#and my mom made the decision today that he needs to be put down tomorrow
edgarallanpoestan · 9 months
goddd this fucking sucks so bad. if i ever mention wanting pets in the future dont fucking let me because this fucking sucks so fucking bad
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roxygen22 · 6 months
"My Little Cocoa Bean" series
Summary: Ben/Bean (age 15) experiences his first major crush.
A/N: Mom/reader is mentioned but not part of the dialog in this one.
Ben sat across the desk from his father in the factory office. This was typical for a weekday during the school year. He would often work on homework while Willy finished up the day's paperwork before they walked home together. But today, Ben was unusually distracted. He was looking at his paper, but Willy could tell his thoughts were far off elsewhere, especially when he heard the boy sigh.
"What's up, Bean?"
"Huh?" Ben blinked and looked up at his father, shaken from his thoughts. "Oh, uh, nothing," he replied quickly. Willy nodded, though skeptical, and they both turned their attention back to their papers.
Only a handful of minutes passed before Ben sighed once more.
"A double sigh. That's not nothing," Willy quipped.
"Well...I-" Ben rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly and blushed as he made eye contact with his father. "There's this girl."
Willy set down his pen and rested his chin on his palm, trying to hide a smile with his fingers. He had wondered when this would happen. "Do tell. Is she pretty?" he asked, waggling his eyebrows.
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Ben rolled his eyes and blushed again. "Yes. She sits in front of me in math class."
"Does she like you, too?" Willy inquired.
"That's the trouble. I don't know and I'm afraid she'll say no if I ask," Ben lamented.
"Ah, I see. But what if she says yes?"
"Well," Ben paused. "That makes me nervous, too."
Willy chuckled. "Quite the conundrum, son."
Ben scoffed and dropped his head into his hands. "I know, I know. What do I do, Papa?"
"Hmm. Well, you either ask and live with whatever her answer may be, or you agonize over what could have been. That is up to you; though, just a little life tip, the latter tends to lead to more regrets."
Ben bit his lip in thought.
"You know, chocolate is a good conversation starter. I could whip up something special, if you'd like?" Willy asked, to which Ben nodded fervently. "Alright!" Willy rubbed his hands together. "Tell me, what is it you like most about...?"
"Lillian, Lily for short. Well...she's sweet. And very smart. She helps me with some of the harder homework problems before class. She has really pretty blue eyes." Ben sighed again. He was certainly under her spell.
Willy put his hand to his chin. "Hmm, yes, I can work with that. I'll have something ready for you tomorrow afternoon when you come by after school."
"Thank you, Papa!"
"Just know, these will be special in that they will be one of a kind, but they won't have any special properties to sway her decision. If she returns your affections, it has to be her choice. And if she says no, you need to respect that."
"I understand, Papa."
"Good lad. Now let's go home to your mother and sister. Your mother probably has better advice about this sort of thing than me, anyway."
"Please, please, PLEASE, just don't tell Charlie yet. She'll just pester me."
Willy mimed zipping his lips, laughing about the dynamic between his children. He clapped Ben on the shoulder. "Maybe wait until after Miss Lily says yes."
As promised, Willy crafted a beautiful batch of milk chocolates for his son to gift his crush the next day. He painstakingly piped a tiny bouquet of white lilies and a blue bow made of icing onto each candy and wrapped them in a white box, which he also secured with a blue organza bow. He finished up just before Ben was due to swing by after school.
Willy heard the side door open. Assuming it was Ben, he announced, "Special chocolates for a special girl, coming right u-" He stopped when he spun and saw the bewildered look on his son's face. "What's wrong, Bean?"
"She asked me."
"Lily asked me if I'm keen on her. She likes me, too. She likes me!" Ben shouted excitedly.
"Aaha! That's great, my boy! Well, then these are ready for you to take to your girlfriend." Willy handed him the wrapped box of chocolates. "But it looks like you won't be needing this for a boost of confidence, then." In his other hand, he held a small sleeve of giraffe milk macaroons.
"Actually, I could really use those for my math test tomorrow. I've had a terrible time paying attention," Ben said through a grin.
Tag List: @croatianprincess
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athielive · 2 years
Mischa Bachinski X Reader
We need more ride the cyclone characters x reader content so here I am serving. This is about them getting snowed in together, I kinda wanna do a part of them hanging out whilst they��re snowed in so we will see.
You waved goodbye to everyone and then headed out of choir practice.
There was something so comforting about that group of people which wouldn't make any sense to someone who didn’t know them. The constant bickering was mostly light-hearted and pretty good entertainment.
You walked over to the door and shoved it open seeing a few layers of snow covering the ground, Funny how much can fall in an hour.
“Y/N” You turned around to see Mischa jogging over to you. “Can I come to yours? My parents won’t be home for hours and they don’t trust me with key.”
You never understood why he still referred to them as parents, they were nothing but cruel to him. He was isolated from any substitute of a family after losing his mother and you weren't sure why anyone wouldn’t want him around. He was the most caring person in your life, anytime you needed to talk to someone or have a shoulder to cry on he would be there.
“Sure, Mom and Dad are out for the weekend but they won’t mind you coming over, just no smoking in the house.” You smiled as the pair of you continued walking back to your place.
“Take my jacket you are shivering.” He said starting to take it off.
“Don’t worry we are almost there and it's my fault for forgetting to bring one.”
He turned to you with a sceptical look, continuing to take his jacket off.
You tried to protest but before you had the chance to he began wrapping it over your shoulders. It was cosy and had the faint smell of his cologne that had faded throughout the day but still filled you with warmth.
“I feel like I look ridiculous right now,” you remarked turning to face him as he looked you up and down.
“No, it's cute. You look cute.” He smiled and kept on walking.
Thank god he wasn’t still looking, you could see the blush creeping over your face as the decision was made that he would never get this jacket back.
You arrived at your house and grabbed two cans of coke which were brought up to your room where the pair of you were sitting. He was explaining to you why Saw V was such a great movie.
“I’ve never watched it,” you laughed, “Is that bad?”
He stared at you in disbelief, “We must watch every saw movie right now.” He said heading over to your DVD case where he knew they were because he had tried to make the choir watch them the last time he was over.
He put the first one in and then came over to your bed sitting next to you.
One small thing you forgot to tell him, you hated jumpscares. Every time something popped up on that screen you moved even closer to him until you were practically on top of him.
“I hate this movie.” You sighed burying your head in between his neck and shoulder.
He laughed quietly, pulling you into a hug and rubbing your back in an attempt you make you feel better as the movie continued.
It was so comforting. You felt so much calmer in his presence, the fact he was known to be the angriest boy in town made absolutely no sense. The small town is so quick to judge everyone and it’s unfair.
Before you realised you fell asleep. He pulled a blanket over you both and shortly after he fell asleep too.
You woke up to your phone ringing, Ocean’s contact appearing on the phone. You slipped out of Mischa’s arms and walked across to the other side of the room.
“Hello?” You whispered down the phone trying not to wake Mischa up.
“Choir’s cancelled today and tomorrow, everyone's snowed in!” she rambled, ending the call instantly after.
‘Fuck are my parents stuck too?’
You unlocked your phone to see countless texts from your Mom saying she was unsure when they would be back but to not worry because there was plenty of food in the house.
Sending her a quick text back, you put your phone down and lay down beside Mischa.
He opened his eyes and looked up at the ceiling while he fully woke up.
“Why didn’t you wake me up?” He mumbled.
“I only just got up.” You exclaimed. “Plus you looked comfortable and I didn't want to disturb you.”
He rolled his eyes as a smile crept onto his face.
“Do I need to go now before your parents get back?” He asked.
“Good luck with that.”
He leant his head to the side, confusion evident on his face.
“Look outside genius.” You added.
He walked over to the window turning back to you with wide eyes.
“Guess you’re stuck with me for a few days.” He laughed tackling you into a hug.
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timeoverload · 5 months
Today has been very emotional for me. I haven't been able to relax at all. I have spent too much time on the phone. I just got off the phone with my grandma a little bit ago and we talked almost 2 hours. I am finally done making phone calls for the day.
I called the hospital before I called my grandma to get an update on my mom. They moved her to the PCU and she is stable right now. The nurse told me that they had to do a cardioversion and TEE on her when she was admitted. They had to do the cardioversion because her heart was beating irregularly. Her heart seems to be working properly now but her blood pressure is slightly elevated. She has a subdural hematoma but they aren't planning on doing brain surgery at this time. She is refusing to take the medication that will help prevent it from getting worse. She won't deny the pain medications though. I can't believe she doesn't have any broken bones.
I told the nurse she had schizophrenia and apparently they had no idea so I'm glad I said something. I told her that she has a long history of mental illness but I didn't give a lot of details.
I'm hoping that she didn't intentionally jump in front of the car because she has a history of being self-destructive. She did tell me that she was depressed earlier this week which is why I had that thought. I wonder if this accident is a result of another one of her delusions/hallucinations. I'll never forget what she did about 10 years ago. I was living in Florida at the time and I got a call from my aunt that I rarely talk to. She told me that my mom went to the store and bought a chainsaw and then tried to cut off her hand. She did this when she was living with my grandpa when he was still alive. She thought there was a microchip implanted in her hand so she thought cutting it off would solve the problem. She only cut through part of her wrist and must have realized what she was doing because she stopped and drove herself to the hospital even though she was bleeding out. She had to have a long surgery to fix her wrist and hand but she still has problems with it and a bad scar. I couldn't be there for her back then either because I was too far away. She can be reckless so I worry.
They are going to be monitoring her for a while and I'm not sure how long she will be there. She is very tired. The nurse tried to ask her if she wanted to order food and she just closed her eyes. I hope she is able to rest and get something to eat.
They are going to call me if anything changes because I am her emergency contact. I wish I was able to make decisions about her medical care for her but I don't have the legal rights to do that unfortunately. I am going to do what I can to help her from here.
I'm not planning on traveling to see her by myself right now. I don't feel good enough to do anything like that alone. I'm only going to do that if her condition worsens or if she needs to have surgery.
I am planning on taking Monday off so that I will have time to contact the case worker and try to find her a safer place to go when she gets out of the hospital. I am responsible for her now because my grandma can't handle it anymore. I hope that she will stay put if I find her a place to live. She needs to stop wandering around the country. She is not well enough to continue doing what she's doing. I don't expect her to come back here but I want her to be safe where she's at.
I am very worried about her but I need to focus on myself for a while I think. I was able to make myself something for dinner so that made me happy. I feel better now that I ate something but I'm tired. I am going to lay down soon. I might watch tv later or something. Hopefully I will get some better news tomorrow and I'm not so stressed out.
I hope everyone else has a good day tomorrow. Thank you for listening to me vent. 💖💖💖
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indigo474 · 6 months
3/30/24- Easter eve
i had a good week in the office. good=productive. I hardly have a team. 6- 1 comes back on Monday. the company is minimizing OT so most have off during the week-a few are working under 40. I had to do a lot in regards to the division I oversee.. talks with the GM and the service supervisor who a few weeks ago was gunning for me over an email- this week he was calling me sweetie.. someone overheard me on the phone with him and handed me a note saying he's ON today. When I hung up she said I think he drinks.. I think I had a good week work wise but its hard to tell- I showed up and did my best -
James switched up my workouts. Monday and Tuesday- i'm back to back squatting which I kind of like. Push-pull- by Tuesday I was sore- expected - wed I wanted to run at the park but it rained so I couldn't which was probably a good thing because I was still sore- its kind of nice coming home and catching up on things around here. Thursday I went to the gym and lifted a little- it was crowded.. I didn't do a few things I was supposed to because I didn't want to wait for the machines- I showed up so I'm gonna take it as a win.. so Friday all I can think about is running at the park- I checked the weather and no rain so yeah- I was feeling so good and looking forward to running so much that I planned on increasing the time by about another 10 minutes or so which would have meant I would be running for over an hour so I had to get there early.. I get up, have coffee and get up off the chair i'm sitting on and my back locks up.. I have no idea why. I tried stretching it was really stiff. I made myself get dressed with the hope that it would just go away.. I took motrin and decided that I was still going to the park because at this point I really needed to clear my head -maybe I cant run, but I can walk. I walked for a bit and did run a little. My back was on and off all day. I took a heating pad to work and took tylenol and Motrin. By last night it was fine and I was able to run today- I didn't up my time. I plan on running tomorrow so maybe tomorrow. I'm not sure why is going on and i'm not freaking out- totally random.. maybe? i don't know. sometimes I think things happen to remind me that i am not in control.
My mom came over Wednesday and was incredibly mean. I won't be spending Easter with her and I am Ok with that. I'm thinking Easter isn't my holiday. she was putting down where i live and kept telling me i was just like my father. When she was here last we had a conversation about my decision to not drink alcohol. we had a conversation. she has never purchased alcohol for me-NEVER-she hands me a bottle of wine and tells me she went to a special place to get it-i'm not supposed to get upset- but I do and she leaves and i'm glad and I wont be cooking Easter dinner and could I have handled it better- probably- I cant be around people who cant act right.
Madison has declared she does not celebrate Easter.
I have cutback on my caffeine consumption- I have a feeling it may have been contributing to the anxiety I was feeling. the amount of coffee I was drinking was crazy. I'm limiting myself to 2 cups per day, 1 energy drink and tea, Still a lot but not as much.. maybe.
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reinemichele · 9 months
Okay well um . I started writing this post and it started to get too long and go off topic so I'm going to put the more relevant info in this post and then finish typing the other post tomorrow probably and you can read that for more hashtag erin lore
Tw for discussion of animal death/illness, cancer, and (unintentional) disordered eating; no one is obligated to read this. It'll also probably get pretty long. Again, don't feel like you need to read this if these are upsetting topics for you
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Uhhh how do I start this . Um, it's been a bad week. I don't think I've had a worse new years; even when my dad died it had been earlier in the year so we were more numb to the fact he wasn't there.
For the first few days I couldn't eat anything more than toast or crackers and I'd start crying when I tried to eat. I don't really know what the physiological connection is there, but I have to assume there is one. I was having to take my PRN anxiety meds multiple times a day because I was getting so upset I'd get nauseous and feel like I couldn't breathe.
I'm doing better now; today's the first day I felt like I wanted to eat willingly and not out of obligation, I haven't cried yet, and I haven't needed my anxiety meds.
But the day after my cat died, we found a tumor on my dog's stomach. It sounds like I'm making this up for attention on the internet, but it wasn't there before this day. Cosmic irony, god's ire, greek tragedy, etc etc.
My dog is 15, so all of us are against any surgery or chemotherapy, even if we could afford it. My mom works in hospice, so just take my word for it when I say all of us know how much pain and suffering and loss of quality of life that (invasive) surgery and chemotherapy causes for people.
So we just spent the day trying to keep her as comfortable as possible. We rearranged pillows and blankets, helped her move, tried offering her Literally every piece of food that was safe for dogs that we have (cat food, dog food, chicken, roast beef, turkey, ham, cheese, etc), sat down towels when she refused to go potty outside.
I made the decision to not talk about this on here for several reasons. I didn't want to contribute to people feeling sad or guilty over NYE, when there's already so many sources of despair and disillusionment in the world. I didn't want to receive pity; something I've hated feeling since my dad died when I was little. I didn't want empty platitudes of toxic positivity insisting that things would turn around and good things will start happening to me, and I didn't want to be the asshole who wasn't grateful for those empty platitudes. Most of all, I didn't want people to change how they treat/interact with me because they knew. I didn't want to be treated like I'm fragile or need special treatment. (If it needs saying, I still don't want to be treated like that.) I wanted to cry in my bedroom, and then reblog silly posts like nothing was wrong.
It's been a few days since the 30th, obviously. She's having less trouble walking, wags her tail when she sees us again, after a few (absolutely heartbreaking) days of not moving her tail at all. Her appetite is slowly coming back, she ate a little tuna and cat food.
But... the tumor has grown already, in just these few days, and she keeps licking at it, so it's sore and raw. My mom and brother don't want to put her to sleep because she's been improving. I obviously do not want to lose her; she's my baby and my sister and my mother all in one. She was the first pet we got that I picked out. When I leave the bathroom door open, she sits with her back facing the bathroom, guarding me.
But I don't want her to suffer. I don't want this to get worse. I want her to be able to go out with dignity and some quality of life. I don't want her to not have any quality of life left by the time we decide to stop being selfish and let her go.
Two of my friends sent me some money to help cover the cost of putting her to sleep. It was very very kind, and I can't put into words how much I'm grateful for my friends for every act of kindness and love they do for me.
I don't really know how to end this, because I still don't know what we're going to do. I know what I want to do, but it's not solely my decision and I want to respect my mom and brother's feelings. I just know that holding all this in and not talking about it was starting to be... Not Good, as much as I did want to just Be Another Random Guy on tumblr, being annoying about my hyperfixations.
If you've read any or all of this, thank you. Please don't treat me differently because of any of this, and let me post my silly little things like nothing's wrong. That's what's helped me keep it together.
Oh, and it's my birthday on the 10th. I don't want to get into it now (my birthday woes can be its own separate erin lore post too), but every year something bad happens around my birthday, so this is this year's Incident. The only socially acceptable thing I can think to say is a sarcastic yayyyyy consistency <3333.
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maewiiweam · 1 year
ʀᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ, ᴛɪɴʏ sᴛᴏɴᴇs
"Are you really not lying to me?" She questioned him for the 30th time in 10  minutes. They were supposed to leave, for a party, 15 minutes ago. He walks up behing her putting his arms around her waist as they both looked  inot the mirror on Izzy's door. Mattheo kissed her neck.
"Why would I lie to you? When I say you're beautiful then I mean it." He   conutinued peppering kisses on her neck. "Do you need me to prove it to you, malishka?" He whispered in Izzy's ear watching her bite her lip at the comment.
"No, I'll be fine...besides we're already late..." They turned around in his  arms and grabbed his face plating a loving kiss on his lips. "You look  like a little princess. You're so cute." She hid her face in his chest  making him chuckle.
"What? Don't you like it when I call you my little princess" He looked down at  her with a big smile, moving some loose strands of hair behind their  ears.
"Printessa." Mattheo whispered, his strong russian accent made it sound hotter than Izzy thought possible. They, again, hid their face in his chest.
"You like that?" He asked  laughing at Izzy violently nodding. After a while they decided to leave  for the party. Izzy couldn't get the nickname out of their head, they  really hoped he'd keep it.
"And then she gasped like really loud and everyone was looking at us - or her - but anyway-" Soup continues telling the story that just occured in their journalism course. Soup, Rachel, Freddy, Mary and Izzy are all   sitting outside for lunch at the school's front benches. Three of them, Izzy, Soup and Mary, are sitting on a bench and the remaining two, Freddy and Rachel, came later and have to settle on the concrete floor.
"And then, omg, you won't believe what Elijah said-"
"How about we go to a party today?" Freddy cuts Soup off, picking around in his salad. The group is quiet for a minute.
"It's monday, we have school tomorrow. Some of us early in the morning." Izzy says looking confused around the group.
"I gotta agree with Izzy." Rachel chimes in. "I have some maths exams comin' up and I don't wanna fail those." She reasons taking a big bite out of their sandwhich. Freddy rolls his eyes and continues eating his salad.
"I don't know...Sounds kinda fun to me" Soup says shrugging their shoulders. Mary nods, agreeing with Soup.
"See? They think my idea is great! And if I have to I'll help you study afterwards." Freddy reasons looking at Rachel and Izzy who exchange glaces. Izzy knows Rachel will give in, she always does.
"Come on, Iz. We're young and full of energy. Let's just try." Soup places an assuring hand on their friend's knee. Though they still looked unsure about their decision, Izzy can see the curiosity in their friend's brown eyes. Rachel never was the type of person do go on parties and enjoy the little things in life, not with all the pressure put on him. After they failed their big exams last year, Rachel has been putting herself into study-mode 24/7. It's a surprise to her friends she's not studying irght now.
"You know what? I have to go now meet some friends, you text me if you're going or no-"
"You know what? Fuck it, I'll go too."
"Okay sweet" And just like that, Freddy was gone. On his way he couldn't stop smiling. If only his friends knew that a boy was the reason he wanted  to attend this party so badly, they'd call him insane. Or at least  that's what he thought...That's what mom and dad would say, that's what mom and dad taught me to say. Even though his friends are part of the LGBT community, he's still scared of their reaction to the news, to him. He knows his parents would hate him, disown him, maybe even kill him he fears. But oh, if he knew that his friends were very aware of his state of mind, to them he was the stereotypical gay man.
"I have to go too, I promised my brother I'd bring him lunch." Mary excuses herself before packing away her lunch and walking away with a small wave in our direction, followed by audibly bye's from her friends. So now it was only Soup, Rachel and Izzy.
"You were saying?" Rachel turns to Soup, expecting them to carry on with their story about Elijah. Soup catches onto that.
"Okay so about Elijah-" They begin but get cut off again.
"Hello malishka, her friends" Mattheo appears out of nowhere, as Izzy would describe it, bowing down dramatically when greeting them. Izzy's heart starts beating a tad faster than before, I don't love him anymore why do I keep blushing? He's been a god damn tease all week, that's why. Their thoughts answer.
"Izzy, you okay?" His infamous accent rings through her ears, making her quickly nod her head. She swallows the lump in her throat before speaking up. "Yeah, am good." with a small chuckle she digs back into her sandwich. Stupid. It's a good fucking sandwhich though.
"You seem so sleep deprived? You sure you sleep enough?" He insists leaving Izzy and their friends very confused. What the fuck does he mean? Soup leans over to look at Izzy, curiosity getting the better of them.
"She looks fine to me, could be concealer though." Just like that they're back in their own world with a shrug. Rachel rolls his eyes and givs Soup a light shove, followed by a glare. Just shush now, is what he wants to tell his friend but they seem to get it anyway.
"You know if you ever need a bed to rest in, mine's free anytime. Just know that guests sleep naked." He finishes off with a wink, that was Izzy's last straw. She quickly packs her things and stands up.
"I'm gonna go now, need some...fresher air" They quickly stride away closing their eyes in frustration. Fresher air?? They think as they keep walking, not really looking. When they open their eyes again it's already too late. Suddenly she's kneeling on the concrete with a sharp pain in her knees. I must've fallen down the stairs, which she finds behind her. She slowly stands up and carefully brushes the dust off of her knees, no need for tights my ass, and then quickly looks around after remembering that she practically ran into someone. They quickly recognise the person as Leander Edwards. Might as well die here.
"For fucks sake" They whisper before going over to him and helping him fix his suit. Help him take it off, that'd be more like it. "I'm so sorry sir." She tried her best to dust it off.
"It's alright, love. What about your knees? This pathement isn't the softest" He slightly bends down to get a better look. If he goes on like this he could reach other places as well... Taking her knee in his strong grip
"Let me bring you to the nurse, how's that?" He offers
"Oh no, it's alright, I-I mean I uh I ran into you" Izzy reasons which makes him chuckle. cute, he thinks. "It's alright, darling. I really don't mind and besides, I'm partially at fault as well. Now I need to make sure you won't die from that." His adorable british accent in combination with the sweet and trustworthy words makes Izzy melt, forgetting where she's standing.
"That okay?" He asks, another short break.
"Yeah, okay." They sign in defeat before leading the way to the nurse's office.
Damn you random, tiny stones!
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rotemmi · 2 years
We are now a month into the new semester and I'm already struggling. I told myself this time would be different, but I'm already giving in to my Sisyphean shortcomings. I need to figure out how to stay motivated, but I don't even know where to start. At least I did my assignment that's due tonight. Like yeah, I got a 76 on it but that's better than a zero. I have to watch this show for my sociology class and I think it's going to be interesting I just have no motivation to start it and the first draft of the paper I have to write on it is due next week. I also have an interview (possibly two) on Thursday that I am so fucking nervous about. I need the job so desperately that I am willing to do just about anything to get it.
I kind of regret quitting the cafe gig. I should have stuck it out until I had something else lined up, but I was so upset and I just couldn't stand being there while everything crumbles around me. I still haven't completely forgiven Jac for that. I mean they knew I was sleep deprived. They dropped the ball on Friday when they knew I was getting on a plane. They knew I had gotten three hours of sleep on Monday and STILL quit out of the blue when they were supposed to open. So yeah, maybe I made a snap decision, but can you blame me? Wouldn't you do the same if you were in my position? And now I'm just supposed to forgive and forget and pretend like everything's fine? They get to live it up while their parents take care of them and I have to struggle to find of job and question my self-worth every damn day. Like I just don't know what to do. I'm angry. I'm angrier than I've ever been before and it's scaring me. This is the longest I've ever harbored this much disdain for someone and they're supposed to be my best friend. We live together for Christ's sake. We're supposed to be together forever, but right now seeing them every day and acting normal feels like my own personal purgatory.
I'll update you again when I have more to say. I think I'm going to try to sleep off some of my bad feelings.
See ya,
Emmi <3
Update: 11:42 PM
So I picked a fight with my boyfriend I guess. My friends say it wasn't me picking a fight but now I feel terrible about it. So yesterday I asked my bf if he wanted to spend Thanksgiving with my family this year (FYI we're long-distance). I asked him at like 1PM yesterday and he didn't respond until after 8PM. And he said he'd have to figure out his work schedule and see if he could come down. I was so excited and grateful that he was even considering it instead of shooting me down and I told him so. He never responded to me last night. He never texted me or called me today. I finally texted him at 9PM and said, "hello?" and he was like "sorry babe work was hell today. so what're the dates for thanksgiving?" so I told him that I understand he's busy with his new job but that isn't an excuse for him to put me on the back burner. I can't compete with his job, I'll never win that fight. He said he doesn't know what to say and he was sorry. I asked him if I could call him tomorrow and we could have an actual conversation about this but he didn't respond. I'm so confused and I don't know if I'm just being insane but Jac, Ryan, Emily, Jarrett, Charissa, Jake, and gina said I'm asking for the bare minimum. My mom thinks I need to cut him more slack and he's adjusting to a new job. I don't know. I wish there was an objective answer. I wish I knew what was right and wrong. I just wish everything was different.
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sinner-as-saint · 4 years
I Did Something Bad - 1.
Bodyguard!Stucky x Reader AU
Part 2 <<
Run-through: You’re a rich spoilt brat, and your two bodyguards are the ones who have to put up with you and your attitude all day every day. Until one day, they’ve had about enough. And they decide to tame the brat in you…
Themes: bratty!reader, smut, daddy kink, bodyguard!stucky
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“What a brat.” Steve mumbled under his breath.
“I agree.” Bucky sent a brief nod towards him.
They were both right behind you, each holding your countless shopping bags as they walked the steps which led to the front door of your house.
Correction, your father’s house. You didn’t actually own anything, you were just blessed enough to have been born in a filthy rich family. And you were an only child, so your parents treated you like you were the most precious thing in the world. You were spoilt.
Spoilt like Steve and Bucky had never seen before. You had people to do everything for you. You didn’t even do your own make up or hair in the morning; you had an entire team for that.
Your parents were away most of the time, on business trips and earning more money so you could be even more of a spoilt brat. Given they were away, they had two of the most highly trained, professional bodyguards stay with you to ensure your safety – Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes.
The two were the best of friends, and initially they didn’t even want to put up with you. But the paychecks which came from your father each month were hefty. So they compromised; put up with your annoying, bratty self just for the salary.
There were other perks of the job. They got to stay in a lavish mansion, they got to travel everywhere, enjoy the finest things in life, along with you.
 “Uh, can one of you guys come help me?” came the sound of your voice from inside your bedroom. The two men who were outside your bedroom groaned quietly.
They shared a look and opened the door to your grand bedroom and stepped in. They always envied you, and all the nice things you had without even having work a day in your life. They both looked around, looking for you in the spacious bedroom.
You stepped out of the walk-in closet wearing a black, lace bodysuit – showing off your cleavage and your legs.
The two men’s eyes almost fell out of their sockets.
Oh another perk to the job, you were smoking hot. And that almost made up for your attitude that they had to put up with at times, because who wouldn’t like a doll parading around them all the time?  
You walked up till you stood in front of them, nonchalantly checking out the new rings and jewelry you had on, which you had bought earlier. Not caring about the fact that you were semi-naked in front of the two.
“Can one of you zip me up?” you spoke, without looking up.
And it took both of them a few seconds to process everything. They shared a look again, filthy things on both their minds.
“I’ll do it.” Steve spoke up before Bucky could even open his mouth and offer to help. The latter glared at his friend. Steve walked up behind you, and gently pushed all your hair out of the way and shifting it over your shoulder while he shamelessly let his eyes roam over your semi-exposed body.
He took his sweet time to find the zipper and closing it gently, letting his fingertips lightly caress your skin. He admired the shape of your body once he was done, Bucky did the same. You walked away from Steve, not even thanking him and went on to admire yourself in the mirror.
The two men couldn’t take their eyes off you as you posed in front of the mirror, checking yourself out and clicking pictures here and there.
“I want a green smoothie.” You said, to no one in particular. But neither of them heard because they were busy checking you out. And seeing they weren’t moving you turned around and faced them. “Hello? I said I want green smoothie.” You said, as usual, in that bratty voice of yours. You had absolutely no patience, you were a total brat.
But that didn’t matter right now. Not when you looked like that; beautiful and enticing, but so out of their league.
Bucky cleared his throat and peeled his eyes off you. “Steve will get it. Someone has to stay here with you.” He made the decision without even sparing Steve a look.
And poor Steve had to agree and leave the room. While Bucky stayed in your room and enjoyed the show as you tried on all the clothes and lingerie you bought earlier today.
 You caught Bucky staring at you through the mirror and you internally smirked. You considered yourself lucky that the two bodyguards your dad had appointed were both eye candy. All your friends drooled over both of them; you included.
How could you not? They were always so… hot. Black suits, dark sunglasses whenever you were out, broody and handsome; they could make any one’s heart flutter. You knew how the brat in you annoyed them, but you couldn’t help it. You liked the look on their faces when they realize that they can’t do otherwise but obey you.
 Steve returned with your smoothie and you took it, again without thanking him. He noticed you were in another bodysuit, nude colored this time and much more flimsy. He discretely sent a questioning look towards Bucky and the latter smirked and raised his eyebrow at him. As if boasting and saying, ‘yup, I helped her with that one.’
 “I’m going to the club later tonight.” You announced and the two men almost groaned out loud.
You were a true party animal. And Steve and Bucky hated your useless, equally as spoilt, friends. Each time you went clubbing, they always had to carry you home because you cannot handle alcohol for too long. And the worst part, they’d have to deal with your hungover self the next day.
Steve couldn’t help but point out. “This is the fifth time in the past three weeks. Are you sure you should be partying so much?” he sounded like he was done with you, but was still trying to be polite because you were still his boss’ daughter.
Bucky nodded, agreeing with his friend. And you frowned at both of them.
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but do I pay you to lecture me?” you asked, crossing your arms over your chest, your action accentuating your breasts.
Steve looked down at the ground, afraid he might have been staring at your chest for too long. “No ma’am.” He replied, hands in front of him – standing in a classic bodyguard pose.
You scoffed, giving them both a look which told them not to mess with you. “Good. We leave at ten thirty.” You announced and walked back into your walk-in closet.
As predicted, you were wasted within the first three hours of being at the club. And just like always, Steve and Bucky had to carry you out and bring you home.
Luckily you didn’t throw up on the sidewalk or in the car this time. Your driver drove all of you home, and Bucky had you on his lap in the backseat, your feet on Steve’s lap. You were blacked out.
“She looks so angelic when she sleeps.” Steve commented, quietly.
Bucky chuckled. “Wait till she wakes up tomorrow and makes everyone’s life a living hell.” Bucky said, remembering the last time you were hungover and how you had him, Steve, your housekeeper, maids and chefs, all run around like headless chickens.
Steve chuckled at the same memory. “I swear if she treats us as her slaves like last time, I’m gonna quit.”
Bucky sent a look towards his friend. “Please don’t, I can’t handle her on my own.” He pretended to shiver at the thought of him having to put up with your antics all on his own.
And the two men shared a laugh.
 They put you to bed once you all made it home. They placed you under the covers, the maid took off your shoes and most of your jewelry, took out the pins in your hair and turned the lights off before they stepped out of your room.
The next day, the minute they each woke up in their rooms, they heard your loud voice coming from upstairs. And they both groaned as they got ready for the day.
Steve was out of his room and on his way to you first. Bucky came shortly after. And they found you in bed, whining about having a terrible headache.
“Do you need painkillers?” Bucky asked and you glared at him.
“I already took them.” you spat at him.
Clearly you were going to be even more of a bitch today.
“Did you have breakfast?” Steve asked, standing at the end of your bed.
You groaned.
“The thought of food makes me want to throw up.” You whined, testing his patience already.
Steve sighed. “Look, you need to eat. It’s the only way you’ll get rid of the hangover-,”
You cut him off.
“Ugh, okay mom!” you mocked. “Fine, whatever, just get out.” You said rather rudely. And while Steve was still debating what to say to you, Bucky spoke up.
He stepped up closer to you, standing by the side of your bed. “Hey, easy. We’re just trying to help. You need to eat so y-,”
You cut him off as well. “Like I said before, I don’t pay you to lecture me, why do you even-,” you were going off but this time Steve cut you off.
“Enough!” he raised his voice, and both you and Bucky turned to look at him. He had never acted like this before. You could see the irritation on his face as he stared at you.
“You don’t pay us, first of all, your father does! You don’t do anything other than sit there and be a brat and spend his money! We technically don’t work for you, we work for him. So let us do our jobs, which is to take care of his spoilt daughter who has no manners whatsoever. His daughter who treats people like slaves! People who actually care about her more than her own parents do!” He spat, making your jaw drop.
He continued, less loudly this time. “For once, drop your attitude and do as we say. Get in the shower, and then come downstairs. Breakfast will be ready by then.” He looked at you dead in the eyes while he scolded you. “Move, now!” the authority in his voice had you scram out of bed and rush into the bathroom immediately.
Once you shut the bathroom door behind you, Bucky turned to Steve and extended his arm so they could do their secret handshake.
“What was that?” he asked, clearly impressed.
Steve smirked. “Just taming the brat.” He answered.
Bucky laughed. “What if she tells her dad and gets us both fired?” he asked.
Steve knew you would never tell your dad because you would be somewhat ashamed in saying you got blacked out drunk at the club and then were rude to people afterwards. “She won’t.” he said and they both made their way out and into the kitchen.
 Breakfast was ready by the time you came downstairs, rather sheepishly. You kept your eyes to the ground as you sat at the kitchen island. Surprisingly, you waited patiently for your breakfast.
Bucky took the plate and placed it in front of you. Baked beans, hash browns, eggs, toast – not your usual breakfast because you normally had sugary cereal in the morning.
You sighed rather loudly, frowned and began complaining, “But this is n-,”
Bucky cut you off by grabbing your chin gently and tilting your head up so you looked up at him. He didn’t even think twice before touching your face, but you didn’t mind it. At all.
You looked up into his ocean blue eyes, very similar to Steve’s.
“A big breakfast will help, trust me. And it’s better than that bowl of sugar you’re used to.” He said, cracking a faint smile. You shyly returned him a smile. “Eat.” He pointed at the plate and went to find Steve in the living room.
You were pretty quiet for the rest of the morning. Quiet as in, you weren’t throwing a fit when the meal that the chef made for you wasn’t what you wanted. Or you weren’t whining about how you hate everyone in this house. Or you weren’t being a bitch to absolutely everyone you saw because you were hungover.
You spent most of the day in your room, sulking. Mainly because you weren’t used to people talking in loud voices at you. Steve and Bucky came to check up on you a few times, asked you if there’s anywhere you need to go. But you said no each time. You barely spoke to them, at least you weren’t rude.
 You were tame – but it didn’t last for long.
The next day, you were back to being a brat. Once the hangover passed, you were just as loud and rude as before. You were even rude to Bucky – all your manners from the previous day forgotten – when he came to ask you what you wanted for breakfast.
“Is there a way to ever get a straight answer out of you for once, without you being sarcastic and bratty all the time?” he asked, wishing you were back to yesterday when you were all quiet and obedient.
You scoffed and got out of bed. “You or Steve yell at me one more time, and I will call dad and have both of you fired. You hear me?” you spat at him.
And he wanted to tell you off, like Steve did, but then he took one look at your appearance. Messy hair, your reading glasses on, an oversized white shirt – no pants. You looked too adorable to scold. So he let you go.
 You tested Steve’s patience too that day. As usual, people ran your errands and Steve brought you something that you had asked for and you took it without thanking him.
“Will a ‘thank you’ hurt?” he asked.
You glared at him.
“Stop it. You’re not my mom.” You said bitterly and he groaned and walked away.
This had been their daily lives for the past year and a half. And each day they thought there was no way you could out do yourself and be any more of a brat. Yet, each day you kept surprising them with how annoying you could be to deal with.
Then one day, you truly out did yourself.
You were nowhere to be found.
 “This is it, I’m calling her dad.” Steve took out his phone but Bucky stopped him.
“She’s our responsibility, calling her dad would be equivalent to digging our own graves. Don’t.” Bucky reasoned. He couldn’t even imagine calling a parent to tell them their child has gone missing.
They were both panicking. You had snuck out earlier in the afternoon, and it was now nighttime and you still weren’t back. The two were pacing around the living room.
“I don’t get it, usually she tells us before even going outside in the yard.” Bucky was trying to figure out what must’ve gone wrong.
Steve sighed, ready to punch something out of frustration. “She acts like such a child sometimes. Can’t even track her phone because she left it here.” He shook his head.
“It’s nearly midnight Steve, she should be back by now. We need to do something. Did you get anything from the camera footage?” Bucky was worried sick – both about your safety and his job.
Steve swore under his breath. “Nothing on there. I mean we don’t even know if she went out on her own or got kidnapped or some-,”
A voice cut him off.
“Chill moms, I’m fine.” You walked into the living room with a smirk on. And the two men looked at you like they were witnessing some miracle. Bucky was relieved, yet somewhat irritated. Steve was just angry.
“Where the hell have you been? You were missing for 8 hours!” Bucky asked, the smug look on your face was beginning to piss him off.
You didn’t bother answering, you walked right past them and into the kitchen. The two, now irritated, followed you.
“Answer, god damn it! Where have you been? We were worried sick!” Steve hissed.
You took a water bottle out of the fridge and took a long sip while looking at them both with nothing but cockiness in your eyes.
“Well good news, I was so annoying and bratty that the kidnappers dropped me right back home.” You fake smiled, obviously being sarcastic and walked out of the kitchen. You heard the two groaned as you left them in the kitchen.
 You rushed upstairs and went right into your bedroom, and not even a few seconds later – they both walked into your room very angrily and without even bothering to knock first.
You sighed. “Get out. I’m tired, I need to sleep.” You spoke, without looking up at them.
“I don’t think so. Now answer me, where the fuck have you been?” Bucky asked, clearly mad.
You chuckled. “Watch your tone with me.” You sassed.
Steve stepped forward and walked right up to you. He stood closer to you than usual, invading your personal space. But you didn’t mind it one bit.
“Or what, huh?” he asked, sliding his hand into your hair gently, tugging on it a little making your head tilt back so you looked up at him.
You were speechless as you looked up into his ocean blue eyes. Mainly because you weren’t expecting this, but also because the look on his face sent a tingle dancing down your spine, and ended right at your core. Definitely not a bad tingle.
When you recovered, you were about to lift your hand up and slap his hand away from you but then you realized that Bucky was behind you, locking your wrists in his grip behind your back.
“Let’s try that again, sweetheart. Where have you been?” Bucky whispered in your ear, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear and making you shiver.
You looked up at Steve, immobilized and not hating it. “I… I was out with my girlfriends.” You confessed and almost whimpered when bucky tightened his grip around your wrists.
“And what did we say about sneaking out, or going anywhere without informing us?” Steve asked. You believed it might have been your imagination, but it felt as though he leaned in a little, bringing his face closer to yours.
It took you a few seconds to process given the proximity of the two men was interrupting your ability to think straight. “You… you said it was against the rules.” You remember that long talk you had with both of them the day they joined. When they took the time to explain the rules to you but all you did was roll your eyes at them and sigh.
Bucky chuckled darkly right in your ear. “Seems you have broken an important rule, sweetheart.” He gently kissed the skin beneath your ear and your eyes flew shut. Your lips parted as you tried hard not to moan at the feeling of his soft lips against your skin.
When you opened your eyes, you found Steve smirking down at you. He felt a rush course through him and leaned in to gently take your lower lip between his teeth; tugging on it playfully. His actions were gentle, but you shivered still. Steve bit down on your lip, while Bucky discretely kissed down your neck.
Then and there, something shifted in the air. It was a pleasant shift.
Steve chuckled against your mouth. “You never learn, babygirl.” he mumbled, against the side of your mouth. And the nickname had you almost whimpering.
Bucky softly nibbled on your skin at your shoulder; making you shudder. Steve tugged a little more on your hair and pulled away to look at you. If there’s anything you knew for sure in that moment, is that you wanted them. Both of them. Bad.
“Teach me then.” You whispered. And both of them smirked and shared a look.
If only you had been careful about what you wished for…
 You were kneeling on your bed, naked and with Bucky still holding your wrists behind your back. His grip was tight and strong, but you didn’t complain. You couldn’t because Steve had his two fingers gently pumping in and out of your mouth.
He had searched your bedside table a few minutes ago, and pulled out the vibrator wand which you had hidden in there. You wondered how he knew it was there. But before you could think over it too much, he turned it on and placed it in between your legs; right on top of your entrance.
You whined in pleasure, but he quickly shut you up by pushing his fingers past your lips. “Always whining like a brat.” He commented, smirking and wiggling the wand a little and making you whine louder. And to add on to your sweet torture, Bucky circled his arm around you and gently circled your clit with his two fingers.
“What is it babygirl, you can’t take it?” Steve taunted again.
You whimpered under their touch, but something told you that they wouldn’t let you have your way so easily this time.
“I know you’ve never heard ‘no’ in your life, sweetheart. But you will tonight.” Bucky murmured in your ear, making you tilt your head back; shivering against him.
Steve chuckled, removing his fingers from your warm mouth. “You’re not allowed to cum until you have our permission, babygirl. You hear me?”
You nodded and whimpered a pathetic yes.
Your thighs began trembling as they both messed with you. Steve changed the setting on the wand, making it more intense while Bucky tilted your head back and kissed you deeply. More like invaded your mouth like he owned it; pushing his tongue past your lips and stroking the top of your mouth. You whimpered, happily trapped between the two of them.
You felt the pressure forming in between your legs, and you involuntarily bucked your hips against the vibrator, trying desperately to chase your orgasm. Steve noticed, and he didn’t think twice before lifting the vibrator off you – denying you your release.
You groaned louder, the sound muffled by Bucky’s mouth on top of yours. He pulled away from the kiss and chuckled. “It’s frustrating, isn’t it baby?” he asked, softly. You looked up at him and nodded. His soft demeanor went away the minute you agreed. “Well that’s exactly how it feels when you don’t listen.” He growled leaning in again. You thought he was going to kiss you again, but instead he licked your swollen lower lip and spat into your open mouth.
His actions elicited a loud whine out of you.
“Look at me.” Steve slid his hands into your hair again and tugged on it. You looked at him with nothing but desire in your eyes. He let go of your hair and gripped your jaw while he placed the vibrator back against your core. You felt the vibrations all over your body, a familiar warmth washing over you while you stared into his icy blue eyes.
“Always boasting about your family’s money and power, you little brat.” Steve whispered, leaning in to bite your mouth again while he pressed the vibrator further against your core, making you drip and moan louder. “Who’s your daddy now, huh?”
Bucky fingers found your clit again, and they teased you just like before. “Tell us baby, who owns this bratty little cunt?” Bucky whispered menacingly in your ear, biting on your ear lobe.
You moaned again, both at the sensations and the words. “You do…” you breathed out, unable to form coherent sentences. They both chuckled, and continued their sweet torture on your body. Steve kissed along your jaw as he wiggled the wand around and make you scream louder, while Bucky’s fingers rubbed your clit furiously.
And you couldn’t take it anymore. “Can I-… please…” you begged and it was the first time they heard you ask for something so politely.
“What was that, babygirl?” Steve asked, pretending that he didn’t hear you the first time. And seeing you weren’t answering, he lifted the vibrator off you again. “I said, what was that?” he asked again, more sternly.
You whined and whimpered at being denied again. “Please… please can I cum?” you asked again, begging with your eyes shut to stop the tears of frustration from falling.
Bucky immediately wrapped a hand around your throat and tilted your head back. “Ask nicely sweetheart. Say ‘please daddy, I’ll be a good girl from now.’“ he mumbled against the side of your mouth.
Steve increased the intensity of the vibrator again and it made you repeat Bucky’s words wantonly. They were both pleased at your obedience, but not quite done with you yet.
“Look at me, babygirl.” For a moment, Steve’s voice had you fooled. You thought he was actually going to give in and would actually let you cum. “You want to cum for daddy?” he asked, and you nodded with hot tears falling down your cheeks. And just when you thought you were getting closer to your release, he lifted the wand off your body again.
“No. You will not cum until you’ve learnt your lesson.”
 They both toyed with your body like they owned it. They switched places and Bucky had the most fun in teasing you with the vibrator. He trailed it up and down your body, circling your erected nipples with the tip of the wand and then back down to where you craved it the most.
Tears streamed down your face.
“Are you crying, baby? Good, this would teach you not to be a brat next time,” Bucky spoke as he wiggled the toy around against your wet folds.
You begged them relentlessly, but they denied you each time. Looking you deep in the eyes and saying, ‘No.’ Yet, a twisted part of you liked how they treated you like they owned you. Like you were nothing but a toy to them, for them to play with as they pleased.
Your pleas were incessant, and wanton. Steve pushed two of his fingers past your entrance while Bucky placed the wand right on your clit – unmoving. Steve’s fingers stroked your walls so slowly that it was almost agonizing.
“Aww you’re dripping all over my hand, babygirl.” He commented, making you squeeze around his fingers. Your arousal leaked out of you, coating the tip of the toy and his fingers alike. He could see what they were both doing to you, and he liked the control they both had over you. “Look at how you’re shaking.” He taunted again.
You begged again, to no one in particular. And the reply was just as disappointing as earlier. “No. Spoilt brats with no manners don’t get to cum so easily.”
And you whined again.
“Shh, you’re gonna take all that we give you. And you’re not gonna be a brat about it, you understand?” Steve silenced you.
Bucky gripped your jaw and kissed you deeply again, swallowing your pathetic moans while he pressed the wand further against you. Your body trembled, you moaned as soon as the vibrating tip came in contact with your sensitive spot. Your body shuddered as he wiggled it around just a bit. The sensation was overwhelming.
“Do you want us to stop, babygirl?” Steve mumbled in your ear, his fingers slipping in and out of you and the wet sounds were obscene.
You shook your head and Bucky pulled away to let you talk. “No, no please… don’t stop…” the last thing you wanted was for them to leave you here, frustrated and burning with desire.
 Unfortunately, that’s exactly what they did.
“Well guess what, sweetheart? You don’t get to make the rules this time. You can’t always have what you want.” Bucky smirked as he lifted off the wand from you and turned it off.
Steve chuckled and kissed your neck, releasing your sore wrists. “Good night, babygirl.” They both stood up from your bed, leaving you naked, whimpering, and tear-stained, burning with need and most of all; dripping wet.
Your body was worn out, after being with them for the past hour or two. Or maybe more, you couldn’t tell because you were a little disoriented. But you couldn’t believe that they were just walking away from you, without giving you what you so desperately wanted.
“And don’t you dare touch yourself.” Bucky said, before he walked out of your room.
Steve took a good look at you; what a beautiful mess he and Bucky had made. “See you tomorrow.” He winked before he shut the door behind him.
a/n: fear not, there’s a part 2 coming soon ;)
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xbadgerbearx · 3 years
your people will have our help
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word count: 2.1k
Can’t Sleep: [1] … [3]
Of course you had to jump out of the aircraft into the cold water. What a perfect way to start the mission. Your team swam for a bit before wading through the shore as you approached the beach.
"Congratulations, Bloodsport."
"How'd you do it, Waller? There's no soldiers out here on patrol at all."
The beach was completely empty. There were no disturbances and more importantly, no enemies anywhere to be found. It was... peaceful.
"Let's just say they were distracted."
You only walked on the sand a couple feet before a large explosion erupted.
"Control, we have a disturbance south of here," Bloodsport reported after you jumped in surprise.
"It's just a diversion, Bloodsport."
Bloodsport seemed to weigh his options before speaking, "All right, we cut through the jungle to get to Valle Del Mar."
"Don't they have blockades at the city limits?" Peacemaker interjected.
"That's the word."
"How we getting in? Especially with Charlie the Tuna here," Peacemaker said while looking back at King Shark.
"How the hell am I supposed to know?"
"You're the leader. You're supposed to be decisive."
"And I've decided you should eat a big bag of dicks, how's that?"
"You're being facetious, but if this whole beach was completely covered in dicks and somebody said I had to eat every dick until the beach was clean for liberty, I would say no problemo."
"Why would someone put penises all over the beach?" Ratcatcher II asked.
"Who knows why madmen do what they do."
"Chris, this is the second time you've made a comment like this today. Is there something you want to tell us?" You joked.
"Well, you know what I think?" Bloodsport started. "I think liberty is just your excuse to do whatever you want. Whether that's to eat a beach full of dicks or killin' folk."
"Oh, yeah? At least I don't kill men for money like you."
"Oh, here we go," Bloodsport sighed as he turned to face Peacemaker.
"There's something wrong with your skin," Ratcatcher II called out as she pointed to Polka Dot Man. You turned to see his face covered in bulging colorful... polka dots.
"It's just a rash."
"Oh, my- Abner, are you okay? You don't look so good," you said worriedly as you reached your hand out to touch him. You were interrupted by another loud explosion off in the distance.
"Never mind that, we need to continue forward."
You made it quite the distance before Bloodsport dropped his bag onto the ground. The entire time walking you watched Abner with both curiosity and worry.
"Alright, we'll camp here, and tomorrow we'll go straight through the city to get to La Gatita Amable by nightfall."
Everyone was laying out their sleeping equipment, in this case sleeping bags, as you figured out where you should lay yours.
"Why don't you lay over here, (L/n)? I could keep you warm," Chris offered with a laugh.
"Fuck no," you replied with the same humorous energy. "I'd rather you not roll over on me like you did last time."
"Last time?" Abner piped up timidly.
"It's nothing like that," you assured while rolling your eyes. "Me, Chris, and some of our other teammates at the time had to huddle up for warmth after Waller sent us on a mission somewhere in Siberia."
"Oh," Abner said, kind of relieved.
"I'll just put mine here," you placed your bag next to Abner's and DuBois. "It's near the fire."
You changed into your sleep clothes. Well, to be honest you just took off your shirt and slept in your tank top, but it was close enough. It wasn't long before you drifted off, however, you awoke some time later to some shuffling sounds and a quiet groan. Peeking under your lashes, you find yourself facing toward DuBois who was resting on his elbow, alert. You quietly sat up and turned to see what DuBois was looking at. A colorful light show was dancing on the leaves and tall grass. Almost as quickly as it happened, Abner appeared. He looked a little out of it, but quickly dawned a look of shock as he was caught doing... what exactly?
You got up to make sure your favorite awkward man was doing okay before you were cut off by a loud bang! Instinctively, you disappeared. Literally. DuBois kept shooting Nanaue until he was backed up against a tree.
"How deep of a sleeper are you?" DuBois asked Cleo, to which she responded sleepily, "I was having the most wonderful dream."
"If it was you about to be eaten by King Shark, then you're psychic," Chris said.
"I don't believe he would do that. He has very kind eyes."
Sebastian was saying what you could only guess was that Nanaue was, in fact, going to eat her.
"Hungry," Nanaue whined.
"You bastard!"
Rats from every direction emerged from the darkness as Cleo held up her glowing device. DuBois was looking rather uncomfortable.
"All right, calm down with the rats!" he yelled.
"I have a thing with rats."
"You have a thing with rats?"
"And you're on a team with someone who controls them?" your disembodied voice asked.
He whipped around trying to find you before yelling, "What the fuck?"
As if suddenly remembering that you cannot be seen, you revealed yourself behind Abner whom you were using as a shield. As cute as he thought it was that you were using him as protection, it did startle him that you just appeared randomly behind him.
"Partnering up with someone with rats is not something I asked for!"
Peacemaker started laughing.
"What are you laughing at me for, man? Why the fuck are you in your underwear?"
You looked over and sure enough, Chris was in nothing but his underwear.
"Woah!" you yelled while burying your face into Abner's back. "Chris, put on some pants for fucks sake!"
"Tighty-whities? Really?"
"Now that's just racist."
"No, it's not racist! They're tighty-whities!"
"You didn't tell me you had a fear of rats, DuBois," Waller said over the comms.
"I'm an assassin! Why would I share my liabilities?" This was promptly followed by an uncharacteristicly girly scream.
"Aww, he's offering you a pretty leaf to show you he means no harm," Cleo cooed.
"Why the fuck would I want a leaf?"
DuBois was getting increasingly more freaked out while Chris started laughing again.
"Just get the rats out of here!"
Cleo turned off her device and all the rats scurried back into the jungle.
Peacemaker turned to DuBois and asked, "Hey, we gonna kill Megalodouche now, or what?"
"Nanaue's the strongest member of your team. You need him to get into Jotunheim."
"Yeah, well we can't function as a team if we gotta watch our back from one of our own eatin' our bollocks," Bloodsport replied.
"Nanaue," Cleo started as she kneeled down to his height. "Would you eat your friends?"
"I no friends."
"You have no friends? Well, if you did, would you eat them?"
Chris answered with a "yes" before he was shot a look from Ratcatcher II.
"Then can we be your friends?"
Chris scoffed, "Come on, he's obviously lying."
"If I die 'cause I gambled on love, it will be a worthy death."
DuBois shook his head, "You are a little idiot."
So much for a full rest. It was nearly morning by the time the shark incident was resolved, so you decided to just pack up and dress yourself.
"Task Force X, you have an additional mission directive. We've located Colonel Rick Flag. He's been taken by the enemy."
"Rick Flag?" DuBois asked while your team made your way through the jungle.
"I know, you both served on special forces in Qurac that took down Avral Kaddam. Flag was the one who initially recommended you."
"You had other operatives in Corto Maltese and didn't tell us?"
"There was no tactical advantage, now there is. I've uploaded the location on your MTS. Terminate his captors with extreme prejudice. Kill anyone you see. These are dangerous people. Recover Flag before moving on to the city."
You eventually made it to a decent sized camp before DuBois MTS started beeping.
"That's where they're holding Flag."
"Nothing like a bloodbath to start the day."
"I thought they called you Peacemaker," Ratcatcher II questioned.
"I cherish peace with all my heart. I don't care how many men, women, and children I need to kill to get it."
Ratcatcher II turned to Polka Dot Man before whispering, "I thought you were the crazy one," which was swiftly answered by you lightly shoving her shoulder.
"I am."
"All right," Bloodsport said, getting everyone's attention. "Let's get it."
You and Nanaue crept behind a man who gave his cup to his buddy.
"Gracias," you heard the man say. Soon after, King Shark picked the man up and ate him as he started screaming. He dropped what looked to be a communication device. Nanaue smacked his mouth as the comms device went off.
"Cualquier cosa?"
As your nearby teammates looked in somewhat fear as to what to do, you picked up the dead soldier's comms and said "Nada, Señora" while perfectly mimicking his voice. Your team carried on.
You hastily turned yourself invisible as you scouted for Rick Flag. It took a couple of minutes but you managed to find the only white guy there. You assumed he was Rick since he was injured, but were they... laughing?
"Bloodsport," you whispered into your comms. "I found Rick Flag. He was laughing?" You sounded unsure.
"Most likely drugged," Peacemaker said. "Where's he located?"
"Northmost tent, past the watchtower." Right after you said that you saw a bunch of colorful polka dots disintegrate the watchtower.
"On our way."
You could hear some of your team's conversation as they approached your location. You made yourself visible again.
"I'm sorry it's so... flamboyant."
"It looks cool," you heard Cleo say.
"I don't like to kill people, but if I pretend it's my mom, it's easy."
"TMI, mate," said DuBois.
More laughter could be heard inside the tent as Bloodsport ripped open the tent curtain. An uncomfortable silence settled.
"Hey, Flag."
"What the hell are you doing here?"
Bloodsport looked around confused. "Waller told us that you were... uh... are you drinking tea?"
Flag gestured to his female companion sitting across the table from him, "This is Sol Soria, she's the leader of the freedom fighters, the resistance trying to take down the current government. They-they saved my life."
"Oh. Wow."
Everyone put down their weapons.
"Why did my people not alert me of your arrival?"
You awkwardly hide yourself behind Abner again.
"We didn't see any people," Bloodsport swiftly lied.
"Yeah, I didn't see anybody on the way..." Peacemaker continued.
"There's no one out there."
"They were gone when we got here."
"I turned them into my mother in my head and killed them."
Everyone turned to look at Polka Dot Man. You just sighed and smacked his shoulder. To make matters worse, King Shark hacked up... was that a finger with a wedding ring? Sebastian squeaked out an audible "Uh oh."
Soria promptly lunged off the table and made her way outside. You and your team awkwardly stood amongst the destruction you caused while Flag and Soria looked in pain.
"Typical Americans. Just run in, guns blazing."
"I know, this is messed up. These guys, they're..."
Rick looked behind him to see Peacemaker and Bloodsport getting into a stupid cat fight, while Ratcatcher II was rubbing her face ashamed, and you and Polka Dot Man were looking off into the jungle having your own conversation and not even paying attention.
"They're fucking idiots, but right now our objectives aligh with yours. If Jotunheim contains the technology our intelligence says it does, then it could be used on the people of Corto Maltese as well as Americans. That's why we need your help to get into the city so we can stop 'em."
Soria just stared past Flag and asked, "Is that rat waving at me?"
Sure enough, Rick turned back around to see Sebastian waving at them. Cleo was messing with her hands, Chris and DuBois were looking around while tapping their feet, and you were admiring Abner's polka dots on his costume as he was awkwardly trying to accept your compliments.
"It appears it is."
"I'm gonna guess because it's friendly."
Soria thought for a moment, weighing her options, before speaking again.
"Luna and Suarez murdered my entire family. I'd make a deal with the devil to stop them." As if it physically pained her to say, she continued. "Your people will have our help getting to Vall Del Mar to apprehend this Gaius Grieves."
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shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
Rebuilding Family
Summary: Y/N and Spencer were college sweethearts at Cal-Tech but once Spencer got accepted to the FBI Academy, he ended things deciding it was not fair to make Y/N wait for him. When they meet again years later, he discovers something unexpected.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
A/N: no fic-related news but i did get my first dose of the covid vaccine today so that’s exciting! GET VAXXED, PEOPLE! SPENCER WOULD WANT YOU TO!!
Chapter 20
“Hey Hotch,” Spencer knocked on his boss’s door.
Spencer got in extra early today to have his meeting with Hotch and hopefully tie up all the loose ends in his paperwork.
“Reid, come in,” Hotch gestured to one of the chairs in front of his desk.
“I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and talking with Y/N and I think my time at the BAU is coming to an end,” Spencer said.
“I see,” Hotch leaned back in his chair, “Well, I think it goes without saying that you would certainly be missed. But, I’m not going to try to convince you to stay because I feel like this is a good decision for you...one I probably should have made myself if we’re being completely honest.”
“You made it work though, Jack loves his superhero dad,” Spencer reassured him, “I just can’t keep missing stuff after already missing six years. It’s too much and I certainly can’t focus on cases when I’m desperately wishing I was somewhere else.”
“How about this? We put you on temporary unpaid leave for a year. Then, you can either choose to come back or quit for good. This will give you plenty of family time and then you’ll see if you’re ever ready to return or not. It’s up to you. Also, if I just put you on leave, it can start as early as tomorrow. Instead of you just quitting and then having to put your two weeks in and be called away on more cases.”
“That sounds great, Hotch. Thank you so much for your understanding. If I don’t come back, it was a pleasure working with you. But I’m sure I will see you around at Rossi’s dinner parties,” Spencer grinned.
Hotch and Spencer hugged before pulling away to see the rest of the team filing into the bullpen.
“I guess I have to tell them,” Spencer sighed, knowing they would be a little disappointed at the sudden news.
“Hey guys, I have an announcement,” Spencer walked out of Hotch’s office.
“You have another secret daughter?” Derek joked.
“Y/N is pregnant?” Penelope guessed.
“You’re engaged?” Emily asked.
“Um no to all, I know this is a bit sudden and I apologize for that but effective tomorrow, I will be taking a year long leave from the BAU which may turn permanent,” Spencer spoke softly.
Silence filled the room.
“It’s not that I don’t love this job or you guys. You all know you are my best friends but I just really need to be home with my family right now,” Spencer explained.
Derek was the first to walk up to Spencer, “We’re gonna miss you around here, kid.”
He pulled Spencer in for a hug, ruffling up his hair.
Penelope was next in line to hug Spencer with a tissue already dabbing at her eyes.
“I hate to see you go, Boy Wonder, but I know it’s what’s best for you,” she said.
“I think Jo may be an even stricter boss than Hotch,” Rossi teased.
“She does have a tendency to get grumpy when she isn’t allowed to have ice cream for dinner,” Spencer laughed lightly, wiping the tears that were forming from his eyes.
“Please don’t ever stop talking. I know we tease you but I truly am going to miss your rambles,” Emily whispered.
“I’m just a phone call away,” he promised.
“You deserve this. Do not feel bad,” JJ reminded him.
He nodded in acknowledgement, his voice getting caught in the lump in his throat.
“We need a cake!” Penelope exclaimed, “I will not have the Good Doctor’s last day be cakeless especially with that sweet tooth of his.”
“On it,” Derek said, grabbing his keys.
“Decorations too! See if Party City has a Happy Retirement section!” she shouted after him.
“You’ve got it, baby girl,” Derek replied.
Spencer returned home in the evening with a cardboard box full of his belongings that once resided on his desk. 7 years of his career packed into one box. It seemed sad to him that such a big chapter of his life was closing.
But then, he walked inside. You and Jo had karaoke up on the TV screen. You both were currently in the middle of Wannabe by the Spice Girls. Jo even had her baseball cap on backwards to complete the look.
“If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends. Make it last forever, friendship never ends. If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give. Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is,” Jo sang.
Then you jumped in, “So, here's a story from A to Z. You wanna get with me, you gotta listen carefully. We got Em in the place who likes it in your face. You got G like MC who likes it on a
Easy V doesn't come for free, she's a real lady. And as for me, ha you'll see.”
“Slam your bodies down and wind it all around,” you both sang.
You turned around to see Spencer standing there and you let out a yelp.
“Oh no, please continue. Don’t stop on my account,” he grinned.
“Daddy!” Jo jumped up into his arms.
He moved Jo to his hip as you approached.
“Hi, love,” you greeted him with a kiss.
He was no longer sad. This was the right choice. This is where he belonged.
“Shhh” is the first thing you heard as you awoke followed by the quiet rattling of dishes.
“Jo, no!” you heard Spencer whisper-shout, “I said not until Mommy wakes up.”
“I’m up,” you muttered into your pillow.
You turned to the side of your bed to see Jo standing there with a tray of food and Spencer behind her with a bouquet of flowers.
You smiled softly.
“Happy Mother’s Day!” they both cheered.
“Thank you, my loves,” you gave them both kisses, accepting the tray from Jo as Spencer set the flower vase down on your bedside table.
The food on the tray consisted of a mug of coffee, a cup of orange juice, bacon, a bowl of blueberries, and a big chocolate chip pancake with sliced strawberries for the eyes and nose and a whipped cream smile.
“Very artistic,” you grinned.
Spencer returned next to you in bed, getting under the covers. He was wearing a plain gray fitted t-shirt, flannel PJ pants, and his glasses.
“Jo, you can go get your present for Mommy while she eats,” he suggested.
Once Jo left the room to go retrieve her gift, you planted a much messier kiss on Spencer’s lips.
“Not that I’m complaining but what was that for?” he smirked.
“You know how sexy I told you those glasses make you look,” you stated, taking a bite of a strip of bacon.
“I’ll keep them on all day then as part of your gift,” he smiled.
Jo crawled on to the bed with a wrapped box and an envelope taped to it. The card was clearly homemade by Jo and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Look at this beautiful artwork!” you exclaimed, opening the card.
Inside was a gift card for a spa downtown surrounded by Jo’s doodles.
“JJ said that place was really nice. There’s enough on there for you and a friend to get a full day of pampering,” Spencer said.
“Well, that’s good that she likes it because I will probably bring her along as my fellow mom. Thank you both,” you smiled.
Jo pushed the wrapped box towards you. You opened it to find a multi-colored beaded necklace.
“I made it for you, Mommy,” Jo beamed as you put it on over your head.
“That is so very thoughtful of you,” you kissed her forehead, “It fits me perfectly and you even included my favorite color.”
“I planned a picnic for today but if you would rather stay home and relax all day, I totally get it. Jo and I can go to the park and you can have some peace and quiet,” Spencer offered.
“Are you kidding me? It’s called Mother’s Day, I want to spend some time with the little girl who made me the luckiest one in the entire world,” you smiled.
“Picnic, it is then. I’ll get Jo all dressed and the bag packed. Here, let me take that,” Spencer left the room, balancing Jo on one hip and your tray of dirty dishes on the other.
You were really going to have to bring your all for Father’s Day next month.
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Little Bones 2
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape (series); harassment, general creepiness, unwanted touches
This is dark! (biker) Thor x chubby!reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Series Synopsis: You’re a city girl stuck in a small town, but Birch isn’t as sleepy as it seems.
Sister series to Smalltown Bringdown and When the Weight Comes Down
Note: We got another part and I hope you love biker!Thor as much as I do. It’s lots of fun.
Thanks to everyone for their patience and feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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Chapter 2: Better butter your cue finger up
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The bottle of wine sat on your counter and you hid away the vodka in your freezer as you resisted the temptation of both. The library made hangovers even worse with its bright lights and tedious nothingness. So you tried to ignore the tapping at your shoulder, the persistent tug of your paranoia, and pretended that nothing had changed. In Birch, nothing did change, right?
The click of your mouse and the loud tapping of keys filled the silence of the library. Colin snored with eyes wide open. It was hard to tell when the old man was awake or sleeping. You weren’t sure there was a line left between the two for him. He spent most of his working hours in the back on the other side of the windowed wall although what exactly he did there remained a mystery.
There wasn’t very much to do there outside the occasional school visits in which students walked down to complete some research project or the teacher’s held a crafting circle. You liked those days as often you could join in and help wrangle in the pupils as they explored the sterile shelves.
Melissa stood and her chair rolled back with a grumble. She stretched and bent to grab her purse from under the desk.
“I’m going down to Bab’s. You want anything?”
“Hmm,” you tapped your chin as you leaned back. “I wouldn’t mind a latte. Oh, and I think they have the banana loaf today. A slice of that too.”
You peeked under the desk and sat forward to grab your bag from the cubby beside your PC tower. “Nope,” Mel stopped you, “it’s on me today. I need a breath of fresh air anyway. Even if it is cold as hell.”
“Oh, thanks, Mel,” you smiled and grabbed a pen to click in your monotony. “We should dig out the Christmas decorations soon. It might actually give us something to do.”
“Maybe for an hour or two,” she pulled her jacket from the rack that stood against the wall between the front counter and the back room, “We could try something new this year. I saw these lights online, you can program them with your phone.”
“You think Colin could handle that?”
“Like he would even notice.” She laughed and pulled on her coat and grabbed her purse. “Latte, banana bread.” She recited. “I’ll be back.”
You watched her go then stretched your legs out as you arched in the chair. You fell back limp and closed your eyes. You could fall asleep right there. You really couldn’t blame Colin for his waking trance. This place made your ears buzz and your head spin.
You heard the whoosh of the automatic doors and sat up. You were surprised at your visitor but not disappointed. Melissa’s daughter approached the desk as she swung her bag in her hand. You could tell by the little wrinkle between her eyebrows that she wasn’t happy.
“Your mom’s just gone to Bab’s,” you rolled closer to the desk. “You must’ve seen her.”
“I saw her.” She said tersely. She stilled her fidgeting and planted her dangling purse on the desk. She sighed and crossed her arms. “I’m here to talk to you.”
“Is something the matter?”
You were nervous. You knew her as well as her mother and you got along. You shared an interest in old Hollywood and a taste for dry history and humour. You liked her, envied her even for having a mother like Melissa.
“I hate doing this. I hate when he makes me do this.” She dropped her arms and instead gripped her hips. “You want to come down to the Asp tonight? For a drink?”
You chuckled and clicked the pen. “It’s Wednesday. I have to open tomorrow and--”
“Hrgh,” she huffed. “I’m sorry but it’s… not a question.”
You put the pen down and clamped your lips together. She shook her head and looked away.
“It’s an order. From Bucky.” She tapped her toe on the carpet. “I tried to tell him that you wouldn’t want to come so late. That you know, you work. He just doesn’t listen and--” She heaved and threw up her hands in exasperation, “I tried.”
“But… me? I don’t even know any of those… people. It’s not really my scene.” You swallowed and dug your nail into your thumb. 
“I’ll be there. Same with Steve’s girl from the bakery. She’s nice. And…” her eyes were dull but irritated, “look, if you don’t show up, Bucky will go and find you. Everyone in town reports to him. You don’t have to be in his club, he owns Birch.” She grabbed the thin strap of her small purse and drew it from the desk, “you don’t want to learn that the hard way like I did.”
You knew it wasn’t Bucky who wanted you there, you suspected that big blond brute who had chased you down the street. Her anxiety fed yours and made you uneasy. If she were that afraid, how scared should you be?
“I think you know my answer considering I’ve been given little choice.” You said firmly. “What time?”
“Seven. I got him to budge on at least that. You won’t be out too late.” She gave a weak smile and twisted the strap of her bag. “Stay close to me and I’ll do what I can. You know, with Steve’s girl, I really tried…” She looked away and rolled her as they turned glossy. “Sometimes, Bucky listens to me and I’m figuring out how to make him.”
“Why are you with him?” You whispered. “Why--”
“You think it’s a choice I made.” She blinked and sniffed. “No, it was made for me when I was born in this god forsaken pit.” She thrust her purse over her shoulder and shrugged. “I don’t know why anyone would make up their mind to come here.”
“I can’t say I’m happy with the decision.” You returned.
She sent you a pitying look before she spun away. She marched back to the doors as her mother nearly collided with her. They spoke for a few minutes before the younger left and Melissa came over to plop her goodies on the desk.
“New latte flavour, candy cane. I figured we might get a bit festive.” She announced.
You stood outside the Asp and stared up at the snow-covered marquee. The powder began to fall just after noon and collected along the small ledge below the image of Cleopatra.  You wore a bright pink toque with an oversized pom-pom and tucked your chin down against the matching scarf tucked down the front of your cherry-coloured coat. You stuck out among the grey of Birch.
You didn’t put much effort into getting ready. You kept on the same polka-dot blouse from work and traded your trousers for faded jeans and a pair of knee-high boots. You took a breath and stepped through the doors, barely avoided the rush of snow that fell down behind you.
The bar smelled of beer and a stale but pungent dinginess. You looked around in the low din. The bartender, a woman named Lucy, dried several glasses and stacked them on a shelf and every man in the place wore leather. 
You found Melissa’s daughter next to Bucky as he squinted at his closest accomplice, Steve. The shy girl from the bakery was tucked under his arm as she picked at the hem of her short skirt. You cleared your throat as you pondered leaving.
A figure on Bucky’s other side stood and you frowned as that man, Thor, smiled at you like a puppy. You fixed your mouth into a straight line as Bucky’s girl rose and waved you over.
“Hey, you made it,” she said. You didn’t miss the way Bucky’s hand slid up her thigh.
“Yeah,” you said flatly as you rounded the table.
“Kitten,” Thor greeted as he pulled out the chair next to him in a flourish. “I’ve a seat just for you.”
You looked from the chair to his face. You made no move to sit.
“If that’s not to your tastes, you can sit in my lap.” He taunted.
Your lips parted in disgust and you grabbed the back of the chair. You wrenched it away from him and backed up steadily as you dragged it around the table. You stopped it next to Steve’s girl and unzipped your jacket. You sat and shrugged out of the coat then crossed your arms. You tore your eyes from the large man and smiled at the baker girl.
“The banana loaf was good,” you said. “Sorry I didn’t make it down.”
“Oh, it’s ugly out there,” she turned in Steve’s hold and his arm slipped down around her waist. 
You could feel Thor’s constant gaze as you humoured the girl about the weather and listened to her story about how Mrs. Deeton sent back a blueberry scone for not having any blackberries. You did your best to blot out the rest of the bar.
“Kitten, you want a drink?” He interrupted and you peered over at him. You glanced from him to Lucy as she stood and awaited an order.
“Do you have ginger ale?” You asked her directly.
“We have club soda or iced tea right now.” She said with venom.
“Iced tea, thank you.” You fished through your purse for a fiver.
“Put it on my tab,” Thor insisted.
“No, it’s fine, I--”
You held out the bill and he reached across to snatch it from your hand. “On my tab.” He repeated and the barmaid stomped away. He tossed the five back to you and smirked. “Keep it, kitten.”
You swiped it up and turned back to Steve’s girl. She looked frightened as she stared at the blonde man and slowly returned her attention to you.
“Um, so, I was going to tell you the secret ingredient to Bab’s banana bread but you have to promise not to tell.”
“Sure,” you leaned in and she whispered it in your ear and giggled. 
“I’m not supposed to tell.” She uttered as she touched her cheeks guiltily.
“I’ve been telling her she don’t need to worry about rules,” Steve intoned as his fingers danced on her hip.
“My mother made the best banana cream pie,” Thor interrupted. “She handed the recipe down to me. My sister was never much into sweets.”
“Oh?” Steve’s girl turned to Thor. “We don’t serve that at Bab’s but we have lemon meringue.”
“Mother made that too. She showed me the trick to perfect peaks. I could show you.”
Steve growled and pulled his girl closer. She looked at him as he sent a heated glare at Thor. She touched his chest and cooed at him to relax. Lucy returned with your iced tea and you took it eagerly as the tension burned at your face.
“So, kitten,” Thor scooted his chair around the table as you set your glass down, “what trouble did you get into today?”
“I work at a library.” You uttered dryly.
“And did you enjoy your wine last night? I always heard it’s better with company.”
You jutted out your jaw in annoyance and looked at him. He was painfully persistent.
“Excuse me.” You stood and nearly gave him a face full of your chest. You looked to Bucky’s girl as she listened to his incessant grumbles. “Where’s the restroom?”
“Just down there,” she pointed along the far side of the bar.
“I could show you,” Thor offered and you waved him off.
“I’m a big girl. I can handle it.”
“Yes, you are,” he purred and you backed up as his eyes grazed your hips.
You were all too eager to hide in the bathroom and closed yourself in a stall as you tried not to scream. You had dealt with perverts before. Often you were the butt of some joke. The wingman settled for the chubby girl so his pal could get laid. Those types thought you were desperate and had no qualms with getting handsy on the dance floor. But college was long ago and Birch wasn’t known for its nightlife.
After a moment, you were able to steady yourself and you left the stall. You stood by the grungy sink and stared at the mirror. Why you? Why was this idiot bugging you?
You went back out with reluctant steps. You passed a drunk man at the bar talking about some feat of machismo in his foregone youth. As you neared the table, you froze in the spot as you listened.
“...she’s fat anyway.” Steve snarled and laughed meanly.
His chortle was curtailed as a chair scraped on the floor and the baker girl cried out. Thor forced Steve to his feet but the front of his tee shirt. He pulled him past his girl and brought him close as he growled down at him through flaring nostrils.
“I like you, Rogers, but your mouth makes it real hard.” Thor sneered.
“What the fuck?” Steve struggled against him, “let me go.”
“I’m not sitting here shit-talking your woman, eh. You might have little respect for them, but I do.”
“Jesus Christ!” Steve was on tip-toes as he was held up by the other man.
“Apologize.” Thor demanded.
“Dammit, Steve, say sorry.” Bucky snapped.
“S-sorry, dude.” Steve stuttered.
“Not to me,” Thor turned and to your surprise, he thrust Steve around to face you. “To her.”
You stared in shock as Steve straightened his shirt. He was like a petulant child as he looked you in the eye. “I’m sorry.”
“For…” Thor prodded.
“I’m sorry I called you fat.” Steve looked away.
“I…” you didn’t know what to do or say as you glanced past him to the other girls. “Well, I am so it’s fine.”
Thor shoved Steve back and his thick brows drew together. “Don’t listen to him,” he said. “I like a little extra.”
“Hey,” Bucky’s girl interrupted as she stood suddenly, “the table’s free. How about I get Wanda and we can play some doubles, just us girls.” She touched Bucky’s shoulders, “leave the men to their business.”
Thor’s shoulders fell and he shook his head. He grinned at you even as his disappointment shone through.
“Sure,” you answered as you stepped around him. “Sounds fun.”
You focused on the felt. It didn’t help block out the blazing heat of Thor’s leer. You refused to look over at him and instead pretended to be enthralled with the game of solids and stripes. 
When you were a kid, you went to the youth centre and played with the rest of the kids desperate for a distraction. In uni, you enjoyed your plastic cups of cheap sambuca and coke at the campus bar and chalked up the cues. You were no expert but you could hit a good shot now and again. Your mother used to recount tales of her hustler father. Maybe it was his blood that kept your hand steady.
The other girls played as a pair as you handed off to Wanda. She wore the cut of the Birch’s club and her dark lipstick was the same shade as the leather. You saw her now and again with the men. She smoked her cigarettes out front and watched the town with indifference.
Wanda took her shot and clicked her tongue as she scratched. You shook your head as Steve’s girl scrunched her nose at the table. You were even; three stripes and three solids. She went around the far corner and awkwardly positioned herself over the side. She reached back to tug down her short skirt, she was clearly uncomfortable in the revealing outfit.
She sunk her mark but her next stopped short of the pocket. She shook her head and apologized to Steve’s girl who assured her with a pat on the shoulder. You took the cue from Wanda and walked around the table. You walked back and wondered if you could sink two in one. It was a possible angle but could you hit it?
You tilted your head and sighed. You bent and brought your foot back as you squinted and carefully positioned the cue. You couldn’t decide whether you should try to spin it to the right or hit it straight on. You knew the power you needed but you couldn’t afford to hit a stripe.
You almost tapped the cue ball as you felt a warmth over you and suddenly a hard torso was against your back. You went rigid as Thor bent over you and put his hands over your as he adjusted your aim. His hot breath wrapped around your neck.
“Almost, kitten,” he pushed his crotch against your ass.
You pulled the cue back so that it hit his ribs and he grunted as his hands fell to the edge of the table. You took the shot and pushed out of his grasp. His hand dragged over your ass as he stood straight and touched his side with a wince. 
“I got it.” You said as both balls rolled and dropped into opposite pockets.
He chuckled and bit his lip. It was almost a snarl as he watched you across the table and you sensed the bated breaths of the other women.
“I like a woman with a firm grip,” he winked, “And confidence.”
You looked back to the table as he loomed on the other side. You sunk the last solid and lined up for the eight ball. A straight, easy shot that even the most amateur could get. You ended the game and Wanda clapped as the other girls grumbled their congratulations.
“Best out of three?” Steve’s girl asked.
“I’m sorry to disappoint but I have to work early.” You leaned the cue on the table. “I showed up and now I’m done. It was fun, girls, but I’m gonna turn in.”
You smiled at each of them and your face fell as you passed them and went to grab your coat from the chair where it still hung. Thor was less than subtle as he followed you to the table and watched you zip up your coat over your chest. You slung your purse over your arm and pulled your hat on as you braced for the chill that awaited you.
“You shouldn’t walk alone.” Thor intoned.
“It’s a small town. I’m fine.” You spun away and again, he followed.
At the door, you turned back and crossed your arms. “Look, I can handle myself, buddy. Now leave me alone.”
“I’m just being nice.”
“You’re being a pest.”
“You love it.”
You huffed and closed your eyes to keep them from rolling back into your skull. You looked at him again and bit down on your words. “Do you ever give up?”
“On you, never.” He grinned.
“Well, be a good dog and stay.” You jabbed your finger in the air. “Stay!” You repeated as if he was a hyper dog. “Good.”
You quickly slipped through the door and booked it across the street. The door didn’t hit the frame but was instead caught as his boots scuffed out behind you. You peered back as you reached the other side and kept up your steady jog. He watched you but did not give chase.
“I’ll sniff you out one day, kitten,” he called out. “Pussy, pussy, pussy.”
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sortofanobsession · 2 years
I’m Begging you to be my Escape - Ch. 8
Summary: Eddie gets some unexpected news and gets the okay to see Buck.
Author's Note: Here! [Throws all the fluffy adorable abo Buddie cuteness] Enjoy! I know I keep adding another chapter and saying the next will be the last one...but I mean it this time. The last chapter will hopefully be out today or tomorrow. So stay tuned!
Content warning: Hospitals, Mentions of abuse, Mentions of violence.
Tag list: diazbuckleysworld, chitownwolf
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 9, Chapter 10
Chapter 8: And I'm begging you
Eddie Diaz felt like he might genuinely pass out. He had thanked the doctor before it even really hit him. Buck was alive, but it was more than that. The pup they didn’t even know existed was fine as well. The alpha felt like he had forgotten how to breathe. His lungs were tight as reality sank in. His omega was pregnant. They weren’t out of the woods, but they were okay for now. He was going to be a dad again. And this time with his bonded mate. Bonded. He focused on his bond and let it calm him. He could feel that Buck was alive. He could feel it in his very soul. It was like a balm for his frayed nerves. The tension finally eased inside him. He could relax some, but it was short-lived as Maddie sank down beside him and began sobbing. The alpha squashed down his feelings and turned his focus to his mate’s sister. 
“This is all my fault,” she cried. “He...you, both of you, almost lost your pup because of me.”
“That is not true,” Eddie hugged her. 
Maddie shook her head. “But it never would have happened if I hadn’t come here.”
“The second your number was in Buck’s hand, the decision was made,” Eddie stated as he pulled back to look at her. “He was always going to try and find you. He was always going to want to save you. He was never going to leave you to suffer, not if he could do anything about it. He’d have walked through hell if it had given him the chance to have his sister back in his life. And no one in this pack would have stopped him. I sure as hell wouldn’t. And at least half the pack would have been right there with him.” Eddie told her. “I’d have been right there with him, ready to kick that psycho’s ass.”
“He was trying to protect me.”
“And he’d do it again. I’d do it again. You are family. Our family. None of us hold any of this against you. No one. This is Doug’s fault and your parents'. Your parents helped him find you. And Doug wasn’t just going to let it go. No fancy alarm system or legal system was going to keep him from you. That knothead took everything from you once. He came back to do it again. If he couldn’t have you, then no one could. If he couldn’t be happy, then no one should be. He wanted to hurt you in every way possible. He knew the only thing you cared about was your brother. Your parents were just a means to an end. Your parents wanted control. They wanted you both to owe them. Their reputations meant more than their kids. And that’s unbelievably messed up. I’d die for my son, my…my kids. I’ve only known we’re having another one for a few minutes, and I’d already do anything to make sure they make it into this world safe. I thought Shannon leaving Christopher was the worst thing a parent could do. What parent abandons their own flesh and blood, right? Bond or no bond. Turns out, I was wrong. Staying and putting the kids through hell because the parents chose to stay, chose to keep the kid, and it didn’t end up the way they wanted it to. Now that’s the worst thing a parent can do. I never thought I would think of Shannon leaving as a thing of mercy. Granted, I would have torn her to pieces if she did what your parents did. That’s assuming my mom and my sisters didn’t beat me to it. I may have a different pack now, but they still care. They knew I needed a change and that I needed to do what was best for Christopher. The best thing for me. That what Shannon did tore at every part of what kept us in Texas. But I still love my family. My dad can be an asshole, but I would relive every lecture, every disappointment if it meant getting me back here. I’d do it all a thousand times just to have this chance. It was a twisted act of fate that got me to LA. Got me to this pack. That brought your brother into my life. And I thank God every day that he decided to stay. I don’t deserve it, but I don’t think I could live without him. Without them. And he wasn’t going to live any longer without you. So now,” Eddie said as he took her hand and squeezed it. “Now we are going spend every damn day being grateful that he’s still here. We’re going to take care of him and get him back on his feet, even if he insists he can do it on his own. We will, as a family, as a pack. No more looking over your shoulder, waiting for the other shoe to drop. No more hiding. You can stay with us. We can find you your own place. We’ll figure it out. But you’re stuck with us.” His last statement earned a laugh from the beta. 
“You keep wondering why Evan chose to stay, why he would want to be part of your pack, your family,” Maddie started. She felt the alpha tense up and squeezed his hand back. “But honestly, I don’t think you give yourself enough credit, Eddie. You look at my brother like he hung the moon. You get this smile when you talk about him. Hell, most of us can tell when you’re just thinking about him.” Eddie’s cheeks tinted red at that. He hadn’t realized how obvious he was. Most of the other laughed but as embarrassing as it was, he didn’t really care. “He’s your mate,” Maddie continued. “That’s how it’s supposed to be. It’s supposed to be like you can’t breathe without them. It just took me too long to realize there is a difference between not being able to breathe because you love someone with every part of you and a panic attack because you don’t know when they get home if they’ll be angry and take it out on you. Or that if you drop a plate, you’ll be-”
“Never again, you don’t have to go through that ever again. You heard Athena.” Eddie nods over at said alpha. “Things are better already. Doug can’t hurt you or Buck. Your parents can’t either.”
“Not on my watch,” Athena added. “Or any of my patrol officers either.” 
“If someone comes after one of us, they face all of us,” Bobby stated. 
“And we’ll gladly help pick up the pieces,” Hen agreed.
“Yeah, what they said,” Chimney stated, earning a laugh from Maddie and an eye roll from Eddie. “What? Everyone else already covered it all. That’s what packs do. The good ones, at least.”
“And this is a good one,” Maddie admitted with a smile. “You guys have made Buck happier than I’ve ever seen him. Not even as a kid did he ever feel so at home. So loved.”
“And you?” Bobby asked. 
“Me too. Him being happy makes me happy, but I almost don’t know what to do now. Doug is gone. Buck doesn’t need me.” She stopped them before they could protest that he did still need her. “Let me rephrase.” She chuckled and wiped at her tear-stained cheeks. She smiled at Chimney when he offered her one of the boxes of tissues that were scattered around the waiting room. “Thanks. What I mean is he doesn’t need me to hold his hand anymore. He’s got you for that.” She nudged Eddie’s knee. “Every skinned knee, every bump, and bruise, he’s got a support net that isn’t just me. And I know that he knows if I need something I can actually call now that I’m not isolated and alone anymore. Neither of us are. It’s a freedom I honestly didn’t think I’d ever get.”
“But you have it now,” Eddie nudged her back. “Today, tomorrow, forever.”
“See, that’s why Evan stays. You may not see it, but you saved him. You gave him a home where he can laugh and be himself. He doesn’t have to pretend to be something he’s not. He can say what he wants, eat what he wants, and be what he wants. He just wanted somewhere that feels like home, and you gave him so much more than that. All the things he ever wanted, you offered to him, he could have said no, he could have run, and you would have helped him. You told him yourself. You all would have fought the world for him, even if he had said no at the ceremony, even if he said no to a bond. You’d have fought our parents. You’d have helped him get out. If he had told you the minute, he met you or Bobby that he was hurt and scared. You’d both have put yourselves between him and our parents, even before he was pack. Because protecting an omega from their abusers is the right thing to do. Because you care about the well-being of strangers enough to risk your lives daily in your jobs. Part of me wishes you could see it from our point of view. Buck and I spent years not being able to trust anyone. We’d run away, we’d fight, and the authorities just brought us back. Alphas insisted to the other alphas that we’d be disciplined because we tried to defy the alphas in our lives. My dad, Doug, they’d always figure a way out of it. We couldn’t even trust the doctors to help us, and they wanted to. They kept us isolated, hidden. Until now.” 
Eddie had to wipe at his own eyes now. He didn’t trust his own voice enough to reply, but he did offer his mate’s sister a teary-eyed smile. He looked over at where his abuela and tía were keeping Christopher busy. He hadn’t seen them much since the ceremony. Athena and Bobby had called them and explained it all to them. His heart felt like it might burst. He really did get lucky. It felt weird to be thinking that when his mate and pup weren’t out of the woods yet, but he had so many people he could rely on. He knew that if he called his mom, she would stay on the phone with him as long as he wanted. He knew she’d find a way to fly up here if he asked. His family loved him, his pack too. He smiled when they nudged Christopher his way. He hugged his son tight when he got to him. 
“It’s going to be okay,” Christopher said. Eddie chuckled at how his son used the words he so often heard from Eddie, and Buck, back at him. He let his inner alpha take comfort in scenting his pup. Eddie carefully picked up Christopher. 
“Come on, I got something Abuela and Tía Pepa are going to be excited to hear,” Eddie told him.
“Yeah? Do I get to hear?”
“Do you think I’d bring you over there and not let you?” Eddie asked, a grin tugging at the corner of his lips. 
“I guess that’s true,” Christopher admitted. “Is it about our Buck?” 
“It is, but not just our Buck,” Eddie said as he took the seat between the two women. 
“So many smiles,” Isabel Diaz grinned. “Must be good news.”
Eddie nodded. “Buck’s stable. He’s not out of the woods, but he’s okay. They’re okay.”
“They?” Tía Pepa asked. “You mean-Buck is-”
“Yeah,” Eddie smiled. “Surprise.”
“Oh Edmundo,” his abuela smiled. “I’m so happy for you.” Christopher looked at them confused, earning a laugh from the older members of the Diaz family. 
“You’re going to be a big brother, bud,” Eddie told him.
“Really?” Christopher asked. The look of pure joy on his face made Eddie feel like his heart was too big for his chest. God, he couldn’t wait to see Buck. 
“Yeah, buddy,” Eddie said. 
“Wow,” Christopher said. 
Before Eddie could reply, a nurse came over. Tía Pepa was quick to take Christopher from him so he could talk to the nurse. Christopher was content to share his excitement about being a big brother with his family. Eddie was unbelievably grateful they were there. 
“You’re Eddie, right? Evan Diaz’s mate, correct?” the nurse asked.
“Yes, I am,” Eddie answered. “Is he awake? Can I see him?”
“He has not woken up yet, but since he has remained stable, you can see him now,” She informed him, and glanced at the group. “We just ask you to keep it to two or three people at a time.”
“We can do that, of course,” He nodded, and the nurse told him the room number and left.
“Is Evan okay?” She asked as he neared them. 
“She says we can go see him now, but only a couple at a time,” Eddie told them.
“You two go. We’ll let them know what’s going on,” Bobby said as he gestured to Christopher, Isabel, and Pepa. 
“Thanks,” Eddie said.
Walking into Buck’s room nearly broke Eddie. The mix of relief at being near his mate mixed with the phantom itch of an injury that wasn’t his but of his bonded and sorrow at how pale and still Buck was. Maddie squeezed his shoulder before sitting beside her brother, taking his hand in hers like she had done so many times when he was in and out of medical facilities after presenting. It never seemed to get easier. Eddie moved to stand on the opposite side of the bed and took Buck’s other hand. His eyes scanned, checking the IV line and machines out of habit. His inner alpha was practically clawing inside him to get closer to touch more. He forced it down like he usually did, caving only enough to run his fingers through his mate’s hair. The alpha relaxed slightly that even in his drugged sleep the omega still leaned into the touch. Eddie had to close his eyes to keep it together.
“Eddie,” Maddie called to him. “You can give in, Eddie. No one will think any less of either of you, especially not me, if you do. He’s your mate.”
Eddie glanced at the door but ultimately agreed that she was right. That’s why he’s there, isn’t he? He gave into his alpha side. He grimaced at the sterile chemical scent the surgery had left Buck with. So he did his best to replace the scent and put all he had into his bond to try and coax his mate back awake. To help ease his mate back into the conscious world. He buried his face into Buck’s neck, trying to find the scent that always drew him in. He nearly cried when he found it. Even with the lingering smell of the sterile environment, he let it soothe him. Buck was still very much there, alive and breathing. He stayed there until he felt a weak hand on his neck.
“Welcome back, little brother,” Maddie said. 
Eddie could feel the groggy hum of an answer from the omega, earning a breathless chuckle from the alpha. He carefully took the hand on the back of his neck and held it between his own, and pulled back to get a look at his mate. Maddie smiled at them as he did. 
“Gave us all a scare, Ev,” Maddie continued. “I was pretty sure you alpha here was going to pass out a time or two when the adrenaline wore off.” Buck’s look of confusion shifted to concern as he tried to sit up further from the raised bed. 
“Hey, easy,” Eddie said as he gently got in Buck’s space to stop him from struggling to move. “It’s okay. We’re okay, just relax. Everyone’s okay, right Maddie?” Eddie glanced at her.
“Yes, Evan, everyone’s okay. It was just a joke. Everyone that matters is fine. Eddie’s fine, Christopher is-”
Eddie didn’t miss the way the omega’s heart rate spiked, causing one of the machines to alert at the mention of their son. “Chris is okay. He’s good. He’s with Abuela and Tía Pepa, and they're out with the rest of the pack. They’re okay. He never even saw Doug, and…well, even your mom isn’t dumb enough to hurt him. It’s okay. The only thing wrong with him is that he’s worried about his Buck, okay?” The alpha ran his fingers through the omega’s hair again to try and calm him. “I promise.” That seemed to put the omega at ease. “You’re the one that needs to be worried about.”
“I’m fine,” Buck managed to finally say, his voice coming out like it was dragged across sandpaper, making him wince. His sister grabbed a styrofoam cup of water and offered it to him. He thanked her after he managed to drink. 
“Sure,” Maddie chuckled before looking at Eddie. 
Buck’s brows furrowed as he looked between his sister and his mate. It was like the two were having a silent debate. “What…what is it? What-” His heart rate spiking again.
“It’s okay, Ev,” Maddie said as she stood up. “It’s okay, really, everyone’s okay. You’re okay, right alpha?” She looked at Eddie again and nodded.
Eddie nodded and ignored the emotions that seemed to clash in his chest. He had to clear his throat when he finally spoke. “You’re fine. You’re both fine.” The confusion on Buck’s face was clear. The alpha moved his hand to his mate's still flat stomach and repeated. “Both of you are alright.” Emphasizing the word both.
“Eddie…” Buck’s voice was barely above a whisper. “You mean…” 
“You and the pup,” Eddie finally managed to say, his shaky voice nearly betraying him. Maddie watched as the heart monitor picked up again but didn’t spike dangerously high. “Congratulations, little brother,” Maddie said. She leaned in and kissed the omega’s forehead. “I’m going to let the others know you’re awake.” She smiled as she left. 
“You’re serious?” Buck looked up at Eddie. 
Eddie just stared a moment. He blinked and shook his head. “Do you really think this is the time or place for a joke, especially about this?” 
“No, I just…” Buck looked down at the hand not still in Eddie’s grasp and picked at the edge of the blanket. 
Eddie could feel the doubt, and so much more else seep into their bond.
“Buck,” Eddie said, one hand moving to the omega’s chin and tipping his gaze up ever so slightly. “Evan, I’m not joking, and I’m absolutely serious. I had no idea until the doctor told me that both of you were okay, fights not over, there are a lot of risks, and you have to let yourself heal, for both of you. And you’re going to have to,” Eddie said with a smirk. “Because Christopher is out there already making a million plans with Abuela about teaching his little brother or sister everything he knows. So you’re going to let me, and everyone else, take care of you, even if you hate it.”
A snort of laughter from the omega turned into a slight groan at the ache in his stitched side. The alpha moved to comfort and soothe him but was waved off, only easing off when Buck smiled. “Having my every need taken care of by my devoted alpha, oh whatever will I do, sounds like such a hardship.” 
The alpha couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m sure you’ll suffer through it,” Eddie grinned, running his fingers through his mate’s hair. The satisfied hum of approval as the omega leaned into it made Eddie’s inner alpha finally settle into place, confident that things were well on the way to being alright. 
“Only for you, Alpha,” Buck said, his voice sleepy as Eddie continued to gently run his fingers through the omega’s blonde locks. 
Eddie could tell Buck was tired and would probably fall back asleep soon but one question buzzed at the back of Eddie's mind. One he needed to hear the answer to our loud. One he couldn't just let himself assume he knew the answer to. "Buck," he started to ask.
"Hmm?" The omega slowly blinked up at him. It almost made Eddie not want to ask. Almost.
"You want this, right? A family with Christopher and me?"
Buck's brows furrowed. He thought he had made it clear from the start that he was all in with them. The fact they made a pup together should be obvious. "Eddie, why would you ask me that?"
"I know you're tired, and you just went through hell, but that's why I need to know. I need to know that I'm not being selfish for wanting this. That I should have waited and talked to you before I told Christopher. We didn't exactly plan this far ahead. I just don't want you to feel backed into a corner. I don't want you to feel like you have to do this because I do. You get a say in this too, in everything. I never want you to feel like you can't say no. Like what they-" Eddie was cut off by a hard tug to the front of his shirt as Buck pulled him down to crash their lips together. The alpha pretty much melted into it. He leaned his forehead against the omega's when they pulled apart for air. "I need to hear it, Buck, please."
"Of course, I want this. Us. A family. We are a family. Have been since day one. You're my mate by choice. A choice you gave me. You gave me an out that first night and so many more. But I don't want an out. I don't want to be anywhere but with you and Christopher. If my mother had…" Buck sniffled. The chaos of it all and his heightened emotions were starting to catch up to him.
"Don't think about that," the alpha was quick to comfort him. "The pack would have never let that happen. Maddie made sure of it. She didn't miss a beat. Bobby said she was in there to protect Chris without any hesitation. She'd have fought your mom. She'd probably have fought anyone, just like you didn't hesitate to take on Doug, even when it landed you here. And we both know you'd do it again. You'd walk through hell for Maddie. I would too because she is your sister and she loves you. And you love her. That is what a family is supposed to do. That is what a pack does."
"And that is all I want. A pack, a family, with you," Buck said, putting every ounce of want and love into their bond. Eddie nearly collapsed from the sheer weight of love and relief he felt. He hadn't realized the tears of relief and joy he felt had fallen until Buck carefully wiped them away. 
"It's okay. You said it yourself. We're okay. All of us are okay," the omega said, tugging at him again until he laid down next to him. The alpha didn't put up a fight. He just carefully tucked himself into his omega's less injured side. 
“Rest, Omega,” Eddie assured him. “We’re not going anywhere.”     
"Funny, I was just about to say the same to you, Alpha. I can feel you're almost as exhausted as I am."
"Well, I had to fight a psycho in my kitchen after trying to take my family from me. It was kind of an exhausting day." 
"And you saved us. You did good," Buck said.
"You know I would die for you, both of you," Eddie told him, his hand moving to rest on the omega's stomach. "Now that I have you both, nothing short of God himself can drag me away. And even then, I'd probably still put up one hell of a fight."
"That makes two of us, but maybe we should avoid trying to die for a little while. I think we both need some sleep, and Christopher-" It was Eddie's turn to close the distance and kiss his mate.
"You're right. You need to heal, and to do that, you need sleep. I'm sure someone will bring Chris in soon, and then you'll try to fit him in this already too tiny bed, even if it hurts you, and then you'll start asking when we can go home." The alpha could feel the chuckle throughout the omega's body, and it warmed the alpha to the core. "So let's get a little shut-eye before that happens, yeah?"
"Okay," the omega agreed but couldn't resist adding, "Love you, Eddie."
"Love you too, Buck," Eddie easily replied, placing a gentle kiss on the bite mark that signified their bond before burying his face in the omega's neck. The action earned another chuckle from the omega as he leaned into the action. His hand found his alpha's, his mate's, where it rested on his stomach above where their tiny pup was growing. The emotions of it all were overwhelming and wonderful. He had his mate, one who loved him, and he loved with every ounce of his heart and soul. He has a son and another on the way. He had his sister, and they were both safe and free. He let the feeling of love and safety that Eddie put out lull him to sleep. Resting easy, knowing everything would get better because they'd face it together.
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okay-klepto · 3 years
Mama & Papa
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Summary: You and August are parents-to-be, and that makes August soften up more than usual. He comes home a little early one night just to be able to have some extra snuggle time with his wife and soon-to-be-baby.
No Warnings, All Fluff
Read on AO3
I did not proofread this, so if you find an error, just ignore it.
The sound of the bedroom door opening took your attention away from the magazine you had been reading. August stepped through, tossed his jacket onto his chair, and gave you a smile as he unbuttoned his shirt.
“I didn’t expect you home until long after I had got to sleep,” you said giving August a kiss when he stepped over to the bed.
“I was able to sneak out early,” August replied with a smile. “Plus I wanted to spend some extra time with you.”
You had to laugh a little at August’s tenderness.
“I’m gonna take a quick shower,” he said.
You nodded and went back to your magazine as August went off to the bathroom. You scanned the pages, examining each of the items that were being reviewed, reading every word of the articles that caught your eye. Occasionally, you would mark of circle something you wanted to come back to before continuing on through the magazine.
It wasn’t long before August was out of the shower, clad in only old pajama pants. The man dressed so smartly wherever he went, yet he still wore the same thin and tattered fleece pants to bed as he did in college. And he still only donned a shirt on the coldest nights, and even then, you had to persuade him to do so.
He climbed into bed, damp curls sprinkling you with water as he curled up right next to you. His nose was immediately at your neck, giving you little kisses as his hand roamed over your big belly.
“How was your day, Mama?” August asked. He had taken up calling you that affectionate nickname after you had become more visibly pregnant, and you could only roll your eyes every time he used it. You would sometimes poke back by calling him “papa,” and that always made him smile.
“It was okay. I didn’t do much. I was feeling really worn out.”
“That’s just fine, babe,” he said into your ear as he gave you another kiss on the neck. “Mama needs her rest. How has our little girl been?”
“She’s been unusually calm today. I think she was tired right along with her mama.”
August moved down the bed so he was settled next to your belly. He pulled your shirt up so he could touch you right on your skin.
“Hello, sweetie. It’s your daddy,” he murmured, putting both of his hands on your belly. After a moment, he pressed his cheek to your belly as well. “You are so wonderful. I love you.”
When you ran a hand through August’s hair, giving him a little smile, he noticed the magazine you had in hand.
“Did you find anything you wanted?” he asked, continuing to rub your belly.
“There are some cribs that look nice, but we’ll need to figure out one will fit best in the nursery with everything else. I’m also still worried about the car situation. I’d don’t know if we should get another car seat so there’s one in each vehicle or ft we should just stick with one.”
“I mean having another wouldn’t hurt, especially if your mom takes care of her for the weekend or something like that.”
“Oh, I meant to call her!” You rubbed between your eyes. “She said something about my cousin have a breast pump I could have. She also wants me to keep her updated on everything me and the baby are doing.”
August smiled and looked at you with those soft and warm eyes he saved for moments like these. “Only 2 more months to go.”
“It feels like an eternity and a second at the same time. I’m worried we won’t have everything ready. We really need to get that crib. What if she comes early?”
“Everything will be just fine.” August moved so he could give you another proper kiss while keeping a hand on your belly. “We don’t need Mama getting stressed out.”
“I’m trying to stay calm; I really am.”
“How about we call it a night? Tomorrow, we can look at cribs, and I’ll be sure we make a final decision.”
“If you say so, Papa.”
August leaned over and turned your lamp out, and you spent a few minutes getting comfy in bed with all of your special pillows. August hated those things because they took up his cuddle spot, but he always managed to have a hand on your belly all night.
@madbaddic7ed idk if you like to read this kind of stuff but I thought that I would tag you anyway 👉👈
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yutahoes · 3 years
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pairing : bodyguard! Yuta Nakamoto x rich girl! Y/N
genre: angst, fluff, childhood friends au
word count: 2.7k words
summary : Yuta has his eyes on one girl. A person he cannot have. 
a/n: based on this ask. you’ll probably guess that I intended this to be an angst fic so the ending is kinda off but I still hope you’ll like it anon.  
“Can you please act like a proper lady?” the mother of the house scolded which only made Y/N sip her soup loudly. “Y/N!” she shouted, which made the younger girl flinch. 
The oldest sighed loudly, closing his eyes. “Can’t we just enjoy our meal without shouting?” The younger girl snickered. “And Y/N, please listen to your mom. Act like a proper lady.”
She rolled her eyes at that. It’s not like she’s not an obedient child, she listens to what they want. She just hated how they put all this pressure on her to be a proper woman when it’s not what she wants. The disadvantage of being born into a rich family. 
Her right wrapped fist hit the punching bag before her left fist hooked to hit its side. The door opened and she swings a punch, only to hit her childhood friend by the shoulder. “That is one weak punch.” Yuta teased, fixing the wrap of her right fist. “Why do you have to practice boxing when you have your bodyguard?” He whispered while fixing the other wrap. “I’d rather break all my bones than let someone lay a finger on you.”   
She laughed. “For someone so strong and muscly, you have such a soft spot for me.” She swing another punch and he quickly dodged it. Yuta held her wrist, gently pulling her to the side but Y/N kept on coming to him with punches. She hit his shoulder once but he didn’t flinch making her repeat the punching.  
Yuta stepped backward, laughing at her attempts. His foot reached the edge of the mat at the same time as Y/N landed a punch on his chest. He fell down on his back, dragging Y/N with him. The girl grinned, “I think I just knocked you down.” 
She sounded so proud of herself that it’s comical. Yuta held both her arms, pushing her down to the mat. Him, hovering above her. “The first rule is to never put your guard down.” He can feel her warm breath against his lips. Her fruity smell arousing his senses. A loud heartbeat, he wasn’t sure if it was hers or his, ringing on his ears. 
Yuta stood up as if he’s on fire. Y/N chuckling while lying down on the mat. He reached a hand to help her stand, letting go when she stood up. “Luckily, you will always be here for me.” The side of his lips curled up. 
He didn’t know when it started. Maybe it started even before he realized it. Since his parents work with her family, he became her first friend. When she went to high school, she refused to have bodyguards following her every move so Yuta, being her classmate, became her personal bodyguard. The main reason why he bulked up. 
But it should end now. He can’t be her personal bodyguard forever. Because from the little girl he first met when they were six years old, Y/N had grown to be a pretty woman. And he’s just a guy. A guy who is attracted to the person he needed to guard. 
“I’m sorry,” Y/N said, holding her shoes while running outside their mansion and into the car. Yuta laughed, closing the door behind him then entering the driver’s seat. “Is mom mad?” 
He shook his head, adjusting the rearview mirror to watch if she’s comfortable in her seat. She was putting on her sandals, the skirt of her dress hiking up her thigh that made him cough. “If she asks, just tell her your piano class ended late.” 
“But I don’t have piano classes.” 
The girl smiled. This was one of the things she liked about hanging out with Yuta. Her parents believe him more than her and he’s good at making up excuses. 
It’s not her fault that she enjoyed watching the boxing match on TV and she forgot about the party that her mom kept on reminding her. Honestly, she would rather just stay at home and practice her boxing skills rather than stand in that posh party and act like her mom’s Barbie doll. Why is this the fate of a chaebol’s daughter? 
The car stopped at the entrance of a posh hotel, the valet already opening the door for her. “Are you coming up after parking the car?” she asked but Yuta just shook his head while reminding her to keep her slippers on the side so he can hide them in the trunk. “What if I get bored?” 
Yuta chuckled. “I’ll be drinking coffee in the lobby.” She grinned before getting out of the car and closing the door behind her. 
The elevator ride is boring already but when she came inside the venue, the party made her yawn. Her mom scolded her for arriving late then smiling at her friends which she greeted with a fake smile on her face. She introduced her to one bachelor after another, obnoxious jerks that she knew since she’s a kid. “Didn’t I told you to wear makeup?” Her mom scolded and she hissed, closing her eyes. She’s pissed off that she’s hungry and her feet are aching real bad. She just wanted to go home. 
Maybe she can make a run for it and go to Yuta in the lobby. 
But her mom held her arm, whispering that she should stop being a brat. It wasn’t until her dad said that they should go home since he’s almost drunk that a smile crept on her lips. She almost hurried outside the hotel, grinning when Yuta opened the door for her. “You look like you had fun.” 
She rolled her eyes at that, “I almost died of boredom.” He chuckled before she got inside the car, Yuta opening the front door for Y/N’s dad. 
The car was quiet that surprised him. Normally, her mom will keep on scolding her for her behavior at the party. Maybe she was being obedient today. “Yuta, your dad told me about your family leaving.” He saw movement from the rearview mirror and shrugged it. “Let me know if you need anything.” Yuta nodded, thanking the older man. 
“We know some doctors in Japan. Maybe we can help.” The older woman from the backseat claimed but Yuta just shook his head. He already feels bad about his family moving so suddenly, he’ll feel worse if he let them help his ailing grandmother. This was a decision that his parents had been pondering for a while and when their employer agreed to let them go back to Japan, he can’t say no. 
The car stopped in front of their mansion, the couple getting out of the car but the girl refused to move and even closed the door of the car. She was glaring at Yuta, arms crossed in front of her chest. “Why didn’t you tell me that you’re leaving?” 
Yuta sighed. “I can’t find the right timing to tell you.” She rolled her eyes once again. “I’m sorry but grandma is already old and she wants us to go back to Japan.” 
“Can’t you stay?” 
“I can’t, Y/N.” He hissed. “My parents are already old. They need me more.” 
The girl pursed her lips and he cautiously met her eyes from the rearview mirror. “When are you leaving?” 
“Already?” Yuta nodded. The sooner, the better. “Morning?” Again, he nodded. Y/N pouted, squinting her eyes at him. “Can you wake me up before you leave?” 
He smiled, laughing while he turned to her. “You can wake up by yourself.” But she shook her head. “I’ll wake you up tomorrow. Promise.” She grinned, even repeating that he needed to wake her up before leaving the car. 
Yuta sighed, leaning in his seat while taking a silver chain from inside his pocket. His thumb tracing the heart pendant. This was supposed to be his gift for her but seeing as how the other guys from wealthy families gave her diamonds and expensive things, he hid it for months. A knock on the window startled him, hastily putting the necklace in his pocket. He rolled down the window to reveal his dad, smiling at him. “I’ll just park the car.” 
He waited for him outside the mansion as he returned the keys, closing their door in the process. “You know you can stay if you want.” His dad started that made Yuta shake his head. It was his decision to come with them. He can’t stay here and be away from them. They needed him. “I’m sorry, Yuta.” 
“What for, dad?” 
“I should have worked harder and maybe our family is wealthier.” He claimed that surprised the younger guy. His dad is thinking about these things? “You wouldn’t have a problem loving her.” 
A smile crept on Yuta’s face. Of course, they know about it. Everyone does. Except her. 
“It was your mom who found out. You even worked part-time jobs just to get her a present and I felt bad.” Yuta shook his head. They’re the parents he wished for. He doesn’t want anything to change. “Did you at least tell her your feelings?” 
Once again, he shook his head. “It’s just a one-sided crush, dad.” The older tapped his shoulder. “This will pass.” But even he had a hard time believing the words coming out of his own mouth. 
He promised to wake her up and although he’s in front of her room, he can’t have the courage to knock on the door and tell her that they’re leaving. It’s just a crush. He kept on telling himself. This will pass. With a heavy sigh, he put down the necklace on the floor and went downstairs. 
“Did you wake her up?” Yuta smiled, shaking his head. "That girl, really." The older woman was about to leave when the younger stopped her, saying that it's fine. His mom stared at him in worry.
Yuta went inside the cab while her parents thanked the other couple. This is it, he thought. His goodbye to her. His thumb grazed against her smiling photo as his phone wallpaper. His parents both looked at him when they went inside the car, asking if he's alright and he nodded then closed his phone. 
As the car started moving away from the mansion, his phone lit up with her name. He's a coward. He shouldn't be her bodyguard. He closed the phone, removing his sim card and breaking it in half. 
Yuta's goodbye to her. The love of his life. 
The last few years were so good to Yuta. His uncle sent him to a university in Tokyo where he took a course in business administration and start a small business of his own. He met a lot of good people, nice girls from his line of work but sometimes he would trail to thoughts of her. Her smile, her eyes. 
Whenever winter comes, he would think of her grinning excitedly at the thought of snow. When spring comes, he finds himself smiling at the cherry blossoms. Wanting her to see them with her own two eyes. Whenever summer comes, he wished she’s here with him and eating delicious foods at festivals. When it’s autumn, he would dream of them walking under the shedding trees and holding each other’s hands. Then the cycle repeats itself. 
He missed her more as time pass. 
Can he even see her again? Why can’t he fully say goodbye to his feelings for her? 
“I heard there are pretty girls at the party. We should definitely check it out.” One of his business partners claimed, referring to a party happening to a famous hotel in Tokyo. “Maybe this is your chance to forget about that girl.” 
Maybe it is. He should focus on forgetting about her. Maybe this time, he can finally say goodbye to the thoughts of her. 
Surprisingly the more he stayed at the party, the more he was reminded of her. Is this how it feels like being the ‘Barbie doll’? Just standing, smiling, and greeting people when you want to go home and just rest. Seeing how some creepy rich old men were walking to where younger girls are, he thought that these chaebol’s daughters should really have a bodyguard of their own. How is she? Did she find another bodyguard?   
Yuta excused himself outside to get some breath of fresh air. This is dangerous, he kept on thinking about her. He’s failing his mission. “Y/N!” someone called that made him turn to the owner of the voice. A guy in simple shirt and jeans, very different from the semi-formal attire in the party, was looking around the garden. “Y/N, your mom is going to kill me.” 
He really said her name, didn’t he? Before he can walk to where he is, he heard a small sound behind the bushes then some movement. Curious, he peeked behind only to get punched in the face. Hard. “Oh shit, I’m sorry.” Is he hurt that much? Why is he seeing her? “Yuta?” 
“Y/N!” the sound got closer that made her pull him to hide behind the bushes. 
“What are you…?” She put a hand over her mouth to cover his voice. Their distance so close that he can feel her warmth and the fruity smell that he always associated with her. A loud heartbeat ringing in his ears but now, he’s sure that it was his. 
When the guy went inside the party, Y/N breathed hard in relief. Her head lay on Yuta’s shoulder, catching her breath. “That was so close.” 
He lightly pushed her, moving to the side to create a distance from the two of them. “What were you doing?” 
“Hiding.” she said with a grin. “He’s going to return me to mom and introduce me to some Japanese hotshot." he rolled her eyes while fixing her skirt. "I don't even know how to speak Japanese, I just passed class because…" She lightly glanced at him, her eyes widening in surprise. "Your lip is bleeding." 
Yuta touched his bottom lip, a bright red tint appearing on his thumb. "Maybe because of your punch." She repeatedly apologized, handing him her handkerchief. "Have you been practicing your punches?" 
"I'm training to be a boxer to join the Olympics." 
The girl squinted her eyes at him. "I'm stuck with that lanky guy who can't even land a punch. How am I supposed to protect myself?" 
Yuta laughed then pulled her down in an attempt to hide her from the guy looking for her. "Why are you stuck with that guy anyways? Your dad knew better." 
"Well, my bodyguard left me without even saying goodbye when he promised me..." 
"I'm sorry." Yuta whispered. "Saying goodbye is harder than staying with you." He breathed heavily. "I'm falling deeper for the girl I'm supposed to protect. I'm scared I might hurt you." He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. 
She rolled her eyes at that. "Why didn't you tell me?" 
"Because I'm a nobody and you're way out of my league, Y/N." 
"You're stupid, Yuta. I didn't even sleep that night and waited for you to knock on the door that morning." She lightly punched his shoulder, earning a yelp from him. Tears were streaming from her eyes that startled him. "I even went to Osaka to look for you." 
He held her cheeks, wiping the tears away with his thumbs. “I’m sorry, Y/N.” He mumbled. “I can’t get you out of my mind as well.” He held her in his arms, her necklace hanging loosely from her neck. He traced the heart pendant, smiling at her. “It looks good on you.” 
She punched his shoulder another time, surprising Yuta. “Don’t hide from me again. I’ll kill you, Yuta.” 
The guy rubbed the spot she just punched, “I don’t think I can be your bodyguard anymore. Let me just guard your heart instead.” Another punch and he just chuckled, pulling her in his arms again.
Yuta smiled. Mission failed. 
He really can’t say goodbye to the love of his life. 
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authenticmiya · 4 years
Nobody’s Fault - Johnny Lawrence x Reader
Summary - Part three to Lose My Job. After a traumatising month of slow recovery, reader is finally discharged from the hospital. However, the drama doesn’t just stop not that’s she’s on the mend. (Part 1 here) (Part 2 here)
Words - 1.4k
Warnings - fluff/angst
A/N - Would you guys wanna see a part four to this? Don’t hesitate to request and message me! Thankyou for your support!
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"Good evening Miss Y/L/N, we're local police officers who are working together about the case at the school." One of them said to you. 
"We understand right now probably isn't the best of times to have this conversation with you, but in order for this whole investigation to move forward, we need to confirm something." The other one said. 
"And what exactly would that be?" You questioned. 
"Considering you were pushed off of the balcony-" They began and you were very quick to stop them from talking.
"I don't know what kind of police officers you are but if I was purposely pushed off of that damn balcony, don't you think you would've sent the kids to Juvie by now?" The officers looked at each-other with defeated faces. 
"That's what were here for Miss. It is your decision to send the two responsible for you injuries, to Juvie." You couldn't quite believe what you were hearing. 
"I'm not pressing charges and the kid's aren't going anywhere. I chose to get involved, I tried to handle it and it didn't work, that's nobody's fault." You told them.
"Thank-you for your time, it looks like you two are off the hook for now. I can't say the same about those Karate Dojo's that are in competition with each-other." They told Miguel and Robby before they left. 
"Now let me see my students, well try and see." You joked. 
It had now been a total of a month in the hospital, and you'd now found yourself without a brace and able to sit up. 
"I'm sorry Y/N." Johnny apologized suddenly. You looked over at him confused. 
"What are you apologizing for?" 
"That argument we had before all of this happened. If I had just said things differently, maybe you wouldn't have ended up in this place." Johnny sighed and you reached over to grab his hand. 
"I pray you haven't been blaming that stupid bicker for everything that's happened. It's done with. I'm sorry to, I ruined the walls when I threw your beer." You chuckled.
"Don't worry, your handyman eventually got around to fixing it." He smirked and you rolled your eyes. 
"What's going on in that head of yours Johnny? What happened to every hour being spent in the Dojo?" Johnny let out a sigh, knowing he was probably going to get an earful. 
"I gave up Cobra Kai Y/N, Kreese took over." If it was possible for eyes to naturally fall out of your eyes, they would've been on the floor by now. 
"You did what?" You gasped. 
"You're getting discharged today, I will spare you the details until we are home." Johnny told you. 
"No we won't sweet-heart, what the hell has he done to you now?" You pushed the conversation. 
"If I told you he was the the main reason that the school fight happened, would that be enough questioning me until later?" He asked you. 
"That slimy asshole just couldn't leave you alone, could he? After everything he'd done to you back in high-school, I ought to smack the shit out of him." You snapped. Johnny couldn't hide the smile that came to his face. Nobody he'd ever been with, had cared about him as much as you did.
"We'll save that for another time." Johnny chuckled, even-though it hurt him to think of the bad memories he had with his old sensei. 
As the time went by, the doctors had finally given you the all clear to return home. That was of course before they had told you, you had to be in a wheel-chair, as well as have crutches to help with walking again. 
"I feel like I haven't been home in a lifetime." You admitted to Johnny as he wheeled you in the direction of your apartment. 
"Well I'm glad I can finally have you back." Johnny opened the front door and there was a huge Welcome Home sign in the living room.
"You are the best, didn't really think you were into doing cute things." You sassed and he bent down, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. 
"Don't go ruining my badass reputation babe. Welcome home." He kissed your cheek, making you smile. 
"I've got to say, it's not as messy as what I was expecting." You joked and he rolled his eyes playfully at you. 
"Only the best for you." He chuckled. 
"Welcome home Y/N." Robby suddenly appeared, exiting from the bathroom door. 
"How long was he in there?" You looked at Johnny with concerned eyes. 
"Probably the best part of half an hour." Johnny admitted, making you and Robby laugh. 
"It's good to see you here Robby." He reached down and hugged you, but that still didn't stop the look of confusion on your face. 
"Do you not want me here? Is it too much for someone who has just come out of the hospital?" Robby panicked. 
"Be quiet Rob, I'm just really happy that you're here. What exactly have you two been planning huh?" They both smiled at each-other, and your heart literally exploded. 
"When you were first in the hospital, I took everything out on him. You told Robby that you wanted us to get a long, so we tried. But, it took us some time to realise, that we shouldn't just be doing this because it would make you feel happy, but we should be doing this for our own good." Johnny told you, and you felt the urge to cry. 
"There's no way Johnny fucking Lawrence just openly said that to me." You couldn't even hide how stoked you were. 
"Why are you so shocked about me being the good guy in situations?" Johnny teased. 
"Maybe this is what we needed all a long. That doesn't mean you never have to speak to your mom again okay Robby? I get she made a load of mistakes however, she's still your mom, and I know her and I haven't had the best of relationships, but I guess I'm willing to work on that as well." This was for sure going to be a family moment you were never going to forget. 
The three of you eventually ordered take-out, spending a peaceful evening together for once. 
"So Robby, tell me, what teacher has replaced me for the time being?" You asked, sipping on an ice-cold Coors Banquet. Robby frowned and Johnny let out a sigh. 
"Y/N, they might have permanently given your job over." Johnny told you and you nearly choked on your drink. 
"Well they might also see me in the reception area tomorrow morning, demanding an explanation."  The annoyance in your voice was obvious. 
"They said something about you not being able to come in for a long time while you recover and that by the time you could've come back, we would have nearly finished school for the year." Robby told you, but he should've known all to well that you weren't giving up that easily. 
"I know it's been a month, but I'm not giving up on my kids that easily." You told him. 
"I think you should take it easy Y/N." Johnny put a reassuring hand on your shoulder. 
"I swore I'd never give up on them. I didn't train for all of these years, to be in the position that I am in now, to just lose it over one school fight. Not happening." Robby smiled at you. He was so appreciative and grateful that his dad had actually found someone who was determined. Someone who made the right life choices, but clarified when they had made a mistake. 
"It's Linda." Robby told you and your mouth fell agape as Johnny laughed. 
"She has no qualifications in teaching, she's the receptionist." You groaned, and both Robby and Johnny knew, there was no way you were giving up that easily. 
The night slowly drew to a close, and Robby was reassured that he could stay in the guest room.
"I have missed this bed so much." You grinned as Johnny gracefully lifted you onto it. 
"It's been awfully cold without you." Johnny got in beside you and draped an arm over your waist. Placing a long awaited kiss to your lips, you finally felt like you were home. 
"I'm going to do everything I can to get you walking again." He thought, looking at how you still stayed beautiful, even after all of the trauma. He promised he was going to help you, and that's exactly what he was going to do.
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