#and let me tell you: i was a horny-ass teenager)
Y'know you've been on tumblr for too long when you start a sideblog on a separate account for reasons and literally within two days of making the blog you see an old post with an addition from your main on its dash
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rainrot4me · 2 months
Better Than Him
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Summary: Nina wanted nothing more than to impress Jeff. So, as her best friend, she sought your help on how to get his attention. But when a quick lesson on how to kiss turns intense quickly, you feel it's only right to prove to her she's worth more than him.
Characters: Nina the Killer x Female Reader
TW: Friends with benefits, humiliation, Jeff is a douchebag, inexperienced, teaching, vaginal grinding, tribbing, eating out, overstimulation, first time, revenge, mention of broken bones
Words: 4.3k
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As a creep, you knew all too well the weird tendencies that the other members of the mansion had. 
Especially Nina. But she was your best friend, so of course you let her habits slide more than others. But as she lay in your lap, sobbing about how Jeff brushed her off again, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. It was exhausting, truly. Her every waking thought and action seemed to revolve around the pale killer, but you could never understand why.
Jeff was ugly as shit, face all mangled and gnarly. His personality was a drainer to be around, always cussing you out or telling you how shit you were at something. But the worst thing about him was the constant stench of rot that came off of him, the aftermath of him murdering some helpless guy and never showering after. He wasn’t pleasant to you, but no guy in the mansion was. The only one you could stand was Jack, his quiet demeanor was his only saving quality.
You rubbed Nina’s back, cooing some bullshit about how he would come around eventually and how he didn’t deserve her. You honestly couldn’t care less about him, but it was anything to get Nina to hush. She finally sat up, holding your hands as her highlighted hair sat dishevelled on her forehead. “You have to help me.” She gasped out, eyes frantic as she gripped your hands tight, her neon press on nails digging into your skin. You stared at her, confused. “Help you how?” She smiled, her gapped teeth shining bright. 
“Jeff doesn’t pay any attention to me.” You knew that, obviously. “So, I have to impress him somehow. Like, with something he likes.” She grinned, waiting for you expectantly. You tried to wrack your brain of all the crap Jeff has mentioned liking before, but all you could think of was the porn magazines he hid not so well under his bed. You had found them by accident after Jeff stole your guns over some petty argument, that being the first place you thought to look but ending with an even bigger argument than before. It ended with you locked out of his room and his reputation amongst the other guys little to none. But at least you found an answer.
“Listen, Nina, I don’t thi-” She brushed her bangs from her face, eyes wide and pleading. “Oh please, I don’t care. Whatever Jeff likes I’ll be sure to like too.” You groaned, letting go of Nina’s hands and laying back on her bed, her dark room comforting you. Nina wasn’t at all the porn star type, especially not what Jeff was after. He was still mentally stumped as a horny teenager, so any girl wasn’t good enough unless her ass and tits stuck out farther than the rest of her two-inch waist. It was sick, but you knew Nina wasn’t at all what he was going for. The crazy don’t go for even crazier. Nina was just out of cards. You grumbled.
“Jeff is a pervert, alright? Like… only goes after girls that look like supermodels type shit.” You groaned, refusing to look her in the face. The silence was awkward, you only glanced up to see her lost in thought, that same look she got every time she was contemplating something. “Nina-” But she was already up, already pulling her closet open and shuffling through her clothes. You sat up, trying to get a look at what she was searching for before she pulled it out.
It was a tiny pleated skirt, black and leather that was way too tiny for your liking. She tugged down her patterned skirt, your eyes flicking towards the ceiling quickly to not stare as she stripped. When she stumbled over to her full-length mirror in the corner of her room, you glanced back down, cheeks flushing red. She turned in the mirror, getting good luck with the short shirt that barely even covered anything. Her ass was practically out, the miniskirt just centimeters away from showing her clothed cunt as well. Her panties were purple and pink striped, but you didn’t even have to guess. “Oh, this has to work.” She giggled, shaking her tiny ass teasingly as you shook your head, standing up to meet her. 
“Listen, Nina-” But she was already rushing towards the door, swinging it open as the skirt swayed against her pale skin. “I’m gonna go look for Jeff. Wish me luck!” Before you could say anything else she was out in the hallway, skipping down the stairs and out of view. Jeff was going to kill her if you didn’t first.
You heard the crying before you even saw her. It hadn’t even been an hour, but you groaned as you sat up on Nina’s bed, already knowing exactly what was coming. You stayed in her room, opting for the comforting space in case something like this did happen. 
Bursting through the door, Nina’s mascara-streaked cheeks were flushed from crying. She fell on top of your lap, you were quick to scoop her up and sit her comfortably against you as she cried into your shoulder. You knew it wasn’t going to work, but you were going to kill Jeff anyway. You rubbed her back, shushing her as she sobbed loudly, her tears soaking into your shirt and making you cringe. It was routine at this point. Nina would storm in crying, come up with some new hope as to how to impress Jeff, and then disappear before starting the whole cycle over. But this time, there were no questions of what she should do or pleas for compliments. She only lay there, face tucked into the crook of your neck and crying softly. You continued to rub her back, wondering what in the world had happened to make Nina, the most talkative girl you knew, stay silent. 
“Nina?” You cooed, pushing her shoulders back to get a look at her face. Her cheeks were flushed, mascara smudged against her eyes and running, her jagged smile anything but happy. “Wanna tell me what happened?” She wiped her eyes, unzipped her jacket and tossed it onto the floor before laying down on the bed, dragging you down to lay next to her. You held her close, the dark room giving a nice blanket of comfort around the two of you.
“Well,” She started, sniffling. “He liked it, I guess.” You were stunned honestly, turning to look at her face as she continued. “He was in the living room with the other guys, so I walked through, hoping I would catch his attention. It did, and he followed me down the hall, pushing me into the bathroom. I kind of panicked, so I asked him to stop. I pushed him off of me, but he kept grabbing me, trying to pull my panties down.” Your blood was boiling, hands already pressed against the couch and ready to storm downstairs and give Jeff a piece of your mind, but Nina held you close, keeping you down. “Eventually, I guess he got tired of me fighting and shoved me off. He told me I was an ugly… an ugly bitch and that I was lucky he didn’t embarrass me in front of everyone.” 
Nina went quiet, holding your waist close as she silently cried. You held her close, staring at the ceiling as anger raged inside of you. You knew Jeff was a prick, but to do this to her was uncalled for. You sat up, brushing Nina off as you stormed to the door, but Nina’s arms quickly wrapped around you, pulling you back to her bed. You groaned, glancing at her as she quietly begged you not to say anything. She didn’t want him more upset than he already was. You wanted to tell her off, but you guessed that was her fangirl talking. But against your better instinct, you sat back down, Nina quick to hold you close again. 
Her crying had subsided, small pitiful whines replacing them as she wiped her mascara. It was breaking your heart. “Nina. You have to understand that Jeff is a sick fuck. If you’re not willing to do whatever he says, you’re no good, alright?” You grumbled, rubbing her smeared eyeshadow off of her eyelid. “But you’re beautiful, gorgeous even. You can’t let a man who’s set in his dumbass ways dictate your feelings.” She nodded quietly, staring anywhere but into your worried eyes. You hoped your words had reached her, but as she sat up, determination in her face, you knew your hopes were already useless. 
“You’re right. Jeff isn’t going to like me if I don’t like what he likes.” You rolled your eyes hard, groaning into your hands. “I have to show him I can do it!” She was hopeless. But at least the girl had determination like nothing you ever saw. Nina turned to you, wrapping her hands around your shoulders, excitement in her eyes. “You have to teach me how to kiss.” 
You were taken back a second, eyes scanning her flushed face for any signs of some joke. But she was dead serious, smile wide and goofy and she held you stiff. “Nina, I-” But she was already pressing closer to you, crisscrossed knees pressed flush against yours. “Listen! You’re my best friend, [Y/N]. I need you to teach me how.” She was pleading, bright eyes begging you. This was becoming awkward, your weight shifting uncomfortably in her hands. But if you knew Nina, she wouldn’t stop, no matter how badly she needed to. 
“Fine.” You gritted, her smile lighting up. “But this is it. I’m done with your dumb Jeff fantasies.” You were stern, but it was the only way you knew she would listen. Nina nodded quickly, her body pressing close eagerly. In truth, you had fucked around with some relationships before becoming a full-fledged creep, but you were no expert in the sport. Nina, on the other hand, was completely clueless. As far as you knew, she was a stone-cold virgin, her obsession with Jeff giving her some fucked up chastity belt for the killer. You figured you would rather her go in somewhat familiar with the whole deal than get laughed out. 
You brushed your hair off your shoulders, focusing in on her as you spoke delicately. “Firstly, just follow me, or, Jeff, I guess. Don’t try to force anything, just let your lips glide with his. He’s probably going to be pretty rough, but I want you to just learn how to go slow first.” It was like teaching someone how to drive, except you were all nervous and hot. Nina didn’t seem fazed as she mentally jotted down what you were telling her, excitement running through her small frame. You smiled nervously, unsure how to initiate the whole thing. “So, I guess just… uhm…” You sat forward, eyes glancing nervously between Nina’s big eyes and her lip-glossed lips, wrapping your hands around her forearms. From this angle, it was almost impossible not to get a full shot of her panties from the tiny skirt she still wore. You blushed, focusing on her before leaning forward, her eyes flicking excitingly at your lips. “Just do what I do…” You mumbled, your lips inches from hers. 
When Nina pressed forward quickly, finally closing the distance, it shocked you. Your heart was pounding in your ears, fingers gripping her arms nervously as you began to slide your lips against her smooth ones. Her lipgloss tasted sweet, both of your eyes fluttering shut as you tried to slowly make out with her. Nina was pressing close, her lips moving just a little too eagerly for your pace, so you had to slow her down. Letting her arms go, you slid your hands on either side of her head, tangling your fingers in her dark hair and angling her head, guiding her lips to move against yours easily. She happily complied, her hands reaching up to cup yours as her lips followed yours nicely. You were making out eagerly, every brush of your lips more electric than you thought it was supposed to be. But you had little time to contemplate your confusion as Nina slid her arms around your neck and swung her leg over your thighs, straddling you as she refused to let off your lips. 
This was quickly spiralling out of control, but when Nina’s little breathy whines broke through every gap in your kissing, your resolve was beginning to melt. Your hands slid to her waist, her thin body pressed close onto yours. You were both breathing heavily, chests pressed against each other as you practically swallowed the other in heavy kisses. This was becoming too much for her, Nina’s whines growing louder as you peeked your eyes open, seeing her brows knitted roughly. You slid your hand against her cheek, pushing her back as you both caught your breath, lips swollen and cheeks red. “Uh-” You panted, quickly becoming aware of the position the two of you were in and growing anxious. Nina only smiled, scanning your face as she caught her breath, wiping her lips off her sweet lipgloss. “I think… I think I need one more example.” She giggled, eyes heavy as she leaned back in slowly. You nodded, unsure of what you were even thinking as you slipped your hand into the back of her hair, fisting it softly. Nina smiled back into the kiss, her lips dancing with yours comfortably. You were just helping her learn. So of course you needed to show her every possible scenario that Jeff was going to throw her way.
At least that’s what you told yourself as you gripped your hands under the thighs, flipping the two of you over and pressing her back into the bed. Nina giggled, her arms gripping your shoulders tight as you pressed against her lips hard, roughly tugging her bottom lip with your teeth. “Jeff’s… probably- ah, probably going to be rough. So you gotta… gotta be ready.” You panted against her lips, placing your arms on either side of her head as you nestled between her legs. She nodded, moving away from your lips to press her swollen lips against the corner of your mouth, pecking slowly down to your neck. You gasped, her sweet chaste kisses sending goosebumps against your skin. “Ah- Nina-”
“It’s okay,” She purred, placing her wet kiss under your chin. “I’m just trying to, ah, see what I should try on Jeff.” You couldn’t protest any logical answer as she slid her hands under your shirt, her cold fingers scratching gently and making you groan. “Yeah… yeah that makes sense…” You whined, Nina’s hands pulling your shirt over your head and tossing it to the side. She pushed your shoulders back, rolling you over so she was straddling your lap again, your back pressed against her bed. “Like, I wonder…” Nina’s face was red as she slid down, her lips pressing sweetly against your chest and down in between your tits. “Would Jeff like this?” You glanced down nervously as she palmed your bra, kneading your tits in her delicate hands. Your face exploded with heat, a small gasp falling from your lips as she pushed your bra up off your tits, letting the mounds fall exposed. You glanced at her nervously, unsure if you should draw a line. This wasn’t a learning experience anymore, this was a horny virgin finally getting to release herself. And who were you, as her best friend, to deny her that feeling?
You let yourself relax, reaching behind your back to unclip your bra and sliding it off your chest, Nina’s eager eyes watching closely. “I don’t know. Maybe try and see if he would…” You purred, Nina leaning down quickly to grip your tit, licking your nipple and sighing at the feeling of the nub on her tongue. “I think Jeff would be sensitive… I would like that…” She cooed, rolling your perky nipples between her cool fingers and purring as you squirmed. She watched you closely, her hips slowly beginning to grind down against your crotch as she took your right tit in her mouth, sucking lazily. You tangled your fingers in her smooth hair, tugging lightly as she sucked and nibbled on your already sensitive flesh. She groaned, brows furrowing as she fought to stay sucking on your tit like a kitten. It was overwhelming, your skin hot and flushed as you squirmed under her. 
When she finally popped off for air, you took your chance and pushed her up, smashing your lips back against her as you tugged on her hoodie, tugging the purple fabric over her head and smiling when she whined. She wasn’t wearing anything underneath, her bare skin and small tits exposed against her pale skin. You leaned forward, her hands pushing on your shoulders as you kissed her chest, pushing her back onto the sheets. Her dark room made her flushed skin look so pretty and supple under your kisses, her skin coming to life with goosebumps as you kissed down further. That stupid miniskirt was riding up, basically covering nothing as you tugged it down her thighs, tossing it to the floor as you spread her knees, her small whines making you blush. The purple and pink panties she wore matched nicely with her thigh-highs, her pale thighs shaking slightly as you smiled at her already evident arousal. “I think,” You cooed, unbuttoning your pants and sliding them down your legs, your dark panties contrasting nicely with hers. “Jeff would enjoy eating you out… Getting you ready before he fucked you…” You grinned, running your thumb along the wet spot on her panties and making her whine behind her hands. She nodded slowly though, letting your hands press her knees apart as you tugged her panties down, careful to keep her thigh-highs rolled up. Your heart was thumping as you nestled between her thighs, Nina’s already dripping cunt pink and cute, just like her. Your own arousal was pounding between your legs, but as a good friend, you had to put her first.
Rubbing your fingers against her clit, you leaned in, teasing her entrance with your tongue. She was already a squirming mess, back arching and knees clasping together as you licked against her folds, tasting her sweet arousal. You rubbed her clit slowly as you dipped your tongue past her entrance, chasing that addicting taste of her. Nina moaned out, her hands tangling in your hair and tugging as you curled against her walls. Her arousal gushed against your tongue, your own pants mixing with her moans as you ate her out eagerly. You couldn’t think straight, Nina’s breathy pleas to go faster making your head spin. It wasn’t long before you were gripping her thighs, nails digging into her pale skin as you tongue-fucked Nina quickly. You moved quickly between flicking your tongue against her sweet clit and dipping past her tight folds back into her warm walls. Her taste was heavenly, your eyes squeezed shut as you begged your tongue to press further, doing anything to hear her sweet moans ring in your head. 
Her hips were bucking, your tongue curling sharply against her tight walls until you felt her cry out, warm arousal rushing against your tongue. You chased her orgasm, lapping up every sweet flavor that danced on your tongue until she was gripping her thighs tightly around your head. You refused to let up, even when her walls clamped so tight you had to move to her clit, you still licked long stripes, relishing in the way her hips bucked against the sensitivity. “[Y/N]! God- please-” She begged, pulling against your hair desperately. But only when you felt like you had tasted every inch of her did you let up, panting heavily as she whined. You slid up her body, wrapping your arm around her waist as you pressed your lips against hers, shoving your tongue into her warm mouth and begging her to taste how sweet she was. “Taste… so good, Nina…” You whined, grinding your clothed cunt down against hers. 
Nina sucked on your tongue, swirling hers into your mouth and swapping spit. You were both groaning, hands rubbing against each other’s bodies until your cunt desperately begged against your panties. You raised up, Nina whining as you let off her mouth but smiling when she saw you sliding your panties off your thighs and onto the floor. “I think…” She panted, tugging you closer to her. “That Jeff would want, uh, a blowjob, right? I think it’s time he got a little rough…” She smiled nervously, tugging you to straddle her face. You smiled eagerly, nodding your approval as you positioned your knees on either side of her head, spreading your throbbing cunt with your fingers and watching as Nina blushed wildly. She was quick to wrap her arms around your thighs and pull you down, shoving her warm tongue against your cunt. You groaned, her tongue sliding against your clit and flicking gently. She tried desperately to mimic your actions, sliding her tongue against your folds before pressing into your entrance, moaning at your taste. Sighing, you sat down further, letting Nina’s tongue lap at your sensitive walls until you were grinding down lowly, hands resting against your thighs to keep yourself steady. Nina was kneading your ass, her nails scratching against your skin as she delved deeper, curling her tongue the best she could. It was heaven, your clit throbbing hard as she moaned against you. 
As much as you would have liked to let her eat you out some more, you needed to feel her, bad. All sense of what Jeff would’ve wanted to be damned, you needed to feel her yourself. Pulling off of her tongue, she whined, chasing your thighs before you laid back against the bed, gripping her arms to straddle your waist. “Need you, Nina… I mean, Jeff- Ah, whatever. I need to feel you.” You groaned, Nina’s heavy eyes watching you carefully as you spread your legs, pushing her hips back until your folds slid against each other. When your clits bumped, Nina moaned, her hands reaching down to grip your tits, rolling the mounds in her hands. You gripped her hips tightly, tugging her hips to rub her sensitive cunt against yours. “Fu- Fuck me… [Y/N], please…” She ground her hips down, riding your cunt easily. You leaned your head back, watching through hooded eyes as Nina pulsed her hips, your clits rubbing against each other roughly until you were both squirming. 
If you had a cock, you’d pound the poor girl, leaving her breathless. But as she stuttered her hips against your soaked cunt, you couldn’t help but push your legs apart further, pressing your hips up against hers. You tugged her hips up off of you, nails gripping her pale skin until you pushed them back down quickly, repeating until you were bounding her hips against yours. Your clits slammed together quickly, both of you crying out at the sensitive impact. You felt her arousal dripping from her cunt, her soaked folds pressing against yours. “Gonna fuck your cute little cunt with mine- Gonna, ah, make you cum way harder than Jeff’s dumb cock could.” You gritted out, every time you pulled her hips down you quickly ground up against her clit, making her cry out. Nina’s fingers fiddled with your nipples, her jaw hanging open as sweet moans spilt from her lips. “Oh, yes- fuck! Make me cum!” She whined, clit bouncing on yours roughly. She was panting hard, her small tits bouncing cutely as she rode your cunt, chasing her orgasm. “Yeah? Go on, Nina. Come on me, let me feel it. Let Jeff know how good it feels.” You coaxed her, teeth gritted as you held her hips down, sensitive nubs rubbing roughly against one another. 
Nina’s eyes rolled hard, her back arching sharply until she was crying out. You felt her warm arousal spill down onto your cunt, her loud moans and whines enough to push you over yourself. Stuttering your hips against hers, you held her tight, arousal crashing into you roughly. You both whined loudly, your grip guiding her hips to slowly grind down against your clit, chasing your orgasm. 
When Nina finally collapsed on top of you, you both breathed heavily, chests heaving as sweat dripped down your cheeks. Nina’s face was flushed and hot, her heavy eyes laying next to yours as you stared at her, admiring her fucked-out expression. You wrapped your arms around her waist, sliding her off of you and to your side, hugging her tightly against your waist. Finally catching your breath, you pressed small kisses against her cheeks, her skin hot under your lips. She smiled softly, heavy eyes evident of her tiredness. You brushed her bangs from her face, tucking her messy hair behind her ear as she snuggled in close to your side, breathing deeply. 
“Get some sleep.” You whispered, pulling the messy sheets over the two of you as your sweaty bodies pressed close. You rubbed her back, sighing as you watched her bright eyes close. Maybe Nina was a hopeless romantic. But as her friend, her best friend, you were always willing to put her first. No matter what. 
Nina wouldn’t realize that you had slipped out of bed hours later, her soft snores making you smile as you redressed yourself. She also wouldn’t realize until she woke that Jeff was screaming in agony a couple of yards from the mansion, arguing with you to let him go. 
But when he returned to the mansion with a couple of broken fingers and a black eye, she wouldn’t have to guess who did it.
This was an anonymous request!
Comments and reblogs are appreciated! 𐚁₊⊹
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ravenslvt · 7 months
in love with your writing and politely requesting afab reader x Leon. basically reader was in a shitty controlling relationship before getting with Leon. her ex would isolate her & wouldn’t let her talk to her friends & family, would control what she wore, wouldn’t let her go out, etc.
when her and Leon are getting ready to go out to dinner with some friends, she’s already nervous about the fact they’re going out with friends. on top of that she silently frets over wanting to wear a dress that shows some cleavage and her back, worried Leon will make her change/call her an attention whore for dressing that way like her ex did. but instead he comforts her and reassures her sweetly and also with a quickie before dinner
☆ leon s kennedy x f!reader ☆
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cw: mentions of past toxic relationship, comforting, smut, body worshiping, unprotected sex, short and simple
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you sigh looking in the full body mirror in front of you. your nerves on edge.
the dress your boyfriend had bought you looked good on you, maybe too good you thought. the flattering neckline exposed your cleavage while the back of the dress was low cut, revealing your back. you were scared leon might not like it or want you to wear something more modest.
the furrow in your brow was obvious to leon as he walked into his room. on instinct, your arms cross against your chest to cover yourself as he walks in. you practically spent everynight at his apartment at this point. he walks up behind you, wrapping his strong arms around your middle and bringing you close to him.
“everything ok?” he softly asks, moving your hair to the side to give your neck a small kiss. his eyes glued to your dress in the mirror. “you look beautiful, baby” one of his cold hands moves down to your bare back, giving you chills.
“i was gonna put a jacket on, it might be too much for a fancy restaurant…” you say, a frown on your face. you just stared at yourself. you knew if this was a year ago, your ex would be telling you how desperate you were for wearing something so revealing. how you were basically begging for other mens attention.
you were so happy when you met leon, he was completley obsessed with you since the first day you met. but still, the memories of your past always lingered in your mind in situations like these.
leon noticed the way your thoughts wondered and he hugged you tigher. “c’mon. you look absolutely gorgeous. i can’t wait to show you off to all our friends, they’re gonna be so jealous i’m the one taking you home” he chuckles lightly, kissing down your cheek.
“are you sure? what if it’s cold… maybe i can just-“ you start, but he cuts you off with more kisses.
you giggle “leonn, you’re gonna smear my makeup” you try to swat him away, but he just holds you tighter.
“can’t i show my beautiful girlfriend some love, hmm?” he continues kissing your face, moving down to your neck.
“if you keep this up, we’re gonna be late” you pout, but don’t protest his actions. he just smiles, sucking a small hickey onto your neck like a horny teenager. you just lean back into him as his hands run up and down your body.
you whine and crane your head to look up at him when he cups your breasts through your dress with his large hands.
“god, what did i do to deserve you, princess?” he groans. you could feel something hard against your ass and you gasped his name. the way he could get hard just from looking at you.
“let me show you how much you mean to me.” he slowly grinded his errection into your rear, making you mewl.
he pulled away, making you pout. you turn around and he sat on the bed that faced the large mirror. your eyebrow raised curiously. he just hold out a hand for you to grab onto and you oblige. as soon as your hands meet, he kisses your knuckles before pulling you onto the bed with him, making you let out a yelp of suprise. he pins you under him, a blissed out look on his face. he was so entranced with everything you do.
he finally kisses your lips feverishly, like he couldn’t pull away. you knew your lipgloss was ruined by now, but neither of you seemed to mind.
he bit your lip and you gasped. he chuckled from how responsive you always were, kissing you even deeper. his lips pull back to trail down your body. your jaw, neck, chest, breasts. he carefully bunches your long dress up to your waist, careful not to wrinkle the expensive fabric. even if he did ruin it, he’d buy you as many more as you wanted.
the cool air hit your bare legs, your panties on display for him. they were the same color as the dress, making him smile. ‘so cute’ he thought. you giggle as he kisses down your stomach, a bit ticklish. he was at your thighs, kissing and giving small bites to the plush skin. you perch up on your elbows to get a better view. your boyfriend was so handsome. with every kiss he left in his wake, he gave praises.
“you’re so perfect. you’re all i ever need” he repeats until his lips hover over your clothed pussy. you give him a pleading look and grip his dirty blonde hair, making him smile. he rips your panties down your legs, stuffing them in his pockets, making you gasp.
“leonnn, i need those!” you exclaim. he just chuckles and gives your dampened cunt a kiss. he has to pin your thighs down to prevent them from squirming around. he licks a long stripe up your folds, making you shiver. his tounge flicks your clit, hardening his tounge to circle it, making you tug at his hair.
he starts to suck at your sensitive bud, making you practically scream out. he circles your tight hole with one of his long fingers, slowly inserting it, making you whine out into the bedroom air. his finger pumps in and out, adding another, sending you over the edge.
you chant his name as you shake in his hold, his fingers basically jackhammering into you as is lips sucked your clit expertly. he knew your body inside and out at this point.
“fuck leon! i’m gonna cum, baby, i’m-“ you cut yourself on with a boderline pornographic scream as you clench around his fingers, soaking his face and hand with your wetness. he fucks you through your orgasm until you’re pushing at his head, panting. he reluctantly pulled away, shoving his fingers in his mouth, licking himself clean. you groan from the sight. the sheets under you were soaked.
“kiss me” you mumble, reaching your hands out for him. he smiles and leans up to give you a kiss. you groan as you taste yourself on his tounge. he was almost crushing you with his strong body, you could feel his large cock straining against his suit pants. your hands unbutton his trousers, trying to push them down his hips. “off” you say into his mouth. he obeys, standing for a moment to take his pants and boxers off. his cock standing proudly as he stroked himself. no matter how many times you’ve seen it, you will never get over his sheer size. you were suprised it fit everytime you guys fucked.
he hooks his arms under your legs, pulling you closer to him so he could line himself up with your hole. he dragged his weeping cock up and down your slick folds, lubricanting himself. “stop teasing” you whine, shifting your hips to try and get him inside. he leans down to kiss you and slowly enters you, his thick cock giving you a delicious stretch even with all the foreplay. you gasp once he fully bottoms out, his cock already hitting the spot deep inside of you. “you always feel so perfect” he almost growls out, feeling your walls around him.
you moan his name as his hips slap against you, thrusting in and out over and over. he groans at the sight of your tits bouncing in your dress. he paws at them, squeezing and groping. “fuck, baby. i wanna be inside you forever” he practically whines. his praises going straight to your messy pussy. he was already emberassingly close from how fucking hot you looked and how good you felt. his thumb went to pinch your clit, making you squeeze around him. “s’big leon ohmygod” your eyes shut closed as you felt the overwhelming pleasure starting to take over. his plushy tip hitting your soft spot with every thrust.
“gonna cum all over my cock, princess? c’mon i know you can do it, pretty” his thrusts only get harder and faster as the speed of his thumb on your clit quickens. you scream out his name as you cum around him, the overstimulation feeling so so good.
he rides out your orgasm until his hips sputter, cuming inside of you deeply with a loud moan of your name. he collapses on top of you, his dick softening inside of you. “leon, can’t breathe” you hit his shoulder lightly. he just chuckles and sits up, pulling out of you before kissing you again. he admired your fucked out state, your makeup completley ruined now. he takes a few tissues, kissing your thighs before cleaning up the area around your ruined pussy. you yelp as his tounge enters your sensitive hole, lapping the mixture of your release up with his skilled tounge. once he was done, he carefully puts your dress back on. he cleans up the mascara that was running down your cheek, and the smeared lip gloss around your mouth.
“thank you” you softly smile at him, sitting up and fixing your messy hair. “for what?” he tucks himself back into his dress pants, looking back at you. “for being the best boyfriend, i guess” you giggle, slowly scooting off the bed. there was an intense throbbing in your lower area, making you hiss. he chuckles, giving you one last kiss and helping you fix yourself up. “don’t gotta thank me, baby. i don’t know how i could live without you” he reaches out his hand.
“now c’mon. we’re already late” he stands and helps you up, your legs a bit shakey.
“give me my underwear” you hold out your hand for him to give them back. he gives a smug smile, just grabbing your hand and kissing your knuckles again.
“not a chance” he smirks.
a/n: thank u for this request!!! i wrote this all in one sitting for once it was mostly smut but i can’t help it, i’m obsessed w him.
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igotyupls · 2 months
From Stress To Bliss
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[[kinda sucks pre disclaimer ig, it got lame, i lost my touch apologies people.] WC: 1878 It had been a long, exhausting day for Y/N, the up-and-coming 4th gen idol. The constant pressure of maintaining his image, the gruelling schedules, and the relentless hate, criticisms from fat ass keyboard warriors and the other torment from the public had taken a heavy toll on him. As he trekked back to his apartment, all he wanted was to collapse in his bed and escape the stresses of his demanding career.
Little did he know, his girlfriend Hanni had other plans. The petite, hottie idol had noticed her boyfriend’s low mood and was determined to lift it even amidst of her skyrocketing career. She had been waiting patiently for him, her heart racing with anticipation and a naughty glint in her eye.
As Y/N unlocked the door and stepped inside, he was immediately yanked in a warm hug. "Babe, you're home!" Hanni called out , her voice filled with genuine concern. "I've been waiting for you. I can tell you've had a rough day." She pulled back slightly to stare up at him, her delicate features scrunched in a pouty frown.
Y/N couldn't help but feel a burst of love for this tiny girl who knew him so well. "Yeah, it's been a real shit show," he murmured relaxing his shoulders. "I just want to forget about it all and relax."
Hanni's pouty lips turned into a sly smile. "Well, I think I know just the thing to help you relax," she murmured smooth like a cat, her fingers trailing down his chest. Without letting him reply , she got up on her tippy toes and put her lips on his, tongue sliding out to play with his.
Y/N was caught off guard, still jumpy from his hectic day, but he quickly melted into the kiss, his arms encircling Hanni's non existent waist, pulling her closer. The regular scent of her perfume and the softness of her body against him making him hard and lovey all at the same time.
As they pulled back, both panting slightly, Hanni looked up at him with lusty eyes. "Let me take care of you, baby," she murmured, her fingers quickly unbuttoning his shirt. "I want to make you feel good."
Y/N couldn't stop a pleased hum as Hanni's thin fingers touched his bare chest, her touch making his dick rock solid in blank time. "Fuck, Hanni," he murmured, his hands sliding down to grope her hips. "You're so damn hot, irresistible even."
Hanni giggled cuntily, her teeth softly biting his earlobe. "That's the point," she whispered, her warm breath tickling his ear. And then without a warning, she’s dropping to her knees, her pretty eyes locked to his as she slowly unzips and unbuckles his belt and zipper.
Y/N's heart hammering in his chest, dick trying to rip out of its confinement  as Hanni's skinny fingers gently touched his hardening dick. "Hanni..." he grunted , his fingers messing up her soft hair.
"Shhh," she hushed him, her tongue poking out to kitten lick the tip. "Just let me take care of you, baby." With that, she gobbled up half his dick in the warm, wet cave of her mouth, her eyes shiny with teenage hormones
Y/N's head fell back, a horny moan echoing as Hanni's tongue swirls and licks his leaky tip. The tension and stress of the day leaving his body and getting replaced by a rising tide of horniness that is about to eat him up.
Hanni's movements were slow and on purpose, her eyes never leaving his face as she worked him with practised precision like a hitman. She knew exactly how to drive him nuts, alternating between long, lazy licks and teasing flicks of her tongue, almost like a snakes slither.
Y/N's fingers scrunched in her hair, his hips bucking unintentionally as his body tightened in the underbelly. "Fuck, Hanni... I'm not gonna last," he groaned, his voice graty with lust.
Hanni hummed around him, the vibrations sending his nerve endings going nuts through his body. She sped up her pace like the tiktok edits of songs, her head bobbing in tune that only she hears as she takes him deeper.
Y/N's world shrunk until the only thing on his mind was Hanni's mouth on Y/N junior, the tension in his balls growing and growing until finally, he cums with a warcry, his semen shooting down her throat.
Hanni swallowed every last drop, her eyes shiny with happiness at getting Y/N to relax. As Y/N's shaking lowered, she slowly pulled back, licking her lips with a happy hum. "Feel better, baby?" she cooed, her voice dripping with confidence.
Y/N could only nod, his mind still foggy from the orgasm. "Damn, Hanni... That was... incredible," he murmured, his breathing still panting.
Hanni beamed, clearly pleased with herself. "I'm glad I could help you chill out," she said, getting to her feet and pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. "Now, why don't you go get comfortable while I reheat something to eat? You must be hangry."
Y/N couldn't help but chuckle at her endless energy. "You're the best, you know that?" he murmured, pulling her into a tight hug, chin resting on her head.
Hanni giggled, her arms wrapping around his waist. "I know," she teased, pressing a tiny kiss to the tip of his nose. "Now go, I'll take care of everything."
With a satisfied sigh, Y/N stepped out of his pants at his ankles and allowing Hanni to drag him towards the bedroom, his heart all fuzzy with love and thankfulness for this amazing girl who made this shit of a day so much better.
As he got onto the bed butt naked while tossing his unbuttoned shirt across the room, his mind thought about how lucky he was to have Hanni in his life. She was his rock, his best friend, and the one person who could always make him feel better, no matter how rough the day was, even with her career that is more famous than his ever will be.
Lost in his head, Y/N didn't notice Hanni's come in until she was standing before him, a tray of reheated left overs, "Dinner is served, babyboo," she stated, her voice all lovey dovey,
Y/N's stomach squeezed and made noise in response, as he gave her a big smile. "You really are the perfect girlfriend, you know that?" he said, pulling her down beside him.
Hanni giggled, snuggling up to his side. "I do my best," she murmured, her fingers drawing on his chest. "Now, eat up. You're going to need your energy for later."
Y/N raised an eyebrow, a teasing grin on his face. "Is that so?" he teased, his hand sliding down to squeeze her thigh.
Hanni's breath jerked softly, she leaned in to whisper in his ear. "Oh, you have no idea, baby," she whispered teasingly, smooching his ear tip. "The night is still young, and I'm just getting started." she murmured, pressing a rough kiss to his lips, turning him on more than before. As their makeout grew longer, Y/N put the tray of food on the nightstand blindly,
before Y/N's hands got all up on Hanni's small frame, ready to touch every inch of her. He gaped at how perfectly she fit into him, her soft skin, smooth curves morphing into his bigger, more harder frame. 
Hanni let out a soft, relaxed sigh, her fingers fistimg in his hair as she shoves herself closer. The tray of food left to get cold.
Y/N's lips moved down her neck, pulling a shiver from Hanni. "You feel so good, baby," he murmured, his voice low and grating with horniness. His hands snaked up her dress, stroking the smooth skin of her back.
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Hanni pushed into his palm, a moan leaving her lips. "Y/N..." she croaked out, her nails scratching his scalp. "I want you so badly."
The raw lust in her voice sends testosterones rushing everywhere in Y/N's body. He came back up to her lips, his tongue sliding in her mouth and dancing with hers as his hands quickly got to work unbuttoning her dress.
Y/N's hands raved over her body, memorising every slide, dip and bulge. Hanni's breath shaky as he cupped her small tits, his rough thumbs teasing her sensitive nipples.
"You're so fucking gorgeous," Y/N hummed, his lips going back down her neck to bite at the pale skin. Hanni's back now arching, her hands sliding down his head to his shoulders, nails digging as waves of hormones went erupting inher.
"Then take me, Y/N," she cooed, her voice drizzling with need. "I'm yours."
Y/N almost leaped forward, kissing her roughly as he slowly lined his dick to her dripping cunt,
Hanni's breath getting stuck in her throat, her eyes blinking shut as she took in the feeling of him balls deep in her. Y/N stopped, letting her adjust to his size, his forehead resting against hers.
"You feel so good, baby," he murmured, his hips rocking in a gentle sway. Hanni let out a soft moan ’mmm’, her legs wrapping around his waist to pull him closer.
But soon Their movements grew more wild, the room filled with the sounds of their shaky breathing and the slide of skin on skin. Hanni's nails scratching down Y/N's back, bringing a groan from the deep end of his vocal chord.
"Fuck, Hanni," he panted, his pumps becoming more unstable as the squeeze in his stomach get tighter and tighter. "I'm not gonna last much longer."
Hanni's eyes opened teasingly, her lips changing into a cunty smile. "Then don't hold back, baby," she purred, sounding more like a cam girl then the innocent idol she acts like on camera, her hips rolling in sync with his. "I want to feel every last cum shot."
Y/N's control snapped with her slutty words, as he pounds into her, his only thoughts are of Hanni's body and the sound of her breathless mewls.
Hanni met his every pump, her pussy clenching around him as she scoot closer and closer towards her own orgasm. The room was thick with the smell of their fucking, and the bed creaked under their frantic pumps and rolls.
Finally, with a panting groan, Y/N reached his max, his hips shuttering as he spurt deep inside Hanni. The feel of his hot seed filling her sent Hanni tripping over the edge, her body shaking and twitching with the force of her orgasm.
They clung to each other, their limbs tangled, as the aftershocks of their orgasms  ripped inside them. Hanni's fingers writing and drawing soothing patterns on Y/N's back, her lips pressing soft kisses to his sweat-y  forehead.
"That... was incredible," Y/N murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. Hanni giggled, giddy inside with a mix of satisfaction and love.
"I told you I'd take care of you, didn't I?" she teased, her fingers running down his chest. Y/N chuckled, pulling her even closer and putting a soft kiss to her lips. As their pants slowed and heart rates went to normal, They relaxed in the afterglow of their fucking. Air still heavy with the smell of semen, sweat and the sound of soft sighs and breaths, relaxing Hanni’s mind raved over everything and nothing, while in turn Y/N's fingers messaged her temple lazily, as they softly drifted to sleep, food gone cold on the nightstand.
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wileys-russo · 7 months
alanna kennedy, “my left side is my best side”, golden hour beach
golden hour II a.kennedy
"mac gimme a piggyback!" you launched yourself onto the taller girl who grunted and stumbled forward slightly, hurrying to grab your legs as your arms wrap around her neck.
"can't your girlfriend do this?" the goalkeeper sighed, alanna a hundred or so metres ahead deep in conversation with ellie and hayley.
"don't act like you don't miss me when we're not on camp maccy." you cooed pinching her cheeks, the other girls turning to make their way down the stairs and onto the beach.
you'd grown up playing football with the goalkeeper and it was her who introduced you to alanna long before the two of you even started dating, but from day one you couldn't help but be drawn to the tall blondes confidence.
"right freeloader off! rides over." mackenzie dropped you down to your feet, racing onto the beach after caitlin who had taken peach off the leash, all of you playing a friendly in wollongong against portugal the coming weekend.
"don't you dare!" you stopped mid step, foot hovering above the sand as your girlfriend appeared. "my vintage dunks are not getting sandy or wet." alanna warned sternly as you gave her an innocent smile, forever raiding her extensive closet which may as well have been just as much yours as hers.
"piggyback then? turn around." you gestured as the blonde simply scoffed. "yeah you wish babe, sit." you nearly fell backwards as her hands fell to your shoulders and pushed you to sit on the stairs.
"lani!" you protested as your girlfriend pulled your shoes off, swatting your feet away as you tried to kick her away. "seriously? i'm not walking around barefoot its freezing!" you scowled as she shrugged.
"stop stealing my shoes then." the blonde smirked, holding them hostage in one hand as the other was extended for you to take. "give me yours then, they're already sandy." you bargained nodding down to the shoes on her own feet.
"why should i walk around barefoot? like you said babe, its freezing." the blonde scoffed as you fixed her with a firm look. "would you like to get laid in the next two weeks alanna?" you warned, her smile dropping and you could have laughed at the speed in which her shoes were stripped off and shoved onto your feet.
"you're like a horny teenage boy." you shook your head in disbelief, accepting her hand up. "well when your girlfriends as hot as mine is, you just can't help it babe." alanna smirked, lightly smacking your ass and stealing a kiss before you could tell her off.
stepping down onto the sand you watched a look of disgust cross the blondes face as she did the same. "why didn't you take your socks off you freak!" you laughed as she groaned.
"fuck i don't know i didn't think about it." she moaned in annoyance, handing you the shoes you'd previously been wearing and bending down to slip her socks off. "lani!" you shrieked as she tossed them at you with a grin.
"you're such a child." you shoved the shoes into her chest and took off walking, hearing her follow after you with an amused chuckle.
"work it for the camera, work it!" caitlin yelled out in a funny accent, mackenzie off running with peach and ellie as hayley posed for photos in front of the water and you all gassed her up. "oi el!" the brunette yelled as the defender zapped past and pushed her, sending her tumbling onto her ass.
"fuck now my jeans are all wet. ellie!" hayley took off after her with a growl, peach sprinting with them. "let me guess. you want trio photos?" you sighed as three phones were thrust toward you, the sunset meaning for optimal lighting as the mostly empty beach was bathed in a soft golden glow.
"would you like me to take these before its dark?" you smiled in amusement as the three girls bickered back and forth about how to pose and who to stand, finally falling into some sort of agreement as you snapped at least fifty pictures.
"okay. our turn!" alanna clapped, grabbing your hand as you hastily passed the phone to caitlin before you were dragged into your girlfriends strong hold.
"c'mere sexy." you squealed as suddenly your legs were wrapped around her waist and you clung onto her shoulders as she teasingly pretended to drop you. "now kiss me like you love me." the blonde grinned before puckering her lips expectantly.
"wait! my left side is my best side." alanna pulled back right before you could kiss her, your eyes rolling as did her best friends as she turned so her left side faced the camera.
"babe that was your cue to go 'oh lani baby you don't have a best side, they're both equally as gorgeous'." your girlfriend reminded, making a face as she clearly awaited the words to fall from your mouth which only curled into a smile.
"just shut up and kiss me you freak."
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divinehedons · 1 year
call it fate, call it karma
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next: hard to explain | masterlist
pairing: bd!joel miller x f!reader
word count: ~4.3k
summary: it’s summer. and on a weekend visit to your college beau, you meet a texan contractor with wandering eyes. what he sees is what he wants. what happens if he wants you?
warnings: this is a dark, explicit fic, minors DO NOT interact. big, girthy age gap (reader is in her early twenties, joel is in his late 40s to early 50s), masturbation, possible dubious consent, explicit p-in-v sex, fingering, cheating(? but it's mutual HAHAHA). please let me know if i missed anything!
reblogs and comments are much appreciated, please let me know what you think!
Finals, madness, nights of mindless regurgitating, and finally, peace. Emerging from your last exam and into the allure of summer break, you try and picture the weekend you had planned with Christopher: a weekend at his father's house, with the promise of a pool and actually, finally spending time together, and driving you home by Monday while he returns to his mother's place.
The two of you pull into Texas, discussing what to have for lunch, whether or not you should bring some for his father. "It'll be nice, no?" you tell him as you add the extra box of pizza. "And hey, if he doesn't want it, let's devour it over movies in your room." He smiles at you, and you ruffle his hair just as he parks in front of the familiar house.
When you're reintroduced to the older mister Miller, you see him at the tail-end of a phone call just as your presence is announced. "You've met before, we had her at Thanksgiving," Christopher reminds, carrying your bags in. 
You hear a woman's voice, just slightly, from the phone (... mean it, no strange women…), mister Miller looking up with a rushed, "I got it, I got it…" before finally setting the phone down. He offers you a warm smile, nodding in recognition before welcoming his son with a shoulder squeeze. He says your name, and you try not to smile at the way he says it with that almost-indistinguishable drawl of his. "Still not tired of him, sweet pea?"
You remember that Thanksgiving. How you and mister Miller bonded over when you drove Chris's car back and panicked over a flat tire you caused while he was off with some buddies. You bonded because he taught you how to fix a tire that afternoon, him laughing at your small hands struggling with such big boy paraphernalia as you coined it.
You smile back at him and shake his hand. "Thanks for letting me stay over the weekend, sir," you say just as your partner disappears upstairs to set down your things. Just then, he tuts, taking a slice out of one of the pizza boxes, along with a newly opened bottle of beer.
"Told ya, doll. It's just Joel. Don't have too much fun, yeah?"
Joel didn't mean to stare when he last saw you. When you were kneeling over, lowering the jack after he taught you how to change a tire. You were in your colleague sweater, but your pants… dear God, your pants. Your pants that perfectly hugged the curve of your ass struck him dumb. He barely managed to shake himself out of it to tell you that youbdid a good job.
But since then, he had been imagining your ass. It's as if the sight of a college girl turned him right back to a drooling, horny teenager that never had enough. He did keep his hands to himself, never making a move. And he would've been happy to let you and Christopher be if he didn't start picturing you in those lonely nights when the house is quiet and he has his cock in his hand.
But it was impossible.
Just the thought of your ass cheeks red, bearing a handprint that perfectly fit the contours of his own hands, your curves, your flesh, the smell of your skin— such was the callings of his desire as he bursts, imagining that glass-eyed look on your face if you were taking his cock.
There was no shame in it, when he did finally give in to his desires. How could he not? You had fuck eyes for days, eyes that, if he was being completely honest, would damn God himself to the very gates of hell. There was no shame, too, when he realized just how much his own son wasn't taking care of you.
So seeing you again, now sprawled in a lovely little swimsuit as his own son holds you by your waist as you wade into the pool. He watches from the kitchen, knowing his looks would go unnoticed in the shade. It was burning outside, and it was still Friday. The street was quiet with everyone still away for school and work. He just couldn't stay away from you. When Christopher told him you were with him, he had cancelled plans, even work, on a Friday, under the pretense of bad health and multiple other excuses. He knows, for a fact, that he'd take every chance to see those fuck eyes of yours even if you never asked.
He knows, too, if he was getting you in his bed, he had to be creative about it.
Still, Christopher could be a little more discreet. Instead, there you were, nodding to him as he corners you in his own pool in his own house, reaching down to pull your bottoms aside to fuck up into you. He's gotten to know your quirks enough. How your creased brows indicate your frustration. Or how your shoulders tense from apprehension. And right there, where Christopher attempts to find his own orgasm without even a care in the world for your own, you're so frigid he would think you bathed in the Arctic.
The charade doesn't last long. Three minutes, by his count, until you're pulling away, swimming to the nearest floatie to lounge while Christopher tires himself out with a few laps. It's then that Joel pretends to swoop in, bringing out a few drinks in service of the two of you, slipping on some sunglasses so you wouldn't notice him ogling your willing body as you thank him.
"Got you that grape drink you liked last time, doll. Help yourself to more in the fridge if you want it."
"Thanks m-" he lowers his glasses to playfully raise his brow at you, "J-Joel. Thanks, Joel…" He flashes you a smirk, placing his glasses back on as he seats himself on the nearest spot, pretending to be in need of some sun.
"Chris, your mom's waiting for you to call," he reminds his son, leaning back as he sips from his beer. Just then, your beau sits up, wiping his mouth as he stood, beelining for the nearest door inside.
"Thanks for reminding, dad!"
Alone, with you, like this, Joel notices the way you rubbed your thighs together, the way you sighed after each sip. The hidden frustration as you floated about on his pool, displayed like a delectable centerpiece. It was clear as day: you didn’t get to cum and it’s bothering you. It took a few more minutes before he spoke.
"So why'd you fake it, sweet pea?"
The question comes to you out of nowhere. Your head shoots up and you look at him with those wide, bewildered doe eyes as you immediately stammer to try and find the right words. You try and play it off with a chuckle, but you feel your cheeks warm up. "What- wha…"
He chuckles himself, sipping from his bottle before leaning back with crossed arms. "It was three minutes of him wriggling, darlin'. No one was going to cum from that." He watches you sit up completely, every fiber at rest jumping into action.
"You saw that?" Your sweet voice, Joel noted, trembling from what he only assumes as embarrassment riddled with shame. "I… I-" You clear your throat momentarily, biting your lip gently before sighing, turning over. “You kind of answered your own question, Joel.” There is a beat of silence, palpable and tense as you feel his gaze wash over your vulnerable body.
The two of you hear Christopher, blundering his way back to the pool now that the phone call was out of his way. Joel sighs,getting up with a stretch as he passes by you again to disappear into the house.
“Our secret, doll. I’m nice that way.”
Over dinner, Joel speaks to you with a smile, perhaps he was feigning interest. Perhaps he truly was interested. Whatever it was, you feel the palpable weight in the air at the knowledge of what you shared with the older Miller. Christopher, clueless as he is, spends most of dinner with his hand on your thigh, chiming in every now and then between bites.
“So what was the exam you took before the two of you drove here?” Joel had been asking while you sipped through your drink, your brows raised as you smiled.
“It was some English Literature course," you said, meek as ever, managing a small smile up at him as he hums with interest.
"Ah. So that Shakesword guy or something? What did'ya like from him?"
"Shakespeare, actually… And I loved Macbeth."
"When we met, she was nose deep in Hamlet, if I remembered right." Christopher soothed his hand up and down your thigh, to which you nodded in agreement.
"Tell me about Macbeth."
You take a deep breath, feeling both eyes on you as you carefully swallowed down the lump in your throat. "It's the usual things. War, misery, curses, witches. But Lady Macbeth… that was where it was." He tilts his head to the side, nodding at you to continue. "She demanded divinity to transform her into a man. To take up the mantle from her weak husband. To take charge."
He chuckles softly, almost teasingly and knowingly, even. "Shit, doll, didn't think you had that many words in ya."
The rest of dinner goes by in relative ease, with Christopher letting you know he's meeting with some buddies tomorrow after he drops you off in the center of town. He promises, however, that he'll pick you up at three in the afternoon.
As you lay in bed that night, you glance haphazardly at your phone as it lights up in the late night silence. A message from Joel, a contact you saved under Mr. Miller back when you met over Thanksgiving. The message was simple enough.
Sweet dreams, Lady Macbeth.
Three in the afternoon on Saturday, you're seated where Christopher says he'll pick you up, bearing a bag for the sweater you bought him. You messaged him fifteen minutes earlier. On my way to the bench, bubba! Without a response, you think he's driving.
Above you, dark clouds seem to gather where once it was only bright summer sun. You quietly grip your bags tighter as you count in your head. He'll be here soon… I'll be out of the rain in no time.
You quietly count down the seconds. Six hundred. Five hundred ninety-nine. Five hundred ninety-eight…
Three P.M. turns to four, then four-thirty. You message Christopher two more times.
It might be raining soon, I have an umbrella!
Make sure you're not in the rain too much!
You stand under the umbrella, pacing every now and then, trying not to appear skittish, specially when the thunder and lightning began to roll across the sky, making the hair on your arms stand on edge. It was troubling, to be outside during a thunderstorm like this.
You count in increments of six hundreds. Ten minutes pass by again. Then twenty. Then thirty.
A particularly raucous lightning makes you jump out of your skin, and you swallow your pride, dialing the next person nearest you. The nearest person you'd think would answer.
And he does, in a record of two rings. He says your name and you audibly sigh in relief. "What's the matter, doll?"
"Joel, uhm… has Christopher answered your calls? We were supposed to meet at three-"
"Christ, doll, it's storming. He still hasn't gotten to you?"
You hesitate. You wonder if you were going to be too harsh on your beau if you admitted he wasn't. Just then, another strike of lightning has you confessing. "He… he wasn't answering my texts, I don't know where he is."
You hear him cuss at the other end, along with the sound of his keys and his heavy steps.
"Stay put for me, sweet pea. Where are you waiting?"
You tell him, and you don't even count to three hundred before he's pulling up in front of you, opening the passenger door and yelling at you to get in.
"Christ, doll, you're freezing! How long were you out there?" You feel his gaze on yours as you attempt to say your thanks, still visibly shaking from being out in the rain so long, combined with the fear of lightning. He immediately reaches back to retrieve the towels he had brought exactly for this scenario, covering you up in them as you finally manage. “Thanks, Joel. D-did… did Chris leave a word, or anything? I’ve been trying to reach him…”
You don’t miss the way he tries to hold back a smirk, buckling your seatbelt as he sighs. “He said he’s drinking with some buddies, doll. But I thought he already told you. He didn’t mention you’d be needin’ a ride or anythin’.” He pauses, as if for dramatic effect. “Actually, it sounded really loud when he called." You look right back at him, bottom lip caught between your teeth as you processed his words.
Oh. Oh.
“H-he probably just forgot. Or something,” you try to justify as Joel begins to steer the two of you through the storm and back to his house. “I just hope he doesn’t get sick from the weather or anything…”
“God, sweet pea, you’re just so goddamn sweet even if he’s an asshole, huh?”
It shuts you up for the rest of the ride. He escorts you inside, telling you he’ll hand you a set of clothes. That you should be rinsing off immediately. You do not see the way he stares at your soaked shirt, your skin so fucking close and yet so far. You obey, so quickly that it makes his cheeks hurt from smiling. It was so natural for you, and it makes him absolutely feral. Most of all, you’re so vulnerable right now. And it hatches a wretched plan in his head before he could stop it.
He takes a shirt and boxers from his own closet, under the guise of wanting to keep yours and Christopher's stuff private. And he opens the door, expecting to see you mostly naked. Oh, God, sweet pea, I'm so sorry! Feign innocence, caring and comforting.
What he didn't expect was you seated on the counter, a photo on the screen of your phone. One of his son, your beau, holding another woman that was so clearly not you, posted by some friend. He didn't expect to see you teary-eyed, cheeks bright red as you hiccup.
"I… I guess that's why… he wouldn't pick up…"
He sighs, tilts his head to the side. "Oh, sweetheart…" He rushes to you, embracing you gently, damp clothes and all, into his warm arms as he shushes you gently. You try to resist him when he begins to help you with your clothes. You try to resist him when he offers tenderness. But it's all so rare, so careful, with such gentleness that you find yourself agreeing with anything he asked. Let me draw you a bath, doll, meaning he'll watch you soak. Let me help you with that, meaning he wanted to be the one to strip you down.
"He never treated you like this, doll, did he?" The look on your face is enough to answer him. He clicks his tongue, leaning his ear close as he slips your unclasped bra down your shivering frame. "Oh, darlin'. Let me show you how a lady should be treated."
It's how you end up in the warm bath he had prepared, settled between his legs with his mouth on your neck, his hands running up and down your sides until you were shaking and giggling from the touch. "Pretty li'l thing like you shouldn't be neglected. He's a damn fool."
He begins to ask for things while he's already doing them. He drifts his hands to your breasts and whispers, "Okay if I touched ya like this?" He pinches your hardened nipples and says, "Feels good, doesn't it, darlin'?" You wriggle in his grasp, ticklish and alight, tethered in the receeding waves of emotion as he draws you into some semblance of relaxation, smoothing out each tense muscle as he speaks to you with such unabashed softness.
Your first moan escapes you before you could stop it. One hand flies to your mouth as you immediately attempt to pull away from Joel. And yet, he holds you, chuckling right against your ear that you feel the smirk on his face spreading against the curve of your ear.
"I bet he never made you feel that good, baby doll."
You try and argue, left stammering just as his left hand holds your left leg up against your torso, his right hand moving down to cup you by your cunt. You feel him hardening behind you, pressed against the small of your back, grinding against your skin there. He kisses the back of your ear, chuckling as you struggle to hold back the rest of your moans. "Come on, doll, make some noise for me… otherwise, we'll be here all night, because I'm not stoppin' 'til you use that fuckin' mouth of yours to prove I'm better than him.
He dreamt of this. Your willing frame whining and moaning from every touch he gives you. You could not even conceal the fact that you were on edge and you were wet. He spreads you with his fingers, pausing as he nibbles on your earlobe before finally, finally sinking his fingers right where you're pink and lovely and warm. The fact that you felt bursting from just two fingers had you shivering with excitement, a surprised squeal escaping your mouth.
"J-Joel… Joel…"
"You can take it, sweet pea, stay close to me…" His left arm relaxes its hold on your left leg, drifting closer to begin rubbing soft, languid circles right on your aching clit as you lean your head back and sigh dreamily, feeling that familiar ascent into almost-forgotten bliss. It was something you only felt when you fucked yourself. It was something that eluded you in your sex life. You feel Joel's eyes on your face; when your features contort with the pleasure, when your hands palm at his beard, pulling at him needily to plant a kiss to your wanton mouth.
It's almost too quickly that you're cresting, feeling your sides burn from want as you grind into his hands in an effort to cum faster. And just when it was three seconds away, he tears his hands off of you, revelling in the sounds of your protest, your whining as you looked up at him. Already, too, he's getting out of the tub, draining the water as he picks you up in his arms.
"I know, I know what you need…" Still, you whine, thighs rubbing together. "But if I'm making you cum, sweet pea, I'm doin' it right by making you cum all over my sheets. Got it?" You nod, wrapping your arms around him as he carries you, bath water dripping and all, taking you to his bedroom with his slept-in sheets and oscillating fan to the side. He lays you among the sheets, smirking as he trailed one hand down your front, against your skin with butterfly caresses. Like an observer in some strange gallery, the fount of art and beauty exhibited for his own decrepit sensual pleasure.
“Y’wanna tell me what’cha want, dollface?” You try. You try to look away from his fingertips running up and down your stomach, knowing the power beneath that skin. You feel the restraint on his face, along with that smirk you just can’t seem to wipe off of him. “Yeah… you’re just absolutely desperate for me, no?”
“Want you… please…”
“Where d’ya want me? Here?” He drifts his hand to your neck, giving the slightest squeeze. You whine, and he drifts his touch to your willing mouth. Two fingers, delving into the warm wetness of your tongue, the softness of the inside of your cheeks. “Certainly not here… you’re certainly not mouthy.” Then he drifts his touch to your stomach, drifting lower, lower, and lower… “That’s it. I’m getting warmer, yeah?” He chuckles, his free hand moving to turn your face towards him as he looks at those softened features, your willingness laid bare before him. “What do you want from me? My cock? My mouth?”
It’s so much attention, all-encompassing, and all at once. You wonder if his touch strikes like lightning. And if it didn’t, then why does he make you quake to your very bones? He continues his teasing, pushing and prodding at you so closely where you want him, but never close enough. The charade continues before you eventually find the courage, eventually pushed to the brink of such wanton need.
“Both.” You grit your teeth, feeling the warmth coating your cheeks as you whine. “Both, Joel, please.”
He chuckles darkly, rewarding you with a bruising kiss, beard digging into your cheek, your chin, your body spread eagle and willing. “That’s a good, fuckin’ girl…” He rewards you by settling between your legs, spreading you wide open, and fucking his tongue on your weeping cunt. His growls emanate against your willing flesh, making you tremble, the vibrations otherworldly as he pushes you right through your first orgasm that weekend. One, you hoped, that wouldn’t be the last. “You’re so fuckin’ easy and he can’t even make you cum? Fuck, doll…” You squeal, fingers tangling into his hair as your hips grind, chasing waves of that sweet release until your eyes roll back, your body surrenders, and you are left limp with from his minstrations.
“We’re not yet done, doll. Think y’can handle more of me?”
It’s when you see that dark look on his face, A shadow hard to miss once you saw it. He kisses his way up to your face, wrapping your legs around his waist. He does not waste time, immediately pinning you down so he can fuck his hard cock into you, letting your moans and whines echo into the empty house. The stretch is glorious, his cock hitting places you did not know could be reached before. And all the while, he’s watching your face and your body contorting to the sensations you could not explain. Body electric magnified, body electric divine. He thrusts once, twice– and already, you were reeling in another orgasm.
He calls you beautiful, and he makes you understand that you are– that the iniquity of others was not your doing. That you deserved to feel good and light and wonderful. All while he sinks his teeth against your shoulder, your arm, sucking hickeys throughout the expanse of your skins, marks you would not be able to explain. It would have continued that way, and it should have, had Joel not heard the crunching of gravel on his driveway.
He pauses, shushes you gently, cupping your face as you whined desperately, clawing against his bare chest as he clears your hair from your face. “You’re gonna have to keep quiet f’me, doll. Think ya can do that?” You nod desperately, taking one hand to press against your mouth, anything to make him move again and give you one more release. One you were so desperately close to. “You don’t want him to hear us, did’ya?”
It’s when you realize, when you recognize the familiar heavy footsteps of the man who abandoned you, the lover who should be doing this. You looked up at Joel with a panicked gaze, his palm pressing harder against your mouth when you began to make some noise.
“I don’t have the patience to tell ya again. Don’t make this harder for yourself, baby doll.”
It’s when he fucks you with abandon, barely concealing his own moans as you tremble in his hold, locking your legs around his waist as he thrusts. Despite only one or two light groans escaping him, you see how tense his jaw had become, clenching, grinding beneath the skin. You know he’s close, and yet he waits for you, reaching down to rub your aching little clit. He rubs you repeatedly until the riptide of pleasure swallows you whole. Your eyes gloss over, a singular, weak whimper escaping through your self-censorship, your warm breath absorbed by Joel’s palm.
Just a few moments more, and his cock buries deep into you, silencing himself by sinking his teeth into the curve of your shoulder. It is a way to silence himself, to relax, to completely surrender his orgasm to you. His warm spend fills your aching walls, his body falling against yours as he sighs.
Just then, you hear, right across the hall. You hear Christopher. “Fuck, fuck, fuck…” He steps out into the hallway. It’s followed with him raising his voice. (Hey dad! Have you heard from her?) Joel manages a soft chuckle into your ear. “Fucking asshole, no?” he whispers against you as he takes a deep breath.
“Thought’cha were meetin’ her at three?” he manages, and you’re shocked at how composed he was still was, and yet how possessive his hold on you had become.
If he gets to have you for five more minutes, he’ll take it. The truth was, it felt like you belonged right there in his bed, sheltering his cum within your warm walls as you demand affection, soft in aftercare. Call it fate, even if it’s such a loose term. Were you really fated for him when he took you for himself?
When Christopher leaves, he chuckles, collapsing against you again as his breath escapes him in ragged increments. You fall asleep almost immediately, as if you found home in his week-old sheets.
Call it fate, call it karma. He’d still fuck you again if he had the choice.
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littlexdeaths · 3 months
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the car troubles saga comes to a close?
older brother’s best friend eddie x fem reader
the last installment of the car troubles saga for now… but you’ll definitely be seeing more of these two 🥰
it’s a recipe for disaster masterlist.
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the sounds of grinding metal and loud rock music fill your ears as you step into sinclair’s auto repair shop.
the chatter among the shop is incessant as you look over the multiple cars until you find your 1979 chevy caprice parked amongst the rest.
but your heart leaps into your throat when you see a familiar pair of legs sticking out from underneath it.
“yo, munson! got a customer!”
you can hear his curse and the banging of a head, and you can’t help but giggle softly when he rolls out from underneath your car. he’s rubbing his dinged forehead, and in the process he accidentally swipes more grease across his skin.
but when his eyes find yours they soften, and he grins widely. once he returns to his feet, he’s wiping the remaining grease onto the rag that he shoves in the back pocket of his coveralls. it’s then that he takes you in fully, dressed in a pretty little sundress and sandals.
you’re a sight for sore eyes, that’s for sure. the weather is somehow even more sweltering than the day before, and the beads of sweat sticking to your skin almost sparkle in the bright lights of the garage.
“so, what’s the damage?” you ask teasingly once you reach him.
eddie just chuckles, hand hovering over the small of your back as he guides back towards your car. but the barely there touch has your heart racing.
“well, you had a faulty radiator cap, and were in desperate need of an oil change…. when was the last time you got one?”
you bite your lip, a feeling of embarrassment rushing through you. “uh, last fall… i think?”
his answering groan has you giggling again despite yourself, and eddie leans his hip against the hood of your car.
“now let me tell you what’s gonna happen,” he chuckles. “you’re gonna march that pretty little ass of yours in here six months from now to get that changed, got it?”
you nod, feeling a little flustered at the mention of your ass and pretty in the same sentence. and by his subtle smirk, he knows the effect he has on you.
“alright well, i’m all finished here. we can step in the office and discuss payment options, yeah?”
but as soon as that door closes behind you he has you pressed against it, palms on either side of your head as kisses you deeply.
“been thinking about you all night, sweetheart.” he groans, lips trailing over your jaw as you tug him closer by the collar of his coveralls.
“was half tempted to sneak in through your bedroom window like some horny teenager.” he laughs softly, reveling in the soft mewls that leave your lips.
“who’s to say i would’ve let you in?” you tease, earning you a small nip on your collarbone.
“you wouldn’t, huh?” he taunts, rough hands sliding up your thigh to the hem of your dress.
your breath catches in your throat as he hooks one of your legs up on his hip, and then his lips are back on yours. he smells like sweat and grease but something so distinctly eddie that it makes your head swim.
but a sudden knock on the glass window to your left has you pulling apart, heart thumping as eddie all but groans in annoyance.
“munson, got another car waiting out front. wrap it up.”
you’re thankful then that the blinds— while bent from frequent use, are shut. no need to give his coworkers a free show.
“be right out mr. sinclair,” eddie calls back, though his words are slightly muffled as he presses them to your throat.
another giggle spills past you as you tip his chin up, his brown eyes smoldering as they meet your own.
“you do this to with all your paying customers?” you say with mock offense.
eddie just rolls his eyes as steps back from you, but not before pressing one last searing kiss to your pouted lips.
“you didn’t think i was actually gonna charge you for that, right?”
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sugarcoatedstarkey · 1 year
smut with drew where it’s their first thanksgiving holiday with his family and reader but he can’t behave and he’s horny for everything she does like helping his mom in kitchen, doing the table, unpacking their stuff in his old room
so after days of not ( making babies ) since their arrival he starts to loose it and begs reader to accept to do it even though there’re in his parent’s home. so she accepts and like he waits like a good boy, she asks him what were his teenager high school sex fantasm to fulfill them ( sit on his face, 34+35, f*cking in front of his mirror ) ….
Happy Turkey Day
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Pairing- Drew Starkey x fem!reader
Summary- see above. (Have combined this with another anon asking for one thing similiar).
Warnings- Drew being a horny mf, sex, oral, hair pulling, a lil manhandling, language. [18+]
Drew couldn’t keep his hands to himself, he was all over you. You had gotten a little uncomfortable at one point when he was pushing your hips against the bench and grinding himself into your ass, while his mother stood by the sink washing potatoes.
You had smacked his arm and told him to get out, you did not want to be caught dry humping your boyfriend in his childhood home. It was your first holiday with his family, you were not going to let Drew and his dick ruin it.
But Drew had other plans, he’d watched you all weekend. He couldn’t get his dick to go soft, it just seemed to grow harder and harder each time his eyes fell on you.
Whether you be mashing potatoes with his mum, cracking a cold beer for his dad or even looking at baby photos of him with his siblings. He could not get the image of your naked body out of his head.
So when thanksgiving was over and the only people left in the house was the two of you and his parents, he took that opportunity to kidnap you. Pulling you out of the living room before you could fight against him.
“What are you doing Drew?!” You whispered, he shook his head and threw you over his shoulder. His arms flexing against your thighs, you couldn’t deny that it turned you on being manhandled.
He gave your butt a slap as you bounced against his shoulder as he ran up the stairs. “DREW!” You screeched, playfully kicking your legs. His laugh echoes through the narrow hall, he kicked his bedroom door open and dropped you on the bed.
You looked a little dishevelled, but it only turned Drew on more, he locked the door and walked back over to you. The room was dark as the sun had set a few hours ago, he reached over and turned his bed side lamp on. Orange light illuminates the room.
Your eyes flicker over the walls, still covered in posters and photos of him and his school friends. His parents hadn’t changed his room one bit, schoolbooks still sat neatly on his desk and trophies littered the bookcase.
You were brought back to reality when Drew’s lips sucked at your neck, his hips pressing into your core. “Mhmm, missed the taste of you baby” he mumbled against your skin, his hand slipped under your dress. Skimming his fingers over your panties, you let out a whine when he moved them further up your body.
“Oh, so you do want me?” He joked, he let out a soft chuckle and pulled away from your neck. Staring down at you, he noticed your chest rising and falling harder as you stared up at him with your doe eyes, darkened with lust. “Yeah, I want to fuck you”.
You wrapped your legs around his waist and pushed yourself up on your forearms. Pressing your lips against his neck, you could feel him swallow harshly. “Baby” you whisper, nudging him with your nose wanting his undivided attention. “Tell me all your high school fantasies”.
He pulls away and you follow, moving yourself to straddle him. His hands find home on your waist, you slide yours up his chest and held onto his face. “Tell me” You urge, pressing soft kisses to his lips and cheeks.
“Really?” He questions, he’s not sure why he’s suddenly so nervous. It’s not like the both of you had never spoken about kinks etc. “well... I’ve always wanted to have sex in front of the mirror” he says, watching you intently.
Your lips quirk up into a grin, you can feel yourself getting wetter. “And?”.
“I want you to ride my face and 69” he finishes, biting the inside of his cheek. You nod your head, pressing your lips to his again, you deepen it. Grinding yourself against him, he grips your waist and moans into your open mouth.
“Well baby, you’re in for a treat” you purr, you push him down against the sheets and pull yourself to stand. Double checking the door is locked, you begin by pulling the side zip of your dress.
Letting the material pool around your feet, your tits sit bare and round. Practically begging for his mouth to assault them, you wore thin cotton panties that sat just under your belly button, accentuating your curves. “Shit” Drew groans, pressing the palm of his hands to his groin.
You slip out of your panties and step towards him, grabbing the waistband of his pants. He watches silently as you begin to undress him, his chest is heaving. He so badly wants to reach over and kiss you, but he’s letting you take control.
His cock springs free, leaking pre cum against the lower part of his stomach. His shirt has been tossed into the pile of clothes, you crawl up his body and leave soft kisses against his tanned skin. “Fuck, I’m so excited, I could bust right now” Drew laughs, you giggle against his skin.
His fingers run up and down your back, you reach his lips and give him a peck. His hand sliding up towards the back of your head, gripping the loose strands of hair it between his fingers. “Uh uh, I’m in charge baby” you grin, but you let him pull you against him.
Your lips mould together, chests pressed firmly together. Your wet folds grazing his cock has a moan slipping from your boyfriends’ lips. He grips the underneath of your thighs and uses all his strength to move you up his body, your knees sitting either side of his face.
“I’m in charge pretty girl, always”
With that he presses his warm tongue to your folds and you’re clenching around nothing, reaching up to grip the headboard of his childhood bed. “Oh god” you cry out, clamping your hand over your mouth. You needed to stay at quiet as possible, you really didn’t need his family hear their son fuck his girlfriend.
“God, isn’t between your legs sweetheart” he grins, massaging the apples of your cheeks. Pulling you down closer to him, nuzzling his face between your cunt. “O-0h!” You moan against your palm; you’re already starting to sweat.
He pulls away from you and you quickly manoeuvre yourself, pussy against his face, your face inches from his cock. “Okay, get back to it”.
He chuckles, you can feel his breath against your cunt. He presses his tongue to your hole, moving in slow circular movements. You grip the base of his cock, kitten licking his tip. His tongue halts it’s movements, however you continue to lick his shaft until you swallow him into your mouth.
“Fuck, I’m always shocked you can deep throat” he breaths, his blunt nails dig into the flesh of your thighs. You hum against his cock, sending shivers down his spine.
Familiar warmth spreads through your belly, your toes curling as his tongue moves against your bundle of nerves. You rock your hips faster against his mouth, needing more friction. You don’t stop your movements on his cock though, reaching a hand around to cup his balls.
You can feel him tense, he’s grunting against your pussy. Pressing harder against your clit, slipping two fingers into your hole. You cry out around his cock, tears welling in your eyes as he assaults your pussy.
Drew is suddenly stopping when he feels the familiar flutter within your walls, gripping your hips, and moving you off him. “What?” You question, wiping the spit that’s on your chin. Sitting back on your feet, he grips you by the bicep and pulls you off the bed. “Jesus, you like manhandling me today”.
“I want to watch you cum”
You swallow harshly and nod, moving towards him. He takes a seat on his old desk chair, looking at you from the mirror that hangs on the back of his bedroom door. “Come here baby” he pats his thigh.
You turn so your back is facing him, slowly moving down until your hovering above his cock. He grips the base and pulls you down onto his cock, he bottoms out and the both of you let out a grunt of pleasure. You’re squeezing around him tightly. “Fucking hell” Drew grunts, helping you to move against him.
“Watch yourself” He orders, gripping your chin between his fingers. He pulls your face until your eyes land on the two of you connected. “Watch your pretty little face as I fuck you sweet girl”.
Your eyes lock in the mirror and you bite down on your lip, circling your hips against his cock. His hand slides from you hip to grasp onto your breast, thumbing your nipple. You desperately wanted to close your eyes and let your body enjoy the pleasure, but he pinches your nipple just as your eyes started to flutter closed. “Open”.
“shit, okay” you mewled, your legs began to wobble. Unable to continue squatting over his cock any longer. He held you by the waist and manoeuvred you both until you were down on all fours, breasts bouncing with each thrust of his hips.
He grips a handful of your hair and pulls your head up, making eye contact in the mirror once more. Mascara had started to smudge around your lower lashes, looking even more dishevelled than before. “Pretty girl” he moans, pressing his palm against your shoulder blades and giving your neck a squeeze.
He pushes himself deeper and deeper until his stomach is pressed firmly against your ass cheeks, you watch as his eyes roll back. “Oh fuck, fuck, fuck” You cry out, fingers scratching at the carpet underneath you, needing something to grip onto.
He reaches under your bodies, pressing his fingers to your clit. Your walls pulsate around him, sucking him in deeper if humanely possible. He tosses his head back and grinds himself relentlessly against you.
You cry out in pleasure, tears spilling from the corner of your eyes. “Drew, I-I” Your unable to finish your sentence, the breath is knocked out of you as he grips the corner of the desk and brings one of his legs up and plants his foot to the floor, he grips your hip with the other and rams himself into you.
His moans are drowned out by the cries and sobs coming from your lips, your body is shaking. Overstimulated, his cock touching that sweet spot inside of you no other man had before. “Come on baby girl, you can do it, take it, that’s a good girl”.
“shit, fuck, DREW!”
His dick is dripping with your juices, he’s no longer watching you in the mirror and instead looking down at where the two of you are connected. His teeth gnaw at his lower lip, you can see specs of blood. “I-I” You stutter, your orgasm rippling through your body.
He can feel the familiar build up, your legs shaking and pussy pulsating around him. His eyes meet yours in the mirror at the perfect moment. Watching your pretty little lips form an O and your eyes roll to the back of your head. “Drew!” you cry out, pressing your hips back into him.
A few more strokes and he was spilling inside of you, fingertips digging into the flesh of your hips. His cum leaking out of you and down your thigh, he pulls you up so your sat against him. Back to chest, he presses his lips to your shoulders and wraps his arms around you.
“Pretty, pretty girl. What did I do to deserve you?”
“What did I do to deserve you I think you mean?”
Taglist - @novxturient @kookypogue111
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beardedjoel · 1 year
pretty little wife | do you have an appointment?
joel miller x f!reader one shot collection
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series masterlist | main masterlist | ao3 | ✨kofi ✨ summary: 11.2k words, pretty wife visits joel at work when he forgets his lunch, and he wants to show everyone there just how good you are to him. and when you're good, you get a reward. warnings: 18+ MDNI! no apocalypse au, pre-established relationship/dynamic, unprotected piv, rough sex, free use kink, sub/dom relationship, exhibition kink, oral (m + f receiving), kneeling???, dirty talk, sir kink, pet names for reader, reader is joel's little doll hehe, little bit of domestic bliss, brief mention of alcohol, extremely submissive reader a/n: idek what happened here, it's been a while since i've gotten a chapter finished and went a little crazy with the word count on this one oopsie. i was plotting and writing this chapter then read this book and was extra excited that it lined up with this chapter so well so ANYWAY ENJOY! reblogs + comments are always loved and appreciated! ♡
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You love the mornings you have with Joel before he works, the ones where he takes it slow and sits down to sip coffee with you, eating the plated breakfast you set in front of him and chatting about what’s on his agenda for the day. You even love the ones where he practically flies into the kitchen, dressed and ready, and you can read the signals that there isn’t any time to spare for sweet chatter and a meal this morning.
This happens to be one of those mornings, with Joel buzzing around quickly, trying to get his things in order. He’d spent way too long making out with you like a horny teenager after already sleeping in too late for everything he had to get done at the office today, and now he was paying the price. 
“Shit, sorry, baby, gotta rush out of here,” Joel mumbles as he scoots past you, taking a hasty gulp from his mug of coffee. You’ve been standing, fingers curled around your hips, brushing the fabric of your silk robe and watching in amusement as your husband starts to fall apart in the chaos of his own doing. You can smell the freshness of his shower on him, his heavenly body wash making you take an extra breath in just to keep it with you a little longer. 
“You just worry about your shoes and bag, let me get this into a travel cup for you,” you tell him, grabbing the mug out of his hands before he can protest. 
“God, m’perfect wife, thank you,” he says quickly, pecking the side of your head as he passes by again, heading towards the coat closet near the front door. 
You hear him rustling around as you fill one of his favorite cups - a Texas Longhorns travel mug - and walk it over to the front door. 
“Dumb ass for scheduling this meeting so early,” he mumbles to himself, critiquing his lack of foresight in his own agenda. He has his shoes on and looks ready to go as he looks up at you, his irritated expression immediately changing into a soft, lopsided smile. 
His arms reach out to you and pull you in for an embrace, grabbing the mug out of your hand before leaning down to kiss you, long and deep. 
“Make it up t’ya later,” he promises with a wink before one more chaste kiss makes its way onto your lips from him. 
“You better,” you quip back, “Bye, honey.” He waves as he slips through the front door, and moments later you hear his truck start up, speeding off through the neighborhood. 
You sigh, shaking your head a little at your husband, but start to move along with your day, changing into your more worn clothes - an old t-shirt of Joel’s and some cloth shorts - to tidy the kitchen first and then get a good vacuum done all over the house. You find a few more projects - taking an inventory of toiletries for your trip to the store this week and a quick clean of the half bathroom on the main level has you feeling accomplished for the day, realizing it’s nearing the time you’re supposed to meet your friends for your weekly tennis scrimmage. 
You contemplate inside your closet for a few moments before deciding on an all white tennis outfit - a pleated skirt and workout tank top, completing it with ankle high socks and your white tennis shoes. You throw a zip up on top of everything and clasp on the sparkling tennis bracelet Joel had gotten you, claiming it had tennis in the name, so it must go with your tennis outfits, right? You’d nearly fallen out of your chair that day at the glimmering diamonds as Joel put it on your wrist for the first time, telling him that it wasn’t in fact something that actually had anything to do with you playing tennis. You decided to wear it most weeks to play tennis, anyways, just because of how sweet the gesture had been from him.
You open the fridge to grab some snacks and a protein drink to bring to the court with you, when your eye catches on Joel’s lunch, still sitting in the fridge and untouched - in his rush this morning he must have forgotten it. You frown, pulling out your phone and shooting a quick text to your friends, letting them know you won’t be able to make your usual time today and then pull up Joel’s contact to call him.
“Hey darlin’, how are you?” Joel says upon picking up, sounding slightly distracted among the sound of shuffling papers in the background.
“You forgot your lunch,” you blurt out.
“Oh, shoot, you’re right, ain’t ya. Hmm, s’okay, I’ll just grab somethin’ to go, maybe,” Joel says, sounding lost in thought over his current situation.
“Let me bring it to you. We could eat together?” you ask, biting your lip and hoping his day isn’t too busy to fit you in. 
“Don’t ya have tennis and lunch with your girls right about now?”
“Er, well, I already canceled to bring you your lunch,” you admit. You hear Joel hum quickly on the other end in contemplation.
“Alright, ya got me. Jus’ didn’t want you to go out of your way f’me,” Joel says, and you shake your head a little bit.
“Of course not, I want to eat lunch with you. Besides, I haven’t been to the office in a long time.” 
“See ya around noon, then?” Joel asks, and you agree that noon sounds perfect. 
“W-wait, doll -” Joel cuts in before you two can hang up.
“Hmm?” you murmur, clutching the phone back into your ear.
“What’re you wearin’? Your little white skirt?” he asks, and you lick your lips and break out into a smile.
“Maybe…” you tease, “I was about to change, though, if I’m not playing.”
“Don’t.” Joel says more sternly. “Don’t change.”
And as usual, you obey. 
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You walk into Joel’s office building, part of a larger skyscraper downtown, and as you notice little details again you realize that you really haven’t been here in ages. It always impresses you every time you see it, though, the pristine office space and location, and it makes you smile at how successful your husband has gotten. You bet he’s as good a boss as he is a husband, you think to yourself, knowing that Joel’s business is one of the top contracting companies in Austin.
“Good afternoon. How can I help you?” a younger, sandy haired woman behind a counter labeled Reception asks as you walk up. 
“Oh, I’m here to see Joel - uh, Mr. Miller? I -“ you stutter uncomfortably - you suddenly feel a bit out of your depth looking into this woman’s curious, critical eyes.
The woman looks you up and down, assessing you quickly. You find yourself wishing you could hear the thoughts going through her head as she quirks a brow at you. You try not to be self conscious, but sometimes in a situation like this, where you’re not sure exactly where you belong, you tend to get nervous. You just want to see Joel and find some solace in his arms.
“Do you have an appointment?” she interrupts you, glancing at the computer to see if there’s anything on the agenda for this time of day. 
“Gosh, no. I’m his wife. Sorry, should have said that right off the bat. He forgot his lunch this morning,” you tell her, putting on your kindest smile and holding the little cooler bag up. Her eyes widen just slightly and she stares for a moment, her quick gaze roaming your outfit and body having a different meaning now, landing with a small, furtive smile on the high pony tail that had been swinging back and forth on your head as you’d walked in. 
“Sorry, he didn’t say he was expecting you. I can show you where his office is, if you need,” she says, suddenly straightening her back and cocking her head at you.
“No worries, I’ve been here before. Uh, thanks,” you tell her, trying not to falter your smile. Something about the way she’d looked at you made you feel… off - like she was judging you for some secret that you weren’t in on. It’s obvious you’re much younger than Joel, but you’ve never been bothered by the fact and you wish other people weren’t, either. Maybe they’d expected some frumpy older lady to walk in here, or something, and instead were stuck with the conundrum that was you. 
You try to shake it off and make a beeline to Joel’s office, but you find more eyes are on you - people looking up from their desks as you pass, doing double takes, their faces completely unreadable. Your skin is crawling a little uncomfortably at the sidelong glances from so many people you don’t know. You’re starting to regret your choice of outfit, not changing before you’d left the house, but you do know Joel loves this particular tennis skirt on you, and he’d specifically asked you not to change. You try to remind yourself that the only opinion that matters in this office is his, and it settles your nerves a little bit. 
“There she is,” Joel says sweetly as you give his office door a few quick knocks and enter. He practically jumps out of his chair to meet you, swiftly going in for a kiss. He takes the lunch bag you’d packed out of your hand and plops it onto his desk. 
“Hungry now?” he asks, and you nod, smiling almost dumbly at him. You just find that he does something to you, this man, and you can only smile and nod and be this submissive little thing around him most of the time. And it’s absolutely glorious, the effect your husband has on you. It's like everything that happened, all the uncomfortable stares from the office, completely vanishes once you’re with him. 
Joel gives you one more kiss, groaning a little into it before pulling away reluctantly. He rearranges chairs so that you two can sit next to each other and eat at his desk. He starts to unpack the lunch, pulling out a small slip of paper with a knowing smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
“Oh, that’s -” you start, a small blush coming over your cheeks.
“I know what it is, darlin’. You pack them every day,” Joel replies, unfolding it and reading the small note you’d packed in his lunch. You started to get into the habit so long ago that you can’t even remember how long you’d been doing it. Putting funny jokes, sexy promises, or just a quickly scrawled I love you and tossing it in with his lunch each night became just simply part of your routine at this point. 
Joel stands up and opens a drawer at his desk, pulling out a small box that he opens to place the note inside. Your mouth hangs open a little as the realization of what he’s doing hits you.
“You… keep them?” you ask timidly, and Joel’s eyes find yours, his smile growing.
“Every single one,” he states simply, and you feel your eyes grow watery before blinking it away. “Good for when I’m havin’ a rough day,” he adds, finding his way back to his seat. 
You’re practically speechless, loving that the small gesture has meant so much to Joel, has helped him on days he’s here without you and needs a pick me up. The thought alone sends your heart soaring, filled with love for your husband and you lean forward to kiss him again, savoring the feel of his lips on yours.
“That’s so sweet, baby, I love it,” you finally manage to say with a tight voice, and he pinches your cheek lovingly before settling back in his chair to eat.
“Oh, hang on, darlin’, I think there’s some sodas in the break room I could sneak us,” Joel says with an effortlessly suave wink, leaving you smiling to yourself as he slips out of his office. 
Joel hears hushed voices through the open door to the break room, and he’s about to turn in when the words they’re saying catch his ear. He knows he should just go in, silence them with his presence alone, but he can’t help himself. He immediately feels a seething boil under his skin at what he’s hearing. 
“I swear, I heard from someone who went for like, a party or something at their place, she’s totally like one of those Stepford Wives. All dolled up and in dresses and aprons all the time and shit. I don’t know, just sounds weird to me,” a female voice says, and Joel’s brow crinkles further, his fists clenching and unclenching at his sides. 
“What, really?” a male voice replies, with a second female voice murmuring something similar. 
“I mean, didn’t you see her walk in today? The outfit alone. Cute, but like… feels like she’s trying a bit too hard, you know,” the first woman says, and Joel hears laughter between the other two. 
“Oh, I saw,” the second woman says with a snort. “It’s all people are talking about out there, seriously. Didn’t know the boss was such a sugar daddy.”
“I know, makes you wonder. He could have anyone, he’s handsome enough and successful, and he chooses to just be with some housewife? She’s pretty and all that, but like…. I guess to each their own,” she says, with a tone that indicates she doesn’t mean her words at all, and her judgment is still swift. 
Joel has found himself sucked into their conversation, listening from the outside with baited breath, a sinking feeling in his chest. Sure, he’s angry, absolutely livid that these three are being so hastily judgemental, but what’s hurting the most is knowing they’re talking about his wife. His sweet, loving, caring, absolutely perfect wife. Someone who always thinks of others, so giving, so wonderful. He knew if you heard their words, it would hurt you deeply, the thought that these people were talking badly about you for just living the way you want to live. 
Joel can’t take it anymore, swiftly turning the corner of the doorframe and entering the room. The three of them are mid-laughter and it tapers off as Joel heads for the fridge. 
“Afternoon,” he says casually, a knowing smirk on his face to try to hide his anger. He glances at the three of them, surely sweating bullets and all looking a bit like they were caught in the act, eyes blinking rapidly and smiles a little too forced.
They all murmur similar greetings in response, trying to act casual. Joel grabs a few sodas out of the fridge, wrapping his large hands around the cool cans and letting the change of temperature ground him a bit. 
He makes his way to the door, letting them think that he didn’t hear anything, that they got off the hook that easily. He stops abruptly at the entrance to the room, glancing over his shoulder at his three employees, looking so uncomfortable as they stand huddled together that he could laugh right in their faces.
“Y’know,” he starts, dragging it out a little with a small sigh. “I’ll bet she’d have nothin’ but nice things to say about you three,” he says simply with a quick shake of his head before turning, not even bothering to check their reactions. 
All he wants now is to head back to you, back to his wife, and give you an extra squeeze and a kiss for being so wonderful to him. You’re waiting eagerly, nervously playing with your fingernails when Joel returns, and you immediately smile widely again at the sight of him. 
“Hit the jackpot,” he says, and you grab the can from him. Joel leans down, grabbing your face with his free hand, slightly cold still from the drink and you yelp with a playful giggle. 
“Sorry,” he apologizes quickly with a chuckle, moving his hand off of your cheek. “Just needed to kiss my girl.”
You meet his face in the middle and let him, his lips crashing into yours for a few blissful seconds before he sits down next to you and asks to hear about your morning. He keeps a firm hand on your knee any time he doesn't need to use them to eat his lunch as you two sit and catch up between bites.
“Y’swear, you made this bread?” Joel asks you, marveling at his sandwich - meat, cheese, and veggie toppings sitting between a sourdough recipe you’d been trying to perfect.
“I swear. I can’t believe you haven’t seen the levain in the house, it’s just a big gross blob in a jar,” you say, stifling a laugh.
Joel ponders his memory for a few moments before nodding. “Guess maybe I did. But m’point is - what can’t my wife do? So talented…”
You feel your cheeks heat up at the special attention and compliments he’s giving you, shaking your head modestly in reply. “N-no, it’s just bread,” you say meekly.
He squeezes your thigh, leaning his forehead against yours for a brief second as he speaks. “You’re perfect, darlin’, sorry to say it, but it’s true.”
You laugh then, deciding not to fight him on it anymore. Your face continues to warm from his compliments, your body tingling slightly as you feel a hint of desire pooling low in your body. You know that isn’t his intended result from the compliments he’s doling out on you now, but you can’t help but respond to his attention like this, feeling a deep satisfaction that you’ve pleased him in some way.
“Hey Joel, I -“ a voice interrupts, a broad, light haired man entering through the cracked door. “Oh, sorry, didn’t know - uh -“ he says upon seeing you, chair scooted close to Joel’s, his hand rubbing circles on your thigh. 
“S’alright Rick, what is it?” Joel replies, not bothering to move his hand. If anything, he instinctively tightens it, claiming you in front of a new person, letting them know who you belong to.
“Jus’ had a few questions on the Parker Street project, but it can wait.” His eyes flash back and forth between you and Joel, seemingly trying to size up the situation. Joel opens his mouth to respond to Rick, but the man smiles suddenly and speaks again before Joel can.
“Now who’s this, though? Don’t tell me you’re hiring girls to eat lunch with you now,” Rick teases, and you feel your mouth pop open and your face get hot at the insinuation. Joel’s face doesn’t crack, it hardly even moves as you glance over at him desperately, feeling a burn of embarrassment prickle at your eyes. You try to blink it away, hoping you don’t end up crying in front of this random asshole. 
Joel clears his throat a moment later, his hand tight on your thigh, sudden energy and irritation coursing through him and out into his grip. “If you need to hire your own wife to eat lunch with you, then you got bigger problems, don’t you, Rick?” he snips back, and Rick pales realizing what he thought was a light-hearted joke didn’t quite land. 
“J-just messing around, I’m sorry. She’s just - uh -“ Rick stutters, and Joel just gives a blasé raise of his eyebrows. 
“Careful what words come out of your mouth next about my wife.”
Rick seems intent on digging himself deeper into his own hole and stutters some more, trying to explain himself. “N-no, it’s just - well, you’re very beautiful,” he says, turning to you quickly. “Some people around the office, t-they said some things when you came in. Just jokes, that’s all, just you’re pretty and young, and Joel, well he’s… and… we just made funny assumptions that you couldn’t be his wife.”
Joel sighs, keeping a cool demeanor as he cocks his head in Rick’s direction “People really think my wife, my perfect little wife, is some random girl I hired, huh? After the way you all know I feel about my girl, way I go on and on about this perfect little thing right here,” Joel says, gesturing to you quickly. “Think I’d want anythin’ to do with anyone else?”
“God, no, Joel, it’s just - we didn’t know, she was… shit, so young, okay?”
Joel’s lips purse and you watch on, wide eyed and stunned silent by this conversation, not sure what you could even say right now to help. 
“Well, she is the age she is,” Joel says simply. “Let everyone know if they’ve got an issue, they can come see me.” He breathes an unamused chuckle, looking at Rick expectantly.
“You’re right, Joel. It was just s-stupid office chatter, sorry you had to get caught up in it. We know how m-much you love your wife. He’s always - always talking about you, promise,” Rick says, and your lips turn up a little at his groveling. 
“I know he does,” you finally say, keeping yourself meek but clear, turning to look at Joel and planting a kiss on his cheek. He turns his head, meeting the kiss and making sure Rick sees just how much you care for each other. 
“We’ll talk about the Parker Street stuff later, come back in… mm, an hour or so with Steve and Pat,” Joel says, glancing down at his watch. 
“Sure, of course, sounds good,” Rick says quietly, starting to back out of Joel’s office. “Again, I’m so sorry…” he trails off, and you smile blankly at him in return. 
“It’s alright, I get it. Joel does pay me in other ways to eat lunch with him,” you say, and you hear Joel nearly choke on a laugh next to you as he mutters an impressed curse under his breath. 
Rick doesn’t know what to do - smile, laugh, or let his face get a deeper shade of red at your sudden fierceness, but he settles on a strange, awkward combination of all three before leaving the door cracked shut behind him. 
“Now what was that?” Joel asks, turning towards you, shock written on his face. 
“What, I can’t give him a taste of his own medicine?” you reply, doe-eyed and smirking.
“God, no, y’can. It was perfect, so fuckin’ sexy to see you tell them what I do for ya,” Joel growls, standing up and pulling you off your chair and into his arms. You giggle and wrap your arms around his neck in response to his movements, pulling yourself closer.
“Do you have to get back to work now?” you ask with a slight pout, knowing this lovely afternoon with Joel would have to come to an end eventually.
“Don’t want ya to leave,” Joel says, hand splayed across your lower back, holding you tight to his torso. “Could keep ya here w’me at work as my little pet, couldn’t I?” His eyes gather up a mischievousness as he considers his own words and what they mean he’d be getting this afternoon. 
“Have me, then,” you reply, your eyelashes fluttering as you blink up at him. Joel’s jaw sets a little tighter, a groaning noise working its way out of him as he grinds up against you a little bit. His hand gently taps under your chin, lifting it slightly and holding it there, cocking his head in amazement at you. 
“All mine, hm? My little pet to play with?” he asks, his voice going an octave lower in want. 
You dip your head in one long bow, and Joel starts forward, catching your lips with his. He devours you, forcing his tongue into your mouth quickly and you slide yours against his in equal fervor, starting to moan wantonly into his mouth. He’s already got you breathless, the way his hands move fluidly along your back, catching your ass in his palm and squeezing, the other one gripping the back of your neck, holding you in place.
Joel moves you backwards, slowly walking you until he collapses in his office chair, pulling you down with him and settling you to straddle his lap. He pulls away, thumbing your cheek and scanning your face, glowing and flush with arousal for him already. 
“Wanna teach some assholes here a lesson about disrespectin’ my wife,” he says. “Can’t have that, can I?” 
Your lips turn up in a smile and you shake your head for him, eliciting a devilish smirk from Joel. 
“Alright, why don’t ya stay next to me, darlin’, while I get some work done. See if any of ‘em got somethin’ more to say when they see how good my wife is to me.”
You blink a few times in confusion, your body torn because of the way he’d just been all over you, to not have it progress any further. You start for a chair, to pull it over next to his desk, and you hear Joel tisk as soon as you begin to turn away. His hands hold onto your back, stopping you from sliding off of his firm lap.
“Not like that doll, y’know what I want - need y’to help me relax a little,” Joel says, his eyes quickly dipping to the floor and back up, and you stiffen, immediately picking up on the change. You should have known better when he’d brought up the words little pet. You tilt your head innocently at him as he releases his hold on you, and feel your body moving before you can even process it, moving off of his lap, legs buckling and sending you to your knees. 
“Mmm,” Joel murmurs, looking down at you, settled on your knees next to his chair, “Good girl, my good little wife.”
Your insides warm at his praise, bubbling with satisfaction as you gaze up at him seated above you. You have to admit that you’re surprised Joel has gone this far in the workplace - this dynamic isn’t necessarily anything new to you, and Joel does have to be in a certain mood to get as far as wanting you kneeling next to him like this, but you’re always more than happy to oblige. You love the way it makes him look at you, so pleased and adoring as you fulfill both of your needs and desires, turning yourself off to become everything he needs, and in turn, everything you need. 
“Now, you okay if people see you like this? Y’know the last thing I want is to upset ya,” Joel says and you nod. 
“It’s okay,” you say with a small smile, scooting a bit closer to his chair. You worm your way closer, nuzzling his leg before resting your chin on his thigh. “Whatever you need, sir.”
“Mm, that’s it, jus’ get comfortable,” he coos down at you. Your heart is lifting, thundering happily in your chest at how natural this position feels for you. “I’ll let y’know when I need you.”
You nod dutifully into the fabric of his slacks and Joel turns his chair slightly, patting his thigh before pulling you in between his legs rather than next to him, and you rest your cheek on his inner thigh, letting your breath calm at the warmth of his skin. Your initial nerves that anyone could walk in and see you like this, see you in a position they might consider weak or strange or even gross are dissipating when you sense your husband's presence so close, the thick muscles of his thigh moving underneath your cheek.
You observe his world as he starts to get to work, clicking and typing on his computer with a few irritated sighs. You can tell just how much Rick’s comments are affecting Joel, how the tension spreads and radiates throughout his body. He tuts a few times as he scrolls his emails, your eyes flicking up to the screen but not bothering to read much, giving him his privacy. He picks up the phone and you hear bits and pieces of the conversations he’s having, just finding yourself content to let your mind wander, focusing on the sensations at hand - Joel’s warmth, the muscles on his leg shifting every so often, the sound of his breathing above you when the room gets quiet. 
His hand drifts down while he’s waiting for the other end of the line to ring on a new call, his large hand landing on the top of your head and moving down, stroking gently along the side of your head several times. The sudden attention has you glancing up at his face, and he gives you a sweet look, eyes glazed over as he watches your lips parted and eyes trusting and twinkling for him. You melt instantly, a frown coming to your face as soon as Joel breaks eye contact and blinks quickly a few times, snapping out of it.
“Oh, yeah, this is Joel Miller calling for Devin,” he says. You then decide to filter out anything unimportant again, and wait for Joel to call your attention again as he places what sounds like some order for different lumber sizes for a new build they’re working on. He doesn’t move his hand, though, brushing it along your head in slow, repeated strokes while his voice drones on. You don’t even notice the way your hands have moved of their own accord, grasping onto his calves and inching yourself even closer to where his legs meet on the chair. Your hands are crawling up his thighs, rubbing them, and your face is dangerously close to his crotch now. You can feel Joel’s eyes peering down at your slow, steady movement towards dangerous territory. 
“Mhm, you too, bye,” Joel says, before harshly setting the phone down onto the receiver on down his desk and hissing through his teeth as he snaps his head down to look at you.
“What’re you doin’,” he snips, and your movements halt, a bit of fear burning through your veins that you’ve upset or disappointed him.
“Just… wanted to touch you more,” you say quietly, putting your eyes and head down towards the floor. 
“Said I’d tell y’when I needed you, didn’t I?” he asks.
“I know… I’m sorry, Joel. You just… make me so…” you stutter, knowing he probably won’t like that you’re trying to make excuses right now, not when he’s in this dominant mode. He’s usually pretty lenient with situations like this though, when he knows you just want to be close to him and aren’t trying to be a brat on purpose.
“Hmm,” he growls a little, his lip bit in contemplation for a moment before he places a hand on the back of your head, fisting your high ponytail into his palm. “I know I do, can’t help yourself can you?”
You shake your head in quick movements. “No, I can’t… sir.”
“Make it up t’me…” Joel says, dragging his words. “Suck on my cock like a good girl while I finish this work, then I’ll give ya all the attention you need.”
Your hand brushes gently over the obvious arousal bulging out of his pants, so close to where your cheek was just resting, as you graze your fingers up to his belt in a slow, tantalizing manner, garnering a hum of satisfaction from Joel. You’re about to pull it through the first loop when there’s a knock on the door and you jump, dropping your hand back to his thigh. 
“Shit,” Joel spits under his breath in irritation. “After,” he commands a bit louder to you, and you nod, staring up at him in anxious anticipation for what to do next. Should you stand, stay right where you are, get into the seat next to Joel? Your heart starts to pick up a little as you sit up straight, ready to move if needed.
“Don’t get up for them,” he says sternly, seeming to read your mind, so you blink and try to relax back down. His hand finds its way back to the side of your head, stroking to calm you. “S’okay.”
“Yes, sir,” you say quietly as Joel summons them to come into his office.
You refuse to make eye contact with them, suddenly feeling shyness weigh on you, your shoulders curling in as you find refuge against Joel’s leg again. You hear the shuffle of shoes and bodies entering the room and try not to tense up, wanting to make a good impression for Joel. You try to be brave, looking up at Joel and then turning your head to his coworkers with a lazy smile, and they’re already staring at you with a mixture of emotions - confusion, lust, disgust, and so many things you can’t read that you find it makes you avert your gaze immediately.
“The Parker Street project, right?” Joel says, completely ignoring the rapidly changing emotions on their faces. 
“Right,” one of them that isn’t Rick says. “J-joel, um,” he says, flashing his eyes to you a few times.
“My wife, don’t worry about her. She’s visiting today. Tell them hello, darlin’,” Joel says, his hand still moving lazily along the side of your head.
“H-hello,” you manage to choke out, giving them your name and hoping your voice doesn’t waver too much.
They awkwardly greet you in return, and you try to focus, focus, focus, on Joel’s soothing hand on your hair, the well worn fabric of his pants below you that smells like him, the promise of dirty things after he has this meeting. You find it calms you, wishing you could be exactly like he wants - perfectly submissive, not scared for these other men to see you like this, and you aren’t scared, per se. Joel just doesn’t always bring this dynamic out of the home with him, and it has you feeling more timid than ever over it, even though you do like it. The chance for Joel to show you off, practically in a begging position between his legs, knowing you’re in a skimpy skirt that he loves as it flows out around your hips and onto the floor below you. The thought of these men seeing how much you belong to Joel has arousal starting to pool deep in your belly, swirling lower and lower the more you think about it. Joel’s girl. His pretty little wife. Let them see how good I am to him.
Joel’s hand doesn’t leave your head as they all speak - Rick, Steven, and Pat all doing their best to focus despite the out of the ordinary circumstances. You can’t help but wonder if Joel cares, if he thinks this will affect the way he’s treated by his employees. You start to spiral out, hoping your eyes don’t give away the sudden panic and worry that you’re somehow doing something wrong, making Joel’s life harder by being here. His hand edges down to your chin, unnoticeable to the other men, who have their eyes trained downwards on some blueprints on Joel’s desk as they chatter. He tilts your head slightly off of his thigh, having you look up at him, and he can see the nervous breath hitch in your throat. His eyes go soft and he gives your chin a few gentle strokes of his finger. 
“Good girl,” he mouths, and you melt a little, still not completely rid of the tension. “I love you,” he mouths next, and you find that was the key to the lock, the exact thing you needed from him right now. Of course Joel wouldn’t have you sitting like this if he cared at all what these men thought, if he had any doubts. One thing you knew about Joel was that he wasn’t a man with many doubts, ever. 
You squeeze his calf lovingly and relax again, not failing to notice that Joel’s pants have a prominent bulge just inches from where you’re nuzzling against him. You feel the familiar crawl of arousal in your core again, starting to throb in time with your clit, and you want nothing more than to throw caution to the wind and start riding his cock right now in front of everyone. As if he read your mind yet again, sensing the low, low pooling of heat inside of you,  Joel decides to adjourn the meeting. 
“Hope that answered most of it, but let’s talk tomorrow, hm? Gotta get this pretty girl home soon,” Joel says to them, and to your surprise, they seem much more relaxed, giving out smiles and little chuckles and talking more animatedly with Joel as they wrap their meeting up. You breathe a sigh of relief and say goodbye to them when Joel requests you to, thankful you can be alone with him again. 
As soon as the door to his office clicks shut, Joel shifts in his seat, moving your head off of his lap and replacing it with his own hands. He growls a little, the sound deep and rumbling all the way down to where you’re sitting at his feet, eager to please. His fingers fly to his belt, unbuckling it with a fury that you’re not sure you’ve seen from him before, deft fingers undoing it and unzipping his fly in record time.
“Get my cock in your mouth, pretty girl,” he groans, yanking it out of his pants - the tip exposed first, achingly red and dripping with precum. Your mouth salivates, your tongue starts to poke out before you even realize, desperate to lap it onto your tongue and taste him. He fists it in his hand, slapping it against your mouth a few times, looking down at you through hooded eyes.
“No playin’ around, either, no little kitten licks and all that shit - I want this fat cock stuffing your mouth ‘till you’re choking,” he says, his voice a hot heat that licks down your skin like fire, sending a wave of arousal crashing through you. Slickness pools in your underwear, and you rub your thighs together instinctually. You nod, your mind still processing the vulgarity of what he’d said.
“Your words,” he reminds you, and you blink a few times, swallowing hard.
“Yes, o-of course, sir,” you say eagerly, eyes fixed on the bulbous head of his cock, sitting less than an inch from your hungry, salivating lips. 
“Good girl.” Joel lands another gentle stroke on your head, reaching back to grasp at the high ponytail sitting atop your crown, wrapping it around his hand in a few swift tugs. He has complete control, his hand firmly pressing your head to close the gap between your soon to be swollen lips and his cock, and you open wide for him, not wanting him to even have to ask, and he doesn’t fail to notice. 
“Eager girl, so good,” he praises, the end trailing into a groan as he slips past your lips, the immediate taste of him on your tongue more than welcome for you. You hum around his girth, the satisfaction filling your soul instantly as he presses on the back of your head, sending you further and further down his shaft. He hits the back of your throat, and he breathes hard, nearly gasping as you try to swallow him down and gag a bit, but Joel smiles crookedly, loving the sound that makes him feel so big and powerful above you.
“Yeah? Chokin’ on this big cock, are you? Bet you love it,” he purrs, his fingers tightening around your hair in his hand, scratching along your scalp. 
“Mmm,” you hum affirmatively around him. Your mouth is so full, jaw stretched and hurting already and you can scarcely breathe with the angle he’s hitting you at. You bob your head, slowly starting to move yourself faster along his cock, and Joel feels impossibly hard inside your mouth. You nearly moan at the feeling of what you alone do to him, your thighs clamping together under your skirt as you feel your warm center start to ache for him.
“Fuck, pretty thing, so good for me, aren’t you? Suckin’ on me like that at work like the little slut you are,” Joel grunts out, his breathing more erratic now. He’s losing himself completely to you, his head thrown back into the chair, panting as you keep up the quick bobbing of your head. 
You continue to take him in deep thrusts, your eyes watering, saliva pooling all around the base of him and starting to drip. Your hand pumps along what your mouth can’t take and you’re becoming a complete mess, tear stained cheeks and gagging noises that only serve to egg Joel on. 
“Fuck, perfect fuckin’ mouth, let me fuck it.” Joel tugs on your ponytail, trying to pull your head back to hear the two words he needs, the two words you’re desperate to say to him. 
You slide yourself up his shaft in a long, slow stroke before popping the head out of your mouth. You gaze up at him, your eyes completely changed and fucked out already for him, and Joel nearly comes at the sight alone. Your hair is starting to become undone in the way it only does when he fucks you, your lips puffy and overused now, and eyes glassy. It’s a sight to behold, absolutely angelic, and Joel feels only pure adoration for you and gratitude that he’s the only man who can gaze upon this exact view any time he wants. 
“Yes, sir,” you say, lapping his head and waiting for him to make the next move. He bucks his hips into your small licks before he tightens his grip on the back of your head, holding you in place as he slides himself back into your warm mouth. He sighs at the feeling and only moves slowly for a few moments to stand up from his chair before he starts to thrust his hips into your mouth with more vigor. 
It sends you reeling, the speed he’s moving in your mouth now, so unrelenting, taking everything he needs from you as you choke around him and try to swallow him down. You feel the ache between your thighs that has been growing reach an apex, your panties undoubtedly completely soaked through now, needing him to touch you, to find some relief for your neglected, throbbing clit.
“I’m gonna come down that pretty throat,” Joel says among his panting breaths, shoving himself into you with a hearty thrust.
You encourage Joel with a tight suck, trying to flick your tongue underneath his shaft as he moves your head. He groans loudly, and you know he’s close, your hands flying up to claw at his thighs and hold on as he slams himself into you. 
“Yeah little doll, gonna come in you, gonna c-“ Joel cuts himself off with a swift groan of pleasure as he bucks forward, spilling himself deep into your throat as promised, painting your throat white with his spend. He holds you in the position, keeping himself buried deep in your mouth as he comes down, breathing heavily. You feel his fingers slowly relax on your head, dropping your ponytail before he plops back into his chair. When you look up, his eyes are closed, head leaning back, and he looks completely blissed out, making you grin in satisfaction. You take care to tuck him back into his pants and he smiles down at you, peeking an eye open. 
“C’mere,” he says softly, patting his lap. You clamber up onto him, letting him press you against his chest as he wraps you in his arms, kissing the side of your cheek and neck. 
“You’re perfect,” he whispers, and you grab his hand in yours, bringing it to your mouth. You kiss along each of his knuckles, carefully giving each spot attention before letting his hand drop and putting both of your hands around his neck, scratching up into his hair. He hums contentedly at that, nuzzling himself into your neck.
“You liked everything I did today?” you ask tentatively, knowing what his answer will be, but you can’t help but seek his praise. After a more intense scene together like today, it feels extra good to hear. 
“Mm, I did, m’pretty doll.” He pauses thoughtfully for a moment, his fingers brushing along your back. “Y’know I wouldn’t change you, right? Change any of this? I want ya just as you are.”
“Oh.” You blink and knit your brows a little, nodding. You flick your eyes to his face, seeing that he’s already studying you. “Yeah, I do. Why’re you asking?”
“Jus’ makin’ sure. Too much damn chatter in this office today. All I care ‘bout is you knowin’ you’re my perfect girl.”
You sigh happily and plant a kiss where your head lays on him. “I’m so glad you liked it, I just wanted to do a good job for you.”
Joel makes a low, understanding sound and nods. “Y’did. Bet my baby is all worked up though, isn’t she? Needs a reward for being such a good girl today.”
You practically start to salivate at the words, good girl and reward in the same sentence always seem to lead to glorious things with Joel. You bite the inside of your lip, not sure if you should show him how suddenly eager you are, but a small shift from you in his lap tells him everything he needs to know. He chuckles, low and reverberating across his chest before he grabs your ass, moving you so that you’re straddling his thigh. One hand stays on your ass, and the other comes to cup near your lower belly, the one splayed on your behind starting to push you forward first. His hand on your belly pushes you back, encouraging you to use his thigh while he raptly watches your features screw up into pleasure.
You breathe in shakily at the miniscule amount of pressure on your clit already, immediately tightening around nothing as you start to move yourself in time with his hands as they manipulate you. You feel the build up already of a quickly approaching orgasm, your breath shallowing and erratic now as you quietly moan his name. Your eyes roll back and flutter shut as you grind harder, and just as you feel yourself cresting that sweet cliff into pure bliss, Joel holds tightly to both sides of you, stopping you. You nearly gasp, a frustrated grunt flying past your lips before you can stop it, your hips wiggling but to no avail - you can’ get enough friction now, enough pressure to send you into the pleasurable oblivion you’re craving.
“P-please,” you whine, a sob threatening to break out of your throat as your cunt weeps and aches desperately for him.
“Now…” Joel starts, his lips brushing your neck, beard and mustache tickling you and sending another wave of arousal to your core. “If you’re good jus’ a little longer, do what I say, I’ll give you your reward, mkay?” He talks smoothly and slowly, his words hitting you deep inside as you whimper, trying to grind down on him again, barely able to listen to him through the needy fog clouding your mind.
“C’mon, little doll, know y’want more than jus’ this, comin’ on my leg, don’t you?” He pulls back from your neck and puts a finger under your chin, tilting your head up to look at him. His eyebrows raise just slightly in expectation of your answer, and you purse your lips a little but nod. 
“I need it,” you whisper quietly, your face scrunched up slightly in need as you finally still on Joel’s lap. 
“I know y’can do it, doll,” Joel assures you, his hand curling around your face and to the side of your head, smoothing your hair back. 
“Okay… w-what do I need to do for my reward?”
“You’re gonna head on home, I’ll be maybe thirty minutes, an hour behind ya while I wrap up here and sneak out early.” Joel pauses and you watch his face intently, brows twitching to hear the next part of his plan. 
“You’re gonna put on that little blue set with the flowers, you know the one right?”
You nod quickly and mutely for him, lips pressed tightly together, enraptured by his words. You feel your heart fluttering, beating faster already.
“Words, darlin’,” he presses you, and you pop your mouth open. 
“Yes, sir.”
“Lay in bed an’ wait for me jus’ wearing that. No touchin’ yourself, no coming until I get to you, you understand?” Joel thumbs where he holds your chin before squeezing it possessively. 
“Good girl. You do all of that, and you get your reward,” Joel says, a corner of his mouth tugging upwards in satisfaction at the way you’re eating up his words, sitting with baited breath. 
You don’t even have to ask him what the reward might be, knowing Joel, knowing it will be well worth whatever short torture you’ll have to put yourself through while you wait for him. You can’t say some parts of your body seem on board, your pussy still fluttering, slick, and longing for Joel even as you try to accept that you won’t be able to do anything about it for a while yet.
“I can do it,” you tell Joel finally, trying to straighten yourself and exude confidence, rolling your shoulders back. 
“Okay, then. Home now, doll. And do as I said.” Joel gives your ass a firm spanking before releasing you from his lap, letting you slide off. The both of you, unable to help yourselves, quickly glance down to catch a glimpse of the spot on his pants where you’d just been seated, and Joel’s wry expression at the dark, slick stain from you makes you need to take a deep breath, remind yourself of your new mission.
“See you at home,” you say with a stern nod, pulling yourself together. When you leave the office, you have a renewed confidence, nothing like you felt when you’d walked in here earlier to those critical eyes following you. You feel an extra bounce in your step, passing by the secretary who has one of those particular pairs of eyes. You meet her stare as you walk up to where she’s seated, and you adjust your ponytail, knowing it’s quite obviously much more messy than when you’d arrived from Joel’s hands as he’d fucked into your face like it was his salvation.
“Have a great afternoon,” you chirp at her, a genuine smile shot her way as you pass by.
She gives you a faltering smile in return and her words trail after you as you don’t bother to stop on your way to the elevator. “You too…”
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You’re patiently waiting, your whole body taut and anxious as you lay back against the pillows of the bed, sighing. You fiddle with the straps of your lingerie, glancing down to make sure everything is sitting just right on your body for Joel when you hear the front door opening in the distance. You smile to yourself devilishly, your heart thumping and skipping in your chest. You listen carefully, wanting to hear the exact moment Joel approaches you after this long, arduous wait. You’d ghosted your fingers over yourself too many times, always stopping yourself at the last minute before you took it too far, not wanting to disappoint Joel. You know that he’d know, somehow. He could tell the minute he walked in the house, you’d bet - your guilt would permeate every room in the house if you’d disobeyed what he’d asked of you.
It left you a nearly shaking mess, vibrating with excitement as you hear Joel milling around downstairs, the refrigerator opening and the familiar sound of a bottle of beer being opened. You frown slightly, wondering if he’s going to keep up your torturous wait for him until you hear him ascending the stairs. You prop one leg up and drape your hands along your thighs, spreading your baby pink manicured fingers across the skin there, cocking your head and glancing towards the door. The bed faces the door and Joel gets an eyeful of you the moment he appears in the frame, his gaze roaming hungrily over you. He leans one arm on the doorframe, beer in the other hand, observing you from afar.
“Were you good?” he asks, taking a long swig from the bottle.
You nod, whispering a yes to him.
“I know, can tell,” he says, not bothering to explain how he’d know, but you believe him.
“Wanted my reward,” you say meekly, shifting your legs restlessly on the bed.
Joel approaches the bed silently, feet moving purposefully lazily underneath him. He unbuttons the first few buttons of his shirt, revealing the top of his chest, and your eyes linger there, catching his curls of hair now peeking out of the top. He takes one more swig before he sets the beer on top of your dresser. He shrugs his shirt off and climbs onto the bed, crawling towards you. His heavy, muscled form keeps you in place as he straddles you, bringing his face only inches from yours.
“You try to touch yourself?” he asks with a little more bite to his tone. His lips find the corner of your mouth, your cheek, the tip of your nose as he speaks. 
“A-almost. But I didn’t, I swear,” you say a little too quickly. “I didn’t want to disappoint you.”
“Thas’ right,” Joel breathes, inching closer to your lips with softening eyes. “My good little wife.”
He brushes his lips against yours and you shudder and moan, the anticipation that’s been building for hours now nearly at a breaking point. Your hips lift off the bed and Joel moves his hands from where they were bracketing your head to your hips, tight and commanding as he stops you from grinding into him.
He slips away from your face, moving down your body towards your aching heat, observing the lingerie you’re wearing along the way. His mouth brushes along the swell of your breasts covered in the lacy, flowery, sheer fabric. 
“This looks perfect on ya, sweetheart.” He smirks against your skin and sucks, leaving a mark on each breast before he slides his lips down your stomach, stopping before he reaches the apex of your thighs.
You whine quietly to yourself, and Joel continues to take his time, a finger sliding under the strap of your panties. His eyes drift between your legs and his eyebrows raise.
“Babydoll, you’ve been makin’ a mess again,” Joel tuts, making a greedy little sound in the back of his throat. You can feel how wet you are for him, how you had been practically non stop since you’d left his office and somehow made it home, changed into this bra and panties, and laid down in bed, all of it in a strange fog, only able to focus on getting to this point, to Joel.
You crane your head to see what he’s looking at, the dark stain on your underwear, no doubt full of your slick arousal. Your face warms at him looking at it so intently, seeing just how wretchedly desperate you are for him, that this simple promise of a reward could have made you gush and gush for him.
“So pretty,” he murmurs, tracing his finger along the wet spot, leaving you to shudder again with a hitch of your breath. “Is it all for me, hm? All of this?” Joel’s finger slips underneath the fabric, running his finger along your slit and the inside fabric of your panties, gathering up your arousal.
“Mhm, mhm,” you nod eagerly at his teasing, completely intoxicated by him now.
“Tell me,” he demands, circling your clit a few times, and you cry out.
“It’s all yours.” Your eyes squeeze shut and you buck into his light touches, feeling like your entire being is on fire from the inside out, the intensity of need for Joel becoming nearly sickening, like you’d do anything to keep his attention right now. And you know at the end of the day, you would. 
“What is? What’s all mine, little doll?” He speaks so assuredly, so languidly, like he could tease you all day like this and not be bothered. You know he would, too, if that was what would get him off that day, and you shudder to think that could be the case today.
“M-me, my pussy, it’s all yours. Only yours, sir.”
“That’s right. Good girl.” Joel sighs, moving his finger to his mouth and licking it clean in a slow, long stroke. He slowly, tantalizingly pulls your panties down your legs and you feel relief coursing through you that you’re getting that much closer to what you need from him.
Joel takes in the now bare bottom half of your body as he tosses your underwear on the floor. He moves swiftly, grabbing your sides and flipping your body so that you’re straddling his chest and he’s lying underneath you. He begins to pull you forward without a word, inching your aching heat closer to his mouth.
“Better soak my face, y’hear me?” he says before bringing you down and licking a flat, wide stripe up your slit and you cry out.
“Yes!” you call out suddenly, answering his question as you’re overtaken by the warm sensation of his mouth. He knows you so well, knows your body, what you respond to, and he dives right in, flicking his tongue perfectly over your clit a few times, drawing circles over it. You whine, your knees wobbling on either side of his head as you grip the sheets. You can tell you’re already doing exactly what Joel asked of you - there’s what feels like an impossible amount of slickness between your legs, and you can hear the lewd, pornographic sounds as he laps and sucks around your pussy. When his tongue pushes inside of you, you roll your eyes as your hips involuntarily thrust forward into it.
He pulls out for a moment, his breathing heavy against your cunt as he speaks. “What, you wanna fuck my tongue, d’ya, like a dirty little slut?” You nod, forgetting Joel can’t see it, and he tuts. “Answer me, little doll, use your words.”
“Yes, yes, please, let me fuck your face,” you practically sob, your lips going dry as you try to lick them back to life. It’s no use, your mouth drying all over again from the panting breaths Joel is bringing out of you.
“Fuck, dirty thing, such a whore for me, ain’t you?” You feel yourself fluttering around nothing, desperate for him to fill your aching, tightening little hole again.
“Yes, sir, I’m your whore. P-please…” you say, and Joel growls before his tongue pushes back into you, and he gathers your ass in his palms his fingers squeezing both globes tight enough to bruise, and he starts to lift you up and down, controlling the pace that you get to fuck his face. It’s dizzying as you feel him sliding in and out of you, your body bouncing on top of him, completely out of your control.
“F-ff-uck,” you moan, “My - my clit, Joel, I’m so close,” you cry feebly, barely able to get the words out. Joel pushes his nose inward, making sure it’s rubbing your clit each time he snaps your hips back down onto his face.
“Oh, right there, riiight there, yes!” you scream, and Joel goes harder as he senses you tensing up, your cunt pulsating and starting to quiver around his tongue. If anything, he starts to pull your hips down harder each time, and your eyes roll back as you squeeze them shut, your vision going bright white while your entire body responds to the pleasure. You feel your brain go fuzzy and your skin burning with the need for him finally releasing, his name falling from your lips over and over again. 
Joel slows the thrusts a bit at a time, letting you ride the heavenly aftershocks into his mouth until you can barely take it anymore and you find yourself squirming to throw yourself onto the bed next to him. Joel lets you go and you roll over onto your back, panting with your eyes shut.
Joel is instantly on you again, wrapping an arm around your chest and kissing the side of your face. Your body still craves more of him, so you turn to meet his lips, tasting yourself on them and feeling how wet his beard is while it rubs against your skin. It’s igniting something dirty and primal and feral inside of you to have your own arousal on your tongue as it dances into Joel’s mouth. 
His hand drifts to your breast, groping it and sliding a hand underneath your bra, running a thumb over your nipple. You whine when he tugs it harder and roll your body to lay on your side and get closer to him. Your hips start to grind on his leg, already seeking more friction from him again. 
“Need me to fuck this little pussy so bad, huh?” Joel says against your lips, the vibration of his low baritone tickling your bottom lip. 
“Mhm,” you practically whisper, a moan catching in your throat when he shoves a hand between your bodies directly to the apex of your thighs. He brushes his fingers along your overly sensitive clit and you twitch your hips into it. 
“I missed you…” you say quietly as you put your hands to his belt and start to unbuckle it. You don’t even realize how absurd the words are, how short a time you’ve been apart from Joel to be saying that, but it was true. You’d keep Joel in this bed all to yourself if you could, if he never had to leave the house for work. 
“My poor little doll, needin’ me to come fuck her senseless, waitin’ so patiently,” Joel says sympathetically while you work on freeing his cock, sending it slapping out and onto your belly as you press closer to him. He’s irritatingly calm and collected, knowing it’s driving you even madder with need and lust for him. 
He pulls your thigh up over his leg as you lay facing each other, and he presses his cock between your legs, rubbing through your oversensitive folds and enjoying how quickly he’s covered in slick arousal. Your eyes roll back and you whimper, your pussy aching and tender, but needing him inside of you all the same.
He rolls you flat on your back and presses his lips to your neck, sucking gently and flicking his tongue over the little sore spots he’s making. You squirm your hips in search of him, and he grabs under your legs, pulling them up by the knees to wrap around his hips. 
“Please, baby,” you beg, feeling him teasing your entrance, the bulbous head nearly bursting into you, giving you what you want. He retreats, looking down to see you purse your lips and huff out in frustration. 
When he finally pushes his length inside of you, inch by deliciously tortuous inch until you’re full of him and he’s pressing himself against your deepest parts you moan out shakily. 
He moves slowly, dragging his cock in and out of you as you clench and unclench around him. You’re sure that the fluttering you’re doing around his length is making Joel crazy, but he’s not showing it, and you both love and hate just how easily you fall apart for him while he can remain so composed for you. 
“Yeah, that good, baby? That what you wanted? Or you need to be drunk on this cock, have me fuck your tight little hole till it’s all used up?” He pushes down on your shoulders, sinking you down into the mattress as he keeps up his frustratingly slow pace.
“Shit, Joel, use me, please,” you cry out, grasping at the sheets and arching your body into him. He moves suddenly, with a gracefulness and speed you sometimes forget that he has as he throws your legs up over his shoulders and starts to jackhammer into you. 
It’s only then that you see it on his face, the way he falls apart for you, when you freely give yourself to him, tell him to use you. He contorts his face, sweat starting to gleam on his forehead as he ruts into you over and over, sending you bouncing towards the edge of the bed with his rough movements in and out of you. 
Use me use me use me you chant under your breath like a sacred prayer to him, feeling your head starting to go off the side of the bed, hanging down while you lose yourself to Joel’s cock, eyes glazing over and vision swimming. 
“Not so fast, pretty girl,” Joel snips, a hand shooting out to grab at your throat, pressing you further against the side of the bed. You choke out a moan as he squeezes and grunts, simultaneously taking and giving to you in hard, frenzied jerks of his hips. “Can’t b-be gettin’ away from me, gotta let me use this pussy up, ‘member?”
You can’t speak, can’t reply, can barely even think in full words as you feel him fold your body in half further, pressing on the spongy part inside of you every time he pushes inside of you, his balls slapping loudly against your ass with each movement. You can only croak out moaning sobs as the pressure inside of you builds to a burning, aching release. He squeezes your throat harder and you break, crying out in your strangled, little voice as you gush, your entire body shaking uncontrollably underneath him. 
Your cunt spasms so hard around him your hips start to arch, but he urges them back down with his free hand, using it to anchor himself and fuck into you harder, chasing his own high along with yours as your walls squeeze him. You can feel so much of him, every bit of his length fucking into you as you try to milk his orgasm out of him, fluttering repeatedly. 
“T-too much, f-fuck,” you cry out in a rasp, “Joel, fuck me, I’m g-gonna -“ you’re cut off by your own desperate, screeching moan as you soak everything, cumming hard around his cock and squirting, covering Joel’s jeans, the sheets, everything. You shudder as you come down and feel Joel still jacking himself off furiously inside your tight, spent cunt, grunting and cursing. 
“So fuckin’ messy, fuckin’ filthy ain’t you, doll,” Joel mumbles as he slams into you with a few hard thrusts. He groans long and low before shoving himself as deep as he can, releasing your throat and spilling himself, claiming you as he paints your walls with his cum. 
You’re gasping for air from the intensity of everything, slick with sweat all over and your combined spends between your legs as Joel pulls out and immediately gathers you into his arms, kissing the top of your head. 
“Sweet little doll,” he mumbles, his lips ghosting across your hairline. “You’re good?”
“God, yes,” you breathe out confidently, barely able to open your eyes except to peek at Joel’s concerned eyes settling back into satisfaction as he runs his fingers down your bare arm, goosebumps cropping up at his touch. You shiver a little as your sweat starts to dry and Joel pulls you in even tighter, nuzzling your neck. 
“You were such a good girl today, y’know that?” Joel says softly as he attaches his lips to the skin underneath your jawline. 
“I was?” you ask shyly, popping your eyes open to look at him in questioning. 
“Mm, of course, thank you for helpin’ me today.” Joel moves so the two of you are propped up on the pillows, legs stretched down the bed and intertwined together. “Never would take you for granted - the lunches, the sweet girl I got, y’know all that?”
“I know, I know,” you say soothingly, cupping your hand around his cheek. “You give me everything, Joel, it’s the least I could do.”
“I'm gonna have to argue and say you do that, do everythin’,” Joel says, a half smile tugging the corner of his lips as his eyes sparkle mischievously now. You pinch his nose and squeeze it, scrunching your face at him in disapproval.
“Agree to disagree?” you say, one of your phrases for when you know that it’ll be a completely fruitless faux argument, that neither one of you will admit that the other is the more perfect spouse. You know deep down that it isn’t even close to the point anyways, that the only thing that matters is how perfect you both feel being together. Your heart warms along with your body as you feel your husband so close, exhaustion overtaking you from the roller coaster of a day you’d had with him and your eyes flutter shut again. 
“Agree to disagree, darlin’.” Joel sighs, tilting your face up to his. 
He kisses you, and the thought flashes through your mind that you’d never choose it to be any other way, any other person in the entire world to make you feel this giddy, this desired, this… like yourself. 
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taglist: @aphterthoughtt @bbyanarchist @amy172 @hazzaismyreligion @ohheypedrito @msmorningstaarr @kamcrazy123 @madhere @huffle-punk @jupiter-soups
(sorry i haven't been updating as much to everyone who reads my stories, i've been going through a lot of insecurity lately and it's been hard for me to be inspired when i'm comparing myself to others or just being an insecure mess so anyway ty for bearing with me)
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empressdede · 7 months
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Chapter Two
After that interaction, London tried her best to create some distance between her and Roman. She would avoid his calls, texts messages and if she did finally get back to him, she would decline any outing he would invite her to.
She didn’t trust herself around him. She knew the longer she kept herself around him, the more she would want to jump his bones. The little moment between them made her feel like a horny teenager all over again. She had no business at her big ass age of 34, dry humping another man against the wall like she was some 16 year old virgin. And even though that’s all that they did; she couldn’t shake the memory away.
The way he held her up against the wall with ease, the way he grunted and groaned softly in her ear, and especially the way he demanded that she cum for him. Every time the thought entered her mind, It made her body shiver with want.
And that’s where her problem lied. She knows that she wants Roman; no matter how many times she tries to push it to the back of her head.
“You can’t keep avoiding him, London. Be a grown up and tell that man you need your space.” London’s sister, Nora, advised.
“I don’t have to do anything but be black and die when the time comes Nora. If I don’t want to talk to Roman right now, then I’m not. What we did at that party - his wife’s party no less - was a mistake. We’re both happly married and it needs to stay like that.”
“London, you’ve been with James since forever. Don’t you think this is your body telling you to venture out and try new things?”
“James is a good man Nora. I’m not going to ruin my relationship with my husband just because I’m feeling like I want a quick fix somewhere else.”
Nora rolled her eyes. “Girl, if James was beating the pussy up like he supposed to be doing, you wouldn’t have ran off with Roman in the first place. Then you ran off to go dry hump that man, bitch you ain’t never heard of no quickie?”
“Bitch I’m being serious. If you was gonna step out anyway, you might as well have went out with a bang. Vibrator to the clit while he hitting it from the back & that 20 minutes could’ve been a whole fuckin round.”
Images immediately flashed through her mind as she thought about it. Her dress bunched up at her waist as he thrusted inside of her at a quick pace. Bodies close together so he could keep the vibrator to her clit and she could practically hear his voice in her ear. “I barely even started and look at you about to cum for me.”
London let out a sad sigh. Her sister’s didn’t help her with trying to push Roman to the back of her mind. If anything, Nora kept trying to push her straight into Roman’s arms.
“If I see him, I’m going to fuck him.” She admitted and Nora shrugged.
“So do that. James will always be here and who knows; maybe this is just a phase and you need him out of your system. Whatever the case may be, I say go for it.”
“You’re not even trying to give me good advice Nora. You keep telling me to cheat on my husband.”
“You already cheated girl and I wasn’t there to tell you that. You cheated emotionally and physically, you might as well just go all the way.”
Her sister’s words echoed in her head and she thought about it for a second, what it would really feel like to go all the way with Roman. She just knew he would snatch her breath away. She could almost feel him, a picturesque expression on his face as he took her hair into his hands pulling it towards him to stop her from hiding her moans. Damn…. She really did see it and even though she yearned to fall into temptation, London decides that she was going to stand on business.
She had a husband for everything she thinks she wants Roman for. She also decided that since she was going to be the woman she promised to be as a wife, she was going to throw herself into her work. What better way to distract herself from temptation than to work?
But Roman though? He was getting tired of waiting on London. He considered himself a realist - if he was going to be cheating on his wife, he was going to fulfill all the fantasies he had about London. They’ve tried to deny their sexual attraction towards each other for almost two years now; if she didn’t want him the same way he wants her then what happened two weeks ago wouldn’t have transpired. So after being ignored for two weeks, Roman decides he’s had enough. If London didn’t want to see him, so be it. Now he was going to go see her…. and with how distant she’s been he knew exactly where to find her.
"Mrs. Murphey, we have a Mr. Heyman downstairs waiting for you. He says it’s an emergency." Mariah states as she walks into London’s office. London lets out a tired sigh; she knew she didn’t have long before he started sending his minions to do his dirty work.
"Tell him I’m busy." London responds to her without even lifting her head to acknowledge her assistant. She didn’t really have time to entertain that bullshit today.
"Don’t seem that busy to me." She heard from where her assistant stood and her head snapped up to see Roman standing behind Mariah. And poor Mariah, she really tried her best, bless her heart but she knew when it came to Roman himself, he was going to finesse his way up here one way or another.
"Um sir you can’t be he-" Mariah tried to speak but Roman cut her off, keeping his dark brown orbs locked on London.
"You ready to talk to me like an adult?" He questioned. Mariah looked between the two of them, obviously sensing the tension but if her boss said she was busy, then she needed to get rid of this Mr. Heyman guy.
"Sir, you can’t be here. I’m going to have to ask you to leave or else I’m going to have security escort you out the building." Mariah warned. Roman stared at the younger woman in front of him with a blank face for a couple of seconds before laughing in her face.
"Okay lady, if you could close the door behind you, that would be great." He instructed, walking right past her to stand in front of London’s desk.
London finally snapped out of it when she got her over her feeling of shock from seeing him. "You don’t get to walk in here and tell my employees what to do. In this building, there’s only one person who runs it and that’s me." She enforced, getting up from her seat to glare at him. "Just like I can’t walk in yours and start telling Paul what to do."
"London-" Roman tried to speak again but was cut off by London’s assistant again.
"Um… Sir, you still need to leave."
"You can close the door behind you Mariah, you can leave. Let everyone know that I’m in a meeting and will be available afterwards. Come find me in 30 minutes." London instructed
"An hour." Roman replies, and this time he raises an eyebrow, challenging her to see if he wouldn’t keep her for the hour.
The two stared at each other for a while in silence, both of them challenging the other. London knew herself, an hour alone with Roman and she would be stepping out of her marriage. She also didn’t want him to think he had any power over her with his dumbass suggestion of having an hour of her time instead of 30. And as much as she didn’t want to admit it, the longer they glared at each other, waiting for the other to succumb in defeat, her sister’s words were ringing in her head.
"Maybe this is just a phase and you need him out of your system."
London finally rolled her eyes in defeat, turning to look at Mariah; "An hour. And not a second less."
When Mariah left, Roman let his eyes roam around her office. "You’ve been cooped up in here, I bet."
"What are you doing here Roman?" London asked getting straight to the point.
"You haven’t been texting me back for a while. So if you don’t want to talk over the phone, you definitely want to talk in person." Roman turned his head back to face London. "I can’t get you out of my head London, I keep hearing you cry out for me and when I try to call you to … talk… you don’t even pick up."
"Because you’re married Roman. To Tiara, not me. What we did a couple of weeks ago was a mistake. It shouldn’t have happened."
"If that were the case, you wouldn’t have worn the panties I bought for you."
The room got silent, energy in the room changing as they stared each other down. London really didn’t want to fall into this trap. That’s what Roman was, coming in here with his tight collared shirt and slacks just to tempt her. A walking fucking trap.
“You could’ve just walked in wearing anything; But you didn’t.” Roman started, walking around the desk in slow calculated steps. Like a predator stalking its prey.
London watched him, and she couldn’t move even if she wanted to; it seemed as if her feet were glued to floor the closer Roman got to her. “You wore my dress and you put on those pretty panties just for me. It wasn’t a mistake… you wanted to cum for me that night; tell me I’m lying.”
With Roman standing right in front of her, she couldn’t really think. His scent was clouding her senses, she should be moving away from him, fighting her temptation. But he was telling the truth, she wanted him that night. Still wants him, she just doesn’t know how to go about it.
“Roman.” She whispered out but Roman didn’t want to listen to anything she had to say unless it was her crying out for him again.
“Tell me.” He demanded quietly, his hands moving to hold onto her waist to pull her into him. A gasp slipped through her lips, her eyes closing when she felt his nose trailing up her neck.
He planted a kiss under her ear before whispering in her ear, “Tell me you wanna cum for me London and I can make that happen for you.” He rasped out.
And she could practically hear Nora now.
Bitch stop fighting and fuck him already!
It was obvious Roman wanted her just as bad as she wanted him, and London was a weak woman.
“Make it happen then.” She replied almost challengingly and it caused Roman to smirk against her skin because he came on a mission.
"Fuucckkk" She loudly moaned when he pushed himself back into her. Legs on his shoulders with his hands holding onto to the back of her thighs. The immense feeling made her forget she was still in her office, where if anyone got close enough, they could hear her. But Roman didn’t give a single fuck. And when he leaned forward, pressing his body closer to hers, which pushed her legs closer to her chest making it easier to get deeper she couldn’t help but get lost in the pleasure.
Loud moans were flying out of her mouth, and Roman’s eyes stared down into her with a dark look in them. She knew exactly what he was doing, that look told her everything she needed to know. He was trying to find her spot, with no other intensions other than abusing it until she was cumming in waves for him.
"You done runnin’ from me?" He asked tauntingly, and she knew he wasn’t talking about running from him during the activity they were currently partaking in. He wanted her to give into him every single time they had the chance to be like this.
He slid his hands down her thighs and pushed them down as close to her chest as they could get, looking down between them to watch his dick slide in and out of her enjoying the small white ring of cream she left coated on him. He slowed down his pace purposefully to sew how loud she would get whenever he hit somewhere new. London couldn’t remember the last time she felt like this.
She tried to bite onto her lower lip to keep from screaming every time he went in deeper. Muffled moans came from her, nails denting his skin as she latched onto his back. Roman looked back up to watch her, eyes squinting as he studied her expressions and slightly moved to the left to hit a new area. He felt her clench around him and watched her eyes water from that specific spot. Found it
"Ouuu shit." She cried out.
"Right there?" He questioned as if he didn’t already know.
"Yesss, right there." Roman started moving against it, poking at her spot faster and faster as he let one of her thighs go and slid his hands up her stomach and breasts until he reached her neck. She let another loud moan as he loosely squeezed her neck.
"You never answered my question, you done runnin’ from me?"
London wrapped her arm around the leg he let go so she wouldn’t be so sore, she was so lost in the pleasure she almost didn’t hear him. "Huh?" He questioned, as he kept poking at her spot even harder now staring right into her eyes. She kept eye contact, responding by moaning louder and nodding her head.
"I can’t hear you, you done runnin’ from me London? Huh? When I ask you to come see me, you gon come see me right?" He asked, squeezing her neck a little tighter as he thrusted even faster.
He could’ve asked her for the world in the same moment and she would’ve agreed to give it to him. That’s how good he was making her feel.
Tears spilled from her eyes as she felt her stomach tightened and she clenched down on him. "Yessss, I’m done runnin’ Roman Please."
"Please what? Tell me."
"I-" She was cut off by her own loud moan, feeling her eyes roll to the back of her head. Roman continued to relentlessly pound into her, pushing to make her cum for the fourth and final time.
"C’mon baby, beg for that shit." He teased, enjoying the mess he was leaving her in. This was what he wanted to do to her the first time and he was glad he was able to redeem himself. The only thing that could be heard were their heavy breathing, her constant moaning and their skin clapping against each other’s.
"Please. D-don’t stop please" She stuttered out as she felt her legs start to shake; she was on the verge of cumming again - this time she knew it was going to me much more intense then the last one.
"You gon cum for me?" And he really didn’t need to ask, she placed her hand on his stomach to try to get him to slow down. Roman let go of her neck and quickly used his thumb to rub on her clit as he hit her spot over and over again. Her hand slipped from his stomach and she tapped on the desk, she couldn’t hold it anymore.
At the sight of her literally tapping out, he smirked and it did nothing but boost his ego. "Go head baby, cum for me." He permitted and with a silent scream she let her body arch off her desk and came all over him. He let out a groan at how tight she clenched around him and quickly pulled out of her and stroked himself with a few pumps and emptied himself on top of her; staking his claim.
If cheating on his wife felt like this - he didn’t give a damn about the consequences.
It’s been a minute huh? Here’s the second part - and I promise you guy’s wont have to wait that long for the next part😭😭
Comment if you want to be added to the next part and please show me some love🥺🫶🏾
Tagging the lovelies: @whatdoeseverybodywant @theninthwonder @christinabae @2-muchsauce @alichesmi @pitlissa22 @sassginaswanmills @harmshake @po3ticb3auty @unfriendly--blvck--hottie @dersha89 @serena004 @reci1996 @scarlettnoir01 @venusesworld @kill-the-artiste @southerngirl41 @badbitchcentralinc @reignsboy19
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fortheb0ys · 1 year
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I love old men...I love Price. TOP MALE READER FEM+MINORS DNI! Also not proofread lol
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Once Price retires, he's so happy to spend the rest of his life with you. You both got married. You bought a house in a peaceful neighborhood, got a dog. Life couldn't be better. Well, it does. Having more free time just means more sex.
Even though he's an older man, he has the libido of a horny teenager. Sure sometimes he won't be fully erect or not at all but that doesn't stop you from sucking his flaccid dick till he begs you to fuck him in the ass. He found himself wearing bery little or sometimes no clothing around the house, just so you can be quick to fuck him.
You'd be tired from a long deployment, looking forward to relaxing and spending time with your husband but Price had other plans. Having been left alone for some time, his needs became unsatisfied by sex toys. He really needed your dick.
So you both met in the middle. Price got to fuck you to sleep. He'd would ride you till you could bearly keep your eyes open, you swear you passed out a few times. He put a cock ring on you to keep you going.
He hasn't really found much hobbies besides having you fuck him in literally every inch of the house. Bathroom sex check. Sex on the staircase, check. Sex while waiting for the laundry to dry, check. Hell, even having sex in the garden.
It was certainly his favorite due to gardening being his one hobby once he retired. Being outdoors, riding you as you sat in your sunbed. Having the warm sun on his face adding to the heat of your heavy cock dragging in and out of his tight ass. It was a bit of a rush to think if your neighbors were to peek over the fence to greet you or to figure out the commotion, they'd be surprised to see him having his back blow out as he's getting fucked against the fence.
You'll always have to tell him to hush but most of the time it didn't work, so you'd have to stick your cock in his mouth just to muffle his moans. 'How about I invite them over? Let them get to know the little slut who lives next door. Maybe they'll like to try him out,' you'd tease. Though he was full well knowing you wouldn't share.
Other days he'll just be soaking in the sun as his ass is filled with your cum. He'd just stick a plug in so he can feel it inside all afternoon while he's mowing the lawn or tending to the flowers.
Even though he was retired you were a few years away from yours. As you did paperwork, Price would sit in your lap as you cock warm him. Once he started getting bored, he'd start riding you without warning. Or he just be satisfied by having your dick resting in his mouth while he sat underneath your desk. Every so often you'd thrust in his mouth making him gag a little. He would rut against your leg like a bitch in heat as your balls hit his chin, drool dripping down his chin.
Price tries to put his two cents in when it comes to you commanding your troupes. It pisses you off cause 1. They're your men and 2. He shouldn't be thinking about war in his retirement so you fuck him as punishment. "You think you can tell me what to do? They're MY men and you don't have a say in my commands."
Price is just a hot old man that needs a good dick down :)
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jobean12-blog · 2 years
Game On
Pairing: Joel Miller x reader
Word Count: 1,451
Summary: A game of Boggle, a haircut, and one sassy teenager makes for a regular day of surviving (or really almost living). 
Author’s Note: Here with some soft domestic Joel because I’m in love. I have another fun idea planned thanks to my sweet friend @justkinsey, it’s fun to pretend everything is just great...haha. But for real- happiness for them all please. Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you darling! 🥰
Warnings: fun and flirty fluff, softness and sass
GIF NOT MINE: Credit goes to @a7estrellas​ thank you bunches 🥰
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Joel Miller Masterlist
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Joel groans and continues staring at the grid, his brow furrowed in concentration and the pencil motionless in his hand.
You write down another word and take a quick glance at the timer, grinning when he eyes you disdainfully.
You write down one last word before the final grain of sand falls on the other end of the hourglass.  
“That doesn’t count,” Joel says definitively. “Time was up!”
“No it wasn’t! I got it just before!” you counter, crossing your arms over your chest.
Joel stares you down, his jaw set firmly and his eyes narrowed.
“Honey,” he croons. “Time was up.”
“Oh my god,” you say as you throw your hands up in exasperation. “You are such a sore loser.”
He looks at you expectantly but you don’t back down.
“It counts.”
“It does not. Time was up.”
“No. It wasn’t.”
“Fine. Let’s hear ‘em,” he grumbles with a sigh.
You start reading off your list of words but you can feel his eyes on you. Slowly, you lift your gaze from the paper and meet his stare.
“What?” you ask.
He puts down his list and moves the small board off the couch before he shifts closer. Without a word he swipes the paper from between your fingers and grabs your pencil, dropping both to the floor.
“What are you doing?!” you say firmly. “I want to know who won!”
“You know who won,” he replies as he pushes you down onto the couch and covers your body with his.
“Yea…I WON! Because I always win!” you tease. “But I still like to keep count of all the times I kick your ass at Boggle.”
You can tell he wants to keep arguing but instead he dips his head and brushes his lips to yours.
“Joel,” you warn, but it comes out breathy and needy.
Your legs fall open and he settles comfortably between them as he places feather light kisses across your jaw, stopping just under your ear before he nibbles on the soft flesh.
With a gasp you drag your nails through his hair and arch into him, craning your neck back.
“You’re distracting me,” you manage to whisper.
“Hmm,” he hums with the press of his lips to your throat. “Maybe I am darlin’. I don’t hear you complainin’.”
You smile just before he kisses you, soft and slow and sweet. His hand slips under your shirt and his calloused fingertips ghost along your silky skin, just grazing the edge of your bra.
With a rock of your hips you pull a low moan from the back of his throat.
“Fuck darlin’,” he whispers against your mouth.
The front door swings open with a slam and you both go still.
You hear Ellie’s mumbled ‘shit’ before she exclaims with true teenage enthusiasm, “WERE YOU TWO JUST ABOUT TO DO IT?”
Joel drops his head to the crook of your neck with a pained groan and you try to hide your muffled laughter.
“Ellie,” he grumbles before he pushes up and off you. “Did you need somethin’?”
“Shit you guys are like horny teenagers!” she says with sigh. “Can’t leave you two alone for a second…supposed to be playing fucking Boggle…” she rants on.
Joel clears his throat and she finally stops, glaring at him.
“And yes I did need something!” she states snootily. “Did you think I just came in here hoping to catch an eyeful?”
You can’t contain yourself any longer and you let out a cackle, sitting up and adjusting your shirt. When you look at Joel he’s clearly disgruntled but the side of his mouth is turned up into a boyish smirk.
“Your hair is a mess,” Ellie points out as she stares at Joel and tries not to smile. “You need a haircut.”
“Is that what you came here to tell me?” he says gruffly.
“No,” she states pointedly. “I can’t find my walk man.”
Joel obviously has no idea where it is but thankfully you do.
“You left it on the kitchen counter,” you tell Ellie with a wink.
She slips past the couch and walks into the kitchen, snatching it up and then rushing back for the door.
“Sorry,” she says cheekily, obviously not sorry at all. “Carry on.”
Joel watches her leave before he falls down onto the couch next to you, draping his arm over your stomach.
“Damn kid,” he mutters, his smile undeniable, before he drops his head and peppers your cheek with kisses.
You push on his chest with a giggle and study him when he meets your eyes.
“You really do need a haircut,” you tell him as you run your fingers through his graying locks, making them stick up this way and that.
“Is this really what you want to talk about right now?” he asks.
“Can I cut if for you?”
His eyes sparkle despite the way he grinds his teeth in silence and he finally gives you a small nod.
“Promise?” you ask.
“Later…” he murmurs.
You open your mouth to get more reassurance than his short answer but the words are silenced as he presses his mouth down on yours and without missing a beat, wraps you in his arms and pins you under him again.
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“Make sure you keep still,” you say as you stand behind Joel with the spray bottle. “I don’t want to mess up.”
You adjust the towel at his shoulders, making sure that it covers as much of him as possible before you begin to spray his hair, wetting it and running your fingers through it. He visibly relaxes and you take your time lightly massaging his scalp.
Once it’s damp enough you start to cut it, going slowly and carefully. After you even out the back you move to the front, standing between his spread legs.
Joel’s eyes are closed and his breathing is steady but he lifts his hands and rests them gently on your waist as you work and you can feel his warmth even through the fabric of your shirt.
“I’m almost done,” you say softly.
“Mm’kay darlin’,” he answers, wrinkling his nose when the small hairs tickle it.
You smile to yourself and make the last snip then take a smaller towel and gently start to wipe his face of the stray hairs.
When his face is clean you get rid of the large towel that’s covered in hair and move back in front of him, brushing your thumb across his chin before you tilt his face up.
He opens his eyes and holds your gaze.
“Well?” he asks.
“Handsome as ever,” you smile.
He runs his hand through his hair. “Feels good.”
“I just trimmed it. I like having something to grab on to.”
Mischief dances in his eyes but it’s overpowered by something more intense and he reaches for you, pulling you down to straddle his lap.
Instinctively you wind your hands around his neck and lean into him. He slides his hands up your back and pulls you down to his lips.
“NOT AGAIN!” Ellie screeches.
Joel reluctantly stops kissing you and rests his forehead to yours. “I didn’t even hear her come in,” he sighs.
“Me either,” you admit as you rest your face in the crook of his neck.
You start to get off him but he holds you in place. “Don’t move darlin’.”
“What now?” he asks as he looks past you to Ellie.
She makes a face at him, sticking her tongue out before saying, “you’d think you’d be less grumpy with how much ass you’re getting.”
“Ellie!” you chide but it comes out as more of a snort laugh.
Joel’s eyes widen slightly but he quickly recovers, steeling his gaze and masking his expression with his usual gruffness.
Ellie’s lips twitch with her barely controlled laughter and you have to look away from her so you don’t join in.
“What did you forget now?” Joel asks Ellie, his teeth gritted as he does his best to erase her words.
“My book,” Ellie says, not hiding the sass in her tone. “And I’m going to hang out with Tommy, Maria and the baby…have fun.”
Ellie sings the last words with a twinkle of her fingers before walking out with her book in hand.
“I swear that kid…” he starts, a genuine smile playing on his lips.
“She’s pretty awesome,” you say with a knowing smile. “But maybe we should start locking the door…or maybe you can learn to keep your hands to yourself unless we’re in private…”
He has the audacity to look offended before murmuring, “now that’s just crazy talk darlin’. I can’t get enough. I always want more of you.”
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thegoldiehanson · 3 days
Nudist free-use family fantasy (per request) ❤️
In my family, there’s no such thing as clothes when we get home. As soon as any one of us steps through the door, we immediately take off all our clothes in the entranceway of our house. It first started when daddy and I got married and decided we wanted to be completely free in our home. We both wanted children and wanted our family to be the same way.
Daddy loved seeing me pregnant with our 2 kiddos, walking around with my huge swollen belly, and even more massive breasts! I didn’t think they could get any bigger, but I was wrong! They’d constantly drip milk on the floor when I walked around, but daddy didn’t mind cleaning it up. My breasts were always free for our kiddos to drink from whenever they wanted.
Daddy and I normalized our family seeing each other’s naked bodies, telling our son & daughter that this is the most natural way to be. That there’s no shame in nudity, our bodies are beautiful. Daddy and I were also so horny for each other that my nipples would almost always be hard and he would often have a boner when I was in the room. We normalized touching each other, no matter if we were alone or not. This is what grownups do, we told our son & daughter. In our house, if you have an urge, it’s okay to act on it.
When they were teenagers and their bodies became more adult, we noticed our son staring at our daughter constantly, and he always had a boner. He would playfully smack her ass when she walked by and she would smack his hard cock in return. We told them once they turn 18, they can join mommy & daddy’s sex, but until then they had to practice on each other.
For the next couple years, our son & daughter groped each other constantly. Sitting on the couch watching tv, I would stroke daddy’s cock while our daughter stroked her brother’s cock. He would grab his sister’s tits and suck on her nipples while she texted her friends. She would get on her knees in between his legs and suck his cock while he played video games.
They were used to seeing daddy & I fucking and wanted to try it themselves. I will never forget the look on their faces as they gave their virginity to each other ❤️ daddy and I were so proud of the loving family we made. From then on it was a regular thing to see our offspring making love to each other. One time, daddy was fucking me on the kitchen counter, and our son decided to make it a competition, to see who could last longer - so he lifted his sister onto the counter and started fucking her right next to us!
When they turned 18, they started touching me and daddy too, in fact on their 18th birthdays they both woke up and ran to our bedroom. For our son, he immediately latched onto my nipples and squeezed my huge breasts. His hard cock pressed against my thigh and I grabbed it and started stroking, while daddy was laying next to me. I told him “happy 18th birthday son, you’re officially a man now!” He moaned and said he couldn’t wait any longer, he’d been dying to know what mommy’s pussy felt like. He said he’d been fantasizing about sharing me with his dad for a long time, that I was such a good mommy who deserved TWO cocks inside her.
I slid over on top of daddy and grabbed his morning wood, and stuffed it into my ass. Then my son lifted my legs and touched my wet pussy, sliding his finger inside me while daddy slowly moved his huge cock in and out of my ass. My son’s erection looked even bigger now that it was about to go inside me. I guided his cock into my pussy and he let out a moan.
He immediately started pounding my tight pussy, greedy for it and totally giving into his urges. “Oh my god, I can’t believe I’m finally fucking the pussy that I came out of,” he moaned. “Mommy’s so tight…I can’t hold it for very long!” It only took a couple more minutes for him to release his young seed inside of me. “Oh my god mommy, you’re so hot. I’ve been dreaming about my 18th birthday ever since the first time I saw dad fuck you,” he panted.
On our daughter’s 18th birthday, it was much the same - she jumped into bed with her daddy & I and lay in between us. She reached both of her hands down and started rubbing my clit, and stroking daddy’s hard cock. Daddy said “happy 18th birthday baby,” and started making out with her and grabbing her breasts. Gradually he moved his hand down her beautiful body and started rubbing her pussy. He slid a finger inside and our daughter gasped. “Oh daddy, yes…that feels so good, it’s making me so wet!” I started sucking on her nipples while daddy slid another finger inside her tight pussy. “Mmm daddy, I’ve been admiring your huge cock for so long, I love seeing it get hard and have been a little jealous of mommy that she got to have your cock all to herself. Pleeeease put it inside me daddy, I need to feel you. Mommy, I want to see your pussy too, and I want to taste it at last.”
I guided our daughter in between my open legs, and she spread my pussy lips, kissing my clit. She knelt with her ass in the air while daddy got behind her, ready to fuck her doggy-style. She flicked her tongue around my clit while I looked up at her daddy, watching him slide his giant erection into her new 18-year old pussy. He rubbed his hands all over her perfect ass, grabbing it, pulling it towards him as thrust his cock as far inside her as possible. Her moans were muffled as she buried her face in my pussy, licking all over my folds and sucking my pussy lips. Daddy moaned and said “that looks so good, babygirl. I love seeing my two girls love each other like that. Show mommy how much you appreciate her pussy, baby. That’s where you came from.”
I moaned loudly as I got closer to cumming…looking up at her daddy, our eyes locking on each other, smiling because now our family was complete. We had passed the threshold and could now fully experience our ultimate familial bliss. I held our daughter’s head in place and grinded my pussy against her mouth as I screamed while cumming. Daddy spanked her ass repeatedly and said “good girl, making your mommy cum. Now you’re gonna make daddy cum.” He pounded her pussy hard and fast as her screams filled the room. With a final thrust, he came inside her, crying out “fuuuuuck yes, babygirl!” He slowly pulled his huge cock out and watched his cum leak out of her pussy.
And with that, our family became complete. Now we were all adults and could be completely free to touch each other whenever and wherever we wanted. My son and daughter regularly get in our open shower with me, soaping up my breasts, rubbing my body all over, and I do the same to them. Our daughter will sit her pussy down on daddy’s cock at any given time, and her brother will often see them and join in, sticking his huge young cock into her ass, or into her mouth while he pulls her hair. Our son will also grab me while I’m making dinner, bend me over and start fucking me. All of our bodies are completely shared with one another, made to be naked, doing whatever feels natural, free to grab, suck, or fuck at any time.
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actuallysaiyan · 22 days
Baby I'm Yours(Toshinori Yagi/All Might x Fem!Reader)
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warnings: smut, unprotected sex, vaginal fingering, tooth-rotting fluff, size kink(Toshi is in his All Might form), skinny dipping, semi-public sex word count: 1k pairings: Toshinori Yagi/All Might x Fem!Reader summary: during your staycation, Toshi suggests doing a little skinny dipping in the private onsen. of course this leads to something more lewd. a/n: dividers by @adornedwithlight and a very special thank you to @kentocalls for the idea! @pixelcafe-network <3
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The onsen looks so inviting as the two of you look at it from behind the sliding doors. It had been Toshi's idea to go skinny dipping in the private hot spring that was attached to your hotel room. You had never done anything like that before, but you couldn’t deny the idea was so thrilling.
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He’s blushing like a little schoolboy when he slides open the door to the onsen. The moon is full and the stars are shining bright in the sky. Then you undo the knot holding your robe open and he finally gets an eyeful of your beautiful body. Toshinori’s jaw drops and he coughs as a little bit of blood appears on his bottom lip. He quickly wipes it away, a look of shame flashes over his features.
“What? See something you like, number one?”
The words cause a fire to start in the pit of his tummy. The blush on his cheeks burns even brighter now. The way you tease him makes him feel like some sort of horny teenager unable to control his hormones instead of a middle-aged man. You wink as you slide into the hot water, moaning softly at the soothing effects it has on your body.
“Your turn, big guy.” You say as you lean against the side of the tub. You give him a playful wink.
His heart skips a beat at your seductive tone. He takes off his robe, a little more self-conscious of his body these days than before. Though still in his muscular form right now, he hates the look of that damn scar. It tarnishes such a gorgeous body. And yet, you look at him like he strung the stars in the sky just for you. This allows him to slide into the water with you and pull you close to him.
You nuzzle your head in his chest, making him laugh softly. You gently graze the soft chest hair that sprinkles his muscles, and then you look up at him. Love shines so beautifully in your eyes, he’s smitten. Nobody could bring this big man to his knees quite like you do. He cups your cheek, tenderly caressing it with his thumb.
“Your eyes put the stars to shame, sweetness.” He whispers softly, making your heart skip a beat.
You gently push him playfully, but you can’t help but smile. “Toshinori…you are made of sugar, I swear.”
He presses his lips to your lips. “Tell me, do I taste like it too?”
Your hands come up to cradle the back of his head lovingly. Your fingers run through those beautiful blond tresses, and your lips stay melded together. The warmth of the onsen causes you to relax even more into these sweet and hungry kisses. When he mentioned doing a staycation, how could you even refuse? This was the perfect solution to both of you being completely overworked.
Suddenly he picks you up in his arms and sets you on his lap. You let out a squeal of surprise, and he quiets you with a little kiss. You giggle as he begins to lavish you in soft kisses, leaving you aroused and panting to try and catch your breath.
“I want to take you,” his voice is so gruff. “Right here and right now.”
His hands slide from your waist down to your ass. He gives it a squeeze before he spreads your cheeks. Two of his fingers prod your little hole, making you lean against him for a little more support. You can’t trust yourself to stay upright whenever he makes you feel this way. Your skin is tingling as Toshinori continues to kiss your neck, biting and sucking softly. 
“Keep making those sweet sounds for me, honey.” Toshi whispers against your neck. You let out a quiet moan when one of his fingers slides into you.
You try to quiet yourself considering the fact that just about anyone could hear you, but with Toshi pumping his thick finger in and out of you at a dizzying pace, you’re letting out mewls and whimpers. He smirks at the way you react to just being filled with his finger. Another kiss to your neck, his teeth digging into the tender flesh.
“You taste so good,” he growls. “I need you…”
He scissors his fingers to stretch you out, then when he feels like you’ve relaxed enough for him, he pulls them out. You let out a noise of arousal when he brings them to his mouth and licks up the juices. With another needy growl, Toshinori grabs you by the waist and he begins impaling you on his thick length. You let out a gasp, the air feeling like it’s being completely knocked out of your lungs. You look down to see just how much his cock splits you in half.
“That’s my good girl,” he praises. “Just relax. Breathe…”
His voice is soothing to you. His lips press against your temple as you lean against him. Your walls flutter around him, desperately trying to adjust to such a large size. Slowly, you sink down further on him, moaning so pitifully as he fills you up. You feel so full with just half of him inside of you.
“Precious little thing,” he whispers in your ear. “You’re doing so good for me.”
You let out a soft whine, “It’s so much…”
“I know, I know.” He comforts you. “You’re taking me so well.”
Toshinori pulls you closer to him, wrapping his arms around you completely as you sink down the last few inches of his cock. Then he cups your cheeks in his hands, kissing you so deeply. With the stars shining in the sky and making your eyes look so beautiful, he swears he could never fall for anyone more than he’s fallen in love with you. You are the most beautiful, most precious thing in his life.
“Promise me,” he says as he picks up his pace. “Promise me you’ll never leave me.”
You kiss him deeply. “I’ll never leave you, promise…”
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reblogs and comments always appreciated!
©actuallysaiyan 2024– do not repost on other platforms, copy, translate or edit my works!
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rivatar · 6 months
Quick Sex
Day 3 of Pandora’s Bloody Moon
Pairing: Dilf!Jake!Sully x fem!omatikaya!reader
W/c: 970
Warnings/content: MDNI, smut & quick sex obvi, p in v, cream pie, secret sex
A/n: I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it 🤭🤭
“Hey guys, can I borrow Y/N for a second?” Jake steps in out of no where and holds his hand out for you since you were sat on the ground criss cross. You were in a circle with a group of friends your age, you all were tasked with carving out arrows for the warriors.
“Of course, Ma’Olo’eyktan. We don’t mind picking up her slack,” one of the young men joked nicely and everyone giggled. But truthfully, no one tells the Olo’eyktan ‘no’ so although they didn’t know why he was taking you, no one asked questions or dared to object.
“She won’t be gone long! And don’t worry, she’s not in trouble,” Jake joked playfully in response. After helping you off the ground he placed his hand on your back, ushering you away with him.
You both didn’t say a word as you were walking, still seeing a few Na’vi here and there but working your way out of the busy village and into the dense forest. The tension was thick in the air though, both of you wanting to speak to the other but not wanting to raise any suspicions amongst the villagers.
Jake looked around, checking and making sure no one was watching as you slipped into the forest further and further until eventually none of them could be seen or heard. You stayed silent, waiting for Jake to deem it safe and following his lead. He finally cornered you against a tree.
“Fuck, I’ve missed you so much,” he growled desperately and grabbed your face to kiss you hungrily. “Been thinking about this sweet pussy all day, couldn’t wait a second longer” he murmured on your mouth between kisses.
You and Jake have been sneaking off for about 3 months now. The first time, you both agreed it was a mistake and it would never happen again. But after getting a taste of each other, it was too hard to stop and never have it again. So this has become a routine for you guys. Sneaking off and fucking like animals while keeping it a secret from everyone else.
You kissed him back fervently, missing him just as badly.
You pulled back just enough to talk. “I can’t be gone too long or my friends will get suspicious, Jake” you reasoned with him while you clung onto each other desperately, panting and excited like you were both horny little teenagers again.
“I know, I know, let’s make it quick, then I’ll let ya go back, ‘mkay?”
You nodded enthusiastically, trusting him and also not wanting to wait any longer.
Your lips crashed onto each others again. While sloppily making out, you both hastily untied your loincloths, speeding up the process to get to what you really wanted.
Discarding the item to the ground, his lips left yours and he quickly hooked his hands under the back of your thighs to hoist you up against the tree. He swiftly positioned his hard cock against your entrance, wasting no time on foreplay. It was okay though because you were already soaked.
He slipped in with ease and groaned, his hands were holding your ass and lowering you down on his length until you fully engulfed him.
“Shit—you been thinking about this too, huh? Wet as fuck,” He gritted out
“Yes Jake, please give it to me!” You whined desperately.
“Your wish is my command,” he grinned with lust in his eyes.
He immediately set a hard and fast pace. You couldn’t get enough of each other, and each time you had a fuck session you just wanted more, harder, faster.
“Oh fuck! Jakeee!” You cried out to him, tossing your head back as he rutted into you like there was no tomorrow. Your tits bounced to his rhythm and your ass smacked his pelvis so hard it almost hurt.
He swiftly moved one hand to cover over your mouth. “Quiet, girl. Fuck- you trying to let everyone know?”
He kept bouncing you up and down on his dick and you moaned on his hand, making a ‘mmm’ sound and not holding yourself back. A tear fell down your cheek and your eyes rolled back at how good he was fucking the shit out of you.
“Come on baby, cum for me so I can fill you up,” he panted in your ear making it twitch from his hot breath.
The coil in the bottom of your belly was tightening more and more and you knew you would only have a few more seconds of heaven. He removed his hand from covering your mouth.
“Gonna cummm,” you whined.
“C’mon babe, cum on my cock,” he grunted and pleaded because he knew he wouldn’t be able to hold his own orgasm back much longer.
The coil suddenly snapped and you released on him, coating his dick in your thick cum gushing out.
He covered your mouth again as you screamed out in pleasure.
“Atta girl, just like that,” he praised and his own release followed, filling you up to the brim as his cock twitched inside you.
You both recovered, heavily breathing as your hearts calmed down.
“You are really something, you know that?” He asked you while still holding you up against the tree, sweat beading down his wrinkled forehead.
“Mhmm,” you smiled deliriously. You were too far gone to think at the moment.
He slowly pulled out and lowered you to the ground. He hurriedly did his best to clean you both off with some leaves, it would have to work for the time being.
He motioned for you to come on and you did so.
“Get back to work,” he winked and smacked your ass playfully as the two of you parted ways so no one would notice you were together. You just smiled cheekily and rolled your eyes.
Taglist: @teyamshuman @hidden-snow @ikeyniofthetayrangi @bambithewriter @neteyamssyulang @professional-yapper @nonamevenus
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daylightaftertherain · 8 months
also. making out?? and stripping?? in a boys' dorm hallway?? besties I live in a dorm alarmingly similar to theirs and let me tell you dorm kids are NOSY and the walls are thin. boys ik you don't think bc you're horny teenagers but get your ass inside the rooms this is not the time for The Video pt. 2
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