#and macau's there too
peachym00 · 1 year
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Pete looked at his phone to find it was half past three in the morning. Knowing he would lie awake until the sun came up unless he could adequately distract himself, he rolled out of bed, careful not to disturb Vegas.
Tiptoeing to the kitchen, he made some tea and sat at the counter until he finished it when the sudden creak of the door made Pete violently jump. The cup he was still holding fell to the floor and smashed against the unforgiving tiles.
Pete turns to look at the intruder, and they stare at each other in stunned silence.
“Shit,” Macau whispers loudly, which would have made Pete laugh if he was in a better mood, “Don’t move; I’ll sweep that up before you cut yourself.”
“Be careful,” he frowns as Macau sweeps up the mess even though he’s also barefooted.
“P’Pete, please don’t mother me whilst I’m saving you from the impending doom of tiny pieces of ceramic stuck in the bottom of your feet; my heroic work can’t afford distraction.”
This makes him smile, and he pretends to zip his mouth shut. When he’s finished, Pete thanks him, and he watches Macau hunt through the fridge.
“Is that what brought you down here in the middle of the night, your stomach?” He teasingly questions, watching him grab some leftover food and settle beside Pete on the counter. The heathen doesn’t even wait for the food to cool down after re-heating it; he just shoves it straight into his mouth.
“Yeah, my stomach is no joke when it comes to food,” he flaps his hand in front of his mouth in an apparent attempt at cooling down his mouthful, “when it’s hungry, I listen. Or I turn into a hangry beast.”
“You definitely get that from Vegas,” he snickers, ignoring the look he gets.
“What brings you to the kitchen in the middle of the night?”
“Oh, just couldn’t sleep, the usual.”
Macau nods knowingly, continuing to eat. “Nightmares?”
He pauses, almost denying it but deciding to be honest.
“How did you guess?”
“I know you’re jumpy, but that was a bit much, even for you.”
“I guess that was a pretty solid giveaway,” he smiles, embarrassed, but Macau just smiles back, kindly, in a way that Pete knows is completely sincere.
The door creaks for a second time, yet again making Pete jump, though not quite as violently this time.
“We need to oil that door,” he exclaims, making Macau snigger, placing a hand over his chest to feel his heart racing.
“What are you two doing?” Vegas asks, squinting his eyes in the dim light of the kitchen. His hair was messy like he’d been running his hands through it. Pete thought he looked cute.
“Nothing, just hanging out,” Macau chirps, swinging his legs under the table for good measure.
“You should be asleep.”
“You’re right, it’s late,” Pete says before Macau can reply; he doesn’t look Vegas in the eyes as he gets up to leave. “I should get back to bed.”
He can feel Vegas looking at him as he walks past, the weight of his stare bearing down on him. “Well, goodnight then,” Pete calls, faux cheerfully and awkwardly leaves the room.
He stops outside the door, cursing himself for acting so uncouthly. As he moves to properly leave, he catches their conversation.
“What was that about?” he hears Vegas ask sullenly.
“P’Pete smashed a cup because I scared him when I came in.”
“I know; it woke me up; he left the bedroom door open.”
“He had a nightmare,” Macau says pointedly.
“Yeah, oh.” More silence. “That’s all you have to say? Aren’t you going to see if he’s okay?”
“He probably doesn’t want to talk to me right now.”
“I wouldn’t even want to look at you if I were him, but this is P’Pete we’re talking about; I don’t think there’s anything you could do to stop him from talking to you.”
Vegas doesn’t reply.
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answermywearyquery · 5 months
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the theerapanyakul kids: how close are you with each other?
loan’s kinnporsche 2nd anniversary: favourite familial relationship: the theerapanyakul kids (insp: ½+½)
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fromperdition4 · 5 months
Best Friends
In honour of today's prompt "Favourite Platonic Relationship", I think it's time we give an award out to the best friend on the show - vote for your pick below!
Disclaimer: for the purposes of this (very limited) poll, I'm only including 'supporting' characters whose primary purpose on the show is to be a friend/like a friend to one of the more primary characters.
Feel free to talk about friendships between main characters in the replies, though!
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lu-sn · 1 year
Pete watches on in amusement as Macau totally fails to shimmy himself into the skintight layer of his pilot suit.
“Hey, it’s because I’m swole now, okay, I lift,” Macau says petulantly as he finally manages to roll the suit past his hips. 
Pete finishes zipping up his own suit. “Mhmm.”
“This is a super old suit,” Macau complains, “they took my new suit for repairs, and let’s be honest, I was basically a stick back then–”
“Until you became hot,” Pete says, having heard this spiel only about twenty times before. He moves to help Macau squeeze his arms through the suit.
“Until I became hot!” Macau grins at Pete. “See, you get it. Hey, I bet my biceps look real good in this–”
“The kaiju will definitely be blown away by your biceps.”
“They sure fucking will.” Macau looks inordinately pleased with himself. “The final, secret weapon that will save humanity.”
Pete rolls his eyes. “Okay,” he says, “hold your breath – good,” as he yanks Macau’s zipper all the way up. He pats Macau on the back. “Let’s go.”
Once they’ve made their way to the jaeger cockpit, the technicians start encasing Pete and Macau in their protective armor, along with all of the hook-ups that give them control over the various limbs and weapon attachments on the jaeger. 
“Helmets,” one technician says, and Pete swiftly pulls on his head sock, making sure his bangs are securely tucked under the cloth before slipping on his helmet as well. He hears the familiar hiss of the hydraulics as the technician locks in a large attachment to the back of his helmet – the critical cabling that enables the pilots’ neural link.
“Step back,” the technician says, and Pete does. The exoskeleton clicks into place around him. “Preparations complete.”
“Testing comms,” a voice says, directly into Pete’s ear.
“Menace-L, copy,” Pete responds.
“Menace-R, copy,” Macau follows. “‘Sup, Hia.”
“Brat,” Vegas says placidly. “Operations confirmed that the kaiju is a Cat-3, and it’s headed for the Philippines. You’ll be in-flight for a little over 2 hours before the drop.”
“Yeah, right,” Macau mutters.
Pete snorts. After that one time they were stuck waiting to drop for over 12 hours, Pete doesn’t blame him for his skepticism.
“Tell yourself 4 hours, and then maybe you won’t be so cranky when the estimate isn’t spot on.” Vegas says. “The shelf on that side of the island falls off pretty quickly. Luckily, we don’t think you’ll have to wait until the kaiju makes it to the shallows. He doesn’t look like a swimmer.”
“A runner?” Macau says, a hint of glee in his tone.
“Yep. Four-legged. You should be able to fight him along the sea bed.”
“Phi,” Macau says. “Phi. Can we wrestle him, please–”
“Absolutely not,” Vegas starts.
“Sure,” Pete says.
Macau whoops. “Fuck yeah! Underwater wrestling, baby, let’s fucking go–”
Vegas sighs. “If HQ asks for Menace’s damages bill again, I’ll make sure you’re the one taking that call. You can be the one to explain exactly how critical it is to account for underwater wrestling in the budget–”
“We’ve, like, improved,” Macau says. “We’re good at it now. Tell you what – I’ll make you a bet. External damage only. No dents in the framework this time.”
“Deal,” Vegas says immediately. 
“Here we go again,” Pete says under his breath.
“We’re ready for the neural link, sir,” another voice interrupts. “Are we cleared?”
“One moment,” Vegas says. “Yes, you’re cleared.”
“Neural link for Apocalyptic Menace going live in sixty,” the voice says.
Pete exhales, leans back into the exoskeleton. The jolt of the neural link is always nauseating, but thankfully it’s short-lived. Pete is very used to it, though. And the drift itself is wonderful.
He hears a faint click, and an indicator pops up on his helmet’s interface that he’s been switched over to a private line.
There is a long silence.
“Wish I could come with you,” Vegas says quietly.
Pete smiles, fond. “You’ll just have to wish harder for a Cat-4. For next time.”
Vegas’s injury means that he’s not allowed to be on a standard pilot rotation, not like the rest of them. But he’s so damn good that HQ can’t bring themselves to bench him, either. So he gets sent out with Pete on the really tough drops, the category 4 and 5 kaijus, and Macau subs in on all the rest.
They’re lucky that all three of them are drift compatible with each other. Otherwise, HQ would force Vegas into the cockpit far more frequently. And then Vegas would re-injure himself, probably, and Pete would have to go kill someone over it.
“Next time,” Vegas says. Then, firm, “You’ll come back.”
“I always do,” Pete says, voice soft.
Vegas hums. “And bring my idiot brother back intact, please. Keep the wrestling to a minimum.”
“Can’t believe you’d throw a bet like that,” Pete says, amused.
Vegas scoffs. “It’s a win-win for me. Less repairs, and HQ doesn’t come for my head... or, Macau does laundry for a month.”
Pete shudders. “Maybe not laundry this time? He’s not very, um. Good at it.”
“How else is he going to learn, Pete,” Vegas says pleasantly, “if we don’t give him the opportunity to improve himself.”
“Uh-huh. And it’s a total coincidence that you hate laundry.”
“Like I said,” Vegas says, “win-win. Oh, wait. Macau is speaking.” And Pete hears another click.
“Phi,” Macau says, very seriously.
“Friendly reminder,” Macau says, “to not think about Hia.”
Pete laughs.
“No thoughts!” Macau screeches. “None! Not a single one, or I swear to god, I’ll break the neural link and jump into the ocean.”
“That was one time,” Pete says. Plus, it wasn’t like it had been Pete’s fault. Vegas shouldn’t have given him horny thoughts from 2000 kilometers away.
“Once,” Macau says, “was plenty.”
“Link in three,” the technician’s voice counts down, “two, one–”
And as the neural link kicks in, Pete’s vision whites out, and the pain is sharp and bright right behind his eyes – until, suddenly, it settles.
Hey, bro, he hears. Ready to rumble?
Pete grins. Macau’s emotions are infectious, all excitement and anticipation and dogged determination. And in the far corner of his mind, a tiny hint of nervousness. 
It’s good for Macau to have that. Keeps him from being reckless.
Let’s do this, Pete thinks. And then, just for a brief moment, he pulls up a memory from this morning – Vegas standing in the bathroom doorway while brushing his teeth, shirtless, ratty sweatpants riding low on his hips–
Oh my fucking god. Why would you do this to me. Why would you make me suffer like this.
Pete laughs, harder this time.
“Drift is stable,” the technician says. “Cleared for lift-off.”
“Copy,” Vegas says. There’s some murmuring from his end of the line. “Operations says you’re good to go. Good luck. Remember to cut down on the snarking this time. Maybe it’ll improve your kill time average.”
“Maybe I’ll stop snarking,” Macau says pointedly, “once Phi is done inflicting mind crimes on me–”
Describe to me, Pete thinks, in great detail, exactly how you picture this wrestling going. Just so we’re on the same page.
The distraction works. Pete feels a huge wave of glee hit him. Phi. I have so many ideas.
(thank you to @suzteel and @kissporsche for all of the ideas ❤️ and especially to suz for saying that every combination of mvp would be drift-compatible, because i swear i wasn't going to write anything until she baited me with that)
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yujeong · 6 months
kpanniversary2024, prompt 4: Tension
"It's not your choice, Macau." The noise Macau makes with his mouth rings like a gunshot in Vegas' ears. His eyes widen as he stares at his brother's flustered face. His nostrils flare. Macau is wearing his anger like an armor made of rusty metal on his skin. He thinks it protects him, keeps him safe, when all it does is reveal all his weak spots to the enemy. Presumed enemy, in this case. Pete is not - could not - be an enemy of his in the first place. Not even when he was the main family's guard dog. He was a fool. In a way, he still is. Vegas is afraid to look at him. He does it, regardless. Saliva is trickling down Pete's forehead, down the path formed by the creases of his furrowed eyebrows, down the curve of his nose, almost but not quite missing his pursed lips. He is standing by the kitchen table completely still, statue-like. His eyes are closed. His body is tense. He looks like he's about to start crying, or screaming, or both. He does neither. He just opens his eyes, slowly, and stares at Macau with an unreadable expression; another kind of armor, equally rusty and ineffective. He doesn't wipe the spit off his face. "Who do you think you are to say that to me?" Macau yells, unperturbed by what he did. Vegas's breath hitches. He has to intervene, somehow. Say something to stop this madness from continuing, salvage any of the last, remaining pieces of his broken family. He has to- "You're not my brother, so stop acting like it!" "Macau!" He's too late. Pete's face crumbles. He lowers his head to hide it, but Vegas can still see it, can still see Pete's bottom lip quivering, his shoulders shaking. He wants to hit himself. It wouldn't solve anything, fuck, it'd make everything worse, but he can't help seeking the familiar sting a slap would provide. A punch, even more so. He gets pulled out of his thoughts by Pete whispering something he doesn't catch. It's an easy guess to make. For a moment, Vegas thinks the bullets that had pierced his torso all those months ago had hurt less. Macau says nothing and runs away to his room.
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wildelydawn · 1 year
Woke up this morning thinking about Macau and Chay and their reluctant proximity in the Main House after canon happens. No one knows why Chay’s dropped out of school but Macau finds out. He finds out and he feels just a bit jealous because everyone around him has someone, and he feels just a bit sad because Chay did have someone and now Kim’s gone.
He does his best to help Chay move on. They develop hobbies together. Movies. Gaming. Chay even starts writing music again. He admits to Macau that he used to write little notes on cute stationary paper for Kim and now doesn’t know what to do with the other 100 sheets. So Macau teaches him how to fold the notes into little shapes so he can write and put them away, like Pete taught him. (Something something, Pete is a father and brother and mentor figure, Pete is just perfect)
Somewhere along the line, Macau sees how Kim is pining just as badly for Chay. He convinces Chay to hear Kim out. It’s not easy for anyone; Chay is confused, Kim is broken, and Macau is watching his friend leave him behind. But Macau, who’s always been a smidge selfish, finds himself okay with that. It’s okay to be left behind because Chay and Kim can be happy. He just hopes it’ll be him one day.
He and Chay spend another day folding notes. Chay folds a really simple flower and says he’s going to be honest today, with everyone: Kim, Porsche, etc. Macau watches him write I love you into another purple note before folding it into another flower. He should feel sad. He’s not.
Days later, Macau is only beginning to make his peace with Chay going back to Kim. But it’s okay because Chay still hangs out with him. Kim does too. It’s like they’re inseparable, and Macau feels safe. He wonders if Kim’s just putting up with him but Kim has a way of making Macau feel like he’s not alone, not the forgotten son of this family. He and Kim go out for smoothies and judge the Thai Top 10 weekly singles. Kim picks him up from school and even pays a visit to Vegas when Macau wants to switch faculties. Whatever their new bond is, Macau is grateful because he doesn’t quite know what love is, but this is very close to that. At least he has his friend and his family.
Macau thinks he’s fine until Chay shows up at his dorm room, the folded purple flower from weeks ago, in his hand, telling him that he needs to be honest with Macau too. Macau breaks down, sobbing. It isn’t right, it’s not supposed to be him. And he’s so scared. He’s so scared that Kim’s gonna be mad. That if Chay stays a minute longer, he’s going to lose his best friend and his cousin all at once. He cries so hard that he wants to throw up, but it’s Chay soothing him. It’s Chay, and then it’s Kim, and it’s them, and Macau doesn’t know how it’s supposed to be but for the first time in his life, he knows it’ll work out just fine.
EDIT: This is officially a fic now!
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where everything is the same except Macau and Kim are trans. Kim is FTM but likes to fuck with gender (in true Jeff style). WIK is an open lgbt supporter and supports lgbt youth charities but is not open as trans (cause wik was formed after he had transitioned and he just enjoyed being seen as male and completely forgot to mention that he had been born in the wrong body).
Kim is the mafia son who was a daughter and who’s only future was to be sold into marriage alliances. That would explain so much about Kim’s alienation from his family. He moved out as soon as he could and got everything changed, name, legal identity. He got surgery and testosterone. Tankhurn helped with that. Also he and Macau vibe every so often for complaining sessions. He helped Macau get access to good medical care.
Nothing about the plot changes. Kim completely forgets to tell Chay (he’s so comfortable in himself to see it as a thing that needs brought up). Until one day they’re changing together and Kim pulls his packet from his trousers and Chay goes brain dead. 😂
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paldogangsaan · 4 months
sometimes i remember how underutilized macau was in kinnporsche and i start vibrating bc like,, the one person vegas is kind to. the one person he's trying to protect. foils to the kittisawat brothers. the one arguably innocent member of the theerapanyakun family and the most hated one. you've got a great setup for family dynamics in the fucked-up-family-cycles-of-abuse-daddy-issues show and you do NOTHING with it. i have so much to say but the point is i am MAD
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httpiastri · 11 months
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there’s just so much about these pics…..
1. mini back in prema 🫶🫶 im so happy!!
2. dino and paul’s last dance :(( enjoy it babes
3. maybe i’m dumb but since when is dino that tall?? because i’m quite sure dino has always been shorter than paul? or is dino standing on his tippy toes? idk paul just looks so short in the last pic and it’s making me so confused 😭
4. paul’s story…. dino looks very sane 👍
5. also this maybe won’t make a lot of sense to non-swedes (and i didn’t include it in the pics-) but dino’s story of rickard rydell 🥺 very sweet
6. idk there’s just something about these three old friends coming together for a special race, full of expectations and just excitement for what’s to come…. idk, i’m just very happy 🤭🤭 can’t wait to get up early on mornings i could’ve slept until noon just to watch some silly boys drive some silly cars 🫶
thanks & bye
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peachym00 · 1 year
It takes Macau a long time to get used to seeing his brother care so deeply for someone else.
It doesn’t hit Macau until after Vegas is discharged from the hospital. When he’s been home for a few months, and everything is strange, scary and new. It takes some getting used to, being in a new house and being in this new life, being away from the constant volatility and unpredictability that Pa brought them up with. He keeps waiting for the ball to drop. For someone to bang down the door and laugh in his face and tell him that he’s dreaming, tell him that his dad is not dead and his brother is dying, and Pete does not belong with them.
It doesn’t hit him until he watches Vegas struggle to recover from the physical injuries as well as the mental wounds that threaten to consume them all. It’s as he watches each bad day, each excruciating night, each smile slowly becoming a more permanent fixture on his brother’s face. It’s as he watches Pete, this man that he’s known for years but only known for a matter of months, be such an integral part of Vegas’s recovery that Macau doesn’t know what they’d do without him.
Then, something clicks into place, slots into a gap so unfamiliar in his mind that he doesn’t even know how to explain because, oh.
Something ugly threatens to rear its head, and Macau does not know how to deal with it. Because seeing as Vegas smiles, bright and unrestrained, because of something Pete said only touches the surface.
It’s on a Friday evening when he gets home and catches them cooking together; well, Vegas is cooking; Pete is sitting on the counter and tasting every spoonful that Vegas brings to his mouth. They’re smiling and look happy, and Macau knows that if he were to join them, their smiles would stay intact, but something dark inside him panics about it anyway.
And then, one day, Pete returns from doing a job with Porsche, and he’s injured. Not seriously, but enough to leave him with a bloodstain on his white t-shirt that probably won’t come out in the wash. Macau sits outside, watching his brother pace back and forth in agitation as they wait for Pete to get his stitches. It reminds him of when he fell into Tankhun’s pond because Porsche is a jerk who has to insert himself into everything and how Vegas treated him afterwards. Angrily ordering the doctor to see him immediately, his rough manner and violent words were no match for the gentle way Vegas held his hand as his wound was cleaned.
And that night, as he comes downstairs to stay goodnight, his socked feet making virtually no noise as he slinks down the corridor, he watches as Vegas strokes his hand through Pete’s hair where they’re lying on the sofa. Pete is asleep, laid against Vegas’s shoulder, and Vegas looks down at him with tenderness, with a sheer and utter reverence, that Macau has never seen before.
The ugly thing threatens to escape, but he chokes it down and goes to bed without saying goodnight.
He starts to find it hard, after that, to ignore the voice in his head that tells him Vegas has Pete now; he has Pete to care about and to lean on, so why would he need Macau? The voice screams that Pete might be important to Vegas, but Macau is his brother; they’re family; why should Pete have all his attention when he is the one that needs it more.
And he knows, he knows it’s stupid and childish, but he can’t help it.
He doesn’t know how.
And it’s mortifying, feeling so needy when he’s never had to share Vegas before, never had to worry that he would get left behind because there was no one else.
He should be overjoyed that Vegas has finally found someone to love him in the way he deserves, wholeheartedly, and in exchange for nothing but love in return. And he is. Not a single thing makes him happier than to see Vegas look so content. But that does nothing to quell the beast inside of him.
And what makes it worse is that he likes Pete. He likes that Pete talks to him as an equal, that he knocks on his bedroom door and asks to come in. He likes that he doesn’t look at Vegas like a monster when he’s in one of his moods and doesn’t take any shit from either of them. It makes it worse because liking Pete makes him feel so guilty whenever the ugly thing wakes up inside him.
And it’s dumb; he knows it’s dumb, so he doesn’t let it out. He says nothing even when Vegas asks if he’s okay because he’s been quiet lately. He doesn’t say a word when Vegas reminds him that he’s there if he needs anything, and he doesn’t say anything when Pete tells him that he knows he’s not Vegas, but if Macau ever needs to talk, he’s always there to listen.
And then the voice inside him tells him that they know. They know about the ugly thing hiding deep inside his chest and how childish and needy he is for feeling this way. 
And eventually, it gets too much, something lets loose, and the ugly thing inside him breaks out of its poorly-built cage before he can stop it. 
It lashes out, and it’s mean, and he aims it all at Pete because Vegas isn’t home. Words that bear no truth pour out of his mouth, and the flicker of hurt that sweeps across Pete’s face before it hardens into something else makes him feel a hundred times worse. And then, like a coward, he storms away, locking himself into his room like a naughty child that had been sent there.
And it’s not until hours later, tears dried sticky on his face and he’s near convinced the voice in his head is telling the truth, that his door creeps open and light footsteps cross the room. He does not turn around. Just stubbornly faces the wall from where he’s curled on the sheets. The bed dips behind him, and a deep and heavy sigh is forced out of his brother’s chest. 
And then the voice tells him, see? See what you’ve done? He’s tired of your behaviour; he’s tired of your existence-
But a warm hand on his back and a calm voice in his ear stop it in its tracks. Because Vegas is sorry, he’s sorry that Macau has been struggling, and he’s sorry if he’s been neglecting him, but yelling at Pete won’t solve anything. 
And he knows, of course, he knows he hurt Pete, and he knows that nothing that came out of his mouth made sense because nothing in his head makes sense, either. And he cries, again, like a baby, but the warm hand doesn’t leave, and Vegas doesn’t leave, and telling him everything the nasty voice inside his head has been saying is so liberating, he feels like a weight has been wrenched from his body. Because he’s not dumb, and he’s not stupid and if that’s what you think needy is, then I’m so much worse than you, Mac-
And later on, when he forces himself to face Pete, cheeks red hot with shame, apologies tumbling out so fast he’s not even sure they’re eligible, he feels even lighter still. 
And when they pay him extra attention, he makes sure to complain like a typical teenager would, but inside, he glows with tender joy. Because even though the voice is still there, this time, he knows it’s lying, and this time, he doesn’t listen, and it makes it significantly quieter. 
And for all the gross and sappy moments that Vegas and Pete force him to witness, he doesn’t need to worry that he’s being forgotten or left behind because they always find a way to include him too. 
And although he would never say it out loud, he wouldn’t have it any other way. 
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plantaagomaajor · 10 months
speaking of gattaca I can't stop thinking about Vincent and Anton and Anton always winning until he doesn't
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fromperdition4 · 5 months
Clipping this because it's a cute and important moment for Porsche - with Yok (his surrogate mom) and Jom (drunk best friend) both helping him to admit that he's fallen in love with Kinn
But also - do Porsche and Jom call Yok 'Je' here?
In Perth's YouTube video on Thai honorifics, he says that 'Je' is the female equivalent of 'Hia' and it's used to refer to Thai people with Chinese ancestry who are older than you (in place of 'Phi'), with the literal meaning of 'older sister'.
Now, with just that definition, characters calling Yok 'Je' doesn't mean much, but it seems to me that 'Hia' is used fairly sparingly in the show - I mostly only notice Chay using it for Porsche, and Gun (sometimes) using it for Korn. So, I'm wondering if the writers used Hia/Je when they wanted to highlight a family relationship - for Chay and Porsche (and Porsche, Jom, and Yok?) it emphasizes their closeness, while for Gun and Korn it reminds us that they are brothers, even when they're at each others' throats...
(But then, I don't speak Thai and I'm really just going off of the words I can pick up - I could totally be missing other instances of both Hia and Je throughout the show. If anyone has any insights about this, please let me know!)
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lu-sn · 2 years
macau looks away graciously for much longer than pete expects him to, then lets out a horrified squawk when he turns around to see vegas and pete still kissing.
"we get it, you're in love, happy fucking new year, now spare me," he says, yanking ineffectively at pete's shoulder. vegas bats macau's hand away, then dips pete further back against the couch for show, smiling into pete's mouth.
and then macau thoroughly wallops vegas with a couch cushion. pete drops backwards, watches as vegas growls out a "you're in for it, you little shit," launching himself at macau as macau shrieks and bolts away.
when vegas hauls macau back, firmly secured in a headlock, pete makes sure to grab at vegas's forearms, pulling macau closer and pressing a sniff kiss into macau's hair. this earns him a litany of protest, so vegas does it too, and macau wriggles like a fish while doing absolutely nothing to try to get away.
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sakuhina · 9 months
Hi! Do you know any books in English about the Estado Novo Dictatorship and the subsequent 25 Abril Revolution?
Anon you asked this like months ago sorry I'm only answering this now, are you still here.
(Sorted alphabetically)
Estado Novo:
Fado and Fátima: Salazar’s Portugal in US Film Fiction
From the Armed Struggle against the Dictatorship to the Socialist Revolution: The Narrative Restraints to Lethal Violence among Radical Left Organisations in Portugal
Under the Sky (documentary about Jewish refugees in Portugal during WWII, audio is in English but subtitles in Portuguese)
Meeting Salazar: Irish dignitaries and diplomats in Portugal, 1942—1960
Home Bound: The Construct of Femininity in the Estado Novo
Memory of Resistance and the Resistance of Memory: An Analysis of the Construction of Corporatism in the First Years of the Portuguese Estado Novo
NATO's Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe (Chapter 9: The secret war in Portugal)
On student movements in the decay of the Estado Novo
Portugal, Jewish Refugees, and the Holocaust
Re-reading the Photographic Archive: The Propagandistic Staging of the Portuguese Estado Novo in the Braga District
Salazar: A Political Biography
Salazar, The Dictator Who Refused To Die
Saloio Women: An Analysis of Informal and Formal Political and Economic Roles of Portuguese Peasant Women
Sixties Radicalism and Social Movement Activism - The War Against The War: Violence And Anticolonialism In The Final Years Of The Estado Novo
Territorializing Maoism: Dictatorship, War, and Anticolonialism in the Portuguese “Long Sixties”
The Memory of the Portuguese First Republic throughout the Twentieth Century
The Opposition to the 'New State' and the British Attitude at the end of the Second World War: Hope and Disillusion
The Portuguese Armed Forces and the Revolution
To Talk or Not to Talk: Silence, Torture, and Politics in the Portuguese Dictatorship of Estado Novo
Women's Organizations and Imperial Ideology under the Estado Novo
Ghosts of war: China’s relations with Portugal in the post-war period, 1945–9*
Wartime Macau: Under the Japanese Shadow*
Colonial War:
Amílcar Cabral's writings in English
Evading the War: Deserters and Draft Evaders from the Portuguese Army during the Colonial War
Killing Hope U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War (Mentions the CIA's role in the Colonial War + subsequent involvements in Africa during their civil wars)
Modern African Wars (2): Angola and Mozambique 1961-74
Portugal’s African Wars: Angola, Guinea-Bissao, Mozambique
Portugal's Guerrilla Wars in Africa
Samora Machel Speaks, Mozambique Speaks
The Retornados from the Portuguese Colonies in Africa
The United States and Portuguese Decolonization
25 de Abril / Carnation Revolution:
Another Country (documentary about the revolution seen first-hand by foreign journalists, available in solidaritycinema)
From the Armed Struggle against the Dictatorship to the Socialist Revolution
Out of the Shadows: Portugal from Revolution to the Present Day
Portugal, the impossible revolution?
Revolução (small video from 1975 with images and speeches from the time)
Scenes from the Class Struggle in Portugal (documentary, quality is a bit bad)
These are all the articles, documentaries and ebooks I have in English, but I have plenty more in Portuguese if anyone wants. Some of these are not *necessarily* what you asked but eh. Do note I haven't read all of these. Let me know if any of the links don't work!
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yujeong · 30 days
15 (trembling hands) and 43 (undone) for vegaspete? 🥺👉👈
Ohhh, thank you so much for sending me these, they're lovely. I hope you don't mind me combining them into one micro story ❤️ ---------------- Pete was close, he was so close, he tried so hard, he kneeled, he begged, he almost saved him, Vegas turned around, Vegas smiled, but no, he didn't, it was in vain, all his effort were in vain, all his efforts came undone, all of it was for nothing, Vegas was dead, all for nothing, Vegas is dead, Phi Pete is grabbing his blood-soaked body and Phi Vegas is dead and Pete is touching his cold skin and Vegas is Phi dead and Pete is covered Phi in his blood and Vegas is dead- "P'Pete!" He takes a shallow breath and it all comes back. He's not at the main family compound, he's home. Vegas is sleeping on their bed, a few centimeters next to him. His medicine is strong - nothing can wake him up after it takes effect. The room is dark. Macau is here. Pete just killed a man by crashing his neck with his bare hands that can't stop trembling. Macau is here. Pete loosens his grip, letting the lifeless body of the intruder drop on the carpet, a low thud echoing in his ears. Macau is here. Pete raises his head to look at him, his expression neutral and eerily calm. "Phi, it's fine. Hia is fine." Pete can only make himself nod. He's sure he looks wild in Macau's eyes. He can't help himself. "Are you going to call P'Porsche or should I talk to Chay?" He's talking in whispers. Pete can barely hear him, but he understands. He gulps, then nods again, hoping Macau understands as well. "Okay, I'll be right back. Stay here." Pete does, staring at Vegas the entire time.
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slackergami · 2 years
Months ago, anon asked me if I've been to Macau. To celebrate my bday, I went to Macau for a quick day trip but I had no itinerary planned and my chronic headache cut the trip very short 😂 so I went to the Ruins of St. Paul's, grabbed some almond cakes and took a cab to The Venetian for window shopping and checked out the casinos (I'm too dumb to gamble dw).
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