one, your bandage doesn't let you run anymore. I'm not exactly sure why I know all of this, but ever since I started floating around you, I've known a lot of things that have no reason I can think of to know. FRISK: Good to know... I suppose I should just get going and see what's up next then. Frisk and Chara enter into FLOWEY'S ROOM. in the middle of it is FLOWEY himself with a slightly exasperated look on his face FRISK: Hey. FLOWEY: Don't you have Anything better to do? FRISK: I do not. until I figure out how to make it so Chara can actually interact with more then just me, I'll reset as many times as I need to. Frisk's SOUL appears in front of them as color leeches away from their surroundings. four buttons; labeled FIGHT, ACT, ITEM, and MERCY, appear in front of them as well. CHARA: *Flowey starts a proper FIGHT for once. FLOWEY: then you might be in luck... I can feel that something has changed... heh heh... I don't know what exactly you did, but the underground has done the impossible. it did something new. Frisk presses the button titled ACT, and then presses another button that appears after this called talk. CHARA: *you told Flowey that what was triggered is called Hard Mode. *He seems to chuckle at this. FLOWEY: Interesting name. come to think of it, this encounter is new, isn't it? CHARA: *Flowey cackles to himself. Frisk presses the MERCY button, and selects spare from the other buttons presented. FLOWEY: Who knows. I m i g h t e v e n b e a b l e t o e n d y o u f o r g o o d t h i s t i m e a r o u n d. Flowey creates several circles of bullets and implodes them upon Frisk to deal unavoidable damage, the final circle of bullets is created, and Flowey begins to laugh. FLOWEY: I won't drag it out this time. DIE. Flowey makes this final circle implode at the same speed as the other ones instead of slowly doing it like normal, but a fireball comes in from the side and blows a hole in the circle that's just big enough for Frisk's soul to get out and dodge. Flowey looks confused, before another fireball comes in and knocks him out of the way. TORIEL walks in and stands in front of Frisk. TORIEL: What a terrible creature, torturing such a poor, innocent youth... Ah, do not be afraid my child. I am TORIEL, caretaker of the RUINS. I pass through this place every day to see if anyone has fallen down. You are the first human to come here in a long time. Come! I will guide you through the catacombs. Frisk's soul returns to their body and color returns to the world around them. TORIEL: This way. Toriel turns around and walks through a nearby door CHARA: well then... this is already looking to be an unusual experience. FRISK: Despite how scary that was... I actually feel like this is going to be fun! CHARA: of course you do. this is actually something we haven't seen before. FRISK: Well. there are at least some things that haven't changed. should we accompany mom now? CHARA: yeah. that sounds good. Frisk walks forward until they encounter the door to the Ruins. after gazing at it for a second or two, they enter. fade to white, end scene.
first: you're here!
next: Here!
the comic this blog is actually about: Here!
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Happy Storyteller Saturday! 
I’m taking this opportunity to catch up with my writeblr friends. What are you working on right now? What stage is your WIP in? How is it going? What are your plans for the future?
Basically, take this as an excuse to ramble about your writing.
Well! I have been sitting on this since November! (Sorry Sam<33 It got buried beneath a bunch of "send this to 5 bloggers you like" asks that I have been hoarding.)
I'm at 58-ish% of draft 3 of WIPVII. In draft Isolde is about to meet Matilda (a castle page who ends up saving Isolde's life) and the two of them will immediately get kidnapped and taken into the catacombs. Draft 1 was about word vomiting, just getting the whole story written out from start to end. Draft 2 was about trimming the bloat and fixing the pacing and plot holes. Draft 3 is about adding in all the worldbuilding and description, actually caring about narrative voice, and working on in-scene pacing. I'd say my WIP is about half way right now (well to the point where I am willing to let people look at it). Give it another 2-3 drafts of revisions and then I will have done as much as I can.
As for plans for the future, draft 4 is looking to be fixing the side characters' dialogue and characterization to make them more interesting and line edits. Lots of line edits. I've made a bunch of notes in the #wipvii updates tag on this blog that I will be going through for draft 4 as well.
I'm also hoping to get another draft 0 or draft 1 going soon. I feel like WIPVII has outpaced all my other WIPs but it is good to have a bunch of projects going at once in different stages (the musician in me has always liked this approach) and I think I have learned enough as a writer that it is time. I just have to pick which of my other 16? 15? wips gets the honour.
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