#and lwj would never tell lsz about wwx...
llycaons · 2 years
lots of fics have lsz as he grows up notice how sad lwj is and want to comfort him/understand why and I can understand where it’s coming from but I don’t think lsz even realizes that lwj is in perpetual mourning or is grieving anyone, or would really act on it if he did, because
1. except when he was very young, he’s never known an lwj who wasn’t in mourning so he doesn’t have anything to compare it to
2. lwj is a very reserved and private individual and anyone he looks after would know that and respect it since he’s an esteemed teacher; he’s also extremely noncommunicative verbally about himself and his personal life. even in canon postres when we see lsz ask him something, lwj just tells him to go rest
3. lsz may be a perceptive and emotionally sensitive kid who does try to comfort and reassure people older than him, but he’s still a child and I feel like he’s just naturally going to be more focused on himself and how he and his peers are because...he’s a child
4. lsz is clearly is very attached to lwj as an older brother/mentor figure who he loves and trusts, but lwj isn’t the kind of person to make a child responsible for his feelings and in their interactions they seem to have a more formal relationship than a lot of fics portray them
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truly-morgan · 1 year
[OT4, Juniors all getting together]
Junior Quartet | Mo Dao Zu Shi 23-03-2021
[#mdzsjuniors - ot4]
What if Jin Ling and Lan Sizhui started dating post-canon after some nervous pining, keeping their relationship a secret from the other half of the quartet.
Then, after some time, jl ends up asking lsz if he really loves him, because of the way he looks at ljy he has this something in his eyes. After some nervous turning around the subject, lsz finally admits he does /also/ love ljy, the same way he does jl. but lsz doesn't dare tell him, because he's sure ljy doesn't feel the same.
jl ends up telling him he doesn't mind sharing if it make him happier. Especially since it is clear ljy is also pining for lsz, but had noticed their little "secret" relationship and didn't dare step in. Turns out lsz is happily surprised and gets himself a second boyfriend, jl and ljy slowly develop their own brand of love.
So they now start this new poly couple, rather happy with how thing seems to work. But now that they are often only the three of them most of the time, they feel like they are missing someone all the time.
Then they realise that maybe, they didn't see oyzz as just a friend. They also feel a bit guilty for having left him so much to the side as they were trying to make this whole new thing work. lsz is the one to come up to oyzz to talk about it to him, as the two others didn't know how to bring it up to him. 
oyzz doesn't really know what to answer to this, as he never really thought about it in the past. He /does/ have a little something for lsz tho "now that he's thinking about it", but doesn't know if he should join them. He does, and things turn out even better than before. 
They are back to being the juniors quartet, but this time as lovers, even though most obviously don't know. Some days a more difficult, sometimes communication is hard, but they would rather not give it up for anything in the world, they absolutely like it the way it is. 
I also wonder how the parents would all react.
I'd see jc going "Really jl, /another/ boyfriend? I suppose at least this time he's not a plan, shouldn't be too troublesome". Yet he doesn't try to break them off anyway, as he would rather see his nephew happy than sad because he tried to break them off.
wn is over the moon that lsz is surrounded by so many people who love him that much. Although even this sweet cinnamon bun has warned one time that they shouldn't dare to break his heart. All three hurriedly agreed. 
lwj would be the silently supportive dad, ready to listen and give advice despite easy relationships not being his department. All he can wish for is for none of them to suddenly disappear on him for 13 years.
wwx isn't sure at first how come baby a-yuan is collecting this many boyfriends, but is just as supportive, ready to help them out. He's the dad ready to bring up the most embarrassing thing simply because he's trying his best to help his son out. If he can make sure lsz is not as lost as he was, then it would be this already won. 
I cannot tell what oyzz dad would say, but if he were to not be supportive of his son, oyzz is made quickly aware that he already has a new family ready to support him whatever happens with him (my hurt/comfort ass don't like oyzz dad, so it would probably not be a good react) but oyzz is better off with all these other cultivators ready to support him than him anyway.
They lived happily ever after and we forget that jl is the jll sect leader (am not thinking angst tonight okay, shoo shoo).
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‘Intrusion’ extra, what it says about Jiang Cheng’s role in MDZS, and how Wei Wuxian looks back on his past with the Jiangs
I said back in like June that I’d write meta on this and then put it off for a few months, oops! Here we are, finally!
First things first, both the ‘Intrusion’ and ‘Iron Hook’ extras are not just silly romps featuring married wangxian and fanservice, as some people seem to believe?? I’d say both of them clear up pretty neatly, for those that are still confused, points of contention in the fandom - such as Wei Wuxian’s heroism, and Jiang Cheng’s role as an antagonist. Specifically, if his actions were justified or sympathetic, and if he was punished unfairly by the narrative.
The first and most obvious statement made in ‘Intrusion’ is the parallel between the story of Young Master Qin (YMQ), and JC and WWX’s youths. I’ll summarise quickly the relationship between YMQ and the fierce corpse that has been bothering him.
They grew up together in YMQ’s grandmother’s house, since they were a similar age they played together
The fierce corpse (FC) was a servant in YMQ’s grandmother’s household
The grandmother took a liking to FC, and he was in some ways treated less like a servant, and more like a member of their clan, and was allowed to attend school with the other boys
YMQ specifically notes that his grandmother used to praise FC a lot
YMQ describes a story at the school in which someone answered a question, and FC incorrectly claimed he answered wrongly. When FC pushed the matter, the other students became annoyed and drove him out of the class
It is very heavily implied (to the point where ‘implied’ isn’t really the right word) that ‘someone’ was YMQ, that he had actually answered the question wrongly, and that he felt shown up by someone he felt should be below him proving so, and that he led the other boys in driving FC away
FC left the school and didn’t attend again
I probably don’t need to lay out where the similarities are…?
In response to YMQ’s story, Wei Wuxian (rhetorically) says this - ‘“Regarding the solution to that problem, in the end, who was right and who was wrong?”’
Aside from just exposing the kind of person YMQ is, in reference to a story wherein ‘FC’ is clearly a stand in for WWX, and YMQ for JC, MXTX’s decision to highlight specifically that it was FC that had the right solution to the problem is not insignificant. Nor how she specifies that he was the instigator of FC’s expulsion, while hiding behind the mob mentality of the other students.
Another interesting detail is that YMQ deliberately obscures the truth throughout the chapter, because despite his refusal to acknowledge it, possibly even to himself, he knows that between him and FC he is the one in the wrong. Similarly, JC obscures the truth about WWX, to the wider cultivation world during the period of WWX’s ‘downfall,’ (Ch.73) but also, more importantly, to JL after WWX’s death. JL believes that WWX ordered WN to kill both JZX and JYL (Ch.42). Of course, if JC did not have a guilty conscience, he would not feel it necessary to lie about these things. Or rather, convince himself that they are true, as he still blames WWX for the deaths of his parents’ and JYL and the end of the story (Ch.102).
YMQ’s attitude about servants is bad enough that it upsets Sizhui quite a lot, and shortly after their interaction with him, we have this exchange between LSZ and Wangxian.
‘Lan SiZhui thought about it, “I do not know either.” He responded with honesty, “He never did anything truly evil, but perhaps I find it difficult to deal with people of such character. I do not particularly like the tone with which he mentioned the word ‘servant’…”
He paused at this point. Wei WuXian was oblivious to it, “Typical, typical. Most of the people in this world looks down upon servants. Servants sometimes even look down upon themselves… Why are you two looking at me like that?”
Halfway through, he interrupted, not knowing whether to laugh or frown, “Stop—is there a misunderstanding here? How could I compare? Lotus Pier isn’t the usual household, after all. I’ve beaten Jiang Cheng up way more times than he’s ever beaten me!”
Lan WangJi didn’t say anything, but instead gave him a silent hug. Wei WuXian couldn’t help but smiled. He hugged back, stroking Lan WangJi’s back a couple of times. Lan SiZhui coughed. Seeing how confident Wei WuXian looked, not at all sensitive to the word ‘servant’, he was finally at ease.’
There’s a lot going on here...
Firstly, WWX definitely does not think badly of himself because his father was a servant, because WWX doesn’t think badly of servants. It is also true that Lotus Pier wasn’t so strict with hierarchy as other sects (Ch.51, Ch.71), and that WWX and JC sometimes playfully fought on equal terms in their youths. But WWX was also very clearly treated badly in the Jiang household due to his status, notably by YZY (Ch.51, Ch.56, Ch.57, Lotus Seed Pod extra), JC does also repeatedly enact real physical violence against WWX, that he simply brushes off (Ch.56, Ch.59). You could argue that the example from Ch.59 is under extenuating circumstances and therefore should not count, but the same excuse cannot apply to Ch.56.
Knowing this, Lan Wangji’s response to this, to hug WWX, does not feel casual at all. Instead it comes across as if he is offering comfort, which WWX accepts.
Finally, this exchange finishes with ‘Seeing how confident Wei WuXian looked, not at all sensitive to the word ‘servant’, he [LSZ] was finally at ease.’ To me, this seems to suggest that the entire purpose of this was not at all reader directed exposition about how good and equal the Jiang household was, but rather a WWX-typical veneer meant to appease LSZ’s concerns (taking a moment to quietly fangirl about how good MXTX is at ‘show, don’t tell’). Also suggests that WWX is aware on some level that he was treated badly, and LWJ is too - presumably, it is something that they have spoken about.
Continuing with the story of YMQ and FC…
YMQ returns to his home village as an adult wearing a jade pendant that belonged to his now deceased grandmother
FC asks to borrow it, YMQ allows it, thinking FC is missing his grandmother
FC returns telling him he has lost the pendant, YMQ thinks he has actually sold it, and has him beaten, it is very heavily implied that he breaks his leg
In the present, YMQ admits that he doesn’t actually think FC would have gone so far as to sell something of his grandmother’s
This is reflective of JC’s attitude towards WWX throughout his life, with regards to how he frequently comes to the worst conclusions about him, without having any real evidence, and lashes out at him for it. I spoke about this a bit before here. Most notable example is probably during their conversation in the demon-slaughtering cave wherein they discuss WWX’s defection, and JC decides that WWX is acting carelessly and playing the hero, though admits himself that WWX is following the Jiang Sect’s teachings, then declares WWX an enemy of the cultivation world behind his back.
The ambiguity of FC’s death, and YMQ’s role in it discussed in part 3 of the extra is referencing WWX’s own death, and JC’s role in it. In the end the conclusion is that whether or not YMQ was responsible, FC did not hold him to it.
In the end, FC is content to simply throw some fruit, and punch YMQ in the face in vengeance for his death, and even goes out of his way to avoid hurting LSZ when he is fighting him. He returns the jade pendant, that he really did lose and not steal, and goes back to resting peacefully.
WWX, LWJ, and LSZ’s views on YMQ’s fate are as follows
‘Lan WangJi gently tugged Lil’ Apple’s rein, his voice calm, “He was fortunate.”
Wei WuXian agreed, “Indeed. Young Master Qin has got quite the luck.”
After some time, Lan SiZhui finally couldn’t hold his words back any longer. Sincerely, he spoke, “But I still feel that only one punch might be a bit insufficient…”’
JC didn’t even get a punch to the face. I’d say he got off very lightly indeed.
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
Fics Still Missing part 2
These fics are still missing!
1. hey for the next fic finder could u find a fic where post canon wei ying  and the juniors are on a night hunt and wei ying plays this horrifying  melody and lan sizhui falls asleep cause that used to be his lullaby   while the other juniors are all creeped out? #9 of post
FOUND? is referring to a scene in chapter 2 of tell some storm by qurbat (G, 31k, wangxian, JC & WWX, LSZ & WWX, NHS & WWX, Post-Canon, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, liberal amounts of outsider POV, the legend of wangxian, how to create a romance epic for dummies)
2. Um excuse me but can you help me find an air of wangxian in modern au I  read it when I first got into it but I can’t find it anywhere so I hope  you can help me it’s about lan zhan being either a Mafia boss or   something like that while wei ying is a detective/police officer I think  I remember wei ying getting drunk at a bar than being taken by lan zhan  than they did papapa other than that lan zhan took him to his limo  after the bar scene while the end is when wei ying leaves to go only to  find out he did the papapa with the dangerous lan zhan that’s all I can  remember but I am hoping you know what name it is also can you find any  male pregnant wei ying when wei ying and lan zhan lives at gusu. #13 of post
#13 sounds so familiar and it might even be a twitter threadfic but i cant remember which ToT; anon would u happen to remember where you’ve read it?
FOUND? 🧡 Rule Number One: Never get attached. by KizuKatana (E, 130k, WangXian, Modern AU, A/B/O, Light Angst, Crime Boss LWJ, Rogue criminal genius WWX)
3. I was wondering if you knew a post-canon fic where there’s a scene in  which JC, WWX, LWJ, maybe LXC and the juniors(?) All end up in the   forest during a night hunt(?) And are forced to relive the Nightless   City massacre and see Jiang Yanli die. And not sure if it’s the same   post-canon fic but one where the Elders of some sect (I think it’s the   Moling Su?) accuse the Jin(?) Sect of something during a discussion   conference and Nie Huaisang helps out. Mikkeneko asks: For #9 - is this the same fic where Jiang Yanli gets brought back to life following revisiting the massacre? #9 of post
4. Heyo Mod L and Mod C. Looking for a fic where i only remember one weird fact. WWX can only drink alcohol and eat meat? Not sure about the meat part but I remember it’s on CR and WWX need alcohol to sustain? Please help me. It feels like something i made up!(ᗒᗣᗕ)՞ #11 of post
Hi! Fic finder #11 here. It’s not the tiger verse series. I think WWX is a demon? Another titbit I remembered is i think WWX almost collapsed before they found out. JC is a good brother here! Thank you trying!! I’m kinda losing my mind over this. I even went thur the demon WWX tag but i dunno it’s deleted or i just couldn’t find it
5. I have a fic finder request if you don’t mind :) The scene I remember is just after the Sunshot campaign and the Jin (I think?) have been holding Wen cultivator prisoners during their trials. WWX meets with a Wen prisoner scheduled to be executed who has agreed to give WWX his golden core and it turns out the Wen is A-Yuan’s birth father. I remember that the transplant does occur and the man is executed and WWX and LWJ still end up AY’s parents.  Ring any bells? Thanks! #20 of post
6. hi! ummm I´m looking for an omega verse fanfic I last saw on ao3 I think. Where Wei Ying´s ghost protects Lan Zhan from his punishment(lashes)  and Lan Zhan gets expelled from the clan and goes to live in the burial mounds with A-Yuan, and i think Wei Ying is a Yiling local god or something #5 of post
7. I’m not sure if I’m doing this right(apologies if it isn’t) but I’m looking for a fic where wei ying ends up in ghost city and ended up being adopted by hualian as their little brother. Wei ying also becomes a calamity with a title of something knowing dreams. He later on timetravels back to gusu study days where only wangxian is aware that they have timetraveled. Theres also a scene where wei ying basically corrects lan qiran during class and ends up teaching the class for a bit before getting kicked out. #17 of post
8. Hi! I’m trying to find a fic where Lan Xichen lives with Wangxian and A-Yuan post JGY events. Because he’s like uber depressed and doesn’t want to live alone. It was a modern AU, but tbh I’d love anything with a similar premise. Thanks for all your work!  #4 of post
9. Hello. For your new fic finder, honestly at this point I’m convinced I’ve dreamed it or merged two fics together idek. It begins with wwx being hunted down by ppl (this is post canon so after all the sieges and in mxy body) and he is trying to wait for lz but dies anyway (similar to Third Times A Charm by Kyerian and Lily but not it) and then wwx time travels back to his lotus pier time before the lectures at cloud recesses. This is where it gets foggy for me. I remember him being really good at the sword and inventions but that is pretty canon. I think jc wasn’t upset bc wwx was SO advanced he was basically at the end of what ymj could teach him? Idk not too sure. Foggy as I said. But bc he was so good I guess he was idle and more troublemaking than usual (?) so Yu furen ended up putting him in lessons with jyl and he learned to embroider, make clothes, paint, manage a house, how to please your man (lol), etc. Jc joined them at some point cause he was jealous wwx and jyl were spending so much time together but quickly left bc he was blushing ashamed idk. I think after either jyl or wwx stopped their lessons but one continued on (leaning towards wwx cause I feel like I remember yzy being passive aggresively kind about it?). Also nhs, jc and wwx were friends pre gusu lectures. Nhs really liked wwx cause he painted fans with him. Also I think when they were getting ready to go to gusu wwx decided to make robes for himself. Nhs was shocked and jc explained how he knew how to do it trying to make fun of wwx which failed. In the end nhs was all heart eyes cause he loved fashion. This is all I remember. As I said I’ve been trying nearly a freaking year to find this fic. Idk if it is deleted, I dreamt it or what but please help me. When I read it it was incomplete, not a lot of chapters, idk if it is in hiatus, abandoned or if it was completed. Please help me. #12 of post
10. hii!! I heard there’s new mod, welcome mod c! (Hi ^^ ~ Mod C) hope am not bothering you mods too much. so, do you know i u have encountered a fic were wangxian was childhood friends playing to be boyfriends but they weren’t actually one. (idk if it fits fake/pretend relationship tag, didn’t found anything.) there was a moment in their teens (midschool ig) where a girl confessed her feelings to lwj and wwx immediately says lwj has bf and it’s him. they were roommates, too. I think it was due to university of something like that. they were questioned by jc and nhs if they r real lovers or not. also, there was wedding (not 100% certain if it’s jzx & jyl’s) wwx starts questioning himself if he was really inlove with lwj. reminder that they r not friends with benefits. they were just playing, holding hands or hugging e/o. I am not actually the person who was finding this fic but I am interested, til now, no one has found this fic. Thank you!  #16 of post
11. Hi mods! For the next fic finder, I’m looking for a WWX traveling to the past fic in which there was a scene where he and LZ were talking about his husband (future LZ) and his children I think. And LZ is just there listening yet at the same time being jealous about it ‘cause he doesn’t know it’s him. #12 of post
NOT FOUND! Travel Back Down That Road by iSwallowMy_converse  
12. Do you know this one fanfic where Lwj tries to kill himself but he ended up losing memories and Wei ying found him. They ended up getting married to each other and go on adventures and then lwj gets his memories back bc his brother is playing music. #14 of post
13. Hey! Im looking for two fics. A) One when Wen Chao pushed WWX down.LWJ went down and he kissed him. I think they were on a established relationship by then. JC was looking at them flabbergasted. #16A of post
Heyo mods! I kinda remember the scene in #16 but not much. It was time travel fic i think and that scene was in Xuanwu cave. WC pushed WY down and LZ also went down. I think WY had an injury and LZ kissed him to distract him. Hope this will help to find it! Im sorry I can’t help more
14. Good evening, Mods! I was just wondering if there were any fics you know of that involve Wangxian hiding their pregnancy from LQR (specifically LQR but not from anyone else), who finds out only after the baby is born and is hurt to realize that they didn’t trust him with their growing family? I feel like I’ve read something similar before but for the life of me, I can’t seem to find it #8 of post
15. hi, do you know about a fic where lan qiren decided to act as a good father figure for the two jades and gives advice to the disciples, i lost the fic, and its killing me #13 of post
16. Hi! Hope mods are doing great! ^.^ I have a weird request, because I need to find a fic, but also ask for others with a similar theme (nice, but will make you cry). It was a modern au, and kind of in the suburbs. I think the Lans are new, and lwj meets troublemaker wwx, but doesn’t know how to get close. There’s a fire in the Jin house, everyone except jgy and, I think jzx die and blame wwx. I also remember lwj and wq go to uni together, and they usually meet at the library. Pls help me. #17 of post
17. Hello all, i hope everyone is doing fine. I am so happy we’re all still here 💚💚💚 i don’t know what i’d do without y’all. So i am looking for a fic. Although I’ve never read it 🤦🤦 i know it’s a fix it fic where jin zixuan kinda abdicates to move into lotus pier with his wife. He talks to meng yao and he’s like you are a much better leader than i’ll ever be brother. Meng yao is super touched and actually stops all his evil doing. And they all live happily ever after. I THINK.  Since i never read this, it might actually be like just something i saw posted on tumblr and not an actual fic 🤷🤷 i hope it is tho.    Much love 💚💚💚 #19 of post
FOUND? could be scorpion, before the frog by Stratisphyre (T, 59k, LXC & JGY & NMJ, JGY & WWX, JZX & JGY, JYL/JZX, wangxian, Dragons, Found Family, Pre-Relationship, Mutual Pining, Canon-Typical Violence, Parental Abuse, Hurt/Comfort, warning for JGS behaving exactly as expected, sometimes a redemption arc is just dragons and kids and found families, allusions to noncon because of JGS, derogatory references to sex work, suicidal ideation and attempt) but I think it only partially fits?
18. Hi! I was wondering if you could help me find a fic? I only remember one scene where LWJ said something (or assumed something) that led to a misunderstanding between him and WWX. When it cleared up, LWJ said “What have I done to you?” and WWX answered “I think you broke my heart a little”. I’m sorry if it’s super vague, but I can’t remember anything else, except for the fact that it was almost certainly a complete fic with only one chapter.  #5 of post
19. Hi!! For the next fic finder can you help me find a fic where WWX is  a little, and the Jiangs refuse to let him become little. In the story  there were 3 types of people: Carers, Littles, and I think like   someone  who isn’t either. So when they go to CR, LWJ finds out, and he tries to  help WWX get away from the Jiangs. It’s been awhile since I’ve  read it,  and I can’t find in my history. I would really appreciate the  help! #11 of post  
Hey!!  I’m the anon who asked for #11 on the recent fic find. It wasn’t Being Vulnerable is the Only Way to Allow Your Heart to Feel True Pleasure. I definitely remember that both JC and JYL went to CR with WWX, and they  were both making sure that WWX didn’t regress into a little. Another scene that I kind of remember was that LWJ discovered that WWX was a   little while he was writing the rules in the library. And another scene is that WWX basically has a breakdown when he witnesses MianMian being   able to regress into a little
20. hi ❤️ for fic finder, id reaaally appreciate your help! the only thing  i remember is that jc finds out that wwx doesn’t have a core but  wwx  tells him some lie about the reason (wzl?), but later they’re at LP i think? and wwx confesses the truth to jyl but jc was standing at the   doorframe, hears everything, yells a lot, and then ??? yunmeng sibs   feels ig? its not Tether or The most dangerous thing is to love (both wonderful).. i feel like i went thru every single core reveal fic ctrl+f-ing the word door 😂  #16 of post  
hi,  i asked for 16, and sadly its not  Silence Like A Cancer Grows    (even though its a  great angsty fic 😭), i remember reading it in   like 2020, and i think  the reveal happens in the great hall or throne   room or whatever its  called. thank you!
21. This is a bit out of the way but I was wondering if you guys could  help  me find a certain twitter thread about, like, a huge family dinner  with  the mdzs characters where “who is going to pay the bill” devolves  into  hijinks and a lot of politeness judo. and ends with nie huaisang  going  “i paid the bill while i was in the toilet”  #1 of post
22. Hi! Thank you for all the wonderful work you are doing, this blog has    brought me a lot of joy. I am looking for a fic where JC and WY fell  out   after trying to save JYL  from drowning when she was caught in a  net   underwater. And WY had to keep diving down to give her air, and he  was   really exhausted and delirious afterwards. JC got really angry at  him.   And the fic is about how JC had to do something similar and  realised how   difficult it was and tried to reconcile with WY.   Hopefully that’s   enough info, I can’t remember much else! Thanks very much :)  #9 of post 
23. Hello mods! I hope you’re doing well! I was wondering if you guys   could  help me find a fanfiction that I’ve been searching for but can’t find. I  remember that it’s about wwx who died and came back either as a  ghost  or a fierce corpse during the sungshot campaign, I’m not sure if  he died  when he was thrown into the burial mounds, but I remember that  he  helped them win the war and then passed on peacefully after, I  remember  that they knew he was a ghost too.    #16 of post  
Hello!  It’s #16 from the  Last fic Finder, unfortunately it is not that one:(  if I remember  correctly, wwx passed on as soon as the battle was over,  on the  battlefield.
24. Good day to all of u mods. Thank u for your service in help us lost souls. So sorry to bother u all again but I’ve been searching for a fic that I lost long ago and I’ve only read about 1-2 chapters i think.If I’m not wrong the story is a bit horror. It’s a modern au and I remembered that WY unalive himself and there was a phone call from LWJ to JC and JYL telling them about this. And if I’m not wrong, it was implied that WY unalive himself because he was always haunted (by ghost or memories -I’m not sure because I only read the beginning- of Madam Yu).I’m sorry if this is really vague. I’ll also keep trying to search for it. I really appreciate your help. Thank y #2 of post
25. Hello wangxianficfinder! I heard that there was a reincarnation/modern au fic where Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji got caught in the rain and then hid in a cave to wait it out. Could you please help me find it? #6 of post
26. For the next fic finder. I’m at my wits end trying to figure out what fic I’m thinking of. I believe it was a war fic (not sunshot) where wwx was on one side and the lans were on the other tho I’m not sure. What I’m sure of is someone (wq?) commenting that in battles with one particular leader (wwx? lxc?), there are a lot more ppl who make it to the medics, as in fewer deaths on the battlefield, so that leader is an honourable one. Anyone recognize the fic? #10 of post
NOT FOUND! Crossing Paths by Ilona22
27. Hi, I am for a fic where WWX time traveled to the past. I can’t quite remember the details, but I remember Wen Ruohan some how knows WWX played an important role in the war so he wants to capture him. Since WWX time traveled, he’s the only one know why WRH wants him, but the others are kinda freak out why WRH wants to capture a teenager WWX. I’m sorry for this little detail, but I hope you guys can help me find it. Much appreciation!! #11 of post
28. I’m looking for a fic that takes place post canon, and its Xicheng. From  what I remember LXC is doing horrible in seclusion and JC secretly  hides his bell when he visits one day. They become friends while LXC is  still in seclusion and one day, after LXC precious gift from his parents  break, JC goes missing. JL tracks JC through his clarity bell but finds  it at LXC’s place. LXC goes on a journey to find JC and finds him  injured but with a replacement for his precious gift he got from his  father. A very clear but beautiful crystal I think? That’s all I  remember @youkaimeimi  #12 of post and #1 of post (This ask had been accidentally added to two different posts ^^; apologies for any confusion ~ Mod C)
29. Hi! i hope you’re having a great day!! this blog is everything to me   and it makes my day and makes finding fics so easy!! thank you for the   hard work ^^ I’m trying to find a wangxian time travel fic. i don’t   remember much except that there was this one scene in the library. wwx   travelled back in time and was with lwj and thought he was the only one who travelled back until they’re in the library and lwj asks wwx about lsz and wwx is shocked that lwj is from the future. thank you <3   #2 of post  
30. I’m looking for a fic I remember only one scene. It’s a modern fic and  there was a scene where LWJ & WWX were dining together. The food was  very spicy and LWJ had a strong reaction for it, got like really   overwhelmed.   #12 of post 
31.  Hi guys! I’m trying to find a fic but I only remember one thing about it  🙈 LWJ was the god of devotion. Hopefully someone remembers that 😬  #20 of post
I don’t recall a god of devotion, but here’s some divinity fics:
despite it all by novalotypo (T, 292k, wangxian, canon divergence, god of luck WWX, memory loss, non-linear narrative, WIP)
We’ll Build This House on Stone (Altars) by FluffyHippogriff (E, 236k, wangxian, angst w happy ending, romance, supernatural elements, friendship, old god LWJ, YLLZ WWX, hijinks & shenanigans, canonical character death, nonbinary character, nonbinary bichen, WIP)
In God’s Eyes by VividestList (E, 23k, wangxian, LSZ & WWX, NHS & WWX, gods & goddesses au, kid fic, mpreg, public sex, mortal WWX, servant WWX, moon god LWJ, marathon sex, identity reveal, pregnancy kink, unplanned pregnancy, angst w happy ending)
32. Hello. Can you help me find this fic, please. 🥺WWX could jump  between universes. And he found one where other him gone mad or  something. WWX tried to save LWJ of that universe, but LWJ wouldn’t  leave, if his WWX die, he would die with him.
I’m not sure if it  time loop or not, because somehow I think WWX had asked LWJ to leave  about hundred times before. (These’re dialogs I tried to write from my  memory, it might not be entirely correct.)
LWJ: How many time have you asked me?
WWX: About hundred, and you never leave.
LWJ: You could be wrong. This time it might be different, I can save him.
WWX: I’m not, because I’m him. I know this because my Lan Zhan died and I survived. So please don’t make me watch you die again.
That’s all I can remember. Please can you help me find it. Thank you. 🥺🥺🥺😭 #2 of post
NOT FOUND! A Necessary Evil by @gravitywonagain  (M, 870, Wangxian, Major Character Death, time travel, hurt/comfort but  mostly hurt, I’m not going to lie this is all angst, not a happy   ending)
33. Hello! I was wondering if you could help me find a crossover fic between TGCF and MDZS, I remember only a scene in which Hua Cheng finds a bloodied figure of Lan Wangji with everyone in town dead around him. And Wangji was like ‘look what they have done to my A-Ying’. I hope this is  enough to find it!  #10 of post  
34. Hello! I am looking for a fic where the mountain goats pushes wwx too far that he commits (t.w.) sewerside? Then I remembered there were 2 ocs  and that all the goats that hurted wwx were killed and that woman was  wwx’s mother (??). I also remember this being an characters watch the  series au. Thank you and have a nice day!!   #18 of post  
35. I’m searching for a fic and I feel like I’m going crazy–went through 80  pages of AO3 history with no luck, but I know I read it. Almost sure I  found it through the OG wangxianficrecs  around a year or more ago through one of the ff or itmf posts. I  *think* it goes like this: very BAMF WWX, taking place post-Nightless  City, has a better understanding/control of his powers because of his  2nd death, has godlike powers w/o negative side effects of resentful  energy. Maybe in MXY’s body but not sure, just think there was a scene  of wangxian in bed together in the CR and LWJ is worried about people  knowing he’s WWX and how they’ll react. But it could just be that WWX  didn’t die at all, or came back earlier than canon somehow. Some things I  know still happened (LWJ still got whipped for defending WWX), but  others are fuzzy (like maybe the Wen survive somehow?) I’ve read SO MUCH  I wondered if I was conflating multiple fics like Imperfect Memory by Xantissa and help is on the way  by Vamillepudding, but too many things that just aren’t right about   either. In the one I’m thinking of, WWX remembers who he is, LWJ is   quick to express his true feelings (having thought he lost WWX), and   have them reciprocated. It was definitely M or E, there wasn’t really a sub/dom aspect, maybe some theoretical stuff about mastering death so   it’s unable to take him, being immortal without needing a golden core.   #20 of post  
36. so it’s jin ling running around just postcanon getting the jin sect   functional again where he decides he also wants to repatriate the   artifacts in the creepy mirror? (jc has opinions) i believe he starts   with the canon face-knife and also lots of juniors communication (uhhhh p  sure wangxian are running around in the bg doing wangxian things …?)  #6 of post
37. Hi! Can you please help me find a fic? It’s an AU where all the women in  MDZS decide they should all just leave and go travel and cultivate   gardens or something. Tysm!    #6 of post  
38. Hi! I’m looking for a fic where WWX and LWJ get together at cloud   recesses? At the end WWX thinks LWJ is going to marry WQ, but it turns   out to be a misunderstanding - I believe it was on AO3. Thank you so   much!  #9 of post  
Hey - I’m the anon from #9 on the latest fic finder.  Unfortunately “Take my heart” is not the one :( . The fic im looking for  was not a time-travel, and a lot of the book events still occurred  (qiongqi path etc.) - but at the end the wens were able to go to gusu.  Also wangxian are together but not married until the end. Thank you so  much for your help!
NOT FOUND! Take my heart by Lady KG (Not Rated, 22k, WangXian, LWJ Time Travels, Time travel, POV WWX)
39.  heyy im looking for a fic where lwj and wwx are both actors who are   always in the same movies. they’ve also done several sex scenes   together. they’re really popular celebrities and they both get nominated  for oscars or academy award or smth but neither of them get it bc the judges couldn’t decide. if you could find this fic for me that would   mean a lot tysm!   #12 of post
40. I am looking for a fiction that Lan Wangi and wei wuxian are tring to have a baby and it not working and they are invited to jiang yanli’s   baby shower and wwx breaks down.  #4 of post  
41. Since you found me exactly what i was looking for I came back with  two more fics and to say thanks for finding the two i requested the  first time.
A) So the first fic i want to request is one  where wangxian time travel and at first they think its only them but  later on in the story its revealed that because of something they did  lan xichen, nie huaisang and jiang cheng also come back. but near the   beginning of the story lan wangji helps madam lan escape and she goes to  lotus pier and turns out she knows madam yu and qinghengjun comes out of seclusion i belive cause when they go to the lectures he and madam   lan reunite and then our timetravels tell them what happens and there   are multiple training dummies that are destroyed by madam yu and jiang   yanli
B) the second fic is where after canon ends i belive almost everyone but wangxian and a’yuan were dead but a’yuan was making  his way to deaths door but wei wuxian used this array or talisman yo   send them back thousands of years and a’yuan reverts to his child self   and wei wuxian and lan wangji get to raise him but eventualy become   immortal or already were and i dont know if a’yuan becomes immortal or   not but it doesnt really mention him at all after that except a brief   passing. As the years pass wei wuxian and lan wangji travel and meet a   lot of people including their parents and baoshan sanren. it time skips i  belive and its after the lectures(?) and the sects are invited to the burial mounds where a whole bunch of relevant but not totally relevent people are, along with wei wuxian and lan wangji as their immortal sect  leaders and the sects read the books but it doesnt actually show that part and madam meng and madam jin meet and at first madam jin is   standoffish but eventually get to know each other, i dont know anything after that, most like where the last update was.
Sorry for   rambling and making this request daunting and sorry if there is anything  that is hard to read im on my phone and the the keyboard is not writing  down the letters as i type them in. thank you for your time and i wish  you a good day(ᗒᗣᗕ)՞ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ  #7 of post  
42. Okay so I have a fic finder request for you guys if thats okay!! I don’t  know if you’ll be able to find it for me because I really don’t have a  lot for you to go on. Literally all that I remember is wwx and lwj  talking to someone (a merchant? A shop worker? Maybe something with a  festival?) And they had to solve a series of riddles to win a prize (I  think it was 3 riddles) wwx solved one but then I think lwj ended up  solving 3 riddles instead and gave the prize to wwx. That’s all I can remember!! But the scene has been in my head a lot so now I really want  to reread the fic haha any help in finding it would be greatly   appreciated!! Thank you so much!!!   #16 of post  
43. Hiii thanks for all your hard work ✨🐇✨ can you help me please I read a  Twitter thread fic but I lost it and don’t think it was over 😅 I was about wwx and lwj being married but wwx became pregnant and wanted ro   surprise lwj but he thought wwx wanted to divorce So he called his   lawyer and wwx heard it anc that’s all I got. 🫠😭✨ thanks again     #18 of post  
44. Hello! Could you help me find a fic wherein kid! Nie Mingjue and kid!Nie Huaisang are kidnapped/taken into the Wen Sect? Their father   (Sect Leader Nie) is still alive in this fic. I believe that one of the memorable things in it is that Nie Huaisang calls Wen Ruohan A-die or   Father as a manipulation scheme? I hope you can help me find it, I’m   going crazy over it!  #1 of post  
SIMILAR! Fire and Light  by nirejseki (T, 31k, NHS & NMJ, Canon Divergence, Found Family,   Families of Choice, Child Abuse, Child Neglect, Childhood Trauma,   Implied/Referenced Torture, the bad stuff is mostly offscreen)
45. Does anyone know that one fic, I think CR era, where Lan Wangji meets Jiang Yanli and thinks she’s unusually generous because she’s   encouraging him to marry Wei Wuxian into the Lan clan?  #10 of post  
46. The other fic was where wwx and lwj ran away together (modern fic) got married and years later wwx saw jc at store and talked #17B of post
47. Fic finders: It’s Untamed-verse (post canon), in LWJ’s pov. I think  it starts with LWJ looking for WWX in a village, then it flashbacks to   him receiving a letter where WWX writes that he has fallen in love with a  farmer and marrying him, if LWJ would come to the wedding and give his  blessing… which obviously catches LWJ off-guard because he’s been kinda  assuming that WWX would come back when he’s ready, so now he’s all  jealous and pining, and needs to see for himself what the hell is going  on.  They do end up meeting and go on a night-hunt together, and LWJ notices that WWX is actually acting weird. The reveal was that WWX was actually under some kind of love spell and that the “farmer” was a rogue cultivator trying to bind WWX’s literal life to him and use his   powers.  #20 of post  
NOT FOUND! You’d Break Your Heart to Make It Bigger by vesna (mrsronweasley)  it sounds kinda like this fic minus the letter part
SIMILAR! Boy Trouble, We’ve Got Double  by saltyfeathers It’s actually the reverse, where lwj is the one who gets cursed  
48. Hi, I remember reading a short fic set during the Cloud Recesses study  arc where Wei Yang is kneeling after punching JZX and Lan Zhan talks to  him. The conversation goes differently than canon and it ends with WWX  saying: you have a book of rules where your heart should be. And the fic  ends with saying it took LWJ years to heal from those words @/knifeshoebookworm  #3 of post
49. Another modern au fic in which WY is accused of a crime when he’s   younger, perhaps in his teens (I don’t remember what he did exactly or   if he actually committed it), but he still ends up getting arrested and LZ is the only one who stood up to him at the time. Then a couple of   years later WY is released, becomes a police officer and works together with LZ at the same police station, probably as partners. I think LZ is  kinda ooc, instead of being shy, quiet and frigid, he’s quite bold and  sweary in this fic. Also I recall a specific part that is set by the end  of the story (it could be the last chapter), a party is happening, maybe a wedding or celebration of some sort, and Wangxian goes to the   bathroom to hook up or have sex. There’s a chance that this belongs to   another fic, but it doesn’t hurt to try.   #15B of post  
FOUND? Keep Track of Losing Days by giraffeter (T, 74k, WangXian, NieLan, Modern AU, Case Fic, Police, Missing Persons, Mystery, Getting Together, Flashbacks, Rooftop Conversations, Detective LWJ, antifa WWX, team give LWJ friends, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sharing a Bed, First Kiss, First Meetings, Seattle, Mutual Pining, nonfatal car accident, mafia wens, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Friends to Lovers, Guns)
50. Hello! Wondering if anyone might be able to point me to cute (possibly   a) one-shot (it’s short) wherein WWX (with one other person) descend   from Baoshan-sanren’s mountain because they looked into a well that   showed them their soulmate/fated one. They go to Yunmeng Jiang first.   They’re pointed to the Lan clan due to the robes in the “vision”. Cue   Romantic™ Gusu Lan’s excitement reaching fever pitch. We get WangXian’s first meeting in LXC’s POV. Thank you so much for your work! ❤️  #17 of post  
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angstymdzsthoughts · 3 years
Modern AU where LSZ is WWX and JC's child.
Before WWX knows he is pregnant, he gets involved in a scandal defending WQ and WN and their family. WWX gets thrown out by the jiangs with nothing but the clothes on his back and JC refuses to hear him out and tells him to never show his face again. WWX is abondoned by everyone except LWJ and the wens. After wangxian get together wwx discovers he is pregnant with JC's child but LWJ doesn't mind and tells that he will love Wei Ying's child even if they're not biologically his. Wangxian get married and when a-yuan is born LWJ claims him as his own and everyone assumes that LSZ is his biological son and wangxian never bother to correct them. Wangxian raise their child together with love and happiness and distance themselves from the jiangs and the people who accused wwx
13 years later the truth is revealed by NHS that it was JGS and JGY who framed WWX, in the chaos that follows it is also revealed that JC is LSZ's biological father. LSZ is devastated at 1st but is quickly reassured by LWJ that he's his son no matter what and that he will always love him. On the other hand JC attempts to have a relationship with LSZ but LSZ straight up refuses especially after he finds out how JC and the Jiangs treated wwx when he was pregnant with him
Bitter and angry JC assumes WWX is turning LSZ against him in revenge for abandoning him so he sues wangxian for custody. The jiang lawyer argue that wwx purposefully hid the existence of his child from JC in retaliation for being kicked out by the jiangs and demand that full custody be given to JC until he and LSZ are able to develop a meaningful parent-child relationship.
It is a long and bitter legal battle but in the court rules in JC's favor and grants him full custody, LSZ is removed from his home and taken to live with JC and the Jiangs. LSZ knows his parents are going to fight the court's ruling and won't give up until they can bring him back home but in the mean time he has to play family with the jiangs and sit at the dinner table with them every day and listen to madam Yu's insult his parents and spend time with JC who knows nothing about him and has no idea how to bond with him but still took him away from his loving family.
A part of me wants YZY to have been poisoning JC against WWX for years and JFM to see what was happening but only tried to shield WWX from it and not JC. His mothers constant bad mouthing and manipulating led to JC turning his back on WWX all those years ago. Now that she knows WWX has ‘stolen’ her grandson away? She’s ruthless. Probably bribed the judge in order to get JC full custody. 
And in YZY’s mind, she’s just protecting her family. Her son wanted a relationship with the child he didn’t know he had so she did everything in her power to make sure it would happen. 
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vrishchikawrites · 3 years
Just finished a fic on ao3 and I am now noticing a trend where Lan Xichen misses his poor Men Yao and Lan Wangji is helping him out of depression and Wei Wuxian the troublemaking gremblin is always messing with Lan Xichen, making things harder for him and Lan Xichen is always telling him that he doesn’t like him and that he hopes that he doesn’t breaks his brothers heart or else and Lan Wangji is on the sidelines and always nodding.
Don’t get me started on this other trend that always makes Lan Wangji the paragon of virtue and always and I mean always gets hurt because Wei Wuxian is arrogant and doesn’t ask for help. And always gets little A Yuan at the end and tells him when he’s growing up that Wei Wuxian made a lot of mistakes but to never stop loving him?
Like am I missing something?
People forget that the beauty of the characters are that they make mistakes and they grow since than and making Lan Wangji this angel is a disservice to his faults and his repentance.
What do you think?
You're not missing anything. And if you're feeling upset because of this, let me direct you to this absolute gem of a fic to heal your soul.
WWX is perfect here. LWJ is perfect. The writing is perfect. This author is perfect. Everything is gold.
Now, onto your ask-
Honestly, I partly blame the adaptions (outside of the audio drama) for this. And partially because I feel like a lot of this fandom just hasn't read the book. I mean, they have read a few chapters but not the entire book to truly understand the nuances.
I feel like MDZS requires a reread because you miss a lot in your first reading.
Like people say WWX never regreted GC tranfer and while he was sad, he didn't look back.
But in canon, he looses sleep over it, convinces himself it was the right thing to do, redirects his thoughts away from the loss and tries to make himself feel better.
And he ADMITS he is lying to himself. It is canon.
When you read the Guanyin Temple incident chapters, WWX's attitude towards LXC is distinctly protective. LXC as in Zewu-jun. He is cautions LXC a few times, chooses not to mention anything that would hurt or soften LXC's convictions. He UNDERSTANDS LXC and is compassionate towards him. Even in the donghua, you see WWX asking LXC to be careful and he says 'I understand, Wei-gongzi.'
WWX is very aware of LXC's vulnerable state and VERY concerned. Later, when LXC is in seclusion, WWX asks after him. Anyone who thinks WWX won't do his utmost to help LWJ's brother is a fool.
When WWX is making chaos, it is deliberate and serves a purpose. It doesn't do it to hurt others or on a whim.
As for asking for help, WWX does it constantly. With the Wen situation, he disclosed the entire affair in public, no one helped. He asked JC to honor their debt to the Wen siblings, he scoffed it away. He asked LWJ if there was any other alternative but to walk this road, LWJ walked away silently. WWX has always reached out. He spends his entire first life reaching out and being rejected. By JC, by LWJ, by the cultivation world leaders, by everyone. Just who is he supposed to ask for help?
Who has EVER indicated they would help? When LWJ was just being critical of his cultivation and demanding he come to Gusu without any explanation. And we like to soften it but he clearly states 'to hide him away'
How can WWX protect the people he wants to protect if he is hidden away in some corner of CR?
LWJ wouldn't have LSZ to raise and cherish if WWX hadn't saved that child first. LSZ exists today and is a cultivator to be proud of because WWX didn't falter in his convictions.
LWJ is fully aware of how fortunate he is and how much of a blessing WWX is. That's why he keeps coddling WWX and never takes his eyes off him ever again. LSZ and LGY both take to WWX quickly and even after his identity is revealed, they are concerned for him. That shows that LWJ never spoke an ill-word about WWX to them. It is likely he shared some of WWX's most honorable, heroic, and hilarious actions with LSZ, just to ensure LSZ knew about his savior and had some positive stories of him. This is hinted in the canon as well, like in the flower damsel bit.
Honestly, I am tired of shallow-ass takes and am very careful about what I read. I'm reaching a point where I simply do not want to read fics unless they are from authors I trust (which I can't do because pocketful but it has been a task for Ju and I to find fics without shitty things)
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julchenawesome · 3 years
A day ago, i publish about the idea of "We don't talk about Bruno" but WWX ver. So, I only had LWJ (and LXC) parts, and the idea of Jin Ling or LSZ asking about him. But, the roles in the song, i need help to decide.
It could be the canon or a AU. This one it could be if Jin Ling, after reading some letters from his mom, to ask if WWX was bad person. He even do researches about the Wens, and if they were cultivators. In the AU with LSZ, it's because he starts to remember his "Xian gege".
Spoiler of Encanto if you want to watched, don't read down this...
For the beginning, Pepa and Felix part is about their wedding and how Bruno's prediction ruined it(?). So, my first idea was about Jiang Cheng telling his nephew about how, in the celebration of Jin Ling's full moon, WWX killed his father with the Ghost General.
It would be like this:
'JC: We don't talk about Wei Wuxian, no no
We don't talk about Wei Wuxian
But, in your full moon
(JL: In my full moon?)
We were reunited
And there wasn't a cloud in the sky
(JL: no cloud alloweds in the sky)
EVerything changed in the Qionqui Path
(JL: Is that so?!)
Am i telling the story or break your legs?(
JL: Sorry jiujui go on)
Jin Zixuan went after him
(JL: why did he do that?)
Wei Wuxian lost his control
(JL: i don't like this part...)
The Ghost General killed your dad
(JL: and since then I'm fatherless, but..)
For that...
We don't talk about Wei Wuxian, no no
We don't About Wei Wuxian!'
The other Idea was that the begginning was Lan Qiren pov's.
We don't talk about Wei Wuxian, no no
We don't talk about that Wuxian...
But, in the Lectures
(LJY: in the lectures)
Cloud Recesses was a temple full of peace and control
(LJY: a temple of peace and control)
But the Jiangs bring that first Disciple
(LJY: Oh NO)
Don't interrupt your Elders!
(LJY: I'm sorry Grandmaster~)
He brings evil ideas
(LJY: Really evil)
to manipulates resentful energy
(LJY: So heretic!)
He corrupts my best disciple!
(LJY: Hanguanjun still is the best of all us)
But, We don't talk about Wei Wuxian, no no,
We don't talk about that Wei Wuxian!'
Next part, Dolores rap, I think that would be Nie Huisang, (not)talking directly, with a storyteller maybe, but using methods to talk to Jin Ling/LSZ.
It would be:
'Hey! He was defying some authority in the moment,
in the war something changed he start to mumbling
I associate him with the sound of a dizi play, sss, sss,sss
He never brings his sword in the meetings,
Sect Leaders seems his being a problem to control him
He makes Wen Ruohan tremble in his place,
But I don't know nothing'
But, i don't know
Next one, I thing it would be Jin's disciples, trying to scare him.
'A seven foot frame, ghouls in his back
When if you see red in his eyes you better went to hide
Yes, he kill the Jins with his Wen dogs!'
We don't talk about Wei Wuxian (no, no~)
We don't talk about Wei Wuxian!'
Like in Bruno's song, this part are ridiculous vision's that are not really visions, but town people being credible. Here, are some cultivators thoughts.
'He cursed Jin Zixun, and then he died!
(Oh, no)
He killed my cousin in Nightless City with a puppet of his
(Oh, no)
My brother lost a leg in the Qionqui Path!
(Oh, no)
He was the Evil who brings the End of times"
Then, as Isabela brings a good vision, I want to bring someone who remembers him in a good way and still lives:
MianMian: He protect me in the XuanWu cave
From Wen Chao and his horrible bride
He had reasons to defend the Wens
He was good and a honorable man'
Now, the wangxian, and a familiar situation:
(Lan disciples: there is a problem in Mo Manor)
LWJ: They told me that the man of my dreams
It was bretayed and Killed by his own brother
I want to hear him now
I want to hear him now
(LXC: Wangji, please let him go
find your peace)
I want to hear him now
Answer me Wei Ying!'
Jin Ling's part/Lan Sizhui parts:
Umm, Wei Wuxian
Yeah, about Wei Wuxian
I really need to know about Wei Wuxian
Gimme the truth and the whole truth, Yiling Laozu!/Xian gege!
(Oh, mother, Mo XuanYu just cursed me!)
(It's night hunt!)
And there is the mashup, mix, with everything pointed up. Meanwhile they are singing, Mo XuanYu sacrifice himself for WWX. And, If it's Jin Ling's way, he would try to find answers with JGY, instead he finds NMJ head and Suibian, stealing this one. With LSZ's way, it would be finding Wangxian' partitures, the red ribbon, or just remembering everything in a moment. Even, finding his father depressive, and feeling guilty.
(We don't talk about We Wuxian, no)
why did I talk about Wei Wuxian?
(Not a word about Wei Wuxian)
I never shoulda brought up Wei Wuxian'!
Well...what do you think? Should i try with another songs? What version do you prefer?
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cqlfeels · 3 years
What would the characters do for Halloween? 🎃👻
I think that highly depends on whether or not in this AU-where-Halloween-is-celebrated, WWX's birthday is still on October 31! If it is, then the Halloween party is probably gonna be a birthday party as well, right? But let's go with it not being his birthday because then the focus would shift to WWX more than I think you'd like.
Off the top of my head, some random, probably nonsensical and ooc headcanons:
XY absolutely loves trick or treat. It's in your best interest to go with treat and give him every single sugary thing you can possibly find. Trust me.
XXC is on the opposite end of the spectrum: he's very happy to give out candy! 🥰
SL will not personally hand out anything at all, but he's buying enough candy for the neighborhood and then some extra to donate. Yes he and XXC save half a year for that, what's the joint account for if not that?
AQ is very upset that she's A BLIND GIRL and is getting less candy than XY - but XXC makes them pool together their candies and share equally anyway so it's a moot point. Forgets to keep up the blind act sometimes and inspects what candy she's getting and is very displeased. What has this world come to, people aren't buying good candy anymore!
JC is taking JL trick or treating. JL is Too Old For This Jiujiu This Is Embarrassing until he sees wangxian taking LSZ and LJY trick or treating - at which point JL will stop at nothing on his quest to trick or treat better than LJY. He can't ever win because LJY keeps making up competition rules and LSZ is unhelpfully saying all that matters is having fun :) so nothing is ever settled
Addendum to the above: JC and WWX are mutually horrified to realize that JYL taking them trick or treating as kids has stuck with them both and now they're both kinda trick or treating together via chaperoning the juniors? Plus: LWJ and JC glare at each other and WWX conveniently is suddenly very invested in passing on his Halloween wisdom to the kids. Nobody is happy about it.
No, wait. LXC is very happy LWJ is doing something fun! He promises LQR to keep LWJ from getting dragged into trouble by WWX, of course. Gets the rest of 3zun (with NHS and perhaps QS coming attached) and makes sure he never gets closer than two blocks from wherever LWJ is. It's a very pleasant evening 😌
WN doesn't like the crowded feeling of the actual outing but he's very excited to get a party ready for wangxian and the juniors when they come back! He's very proud that they like his arrangements and wants to know all about how it all went. Also: LSZ makes a point of giving him candy and he's very touched
Don't tell WWX that, btw, but LSZ, LJY and LWJ were all trick or treating mostly because it was clearly important to WWX. It's endearing how much he enjoys that kind of thing, from the little children with improvised homemade costumes to the yard skeletons to objectively bad novelty candy
They're not supposed to be alive at this point, so here's an extra, flashback headcanon: the Jin don't do peasant things like begging strangers for cheap candy, so JZX does the whole Halloween routine for the first time after being married to JYL. He takes to it like he takes to planting lotus - that's to say, very awkwardly but very endearingly!
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ouyangzizhensdad · 3 years
Your friend's comments are spot on. If you ask me (i know no one did), I think CQL!LWJ recognised WWX after the mutual staring thing, which only makes it worse. One of the most romantic things about MDZS was how LWJ could recognise WWX's personality even in a different body and WWX slowly realising what we as readers could see. It was so well-written. All of that nuance was taken out make time to show WRH chuckling evilly in his poorly designed, cheap as fuck throne room.
To be fair anon,
In the novel, LWJ recognised WWX because he played Wangxian, a song LWJ composed and had never played to anyone else, and which WWX didn't remember cam from LWJ at first only remembering the association with something pleasant and calming (something c/ql also changes for no reasons at all by having WWX play the song at Mo Estate and finish with a longing 'Lan Zhan' all the while LSZ says wow this is familiar and I've heard this before. Why? What was the reason!!!!) Of course, although it is that signal that tells LWJ that this is WWX without doubt, we know that it is true that LWJ would love WWX in any body (something MXTX said explicitly) and something that is indeed lost in c/ql.
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llycaons · 4 months
sorry to randomly rant in your inbox but after reading so many fics with bad wwx and jc characterization with the exhausting 'jc is mean to me bc he loves me' trope, im just like tbh i think more fics should let wwx be meaner to jc actually asdhfldf
sooo true anon that is genuinely my no. 1 hated trope I just think its so unoriginal and ooc and disgusting/tragic in its implications 🔪🔪🔪 wwx is not really mean to jc in canon but like...he has the right to be ahshdjdnk. and even tho he's not being mean, you can tell when he's fed up and sick of him
I'm trying to finish this jl pov fic that's still boring but has a somewhat more engaging ch7 and it's spin on it is, wwx and lwj are super injured and unconscious so lxc is bringing lwj to safety while jc is bringing wwx, and jc is helping but isn't being nice about it so lsz is getting uncomfortable and angry at jc even tho jl can tell jc is actually taking perfectly good care of wwx. and lsz apologizes later but like...he's completely valid
the thing is, this fic never established their postcanon relationship so lxc and lsz, AND me, the reader, none of us have any reason to trust that jc is going to take great care of an extremely vulnerable wwx, and we have very good reason to he nervous about that given their history. I AM uncomfortable watching jc care for an unconscious wwx. I DON'T trust him to take the best care of him in that state, and not take out his anger on him in even little ways that overall won't actually kill him. I DON'T want jc in the room when wwx needs a caretaker. he just hasn't earned that trust back.
and jl reassures us it's fine but 1. he's a teenager and 2. it's more that wwx himself would probably not feel safe with this situation, and lxc and lsz are looking out for what he himself would choose if he was awake. this situation in the fic was a bit of an emergency so there was no helping it, but it isn't unfair or unreasonable to distrust jc w wwx's safety or ask him to leave while trusted caretakers step in. like...he has NOT earned the benefit of the doubt
so yeah...wish fic authors that mention jc and wwx's rocky relationship explore the consequences for that in ways that negatively impact jc
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olderthannetfic · 3 years
Your explanation of what you would like to see in the genre fic you read actually explains a lot of what I liked about the MXTX novels. I don’t know if that’s also what drew you to the Untamed or if you agree but: a shippy feeling but built around a sff plot and getting together doesn’t happen immediately.
I was just thinking I should have mentioned The Untamed on one of those posts. (I haven't read MXTX, but I did watch that.)
It's got that epic genre scope. The characters have various other associates and things going on in their lives. But at the same time, the ship is super important and pays off in a way one likes towards the end.
That's definitely why I think fandom at large went for it with such fervor, including lots of fans who'd never been into Asian media before.
For me personally... uh... TV!LWJ's facelift-by-ponytail giant forehead look is a huge NOPE, and I found WWX kind of annoying a lot of the time. I did not particularly sympathize with either of them. I get what the narrative wanted me to understand and feel about LWJ, but what I actually felt was that he was a boring, unsympathetic prig and not nearly as competent as the narrative kept telling me he was. (Cue the anon screams of rage.) If I'd found him even slightly physically hot, it probably would have fixed it, but I didn't, so...
My faves were Jiang Cheng with his bitchy eyerolls and Wen Ning's... everything. (God, Wen Ning is so hot.) I also loved the juniors' comedy parts and thought LSZ was hot. The Living Dead was probably my favorite part of the whole damn thing, which is not exactly a popular opinion even among Wen Ning fans who feel it's OOC. (They are wrong.)
If I write fic, it will probably be badwrong WN/LSZ.
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truly-morgan · 1 year
[Sex knowledge (nsfw-ish)]
Junior Quartet | Mo Dao Zu Shi 29-03-2021
[#mdzsjuniors - nsfw-ish]  
Somehow got this from another thread yesterday: oyz is the most "knowledgeable" about sex and romance. Then it made me wanna rank them:
1- OYZ: a romantic who reads a lot of romance novels, which some do get rather graphic and are even illustrated. He theoretically knows more than the basics, despite having never done anything himself. He would totally be the one his bf turns to they want to know what to do so they do it correctly.  
2- LSZ: this sweet and seemingly innocent bean always surprise them when he knows about such things. None of his bf are sure /where/ he learned all this (probably asked wwx, lwj or with some books), he simply tells them he wanted to make sure that he would never hurt his partner in the future because he didn't know how to do it well.  
3- LJY: knows some things out of just being told how babies are made (for real, no metaphor!) And by very unfortunately stumbling onto interesting documents wwx had left all messed up with his other documents. There are things he also wishes he had never heard or noticed.  
4- JL: never really had the time nor the interest to learn more than just how baby a really made. Jgy was often too busy to ever even think of having such a talk, where jc had his own problems and had never thought to talk about such thing with him, probably assuming jgy did. He tries to hide his lack of knowledge until he realises none of his bf will mock him for not knowing, they will learn with him as it goes.
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On how Lan Wangji mourned Wei Wuxian & how Jin Ling and Lan Sizhui parallel eachother.
So, I was thinking about how I don’t really buy the 13 year inquiry fanon, and it got me thinking about the ways LWJ did mourn WWX instead, how healed from his death, and how this contrasts Jiang Cheng’s refusal to move on from the deaths of his parents and JYL.
As we know, when LWJ learned of WWX’s death, he went straight to Burial Mounds, where he retrieved A-Yuan/LSZ and also brought emperor’s smile on his way back, resulting in him branding himself.
With no body to bury, and no shrine of any sort to visit, the branding serves as a physical reminder of WWX. Not only because he had the same mark, but because it also reflects the kind of person WWX was, as he got the scar in the first place saving mianmian. Something LWJ and WWX both share is their moral compass - they’ve always respected each other because of this. It is WWX’s selflessness and drive to always help others that made LWJ fall in love with him, so it is very fitting that this physical reminder of WWX is also such a clear reflection of who he was, and why LWJ loved him.
LSZ also serves as a physical reminder, but while the branding represents the initial pain of grief, LSZ represents healing.
Like the brand mark, LSZ is also a representation of WWX’s morals as he rescued him from the Jin’s encampment, and dedicated himself to protecting him and the rest of Wen remnants. With them being killed during the siege, WWX’s sacrifice would almost be in vain, if not for the fact that LSZ lived, LWJ knows that WWX would think it was all worth it, just for LSZ to live, and that is a great source of comfort for LWJ also. I think we can all agree that LSZ is a good boy, who embodies everything right with the world. Not only did LWJ ensure WWX’s sacrifice was worthwhile by giving him a safe and happy home, he also instilled within him, and lived by, the morals that he and WWX believed in (and he did a good job, WWX’s first impression of LSZ is what a good boy he is!) So LSZ represents healing, and working towards a better future. In contrast to Jin Ling & and Jiang Cheng, LWJ doesn’t tell LSZ about his family or the circumstance of his orphanhood, because he doesn’t want him to grow up with that burden. LWJ doesn’t want the cycles of revenge and debt that has plagued the past to rule the present. So LSZ is a representation of how LWJ heals from grief by working towards a better future and letting go of the bad parts of the past.
In this sense, JL is the antithesis of LSZ, in Jiang Cheng’s grief for his parents and his sister, he poisoned JL with his own bitterness and resentment - giving JL a complex about being an orphan, and inflicting on him this responsibility to avenge his parent’s deaths. Where LWJ doesn’t tell LSZ the truth so that he can live happily and not be burdened by the past, JC pushes all his grief and resentment onto JL.
Unlike WWX’s praise of LSZ, his initial impression of JL is that he’s rude, arrogant and selfish, and he later learns that he is friendless as a result of this attitude (in the same way JC never had any friends in his youth). This is a further indication of how JC, unlike LWJ, does not learn or grow from his experiences, and drags the future generations down with him. This is also reflected in JC’s management of Lotus Pier, the common folk in his territory are too afraid to even approach LP, due to his habit of torturing suspected demonic cultivators - his bitterness is ruining the legacy of the Jiang Sect.
So, where LSZ represents healing from grief and improving the future, JL represents refusing to move on and heal from bad experiences & how holding onto them hurts both yourself, and those around you.
And this is why the idea of LWJ playing inquiry for 13 years feels so out of character to me (aside from the fact that LWJ accepted that WWX rejected him, it'd be pretty rude to bother his soul for 13 years 😐). Because while LWJ never stopped loving WWX, he did not allow himself to get stuck in the past either, he built a life for himself, continuing WWX's legacy through LSZ, and continuing to live by the values that drew them together in the first place.
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plan-d-to-i · 2 years
i think we as a fandom should roast lan xichen more. hypocrite really encouraged lan wangji to grow closer to wei wuxian then let him get punished for trying to save him
wwx and lwj were like "we think jgy is up to some shady shit" and lan xichen's response was "okay but i like him though"
Just another day in the mdzs fandom …
I think often ppl in fandoms are sort of enamored w putting out "hot takes", even when those hot takes completely eviscerate the story of its depth and don't actually make sense if you give them more than a second of consideration. Kind of like that LSZ was crazy for not jumping on the cancel WWX bandwagon 🤪. A take like this erases the actual dynamic between LXC and LWJ, the fact that it is a loving and positive relationship, LXC's autonomy and characterization, JGY's masterful manipulating, and especially LWJ's own characterization; because this is a man who does believe in the Lan teachings. He punished himself when WWX MADE HIM break curfew. He punished himself after he drank Emperor's smile and branded himself (even though LQR didn't punish him) SO how would he have accepted injuring 33 elders of his own clan without no repercussions. The point is he knew the consequences/cost and accepted them when standing by WWX and he carried no resentment about it. Direct contrast to jc who tried to distract some troops, got himself captured instead and then never stopped resenting WWX. The other point is LXC knows the face JGY has shown him all these years, that WWX himself knows would give him no reason to doubt JGY. LXC is also aware of how the cultivation world talks about JGY and treats him bc of his birth and doesn't want to condemn him off the bat, but still agrees to investigate and find proof! He doesn't tell LWJ he doesn't trust him (LWJ), he says neither one of them have seen the head personally so they must both go off the word of a second person. Hell someone else would've been more mistrustful after essentially forcing his way into JGY's treasure room only to find no head there! But LXC still agrees to investigate.
Lan XiChen nodded, “Young Master Wei, no need to worry. Before the truth is entirely revealed, I will not be partial to either side or reveal your whereabouts. Or else, I would not have allowed WangJi to take you to my Hanshi or helped with your injuries.”
And afterwards WWX and LWJ both trust his righteousness.
Wei WuXian played with the bookmark in his hands before giving it back to him, “Your brother received quite a big shock.”
With care, Lan WangJi put the dried herb peony back into the book. He shut the pages, “Now that he has found the evidence, he will not tolerate this.”
Wei WuXian, “Of course. He’s your brother after all.”
No matter how close of a relationship Lan XiChen and Jin GuangYao had, he was still from the GusuLan Sect and had his own principles.
Do people just not care what the author writes? Is it that they have cancel culture brain and know they'd jump on any hate bandwagon in a hot second after one inflammatory tweet and zero due diligence? Let's be real most people in fandom would have been like the ones at Nightless City condemning WWX. Or, do they think the Clan leaders gathered at LP who start trash talking JGY immediately and assigning every negative thing to him the way they'd once done to WWX are the ideal? I get the desire to make these humorous quips but like almost everything else in the fandom they're not about the characters or the story, they're about the op, clout etc... So take them w a grain of salt. x
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
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Fic Finder
1. I am searching for a time travel fix-it that wasn't on any of the three time travel rec posts. It was short (>2k I think) and didn't deal with how WWX/LWJ changed things but rather the after affects of remembering the way it *had* been before the time travel- the scene I remember is WWX in LWJ's arms having woken from a nightmare and LWJ reassuring him that none of the other timeline's things would happen. Any ideas? Thanks!
FOUND? Memories of a Life Never Lived by donutsweeper (T, 1k, wangxian, time travel, fix-it, hurt/comfort, memories, nightmares)
2. Hi for the next fic finder I'd really like some help finding this fic - it was time travel i think modern wwx travels back because there was a book sent to him and it said that only wei ying can use (?) it idk how he did but he ends up in a room or so with everyone including people that died. It was a few years after the siege before he was summoned. He wakes up confused cause he sees his husband but not his husband cause of his outfit and hair. I remember a scene where lwj cradled his head because he thought he saw red and his hair was cut and thought wwx was injured but it was actually wwx having an undercut with red hair dye. Then they all talk about what happened years ago and wwx tells them past wwx's pov cause the book was actually his diary/journal. Oh additional scene: wwx gets angry because ayuan doesn't call him baba after he realizes that lsz is his baby ayuan and why he wasn't there to raise him. Thank you! 
3. Hello, thank you for the hard work. I need help in finding a fic. It is post canon where WWX was kidnapped. LWJ and JWY, and a whole lot of cultivators from different sects where there to investigate. Chenqing was found in his room, in an inn. The room was wrecked, signs of struggles and all. Then people who are close to WWX tried to take his flute, because it rejected some arsehole who tried. LWJ ended up using it to locate WWX, only playing their song. He ended up with chapped lips. @aeszdjie​
FOUND! something wild calls you home by Fleetling (T, 9k, wangxian, kidnapping, injury, rescue, love confessions, first kiss, happy ending, Mojo’s post)
4. hi!! i rly cant find this fic so its p much set during the cloud recesses study arc but canon divergence? has some ocs as well but the only occurring ones r the lan sect ocs
i dont remember the specifics but lan qiren eventually talks to wei wuxian abt whether or not he feels challenged in his class n when wwx says no, lqr sends him off to a lan tailsman class
(beforehand the teacher of said class tested him n wwx went NUTS. the test was something abt protecting a wifes coffin? but the protection array didnt work at all n it got robbed within x amnt of months n the teacher said essentially what can wwx do to solve the problem of the array)
other prominent plot points are:
- nhs helps wwx at one point to dress up when wwx invited lwj to caiyi town (to find a thank u gift for lqr) n told him to say he forgot his coat n made his waist look smaller w a belt. on the date wx shares an umbrella, ate at a place both jades enjoyed, lwj ravishes wwx when wwx confessed n basically mauled his neck and lwj gave wwx his coat (white coat, blue embroidered cloak) — not in order
- lwj and wwx eventually got betrothed bc lqr caught them getting a lil too frisky in a hidden but public space for a second time (first time was the library). wwx had to publically secede from yunmeng jiang in order for the betrothal to go thru and he suffered a major panic attack bc jiang fengmian pulled him out during the alloted break to basically trauma dump on wwx — saying how he thought he could keep wwx at lotus pier but in the end he was still like his father, leaving him alone. jfm essentially saw wwx as an extension of cssr and wcz (more of the latter tho i think) n not as his own person. after jfm confirms wwx wants to do this and its not a joke he acts cold to wwx n calls him via courtesy name.
- drunk lan shenanigans. wx, jc, nhs and an oc went out to celebrate that wx and the oc r betrothed n wwx/jc/nhs convinced both lans to drink. oc went nuts n starts becoming loud n almost ran off to see his fiancee and lwj jumps out the window w wwx to do something that i dont remember.theres more but im p sure it could be tagged as explicit bc ykno wangxian as teenagers n courting… Yeah… thank u for ur help if u find it!! **I swear I have read this exact fic but for the life of me I can’t remember it :’) ~Mod L**
FOUND! Stunted, Starving Juvenility by TomatenMark (E, 310k, wangxian, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, feelings   realization, getting together, fix-it of sorts, not JFM friendly, blood & gore, WIP)
5. Hello I have been following for a while for recomendations, I have lives many of them, but I can not find this fic that was an Adams Family au. It was si cure and fun and it was wangxian as the parents of an extended family with Minjue as a zombie, Meng Yao doing the business deals, and Xichen being a medium. Do You know it?
FOUND! The Altogether Ooky WangXian Family by FluffyHippogriff (T, 52k, wangxian, 3zun, JYL/JZX, BSSR/LY, Addams Family au, kid fic, comedy, found family, WIP)
6. not sure if this fic exists or is just a fever dream: Jin prison camp crimes are discovered bc Wei Wuxian is discovered in one— after having been presumed dead since sometime around the fall of lotus pier. Jins basically rolled up all the prisoners the Wen had who they didn’t recognize as being worth returning to someone valuable. Wei Wuxian of course basically adopts Wen Yuan in the camp.
FOUND? ❤️The Third Young Master of the Qishan Wen by KouriArashi (T, 139k, wangxian, xiyao, chengqing, romance, angst w/ happy ending, hurt/comfort, politics, revenge, families of choice, pining, Mojo’s post)
FOUND? ❤️Where the nightingales are singing, and a white moon beams. by Moominmammashandbag (M, 52k, wangixan, jin zixuan & lan wangji, no powers au, grief/mourning, aftermath of war, angst w/ happy ending, reunions, fluff & smut, Mojo’s post)
7. Hi, I need help in finding a LXC/JGY fic where jgy kinda orchestrates wangxian getting together bc wangji is pining and sad that is making lxc sad and jgy is done TM with wangji pining and wants is husband to be happy and focus on their relationship. He's worried that if lxc finds out his scheming he'll hate him but then lxc reveals that he knew and loves him for it. Jgy was married into Lan and I think he didn't join the Jin before, but if remember correctly jgs asks to legitimize him for political advantages after he marries lxc and he's really mad about it. Thank you!!
FOUND? a micro utopia born as the overture plays by tardigradeschool (T, 18k, LXC/JGY, wangxian, canon divergence, fix-it, marriage, fluff, scheming, everyone lives au, kid fic)
FOUND? No More Masks by KouriArashi (M, 63k, LXC/JGY, JGY/XY, wangxian, fix-it, angst w/ happy ending, slow burn, redemption, hurt/comfort, dubious consent, implied/referenced child abuse, implied/referenced prostitution)
8. Hello, im looking for a fic where WangXian was getting married and it was WWX's pov. All i remember was that LWJ insisted on wearing the veil. In the end, it was revealed that it was because he couldn't stop smiling and didn't want any one else seeing him that happy. @aeszdjie​
FOUND! I think this one is Thinly Veiled by thunderwear (G, 1k, wangxian, post-canon, weddings, fluff, tenderness, love, kissing, intimacy, LWJ smiling)
9. Hey, I am looking for a modern fic in which lan zhan and wei ying are friends and lanzhan brings Wei Ying to his apartment now and then where he meets lan xichen and they become close. Lan zhan sees Wei Ying and his brother being close and comfortable with each other when he comes home which makes Lan zhan think Wei Ying likes Xichen and Lan zhan is jealous.But Wei Ying later tells him that he loves lan zhan and he had misunderstood Xichen and him.
FOUND! Smile for Me by kuro (T, 9k, wangxian, modern, college/university au, jealousy, fluff)
10. Idk , if this is right time to ask or not ..even here to ask **Yes, this is the right place and anytime is a right time ^^ MIght take some time for it to be posted tho! ~Mod L** but I have been trying to find this fics for like months A) This have teen wangxian...alpha wangji and omega weiying . When weiying gets pregnant he think that his bf will left him in all this lqr hears this and support WWX  I think this one morden au  B) this one was like arrange marriage thing where the elders lan told wuxian that wangji wasn't sexually active and not wanted wuxian to touch  him and  other hand wangji thinks wuxian was forced to marry so wuxian doesn't come closer to him.. this one may have 4 chapters @selflovingmedj
FOUND? In which Lan Qiren eavesdrops and gets a new nephew (and grandnephew) out of it by h0peless_oblivion (M, 62k, wangxian, modern, high school au, ABO, teen pregnancy, shotgun wedding, fluff & angst, family feels, humor, family drama, WIP)
FOUND? a light hidden and singing by occultings (microcomets) (E, 48k, wangxian, arranged marriage, pining, getting together, slow burn, misunderstandings, miscommunication, blood & injury, happy ending, smut)
11. Trying to find a  fanfic in which wwx was bullied in lotus pier by the disciples. In addition to the bullying, wwx ran errands for teachers and madam yu banned any swordsmith to make him sword. If you have any ideas, I would appreciate it 
12. I’m looking for a fic where after WWX saves the people from the Qiongqi path and it’s found out that it wasn’t just Wens in there but also people from other sects.
13. hello! i’m looking for a wangxian fic on ao3 where there was a yiling wei sect leaded by cssr and wcz. wwx was the heir and he had younger siblings. the wei sect and the lan sect were enemies. also all the sect heirs and people were sent to yiling sect for studies. lans kill wwx’s parents when wwx is away and it’s v sad when he comes back… also there is art in the fic. wwx becomes sect leader and wangxian gets together in the end. it’s completed btw. Note: It’s not “Balance” by AnaraneSindanarie
FOUND? Song Unwritten by Kytrin & Mslead (E, 94k, wangxian, temporary character death, angst w/ happy ending, fix-it of sorts, cql meets mdzs, parallel universes, transmigration, yiling wei sect au, YLLZ WWX)
14. hello! I am looking for a fic, it's post canon I think, where wwx leaves mxy's body and my comes back in his body. I don't remember what happened after that but I think there was a scene where mxy was confused why he was in bed with lwj and lwj called him 'wei ying?' and mxy said he wasn't wei ying. I really hope you can find this fic. @archiiishaaa
FOUND? A New Lease on Life by pearliegloom (M, 6k, wangxian, post-canon, body swap, fluff & angst, established relationship, past abuse, disturbing themes, happy ending)
15. Hi! I'm looking for a fic for a while and could use some help.  Parallel world setting, with wwx growing up a nei who had just died (sucide?) off screen. The fic takes place when nhs grabs a wwx (coreless, after cliffside sucide), because  wwx is brother-shapped and only, like, mostly dead as opposed to his world's wwx whose soul was, like, shattered? No sunshot war, in this parallel, idthink. ... short fic. Any idea?
FOUND? Chapter 13: Love and Acceptance of Short Prompts by Vrishchika (Nie WWX, dimensional travel, canon divergence, NHS pov)
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angstymdzsthoughts · 3 years
In the lwj married wwx for yuan au ( keeping face marriage?) The lsz prefers lwj part, wwx moves w WQ and WN. He's old and it's pathetic, but he goes back to his studies, digs himself into them so ge doesn't have to think. Finishes early, gets into a niche thing and gets an award. ( did he publish a kid's book? Won a physics award? It doesn't matter)
Wwx bites the bullet and invites JC LWJ and LSZ
Now, growing up, LSZ has been loved, but he won't deny that wwx was the stricter parent, the one who, while fair, put all the effort into it ( wwx grew up wild and got pregnant, lwj grew up surrounded by rules and looked to spoil his kid. LSZ felt coddled)
After the divorce, LSZ feels conflicted. Did his parents ever love each other? Was wwx just a leech using him for Lan money? Or were they miserable because of him?( he doesn't like the second so he goes for the first) he's mad at wwx because he lasted so long when he was obviously never loved ( he'd never felt unloved, but bow he's wondering if his father can pove in other ways but quiet and he just never shows them). So he spends time w lwj, tries to see if things are different, if he's still loved. He is. He is loved in quiet, in calm, and he visits his home rarely enough that the silence doesn't bother him.
He only realises he misses wwx when he sees him on campus, jeans ripped wearing aj old T shirt he'd never have worn in public with bagd under his eyes and cheap coffe in a plastic bottle ( Finals be mad and WQ hoped that horrible coffee will make wwx stop)
LZS knows that he should say hi, but some part of him would be ashamed to ve seen in public with someone who looks like e beggar.
He has time, he tells himself. It's never too late to make amends, and it doesn't matter that LSZ feels cruel and unfiliar, his father had always forgiven him anything, he'll forgive him this.
He gets the invite to the event. It's not lwj who shows up but LXC to offer some empty platitudes. Lsz looks for WWX and finds him and JC fighting, so he knows he can't. He'll talk later; when this is over, when he can pull his father into a corner and apologise for the silence ( his parents were never good at communicating- never had to, never fought until the last big one that ended in divorce. LSZ ignored the problem and it didn't go away)
WWX goes on the stage later, eyes rimmed w red but a smile to big and proud, and JC in the rows glaring at anyone who doesn't clap hard enough. Wwx is praised and he's happy and lsz is happy..... but he's never seen his father smile like that at home. ( wwx always gave praise but never got it and lsz starts to wonder is WWX had ever been loved. - no, he hadn't been, lwj had made it loud and legal.) LSZ wants to mend things, he knows he should, but he feels ashamed. He's scared, he doesn't want his father's smile to vanish because of him.
(" why would i ve invited if he didn't want me here?" Part of him asks b4 he remembers his father had never wanted good things for himself.)
So he leaves.
Wwx spends another hour after the crowd disperses looking for him and JC does him the favour of not mentioning it. They go to JCs place where wwx drinks for little and cries fot lot and JC deletes any and all messages of those surnamed Lan
Ouch. LSZ is going to have to have a serious talk with LWJ about why the divorce happened and then feel even worse for abandoning the dad who needed him more.
Also, I'm loving the image of WWX going to college and sort of adopting all the fresh faced kids who are in need of a chaotic dad friend/father figure.
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