#and not a demonstration of their obligation to help you or a sign that they don't trust you/your abilities
'accepting the help of a friend doesn't make you a child. petulance, however...' I have no idea what part Arabella is going to play in all of this in the end, but HEY SHE'S RIGHT IN THIS AT LEAST, ELIZAAAAAA
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akpaley · 1 month
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Made smooth and slick of seas and strands Tides that turn at your commands A heartbeat held by heavy hands
More Kaijja character writing. Roughly 1200 words on the beginning of her romantic relationship with the flesh god.
He does not mind solitude, but when you lack other obligations he does not mind your intrusion either. It is perhaps not usual, but it is natural to be fascinated with a god. You intrude often. You call it an extension of work, and the two of you do work through problems together. He was surprised, once upon a time, when he inflicted experience on you to demonstrate the severity of his edicts and you, not unshaken but still engaged, asked if he felt such detail in the experience of every person he faced. He had not been asked to use his power as a tool of empathy, not after imposing such suffering, not in centuries, but it is commonplace between you now. You wonder to what extent he can feel you enjoy it, even when it is excruciating. And the intellectual exercise is useful. Many times simulation of similar encounters has helped you watch for signs of tension, has made you more perceptive to the way your interlocutors conduct themselves and react to you. It is practical, and there is a quiet selfish pleasure in understanding the way he sees and feels the world.
Mirjat tells you it is unusual for Iokhar's Advocate to be his friend, or even to like the man, and you understand that but you do not relate. He is beautiful when he attempts to be terrifying, he is rational when he cannot intimidate, he is deeply intensely perceptive, and in his own stoic way he is oddly soft. Perhaps kind is a better word. He cares much more deeply than he shows. There is a selfish little thrill in that as well, knowing that you have brought out in him qualities most others never see. Knowing that you surprise him, a man who can feel everything but your thoughts just standing across from you. You accomplish a great deal in your tenure, but it is this that most often produces that quiet sense of pride.
He shows you change. In theory this is to make a point, but the point is unnecessary. You are not asking about something of immediate importance. It is after hours and you are asking about a story, about old scripture, from a primary source. This is not uncommon, and alongside speaking in words he chooses to sate a curiosity he knows you will have. When he has pulled you back together into the right shape you grin up at him. He studies you, near expressionless, and says "This is inappropriate." It is the strangest declaration of love you will ever receive, and you see it for what it is immediately. It should shock you, but somehow it does not. You agree. The evening ends with a veneer of stoic professionalism.
You will talk about it the next day. You will talk about it for the next week. You will see a degree of begrudging openness from him that you will not realize has been kept from you until you see it for the first time. You seek counsel, as is the responsible thing to do, but find that there is very little doubt as to the choice you will make. Mirjat appeals to your career, to the work that you've done, to the work that you might still do, and you find the arguments that have driven you all your life unconvincing.
You split your evenings between discussions with Iokhar and your own private consideration. You know the thrill of new intimacy will cloud your judgment, and he does too, but you both recognize that no matter what decision the two of you make your relationship will change. The idea of a purely professional relationship absent discussions of philosophy, history, art and other work feels galling, having experienced a relationship that is mutually irreplaceable. Later the idea of being irreplaceable to him will raise warmth in your chest and bring a smile to your face, but in that week while you assess it is simply a fact to be weighed. You are problem solving. Your feelings are data, but you do not have time to feel them fully. Only that they tell you what you want. You will resign with two weeks left in the season and half a term unfinished. It will take you most of the remaining two weeks working with your Clericy to choose Devadas as a successor, swear him in as Kalidas, and get him up to speed.
You already spend a great deal of time working during the on season, but for the better part of two weeks private time is practically nonexistent. This is a major adjustment, expected by no one, and by the time Iokhar leaves Kalidas must be prepared to represent him fully in the Council of Advocates. Anything you knew, anything you were working on, must be written down in such detail that it can be picked up where you left off. While you will join the Clericy of Iokhar, thus becoming available as a resource, it will take another month for the Clericy of the Petitioner Saints to determine this is the appropriate course of action and you must prepare for the contingency in which your full abdication from governance is determined necessary. It is not until the final night that you and your god finally have proper time together again. You sit quietly for much of it. He holds you and seems unpracticed, which to be fair you are as well. A decade is not a short time. A century and a half is longer. Yet, for all that, the mere ten months in front of you suddenly seems very long indeed.
"I would hear your voice when I am gone," he tells you, and it is less vulnerability than simple truth.
"I'd love to hear yours too," you say with irony, "but I suppose one of us will have to wait."
"I will not shirk my duties," he says, "But--"
"I would not ask you to." He pauses and then drops the apology. "Come back next season with stories for me." You smile as if this is a usual farewell, a friendship set aside to be picked up where it left off upon his return.
Very calmly, he takes your hand in his and matches his gaze to yours. For the first time you can feel the sensation of his own body mapped to yours, and you feel his quiet simmering hunger for you, individual fibers of his being humming beneath his skin for touch that a human lover could never even pretend. You feel it in the strands of your own muscles, suddenly yearning to rise up from beneath your skin and embrace the man in front of you. It is nearly overwhelming. Your breath catches and you do not dare break his gaze for fear it might stop. His voice is a low rumble in his chest. "I will." 
It is a greater promise than you asked for. It will stick with you during the long months of his absence, haunting your prayers and quiet moments and intruding on your activities unprompted.  
Upon his return, he will admit that this was the point.
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Female Company
Pairing - Shivering Soldier Dunkirk x fem!reader
Summary - You decide to give the shivering soldier some company in hopes to make him feel better, you do indeed.
Warnings - dubcon, handjob, blow job, rough.
Word count - 1.8k
Notes - Shivering soldier Cillian is underrated, also difficult to write so sorry if horrible writing as this felt rushed.
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“Perhaps some female company would make him feel better” Peter, your brother suggested. All six eyes turned onto you, making your heart skip a beat. “Feel less intimidated and what not” Peter added. 
Since you had saved the shivering soldier from the shipwreck, he had been at mute, refusing to show any signs of communication with anyone. He was down below deck, getting warm and hopefully to become more comfortable around these friendly strangers.  
It was risky, you weren’t even really allowed on the Moonstone anyways. But you wanted to help, your father raised you properly, you were a qualified nurse for the army, you were here to help. 
“I’m sure I can be good enough company” George interjected. George didn’t like it, the thought of you being alone down there with the shivering soldier, but that was more out of jealousy than obligation. 
Mr Dawson shook his head towards George, then looked towards you. “I’m sure you’ll be able to make him feel comfortable enough sweetheart” your father gave you a pure smile. “And, God forbid if anything were to happen, we are all right here” Mr Dawson ached, raising his hands slightly at the thought of something bad occurring. 
But your father trusted you, you were a good person who followed pure morals. All your life you’ve helped others, what’s one more soldier to the list? George gave an iffy look but decided to remain silent, looking out the ocean with his fists forming under his sleeves. 
The small door creaked open as you stepped inside. “Hello?” You whispered as you lowered down the small ladder, you closed the small door behind you. 
The shivering soldier was lying on the small, uncomfortable ship bed, a blanket wrapped around his cold body. His eyes were closed but you could tell he was awake. Slowly peeking open, the soldier stared you up and down. The soldier repositioned himself, sitting up on the thin mattress. You sat down next to him, the room was swaying in motion with the waves outside. 
Sitting in silence for a while, you decided to break it. “Is there anything I can do for you? Water? More blankets?” You asked politely. 
There were already such limited services you could provide for him, being on such a small boat and all. You were used to being able to help people, especially in these desperate times, but right now you feel hopeless.  
After a short beat, the soldier mumbled his reply, “I’m okay, thank you”. You tried to read his expression, coming to the harsh thoughts that he didn’t seem to be amused to have you down here with him, that he just wanted to be alone after all, that you were intruding.  
He was beautiful, despite his worn out expression and dirty, wet appearance. There were dark bags around his ocean blue eyes, and a couple of scratches over his face. You felt horrible for him, it was unimaginable what trauma the war can cause upon a man. No one would ever understand how terrifying and ruining his mind had become over this short time. 
“Are you certain?” You checked, you’d hate that he would decline your help by either being too afraid or polite. There was no response from him. “Perhaps if you took off your jacket you could warm up faster” you suggested harmlessly, the soldier looked at you, his mouth was ajar open and eyes dark. 
War tested men’s temptations, it demonstrated how much they really depended on a woman's touch. Men needed something to feel good about in these horrible days, their urges took over their logistics if no one was there to keep them in line. And right now you were defenceless in the beast’s cage, and he was off his chain.
In his defence, you were asking for it. Why else would you ask such a thing twice and then practically beg him to strip? The soldier quickly leant in and kissed you hungrily, his arms snaked around your body to keep you still. You were frozen, not sure how to react to his assault, his tongue slipped down your throat, hands gripping against your lower back as if life depended on it. His left hand moved to your breasts and kneaded them dispairly.  
You’ve been kissed before, only once, but it was nothing compared to this, never so passionate and amorous. 
A moan struggled to break out of your combined lips. Swiftly, he picked up your body and laid you onto your back, not as gently as you could hope, your hand reached for the ache stinging from the back of your head. 
“Be a good little girl, and stay quiet, hm?” He ordered, his hand tapping your cheek to flatter you. 
What else were you meant to do? Call out for help? Start a domestic between an old man, two kids and a war soldier? Even if you did so, what would happen afterwards, you’re on a boat deeply within the ocean. 
The soldier felt your body with his rough hands, he was desperate to feel any touch, but too impatient to take it slow. Unbuttoning your shirt roughly, you were lucky that he didn’t rip off the buttons.  The shape and look of your breasts made him believe he was already in heaven. When was the last time he’s felt a woman’s touch? How many countless nights of him dreaming for intimate touch? His mouth landed on your right breast first, then the left. 
There wasn’t enough time, to properly feel you, to worship your body, to come over and over again. Your bodies felt the friction of the waves rocking yourselves back and forwards. Head in the palms of his hands, the soldier's hips were humping against yours, your legs wrapped around his small waist, he was groaning lowly, unable to contain himself, kissing your neck and side of your face. 
Lying stiff underneath him, you couldn’t help but to moan back quietly, the fabrics between your bodies was too thick to feel the sensations fully, but this is the most touching of a man you’ve ever felt before, your back arched on the mattress. 
“The fuck are you wearing pants for?” The soldier muttered, slapping the side of your thigh harshly. “How am I meant to fuck you without getting caught, aye?” He spat by your ear. 
A lot of people still considered it taboo for women to wear pants, it took away femininity, and in this case, the easy access. 
“M’sorry” you whimpered back underneath him, cheeks all flustered from the embarrassment and overwhelming situation. 
“Guess you’re just going to have to put that mouth to better use” he sighed and sat up, he pulled you down to the ground, you landed on your knees. Repositioning you to be directly in front of him, he flexed his hips towards you. “Do you know how to suck cock?” He asked smugly. 
“N-no” you whispered.
“Ever please a man at all before?” His eyebrow was cocked to you. 
“No sir” you replied and he chuckled. 
“That’s sweet, I’ll be quick anyways” he said with another tap to your cheek. 
He gestured for you to put your hands onto his crotch, you could see the bulge through his damp pants but you didn’t expect it to feel so solid. It was like playing with a knick-knack, your hands travelled all around it, feeling its shape and size. 
“Uh, alright, pull it out now, love” he purred, hand caressing the sides of your head with his eyes closed. 
Your stomach turned at the way he called you love, you didn’t realise how badly you craved that validation. There was this undying small innocent smile on your lips, he looked down to you and gave you a smug smile back and a gentle pat on the cheek.
With shaking hands, you undid his belt and tugged down at his trousers. The soldier ended up helping you, not out of kindness, only restlessness. You gasped as he pulled out his cock, you didn’t realise it could be so – big. The soldier's cock was hairy as the base, had a couple of veins popping out at his length and had a pretty pink tip. If you knew any better about sex, you’d say that he’s already about to burst. 
It was like natural instincts, he didn’t have to say anything, you automatically took his length in both hands, staring from the base and working your way up. He groaned and his head fell back, hands in your hair as you slowly worked your hands up and down his length. In another reality, he would have loved to have you take your time, worshipping his cock. 
“Okay, sweetheart, I need your mouth around me right now” he hissed, leaning his upper body forward easily to push your head towards his member with his hands. 
You pushed against him, your lips an inch away from his tip, okay, this was getting frightening now. The realisation of what you were doing below deck, could be interrupted at any moment, freaked you out. But that didn’t stop him, he pulled harder, making you yelp and your mouth pressed against his member. But you refused to open up for him, he rubbed your mouth and nose around his firm length, your hands pressed against his upper legs in an attempt to push free but it was pointless, you were whining. 
“Fucking open up, you dumb whore” he spat, you mewled quietly, too afraid to catch anyone’s attention on deck. Reluctantly, you slowly opened your mouth and he slipped his tip in. “Ah, fuck” he muttered, the rocking of the boat, thrusted him deeper in and out of your mouth. He had no shame in swearing, muttering and whining underneath his breath, his balls already tightening. “Christ, I’m not going to fucking last-” he was breathless, eyes almost rolling back. 
Forcing your mouth right down to his base, your cries were blocked by his size. There was no space to breathe, your jaw was aching and you were gagging. With how wide your mouth was, you were afraid that your jaw would lock, it was aching, the head of his cock hitting the back of your throat over and over again. Tears were running down your cheeks as he was groaning under his breath, eyes squeezed shut, nostrils flaring and jaw clenched. 
Without a warning, he bursted right down your mouth, his legs shaking slightly, hands tightened around your hair. The soldier bit on his lower lip to silence his moan of pleasure as his cock was spurting out straight into your throat. 
It tasted salty and bitter, your face scrunched up at the taste, but he didn’t pull out his member until you swallowed it all, it was difficult to swallow with his cock covering the entirety of your mouth. Slowly slipping himself out, he tucked himself back into his trousers and ran his hand through his hair. 
Tears were slowly running down your cheeks, you felt your aching jaw softly and sniffled, the soldier pulled you up onto the bed and wiped your face clean with his bare hand. He sighed, looking you up and down. Giving you one last kiss, he murmured to you, “thanks for the company”.
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gothgleek · 3 months
spencer x shy!bau!reader being in a case about serial killer where there are a lot of NSFW details. reader being flustered 24/7 when the investigation started. reader being the youngest of the team meaning the whole bau was dunking on her for being flustered. all the while spencer finding it really cute LMAO
i don't know if i'd laugh my ass off or die of fluff 😭😭😭😭 idk if this is a good topic for a one shot ��� love your work!!!
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Note: I wasn’t sure if this was a smut prompt or not and since I’m not able to verify your age, I chose to make everything suggestive. I hope this was worth the wait, it took me a while to get in the right mindset for it😅 As always, likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated.
Note 2 : Mentions of non-explicit sex, BD/SM, pet play, shibari/rope play, dom/sub dynamics, choking, death, explanations that teeter the line of flirting and harassment, and hints of switch!Spencer.
“Psst… Pretty boy,” Derek whispered at Spencer. He looked up to find Derek smirking and pointing his head in your direction. “I think your partner over there needs your help.”
Spencer looked over to find you with a sight he was all-too familiar with this week- the newest BAU member frazzled and embarrassed at their newest case. Four women had been found strangled in their Illinois suburb homes. The main connection was a series of sexually explicit text messages between them and the suspect. The unsub posed as a devoted sub to the women to earn their trust. You had been tasked to look over the messages for evidence of who the unsub could be. And reading over those messages led to the BAU teasing you for being flustered at almost every explicit detail.
And as you kept protesting- You are not a prude. Yes, you will admit you had a habit of covering your face as you read the text messages that quickly became more and more explicit- which all of your coworkers had noticed of course. But being the youngest member of the BAU did not mean you were inexperienced. You had your fair share of partners. But- those relationships were tame and vanilla compared to this case. Everyday this week you would read sext messages between the victims and the unsubs. From pet play to primal play to choking to watersports. Again, you were not a prude- and it is far from you to kink shame anyone- but reading these at work of all places and then having to summarize it to your coworkers always made your face grow hot.
“Are you okay?” Spencer asked you, rolling his chair over to your desk. “You look alarmed.”
You cleared your throat in embarrassment. “I’m fine, it’s just I wasn’t expecting to read these messages when I got into work you know? Especially not this one. Do you know how to pronounce it? I’m not familiar with it.”
You held out the paper so Spencer could read it. He leaned closer, his face so close to yours you could feel his body heat and smell his shampoo. You could feel your face heat up once again.
“Shibari…” He says, elongating each syllable for you. “It’s a BDSM practice that originated in Japan. You tie people up in elaborate knots, occasionally suspending them from the ceiling or to a chair.”
“Oh…I guess that would explain the marks on their bodies. Personally, I’m not sure I understand the appeal of it...”
“Would you like me to demonstrate?” Spencer asked, a little unsure if this would get his name sent to HR. But he had a sneaking suspicion that you wouldn’t. After all, he was a profiler and he noticed the tell signs of your small, tiny, hardly mentionable crush on him since you joined the BAU. You nodded and he took off his vermillion tie, your eyes drifting to his flexed forearms as he did so. It seemed your habit of reading smutty fiction involving powerful men taking off their ties was catching up to you.
“Hand me your arms?” You obliged and offered your arms to him, palms up.
“Okay so…” Spencer’s hand wrapped around both of your wrists, pulling himself closer to you so he could begin wrapping his tie around you. “The most obvious one is that people enjoy the pain,” Spencer responded, eyes focused on you. Loose strands fell across his forehead and you felt grateful that he was holding your wrists so you wouldn’t push it away. You could feel your heart threatening to burst out of your chest.
“The way the rope tightens on their skin, the knots that press against you and leave marks.” Red fabric looped around your wrists and you looked around to see if anyone noticed what the two of you were doing. Obviously this was just a demonstration between two friends, two co-workers, but the idea of being caught like this made you feel a certain way… “People can feel… euphoric at the idea of marks being left on them. A sort of primal sense of being claimed, if you can imagine it.”
You could imagine it.
“There is also an aspect of fear that enhances the experience. Most people trust their partners just like you trust the operator of a roller coaster. But there is still that fear, that natural adrenaline that courses through your veins when you do it.” Spencer paused his knot tying to press two fingers against your pulsepoint- your heart beating even faster- and he looked up at you. “Kind of like that.”
Your eyes widened and he could definitely see your pupils dilate at his close proximity. Thankfully he did not say anything and continued his demonstration. “But eventually, for the person being tied up, your endorphins will make you feel relaxed and you will enter a subspace.” You hadn’t heard of ‘subspace’ before but you could definitely feel it as his hands rove over your skin. His fingers were so long and soft, your mind felt a little fuzzy at the idea of what he could do with them. Specifically what they could do to you.
“This makes it perfect for the rigger- the person tying you up- to have their way with you. And in my experience, that involves overstimulating their sub with more pleasure… or sometimes more pain.” He tightened his tie around your wrists as he looked you in the eyes.
Spencer’s eyes drifted downwards to your lips and your eyes did the same. His tongue wet his bottom lip and your eyes shot back to his. It remained that way for what felt like hours.
Then, Hotchner called for a team meeting, reminding the both of you that you were still at work. Spencer cleared his throat and gave you a bashful smile as he quickly undid his ropes, scooting his chair away from you a bit. “Obviously my tie is different from using rope but I think you get the idea.”
Suddenly the tie felt too hot and too heavy for your arms. You coughed as you untangled your arms from the fabric. “Where did you learn about all of that?”
“Well MIT did have a BDSM club,” Spencer told you before heading to the briefing room.
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mouwrites · 8 months
Hey can we get the Ninjas with an S/O who's basically Jessica rabbit and how they would deal with people constantly hitting on their S/O?
Of course my dear!! Unrelated but I love Jessica Rabbit,,,
Ninjago - Ninjas With an s/o Who Gets Flited With a Lot
When he first sees someone flirting with you, his initial reaction is a sort of pride
He's happy that other people are noticing how smoking hot his s/o is
But that only lasts for half a second; then comes the jealousy
He hops up and tries to look casual while he saunters over and wraps an arm around your waist
He'll stare coldly at the person flirting with you, trying to intimidate them
When it doesn't work he uses his voice, trying to show the person that they're not welcome
"And just who are you again?"
He'll only get more passive aggressive as the interaction goes on
There have been times that he's escalated it to straight-up aggression, and even violence, at which point you had to take it upon yourself to remove you both from the situation
You'll have to talk to him while he cools down, letting him vent about how angry the person was making him
In the end he knows it's not your fault and that you'd never leave him
Still, reassuring him on that front would probably help him calm down
He's just mad that some scumbag thought they could take you from him
After such an instance he usually sticks close to you, making sure to keep a hand on you to demonstrate that you're together
He doesn't really care when people flirt with you
He knows that it's only natural; you're the most gorgeous person in the world to him (and others, evidently)
He trusts that you'll be loyal and that you can handle yourself
But he still keeps an eye on you when out in public
He's watching to see if you're uncomfortable and need help; only then will he step in
He knows all your tells, but you guys also have a secret hand gesture that means you need help
So, when he sees the gesture, or any body language signaling that you're uncomfortable, he jumps into action
He sidles up to your side, placing himself as close as possible to you
He'll try to be at least somewhat pleasant at first: just emphasizing that you guys are dating, hoping to put the person off
But if that doesn't work he'll be more blunt
"Dude. You're being creepy. Get lost."
When they finally leave, he checks to make sure you're okay
Your well-being is much more important to him than any doubts he might have about your relationship
Not that he has any; he's fully confident that your relationship is strong
But if he did he'd still put you first
If you want him to be your body guard for the rest of the night, he'll happily oblige
(and he makes a pretty good guard, too, being so huge and intimidating (when he wants to be))
He HATES when people flirt with you
Like, he knows why; you're obviously always the most attractive person in the room
But you're his s/o! Other people shouldn't be flirting with you!
Sometimes he wishes that you could just wear a big sign that says "I'm taken"
(He has actually asked you to do this before)
The second he sees someone talking to you, he's already inching closer to see what's up
Even if they're not being outright flirty, he's still suspicious of them
He'll keep getting closer, not bothering to be sneaky at all
This often has the unintentional effect of the person leaving before he even gets within talking range
They just get creeped out that this guy is glaring at them while slowly yet steadily approaching
If they don't get scared off, he wraps an arm around you and intensifies his glare
He'll insert himself into the conversation crudely, speaking directly to you and "ignoring" the other person
"Hey, babe. Ready to go back to our shared apartment? Where we live together because we're partners?"
Then the person usually takes the hint, but by then they're probably more amused than annoyed
When they're finally gone Jay still watches them, still glaring
He's a little insecure that you'll leave him, just because you're so stunning (and, admittedly, sometimes the people flirting with you are, too)
He'll need lots of reassurance that he's good enough for you :(
Out of all the ninjas, Zane is the most bothered when people flirt with you
He knows he's not the best when it comes to romance, so he feels like every time someone flirts with you he's instantly being one-upped
It makes him more sad and insecure than anything
He knows that you're loyal to him, so he's not jealous
But he doesn't know why you're so adamant to stay with him, especially when someone flirts with you
He just frowns while he listens to their clever pick up lines, sometimes not even understanding them
It makes him feel a little better when you frown, too
When you send him the "a little help here?" look, though, that's when his heart skips a beat
It's his chance to show why he's the one you chose
He balks for half a second, but quickly gathers the courage to insert himself into the interaction
He places himself at your side, standing like a perfect gentleman and even smiling faintly (despite the fact that he feels a little inferior to the flirter)
Then it's your cue to emphasize what a gentleman he is, and how disinterested you are in everyone else
"This is my boyfriend, Zane. He's always so respectful in. Just look at how he's standing! Never gets all handsy or flirty in public, either."
Zane just nods, his smile growing along with his confidence
He needs to hear those words about as much as his "competitor" does
Once they're gone, he feels much more confident about himself and why you want to be with him :)
Lloyd respects you immensely; he knows you're loyal, honorable, brave... and most of all, drop-dead gorgeous
It's that last thing that worries him a little
Not because it makes him question your other merits; not at all
It makes him more conscious about others' merits (or rather, lack of)
He doesn't trust people to be respectful to you
He tries his best not to hover when you're in public, but he does get a touch anxious if you don't check in every now and again
Especially if you're the type to get uncomfortable when someone flirts with you
He tries to prevent flirting from happening in the first place, but sometimes it just can't be helped
The second he sees someone flirting with you, anxiety strikes
He knows how... inappropriate flirting can get, and just the thought makes him blush
He doesn't want you to be subject to that
So he'll hurry to your side, turning the situation away from romance
He won't be nasty or try to scare the person off, he'll just redirect the conversation
"Hey, how about that game last night? The, uh... sports... game..."
He's trying 😭
He doesn't want to disrespect this person (even though they're low-key disrespecting you)
When they're gone he'll double-check to make sure they didn't make you uncomfortable or anything
As long as you're good, he's good :) until someone else comes up
She also gets flirted with a lot, especially operating in a team of all boys
So she knows the struggle, and she's fully equipped to help you out
She'll teach you the tricks she's learned to scare off creeps, but of course she's also always more than happy to step in
You guys have a complete code language of phrases and gestures that mean things ranging from "creep o'clock, be on guard" to "I'm good, are you?" to "please save me"
To give an example: if you're both in a conversation and someone is starting to seem like they have bad intentions, you can say "I saw a snake a while ago," which means "potential creep right here. thoughts?"
Responses include: "so did I," ("yep, let's ditch") or "no, it was a rubber hose, remember?" ("let's stick around a little longer")
It's a very intricate language that only expands over time
You guys actually have a lot of fun making and using it
And it's obviously quite useful
But in terms of jealousy, since Nya knows what it's like to be harassed, she knows it's not a challenge to one's loyalty
She totally trusts you, and expects you to feel the same
But sometimes when she just really doesn't like someone, she'll put a protective arm around you and make it obvious that you're hers
When they're finally gone, you guys either giggle about it or watch them leave with scowls; either way you make sure to check in on each other first
In general, though, you guys learn to have fun expelling unwarranted advances; it's almost like a fun little game you play together :]
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Thank you for this request! And thanks for reading, take care sweet duckies <33
(divider by saradika)
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misshoneyimhome · 6 months
William silently cursed as he saw you. "She has a great ass, but she got an awful swing." With a chuckle from his friend. Willam's head turned to give him a furious look. With a defensive gesture, his friend raised his hands and backed away. "Hey man, relax. I'm just complimenting her". Willy is the type to admire his girl and try to "teach" her some golfing lessons.
😍😍😍 I swear my cooch skipped a beat just by the mere thought of this 🙈 Almost got jealous of my own fic... not cause it was so well written, but just by imagining the scenario 🤍
I mean, Willy teaching you to golf, AND possesive!boyfriend Willy? Sign me up 🥴 I hope you enjoy it 🤍
Word count; 1.7K
Swing It Like It’s Hot | William Nylander ✿☀︎
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The Swedish summer sun cast a golden hue over the lush greenery of the golf course as William guided you to the first tee. It was the off-season, a break from the demands of professional hockey, and he had promised to give you a golf lesson. Or perhaps more suggested for you to join, since he really wanted to play with his friends. 
It wasn’t a secret that you weren’t a great golfer. Well, in fact you’d never really tried in before, so when William said that you were coming along you naturally demanded that he’d teach you. And he happily obliged.
Standing in front of him, you felt a mix of excitement and nervousness as you held the club tightly. Meanwhile Pablo and Banksy, bounded ahead with wagging tails, eagerly exploring, accompanied by William's best friend Rasmus Sandin, one of his best friends, and brother Alex Nylander, as well as his new flirt.
Taking in the scene, the laughter and camaraderie were infectious, and despite your nerves, you couldn't help but smile as you prepared for your first swing.
With a patient smile, William walked you through the basics, demonstrating the proper stance and grip. His body was firmly pressed against yours as his arms wrapped around your smaller figure guided the movement, before encouraging you to give it a try. Taking a deep breath to calm your nerves, you prepared to strike the ball. 
It was needless to say; you didn’t even know where the ball landed. Your swing wasn’t great, and you knew it.
As you stood at the next tee, determined to make a better shot, William's encouraging presence bolstered your resolve. His arm on your waist was both comforting and motivating, reminding you that all you needed was some practice at this sport.
"It's alright, älskling," William's calm voice reached your ears, his Swedish endearment melting away some of the frustration that had built up inside you. "You're doing fine. Just relax and enjoy it."
His words were soothing to your frazzled nerves, and you couldn't help but offer a grateful smile in return. You knew you had nothing to prove as it was all fun and games, yet you also wanted to show your boyfriend that you made an effort to join him in his interests. And despite the challenges, finding comfort in the simple joy of being with him amidst the stunning Swedish countryside lifted your spirits. You then focused intensely on recalling William's guidance, determined to make this attempt a success.
Observing you from a small distance, William and Rasmus provided silent encouragement as you readied yourself for another swing. Despite any earlier frustration, there was a tenderness in William's gaze as he watched you, silently acknowledging your effort.
Taking a deep breath, you blocked out all distractions, focusing solely on the ball, and with determination pulsing through you, you swung the club with all you might.
The result was a little bit better this time, however what caught William off guard, was when Rasmus’ friend suddenly made a comment. "She has a great ass, but she got an awful swing," he remarked with a playful smirk in their native language.
Immediately, William's head snapped towards him, his blue eyes narrowing with a mix of irritation and protectiveness. His jaw tightened, the muscles in his neck tensing as he gave his friend a stern glare. "Watch it," he warned, his voice low and tinged with annoyance.
Sensing the tension, the mare raised his hands in a conciliatory gesture, stepping back. "Hey man, relax. I'm just complimenting her," he said defensively, trying to defuse the situation.
Though William's glare softened a bit, the tension hung heavy in the air. He knew his friend meant no harm, but his protective instincts flared at any perceived slight toward you. With a sigh, he turned back to you, silently resolving to help you with your swing while also making a mental note to speak to Rasmus later.
And with the playful comment, William remained steadfast in his commitment to coach you through the game. Throughout the day, he consciously tried to push aside Rasmus's remark and focused solely on helping you enhance your golfing abilities. However, despite his initial determination to stay composed, there was a noticeable change in his demeanour.
His touches became more frequent, his guidance more intimate, as he enveloped you in his arms each time you prepared to swing. With each embrace, you could feel the warmth of his body against yours, his closeness serving as both solace and encouragement.
“It’s okay, Willy. I’ve got this,” you chucked, indicating that you were feeling more confident about your game. But William didn’t let you wander too much in your own. Instead, he stayed close, upscaling his flirting behaviour a little with every move.
“I know baby, but you just look so good golfing… can’t take my hands off you,” he chuckled with a mischievous grin by the next tee, placing a kiss just behind your ear before gently biting your earlobe. 
“Willy… there are other people here,” you tried to inform him with a soft sigh, yet you couldn’t deny that it was a little fun to have your boyfriend’s hands on you. He always knew how to make you feel good, and when his lips gently placed a few more kisses on your neck before withdrawing, you had to shake your head to get back to reality. 
Then as you continued your way, amidst playful banter and shared laughter, William teased you about your progress, his jests accompanied by whispered promises of what awaited you later if you managed to refine your swing.
"You're doing so great, baby," he murmured against your ear, his breath sending a shiver down your spine. "Just wait until we get back home, and you’ll get your prize."
His words stirred a rush of excitement within you, igniting a fierce desire simmering just beneath the surface. Beyond the playful banter, his gaze held an undeniable intensity, a hunger that spoke volumes of his longing for you.
“Maybe… I’ll show you how well I can handle your club,” you teasingly remarked in return with a dash of confidence, flashing a smirk and a wink at your boyfriend before strutting to pick up your next ball. 
William had to adjust his junk as he filled the blood rush through his body by your behaviour and the thoughts of the two of you alone later.
As the day drew to a close and the sun dipped below the horizon, you all concluded the game; William taking the lead followed closely by Sandin. Surprisingly, you managed to outscore Alex by two points, with Rasmus's friend trailing behind, and finally Alex's current girlfriend finishing last.
It had been a day filled with nothing but laughter and enjoyment. However, amidst the fun, you couldn't help but notice William's possessiveness. While you understood your boyfriend's inclination to be protective, his behaviour seemed a bit excessive, especially considering you were simply among friends, including Alex, who was technically family but also William's best friend.
And as you drove along the highway towards Stockholm, your attention turned to William, whose gaze remained fixed on the road ahead.
"Willy, take it easy, there's no need to speed," you tried to lighten the mood with a soft chuckle, but he didn't respond to your comment, his focus solely on the road. "Babe, what's the rush?"
William briefly turned his glare towards you, his mind seemingly elsewhere, before easing off the accelerator slightly. "Oh... nothing," he replied tersely, but you knew him too well to leave it at that and decided to probe further.
"We both know that's not true..." you raised an eyebrow, knowing he could sense your tone and see your expression out of the corner of his eye. "Come on, you didn't even want to join the others for dinner."
"Well, no," he admitted with a heavy sigh. "I just want to get home."
"I understand that, but I'm struggling to understand why... we had such a great day, didn't we?" You attempted to offer him a sympathetic smile.
"Yeah... I mean, yes, absolutely... it's just," William murmured softly, searching for the right words to express his thoughts.
"Are you upset because I didn't do well?" you asked gently, prompting William to glance at you with a surprised expression.
"What? No, not at all. Baby, you did amazing! I'm seriously impressed."
"Then what's bothering you? Willy, I can't help if you don't tell me what's going on..." Frustration started to bubble up within you as your patience wore thin.
And finally releasing a deep sigh, William mustered the courage to speak. "Rasmus's friend made a comment about you, and it got under my skin."
"Oh..." You felt a bit puzzled. Didn’t William's friends like you? Were you just seen as the annoying girlfriend tagging along? The thought crossed your mind. "Well, I'm sorry if I was intruding on your guy time..." you apologised softly.
"What? No, babe, that's not what I meant!" William quickly clarified, not wanting you to think for a moment that you were unwelcome. After all, he was the one who invited you along. "No, what I meant was that he made a comment about your ass... and I don't want him to look anywhere near your ass! Especially not right in front of me!"
As you listened to William, you struggled to form a coherent response. Was he genuinely jealous over some comment about your ass?
As William eased off the highway, his demeanour gradually relaxed. His gaze briefly met yours while waiting for the traffic lights to change.
"What?" he asked, surprised by your calm expression, expecting you to be offended by the sexual remark.
"Are you serious?" you chuckled softly. "Willy, did you really get jealous because Rasmus's friend complimented my ass? Because, of course, I have a nice ass... we both know that," you said, trying to flash a confident smirk. "Besides, it's an ass you get to enjoy, one that he doesn't, and one you'll get to see in all its glory when you give me my prize, as promised."
William couldn't help but feel a twinge of arousal at your words. Why was he even so worked up over this? You were his, and he knew it. Plus, he loved the fact that others admired you too, especially knowing he had you all to himself.
Then slowly forming a smirk of his own, he turned to you once more. "Oh babe, you deserve far more than just a prize."
And to your great surprise, you received four prizes that night. And then two more in the morning.
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inajda · 2 years
i’m back! this time doing some observations based on readings I did, charts I looked or just by seeing people. if you have doubts feel free to ask anything.
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• when a person has a scorpio rising, the energy they give is way more intense at first sight than a person with a scorpio sun. since scorpio is the sign on the cusp of the 1st house and this house is originally ruled by mars, it gets activated by action, so a scorpio rising will often act more like the characteristics of the sign then someone with an actual scorpio sun. it’s easier to see at naked eye.
• people who have aquarius venus tend to attract most of the time weird individuals. it’s an overlooked placement reduced to non monogamy, but it’s so much more than that. i observed that people with this placement can often be taken advantage off, because aquarius can be selfless when it comes to helping people and that being the way aquarius operate, in contact with venus it can make people with this placement more vulnerable to this kind of situation.
• moon in capricorn and moon in cancer are different sides of the same coin. both have very different styles to how they demonstrate their feelings but when it comes to being valued of their emotional labour they often get overlooked. people take them for granted because is often similar to a primary source of emotional support, like a parent. you know is their obligation to do what they do, but you don’t know that it takes an active thinking and a never ending job of keeping things like they’re always supposed to be. nice, warm and stable.
• your lilith placement will always eat you up. unless you truly recognize the lesson she’s wants you to know, she gonna chew you alive. is different from a saturn lesson, lilith is not about time, is about seeing what you don’t want to see and acknowledge in a conscious mindset, is to not let people transform you into what they think you are, your conscious mind is the most powerful gift lilith can give you.
• looking at your jupiter and knowing how to read the place it’s in can help you how to manifest things you want and do really witchy stuff. to learn how to track abundance and good luck. jupiter is a really powerful sorcerer that has the power to attract what he wants but he’s also a show off, so be careful with how you act because there’s gonna be people watching you.
• one of the most prominent place your mars placement is going to show off is when you get into an argument. i’m a sagittarius mars so a I have the terrible habit of thinking I own the truth in everything and never admitting i’m wrong. a pisces mars can get a bit manipulative if it feels it does have a way to go. a gemini mars will deceit you into think they’re right no matter what, even if they realized they’re in the wrong mid argument.
• the 12th house is the worst place to have a malefic planet (saturn and mars) or challenging placements (square or opposition). in traditional astrology is consider to be the place of bad spirit since it’s above the 1st angular house representing the self, meaning that the 12th represents hiding of the self, events that happen in the natives life that is not easy to access or even acknowledge. this is a very simplified explanation, I can maybe do another post on this since it’s a long subject to cover.
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natalisdragon · 6 months
Someone has already introduced the topic, but I want to delve deeper and give my vision on the matter.
This is the kind of thing that, when you think about it, is so obvious that you can't help but feel a little silly for not noticing it sooner.
When we talk about cooking, the doors are opened for many interpretations, but we will not go to something as complicated as… analyzing the dishes that appear next to the names of the episodes. It's something much simpler.
Cooking is something that we can associate with independence and maturity. I think this is easily represented by Arajin's mother, who, although she can be somewhat eccentric at times, let's not forget that she is also the owner of her own restaurant, in addition to having to take care of her son practically alone (as far as we know) both being responsibilities that are not exactly easy to carry. We even have Arajin himself, who despite demonstrating questionable behavior throughout the story, we know that he helps his mother, again, a responsibility about which he usually doesn't complain, being one of the few things that probably helped him with his trauma and develop a skill necessary for adult life, or in his particular case, a business that he will most likely inherit.
We can talk about the scene in which Arajin and Matakara cook together, these are already my conjectures, but perhaps it is a way to contrast how each one has tried to cope with their lives, and it's even more revealing if we remember that they were making gyozas ( They are stuffed/external part, internal part), showing us that Arajin (despite what one might think) has had more tools at his disposal (which his mother also provided him) to move forward than Matakara, who has managed to do so, as we can see, with great difficulty.
Akutaro is another one we see cooking in episode 7, but since it's something he's doing more out of obligation (and possibly threat) perhaps it's more to emphasize that HE NEEDS INDEPENDENCE (he depends on Ichiya) and learning to manage with his own resources to mature.
Now let's talk about what really matters, cooking and love. Cooking has an important relationship with love, being very commonly represented as one of the most sincere gestures of affection, both for those who cook and those who eat. Let's remember when Marito is hospitalized and Mahoro visits him, the food that she prepares for him is well… we know… peculiar, but we see that despite this, even if it's not in front of his sister, Marito makes the effort to eat what she prepared for him, making us understand that despite seeming distant, he appreciates her.
On the other hand we see it in Arajin's mother and the effort she puts into preparing his lunches for school.
We also notice it with Matakara while he prepares the party to welcome his brother, where he offers to help Arajin to make the food. Let's remember that the only person with whom we have seen Matakara cook apart from Arajin is his brother, therefore, the two people for whom he feels the most affection. That's why he wants Mitsukini to eat something that he prepared with his own hands.
But here there is something else. We talk about cooking as a sign of maturity and affection for those we love, but there is something else, and you should already imagine what I mean. Cooking as a representation of a home and its warmth. We already see it with all of the above, especially Arajin, who if there is something he doesn't lack is his mother's love and support . Personally, this makes Matakara's situation even sadder, because if we are good observers, we have NEVER seen Matakara eating or cooking with his "relatives." Basically yelling at us that he doesn't feel part of them, which is confirmed when he simply leaves after what happens with his brother.
In contrast, Arajin's house is a place where we know that beyond being also a restaurant, it's a place where cooking is done with love, therefore,it's not just a house, it's a home.
And now that we know about his past, it's just heartbreaking. Deep down, Matakara not only wants strength, he wants someone who won't abandon him, he wants a home and feel its warmth, maybe that's why we see him so happy making gyoza with Arajin, because it had been a long time since he could experience it. In the end, for Matakara, any place where he can be with a person he loves is his home.
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my-mt-heart · 11 months
The Shipbaiting Is Not Okay...
It doesn’t matter that Isabelle is a nun. It doesn’t matter that Daryl’s feelings aren’t confirmed, and it doesn’t matter that they ultimately won’t get together. The baiting, the relentless effort to make the audience think that they will, is the most heavy-handed we’ve ever seen and that in itself disrespects Daryl, a character who "falls in love forever," who represents unconventional masculinity, whose fanbase thrived on the vulnerability, loyalty, and unconditional love he showed Carol over 11 seasons.
Whereas Angela Kang’s juxtapositions between Caryl and Daryl/Leah demonstrated Daryl's devotion to Carol, preparing us for eventual canon, the drama behind the scenes last year makes it highly unlikely Zabel wrote le spinoff with Caryl endgame in mind, at least not until much further down the line if at all. Yes, there are a few allusions to Carol in the first half of S1, but they seem shoehorned in or left open to interpretation. I fear that’s because, until Melissa signed on for S2, AMC and Zabel felt compelled to tease an alternative endgame just in case “cool dude doing cool things in cool places” wasn’t a strong enough motivation to watch. The problem is, aside from turning Daryl into the conventional hero he isn’t, they’re just recycling key elements of Caryl's relationship.
In the jarring bath scene for example, Isabelle and Daryl see each other’s scars, lending credence to an observation Isabelle makes later that they were both “broken until the world ended.” Well, that’s Carol and Daryl in a nutshell. The abuse they both suffered before the ZA helped them relate to each other, see straight through the misconceptions others had of them, and raise each other up to become the most loyal, most loving, and fiercest survivors of the flagship show. Fans clocked their soulmatism early on, rooting for their romantically-coded interactions during their search for Sophia to blossom into a full-blown relationship. Since the hope for a child's future also lays the groundwork for Daryl’s and Isabelle’s bond, it seems like AMC was hoping the similarities would evoke the same emotional response from viewers. Maybe they were hoping fresh eyes would see the same potential for Daryl and Isabelle that we saw in Caryl while long time viewers would get lost in the nostalgia of it all.
In any case, it doesn't work. It can't because as great as Clemence’s performance is, she and Norman don't have McReedus' chemistry. Daryl’s and Isabelle’s relationship hasn't had anywhere near the same amount of time to grow into what people love about Daryl and Carol. Female characters aren't interchangeable. People weren't fooled when Maggie adopted Carol's fashion sense in the pilot of yet another male-driven spinoff, and people aren't fooled now.
From the scenes I've watched and what many fans have been saying, some of Isabelle's behavior comes off as emotionally manipulative, especially when she accuses Daryl of abandoning Laurent the way his abusive father abandoned him. It’s an absolutely ridiculous line because Daryl is not like his father. Carol and TF showed him that. Daryl also just met this kid. Caring about him and wanting to keep him safe are honorable, but that doesn't obligate him to stay. The scene is unsettling, and when you consider Daryl's history, it makes the shipbaiting even more questionable.
I know some think it sets up the opportunity for Isabelle to take a darker turn in S2 much like Leah did in S11. Like I said, there's a clear juxtaposition between Daryl telling Isabelle that France doesn't feel like the place he's supposed to be and him telling Carol he does know where he's supposed to be. We know Norman and Nicotero are more than familiar with that arc, so if they wanted to, they could give us the missing payoff through Isabelle (sans having to sit through a canon relationship between her and Daryl first). The problem is, we also know Norman hated that arc and I can’t imagine he’d want to repeat it. What’s worse is that Zabel's comments about a potential romance between Daryl and Isabelle don't address the toxicity of some of their interactions, which makes me worried he's not even aware of what he's writing.
I’m not saying Caryl fans won’t get what they want. Now that we know Carol is back and Melissa has just as much input on her story as Norman has had on Daryl's, there's more reason to hope for S2 to be good. Daryl and Carol could, and should, go canon and I could go back to celebrating my favorite characters with deep analyses, minisodes, and whatever else I did to try to spread joy (I barely remember anymore. I was so young a year and a half ago).
In the meantime, especially because of S1’s gimmicky ending, I reserve the right to be angry and skeptical. The backlash following le spinoff’s announcement last April should’ve told AMC loud and clear what we want to watch and what we don't want to watch. They had so many chances to earn back our trust—revert to the original premise, revise Daryl’s arc, remove the shipbaiting, tease a Caryl romance, give Carol’s first appearance more substance, SOMETHING—but they were more concerned about saving face, and now their audience for S2 has a lot to think about.
What was the significance of Daryl's growth in the flagship if the spinoff was going to regress him to the person he was in the early seasons? What am I supposed to make of his most intimate scenes with Carol if he can be placed in (poorly nuanced) intimate situations with a stranger? What am I supposed to feel when Carol presumably does everything in her power to find Daryl, and he’s conflicted about where he belongs?
Daryl and Carol said they loved each other in TWD’s series finale. Neither of those characters ever throw those words around, so when they say it, we know it isn't just a simple declaration. It's a promise that should keep Daryl grounded during his misadventure in France, yet the spinoff never explicitly addresses it. They want to keep Daryl's feelings ambiguous so they can build unnecessary tension. It's frustrating. After having their worst fears exploited for years, Caryl fans deserve a story that fulfills their deepest desires. They—and Melissa herself—deserve peace from the cyber bullying AMC, Zabel, and co. perpetuate the longer they deny representation of an earned relationship between a man and woman both over fifty. Caryl fans are supposed to be resilient, but S1 overall is a pretty low blow. I just want to look forward to S2 without feeling like I'm getting jerked around.
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muteshortgirl · 1 year
They Take Care of You
Flirty and sick reader.
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Shinobu Kocho- Healing Love
Tender Attention: Shinobu would provide you with her undivided attention, making sure to listen carefully to your needs and concerns. She would approach your sickness with a gentle and compassionate demeanor.
Medical Assistance: Shinobu would assess your symptoms and provide appropriate medical assistance. She might examine you for any visible signs of illness, take your temperature, and ask detailed questions about your condition.
Herbal Remedies: Shinobu's expertise in medicinal herbs would come into play. She would prepare herbal concoctions or teas specifically tailored to alleviate your symptoms and boost your immune system. She might include ingredients known for their healing properties, such as chamomile, ginger, or honey.
Careful Monitoring: Shinobu would keep a close eye on your condition, checking on you regularly to monitor your progress. She would observe changes in your symptoms, note any improvements, or identify potential complications that require immediate attention.
Comfort and Rest: Shinobu would ensure your comfort and encourage you to rest and recover. She would prepare a cozy environment for you, adjusting the room temperature, and making sure you have everything you need within reach.
Nutritious Meals: Recognizing the importance of proper nutrition for a speedy recovery, Shinobu would prepare nourishing meals for you. She would ensure that you receive a balanced diet with foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and immune-boosting properties. Shinobu might also infuse her culinary creations with herbs to aid in your healing process.
Emotional Support: Shinobu would be attentive to your emotional well-being as well. She would offer words of encouragement, provide a sympathetic ear, and engage in light-hearted conversations to lift your spirits. Her warm presence and genuine care would help you feel comforted during your illness.
Patience and Understanding: Shinobu would understand that healing takes time, and she would demonstrate immense patience throughout the process. She would never rush you or pressure you to get better quickly. Instead, she would reassure you that it's okay to take the necessary time to recover fully.
You lay in bed, feeling unwell. Shinobu Kocho entered the room and immediately noticed your playful smirk, despite your weakened state. She couldn't help but smile, appreciating your spirit even in sickness.
Shinobu approached the bed, her graceful steps accentuated by the sway of her butterfly-patterned haori . She carried a tray with a bowl of comforting chicken soup, a cup of soothing herbal tea, and a plate of meticulously sliced fruits. As she reached the bed, her eyes sparkled with a blend of concern and amusement.
"Well, well, my dear patient," Shinobu said with a hint of amusement in her melodious voice, her gaze meeting your playful one. "I must admit, it's quite charming to see you maintain your spirit even in this state."
You grinned mischievously, your voice weakened but still carrying a flirty tone. "What can I say, Shinobu? Even with a fever, my heart races when I see you. You're the cure I need to get better."
Shinobu blushed slightly, her cheeks turning a delicate shade of pink as she appreciated your words. She gently placed the tray on the nightstand and sat down beside you. With a tender touch, she brushed a strand of hair away from your face.
"Your words have an enchanting effect, my butterfly," she replied, her voice filled with warmth. "But let's focus on nursing you back to health. Once you're feeling better, I'll be more than happy to entertain your advances."
She reached for the bowl of soup and carefully brought it to your lips. "For now, let's replenish your strength with some nourishment. Flirting can resume when you're back on your feet."
you obliged, savoring the flavors of the soup, occasionally stealing flirtatious glances at Shinobu. "I can't wait to recover," you murmured, your voice filled with playful anticipation. "I'll make it up to you, Shinobu.”
Shinobu chuckled softly "Oh, I have no doubt about that," she teased, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "I'll hold you to that promise. But for now, rest and let my care work its magic."
Throughout the day, Shinobu continued to attend to your needs, exchanging playful banter and indulging your flirtatious remarks. She refilled your tea, adjusted your pillows, and shared lighthearted anecdotes from her demon-slaying adventures, all the while maintaining a subtle teasing tone.
Despite your illness, you found comfort and enjoyment in Shinobu's presence. Her attentive care and flirty banter made the sickness feel more bearable. It was as if her affectionate gestures and playful responses acted as a tonic, uplifting your spirits and aiding in your recovery.
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Mitsuri Kanroji- Warm Healing
Expressing concern: Mitsuri would first express genuine concern for your well-being. She would approach you with a warm smile and gentle words, assuring you that she is there to help you feel better.
Providing comfort: Mitsuri would prioritize creating a comfortable environment for you. She might bring extra pillows, a cozy blanket, and ensure that the room is well-ventilated. She may also light some calming incense or even hum softly to help you relax.
Offering food and fluids: Mitsuri would understand the importance of nutrition and hydration when you're sick. She would prepare light and nourishing meals or soups, taking into consideration any dietary restrictions or preferences you might have. She would encourage you to drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.
Monitoring your symptoms: Mitsuri would pay close attention to your symptoms, checking your temperature regularly. She would be attentive to any changes or worsening of your condition, so she can seek medical help if necessary.
Providing gentle care: If you're experiencing discomfort, Mitsuri would provide gentle care to alleviate your symptoms. She might offer to massage your temples if you have a headache or apply a warm compress to soothe any muscle aches. She would be attentive to your needs and adjust her approach based on your preferences.
Offering emotional support: Mitsuri would understand that being sick can be emotionally challenging, so she would provide a listening ear and emotional support. She would sit with you, listen to your concerns, and offer comforting words of encouragement. Her kind and empathetic nature would help uplift your spirits.
Encouraging rest and recovery: Mitsuri would emphasize the importance of rest and encourage you to take the time needed to recover fully. She might read you a book, or engage in light-hearted conversations to distract you from your illness and help you relax.
Ensuring cleanliness and hygiene: Mitsuri would maintain a clean and hygienic environment to prevent the spread of germs. She would regularly sanitize surfaces, wash her hands frequently, and encourage you to do the same. She might even bring you a fresh set of clean clothes or towels to ensure your comfort.
Being patient and understanding: Mitsuri would exhibit great patience and understanding throughout your illness. She would never rush your recovery or pressure you to feel better quickly. Instead, she would be by your side, offering support and reassurance until you're back to full health.
Mitsuri Kanroji, the kind-hearted and compassionate Hashira, could sense something was off with her beloved Y/n. She entered their room, concern etched on her face as she saw you lying in bed, clearly not feeling well.
"Darling, are you alright?" Mitsuri asked, approaching the bed with gentle steps. She sat down beside them, placing a hand on your forehead to check for any signs of fever. Her touch was soothing, her fingertips cool against your skin.
You mustered a weak smile, your eyes lighting up as they saw Mitsuri's caring expression. Despite your illness, you couldn't help but feel a mischievous playfulness within yourself. "I may be sick, Mitsuri, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate your beauty and love for you even more," you said, your voice soft and filled with affection.
Mitsuri blushed, her cheeks turning a shade of pink that matched her hair. She giggled, her eyes sparkling with a mix of amusement and adoration. "Oh, you're such a charmer, my love," she replied, her voice filled with affection. "But right now, we should focus on getting you better. How about I make you some soup? It'll help nourish you and give you the strength to recover."
You pouted playfully, your voice still carrying a teasing tone. "Oh, come on, Mitsuri. Can't I enjoy being sick and still have your undivided attention? Maybe a little bit of cuddling or a gentle massage? I promise it'll make me feel better."
Mitsuri's eyes widened slightly, caught off guard by your flirtatious request. She blushed deeper, her heart fluttering with a mixture of shyness and desire. She found your playfulness infectious, a welcome distraction from the worry she felt for your well-being.
"Alright, you persuaded me," Mitsuri said, her voice laced with a hint of mischief. "I'll make you some soup, but after that, I'll grant your request. Cuddles and a massage it is. But only if you promise to rest and take care of yourself too."
You grinned, feeling a surge of joy as Mitsuri agreed to your playful proposition. You couldn't help but admire her for being so understanding and caring, even in your playful banter.
As Mitsuri left the room to prepare the soup, you settled back into bed, your playful demeanor momentarily overtaken by a wave of gratitude and love. You were fortunate to have someone as loving and devoted as Mitsuri by your side, even in your moments of weakness.
The anticipation of Mitsuri's return, coupled with the warmth of her affectionate care, made your heart skip a beat. You knew that with her love and attention, Your recovery would be swift, and your bond would grow even stronger in the process.
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stellamortua · 5 days
Yo whaddup I’m Ringo, I’m 21+ (she/her) and I never freaking learned how to read. I have 10+ years of Tumblr RP experience.
I'm also fully up to date on all 9 Parts!
About My Jonathan:
I default to post Wind Knight's Lot with memories of Eyes of Heaven, but am flexible. My Jonathan has severe ADHD.
To My Dio Friends:
Hey there you rapscallions! ;D Come on in!
I am open to shipping, but expectations must be set beforehand. I am not interested in toxic or nonconsensual romantic relationships at this time;
What I mean is, I have seen too many Jonathans flipping on their backs to DIO's will and forgetting that they have a very complicated relationship with positives and negatives. Always happy to discuss in DMs!
Just because Jonathan still cares about Dio doesn't mean he's going to save him from his pissed off descendants. Dio did that to himself there, pal.
How I Operate:
I follow muses that I know, preferably Jojo's. OCs must have an info page. Duplicates welcome;
Mun does not equal Muse. I like to get to know my RP partners;
All forms of writing are valid. Do not be afraid to be a jerk to my muse :D;
I love plotting and am always available via IM. Discord reserved for mutuals;
COMMUNICATE with me. I am not psychic. Help me help you!;
Please practice reblog karma if you want to use a prompt I shared;
I only interact with mutuals and I am slow with replies;
I am multi-ship. I will only write NSFW in private with legal age partners; Limits (and consent) must be established beforehand;
I will always read your rules before interacting;
I will be there for you in your time of need, but I am not a licensed therapist.
Reasons for Being Blocked:
Guilt tripping. Real life before role play. You are not obligated to my time;
Demonstrating P*dophilic/Zoophilic/Far Right/Tankie Behavior;
Failing to stop God Modding/forcing headcannons on me after being asked;
Disabilities/disorders do not excuse behavior. Signed, a fellow neurodivergent;
Passive aggression, playing the victim, vague blogging, virtue signaling, etc. I do not do anon asks for a reason.
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aithusarosekiller · 1 year
For the ask thingy…. 36 and Jegulus :)
Prompt: "I'll do anything. Anything at all. Just let my friend go."
You were all expecting Sirius weren't you?
Well I hope you're unpleasantly surprised 🤭
Pete is a pos in this I do apologise, I love him dearly I really do
Trying to placate the situation, James stepped forward, dropping his wand on the ground in a demonstration of surrender. Peter widened his eyes as if to say ‘What the fuck are you playing at?’ and quite honestly, James didn’t have a proper response. He didn’t have a clue what he was doing, he just wanted to get Peter to safety. Call him crazy, but it was a little difficult to think tactically when your lifelong best friend had a death eater’s wand in his neck and terror written all over his face.
He held his hands out in front of him to try and convey that he was not aggressive.
“Kill me. Kill me instead, please. I’ll do anything, absolutely anything…just let my friend go, he’s not a threat to you or your master, I swear it.”
The Death Eater lessened the pressure of his wand against Peter’s face minutely, shoulders slumping in what looked like pity.
“I know, it's not me I'm scared for,” The masked figure spoke, slowly and carefully. James felt all of the blood in his body freeze over. His fear must have been evident in his eyes as Black (he refused to think of him by his first name) relaxed his grip on Peter’s arm a little, not enough for him to escape, but enough for him to seem less threatening. “No, James, look, you don't understand-”
“No,” James laughed bitterly and rubbed a hand over his mouth, not believing what was happening in front of him, “You’re right, I don’t understand. What happened to you not believing the Dark Lord's bullshit? Huh? Why are you trying to butter me up while you have a wand to Peter's neck, Black? Because quite frankly-"
“How long has it been since you’ve seen his arm?”
That cut James off abruptly, doing a double take and taking several seconds to catch up. “What the hell are you talking about? Stop changing the-”
“James, I’m going to need you to listen to me now,” When James showed signs of interrupting, Black jammed the wand back into the underside of Peter’s chin, effectively shutting James up. “You are aware that there is a spy in the Order, are you not?” He did not wait for a response. “And you are aware that this spy would have been attending Death Eater meetings in disguise for several months now, long enough to give away his identity to an opposing spy within Voldemort’s ranks, yes?" James was silent. "James?”
“Yes,” He stood perfectly still, not knowing who to trust. Who to fear more. There was a time when he would have trusted Regulus Black; word without a doubt, no matter what it entailed. He wasn’t living then, though. This was now, and he really ought to call for help and deny everything Regulus was implying, but something about the tenderness in his voice and the coldness in Peter’s eyes stopped him from doing so. He had no grasp on what he was supposed to be thinking anymore, no idea what to do.
Regulus’ voice came again, breaking cleanly through his thoughts.
“James,” He didn’t look up. “James,” It was a little more forceful but he still didn’t look up. “Look up, mon Chéri,” That made James flinch. The familiarity flooded over him. Peter was staring at James with utter bewilderment and part of him was glad he didn’t understand, but that same part of him made him feel ill. This was his friend, and he was glad he didn't know what was going on moments before his death? “Come here.”
If it had been any other Death Eater, James would have obliged immediately out of the fear of him or Peter being killed but he didn’t think that Regulus could truly kill him, and he didn’t know how to feel about Peter, so he only shook his head.
“James,” He repeated. “I’m not going to hurt you, I would never dream of hurting you or Sirius unless it was absolutely necessary to protect you, you know that, I have to do this,” He let go of Peter’s arm, keeping the wand firmly nestled in his skin as he reached out his right arm to James, coaxing him forwards. James looked at the hand warily. “I know you’re scared, Darling, I understand, I just need you to come here for one minute okay?” That was when it all seemed to click for Peter, who groaned and shook his head in disbelief, likely realising why Regulus was outing him as the traitor. The wand dig deeper into his flesh.
Despite everything in James’ body telling him not to, he obeyed. He did not take the hand, watching as Regulus replaced it on Peter’s shoulder, holding him still.
“Okay, that’s good, James, it’s alright, just breathe.” James found the gentle words soothing him. “Okay, this is the hard hit, but it's all going to be okay, yes?” He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head. “James, listen to me. I know you can do it. I just want you to lift up his left sleeve, that's all.”
He slowly reached out, stopping at least four times before he finally took a hold of Peter’s arm. He looked up to mouth 'I'm sorry’ but froze at the sight of Peter’s face. He didn't look afraid or confused; he just looked angry. It made James feel sick. He took in a deep, stabilising breath and dragged the sleeve up his forearm, feeling the bile rise in his throat as the angry black shape flared back at him.
James choked back a sob and stumbled away before slowly walking back up to them, staring at the mark with teary eyes.
“It's okay, it's alright.” Regulus reached up with his non-dominant hand, taking his mask off and tossing it aside so James could see his face. Peter remained at the end of his wand.
“I'm so sorry, James. I'm so sorry.”
James just stood there, shocked beyond measure. “Please say it's not true. It isn't true, I won't believe it. The mark isn't real, it's not-”
“James. I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry, it's true, I'm so sorry. It's too late now, there's nothing you can do. Please step back, James."
Reality once again punched James right in the face and he felt his throat close up. “You're going to kill him. You're going to kill Peter and you're not even scared. How many other people have you killed, Regulus?”
Regulus didn't answer the question. “You can either stay or go for this bit, I won't blame you either way.”
“No,” Regulus sighed and James rushed to explain himself. “No, just. I need to talk to him first, Regulus, he's my friend.”
“James, he's been feeding Voldemort information for months.”
“I know!” He heard the whine in his own voice and cringed. “I know, but I need to know why. I've got to know if there's anything pressuring him, if he really-”
Regulus’ voice dropped even lower. “James. You can't save everyone, I thought I taught you that.”
“I know, just- please. Please Reg, I have to know why. Please, Love.” The pet name felt wrong on his to but but he knew it would get him his way.
Regulus visibly softened, sighing and taking a step back from Peter, still holding onto his shoulder in a silent threat. “Okay. Alright, fine. But then you have to let me do it, James. You have to let me because I don't trust Dumbledore enough to hand Pettigrew over and I won't stop until I know you're safe from him.”
“Thank you.” James whispered.
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coochiequeens · 10 months
In early May, a reform to the General Law for Women's Access to a Life Free of Violence was finally signed into law, calling for women with disabilities to be included in policies aimed at preventing, prosecuting, and sanctioning violence against women."
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Women with disabilities demonstrating on March 8, 2020 against violence against women. © 2020 Mexicanas con Discapacidad
Imagine being trapped with someone who is violent and abusive towards you and having no way to escape. You can’t call for help because you have a physical disability that prevents you from leaving your bed, your room, and your house. This is the reality many women with disabilities experience every day.
In 2020, Human Rights Watch documented the many ways in which people with disabilities in Mexico face severe abuse and neglect by their families with little protection or support from the government. Our investigation found that shelters for women who are survivors of violence were not accessible for those with disabilities, and that there was no legal obligation for shelters to provide services to this group.
Today, there are reasons for hope. In early May, a reform to the General Law for Women's Access to a Life Free of Violence was finally signed into law, calling for women with disabilities to be included in policies aimed at preventing, prosecuting, and sanctioning violence against women. This reform is the product of joint efforts by various organizations of women with disabilities, human rights organizations, and experts, who have pressed members of Congress for more than two years to make public policy more inclusive for women, including women with disabilities.
The reform requires that both Women’s Justice Centers—state-run facilities providing legal and psychological support—and temporary shelters for survivors of violence must be accessible to women with disabilities. This includes providing personal assistants to help women with disabilities do basic tasks like get out of bed, use toilets, and perform other daily life activities, enabling them to use the facilities on an equal basis with others.
There’s a long way to go for this reform to be fully realized in practice, but it represents an important step in tackling family violence against women by ensuring that psychosocial support, childcare, housing, and other policies to support women are inclusive of those with disabilities.
To ensure the reforms have a meaningful impact, the Mexican government should closely consult organizations of women with disabilities in rolling out these important measures.
** This article is part of a series marking the 10th anniversary of Human Rights Watch's Disability Rights Division.
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Hi, Ralph. I haven't been on Tumblr for a while, but I’ve come to you for advice before and hoped you might be able to help. I am at university and there are a lot of protests to have our school stop giving money to the genocide and I try to go as much as possible. But, since I can't take noise, after protests I can't do any of my work as I recover. So I am not sure what to do, since I feel strongly that I should protest, but also need some energy for work so I don't flunk my exams. (1/3)
But this has led me to question my choices in general- I know for certain that it is important to try to do what is right. And I don’t know with the same certainty that my coursework or job work are actually meaningful all the time, but I know I need to do them for my own future and present life. In the choices I make, I feel more pressured to choose the work capitalism forces on me instead of moral obligations, which doesn’t seem right. Then I’m just letting the system work as intended (2/3)
I feel like I shouldn’t skip a class to protest even though that seems ridiculous to me. I think I’ve internalized so deeply what I’ve been taught to prioritize that it feels moral too. Besides protesting I try to do small things, like take care of my friends who lead our school’s palestinian solidarity movement, or sign petitions, and I’ve been engaged in collective organizing before, but I’ve never felt it as urgently and constantly as I do now and I just don’t know how to find balance (3/3)
Sending you so much love anon - your desire
Before I answer the questions you actually asked - I am going to respond to your message over all. I hope I'm not overstepping - but what radiates from this message, almost as much as your concern and solidarity, is anxiety. You seem very steeped in a way of understanding the world that there is a right thing to do and you must find it. I think your anxiety is probably not helping you at the moment. The more you can understand the fact that you are driven to find a single right answer as the problem - rather than the fact that you haven't found that single right answer the easier navigating the world will be.
I'm not suggesting that it's easy to move away from anxiety driven black and white thinking - it absolutely isn't - it's a life long process. But if you can seek out support, whether that's therapy, or from your friends, or anywhere else.
What this reads like as an ever tightening knot - where your feeling that you must do everything right is tightening both ends. In life I have skipped a lot of work (broadly defined) for protests and a lot of protests for work. I hope you can find a place where both feel OK.
There's a phrase that I see sometimes on historical protests and on tweets - 'All Out'. It's intended to convey an imperative. There are times of imperative - right now feels like a time of imperative on a scale of 15 February 2003.
I think there are two questions - the first is can you go to protests this week? And it's OK if the answer is no. If so that's about the way the world and protests are inaccessible - not a problem with you. And also life continues to happen - there will never be a day where everyone can make a demonstration - for big reasons and small some people will not be there. If you cannot be there, know that there are people who can.
Then if you think you can go - how can you make this protest cost less to you personally. At today's protest I met someone who didn't feel able to march, because her anxiety was bad. So they had gone to the end of the march, which was a big open space and they could stay at the end if they needed you. What matters is that you are there - and there are lots of ways to make that easier.
If a protest is outdoors you've got a much better chance of standing far enough away from the main group. What's the longest time you could be in that environment and still be able to study? Is there a way you can time it so you go for the quietest bit. Speeches tend to be quieter than chanting - if you know the people and there are going to be organising can they tell you the agenda and find out when it'd be quietest. Can you wear ear muffs of noise cancelling headphones? You know far better than me what will work for you in the sort of protests that you are going to. I say this not because I think you need ideas - but because I feel like you might need permission. That you might feel like the only option is to do everything - and I'm encouraging you to know that everything you do matters. Turning up to a demonstration for ten minutes makes a difference and is better than not turning up at all.
Sending you huge love and know that you are the best decision maker in your own life - and whatever you decide will be the right decision.
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vendettamuses · 1 year
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@maximuses SAID: “I don’t know sign language.” -> Kelvin to Letaba
⚔️ Prompts for Deaf/Mute Muses // CLOSED ⚔️
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The written message offered to him via card only draws a small smile from the detective. He looks back up at Kelvin, flashing him a grin before writing back a response.
'That's alright. I'll teach you.'
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In the brief time he'd come to know the younger man, two things had become clear: one, Robert Kelvin was very smart and a very fast learner, potential brain damage be damned. Two, Robert Kelvin was always very eager to learn and be helpful. It was why, just a few short weeks after being plucked out of the wilderness on a routine vacation to Alaska with his friends and being put in rehab for any lingering neurological issues, Robert was now working as an assistant for the Lionfolk. He spent his days shuffling and organizing paperwork, scheduling appointments, cleaning up, and helping make connections on cases- and never before had he let his new onset of deafness pose an obstacle to any of that work.
Now would be no different.
At his confirmation, Robert lit up with a smile. Letaba had always been good to him. He was kind, patient, considerate, and very adaptable. All things that the human could appreciate given the precarious circumstances he currently found himself in now. He nodded, grin growing ecstatic as he moved to sit down and begin their first lesson immediately. And Letaba was all too happy to oblige. He sat across from the man, taking out a notebook of scrap paper to write down their first phrase and offer it to the man. Once Robert had read it and looked back up, he guided him through a demonstration of how to sign out the words.
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'I will always be here to help you, Robert.'
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kmindzfaridabad · 2 days
Raise Your English Capacities with Expert PTE Preparing in Faridabad
In an evident globalized world, capacity in English has become fundamental for understudies and experts alike. For those hoping to review or work abroad, the Pearson Primer of English (PTE) is a key development toward showing English language limits. Assuming you're looking for the most effective way to plan for the PTE, look no farther than PTE coaching in faridabad With master direction, you can lift your English abilities and accomplish your ideal score.
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Why the PTE Test Matters
The PTE test evaluates your capacities in tuning in, perusing, composing, and talking in English. Numerous colleges and associations overall acknowledge PTE scores, going with it a well known decision among non-local English speakers. A solid score can fundamentally improve your intellectual and expert possibilities. Nonetheless, dominating the test requires something beyond fundamental English abilities; it requires centered arrangement and compelling methodologies.
The Advantages of PTE Training in Faridabad
Custom-made Opportunity for growth: One of the vital benefits of signing up for PTE coaching in faridabad is the customized way to deal with learning. Every understudy has interesting qualities and shortcomings, and master mentors can fit their techniques to address individual necessities. At KMindz Faridabad, we evaluate your ongoing capability and make a review plan that identifies regions for development.
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Experienced Educators: The nature of teachers assumes a fundamental part in your prosperity. Our group at KMindz Faridabad includes experienced experts who grasp the subtleties of the PTE test. They give critical snippets of data and reasonable tips that can massively affect your showcase.
Complete Study Materials: With the right assets, examining up for the PTE turns out to be more reasonable. At KMindz Faridabad, we offer a degree of overview materials, including practice tests, worksheets, and online assets.
 These materials are intended to recreate genuine test conditions, permitting you to actually rehearse.
Intelligent Learning Climate: Learning is much of the time more viable in a cooperative climate. Our classes cultivate communication, empowering understudies to take part in conversations and practice their talking abilities. This intuitive methodology supports certainty as well as further develops familiarity — a fundamental part of the PTE test.
Standard Evaluations and Criticism: To screen progress, we direct customary appraisals and give helpful input. This recognizes regions that need improvement and permits you to follow your advancement all through the course. With centered criticism, you can refine your abilities and move toward the genuine test.
Adaptable Planning: We comprehend that a considerable lot of our understudies have occupied plans. That is the reason we offer adaptable class timings at KMindz Faridabad. Whether you favor end of the week classes or night meetings, we oblige your necessities to guarantee you can offset your planning with different responsibilities.
Why Pick KMindz Faridabad?
At KMindz Faridabad, we invest heavily in our demonstrated history of assisting understudies with accomplishing high scores in the PTE test. Our far reaching training programs are intended to outfit you with the abilities and techniques fundamental for progress. We center around working on your English capability as well as on improving your test-taking procedures, which can be critical for performing great under tension.
Our graduated class network says a lot about our viability. Numerous previous understudies have effectively accomplished their objective PTE scores and proceeded to study or work abroad. Their examples of overcoming adversity are a demonstration of the nature of PTE coaching in Faridabad presented at KMindz.
Last Considerations
On the off chance that you're significant about hoisting your English abilities and accomplishing a high score on the PTE test, look no farther than PTE coaching in Faridabad at KMindz. With customized guidance, master direction, and exhaustive assets, we give all that you want to succeed.
Make an effort not to allow the PTE to test be a blockade to your dreams. Branch out toward progress today by pursuing our teaching program. Contact KMindz Faridabad for extra information about our courses and schedule conversation. Together, we can seek after opening your actual limit and making your objectives a reality
Reach UsIs it true that you are prepared to raise your English abilities and accomplish your PTE objectives? Contact KMindz Faridabad today! Our committed group is here to direct you constantly. With the right training and responsibility, you can overcome the PTE and open ways to new open doors
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