#and matt (matt was a baby at the time)
burby2007 · 11 months
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expectiations · 4 months
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Baby River high on regeneration energy ft. flustered parents and 'flustered' husband (to be)
⇢ Doctor Who Series 6 Episode 8, Let's Kill Hitler
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singforabsoluca · 8 months
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Hey guys I finally got around to making plug in baby art after having the idea in my brain for like 4 months.
Close ups + references:
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For references. Generally was inspired by the plug in baby spin (i specifically looked at the one from ab brussels in 2003)
And his evil pose from the beginning of the MV
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nobleriver · 2 years
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In death, I carry you with me, my eternal companion, a broken melody.
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brutalitybunny · 1 year
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spear practice ok are u getting it
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wrdn-tabris · 9 months
thinking about terry and matt, how matt is just so so important to him. hes a headache and a brat but most importantly terrys little brother, and hes always gonna be his little brother, one of the most important people to him. and terrys his hero, both as just himself and as batman.
i bet matt imagined himself as robin. would daydream of fighting right beside batman without even knowing its terry. and what a terrifying thought it is for terry. his baby brother out there? doing what he does. (not that terrys thinking hes still a kid too)
does terry look at the suits of all the past robins and see matt in one too? theyre heroes, and matt wants ti be a hero, but terry, looking at all these kids in the past, who died or worse? theyre not heroes, just a cautionary tale.
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returnsandreturns · 11 months
can't believe i almost forgot to write matt wearing something slutty for halloween
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Foggy says, before he can stop himself, feeling like he’s been punched in the gut when he sees Matt’s costume. 
Matt lost a bet with Marci, which he almost always does when they make bets because Matt believes in the good in people and Marci shamelessly cheats. 
“That bad?” Matt asks, wincing. 
Foggy makes an incoherent noise. 
“You’re so hot I can’t even look at you,” Foggy says, which is a lie, because he’s staring at Matt’s naval where his white shirt is tied up and following the scattered line of dark hair to fully take in the fact that he’s wearing a plaid skirt. He’s considering jumping out the window when it hits him exactly what’s happening. 
Marci knows that Britney Spears was his first crush and that he’s pretty sure that the Baby, One More Time video did some problematic things to his sexuality at a young age. He thought they broke up on good terms but apparently she actually hates him and wants him to die. 
“I probably look ridiculous,” Matt says, huffing out a soft laugh, turning to sit his clothes down on his bed and giving Foggy a view of the soft white cotton panties that he’s wearing, stretched tight over his ass.
He has no idea what he did to Marci to make her do this. She’s evil, maybe. She’s a villain and he’s completely innocent and now he’s going to die of unrequited lust. 
“Matt, you–you really committed to this, huh?” he asks, weakly. “By the way, I wouldn’t bend over too much at the party unless you want to seduce everyone.” 
Matt looks back at him, confused, and then immediately stands up and smooths the skirt down. 
“Sorry,” he says. “Marci got it all for me. I was going to skip the underwear and wear my own but I, uh, kind of–well, I couldn’t chicken out and let her win, obviously.”  
Matt is bright red, shifting on his feet, messing with the skirt. 
“. . .do you like wearing them?” Foggy asks, voice slightly more high-pitched than he intended, because he’s good at reading Matt’s pauses for what they actually are and he’s pretty sure that pause meant I kind of like it. 
“You can never tell Marci,” Matt says. 
“Okay! Alright! I think I have to go drown myself in the sink,” Foggy says, hauling himself to his feet, “because I am having thoughts that God should be striking me down for.” 
“Wait, what kind of thoughts?” Matt asks, catching his arm before he can leave, pulling him just a little bit closer. 
Foggy wants to kiss him. He wants to feel how warm his cheeks are. He wants to lift Matt’s skirt up and go from there. 
"Don't make me say them," he says, weakly. "You're just. . .I mean, you're hot all the time which is hard enough on a man but this is. . .I try not to think sexual things about you, Matthew, I really do, but this is testing my limits."
There's no way that Matt doesn't know that Foggy has a crush on him. They've gotten drunk enough that he's sure he rambled on enough about Matt's hands or something to get his point across. He's always considered it a known factor of their relationship.
Maybe Matt's so repressed that he can't recognize that another man talking about how he kind of wants to lick his abs but he won't because he respects their friendship are the words of somebody who wants to lick many other parts of him.
"Will you stick with me at the party?" Matt asks, letting his finger trail down Foggy's forearm before letting go of him, smiling hopefully. "I think I might get some--unwanted advances."
"I will do my best to protect your virtue," Foggy says, staring at the wall about a foot away from Matt.
"Well, I didn't ask for that," Matt says, and Foggy glances over just in time to see him lick his lips.
Matt wants him dead, too.
There's no other explanation.
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What the Ace Attorney Villains Could Get Charged With (to the best of my research) (in America laws)
Game Two
!Disclaimer! I know nothing about law take this with a grain of salt I was just bored.
Richard Wellington
Assault and battery - Two cases of both. One when he killed Dustin Prince and the second when he hit Phoenix with the fire extinguisher. Though, depending on whether or not Phoenix saw him coming, he could be innocent of the second assault charge. Not the battery, though. I doubt either would count as aggravated assault, as it was the fall, not the fists, that killed Dustin; though Phoenix's is a bit more uncertain due to the weight of the fire extinguisher and the fact that he's only not dead because he's a freak of nature.
Incrimination - He tried to frame Maggey with the name written in the sand.
Obstruction of justice - Can you say "tampering with the crime scene"?
Theft - He stole Phoenix's phone, even if it wasn't technically his intention. It doesn't really matter, since his own phone was likely regarded as evidence. So, theft no matter how you look at it.
Fraud - So much fraud, seeing as he's a con artist. That's what con artistry is. The textbook definition of fraud, all the time, as a job.
Conspiracy - As he was in a GROUP of con artists, his fraud is conspiratorial in nature.
Second-degree murder - He had the intention to kill or severely injure Dustin, but didn't seem to be thinking about it. Thus, no premeditation.
Computer fraud/abuse - Yes, this is an actual thing. When he deletes the contacts off of Phoenix's phone, he's commiting a crime. Doubly so since his actual intention to delete information off of a piece of evidence during a criminal investigation, which may lead to some transferred intent or something.
Morgan Fey (includes crimes from Game 3)
Conspiracy - She plans the murder of Dr. Grey with Ini Miney, in depth. Perhaps the most clear-cut case of conspiracy in the series. Also all KINDS of conspiracy in Bridge to the Turnabout.
Obstruction of justice - She did the tampering of the crime scene in Dr. Grey's murder, hiding and fabricating several pieces of evidence regarding Maya.
Incrimination - You know the deal. Frame-ups are incrimination.
Treason - Depending on how you interpret the government in Kurain, she could be guilty of this by committing crimes against the government. I'm trying to figure out what crime she may have committed trying to usurp Maya and Misty, so I may change this later if I figure out something more accurate.
Corruption - If you don't think treason makes sense, then she definitely committed this, regardless. Even without any monarchy, there would have to be some kind of business model for the spirit channeling, which makes her a business executive of sorts, therefore capable of criminal corruption.
First-degree murder - By proxy, when Ini Miney kills Dr. Grey. They planned it together, after all.
Attempted regicide - This is the closest real life law to describe when she tried to kill Maya due to her status. By proxy, of course. If you don't buy the Feys being some kind of pseudo-monarchy, then this is just attempted murder.
Assault and battery - Three charges, by proxy. One for Dr. Grey, one for the drugging of Maya, and one for Dahlia attacking Maya at Hazakura temple. All are aggravated except for the drugging because knife. It's possible some of the assault charges wouldn't go through due to the fact that Dr. Grey and Maya may not have seen the attacks coming.
Child abuse - Her treatment of Pearl could easily be considered this, particularly in the third game when she tries to trick her into murdering her cousin. That's pretty bad parenting.
Acro (Ken Dingling)
First-degree murder - The murder was about as planned as you can get without taking it to its logical extreme Manfred-von-Karma-style. Yes, he intended to murder Regina, but transferal of intent is a thing. I'm honestly not sure if the fact that he was intending to kill a child carries over, but if it does, the punishment would be greater.
Obstruction of justice - A bit of a grey area, but he did hide the murder weapon and burn the cape, so I believe this applies.
Child endangerment - This or a similar charge may apply due to his goal to kill a child, by my best estimation. Even if it doesn't, failure to report suspected child abuse can count as child endangerment, and... well, the basically the whole circus was grooming this sixteen year old girl, so...
Incrimination - Depends if you think his framing of Max became intentional at some point along the way, which, considering the fact that he testified against him, it almost definitely did.
Battery - No assault, actually, since Russel didn't see the statue coming! But still battery. Automatically.
Matt Engarde (+ Shelly de Killer, by extent)
Conspiracy - He hired an assassin.
First-degree murder - He hired an assassin.
Burglary - Breaking into a place with the intent of committing a felony. While he didn't do this himself, he had Shelly de Killer do it, and anything a hitman does while carrying out the act they were paid to do is a crime the hirer is also guilty of.
Assault and battery - Given Shelly de Killer suffocated Juan and there were signs of a struggle, this is presumably true. Matt is guilty by proxy. Given that we have no idea what he used to kill him, I have no idea if this is aggravated or not.
Fraud - Shelly de Killer pretended to be a bellboy at the hotel. Matt is guilty by proxy.
Blackmail - The ENTIRE case hinges on blackmail in the form of kidnapping Maya. However, he also takes significant steps towards blackmailing Shelly de Killer, so he may actually have two cases of this on his hands.
Kidnapping - This is a bit of a grey area, since it isn't certain that he directly ordered Shelly de Killer to kidnap Maya and use her to blackmail Phoenix. However, given that she was hidden in his house, he seems to know what happened, and he assists by reminding Phoenix of the situation, it's safe to say this was a conspiratorial crime. He's almost DEFINITELY going to be found guilty of this.
Wiretapping - Hiding hidden cameras in a "gift" for someone, as well as around his private residence... wiretapping for sure. Only if the video included audio, though. If not, it doesn't count.
Incrimination - In the plot twist of the century, he's actually guilty of this through conspiring with Phoenix himself. While he did not directly tell him or formulate and communicate the plan to pin the blame on Adrian at first, he did so later and clarified that this was always his intention. While Phoenix has the defense of being blackmailed at the time and the fact that he didn't actually provide any incriminating testimony (perhaps he's accessory?), Matt likely isn't going to be so lucky.
Invasion of privacy - See: wiretapping. Even if the cameras didn't have audio, they'd still be a huge invasion of privacy.
Taking a hostage - A few different names for this depending on where you are, but the basic principle remains the same. This is a separate crime from kidnapping and blackmail, as neither automatically mean a hostage situation. By proxy; even if he weren't conspiring, Shelly still defines this as part of the duties he was paid for, so the whole hired-felony-committing thing still applies.
False imprisonment - This is also not technically the same as a kidnapping charge. Shelly not only moved Maya to a different location against her will (kidnapping), but he also kept her there (false imprisonment). By proxy.
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ask-reject-room-64 · 6 months
A New Start
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?????????: What do you mean?!!?? It's the purple button!!!!!
?????????: There are 5 purple buttons!!!! Why the HELL would you make a camera like this??!!!
?????????: For god's sake Larry it isn't rocket science!!!!
Larry: It is when you build a camera that is also a ROCKET!!!!
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?????????: I'll build my camera however I DAMN WELL PLEASE!!!
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Bing: Don't you SASS ME LARRY!!!!!!
Larry: Uh, Bing?
Larry: Camera's on.
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Bing: Wh-
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Bing: ................................................
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Bing: *ahem* Welcome!!!! I am GENIUS FILM DIRECTOR BING!!!!
Larry: Don't forget to mention the clones, that's the big selling point here.
Bing: SHUT UP LARRY!!!!! They are obviously here for ME!!!!
But yes, I also have a few spare rejected clones from one of my previous experiments. Feel free to ask them questions too?? I guess???
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everluxxe · 3 months
oh child oh child
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terresdebrume · 3 months
Body update: it turns out that after about a year (ish) of trying to eat more healthily and avoiding fast food, my body cannot handle some of the meals I used to enjoy anymore
I had a burger last week at DND and was sick, and I thought it was bc the burger particularly greasy, but then when I ordered from my usual place today (less horrendously greasy but still, you know, a fast food burger) I actually kinda stopped enjoying it three bites in and had to put in some effort to finish it x)
Oh well
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mitchellmoffit · 1 year
woke up to matt receiving lashings and his teen girl fanbase in shambles
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hell-dusk · 7 months
Matt from death note you will always be famous
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milimeters-morales · 9 months
god it’s literally so adorable and heartwarming to me to imagine Matt offering up his arm to Miles who needs blood for some reason or another . Like he’s losing himself so latches onto Matt’s arm (so i guess it’s not offering oops lol) and Matt tries to shove him off but he sees how calm Miles is and it’s not even like Miles is taking THAT much blood. Besides, the kid must be hungry or something, and he doesn’t actually want to hurt Matt, it’s better than him drinking from anyone else anyway. Matt calms down and that might be from the bloodloss but he just lets Miles drink and drink until he starts to doze off, because then he’s relaxed and Matt can safely remove his arm and maaaybe seek some sort of medical help. probably not. okay so he wasn’t offering his arm at all and actually just lost a ton of blood and convinced himself it was okay. are you mad at me
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lindenattic · 1 year
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Matt Cortez during Projekt Revolution. Blossom Amphitheater, Cleveland, Ohio. August 17, 2007.
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sunburnacoustic · 2 years
Muse really made their crying-in-the-club banger with Verona
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