#and my logic would be well he has to be a rly good guy then cuz theres no way hes attracted to me
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ik this sounds weird because like my body is "attractive" but im not used to guys finding me attractive. religious upbringing combined with growing up in a place where all the boys were white and i experienced racism i just assumed i was very unattractive 😭 like i thought i looked deformed it was bad
and now i realise like im beautiful and i dont dress in hoodies to cover up my body anymore and like i wear makeup cus i believe that i have beauty in the first place to accentuate. and anyway, its like. i find it do surreal when a guy is genuinely attracted to me. like theyve seen my face, my figure, and they hit on me???? What. The hell. ITS SCARIER WHEN ITS WOMEN CUZ IM LIKE OH MY GOD UR MKRE BEAUTIFUL DONT TALK TO ME. yk?
so anyway yeah i just am struggling to process that people might find me cute? or pretty or anything???? like idk it's insane to me i didnt think it was really possible. but its started to become like "ok they only rly value me cus of how i look" and thats sad LMAO so like polar opposite to before😭😭
its crazy how whej my mindset changed.. i genuinely started to look better. my skin is better, i have better day to day interactions, im nicer to myself, I actually do grooming which makes me look better, i have the confidence to wear clothes that compliment my body etc. im rambling so much but idc 😭 i constantly am thinking about this
I ALSO realised that when ppl can tell im insecure, they jump at the opportunity to worsen it. when im confident, i genuinely attract nicer ,kinder, uplifting people. si yeah anyway im done
#i used to think i was so ugly that ehen a guy liked me i would think “ik he likes me 4 my brain cus everything about my appearance is ugly”#and my logic would be well he has to be a rly good guy then cuz theres no way hes attracted to me#LIKE WHAT#I SWEAR DOWN I GREW UP AROUND SO MANY HATERRSSSSS#its nice having a sliver of confidence 😭😭#im not being conceited btw but its just weird. i no longer an self deprecating.. i see value in myself? mind boggling#interesting thoughts
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Ok, so you said (maybe a couple weeks ago? I don't know how Time works) "nobody wants to talk about OCD Rory," but I want you to know that I have literally been thinking about that ever since you said it. So... PLEASE tell me about OCD Rory! I want to talk about it! Well, specifically I want YOU to talk about it, but I want to listen!
Okok.... me and @youhavethesun have been talking about ocd rory quite a bit and i've fleshed a lot of it out in my mind because of it. I think it can helpfully inform a lot of rory's worldview and the sense that she is pretty much holding a gun to her own head the entire show. from a meta standpoint the role of good girl is put upon rory only rly after the pilot episode. And to tie it to an in-universe explanation, i think viewing the show through an OCD rory lens makes it a lot more enjoyable to contend with the good girl archetype placed upon her bc it becomes a product of rory's beliefs and the undeniable fact (in her mind) that she was a "mistake" and that is this the reason that her entire family is basically broken. Even though emily tells her that it wasn't her fault in s1, I think that first conflict w/ christopher's parents rly cements this idea in her mind, when before she wasn't necessarily aware of this responsibility that she now has to fix her family, to keep them together, and to prove that her own existence outweighs (or at least balances out) all the negatives that resulted from it.
This framework allows for three main OCD struggles i think rory has. which is moral obsessiveness, self punishment, and a fixation on responsibility/guilt (there are other more official/psychiatric terms for these concepts but i'm treating this like a philosophy paper so i'm making my own terms. and also sometimes i despise psychiatry anyway). Her main rituals I'd say usually center around the idea of what she is "supposed" to do. and she has many habits to help her figure this nebulous idea out (pro/con lists, warping events to fit molds that are easier to understand, planned schedules of her day mainly wrt studying etc).
now, rory does some things that can be viewed as morally reprehensible (sleeping with a married man(even though he told her he broke up w lindsay but i digress), crashing the yacht, kissing jess), she only really does them if they make some kind of sense to her, or if she has just like given up on everything altogether as a way to punish herself for failure, or if it is a purely impulsive action driven solely by instinct and feeling (rare). She sleeps with dean because dean was supposed to be "hers" anyway, and it's her own fault that she let him down and fell in love with jess. she feels like she owes him a lot of things, because he was the perfect guy and she was just defective and couldn't make herself love him. which of course isn't even true, dean was pretty shitty and a source of a lot of her insecurities/irrational fears around relationships. The point is that rory believes dean was a great guy, partly because lorelai kept telling her that he was, but lorelai never saw the worst of their arguments anyway and also assumes dean is just a good guy. she never has any evidence to think otherwise (and she doesn't have a Failed Mirror Test Aggression reaction to him like she does with jess. and logan of course just comes across as an asshole at first glance anyway even to rory). and so this kinda warps a lot of rory's expectations around what a relationship is "supposed" to look like, and what you owe to the people that you're in a relationship with. I'd also like to note that dean makes fun of rory's pro/con lists when she doesn't say i love you back to him in s1. which is ofc unnecessarily cruel but it makes sense that he would take her hesitation as indecisiveness or something, and would link this to her lists that she uses specifically to help herself make the most logical decisions possible.
this extreme responsibility/irrational sense of guilt extends all the way to logan. she throws herself into taking care of him after his accident because he nearly got himself killed and she thinks it was her fault. if she didnt feel the way she did about him cheating on her (because rory did still fully think he cheated on her) and was more about to break up with him, then he wouldn't have gotten hurt. and if he had DIED, it would be even more her fault, and she would never forgive herself. Rory invalidates/tries to destroy her own genuine feelings of hurt, because she was in the wrong to feel that way at all. in her perception. again she warps her feelings/memories to fit this responsibility. so the moral obsessiveness ties directly into her responsibility for others. similarly when rory feels she's been wronged, or that other people have not done what they're supposed to, she feels free to be upset and angry about it. Like only after chris makes a promise to lorelai and rory that he fails to keep yet again, does rory decide he's pretty much a lost cause in her life. especially after luke and lorelai get together.
Of course the biggest and most comprehensible example of rory's self-punishment is after she misses her mom's graduation, and the panic rambling self loathing that results from it.
I don't think most people would respond with this feverish anxious neurotic amount of regret and self hatred and confusion and begging to be hurt to be punished and beaten and killed and blown up with a thousand grenades just to make it up to her mom. for doing the worst thing she could ever possibly do which is to let her down. She's not in love with jess because she can't be, she isn't supposed to be, she would never do something like that who is that girl. who is that FREAK. and she's only calmed down when lorelai turns it around on her and gets her to eat something with her by framing it as the best thing she could do for lorelai. for doing the worst thing in the world (skipping school to see the guy she's in love with and missing her mom's graduation), it has to be evened out. it has to be. everything will go back to the way it's supposed to be. We'll go anywhere you want, my treat, and I won't enjoy it.
#sorry if the pngs look horrible terrible unreadable i'll never know how make screenshots look good quality#rory gilmore#gilmore girls#gods favorite self torturing princess
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What do you think is your most controversial dsmp take?
I got this ask a while ago and I've been wracking my brains trying to come up with something, but honestly...I don't think I really have many hot takes? At least, not ones that I'd consider controversial. Most of my controversial takes are about fanon/how the fandom interacts with the source material, which I assume isn't what you're looking for (but BOY DO I HAVE A LOT OF THOSE.) I also have likes and dislikes when it comes to duos and shipping stuff, but that's subjective obviously and more opinion than lore interpretation.
I guess if you put a gun to my head, I might say these are my most controversial Actual Lore Takes, but they're not all that interesting imo:
The experiments in the revival lab happened AFTER c!Dream's incarceration, not before it. My understanding is that most people interpret that sequence as occurring prior to the incarceration because...why would c!Dream let himself be locked up, relying on his knowledge of the book to be his life insurance, if he hadn't tested the damn thing out yet?! This logic tracks, but I think you could also flip it to argue the opposite: that he also could have conceivably waited to fully test the book until after escaping. During the run-up to the Disc Finale, c!Dream was incredibly busy with the fallout from Dethronement + Exile + Manburg related stuff etc, as well as busy preparing for the confrontation with c!Clingys, plus arranging the staged finale with Punz. The guy was busy as hell and he was also like...still kinda in the midst of a manic episode. Also, keep in mind that while the book was his life insurance for the finale and its immediate aftermath, he had no idea that c!Sam was going to betray him. Considering all that, I don't think it's inconceivable that c!Dream may not have had time to thoroughly test the limits of the revive book beforehand, and he likely didn't realize quite how vital his knowledge of revival would become during his incarceration period. So yeah. I'm open to either interpretation, but I am partial to the possibility that the Vikk and Lazar necromancy montage happened after the prison era. And the exact date/location of the lab are never specified either, which makes me even more open to the post-prison necromancy option. Not a hill I'd be willing to die on, but a hill I like to sit on and admire the view from.
End of Las Nevadas is the weakest stream of the Las Nevadas series. I found it narratively unsatisfying, and not in a clever way. I don't hate that stream, I think it had some really interesting moments, but overall I'd say its messaging was convoluted and the tension was pretty poorly mismanaged. I'd be willing to go on about this if you want, but I think a lot of other folks have probably already articulated it better than I can. Oh, I'll add that I also have complicated thoughts about c!Slime as a character. Don't hate him, don't love him...but I am puzzled about the role he was presumably meant to play in the story vs. the role he actually ends up playing. I could go on about this in detail but it's late and I'm sleepy.
c!Quackity has very simple goals and motives, but his pursuit of those goals is oftentimes way more convoluted than necessary, which ends up making him read as a more complex and dynamic character than he really is (I like this btw!) Another way to put it would be that Q is not a terribly complex character in terms of motivations and ambitions (dr3 has rly good meta on this btw), but he does tend to needlessly complicate his own life and the lives of the people around him in pursuit of simple goals. I think one of his big failings is that he sees violence as an easy solution to his problems but in reality it just creates more problems for him. It's like he keeps failing some sort of foresight check, over and over again. Take the formation of Las Nevadas, for instance. Most of the country's members were intimidated/threatened into joining, not because they're people Q particularly wants to hang around with, but because they're people Q sees as either strong (i.e. they are capable of contributing to LN) or directionless (i.e. they're in need of an owner a leader.) Quackity doesn't really forge alliances, he just...buys people, basically? And then he's shocked when this backfires. His relationship with Purpled is the most obvious example of this, but also LN as a whole: in LN5 (?), Quackity's angry and offended and hurt that only a tiny handful of people show up to the opening ceremony, even though by all accounts the reason the turn-out isn't bigger is because the server has by this point become a chaotic and violent place where anything can happen to anyone for any reason and most inhabitants feel safer sticking to their own turf...and that atmosphere of chaos and violence is something Q has ostensibly contributed to, even before Pandora. c!Quackity creates a country that no one is truly loyal to, inhabited by people who are closer to employees than allies...and then his solution, when he realizes nobody really gives a shit, isn't to try recruiting people in a more equitable way, it's to bioengineer a slime army. That is insane. That is an insane way to solve your problems. In no way is bioengineering a slime army a normal or well-adjusted solution to any conceivable problem. This is what I mean when I say he's a relatively uncomplicated character who complicates everything - he's constantly jumping through hoops of fire to avoid changing his behavior and taking any kind of accountability whatsoever.
I have tons more takes but they're mostly about silly subjective stuff and/or fanon, so I'll leave that for another day if anyone's interested.
#now that I’m rereading these after posting…sorry I don’t think any of these are considered controversial#😭😭😭#ask me about my fanon opinions??#they’re definitely more wacky#anyway sorry to disappoint lmfao jgjdjcjv#asks#long post
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going off his post from when he announced his extension as ceo, most people who dislike him seem to claim it's either because he's american and shouldn't be involved in european motorsport (which is already wild considering f1 is an international competition and not a european one), like this is an exact word-for-word critism that i saw more than one person use. or they're australian and feel that zak/the team unfairly favor lando at the expense of aussie drivers. just look at any mclaren affiliated social media after the australian gp. i personally think both are pretty irrational excuses and like don't get me wrong, i am all for people hating for the purpose of being a hater but if you're going to try to justify your hatred with reasons at least find one based in some sort of logic. or even reality.
anon a person after my own heart i too love hating for the purpose of being a hater but this isnt that, its a more widespread and vitriolic fandom phenomenon that clearly different from, say, me hating on clement novalak bc his eyebrows freak me out, ykwim?
i do think his obnoxious americanism is kind of hard to swallow and thats fair if u find him annoying but it rly doesnt explain to me y ppl immediately label him a villain? maybe bc he has that rich man in a black and white hollywood movie vibe abt him or smth but like surely its smth more serious than that. idk i think its just the american salesman core of it all... he's slimy and slippery and persuasive and he does it VERY well
also like i do think the idea that he mistreats oscar is frankly silly - mostly bc oscar keeps yapping on and on abt how much he likes having a team where hes finally wanted and appreciated, but also bc its clear zak loves the guy. i think ur right in that i do think some ppl think that: i keep seeing ppl on twitter saying that the fact that lando has done a couple factory debriefs that oscar wasnt there for means they clearly favour lando. but like.... if i were renowned introvert oscar piastri i would WAY prefer not having to fly 12h to speak in front of a crowd and instead be allowed to spend another couple days w my family in melbourne. like bffr please
also also can i just say re: team orders bc i think thats the other reason ppl think oscar is mistreated - do ppl not realise that last week oscar literally got the priority strategy? they helped cover him against russell instead of helping lando cover against leclerc, which is how lando ended up losing second place - he wouldve kept it if he'd pit on lap 9 with charles or even maybe lap 10 just after him (if the oscar pitstop was unplanned). and also, in general, lando and oscar often end up on diff strategies where lando shows up behind oscar with fresher tyres (and hence has to b let by w team orders) because lando is better at managing tyre wear. thats y he often gets the stay long - overcut strat (germany situation beloved), whereas oscar is often on the undercut - defend strat, and they'll often meet in the middle. the fact that we get these kinds of strategy team orders is GOOD. it means the team has enough faith in both drivers' skills to give them diff strategies and trust them both to execute them well. it also means the drivers r next to each other on track - id take lando team-order-passing oscar any day over lando blue-flag-passing daniel.... oof.
sorry a defense of zak brown turned into a defense of randy singh but like im just saying that the idea that the entirety of mclaren hates and mistreats oscar is rly quite laughable if ur actually engaged in the strategy game or like if u have eyes idk. im very very glad that oscar has become kind of a people's princess character and ppl rly do seem to universally love him but i find it so infuriating that they have to do so at the expense of mclaren. if u wanna find an enemy to hate on behalf of oscar carlos sainz is literally right there
#thats a joke btw i love carlos but oscar fans are 100% entitled to hate#the way lando fans r entitled to hate lance or alex fans entitled to hate lewis (altho they never do)#anyways. yeah#zak#oscar#meta#anon#ask
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Top 5 games, that's a good question 🤔ᴴᴹ.. Lemme list some games first so ik what to choose from
Dandelion, Nameless, Mystic Messenger, Ssum, Doki Doki Literature Club, Five Nights at Freddy's, Danganronpa, Undertale and Deltarune, Stanley Parable, Beginner's Guide, Presentable Liberty, Zelda, Minecraft, The Walking Dead Game, Life is Strange, Until Dawn, Fran Bow, Cinderella Phenomenon, ummmmm, Detroit Become Human, Beyond Two Souls, Little Misfortune, Papa's Pizzeria, Sonic Heroes, My Sims, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Mario Kart
Ok I can't rly think of any more games so I'll just rank these..
1. Nameless. Duh. ʕ͡°ʖ̯͡°ʔ
Is anyone surprised? (◉0◉)ᵎᵎᵎ It's my favourite game of all time, I identify w the whole game so much, such an emotional and gripping story, I love theorising, I love the art, I love the voice acting. I love the pure amount of passion you can tell was put into the game
It's been my favourite game for the past 7 years - it was actually my 7 year anniversary of first buying the game yesterday!! I so wish I could have official merch.. Gotta go to Korea myself one day 😊😊😊
2. Zelda
I'm being purposely vague since I kinda don't have a favourite specific Legend of Zelda game? All the Zelda games I've played before include (in order): Breath of the Wild, Link's Awakening, Age of Calamity, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Skyward Sword and now finally Tears of the Kingdom. The only games of the mentioned that I've actually completed tho are just BotW, AoC and TotK so I can't rly have too much of an opinion on the other games..
Zelda games are kinda known for their puzzles but my favourite parts about games (or really...anything) would be the story/lore and the vibe/atmosphere. I love the whole setting of the Zelda games, such a gorgeous and beautiful art style as well w the newer games, n fun adventure too!! Hell, maybe I'll even get Zelda tattoos too? Idk. I just fuckin love it tho
3. Danganronpa
I'm sorry, I like it!! I think it kinda has a bad reputation cuz of the fandom but imo the games themselves are fine (could be much worse..) and I rly love solving the mysteries!!! They are actually difficult puzzles!!! I love it!!
And the characters are so good too :) Especially w the 2nd game - the 2nd game is very good at creating characters who you can really root for or really hate and I think that's so cool. I wonder if I can be able to do that too with my own writing
4. Undertale
Bruh it's the nostalgia 😫 also it's a rly good game. I almost prefer Deltarune idk but good puzzles good characters good story and theorising material and good difficulty and-
Undertale good. I can't wait to see where Toby Fox takes his games in the future!!
5. Wii Plaza
I joke!! Haha!!
5. Ummmm idk, Five Nights at Freddy's??
It's not even rly about the game itself tho is it. It's what you associate w it. Ppl who went to see FNaF at the cinema didn't go to see a good movie, they went to see a love letter to their childhood
I remember being 11 yrs old and first finding out about FNaF by hearing my sister screaming from downstairs. I remember talking about it to my friends at school, doing impressions of the animatronics. I remember ppl talking about Markiplier and feeling guilty for watching his videos because at that age my parents weren't yet comfortable with me hearing swearing, but I still watched him anyway and I'm actually rewatching his Five Nights at Freddy's play through right now. Isn't that so cool?
I loved seeing the film at the cinema and holding my sister's hand everytime a jump scare startled her
The games are very good themselves too, even tho the guy who made them supported Trump and he also probably should've finished the series at Ultimate Custom Night and now the games are steadily losing quality and also logic but who actually cares about that in the end? Does it matter? Does it matter if the games themselves are actually good or not? I love them not just despite that but almost because of that
My hands are dry
I also rly highly recommend the other games I listed at the start too!! All of them are good, a majority from my childhood/early teens, all w fond memories attached. I find that my favourite types of games are choice based games/games w more than 1 ending (like Undertale, Walking Dead Game, Until Dawn) or visual novels (like Doki Doki, Nameless, Danganronpa). Adventure kinda games tho I think are super cool too :) 😊😊😊
(*ˊᗜˋ*)ᵗᑋᵃᐢᵏ ᵞᵒᵘ so much for asking!!!!! 😁😁😁 I hope you enjoy my long responses 😊 when I think about it, I guess ppl don't usually have long responses to these kinda asks, they usually have short ones. I do love a good ramble ٩(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑)۶ᴳᴳ (๑`✪̤◡✪̤)◞ღԵհɑղƘՏღ
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Hi, hi~! If I may go back to my previous question about jealousy between Mallesil, does Malleus feels jealous of any studant in particular? Is Malleus afraid of another guy taking Silver away of him?
this is such a good question… since everybody is very much charmed by silver, i think its logical that some boys would want him hehe. so before i answer i just want to name the few boys who i think would have their eyes on silver
- leona
- idia
- sebek
malleus would be jealous of them on varying degrees and for different reasons so let me just
leona: wouldn’t leona just be charmed by silver lol? after the initial “ugh this draconia fanboy is so annoying” impression, he’d probably… let that slide, and text him… steal glances… volunteer to tutor silver… malleus is well aware of leo’s one-sided beef with him, so when he learns that he’s interested in his little silver, he thinks it’s out of spite. mal never really took leo seriously but this is the line not to cross. he tries to threaten leona with like, the scowl. it doesn’t work obviously, and it only serves to make leona flirt with silver more, now obviously to provoke mal. silver doesn’t even realize he’s being flirted with until like. malleus kisses him in the courtyard in front of literally the entire school, effectively making their relationship public when it is not supposed to beeeeeejdjsjdjdjfjsjdjssjcjsjdjdj. dumbass. (the other option would be electrocuting leona)
idia: you know you’re a freak when malleus himself deems you strange… honestly he’s not that much of a threat he can’t even look silver in the eyes. BUT malleus will let idia know he is taken with, again, the scowl(tm). he passes out and spends a week straight in his room. when silver says hi to idia he runs away
sebek: oooohhhhh now this one is tricky. they grew up together… it would be so sweet if sebek ended up crushing on silver. since sebesil are very close, i think malleus would, in fact, feel threatened. unfortunately malleus knew silver when he was already grown, so there’s this layer of relatability that mallesil lacks but that sebesil definitely has. mal is afraid silver might be closer to sebek than to him. like, he sees them sparring, and malleus hopes to the great seven sebek doesn’t notice the way silvers hips sway and the way his shirt cling to his chest because that is for mal ONLY. and in the end, i think malleus would let lilia and sebek know about his relationship with silver so that sebek can know his place. ofc croc boi is heartbroken… like damn your crush rly got snatched away by your god.
silver, however, doesn’t even… reciprocate anybody’s flirting. in fact he doesn’t recognize flirting💀 i think malleus is well aware of that. he’s not afraid of silver falling for somebody else, because as I’ve said before, he’s confident in his attractiveness etc. but somebody taking advantage of silver (though, lbr, silver would never let it happen)… ohh that makes malleus mad just thinking abt it.
all to say that malleus does respect silver’s boundaries—he wouldn’t be jealous of, say, kalim, who’s silver’s close friend, like yes mal is crazy but not to that point. but if he finds out silver has been invited/went to a party or whatever without him, no matter who the host is, he would be jealous on top of being upset for not being invited.
#malleus draconia#twisted wonderland#twst#malleus twst#twst malleus#mallesil#twst silver#silver twst#i appreciate these questions smmm thank you
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Wow! Sry for the wait folks I’m at 4:31 hours left in Hell Bent and I have Thots
It’s been so long that tbh I’m a little fuzzy on the details of where I left off but DANG…….that trip to hell???? Everything I hoped it would be!
I absolutely loved getting so many of the main team’s POVs, I’m hoping that on the return trip we can maybe get some more!! I am so curious abt the meaning of Babbitt rabbit being threaded through all their…..dreams? Visions? Experiences? Idk it’s hell man
The insight into Turner’s background left me feeling pretty broken. Cannot personally speak to the accuracy of Bardugo’s representation of the experience of a Black detective, but I thought it was moving.
Tripp’s backstory was intriguing! I actually know how to sail so the whole thing was pretty visceral to me, I wonder if Leigh has experience with boats bc the accuracy was impressive! Also Spencer can eat shit!
Whew….hellie’s POV. That was excellent. Just hearing how much she loved Alex already had me, but it’s rly the details of their relationship that I think Bardugo hits uk? Loved hearing abt Alex from the perspective of someone who loved her, because in NH darlington was predisposed not to care for her, and 90% of the other insight she hears comes from people who are underestimating her, judging her, or trying to kill her! So I’m glad that we got a glimpse of a diff perspective. Still hurt to re-live ground zero tho
In turner, Alex, and to some degree pammie’s cases, I can understand why they meet the criteria for murder, as justified as it was in some situations. It’s a little blurrier with Tripp, though, and I think an argument could be made that Pammie didn’t really murder her victim. So that leads me to think that maybe the murder requirement to get into hell is based more on a person’s own feelings of guilt or regret rather than some objective external judgement, which I think could have some interesting implications!
LOVE that darlington’s personal hell is trying to rebuild a ruined Black Elm, I feel like that illustrates both his love and hate for the house really well!! Nice nod to Sisyphus in Greek mythology also!
FINALLY some good wheelwalker content!!! Basically crumbs but I LOVE the imagery of Alex and the blue flames. I wonder why they’re blue?? Blue fire is supposed to be the hottest after white, right???
Anselm has rly done a magnificent job of disappointing me, which is somehow still very satisfying!! Honestly if he’s the next murder victim…….my condolences to his family ig
Love how everyone basically drags themselves out of hell completely distraught, having come so close to success only to fail, and Mercy is like great job team let’s get them in the next half!!
The demons………oof. Alex reuniting with Hellie was ROUGH man. Kind of cool how as the reader, Leigh put us in hellie’s head, which meant that when you start clocking that something’s off it’s not just like “next logical plot point”, it was like actually realizing something was wrong the same way Alex did. The hellie we got a glimpse of would NEVER say those things to alex!!! And we knew that not just bc Alex told us, but bc we actually got to read it and draw those conclusions ourselves.
I would bet my entire family that my prediction abt Lionel and the praetor is correct. They were 100% in love back in their school days and now demon Lionel is gonna kill the praetor via some gruesome/emotionally manipulative manner as literary comeuppance for his misogyny!
The talismans? Excellent. Superb. Dare I say, delightful. MORE COSMO EASTER EGGS. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I cannot wait to learn what that little guy’s deal is!!
The vampire’s visit…..uh oh. My theory is that Michelle is working for him, bc I feel like I remember her having a white umbrella at some point?? It’s a toss up whether she’s being coerced or doing it for her own benefit, I really couldn’t say. Maybe he’s turning her into a vampire?? And that’s how she’s connected to the murders???
I paused halfway through the return of Eitan, which I have mixed feelings abt tbh. I still keep feeling like his storyline is kinda tacked on needlessly, but I also do think he’s a fascinating character, so we’ll see how the rest of the convo goes. It’s also just like….Alex literally killed a room full of people that WERENT actively out to get her. What is the hold up here.
Love a good Lauren tidbit!! I’m curious to see how the rooming issue resolves. I would like for them to bring her into the fold somehow, but I also feel like the direction they’re going in is that Alex and Mercy are ultimately going to leave her out for her own protection, thereby alienating her and sacrificing their friendship. That’s definitely NOT my ideal outcome, though. Ideal would be Lauren getting to join them and get some character development. What can I say, I have a soft spot for the vinyl girlies bc…..I am one.
Now, to see what eitan has to say for himself! Next you hear from me will be, gasp……the end. I can’t believe it, I’ve been waiting for this book so long and idk if I’m ready for the next wait!!! Hhhhhnnnnng ok bye
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just wanted to pop in and say that, as a non-ww fan who's been on almost all possible sides of the allegations (been sxually groomed, become codependent on someone w/o their intent, + had sm1 codependent on me w/o my intent), i fully agree w yr take! i get why ppl were/might still be sus due to how the screenshots r presented but even taking all the evidence at face value it doesn't seem "cancel" worthy.
i don't doubt op's feelings + ik how intense it can feel when ur codependent on sm1 but not enough ppl know it can happen w/o the other person cultivating it. ww could have recognized the iffyness of getting involved w a fan in that way + been more understanding of ops mental illness tho often its hard 4 ppl to comprehend how much sm1 else idolizes them esp if they're a small local celeb. it rly seems 2 me like a mutually toxic relationship w real hurt on both ends.
i rly truly feel 4 the op + understand how he was hurt by ww's actions, i hope he can heal n grow from it. it's also so common for ppl w codependent tendencies to feel like they're less at fault for their unhealthy relationships n that's a huge problem that causes these cycles to repeat. but the arguing abt how u can't be groomed if 18+ or a SW (or even naturally tend to be codependent) only hurts real ppl who have been thru it.
i hate 2 see all the victim blaming n debunking n hate toward op! but i think any misrepresentation was a result of his hurt + effect it truly did have on him. ultimately it shouldve stayed private + i find the idea of canceling sm1 due to having an overall unhealthy relationship in the past unsettling. sorry this is so long + thanks 4 putting a sympathetic and logical voice out there!
You’re good nonny, and my thoughts exactly. Op was clearly hurt by this relationship and I will never ever deny him that. I want him to find peace and get better. But how he presented the evidence just doesn’t show any sort of intentional abuse. I’m not saying it’s not possible, the story as he presented it doesn’t even paint Will as that bad of a guy.
I get that Op doesn’t care about listening to Will’s music and it’s more about protecting people from the person, but as I said in the post, the only lesson I gleaned was “watch your codependency and communication issues.” It was never about cancelling, (which is such a stupid fucking fake concept of how consequences are dealt with but that’s a separate discussion.) it was about preventing more hurt and I think that’s a good stand Op is trying to take. A noble one, especially since he opened up during a spiral to do so.
Honestly I think the screenshots of former bandmates saying Will was an asshole holds more weight against his character than Op’s original claims. I still don’t know what exactly my conclusion of it is, because I know nothing about Will’s life let alone his bandmates so I’m still piecing the picture. I put a link to those in the replies of my original post.
I just feel so exceptionally blind and in the dark regarding all this because I have literally only heard Will speak outside of listening to his music once, and that’s because I came across an old stand up clip unintentionally on YouTube. I truly know absolutely nothing about the band as people and that’s why I keep holding my judgments until smth “more concrete” even if realistically these are probably the mostly the evidence will go.
But yea, the absolutely nasty response Op has gotten is awful. It’s partially why I wrote the post, hoping people would learn to have more sympathy for him. I don’t want to assume intentional foul play from him (outside of posting the nude, which is illegal and wrong and unnecessary.) because I know the talks of whether or not said pic was doctored are around, as well as how legitimate the insta convos are and smth about the timeline math. I’m not involving myself in any of that because I am not the person to deduce those kinds of things. For sake of giving Op the benefit of the doubt, I’m assuming this things are legitimate and the slip ups (like how I pointed the change of social media in the post) we’re just genuine human slip ups.
As you said, the derogatory remarks around Op are practically worse the Op’s original claim. Perpetuating an idea that only a certain type of person can experience abuse is very wrong and dangerous. Even I think as the story stands now it wasn’t abuse, I would never say op or anyone in a similar place isn’t capable of being abused. I worry about how that narrative could take off.
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random ocs i wanna talk about
OHHOHOHGHGH. I have too many stories. and damn i wanna talk about them. So i will talk about some of the ocs i rly love/like that ive made (and also about some universes) I’m going to only include my “main three” in this post but i may tlak more about other stories i was a part of/created
(RT Intervals: the ‘main’ universe I’m workin on. the story’s gonna be really downbeat. it centers on 3 people with varying problems and maybe the problems never get fully solved but character development is slow and perhaps underwhemling but YAY! Time to talk about some of my fav. characters (ones ive actually devleopeed so far //sob)
-c!Blue- NOOOO BLUE BELOVED :( they are so nice (well they try to be) and m gonna serve em a world shattering deconstruction of thiere beliefs yay! they try to be nice but may end up patronizing instead but shes trying so much to be helpful :( shes so soft (kinda).
c! “Scarf”- Hello, person that kinda holds moral superiority but also doesnt at the same time! they are tired but they cant describe how, and damn i love them sm they just lay there and want to do something but decides that nothing they do is 100% benefcial so they decide its better to watch from sidelines but they actually have a backbone.
-c!Mangie : are they evil? nah. maybe? Are they here to help? maybe. Do they feel guilty for anything????? MAYBE. they convinced themselves that they are litteraly the most shit person ever and does not actually wholeheartedly accept that cause if they did they’d break down lmao. theyre still a jackass though and a lot of the things are do are not good. at all.
All three of the above litterally try to avoid thinking too hard about they actions cause if they did they’d shatter into a milion pieces
=c!Nocide: so tell me, what is nuetraility? what is a sign of nuetraility? A time of piece? Apathy? A lack of action? Unification? a lack of fighting? Nothingness? Well, they don’t fucking know either! local eltrich abomination also takes random pegasus as thier middle school project ohohohoh
=c!Dark: in a way, he’s fight or flight. An emboiment of fear and violence-- but not destruction. Also, another local eltrich ambomination takes a cyborg as thier “project” just to spite other eltridiich ambomination. also fun fact! my pfp is actually a drawing of them i rly liked ;) heheh
-- - -
ORIGINAL RT COMIC: this story is based off a comic i did on paper a long time ago when I was younger. the characters like like..beta/other verisons of my main story. not fully completed ever, but this comic took on a more comedic tone with everything unlike RT Intervals where a majority of the cast’s actions would hold some sort of implications, though the comic would eventually shift to a darker-ish more serious tone in some moments
-c!Mangie(Original): Wears an identical jacket to c!Blue(original), except the fur lining is scuffed. they do shitty things but by the lines of sitcom logic and are 10% less of a jerk than RTI!Mangie. basically comedic sociopathy. //but they actually still do care about some people like c!blue//.
c!Blue(original): is currently trying to strangle c!mangie for the amount of property damage they’ve done. Wow, a version of Blue that actually has a backbone and morals. They still hang out with C!mangie though, so how moral they are is really debateable but its more like they stick around to act as damage control and cause DAMN THEY ARE BESTIES (HOW THO????) theyre a lot more reliable, but a lot less “pragmatic” than c!mangie.
c!Draconoir: I really couldn’t think of a better name for this guy. LMAO but hes a weird-ass dragon/pony hybrid with a SAADDDD past but for once that has no effect on whatever his plans are for today. Current chief of police for where c!mangie and c!blue lives. has plans for c!blue and c!mangie...
more charatcers but they’re kinda eh.
RP DM/RPD: A rp I was apart of, back in 2019-2020ish. It had some good times. Some times bad. I still curse the man who deleted the character storage becasue i now no longer have a timeline of events, summares nor analyses of ANY of the characters... It orginally was meant to be chill but thanks to me and another person it devolved into chaos. the story is finished, and was meant to have an...”alternate” season that would help explain any loose ends left inthe oringal but ah...thinkgs feel apart. for the better,to be honest. I will attempt to describe each major character the best I can, which is hard because accounts have since become deleted and people have played more than one character at a time. There will be some mild spoilers, concerning charcter development and identities but ill try and keep them to a minimum.
c!Ikari/Mangie (Me): chaotic reality bender that is genuinely delusional (in-universe) but in meta terms, they are techinally right. //they have this vauge belief that there is a “narrator” that dictates events that happen, and that the “narrator” has chosen to go against them whenever shit goes down. In universe, they’re wrong-- everything is truly of thier own will and of everyone’s own will but meta-wise...yea. They bend reality using cartoon logic (things like jump cuts, pulling things from “offscreen”, entering a cabinet to end up tumbling out of another house’s cabinent , etc). they believe a “perfect” world does not exist and if it did, it is thier responsibility to ruin that world. they have a book that is about to revive people and are implied to have formed a pact with demons.
C!Cart : a gangster hunted by multiple gangs, often gets high on weed and is ironically the most sane of the group. He has an affinity for weed, and is often dragged into a bigger picture by association, if hes not under hiding from eneimes. He’s not so above it all though, and due to his time as criminal (and from his time being associated with the other charatcers) he takes many things in stride, and is nonchalant about most things. ...too nonchalant sometimes.
C!Jade: Cart’s love intrest that serves as a mediator for whatever insane situation is going on. Due to her association with cart, she comes under fire from cart’s enemies as well. she takes a lot of what happens very hard (and like. is terrified of normally terrifying things.)
c!Asuka: A girl that has problems, and is...c!nate/c!eleven’s love intrest. she is a skilled sword-fighter and has like anime powers or something. faces problem with trying to find peace but also being haunted by something that causes her to destroy.
c!nate/eleven (this is one of the harder people to describe) : Nate and eleven were brothers, but eventually nate ended dying. both of them were superheros and had a very black/white mentaility which always made them the good guys. they oftentimes put either themselves or asuka on a priority list for what they want.
=god i want to include some world-building tidbits and lore but this post is already so long
- - - If you have any questions about any of my worlds/characters ask me cause damn. i like sharing details.
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Honestly that makes sense bc I only really like dynamics with women so I’m like maybe they’re lesbionic. A lot to unravel though bc I haven’t watched Hannibal in many years. Watching season 2 now. How is Hannibal a woman/what’s he like when he’s in love? Will just tried to get that guy to kill Hannibal what do u think that did to Hannibal in his brain. Ignore if u want but I think u like to talk about this, I like ur thoughts on it as well bc u don’t have fandom brain but u still r having fun with Hannibal I believe while also taking it seriously
Ive been waiting fornmy vibe to be right to answer this question. Sorry i talk like jordan peterson when im passionate abt something and im on downers rn so this might not make as much sense as my stimulant addled schizoposting nornally does
My reasoning for hannibal being a woman lies in the way his attraction to will is presented. Its gay in the way that theyre both men. But hannibals attraction to will spiritually is very much womanly.
The whole “hes a sensitive psychopath” thing about hannibal…. His whole entire character arc is womanhood. Being forced by a group of nazi soldiers (ok i forgot if it was nazis or russian soldiers idk it was ww2 its not important) to EAT his sister. It very much gives “not like other girls” in the way that its easy to feel as an Othered woman that you simply are unworthy of love. Its deeper than not liking pink. It is separating yourself from the concepts of femininity in a jungian/energetic way not a gender way like love, softness, empathy etc. women early on are taught to consume love, that we cannot coexist with lovable people. Fighting and clinging for love we are not guaranteed. Unlike men, who are taught that love is just a consequence of being a good enough person.
Compare hannibal lecter to joe from you. Hannibals entire character arc is this push and pull. This testing of people in a very bpd female way. Never once is he outright aggressive. Hes passive aggressive, petty, dramatic, all in a very FEMININE way. Most casual viewers mistake this as run of the mill psycho moid behavior. This is not to say that femininity is indicative of womanhood, just pointing out that hannibals thought process and entire essence is really only understandable if you consider female socialization.
Hannibal lecter is the weird girl on the playground. He is the girl that collects the used condoms of her lovers and sorts them in boxes labelled by zodiac signs. He is the girl that googles “help am i a psychopath” while crying.
And god. The way he looks at will. Its so girlish. That is not a man that wants to fuck, that is a man that wants to be fucked. Mads impish charm rly seals the hannibal lecter is a woman theory. Like if hannibal lecter was a real person he would logically have to be a woman. Theres no way a man could ever be that complex and emotionally sensitive and violent at the same time.
Hannibal Lecter has more in common with jennifer check than norman bates. And im not just talking cannibalism.
#i literally did not answer this ask bc i was afeaid of being nonswnsical#but im afraid this makes no sense at all!
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I was always confused by Hermiones behavior towards Ron in OOTP. Was she trying to hide her feelings? because she didn't really gave him any signs. Why she was so nasty at him with the teaspoon thing. Was she trying to make him jealous with the letters? What did or didn't she understand from Ron giving her the perfume. Is all this just JKR being stupid because she don't want them together before the very end. Sry for all these questions but I am rly confused can you plz help Vivi?
Once again, I’ll copy one of my Quora essays!
it’s a stereotype to say that girls resort to underhanded tactics when it comes to dating, or like to “test” their partner’s love… but it’s a stereotype for a reason: there are teenage girls who resort to those tactics.
The archetype of the Tsundere exists as an exaggeration of the traits some teenage girls demonstrate when they find themselves in a position of vulnerability such as “having a crush on someone”.
For someone as prideful as Hermione is, having a crush on someone is extremely threatening.
Hermione prides herself in her logic and intelligence. The validation she receives from getting good grades is something she needs, because she’s very insecure deep down. She thinks all she has to offer is her intelligence, and as she goes from a little girl to a young woman, this causes her grief because she doesn’t want to be just “intelligent”. As her body develops and changes, she finds that being the smartest one in the room isn’t enough anymore - she still loves being the smartest in the room, but she wants more than just that, she wants validation for other things. That’s why she was extremely hurt when Ron tactlessly (and Rowling-ly) remarks “you’re a girl” - she wants to be seen as a girl, as a woman, as more than a walking brain. She wants validation that she is a girl, and beautiful, and sexy, and capable of making heads spin. She needs “sexual” validation, for lack of a better term.
Of course she doesn’t really realize those feelings. All she knows is that it hurts when Ron seems to consider her “one of the guys”, or looks at girls that aren’t her. She likes it when he compliments her, but she’s also angry at him because he only ever seems to compliment her intelligence and damn it, she wants him to compliment something else! She wants him to look at her, REALLY look at her! Look at her like he looks at the pretty girls!
Little does she know that Ron does look at her, but he probably thinks he’s a pervert for doing so. Because - because she’s Hermione! She’s not like other girls, she’s not - she’s not the kind of girl you ogle! She’s the kind of girl you gift flowers to - roses, they’re her favourite - the kind of girl you have long, meaningful talks with - not sure if they’re always meaningful, but they sure talk a lot together! - she’s the kind of girl you… the kind of girl you love, not the kind of girl you just look at…
*wistful sigh* Mutual pining, mutual admiration, slow burn, +100k words…
But truth is, many people go around saying that Hermione treating Ron harshly and treating pretty much every boy (with exceptions like Draco Malfoy) more gently is because she actually doesn’t like Ron, and likes anyone but Ron.
When the truth actually is that… Hermione is awful. No, no, seriously, when Hermione is in love, she’s terrible. She can be a nice friend but when she’s in love with you she’s horrible. Especially since she’s a teenager.
Hermione is a prime example of a Tsundere.
The cute, blushy, giggling Hermione who flirts with [insert character here] and cries delicately when she’s rejected? Pure fanfiction. Canon Hermione keeps her love aggressively hidden behind countless iron walls, only letting it peek through when she’s absolutely sure the person she likes isn’t looking.
“How was practice?” asked Hermione rather coolly half an hour later, as Harry and Ron climbed through the portrait hole into the Gryffindor common room. “It was -” Harry began. “Completely lousy,” said Ron in a hollow voice, sinking into a chair beside Hermione. She looked up at Ron and her frostiness seemed to melt. - Order of the Phoenix
Rare footage of the Hermione Granger, scientific name Selfinsertus Overratedus, displaying interest in specimen of mighty fine hunk
Hermione isn’t sweet and tender and kind with the one she loves. At least, the teenage Hermione isn’t. She’s harsh, she’s disdainful and only gives out breadcrumbs of affection once in a while as part of the complicated mind game she’s playing.
You see, Hermione is never going to make the first move. You must be the one to ask her out, because she sure as hell ain’t going to do it for you.
This is due, I think, to the events of Goblet of Fire. Viktor Krum asks her out because Rowling absolutely wants Hermione to be the ugly duckling who transforms into the beautiful swan, so she brings in Cardboard Cutout With No Personality Aside From Being Famous to woo her self-insert.
Now Hermione has gotten the experience of being asked out, and being a rather socially awkward person who also hates being vulnerable - more on that later - well, now she just assumes that if someone asked her out once, then anyone who does like her can do the same.
Which is why she doesn’t realize that Ron is actually aware he loves her. There’s a big comedy of assumptions going on in Romione’s love story.
Hermione believes that Ron either 1) likes her but is oblivious to his own feelings and so she thinks she has to “give him hints” to make him realize it. Emphasized best by this exchange:
Hermione laughed. “Harry you’re worse than Ron [at understanding girls]… well, no, you’re not, “ she sighed, as Ron himself came stumping into the Hall splattered with mud and looking grumpy.
“I’ve sent him so many signals and yet he doesn’t notice. Woe is me!”
2) doesn’t actually likes her, but sees her just as a good mate or worse, as another sister.
Hermione keeps flip-flopping between her two assumptions throughout the series, all because of her biggest assumption: she thinks that if Ron was interested in her, he would ask her out. Because Viktor Krum was interested in her, and he asked her out, so why wouldn’t Ron do the same? They’re both boys and she’s a girl, after all. Isn’t that how it works?
This is also why Hermione’s “““invitation”““ to the Slug Club isn’t even an invitation - really, it’s worse than Ron’s invite to the Yule Ball, at least he was actually offering her to come:
“We’re allowed to bring guests,” said Hermione, […], “and I was going to ask you to come, but […] I won’t bother.”
“I was going to ask you to come but I won’t bother.”
This is literally what she says. It’s more of a “look Ron! An invite! If you’re good maybe I’ll think about letting you have it!” than anything else.
It’s because this is Hermione’s last resort. The ultimate humiliation. She has to resort to inviting Ron when in her mind, he’s supposed to be the one asking her out. He’s the boy! He’s supposed to do it! (And this is why I laugh at all the fools who claim that Hermione is the pinnacle of feminism. Seriously, the girl is more of a misogynist than any other character in the series.)
Hermione failed to take into account that Ron’s insecurity cripples him worse than she imagines, and that he copes with it differently than she copes with her own insecurities.
And this is the part where I explain about Hermione’s hatred of being vulnerable.
You see, I can relate quite a lot to Hermione - I see a lot of me in her, and a lot of people who hurt me in the past as well.
Bullied because she was an easy target, being the know-it-all and local teacher’s pet? Yep. Bullied for her appearance (I got braces when I was 8 and have been wearing glasses since I was a toddler, she had her bushy hair and buck teeth)? Can relate. Cried easily? Super check. Rule enforcer when the teachers weren’t around? Mega check.
And naturally, when you’re such a water fountain as I was, there’s nothing more humiliating than ending up crying in front of your bullies. You quickly learn that it will bring you nothing but more bullying. More humiliation. More vulnerability.
Hence why you start despising any form of vulnerability you find in yourself.
Obviously, being in love? That’s one of the most terrible things you can find yourself in when you’re afraid of being vulnerable. Because, oh god, your feelings are completely insane around the person. They make or ruin your day. You keep wanting to show them how cool / great / impressive you are, and you try desperately to mask all your little faults so they will hopefully return your feelings.
Given that Hermione is already not the most socially-aware battering ram in the knife drawer, she acts especially nasty to Ron, because she’s overcompensating for the vulnerability he makes her feel. And she most likely isn’t even aware of it! Forget Fanfic Hermione cringing as she realizes how mean she sounds, welcome Canon Hermione who just doubles down on a pointless argument just to drive home how totally in control she is and how Ron has absolutely zero effect on her, no siree!
In short: Hermione overthinks. She overthinks everything. She’s overthinking every of Ron’s actions, she’s assuming he’s either out to get her because she assumes he’s perfectly aware of her crush on him and he’s just toying with her (this is the very insecure, pessimistic Hermione speaking), she’s assuming he’s completely oblivious to her feelings and so she uses the ages-old technique of the “subtle hints” to make her feelings known to him (and fails miserably because she doesn’t want to put herself out there too much in case he rejects her, which would be the ultimate humiliation and the worst possible thing to happen to her, in her teenage girl mind), and she’s assuming he’ll never like her the way she likes him, all the while being woefully oblivious to the fact that Ron does want to be with her but she keeps sending him signals that she sees him as a troublesome child rather than a potential partner.
All in all, a teenage Hermione in love is utter torture. She’s her own worst enemy, and it’s only when she decides to let go of it all - of the mind games, of the distancing, of the passive-aggressive; of the overthinking - and just takes a chance that her efforts bear fruit.
There was a clatter as the basilisk fangs cascaded out of Hermione’s arms. Running at Ron, she flung them around his neck and kissed him full on the mouth. Ron threw away the fangs and broomstick he was holding and responded with such enthusiasm that he lifted Hermione off her feet.
(As much as I’m disillusioned with Romione, this kiss is still one of my favourite parts of the series. They mutually sweep each other off their feet for god’s sake, you wish your ship would.)
#vivi answers#ask#romione#hermione granger#ron weasley#ron weasley defense squad#ron weasley defence squad#hp fandom#hp meta#character analysis#hp analysis#romance#teenagers
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[repost from fairytaile bc its long]
i dont nearly talk abt tbbf enough which is like. completely unfair to it. considering it lives rent free in my head, like how liu-laoshi lives rent free in chi xiaochi's head
its one of those rando wn i came across w the normal pleasant review of "it's soo good, pls read it". n its like. sure. not like i have anything better to do, the art looks good, summary looks fun enough. never touched a danmei QT before but that's alright, i'm a garbage can that eats anything (well mostly anything). but! but there is one problem! and that it's unfinished! so i sadly put it at the back of my read list, and went on to browse other wn that have complete translations.
(also the author wrote as part of the summary: "Sue-ish, fluffy, no logic, not the same as those reforming villain stories, be warned" so i was like... is this rly good... but in hindsight its like, well, it's some kind of author awareness to say things like this, right? n it's like... author, if u say things like this, what of the truly trashy wn out there? author? author...?)
n then i was like... on the support authors discord, randomly browsing the discussion thread, when i saw tbbf recced again. just briefly, nothing big, nothing too deep. n idk what possessed me to just be like. u knw what, i knw full well this wn is not fully tl-ed but let's read it anyway.
initially it seemed like ur run of the mill face-slapping op protag wn which is... fine, those r a dime a dozen but they're not bad. it's wn anw, as long as it doesn't get to the cringe levels of stop bothering me, emperor it's whatever.
but then? cxc is actually a nice guy? he's a QT host, but he rly cares for the ppl whose bodies he's inhabiting. he's cold, calculative, ruthless towards his enemies, but he also really really cares abt the victims of these scum gongs, n i was like, wow, what a guy. have u ever wondered what happens to the original soul when the transmigrator transmigrates into them? chi xiaochi does. if there's even the slightest chance that the original soul is still there... he'd bet on that chance, and strive to make them live better lives. he'll act like them, treat their bodies with dignity and respect, and that's just rly cool of him to do that. in all transmigration stories i've read, no one's ever cared abt the original soul /sad
but like, this is a danmei, n why would i read if not for the romance? the romance doesn't have to be dazzling, but it needs to be convincing, y'kno. and boy does it convince. cxc drops hints here and there, of this person in his world, for whom he has to return no matter what. but here's the catch---he's dead, and cxc has to return because he believes that he needs to keep living on for him, to keep remembering him and sweep his grave when no one else would.
i think this was the scene that rly sold me:

"i won't go to a world without him" just kill me dead why don't u?
anw later on i spoiled myself that 061 is lou ying which is... well... expected, and i was like, kinda regretting spoiling myself and tried to self-convince that well the journey is what counts, not the destination, but anw in the long run this spoiler doesn't even rly matter bc the Whole Point is the fkin bittersweet flashbacks to their childhood and How It Parallels Current Events and also the sheer もどかしさ of Knowing that 061 is cxc's lou-ge, but cxc Can't Be Sure About That and 061 is Unable To Tell Him Because Plot. they're like parallel lines that are so close to each other but still unable to touch n their relationship makes me have so many feelings, fuck
in a subset of fiction rife with cold, calculating mcs and devoted mls who seem to love the mc more than the mc loves the ml, it's actually such a breath of fresh air to have an mc who's just wholeheartedly devoted to his (dead) beloved. so many danmei have death-chasing shou mcs who have never known love before, whose behaviors scream "it doesn't rly matter what happens to me as long as i achieve my goals" which is like... i'm not saying don't have goals, but lowkey i feel bad for the mls sometimes (lmao). but cxc's goal is his lou-ge, which is... pretty new for me, or mb i haven't read enough danmei lmao. cxc is someone who's fallen in love before he even knew what love was. he's someone who realized that it was love too little too late, and by the time he's even aware, the only way he could express his love is to keep living so that there will be at least someone who remembers his beloved in this world. he climbs out of poverty, he behaves with a devil may care attitude, he's attained what regular people would call "success" at such a young age, but he can't even have one simple, mundane wish granted. and he's so devoted to ly too---to him, there is only one of his lou-ge, and that's the lou ying in his original world. even if he were to come across a different lou ying in a different world, that person isn't his lou ying. he would only want to catch a glimpse of him and see that he's doing well, and he'd move on so that he can go back to his world, the world where his lou-ge once lived in. chi xiaochi won't stay for any other lou ying from any other world. he would go back to his world and continue to live his life the way he's always done, even if it means he'll be alone.
(and like, we all know 061 is ly, and then one can't help but wonder, man, cxc is so smart, surely he's seen the similarities? and like, he has, he has, but 1. he can't bear harboring even the smallest fragment of hope that his lou-ge is still out there, because what if he isn't? after all, hope could be the cruelest thing of all... cxc doesn't dare believe, in the chance that it turns out he's wrong. the only way for him to believe is for 061 to tell him that he's cxc's lou-ge. and then 2. cxc thinks so lowly of himself. he doesn't like the person he thinks he's become. he thinks he's done all the bad things like "smoking, drinking, acting like a rogue, behaving shamelessly", so far from lou ying's chi xiaochi from back then, and he doesn't want his lou-ge to see what kind of person he's become. but then there are the few moments in which he lowers his guard and just indulges, lets himself dream a little that his lou-ge is with him, and it's just! so bittersweet! that feeling of "i can't bear to hope that he's lou-ge" but also "let me pretend, just for a bit, that lou-ge is still here"! pls!!! and anw 061 loves him the way he is!!!! even before he remembers his identity, 061 was alrd like unknowingly sipping vinegar...)
and 061!!! truly a gem among mls!!!!! gentle, sweet, protective but not overbearing, and just all-around a decent person. just how many ml have thoughts of "if only i could keep my beloved from facing danger" without even thinking of what their beloved wants? 061 doesn't do that. ly trusts! believes fully! in cxc! even when he doesn't know that cxc is the person he's working so hard for, he still trusts in his plans and just does the best he can to make cxc's journey smoother! and after he does find out, he still doesn't do any of that "i'll protect you so you won't be hurt" bullshit, more like he...enables cxc's bullshit. on a tangent, imagine if in mdzs, lwj is as confident in wwx as much as ly in cxc. wwx prob wouldn't have to die like that. 061 works so hard behind the scenes, and cxc doesn't even know. 061 thinks cxc doesn't have to know, so he doesn't have to worry, so he can focus on his own tasks. 061 won't hold cxc back for whatever reason---he believes fully in cxc, and that's why he just makes his own decisions and tries his best to help cxc in his own way.
speaking of working hard, this dude is like, slaving away to come back to the person who's waiting for him, even after he got memory loss and can't remember anything else but the vague silhouette of someone in the deep recesses of his lost memories. like, they just rly love each other, even though one of them doesn't know, and the other one can't say anything. god even the reason why 061 lost his memories is cxc. that point in the story when cxc mentioned that someone claiming himself to be ly promised to meet with him but never showed up and it totally broke him, and how after ly remembers his identity, he vows to never break his promise a third time... sigh. wow. why do i have so many feelings for tbbf lmao
another point i rly like abt ly is how he doesn't even have the ml role in the worlds. in the first and second, they're not quite close enough for ly to rly dip his fingers in. in the third, he's an uncle. in the fourth, he's a fukin mecha. in the fifth, he's... a pair of siblings, and anw the "mc" alrd has a love line. in the sixth, he's a "big cat". in the seventh, he's... the shizun, and also another cat, and anw the "mc" alrd has a love line. like, it's just nice, y'know? that ly doesn't have to be the "romantic interest" to show his bond w cxc in each of the worlds. he knows to separate his personal and professional lives lmao. he's just... there for cxc, no matter what, and i think that's the most romantic thing abt them. the trust and devotion, the synchronicity they have, the 一途な想い. and the pining! and how affectionately exasperated ly is!! rly truly "knightly loyal gong" and "satisfied after being mischievous for a moment shou".
anw tbbf also comes with two memorable quotes, the first of which is chi xiaochi's: "To me, only the Lou-ge from the world I came from is real. I won’t go to a world without him." which is also reflected by the author's self-proclaimed one-line summary of tbbf: "I’ll never go to any world where he doesn’t exist". which is like. well. in essence. that's how it is, isn't it? it's totally not a coincidence that it's also one of the quotes that caught me by the heart and wouldn't let go. the author intended it to be that way, and it works so well.
the second one is this super unreasonable whatever this is:
"I've loved someone before. I loved going up and down the stairs with him, I loved it when he taught me how to play video games, where for every six wins he would never forget to let me win four, I loved when he cooked for me and Dog Meat, I loved when he taught me subjects, I loved when he would cover my ears whenever my parents foughtーーI was never asleep, I was always listening. ……love is when after he died I wanted nothing more than to go with him, but was afraid that other than me, no one else would remember him, so I could only use what bound him to the world to bind myself to it. I lived on for him, and even had to live well."
like who even expected a quote like that to come out of a wn titled "don't pick up boyfriends from the trash bin" not me for sure
the first time i read it i was just like, wtf this is def a memorable quote... i don't even have words for it, who even says things like this, im dying
speaking of bittersweet memories, one of my favorite parallels the author pulled is def the "video game coop mode" flashback that basically mirrors how cxc and 061 are in the current events even when cxc doesn't know 061's real identity and 061 can't reveal his real identity to cxc:

because... cxc misses that coop mode more than anything... even after he's "gotten used to" the "solo play" of "the game of life", he just wants his lou-ge by his side again. i love that it's such a meta thing, that the entire wn! he's literally playing coop mode with his lou-ge! but he doesn't know that and ly can't tell him! it's so! vexing! this is basically how i feel the entire time i'm reading!!!
i have no words to end this insane rant with, have some songs i headcanon as cxc>>ly songs:
ref:rain by aimer
niji no kanata ni by reona
ame ni utaeba by reona
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lily for magda (thinking about figs feeling evil), tulip for cricket, marigold for ziggy, chrysanthemum for bradley, belladonna for nyla
lily : how does your muse view their mother ?
magda doesn’t know a lot abt her mum. she knows vague snippets n details bt they’re all very elusive. it’s kind of a tricky subject where her mum’s concerned bc when she was younger she’d come up w all these assumptions abt how her mum was n who she’d be if she were with her but the rational part of magda was like..... u don’t know any of this. ur literally making things up. it’s kind of hard for a kid to have that vital person missing from their life n to resist the urge to fill in the blanks with their own projections so the space feels less empty. it’s like having a tooth missing n ur tongue always going back to poke at the spot in ur gum. there’s a constant reminder of loss in that. magda knows her mum liked to sing bc her dad said once she’d always sing to her belly when she was pregnant. this is a lot of the reason why magda has always cared so much abt music bc she took this fact in her fist n grasped it tight n never let go n in a way grew parts of herself around it. it’s like............. i feel like her mum dying in childbirth gave her lots of issues when it comes to her identity n like. who she is n who she wants to be.......... bc of magda’s issues w her dad i feel like she got into this habit growing up of rly putting who her mum could have been on a pedestal n basing everything around that.... she’d be like I’m More Like Her (a belief which was only accelerated bc her dad would drunkenly say she looked so much like her) n cling onto that so she liked herself more bc the other option was her dad who she loves but he’s also an incredibly flawed person n they hv a complicated relationship...... i think as she’s gotten older she’s realised her mum cld very well have been that way too n putting people on pedestals isn’t the way to go about things but. idk. as a kid she was kind of obsessed w this idea of her n this idea that her mum being gone was the beginning n end of everything wrong in her life. for the most part now magda accepts she never knew her n sometimes even feels stupid for grieving her at all bc she never knew her to grieve in the first place but. there’s a tiny part of magda tht still hangs on to the comfort of what she could have had n it’s obvious by the fact she still keeps a photograph of her folded up in her pillow. she loves the mum she made up in her head n she wishes she got to meet her. there’s this sense tht maybe then she wouldn’t feel like this culmination of missing parts more than a person if she’d had that in her life. sighs n lks away holding my dyed black emo bang.....
tulip : how does your muse view people in general ?
cricket is like. the strangest little anomaly of a person FGHKSFGHSFKGH bc like. u would rly think that after everything he’s been thru he would just have this absolutely jaded view of people and life in general and i wouldn’t even......... blame him for it if he did like. i’d understand completely bc he’s experienced A Lot of bad stuff. n yet somehow he just.... idk. i think i wrote in a reply once this comparison of cricket n a cockroach in the sense that they have this incredibly reinforced exoskeleton n even if they’re stomped flat they can keep living n bounce back from it n that’s very him but it’s more specifically the hope inside him. he has this little candle lit that good things can still happen midst all of the terrible things n i genuinely can’t see it snuffing out at any point even tho sometimes he might want it to. sometimes i think he even gets into these frames of mind where it jst infuriates the fk out of him bc in his head he’s like why do u even think good shit can happen when u have sm overwhelming evidence to the contrary but then he’s also like. look u can dwell on the bad or u can notice the way the light falls thru the leaves in the trees and u can think to urself inside ur head as u listen to someone u love talking abt something that makes them happy ‘hey this feeling is nice n there’s a dozen others like it’. idk. against all odds he’s an optimist. he has tinnitus in his left ear n sometimes he pretends the ringing is angels trying to talk to him. he likes to search for the silver linings in things to make them bearable n that’s how he gets by. obviously he knows there’s evil in the world n that a lot of people can be shit bc he has firsthand experience w that but he also believes there are people to serve as the antithesis to that n he wants to focus on them bc like. why give bad stuff the time of day. not necessarily always a positive coping mechanism (if u bottle up bad feelings n thoughts they leak thru one way or another aka his overwhelming anxiety) but like.... i think there’s a lot of bravery in that n i respect him for it i won’t lie. he cld have become very bitter bt instead he’s like that quote that’s like 'the gentleness that comes, not from the absence of violence, but despite the abundance of it'. suddenly slaps his little anxious rump (supportive) (affectionate)
marigold : is your muse prone to jealousy ? how might they handle envious feelings ?
it’s hard to say w ziggy............... i feel like he doesn’t want to think he’s prone to jealousy bc he’s like i’m literally a god wdym i simply wld never give a fk bc i know i’m above all else................. but like. do u actually believe that ziggy. do u. FKGJHKSJGHFGSHFGKSHGKFHG. he’s good at convincing himself at least........... has me fooled too most of the time. bt. thinks abt this.............. i feel like he doesn’t tend to get jealous over ppl he hooks up w a lot of the time bt there’s definitely a few select ppl he might.......... n then he doesn’t rly know what that feeling is bc he’s so unused to feeling it so he’s like wtf why am i so fking pissed off over the thought of this person fking that person? like literally doesn’t even. connect the dots n make the logical conclusion bc it jst seems so bizarre n nonsensical to him. rly is awful at working out his own feelings like. he cld just suddenly explode one day n have to smash a bunch of shit in a junkyard n after his chest is heaving n he has all this broken stuff around him n he’s just like yo wtf was that man forreal lmfaoooooooooo..... like he just doesn’t even get how his own emotions work it’s tragic n it’s men for u. w anxious feelings he represses them a lot he doesn’t rly understand what they r or know how to recognise them........... i honestly feel like he has a lot of anxiety surrounding his mum esp w her dating n like some of the guys they’ve both had to deal w that she’s dated in the past.......... i doubt he processes that healthily or expresses it healthily either..... probably contributes to the tensions between him n his mum they hv a lot of underlying issues that come out in the form of bickering n petty disagreements...... probably a huge contributor to him acting out so terribly in high skl was just all this pent up worried energy with no means of making sense of itself or like. place to go. like shaking a coke bottle over n over n finally having to crack the lid n let it fizz on something. i also think he probably swallowed a lot of jealousy growing up whenever other kids had gd relationships w their fathers or parents in general probably ws kind of like lmfaooooo yo why don’t mine love me like that. in his head...... so ya. i think he copes w anxious feelings by acting out n also fucking if we’re being honest......... it helps him let off steam <3 king of clapping cheeks ig....
chrysanthemum : how does your muse express romantic love ? how do they feel about love as a concept ?
bradley is kind of hard to read romantically like from an outside perspective but slides on my thin rimmed spectacles n picks up my scalpel to delve right in to the nitty gritty of her brain... omg... that sounded... kind of scary actually but. it’s ok. basically settles in. bradley struggles to verbalise her feelings in this regard but also in a general sense honestly.... like she’s spent a lifetime having any vulnerable or negative feeling shut down....... her dad’s the type of personality where it’s like... u can’t win. even tho he’s narcissistic n thinks he’s a god if u compliment him or express affection he’ll act pleased but there’ll also be this register in his eyes where he thinks less of u for it. so this rly had a domino effect in bradley’s emotional expression in all grounds of life...... romance is probably the most frivolous concept to tony so bradley definitely internalised some of these views n wld feel stupid for ever taking anything seriously in that regard or rly investing herself..... she also just. idk. love has only ever left bite marks in bradley’s world so she’d kind of like ‘why wld i ever expose my tender spots n open myself up to someone just so they can sink their teeth in’. i will say tho that like. despite that she can in rare instances develop those feelings n it’s always like..... quite a struggle for her when she does. she doesn’t rly understand it or how to deal w it. she finds talking about it hard n she feels childish or weak in the eyes of whoever knows how she’s feeling. it takes a long time n a lot of work to earn it bt bradley in love is like. ur the only person on the planet who knows how gentle she can b. she’d literally like. touch the face of this one guy i wrote her being in love w when he was sad so gently it was shocking it ws like a love tht deep unlocked a whole other part of her she didn’t know existed. sex is a big part of her love expression jst like. a lot of it. so much. JHGSFKHGSFGKHFKGSHG let’s get it.......... she’s a ride or die n doesn’t do anything in halves. she has a nasty habit of pushing good things away n also wld probably do this to protect the other person bc her world is a never ending shit show with her father’s presence in every room even when he isn’t physically there. she wldn’t wna subject someone she loved to the danger of that bc she hates it enough herself so. idk. smiles w hand on hip. love isn’t something bradley thinks is on the menu fr her bc she’s only ever known it to be hard or mean n why bother trying when that’s the case. it feels like there’s always small print attached tht will hurt her in the end n nothing is free or genuine. very doomed outlook on love in general tbh.
belladonna : how does your muse respond to silence ? do they take comfort in soundlessness , or seek to fill the void with noise ?
nyla honestly doesn’t mind silence at all........ they always wake up rly early in the morning no matter what time they went to bed. it’s like someone programmed an oven timer into their brain n often when they wake up at 6am or something they’ll go on walks around irving tottering in their own little world which is quite a quiet experience in itself when the rest of the world’s asleep........... always off on impromptu adventures they came up w on the spot.......... sometimes they get lost in their own train of thought too so they just randomly fall silent bc they’re having a whole conversation w themselves inside their head or like. writing a whole children’s story abt an iguana in a trench coat floating in a hot air balloon smoking a little vintage pipe all the way to peru. honestly for every 1 thing nyla says there’s about 4987295749572592745 things they don’t say tht are x100 times stranger n more nonsensical they sort of let it all drift thru their head like an open sieve for the most part. having said tht i think in order to sleep at night they probably need some sort of white noise or smthn................. it’s handy living in a beach house bc they just leave the window open to let the ocean gush bt sometimes if they’ve snuck into like. mido’s bed fr the night or someone’s bed idk the sound of them breathing works too................. they used to always sleep w bob ross playing on loop n that was rly comforting to them esp bc he reminds them a lot of their dad w his calming voice n energy.............. sometimes they’d have taken smthn n they’d literally hallucinate it as their dad instead of bob ross n this happened so many times in a row fr a period of time tht when they finally watched it sober they were like wtf since when did they recast my dad in this show...... KJHFGSHFGKSHFKGH but also. frowns... bit sad considering.
#magda | memes#cricket | memes#ziggy | memes#bradley | memes#nyla | memes#death tw#grief tw#anxiety tw#fortyfivcs#drugs tw#abuse tw#i think thts all tws theyre like not covered in detail obviously bt still#i put under read more bc i wrote literal essays fr everything idk what happened to me....#also thank u fr the ask sexy :yum:
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Diabolik Lovers Tag!!!
I was tagged by @zaraenia to do this (thanks bby!!!)!!! Let’s jump into it!
Rules: Answer the questions and tag anyone else you wish to see participate~ Also tag me (@vampiretsuki) if you do this because I would love to read your answers~!
Will do, Tsuki!!! (`・ω・´)ゞ
1. Who would you rather take to a night club, Carla or Azusa?
I’ve never been to a club nor am a party person in general but I think that Carla would be a freakin epic person to go to clubbing with. Let’s just say Carla can get drunk off of human alcohol––I wanna see him bust a MOVE!
2. In a Science test would you copy Yuma’s test or Ayato’s test?
Definitely Yuma’s. The guy literally takes care of plants, he probably knows a thing or two about biology or chemistry at least. (assuming I do attempt to cheat cuz man,,, attempting that stuff makes me NERVOUS)
3. Would you rather have Kino and Azusa or Shin and Laito, as your Butlers?
,,,,,,do I even need to say which option I’d choose? Yeah uhhh definitely Shin and Laito. Listening to that VS III cd of the both of them was so entertaining, they’re definitely a fun, yet unexpected pair. And uh Laito in a more “””submissive””” position??????????? ,,,,,,boy oh boy do I love the masochistic streak that man has,,,,,
4. Go on a date with Reiji at an Aquarium or go on a date with Subaru at a Cafe instead?
,,,,,,,Bro I can’t stand Reiji but I LOVE aquariums (also Tsuki why are you afraid of aquariums omg ;;;;). But I also love Cafes and going to one with Subaru would be really nice.... But,,,, I can’t abandon an opportunity to go to an aquarium so I’d chose the former option. I’d probably try to challenge Reiji about his knowledge of marine animals. I bet I can outsmart him with my oddly extensive knowledge of horseshoe crabs, hehe (`・ω・´) (horseshoe crabs are my favorite animal haha)
5. Would you rather go support/see Kou at one of his Concerts or go support/see Shu at one of his Violin Performances?
Oh GOD this is a toughie!!! I love Kou so much and I think his concerts would be really fun, but Shu is also a very talented bby,,,, I love them both,,,,, But I’d probably have to go with Kou for this one. I’m not usually down with the rave atmosphere but seeing Kou would be SO fun.
6. In a Math Project would you team up with Ruki and Shin or with Reiji and Yuma? Who would fight less with each other?
I was like “Reiji is def good at math so I’ll choose the latter” then I was like oh god he’s teamed up with Yuma, that’s no good,,,, However, I know Yuma can protect himself so I’m less worried about that, and Reiji could catch these hands after class if he makes any passive aggressive comments at Yuma. I’m a very school-oriented person so I’d probably go with Ruki/Shin on this one, for the grade and the decreased drama.
7. Who would you put your bets on, Kanato eating the most chocolates or Ayato eating the most Takoyaki?
I think I’ve read somewhere that Kanato got a stomach ache from eating too many sweets??? I think??? So I’d probably bet on Ayato. That guy loves that stuff like no other.
8.- Sleep in Carla’s room, Subaru’s room or in Shu’s room? (You have the room to yourself, they aren’t there) Would you peak on their stuff?
Considering Shu likes sleep,,,, his bed is probably at maximum comfort. I know he sleeps pretty much everywhere and anywhere, but still. I mean Subaru sleeps in a coffin, and that’s pretty metal,,,,, Also Carla’s room just looks nice too. But I love the layout of Shu’s so I’ll just stick with Shu haha.
Edit: omg I forgot to answer the latter part of the question.... hmmmm it is tempting.... I don’t think Shuu would kill me??? He’d probably mess with me tho—which,,, is better than death ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
9. You’re a princess of the Victorian era! Your father has ordered that you have a bodyguard.. who would you choose as your personal bodyguard, Laito or Kou?
Kou is probably the more logical answer cuz he can actually throw hands when he needs/wants to, but I’m not logical when it comes to anything relating to Laito so,,,,, Laito,,,,,,, heh
10. Would you prefer to have Kino in his bat form as your pet or Shin in his wolf form as your pet instead?
Omg first of all I didn’t know Kino had a bat form and that’s wicked cute. I don’t know too much about Kino lmao; I’d go with Kino and his bat form if I did know more about Kino. I love bats, I find them so cute, but I’m also a dog person, and Shin’s wolf form is heavily memed on. So Shin for the meme and also to have a freAKING PINK WOLF????? FUCK YEAH
11. Break a fight between Kou and Ayato or between Laito and Kanato?
Oh god these are both a terrifying pair,,,, but Laito and Kanato are more terrifying when they're angry compared to Kou and Ayato. So I’d probably break up a fight between Laito and Kanato and then I don’t mind if I get the brunt of it by Laito later oops.
12.- Who would you kiss on the cheek, who would you kiss on the forehead and who would you kiss on the eyelids? Options: Ruki, Subaru, Azusa.
Cheek: Ruki Forehead: Subaru Eyelids: Azusa
hehe I liked this question, it was cute :’)
13. Take care of Shu and Reiji in their Chibi form or take care of Subaru and Kino in their Chibi form?
Lol I get to torment Reiji when he’s small???? fuck yeah, but also Subaru and Kino in their chibi form would be rly cute too. Honestly probably Subaru and Kino cuz it would be more entertaining.
14. Sing/Perform in public Laito’s Q.E.D Song or Reiji’s Mr.ButterflyMask song?
I can sing both (I’m not a good singer tho lol) but Laito’s song is more in my range I think??? Although I could sing Mr. Butterfly Mask too,,,, but y'all know me, I’m a freakin Laihoe so,,,,, y’all know what choice I’d go for
15. Would you rather wear Ruki’s casual outfit or Yuma’s casual outfit?
Yuma’s! It seems so comfy!!! And I love oversized things hehe
16. Go on a Vacation trip with Shu, Kino and Ayato at an Amusement park or go with Shin, Azusa and Subaru at a Water Amusement Park?
I’m not a huge fan of either, they’re too overwhelming for me but if I did have to choose it’ll probably be the former. Just cuz that group seems more entertaining to be with at an amusement park.
17. Would you rather get lost in a forest with Reiji, Kino and Kou or with Ruki, Carla and Kanato?
I never wanna be lost anywhere with Kanato; that’s a recipe for disaster. I’ll do the former!
18.- Who would you cook breakfast for? Who would you make a scarf for? and Who would you do a drawing for? Options: Kou, Azusa, Shu.
Scarf for Azusa, cuz him swaddled up in a scarf is hella cute Drawing for Kou; I’d probably draw him whatever he asked lol, he is an artist (sure, different kind) so he probably has some fun ideas. And I’d cook breakfast for Shu cuz lazy morning breakfasts are just really nice. Tasty food and lounging around ;)
19. Participate in a Circus as Carla’s Knife thrower assistant or go to a Casino with Shin and be offered as a bet/reward by him in the Roulette Wheel game? (So if Shin looses you’ll be taken away by whomever won)
LOLLLL I do not trust casinos so it’ll probably have to be Carla’s knife throwing assistant.
20. Who would you rather catch by accident taking a shower, Yuma or Kanato?
*COUGH* ,,,,,Yuma,,,, just cuz that seems more entertaining (god look at me, pulling a Laito; choosing whichever option I deem as less boring). Kanato would probably slice me in half immediately. And,,, I have a stronger liking to Yuma lately thanks to Kai,,,,, *cough*
Well, hopefully y’all enjoyed that!! Feel free to partake in this even if you aren’t tagged btw! Don’t forget to tag @vampiretsuki when you repost it too!
I tag: @hotline-to-hell @nam00n @akumacaron @the-precious-sugar-chan @murasakiplum @the-tomboygamer123 @jardinsdeminuit !!! Have fun, go ham!
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The Abyss NPC are such a trove of gold for additional worldbuilding tbh
Everything about the Pagan Lady who I assume is Dagdan breaks my heart
That poor NPC whose family was somehow massacred by nobles “People with crests do whatever they like no one stops them least of all the church”
Mr. Backup died during the timeskip :( But Abysskeeper ends up marrying his older sister in VW and SS
Rodrigue paid for reestablishing the monastery town, even giving money to the ppl in abyss & generally seems to. I guess you see where Dimitri gets that charitable mindset from. Yuri also notes that he’s remarkably uncorruptible.
Abysskeeper is originally from Derdriu. It#s fun how a lot of his CF and AM dialogue is exactly the same but in different context XD - apart from of course the rodrigue line, and the time Hubert sends a soldier to do some mission there
When you go save Fhirdiad Constance is pretty glad to save the ppl from the school of sorcery and is glad to find them mostly unharmed
Yuri goes into some detail of events right preceding Byleth’s return in AM where the villages near the fronts weren’t sure wether to think of the guy massacring random imperial soldiers as a serial killer or a folk hero
Balthus apparently had a friendly brawl with Dimitri at some point (I guess continuing the tedency of the recruitees in aM to mention having personally interacted with him, at the very least Leonie and Caspar also get lines like that)
Apparently Yuri’s mom got sick sometime during the timeskip (at least in the AM timeline) so he couldn’t evacuate her from Faerghus.
Constance like Ferdinand, Lorenz & Lysithea is one of those ppl who remember Edelgard in a semi-positive light after her defeat. Kudos to you!
Balthus suspects where Claude ran off to. Well, he was kinda sent there to snoop on him to begin with XD
He never had any hope for the Parlay
Apparently Yuri does have a habit of praying, he’s not like a strooong believer and can’t recite the scriptures much but it’s a habit he picked up from his mom, I guess he would be one of those ‘culturally religious’ people
I just love how Yuri had additional observations on nearly everything like... nothing gets past him.
Meanwhile in the CF timeline, Balthus apparently thinks Edelgard is hot (which earns him a death glare from Byleth) and thinks the whole Black Eagle strike force should go have a beer to celebrate Byleth’s return since they’re all old enough now and Byleth’s no longer supposed to babysit them
I love how Hubert just flat out takes over Abyss and integrates poor overworked Yuri into his spy networkXD . Hence why Hapi feels he deserves a definite article. Well, Hubert appreciates how good he is. The mission was to try & convince the Alliance lords to fold so like El & co were actively attempting diplomacy until the end
On CF you see a very omnious NPC who suddenly dissapears if talked to (probably Agarthan) who complains about “that prince being no good” - Did they offer Dimitri their support when they noticed they were definitely losing control of Edelgard? If so he seems to have rebuffed em. It’s a very cryptic line and I can’t rly make heads or tails of it, but, if he wouldn’t sell Rhea out to Edelgard he probably wouldn’t do it for someone even worse no matter what they promised him.
Apparently in the VW timeline Hapi is a big fan of Judith
Balthus is proud that little Hilda has become an A list schemer
Hearing Claude’s plan makes constance a bit self-conscious about her own being more past-focussed, she’s been out-bolded
Hapi doesn’t know much about Almyra but reflects on how there are many marginalized minority groups in Fodlan including ppl from Isolated communities like her own
Yuri finds the plan a bit lofty & idealistic for his tastes, and also reckless, but he realizes that he’s got no leg to stand on when it comes to being more noble than he lets on, and that maybe a lil bit of recklessness are what these times need
Oh, once the secret’s out Hapi concludes that there probably would have been war one way or another with the slitherers having everything infiltrated, edelgard or no edelgard
Balthus mentions that Holst wasn’t at Shambhalla because he was “working out things with the Almyrans” and suggest that they warn him about the slitherers lest they sabotage the diplomacy
Apparently Hapi meditates! This comes up cause she trying not to freak out about Nemesis
“People sait it was the church who kept order but actually Yuri’s the one keeping us from complete chaos”
Apparently it was Hapi who kept the surface bandit population from flattening Abyss
Apparently in VW it’s Judith who gave supplies to Abyss (In Rodrigue’s place)
Seems like despite Hapi’s worries they kinda fare best on CF though (”Things have been pretty ok” vs “We lost some ppl”)
Abyss Resident: “I used to be an important person in the church but Im exiled for embezzling. It wasn’t out of greed tho my hometown was pillaged and the church wasn’t putting in enough to rebuild” Tell me again that Rhea cares about the little guy
One of the random rogues from Abyss is from the kingdom, claims to be a distant descendant of Fraldarius the Elite and finds “poetic justice” in taking down the empire under Claude.
Another reaaaaly juicy tidbit is that rogue with another message from Hubert, telling Byleth to bring Rhea with them when they go to Shambhalla. Ensuing that Rhea and Thales would destroy each other. And reaaaly adds to my conviction that Edelgard and Hubert basically did everyone a huge solid and no one noticed. Well, actually in Verdant wind they Do notice eventually; Its the left hand fighting the right cause everyone has triust issues galore
I didn’t think my love of Hubert could increase further
I always wondered, hm, were they expecting Rhea to self-destruct? Did Claude deliberately plan for it? But I never had enough evidence. especially for team Empire. But I mean Edelgard started this whole war cause Rhea is a danger so, while I get keeping her alive cause the slitherers want her for experiments, why not slit her throat as soon as the imperial palace is surrounded? Why have Hubert return her alive, to win the other faction’s trust? Not their style.
Though the random rogue also says that “Rhea was kept alive as insurance” against the slitherers.
So it WAS part of the plan. I always did have that feeling, but, I never knew how to articulate it logically and not just intuitively.
Of course if Byleth went and told Claude about this, Claude’s decision is also clear because he’s not dumb enough to think the empire would care for Rhea’s wellbeing out of the goodness of their heart
Though ultimately she insists on coming along for her own reasons anyways wether Claude is there or not, for plain ol’ revenge.
Also while reading through the scrpits I realize that I never clicked the “Do you hope [Rhea] is dead?” option when Claude explains his plan. That actually nets you support points and he’s like... “Daangerous question friend”. Really Claude is not “the chill/nice one” he’s so much more interesting than that and I love him
Also I love how the NPCs get different outfits depending on the route! I wish there had been more route-specific aesthetic touches
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idc which ones i rly just want you to answer at LEAST five of these for our certified dad Orb
oh my god okay. i just used a number generator to pick out five random questions so let's see how this goes
4. Do they look good in red?
his signature color has kind of become blue but it was originally orange, and his first outfit included a red hood, so i'd say it works for him aesthetically, but once you get to know his personality as a generally level-headed, logical thinker with a weirdly calming disposition, red just seems too bold for him. like, it doesn't look bad, but it just doesn't feel right either.
15. What would they consider a waste of time other than school or work?
i gotta say it is really hard for me to think of something that a guy with such a long lifespan would consider a waste of time. like, he has all the time in the world, how would any of it feel wasted? maybe it's a little roundabout, but given that he's one to look at challenges from as many angles as he can before tackling them, he might feel it's a waste of time to try running at a problem without thinking it through first? i honestly am not sure if there's anything else
19. Do they study before tests? Practice before job interviews?
like. he would, but he doesn't need to. he's pretty well read and has a good enough memory that most tests would be a breeze, and he's naturally charismatic and socially adept enough that interviews aren't really daunting for him, but at the same time he'd wanna be prepared, "just in case."
20. What do they like that nobody else does?
29. What recurring dreams to they have?
ooo this could be campaign spoilers so i'm gonna try to be as vague as possible. there's a "dream" he has every now and again, especially when he's walking into something dangerous, where someone warns him of what's to come. usually an ancestor or family member of sorts. the setting is almost always the same, i kind of picture it being this cosmic plain, but sometimes he's in different areas of it.
#thank u for the ask fang i hope i have frustrated the fuck out of u#i'm so excited for a team hell yeah boiiiiiiiiis#OC tag
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