#and like ofc when i say ''they're not so close they'd both feel like [oh guaranteed we'd Talk About This''
vague winstuk drama maybe they don't interact for like months until coincidentally running into each other at a bar they've both been to together before and having that face-to-face reunion, maybe helpfully for them & the world mpc no longer exists at this point
like maybe winston just reflexively, not really particularly misguidedly, would refuse any contact from anyone connected to mpc outside official channels (and even then), like even tuk, entirely plausible that they're not at this point like decidedly, with plenty of history of mutual reassurance / clear emergent evidence, so Close that winston could even muster an exception for tuk, even if he'd consider a text or buzz at the door or w/e else from him At All vs much less so from anyone else. plus obvious added reason to [avoid everyone / reject any reaching out] of like just knowing probably everyone's further laughing at you, and by and large they probably are, and that even if they aren't, still having to feel like it, having every reason to assume the worst when Everyone was like That to him even at the supposed Best....adding to some Loath To Interact W/Any Of Them At All, even if some people have obviously always been nicer, and those people are tuk and maybe kind of ben. still graced w/as much as / more than any former quanternary employee's ever been shitted on on their way out. and like yeah maybe winston could and still would immediately connect w/tuk outside of being coworkers like yeah let's hang out please i would be especially glad for something like that....but in this case let's say he couldn't or doesn't
and on tuk's side maybe he is also again like not exactly feeling like they're already close enough that he should Definitely press, should Definitely be trying to kick down the door like hey bestie i Know nothing is right with the world if i can't talk w/you or visit b/c you're not responding to some still fairly distant channels of communication....and maybe he's just also nervous like at all aware everyone wanted to devour winston at the bottom of the food chain / that that happened, and uncomfortably aware he's immediately adjacent to that kind of treatment, and what protects him is likewise like [being ignored at best] with the help Sometimes of shielding from like one ally, but then also like a patronizing kind of pity to make stomping on him not worth it / also unsupportive support that isn't anyone really accepting him as is but rather organic aba like "well you could & should try being more Correct tuk, not as much of a loser as you are rn, and Then people might be more decent to you"....the awareness that being friendly to winston was indeed another thing that was Less correct
but then anyways they run into each other in-person like oh hey 😳 simply finding it easy to get along again immediately anyways. simply being like yeah did miss you and wish we'd kept interacting but also you do know how it is (they do) and can just step back into being actually genuinely friendly and supportive and understanding and sympathetic Now and not need to then be Immediately so much closer but again have the chance for it, and/or just maintaining [i do want to keep spending time with you] indefinitely. the rare peers alliances, theirs could never flourish at work so let's share nests outside of it finally
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Gotta say your au mixed with the art style and such and amazing work in what we seen so far with the horror and some laughs it's just become a treat every time I saw new details (whenever you supplies them up, thanks for that)
I know you already disclosure that it's gonna be bad BAD TIMES for the puppets gang but does it have it's soft ad fluff times??
The shot were Frank ask Wally if they're dying will looking up for the ceiling hasn't leave my brain, such a raw emotional clear on them, I wonder when they were just the two of them for a while they cuddle or hold hands for comfort??
I just.i just want them to have small victories of comfort
of course it has fluff and comfort! a lot of it! having a nice blend of both makes the fluff feel sweeter & the hurt hit all the harder <3 i will now supply some (written (for now)) examples and tidbits. putting it under the cut cause it got kinda Long
Frank & Wally do become very affectionate with each other! ofc as soon as Frank woke Wally was like "ok im holding your hand everywhere we go, this is Non Negotiable". because its dark! he doesn't want Frank to stray too far or get lost! and it's easier to yank Frank outta harm's way if they're already holding hands. comfort factors into it later, when Frank starts initiating & Wally does it purely to make sure Frank is still there. but yeah they get Very comfortable with each other, to the point where when Eddie wakes up he asks Frank - misinterpreting the situation entirely - "if you'd rather have Wally than me, i understand." ofc Frank laughs his ass off bc uhhh no that is Not what their relationship is, Ed
~ similarly, (almost) everyone acclimates to Wally's need to be as close as possible at all feasible times. he's Very physically affectionate and has little to no regard for personal space or boundaries anymore. like, he'll listen when someone asks him to back off or somethn, but until then he does not give a fuck. and this rubs off on the others as they get used to it
and then there's OH WAIT IDK IF I'VE MENTIONED THIS YET but! Wally - during his main exploration phase - found the Welcome Home episode recordings! and he eventually figured out how to work a tv he found, so he added "watch an episode of me and my friends" into his Routine. when the others wake up, he includes them in this. is it horrifying for them at first? yeah. but they get used to it and find similar if not the same comfort and enjoyment in it that Wally does. like in This Scribble, Frank & Wally & Poppy & Howdy are all watching an episode, and are quoting the lines they've memorized. they all cuddle up on a couch together and watch their favorite show <3
& Wally also teaches them (as they wake up) how to repair and care for themselves / each other, sleeping or otherwise. picture a little sewing circle of Frank, Wally, and Poppy, with Poppy giving tips and guidance on how to improve. these sessions provide them with genuine smiles and sometimes even some laughs.
before Wally & Home's divorce, they'd pass much of the time with games! go-fish, charades, i spy, etc. one of their favorites was when Wally would toss a ball at Home's door, and Home would hit it back. additionally, whenever Wally discovered something new, he'd rush back to Home with it - either the information or the actual thing, if he could carry it. ex: when he'd find books or files, he'd bring them to Home and (quietly) read them aloud while resting against them
and just in general know that the Post Office is a place of safety. Wally has made sure it's secure. i like to imagine like... little craft sessions and impromptu dancing lessons and story sharing going on in there among the awake neighbors. they try to have fun despite it all
that's all i can recall for Act One's fluff tidbits rn, but trust me there is More. and also abundant angsty comfort. the downright painful stuff has to earn its existence yk yk this au is Not grimdark
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fishsticksloser · 1 year
Hello!! I saw requests were open, so if it's not a problem, i would like to request the rottmnt brothers (separatly ofc), falling in love at first sight with reader, since reader's job is near of the sewers and everytime (Turtle of option) comes out, he always see them, so when he asks April if she knows them, she reveals that reader it's a close friend of her, which makes April and the brothers to organize a meeting with him (i know is kinda cliche but anyways).
Don't feel with the need of doing this, you can easily delete or ignore this request if you don't like, hope you have a nice day :DD
Love At First Sight
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Mikey x gn!reader
Warnings: kind of slow burn??, eventual fluff, awkwardness, aged up
A/N: this was a little difficult for me to write... Ngl, I've never felt this so I tried, please don't be upset if this sucks. :( I decided to just do one because coming up with 4 scenarios was too much for my tiny brain...
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You work at an art studio. How did Mikey know that? Because you worked right next to the entrance to the lair. He saw you almost every time he was leaving or coming home. Sometimes he'd sit and watch you paint after hours. He wanted so badly to go in and paint with you, but he knew he couldn't... April, Cassandra, and Casey had been around weird stuff pretty much all their lives so 4 turtle men had no affect on them. But normal people? They'd probably faint.
"Hey, Mikey." April greets. "What's goin' on? Your brothers say you've been pretty quiet recently. Are you okay?"
"Yeah..." Mike mumbles. "There's just this person that works at the art studio up there that I really like."
"I have a friend that works there, maybe I can help." April smiles, nudging him "What's their name?"
Mikey hesitates. Dr. Feelings wouldn't hesitate! So he spilled, your name falling out.
"No way..." April gasps.
"I've been friends with them forever! You so got this!"
"Y-Yeah, well... I don't know if you noticed but I'm a turtle."
"So? I like you."
"You've known us since you were 8."
"Whatever, call me if you want help."
April left, off to talk to the other 3 turtles, hoping they could help convince Mikey.
"Mikey's got a crush?" Raph asks.
"Well why didn't he just say so!?" Leo grins. "We've totally got this."
"Uh. Leo? Are you forgetting?" Donnie scoffs. "He's both Dr. Feelings and Dr. Delicate Touch. This is going to be hard."
"Donnie's right." Raph crosses his arms. "Dr. Delicate Touch feels nothing. Plus, if he finds out that we know... I don't even want to think about it..."
"Well then, I've totally got this." Leo laughs.
A few weeks went by and they still hadn't convinced Mikey to ask April for help, so they came up with a plan to make them meet. It was dangerous, of course, but they still had hope.
He didn't have it.
≺✨*: .。. 🧡 .。.:*✨≻
"Mikey, come on!" Leo calls.
"Coming!" Mikey gets to the exit and the 2 of them start climbing. "Where's Raph and Don?"
"They're meeting us there with April." Leo answers.
Once up top, Leo disappears. Mikey looks around, helplessly. The back door to your art studio opens and you step out with April. Mikey is frozen, they set him up...
"Oh!" April fake gasps. "Mikey!"
"What?" You ask, turning your head to face wherever April was looking.
"This is my adopted brother, Michelangelo!" April grins.
"H-Hi, it's nice to meet you..." Mikey stutters, shaking your hand. You didn't seem scared, more confused, which April took as a good sign.
"It's nice to meet you too..." You nod. "Adopted brother?"
"They kind of adopted me." April shrugs. "He's half human."
"Half... Box turtle?"
It was silent for a minute or 2. Like you were decided on whether running away, screaming was an option. You studied Mikey and he started feeling self concious.
"... Weirder things have happened in New York." You finally spoke before turning back to April. "You said they. Are there more?"
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liauditore · 1 year
cleo/martyn for shipping bingo?
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when i say criminally underrated i mean CRIMINALLY underrated ok. unhinged rambling under the cut
like every fictional character and real person in the world is marina and the diamonds oh no coded but these two are literally this song so much im gonna throw up
One track mind, one track heart If I fail, I'll fall apart Maybe it is all a test 'Cause, I feel like I'm the worst So I always act like I'm the best
they mirror each other so perfectly. they're both deeply insecure people who desperately want to be strong for themselves and those around them, but they dig their own graves doing that by refusing to be vulnerable and only pushing people close to them away.
in my mind they both see the worst parts of themselves in the other person because they're so similar internally, despite having wildly different personalities.
I know exactly what I want and who I want to be I know exactly why I walk and talk like a machine I'm now becoming my own self-fulfilled prophecy Oh! Oh, no! Oh, no! Oh, no, oh!
they both have an ego and a malice that gets them antagonized by the rest of the server which is 100% their fault, and they both pretend they don't care when really both of them yearn for someone, Anyone to see how much they're hurting (but they'd never admit to it).
You type out your bias on me it’s all nitpicks and paying no mind to be so sadistic They pin on the thorns make her maleficent In bloom the rose made a perfect fit He drowns out the crowd that throws a burdened fit They blow up the sound regardless to admit They’re stabbing a knife and quote without a wit “Bet it’s no strife, no it’s just the tip”
(^telecaster b-boy lyrics cus that song changed my life but also it reminds me of them)
Just.. that one clip of Cleo admitting she's a rubbish fighter and saying that she would only drag Martyn down to which Martyn immediately responds that he doesn't care and thinks she's great company. Or any number of the times Martyn offers some dumb surface-level act of servitude towards Cleo because he doesn't know how to just be vulnerable and admit he wants some form of acknowledgement.
They keep testing the waters with eachother but one always backs out when it starts getting too real. They both just want love but their egos won't let them admit it.
Cleo has this magical ability to divorce men she's never dated and I love her for it.
OFC all this aside they're also just both so losercore and dumb and divorced and martyn being The Most Pathetic Man Ever with trying to court cleo is hilarious to watch and also bdubs ships them and I agree with everything bdubs says.
also uh i think ren should join them in the middle idk
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eskawrites · 9 months
23 👀? (if ur feeling up to it ofc 💖)
23. "Just a little longer."
(oh i was hoping i could do a lil cfdau for one of these)
January 1998
Robin's house is cold.
It's a nice place. It really is. It has the coziness of her place with Steve, with Robin's favorite blankets and too many couch pillows and the lamps always on instead of the overhead lights. There are touches of her here that didn't shine through as much in her old apartment. More photos on the walls, more vinyls piled on the shelves, way more candles. A stack of comics that Steve has certainly teased her about--obscure titles that Nancy suspects are Will's influence, given how close he and Robin have gotten lately.
It's nice. It's so Robin, so of course it is. But it's also cold.
It doesn't help that the winter has been bitter so far. They've gotten more ice than snow. The wind has been brutal, the sky pale and sunless. Every day since Christmas has been in the single digits.
They go out anyway, holding hands while they wait for coffee or meet for dinner. Paparazzi photos keep showing up of the two of them, and though no one ever dares to say something for certain--girlfriend seems to be a dirty word to the press--everybody loves to speculate.
It's not just the press, though. Nancy had a meeting scheduled over dinner just last night. It had been a big deal, with big names she'd been looking forward to potentially working with. An assistant had called her last minute to cancel. There's no way to know for sure why, but one look at Robin when Nancy had told her confirmed that they were thinking the same thing.
Robin had offered to take her out, to take care for her, to do anything she could to cheer Nancy up. They'd ended up curling up in Robin's bed, huddled beneath the heavy comforter, Robin's arms strong and warm around her.
They're there still, because even though the morning is half gone, the house is so damn cold, and the world beyond it is even colder. Nancy burrows further into Robin's embrace, pressing her cold nose against Robin's warm collarbone, and pretends like she can weather the winter if she just stays here forever.
"I'll make us breakfast," Robin offers, though she makes no move to dislodge Nancy and get up. Nancy makes a soft sound, something pathetically akin to a whimper, and digs her fingers into Robin's sleep shirt to keep her in place.
Robin's sigh is soft, understanding, but she tries again. "And coffee. Warm coffee, Nance."
Robin knows exactly how she takes her coffee, makes it so perfectly that Nancy will sometimes drag her feet in the mornings just so Robin will make it for her. Robin sees through her, of course, but she always presses the mug into Nancy's hands with a smile and a kiss on the cheek, so Nancy supposes she doesn't mind.
It's almost tempting, but it's not enough to make her want to move. So she doesn't. She lies there, eyes closed, not even trying to summon the energy to shake away the hollowness that has been in her chest since last night.
Robin rubs her hand up and down Nancy's back. "I'm sorry, Nance. I really am."
That makes her stir. She lifts her head to press against Robin's neck instead.
"Not your fault," she says, quiet but firm. She presses her lips against Robin's skin, just as soft, just as certain. Robin sighs again.
"It still sucks, though."
Nancy hums in response. Hence the moping in bed.
"But we both have the day off," Robin continues. "We can do whatever we want."
"Don't want to," she mumbles. She's distantly aware that she's pouting now, but she can't bring herself to care. Not when Robin is all she wants, and Robin is all she has, and Robin is the only person who really, truly understands.
"Can we just--can we stay here?" Nancy pulls back to look up at her pleadingly--desperate, suddenly, to cling to this moment beneath the covers, this one chance to shut out the chill of the world. "Just a little longer?"
She's never had to ask, though. Not really. Robin's eyes are soft when she nods. She pulls gently on Nancy, and Nancy rises enough to kiss her softly, slowly, with all the warm, steadying assurance she's still getting used to having.
"We can stay as long as you like," Robin whispers when they part. Nancy hums again and settles back against her. Her fingers come up to comb lazily through Robin's hair.
"Will you still make breakfast when we get up?"
Robin smiles. "I'm sure I can be convinced."
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lucaswarmhotchocolate · 6 months
regarding my previous post I'm trying to flesh out this odd crossover plot bunny a bit more, and I think it would be interesting if harry and Voldemort both got sent to hell and became residents of the hotel.
Harry because he does Not want to be in hell and also he has a Saving People Thing and wants to help others redeem themselves. Voldemort would probably just want to stay close to the most powerful souls he can, and ofc that means hanging around the place with the king and princess of hell, and a collection of rather powerful and influential sinners. now you may be asking, "Lucas why the fuck would Voldemort decide to hang out around people in power why wouldn't he just try to Become the people in power and kill some overlords?" and to that I say; Voldemort is a smart man. he is capable of learning and growing. I think he can realize that the past 60 years of his life since his first year in Hogwarts were just so full of mistakes it makes him cringe. he will take this weird after-life in hell and make better choices!! not morally better choices, but definitely strategically better ones. also I think it would piss him off so much that as a sinner he can't leave the pride ring, he is Not used to that kind of limitation and he hates it.
I think Harry and Voldemort would show up at the hotel and immediately realize who the fuck is there and it would not be pretty. Voldemort would probably have a harder time with self control now because that his soul is back together because it would be really unstable and also personality disorders don't just Leave when you die. like that's not a soul thing that's a mind thing. Anyways he would still want to reach his goals and learn more about hell, get closer with the people in power, etc., so he'd make an Attempt of not fighting harry but it would fail. I think Harry and Voldemort would instantly get into a fight because Harry just got to hell and he's pissed that after All That he is in the same place as the man he was born to go to war against. However, I think they'd get interrupted by charlie and vaggie pretty quickly and would remember that they're not here to fight each other. So they both check into the hotel, get to know everyone a bit, and Voldemort would soon realize "oh wait this kid does not want to kill me and he's actually pretty powerful and gets along really well with the princess, it would make more sense to be civil around him." So yeah, Voldemort becomes noticeably less antagonistic toward Harry, is a bit less reactive, and generally pisses harry the fuck off with this sudden personality change and Harry would make up for it by being More antagonistic and reactive and etc..
and of course you all expect the obligatory angel comment "lol when r u guys gonna get it over with and fuck" but did you expect that to be a Plot Point? No? That's because I didn't either but it makes so much sense. Angel makes One (1) Angel comment abt them fucking and Harry's mind shatters. He is broken from the inside out. He never registered that as an option. He never had the realization that he had a crush on Tom Riddle and he never made the realization that yeah, odd internal monologues about how scary and weirdly elegant and graceful and beautiful your enemy is Might mean that you have a bit of a crush even on the non-conventionally attractive physical form he has. That one comment would make him completely short-circuit and he would have an epiphany so great and devastating that it makes him freeze for a concerning amount of time before leaving to Immediately imagine fucking Voldemort. He wouldn't be seen for days and he wouldn't jack off a single time but he would be in a near-constant state of cold showers, denial, shame, and then acceptance. Harry and Voldemort would probably fuck pretty soon afterwards and blah blah blah. you get it.
I feel like the radioapple needs far less explanation, however I will probably need to think it through later as I have a deep-rooted Need to keep them as canon accurate as possible and not have alastor be ooc because I love his c. it's a very good c.
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manofmanymons · 8 months
Hey I don’t know if you’re still into Digimon Survive but if you are could you do some headcanons on Minoru x Ryo? Maybe like first kiss headcanons or something? But if you’re not into it anymore or don’t want to that’s totally okay! I just have brainrot over them lol
Have a good day!
all my thoughts about their general dynamic I already kinda ranted about that one time here. But a lot of that was more "once they're in an established relationship" hcs
so let's talk about early relationship and lots of firsts
I think them confessing would be repeated attempts by both of them that continuously end in them chickening out last second. Minoru tries to sound serious with a "I need to tell you something important " but Ryo shuts him down with "if you're gonna tell me about some random superhero thing again, don't," and he panics and says nevermind
Meanwhile Ryo only said that because he was about to try to confess and Minoru saying he was going to say something important made him get in his own head and he also panicked aldkfaj he didn't want to look too nervous or excited so he settled on mean instead ToT
Eventually Minoru just keeps texting this genre of picture
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until Ryo gets confused enough to ask if he's trying to ask him out (he is)
Very big "oh no I fell for an idiot" moment for our dearest Ryo, but hey, he still says yes XD
And here's my reason for thinking they'd have such a rough time confessing right (besides the fact that I personally just think confessing to someone you truly care about and are close friends with is always probably hard). I think in part because they both Caught Feelings they'd be a little scared to drop their acts around each other, so sometimes Ryo still can't tell if Minoru is joking or not and Minoru can't tell if Ryo is actually mad or not. They're both afraid of reading too deep into the other's reactions and getting their hopes up and that makes it hard to gauge each other's reactions to their failed confessions.
They get past it once they're together though ofc.
Idiots trying too hard bc their friends, possibly even partners, got in their heads insisting the way they normally talk to each other isn't romantic at all and that they can't keep messing with each other so much now that they're dating. It doesn't take them all too long to realize that that's stupid actually bc they like their dynamic and they didn't fall for each other by not liking the way the other talks.
Also think some of the awkwardness would come from the fact that it would be both of their first real date ever (no, "bro dates" don't count. no, the time Ryo was dragged to a mixer and was flirted with doesn't count either) and neither of them knows how to act. All is well once they both agree to be normal.
Their first kiss would be significantly less awkward. They have officially escaped the awkward zone, good for them. Genuinely think it would just happened. Y'know like a casual kiss goodbye after spending a day together that they only fully process happened and freak out over after they're alone.
They don't really talk about it. Minoru lies awake at night regretting his life choices and wondering "why did I do that" until Ryo kisses him back the next time they're together.
they kissed one time before that in the other world when they thought they were gonna die and then NEVER acknowledged it. Maybe it was a real kiss, maybe it was a "I don't wanna die before having my first kiss" kiss. Happened so fast neither of them really knows for sure who initiated it. Get cheesy teen drama'd.
First romantic holiday as a couple...Ryo does not think twice before making chocolates for Minoru. That's his boyfriend, why wouldn't he do that for him? Minoru has significantly more of a dumbass crisis of "but he's a guy, what are the rules if we're both guys?!" Luckily Takuma (nicely), Kaito (not nicely), and Falcomon (somehow even less nicely) all tell him not to overthink it.
Lowkey think Minoru would have a FEW moments like that in the very beginning. Wanting to do a gentlemanly thing like hold a door open or offer up his jacket only to worry too much about if he's accidentally treating his bf "like a girl." This time Ryo talks some sense into him. He admits that okay yeah maybe it's a little embarrassing, but only because he's not really used to being doted on by someone other than his parents, not because he's offended that his bf loves him and wants to do nice things for him adlkfaj
TLDR: I think they're both insecure little overthinkers who really don't want to do things wrong, but once they get past that they're really not much different as a couple than they were as friends (with the exception that they're a lot more open with each other now and also kith sometimes lmao)
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haysprite · 2 years
question: what do you think frank and Julie's relationship is like?
Oh my goodness, okay, Anon, I hope you know I've spent the whole time mulling over this as I've tried to figure out how to put everything into words lmao. I have so much I wanna talk about with them, but I'm gonna try and limit myself here cause some shit just needs to be drawn instead. Once again, might be disorganized, but it's fine as long as I get the idea across haha. Also, disclaimer to everyone, pls remember THIS IS JUST MY OPINION AND INTERPRETATION ! I'm workin with what we got so far, and while I'm excited to see what the comic will bring in terms of these two, this is what I personally believe at this current moment in time lmao. Alrighty, with that outta the way, let's dive in.
First things first, I just wanna get it out that I believe they are a fucking POWER couple. These two are able to read each other like an open book due to how close they are. They tell each other everything, know each other's boundaries super well (as well as respect them), and are honestly pretty inseparable. It would take a LOT to break them apart. They get in fights, ofc, like any young couple, but they always make up in the end cause they don't like being mad at each other and can't stand being apart.
It didn't take them long to grow close after they first met! They hit it off really well from the beginning, but I wouldn't say it was a love at first sight kinda thing? More like, besties at first sight (seeing as how Julie was immediately intrigued by Frank), and then fall in love later cause of how close they become. I feel like after the first party that Frank showed up to, that's just how they'd spend every one of Julie's parties together. They'd join in on the fun at first, but then sneak away to just be alone.
They love to spend hours talking to each other, just the two of them discussing whatever topic comes to mind first. They'll take long walks together, or stay up all night just holding each other, never wanting to let go. Some nights they'll go wreck havoc together, with or without Joey and Susie, feeling like they're unstoppable when with the other.
You can't convince me that they don't show a lot of PDA either lmaoo. Hand holding, kissing, cuddling, you name it! They want everyone to know that they're together, and that their partner is THEIR'S. Julie loves to sit on Frank's lap a lot and get piggy back rides from him. She just loves to be held in his arms, feeling safe and protected by him. They fall asleep together a lot, and sometimes Julie will wake up being suffocated by Frank cause he's holding her super tightly.
When it came to them actually admitting their feelings toward one another, I feel like it honestly came pretty naturally. There wasn't any big confession scene or whatever, they just kinda realized they liked each other due to their constant "friendly" flirting, kissed, and then moved forward from there lmao. I will say tho, before this happened, Julie was constantly talking to Susie, asking her whether or not she thought Frank liked her. Susie had to stifle a laugh every damn time cause she thought it was pretty obvious, but she's not one to speak cause of her and Joey. Frank, on the other hand, never said a damn thing to Joey, but Joey knew. He could sense it. Also Joey and Susie probably made bets on who would confess first let's be reallll.
Friendly bickering/bullying would play a huge part in their relationship as well. They'd both bug each other by doing harmless stuff that they knew the other would get annoyed or pissy about. They would never take it too far, though, since they never wanted to actually hurt the other. They just wanted to have fun and be silly. Lotta fun pranks and all that jazz. Most of the time they'd cause shit together on other people, though. One of their favorite pass times is probably seeing who could steal the most valuable shit in a short amount of time from shops or houses, just a little game they'd play. Neither of them would try too hard to impress each other as well.
In, short, they fucking love each other. Frank and Julie are each other's ride or die, and they would never do anything to hurt the other. They cause a lot of mayhem, and overall enjoy each other's company. They're in love and you can't convince me otherwise. Thank you for coming to my DBD Talk 🤭💞
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Okay so here's my full Unit Chief Luke™ headcanon
So one day Emily calls Luke into her office saying she has to talk to him. She tells him that she can't pull double duty as Section Chief and Unit Chief, so she needs to pick someone to take her place.
He assumes he's just the first member of the team she's called in to talk about this and she's getting all of their opinions on who it should be so they can come to a decision that everyone's happy with so he starts ranting about JJ and Tara's merits (granted, he will admit JJ has a lot on her plate rn and Tara has never really talked about wanting smth like that, but he's sure they'd both be great), but then Emily cuts him off saying she already has come to a decision. Him.
He is flabbergasted. He would never assume it would be him in a million years. JJ and Tara both have seniority, in fact, sans Matt, he is still the newest member of the team.
Emily tells him she's very confident in his abilities, but not to feel pressured. If he doesn't want to do it there are other people. She tells him to consider it for a bit and then come back to her in a few days. He agrees and goes straight to Penelope's office.
He tells her, and saying she's ecstatic would be an understatement. She's incredibly proud of him and is confident he'd do a great job, and she tells him as much, because as much as she loves to tease him, with as close as they've gotten, this is serious and she wouldn't mess around with that. He says he's not sure if he wants to do it, he's surprised the position was even offered after the trouble he caused Emily with the whole Phil situation.
Penelope laughs this off and says, "Please, you think Emily never gave Hotch any trouble? She faked her death for seven months! Granted, he helped her do it, but..."
"Sorry, she what?"
"Did you not know that?"
So anyway, they chat a bit, and Penelope is completely supportive of him working out whether or not he wants to do this (bc as much as I adore Luke supporting Penelope, let's get some Penelope supporting Luke in this house,) she assures him that there is not a single person on the team that would be unhappy with this, and when he decides he's going to take Emily's offer, she's so happy for him.
The next day he tells Emily, and she gets started on the paperwork.
The day after that, Emily sits everyone down in the round table room. "As you all know, I've been pulling double duty recently as Section Chief and Unit Chief. Obviously, that can't go on forever, so I've selected someone else to take my place as Unit Chief. Congratualtions Luke."
Luke smiles kind of nervously because he's excited but also slightly worried about how people will react.
Tara speaks first. "Oh hell yes."
Congratulations are quickly passed around and Penelope nudges Luke under the table (bc ofc they're sitting together) and smiles at him like, "I told you so"
He scrunches his face like, "Stfu (affectionate)" and maybe even sticks his tongue out
She blows him a kiss
He vehemently fights back a blush.
Everyone is happy.
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genshin au asks you say…….
heehee what if nbd actually got /got/ by signora :) wonder if that would change the dynamics between descendants and venti 🤔?
also for some reason i keep imagining diluc’s fursona is a horse
Also I don't know if we've actually told the public about what happens with signora afsgags
Okay some context setting: so when the cast encounters signora in RF nbd is there too. And since his family's whole thing is sharing a face with the anemo archon we thought it'd be funny if they did a little unintentional switcheroo with the two 😁
Signora can't tell who's the archon so she ends up targeting nbd because he runs his mouth more lol. And even if she's wrong, targeting someone from a family favoured by the god would surely draw him out (it does)
Now onto the thoughts!
Man if Venti wasn't fast enough and signora *got* got him,,,, Well for one Venti would be devastated. And nbd is the youngest of the descendants (around 17 as of now?), even younger than NB was towards the end of the rebellion. So I imagine that the other descendants would be somewhat doting and protective of the guy at times (not to mention his unspecified number of biological siblings) they would probably not take any of this well.
Though in this case the blame would likely go to signora first and foremost (rag d, who also lost his dad to the fatui: Maybe I will follow that diluc fellow and go on a fatui killing spree after all-) I can see the political relations between mond and the fatui straining even more because of this cuz no doubt shit got strained in canon but a death? One of a prominent family no less? Yeah that's not gonna slide.
But yeah I think looking at venti would hurt them all for a while. Ad would probably try to approach him the most since she was in on it the longest after nbd and knows venti more as a person. But she was also very close with nbd so oof.
Rag d and Kaeya would probably both need some time. Rag d is in on it and would know the reason but both he and Kaeya were raised very closely with nbd's family because the Ragnvindr line in RF was re-founded by NB via adoption (rip to red haired warrior, died bitchless) so uh that was basically their little brother??? Yeah. I wonder who would be more upset. The guy that knows that venti is a god and thus the reason why nbd had a target put on his back? Or the guy that only knows venti as the "cousin" that popped out of nowhere and has his suspicions about the guy. They'd both go and comfort nbd's family though
Speaking of nbd's family, they're also in the know. So would they look at their (warped and misinterpreted) duty differently? Death was never part of the deal so why did their youngest have to go? Would it be an honour to die with the anemo archon by his side? Or a tragedy because not even a god could stop it?
Jean would probably try to prioritise her duty before her own feelings but her grief might leak through while dealing with the political matters perhaps (maybe Ad will join her and finally use her political skills)
Eula swears vengeance and not just as a form of speaking. You killed her friend, one of the ones who defended her from the people (the other being amber ofc). Prepare to die.
Oh and Venti,,, I wonder what venti would do tbh. I see him as someone who has a good grasp and control over his emotions after so many years of learning to deal with them. But something that /gets/ him is his loved ones getting hurt. Also NB still gets shot in RF he just survives it so nbd getting hurt/killed would probably bring back some nastey memories. So would he let signora leave unscathed is the question 👀
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boysplanetrecaps · 1 year
on scheming, popularity, confidence, and skill -- responding to a cool ask!
I got a great ask from someone and I wanted to publish it, but it would be a spoiler to anyone who hasn't seen ep9, or is behind on who has or hasn't been eliminated, so I'm putting it here behind a read more. They're responding to my theory as to why a certain trainees was kicked out of Over Me and make some good points! It's all behind the read more.
fallindomino asked:
heyy just read your ep 9 post and i found what you said abt Keita getting kicked out of over me really interesting, both bc he’s my one pick lol but also bc i both agree and disagree. i think he’s closer with the other trainees than mnet seemingly wants viewers to think, in dance practice behind the scenes vids and other content that not everyone who watches the show probably watches you can see other contestants being more physically affectionate with him and vice versa. this confuses me solely bc he’s the japanese trainee with the best shot at making it into the final line-up, and you’d think mnet wants at least one to keep up the perception of this show producing a “global” boy group. then again, trying to understand what mnet is thinking is a fruitless endeavor in itself.
I see what you mean about Keita certainly having friends among the trainees -- I think that a lot of the trainees feel close to him, especially the Japanese trainees, I'd guess. But remember when Park Gunwook shook Keita's hand at the ep8 ranking ceremony? He shook his hand warmly, with a huge smile on his face, but he didn't HUG him. Now maybe Gunwook just isn't a hugger, but still. I just think Keita isn't quite as "in" with the cool kids clique as he could be. Everyone likes and respects him but I don't sense that bond, that "stay up all night talking, crying on each other's shoulders, telling each other stuff you've never told anyone before" kind of bond. But maybe I'm wrong! I should watch some more of the behind the scenes content -- let me know if there's a specific video that you think I should check out.
And yeah, you'd think for sure they'd want at least one Japanese trainee, but who knows what goes through MNET's single collective brain cell. It's like searching for meaning in a Pauly Shore movie.
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buttt abt the threat bit i completely agree. i think the other trainees see him as a threat in a way he doesn’t view anyone else at all. i remember you said smth like “Keita sets a high standard even among the other previously debuted idols on this show” in one of ur posts, and i think this is a contributing factor. Keita simply has less to prove. he knows he’s good enough to be in the group, the judges know, the other trainees know, the viewers know, even people who don’t LIKE him know.
this is why he was so completely unafraid to make a super stacked team for Kill this Love even though he definitely wanted the killing part, and in ep 6 when they chose for the second mission, though they don’t show Keita choosing Zoom, in background shots you can see that Krystian, who he kicked out, was simply standing on the bottom row, closest to the walkway, and that is most likely the reason keita kicked him out.
Oh, I love this kind of close analysis! Nice work. I think Krystian was better suited for Limousine anyway so it worked out.
comparing this line of thinking to Ricky, who kicked Jongwoo out of Love Killa because it meant he would be more likely to get the killing part, to Jiwoong who did the exact same thing to ricky two minutes later, and the differences in their thinking become clear.
Aaaannnd we ended up with an underwhelming performance of Love Killa, so thanks, everyone!
this isn’t me hating on any of them ofc, it’s a good strategy. but it’s a strategy that Keita isn’t using, partially because he is literally just that kind, but also because he doesn’t feel that pressure to prove everything he has the way most of the other trainees do.
Totally agree. It's kind of like what I was saying about how Matthew leads from a place of anxiety, while Keita leads from a place of confidence. It doesn't enter Keita's mind to scheme because he knows he has the goods. I think that this might contribute to his comparative lack of super close, emotionally bound friends -- you bond with people who you feel a connection to, and maybe it's hard for people to feel that connection with someone who doesn't seem to experience the same frustrations and difficulties that they do. But again, maybe I'm wrong.
and yeah, considering that there were two yuehuas on over me team as well, it wouldn’t surprise me to learn that they made a plan to vote out the members they felt would be the biggest threats to them, position-wise, and any friendships made on the show def pale in comparison to years spent training tgt. i just thought it was rlly interesting cause all last week i was curious to see how ppl ended on their new teams (i did get spoiled lol) and after watching and thinking it over, it makes tons of sense. your recaps are always interesting reads, and i look forward to the performance specific ones !!
Thanks so much! Back atcha, friendo!
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rainbownixie · 2 years
omg i'm so sorry for the never ending onslaught of asks
but i'm curious to see if you can convert me into a dustin + will shipper with ur headcanons (i'm sure you can ehe <3)
no please!!! i love your asks so don't ever apologize <33 they make my day!
and oh yes thank you so so much for this. i love this ship so so much??? like i was already thinking about them when s2 came out ngl i always thought "if i didn't ship will with mike, he would be really happy dating dustin" but since there's barely any content i never talk about them! (i think i only told my girlfriend about them like once and that's it).
before the headcanons, i would like to say that i love their dynamic. dustin cares so so much about will and will is always so caring with dustin too?? they're also really sassy and i think they'd be a really really sweet but annoying couple and i love that for them tbh.
anyway, headcanons/my thoughts abt their story etc etc this is probably going to be LONG (i'm sorry):
i don't think they had a crush on each other while growing up. in fact, i think will liked mike and dustin knew because dustin is the smartest person in the world. he was aware of the way will looked at mike, and honestly he didn't really care as long as will was happy and okay.
dustin's always been protective of will and cared for him maybe more than he cared for the other two (in another way, perhaps). he looks after him and often gets frustrated when mike is the one taking care of will instead of him (remember the halloween episode when he tried to help him but mike didn't let him? yeah. like that).
he doesn't know he likes will yet, just that he cares about him in a different way and wants him to be happy. he gets internally angry at mike for showing interest in el in s1 because he wants will to be happy. he knows will loves mike so seeing him with el bothered him. but there was also this relief? i would call it? because he thinks that maybe that way he will spend more time with will.
i think dustin fell first and has always been jealous of mike in a way. he doesn't show it much because he knows he doesn't have a chance with will and just accepts it as long as mike doesn't hurt him.
when they started middle school and had to choose their seats in class, he wanted to seat next to will. ofc, mike was the one who actually got to do it, so he settled on sitting in front of him.
he likes will before even realizing, and he just thinks he feels all dizzy and excited around him because they're really close friends. he's so so happy when will comes back from the upside down and often stares at him just to make sure he's real. that he's okay. that's why he likes to casually touch him (pats on the shoulder, hugs...). he just feels at peace being with will because he's so so genuine and dustin just... enjoys that feeling.
he thinks he likes max and- well- dustin does like her, but not in that way. he has this little crush on her but that's all. however, he does realizes he likes will when he starts talking with steve! in s2? steve tells him about nancy and turns out he feels the same for will, because he's really special too. and maybe he is jealous of mike for being able to be with him during all that time in s2. but it's okay, he doesn't care. because he knows mike is helping him and that's all that matters. but damn, steve's right: he's too young to be heartbroken, because it hurts A LOT already.
then mike starts dating el, and it bothers him so much??? like "man, will loves you like crazy and you don't even realize??? and you date her instead of him????? i hate straight people". btw, seeing will staring at mike while he danced with that girl killed his poor soul. nancy helped, though <3
oh, and i don't think he cares about his sexuality much. he likes both boys and girls? cool. he's not going to announce it to the whole world anyway so.
will notices that dustin goes easy on him when they play video games together, and finds it pretty sweet (actually, dustin is just too weak and gets lost looking at will and that's why he only loses when he goes against him)
will sees how dustin often forgets his jacket so he starts giving him his whenever he's cold (dustin isn't even cold he just loves wearing his clothes)
dustin and will pass each other little notes in the middle of class without the teachers noticing. they also play tic tac toe!
they buy comics together! they both try to save money to do it, and dustin sometimes lies about the actual price so will doesn't have to pay as much as him
okay so in s3 he goes to that camp and he meets suzie!!! he likes suzie. he has a crush on suzie. and they start being really close friends! to the point where he tells her about will, and she just nods and says that she also likes both girls and boys. they start dating, and she doesn't mind that he likes will too! suzie is sure that will is great and just wants his dusty-bun to be happy!! caring is sharing besties, fuck the love triangle!
okay so he comes back! aaaand he's really excited to tell them about suzie, but worried about how they're going to react. about how will's going to react. he knows he won't care because he likes mike, but maybe dustin wants him to care a bit. y'know. but dustin still wants them to meet suzie because he loves her a lot too!
that day, will actually stays with dustin for a little while when lumax goes home. dustin tells him about suzie and he tries to focus, but will is just too pretty under the stars and- he just can't handle it. because will looks so peaceful and calm... and he seems a bit upset too, so dustin asks. will tells him that it's nothing, that he's okay. and somehow dustin knows it's because of mike. then will goes home and dustin hears the russians etc etc etc
okay so here is when will catches feelings! after the rain fight that literally breaks his heart, he's obviously upset and angry at both lucas and mike. and i know dustin is busy with steve and robin, but just imagine that this thing with the russians happens before the rain fight. and dustin is riding back home after that and just happens to be close to castle byers! he hears screaming and crying and, well, castle byers being destroyed. so he ends up seeing the whole thing and asks what happened, but will just... hugs him and breaks down crying. obviously dustin comforts him and will tells him what happened, the "it's not my fault you don't like girls" included because will knows that dustin knows he's gay. and dustin is so so furious at mike??? he wants to yell at him and put him in his place for treating will like that. he's also angry at lucas, but, yeah, mike is the one who angers dustin the most. however, will asks him to not do anything because he doesn't want any drama and he just stays there hugging him.
eventually dustin has to go home and asks will if he wants him to come with him, but he just says he wants to be alone there. then everything is the same, except for the fact that will sees dustin in a different way now.
s3 is all the same except for the ending. because will spends those three months before moving away with dustin. they hang out together alone more. they have sleepovers and movie nights. they both talk with suzie at the same time. etc etc etc. and will doesn't forget about mike, but ends up liking dustin too. a lot, actually. and it's kind of as if they both knew there's something between them, but don't do anything about it. they're comfortable around each other like that. they're happy.
but then dustin confesses to will (steve and robin told him to because otherwise he would regret it) on his last day in hawkins, and will kisses him and tells him that he wished he had said something sooner.
so now dustin has two long distance relationships! he's literally one of us pffft
when the others find out they're happy. except mike... who's pretty much jealous about it but can't tell them why
dustin sends will letters constantly, and he's so cheesy. so so so so cheesy. and will finds it endearing, so he keeps them all in a box he painted himself <3 and will sends him drawings and mixtapes and polaroid pictures!!!
will is still in love with mike, and dustin knows. in fact, will tells him about el having a lot of letters from him and all. dustin is already mad at how mike is acting at school, but the way he treats will???? it makes him so angry. however, he doesn't say any of this to will (steve has to deal with that) and always tries to be there for him and support him with his idea of gifting mike a painting!
s4 happens etc etc they hug and kiss and all when will comes back to hawkins!! actually, because he doesn't have a place to stay, he stays with dustin! and he tells him about meeting suzie!! (they definitely talked about how much they love dustin)
will is there to comfort him about eddie :( <3 dustin often has nightmares and will hugs him and runs his fingers through his hair to make him feel better.
this is long and i don't know if i explained it correctly but i hope it worked!!! if you ever want to know more about my hcs about them (this was actually more their story than hcs tbh) just ask me <33
btw i feel bad for mike so he probably starts dating will too after the microwave break-up!! i can totally see dustin and him fighting for will's love and will reconsidering all of his life choices
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doodlebloo · 3 years
no!!! i saw those tags share older _beloved family thoughts!!! genuinely they occupy my brain constantly id love to hear ur thoughts on it (/nf ofc!)
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Ok anons here are my boring thoughts !!!
(ALL /RP!)
Okay well first of all I think that Michael is already/nearly 6 when they finally move into the mansion, when cRanboo gets revived in canon he and cTubbo are going to have FARRR too many issues to work through for it to be a good decision to jump into living together. BUT I said far future, as in years and years into the future, & also I may talk about what I think about their Near future more somewhere erm else hehe
Reckon Tommy doesn't move in with them because he's his own person and all of that, but Tubbo finally completes the hyperloop's intended purpose of leading all the way to Tommy's house, so even though Tommy doesn't live next to them or anything they still all see each other a lot :)
I think that cBeeduo for sure adopt another kid once Michael is like 8-ish, I don't think they really mean to and I think they're VERY reluctant about it because even with a relatively peaceful server they have a crisis where they wonder if the child would even be better off with them, like would Michael have been happier living as an orphan in the Nether than getting attached to parents but then having one die and being ripped away from the surviving one for a few weeks? Like they just know that Michael ended up a bit traumatized and worry about adopting another. BUT they go through with it and it turns out to be really good for them (and Michael too)
I feel like once Michael is in his early teens he starts going out adventuring, at first it's Tubbo and Ranboo both going with him on Totem Journeys and the like, not too dangerous but still fun, and then eventually Michael branches out and starts going with other people he knows, Phil and Techno take him out adventuring a lot, he goes exploring w Tommy and Wilbur, etc. & It's kind of the first time that cBeeduo are apart from him for days at a time since the Incident when he was a baby, and that's when it starts to hit cTubbo that like, "oh shit like I'm glad I have my other kid with me but it's really going to suck when Michael moves out", y'know?
And that isn't to say that cTubbo doesn't have an identity outside of being Michael's caretaker, because he very much does and I'd like to think in the future he takes time to work on his sense of purpose and such. But I just think Michael moving out would be like a phantom pain to him.
I think Michael finally moves out when he's like 19/20, he doesn't move Away away but it's not super close (think the distance between Techno's place and Snowchester (not saying Michael lives WITH Techno I just think that's how far away he'd move) somewhere far but the journey isn't that long by portal). And so they'd still have like a 13 y/o second kid on their hands but I feel like after about a month of Michael being on his own cTubbo would sit down and flip through baby photos and look at Kid 2 who has surprisingly not been traumatized very much at all and then just Impulse Adopt another toddler.
And Ranboo would definitely not be super on board at first bc he'd be worried that Tubbo was adopting another for the wrong reasons, but eventually he'd realize that they both just really like having a little one around and it would end up ok.
BUT! I think Michael would definitely have kids of his own! Which would be so fun because like. FIRST of all I love the idea of Michael not having anything normal to base relationships off of, like him being like "Dads I need advice... How did you guys propose?" And cBeeduo being like Well um. Ok well we flipped a coin and made the ring out of like grass at first like it was a literal flower stem . And then we didn't talk for like 3 days and then we adopted you. But DONT do that ok that wasn't the right way to do it akfjwjdn like idk I just like the idea of Michael being like "I can't ask my parents for advice because they have the weirdest marriage on earth and my uncle Tommy's advice always makes things worse 200% of the time" but somehow making his own relationships work anyway
OK BACK ON TRACK so if cBeeduo are both approx 18 rn and Michael has just turned 4 (my headcanon), that means that once he's around 24 they'd be like 38. And I love the idea that Michael adopts around that time because that's so funny for cBeeduo to be under 40 and have to hear themselves called "grandpa" and for cPhil to be like "Oh man it sure must suck to not even be that fucking old and be called grandpa all the time!!!" and to laugh at them until he realizes he'd technically be GREAT GRANDPA.
I just think Michael would be very gentle and sweet and that if he came across an orphan he maybe wouldn't hesitate because he knows what that's like. And he'd call up his parents like "Well now that I've decided to keep them I should probably let you meet your grandkid" and theyd be like "Aww he is just like us for real..... Wait are we fucking old"
I just want cBeeduo + Michael_B (+ everyone else on the server tbh!!!) to get quiet lives where they just live in peace and their genuine biggest problem is being BORED from the lack of things happening to them. Thanks for listening too my boring ideas
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neurodiversebones · 3 years
For the ship thingy what about Cam and arastoo from bones😘
who is the most affectionate: in public? arastoo, 100%. but cam is definitely the clingy one in private (though neither of them would ever say it). they're so cute :'-)
who initiates the hand holding: tbh it depends on the day, it's about 50/50 between them. arastoo did it the first few times though, so when cam initiated the first time he thought it was very sweet :-) <33
who worries more for the other: okay this one is hard- cam worries all the time about everything, but arastoo is always concerned specifically for her. i think they're both worriers and somewhat protective of each other, it's just in their nature.
who is more likely to ask for help: once again, everyone here is terrible at asking for help 😭 arastoo is only marginally more likely to admit that he needs help with something though. cam is too stubborn and not only will she not ask for help, she'll deny it when someone offers
who is the one always losing the keys: arastoo misplaces them constantly, cam keeps three sets on her at all times. but they always turn up in the randomest places when he loses them- pockets of clothes he hasn't worn in weeks, on top of the fridge, one time even in the dishwasher which is something neither of them can explain
who leaves little love notes for each other: arastoo ofc !!! weaponize those poetry skills (/ref) <33 but fr, cam melts every time he leaves her a little note, and she never gets rid of them. she thinks he doesn't know that she's kept them all, but he found the little collection of one of them one afternoon while looking for something and is just keeping it a secret that he knows
who can't sleep unless the other is there: arastoo definitely- knowing that cam is there is a huge comfort to him and it's incredibly off-putting when she isn't- the two of them always have some sort of physical contact while sleeping, even if it's just their hands touching when it's too hot to cuddle
who is more likely to propose to the other: i mean ,,, they've both proposed to each other in canon so it's both of them GSDJFHKJ
who introduced the other to their family first: in canon it's arastoo and i think that's fair !!! cam isn't all that close with her family (until the end of the series), and also definitely wouldn't bring someone to meet them unless she was 2000% sure of it.
who is more likely to play with the other's hair: hmm, i feel like they'd both do this? arastoo would just absentmindedly stroke cam's hair, and cam would run her fingers through his as a comfort thing (for both of them)
who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated: cam knows how to worry about everyone but herself so she's constantly reminding him while completely ignoring her own needs to eat/drink 😭 arastoo realizes that she's just. completely forgotten to eat and ends up just placing food in front of her because reminders won't work
who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other: oh they would both kick ass for the other- whoever says anything slightly mean about one of them is fucked bc the other is already coming after them (arastoo with words, but cam fully has to refrain from having like. a detailed murder plot the second anyone is unkind to the man she loves)
who is more likely to prepare a surprise for the other: when it comes to big romantic gestures, it's arastoo. he's a hopeless romantic and a sucker for anything cheesy, and it shows. but small, day to day surprises are cam's arena- surprising him by bringing home his favourite takeout, small gifts, the like. they both just love to make the other happy all the time !!!
who makes the other pinky promise not to do things: arastoo does it as a joke tbh and cam rolls her eyes so hard (but it does stop her from doing whatever chaotic thing she was planning on doing)
who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch: arastoo would do that and just have. such heart eyes for how cute cam is (and he's RIGHT)
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fortheloveoffanfic · 3 years
Behind Closed Doors
Keanu Reeves x OFC (Emma Mathers) A/n- Just a random AU I wrote way back when.
Summary- An AU where the Emma (OFC), is hired to take care of the Keanu Reeves' kids; twins Mathew and Poppy Reeves. Tension between a boss and his young employee rise, but nothing good is ever easy.
Masterlist (very incomplete by adding it here nontheless)
Warnings- Brief NSFW/SMUT mentions
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His hands, surprisingly rough, slid the length of her body, starting at the curve of her ass, all the way up to the supple contour of her breasts. Lips peppered hot, wet, open mouthed kisses to her chest, Keanu's rough scruff bruising her silken skin, "You taste so good," he mumbled, almost too taken by her to speak.
Emma's only response was a breathy moan as her head lolled back, her long dark hair brushing the center of her back. When Keanu's hands inched forward, his thumbs pressing into her pebbled nipples, the sounds leaving her plump lips grew louder and she ground on him encouragingly. "What do you want sweetheart?" His low, gruff voice, the one she'd grown used to hearing for months, though in a far different capacity, filled her ears. Drunk on him, Emma clumsily felt around his chest, eventually digging her nails into his shoulders.
She knew what she wanted, Emma, for as long as she'd known herself, always knew what she wanted. That very evening, straddling his lap, feeling his girth pressed against her longing heat, both their bodies begging for what had been months in the making, Emma still knew what she wanted. It was the same thing she'd wanted as she'd grown to know Keanu. But the only question was, how'd she even get there?
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7 months earlier
"And you can start tonight?" His dark, whiskey eyes were practically pleading with her, and it was the first time that Emma considered that someone of Keanu's stature could be desperate. They were at his office at Arch, a sleek glass table separating them, and in his hand, he held a manila folder containing every piece of information she'd given him about herself, and probably what he'd had his people dig up too.
Emma hadn't expected to just be thrust into the job when she applied for it. Hell, she wasn't even expecting to get it, things hadn't been going her way lately anyway. If they were, she wouldn't even be sitting in Keanu's office, discussing the job she'd heard of from the friend of a friend's friend. But alas, she needed the money. In fact, she was desperate for it, and coincidentally, Keanu was in dire need of a nanny. "I……" Hesitating, Emma thought back on all the warnings her mother had given her about jobs like that; it starts with the kids and next thing you know you're cleaning the toilets. But still, what other choice did she have; thanks to her flaky roommate, she was out of an apartment, the job that she'd worked her ass off to get had miraculously gone to someone who was far more connected than she was, and student loans weren't going to pay themselves.
"Yeah," finally, Emma nodded stiffly, "I can start tonight." When that seemed to sudden, she added, "Are you sure you don't want……like a trial period, you know where I get to know them a bit, see if they like me? See if you like me?"
"Honestly," Keanu chuckled, closing the folder and standing from his desk, "I'd be surprised if you make it through the night. Poppy and Matt haven't been able to keep a nanny for longer than a couple weeks."
Well that wasn't alarming at all. Not. Trying to laugh it off the way he did, Emma followed his lead and stood too, collecting her jacket and draping it over her elbow, proceeding to follow Keanu out. "I'm sure they're perfectly sweet," she smiled tightly and though he couldn't see it, considering she was a couple paces behind as they made their way through the desolate shop, fear lingered in her hazel orbs.
"Oh! Don't get me wrong," Keanu carried on, holding the front door open for her as they left the building, "They're great kids," she could hear the pride in his tone as Keanu spoke of his twins, "Fun, adventurous, adorable. But they aren't too keen on new people, especially if they think that someone's just gonna pack up and leave one day."
Noting the drop in his tone, a clear indicator that he didn't want to press the issue much further, Emma frowned, remembering everything she'd pieced together on the internet. It wasn't much, considering how private he was, but what she could gather was that his girlfriend had split a year after they'd had the twins, leaving him to raise them on his own. It wasn't much, and Emma was positive that there was more than what was out in the open, but as she got into the passenger seat of Keanu's car, she could easily tell that he didn't want to get into it. So instead, she just buckled up and listened to him shift the conversation back to his five year olds, listing some of the things that he wanted her to know before meeting them.
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"Daddy!" A pair of giddy, little voices, jumping with excitement, grew louder as the sound of light feet pattering on porcelain drew nearer. In an instant, two dark haired children came bounding towards Keanu, who was already crouched with open arms.
"We missed you," the girl, Poppy said, hanging onto her father's neck, planting a kiss on his bearded cheek.
"Yeah," Matt was the one to pull away first, though, it was to eye Emma suspiciously. "Who's that?"
At that, Keanu stood, lifting Poppy up into his arms when she refused to let go, and ruffling Matt's hair when he clung to Keanu's jean clad leg, "Pop, Matty, this is Emma Mathers, if things go well, she's going to be your new nanny."
Groaning, Matt hung his little head, slumping his shoulders, and simultaneously, Poppy's grip on her father grew tighter, she was clearly the more reserved of the two. "Another one?" Matt, who wasn't too smitten with the idea, solemnly looked up at Keanu, and Emma smiled faintly realizing how much the boy looked like him, "Why can't you just take care of us?"
Sighing quietly, "You know I do my best bud," hugging him closer, Keanu continued, "But sometimes I need help." And even though Keanu would never admit out loud, he craved some semblance of a motherly figure for his children. Someone who could be around more often than his sisters and mother, someone who could care for them the way they deserved when he couldn't do it.
"But what about grandma? She helps," still reluctant, Matt didn't dare to look at Emma, probably hoping she'd just disappear if he willed it.
"You know I like it when grandma helps, but sometimes it's just not possible for her to be with us," Keanu worried on his lower lip, searching for an argument that would convince his son, hesitantly looking to Emma so she'd give it a go.
Taking a deep breath, hoping it would miraculously chase her nerves away, Emma stepped forward, the heels of her thigh highs filling the silence, "Hey Matt," she sank down in front of him, "I'm Emma," and when nothing but dead silence only interrupted by shuffling feet followed, Emma continued with yet another nervous breath, "You know, I used to like it when my grandma babysat too. She'd make me all kinds of fun snacks. Does your grandma make you snacks too?" Tugging at the hem of his t shirt, Matt surprisingly nodded yes, still avoiding her gaze, "Really? That's awesome, what's your favorite?"
His voice was soft, his head remained down cast as he picked at the hem of his pale blue t-shirt, and he definitely had no intention of speaking more than he had to, "Chocolate chip cookies."
"No way!" Emma smiled brightly, hoping it would encourage Matt to do the same, "I love chocolate chip cookies, and it just so happens that I have a recipe for 'em, they turn out great every time."
"Really?" A glimmer of a smile twisted his lips, and out of the corner of her eye, Emma could see Keanu's hopeful look too.
"You know bud," he intervened, "If we let Emma stay, and you ask nicely, I'm sure she'd bake you some one day."
"Would you?" His dark eyes widened in disbelief and his expression wasn't one anyone could readily deny.
"I would love too," Emma giggled, glad that she'd won over one of the kids. Next, was Poppy, though, when she stood, trying to get a look at the girl's face so she could say hi, the child immediately buried her head in Keanu's neck. "Hey Poppy," Emma went on anyway, "I know that it's a little scary having someone new around but I promise that I just wanna be friends."
When, after a minute, Poppy didn't respond, Keanu offered Emma a faint smile, mouthing, "She's a little shy." They exchanged tight smiles once again, before Keanu craned his head to look at his daughter, "Pop, don't you want to say hi to Emma? She's really nice, and I'm positive you'll like her," when she shook her brunette head in an unspoken no, he coaxed, "Come on sweetheart, Matty likes her," and with the slightest redness in his face, he admitted, "And I do too."
Maybe it was the way he looked at her, or maybe it was the little school girl crush she'd developed through seeing him on television sometimes, but when Keanu said it, heat rushed to Emma's cheeks, all the way up to the tips of her ears and she could feel butterflies fluttering in the pit of her stomach. When Emma lifted her gaze again their eyes locked unexpectedly when for a second and just before Keanu turned his head away, she couldn't quite decipher his expression. Though, even after the moment had passed, the awkwardness in the air lingered, and Emma felt compelled to fill the silence, "It's okay," her forced smile faltered, "Poppy and I have a lot of time to get to know each other, "Right?" Searching for confirmation as she held her breath, she once again looked to Keanu.
"Yeah," he agreed, looking immensely relieved, "Yeah, lots of time."
Tagging- @harrisongslimited @magnificentclodpiebanana @keandrews @greenmanalishi @rdjloverxxx @danceoftwowolves @planetkt @wheretheriversrunintothesea
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