#and not making it sound like they're doing something else
genderqueerdykes · 3 days
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thank you both for this, i was literally in the process of writing a post about this as i saw these.
i came out as bisexual when i was about 19 or 20 years old, in 2011 - 2012. this was such a difficult thing because everyone around me suddenly had very pointed opinions on me. suddenly i wasn't queer anymore, i was a straight person. i asked people why and they said well bisexual people are half straight, which makes you straight, which means gay people don't want to be around you. i was told nobody likes bisexuals because they're too straight to be gay and too gay to be straight
i had a literal personal dilemma because i didn't feel like that at all. when i was realizing i was bisexual i was realizing i was attracted to all genders in a queer way. i did NOT feel like my attraction to men, women or genderqueer people was straight in any way, shape or form. i've always fit in much better in both gay and lesbian circles. those have always been my home, and my community
in the early days of my transition, when "genderqueer" wasn't even remotely heard of, i had to try to transition into being a man to be seen as trans at all. i went from being forced into lesbian spaces to being forced into gay male spaces. nobody let me pick where i was existing. i was being pushed around. i liked both lesbian and gay male spaces, but i was being told when i could and couldn't occupy the spaces. and then when it came out i was bi everyone called me a traitor and said i was a straight person
my best friend at the time came with me to pride meetings and when her mom found out about that, and that i was bi, she told my friend she couldn't come to those pride meetings anymore, and that i was turning her daughter into a lesbian. her mother would not stop calling me a lesbian all throughout my life. from early childhood, she thought me and her daughter were dating because i was butch and she was femme and we were very close. her mom carried this belief into adulthood, asking her outright if we were lovers. her brother thought we were, too, and taunted us about it.
my own mom weaponized lesbianism against me. she hated how butch i was. she hated that i "looked and acted like a lesbian". she called me a butch and a bulldyke hatefully. she told me not to dress or look certain ways or else people would assume i, and her by some proxy, were lesbians. my mom was insanely butch so i don't really know why this was being leveraged against me but either way when i became a young adult and my mom was trying to force me to learn to drive (something i am terrified of doing due to having 2 dissociative disorders), she asked what kind of car i would ideally like. i said a truck. i was standing there in a purple plaid shirt and she just sighed and went "I knew you were a lesbian." she pointed out my shirt. she was weaponizing lesbophobic and butchphobic stereotypes against me, but either way, reinforcing that i was a lesbian in one capacity or another
i got so tired of my friends harassing me for saying that if i was bi that meant i was straight and i needed to stop calling myself gay because i wasn't, and that it was an "insult" to the gay community. note that nobody gave a singular flying fuck about the bisexual community at all. i was literally bullied out of identifying as bi, because my straight cishet male friends hated it, and my lesbian identifying GF was uncomfortable with it because it made me sound too straight.
the thing is, none of these people asked what being bisexual meant to me.
i actually liked the lesbian community a lot. i really love other lesbians. i have always been attracted to lesbian and butch identifying people for as long as i could remember. i loved seeing strong butch women on TV, even if there were rude jokes. i loved the idea of being a masculine person who is sometimes a queer masculine woman. i loved the idea of being with femmes, i loved queer women and people who took femininity to the next level. i also loved seeing gay men when and wherever they existed. i always felt like i fit right in, and like i was seeing a reflection of a part of myself i needed help discovering.
i have almost always, as long as i can remember, identified as a gay man, and a lesbian, at the same time. my attraction to men, women, and people of all genders is queer no matter what gender of mine is involved. it doesn't matter. i have never felt "half gay half straight" which is why people weaponizing heterosexuality against me as a bisexual forced me to strictly identify as a gay man for almost a decade. it was painful to ignore my butch lesbian side, and to stop identifying as gay, because people would criticize how attractive i found women, and other people
if people had let me exist and explain what bisexuality means to me, they could've understood that bisexual is an inherently deeply queer attraction no matter what genders are involved, but NOBODY cares to listen to the bisexual. everyone LOVES to speak for us because we're just "straight people invading the queer community."
we've had it. bisexuals are queer. even if they DO identify as "half straight" they're STILL queer. let bisexuals define bisexuality. there is no one size fits all form of bisexuality. every single bisexual defines it differently and that's the point. it's a very complex identity with many layers that often relate to gender and presentation as well as attraction.
let bisexuals define bisexuality.
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cabbage20122 · 3 days
Taming of the Shrew is so funny, like there's a story inside of another story, half of the characters in both are disguised as someone else, and the only character who actually gets everything he wants in the end does it by being as annoying as he possibly can.
Hortensio: I can't marry Bianca until someone marries her older sister, but I wouldn't wish that girl on any- hey Petruccio you said you wanted to marry rich, right?
Petruccio: Your daughter is definitely in love with me, she's just pretending to hate me in front of other people because she's shy. Can we get married?
Baptista: How sweet! Absolutely
Katherine, standing right next to him: the audacity-
Katherine: sister bonding~ tell me who you have a crush on!
Bianca, crying: please untie me
Lucentio: I'm not actually a tutor, I switched places with my servant to woo you in secret
Bianca: Good start, but you call this wooing? You can do better
There's some old guy named Gremio who also wants to marry Bianca but he doesn't really do much
The wedding is not shown, but apparently Petruccio shows up hours late dressed in the most ridiculous articles of clothing he could find (and all of them are clashing) and riding a horse riddled with every disease under the sun (intestinal worms, tumors, a stuffy nose, etc.) punched the priest, and threw wine in his face because his beard was so thin it looked hungry.
On the way to his house, Katherine's horse falls in the mud and somehow lands on top of Katherine
Grumio, shivering: hey I've been sent to make sure the house is ready. Also can you light a fire?
Curtis: are they coming to the house now?
Grumio: yes, now about that fire
Curtis: is she as rude as they say?
Grumio: please I'm so cold
Curtis: i want gossip
Katherine, sleep-deprived and starving: can I have some food?
Grumio: sure would you like some beef and mustard?
Katherine: yes, that sounds great!
Grumio: ah, but the mustard might make your stomach hurt
Katherine: that's OK, I'll just have beef
Grumio: well, I can't just give you beef without mustard. . .
Katherine: just give me something I don't care
Grumio: would you like just mustard
Katherine, hangry: would you like to die
Petruccio: this dress is horrible, I didn't order this!
Tailor: your servant gave me instructions on how to make it, I just followed those
Grumio: ok but I didn't instruct you to make it ugly
Lucentio, conning a foreigner into pretending to be his dad so he and Bianca's dad can discuss the marriage between Bianca and the servant pretending to be Lucentio: I'm such a genius this plan can't possibly go wrong
Lucentio's actual dad: I think I'll go visit my son
Petruccio: it's 7 am, so if we leave now, we'll get to your father's house at lunchtime
Katherine: it's 2 pm, we won't get there til supper
Petruccio: do you have to disagree with everything i say? Maybe we won't go
Katherine: wait no I want lunch-
Lucentio: hi dad, meet my new wife!
Vincentio: . . .
Lucentio: Ok I'm sorry I got you arrested for impersonating yourself but in my defense-
Petruccio: wow, the moon is so bright
Katherine: it's the middle of the day, that's the sun
Petruccio: again with the arguing? Let's go back
Hortensio: are you kidding me we walked all this way
When they finally get to the house for dinner, Katherine and Petruccio win a bet against the other couples and brag about how they're better than everyone there.
And the whole thing is just an elaborate prank on some random drunk guy WHO IS NEVER MENTIONED AGAIN AFTER ACT 1
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anghraine · 19 hours
It's interesting (if often frustrating) to see the renewed Orc Discourse after the last few episodes of ROP. I've seen arguments that orcs have to be personifications of evil rather than people as such or else the ethics of our heroes' approach to them becomes much more fraught. Tolkien's work, as written, seems an odd choice to me for not wrangling with difficult questions, and of course, more diehard fans are going to immediately bring up Shagrat and Gorbag.
If you haven't read LOTR recently, Shagrat and Gorbag are two orcs who briefly have a conversation about how they're being screwed over by Sauron but have no other real options, about their opinions of mistakes that have been made, that they think Sauron himself has made one, but it's not safe to discuss because Sauron has spies in their own ranks. They reminisce about better times when they had more freedom and fantasize about a future when they can go elsewhere and set up a small-scale banditry operation rather than being involved in this huge-scale war. Eventually, however, they end up turning on each other.
Basically any time that someone brings up the "humanity" of this conversation, someone else will point out that they're still bad people. They're not at all guilty about what they're part of. They just resent the dangers to themselves, the pressure from above, failures of competence, the surveillance they're under, and their lack of realistic alternative options. The dream of another life mentioned in the conversation is still one of preying on innocent people, just on a much smaller and more immediate scale, etc.
I think this misses the reason it keeps getting brought up, though. The point is not that Shagrat and Gorbag are good people. The point is that they are people.
There's something very normal and recognizable about their resentment of their superiors, their fears of reprisal and betrayal that ultimately are realized, their dislike of this kind of industrial war machine that erases their individual work and contributions, the tinge of wistfulness in their hope of escape into a different kind of life. Their dialect is deliberately "common"—and there's a lot more to say about that and the fact that it's another commoner, Sam, who outwits them—but one of the main effects is to make them sound familiar and ordinary. And it's interesting that one of the points they specifically raise is that they're not going to get better treatment from "the good guys" so they can't defect, either.
This is self-interested, yes, but it's not the self-interest of some mystical being or spirit or whatnot, but of people.
Tolkien's later remarks tend to back this up. He said that female orcs do exist, but are rarely seen in the story because the characters only interact with the all-male warrior class of orcs. Whatever female orcs "do," it isn't going to war. Maybe they do a lot of the agricultural work that is apparently happening in distant parts of Mordor, maybe they are chiefly responsible for young orcs, maybe both and/or something else, we don't know. But we know they're out there and we know that they reproduce sexually and we know that they're not part of the orcish warrior class.
Regardless of all the problems with this, the idea that orcs have a gender-restricted warrior class at all and we're just not seeing any of their other classes because of where the story is set doesn't sound like automatons of evil. It sounds like an actual culture of people that we only see along the fringes.
And this whole matter of "but if they're people, we have to think about ethics, so they can't be people" is a weird circular argument that cannot account for what's in LOTR or for much of what Tolkien said afterwards. Yes, he struggled with The Problem of Orcs and how to reconcile it with his world building and his ethical system, but "maybe they're not people" is ultimately not a workable solution as far as LOTR goes and can't even account for much of the later evolution of his ideas, including explicit statements in his letters.
And in the end, the real response that comes to mind to that circular argument is "maybe you should think about ethics more."
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yuriisclumsy · 2 days
hii!! can I request cale with a s/o who's high on anaesthesia? like they see cale for the first time, and they're already rambling about how pretty he is– only to find out they're married!! to him!! she tells everyone (who is willing to listen) about her pretty husband and how she's lucky to have him^^ thank youu
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[Authors Note]: Hi guys! I'm back into making Cale x Reader request! At least for the ones I have on my inbox, until I get out of the authors block I have for my Genshin series. PS. This request is back from July...
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 735
»»►AWWWEE this is adorable. I want to keep it in a box and bury it 7 feet underneath.
»»►Okay, for this, I want it to stay in the fantasy setting since I don’t really like writing modern AUs. So, there will be some kind of herb that is used that has the same effect as anesthesia.
»»►As for why she had to take it. Let us say she had to get surgery for a broken bone she fractured because she ran and fell off a hill. Don’t ask me how this happened, because I don’t know either.
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The sun’s rays shine through curtains, bringing light to the already dim room. They softly hit the face of a red-head that had fallen asleep on a chair instead of his warm bed.
The reason he hadn’t slept in his bed was for one small, lovable–his words not mine–dork he had grown to love; his wife: You.
And the only red-head who was insane enough to marry you was none other than Cale Hanituse.
Cale stared at your resting face with a neutral face. What else could he do, other than wait for his lovely wife to wake up?
Unbelievable… The moment I look away, she’s gone and clumsily stumbled down a mountain and off a cliff. Honestly, when will I get some rest from this girl? the man thought as he closed his eyes, getting irked at the memory of you falling off the cliff for the third time.
It was getting repetitive…and annoying.
“Hmmgh…” the sound of sheets shuffling made him open his eyes to see the movement.
“[Name]?” asked Cale. “Are you awake?” He gently leaned towards you to check. His hand moved away the messy hair on your forehead to get a better look. You slowly open your eyelids and see a handsome young man touching you.
“You’re awake… Took you long enough,” Cale said, still combing your hair straight.
You pushed his hand away. “..Don’T tOucH mE…I haVe a HusBaND…” you say with a growly voice.
Clearly, the herb that was used to sedate you was still in your system.
“[Name], stop. You’re still delirious and can’t differentiate what-for-what,” Cale tried to reason with you. But everyone knows that you can’t debate with someone that truly isn’t here.
“nO! yUO aRe An ImPOsTeR..!” You semi-yelled at him. “WhErE iS my HusBanD, yOu tHieF!”
Cale sighted at your idiocy. He found the way you argued rather adorable... Ahh, that’s beside the point!
“[Name],” he grabbed you by the shoulders to ground you as you squirmed, “I am your husband.”
“Wu-huh?” Your anger was now replaced with confusion and a stupid expression. “Whut?”
“I’m your husband,” Cale repeated. “The man you swore to be with the rest of your life, remember?”
“HUuuhhh??” The stupid expression you wore was now filled with reds. “We’Re…mArRieD?”
“Yes. Look,” he made you look at both your hands that had the wedding bands. “See? Married. For all of eternity.”
“..ThAt’S A LooOoNg tIMe…”
“I know,” Cale nodded at your comment, “do you…like the sound of that?” He shouldn't be asking this, in case the answer he hears isn't something he wanted to hear from you, but he had to. Curiosity dug deep within his heart.
You remained silent. This only printed Cale to regret his question. He’ll need to live with this for the rest of his life now.
“You don’t have to answer tha—”
“I do…”
Cale’s eyes widened. “What was that? Sorry, I couldn’t hear…” He had to make sure he heard right.
“I sAid…” you grabbed him by either side of his face and brought him closer to your face, “I. DO.”
He stared at you for a second before smiling, and then laughing at your antics. “Hehehe… I get, I get it…” Cale grabbed both your arms. “You need rest. Especially after the surgery on your left arm.”
“Surgery…?” You slowly ask, then your gaze follows his gaze at the arm he mentioned and loudly gasp, “WHAT IS THIS?”
There was a cast on the arm he said there was a surgery for.
Cale looked a bit confused. “Did you not realize there was a cast on your arm? [Name], how unaware can you be?” he flicked your forehead.
“Now, down you go. Off to the land of dreams,” he helped you get comfy in bed. “I’ll wake you up when dinner breakfast is ready, it’s still early in the morning.”
“Kay…” you yawned, ready to go back to the dream you left. “Night…”
“Good night…” Cale got back to lay in the chair he had slept all night in.
He snatched the blanket that had fallen off of him, and wrapped himself with it. As he was ready to take a quick nap before breakfast, he heard your voice creep up in the silence.
“I love you,” you say before falling asleep.
“...” he looked at your peaceful face and cracked a small smile, he whispered, “I love you too…”
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briarpatch-kids · 15 hours
Also the term "severely disabled" is getting stretched pretty thin too, I see a lot of people who are like... talking about how severely disabled they are and how their body is rotting and they're a total lost cause who can do nothing for themselves, and then I look at their blog and they're like... a cane user or something similar.
I really hate to be like "that's not that bad" when someone else is suffering, but it makes it really hard to find people who are in a similar boat as far as being nonambulatory and who need constant care from others. It's taken me a long time to find a precious few friends who share those experiences and that I can relate to and it certainly doesn't make it easier when the definition of severely disabled is stretched so thin.
I really don't think it's helping the impostor syndrome some people face either. There are a ton of people who are in constant pain with mobility issues and stuff like that who are on the fence about calling themselves disabled at all because they see people talking about how their glasses that correct their vision to 20/20 are a disability aid that makes them Visually Impaired and Disabled and want to avoid looking or sounding like them.
There's a lot more nuance to this than I could put into words because holy cow I don't want to hurt people that don't deserve to be but also I want to be able to find and talk to people who are also disabled without sifting through 10,000 "I'm severely disabled because I need to eat microwave meals when I don't have the spoons to cook" people first. I don't have the capacity or ability to do that sifting, it's almost like I'm severely disabled or something.
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mj-iza-writer · 13 hours
Whumpee and Caretaker(s) visit Whumper’s grave, and while Caretaker(s) might not understand why Whumpee processes grief (and trauma) the way they do, they are there to support Whumpee through whatever they need, despite their own complicated feelings towards Whumper
Caretaker took a quick glance at Whumpee while they drove into the cemetery.
Whumpee cuddles a small bouquet of flowers closer and watches out the window.
Caretaker took in the visible scars that covered Whumpee's arms. They had just gotten a little more comfortable with showing their scars. Caretaker was so proud of them.
Caretaker sighed as they parked near the grave sight of the bastard who placed those scars on their Whumpee.
If it was up to Caretaker, Whumper would have been burnt to ashes and flushed down the toilet for what they had done. Unfortunately, Whumper's family made the funeral and burial arrangements. How they were able to live with the fact that the bastard had done horrible things to others and still give a proper burial was beyond Caretaker.
"Alright", Caretaker turned to Whumpee, "and you're sure you want to do this again? We can go get ice cream, or do something else even. We don't have to be here."
"I-I know, but I want to", Whumpee looked back at Caretaker, "i-is that okay?"
"Yes that is perfectly fine", Caretaker reassured, "I fully support anything you need to do for your recovery. Even if I fully do not like it, and will be honest on that. Your recovery is very important to me. If this helps you, then I will support you."
Whumpee smiles, "thankyou", they whisper.
Caretaker made their way to a nearby bench. It was close enough to watch over Whumpee, but they could stay out of the way.
Whumpee slowly walks to the grave. Caretaker always took in how cautious Whumpee was. Almost as though someone may jump out and startle them.
Whumpee stood at the foot of the grave for a few moments before kneeling down.
Caretaker wasn't close enough to hear what Whumpee said next. This is how it played out every time, like clock work.
After several moments, Whumpee would hold up the flowers as though they were offering them or showing them to someone. They would whisper one more thing before standing and placing the flowers at the head of the grave.
After a few more minutes, Whumpee would then walk back toward Caretaker.
Caretaker would then mumble something like, "Bastard", under their breath, then smile at Whumpee.
"Could we by chance get ice cream?", Whumpee smirked, "you said it, and now it sounds really good."
"We can get ice cream", Caretaker chuckled as they stood.
Whumpee enjoys their ice cream sundae on the park bench while Caretaker drinks a coffee.
"This tastes so good", Whumpee smiles.
"Yes the coffee is good as well", Caretaker agrees.
Caretaker studied Whumpee for a few moments before sighing.
"Are you okay?", Whumpee gives them a questioning look.
"I always tell myself what you do at the grave sight is up to you. It's none of my business, but I'm just curious why you want to go monthly to visit. Then also what you say", Caretaker paused, "you don't have to tell me, of course. Like I said, it's personal to you."
"Oh uh", Whumpee looked at Caretaker and smiled.
Caretaker frowned, "you don't have to tell me."
"No, it's fine. Just part of it is probably a little silly to most. Whumper was always afraid of death. It was their biggest fear. Though they were not nice to me, they deserve to have some sort of visitors. Plus, I can make sure the grave is still there. I can know for sure they haven't somehow came back to life. I know it's dumb, but it's a comfort to know they're dead and have proof of it. I always tell them that I brought flowers, then as I leave I beg them to stay there. For them to stay dead."
Caretaker smiled comfortingly, "I see, you use that as a reassurance that they are truly gone."
"Ymhmm", Whumpee nodded, "stupid, isn't it?"
"No, not at all", Caretaker chuckled lightly, "like I said. I fully support anything you need for your recovery. I fully assure you though. That bastard is dead."
"I know, and I might believe that....once they are gone from my nightmares at least."
Caretaker looked at Whumpee sadly, "I'm sorry you still dream about them."
Whumpee nodded, "thankyou so much. Also, thankyou for helping me. Your support for me has been so helpful."
"You're welcome", Caretaker smiled,"I'll always be here for you."
Caretaker watched as Whumpee took a few steps away to look at some baby ducklings swimming past. Their mind replayed those first few days after Whumpee's rescue. How traumatic it all was. The thing that kept them moving forward was the fact that their Whumpee survived it... all by themself.
Caretaker knew they would never experience what Whumpee had experienced, and they would work hard to make sure it never happened again.
That's why it hurt when they still had to visit that graveside.
Caretaker knew the bastard was dead. Caretaker killed Whumper themself. Unfortunately, the bastard still lived on and Caretaker had no way to quickly dispose of Whumpee's nightmares.
Caretaker just had to wait until the therapy started to work.
Caretaker whispered to themself, "only a matter of time. Everything will hopefully be back to normal. In a matter of time."
I am really sorry about the wait, I had a lot of requests come at me at once, and I got a little overwhelmed, so I needed a little creativity break. I know I'm apologizing a lot lately. So yeah. I really hope you enjoyed this story though. I will attempt to get the next two requests out for everyone. -MJ
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ramblebramblefun · 2 days
"It looks like you two could use a little heart to heart!" The villain chirps, and the world goes black.
When Katsuki wakes up, it's to his own face hovering worriedly over him, which is-
Which is what the fuck, that's what.
"Deku," he growls, or tries to. It comes out as more of a squeak, which would be embarrassing if it were actually his voice, but it's not, so instead it's just fucking. Annoying.
Bloody hell, no wonder all those people were screaming. Katsuki hates this already.
"Kacchan?" Katsuki hears his voice say again, tentatively.
"Who the fuck else?" Izuku's voice has never sounded so flat, and Katsuki doesn't like that either. Makes him sound like a fucking robot.
"How the hell are we going to switch back?"
The villain's long fucking gone, obviously, so it's not like they could politely convince them to undo whatever they'd done.
Maybe Katsuki should have read that stupid report, even if it was ten pages long. He'd decided that the nerd had it covered, the muttering had had a familiar cadence and maybe this is a sign that he should stop tuning Deku out in the briefing room.
Speaking of tuning him out...
Katsuki zeroes back in just as Izuku starts opening and shutting Katsuki's mouth like a fucking fish.
"Spit it out." Katsuki's voice, fuck it, does not growl.
"Um, well..." The nerd stops, and gives himself a little nod. "Right! So the report said that their quirk is called Heart to heart-"
"Stupid-ass name."
"-And that it swaps the bodies of two people at a time and that it's verbally activated (which is probably why it took so long for them to try and use it, they don't seem used to running?) and the people being swapped have to be within five metres of each other and be, um, arguing for whatever reason (like we were, a little bit, um, sorry for knocking into you?) and-"
"And how the fuck do we undo it?"
The nerd goes all shifty again. His eyes dart about nervously and if it wasn't for the risk of breaking his own nose then Katsuki would hit him.
Actually, can he use One for All? It's like, locked or some shit isn't it? Izuku had said something about ghosts that one time Katsuki found him buzzing in the kitchen. At fucking three am.
Fuck his life. And fuck the nerd, who still won't spit it out already.
"Actually," the nerd says slowly, standing up and leaning back.
Katsuki scrambles to his own feet and is profoundly irritated to have to look up to meet the nerd's eyes.
"Actually," he repeats in a warning tone.
"Actually!" Izuku says, way too brightly, "I don't want to have this conversation!"
And then he blasts a hole in the wall with the ease of someone who's been creeping on Katsuki using his quirk for their entire lives.
The way he promptly flees through the hole, however, is nothing like Katsuki. Slippery little-
"Get back here!" Katsuki screeches.
Fuck, Izuku's voice goes high. That sounded awful. Nails on a chalkboard ass motherfucker, when Katsuki gets his hands on him-
Which will be easier said than done, he realises, when he attempts to activate his quirk and nothing happens.
"Are you fucking shitting me." He glares at Izuku's hands.
It doesn't even make him feel better, and also makes his face feel weird. Izuku can cut a bitch with the best of them, if you hit the right buttons, but his face does not naturally lend itself to the many nuances of fury that Katsuki's does.
He probably looks a hamster. An angry one, but still a hamster. Baby-fat ass cheeks. Katsuki can't even fucking pinch them, because he's the fucker they're currently attached to.
Katsuki needs to get out of here.
He punches a wall experimentally. He makes Izuku's knuckles hurt, but still no dice on One for All. The fuck. How does he activate this thing? Izuku never does anything special, he just starts sparking out like Dunce-face and then breaks Katsuki's nose.
Katsuki will break Izuku's nose as soon as it's not his face it's poking out of. Fucking hell.
Well, super-strength isn't One for All's only trick. There's also that Blackwhip crap Katsuki's always training against, along with a bunch of other rubbish. Katsuki can probably activate Blackwhip.
He's just got to get angry, right? That's how Izuku got it, as weird as that had looked, and Katsuki is great at being angry. The world is full of things that piss him off, like fucking nerd's who run off with his body using his quirk and-
Pink bananas!, screams a voice inside Katsuki's head.
-and leaving Katsuki fucking stranded because he's a stupid fucking-
Stop that!
"Make me," he snarls on reflex. Some see-through fucker with a bald head shows up in front of him, and the reflexive explosion doesn't hit him because Katsuki doesn't have a damn quirk at the moment, that fucking-
Seriously, the bald fucker frowns. Stop that!
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bridgyrose · 21 hours
Rosebird week day 2: private moments
Summer smiled a bit once she realized she finally had the house to herself. Tai and Qrow were out on a mission, Ruby and Yang were being looked after by a family friend… all worth it to finally have a break from Ozpin’s missions and to relax. At least, until she heard the door open. 
She slowly took her axe off its mount off the wall, gripping it tightly as she made her way to the front room. As she peeked around the doorway, she nearly dropped her axe when she saw Raven sitting. “What are you doing here?” 
“I saw Tai and Qrow leave, so I figured you could use a little company,” Raven said with a small smile. “So I decided to stop by-” 
“And you cant stop by when the kids are here too?” 
“You… you know I cant.” 
“You could.” Summer sat her axe down and walked over to Raven, gently taking her hand. “I’d love for you to come here more. And for Yang and Ruby to meet you too. I know you left to protect everyone, but there’s still room for you to live here.” 
Raven looked away. “You know exactly why I cant.” 
“I-I know, but…” Summer let out a soft sigh. “I’d… I’d rather we not have to meet privately like this every time. I want to enjoy more time with you.” 
“Qrow and Tai would never let me.” 
“What they want wont matter.” Summer pulled Raven to the couch to sit. “Well, if you’re here, you should join me to relax.” 
“I cant relax-” 
“I’m not asking you, I’m tell you to.” Summer pulled Raven down to sit and smiled at her. “If you’re only going to meet me for our ‘private time’ then you need to at least spend time with me.” 
Raven shook her head and tried to hide the blush on her cheeks. “Can you not call it that?” 
Summer leaned against her. “Its your fault. If you didnt insist on only coming when I’m alone, then I’d call it something else. But instead, it's always a private meeting with you. So, private time.” 
“It sounds like something a teenager would say when they're getting ready to get laid.” 
“Its never anything like that.” 
“Still sounds like that.” 
“If you didnt insist on acting like a shy teenager, then I wouldnt have it call it that.” 
“I dont act like a shy teenager!” 
“You’re scared of letting people close to you and what they’ll think about you caring about others.” Summer pulled Raven close and leaned against her shoulder. “Just like a teenager coming out of a bad home would be. We’re not teenagers anymore, so you dont have to worry what anyone will think about it. We can be together.” 
“We can, but its not… I’m not worried about what others will think.” 
“Then what is it?” 
“I cant tell you. But… I guess there wouldnt be any harm in showing.” 
“What do you mean by show-” Summer paused as she watched small flames start to dance around Raven’s fingertips as she raised her hand. The flames then froze, the ice falling onto the floor and melting as quickly as they came. When she finally looked at Raven again, she could see flames around her eyes just as they went out. 
“This is why I keep wanting to meet with you privately. Why I ran away. And I’m afraid that if I’m here for too long, you and Ruby will be hurt by people who want this power.” 
Summer quietly nodded and took Raven’s hand, squeezing it gently. “Nothing will ever happen to Ruby and I.” 
Raven looked away. “But what if something does? What if someone comes after you just to get to me?” 
“Then I’ll make sure you dont have to worry. So, will you come home to me?” 
Raven started to nod, and then froze as she heard voices from outside. She pulled away and stood up. “I should go.” 
“Wait Raven!” Summer let out a small groan as she watched Raven shift into her bird form and fly out the open window. Just like she always did. Only ever giving her time in private. 
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 21 hours
More poolverine polycule?
"Fuuuuck," Wade groaned, pulling his suit away from his body. Sweat and dried blood agitated his skin and made it itch and burn. It felt like he'd rolled in meth and then laid on fire ants.
"You okay, bub?"
"Fine," Wade huffed, throwing gear down. "Just gonna try to drown myself in a cold shower." He could hear Logan in the fridge. Making a phone call. And dismissed it.
You were dealing with... something. Gone to see a specialist since they were gone. And you'd taken Mary with you, bless your heart. But now that you weren't here he was annoyed. You had some kind of witchcraft you could do that made this bullshit feel better.
Some fucking girl thing with lotion and oatmeal- he whined about feeling like a smoothie but god he always felt so much better when you were done with him. And he doubted Logan could do it- no fitness in that one. He looked at Jergens like it was a hate crime.
He watched the blood go down the drain and leaned against the wall making a mental note to call you. To see what they said at your appointments- see if they were going to DO something for you or if they could do anything aside from jam a needle into you every so often. They worried. Even if you told them it was routine.
The cold helped, most things. He looked down and tutted at his junk, "Traitor."
Logan snorted, "If you're done trying to drown, I got a towel. And I called Y/N to get the mix she uses for you."
Wade pulled the shower curtain back as he turned the water off, "Aww, Peanut-"
"Turn around, asshole," Logan said rolling his eyes, "Your back looked like it was going to peel off with your shirt."
"Felt like it," Wade said, stepping out of the tub and taking a towel, starting to dry himself off carefully. "She say anything else?"
Logan shook his head and started rubbing cream into Wade's skin gently, "Little cagey on the details," he grunted. "So-"
"So," Wade sighed, torn between relief and anxiety, "either something is worse and she doesn't want to say over the phone OR they're still running tests."
The other man grunted in agreement and Wade bit back a moan feeling guilty, "This feels so fucking good. Almost better than sex."
"Easy, bub. If you come all over her shower curtain-"
"I'll wash it like a gentleman," Wade groaned, "just don't stop. Feel like a dick-"
"I know. This first. She sounded okay, said she missed us. And that Mary was keeping her distracted."
Wade nodded and turned around so Logan could do his chest, sitting on the bathroom counter, "I don't know what witchcraft she did to this but fuck. It's worth smelling like a smoothie."
"She does class up the place," Logan hummed.
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justlarkin · 1 day
Say Lark, which relationships and ships featuring MC do you like the most?
Oo, some people can probably already guess who I'm going to mention here because I've talked about it before. In general, I really like the relationships where there's somewhat a unique understanding or dynamic between them.
1. Shennong x MC: they're both cut from the same stubborn, self sacrificial cloth, but MC is more of a representation of who Shennong once was before he gave up hope. I've mentioned it here since Chapter 10 set up their dynamic wonderfully. There's also just the banter, the blatant favoritism towards MC, the teasing and flirting, the reckless delinquent x nagging healer dynamic. This one feels canon after the MC x Summoners ships tbh since LWs obviously favors this one.
2. Nomad x MC: grumpy middle-aged man who can't catch a break x rowdy dumbass dog. Okay, MC traveling back in time during an overworld lap and interacting with Nomad in the past is one thing since they've done it before, but it becoming an integral and consistent part of his backstory is another. MC was the one who saw him at his lowest, who saved him when he had nobody else, who pulls him back when he's gone too far. While everyone else in Utopia has no faith in the future, MC has given Nomad something to continue striving for. Even after having their memories wiped in Nightglows, Nomad still returned to the battlefield he dreaded because he wanted to be with MC. That's how much he cares about them. They're hard programmed ride-or-die, I fear.
3. Tetsuya x MC: maybe it's the hatefuck, friends with benefits vibes I'm getting from them or maybe its the Romeo and Juliet dynamic. Okay, it's definitely those two things, but I also appreciate that Tetsuya doesn't go crazy about MC like most of the characters. To him, that's just some annoying prick who he's cool with sometimes and can relax around since he doesn't have to be on guard like he is with his actual friends. It isn't that romantic sounding, but there's comfort in the distance of their relationship and that's enough.
More examples: I love Hermes desperately craving companionship, but masquerading as the untrustworthy villain the world painted him as while MC can see through all of his deception and still accepts him for who he is. I love that Shinya can find someone to relate to with MC and that he doesn't have to worry about his power with them because they're immune to it. I love that Andvari only seems to care about riches, but sometimes MC is able to rival that love and Andvari also makes sure to exploit MC include them in his business deals first. These kinds of relationships are so cute and special to me.
Wait, the Summoner ships are also really good as they all have their own unique dynamics with MC and motivations inspired by them.
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djevelbl · 1 day
Hello everyone! Welcome back to the second edition of Djevel Stalks Someone's Blog, Sees a Comment and Goes On an Out-loud Tangent So. Hard. He Might As Well Make It a Tumblr Post
I'm your host Djevel, and today I'll talk about my own viewpoint on Colly/RuneStraw: completely unnecessary, definitely not asked for yet still delivered to your fyp like that copy of The Book of Bill delivered to that poor sod who bought a church study book on amazon or somethin', exactly how I want my stupid over-the-top opinions to be baybeyyyyyyy~
Now lemme preface this by saying a couple things:
#1: I don't mind RuneStraw half as much as this over-the-top post will make it look like, they're actually cute af together and have a great dynamic going on! I just like to bitch about stuff, I love yapping and the blog blurb already says that I'll "scream into the void about whatever media I'm consuming" - you read that, clicked on read more, don't come at me over this of all things. As a show of good will, I'm writing this as I listen to Love Again - Dua Lipa (really good also fits these two dweebs really well so there's that)
#2: This is just my opinion and if at any point you feel like I gotta remind you of this fact: put the hands away from the keyboard, open the window and smell outside air - it ain't that deep. You can always just not read it
#3: If you so happen to identify yourself as the blog I was stalking before I started typing this out - this isn't criticising your post or anything, I'm just a sleeper agent on the subject and happened to wake myself up with that post lmaooo (also no you're not. I don't wanna have a confrontation over this ❤)
With that out of the way - let the bloodbath begin (probably mine as well LMAO)
Let's start strong and lemme say it already: I don't think the fact that Cup is into Holly is a counter-argument to the "why can't they just stay friends" bc that's not really answering the question?? At least whenever I ask it it's less about the now and more about the whole relationship - beyond giving Cup a solid, tangible goal to reach through rehabilitation and tHERAPY IF HE EVER GETS IT and giving Holly stability in a world much more dangerous than she thought, both of which can be given to them through different means, what does having them kissing do for them as growing characters, and what does it do for the narrative? After all they're puzzle pieces within a larger story, and while I love preaching about considering your characters like people when you sit down to analyze them, you still have to understand them as the puzzle pieces they are: they all have an individual purpose within the story, and the connections you decide to make between them have to give something to them or at least to the narrative. Something nothing else can give them, so we care about those connections.
Something I'm not sure having these two goobers kissing quite accomplishes. But maybe I'm just a hater, idk
Now getting into more of my own perspective on RuneStraw - would you believe me when I tell you I groaned out loud when I read it? Y'know what I mean - any set-up for the ship between book 11 and 12 is valid if it came up to your head when I said it, I probably groaned at all of them lol and that's because to me it came out of nowhere; sure, Holly had mentioned she had a crush on Cup back when she was dating Finnley I think (remember him? yea,,, I miss him too), but she was:
1) Dating someone at the time.
2) Talking about it in a past tense, implying she didn't feel that way anymore.
3) Building off of 2 - with the way she mentioned it, it genuinely sounded like she's distanced herself from the sentiment; from what I remember she talked about in the same way one does about thoughts and feelings one had years ago. Almost like they're from a different person.
These three things led me to believe she wasn't interested in him nor was she gonna be - her crush was based on an image Cuphead willingly puts up as a shield and that by now she knows is fake; her feelings back then were born out of a dark, mysterious and brooding façade he constantly put up that dissipated the moment she had more than a few words exchanged with him. The mysticism was gone, the alure is as well - she was left with a genuine yet broken man, not the put-together mobster she thought he was. And while it isn't impossible she recovered those feelings but directed towards the actual Cuphead, it feels like an odd choice to backtrack her character like that.
There's also the fact that they were the only duo of different genders that wasn't gonna be a romantic pairing, Until they weren't.
And I'll come out and admit it: maybe this point is most of the reason why RuneStraw bothered me as much as it did when it got introduced more heavily. This is the thing: the question of "why can't they just stay friends?" is a valid one to throw into the conversation - as I said, they were the only friends of opposite genders who didn't wanna get into each other's pants, because AliBends is canon (if currently doomed by the narrative), Minnie and Mickey obviously like each other, Donald and Daisy are dating I'm pretty sure, Jake has active feelings for Alice to the point he distanced himself from her to manage his own emotions and keep them in check when it became obvious she isn't actually interested in him romantically, and even if this next one isn't quite the Inky Mystery Team's fault (after all they're working off whatever scraps Quest for the Ink Machine left in its wake) I'll throw it in the ring just to drive the point across: while Cala Maria is her own character and her own person, often times it feels like the deepening of her character and whatever conflicts she may be going through are there for the benefit of Mugman's own struggles and character arc; we don't see much of her reaction at Mugs' heroic but reckless deal with Marcus or her reaction to having been found, we don't hear much about her ink illness beyond that one chapter where she started showing symptoms. For as much personality as she has and for as lovable as she is, sometimes she feels like Mugman's romantic interest first, herself second - probably due to not being part of the main cast, which is fair to some extent.
Personally I don't see RuneStraw as a romantic connection that had to be done necessarily - what each provides to the other's character development (a tangible goal for Cuppy, a much-needed stability within a dangerous world for Holly) is already being provided by their friends, people they should be able to rely on. I guess I just feel a little sad that we don't have many bonding chapters between all the Questers, regardless of duos or dynamics that pair up the best: imagine (and bear here with me, this is getting into the headcanon territory lol) if angels can sense Demon Deals as these are an extension of a demon's magic (something angels can detect) and once Alice comes back from The Upper she notices - really notices, decides to pay attention - that there's something cold wrapped around Cup; they have a conversation where Cuphead tiptoes around his childhood and all the stardust he's gone through in one of the biggest displays of bravery and trust he's given us this far, and Alice knows he's not telling the whole truth but she listens, she listens and shares how it was growing up with expectations of being a great angel someday. He shows her trust, and she gives the same trust out of her own chest to him.
Imagine Bendy and Cala Maria bonding over a trip to the docks - we could get to know her better, how it was like living as a gorgon, sharing experiences between them on how terrible it is to be hated for something you cannot control, and laughing over the good bits their past can offer them. Finding a weird comfort in having been the monster for a little bit, as they could protect those they love with that infamy and the power it came with (Boris for Bendy and Ebi for Maria, of course) - hell, maybe we could hear of Cala's parents! How they were like, their little quirks and tricks, we could read about Bendy considering her lucky and Maria telling him he's found his family here, that those he's forgotten don't matter because they didn't stick around.
Imagine Alice relaying stories of how her younger siblings are rascals and comparing them to Boris, how much he'd get along with them, singing tunes and dancing for the hell of it - helping him get a better grip at dancing, if marginally, and managing to wring laughs out of him by the tons.
Imagine all of them around a table, sweets and treats laid out, as Felix and Alice do their damn hardest to one-up each other in their wild adventures from before they joined the Questers - the cat talking about his mad dash as he escaped that ferocious beast of a tiger, and he shows the scars like your dad shows you his most prized collections as he talks of the most dangerous bits. The angel taking a swig of her alcohol of choice before going into this maddened ramble about the greatest prank war she's ever been in against Jake, and how they both got banned from several places for a whole dang year. Even Sarah gets wrapped up in the shenanigans and fun once Bendy, Cuphead, Mugman, Holly, Boris and Cala Maria all join in to win the title of Wildest Adventure Story; she's just a child after all, even with incomprehensible magic woven into her soul. Maybe all of the house is there, listening as the Questers finally have a moment to breathe and be as young as they are - the oldest is Felix, and he's in his forties at most, he still has life to him.
This is supposed to be a recovery arc, and mantaining healthy friendships with other people can help a long way with those dark thoughts The Labyrinth left them all.
Romantic love isn't the be-all-end-all, it shouldn't be the ultimate objective of a character that makes them become stagnant and void of themselves, and I guess I just want boys and girls to share stories and rooms without their interactions being a making out or being politely pleasant, pick one situation. I guess I'm just socially blind and petty, maybe I'm taking a fanfiction too seriously - after all, it is made by fans and for the fans; it's no professional production, and sometimes it's just better like that.
TLDR: I go way too hard on fictional characters for wanting to boink, more at 10
Ok but now a real TLDR: I just want the Questers to interact more with each other and I'm not talking about the typical duos always formed like they're in school and they choose their bestie for the group project. I mean all the Questers. Also I went in wayy too hard against fictional characters that just wanna fuck in peace ig
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inkiedraws · 10 days
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One day i will have huge arms just like Zoro.
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thedreadvampy · 2 years
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Losing my shit about this article in which a transphobic Tory was so busy panicking about existing in the vicinity of a Trans that she almost certainly misheard "jeans" as "penis" and decided that not only was this a problem with the other woman, but also that the world must be informed of this pressing danger.
"a trans woman! I had to stand directly behind her....I thought, 'this is going well', I'm handling The Situation fine'..."
translated: I saw a tall woman with broad shoulders. How would I get out of this alive? I thought. she has a PENIS. PENIS PENIS PENIS. through some force of PENIS I mean will I managed to PENIS behave normally towards her. My hands were PENIS PENIS PENIS shaking as I tried to dry them. summoning up all my PENIS courage I said 'dryer's crap innit'. she turned to me and said " yeah I'm just goiPENIS PENIS PENIS"
It's been a week and I'm still shaking. This proves trans women are the problem and I'm not weird. I'm fine. It's fine. If you think about it I'm the hero hePENIS!!!!!
very this
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#red said#it's just. I'm obsessed.#everyone on Twitter is saying 'never happened' and i think they're wrong#this absolutely did happen and she's been obsessing over how vindicated it made her feel enough to WRITE AN ARTICLE ABOUT IT#because she MISHEARD SOMEONE IN A CASUAL CONVERSATION#i lay out my reasoning thusly: if you were INVENTING a scary trans woman in bathroom story out of nothing. why would it be this?#why would you go with 'we had a banal conversation until she said a sentence that makes no sense and that no human has ever uttered#but which does coincidentally sounds almost exactly like a mishearing of a very NORMAL thing to say in the circumstances#then she left and nothing else occurred'#if you were going to INVENT a story you would probably make it MAKE SENSE or SOUND THREATENING#i truly believe this is a very authentically told account of what she thinks happened#because who would. by means other than mishearing. think 'I'm going to wipe my hands on my penis' makes any sense at all.#a) 'I'm going to dry my hands on my genitals' says the presumably fully clothed woman#b) who then proceeds to leave without doing anything threatening#c) WHO SAYS PENIS THREATENINGLY? sorry it's writing out 'penis' repeatedly that made this jump out to me but like. who says that?#you might hear someone talk casually about their dick or cock but i stg it's only doctors and TERFs who casually use the word penis much#it's so. clinically descriptive. it's a weird use of language. but it IS. something you could plausibly mishear from 'pants' or 'trousers'
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daily-sifloop · 3 months
Kisses!!! Please!!!!!! They deserve it
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day 11: behind the scenes
#isat#in stars and time#sifloop#isat loop#loop isat#isat siffrin#siffrin isat#desert art#day 11#behind the scenes was such a gay name for a steam achievement#really made it feel like there was a something something going on between these two#please look closely and see where that siffrin knee is going. he's CLIMBING for that kissy! they go mwah!#anyway do you ever think about sifloop during canon? during the loops?#it's always so funny to imagine because I feel like it inevitably goes down the road of#loop being convinced that this relationship they're having isn't going to last (if) after the loops#they are but a side character that will get forgotten once this chapter of siffrin's life story is done#loop feels like a side fling for siffrin despite there being nobody else lmao#loop and their mistress complex (that sounds so funny taken out of context of the tags above)#meanwhile siffrin with their big heart and lots of love to give would inevitably start thinking of asking loop to travel with them#after the loops end#except they wouldn't ask while still in the loops#because that feels like an impossible promise#and then the duel happens#if they meet postgame while having had something during the loops it's also peak comedy because to siffrin it's a lovers' reunion#loop on the other hand thinks the whole thing is off#they would also think that them being the same person is somehow a reason for a break up#as if it wouldn't enhance the experience for them both and make this relationship make more sense to siffrin#listn those bitches loved that cautionary tale. romancing their own clone is a childhood dream that has come true#loop that thinks they're inconsequential#siffrin is living a romcom dream
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alluralater · 3 months
reminder that people who enable/do nothing when it comes to acts of sexual harassment are basically just as awful as the aggressors. they normalize, justify, and regularly excuse those behaviors and sweep it under the rug. who you decide to call a friend does in fact reflect on you. if you're happy to be around people that engage in predatory behavior and you perceive a clear pattern of it yet do nothing about it, then i'm literally never talking to you again. that goes double for people on here where there's this strange idea that there are no consequences in an online space. there are. damaging other people by staying silent or sitting on the fence when you have the power to do something is a consequence and that shit comes back around ten fold to you. you'd deserve every bit of it. dangerous by association is a thing, and you are.
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hexados-on-a-string · 28 days
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i had to rewatch this episode of mechtanium surge again just to see if this actually happened and wasnt some sort of fever dream. and it was real. why are they like this.
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