#and more clips of him floating around
seawitchkaraoke · 13 days
Thank you! I mean, I have complained about Brennan because his play style genuinely bothers me. (Although the more he's played the better I think he's gotten! I hope he continues to improve!) So I wasn't exactly your target audience. But it's still nice to see someone point out that he's about 10x worse than the non-cis white men who get complained about constantly. He creates cool characters. But he hogs the spotlight like no one's other actual player I've watched/heard
I mean you're free to dislike his playstyle as long as you're not like. A hater about it (like half the time the issue with ppl disliking things is they'll go on positive posts about that person and complain there instead of making their own posts, or worse, project on to the other players and say they totally must secretely hate this too like they're not adults and friends and professionals who would talk to each other if smth bothered them)
I don't mind Brennan's playstyle but he absolutely does have a main character vibe especially in his earlier player campaigns - which makes sense bc he's not actually super experienced as a player bc he's a forever DM and that's a pretty normal thing for new players to do (even if it feels super weird to call him new but as he said himself he doesn't get to play that often).
And I do agree he gets more balanced the more he plays (though again as long as everyone at the table is having fun, I really don't mind ppl "hogging" the spotlight, especially since these are all ppl who are in the actual play scene and get to play a lot, they'll all get their moments at some point. And Brennan usually facilitating those moments as DM sure deserves to get some himself)
Either way it's really the double standart for me. Like. You truly cannot be mad at Emily every time she makes a cool move or makes a powerful character and at Ally every time they take a wild swing and then have nothing but love for Brennan as Nikhil or Evan Kelmp. Like that's just an obvious double standart (and Brennan himself would absolutely throw hands with you for being mean to his friends)
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thekitsunesiren · 7 months
Dc x Dp #46
"I'm transferring you all to another branch to focus on your teamwork." Batman announced to the Young Justice League out of nowhere.
The news surprised the whole group. They've been together for quite sometime and had gotten alone just fine. Sure, they had disagreements here and there, but that wasn't enough for them to need more training, was it?
"We've been officially working together for a long time. Why do we need teamwork training now?" Robin asked, being brave enough to talk to the well feared vigilante that many were fearful to speak against.
Batman said nothing as he scrolled through the tablet in hand, obviously searching for something.
"Because you still have problems with your teamwork. You need the help of another team your age to get a better view point of what you're doing wrong. And hopefully you'll be able to learn about the different type of enemies
"Wait, wait, wait! Our age? You mean there's another team that we didn't know about?" Kid Flash asked, the news obviously being a surprise to him.
This news was a surprise to everyone in the group. All of them thought that they were the only young heroes that worked under the Justice League.
Finding what he was looking for, Batman opened a file and the team looked at the large photo that appeared on the screen. The photo contained four teens, just around their age if not older or younger.
One was a black teen with a red beanie, and Robin was surprised to see the bulky tech in his hands that he was using. What kind of outdated tech was this team using?
Next to him was a goth looking girl with raven black hair wearing a black short with a black and green plaid skirt. Her face was concentrated into a stern glare that gave Wally the shivers. The gun that she held in her hand didn't help either.
There was another girl as well. Her black hair down and resting against her shoulders. Said shoulders and the rest of her body covered by a black and red suit with a hoverboard against her feet and another strange weapon in her hand. A gun maybe? Red Arrow was curious to see her aim when moving on that board.
And the last kid wasn't standing. He was floating. With snow white hair and green eyes that seemed to glow everytime they looked at the photo. He looked to be around the same age as the other three, but he wore a black jumpsuit with white boots, gloves, and belt. On his belt rested a thermos? Superboy didn't see how such a scrawny thing could be of any threat.
One thing was similar was that how all of the humans eyes seemed to glow. Almost as bright as the- metas'? Aliens? -did.
"These are the members of Young Justice: Dark. They have been under the Leagues employment for three months, but they've been working on their own for almost two years and managed to stop several world ending disasters dealing with the supernatural."
The statement from Batman shocked the team. Them? On their own for two years fighting against the supernatural? Surely he was joking?!
"But-how? We've never heard of them, and they were world ending, we should've known about it." Robin argued.
"Because they've never left the threats leave their town." Came Batmans clipped reply. "There have been a few close calls, but all of them have been handled. As for why the League wasn't aware, there was interference that stopped the League from knowing about Amity Park. This is the team that took our place."
This was the team? Two years unsupervised against supernatural threats that they didn't know about and they still remained uncovered? Just how strong was this team?
"I'm assigning your next mission to work under them. For the time being they will be your superiors and you will follow their instructions if you come into contact with any enemy. Do not go against their orders or else it will be dire. With this, you will learn about threats stronger than you have faced and better yourselves as a team. Do not mess this up."
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biscuitsandwires · 4 months
In which Danny wakes up in a weird place.... again.
The thing about Danny, is that he often wakes up in really, really weird situations. Like way more than you'd think, way more than he'd even like, really. He doesn't get that much sleep, being y'know, half ghost, and with school work and having to fight "The Forces of Evil" half the time it gets kind of... tedious, balancing things like sleep and eating and even getting water in him.
It's not really a good thing, but he started carrying around a water bottle he can clip to his bag. It reminds him to at least drink something, when he doesn't have time to grab anything to eat.
But because of all that fun stuff, the not sleeping and not eating and things, he often finds himself taking... unplanned naps. Waking up on the floor, his bed, his desk, one time even in his locker, but that was before his growth spurt. He's a little too big for that now.
Of course, this might take the cake, in terms of weird places he's woken up. He's never been to Gotham, that he remembers, and he certainly has never been to the Wayne Manor. He'd remember that, he thinks, what with the grand architecture, the giant paintings of random people with pearl necklaces and suits... yeah he'd know if he'd been here before.
"Ah, you are awake."
He tries really, really hard not to react to the sudden, aged voice next to him. It sounds like a nice guy, mature and soft like a wool blanket. But he has no idea where he is, when it is, anything, so in one second he's still on the big bed (which it is a BIG bed) and the next he's... well.
Floating ten feet in the air with his fist raised.
To his credit, the older gentleman staring up at him merely blinks, then sighs. "Another enhanced fellow, I suppose. Of course you are."
It's enough to lower Danny's hackles, his confusion growing the amount of time it takes to slowly float back to the floor.
"Can I uh... Can I ask where I am?"
The older man gives him a look. "You, young man, are in the Wayne family home. I'll ask you not to touch anything until the young Master gets back."
That... didn't really clear anything up, if Danny was being real. So he tried again. "Can I ask, uh. Why I'm here, sir?"
Mama didn't raise a ruffian with no manners.
Another sigh, the older man looking like he wanted to go take a nap himself. "I am not fully sure, myself. Young Master Damian found you, I suppose, and brought you here. You have been unconscious for a day or so."
Well. That was concerning all on it's own. Who was Damian? Was he a Wayne? Why was Danny in Gotham at all, he didn't remember a field trip or anything involving Vlad.
He might have started panicking if there wasn't the sudden, entirely too enticing smell of pancakes suddenly under his nose.
"You're entirely too skinny, young man. It's breakfast time." The older gentleman said, holding a tray of wayyy too much food for one person in front of Danny, and really...
What was he gonna do? Deny the man?
He would have to figure out what the hell was going on, later. Right now he had a date with the nicest looking spread he'd ever seen.
"And young man, you may call me Alfred."
Danny grinned, gently taking the tray from him and setting it on a nearby table. "Danny. It's good to meet you."
"Hmm." Alfred mumbled. "I certainly hope so, Master Danny. I certainly hope so."
(pt 2 here)
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seiwas · 9 months
two-part something (shouto x reader)
wc: 1.3k
contains: christmas, holiday parties, santa, mid-20's pro-hero!shouto x assistant!reader
full fic sequel: three-part honesty
a/n: just a lil writing exercise on shouto! first time writing him hehe
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shouto’s late to his agency’s holiday party tonight. 
he breathes out, warmth floating as white puffs from his lips. the heating system on his office floor has been turned off, subtext directed solely to him: whoever’s here today, at this time, shouldn’t be.
his fingers move deftly around his waist, routinary—utility belt unbuckling as he reaches his desk. 
the venue for tonight is on one of the lower floors—a function room where briefings and press conferences are normally held. the number of attendees has grown compared to last year’s, sidekicks doubling and staff tripling; expected, given the agency’s projected growth next quarter. 
this is the agency’s third move since humble days in a rented studio unit (one shouto stubbornly and adamantly paid for fully, on his own), but one thing’s invariably stayed the same—
shouto’s office has always existed in its own space, whether tucked in a corner or spread out over an entire floor.
and wherever that space is, so are you. 
he settles in his seat, leather creaking as he twists to stretch his back. it’s been a long night, being dispatched earlier for an emergency downtown. his hand reaches for the folder on his desk, fingers swiping to release the yellow paper clip on the far left corner—evidence of your presence. 
since being hired as his assistant five years ago, you’ve devised a system for shouto that he now deems essential to keeping his entire agency afloat. his own urgency for paperwork hinges on the color of your paper clips (blue for next month, green for next week, yellow for tomorrow, and red for now).  
he should listen to you; the details of this evening’s take-down can be set aside for tomorrow—tomorrow, when everyone’s allowed to clock-in midday for the sake of tonight’s festivities. knowing you though, you’ll still show up early, if only to go over his desk, ensuring to swap that yellow paper clip for red. 
if he finishes this now, you won’t need to ensure anything; in all the years you’ve been his first and only assistant–a perfect match for how much of a workaholic he is–you might actually opt to sleep in for once. 
besides, it’s more productive if he gets it over with; crimes and mishaps never take breaks to party, after all—even during the holidays. 
that’s what he’ll tell you, at least. 
the party’s more for everyone else than him, anyway. 
he clicks his pen, letting out another puff of warm air as he spreads the document in front of him: 
page 1: basic information. identification details, time markers, a summary of the take-down. 
page 2: breakdown of events. scene-by-scene, additional comments, a two-beat knock on his door. 
then comes your voice, soft, unsure—
—before you step inside, heels clicking against the natural stone finish of his office floor. 
he looks up, wide-eyed, piercing gray and blue. 
your gaze flits to the papers in front of him, eyebrows scrunching before you sigh. there’s an all-too-familiar smile on your face, a quiet chuckle brought about by how characteristic it is of him to be in this situation right now. 
“sir, that report is tagged yellow.” 
he shifts, looking at your paper clip; without a word, the leather of his seat crinkles again. it’s like this with shouto sometimes, you’ve come to learn: a non-response is a response on its own.
when his eyes meet yours, you shiver. 
goosebumps litter the sides of your arms, the decision to forego your blazer leaving yourself exposed to the chill of tonight’s office air. you try to hide it, but some things are impossible to keep from shouto. 
of course he notices your jaw quivering. 
“are you cold?” he stands up immediately, already moving halfway out from behind his desk.
“i’m okay, sir,” you stop him just as quickly, hands motioning for him to stay where he is.
two beats of silence find him tilting his head, gaze as intense as it’s always been pointed towards you. 
“pardon, sir?” you step closer, leaning forward. 
“call me shouto.” 
the red fabric in your hand almost slips from your hold. 
this isn’t the first time shouto’s insisted on you using his name—he offered it up the moment he hired you, and the day you searched store after store for his thrifted leather chair during the agency’s second move; he’s suggested it plenty over the years, a casual reminder that it’s no big deal—if the world can call him shouto, so should you. 
pro-hero shouto, top three in the charts. 
pro-hero shouto, late to his agency’s holiday party because of paperwork—his tendency to be a workaholic. 
pro-hero shouto, asking you to call him shouto, but not in the way the world does. 
his eyes don’t leave yours as you blink, swallowing down your feelings (inappropriate, you tell yourself). 
“shouto.” you repeat. 
he nods slightly, a small, imperceptible lift to the corners of his lips. there’s an awkward pause as he looks down to the papers on his desk then up at you again.
“the party,” you clear your throat, smoothing out the fabric between your fingers, “you’re running late to your own party, si–shouto.” 
he tilts his head again, confused, “is this party not for everyone else?” 
you blink—he’s got you there. 
“i guess that’s true,” you sigh, chuckling. a pause, “that report is still yellow, though.” 
blue and gray land on white, bond papers spread out on his desk. he could argue with you, but where has that ever gotten him? you’ve kept him in check for years—it’s how he’s managed to stay on top of things. 
he looks down at his jumpsuit, the same shade of blue since he was 15. not much has changed with the design of his hero suit, just an overall sleeker design fit to match his age. the utility belt still exists, albeit more compact and less clunky; a similar modification was done to the straps that run down the sides of his chest. 
if anything, the biggest change is how the suit has molded around him—shoulders more defined, arms large enough for the fabric to cling onto it. shouto’s build has always been lean, but the areas of defined muscle stick out more evidently now that he’s older, much taller and wider.  
“i don’t have a costume.” he pouts.
you grin, stepping closer to his desk, hips digging into the edge. the red santa hat unfurls from your hands as you wave it in front of him—a perfect match to the shades of his hair. 
he blinks before you catch it, the slight curve of his lips as he leans forward, dipping his head low enough for you to reach the top of it. you tiptoe just a bit when you open up the hat to place it over his head.
you’re gentle with your touch, fingers running through the strands of his hair lightly; you tuck them neatly underneath the fluffy white rim of the santa hat. 
(it’s warmer near him, you notice—his quirk regulating a circumference of heat around himself that extends to you right now, you know. but you’re confident you’d still feel your own version of it–on your cheeks, down your neck–even if he weren’t). 
the hat sits perfectly atop his head, much like anything else that’s on him. when you lean back, moving away to take a better look, you notice it—
midnight blue, the backdrop on shouto’s floor-to-ceiling windows, littered with speckles of white—the first snowfall, and one you stand in awe of.
—gasping at the sight. 
you’re still so near when your eyes light up, zeroing in on the view behind him. you can’t help it, that smile on your face, bright and pretty, he thinks; it’s a short moment, but he feels it, a two-part ‘ba-dump’ that resounds in his heartbeat. 
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a/n: they thrift the chair bc it's real leather so buying a new one is just no-no + he texts natsuo otw home after the party that he feels a bit funny! (it's just his feelings 😭)
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comments, tags, and reblogs are greatly appreciated ♡
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rumisgf · 4 months
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summary: kiri boyfriend hcs because he needs more love. also this has been in my drafts for too long but i finished it y’all, round of applause!
includes: fluff, female pronouns, black!reader cs duh, crack
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✧ and the best boyfriend award goes to
✧ before y’all even started dating he was always so sweet to you, opening doors for you whether it was at the food place or a car
✧ he has absolutely no shame making sure whenever he’s around, you never have to lift a finger
✧ he helps you up the stairs, buys you food whenever you’re hungry, even ties your shoes for you
✧ i mean he’s your boyfriend, it’s manly!!
✧ speaking of, one of the most attractive things about him is how good he is with kids
✧ if you have nieces/nephews or baby sibling/cousins they definitely adore him and it’s so sweet
✧ and when you get far enough into your relationship, he’s eager to express that he does wanna have kids one day
✧ if you let him pull out his list of baby names he will be so happy
✧ i think eijirou is one of the men very comfortable in his masculinity compared to all the other men he’s around
✧ not to say they aren’t, but he definitely has no issue doing things deemed as “feminine” in the slightest
✧ besides, manliness to him is about not always having to prove you’re manly. you’re simply just manly.
✧ kiri will let you do his makeup all the time and he’ll post pictures on his story after
✧ and he’ll love if you do things deemed as “masculine” with no shame
✧ no matter how it sounds out loud, he’ll be like “my gf is so manly i love her”
✧ yes, you wanted to pop him the first time you heard him saying but it’s truly just how he talks he can’t help it😭😭
✧ (one time he called mina manly as a compliment and she smacked him dead in his face, though, so he doesn’t say it often)
“wow babe, you’re so manly!”
“thank you eij— wait.”
✧ even though he’s willing to do it in a heartbeat for you, kirishima has a hard time letting you buy him things
✧ it’s one traditional standard he can’t seem to shake and even then he just feels bad for some reason
✧ but weirdly, he still likes when you ask even if he’s just gonna say no😭
✧ it makes him feel bubbly that you still wanna spoil him too and maybe he’ll let you a few times
✧ one thing kirishima loves is helping you do your hair
✧ he already dyes his hair himself so i feel like he’ll be very knowledgeable about hair care
✧ and he’d do his own research for you
✧ mans learned how to part hair, he oils your scalp for you, even washes your hair for you, and he learned how to braid
✧ in return he loves when you help him dye his hair whenever his roots grow in too dark
✧ this man can barely go to sleep without cuddling you it’s starting to concern his friends a lil
✧ it’s the one thing he looks forward to at night and he always hold you so tight
✧ which is completely fine because i feel like he’d also have warm skin
✧ he’s definitely the type of boyfriend to refer to you as his lady
✧ he definitely has clips floating the internet of him calling you that during interviews at hero galas
“oh, tonight i’m here with my lady!
“i’m sure she’s somewhere, she’s still a little camera shy.”
✧ if you’re the quiet type, he absolutely has no problem speaking up for you or just talking when you’re too nervous
✧ kirishima loves picking you up, you could be with friends and he’ll randomly just hoist you up into his arms
✧ when he works out, he begs you to do things like spot him or sit on his back while he does push ups
✧ or lay under him while he does them so he can give you kisses
✧ although one habit he does have is hugging up all on you while he’s still sweaty after he comes back from the gym
✧ i think he’d love a partner who does sports, so if the school has any college teams he’ll try to convince you to join even if you never did sports in high school
✧ he also thinks it would be fun for you and he always wants you to have fun
✧ in general, he loves being able to make you smile
✧ if you’re ever having a bad day, he’s the best at giving advice or just comforting you
✧ and not to mention, gives top tier hugs
✧ when you start crying about anything he literally drops everything and runs to you
✧ to the point where even your friends will text him whenever you do and he’ll be there in an instant
✧ eijirou absolutely loves giving you flowers
✧ he’ll seriously find any excuse to show up wherever you are with a bouquet in hand ready to give to you
✧ valentine’s days? flowers
✧ birthday? flowers.
✧ passed an exam? flowers.
✧ having a bad day? flowers.
✧ having a good day? flowers.
✧ just because he felt like it? flowers
“awww this is so sweet baby, but what’s the occasion?”
“don’t worry about it sweetheart, just pose with ‘em so i can take pictures of your pretty self.”
✧ in conclusion, he’s the man of your dreams
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@ rumisgf
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ghostbsuter · 1 year
John Constantine was in prison.
No, not a normal, mortal prison. Those wouldn't be able to hold him like this one does.
No, he's imprisoned in the Infinity Realm.
The warden of the establishment is Walker, someone whose blood sings Witch Hunter.
If that wasn't bad enough, with every second, it gets worse. Angels decided to interfere in a realm not in possession of their God.
Who's idea was it to go against the Infintiy Realm? Are they nuts?
"John Constantine," One of the messangers steps forward. There is no weapon in sight, yet.
"Under the scrutiny of Heaven, we were sent to retrieve you for a trial." Their voice clipped, blond hair shimmering a soft green and John is sweating buckets.
"Your deals with various demon folk and such shall be judged unter gods court and—"
A loud bang echoes through the hall, Walker's men are surrounding the beings of heaven and particular brave soul steps forward.
The lad is young, can't be older than Bat's Robin. He walks with an air of authority, white hair floating against gravity's rules and towering before the flock of messangers.
"How dare—"
The boy, the godling– growls.
He blocks their view of Constantine, staring them down.
Some of the angels fall back, wings arched and ready for a fight, weapons still not in sight however.
"I am Phantom, King of God's of the Infinity Realm." The child with a title too much for such small shoulders bear, introduces himself.
It sends the flock into mild panic. Constantine is just a bit satisfied at the change.
"Returns to your god and tell him this, every Constantine bearing the title Laughing Magician is under my protection."
For such a small stature, his voice is booming, the command thinly veiled as a threat and icicles forming around him.
"Tell him that if he ever dares to breach my territory once more, I will not hesitate to call war upon heaven."
The main angel of the flock, the one that had read out Constantines sentence, hesitated only for a moment before urging the others to leave.
Posture stiff and movements jerky.
They didn't expect to be told off like this, John muses.
He only slightly dreads when phantoms attention drifts to him finally, a light knock on the metal bars and the whole wall was gone.
"Follow me, John Constantine."
And John does.
He'll sweet talk himself out of this on the way to his doom. Like always.
("Unpopular belief, but I actually quite like you." Danny had stated once in the garden, sitting on a table and drinking tea. John hadn't touched his cup nor desert at all, cannot trust those of the infinite after all.)
(A rip into the green before them had created a portal, a gateway.
"Leave, Laughing Magician. Hold onto that necklace, it will ward off anyone with the intent to harm and deals as a warning to those working for the immortal."
And as John steps forward, his eyes meet toxic green.
"We will see one another again, sooner or later. Farewell, Jester."
The portal spat him out in his apartment in New York, if it wasn't for the protection charm, Constantine would have believed it to be a mere dream. A warning.)
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luveline · 1 year
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝 | 𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧
you start to second guess your relationship when eddie doesn't waylay you with his usual abundance of kisses after work. meanwhile, eddie tries to work out what's upsetting you, how to fix it, and most urgently, how to ask you a super important question. fem!reader, 5k
cw: eddie skipping meals at work, suggestive flirting
˚‧꒰ა ✮ ໒꒱‧˚
Eddie's borrowed headphones slip down your head as you dance. Nothing dramatic, a shoulder wiggle as you do the dishes. You can't hear the racket you're making, plates crashing into one another on the drying rack, the hot water pounding the basin, the clip of your sock-clad foot against wooden slats as you tap it. 
Your hands burn at the high temperature. Your fingertips are pruned, palms chapped as you finish washing Eddie's mountain of dishes. His whole apartment was in similar disarray before you arrived, laundry to the eyes and one of his haphazard book towers collapsed in the bedroom. The dishes had been scraped and rinsed but not washed, the laundry designated to one corner of the bathroom; Eddie's not unclean, necessarily, but unfocused. 
You had time. You don't mind coming over to help him out. 
Though if he knew you were here doing this he'd blow a gasket. I don't want you wasting your time doing shit I should've done a week ago, he'd say. 
It isn't time that matters to you. You'd take a couple of days out if it helped him, if it meant he could enjoy the place he lives to the fullest extent. Plus, you spend time here too. And you get to borrow his Walkman the whole time. Eddie has the best tapes. 
You hum along to the finishing line of the song and set the last clean cup upside down on the draining board. Satisfied at a job well done, you wipe the sink basin clean, drain suds from the sponge, and turn off the water. Cool air floats in through the open window, kissing your lightly perspiring skin hello. 
You dry your hands on a cloth and push Eddie's headphones carefully down to your neck, more than careful with his things. He works hard for everything he has, days and nights and any shift they want him to take. Most of it goes into his savings account. His spare change gets dropped into a washed out pasta sauce jar on the sill for a forthcoming rainy day. Ridiculous amounts of it get spent on you, and if you asked Eddie he'd say it was perfectly reasonable, sweetheart. 
You're not asking him. You don't think new clothes and sweet treats nearly every time you see him counts as reasonable, but you'd be a liar if you said you didn't appreciate it. 
Hence your unsanctioned use of his spare key. You buy him treats too, but money can't buy the satisfaction of a clean home. (Well, it could. Hiring a day maid might've been quicker and cleaner in the end, but would a day maid have put their heart and soul into dusting his figurines with a makeup brush for fifteen minutes?)
You turn around with Eddie on your mind, feeling grateful and tired at once. Your thoughts stutter at the warm body standing casually in the doorway, his shoulder pressed to the jam, a rucksack and a carabiner of keys hanging from his curled fingers. 
"Hey," Eddie says. 
You flinch like he's coming at you, startled by his sudden appearance. 
His laugh is apologetic, at least. "Woah! I thought you heard me, where's your head?" 
You slap a hand to your racing heart and huff out a breath that fans up your face. Eddie straightens from his cool guy slouch, dropping his keys on the counter and sliding his bag beside them. 
"It's around here somewhere," you say through a smile, trying and failing to glare at him as he puts his hands on your waist. "You scared me bad." 
"It was accidental." 
He pulls your hips to his and leans back. A close pressure without being particularly sexual. It's obvious that he's looking you over, like you might've miraculously run into harm in the sixteen hours you've been apart. 
"I didn't think you'd be back yet, sorry," you say breathlessly, still recuperating from your scare. 
"I'm the sorry one." 
He brings a hand to your face. If there's one thing you can count on with your boyfriend, it's that he's going to find an excuse to touch your face at least once a day, whether it be with the back of a ring-heavy finger trailing down your cheek lightly, or a flat, hot palm, calluses scratching ever so slightly as he squeezes it into whatever shape he feels like. Never cruel, but melding. 
He's in a mood. 
Not salacious. Teasing at most, he pulls a rough line down from the corner of your eye to your lips. 
"Why are you doing my dishes?" he asks. 
His hands smell like citrus scrub and white vinegar. They must've had him cleaning in the kitchen at work again. 
"So you wouldn't have to. I know you don't mean to let them pile up." 
"I'll find my laundry in the dryer, I'm guessing." 
"Nope. Folded in your dresser, more like."
He pulls your chest to his, the heat of his breath kissing your nose. It smells like the spearmint gum he chews obsessively during his morning shifts. Eddie has a theory that eating in the mornings is breaking a seal —you'll be much hungrier for the rest of the day than you would've been otherwise. Better to wait for lunch. 
You hate his theory (three meals a day plus as many snacks as he needs would be perfect,  if he could find the time) and his gum for what it represents. It reminds you that he likely hasn't eaten today, and you're quick to start brainstorming ideas for dinner from the ingredients you'd seen while cleaning. He has ground beef, enough eggs to make pasta, and a tupperware of frozen soup from last Wednesday. The world's your oyster. 
"What are you thinking about?" he asks. You don't have time to answer. "I wish you didn't do all the laundry, babe. Those stairs are a fucking killer." 
He leans that last inch. A kiss is coming any second now, your pulse capering between your ears. A hundred kisses shared between you and you wait for the next with the same calibre of excitement as you did for the first. 
"I owe you a deep tissue massage, right?" he murmurs. 
You beam at him, pushing the heel of your palm against his chest to widen the distance between you into something a little less heart-pounding. "You haven't eaten today, have you?" 
"I'm pretty hungry," he says, his voice smooth as angora silk. 
He looks, again, like he might kiss you. His eyes dip to your lips, a molten brown shining in the kitchen light. You wait, and you wait, but he doesn't close the gap. 
You push your smile to one side, your eyelashes twined in the corners from the force of it. Your smile isn't entirely genuine. It's cool if he doesn't wanna kiss you… sort of. He can do whatever he likes, of course, you'd never force him to kiss you just to keep you happy or for any other reason, but you're a little down at the idea that he doesn't want to. You love how they feel. You're used to them as both hello and goodbye. 
Eddie might not want to kiss you, but he isn't putting on a show, his amorous smirking a reality you battle with (read: give in to, enjoy, daydream about) on the regular. Perhaps he isn't eager to ravish you after a full day bussing tables. That's more than okay. 
However he might be feeling, you aren't going to let him go hungry a minute longer. "Dinner?" you ask. 
"I was thinking sloppy Joes," he says, his hand running down your arm. He turns for the fridge. You follow. "Brioche buns?" 
You step in front of him, the fridge door a cacophony of glass rattling as you tug it open. "I'm making them." 
Eddie wraps his arms around you, moving you bodily to the side. It's too quick for you to dig your heels in. 
"You used to be a gentleman," you complain. 
"No, I didn't." He taps your ankle with the rubber toe of his converse. 
You make dinner together, to each other's chagrin. Eddie steals spatulas and frying pan handles from your grip. You bump his hip away from the stove grill to toast buns. When you sit down together on the couch, it's at war, elbows digging into soft spots and cups placed out of reach on the coffee table. 
"Dick," you say. 
Eddie takes a bite, says, "You're the dick, dick," and starts shovelling fries onto your plate. "Giving me more fries is ridiculous. We should eat the same portions, we're the same age." 
"But one of us had breakfast and lunch, and one of us didn't," you say, using your fork to give his gifted fries straight back. 
And here's where you get the first inkling that something's making him not want to kiss you, emphasis on you. 
Eddie loves kissing you when he feels loved. For obvious starters, whenever you tell him you love him he makes sure to kiss your lips. When you make him laugh, when you wash his hair in the shower, when you draw stars into his palms, all those things garner a fond peck to the temple. He kisses the space just under your ear so often you're sure there's a contusion in the shape of his mouth there, permanent and purpling, his go-to whenever he's laying on top of you or hugging you from behind. 
You can count on a mildly greasy kiss no matter the meal. Eddie loves eating dinner together. He waits for you to get home, sometimes for hours, to share a plate with you. You've never not indulged him with a kiss. Tonight, he doesn't ask. 
It would be here. Name-calling dripping in affection, you elbow glancing off of his as you cut into your sloppy Joe, and the TV failing to cover the sound of a quick kiss before he digs in. You're gutted at the lack and surprised to have noticed it, but you don't go so far as to mourn the loss: Eddie's likely too hungry to think about kissing, that's all. Right?
Despite attempts to convince you otherwise, he's hungry. He finishes his plate in what feels like five big bites, hair tucked behind his ears, an innocent but far off look about him as he wipes his fingers in a piece of kitchen towel and leans back into the couch cushions with a small groan. 
"We should stop eating on the couch," he says. 
"You told me you wanted to sit here." You're confused. 
"It's like, testing fate. I'm a mess. I'll ruin it and have to get a new one I can't afford." 
You chew on a fry. "I mean," —you put your hand over your mouth, pleased when he turns to you with a ready-made smile, like the act of just looking at you is one he enjoys— "even if you drop something on it, we can Didi Seven it. Or get one of those fancy water vacuum things." 
"It's my couch," he says. "You wouldn't have to clean it." 
"You're my boyfriend," you respond, "so I wouldn't mind." 
"I'm your boyfriend," he says, his head tilted ever so slightly to one side. 
His lips close, his eyes tracking up and along the lines of your features with an unnameable emotion in his gaze. You'd like to say that it's love, but you're starting to think it's something else. 
"Don't say it like that. You sound too unsure," you say.
Amusement dances across his face. "Are you finished?" he asks, opening his hand for your tray. 
"No," you say, faux-stroppy. You take another fry. 
Eddie grabs his tray. He skirts around your legs and stops at your side. In his more dopey moods, he'd take your face into his hand again and hold your head still as he kisses your crown. 
He squeezes your shoulder. "I'm not unsure about anything," he says warmly. "I'll get you a drink, yeah? Ice?" 
A chuck under the chin with his forefinger and he's gone, leaving you sitting there wondering what's wrong with him. Home an hour now and not one single kiss? Is this the end of the honeymoon phase? How do people survive this shit, you think. It's agonising.
Your chewing turns morose. 
You and Eddie go through phases, waxing and waning, as most people do. There's always love there, but sometimes there's so much of it you don't know what to do with yourself besides lavish in it. Only yesterday morning he'd been in your bed, shirtless (as you often wish he'd be), dark ink like bruises in the low light where it climbed the lengths of his arms and his bare chest. You were lax under his touch, his nose and lips pressing to your skin as he kissed you from rib to soft tummy. Slow, kissing you as though he had nowhere else to be but there. As though his next shift wasn't thirty minutes around the corner. 
You were mortified when he blew a raspberry. Now you're thinking you might peel out of your shirt and ask him to do it again if it means he'll kiss you in any definition. 
"What are you thinking about?" he asks as he returns, his hand sliding along from your shoulder to the other while he steps over your legs. 
"What are you thinking about?" you ask. 
"Feeling very repetitive today, are we?" he teases, no consideration for your dinner tray as he collapses into the seat beside you. 
You're expecting his cheek on your shoulder, his hair tickling your upper arm. It doesn't come. Worried he's discouraged by your tray, you place it on the coffee table and sit back. You really want him to kiss you. 
Kissing someone isn't something you thought you'd want to do before you met Eddie. To be kissed, sure. To give a chaste peck, absolutely. But to have someone put their weight on you, to press at the seam of your lips with their own and to wade in like a steady wave, one breath at a time, until you're unsure where the boundary of your mouth begins and his ends, that was all new. Eddie kisses like he loves, loud and brash, rough and eager. Gentle when he needs to be but arduous. 
He makes you feel wanted in a thousand ways and the first is his greedy penchant for stealing a kiss or three at every opportunity. It's weird that he hasn't kissed you yet. He's acting weird. 
"You're being super weird," you say. You feel like a pressure cooker with steam pouring from the release valve. 
Eddie smirks at you. "That so? Any explanation attached to that, or are we name-calling? I have some names for you, if we are." 
"Oh, I have to know." 
"Figured you would." He throws his leg over your thigh. The firm muscle of it tenses as he wiggles his foot. 
"What were you gonna call me?" you prompt impatiently.   
"Sweetheart. Angel." He turns his cheek into the back of the couch, bringing his pinky to your face and drawing a line from the smoothest skin under your eye outward. "Pretty. Very pretty." 
"Says you," you murmur. If he thinks you're so pretty, why won't he kiss you? "I can't work out your angle today." 
"Am I acting differently?" he asks, seemingly unperturbed. 
No. He just hasn't kissed you. There might have been a moment when he first came home where you thought he was hesitating to kiss you, but since then he's acted exactly as he usually does (minus kissing, therefore making it unusual). 
You sigh, half serious and half wanton sadness. "No." His nose twitches. You startle. "What?" 
"What, do I have bad breath?" you ask, bringing a hurried palm to your mouth to try and test it. 
Eddie pulls your hand down, admonishing through a laugh, "You obviously don't. You know I'd tell you, babe." 
"I got gum though, if you want it." 
You bat his chest. "I bet you do… I don't know what it is, then. I give up." 
"What's what?" he asks. He takes a curl of his hair around a painted fingernail. It coils on his finger, where he pinches the end, bringing it up to your chin and drawing a smile under your lips with the tip. 
"I… do I have something in my teeth? A zit? What's the issue?" you ask, lost. 
"There's no issue!" He laughs, and he curves his hand gently around your neck. "Why do you think there's an issue?" he asks. A thread of his voice wavers. Impossible to notice if you didn't know everything about him, down to the stray hair. 
"No, because," —your voice shrinks— "you're being off with me." You won't cry, but it's impossible to stop the doubt that seeps into your voice. "You're not…" 
Eddie strokes your neck with his thumb, growing serious. "I'm not what?" 
"You haven't kissed me." You avoid his eyes. "Not since you saw me." 
"I'm sorry," he says, immediately dipping forward. 
You pull back. "Wait–" 
Eddie waits. "What?" he asks. 
"I don't want you to kiss me just 'cus I asked you to." 
Eddie pushes his hand upward, his index finger shaped to your jawline. He rubs a quarter circle from your chin to your jaw tentatively with his thumb, an awful sorry look in his eyes that he gets whenever you're upset. "Well, I always want to kiss you," he confesses. His eyebrows furrow. "You know that, right?" 
"But you haven't, today." 
Is that pathetic? you panic. Noticing, caring, it feels so, so silly all of a sudden, you can't believe you spilled it that easily. You may as well have written clingy loser across your forehead in glaring pen. 
Eddie sees it. He doesn't cringe at you like you fear he will. 
"Ah," he says, almost humming, his lips barely parted, "that's just not okay, is it? My girl waiting on a kiss." 
He leans in. You shy away, wanting his kiss but wanting the run up more. Eddie follows your lead, keeping space between you, rubbing a diligent and affectionate circle into your cheek. His touch is soft enough to tickle. 
"I'm not trying to act desperate, I just figured– I thought there was a reason you hadn't," you say. 
Eddie asks you in his softest, most genial tones if he can kiss you. 
You don't say yes so much as you lift your chin and close your eyes. Your relief is sharp as he closes the fizzing space between you, as he guides your face to his and holds it there like a treasured pearl cupped in two palms. He makes a sound at the back of his throat that kills any doubts of his affection stone cold dead. Your lips part a millimetre if that, and Eddie slots into the gap, his hands growing less and less careful by the second, the pressure of his touch amping up. He moves back only long enough to turn his head, your noses bumping, another breathy sound slipping past his lips. You smother it gracelessly with a rougher reciprocation. 
It's not your longest kiss, but it works. It's the reassurement you needed. Eddie pulls away to suck in a harsh breath, the feeling foreign against your tingling lips. His face dips, his eyes out of view. His hands move in twin down the slope of your neck, languish, feel along the thin layer of your t-shirt as though he's looking for some secret answer. 
"I'm not trying to act weird around you, I'm just nervous," he says.
You feel your back aching, stiff as a rod. "Nervous?" you ask quietly. 
Eddie rests his forehead on your chin. He whispers a cuss, and then he sits up very tall and looks you in the eye. 
It takes him five seconds to tell you what it is that's making him anxious. In that time, you come up with a handful of things. I lost my job. I don't want to be with you anymore. There's someone else. There's no one else, but you did something that pissed me off/made me uncomfortable/disgusted me. I'm sick. None of your guesses are good, and none prepare you for what he asks next. 
"Would you wanna move in with me?" 
His hand meanders along your thigh. An awkward smile catches his lip like a fish hook, tugging it up on one side. 
"I… what?" 
"I think it's a good idea. I was trying to ask you yesterday, and now today it didn't feel right. I don't want you thinking I'm asking because you did my laundry." His hand warms your thigh, a pervasive heat. Your face is similarly hot. "We could split rent, and you could keep saving. You wouldn't have to deal with your shitty neighbours. You'd be closer to your job, and– and to me. It's a good idea," he repeats. "There's a ton of reasons it would be good for you, but I'm asking 'cus I missed you so bad last night I couldn't sleep. I wanna be with you whenever we can be." 
"You'd really want me to?" you ask. 
"You'd never have to wait for a kiss again," he says hopefully. "I know it's a big move. I get it if you're not ready." 
"I'm ready," you say. You don't know it's true until you've said it aloud. 
Delight sparks and catches like sun-dried tinder. Elation lights his eyes. "Holy shit, yeah? You want to?" 
"Yeah," you say, nodding emphatically, trying not to yell. "Yes, I want to. I'd love to! That would be–" 
"A dream," he finishes, snatching your waist into his grasp, basically yanking you into his arms.
"Amazing," you say, your arms forced over his shoulders. 
You wrap your arms around the back of his head, curls that smell of almond oil and a generous dollop of hair mousse crushed to your face. Your eyes slip closed. You suck in an inconspicuous breath, though your self-indulgent action is interrupted by a groan, Eddie squeezing you hard enough to make the bones in your back click three at a time. 
"I can't believe you, sweetheart. I don't kiss you for an hour and you think there's something wrong?" He laughs.
"I'm spoiled," you say sheepishly. To draw his attention, you add, "I can't believe you, afraid to ask me that! Why would I say no? I love you." 
"I love you, too," he says, pulling the small of your back tighter still so he can dig his nose into the side of your head. 
He kisses you all over the side of your face until you're painted in little warm patches from overexposure. A loved up mess, and dizzy with relief.
Relief and excitement. "How soon do you want me in here?" you ask, sitting back. 
"How soon do you want another kiss?" he asks. 
"Will we be stealing each other's questions all day?" you ask. 
"For the rest of time, if I get my way." 
"That's so corny," you whisper, ecstatic. 
Eddie pushes you down onto the couch cushions. You know before he so much as pulls up a knee that he's going to climb on top of you. You make room for him, your heart feeling like it could breach through your ribs one bone at a time. 
"What are you doing?" you whisper with a smile. 
"Making up for lost kisses."
Two Weeks Later
Eddie wakes to a kiss. 
Your arm thrown over his waist, your hand feeling greedily at the trim curve atop his hip, you've well and truly wrapped yourself around him. Like an octopus. He imagines the popping sound of your suckers if he tried to detach you (not that he'd want to). 
You're dotting shy, soft kisses down the column of his throat. "I love you," you say softly between them, a melody that turns him to jelly. "I love you. Love you, love you, love you." 
Your kisses are a compromise —after the general holy fucking shit-ism of your conversation a fortnight ago, Eddie put his foot down. He was out of his mind knowing his apartment was about to become yours, but he was also incredibly unhappy about the faces you'd made before he asked. He remembers your voice, your apprehension as you mumbled, "No, because, you're being off with me."  
Eddie had been totally off trying to figure out how to ask what was potentially the second most important question he could ever ask you; he was distracted enough by it that he totally forgot about kissing you senseless. And your worrying asked a totally new question he hadn't thought of before. Why does Eddie always kiss you first? And why had the lack of a kiss been seen as a bar, and not an invitation? 
Hence Project Kiss Me, Stupid. Or Project Kiss Me Stupid if he's feeling particularly in love (because you aren't stupid at all, but you may have made an unintelligent assumption (Eddie not kissing you for a few hours did not mean even slightly that he isn't gross in love). 
The project was more like a proposal. Eddie decided you should be making the first move more often, so you weren't ever left feeling like something was wrong between you for lack of a kiss again. "If you ever think I'm mad at you, plant one on me. I promise I won't be mad much longer," he told you.
You're passing with flying colours, as far as he's concerned. Eddie thinks your moving in was gift enough, but fuck, all these kisses? He's been a walking vestibule of love, and lust, and sickening fondness for two weeks now. Project Kiss Me Stupid is the best thing that's ever happened to him. He's a genius.
"Good morning," you say into his neck, a hint of teeth scratching him with the greeting. Eddie cups the back of your head with a weak, tired groan as your lips close over his pulse.
"Morning," he says. His voice is thick with the grit of sleep. 
"This is okay?" you ask, pausing in your kiss. 
Eddie tips his head back heavily into plush pillows, your pillows, fresh with new bedding to match the nightstands you'd decided on together. "Please," he says. His arm slides behind your back to belt you in. "I'm gonna think you don't like me anymore if you take any longer." 
"Very funny," you murmur. 
He knows he's forgiven for teasing when your face dives back into the crook of his neck. His eyes shutter closed, blissed, thinking, God, I could get used to this, when you nip him. 
"You didn't like my joke, I take it?" 
"It was funny," you say, giving him a scratching kiss.
"That's counter-intuitive," he warns. "I like it rough." 
You fall away from him to cover your face with both hands. He knows he's rubbing off on you at the sight, your head shaking a theatrical side to side that fails to hide real embarrassment beneath it. You look especially tortured. 
Eddie knows exactly how to fix it. 
˚‧꒰ა ✮ ໒꒱‧˚
thanks so much for reading! I really hope you enjoyed!
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steddietogo · 2 years
So. This is my own take on Steddie meet cute at the Grammys (gets a little thirsty in the middle for a second so warning I guess??)
The buzzing in his veins feel too much to contain in Eddie’s body, his cheeks ache from grinning too hard. He grabs Jeff by the shoulders to shake him and Jeff takes it without complain, too busy floating in his own cloud nine to do anything about it. All four of them are.
They’re being carted off from one interview to another, it’s all hazy in his mind, all he can think of is that they won a fucking Grammy.
“We’re here backstage with Corroded Coffin with their first ever Grammy from the best rock performance category,” the interviewer is saying, then he turns to face the band, and shit. Eddie has to sling an arm over Gareth to keep himself upright. “So how are you guys feeling right now?”
“It feels very validating to get the recognition for all our hard work—” and everything else Jeff says barely registers. Eddie is staring, he’s distantly aware of it. But he should hardly be blamed. The man before him is dressed in a deep caramel suit, jacket cinching around a trim waist and bubble gum pink lips stretched in a smile as he diligently listens to what his band has to say.
“— and Eddie, he’s really put his heart and soul in this song in particular,” the mention of his name unceremoniously drags him back to the land of the living where his bandmates know him too well and are actively trying to sabotage him before the sexy interviewer. Gareth is innocently blinking up at Eddie with his I’ve-never-done-anything-wrong-in-my-life eyes, urging him to speak.
“Um,” Um? Seriously? “Mob Mentality is an especially significant song to me personally—” Eddie’s given this spiel a hundred times, not that any word of it is untrue, but the practiced response lets him zone out just the right amount to fully drown himself in the shade of hazel of the interviewer’s eyes, imagine them looking up at Eddie from between his thighs, full of tears— goddamnfuckstopit.
The man must notice, because there’s a gorgeous smattering of pink dusting his cheeks Eddie could swear wasn’t there before.
After, Eddie is pretty much bodily dragged away from there, legs refusing to carry him away. He twists even as he’s walking, desperate to keep the man within his sights for even just a second longer. To keep him looking at Eddie, which by some miracle, he still is. And like an idiot Eddie waves, wiggling his fingers at him.
The man raises his own hand in return, and then he’s turning away, leaving Eddie to mourn the loss of his attention. But then he hears it— Steve. The camera guy calls him Steve. Sexy interviewer’s name is Steve. That in itself would be enough to sustain Eddie’s daydreams for some time.
Predictably, its all over social media the very next day. Or more accurately there’s one particular clip circling the net like there’s no tomorrow.
Eddie Munson simping for hot guy at the Grammys.
The comments were the worst (best) part. Eddie hasn’t dated since coming out to the public. And the fact that most of the comments people have about him openly showing interest in another man is just nonchalance or excitement makes him feel much better about it.
Eddie’s heart skips as he sees the face from last night in the clip, looking even more gorgeous than in his dreams if it were even possible. And then there is also Eddie in those clips, practically undressing him with his eyes, right there in public. He looks like he wants to open him up and lick him like melted chocolate in a wrapper.
Eddie was so screwed.
Top comments:
user 80085: that man is stronger than me because I don’t think I’d survive Eddie Munson looking at me like that
CorrodedFC: Eddie Munson Rendered momentarily speechless? by an interviewer?? More likely that you think
you_call_me_munson: they need to date. Right this second or I’m stealing one of the hotties for myself
Part II
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aemondapologistfrfr · 28 days
Command Me 1/2
Tumblr media
knight!benji blackwood x strong!fem!reader //
oc!brandon stark x strong!fem!reader
Summary: Your mother thinks it’s best you marry sooner rather than later and betrothes you to a man you’ve never met from the north. The only say you have in your life at the moment is picking out a sworn protector. Your marriage leaves you unhappy and unfulfilled and Benji has no problem helping in anyway he can. 
Warnings: 18+ swearing, mentions of murder, arranged marriage, wine, age gap, marriage duties, unhappy marriage, moon tea, cheating, oral(f receiving), p in v, bit angsty ngl
Authors Note: request from @chainsawsangel, no explicit detail of oc!stark and y/n intimate moments
Word Count: 5.4k
My ears start ringing as my mother’s words start to float around my head. I focus on my breathing as I feel like I’m gasping for air. The council members nod around the table as I can hear the blood pumping throughout my body. She places her hand on mine and looks to me expectantly. 
“What?” I shake my head confused. 
“I asked if you wanted to travel back with Cregan to meet your betrothed.” she says with a smile that tells me I’ll have a scolding later. 
“Absolutely not.” I take my hand from hers and place it in my lap. 
“That is fine, Princess. My uncle won’t mind coming down here for you.” he offers me a smile that doesn’t seem genuine. 
“He shouldn’t since he’s my king consort.” I scoff. 
“Y/n.” my mothers tone low and warning. 
“I await his arrival in anticipation, my Lord.” I nod my head and push my chair back against the stone. If looks could kill my mother would have me stringed up against the council chamber walls. I walk out of the hall and practically start sprinting out of the castle. 
“Princess!” guards shout after me as I take a horse from the courtyard and gallop into the city. The city folk move out of my way as I race to the pits. I abandon the horse outside and call for the dragon keepers to wake my dragon. The ground begins to shutter as my dragon emerges. 
“Hello my handsome boy.” I coo as he pushes into me. I admire his black scales that simmer the brightest lilac in the sun and begin to mount. Once my clips are in place he’s running us out of the pit as we both share the sentiment to get out of this city. As we fly over Kings Landing my dragon gives a fearsome cry and we shoot off to the Kings Wood. 
The breeze flows through my hair and I finally feel some relief. I lean down and hug my dragon as he offers me a deep rumble. I beat my mother by two years for youngest dragon rider. I was five when I first mounted him and he brought us about the city giving high pitched screeches at the common folk. Ever since then we would disappear for a week or more to just fly and explore.
She would send countless parties in search of me but we quickly found caves that would keep us hidden. She’s learned where I go now so I decide to just stick to the Kings Wood to avoid the yelling I’m sure to receive. We land in the cover of the tree canopies by the lake and sprawl out in the sun. I rest my head on his tail as he buries his head into the tall grass scaring away the mice and bugs. 
“I can’t believe she would marry me off to some old northerner.” I sigh looking up at the clouds. My dragon offers me a deep chuff. 
I hear the high pitched dragon call before I see him. As Caraxes comes into view I sigh at her sending him. She knows that we butt heads like bulls so I’m not sure what she’s expecting from this. Daemon lands and begins to walk over to me and my dragon raises his head and bares his teeth. 
“Relax, mother would kill me.” I pat my dragons thigh chuckling and look to Daemon expectantly. 
“Sometimes I wonder how you’re not my child.” he chuckles as he approaches. 
“I don’t know why you would think that. You never raised me and still don’t.” I look up to him from the ground intent on staying where I am. 
“Fair enough,” he sits on the ground and looks to me with a taunting smile. 
“What?” I snap sitting up. 
“Your mother wants you back at the Keep. She wants you to pick out a sworn protector for yourself.” he studies me as I roll my eyes. 
“As if I’ll have a choice in the matter.” I push myself up and my dragon rises behind me. I mount him and leave Daemon behind at the lake. When I land back at the pits my mother is there waiting for me with a furrowed brow. The carriage ride back to the Keep is silent and when we stop in the inner courtyard I try to run off to my chambers but she stops me. 
“What’s wrong?” she searches my eyes. 
“I don’t want to marry some second son from the north who I’ve never met and you think allowing me to pick a sworn protector will fix that?” I rise my hands at a loss. 
“Into the Keep now.” she says lowly and I see the eyes on us from around the grounds. She brings us into her solar and I huff sitting on the couch. 
“You remind me so much of my younger self.” she hums with a soft smile. 
“Mm,” I nod my head wanting to be back with my dragon or in my chambers. 
“You may find love with Brandon.” my mother tries to hide her wince. 
“So that’s his name. How bland. Brandon the Bland I should call him.” I groan throwing my head back against the couch. 
“Y/n I worked hard to make this match. You will treat him with respect. He comes from an honorable and noble house.” her voice starts rising. 
“I don’t care if he’s noble,” I shake my head angry. “I don’t know him, I don’t want him,” I feel tears start forming and I wipe them away frustrated with the world.
“Sweet girl,” 
“Don’t sweet girl me.” I rise from the couch. “I’m tempted to get in my dragon and flee to where you’ll never find me.” I run out of her chambers and straight into Jace. I push him back and he calls after me. 
I seal myself in my chambers and let my tears flow freely. I don’t care about a husband or a sworn protector. I don’t care about the crown or ruling. I hear the whispers everyday about who my father is and how dark my hair is. I don’t want to be ridiculed for the entirety of my rule especially with some man who doesn’t even know me. 
“I’m not here to baby you. Get up and let’s go.” Daemons voice comes from the other side of the door. 
“I’m not going anywhere.” I yell back through the wood. He pushes the door open harshly and grabs my arm pulling me with him. 
“Your mother has been inviting these knights here for well over a moon. You will not embarrass her.” he says through his teeth pulling me down the stairs. I start to push and hit his hand off as the servants in the hall advert their eyes from our spat. We stumble down the rest of the stairs and we stare at each other waiting to see what the other does. I go to pull my arm back and he pulls me closer with a scowl on his face. 
“Get the fuck off of me.” I spit out at him. 
“You’re causing a scene.” he tugs me along to the hall and as we enter all of the knights turn to look at me. I push Daemon off of me and look over the men before me with a raised chin and a death glare. 
“Leave.” I wave off Daemon and the men before me look at the ground as if it’s the most interesting. 
“Step forward if you’re from Kings Landing or the Queens guard.” I hum and a handful of men step forward. “You are dismissed.” I nod them to the door and they look at me with their mouth agape and I look at the five remaining men. 
“If you are from the north step forward.” two men slowly step forward. “You are dismissed.” I look over them unamused. 
“You three are the only remaining.” I offer them a serpentine smile. “Tell me why I should choose you.” I take a seat and watch them look at me. 
“I am a Dornish Swordsman and trained along side Ser Criston-“ 
“A mistake. You are dismissed.” I wave him off and place my head in my hand bored. “Next.”
“Princess,” the man older than Daemon nods his head. “I trained this young man here. He was recently knighted and easily my best student. Anything and everything he knows, I taught him.” he sounds proud. 
“So the most obvious choice is him then? You’re old and withering and he’s young,” I look over the man next to him who only seems to be a handful of years older than me. “Did you even come here to try for a place as my sworn protector?” I look over the old man. 
“I- Princess, I’m-“ 
“Enough,” I wave him off. “You’re dismissed.” 
I turn my head back to the man in front of me and tilt my head. I study him with squinted eyes and can see that he has the muscle required for this job. He’s easy on the eyes which will be a welcome reprieve if my betrothed isn’t. He stands with a puffed out chest and confidence pouring off of him and I rise and walk in front of him. I look up to him and he nods his head down to me. 
“Tell me your name.” I look into his eyes and smile when I see no fear. 
“Ser Benjicot Blackwood.” his voice flows through my ears like honey. 
“Mm a Riverman,” I smile. “I’ve had some great times in taverns outside Raventree Hall when I was on the run.” I chuckle thinking back. 
“On the run from what, my Princess?” he offers me a soft smile. 
“My life and duties.” I shrug. “It looks like you’re the last knight standing Benji.” his spine straightens at the name. 
“It seems that I am.” he nods chewing his lip, the only sign that he has some nerves about being dismissed. 
“Then you shall be my new sworn protector.” a smile pulls across my face as his shoulders relax and he returns my smile. 
“Y/n,” my mother bursts into the hall in a rampage. 
“I’ve chosen Benji.” I turn to her with a smile and she looks him over. 
“You didn’t even give the other men a chance.” she seethes. “Why must everything be like this with you?” she sighs shaking her head. 
Today is the day Brandon gets to Kings Landing and I try to convince the maester I’m sick and can’t meet him. He knows my antics and deems me healthy. I’m being tied into a gown as pins are being stuck into my head holding my braids in place. I kick my handmaidens out after hours saying I just needed a moment to myself and I’ll be down shortly. 
“Are you ready, Princess?” Benjis voice comes through my doors. 
“Can you come in?” my voice soft and he slips into my chambers leaving the door open. 
“What can I do for you, Princess?” he looks over my dress and I see him swallow before his eyes make his way to mine. 
“Did you see him?” my voice hushed. 
“I did.” he nods standing up straighter. 
“Do you think he’s handsome?” I pick at my nails. 
“I don’t know how to answer that.” he says clearing his throat. 
“Benji,” I whine. “It’s simple. Does he look old and decrepit or does he look like you?” his eyes snap to mine and I smirk at him. 
“Your betrothed is waiting for you, Princess.” he turns to walk out of my chambers and I sigh and walk to his side. 
As we make our way down to the main hall I groan and drag my feet. Benji chuckles and slows his pace to stay with me. Over the past moon I’m thankful everyday to this man for traveling here to become my sworn protector. He jokes with me and keeps me company. He is also handsome which I never cease to remind him as his cheeks tint. 
“If I asked you to kill my betrothed would you?” I whisper to Benji. 
“It is my duty to do anything you ask of me.” he nods his head and I smile. 
As we walk into the hall my stomach drops as my eyes land on Brandon. My mother can’t possibly be serious. This man has to have almost two decades on me. I find my mother and I scrunch my eyebrows at her and begin walking to her. 
“Princess,” a gruff voice stops my feet as I turn to Brandon who is looking over my body like a starved man. I step back into Benji and he steadies me. 
“You’re Brandon I presume?” I raise my eyebrow looking up to him. 
“I am.” he grabs my hand much to my horror and places a wet kiss on it. 
“How kind.” I hope my disgust isn’t written over my face. 
“Y/n,” my mother’s worried voice calls me over to her side and I’m practically sprinting to her. 
“I would rather die than marry that man.” I hiss to my mother. 
“That’s enough. You will be married by the end of this moon and that’s final.” I feel so stuck and I turn and see that Brandon is walking back over here. 
“Could I offer you a walk through the gardens, Princess?” Brandon offers me his and I stare at it and look to my mother who nods encouragingly. 
“Sure,” I sigh. “Benji let’s go.” I nod my head for him to follow. 
“Your dog doesn’t need to come with.” Brandon chuckles and I cement my feet. 
“He is not my dog. You will treat my sworn protector with respect or I’ll have him take your tongue.” I look over Brandon who is smiling. 
“Feisty, I like it.” he smiles grabbing my arm and tugging me out of the hall. 
It takes all of my strength not to rip my arm out of his hand. I lead us to the gardens and the silence is anything but comfortable. I look at Brandon out of the corner of my eye and see his years written on his wrinkled forehead. I shiver of disgust runs through me as we enter the gardens. He leads us to the nearest table and sits down and I take a place across from him. 
“You are more beautiful than Cregan lead on.” he hums licking his lips. 
“Did he say anything else?” I drawl looking him over. 
“That I would probably have to wear you down a bit but that’s not an issue, I have great stamina.” he winks at me and I know there’s no hiding the horror on my face. “Mm tell me, do you still have your maidenhead?” his smile makes me feel disgusting. 
“Is that anyway to speak to a Princess?” Benjis voice just short of a growl. 
“She’s to be my wife, boy.” Brandon looks over him and turns his eyes back to me. “Well do you or are you sullied?” 
“I do.” my voice barely a whisper as I feel my cheeks heat. 
“There’s one plus.” he leans back in his seat and looks me over. “I thought you Targaryens were supposed to have silver hair?” he tilts his head. 
“The Gods are mysterious.” I clench my jaw. How could my mother do this to me? I know I wasn’t the easiest child to raise but she can’t possibly think I will be willing to wed this man. My heart starts to beat rapidly and I’m getting overwhelmed. 
“What’s wrong with you now?” Brandon narrows his eyes at me. 
“Benji can you take me to the maester? I feel faint.” I reach for his arm and he’s bending down and helping me to my feet instantly. 
“What’s wrong?” Benjis voice is rushed as he searches my face. 
“I’m hot and I just can’t breathe.” I all but gasp as we make it into the Keep. 
“Just a bit further, Y/n.” he keeps a steady hand around my waist and on out for me to hold on to. 
“Thank you, Benji.” I sigh in relief as we make it to the maesters chambers. 
“Princess what’s wrong?” the maester helps me lay on the bed. 
“She said she’s overheating and her breathing was heavy.” Benji says brushing my hair back. 
“Were you doing something strenuous?” the maester asks as he fills me a glass of water. 
“No, I was just-“ 
“What’s happened?” my mother bursts into the room. 
“Mother,” my voice breaks as I reach out to her. “Please, don’t make me, please,” I start crying and Benji and the maester look worried. 
“What do you mean sweet girl?” she shushes me kneeling at my side. 
“I’ll be better,” I hiccup. “Don’t make me marry that old man, please, mother.” a tear slips down my cheek. 
“Leave us.” she waves her hand at Benji and the maester who are shutting the door behind them quickly. “What possibly could’ve happened?” she sits back looking over my state. 
“He made remarks about bedding me and he made remarks about who my father was.” I sit up looking to her with pleading eyes. “Mother please,” I feel the tears start to well up. 
“Just give it a chance. Maybe he was just excited to see such a beautiful young woman.” she offers me a smile and I sigh knowing I don’t have a choice. 
“I will keep Benji with me. I don’t want to be alone with Brandon.” I shake my head furrowing my brows. 
“Of course you two shouldn’t be alone before you wed.” she nods her head. 
“I don’t want to wed him mother, please.” my voice breaking again as I continue to plead.
It feels as if there are rocks in my stomach as I’m twirled around the dance floor. Brandon pulls me back against him and dips down to my ear. His tongue trails along the outer shell and I try to pull back but he holds me firm. When he lifts his head he chuckles at my red cheeks and the crowd claps as our dance ends. 
“Go get a drink and stop being so uptight.” I slip into the crowd trying to keep a smile pinned on my face as I head to find wine. Gods know I’ll need it for tonight. I can’t believe my mother made me go through with this. 
The servant offers me a fresh glass and congratulations on my marriage and I smile and nod. I walk to the outskirts of the crowd and try to calm my nerves. I focus on my breathing and let the hall and celebrations fade away. 
“I wanted to tell you that you look absolutely divine, Princess. I know it’s not my place but I needed to tell you.” Benjis voice is barely a whisper as I turn to him. 
“I wish I wed you tonight.” I feel the tears form and ready to fall. 
“Princess,” Benjis voice strained. 
“I know,” I shake my head wiping my eyes. “Just don’t leave me, please.” my eyes pleading. 
“Anything you ask.” he nods his head. “I am sworn to you.” 
“Thank you.” I finish my glass of wine and head back over to Brandon. 
“Feeling better?” Brandon pulls me against him.
“Much.” I smile trying to pretend I’m not repulsed at his touch. 
“The Princess and I will retire for the night.” he announces loudly and there are rowdy cheers that follow. I feel like my legs are about to give out as he starts to pull me off the dais. I search frantically around the hall for Benji even though I know he can’t stop what’s to come. 
“I’ll escort you both.” Benji comes behind us as Brandon chuckles. 
“Do you expect to witness the act itself too, boy?” Brandon roars out a laugh. 
“No.” I say quickly. 
“Embarrassed, my innocent wife?” I feel my cheeks heat and I bite my tongue deciding to stay silent. We stop outside of his chambers and he pulls me inside sealing the door leaving Benji on the other side. 
I knew what tonight was going to entail but I had hoped he would’ve been more kind and caring of my needs and wants. I performed my duty as best as I could but it didn’t make it any more enjoyable or less painful. He pulls me up from the bed and pushes me out of his doors leaving me in the halls in my slip holding my wedding dress. I look down at the stone floor as it cools my bare feet. 
“Princess?” Benjis voice is soft as he stands in front of me. 
“Can you please take me back to my chambers?” I whisper continuing to look down. 
He pulls his cape off and wraps it around me. I drop my wedding gown outside Brandon’s chambers as I cling to the cape. As we start up the stairs I wince at the pain between my thighs. We make it to my chambers and a sob of relief bubbles out of me. I turn towards Benji to thank him and see that his jaw is set and he looks ready to murder someone. 
“I need you to command me to stay right here. In this exact spot. Or I will walk down those stairs and make you a widow.” I can feel his temper rising around us and I’m tempted to let him make me a widow this very second but this isn’t a decision to be made in haste.
“I need you here with me. I need you to find a servant to bring me water for a bath and I need you to do something with discretion.” my voice hushed as I look around the halls. 
“Anything.” he nods his head searching my eyes. 
“Go to the maester. Offer him good coin for his silence. Say you had a lapse in judgment and slept with a maid and you need moon tea. Please Benji, I can’t have his child.” I beg. 
Brandon pushes me outside of his chambers again and I see Benji clenching his fists. He falls into step beside me as we walk silently back to my chambers. I gave up on wearing slippers to his chambers because the cool stone on the walk back helps ground me. This has been happening once every fortnight for the past three moons and I either have Benji or my personal handmaiden retrieve my moon tea. 
“I’ll be back with the tea.” Benji says lowly leaving me at my chamber doors. 
“Benji I don’t need,” I stutter. “He made me suck-“ I shake my head feeling my cheeks burn and I hear him deeply inhale. 
“Princess,” his voice like gravel as his eyes slide to mine. 
“Can you just come in with me?” my voice barely audible as I hold my door open. He sighs and follows allowing the door to shut behind us. 
“What can I do for you?” he stands at my doors back ridged. 
“I just need you to be here with me,” I sit and he claims the chair furthest from me. “Do you find me repulsive now that I’m sullied?” I don’t mean for my words to sound as pathetic as they do. 
“I could never find you repulsive.” he replies quickly. “I think you’re the most ethereal being I’ve ever met.” his voice laced with reverence. 
“Why do you think my husband wants to cause me so much pain? Or is that how it’s supposed to feel? I don’t have anyone to talk to.” I fidget my fingers and hear his sharp inhale. 
“It wouldn’t hurt if he was worshiping you properly. He’s a fool he should have his face buried,” he stops himself and finds his composure. “I’m sorry, please forgive my words Princess.” 
“The only place his face is buried is my neck as he ruts into me. I used to try to think of someone else in hopes that it would make it more pleasurable but when that didn’t help I just learned to keep my eyes squeezed shut and toss out a couple fake moans.” I should feel embarrassed to be divulging this to Benji but it feels so relieving to talk to someone about it. 
“He should be able to tell the difference.” he shakes his head as I see his knuckles turning white from his grip on the chair. 
“I don’t know I can be convincing.” I allow myself to chuckle.  “Yeah, so good,” I moan followed by a whimper and I burst out in giggles as Benjis head snaps up to me. 
“Has he made you come?” his dark eyes search my face. 
“No.” I shake my head as my blush revives on my neck. “He just uses me and throws me out of his chambers. I could live with it if I at least got that relief but I just get to walk back to my chambers and go to bed.” I sigh leaning back in the chair. 
“Can I, I want to,” he bites his lip turning away. “I should let you rest for the night.” he starts to stand. 
“Say it.” I nod my head prompting him. 
“Can I make you come?” my heart skips at his words and I nod my head quickly. “I need to hear you say it.” his voice wrecked. 
“Can you please make me come, Benji?” I bat my eyelashes at him. He rises from the chair and stalks over to me. He towers over me before he kneels before me and begins to trail his hands up my legs spreading them. My cheeks burn as my core is exposed to his face and he looks up to me with hooded eyes. 
“Has he ever kissed you here before?” he asks propping my legs on his shoulders. 
“No,” I shake my head gasping at the coolness of his metal armor on my calves. 
“May I?” he looks up to me as he places soft kisses on the inside of my thighs. 
“Please Benji,” I reply breathlessly. 
He licks up my slit and my chest heaves. His tongue circles my neglected bud and I push my hips into his mouth. Whimpers pour from my mouth as he pulls me flush against his face. He moans into my center as my hips grind against him. I brush against his nose and I moan loudly burying my hand in his hair holding him close. I continue to buck against him as he laps at me. 
“Benji, I-“ I sob as pleasure washes over me and his tongue continues to work me through it. He pulls back and looks up to me with a smile on his face. 
“Those moans sounded nothing like what you did before.” his words laced with confidence. 
“I want to come again.” I say still trying to catch my breath. 
“As you command, Princess.” he dips back between my legs. 
Benji is walking me back to my chambers after a particularly rough night with Brandon. I’m starting to loathe my husband more than I thought possible. Benji follows me into my chambers and seals the doors behind us. 
“Your handmaiden should be back with the tea shortly.” he sits on a chair in front of me trying to gauge my emotions. 
“Would you still kill him if I asked?” I look up to him and he nods. 
“Just say the word.” he searches my eyes. 
“Maybe we use poison or something so they won’t know it’s you.” I nibble on my lip trying to come up with a plan. 
“It’d have to be one that would make him suffer. He doesn’t deserve an easy way out.” he shakes his head working himself up. 
“Your devotion never ceases to amaze me.” I look to him and stand as there’s a soft knock at my door. “Thank you.” I smile at my handmaiden and click the door shut once again. I drain the contents of the cup and join Benji on the chairs again. 
“When do you want him dead?” his tone low as he watches my slip rise up. 
“As soon as possible. I can’t take it anymore.” I sigh stretching. “You can say no because I know where I just came from but can you make me feel good Benji? I want to forget everything.” I slide my eyes to him. 
“I will always want you.” he starts to rise from his chair. 
“I need you, Benji. Show me how good it can feel.” I plead as I pull him over to the bed. 
We start to remove his armor and when I finally lift off his shirt and feel his bare chest I groan. He pulls my slip above my head and leaves me bare before him. He pulls me into a kiss and I melt into him as our chests mold together. I unlace his trousers and he begins to kick them off. We fall back onto the bed and I feel his hardness pressed against my leg. I buck against him waiting for him to push into me. 
“There’s no rush, I’m taking my time with you.” he kisses down my neck and between my breasts. He licks across them and sucks a nipple into his mouth. I gasp as he swirls his tongue around my hardened peak and my nails hold onto his back. He chuckles and moves the next to offer it the same attention. 
“Benji,” I gasp as he grazes his teeth across my nipple before pulling up. 
“There’s a lot of pleasure I can show you, Princess.” he kisses down my navel and I buck my hips in anticipation. “Do you wanna come?” he chuckles pressing my hips into the bed. 
“Please Benji,” I cry out as his lips attach to my bud. 
As he circles his tongue I feel his fingers glide through my wetness and I squirm. He slips two fingers into my core and I whine squeezing my thighs around his head. When he curls his fingers I feel my high building in my lower stomach. My whines become more high pitched the faster he pumps his fingers. 
“Benji right there, yes,” I gasp as I come undone. He slowly comes back up my body trailing soft kisses. “I need you in me.” I wrap my legs around his waist. 
“Tell me if you want me to stop at any point.” his eyes look to mine and I nod kissing him softly. 
He slowly pushes in and I whimper at his stretch. He slowly rocks his hips into me as I mewl clinging to him. He rolls his hips and a broken moan falls from my lips. The difference is absolutely mind blowing. The pleasure he is pulling from my body has me feeling as if I’m flying through the sky. 
“How does it feel, Princess?” Benji rasps as I clench around him. 
“I’m so full of you, Benji.” I gasp holding him closer. He starts to pump into me at a quicker pace and my eyes roll back. His fingers find my throbbing bud causing his name to fall from my lips like a prayer. I pulse around him losing myself to my pleasure and I feel him begin to fill me. He slides out of me and pulls me against his chest kissing my face and smoothing my hair. I feel safe and loved in his arms.
“I’m gunna kill your husband tomorrow.” he promises as he rests his forehead on mine. 
“Thank you, Benji.” I capture his lips as we get lost in each other once more. 
masterlist 🔌 
Part Two
taglist ✍️ 
@clarityisnofun @callsignwidow @gabriella-aesthetic @llynx7 @violetiss3lfish @ka1afbr @akiko-oo @papichulo120627 @lizzylovebooks280501 @thatgirl101blog @ashovertheriver @zanygot7straykidsbonk @hueanhdang @malfoycassimalfoy @anaviieiraaa @p45510n4f4shi0n
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Mad Season 1
Warnings: non/dubcon, social anxiety, chronic illness, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Bucky Barnes, Peter Parker
Summary: a class project gets messy. (short!reader)
Note: you can't stop me from giving a tiny reader to these two and I will not listen to anything ever.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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You can't focus on one thing. Your eyes flit around. Shining tables, floating screens, metal tools and gadgets, cabinets with glass doors house endless supplies, Stark-branded emblems from wall to wall...
The lab is extraordinary, well above the shared spaces at the university. A dream come true for any but especially for a student used to ramen and a used single mattress. 
"You... you really get to come here whenever you want?" You rasp as your throat tickles. 
"Yup!" Peter answers at twice your volume. You wince. You tend to mumble and you're just not good with loud noises. He pauses to measure his voice, "uh, yeah, so I figured we could do our project here, study buddy." 
"Oh, mhmm," you hum as you fold your hands over your chest and sway. As awesome as it will be, that usual dread comes over you. What if you break something? What if you get in the way? 
"Pretty cool, right? Mr. Stark is so awesome." 
"Mr. Stark? Yeah, yeah..." you cough and lower your hands over stomach. "Thought it was a rumour..." 
"Yeah, he helped me out in high school after I won a robotics tournament. He's chill." 
You nod, almost frantically, as your eyes skitter around without focus. Your chest starts to tighten and you blink big. Peter shifts away from you. 
"Hey, you need a minute?" He asks. 
You look at him and keep nodding. It's why your happy you got him as your partner. He checks in. Not to mention, he's never annoyed by you. 
"I'll be here, wanna take a breath in the hall?"  
You squeak but don't quite get out a yes please. You spin and scurry to the door. You flinch and jump back as it slides open on it's own. Peter laughs and a small smile curves your lips but you're too nervous to laugh. 
The hall is empty. You bask in the solace, calming yourself against the wall. You just get a little worked up in new places. Or loud places. Or crowded places. Then it makes it so you can't breathe and then... 
You pull out your reliever inhaler and take a careful puff. You close your eyes and lean your head back as you wait for your heart to slow. In, out, in, out. 
You grip your inhaler as you stay unmoving against the wall. Your ears prick, listening for any sign of life, as you retreat behind your eyelids. Another breath and you'll be okay. 
"Um, miss?" A rocky voice jars you away from the wall and your eyes snap open. You nearly collide with the man before you. How did you not hear him coming? "Are you alright?" 
You bat your lashes and reach to play with plastic bow clip in your hair. He watches the motion as you nod, "yes, sir. Sorry. I..." Your mouth is sticky and parched, your surprise balls on your tongue. You clear away the lump, "you're... the Winter Soldier." 
His brow twitches, "Bucky." 
"Sorry, sorry, er... Buck...y," you trail off. You swing back and forth, "sorry... again, I..." 
You're embarrassed and lost. You give a sheepish look and turn away. You hurry back to the door and hit the keypad. It blares back at you in rejection. You don't know the code and you don't think your fingerprint will work. You stare at it helplessly. 
"Here," Bucky approaches and presses his thumb to the pad. "You new here?" 
You shake your head. Your chest wracks. You bring your puffer up and suck without thinking.  
The door slides open and you flit through. Peter leans on a table over his phone. He looks over as you enter and stands straight, tapping his fingers on the metal. 
"Hey, you found Bucky!" He grins. 
"Kid," the man follows you inside. Wait, why? Is he going to tell Peter on you? You didn't mean to call him that. You didn't know he wouldn't like it. 
"We're just having a look around," Peter explains, "we're both in engineering. Classmates." He introduces you by name, "Mr. Stark won't care too much if I'm doing homework." 
"Mm," Bucky grumbles as he goes to a far table. 
Peter shrugs and faces you again. "He can be a bit grumpy. We can get outta here." 
He comes forward as you hear metal tinking behind him. You glance over as Bucky works on his metal forearm with a thin tool. His vibranium fingers seems to work on their own as he wiggles the tip in a groove.  
"Grumpy and has super hearing," Bucky snipes as he keeps his attention on his arm. 
Peter's brows pop up and he rolls his eyes, "come on, let's get outta here before he gets his arm calibrated." 
You turn and go back through to the hallway. The door shuts behind Peter and he sighs. He points you down the hall as you shuffle aimlessly. 
"This place is sweet but you know, some of the regulars can be a bit much," he jokes. "You'll get used to Buck. He's never in a good mood. Better when Sam's around but... well, he's grown. Shouldn't need a chaperone, right?" 
You tilt your head but don't say anything. You don't know much about them. You learned about Captain America and The Winter Soldier in history back in high school. Your knowledge of the Avengers and their current roster is extremely lacking. Other than the Spidery one. Everyone on campus talks about him. 
"Mmhmm." You drone. 
"Gee, sorry, I know it's a lot, huh? Didn't mean to overload you!" He chimes. 
You shake your head, "I'm okay." 
"I know, I know. Kinda nice having someone quiet around. Ned is a chatterbox and the worst project partner. He just wants to talk about girls or lego." 
You dip your head to show you're listening. You glance at your inhaler and yuck is away in your crossbody bag. You drop your arms straight and continue next to Peter to the elevator. 
"Wanna get a slice? I'm starving," he says. "My treat." 
"Oh... you don't..." 
"Nah, don't worry about it. I just want pizza without May telling me not too," he chuckles. "Trust, I know a great place." 
You purse your lips and push your shoulders up again. You give a silent surrender with a tilt of your head. Even if you feel a bit guilty, you won't say no to free food. 
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daistea · 4 months
If you ever have the time, would you ever feel like taking a request with mithrun x an elf reader who's been taking care of him for a while? I've been thinking that they'd know of each other pre-demon, but weren't well acquainted (different circles, and reader is more introverted (like misril)) at the time until post-demon where they help nurse him to health and mayhaps join the canaries as a healer/support for the group.
If that's too specific, that's fine! You can take liberties.
If youre like "yeah that plain just won't happen with mithrun/hes not like that", that's fine! You don't need to write it if you don't want to
I don't want to force you or anything; it's just something that's been floating in my mind, recently!
Of course my friend! You asked so nicely <3
I think I’ll use she/her pronouns for the reader with this one if that’s cool! 
Sooooo I’m assuming Mithrun was one of the Wardens in his squad. I don’t recall if it ever mentioned if he was in the first squad or the second. If it’s the second, then Milsiril might’ve been the Vice-Captain of his specific squad at the time, and Mithrun was her second in command like Pattadol is to him now. Cus u know Pattadol is second in command because she’s nobility, and Mithrun is nobility.. Yadda yadda. Let’s just go with that for simplicity’s sake. And since there’s only two Wardens to a squad, I’ve taken the liberty of making the reader a criminal, but it’s for something stupid like… jaywalking lol. Jaywalking using black magic. Or uh maybe using black magic to heal. Both? Two criminal charges, you rebel you
tw suicide, mental illness, self harm, blood
Dungeon Meshi Spoilers ahead! 
4500ish words
"Vignettes of a 40 Year Old Desire" - Mithrun x elf/healer female reader
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Getting started was the hardest part.
You took a deep breath, your hands hovering over the wound. The slice in Mithrun’s arm was clean, with no brutal ridges. It would scar, but it would be a straight, neat white line on his skin when it was over. Even Mithrun’s wounds were perfect. 
“Are you okay?” He asked. His voice was soft, and it reminded you of warm blankets on winter days. Your eyes flickered up to meet his and he offered a smile. 
“Yeah,” you said. You sat beside him with your legs curled up beneath you. He sat with his legs criss-crossed, casual as if his bicep hadn’t just been nearly sliced open by the sword of a living armor. He had to be in pain, it was a deep wound. You’d managed to stop the excessive bleeding, but the paleness of his cheeks betrayed that he was feeling weak. 
Still, starting was the hardest part. 
You summoned your stores of mana, connecting to the spirits that made up the world. They were all around you, willing to obey, willing to lay upon Mithrun’s wound and graft his skin back together. A soft light glowed from beneath your palm as you ran your fingers around the edges of the wound. You weren’t sure why getting started was difficult for you, perhaps it was the feeling of magic pulsing through your veins that startled you, or the very fact that you had the ability to defy nature in this way. And there was that little bell that rang in the back of your mind, that urge to go further, deeper, darker. 
That damn bell and its ringing had gotten your ears clipped. 
You pulled back from Mithrun, letting your hands drop into your lap. “Done,” was all you said.
He blinked in surprise, then lifted his arm to inspect the spot where he’d been sliced. There was a faint scar, but it would probably fade if he got some sun. His lips twitched into a frown at the sight, but that expression immediately died, pushed aside and replaced with a smile. Mithrun didn’t need the sun, actually, he carried enough shine in his smiles…. Is what someone stupid would say. 
“Thank you,” his voice was soft, polite. He pushed down the sleeve of his canary uniform and rolled his shoulders. Nearby, the rest of the team was setting up camp for the night. They laughed and passed around a wineskin. There was a spot on the ground between two of your peers, saved for Mithrun. Milsiril was a distance away with her back pressed against the wall and her knees pulled up to her chest. She had a sewing needle that she meticulously threaded through the body of a ragdoll. 
You expected Mithrun to stand up and cross the room to join the others. Yet, he didn’t. He stared at you, two silver eyes filled with curiosity. You returned the look and raised a brow as if to silently ask what he needed. 
Finally, Mithrun offered a slightly bashful smile, “You don’t really socialize much, do you? Oh,” he perked up, eyes widening, “I don’t mean that in a bad way, of course. I mean, you’re shy, right? I just don’t know that much about you.”
And that drove him mad. 
You were entirely too aware of Mithrun’s true nature. The others were too busy basking in his light, caught up in his orbit, trapped in his web. Even Milsiril deigned to notice. She could’ve if she wanted, she simply didn’t want to— it would be like looking in the sun, and once you got past the blinding light and actually looked, you would already be burnt. 
You saw the looks on his face when nobody was looking. You didn’t mean to see them, you didn’t mean to stare, but it had become a habit to watch his reactions. There was a flicker of irritation in his eyes sometimes, the hint of a frown when someone didn’t play his game exactly how he planned. There were moments when his shoulders would tense and his smile would turn tight. There were moments he’d avoid answering questions about himself and turn the subject around on the inquirer to keep his history and feelings and thoughts hidden behind a very sturdy, well-guarded wall. 
You were more interested in him than you’d like to admit. You’d drawn several conclusions: Mithrun genuinely enjoyed the company of others, but he couldn’t help himself, he couldn’t help but scowl when they weren’t looking and judge their decisions and look down on everything they said and did. He even did it to you.
Which was precisely why you avoided him for the most part. You didn’t want him to know more about you, to provide more ammunition so he could reload his weapon and fire it straight into your back. 
So, all you had to say was, “Yeah, we don’t really talk much.” And you smiled as innocently as you could before standing up and wandering to a corner near Milsiril. 
Mithrun’s eyes lingered on your back. He was probably making that face he made when displeased that his charm didn’t work; analytical, a hint of darkness, one could practically see the red-inked assumptions scribbling onto parchment in his head, destined to be filed under a wildly critical and exaggerated category and kept there until the end of time. 
You only wished you understood why he was like that. 
Mithrun disappeared without warning. The squad had been dispatched to the Central Observation Tower because yet another person had disappeared in the area. Mithrun offered to take his friend’s scouting duty into a dark tunnel because she was afraid of spiders and was convinced that there were millions of them in that specific dark tunnel. Milsiril offered to send you along with him, but at that time you were trying to heal a sprained ankle of another squad member. Mithrun waved a dismissive hand and smiled, “It’s no problem. I’ll be fine on my own, but thanks!”
That was the last you saw of him. 
Milsiril had someone slumped on her arm. She held them up, breathing heavily and covered in dirt and blood and dirty blood. You rushed toward the scene. The person had silver hair caked with quickly drying streaks of red. His head lolled. But he was breathing. Thank goodness, he was breathing. 
Milsiril gently laid Mithrun on the ground. Immediately, you sat beside him, your hands on his cheeks and forcing open his eyes— eye. Singular. The right one was a mess. There was no time to question that, though. You summoned a light spell and opened his eyelid and black irises greeted you. Weren’t his eyes silver before? It was dim, too. Yet, his chest moved up and down and his heart was still beating. You let go of his face and he closed his eyes again, head lolling to the side as he let out a soft exhale. 
“So, this is where he’s been?” You asked Milsiril.
She nodded, “He became the dungeon lord. This place…” she glanced up at the twisted walls and long corridors that led to nowhere. There were monster corpses nearby. So many monsters, strong ones, weird ones with horrific teeth and eyes. “It’s a representation of him. I never knew…”
You knew, sort of. You just didn’t think it would get to this level. You didn’t think he’d fall to the demon. You didn’t think—
There was no time for thinking. You had to get started on healing him. For once, getting started wasn’t so hard, not when your heart raced, not when you were desperate for someone to live.
When Mithrun was conscious again, you offered your hand to help him stand. 
He didn’t take it. 
Of one thing you were certain: Mithrun of the house of Kerensil had no desire to live.
“You should’ve let me die.”
You perked up at the sound of his voice. It was the first time Mithrun had spoken in perhaps a month, and his vocal cords betrayed that fact. His voice was scratchy with disuse, and it was a struggle for him to speak. As you glanced over your shoulder to look at him, he didn’t bother meeting your eyes. His gaze was on the window near his bed, but he wasn’t looking at anything, not really.
“I should’ve let you die?” You echoed. You could hear the anger in your own voice. Mithrun didn’t care, you knew.
He simply nodded. A lock of silver fell over his bony shoulder. His collarbones were too pronounced. The sight made a fire start in your chest. 
“Mithrun?” You asked. 
He turned his head to look at you. One eye, as black as an endless pit, landed on your face. The other was covered by bandages. 
And he waited. He didn’t actually care about what you had to say, you knew. But you had to say it. 
“Don’t ever say those words to me again.”
Mithrun only stared, “Alright.”
Then he returned his attention to the window that he was not looking out of. 
You don’t know when or why you started to care so much. 
You’d always cared about people. You’d always wanted to help. But you didn’t even really like Mithrun before the dungeon incident. Now, his recovery was all you could focus on. And you were absolutely obsessed with the state of things. 
“I don’t know what to do,” his brother whispered, desperate, “I’ve hired so many caretakers but they just don’t do anything for him. I mean, they do things, but he’s not getting any better.”
Someone had to break the news to him. “I don’t think anything we do is going to make him any better.”
“I want him to be better,” his brother furrowed his brows and took a deep breath.
You wanted the same. But for now, all you could do was keep Mithrun alive. As long as he ate and slept and breathed, that was good enough for now. That was all he could manage. 
You visited the Kerensil family home more often these days. You weren’t sure why, but you cared. When he screamed at night and scratched himself to the point of bleeding, you healed him without a word. When he got ahold of a kitchen knife and put it to his throat, you wrestled it away from him, then helped his brother install locks on all the cabinets and drawers. When Mithrun snuck out at night to go slaughter every goat within a 50 mile radius, you cleaned the blood from his hair and hands. 
You’d basically moved in. The captain had given you permission to dedicate time to Mithrun’s healing, since they would’ve liked to have him join again once he was better. To the other Canaries, this was part of your sentence. To you, this was part of your purpose. 
You and Mithrun talked a lot. You talked the most. He stayed quiet, so you weren’t sure if you could consider it as actually holding a conversation. You weren’t sure if he was even listening. But once, when you were softly explaining the importance of getting rune shapes exactly right, you stopped and stared at your hands. You’d begun to enter dark territory, the study of black magic that had brought you to this place in life. 
The silence stretched on for a minute or two before Mithrun tilted his head. His hair was splayed out on his pillow and his good eye was open, blinking, slightly alert. 
“Continue,” he said. 
So you continued. And he stared at the ceiling. And you knew that he was listening. He didn’t care, of course, but he was listening. 
One night, Mithrun nearly hit a vital organ with a piece of glass from the bathroom mirror that he’d shattered. 
You healed it, the light from your hands growing brighter than usual. Your shoulders were tense and you couldn’t help but scowl and growl and mutter. 
Mithrun just looked at you, “You know this isn’t what I want.”
“I don’t care,” you answered immediately.
He grit his teeth, “I don’t want to live.”
“I want you to live!” You exploded. He flinched backward, but no emotion passed over his face. He simply stared. You gulped down your feelings and continued healing him. 
Maybe that was selfish of you. You didn’t care. 
Milsiril was a mother. Milsiril was a caretaker. Milsiril was a toymaker and she knew how to wind them up and set them on the path again. 
“I’m ready to go back into the dungeon,” Mithrun said. His voice was still scratchy, but he was sitting up on his bed for once. He’d gained a few pounds and his shoulders weren’t sharp as knives anymore.
Milsiril only shook her head, “Not yet, I’m sorry.”
Mithrun looked at you as if he expected you to ally with him. You knew him the best, you knew what he wanted in life. You even knew what his secret desire was, the one he couldn’t admit to himself. 
You shook your head as well, “You’re still underweight and you haven’t quite gotten the hang of taking care of yourself yet.”
Mithrun’s expression only darkened, “Then let’s keep practicing.”
Where Milsiril was more concerned with making Mithrun socially acceptable enough to rejoin society, you were much more concerned about his living conditions, health, and dignity. It was a relief that he’d stopped trying to pick the locks on the knife drawer. It was not a relief that Mithrun was planning for his inevitable death against the demon— not that he’d admit that. 
He wanted different things now. No longer was his goal to die from withering away, but rather to die at the hands of the god who once served him. Still, it involved him dying. There was this feeling you had inside, comparable to the feeling you had when you were first being hunted by the Canaries. You knew it was inevitable that they would find you and jail you or make you join them. Anticipation rose in your chest until it finally burst when they tied up your wrists and clipped your ears. 
Now, anticipation was rising again. It had been rising for the last twenty or so years that you’d spent at Mithrun’s side. You could only wonder when it would burst, and when you’d end up as scraps on the floor like the shreds of a popped balloon. You could only wonder. 
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When Mithrun rejoined the Canaries, you went with him. He said nothing about that. You were the one who cut his hair shorter for functionality reasons. You were the one who delivered his new uniform and made sure it fit. You were the one who sat on his back as he did push ups for training— which was actually the most fun with him you’d had in the last twenty years. It was kind of silly, but it was good to see him willing to do things like exercise and challenge himself, even if his end goal was just to reach the demon. 
There was a lot of teasing involved when you two returned to the Canaries. 
“Are you in love with him or something?” Helki asked behind his hand. He cast a glance at Mithrun, who was sitting nearby and silently staring out the window. 
You made a face, “With Mithrun? No. I love him, but not like that.”
“Are you sure?” He snorted, “You’ve been like his little wife for the last few decades.”
“I don’t think I would consider all that as wife-like,” you retorted. 
“Why do you do it, then?”
Was it truly so impossible for someone to comprehend caring for another individual without expecting something in return? Or not having a motive? You supposed there was a motive, but it wasn’t romance. You just… cared. You wanted him to stay alive and get better. And he was relatively better, now. Relatively. 
You patted Helki’s shoulder, “Because he’s my friend. Nothing more.”
You didn’t notice, but Mithrun’s head tilted. He always listened to you, even when you didn’t think so.
“Can you help her?” Flamela jutted a thumb toward where you and Mithrun sat. Her voice, louder than everybody else’s in the Canary’s headquarters, caught your attention. Mithrun kept his arms crossed and his gaze on the recruits training outside.
Cithis blinked in surprise. Her eyes landed on you and you returned the look with a hesitant smile. 
“It’s a lot to explain,” Flamela continued, “but Captain Mithrun needs help and [name] needs a break.”
Your brows furrowed. You hadn’t expressed needing a break before. You were fine. You liked taking care of Mithrun. Yet before you could protest, Flamela was already walking away. And Cithis stood there with her hands folded and her eyes curious, analyzing. 
Dread settled into your chest.
“You’re not some helpless baby, Mithrun,” you didn’t mean to yell, nor pace, nor gesture so wildly with your hands, but you couldn’t help it. “You’re not a dog, not a slave, not someone who can be exploited for entertainment! You’re a person and you deserve respect!”
Mithrun only raised a brow, “So, you’re mad at me.”
“I’m not mad at you,” you snapped, sounding quite mad at him. Yet you pulled yourself together and took a deep breath, “No, Mithrun, I’m not mad at you. It’s not your fault. I just wish people saw you as more than what you’re going through. You’re the damn Captain of the Canaries now, you’ve risen above some really tough shit and you’re capable and strong and—”
The realization hit you like a slap to the face. 
You froze, mouth hanging open, eyes on Mithrun. He only stared, as he tended to do, waiting for you to say something. But you couldn’t. You’d been slapped in the face by reality and now everything ached. 
“I’ve got to go,” you managed to squeak out before running toward the door. You left his bedroom behind and darted down the hallway of the Canaries Headquarters. You shared a room with a few other criminals, but they weren’t there when you burst inside and collapsed onto your bed. You were in your late 100’s yet there you were, screaming into your pillow like a 60 year old. 
You’re in love.
“I’m in love,” you said out loud, which you immediately regretted because that made things real. 
You’re in love. You’re in love. You’re in love and it hurts so much because Mithrun could never love you back. Were you a masochist? Probably. Your heart hurt. You suddenly understood the concept of heartbreak, it felt as if your heart was about to physically fall apart. Realizing that you’re in love should be a happy moment. It shouldn’t hurt so much. 
Alright, you decided. You’re going to ignore it like an adult. You’re going to take this secret to the grave. 
Captain Mithrun’s team was a mess. 
But they were fun. 
“Hey,” Lycion elbowed you one night at the dinner table. He leaned down to whisper while you were mid-bite of a piece of chicken. “Do you think the Captain would let me check out the fighting scene on that island? Like, we could put off the whole negotiations thing for a day so I can go see it?”
Mithrun personally wouldn’t care, you knew, but he would refuse Lycion’s request for the sake of getting into the dungeon faster. You swallowed your food and sent him a glance, “Why’re you asking me? Pattadol’s the one that does all the decision stuff with Mithru— the Captain.”
“But you know him best.”
True enough. Still, you were just the healer, still a criminal sentenced to another 40 or so years of Canary service. You sent Lycion an apologetic smile, “Sorry. I don’t think he would.”
“Can you ask him?” Lycion used that purring voice he always utilized on certain targets unwilling to obey. 
You remained unaffected, “I don’t see why you think me asking him would make a difference.”
“The Captain would do anything you asked!” He explained, “Within reason, of course. You’re his girl.”
Your heart skipped a beat and you forced the satisfaction down. “I’m not his girl. And he pretty much does whatever anyone tells him to do as long as it doesn’t interfere with his goals, so I’m not any different.”
“You’re blind,” Lycion muttered, “so blind.”
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Mithrun had been pulled into the stupid pit thing or whatever with that stupid Kabru guy. You were going to pull your hair out. 
When he reunited with the Canaries, he actually looked rather well-taken care of. You begrudgingly admitted that Kabru may not be as stupid as you thought, but you couldn’t let go of your anger at the entire situation. You still wanted to pull your hair out, mostly because you were resisting the urge to wrap your arms around the Captain and squeeze until your bodies melted together. 
Mithrun noticed your stress and slowly approached you. He patted your head, “I’m fine,” he said. 
He could be shot in the chest and he’d still claim to be fine. 
“When this is all over,” you managed to say through the fog of anger and worry and adoration and fury, “we’re taking a holiday. We’ll go to the Eastern Archipelago and we’re sitting on the beach and we’re going to do very safe things like build sandcastles or take naps.”
Mithrun looked down at you. He stared, as was his tendency. Then he raised both brows and you thought that just for a second, there was a hint of a smile on his lips. An affectionate smile. Perhaps it was hopeful thinking, an illusion brought forth by stress. You weren’t sure. 
His hand that was on your head slowly ran down the side of your cheek and to your chin, lifting your face so you’d look at him. He didn’t hold you for long, though, letting his arm drop to his side when he had your attention. “When we have time, I will go where you go,” he said. 
You wanted to smack him in his stupid beautiful face for being so sweet. What was wrong with him? Was he in a good mood? You could only narrow your eyes in suspicion. 
Of course, Mithrun walked away after that, back to the mission at hand. Yet his words echoed. I will go where you go. 
That was more like something you would say to him. You’ve made the decision to be at his side for the last 40 years. You would follow him to the ends of the earth. 
Surely, he didn’t mean it. 
But then again, Mithrun wasn’t in the habit of lying unless it served his purpose. And he wouldn’t lie to you, of all people. Surely not. 
The demon was gone and Mithrun had lost his purpose in life. 
How scary, you thought. How terrifying to lose your one reason for living. You’d most likely be on the ground, slumped up against a tree and expecting to wither away just like him. But unlike you, Mithrun had people who cared for him, who wouldn’t accept that fate for him, who loved him. 
Senshi and Kabru said their pieces. The Canaries all agreed with a chorus of encouragement and opinions and friendship. 
You offered your hand, like you always did, like you’d been doing for the last four decades. 
He took it. 
Mithrun placed his hand in yours. And the anticipation bubble that had been building in your chest for so long finally popped. But you were okay. It was okay. He was okay. 
Mithrun pardoned you, surprisingly. You told him that wasn’t necessary and that he should use his pardon on someone else who had a longer sentence. There were only 40 years left for you. Surely they wouldn’t be as long as the last 40 years had been. 
“No, it's you I want,” Mithrun said rather casually, “you’re staying with me in Melini.”
He wanted something. He wanted you. 
You forced yourself to stay upright, “Alright. If you insist.”
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Living with Mithrun in this state was very different. It was fun, heartbreaking, difficult, easy, calm, chaotic. Some days, he laid in bed and stared at the wall. Other days, he made noodles and walked through the forest and sat on the beach with you, doing very safe things like building sandcastles and taking naps. Many people in town assumed you two were married. You always corrected them, Mithrun never did. 
He observed monsters and would need healing sometimes. You would push up the sleeve of his tunic and trace your fingers along old scars, none of them perfect. Then, heal him, as you tend to do. 
“Are you sure you want this?” Mithrun asked one day. 
You looked up to meet his eyes. Ink black, your favorite color. “What?”
“You can spend your life any way you want now,” he explained, his voice flat, “you’re free. I’m not your burden anymore.”
Your heart clenched in your chest. “You have never been a burden to me.”
“I used to hate you for keeping me alive.”
“I know.”
“And you never hated me?”
“I sometimes did,” you admitted softly, fingers tracing over his skin. You recalled this certain scar, from a pair of scissors you wrestled out of his hands at two in the morning years ago. “But it was the kind of hate that only stems from love.”
“You have always treated me like a human,” Mithrun murmured. His free hand went to your chin and lifted your face, “Like someone that deserves to live. You loved me despite my inability to give you anything in return. But I’m able now,” he leaned closer, “so allow me this.”
Damn. That had to be the first time you’d ever heard Mithrun say anything like tha—
He was kissing you.
It took you a moment to realize what was happening. His lips were on yours and your heart felt as if it might explode. Your hands shook as you raised them, eventually finding their way to his hair. That felt right. This was right. He deepened the kiss, slowly pushing forward. It was slow and careful and calm. It held so many words that neither of you were able to say. As he gently ran his hand up your thigh and to your hips, you couldn’t help but shiver. 
40 years of longing accumulated into this moment. In a dark house in a new kingdom in a demon-free world, you started something new, and for once it wasn’t difficult at all. 
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pretty-little-mind33 · 3 months
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Ask : Hi omg i'm so excited for Dave Lizewski bc no one writes for him like that!! Maybe a Dave lizewski x shy reader who dresses a little alternatively like a more casual goth who's secretly a nerd and he sees her at the comic store?? I love awkward x awkward tropes sm!
~ thanks for requesting, love! I made this a headcanon I hope that's okay! I also love the awkward x awkward trope! ~
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• Dave would tell Marty and Todd his type was the pretty popular girls: like Katie. And to his defense, that is who he was most likely to crush on. Just like everyone else!
• That changes when he meets you.
• He sees you from across the street from the comic book store, looking in at an old vinyl store with a bunch of old books and even some cool guitars. He's drawn in by your chunky black heels and the amount of colorful butterflies clips in your hair that make a stark contrast to the black dress you have on.
• When he points you out to Marty and Todd, telling them he recognized you from Biology, they laugh and tell him he's delusional because they've never noticed you.
• You're usually shy.
• Todd dares Dave to talk to you, which causes poor Dave to blush so hard and immediately decline.
• His friends call him a pussy and now he's annoyed.
• Dave makes the decision to go up to you. You seem nice enough in class. So, he walks over and taps your shoulder. You jump and turn around, pointing your keys at him menacingly.
• "Woah!" Dave exclaims, moving away. He opens his mouth to explain himself but he's completely distracted when he sees your thick eyeliner and how gorgeous your dark red lip stick is. He just stammers over his words, embarrassed.
• "Dave," you whisper, relaxing and to his surprise you sound just as shy as he's always imagined. Still, your appearance is a contrast to the shyness of your voice.
• You know his name. Dave feels like he's floating.
• "H-hi," he stammers and rubs his nape, resisting the urge to look back at Todd and Marty who are probably staring from inside the comic book store. "H-how are you? D-do you listen to this?" He points at a random vinyl in the window as he tries making conversation.
• You don't but your nerves win and you say yes, making up a harmless white-lie about said band just to keep talking to him.
• Eventually, the conversation becomes more natural and he both end up making each other laugh. Dave is completely unaware that Todd and Marty are angrily glaring at him to come back inside and hang out with them.
• Dave doesn't care! He's having too much fun with you! Turns out you also like comic books just as much as he does.
• You give him your number and you spend all evening on the phone.
• Both you and Dave are nervous that when you're both back at school, neither of you will talk to each other because you're in such different circles. You think Dave would be embarrassed of you, and he thinks you'd be embarrassed of him.
• ✨ Idiots In Love ✨
• When Monday comes, Dave has worked up the courage to come up to you after Biology. You'd spent the entire class worried he would ignore you and the moment you hear him call you name, you spin around on your heels and grin.
• "I like your makeup," Dave says, mentioning your eyeliner and eyeshadow. Your grin widens.
• "I can show you how it's done sometime, if you want," you'll suggest in a whisper and Dave is immediately interested because he wants to spend more time with you.
• Over the next weeks, you go on "casual dates" and turns out you have more in common than you imagined. You really like him. He really likes you.
• Once you're dating dating and he's your boyfriend, the dates become more intimate and more frequent. Sometimes you'll cuddle and read comics in Dave's bedroom and other times you'll end up making out in your living room when your parents are away.
• The closer you become, the less shy you both become.
• Dave now can't get enough of the way you dress and how you wear your makeup—he even lets you put some makeup on him 😊
• But his very favorite thing? When you'll kiss his cheek/nose/lips and leave a dark mauve lipstick stain. Makes him feel all fluttery inside! He just loves you so much!
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uzurakis · 3 months
i think about yuuji’s back a lot since we got that amazing clip from season 2 where he was shirtless and broke the ice choso was in he’s so broad and defined and he would just MELT everytime he’s laying on your chest and you move your hands from his hair to his back and just give him back scratches (he’d also love you marking his back when you fuck he makes the prettiest noises rolling his eyes back and going deeper when you do that)
you feel him totally relax against you as you start to scratch his back. his body softens, and a content sigh escapes his lips. the way you scratch his back with just the right pressure makes him feel like he’s floating. yuuji’s arms tighten around you slightly, pulling you closer as if he never wants to let go. he looks up at you with a sleepy smile, his eyes half-closed in bliss. "that feels amazing . .”
you continue your soothing motions, feeling his breath become deeper and more relaxed. each scratch sends waves of comfort through him, and you can tell he’s on the verge of drifting off to sleep. “mhmm, don’t stop,” he whispers, voice barely audible as he nuzzles into you. you chuckle softly and keep scratching, watching as yuuji melts further into your embrace. he’s completely at ease, wrapped in the warmth and safety of your touch
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thewertsearch · 3 months
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TG: oh so this is the trollplanet TG: pretty cool not really what i pictured AA: what did you picture […] TG: a bunch of trolls flying around in little grub pods constantly screaming at each other through bullhorns shaped like buckets AA: thats very silly and a little perverse […] AA: but actually that sounds like what it might have been like on some parts of the planet sooo
Aradia lived out in the boonies, so she's not much of an authority on cosmopolitan life in Alternia. Sollux is the city boy, and I wouldn't be surprised if this was what his area was like.
TG: so what am i supposed to do now that im dead […] TG: where are the fucking hauntoffs at is what im asking AA: i dont know about hauntoffs AA: but there is plenty of time to satisfy various curiosities you might have about existence and whatnot
I guess even this neighbourhood has a Janet.
... man, I miss The Good Place. I’ve been rewatching clips from the show this week, and it's actually got a lot in common with Homestuck. They're both character-driven stories with enormous scope, centered around a bizarre institution which governs all of reality.
AA: there are all sorts of friends to meet AA: ones you already know and ones you dont
Is Aradia referring to members of her own team, or are there ghosts from entirely different sessions floating around the Bubbles?
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Feferi was prophesized to unite only two races, something she's achieved through the Horrorterrors. This implies we won't be seeing any other alien species, but we could see other human Players. Technically, it also means we could see other trolls, but that's pretty unlikely. As far as we're aware, Alternia only spawned a single session.
Anyway - the more I think about these Dream Bubbles, the more I'm starting to realize how much strategic potential they have. Affinity for the Furthest Ring is a genuine boon, and being a Derse Dreamer is more advantageous than I thought.
AA: time is like a game […] AA: and games are fun but sometimes you dont realize how much fun you were having until theyre all over AA: and sometimes you look back and realize for some stupid reason you werent having any fun at all!
What an interesting sentiment that I’m sure is not at all autobiographical.
Aradia spent the entire session as a robot with zero agency, and never got to use her powers for her sake, instead of the timeline's. It makes perfect sense that she didn't have fun with her Aspect.
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Tavros! My man, Tavros!
Alright, this is actually fantastic. Tavros died before he could reveal Vriska's batshit plan to the team, but Aradia has handed him a second chance. All he has to d-
AT: lOOKS LIKE i FOUND ANOTHER POINT IN TIME TO BOTHER YOU, AT: wHEN, i GUESS, AT: yOU ARE MORE EMOTIONALLY SUSCEPTIBLE, […] TG: are those sick fires youre packing there TG: you best not be bringin that fire into my bubble less you plan on dropping that shit
-he's just here to rap, isn't he.
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nevadancitizen · 3 months
synopsis: connor and you have a conversation. it's not uncomfortable, per se, but it's weird. connor's acting weird.
word count: 2.4k
ships: Connor/Reader, Hank Anderson & Reader
notes: me? projecting onto y/n? it's more likely than you think
HoFS taglist: @catladyhere , @foggy0trees0 , @princessofenkanomiya , @n30n-f43 , @igna4400 (if you'd like to be added to the taglist, just ask!)
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Connor’s sitting in his unofficially designated chair in the corner of the android autopsy room, and you’re puttering about, stealing glances at him out of the corner of your eye.
Again, the loud and prideful creature in you is baying and yowling like a dog near death. It’s telling you to kick him out – that his kind-of-aggression and kind-of-manipulation is completely unforgivable. It curses at you for your faults, for being weak for him when he feels absolutely nothing for you. 
But you swallow it. You stomp it down and tell it to be quiet for now. 
You pat the autopsy table. It’s surprisingly loud, and startles you a little. “Khm… if you’d like to get started on the memory transfer, you can get up on the table.”
Connor stands and moves over to the autopsy table. He sits on it and leans forward, his elbows on his knees. 
You pull a couple of cables from a drawer in your desk and plug them into the side of one of your computers. When you turn to Connor, you hold up the other ends of them. “I need to plug these into your ports.”
Connor turns his head to the side and presses behind his ear. The plastic of his skin slides back, revealing two small ports. 
“Jacking in. Don’t move.” You grab Connor’s jaw to steady him, then jack in the ports one at a time. 
You pull away and turn to your monitor before you fully register what you just did. You’re so used to doing it out of instinct that you didn’t realize you were holding his face. You feel the tips of your ears start to burn, but clear your throat and try to shake it off. 
“I’m going to sift through your memory banks,” you say without turning to look at him. “Have you had this… well, I usually call it an operation, but it’s not really one. Have you had a query run on your memory before?”
“Not by an external source,” Connor says. “But I do recall the events that happened throughout the day and process them while in standby or rest mode.”
“So you call queries on yourself?” You say. “Huh. Never heard of androids doing that before. But I guess you are a prototype.”
You put your head down and start to type. “Give me temporary access to your systems?”
A pop-up appears on your monitor:
> Android “Connor” (model RK800) giving admin access to Memory Banks. Accept access? Y/N
You click accept and multiple windows appear on your screen. You sort through them and find what you’re looking for. You quickly type:
//=> ‘?Jericho’ {date=11-08-2038} 
A short clip comes up after a few seconds of load time. It starts with a first-person shot of Connor looking at you (god, did you really look that worried?), then takes off and charges the deviant. He connects with the other android, and then you see it: Jericho, painted on a piece of rusty metal, just like how Connor described. Then, Connor is ripped from his connection. The video ends.
“That looks like a…” you mutter to yourself. You don’t finish the sentence. 
“Looks like a what?” Connor pipes up from behind you. 
You rewind the footage from Connor’s memory banks and look at it again. “I was going to say it looks like a boat, but…”
“It’s highly unlikely that the deviants are residing on a boat,” Connor says. “There aren’t many abandoned boats along the Detroit River, and certainly not one big enough to house most of the deviant androids.”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought, too,” you say. “It’s not like there’s just a freighter floating around for them to take.”
You put your head down again and put in the commands to copy the video to your desktop. After a few seconds, it’s done. 
“Okay.” You pull away from the keyboard and turn to Connor. “I’m done.”
“Actually, Officer?” Connor asks.
Your eyebrows furrow. “Yes?”
He glances away, then back to you. “Do you have the equipment required to run a diagnostic on an android?”
“Uh…” You let out an exhale of air with something between confusion and disbelief. “Yeah? Yeah, I do. Why?”
“Can you run a diagnostic on me?” Connor asks.
“Wh…” Your face twists in confusion. “Why would you want that? I thought you had the operating power to run diagnostics on yourself.”
“I do,” Connor says, and it’s almost like there’s a hint of defensiveness in his tone. “But… I’d just like a second opinion.”
You nod, slowly. “Okay. I’ll… I’ll get that up and running.”
You turn back to the computer and close the running programs to make space for the ones you open. When you’re done, you move over to Connor and remove the cables after warning him. You almost cradle his head as you press your left palm to the port behind his ear, your thumb on his cheek. (The proud creature inside you whines and barks and kicks your liver at that.)
The wires from your glove quickly replace the cables that were just there a moment ago. Connor’s eye twitches once. 
You look over your shoulder at the computer. It’s already automatically running the diagnostic you queued up – way too slow for your liking, might you add.
“Do you have any more books on Russian literature?” Connor asks out of the blue.
You turn back to him. “Yeah. Russians of the past loved to philosophize and think. There wasn’t much else to do when most of the year was spent below freezing for most people. Why do you ask?”
“I was just curious,” Connor says. “I want to know more about you.”
You do your best to hide the bitterness that boils up in your belly. You honestly can’t tell if this is Connor trying to make conversation or another one of his little manipulative tactics. You can do nothing but operate on blind faith.
Connor glances at you out of the corner of his eye, then looks forward. “What is Russian literature about?”
You hem and haw and collect your thoughts before speaking. “It has sobornost, metaphysics, religiosity, intuitionism, positivism, realism… but I like the ones that are more universal. The ones that can apply to everyone.”
“What do you mean?” He says.
“The books about the fear of failure, and the fear of death. How it sucks to be Russian.” You shrug with one arm, trying not to jostle Connor too much. “I mean, all national literatures are – only the name of the nation changes.”
“Hm,” Connor hums and looks down. Looks like you’ve given him something to think about for the time being. 
You look over your shoulder, and the computer screen shows that the diagnostic is nearly done. When it finally finishes, you disengage the wires, the palm of your hand and fingers cool where it touched Connor’s skin. 
You step back and turn to the computer, looking over the diagnostic report. Everything seems normal, and the ALL SYSTEMS NOMINAL! message at the bottom of the page confirms that.
“Yeah, you’re fine,” you say. “Not a hair out of place.”
You turn and lean back against the desk. Connor is looking down at the ground. He stays like that for a second, then looks up at you.
“Do you have books on the history of the USSR?” He asks. You internally note his (maybe unintentional) dismissal of the diagnostic report.
“Yeah.” You open a drawer and pull out the first book you see, then hold it up for Connor. It’s a book that was published in the late 1900’s, named The Reversal of Archduke Franz Ferdinand: How the Death of Agent Ekaterina Nechayeva Prevented the Collapse of the USSR. 
“This one is about the Kollektiv 2.0 Disaster and how the death of Major Sergey Nechayev’s wife inadvertently prevented things from…” You think for a moment. “Well, not from going wrong, but from things getting worse.”
You look down at the book. “It’s the same butterfly effect Archduke Franz Ferdinand created, but in reverse. She saved lives by dying instead of ending them.”
“That’s interesting,” Connor says.
“Somewhat.” You put the book back and shut the drawer, then look back up at Connor. “Kind of like… you. You could’ve died killing that deviant in Stratford Tower – the station android. But you risked that to save human lives.” You narrow your eyes at him. “Why?”
Connor looks at you with those big doe eyes. He blinks and tilts his head to the side. “If the deviant succeeded in its mission of a mass shooting, it would’ve most likely killed Lieutenant Anderson, too. Like I said a few days ago, I need both the Officer and the Lieutenant for maximum efficiency when solving this case.”
“So you put your secondary mission above your first,” you say. “Because hunting deviants is your top objective, yes? So you put the safety of Hank above your primary mission.”
“I…” Connor’s LED turns yellow, then returns to blue. “Yes, I did. Because Lieutenant Anderson’s safety was compromised at that moment.”
You hum and lean back, crossing your arms. You didn’t exactly love putting him in situations like this – ones where he was forced to reflect inwardly, guided by your hand. How you both somehow rounded back to these conversations and topics was almost like a base instinct, spurred on by your primal reptilian hindbrain and his innermost motherboards. 
“Why do you keep doubting my non-deviancy status?” Connor finally asks. 
“I…” You exhale sharply. “I’m just not used to being around androids that are so expressive. I know it’s part of your… social relations program or your interrogation software, but still. Maybe I’m just a fool.”
You tap the front of the drawer you just shut. “Not a fool regarding books or cybernetics or polymer, but a fool regarding relationships.”
Connor looks at you weirdly. “Officer, we’re not… in a relationship.”
“Not like that!” You feel your face grow warm. “We’re two people that have met each other. By definition, we have a relationship.”
“Oh,” he says. “Well, what do you think of our relationship?”
“I mean…” You look up at the ceiling, your eyes tracing the outlines of the tiles. “I’ve always had trouble putting people into boxes. My mind seems to blur the lines between stranger, acquaintance, and friend. So most people, even friends, just default to some weird in-between.”
Your eyes return to Connor. “Are we… friends? Because I don’t know if we are. I don’t mean that in a bad way, I just… truly don’t know.”
Connor tilts his head to the side. It kind of reminds you of a puppy looking at something it doesn’t understand. “I believe so.”
You allow yourself to feel just a spark of hope, but you’re careful to not let it ignite into a Californian wildfire. You bite the inside of your lip to keep from smiling too widely. “It would be nice to be friends. But… you have to promise me something.”
“Yes?” He says.
You steel your expression. “You admitted to basically manipulating me to get into my good graces. Please, don’t do that again. I don’t want you to be fake around me. I…” You swallow thickly. The creature of pride in your belly is baying and scratching at the walls of your stomach. “I don’t want the Connor who kisses ass at every opportunity, or the one who worships the dirt I piss on. I want the real Connor. Even if… even if the real Connor is just a machine.”
Connor just stares at you, almost unblinking. His LED is circling in on itself in a steady yellow. You feel your face start to burn hot with shame and you’re just about ready to fall through the ground. Your eyes fall to the floor.
“Uh, never mind, forget I said –”
“No,” Connor cuts you off. “You’re right. I shouldn’t have done that. I’ll try my best not to… ‘kiss ass’ in the future.”
You feel a laugh bubble up in your throat and you can’t even stop it before it spills from your lips. It’s so sudden that you have to bring a hand to your mouth to try to silence yourself.
Connor looks at you inquisitively. “Why are you laughing?”
“You…” You giggle, then clear your throat. “That’s the first time I’ve heard you curse. It sounds weird coming from you. Like it’s foreign.”
“I’ve always been able to curse,” Connor says. “I just don’t feel the need to.”
“I know,” you say. “It’s just… odd, is all. I’m not used to it. Like when someone tells you the sky is blue. You have to pause for a moment, then you think, ‘Oh, of course. That’s obvious.’ Not because you didn’t know that the sky is blue, but because you’re not used to people stating the obvious like that.”
“Huh.” Connor looks down at the floor. “You talk a lot. It’s useful for my machine learning algorithms.”
You perk up a little at that. To hear Connor say that he likes when you talk, even in a completely roundabout way, is… weirdly comforting. (You can faintly feel the dry grass around the spark of hope catching fire in your chest. The proud beast stomps out the growing flames and keeps it in check to make sure it stays just that – a small, flickering spark.)
“Well, khm…” you look away and scratch your cheek. “Thank you.”
Connor nods, but doesn’t speak.
You glance at the clock on one of your many monitors. It’s nearing seven in the evening. “I should probably get going. It’s getting late.”
“It is,” Connor says. 
You quickly save everything on your computer and shut off the monitors. You grab your coat from the back of your chair by your desk and shrug it on. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” You say. 
“Yes.” Connor’s eyes twitch and his LED flashes yellow for a moment. “Lieutenant Anderson has just alerted me that his request for a meeting with Elijah Kamski has been accepted. It’s set for 11:20 AM tomorrow.”
You nod. “And I’m assuming Hank will swing by to pick me up.”
“Yes,” Connor says. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Officer. Have a good night.”
You smile at him, a lightness in your chest. “You too.”
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mysteriesmuse · 2 years
Every single concept with ProHero Dynamite having socials and showcasing his s/o to the world only to receive a crazy online following response and get amazing PR points. IS. SO. GOOD. 👏
Personally I like to imagine that Bakugou likes to do the occasional gym workout video. his socials include quite a lot of shirtless pics of him at the gym with kirishima anyway so he’s not opposed to having a gym livestream (he’s got a pretty solid following from his cooking videos!) And so Bakugou usually just sets up his phone or laptop on some shelf in the corner of the gym. The whole stream is just him going about his workout. In his tanned chiseled, glistening, and shirtless glory. The signature Dynamite scowl center frame! The videos are usually punctuated by him being greeted by various ProHeros floating around the gym. However, once again Red Riot is a frequent guest as he’s more often than not Bakugous spotter and gym buddy. - but there’s sometimes where you like to go to the gym with him. and despite the eccentric looking plethora of proheros his online followers seem to notice you whenever you do show up in the background. and it’s just little you tagging along, doing your own thing. usually you’re dressed up like you’re secretly supposed to be the star of this show. some cute little matching sports bra and bike shorts number, and a sporty updo, but you’re never actively interested in being on the stream. you’re understandably a little body self-consciousness in front of the camera, it’s completely normal, even tho ‘tsuki thinks you’ve got nothing to be ashamed of. - you are damn gorgeous. yes, it’s a fact. and you actively try and take care of yourself
regardless Bakugou loves when you tag along. always moving things around in his duffel bag to accommodate your water bottle, wireless earbuds, and a spare towel. he knows you’ve gotta have these things. and he always has a spare hair tie on his wrist even tho his bag already has a healthy sprinkling of scrunches stuffed in the side pocket. ————
Katsuki’s checking his social media one week raising a brow as he sees your name popping up in all the comments from his last gym video
“the fuck’ what’s so crazy ‘bout what she’s doing in the background at 23:45??”
Bakugou curiously hovers his mouse over and finds that exact timestamp to see what these extras are all chatting about ??
and it’s just him doing some regular deadlift routine and he can’t figure out the hype until he starts to notice some movement behind him
“Huh?” and if he zooms in there’s a lil’ mini you on the screen absolutely lip-singing and strutting/ arm-dancing your little heart out over on the treadmill
and suddenly all those comments . . .
‘Y/N’s on fire 🔥’
‘does she have her earbuds in? WHAT is she listening to?? 🥹😂’
‘quick! someone tell @proherodynamite!’ . . . on his feed make perfect sense. and Katsuki just keeps replaying the little clip of you being in you own world. until he puts up one comment that blows up in response.
‘yes. she’s got her earbuds in you fuckin’ extras.’ —————
but you bet the next time you’re tagging along to the gym. the people are on a mission. On. A. Mission. and your bf Bakugou Katsuki, for that matter. so the next time you’re going he makes sure you have your “fuckin’ earbuds fully charged and all that shit’ “
and you just breeze past him in your neon pink outfit that reminds him too much of Pinky and press a chaste kiss to his cheek with a small “thanks” as his palm rests against the small of your back to steady yourself on your tiptoes in those chunky cushiony running shoes of yours
And he wanders off to set himself and the livestream fans up in a corner of the gym that’s got a good angle of you over at the treadmill area
And he can’t lie . . . he’s kinda invested. Bakugou is doing some mindless arm work so he can focus on the music playing in his earbuds from the Bluetooth pairing mode he has turned on so him and the fans are all watching as he grunts and walks over to grab another weight
“so far nothing yet” he mutters towards the laptop. It’s just your usual playlist that he recognizes filtering through his ear. All bubbly and pop. Just like you, he grins. catching a look over at your form walking it out; with that perfect posture you pride yourself on. your hair all done up in a bubble braid ponytail. - and yes he knows what that is he had to wait for you to do it before driving your ass over here. when suddenly your stride starts to change and Bakugous perceptive red eyes notice the way your face lights up and all of a sudden you’re glowing
like a queen caught up in your own world as the next song comes on
and it’s . . . BTS’s Dynamite . . ?!
that’s the one that’s got you strutting and dancing and lip singing all the way across the room?
And Katsukis back is to the livestream, facing you, as he rolls his eyes and shakes his head.
“Of course,” you went ga-ga dancing to the one KPop song with HIS hero name as the title. Katsuki then, expertly schools his face back into the scowl as he turns to type in the chat to the livestream:
‘Attention Extras’: the song Y/N is listening to is Dynamite. 💥’
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