#and my professor wont give me an extension
formerfbiagentbatman · 2 months
Mental stress and physical pain is a bad combo
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unkat · 6 months
i hate that my state sucks for all my friends left behind
i hate how guilty i feel for escaping right before everything got so bad
i hate that i need to choose between the place i spent my whole life and living somewhere that allows me to be myself
i hate that its so cold, even in march it snowed
i hate scrolling through headline after headline of trans suffering trying to pick the "best" one
I hate trying to put it into academic language with cis editors who think i should cut more
i hate being the first lgbt student at my program
I hate being voicebox for all lgbt people
I hate having to give extensive feedback and meet with professors about learning material
i hate when they use the wrong pronouns for me
i hate needing to baby their feelings when they wont stop apologizing
i hate how i dont even have the energy to fight for myself anymore
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causeimanartist · 5 years
Me: [goes to my professor to talk about serious issues I’ve been having with anxiety and depression]
Also Me: [uses the phrases “hot mess” and “fake it til you make it” to said professor]
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gingerwerk · 5 years
okay so ya know what. im not gonna try to work on this paper rn. im just gonna do my usual sunday shit and go to the library tomorrow and fucking camp out there for 8-10 hours and bang it out and hopefully i can just finish it tomorrow and then be done with the semester
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sasori-no-akasuna · 7 years
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bloomyn · 4 years
blue waves
pairing: ushijima wakatoshi x reader
summary: your midlife crisis happens rather quickly, and its not midlife, you’re twenty three with a baby whose daddy just left with your best friend. peachy.
part of: pink peonies
taglist: @chicalmeida @steggy4ever @alienvarmint
creme colored coffee x blue waves x next
“nice kill ushijima!” the captain shouts, clapping him on the back. the rest of his teammates give him an acknowledging nod, a few “nice one”’s and high fives sent his way. he makes his way toward the bench, grabbing a water bottle out of the carrier. besides him the captain laughs, 
“my wife.” he says grinning, “she’s going to come visit later.”
ushijima tries to ignore the stars and hearts forming around his captains aura, or the way sparkles shoot out of his eyes when he texts back a response. but before he can catch himself staring kageyama comes up behind up, 
“ushijima - san how was that toss?”
akio wont stop jumping. 
he only giggles in reply, “get out of bed already---- i wanna go see!”
burying your head under the pillow you groan. you really don’t know where your son gets all this energy. you could sleep 12 hours and still be exhausted. but you can’t even bring yourself to be bothered, not when akio starts to snuggle into your side, his soft breaths fanning your cheek.
“can we eat now mommy?”
and you melt.
“are you sure this is okay hirugami - san?”
the older woman laughs, “you’ve asked me this like five times [l/n], i already told you it was fine. and besides, akio looks so excited” she pouts. “and i told you misaki is fine”
 its’s true, he’d been bouncing around all day. miskaki had called you that morning asking if you were free and then immediately invited the both of you to her husbands teams practices. the schweiden askers (you may or may not have done extensive research on the team, you just told yourself it was for akios enjoyment) luckily you didn’t have any scheduled classes to teach so the two of you had been able to stay home (and keep his energy focused on planting new flowers in the front yard). the three of you were walking into the gym, akio skipping in front of you, and of course, his plush in tow. 
she led the both you of behind the court and up the stairs,
“akio come on” you started, but akio was still, absolutely starstruck staring at the players moving on the court. his little hands were shaking and behind you hirugami laughed, “come on, let’s go take our seats.”
if you asked ushijima wakatoshi what the first thing he noticed about you was, he would say it was the toddler leaning off your lap and staring back at him. that and the fact that the boy on your lap had the same volleyball stuffed toy both he and kageyama had once had (bright red, black eyes, and white gloves) that practically defined his entire childhood. then, he would say the second thing he noticed about you was your eyes. even from the court he was drawn to those old soul eyes of yours that looked like they had seen too much too fast. eyes that were decorated with soft dark circles that he was drawn to way too quickly for his liking. 
“oh. i had that toy growing up.” 
ushijima jolts, unaware of how long he had been staring glancing at you. the team was taking a quick break and he had found himself on the bench, looking at the three persons in the stands above.
he nods at kageyamas words. (kageyamas sister had visited once and insisted on showing the team all of the setters baby pictures)
“who are they anyway?” the younger asks, taking a seat besides him. ushijima shrugs, he knows the captains wife, but he doesn’t know who you are and he doesn’t really want to deal with answering a question he doesn’t know the answer too. 
“oy, what are you doing staring at my wife?” the other hirugami-san jests playfully, coming up behind them. ushijima chuckles at kageyamas reaction.
“i’m, we’re, n-not”
“im kidding kageyama.”
the younger blushes, ducking away from the other two.
“that’s [l/n] - san.”
“i’m sorry?”
he gestured toward the stands.
“the other woman and her son. she’s teaching in the same department as misaki.”
“oh, i see.”
“yeah,” the captain sighs, “she’s only 23 too! but she’s already a professor, that’s pretty crazy.”
you’re only 23? he refuses to let himself think about how young you must’ve been when you’d gotten pregnant, or how you managed to be a professor at one of the top universities in Japan at such a young age. you’re smiling at something misaki-san has said and your son’s eyes are still darting around, when they land on ushijima, they crinkle up into a smile. 
so he waves.
if he hadn’t gotten up so soon, he would’ve seen your son drag your attention to the court where the ‘really big’ player had waved hi, but when he did turn around, he definitely saw the small blush that washed over your face when you made eye contact. 
“i’m going to be a setter!” akio announces when you two exit the building. hirugami, no misaki - san had stayed behind, waiting for her husband to wash up. 
“oh yeah?”
he nods, furrowing his eyebrows and glaring at the street in front of you guys. “i’m going to the best setter. even- even better than kage-yan-?”
“better than kageyama-san!”
you chuckle at his words and the look of absolute determination on his face. “ah, then you should start practicing then huh.”
he beams, going off about how he absolutely needs a volleyball and how murata-san’s going to spike it so hard, all while flailing around the toy in his hands. 
you take a mental picture.
“[l/n] - san!
the both of you freeze. behind you misaki and her husband come jogging up. after brief introductions and an awkward interaction between akio, hirugami-san, and akio’s hair, the conversation starts to flow.
“oh! i almost forgot!” misaki’s husband starts, “can i introduce you to someone [l/n]-san? i know you’re new in town.”
blushing a bit, you nod. you only realize after that the only people around that he could possibly introduce you to were pro volleyball players, akio must sense something because the grip on your pant leg tightens.
“ushijima! let me introduce you to someone!”
and you freeze. 
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lullivy · 4 years
Some advice for new students (uni)
Hi all! So this definitely isn't my usual field since this is an art blog, and my word definitely isn’t the be all end all! That being said, with this being uni acceptance time I thought I’d give some advice to new students. I’m going into my third year of uni as a Biology major so I’ve got *some* knowledge :P. This might not get very far but I hope it reaches a few people. 
University and Highschool are two very very different beasts. On one hand, I’ve found that the way university is scheduled I have more social time than I did in highschool... on the other hand, the value of what I’m doing is so much higher that it is much more stressful.  So here it goes
1) I don’t know about everyone elses high school experience... but mine was... odd. I had so many teachers saying they were doing so and so to prep you for university. While your teachers know things... they aren’t always right! (and neither am I!) One thing that was drilled into me in highschool was that I should take detailed long notes, and asking for deadline extensions was very taboo. neither of these held true for either of the unis I’ve been too (more on that later...) chances are in some of your lectures your profs will talk FAST. you’re not going to have time to take super detailed long notes. your going to have to write messy and fast and shorthand. save the detailed notes for later. Don’t get roped into the studyblr aesthetic. and before I get swarmed. I don’t mean no one should do that. I mean if it works for you, go for it! if it doesn’t.... dont do it for the aesthetic. I tried it and it didn’t work for me! So i make copious amounts of cue cards on quizlet and I teach others and quiz myself!
2) Don’t EVER be afraid to ask a teacher for an extension or a way to boost your grade. If you’re professor cares, they’ll do what they can to help you. the worst they can do is say no. And if they're rude about it.... you can avoid them for future courses. I’ve only had one professor say no to an extension... and he had been on academic probation for two years.
3) I know everyone says this but its so so true. You NEED social time AND time for yourself. even if you’re an introvert. Take this from someone who had a mental breakdown in the middle of her school year. You need it, even if you’re an introvert and think you don’t. Make the time. Even if it’s just an hour once a week. I promise you it will help. 
4) Don’t be afraid to transfer schools if you aren’t happy. My first year I went to a school out of province. and I was miserable. so so miserable. but I denied it for ages, until I couldn’t anymore. transferring was one of the scariest decisions I made but I am so glad I made it! Now I go to a school closer to home, where I have my friends and I am so much happier! 
5) Experiment with courses! It’s really tempting to stick to what you know but branching out is good. This year I branched out and took a few courses I didn’t think I’d like. Writing by Women, Women and Gender studies, and Sociocultural Anthropology.  I hated two of them... buuuuut now I’m minoring in anthropology! Plus even though I didn’t like the other two, I still learned some new valuable things! 
6) PLEASE for the love of all things holy, be a good group worker. I don’t care if you HATE group work, I do too. Just... be good with it, do your share, don’t leave your group hanging. There is nothing worse than carrying a group of 4 people. 
7) This one is for the science majors : Learn how to write a lab report. a properly formatted one. I cannot tell you how many people are taking their 7th or 8th science course with me and still can’t write a formal report. Third person, past statements, (mostly) passive voice. 
8) Use your academic advisors, they’re there to help you! I was really nervous about going in the first time. “they’re going to think I’m dumb if I go in...” they wont. I promise. They helped me figure my shit out a couple times. 
9) go to profs office hours. its... awkward. But if you ever decide to do an honors program, that relationship with a prof is going to be a BIG help. But remember... there’s a fine line between being a kiss-ass and being a dedicated student. (not saying dont be a kiss-ass.... there are times for it... just be... tactful)
Anyways I know that was longwinded and these definitely aren’t going to work for everyone! This is just my takeaway from two years of dedicated studying! Happy school!
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frugalhoe · 4 years
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Day Off - 8/25/20
2nd day of classes for Fall 2020
I fell asleep exhausted and slept like a rock for a good 10 hours.
Woke up somewhat early. Walked my dog, fed the pets and packed a leftover tuna sandwich I made yesterday.
I drove to the bank and then to the grocery store to buy cat food and a new ink cartridge.
I got a tasty waffle for breakfast before doing about 2.5 hours of chem homework on campus. I got a little study room so I could work without having to wear my mask.
After awhile, I got Burger King for lunch. I drove back to campus and spent some time working on math and programming homework.
I drove home for my programming class. The pets are REALLY making it difficult to focus during my Zoom calls. My dog is always whining in the background and one of my cats is constantly trying to get in front of my computer screen to mirror me.
Unfortunately my classes run too late to do them on campus.
I think I'm going to have to kick everyone out of my room going forward.
After class was over, I picked up some veggies to make salads this week. I also got some general tso's from a Chinese restaurant. It was so good! A bit expensive so I split it up into 2 meals.
I ate it while doing more chemistry homework.
I plan on going to bed early tonight and waking up early to get more work done.
Here's a quick run down on my first impressions of my classes this semester:
Chem is all review material for me this semester but this class involves the most work. Theres a quiz every class (except when there's an exam) and theres 2 kinds of programs we have to do homework on every week plus 2 page essays and lab reports etc. The professor is kind of boring and kind of gives me some mild anxiety at times.
Next is my math class. I had a really great math professor last semester and I was hoping for an equally great one for Fall semester. Well I got one! She's really nice, approachable and funny. She's also the only professor that has set office hours so I plan to go to them twice a week. The work is also extensive but manageable. The first two thirds of the course is all new material for me but the last few weeks are familiar so I think getting an A is feasible.
Programming is good so far...more technical issues but the professor is actively working on resolving it at least. This time around the majority of my classmates dont have prior experience and we're using a different software program which should be a big help in learning how to code. I think I'll do okay on the exams and quizzes etc. However, there's a project due almost every week. I'm worried I wont be able to spend tons of time debugging my work. Also, I ended up getting an extra day of classes due to a miscommunication so now I'll have to go to this class while on my lunch break at work 🙄
My Russian class starts on Monday so I'm trying to get ahead on my other classes so I dont fall behind on anything.
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prof-peach · 5 years
Hi Professor! I've been wondering on what Pokemon would be good with people with leg and walking issues. I'm missing my right leg from the middle of my thigh down. So I'm wondering what would be a good partner Pokemon
Ok dear, this has been in my inbox for a while, and only because i had to do some reading before i was able to help you with this.
Now, it all depends on if you wanted this pokemon to help you to live along side a prosthetic or not. It also depends on wether or not you utilise a wheelchair to get about, these are all important factors i will try to help you navigate while choosing a partner.
Lets go through this step by step to make sure i cover everything (and by all means message me if i miss something or if you want some more advise or a further chat about anything we discuss here...Or of course if i’ve got something wrong haha! because i do not struggle with this, i can offer the advice i can, but your personal experience will be worlds ahead in terms of what you know you need or want out of a partner.)
ok, so regardless of what method you prefer in life to get around, the ideal situation for you (i assume) is to be independent, happy and comfortable, so straight away i will go against some of my earlier advise to other trainers, and suggest any of the Abra line. They are a tough pokemon to train sure, but we can always organise and provide you with a pre-trained individual who is young enough to bond with you and strong enough to assist in ways an ordinary psychic type could not. The power held in an Abra is so strong it leaks into the real world. their psychic abilities make static on tvs, turns machines on, makes clocks go backwards, and shadows creep up the wall. Some trainers report hearing voices, and as i live with an Abra in my house, near my bed, i can attest to this, they do indeed induce a state of paranoia when at a low level (we’ve since trained him a bit better). This behaviour is controllable with TOUGH training, which again, we can provide if its a choice you make to have one as a partner.
Their power is indescribable, and as they have a relatively humanoid form, especially as they evolve, they understand the needs that humans have in terms of balance and stabilising a torso from toppling. These pokemon are often partners to physio-therapists who assist humans AND pokemon in their recovery. This can go hand in hand very well with a prosthetic (and if you do not already have one we can assist you towards that through the labs connections). Once a support trained Abra has observed you for long enough it will begin to adjust how you move for you. I know it sounds odd, and maybe even a little involuntary, but its not an invasive thing, they do not change your mental state, or your physical ability to feel things, they simply assist you with better posture choices to help combat spine problems, and adjust how you walk on a prosthetic. I once saw another individual come through our labs system, she had indeed had her leg removed closer to the hip, and it was difficult for her to feel confident due to how the prosthetic moved. They can be very stiff to work with, or so i have observed and been told. An Abra has the ability to learn that legs bend, naturally. If you have this pokemon with you while you are getting about, they can almost seamlessly make any aid you use, feel and look realistic, you will have full control, they wont just do whatever they want to you, their powers mean they almost know what you're going to do before you even do it, and the more you bond with them, the more they will be able to predict your daily functions and help you stay comfortable and feel confident. There is the issue of the leaking power, and the creepy lifestyle that can come from it, i state these things to make sure no one gets a shock if it happens, and know that with the correct training it can be controlled. All except the clock hand issues, so just get a digital clock and you will be fine, they don’t seem to affect those much.Along with being great for anyone with Prosthetics, they also have plenty of power to push or aid you if you use a wheelchair at any point. Their psychic abilities mean you can just ask them when you cant be bothered to wheel up that big ass hill, and they’ll help you out. they can also lift you and the chair up stairs, and over things that may be in the way. I can imagine theres an awful lot of people who disregard accessibility for anyone with disabilities, and this pokemon will help bypass that issue, by simply moving things or moving you in a comfortable and safe way.Now i’m not sure if you suffer with any phantom pain, or where you are in your life in terms of mobility and recovery, so i can only say so much, but i can certainly attests to the wonderful natures of Abra, despite their overwhelming power, they simply wish to be part of things, and nap. better yet, napping while their friends and loved ones relax around them. We currently have two Abra at the lab who are pretty well trained, they were going to be sent to the medical school in Unova but we prioritise trainers who need the pokemon over staff who already have extensive training to do their job, so if you choose to get one of these pokemon to assist you, consider one of our pair, come visit them, interact with them, and see if they seem to like you. They have been trained to recognise humans that are in discomfort, distress, or are simply unhappy, and they try to fix it as best they can. I hope this gives you food for thought, they are wonderful partners, wether they stay Abra or evolve fully.
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ourbastardofsorrows · 6 years
im constantly torn between “im a human being and therefore its probably not entitled of me to want to be treated as such at work” and “im really supposed to be as much of a non-entity as possible while working so its not that out of line for people to treat me like a tool or extension of the computer program i use”
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artificeblade · 7 years
I'm trying to find an art style, but I can't really get it. Besides "keep trying" is there anything I should do to help me find my style?
Artistic style is tricky subject to tackle but I’ll give you some advice my professor told me. 
“Don’t worry about it. Focus on the basics.”
Now, I know this is brash for me to say but hear me out. Style is something that is developed over time. It’s not something you force yourself to have, though it has worked for some I will say. A better way to put this is: “Know the rules and then break them.”
In order to get a grasp of how to make your stuff stand out, you need to understand the subject you are working on, whether it’s figure drawing, character design, landscape, etc, etc.. So you gotta practice those circles, squares, triangles, and so on and build yourself up from there. And once you got a feeling of where you stand with your work then you can experiment.
The best way is to think outside the box. Do something that feels best or natural for you to do. Take note of habits you do with your artwork and see if you can push it further or repress it. Give yourself rules to follow. Do you work with thick lines or thin or something in between? Am I allowed to have noses, ears, eyebrows, etc.? 
Style, for me, is an extension of yourself and it will resonate with you once you found it.
You see, what happened with me when I finally figured out my own style is that I began to notice I kept drawing my figure poses in a certain way or when I doodled random characters they all had the same repeating features. Then I thought, “hey, why don’t I expand on this?”. So after few weeks of trail and error, getting critiques from fellow art peers and my professor, I finally got comfortable with the style I had built up. But despite that I’m still tweaking it because I’m still learning and re-learning how to draw every day.
It’s also good to look at and get inspiration from other artist but BE CAREFUL. Don’t get caught in the trap where you just copy their style. It’s not to say you can’t practice doing their style but then it wont really feel like yours now would it? You’re just understanding how they do it. What you can do is take pieces and parts of their style and make it your own. And then eventually you will get comfortable enough that you start tweaking it to your own.
In the end, I’m trying say is that style shouldn’t be your main focus right now. Understand the basics and it’ll eventually come to you. And always feel free to ask other artist for critiques as well. It’s good and all to ask your friends but it’s better to get a fresh view point every once in a while.
I hope this was helpful and always feel free to ask for more help and I’ll do my best to help you! :D
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poliscilioness-blog · 5 years
Progress Blog #6
Today my progress is slow. I feel overwhelmed by this ethnographic project because what we have to turn in for a final grade is HUGE! I have a million other “end of semester” things that I need to complete. Its as if every professor I have decided this week was THE WEEK they wanted extensive papers, symposiums, or presentations due. I have a presentation I have to give in comparative politics over President Duterte of the Philippines and why Populism has spread. Then I have ANOTHER symposium due for the same class on Tuesday that is a group project that will be done in the Alumni Center in front of important people. Only probably is apparently I am the only group member that seems to be concerned with it. I have received NOTHING from them and I am the one (for reasons now I cannot figure out) who volunteered to put it together on a display, so until they email me their portions I wont be able to put it together. Then I have a paper for Texas Govt, a test on Friday for the same class and to top it off a mass media final to study for. It has been a nightmare. I wanna rip my hair out and I would except then I would be stressed AND ugly. I have to pick one struggle at a time. 
This is an example of the kind of post I would personally make in LTGT. It would be filled with comments from the members of the group telling me “You Got This”... encouragement in college from your friends is super important.
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chinon · 8 years
imma junior in high school and im so scared of college oh my god, i'm not even fully convinced that im gonna make it that far, i feel like that's literally my only option after i graduate that's not forcing me to immediately act like an adultTM but honestly i'd rather get mowed down by a truck
ok tbh college isnt as bad as i make it seem... like if you keep up with the work its not that bad. i have hella missing/late assignments rn so im stressed af trying to get those done as well as keeping up with the current work bc i have an.....incredibly horrible time management and procrastination issue and poor self-control lmao... 
tip: if you have issues with time management and procrastination as well, work on them in high school. you have the rest of junior year and then all of senior year to improve your work ethic (if thats an issue for you) so you wont get behind in college
Overshare(TM) time but also it has a point ok: junior year was Hell for me bc that was the year my mental health Plummeted,,like to the lowest level of hell lmao it was real bad and thats when i started seeing therapists and psychiatrists and had my first hospitalization and first suicide attempt. my mental health was horrible and i couldnt function and i was literally failing (as in F’s) or i had a D in all of my classes. it honestly felt horrible bc id been in advanced classes since i was 6 and id always been an overachieving, perfectionist, A/B student you know my performance was really good (even tho i was still mentally ill...but it was manageable) all up until junior year,,so going from being able to get into almost any college i wanted to a 1.something gpa junior year was horrible and it stressed me out even more and added to my poor mental state and i was so fucking scared i wasnt gonna be able to graduate and i no college would ever accept me and i wouldnt be able to go for my dream of being a vet and id be a disappointment to my whole family bc im supposed to be the doctor of the family but i failed at everything right ?? lmao senior year also sucked it wasnt as bad as junior year but it was still really bad. had a few more hospitalizations and another attempt at offing myself and more F’s and D’s and missed a ton of school. it got to the point where my fucking ap lit teacher suggested that i consider dropping out l m f a o it was bad and i was so scared and i’d already been heavily considering just dropping out and getting a GED for those two years but after she said that to me i actually got really pissed off and i was like fuck that im not dropping out im gonna prove her wrong. i was still scared i wasnt gonna graduate bc of how low my gpa was but i wasnt gonna drop out right ok anyway i got to graduate on time and with my class!!! i graduated with a cumulative 3.2 which sucked for me but it felt so good and i was so happy and relieved when i found out i was gonna be able to walk and it felt so so good hearing my name and walking across the stage to get my diploma i cant even describe how i felt tbh anyway my point is you can and you will get there ok you will graduate. and you can go to college if you want to
yeah when you go to college youre technically an adult but like a semi-adult like youre saying. and some of the other options like going straight into the workforce kind of shoves you into adulthood right out of college but i think its doable.
tbh high school teachers make college seem so difficult and scary but.....its not. i was honestly terrified as well but its not how they say it is at all. “papers without names get thrown away they dont ask whose it is!!!” is a damn lie. “profs dont accept late work or give extensions!!!” is a got dam lie as well smh. “youre on your own with your work. dont get the content? your only option is a tutor!!!” fuckin lie ok profs have office hours and literally all of my profs so far have said to feel free to visit during office hours if the content isnt making sense. they also mention getting a tutor, but theyre always happy to help explain things as well.
best thing is you get to make your schedule!! you pick what time you want to take a class and you get to pick which prof you want for that class (always check rate my professor; if the semester starts and its still in the beginning and you dont like your prof you can withdrawal from that class and sign up for a different prof of the same class if you want). if you know you are having trouble with performance and functionality for whatever reason, dont take a bunch of classes in a single semester!! its literally your decision!! idk about other schools but at my school to be considered a full-time student and to still be eligible to live on campus, you have to sign up for at least 12 credit hours (most people take 15). omg credits,,ok i had no idea wtf anyone was talking about when i was in hs and they would mention credits lmao so i wanna share in case you (or anyone else) dont know (see it below!) also, you can go about taking classes at your own pace. i failed my classes last semester due to mental health shit and a few more failed attempts to off myself and another hospitalization lmao but so i have to retake all those classes. evidently im behind. i know i cant handle 15 credits until my functionality improves and so at this point in time it looks like i wont be graduating in the usual four years but thats ok!! i have disorders that affect my functionality so i cant do things at the same pace as other people right now and theres nothing wrong with that. if i graduate in four years then cool and if i dont graduate in four and instead five years...then cool...ive accepted and come to terms with that. i could take summer classes to get back on track tho so remember thats always an option if you get behind if you choose college!! 
credit hours: ok so to be considered full-time (at my school, not sure about any others but i cant imagine them being too different tbh) you have to register for at least 12 credits for that semester. one class is usually 3 credits so signing up for four classes in a semester would consider you full-time. if you sign up for 5 classes that semester thats 15 credits hours. if your class has a lab in addition to lecture (usually science classes), labs are 1 credit so its separate from the lecture. so say you signed up for four classes but two have labs that would be 3+3+4+4=14 possible credits for that semester. if you pass a class you get all the credits and theyll be added on to your total credit hours. so (from the last example) if you passed all four of those lectures plus the two labs, youd get all 14 credits added on to your total credit hours. the rest of the classes you pass for your whole undergrad work gets its credits added to that total. i hope that makes sense??
everything seems scary rn but i promise whatever you choose to pursue is doable. good luck and try not to stress about it too much ok youre gonna be fine i promise
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michaelmyboi · 8 years
i’m literally at my breaking point like i have no idea how im supposed to get this assignment done im so stressed out and i feel so sick and like i know my professor wont give me an extension and he doesnt take late work i just dont know how im gonna get through this semester
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marketinginnocom · 5 years
Methods for composing a college research paper Well Assignment Helper, the time has come.
New Post has been published on https://baongoaihoi.com/methods-for-composing-a-college-research-paper-8/
Methods for composing a college research paper Well Assignment Helper, the time has come.
Methods for composing a college research paper Well, the time has come. It’s time to deliver perhaps one of the most complicated tasks within the academic globe the research paper. This writing assignment requires far more planning and energy than an ordinary essay. Whenever pupils encounter this heavy-duty paper, it could evoke anxiety that is instant. Nonetheless, try not to panic do my homework. If you’re looking to hand in an assignment that passes with flying colors, we’ve some tips on how to generate a research that is exemplary and get you that coveted ‘A’.
What is a college research paper?
A research paper is really a write-up that will require students to investigate a topic that is specific analyze the information and knowledge, and present their interpretation regarding the information. Typically these types of documents are written during the end regarding the semester, which is the reason why they are often referred to as term documents.
Pupils could be assigned to carry out main or secondary research. Main research means that the professor expects to see a piece that is original of where students discover something new. Not only does it call homework pay for pupils presenting facts and information, additionally calls for pupils to analyse these facts and create unique unique insights. Secondary research requires pupils to gather and evaluate history details about a subject. The sort of research paper all hangs on your area and discipline of study.
How to choose your research subject do my homework history
Teachers frequently assign open-topic papers, meaning you’re required to produce an appealing and initial subject on your own. The most readily useful advice is to focus on subjects and problems you are passionate about or wanting to come up with this can assist you in finding unique research paper ideas to examine.
Spend some right time examining your scope of great interest. Remember there might be some limitations on your subject in line with the variety of assignment, industry of study, academic control, or teacher’s demands. It is usually an idea that is good decide on a topic that wont be too broad or too narrow. Subjects which can be too broad can overpower you with information, while subjects being too narrow makes i need help with my english homework it difficult to acquire sources and research that you might want.
Finding sources
After selecting a topic, it is the right time to come up with a extensive research strategy and determine exactly what sources you’ll dependence on research. Search your university library for the array that is wide of. It’s one of the homework better and easiest places to locate books that are necessary academic journals, periodicals, government guides, along with other publications.
The internet just isn’t become forgotten regarding research! It’s the biggest source database for useful information on your topic. Bing Scholar is particularly useful if you need to find publications by scientists and scholars. Ensure you evaluate all of the sources to determine if they’re strongly related your subject. Make sure to take down notes you shall have to cite these sources later in your paper.
Bonus tip: If you should be struggling, do not be afraid to go to your professor for ideas of how to locate literature that is relevant.
Whenever wanting to determine the wide range of supply to use in your research paper, do not forget to have a look at your professor’s demands. The minimum range sources is usually specified within the guidelines. With respect to the length and variety of work, this true quantity can homework help college vary greatly. a reference list of at the least 10-15 sources is a good starting point for most papers.
Thesis statements and outlines
A good thesis declaration is essential if you should be determined to submit an effective research paper. A thesis may be the phrase where do my biology homework the idea that is principal of paper is stated, clarifying the objective of your research. It must be written before everything else you to organize your thoughts and keep your focus as it allows. The thesis should be at the conclusion associated with introduction paragraph, outlining just what idea that is central reader will find within the paper.
After working http://letusdothehomework.com/ out your thesis, make a outline that is clear design your paper correctly. A plan is a tool that is handy helps facilitate the writing process and keeps the an eye on substantial information.
A outline that is proper the college research paper should correspond aided by the initial demands of your professor.
Listed here are several elements that are basic include in every research paper:
A title page such as the name of your research, your title, the true title of the university, therefore the book date;
The abstract, a summary that is brief homework website of research;
An introduction outlining the goals and context of your research, back ground information, and the thesis declaration;
The human homework helpe body, presenting major ideas, supporting arguments, plus an analysis that is objective
Conclusion, summarizing the key points and individual interpretation regarding the obtained results;
References and citations list
Generate source citations
Every time a source is directly quoted, a reference that is brief the first work should really be made. Ideas which are paraphrased, as well as facts, images, or graphs included in a paper must be cited. It is an crucial an element of the educational writing process that permits pupils to maintain scholastic integrity and steer clear of plagiarism. A citation is just a set of bibliographic details which allows visitors to effortlessly find the initial supply materials.
Presently do my homework, there’s absolutely no universally standardised citation format. The 3 most citation that is common are American Psychological Association (APA), Modern Language Association (MLA), and Chicago Manual of Style ( often referred to as Chicago). Various disciplines that are academic different citation styles. APA is often used in therapy, medical, education and therapy; MLA is used for English and Literature classes; and Chicago is employed for humanities and sciences that are social as Anthropology and History. Also, your teacher may request a particular citation design, therefore make sure to read their directions very carefully!
Last but most certainly not least, it’s time for revisions. Do not ignore this part, you to nail your paper and get rid of all grammatical, stylistic, and content errors as it helps. When you complete composing the whole paper, never rush to submit it. That is very first draft, the preliminary form of the work, that do my homework needs revision that is thorough modifying. Revision is essential in order to find any discrepancies into the structure and content. Maybe your thesis declaration does not make sense using the research, or maybe your arguments cannot can be found in a rational order. Long lasting issue is, now is the time to locate and correct it. Editing enables you to learn typos, repetition, formatting errors, sentence structure mistakes, and much more. Fixing you can be saved by these errors who can do a homework for me a number of easy markings.
Make sure to erase transitions, citation organization, concept movement, and supporting evidence. It to a friend or relative to check it once again with a fresh eye after you create a final draft, give.
Despite all the problems regarding with writing an extensive research paper, it has a lot of benefits for pupils’ educational careers. Analysis papers act as a excellent demonstration of a students ability to plunge as a subject, along with their critical reasoning and analytical skills. It’s an interesting task to perform however.
Do you know the components of a sufficient research paper? The it homework help answer is easy comprehensive structure, rational movement of ideas, clear thesis statement, preserved formatting peculiarities, solid arguments, and evidence that is undeniable. Does this task demand your undivided attention? Yes, it does, but it provides you a possibility to enhance your knowledge.
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captainsamericaa · 5 years
i have a paper due at midnight because my professor wouldnt give me more than i three day extensions even though i was on a leave of absence for the last two weeks of the semester because “i had four weeks to work on it” (except ive been taking care of my mom for the past three weeks so i didnt have time to work on it) but my adhd wont let me focus and write so i dont even care anymore
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