#and my childhood best friend who ive since drifted from but they were my only friend for like 5 years is an only child
violentdevotion · 1 year
as a youngest sibling who did u vote for in that poll.. 😰
for the annoying poll i said middle but i also just got in an argument with one of my brothers (middle) like 2 hours ago so maybe im biased. for befriending people though i think only child's are the worst but unfortunately they're drawn to me </3
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corbinfall · 7 months
the mega list of jay and how ive connected her to noah kahan songs (pre warning i wrote all of these while listening to the song so they might be inaccurate but im just going with feels and a lot of head canons
(also these were all written with my friends who don’t watch riptide or listen to noah kahan in mind so)
!!spoilers will be in this for essentially the entire campaign!!
nothern attitude is all about how the environment you're raised in shapes who you become, jay was raised a soldier she struggles to be fully open with her co-captains and crew for months, lying and withholding information because it's what she was trained to do. she was trained and raised as a spy it's not until the metaphorical summertime where she thaws and becomes open that her personality has time to expand and change beyond the attitude she was taught
stick season very heavily gives me the energy of jay before she left with chip, a lot of feelings of loss that she can't fully deal with and it's at a period in her life where neither of her parents are fully there to help her. it's her missing ava and wanting to be able to see her sister again
all my love is such a song that resembles her drunken conversation with lizzie back in episode 58 as well as their dynamic post 101 and how it changed after everything came out between them
she calls me back as jay and kira (this ones more from kiras pov but shshsh) jay just fucking up and left without telling kira her best friend who supports in in everything it would make sense that there's a lot of unresolved feelings between them, how do you stop yourself from doing a daily thing of checking on someone you care about deeply? someone who just disappeared in the night? someone you loved? (ohhh sharpshooter ily)
come over is in my eyes jay talking to chip or gill about growing up and what that was like, how it felt to have essentially the worlds eyes on her since she was a ferin. it's a lot of longing wishing she could have had a more normal childhood while also wishing that her father and extended family actually wanted her more and she wasn't just the back up
guess what new perspectives is about sharpshooter too, about how they slowly drifted and how they gained new perspectives on the world. it's about how jay still struggles to see why kira or ava stayed with the navy for as long as they did/do when it's such a messy system and the constant question she has for kira as to why she thinks she can change things
everywhere everything is a late night conversation between jay and gill, two fucked kids who were forced into roles they didn't want. it's something they can bond over, something they can find comfort in no matter where they end up.
orange juice (my favourite song) this song is may ferin talking to jay on the few occasions she comes home, trying to support and love her daughter even if she doesn't agree with the pirating. it's a song of attempting to love her no matter what even as jay becomes a different person than the daughter she raised a stonger person whos able to find help and deal with her grief finally
strawberry wine is one i struggle with more but i do view it as a sisterly love between her and ava, longing for memories of a bygone time when she was a different person how they just clicked together and knew almost every secret that the other had and how losing ava tore her apart.
growing sideways is another song about her grief and anger that came from avas death and jayson distancing himself from everything. about running on nothing but those deep rooted emotions that won't let you go down and how it warps your personal growth much in the way plants growing that are never cared for or rotated will only grow one way.
anyways halloween. so fun fact this song actually starts off with mentions of sailors and sailing so thats fun. but anywho i can only view this song as her internal monologue surrounding jayson ferin, how he's become a ghost of the father he was in order to cope with ava and how that really fucked her up. and how it wasn't until she was with the riptide pirates and no longer living in his legacy that she was somewhat free even if she was haunted by the ghost of everything he was to her
so homesick is the one song i can't mentally tie any connection to jay because in my mind its the timothy rand song from his jrwi campaign bloon in the bayou
still (i forget this songs on the album a lot) but yeah basically jay struggling and refusing to fully cut herself off from the ferins because that is her family, as much as she hates them they are who raised her and how she'll never fully be able to say goodbye to that
the view between villages aka the night that she went with chip and the rush of emotions that hit her as she realised she was somewhat free from everything that had held her down
your needs, my needs i don't really have full ideas for this one, it's a bunch of scattered ideas of the survivors guilt jay feels towards chip and gill and how it's slowly been eating at her till she spirals and loses herself slightly
paul revere this is another song i've thought about lots and basically it's in my mind about jay leaving and how she changed as a person, reflecting on how far she's come since she fully escaped the navy and became her own person the co-captain of the albatross not just jay ferin while at the same time embracing the fact that the past will always bare that and she can't erase it
no complaints once again the anger that jay grew accustomed to knowing through out her childhood and how it changed her as a person and how shes still learning to live with it
call your mom all i can see is someone comforting and helping jay after a really bad spiral (because that girl is not very stable) and how she's still a human who needs support and help in her life
you're gonna go far this songs from someone elses pov probably may talking about and supporting jay through her growth as a person and essentially telling her daughter she will always have a place to come back to if she needs it, their home will always be welcome to her and she can come and go as she needs
if you for whatever reason chose to read this heres a fic i wrote about orange juice 👍
also listen to noah kahan https://open.spotify.com/album/1pb3je8gXTs5dpRRTKhHRC?si=NhsoMHuDRdmCQc39wolvOw
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dontbipanicjonsa · 3 years
A confusing clusterfuck of thoughts re: Jonsa
Or: why the fuck are Jon and Sansa so compatible if they're not canon, huh?
He saw the Wall shining like blue crystal, and his bastard brother Jon sleeping alone in a cold bed, his skin growing pale and hard as the memory of all warmth fled from him. - Bran III AGOT
So....Jon is going to lose memory of all warmth? I'm going to separate the changes brought about in post-resurrection!Jon here as changes caused by death and changes caused by Ghost. This post is only speculating about the changes caused by death i.e. loss of memory of all warmth.
More foreshadowing for that-
Chunks of coal burned in iron braziers at either end of the long room, but Jon found himself shivering. The chill was always with him here. In a few years he would forget what it felt like to be warm. - Jon III AGOT
"It was. The fort is in a sorry state, admittedly. You will restore it as best you can..." ... You'll sleep on stone, too exhausted to complain or plot, and soon you'll forget what it was like to be warm, but you might remember what it was to be a man. - Jon II ADWD
So, I did a word search for warm and memory and I found some interesting stuff. Read under the cut.
1. Home
Jon- warmth and memory of home
The memory of her laughter warmed him on the long ride north. - Jon II AGOT (thinking about Arya)
The weariness came on him suddenly... So cold, he thought, remembering the warm halls of Winterfell, where the hot waters ran through the walls like blood through a man's body. There was scant warmth to be found in Castle Black... - Jon III AGOT
...Iron Emmett was still urging on his charges in the yard. The song of steel on steel woke a hunger in Jon. It reminded him of warmer, simpler days, when he had been a boy at Winterfell matching blades with Robb under the watchful eye of Ser Rodrik Cassel. Ser Rodrik too had fallen, slain by Theon Turncloak... All my memories are poisoned. - Jon VI ADWD
The warmth took some of the ache from his muscles and made him think of Winterfell's muddy pools, steaming and bubbling in the godswood. Winterfell, he thought. Theon left it burned and broken, but I could restore it.-Jon XII ASOS
So, these are the memories of warmth he'll lose? This warmth, that he associates with Winterfell (and the Starks), is the first memory of warmth Jon has.
Dany- memory of home
The door loomed before her, the red door, so close, so close, the hall was a blur around her, the cold receding behind... and all that lived and breathed fled in terror from the shadow of her wings. She could smell home, she could see it, there, just beyond that door, green fields and great stone houses and arms to keep her warm, there. She threw open the door.
"… the dragon …" - Daenerys IX AGOT
Home? The word made her feel sad. Ser Jorah had his Bear Island, but what was home to her? A few tales, names recited as solemnly as the words of a prayer, the fading memory of a red door … was Vaes Dothrak to be her home forever? - Daenerys VI AGOT
..."What shall we talk of?"
"Home," said Dany. "Naath. Butterflies and brothers. Tell me of the things that make you happy, the things that make you giggle, all your sweetest memories. Remind me that there is still good in the world."
Missandei did her best. She was still talking when Dany finally fell to sleep, to dream queer, half-formed dreams of smoke and fire. - Daenerys VIII ADWD
Dany's idea of 'home' changes over the course of the books. In the beginning she uses home for Illyrio's house, or the house with the red door. She very clearly doesn't think of Westeros as her home. After Viserys's death however, there's a sudden shift. Now, Westeros is her long lost home that she must return to someday. It's jarring. Interestingly enough, she pretty clearly rejects the idea of Dothraki khalasars as home, and the only time she calls Meereen home is in her last chapter of ADWD where she's trying to convince herself to return there. But we know that she ultimately rejects that too, in the same chapter.
Sansa- memory of home
Snow was falling on the Eyrie.
Outside the flakes drifted down as soft and silent as memory. Was this what woke me? Already the snowfall lay thick... The sight took Sansa back to cold nights long ago, in the long summer of her childhood. - Sansa VII ASOS
Last of all came the Royces, Lord Nestor and Bronze Yohn... Though his hair was grey and his face lined, Lord Yohn still looked as though he could break most younger men like twigs in those huge gnarled hands. His seamed and solemn face brought back all of Sansa's memories of his time at Winterfell. - Alayne I AFFC
She missed Septa Mordane, and even more Jeyne Poole, her truest friend... She tried not to think of them too often, yet sometimes the memories came unbidden, and then it was hard to hold back the tears. Once in a while, Sansa even missed her sister. By now Arya was safe back in Winterfell... - Sansa II ACOK
Arya coz why not
"Let me tell you something about wolves, child. When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives. Summer is the time for squabbles. In winter, we must protect one another, keep each other warm, share our strengths.… Sansa is your sister. You may be as different as the sun and the moon, but the same blood flows through both your hearts. You need her, as she needs you …" - Arya II AGOT
Needle was Robb and Bran and Rickon, her mother and her father, even Sansa. Needle was Winterfell's grey walls, and the laughter of its people. Needle was the summer snows, Old Nan's stories, the heart tree with its red leaves and scary face, the warm earthy smell of the glass gardens, the sound of the north wind rattling the shutters of her room. Needle was Jon Snow's smile. He used to mess my hair and call me "little sister," she remembered, and suddenly there were tears in her eyes. - Arya II AFFC
Again, all this (and much more) is stuff that reminds Sansa (and Arya) of home. This is, presumably, shit that Jon is gonna forget. Or maybe he'll retain the memories and only lose the emotions (warmth) associated with it?
2. Suitors or romantic/sexual partners (+Ben Plumm)
Many a night he lay with Ygritte warm beside him,... - Jon V ASOS
So, Ygritte becomes his second memory of warmth.
When he turned he saw Ygritte.
...cloaked in darkness and in memory. The light of the moon was in her hair, her red hair kissed by fire. When he saw that, Jon's heart leapt into his mouth. "Ygritte," he said.
"Lord Snow." The voice was Melisandre's.
Surprise made him recoil from her. "Lady Melisandre." He took a step backwards. "I mistook you for someone else." At night all robes are grey. - Jon VI ADWD
AT NIGHT ALL ROBES ARE GREY...yea I know, this is a well established connection between the Girl in Grey and Ygritte. Since Jon associates Ygritte with warmth so strongly, I think it's safe to assume that the Girl in Grey might play a role in warming him too (hehe).
… one hears queer talk of dragons."
"Would that we had one here. A dragon might warm things up a bit."
"My lord jests. You will forgive me if I do not laugh. We Braavosi are descended from those who fled Valyria and the wroth of its dragonlords. We do not jape of dragons." - Jon IX ADWD
"If my queen commands," he (Jorah) said, curt and cold.
Dany was warm enough for both of them. "She does," she said. "She commands...
When he was gone, Dany threw herself down on her pillows beside her dragons. She had not meant to be so sharp with Ser Jorah, but his endless suspicion had finally woken her dragon. - Daenerys IV ASOS
So, here the warmth is because of anger (woken the dragon).
Dany could feel the warmth of his fingers. He was warm in Qarth as well, she recalled, until the day he had no more use for me. She rose to her feet. "Come," she said, and Xaro followed her through the pillars... - Daenerys III ADWD
She remembered Ben's face the last time she had seen it. It was a warm face, a face I trusted... Even the dragons had been fond of old Brown Ben, who liked to boast that he had a drop of dragon blood himself. Three treasons will you know. Once for gold and once for blood and once for love. Was Plumm the third treason, or the second? And what did that make Ser Jorah, her gruff old bear? Would she never have a friend that she could trust?- Daenerys VI ADWD
This is twice that Dany associates warmth with people who use/betray her.
"You're hurt," she gasped.
"This?" Daario touched his temple. "A crossbowman tried to put a quarrel through my eye, but I outrode it. I was hurrying home to my queen, to bask in the warmth of her smile." He shook his sleeve, spattering red droplets. - Daenerys VI ADWD
Dawn always came too soon.
...If only she had the power, she would have made their nights go on forever, but the best that she could do was stay awake to try and savor every last sweet moment before daybreak turned them into no more than fading memories....
Dany wrapped her arms around her captain and pressed herself against his back. She drank in the scent of him, savoring the warmth of his flesh, the feel of his skin against her own. Remember, she told herself. Remember how he felt. - Daenerys VII ADWD
Ok, I forgot how smitten Dany was with Daario. It would be cute if Daario wasn't so horrifying. Girl has some seriously questionable taste.
Interestingly, the phrase 'fading memory' is used four times in the text (as far as I can find) and three of those times are in Daenerys's POV. One is in the above quote, where she's commanding herself to remember her time with Daario before her marriage to Hizdahr, and the other time is while thinking about the red door. Both these are memories that are important to her, that connect her to the hopeful/little/not-dark girl she once was.
Gently, he spoke of Braavos, and met a wall of sullen courtesy as icy and unyielding as the Wall he had walked once in the north. - Tyrion VIII ASOS
"I am composing a new song, you should know. A song so sweet and sad it will melt even your frozen heart. 'The Roadside Rose,' I mean to call it. About a baseborn girl so beautiful she bewitched every man who laid eyes upon her." - Sansa VII ASOS
"Alayne." Her aunt's singer stood over her. "Sweet Alayne. I am Marillion. I saw you come in from the rain. The night is chill and wet. Let me warm you." - Sansa VI ASOS
You must be very cold. Let me warm you, Sansa. Take off those gloves, give me your hands." - Sansa VII ASOS
Yea no. Sansa has not had a good experience with people offering to warm her (unfreeze her? melt her?)
Looks like in TWOW there's going to be two people in desperate need of some warming.
It's pretty neat actually. Jon associates memories of warmth with two things primarily: Winterfell/the Starks, and Ygritte. Sansa is both a Stark, and a much (much) improved Ygritte.
Sansa's iciness-wall-armour is a form of protection that she employs against predatory men. The only person who can melt her frozen heart...is someone who is not predatory. Someone who cares for her. Jon.
It fits perfectly. They fit perfectly.
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matryosika · 3 years
shoot me, chapter IV
pairing — changbin x reader
rating — 18+
genre of the overall series — smut, angst, fluff if you squint
prologue chapter I chapter II chapter III chapter IV
word count for this chapter — 4.5 k
warnings — masochism, choking, thigh riding, marking, humilliation, daddy kink, mild praising, kind of harddom!changbin, unprotected sex, creampie, mentions of ownership and possessiveness... i think that's it!
note — i have so many ideas in my head that i think i'm failing to land on this series but today i decided to change the dynamic of the chapter a little bit and make the first part of it from changbin's kind-of-perspective so you could understand what's going on behind the actions of the man himself. the whole chapter is filthy smut honestly, i hope you enjoy it tho!
taglist: @cozyblues @ahgasearmyfan @binnie-m00n @minaamhh
[12:17 a.m. Changbin]
i don't think we should to that again
it was a mistake
i just needed to vent but honestly, getting with you can really damage my future and that's not something i'm willing to jeopardize for sex.
the dark-haired man held his phone to his chest as he thought about the words of the message that he just sent you.
it wasn't a lie though, the fact that he was afraid to fuck up his future for a night of sex, but his insides were on fire everytime he was near you, his soul aching for the same thing his mind wanted.
before you could even reply his dry messages, changbin got on his car and drove all the way to his place, contemplating on whether he should have a drink or two to try and deal with the mess of the decisions he was making.
he knew it wasn't going to be easy to have self-control around you specially because he was doomed to see you almost on a daily basis at arthur's house or the company, that being the main reason behind why he decided to send that message: because he didn't wanted things to get uncomfortable at places where the two of you should act like a couple of good friends, and nothing more.
he didn't went to your place because he needed to vent or fix his sexual frustrations with your body; he went there because, after the night of the bar, he couldn't forget the image of you as a goddess. he couldn't forget your taste, your skin, the way your hips involuntarily grinded while he was eating you out, your body following every order he gave you as if your only purpose in life was to satisfy him.
and as the days passed by, it was harder and harder for him to repress the idea of you in his bed. him owning your body, fucking you countless days and nights. the more he got the know you, the more his desires increased; even when you were talking about your childhood memories at seoul with changbin's parents in an attempt to try and avoid any kind of conversation with him, he couldn't stop thinking how attractive you were to his eyes.
Changbin's perspective
[9:54 p.m. Changbin]
i'm here
don't take too long
changbin rested his whole body weight on the drivers seat, ready to wait for -at least- another 15 minutes to be able to drive to chan's house. he was certain you were going to be there as ryujin told chan, and chan told him.
he knew all along that he wanted to have you in any way, but he also knew that his pride wouldn't allow him to make the first move after he was the one who cutted any kind of sexual ties between the two of you.
after 2 minutes, and for changbin's surprise, soyeon didn't took any longer to appear at the lobby of her complex, waving goodbye at the doorman.
"you didn't took long" changbin said, waiting for her to get inside the car.
"you were the one who made me wait" soyeon replied, getting comfortable at the car's seat.
"yeah i had things to do" the man replied as he started to drive towards chan's party that wasn't too far from the place he was at now. soyeon was changbin's best friend since highschool, something strange because he was never too fond of hanging out with women in a way that wasn't entirely sexual.
"so" the blonde one mumbled "you do realize that this plan is pathetic?"
changbin scoffed as his eyes were fixed on the road "if you don't want to help me just say so"
"it's not that" she replied "it's just that is ten times easier to just approach her than to try and make her jealous just to see if she approaches you first. not only is easier but more... mature"
"do you really want to talk about maturity, soyeon?" changbin teased "that's bold coming from the girl who breaks up with her partner every 3 weeks and then gets back together"
"you don't have to be mean" she pouted, giving changbin a soft hit on his arm. "i'm trying my best"
changbin exhaled harshly as he was looking for a place to park his car. "you don't have to do anything, just act like you are with me"
"you are so lame" soyeon said, getting ready to leave the car as changbin finished parking "i really hope she is with another man too so you can cut the crap and act like a man your age"
changbin left the car and opened the door for the girl to get out too. the party had started, at least, 2 hours ago so he knew he was late and everyone else was probably drunk already. not that he cared though.
soyeon entered the house grabbing changbin's left arm, her eyes dancing around the crowded living room trying to catch a glimpse of the girl that was making changbin act like a highschooler. "it would be very useful if you told me how the fuck does she looks like" she screamed, squirming and dodging the drunk people that were dancing around in the living room.
"don't act too obvious" changbin muttered in her ear "i'm not even sure she is still here, she probably left.
changbin and soyeon walked further into the house as they greeted chan and the rest of the boys, congratulating jeongin on his birthday who was too drunk to even reply.
"there's alcohol in the kitchen and the courtyard, if you want to start there" chan said, ryujin gripping his arm while she ocasionally stumbled on her place.
"you got a girlfriend?" ryujin asked without remorse, pointing at soyeon with her index finger "jesus christ i knew you were a dick"
soyeon looked at her and then at changbin, unsure of what to reply or say. not that she needed to, since ryujin started talking again right after she insulted changbin.
"i'm glad i was smart enough to convince y/n to come to this party, at least she met a man who is going to-"
"okay that's enough" chan said, him being a little more lucid than her. "she is drunk, i'm sorry"
"no worries" soyeon said, watching how chan and ryujin dissapeared into the crowd of people.
"do they know about your little obsession with her?" the blonde one asked, changbin's eyes scanning the whole room.
"i just told chan that i wanted to fuck her, i guess y/n told her the whole story to chan's date. it is her bestfriend, apparently"
changbin and soyeon walked to the kitchen to grab a drink, since it was closer than the courtyard. after a few minutes, the search for you was usuccesful and changbin came to the conclusion that you probably left earlier with the mysterious man ryujin said.
"well, pathetic boy" soyeon mumbled "you are already here, you might as well have a little of fun, take a girl home... i don't know what you straight people do" she extended her hand to him, inviting changbin to join her at the courtyard for a dance.
as she guided him through the living room and into the patio, changbin's body was quick to react when she saw you with jisung. his whole body tensed up, making sure to grab soyeon as close as he could to pretend that he wasn't alone.
"hey man i'm not-" soyeon reproached as changbin's hand traveled to her waist, his body pressing against hers. she directed his gaze as to where changbin's eyes were fixed and it took her a lot of self-control to not start bursting of laughter. "fuck changbin, you have good taste"
"shut up" y/n was now looking directly at changbin and his partner while she danced against jisung's body. changbin couldn't see his face, but he knew immediatly who he was by the undercut and clothes the man was wearing.
"seems like my pleas were answered" his bestfriend whispered, getting more into the role of a straight-girl-crazy-about-changbin character as she rested her head on his shoulder. "better luck the next time i guess"
y/n eyes drifted away from changbin's as she turned around to stop facing the couple. her back was now against jisung's chest, her ass grinding on him slowly as the song progressed.
"this is so funny"
but it wasn't funny for changbin, his whole body ablazing because of the anger and jealousy he was feeling. watching you dance with another man was exactly what was needed for him to confront his pride, as the only thing he could think of was to drag you out of the party and fuck you mercilessly until the only thing you could remember was his name.
just a few seconds later, the image he was fearing the most was now presenting itself in front of his eyes. your sweet lips dancing around jisung's as his hands were resting on your waist eager to travel to other places.
"i think i saw hyunjin inside" soyeon mumbled, escaping the unpleaseant (but funny) scene of his best friend going completely jealous over a girl.
changbin needed to do something, and he needed to do it now.
y/n perspective
"please ruin me" you whispered, your soul immersed in arousal, guilt and regret.
"you shouldn't have said that, y/n" changbin growled as he gripped your hair to pull you in for a kiss. the touch of his hands burned on your skin deliciously, feeling the electricity traveling through your veins and into your core. the kiss was rough, and you couldn't help but whimper as you felt the fabric of his clothes against your naked skin, reminding you of how good it felt to be vulnerable in front of him.
his lips went from yours to your neck really quick, peppering kisses on the surface as he licked and sucked on the exposed skin. "if i'm going too far, you can stop me anytime" he exhaled, his teeth picking up the skin under your jawline softly.
you nodded as he worked on your neck, getting soft moans and cries out of you.
"can i please mark you?" he asked, with a broken voice as if he was running out of air, desperate to continue exploring your body. marking. the idea of being covered in faint bruises because of him only contributed to your arousal even more.
"go ahead" you moan "make sure they are visible enough"
changbin smirked against your neck as his grasp on your ass got harder. you couldn't help to flinch a little when he started to suck harshly on your neck, but he was quick to wrap his arms around you to keep you in place. the mere thought of him causing you this kind of pleasure, mixed with pain, made you squeeze your thighs together.
"god" you moaned, grabbing his hair and pushing him to keep marking you "fuck, that hurts" it did, but you didn't wanted to stop.
"it is supposed to hurt, precious" changbin said, his arms still holding you thight as he created a masterpiece on your naked skin "that's the only way you will remember who you belong to and who made you feel this good"
changbin's hands toured the sides of your body and your back, unclenching the piece of underwear that was blocking him to keep kissing your skin.
"your body is always ready for me" he mumbled, your nipples hardening at the mere sound of his raspy voice "look precious, you are so good"
you couldn't help but whine at the cold sensation of changbin's finger rings that were caressing and teasing your hardened buds. "you look so... fragile"
"you don't have to be gentle with me" you moaned in frustration, almost begging for his tongue to make contact where you needed you the most. "i don't break easily"
changbin looked at you with the darkest gaze he had ever give you. "you have no idea where you are getting into by saying those words, y/n"
changbin's mouth approached one of your nipples as he lazily dragged his tongue around it. his fingers traveled to the opposite side, caressing and playing with your other bud.
"fuck, that feels good"
finally, his tongue made contact where you needed it the most, giving small and quick licks that were starting to drive you insane. you always knew how sensitive you were, specially in that area, and now that changbin knew this it was kind of dangerous.
"who is making you feel this good, hm?" he hummed, his mouth alternating between places.
"i don't like you" you moaned, screaming the last word as changbin aggressively sucked on your chest leaving a faint mark.
"you don't? and you are this worked up?" he asked with a mocking tone, his senses intoxicated with your scent.
"matter of fact i hate you" you mumbled, trying to repress your moans "don't think you are the only person in this world who can satisfy me"
changbin planted a tiny kiss on your shoulder as he proceeded to rest his whole weight on the couch, manspreading for you. "take that off" he ordered, pointing out your panties.
you did as you were told, dragging your damped underwear through your legs and removing it in front of him. now being completely naked, his hand palmed his left thigh "come here"
you placed both your legs on each side of his thigh as your wet core made contact with the fabric of his black jeans, the sole movement making you whine and involuntarily grind against him. "show me how much you hate me"
you swallowed hard unsure of what to do next, his arms now crossed in front of his chest.
"how do... you want me to do that?" you asked quietly, feeling how your juices were probably making a mess on his clothes.
"ride my thigh" changbin ordered, giving you a condescending look "prove me that you can satisfy yourself better than i can"
you licked your lips nervously as your breath caught up on your throat. you knew perfectly that you couldn't do that, you needed changbin's help to cum and if you didn't, he would probably humilliate you for it.
"go on, precious. as much as i would love to stay here all night i have plenty of ideas to ruin that filthy pride of you" your core rubbed against his thigh almost unconciously, your hands traveling to his shoulders for support. "hmmmm" he hummed, grabbing both of your wrists and slowly placing your arms behind your back "you can do it by yourself"
the lack of help from changbin and the fact that your whole body had no support only made things harder. your hips grinded against him at a painfully slow pace while your hands were behind your back, changbin enjoying the view of your whole body trying to pathetically get any pleasure from him.
"i need to hold onto something" you cried, the frustration increasing as your clit grazed ever-so-slightly against him "please"
after that plea, you felt changbin's grip on your throat again "this should do precious" he muttered.
thankfully, changbin's hold on your neck gave you the tinniest bit of support, your hips moving now faster against his thigh.
"fuck da-"your breath got caught up on your throat, partly because of changbin's grip making it impossible for you to talk and partly because the petname that was about to leave your lips was rather embarassing.
"what was that, princess?" he asked, amused. he wasn't doing anything other than having you fucking his thigh, but he couldn't deny the painful bulge inside his pants that was driving him insane.
"it was nothing" you whispered in between broken moans.
"say it" he ordered, "say it and i might reward you with something"
you bit your lips attempting to refrain from saying anything else, your core clenching around thin air as your fluids damped his jeans. "fuck daddy" you whisper, almost inaudible.
"louder" he demmanded, his hands leaving your neck to place themselves on your hips, guiding your movements against his body while he flexed his thigh making the contact between your core 10 times deeper.
"yes, daddy" you whined, almost to the point of screaming at the feeling of his hands harshly guiding your whole movements "this feels so fucking good"
"my poor baby can't do anything by herself?" he grunted, admiring the image of your breasts swinging as your body grinded on his thigh "does daddy has to do everything for her?"
the way he used his own petname sent you to cloud 9, only making you wetter.
"i'm sorry daddy" you cried, your head falling slightly back as you followed changbin's grip.
"you should be, y/n" changbin's voice getting deeper by the minute "because you look so pathetic right now"
the words that were leaving his lips only made you needier and contributed to your arousal to increase, the knot on your stomach threatening to come undone any second.
"i think i'm close" you whispered, your hands still behind your back.
"keep your eyes open and look at me" changbin ordered "i want you to remember who made you cum this hard without even touching you"
changbin's gaze was all you needed to come undone on his thighs, closing your eyes at the minute you felt the highest point of your orgasm hitting you "what do good girls like you must say?" he asked, getting even harder by the image of your trembling body orgasming in front of him.
"thank you daddy" you cried softly, your voice broken. "thank you, thank you, thank you"
there was nothing in this world that changbin loved more than your duality. how you would act dominant in every aspect of your daily life, but not when you were with him alone. you struggled to hide your pride, but once you did, changbin knew that you were fully submitted to him.
and you knew that too. as much as you hated him, he knew how to make you lose your senses and drift into a completely different state, one more vulnerable. 3 times it was all he needed for you to show him the purest side of you: the needy one, the submissive one, the one who needed to be completely ruined and taken care of at the same time.
"such an obedient whore" changbin moaned, pulling you into his arms to give you a kiss "do you think you can keep going, y/n?"
your legs were tired, but there was something that you had been craving since the night at the bar and there was no possible way you would leave his apartment without getting it.
"i'm can, daddy"
"good" he said, getting up from the couch and driving you to his bed. he didn't bothered to turn on the lights as the whole room was lit up by the window.
you came closer to start unbottoning his pants, craving to feel his length inside your mouth just like last time, but he was quick to grab your wrists "today it's not going to be about me" changbin mentioned, undressing slowly in front of you. "as much as i want to put that pretty mouth to good use, i have other plans in mind"
you rested your whole body on your forearms as your legs spreaded in front of him, exposing your whole naked body for changbin.
he drove one of his hands to his mouth and slightly spitted on it in order to stroke his cock to lubricate it, mixing his own saliva with the precum that was already dripping from him.
"you look so good in that position" he praised "your whole body ready for me to completely destroy it"
your nipples hardened at his words, and he was quick to notice it "i don't think jisung would have been able to make you feel this good"
you licked your lips at the confidence he exuded, even at moments like this. changbin's body aligned with yours, the tip of his cock rubbing against your wet folds, slipping with easiness "you are always so wet for me"
the frustration building up again just by feeling his cock against your entrance. you would be lying if you said you didn't thought about how it would feel to have him inside you, even if the idea scared you. it was a while since the last time you fucked and, to be honest, you didn't think you had done it properly. the only times you actually did it, it was completely hard for you to feel anything but pain, and that thought crossed your mind right before he could even get inside you.
"can i?" he asked, noticing how your face looked slightly terrified.
"changbin i-" you stopped before you could say something else. you tried your best to build up this confident sex-appealing character who, in reality, knew nothing about the practice of sex. it was going to be embarrassing to admit that you were -barely- a virgin, even though you actually weren't, to the man who just humilliated the shit out of you a few seconds ago.
"mhm precious?" he asked, a faint smirk appearing on his face.
"i- it's been a while since the last time i did it" you confessed, his smirk growing bigger. "it's not my first time, but let's just say that i have little to cero practice on this area"
it was embarassing to admit such a thing, but you were not open to have more bad experiences with sex. you expected for changbin to laugh at you, or act all cocky, but the smirk on his face was rather confusing. "i'll treat you well, precious" changbin said, sliding the tip of his cock against your core "can i?"
with a hesitant gaze, you nodded, your whole body squirming under his as you felt his cock stretching every wall inside you. changbin was big and it was painful, you couldn't lie. "you are taking me so well, precious"
soon, the painful feeling became pleasure. changbin wasn't moving at all, letting you get used to him inside you, but you quickly found yourself moving your hips in circular motions signaling that you were completely ready to take him.
slowly, his hips thrusted in and out of you. he needed to ruin you, he needed to go fast and rough on you, but your comfort was a priority for him. as much as he wanted to make a mess of you and make you scream in pain and pleasure, he was determined to control himself and his impulses.
"you are so fucking tight" he growled, trying to repress any sinful noises that could escape his lips.
"don't hold back" you whimpered, feeling how the pleasure and pain were finally becoming one. "do whatever you want with me but don't hold back"
"you don't know what you are asking for, precious" he scoffed, the feeling of his lenght being hugged by your warm walls almost driving him insane.
"i do" you moaned, looking directly into his eyes with the needier gaze he had ever seen in his life "i need you to ruin me like you promised me to, i know you can"
changbin licked his lips as his forearms rested on both sides of your head, his breath coming closer to yours "you have so little experience in this but i already made you a masochist, didn't i?"
changbin thrusted hard into you as he said the last sentence, earning a whiny moan out of you.
and, following your plea, his pace rapidly increase without a warning. your eyes rolled to the back of your head with each thrust, changbin going completely feral at the sight of his good girl begging for him to hurt her.
"faster... daddy" you cried, almost out of breath. the feeling was as humilliating as it was powerful. there was some comfort in knowing that you submitted completely for him, and that now he was going to show you how good he could make you feel.
"you are such a whore y/n" he moaned, his raspy voice turning deeper as he thrusted inside you. "my whore"
your fingers traveled all the way to your clit, rubbing it with circular motions as changbin's length was satisfying your hole "does that feel good precious?"
"it does daddy" you reply, words broken as the whines and moans wouldn't let you form decent sentences.
"you look so good being ruined by me"
there it was that familiar knot again, starting to come undone on your lower abdomen. by changbin's heavy breathing and sloppy thrusts you knew he was close too. "you feel so fucking good, y/n"
you bit your lips, your voice not being able to emit any sound at all because the pleasure was starting to become slightly overwhelming. it felt incredibly nice having him inside you, ruining you, destroying you. you felt powerless and at his mercy, ready to do anything just for him to praise you with a few words.
"i'm close again daddy"
as you said this, changbin's pace increased. his lips attached into yours, his tongue fighting to get that intoxicating taste of you once again. your whole body started to violently shake as you came undone changbin's arms holding you right in place so you wouldn't move. "that's my good slut" he praised.
tears started streaming down your face as you were at the highest point of your orgasm. "that's my good fucking slut, cuming on her daddy's cock" he grunted.
the overstimulation by his thrusts was soon to appear, making you squirm into his arms but trying to hold on so he could chase his high too. "y/n"
"changbin" you cried, your half-lidded eyes looking directly into his, that were now filled with desire.
"let me cum inside you" he asked, biting his lips and trying to control himself waiting for your answer.
the overstimulation began to feel like pleasure quickly again at his words, your core dripping even more your own juices with each thrust he gave you. "cum inside me, please daddy"
those words were all he needed to release himself inside your cunt, earning grunts and moans from him. the most beautiful sound you had ever heard.
"thank you daddy" you whined, feeling his hot cum dripping out of your pussy once he pulled himself out. "thank you so much daddy"
the mere perversed image of you with your legs parted, his own cum dripping out of you as your fingers traveled to your cunt to mix your arousal with his and then tasting it, was all he needed to convince himself that this was not going to be the last time to have you like this.
he needed to have the precious submissive girl who was in front of him, with her makeup and hair ruined, with her whole body dripping in sweat and his scent.
he needed to ruin you.
he needed to destroy you.
he needed to take care of you.
he needed to own you.
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bandaigaeru · 4 years
gravitational pull - seo changbin
→genre: brief fake dating, childhood friends to weird enemies to fake lovers to real lovers →synopsis: he was a glimmering star of hope until he exploded, suspending your relationship into a seesawing gravity. →pairing: changbin x gender neutral reader →word count: 8.1k →warnings: hyunjins kinda mean at one point, mentions of alcohol
Mulch crunches beneath the adolescent shoes of your classmates. One intention is shared, in this playground warfare, and it’s to get a swing.
You disregard the heap rushing towards the ones closest, for your gaze is set on the far end of the swingset. And it is just within your reach. Your eyes narrow as you outstretch a palm, prepared to feel the coolness of the rusty chain.
The chain sways away from you beneath the harsh touch of another boy.
You stare at him with wide eyes, mouth fallen agape.
He smiles, the plastic seat dipping beneath his weight. “This one’s mine.”
A small shake in your tone as you return, “I was here first.”
“So? Everyone knows this is my swing.”
You slowly nod, taking small footsteps backwards. Hwang Hyunjin is bigger than you. And more accustomed with goons of friends. There’s no point in fighting.
Though as you start for the abandoned monkey bars (their vibrant red paint chipped to a sad haze) with blurry vision faulting your path, a voice booms over the rush between your ears.
You glance in the direction. A short boy sits in a stationary swing, smiling as though it is all he’s ever known. He waves you over.
Taking all of the precautions, you glance over your shoulder to make sure he’s talking to you. When you confirm, you drag your feet along the mulch.
You flinch when he stands, bringing guarding forearms to protect your face. The blow never comes.
“You can take my swing,” he says. You peek at him through your shield. His puffy cheeks are still indented with the smile. And his hands, not balled into a fist, lay calmly at his side.
You blink, slowly lowering your defense. “W-Why?”
He laughs, “That’s what friends are for. Duh.”
The laugh that trembles over your lips is shaky and foreign. You reach for the chain.
“I’ll push you!” he declares, rushing behind you as you steady yourself in the small seat.
He pulls you from the ground, the tips of your shoes trailing back amber woodchips.
The tip of your nose kisses the blue sky. Though, inevitably, the time comes when you must fall back to the earth. Steady hands push against your back, returning you to freedom. You find yourself grinning each time.
The next day, Changbin saves you the swing beside him. He waits until you are ready before kicking off on the ground. You swing in sync, sharing a few glances under the sun’s hugging rays.
It only takes a week before he’s begging his mother to arrange a playdate. And to your luck, he follows through with the promises, meeting you at your doorstep that Saturday. He guides you a block over to his house. He must be a good kid if his mother entrusted him with such a task, bringing two first-graders over. One returning home and one in need of a home away from home.
His mother is extremely nice, smiling at you each time you catch her eyes. She sets a plate of fruit on the coffee table while you and Changbin battle over the next Spongebob episode. His sister comes out of her room, too, asking you whether you prefer Barbies or Matchbox.
Elementary school passes like this. Recess is spent with his presence, as is lunch and gym and any class freetime. On the off days that it rains, barring you inside the school, you play Mancala. It’s totally civil. Not once does Changbin storm off when he loses. He merely shrugs and offers to set up the next round.
So unusual, though each time you find yourself smiling.
After an emotional graduation party—emotional for the teachers and family, you mean—he hands you a small piece of paper.
“What’s this?” you curiously look at him. His tie has loosened since the ceremony and his hair is ruffled by his father’s hand.
“My phone number. I won’t be in town this summer, but I still wanna keep touch with you.”
You smile down at the small digits. Neatly, you fold the post-it before slipping it into your pocket. You wrap your arms around his neck, leaning into his touch as he wraps his arms around your waist. “I’m gonna miss you,” you announce, voice muffled by his shoulder.
“It’s only one summer,” he reassures. “Plus, I’ll bring you back something nice. A keychain or something.”
You laugh through the sting that stabs your body, nodding. One summer cannot mark the end of the world, you tell yourself as you watch his car drift over the hill leading into town.
On the first, dreaded, day of middle school, you scan the halls carefully. The new faces do not scare you as much as the lack of his does. Each call was sent to voicemail. And each time the dial sounded, you frantically returned the phone to the receiver. Maybe he had accidentally miswrote the number. Or maybe he was too busy to return your calls. Summer has that effect on people, you think, where you have so much fun you forget the things you used to do daily. Like a memory disorder.
You finally see him in the lunch line. A breath of fresh air invades your lungs as you rush over to him.
“Changbin! How was your summer? I called, but you never answered,” you grin, nudging his shoulder.
He does not shoot you a glance, nor does he send a glare. Instead, he keeps his eyes glued on his shoes. A sharp pain strikes your chest—that breath might have been poison.
You gently shove his shoulder again, forcing a shaky laugh as you continue, “Hello? Anyone in there?”
The boy in front of him spins on his heel. His eyes are cold, painful, as they meet yours. “Can’t you tell he doesn’t wanna talk to you?” Hyunjin scoffs. “Go somewhere else, dumbass.”
Hesitantly, you look to Changbin. Surely, he’ll defend you, right?
His eyes have traveled to the lunch menu, displayed on a TV in cheap font. Far away from this conversation.
You nod, looking back to Hyunjin. His abrasive eyes are still waiting for you, eagerly begging you to move on. “Sorry, then,” you murmur as you start for the bathroom that will become your haven.
Behind you, Hyunjin’s loud laugh taunts you. Hidden beneath it is a quieter one that stabs you in the chest. Something painful blurs your vision, twists your insides, and curls the corners of your lips as you try to fight it.
You were a fool to think he was different. Elementary promises should never be trusted.
Secondary school passes in dreary blinks. Watching Changbin run for class president. Bubbling in his name despite everything. Hearing Changbin got the lead role in Cinderella. Showing up despite the physics test you had to study for.
You wonder momentarily if Newton was behind this twisted feeling in your chest. Drawing you to him—like a moth to a flame. You even scan his sister’s Instagram from time to time, finding a picture of Changbin framed carefully beneath the stars, a twinkle in his eye.
You watch from afar as he accepts his diploma, a careful smile seated on your lips.
A bitter taste haunts your tongue as you pack for college.
“This is good for me,” you mutter to yourself. “I’ll be far, far away from him. I can move on.”
Some things are better left unsaid.
Awkward introductions replay in your memory as you get ready for your first college class. Seven fifteen, physics with Professor Kim. Denoted as one of the best in the country. Physicist and professor, respectively. It would be a lie to say he didn’t take part in your decision to attend this college. And the ocean, which is only a fifteen minute walk (that’s what the RA told you when you moved in).
You arrive with a hot americano precisely on time.
As you climb the lecture hall’s steps, your eyes drift among the sea of unfamiliar faces. One in particular sticks out—a glimmer of hope among the trenches. You raise a hand to wave, a smile quirking your lips. But, at the face directly next to him, you drift back.
Evidently, you didn’t move far enough.
You stand at the edge of the aisle, glancing down at the empty seat. “Hey, is this spot empty?”
Hope looks back at you with shock glazing his features. “Oh my God, Y/N! Of course. I didn’t know you decided to come here,” Minho smiles, tugging his notebook closer to allow you more room.
You pull out the chair, glancing at the boy on the other side of him. “I didn’t really tell anyone where I was going.”
He fills the silence with his tales of life, occasionally glancing at Changbin to see if he wants to add something. Each time, he is met with the boy’s indifferent profile. Mindlessly scrolling through his phone, though not once stopping to read one of the passing captions or like a picture.
Professor Kim claps, fizzling any remaining conversation. The syllabus fades in your mind as you wonder how Changbin’s summer went. Maybe he spent it with his sister. Or perhaps he accompanied a love interest to a string of dates.
This thought shoots a concoction of contradicting emotions through your heart. You return distracted eyes to Professor Kim just as he’s dismissing class, burying a content fist into the customly tailored pocket of his navy suit. Minho turns to you immediately, filling your ears with proposals to coffee and lunch and maybe you could come to the dorm later and catch up. Changbin’s ears perk up as he begs for Minho’s eyes.
For a split second, his eyes fall on you before they dart away.
“I need to get back to my dorm,” you announce when you can finally slip into Minho’s breaths of pause. “My roommate’s waiting.”
“Who’s your roommate? Maybe we know him.”
You fight a laugh when he finally glances back at Changbin, who has long since given up. “His name’s Yang Jeongin.”
While Minho is overly focused on you, begging you to tell him what happened after he moved in tenth grade, Changbin pretends you do not exist. When the conversations trail outside of the lecture hall, he clings to Minho’s side but does not speak. His eyes stay glued to the sidewalk. Or his textbook, whose cover he seems very invested in.
So when Professor Kim announces a project, your heart thumps a little too fast.
Minho grabs your arm, “Be my partner?”
Changbin kicks his leg. “Dude.”
He glances back at him, as though nothing he has said goes against him. “What? Just join our group.”
Changbin’s eyes find yours reluctantly. They ignite a spark in your fingertips as you reach for a pen. “Can I?”
You smile as your head twitches in a nod. “Of course.”
The plan is this: meet at the library on October 15th (a Saturday, you realize) at 1 P.M. “Expect to be there long, I wanna get this done ASAP,” Minho adds as he downs the rest of your americano.
When the day finally comes, despite your daily prayers that time would somehow freeze or somehow skip over the day, you leave your dorm right when you need to. Early October aids a brusque breeze, and you wrap your jacket around you as you approach the small crosswalk. Your phone buzzes in your pocket, and you dread the inevitable message.
Lee Minho [12:59 P.M.]: Sorry guys, I can’t make it. Mama Lee’s in town and wants to see her favorite son.
It’s too late to go home, you realize, when shoes scrape against the cement and a sigh penetrates the silence. “I cannot stand him,” the voice mutters behind you.
You turn to him, offering pitied condolences with a small smile. “Just the two of us, huh?”
He nods. “Guess so.”
A loud hum draws closer as his foot leans down for the asphalt. You look to the source, seeing a red car barreling down the street. You gasp, grabbing Changbin’s sleeve and tugging him back on the sidewalk. The horn echoes in the back of your head like an alarm.
His eyes are wide when they find yours. “T-Thank you,” he stutters, cocking his head a little. As though, for the first time, he is taking in your appearance.
You realize your grip is still tight on his wrist and you let go, tensing up. “You’re welcome.”
In the library, you work in silence. As though nothing happened outside. As though your entire history lies merely within the timespan of a few weeks. Minho serving as the mutual friend to your forced, awkward friendship.
He shoots you a dizzying look as he turns his packet to you. “Can you look this over?”
The tip of your eraser taps a number. “This has to be meters per second, not centimeters per second.”
A small sigh tumbles over his bottom lip as he realizes, “That’s why the final answer looked so weird. Thank you.”
The corner of your lip must have an opposite gravity to it, because it curls upward without intent.
Returning to class the next Monday leaves the soft hint of a calm lavender in the air. You share a quick, almost childish, glance with Changbin before settling back into the tune of physics. Newtons and joules and all the fun things that make up energy.
The next few weeks pass with a quiet hum, one that hangs in the background and, if you lose sight of it, you’re scared you’ll lose it forever. It’s a time of your life where you will look back with a sigh and whisper, “How did I not realize how good I had it?”
At your peak, you fall onto your bed on a Friday night. Jeongin scribbles impatient homework answers while your eyes fall shut.
The storm of your phone blaring its tune awakes you.
Lee Minho calls to remind you that he expects you to arrive at his ‘rager of a birthday party.’ He tells you the address, enthusiastically repeating himself (like an auctioneer) as you try to find a pad of paper. Jeongin’s jumping up to fix his hair before you even hang up.
You’re really not sure what you expect as you drag your roommate in tow towards the destination. Though, when you feel the tremble of music and hear shouts from the lawn of the frat house, you somehow know you’re in the right place.
The foyer is packed with jumping bodies. Leaning on the stairs, a red solo cup in hand, is the man of the hour. His cheeks are dusted in a light coating of heat and, as you approach him, you notice that glitter brushes soft highlights along his cheekbones.
“Happy early birthday!” you shout over the music.
He dizzily turns to you and drags you towards his chest in a swift motion. “Y/N! Thank you for coming!”
You had no choice. It was either come to the party or admit yourself to Lee Minho’s terrifying grudge list.
Despite this, you return with a grin, “Of course!”
When he lets you go into the stale air, he shoves his cup into your hand. “Try some,” he nods.
You tip the plastic to your lips. As the liquid scrapes the back of your throat, you flinch back. “What is this?” Your face twists.
“Just vodka and Coke.”
You hastily return the cup to him and glance around. Jeongin has disappeared to a desolate corner, you presume. A spark of jealousy runs through your veins.
“Where’s the bathroom?” you find yourself asking Minho.
He points down a vacant hallway and tells you it’s the last door on your left. You thank him before scurrying in that direction.
Your knock echoes, though nothing returns. The pale wood feels cold against your cheek as you listen for any life inside. You find it safe to enter. Instantly, you press your palms against the cold marble. Identical eyes stare into each other in the mirror until your eyes slip to the pale, spotless basin. You stare into the milky dome absently, pondering why you feel so odd being here. And for a moment you forget where you are, lost in the dizzying world of your thoughts.
Until you hear the choked sob from behind the shower curtain.
It takes you by surprise. Hesitantly, you reach out for the navy shield.
“Ch-Changbin?” you stutter, staring down at the boy in a mess of shock.
His legs are drawn to his chest as trails of tears line his cheeks. He lets out a squeak as he looks up to you. Arms fall to his sides as he leans forward. Though, he appears to have no intention of stopping, surrendering himself to gravity.
Your hands find his shoulders merely moments before his nose slams into the porcelain. “Are you drunk?” you whisper.
Though, in return, he sobs. “I’m sorry.”
Something pierces your chest. Your lips part to say something, but the words are clogged in your throat.
“I was such an idiot,” he slurs, swaying gently.
“What’re you talking about?” you finally ask.
His balled fist slams against the tub. “You!” he shouts, face twisting as he releases another cry.
You flinch back.
“My mom always asks how you’re doing, no matter how many times I tell her. My sister still has a grudge. Hell, even Hwang Hyunjin thinks I’m an idiot and he’s the one who tricked me into leaving you!”
He leans his cheek against the wall, once again releasing a cry. Though, this one, he fights to hold back. It scalds the air in a whimper.
Quieter, he admits, “You were the only person I’ve ever felt safe with.”
You sigh, looking down at your shoes. Those days when you wondered what had gone wrong, staring up at your blank ceiling and trying to relive his smile as quiet tears fell to your pillow, wash down the drain.
He watches intently as you climb into the tub. You do not look at him as you slowly lean against the wall he rests his cheek on. Instead, you stare at the mahogany finish of the small cabinets. Regardless, you can feel his eyes burning holes into your cheek. In this cold porcelain cage, all you can hear is the distant thumping of music and the occasional sniffle from the boy beside you. You smile at the familiarity of it, returning you to your former years cozied up on a playground. No worries back then, you jealously note with a muted snicker.
“I missed you,” you finally say. Tears blur your vision, warping the defined lines of wood into a mess of color.
When you bring yourself to look at him, his eyes are closed. You lean a little closer to see if he’s sleeping. Reluctant lips part as he whispers, his breath hot and reeking of tequila, “I missed you too.”
One of the things you come to realize is that Changbin’s smile has never changed. There’s still that little indent where his cheeks fold over and each time he offers a glimpse at it you are returned to the days of the swing.
Thanks to the drunken night (half drunken night, you should say, since he had enough for both of you), Changbin has allowed a sneak peek back to his life. Strictly over text, though. You’re not sure why he’s never asked to meet up—maybe it’s too much too fast, you think—but you cannot find it in you to complain. He’s back after all these years and that seems to be enough.
So you endure it, texting him until the early hours of the morning and fascinating yourself over all of these things you have missed.
Seo Changbin [2:39 A.M.]: My sister and I went to the elementary school a couple of weeks ago.
Looking at your phone burns your eyes, as does the weird feeling in your chest.
Y/N [2:40 A.M.]: Really? Has it changed much?
Seo Changbin [2:40 A.M.]: The kids after us got all the cool playground equipment :(
Seo Changbin [2:40 A.M.]: I should take you there one day haha. I think that’d be fun.
You fight the giggle that wishes to flee, glancing up at a sleeping Jeongin for reassurance.
Waking up in the morning is aided with fleeting regrets, though beneath it you realize there is a small skip in your step. One that flares a heat in your face when you walk into the physics classroom and reach to meet Changbin’s eyes. And there, waiting, is his gaze and a small smile.
Maybe you have it bad for Seo Changbin, you think, as Professor Kim begins talking about Newton’s Third Law.
Yang Jeongin is broadcasting his homework onto the cheap projector he bought on Amazon for $50. “Isn’t it so cool?” he marvels as his red pen underlines a key part of his notes.
You absently nod, glaring at your textbook. Between the lines is a screaming thought that cascades a waterfall of forget towards your upcoming exam. You fail to notice your phone buzzing against your bed. Daydreams are dangerous like that.
“Y/N,” Jeongin’s voice finally snaps you out of it. You look to him, standing at the door and lazily holding the knob. “You’ve got a visitor.”
Your heart leaps in your chest as you rush to take his spot. Before you can tug the door open, he presses a hand on your shoulder. “Be careful around him, please.”
You watch as he struts and flops down on his bed, opening a comic book above his head.
As you open the door, a little more hesitant than before the interaction with Jeongin, you smile.
Changbin is watching the end of your hall and playing with the sleeves of his hoodie. When he senses your presence, he finally breaks his trance and offers a smile. He keeps his voice low, “Can I talk to you?”
You nod, ignoring the annoying thump thump of your heart, “Sure. What’s up?”
“In private,” he adds, peeking over your head at Jeongin. Maintaining his hold on the comic book, though his eyes have drifted to you with a parental glare.
You shut the door behind you. His footsteps draw towards the common area, and you follow. There’s a silence draped over you until he abruptly stops in the middle of the hallway and turns to you. “I need you to pretend to date me.”
You blink. “W-What?”
He draws his bottom lip between his teeth momentarily before continuing, “I made a stupid bet and I kind of really need the money.”
A shroud of toughness hides your instant willingness to help. “What do I get out of this?”
His eyes radiate the innocence of a child. They draw you to a distant memory, one that you might have seen in a movie and forced into a memory, but you’re not sure. You were at his house after he broke his arm and he cried, those same eyes staring at you as he whined about how much it hurt. And how itchy his arm was beneath the cast.
Your heart softens, and you have to fight the crumbling beneath your feet.
“Whatever you want,” he assertively nods. “Seriously.”
You sigh. “Do you have a plan?”
“I always have a plan,” he smiles, pulling you into a grateful hug. His hoodie smells vaguely of ramen with a hint of sealike cologne you might find in Lee Minho’s bathroom. You find yourself smiling as your hands rest on his back.
His hand, admittedly, feels a little odd in your hand. The last time you had held his hand was in second grade, when you went to the zoo on a field trip. Your class was already flooding into the bird exhibit with anticipation and exuberance. But you were crying your eyes out at the mere thought of seeing a parrot. (This unfounded fear is all thanks to Spongebob)
Changbin’s hand slipped into yours and slowly urged you in, mumbling that if you didn’t go you’d get stuck there forever. And then, he had whispered, the parrots might eat us alive. Even then, his hand was oddly clammy and a little sticky.
But now, as he guides you through the small neighborhood, you feel a calm mix of elation and awkwardness. Sure, this is groundbreaking material for you and your “small” crush on him. However, he’s not doing this because he likes you. He’s doing this because he needs some cash and you were a means of aiding him.
“Where are we going?” you ask, a cloud of your breath expanding from your lips. It’s only the beginning of November.
“You’ll see,” he glances over at you, a small smile painted on his pale cheeks.
There’s a small line of shrubs on your side of the sidewalk. Serving as a break in them is a metal archway, accompanied by a small wooden sign reading: Gyeonghwa Park. He turns into it, guiding you into the small fenced area. A two person swing set stands in the corner, absent seats trembling in the breeze. There’s a few wooden benches, though most are tainted in a layer of leaves.
“Ta-da,” he says, gesturing with his free arm at the small park.
You look around to the little duck statue in the corner. “I don’t mean to be rude, but why are we here again?” you turn to him. His hand burns against your skin like a constant reminder.
“I can’t take you to our playground, so I thought we could settle for here as our first fake date,” he smiles. “Plus, we need couple pictures and I think this works well.”
You’re grateful for the breeze that dashes pink across your cheeks, disguising the heat that has rushed to them at his words. “R-Right,” you stutter.
He takes a seat on a leafless bench and slips his phone from his pocket. As you reluctantly sit beside him, you watch as he sends texts to his friends. Nothing regarding you, you presume, but when he feels your eyes he quickly closes the chat.
The pictures are poised carefully, his arm resting on the top of the bench behind you, your head tilted towards his as you smile. Without warning, he presses his lips to your cheek as the shutter clicks. You try not to make your flinch obvious.
He pulls back, smiling slightly as he inquires, “Should we kiss to seal the deal?”
Fire poisons your veins as you stare back at him. The invisible mark his lips had left sizzles in the air. “Do you think we should?” you whisper.
He shrugs. “It’ll make it a bit more believable. We don’t have to if you’re not comfortable, though.”
You shake your head. “No, it’s fine. Kiss me.”
The corners of his lips upturn a little further, sending a shiver down your spine—though maybe it was just the wind. He readjusts his phone, glancing to assure you’re both in frame, before leaning in. At first, his lips merely wander in the air before yours, as though he is thinking about the best way to do this. But then, confident lips press against yours. His touch melts away the numbness in your fingers, the shiver of the cold. In this moment of freedom, you wonder if he had ever wondered what your lips tasted like. Because you sure have.
Each of your fake dates is constructed with careful attention to detail. A trip to the movies (seeing a film you had mentioned wanting to see very briefly over text). A study ‘date’ that didn’t really feel romantic, though he brought you an americano and a fancy pen he stole from his dad’s work.
But your date today is very special. The diner is filled to the brim with hungry college students and elderly couples. In the back, bunched up against the upholstery, are Changbin’s friends. They throw their heads back to laugh as one tells a stupid joke. Changbin leads you down the aisle slowly. He squeezes your hand, whispering over his shoulder, “Thank you, again, for doing this. It means a lot.”
You smile against your will,“That’s what friends are for.”
As you approach, the new and familiar faces turn to you. Some hold smiles, others hold gaping lips.
“I didn’t think you actually found someone willing to date you,” a boy marvels.
“Let alone Y/N! How come I didn’t know you were dating?” Minho shouts, garnering certain harsh looks from neighboring booths.
A glimmering smile finds your lips as you slide into the booth beside him, “You never asked.”
He scoffs. “Am I supposed to ask when anything life-changing happens?”
Changbin files in beside you, sighing, “Not necessarily, but you talk a lot.”
“How long have you been dating?” a boy across from you asks. His cheeks are dusted with light freckles, and a friendly smile paints across his lips.
“Nearly two months,” you glance at Changbin, who nods. The finer details, he stressed, must be known like the back of your hand. A single hair out of place could be the end.
“Are you serious?” Minho booms. His eyes are wide and his lips are parted. Even his eyebrows raise in awe, scratching dull wrinkles across his forehead.
“You do talk a lot,” you mumble.
Before Minho can have the chance to shout profanities aiding his awe, another boy sighs. “Shut up and congratulate them, okay? This is karma for laughing at him when he wanted in on the bet.”
“Thank you, Chan,” Changbin smiles, wrapping an adept arm around your shoulder. Instinctively, you lean into his touch, resting your head on his shoulder.
As the night unfolds, queued by digging questions and the occasional groan from Minho, you nearly forget that this is an act. That when Changbin presses a kiss to your forehead it’s not real.
Outside of the diner, as his friends disperse into their means of transportation, he cups your cheeks and presses a soft kiss to your lips. When he parts, there’s a small smile and a gloss hanging over his eyes. “Thank you,” he whispers.
He promises to pick you up at five. All that remains is the reward, you realize. A simple favor has brought you here, waiting impatiently for his knock on your door. Your heart beats harshly against your chest.
“Why are you even messing with him?” Jeongin mutters, stirring his ramen with the tips of his chopsticks.
You glance up at him, sighing, “I’m not messing with him. I’m doing him a favor.”
“Yeah, but, why? He’s an asshole, Y/N,” he shakes his head. As he shoves the steaming noodles into his mouth, he hisses at the heat and tilts his head to the side.
You watch him as he gulps down water.
At your prolonged silence, he adds, “When is he supposed to pick you up?”
You tap your phone screen, illuminating the time. “Five minutes ago.”
Jeongin drowns his harsh words with more noodles. Though, in between bites, he says, “Maybe he’s standing you up.”
The thought has crossed your mind, though a hollow in your chest wants to believe he wouldn’t do that. Friends, if that’s what you are, don’t do that.
Seconds drift into minutes. And minutes turn into an hour. Jeongin’s gone through three more ramen cups. Your lips ache as you nervously bite them, jumping for your phone at each notification.
At half past six, Jeongin rests into your bed beside you. “I’m sorry,” he whispers as he wraps a cautious arm around your shoulder.
Though, you do not feel anything aside from the irritation blurring your eyes. “Are you okay?” he asks. These simple words open the floodgate.
His eyes avert yours as though they had never known you in the first place. Minho doesn’t say anything when you lower yourself in the seat beside him. Instead, he cautiously slips you a small note. Large, scratchy words read: are you okay?
You crumble the note in your palm before tucking it into your bag. He does not bother you for the rest of class. Class travels by in grueling moments. Professor Kim’s voice seems slowed, stripped of any tone. When he finally dismisses class, warning that the semester is ending soon, you haphazardly shove your things into your bag and leave.
Over your shoulder, you hear a low smack and Minho mutter, “What the hell is the matter with you?”
It hurts to admit, given that you had known from the beginning, but Seo Changbin used you. Though, despite the anger you should be feeling, you can only find yourself wondering what he needed the money so badly for.
Back at the dorm, Jeongin silently pulls a piece of cake from the small fridge and hands it to you. “Here,” he mumbles. “My friend made it for you.”
You look up at him. “Why?” Your voice is raw from desuetude, crackles like an old radio.
Jeongin bites his lip, eyes slipping to your comforter. “I told him you were having a rough time. Plus, he knows Changbin, so he knows the story.”
You take the paper plate in your fingertips, dragging it toward you. You poke the delicacy with the tip of your fork. “What’s the story?”
A sigh slips past his lips. “That you guys dated and you broke up. That’s all Changbin told them.”
You nod. He must’ve gotten the money and thrown you away.
Your phone buzzes against the mattress. Jeongin leans over to check who it is. When his eyes meet yours again, he informs, “It’s just Minho.”
So you allow yourself to look at your phone.
Lee Minho [9:20 A.M.]: I’m outside your dorm. Let me in please.
You look up to the door, though your energy is below zero. Jeongin grabs your phone, reading the message, before going to answer the door.
“Hey, Jeongin,” Minho pushes past him. He sits at the foot of your bed. “What happened?”
You blink, eyes staring into his absently. “What?”
“With Changbin. Tell me what happened, please. He won’t tell us anything and I’m starting to get worried for both of you. He’s never this quiet and you’re never this sulky,” he reluctantly rests his hand on your knee.
You look at Jeongin, who stands there with arms against his chest. He shrugs, silently telling you it’s up to you.
You sigh. “Where do I start?”
“The beginning, preferably.”
“I think I fell in love with him, but I can’t tell you when. Maybe it was when we were kids. Maybe it was at the party when he apologized,” you slowly say. The words do not feel like yours. A small pit rumbles in your stomach, begging you to continue. “He wanted a favor, to pretend to date him for that bet you guys made. I didn’t ask why he needed the money or why I should do this for him, given all he did to me. I just went with it. And things were great, as far as fake relationships go.”
In your break of silence, you find yourself smiling at all the fake dates. You wonder if the pictures still live in his phone or if he discarded them the moment he got rid of you.
“So you guys faked the whole thing?” Minho’s eyebrows furrow.
You nod. “He was supposed to pick me up on Saturday, but he stood me up. And now we’re here.”
Minho blinks. “Either Changbin’s a good actor or he’s a fucking asshole.”
“It’s the latter,” Jeongin announces as he crosses to his bed.
Minho shakes his head. “I’ll talk to him.”
“Don’t tell him what I said,” you rush. “About loving him or anything.”
“I won’t. I promise.”
After he leaves, Jeongin loudly sighs. “I knew you were in love with him.”
You look at him, slowly nodding, “I didn’t really make an effort to hide it.”
There are tears irritating your skin as you pull yourself out of bed. Surviving off of Felix’s cake and Jeongin’s ramen cups is less than attractive, but you cannot build enough will to leave your dorm. You ask Minho to take notes in physics for you and he quickly obliges, no questions asked.
Changbin, still, plagues your mind like venom. Each time you think maybe a nap is in order, you shut your eyes and see his smile. Or you’ll think of his lips on yours as he smiles into the kiss. Your eyes shoot open, chest rising heavily. Even when you stare at your ceiling too long, your brain deems it a screen for a memory to play. Casted like Jeongin’s cheap projector.
There was this once, in fourth grade when you grew bored of the swings so you relocated to the plastic blue tunnel. He blocked off one end while you took the other. On hotter days, you’d lay on top of the tunnel. One day, he looked at you across the plastic and asked, “Do you ever think we’ll be grown ups far away from each other?”
You shook your head so confidently. “No. We’re gonna live together. Like roommates.”
Jeongin comes home from his classes with a cup of coffee. He sets it on your nightstand as he whispers, “I’m spending the night at Chan’s tonight. Call me if you need anything.”
You take a sip of the americano. “Thanks, have fun.”
In his wake is a dreaded silence that reminds you of Changbin’s laugh. Time has only plagued it with a dash of depth.
Your phone buzzes. Hesitantly, you roll over and grab it. The metal is cold against your fingers.
Lee Minho [4:29 P.M.]: Hey, I need you to come to the beach. There’s something I want to show you.
The thing that tipped you over the edge when looking for a college was the beach. As you carefully scouted, the grains of sand kept drawing you back. It’s ironic as you realize that you haven’t been once, despite its proximity. You can already feel the bitter cold against your cheeks as you rise from your bed. Dots of dizziness scatter across your eyes.
The mid November air is cooler than you expected as you step out of the complex. You shove balled fists deeper into your hoodie pocket.
The walk to the beach is shorter than you had expected, only passing ten minutes. You see Minho waiting on the wooden slats leading to the sand. He jumps to preserve his heat.
“Hey,” you call out to him.
He looks to you, daring to unveil a pale hand as he waves. When you’re closer he says, “It’s fucking cold out here.”
You nod, looking out onto the vacant sand. Huddled like a speck of trash is a small figure.
“Why’d you want to meet out here?” you return to look at him, a piercing cold slashing your heart at the realization.
His face softens as he glances out towards the black speck in the sand. “Well, he wanted to meet you here but he wasn’t sure if you’d come if he texted. So he dragged me out here.”
You find yourself laughing. “And you agreed?”
“I didn’t know it was negative twenty out here,” he mutters. “So go and talk to him so I can get back in my car.”
You smile. Your heart thunders against your chest and, even though you know you shouldn’t, your feet move towards the small figure. He tugs you in, time and time again.
You glance over your shoulder when you reach him. Minho’s already gone, as though his presence was merely a ghost. You squat next to Changbin, wrapping your arms around your knees.
He looks at you, though you keep focused on the pale water. Brushing up on the sand, pulling back into the ocean.
“I’m sorry,” he says.
You nod. “You always say that.”
“I really am,” he admits. “I know you probably think I’m an asshole, reasonably so, but I really am sorry for everything.”
You finally look at him. “What’d you need the money for?”
He’s taken aback. He had expected more of a heartbreaking confession, a perspective he had not once explored. “Music equipment,” he says. “It’s really for me, Chan, and Jisung.”
You nod, looking back at the water. “I was just a ragdoll so you could get that.”
“Not really,” he whispers. “It was kinda a double positive for me.”
Furrowed eyebrows turn back to him.
“I got the money,” he starts, “and I also got the luxury of pretending to be yours.”
You blink. Your voice is small, barely audible over a gust of wind, “What?”
“Every time I did something stupid that got in between us, I always knew I’d find my way back to you. I was the tide and you were the moon, reaching out and tugging me back into reality. Time and time again, as we’ve come to understand,” he nods, glancing at his red fingers, bitten by the air.
You stare at him. “So why do you keep pushing me away?”
He shrugs. “There was always the fear that you didn’t want to bring me back.”
You scoff, remembering your childhood and the way he kept drawing you closer. You shake your head, words failing you.
“So truly, I am so sorry. You still have your end of the deal, you know. You get whatever you want. You can tell me to fuck off and I’ll go home. Sure, I’d be a little heartbroken, but-”
You cut him off, “Why would I ever do that?”
“Because I treat you like shit to fuel this stupid ideology that you don’t hate me,” he admits. “Even when I don’t try to be, I’m a selfish asshole. I only kissed you because I wanted to, not because of the stupid pictures for the bet. I only asked you for the favor because I wanted to paint this stupid little picture in my head. I only stood you up because I couldn’t bring myself to face you and admit that my stupid fantasy was over.”
“That’s not selfish,” you say. “That’s just very Seo Changbin of you.”
“I really cannot tell if you hate my guts or not,” he sighs, picking up a handful of sand and watching as it trickles down again.
You shake your head. “Minho didn’t tell you.”
“Tell me what?”
You look back at the empty space where the ghost once stood. A sigh of a distant nostalgia slips from your lips—the times you’ve pictured this moment over and over in your daydreams. However, you did not imagine the bitter bite of the wind nipping at your cheeks. “That I’m in love with you.”
“You what?” he gawks, leaning a bit closer. As though his ears deceive him.
Your eyes return to his as you nod. “I love you. I probably have since we were kids. That’s the only reason I agreed to your favor. Because I, too, wanted to be a little selfish.”
His lips slowly curl up into a smile as he releases an abrasive laugh. “How much did Minho pay you to say that?”
“He didn’t. I’m being completely honest. Why else would I be here if I wasn’t stupidly in love with you, huh?”
“Yes, now can we speed this up? It’s fucking cold out here.”
He presses his lips against yours. You expect them to mold against yours like they had in previous weeks, but now they are fiery. It sends tingles down your spine as he cups your cheek. With those internal feelings finally suspended from your body, you can sigh a breath of relief.
You wonder if younger you would be proud.
“Are you guys actually dating now or are you just fucking with us again?” one of Changbin’s friends, Jisung, asks as you slide into the same booth as a few weeks ago.
“They are,” Minho intervenes. “I watched them confess and everything. Like a minister.”
“Bullshit,” you mutter. “You went back to your car as soon as I got there.”
Changbin’s laugh tickles against your ear as he scoots in next to you.
“Well, I guess it’s a good thing we didn’t revoke the award,” the freckled boy, who you’ve now concluded is Felix, observes.
“Why?” Jisung asks, bringing the straw of his soda to his lips.
“Because we would have had to give it right back.”
His friends are very welcoming of you, despite the deception that marked your first greeting. Chan catches you in the parking lot as Changbin and Jisung fight over the extra mint the server placed on the table.
“I just want you to know,” he starts with a smile, “that he really loves you. It’s not a front, I promise.”
Your eyes crinkle at the corners as you ask, “Those are suspicious words. How should I trust you?”
“Because he talks about you all the time. I know more about your childhood than I know about mine. Plus, he’s written three songs about you and we don’t even have the equipment to record anything yet.”
You laugh, “You’re in luck, then.”
His eyebrows furrow. “Why?”
You smile, shaking your head. “You’ll find out.”
Changbin returns to your side, a sullen scowl pressed against his lips as he watches Jisung pop the mint into his mouth. Chan dismisses himself to attend to Felix attempting to teach Minho a taekwondo move.
You look over at Changbin, “You’ve written songs about me?”
His eyes widen, “No? Why would I ever do that?”
A giggle bubbles up from your stomach as you shake your head, starting off to his car. Behind you, he repeats the same question urgently.
Seo Changbin is like a pest that flies around your head, begging your attention at all moments of the day. He invited you over to his dorm so you could study together, though when you arrived with your textbook and notes, he appeared offended.
“What?” you asked as you settled on his bed, fluffing pillows before leaning against them.
“Studying doesn’t mean studying, it means cuddling,” he pouted.
It’s lucky for him that Minho isn’t home because if he ever heard those words falling from his lips, he’d never hear the end of it.
So that’s why you’re laying your head on his pillow, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist as you read over your notes.
“What’s the formula for Newton’s law of universal gravitation?” you quiz him when you feel his arms start to loosen with the temptation of sleep.
He hums, “I don’t know. You’re the one with the strong magnetic force. Shouldn’t they call it Y/N’s law of universal gravitation?”
You sigh, setting the spiral notebook on his nightstand before you turn in his arms to face him. The hint of a smile already greets you. You press a soft kiss to the tip of his nose. “What’s your grade in physics?”
He looks up at the ceiling as he pretends to think. “38.”
“What?” you hiss, pulling back away from him as though he has an illness you didn’t know about.
“Hey, don’t look at me like that,” he whines, pulling you back. “I only signed up for the class because it reminded me of you.”
You smile. “Why?”
He shyly pouts, “I may have gone out of my way to hear about you when we were in high school.”
“And you never thought to apologize?” you counter, your smile still reigning.
“You looked like you were doing fine without me,” he shyly admits.
“Changbin,” you shake your head. “I had no friends after Minho moved. I chased after you, thinking maybe something would happen.”
He closes his eyes. “Tell me you didn’t see me in Cinderella.”
“I saw you in Cinderella,” you laugh.
He throws his head back and whines. “The pants they put me in were two sizes too big.”
The memory of him standing on stage and having to hold up his pants, disguising it by having his hands on his hips, brings another laugh to the air. “Did they really not have any clothespins or anything?”
“No!” he exclaims, looking back into your eyes. “Fucking Hyunjin was hoarding them all!”
You feel the vibrations of your laugh against the pillow. It’s good being like this, having him tethered close.
He’s in the middle of saying something, probably further pursuing his complaints about high school or Hyunjin, but you do not care. You press your lips against his. A moment of stillness, thanks to his shock, before he kisses you back.
The only word to describe this feeling brewing in your stomach: bliss. Pure, hot bliss.
You hope gravity will keep you grounded here.
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333dolans · 4 years
If By Chance Pt. 2 // E.D
Part 1
Summary: It’s been 2 years since she’d last seen him, what would happen if by chance they were to meet once more?
Sorry for being gone for so long! Ive been super busy and just haven’t had any time to write. I’ll hopefully post a bit more regularly this year! I love you all mwah!!🥰
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4:35pm, Great.
It was the first time she would be seeing Gray in what felt like eternity and she was already late, Classic Rory. In her defence, he had agreed to pick her up but a meeting running over later than expected meant she was left to fend for herself. The fact that she didn’t know her way around LA yet paired along with her general lack of time management left her here, outside of the adorable, little cafe Gray had sent her the address for.
She felt the explosion of butterflies erupt within her stomach at the sight of his car and pulled in next to it. She took a moment to compose her thoughts that seemed to be racing along with her heart. Taking a final deep breath, she climbed out from her car and made a start towards the cafe door.
From the very moment she laid her eyes on his tall figure, nothing could of slowed the pace she ran towards him. She called out his name and as he glanced up from his phone, the widest smile took over his face. Opening up his arms just in time, he caught her in his warm embrace. It felt good to be home.
“I missed you so much.” He sighed contently, spinning her around one more time before placing her body back firmly on the ground.
“Missed you more Grapeson.” She replied with a smirk.
“Wow... that’s gotta be a record, we’ve been together what? One whole minute and you’ve already said it.” He rolled his eyes, coaxing a giggle from Rory.
“I said we were bringing it back my love and i meant it!” She grinned smugly up at him before grabbing his hand and leading them into the coffee shop. As the little bell chimed, they were greeted by an older woman who beamed their way.
“Hello Grayson! Your usual i assume? And what can i get for you sweetheart?” She asked with a warm smile.
“Ill go get us a table, i know the best seats.” Grayson told her before wondering off to a far corner in the store.
“Ill get a hot chocolate please.” She replied graciously with a shy smile and the woman was quick to get started on the order.
“I’m Genevieve by the way but you my dear, can call me Gen! You know Grayson never mentioned he had a girlfriend, you’re absolutely gorgeous.” She began to make small talk as she poured Grayson’s coffee into its cup. Rory choked on air at gen’s words, gaping at her in shock.
“Were- were not together, just good friends.” She said with a deep blush.
“Oh my bad! You two would make a beautiful couple if i might say.”
Rory couldn’t help but smile at Gen’s bluntness, she loved her already. After some more casual conversation, Rory said her thank you to Gen and headed off toward the table Grayson had saved, gently placing their drinks on the tabletop before sliding into the booth seat. These seats in particular looked out onto a beautiful landscape and Rory couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief as she sank lower into the leather of the seat, this day couldn’t have gone any better. Nothing had changed between her and gray and she couldn’t be more thankful.
The two sat and talked for hours as the sun began to set on the city that awaited them just outside of the window. They filled each other in on everything and anything they could think of, from childhood memories to the launch of wakeheart. It was inevitable really, that they would eventually end up on the topic of a certain twin brother. No matter how much Rory had tried to change the subject, he always found a way back into the conversation, she knew shed have to face the music someday anyway, may as well bite the bullet sooner rather than later.
“He misses you, you know? He may be an absolute idiot and too damn stubborn to ever admit it but i know that he does. He still reads through your old messages and looks at old photos. He still checks your socials every now and then, I’ve seen him.”
Rory sighed with a small shake of her head.
“Gray, he dropped me remember? No one told him he had to do that, he got a girlfriend and she became more important. That’s life i guess and I’ve dealt with that knowledge for years now. He prioritised her over me and that’s on him.” She let her gaze drift from his face to the window beside her, now littered with stray raindrops from the light drizzle that had began.
She allowed herself to breathe deeply, basking in the feelings that a crisp fall breeze always managed to stir within her. God, did she love autumn. Nothing could compare to the sight of the leaves changing to colours of fire and passion before her very eyes. Along with the colder weather came rainy days, and with rainy days? Time she could spend huddled up in front of a window reading whatever book she’d chosen for that week. Everyone who has ever known Rory, would know full well she would would be half way through that book within the space of a few hours.
Something about the rain had always enticed her, she felt a strange comfort within the damp weather that left most people feeling miserable. She thrived in it, wanting nothing more than to cozy up in fluffy socks and warm layers of clothes and watch droplets race along the panes of the nearest window.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
Slightly startled from his sudden appearance, she beckoned her breathing to calm down to a steady pace once again. She allowed her eyes to trail up his tall frame, soaking him in as much as she could. There stood Ethan in all his glory along with a piping hot mug of her favourite, hot chocolate. Rory was never much of a coffee drinker, always having a sweet tooth and preferring the chocolatey taste to the bitterness a cup of coffee would leave in her mouth for hours. Besides, no one likes coffee breath. She allowed her gaze to retreat back to its fixed spot, staring out into the forest that lined the perimeter of the Dolan’s backyard.
“Then I hate to break it to you E but you’ll be short of quite a few pennies by the time you’ve heard all of the thoughts that are running around my mind right now.”
She allowed a defeated sigh to slip past her lips, filling the silence that had fallen between the two. It was true, her mind had been all over the place ever since the moment the twins had told her of their plan to pursue a career in Los Angeles. She felt like her world was collapsing in on her and in a way, it was. Her whole life as she knew it consisted of Ethan and Grayson Dolan, she had spent practically everyday with the pair for as long as she could remember and she wasn’t sure if she was ready for that chapter of her life to be over.
“A hot chocolate instead? Please Rory, talk to me. I know this is going to be a big change for you, but it is for me and Grayson too yeah? Were all going to be feeling the same emotions in the next few weeks, we have to be there for each other and I can’t do that if you wont open up to me.”
Sliding down opposite her small frame on the cold hardwood floor of his childhood home, Ethan couldn’t help but become overwhelmed by his emotions. This had been his home for many years, it contained so many memories. These very walls had been witness to the life of the three best friends and the idea of leaving this part of his life behind, leaving his best friend behind? It tore Ethan to pieces but he was also optimistic for this exciting new chapter. He tried to remain positive and think of the new adventures they will get to have in the city of angels. The memories he can make with the ones he holds closest.
“Everything is changing E. I don’t think I’m ready to move on from this, I don’t want to be left behind again. I’m going to be so alone here, you guys are the only real friends I have. I don’t want to lose you, or Grayson.”
A stray tear made it’s way down her cheek as the rain continued outside. She looked up to meet the eyes of her best friend, the boy she’d always love. His hand reached out for hers and clasped it tightly in his own. She saw a flash of hope flash across his beautiful brown eyes that she adored so much.
“You could come with us you know? There’s a spare room in the apartment and you know I...we would love to have you there with us. We could go on so many adventures and explore California and we could-“
“E, as wonderful as that sounds, you know my mom would never let me just drop everything and go. What about school? College? You know what she expects of me. I really wish it was that simple.”
In that moment, Rory swore she saw a small piece of Ethan’s heart break away before her very eyes. She forced her tears back, choking slightly from the lack of air that seemed to be escaping her lungs. Why did this have to be so hard? Ethan paused for what felt like eternity before speaking once more.
“I’m going to miss you so much my little lion, so fucking much.”
He outstretched his arms, his warm embrace calling her name. She crawled over to him, closing the small gap that was between them. She clung to his torso as he stroked his fingers through her hair soothingly.
“Nothing is going to change between us Rory, absolutely nothing.”
“Why don’t you come back to our place? I’m not ready to say goodbye yet anyway and I know he’d love to see you. Please, just for a little while?” Gray’s words snapped her back from her reminiscing. He looked into her eyes with such hope, she just couldn’t say no to him.
“God damn those puppy eyes” she cursed under her breath, causing a smirk from Grayson who sat opposite her with a triumphant look on his face.
“I better not regret this Dolan.”
Tags: @rhyrhy462 @evergreendolan @dolansficsandpics @fangdolan @livexdolan @blindedbythelightt @baby-grayson @prettyboydolan @delightfuldolan @sosweetgrethan @episkygrant @resilientdolan @pineappledols @vinylhazza @hydrograyson @velvetdolan @baby-turtles @szadolans @cutestdolans @brockdolan @mercurygrant @abstractstardiva @guiltydols @blazedgraysons @blackpinkdolan @vintagedolan @babeygray @babey-gray @dolanpornhub @onlyyyariii @voidmalfoy @glossydols @graysonsdolansbabygirl @spideysimpossiblegirl @lovingdolans @bubsdolan @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @dolansbeanies @graydolan12 @dolantissue @thecharlietomygillespie @dolandolll @boujeeethan @softethan @risedols @evreths @everydaydolan
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aries-writes-shit · 3 years
Two birds
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Main Pairing(s): sapnap x reader , Wilbur x reader, dream team x reader
prompt/request: The song Two Birds by regina spektor
A/N: ive got two fics coming out with the same song, but diffrent premise. this is the first of the two, im hopng to get the other one out sometime soon. my requests are open btw!
Two birds on a wire
One tries to fly away
And the other watches him close from that wire
He says he wants to as well
But he is a liar
You and Sapnap had been friends since you were little. The two of you got along well, seekngs as your fathers were friends. It helped that you both were netherborn beings, Sapnap a blaze hybrid and you a ghast hybrid.
"C'mon Sap, we gotta hurry, dream'll kill us if were late" you exclaimed, Sprinting down the path towards you, dream, george and sapnaps club house. "Slow down (Y/N)" he called out from behind you "your too fast". You let out a chuckle as you slowed your pace so sap could catch up. “sorry sap, i keep forgetting im like twice you size”. he let out a laugh in response as you two set off, you a bit slower this time, to where your other two friends awaited.
I'll believe it all
There's nothing I won't understand
I'll believe it all
I won't let go of your hand
Despite growing up and developing completely seperate personalities, you and sapnap were still close friends. You became more reclusive while your hotheaded best friend became more loud, if that was even possible. Yet despite your reclusiveness you still managed to make some friends outside of your three childhood friends.
Two birds on a wire
One says c'mon and the other says "I'm tired"
The sky is overcast and I'm sorry
When you two found out about having to fight eachother in the l'manburg war, you were distraught, sapnap was your best friend. Sapnap on the other hand seemed to almost not care, but he sure seemed to be a bit excited to fight. Both Dream and Wilbur pretty much banned the two of you from talking, Something about protecting information. You were more upset then sapnap would ever be, but you still tried to move on.
One more or one less
Nobody's worried
I'll believe it all
There's nothing I won't understand
When Eret lead you all down to the final control room,you were not expecting to be outnumbered by your old freinds. Your red eyes filled with tears, wails escaping your mouth as you swung your smite sword towards where Eret stood. Everyone else had been fighting, so you were pretty much left to fight eret. You lost a Cannon life in that room that day. After that incident, you grew to despise your old friends, and vice versa. The ghast hybrid who was once a staple for the boys drifted far apart from them with age.
I'll believe it all
I won't let go of your hand
Two birds of a feather
Say that they're always gonna stay together
"C'mon down (Y/N)!" A younger dream called out. laughing, you floated above the three with dreams mask, Georges goggles and saps bandana. "Never" you cackled floating a bit higher. You continued floating up, until you hit your head . You let out your signature strangled wail as you hit the groud hard, The three boys racing to where you lay, sobbing. "Are you alright (Y/N)?"
"(Y/N)?" Wilbur asked, waving his hand infront of your face. Its been forever since you last saw your old friends, but now l'manburg was a flourishing nation. "Sorry will, was spacing out" you mumbled. "I was just telling you how my old friend, shlatt is coming down to help with the election".
But one's never going to let go of that wire
He says that he will
But he's just a liar
When wilburs friend turned on him, running for president and winning, then exiling your now only friends, you were furious. Your once calm, Melancholic demeanor turned to one filled with hatred for those around you. History began to repeat itself with tommy and wilbur so you left the place you helped build up in the dead of night, Hoping to find a place where you wouldnt have to worry about losing anyone else.
Two birds on a wire
One tries to fly away and the other
Watches him close from that wire
You had been living a nomadic life when techno and dream had approached you, they wanted help in destroying l'manburg. You had onced loved that place, but from the way techno described it, it was far from a happy nation anymore. You had been reluctant to help, specifically because of dream, but you were willing to put your differences aside, because what else did you have left to do on your last life other then destroy something big that cause more pain then it was worth.
So you did, Alongside techno, Philza and dream, you helped in the destruction on the place you built. You could see the horrified eyes of tubbo and tommy, Wilbur still nowhere to be seen despite having a hand in the destruction, as you spawned in a wither with techno. Your once constantly teary red eyes filled with a sadistic joy, you enjoyed this. Yet, even though you had been happier then ever, Sapnap and George stared at you and dream with horror ever present on their faces. You had laughed at that, maybe, just maybe, people would finally stop taking you for granted
Two birds on a wire
He says he wants to as well, but he is a liar
One tries to fly away and the other
You died that day, along with Wilbur and Shlatt, the three of you in the afterlife together. Your most prominent inlife ghast features were an explosive crimson against the grey of your ghostly form. But despite dying a horrible death via dreams literal backstabbing, you were finally at peace and you finally weren't always weeping
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marauder-exe · 4 years
Roommates- Sebastian Stan x Reader
Request: sebastian stan & reader are shooting a movie together in atlanta &his place gets flooded so they become roommates. at first he only sees her like a little sister since shes much younger than him (22) but then started seeing her differently while living together but doesnt realize it so he does nothing. then during the press tour and premiere for the movie fans noticed how he would look at her all the time &it got them trending in social media forcing him to finally admit his feelings to her 🙈
Word Count: 1.6k
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Your eyes shot open as you heard the incessant loud knocking on your apartment door. You sleepily got up from your bed and headed towards the door. You groggily it wondering who the hell was knocking at 3 in the damn morning! To your surprise, it was Sebastian Stan. You and Sebastian had become fast friends a few months ago. You had been hired as the cool best friend in a new movie that was being made in Atlanta. Sebastian was the lead, so you would be spending a lot of time together, which you didn't mind. And soon you were close, closer to him than anyone else, and it was amazing. But why was he at your door at 3am? You were hoping it was some sappy declaration of love at 3am like you see in the movies, but you knew it wasn't, he only saw you as a sister. “Seb? What are you doing here? Come in come in” You rushed him in, turning on the lights. He had a lot of stuff in boxes with him. “Is everything alright?” He was cold and shivering. You sat him down on the sofa then you got up and went to the kitchen area, turning on the kettle. “Uh, one of my neighbours did something, not entirely sure what, but he ended up flooding the entire floor of apartments. So my apartment and a lot of my stuff got ruined, and I have nowhere to stay.” He explained. You returned to the sofa with two hot chocolates, Sebastian's favourite. “Of course you can stay here Seb, you can stay in my room” You sipped your hot chocolate and lay a hand on his arm. “I couldn't take your bed, ‘m already staying in your house, ill just take the couch” You gave him a look. “Seb” “(Y/N)” You sighed. “Fine, but I'm gonna get you lots of blankets alright” He nodded as you got up to go to the cupboard in the next room. Sebastian looked around your apartment. It was quaint, cute, full of life. You had many things hanging from the walls. Posters of some movies you've been in, certificates from childhood, even your graduation. You had graduated from a top drama school with a scholarship last year, coincidentally on the same day as your 21st birthday. It was a wild, drunken night. He smiled at the memory. Soon enough you returned with a heap of blankets in your arms. Sebastian immediately rushed over to help you with the big ball of blankets. He dropped them on the couch as you took a deep breath. You tiredly giggled and lay your head on his chest, sighing. “You sure you're alright? You did just lose your entire lively hood in water” You looked up at him. “Yeah ill be fine” He waved it off. “As long as Ive got my best girl ill be fine” He smiled down at you as you smiled back. “Come on, let's get to bed, you've had a long day” You said your goodbyes and went to bed. You stared up at the ceiling. Sebastian was living with you now. Damn. Eventually you drifted off into sleep.
You awoke a few hours later to the smell of fresh pancakes coming from your kitchen. Honestly, Sebastian was something else. You jumped out of bed, wearing shorts and a vest top, slipping on your socks. You walked into the kitchen, the smell getting stronger. You spotted Sebastian with a spatula in his hand near the oven. “Alright love, fancy a pancake?” He smiled nonchalantly. You rushed over to him and placed a huge kiss on his cheek. “Oh my gosh I love you!” You sat down at the table, chomping down on the pancake, as you heard him throw his head back in laughter. “Its the least I could do” You mumbled something inaudible because of the pancake in your mouth and he laughed again. “Slow down, (Y/N)” He said as he slipped into the seat next to you with his own pancakes, you just gave him a smile. “So, any news on your apartment?” You asked, gulping down your pancakes. He nodded his head, taking a bite of his pancake. “They called an hour ago, they said there's a lot of damage and they wont know anything until next week” You nodded along. “Well you're free to stay here as long as you need” He smiled at you. You went to put your dishes away, and for the first time all day Sebastian actually looked at you, and you were beautiful. You were laughing at something random, and he felt butterflies in his stomach. Actual butterflies. He swore that only happened in movies. He had only seen you in a sisterly way up until now, now he was seeing you differently.
“Seba! Come on!” You shouted towards your room. Sebastian came rushing out in his 3 piece suit. “Damnnnn, Sebby got game!” You both laughed. “Do I look okay?” You questioned, giving one last glance in the mirror. “Of course, you look beautiful” He gave you a kiss on the cheek “Now come on! We don't wanna be late for your first press tour!” Sebastian rushed you into the car before you set off. Sebastian had been living with you for the past 6 months, and tonight was the press tour for the new movie you guys were in. Your first press tour, and you where glad it was with Sebastian. You made small talk, talking about how excited you were for your first press tour while Seb stared at you in admiration. He was glad he was with his best friend at her first press tour. The car came to a holt outside the hall. You stared outside at the huge hall, a starstruck look on your face, Sebastian looked over to you, wonder struck, and laughed. He loved seeing that look on your face. The same face you made the first time on set. He opened the car door and jumped out, making his way around the car to open your door for you. He held out his hand and you took it. “Ever the gentleman, Seba” You cooed. “Only for you” he responded, dragging you into the venue. There was paparazzi everywhere, cameras flashing constantly. It was a dream. Sebastian grabbed your hand and you flushed, looking down. He flushed as well. “You ready Sebby?” “Ready (Y/N/N)?” You both nodded and pushed open the doors. You heard a chorus of questioning interviewers, and paparazzi shouting you over. ‘Here (Y/N)’ ‘look over here Sebastian’. You stared up at him with a gigantic smile, finding he was already looking at you, he had an arm wrapped protectively around your waist. “Im so happy” You whispered. “Me too, smile for the camera” A smile reached his eyes and he looked back toward the cameras.
You and Sebastian barged through the doors to your apartment, kicking your shoes off and collapsing on the couch. You both let out a deep sigh, exhausted from the press tour. “That was one hell of a day” You sighed. “Your telling me” He chuckled. “i don't know about you but im ready for the biggest sleep of my life” You nodded in agreement as he took of his tie. He lay on the couch with his arm around you, too tired to move. Thats how you both fell asleep, for the next 12 hours, in each others arms. Until you were rudely woken up at 11am by your phone buzzing, Sebastian stirring and opening his eyes. “’mmm you alright, love?” His sleepy voice was heaven. “Yeah, my phones blowing up though” You said with furrowed brows. “Dude you and Sebastian are trending on twitter!” You read out the message from your best friend. “Guess the press tour photos are released” He chuckled. “Lets see whats trending then” He sat up to look at your phone. You opened up twitter and number one on trending was ‘AviPressTour’ which was no surprise, but on number two trending was ‘SebastiansCrush’. You gave him a confused glance. “What?” He asked, and you let him see your phone as you clicked on the hashtag. Your screen became filled with heartbroken teenage girls, and pictures of Sebastian lovingly staring at you, with a hand around your waist. One was entitled ‘i want someone to look at me the way Sebastian looks at (Y/N), you smiled at it. Sebastian gulped as he looked at the screen. Man he hated twitter. The top news story, ‘Is Sebastian Stans new boo only 22?’ It made you feel intimidated and uncomfortable. You knew Seb wouldn't like you like that because of your age. “Wo- woah, thats- thats crazy-” Sebastian stuttered, face red. No? He couldnt like you like that. Hell Sebastian didn't even knew he liked you like that until 2 minutes ago. Suddenly, every time he looked at you he felt like he was going to burst if he didn't kiss you. “Sebastian?” You questioned tentatively, turning to face him. He gulped. “Yeah?” “You like me, don't you?” You asked quietly, as if it was a secret never to be told. He stared at you, the same way he did last night, still in the same tuxedo and dress, day old makeup on. You looked as beautiful as ever. Without even thinking, he grabbed you and kissed you, its like his body had a mind of its own. You moved against each other, fitting together like puzzle pieces. You broke apart breathing heavily. “Yeah” He breathed. You stared at him quizzically. “What?” “Yes I like you” He spoke quietly, not daring to pierce the thick air with his voice. So you kissed him, as passionate as he kissed you, and smiled. You both lay against the couch, limbs tangled into each other. Bliss.
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petertingle-yipyip · 4 years
Where Happiness Begins - Peter Parker
Chapter Nine: Used To Be
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// WHB Masterlist //
//Series Inspo: @stuckonspidey​​ @cxptain-capsicle​​ // Series Tags: @writingsbychlo​​ @mc225g​​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​​ @istg-lyssa-stop @olliekookie @rosegoldhome​​ @chubsluda​​ @missmulti​​ @eterna​leviee @freerebel @peterparker-glee-other @disgustangg @jackiehollanderr​@imsobored3000  @eridanuswave​ @drunklili​ //
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Word Count: 14,475
Summary: Five years is a long time, but it’s time that Tony takes to rebuild his life and his family. He never forgot his oldest daughter, but he did learn to move on. When Steve comes to him asking for help, can Tony get things back to they way they Used To Be?
Things weren’t what they used to be on Earth. No one understood the full extent of what was lost. Half of humanity was gone, that much was the easy part to understand. But what no one knew how to cope with, was why it was the people they loved.
Tony hated that Y/N and Peter were gone. Steve hated that Bucky, and as far as he knew, Tony was gone. Okoye had lost T’Challa and Shuri. Rocket lost all the Guardians. Sam, Stephen Strange, Wanda, and millions of others had turned to ash in front of their friends and loved ones. There is no way to cope with that. And Pepper… Pepper didn’t know what she had lost.
Nebula and Tony were left to find a way home from Titan. They were the only two on that planet that survived. While Tony was friendly to Nebula, he couldn’t ignore the hollow feeling in his chest. The place where his daughter had been, where the ghost of his daughter is.
“What was her name?” Nebula suddenly asked. They had been playing finger football, a game so ordinary that it felt out of place to do in that ship. “Your daughter.”
“Y/N.” Tony said softly. “Her name is Y/N.”
He emphasized the word ‘is’. His brain was refusing to admit that she had disappeared before his eyes. He loved her. He raised her. He had done everything in his power to protect her, and he still failed her. He knew that he should’ve sent her home the minute he sent Peter home. But that didn’t work for the kid either.
Thinking of Peter hurt Tony almost as bad as thinking of Y/N. He remembered that he had told Y/N not to get too attached to Peter because he wasn’t meant to be a permanent addition to their lives, but he ended up finding a place in their hearts. A place in their family.
“I’m sorry you lost her.” Nebula said earnestly, despite her voice being the same monotonous voice she always used.
“Yeah… Me too.” He nodded carefully. “So you won!” He exclaimed, feigning happiness. He didn’t think he could sit and talk about Y/N any longer. It was still so fresh, the image of losing his only daughter. “Have fun?” Tony asked, offering his hand to shake.
“It was fun.” Nebula nodded, shaking his hand.
That was less than a week after Thanos and the battle on Titan. It was pushing the three week mark, maybe even beyond it, by the time he was able to gather the strength to make the message he was dreading. He leaned forward to tap the side of his damaged helmet.
“Guess I should say something, huh?” Tony sighed, a heavy sadness falling on him. “I don’t know, Y/N/N, maybe there’s nothing to say. You’ll never get the chance to see this, and maybe that’s my fault. This is just so I know that I said it to you, even if you can’t hear it…
“Y/N, honey, I’m sorry. I wish more than anything I could’ve saved you. Because you and your mother were what got me out of bed everyday. You were undoubtedly the best thing to ever happen to me. And if I had the chance, I’d trade my life for yours.
“Oh, man. This is hard. I love you, so so much. More than I could ever put into words… But I guess you did that when you were a kid, huh? Forever and ever... Just didn’t think there’d be an end to our forever.
“Well, I’m not gonna bore you with the details of what’s going over here. Just wanted to check in and let you know that I love you and I really messed up time. I failed you, and I have to live with that… Just- Just know that when the inevitable catches up to me and I can’t pull an ace out my sleeve - that ace was usually you - that I’m gonna think about you. Love you, Cupcake.”
Tony ended that message and decided he had to deliver one more. There was someone else who needed to hear Tony’s voice, for possibly the last time.
“This thing on?” He opened with. Tony wanted to leave a message for Pepper, praying that she was okay. But a different part of him was afraid there was going to be no one to receive the message. “ Hey, Miss Potts... Pep. If you find this recording, don't post it on social media. It's gonna be a real tear-jerker. I don't know if you're ever going to see these. I don't even know if you're... if you're still... Oh god, I hope so.” Tony didn’t think he could cope with losing his wife and daughter. “Today is day 21, uh 22. You know, if it wasn't for the existential terror of staring into a void of space, I'd say I'm feeling better today. The infection's run its course, Thanks to the blue meanie back there. You'd love her. Very practical. Only a tiny bit sadistic. Some fuel cells were cracked during battle, but we figured out a way to reverse the ion charge to buy ourselves about 48 hours of time. But it's now dead in the water. We're 1000 light years from the nearest 7-11. Oxygen will run out tomorrow. And that'll be it... And Pep, I- I know I said no more surprises, but I was really hoping to pull off one last one. But it looks like... well you know what it looks like. Don't feel bad about this. I mean, if you grovel for a couple of weeks, and then move on with enormous guilt. I should probably lie down. Please know that... when I drift off, I will think about the two people that meant the world to me… And that’s you and Y/N.... Because it's always you two.”
Nebula helped Tony off the floor and into one of the seats. She even got him a blanket. Nebula knew there was nothing left to do for Tony. There was no way to get the Benatar back to Earth, and no way to help Tony. He would die in the middle of nowhere in space, alone.
As Tony was drifting off, a bright light shone in his face. He tried to ignore it, but it grew brighter and brighter until he couldn’t ignore it. When he opened his eyes, he saw a woman. A woman with blonde hair, a red and blue suit, and glowing a strange blue glow. But Tony didn’t care to ask how she found them. Maybe she could get them home. He felt hope in his chest, a feeling he hadn’t felt in weeks.
And that was exactly what she did. The mysterious space woman was able to guide the Benatar back to Earth, more specifically to the Avengers Compound. Inside was Steve, Nat, Bruce, Pepper, and Rhodey. The incoming ship caused the compound to shake, steadily picking up intensity until the Benatar landed. Nebula helped Tony out the ship and down to the ground as Steve ran to his friend to help.
“Couldn’t stop him.” Tony managed as he walked with Steve.
“Neither could I.” Steve admitted. Steve glanced behind Tony, expecting to see Y/N right behind him.
“I lost the kids.” Tony mumbled, saying it out loud to someone who wasn’t there to see it made it feel fresh again. The image of his daughter disappearing mid-sentence and then the image of Peter disappearing in his arms flashed in his mind.
“Tony, we lost.” Steve said, hoping to console and show solidarity.
“Is uh..” Tony couldn’t ask the question. He couldn’t get his brain to ask Is Pepper alive.
“Oh my god!” Pepper said, rushing to Tony so she could hug him tightly. “Oh my god!”
“It’s okay.” Tony said gently as he held her close. And for the first time in nearly a month, something actually was okay.
Tony now sat inside, an IV inserted into his arm as everyone tried to brief him on what he missed on Earth. The words Rhodey spoke held no weight in Tony’s frazzled mind. Behind his friend were projections, images that resembled mugshots. Images that showed the people that were gone. Some were smiling, like Peter’s, while others were more serious, like his daughter’s.
“It’s been 23 days since Thanos came to Earth.” Rhodey began.
But Tony’s mind wandered. He saw things that were his daughter’s. Her childhood drawings were still on the fridge. Her picture was still hanging on the wall. A framed photo of her and Peter was still on the desk. The mask plate to her first suit was still on the corner of her desk, right beneath her computer screen.
“So where is he?” Tony asked, suddenly full of anger. Full of pain.
“We don’t know.” Steve shrugged. “He just opened a portal and walked through…. Tony, you and Y/N fought him.”
“What?” Tony asked in shock. “Who told you that? No, he wiped my face with a planet and used my daughter as a punching bag while the Bleecker Street magician gave away the Stone. There was no fight, alright? He’s unbeatable.”
“Did he give you any clues?” Steve pressed. He knew he shouldn’t have. He knew he should’ve let Tony rest and ask questions later. But his own grief was pushing him to continue, pushing him to find some sort of lead. “Any coordinates? Anything?” Steve was practically begging.
“I saw this coming a few years back.” Tony said casually, in an ‘I-Told-You-So’ type way. “I had a vision… I didn’t wanna believe it. Thought I was dreaming. You know, I told Y/N about it? And she was ready to wade through Hell and high water with me, if that’s what it took.”
“Tony, I’m gonna need you to focus.” Steve tried to steer Tony back to the present.
“And I needed you.” Tony emphasized. His anger now to a point that he didn’t care to try to control. “As in past tense. Oh, and so did Y/N. Did you know she looked for you for weeks after Germany?”
“No, I didn’t know.” He admitted sadly. “But you knew. Why didn’t you tell her?”
“Because obviously, we can’t count on you for anything.” Tony replied simply. “But that trumps what you need. It’s too late, buddy. Sorry.” Tony shrugged weakly. “You know what I need? I need to shave. And I believe I remember telling all youse-” Tony’s balance faltered as he went for Steve, but Rhodey was able to catch him. Rhodey tried to calm Tony, but the stubborn man continued his rage fueled rant. “Alive and otherwise what we needed was a suit of armor around the world! Remember that? Whether it impacted our precious freedoms or not- that’s what we needed!”
“Well, that didn’t work out. Did it?” Steve snapped. He understood that Tony was in pain, that Tony was grieving arguably more than he was. But Steve wanted to find a way to bring everyone back, to fix what they couldn’t stop. “We’ve got to do something. We owe it to those people-”
“I don’t owe anybody shit!” Tony countered angrily. “I owe my daughter a future. I owe Peter a future. But I can’t give it to them now, because you were too concerned about our freedoms. Look where that got up, Cap.” Tony said, his arms out to the side in a grand gesture.
“I said we’d lose.” Tony continued, his voice no longer full of rage. Instead, his voice was soft, the voice of a man who had given up. Who had lost everything. “You said ‘We’ll do that together too’. And guess what? We lost. And you weren’t there… But that’s what we do, right?” Tony’s anger was resurfacing as his daughter’s face flashed on the holograms again. “We’re the Avengers, we’re the Avengers. Not the Pre-vengers?”
“You made your point.” Rhodey tried, hoping to settle his unstable friend. Rhodey knew Tony better than anyone, could read him better than everyone. He could see the grief in his face, the loss in his eyes. Tony had been through a lot in the past ten years, since Loki first came to New York. But losing his daughter and the kid he had been mentoring at the same time, in the same way, that was a whole different kind of hurt. A kind of hurt that no person deserved. “Just sit down, okay?”
“Nah, nah.” Tony scoffed. “Here’s my point. You know what?”
“Tony, you’re sick.” Rhodey tried again.
“She’s great, by the way.” He pointed to the mysterious space woman. He learned her name was Carol Danvers, an Air Force pilot from the 80’s who had gotten her powers by exploding a Kree reactor. “We need you. You’re new blood. Bunch of tired old mules!” He ranted as he crossed the room to stand face-to-face with Steve. “I got nothing for you, Cap. I got no coordinates, no clues, no strategies, no options. Zero. Zip. Nada. No trust. Liar.” He spat, the venom soaked his words. Tony didn’t care to be polite or kind. Tony didn’t care about anything anymore. He pulled his housing unit off his chest and slammed it into Steve’s hand. “Here. Take this. You find him, and you put that on. Then you hide.”
“No, cause that’s what you’re good at, right?” Tony mocked. “Hiding? Running away when people need you the most? You lost someone a month ago? So what. I lost my daughter. I don’t care who you lost. It’s not the same. So don’t talk to me like it is.” After that sentence, Tony fell to the floor, losing consciousness on the way down. But he dreamt of her.
You’re twelve years old, designing your own suit. You aren’t planning any of the specifics. You don’t worry about the technical aspects or the functionality of it. You are more concerned with what it would look like. You draw a suit like your dad’s, red with gold accents and the centerpiece of a glowing, blue Arc Reactor. You draw the suit without the mask, filling it in with your own face instead.
“Dad?” You ask, running up to his desk and waving your paper at him. “Dad, when can I be a superhero? I want to be like you!”
Tony laughs a little, picking you up and placing you in his lap. He stares at you with a delighted smile and proud eyes. He doesn’t know how he got as lucky as he is, but he thanks the universe everyday that he has you. “How about this?” He says happily, sliding the glove he’s working on onto your hand. The glove tightens to fit your skinny wrist, lighting up and moving with your hand. “This is a starter piece. When you build the rest of the suit around it, you can be a superhero.”
“Do I get a superhero name?” You ask excitedly, posing heroically with your dad’s glove. “Something cool, like yours!”
“Nope, you don’t get to copy mine.” He shakes his head with finality. “You’ve gotta come up with your own.”
“But I want something cool like yours..” You whine.
“How about this? You can buy it for the low, low price of a million dollars.” He offers with a wink.
You huff and cross your arm, thinking of a counter offer. “How about my dessert for the next month and I promise to only put on the suit when you need help. I’ll be your sidekick!”
“Hmm, no.” He shakes his head, putting you back on the ground and pulling the glove off your hand. “Nope. Iron Man works alone.”
“But Tony Stark works with Y/N Stark.” You counter with a coy smile. “So it’s not ‘Iron Man’ working with anyone. It’s like father-daughter bonding!”
“Father-daughter bonding.” Tony laughs. “That’s a good one. I’ll use that on your mom later when she asks why you’re always drawing suits.”
“You’re the best.” You smile.
“I know.”
“I love you, Dad.”
“I know.”
“Forever.” You hold your hand out for him to take.
“And ever.” He grins, taking your hand. You two lift your joined hands up and then come back down, solidifying your promise. No matter what happens, you know you’ll always love and trust you’ll dad. You’ll follow him anywhere, help him with anything. And Tony knows just how amazing you’re going to be, and he couldn’t be prouder.
Outside the room where Tony rested, the others talked about going after Thanos. They had managed to pinpoint where Thanos was, thanks to Nebula’s help. Bruce tried to reason with the small group, acknowledging that they were lacking in numbers. Carol was the one who suggested using the Stones to bring everyone back. While it seemed unlikely, impossible even, the Avengers knew there was no other option.
Later that day, everyone except Tony was aboard the Benatar and headed to Thanos. But they were too late. Thanos had used the Stones to destroy the Stones, leaving no chance of changing what he had done. The only outcome that had any effect was that Thor decapitated the Titan, offering himself closure but no real comfort.
There were no options left, no hope. No second chances. All of those that were left had no choice but to move on, to start over. But no matter how much time passed, there was a void in everyone’s hearts. A void that no amount of time could heal, that no new people could replace. But people had to try.
Five years had passed. Five years since Tony had watched Peter and Y/N fade away. He could finally talk about her without wanting to cry. He could remember her fondly instead of painfully. He could tell Morgan about her without feeling like he was leaving her behind. He wouldn’t say he felt whole again, but he had learned how to live with the hollow feeling. He knew Pepper was beside him, feeling the same emptiness that he did. But Tony would argue that he felt it deeper since he watched her go, since he heard her final sentence be cut short.
Tony wandered his property, clapping his hands. He had hoped that would’ve gotten their attention.
“Chow time!” He announced happily. But when he got no response, he called her name. “Maguna? Morgan H. Stark. You want some lunch?” He sat on a log near a small tent, waiting for Morgan’s appearance.
She came out of the tent wearing an all-too-familiar helmet. “Define lunch or be disintegrated.” She responded playfully.
“Okay, you should not be wearing that, okay?” Tony said, gently taking the helmet off her head only to be greeted by a mischievous smile that reminded him of Y/N. “That was a part of Y/N’s first suit designs. She was very proud of this.”
“Okay.” She nodded.
“Are you thinking about lunch?” Tony continued his original conversation. “I can give you a handful of crickets on a bed of lettuce.” He teased.
“No.” Morgan laughed.
“That’s what you want.” Tony joked. “How did you find this?”
“Really? Were you looking for it?”
“No!” She responded quickly. “I found it, though. Y/N had all the cool stuff.”
“Yeah, she did.” He smiled fondly. “You like going to the garage, huh? So does daddy.. It’s fine, actually. Y/N hadn’t touched that thing since she upgraded.”
As Tony was walking Morgan back into the house, a black car rolled up. Steve, Scott, and Nat exited the vehicle. Tony hadn’t heard from them since he returned to Earth five years ago, so he knew whatever they wanted to talk to him about wouldn't be anything he had wanted to be involved in.
They talked on the porch, Scott explaining his wild idea.
“Now, we know what it sounds like…” Scott tried to reason.
“Quantum fluctuation messes with the Planck Scale, which then triggers the Deutsch Proposition. Can we agree on that?” Tony offered. The three looked between each other, visibly confused, as Tony handed each of them a drink.
“Thank you.” Steve quickly added politely.
“In Layman’s terms, it means you’re not coming home.” Tony simplified.
“I did.” Scott defended.
“No, you accidentally survived.” Tony corrected. “It’s a billion to one cosmic fluke. And now you wanna pull off a… What do you call it?”
“A time heist.” Scott chuckled.
“Yeah, a time heist.” Tony nodded. “Of course, why didn’t we think of this before? Oh, because it’s laughable? Because it’s a pipe-dream?”
“The Stones are in the past. We can go back and get them.” Scott pushed.
“We can snap our own fingers.” Nat added. “We can bring everyone back.”
“Or screw it up worse than he already has, right?” Tony countered.
“I don’t believe we would.” Steve said honestly.
“Gotta say, sometimes I miss that giddy optimism. However, high hopes won’t help if there is no logical, tangible way for me to safely execute said time heist,” Tony said firmly. “I believe the most likely outcome would be our collective demise.”
“Not if we strictly follow the rules of time travel.” Scott defended. “That means no talking to our past selves, no betting on sporting events-”
“I’m gonna stop you right there, Scott. Are you seriously telling me that your plan to save the universe is based on Back to the Future?” The fact that it was reminded Tony of Peter, the way he made plans based on what he saw in movies.
“No.” Scott answered, now embarrassed.
“Good. You had me worried there.” Tony nodded. “Cause that’d be horse shit. That’s not how quantum physics works.”
“Tony..” Nat pressed. “We have to take a stand.”
“We did stand.” He replied sadly. “And yet, here we are.. Some of us, anyway.”
“I know you got a lot on the line. You got a wife, a daughter. But I lost someone very important to me. A lot of people did.” Scott desperately said. He practically begged for Tony’s help. “And now- now we have a chance to bring her back. To bring everyone back. And you’re telling me you won’t even-”
“That’s right, Scott. I won’t even. I got a kid.” Tony agreed. “I already lost my daughter, five years ago. She would’ve been twenty two this year, but I watched her turn to dust. So, no. I won’t.”
“Mommy told me to come save you.” Morgan said as she ran up to her dad, who picked her up easily.
“Good job, I’m saved.” He told her before turning to Steve. “I wish you’d come here to ask me something else. Anything else. Honestly, I- I missed you guys, It was… Oh, and the table’s set for six.”
“Tony, I get it.” Steve spoke up. “And I’m happy for you. I really am. But this is a second chance for all of us.”
“I got my second chance right here, Cap.” Tony sighed. “I can’t roll the dice again. If you don’t talk shop, you can stay for lunch.”
“You think if it was the other way around, and you were gone, Y/N would say no?” Steve tried.
“You think Y/N would risk all of your lives just for me?” Tony scoffed.
“I think Y/N would take on Thanos by herself if it meant she could get you back.” Steve said simply. “You were everything to her and you know that. If there was even the slightest chance to get you back, she would do it.”
“She was a kid.” Tony argued, careful not to raise his voice since he was holding Morgan still. “She’d be stupid to try your Time Heist. The answer is no, Steve. I’m sorry, but I’m not losing again.”
Later that night, Tony was washing dishes after dinner. He had accidentally rinsed a spoon with too much water, and it shot out on the surrounding photo frames. When he was drying them off, he realized it was the photo of him, Y/n and Peter took with his Stark Internship certificate. The excitement in Peter’s eyes was obvious, as was the admiration in Y/N’s. He figured he might as well run some numbers, see what the actual probability of the Time Heist was.
“And don’t worry if it doesn’t pan out. I’m just kinda-” Tony rambled as F.R.I.D.A.Y. completed the sim.
“Model rendered.” Her automated voice said, showing a 99.987% success rate.
“Shit!” Tony exclaimed with a chuckle.
“Shit.” A small voice repeated from behind him.
“What are you doing up, little miss?” He whispered.
“Shit.” She repeated.
“No, we don’t say that. Only Mommy says that word. She coined it, belongs to her.”
“Why you up?”
“Cause I got some important shit going on here.” Morgan gave her dad a look. “What do you think? No, I got something on my mind… I got something on my mind.”
“Was it Juice pops?” Morgan asked excitedly.
“Sure was.” Tony nodded. “That’s extortion. Great minds think alike. Juice pops, exactly was on my mind.” Tony said, leading Morgan to the kitchen after glancing at the rendered model one last time.
After the two got their Juice Pops, Tony brought Morgan back to her room.
“That face goes there.” Tony said, pushing Morgan’s face into her pillow.
“Tell me a story.” Morgan said tiredly.
“Once upon a time, Maguna went to bed. The end.”
“That’s a horrible story.” She laughed.
“C’mon, that’s your favorite story.”
“Tell me a story about Y/N.”
“A story about Y/N..” Tony repeated. He thought of what story to tell Morgan. He had so many amazing memories with his daughter, so many laughs, so many triumphs. But there were just as many pitfalls. Every high had a low. “Once upon a time, there was a girl named Y/N. She was super smart and crazy popular, just like her dad. She wanted to be a superhero. She wanted to help people. But she wanted to help her dad the most. And she did. She helped her dad everyday from the moment she woke up to the moment she fell asleep. And then she did it all again the next day. But then, she had to go. She didn’t want to, but she had to.”
“She coming back?” Morgan asked, her eyes half shut.
“Love you tons.” Tony smiled, not wanting to promise anything. Tony wasn’t even sure he wanted to do anything with his successful model.
“I love you 3000.” Morgan replied.
I love you forever. And ever.
“Wow.” He whispered. “3000. That’s crazy… Go to bed or I’ll sell all your toys.”
He went downstairs and found Pepper, reading a book on composting. He tried to listen, but his attention kept shifting back to the successful model that still illuminated his table.
“I figured it out, by the way.” He interjected, unable to keep it in any longer.
“You know, just so we’re talking about the same thing-” Pepper said, wanting to make sure she knew what he meant.
“Time travel.”
“What?” She asked in obvious amazement. “Wow… That’s amazing and terrifying.”
“That’s right.”
“We got really lucky.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“A lot of people didn’t.”
“No, I can’t help everybody.”
“It sort of seems like you can.” Pepper pressed. “Or at least help the person you even considered this for.”
“Not if I stop.” Tony countered. “I can put a pin in it right now, and stop.”
“Trying to get you to stop had been one of the few failures of my life.” She joked. “And so was trying to get Y/N to stop..”
“I sometimes feel I should put it in a locked box and drop it at the bottom of a lake… Go to bed.”
“But would you be able to rest?” She offered gently. “Tony, you did all of this because there’s the chance that you can get our daughter back. I know that’s why you did it. And I also know that you’ve hardly gotten any real rest in the past five years. You’re happy with Morgan, but you still need Y/N.”
“She was the best parts of both of us.” He smiled fondly.
“And the worst parts of you.” Pepper joked.
“She was not!” Tony said, feigning offense.
“She was just as stubborn as you are!”
“I can get her back..” He whispered, as if the words hadn’t truly set in yet. There was a viable chance to bring Y/N back. And he had to take it. “Morgan is gonna love her.”
“Morgan already loves her.” Pepper laughed.
The next day, Tony rode over to the Compound. He was conflicted still. Yes, he had the chance to get his daughter back but was it worth risking the daughter he had now? Tony would have to make sure that he didn’t lose what he found. As he drove up, Steve was waiting outside, seemingly distraught. 
“Why the long face?” Tony asked as he rolled down his window. “Let me guess. He turned into a baby.” Tony teased, jumping out the car and heading to the trunk.
“Among other things.” Steve answered hesitantly. “What are you doing here?”
“That’s the EPR Paradox.” Tony explained. “Instead of pushing Lang through time, you pushed time through Lang. It’s tricky, dangerous. Someone should’ve cautioned you against it.”
“You did.”
“Oh, did I?” Tony joked. “Thank God I’m here. Regardless, I fixed it.” He proudly lifted his newest toy. “A fully functional time-space GPS. I just want peace.” Tony threw up a peace sign. “Turns out resentment is corrosive. I hate it.”
“Me too.” Steve agreed.
“We got a shot at getting these stones, but I gotta tell you my priorities. Bring back what we lost? I hope to God, yes. I’d absolutely love to have Y/N and Peter back. Keep what I got? I have to, at all costs. I can’t lose another kid, Cap. And… maybe not die trying would be nice.”
“Sounds like a deal.” Steve smiled, offering his hand for Tony to shake. “We’re gonna get her back.” Before heading inside, Tony pulled something else out of the trunk. He had a new shield for Steve.
“Tony…” Steve hesitated.
“Why?” Tony questioned. “He made it for you. Plus, I don’t think Y/N would recognize you without it and I need to get it out of the garage before Morgan takes it sledding.”
“Thank you.” Steve said honestly.
“Will you keep that a little quiet? Didn’t bring one for the whole team.” Tony stopped and turned to Steve. “We are getting the whole team, yeah?”
“We’re working on that.” Steve replied.
Tony worked with Bruce and Scott to design the Quantum Suits. They resembled the Ant-Man suit with Stark styling. Nebula contributed the helmet design. She said Peter Quill used the same tech. Tony jokingly called her friends the Rings of Uranus. The only thing left was a test run, to which Clint volunteered for.
After the test was successful, they had to figure out when to go to get the Stones. Nat and Clint went after the Soul Stone, Thor and Rocket for the Reality Stone, Bruce for the Time Stone, Tony and Scott for the Tesseract which contained the Space Stone, Steve went for the Mind Stone, and Rhodey and Nebula went for the Power Stone. Everyone had enough Pym particles for one round trip. No one could afford to mess up.
“We can all stand around posing up a storm later.” Past Tony said, hauling Loki to his feet. “By the way, feel free to clean up.”
While the familiar scene played out in front of Tony and Scott, they conversated with Steve about the unflattering fit of his old suit. Scott said that he could tell the undercover HYDRA agents, because they even looked like bad guys.
“Miss Stark?” JARVIS had alerted 2012 Y/N, unbeknownst to either Tony. “There appears to be a second Tony Stark in the building. Your father is descending in the elevator with the others. Should I alert Mr. Stark?”
“What?” 2012 Y/N questioned, leaving the table in your dad’s lab to see the projection JARVIS had given you. It was Y/N’s dad but older. He carried himself with the same Stark pride, but Y/N could tell something heavy was weighing on his shoulders. “Where is this?”
“He is headed to the ground floor.” JARVIS replied. “Dr. Banner is in the stairwell so it seems he’ll be taking the elevator.”
“I’ll intercept him.” 2012 Y/N said, her curiosity taking over. “Let me know if he changes course.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
2012 Y/N headed out of the lab and towards one of the elevators. Y/N knew her dad and the rest of the team was heading down with Loki. The SHIELD team designated to take the Scepter would be in a different elevator. So she had hoped she’d get an empty one and you did. She quickly made her way to the ground floor, able to beat her dad’s doppelganger.
“Who are you?” 2012 Y/N asked when face to face with the older version of her dad. “Well, I know who you are but it doesn’t make sense.”
“Uh, Y/N..” He said softly. A part of him knew that he would see her, but he still wasn’t prepared for it. She was so young, so innocent. The fights and bruises and scars and tiredness hadn’t gotten to her yet. “What are you doing down here? I thought you were working on-”
“I was in the lab until JARVIS told me-” She began before shaking her head quickly. “Don’t distract me! When are you from?”
“Y/N, hon, listen.” Tony said, a slight sigh in his voice. “I’ll be gone in a few minutes. Please. Just pretend you never saw me.”
“Pretend I-” She said in shock. “Do you really expect me to forget that an older Tony Stark lookalike was wandering the Tower the exact day Loki was here? No, you came here for a reason.”
“Y/N?” 2012 Tony called, drawing her attention.
“Don’t move.” She told Tony before hurrying to her dad.
“Alright, move it Stuart Little.” Tony said to Scott, who had slid into 2012 Tony’s Arc Reactor. “Things are getting a little dicey and she won’t leave me alone for long.”
“You promise me you won’t die?” Scott checked.
“You’re only giving me a mild cardiac dysrhythmia.”
“That doesn’t sound mild.”
“Pull my pin!” Tony insisted quietly.
“Here goes!” Scott exclaimed before disconnecting 2012 Tony’s reactor. 2012 Tony fell to the ground, grasping his chest. 2012 Y/N dropped to her knees, calling for a medic. Scott kicked the case to Tony, who picked it up and headed off. Just as it seemed to have gone to plan, 2012 Hulk came barrelling through the door as he yelled about hating stairs. The door flying opened knocked the case from Tony’s hands and sent the Tesseract sliding away.
So Tony and Scott sat in a broken down car, waiting for Steve to leave the Tower. They had one chance. It had to be perfect, but it wasn’t. He had the Tesseract in his hand and he lost it.
“Sorry, buddy.” Tony explained when Steve came out. “We got a problem.”
“Huh, yeah we do.” Scott agreed quickly.
“Well, what are we gonna do now?” Steve asked in defeat.
“You know what, give me a break Steve.” Tony defended himself. “Y/N just interrogated me like I was in cahoots with Loki and I got hit in the head with a Hulk.”
“You talked to Y/N?” Steve asked with raised eyebrows. He was almost insinuating that his conversation with Y/N was the reason he lost the Tesseract.
“No, it was more like she was yelling at me for being in my own building.” Tony countered. “Imagine that. My own daughter scolding me for being in my building.”
“You said we had one shot. This- this was our shot. We shot it. It’s shot.” Scott ranted anxiously. “Six stones or nothing. Six stones or nothing.”
“You’re repeating yourself, you know that?” Tony interrupted. “You’re repeating yourself.”
“You’re repeating yourself.” Scott countered childishly. “You’re repeating yourself.”
“I dropped the ball.” Tony said simply.
“You ruined the time heist.” Scott whined.
“Is that what I did?”
“Are there any other options with the Tesseract?” Steve asked loudly, trying to refocus the two.
“No, no, no. There’s no other options. There’s no do-overs. We’re not going anywhere else.” Scott argued. “We have one particle left. Each. That’s it, alright? We use that- Bye bye. You’re not going home.”
“Well if we don’t try-” Steve emphasized. “No one else is going home either. Not Bucky.. Not Hope.. And not Y/N.”
“I got it.” Tony said simply. “There’s another way, to retake the Tesseract and acquire new particles. We’ll stroll down memory lane, military installation. Garden State.”
“When were they both there?” Steve questioned.
“They were there at a- I’ve a vaguely exact idea.”
“How vague?”
While Tony and Steve conversated as if it was obvious, Scott was left in the dark to ask questions that no one would answer. Tony told Scott to get back to the Compound, while he and Steve went to the 70’s. Tony headed off to find the Tesseract, where he ran into his father on the way. Steve went to find Dr. Pym, where he saw Peggy on his way.
“I guess I’ll be eating dinner in the pantry again.” Howard joked.
“I have a little girl. Well, two girls but my oldest is in high school.” Tony said with a proud smile.
“A girl would be nice… Less of a chance she’d turn out exactly like me.”
“What’d be so awful about that?” Tony asked. “My oldest is just like me.”
“Let’s just say that the greater good has rarely outweighed my own self-interests.”
“Where are you with names?” Tony asked, trying to make light conversation until Steve showed up.
“My wife likes Elmonzo for a boy.”
“Might wanna let that stew awhile.. You got time.”
“Let me ask you a question.” Howard said in turn. “When your kid was born- either of them- were you nervous?”
“Wildly, yeah.” Tony laughed. “But those two are the best things that ever happened to me.”
The two finished their conversation before Tony snuck off with Steve. The two went back to the present, where they met with the rest of the team. Everyone except Natasha. She had given up her life so Clint could bring back the Soul Stone. After a tense interaction by the lake, they agreed that Nat’s sacrifice had to be worth it. It had to work.
Rocket and Tony fit the Stones into a Gauntlet. Thor argued to be the one to snap, his personal grief was leaking out. He wanted to do something right, to help fix what he didn’t stop. But Bruce was the one to snap. He said he was made for it since the radiation from the Stones was mostly gamma.
“Remember, just bring back everyone Thanos snapped away to today. Don’t change anything from the past five years.” Tony reminded his friend.
“Got it.” Bruce nodded.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y. do me a favor and activate Barn Door protocol. Will you?” Tony asked as he gave Bruce space.
Metal sheets covered every window in the Compound, locking down the facility. Bruce put on the gauntlet, screaming in pain as the power surged his body. Painfully, he snapped his fingers before passing out, allowing the gauntlet to slide from his hand.
Everyone waited, time seemingly froze. They had no idea if it had worked. They started to wonder if it had been for nothing. Until Clint’s phone rang. It was his wife, his wife who had been lost in the Snap five years prior. They could hear the birds outside the Compound. Everything seemed to be looking up, until a barrage of missiles hit the Compound.
Back on Titan, you finished your original thought.
“-ever.” You said slowly, stepping in a small circle. Your dad was gone. But Quill and the rest of his friends were back, holding onto each other and checking on one another. Strange was there, watching as if he was waiting for something specific to change whatever path you were all on. “Peter…” When you didn’t get a response, you tried again. “Peter!?”
“What?” Quill yelled.
“Not you, moron.” You rolled your eyes. “Where’s my Peter?” You asked Strange.
“Why would I know that?” Strange questioned.
“You seem to know everything else.” You rolled your eyes. “While we’re at it, where’s my dad?”
“And Nebula.” Quill added.
“What happened?” You asked finally.
“Y/N?” Peter asked from the ground. He was laying on his back a few feet away from you.  “What the hell just happened?”
“Oh my god!” You exclaimed in relief. You rushed to his side and dropped to your knees. He quickly took your hand in his, squeezing it tightly. “Are you alright?”
“Little queasy but otherwise, I think I’m alright.” He offered a small smile.
“Hey, promise me something.” You said quickly, your joy of seeing him again taking over any rational thoughts.
“Anything.” He grinned.
“Once everything is in the clear, you take me on a date.” You said with a smirk. “A real date too, not just hanging out at my place.”
“Uh, yeah!” He said happily. “Yeah, for sure. Any- anything you want, Y/N.”
“We need to get back to Earth.” Strange announced. “It’s been five years since Thanos and the fight on this planet. Thanos won and snapped his fingers, wiped out half of all life. The ones left on Earth managed to reverse what Thanos did, which is how we’re all here right now.”
“So where’s my dad?” You asked again, helping Peter to his feet. “If we’re all back and everything was reversed, why isn’t he here with us?”
“Your dad didn’t disappear when we did. He’s back on Earth but Thanos is there, right now. We need to get to Earth.”
“In case you forgot, my suit is wrecked.” You laughed. “When we fought Thanos last time, we got our asses kicked. What makes this time different? Is this the one?”
“I can’t tell you that. But it’s different because you’ll be together this time.” Strange vaguely answered. “Now, you need to get to your lab to deal with all of that.” He gestured to your lack of a suit, as well as the gash you had forgotten about.
Strange opened a portal to a lake house. He stepped through and motioned for you to follow. When you crossed through, you didn’t recognize the area. The lake was new. The house was new. A lot had changed in five years apparently. A gentle squeeze of your hand let you know Peter was with you.
“Wait…” You said, taking a couple cautious steps forward. “Where are we? I thought you were taking me to my lab. My suit is- I need-”
“You’re where you’re supposed to be.” Strange interjected. “Go to the front door.”
“I’m not going up to a random person’s front door.” You laughed. 
“Uh, Y/N?” Peter interjected quietly, pointing to something low behind you. You slowly turned and saw a small girl standing behind you, staring at you in confusion.
“Hi.” You said awkwardly. “What, uh- What’s your name?”
“Morgan.” She smiled. “Who are you?”
You opened your mouth to speak but saw something familiar around her neck. You knelt to her level, reaching for the pendant but deciding against it. You noted small details about her. Her brown hair, her round face. She seemed sweet, welcoming. Her eyes were kind, full of wonder and hope for the world. You wondered if she knew what happened five years ago.
“That’s a pretty necklace.” You commented. It was the prototype housing unit you designed. After you wore it, you realized you didn’t like the long necklace so you ditched it for the bracelets. The necklace was still a cute accessory, but you wondered how Morgan got it. “Can I ask where it came from?”
“Garage.” She said simply, her small fingers grasping the pendant. “Daddy said Y/N would let me have it.”
“Who’s Y/N?” You asked carefully.
“Daddy said she wanted to be a superhero, but she left. She was smart and popular.”
“Y- Your daddy?” You stammered. “Is your dad’s name Tony?”
“No.” She shook her head. “He’s just Daddy.”
“Okay, fair enough.” You chuckled. “Listen, I uh- I know your dad. Can you take me to the garage? The garage where you found the necklace.”
“I have to ask Mommy.” She held out a hand for you to take. You stood and took her hand, reaching quickly for Peter with the other. “Do you know Mommy too?”
“Y/N, it’s okay.” He nodded, squeezing your hand once before stepping back. Once you felt his grip disappear, you nodded for Morgan to start walking.
“Yeah.” You said suddenly, remembering she had asked a question. “I knew her a few years ago, before this super crazy thing happened.”
“Totally.” You nodded, earning a small chuckle from her.
“Mommy!?” She yelled as she entered the home. “I found Y/N!”
“Wha- How did you know?” You said, stopping in your tracks.
“Daddy talks bout you a lot.” She said before pointing to a collection of photos on the wall. “And your picture is everywhere.”
“Huh.” You smiled. “Guess he did miss me.”
“Morgan, honey, what are you yelling about?” Your mom came around the corner. “Oh my god.”
“Hi mom.” You smiled, hurrying across the room to hug her tightly.
“I can’t believe it.” She mumbled into your shoulder. “You’re here. Oh, my god, you’re here. Your dad really did it.”
“Wait, Dad? What did he do?” You asked, the smile still stuck on your lips as you pulled away slightly. “How did he do it?”
“Your dad figured out time travel, Y/N.” She said, still in amazement.
“That’s awesome.” You laughed. “But also terrifying! Anyway, Morgan said she found some of my stuff in the garage… I need to reload my bracelets and if there’s time, update to Dad’s new network.”
“You’re not gonna find what you need in the garage.” She shook her head, heading to a table in a room off of the Living Room. “One, cause it’s a mess. Two, cause your dad told me to give you these if you came by.”
She handed you a set of bracelets, engraved with an arc reactor and the word Stark. They fit your wrist perfectly, a slight blue tint to the metal. They were light, light enough that you could barely tell you were wearing them.
“Woah.” You mumbled in amazement. “These are awesome.”
“And fully upgraded from what I heard.” Your mom added.
“No shit.” You exclaimed, tempted to tap them together and see what upgrades your dad gave you.
“Shit.” Morgan repeated from beside you.
“No, no, no!” You exclaimed quickly. “That’s an adult word, Morgan. You can’t say it.”
“Shit.” She giggled.
“No!” You whined. “Mom is gonna kill me!”
“You’re right about that.” She nodded.
“Hi, sorry to interrupt.” Strange said, suddenly at your side. “But we need to go. Pepper, you’re gonna wanna suit up and come too.”
“I forgot about Rescue!” You exclaimed.
“What about Morgan?” Pepper countered.
“Happy Hogan.” He said, gesturing to Happy who was sitting on your parents’ couch. “We have to go now. Steve Rogers is standing up to Thanos alone.”
“Alone?” You asked, a heavy feeling in your chest. “Where’s my dad?”
“We have to go.” Strange said simply.
“If I get there and he isn’t okay-” You said seriously, knocking your bracelets together. “You are going to be the one to answer for it.”
The suit was remarkably light. You watched the reflection in the window as the nanites spread to cover your body. It moved with ease, as if you weren’t wearing a suit at all. The design was sleek, the way you had always made your suits. It was colored to mimic your dad’s, but your dad had added more gold accents to yours. You wondered what else your dad had upgraded it with, but you knew you’d find out in time.
Strange turned and opened a portal for you, Peter, and your mom to step through. Your mom hurried into the room wearing Rescue. You all quickly went through, armed and ready to fight. The scene you came out to was insane. Strange and his friend Wong had gathered everyone willing to fight.
You recognized T’Challa and his sister Shuri, who you had yet to meet but knew to be brilliant. You saw Bucky and Wanda on the other side of the battlefield. Hundreds of people from Wakanda, spaceships full of people, a woman on a Pegasus, a woman who could shrink the way Scott could. People from all over the universe were collected for the fight.
You saw who you thought was Thor, now holding an axe and seemingly gained a belly the size of a basketball. Steve had a broken shield and Mjolnir, which didn’t quite surprise you. But you still couldn’t see your dad.
“Do you see him?” You asked Peter.
“I do.” Your mom answered. “He’s alright.”
“Avengers..” Steve said over comms. Your body tensed, your heart rate picked up. The adrenaline began rushing through your veins. You weren’t quite sure if it was fear or excitement taking over your thoughts, but you let it wash over you. You looked out at the vast army before you, stretching into what seemed like forever. You sent out a silent prayer to whatever God would hear you, asking to keep you on the one path that would save everyone. “Assemble.”
All hell broke loose. Fighters charged from either side. You were separated from Peter early, having to fend for yourself. Your new suit was highly responsive, picking up on things before they entered your peripherals. The power it had was insane, cutting through Thanos’ army like butter. Your dad had added new extensions to the suit; displacer sentries, stabilizing thrusters, energy refocusers, an upgraded unibeam, and liquid nitrogen cannons. 
Finally, you made your way to your dad. The fighting seemed to go around you two, as if the universe knew you two needed a minute. You let your helmet fall away, as did your dad. You both stood frozen for a minute, wondering if it was real.
“I got back and you were gone.” You said simply, your throat now tight. You blamed it on the dirt being kicked up from the fight. “Strange didn’t tell me where you were… Kinda freaked me out.”
“Well, I didn’t wanna hang out on an abandoned planet for five years.” He tried to joke. “Had to get back to your mom.”
“When I came back, I- I thought you-” You felt the tears coming. “I thought you were gone, Dad. And not just gone, like somewhere else, but gone as in dead. And then I thought how I didn’t want to live without you and I- I got really scared, Dad.”
“Y/N/N..” He said gently. You quickly closed the distance between you two and hugged him tightly. “It’s alright. We’re alright.”
“I love you, forever.” You mumbled into his shoulder.
“And ever.” He smiled.
You pulled away and sniffled, wiping your eyes quickly. “You have to tell me how you did it later. Time travel!? That’s insane. Oh! And Morgan, she’s super cute.”
“Morgan?” Tony eyebrows furrowed. “You met Morgan?” He smiled softly.
“Yeah, I met her when I went to get Mom and this awesome new suit.” You smiled, gesturing grandly to the suit you wore. “Which is incredible, by the way. I’m in love.”
“Hey! Holy cow!” Peter exclaimed as he ran into your dad. “You will not believe what’s going on. Do you remember when we were in space? And I got all dusty? I must’ve passed out, because I woke up and you were gone. But Doctor Strange was there, right? He was like ‘It’s been five years. Come on, they need us.’ and then he started doing the yellow sparkly thing that he does all the time and-”
You rolled your eyes in amusement as Peter rambled. Your dad was watching him with a soft look in his eyes, glancing quickly between Peter and you. Tony felt a deep sense of relief, a heavy weight lifted from his chest by seeing you two in front of him. The two people that he wanted to bring back were now in front of him. You stepped behind Peter and nudged him forward. Peter stumbled into Tony, who hugged the boy tightly. “This is nice.” Peter said gently.
“As grateful as I am to have you two alive, we have bigger issues.” You commented, seeing the van that was sounding off with La Cucaracha. “We need to get the Stones to that van.”
“How long do you need to get it working?” Tony asked Scott.
“Ten minutes, maybe.” He answered.
“Who has the Stones?” You asked as you, your dad, and Peter jumped back into the fight. You dodged attacks from either side, effortlessly spinning and ducking shots and projectiles. You saw Clint running through the crowd, one arm tucked against his chest. “Clint has them but he’s gonna need help.”
You were headed that way when you felt your leg being dragged down. You looked and saw a Chitauri soldier had grabbed your ankle and was pulling you down to the ground. You let yourself fall for a moment before turning gravity against the Chitauri and getting your feet aligned with it’s chest. You bent your knees slightly, using the alien as a push off. The thrust from your boosters burnt the Chitauri’s wrist to the point where it released you. You quickly shot off a blast to put a hole in it’s chest as it hit the ground. Your attention turned back to Clint as you saw him become surrounded.
“Hey.” Tony told Strange below you, causing your path to stop so you could listen. “You said one out of 14 million we win, yeah? Tell me this is it.”
Strange glanced up and saw you waiting for his answer. “If I tell you what happens, it won’t happen.”
You rolled your eyes within your helmet and took off. T’Challa got to Clint so you changed your course. You decided on a bit of revenge until you were needed to help move the Stones. “F.R.I.D.A.Y., give me locations on Thanos and Peter.”
“Peter is approximately 36 feet to your left with Shuri, no critical damage to the suit indicates no dire injuries.” Her automated voice answered quickly. “Thanos is six feet straight ahead. Maximoff approaching the target.” She showed you a zoomed image of where the Titan was.
“Keep me posted when those Stones change hands.” You ordered as you landed next to Wanda.
“You took everything from me.” She said angrily.
“From us.” You added, charging a blast from your palm.
“I don’t even know who either of you are.” Thanos replied.
“You will.” Wanda said simply, her eyes glowing red as her power swirled around her.
You stood watching in awe for a moment before remembering where you were. You shot your blast at the charging Thanos, knocking him off balance. Wanda quickly followed up with two huge rock piles, both were knocked in pieces by his sword. Wanda launched quick bursts at him, each one more powerful than the last.
You flipped over Thanos, sending off shots from above and then behind him. Together, you and Wanda brought the Titan to his knees. Wanda kept applying pressure, Thanos groaning in pain.
“The Stones have transferred hands to Peter.” F.R.I.D.A.Y. told you.
“You got this?” You asked, your focus now completely shifted. “I gotta go.”
“Go.” She nodded.
You took off quickly, F.R.I.D.A.Y. guiding you to Peter’s location. You find him surrounded by Chitauri, but his artificial limbs assisted him in the fight. You landed with enough force to push the last few Chitauri away from him and into someone else’s attack.
“You know, I was on the fence about the instant-kill. But it came in handy, didn’t it?” You joked.
Peter chuckled before more Chitauri came at you both. They grabbed at you, throwing you to the side and focusing on Peter. Everytime you tried to help, five of them shoved you off. You heard Peter call for help, to which Steve threw Mjolnir for him to grab. You took off ahead of the Hammer, hoping to keep a clear path for Peter. Peter shot a web, using Mjolnir as a ride out of the chaos.
A shot from one of the ships sliced Peter’s web, sending him to the ground fast. You dropped until you were able to grab him.
“I’m always having to help you out, aren’t I?” You commented teasingly as you tossed him to the woman on the Pegasus. You flew alongside her until a shot came too close for you to successfully dodge and threw you into Peter. It knocked him off the Pegasus and sent both of you crashing to the ground.
Peter had gotten up and tried to run, to get the Stones a little bit closer. A blast from the cannon landed right in front of him, sending him flying backwards so he would land in front of you. The impact shattered his artificial limbs and he let his mask fall away. He grabbed the gauntlet and tucked into a ball to protect himself from the shots still coming. You pushed yourself to your side as you put up an energy shield over you and Peter.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y., what are they firing at?” Tony asked as some of the cannons changed direction, the question playing in your helmet too as the system showed a projection of an incoming object.
“Something just entered the upper atmosphere.” She responded.
“Let’s hope it’s on our side.” You mumbled, momentarily dropping the shield to watch.
You looked up to see a bright flash of light break through one of the ships, disabling it and going through it once again to slice it in half. You were so impressed by the power it had that you almost didn’t notice the falling rubble. 
“Little help would be nice!” You yelled over comms as you threw up another shield, to which Steve asked Danvers to help. You had assumed Danvers was the one who broke the ship in half so you kept still until help arrived. You dropped the shield and stared in awe as Peter spoke.
“Hi.” He said quickly, still keeping the gauntlet close. “I’m Peter Parker. She’s Y/N Stark.”
“So cool.” You said simply.
“Hey, Peter Parker.” She chuckled. “Y/N Stark. I saved your dad once. He ever tell you that?”
“He did not. But I came back to a giant war so there hasn’t really been time..” You nodded, pushing yourself to your feet and put your helmet on again.
“You got something for me?” She asked Peter, nodding towards the Stones.
“I don’t know how you’re gonna get it through all that.” Peter said tiredly as he stood and handed over the gauntlet.
You noted how tired he was, how beat up he was. But he was still ready to fight. Your heart ached, and you quickly realized that you didn’t just like Peter Parker. You loved Peter Parker. The revelation didn’t surprise you, but you wished it had come at a better time than that moment.
“Don’t worry.” Wanda said as she landed next to you.
“She’s got help.” One of the Wakandan warriors who you later learned to be Okoye added. Your mom joined the group, along with Pegasus woman, Valkyrie. Mantis, Hope Van Dyne,  and Nebula showed up, along with Shuri and Nebula’s sister, Gamora. Together, you fought through the army to get the Stones to Scott’s van.
You and your mom focused your fire high, aiming at ships and taller enemies. You followed behind Danvers, working on keeping her path clear. Thanos charged Danvers, dead set on stopping her for the Stones. You, your mom, Shuri, and Hope shot beams at him, knocking him to the ground.
“After this, you gotta show me how you made those.” You yelled to Shuri, who looked over and laughed slightly. “I’m Y/N, by the way.”
“Shuri. You seem to be doing well with what you have.” She teased. “Is it new?”
“First time in it.” You answered with a proud nod. 
“Really, Y/N?” Your mom commented. “Now? Your dad just upgraded that suit for you.”
“You wanted me to make friends.” You defended, focusing back on the task at hand.
You all added extra force to throw Thanos back. He rolled, lifting his attention to where Danvers was headed. Since you all wouldn’t let him get to Danvers, he decided to destroy where she was headed. He threw his sword into the tunnel, destroying it and sending a massive energy wave that launched everyone back.
“The gauntlet is about twenty meters behind you.” F.R.I.D.A.Y. told you. “Mr. Stark can reach it but Thanos is already on his way.”
“Not if I have anything to say about it.” You replied, pushing yourself to your feet. You took off in a sprint before pushing off a short ledge, taking flight and headed that way. You watched your dad tackle Thanos before getting elbowed away. Thor and Steve kept him back, using Mjolnir and Thor’s new axe to their aid. Danvers beat you there and fought him off a minute, until Thanos threw her to the side.
You helped your dad up to his knees and watched Thanos put the gauntlet on. You and your dad dropped your masks, not worried about them anymore.
“Not again.” You whispered fearfully.
Danvers came back just in time, stopping him from snapping his fingers. She had the upper hand until Thanos pulled out one Stone and used it to send her flying. Strange looked over at you two, holding up one finger to tell you both that there was only one way.
Your dad stood slowly, understanding what he was meant to do. You understood it at the same time so you grabbed his hand, hoping to pull him back to you. “Dad, please.” You begged. “No. No! It’s not worth it.”
“I can’t lose again.” He said softly.
“Think about Morgan.” You tried desperately. “A-and me. I just got you back.”
“I am thinking of you two.” He replied gently. “I love you, forever.” He said before running to Thanos, trying to take the Stones from him.
You looked to Strange again in anger. You wanted to take it out on Strange, but the look he gave you made you reconsider. Strange looked at you as if you had a role to play, as if it wasn’t just about Tony. You and your dad had been through everything together. You had been glued to his side since Loki first arrived in New York. Every fight, every training session, every injury, and every upgrade you were there. You started it together. You had to end it together.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y., did my dad ever add the suit-to-suit interface to exchange nanites?” You asked quickly, running through the possibilities. “If he gets those Stones away from Thanos, it’s too much energy for him to handle. It needs to be dispersed.”
“It’s added but I’ll need time to activate it.” Her automated voice said. “Opening the entirety of both suits to interface with each other-”
“I don’t need a whole suit.” You cut her off. “My left palm. His right shoulder, upper shoulder. Clavicular region.”
“Less than a minute. Initiating interface.”
You ran over to your dad as he was knocked away. Your steps froze when Thanos raised his hand again and your dad laid face down.
“I am inevitable.” Thanos said in triumph. You braced for the second Snap, but nothing happened. You noticed a faint glow from your dad’s suit so you started running again.
“Interface available in 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… Interface active.” F.R.I.D.A.Y. announced to you.
Tony knelt in front of the Titan, Stones in hand. He shoved them into his suit, a Stone aligned with each knuckle. He thought about what he was going to do, the risk he was going to take. Someone had to do it, and it seemed only Tony could. But his mind brought back words that weighed on his heart..
Years ago, Steve had told him “The only thing you really fight for is yourself. You’re not the guy to make the sacrifice play, to lay down on a wire and let the other guy crawl over you.”
Peter said “I just wanted to be like you.”
Y/N had argued “I don’t know how to live a life without you and I don’t want to. I shouldn’t have to!”
Morgan had told him with a smile “I love you, 3000.”
Pepper once told him “You’re all I have too, you know.”
Y/N would always say “I love you, forever.”
But the heaviest one was what Strange had told him just minutes before, “If I tell you what happens, it won’t happen.”
“And I…” Your dad panted. You could see the power of the Stones coursing up his suit, scorched marks climbing to his neck. You got to him quickly, standing beside him. You placed your hand on his shoulder, the energy diverting up into your body as the nanites mixed.
It was white hot, burning every cell in your body. It was intense, scorching every nerve it touched. Your fingers trembled, your pulse beat unevenly. Your stomach muscle clenched, your knees shook. But despite it all, you stood tall. You gathered yourself with a deep breath and spoke.
“We.” You emphasized.
“We-” Your dad nodded slightly.
“-are Starks.” You two said together before he snapped his fingers. The surge brought you to your knees beside your dad, who used his other hand to reach across himself and steady you. You made sure to keep your left hand where it was, refusing to move it until you could get the Stones out. You two watched as every soldier Thanos brought, his whole army, turned to dust the way you did five years ago. Thanos sat on a nearby rock as he turned to dust himself.
You and your dad manage to get to a nearby debris pile where you turned and leaned your backs against. Your dad coughed as you reached over and pulled the Stones from his suit and dropped them next to you. You saw the relief in his posture once you took the Stones away.
“One hell of a day back.” You tried to joke, to which you both laughed weakly.
“You shouldn't have done that, Y/N/N.” Tony said weakly.
“There was only one way, remember?” You countered. “I had to. We started this together, we end it together.”
“Love you, kiddo.” Your dad smiled at you.
“And ever.”
“Y/N?” Peter said gently. “Mr. Stark?” Peter ran up to you both, falling to his knees between you two. He gently took one of your hands in his. “Hey. Can you guys hear me? It’s Peter. We won. Y/N, Mr. Stark, we won. You did it. You guys did it.”
“You-” You coughed, smiling weakly at him. “You still owe me… a date, Petey.”
“Anywhere you want, Y/N/N.” He laughed sadly. He leaned forward and hugged both of you. “You’re gonna be fine, I promise.”
“Maybe not this time.”
Gently, Peter was guided away from you two, tears slowly falling down his face and leaving streaks in the dirt that covered his cheeks. You smiled softly, knowing you really did love the boy. You wanted to get up and comfort him, wrap your arms around him and hold him tight. But you didn’t have it in you. You could barely manage to keep your eyes open.
Your mom knelt in front of you two where Peter was. She sighed gently, trying to put on a brave face, but she was hurt the most. Your heart sank when you saw the pain she was in. She was looking at two of the three people that meant the world to her, sitting before her and fighting for their lives. She had watched her family sacrifice themselves for the world, a sacrifice those two - especially those two - never should’ve had to make.
“Hey.” She said softly. “You’ve both looked better.”
“Hey, mom.” You said as your dad answered, “Hey, Pep.”
“F.R.I.D.A.Y.?” She said, hoping for good news.
“Intense emergency surgeries needed. Immediate treatment raises survival rate by about 60%.” Her automated voice answered.
“Brother.” Shuri whispered to T’Challa as Pepper gently comforted her family. “I think I can heal them in my lab. They don’t have to die.”
“How would we get them there?” T’Challa asked honestly. He wanted to help them, but he didn’t think it’d be possible. “It is too far to guarantee there’d be time.”
“We can’t leave them to die here.” Rhodey commented. “We gotta at least take them home.”
“It’s okay.” Pepper nodded to you two. “We’re gonna be okay, alright? You two can rest now.”
“Love you, Mom.” You whispered. “Tell Peter… Tell him I love him too.”
You smiled softly at your mother before leaning your head back against the debris. Your eyes drifted shut, your body feeling heavy. You gave into the darkness as your dad did the same. The reactors in both of your suits faded to a dull glow, not quite off yet.
“The reactors aren’t off.” Peter noted, his voice strained from his pain. Not physical pain, but emotional pain. He had become so close to Y/N Stark to the point where he thought he loved her. She meant so much to him in the short time he knew her, so much so that he convinced himself she was his soulmate. He didn’t even believe in that kind of thing until he met her. Now he really wished he hadn’t hesitated. “They’re not gone.”
“Peter-” Steve tried to console him. Steve was feeling the loss too. He was devastated. Y/N and Tony were both practically family to him, the only family he had left. And now they were gone. They gave up their lives to save the world. Steve felt a pang of guilt, that even though they got everyone back, they still lost. Steve had insisted on it, that they would win this time around, but they still managed to lose.
“I can hear it!” He yelled, his voice breaking. “Their hearts are still beating.” He looked back to Y/N and Tony, their eyes shut. “They’re not gone. Just look!” He threw both hands forward, gesturing to the center glow of their chests.
“So what do we do then?” Thor asked. “The Compound is ruined. How are we supposed to help them?”
“Take them home.” Carol suggested. “You, Sparkles.” Carol pointed to Dr. Strange. “You can make portals. Make a portal to take them home, and then we go from there.”
“What do you actually think we can do for them?” Strange questioned defensively. “Those Stones-”
“I think that Peter Parker is onto something.” Carol countered easily. “Make a portal to take them home.”
“They won’t survive.”
“If you’re so sure,  at least let them die somewhere they’d be comfortable.” She rolled her eyes.
“We have the technology to heal them.” T’Challa spoke up. He figured it was the least he could do, to offer whatever Wakanda could give to help. “If you can get them home and keep them stable, Shuri and I can get what we need and bring it to you. But we’d have to hurry.”
“And you’re sure they’re alive?” Strange asked Peter.
“One hundred percent.” He responded confidently, his eyes on Y/N. “I know it.”
Strange opened two portals, one to Wakanda and one to the Stark’s lakehouse. Carefully, Rhodey scooped up Tony and Peter carried Y/N. Pepper went through first, hurrying to get Morgan out of the house so she wouldn’t see what her dad and sister looked like. Tony and Y/N were carried to their rooms and gently set up in their beds.
Wong helped the rest of those who fought get home. Steve, Bruce, Clint, and Thor followed the Stark family to their home, as did Carol. Dr. Strange went with T’Challa so he and Shuri would have a quick way back to Tony and Y/N. Pepper asked F.R.I.D.A.Y. to disable the suits so their housing units could be taken off and to keep their vitals posted. Both of their pulses were extremely weak, but they were still there. They were both put on ventilators - Tony kept a few on hand just in case the Compound wasn’t the best option for treatment - and were given an injection of painkillers.
Peter had been right.
Pepper stayed with Tony in their room, while Peter argued to stay with Y/N. Steve had offered, told Peter he should get home and get some rest, but Peter set himself up in the window nook and refused to get up.He had washed the dirt and blood off his face and out of his hair, his wet curls still dripping onto his shirt slightly. Despite using cold water to wake himself up, he still just wanted to curl up and sleep.
He called May after Steve left the room and went downstairs to talk to others. He had taken off his suit, leaving him in the clothes he had worn to the field trip, before he had gotten on the spaceship. 
“Hey, May.” Peter said tiredly. He was exhausted, every muscle ached. He wanted to lay in his own bed and sleep for a year, but he knew what his priority was at the moment. “You okay?”
“Where are you, Peter?” She asked anxiously. “I- I called you twelve times and you didn’t answer. Are you okay? You- you never came home from your MOMA field trip and I-”
“I’m fine.” Peter cut in. “I- I got caught up in that dusty thing a few years ago.”
“Yeah, yeah, I think I did too.” She paused, letting out a heavy sigh. “Come home, Peter.”
“I can’t.” He said sadly. “Y/N, she got hurt real bad, May… I can’t leave her right now.”
“You love her, don’t you?” May asked, a small smile on her lips that Peter didn’t need to see to know it was there.
“Yeah.. I think I do.” Peter chuckled nervously. “I never got a chance to tell her.”
“You’ll get one… Don’t miss it.”
“Love you, May.”
“Love you too, Peter. Text me before you go to sleep and call me in the morning.”
“Will do.” And with that, Peter hung up the phone.
A small knock on the door sounded before it was cracked open enough for a small child to slip inside. She shut the door carefully behind her, as if she was used to sneaking around the house. She ran across the room until she stood in front of Peter, looking at him with her head tilted slightly. Slowly, unsure of what to do, Peter pulled his legs to his chest to make room for her. She climbed into the open space and crossed her legs, dropping her hands in her lap.
“Morgan, right?” Peter asked, leaning his head back as he tried to stay awake.
“Who are you?” She asked plainly.
“Peter Parker.” He gave a lazy salute.
“Are you her boyfriend?”
Peter chuckled. “No.. Not yet, at least.”
“You like her?”
“I do.” He nodded with a lazy smile. “I like her a lot.”
“She’s pretty.” Morgan said, as if Peter hadn’t noticed that. “Is she hurt the way Daddy is?”
“How do you know that?”
“I was sneaky.” She whispered, bringing one finger to her lips to emphasize how quiet she was. Peter chuckled in response.
“Yeah, Y/N is hurt.” Peter said carefully. “But she’s gonna be okay. You know why?”
“Cause she’s like Daddy.” She said confidently. “And Daddy is Iron Man.”
“Yeah, but also because she has to come back to her family. You and your mom and-”
“And you.” Morgan cut in. “Want to make a card with me?”
“You go get started and I’ll meet you down there.” Peter responded, holding out his pinky. “I just need a minute and I’ll go downstairs after. Pinky promise.”
“Okay.” She nodded, quickly finishing the pinky promise. “Bye, Peter!” She said before quickly sneaking out of the room, leaving just Y/N and Peter.
“When we met, I never thought we’d end up here..” Peter said to Y/N, even though he knew she probably couldn’t hear him. “After everything we’ve been through, it kinda seemed like you were invincible. Nothing could really take you out like this. I mean, yeah, we both came out of everything with some sort of aches and pains, but not like this.
“I know you’re fighting for your life, Y/N/N. And I know you have your own reasons to fight, but I gotta ask you to fight for me. Please… I just- I love you, Y/N Stark. And I want to be able to tell you when you can actually acknowledge it. I- I want to take you to parties and school dances. I want you to come to Decathlon a-and laugh at how easy the questions are because you’re brilliant.” He chuckled lightly before closing his eyes, curling in on himself a little more. “Just come back for me, please.”
A light knock sounded before Shuri entered, a cart of equipment being led in behind her. Two Wakandan soldiers followed behind with her equipment, setting things up while Shuri went and spoke to Peter. Peter sat up slowly, unsure of how long he had been asleep.
“We can take it from here.” She told Peter, gently putting a hand on his shoulder. “You should get something to eat, Peter. You look starved.”
“Yeah..” He nodded slightly. “But I have a card to make first.” He smiled lazily before taking one last look at Y/N. “She’s gonna make it, right?”
“I’m going to do everything I can.”
“Oh, she kinda got stabbed like right here-” Peter’s hand hovered over Y/N’s side, where he remembered Thanos using her suit’s blade against her. “That was before we got dusted so I don’t know if it’s still there but…” He shrugged, pausing to decide if he wanted to ask his next question. “How’s Mr. Stark doing?” Peter asked carefully, now fully knowing if he was ready to hear how his mentor was. “Is he gonna..”
“Mr. Stark is going to be okay.” Shuri promised. “We could not save his arm, but we saved him. The only thing I don’t know is how soon he’ll wake up. His injuries were rather traumatic and that kind of shock takes a toll on the human body.”
“Thank you.” Peter said honestly. “For being on my side back there and believing they could be helped. And for being willing to help them.”
“The world owes them a debt that can never be repaid.” Shuri said honestly, scanning Y/N with her Kimoyo Beads. “It is the least I could do.”
“I’ll leave you to it then.” Peter nodded before heading downstairs to join Morgan in her card making.
Steve handed Peter a plate of food and two water bottles, reminding Peter that he had to take care of himself too. Most of the adults stayed in the other room, discussing their worry in quiet whispers. Carol sat with Peter and Morgan around the coffee table, each of them making a card. Morgan was finishing her card for Tony, while Peter worked on one for Y/N and Carol made one that was meant for both of them. Carol and Peter took turns telling jokes or making fun of their own drawings to make Morgan laugh. By the time they were done, they each made a card for Y/N and Tony, until Morgan fell asleep against Peter.
“You really care about them, don’t you?” Carol asked Peter once Morgan was asleep.
“Y/N and Mr. Stark believed in me when no one else did.” Peter began fondly. “When I went with them to Germany to fight Captain America, she told me that I was going to have to put up with her for a long time. She told me that she wasn’t gonna let anything bad happen to me, that we had to stick together. But now... It’s different. When she smiles at me, I feel dizzy. When she laughs, I can’t help but laugh with her. Even when she looks at me, I- I don’t know how to explain it.”
“I can explain it.” She smirked at him. “That’s love, kid.”
“It is?” Peter asked. “That’s kinda what I had hoped it all meant.”
“Did you ever tell her?”
“I had a chance… But I hesitated.” He admitted, remembering on Titan when he wanted to kiss her. “But if I had known this would’ve happened-”
“Yeah, but you didn’t know.” She cut him off. “What matters now is if you’re gonna hesitate next time?” She challenged.
“God, I hope not.” Peter chuckled.
Soon, Shuri and her brother, along with the two Wakandans that came with her, were coming down the stairs. Most of the equipment was packed and being carried with her. Peter was careful not to move and wake Morgan when Shuri came downstairs.
“They’re both going to make it.” She said with a proud smile. “However, there are some things we could not fix.”
“Like what?” Steve asked tensely.
“We could not save Mr. Stark’s right arm. The damage was too severe.” Shuri explained. “They’ll both have burn scars up into their chest and neck area. Mr. Stark’s may even reach the side of his face. As for Y/N..” She paused to show a detailed image of the inner workings of the lower arm, the nervous system breakdown and muscular system. “This is what her right arm looks like, the one that didn’t take on the energy of the Stones. And this-” She swiped to a new image, an image where some of the nerves were in pieces. “-is her left arm. Unfortunately, her damage seemed to have found its way to her nervous system. Some nerves were seared through, meaning she has lost all sensation in her left arm, as well as some of her finer motor control.”
“So what exactly does that mean for her?” Pepper asked anxiously.
“It means she will not be able to fully move her fingers and possibly her wrist, and she won’t physically feel anything at any point on her left arm. But she will live.” Shuri explained. “I’ve also healed a stab wound she had from her first fight with Thanos, and there won’t even be a scar.. They should wake in a few days. They are both on IV drips with painkillers. I’ve done all I can.”
And with that, Shuri left. One by one, the rest of the Avengers that were there left. Peter left the following morning, having fallen asleep on the floor with Morgan. Happy drove him home, but Peter fell asleep again on the way. His body was more exhausted than he had been letting on, and now it had caught up to him.
He tried to get back to normal life. He went back to school, saw Ned and MJ. He went back to Decathlon, but it just didn’t feel right to him until he could hear your voice again. A few days after he was settling back in, he got a call from a number he didn’t recognize.
“Hey, Spiderman.” You said. Your voice was as sweet as honey, making his heart beat three times faster. “Got time for a visit?”
“For you?” Peter replied, pretending he had to think about it. “Definitely. Where at?”
“Right here.” You said, stepping out of the car to stand in front of him. “Hey, Peter.” 
“Hi.” He breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing you standing before him, your long-sleeved shirt buttoned up to the top to hide the burns, it made his chest feel tight. He wanted to hug you, to pull you against his chest and never let you go. But he hesitated, just slightly. His biggest concern was how fragile you were.
“You’re looking at me like you’re scared.” You commented, scrunching your eyebrows in confusion. “I thought you’d be happy to see me.”
“I am!” He promised quickly. “I am happy to see you. I just… I have something I want to tell you.”
“I have something I need to tell you too… But it can wait till that date you owe me.” You winked.
“No, it can’t wait.” Peter said, swallowing hard and gathering all his courage. “I wanted to tell you this back on Titan, but I chickened out.”
“Peter, it’s not that serious.” You laughed nervously. “It can wait until tonight, okay?”
“No. It can’t.” He insisted, grabbing your hand. “Y/N, I- I love you and I really want to be with you.”
“That’s great.” You smiled widely, squeezing his hand gently.
“Peter, I realized something before this.” You gestured to your left arm. “When Carol came to help us, and I got a good look at how beat up you were but you were still willing to fight… When we were on the beach and you wanted to make sure Toomes didn’t die even though we were on opposite sides… When we were in Germany and you said you trusted me… There are so many little moments between now and the moment I met you that have brought me to this one, single, recurring idea.”
“And what idea is that?” Peter asked smugly, taking a step closer to you. Suddenly, his confidence was through the roof.
“That I love you, Peter Parker.” You smiled widely. “And I really want to be with you.”
“That’s… amazing.” He sighed happily. “Otherwise this could’ve been really awkward."
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steves-on-a-plane · 4 years
Waiting For You
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Words: 2278 Pairing: Poe Dameron x Jedi!Reader   Timeline: Pre-The Force Awakens  Request: “Reader is Poe’s childhood best friend, who is force sensitive, and was sent to Luke to train. After the attack at the temple, Poe thought she died. But found out she wasn’t when reader was brought to the base by rescue team.” -Anon
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Poe Dameron couldn’t volunteer fast enough when General Leia asked for participants to greet a new transport of refugees that would be coming to the Resistance Base. Poe enjoyed working with the civilians when he could. As a former Spice Runner he’d flown his fair share of risky missions both with and before the Resistance. The close calls were a great ego boost when he maneuvered himself out of a tricky situation, but it was always humbling to see how his life may have turned out if he’d been born on a different planet or made different life choices.
Poe was old enough to have had a past life in Spice, but still young enough to think that bravery and acting on impulse made him invincible. At least that was what General Organa was always telling him. He hadn’t been with the resistance very long, but he learned quickly that no one was invincible. That didn’t stop him from wanting to do what was right, to put a stop the First Order. His actions may have been more personally motivated than he let on to the Resistance leaders, but that didn’t make him any less dedicated to the cause.
Poe laid back in the fold up rack that was his bed. The Resistant Base he currently lived at was hot and muggy, but he didn’t dare roll up the flaps on his tent of fear of some exotic bug buzzing by and biting him. With his hands tucked behind his head, Poe closed his eyes and thought of Her. The girl he’d once known but only existed in his dreams now.
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“Don’t look at me like that, Dameron.” She’s whispered the last time they were together. They were laying in the grass watching the clouds drift away and the sun’s rays dissipate.
“Like what?” He laughed, turning his head to look at her.
“Like you’re never going to see me again.” She explained, her eyes still trained to the skies.
“[Y/N], you’re leaving tomorrow and you don’t know when you’ll be back. How could I not worry?” He asked. She sighed. They were both fourteen and had been friends their whole lives. Things on Yavin IV weren’t so bad. It was a quiet planet with lots of greenery, and it had once been the home to a Rebellion base during the old Wars. But [Y/N] wasn’t leaving because of life on Yavin, she was leaving because she was a force sensitive and had been since birth.
[Y/N] and Poe had both known their whole lives that she would have to leave Yavin someday. There was only one Jedi Temple in the whole Galaxy, and it did offer home schooling. Jedi Master Luke Skywalker didn’t require force sensitives to leave their homes as babies the way the Old Jedi Order had, but he also advised against parents sending their children when they were too old. It made them difficult to train.
“You know I have to go.” [Y/N] reminded Poe. She finally turned to look at him. “If I wait much longer, I’ll be too old.”
“You could just not go.” Poe regretted his suggestion the instant he caught a look at [Y/N]’s indignant expression.
“I’ve wanted this my whole life, Poe!” She exclaimed. [Y/N] stood up, she was no longer laying in the grass. “All I’ve ever wanted is the chance to train with Master Luke. To train as a Jedi!” She began pacing as she spoke to him. “To prove that I can do it! That I can make a difference! That I can help people…I-I…”
“I know! I know!” Poe jumped to his feet. He stood in her path, catching her by the elbows to stop her from colliding into him. “[Y/N], I’m sorry. You’re right, you have to go.” Poe looked into her eyes. Her watery eyes looked back. She was on the verge of tears. Poe couldn’t have that. “You have to go.” He repeated. This time more to himself than her. “It was selfish of me to suggest anything else, but you know what I’ll be right here, waiting for you when you come back.”
“Poe, you can’t put your whole life on hold for me.” [Y/N] told him, as she wiped away the tears that had started to fall. Poe rubbed a thumb under her eyelid catching a few tears for her.
“I won’t, but I also know I won’t ever love anyone else. You’re it for me, Babe. So, you go. Become the great Jedi that you’re destined to be because I know you’re going to be the best someday. In the meantime, I’m gonna work hard and I’m gonna become a man worthy enough of the greatest Jedi in the galaxy.”
“Oh Poe!” [Y/N] flung her arms around him and pressed her lips tightly against his.
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Poe awake to the hiss of hydraulics and the sound of landing gear coming in contact with the planet’s surface. The transport! He remembered, scrabbling to his feet. Running towards the designated landing zone, Poe arrived just in time to watch the first passenger set off the transport ship.
“You were nearly late, Captain.” General Organa whispered with disapprove as she appeared at his side.
“Only almost.” Poe nodded at her. He looked over at the transport and watched as the refugees stumbled out. Many of them blinked in the sunlight, others wiped away sweat anxiously. They weren’t used to the jungle climate yet. Poe collected supplies from the bins near he and Leia and began offering them to refugees and they settled down.
He introduced himself and told them that they all would be safe now. He studied each of their faces and tried to learn all of their names. There were full families, or single parents hovering over their children. Adults turning down offers of drinking water in favor of the children, despite Poe’s best efforts to convince them that there was plenty to go around. Every one of them reminded Poe of her.
Had [Y/N] not been killed during the massacre at the Jedi Temple, Poe liked to imagine that she’d be here by his side, doling out blankets or clean clothes. They might share a tent just off one of the cliffsides, somewhere she could see the stars at night and the clouds during the day. He wondered if she were still alive would she tell him that he’d kept his promise? Had he grown to become a man worthy of her?
He very much hoped that he had. He might have been impulsive and quick to dismiss authority just as the General had pointed out. He did act first and asked questions later, but often times that got him the best results. He genuinely cared about the people the Resistance helped and the people they fought to protect. He wanted to make things better. He wanted to help people the way [Y/N] had always made seem so easy.
Poe moved around the landing zone as nearly all the passengers had disembarked. The last to arrive were a young woman and a Twi’lek boy with purple skin who couldn’t have been older than seven. The woman kept most of her face hidden with a hood she’d drawn up over her head. She kept one arm wrapped securely around the Twi’lek. The boy looked freighted. His eyes were almost as wide as a BB unit and he was studying the Base suspiciously.
“It’s alright now.” The woman was whispering to him. “We’re safe here.”
“She’s right you know.” Poe agreed walking towards them. He crouched down so that he could talk to the boy at eye level. “No one can hurt you here.” The boy turned away from Poe, burying his face in the woman’s side.
“I’m afraid he’s mistrustful of strangers.” The woman explained. “Orn, this nice man is here to help us.”
“Well then I should introduce myself, then we won’t be strangers anymore.” Poe smiled. “My name is Poe. Did I hear correctly that you’re Orn?”
“Poe?” The woman repeated. With her one arm still wrapped around Orn, the woman reached up and pulled back her hood. “Never in a million galaxies did I expect to find you here.”
Poe looked up from the boy to study the face of the stranger who seemed to know him. The woman looked tired as if she hadn’t slept in days, maybe weeks. Her cheeks were sullen, and her eyes help a deep sadness. Her hair was longer, and it had darkened over the years, but Poe recognize her laugh anywhere. It was slightly hollow now, not carrying the same joy it had when she was 14, but he’d been playing it for so long in the back of his mind he hardly noticed.
Poe didn’t know what to say. A million thoughts seemed to be scrambling around in his head, like X-Wings about to take off. He opened and closed his mouth three or four times and it seemed [Y/N] was also at a loss for words. So, Poe reached out for her and she leaned into his touch, seemingly melting into his arms. Poe held her close, with one hand on her lower back and the other cradling the back of her head.
“I thought you died.” Poe whispered, not loosening his hold an inch. Tears rose to the surface and he didn’t dare hold them back. “I don’t understand. The Temple, they said there were no survivors.”
“We had to let people think that. We couldn’t risk word getting back to B…Kylo Ren.” She explained. “I’m sorry Poe, if I knew you were with the Resistance all this time, I might have tried to find you sooner.”
“Tried to find me sooner?” Poe finally released his hold enough so that they could look each other in the eyes again. “You’re spy who got in contact with the Resistance and coordinated rescue?”
“I wouldn’t say spy. I prefer information currier.” She told him. “Spy implies that I ever worked with or for the First Order, which I didn’t. I’m just good at keeping my head down and my ears open.”
“I can’t believe that you’re here.” He breathed.
“Captain Dameron.” [Y/N], Poe and Orn watched as General Organa approached them. “Who is your friend?”
“Princess Leia!” [Y/N] gasped.
“No one’s called me Princess is a long time, kid.” Leia replied with a smirk.
“Of course, General. My name is [Y/N].” She looked around nervously making sure no one but the four of them could hear. “Poe and I were friends before I left to study at the Jedi Temple. I knew Master Luke and your son.”
“You were a student at the temple?” Leia repeated just as quietly. “We were told there were no survivors. I assure you had Luke or I known…”
“It’s better that no one knows.” [Y/N] insisted. “At least for now.”
“If that’s what you wish.” Leia nodded. “Poe, there’s room in your tent, right? Why don’t you take [Y/N] and her boy there to rest? We can manage things here for a while without you.”
“Sure.” Poe motioned for Orn and [Y/N] to follow him. He carefully led them through a narrow trail of large leaf fronds and tree roots. “It’s not much further.” He promised knowing how tired they must be from their journey.
Once they reached Poe’s modest tent, [Y/N] put Orn to bed in a spare cot and promised to rest after she and Poe had a chance to talk. The pilot waited outside, digging the toe of his boot into the mud. He wished he knew the perfect thing to say or do to make things less awkward between them.
“I think he’ll be okay for a little bit.” [Y/N] decided as she stepped out of the tent. She waved Poe over a little way away where they wouldn’t be overheard by the sleeping child. “It’s okay. You can ask.”
“Hmm?” Poe feigned confusion. “I mean I wondered, you know, Orn, is he…?”
“He’s not my son, at least not genetically.” She sighed. “He’s been with me even since he was five, I tried to help him and his mother escape a prison camp, but she wasn’t lucky enough to make it. I promised I’d take care of him, it’s what she would have wanted.”
“That’s so like you.” Poe smirked. “Putting other people’s wants and needs in front of your own.”
“What about you, Mr. Resistance?” She poked him playfully in the chest. “I heard the General call you Captain Dameron. You didn’t come by that title overnight.”
“Yeah well…” Poe brought a hand to his forehead and rubbed it reflexively. “I did wait for you on Yavin, for a real long time. I turned down job opportunities off world. Then I remembered you said not to put my life on hold for you, so I didn’t. I took the first job that came my way. It happened to be a smuggling job, but I was good at it and the pay was good so I didn’t mind. Until the news about the Temple got out. I didn’t want to just run illegal spices from spaceport to spaceport anymore. I wanted to do something. I wanted to help people. So, I tried to think what would [Y/n] do? And it led me here.”
“You joined the Resistance for me?” She asked.
“Well when you say it that way…” Poe rolled his eyes. “It’s cheesy.”
“It’s romantic.” [Y/N] disagreed. She took a step closer to him. “So, Captain Dameron, does this Base have a quiet place the two of us could get to know each other all over again?”
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lollytea · 4 years
What are your opinions about Jungle cubs? I loved that show as a kid!
hi hello!! thank u for humoring me!! i love getting asks about the stuff im currently obsessed with that nobody really cares about, it makes me feel valid! also i dont have well constructed opinions, i just have a very messy, manic head so i just babble all my thoughts. for that i am sorry 
im not gonna say jungle cubs is the best damn cartoon to hit the tv and maybe its just my own biased love speaking when i call it a good show but it means a lot to me personally. it brought me comfort as a little kid, i came back to it as a teen when i was feeling very alone and came back to it again as an adult just cuz of my recent love of baloo and talespin and needing something to keep me upbeat during the quarantine. 
and ive watched quite a few cartoons i loved as a kid that i dont really vibe with anymore. i tried rewatching gummi bears. its not my thing. but jungle cubs is?? really good?? its just so charming to watch. i love the expressive animation, i love the smooth flowing dialogue, i love the playful and naive tone it has of just a bunch of kids being kids, i love the depiction of these characters, i love the performance of the voice actors, i love the layers it adds to the original film. layers that were never intended to be in there in the first place but isnt that just the beauty of interpretation and ones own imagination. 
its such a formulaic concept isnt it. to take a classic show/movie and make its protagonists babies for a spinoff. but i dunno, i always got the feeling that whoever was the backbone of this story actually cared about the characters they were writing and took a sincere approach to it. 
they thought in-depth about how to devolve them from their current personalities in a realistic way and what aspects of themselves are so core to their being that they would have been ingrained since childhood. the cubs feel pretty three-dimensional and considering theyre cash grab spinoff babies, that is an amazing feat.
but also, i love it for the very very very simple reason of its really adorable. bagheera especially. to see such a stoic and levelheaded character in his earliest stage as a child just Hits for me. cub bagheera is clever, hes cautious, hes a little stuck-up, all traits he has in the movie. hes also not the best hunter, doesnt know how to roar yet, is a little cowardly, sorta awkward at times and is often trying to prove that hes the best even though hes aware that he is nowhere near the best.
like its easy to believe the kind of person he grows up to be but at the same time, its really interesting to see the more childish aspects of himself that he eventually matured past. and hes adorable dude! baby bagheera voiced by EG Daily is the sweetest goddamn thing, i love him so much 
also shere khan who is a fuckin doozy. hes very interesting in this too. everything about his attitude is reminiscent of a preteen who says mean things to you on voice chat while playing overwatch but if you tell him you’re gonna call the police on him, he starts panicking. thats shere khan’s vibe, a real edgy little tiger who thinks hes hot shit cuz he probably caught something bigger than a mouse like one time and its gone to his head. 
hes constantly stalking around, subtly bragging about what a natural predator he is. but at the same time, he’s still around?? hes still hanging around with the other cubs cuz hes ALSO a cub and likes to play around with other kids his age. and he fucking loves his friends. the amount of times he’s scared off bigger animals who were about to harm them. and its really sweet cuz they like him too. while his attitude is definitely annoying sometimes, they still consider him their friend and enjoy his company. its just wholesome. 
plus hes also pretty vulnerable as hes a cub. he doesnt stand a chance when they come across a grown animal as a threat. he gets scared just like the rest of them, hes just so arrogant that he never admits it. 
in fact the appeal of the show in general to me, is the vulnerabilities of all the characters that comes with being in their most immature state. they dont know any better when it comes to stuff. this show is real dumbass hours 
EVERYTHING about baloo is just great. he does not change even slightly. he is exactly the same except hes little and his voice hasnt broke yet. his child voice is amazingly fitting also.
i mean i guess one thing that differentiates him is adult baloo had some semblance of a philosophy. he was wise....in a way. baby baloo does not know shit about shit. he does not think. he just vibes, okay?? i love him mwah
i dont have much to say about the others but i DO like this interpretation of them more than their adult selves. it also just feels bittersweet that they grew up to be such dicks. Haithi is lovely, i love that hes just out here TRYING to be a colonel but he lacks the authority that comes with being a grown elephant and he doesnt have the self confidence to command anybody yet. he is simply babey.
 louie is a very cute little dude, i love him and baloo as just an idiot squad. he also has a very good voice
kaa.....i dont trust. on one hand, hes very sweet as a child but on the OTHER HAND he grows up to be the creepiest fucking creation disney has ever put in a movie so that snake will always rub me the wrong way even when im trying to like him. 
also ONE THING thats driving me crazy about this show is like. it has the best depiction of pre-adolescent boys that i have ever seen in a cartoon ever. just the way they behave. theyre sweethearts one minute, extremely mean the next minute, going from building eachother up to lightly bullying eachother, lots of unprovoked play fighting, laughing over dumb shit, rude to strangers for no goddamn reason, theres just a lot. 
it fuckin knocked me back like 15 years cuz it reminded me so much of kids i used to play with. and these arent even human children whose brain development is documented, these are animals, this show had no business being this spot-on.
i dont like season 2. it has a few gems here and there that i get a kick out of. but as a whole, its really disappointing. since the show swapped production companies, they seemed to uproot it completely and start from scratch. and its kinda sad cuz i think they were TRYING to do something poignant when it came to a future narrative but it just didnt land. firstly there was a huge animation downgrade and looking at the two season in comparison is kinda depressing. 
also they redesigned the characters, some looked worse than others. baloo looked fine but i still preferred his og look. bagheera....was the worst. rip bagheera. 
they all underwent a huge personality change. and not in the way that showed subtle maturity, i mean a vapid exaggeration of their original personality. the only characters who were left relatively alone in this regard were baloo and kaa. and i dont mind gradually changing a character since there IS an adult version of them that they should be growing into. but the season 2 depictions are literally the furthest things from their adult selves that its unbelievable.
 another pet peeve is they changed a few of the voice actors and.....i love these season 2 voice actors in other work theyve done. dee bradley baker and cree summer specifically who are both very talented people. but they did not fit these roles in the slightest. (not to mention having cree summer play an APE and suddenly having her do a LOT of monkey noises that the previous va never had to do. im not gonna get into all that BUT hmm.) and if youre gonna recast the characters to make them sound “older” as least make them sound somewhat similar to the jungle book actors, so you can picture them eventually growing into those voices. 
also the tone shifted so much between seasons. the way they tried to make this jungle more of a “society” with shit like talent shows and sports games and celebrities and like fuckin. STOP. theyre animals. just let them be animals. along with that the writing just feels really off and its just. not fun. i dont like it 
and as i mentioned, they WERE trying to do something here. the fact that the cubs didnt hang out with eachother as much and were starting to drift apart is kinda sad and wouldve liked it see it handled a little better. but instead i got season 2, which was stupid. and im 21 and im petty. 
anyway i am very sorry that ended so negatively and im very sorry that rant was completely all over the place i have no sense of proper organization i just wanted to gush about what i love. but on a positive note i love jungle cubs!! its very dear to my heart and makes me very happy and i wish it had gotten more episodes
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aliceslantern · 4 years
Serendipity, a Kingdom Hearts fanfic, chapter 5
ser·en·dip·i·ty | n -- the occurrence of an unplanned fortunate discovery.
It's all fun and games until someone gets pregnant.
Modern AU, Zemyx, Ienzo is trans and AFAB.
Chapter summary:  Ienzo moves into the third trimester. Life changes forever.
Read it on FF.net/on AO3
The third trimester was not nearly as pleasant as the second. Ienzo felt heavy, unwieldy, his thought processes muddy and murky. At least the weather was no longer so unbearably hot. He was again exhausted, and it was very difficult to find pregnancy clothing that wasn’t feminine. Naminé thankfully came to the rescue and sewed some things for him.
How odd, to think they had family. Not just the blood or adopted relatives, but the friends, too. Riku was continually surprised to see him. “I keep forgetting,” he said honestly. His partners, Sora and Kairi, were almost more excited about the baby than he was. “Here you are. Going domestic.”
“I’ll certainly have no shortage of babysitters,” Ienzo said drolly. “Sora, if you post that selfie you won’t have a phone anymore. Thank you.”
He was finding it difficult to work normally. Getting up and down off of his high stool at the research desk was something of a chore. Considering how frequently he needed to move around, it was an issue. While he still did love feeling the baby move, especially as the further the pregnancy went the more he could distinctly feel each little limb, he no longer was quite so enamored with this state of being.
One afternoon he was feeling more tired and sluggish than normal. He was trying to fix some kind of issue with his personal computer, one that, were he not pregnant, he could solve within five minutes, but he couldn’t think straight. The frustration actually brought tears to his eyes, and he wasn’t able to blink them back this time. And once the tears started… they didn’t stop.
Demyx found him with his head in his hands on the couch. “Babe?” he asked. “What’s going on?”
“I don’t know,” he said. “I feel so slow. So stupid.”
“It’s just the hormones,” he said. “You’re--”
“I know. I know it’s the fucking hormones.” He took a deep breath. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.”
“I’m exhausted.”
“I know.” Demyx handed him a tissue. “Why don’t you lay down? I’ll make some dinner.”
He did… and he drifted. When he woke up he felt nauseous and feverish and there was an awful ache in his back that wouldn’t rub away. He sat up slowly, with the intent of searching these symptoms, only for the nausea to immediately escalate. He barely was able to grab the living room wastebasket in time. It couldn’t be morning sickness--it was far too late for that.
Something was wrong.
Demyx poked his head out of the bathroom. “Ienzo? What’s--oh. Oh, baby.”
The tears were back. Demyx rested a hand on his forehead. “You’re really warm.”
“I don’t feel right.”
“I know.”
Dizzily, he flicked his eyes back to the clock. It was late, too late to see a doctor.
“Could it be a stomach bug?”
“Maybe--” He sniffled. Demyx took the sick from him and handed him a wet paper towel.
“Why don’t you lay back down? We can get you to the doctor in the morning.”
Maybe it was because he was so weak, but he didn’t resist, and dipped in and out of consciousness.
“...thanks for coming. I wasn’t sure who else to call.”
“Of course. It’s been a long time since I practiced medicine, but I think I can manage.”
“He was crying. Ienzo never cries. I don’t know what’s wrong.”
“We’ll figure it out.” A cold hand on his face. “Ienzo? Love?”
He blinked. “Dad? What are you--”
“Demyx was worried about you. I am too.”
He tried to sit up, but Even eased him down. He was cold now, trembling. A thermometer was eased into his mouth.
“You’ve got quite a fever,” he said. “What else do you feel? Other than the nausea and vomiting?”
“Something just doesn’t feel right,” he said thickly. “My back… hurts pretty badly.”
Even felt at his back, probing gently near the ribs. Ienzo winced. “Is that where it hurts?”
“Hm. Well.” It was still pretty dark in here; all Ienzo could see was the curtain of his father’s hair. “Those are your kidneys. Seems a pretty straightforward infection to me.”
“...Kidney infection?” He blinked wearily. “How--”
“Perhaps you confused the frequent urination for mere pregnancy pressure. A normal mistake. Not to mention your immune system currently has a lot to keep up with.”
“But the baby--”
“I’m sure the baby will be fine. I would like to get you to a hospital, though, to be safe.”
In a haze, Ienzo went with them. He was sweating like crazy, foggy and miserable. Even’s diagnosis was correct. They started him on IV antibiotics just to be cautious, and decided to observe him overnight due to the pregnancy. He had trouble getting into a comfortable position to sleep on the small hard bed. The baby seemed to sense his distress, kicking gently. Their heart rate seemed to be normal, judging by the monitors. The on-call OB had told him as much, and they would likely be fine.
He felt guilty. The thing he had the most control over--his body--had failed him. How could he possibly expect to be a good parent if he couldn’t even tell when he was sick ? Again, he felt the tears and covered his mouth.
Demyx, half asleep in the uncomfortable plastic chair, stirred. “Ienzo? Are you in pain?”
“No,” he said. “I just--I didn’t know. How didn’t I know?”
“It’s not your fault.” He came over to the bed.
“How can I possibly protect them when I can’t even protect them from my own body?”
“Babe, you’re spiraling,” he said. “You couldn’t have done anything differently. And you know what? You’re going to be a good dad.”
“How can you know that?”
His gaze was fervent. “Because of how much you care,” he said. “This whole time--even before you thought you were going to stay pregnant, you’ve been on top of it. The way you eat. The way you talk about them. And if it helps? I’m scared too.”
He wiped at his eyes. “You raised your sister.”
“That’s not starting from scratch, though. You and me? I think we can do it.” He kissed Ienzo’s sweaty forehead. “We can’t save them from everything. We just have to do our best.”
He hiccupped. “Alright,” he said. “I’ll try.”
The more time passed, the harder it was to go about his daily life. Simple chores like laundry or cleaning took much longer, and he was often short of breath from the baby compressing his lungs. As much as Demyx tried to help, he also knew that Ienzo saw help as patronizing. September and October passed dizzily. Ienzo found himself often unable to sleep; if he were not getting up for the bathroom, he couldn’t get comfortable, or the baby would be moving too much to let him sleep. His nipples, despite there being very little breast tissue after the top surgery, ached, and he learned in his research he could still produce small amounts of milk.
He spent a lot of these hours organizing and reorganizing things in the nursery. Logically, he knew it was nesting, an instinctive process, but he couldn’t bring himself to stop. He would sit in an old rocking chair--a relic from his childhood--with a pair of earphones around his stomach. As soon as Demyx learned the baby was starting to hear, he created dozens of playlists for them in utero. Truthfully, Ienzo did not mind. Some of these nights Demyx would come get him, coax him back into bed, and rub his back until he finally fell into a hesitant sleep.
Dr. Gainsborough told him he would likely need a C-section; the baby was getting too large to pass through his hips. Privately, Ienzo was relieved. He could deal with surgery. The ordeal of natural birth seemed humiliating. They scheduled this birth for November ninth.
“That’s my lucky number,” Demyx said. “A good sign.”
He had to stop working earlier than he would have liked. Getting through the days was just too exhausting. He settled for doing what he could from home.
A few days before Halloween, he felt it, a thick, heady cramp that made him gasp out loud. But it passed quickly, just being a Braxton-Hicks. It happened a few more times, sporadically. “It’s not as if my body knows the baby is being born surgically,” Ienzo assured a frantic Demyx. “It’s just practice. Lucky me.”
On the holiday itself, however, he woke up with one of those cramps, deeper than before. They must be getting stronger the farther I get, he thought, wincing. Demyx was in class, and was due to work a Halloween concert in the evening. Ienzo had planned on spending the day with a few of his favorite gothic novels, and sleeping when he could.
This all changed when he stood up. He felt it happen, a slight pinch between his legs before the wetness ran down them, releasing a pressure he hadn’t been fully conscious was there. Janice the cat padded over and sniffed at it curiously.
“Oh, no,” Ienzo said. “No, no. You’re early.” It didn’t surprise him; Demyx was notoriously an early riser. “No, kitty, you don’t want to drink that.” As he struggled to clean up both himself and the mess, he was weirdly calm--almost numb.
I’m in labor, he thought, as if thinking it would make him internalize the truth. I’m in labor and I can’t give birth.
He called his doctor first.
“This happens all the time,” she said. “Just get to the hospital when you can. Have someone drive you. You’re in no shape. It’s going to be okay, Ienzo.”
The contractions remained sporadic. The pain was… bracing, but he’d always had a high tolerance and dealt accordingly. As soon as he knew Demyx’s class was out, he called.
“Everything okay?” he asked.
“Yes and no,” Ienzo said. “I’m afraid I’m in labor. They’re going to move the c-section up to today. Can you come get me?”
“Can I come--” Ienzo heard him take a shaky breath. “Of course. Of course. Just relax. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
He sat on the couch with the small bag he’d packed a few weeks ago. Janice kneaded his stomach gently, purring. “I suppose you know,” he said to the cat. He called his parents and told them as well.
“You were early too,” Even told him. “Your mother--bless her--tried to keep working. She said you liked being kept busy. I thought she was going to give birth right on that lab floor.”
“I’d hoped to--not have to feel this nonsense,” he said, through his teeth.
“Are you sure you want to wait for Demyx? I can take you now.”
“The contractions are still pretty far apart. I want him to be there. He needs to be there.”
He waited.
How odd, it was to be in this state. In several hours this person would be out of him. It would be through with--save the next eighteen years. He contracted. He breathed. He felt the baby’s feet acutely as they moved, steadily, down.
Demyx all but threw the door open. “How are you doing?”
“Believe it or not, I’ve had worse pain,” he said.
Demyx helped him up gently. “When? How?”
“When I was in the fourth grade--” A contraction gripped him, and he needed to wait until it was over to finish the sentence. “I was riding bikes with friends. We were heading down a big hill. I lost control. Cracked my femur. That was far more awful.”
“We should go,” Demyx said. “Careful. Take your time.”
Ienzo was acutely aware that this was the last time it would only be the two of them in the apartment, and he felt an almost thick fear.
It all seemed to be going slowly and quickly at the same time. He was admitted, Even came and worried over him anxiously, the hospital staff prepared the OR in maternity. Before he’d even fully accepted that he was about to give birth, he was being given the spinal block for the procedure and eased down onto the table. “Where are you?” Ienzo asked.
“I’m right here.” He felt Demyx take his hand. The light in here was blinding. A nurse set up the draping that would hide the reality of the surgery from him. “I’ve never been in an operating room before.”
“A good thing,” Dr. Gainsborough said. “Ienzo? You doing okay?”
“Quite--it’s just very bright.”
“Ah--sorry.” She moved a lamp. “Do you want me to tell you what I’m doing?”
“Demyx is squeamish,” he said wearily.
“But you’re the one giving birth,” Demyx said. “Birth. Holy fuck.”
“No,” he said. “No, it’s alright.”
They prepped him gently, chatting happily around him, about the fact that it was a Halloween baby. He felt oddly meditative, very calm. He wasn’t sure if it had anything to do with the anesthetic.
“You might feel some pressure,” Dr. Gainsborough said. “But that’s all you should feel.”
Surely enough, he could feel some tugging. She’s taking them out of me , he thought dazedly.
“There we go,” she said, a smile in her voice. “You’ve got a little girl.”
And then Ienzo heard her cry. It was this that startled him back fully into the present, a surge of endorphins forcing tears to his eyes.
“Everything looks great,” she said.
After a moment--far too short and far too long in the same breath--a wrapped bundle was being brought to his face. Ienzo had to fight the urge to grab her, conscious of the fact that he was quite literally still being operated on. He placed a hand on her, straining to get a good look.
Demyx brought her a little closer. He was crying freely. “Look at her,” she said.
“I see. I see.” His voice was unsteady. “Hi, love. Oh.”
He planted a kiss onto his forehead. “You did it. Thank you.”
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onsgiftexchange · 5 years
A Kiss Full of Petals
Hiya, Thea (LavenRain96) is here with her present to her secret santa, Devin ( @devinthedragondraws )~! I hope you’ll like this! :D
To be honest, I never heard of this event until my own circle of friends mentioned it in Twitter and Discord. I initially didn’t want to join with how busy I am as of late, but I was like: “You know what? F*** it, let’s make someone happy.”. Thus, I joined. To my pleasant surprise, my secret santa likes reading angst with a happy ending, or something that makes their heart swoon. That, and they also like sweet confessions and something that the characters are recovering from. So with that in mind, I wrote a mini-fic about the Hanahaki Disease (ngl I want to write this AU for some time now, and I’m glad that I get to do so in this way) and I had so much fun writing this, even though I admit that it feels a bit rushed (I apologize ;;;;;).
But anyway, once again, this is for you, Devin. Please enjoy!
The smell of cleanliness was quite pungent to Mikaela’s nose, reminding him almost every day of where he was. The white walls, the fine sheets and the IV on his arm even contributed to this fact… and he hated it. It felt like he was hidden away from the world, quarantined in the hospital all for the sake of healing. However, with how serious his disease was getting, it was inevitable that he would end up in the very place he dreaded on staying.
That was just how the world works; the one where the sickness known as the Hanahaki Disease exist.
Mikaela shrugged it off as a bluff at first with how fictitious the said disease was, especially with its low pathogenicity. But given his current circumstances as of late, he couldn’t deny that the disease was, in fact, real, and that he was feeling it in the most painful way imaginable.
He couldn’t speak properly—even something as simple as breathing proved to be an excruciating task for him without him coughing badly in return. Such things tend to put a strain on his throat that ruined his vocal chords and left a burning sensation that would take hours to calm down.
The flower petals that he spit out, though beautiful, didn’t do anything to lift his mood since the very sight of them clearly meant that he was near death’s door in each passing day. The thought of dying alone with this disease was something Mikaela couldn’t dream of imagining.
It must have been lonely to die like this, was the first thing that came to mind before his thoughts drifted to his childhood friend and crush, Yuuichirou.
Unfortunately, his thoughts were immediately halted as he suddenly felt a sudden surge from his throat, prompting him to cough harshly against his hand. It lasted for a few seconds, but for Mikaela, it felt like an eternity until his lungs slowly pave way to the tranquility from before. The hand on his mouth was shaking but it held firm— it was a simple way to try and soothe the after effect of his coughs. However, the fear of looking at the outcome of yet another violent episode of his disease also sustained him from moving his hand away.
The thick wetness and the soft, satin-like texture on his skin was something that Mikaela was already used to. It was so common to the point that it was embedded into his everyday life, but a part of himself was still in disbelief, still in denial that this was happening to him. His stubborn side persistently refused to acknowledge this. It wouldn’t just go and accept the fact that his love for Yuuichirou was slowly killing him. To do so would admittedly mean that loving the very man who had been with him through thick and thin was a mistake. A large, fatal mistake.
Mikaela knew better than to regard Yuuichioru as such. He may be flawed in some parts of himself, but that wasn’t enough to make Mikaela love him any less. To Mikaela, Yuuichirou was his everything. He was his best friend, his family, his confidant, his partner-in-crime…
… But why was loving him so damn painful?
Mikaela knew the answer to that well. It was a hard pill to swallow in a consistent pace, but for Yuuichirou’s sake, he gladly took it with a smile, even at the cost of his own happiness and health.
As long as Yuu-chan is happy, it’s enough, Mikaela reminded himself as he finally lowered his hand to reveal a streak of blood, and a small handful of red and white flower petals. The bloodied sight brought a heart-wrenching smile on Mikaela’s face before he sighed softly and aimlessly dropped the petals on the floor.
He felt a little sorry for giving his nurse some extra work to handle, but as of now, he didn’t care anymore. His hope to continue living with his most cherished person was starting to dwindle.
~ 0 ~
“I will not tolerate this behavior, Mika.” Krul stated firmly with her arms crossed as she looked at Mikaela with a frown, “I finally found a compatible lung donor for you, and I won’t waste this opportunity just because you refuse to let go of your feelings for Yuuichirou.”
Mikaela looked away in defiance, his brows furrowed with equal anger.
Krul sighed while she softened up just a bit, “Listen, I know that you like him, but Mika… Is he really worth dying for? You have a future ahead of you and it will surely hurt Yuuichirou if you die now. Haven’t you thought of that?”
“ I don’t care, ” Mikaela wrote on his mini white board Krul provided him with as a form of communication. “ I will not allow my lungs to be replaced by somebody else’s. ”
“Don’t be so stubborn. You know well what will happen if you don’t get operated soon.” Krul exasperated before she stood up from her seat, still frowning due to Mikaela’s lack of cooperation. “I’ll set up the appointment right away. Whether you like it or not, you’re going to have that surgery. We’ve waited long enough.”
Mikaela opened his mouth to voice a protest, having forgotten for a moment that his vocal chords were on the verge of being destroyed if he add anymore strain on them. However, whatever he wanted to say died in his throat when a knock was heard on his room door, pausing his thoughts.
“Hey, Mika…!” Yuuichirou greeted cheerfully with a wide grin as he opened the door. His smile faltered slightly upon seeing that Mikaela wasn’t alone in the room, and that there was tension in the atmosphere. He clearly knew right then and there that he entered at such a bad time.
“… Oh, um, hello to you too, Krul-san.” He awkwardly addressed with a respectful bow towards Krul. “Did I interrupt on something? If so, I could just—”
“—It’s quite alright, Yuu-kun.” Krul acknowledged with a small wave of her hand. “In fact, I was just about to leave. I’ve already said what I want to Mika very clearly regarding his operation.”
“Operation?” Yuuichirou repeated in confusion before his face lit up. “No way! You’ve found a donor?!”
“Yes, Mika is going to get his surgery soon. He’ll be cured in no time..” Krul confirmed but her words only made Mikaela angry. How dare she just brush off his feelings for Yuuichirou as if it was nothing but a burden on her shoulders? If Yuuichirou wasn’t in the room, Mikaela would likely throw a tantrum and be forcefully restrained on the bed until he calmed down.
“That’s great news, Mika. I’m so happy for you.” Yuuichirou cheered with a smile on his face, completely oblivious towards Mikaela’s dilemma. “It must really suck to be coughing almost every day. I mean, when was the last time you talked properly? Oh, and I really miss your voice. So with the surgery on the way, everything will be back to where it was.”
Hearing that, Mikaela didn’t know if he should cry or be offended with what Yuuichirou just said. Either way, it was heartbreaking to know that those words were coming out from his friend’s mouth, and it seemed that sadness won over his emotions as Mikaela was blinking away the tears that were trying to fall from his eyes.
Mikaela’s bravado from before slowly disappeared, replacing itself with sorrow as he took Yuuichirou’s enthusiasm for his recovery as a sign of rejection. An innocent one, and yet it stabbed deep like a knife in his heart.
But, still… Mikaela smiled, masking his hurting.
“ You’re right, Yuu-chan. ” Mikaela wrote down in his white board. His once straight and confident handwriting was now dissolved into something soft and shaky. “ Once my surgery is done, I can go to school again and be with you guys. I must have brought you a lot of trouble. ”
“Nah, don’t be sorry, Mika.” Yuuichirou shook his head in consideration before he took a seat on Mikaela’s bed, “As long as you’re well again after all these days, this is nothing. The Shinoa squad will continue to wait and support you until the very end.”
Mikaela couldn’t help but feel a tinge at that sentence. It wasn’t that he was ungrateful for his friends to worry about his health, but truth be told, the squad had nothing to do with his illness at all and Mikaela wished Yuuichirou would put them aside even for just a little bit. He knew that it was selfish to even think about that, but Yuuichirou had been his friend ever since they were kids. So, shouldn’t he have more priority over them?
No, don’t think that. This is enough. This is enough…
Mikaela encouraged himself that the attention he was receiving was already sufficient. There was no room to be greedy in a situation like this, especially when he was on the verge of dying. Any kind of attention, though brief and pitiful, was more than plenty. He could make do with that.
“Well then, I shall take my leave now that I have Mika’s consent on the operation. Take care of him in my stead, Yuu-kun.” Krul requested with care. Whether she was aware of how Yuuichirou’s words affected Mikaela or not, she didn’t show it and kept her expression unreadable.
“Sure thing, Krul-san.” Yuuichirou agreed with a nod before turning his attention back to Mikaela once Krul left. “Man, it’s been a long while since we’re alone like this, don’t you think?”
Mikaela smiled in nostalgia as he wrote down, “ I agree… ”
Yuuichirou chuckled in reply before he settled in a comfortable silence with Mikaela, staring down on his friend’s white board and his handwriting. Without a word, Yuuichirou reached a hand out and placed it a top of Mikaela’s, prompting the latter to look at him with a raised brow.
“Sorry for being sudden, but… I’m just happy.” Yuuichirou explained himself softly. His face showed nothing but a serene smile. “I wasn’t lying when I said I missed your voice. I may find it annoying sometimes with how you keep on nagging me to do stuff, but your voice is… I find it nice.”
… Huh?
Mikaela’s eyes rounded in surprise at Yuuichirou’s sudden confession. He liked his voice? Mikaela didn’t really see anything special with his voice. That was just how it was—ordinary and plain. For Yuuichirou to admit that he found his voice pleasant made Mikaela’s heart thump just a bit. It didn’t even help that there was an obvious blush on Yuuichirou’s cheeks after his confession.
“W-Well, you sing really good, so it’ll be a waste if you just let it wither away with this disease of yours. The kids in the orphanage will be sad.” Yuuichirou added on, but it only served to further heighten his embarrassment.
“ How about you, Yuu-chan? Will you be sad? ” Mikaela couldn’t help but write the question down out of curiosity.
“O-Of course, I’ll be sad. Don’t make me repeat myself, Mika. Geez…” Yuuichirou nearly shrieked with a frown and his face bloomed red like a tomato.
Mikaela chuckled at Yuuichirou’s reaction. The look on his face reminded him back in the days where Mikaela would often tease Yuuichirou just for the sake of getting on his nerves. Now that they were older, that teasing became one of his forms of endearment for Yuuichirou, and Mikaela would wonder from time to time if Yuuichirou even took notice of it.
“Anyway…” Yuuichirou’s voice cut through Mikaela’s thoughts. “Even though I’m happy that you’ll get a surgery and recover soon… I feel sorry for his person you have unrequited feelings with. I mean, you’re smart and handsome. Anyone would practically beg on their knees to date you, you know… That person must be lucky to have caught your eye.”
And that person happens to be you., was what Mikaela wanted to say but he held back out of fear that Yuuichirou might react badly at having another man like him that way. From what Mikaela understood as of late, Yuuichirou and Shinoa have a… thing for each other. The hints were subtle, but Mikaela could tell that Shinoa had a major crush on Yuuichirou. Yuuichirou, on the other hand, still kept treating her normally to the point that it was impossible to know if he liked her back or not.
But even if that was the case, that didn’t change the fact that Mikaela still chose to hide his feelings because he valued his friendship with Yuuichirou so much. He would rather risk his health than his relationship. But with how he was going to be removing his disease surgically, shouldn’t he make the most out of now? Mikaela could always tell Yuuichirou that he was joking in the end since Yuuichirou identified Mikaela to be a trickster at certain points in their lives.
It was a low move, but Mikaela was becoming desperate. He wanted to at least kiss Yuuichirou before his feelings for him were gone—forcefully and painfully taken away from him during surgery. He may not remember the kiss after the operation, but he at least told Yuuichirou how he felt albeit masked within a joke.
With an intake of breath, Mikaela then wrote down on his white board what he wanted to say, “ Hey, Yuu-chan. Before my operation, can I tell you something? ”
Yuuichirou read Mikaela’s message before he nodded, “Of course. What is it, Mika?”
Without writing anything back, Mikaela leaned close to Yuuichirou and planted a kiss on his cheek. His warm lips met soft skin briefly before he pulled back with one of his usual, teasing smiles—ready for Yuuichirou’s outburst.
However, Yuuichirou’s reaction was anything but what Mikaela expected. Yuuichirou was looking at him in surprise before it changed into a small frown. Mikaela blinked and waved his hands a bit to clearly tell that the kiss was nothing but a joke, but Yuuichirou clearly wasn’t buying it.
“… Shut up.”, were the words that left Yuuichirou’s mouth before he reached and grabbed Mikaela’s hospital gown before he leaned close and landed a kiss on Mikaela’s mouth, bruising it with how rough he was.
Mikaela jumped in shock and pushed Yuuichirou away for a bit to put some distance in between them. When they pulled apart, Mikaela noticed a flower petal hanging loosely on Yuuichirou’s lips—a blue rose petal that held the same shade as his own eyes. The sight of it rendered Mikaela speechless, and his silence only spurred a blush to grace Yuuichirou’s cheeks once again.
“Yeah, I have it too… because I thought you love someone else,” Yuuichirou confessed as he took the slightly wet flower petal on his lips. “It’s not as bad as yours, but… yeah…”
Yuuichirou looked away shyly, unable to say anything next now that he just outrightly admitted to like Mikaela that way. Fortunately for Yuuichirou, no words were needed to be said as Mikaela gently cupped his face and kissed him again. Unlike when Yuuichirou did it roughly and in a blinding rush, this one was full of passion and love—silently telling emotions that were kept hidden away for so long.
The taste of flowers in his mouth was unavoidable, and yet despite that, Mikaela felt so light that he could feel himself breathing freely.
“… Yuu-chan,” Mikaela rasped in a crooked voice, which surprised Yuuichirou.
“Mika, your voice… It’s back.”
“Oh…” Mikaela blinked in amazement upon realizing that his voice was back, even though it sounded a bit different now after all the pressure that disease gave it. Nevertheless, his eyes stained in unshed tears of joy. “My voice… Yuu-chan, it’s—”
Before Mikaela could say any more words, Yuuichirou claimed his lips again in a soulsearing kiss, effectively silencing him as words couldn’t express the happiness the other was feeling. Mikaela merely just closed his eyes in silent acceptance before he wrapped his arms around Yuuichirou and returned the kiss in full, allowing them to enjoy their intimate time together as they healed each other through a kiss that was full of petals.
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splendidlyimperfect · 5 years
Sting’s life has been a mess ever since he was eleven years old and Rogue told when he’d promised to keep a secret. Now Sting is an adult, and the only way he knows how to cope is by getting drunk and forgetting the world. When drinking nearly kills him, he gets a chance to turn his life around, and maybe become the kind of man that Rogue deserves to love.
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Chapter Summary: Sting moves in with Uncle Wes.
Chapters (6/?): 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Rogue Cheney/Sting Eucliffe, Natsu Dragneel/Gray Fullbuster, Sting Eucliffe & Natsu Dragneel, Sting Eucliffe & Weisslogia Characters: Sting Eucliffe, Natsu Dragneel, Rogue Cheney, Gray Fullbuster, Weisslogia Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Past Child Abuse, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Trans Character, Trans Sting, Friendship, Childhood Friends, Sting-focused story, Sting is a disaster, Natsu’s a great friend, Rogue tries to do what’s right, Tumblr: FTLGBTales Series: Part 2 of i’m still standing
ca·su·al·ty | \ ˈka-zhəl-tē noun : a person or thing injured, lost, or destroyed
iv summer age eleven
When Sting wakes up the first day after the hospital, he stays in bed under the blanket for a long time before sitting up and rubbing his eyes. The room is dark, and when he looks down and sees the teddy next to his pillow, he scowls and throws it on the floor.
Sting curls up again and drifts in and out of sleep until there’s a quiet knock on the door. He blinks at the clock – it’s 10:37 a.m.
“Abbey, would you like breakfast?”
Uncle Wes’ voice is gentle – Sting remembers him as being loud and booming, but Sting’s never been scared of him. Now, he’s not sure. Uncle Wes is bigger than Dad, and stronger, but Sting feels safe with him.
Sting pushes himself slowly out of the bed and wobbles, catching himself on the side table as a wave of dizziness washes over him. The alarm clock cord catches on his fingers and it falls to the floor with a bang.
No, no, no.
The door flies open and Sting flinches, falling backward onto the floor and bringing up his arms to cover his face. “I’m sorry,” he whispers, tensing in anticipation of a loud voice or angry hands.
Instead, Uncle Wes crouches down next to Sting and says, “it’s okay, it was an accident,” in a gentle voice. “I’m sorry,” he adds. “I didn’t mean to scare you – I thought you’d fallen.”
“I’ll fix it,” Sting says, peeking up at Uncle Wes. He doesn’t look angry, but Sting’s not completely convinced. Maybe he’s saving it for later.
Continue reading on AO3
“It’s not broken,” Uncle Wes says, picking up the clock and examining it, then setting it back on the side table. “And even if it was, it’s okay. Are you hurt?”
Uncle Wes reaches out a hand and Sting hesitantly accepts it, letting Uncle Wes pull him to his feet. His arm aches and his head pounds, sharp throbs that slam against the inside of his temples. Other things hurt, too – a scrape on his back, a bruise on his shin, the bottoms of his feet where he’d run over the rocks on his way home from Rogue’s house.
Rogue, he thinks, squeezing his eyes shut. Hurt and anger fill his chest, and he holds his breath to keep himself from crying.
“You must be hungry,” Uncle Wes says, interrupting Sting’s angry, confused thoughts. “Most of my cereal is boring old-man stuff, but I think I’ve got some Reese Puffs hidden in the back of the pantry.”
Sting looks up, not saying anything but following Uncle Wes out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. A bright beam of sunlight falls across the room, making it seem warm and inviting. Sting lets Uncle Wes help him up onto one of the bar stools next to the counter. He winces – everything hurts, and it’s harder than he expected to do things with a broken arm.
Sting’s eyes roam over the pictures on the fridge while Uncle Wes gets the cereal from the pantry. There’s a photo of Sting in grade one with chipped teeth and freckles and curly hair. There’s another of Grammie sitting with Wes and Dad when they were little boys – Sting looks away from that one quickly.
Most of the other photos are of Uncle Wes with a man in a wheelchair that Sting doesn’t recognize. He’s got short black hair and dark brown skin, and a soft, kind smile. In one picture, Uncle Wes is kissing him.
Something funny flips in Sting’s stomach.
“That’s Muhammad,” Uncle Wes says, setting down a bowl of cereal in front of Sting. It’s followed by a glass of orange juice, and when Sting looks down at Uncle Wes’ hand, he sees a wedding ring.
“Is he your husband?” Sting asks. Yukino has two moms, and a lot of the kids in their classes teased her about it. Sting had told them to shut up, once, and they’d called him names too.
“He was,” Uncle Wes says in a soft, sad voice. “He died last year.”
“Oh,” Sting says quietly. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” Uncle Wes says, squeezing Sting’s shoulder and sitting down across from him. His bowl of cereal is twice the size of Sting’s, and he digs into it right away. “Muhammad had a sickness that made his heart very weak.” He looks fondly back at the picture. “We spent a good few years together – I’m glad we had what time we did.”
“I didn’t know,” Sting says softly, poking at his cereal. “Dad didn’t…”
“Your father didn’t approve,” Uncle Wes explains. He takes a sip of his coffee and studies Sting over the top of the mug. It takes Sting a minute to realize that it’s a silent question.
“I do,” he says quickly, looking down at his bowl. “I mean, it’s… fine, I don’t…” He scowls at his spoon, trying to figure out why he suddenly wants to tell Uncle Wes. He’s about to say, I think I like boys too, when he realizes that Uncle Wes thinks he’s a girl.
Sting has never told anybody that he’s a boy – not even Rogue, who was his best friend.
Uncle Wes sits up, reaching over and grabbing the bottle of Tylenol from the counter. “How’s your arm?” he asks, and as soon as it had appeared, the tension in the room is gone. Sting shrugs, staring down at the cast. They’d asked him what color he’d wanted, but he’d been too overwhelmed to answer, so it’s pink.
He doesn’t answer the question, but he takes the pills from Uncle Wes and swallows them down with his orange juice. After a minute, he asks, “is dad going to jail?”
Uncle Wes sighs, and it almost feels like he’s going to take Sting’s hand but decides against it. “I don’t know yet,” he admits. “Officer Kelly is going to come by in a couple days to ask you some more questions, but your father is being held by the police right now.”
Sting doesn’t say anything. His feet don’t touch the ground, so he kicks his legs back and forth.
“Did he do this to you?” Uncle Wes asks gently. Sting keeps his eyes on the table, but he knows Uncle Wes is talking about his arm and his head.
He wants so badly to say no, to tell them that they’re all wrong because his dad loves him. But yesterday was the worst it had ever been, and Sting’s still terrified.
He nods.
“Oh, sweetheart,” Uncle Wes says, sighing sadly. “I’m so sorry. I wish I could have been there.”
Sting shrugs.
The kitchen is quiet for a few minutes as they finish eating. Uncle Wes takes their dishes and piles them in the sink, wordlessly offering Sting more juice before putting it back in the fridge. Sting stares out the window – there’s a planter outside full of bright flowers, and an apple tree beyond that.
“I’m not going back?” Sting asks after a while. Uncle Wes settles down across from him again, leaning forward on his arms, but Sting doesn’t look at him. “To dad,” Sting clarifies. “I can’t go back to live with him.”
Uncle Wes shakes his head. “No,” he says gently. “I know this is overwhelming, but you’re going to be staying here now. Officer Kelly is working with someone called a social worker – do you know what that is?”
Sting shakes his head.
“It’s someone who helps people – and families – solve problems,” Uncle Wes says. “They’re going to help us with lots of things, and one of those things is figuring out if you’re going to be staying here for good.”
“Do I have to go to a new school?”
“Oh.” Sting thinks he should be angry about that, but the space where he’s usually mad or sad is filled with nothing right now. He rubs his face, then looks up at Uncle Wes.
“It’s a lot to think about,” Uncle Wes says gently. “Officer Kelly will explain more when she comes to visit, okay?”
Sting doesn’t want to cry again, but he can feel his throat doing that funny thing that he hates where he can’t quite breathe. None of this seems real, and he can’t tell if he’s angry or scared or relieved. Maybe all of them at the same time.
“I need to go to the grocery store,” Uncle Wes says, pulling Sting out of his thoughts. “Do you want to come with me? I’m not sure what kind of food you like, so maybe you can help me pick out some things.”
Sting chews his lip uncertainly, looking back down the hallway to the guest bedroom.
“If you’d rather stay here, that’s okay,” Uncle Wes reassures him. “We don’t have to go anywhere. I can ask Helen next door to pick us up some things, or we  can go later when you’re feeling better.”
“Yeah,” Sting says quietly. He still doesn’t quite feel real, and leaving the house seems like too much. If he goes outside, he’ll see the rest of the world going on like nothing happened, and he’s not sure he can handle that quite yet.
“Okay,” Uncle Wes says. “Why don’t you have a shower, and then we can find a movie or a TV show to watch?”
Showering is hard because Sting can’t get the bandage on his stitches wet, so he ends up wetting his hair in the sink and rinsing it with a cup instead. Standing under the hot water feels nice, though, as long as he keeps the plastic bag wrapped around his cast.
Eventually he’s clean and dressed in a set of pajamas that are size too big for him. Sting curls up in the corner of the couch and wraps a knitted blanket around him, watching as Uncle Wes flips through channels on the TV. Eventually he hands the remote to Sting.
“I have no idea what kind of shows you like,” he admits.
Sting flicks to the cartoon channel and eventually finds an episode of Pokémon. He’s seen it before, but when the theme song starts to play, it relaxes a little bit of the anger and confusion in his chest.
After a few minutes, Sting realizes that Uncle Wes is still sitting on the couch with him. He’s far enough away that he couldn’t reach Sting without standing up, but he’s still there, leaning back with his arms behind his head and watching the show.
“You don’t have to stay,” Sting says, looking back at the TV. Guilt washes over him, suddenly – Uncle Wes probably has better things to do than sit with Sting and watch some stupid TV show.
Uncle Wes looks over at him. “I want to,” he says simply.
Sting frowns but doesn’t say anything else – just burrows into the blanket and listens to Team Rocket scheme about kidnapping Ash’s newest addition to his team.
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missmentelle · 5 years
Hi Miss mentelle♥️ Ever since i was little ive been an outsider i’m 20 now and i think im never going to find friends or my ”tribe”. Ive never had a true friend and it worries me! Am i the one who should change or will someone come in time.
I know it can be difficult to reach your early 20s without finding a group of friends you truly “click” with, but this isn’t as abnormal as you think, and you are definitely not alone with this situation! It’s actually not entirely surprising that so many people get to college age without finding true friends - up until now, you’ve just sort of been lumped in with other people based on nothing more than your age and geographic location, and expected to make friends based on that. In reality, though, the fact that two kids were born in the same calendar year and live within the same school district zoning division is not enough to form the basis of a solid friendship. If you were a kid who was quirky or had niche interests, it’s pretty likely that you had an especially hard time finding someone to share those interests, which can be a very lonely experience. TV and movies love to portray childhood and adolescent friendships as being the deepest and most meaningful friendships of your life, but that’s just not the case for most people - the reason so many people drift apart from their school friends after graduation is that many of those relationships no longer have anything binding them together once you are no longer hanging out in the same social circles and listening to the same town gossip. The good news is that this tends to be a self-correcting problem as you get older. In college, you are generally surrounded by people who chose the same major as you, especially in your final two years. Having the same college major as someone else doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re destined to be friends, but you are likely to have at least a few major interests in common. The same goes for graduate school, your career, your job - the more you have the power to select and choose your life and the people around you, the more likely you are to come across people who have made similar decisions, and have at least a few things in common with you. Actively pursuing your hobbies - by taking classes, joining clubs, going to artists’ or yoga retreats, etc - only increases your chances of meeting like-minded people. There is no age limit on new friendships, and it’s not unusual for people to meet their closest friends in middle age or later. My mom made many of her best friends after the age of 40, largely by being active in the community and signing up for art classes at the local community college, where she met people from all walks of life who shared her passion for art. Don’t think that you are doomed to a friendless existence just because the people you were forced to sit next to in 10th grade biology didn’t turn out to be your bestest friends - the further you get into adulthood and the more choices you get to make for yourself, the more likely you are to find your tribe, especially if you are willing to put yourself out there. Best of luck to you!
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apex-knight · 6 years
The time I wanted to deck a girl in the face 
 I didn’t of course lol. But I felt the sensation for the first time.
So let me preface this by saying that I’m not a violent person. I live my life as a pacifist. I think I got it from growing up in a household of medical doctors heheh. But anyways, when I’m mad at someone I never have the thought to lash out. I just get really quiet and dismissive. Except for this one time in high school in which I felt the sensation for the first time. 
Back in high school most of my long time friends had been girls I’ve known since elementary school. I have this one friend that I was really close with (and no we were not in a romantic relationship we were just close) who was very nice and gets really excited over most of her interests. She would often tell me stories about stuff that happened to her. And even though I wasn’t entirely interested, I still payed attention an listened to her stories because a) It clearly made her happy and b) it made me happy to see her get excited while talking about things she is passionate about.
So there was this other girl that came into our friend group because she was dating one of my middle school friends. One of my childhood friends (my closest childhood friend) had also become acquainted with her. So she had some footing in our friend group. I didn’t really think much of her. We didn’t have any classes together or anything. Ive only ever seen her before and after school when the whole group was together.
 One day after school, my close friend (the one i said that is very passionate) and I were hanging out waiting for the others and she was talking to me about something I was actually semi interested in and I paid attention as usually. It was about something crazy some other person did in her neighborhood. The details are pretty fuzzy but I remember it being a funny story. Then the new girl along with my childhood friends came up to meet with us. My excited friend and I turn to greet them.
The new girl asked what’s up. So now, my exited friend turns to her and begins to tell her about the story.
Now important thing to highlight. My friend didn’t just suddenly start her story over. She told the girl something akin to “I was just talking about the time my neighbor *insert name here* did *insert wacky thing here*”. That’s the kind of thing she said.
Now here is the fucked up part. The girl literally says in the happiest tone
“Oh I don’t know that person so I don’t really care.”
Guys, holy shit was ever consumed by rage.
The girl said it in such way that if you were to put it in text form, it would have :) or a uwu at the end in order to further emphasize “I don’t care about what you have to say at all lol”.
For a split second, I actually understood what people mean when they say they were seeing red. The girl almost immediately tuned her attention to my childhood friend and began talking about something else entirely.
Now luckily, my friend wasn’t to affected by this (at least i hope not). When it happened she kind of paused for a moment and turned her attention back to me to continue her story like nothing ever happened. But I was so consumed by anger at the time that I found it hard to pay attention to the rest of the story.
I wanted to either plant my fist square between her eyes or plant my foot share between her vagina and asshole. 
But I didn’t because I’m a civilized human being and as such I instead tried my best to listen to the rest of my friends story.  
That girl was extremely disrespectful and from then on I didn’t like her at all. The next year I starting seeing her more often between brakes and it became more difficult to avoid her since she was always hanging out with my childhood friend. I kept seeing her passive aggressive nature up close and thank god she didn’t do anything like that to my childhood friend or else I probably would have started yelling at her. 
I've gotten over it of course, I didn’t see her as often during senior year. She might have broken up with my middle school friend and drifted away from my childhood friend (thank god)
But yeah, that was an interesting moment for me that really made be realize just how much I value my friends. And, it also goes to show how much self control I had back in the day. Now that I’m older, I could think of alot of ways in which I could have called her out on her behavior.  
But that’s all in the past now. 
She’s probably a better person now. 
Honestly highschool was the worst for all of us. But we all grow up and get better am I right?
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