#and luckily I have tumblr
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eleminim · 6 months ago
You know, I refrained from posting anything all day long, trying to disconnect and just try myself out but I guess it really effects me, the posts, the writings, the pictures everything just makes me feel something, anything be it good, nostalgic even bad but in a normal way..
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ferncloud · 3 months ago
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cat & wolf clay dishes
these will be for sale tomorrow 12/20 at the Feral Kickz art market in PDX (event details)
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tinystepsforward · 1 year ago
Okay, so this is a wild hypothetical and begging baseless speculation... but would Matt getting the boot be better for Tumblr specifically? Have unintentional knock-ons? (And thanks for all your commentary and updates!)
this is absolutely a wild hypothetical! the answer is, perhaps predictably, that it depends on who replaces him.
automattic as a whole is rotten from the top down. one of the board members is a perfect example of this: the very first female general in the US military. #girlboss, right? matt was very excited about bringing her onboard.
matt is on the board. toni, who i believe is the interim ceo and know very little about, is on the board. i would assume that any replacement ceo would be less likely to start a complete PR trashfire, but that doesn't mean that they're not still going to be making cynical, profit-based decisions.
in this economy it's very unlikely that tumblr will be staffed well enough or given enough agency to create actual lasting change for the better. but we'd at least have a ceo who isn't prone to using superadmin tools to fuck individual people over when trying to win arguments, i guess? which is not a structural win in any way, it just removes one particular volatile factor.
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pencilnewt · 4 months ago
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the hughes bros’ adventures in ikea!
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em-bandaid-boy · 7 months ago
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He's so silly he killed a lot of people but it's OK I forgive him
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zytes · 7 months ago
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8.15.2024 — 6:47pm -> 8:17pm
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kiyosbrokenmirror · 2 months ago
Drv3 the only fandom in which two people who are literally the best in their scientific/academic fields get treated as if they are dumb children because *check notes*
They are naive and idealistic! Woaw good job. Fandom good job.
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royaltea000 · 11 months ago
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And how many times have you come back now, devil?
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watermelonfaerie · 1 month ago
Hey So- This is BULLSHIT.
Hey there! So this is going to be a long post- but here is my TLDR: The basis that autistic writers are getting flagged for AI is utter bullshit and you all really need to stop reading everything you see on *REDDIT* as fucking gospel. My essay will now follow. First off, hello! My name is Lila and I am a dyslexic and autistic writer. I have been writing fanfiction and fictional narratives since the first grade! I am also an artist, a singer and a voice actor. I am *very* creatively inclined on all sides of this argument. I would like to know who what when where why and HOW you all- [royally, I'm speaking to a specific group of people who decided reddit was the place to get this information and did ZERO research?] - decided that the take would be: "Oh AuTisTic WrItErS aRe At RiSk Of PiNgInG aS aI-" You do realize that this is pandering to a an EXTREME and very SMALL part of the population with Autism??? So you're going to tell me that every person with Autism is robotic and cannot convey emotions / writes as a cliff faced awkward phrasing individual? I need you to go ahead and look at the facts instead of trying to think that a reddit post with an individual who probably falls into the category of having alexithymia. Lets define that- shall we? Alexithymia, also called emotional blindness,[1] is a neuropsychological phenomenon characterized by significant challenges in recognizing, expressing, feeling, sourcing,[2] and describing one's emotions. Alexithymia IS NOT AUTISM. However it is proven that a little over 50% of people with Autism can and do *have* various degrees of alexithymia. According to an article written by the National Library of Medicine "However, not all autistic people have alexithymia, with a recent study finding a prevalence rate of 55% in autistic adolescents [23]. Consequently, Bird & Cook [6] have proposed the “alexithymia hypothesis” of ASD: that the emotion processing difficulties seen in ASD stem from co-occurring alexithymia, rather than representing a core feature. In line with this hypothesis, research has found that alexithymia, and not ASD, is predictive of problems with emotion processing" With this in mind: NOT EVERYONE WITH AUTISM HAS A PROBLEM / OR THE INABILITY OF CONVEYING OR EXPRESSING EMOTIONS / UNDERSTANDING THEM. And thinking that people with autism are all the same: not understanding sarcasm, unable to convey emotion and or being put under the label of being slower than other people [to put it lightly] is an uneducated and ableist take that I am NOT going to sit idly on. Now- A reddit post has been circulating that people on the ASD spectrum-[because some people don't know- it IS a spectrum of various degrees of needing accommodations and different attributes that may or may not afflict them!] -are getting flagged for AI usage for NON NATIVE SPEAKERS WHILE TRANSLATING THEIR WRITING. Meaning- AI taking one language- trying to cram it into another language syntax and sentence structure without the aid of a NATIVE SPEAKER / READER /WRITER yeah- its going to churn it out to be awkward- robotic- too formal - and most of the time BLATANTLY INCORRECT. Because translators by themselves CANNOT AND SHOULD NOT be the only way you translate your fanfictions / writing. This already has NOTHING to do with how someone with Autism writes naturally! Therefore cannot be CONCLUSIVE to the fucking argument at hand that Autistic native speaking writers are going to get wrongfully flagged as using AI.
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endlessartpumpkin · 3 months ago
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Carved and painted rocks I made for my sister over the years, all character and item references from our favourite games.
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petalstem · 11 days ago
Multiple people in my class today admitting to being warrior cats fans. One admitting to being in the middle of a reread right now. Oh my god can anyone else hear me. What's happening. Where am I
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yrsonpurpose · 1 year ago
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@rwrbmovie & @rwrbsource’s rwrbweek day 2 | song ♫ taylor swift - out of the woods (insp)
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minjoongism · 19 days ago
i read @storkmuffin’s recent mingi post earlier this morning and it pretty much summarised my thoughts about mingi’s importance in ateez vocally but i’m going to elaborate anyway because i love good raplines and i ESPECIALLY love mingi
disclaimer: at least for me personally, i am really, REALLY bad at recognising people’s (singing) voices, and if i’m listening to a group, picking out each individual singer with any reliable accuracy is practically impossible for me. usually, rappers are way easier for me to distinguish - whenever i start to learn about a new kpop group even casually, telling apart their rapline vocally is usually the first thing i succeed at. i was able to pick out the rappers in bts before i even learned all their faces, and i have no trouble telling apart the guys in skz too. and even if i don’t know their names, i can usually guess how many rappers are on a song and who features when because of how distinctive they are.
+ because of the above, to me, good rappers are the very foundations and absolute backbone of a good kpop group. i say good rappers because not all kpop rappers probably should be rappers (please just let them sing. we don’t need a rap break in every song), but when you find a gem, they’re usually the undeniable core of their group’s musical sound. to bring up the one of the same examples i mentioned earlier, skz would not be skz without 3racha. not just from a production or songwriting perspective (though i’ve noticed that good rappers tend to do more of that than non-rappers in my limited sample pool), but in the sense that they musically carry a lot of the songs or turn them from good to great. and they can sing too! they’re not limited to rapping!
and at the risk of sounding biased, i think ateez’s rapline is my favourite yet. yeah, there are only two of them, but they’re 1) so strong individually, 2) so unique both from what i’ve heard outside of ateez and also when compared with one another, and 3) work SO well together that every time they’re back to back in a song it immediately contends for my favourite part of the entire song, like in emergency, or (in a simpler but imo no less effective or delightful) in my beloved pirate king:
and mingi!! even in addition to all this!! is another level of unique. i don’t think i have heard a voice quite like his EVER, never mind just within the kpop industry. and he’s so flexible too. a lot of people zero in on his more aggressive side vocally but he’s able to play with his voice to a degree that we don’t really hear from many rappers (or vocalists sometimes) - arriba comes to mind here for an example of his versatility. i think his arriba rap is genuinely one of my fav verses in any ateez song. it’s DELIGHTFUL. his voice is so profoundly distinctive that whereas with most raplines it takes me less time to learn to distinguish their voices, with mingi (and by extension hongjoong, because he never sounds like mingi), it took me NO time. i knew who was rapping from the outset even if i didn’t know his name yet. and i knew that i liked him.
i think the thing for me about mingi’s voice is that it’s so delightfully husky and rough and raw in a way that the other guys’ aren’t. i think that’s why he’s able to pull off the expressiveness and emotion @storkmuffin mentioned e.g. in man on fire to a degree that the other guys couldn’t quite. there’s a polishedness or smoothness or snappiness to the other guys’ voices that makes them vocally very powerful, but when it comes to pinning down a specific, unfiltered feeling, that’s where mingi comes out on top. the same goes in youth imo, and also in tunnel (which, btw, changed my life the first time i heard it) - mingi’s voice is perfect for emotion. sadness, desperation, anger - he convinces you it’s real, because he just sounds so damn genuine about it, even without me understanding a single word he’s saying.
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corvidg4ng · 8 months ago
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whatever… whole page of squalls
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penisbutterjellytime · 2 years ago
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Probably isn't what you expected (also sorry for responding so late lol)
But anyways lol there's two ways this could go
I think she'd either have PCOS and keep the beard. Or she'd have transfem butch swag. Beard could be a safety thing (passing as a man) or maybe she doesn't shave it off because she feels it doesn't take away from her identity so she keeps it. Maybe a bit of both.
Anyway, Butch Kieran Duffy be upon ye
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marlynnofmany · 16 days ago
Since the Ides of March is coming literally next Friday, would it be too crazy of an idea to, writing-wise speaking, dust off the Stabby the Knife Roomba idea and add a little twist to it?
One robot would have a piece of poultry affixed to it and programmed to run away from other bots, programmed to flock and gangshank it. Maybe with subsequent not-entirely-sanitarily-sound consumption of the cut bits.
(EDIT: Also, part of the reason I chose cassowary was that I thought it would rhyme better in Russian ("цесарка Цезарь"), but it turns out that "цесарка" translates to "guinea fowl" (or "faraona" in Italian, lol), while "cassowary" means "казуар", which is a totally different bird from a different continent entirely (African savannas (probably Guinea) v. Australia & New Guinea, respectively))
Also, a pleasant Women's Day to you!
Fascinating idea! The funny thing is that my first mental picture of a "Cassowary Roomba" is one that would have a very strong chance of fighting back. Cassowaries are danger dinosaur birds.
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I'd expect any Roomba themed after a cassowary to be an elite battle machine, possibly meant for stealth attacks on anyone unfamiliar with Earth fauna.
If, on the other hand, you really want to recreate the Ides of March, you could rig up a fleet of Roombas to be steered by pressure, and equip each one with a live chicken.
"Caesar" can be a fake chicken with a target on his back. Chickens are also vicious little dinosaurs who invented the pecking order.
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"Et tu, Brut — Augh, my eye!"
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