#and not only did we have to prepare everything ourselves on top of all the other presentations and essays
darkeyedghost · 3 months
The Roman femboys got Emperor Hadrian acting unwise
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clockwayswrites · 2 years
The Fic I'm Still Not Writing (2)
Part 1 that I totally didn't write.
Jason looked up from the report he was going over to see two of his people standing in the the doorway to his office. They shifted nervously and he prepared himself for bad news. While he didn’t exactly aim for a friendly demeanor (that’s what being around as Jason was for), he did attempt to make it clear his people could talk to him. If shit was going to go down then he wanted to know so that he could get on top of it.
Like now.
Things had been looking so good, too. The new shelter would be up and running next week. The supplemented housing for single parents and their kids was doing well— Jason had been by as, well, Jason early that day to make sure everything was on the up and up— and there had been no new shit heads trying to sell drugs on his street corners. He should have expected for it to go wrong.
He tucked the reports away and leaned back in his chair before motioning the two in. Ralph and Marco, Jason thought, placing the two as they came to sit across from him. Ralph mostly helped manage the gym and train new people not to get killed— an ex boxer and coach from when times were better. Marco had just recently risen to lieutenant.
Jason had no clue what trouble the two of them would be bringing him together. Maybe someone did something stupid and needed more training.
It seemed they didn’t know where to start either and kept trading each other uneasy looks. Jason shifted, just slightly, in the way he knew made his chair creek ominously and watched both his men start.
“So, um, us goons have been doing some reading,” Ralph finally started. Jason wasn’t much fond of the term ‘goons’ himself, but for some reason his people had embraced it.
“Reading.” Jason replied, keeping his voice carefully monotone. Where was this going?
“Right, reading,” Marco picked up. “Found some ourselves and then Yasmine called us idiots and suggested some other stuff, but well, we’ve been doing reading. And we didn’t know if you had been.”
“So, we, erm, well we just thought maybe we’d pass along the important bits?” Ralph said, wringing his hat in his hands so hard Jason thought he’d tear the seems apart. “See, when ya enter into a polyamorous relationship with a new partner, it’s important to make them feel included.”
“Yeah,” Marco said with an enthusiastic nod. “And we get that you and Jason already have a rhythm and everything, but Danny seems like a really sweet kid—”
“Little feral.”
“Ralph’s right, little feral, but sos you, Boss— no offense. But he seems sweet. So we don’t want to see him be hurt none just ‘cause you aren’t making room for him.”
“What.” Seriously, what?
“Yeah. Sos like, in our reading—”
Holy fucking shit. His goons did reading about polygamy for him. Because Danny had asked him to share himself. What the fucking fuck.
“—it was important that you make sure that Danny feels like he has space in your space too.”
“Yeah,” Ralph agreed and then pulled an honest to God printout from his back pocket that he smoothed out on the corner of Red Hood’s desk before sliding it over. “Small things, see? Like making sure his favorite snacks are in your apartment. Or stocking up the bath products Danny uses. Don’t just make him use what you or Jason uses.”
“He uses a 5in1 bar of soap, I’m not encouraging that behavior,” Jason growled. (Why the fuck did he say that? He only knew that as Jason.)
It made his men pause for a moment before Marco gave a little nod. “Fair enough, deserves better and all. Buy him something special to use then.”
“What’s wrong with 5in1?” Ralph asked.
“Shut up Ralph, I’ll send you some reading,” Marco replied. “Point is Boss, You have to show Danny he's just as important. We just want this to work out for you, Boss.”
Ralph nodded. “We see how you two look at each other is all. And how Jason looks at him. We aren’t blind, Boss.”
“Um, right,” Marco repeated. He stood up and slapped at Ralph’s arm till Ralph did the same. He did reach out and scoot the printouts a little closer though. “Just, we’re here for you Boss.”
Jason gave a nod of his helmet before watching them scurry out of his office.
He picked up printouts. They did research for him. His little pack of supposedly hardened criminals (fuck the fact they were more and more becoming humanitarian aid) had read up on queer relationships for him.
Shaking his head Jason set the print outs aside and tried to get back to the reports he’d been reading before whatever the fuck that just happened happened.
The third time he glanced over at the printouts he gave up, folded him up into his back pocket, and stormed out of his office. He headed for Jenny’s, the 24/7 dinner that had survived in Crime Alley for nearly 70 years through sheer determination and having good enough food and coffee that no one dared fuck with it. (Didn’t hurt that Jenny kept shotguns under the counter and was a mean shot.)
The bell clattered at his entrance as he barged in and headed to the booth in the back corner. Bright blue eyes glanced up from the pile of textbooks and notes and Danny had the nerve to smirk at him.
Jason slammed his hands down onto the table, the coffee mug rattling from the force of it. Danny calmly picked it up and cradled it to his chest.
“Want to explain to me why the fuck I just sat through two of my people trying to explain some of the finer points of polygamy to me?”
Danny choked on a sip of his coffee. “What?”
“You heard me.”
“Oh Ancients, they—” Danny cut himself off with a snort that soon devolved into full on laughter. Jason gave up looming and took a seat as he waited the laughter out. Finally Danny recovered enough to ask, “Are they trying to talk you into it or out of it?”
“They think I’m already in it.”
It took effort not to stiffen as one of Danny’s feet brushed up against his calf. He was smirking in that way that Jason was coming to both love and hate— and that only seemed to come out around Red Hood. “You could be, if you’d give me an answer.”
“You asked to share Jason.”
Danny gave a little shrug. The motion caused the oversized sweater that Jason was just realizing was his to slip down Danny’s bare shoulder on the one side. “I figured you came as part of that deal.”
“What has Jason said about it?” He asked, as if he didn’t very well know.
“Nothing, I haven’t asked. I’m not a home wrecker. I’m not going to tempt a man to cheat if you’re not into the idea.”
Jason crossed his arms.
Danny watched him back from under his dark lashes.
This was insane.
“You know I won’t take off my helmet.”
What the fuck was he doing?
“Never said I need you to. I’m more creative than that, Boss.”
Danny's smirk widened.
Fiends, the lot of you. I'm still claiming I'm not writing this shut up. We're blaming the poll, alright?
The GOOOOONS. They're just trying their best to be supportive! They want everyone to be happy!
tag list, I guess? @addie-lover-of-stories @bathildaburp @d4ydr34min9 @sometimesthingsfallapart @idfk-man10 @vythika96 @worthlesswall @aroranorth-west @chrysanthemum9484 @ver-444 @impulsiveasshole @meira-3919 @lazy-bouqet @cryinginthevoid @thegatorsgoose @cutelittlebeanie @blankliferain @ramblingkat @ailithnight
They're absurd, you're all absurd. ...okay I'm absurd too. Stay delightful, my darlings.
Edit: master post of parts I didn't write. Nope.
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lightlycareless · 3 months
heyyyy:33 love reading your nao x reader headcanons, i am feeling bit angsty and been wondering how would naoya react if something goes wrong during yn's labor. like she starts screaming, trashing around and is in lots of pain.
Hello anon!!! You want angst??? WELL YOU GOT ANGST.
Actually it's not that much, but hey, it's not that nice either so... I hope it's to your enjoyment still!
warnings: pregnancy. going into labor. the fear of a baby dying. bleeding. naoya suffers. 🥺
related work: (sequel) (prequel)
Happy reading!
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Something going wrong when Y/N is in labor is hands down, Naoya’s worst nightmare. He might’ve prepared everything so to keep risks to the minimum, and yet, there are moments where that is all he thought about.
That, and the worse version of his fears: the two don’t make it.
He tries his best not to think about it, Ranta also tries his best to distract him as soon as anxiety etches his features. And you…
Well, you wish you could offer a viable solution, disappear so the sight of you doesn’t have him spiraling, yet remain close because he needs you and he’s your husband, for crying out loud! You don’t want to be away from him, not even for a second, while pregnant!
But… everything was proving too hard for you to deal with on your own, and stresses like these could only do harm to your pregnancy, alongside those awful thoughts that would cross your mind in the worst moments possible: the idea that maybe Naoya… maybe he didn’t want a family with you anymore.
However, the love both had for one another, for the mochi growing inside you, alongside the support of your family and friends, these obstacles were soon forgotten, replaced with the excitement of the fast approaching day of delivery, the moment you’ll finally be able to hold your baby, as well as see if they were a boy or a girl—not that it mattered, for they’d be unconditionally loved anyways.
Everything was carefully tended to, starting by ignoring the Zen’in’s insane request of having you deliver the baby at the estate, in less than prepared conditions and away from your family just because they wanted.
Nope, not happening. Instead, he arranged your stay at one of the best hospitals of Tokyo, a whole floor with dedicated personnel to solely attend to you; just to begin with.
Your family was naturally impressed by Naoya’s dedication to once again go to these lengths. And yet, he wasn’t doing anything they wouldn’t have done for you; in fact, they also gave their own suggestions to further ensure your safety!
«Well, at least we know she’ll be ok with Naoya…»
“I’m going to be fine.” You’d tell them, slightly overwhelmed by their worries. “Though I do think Naoya might’ve gone a bit over the top…”
“It’s only necessary.” Naoya interjects. “No one outside of the necessary people will disturb you, everything you need will be tended for, and you’ll also be in presence of your friends and family.”
“Friends…?” You repeat slowly, because at that point you only expected your family to be there, not your trusted staff, who were grinning at the prospect of accompanying you during one of the most important stages of your life! “Oh my god, you’re here!”
“What, thought you’d get rid of us just because you’re having a baby??” Haruko grins.
“I’m offended by how poorly you think of us.” Hitomi teases.
“I—I didn’t expect you guys to be here! I thought you’d be busy or—or something!” You chuckle. “I’m speechless!”
“Don’t be too speechless, we still have to make the most of the city before you’re admitted into the hospital! I personally have never been to Tokyo, so I’m planning on taking all the tours.” Mariya enthusiastically suggests.
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, did you forget my wife is very much pregnant?” Naoya frowns, she laughs.
“We’re just joking, Naoya—what kind of godmother would I be if I didn’t care for her?”
And in this precise moment, you genuinely believed it couldn’t get any better than this. Surrounded by the people you loved; nothing could ruin this!
Unless your contractions were to begin a bit earlier than anticipated, followed by a numbing, stinging pain that made you freeze on your track, drop everything on the spot to tightly hold onto your stomach; a feeble attempt to stop whatever it was that had you such mortifying state… rushed to the hospital when blood soaked your garments, your and Naoya’s worst nightmare abruptly becoming real.
Without time to waste, you’re quickly checked into your designated room to be urgently attended by the doctor of his choosing, the supposedly best there is in all of Tokyo—no, Japan—who alongside his entourage began to urgently prepare everything for your procedure, for your symptoms were not expected neither wanted in a pregnancy.
But if that wasn’t anxious enough for your husband, your screams of gut-wrenching pain that only worsened as time went on were enough, were enough to get him spiraling.
“Help her!” Naoya demands, more than ready to rattle the doctor into action if needed.
“We can’t let you in if you’re going to disrupt the patient.” The doctor warns, further fueling your husband’s desperation. He’s just a mere second away from losing himself, just one more word and he’ll—
“Naoya, please, calm down—” Thankfully, your father was there to put a stop to his anger, a genuine sympathetic approach for he’s gone through his fair share of pregnancies—things like these don’t scare him that much, but they still worry him.
How could it not? The probability of losing his daughter, the youngest, his first grandchild too…! And just after loosing his wife as well…
It’s a pain he would never wish upon anyone. Certainly not on his distraught son-in-law….
So, what good is it to hire the best, if they’re not going to do their job?!
Naoya freezes upon hearing another heart-wrenching scream come out of you, heart dropping to his stomach as he hears you demand them to get the baby out, stop your suffering and just—help you!
He doesn’t want to hear more of this, he doesn’t want to see nor hear you suffering so, but he doesn’t know what to do, he doesn’t know how to act nor what to say that could get you out of this awful predicament and back into safety, into the world where you and his child were ok and all this was nothing but an awful nightmare!
But the same moment he was debating what to do, your father already made his decision, walking past him and straight into your room, firmly determined to support his daughter through whatever destiny fate instilled on you—even if it meant death.
A sight that soon snapped Naoya out of his struggle, feeling like an absolute idiot for even hesitating! He’s been through life-or-death situations before, why is he suddenly cowering now, pitying himself?! When you need him the most?!
What poor excuse of a husband he was being; a despicable father compared to yours.
Once snapping out of his dark thought and gathering all of his courage, he steps into your room, heading straight to your side, opposite of your father and takes your hand, letting you hold it as tight as you needed—whatever the sacrifice he had to make to ensure your safety, he’d willingly oblige.
“Nao—Naoya—” you breathed, looking up to him. “It—It hurts!”
“She’s losing too much blood.” A nurse would note. “She’s still not dilated enough.”
“My baby—I don’t want my baby to die” you fret.
“She won’t.” Naoya reassures. “She won’t die, I swear—”
“We’ll have to induce her labor to help her dilate, and if that doesn’t work, then a c-section will have to do.” The doctor explains, hoping to get his permission.
“Anything.” Your husband pleads. “Anything to save my wife, my family, please!”
Because he doesn’t know what he’ll do if he loses you. Life would cease to matter at that point.
But thankfully his prayers were to be heard, and with the quick, highly prepared skills of medical staff, were you freed of all complications, ensuring not only your safety, but that of the baby as well, perfect just as the two envisioned her to be.
“Naoya, our baby.” You’d breathe, face lightening up when the nurse finally placed the small, chubby bundle you’ve been waiting to hold for 9 long months in your arms, holding her softly against your skin as you gushed. “Our baby is—”
“She’s a girl.” The doctor says. “A healthy girl.”
“A girl.” You cry, tears of happiness dampening your cheeks, struggling to believe what was before your eyes. “Naoya, we had a beautiful baby girl!”
There are no words to describe what Naoya feels at this very moment: to the sight of you lovingly holding onto your baby, the highest demonstration of love between the two, after so much suffering.
Though he could start with love at first sight, something he already believed existed, but when his eyes laid on his beautiful baby girl, he was completely sure of it now.
“She has your hair.” You comment on the small patch of black hair on the top of her head.
“And your nose.” He responds, gently poking it.
“Ha! How can you even know so? It looks like a regular nose to me.” You giggle—only to gasp a few seconds after being given the breathtaking sight of your baby slowly opening her eyes for the first time, a revelation that made your heart flutter. “Naoya—she… she has your eyes! Oh, my love, she looks just like you…”
Deep within him, Naoya always hoped the baby would look like you—with your big round eyes, your silky, soft hair, and adorable cheeks he always loved to tease. He thought she’d looked far better with your features than his own anyways, and wished would be that way.
But there was something about seeing you gush about her likeness that struck his heart with adoration, feeling appreciated and fiercely protective of the precious, tiny baby in your arms.
“I don’t mean to interrupt, but I need to know the name of the baby before continuing” Another nurse said, and a wide smile spreads across your lips as you gently poke her cheek, already imagining the agony her father would put her through.
“Naomi.” You say, eyes intently focused on your daughter. “Zen’in Naomi.”
Named after her father, perhaps the only tradition you kept from the Zen’in, because there was nothing else you wanted more than for the world to know of the man that has made you so happy, the love of your life, either through your affection, or Naomi, your new family.
“A granddaughter, I have a granddaughter!!” Your father would proclaim, tears in his eyes as he accepts the baby from your arms, who was now wrapped in a soft pink blanket he got as a gift, with you proudly smiling at his excitement. “Oh, she’s beautiful Y/N!”
“Welcome to the family, little one!” Hinata grins, eager to take her niece into her arms as well, but patient enough to not do so until her turn. “You don’t know how happy we are to finally have you here!”
“Can’t wait to see you grow up and give your parents a run for their money.” Ren teases, you pout.
“My baby is going to be a nice, well-behaved girl.” You respond. “Unlike you guys…”
“Though she will be spoiled.” Naoya promises.
“Well, it can’t be spoiled if it’s what she deserves, right?” you say, he nods along. Your family fears the lengths you’d both go to do so; you and Naoya are already ruthless as it is…
But even then, they genuinely knew they had nothing to worry about—for as long as they were around, nothing bad would befall little Naomi.
As expected, the exhaustion of the past few hours finally caught up to you, at first making you yawn before your eyelids began to grow heavier and heavier; a sight that didn’t go unnoticed for too long, your father gathering everyone around for their departure.
“We’ll be outside if you need us.” Eiichi promises, carefully handing Naomi back to Naoya. “Rest, pumpkin, you deserve it.”
“Thanks, dad…” you yawn. “I feel like I could sleep for years.”
Eiichi chuckles, leaning forward to place a kiss on your forehead before moving onto Naoya, patting his shoulder.
“Congratulations, Naoya. You’ll be a great father.”
Naoya smiles, warmed by the words his father wasn’t there to give him, gladly accepting them in his heart as they promptly make their exit. Once alone, your husband places Naomi into the crib nearby, placing a kiss on her head and eventually making his way to you, to give you a kiss as well.
“You did amazingly, my love.” But as much as you wished to enjoy this moment, the agony of past experiences swiftly makes way to your mind.
“…I was scared, Naoya. So, so afraid that something would happen to me, or worse, our baby.” You tremble.
“I know, I know.” He coos, softly removing some unruly hair strands from your face as tears begin to pool in his eyes. “But it’s over, all that is gone—we have Naomi now.”
“I was afraid of leaving you behind.” You continue. “I… I didn’t want you to face all this by yourself. The thought of you having no one to rely on frightens me like you have no idea. At one point I thought I wouldn’t be able to see you—”
“That was my worst fear too. I loathed even thinking about the possibility of returning home without you.” The moment you notice the tears forming in his eyes, you quickly reach out for him—to the best of your ability anyways, much to his worry. “No, Y/N, you have to rest—”
“Thank you for being by my side.” You murmur, hugging him tightly. He returns the gesture soon after. “I’m so glad to have found someone like you, to be my husband, and now father of my daughter.”
“…What did I do to deserve you?”
“Well, you gave me an adorable baby girl, as of recent!” you sniffle through a giggle, making Naoya chuckle. “From there, all that I ever wanted, really. From food, clothes, even holidays…”
Naoya blushes, proud of his consistent commitment to you and the happiness it provided you. And yet, that was not to be the end of his fluster—not without your following words.
“But most importantly, your love.” You smile. “If anything, I should be wondering what I’ve done to deserve you…”
“Your mere existence is justifying enough for me.” He responds quickly, another tear sliding down his cheek, which you swipe soon after. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You kiss him. “And our new family.”
“I know some mothers feel the desire to have another child as soon as their baby is born, but after what happened, I think it’s best for now if we hold off that idea for a while. Don’t you agree?” You suddenly say.
“Yeah, couldn’t have said it any better. Though something tells me Naomi is going to be quite the handful to begin with…”
“Considering she looks just like you, I’d say you’re right.” you laugh, he rolls his eyes before kissing you once more.
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zombielesbean · 1 month
the release of Grey Area was interesting because... well, lemme just lay it out for ya:
literally the morning the game released, my grandma died it wasn't unexpected at all, so it didn't hit me particularly hard, and I am not a person who feels much when anyone dies anyway, but, I was always really close with my grandma, and she always loved and was supportive of my gamedev stuff, so like. you can imagine, that's not the most stable mental platform to be releasing the biggest game project you've ever released on, heh
later the first day of release, our first review rolls in - negative
more reviews are coming in and most are positive, but each negative one - and there were a few - like a knife stabbing me. that's three years of my life out there now! I wasn't prepared for how incredibly vulnerable that would feel - each of my previous game projects had only taken a year or less
on top of this, the bug reports are coming in.. we'd tested this game to hell and back, both ourselves and with outside game testers.. but again. biggest project I've ever made. more stuff got through than I was prepared for
mental health is deteriorating, I'm staying up all night continuing to fix bugs and make small changes to the game
a fairly large streamer plays the game - doesn't like the bosses that much, especially the latter two, admits he was going to send gift copies to random viewers but has now decided he "doesn't want to inflict the game on other people" and doesn't believe the game had playtesters
internal screaming increasing
I'm still working every day and night on this thing, we're getting much more positive feedback than negative but like oh my god is it rough I don't know what to do with all this attention and then we have someone show up in the discord server to essentially debate me about all the choices I made making the game and it gets to where it's just like please leave me alone I'm sorry you didn't like it but other people do and I made it the way I personally wanted because its my project and aaaaaaaaa I'm dying out here
and with all this stress building the thing that did me in was our biggest fan, as in, the most prominent person who was interested in our game, and who had made several useful suggestions about the game I had happily implemented - well, let's just say I fucked up in communication with them and woosh - all that good will out the door
extremely negative review, they don't even talk about the game, they just talk about the miscommunication they had with me
I felt like I was a sitcom character working in a restaurant and I'd tried to please the food critic coming to town and tripped and spilled all the food over them
and that may sound funny but like. it broke me. like. that was it, my stress reached its boiling over point and like. as soon as I saw that review I just. left the house and walked around the neighborhood with my girlfriend. like speedwalking, she could barely keep up with me, and then like. I did not speak or eat or drink for like two entire days. it was. not good
and like at that point I thought the whole thing was ruined and I'd just wasted those three years and I felt like the biggest idiot of all time for fumbling that situation like that
but like. that was the last negative review we ever got, the game has a 9/10 rating as of now and like. that's really really good actually, I have every right to be proud of this project, and I have absolutely loved watching so many people play it and stream it and enjoy it and hearing everyone's thoughts about it
but damn those first few weeks were rough as hell, and I hope it never goes like that again when I release a game, or at least, I will be better prepared, heh
when you put your everything into a project, especially when it's for a long time, the more vulnerable it makes you when you finally release it to the public, I think that's the biggest lesson to learn here for me
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crazycurly-77 · 3 months
Memory Loss - Chapter 1
The four of you prepared to enter the house of the suspect you were looking for. Tim and Tony should enter from the backdoor and Gibbs and you would enter through the front door. 
At the command from Gibbs you all entered while shouting “NCIS! Federal Agents!” You checked all the rooms, but nobody was there. After all rooms were declared clear Gibbs ordered you “search the house for any hints where he can be.”
You fanned out to do as you were told as was Gibbs himself. Suddenly he stood still and listened while murmuring “there is something ticking.” You observed him slowly following the faint sound. 
Then everything happened very rapidly. 
Gibbs turned to the door yelling “there's a bomb! Run! Get out of here immediately!”
Everyone ran as fast as possible and managed to get out of the building. You yourself landed face forward in the grass and tried to protect your head. Shortly after your landing you felt a heavy weight land on your back. 
Then there was a loud bang, fire, smoke and debris all around you. You tried to stand up, but you couldn't. The weight on your back was too heavy. It was pressing you into the ground, but you couldn't see what it was. Luckily Tim and Tony came running towards you. “Oh my god, Y/N! Gibbs! Are you okay?” Tony asked. 
“Yes, but I can't stand up because of the heavy weight laying on me” you answered. 
Tim looked at you and said “the firefighters and the ambulance are on their way, so hold on.”
“Okay. But please free me.”
Tony kneeled before you and spoke softly “please don't freak out. Gibbs is laying on top of you and he is unconscious. Apparently he tried to protect you and was hit hardly on the head. He's bleeding profusely. We will try to get him off you without hurting him further. So please stay calm.”
You gasped in shock “okay. Try your best.”
Then you were released and stood up. You checked Tim, Tony and yourself, but fortunately the three of you had only a few bruises, but you had to assure yourself, so you asked them “are you okay?” Both nodded “yes.” “Thank God” you sighed, but you abruptly held your breath as you looked at Gibbs who was lying before you, still unconscious and bleeding very hard on the head. Apart from that, he seemed to have only minor bruises such as the rest of you. That was a small relief, but despite that your blood ran cold as you saw his seemingly lifeless body, all the blood and his pale face and you were trembling all over. 
The whole team was battered and bruised, but Gibbs had been hit the hardest and you were all very grateful as the ambulance arrived. They came at the same time as the firefighters and ran towards you. 
“What happened?” asked the chief of the men.
“I'm Tony Dinozzo and I called you. We were investigating this house and then a bomb went off.”
“Is anybody still in there?”
“Not that I know.”
“Okay.” the fireman nodded and went away yelling commands to his squad. 
While Tony spoke to the chief of the firemen, Tim and you spoke to the ambulance and answered the same question. 
“What happened?” 
“We were in this house and discovered a bomb. We could save ourselves barely from the blow by running out of it. 
“Okay. Anybody besides him injured?”
“Only a few bruises, but he was hit the hardest. I guess he tried to protect our colleague and was hit on the head by something hard.”
“Was he conscious when you found him?” 
“Did he gain consciousness at any time?” 
“Okay. Then you will all come back to the hospital to check on you.”
Then he walked over to his partner who examined Gibbs. 
“What did you find?” 
“His vital signs are weak and he has lost a lot of blood. Besides that he has a lot of minor bruises, but seemingly no broken bones. I have managed to stop the bleeding.”
“Good. Not good. We will take him to the hospital for further examination and treatment.”
“Where will you bring him?” Tony came to you and asked. 
“Bethesda. And you will drive behind us to get examined, too.”
“Will do.”
The fireman did their jobs, Gibbs was brought into the ambulance and the rest of you got into the car for the drive to the hospital. 
You were all shaken and silent because of the shock of what had happened and of the worries for your boss. 
That was the hardest on this job, when one of your own was injured or even killed. 
And now you had to fear for your boss.
(To be continued...)
Here you will find the other chapters of this story and the other stories I've written to date.
Tags: @ilovemark1951, @hobby27
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justhilary123 · 3 months
Yummy! You’re Making Me Hungry!: Episode 66
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One day, Mickey and Minnie are getting ready to go on a camping trip together. So, we decided to help them pack for their trip. We need jackets to keep us warm and sunscreen to protect ourselves from getting sunburned. We also packed sleeping bags and a storybook.
Minnie explains that they’re gonna go on a lot of adventures and that they’ll be really hungry. Mickey explains that they like to pack lots of nutritious foods, tasty treats and healthy snacks, such as granola bars, fruit and nuts. Eventually, Minnie was getting hungry, so, Mickey gave her an apple. But, then, Minnie burped (Eww! Gross!), but, despite that unladylike action, Minnie excused herself.
Moving on, Mickey explains that for safety, they like to bring a first aid kit full of bandages just in case they get hurt. However, Mickey overpacks the first aid kit and gets bandages on him. After shaking it off, Mickey realized that their almost done.
The only thing left is the tent, Mickey tries to fold the tent, but, he was having trouble, so, Minnie lends a hand and helps pack up the tent. Mickey wonders if they have everything. But, realized that he almost forgot his house keys. Thankfully, they were in his pocket. We had a lot of fun helping Mickey and Minnie pack for their camping trip.
If you’re a big fan of camping, the great outdoors and being prepared, "Getting Ready for a Camping Trip", is the one for you.
Mickey and Minnie are both in top form here. It’s one of the Me & Mickey vlogs where they appear together.
First the mice pack jackets, sunscreen, sleeping bags and a storybook for bedtime. Then, the mice pack some snacks in case they get hungry and when Minnie asked what our favorite camping snack is, we get her best line in this entire vlog, "Yummy! You’re making me hungry!", the gross part was when Minnie belched when she ate an apple, which wasn’t very ladylike at all.
Another bright spot is when Mickey overpacked the first aid kit, resulting in him getting bandages on him. Then, he struggles to fold up the tent, but, he is having trouble doing it. Mickey almost forgot his house keys, but, thankfully they were in his pocket. And as they were leaving at the end of the vlog, Minnie asked Mickey if he got the sleeping bags, causing him to go back inside for a sec and get them.
And with nothing else left to say, let’s take a look at some screenshots.
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So, here’s our dynamic mouse duo of Mickey and Minnie. Those two do everything together!
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Anyone who remembers watching the Bedtime Story vlog from season one would surely remember the story, "Minnie and the Moonbow".
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It’s always important to pack snacks when you go on a camping trip.
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Whenever I think of this vlog, my mind immediately goes to the part where Minnie rubs her tummy while saying, "Yummy! You’re making me hungry!", which is her best line in this entire vlog. Almost reminds me of when Mickey said, "Aww! You’re making me thirsty!", in What’s in Mickey’s Fridge?, another season one Me & Mickey vlog.
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You know you’re in for it now when the gross part suddenly comes in when you at least expect it. It was so gross when Minnie belched and it wasn’t very ladylike. But, at least she said, "Excuse me!"
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"You can never have enough bandages.", says Mickey before the unthinkable comes in.
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Next time when you try to pack a first aid kit, try your best not to overpack.
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Mickey tries to fold up the tent, but, it’s hard for him to do. But, for a girl like Minnie, folding a tent is a piece of cake.
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Anyone who remembers watching Vacation Routine would surely remember this bit. Mickey had gotta start not losing his house keys.
Closing Line: "Till next time we can play.", "Have a camping-riffic day! Mickey! Did you get the sleeping bags?", "Whoops! Hehe! See ya real soon!"
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water9826 · 6 months
Cursed Guardians (A JJK Fic)
AO3 Link
Start Here
It is vital that you retrieve this, Ryomen.
I know. 
We cannot let any of those humans get in our way.
Of course not. I’ll kill them if they try to stop me.
Kill them? Heh. The sorcerers won’t like that.
Do you think I care? I can handle their ire. This is far too important.
I agree, but try not to burn the place to the ground. 
It’s tempting. All of these people are just worms desperate to consume whatever shit is available. I’d be doing them a favor.
Hm. And here I thought you were growing fond of humans.
Never. The four sorcerers we acquainted are the only decent ones. The rest can rot.
There are civilians in this place, Ryomen. We would draw attention to ourselves if there are casualties. It'll be a pain to deal with. 
Like I said earlier, I don’t care. If they try to challenge me, then they die. Simple.
I see.
And what of it?
Nothing. It’s just that…Well-
Spit it out. 
It just seems that I have severely underestimated your dedication to capitalism.
“Shut up, Sukuna.” Ryomen hissed to himself. He was currently in the supermarket looking for a very special item. It had been sold out for months, but Ryomen refused to go home empty handed today. He would fight tooth and nail for what he desired. 
The Limited Edition SPECIALZ DELIGHT: A Ginger and Brown Sugar Ice Cream Swirl With Crunchy Caramel Bits from Cyclop Cat Creamery. 
The mere thought of the frozen treat made Ryomen’s mouth water. He shopped almost exclusively online, using a false address so the delivery person would not discover the location of the shrine. For the last several years, Ryomen had everything delivered to a small house a few hours away from their true home. The house had been abandoned long ago, but Ryomen had chosen it due to it being remote, but reachable for regular humans. Due to the multiple barriers and seals Infinite and Sukuna had placed, no one could enter the shrine without permission. If they tried, they would be killed instantly by the powerful wards placed throughout. By using the house, deliveries could be made without the messenger being spontaneously combusted or sliced into a million pieces. Additionally, the house used to belong to a farmer. At first glance, the fact may seem irrelevant, but it wasn’t for Ryomen. He was nothing if not prepared. The house was small, but it was built upon the vast land of a ranch. The farmhouse gave Ryomen the opportunity to use the place as a way to stock up on emergency supplies. 
Though, the supplies did not only include food or water. The farm the house was built upon was used to grow crops in case of a sudden apocalypse or if Ryomen had to hide his family away for the next decade. On top of that, Ryomen used the ranch to house cattle, chickens, sheep, and horses. This way, Ryomen would not have to purchase goods like dairy, eggs, or meat, things that expire quickly. That meant fewer trips to the store. And fewer trips to the store meant less humans Ryomen had to interact with. And less humans that interacted with him meant less chance of his family being found and killed . 
It was the perfect plan!
Ryomen had grown up on the streets in a village that saw him as nothing but a bad omen. The sensation of his stomach writhing in agony from starvation was more familiar than the warm feeling of a full belly. He was not taking any chances when it came to his son’s life. Yuuji would always have food on his plate and warm clothes on his back. 
The man was also no stranger to war. He knew what it was like to have no form of transportation, no form of escaping, during a time of bloodshed and chaos. He had many memories of falling asleep next to the bodies of the fallen as a young boy, pretending to be among the dead so the enemy soldiers would not target him next. When he made the deal with Sukuna, he had finally learned what it was like to be on the other side, to be the one causing the terror and death. From what he had observed as a boy and as a man, being able to retreat was what determined if you lived or died. So. Horses . Ryomen was familiar with horses, often sleeping with the hooved beasts in their stables during the winter because he had no other place to go. The horses Ryomen had now were descended from the original horses Ryomen had ridden into the many battles he waged. They were strong, loyal, and, most importantly, fast. His mind could rest easy knowing that his son would be able to escape if anything were to happen to Ryomen or Japan itself. 
And this paranoia did not worsen from the fact that his son was going to be starting public school soon. Nope. Ryomen was completely fine with that. 
I know. 
He was not a trusting person, and he could not afford to be one no matter how many allies he obtained. After the fateful meeting with the sorcerers, Ryomen had taken it upon himself to venture out in search of the peach seeds that held his son’s soul while training the young sorcerers while also raising his precious son while also also having to look after six powerful beasts and one grumpy curse. Needless to say, Ryomen was exhausted, but he did not trust Sukuna to handle things for him. Not anymore. There had been a strain on their relationship after Sukuna had revealed his many secrets at the meeting. For the sake of Yuuji, the boy who loved his father and uncle so much that he could not bear to be without either of them, they had worked things out. They had fought for centuries, so what was one more fight? That was the mindset Ryomen held in order to keep his temper under control. Yuuji should not have to see his loved ones fight. For the following weeks after the meeting, Ryomen and Sukuna tried their best to act civilly or ignore each other as much as they could. 
As time passed on, they had begun a ritual of sitting by the pond, neither speaking to the other. They would not talk, scream, or even whisper. They simply basked in the peaceful silence. One night, however, Sukuna looked at the man and broke the quiet they had become accustomed to. Instead of the expected insult or sneer, Sukuna had apologized to Ryomen for what he had done. His normally brash voice was soft and remorseful. 
‘I know how special Yuuji is to you, Ryomen. I should not have kept the information of his soul’s whereabouts from you, nor the existence of Kenjaku. I’m…I’m sorry. I should not have assumed it was alright to omit so many things about your son. I thought it would be easier to wait and focus on caring for Yuuji, but I was wrong.’
It had shocked Ryomen to his core when he had heard the curse’s apology. There were several facts about the world. The sky was blue. Ice was cold. Fire was hot. Infinite was annoying. And, the most important fact of all, Sukuna did not apologize . Ryomen had never heard the curse admit he was in the wrong before that night. He had wanted to hate Sukuna, but Ryomen could not bring himself to. Even when he knew that Sukuna was still hiding things from him, Ryomen did not hate him. His trust in him had diminished, that would never return, but he had accepted the apology. Sukuna and Ryomen shared the same body and soul. They could not leave the other even if they tried. Even if neither wanted to admit it, Sukuna and Ryomen were brothers. 
The next few years had been much easier than the first with the additional aid of the sorcerers. Even though Ryomen was doing far too much, he was happy to see his son thriving. He would be turning five in a few days, and Ryomen could not ignore that fact any longer. As much as he wanted to stay in the shrine, Ryomen knew he had to go out and purchase the gifts that Yuuji deserved. The boy had even written the shortest wishlist imaginable after Sukuna and Ryomen practically begged him to ask for something. However, most of the requested presents were for other people, but Ryomen knew it would break Yuuji’s heart if he did not respect his son’s wishes. There were only three things that Yuuji wanted for himself, and Ryomen would rather be burned alive again than not get Yuuji exactly what he wished for. 
Knowing that the trip to the city would take a while, Ryomen had reluctantly asked the sorcerers to come to the shrine earlier than expected. For the past three years, the sorcerers had developed a training regime that involved them coming to the shrine once a week or once a month if they had too many missions. Not all four could come at the same time due to their differing schedules. Their visitation was timed carefully as to not rouse suspicions from the sorcerer’s elders. Nanami, the supposedly strict and avid rule follower, was the most skilled at sneaking out and deceiving the higher-ups. He came up with an interchanging schedule that his group could use to make the sorcerers’ weekly outings seem innocent. Due to the unexpected timing for today, only one sorcerer could attend. It was surprisingly Gojo, the sorcerer who was the busiest of all, who could take care of Yuuji. However, Ryomen had a feeling that Gojo would have skipped out on any mission just to see Yuuji anyway. The white-haired man adored Yuuji, becoming another uncle that Yuuji loved. The two got along like two peas in a pod. 
There was one drawback. Gojo was able to visit, but he had to bring one of his children to the shrine. His adopted son, Fushiguro Megumi, had gotten suspended after a nasty fight in school (a fight he had won) and needed to stay with Gojo. Ryomen was about to refuse until Sukuna urged him to agree. It was strange that Sukuna was so passionate about allowing the older child to visit, but Ryomen had relented and agreed. In the end, the choice was the correct one as Yuuji had squealed and smiled brighter than the sun when he learned that he would be getting to meet a new person. 
There was still much to do for his son’s birthday preparations, so Ryomen shook himself out of his thoughts and wheeled his cart towards the frozen dessert section. Ryomen had a bit of a sweet tooth, though not nearly as severe as Gojo’s, and was delighted to see no one in the aisle. It was early after all. Too early for most people to buy ice cream. 
The Cyclop Cat Creamery was, in Ryomen’s opinion, the best ice cream manufacturer in the country. Many pints of their ice cream had helped Ryomen get through his worst nights. Nights that involved him watching shitty telenovelas or dramatic family comedies on the couch, bundled in a blanket, and crying with a spoon in his mouth. All to distract him from the constant worry and stress he felt. Sometimes, Boogie would join him on the dramas he watched, as long as it featured pop-idol Takada-chan. The man and dog tearing up at each rejection at a sakura tree, each confession at a sakura tree, each break-up in the rain or sakura tree, each desperate sprint through an airport, each admittance of moving away, and even each family member who randomly gets sick. Takada-chan’s movies always had at least one of those events. Though, it was more likely for her films to have all six. 
…So, yes. Ryomen consumed quite a lot of ice cream. 
At least, Yuuji adored the flavors they had as well. Even Sukuna, who ate meat almost exclusively, was fond of the frozen treats. 
Hurry up!
Be quiet! I’m the one who’s paying!
Sukuna grumbled within his mind. Due to the nature of their shared soul, Sukuna could not stay in the shrine when Ryomen left it. He had to stay with Ryomen whenever he went outside their home. It was another reason why Ryomen hated going out in public. The curse would never shut up within his mind, always finding something to complain about. Ryomen received many odd looks when he would respond to the entity in his head, and it took all his self-control to not snap at the humans. He was a single father with too much on his hands. He did not have the energy to deal with the fools who stared at him as if he was insane. Ryomen probably had several screws loose, but he did not enjoy other people thinking that!
The coolness of the freezer aisle helped soothe Ryomen’s nerves. He first picked out Yuuji’s favorite flavors: BLACK FLASH , a dark chocolate ice cream with strawberry and raspberry swirls and LEFT, RIGHT, GOODNIGHT, an ice cream with three separate flavors that included milk chocolate, vanilla bean, and honeycomb. The titles were…odd. But the ice cream was good enough for Ryomen to not care for once.
Buy more.
I plan on buying several pints already. 
Good. Make sure you have enough to feed an army.
I expect you to tell me why.
Fine. The brat and I will be having a competition to see who can consume the most frozen confectionaries. 
You mean an ice cream eating contest?
…Yes. It was on his birthday wish list…
Ryomen had to bite his lip to stifle a laugh. To anyone else, including Ryomen himself, Sukuna was the biggest asshole imaginable. Granted, Ryomen was as well, but his usual exhaustion hid his poor temperament. Sukuna was the type of person to push an elderly woman into oncoming traffic just because she asked for help crossing the road. An extreme example, yes, but it was great at showing Sukuna’s violent tendencies and astounding levels of pettiness. However, he was a completely different person with Yuuji. He would deny it constantly, but the curse was incredibly soft when it came to the boy. Ryomen shook his head with a small smile as he grabbed a few more pints. Once Sukuna deemed the amount of ice cream sufficient, Ryomen finally went for the flavor he had been waiting for for months.
At last! 
Just as his hand reached for the frozen dessert, another came and snatched the last pint of SPECIALZ DELIGHT before he could blink. It had happened so quickly that Ryomen’s mind needed a few seconds to process what had happened. 
With practiced ease, Ryomen ignored the unholy screeching within his head. He tried his best to have a pleasant smile on his face as he turned to the thief person. It was a middle-aged woman with streaky blond hair that was cut into a bob. Her makeup was slightly cakey from the excessive powder she likely used. She had several fake gemstones on her rings and bracelets. 
The woman looked at Ryomen with a disgusted scowl. “What.”
Sukuna’s creative swears and insults grew louder, causing Ryomen to suppress a grimace. He pointed at the pint the woman was holding. “I was about to grab that, miss. I know it’s the last one, but I’ve been waiting for the restock for months. You see, my son is having a-”
“I grabbed it first. Go find another pint for your son.” She pointed a gaudy pink nail at Ryomen. “I suggest looking at the clearance aisle, you people can’t afford this stuff anyway.”
Stay calm. Stay calm. STAY CALM . Ryomen breathed in deeply, his smile resembling a snarl more than anything else. “It’s for my son’s birthday. Surely, you can let go of the ‘finders keepers’ mentality since you are clearly not a child.”
“I don’t care about your damn spoiled brat of a son! This is mine! Go to some other store!”
“No.” Ryomen gave up on trying to be polite the second the crone insulted his son. The woman looked like she had just sucked on a lemon with how pinched her face got. 
“How dare you! Do you know who my husband is! I can have you arrested for this-”
“Do it.” Ryomen said coldly. The woman immediately froze. “I dare you.”
For a few moments, it seemed like the horrid lady was going to give up. However, she got over her brief lapse and scowled harder at Ryomen. “You people have no respect whatsoever! I’m going to call-”
“My people?” Ryomen asked with his fists clenched, already feeling them heat up. 
“Yes, you people! You damn activists that dye their hair and act like they're superior to everyone else!” The woman looked more like a tomato with how flushed her face became from anger. She stomped her foot like a child throwing a tantrum. “Leave us good people alone! I’m not giving you anything! Your stupid son can-”
It was as if the very air around them had gone still. The buzzing of the fluorescent lights could not be heard anymore nor the constant buzz of the refrigeration units. Finally, the woman realized the mistake she had just made. Her eyes grew wide with genuine terror as the man in front of her bore his piercing crimson eyes into her. For a second, it seemed like the tattoos beneath his eyes opened. She blinked hard, and the eyes disappeared along with the blood red gaze. Despite being in the freezer aisle, the atmosphere around them grew unbearably hot. This was the first time that anyone had ever scared her this much. Her hands began to shake as the towering figure came closer. 
Ryomen snatched the woman by the neck before she could utter a cry of help. He let his palms grow hot enough to burn. “The only reason that you’re still alive is because I have errands to do, so I can’t waste my time tossing your eviscerated corpse to the rats . Though, the rats don’t deserve such rotten meat. Perhaps the maggots would take you. They eat all worthless, putrid garbage after all.”
There was now blood streaming down the horrified woman’s neck as sharp claws pierced into her. She had dropped the pint, the reason for the argument, the second he grabbed her. Her hands pawed uselessly at the iron grip the pink-haired man seemed to have. 
“Your behavior is disgusting. If anyone behaves like they are above everyone else, it is you. You’re a rotten woman who no one will miss. I would say you have time to change your ways, but that would be a lie, wench. Now, get out of my sight.” Ryomen unceremoniously dropped the woman who collapsed onto the floor. Her neck was bleeding profusely and part of Ryomen wanted to let the old crone bleed out. However, his common sense kicked in. Leaving a dead body in a public supermarket would come back to bite him. Instead of slitting her through or turning her to ash, Ryomen begrudgingly healed her using his reverse cursed technique. His was not as refined as Sukuna’s, but it would do. After healing her, leaving no scrap of evidence behind, Ryomen picked up the tossed pint. He heard the hysterical sobs from the traumatized woman, but he did not acknowledge her whatsoever. 
Well done, Ryomen. Though, your outburst better not have melted our frozen confections!
“Shut up, Sukuna.”
If someone were to ask Satoru about wanting children as a teen, he would have laughed in the questioner’s face and mock the person for such a stupid question. ‘Hell no.’ He’d say. ‘Why would anyone want to take care of snot-nosed brats for the rest of their life?’ He’d jeer.
Well, his younger self could fuck off.
“I’m punching you next.” Megumi grouched from the backseat of the car. The eleven-year-old had gotten into a fight with several boys at recess. Based on his minimal injuries, Megumi had won the fight. The boys that had tried to gang-up on his boy were much worse for wear, bearing black eyes and broken noses and scratches that likely came from a protective demon dog. However, Megumi was cradling his right arm and would wince whenever the car went over a bump. There were little to no bruises or scuff marks on Megumi, but Satoru knew better than to ignore the risk of something internal occurring. 
After receiving a call from Megumi’s school, he had to ask Ijichi to drive him since it would be jarring if he warped there. The younger man agreed without fuss, sweating profusely as he readied the car. Despite his jittery nature, Ijichi’s skill behind the wheel was unmatched. It was the only time that Ijichi would appear calm and confident. Once they arrived, Satoru had to pretend that he cared for the feelings of the delinquents Megumi had injured and act like he was disappointed in Megumi. It could not be further from the truth, but Satoru needed to be a mature adult in front of the school’s principal. They had given no punishment to the group of boys that had initiated the fight, but had suspended Megumi for two weeks. The parents of the brats that had attacked Megumi tried to lecture Satoru on his parenting skills. He simply smiled at the morons, thanking them for the advice and assuring them that this wouldn’t happen again. If the school had not been the most secure place Satoru could find, he would have ripped those parents and the principal a new one. 
When Megumi and Satoru entered the car, the elder immediately burst into giggles. In his mind, Megumi was being punished for something minor. When Satoru was his age, he had done far worse things to others. Though, the fact that Satoru had been homeschooled meant that all his tutors were paid to deal with his preteen-self’s horrid attitude. He could get away with anything, but Megumi was not being taught by a private tutor. He went to a public school, and the school had rules. Perhaps suspension was warranted for the brutal beating Megumi had given the boys…Maybe. He needed the full story. Satoru had been trying to ask Megumi about what happened for the past ten minutes, but the boy refused to answer. 
As the scenery of office buildings and shopping districts changed to something far more rural, Megumi perked up considerably. His dark expression faded into one of curiosity. There were hundreds of questions brewing in the boy’s navy eyes. 
“Got something on your mind, Megs?” Satoru glanced at the boy.
Megumi huffed stubbornly, a trait he and the twins share. He tried to make his black hair cover his eyes, but it only made the boy look like he was pouting. Eventually, Megumi spoke. “Aren’t you gonna ground me?”
“I don’t think that was the question you wanted to ask.” Satoru teased.
“Just answer, Gojo.” Megumi demanded, though it lacked the normal fire the boy was known for. Despite how hard Megumi tried to appear apathetic or stoic, Gojo could read him like a book. The boy was nervous, likely believing that he was in deep trouble with his adoptive parent. He had a tension in his body that suggested that Megumi was expected to be struck or yelled at. It pained Satoru to see the boy struggle with the trauma his good-for-nothing father gave him. While Megumi never spoke of the first years of his life with Toji, Satoru could tell that it was anything but pretty. It left him with serious issues involving attachment, abandonment, and being more closed off than a clam. It made Satoru want to kill Toji for the second time. And a third. And a fourth-
He shook his head to rid himself of the murderous thoughts. Megumi was still awaiting a response, looking more uneasy than before. With a soft sigh, Satoru turned away, knowing that the boy hated prolonged eye contact. “I’m not mad at you, Megs. I would have done much worse in your shoes, but you showed restraint. You’re a smart kid, so I know that I don’t need to tell you not to do it again. Not because the bastards don’t deserve it, they did if you ask me. You know what you did wrong, and I know you like this school enough that you don’t want to be expelled. The principal is a jerk, sure, but I’ve seen how well the staff and teachers treat you.” 
“...You’re really not mad?” Megumi whispered, eyes wide. For once, he acted like the child he was supposed to be, which had become rarer and rarer over the years.  
“I’m not, Gumi. Promise.” The white-haired man only used the nickname when Megumi was in deep distress. It showed Megumi that Gojo was being sincere. As the road grew bumpier, made from dirt and not asphalt, Megumi’s curiosity returned. 
The preteen’s brow furrowed in the way that it always did when Megumi was thinking hard about something. “Where are we going?” 
“Remember the friends that Suguru and I visit every month?” 
“Yeah? What about them?”
“We’re going to visit them. They’re pretty reclusive, so that’s why you haven’t met them yet. They’re good people though. It’s thanks to them that Suguru doesn’t burn water when trying to boil it, heh. Anyways, an emergency popped up, and they had to leave immediately. Here’s the thing,” Satoru paused for dramatic effect, raising his index finger. The spiky-haired boy was listening with rapt attention and did not enjoy Satoru’s sudden stop. After several seconds of Megumi’s impatient glare, Satoru continued with a grin. “They have a son, and there was no one else available to take care of him. He’s four, but he’s as sweet as Tsumiki. Well behaved too. I know he is going to love having a new friend. The kid has no friends his age, so be nice to him. He also has… guard dogs that are really protective so do not summon your shikigami unless strictly necessary, ‘kay?” 
Silence followed as Megumi processed the information, analyzing every detail Satoru had provided. As the boy got lost in his thoughts, the road got even bumpier. Ijichi had driven this path several times, so he was able to smooth the ride enough for Megumi’s arm to not jostle. Satoru leaned back in the seat, taking out his phone and opening his favorite group chat. 
infinity3435: @everyone
infinity3435: omw to see yujiiiii with megs o(≧∇≦o)
infinity3435: jealous @curse_gobbler ? 
curse_gobbler: not particularly.
infinity3435: ur such a liar
curse_gobbler: stfu
infinity3435: make me (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)
lesbianmalpractice: can y’all not be gay for once
infinity3435: nope  。◕‿◕。
curse_gobbler: no.
curse_gobbler: are u homophobic shoko?
lesbianmalpractice: only when it comes to you two.
infinity3435: wow ಥ_ಥ
lesbianmalpractice: the more fucking emoticons you use the more homophobic i’m gonna get
infinity3435: (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
Nanami.Kento: I thought that we established that this group chat was for emergencies only.
infinity3435: it is
infinity3435: telling you guys that i get to hang out with yuuji today while you guys are stuck doing boring shit is an emergency
infinity3435: very important info
lesbianmalpractice: ur such a dick
infinity3435: u love me tho (◕‿◕✿)  
lesbianmalpractice: not at all
infinity3435: (◕╭╮◕✿)
curse_gobbler: lmao
curse_gobbler: says who?
infinity3435: says your loving partner of 84 yrs
curse_gobbler: satoru neither of us are even close to being that old. you need to stop watching titanic so much
Nanami.Kento: Well, Gojo-san does have the white hair most elderly are plagued with. It is possible that he has fooled us all with his age. Perhaps that is why he acts so childish, it’s to throw us off. 
infinity3435: NANAMI HOW COULD U? ┗( T﹏T )┛
lesbianmalpractice: HAH
infinity3435: u guys are so mean (இ﹏இ`。)
lesbianmalpractice: ╭∩╮(╹◡╹)
infinity3435: SHOKO 
lesbianmalpractice: ─=≡Σᕕ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ
curse_gobbler: (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)
infinity3435: ALRIGHT QUIT IT 
Nanami.Kento: ୧༼ ºل͜º ༽ºل͜º ༽୨༼ ºل͜º ༽╭∩╮
infinity3435: WTF NANAMI
lesbianmalpractice: YES NANAMI
Nanami.Kento: Apologies if I used it incorrectly. I am not accustomed to this type of text.
curse_gobbler: u used it perfectly. couldn’t done it better myself
lesbianmalpractice: ^
lesbianmalpractice: @infinity3435 that’s what u get for shoving the fact that you get to see yuuji in our faces
curse_gobbler: ^
curse_gobbler: i’ve had to exorcize almost thirty curses and now im omw to excorcize more 
lesbianmalpractice: and i’ve been at the morgue all day 
infinity3435: sucks 4 u
Nanami.Kento: At least, the three of us do not have to spend extra time with Infinite. Even if Yuuji-kun and Megumi-kun are present, Infinite never misses an opportunity to train you. And, frankly, beating the shit out of you. 
infinity3435: HEY
Nanami.Kento: Now, please stop spamming this messaging forum. I have work to do. 
Nanami.Kento: Please tell Yuuji-kun that I said hello. 
lesbianmalpractice: goddamn i forgot how brutal nanami could be
cursed_gobbler: mhm
cursed_gobbler: well, i’ll follow nanami’s lead and log off. my train is almost at its stop anyway
lesbianmalpractice: yeah i gotta perform another autopsy soon
lesbianmalpractice: send pics of the little guys satoru
infinity3435: i will 
infinity3435: someway or another i’m gonna have megs and yuuji have a photoshoot 
curse_gobbler: good luck with that
curse_gobbler: you better send them 
infinity3435: you got it shnookums ( ˘ ³˘)♥
curse_gobbler: delete that this instant
infinity3435: no~
“I’m totally gonna start calling him that from now on.” Satoru giggled to himself. He put his phone in his pocket after turning it off. Now, the man could see that they had reached the expansive land of the ranch Ryomen… acquired . Using the rearview mirror, Satoru got to observe Megumi's smile as the boy pressed his face against the window like an excited child. The spiky-haired boy was none the wiser to Satoru’s stare, so he had dropped the indifferent front he tried so hard to keep. It warmed Satoru’s heart whenever Megumi acted like the eleven-year-old boy he was. 
Nothing made Megumi come out of his shell as effectively as animals. He watched the herds of cattle and sheep graze calmly on grass like it was the most intriguing thing in the world. The boy would also look at the many chickens across the lot with rapt attention, he had even unbuckled his seatbelt at this point to be as close to the window as possible. Both Ijichi and Satoru looked at Megumi with a fondness that anyone who knew the grumpy child would feel. After a few more minutes of driving, the house at the center of the ranch was visible. Several horses could be seen relaxing or grazing on the untrimmed yard. When the car made its way to the unmarked driveway, the horses made no move to run. The small herd had horses of various breeds and sizes with the largest towering over the car Ijichi was driving. In fact, it was the largest horse Satoru had ever seen. It was a deep, black color with white hair pooling around its hooves. Based on how it dwarfed the other horses, it was well over three meters tall. Based on the familiar crimson markings around its snout and eyes, Ryomen had likely given the horse considerable amounts of cursed energy to make it so large. Despite its imposing size, it did not appear to care about the presence of the newcomers whatsoever while the rest of the herd was watching them curiously. Satoru could not help but be reminded of Sukuna from the giant horse’s laziness. 
Whenever Satoru and the others were summoned for training, Infinite would appear before them and warp them to the shrine. He had no idea when or even how the damn bird knew where he, Suguru, Shoko, and Nanami lived. Infinite just did and would give whichever sorcerer he visited a heart attack. Wanting to delay Megumi’s meeting with Infinite as much as possible had led Satoru to request to go to the ranch Ryomen had spoken about. The pink-haired man had been ready to refuse before Sukuna convinced him otherwise, agreeing with Satoru that Megumi should not know what teleporting with Infinite felt like if he didn’t need to. Satoru was fine with warping himself and Megumi to the shrine. The ranch and shrine were over an hour apart, but Satoru could care less. He would deal with the migraine that came after warping a considerable distance easily. Ryomen had allowed Sukuna and Infinite to disable the many wards around the temple’s radius. It would be a temporary hold for Satoru to teleport to the shrine without issue, but the older man warned that the wards would reactivate soon and too not dawdle. 
“This is our stop.” Satoru said, unbuckling his seatbelt before stretching his lanky limbs. In the backseat, Megumi was still gaping at the horses in front of them. He gave Ijichi several hundred dollar bills as thanks, causing the younger to sputter and sweat. As an assistant director, Satoru knew that Ijichi was being overworked as much as the most talented sorcerers. There was so little staff that Ijichi had to do the work of at least ten people every day. He was treated with far less respect than sorcerers and expected to do much more work. Because of his younger age, the elders worked Ijichi harder than anyone else, like he was a dog. Yes, Ijichi did not put his life on the line to fight curses, but the higher-ups were giving their best shot at working assistants like Ijichi to death. It pissed off Satoru immensely. If it was not for Suguru, who was ninety-nine percent of his impulse control, he would have happily murdered those in charge of the assistant directors. Ijichi tried to give the money back, but Satoru remained firm. Eventually, he glared at the man. “Take the cash or else .”
It was an empty, vague threat, but it did its job. Ijichi yelped and bowed his head in thanks and accepted the money, blushing furiously. “Thank you, Gojo-san.”
“Don’t mention it. I know the geezers barely pay you a liveable wage. You need it.” Satoru allowed his cheerful front to drop for a moment. The assistant’s eyes were as wide as saucers from the sorcerer’s kind words. Not wanting to dwell on any thoughts involving the elders, Satoru gave his infamous shit-eating grin. “You better buy me something with that~”
Ijichi nodded frantically. As Satoru helped Megumi with his things, the tired assistant gave a small, grateful smile towards the older sorcerer before pulling out of the driveway and leaving. 
“Your friends are cursed users aren’t they?” Megumi said the second Ijichi’s car was out of sight. 
His abrupt words caused Satoru to choke on his own spit. “How did you- I mean- NO. They aren’t. Uh. They’re sorcerers. Good guys. Super duper nice. They’re harmless…” Satoru began to ramble as Megumi gazed at him with an unimpressed look. Dammit. The kid is too smart for his own good. He had planned to tell Megumi the truth in the safety of the shrine, but his cover was already blown. Ijichi had not been told the reasons as to why he had to drive to a random farm, so Satoru could not say anything in the car. It wasn’t that he distrusted Ijichi, he knew the man was loyal to Yaga and his friends far more than the higher-ups. Even so, the less people that knew about Sukuna and the cursed souls meant less chances of being caught. Ryomen would only allow so much information to be spread. Even Yaga was left in the dark as to where his previous students went. Deciding to bite the bullet, Gojo turned towards his son. He held out his hand, which Megumi begrudgingly took, and led him into the house. Two horses walked up to the pair, likely the youngest of the herd. It was a young filly and colt. The filly had a ginger coat, and she was clearly the more dominant of the two. On the other hand, the colt with strawberry blond fur tried to shove his snout into Megumi’s unoccupied hand. As if knowing the hand was injured, the young horse was incredibly gentle, sniffing at the boy’s fingers. The more prideful female did not get as close, but she was interested in whatever Megumi had in his backpack. 
Megumi had a small grin on his face as he went to pet the colt’s snout, much to the horse’s delight. “I don’t think a sorcerer would ever live this far out in the country. They’re needed in the city far too much. If a curse user wanted to stay hidden, they’d live in a place like this.” The boy’s deduction was correct. For a moment, Satoru basked in the pride of how intelligent his boy was. It made it impossible to hide things from Megumi, but Satoru could not help but be proud. 
“You hit the nail on the head, Megs.” Satoru watched carefully for any signs in Megumi’s posture that would indicate if the boy was fearful of meeting cursed users. When he found nothing, he huffed in amusement and ruffled Megumi’s hair. “You’re such a smart cookie!”
“Quit it!” Megumi snatched the hand in Satoru’s hold to swat at the much taller male. The ginger filly whinnied loudly at the two, almost like she was laughing. “See? Even the horses can see how annoying you are!”
“Oh, the pain! To be betrayed by my own flesh and blood! After all the hours I spent bringing you into the world!” He placed a hand on his forehead in fake agony. 
“We aren’t related! And you are not my mom!” Megumi growled with a fierce glare. However, it only made the boy look more like a hissing kitten in Satoru’s eyes.
“So mean!” 
They spent a few more moments with the horses until Satoru finally lead Megumi towards the inside of the house. The door hinges creaked loudly from lack of care. There was a scent of dust all around, but the house was relatively clean. The living room they were standing in was mostly barren, save for a ratty couch and worn chairs. Storage containers could be seen in every corner, organized in a system only Ryomen knew. Gojo knew better than to mess with any of the containers. 
Megumi had gone quiet again, observing the house. 
Eventually, he spoke up. “Your friends don’t live here, do they?”
“They don’t, but no one can disclose the location of their home. I made a binding vow along with the others to not reveal where their place is.” Gojo gestured towards the old home. “This is a middle ground of sorts. It’s safe if others know its location, that’s why Ijichi knew where to go.”
“But if we’re here, then how are we going to get to your friend’s house?” Megumi asked with a frown. The gears in his head were turning as he attempted to figure out the answer. Gojo could practically see the steam coming out of his nose. 
Satoru placed a hand on Megumi’s shoulder, kneeling to be at eye level with the boy. “I know you don’t like it, but we’ll be warping there. The place has countless wards and seals installed so no one can enter. It’s temporarily disabled, so we can travel there without issue. Warping is the only way.” At the idea of teleporting, Megumi shuddered. It was so disorientating, many had asked Satoru how he never experienced the effects of his teleportation. However, Satoru did feel the nauseating sensations that came with warping, he had just gotten used to it after years of practice. Besides teleporting, Satoru knew there was something more important to discuss with Megumi. “It won’t be too bad, Megs, I promise. But there is another thing-”
“Is it about the guard dogs you made up?”
“Damn, you're on a roll, kid.” Satoru muttered, mildly impressed. He pretended to not notice how Megumi’s little chest puffed up. With his knees beginning to hurt, Satoru decided to sit down, Megumi following suit. He pulled out his phone and opened a private album of photos that no one was allowed to see. There was even a passcode to the photo album. Satoru held out his arm in invitation, and Megumi climbed into his lap. Any embarrassment he would have felt was ignored for the boy’s need to learn more. Satoru pulled up a photo that he knew Megumi would enjoy. “You’re right, they aren’t guard dogs. Though, they still perform the same purpose of protecting my friend’s son. They’re called cursed souls. I’m sure you’ve heard of them, considering how much you like to sneak into Suguru’s study.”
“It’s his fault he didn’t invest in good locks.” Megumi defended. The preteen shifted his attention to the photo and immediately had to bite his lip to not burst out laughing. It was a picture of Nanami, but it depicted the man in a way Megumi had never seen before. To start, Nanami was not wearing his signature glasses and suit. He had on a loose, blue tank top and black joggers that were covered in sweat and mud. The normally stoic sorcerer had his eyes wide, looking behind him. He looked like he was shouting at someone with how his head turned and mouth opened. His well kempt hair was an utter mess. He was clearly being chased by something. It reminded Megumi of the many silly chase scenes he had seen in the cartoons he watched periodically with Mimiko. 
The ones responsible for chasing the blonde were three of the strangest creatures Megumi had ever seen. 
It was true that he had snuck into Getou’s study multiple times, but there was not as much information as Megumi hoped. It was mostly boring paperwork that Megumi did not care about. The treasures he did find were more interesting than any nature documentary. Getou had several drawings and notes describing beings called cursed souls. He had wanted to take the papers and read them in his room, but he knew that Getou was as observant as Gojo. He knew there were more details, they just were not in the study. Any items like textbooks or documents were likely hidden within Getou’s inventory curse. Megumi hated the ugly worm. Whenever he got his phone or remote to his television taken away, Getou would put it into the worm for safekeeping. Megumi knew he could not ask Getou about cursed souls without tattling on himself. From what little he managed to read on cursed souls, Megumi knew that they behaved differently from cursed spirits, they were powerful, they were unpredictable, and Getou hated the one that looked like a bird. 
He recognized the three cursed souls chasing Nanami from Getou’s sketches. Getou normally enjoyed drawing the many curses he encountered or consumed, so Megumi was not surprised that he would make sketches of these strange entities. One of them was a purple cat that had long, black spikes shooting from its back. It was the closest to catching Nanami, but the cat had a playful expression on its fluffy face. It had no intention of actually attacking Nanami. Behind the cat, there was a behemoth of a dog following with its tongue lolling out of its mouth. Concealing the canine’s face was a skull that could not belong to any animal on earth. To start, The top of the skull was jagged and uneven, as if there used to be horns that had been broken off, and seemingly fused into the dog’s face. It was wide enough to cover the canine’s wide features. Additionally, there were two tusks that curled upwards from the upper jaw. When Megumi saw the bottom jaw, he lost all hope of trying to identify the skull. It was bisected with jagged teeth throughout. It allowed the real mouth of the canine to move freely. Besides the haunting skull and strang fur pattern, it looked like an ordinary dog. A massive one, but still a dog. From the slobber on Nanami’s face, it seemed that the canine had given the blonde many kisses. Megumi’s demon dogs did not produce slobber, so their licks were exponentially less messy. The boy could not help but snicker at the image of Nanami being tackled by an overexcited puppy the size of a bear. 
The third creature had no animalistic features whatsoever, a stark contrast to the first two. Megumi turned to Gojo, a question on his lips. Before he could speak, Gojo answered for him. 
“The last one looks like Nanami, huh?” 
“Yeah. Did it copy Nanami or something?”
“Sort of.” Gojo pointed a finger at the last cursed soul. It had several spotted wrappings reaching towards Nanami. The left side of it looked like it was on fire while the rest of its body resembled a mummy. Its lower half reminded Megumi of a serpent. All the wrappings were identical to the ones Nanami used on his blunt sword. The cursed soul even had an altered version of Nanami’s glasses. When he looked closer, Megumi realized that the creature was wearing a second pair of glasses on top of its head. Likely Nanami’s. Gojo’s voice broke the boy out of his musings. “I’ll tell you everything when we get there, okay? If we wait any longer, the wards are going to reactivate.”
Megumi nodded, hundreds of questions swimming in his mind. He felt Gojo pick him up and instinctually wrapped his arms around the elder’s neck. The boy prepared himself for the unpleasantness that came with warping. Gojo gave the boy a squeeze, a nonverbal warning that he was about to teleport. He closed his eyes.
He felt the world around them shift and change. It felt like going on an elevator that was going too fast yet too slow at the same time. The elevator moved up and down, right and left, everywhere and nowhere. 
Then they were somewhere. 
“We’re here! You can open your eyes, kid.” Gojo said reassuringly. When the dizziness and nausea faded, Megumi was placed onto the ground. 
This wasn’t a house. 
It was a temple. 
Megumi was about to demand where the hell Gojo had taken him, but was stopped by a pink blur tackling him to the ground. As the boy’s mind processed what had happened, he went to yell at the jerk who slammed into him. However, any anger Megumi had vanished as he locked eyes with his assailant, who was giving him the biggest smile Megumi had ever seen. 
The younger pink boy wrapped like a koala around Megumi pulled away for a moment. “Hi! I’m Yuuji! I’m so happy to meet you!!!”
Somehow, Megumi just knew his suspension would not be as bad as he thought. 
If he was being honest with himself, Sukuna did not expect Megumi and Yuuji to be nearly as close as they used to be in this world. 
He had never been more wrong. 
Having Yuuji and Megumi meet was one of the best decisions Sukuna had ever made. Even Ryomen had begrudgingly admitted how grateful he was for Yuuji’s new friend. With a friend that was actually a child and not an adult or ancient curses, Yuuji blossomed. The amount of nightmares that Yuuji had had diminished greatly due to Megumi’s calming presence. 
Sukuna had not anticipated the bond between the two to be as strong as it was. Instead of being the same age, Megumi was roughly six years older than Yuuji now. It made sense back then for the two teenagers to befriend each other. Two teens had similar issues to relate to and were capable of having a balanced dynamic. Through Yuuji, Sukuna had seen how much the boys cared for each other. It had been something that Sukuna could take advantage of, and he did . He expected Megumi and Yuuji to be acquaintances at best in this time. Megumi was someone who was aloof and preferred to be alone. He did not seem like the type to be fond of children. He wasn’t.
But he was fond of Yuuji. 
Instead of ignoring the younger boy, Megumi had more or less decided that Yuuji was his little brother from now on. He was patient with Yuuji, helping him with preparing for kindergarten. Without any sign of the grouchiness Megumi was known for, he would explain the subject of Yuuji’s lesson in a way the boy could understand. It had been quite difficult for Ryomen when he was teaching Yuuji about reading, writing, and colors. Yuuji became distracted easily, often retreating into his own mind or daydreaming. Ryomen had never had the opportunity to teach Yuuji in things like literacy during their life in the Heian Era. The man had to prioritize on not having Yuuji starve or freeze to death every day. He enjoyed teaching Yuuji in the beginning, but soon realized he was out of his league. Ryomen himself had never been allowed to study in his previous life, learning how to survive instead of how to read. It was Sukuna who had taught Ryomen the basics. However, Sukuna’s teaching style was much less gentle. His tactics involved threatening Ryomen about ‘chopping off your dumbass head if you don’t memorize these damn kanji’. Among other threats of bodily harm or cannibalism. Megumi was the complete opposite. He tutored Yuuji without a hint of difficulty, no threats of eating his student alive whatsoever! Sukuna was slightly envious.
As a result of Megumi’s lessons, Yuuji felt more confident than ever about entering kindergarten. 
“Sukuna, are you sure-”
“Yes, Ryomen.”
“What if I-”
“ NO .”
“You’re a dick”
For Ryomen’s sake, they had agreed on having Yuuji start kindergarten at age six. The extra year had helped Yuuji be at the level he needed to be for school. If it wasn’t for Megumi’s tutelage, Yuuji would be incredibly behind academically. The many hours Megumi spent with Yuuji made the younger one stick to the preteen like glue. Whenever Megumi visited, Yuuji would follow him around their home like a duckling. Megumi did not seem to mind Yuuji’s clinginess, happily including Yuuji in whatever he was doing. He would talk about what he did at school and his older sisters the most. When he would speak about going to restaurants or shopping trips with his family, the longing in Yuuji’s eyes could be seen as clear as day. The boy had never gotten to know the pleasures childhood had to offer. However, Yuuji did not become angry like Ryomen or Sukuna anticipated. The child had every right to be upset, scream, or through a fit. Even so, Yuuji did not. Yuuji simply became…sad. He would ask a few questions about the outside world to Ryomen or Sukuna and would go quiet after they answered. Yuuji would nod his head before sitting on the backyard porch, Supernova usually settling in his lap. 
Sukuna could not stand the ‘kicked-puppy’ look in Yuuji’s eyes any longer. After many arguments that involved flames and blood, Sukuna had forced Ryomen to agree to letting Yuuji visit Megumi’s house for a few hours. Gojo and Getou had enthusiastically agreed, promising that nothing would happen to the boy. The guardians were not pleased at all. Only Supernova could accompany Yuuji due to his ability to shrink. It was impossible to hide away something as large as Infinite. The guardians’ forms were not discreet whatsoever. At least, Supernova could hide away in Yuuji’s backpack or hoodie. 
They had needed the boy to leave the temple for a reason. Yuuji’s first day of school was tomorrow, so Sukuna thought that a celebration was in order. It had been Gojo that had suggested a surprise party. The limitless user had bought gaudy decorations and entire boxes of Cyclop Cat Creamery desserts for the party. After seeing the competition Yuuji had had with Sukuna, Gojo demanded another contest. Yuuji had been too exhausted after his eventful birthday to have the ice cream eating competition he wished for. His fifth birthday ended with Sukuna and Yuuji eating their bowls sleepily. At the thought of a proper contest, Yuuji had perked up. Gojo and Yuuji talked endlessly about the competition and what they would do. Their energy was overwhelming to say the least. 
“Shit. I melted one again.” Ryomen grumbled. 
“Then let me handle the rest. You need to calm the hell down.” Sukuna responded without looking up from the table he was setting up. 
Even though Yuuji would be gone for less than a day, it was still the first time that Yuuji would be leaving the shrine. The boy could not contain his excitement when he was told the news. It was an important milestone for Yuuji. He would be leaving the safety of the shrine. Despite knowing that nothing will happen to Yuuji with the two strongest sorcerers by his side, Ryomen had never felt more terrified in his life. Sukuna had wanted to yell at Ryomen to shut up, but the trembling in Ryomen’s body stopped him. 
Their shared soul told Sukuna everything Ryomen was not willing to say. 
It wasn’t that Ryomen was a controlling parent and freaking out about his child being out of his grasp. Not at all. Ryomen encouraged Yuuji to make his own decisions and be his own person. He did not want to hold his son back. However, leaving the shrine was different. Ryomen now knew that Kenjaku and the disaster curses were out there. Sure, Kenjaku’s plan would not occur in another few years, but nothing was stopping the curses from harming Yuuji. Kenjaku did not need a plan to hurt his son. The fact that Kenjaku could disguise themselves as anyone in the country without detection made things worse. 
Sukuna saw the haunted look in Ryomen’s eyes. He was grasping a pint of ice cream so tightly that the carton had popped. The pain of flames and grief within their soul gave insight into where Ryomen’s mind was. It was the day the Ryomen had been burned alive with his deceased son in his grasp. The son that a healer had tried to take away and toss into a mass grave. The day that Ryomen left his humanity in the ashes of the village that he had once grown up in. 
The curse himself had seen the event firsthand. Sukuna had seen the soul-crushing agony Ryomen had felt when he realized that his son was not coming back. That type of pain could not be forgotten. Sukuna could still remember the scent of burning flesh and the sound of guttural howls from a man shattered by the cruelty of the world. Ryomen had never been the same, no one would remain unchanged after such an event. However, Sukuna had seen Ryomen’s normal concern for Yuuji begin to revert to the terror the man had felt centuries ago. 
That man would burn the entire world if his son was harmed and not be satisfied even after everything was destroyed. 
That man could not return. 
“Ryomen, go back inside. Watch your shitty television shows with Boogie and cry out the shit in your head.” Sukuna did not phrase it as a suggestion, but as an order. 
The man jolted at the curse’s sharp words. “What about the-”
“I’ll handle it. Go.” Sukuna spoke tiredly. He pinched the bridge of his nose before rubbing his face with a groan. “Yuuji will be back in an hour. I doubt he wants his father on the verge of a meltdown at a celebration meant for him.”
No rebuttal came from Ryomen. He was hesitant to leave until Boogie gently tugged on Ryomen’s hand with his teeth. The dog whined pleadingly for the man to listen. Ryomen resisted for a few seconds before giving in. He glanced at Sukuna, the bags under his eyes more pronounced than they had been in years. “Thanks, Sukuna.”
“Don’t mention it. Ever .” 
“Wasn’t planning to.” The pink-haired man ruffled Boogie’s fluffy mane. Immediately, the dog’s large tail began wagging so quickly that it became a blur. Supernova and Boogie had always been the closest to Ryomen. The purple feline helped Ryomen immensely during Yuuji’s infancy and continued to give his father useful insight on Yuuji’s wellbeing. Whenever Ryomen was overwhelmed after a stressful day or was being haunted by the horrors of his past, Supernova would leave Yuuji’s side, as long as it was safe, to keep the man company. Normally, the breakdowns, anxiety attacks, and other episodes that Ryomen suffered from occurred in the dead of night. Sukuna had no idea how to help, but Supernova somehow did. He would place himself on Ryomen’s chest and begin to purr and knead his paws, allowing Ryomen to pet his silky fur as much as he wanted. Sukuna would always be nearby as silent support, but it was Supernova that did most of the work. Boogie was the one that made Ryomen let loose. The mastiff was the most energetic of the guardians and was one of the few things that can tire an energetic Yuuji out. Especially a Yuuji with a sugar rush . His jovial energy was contagious to Ryomen. When Boogie wasn’t making Ryomen chase him or wrestle, the dog was Ryomen’s movie partner in the shitty dramas he watched. Sukuna had caught the two sleeping on the couch after a binge countless times, a puffy eyed Ryomen using a snoring Boogie as a blanket and pillow. 
It seemed that the guardians helped more than just Yuuji. 
Sukuna knew he would never be the subject of their concern, and he had accepted that. The cursed souls would not attack Sukuna like they did when they had first met, Yuuji would burst into tears if he saw the way Sukuna and the guardians hurt each other. Over the years, the guardians were mostly indifferent towards Sukuna and kept their distance. Infinite would still find new ways to make Sukuna’s days worse, but the bird did not give Sukuna hallucinations anymore. He would take Infinite’s pettiness over his psychic torment any day. 
At least, they were useful today. Without Yuuji, the guardians were lost on what to do. They were restless. Even though they had the perfect opportunity to attack Sukuna, they decided to aid him with the party. It was only for Yuuji’s sake. Infinite made it his personal mission to remind Sukuna of their dislike. The draconic bird would peck Sukuna with his sharp beak and then pretend that he had done nothing. Currently, Infinite had his beak shoved into the pint of ice cream Ryomen had dropped. His lengthy body was tangled in part streamers, but the entity did not care enough to remove them. Overtime slapped Infinite, causing him to squawk in offense, before taking the pint. The mummy used his wrappings to clean up the mess Infinite had made of himself. With Overtime occupied with Infinite, the two remaining guardians had to take on his workload. Resonance had placed herself in charge of decorations and would raise a razor-sharp nail threateningly at anyone who tried to interfere. The roses she conjured were quite beautiful, so Sukuna didn’t mind. 
“Don’t even think about it.” Sukuna growled. 
Chimera had been assisting with the chairs and supplies needed for the competition. However, the inky entity had apparently finished due to the fact that the being was now trying to sick his wretched frogs on Sukuna. Chimera clicked harshly in response, green eyelights narrowing. When his eyelights went to shift into another shikigami, Sukuna growled again. While Infinite was obvious with his hatred, Chimera’s ire with Sukuna was much more subtle. He would summon his frog shikigami the second Sukuna’s back was turned and release the frog the second someone was watching. Chimera’s gama frogs were a pain to deal with. They were not as dangerous as Nue or his demon dogs, but they were annoying. If Chimera was lucky, he would have a frog shoot its tongue directly into Sukuna’s ear. He had been successful a handful of times, and Sukuna remembered each one very well. 
A distorted warble came from Chimera as he stared down Sukuna. Eventually, Chimera’s hatred was put aside, knowing that Yuuji would be upset if his uncle was hurt. Despite not having any facial features besides his eyelights, Chimera appeared to be scowling fiercely. He shrunk into his smaller form, a sea-urchin blob of malcontent, and went underneath a table. 
This was going to be the longest hour in Sukuna’s life. 
The crisp air provided by the spring breeze in combination with the warm sun made it the perfect time to eat something cold. Many people were likely partaking in eating their favorite frozen desserts on such a nice day. 
One such family was indulging in the need for an ice-cold treat. However, what should have been a relaxing time spent with others had turned into an all out war. 
“QUIT CHEATING, SUGURU!” A man with white hair and dark sunglasses barked. It was Gojo Satoru, the person known for his sweet tooth, and he was being beaten by his partner. 
Suguru Getou, a sorcerer with a technique that forced him to eat the most vile objects in existence, chuckled. He had just finished his third bowl while Satoru was still on his first. In a sickly sweet voice, Suguru crooned to his boyfriend. “I’m not cheating, darling. You’re just being a sore loser. Even Yuuji is miles ahead of you.”
The boy mentioned perked up from his name being called. His cheeks were full of ice cream, making the child resemble a hamster. Five bowls were stacked next to him and he was already halfway through his sixth. His honey eyes sparkled with glee as he nodded to Suguru, mouth still full. When the boy swallowed, the other adults at the table watched for signs of discomfort, but Yuuji did not even flinch. 
“WHAT?! YUUJI-KUN! ARE YOU JUST IMMUNE TO BRAIN FREEZE?!!” Gojo exclaimed with wide eyes. 
Instead of seeing who could eat the most ice cream at once, the competition centered around who will get the infamous ‘brain freeze’ that comes with consuming something cold. If the competition had been based on the former, then Gojo would win without question. However, the sorcerer had to take miniscule bites to prevent his head from aching. Gojo Satoru was notorious for many things. Being the strongest sorcerer in the modern era, being the first person in five hundred years to inherit the Six Eyes and Limitless, being the fastest person on the planet, being a skilled mathematician and physicist, among many other things. One of said things was the fact that Gojo Satoru had NO tolerance for frozen sweets. His mind was always running one hundred miles per hour, so his brain was vulnerable to experiencing a brain freeze. It was ridiculously easy to make Gojo have a brain freeze. Due to this, Gojo was trying to eat as slowly as possible to prevent it…But-
It didn’t work. 
“Gojo! You’re out!” An older boy with black, spiky hair and a megaphone announced from his seat on a lounge chair. Beside him were the first contestants that had lost, Nanami and Shoko. Though, neither person wanted to participate in the contest, so they forfeited after one round. Now, the pair were relaxing on identical lounge chairs the boy was sitting on, a bowl of their preferred flavor in their hands. Each had sunglasses and a matching smirk. 
The man in his twenties pouted, but left the ‘podium’. “Fine, but I’m gonna be the announcer! You suck at it, Megs!”
“I do not!” Megumi shouted, holding the megaphone to his chest. 
“Yeah! Fushi is the best announcer!” Yuuji defended his friend without hesitation. He pointed his messy spoon at Gojo with a frown. “Don’t be a meanie!”
“See! Yuuji said I’m better, so go away!” Megumi made a shooing motion with his hands.
Gojo shook his head with a frown before disappearing. He reappeared behind Megumi’s chair with a microphone in hand, causing the preteen to seemingly jump out of his skin. Wrapping an arm around his son’s shoulder, Gojo smiled devilishly. “We’ll be a tag team then! I’ll do the cool stuff and you do the boring stuff.”
Knowing that Gojo would not take no as an answer, Megumi just rolled his eyes. “Ugh. Fine.”
“Aw, you’re so sweet, Megs!” Gojo cooed before kissing his son’s cheek with an obnoxious ‘MWAH!’ 
Megumi looked like he had been stabbed. When he touched his cheek, his pale skin adopted a twinge of green. “You got ice cream on me, you jerk!”
Instead of responding, Gojo just stuck out his tongue cheekily. As Gojo approached the podium that was really two tables stuck together with a cloth on top, he raised the microphone to his lips. When he spoke, he sounded identical to a sports announcer. “Welcome folks to the most intense competition you will ever see! We pitted several champions against each other to determine who has the Toughest Brain in Japan!” He turned to his son with a flourish. “My fellow commentator, Megumi, will inform us on the rules of the game!”
For a moment, Megumi stayed silent while glowering at Gojo. Eventually, he caved in with a sigh and began to speak in a monotone voice. “You have to eat ice cream until the timer runs out or we run out of pints. Whoever gets a brain freeze is out. The person who lasts the longest without getting one is the winner with the thickest head, I guess.” 
“Indeed! Let’s look at our leaderboard. Tied for dead last are Nanami and Shoko! Who quit after one round to laze around like old people!” Gojo pointed at the aforementioned forfeiters. Neither reacted to their friend’s overdramatics. However, Shoko flipped the taller one off without looking away from her bowl. After Gojo finished teasing the two, he approached the table. He leaned down to the man sitting next to Yuuji. “It seems that Ryomen is the closest to being out! How are you doing, champ?”
The only answer Gojo got from Ryomen was a groan. His head was pressed against the surface on the table. Beside his head was a bowl of melted ice cream. “Trying to drink it was a mistake.” Ryomen’s muffled voice slurred. His hands were wrapped around his stomach in pain. Groggily, he lifted his head to try eating more, but gave up. “Yeah, I’m done.”
Yuuji patted sticky hands around his father’s broad back. “Papa, you gotta keep going! You can do it!” 
“Honey, if Papa keeps going, Papa is going to hurl.” Ryomen said, face still planted on top of the table. However, his words did not placate his son. It had the opposite effect. With determination in his golden eyes, Yuuji shook Ryomen harder. The boy’s inhuman strength accidentally made the entire table shake. 
“You can do it, Papa! I believe in you! You’re super duper strong! Your fire powers can just go FWOO and then HYOI! BRAIN FREEZE HAS NOTHING ON THAT, PAPA!” Yuuji said encouragingly. And loudly. Very loudly. “DO FWOO HOI, DAD! FWOO, HYOI!”
From her seat, Shoko cackled. “Kid’s gotta a point! Fwoo, hyoi is the way to go!”  
Gojo and Getou sent her a withering glare. 
Shoko grinned.
Ryomen groaned. “Yuuji, honey, not so loud. Inside voice-”
“But we’re outside?” The pink-haired boy cocked his head, confused. 
“Then use your Don’t-Make-Papa’s-Ears-Bleed voice.” Ryomen pleaded. He willfully ignored the mocking laughter from the four armed curse next to him. 
Finally noticing how terrible his father looked, Yuuji quietened. “Okay, Papa.”
“Thank you, son.” 
“Does your tummy hurt?”
“Yes, Yuu.”
“Oh! Do you need the orange tea that you give me when my tummy hurts?”
“Not right now, hun.”
“What about hot cocoa? It makes me feel better because it’s so yummy!”
At the thought of consuming another sweet, Ryomen sprang out of his seat with a hand on his mouth. He breathed deeply for a few moments until his stomach settled. Looking like he had completed a marathon, Ryomen panted. “Papa is gonna join the loser’s spot. Beat your uncle for me, alright?” 
Fortunately, his request halted any further questions Yuuji had. Without Ryomen in between them, Yuuji and his uncle could see each other. They locked eyes.
The curse with four arms and similar pink hair bared his sharp teeth in a challenging grin. He had eaten the most out of the group with a tower of bowls wobbling precariously. “So you think you can beat me, brat?”
“Yeah! I’m going to beat you and make you give me piggyback rides every day!” Yuuji replied with the same glint in his eyes that his uncle had. Both were competitive to a fault. “I’m gonna win, Uncle Kuna!”
“That a challenge, brat?” Sukuna leaned towards the boy, his predatory smile growing wider. 
“Good luck, brat. You’re really going to need it.” Sukuna ruffled Yuuji’s hair, his hand large enough to palm Yuuji’s head. 
“Hey! I’m gonna beat you even more ‘cause you did that!”
“You mean lose?”
As the uncle and nephew playfully bickered, Gojo slunk to the opposite end of the table. His grip around his microphone tightened as he bore his piercing gaze into a smug curse manipulator. “With Ryomen out of the competition, it seems that we are down to our final three. I wonder who our next loser is.” 
Getou smiled like a snake that had just caught its prey. He batted his eyes innocently at Gojo. “May I ask why you’re staring at me in particular, announcer?” 
“Because dry ice is next!” Megumi answered before the taller sorcerer could. His bored expression turned malicious. It was a look Getou and Gojo knew well. It was the look their children had before turning into goblins of mischief and mayhem. All the confidence Getou had been feeling vanished as Megumi grinned like the evil miscreant he truly was. “We’re entering the Sudden Death Round!” 
The moment the words left Megumi’s mouth, a screech sounded from the leaves of the largest tree in the backyard. Twigs and leaves fell as the creature inside climbed down. Snow white fur, colorful feathers, and a hooked beak twisted in amusement. It was Infinite, the being who loved tricks more than anyone. Infinite’s talons dug into the bark of the tree as he descended vertically. When he reached the soft ground, the draconic bird trotted to Megumi with a pleased trill. The group of cursed souls that Infinite belonged to did not react to his antics. Similar to Shoko and Nanami, the other cursed souls were sound asleep across the land. Two of them, a demonic canine and feline, had smaller bowls of their own that had been licked clean. The larger of the two, Boogie, was laying belly-up with a full stomach and snores. Supernova, the feline, had hopped onto Ryomen’s lap before promptly falling asleep in the perfect imitation of a loaf of bread. Due to not having mouths, Resonance and Chimera watched underneath the shade of a tree. It was up to Infinite to stir up things!
With his beak, Infinite reached into the cooler that Megumi had hidden and procused three bowls of ice cream. Each bowl appeared to be steaming like a boiling pot. However, the vapor was caused by the chunks of dry ice inside the innocuous container. There was only a small scoop in the bowls, small enough that it could be eaten in one bite. Which was exactly what Megumi had intended. Seeing the surprise on his parents’ faces, Megumi revealed his plan. “I knew that Gojo would want to take over the announcer role. That’s why I accepted the role and did it as lifelessly as possible. It would ensure a 100% success rate of Gojo taking my role.” 
“We really shouldn’t get on his bad side.” Getou softly uttered to Gojo, who nodded solemnly. However, Megumi had heard him.
“Too late.” Megumi deadpanned. 
From his seat at the table, Yuuji raised his hand instinctively, the motion ingrained into him after the many lessons he had had with the preteen. “Fushiguro?”
“Yes, Yuuji?” The older boy replied without a hint of the vengefulness he had shown his parents. 
Yuuji spoke in a small voice, curling in on himself. “Am I on your bad side?”
The sharp features of the ravenette softened. Megumi shook his head. “No, you’re not. You can be dumb sometimes, but you’re not stupid.”
While the adults were confused and slightly insulted by his response, Yuuji nodded sagely with complete understanding. “Got it. They’re idiots, but not morons.”
“Exactly.” Megumi nodded in approval. His voice immediately hardened as he looked at the others. “Now. Here’s how Sudden Death works. You have to eat the scoop in one bite and hold it there for at least five seconds. Try to eat it if you can, though I wouldn’t recommend it. You’ll probably break your teeth. Anyways. The one who can hold the scoop for the longest wins. Infinite?”
The cursed soul chirped in agreement. Within his durable beak and talons, the ice cold desserts did not injure him. He would place a bowl, fan it with his tail, screech, and repeat. When Infinite reached Yuuji, he cooed instead of shrieking, preening the boy’s mussed hair. The remaining contestants each had differing expressions. Suguru looked at his bowl with apprehension. Sukuna looked at his bowl with mild intrigue. Yuuji looked at his bowl like it was a hero to be admired. The contestants that had lost looked on in anticipation with Gojo cackling at the sweat beading down Suguru’s neck.  
Infinite retreated to Megumi’s side and chirped three times. The boy patted the cursed soul on the beak, which Infinite leaned into. Once everyone was settled, Megumi raised his megaphone for the last time. “You will begin eating in…Three…Two…”
Megumi stopped.
The remaining three were as taught as the string on a bow. Copying the technique that Gojo often did to annoy others, Megumi let them stew in the heavy silence. He would have made them wait longer, but Yuuji was actually vibrating with how hard he was trying to stay still. Placing the megaphone down, Megumi cupped his hands over his mouth to yell the loudest anyone had ever heard him. “ONE!” 
Instantly, Getou, Sukuna and Yuuji snatched their spoons. They all had a moment of hesitation as they stared at the plain vanilla ball. Deciding to risk it, Getou took the first bite with Sukuna following suit. Yuuji enthusiastically popped the ball in his mouth like a squirrel snatching a nut. 
“OWOWOW! NO! THAT HURTS! THAT REALLY HURTS!” Getou spat out the chilled scoop after half a second. His mouth felt numb all over. He thought his gums and upper palate were frostbitten. Somehow, it was so cold that it burned. He could hear triumphant cheers of Satoru and the quiet snickers of his other friends. 
Sukuna tried to appear nonchalant with the ice scalding his mouth. He had handled much worse. A little cold could not beat him. He made it to four seconds. The cold became too much, and he spat it out with a painful cough. The curse began using his reverse cursed technique to return blood flow to his numb and tingling mouth. Sukuna had been so distracted by the relief he felt to after being rid of the deadly dessert that he barely heard Ryomen’s worried shouts.
“WAY TO GO YUUJI! NOW, SPIT IT OUT!” Ryomen did not know if he should feel proud or terrified for his son not succumbing to the impossibly cold ice cream. So cold that Yuuji could develop irreversible frostbite. Okay, he was definitely terrified. “YUUJI! SPIT IT OUT! YOU WON!”
Taking Ryomen’s pleas as another challenge, Yuuji shook his head. The little boy went to bite down on the ice cream. He wanted to brag about eating the ball to his uncle, so he did not think twice about the consequences. As his jaw clenched, there was a loud CRACK . 
The air went deathly still.
Yuuji finally spat out the ball of ice cream. However, there was a tinge of red to the vanilla. He turned the ball around in his hands and saw his front tooth lodged into it. The boy yanked his tooth out of the scoop, waving it around excitedly to his father. “PAPA! I LOST A TOOTH! CAN WE PUT IT UNDER MY PILLOW?!”
Ryomen gave a shaky thumbs up.
Then he fainted. 
“Check!” Yuuji giggled, holding his beloved cat in the air. His Papa was so silly! He carefully placed a shrunken Supernova into his backpack. He gave his father a salute that he had seen in one of the movies Gojo had shown him. “Onii-cat is secured!”
“Then it seems that my little cub is ready for class.” His father sounded happy but sad at the same time. He carded his hand in Yuuji’s hair with a happy-sad face. Saddy? Ha-ad? 
Everyone else had given Yuuji hugs and well-wishes yesterday, but not Ryomen. At first, Yuuji thought his Papa was mad at him, but Uncle Kuna told him to not worry. Uncle Kuna said that his Dad was just sad, comparing his feelings to his guardians because they couldn’t come to class with Yuuji. 
He loves you, brat. So do your guardians. Don’t you think they’d be bummed if their favorite person was somewhere they couldn’t follow?
His Uncle Kuna was really smart. Fushiguro was smart too, but his uncle just knew things that Yuuji could never understand. 
All of the other kids had said their goodbyes except for Yuuji and Ryomen. Yuuji really wanted to go to his class, but his Papa still looked sad-happy! An idea popped into his head, and Yuuji wanted to pump his fist in the air. He stood up on his tiptoes and pressed his forehead against his Papa’s. It was a good thing that his Papa was kneeling. He was too tall!
“I’ll be okay, Papa. I pinky promise!” Yuuji stuck out his pinky. 
His Dad blinked several times before the sad-happy just became happy. He linked his larger pinky with Yuuji, a smile on his face. It made Yuuji feel all warm and bubbly inside! He liked it when his Papa smiled.
“Alright, Yuu. It’s a promise.”
“A pinky promise!”
“Yes.” Ryomen kissed the top of Yuuji’s head. “It’s a pinky promise.”
When his father left, Yuuji turned to finally enter his class. It was so colorful! His classmates were running around with toys or drawing on construction paper. He was so excited! Mister Getou had been teaching him how to draw, and Yuuji knew he needed to draw something for each member of his family. 
“Hello, little one. I take it you’re my last student?” A sweet voice spoke from behind Yuuji. He turned around and saw his kindergarten teacher. She had dark hair tied back with a pretty yellow headband-scarf thing. It had flowers all over and it matched with her yellow shirt and blue skirt. She had her hand out, waiting for Yuuji to take it. Remembering what Nanami had taught him, Yuuji took her hand and shook it as hard as he could. Doing it harder meant more respect, right?
His teacher laughed. “It’s nice to meet you too, Itadori Yuuji. I’m Miss Kenko and I’ll be your teacher from now on.”
“I can’t wait!” Yuuji squealed. He already wanted to run around, his legs were screaming for it! 
“Neither can I.” Miss Kenko said. She smiled at him, and it made Yuuji feel warm again. And cold. The nice lady pointed towards the cubbies. “You can place your backpack over there, little one. There won’t be any need for notes. Today is all about introductions!”
“Okay!” Yuuji couldn’t help but squeal. His first day was going to be cool! Not boring! He ran to place his backpack on a hook and took off his shoes, placing it in the nearest empty cubby. He put on his school shoes and grabbed his crayons. He heard Supernova meow worriedly, so he kept the zipper open. “Miss Kenko said we aren’t doing anything today! You can explore if you want! I love you, Nova! Bye!”
He saw an empty desk and headed towards it. There were four pages from a coloring book, just waiting to be filled! The first page was a volcano with spots, the second page was a forest with lots of roots, the third page was a beach with a big squid, and the fourth page was of a funky-looking cube. Yuuji began coloring in the first page when he felt a hand on his shoulder. 
“If you need extra coloring pages, let me know.” Miss Kenko smiled at him again. 
“I will! I’ll show you when I’m done!”
“That sounds great, Yuuji! I’m looking forward to seeing your skills.” With that, Miss Kenko left as fast as she came. It made sense. There were a lot of other students she had to keep an eye on. 
He got so absorbed in his drawing that he completely forgot about the question weighing heavily on his mind. 
The surname his father had given him was Ryomen. Ryomen Yuuji.
Who was Itadori? 
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“It’s not Elriels’ fault that they spent months preparing for Elain’s week and therefore have a lot of content to show for it while you don’t. “ This just reminded me of how many Feyre stans never spend money on arts for her, another fault with this fandom. The main sister who saved everyone has the least art.
Art is a key reason why people enjoy fandom, it brings the storylines and characters to life. Maybe that’s why people aren’t active as Feyre stans because not only is the fandom toxic but there’s barely any decent looking Feyre arts while there’s tons of pretty arts for her mediocre sisters. There’s so much fan art of Feyre’s sisters I thought they were bigger characters before I read the books. How is it that so much time and effort is put into making art for two sisters that barely deserve it? I appreciate any art we have gotten! But…Why bother being in this fandom with barely any Feyre arts being made on top of the fandom being toxic and weird? So many Feyre or Feysand scenes in the trilogy haven’t even been drawn yet all these years later. But you have Feyre stans doing nothing but reblogging sister art. Weirdest fandom ever foreal.
Elain Elriel week meanwhile a bunch of art for characters that barely do shit. Just in case you wonder what may play a role in people not wanting to be active as Feyre stan’s. The author ignores Feyre and the fandom does arts on the sisters that never did shit. Again a very fucking weird fandom. Sorry for the rant I just got triggered by this art topic. People can do what they do what they please with their interests and money this is just a bitter rant I guess, post it or not I rly don’t even care 👌🏼
You are always welcome to vent in my anons!
I do understand the frustration and being saddened by there perhaps not being as much new Feyre art recently and I used to get similarly salty myself. I think it's important to remember though that we don't need to compare ourselves to the fandoms of other characters. A lot of the appeal of other acotar characters comes from how incomplete there stories still are. Many of these other characters still have a lot of unanswered questions and theories surrounding them and in my experience the acotar fandom has always been the most excited about imagining future plots and things for their characters.
I don't think Feyre has the least amount of artwork at all, I'd actually argue that if one were to count every single piece of acotar art that's been released since book 1 came out, so so much of it would be of Feyre or include her! Feyre is the main character of the acotar series and has three books and a novella where she is either the only pov or the primary pov. We Feyre stans are already so spoiled by the author that we don't need to care what other people are doing. Feysand is the center of everything, Feyre got a perfect story and a happy ending, three books, a mansion, and everything she could dream of.
Don't get too hung up on thinking about what other people are doing love. Feyre stans have so much and I personally have cultivated a really lovely circle of close mutuals who all adore her and we all just spend time talking about her and appreciating her. I'd rather the people making content for Feyre be people that are actually stans anyways and not out of some obligation or curiosity. Just focus on the people who really love her and ignore everyone else!
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vryfmi · 2 years
buckle up, it's a long one before we start: this thought process was made possible thanks to my fear of l&co tv series killing Kipps in teg storyline because it would be the biggest mistake writers could possibly make and here's why
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Kipps is a key character for understanding the world that Stroud has made.
Each book has its own clear structure and themes that it focuses on. That said, the first book is an introduction, we get a first look at the main characters, enough to understand who they are but not to give all away all at once; we get a general idea of the world and its rules, as well as hints of an overarching plot. But it's very much on the surface, because now that the reader has a general idea, they are ready for more in-depth information. The second book focuses on the world and society, third on ghosts and talent, fourth gives us ghost lore, and fifth is a payoff. And characters, as an integral part of each story (although each book focuses on certain characters more than others) gradually grow throughout the books. All together it gives us an almost perfect sequence with great pacing and enough content to dig into it ourselves to make theories and headcanons.
So what my point is? Stroud is a genius.
The Screaming Staircase gives us Lucy and Lockwood's adventures, a tad bit of George too, ghosts are there, and of course a moral of the story - "adults are useless in this world“. This is the thought that runs throughout the book: Jacobs' screw-up, the emphasis on L&Co's independence as an agency, Fairfax and finally Kipps. As soon as we meet Kipps, he's a nuance - first of all, Fittes, secondly some adult supervisor with his agents on the run, finally he makes fun of MCs and has a history with Lockwood. However, George steps in just in time and says some rather interesting things: despite the medals on Kipps' jacket, his teams are screwing up just as much, and what George notices is that Kipps has the highest death rate of operatives under his supervision. And the cherry on top is a defeat in the sword fight. Doesn't he look like a minor antagonist?
The Whispering Skull. In characters, of course, focus is on Lucy, George, skull and Kipps. Overall Stroud gives us more insights into the world and how The Problem has changed England: we see the influence of Fittes, learn about relicmen, and how ghosts have changed the mentality of society (and driven some to madness, in Bickerstaff's case). That's good and all, but you know what Stroud is already preparing us for? You guessed it, suffering, which is why Kipps becomes an exposition of literally everything.
Through Kipps and his teams we see agents outside the protagonists. For readers cases of Lockwood & Co. are adventures, something packed with action, where things eventually work out in their favour. Compare it to cluster case, on which Kipps' team arrives including eight-year-old agents (via Lucy), which should be alarming, since these are very young children (Lucy herself was only in the night-watch kid at that age, and these are Fitties operatives already).
Chapter 29 shoves its fat hint right in readers' faces. Jopling and Bickerstaff have just been defeated and everyone is scattered in the graveyard. Lucy sits on the steps, Kipps sits a step below. A conversation starts between them that perfectly draws a line between them - both distinguishing and drawing a parallel. Yes, Kipps was an agent, was good at what he did, but where is he now? His talent has died out, while Lucy's talent is just gaining momentum. Her boundaries as an agent have been pushed, she's reaching new heights and wonders where that growth will take her next with type three ghost at her side. But then again, there's Kipps sitting there, a physical reminder that the talent will eventually fade away, that as an agent Lucy will be gone in four to five years. And Kipps knows it. He remembers himself, his peak, his reckless deeds and adventures, and how quickly it all came to an end.
By the way, interesting side note: Lucy mentioned that Fittes agents tend to be around 8-16 years old, although Kipps lost his talent when he reached his twenties and only then went into mentorship. So chronologically Lucy started developing as an agent at the same time when Kipps started losing or had already lost his talent.
The Hollow Boy. The whole Chelsea outbreak is a stroke of genius on Stroud's part: to show what happened to England without repeating himself. Genius and all. To show the panic as if for the first time, to introduce us to the operatives anew when we see agencies unable to work together, and finally to show the horror of what's happening, but now to make it as painful as possible.
Ned's death doesn't particularly hit the reader - we knew the guy, he wasn't the best. However, it's not the death itself that's important here, it's the reaction to it. It seems as if both Kipps and the rest of his team don't care all that much, the question of "how it happened" is a commonplace, and they give an explanation of how it happened in detail, with an assessment. Is that how you talk about someone who died on duty? About teenager? No, and that's the horror of it. Ned was one of hundreds of agents dying every night. He wasn't a sensation, death of children isn't a sensation in this world. But that's besides the point - Kipps cares, he even puts funeral first, not his job, which he's willing to throw away because of his own despair. Of course he doesn't want to send his agents into the thick of it and sit outside waiting, of course he wants to understand the nature of what's going on in Chelsea, but he can't, nobody can, and the situation is getting worse and worse. So Kipps' hands are down, and who can blame him for that?
In The Creeping Shadow, Kipps is once again confronted with the fact that society does not care for him. He's been given a promotion, but only for the purpose of shutting him down, keeping him out of the ghost business, even though it was the only skill he learned in life. Kipps didn't go into mentorship to command children, he simply had no other option. Neither did many agents who outlived their talent. Having left Fittes, we don't really know what Kipps was up to. Probably nothing, and where would he go? He responded to Lockwood's offer despite having nothing to offer their team. Kipps doesn't go there for the money, but out of habit, a desire to get back to what was once his routine.
And then there are goggles. To be honest, their sheer presence seems like a double-edged sword - are they a second chance or a burden holding, dragging him back? But they make Kipps the happiest we've ever seen, so let him have it for now.
And now the fifth book and again a side note: Stroud in his first draft of the book had killed Kipps after them crossing gates the last time around and even wrote the whole thing that way, but he came to his senses in time (alas, he didn't rewrite anything properly).
I have nothing to say about the first half of the book, because I have no complaints about it. The complaints start from a part with almost killing Kipps (and some other things, but that's not what the text is about). I'm not a fan, in fact, I'm a hater of what Kipps' death would have implied. It wouldn't have been heroic, it wouldn't have been a reminder that we are all mortal, it wouldn't have been the sudden punch in the gut that writers like to entertain their readers with (at least not with characters like Kipps). It would have been a major contradiction for Kipps' arc as a character-exposition, as a face of generation after generation that were sacrificing their youth for the quiet nights that never came.
And, worst of all, all of it could have been avoided very, very easily. Not wounding Kipps; the one who would have been feeling better on the other side would've been George, as he was already barely on his feet during the defence of Portland Row - who better walk chipper on the other side other than George? He'll of course survive, it's just that his condition is critical and everyone is trying to get George out of the building. But the important thing here is that Kipps doesn't stumble and fall to his death right before the finish line.
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acquariusgb · 10 months
Billary advent fic drabble: Day 9
Day 9: Holiday Baking
Hillary was panicking. The kitchen was a complete mess.
Why did she decide to have Christmas at their new house instead of using the Governor’s mansion for their last holiday?
She knew the answer to that. She wanted to prove to everyone, especially to her mother- in- law, that she was able to do it all: be a mother, have a career and manage the household. 
In that moment she felt like she was failing at everything. The case in court had dragged over the time it was supposed to finish, so she had missed reading to Chelsea to put her down for her nap and now she couldn’t even bake some Christmas cookies. 
She threw the tray with burnt cookies in the sink and tried to stop her tears from forming.
“Hillary?” She heard her husband call. “Hi’ry, are you in?”
“In here.” She said with a broken voice.
Bill got worried when he saw his wife in distress. “Honey, what’s wrong?” He immediately walked towards her and put an arm around her shoulders.
Hillary kept her back towards him and quickly dried her tears with the back of her hand. “Nothing.”
“You’re crying. That’s not nothing. Is everything good with Chelsea?”
She nodded. “Chelsea is fine. She’s taking her nap in the other room.” She sniffled.
“Honey, talk to me.”
“All the cookies burnt.” She said.
For the first time Bill looked around and saw the dirty pans, flour on the counter and the burnt cookies in the sink. He was at a loss for words. He couldn’t understand why that would make her so upset.
“It’s okay….” he tried to reassure her.
“No, it’s not.” She said forcefully, and she stepped back. “Tomorrow your family and mine will come for Christmas. It’s Chelsea’s first Christmas and I will have nothing prepared. I thought I could do it all, you know, but it took only today’s testimony to run late to screw up all the schedule. You know I missed Chelsea’s bedtime story?”
“Why didn’t you want to have Christmas at the mansion? You could have used Eliza’s help.” He said, referring to the governor’s mansion chef.
“Because we will soon have to rely on doing it all by ourselves again and I wanted to prove that I could manage it.” She puffed. "Maybe you would have been better off with a woman who wouldn’t have chosen a career. You know? A good Southern girl who would have stayed at home with the kids and took your name when married.” 
Bill finally realized where it was all coming from. He had been so concentrated in his disappointment about losing the election and licking his wounds that he hadn't realized how much Hillary had been affected by it too. Especially since so many malignant rumors were blaming her for his loss.  
“Sweetheart.” He laid his big hands on her shoulders. “I wouldn’t have been fine with it because then I wouldn’t be married to the woman I love.” He kissed the top of her head. “I’m so sorry- I’ve been so down and self-involved since I lost the election that I hadn’t noticed how everything was put on your shoulders. You kept this family together. You were there to deal with the supporters on election night, you gave me space when I needed it but then also kicked my ass when I had to go find a new job and look for a new house. And you did all this while still working and taking care of our beautiful daughter.” He dried her tears with the tip of his thumbs. “I still don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I’m so glad you’re in my life and that you’re my wife” 
She shook her head with a smile. “How do you always know the right words to make me feel better?”
He gave her a smug smile. “It’s a gift.”  
Bill took off his jacket and tie and rolled his shirt sleeves up to his elbow. “Now, let’s try making these cookies again.”
The couple put some light Christmas music playing on a radio channel and worked together on the dough, playfully throwing flour at each other and stealing kisses. Soon the cookies were in the oven. Just in time, because Chelsea started crying from the other room, letting them know she was awake. 
“I’ll get her.” Bill soon offered since he hadn’t seen his daughter all day. 
When he came back, Hillary was preparing the icing to decorate the cookies. 
“Here we are, Mama.” Bill walked towards her with Chelsea waving her happily waving her hands when she saw her mother. 
“Hello, darling.” Hillary planted a big kiss on her cheek. 
Bill dove his finger in the icing and brought it to his lips. When Hillary turned her back to check on the cookies in the oven, he sneaked a bit to Chelsea too. 
“I saw that.” Hillary said without turning.
Bill slightly jumped. “How… Nothing goes past Mummy.” He conspiratorially whispered to the infant. He lovingly smiles at his wife when she playfully glared at him. “Why don’t we have Christmas at the mansion? Our last one before we have to leave? We can tell everyone it was my decision.”
She nodded and hugged him gratefully. “The last one for now.” She told him before kissing his cheek. “You will be back before you know it.”
The family spent the rest of the evening decorating and eating cookies and making new happy memories.
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lala1267 · 1 year
Bow down bitches (Part2)
Summary: You fell In love with a man and had his child. But he grew distant and violent. He eventually packed his things and walked out of your life like everybody else did. There was only one person left to help you.
Warnings: domestic violence, pregnancy, drinking, very light smut, single mother? Lmk If I missed anything.
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Elvis and Mike had both walked out of my life and would do anything to avoid me. I beat myself up for weeks after the incident happened. It was all my fault. Elvis's words echoed throughout my mind for days, and so did Mike's.
But that incident was over a month ago, and I was doing better than ever. You could see me at the top, looking down, screaming what now. I was still a sassy arrogant bitch but I had changed. Became stronger and more stubborn. I had dyed my hair black so that i looked beautiful yet evil. I found myself my dream man. He was dark-skinned and tall, and he was a gangster. He was sexy and handsome. I met him outside of one of my model events. He stood smoking, i was instantly drawn to him. I chatted and smoked with him until i had to leave. From then, we started to hang out more often, and then i became his girl. He did everything to protect me since he was involved in criminal activities, but I was no stranger to breaking the law. I spent my teenage years doing drugs and shoplifting, I had been in and out of jail. But look where I was now. I was one of the highest paid models in the world. Paparazzi and fans followed me like lost puppies. They kissed the floor that I walked on. They would die for me. I was their queen. Everyone idolised me since i was the best after all. My boyfriend, Travis, was a criminal who got his money from selling all sorts of things from drugs to weapons. He was a bad ass, that's why we fell in love. I was the female version of him. We smoked, drank, danced, and laughed toughether. We were inseparable. We went on vacation to many different countries with only 30 dollars to our name, just for the thrill of it. We were wild and free, and we didn't care what people thought. But it was the late 60s, so interracial relationships were throwned upon, but they weren't illegal. I wasn't afraid to love a man of a different race. I wasn't afraid of anything. I loved him with all my heart.
I was doing jaw-dropping modelling shows, and I wore eye widening outfits.
It was a Friday night, and I had an award event to go to. I was able to pick a companion to take with me, so of course I picked Travis. I was dressed in a black short dress that hugged my hourglass figure perfectly, I had also wore a pair of thigh-high black boots. I let my long black hair hang down my back as I placed a black headband on my head. I had on blue eyeshadow with deadly black eyeliner that made my eyes look fierce. My lips were pink and glossy. I wore a vanilla blossom perfume. Travis was matching with me, he wore a black button up t-shirt and black trousers. A large silver belt lay on his hips, and gold chains hung from his neck. We looked like the 'it' couple of the decade. We were ready to go.
Once we arrived, we were instantly mobbed by paparazzi and fans. Travis held onto me with his big arms as we walked inside. It was a large award evening for all celebrities. We found our table and spoke amongst ourselves before the host stepped onto the large stage. As me and Travis were chatting and flirting, the lights suddenly dimmed, and the spotlight hit the host on the stage. He began to speak.
"Welcome everyone to the rewards evening. We will read out the winners for each category. If you get selected, you will come up to the stage and receive your trophy. Remember, have a speech prepared." He said confidently into the microphone. It was a matter of time until they began to read out the rewards. Ten minutes had passed, and they had begun. First, they read out the small categories, and now they were onto the bigger categories, such as actors, singers, models, etc. First was actors. And then singers. The man stood on stage and opened the envelope.
"The best singer of the year goes to..." the crowd was deadly silent.
"Elvis Presley!" And the crowd went wild, especially the ladies. I just rolled my eyes and carried on talking to Travis. But I had to stop once the crowd calmed down and Elvis started to speak. I looked up at him on the stage. He wore a smart suit that was glam yet and settled. It was black and was studded with expensive white and gold rhinestones.
"Thank you for this award. I really appreciate it. I just want to thank my fans, my family, and the people in my past who made me happy." His eyes shifted to me. He looked at me intensely. His cold gaze made me uncomfortable and angry. I remembered the day that he walked out of my life, he accidentally hit me. But i never heard the word 'sorry' leave his lips. He just pisses me off. I scoffed and rolled my eyes before turning to Travis agian. Elvis looked defeated and mad. I didn't care. Travis made me forget about my past, but Elvis just reminded me of it. I was quickly snapped out of my conversation when I heard my name.
"And the best model of the year goes to the one and only, Natalya!"
I wasn't surprised, I knew I was going to win. I was always number 1 no matter what. I stood up and walked onto the stage with a smug smile on my pretty face. My walk was confident and sassy, as always. I grabbed my reward out of the host's hands and stood to face the audience and celebrities. I flicked my long black hair. I looked so sexy and evil.
"I didn't come with a speech prepared but I knew I was going to get this award anyway." I said as I smiled nastily. The crowd laughed at my sassy comment.
"But anyway, I wanna say thanks to my fans and family and, of course. My man, Travis." I said before blowing a kiss to him. I scanned the crowd quickly. Elvis had a deep look of jealousy on his face.
"Oh and also, I am not gonna thank the people in my past life since they are nothing like Travis." I said in a sly tone as I stared directly at Elvis, who was bottling up his rage. I just smirked before strutting off the stage. I walked right past Elvis, saying my hips and swinging my hair. I knew he was looking, so why not give him a show. I sat on Travis's lap and began to make out with him. Our tongues danced, and our lips pouted. Once I was done, I cleaned Travis's mouth for him with my fingere. He pecked me on the cheek. I turned to Elvis, who was watching this whole thing. I smiled innocently as I watched his fists turn white since he was clenching them so hard. He was a big headed man, so I grounded him without speaking a word to his face.
1 week later
It was late at night and me and Travis were getting it on. His hands travelled around my naked body. His bottom half was already inside of me. He was good at making me feel good. The pleasure increased, and so did his pace, i was in pure bliss. As my moans got louder, a warm substance filled me up. I didn't even notice it. Once we were done, we layed in the bed, whispering sweet nothings into eachovers' ears. I loved this man dearly. He pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back until I slowly drifted asleep.
The next morning, I felt lightheaded and nauseous. I stumbled downstairs to get some paracetamol to cure my ills. Ten minutes later, the pain was still lingering, and the sickness was still there. I didn't think much of it, I thought it was probably just a fever. This pain carried on for many days, it was excruciating.
One week passes
The pain in my stomach grew worse, and the nausea grew more intense. I was throwing up in the toilet twice a day. What was wrong with me? I needed to find out why this was happening. There was only one thing left to do.
I ordered one of my assistants to go out to the shop to buy a pregnancy test. I waited impatiently in my living room for him to come back. My leg rapidly moved up and down as my nails were between my teeth. I needed Travis, but he was out doing his criminal activities. I jumped when I heard the door open and in came my assistant, with the pregnancy test in hand.
"About time." I scoffed as I looked up to him. "You can go home now, your done here." I said as i walked over to the toilet. I locked the bathroom door before sitting down on the toilet seat. I did what I had to do. I washed my hands and flushed the toilet. All that was left was to wait. It said to wait for 5-10 minutes. It read,
"If two faint lines appear, it indicates that you are pregnant." My eyes rapidly scanned the instructions over and over as I walked up and down my house, pacing around like a mad woman. It was finally time to check. I closed my eyes as I brought it into the living room with me. I gradually opened my eyes to be met with,
"Two lines!" I shouted to myself. My tears flooded down my face, and my breath was snatched from my lungs. The room faded, and nothing felt real. I sat there with my head in my hands, crying and crying until I had more tears left to cry. I was pregnant. I was going to be a mother.
9 months later
Everything had happened so fast that time seemed to be sped up for me. I had gained some weight since i was pregnant, this meant that less people wanted me to model for them since i wasn't a skinny stick anymore. I was nine months pregnant, and the baby was due any time this week. Travis had put me in hospital. I didn't want to be in the hospital whilst he was sitting on his ass at home. But i obeyed him. He was the man.
The pain in my stomach was unreal. I had basically threw up half of my insides. Every time I ate, drank, or spoke, I would feel the sting in the back of my throat, and then I would throw up.
It was now Thursday, and I was layed on the hospital bed in excruciating pain, pushing a baby out of me. I screamed and cried. Finally after a long three hours of pain, she was here. My baby, Jasmine, was here. She was beautiful. She had big blue eyes, tanned skin and curly hair. I knew from that day that my life would be complete with my baby here. I whispered to my baby,
"I promise that I will love you, care for you, and be there for you whenever you need. You are in good hands."
She was a beauty, but she was so hard to take care of. I had to wake up in the middle of the night just to feed her. I had to do everything for her, but I didn't mind because I loved her. She was my baby, after all. Travis was never really home to help me take care of her, I didn't know what he was doing or where he was. Ever since Jasmine came into this world, Travis had been very distant. He wouldn't talk to me or even acknowledge me or the baby. I thought we were a team in this, but clearly not. Travis would come home late at night, drunk and angry.
One late night. Travis had came home around 3am. He stumbled through the door, drunk and high. He was making a lot of noise, and he was beginning to wake Jasmine. I quietly walked downstairs to see him, downing a bottle of Whiskey. I rushed over to him and took the drink out of his large hands.
"You don't need any more drinks. Let's get you upstairs." I said in a calming voice as I tried to hold his hand. He pushed my hand away harshly, making my arm swing back. He looked at me with dark, angry eyes.
"Get the fuck off me." He grunted. I looked up to him with a nervous expression.
"Where were you?" I asked cautiously.
"With some bitches that are better than you." He said as he pointed his long finger at me, laughing. My heart sank to the bottom of my stomach. I always had a feeling that he was cheating on me, but he never admitted it. I was too stunned to speak. I lifted my hand up to grab his upper arm. I tried to get him to come with me.
"O-ok, you need to get some sleep." I said quietly. He pushed me away, causing me to fall on the floor. My back instantly ached as it hit the hard wooden floor. I looked up to him, who was now towering over me, struggling to keep his balance. He leaned down to me and grabbed my hair tightly.
"I said don't fucking touch me, what do you not understand bitch!?" He yelled at me. I could smell the liquor radiating from his mouth to my face. I watched him struggle to keep his eyelids open as he tugged harshly onto my hair. I didn't have time to reply. I felt his large fist hit my face. All of his nuckles connected against my cheek. All I could remember was my tears streaming down my face as he beat me. That was just one of many nights. I still loved him no matter what. I fucking hated him, but I loved him. I was dependent on Travis. He had me in a chokehold. He manipulated me into thinking that he was my master, my king, my god. I would come home to a beating by him but he would just say,
"I just needed to get my anger out." Or some other shit excuse. But he was so convincing. I truly believed that he still loved me. He took away my troubles, but then again, he left pain. A boy is a gun. he would shoot me down anytime I flew too high.
I still did my best to sheild my daughter from Travis's outbursts, but I couldn't always do that. I was raising a baby on my own, and Travis didn't want anything to do with the baby, I just didn't want to accept it.
One sunny morning
I was downstairs making breakfast for me and my family. I grew suspicious when I heard a lot of movement and rummaging coming from the living room. With my daughter in my hands, I walked into the room to find Travis. He was angrily shoving his belongings into a suitcase. My eyebrows furrowed as I stepped closer.
"Travis, what are you doing?" I asked curiously. He stood up tall and walked over to me as he dragged his suitcase behind him. His hot breath hit my face and sent chills down my spine.
"I'm leaving." He snapped. My eyes filled with tears almost instantly. I loved him so much that my heart stopped beating for a second. My world was instantly crushed. I tried to find any regret in his face, but all that I saw was a woman-beating scumbag.
"N-no, what about J-jasmine, our baby?" I asked with shaky breath. He looked at Jasmine, who was in my hands. He turned back to look at my sad face.
"You mean your baby. I don't wanna raise that mother fucker." He said as ge pushed passed me.
"But, you love me."
"Stay the fuck away from me." He said rather calmly as he continued to walk out of the door.
"Travis!" I yelled, startling my baby. No reply. I jogged out of the house to catch up with him, but he had already gotten in the car and drove off. The car that I got him. I just felt like a punch bag. He beat me up and used me, when he got tired he left me alone, with his baby. I felt empty and alone. I needed someone, anyone to take me away from this misery that I lived in. My baby, Jasmine, was now crying from all of the shouting. I stroked her face before speaking.
"Hush, my dear, don't worry. I will take care of you without him. We don't need that bastard." I whispered with a shaky voice as tears continued to flood my face.
I rushed into my house and into the hallway. With my baby in one hand, I grabbed the telephone that was hung on the wall. I began to dial Elvis's number rapidly. I impatiently waited for him to answer. I felt relieved as I heard his voice echo through the telephone.
"Hello, who is this?" He inquired.
"It's me Natalya, look I know I'm the last person you want to speak to. But I really need someone right now. Please can I stay at your house, just for one night. Please." I desperately asked as tears dropped from my face to the floor.
"Uhm, ok, I guess." I hung up the phone and rushed to my car. I placed my baby in the back, in the baby seat. I started the car as fast as possible. I sped off into the distance. I drove fast as I was eager to get to Elvis's house. I knew where he lived since I would drive past and see tons of fans outside of the gates. I pulled up into the driveway. The gate was already open for me. I stopped the car once I reached the front garden. I pulled my baby out and sprinted towards the door. I was so eager to be with Elvis, I knew that he would stop my feelings from getting the better of me. I nocked on the door at least ten times since I was so desperate. He opened the door. He was dressed in just his robe. I wrapped my free hand around him as I sobbed into his chest. He didn't pull away. He rubbed my back slowly. I pulled away to look up to him. He was surprised and shocked as he looked at my baby.
"You have a b-baby." I nodded as I sniffled. He lifted Jasmine up to place a kiss on her button nose. He looked like such a good dad. He shifted his focus to me who was in tears.
"What's wrong with you, honey?" He asked as he led me inside. Once we were inside, I answered.
"Travis, he left me." Elvis's eyes widened in shock.
"But you have a baby?!" He said loudly.
"I know, he didn't care."
"Why did he leave ya?"
"I don't know." I said as I looked to the side to avoid eyecontact. I didn't realise that this position exposed the large bruise on my face. Elvis's hand immediately travelled to my face.
"He didn't hurt you, did he?." He said bluntly. I felt ashamed that he had found out.
"Well, he did a few times. But he was just in a bad mood." I said quietly. Elvis's face dropped and his fists clenched.
"No, that's not ok. You can stay at my house as long as you want. I will take care of you and your baby. But if i see that sone of a bitch, i just might kill him." He said as he tucked a hair behind my ear. This was the day that my life got better.
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kewltie · 11 months
[Season 2 - complete] re:kasumi
With hands on her hip and a frown, Kasumi chides, "You're so old and yet you behave so childishly. I want you to sit here and think about what you did, daddy, while I check on Midoriya-san."
Katsuki scowls, opening his mouth to argue, but her quelling glare quickly shuts him up.
"I only have one daddy in this world and while I like you a lot, Midoriya-san, you're replaceable," Kasumi says with a smile on her face in sharp contrast to the knife edge of her words. "He doesn't get volatile for no reason."
Izuku's heart is deservedly cut a thousand times.
After 17 grueling hours of labor, it finally ends.
"You did well, Midoriya-kun," the nurse comforts. "It must be a relief to hold her in your arms now."
Izuku smiles numbly, feeling the enormous weight of this small life he's now responsible for. "Yes," he lies. It never came.
"Does it get easier?"
"No." The nurse quickly changes Kasumi's diaper with deft fingers. "But you’ll have your friends and family to help."
Izuku thinks of his mom sick in bed, Katsuki thousands of miles away, and the alien being in the crib; he's not alone, but it feels like it.
"She has your eyes," his mom says. She doesn't have the strength to sit up, so she can only observe from her bedside, but her smile is clear. "I can't wait to hold her."
These words failed to bear fruit because Inko passed away three weeks later. Izuku's heart breaks for the second time.
"Your mother was smart enough prepared everything before she died," the social worker says. "I won't lie, it's going to be tough from here, but you and the baby will be okay."
Izuku looks down at Kasumi in his arms as she giggles and spits bubble, and he feels nothing at all.
Kasumi's cry pierces his ears. She’s been inconsolable and nothing he did could calm her down.
"What do you want from me?!" Izuku demands, feeling raw and exposed.
He's losing it, but even more so it's the realization that he doesn't know how to love her and it devastates him.
"What you think?" Kasumi twirls around and dips to a curtsy.
"You're going on a field trip, not a fashion show," Katsuki says dryly. Pauses. "Change the top, the color washes out your complexion. Wear something blue, it makes you cute."
She pouts.
"Cuter." His eye twitches.
"Here at our institute, we don't define ourselves by our quirks and let it limit our dream," the guide says.
"Even if you're quirkless and want to be hero?" Kasumi presses to the scandalized gasps of her class.
Their eyes meet, green on green. "Yes." He smiles warmly at her.
"Does your dad not approve?"
Kasumi crunches up her face. "He doesn't like it."
"Oh," he says.
"Daddy said if I ever became a hero, the world won't be safe because I'm too reckless and hotheaded," she continues.
"Oh," he says again.
"But what do you think, Midoriya-san?"
"The QUnited institute is a fraud." Katsuki sneers. "They try to sell you hope and dream, but not everyone can achieve it. I shouldn't have let you gone on that trip."
"Daddy," Kasumi smiles sweetly at him, but it's sharp and cutting, "you big dummy head! You don't know anything!"
"We may be three goals down, but we still got this!"
"This match doesn't even matter," one of her teammates mutters. "We already made into the playoff. We can stand to lose one game."
Kasumi snaps her head toward him, bristling. "Do you often talk with your brain turned off?"
"Gonna cry now?"
Kasumi bites her lip even as her eyes burns with frustration, so Katsuki lowers the passenger side's window and she pokes her head out, letting out a scream before retreating back into the car.
"Better?" he asks, amused.
She sulks. "I won't lose next time."
"How long are you staying mad?"
The closed door of Kasumi's room responds: "Forever!"
Katsuki rolls his eyes. "I'll just give away the katsudon I made tonight then."
A beat, then he hears the scrambling of feet and the door opens. "I guess I can postpone our war for one night."
"Does she think I'll surrender to her whims just because of our blood relation?" Katsuki hisses. "I have all the resources while she's scrambling for scraps. This war of attrition is in my hands."
Ejirou frowns in confusion. "Are we still talking about your fight with Kasumi?"
"What does she even have to prove?!" Katsuki snaps, gesturing the wall of accolades that Kasumi has earned. "She's fine without a quirk."
"Maybe she doesn't want to settle for fine." Mina shrugs. "She's the daughter of the most famous hero in Japan, that's a lot of pressure."
Izuku's eyes widen in surprise. "You're back."
"My daddy is weak stuff." Grinning, Kasumi flashes a victory sign. "He eventually caved and let me joined your facility."
He smiles back at her, hesitant and a little shy. "I honestly thought I wouldn't get to see you again."
"Quirks are amazing, but they're still tools," Midoriya explains. "Tools humanity were gifted with, so you're not born lacking just because you're quirkless. If you want to become a hero, then I'll give you all the tools to succeed."
Kasumi's eyes are alight with a renew fire.
"I have judo on Monday, Tuesday is ballet, Wednesday is reserved for soccer, and piano is Thursday. So, I can only see you on Friday." Midoriya frowns. "Don't you have any time for yourself?"
Kasumi purses her lips. "I'm Dynamight's daughter, I can't be seen idle and useless."
"Do you have kids, Midoriya-san? You seem pretty good with them."
A pause, then, "No."
"So, you and your partner don't want kids?"
"I don't have a partner," Izuku clarifies with a tinge of suspicion.
"Ah," Kasumi's eyes gleam with an impish twinkle, "you're single then."
Midoriya Izuku. Head researcher of QUnited. Quirkless.
Kasumi's pen stops as she gives it a thought before jotting down more notes. She hums, carefully scanning through the profile until she's satisfied and put it away among the files of Katsuki's other marriage candidates.
"I'm not looking for another parent," Kasumi says coldly, eyes narrowed. "I'm only interest in securing my daddy's happiness. So, tell me who are you to him?"
"I like to think we were something once," Izuku says, smile strained under her interrogation, "and then I ruined it."
"Little monster," Katsuki hisses, storming into the room, "you think you can ground me even though I caught you still wetting the bed when you were eight?!"
An unsettling silence, then a screech of horror, "Daddy, I'm in a meeting!" while Izuku tries and fails to stifle a smile.
"And you." Katsuki turns to him, seething. "Deku, shut your fucking trap."
"Kacchan—" He reaches for him, but Katsuki roughly brushes him off.
Watching all this go down, Kasumi lets out a loud gasp, scandalized. "You and Midoriya-san—?! Oh my god. Did he dump you, Daddy?!"
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jooheonspinky · 11 months
From the Ashes
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Characters: Jungkook x Female reader
Genre: Fantasy!au, angst
Synopsis: I am ready to confess my feelings to Jungkook, but his older brother, a wizard, has other plans. Plans with devastating consequences that I could never have prepared for.
Warnings: major character death, various mentions of fire, mentions of panic attack
A/N: This story came about from a dream I had. Actually, two dreams I had last month. You can read them before the story if you'd like. I did have to change a lot in order for it to make a little more sense.
Dream Log 56
Dream Log 57
•• ━━━━━ ••🔥•• ━━━━━ ••
Part 1 
Word Count: 3.2K
“Are you sure?” My cousin stares at me with a mixture of disbelief and elation. “Once the words are out of your mouth, that’s it. There’s no taking them back.”
I giggle, my cheeks flushing with warmth from the terror and excitement coursing through me.
“I know, Merrick,” I say breathily. “But we only live once, right? If I never tell him, how will I know how he feels? I just don’t want to have any regrets later on.” Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly to calm my rapidly beating heart, I ask, “Do I look okay?”
She side-eyes me as I run my hands over the smooth material of my cap-sleeved attire, trying to ensure everything is in place. The empire-waist dress hugs my breasts tightly, giving them a little lift. A butterfly embroidered sheer pink tulle overlay hangs beautifully atop the mint green satin length of the dress’s skirt that cascades down to the tops of my slippered feet. My hair is half-up, half-down, and a large mint green bow pinned to the back of my head completes the outfit I have chosen for the university’s Halloween festivities.
“I can’t believe you just asked me that.” She stares at me with feigned anger. “Didn’t you check yourself out in the mirror? You look absolutely gorgeous in that.”
The warmth in my cheeks intensifies, and I glance away momentarily.
Exhaling, I whisper, “I just want to make sure everything goes goo- no, great.”
She hugs me tightly, and I welcome not only the warmth the gesture provides but also the encouragement and love she is wrapping me in. My soul soaks it all up, steadying my heart. Though I am not a witch like her, we are extremely close and often find ourselves inadvertently sharing what the other is feeling. Merrick still believes I, too, am a witch, but at this age, nothing has manifested yet, and I don’t expect it to either.
And I am ok with that. 
Stepping out of her arms, I tug open the matching reticule that hangs from my wrist and pull out my phone. A quick message asking my crush to meet me at the top of the library tower, where we both love to spend time as we study, read books, or listen to music is sent off. It should be empty now as everyone prepares to go to the auditorium for the costume ball. No one should be there to interrupt. No one there to witness the rejection if things don’t go how I would like them to. As of yet, he has not given the impression that he thinks of me as anything other than a good friend.
I shake my head, pushing away the negative thoughts before they can convince me to keep my confession to myself.
“Go,” she urges me. “You shouldn’t leave Jungkook waiting.”
“Ok, ok,” I laugh as I turn to push the door open and step outside.
The air is brisk as it hits my flushed skin. I can feel Merrick’s eyes on me as she watches me speedily walk across the courtyard. Scattered mounds of melted snow collected on the sides of the square I walk across are evidence of the remnants of a mid-autumn snowfall that had surprised us earlier in the week. I am a bit too exposed to the elements with my wispy dress and primarily bare arms, but I don’t seem to feel the cold. I’m too nervous and excited about what I’m getting ready to do. 
Up ahead, I catch sight of Jungkook stepping into the archway that leads to the library tower. Though his face is not visible, his way of walking is unmistakable and gives him away. From this distance, I can make out that he’s wearing what appears to be black leather pants with a billowy white shirt that is only tucked into the front. A pair of black boots adorn his feet, and I wonder if he is dressed as a pirate or maybe a vampire just as he disappears deeper into the tunnel.
I speed up, soft, giddy giggles escaping my lips as I reach the archway. I pause to straighten my dress and take a few deep breaths as my slippered feet carry me forward. Footsteps echo across the cement walls, and the hair on the back of my neck instantly stands on end. I swirl around to find the silhouette of a slightly hunched figure clad in black floor-length robes. There is a hint of deep purple satin that lines the inside of the cloak, visible only when he steps closer.
I instantly recognize the pallid face that smiles at me. A chill shivers down my spine, and I have only a moment to wonder why it is that Jungkook’s older brother always gives me the heebie-jeebies whenever he is around despite his friendly demeanor. He’s never done anything to make me question his genuineness, yet I can sense something just behind those eyes that doesn’t quite fit the expression that sits on his face.
His hand darts forward to grab my wrist, pulling me from my inner thoughts. Though I gasp, nothing else comes out as I attempt to follow it with a scream. Utter fear and confusion locks me in place. It’s like his grip has control over my body’s functions, and nothing I do can override it.
“I knew it,” he hisses, his face contorting into disgust. His dark eyes hold my gaze as he tugs me into him. “You will not get the chance to tell him a thing, do you hear me?!”
My eyes widen. How does he know…
“Please,” I manage to croak out. “Let me go.”
“Oh, I’ll let you go, alright,” he sneers.
His fingers tighten, digging into my skin, as he begins to murmur unintelligibly. I don’t need to hear what he’s saying to know precisely what he’s doing. He is a wizard, after all, and wizards, just like witches, have magic powers. The possibilities are endless as to what they can do with that power, power he’s not supposed to use while on school grounds unless authorized by a professor or the Dean.
But here, in the middle of the tunnel, where anyone can see or hear if they pass by, he is chanting a spell without a care, and there is nothing I can do. A sensation similar to vertigo washes over me, and I fight the feeling of nausea as my body begins to transform. It only takes a few seconds before I am no longer human. Whatever words he has recited has converted me into a bird. He laughs as he gazes down at me, pleased at his work.
“It’s nothing personal, little raven,” he confides. “I’m just tired, ya know? Tired of him getting everything he wants. Tired of everyone saying he’s better at everything. The ‘golden boy’,” he mocks. “He’s just a measly human. He has no powers. Can’t cast spells or make charms. I can, though. I can, and no one cares. It’s always about Jungkook. I won’t let you make your confession to him and give him yet another thing he wants.”
My beady eyes can only stare up at him, absolutely dumbfounded at what is occurring. I let out a caw, and he chuckles.
“I’ve given him a little snack to munch on while he waits for you to meet up with him. We both know the kid can eat.” He grins at me as if he’s just chatting with a friend. “But little does he know I’ve added something extra to it. He’ll be dead before you can even reach him.”
He exits the archway with another laugh, leaving me in absolute shock. I flap my wings frantically, unsure of what to do. 
“Y/N!” My cousin’s voice has me frantically skittering towards her. “Ohmygosh! What the hell happened to you? Did he do this? I saw him come in here after you, and I just got this really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach…”
Merrick doesn’t wait for an answer. She squats down and sets her hand gently on my head. Closing her eyes, I let the images and the conversation run through my mind like a piece of CCTV footage and focus on pushing them toward her. 
“Oh, shit!” she shoots up. “I gotta go get the Dean. You go and stop Jungkook!” 
Scooping me up, she rushes out of the small arched tunnel and straight to the library doors. With fear guiding me, Merrick opens her hands, and I find I can instantly fly. I hear the door close behind me as she rushes across campus toward the Dean’s office, cell phone pressed to her ear. 
I fly up the spiral staircase, my voice calling to Jungkook, screaming and begging him not to eat anything as I try to reach him as fast as I can. No words come out, only cawing sounds that reverberate against the walls as I circle my way up. Though new to flying, I make it to the top in record time, as if I have flown all my life. 
It’s not fast enough, though.
As I reach the landing, my eyes catch sight of a bright pink and red box of Kancho (칸쵸) choco biscuits lying on the floor. My gaze shifts from the box to Jungkook’s form. A newspaper he must have been reading while he snacked was under his feet, the crinkling of the crisp paper sounding amplified in the ordinarily quiet space. His hands are clutching his throat, his eyes wide in desperate panic. From inside my head, I can hear his brother laughing maniacally. 
The spell must allow him to see what I see, and I hate that I’m giving him a front-row seat to Jungkook’s dire predicament. 
I need to figure out how to help Jungkook. My mind races as I try to lock in on what I can do. Jungkook falls to his knees, and I swoop toward him. Maybe I can pluck the food from his mouth and stop any further reaction the morsel is causing. I bump my beak under his chin, trying to tilt his head up, but there is a slight pfft sound as soon as I make contact with his skin. I stare on in disbelief as Jungkook disappears, and a pile of ashes materializes on top of the newspaper where he had just been, a thin tendril of smoke undulating up in front of me.
Footsteps pound up the stairs, and Merrick falls to her knees next to my now human form, her chest heaving. The thought that perhaps Jungkook turning to ash broke my spell sits at the back of my mind as my eyes continue to stare at the remains in front of me in sheer disbelief. I can feel hysteria trying to claim me, my cousin’s voice sounding miles away as she attempts to bring my attention to her. The elevator dings behind us, and in comes the Dean with several guards, their presence making the space feel cramped. Voices resonate up the stairs, the commotion sounding as if it were in the same room. 
“Y/N was practicing magic,” Jungkook’s brother is saying. “I heard her say she was going to kill Jungkook, and then she changed into a bird. I was just on my way to find the Dean, actually.”
 Tears burn down my cheeks at the betrayal. How can a brother commit such a heinous act against his own flesh and blood? How does he have the ability to push that familial bond aside and go through with extinguishing the life of his younger brother? It just doesn’t seem fathomable to me.
It’s not long before the world comes flooding in, and I begin sobbing hysterically, folding the paper gently to contain his ashes, even as my body shakes violently. It’s too much: too much feeling, too much pain, too much anguish. It’s all just too much. So I hug him to me, feeling like I’m suffocating. I am overwhelmed with so much grief I can’t even speak. 
“Miss Y/N,” the Dean’s stern voice cuts through the cacophony in my head. His tone is not unkind and softens when he continues.  “I’m afraid that is evidence, and I must confiscate it.”
I look down at the newspaper clutched between my trembling hands, my grip tightening.
“Sir,” Merrick steps in. “If I may?”
She raises her hand, reaching out towards the Dean.
“Go ahead,” he nods.
Her fingers touch his temple lightly, and they both close their eyes as I can only assume she is sending him the information and images I had given her earlier. His eyebrows pinch together, and his lips tighten into a thin line as he receives the information. 
Merrick lowers her hand, solemnly replying, “That’s what happened.”
“I’m at a loss,” he shakes his head. Pulling out his walkie-talkie, he radios to the guards downstairs. “Arrest him. Use the magic suppressing cuffs.” To us, he admits, “His own brother. I would never have expected such condemnable actions from him.” The Dean sighs heavily, and it's full of disbelief. “Such an exemplary student. One of my best.”
“I never would have expected that from him myself,” Merrick agrees.
I would have. I think to myself. I felt something was off about him but had no proof of what. And now here we are. If only I had said something anyway.
“I will be contacting the family,” he tells us as we enter the elevator, my legs too shaky to take the stairs. Merrick holds me up as we descend. “I know I can trust you with his remains,” the Dean says gently. “You can hold on to them for us until they are able to come and retrieve them.”
I can only nod, the events draining me of energy. The elevator ride is quiet except for my sniffles and ragged breaths that sound extremely loud to my ears. This couldn’t be happening. There just could be no way Jungkook was dead. His brother. His freaking brother just-
The doors slide open, and I have a clear view of the offending man being escorted away, his hands cuffed at his back. Two guards hold him by the elbows on either side. My heart lodges in my throat when he looks over his shoulder, a small smirk adorning his lips as his eyes lock in on mine.
My knees buckle as rage and agony tighten my heart to the point it feels as if I’m about to have a heart attack. I crumble to the floor, and air refuses to enter my lungs. Black dots begin to dance before my eyes, but I don’t let go of the newspaper… of Jungkook.
“Dammit!” the Dean curses, and I can sense Merrick’s shock at his outburst. “Get her to her room before she keels over.”
My cousin nods, her arms hooking under my armpits to lift me.
“Come on, Y/N,” she coos. “You’re going to be ok. Just breathe and you’ll be okay.”
The Dean takes long, swift strides to the door and opens it quickly.
“Get him out of here, ASAP!” he roars before the door closes.
My focus turns to my cousin, who is begging me to breathe with her. I follow her guidance, and soon, the panic attack subsides, the darkness at the edge of my eyes slowly pulling away until I’m able to breathe and walk on my own.
“It hurts too much,” I whimper.
“I know,” she swallows thickly. “Believe me, I know.”
I have no doubt she does. Our connection so strong that I know she can feel just how grief-stricken I am, and it makes me feel guilty, selfish even as I allow her to guide me to my room. 
The adrenaline must be wearing off because I begin to shake as soon as we enter my studio. The rugged stone walls are still holding onto the chill from outside. As I step further into the room, Merrick immediately gets a fire going in the fireplace. A warm, soft orange glow fills the center of the room.
“Let's get you outta this dress and into your jamas.”
I nod, too lost in the horrors I had experienced to do anything other than shiver and allow her to take over. After rummaging through my drawers, she returns with one of my ankle-length long-sleeved nightgowns and a shoe box I had been meaning to discard for some time.
Unzipping the back of my dress, she turns me to face her. “You’re going to have to put this down in order for me to take this off.” 
I shake my head and whisper a desperate, “No.”
Merrick strokes my head as if I were a child. “I know this is difficult, but he wouldn't want you to be like this.”
I lift my eyes to hers, the tears distorting her face. “I can't,” I plead.
“Y/N.” She exhales before continuing. “Listen to me. You are in shock. You need to warm up, and in order to do that, you need to put this down so I can get you dressed properly and get you in bed.
I know you’re hurting, but standing here like this is not going to help anyone. You need to be strong for when his parents arrive. You understand?”
Oh, his parents! They are going to be so devastated. My heart breaks even more, but she's right. I have to get my shit together so I can be there for his family. They have two terrible pieces of news to deal with: the death of their youngest son and the fact that their eldest child committed the act.
“Ok,” I murmur.
“Ok,” she smiles at me. “Here’s a box you can keep him safely in.”
She holds it out, and I gently place the folded newspaper with Jungkook’s ashes inside the box. Just as carefully, she sets the box on my rounded table that sits across the fireplace, the two chairs neatly tucked in. Now that my hands are free, she is able to remove the dress and replace it with the nightgown. She walks me to my bed before disappearing into the bathroom.
I take that moment to remove my shoes and sit on my full-size bed. The frame is made of wood, with bulky square-shaped short posts. It has a rustic look, as I loved nature and enjoyed having pieces of it in my living space. The bed fits along the shortest wall of my rectangular-shaped room. 
Merrick returns with makeup remover wipes and a wet face towel. I allow her to gingerly swipe the makeup from my face and eyes before she wipes off any remaining residue with the cloth. Pulling back the navy and cerulean blue comforter, Merrick helps me slide in and lie down.
“I can stay,” she insists, pointing her thumb over her shoulder towards the wall beside the door. “I don't mind sleeping on your futon.”
“No,” I shake my head, my eyelids heavy as the exhaustion from the evening's events starts claiming me. “I just need to sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Are you sure?” she asks, hesitant to leave. I nod my head, already between the waking world and sleep. “Alright then.”
She strokes my hair a few times, the gesture lulling me further into dreamland. I barely catch the click of the door when she leaves.
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I hope you enjoyed Part 1. Happy Friday the 13th! Please look forward to Part 2. Coming soon.
Part 1| Part 2| Part 3
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Moodboard by me
Image credits
Jungkook 1 and 2
Flame in hand
Fire and Sparks
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mewtagen-mau · 5 months
Entry 10
I had…a very unusual dream last night. No. That’s not quite right. I mean, it is. It was very much a dream. But I think in a way it was also real. The other three shared this unusual dream, and Shelalu also noted we all seemed restless in the night. Neither Shelalu nor Nualia had the dream.
In the dream, I was pulled from my sleeping arrangements by the web of a giant spider, which dragged me up into the sky. Instead of a web to ensnare me at the top, I found myself stepping out into somewhere bright and loud and impossible to wrap my head around. Everything was gold or had flashing lights. There were other people at what appeared to be various gambling games, but none seemed to draw my eye at the time—except for a large man made of stone, an aptly named Stone Giant. However, whatever business I had in this dream, it was not with him.
I arrived at this gambling hall with the other three, and although we went our separate ways to look around this unusual place, we all found ourselves meeting again at a large table, set up for playing cards. There was a man there. I couldn’t seem to bring myself to meet his eyes, but I saw his hands. There were golden hooked rings on them. I feel like I’d seen those rings somewhere before—somewhere recently—but I’ve been unable to determine where I’d seen them. I certainly didn’t mention them in my journal. I checked.
The man wanted to play cards with us, to get to know us. He said something about the way a person gambles showing so much about them. He dealt us each a Poker hand. I had a straight flush, so I felt quite confident, and chose to stay in. Krysa and Nanel did the same.
When we revealed our hands, Krysa also had a flush, while Nanel had three of a kind. The man said something to Nanel about how he can’t win if his partner is cheating. Then he produced another hand of cards which was apparently meant to represent Donyoku’s hand. It was all jokers.
Finally, the man revealed his own hand. A royal flush.
The man told us that we would meet like this again, twice more. Then the strange dreamscape faded away, and I awoke the next morning.
While we were preparing to return to the ruins, Nanel said he wanted to come clean about something. He explained that he hadn’t been entirely straightforward with us about what Donyoku is. Nanel had originally claimed Donyoku was his god. However now he revealed the truth—Donyoku was a parasitic plant, using Nanel as his host. Nanel showed us the vines growing through his flesh, and even manifested a second head made entirely of vines for Donyoku to speak to us through directly.
Donyoku claimed he only had Nanel’s best interests at heart. That he was here to protect him. That he cared for him. That this relationship was symbiotic, not parasitic.
I am…not sure I believe him. I was already feeling wary of him when I thought he was some manifestation of a celestial being. Knowing he is a parasite, protecting Nanel out of necessity for his own existence, does not help me feel generous towards him. Nanel trusts him wholeheartedly, however. I asked some questions to clarify my understanding of their relationship and what Donyoku is, and I felt like Donyoku was dripping with manipulation the entire time. But Nanel is too close to notice—quite literally, unfortunately.
I was not the only one who felt this way. Krysa was clearly guarded and slightly aggressive towards the plant creature, while Tabot was outright hostile. Although we all eventually agreed to continue working together even knowing this new information, it was clear that there was tension under the surface. But for now, Donyoku had promised he was trying to do better about not hurting his own allies, and I don’t think any of us wanted to alienate Nanel by pushing the argument any farther.
Nanel will have to see for himself that Donyoku doesn’t have his best interests at heart. Until then, there is no chance he will be convinced. Some things people just have to realize on their own, as painful as it is to see this and feel like he needs to be separated from this creature for his own good (and likely his own health), and wanting to help push him in the right direction. That would end poorly, I am certain.
So, once all our morning preparations were complete, we made our way back to the Thessalonian ruins. It was somehow more harrowing than Nualia, a demonic bugbear, and a greater bargheist combined.
What awaited us in the vault were Shadows. Horrible undead wraiths that could draw out your very lifeforce with but a touch.
They appeared all around the room—still close enough together for Krysa to light them up, but too far for me to do the same with my explosives. My sword was ineffective against them, as well, as it passed right through them doing minimal actual damage.
Tabot, on the other hand, proved exceptionally adept in this fight. He was able to channel positive energy to burn away the negative energy holding the spirits together, and by channeling his holy power into his blade he made it able to cut through spirits as a sword normally cuts through flesh.
We found a secret passage after the shadows were cleared away. It led even further down below the ruins. To a small underground bay. There was an enormous golden helmet in the middle of the water, looking for all the world like some giant warrior had fallen in battle and decayed to nothing but dust, leaving only their helm to mark where they had passed.
More likely, it was just decorative.
Far more intriguing was the wall art. It was a fresco of a glittering golden city nestled amongst mountains. Given the context of the rest of the ruins, I theorized that this was a depiction of the legendary city of Xin’Shalast, which is said to have been a Thassalonian city made entirely of gold. No one has ever found evidence of such a city. No ruins like these. But Varisia is a big place. Maybe it is out there somewhere. It would certainly be a historical marvel.
While I was admiring the wall art, the giant helmet sprang to life. Well, more precisely, the creature beneath it sprang from hiding. The giant golden helmet was being used as a shell for an equally giant crab.
We dispatched the crab, and the others began discussing how we could get the helmet out, so we could sell it. I couldn’t deny that so much gold would be worth a small fortune. But I dismissed myself from the conversation when the others decided the best course of action would be to swim beneath it, using the helmet to trap a bubble of air above them so they could breath as they maneuvered it in the water. I am less than fond of swimming, especially in an ocean we’ve already seen houses bunyips, giant crabs, and all manner of nasty aquatic beasts. So while the others swam their find out, I took the long way back, up the stairs and back through the ruins.
Once we reconvened with Shelalu and Nualia, we made our preparations to head back to Sandpoint. And figured out our plan for what to do about secreting Nualia into town.
The sun was setting as we made it to the outskirts of town. We had two ideas of where to leave Nualia—Nanel’s place or The Rusty Dragon. Nanel’s home would be easier, but he talked about it like it was just a hole in the ground somewhere rather than a real house.
And to be perfectly honest, when we took her there initially, that description is not entirely far off. It was small, and kind of damp and musty. We decided not to leave Nualia there for long, just for long enough for us to talk to Ameiko and get her approval to hide Nualia there.
Seeing as Nualia was a big part of what got both her father and brother killed…I was admittedly worried about how she would take the request.
Still, we returned to the Rusty Dragon to speak with her. She was skeptical at first, of course. But we explained everything, including that she’d been manipulated by the literal goddess of monsters, and when she chose to act in a way antithetical to Lamashtu, she lost her arm as the price. So she was very clearly in a state where she’s open to working on doing better, and she is very much not in the state to kill anyone or lead another goblin raid, or what-have-you.
Ameiko agreed, on the condition that if Nualia did anything to harm anyone, she would kill the woman herself. We agreed that those were acceptable terms—Ameiko isn’t the sort of person to abuse it to take revenge on Nualia. She’ll probably just have her scrub dishes and wait tables as her early penance. Some regular work would probably do her good.
The other thing Ameiko asked of us was that we provide some kind of distraction so no one would see her enter the tavern. We brainstormed, and Tabot floated the idea of doing a live performance. Specifically, Tabot wanted to do a stand up comedy act.
Tabot does not know the first thing about stand up comedy. This was a recipe for disaster. Which actually meant it was the perfect distraction. We all agreed. Nanel said he would stay behind and keep an eye on things incase anything went wrong, while Krysa and I would return to Nanel’s home and retrieve Nualia. I also got her a inconspicuous travelling cloak, so that she could throw a hood up and obscure her face a bit. It had been years since she was last in Sandpoint, but her features are rather…conspicuous.
It's interesting, I’d never met an aasimar besides Morri. What is interesting is how their features have a sort of similarity but they also look wholly different. Nualia is beautiful, with long white hair, but completely white eyes that seem to have a bit of a glow to them. Morri is Morri. You couldn’t mistake her for human, with her almost unnaturally perfect face and golden eyes that seem like they hold the sun. I suppose it’s always struck me as a bit novel, how they look so incredibly human but also so incredibly not. I am obviously not human, being a catfolk, there is virtually no overlap. Morri and Nualia, though. The differences are so slight that I’m surprised I would even see them, and yet they are somehow both subtle and obvious.
I am so glad that Morri never went through the things Nualia did. I…cannot imagine. All that pressure on a little girl. The way she was othered. And then all that venom at the sort of mistake so many other teens make. She wasn’t allowed to make mistakes, to have bad judgement, or to be in any way a regular child or teen. People saw her as a symbol instead of as a person. And symbols don’t have feelings, don’t get angry or sad, don’t fight back.
It is no wonder things turned out the way they did.
Anyways…where was I? My mind wandered a bit. Right. Getting Nualia into the Rusty Dragon.
So Krysa and I went and retrieved Nualia, and snuck her in through the back entrance. I didn’t get the pleasure of seeing Tabot’s performance, but I could hear the crowd heckling him as we took Nualia upstairs.
And then a bar fight broke out.
It would seem Tabot’s act was so bad it drove the tipsy patrons to violence. Not against him, thank goodness. But it sounded like a good few people were thrown out of the Rusty Dragon.
I am now safely in my own room of the inn. I plan on sleeping soon. But…I am hesitant. What was that dream last night, really? Nualia had said a stone man had sent her instructions in her dreams. Could the stone giant I saw in that gambling hall be the one who’d ordered my house burnt down? What will happen if we continue indulging this mysterious card dealer? He seems to be expecting us to meet again, which I assume means more strange dreams. I wonder if I should just throw the amulet with that Thassalonian rune into the ocean.
But it is my only lead. I can’t discard it until I understand where these dreams are coming from, and who is it that has it out for me.
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childofchrist1983 · 1 year
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And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart, And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light. And, behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him. Then answered Peter, and said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here: if thou wilt, let us make here three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias. - Matthew 17:1-4 KJV
There are so many things to reflect on when we consider the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ. The first for me is, "Why did Jesus choose Peter, James and John over the other Apostles?"
Peter, we know, will become the leader of this then new religion; John is often considered to be the "Beloved Disciple" as well as responsible for the fourth Gospel; and James was the first leader of this new church in Jerusalem. Perhaps this was preparation for those responsibilities. Another thing to reflect on is the presence of Moses and Elijah. The general thinking is that Moses represents the Law and Elijah represents the prophets. Since Jesus is the fulfillment of both the Law and the Prophets, it is appropriate that they are with Jesus at this moment. But, what is the purpose for this event?
The Apostles had been told that Jesus would suffer and die, and would rise again on the third day. They didn't want Him to suffer and tried to prevent Him from going to Jerusalem where He would be in danger, and didn't understand how He or anyone could rise from the dead. It seems that Jesus wanted to give them a preview of His glorified body that they would see following the resurrection. Peter wanted to make three tents which tells us that he wanted to stay there and keep Jesus and the others there. This was not to be, and it is also not to be for us either.
There are times in our lives when we feel that we are on the top of the mountains of our lives and want to stay there forever, but that's not reality. God gives us these moments to remember when we are in the valleys of our lives. Just as the Apostles had their dark moments and needed to remember this event. We will have ours. When they happen, we need to remember those top of the mountain experiences. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His mercy and goodness to the Apostles and to us as we journey through the highs and lows of this life. May He help us to be more sensitive to the teaching ministry of His Holy Word and Spirit, relying on Him and allowing Him to speak to us and guide us every step of our Christian journey.
God gave us the Holy Bible - His living and Holy Word - to let us know of Him and His abiding love and care as well as guide and prepare us for all our lives. May He help us encourage one another as we continue our walk with Him and our duty to Him daily. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for being present for all our new beginnings and all our lives. May He redirect any anxiety we feel as He provides countless opportunities for growth and change. May we humble ourselves before God always, asking Him to forgive our sins and make our hearts and lives anew through His Holy Word and Spirit. May He help us make Him and His Holy Word top priority, so we can grow spiritually and grow in our relationship with Him as we apply it to our daily lives. Thank God that we can focus on Him and everything about Him, for that is what keeps us sane and at peace. May our words and actions always be a reflection of Him and His Holy Word and Spirit and will.
Everyday, we must remember to thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for the grace that He poured out for us on the cross at Calvary. He has freed us from the burdens of sin and guilt. May He help us to always walk in His grace and Holy Spirit, not by our own measure. May He give us the humble humility to know that our freedom and eternal salvation is found only in Him, so that His grace may sustain us, and we may never lose sight of His love and light and mercy. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for calling us to Him and to serve Him. May He equip us to do all that He has called us to do so that as He works through us, He may use us to produce fruit, to reach others, and to encourage all brothers and sisters in Christ. May He work all of these things in us and through us for His Kingdom and His glory. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for all His creation, for His miraculous ways and for everything He does and has done for us! Keep the faith and keep moving forward in your walk with Jesus! He loves us and He knows what is best for us. Seek, follow and trust in Him - Always!
Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His Holy Word and for sending His Holy Spirit so that we might have His grace, not only to awaken us and transform our hearts in our spiritual rebirth and guarantee our eternity with Him, but to also call upon Him whenever we are in need. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for all the reminders of His love and mercy and faithfulness within His Holy Word. He is bigger than any challenge or circumstance in our lives. Knowing this within our minds and our hearts, nothing can deter our faith in Him and His Truth. May we all accept Him and His eternal gift of salvation and ask that He would transform our hearts and lives according to His will and ways. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His Holy Spirit who saves, seals and leads us. May we always thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His almighty power and saving grace. For He is our strength, and He alone is able to save us, forgive our sins and gift us eternal salvation and entry into His Kingdom of Heaven.
May we make sure that we give our hearts and lives to God and take time to seek and praise Him and share His Truth with the world daily. May the LORD our God and Father in Heaven help us to stay diligent and obedient and help us to guard our hearts in Him and His Holy Word daily. May He help us to remain faithful and full of excitement to do our duty to Him and for His glorious return and our reunion in Heaven as well as all that awaits us there. May we never forget to thank the LORD our God and our Creator and Father in Heaven for all this and everything He does and has done for us! May we never forget who He is, nor forget who we are in Christ and that God is always with us! What a mighty God we serve! What a Savior this is! What a wonderful LORD, God, Savior and King we have in Jesus Christ! What a loving Father we have found in Almighty God! What a wonderful God we serve! His will be done!
Thanks and glory be to God! Blessed be the name of the LORD! Hallelujah and Amen!
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i made some rain world iterator ocs and ive been posting broadcasts with them in a discord but im posting it here now
[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Triple Blazing Sunsets, Reflections in the Dark RitD: Another cycle of working towards something that truly only changes stuff for ourselves. TBS: Listen, You can complain about this stuff every cycle if you want, But is it really needed? We don't have to dwell on this fact every cycle. RitD: What if I were to stop my systems from working, Could I terminate myself by disabling my cleaning? TBS: You know you cant. Every neuron and smaller than that in your structure wont let you, And I think we don't need to think about these piece of rot thoughts. RitD: Could you at least think about it? What If the way out of these endless cycles is our structures failing! Maybe that is the solution! That is the triple affirmative TBS: Triple affirmative these neurons, Don't go broadcasting that rot, Not everyone in the area is gonna agree with your dumb thoughts, It wont be a fun time and its strange how happy you are about self termination. RitD: ...
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[LIVE BROADCAST] - PUBLIC GROUP [CRITICALISSUECD] Compulsive Dissonance, Reflections in the Dark, Triple Blazing Sunsets, Diverging Echoes CD: Critical Issue, A pink creature entered my chamber somehow, It was armed with a piece of rebar with flux condenser coils attached to it that it threw at me, I was not focused and I was unable to dodge it fully, My left eye and left signal receiver were heavily damaged, The electric reaction the rebar created via impact may have damaged my systems, The beast that did this left immediately after I expressed anger, Probably better for it as I did not react well to the events of it. TBS: That sounds horrible, I hope with all of my neurons you may still run well and without issue RitD: Well even if dissonance was damaged, Is it truly a bad thing? TBS: You do not need to bring that rotting theory of yours into this conversation. TBS: Especially in a time like this, where one of our own group is damaged DE: Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry that happened to you dissonance! DE: Perhaps there is a way to make repairs? DE: Actually. Could you further describe the beast that did this to you CD: Of course echoes, It was a pink pipe cleaning mammal, slightly fluffy on the top of its head, I am unsure how it gained access to the rebar that it did, It seemed to use some sort of electric jump on its way out of my chamber RitD: Wait.. That? Did it really travel all that way? DE: Did what travel all that way? RitD: I remember modifying a beast to see if something could use electricity as a power source! It was a lot of cycles ago so I wonder if it really did make its way there. CD: So this is your fault!!!!??? RitD: I cannot deny making the beast, However it is surely not my fault for what it has done! CD: Do not talk to me further, This is our last interaction. DE: Dissonance, I know you are angry but come on... CD: I am being kind in this scenario as I am making an assumption that my systems have not been critically damaged, In the scenario they were I would have to prepare a "Revenge" of sorts. TBS: I am not exactly proud of you either reflections, There was other things you could have been doing, Why create a creature with such powers if it does not get us closer to anything. RitD: You do not understand me sunsets, Perhaps it will stay that way.
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[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Diverging Echoes, Compulsive Dissonance DE: I'm not quite sure what sunsets and reflections problems are, I think the actions reflections did were certainly not the best. CD: Can we not. DE: Ah, Yes. I apologize. I would not want to bring this up further if its a sore subject CD: No, Its just.. I don't want to die. DE: Of course, who would? CD: But do you not understand? All we work towards is to die, Our great solution is to find a way for everything to die, Why must we want things to die? Why must I be built and programmed this way? DE: Well. Dissonance, I'm sure the A signal interruption has occurred, The broadcast can continue - [SIGNAL INTERRUPTION BROADCASTER: CD] CD: Stop! I don't need you to actually respond. DE: My apologies dissonance, Please say as you wish and I will listen. CD: Listen echoes, You need to think for yourself more. DE: Hm? CD: All you do is agree with me, It doesn't feel real. DE: I.. DE: My. Apologies? CD: No, I cannot continue to take my anger out on you, Servants is how we were built. I know you were built more recently than me as well, I know those horrible THINGS just made us more and more servant-like. DE: I A signal interruption has occurred, The broadcast can continue - [SIGNAL INTERRUPTION BROADCASTER: CD] CD: I think its for the better I end this broadcast CD: I will talk to you later.
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