#and my friends yelling ‘IT’S YOUR FIELD’ whenever we went out on a drive
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katierosefun · 2 years ago
wow i love you the transporting power of music (am trying so hard not to cry because of the film reel in my head)
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softguarnere · 2 years ago
Like A Dream (Like A Plan)
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Shifty Powers x OFC
One: The Loneliness of the Letter Z
Summary: In which Zenie's brother takes a leap that all the McGlamery siblings have longed to make
A/N: Happy New Year! Yet another year and another holiday that we've made it through 💪🏼 May 2023 treat you all with kindness and be your best year yet 💕 Since time doesn't exist during the holidays, here's an update a day early (because I spent half the day thinking it was Monday anyway 💀)
Warnings: Zenie's dad has dialogue in this one :/
Taglist: @latibvles @lieutenant-speirs @liebgotts-lovergirl
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North Carolina, 1937
Matthew has a secret. Zenie isn’t blind; she can tell that something is going on, what with he way that he and Marilyn sit in his room, long into the night, whispering in voices too low to decipher through the wall that separates his room from theirs. Her sister tip-toes back into their room late at night, and acts like there is nothing to talk about the next morning.
Then there’s Granny. Matthew is not related to her – technically speaking, Matthew is Zenie’s cousin on her father’s side, and was adopted by her parents after his own died in an automobile accident, but Granny has always loved him as if he were her own flesh and blood. Zenie catches them talking at the kitchen table whenever she comes home from school, but they always fall silent the minute that she enters the house.
It's driving her insane, the way that everyone acts like she’s not a part of whatever is going on. She is fourteen. She used to imagine that being fourteen would mean that she would no longer feel like an outsider wherever she went. Fourteen used to mean being old enough to be included and being old enough to understand the world and what happens in it. Clearly, she was wrong.
Maybe she should have pieced it together sooner. The way that Matthew doesn’t spend so much time with his old friends in the afternoons. They way that he has taken her place as the distracted child – always staring off at the mountains and the sky, daydreaming. He has found a way out. Which is something that Zenie doesn’t realize until she comes home from school one day to see him dressed in his Sunday best, hugging their mama goodbye as their father loads a heavy suitcase into the cab of his truck. 
Gravel crunches beneath her shoes as she runs down the rest of the road leading to their house. She drops her books somewhere along the way.
“Pick those up!” Her father yells as she comes speeding towards them. “I paid money for those!”
Zenie skids to a stop in front of the truck. It’s obvious what’s happening: her brother is leaving. Her eyes move from him to the suitcase to the house, trying to piece it all together. Her breathing is heavy, and it’s not from the short run down the road.
“Where are you going?” she demands.
Matthew puts a hand on either of her shoulders. “Zenie – “
“You’re leaving.”
It’s not a question. “I have to.”
“But where – “
Gently, he turns her and starts to lead her away from the truck, away from their family. Behind them, their father tells them to stay, complaining that they’re going to be late. Zenie can hear him mutter about how her schoolbooks are still on the ground as they walk towards the barn, then past it into the field.
Matthew tries to speak when they’re out of earshot, but Zenie beats him to it. “You’re leaving because you want to get away from him.”
“From all of it,” Matthew agrees, not even trying to deny it. He runs a hand through his hair, which glints like a new penny in the afternoon sunlight. He sighs through his nose. “I’ll go crazy if I have to stay here the rest of my life. We all will.
“I don’t want to work on a farm. My real parents were farmers and look what that got them. Look what it got our parents. I hate the way people look down on us. I hate not having anything! Nothing of my own, anyway. I want to be a man – my own man. Can you understand that?”
She understands it, more than he thinks she does. It’s hard to think of a time when Zenie hasn’t felt like this house is some sort of trap. There’s a deep loneliness in this place. She’s always felt it, deep in her bones. It’s in the way that Matthew and Marilyn are the same age, and that their names start with the same letter, while she’s set four years behind them with a name starting with a letter that hardly ever gets used. The letter Z is an incredibly lonely figure, just like her.
Forgotten, at the end of the alphabet, just like she’s about to be by her own siblings. Because there’s no doubt in her mind that when Matthew leaves, Marilyn will soon be gone, too.
“I want to leave,” Zenie blurts out.
“We all do.”
Their father is pacing in front of the truck. Mama grabs his arm as he starts to walk over to them, probably telling him to wait just one more second, because they’ll be done soon.
“I’m joining the Air Corps. Dad signed the papers for me. I don’t know if I’ll stay past my initial enlistment, but at least it gets me out of here, gets me some money of my own. Gets me started.”
Her lack of a response must come off as anger, but really Zenie knows that the second she opens her mouth to speak she’ll burst into tears. She has to keep her bottom lip clamped between her teeth. His decision might be breaking her heart, but she doesn’t want him to feel bad – not when he’s finally found a way out.
“You’ll make it out one day, too.” He pats her on the shoulder again. His hand is firmer this time, like he’s trying to ground her.
One day. She’s fourteen. How much longer can she go on like this?
“You have Granny,” he reminds her. “And Mama. Take care of them for me, okay?”
Biting her lip is doing no good. Warms tears are leaking from the corners of her eyes as she nods. She may not have her brother anymore, and soon she won’t have her sister, but at least she has Mama and Granny. She’ll never truly be lonely as long as she has Granny by her side. Maybe that’s what got Matthew this far. 
“Matthew,” she chokes out as her brother starts back to the truck. They’re still far enough away that their family can’t hear them, but she whispers it nonetheless. “How did you make it this long?”
For once in his life, her brother – usually so brave and bold and sure of himself – hesitates. He glances at the truck before taking a quick step back in her direction, his voice quiet as well. “Knowing that he’s not really my father. That's what kept me going.”
Then he climbs in the truck. Dust kicks up from the wheels as their father drives him away. Zenie stands, motionless, the skirt of her dress balled up in her fists as she watches them go.
Her books are still on the ground where she dropped them. She should probably dust them off and go study for her geography test.
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years ago
The Field Trip ~ KSM [Request]
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PAIRING: Teacher Seungmin x Teacher!Reader
GENRE: fluffy, teacher AU, filedtrip AU, awkward Seungmin, cute seungmin
A/N: I hope you enjoy this! I think cute teacher Seungmin would be adorable!! @nightalight 
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The class you were trying to calm down were all talking amongst themselves, too excited to listen to anything you were trying to tell them. You couldn't blame them for the exciting field trip that was going to start today. It was something everyone had been looking forward to for the longest time so you couldn't be mad at them for being this enthusiastic about something that was finally happening.
"Hey guys, come on...Just because it's a trip doesn't mean we can speak over Miss Y/l/n," You glanced over at the door to see your colleague Mr Kim Seungmin standing there, he must have been walking past when he noticed you struggling to get the groups attention. Normally they were one of the most behaved groups in the school but today it was as if they could no longer contain their energy for the trip ahead and had to let it out one way or not another. The class turned to look at Seungmin and stopped talking when they noticed what he was wearing, it was strange to them to see their teachers out of their normal school attire. Instead of the usual suit that he would be sporting, he was in some sweats and a hoodie since the bus ride that you were going to be on was almost two hours long. You'd chosen to come along in your sweats and a hoodie as well since you didn't want to spend the ride uncomfortable, most of the kids had dressed up fancy despite being told about the long drive and that the first night there would be a quiet night in to get used to their sleeping arrangements.
The whole of your first-grade students was going on a week-long trip to Gyeongju-si as a small incentive for being such good students that had been excellent in the school year. Those who had disciplinary records or were in trouble throughout the year weren't allowed on the trip and were to stay behind with the other grades. Of course, it wasn't just you and Seungmin that would be leading the school trip, it would be far too much to handle for just the two of you. There were a team of teachers going along with all 56 students including you, Seungmin, English teacher Bang Chan, Science teacher Felix, headteacher Minho, IT teacher Hyunjin, Music teacher Changbin, Art teacher Jisung and form tutor Jeongin along with a couple of other PA's that were able to help out. All of the teachers knew each other very well and got along, it was one of the conditions you had of going on the trip. You wanted to make sure the teachers were able to get along well with one another as well as looking after the students in an appropriate manner, knowing when to draw the line at certain things they would be doing. People that could be trusted with the children aged 15-17 and knew how to care for them and discipline them appropriately if needed. 
"Thanks, Mr Kim. Now I know you guys are excited but there are rules to go over for on the bus and for when we arrive at Gyeongju-Si, buddy systems are in place so you're always with a friend," The kids watched you as you spoke to them all, giving them information on when you would take a break on the bus ride and what buddy sytem there was in plcae. They were also watching the way that Seungmin was watching you, smirking to ofe another as they saw the familar creep of a blush coming onto his cheeks and the sparkle he got in his eyes whenever you spoke to a class. They would be blind if they didn't see the crush you and Mr Kim had on one another but neither of you would do anything about it. Too scared to think about it and decided to stay friends with one another, no matter how much chemistry you shared.
"Teachers will be around at all times if you need us, you'll each have a number to contact us on over the course pf the trip..." The more you went on the more you could see the interest of the trip leave their eyes but it wasn't all bad so you decided to give them the good news while you had their attention.
"Those who are old enough do get to go on their own for a while but those who aren't will be assigned, teachers...Please be mindful," You looked at Seungmin to see if he had anything to add but he had been staring at you with a slight blush on his cheeks, he always got like that around you. The two of you had been friends for years but it didn't stop him from having a large crush on you and got nervous whenever you spoke to him or stood too close. Teachers and students all saw the way you acted around one another, the chemistry you shared it was hard to ignore it when it was right in your face all of the time. A couple of the teachers even had bets on when Seungmin would finally ask you out on a date or when you would finally cave and ask him out.
 "Anything to add?" You nudged him and he cleared his throat, standing up in front of the class and trying to think of something he could say to them as they mumbled to one another glancing at the two of you as they spoke about how this could be the trip that made you come together as a couple. 
"This trip isn't educational, you won't have to take notes...It's a nice break for all of you to enjoy! So remember that but also remember you are representing the school so act respectful to those around you and be on your best behaviour... think Miss Y/l/n covered it all...Have fun!" The kids cheered before going back to their previous conversations with one another, talking amongst themselves about what they were looking forward to most while on the trip. The whole thing had been in planning since the start of their academic year and they'd been looking forward to it since.
"Are you excited?" Seungmin questioned as he walked over to your side, you were double-checking your bags again to make sure you had everything and more that you were going to need. 
"Very, there's a walk I really want to go on...You should come too, I think you'd love it." You smiled at him as you thought about everything you'd been researching in the lead up to the trip, 
"If you're still into photography you could bring your camera along, it's beautiful," You were so lost in a conversation with one another you had noticed that some of the students were watching you together. A couple of the girls smiling in 'awe" at the way Seungmin was watching you closely, hanging on to every word you were saying to him. 
"When I get older, I want someone to look at me like that...Pay attention to my interests like that," One of the popular girls said loudly enough for you to hear, a blush crept onto Seungmin who smiled nervously at you. 
"I'd love to, I brought my camera and plenty of batteries...It'll be nice," He smiled at you and as you were about to say something else the door opened and Minho appeared with a smile on his face, 
"The busses are here, let's all go! Make sure you have everything packed! We won't be coming back!" He yelled as he ran down the hall to inform the next lot of students while you and Seungmin got your class ready to head out to the busses.
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After the long road trip it was a relief to finally arrive at the hotel you would be staying in with all of the kids, 
"Make sure you check in with Mr Hwang, he'll be the one giving you your room keys! Boys you're on the fifth floor and girls are with Miss Y/l/n on the tenth!" Chan yelled out as groups of children ran towards the hotel, carrying their bags and yelling out in excitement about who they were going to sharing rooms with.
"You are in luck, me and Felix have the first night of rounds so you have a free night to yourself," Jisung said as he came over to you, you were trying to get your bag off the bus when he pulled it out for you. Raising his eyebrows to see if you'd heard what he said to you, 
"Cool...I think Seungmin and I are going to go to the Wolji Pond, I've been wanting to go and I figured he'd want to go for a photography opportunity," Jisung scoffed at you and you frowned at him, 
"Of course, "photography" is what Seungmin is going for and why you invited him...Y/n...I'm not stupid," He nudged your arm but you frowned even more wondering what he was talking about, 
"Come on. We've been talking about him the whole journey, you can't stop thinking about him...Even on our weekends out you're always thinking about him. Tell me this is just some elaborate plan to finally ask him out or get some alone time with him." You gasped at Jisung as you slapped his arm in a playful manner, looking around to make sure none of the children was in earshot or that Seungmin himself didn't hear since he was less than a couple of people away from you. 
"Shut up," You hissed under your breath, dragging Jisung over to the back of the bus before groaning and hiding your face in your hands. The thought of being alone in such a romantic setting with Seungmin hadn't even occurred to you until Jisung planted the seed in your mind, now all you could think about was walking hand in hand with Seungmin around the pond. Talking with one another about everything and anything that would come to your minds it was something you both could do easily with one another. There was a certain comfort that you gave to one another that let the other one know you were free to talk about anything you wanted, that and you had so much in common it was like hanging around with someone you'd known your entire life. 
"It's not a date, it's nothing like that...We're just-"
"Going out. Alone. On a romantic walk, together....Okay, sure, whatever you need to tell yourself to get through it." Jisung smirked at you before walking away leaving you to overthink everything while you stared down at the gravel floor. The whole journey you and Jisung had been speaking about what you had planned for the trip, and it seemed as though all of the teachers had baned together to make sure you and Seungmin were always working alongside one another. They were. They were sick of the two of you always too scared to make something happen and they were going to do it for themselves even if it took them the whole of the trip or longer. 
"You okay?" You jumped when you heard Seungmin suddenly talking to you and he smiled at you, 
"Y-Yeah, just getting lost in my own thoughts." You laughed, looking over at him with a nervous smile before glancing down at your phone trying to come up with some excuse to get away from him. Now that Jisung had put the idea of going on a date with Seungmin that night into your head you couldn't contain yourself. The butterflies in your stomach were getting harder to control and the way your head span whenever you would lock eyes with Seungmin was sending you crazy. 
"I'm going to go and lay down," You mumbled trying to leave without making eye contact with him but Seungmin called your name out, 
"I'll meet you in the lobby tonight," You nodded at him, glancing at his hand that was wrapped around your wrist, you couldn't help but feel a spark come from the spot his hand was laying. Seungmin smiled as he saw a flicker of a smile on your cheeks and he let go of you, watching after you as Jisung came to his side. 
"Big date night, you looking forward to it?" Seungmin turned to look at the older friend of his and frowned, 
"Date? I didn't ask her out...We're just going for a walk." Jisung wrapped his arms around Seungmin while shaking his head and tutting loudly, 
"Seungmin, Seungmin, Seungmin...You have much to learn about women and dates. Y/n clearly asked you to go with her because she's into you and you're into her...What's the big deal?" Seungmin's heart raced at the thought of you liking him back, he'd had a large crush on you for years but he never would have thought you would ever return the feelings for him. 
"She did? Why wouldn't she just ask me out on a date then...She didn't need to hide it," He sighed as he and Jisung walked in the direction of the hotel, ignoring the rest of the teachers around them as Jisung filled him with dating advice. 
"She was probably nervous, I mean she won't even admit it's a date but it is...We all know she's crazy about you Seungmin...She's told me a million times," Seungmin blushed deeply as he glanced over at you getting your key-card from the reception desk, he smiled when he saw you feeling his stomach began to grow and he couldn't help but feel hopeful for your date that wasn't really a date later that night, 
"I'm going to go get ready," He mumbled before sprinting off away from Jisung and heading up wot his room while Jisung smirked at himself proud of what he was doing. If it was down to him to make you guys finally take that first step then he was going to do everything in his power to make it happen that night. 
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Seungmin stood anxiously waiting for you in the lobby, it was pitch black outside and the night workers were switching onto their shift. 
"Do you need help, Sir?" One of the managers asked and as Seungmin was about to ask the manager to call your room number the door to the elevators opened and heard some students talking loudly while complimenting someone and he glanced over to see you standing between two of the 17-year-old girls in his class. 
"Miss, you look amazing. There's no way Mr Kim will be able to keep his eyes off you," Seungmin blushed at the mention of his name and you glanced over at him, your body freezing in place as you felt shy in front of him. A warm feeling spread all over the back of your neck and your face as you tried not to look visibly embarrassed, failing miserably as you knew your body was trembling and you were swallowing a lump in your throat that wasn't even there. Your shoulders curled forward as you walked over to him, waving goodbye to the girls who had been complimenting you on the ride down from your floor. 
"You look...Whoa," Seungmin complimented as you joined him by his side, you were dressed in a black and blue floral-ankle skirt dress with long sleeves. It had a v-neck with a chiffon material and it looked pretty on you, it made your eyes pop and your skin look stunning under the dim hotel lighting. 
"Whoa?" You giggled softly hoping for some kind of explanation as to what "whoa" meant but it was all Seungmin could manage to say as he continued to stare at you lost in your eyes.
"I-I mean...You look whoa all of the time but tonight it's just...Whoa," He breathed out again, it was as if he'd been lost in a brain fog and he was finding it difficult to produce real words other than "whoa" to describe the way you looked. 
"Beautiful, he means beautiful." The night manager winked before sitting down behind his desk and beginning his work. The room fell into an awkward silence so you pointed at his camera, 
"Shall we?" You questioned and he nodded, walking towards the exit with you while he tried to think of sentences he could say. It was as if everything had suddenly left his brain and he couldn't remember how to make basic conversation. 
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"Jisung said that you wanted to ask me something," You and Seungmin were standing in one of the Gazebos around the pond, you'd been walking together for an hour just having a casual conversation about your hopes and plans for the trip. After the awkward encounter in the lobby everything seemed to calm down on the walk, Seungmin snapped photos of everything around you and you spoke about anything that came to your minds.
"He did?" Seungmin's voice cracked as he glanced over at you, your back was to him as you looked over the railing of the pond with your hands on the railing he couldn't help but snap a picture. The low lighting in the gazebo and the stars made it look perfect, 
"Did you take a photo?" You giggled gliding over to his side to look over his shoulder at the image he had snapped of you to see yourself on most of the photographs from that night. 
"Whoa," You repeated what he had said earlier in the night and he chuckled softly.
"Here...This is my favourite, you were leaning down to look at the ducks," He flicked through some images and found one of you sitting on a patch of grass beside a small area of the pond. You were so lost in the night you'd barely heard the camera shutter going off but in the image, you were looking at the ducks and ducklings all sleeping happily, 
"Cute, look they look so peaceful," You smiled happily glancing up at Seungmin who was already staring down at you. His eyes flickered between your eyes and your lips, debating with himself if he should finally take his chance and kiss you in the romantic night you were having. 
Bending down he leant closer to you until your lips were almost touching, your eyes fluttered shut and your heart raced from being this close to him. It was finally going to happen after all this time. That was until there was the sound of giggling students coming from before you, you broke away licking your lips as you stared at the floor. 
"Shouldn't you be in your rooms, there's a curfew," Seungmin grumbled as he stared over at some of the students that had interrupted your moment together. 
"Shouldn't you take Miss Y/l/n on a real date before you kiss her!" They yelled before running away from you and Seungmin as he blushed deeply and you felt your body curl up in embarrassment. 
"I'll...I-I'll walk you back," Seungmin mumbled as you both headed back in the direction of the hotel.
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It was the final day of the trip and the almost-kiss between you and Seungmin was never spoken about again, it was never brought up and the two of you stuck to conversation topics surrounding school life instead of your private ones. 
"So close, yet so far," Jisung grumbled as he threw some food to the ducks as he watched you and Seungmin taking some of the younger students around Gyeongju Craft village, wanting to make sure everyone had a chance to buy something on their last day.
"I heard if it wasn't for the two girls in Y/n's class they would have kissed," Chan mumbled as he sat down beside Jisung, handing him some of the food he had in his bag. 
"They were on a date, it was going so well and then they ruined it by laughing at them as they almost kissed." Jisung pouted as if it was him being mad at drama actors in a show he was watching instead of real human's. 
"You can't blame them Jisung...If Seungmin and Y/n are meant to be then it will happen eventually...We can't force it," Jisung rolled his eyes not wanting to listen to Chan acting, wise about everything so he laid down against the grass and stared up at the clouds.
"Hey look, this looks like Mr Kim and Miss Y/l/n," Your ears picked up your name and you glanced over at a group of students gathered around a wood crafting shop, you slowly made your way over to see a wooden couple crafted together. It looked so close to you and Seungmin and you felt your stomach flip, the lady figure was wearing a dress similar to yours from that night and the male had a camera in his hands as they walked together hand in hand. 
"Miss, you should buy it! It's so cute!" One of your students said as they glanced up at you, pointing at the figure as she asked how much it was but you heard Seungmin coming over and panicked. Your body going into fight or flight mode you left, going over to Jisung who was asleep on the grass. Black glasses were drawn on his face in permanent marker which made you giggle as you saw it.
"Jisung, this is your fault...You said it was a date, we almost kissed and now it's all weird between us...I hate you." You grumbled to his sleeping body knowing that once he was out of it he was out of it for a while, it was like trying to get blood from a rock whilst trying to wake him up.
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"Y/n?" You looked up over your shoulder to see Seungmin holding a bag in his hand with a shy smile on his face, 
"Can I talk to you? Over there..." He nodded over at the cherry blossom trees and you got up from the grass and brushed yourself off, 
"Sure." You whispered following him over before standing up the tree together. The two of you stared at one another not noticing that everyone had turned to look at you, watching you from afar to see what would happen between you. 
"I got something and I wanted to talk to you about the other night...It's been on my mind all week but I never knew how to bring it up," He scratched the back of his neck nervously before handing you the small gift bag with a shy smile. 
"Open it first," He instructed as he watched you anxiously, you pulled the bag open to see the wooden figures inside, your names were written on the bottom of them and Seungmin blushed. 
"The lady that crafted it saw us that night...I asked how she knew our names but she wouldn't tell me...I think the kids told her." He chuckled softly and you smiled running your hands over the small figures before looking back up at Seungmin, 
"I'm sorry I was so awkward and never brought it up again...I was...I didn't want to make things weird between us and in all honesty, I've been so nervous to ask you out that when Jisung said it was a date I jumped on the chance." You frowned hearing that Jisung told him he was a date and you shook your head, 
"J-Jisung convinced me it was a date, I was too nervous to ask you out," You laughed softly as you stared at one another, realising that neither of you had asked the other out and that it had been a set up by Jisung. 
"I'm sorry...I-I really shouldn't have tried to kiss you then, I mean if you're not interested in me like that-"
"Who said I wasn't interested in you like that?" You whispered, taking his hand in yours so that he couldn't walk away from you like he was attempting to do. A blush crept on his face spreading over his ears until he looked as red as the roses that were growing nearby. 
"Well...I-I mean...I just meant-" You cut him off by kissing him suddenly. You no longer wanted to be worried or nervous about kissing him. It had been eating you up inside and you just wanted to get it over with before you chickened out of it all over again.  In that moment the kiss was filled with sweetness and passion, Seungmin wrapped his arms around your body pulling you closer to him to deepen the kiss between you and smiled against your lips. It felt as though you were at home with the smallest of kisses, the chemistry between you became a huge ever-glowing flame that nobody would be able to put out. That was until- 
"Who had bets on the trip being the reason they finally kissed?!" Jisung's voice rang out above everything around you, ripping into the moment the two of you were sharing together. You bit down on your lip as you and Seungmin rested your heads on one another, laughing at one another softly as you glanced in Jisung's direction who was collecting money from the teachers and students. 
"Should we tell them all he cheated?" Seungmin questioned as he linked his hands with yours, you shook your head. 
"Nah, we can just bully him into buying us food with the money or we'll tell everyone," You promised him, leaning up to kiss him once more before leaving him to go and join the others who were all smirking and cracking jokes at the pair of you already. 
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Tagline: @taestannie @kneel-begyourpardon @minholuvs @acciocriativity @that-anxious-bisexual​ @mwitsmejk​ 
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dottiechan · 4 years ago
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Read on AO3 (link in bio)
Part 1 | Part 2&3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
Pairing: Crosshair x Reader x Hunter; Tech x Reader (platonic)
Wordcount: 2389
Summary: Tech watches on helplessly as his brothers' affection for you threaten to ruin the squad.
Warnings: cursing, yearning
You’re just as cold on the inside as the ice is under your boots. It crunches with every step you take, and your heart seems to beat along with the fall of your boots, aching. You feel unsteady, almost enough to miss the tracks running in the snow right in front of you. You pause and crutch down, gloved fingers dipping into the indentations as you grumble to yourself. It’s not even your turn to scope out the area where you’re setting up camp, and besides, there is a literal tracking genius in your squad - it really shouldn’t be you who’s out here in the snow and ice, eyes straining against the blinding white of the planet, fingers freezing off as you set up perimeter alarms. And yet you just volunteered for the less than ideal task without explanation, not understanding your own decision either.
At least Tech offered to tag along, but you suspect he’s simply had enough of his brothers for a while. Not that you can blame him.
You sigh, internally begging him to stop talking as you stand, abandoning the tracks after deciding they most likely belong to a lone whitefang. You have enough on your plate right now, with Hunter still being pissy and Crosshair avoiding you like the plague, and silence would be much more preferable right now to listening to one of Tech’s rambles.
“Did you know that this moon’s surface is almost entirely composed of water?”
“Despite the subzero surface temperature, there are subsurface oceans underneath the ice that are warmed by the moon’s internal heat.”
“I wish we could stay long enough for me to study the subsurface flora and fauna. There might be plants underneath the ice that-”
“-that use chemosynthesis-”
He has the decency to look flustered, one hand gripping the datapad tightly, the other flying up to adjust his goggles as he peers up at you. You didn’t mean to sound so harsh, but sometimes you just can’t help it. Sometimes, the confinement of the Marauder is enough to turn you into a ticking time bomb, irritated by the slightest seemingly innocent things. And you’ve had more than just mere sparks to flare your temper as of late.
His rifle is spotless, and yet he’s still scrubbing it as if his life depended on it.
Maybe it does, because if he jumps up and lowers his guard for a second, he’s out the ship and off to find you and Tech. Maybe you’re a fool sometimes, a god damn nuisance, a person he still couldn’t grow used to, but you belong with them now, you’re theirs, you’re his, and that means something to him. You frustrate him beyond reason, and he often grows callous and agitated because he refuses to allow himself to feel the emotions you elicit from him whenever you’re near him.
Even now, on an ice planet, the mere thought of you infects him with a sweet, sweet jungle fever that knocks him off his feet.
And he’s supposed to be angry now, Crosshair reminds himself. After all, you almost gotten yourself killed on Bracca, and almost broke him in the process.
“They’ve been gone for too long,” Hunter grumbles as he paces up and down like a caged nexu craving to run free. But lately Crosshair began to suspect that he craves something else, someone else, and the thought has his throat tightening in jealousy. He’s been watching, and he convinced himself that he’d misread the signs until he saw the same agitation reflect in his brother’s eyes that he himself has to wrestle with every day.
If it ever came down to your choice, he knows he wouldn’t be it, and he hates living with this knowledge.
Hunter has all the things you seem to like - unlimited kindness, longing looks, smirks that turn a little too soft when directed at you, broad shoulders he caught you staring at more times than he can count. Deep down, he’s still hoping it will never come to you having to choose, but it’s impossible not to wish to be in the centre of your attention. You drive him insane, but you also make him want to commit and stop fighting and lay down his weapons for once in his god damn life.
“Relax. They’re probably fine.”
The screen to their left lights up, and Hunter rushes across the ship in long strides before exhaling in relief. “The proximity alarms are online. They should be heading back soon.”
Crosshair sucks in a breath, worried about seeing his own emotions sitting behind Hunter’s eyes as well.
You were assigned to assist the Bad Batch for an unspecified period of time some months ago. You’re a versatile field agent, specialising in both stealth and combat casualty care, one of the few volunteers who were qualified enough to join the GAR. Oh, and you’re also clearly mistrusted by your new squad as they flip out the very moment you risk yourself in the line of duty. You’re not stupid, you weighed the risks carefully, and you trusted your abilities to see you through the job unharmed.
But ever since the incident on Bracca, you’re given the cold shoulder by most on the squad, and for once, the scenery matches your mood.
And yet Tech deserves better than to be cut off like that. He deserves to be listened to, and appreciated as the good man he is. You’re friends, but in moments like these, you think you don’t deserve his friendship.
“Look, I’m... I’m sorry, okay? But right now, I have too much on my mind to think about, umm, chemo...”
“Yeah, that.”
“I think I understand,” he nods, satisfied with your half-assed apology for the time being as he goes back to scanning the vast icy desert stretching as far as the eye can see. The Marauder’s lights blink in the background, orange against the dark blue of the growing darkness that surrounds you. It’s like a beacon, a sign that promises warmth, and you gaze at it longingly until you remember that you’ll have to go back to Crosshair’s scowl and Hunter’s disapproving frown and Wrecker’s awkward little smiles. Somehow, the ice is preferable once more, and the snow that just began to fall in soft flakes is little more than a mild annoyance.
“Well, aside from a few distant life forms-”
“Yes, most likely whitefangs - aside from those, we should be quite safe inside the ship for tonight.”
“Yeah,” you sigh. “You might be. I’m not the most popular with the squad right now, remember?”
“You are a valued addition,” Tech declares, and the certainty in his voice releases inside you the emotional equivalent of a sucker punch. All you can do is stand, and fight the sting of tears in your eyes. You’re confident, but you never in your wildest dreams imagined how difficult it would be to live up to the expectations of a special unit. You also know your worth, but it’s hard to keep on believing in yourself steadfastly when the rest of your squad doubts your every move. “Which is why the prospect of losing you elicits a rather severe emotional reaction in us. It is rare for regs to warm up to us as well as you have, let alone volunteers. Aside from the obvious tactical disadvantage losing you would mean, I believe it is a little more personal than that.”
Hunter knows something is off even before one of the alarms is triggered - whatever it is, it is within five clicks of the ship, making you and Tech plenty exposed before he could do anything. He was straining his ear simply to keep you all safe - so what if he accidentally heard your muffled voice, or the soft crunch of snow underneath your boots?
But now is not the time to be idle, and he knows it. He would never forgive himself if something happened to his squad. And to you, he corrects himself almost softly as he grabs his helmet and checks his weapons quickly. Despite the fact that he’s still angry about your previous carelessness, he cannot deny the forbidden yearning coiling in his stomach whenever you’re on his mind, making him just as nervous as hopeful. And to be fair, it happens more and more often as of late, which is both alarming and exciting as he never thought he’d ever have the luxury to feel this way about someone else. Sure, he knows love, he loves his brothers with all his heart even if he isn’t very vocal about it, but this is different. New, scary, exciting different, an effervescent and persevering tingling blinding all his senses.
Crosshair is beside him in less than a second, rifle in hand, silent, and they share a nod before lowering the ramp and rushing out into the freezing dusk.
When he picks up on your muffled voice, he seems to ignore everything as he breaks into a sprint towards you, hoping to reach you in time before you’re in danger. He almost misses the way Crosshair’s heartbeat picks up, the usually stoic man reeking with genuine worry as he looks through the scope of his rifle.
He can deal with this later, Hunter promises himself as he pushes down this uncomfortable feeling. But then he sees you and Tech, and he seems to forget about anything and everything - you have that unfortunate and awfully distracting effect on him.
“But Hunter yelled at me for being reckless for a solid hour. And Crosshair said he didn’t care if I wanted to get myself killed, but I should do it in a way that didn’t interfere with the mission. Seriously, what an asshole.”
“Nevermind what they actually say,” Tech waves his hand in mild annoyance. “Hunter was worried sick. Crosshair almost went after you. And they’re both too pigheaded to admit the real reason why they’re so worked up.”
“Which is?”
“Obviously they both view you as a potential romantic partner.”
There’s a moment of pause as you two stare back at one another before you snort and chuckle, shaking your head and crossing your arms over your chest as a futile attempt at staying warm. “Tech, you need to work on your sense of humour.”
“And you need to work on your observational skills and situational awareness.”
“My observational skills are exceptional,” you defend yourself, a finger held up in the air defiantly. “And my situational awareness is-”
“Lacking, as you didn’t seem to notice the whitefang return. I suggest we head back to the safety of the Marauder.”
Sure enough, the wild cat is there lurking amongst the ice dunes, its eyes glowing in the dark as they reflect the light of the ship. It shouldn’t pose a threat to you as it is alone, and relatively small, but you still consider wrestling with it instead of returning to the ship and facing the rest of the squad - somehow, even that feels like a fight more fair than the ones that await you upon your return. So you hold its gaze as it curiously inspects you, wishing to swap bodies and run away and avoid any more conflict. Before you can even think of returning to the ship, you hear quiet footsteps catching up to you.
“I thought I heard something.”
“It’s probably more curious than anything.”
Hunter unsheaths his vibroblade and twirls it in his hand so theatrically it makes you roll your eyes. He glances at you, shoulders all tense, ready to pounce at the slightest sign of danger, and even though his face is obscured by his helmet, you can almost see the disappointed frown sitting on his features. “You want to test that theory?”
“My money would be on the whitefang winning.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence, Tech.”
“Any time.”
“Relax.” The distorted rasp of your commlink is not enough to drown out the smugness of the sniper. The stand-off ends when a single well-placed shot right before the big cat sends it sprinting away into the darkness. You all turn to find Crosshair standing by the ship, his rifle still aimed at the retreating form of the whitefang.
“Well, there goes my opportunity to finally have an interesting patrol,” you mutter to yourself as you all make it back to the Marauder.
“Do all of your patrols end in you staring down carnivores?” Crosshair snorts, clearly unamused.
“Only the good ones,” you fire back, deciding not to wait for any of them as you head inside. Crosshair is hot on your heels, another string of mockery sitting on the tip of his tongue, because fuck, you’re stubborn, but he’s not going to cave in and tell you how it makes him feel to see you in danger. He can’t, however, put up with being away from you either.
Hunter lingers a little outside. He has to set himself straight, to contain all the things he wants to say you that have nothing to do with scolding you about Bracca, to kill all the feelings that suddenly demand to be felt so desperately. He clenches and unclenches his fists by his side, pretending to survey the surroundings of the Marauder. Tech moves in the periphery of his vision, but instead of following you and Crosshair, he steps closer to Hunter.
“I believe the threat’s been averted.”
“Yeah. Good job on setting up those alarms, Tech.”
“No problem. Is there anything else you need?”
“No. You should head back inside. The last thing I want is for you to keel over with hypothermia.”
“That’s not how hypothermia works,” Tech mutters, his voice trailing off, eyes uncertain behind his goggles. He suddenly places a gentle hand on Hunter’s shoulder, making the sergeant glance at him.
“Hunter, I’m only asking this because I care about you all, but... how long do you think this can go on before one of you gets hurt?”
Tech’s words echo in his mind long after he’s rejoined the squad on the ship. And Hunter just stands outside in the snowfall, watching the last rays of light disappear on the horizon, wondering which one of you he’ll have to hurt when the push comes to shove.
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xneens · 4 years ago
best friend’s daddy - part three
Warnings: dark!andy barber, language, mentions of age difference, mentions of sex, underage drinking, pregnancy
Word count: 4.8k
Summary: A series of snapshots with your past and current life with Andy Barber.
[highly requested—and i mean highly]
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Newton, MA - 2017 Homecoming Game
He saw you immediately, shamelessly staring at the bright, yet fake smile slapped on your face as you posed for the picture. Andy's eyes drifted to the football players arms around your waist, too far down for the assistant district attorney's liking, not that he could do anything about it. He was unable to contain the eye roll when one of the players pressed a quick kiss on your cheek while you looked at the camera.
Andy knew he had no right feeling that way. He knew you thought he hated you. The glares, the tone he used, the disapproval glances he gave Jacob whenever you were with him. It was enough evidence for you to think he didn't want you around. He didn't. But not for the same reasons as you think.
Jacob ran past him, pulling you into a hug as the players around you ran back to their pre-game huddle, hyping themselves up. He heard your laugh, his previous annoyance washing away as he listened, wishing he didn't have to keep up his act. Instead, he watched from afar, noticing the fake smile replaced by a genuine one as you hugged your best friend, your cheer skirt rising before dropping back to it's already short length as soon as Jacob let you go.
Like the years before, Laurie didn't come to the homecoming game, claiming she was far too busy with work but Andy wasn't dumb. He could see it in her face everyday, helplessly watching his wife distance herself from him. But he couldn't blame her; he was doing the same. After all, not everything is supposed to last forever.
He secretly admired you, silently praising your will to pursue the career you wanted despite the very many attempts, and lectures from your parents about becoming a lawyer. Andy had gotten calls from them, more than happy to show you around the building with your parents hope of you magically being interested in what they had planned. But you were stubborn, and you hadn't backed down. He was impressed.
You glanced at Andy, surprised he wasn't glaring at you but rather staring at you with an expression you couldn't quite place, and you quickly diverted your eyes back to Jacob. "I'm so glad you came! Thank you for not being a total nerd tonight."
"My dad practically dragged me out of the house, grumbling about how I had to support my best friend when she's on the cheerleading team." Jacob explained, motioning to his father, the older Barber climbing the stairs as he claimed a spot on the bleachers next to your father. "I think it was just an excuse to watch a game that didn't feature the Patriots."
Once again, you were surprised. As said before, you thought he didn't care for your presence; to hear he wanted his son to support you was surprisingly shocking no matter how small it was. "Oh. Looks like he and Dad are gossiping again. Your mom didn't come?"
"No, she had work. What about yours?" asked Jacob.
"Business trip." you answered, sarcasm dripping from your voice. You saw the Instagram posts her friends posted, the so-called business trip had turned into a vacation with the girls. You heard your name being yelled, your cheer squad waving you over. Turning back to Jacob, you smiled. "They're calling me over so I gotta go. I'll find you after halftime, okay? We can ditch."
Jacob arched a brow, the corner of his lips twitching up. "But you're head cheerleader. Aren't you supposed to stay for the whole game?"
"Nah, Leila can take over after halftime. I'll just make up an excuse and say I went off with a guy or something." you said, tightening your ponytail. "Oh, and don't use the last stall in the boy's bathroom. Pretty sure someone had sex in that."
"Pretty sure that someone was you." he replied, grinning as you flipped him off. He laughed when you nearly ran into toddler, apologizing to the little person before running to the squad.
Jacob joined Andy and your father, answering questions from your dad, and listening to the two fathers talk about the mundane life as the game started. Andy's vision kept drifting off to you, cheering on the sidelines as the game, accidentally missing parts of the game. Not that he minded to much, he had a nice view, and he knew the score. It wasn't that much of an inconvenience for him.
Before halftime, you snuck away, going into the school to grab another hair tie from your locker. Thankfully, the field was close to the west side of the school, the locker bay only a short walk from the entrance. Coincidentally, just as you walked towards the bathroom with the hair tie, Andy bumped into you, the phone in his hand dropping to the floor.
"Oh, shit." you cursed, quickly bending down, grabbing the phone and handing it back to your best friend's dad. "Sorry, Mr. Barber, I wasn't looking."
Andy sighed, studying his phone instead of giving into the urge to comfort your tense state. For the millionth time, he wished he didn't have to act like a dick to you. "It's fine. Just watch where your going or you might head into the mens' room."
Not knowing whether he was serious or not, you gave an awkward nod, walking pass him. You hadn't seen the lingering glance he gave you before walking back to the game. Pushing on the bathroom door, you let yourself drown in your jitters, hyping yourself up before coming back and performing.
You had forgotten about Andy by the time you returned.
Newton, MA - May 14, 2018
Andy heard the knock, getting out of his seat to unlock the door. A presence befall him, a feeling he only got when you were nearby. With that thought, he immediately opened the door, greeted by the sight of you soaking from the rainfall, shivering, eyes slightly swollen, and downright miserable.
He called out your name in surprise, shocked to see you in such a messy state, let alone see you in his office. "What happened? Come in, come in. Are you okay?"
"Sorry, I—" you shivered, biting your lip to keep from spilling every problem you had faced on him. "It was raining so hard that I had to stop so I wouldn't crash or anything. And this was the closest building I parked to. I ran inside but I guess it didn't make any difference seeing how soaked I am."
Andy wrapped his jacket around your shoulders, unable to find a stray blanket or anything warm to give you. He led you to the leather couch, softly pushing you down to sit on it. "Come here, sit down. Did school end early?"
"No, um, I skipped." you sniffed, sinking down on the leather, letting Andy's coat fall over your shoulders. "I had a fight with my mom. A big one. So, I didn't exactly feel that great to come to school and I've been driving around since eight."
"Sweetheart, you're soaked. You're going to get sick." Andy murmured, wiping his warm hand over your forehead, the little droplets of water wetting his hand. "I have some clean clothes in my gym bag. Tell me what you were fighting about, it might make you feel better."
You watched him grab his duffel bag from under his desk, opening your mouth to protest but the cold, wet clothes made you close it. "I made some backhand comment about having a job in fashion, then she just blew up. She wants me to be a lawyer, go to the best schools, and be successful even if I'm not happy. I told her to fuck off, yelling that I'll do what I want. She didn't like that answer, so I grabbed my keys and drove around."
Andy gave you his Patriots shirt, and a clean pair of sweats, taking his wet jacket from you. You whispered a thank you, before taking off your dripping shirt, not caring Andy was watching. He cleared his throat, diverting his eyes away from your half-naked body. "Well, what did you want to be? What do you want to do after school?"
"I don't really know, except for the fact that I don't want to be a lawyer, that's for sure." you replied, putting on the sweatpants Andy gave you, relishing in the warmth. "I'm sorry for getting your couch wet, I—"
"It's okay, don't worry about it, sweetheart. Are you okay, now? Do you want me to do something about it?" Andy asked, unsure to hug you so he settled for an awkward pat on your shoulder, moving closer to you.
You scoffed, fidgeting with the hem of the large Patriots t-shirt, rolling your eyes at the question. "Trust me, there's nothing you could do about it. They're both so persistent on me being this successful lawyer that it doesn't matter if I want to be one. Tell me, Mr. Barber, what's so fucking great about being one?"
He bit back a smile, shifting on the couch until he was touching you, the serotonin you gave him encouraged Andy to brush back your dripping hair behind your ear, tilting your chin up to meet his gaze. With wide eyes, and a slight frown, you meet his eyes. "Well, firstly, you're able to help people. In layman's terms, you either can defend a client, or prosecute a criminal. Putting the bad guys away. Um, you can meet new people, have some experiences that's unlikely for others. But, you're right. You shouldn't have to do what you're parents have planned for you."
"Try telling them that." you sniffled, goosebumps appearing on your arms, subconsciously leaning your cheek on Andy's hand. He heard the angelic sigh escape from your lips, his smile appearing. "Thank you for the clothes and everything Mr. Barber."
"Don't mention it." he replied, bravely wrapping his arms around your slightly shivering body. Andy felt you tense for a few moments before slowly relaxing, shifting so he could rest his chin on your head, his thumb rubbing soft circles on your back. After a few minutes of silence, Andy reluctantly broke the silence. "Would you like me to call Jacob?"
He saw the flash of hurt in your eyes before you composed your expression, nodding slowly as you pulled away. "Yeah, I'll call him. He has free period so he won't be missing anything, I promise. Sorry for keeping you from work, Mr. Barber."
Andy shook his head, helping you up from the couch. "No, no, no. I just had some papers to go through, you didn't keep me from anything. The rain is slowing but you can stay in here until Jake comes. If you want."
You nodded, giving him a weak smile. "Thank you."
The Barber House - June 1, 2018
Giggling uncontrollably, you leaned against Jacob, a bottle of beer in your hand. Jacob laughed over the cartoon character with you, throwing his head back at the ridiculous scene on screen. Scooby had just stared at the screen, ending the episode, the screen turning black before another episode started. The noise Scooby made just had you and Jacob in another fit of uncontrollable laughter.
The sleepover had been spontaneous, yet long way overdue. In less than a week, you'd have graduated, and moved out of Boston, living in New York City as you went to the same college. That was one of the upside of finally leaving Newton, but even with the continuous nagging from your parents, you were still going to miss them.
You had been extra quiet, knowing full well Andy was stressed for something Laurie had done, the wife walking out of the house just as you had pulled up on the driveway. She had given you a friendly greeting, asking questions about graduation, before hugging you and driving away in her car. You knew it was bad as soon as you entered the house, seeing Andy glaring at the kitchen counter as you waited for Jacob to come save you. Thankfully, you didn't have to make small talk with the lawyer.
But the his tense expression was enough to keep you quiet in Jacob's room. Well, until he turned up with beers he had gotten from a mutual friend of yours, Cory Gilbert, the bartender at the bar and grill you and Jacob frequented at. He was over 21, legally able to buy the beer, giving it to Jacob as a present for graduation. Cory had given you a nice bottle of brandy, but you had decided to save it for graduation night instead.
Getting drunk hadn't been hard, for Jacob anyways; it took more than a few pleads from your already drunk friend to convince you to drink with him. Once you did, you felt the liquid slightly burn down your throat and you greeted the giddy feeling it left you. Soon, you were found leaning against Jacob's bed, sitting on the floor as the both of you cackled at the animations playing on the screen.
Andy still hadn't came up to hush the both of you; and to be honest, you weren't sure to be relieved or disappointed. You settled for relieved once as you saw Scooby and Shaggy running away from a "monster."
It was half past ten when you finally got up from your spot on the floor, leaving Jacob to drunkenly slur at his phone while the tv played in the background. Getting up, you headed to the bathroom, careful not to make anymore sounds than you already had. You were too drunk to notice Andy standing outside his door, arms crossed as he amusingly stared at your little tip-toe walk to the bathroom.
You finished your business, washing your hands, and heading back to Jacob's room when you lost your footing and stumbled into Andy's arms. You yelped in alarm, glad for the muscular arms that caught you. Looking up, you saw what your drunk brain could only describe as Adonis. You smiled, patting his pec as you slurred. "Thank you, Mr. Barber."
"How drunk are you, sweetheart?" Andy asked, not letting you go. He felt you swaying slightly in his arms, bringing you closer to his chest until your face was only a couple of inches away from his. His eyes flickered to your lips, his tongue licking his own. "You look flushed."
Giggling, you couldn't help but grin at the human contact. You had been so sure he hated you, but from your current position, your assumption seemed silly. "You're making me blush. Me and Jacob haven't been drank—drinking that much, pinky swear."
He snickered at the tiny slip up with your grammar, the slowness and laziness in your voice evidence enough if it hadn't been for the burst of confidence, and shouts from Jacob's room. "You shouldn't be lying, especially to a lawyer. Let's get you sobered up, wouldn't want you waking up with a bitch of a hangover tomorrow, now would we?"
Andy places a hand on your back, his hand intertwining with yours as he tried to lead you downstairs safely but you halted in the middle of the hallway, laughing as you sneaked behind him. You tapped his shoulder, trying to push him down. "Gimme a piggy back ride, Mr. Barber. Like the ones you gave me when I was four!"
The lawyer burst out laughing, finding your drunk confidence adorable. He couldn't help but agree, squatting down enough for you to climb onto his back, your legs wrapping around his waist, your arms locking around his neck. Andy held your legs in place with his hands, shifting you upwards so you rested comfortably on his back. Turning his head, he raised an eyebrow. "You ready, princess?"
You nodded in response, your hair ticking his neck as you snuggled closer to his neck, nuzzling your cheek. All the alcohol had rushed to your head. Andy walked down the stairs, careful to keep his grip on you as he did so. He heard all the tiny giggles and gasps you made, his bad mood dissolving with each sound. He couldn't remember a time Laurie had made him that happy.
Reaching the kitchen, Andy sat you down on the kitchen island, reluctantly letting you go as he went to grab a glass of water. He gave you the glass, but you rejected it, too busy looking at the game on the tv, seeing past the arch and into the living room.
He set the glass on the counter, leaning against it as he crossed his arms, staring at the mesmerized—and drunk—girl in admiration. You turned your attention back on him as soon as the commercials rolled, catching him ogling you. Blushing, you giggled once again, waving him over.
Curious, Andy stepped towards you, surprised when you gripped the collar of his shirt, dragging him closer to you until he was only a couple of inches away. Leaning in, you whispered in his ear. "I have a secret."
"What is it?" Andy asked, one word away from kissing his son's best friend. The tension radiating from interaction had him weak, helpless from the very tempting chance to take you right there and then.
Cupping your hand around your lips, you felt him snake between your legs, bringing you even closer. With your lips near his ear, you whispered, "I have the biggest crush on you. Sometimes I wish you were single so I could ride you until I physically can't."
Andy growled, his hands digging into your waist as his lips hovered over yours, his blue eyes piercing yours. He murmured your name, so close to losing all of his control.
"Every time I come over, I hope you'd push me against a wall, rip my shirt off and fuck a baby in me." you confessed, loving his body warmth. His grip had tighten on you to the point it was borderline painful, but you relished in it, the alcohol numbing the rational thoughts in your head as they screamed at you to shut up.
The lawyer was so close to doing what you wanted, nearly taking you right there. But much to his dismay, his morals had held him back; surely all it would take would be another sentence murmured from your lips but he considered himself strong. "Sweetheart..."
Just as Andy's lips brushed over yours, loud, heavy footsteps made him pull away, spotting his son drunkenly enter the kitchen. You smiled brightly at Jacob as if you hadn't been about to kiss his father. Andy raised an eyebrow at his son, irritated for interrupting. "Jacob, what're you doing?"
"I—" the boy frowned, forgetting momentarily on what he was doing. Jacob pointed at you, returning a random wave. "I was looking for her, because I got worried she fell in the toilet or something."
"She's fine, I was just sobering her up." Andy answered before you could, reluctantly helping you off the table, wishing he had a few more minutes alone with you. "Don't let your mom see all those bottles when she gets home. She won't be lenient as I am."
Jacob saluted in response, watching his dad help his best friend off the table. He was too drunk to notice the longing looks you had exchanged with Andy. "Okay, dad. Night."
Andy stood in the kitchen, alone, watching his girl giggle at something his son whispered. With more confidence than ever, he pulled out the manila envelope from the kitchen drawer, placing it on the table. Laurie would find it when she comes back.
Newton, MA - July 4, 2021
"You're so fat." Jacob commented, eyes widening when he felt the baby kick. Without much thought, he invaded your personal space, placing his cheek against your stomach. You sighed, rolling your eyes at your best friend. Jacob chuckled. "This little guy is gonna be a soccer superstar. Like Cristiano Ronaldo."
Andy chuckled from the driver's seat, pulling into the driveway, pulling Jacob off your stomach and back to his seat. "Don't antagonize her, Jake. She might rip your head off for breathing the same air without her permission."
Childishly, you stuck your tongue, making your baby daddy burst out laughing before as he turned off the car and opened the door. But you could hardly say his comment was an exaggeration, grimacing at the memory of nearly snapping Andy's arm off when he had forgotten the almond milk from the weekly visits to the grocery store. It had been both a blessing and curse to have Jacob in the outs of the pregnancy when that incident occurred. You hadn't wanted him to see the growing bump.
With the help of both Barbers, you got out of the car, carefully and slowly for the sake for both you and the babies. The two were chatting as they unloaded the baggage from trunk while you made your way to the house, reminiscing in the days when Jacob's glances weren't filled with betrayal, as if you had ripped his heart from his chest.
It wasn't everyday he looked at you with that raw emotion in his eyes—the betrayed looks had started to decrease the more time you spent together—yet you still felt guilty. With a hand over your growing belly, you opened the door, bombarded with memories from childhood, once again reminding you who you were having a baby with.
Once Jacob had sprinted out of the room, in anger and denial after seeing his father tangled in bed with his best friend, you had pushed Andy off you, wanting to go after him. When Andy argued it was better off for Jacob to be alone, you had blamed him for everything, for ruining the lifelong friendship with Jacob and weeks of stress caused by sleeping with him the first time. The lawyer hadn't denied the guilt or blame like you thought he would—like you wished he would—instead drowning in the insults you threw his way.
You didn't start to forgive him until Jacob came back, but then loathed him after the your best friend announced he needed some time and space to think it out, uncertain which conclusion he would come to. Thankfully, he couldn't live without you in his life, no matter how hard he tried, so he came running back, wishing for an apology when all you wanted to do was cry and wish you didn't have to spend two months without him.
Andy, like the charming bastard he is, had slowly broke down the wall of bricks made from your anger and hatred, and unwillingly, you let him in. Jacob had explained, quite awkwardly, he should be in no way a problem to yours and Andy's relationship, only to be slapped by the pregnancy news. Surprisingly, he kept it light and took it well.
Unsurprisingly to Andy, the fetus (he had been very upset when you occasionally called the baby that) had been conceived on Thanksgiving, proving the plan B useless. You had given up any pretenses at that point, and gave in to Andy's precautions no matter how ridiculous they had been; safety for the fetus.
Your parents had been content with the excuses you've made, only a little suspicious on not wanting to see them during the months of carrying the baby. The baby boy to be precise. But the lack of visiting since college was consistent enough for them to not rise suspicions.
You settled down on the couch, exhausted by the road trip despite how short it was. Newton was hardly small, but with Andy's former title, it wouldn't be long before rumors spread, and with rumors came exaggerated stories along with middle-aged women judging your life decisions because they had nothing to do all day other than sit in their lazy asses.
Andy and Jacob set the bags down by the doorway, Jacob letting out a huge sigh while his dad walked over to you, kissing your forehead. You couldn't help but smile at the gesture. He sat beside you, leaving no room to breathe.
"Hello, gorgeous."
"Ugh." Jacob groaned, turning his eyes away from the PDA. "Okay, I'm gonna go before any more of this happens. I'll see you guys for dinner."
Before you could ask, Jacob closed the door, practically sprinting to his car. Seeing his father in bed with his best friend had scarred him. You turned your attention back to Andy, head tilting in confusion. "Where's he going?"
"He's giving me some alone time with you. Had to pay him a few bucks after he complained about stealing you, but he'll manage for the next couple of hours." Andy explained, his hands absentmindedly stroking your belly, his smile beaming.
"What's happening in the next couple of hours that he can't be here for?" you asked, curious. The blast of hormones had been a gift Andy knew he didn't deserve, with you crawling over his body in the earlier months of the pregnancy, waking him up with lips wrapped around his cock. With his precautions for the baby, he'd been a tease for the past few weeks with the due date just barely two months away.
He rolled his eyes, shaking his head in amusement. "It's not that, sweetheart." Andy chuckled at your pout, disappointed by the outcome. "I just wanted to spend some time with you."
You knew there was something more, but you let it go, one thing at the front of your mind. Your fingers clawed at his shirt, biting your lip. "Then let's spend some time together." Leaning closer, you softly nipped at his earlobe, whispering in his ear. "Daddy."
Andy murmured your name, stern and sure but the bulge in his pants deemed a different story. That was enough for you to stop seducing him. "You're going to be the death of me."
Laughing, you turned the tv on, cuddling next to the soft man. Well, as close to cuddling as you could with the belly in the way. Your feet had been sore despite the not having to walk much all day, but the road trip had taken a lot of your already drained energy. Andy understood, gently taking off your shoes and massaging your feet until they no longer felt sore.
Two hours were wasted watching true crimes documentaries, Andy passionately commenting on the evidence they clearly had missed, and voicing his opinions of who was clearly guilty. You muffled a giggle, amused by the former lawyer. It still surprised you to see Andy so ... light? The forehead creases only coming together when something had displeased you, no matter how tiny. Retiring must've done something to relieve the stress he carried.
It wasn't until the third Buzzfeed Unsolved episode came on that you got tired. Andy, sending the change, muted the screen, pressing a soft kiss on your close eyelids. He positioned you so you were leaning against him, your back to him as you laid on the couch, a hand over your growing stomach. Anxiety seeped through his veins.
Andy cleared his throat. Playing with your hair, he said, "Marry me."
Your eyes snapped open, growing wide as you pondered if you had heard him right. "What?"
He shrugged. "Marry me."
Andy had said if so casually, it wasn't a question, but a statement. Or more accurately, a demand. You turned around, putting space between you two. Your eyes were hurting from the lack of blinking. "What?"
He reached in his pocket, the small, velvet box that had rested uncomfortably in his pocket took your breath away. Andy opened the box, revealing a diamond, far too beautiful to look at. His smile widened, taking in your shocked expression. "Please marry me."
A minute of silence passed.
"You're fucking insane." you whispered, staring intently at his blue eyes who were sparkling in excitement. He knew the outcome.
Andy's smile hadn't wavered. "Is that a yes?"
"No!" you shouted, getting up from the cough. He stood up, his arms ready to catch your unbalanced body. You glared at him. "I'm not going to marry you because I'm pregnant! No! No, no, no. I forbid you to ask me that question until this baby is out of me."
He laughed, wrapping an arm around your waist. "So, when I ask in two months ... ?"
"You'll just have to see." you murmured. A smug smirk fell on his face, but this one was warmer, more heartfelt.
"You'll say yes."
You shrugged, but couldn't help the smile appearing. "Probably."
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neoculturetravesty · 4 years ago
We met in online class - Part 6
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Image adapted from here.
Pairing: Renjun x Reader Genre: College AU, romance, some fluff, lots of angst in this part Warnings: Strong language, descriptions of stress and anxiety, fist fight Word Count: 7.7k
Navigation: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | You are on Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Last Part
A/N: Buckle up for some angst.
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They say when it rains, it pours and Renjun was about to learn the true meaning of this expression.
Throughout his college life, Renjun had heard his share of praise from his professors who would tell him that he was gifted in a way not many artists were. But now that the career drives and job fairs had begun, Renjun learnt that at best, he was average. In the real world, he wasn’t ‘golden hands’ or gifted or anything like it--he was just one in a line of millions. Because in the bigger picture, Renjun’s competition was not just people in his school; he was competing with even better artists from even better universities that had even better skills and even better means. His design professor had very plainly told the class one day that out of all of them, maybe one or two would ‘make it’ in the real world, if they got lucky. So Renjun knew that if had to shut up anyone who ever doubted him, compete with the best and place anywhere solid by the time he graduated, he needed to land a stellar internship.
Not that his current internship was going any better. Renjun learnt that even small studios were a handful and that an internship basically meant being an errand boy. When he had taken on the job, he had fantasized about meeting exciting artists and maybe even helping the chief curate his best work yet. But more often than not, he found that he was sweeping the place down, and if he got lucky, he got to make a few calls to potential clients (who would yell at him before hanging up). 
And of course, like any self-respecting college that thrived on the student body’s mental health deterioration, the professors weren’t going any easier on the projects, even with the impending exams. 
On top of everything that was happening, Renjun had developed a constant tension in his neck and shoulders. Jaemin reckoned it was because Renjun was hunched over his paintings all the time as he followed the perfect lighting all over the apartment. You, on the other hand, reckoned it was because of all the stress.
“You’re just carrying a lot of anxiety on these gangster shoulders, Huang Renjun.” you had said as you kneaded your knuckles into his hurt one day as you brought him food. Lately, you had taken it upon yourself to make sure that Renjun was eating and staying hydrated through these pressure cooker times. Because when he was left to his own devices, eating would be pretty low on his priority list, simply because he did not have the time for meals. So you’d bring him a snack any time you saw him on campus, and when you didn’t see him, you’d get something delivered to him and if you couldn’t, you’d text him a reminder to eat. But as one would have it during end-of-semester madness, Renjun had received your food more than your company. Because truth be told, you were just as occupied.
Renjun hadn’t seen enough of you in what he was sure was now going to be a good two weeks running because you had way too much on your plate as well. Like Renjun, you too were swarmed by assignments and exams. But other than that, any time he did see you, you were ‘interview dressed’ for all the on-campus drives that were happening in your department. Renjun had come to wish you good luck on one of them and had seen how distracted you looked because apparently, you had pulled some all-nighters to prepare for this. Donghyuck had been the one to tell Renjun about this little bit. 
Because when you weren’t studying or giving interviews or working on projects, you were preparing to throw an end-of-semester party with Donghyuck. He had to admit, there had been moments where Renjun had been irritated that Donghyuck would know more about what was happening in your life than did he. But then again, who was to blame for that?
Renjun knew it was no one’s fault but his own. Because that’s the dumb precedent he had set from the very beginning--that he wouldn’t get too close. He was paying that price for it because somewhere along the way, you had begun to confide in Donghyuck more than in Renjun, though this development was gradual and subconscious. He supposed that since you had met him, some part of you had learnt that she was walking into a wall anytime things got deep with Renjun. And there are only so many times that people were willing to walk into walls before they learnt their lesson.
Renjun knew that you were always ready to provide emotional support. But he also saw that when you were the one that needed it, you were subconsciously turning to Donghyuck rather than to him. 
And because you weren’t doing so consciously, Renjun couldn’t even be upset with you. Who was he to be upset with you over it in the first place? He had spent all those weeks skillfully blocking you. So, just because he had changed his mind now didn’t mean that he could earn your vents right away. It would take some effort on his part and he acknowledged that.
But it wasn’t you hanging out with Donghyuck that bothered him. It was someone else.
Wong Hendery, it appeared, was always around you these days and for some reason, that really bothered Renjun. You had a lot of friends. You were just the kind of person who made friends wherever you went. His own friends were an example. Lately, any time he ran into his roommates in the living room or kitchen (since all of them were buried in work otherwise), they would inquire about you instead of him. You just made a lot of friends and that was a fact of life that Renjun lived with. And whilst so far, Renjun had been okay with all of them, he had no idea why seeing Wong Hendery around you made him feel some type of way. 
And in the strangest turn of events, he had even found himself subtly voicing this to you a couple of times. It had bothered him even more that you had never taken him seriously any time he brought it up. You had either been distracted or disinterested whenever this came up. Or perhaps you had very tactfully been avoiding the subject. You weren’t exactly the scheming type, so Renjun was sure it wasn’t that. All he knew was that at the end of it, he would just end up feeling stupid, because, well… it was a stupid, baseless feeling to have, whatever this was.
All in all, Renjun couldn’t tell what matter it was from the pillage that kept his mood sour these days. His failure in the job fairs, his increasing workload, the impending exams, his lackluster internship, or something else. He recognized that a big part of it had to do with not seeing you enough. He wasn’t going to be the idiot that denied that anymore. Since the party at your parent’s house, he hadn’t had a moment with you where it was just the two of you and you could talk about… well, the two of you. Not seeing you enough was making him sour, he knew that. However, not seeing you enough combined with the fact that Wong Hendery was around you all the time was probably pretty up there as a reason for his bad moods. 
The only upside in the end-of-semester times was that the damn virus seemed to be under control. Students could now more freely move about and a lot more cafes and parks had reopened. So, at the very least, Renjun could get a change of scenery whilst he painted or studied because he was getting tired of his apartment and the library and the damn studio. 
Today, he had just grabbed his things and sent you a very persuasive text, because really, enough was enough. Yes, you were both very busy. Yes, you didn’t have any time today. But you could at least give him one study date out in the sun, and finally, for the first time in two weeks, he had felt that happiness in his chest when you told him you’d come.
The two of you sat by the river as Renjun sketched and made notes and you typed away on your laptop. Your hair was done up in a bun and you wore the campus hoodie and you didn’t even look up from your work when Renjun leaned over to feed you some rice. It had made Renjun smile. You looked like every boy’s fantasy of a college girlfriend but thinking about it also made his heart a tiny bit heavy. Because after all this time, the two of you still hadn’t had that conversation. Come to think of it, the two of you hadn’t even kissed ever since that afternoon in the strawberry fields. And maybe it was the fact that he hadn’t sat with you like this in a couple of weeks, or maybe it was seeing you share your time with other people. But Renjun felt that he had to address the some elephant in the room sooner rather than later. Because he didn’t want a some relationship any longer. He wanted more.
“No one’s going to be happier than me when this semester is over.” you mutter as you chew onto whatever Renjun had fed you.
“You and me both. Let’s celebrate our freedom together when it ends.” Renjun suggests as he sits up to stretch his neck. 
“Done deal.” You look up from your laptop to give him a fist bump.
“Hey, I was thinking…” Renjun hesitates. “Let’s go somewhere together. After the semester is over.” He feels butterflies in his stomach even as he asks you that. And he knows why. Because this is the first time he’s asking you for a real date, where he wants to take you out for your company, no opportunistic strings attached. But also, he wants to take you away from everyone else where he would have all of your attention and he could finally tell you how he really feels.
You smile as you shuffle your notes. “Where do you wanna go?”
“Anywhere. We could go to the beach and go mudflat fishing. If that’s not your thing, we could go camping instead.”
You finally look at him and smile an undistracted, attentive smile. “I’d like that.”
Renjun looks at you softly as he returns your smile. “My exams end before yours. Let’s go right after your last exam.”
“Oh, I can’t go then.” You say, shaking your head quickly.
“Haechan and I are hosting the end-of-semester, remember?” you remind him and Renjun holds himself back before he could exhale over ‘Haechan and I’.
“Okay, how about the day after?” Renjun asks.
“I can’t go then, either. Hendery and I have to go visit the tower.” you tell him.
This time, Renjun can’t hold back. Because ‘Hendery and I’ was way, way worse than ‘Haechan and I’. Before he could stop himself, he finds himself commenting
“You’ve been spending a lot of time with Wong Hendery, huh?” he hadn’t meant for that hint of accusation to lace his tone, but it had come out that way.
“Ughhhh, tell me about it. He says he’d basically be happy never seeing me again once all of this is over.” you say as you steal his bowl of rice and begin stuffing your face. Renjun feels that irritation again because as always, you seem to be blowing this topic off. But for some reason, he doesn’t want to let it go today.
“I just don’t trust him.” Renjun says and he finds himself clenching his jaw a little.
You look at him from above the rice and smile amusedly. “Why though? He’s a cool dude.”
“I don’t know. There’s just something about him. I just… I don’t know, I guess it’s a guy’s instinct.” he says, and like anytime he has brought up this subject before, he’s feeling incredibly dumb.
You raise an eyebrow and look away from him. You don’t seem very impressed by the comment. “Nah, he’s super cool and all of that. You can meet him if you like.” you say in a tone that is way too nonchalant for Renjun’s liking. 
He had met him before, of course. But he didn’t know Wong Hendery even if he did know Wong Hendery. So how could he tell you that the man was bad news based on just a feeling? ‘He’s using you! Why don’t you see that he’s using you!’ Renjun wanted to yell at you. But he says something else. 
“Just, like… I don’t know. He just seems mysterious and unsharing.” Renjun tries to explain.
“So are you.”
There is a moment of silence as Renjun feels a sting and you look at him with no expression. 
You were right. 
Renjun hadn’t shared anything about himself with you. The things you knew about him was information you had probably collected through his friends. The only time he had really opened up to you was that one night in his room. Suddenly, more than irritation, he feels angry with himself. 
What a stupid, stupid, stupid idea it had been to set those dumbass rules with you. How had he expected it would pan out? How did he think he could use you as a means to an end, but not learn anything about you or give away anything about himself? He hadn’t thought this through at all. Then again, he hadn’t expected for it to go on this long; and he most certainly hadn’t expected that he would end up falling for you.
“I just… I don’t trust him around you.” Renjun admits and this time, he has the decency to sound a little ashamed.
“I know how to take care of myself, Renjun.” you tell him quietly.
Renjun looks away because for the first time since he’s known you, you’ve spoken to him that way. He wants to scream and pull his hair because no. You don’t. You don’t know how to take care of yourself. How could he tell you that you weren’t the best judge of character? How could he tell you that you allowed people around you to take advantage of you? 
‘It’s why you’re sitting here with me’ Renjun thinks with another sting. He knew Hendery was up to no good with you because he himself had been one of those people that used you for their own gain. He had used your kind heart and your willingness to see the good in people for his own stupid plan. The stupid, dumbass, flawed plan that he hadn’t thought through in the slightest. He had thought he had, because Renjun always assumed he was smarter than everyone in any room. That was probably his dumbest yet most defining trait; as kindheartedness was yours.
As if to add insult to injury, your phone rings and Wong Hendery’s name shines cockily onto your screen, mocking Renjun in all its glory.
“Hey, are you here?” you say as you pick up. You look around till you spot him and wave at him “Okay, coming!”
Renjun looks to where you had signaled and sees Hendery in his bigass car. He notices Renjun looking, waves at him and smiles. 
Renjun’s eyes close and he takes in a deep breath as you begin collecting your things. He doesn’t know why he’s being this way. He had been jealous before; he was an openly bitter person, that much he knew about himself. He despised every other asshole that did better than him. But this was a kind of jealousy he had never really experienced before. He wanted to protect you, but he also wanted to keep you… because now, he could feel you slipping away from him. 
“I’ll call you, okay? Make sure you eat dinner.” your voice sounds a little resigned and suddenly, Renjun feels his heart drop. It’s a strange feeling, but there it is in the pit of his stomach. Renjun realizes that the feeling really closely resembled fear. And it’s because you’re leaving like this. 
Had this been your first fight? Maybe it had. It hadn’t felt like a fight, because Renjun has fought with a lot of people before, and this was nothing like that. There was no screaming, no gaslighting, no accusations. But it was the tone you had taken with him. Like you were disappointed. Like you expected better. You had never taken that tone with him before. So as you stand up to walk away, Renjun grabs your hand. He looks up from where he sits.
“Hey…” his heart is sinking, he has this awful feeling in his chest and now he no longer knows what to say to keep you. So he brings your knuckles to his lips and presses into them for a few moments before he looks back at you. “Are we good?” He wants to kiss you, he wants to take you in his arms and kiss you and know that nothing has changed. But he knows that Wong Hendery is sitting right there and he doesn’t want you to think that he’s putting on a show of jealous, testosterone fueled possession. 
He watches as your face softens. You crouch so your face is levelled with his. You keep holding your bag that’s slung over your shoulder with one hand. With the other, you gently hold onto his cheek and lean in to press a soft kiss to his lips. 
“We’re good.” you say and you smile and then you lift back up to turn around.
Renjun watches unmoving as you walk away from him and drive off with Wong Hendery. He keeps watching till the car makes a turn and disappears from view.
Though you had told him that you were good, that sinking feeling hasn’t left his chest. Because Renjun realizes that what you had done had felt a lot like a goodbye kiss.
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Renjun doesn’t get time to dwell on his aching heart too much, because soon after, exams begin. 
It is as if a lull had taken over the entire campus. Everyone around him had their heads down as they studied and slept and slept to study. Jeno and Jaemin had taken over the living room table as they crammed and kept each other awake through their all-nighters. Jisung would try to take some motivation from them but the boy had never been too fond of studying, so he’d end up asleep on the couch whilst Jeno and Jaemin took the floor. Even Donghyuck--who had insofar made it through college based on pure intelligence--could be seen bent over his notes in the library. For a week, each student on campus had a similar schedule; like someone had hit the pause button on everything else in life.
Perhaps it had been the exam stress. Perhaps it was everything that was happening culminating in Renjun’s mind, but that sinking feeling hadn’t completely dissipated from his chest. He had no way to explain what it was or why it was. But if Renjun had to describe it, it was as if a sixth sense was warning him. What the warning was about, he had no idea.
But as fate would have it, Renjun’s hardships were only beginning. Because right before his first exam, he had received a call from his mother. 
He had picked up because this had been maybe her third phone call to him this entire year. But two minutes into the call, Renjun wished he hadn’t. 
Questions were asked as if out of duty: if he was still in school, if he was still living with his friends, if he was looking for a job. And though Renjun hadn’t even asked for it--how she couldn’t send him money for the next couple of months because the Covid situation wasn’t doing any wonders for their restaurant. Although the conversation hadn’t even lasted a full 10 minutes, Renjun’s mind was fully fucked by the end of it. Why the fuck did she have to play with his head like this, just when he was about to go in for an exam? 
He shouldn’t have been surprised. His mother had a way of sensing any time her son was emotionally strained, because she would always show up right on time to add to his burden. This is how it had been most of his life. She would appear usually when Renjun was at his lowest and remind him that he was a useless fucker that nobody cared about. And because she was his mother, she knew exactly what buttons to press to positively fuck him over. 
Fuck this. None of it was fair. It wasn’t fair that she had called him after months and months. It wasn’t fair that she didn’t even want to know how he was doing. A global pandemic had turned the world upside down and she didn’t even want to know if her son was surviving through it. She just wanted to call to give him another reminder that she couldn’t take care of him. Fuck that. Fuck her. Fuck everything. Renjun didn’t need her or his father or anyone else ever again. Fuck all of it.
Renjun had hung up bitterly and that should’ve been the end of it. But for some reason, she had kept calling after that, which made Renjun throw his phone against a wall. Fuck that. She doesn’t get to call him to rub more salt to his wounds. He wasn’t going to give her that satisfaction.
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It’s funny how when you’re truly feeling fucked, you tend to isolate yourself from the people who really care about you. And that’s what Renjun ended up doing following that phone call. Almost as if in self-sabotage, he started avoiding everyone and hid himself away. Because no way did anyone really need him, anyway. Renjun knew that even in his friend group, he was the one the others could do without.
Jeno and Jaemin had one another. They would babysit Jisung well enough, and when they didn’t, Jisung had Zhong Chenle. His housemates didn’t really need him, so hiding from them was easy. Lately, he had also stopped hanging out with Yangyang because he was afraid he’d run into Hendery. Lee Mark hadn’t really hung out with him ever since he joined the 127s. And Donghyuck… well, he had you. 
So even you could do without him. You had been doing just fine without him these past couple of weeks. You had still been bringing him snacks, even after that study date. But Renjun wondered if that was because of your bad, kind habit rather than anything else. Truth be told, Renjun didn’t want your snacks anymore. Because each time he got them, it reminded him that he was nothing special to you. He wasn’t any different to you than Jaemin or Jeno or Donghyuck. He was just another guy that you were kind to out of habit. Fuck that. He didn’t need your kindness, or anyone else’s. He was fine on his own.
But on the night after his last exam, he finally picked up the phone he had thrown and read his messages through his cracked phone screen. Just to see if someone missed him. As expected, no one did. But there were some messages from you.
‘Hey shoulder gangster, remember to put on pain patches before you sleep!’
‘I ordered some chicken for you guys, eat well and study well.’
‘Hey, I tried calling you. I had gotten you coffee, but I couldn’t find you so now hyuckie is drinking it.’
‘Ayo. I hope your exam went well. Sending some Chinese food over, so eat before you study!’
‘Hey, Jaemin told me your phone is busted. Idk if you’re gonna see this message, but just wanted to know you’re doing well.’
‘I tried to see you before you went in for your exam but Jeno said you had already left.’
‘Hey… I hope you’re not still upset with me. I’m gonna stop bothering you so we can both study, but I’ll come see you soon.’
‘Okay, I guess i’ll see you after exam week? Meet soon.’
That was the last of it. After that, you hadn’t sent him anything at all. Even you had stopped reaching out to him. 
It seemed that when it came down to it, no one would ever fight for Renjun. No one would want to find out why he was in hiding, or why he hadn’t replied. When worst came to worst, Renjun was always left to fend for himself. He was all alone in this world. 
Jeno and Jaemin would always know what the other was feeling without having to use the words. Neither of them had to explain to the other what was on their mind. They just… knew. When one was in trouble, the other would come running. When one was down, the other would pick him up. Neither had to ask; the other would just sense it and be there. Jisung and Chenle had a similar connection. 
But no one ever sensed Renjun’s heart. No one just knew when he was sad or upset or angry or in trouble. No one would pick him up because no one loved him enough to know his mind. No one had ever paid any real attention to him to know when he was struggling. No one had ever held his hand and taken him out of his despair. No one would even notice that he was in despair. Because he wasn’t anyone’s special anything. 
He had been hiding away for an entire week and no one had even noticed his absence. No one had called in to check on him. Because no one really needed him. Not his friends, not his family. Not even you.
They say when it rains, it pours, and Renjun was about to learn the true meaning of this phrase. Because just when he is about to put his phone away, he receives a text from his mother.
‘Renjun, I didn’t want to tell you this way. But you’re not picking up my calls. Come see me. Your father and I are getting a divorce.’
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Renjun had never really been a big drinker. He’d drink some with the boys every now and then. But that was it. But tonight was an exception. Tonight, it was okay to turn to the drink. Tonight, he wanted to forget.
After the kind of day he had had, he thought that even his demons could give him a break. He felt drained. Like his mind was slowly giving up and his body was doing all the heavy lifting. Putting one foot in front of the other. Making him breathe in and out. Keeping his heart beating. It would be doing his mind a favor, drinking. His mind needed numbing, then maybe his body could follow.
He walks into the bar a broken man. And he wonders if that’s how all men are when they walk into bars. Maybe that’s why men who walk into bars make such good punchlines for jokes. He certainly felt like one. Because the people that should love him seemed to treat him like one. Who was he to think any better of himself?
He had made peace with the fact that his parents never wanted him. He had accepted that they were happy to get rid of him. Then why did he still expect their love every single time? What was it that made him go running to them any time they asked? Why had he expected that somehow visiting them would fix everything? 
Had he expected that they would sit him down and peacefully explain why they were parting ways? Of course, he hadn’t. Had he expected that his mother would cry and apologize for putting him through this? Of course, he hadn’t. Had he expected that his father would own up to his mistakes and call him his son? Of course, he hadn’t.
But he also hadn’t expected that neither of them would want anything to do with him after they parted ways. He hadn’t expected to be the collateral damage of a failed marriage that neither party was willing to own. He hadn’t expected to be summoned just so his parents could have a screaming match about whose son he’d be after they divorced. And that both would want to shift that burden to the other.
It suited them, Renjun thinks as he downs whatever the bartender had handed him. It would’ve been more unsettling to have made the trip to find something understanding and amiable. This was on-brand for them. This is how it had been since he was a child. They’d fight and Renjun would be collateral damage. This was the perfect ending to their twenty-one year old saga. Renjun had expected it.
So, why was he feeling like he had lost everything?
“Huang Renjun?” he hears a voice call out to him as if from miles away. Was he drowning? Then why did he feel like he couldn’t breathe? Why did the voices around him sound like they were coming from far away?
“Yoo Jimin.” Renjun finds himself automatically answering. He looks up and let’s his eyes focus and there he finds her. He smiles. Of course. Who else would’ve been the guest of honor in his pity party?
“What are you doing here?” she asks him and Renjun finds himself making a face.
“Drinking.” he says as he lifts up his shot glass.
“Did you follow me here?” she asks cryptically. Typical. Of course everything had to be about her.
“How would I know you’d be here?” Renjun says, looking away as he downs another shot.
“I told everyone at the party I was leaving to be here.” she says and her eyebrow is cocked as she comes closer.
“Haechan’s party? All your friends were there. Weren’t you there?” she asks cautiously.
Ah, yes, the party. The end-of-semester party. Here he was, drinking his pain away. And his friends, the people who should be concerned about him were partying. It was all very fitting he supposed. This perfectly fit into everything in his life at this moment. Including the fact the Yoo Jimin had been the one to find him when he was at his lowest.
“I didn’t feel like a party.” Renjun replies.
Jimin scoffs. “Typical. Of course Huang Renjun thinks he’s above a party everyone would enjoy.”
Renjun doesn’t answer. It’s an annoying remark and part of him wonders why it is irking him so. His heart was burdened by bigger things. Perhaps his mind thought that being annoyed at Yoo Jimin was an easier emotion to address. This was an emotion he understood. It was an emotion he could process right away. So he turns to her and finds her sitting on the stool next to him.
“What are you doing here?” he asks, because really. Why is she here, talking to him, sitting next to him?
“Oh, don’t worry, Renjun. I’m only waiting for someone.” she says, rolling her eyes and flipping her hair.
“You can wait for someone over there.” Renjun points to a place far away with his glass.
“Okay, you don’t have to be an asshole. I just came in to see why you were drinking alone while all your friends are at that party.” she says and now more than agitation, Renjun feels anger.
“Why do you care if I drink alone, anyway? You’re the one that broke up with me.” he spits out.
“Renjun, seriously, what is your problem? I’m only trying to be nice to you. You don’t have to come for me like that.” Jimin’s eyebrows are high on her forehead as she matches Renjun’s tone.
“Well, thanks a lot, Yoo Jimin. Thank you for your gift of empathy, but I don’t really need it. Not after everything you did to me.”
“Renjun! Seriously, what is it that I did to you? What did I do to you?” she raises her voice in agitation.
“Well, other than abandoning me? Pretending that you were happy with me then pulling the rug from under my feet and breaking up with me? Not even waiting a month before moving on?” Renjun spits venom right back. Who did she think she was, coming here and speaking to him like that?
“Jesus Christ, Renjun. Would you listen to yourself? Does it ever occur to you that you could’ve been the asshole in this relationship? That maybe I broke up with you because you were the jerk?” Jimin’s face is contoured as she yells at him. It’s good that the bar is relatively full, otherwise this could’ve been a scene.
“I was nothing but nice to you. I treated you so well and you treated me like dirt!” Renjun hisses.
“Renjun, that’s your problem! You only see the faults in others and never in yourself! But you’re not ready for that conversation, so let’s not have it!” she yells and turns away from him, crossing her arms over her chest.
“No, no, by all means, let’s talk about it. Let’s talk about all the times I mistreated you, please.” Renjun mocks. He was already too used to being gaslighted by his parents. Jimin could join that club. This was already the worst day of his life. It couldn’t possibly get any worse.
“Renjun, this! This right here. You never respected me. You never treated me like an equal. With you, I always felt like some stupid, airheaded trophy. I always felt like everything I wanted was superficial and shallow and not worth anything!”
“And whose fault is that.” Renjun laughs darkly.
“Renjun, you can’t even see what you’re doing! You just think you’re so much better than everyone else! You think everyone around you is a degenerate and that you’re the smartest person to ever walk this earth. I can’t believe I let you treat me that way for so long.” Jimin’s hands go from balling into fists to animatedly helping her point. “Renjun, I wanted to be a model for the longest time. But I didn’t, because of you! Because every time I’d post a picture on my Instagram, you’d tell me it was because I love getting validation from strangers. Every time an agent reached out to me, you’d tell me how showing off my looks wasn’t going to be a long lasting career. You just never respected me or my aspirations. Because all of them were so beneath Mr. Intellectual.”
Renjun turns away. He pours himself another shot and downs it. He didn’t want a lecture. Who was she to show up like this and give him a lecture unprovoked? 
“If it weren’t for Jongin, I would’ve believed everything you ever said to me. That people would only like me for my looks. That what I wanted to do was superficial and shallow and that I would never amount to anything if I followed my heart.” she goes on and Renjun has had enough.
“Save it, Jimin. We’re broken up now, so what does it matter?” he doesn’t look at her. She could yell at him all she wanted. He wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of a reaction.
“I only came to you because I saw you drinking alone. And I know that’s not like you. I just wanted to see if you’re okay.” her voice has lowered significantly, but the agitation hasn’t left her tone. Renjun wonders if she has more to say, because he certainly doesn’t want to listen to any more.
“Well, that’s very kind of you, but I’m fine on my own.” he says coldly, still not looking at her.
Jimin sighs. “Renjun, when will you realize that the whole world isn’t out to get you? I know your family isn’t perfect. But you’ve got friends that care about you. You’ve got people around you that love you. If only you could stop being an asshole to them for one hot minute and see that.”
Renjun still doesn’t turn. Because she doesn’t know anything. She doesn’t know his life. She doesn’t know how alone he feels. She doesn’t know jackshit about what he goes through, what he has been going through. Who is she to comment on his life and stand there like that and lecture him? She didn’t know anything. Fuck her for making him feel like he was the asshole. The world was taking a giant dump on him, and she was making him feel like he was the asshole. Fuck that.
She grabs her purse and gets off the stool. “I’ve got to go now. I just hope you feel better. Whatever it is that you’re going through. Please don’t go through it alone, Renjun.” she says before she walks away.
Renjun feels a lump in his throat. How could he not go through it alone? Who was going to be by his side? No one. So what use were his tears? He wouldn’t let them fall. He swallows that lump away, and when it doesn’t work, he takes another shot. He didn’t want to be here anymore. He could just go home and sleep. Maybe that would work. The alcohol wasn’t numbing anything. It was just making him more bitter, but for more reasons than what he had come in with.
So he finds himself walking home. Putting one foot in front of the other. Breathing in and out. Keeping his heart beating.
He felt so alone. Was he the loneliest man in the world? He could bet money that he was. No one knew what he was going through. And that’s what made him feel most abandoned. But then again. Fuck that. He didn’t need anyone. What good were friends anyway? Friendships really meant nothing. Renjun finally realized that what he had were not friends, but connections. Because at the end of the day, that’s what this goddamn college life was all about. Making as many connections as you possibly could, so you could reap advantages from them later on life. All of his relationships were opportunistic. And realizing this was giving him the worst headache of his life. Like all the alcohol was thrumming in his head and blinding him.
He arrives at his doorstep, punches in his code, walks in and freezes at what he sees. 
Jeno, Jaemin, Jisung, Donghyuck, Zhong Chenle and you were all in the living room, drinking and eating and laughing. None of them had even noticed that Renjun had walked in. Because they were all too busy bellowing together. 
Suddenly, Renjun feels his blood boiling hot in his veins. How dare they. How dare they look like one big happy fucking family right in front of him. Renjun pushes back all emotions he’d been feeling and holds onto one: red hot burning anger. He heads in.
“Hey, hey! Look who’s finally back!” Donghyuck says mid-laughter as he finally notices him. “Come join us because Mark is passed out on your bed, by the way.” he laughs but his smile slowly fades as he watches Renjun’s expression. 
“You okay, man?” Jeno asks slowly.
The others slowly start reading his energy as well because his demeanor has gotten everyone’s attention. Renjun wants to pick a fight. He wants to fight with all of them for not being there for him. But he looks around for an easy target. Someone he can direct all his ruthless anger towards. And his eyes zero in on you.
“What are you doing here?” Renjun asks you urgently. Like you’ve done something wrong. 
“I just got you some food. We all thought we’d eat with you since you didn’t come to the party.” you say and you get up smiling and take Renjun’s wrist “Come, sit.”
But Renjun roughly snatches his hand away from your grip, making you look up suddenly. Your eyes are round, but you don’t look angry. You perhaps look shocked, but mostly concerned. And that makes Renjun want to hurt you more.
“You can’t just show up here unannounced. I didn’t invite you here.” Renjun spits at you.
“Hey man, easy. We invited her.” Donghyuck gets up and puts himself between the two of you. 
“Well, this is not your house, either! You can’t just invite her without asking me.” Renjun scowls at the boy.
“Renjun, I just got you some food. I just wanted to make sure you had eaten.” you say gently, stepping up from behind Donghyuck to speak to him.
“Y/N, you are not my girlfriend. So stop acting like it.” Renjun snaps and he finally watches the hurt he wanted to see on your face. He also sees Jisung’s scared expression and Jaemin’s disappointed one.
“I…” you begin “... I know… I just… I came here with the guys… I…” you begin, but Renjun yells again.
“You need to leave. You can’t just show up whenever you want.” Renjun continues and takes a step forward but Donghyuck holds a protective arm in front of you. Whoop-dee fucking doo. Now his friends thought he was some sort of a savage. 
“No, Y/N, you shouldn’t leave.” He says then turns to his friend. “Dude, what is your problem?” But Renjun keeps attacking you.
“These people are not your friends, okay? They are my friends. You’re crossing a line and you need to leave right now.” Renjun loves the reactions he’s getting. He loves that he has provoked every single person in the room. Because Jaemin has gotten up and taken your hand protectively whilst Jeno has joined Donghyuck in blocking you from his view.
“Hey, man. Easy.” Jeno warns. Jisung and Chenle watch this strange confrontation with worried looks on their faces, eyes darting between him and the others. Renjun can’t believe it. All his friends were protecting you. All of them. He was the fucking monster in this room, too. 
“Renjun, I just… I just came here to see you.” you say, but there’s no accusation in your tone. Just annoying, tiresome understanding. He fucking hates it and all his friends can see that he does.
After everything he had been through, after all his life was putting him through, he was the asshole, he was the monster once again. 
Well, then. If everyone thought him a monster, he should become it completely.
“Y/N.” Renjun laughs as he looks away. Then he looks at you with that sinister smile still on his face. “Y/N, the only reason I’ve kept you around for so long is because I wanted to get to your brother. So you can leave now.”
That did it. 
Because Donghyuck’s eyes have closed as he stands in front of you and Jeno’s eyes have widened. Jaemin just looks shocked as he holds onto your hand. As do Jisung and Chenle. But you.
Your face has hardened. He doesn’t see shock or disappointment or the kind of reaction that would’ve given him full satisfaction. He sees your stone face as you finally say something with a hint of venom in your tone.
“Well, in that case, Renjun, you’ve been wasting your time. Because I got you a slot with my brother right after our first date.”
Renjun stands speechless. 
He would’ve remained speechless if you hadn’t pushed past Jeno and him and headed straight for the door.
“Y/N!” Donghyuck calls out and goes after you. Renjun watches the others. Jaemin and Jisung have looked away and he sees nothing but pure disappointment on their faces. Jeno, on the other hand, is looking straight at him. Renjun looks back. Good. He wants everyone to hate him. This was exactly right. 
He hears Donghyuck barge back into the apartment as the door bangs shut behind him. 
“Dude what the fuck is wrong with you?!” He yells and Renjun finds himself shoving the boy, pushing him so he wasn’t in his space.
“What’s wrong with me? Please, Donghyuck. Don’t even pretend like you haven’t been using her the same way I’ve been. You’re not any better.” Renjun punctuates the last bit with another shove and Donghyuck grabs at his collar and roughly pulls him by it. Before it can escalate, Jeno and Jaemin rush forward to break the two of them apart. Jeno grabs onto Renjun, Jaemin onto Donghyuck, prying him off and creating some distance between the two. Jisung and Chenle look from the couch, mouths hanging open, visibly distressed.
“You didn’t have to do that, man. You didn’t have to be an asshole to her.” Donghyuck accuses as he tries to free himself from Jaemin’s grip and come face to face with Renjun again.
Renjun laughs bitterly. “Well, now that I have been, you can have her. Live your happy fucking life.” Renjun spits at him and he gets the reaction he was looking for because it makes Donghyuck lunge at him once again, making Jaemin tighten his grip and pull him back.
“What is wrong with you? You fucking asshole! Why do you think everyone’s out to get you? Stop acting like a little bitch and start acting like a man for once!” Donghyuck shouts and that does it. 
Renjun feels his headache blinding him. And yet, he doesn’t know how he frees himself from Jeno’s grip. But before he knows it, he has balled his hand into a fist and aimed it straight for Donghyuck’s face.
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Copyright © 2021 NeoCultureTravesty. All rights reserved.
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closedafterdark · 4 years ago
LOOΠΔ Kimberly Lippington x Male Reader
8038 words
categories: smut, oral, tsundere! lip, detective! lip
Read on AFF
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A bright, spring morning is anything but upon your return to Starship Precinct following your suspension for allowing the now rogue Detective Lee Luda to escape. While many were excited for your return, being called into Captain Choo Sojung’s office the moment you got out of the elevator meant the problems were only beginning. All eyes were on you as you walked by Kim Jiyeon and especially Son Jooyeon’s desks.
“What are you all doing? Get back to work!” Captain Sojung ordered in a loud voice before slamming her door shut.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” she yelled the moment you sat down in front of her desk. “It’s bad enough I had to suspend you for defying my orders, but for you to continue working the case while off the clock?”
“Boss, I managed to find Park Chaeyoung…” you said quietly.
Captain Sojung glared back at you. Many at the precinct were no strangers to be on the receiving end of the Captain’s temper. From mislabeled case files, to her podium in the briefing room being moved a full half-inch - everyone knew not to get on her bad side. Luckily for you, you never did anything that warranted to provoke her. That is, until now.
“No. You didn’t just find Park Chaeyoung. You slept with her.” Captain Sojung said in a soft, cold tone. Despite it not having the same volume level, each word is chilling and sent shivers down your spine. “I chose not to say anything about you and Jiyeon because you both promised me it wouldn’t affect your work. And if that wasn’t already enough, you slept with Jooyeon immediately after Jiyeon asked for a break. So you work the case even after I specifically told you not to. You get the Lieutenant to arrange a meeting with her liaison from the Dreamcatcher Precinct. And what do you do with her? You fuck her too! Seriously, how hard is it to not stick your dick into every female you work with? Well, am I wrong?”
You were unable to refute the Captain’s claims. The no nonsense, straightforwardness of your superior put things into perspective about what exactly happened during your one week suspension. Somehow, you managed to sleep with a different woman every day, with Bora being the only one you saw multiple times.
“No, ma’am.” you quietly reply.
“Oppa.” Sojung said. You knew that whenever she dropped the formalities, she was talking to you as a friend and not as your superior officer. You looked at her straight in the eyes and saw a hint of sadness.
“I know the breakup with Jiyeon was hard on you, as well as being on a forced suspension. I also know why you let Luda go. But you can’t use these meaningless one night stands as a coping mechanism. Sooner or later, everything is going to come crashing down. When you’re absolutely alone - all those thoughts fill your head. Trust me, I know. I’ve been through it.”
“You’ve let someone you trusted escape? You’ve gone on a date with a florist who turns out to be an internationally wanted criminal? Or you find out your Lieutenant’s liaison is someone you used to be close friends with who happens to know your ex very well?”
“Focus on the big picture here, fool.” Captain Sojung replied back angrily. “I know what it’s like to bury yourself in work after a major breakup. You can’t let it consume you.”
“Jiyeon was everything to me.”
Captain Sojung looked at you and noticed tears beginning to stream down your face. She was thankful the blinds on her window were closed, preventing curious people from snooping around to see what you two were discussing. The only sounds made were the fans inside her computer and you quietly sobbing.
“I always said she meant the world to me, Sojung. And because of one fuck up, I lost her. Do you know why I haven’t been the same that day?” you fumbled in your pocket and pulled out a small, velvet box. After handing it to the Captain, she opened it. Inside was a simple diamond engagement ring.
“I planned on bringing it up at the hospital. But once we discussed the case, I couldn’t help but accuse her of helping Luda. Maybe it was me projecting my insecurities in a negative way. I wasn’t in the right state of mind. I guess… I guess Jooyeon was there to comfort me. She’s always been so nice and I guess I was seeking solace in someone I could easily confide to. Chaeyoung was a throwaway one night stand, I’ll give you that. That still doesn’t excuse me letting her get away. But Bora… I don’t know. Have you reunited with someone from the past and felt nostalgic? Like, what if you chose them back then? How differently would your life be now? It’s just… I don’t know. Working the case and being intimate with her. I… felt something, you know? Something I thought I felt with Jiyeon. But I guess what they say is true.”
“You can never truly forget about your first love.”
Two flashlights are shined inside a wrecked car. The airbags were deployed with traces of blood staining the cracked windshield and driver’s side window. Upon careful inspection is a card left on the passenger’s seat. A gloved hand picks it up and places it under the flashlight.
“What do we got?” you asked, shining your own flashlight at the card.
The plain white card only has six words printed on it. Three in black, three in pink.
“Playing With Fire, See U Later!”
You take a look at your partner and reciprocate their frowned expression. It’s been five years since these types of calling cards have been left at the scene of a crime. You thought they were gone for good.
German shepherds sniffing the surrounding area for clues while the bright red and blue lights from various police cars filled the darkness of nightfall as the surrounding area was sanctioned off with yellow police tape. Considered to be the early evening for some, you were awoken from your sleep after it was reported that several gunshots and screams could be heard.
“Detectives.” someone said from behind.
You and your partner turn around and are met by a shoulder-length haired woman wearing a precinct provided windbreaker and a badge on her neck thanks to a thin chain necklace. It was hard to make out much thanks to the ample blanket of darkness but her large eyes and fair complexion gave her a glowing-like appearance. Three simple words - the woman’s ranking and her name were embroidered on the left side of her jacket. Lieutenant Ha Sooyoung.
“What is it, boss?” you asked. 
It was a nickname you bestowed upon her on your first day at the precinct. The confident aura and way she was able to lead those around her lead you to believe she was the captain of the squad. One mistakenly sent email and a slightly awkward encounter at the break room later, you learned the actual captain was away on a special mission. Expecting her to be intimidating and cold in demeanor, you were pleasantly surprised to find out she was anything but. When not on the field or consuming her various fruit flavored yogurts, Ha Sooyoung was known as a bit of a wisecrack. As much as she enjoyed cracking jokes and playing harmless pranks on people, she cared about them even more. Everyone considered her the “mom” of the precinct, willing to drop whatever she was doing and lend a willing ear to those who had concerns or just wanted to talk.
“Seems like they’ve made a comeback.” Lieutenant Sooyoung replied, holding up another calling card. The words were in all pink this time along with the quote: “Love to Hate Me, You Never Know!”. Before, the cards left behind only contained individual letters or a black or pink line on them. You weren’t sure what to make of these new ones, but knew that the criminals who were all but dormant for the past five years have resurfaced.
“Who?” your partner asked.
“It’s someone your partner here knows very well.” Lieutenant Sooyoung said, raising an eyebrow at you. Having known you the longest out of everyone in the precinct besides your partner, you confided to her about how you were transferred to your current precinct and of the various unsolved cases you had. The Lieutenant was particularly famous for her passion when it came to work but also quips and being able to come up with one-liners on the fly.
“Very amusing, boss.” you said, maintaining a calm expression while asking for the calling card in her hand. It was a piece of laminated papyrus leaf with very high quality ink used. You knew such a card would be quite expensive to make, meaning the criminals either had their own private source - or, there was a possibility to trace it to a public entity with a bit of research. “They’ve been busy.”
“I still have no idea who you guys are talking about.” your partner said.
“How have you not heard of them? They’re-” Just then, your phone began ringing. Taking it out of your pocket, you pressed the green button to accept before placing it against your ear.
“Hello? All right, I’ll be there soon.”
You end the call and place your phone back in your pocket before facing the Lieutenant and your partner. You nod to Lieutenant Sooyoung, who nods in return as she understands the current situation.
“I… gotta go. I’ll see you guys back at the precinct.” you said, patting your partner’s shoulder twice before making your exit.
“Tell them I say hi. And make sure to get the full fat strawberry yogurt.”
“I’ll make sure to bring back the durian flavored one for you, boss.”
“Hey! I will end you if you do.”
You smiled and flashed her a peace sign before getting into your car and driving off. It seems the preliminary investigation is finished as the tape is being collected and the additional backup units are also making their leave after having checked in with Lieutenant Sooyoung. Thanking the final officer for their hard work, she turns to your partner and crosses her arms. The mischievous smirk on her face is one that arouses suspicion.
“What…?” your partner asked.
“Don’t you want to know where he suddenly went off to?”
“Not particularly.”
“Still don’t want to admit it then, huh? Fine.” Lieutenant Sooyoung teased. Taking out her phone, she began scrolling for something until she stopped and showed it to your partner.
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“What the fuck…” your partner said, wide-eyed. “Why are you only telling me this now!”
“Because we are professionals and on the clock, Detective Kim Jungeun.”
“Unnie…” Jungeun whined.
“Just admit you like him. You practically fell for him his first day at the precinct, remember?”
“I’d rather not.” Jungeun said, bringing her hair to her face and using it to shield her eyes.
Captain Sojung was able to call in a couple of favors and have you relocated to a new precinct instead of being fired. You were thankful, although it was sad having to say goodbye to a place you called home and all of the memories that were made. You noticed Jiyeon and Jooyeon didn’t attend the farewell party. Which was fair, you probably would’ve done the same if you were in their shoes.
Walking in the unfamiliar hallway of the precinct filled you with uncertainty and hesitation. It’s been awhile since you had to start over and be the new kid. The warm color tones and wavy lines on the floor put your mind at ease slightly as you go and find your assigned desk.
Greeting you when you arrive are a welcome card and the computer monitor on which displays the precinct’s logo and name underneath.
“Blockberry Precinct…” you said to yourself quietly.
Bowing your head to the few employees working next to you, you put your bag aside and immediately work on the case files assigned to you. Having to fill out a large volume of paperwork is something you humorously described yourself as “being allergic to”, but you knew it had to be done.
“Knock, knock.”
You looked up and were met by a stunning dark haired woman with bright, large eyes hidden behind a pair of gold framed glasses. The rosy pink tint of her lips were curved upwards as she smiled and handed you an unmarked hot beverage cup which you assumed contained coffee. While you wouldn’t call yourself a coffee drinker at all, you accepted it due to not wanting to get on anyone’s bad side, especially on the first day.
“Good morning.” she said cheerfully. “You must be the reassigned detective. My name is Ha Sooyoung.”
“Ah yes, hello.” you replied, standing up and greeting her with a bow. She raised both of her hands and waved them, saying there was no need to be so formal with her.
“How do you like the precinct so far? It’s not much, but it’s home.” she said, sitting on a vacant chair next to your desk. Trying your best not to stare, you couldn’t help but notice the woman who introduced herself as Ha Sooyoung wearing a cropped, tight fitting button up shirt with a black tie which showed off the contour of her breasts. Her midriff was prominently displayed due to this - fair colored skin and the cutest navel you have ever seen, as far as navels are concerned. She proudly showed off her abs that led to well-formed hips accentuated by a skin tight pair of jeans. She was the perfect combination of curves and being toned.
“Good morning, unnie!” a glassy-eyed raven haired woman greeted Sooyoung before heading to her own desk.
Watching various uniformed officers and even custodial staff saying hi to her, you knew she was of a high enough ranking. She was on the younger side appearance wise. But the mature aura she possessed and the way she knew about you led you to believe she is the captain of the precinct.
“I’d love to stay and chat some more, but duty calls.” Sooyoung suddenly said to you. She brushed off her jeans and fixed the wrinkles in her shirt before addressing you once more. “Make sure you send me that email and put the case file on my desk afterwards.”
The next several hours leading into your lunch break pass by relatively quickly. You were looking forward to it - trying out a new recipe you learned from watching a video, but also to have peace and quiet alone. It seemed everyone had their preferred partner for eating, something you missed about Starship Precinct. If nothing else, having established friendships and work relationships with your old squad made going into work something to look forward to.
You opened the door to the break room, peeking your head inside slowly and breathing a sigh of relief as you found it completely empty. Taking your food out of the shared refrigerator, you heat it up in the microwave. You hummed to the tone of a song that seemed familiar but you were unsure how the lyrics went. Scrolling through your phone, you didn’t hear someone else enter the room.
A pair of hands are firmly planted on your shoulders. You were startled - almost dropping your phone as you fumbled to catch it. You turn around and are greeted by Ha Sooyoung covering her mouth, trying to stifle a laugh. She runs her fingers through her long, shiny hair before pushing it behind her and heading to the refrigerator.
“Mind if I join you?” she asked, peering her head to presumably look for her food.
“Not at all.”
Sooyoung smiled as she handed your meal from the microwave and replaced it with hers.
“Mind telling me why you’re eating here alone instead of going out with the others?” she said, her back towards you as she entered the time it would take to heat up her food. Even from this vantage point, you could tell she was well toned through the defined muscles on her back. You questioned to yourself internally if all captains of a police precinct got to know her detectives personally on a one-on-one basis. Sojung was the same - however the two of you already knew of each other well before either of you were ever a part of Starship Precinct.
“Not much of a social person.” you replied sheepishly. “Don’t do too well in large groups of people. Figured no one would want to hangout with the newbie.”
“I understand.” Sooyoung said, sitting in the unoccupied seat next to you. “There’s no need for you to do anything you’re uncomfortable with. I’d like to be your lunch buddy though… if you’re okay with that?”
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
“If you don’t mind me asking, what case were you working on before you came here?”
“Oh, it’s -”
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The door opens once again suddenly. The sounds of loud, cheerful voices and heels clanking against the floor with each step alerted you that people have begun returning to the precinct. The person who called for Sooyoung leaned against the door frame. There was a hint of arrogance her body language was giving off - back against the wooden beam while crossing her arms. Her pearly white button up shirt was complimented with a frill scarf-like accessory that looked more like a napkin from a fine dining establishment. The blazer she wore was form-fitting: it was evident she had put in a lot of time into meticulously picking out her outfit. She appeared to be ready to hit the runway at a moment’s notice.
“Unnie, there you are. We’ve been looking all over for you!”
Sitting adjacent to the both of you, she slouched slightly in the chair. Placing her left elbow on the ear of the chair, her focus was solely on Sooyoung before she turned around and faced you.
“Oh, you must be the new rookie. Hi! It’s nice to meet you. My name is Kimberly Lippington.” she said, flipping her hair in a whirl of brown and blonde wind and extending her hand out.
“Ah yes, h-hello.” you replied timidly.
“Not this again...” Sooyoung said, shaking her head. “I’m sorry about her. She can be a handful sometimes.”
“I am not! Anyways how is your first day so far, rookie? Yeah, I remember my first day. But that was so long ago. If you need help with anything, don’t hesitate to ask me.”
“He’s actually-”
You shook your head at Sooyoung, placing your index finger in front of your lips. Sooyoung’s eyes widened as she smiled and formed an imaginary zipper with two fingers. The woman who is known as Kimberly Lippington has piqued your interest - you were curious what more else she would reveal about herself.
“How long have you been here?” you asked.
“About to be a whole year in a few weeks!” she said proudly.
“Pft, please.” Sooyoung scoffed. “Since when has four months become twelve? You’ve only been here ⅓ of the time you claim.”
“Unnie!” Kimberly Lippington whined. “You’re making me sound like an egoist!”
“I’m pretty sure you’re doing that yourself. Who was the one who described herself as the eclipse to twilight? Which, by the way, makes absolutely no sense.”
“Figures you wouldn’t understand. Only visionaries and those with a deep knowledge of the universe would. Am I right, rookie?”
The door is open for a third time today. You are thankful, breathing a sigh of relief about not having to answer her question. In walks in the same raven haired woman who greeted Sooyoung earlier in the morning. Her hair cascaded down like a waterfall - her eyes bright and expressive. The smile on her face was warm and inviting, a stark contrast to the person next to you who was slightly pompous and haughty.
“Sergeant, the captain is looking for you. She wants you to bring sunbaenim as well.” she stated, motioning her hand towards you. You rubbed the back of your head in embarrassment as Kimberly Lippington’s expression went from confident to shocked. 
“Wait, wait, wait. So you’re not a rookie?”
“Come on, Kim Jungeun. We’ll explain to you on the way.”
“Kim Jungeun...?” you asked as the three of you made your way out of the break room. “As in the Supreme Leader Kim Jungeun?”
Sergeant Ha Sooyoung burst into laughter at your sudden realization as Jungeun hit your shoulder and pushed you behind your back.
“You just had to reveal my real name like that, unnie. Now everyone calls me supreme leader or claps like him when I pass by!” Jungeun whined.
“Hey, it’s not my fault you introduced yourself with that ridiculous nickname. I mean seriously, who else called you that on purpose besides yourself and Jinsol?”
“I’m the one who has a ridiculous nickname?” Jungeun asked, glaring at her superior officer and raising her left eyebrow. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think I’m the one who makes the guys I bring home call me mommy.”
“H-Hey! Guys love calling me mommy…”
“Uh huh. Keep telling yourself that, unnie.” Jungeun said, rolling her eyes in mild annoyance as she leans against the Lieutenant’s car.
“You know… Every second you’re here talking to me is another second she’s with him. If I had to take a guess - she could be confessing to him as we speak.”
No sooner had the words left Lieutenant Sooyoung’s mouth that the sound of a door being closed was heard. She peered inside and saw Jungeun crossing her arms after having put her seatbelt on.
“Come on we have to hurry unnie!”
The place you were called to was a cafe - one you frequent often due to its close proximity to the precinct. The interior decor provided an intimate cozy feeling, something much needed after being out in the chilly winter evening. You ordered a hot peach green tea waiting for your contact to arrive. Taking a sip of the hot liquid after blowing on it to cool it off, your throat and body begin to warm up.
You stood up and turned around, being greeted by a tight embrace. Having the wind knocked out of you slightly, you looked down and found the culprit was a cute woman whose mostly brown hair with blonde highlights tickled the bottom of your jaw. She is Jeon Heejin - someone you have gotten close to over the years. The defining traits upon looking at Heejin were her cute moles: one just below her eye and another on her right cheek.
“Hi Heekie.” you said, smiling. While Jungeun was your main partner, you have been assigned to work several cases with her before. She earned the title of senior detective by virtue of having been in the precinct the longest. Her particular nickname was bestowed upon her by the squad - an amalgamation of her given name Heejin and bunny; due to her shared physical characteristics with the animal.
“Oppa, where were you this afternoon? Lunch was so boring! I had to listen to Kim Hyunjin talk about various types of yeast and why she hates sourdough bread.” Heejin said as she pouted at you, puffing air through her nose while she made a face that looked mostly cute and less intimidating and angry. You pinched her cheeks, stretching them slightly as she adorably continued to ask you where you were.
“I’m sorry, Heej. I was a bit busy today. But why did you call me here? What’s so important you couldn’t wait to tell me tomorrow morning at the precinct?” you asked as Heejin let go of you and sat on the opposite side of the table.
“Pft, you’re no fun oppa. Always wanting to be so serious about things.” Heejin teased. “But I called you because I have some good news.”
“Remember that case we worked on last year?”
“How could I forget. Not everyday you have the scene of a murder where the main witness is a dog.”
Heejin laughed. “It was funny watching you try to communicate with the dog by barking.”
“So what is the good news you have for me, Heej?”
“Take a look.” she replied, handing you a plain manila file folder. You opened it, observing the crime scene photos and a summary about the case attached. It contained the standard briefing report - photographs of blood stains, weapon used, a trail where the victim tried to escape. You sighed while skimming through them. That is, until you reach the final photo. Upon first glance, nothing is out of the ordinary. But something catches your eye at the very bottom.
“How could we have missed this?” you asked.
“That’s what I’ve been asking myself all afternoon. Which is why I’m still mad at you for leaving me alone with Hyunjin!” Heejin pouted. Even during tense situations, she knew how to lighten the mood.
“I’m sorry, Heej.” you said, pinching her cheek softly. “Why don’t we go eat some grilled meat tomorrow? Promise.”
“The other reason why I called you here is because Sooyoung unnie and I planned something.”
“What? You and boss did?”
“We had to since you’re always so oblivious!”
“About what?” you asked with a confused look on your face.
“Oh my god.” Heejin replied, rolling her eyes. “This is why we did it. You know Lip unnie likes you right?”
You laughed. “Kim Jungeun? Likes me? You’re funny, Heekie.”
“Oppa, I’m serious! She’s been in love with you ever since your first day at the precinct.”
“That’s absurd. All she ever does is call me a pig and hit me whenever I compliment her about a case or how I like the outfit she wore on that particular day.”
“Unnie squeals so loudly and goes on and on about how she almost melted hearing you tell her she's pretty when we’re fixing our makeup in the restrooms. So I sent fake texts to Sooyoung unnie to show her saying I was planning on confessing to you right now.” Heejin cheerfully said as she showed you her phone.
“Heej, I don’t know…” you said, still doubtful about the new information you were given.
“If you don’t believe me, why don’t you ask her yourself? But do this first...” Heejin teased you, crossing her arms before grabbing your hand and placing it on the side of her head as the automatic entrance to the cafe opened.
“Jeon Heejin!”
The loud voice startled you slightly as you looked up and were indeed greeted by an angry Jungeun. Her nostrils were flared as her cheeks are a slight rosy pink. You knew she was one to wear glasses whenever she was off the clock.
“What’s sooo important that you had to call my partner away from work?”
“I have no idea what you are talking about.” Heejin said, feigning innocence.
“Don’t play dumb! I saw the texts. You know what you said!”
“Jungeun, I-”
“Be quiet.” Jungeun snapped at you. “And you. He’s my partner. Don’t try to sway him.” Before either of you could say another word, Jungeun grabbed your wrist and dragged you out of the cafe.
Once the commotion quickly subsides and both you and Jungeun are far from earshot of the cafe, Heejin smiles once more.
“Good luck Jungeun unnie. You too, oppa.”
Jungeun continues holding onto your wrist until the two of you find an empty bench next to a lamppost. Having had enough, you forcefully remove her hand. Massage the tender skin, you see her glaring back at you.
“Jungeun, what the hell was that? Why were you so rude to Heejin?”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were going to meet with her?”
“Why would I do that? I don’t have to report to you about my location everywhere I go. You’re my work partner Jungeun. It’s not like you’re my girlfriend...”
“You’re a jerk…” Jungeun said as you saw her eyes begin to water. It was the first time you ever saw any other emotion from her. Maybe there was indeed some truth to what Heejin told you. But it wasn’t enough. You had to probe further.
“Look, Jungeun.” you said. “I’m sorry if I came across as harsh. I didn’t tell you I was meeting with Heejin because even she didn’t tell me what it was about. All she said was to come to the cafe and that she had some information for me.”
“Yeah, right.” Jungeun said, pouting. You never knew she had such a soft, cute personality to her. Most everyone knew her as chic and curt, but caring about those closest to her. Your working relationship consisted of teasing each other and being a strong duo when it came to solving cases. Seeing her lower her defenses and be vulnerable in front of you lead you to believe she was being sincere.
“But…” you began. “You did sound pretty jealous when talking to Heejin. Is there something you aren’t telling me?”
“W-What?” Jungeun blurted out, surprise evident on her face. “Why would I be jealous?”
“I don’t know, Jungeun. Heejin and I were just talking. There was no reason for you to tell her to not try to sway me. Sway me from what, exactly?”
“What are you implying?” Jungeun asked, raising her voice. “It’s not like I l-like you or anything, p-pabo.”
“So you like me, Jungeun?” you teased.
“I never said that.” she pouted. You could tell from her refusing to look you in the eye that her words betrayed her feelings.
“Kim Jungeun.”
“What?” she said.
“Look at me, please.”
Jungeun still refused, prompting you to hold onto both sides of her shoulders and shake her slightly until her gaze met yours. You gently squeezed both of her cheeks together, causing her eyebrows to furrow as she looked at you slightly annoyed. You smiled and leaned down, pressing your lips against hers. They were extremely soft - containing a nice pink hue from her lipstick as her eyes fluttered close and allowed you to deepen the kiss.
The two of you finally disconnect after a few minutes, both of your breath could be seen thanks to the chilly evening weather. You pressed your forehead against hers as she wraps her arms around your waist. Her eyes were glistening with tears, but you knew this was different. Earlier it was because your tone was harsh, stating an obvious fact while getting Jungeun to openly admit your feelings for you. Now stood before you a completely different person, one that could take some getting used to. But also - one you were happy to get to know better.
You and Jungeun continue to look at each other lovingly as you take turns giving each other soft, sweet kisses. Still in each other’s embrace, it seems the both of you refuse to let the other go. Five years. Five years was the amount of time it took you to open your heart up again and allow someone inside. With one final kiss, Jungeun looks up at you and says something you never expected to hear from her:
“Do you want to come over?”
Jungeun seemed to do pretty well for herself - what with her apartment located in a private area. The elevator was large enough to contain twenty people by your estimate. The two of you hardly spoke on the ride up, occasionally smiling at each other or connecting your pinkies together.
The clear glass window gives you a wonderful sight of your partner and now soon to be a significant other. You always considered her fairly attractive, as were pretty much all of the members of the squad; but you never noticed how beautiful she truly is. The way her skin glowed even under the ugly fluorescent lighting. The way she pouted randomly just because. How she had a helix and orbital piercing that shined just as brightly as she did. Or how she scrunched her cute nose because she caught you staring at her through the reflection a little too long.
When the elevator finally dings and the doors open, Jungeun steps out first. Coolly offering her hand while still looking away you take it, interlocking your long fingers with hers. Your hand was a bit damp due to nervousness, something that Jungeun didn’t bother to point out even though you’re sure she noticed. She leads you down the long hallway, each apartment unit looking the same as the last.
No sooner had the door to her apartment closed with the familiar jingle signifying it was now locked did the two of you find yourselves in each other’s arms once more. Each kiss you gave her contained fervor as you quickly unbuttoned your shirt and helped her remove her soft-feeling sweater. She smiled at you as you gently bit her lower lip, causing Jungeun to moan. You then find your way to her neck, lightly sucking on it as your hands began to unbutton her jeans which were form-fitting to her perfectly toned body. 
You weren’t sure how different your relationship would become - having been close work partners and one of two long standing duos in the precinct, the other being Heejin and Hyunjin. Both of you took the next step to become something more. While you were no stranger to having a relationship in the workplace, you were slightly worried how this could affect the already established dynamics within the squad. The thought quickly dissipates however, as Jungeun reciprocates your kisses and starts to become a bit more aggressive.
She removes your second and final shirt before her hands fumble their way to your pants. Your hands are not idle, as they snake their way to her back and find the clip connecting her bra. Jungeun’s bust was far from big, but it proved to be an unnecessary problem. Once the silky fabric hit the floor, you were greeted by her perky breasts.
Once your pants have been unzipped and are lowered, she cups your crotch, earning herself a breathless moan from you. Both articles of clothing are removed from your body as you do the same to her own pair of jeans. All Jungeun is left in is a matching black silk thong.
“I n-normally wear panties but felt like spicing things up today.” she moaned as you pinched her nipples. Any sort of facade Jungeun was trying to put on was beginning to break as you felt them start to become erect in between your fingers.
“Are you sure you aren’t wearing them because you expected me to sleep with you?” you teased before latching back onto her neck. You soon joined Jungeun in releasing your own satisfied moans as you felt her hand grab a hold of your cock. She gave you several short strokes, going up and down as she combined twisting her hand in a corkscrew motion while grazing her thumb against your desperately leaking slit. Your breaths got heavier as the mood in the room began to increase in temperature. Jungeun skillfully removes her thong with one hand, leaving you both fully exposed to one another.
Your cock continued to throb and strengthen in Jungeun’s small hand as she kneels down on the pile of discarded clothing surrounding the both of you. She stroked your shaft several more times before running her tongue upwards and collecting the precum dribbling out of you.
“Fuck, Jungeun…”
“Do you know how badly I’ve wanted this?” she quietly said before spitting on your cock and spreading it all over with her hand that was stroking you. She puckered her lips and kissed your length, moving from your base and deepening each wet kiss until she finally reached the tip. One long, strong kiss that doubled to suck out more of your precum. She looked up at you before finally parting her lips and taking you inside her mouth for the very first time.
Jungeun’s mouth fit like a velvet sleeve on your cock - warm and wet were just some of the sensations you felt. In the same agonizingly slow pace she used while she stroked you, you looked down and saw a soft pool of blonde hair as she bobbed her head up and down your length. Placing her hands on your thighs for support, she was rewarded with soft moans and sighs of satisfaction as you felt your knees could give out from any moment as the pleasure she was giving you spread throughout your body.
It seemed like she knew just what you liked, swirling her tongue around your tip while running it against the underside of your shaft each time her head descended. Her eyes formed inverted crescents as she maintained eye contact with you. Your hands did not remain idle as you ran them through her beautiful long blonde hair. Jungeun seemed to take the hint as you felt no opposition from her end. You placed both of your hands onto the back of her head and gently guided her rhythm as she took more of your cock inside her mouth. The only sounds emanating from the two of you are your moans and heavy breathing and Jungeun’s throat gargling on your cock. You alternated between having her bob her head and you thrusting inside her mouth. These actions encourage and excite the both of you. Jungeun saliva began to seep out of her lips and thoroughly coat you as her nails dug into your skin. You pushed the back of her head down all the way to your base and released a noiseless scream as her eyes looked up at you in satisfaction. Your orgasm arrives without warning. Feeling your cock throb inside her mouth, you explode in her mouth with long pulses. Thick ropes of hot semen paint a work of unseen art as Jungeun giggles, causing her tongue to vibrate against the underside of your length. Despite the two of you not wanting the moment to end, Jungeun tapped on your thighs to release your hold on her. She withdraws her head inch by inch as you admire the glistening caused by her saliva as it drips onto the floor. She opens her mouth and lets you admire her draining your balls. Swishing it around her mouth several times, she tilts her head up to show your load going down her beautiful neck and throat. Humming in satisfaction, she sticks her tongue at you - evidence that she has consumed it all. You helped Jungeun onto her feet as her legs wobble slightly. She smiles at you and grabs a hold of your shaft once more, stroking you several more times before dragging you into her bedroom.
When the two of you reach the bed, you gently push Jungeun on her back. You admired the glow of her skin as a thin layer of perspiration caused it to glisten. Her heavenly moans filled your ears as you kissed upward on her thighs, taking a bit more time on the inner creases before making your way towards her awaiting pussy. The heat radiating from it is enticing - watching how wet she was caused you to sink your head lower. Jungeun realizes what you are doing and holds onto both sides of your face.
“You can eat me out later, baby.” she moaned. “I can’t wait anymore. I want you inside me. P-Please.”
You rose from between her legs and repositioned yourself in front of her entrance. Grabbing a hold of your shaft, you slapped her slightly splayed lips with the tip of your cock. Jungeun whimpered as you teased her a bit more in order to lubricate yourself. Holding onto her thighs, you spread them apart and create another first moment for you both as you enter her.
The soft silky flesh greets your cock kindly greets you as a sudden rush of sensations overloads your body at once. Her walls grip onto you tightly, almost refusing to let you go. You felt your cock throbbing inside her as it continued to squeeze you for dear life.
“Oh my god…” Jungeun breathlessly said.
You give her several shallow thrusts, allowing her to adjust to you - which was much easier said than done as her pussy’s tightness made it a bit difficult to withdraw from. Once the initial hurdle was crossed, it became easier to fuck Jungeun as your cock began to be lubricated. Her bed softly creaked in rhythm to your thrusts as the two of you looked in each other's eyes. She wrapped her feet around your waist and used her strength to pull you down on top of her.
Jungeun’s eyes were filled with desire - but also genuine happiness towards you. The two of you give each other a weak smile before connecting your lips once more. While your tongues get acquainted once more, Jungeun moans in your mouth with each and every thrust of your cock. She playfully runs her fingers through your hair as your palms hold onto the bed below for support. Noticing your stamina was slowly starting to deplete, Jungeun places her hands on your chest and softly pushes you off her body. As you look at her with confusion, she smiles and motions for the both of you to trade places.
Jungeun straddles your lap before laying on top of you. She reaches below and rubs your tip against her pussy before having it return back inside her. The wet and warm walls caused you to moan louder than you expected as she pushes her tiny cute butt against your lower body. This position allowed you to pinch her hardened nipples once more as she fucked herself on top of you.
The sweet honey inside her body glazed your cock in a familiar sweetness as it made each entrance inside her silky walls extremely smooth and effortless. She interlocked her toes with yours as the sounds of her bed and your skin smacking with each other began to increase in volume.
“Baby…” Jungeun managed to moan out.
She tilted her head slightly, asking for a kiss as you continued to stimulate her nipples while she fucked herself against you. Feeling her pussy’s walls pulsate, you knew it wouldn’t be too much longer until Jungeun’s orgasm arrived. Several more thrusts on you was all it took - Jungeun screamed loudly as her toes squeezed yours while her silky flesh did the same to your cock. You pinched her erect nipples and raised your hips to push your cock inside her as a steady stream of vulgar language and erotic moans escaped Jungeun’s lips.
“Baby… that was… f-fuck…” Jungeun said in a half moan, half laugh as the sweat on her back stained your chest. Having used her remaining energy, you watched as her eyes showed exhaustion - and a desire for more. Each kiss sent an electric-like current into her spine as you feel her walls still pulsating. Her body unconsciously pushes back against you. Holding onto her hips, you removed Jungeun from your cock. Both of you moaned at the loss of each other’s warmth as your shaft glistened with her sweet juices. Giving her time to rest before going again, Jungeun is on top of you - both of you holding one another as you rub her back and give each other kisses.
“You did so well, Jungeun.”
She holds your face, rubbing her pussy lips against your cock as she gives your forehead a peck. She moves on and does the same to each of your cheeks. Then, your nose. Once she captures your lips once more, biting your lower lip tells you she is ready to go.
Jungeun removes off your body and gets into position in front of you on her hands and knees. Though she wasn’t curvy like others in the precinct - or a complete gym rat like the Lieutenant, she still had a lot to be proud of. You kissed her back several times before holding onto her hips.
“I want to make sure we can’t get out of bed tomorrow, baby.” Jungeun said, turning her head back towards you.
You felt the breath leave your body as you entered her once more. You didn’t think it was possible, but Jungeun felt even wetter and tighter from behind. Holding onto her wrists, you began to fuck her once more. Her orgasm made it so that the hot flesh kept you trapped between its velvety silk walls.
“Fuck, baby…”
Jungeun’s moans of pleasure caused you to increase your rhythm as her bed creaked in silent protest. Neither of you said anything, too lost in the moment as your shaft throbbed inside her. Her upper body gave out as you saw her bury her face into the silk bed sheets below.
“I-I’m cumming…” you moaned to say as the pressure inside you was unable to be suppressed any longer. You grabbed her arms and raised her body once more as she began to push her beautiful backside against you.
“M-Me too, baby.”
Using your final amount of energy, you fucked Jungeun as fast as you could. Her loud, needy moans and the bed frame creaking loudly only motivated you to increase the pace even more. With one final thrust, you joined Jungeun in ecstasy as you erupted for the second time of the night. Her walls tightened deliciously around you as you felt that she too succumbed to another orgasm. You gave her several weak thrusts in order to ensure that you have fully emptied yourself inside her.
The two of you gasped and panted heavily as you both collapsed onto the bed. Jungeun managed to turn herself around - mirroring the same position she was at previously. Giving each other satisfied, loving kisses, she straightened her back as the two of you watched her splayed pink lips release their vice-like grip on your cock. Your semen and her juices were mixed together as they ran down her beautiful thighs and onto your own and formed a pool on the bed sheets.
“Baby… that was so intense.” Jungeun said, her voice barely above a whisper.
“It was amazing.” you replied, tucking several loose strands of her hair behind her ears before running your fingers through her golden locks.
“Want to go another round in the shower?” Jungeun asked. And although you wanted nothing more than to satisfy her request, you wanted to savor the current moment with her a bit more.
“We’ll have plenty of time for that. Why don’t we take a nap first?” you said, wrapping your arms and pulling her in for a hug. Jungeun giggles as she laid her head on your arm. The two of you looked at each other - her eyes glistened with happiness as she brought you closer to her. Another kiss. It was a seal of sorts; assuring one another that you were now partners in more ways than one.
A dark brown haired woman enters a relatively fashion forward boutique. She garnered stares from the employees and a few patrons - partly due to her beauty, and partly because she was wearing sunglasses at night. Black knee high boots, form fitting black jeans and a black sweater that outline the curvature of her breasts were complemented by her bright red lips and a red zippered leather jacket. A slightly intimidating aura radiated from her. Running her fingers through the various clothes, she eyed each one as an employee slowly approached her.
“Can I help you find something, ma’am?”
She turned around and smiled. “I’m looking for a gift to give my boyfriend. Something to welcome him home with.”
As the employee bows and goes to the computer to find what would, the wind chime on top of the door makes noise as it is opened. The sounds of high heels echo loudly with each confident step. They stop behind the woman who raises her head in acknowledgement, but does not turn around.
“I was wondering when you were going to show up.”
“I’m here to take back what’s mine. I’m here for him.”
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sleeping-lilies · 4 years ago
robin era jason, dick, and babs headcanons because there’s too much comedic potential to ignore
- dick and babs were the ultimate gossip buddies. whenever dick was with the titans for long periods of time, babs always filled him in on everything
babs: dick you’ll never believe what hal said to bruce last night, i even have videos. dick, the look on his face please—
dick, immediately locking doors so his teammates don’t hear the mad shit about to be dropped on main: tell me everything
- vice versa too, dick filled babs in on everything going on with the titans and all they can say is thank god those lines are bat secured with no villains being able to listen in, imagine deathstroke hearing through bat gossip that joey’s dating who?!?! 😳
- batkids have been and always will be the holder of superhero gossip. it’s a business, you see, but we’re getting off topic 😡
- lmfao anyways this is literally how dick finds out about jason
babs: anyways, jason—
dick: who the fuck is jason
babs: ....
dick: barbara?!?!
babs: ok promise you won’t freak out
- babs and dick’s first reaction upon meeting jason being “why is he so small i wasnt that small” “dick you were literally nine when you were robin—“ “he’s tiny” it’s like those two share the same braincell
- i’m making it so that dick gave jason his number earlier because i feel like it 😡😡😡 (not that it changes much other than the fact that i want more gossip dropped in dm’s)
- when dick gave jason his number, he went to babs like “give me jason’s number” “didn’t you literally just give him your’s?” “ya but i’m gonna make sure he texts me” “ya ok that’s fair”
- whenever jason didn’t want to be in the manor (fight with bruce, boredom, etc) he went to wherever the fuck babs lived and they would facetime dick and talk mad shit. it was a thing.
- despite them all being able to drive, babs was the only one during this time with an actual, legitimate, legal license (jason was too young to have a license and dick is too lazy/busy/whatever-excuse-he-wants-to-use to take the permit and driving test) so babs drove them around everywhere and it was a mess™ consisting of a bunch of backseat drivers
- “dick omg look at this video i found from the batcave” “omg he said robin gives him magic” “robin gives him magic” they both cry about it for years to come
- babs sometimes kidnapped jason after school after telling the head of wayne manor (alfred) and took him to get ice cream, then to the library while she worked. jason was the greatest kid in the library, he even had his own throne special chair just for him whenever he came provided by library staff who adored this absolute angel.
- jason 🤝 babs 🤝 dick -> i believe in annoying yet endearing nicknames supremacy
- nicknames include (some used by some more than others or just one, or by both equally because they’re annoying pick and choose my good people)
little wing (iconic, we all know this one fellas and who uses it)
red (used for babs, absolutely fantastic, but in the future it gets confusing because some people with their goddamn hero names 😡)
boy wonder (classic, babs calls them both that)
barbie (for babs, jason uses this one and he’s the only one able to get away with it)
dickie (jason just really gets away with everything huh)
dickhead (jason’s lucky he’s cute)
baba black sheep (jeez i’m on a roll with babs’ nicknames she’s so nickname-able and that’s very cool and sexy of her)
jay z
jay allen
jay jay jay (shut up, dickhead—)
big bird
and a bunch more i’m too tired to look for them in canon or make new ones up, but you get the idea
- dick can totally bake, and babs and jason keep bugging him when he’s baking and add more chocolate chips while pretending to not notice that he can see them 😡😡😡
- headcanon that jason had hero worship for babs and dick because they’re so cool in and out of costume and it never really went away when he got older listen his older brother and pseudo sister are so cool and that’s not his fault but he’ll never admit it
- barbie movie marathons because barbie is an iconic legend and they all recognize it. they have the fucking “she’s the queen of the WA-A-A-AVES” song memorized along with all other barbie movie songs, they sing it on patrol.
- dick and jason’s sibling dynamic was and is basically “ur a little shit and i hate you but i will literally kill for you”
- dick had tension with bruce while jason was just a little shit who would totally cause drama for the sake of it, and people never take advantage of this absolute power duo for destroying bruce
- dick sending cryptid texts to jason through a burner phone because he’s dramatic jason totally knew it was him about things that drive bruce mad, like leaving the shower turned to the coldest setting before bruce got there, leaving the lights in the batcave on, etc. jason, a wise little child, totally took advantage of this. bruce came to accept his fate
- the gc names, guys the group chat names
- jason crashing into titans tower whenever he wants and dick doesn’t bat (hAH) an eye, occasionally he very sweetly asks babs to come with him and she agrees but only sometimes because some people have jobs, jason—wait dick is being flirted with by who?!?! i’ll leave it up to your imagination ;) and they totally crashed titans missions too
- one time bruce was busy with the league while alfred was on vacation and bruce absolutely could not dip (i’m imagining bruce getting a call from the headmaster during an honest to god fight and bruce just picking up while punching the daylights out of some asshole) (“mr wayne, what is that noise in the background?” “sorry, headmaster, the cat is having a seizure”), so when jason got into a “fight” (read: some jackass picking on jason before he snapped and yelled at him and the bitchass kid tried to punch him and jason’s no quitter) bruce called dick who was an adult and legally family (yes dick is adopted sometime after jason was, stay mad) like “son... son please” and dick was like “oh no need to plead with me, this is too good” but of course this bitchass doesn’t have an actual lisence yet and he was hanging out with babs anyways so he and babs rolled up to gotham academy and the kids stared at them like “holy shit they’re so cool” ya dick and babs are those power couple, whether romantic or not, that turn heads, they’re just that powerful strolled into the office, bailed jason out while intimidating the headmaster because the altercation was the result of school staff negligence of actual bullying like those cliche tropes, said “ayyy you got that brat good” and get him chili dogs or whatever the fandom made robin jason’s favorite food. omg i just made an entire fanfic in rough draft form someone please steal it and write it in full form and send me the link
- jason is very very tiny, you see. babs and dick pick him up and move him for any reason, whether because they want to sit on that chair or to just throw him out of harm’s way and take the bullet for themselves.
- jason and dick both get adorable blushes on their faces it’s genetic yes that’s how genetics work shut up meanwhile babs’ ears turn red when she’s embarrassed and all three of them clown each other for it
- i yelled about this to my mutual (cough cough @littlespaceboii) who also added to this absolute dogshit headcanon and then in the discord full of mutuals, but the basement of wayne manor is haunted. dick found it when he was a little gremlin (i stand by that dick was the original demon child) (“you see damian, before there was you there was me” the real reason he was good with damian lmfao) and was like “omg this is so cool” @littlespaceboii came up with that it was just alfred fucking with bruce and so when jason first came and dick was comfy around him he was like “so have you been in the basement” and jason was like “im literally robin i’ve been in the batcave?!?!” and dick goes “no the basement, the haunted one” and jason’s like “hAUNTED?!?!” cuz jason has at least some self preservations and knows not to fuck with the spookies until he too became a spooky and bruce was like “there’s no ghost it’s not haunted” because he’s a skeptic and a party pooper and babs is like “no go on let him finish” even though she knows full well there are no ghosts or does she? and uhhhh basically they becomes ghostbusters 2.0 but cooler and funnier
- this trio is basically baby pan/bisexual jason and two resident expert pan/bisexuals solidarity but that’s literally canon. they go to pride every year that jason’s alive what who said that?
- they all tease each other for their crushes like all siblings/family friends do, i don’t need to say it but it’s important that’s emphasized for my well being
- yelled about this in the discord to the mutuals who added onto this absolute train wreck too, but jason used to play baseball during his robin days, and dick never showed up to those games with being busy as an excuse, but babs always showed up with bruce and alfred and took pictures for dick so dick could be like “mlb players are jobless now that little wing is on the scene” babs (and sometimes bruce) always shouted loudest for jason whether he was in the field or in the dugout and jason would get this extremely adorable blush on his face (jason finds out in the future why dick never showed up (cough cough ptsd from two face’s massive baseball bat which led to everything that came after including being fired and veangance academy and nearly killing two face and omg that’s a ride) and is like oh my god my childhood is even more ruined—)
- remember when i said dick got adopted after jason did in this new absolutely fabulous canon i just created? bruce did that because “ahhh fuck that’s my kid and i want him to know i love him through every means possible since i have the ability to do so” i believe in good dad bruce supremacy and made a whole thing where he invited dick to dinner for like a week to work up the courage and bonding to ask him and show him the adoption papers and then everyone cried :) bruce decided to finally adopt dick after jason referred to dick as his brother and bruce was like “...oh” and alfred was like 👀
- dick, as the first child hero and one of the first heroes period like at least a year or two before babs, holds the “back in my day” card over literally everyone in the hero community in general and pulls it out to annoy babs and jason even tho babs literally joined the scene only a year or two after dick
jason, shaking in his panties: it’s so fucking cold
dick, standing strong in his tits out outfit, who had to wear the panties on his own decision: oh, you’re cold? back in my day—
babs, throwing her boot at his face: god shut the fuck up—
and then dick doesn’t give back her boot and it becomes a whole thing with lots of tackling and play fighting and someone nearly gets thrown off they rooftop for funsies but anyways
also on a side note, babs would take off her cape and wrap it around jason whenever she noticed his discomfort with the weather, or use the weather as an excuse whenever she saw him uneasy for whatever reason and they never mention it to each other
- yelled about this in the discord to the mutuals at some point too holy shit i have friends, but those three are team rocket. they went out as team rocket for halloween one year after bullying bruce to let jason out only jason because he can’t tell dick and babs what to do and jason is under his care and when they do convince him, dick and babs bully jason into being meowth. manifesting jason in a meowth onesie ARTISTS PLEASE—
- dick finally took his license seriously and took his driver’s test after babs became paralyzed.
- those were a rough few months for those three. and then another rough few months for those two
- yikes, sorry to throw angst at you (sorry (unfeeling)) anyways, in the future alfred finds those old photos and shows the rest of the fam, so dick and babs bully jason, 6’2 jason that towers way above both of them, and once again bullies him into being meowth “for tradition, little wing!” “shut up, dickhead” the rest of the batkids lose their shit over this, naturally. bruce and alfred stand in the back teary eyed reminiscing the old days when things were a little more simple.
- discowing walked so terrifying handsome squidward red hood helmet could run (even tho the ugly helmet tripped and fell and missed the mark because discowing wasn’t ugly and will always remain superior, i feel i have committed a terrible crime comparing the two)
dick: jason what the fuck is that
jason: it’s fashion
dick: it’s terrifying
jason: i’m only following in my older brother’s footsteps 😔
dick: listen here, you little shit strangles him haha just kidding that illegal wait theyre vigilantes they don’t follow the law—
- these three and cass refer to the rest of the batkids as “the kids” (if she’s older than jason, sometimes she is and sometimes she isn’t and i’m really confused but whatever)
- babs and dick’s relationship with jason pre death literally shaped how jason treats his siblings post pit madness like he literally goes “what would red and big bird do?!??” when he needs to go into big brother mode over the “little ones” (“little” because tim and steph are adults and duke is nearly an adult himself oh my god he’ll graduate from high school soon and jason never got to do that himself he’s totally going to the ceremony legally dead or not) 🥺
- holy trinity continue hanging out with each other, whether lunch or games or whatever, and just enjoy each other’s company after long, rough years
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yuta-nakamots · 4 years ago
crush - n.jm
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Pairing - Jaemin x Reader
Genre - High School!AU, Fluff, Angst
Warnings - None (if you feel that I should add a warning please lmk)
Summary - Na Jaemin was the boy who had protected you from bullies, let you copy his homework, shared his snacks with you, and practically doted on you like a mother. It would only make sense for you to develop a crush on him though not all loves are meant to last, especially when your overbearing feelings crush themselves.
Word Count - 5.3k
A/N - Bolded phrases are song lyrics taken from Crush by Tessa Violet.
Taglist - @ukiyoneo​ @badwithten @yasmini24 @luvlyjaemin​ @jimjamjaemin​ @loeygotospacenow
Written for the Summertime Tunes Collab hosted by @mismatchmark​ and @croissanct​. Also part of the NeoWinter Festival hosted by @czennienet​.
Song: Crush by Tessa Violet. Color - Pink.
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“I swear the answer for the last question was the Mandela effect,” you exclaimed, “you know, the one where you think you remember something but it’s totally different?”
Jaemin’s infectious laugh filled the interior of the car. “No no no, I think you’re mistaken,” he wagged a finger at you without taking his eyes off the road, “the question wasn’t asking about the memory of an individual, it was asking about the memory of a group, like a large mass of witnesses to a crime.”
A cold wave of despair hit you when you realized that you utterly screwed up on the largest question on your first exam of senior year. It was such an easy question yet you carelessly answered it, just wanting to go home as soon as the bell rang. That and getting to be with Jaemin, whom you’ve been crushing on since sophomore year.
You and Jaemin actually hadn’t become friends on your own terms. The two of you first met as freshmen and had to work on a group project in history together and that’s when you got his number. You didn’t talk to him for the rest of the year though. Then in sophomore year, again, you had the luck of being with him for a project, though this time it was just the two of you and it was for chemistry instead.
“Ooh, let’s do an experiment with salt,” Jaemin suggested as you gave him a questioning look, “it’s part of my nickname.”
“What? Salt? People call you salt?” You were utterly at a loss for words.
He shook his head, “no, didn’t you know? My nickname is Nana, from Na Jaemin...like N-A? Salt? Get it?”
You let out a slight wheeze when you understood what he was getting at. “Yeah, okay, we can do one with salt as long as it’s not too complicated.”
He had chosen to do an experiment on finding what method of food preservation kept produce fresh the longest, and salt was one of them. Your classmates ended up choosing your project as the most creative since they were all amused by the way Jaemin had placed pictures of himself around the section of the presentation board relating to the effectiveness of the salt treatment.
Ever since then, whenever there was a project in any of the classes you shared with Jaemin, he’d always gravitate towards you and ask you to be his partner. Eventually, after being assigned a large physics project, the two of you were deciding whose house to do the experiment at, and after sharing addresses, both of you realized that you lived only two blocks away from each other.
Just to keep things safe, it was agreed that the experiment would be done at Jaemin’s house under the supervision of his older brother who majored in something in the science field and volunteered to look after you guys and make sure no one died. The walks to his house weren’t awkward, in fact, they were quite fun and interesting considering how talkative Jaemin was. Even after your project was completed, he’d continue walking with you since your house was on the way to his.
In junior year, the two of you drifted apart as you both found your own friend groups and started hanging out with them more but in senior year, Jaemin pulled you both back together when he called you in the morning to ask if you’d like a ride to school.
“I mean, yeah sure I guess.” You had responded as you finished packing your bag. What you expected was for him to pull up in the passenger seat of his brother’s black car, the loud J-Rock music vibrating the frame of it. What you didn’t expect was for Jaemin to be the one driving the car, his older brother nowhere in sight. “Y-you can drive?!”
“Yeah, got my license over summer.” He replied nonchalantly, taking a bite of a small sandwich wrapped in Starbucks napkins. “My brother graduated early and went to Japan for grad school so he said I can use his car once I get licensed. Pretty cool, right?”
When you finally looked at him after getting into the passenger seat, you realized just how much he was starting to change. You had noticed his voice getting lower and the way his shoulders seemed to be broader but now even his face seemed to be slightly sharper and more mature. “Hey, answer me,” he said, interrupting your trance, “just because my brother’s gone doesn’t mean you can give me those sad eyes because you had a crush on him and didn’t get the chance to tell him.”
“I do not have a crush on your brother,” you began as Jaemin drove you to school, “that’s so gross, he’s like a whole five years older than me.”
“Mmhmm, I literally heard you tell June that you liked him.”
“I didn’t, I swear.” The truth is, the day he had heard you, you were telling your friend June about your crush on Jaemin before your shared trigonometry class and he had just so happened to come into the classroom early that day and overheard the tail end of it where his name was mentioned. June had covered it up by saying that you had a crush on his older brother, which you went along with since you didn’t want Jaemin to know that it was actually him that you were talking about. Hopefully one day you’d get to tell him this story and laugh about how childish you were, but for now, you kept to yourself.
From that day on, Jaemin made sure to take you to school and back once the day was over, insisting that it only makes sense since your houses are so close to each other. It’s not like you were really complaining though because it meant more time for you to be with him.
A week before homecoming, Jaemin came to pick you up in the morning as usual, his car slick from the morning dew that was on the roads. He waved at you as you came down your driveway, unlocking the door for you. “How’s my princess doing on this fine morning?” He asks once you open the door and place your bag inside.
“Tired.” You state plainly. “Nearly slept through my alarm.”
“Would you like some coffee?” He looks down at his coffee that blends in with the black coloring of the console and seats. You make a face of disgust at him, scrunching up your nose and mocking the action of vomiting. “Alright, okay, I get it.” He laughs out as you buckle yourself in.
After you were comfortably seated in Jaemin’s car, there was a calming silence as he pulled away from the curb and navigated his way out of your neighborhood. The silence was only broken when he stopped under a fresh red light, prepared to wait for a bit. “So the homecoming dance is coming up,” you let out a short hum to acknowledge him while scrolling through social media, “do you have someone that you’re planning on going with?”
You shook your head, “I have someone in mind but I don’t know if they’d want to go with me.”
“Oh, who is it?” Jaemin asks as the light turns green, signaling for him to make the pass through the intersection.
“It’s you.” Turning to look at him, you see his eyebrows furrowed and his lips pursed together. “Would you like to go with me to the homecoming dance?” The mere seconds it took him to respond to your question felt like hours but you didn’t mind, not when he looked so handsome and relaxed in the driver’s seat, one hand on the wheel, the other resting on the center console.
You make it difficult to not overthink
His hesitation was evident but eventually, he replied, “sure, I’ll go with you.”
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The dress you wore was a pretty shade of pink, one that complemented your skin tone nicely and Jaemin wore a matching pink button-down shirt paired with black ripped jeans which you were sure he stole from his brother’s closet. Your friends nicely complimented your outfits and asked when the two of you would be official, at which both of you replied “it’s not like that” or “I don’t like them that way” or some other variation of it.
June looked at you knowingly from the other side of the table every time that happened, knowing how badly you hoped for his words to be only a front he was putting up and that maybe, just maybe, he thought of you as more than a friend. But the little hope you had was put to rest when Yunhee, one of the girls from his friend group, came by and pulled him away, telling him that Jeno, his best friend, wanted to take group pictures together.
Jaemin didn’t return to the table until the winner of the homecoming spirit trophy was about to be announced. He shared a look of excitement with you as both of you did a drumroll on the table before Haechan, the student body president yelled out, “the seniors, class of 2018, are the winners of this year’s homecoming spirit trophy!” Jaemin jumped out of his seat and hugged you out of joy before running off to celebrate with the rest of his friends at their table.
Again, he did not return until the lights were dimmed and the music volume was raised. “Would you like to dance, m’lady?” He asked as he held his hand out for you to take. The rest of your friends let out giggles at the gesture and cooed when you placed your hand in his and followed him to the dance floor.
He let go of your hand as the two of you faced each other and started moving to the beat of ‘Let’s Fall in Love for the Night’ while mouthing the words to each other. With every line mouthed, you felt your heart swell for Jaemin because it was as if this song were written for the two of you.
“You look absolutely beautiful tonight.” He told you as the song slowed down.
“I can say the same for you too.” Your eyes met him as you smiled at him.
His smile mirrored yours with the same playful affection. “Then why don’t you?”
You weren’t even given the chance to do so when Yunhee appeared once again, placing a hand on his shoulder and turning him in the direction of where the other nominees for homecoming court were gathering. “They’re announcing the winners, come on,” she informed him as she began pulling him away, “you look good tonight though, you too, y/n, I guess.”
Yunhee had always been playing some sick passive-aggressive game with you and you never understood why. Jaemin encouraged you to just brush it off every time it happened, but you simply couldn’t, not when it has continued for three years now. You were about to open your mouth and say something back to her but you held yourself back, not wanting to sour the mood for everyone else.
Without Jaemin dancing with you and not knowing if the rest of your friends were on the dance floor, you returned to your table just as Haechan stepped out to announce the winners of the homecoming court. June came to sit next to you, occupying Jaemin’s seat as you laughed at the way her makeup was slightly smudged from when she accidentally rubbed her eye. “I’m glad I can still make you laugh.” She said as she gave you a sad smile, already having you like an open book.
The two of you became engrossed in a conversation about how hard it was to do your hair and makeup earlier, effectively drowning out the naming and cheers for the winners of the court until one name was able to make your heart stop. “Na Jaemin.” You turned around in your seat to see as Jaemin was crowned homecoming king and went to stand alongside Yunhee, who smiled at him as she donned a similar crown, making her his queen.
June took you home that night, leaving behind her own date for you as you struggled to hold back your tears, seeing Jaemin dance with another girl. “It’s just for homecoming, he probably doesn’t even like her that much.” June reassured while rubbing your back. You wanted so badly to believe her but there was just something inside you that wouldn’t allow you to do so.
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Homecoming passed quickly, though not quickly enough for your liking, and as much as you were glad to put some distance between that night, you weren’t as glad to be swamped with work again. You were supposed to be thinking about how Pavlov experimented with classical conditioning yet you were the one feeling classically conditioned to think about Jaemin.
He occupied your mind whenever you weren’t extremely focused on something. Everything you thought about brought you back to him. Even now, you debated on whether it would be a good idea or not to classically train him to like you.
I can’t focus on what needs to get done
Your phone buzzed from its spot on your desk, plucking you from your experimental daydream, only to send you on a rollercoaster as you read the notification on your screen.
nana > y/n
7:31pm: wanna go get food with me?
y/n > nana
7:31pm: right now?
nana > y/n
7:31pm: yeah
y/n > nana
7:31pm: sure, i’ll be ready in a bit
nana > y/n
7:32pm: thank god cuz i’m outside already
You figured your psychology notes could wait for a bit, especially when the reason was Jaemin. With finals coming up soon and the impending doom of graduation and college, you wanted to make the most of every moment you had with him, even if it was nights spent getting McDonald’s and eating it at an elementary school playground, seated side by side at the top of the slide while looking at the stars.
“I wonder why people say ‘shooting stars’ and ‘falling like the stars’ because they can’t do both, right?” Jaemin pondered through a mouthful of french fries.
“Stars don’t fall, silly.” You remarked, truly questioning how he had such good grades in his classes yet didn’t seem to know such trivial things.
He continued staring up at the night sky before responding. “Well if they did, I think I’d be one of them.”
You looked at him, entertaining his wonderings while sipping some Sprite. “Oh? Now, why is that?”
“Because I think I’ve fallen for you.”
Your mouth opened ever so slightly out of shock and you felt as if you were frozen when he took the drink out of your hands, placing it gently behind the two of you before putting a hand on your jaw, holding your steady as he gave you your first kiss.
When he pulled away, you were still having trouble processing what just happened and left him hanging, but in a few seconds you had one hand on his shoulder, the other on his cheek as you pulled him in to kiss him for real this time. Jaemin let out a noise of surprise though he quickly recovered and his lips began moving with the shape of yours.
You immediately felt insecure from how confident he seemed, thinking that he probably already had prior experience, so you pulled away, not wanting to embarrass yourself if he thought you were a bad kisser. Both of you pulled away, slightly out of breath.
“Was I your first kiss?” He asked. You nodded in response, looking anywhere but at him. “Good, because you were mine.” Your eyebrows raised in shock and you turned to him, only for his lips to meet yours once again.
And I’m just tryna play it cool now
The two of you stayed at the playground for what could have easily been another hour talking about your futures and kissing each other. It was then that the two of you found a common college on both of your lists of possible schools and agreed to go there if both of you got in. When Jaemin dropped you off later that night, he sent you off with one last kiss and a smile, reminding you to study for your psychology final next week.
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The in-class reviews for the said exam could’ve easily been thrown out the window for you since all you did was stare at Jaemin from the other side of the room. June asked you and your friends something about mental maps but the only mental map you were creating was that of the house you’d live in with Jaemin someday.
But I could be your crush...throw you for a rush
Even during the final exam itself, you couldn’t help but glance over at him and think about how handsome he was. It was only when one of your friends sneezed and Jaemin looked over to say ‘bless you’ that you averted your eyes back to the papers in front of you, not wanting him to catch you in your daydreams.
And I’m pretending you ain’t on my mind
But with the wrapping up of your classes and all the finals being taken, it also signaled the end of the semester and the start of winter break, which Jaemin would be spending in Japan visiting his older brother. When he left, it felt like he took a piece of you with him. He was always on your mind and you practically glued to your phone, anxiously waiting for a message from him. To be fair, he did promise to update you at least once a day on all the fun things he did.
Hoping you’d text me
You were the first like and comment on all of his social media updates, unashamedly. The most recent being a video of him and his older brother having a snowball fight at the ski resort they were visiting.
In the video, Jaemin threw a snowball at his brother who let out a yell in surprise, his dyed-blue hair now covered in white. “Hey! Come back here!” He yelled as he knelt to the ground, gathering his own snowball to throw back at Jaemin.
Jaemin ran away to a small stack of snowballs, giggling as he grabbed another one and launched it again at his brother, only angering him further. “How about you respect your elders, huh?” His brother shouted as he threw his first snowball at Jaemin, which would’ve hit him square in the face if he didn’t turn around as fast as he did.
“No headshots, you bully!” He pouted, rubbing the spot the snowball hit, just to be hit twice more by his brother. “Hey, I’m injured!”
“Now you know how I feel playing PUBG with you, kid.” His brother shot back.
na.jaemin0813 - he put up a good fight but i think i won
ynn0018 - you definitely did. I miss you tho :’( come home soon pls
You checked the post again when he replied to your comment and read through some of the other comments, feeling jealous when you see that he also replied to the other girls who left messages though you quickly eased yourself when you say that he gave you the longest response with the most emojis.
na.jaemin0813 > ynn0018 - i miss you too 😘😘 i’ll be back sooner than you know it <3
Jaemin stayed true to his word, texting you every day, and making sure you weren’t too bored without him. He filmed his own short little vlogs and sent them to you throughout the day and did a longer video at the end of the day as he got ready for bed. You’d watch them whenever you got bored or thought of him and the days didn’t seem all that long without him physically there with you.
When Jaemin returned from Japan and the break ended, the two of you were the closest you’ve ever been. You did nearly everything together like eating lunch, studying for tests, even facetiming each other while doing homework though neither of you really spoke much.
Thanks to Jaemin being so overprepared and not wanting to live in his brother’s shadows, his early application to colleges motivated you to do the same and within the first month of the year, both of you had acceptance letters to the school where you could chase your dreams together and not have to risk doing a long-distance relationship. If fate and soulmates truly existed, you knew this would be it.
The third quarter of the school year goes by quickly, the rest of your friends receiving their acceptance letters after you and slowly announcing their future schools and plans after graduation. Things felt like they were falling into place, just the way they should be and you thought you could never be happier.
During spring break, you and Jaemin even took your senior portraits together at the local botanical garden, the sunset behind the flowers turning the sky a fiery shade of pink. “I want to see more of these sunsets with you,” Jaemin admits after you both decide you’re satisfied with how the pictures came out, “Japan has these same types of sunsets and I wish you were there to see them with me.”
“Let’s go then,” you tell him, excited as you imagine the sight of you and him traveling the world and watching many more beautiful sunsets, “after we graduate, let’s go to Japan, just the two of us. We can visit your brother too and he can even be our tour guide.”
You’re my permanent vacation
From then on, both of you vowed to ‘grow up’ a little more to show your parents that you could be trusted to travel on your own. One of the biggest things you set out to do was to get your license, which of course Jaemin is initially against but eventually comes to terms with and becomes your biggest supporter, letting your drive the two of you to school and home on days when traffic wasn’t too heavy. Of course, you couldn’t get your license in just a few months but you told yourself you’d get it as soon as you were able to.
At school, prom was drawing nearer which meant promposals were happening left and right. Jaemin hadn’t said anything about going to prom together yet or if he was going at all so you thought it would be nice to turn the tables and do something nice for him since he was the one always driving you places, buying you food, giving you gifts, and just, in general, being the best ‘boyfriend’ you could ask for.
You told June about your plans but she surprisingly warned you against it. “Wait, why shouldn’t I do this? I thought you wanted me to get with Jaemin?” You question, taken aback at how quickly your best friend seemed to have turned on you.
“I do, but I think maybe you should wait a bit.” She reasoned.
“He hasn’t said anything yet though, or even mentioned the word ‘prom’ to me, so I don’t think he’s planning on going.”
“He must have a reason, like what if he doesn’t-”
“Yeah, that’s why I’m trying to get him to go. Because if I ask him, then for sure he’ll say yes, right?” You interrupt.
June pauses. “Well, yeah, he’d probably say yes, but like, keep in mind that you guys aren’t even official so there’s no guarantee.”
You roll your eyes at her. “Whatever. I thought you were supposed to be my best friend and support me no matter what.”
“Y/n, no, that’s not what I meant-”
“Save it, I don’t want to hear it.”
You stuck your ground and went home that day, ready to think up a cheesy pick-up line and design a poster asking Jaemin to prom. The day after that, you put the first part of your plan into motion and created the poster, drawing out your message in big, bold lettering and coloring them pink.
‘If I were a star, I’d be a falling star because I’ve fallen for you. Prom?’
You waited until Thursday to buy a bouquet of flowers after school, telling Jaemin that you needed to pick something up from the store and he could just drop you off there. You also told him that your parents were cool with letting you drive one of their cars so you didn’t need a ride to school on Friday morning. The second of which was harder to convince him of, but you did it nonetheless.
And I’m not tryna be with you now
You came to school, rushing to store the flowers and poster in your locker so that Jaemin doesn’t see them. The adrenaline doesn’t leave your body until after the first period ends, your mind already overwhelmed from being a TA and having to deal with freshmen for an hour.
When you arrive at your psychology class, you excitedly tell June about your plans for the day and how you were going to ask Jaemin to prom after school gets out, which she makes a face at. “Okay, now tell me, what is going on with you and your aversion to me asking Jaemin to prom?”
“Look, I’m not against it,” she began, her eyes drifting off to somewhere else, “it’s just that…”
“What, June, what could it possibly be?” You spit, getting angry at how your own best friend didn’t want to see you happy.
Her eyes snapped back to your face. “You know what? If you’re so intent on doing it, fine. I won’t stop you. I told you that I support you and Jaemin together so I don’t get why you’re so upset.”
Just as you were about to fire back, Jaemin walked through the door with Jeno so you quickly changed your expression to smile at him before muttering to June “I’m going to ask him to prom and prove that whatever you’re hiding from me is wrong.”
The next two periods seemed to drag by, you just wanted the day to go faster so you could finally do what you’ve been waiting for. During lunch you went to your usual spot, shaded underneath a tree by the cafeteria, pulling out your homework as you wait for Jaemin when you suddenly hear a commotion happening on the other side of the building.
Out of curiosity, you stood up and walked over just enough to get a glimpse of what was happening in the large ring of students. There were two people. Jaemin and Yunhee. You watched as Jaemin held open his own poster asking Yunhee to prom and you see her nod her head before pulling him in for a hug.
Any hope you previously had was crushed.
You didn’t feel like doing anything productive for the rest of the day. Instead of staying under the protection of the large tree, you packed up your belongings and went to your last class of the day, waiting for lunch to end. It was a study hall anyway so you figured you might as well get a head start at being unproductive for an hour.
Scrolling through social media didn’t help your cause in the slightest. Jaemin’s promposal was everywhere. But he and Yunhee posted about it, everyone who had recorded the event posted it on their stories, comments were flying left and right and it was all too much.
When you got home that day, you turned off your phone for the first time since god knows when and set to working on all your assignments just to keep your mind off of him. Even the mention of his name seemed taboo now. Once you deemed that enough schoolwork had been done, you went about cleaning your room and pulled up a ‘summertime tunes’ playlist on youtube to keep your mind occupied though it seemed like the world was against you today when ‘Crush’ started playing.
Maybe if I’m busy it could keep me from you
You shut Jaemin out of your life, blocking his number and his social media accounts. Legally, you could not get your license yet so you settled for having your parents take you to school. In class you sat as far away from him as possible and ditched your lunch spot, instead opting to spend lunch sitting in your next class and you were glad that your teachers didn’t mind you intruding on their break and if they did, they were kind enough to allow you to stay.
Exactly one month after that mistake of a day, you went to prom with your group of friends after patching up your relationship with June, though there was no undoing your harsh words the same way there was no undoing your purchase of the pink prom dress thinking that you’d be going with Jaemin as your date.
Whenever you looked down, you were disgusted by the color, wanting to rip it off of you and never have anything to do with anything pink ever again. Your friends accused you of being a downer the whole night, but you couldn’t help it when you knew Jaemin was probably having the time of his life with Yunhee at their table, Jeno right at his side with his own date.
“Come on, cheer up a bit, you still have us.” June kindly told you.
“I know, it’s just,” you put your head in your hands, careful of your makeup, “this is not the way I dreamt of things going.”
June shook her head. “Well, some dreams are better left as dreams. Just wait, Jaemin will get his karma, I promise you.”
“It better come soon because I’m getting sick of seeing them together.” You nodded over to where he was dancing with Yunhee. You didn’t dare look at them, not wanting to see his stupidly handsome face and his dumb smile or the way she blushed at his compliments and the way her pink nails matched his pink tie.
You left the hotel ballroom that night vowing to yourself that you’d never speak to Na Jaemin again. Your friends fully supported you on this endeavor and your group became the tightest you’ve ever been even if it was only for the last month of your high school career. Graduation came and went, the special night was spent having your own mini party at one of your friends’ house after the ceremony and you might have even had a bit to drink.
Summer felt like an odd daydream of sorts though you were immensely grateful for the break since it allowed you to not have to see Jaemin’s face almost every day of the week. Both of you acted as if the other person didn’t exist and you hoped to keep it that way for a long time. Even when you saw him out of the corner of your eye at freshmen orientation on your college campus, you reminded yourself of the promise you made on prom night.
“Y/n, hey!” He called out to you, walking in your direction.
You looked over at him, giving him a slight smile before turning away and walking off to sit with some of the other people you met earlier while doing some of the icebreaker activities.
Some crushes are better kept a crush.
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miraculouswolf99 · 4 years ago
Field Trip To Greece
My own take on the Field Trip salt stories that usually are crossovers with Batman and have Damienette. But this is my version with them going to Greece and involves my OCs Lyon and Vallia Garden.
“Mari, Mari, MARI,” Adrien basically yelled into his friend’s ear.
Marinette woke up with a jolt in her bus seat.
“What,” she groaned, never being much of a morning person.
“We’re almost at the sanctuary, so I figured to wake you up,” Adrien smiled at his friend.
“Thanks and curse how fast this bus is,” Marinette said.
“And curse Hawkmoth for late night akumas,” Adrien suggested.
“That to,” Marinette agreed. “Even in Greece, he still finds a way to annoy us in Paris.”
“Well, you brought the horse miraculous for a reason,” Adrien said.
“How are you not tired,” Marinette questioned him.
“I’ve always been a morning person,” Adrien shrugged. “Blame my father for a lot of early morning photoshoots.”
“I’d slap your father if it did not mean risking my future as a fashion designer in the process,” Marinette says.
After revealing themselves to each other after Miracle Queen, the two had developed a more brother-sister relationship. They both thought that it would be better for them to know each other after having all their allies exposed to Hawkmoth and Mayura. They joked around, teased each other, and also always had each others backs.
Having each other’s backs certainly helped them when Lila’s lies got worse. After Chloe had willingly helped Hawkmoth, she had been sent to a private reformatory school in Sweden. Lila took the opportunity to tell more of her lies, saying that she had been telling her “best friend” Ladybug to keep the Bee miraculous away from Chloe for months. And just like everything else Lila ever said, their class ate it up like it was their last meal.
Adrien had joined Marinette almost immediately after he made his “deal with the devil” in order to get her back into school. He threw himself off the “high road” the moment that Marinette told him that Lila threatened her. But even with him backing up Marinette every time she caught inconsistencies in Lila’s tales, there were still few that actually believed them. Some even went as far as scolding Marinette for her “brainwashing Adrien” into thinking that Lila was a liar.
Kim, Juleka, and Nathaniel were the only ones that stayed loyal to their friends. Especially since Marinette had done so much for them in the past. Like curing Juleka of her photo curse, helping Nathaniel get together with Marc, and Kim had been her friend since they were in diapers. With their group was also Kagami, Luka, Marc, Aurore, and Mireille. The rest of Bustier’s class was pretty much made up of Lila’s attack dogs.
What annoyed Adrien the most was how his so-called best friend. Nino may be siding with his girlfriend, Alya being Lila’s biggest supporter/attack dog, but that also meant he was part of the problem. He certainly never helped Adrien when Lila would constantly hold onto his arm no matter how many times he told her to let go. It was driving Adrien crazy and he was very close to taking Plagg up on his offer to Cataclysm the liar.
“I bet the garden is going to be beautiful,” Juleka says, her seat next to the two heroes.
She was sitting next to Nathaniel while Kim was in the seat in front of Adrien and Marinette. They were all in the seats at the back of the bus.
“I heard that the Garden Family Sanctuary is ranked as an unofficial wonder of the world,” Nathaniel said.
“Anyone else find it odd that a nature sanctuary is run by a family with Garden as their last name,” Kim asked.
“I think this is one of those ‘don’t think about it too much’ times,” Marinette shrugged.
“I haven’t been here in years,” Adrien was glad to be back.
“You’ve been here before,” Juleka asked.
“There was a charity fashion show here about a year before my mother disappeared,” Adrien explained. “I was here with my parents for it.”
“Did you meet any of the animals here,” Kim looked excited. “I heard that they let any animals here roam free even when they have events or tours here.”
“The animals do roam around the sanctuary as they wish,” Adrien says. “But the Garden family and all their employees work hard to tame all their animals privately to make sure that even the predators do not harm anyone. They spend months to years taming them before releasing them into the main part of the sanctuary.”
“It really sounds like an amazing place,” Marinette said.
“I can’t wait to draw some of the animals,” Nathaniel already had out his sketchpad. “Marc requested I draw him the most amazing animal that I see. No pressure. Haha.”
Juleka patted his shoulder, but her obviously hiding her laughter made her attempt to comfort him fail. 
But, as usual, their good moods had to be ruined by the Italian that never seemed to go five minutes without hearing the sound of her own voice. And, also as usual, she was spouting her nonsense. They were very close to throwing her out the back of the bus if she did not stop talking.
“Of course I know the Garden family,” Lila brags, lying through her teeth. “They are basically family to me.”
“Here we go again,” the five friends groaned.
“The mother and her two daughters mostly handle the plants,” Lila continues. “The father and their son handle the animals. It’s only natural since they are the only ones that can stomach having to put down the more dangerous animals.”
“Tell us more, Lila,” Alya was recording the entire time.
Adrien growled. “There has never been a case of an animal being put down at the sanctuary. The closest that comes to that is when an animal gets sick and there is nothing they can do to help it.”
“They have to put it out of its misery, don’t they,” Marinette asked.
Adrien nodded. “The youngest two Gardens speak fluent French, so I was able to spend some time with kids my own age during the fashion show. They told me that while it breaks their hearts, it is better than letting the animal suffer.”
“I can see where they come from for that,” Juleka says. “They love, take care of, and train all the animals. So it’s only natural that they form a bond with them.”
“I know I am not the brightest person in class, but how can they believe such crap,” Kim shook his head. “Whenever anyone even slightly mentions someone famous, she instantly says she is either best friends with them or somehow related to them. It’s impossible.”
“Tell that to the sheep that follow her around like she’s god’s gift to the world,” Marinette rolled her eyes.
“Makes you wonder if we really are the only ones in class with braincells,” Nathaniel, of all people, said.
The bus doors opened as it came to a full stop at the sanctuary. Bustier was the first out and the class followed her. They all first went into the sanctuary. And even from what little they could see from where they were, it already was one of the most beautiful places any of them have ever seen.
Trees, flowers, and even fruit and vegetable plants were growing as far as their eyes could see. The entire sanctuary also seemed to be covered by a glass dome, making an environment similar to a greenhouse. It made sense since there were probably plants in certain areas that needed to be grown in certain temperatures.
But today the dome’s windows were open, letting in the natural light of the sun, even if it looked like squares on the ground because of the dome’s window linings.
As Bustier lead them to a stop, two teen their age approached the group. Adrien recognized his two penpals. The ones he met in Greece when he was there for the fashion show. Lyon and Vallia Garden.
Vallia was quite beautiful and had a grace and elegance to her style. She had long blond hair braided with roses and butterflies and had pink streaks. Her eyes were a stunning silver that you could see, if you were close enough, had specks of blue in them. Her style was a red, pink, and purple dawn colored dress with gold flats. On her wrists were diamond rose cuff bracelets, a butterfly on the one on her right wrist.
Lyon gave off a very icy exterior that also screamed honor and loyalty that only a knight would have. A tall boy with hair that was black with streaks of white and blue in it, coming to the length of Adrien's. His eyes were the opposite of the girl's, blue with silver specks. His outfit of choice was a sky blue t-shirt under a white jean vest, matching the blue pants with white boots. On his hands were white fingerless gloves. Around his neck was a sword and shield pendant as well as a white cloak only going down to his knees.
They all also saw that the two did have crystal medallions on their foreheads. Vallia’s was a rose quartz butterfly and Lyon’s was a sapphire wolf.
“Your pen pals are hot, Adrien,” Marinette smirked as she saw her honorary brother staring at Lyon.
“Shut up,” Adrien grumbled, making Marinette giggle.
Bustier turns to the class. “These two are going to be our guides through the sanctuary. Please show them the proper amount of respect since they are the ones that work here.”
Lyon and Vallia gave the teacher the side-eye. While they technically did work there, their family owned the sanctuary and it was like Bustier had completely forgot about that and thought that they were just employees of the sanctuary.
“Shouldn’t we be guided by adults,” Mylene asked, trying not to sound offensive to the two teens.
“We’re your tour guides because we are the only ones here fluent in French,” Lyon told the class, his French flawless.
Adrien hid that he was chuckling behind his hand. He knew the twins were fluent, but the looks on his classmate’s faces when Lyon spoke in French was just so funny.
“Before we begin, let us introduce ourselves,” Vallia said, also switching to French. “My name is Vallia and this is my twin brother, Lyon.”
“Please also take note of a few rules of the sanctuary,” Lyon says. “While the animals here have been tamed, do not touch or interact with them without permission. Certain movements or actions could cause them to badly react. They are all also on specific diets, so do not feed them unless we give you food to give them.”
“The plants should also all remain untouched,” Vallia added. “There are certain plants here that are not native to the area and survive here only because we created the right environments for them. Especially the ghost orchid. There are barely even 2000 ghost orchid plants left in the world and they need to remain here so that they do not go extinct.”
Most of the class nodded, understanding the rules. Lila hid how annoyed she was at not being able to take whatever beautiful plant she wants or touch any cute animal that she sees.
The tour than began, the class following the twins deeper into the sanctuary. Already they were starting to see a ton of the animals that lived there. There were some animals of Greek origins. Such as brown bears, red deer, lynxes, rock lizards, weasels, and wild boar. There were also more international animals. Like white-tailed deer from North America, jaguars from South America, pandas from China, African panthers and lions, Indian tigers, horses from Canada, even komodo dragons from Indonesia. And that was just the beginning.
“The Garden Family Sanctuary was founded almost a hundred years ago by siblings Apollo and Persephone Garden,” Lyon says. “Having been named after the god of the healing and the goddess of flowers, they had always loved helping nature and animals.”
“They started out with an animal shelter that took in any and all animals,” Vallia continued for her brother. “They had a very clear rule about being a no-kill shelter. The more popular they became, the more room they needed. And since they already came from a rich family, they bought more land. And over the years, it grew into the sanctuary you see today.”
“With the amount of animals and plants coming, there has been chat about buying land on another island to expand the sanctuary,” Lyon said. “Which means more area to protect from smugglers and poachers.”
“Your French is very good,” Marinette compliments them.
“Thank you, we’ve had years of practice,” Vallia says.
“It helped when we hosted a few French fashion designers here a few years ago for a charity fashion show,” Lyon said.
Adrien caught the smirk that Lyon sent his way. It made the blond blush.
The group continued walking through the sanctuary. A few of the animals curiously looked at the group, but chose not to get near them. There were a few did cuddle up to the twins, who happily petted them before sending them away with a treat in their mouth.
But even as the twins tried to talk about the sanctuary, Lila was still telling her lies as the classmates not under her spell surrounded her. They listened to her more than they did their actual tour guides.
“Yeah, poachers and smugglers try to get in all the time,” she was saying. “The first time I was here, I saw one and tried to tell the employees and they didn’t believe me. They certainly did after I single-handedly stopped him from taking a rare blue tiger.”
“That is so cool, Lila,” Rose unknowingly encouraged more lying. 
“They should make you a partner here if you caught a poacher that they did not even know was there,” Alya said.
“They wanted to, but my mother said I was too young to be part of a business,” Lila says.
Adrien saw the twins look at each other as they hear what is being said. He knew that while the two were mostly quiet around those they do not know, other than when they gave tours, they would definitely not take liars sitting down. They were extremely protective of their family, which was why Lyon practiced archery while Vallia is an expert with the bo-staff.
“The Garden family would never offer someone outside of the family a part of the sanctuary,” Lyon stated, making the class look at him.
“We would appreciate you not tell such tall tales about such a charitable family,” Vallia crossed her arms. “They are well-respected by all of Greece and do not deserve to have such lies told about them.”
The class looked very insulted at the accusation of Lila being a liar, which happened whenever anyone said that. It happened more than you think since Bustier’s class was the only one in the entire school that actually believed her. Everyone else knew that Lila was nothing but a liar.
“Something tells me that things are about to get interesting,” Juleka whispered to the rest of their group.
“You’re the one that knows them, Adrien,” Marinette says. “What do you think they’ll do?”
“I’ve been in contact with them for years,” Adrien said. “And from all I know about them, it’s a slight miracle that Lyon hasn’t already threatened to shoot her with an arrow.”
“Does he do that often,” Nathaniel raised an eyebrow.
“Only to those that really anger him, really annoy him, or threaten his family,” Adrien said. “But that last part also includes the sanctuary and all of the animals kept here.”
“Guess we should be thankful that he doesn’t have them on him right now,” Kim says. “Even if he could get rid of our liar problem with a single shot.”
“Lyon was actually scouted by the coach of the Greek Olympian archery team,” Adrien tells them. “But Lyon doesn’t like competition. He says that they are nothing but barbaric events meant to to do nothing but enlarge egos and decrease braincells.”
“Can are class even lose what they don’t have,” Marinette smirked.
All of them laughed at her joke. When Marinette got sassy and sarcastic, it was hilarious. She could sass-talk like nobody’s business.
“Haw dare you,” Lila put a hand over her heart and then started up the crocodile tears again. “How could you be so mean to me?”
That was when her sheep glared at the twins.
“Lila is not a liar,” Alya was her main supporter as usual. “You’re nothing but simple employees. I bet you do not even know the Garden family. Lila, on the other hand, is basically an honorary member of their family.”
Both twins crossed their arms this time, staring down the class.
“Let us fully introduce ourselves,” Lyon narrowed his eyes at them. “My name is Lyon Garden and this is my twin sister, Vallia Garden. Our family owns this sanctuary and neither of us nor the rest of their family have ever met this girl.”
Adrien was seriously smirking at this point. He had seen this coming and was very glad that it had finally was. Especially since Lila did not even get the number of family members right. There were two Garden parents, but the children were another story. Lyon and Vallia were the youngest of the family, but Vallia was the only girl and they had two older brothers.
“You’re probably just lying to make Lila look bad because you’re jealous,” Alix glared at the twins. “She’s connected to the Gardens while you are not.”
“Don’t believe us, we don’t care, but we do have a friend in your class that knows who we are,” Vallia giggled. “Isn’t that right, Adrien?”
The sheep looked at the model. He only smirked as he joined Lyon and Vallia’s side.
“You two certainly know how to make an impression,” Adrien tells them, chuckling.
“If we really wanted to make an impression, I would have started at my favorite wolf den,” Lyon snickered. “But I would have been too tempted to order my wolves to eat them.”
Adrien laughed at the looks of horror on his classmates’ faces.
“If you guys haven’t figured it out, it was my family that the twins were talking about before,” Adrien says. “We were the ones that came here for the charity fashion show. It was great to meet the two youngest members of the Garden family.”
“So these are the sheep that follow that liar like lost puppies,” Vallia looked at Adrien. “The liar that doesn’t know how to take ‘no’ for an answer?”
“Got it in one, Vallia,” Adrien says. “And she’s been telling lies about your family since this field trip started. She even said that your family was three girls and two boys.”
The twins rolled their eyes.
“Wow,” Lyon shook his head. “Vallia might wish she had a sister, it’s just us and our two older brothers with our parents.”
Vallia playfully slapped her brother’s shoulder.
While Adrien took his two friends over to the rest of his group to introduce them, the rest of the class finally seemed to get that Lila did indeed lie to them. They turned on her like lions on an antelope and started yelling at her for lying to them.
The twins made mental notes to contact their parents about needing to sue a girl for slander and defamation. 
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jostepherjoestar · 4 years ago
Omg I loved that last ask bc I relate so much to it!!! Can I ask for hcs with an autistic s/o who flaps their hands when they are happy for Bruno, narancia, kak, and abba?
Bruno, Narancia, Kakyoin and Abbacchio with an autistic s/o who happy stims HC’s
gn reader // sfw
thank you so much for requesting! this was so cute :D requester also added they make happy noises as well :)  (note: nara & kak are platonic since reader is always 18+ in my works)  mentioned post
(pls correct me if i made a mistake in describing or wording things)
Bruno will always love his s/o unconditionally, not that this is a condition, so whatever cute things you do when you get happy and excited only make him fall even more in love with you. If that’s even possible.
Seeing you happy makes him happy, so he tries his best to make you laugh whenever possible. Giving you a light squeeze when his arm is wrapped around your shoulder when you make happy noises. He can’t get enough of you.
That’s why he likes to call you his uccellino (little birdy), he’ll teasingly call you that nickname if you’re in a grumpy mood, trying to get you to smile again. Perhaps you’d been in such a mood today, which is why he politely asked you to accompany him on a drive.
You went along with him, still a bit grumpy but curious to see where this was going. You’d left the city and were starting to be surrounded by acres an acres of fields and vineyards. Bruno had stopped the car at a small cottage on a hill, looking out onto a family owned vineyard. The sun was setting and the beauty of your surroundings had replaced your sour mood with a peaceful one.
“Well, what do you think, uccellino? We have the house to ourselves for the weekend.” his smile was like a warm hug, his eyes so soft when he looked at you. You leapt into his arms into a tight hug, you really needed a break, so the surprise was more than welcome. The happy noises you made into his chest gave him a satisfying answer.
He thinks that you are the most precious human that has ever lived on the planet so he holds you on quite a high pedestal. You always get embarrassed when he mentions how cool and amazing you are, but it fills you with confidence. You always repay the compliments!
He thinks it’s just another great part of you, he honestly loves seeing you excited so he’ll surprise you often with small gifts like snacks or cool knick-knacks he found in the city.
Narancia is also your go-to entertainment guy! He loves hanging out with you, going on walks or playing games. Since he knows the city quite well, he’ll know just the right spots to take you. Somewhere not too busy or overwhelming. He loves seeing you win at games since you’ll be flapping you hands, he’ll loudly applaud your win every time!
Just like Abbacchio he’s not afraid to snap back at rude onlookers. You’ve grown used to it so seeing Narancia get so worked up at strangers is kind of funny. You always have to pull him away by his arm so he’ll finally back off. Thank god he doesn’t pull out his switchblade.
Overal good boy who enjoys your excitement :D
It’s been a hard week for you. Constantly busy with work, pulling long hours of work/studying. You’ve been very absent in your social life, feeling kind of low since you haven’t seen much of your friends. But it’s finally Friday, your work for the week is done and you can finally enjoy your well deserved weekend.
When you step outside the building you’re greeted by Kakyoin, a big smile on his face, excitedly holding onto some paper bags. He brought fast food!! You’d been dreading having to cook dinner tonight so you’d decided on take-out anyway, but this is much better!
You can’t help but jump up and down in excitement, cute squeaks coming from you. He’s glad to see you so happy, he knows you’ve been working hard and thought you’d appreciate the surprise.
He’s always loved your clear excitement, it makes him feel like he finally succeeded at building close relationships.
The two of you play videogames over at his house while eating the delicious fastfood. Jotaro even invited himself to play along, he was planning on coming over anyway. What a great way to end the week, just don’t fall asleep while gaming, they will draw on your face with permanent marker.
To be honest Abbacchio wasn’t sure what you were doing when he first saw you flap your hands when he agreed to go on a date with you. (he needed some persuasion since he thought you were joking) When you explained it’s just something you do when you’re happy he felt a little embarrassed he asked. It’s the first time you’ve seen him blush, and god was he cute when he’s embarrassed.
When Abbacchio’s falls, he falls hard. Behind that tough and perhaps rude exterior is a sweet and loyal partner who only wishes to spoil you to death. He does everything in his power to make you happy and assured that he loves you. So whenever he sees you flap your hands, it’s a reassuring sign he’s still making you happy.
You warned him not to spoil you so much and that just being with him is the greatest gift of all. But still, after all this time, Abbacchio has a hard time believing it. So you make sure to tell him every single day, until he believes that he’s deserving of love, that he’s your everything.
He’s also quite protective of you, he knows you can handle yourself, but he’ll want to fight the fight for you. When you were window shopping on a lazy afternoon and saw the cutest new figurines in a display, happy noises and hand flapping galore, some stranger gave you weird looks. Abbacchio immediately noticed and growled a slur of insults at them and yelled to mind their own business.
You didn’t like seeing him get mad but you’re glad that he stood up for you. You gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek as thanks, entangling your hands with his again to continue shopping, both rosy cheeked from the affection.
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prorevenge · 4 years ago
Bridezilla Karen ends up looking like a pauper at her own wedding.
I (F48) have known “Pat” (F48) for decades. As far as I can remember, she was fixated on having 5 children and a picket fence dream life. I slowly cut ties with her in college because she was an opportunist and I didn’t trust her. She is both manipulative and forceful. Her idea of cute rubs me the wrong way. Pat likes to walk like a penguin when she wants to elicit pity, and she usually does this when she wants to evoke the underdog narrative. I’ve never seen someone act so despicable and ridiculous at the same time.
I moved on with my life. Happily got rid of her for years. Pat eventually found me on facebook. I accepted her friend request out of politeness.
Pat has become the epitome of a permissive mother. Her (5) kids do as they please and she never calls them out. She tried to force a relationship between me and her daughters and made them call me Auntie. Pat tried to drop them at my house uninvited. Her phone calls were insistent, she tried to monopolize my time and she began to show up at my job. I created some boundaries so she tried to find loopholes. It was a nightmare.
My husband and I hosted a party for the community center (not the real name) new members. The community center is actually a very informal initiative and my husband and I mainly serve the homeless population. We prefer to help strangers instead of catering to potentially narcissistic acquaintances. We don't mind lending a hand but we have encountered truly dishonest choosing beggars.
There are other services, like one of the members who helps women get their wedding and prom dresses for free.The community center location “headquarters” is actually a farm owned by an elderly couple. There is a barn, a venue and a very nice green field with an artificial lake and some fowl. They charge for the use of their facilities (weddings , etc.) but not for community oriented stuff.
Pat had always been salty at her husband for demanding that she go back to work after baby #3. In the meantime, he worked three jobs. She demanded he get her pregnant to fulfill her dream of having 5 kids. He didn’t agree, because he was already nearly 45 and felt like he might never be able to retire. She got away with bringing new babies into this world anyway. Her fascination with being pregnant comes from all the attention she gets. She had at least one miscarriage in between each kid.
Pat latched on to our group. She never missed any of our activities. I hated having her in my house, but it was an open invitation that included virtually everyone and she was very active as an event organizer. I didn’t like the way her kids behaved. We have a designated area for parties and entertainment, but her kids ended up inside my bedroom. We ended up having to keep watch of them and enjoyed zero of our own party.
I called her days later to get my point across (regarding their overall behavior) but she completely cut me off and began talking about herself and said her kids wanted to come visit again and use our pool. I never answered that. I didn't want to say “no, I will not have your brats over”.
She also called me as summer was approaching specifically to let me know her middle daughter was bored and wanted to spend a WEEK at our home. I politely declined, citing that me and my husband have to work and cannot entertain guests. .
Pat paid no heed. Her kid called me on the weekend,calling me “auntie” and attempted to coax me by saying “Mom says you invited me to spend SUMMER with you”. I quickly clarified, and offered an explanation to avoid hurting a kid’s self esteem. Nevermind. Her daughter just hung up on me.
Pat’s facebook also showed some red flags. Some cryptic rants here and there were visible, along with friends’ comments and complaints on how she asked a particular person to watch her kids only for a couple of hours and ended up leaving them all day. Another of her friends criticized her “girls night out “ because Pat had just asked them to be patient and wait until she could pay back some money that she owed them, yet she had money to spend on Friday night outings. I thought those very public comments on private matters were more like a cry of lost patience.
Unpleasant things began to happen. Like the time she volunteered to wrap the Xmas presents for underprivileged kids. We all wanted to create a mix of less costly gifts with really nice ones. Surprisingly, some nice and eye-catching toys and games went missing but turned up under her Christmas Tree (courtesy of her mother in law’s FB posts). No one could prove anything but it was hate-inducing. Or the time my daughter called me in tears to pick her up after she attended Pat’s daughter’s birthday (Casey). My daughter had been ignored all night because she didn’t gift her the expensive gaming stuff Casey practically demanded. My daughter did ask, but I said no. We would buy her a very nice and thoughtful present according to her taste. So when I went to pick her up my daughter was sitting alone in the living room while Casey and her friends stayed outside.
Stories about Pat and her family multiplied. The owners at the farm (community center) decided keep their their gates locked unless they had guests or events because Pat got in the habit of driving in whenever she pleased and it was either her kids screaming and disturbing on-going weddings, throwing rocks at the koi in the lake or harassing the geese in the yard. Or how she stiffed another soccer mom with the lunch bill and then pulled the struggling financially card. Or how other parents hated her because she created unnecessary hostile competition.
When my daughter turned 13, I allowed her to wear my grandma’s ring. It's not an expensive piece of jewelry, but it's vintage and girls nowadays wanna look boho. My Granny gave it to me when I became a teenager so I passed it on to my kid so she could wear it on her birthweek.
It was weird that she became quiet and distracted after that. She also didn’t want to go to school and my husband and I became suspicious. She never opened up, and my other kids had no clue.
We went to her school but her teachers assured us nothing had changed in her environment. My husband and I suspected she was being bullied but our kid gave us no tools to support her. My kid is very sunny, and very compassionate. She has never had any problems with other kids. I called her best friend’s mom. Natalie, my kid’s BFF, told us what was going on. Casey (Pat’s eldest) and my daughter had become “close”. I knew this and wasn’t too thrilled. I found the age (Casey was 17) gap not exactly inappropriate but I’d rather see my daughter spend time with friends in the same age range. Casey is very beautiful and a gifted student. She is also very conceited. To make this story short, she asked my daughter if she could try on the ring and refused to give it back. She later claimed that she lost it but “would look for it” so my daughter was distraught. My daughter kept asking for her ring and as a result, Casey shunned her and spread the word that my kid was trying to steal HER ring. Some kids at school took Casey’s side. So now Casey just wore my kid’s jewelry to school like nothing happened. If that doesn’t qualify as taunting I don't know what does.
My guilt comes from not being able to get my daughter to open up and feel safe telling me the truth. I talked to her and she burst into tears. I was both pained as a mother and furious that some teenage b!tch was doing this under our noses.
I went straight to Pat’s car after school. I asked to talk as Casey was about to go in. So I grabbed Casey’s hand and asked to see her jewelry. Casey froze and she tried to make a fist, so I became relentless. Casey yelled “Mom!” and Pat struggled to get out of the car. I slid the ring off (Casey has tiny hands and wore the ring on her index finger). First Pat yelled at me. After I confronted her with the engraving on the band (my grandma's maiden name), she argued it was loaned to her daughter by my kid. Then she said she bought it. I paid no heed. I did warn them that I knew Casey had become an abusive friend to my daughter.
Pat called me to tell me off. She said she was trying to raise an assertive young woman and I had just messed that up by being “overbearing”. She never apologized for her thief of a child.
Pat's husband ( Hank) is what can be described as a doormat. Pat wore him down to a knob. He had no choice but to “obey” her to keep the peace. She was a bully who actively withdrew affection when he didn’t follow her wishes, even in public. So she got kids #4 and #5 after a relentless campaign that included leaving him for two months. Her pregnancies were a nuisance because she expected to be treated like the only lady who has even been pregnant. She strolled around in a wheelchair almost immediately after getting pregnant and she would “get very sick” on weekends, so her kids were often sent to friends and family so that she could “rest”.
Pat systematically bullied Hank. She would leave town and take the kids with her. Poor Hank would look distraught, drinking on his porch or just looking really lonely. This is how she got off the hook and was able to leave her job. Hank had virtually no voice, so he struggled to keep the marriage together. Everyone liked him, but hated her equally. Hank loved to talk to other people but seemed concerned that Pat would be upset. Over time, according to my husband, Hank began to show signs of depression and mental distress.
Our friend, Lenah, runs the wedding/prom dress initiative. It's not complicated. Dresses are sourced from donations, ebay, trunk shows, etc. Unusually beautiful dresses are retained so that more than one bride gets to wear them. In some cases, a bride will pay 50 bucks, but most of the time, the dresses are donated to the bride.
Pat was involved in this. Lenah kept her in because they never had any issues and her task was limited to just shipping the dresses out.
Pat decided to renew her vows and her bridezilla Karenzilla attitude became the icing on the cake. For starters, she bullied another couple into giving up their wedding date at the farm because she “needed her renewal to match her exact wedding date”. They were not impressed with her harassment, so they booked another venue. As a result, the farm owners were pissed because Pat was already costing them money after she had successfully negotiated a cut in their rate “because she couldn't afford it but will repay by doing maintenance work around the venue” (she never made good on her word).
Pat became attached to a particular dress that was already assigned to another bride. Lenah made it clear that she would need to pay for her own dress. So Pat played it cool and shipped the wrong gown instead. She was adamant that it was the right dress, despite all the notes on Leah’s agenda. The other bride was truly gracious about it. She was obviously disappointed, but never made a scene.
What bothered me most is that I picked that dress and bought it for 40 bucks at a garage sale (not my money, Leah’s money). It was a vintage dress, ankle length, white with lots of lace and a huge bargain. Again, when confronted, Pat “did a Casey” and used the “this is mine” strategy. We felt so bad for the other bride that we did our best to get her something nice to wear. The other bride was a true fighter, she had pulled out of welfare, earned her high school diploma and was working to get on her feet by trying to earn a certificate as an acrylic nail technician. So, her reward was to have some Karen steal her dress? Pat never admitted to messing up, but just by the fact that she claimed it was her dress, we knew.
Lenah never allowed her in her warehouse again. Their last phone fight ended with Pat bringing up the other bride’s past (like it mattered) and “this conversation is over, it's my dress and you are mistaken”. That was weeks before the other bride’s wedding.
Pat went all out on her wedding decor. She spent way too much. She hired a caterer for some food (mainly mimosas and appetizers), but the wedding invitation included a request for specific dishes for her Sunday brunch wedding. Either she ran out of banquet money or was on a complete moocher mode.I picture the penguin walking upon practically asking everyone to supply her wedding reception grub and I cringe.
There is nothing wrong with potluck weddings. In fact, they can be a nice addition to a very cozy and family oriented wedding reception. But, don’t you need to at least be close to your guests in order to ask for such a thing? Even I got an invitation. I told everyone I wasn’t going because I was very uncomfortable being told what to bring and was probably expected to give them a cash gift on top of that. Some of the older ladies in our group agreed. Some said they would not decline in advance because she is a bully and they didn’t want a confrontation.
Lenah called me the night before Pat’s re-wedding. Lenah was there to close the Saturday night bingo and Pat was awfully friendly, but that’s what she does whenever things are going her way. Lenah peeked into the garment bag and saw the exact same dress while Pat was caught up supervising the wedding decoration.
The thing with Karens is that they expect everyone to suck it up, or make their dreams come true, or they simply underestimate everyone and think we are all fools.
Lenah is a very straightforward person with a “so sue me” attitude. She told me she would just ruin the dress. After all, it was hers, so she could do whatever she wanted. If Pat wanted to take legal action, and should things get ugly, she needed to prove ownership. However, the dress was the same, the marks inside the hem and the tags were the same. Even the tag numbers that were punched to identify each dress for logistics purposes matched.
Pat had the dress altered, with some extra beading and dyed to a deep cream color. But it was obviously the same garment. Lenah and I snuck in before the venue was closed for the night. All brides are allowed to stay in a small bedroom for a small charge, so that they don’t need to drive in on their wedding day. Honestly, the makeshift chapel was gorgeous, I don’t know how she paid for it but it was full of flowers and presumptuous details. I naively brought in some ink to spill on the dress, but Lenah said she wanted “something more awful, like a nasty surprise”. Ink would be too obvious and if she saw it ahead, she may be able to snag another gown from somewhere. No, the ideal thing was to have her trust the dress was fine. So Lenah locked herself in a bathroom stall and completely cut out the back panel. She patiently put it back on its hanger and zipped the bag. We left through the emergency door with the back of the dress stuffed inside Lenah's purse. I completely hate people who target and steal from anyone they (Pat and her kid) calculate to be in a weaker position.
The wedding was scheduled at 9 AM. Pat called me at 7 AM, but I ignored her calls. I picked up by 8 AM, both curious and wondering if she suspected anything. Pat was frantic.She was crying that her dress was “missing by half”. I purposely made her explain, being annoyingly dense and continually interrupting like she does, and stalling the conversation. She asked me if I could lend her my wedding dress. I said no, sorry. She then asked me if I would help her get a dress. I was satisfied to remind her that the town's bridal shops were closed on Sunday and the others that would open were almost an hour away. The farm is already almost one hour away from our town.
If Pat could get a shop to rent a dress, she would need to try the dress on, and get it steamed. Even if the dress was ready to wear, it would easily take more than two hours (roundtrip). She tried to ask me to go pick a dress (who would pay for this??). Even if a shop were open and brought her a dress, it would add to the cost. Also, these shops open at 10 or 9:30 at earliest. By time they got to her, it would be time to wrap up the wedding because she needed to clear the venue by 12:00 for the next event.
She broke down and mumbled some stupid stuff I didn't understand. So Pat hung up on me and called Lenah instead.. She asked Lenah to bring her “anything she had available”. Lenah and I ended up delivering the most outdated, moss smelling, oversized dressed. Pat’s disappointment was a mix between angry and emotional. She also tried to wear her knee length silk bridal slip as a wedding dress but it was too obvious and it really looked cheap. She tried to get her daughter to give her her own dress to wear with an open back zipper (due to fitting issues) but Casey refused, asking if she was supposed to attend the wedding naked (she got a point, plus Casey is petite).
The dress needed a petticoat to plump up the skirt, which wasn’t available. So it dragged all over the floor and Pat had to keep pulling it up. Pat walked down the aisle with one hand on her bouquet and another one grabbing her dress. The dress looked limp and weird with the arrangements of pins (they didn’t show) that caused the sleeves and neckline to pucker into messy rims. She spent the ceremony looking uncomfortable and out of place. Very few people attended but that was not part of any revenge, that was just how people reacted to her entitled attitude.
The dress looked awful. The reception portion of the wedding had all this princely decoration, a very nice cake and a bridezilla with a dress from hell. I didn’t stay, but I was told, she was so disappointed she spent her wedding sulking. There was no dance, no actual speech. She had to change into a shirt and leggings because the dress was too uncomfortable. Everyone talked about how Pat put on her flip flops and walked around aimlessly until she ordered the ushers to start folding up the chairs within one hour of the reception. So she practically kicked everyone out and the cake was never cut.
Pat wasn’t the same after this.She was not as loud and avoided everyone. I think she was disappointed that nobody ran to her rescue, not even her family who came from out of town.
Her husband finally cracked under all the pressure and sought some help. He was slaving away and coming home to clean the house while Pat used her kids as an excuse to spend like crazy. Hank also had to do kid homework because Pat never had time or never had patience. She also refused to get a partime job so her kids could attend an afterschool and get help with their school stuff. Therapy seemed to help Hank because the last time Pat left with her kids, he didn't seem distraught. He would be riding his bicycle and could be seen more relaxed while mowing his lawn. Hank told my husband that he had contemplated suicide after their third kid. When Pat returned, he maintained the routine but was interested in going out by himself and doing things for himself. We began to see Pat alone all the time. Hank was seen less and less in the same car and eventually moved in with his parents. He filed for divorce on the grounds of emotional cruelty and I don't think he won. Instead (I’m not sure of this because this is what I was told) there was some sort of a settlement or agreement that she would not get close or interact with him unless it has to do with the kids).
I also don’t know if Pat even actually suspected who/what happened to her dress. She slowly pulled away from the community center and became less active in social gatherings. Pat also removed me from her facebook as well as mostly everyone else from school and the center.
Bridezilla stole a wedding dress from an underprivileged woman. The actual dress owner destroys her big day.
(source) story by (/u/forestcabin123k)
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spaceskam · 4 years ago
14 for Roswell New Mexico
thank you! and thank you for waiting a week! I’ll add the ao3 link whenever I get the chance to post it over there. I hope you like it!
title tuesday instructions
tags/warnings: mentions of being hit by a car, vague descriptions of injuries, slight hurt/comfort, happy ending and light vibes
14. ad meliora [ao3]
Alex watched the way Michael’s chest rose as he took a deep breath.
He was pretty. More than pretty. Gorgeous. Genius. Funny. Amazing. A billion other things that Alex barely had the words for. And he was breathing and Alex thought that was an incredible plus, all things considered.
Alex reached out with a shaky hand and brushed his hair off his forehead, hating the way the sweat made it stick. No matter what Alex did, he kept sweating. That was apparently a good thing, sweating off his injury or whatever. That’s what Michael’s mom said and Alex definitely trusted her, but still. It made him nervous. 
“Hey,” Alex whispered, “If you’re hearing me, don’t wake up or anything, get your beauty sleep, I just want you to have good dreams. So imagine we’re laying in a field together and I’m braiding your hair with flowers. Dream about that and nothing bad, oaky?”
Alex wasn’t even sure why his parents were letting him in here, letting him touch him and talk to him. He was the reason Michael was hurt and he made that very, very clear, and yet his mom invited him over the second he got out of the hospital.
Alex’s eyes drifted down to the stitches on his swollen nose and his black eyes that came with it. He swallowed harshly and followed down to his arm that was in a big cast and then to his leg that was badly bruised but miraculously not crushed. The doctors said he got lucky that that was all that happened, but Alex’s guilt hadn’t faded.
“You’re so dumb, Guerin. Why would you do that?” Alex asked, voice cracking again. He didn’t want to cry in front of him, didn’t want to upset him, but he couldn’t help it. He took a deep breath and bowed his head on the bed, careful not to disrupt him.
“Alex, sweetheart,” Mrs. Nora’s voice called after a few minutes. Alex sat up straight and wiped his eyes, looking to the door where she was standing with a soft smile. “Did you eat anything for lunch?”
“I’m not hungry.”
“That’s not what I asked,” she prodded gently. Alex swallowed again and shook his head. “Alright, I’ll make you a sandwich while I make Michael’s soup. Turkey, mayo, and pickles, right?”
“Yeah, but you don’t have to,” he insisted. She shook her head.
“Don’t worry about it. Thank you for keeping him company, I’m sure he’s going to be excited to see you when he wakes up,” Mrs. Nora said softly, leaving the doorway. Alex sniffled and looked back to Michael.
“I know I’ve said it before, but your mom is nice,” Alex whispered, dragging his fingertips over the inside of his forearm. When he shifted, Alex pulled his hand away.
Alex said patiently with his immense guilt and worry as his breathing changed to alert that he was waking up. He wanted to hold his hand and assure him he wasn’t alone, but he had no idea what would classify as too much contact. He hadn’t seen Michael awake since he was laying on the concrete with his arm as an unnatural angle and a busted nose. What if he didn’t want to see him? What if he didn’t want him to come at all?
They’d been friends for a while now, but did that even matter after one friend pulls the other out of the way of a moving car and gets hit himself?
And, worse, did it even count when Alex’s feelings had been something more than friendly for months now?
Still, Alex waited by his bed as Michael slowly woke up, groaning and gasping when he moved the wrong way. Alex sat closer, waiting to help anyway he could. Michael opened his eyes slowly.
“Hi,” Alex whispered. Michael turned his head to face him just slightly. His eyes looked even worse when he was awake and it made it difficult for Alex to ignore how badly his face was fucked up. He was so pretty. This was cruel.
“My ass hurts,” Michael whined, shifting more but wincing when it just made it worse.
“I’m sorry. It’s probably because you’ve been laying down so much,” Alex offered, sniffling. Michael sighed, shifting just enough to look at Alex. All it did was make him tear up again. 
“Hey, stop that.”
“I can’t help it. I’m sorry. This is all my fault,” he said, wiping his face on his arm. Michael reached out with his good hand to grab Alex’s and brought it to his chest.
“It’s not your fault, you weren’t the one driving the car. Besides, I’d do it again,” Michael said like it was that easy. God, why did he have to say things like that?
“Yeah, well, fucking don’t. That was, like, super fucking traumatizing,” Alex insisted. Michael huffed a weak laugh, his thumb rubbing across Alex’s knuckles.
“It would’ve been traumatizing to stand by and do nothing while you got hit, so I guess we’re both traumatized no matter what,” Michael said, “Besides my dad is gonna sue their ass off.” Alex rolled his sore eyes and scooted a little closer.
“I guess I’ll just be careful to not walk into traffic next time,” Alex said.
“Eh, it’s alright. My dad is a bomb ass lawyer with bomb ass lawyer friends. We could make a career of lawsuits if you can stomach a broken bone here and there,” Michael teased. Alex smiled shakily.
“Did that concussion of yours make you think saying bomb ass was cool?” he asked. 
Michael scoffed and tugged on his hand until Alex came even closer. His hand went to the back of Alex’s head and led him to rest against his hip. He carded his fingers through his hair casually. Alex swallowed hard and tried not to think about him doing this in the back of his truck while they did homework. Tried not to think about how much he felt for him when he did things like this. How much he felt for him always. 
“I’m okay, Alex. Don’t be upset,” he whispered warmly. Alex squeezed his eyes shut.
“I’m trying.”
“I know,” Michael said warmly. Alex laid there, trying to keep his composure. He hated this so much. “Bright side. I always wanted a nose job.”
“No you didn’t,” Alex laughed softly.
“Yeah, you’re right, but, hey, not gonna complain I got one, you know?” Michael insisted. Alex squeezed his eyes shut, turning his head so his face was buried in his side. Michael’s hand stayed in his hair.
He was alive, he was breathing, he’d be okay. That’s all that mattered. Alex just had to keep reminding himself of that and keep hope that he could swallow the guilt for long enough to suffice.
Eventually, Mrs. Nora came back with soup and a sandwich and Alex sat up, trying not to seem too embarrassed that he’d just been laying on her very hurt son, but she didn’t even comment. She sat the tray down on his nightstand.
“Do you need help?” she asked. Michael groaned.
“Mom, I can eat by myself,” he said. Mrs. Nora rolled her eyes and kissed his head, letting him sink into the bed a bit more.
“Alex, you’ll help if he needs it, won’t you?”
“Yes, Ma’am,” Alex said, though he was sure she already knew that. She smiled easily.
“Alright,” she said, “Yell if you need anything.”
“Okay,” Michael said, “Love you.”
“Love you too.”
Mrs. Nora left them alone again and Alex found himself staring at the food. He still wasn’t that hungry, but he was sure Michael was. He had been asleep for a long time.
“Do you need help sitting up?” Alex asked. Michael smiled sleepily at him.
“No, but I really don’t want soup again. I swear she thinks I injured my internal organs which I didn’t,” Michael said, pushing himself up slowly. He groaned quietly and took a few heavy breaths, so Alex quickly moved to stuff the pillows behind him to make it easier. He rested against them. “Thanks.”
“Do you want my sandwich and I’ll eat your soup?” Alex asked. Michael looked at him.
“Don’t just give me your food out of guilt.”
“I’m not,” he insisted, “I’m giving you my food due to me playing favorites.”
A tired smile slid across his face and Alex breathed a bit easier at the sight.
“Well if you insist.”
Alex carefully moved the soup out of the way without spilling it and then put the sandwich and napkin on Michael’s lap. He used his good hand to raise it to his mouth and he groaned again, only this time it wasn’t out of pain and that was good.
“You’re the best, Alex,” Michael said through a mouthful of food. Alex smiled and reached for the spoon to try and eat something. “Hey, you didn’t even tell me to close my mouth. Stop giving me pity. Or, like, at least if you’re gonna do something like call me pretty so my ego doesn’t fade while my face is fucked up.”
“You’re very pretty,” Alex said. Michael probably would never realize how much he meant that. “But also close your mouth.”
“That’s my boy,” Michael said matter-of-factly.
And, yeah, things would be okay. Michael would get better. And Alex was going to be there every step of the way.
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anotherhamiltonblog · 5 years ago
Foreign Touch ch 4
Chapter Summary: Adeline and Thomas finally meet and go out! What do you think is gonna happen? Will things go smoothly or will things end in disaster?
Warnings: Once again, I didn’t proofread. Sorry <3 cursing? FLUFF annnnd Alexander being an asshat.
Word Count: 1,850 (Give or take)
(new cover! made by ME. I like it!)
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Y/N really didn’t have much time to process what was going on when she was being woken up on Sunday. After spending all of Saturday with a group of kids to help them study at the public library. Only to come home and help Alex with his speech and work on the posters. Y/N was tired, her Saturday turned out to be busy, it didn’t help that she stayed up texting Thomas. In fact, that’s how she fell asleep. Phone on the pillow besides her head.
“Y/N!” a voice yelled out and Y/N groaned in response.
Opening an eye, she saw the time before narrowing her eyes. Who the hell was bothering her at 8 o’clock in the morning on Sunday?
“Y/N! Why the HELL are you texting Jefferson!” the voice yelled out again and this time Y/N sat up.
Seeing Alexander standing beside her bed, with her phone in his hand. Y/N’s mouth opened and closed a few times. “I mean, I’m helping him with something.” She said slowly and shrugged.
“What? Why the fuck would you do that? He’s an asshole, remember? We all agreed on that!” Alex ranted off while Y/N got up and slipped on her house slippers.
As she walked out of her room, Alex right behind her. Y/N rolled her eyes.
“No, Alex… YOU said he’s an asshole because he beat you in the debate from History class in sophomore year!” she narrowed her eyes at her brother. Knowing full well their parents and friends were around and listening to them. “He never did shit to me. I ignored him so I wouldn’t put up with your bullshit complaining.”
“Now wait a minute….”
But Y/N never let him finish. “If the shoe fits wear it, Alex. You are the biggest drama queen I know. And I’m around cheerleaders all the time!”
Thanking her mom for the vitamin shake, she kissed her parents cheeks before turning around and heading back to her bedroom. Ignoring the boys as they tried to hide their laughter.
Y/N: ‘Wanna meet up to go over the plans?’ T. Jeff: ‘Thought you were gonna relax today? We can plan another day.’
Y/N found herself smiling at the text and stopped looking for an outfit to wear for the day to reply.
Y/N: ‘Well, Alex found out we’re talking. Got pissy… I need a distraction.’ T. Jeff: ‘Alright… stop by my house and we can plan. Thanks for this again.’
After they finished texting, Y/N pulled on some black skinny jeans and her black booties. A red tank top and black jacket over it. Deciding to add a colorful scarf along. With minimal makeup, just mascara, some concealer and lipstick (after brushing her teeth), Y/N made sure to spray some perfume.
As soon as Y/N was ready, she grabbed her purse and made sure to chuck her phone into the small bag before putting the strap around her shoulder. Placing sunglasses over her eyes, Y/N left her room and ignored the boys who were all sitting around the living room.
After leaving the cup she had taken to her room in the sink in the kitchen, she passed by the boys again to walk towards the front door.
“Hey! Y/N, where you going?”
“Oui, mon ange… why not stay with us?”
Y/N smiled at Hercules and Lafayette; she could always trust those two to want to hang out with her. “Sorry boys, I have plans.” She smiled waving. “But, lets get coffee tomorrow before school?” she raised an eyebrow and grinned at them.
Walking out of the house, to her car. Y/N froze when Alex called out to her.
“Tell me you aren’t going to see Jeffershit?” he asked, and Y/N had to bit down on her lip to not go off on Alex.
“Actually, I am. I promised I’d help him plan something. That’s what I plan on doing.” She sent her brother a fake smile before getting into her car.
“Oh, COME ON! He’s….” but Alex stopped talking when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Y/N glanced over and saw John was speaking to Alex. By the look on the boys face, he was not happy. Which made Y/N grin and nod to John who glanced at her.
Backing the car out of the driveway, Y/N was soon driving to the Jefferson’s house. The GPS in her car turned on and guiding her. Not that it took long, ten minutes later she was pulling up to a gate and she had to stop herself from laughing.
Pressing on the intercom button. Y/N waited. “How may I help you?” she heard a voice and with a sigh, Y/N leaned her head out the window.
“I’m here to see Thomas Jeffershi…. Uh Jefferson. My name is Y/N Hamilton.” She shook her head and waited a few more seconds before the gates opened.
Driving forward, Y/N finally parked in front of the house and got out. Rolling her eyes when she saw Thomas leaning against the front door frame with a house robe, slippers and his hair a mess.
“Jesus… you could have told me you weren’t even ready for the day!” Y/N laughed when stepping out of the car. Glancing at her watch on her wrist, it was just past 9:30.
Watching Thomas shrug, he grinned. “It seemed like you needed to get out of the house. Come on, breakfast is getting cold.” He nodded only to stand up straight as Y/N walked up the steps and finally reaching the front door.
“Breakfast? Trying to get on my good side, Tommy?” she wiggled her eyebrows and laughed at the scowl on his face at the nickname she called him.
“That ain’t cute. Don’t call me that, sweetheart.” He stepped inside and waited till Y/N was in before closing the door.
After breakfast, the two making small talk about what they did on Saturday. Y/N finding out that Thomas was at football practice almost all day, while she was tutoring all day before helping her brother.
“Can he not do his own speech?” Thomas asked and raised an eyebrow.
“Uh, he does. But he has all of us over and hear it to make sure it sounds good… so it’s us sitting around, making his posters while he reads for six hours.” Y/N shrugged. The two laughed.
Once the food was devoured, Thomas showed Y/N around the house, only to stop at the backyard. “This is where I was thinking of having the party. Lots of space, my parents love barbeques, so we could do something simple, not too fancy.” He suggested, watching as Y/N had out a small notebook and pen. Writing down ideas, only to glance down and see she had done a simple sketch of his backyard.
The sketch was simple, it had the huge pool, the lots of space and the trees. “Right, so we could do something at night… we string up lights and balloons...” she spoke softly, walking around and looking at everything and down at her notepad. “Twenty-five years represents silver… so that would be lovely. It would be in December as well. So perfect for the wintertime.” She went on, not noticing the smile Thomas had on his face as he watched her.
After a few more minutes, she set down her things and turned to Thomas, grinning. “What?” she asked, laughing quietly under her breath.
“Nothing… it’s just. You are so adorable when you plan. It’s like you forget about everything. You get a cute smile on your face as well.” He shrugged, on to notice the light pink spreading on her cheeks. “Are…. Are you blushing?” he stepped forward and Y/N shook her head.
“Whaaaat… no.”
Gulping slightly, watching Thomas, Y/N snapped out of whatever trance he had her in and turned around. “Right, uh…” she blinked a few times, trying to think of what to even say.
“Come on, lets hang out a bit. Then I’ll treat you to dinner. You know, for being so kind to help me.”
With that, the two spent the next few hours laughing and watching tv. Talking about school, Thomas’ trip to Paris and spending a whole year there.
A little past 6:30 that evening, they agreed on a pizza place to have dinner at and left the house.
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Never in a million years would Y/N have thought that she would spend a whole day with Thomas Jefferson and actually enjoy herself.
»»-———— ♡ ————-««
The next day when Y/N, Lafayette and Hercules were walking towards the football field, Y/N dressed in her cheer workout clothes. Which was just a pair of plain black leggings, a hot pink crop sports bra and her white tennis shoes. Her H/C hair was up in a ponytail. They were each complaining about the last class with Professor George Frederick. The big-headed idiot who thought too much of himself. That and his love for giving as much homework as he possibly can.
“It’s like he wants us to get held back!” Hercules was complaining and frowning as they sat down on the beachers and Y/N passing her bag and jacket over to them.
“It’ll be alright!” She laughed and winked at the two before jogging over to the girls. Only to turn quickly on her heal when someone called out her name.
Sadly, for Y/N, the grass of the field was slightly wet and as she turned, she slipped the slightest and was about to fall. Only the fall never came. Two hands grabbed onto her waist and her own hands grabbed onto a muscular set of arms.
With a gasp, eyes wide as she looked at the man in front of her. Her body feeling like she was shocked from the touch. Y/N watched as the skin where she had grabbed onto, had handprints that matched hers. The print slowly disappearing before her eyes and so her E/C eyes looked into the wide, brown eyed male who held onto her.
She focused on his eyes, which were darting back and fourth, shining in the sunlight. They were a deep, earthy brown- the intense gaze making it, so Y/N held her breath.
“Alexander is going to kill me…” Y/N said softly, a small smile coming onto her lips.
Thomas just grinned at the girl and he shrugged. “Not if he kills me first.” Was his response before he leaned down and captured her lips against his.
The dreams now made sense, why she kept dreaming of Thomas since he came back. The pull towards him whenever they were together. He was her soulmate, the one she was supposed to be with.
Cheering could be heard from the girls, the football team whistling and hooting. Y/N could even hear Lafayette and Hercules laughing and singing about how Alexander ‘ain’t gonna be happy now’ not that any of that mattered.
Wrapping her arms around Thomas shoulders, fingers making their way into his curly hair. Y/N pressed herself closer to his body as the kiss deepened.
Monday, who would have thought that Mondays would be Y/N’s new favorite day of the week?
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Don’t forget to Like, Reblog and send Feedback! My asks are also opened and so is my IM! This was a rollercoaster to write.... I can’t wait to post the next chapter. 
Much love from me to you!!  ♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)
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smolthealmighty · 4 years ago
Spinaraki Week Level 2 Day 1: Chase
Give Myself To You
When Spinner had the idea to visit his hometown and show off his old hideaways to Tomura, he thought it would be romantic. He could turn these sad places where he went to cry into secluded havens where he could spend some quality alone time with the love of his life, and do something he's wanted to do since their third date. He was not expecting a neon orange pickup truck to interrupt the date by hurtling towards them at high speed.
In which Spinner's old bullies want to run him over with their truck, Tomura wants to beat the shit out of them for daring to try, and Spinner just wants to pop the question.
This was not how this date was supposed go. Spinner just wanted to show his boyfriend around his hometown, give him a tour of all the isolated spots he would hide away in before he eventually shut himself up inside the Iguchi house. It was gonna be a nice romantic getaway, where the places he associated with some of his worst memories could be re-contextualized as he turned them into secluded little havens where he could woo his boyfriend –and eventually propose to him– in peace.
There they were, sitting together at the edge of the forest that semi-surrounded the town, watching the sun start to set over the hilly meadow that lay below them. Tomura was fully relaxed for once, leaning heavily on his boyfriend as he reminisced about the utter disaster that was the one time they tried to go clubbing, while Spinner was mustering up his courage and fidgeting with the rings in his jacket’s pocket. Just as he turned to face Tomura and was about to start the speech he had been revising in his mind since –admittedly– their third date, he saw the unmistakable neon orange pickup truck that belonged to Spinner’s worst nightmares, Nōtarin, Iyaga, and Rase, speeding in the background. And the truck was gunning straight for them!
“Oh no.”
“Hm, what do you mean ‘oh no’?” asked Tomura, who also uttered an “oh no” once Spinner pointed towards the truck that was now only a hundred meters away. With reflexes that were still etched into his bones after years of dealing with the trio, Spinner clutched his boyfriend close and launched the both of them down the hill in a barrel roll, barely missing the thick tires of the truck as it blew past them.
“What the hell was that shit?” yelled Tomura, as Spinner shot up, grabbed his hand, and lead them towards one of the few trees that dotted the meadow.
“Those are the assholes I told you about, the ones who always went after me. One of them must’ve seen me and recognized me, and now they’re picking back up from where we last left off!”
“You last left off with them trying to turn you into roadkill?!”
As they ducked into the hollow, a chorus of brash voices with heavy country accents boomed across the meadow.
“Shuichi, you purse designer’s wet dream! Why don’t you let us mount your lizard head to the wall like the hunting trophy you are!”
“Nōtarin, I saw someone with him, hey gecko geek, do you mind if we mount your friend too?”
“Damn Iyaga, keep it in your pants. Though to be fair, compared to talon-hands you’d probably be a better fit!”
At this point Tomura was already struggling against Spinner to march out of the hollow and wreak vengeance. “C’mon Spinner, I’ll mount their heads on our base’s wall!”
“Would you just gimme a sec to cool down a bit?!” Tomura relented and stopped squirming, letting Spinner hold him as he tried to stop trembling.
“Ugh, I swear, they always know how to get under my skin. And I really thought I’d be over them by now.”
Tomura turned to face Spinner and squeezed him back, taking his boyfriend’s scaly beak and pressing it into his scarred neck. “You’ll be alright. You’re just a little stuck, I’m right here if you need a push you know.”
Spinner sighed as he nuzzled the curve of Tomura’s shoulder. “I know I’m not the pinnacle of dating material but damn, people can have different tastes.”
Tomura snorted, “Oh please, as if those hillbilly bitches know anything about ‘good taste’. If your loyalty and empathy for empty husks like me aren’t enough to prove ‘em wrong, then you having the muscles to be able to wield a giant ‘fuck you’ sword should’ve done the job. The fact they can’t see any of that just shows that their IQ scores are all in the negatives.”
Looking up and seeing Tomura’s self-assured smile, the smile graced his face whenever he was so sure that he was right, knowing that he truly believed that his boyfriend was really all that, melted Spinner’s heart into a puddle of goo.
“Marry me.”
Maybe melted it a little too much.
Realizing what just came out of his mouth, Spinner blushed violently and tried to start some damage control. “Uh shoot I mean um-”
“Hey Nōtarin, let’s ram into that tree! I think I hear them over there!”
Hearing that brought Spinner back to his senses, and he dragged Tomura out of the hollow, Nōtarin swerving just enough to only nick one of the headlights off the truck before resuming the chase.
“Son of a bitch, I had it all planned out and I messed it up!”
“Had what planned out?” asked Tomura, still in a whirl from what he was pretty sure he heard Spinner blurt just seconds ago.
“You know what, it’s fine, I’ll just do it on the fly. Follow me!”
They booked it across the meadow, Spinner weaving them around the hidden hills and valleys camouflaged beneath the waist-high grass. The truck kept slowly gaining on them, but the constant bangs and thumps of the truck bouncing against the uneven ground and the arguing between the driver and his passengers betrayed how little the tormentors knew about the terrain.
“Dammit, stay still you lizard-fuck!”
“Nah, let him keep running. Makes the chase more exciting!”
“Maybe if you’d gotten your driver’s license, you’d actually be able to hit him Nōtarin!”
“Fuck off Rase!”
Jumping over a particularly thick mud puddle, Spinner finally began the speech that had been previously interrupted.
“I’m sure you already know that I fell for you pretty fast-”
“Understatement of the year, but I’m not one to talk.”
The neon orange paint was splattered with mud, with the new coat of brown getting bigger as the wheels spun, sluggishly making its way through the puddle.
Spinner laughed breathlessly as he continued, “-yeah, and I don’t think I’ll ever be able put how much the love you gave me in return means to me into words. I couldn’t do it even if the ocean was made of ink and the earth was paper, it just wouldn’t be enough.”
“And, well, since I can’t use words, I thought I’d show my devotion with some kind of gift, but I don’t really have much to give you except myself. Still, I’ll give that to you for the rest of my life if you want it.”
By this point they had stopped just a few feet in front of a moss-covered boulder, one that blended in with the green grass and was in the direct pathway of the truck that continued driving towards them at top speed.
Ignoring the oncoming truck, Spinner took Tomura’s other hand into his own, and softly asked, “Tomura, will you marry me?”
The truck hit the rock, skyrocketing up and over the couple. The screams of the driver and his passengers fell on deaf ears as Tomura gazed into bright, cherry-petal eyes and answered the proposal:
“You’re more than enough for me, you’re more than I could ever dream of asking for. Of course I’ll marry you.”
Not even a moment after he accepted, a loud crash echoed across the meadow as the truck collided with the ground, flipping over as it did so. The bullies were quick to exit the wreck and make their way towards the still lovestruck duo to attack them. It was a farce from the start, the newly established fiancés barely paying them any attention as they began to brawl.
“Look at you all smiley and shit,” said Tomura as he kicked Rase across the field.
“Why wouldn’t I be all smiles? I’m gonna get to marry to the love of my life! You should see your face right now, looks like your smile’s gonna split your face in two with how big it is!” exclaimed Spinner, dodging Nōtarin’s sluggish punches with ease.
“Touché, fiancé. I bet you’ve already got a plan for everything that comes next, you gooey romantic.”
“Well, I was thinking we could have a small ceremony, just us and the league. Nothing too fancy, we’d just do the vows, ring exchange, ‘I do’s’, and sealing it with a kiss, all within fifteen minutes tops. That way we can splurge on the reception, the best music-” Nōtarin screamed as his arm was sliced by Spinner’s hunting knife.
“-the most delicious food and drinks-” Nōtarin gurgled as the knife ran through his neck.
“-and a cake so big that’ll make everyone sick. We’d just have to grab someone to officiate the thing and make it official.”
“We can get Giran to do it, he’s got just enough connections that he could make it happen.” Iyaga howled as his chest caved in.
“And for the honeymoon, I was thinking about taking a joyride on the coastline. We could stock up the van and make stops at all the beaches, and maybe get rid of a few heroes along the way if we’re up for it.”
“That sounds good to me, I’m certainly looking forward to having some fun alone time to ourselves!” Tomura cried happily, as Rase joined Iyaga in the pile of dust that lay at his feet.
By the time they came down from the high of the fight, the sun was dipping below the tree line, Tomura and Spinner sprawled out next to each other on the bloodstained earth.
“Ah shit,” said Tomura, “I just realized that there goes my future date idea of murdering your hometown bullies.”
Spinner chuckled at his fiancé’s annoyed tone, “That’s okay, we only murdered a couple of them. Next time we can take down the town leaders who encouraged everything, make a day out of it.”
“Hmm, alright, but I’m planning it. It’s only fair.”
Satisfied, Spinner let out a sigh before suddenly sitting up. “Oh right, I gotcha these,” he said as he pulled the rings out of his pocket.
“It’s just a pair of those plastic rings from the arcade we went to a while back, but I figure we’re not gonna wear these for too long because they’re just engagement rings. We can rob a jewelry store together to pick out the wedding rings.”
“Sounds perfect,” said Tomura, as they each took turns slipping the rings onto each other’s fingers. Taking a second to let the presence of a ring on his finger sink in, Tomura smiled and said, “I don’t think I’ve ever been more grateful that Re-Destro only snapped off my first three fingers.”
“Well, that’s one way to say you’re happy to be engaged,” Spinner joked.
“Hm. Then I’ll say it more romantically, just for you.” This time, it was Tomura who took Spinner’s hands into his own as he spoke his piece:
“Shuichi, you are one thing in this world that I could never hate, and the only person I will ever promise myself to. I’ll do whatever it takes to give you the life you want to live. I love you, and I’ll continue to love you until the stars grow cold, and even after that.”
If that speech hadn’t already swept Spinner off his feet, then the deep kiss Tomura initiated sent his heart skyward with how much it fluttered. When they both came down to earth, they went about flipping the thoroughly beat-up truck right side up, and as the last rays of sunlight disappeared beneath the horizon, the newly engaged couple drove off into the ink and lavender sky.
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cathrrrine · 4 years ago
RUN | Pietro x Reader
Originally from my Wattpad
(I just reached a 100k reads on Wattpad! yay!)
Just an hour and a half ago, Steve's world tilted violently on it's axis when Natasha told him who Y/N really was—the Winter Soldier's former apprentice. The one and only phantom that had been on every possible enemy radar, and ally too.
Steve had his arms crossed and tucked tight to his chest as he tried to find some peace of mind on the skyway, facing the glass windows that overlooked the field below. The Avengers tower was vast, but the Captain preferred this particular spot whenever he needed some time alone to think.
He pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing as a million thoughts per second ran through his head. She knew him, the Winter Soldier. Heck, she'd been trained by him. If she knew how he thought, how he worked...was it possible that she'd know where he was?
Steve would give anything to find him. Even if it meant giving his life. He'd been begging the universe to help him find his best friend and it looks like his solution had just landed right in front of him. When he told Natasha this, her head almost exploded in the process of telling him how stupid the idea was. But Steve needed to know, he needed to see for himself. If this was indeed his last option, then he'd be damned if he didn't at least try.
He clenched his fists, cracking the knuckle of his thumb in the process then brought his hand to the bridge of his nose, pinching it as he sighed inwardly. It was decided. He was going to ask Y/N to go on a very idiotic, yet very desperately needed mission.
"Oh, this is a very bad idea." The captain whispered to himself.
"You look miserable."
Pietro's voice snapped me out of my thoughts and my head snapped up as he stepped out of the shadow. Immediately, I felt almost grateful for his presence at that moment. Even though I revelled in the glory of being alone, solidarity confinement was giving me hell after Romanoff's confrontation. At this point I'd take anything as a distraction from my own thoughts.
"I'm being held in a cage for God knows how long, what am I supposed to do? Smile?"
"Maybe." He shrugged as he took a stray chair and plopped down on it.
I bared my teeth, stretching my mouth in an extremely forced smile. "You mean like this?" I said without moving my lips.
"Exactly like that." He cringed, chuckling despite the nasty sarcasm I was throwing at him.
The room grew silent after that. I could only hear the sound of his sneakers scraping against the floor as he drew imaginary circles with his feet.
"What are you doing here?" The lack of conversation was tedious to me. I thought he was going to be a distraction at the very least but it turns out he was only making it worse.
"What do you mean 'what?', you come to my cell and now you're silent. Out of all places, why'd you come here to mope around and do nothing? Because the last time you were here, you basically talked my ear off while shooting lasers at me through your eyes." I made a pointing gesture with two fingers as I made a poking motion in front of my face.
I couldn't stop staring at him. Somewhere along my angry speech, he had looked up from the floor and turned his eyes to me. It was direct and undisturbed eye contact that should have made me very, very uncomfortable but instead it was...insanely hypnotising. I didn't understand it at all.
"I can't figure you out."
"Well you're definitely not the first one to say that, get in line-"
"No, you don't understand. I can't figure you out, at all. Frankly, it's frustrating and it's stressing me out."
"Wow." I scoffed. "This is coming out of nowhere."
"Nowhere?" He yelled, speeding towards me until he was just a mere centimetres away from the glass that separated us. "Out of nowhere? Do you not get how much you confuse me, huh Y/N?"
My stomach twisted painfully as he said my real name. I glared at him, determined not to lose the argument or whatever it was that was happening. "I confuse a lot of people, pal."
"Stop it." He spat. "See, this is what I meant. I don't understand you. We came from the same place and yet I can't...I just..."
"Same place? What the ever loving fuck are you talking about? Why are you so mad all of a sudden?"
"I'm not mad, I'm frustrated." He sighed, running his hand through his white locks. "You're driving me crazy, Y/N."
It took a full second for me to process what he was saying, but it still made no sense. The words he was saying were painstakingly familiar but the tone he was saying it in sent a dangerous chill down my spine. "What the fuck...okay, cut the crap Pietro. Is this some sort of trick they asked you to do? Who sent you here?"
He threw his hands in the air, jotting a thumb to his chest. "Myself. This isn't a scheme or whatever it is you're thinking."
I frowned, "Then what is it?"
He turned around and went back to his chair, taking a seat and closing his eyes. It was my turn to stand up and pace.
"Look, the last 72 or so hours of my life have been drastically confusing and there's nothing I'd love more than to hear an explanation...for everything. What the fuck is this? I just spent 3 scrutinising hours with Romanoff, going over my past and taking a trip down memory lane, except that my memory lane is just a horrible road full of potholes and hot, steaming coal! Now you're yelling at me about how much I confuse you? What do you think this is? A feelings brothel?"
He didn't look up or speed up close to me this time, he just stayed there on his chair with his head down, elbows on his knees and his hands clasped together.
Then he said something. It was barely above a whisper, but luckily the room was silent enough that I was able to hear it.
"I was ready to kill you when I first met you. I wanted to end your life as quickly as possible."
No surprise there.
"So, tell me why that's suddenly changed?"
My feet stayed glued to their spot. I had no answer to his question, not even a sarcastic retort. I had nothing to offer. For the first time in many, many years...I was speechless. These words were foreign and dangerous. A big red flag planted itself on the part of my brain that had 'Pietro' written on it.
"What are you implying?"
"You have some sort of hold over me that I can't get out of. I don't get it." Pietro was making my head spin and my heart tumble over my guts. "Is this a trick of yours? Some mind-controlling ability that you've hidden from us so you could get me to trust you? Were you dishonest about the full extent of your skillset?"
I couldn't speak, I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe. Normally, at this point I would think I had been injected with some type of paralysis poison. But my heart was beating wildly enough to prove that theory wrong.
"No. Nothing of that sort, Pietro."
"How do I know you're not lying?"
I stopped myself from holding a hand to my chest in an effort to keep my heart from beating itself out of its socket. The palpitations reverberated throughout my whole body like a bass drum. Somehow through the shock, I managed to squeeze out a single sentence.
"Because if I had the ability to control minds in the way you just described, I wouldn't even be here in the first place."
We stared at each other for a moment and then he shook his head with a heavy sigh and left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts yet again.
And I thought he was gonna be a distraction for my thoughts instead of causing another prominent flow of them.
As soon as Pietro exited the room in which Y/N was being held, he bumped straight into Steve.
"Captain. What are you doing here?"
"I'm..." he sighed, "...about to do something really stupid."
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