#and my check engine light came on in my car yesterday
allofuswantgwinam · 5 months
not me telling my mom i was coming out to make a coffee and then she makes the last coffee pod right after i tell her that? she must hate me and want me to die fr
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sixftmp3 · 1 year
hello google how to not be stressed over plans that are not stressful. thank you
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frostedpuffs · 29 days
got a new car a week ago today
car has been fine up until yesterday, where the check engine and battery light came on
shit. told myself I'd deal with it when I get home from work
on the way home from work it starts having electrical issues (won't tell me what speed I'm going/auto start-stop button keeps turning off on its own)
uh oh
make appointment with the dealership I got it at to be serviced
I bought the full warranty so everything should be covered at least!
warranty takes 30 days to take effect
anything they do I will be required to pay out of pocket
they will need to keep my car for at least a week
I will have to pay for a rental out of pocket
also apparently the kind of car I have can be stolen easily
cannot return the car because I am out of the 5 day return window so I'd lose all the money I put down toward it
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lionlena · 1 year
Hate run, love speed (Pedro Pascal x racing driver f!reader) part 3/?
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Pedro Pascal x racing driver f!reader
Summary: You accidentally pick up a hitchhiker who turns out to be Pedro. You hear from him that he’s not a fan of racing and thinks drivers don’t do much… Then he finds out you’re a rally driver.
Warnings: swearing, small angst, mention of risk of accident and death,abuse from men (but not Pedro!) …
A/N: I’m not an expert on car racing and rally drivers, but I’ve always dreamed of becoming one. So please don’t take anything I write about racing and cars seriously. English is not my native language so I apologize for any mistakes. This is my first xreader so… I’m dying here.
Pedro wanted to see you after the race but his agent offered him a lift. He was sure he'd see you anyway, so he decided to be patient.
But he didn't expect to meet you any sooner than he expected. When he saw a familiar looking car, he slowed down. And then he stopped as he recognized a figure standing by the open engine hatch.
It had to be fate.
Sleeping on the couch all night wasn't the best idea.You woke up sore this morning, but at least you didn't oversleep. You calmly ate your breakfast, drank coffee and put on your favorite T-shirt. It was going to be a pretty good day.
(yes, this shirt)
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 You were listening to your favorite song on the way to the track when suddenly the oil level light came on.
You were really surprised. You regularly checked the levels of all fluids in the car. Besides, it was Mando. Your reliable car.
You pulled over to the side of the road, hoping it was just a mistake. When you opened the engine hood you knew it was bad. You immediately noticed traces of an oil leak. You could only guess that the oil line was damaged. The engine was hot, so you couldn't check it further. You groaned and held the bridge of your nose. You were sure you were going to be late.
You were about to call one of the mechanics when a black off-road Mercedes-Benz pulled up right next to you. That was weird. People rarely cared about other drivers. But when you saw who got out of the car, you were out of breath.
Pedro smiled broadly.
"Hi. Need a ride?"
You wanted to pinch yourself. How could you be so lucky to meet him again.
You were so stunned that you replied:
"My car is broken."
Yeah, as if it wasn't obvious.
He laughed and replied:
"Yeah, cars break down."
"Yes, but not Mando."
He frowned slightly and you realized you'd said it out loud.
"I'm assuming because it's silver."
"And reliable," you mumbled.
Pedro stepped closer to you, glancing at the engine.
"Hmm... I assume this place is just cursed."
He was so close to you that you could smell his cologne. And oh... He was even more handsome than when you first met. Probably because his hair wasn't wet from the rain this time. And he wore a well-fitting blue shirt.
"It's almost the same place my car stopped yesterday," he replied.
You looked around and actually... It was almost the same place.
"Wow... It's actually cursed."
You both started laughing.
"Okay, lock the car and get your stuff."
You blinked in surprise.
"Umm, no. I can't. You're in a hurry for sure. I'll be fine.”
He shook his head and opened the passenger side door.
"Yes, I'm in a hurry. I'm supposed to meet my new co-star... at the racetrack."
"Ooo... Uh. Ok."
You quickly closed the engine hood, grabbed your bag and locked the car. Pedro was still standing there with a big smile and holding the door for you. You blushed a bit at the thought of what a gentleman he was. As you two moved on, you really wanted to ask him more about this mysterious co-star, but Pedro started the conversation.
"Look, I'm really sorry I said yesterday that racing isn't a sport and drivers don't do anything. I don't know why I said that. I guess it's because I used to swim and... God it was so much work and I finally gave up because I was too lazy."
You couldn't hide your slight giggle. Why did he have to be so cute? You couldn't be mad at him even if you wanted to.
"Really, you don't need to apologize anymore. I understand. Every profession has its pros and cons. Honestly, I don't think acting is for lazy people either. You know, all those late-night shoots, interviews, movie promotions. It's also a lot of work."
He looked at you for a moment.
"So you're not pretending you don't know who I am anymore?"
"Literally, a few minutes ago you heard that my car's name is Mando. Does it make sense to hide that I've seen your series and movies?"
"I don't think so. So, is any of your cars named Pedro?"
He winked at you, and you couldn't believe how much he was enjoying it.
"No," you replied quickly. "I only name my cars after fictional characters, and basically... I only have two. Mando and my racing car. And then there's the replacement car but someone named it Iron for Iron Man, and it stayed that way."
Pedro smiled mischievously.
"So what's the name of the racing one?"
"Trade secret," you replied quickly.
This amused him even more. He wasn't going to let go.
"What, no? How did you come to that?"
"Because it's yellow."
You were speechless for a moment. You realized that he must have watched the race the day before since he knew what color your car was.
"Javier," you replied with a slight sigh. "Because he's mean and he smokes a lot."
Pedro laughed out loud and... It was such a wonderful sound. Much better than in the videos you've seen.
Suddenly you realized you were already there. You thought Pedro was about to say goodbye to you, but he went straight to the track with you. When you saw your sponsors, you started to suspect that it was all connected somehow.
You were not wrong.
"Oh, there are our stars!" Tom shouted. "I see you two have already met."
"Yes," answered Pedro.
You looked at them completely surprised.
"I don't quite understand what's going on?"
Tom grabbed your hand and said:
"Pedro didn't tell you? You will play with him in...”
"NO!" you growled.
Seeing the surprised and sad face of Pedro, you decided to control your anger.
“I already told you that I am not an actress and advertising is not for me. Pedro is a great actor, but playing with someone like me, we will all come off badly."
You saw that Pedro was about to say something, but Henry beat him to it.
"Leave it to me. Y/N, let's go aside."
Henry grabbed your elbow gently and dragged you a few feet away. Then he asked:
"What do you want? New car, better parts for the old one, more money?"
You ignored his questions.
"Why don't you hire some actress?"
The man moaned.
"Y/N you must understand that this is a business and we don't have unlimited budget. We can't afford two professional, in-demand actors. No offense but you're not going to cost us that much. But it's not just about the money. We need authenticity. We want our customers to truly believe that our cars are for women who break stereotypes."
You groaned and shook your head, but Henry didn't let go.
"Look, if our profits go up, then... Next season, we're going to hire a different coach. The one you choose."
You looked at him shocked.
"For real?"
"Yes. Think about the advantages. You'll make extra money, you'll get more fans, you'll get rid of Ben... And don't tell me you don't want to play with a hottie like Pedro Pascal."
"Uh... All right."
"Ok. Let's go work out the details. Don't worry about training. I already told Ben you're off today."
Henry clapped his hands and gave the others a thumbs up. You got the strange feeling that Pedro beamed, as if he was really glad that you agreed.
What were you supposed to do? The offer was really tempting. You could only profit.
What could have gone wrong?
When you were talking to your friend in the evening, her excitement was vibrating on the phone.
"This is fucking awesome news!"
"I don't know," you replied skeptically.
"What is wrong? It's like a dream come true and you sound like someone just killed your puppy."
You rubbed your temples. How were you supposed to explain it?
"It's just too much. Sure, I dreamed of meeting Pedro... Like millions of other women, but that's it. I'm having a good season and all I wanted to do was just ride and win. I have a race in Spain in two weeks, then France... And I'm not an actress."
"Hey, listen," your friend's voice was calm and reassuring, "it's just an advertisement… Several two-minute spots.  Professionals don't always play in commercials. Besides, you said Pedro offered to help you."
"Yeah, when he gets the script, he'll call me and we'll meet."
"Oh, and thats great. Everything will be fine. You manage to keep your nerves at a speed of 200 km / h and you can't cope playing alongside... the hottest actor of this year!"
"Uhhh... You're not helping!"
Your friend laughed and you joined her.
Eventually her excitement started working on you. You started to think that this might actually be a fun adventure. In a few years you'll be able to say that you played with Pedro Pascal himself.
Part 2: https://lionlena.tumblr.com/post/717038721131855872/hate-run-love-speed-pedro-pascal-x-racing-driver
A/N: Please reader remember never to get into a car with strangers.... Unless it's Pedro Pascal :D
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depraveddove · 11 months
Hey all, I'm Rachael, a 39-year-old mama of 2. I work full time but money is tight and we live paycheck to pay check. Yesterday my check engine light came on in my car and hasn't gone away and the oil light is flashing on and off. I need to put the car in the shop and I just do not have the money to pay for repairs. I also need new brakes. I need my car to get to and from work and to take the kid's places. I can't afford to not be able to let my car sit without repairs.
Jasper had a wound on his back that required him to wear a cone for 8 weeks. He healed nicely and then about 2 weeks ago a lump formed near it. He has an appointment with the vet on Aug 7th and I can't afford what I know is going to be several hundred + dollars for the visit and treatment. Jasper has gotten me through some really tough times and it's breaking my heart that I can't afford to have him treated.
Please help if you can. It would be everything to my family for me to get my car fixed and my cat treated and feeling better. The money will also go to getting me to and from work while the car is in the shop.
Every little bit helps and even a share would mean the world to me!
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sugarandice3 · 9 months
Self Destruction
AN: So this is one out of (hopefully) three chapters for a slenderverse-inspired fic I began a long time ago. Truthfully, I would love to continue it, but I am in college and leisure time is hard to find so just a little encouragement would be welcome. Also, given my lack of beta readers, this will probably resemble more of a rough draft than a polished piece, so constructive criticism is more than welcome. But, without further ado, my fic. Self Destruction.
Warnings: Mild horror and mental health issues.
Word Count: ~4K.
Chapter 1: Homeward Bound
The road stretched onward for miles across flat Montana earth, only stopping when it met the wakening horizon. Glaring light filled Keres’s vision, searing the image of the sunrise into her eyes and obscuring the abandoned highway. With a groan, she flipped up the useless sun visor and reached across to fumble around her passenger seat for the pair of sunglasses she had tossed there yesterday. Her fingertips finally brushed against the beat-up aviators as the tires buzzed against the boundaries of the road, warning her of the vehicle’s drift. Keres quickly slid the glasses on, returning both hands to the steering wheel and correcting her wayward car. Glancing at her rear view mirror, she looked through the dust covered glass to make sure that her brother’s little black truck was still behind her. Oliver was farther back now than he had been earlier, but in the early Montana morning on this empty stretch of highway, the greater distance didn’t matter. It only made her feel better that he probably hadn’t seen how far into the other lane she had drifted during her quest to block out the blinding sunrise.
Sweeping unbrushed auburn curls back behind her ear, Keres turned her brown eyes back on the monotonous pavement and focused on keeping her eyelids from lazily sliding half-closed. It was only day one of a three-day road trip back home and Keres was already exhausted. College had not been kind to her. 
“College is never kind to anyone,” she mumbled, correcting the self-pity that seemed to be more incessantly tainting her thoughts lately. Just because she wasn’t able to handle the pressure doesn’t mean that classes and being away from home were harder for her than they were for anyone else.
Rubbing her leg, Keres adjusted her grip on the steering wheel and checked for her brother one last time. She sighed again and reached for her phone to turn on some music. It was going to be a very long couple of days.
The red Toyota pulled into a silent motel parking lot, gravel and grit crunching under the tires. Orange street lamps shone weakly around the wings of the building, giving spots of haunted color to the monochrome of the lightless evening. The car came to a slow stop in front of a worn motel door and after a moment, the engine cut off and Keres stepped out.
“We definitely could’ve picked a better place,” Keres muttered, taking in the patches of wind-peeled paint and the withered grass filling the cracks in the pavement. 
It definitely wasn’t a 5 star motel, but Keres and Oliver had known that when they made the reservation. What they hadn’t known was that the reviews had been extremely generous.
The motel sat on the outskirts of town, bordered by derelict, trash-strewn roads. Eerie silence pervaded the area, occasionally broken by a passing car, but nothing more. Even in the patchy lot, there sat only a handful of vehicles and Keres wasn’t even sure that most of them were guests here. At least, she hoped that the van emblazoned with the name of the pest control across the street wasn’t here for an extended stay. 
The sound of tires spraying gravel announced the arrival of her brother, prompting Keres to cease her critical assessment of the place. It was just one night after all, and it wasn’t like a good night's sleep would cure her exhaustion anyway. Letting out a heavy sigh, Keres turned back to her car to retrieve her backpack while her brother pulled into the parking space beside her. 
“Well, this place certainly isn’t gonna win any Google maps awards,” Oliver said grimly, keys jangling as he hopped out of the truck. 
“It’s just one night,” Keres said, to remind herself just as much as him, “And  the less time we spend awake in this place, the better.”
Keres pulled on the dusty handle and opened the door, pushing away all the stuff that had shifted during the winding drive through the hills of Montana. With a grunt, she pulled her backpack out and swung a worn strap over her shoulder, settling the weight more comfortably as she straightened. 
“Well, we should probably go check in,” Oliver sighed, leaning over the front of his truck and running his hands though brown curls in desperate need of a trim.
Keres leaned back against the car as she turned to her brother and replied, “I’ll take care of it. Why don’t you look up some places to eat while I get the room key?”
Oliver nodded, pushing off of the truck and walking around to fetch his phone from the passenger seat. The old door gave a grating creak as he opened it, sharply breaking the heavy silence. Both siblings froze, an unnatural apprehension taking hold of the two. The night air seemed to condemn them for the desecration of its quiet, a palpable threat riding the echoes of the noise. For a moment, Oliver and Keres stood there, both of them pretending that they didn’t feel that shiver up their spine or the nervous buzz of a mind on edge. Several beats of silence passed before she stopped holding her breath.
“Roomkey,” she breathed carefully. 
Her voice broke through the miasma, the unease beginning to dissipate like a bad dream the moment her words left her mouth. Oliver straightened, as if surprised, and glanced at the door handle his hand was still resting on. He thought for a moment then slammed it shut with more force than needed, rebelling against the irrational anxiety that had almost faded away. He half-turned to her and nodded his agreement. 
Keres glanced at her own door, shut it gently, and turned away from her car, ready to follow her brother. Then the two moved together, passing under the orange street lamps like a pair of ghosts, all color washed away in alternating gray and orange. They slipped past door after door, all of them so quiet that it seemed as if the entire place was vacant. The slightest noise echoed under the overhanging roof and washed loudly into the parking lot, making it feel as though anyone nearby could eavesdrop on their presence here. The feeling was slight enough to easily be ignored, allowing it to twist uncomfortably in their subconscious without their hindrance. 
As they made their way to the brightly lit office at the end of the wing, Keres became puzzled at the hollow and oppressive feeling of the place. Yes, the reviews weren’t glowing, but they didn't mention anything about the place feeling unsafe in any way. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she shook her head tiredly and lagged a bit behind her brother. They were just tired, that was all. She and Oliver had been driving by themselves all day, creating the perfect conditions for mental exhaustion. Stress and sleeplessness was putting them on edge.
A few paces ahead of her, Oliver called to her.
“Come on.”
Keres looked up at him and realized that they had reached the end of the wing and that he was holding the door to the main office open for her.  
“I’m coming,” she replied, lingering a moment longer before walking the building.
A current of cold air blew past her as she entered, unexpected after standing in the dry heat outside. Keres smoothed her hair back and walked up to the reception desk in the far corner of the lobby. Although the consistent lighting of the room was something of an improvement from the scattered lamps outside, the unsettling feeling of the whole property continued even here. She looked back at her brother as he let the door swing closed behind him. He stood stiffly, strung up to his full height with his shoulders drawn tightly forward, noticeably on edge. Keres looked around for an explanation to the feeling they both shared, something that she could blame for the uncanny nature of this place. 
The room decor was as lifeless as the rest of the building. Chairs that were clearly hardly used but were worn down all the same, plastic plants potted in dust, soulless paintings that Keres somehow felt were outdated despite the generic abstract pattern. Everything seemed out of place, yet she somehow knew this is exactly how everything was meant to be. There was a purposefulness about it, something that she couldn’t contribute to the sleepy manager who just stumbled from the room behind the desk and was trying to pretend she had been there the whole time. Oliver and Keres walked over together, but Oliver stepped forward to talk to the woman, temporarily shaking off his stiffness to put on a warm smile. Keres took a position a step behind him, flashing the woman a small smile as well, but she went unnoticed while he was the focus of the manager’s attention. Oliver was always a charmer, so that didn’t surprise her. Keres usually left the social interaction to him anyway. Having no interest in the small talk going on, she paced over to the window on the other side of the room. Looking through the streaked glass, she vaguely wondered if she could’ve also been capable of easy charisma like Oliver. It didn’t feel impossible, but there were walls that would have to come down first and then learning how to see people the way they wanted to be seen. 
“Alright, thank you so much! Have a good night Mia.” 
The closing of the conversation broke Keres from her ponderous staring, prompting her to turn and look at the woman waving goodnight to her brother. Mia looked out of place here, merely because she was alive in a place that only pretended to understand what that meant. Other than that, her appearance fit what you might expect of someone who ran a shabby motel. She had shaggy brown hair with grown-out, trashy highlights pulled into a messy bun and jarring makeup gave her face an unnatural business that was entirely too much to look at this late at night. Keres didn’t necessarily think less of her for her entirely avoidable appearance, but it did make her curious. What did people see in that? What did she see in herself? What did she see in others?
Once again, Keres was absorbed in her thoughts, her brother’s wake pulling her out the door and back into the heat of the night. 
“She seemed nice,” she mumbled, walking behind her brother.
He counted out the numbers they passed each door, searching for their room. She watched the back of his head, curls bouncing as he nodded and replied, “Yes, she was nice. A bit odd, but I don’t think you could expect normal in a place like this.”
“A place like this,” Keres repeated thoughtfully. 
She was still trying to figure out what that meant. What was this place like? Because what she felt here was not like anything she had felt before. It was unique. 
They stopped in front of a door near the end of the row, thankfully close to where they parked. Oliver slid the dull key into the lock and attempted to turn it, but the old knob was loose, twisting and jostling with the key. Her brother heaved a sigh and muttered something under his breath as he leaned closer to the door and began delicately messing with the troublesome apparatus. While he struggled with the door, Keres turned around to scan the sagging fence that bordered the parking lot. As her eyes roved over it, she wondered how it was still standing. The fence was caged by the brittle remains of whatever short-lived vine decided to weave between the rotting boards and it rattled like old bones whenever the hot breeze blew against it. She couldn’t see beyond the fence, even though she knew there were buildings out there. Cocking her head, she squinted at the darkness. Even though there weren’t any buildings close by on that side, there should still be some light, some glow that she would be able to see outside the perimeter of the fence. Keres took a few steps into the lot, searching for any shape or light outside of the area.
Something was there.
Keres froze, tendrils of terror constricting her chest and locking her limbs in place.
There was a figure standing beside the lamp post, just behind the fence. And it wasn’t human. Nearly as tall as the pole next to it, its form was grotesquely stretched, thinned and elongated beyond any natural capability. The head, thin and elongated like the rest of its body, was completely featureless and sickly white like deadman’s flesh. 
Yet somehow, without any eyes or expressions to tell her so, Keres knew that it was looking at her. The ambient world faded away, leaving her no familiar comfort while she faced this figure. Blood rushed in her ears and her ragged breathing came quick and shallow. She knew that it was looking at her, but there was more to it. It knew her. She could feel it in her bones, the invasive knowledge of her mind that it possessed. 
It knew. It knew everything.
Panic buzzed on the edges of her vision like static and all she could see was that face. That expressionless, featureless face. 
Keres suddenly couldn’t breathe anymore. Choked by her own fear, she wanted to crumble under the sightless gaze of this thing because standing under the weight of her own shame was too much. 
Her knees buckled and she hit the ground. The collision jolted painfully up her spine and the rush of blood in her ears climaxed to a shrill whine. She could not move, she could not look away, she could not speak.
The word echoed faintly around her, holding no meaning as it faded away and became part of the static hellscape. 
Firm hands grabbed her shoulders as her name rang out again. 
Everything stopped. The shrill whine of bloodrush, the black dissolving the edges of her vision, the fear-locked limbs, all of it stopped as her mind was slammed back into the reality she didn’t know she had been pulled from. 
Free will suddenly coming back to her, Keres desperately drew in a breath, filling lungs that had been too constricted by fear to act on their own accord. She keeled forward onto the crumbling pavement, catching herself on her elbows as he coughed roughly and sucked in air. The hands on her shoulders provided a steady pressure and banished the spell of isolation from before.
“Keres!! Can you hear me? Keres, answer me!!” Oliver shouted, voice gripped tight with concern. His fingertips dug into her skin, almost as terrified as she was. 
“Where did it go?” she gasped.
She lifted her head to scan the fenceline, and upon not seeing the figure, another shock of fear lanced through her body and her insides roiled violently with adrenaline. 
As she twisted to find the phantom attacker, Oliver caught her by the shoulders once more and spun her to face him. 
“Keres, what are you talking about?” he snapped, using one hand to make a large, sweeping gesture around them, “There’s no one here!”
That made her pause, staring back at her brother with hunted eyes. She saw her own fear reflected and magnified in his eyes, clearing the racing thoughts the residual panic was flooding her mind with. Traces of fear still remained, but it was now hidden away out of sight, festering until it could be triggered later. 
She took an anxious glance around them and whispered, “You didn’t see it?”
Oliver shook his head. Some of the tightness left his shoulders as he carefully let her go now that the urgency of whatever fit she was having had passed. 
“There was no one there,” he replied carefully, “I just turned around and you were kneeling on the ground, but you weren’t breathing and you just kinda went rigid.”
They stayed silent for several moments, each looking intently at the other as if they could find the answers underneath the fear in eachothers eyes. While Oliver’s face was struck by concern, Keres’s remained a mask and showed only what she could afford to express. How could she explain what she had seen, what she had felt? It was built on so much that she had kept hidden that to talk about it would require her to bare her soul, and Keres couldn’t do that. If she wasn’t convinced before, now she was. That other being had known her and all she felt was judgment and shame. She was almost crushed by the weight of that knowledge, of the stranger that showed her how revolting her true nature was. How much harder would it be to show that to someone who she cared about? To reveal the twistedness inside and still ask to be loved? It wasn’t possible. As things were right now, at least she was able to pretend that she was faking just as well as everyone else. 
Drawing in a long, steady breath, Keres finally crushed what was left of the fear and met her brother’s eyes with a firm gaze.
“I’m okay now,�� she said, “I’m sorry I scared you.” 
However, Oliver’s fear would not simply be brushed aside. He had not seen the being, he didn’t know that this was something personal.
He shook his head in response and said, “I think you had a seizure or something. We really should get you to the hospital-”
“No,” she cut him off. The last thing she wanted to do was be stuck in a hospital for hours, only to be told nothing was wrong with her. Keres knew that the problem wasn’t physical.
“I think I just locked my knees,” she lied, “I’m fine now, really. Let's just get into the room so I can sit down.”
Conflict visibly flickered across Oliver’s face. Keres was too drained to argue, however, so when he didn’t make any move to insist on anything contrary to her wishes, she reached over and took the key from his limp fingers. Slowly, she turned her back on the fence line, now shadowed with a dull city glow, and stepped up to the motel door. The knob rattled loosely in the door, but it let her in, stale air drifting past her as the door swung inward. Keres didn’t look back at her brother, whose eyes she felt on the back of her neck, and went straight to the bathroom. She rested her elbows on the greasy, discolored linoleum for a moment, rubbing at her temples. 
“I’m fine,” she chanted to her haggard reflection, “I’m fine, I’m fine.”
The girl in the mirror solemnly shook her head in response, the lies rolling off the glass like water droplets. They both knew that wasn’t true and hadn’t been for some time. Frustrated, Keres stared into blank eyes, tears welling up and clinging to her lashes. Why couldn’t she make that true? She looked down, unable to look at the lies the reflection showed her, and turned the worn faucet. The water gurgled out and splashed in the stained basin, swirling hypnotically around the slow drain. Cupping her hands beneath the flow, Keres brought the cool water to her face and washed it over her skin. She let it trickle down her neck and drip off her nose, grounding herself in these sensations as she tried to find any emotion left inside her after what had just happened. Like the sink, she numbly wondered if all the emotions had drained away, leaving her a stained shell. Everything would come back, it always did, but somehow she knew that she wasn’t in charge of the faucet anymore. 
Straightening, Keres spared one last look at her reflection, at her hollow face, and left the bathroom. Oliver was laid out on one of the beds, watching something on the TV. His face wasn’t quite relaxed, his whole demeanor seemed troubled, and more so when he heard her exit the bathroom. He tensely sat up a little, watching her with apprehension. He opened his mouth to say something as he swung his legs off the edge of the bed, but Kere held up a hand to stop him. 
“I’m fine,” she said, the lie coming easily after so much practice. Drawing some power from the dregs of emotion in her gut, Keres offered him an easy smile as she sat down on her bed. 
“I’m sure I’ll feel better in the morning.” 
Oliver nodded and returned her smile with a relieved grin of his own, the tight lines of worry in his face easing a little at her false assurance. 
“I’m glad,” he responded quietly, “You really scared me back there.”
Keres looked into her brother’s eyes and saw the pools of fear her episode caused that haven’t yet drained away. Nodding, Keres smiles at him again, lightening her expression so that she won’t be able to see fear reflected in his eyes anymore. 
“I’m sorry I scared you. I don’t know what happened, but I’m sure you won’t see it again.” 
He smiled at her and laid back down, loudly yawning as he settled back against the mattress. The springs groaned as he moved and Oliver winced in disgust at the sound. Keres mimicked him, laying down on her own lumpy bed, and stared at the buckling popcorn ceiling. The two laid in sleepy silence for quite some time, food forgotten now that both of them were too tired to have an appetite.  
Eventually, her brother got up and got ready to go to bed, flicking on lights as he went. Keres closed her eyes and sighed, pushing herself up to a chorus of squeaking springs and slid off the bed. She felt like a mimic, an echo that followed behind Oliver’s actions as he went through his evening routine. It felt strange, but she couldn’t bring herself to care about it. 
In a few minutes, everything was done and they were both ready to go to sleep. The two slid into bed, and Oliver clicked out the light after wishing a goodnight to his sister. Keres hummed in response and lay in silence, listening to her brother’s breathing slow as he fell asleep. The darkness pressed in on her, thickening until it was almost palpable. It wrapped around her like a bad promise and fear resurged within her as it writhed around her. Huddling under the blankets, Keres closed her eyes and submitted to the fear, allowing it to crash over her until she fell into an anxious half-sleep
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thedeliverygod · 3 months
got my car fixed for $250 so thankfully it wasn't a huge deal [don't even remember if I mentioned on here it was having problems tbh but the check engine light had been on for a while and then it had a moment where the light was flashing and it didn't want to accelerate--it was the ignition coil that needed replaced]
came home yesterday and was tired af so I passed out right away and literally slept the whole night until like almost 5 when Salem wanted his food then stayed up for a tiny bit before going back to sleep again
sinuses/whatever was bothering me again today so took a migraine pill when I got home and I fell asleep after until like 9 something so oof
I would like to have my evenings back plz
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theretirementstory · 3 months
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My goodness, how has the last day of March come round so quickly? It is Easter Sunday too, the traditional day for giving Easter eggs, all those children running around “hyper” from too much chocolate!
I was hospitalised on Monday, had a catheter fitted in my femoral artery and had an early night as I was to wake up at 4am, washed breakfasted and be ready for the taxi to pick me up at 5am to take me to the hospital in Paris. Once again I was having cells collected, not stem cells this time but cells which will be engineered to fight the cancer cells in my body. Oh well will find out more as the procedure rolls along.
It was a grey day for the journey, which was a shame as the chauffeur drove me alongside the Seine, there were some gorgeous houses.
We went through the commune of Vincennes, where I spotted the Hippodrome de Vincennes (the Racecourse) recognised by the white railings as seen at Redcar, The Knavesmire etc. We then passed the Château de Vincennes, it was difficult to photograph through a rain spattered window. Then in the distance I saw the Barriere du trône we drove right past them too. I love these trips into Paris where the chauffeur always wants to highlight some of the lesser known sights.
When I arrived, on foot, at the hospital the nurse tutted! I should have been on a trolley (I knew this from before) but was pleased that my taxi company had sent a car. However, as he was unsure where I wanted to be, we parked up, walked to one place then had a longer walk to where I needed to be. She asked if I had had breakfast, said yes at 4am, so she brought me another breakfast which I thoroughly enjoyed.
My blood was collected, the nurse kept asking if I wanted the tv on, don’t know why as I slept almost all day. I was concerned about the chauffeur, how was he filling his day? How tired would he be for the journey back? I needn’t have worried, they cater for this at the hospital, he too had slept and was refreshed for the journey back. There were more sights to see on the way back through Paris, no good trying to get photos, but I did see “Eglise du Saint-Esprit de Paris” and the “Fontaines aux Lions” which is very impressive albeit being used as a roundabout. Our homeward journey was in torrential rain, you couldn’t see tail lights until you were almost on the vehicle! However he kept the speedo on 141 k/hr in the 130 zone and we made good progress 😂😂.
The chemo they had given at the end of February had done what was asked of it, so the Doctor in Paris said another session of chemo would be given. This was done over three days and I gave up pestering to be allowed home as I realise that by keeping me here any transfusions or injections that need to be given can be administered promptly and they are just safeguarding me. Although I had an injection to boost white blood cells yesterday, I was surprised when the doctor said this morning that it had risen from 2,000/? to 20,000 in one day. I told her I had had pain in my bones, shoulders, back etc and she said that was as a result of the white cells, not that I am a doctor, but it may have something to do with bone marrow. She said I should have asked for pain relief, I said it wasn’t that bad, I managed to sleep, but I know in future. The nurses are always checking with me for pain but I think I am on enough flipping meds so will only request it if it becomes too severe.
The catheter came out about three days after it was put in, certainly comes out easier than going in! I have had to have a test on my brain functions, it was ok, painless and listening to music at one point I was trying to think of the English words to a song and almost missed the commands to open and close my eyes. I have the date for an MRI scan and another PET scan, all of which are needed by Paris before the reintroduction of the cells.
I feel a little like Lyndsay Wagner in “The Bionic Woman” or maybe I will do when they put these engineered cells back into me!
I have had platelet and red cell transfusions this week and all I can say is “thank you” to the people who donate these.
Friday the food was abysmal, I hardly ate anything! Monique messaged, she would buy foodstuff and bring it to the hospital. I asked for cheese and ham baguette and a tuna salad sandwich, unfortunately she couldn’t get the tuna sandwich so brought three quiche, tuna and tomato, goats cheese and spinach and a leek one. I ate thé goats cheese one, ate half of the tuna and tomato and have the leek one to have at lunchtime if I fancy it. She also brought me a gorgeous cake, sponge with patisserie cream and fresh raspberries it was delicious! Plus, apples, pears, bananas, oranges and mandarins I certainly have plenty of fruit to keep me going!
The music choices this week start with Elton John, my personal favourite is “Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word” but as a family we loved to sing along to a track first released in 1979 then made Number 1 in 2003, it is “Are You Ready For Love”.
I really hope that I haven’t had this Fleetwood Mac track before as it was a toss up between “Big Love” and this track “Go Your Own Way”, which is from the “Rumours” album of 1977.
So the long Easter holiday break in the UK usually sees people spending their time sorting out the garden, doing DIY etc and for “The Trainee Solicitor” and “The Reconnect Navigator” they have really taken this on board. One of the hedges has been successfully trimmed back, there has been a massive clear out, floors washed and everywhere given a big spring clean. It could be the turn of the partially blocked drain today (weather permitting) I am also wondering if the hydrangeas from last year are putting out leafy buds? There was a friends birthday to celebrate yesterday, so hope there are no sore heads this morning.
“The Photographer” and “The Jetsetter” snapped a photo of one of my old homes. Memories flooded back and I was surprised I could remember so many names of school friends and other friends from the mid to late sixties. Some of these friends I even remembered their addresses! Just goes to show I don’t have a lot to tax my brain at the moment 😂😂.
The weather here is grey, damp and cold, it looks as if the North East of England has had blue skies and some sunshine even if it has been cool too. I have had messages from the US, one from my friend who has had treatment for breast cancer, she is thrilled that her PET scan is clear, I am thrilled for her too! Hopefully, she will return soon to her beautiful home in Bar-sur-Aube. The other friend had been to see Billy Joel in New York, his special guest was Gordon Sumner better known as Sting! This was a lovely surprise as my friend is from North East England so a “local lad” on stage was a bonus.
I am going to finish reading my second book today (only brought two with me) then no doubt I will just read social media and news on-line although that just seems to be full of doom and gloom. I can also listen to some music although don’t think I will be jigging about as I am getting plenty of exercise visiting the bathroom regularly!
So I wish you all a Happy Easter Day, don’t eat too many chocolate eggs, have a good day tomorrow too before the start of another four day week.
Until next week!
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mynameismckenziemae · 4 months
I was really hoping to start on the next part of ‘In Case You Didn’t Know’ yesterday/today but I’m so fucking stressed out right now.
For anyone that’s been following my car journey 🥴 I had it delivered on late Friday night. The interior was not cleaned nor was the gas tank full (as agreed upon). The next morning we looked at it in the day light and there is significant hail damage to the entire vehicle that was not there when we looked at it on 2/23/24 (the dealership had severe storms with documented hail on 2/27/24). We drove it for the first time yesterday and the check engine light AND the oil light came on within 20 miles of driving it.
The dealership has a 3,000 mile warranty and I’m praying they’re decent and take the fucking thing back, I don’t even want it anymore.
I’m seriously going to scream.
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quinloki · 6 months
For Sleepover Saturday chatting. I had a flat tire yesterday. Well, it turns out it was under warranty so replacing it was really cheap--and now my check engine light came on. I can't win. I wish good public transportation was a thing so, so bad. But you need a car to manage here.
It's started snowing in my area but not as bad as previous winters have been. Bad enough to be miserably cold, though.
My birthday is coming up and I'm having people coming over. after talking to my therapist I realized that I'm so worried about being a good host and the party going well that I'm not even looking forward to it.
I know rationally my friends won't be upset if they don't have a great time, but I'm still afraid to waste people's time, I guess.
Do you like hosting people, Quin? Or does it stress you out? Maybe if I was raised in a culture that wasn't so centered on hospitality, this wouldn't be so bothersome.
This ask is kind of somber. How about you tell me three of your favorite One Piece side characters? I'm talking about characters that have one-two lines period, if even that. I really like Haruta of the WBP and Acilia, the big gladiator woman who fought in the colosseum with Rebecca. I want her to hold me like a pet cat tbh. I think she would give awesome hugs.
You cannot waste your friends' time by hanging out with them. So do your best not to worry about it. If everything blows up, order pizza and queue up the worst movie you can find and just bs with everyone and rag on the movie. /hugs/ Your friends are coming to celebrate you, so let them.
No matter what shape it takes <3
I don't mind hosting, but it's certainly not a strength of mine. I also don't know if I can say I even host, as folks would say, properly. ^^; I tend to just make sure there's food, and we have some board games, and there's movies we can watch, and once people show up we decide what we're doing and go from there.
I went all out for my wedding, and gods love me, I doubt I'll ever do that again. But even then a few things I wanted to do fell through, and I let them. There's no friend who is a friend who will be upset if you put your joy over being stressed.
Hmm.. favorite side characters....
Gods alive I am So Awful With Names, I don't know if I'll be able to name them...
Fugetsu Omusubi - he was one of the samurai imprisoned with Yamato. I used his description for a cabbie in Elevated =3 so he sticks with me.
I do like gasping at Pandaman when he shows up randomly.
And I should include Haruta too, I like the character design a lot, and I don't have to look that name up to know who you're talking about. I also think I've referenced him in some of the things I've written =D
Honorable mention - Doctor Potsun, the alabasta doctor who tended to Pell, I used him for A Light Touch because I didn't want to tie down Hongo or Marco for the role at the time, and I'm glad I didn't since I ended up doing more with that story than expected.
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pink-bird-30 · 2 years
Hournite Fic- First Date
I started writing this fic prior to tonight's episode (definitely inspired by @hournites post from yesterday). But I also wanted to do a service to the fans. We're all a mess right now after finding out about the cancellation and I wanted to do this for us. We all matter and I wish things were different.
I want you all to know I appreciate everyone who came together the last few years and uplifted this amazing show.
I'll have more to say once we get closer to the finale, but today, I "Got Ya".
(You can also read my fic on my ff.net)
As always, happy reading!
A soft autumn breeze ruffles the orange and yellow leaves on the black pavement of Blue Valley as day turns to night.  The street lamps flicker on one at a time, lighting the litter free streets full of light.  A yellow mustang travels down the street at a safe speed, heading to its destination for the evening.  Soft music plays in the car, calming the nerves of the teen behind the steering wheel.  Ever so often, his hazel eyes would glance at the clock on the dashboard, hoping he’d make it on time to make a good first impression.
            The passenger seat was occupied by a single sunflower.  Rick glances down at the flower and then back at the road.  A soft smile gracing his usually annoyed complexion.  Tonight was their first date and he wanted to make sure it was perfect.
            You know something will go wrong, Tyler.
            Rick shakes himself of his negative thoughts as he pulls up to the old Victorian house.  He glances up at the house and sees Beth walking past her bedroom window.  His heart jumps to his throat seeing her.  He remembers the first time he felt this feeling for her…over two years ago.  When he caught her after Yolanda pulled her out of the window and she flipped into his arms.  He knew from that moment on he was doomed.  
            Mustering up all his Hourman courage, he turns his car off and steps out of the vehicle.  His converse hitting the ground is the only sound for miles as he makes the long walk up Beth’s driveway.
            Taking a deep breath, Rick pushes the doorbell.  The sounds was deafening as he can hear a faint “coming!” from somewhere within the house.  Rick runs a hand through his dark hair as he waits for his best friend to appear.
Beth had just finished putting on her mascara when she heard the distinct sound of the mustang engine roaring down her block.  She walked past her window to see the vintage yellow vehicle parked outside her home.
            She giggled to herself as she moved past the bay window and to her white dresser.  She looked herself over one last time; Courtney let Beth borrow one of her dresses, a deep orange velvet dress with brown buttons down the middle.  She paired it with a white long sleeve shirt underneath to keep warm and a pair of black booties, giving her a few inches of height.  Beth blushes when she thinks about what Yolanda said when she handed her the pair of boots.
“You know,” Yolanda teased. “so Rick doesn’t need to lean down too far when he kisses you.”
To say the least, Beth was mortified as she left the Montez household earlier that day.
It was well past six in the evening when the doorbell chimed at the Chapel household.  Beth glanced at the clock reading 6:50PM in bright red.  Beth smiles knowing Rick made a great effort to be on time.  Their movie doesn’t start until eight, but they wanted to stop at Richie’s for a quick dinner before the new superhero movie they planned on seeing. 
“Coming!”  She yells as she grabs her phone and her small yellow leather crossbody bag.  Typically Beth would bring her backpack, but tonight was different.
Tonight everything will change.
She checks to make sure her goggles are in her purse before making her way down the stairs.  Beth pauses at the large mahogany door in front of her.  She takes a deep breath to calm herself.
It’s just you and Rick.  Nothing new…except now your feelings are out there.
Shaking herself from her doubts, Beth opens the door and is rendered speechless.
She knew Rick was handsome, but the boy standing before her is not what she expected.  His usual lax style was replaced by a less baggy attire, and more form fitting.  His signature hoodie replaced by a brown leather jacket.  His old warn jeans replaced by black straight leg jeans and a new dark blue sweater Beth has never seen before.
“Rick…” She steps forwards and tugs at the end of his jacket and then glances up at him.  She was surprised by how much effort he put in and her heart swells that he did this for her, for them.  “You look very nice.”
He grins bashfully and looks away somewhat embarrassed.  “I uh, wanted to look my best for you.” He admits and takes her hand in his.  He looks her up and down and smiles, “You look beautiful, Beth.”
The flutter was back in her stomach as she smiles wider at Rick, “Thank you, Courtney and Yolanda were a big help.”  And she was glad they intervened when she told them Rick had finally asked her out.  She never been more unprepared for a moment like this.  But it was worth it, the way he was looking at her…she wanted to remember this moment forever.
Breaking the silence between the two, Rick tugs her hand in the direction of his car.  “We should get goin’ so we can grab a bite before the movie.”
Beth nods in agreement and lets him lead the way to his car.  He opens the passenger side door, but before she can move to slide in, he reaches down and picks up the sunflower on the seat.  Beth feels her breath catch in her throat, he got her a flower.  But not any flower, a sunflower.  Awhile ago, when she and Rick were at the Pit Stop working on her goggles, she noticed he had put a sunflower next to her name in his phone.  She never understood why at the time, but she get is now.
“Is that for me?”
He looks down to the flower between his rough hands and back up to her, “This is gonna sound so stupid…”  
Beth tilts her head in curiosity, “No, please tell me.”  She steps forward and place her hand atop of his holding the dark green stem of the flower.  He looks down at her hand on his.
“Awhile back, you had these sunflower earrings and necklace on and it was just so you.  And this was at the beginning of all this.  Us becoming a team and friends.”  He spoke softly feeling as thought saying this too loud would sound ridiculous to Beth.  “And whenever I see sunflowers it always reminds me of you.”  He pushes the flower into her hand and grins.  “Zeek also said it was improper not to properly woo a lady.” He joked.
Beth laughs, taking the flower from him and hold it close.  “Awe, that’s so sweet, Rick!”  She brushes a soft kiss across his cheek.  Rick’s eyes widen at the surprise affection.  It felt like when he turns over the hourglass, a sudden rush of feeling that completely blinds him.
Still standing there in shock, Beth giggles to herself.  “We should get going.” She slides in to the car and lets Rick shake himself from his stupor and shuts the door behind her.  As he take the walk around his car all he can keep thinking about the small brush of her lips against his cheek and how if she actually kissed him, he would be a goner.
It was almost 11PM when Rick pulled up to Beth’s house.  If Rick were being honest, he doesn’t think his life can get any better than this.  At the diner, everything felt just right.  At first, him and Beth sat across from each other in their usual booth, but when dessert came around, a slice of Maria’s homemade three layer chocolate cake, Beth motioned for Rick to sit next to her to share the dessert.  He laid his arm on the back of the booth and Beth settled into his side like it was the most natural thing in the world.  He never realized how they always seemed to gravitate towards one another.  If anything, he’s noticed more recently during JSA meetings he would pull his stool closer to Beth or sit behind her on the steps.  He wanted to be close to her and he thought it was his imagination when she’d lean closer to him or settle back against his leg on the steps.
            He genuinely believed he made it all up.
            But after tonight, he doesn’t think he can go back to how things were between them.  The longing stars from across the garage.  The shared looks when Courtney says something ridiculous and they always seem on the same page when it comes to her antics.  Or the random or not so random subtle brush of hands when they walk down the hallway at school…
            So deep in thought, he didn’t even realize Beth was speaking to him.
            “I’m sorry, I totally zone out.  What’d you say?”  He turns to her, seeing her completely swallowed by his leather jacket.  At some point during the movie, he noticed Beth shivering and offered his jacket.  When she put it on she pulled it tight around herself and leaned her head against his shoulder.  After that, he seemed to forget the movie they were watching and just watched her reacting to it.
            Beth giggles, “I said ‘can you walk me to my door?’”
            Rick turns his car off, “Yeah, of course.”  He hops out of the car and walks over to the passenger side.  He holds a hand out to Beth which she gladly accepts and steps out of the vehicle.  He shuts the door behind her and they walk hand and hand up to her front door.
            Beth puts down the sunflower on the wooden bench outside her door and takes a step closer to Rick.  She was close enough that she didn’t have to strain her neck to look up at him, courtesy of the boots she was wearing.
            Rick seemed to realize at that same moment how much taller Beth was in those heels too.  Not significantly but enough that he can tilt his head down and their lips would brush.  Being this close to Beth was already making his brain short circuit, his palms were sweety and his heart racing a mile a minute.
            Slowly, Beth trails her hands up his soft blue sweater, settling them against the back of his neck.  Instinctually, Rick wraps his arms around her waist, touching the soft velvet of her dress.  He tils his head down causing his nose to brushes against hers.
            “Is this okay?” he softly asks.  He watches the emotions play out on her face before she answers, “Yes.  It’s okay.”  Hesitantly, Rick eliminates the space between them and pulls her close.  He never thought much about who and where he would have his first kiss.  But he’s glad it was with his best friend.  Someone he knew he couldn’t help but care for and quite possibly be in love with.  It wasn’t what he expected it to be like either.  He figured he’d be a mess and fumble to get to this point, but Beth always had this aura about her that calms him down and helps him think clearly.
            But right now was not a think clearly kind of moment, especially when Beth threads her finger through his hair and tilts her head to deepen the kiss.  Any thoughts he had are far gone as he pulls her closer and enjoys this one normal moment in his life.
            Beth eventually pulls back and rest her forehead against Rick’s catching her breath.  Her hand falls to his heart, feeling his heart beat erratically against his chest.
            She gazes into his eyes and smiles, “Well that happened.”  
Rick chuckles, “Yeah, it finally did.”  He tilts her chin up and brushes a soft kiss across her lips and reluctantly pulls away from her.  “I should get going.”  Beth nods in agreement and removes herself from him.  She picks up her flower and opens her front door.  Before she shuts it she turns back to him.  He was leaning against the door frame watching her with this serene look in his eyes and a small smile gracing his lips.
He's never looked at me like this before…
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” She asks hopeful that this wasn’t just one night.  That they will continue to have these moments for however long he will let her.
He nods, “See you tomorrow, Chapel.”  He winks at her and turns, making his way down her driveway and back to his mustang.
She shuts the door and falls against it, letting out a girlish squeal and runs up the stairs to her room and to her bay window.  She watches as Rick looks up to the window and waves before getting into his car and driving off.
A few moments of watching the empty street her phone begins to ring.
Beth stares down at her phone in disbelief, how did they know she was home?
Her phone populates with Courtney and Yolanda’s faces.
Beth’s eyes widen at the onslaught of questions.
“Whoa guys, one at a time!”  Beth says.  “Also, how did you know Rick just dropped me off anyways?”
Courtney’s blue eyes widen in disbelief, “Beth Chapel, did you blow curfew?!”
“Beth, is that Rick’s jacket?!”  Yolanda gasps. “He gave you his new leather jacket?!”
Beth rolls her eyes, “I’m not telling you guys anything.”
The two teenaged girls groan in unison.
“Oh, c’mon, Beth!”  Courtney groans.  “You gotta tell us something!”
Beth laughs, “Fine.  I’ll tell you one thing and only one thing.  Okay?”
Both teens squeal in excitement.
Beth blushes.  “You were right about the shoes.”
Yolanda’s jaw drops.  Courtney looks between the two in confusion.
Beth ends the call and falls back on her bed with a happy sigh.
You kissed Rick!! 
She pulls Rick’s jacket closer to her and smiles to herself feeling over the moon.  She never thought she could feel so many emotions all at once, but she’s happy they took this step.
And she knows she’ll never look back.
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tropiyas · 1 year
check engine light came on yesterday and i brought it into an auto shop… they're telling me the Mass Air Flow Sensor is damaged and has to be replaced 💀 and quick reading suggests that the MAF does not wear down normally. and the pictures that the auto shop gave me showed that the wires to the MAF were damaged >:(
i'm good to pay it because i've been putting extra $ into my car budget just in case something like this came up, but wtf did my car's last owner DO to this car lmao
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creativebrainrot · 1 year
I want to write up a little open journal entry about yesterday, and well. Life, lately.
Content Warning for the death of a pet. mentions of abuse. mentions of my abuser.
Today was the day of my childhood pet's vet appointment. BK had been off her thyroid medication since late January / early February this year. I didn't realize how long that was, my dad had been trying and failing to save up for her healthcare. Yesterday, she was panting, didn't want to be touched, on top of other health issues we noticed this/last week, and we knew she was dying. One day off of her appointment, after we finally had managed to save up. When we set the appointment it was a 17 day long wait, and I knew she wouldn't make it. She was put to rest yesterday, I asked my dad to take her to vet to be put to sleep. I've watched too many animals die slowly in this house because we couldn't take care of them. We had saved up just enough for her euthanasia.
The night of the 25th I thought she was already dying, so I pet her and laid my head on her body like one last goodbye but she woke up. I tried to sleep but I had to check on her one more time before I could and when I looked where she usually was, she was still staring at my bedroom door.
When I woke up she was already in a bad state.
I got one last goodbye and goodmorning from her.
she was a really cute cat, I had her since I was 4 or 5. She died at 17 or 16 years old and she was so so so happy and sweet and cute for every single one of those years.
I couldn't go to the vet's with my dad. I had just woken up and I despise crying infront of other people. I don't like it. (I don't like it because I don't look how I should. no other reason. people see a "short little girl" and I hate it.)
We tried to work a bit yesterday, the day she left. But our car's engine light came on, and that was just too much to deal with.
I have no reason to stay in this house anymore. Neither does my dad. Today, 27th of April, 2023, we're going to seriously start moving. Selling things we don't want, packing up what we do want.
We spent this whole year so far trying to just save up enough to move smoothly but honestly? I think it will feel smooth even if we have to buy a car that's definitely a one-way ticket. Even if it's the worst used-lemon of a car we've ever driven before, we'll be somewhere that's finally our's.
This house was the very last bargaining chip our abuser used against us. I cannot emphasize enough that everything was rigged against us from the very start. The mortgage company won't talk to my dad. When our abuser was alive they didn't talk to my dad either- none of the companies did. My dad wasn't the sole owner so he never got to apply for any of the housing aid he wanted to. and then desantis. who doesn't exactly "like" poor people. like us. or anyone remotely like us at all, actually.
If we can just get to somewhere new- be it a mobile home, two apartments, a house in a state like this one, it will STILL be an upgrade. Because the system, including our own personal abuser, never let this be our house. This is just "where we're stuck living," and it's been that my entire life.
my dad wanted so badly to fix this house up and love it but everyday it gets a bit harder to stay here. Everyday a new issue crops up that makes us ask, "why are we still trying to live here?"
even if we did like the house, we're still in a state that get's too hot for us to live comfortably, we're still in a state that wants us dead. we're still cut off from care we need and in a state where everything is too expensive for us.
So it's time to say goodbye and move. I'm only 21 and I don't want to watch my dad die in this house- he's in good health. And we want it to stay that way. We're hoping Maine has clinics that we can afford care from easier. DoorDash usually gets us 20$ an hour, so if we can get a car that can keep driving or maybe fix our current one, we'll be right back on our feet. My dad was looking into DoorDash's e-bike program, he really loves working for DoorDash.
My personal dream is an apartment all to myself that's just the right size for my cat and I, that I can make money off of vocal work & art from. I want to work from home so that I'm never forced outside when I don't want to be or can't handle it. I want to work from home because all my friends right now are online. I want a nice apartment within walking distance of nice places.
I want true freedom for myself and my dad. and I think, we'll get that.
no matter what.
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riahchan · 1 year
we are all packed in the car to start driving and the check engine light came on 😮‍💨
my husband got the oil changed and a check up yesterday 😑😑😑
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skz317cb97 · 1 year
This is a roller coaster feel free to ignore...
On Thursday my mom's cars (which I've been using because mine is broke down and I can't afford to fix it) check engine light came on and started running funny. Found out it had a chamber misfiring and needed spark plugs changed. So they tell me it's $100 for the spark plugs cool... don't have it. Luckily mom did, she sends me the money.
Call first mechanic friend can't do it, second mechanic friend can't do it, THIRD mechanic friend says it's a hassle to do in my mom's car and didn't want to. Cool cool cool cool. Oh they all also said btw your coils will probably need to be changed too which are like an additional $300. Super, fantastic, definitely don't have that, and neither did my mom. Mind you at this point now I've missed 2 days of work that I absolutely CAN NOT afford to miss.
Call my FOURTH mechanic friend and ask him if I get all the parts can he do it. This man has been my bestie for almost 20 years! Of course he says yea if I get all the parts he can fix it, then proceeded to look up all the parts and give me an exact price.
So the entire time this has alllll been happening I've been in touch with the owner of my salon, not my manager mind you, the OWNER! This man has fuck you money right?! He's also like the nicest guy in the world. Loans me what I'm missing for parts. I send my friend the money he buys the parts 'okay see you tomorrow budday!'
Wake up on time yesterday, take a nice hot shower, go to leave, my cousin's car is behind mine (she would normally be at work by then BUT she's been sick so I assume she called off). I go in her room to wake her up to move it. "I can't". Apparently when she left to go to work her car wouldn't start (new car like had it a couple months).
So I call my friend freaking out of course cause, dude, the hits keep on coming. So he drives over to my house, we get my cousin's car in neutral and roll it out of the driveway move mine... can't get hers back in. 🤦🏻 One of her mechanic friends showed up to help her.
I FINALLY can take off to my friend's to get my mom's car fixed. Which he did, in no time, he even ended up spending $30 of his own money on parts because they didn't have the spark plugs he was going to get initially. (Also my cousin's car was thought to be the starter but was the battery so not TOO bad.) Shit was stressful as HELL but I'm glad I have a super cool boss and a couple of great friends!
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gremlin-project-x · 2 years
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Yesterday it was very rainy, so when I went out to plan my day, our domesticated stray thought she could stay dry.
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I noticed the hole in the back was leaking, so I figured I'd try and stem the problem with my funny idea. I have no exterior bodywork experience, so welding and bondo-ing are currently not in my wheelhouse. Plus I wanted to do this anyway. Since this Gremlin will never be a show car, I want to have a little fun with it. It's a diet rat rod, and some cars get a "bomber" designation whether the racing class or painted up like a bomber plane. Here, I'm making a 'fuse' for the 'bomb' that is my car. I got a pipe fitting that wound up screwing right nicely into the hole (in the future I will rust-proof this area). And then putting a sink hose on to look like a big visco fuse (I'll have to paint it later). I want to put a two or three-piece acrylic end on the fuse to make it look like it's lit up. But that's a future project!
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I put on the Hornet grill I had and it mostly fits. I just hope it holds up while I'm driving it. Then I mocked up the seat tracks for about where they're going to go.
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I put green LED's in a while back, but even with the incandescent bulbs, the dash lit up green when I got the car. I have my doubts that AMC used green filters for the X packaged Gremlins, but I could be wrong. I also tried to match some seat belt colors to the lights.
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I got a blue led light for the high-beams indicator, but the original gauge has a piece of yellow or brown tape(?) on it to make the indicator light yellow. It was clouded and miscolored, so I removed the bit over the hole. I may change it to yellow. Also checking out the warning lights. You can also see the cardboard tube "light pipe".
August 15 2022
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Today I made some big steps to being finished.
I took the headliner out of the garage where I had done some repairs last year. For repairs, I mostly used wood glue, cardboard, and string-reinforced packing tape. The headliner is a sandwich layer of thin hardboard, polystyrene (styrofoam), hardboard, and the plastic layer you see. I sprayed the backside down with Thompson's Water Seal aerosol to help prevent further moisture deterioration.
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While waiting for that to dry, I finally got a useable oil pump for quart bottle sizes, and drained/refilled the transmission oil. This is the T14 3-speed, which is recommended about two pints of SAE 80w gear oil first and foremost. The TSM also says you can use engine oil, but that's the only place I see that. The 1972 Owner's Manual only says 80w gear oil.
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As the headliner had dried, I went to put it in the car. It went in a LOT easier than it came out. The TSM does give a helping handy tip on how to re-assemble it in. The headliner is held primarily in place by two small steel channels with some AMC-specific metal pop clips. The channels have provisions for four clips, with two holes per spot. I suspect the channel gets used on the Hornet too, which has more roof line than the Gremlin, so the Gremlin only has three.
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At the start, you have to put the clips so the tab is in the top hole. You then have to pop the clips into the roof. Once that's done, you take the headliner and put the edges inside the channels. Take a moment to make sure the headliner is oriented right, then push the channels upwards so the clip tabs snap into the lower holes. At this point, the headliner is in! Hope you didn't forget to snake the dome light cable over.
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At the suggestion of my dad, I got out the carpet cleaner and cleaned up the gunk on my carpets. Wow! See the difference!
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Got my dad to help me find the mounting holes for my seat brackets, It's looking great!
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Wahoo! Seats are almost in! They look great and I'm excited to drive the car!
August 16 2022
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