#and later on Taichi finds out and is like WHAT THE FUCK YOU GUYS!?
reliablejoukido · 1 year
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ideks-on-mars · 2 years
Or perhaps… 2nd gen captains headcanons 👀👀👀👀 i love them with my whole ass heart
More for yoom-ss because they and the future caps deserve the world
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- They're all depressed teenagers, what can I say 💀
- They've all, no matter who, have cried themselves to sleep wondering how the hell they're going to live up to their previous captains
- Yamamoto and Seguro try to keep up the Nekoma/Nohebi rivalry but in all honesty they really don't hate each other. They try so hard to act like they hate each other, they don't 💀
- Meanwhile Shirabu and Yahaba's rivalry is worse than Ushijima and Oikawa's
- They've fist fought
- Shirabu ended up breaking Yahaba's nose. Yahaba doesn't like to talk about it.
- Akaashi's used to this. He was pretty much the captain last year. He's got this in the bag.
- At least he thinks he does until he meets the crazy first years who think they're "2 cool 4 skool 🥶🥶🥶💢💢💢🔥🔥💯💯‼️😩💦💦"
- Akaashi kicks their asses dw
- Atsumu wants to be intimidating, and he is the the first years. The other new third years don't take him seriously at all. (Especially Osamu and Suna, they laugh at him when he tells them to do something)
- Ennoshita's on the verge of becoming an alcoholic with how his team stresses him out. He's terrifying tho.
- One time he slapped Kageyama upside his head when he was giving him attitude and he was quiet for the rest of the day. (Ennoshita felt bad later once he realized that he hurt Kageyama's feelings more than anything)
- Hirugami is pretty composed about it. He's doing his best. However, he tends to get burned out more often now that he has to guide the whole team.
- Atema is starting to blow up often. At his teammates. Some of the fellow third years have to calm him down. Quite frequently at that. He makes sure to remind his underclassmen that he's just very passionate and cares about them getting better.
- Usuri is scary to the new babies too 😭 they all call him intimidating and he never understands why. Also, another setter captain. So many setters.
- Sakusa is honestly not very good at the captain business. He's not very open with anything at all. Good thing we got Komori to help ✋️💀
- Terushima is having the time of his life, he loves being the captain so much 😪✨️ "Let's go fuck some shit up guys, woo-hoo! :D"
- Yuzuru is constantly on the verge when it comes to the fucks he has to lend. Especially with Hyakuzawa. He has been since he started the captain business in his second year. He's honestly about to send a letter to the previous third years apologizing for being a brat in his first and second year. He tries his best to be nice 😭
- All the other captains just wanna die
- Futakuchi probs causes the most fights within the group. He's an asshole 💀 it doesn't combine well with how temptable Yamamoto and Seguro are
- Shirabu, Yuzuru, and Usuri get along well. Almost too well. It's scary. They act like the group of mean kids that live on you're block that torment you and your friends.
- Akaashi and Ennoshita get along pretty well too. They just wanna relax
- Atsumu and Yahaba don't like each other 💀 probably because Yahaba is lowkey a mini Oikawa 😭
- Yamamoto and Terushima are straight ANIMALS like nothing can stop those two. Add Seguro into the mix and they're bouncing off the walls
- Futakuchi and Shirabu don't really like each other, but when they team up? Oh someone's gonna die
- Atsumu really admires Akaashi. He thinks he's really cool 😭 little does he know about Akaashi thinking he's admirable too
- The vice caps get along better than all of them 💀 it's funny with STZW and AJ cuz Yahaba and Shirabu will be staring each other down meanwhile Taichi, Watari, and Kyōtani will be sitting down talking about their Spotify playlists
- Tanaka and Fukunaga get along well too! Tanaka thinks his jokes are genuinely funny and I find that adorable
- Aone kicks it with them too sometimes. He likes their good, happy vibes.
- Shirabu and Ennoshita have laid back in lawn chairs (accompanied by Kawanishi cuz he gets out of stuff) and watched as their team ran multiple laps around the track field.
- The caps are all trying their very best 😭 it's so hard honestly and they just want a break
- Sometimes for team bonding their teammates buy their food just cuz, it's so sweet
- Future caps >>>>> anything else
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semisgroupie · 3 years
Third Time's The Charm
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Club Member!Taichi x Fem. Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: fingering (f!receiving), exhibitionism (Oikawa watches), condom usage (i know, crazy right?), praise, many many check ins, safe word mention, characters are college aged (both seniors in college so 21/22)
A/N: this is my submission for the @hqintheclub Haikyuu University Sex Club collab! Read the rest of the works here! I am so thankful for this network and to contribute to the collab, I hope this does a good job in conveying safe sex practices. Also a huge huge thank you to @meiansmistress for beta-reading!!! Yes the safe word is a little tribute to what Taichi does in the timeskip.
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Once Shinsuke called the end of the meeting, Kawanishi stood up and made his way to the front of the room with his clipboard in hand.
“Alright my fellow club members, I’m just going to go over the statistics before the end of the month, who need to go for their STD tests and the notes I took from this meeting.” He adjusted his glasses and flipped through the papers. “Okay, so some recommendations from this meeting are, ‘buy scented toilet paper’ by Tooru. Yeah, not happening.”
A whine came from the back of the meeting room.
“Dude, why not? You know how girls have to pee after sex? They could have something that smells good while they do it!” Tooru’s eyes lit up offering his proposal, just like every other month, only to have it shut down again.
“Buy scented candles or something for your smelly bathroom.” Chuckles and snickers erupted in the room while Tooru sat back and pouted like a child. Kawanishi went through the rest of the recommendations and other areas of concern before moving onto the last topic.
“Okay, so for the fun part. Time to see who has had the most and least sex this month.” The room went dead silent as Kawanishi went over the log book. He did a onceover of the totals before looking at the group.
“So the lucky guy with the most amount of happy customers is… Osamu with eighteen.”
“Huh? ‘Samu? He isn’t even here! Not even a member.” Atsumu huffed and kept on ranting and raving about his brother until Kawanishi interrupted him.
“Actually, he’s an unofficial/official member who does not need to really attend meetings since we haven’t properly officiated his membership. But we definitely need to do that since he’s definitely bringing popularity to the club. Next is Mr. Chairperson Tooru and Mr. President Shinsuke both tying in with twelve happy ladies. Congratulations to the both of you. So, now the two least are—well you guys shouldn’t be surprised as these results have been consistent for a while now. But in good spirit, it’s me with two and Keiji with one.”
A shrug came from Keiji as the results were read. Kawanishi felt the same way, it got annoying every single time he had to read the results. They both knew they had to get laid but Kawanishi had his eye on a special someone.
The meeting was called to an end and Kawanishi made his way to his room to get ready for his chemistry lab. There was only one thing circling in his brain—he had to raise his number, but how? There was that one person he wanted but he wasn’t even sure if she even had plans to use the services the club provided, let alone choose him.
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You were Kawanishi’s cute little lab partner. Always looking at him with bright doe eyes and always greeting him with a huge smile. You were too cute, too innocent to use the sex club. Kawanishi was sure of that. You probably even had a boyfriend so any hope he had for you was gone.
That was until he overheard you talking to your friends.
You were huffing and complaining about your sex life as you stood in front of the lab room—well, lack of sex in your life. You had a cute pout on your face as you rambled on, completely unaware of Kawanishi eavesdropping on such a private conversation.
“My toys aren’t even as enjoyable anymore! I just give up halfway through because it's the same thing over and over, I’m tired of it! And there’s absolutely no way I’m going to find a random guy on Tinder because he could be a creep or just horrible at sex.”
You sighed and started scrolling through your phone while your friend started thinking about what you said. Kawanishi recognized her, he knew her name started with a J and she was with Osamu last week. He remembered her moaning—well, screams—of Osamu’s name. As Kawanishi shook the thought from his head, “J” spoke.
“Remember that hook up I told you about last week?” She waited for you to nod before she continued speaking, “Well, there’s a website I met him off of. I’ll give it to you now and check it out. I think I saw a picture of your lab partner on the site. But check it out and let me know who you pick. Enjoy your class!”
You gave her a quick thanks before walking into the lab room, getting your goggles and supplies as Kawanishi soon followed. You made small conversation but every time you snuck a glance at him, you couldn’t see him as the type to be a part of the university’s sex club. Jay probably got him confused with someone else but for some reason you couldn’t wait until you got back to your apartment.
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You just had to make sure. It was just curiosity. Well, that was what you kept telling yourself when you opened up your laptop and typed the web address in. You were met with the website, seeing the names of all the members and things that they specialized in. While you were scrolling through, your eyes widened and your heart dropped to your stomach.
Secretary: Taichi Kawanishi Specialty: Fingering
“Holy shit. It’s him.”
You read the name over and over again. Maybe it was just the lack of sleep finally getting to you or maybe it was because you unknowingly inhaled some drug that caused you to hallucinate and see his name. No matter how many times you refreshed the screen and rubbed your eyes, nothing changed. His name was still there and so was his specialty.
“Fingering? Well, he does have nice fingers. They are very long.”
You started thinking about his slim fingers, wondering how they would feel on your skin, grazing your most sensitive parts, but before you got too deep in thought you snapped yourself out of it. This was your lab partner! Not some pornstar or prostitute. Not some rando you met on a dating site. You would see him again if you decided to go through with it. How would that change how you two interacted with each other? Would it bring unnecessary tension?
You had this back and forth with yourself all night. You finally made your decision when you couldn’t get yourself off, the toy on your clit no longer bringing the same satisfaction it used to. With a huff you grabbed your laptop and went back to the website. Once the page loaded, you looked through all the guys and their specialties.
“Corsetry? What is that?”
You looked through the rest of the other specialties and you were equally intrigued and confused. You went back to Kawanishi and stared at his name. You didn’t want to ruin anything but you couldn’t stand this any longer—you needed a good fuck and you needed it badly.
“Fuck it.”
You scheduled an appointment with him, Saturday evening, a time where the site said he would be free. You put your laptop away and went to sleep.
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The next morning Kawanishi woke up to frantic knocking on his door. He rolled out of bed and opened the door to be welcomed by Tooru.
“Dude, what the fuck? Did someone die?”
“No but check your phone, someone has been scheduled for tomorrow evening.”
Kawanishi rolled his eyes and checked his phone, the notification woke him up.
“Y/N scheduled me for tomorrow evening?”
“Don’t worry my friend. I will get you condoms. But aren’t you glad I sent you for STD testing on Monday? You can thank me later.”
The rest of the day went by normally, then Kawanishi remembered one of the main rules.
“New members and members who fuck the least need to fuck in front of an official club member.”
Kawanishi went to some of the other guys first, but Keiji and Koutarou both said they couldn’t. Shinsuke had to visit his grandmother and some of the other club members were occupied. That left  only one person.
“Tooru, are you busy tomorrow evening?”
Tooru thought for a few seconds then shook his head. He furrowed his eyebrows in a silent question as to why he would be needed tomorrow evening.
“You forgot the rule, didn’t you?” Tooru kept a confused look and shrugged his shoulders.
Kawanishi pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed before continuing. Only if anyone else was free. He would take anyone at this moment over Tooru.
“People who fuck the least in the club need to fuck in front of an official member, and everyone one else is busy so I’m asking you.”
A smile grew on Tooru’s face as he got up and wrapped his arm around Kawanishi’s shoulder.
“Oh my friend, don’t make me seem like I’m the last choice—“
“—you are.”
“Ouch, anyways I’ll be glad to watch. Do you need any tips? All the girls have left with a smile on their face after a night with me. You know I would’ve never thought I’d say this but you should’ve gone to Seijoh or maybe I should’ve gone to Shiratorizawa… I would have gotten you laid all the time, or at least done a better job than stupid Ushiwaka, you wouldn’t have had this little dry spout you’re having now—hey!”
Kawanishi removed Tooru’s arm and walked out of his room.
“Thanks for doing it, I don’t need your help though. If you try coaching me, I don’t care what I’m doing, I will throw you out of the room myself.”
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Kawanishi spent the rest of the night and most of the day Saturday organizing his room, making it neat and stuffing his mini fridge with drinks and snacks. When it was time for you to come over, he waited for you in front of the club house.
As he waited, his nerves were getting the best of him. He hadn’t felt this nervous since he lost his virginity. Before he could really start worrying, he saw you approaching, giving him a small wave before you could greet him with a hug.
“Hey, well first off, thank you for choosing me for this. I should explain that we will have someone watch us, so if that makes you uncomfortable I completely understand. It’s just a rule we have for the club and I can show you the rule book if you need me to once we get to my room.”
“It’s okay. If you don’t mind me asking, who will it be?”
Before Kawanishi could answer your question the man in question wrapped his arms around the both of you.
“Hello you two! I shouldn’t need to introduce myself but I’m Tooru and—oh! I recognize you, Y/N right? I think we had biology together last year. You saved my ass so many times with your notes. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure Kawanishi here treats you right—ow!”
Kawanishi pinched Tooru’s side and gave him a mean side eye.
“Tooru, remember what I told you yesterday.”
Tooru raised his hands in surrender at Kawanishi’s warning and you couldn’t help but laugh at the interaction. The sound of your laughter helped calm Kawanishi down a bit. He just had to get it through his mind that you were just a regular person with needs just like him, and he was going to help you satisfy those needs.
Light conversation was shared between the three of you as you all walked to his room. Once you crossed the threshold of his bedroom, Kawanishi took your hand as he led you to the bed and sat next to you. You rested your hand on top of his and offered him a shy smile, leaning in slowly.
“C-can I kiss you Kawanishi?”
He cupped your cheek and closed the distance between the both of you. Your lips felt so soft against his and he couldn’t stop himself from deepening the kiss. His hand moved to squeeze the fat of your thigh that was exposed by the skirt you were wearing. He broke away from the kiss to sit against his headboard, patting his thighs.
“Come on, come sit on my lap, pretty girl and we can get started. If you feel uncomfortable, your safe word is mojito. Once you say it, I will stop whatever I’m doing and we can just cuddle or do whatever you want, okay?”
You settled yourself on his lap with a meek “yes” before leaning back in to kiss him. Tooru was sitting on the spare chair in the room, scrolling on his phone. It was adorable to see you get so shy. You were always so confident and so outspoken, but once Kawanishi got you inside his room you crawled into a little shell.
He pulled you down to kiss you this time as his hands wandered over your body. His hands moved over your clothed breasts, squeezing them softly, making whimpers leave your lips. He moved his hands lower to your ass, squishing the flesh, and when you bucked your hips into his he gave it a light smack, swallowing the moan that left you. He pulled away to look at you.
“Can I touch you some more? I just want you to feel really good for me.”
“P-please touch me, w-want more.”
He smirked at your stuttering—it made this even more enjoyable. He leaned in and trailed kisses from your lips to your jaw and neck, your hips bucking more. You were so sensitive he couldn’t wait to see how you would react to his fingers. His hand trailed up your thigh and his thumb grazed against your panties. You bit down on your lip, trying to hide your moans.
It was embarrassing to you how quickly you were falling apart; he hadn’t even touched your skin for more than a few seconds and you already felt like once his fingers touched your bare pussy, you would cum.
Kawanishi licked your neck as he slid your panties to the side.
“Are you ready? I’ll go nice and slow for you.” He spoke into the skin of your neck as his fingers rubbed your slick folds.
“Yes, please.”
Your head dropped to his shoulder once he slid his middle finger inside you, moving slowly. He hissed at the way your cunt swallowed his finger, thinking about how it would feel once his cock was buried inside you. He sped up his thrusts, your muffled moans and whimpers encouraging his actions further. He slipped another finger in, leaning back to see your expressions as you quickly lifted your head from his shoulder.
Your jaw went slack as moans kept falling from your mouth, your hips bucking into his hand as you got lost in the pleasure, chasing your orgasm. His fingers were so long and hit so deep. They felt so good, better than any toy you had used in the past month or so. You were embarrassingly close to your orgasm after only a short time.
“Ka-Kawanishi, ‘m close!”
“I know, just cum for me, okay? Cum all over my fingers, let me know how good I’m making you feel.”
He thrusted his fingers faster, using his thumb to rub your clit. He rubbed your back with his free hand while watching all your expressions. Your hands made their way to his shirt, balling the fabric in your fists as you came undone on his fingers with a moan of his name. He slowed his fingers down to help you relax, making sure he wasn’t overstimulating you.
“You did such a good job for me. You look so beautiful when you cum. So good for me. Are you okay?”
“Yes I’m fine,” you reply breathlessly.
“We can stop here. All I care about is you cumming. I could continue fingering you until my fingers turn pruney if you want or I could get you some snacks and water and just talk.”
You shook your head; you couldn’t leave him hard. You wanted to fuck him, and the snacks and drinks could always come later.
“I-I want to fuck you. I want you to feel good too.”
“Don’t worry about me, this is all about you and your pleasure. I’m here for you, okay?”
You nodded as he reached over for a condom on his nightstand. You lifted yourself off his lap slightly to remove your panties and skirt as he pulled off his sweatpants and boxers, revealing how hard he was.
“Okay, so how do you want to do this? I want you to be comfortable and enjoy yourself.”
“I want to ride you.”
You sat yourself on his thigh as he opened the foil package and rolled the condom onto his cock, pinching the tip of it. Once it was on, he placed his hands on your hips to help you guide you down on his cock. His grip tightened, feeling your warmth envelop his cock and fighting the urge to just thrust up into you. He moved you down slowly until you bottomed out.
“You did amazing, now take your time. I’ll help guide your hips so you don’t go too fast.”
You placed your hands on his shoulders as you slowly bounced yourself on his cock, the tip brushing against your g-spot over and over again. Praises kept falling from Kawanishi’s lips as moans kept coming out from yours. Tooru couldn’t help but start palming himself over his sweatpants at the sight of you and Kawanishi, your sweet moans and cries filling the room. Your hands went under your shirt, freeing your breasts from the confines of your bra. You played with and teased your nipples, adding extra stimulation to the pleasure you were already feeling.
The closer you got to your orgasm, the more your legs shook, making him take more control. He bounced you up and down on his cock, thrusting his hips up to meet yours. You felt so good around him and the sight of you playing with your nipples turned him on even more. If he thought you looked beautiful when you were fucking yourself on his fingers, you looked like a goddess now. Your pussy clenched his cock tighter and tighter with each thrust, signalling to him that your orgasm was approaching.
“Cum for me Y/N, cum for me. I know you’re close, I feel you clenching me so tightly. Come on and cum for me.”
Once the soft commands were spoken, you came around his cock, your eyes clenched shut as your jaw went slack letting out a silent moan. As you were riding out your orgasm Kawanishi couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. Small beads of sweat rolled down your neck and you finally opened your eyes to make eye contact with him. You leaned down and connected your lips with his once more.
Kawanishi kept thrusting until he filled up the condom with his cum. Once he felt you relax around him, he lifted you up slowly and laid you down on the bed, covering you with a blanket. He pulled the condom off, tying a knot and throwing it out in the trash can in his room. He nodded at Tooru, giving him the signal to leave, and so he did with a wink and a wave.
Kawanishi reached out for your hand and helped you get up as he walked you to the bathroom.
“I just need you to go to the bathroom and then we could watch something.”
You did your business and left the bathroom with a small smile on your face.
“Is there any way we could have this happen again? I don’t know if you guys can have regulars or if it's against the rules.”
Kawanishi chuckled and walked you back to his bed.
“We have no rules about regulars and I’d love to do this with you again.”
He kissed you on the forehead and handed you a water bottle to drink from before laying down next to you.
As he laid down next to you, talking about a random topic you brought up, he finally understood when people said the third time's the charm. He couldn’t have asked for a better person to raise his total to three.
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sirenascales · 3 years
-> double black [part three] 18+
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-> Chuuya x 1stPOV!F!Reader x Dazai
-> Who knew getting fired from work could lead to this?
-> Content: SMUT, slight angst, violence, murder, swearing
A man is murdered and things get interesting as the investigation starts. [Chuuya x 1stPOV!F!Reader x Dazai]
2,981 words
note: no smut in this one hehe, but things are gonna get fun. enjoy!
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Final || masterlist
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"Hey... are you okay?" Kenji asked me a few days later, noticing the scowl on my face and realizing that I had been tapping my nail on my desk repeatedly for the last fifteen minutes. "You seem... pissed?"
I grunted, closing my eyes and slowly taking a deep breath. "I'm okay, Kenji. Just having a bad day." The others shared looks with each other, but chose not to pry. The frown on my face never left, my fists clenched as my blood continued to boil.
Then that all went away, when I felt a gentle hand against the back of my neck. I looked over at Dazai, who had lazily rolled himself in his chair over to me. He grinned. "I could see the steam coming from your ears!"
His hand never left my neck, moving until his fingers loosely wrapped around the column of my throat. Strangely enough, my anger had completely gone away when he touched me, and it felt nice to finally breathe. "With the day I'm having..." I sighed, the whole world seemingly melting away, Dazai's thumb stroking along my jaw.
Kunikida was clearly unimpressed, the man gritting his teeth. Atsushi looked shocked, his face tinged red while Ranpo and Kenji just touched their own necks gently.
"Does she like to get choked?"
"Who knows, man."
"Hey, I know what will make you feel better," Dazai suggested and I tilted my head, waiting for him to continue. He leaned in and would have kissed me if it weren't for a book smacking right into the side of Dazai's head.
"Do that on your own time! We have a schedule!" Kunikida fumed while I quickly turned around to cover my face, simply to muffle down my obnoxious laughter.
"Oh, dude!"
"Kunikida! What was that for!"
"Public indecency!"
Dazai rubbed his head, whining from the pain while I just giggled behind my hands. Dazai almost looked betrayed at me laughing at him and I just shrugged my shoulders. "Hey, that's what you get for trying to play grab ass."
I purposely ignored Dazai's pouty face for the rest of the day, the man clearly upset that he didn't get to kiss me. I shook my head, glaring at him from across the office while threateningly pointing my pen at him.
"Work, dammit."
"I don't wanna! Bella, don't be so mean!"
I fixed him another glare before going back to my work, finishing up the final report for the last case we were on. After going through and making sure it was perfect, I saved and emailed it to the President, just as the door to the office slammed opened.
"He's gone!"
"Keiko?! What the he- Keiko, what's wrong?"
I stood up from my desk, my best friend standing before me in a frazzled state. She looked extremely distressed, tears falling down her face. I rushed to her, the woman collapsing into my arms as we both fell to our knees.
"He's gone!" she exclaimed before she started to sob into my chest. "He's gone! He's gone! He's gone!"
"Keiko..." I looked up at the others with wide eyes, them looking on with alarm. I turned back to Keiko, rubbing on her back as she continued to sob.
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Taichi was killed. He was found in an alleyway with multiple stab wounds. Keiko had received a call from the police after his identity was discovered, the detectives revealing the tragic news to her.
"I'm so sorry, Keiko..." I said to her softly, sitting with her in one of the small areas of the office, separated by simple dividers. "... how the hell did this happen? We just saw him last night when he dropped you off at my place..."
Keiko had finished crying, but the terrible sadness in her eyes was a clear indication of how devastated she was. I clenched my fists, feeling my anger from earlier building up again.
"I'm going to have to make my statement," Keiko said softly, chewing on her bottom lip.
"Do you want me to go with you to the station?" I asked and she shook her head.
"No... it's okay..."
"The thing is, you are also one of the last people to see him alive," Kunikida spoke up, standing by with Dazai and Atsushi. "You'll have to give your account too..."
Sighing deeply, I absentmindedly reached under my skirt, pausing when I didn't feel my knife against my thigh where it usually was. I gritted my teeth, shaking my head to myself before I went back to rubbing on Keiko's back in an attempt to comfort her.
Soon, Keiko and I left the Agency and headed on over to the police station. We gave our accounts of the night before when we last saw Taichi, us talking separately with a different agent.
"Now you know, Mr. Kamiya was in the Port Mafia," the agent said and I nodded. "And they have quite a bit of history with your little organization."
I didn't like the condescending tone in his voice, but I kept my cool. "Of course, but none of us have anything to do with this man's murder, and you have no evidence proving otherwise."
He just rolled his eyes at me. "Well, this is all we need. You're free to go."
I nodded before quietly making my way out of the interview room. I met with Keiko, who looked like she had been crying again and I pulled her into a comforting hug. "It's okay. This will be over soon."
Later on, I found myself back at the Agency, Keiko choosing to go home, despite my protests. My head was buried in my arms, not moving as I felt someone put their hand on my head, lightly scratching my scalp.
"Looks like the police will keep on investigating Taichi's murder," Dazai said and I peeked one eye out to find him leaning against my desk. "Thing is, I'm sure the Port Mafia will also be conducting their own investigation. Ohh, this is gonna get interesting~"
"So is it better if we stay out of this, then?" I asked, sitting up in my chair. "I mean, unless we're asked... we don't have to touch this."
Dazai regarded me for a moment, a mysterious smile growing on his face before he just threw his hands up nonchalantly. "I get it, you were friends with the guy."
"Not really," I corrected him immediately. "Keiko is my friend."
"Ohhhhh," Dazai just hummed, tapping his forefinger on his chin. "Well anywho, the police are gonna have their hands full if the Port Mafia really gets involved! It wouldn't hurt to help, right?"
I hesitated, a small smile soon growing on my face as I nodded. "Sure. Let's start tomorrow."
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"How about tonight instead?!" Dazai asked with a cheerful smile while I just glared at him angrily, the two of us now standing in the middle of the crime scene.
"Why do I even bother believing a word you say?" I hissed at him, attempting to kick the man but he quickly side stepped me. I gritted my teeth. "Ugh, plus it's already dark, Dazai. It's gonna be harder to find any evidence." Indeed, the only light we were getting was from the full moon up ahead, and the shitty lights above the side door of one of the buildings. "Are we even allowed to be here?"
Dazai simply nodded his head. "Of course, we were assigned to this case, afterall."
"... you told me the police were keeping it," I said, eyebrows twitching in annoyance. Was he serious?!
Dazai just smiled and threw his hands up. "Guess I was mistaken," he hummed and I sighed deeply, rubbing my temples.
"Okay so... what now?" I asked, finally looking around the crime scene. It was obviously taped off and Taichi's body was removed. All there was left was a giant stain of blood, which I now looked at with a worried face.
"Just by the nature of the crime alone, we can easily say it was a crime of passion. If this was a local gang or rival, he would have been shot, or even jumped and beaten to death. Official word is, he was stabbed over sixty times," Dazai explained, standing beside me and staring at the blood. "There is no sign of the murder weapon, no other physical evidence besides Taichi's dead body and blood. We'll have to wait for forensics to give us their final word, but I can tell... this might not be so easy to crack."
I nodded solemnly, my fists clenched tightly.
"Or... will it?"
I took in a deep breath before turning and sending Dazai a sheepish smile. "Well, we got our work cut out for us, huh."
Dazai chuckled softly. "Yeah, but that's what makes it fun."
"So Dazai," I started, crossing my arms over my chest. "I have a question."
"I may have an answer."
"Have you ever killed anyone before?"
Silence followed after my question and I turned to look at the man. His hands were in his pockets, a weird smile on his face. "I have. Quite a few."
For some reason, the answer didn't shock me as much as it probably should. "How do you sleep at night?"
More silence, before Dazai stood before me. I looked up at him, heart thudding when I saw that same dim look in his eyes. His lips curled up and he leaned in, making me hold my breath as he whispered.
"Like a baby."
My breath hitched in my throat, eyes going wide. I licked my lips nervously, nodding my head slowly. "I see..." Just... wow.
"You know, I could have gone without seeing your ugly face, Dazai."
A look of distaste grew on Dazai's face as the newcomer came sauntering up to us. He wore black, a familiar hat resting upon a familiar head of red hair. Blue eyes stared daggers into my coworker, mouth curled into a displeased snarl.
"Ah, Chuuya! It is a small world, after all," Dazai sang, the glare in his eyes not meeting the jovial tone of his voice.
Chuuya scoffed. "I thought you'd be fucking dead by now, but of course, you always love to piss me off."
"'Cause it's so much fun!"
The two men clearly didn't like each other, but that was the least of my concerns. All I could do was stare at Chuuya in shock. Of course, Taichi was one of his subordinates, he would want to find out who his killer was and get retribution. That was just how the Port Mafia worked.
I gulped, carefully trying to back away from the two. They could stand there and bicker with each other all they want. I had to get out of here before-
"Oh wait, meet my new friend!" Dazai wrapped his arm around my neck, wrestling me to his side effortlessly as I tried to break free. He knew I was trying to escape and made sure that didn't happen.
"Hey, let me go!" I hissed, not pleased with being pulled into a damn chokehold.
"Not until you meet my old friend!"
Chuuya growled. "We're not friends, damn traitor!"
Traitor? I grew confused, eyebrows pinched even as I fought against Dazai's hold. Chuuya narrowed his eyes when he finally got a good look at me.
"Hey... do I know you?"
Crap. "Uh..." I laughed sheepishly, Dazai now confused as he looked back and forth between the two of us.
"You know each other?"
"We met a few months ago," Chuuya spoke up, his eyes widening in realization before his eyes narrowed and he snarled.  "Knew you couldn't be trusted."
"Wait!" I exclaimed, making it out of Dazai's hold and holding my hands up to Chuuya. "I swear... I didn't even know about the ADA when we met. It was just as I said that night, I lost my job and was there to drink my pain away."
"Tch," Chuuya sounded, his eyes still narrowed. "And now you work with this traitorous bastard. Lucky you."
There was that word again.
"What do you mean by traitor?" I asked, at the same time Dazai spoke up.
"How the hell do you two know each other?"
Chuuya scoffed. "I fucked her."
I squeaked, Dazai's eyebrows raising.
"Interesting. I'm fucking her too."
I squeaked again, waving my hands wildly before either man could respond. "D-don't we have a murder to solve, huh?!"
It fell on deaf ears, the two men staring each other down, all before their eyes were on me and my trembling form.
"You know... I feel like we've been here before, Chuuya."
Said man snorted. "When you fucked my girls?"
"Like you haven't fucked mine?"
Okay, now I was confused. "Um... I don't understand..."
"Oh yeah!" Dazai exclaimed a bit too cheerfully, putting a hand on Chuuya's shoulder, earning a withering glare. "Chuuya and I go way back. Were the best of friends."
"No we weren't."
"We were partners! The best there was!"
"... tch."
Partners? What the hell did Dazai mean by partners? I looked between the two men, lips formed in a thin line. Then, the answer struck and my mouth fell open in shock. There was no fucking way... Dazai? I swallowed thickly, shaking my head for this was not the time or place to be thinking about this.
"Okay... I can only imagine just how deep this shit goes," I started, the men looking at me curiously. "But we have a murder to solve. Whatever... this," I gestured my hand between the two of them. "Is... it can wait. Y'all can make out or whatever later."
That was my attempt at breaking whatever tension there was, but I was the only one cackling when Dazai and Chuuya immediately protested.
"I will kill you!"
"That is not funny, bella!"
"Ugggh, I don't have the time for this. I should have known that the ADA would be investigating this, and that just pisses me off. You two should just stay out of my way," Chuuya said, hands in his coat pocket. "Though you... word is that you were one of the lasts who saw Taichi alive."
My heart dropped when Chuuya looked at me and I frowned. "And I told the police that I saw him when he dropped Keiko off at my apartment. There are cameras in the lobby that will show that I never left the apartment. We even ordered food in."
"Fuck. And there is no other evidence right now. No weapon, no hints of DNA. It's like the killer just vanished," Chuuya said to himself and I glanced at Dazai, seeing the amused look on his face.
"What if it was an ability user?" Dazai suggested. Chuuya gritted his teeth.
"Shut up! I don't need your help!"
"Really? Are you sure?" Dazai taunted the red head, quickly ducking when Chuuya swung his foot in a wide kick. Dazai didn't get hit, but the wall behind him took the damage, large cracks forming on the surface. I swallowed thickly. Just how strong was Chuuya?
"H-hey," I started nervously, foolishly getting between the two men before they could start a fight. "We're after the same goal, right? Why don't we just... work together?" The fierce glares I got made me shrink. "O-o-or! Or not! That's fine! Just don't fight!"
"Bella is right... fighting is so beneath me," Dazai said wistfully and I sighed deeply.
"Dazai, I'm being serious. This man was my best friend's boyfriend. I want to find his killer too."
"Just stay out of it," Chuuya growled. "This has nothing to do with either of you. The Port Mafia will handle this."
"Let's make it a race then." Both Chuuya and I were dumbfounded as we looked at Dazai, waiting for him to continue. "A competition to see who figures this out, the ADA or the Port Mafia."
"Dazai... what the hell?" I asked in disbelief, Chuuya stepped closer to him.
"What's the prize?"
Dazai smirked, raising a bandaged hand and pointing right to me. "Our bella."
My jaw dropped. "You're fucking kidding me?"
"No," Dazai answered rather seriously. "I'm not."
Chuuya is strangely quiet, his unreadable eyes now trained on me. I fidgeted under his gaze, looking away to find Dazai staring at me all the same. I shivered. I hated this; hated being part of such a stupid competition as a prize, and I hated that I fucking loved it. I screwed my eyes shut.
"Deal," Chuuya finally said and I gasped when I felt his familiar leather clad fingers cup my face, him moving my head to make me look at him. "Gotta say, I didn't expect to see you again, but I'm glad our paths have crossed a second time." I became extremely flustered and Chuuya smirked. "Tell me, Dazai. What was it like having my sloppy seconds?"
I gasped sharply with Dazai only laughing darkly, suddenly feeling his presence behind me. "Can't say it was too bad..." he answered and I just completely clocked out, breath hitching as I felt a bit embarrassed. And turned on. They knew exactly what to say to get me riled up.
"Okay, I'm leaving! It's late and I still haven't eaten dinner yet! Bye!" I was frantic trying to rush away from them as fast as I could. I didn't even turn back when Dazai called after me.
"See you tomorrow, bella!" Dazai chuckled softly, watching me disappear, hands stuffed in his pockets.
"A race? Really?" Chuuya asked incredulously, eyes piercing as he stared at his old partner.
"It will just make this all the more fun," Dazai hummed.
"You're a bastard," Chuuya scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Just stay out of my way. Taichi getting himself killed just ruined the investigation we had on him."
"Oh?" Dazai raised his eyebrows, amused. "Was he being a naughty boy?"
"Shut the fuck up, Dazai."
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I have this headcanon that Dazai and Chuuya definitely stole each other's girls and even shared them and had threesomes when they were partners and ya'll CANNOT tell me otherwise.
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Hello! may I ask sick kawanishi taichi? because it's actually hard to find his version :"D. He gets his hay fever acting up in class all day and causes a fever and headache. Shirabu take care of him since they're classmates and he looks horrible. Thank you!
Hello!! Now that I think about it, I've never even read Kawanishi content, poor guy. I hope this is similar to what you had in mind~
TW: headache, hay fever, coughing & sneezing.
1.1k words, Gen.
The voice of his Chemistry teacher blabbering about the TCA cycle almost lulls him to sleep. His head rests propped up on his hands, elbow on the hard, uncomfortable desk as he blinks, trying to make out whatever's being written on the blackboard. Kawanishi has only taken notes for the first ten minutes of the lecture, before entirely giving up.
His head has been pounding without giving him a break since the previous night, and out of the usual seven hours of sleep he normally gets, he's sure he hasn't actually slept for more than three. Not well, either.
Kawanishi slowly moves his hands to the sides of his head, palms flat on his ears that ache and throb. He hisses under his breath, sniffling, eyes watery.
The room keeps spinning, and his eyelids feel heavy and sore. The ache in his head, ears and chest drowns out everything else.
He doesn't even notice how Shirabu's staring at him from his desk. The setter eyes his friend carefully, and rapidly notices his puffy eyes and his cloth tissue crumpled and indubitably damp with snot.
He returns his attention to the lesson, but not long passes before he's startled by a stifled cough coming from the back of the classroom. Most of his classmates, and even the teacher, only glance at the source of the noise for a split second before going on with their duties.
Yet, Shirabu can't pry his gaze from Kawanishi, who looks more and more in agony with each passing instant. Although he isn't familiar with allergies himself, it's not hard to identify the symptoms.
Headache, runny nose, cough, and tiredness, from the looks of it. He doesn't envy him one bit.
Shirabu recalls that Kawanishi has mentioned being on antihistamine medications, but it doesn't seem that the boy has taken them before coming to school.
He startles, snappung around to meet his teacher's annoyed gaze. "Perhaps you should focus on the lesson. I know you can get good grades, however I believe you might learn something from this, too."
The boy nods, bowing his head slightly, cheeks tinged in red. "Y-yes sir, sorry sir!!"
Someone snickers, yet Shirabu pays no mind to anyone but Kawanishi, who's still sniffling and struggling to hold his cough.
As soon as the bell rings, marking the end of those neverending fifty minutes, Shirabu is quick to catapult himself to his friend's desk, crocuhing next to it.
Kawanishi, whose head now lays above his arms, that work as a makeshift pillow, slowly tilts his gaze towards Shirabu, cocking an eyebrow in confusion.
"Kenjirou? What're you...?"
"Did you take your meds today? The antihistamine ones." he asks, pragmatic as always. "You know your hay fever's bad, so why didn't you?"
Kawanishi looks like he's about to say something, but a wet cough cuts him off abruptly. Shirabu timidly reaches out with his hand, rubbing soothing circles on his friend's trembling back while he coughs and sputters helplessly.
The middle-blocker reaches for his water bottle with the hand that isn't pressed against his mouth, and shakes his head, regretting the action as it throbs harder.
"Why not? Did you run out?"
"C-couldn't." Kawanishi replies once the coughing fit comes to an end, "Test later. Meds make me sleepy." 
Shirabu sighs. Right, they have an English test coming up in the fifth period, he'd momentarily forgotten about it.
"Still..." he fumbles for words, "Your health is more important than a test. You look like you can't breathe."
"Th-that's because it's true." Kawanishi coughs, cheeky. Shirabu lets his shoulders sag, just a bit.
"Listen, I'll make you a deal. We still have a bit more than four hours until the test, so how about you take the meds, rest in the infirmary and come back for it later, if you're up to it?"
"W-what aboutー" a sneeze, then another, then a cough, and a groan. "M-my head, fuck..."
Shirabu doesn't even wait for his friend's final answer. He turns to a classmate, explaining the situation and asking her to warn the teacher. Then, he starts to rummage insise Kawanishi's bag, retrieving the meds, and his bottle.
"Let's go, Taichi." he calls, gentle. 
His friend slowly stands, chair screeching against the linoleum, but as soon as he's up, he sways. A hand immediately shoots for the desk, grip tight to steady himself.
Shirabu's got his other arm, a concerned look in his honey eyes.
"You good? Do you need to sit back down?"
"N-no, no, m'fine, just tired." Kawanishi hums, straightening himself. Shirabu still doesn't let go, and the two of them make their way towards the nurse's office.
The walk is painfully slow, Shirabu being forced to stop dragging Kawanishi more than once as the latter doubles over and coughs, or sneezes, or moans in agony.
"You should've stayed in bed."
"You sh-should've let a professional cut your hair."
Shirabu snorts. The fact that Kawanishi's well enough to joke around is a huge relief. Luckily, the infirmary isn't far, and the nurse is kind and quick as he allows them in, instructing Kawanishi to take off his shoes and to loosen his tie before he shows him a free bed.
Shirabu and the nurse exchange a few words, and soon the setter joins Kawanishi, handing him a pill and his water bottle. 
"Here. I told the nurse about your hay fever, but he's said he will have to check your temperature and blood pressure anyway, for safe measure. I'll be back in three hours, to see how you're doing."
Kawanishi swallows the pill. He then turns to face Shirabu, "Thanks, man. Sorry for the h- ha- the hassー" a forceful sneeze cuts him off. 
"It was no hassle. Now rest." he says, offering a kind smile before he leaves the office, Kawanishi fast asleep.
ー ー ー
Shirabu doesn't visit him three hours later. Instead, Kawanishi blinks his eyes open to the warm, tangerine sunlight filtering through the infirmary shutters, and only then he sees his friend walking towards him, his own and Kawanishi's school bags and duffel bags thrown over his shoulders.
"Oh, you're up." he chirps.
Kawanishi frowns, face hurting. "What time s'it?"
"Oh, like, 6:30PM? I let you sleep in, since the nurse said you needed to rest more. Ah, the teacher said that you can take the test once you're well, it's no problem for her." Shirabu says, nonchalantly. "I know you're mad at me for tricking you, so I'm treating you to sukiyaki."
"You think food can solve this?"
"Can't it, though?" Shirabu grins.
Kawanishi's stern expression sobers up a second later. "...I get to pick the place. And I want ice-cream later, my throat hurts."
ー ー ー
Let me know how I did with this one!! And, anon, if you have an AO3 please let me know, so that I can gift this fic to you next week!!
(August 25, 2021)
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zayray030 · 3 years
Don't Mess With Shiratorizawa's setter
Summary: Semi didn't appreciate having his boyfriend ogled by a bunch of boys. It was time to set things straight.
Relationships: Semi Eita/Shirabu Kenjirou
If those absolute assholes did not shut the fuck up in the next five seconds someone was going to get whacked by his chemistry textbook and then stabbed with a whisk.
And that was the least descriptive killing method that the Shiratorizawa team had for killing the asshole, homophobes that sat on the table in front of them, shit-talking Shirabu, whilst said boy had gone to get a book
“Satori, I need your help to help restrain myself from injuring these boys. I would much rather not inform my father that I have regressed to methods such as punching to let out my anger,” said Ushijima, the usually stoic teen having a demeanour of complete rage surrounding him.
“You're funny, big guy if you actually think I'm going to stop you from killing those brats.” came Tendou’s tight response.
“Semi-San? Are you okay?” asked Goshiki. The poor boy was probably the only thing stopping the team from committing first-degree murder but they could tell it was all being reluctant.
“If one more thing about my boyfriend comes out of those prejudistic assholes and it has to do with the size of his ass, or his clothes, or anything to do with sex then I will personally admit to being guilty at the trial.” Semi threatened darkly and Goshiki resisted the urge to shudder. His Senpai was scary when it came to their setter.
“As his best friend I allow this,” muttered Kawanishi, equally as dark. He did not appreciate hearing that shit come from those boys. Shirabu might be a brat but he was his best friend dammit and nobody was allowed to say anything about him.
Okay, so like let's fast forward a couple of hours ago before the Shiratorizawa boys volleyball team had begun to discuss torture methods on how to kill the idiots talking about their bratty yet adorable setter.
~A few hours ago~
Semi was going to go into cardiac arrest. He was sure of it. That was the only excuse for why his heart had begun racing to the point he was sure he would have to go to his doctor as quickly as possible.
Or maybe it was because seeing his boyfriend (yes! Boyfriend! God, he was never going to get tired of saying it) of three months in an adorably oversized, pink pastel sweatshirt and shorts so short you couldn't see them below the sweatshirt. Along with this ridiculously adorable look, his salty boyfriend had a pair of golden round glasses on and his cheeks were flushed.
Semi Eita would gladly die right here and now and be quite happy with his life. After all, this image of his boyfriend was enough to check everything off his bucket list.
The rest of the team seemed to have the same thought, all of them just staring at his boyfriend as if he was an angel and if they weren't used to his normal saltiness they would have all assumed him to be an angel. Even Ushijima seemed to find his boyfriend angelic cause the normally stoic teen seemed to have his jaw unclenched. And in Ushijima language that practically meant his jaw was dropping.
All except Kawanishi seemed to have trouble thinking as they stared at Shirabu. Kawanishi, the little fucker, had had the nerve to just simply waltz up to the work of art and hug the smaller boy. The boy replied with the same energy as a tame cat turned savage and he aimed consistent kicks at his best friend's ankles.
“Put me down you savage.” the boy hissed and Kawanishi snorted before finally releasing the boy.
“I'm going to ignore the hypocrisy just this once.” said the taller boy.
When Shirabu merely touched he turned around and threw a smug look at Semi, the expression rare on his normally deadpan face. The look screamed, ‘Ha, I get privileges as his best friend that you don't get and you're his boyfriend, bitch.’
Okay, so Semi might be over-exaggerating but it was clear that the second year had it for him, especially after he had started dating Shirabu.
It wasn't that Kawanishi wasn't supportive of his best friend. In fact, he had been ecstatic when the two setters had announced their relationship cause it meant that Shirabu wouldn't be talking about the older boy constantly and asking whether he liked him or if he would be kicked out of the team for being gay and if the team would tell anyone and if it would be like with his dad.
He was glad that his best friend was no longer second-guessing himself but he had seen Kenjirou at his most vulnerable and he wasn't sure he wanted anyone else to see him like that. If Semi wanted to earn the right for him not to be a prettier brat than even Shirabu then he would have to earn the gingers trust.
(Who knew that that time would come in like, the next two hours.)
“Eita,” Kenjirou said, usually monotone voice happy as he walked over to his boyfriend. He'd gained more confidence over the course of their relationship and had started initiating things first now.
Semi had to suck in a deep breath when the small boyfriend wrapped his arms around him. ‘The sweater is as soft as it looks.’
“Baby,” he answered back, with his usual smirk and internally cheated when the boy blushed and puffed out his cheeks. From the corner of his eyes, he could see Tendou clutch his chest and he couldn't blame him, Shirabu was adorable.
“Loser,” he mumbled, face still burning and stud on his toes to peck his cheek. The boy quickly turned around, cheeks flushing and walked away, making a show of making everyone follow him. Semi followed, with a giddy grin on his face. He so wasn't going to get used to that.
Everyone, although still slightly shook at seeing their feral setter in such adorable attire, followed the shortest player.
“So, Kenjirou~” began Tendou, leaning into his Semi’s boyfriend. Out of a fit of jealousy and not really thinking about it, he pulled the younger onto his lap and shot Tendou a glare. His boyfriend however seemed more reactant to the surprising touch, if the immediate blush didn't say anything.
The redhead on the other hand simply smirked at the reaction before turning to the boy with uneven bangs.
“I didn't know you couldn't look so cute!” he teased. Wrong thing to say, which was made clear when Taichi immediately tensed and winced.
“Problem?” Shirabu answered testily and Tendou knew he accidentally stepped on a nerve far too raw to be touched.
“Well, I wasn't going to say it's bad. Just different. Which suits you.” he says, trying to salvage the situation and make the air less tense and awkward.
That wasn't enough for one Shirabu Kenjirou however, and he continued to scowl, turning back to his text.
“What Satori is trying to say,” and Ushijima, ever the peace-loving farm boy he was, decided to help Tendou with indirectly apologising to their underclassmen. “Is that you do indeed look different. But you also look cute and content. And I feel like that should be enough.” his normally blunt voice softened a degree as if to not scare the boy that idolised him so much.
Kenjirou just blushed and everyone present wished that they had the ability to sneakily take pictures on their phones.
Semi simply cuddled Shirabu’s back and continued to work on his assignment, adamant on both ignoring his boyfriends best friends glare and cuddling with his boyfriend. It was peaceful and quiet, and everyone in the Shiratorizawa volleyball team felt themselves relaxing a significant bit.
However, that all changed when Shirabu got up to grab a book from the shelves to help him on one of the essays that he was stuck on and too stubborn to ask help for.
“You know you can always ask, right?” asked Reon, apparently one of the fastest to recover but nor completely. He at least had the human decency to not stare at Shirabu as if he was an object.
“Hmph,” replied Shirabu, already moving away. Everyone around the table chuckled at the sheer stubbornness before returning back to their studies.
Or at least that's what they would have wanted. Instead, they began being subjected to a bunch of immature boys talking about Shirabu.
“That ass looks tight.” one of the guys jeered, annoying voice lowered down enough so the librarian couldn't hear.
“I know right? Always knew that little brat was a slut.” another continued.
“Think we could corner him later and see if he is as tight as he looks?”
“I doubt he is. But, why the fuck not. Would love to see him put in his place.”
A small snapping sound came from the table where the volleyball team were at and Eita realised it was because he had snapped the pencil in his hand. And it had been his favourite one as well.
And that's how we got put in this situation.
“Bet you his volleyball teams already had a go at that ass. There's no other way he could have possibly made it on to this team without having to bend over for them.”
Semi stood up after hearing that. No way were they going to insinuate that his boyfriend, the guy who worked his ass off day and night to stay on as first string and to also keep up his grades, was only on the team because they were fucking him. No fucking way.
Nobody tried to stop him as he walked over to those boys. Taichi even looked excited at the thought of Semi beating them up.
“Hello there.” he greeted, flashing them all a bright smile.
Immediately, they all stiffened. He could faintly hear an ‘oh shit’ but his grin just became sharper. They wouldn't be feeling regret in the first place if they had kept their damn mouths shut.
“So I couldn't help but hear you guys talk about my boyfriend, Shirabu Kenjirou?” he questioned sweetly, but everyone could see the venom on his eyes, daring them to say anymore. Seems like some of the students at Shiratorizawa had death wishes.
“Oh yeah? And what about it? You gonna invite us to fuck his tight ass?”
Everybody stared at the boy, all wondering how in the great Lord's name he had managed to get into Shiratorizawa.
“No. I'm giving you an opportunity to shut the fuck up before I beat you into the next century,” he replied sweetly and he could see a few boys scooting away from the one who had been oh so stupid to try and provoke Semi. At least some seemed to be getting their survival instincts back.
“Oh yeah? And what are you going to about it you fag-” the boy never got to finish his sentence and he doubted the boy would ever be able to speak again, out of fear or physical inability who knew, as a fist connected into his mouth. The boys around them didn't say a peep but their eyes widened and they all huddled together scared. Good.
“Here's out it's going to go, k buddy boy? You are going to never look, talk or think about my boyfriend or me again? If I ever hear you say any of those words I will find you and show you the true power of the Shiratorizawa volleyball team.” his voice had gotten deeper and he could hear one of the boys whimpering.
When the boy who's collar he was holding nodded in fear he let him go and he fell into a crumpled heap on the floor.
“That goes for the rest of you,” he added back to the boys behind him who were trying to escape. Immediately they all nodded, all in fear. Immediately he flashed them all a grin that caused the fear in their eyes to grow. “Perfect! Hope to never see you assholes ever again,” he said brightly before making his way back to his table.
When he finally got there he was swarmed with quiet congratulations however Taichi stayed silent. After everyone finished praising Semi he spoke.
“If you hurt my best friend I will make you wish for death. Currently, I am holding you in high respect. Fuck that up and you'll be lower than those assholes.” and that had to be the most passion the normally dead inside boy had used.
“Got it,” Semi said, giving him finger guns. The look of utter disgust on the redhead's face made him let out a small laugh.
“What's gotten you so happy in a library?” came a voice from behind him and when he turned around it was his own personal angel.
“Nothing, sunshine,” he said, pulling the younger in between his legs and wrapping his arms around him. “I'm tired. Can we go back,” he whispered into the ear, hands grasped tightly onto his hips.
He could hear Shirabu tsk but his boyfriend complied. “Fine. Let's go you lazy, cute, jerk.” he huffed, cheeks blazing.
Semi just chuckled, bending down slightly to give the boy a kiss on the cheek.
He quickly packed their stuff up and waved bye to their friends. After that Shirabu went up to the librarian and asked to check out the book he had gotten for their studies.
Once they were outside Shirabu turned to him, face a mixture of gratitude and annoyance.
“You know you didn't have to do that, right?” asked Shirabu, raising an eyebrow at his boyfriend.
“If somebody tries to talk shit about the people I care about they will get the shit beat out of them. A fair system if I do say so myself,” said Semi, not even bothering to beat around the bush.
Shirabu stared at him and it was clear the boy was about to have a go at him before he yawned. “We'll finish this off when I don't feel dead on my feet, clear?” threatened Shirabu.
“Pfft, sure darling. Meanwhile, I'm going to take you to your dorm. And don't bother trying to argue with me.” he added when he saw Shirabu opening his mouth in protest.
The copper blonde shot him a glare before walking ahead. Semi merely chuckled, before going after him, slinging an arm around his waist.
By the next day, it seemed everyone had found out about the library incident. Semi managed to get away scot-free since there wasn't any evidence against him and soon the whole school learned not to fuck with the people on the Shiratorizawa team.
Well unless you wanted to die young.
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lovinga3characters · 4 years
My, I do be loving all these fictional characters and the things you write for them :3c (the ABO hc clotheslined me but I've never felt better) I hope it's not too weird to ask but would you mind to write something about what would the Autumn troupe be like if they ever bottomed for their partner? Thanks in advance if you decide to do
Fuck YESSSSSS! 🙏👏🙌 I just want you to know that I was so hype when I saw this is my inbox!! Thank you for your support on my A/B/O Headcanons, here’s that Bottom Autumn shit you’ve been waiting for! 😝
Warnings: EXTREMELY FILTHY NSFW, penetration/pegging, kinks, hot boys
(I’ll be making these as in what they think about it, what goes down, and what follows after 😏)
Bottom Autumn 🍁 Headcanons
Banri 🍂
Just a warning: he’s going to immediately refuse your suggestion, no way ANYONE or ANYTHING is going near his ass 😤
Then he thinks about it... and he thinks about it... until the idea just doesn’t leave his mind
The two of you have fooled around early on in your relationship (or maybe even before), so Banri’s experimented with quite a few kinks
Each time sparked a new curiosity in himself and this time was no different, and he also saw it as a challenge, he could totally take it!
And so Banri secretly prepares a big surprise for you, his butt himself 😙
Step 1: he has to practice the game, which shouldn’t be too hard since he’s pretty much perfect at everything
The first time he tried to finger/put a toy in himself, Banri’s face was extremely red and his body was flaring with heat, it was sorta uncomfortable
“This is... hng... not that bad but I don’t see how- ohhh... shit- shit!”
Obviously, he gets into a good rhythm quickly and, as he gets closer to cumming, he finds it harder and harder to stop himself from sinking into his bedsheets
Step 2: master the game, which basically means he continued to masturbate like that for a while, somewhat enjoying struggle to keep his voice down every time
Because he’s just so fucking perfect, he can take a lot with some practice, eventually learning how to ride on a toy just fine
Though the original goal was to get used to it so that way when you did it, the feeling wouldn’t affect him, Banri hates to admit that the restlessness of wanting you doesn’t leave
Step 3: play the game, it’s show time 🤩
He’s grinning really wide when he makes you lay on top of the bed, that’s immediately suspicious
“Relax, sugar, and you can watch me feel good, just like you wanted... ahahh!”
Your jaw dropped as you watched him take off his underwear and hop onto your lap, reaching behind his back to grab a bottle of lube (where did that even come from-?!)
His smug expression at your aroused shock faltered as he sunk down onto the member, a bright flush returning to his face and chest
It felt different to Banri... maybe it was the fact that you were there, he tried not to think about it as he started moving
Okay, a big miscalculation on his part was your movement, any time you bucked your hips up he had to grit his teeth in order to not make a loud noise
You noticed and tried to lift yourself higher, harder, Banri visible shivered, glaring at you with hazy eyes, those eyes that either said “Don’t you dare” or “I dare you” 👀
So, you pushed him over, grunting with effort, and managed to move forward inside of him even more
Banri protested, of course, despite the long whine that was brought out when you ground against that same hot spot he liked
What truly gets him is when if you grab his hair while fucking him, Banri loves feeling the tugs in time with your trusts
“Ughn- yeah! Fuck... harder, do me harder... shut up! I’m ah- hah... saying this for your benefit-!”
He demands that you be rougher with him, saying that he could handle anything you did to him, no matter what
Banri’s moans are quieter than expected but it’s still fairly loud, he gets really riled up the faster you go
By the time he cums, he’s gasping and he actually moans when he releases, you’ve only ever heard him growl out an orgasm
If you want to piss him off (if you can), cum inside him, it turns him on and he hates it 🙂
Banri recovers quickly so even after you’ve banged him into the mattress, he’ll be fine, much to your frustration (note to self: go harder next time)
“Hahh... ‘m fine, just don’t think I’ll always let you top me, babe! F-Fuck... wanna go again?”
Fav positions: reverse cowgirl (he likes to ride you/be in control and getting his hair pulled so it’s a win-win), doggy style (similar reasons, he also gets a little insecure when you look at his face too much), and pinball wizard (Banri likes to do this position to you a lot so why not reverse it, also you can tie his hands behind him 😇)
Juza 🍰
He stares blankly at you for a couple of seconds, looks down, looks back up at you, then he wrinkles his eyebrows in confusion, as if asking “how?” 😶
But for real, Juza doesn’t understand how you’re going to manage that, he’s just really... big
You quickly reassure him that you can manage, and you begin explaining the process, and what you want to do, he goes really red with shock and embarrassment
He doesn’t disagree though, just shifts awkwardly in place before replying
“Would that... really feel good? Cause if you wanna, I don’t mind but... I dunno how- I’ve never uh-“
The actual idea doesn’t put him off surprisingly, he just cannot grasp the concept
Luckily you’re more than happy to demonstrate 🤗
Even though the two of you have been dating for quite a long time, although it was balanced who started the sexy times, it was always you who initiated anything kinky
After taking a bath, you instructed him to lay down on his stomach and he gulped as he slid off his undergarments
Smirking slightly, you reassured him that you would be gentle as you patted his butt, Juza only snorted in amusement
He flinched at how cold the lube was as you rubbed your finger over his entrance, he was as tight as you expected
You couldn’t see his face but by the time you worked two fingers, the back of his neck and ears were flushed and his breathing was staggered
Juza gasps when you decide to push a little harder, adding another to make him stretch, the action makes him jump
It’s pretty sexy to watch him squirm and his back muscles flex with effort to hold still, though he doesn’t make much noise
“Hmm... enough, ya don’t hafta mhg- be so careful. Just go already.”
As you pull out your fingers out, his body bucks backwards, then freezes, obviously not intending to do that
You go in slowly (after adding more lube, of course), and you heard him grunt as he grit his teeth together
Despite his insistence that it doesn’t hurt him, you still go gently, which he secretly appreciates upon feeling how burning it is 😅
Juza’s a pretty strong guy, so even having something up his ass doesn’t fold him completely
... Except for one thing, when you steady yourself by grabbing the back of his neck
It makes him feel breathless, especially when you start fucking him harder, squeezing the sensitive spot, his shoulders visibly shuddering
Once you get into a rhythm, Juza’s practically panting into his arm/pillow, eyes squeezing shut in flusteredness when a quiet moan escapes
“... Ghnn- hah! Hhhmn- fuck- my head’s feelin’ all... fuzzyyy...”
He’s starting to think that doing this kind of thing was harder then fighting people because the longer it goes on, the less he can handle the heat-
If you dirty talk or praise him, it doesn’t help 😉
You’re not really in the position to touch his cock, so he’s settled for rubbing it against his bedsheets, an action that gets increasingly desperate as he reaches closer to the edge
Juza’s moan just tumbles out of him when he cums, it’s deep and quick, he covered it at the last second by biting his hand 👌
He’s sweaty and a strange, warm sense of relief fills his chest as you pull out of him and kiss were you left small bruises
You’ll probably have to wipe him down because Juza can’t even look at you without getting frazzled... and just a little bit turned on again
“Th-Thanks... mmmm... it felt- well, it’s really good. I liked it, so... if you wanna, I’m tough so I can handle more...”
Fav positions: doggy style (particularly when he’s fully lying on his stomach, with either you grabbing his neck or putting his hands behind his back), scoop me up (you’re basically spooning him while being inside him, bonus access to your body heat and to biting his neck), and the chairmen (it’s less stressful than riding and you can touch Juza’s boobs pecs, much to his grumpy annoyance)
Taichi 🐶
You better not catch him while he’s drinking something because Taichi will have the most genuine spit-take you’ll ever see in your life
His jaw drops and he’ll whip around from what he’s doing to look at you like you’ve just stripped naked in public 😳
You want to what?! With his what?! That’s way too kinky for him and he’s never even done that- don’t you need to prepare a lot for stuff l-like that?!
“I mean, I wanna make you happy in that way too but- but- but that’s really a lot!”
He calms down after a while when you tell him that he really doesn’t have to if he’s so opposed to it, it’s just something you’ve thought about
Taichi doesn’t want to disappoint you, so if you explain exactly what you want to do, he’ll warm up to the idea (literally and figuratively)
The two of you have been dating for a long time now and though he does have some fetishes, Taichi is more of a giver by nature and gets embarrassed when you do things to him
Later, you ask him to lay back on the bed and spread his legs, he obeys after some hesitation, almost immediately covering his face with a pillow despite your coaxing
No matter, you’ll make him show his face soon enough anyway 😉
You slowly pulled down his undergarments, rubbing his stomach and thighs in reassurance when Taichi flinches
By the time you actually got to the prepping part, Taichi’s already pretty hard because you decided to stroke him at the same time so he doesn’t feel that much pain
To no ones’ surprise, he’s sensitive, his hips jumping up unintentionally as you move your fingers inside him with lube
His hole squeezes around your digits and you have to roughly wiggle to get anywhere, much to Taichi’s protests, who was already struggling to maintain composure as it is
When you finally get three in, his body was chasing yours, already close to cumming despite the painful sensation
It honestly looked like his face was going to explode based on how red and sweaty it was, breathing like he was running a marathon
“Ah- HAH! Don’t pull it out so suddenly... I-I can take more! Ngh... please?”
His face looked so cute, his eyes pleading, but the way his toned body arched against yours was undeniably sexy 😍
You tell him as much as you enter inside, slowly of course, and Taichi let’s out a high-pitched squeak in shock
His arms wrap around your shoulders/back, as if to ground him against the foreign sensation while the rest of him wanted to fly away
Giving him praise along with sweet nothings and dirty promises is really important, it arouses him but it also distracts him from the uncomfortable moments
Taichi whines and squeezes you tightly when you thrust more, pulling in and out of his ass carefully as he tried (and failed) to hold in his cries
By the time he’s close to finishing, Taichi is so loud and he is jumping up to meet your member in time while it hits that sweet spot inside
“Yes- yes- YES! More... oh g-goddd babe, please more- AH! IT’S SO GOOD...!”
This man wails and begs you to keep going, he’s really feeling hot now and encourages you with desperate pleas and breathless praise
Taichi’s nails might dig into your shoulders or create marks on your back (not that you really mind), a new kind of bright red on your skin that he’s never given you
Your hand could’ve stroked his wet cock, just a little, and he would’ve been a goner, cumming with a deafening yelp
Panting, Taichi is boneless against the bed, looking like he’s having an out-of-body experience, only reacting when you started to wipe the drool that leaked onto his chin from his lips
Please give kisses and aftercare thank you, he’s a good boy 🐶
He’s voice his hoarse but giggly as he keeps his body wrapped close to yours, dazed from his intense orgasm
“Heh-heheheh... ah- that was awesome! Felt really hot, I can’t wait to have more~! I-I can, right?”
Fav positions: missionary (the classic, this works because you can see his face and he can cling to you easily), the om (it’s extremely intimate which Taichi likes, it’s also easier to ride), and show and tell (basically means touching yourself while really close to your partner, he does this as a top but it’s fascinating to watch him do it with his butt, gets puppy embarrassed)
Omi 🐺
He’s surprised, that’s for sure, but not as surprised as you are when you find out that he’s... actually tried it before 😱?!
Omi blushes and says that when he was a part of his motorcycle gang, sometimes his buddies would offer some... different kinds of riding as a form of stress relief
He’s quick to say that it’s all in the past and he didn’t even do it that often anyways...
You’d have to stay firm in your convictions in order for him to agree, as it’s just slightly humiliating for him-
“Well, uh, if my baby is sure of what they want, I wouldn’t mind trying something new tonight.”
But, of course, Omi eventually agrees 😈
After preparing the proper supplies (with him double checking out of caution), you laid back onto the bed per his request as he straddled himself on top of you
He was already fully undressed, and the daring position allowed you to gawk at his sexy, muscled body in all of its glory, your hand instinctively reaching up to brush against his face in reassurance
Omi leaned into your touch, only pulling away to grab the bottle of lube to lace it onto his own fingers
You watched in awe as he leaned back with one hand, and fingered himself slowly with the other
He grunted with effort, clearly uncomfortable and not quite used to the stretch but continuing none the less, for your own benefit, he assured himself
Determined to not let you down, Omi pushed another inside, his strong fingers having no trouble doing so, though his eyes closed shut at the pain
You took some pity on the poor man and made a move for his cock, which was barely half-hard, making your lover take a sharp breath as you stroked it
With your combined determination, Omi eventually relaxed considerably, moving three fingers and groaning your name as you teased his arousal
“Are... you having fun down there? I- mmgh- I feel like I’m not quite reaching something. Let’s get to it...!”
He sat up completely and sighed as he slipped his digits out, Omi bit his lip as you lifted your member up to his hole
Swiftly but careful, your boyfriend sunk his body down, legs spread open, hands resting on your chest momentarily (nearly crushing you in the process)
After a few minutes, you pat his butt as if he was a horse that needed to ‘giddyup’, making him laugh as his eyes glittered seductively 😋
Omi then proceeded to fuck himself rather ungentlemanly, his own dick slapping harshly against his abs at every bounce
At first for Omi, it didn’t feel that different from his hand, just the thickness made him slightly more sensitive
He leaned back a little bit to adjust, and suddenly his nerves were electrocuted with pleasure, you were reaching deeper than he could on his own and-
“Ohhhh- hah... ugh, right there. I found it just- god this is a lot to- HHn- process...!”
Omi’s body was dripping with sweat as his face and neck flushed red, gruff moans and pants stumbling out of his open mouth
It’s probably best to use your hands to help out his now very hard cock, it looked as ready to burst as the rest of his body did
His thick, scratched thighs shook heavily as he slammed his ass on top of you over and over again upon nearing his climax
Omi is praising your own dazed expression as he grits his teeth to contain the sounds of his orgasm, only throaty growls escaping
While he pants and returns to his senses, you can only stare and gulp at the dripping cum on his pecs and his honeyed expression
He speaks as he leans down for a kiss, finally arising from your lap-
“You made me feel so hot, like a wildfire... mmm- spreading. Hrmph... thanks. For next time, did you want to touch me more~?”
Fav positions: cowgirl (is used to this pace the most and it’s a bonus for you cause it’s nice to watch 😉), CAT position (aka. the Coital Alignment Technique, its close and intimate, which he likes), and the stickman (basically you bend him over a sofa or table with his hands on his thighs, perfect for the kitchen, also easy to get rough with)
Sakyo 💴
You honestly thought you were going to fucking die on the spot from the sheer iciness of the glare Sakyo gave you
Like, you wish to top him, but are willing to fight him to the death for it? Because that’s the only way he’s budging 😠
The thought honestly makes him so embarrassed he wants to die
The embarrassment only increases if you threaten suggest to complain to Sakoda about it
That guy’s already way too involved in his love life, he doesn’t need to be involved in THAT kind of thing too-
“... I’ll consider it. That is all you’re getting from me... don’t you dare tell anyone. And stop looking so happy!”
Later in the week, Sakyo is searching online for... certain products and tells himself that if they have a discount, he’ll let you do it
... Of course, the oNE TIME- guess he has no choice now 😑
More time had past and just when you thought that it was a pointless endeavor, one night on his day off, Sakyo dragged you into the bedroom
He stared at you intensely from on top of the bed as he shook off his jacket and belt before tossing you a small box
You choked on your own spit as your jaw dropped... what the box contained was... a vibrating dildo 😩
Sakyo rolled his eyes and told you pointedly that you were going to use that on him, and if he didn’t like it, there would be no continuation, understood?
With a “yes, sir” and a heavy blush, you agreed, tackle kissing him against the sheets
By the time you poured the amount of lube he considered ‘safe’ and shoved the toy inside him, Sakyo was already halfway to being breathless, not expecting the sensation to be so painful (or so pleasurable)
He covered his face with his arms but even you could see he was flushed, biting his lip to not let you hear him make a sound
Unfortunately, you get into a steady rhythm, practically forcing his mouth to open even before you turn the vibe on all the way
Sakyo’s legs shake as his ass feels like it’s getting violated, unable to control the heat the spreads quickly up his spine and dick
“Urgh- enough! J-Just move mmn-! Move on alre-adyyy...!”
He snaps at you, refusing to make eye contact, even as you put his leg upwards to get a better angle
Your lover is trying so hard not to lose it, hiding and masking his mouth with his hands, eyes squeezing shut because jesus- nothing’s ever felt like this before-
It makes him feel all vulnerable, like you’re prodding at something more than just sexually, so feel free to lean down and kiss-mark his neck, it grounds Sakyo a little
Obviously, you want to see him melt completely, so you flip him onto his back, much to his shock
This encourages you to thrust even harder, his gasps and pulsing cock edging you on further 🤫
Sakyo isn’t loud per say, but he isn’t quiet either, only able to pant and convulse in a desperate attempt to pull himself together
“God damnit- hah! Don’t think I’ll just lay here and take it... Mmhmm... ohh fuuuuh... pleassse- argh-!”
He’ll play a bit coy, giving you a look that, especially without his glasses, makes him look like a smirking, devilish angel
... Sakyo almost regrets it, as he immediately goes back to being a sweaty mess when you smirk back on return
He’ll never admit it but the whole back and forth was sort of fun/sexy in way he thought an ‘old man’ like him shouldn’t be able to experience
With one final push that lifts his hips off the bed, he orgasms, silently screaming as he feels the sweet release wash over his aching body
Bruises on his hips, hickeys on his neck, drooling and sweaty, you know as soon as his senses come back down from the afterglow, Sakyo will tiredly lecture you
“Geez... that wasted a lot of energy, you shouldn’t have- hhn! ... Th-Thank you for making me feel good, dear. Don’t go crazy without my permission next time though.”
Fav positions: the sidewind (it gives you the best control, which he secretly enjoys but it embarrasses him), eagle position (it’s simple and makes him flustered and feel good, again, can be used softly), and the chair (a position that’s meant to tease you once Sakyo gets used to it, literally sits on your lap)
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chikagestits · 3 years
“An ‘I love you’s hard to say sometimes, right? That’s okay, April. You can say it later.”
“... It’s not saying it.”
“Oh. What is it then?”
“August... I don’t understand ‘love’.”
But now he does.
He feels the little pit of warmth in his chest when he wakes up to the familiar ceiling of a place he can call home now. Sitting up, Chikage has a habit of peering over to his companion’s loft just to make sure he’s still there and seeing the sleeping form of his roommate as Itaru sleeps soundly. He lets out a relieving breath as the warmth expands just a bit.
Chikage feels it again when his eyes land on every member of his family during the day. The greetings, the excitement, the smiling faces—Chikage would do everything it takes to keep his family happy and he’s already gone to such lengths before. But they also ground him and bring him back down to earth, reminding him that he doesn’t have to resort to such methods.
Little gestures here and there spread that warmth even more. Gifts, exchanges both spoken and expressed, offerings to help—Chikage feels spoiled with such a loving family to be surrounded by, and he’s lucky. He knows he is. That’s why he wants to give back to them in every way he can, he owes it to them. They all saved him, after all.
Love was a strange concept to him before, even when it was just the three of them. But as he compliments Taichi’s hard work on his homework and ruffles his hair. As he converses with Guy about the new shipment of spices from Zahra. As he hands Muku a new book from one of his many business trips. As he eventually relents and plays a game with Itaru...
The warmth reaches his entire body and it’s at that point, every single day, that he realizes it.
Even someone like him, someone who was so detached from normality for so long, can love and be loved.
“You look happy.”
Looking away from the starry night sky, Chikage meets Hisoka’s gaze as his brother approaches the railing and leans against it. “And just how can you tell from a back view.”
Hisoka shrugs, “You have the habit of stargazing when you were happy. You did it a lot before.”
“I see. I didn’t think you’d notice.”
“What now?”
“I’m glad you’ve found some peace with yourself finally.”
“I mean, honestly. Fucking finally.”
“Oh shut up.”
Even with the harsh nudge and annoyed tone at his brother, Chikage finds both of them smiling before they both turn their eyes up at the full moon.
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emilycollins00 · 4 years
hello! i've recently stumbled across your works and i really love your characterization and writing uwu if it's not too much, is it okay for me to request for a scenario where some actors accidentally found out that their director is actually good dancer? like maybe somebody was watching tv and 'hey doesn't that backup dancer look familiar?' ((you can decide on whoever finds out about it and you can also choose to use izumi's name or just write mc)) AAAA thank you very much! ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡
Thank you, dear! 💕 I feel so happy when I read I you guys like it. Sometimes it gets difficult to not fall into OOC!
I opted to choose Izumi, mainly because I don’t think I’ve written anything with her even though I love her so much! As for the actors, well, couldn’t decided wich one so everyone is making an appearance.
 Hope you like it!  💕
The dorm discovering Izumi’s dancing skills
“Tenma, hurryyyyy”
“Yeah, yeah... Uh? Hey, who didn’t wash their dishes this morning, it stinks!” the summer leader complained outloud, leaving the kitchen with Misumi with the last chopsticks and glasses to place on the lounge. 
Tsuzuru entered and looked at the sink, frowning. Indeed, it smelled awful. He walked towards the couches to get the culprit.
“Itaru-san, don’t ask me why, but I know whatever that was in that plate was yours. Please clean it right now”
“Oh shit, my shield fell” 
The man in question was laying next to Kazunari and Banri, all of them most likely playing a battle game, judging by the way they were staring intensely at their phones.
“Yes, yes, one minute…”
“Dang, Itaroon! You can’t pull something like that to win, I don’t have any more resources!”
Omi put a hand on Tsuzuru’s shoulder when he saw the scriptwriter was about to start scolding them “It’s okay Tsuzuru, we have enough plates. Itaru-san can clean later so dinner doesn’t get cold”
At that moment Juza, Taichi, Muku and Sakuya arrived. 
“Ah, Omi-san! After Tenma-kun and Misumi-san finish the table will be set” the cheerily the spring leader informed approaching them.
“At least we get things done quickly, having so many people at Mankai” Tsuzuru smiled tired but gratefully at the four of them “…although it would be quicker if others offered to help from time to time” he looked at the gaming group and a certain pair watching TV.
“Tsuzuru, this program is too important to sip!”
“You mean to skip? Also, I truly don’t think so. That’s one old program you’re watching” he looked around resting his hands on his hips. No one had moved an inch “That indirect was also to the rest of you, you know”
“So you want me to set the table instead of trying to come up for ideas with customes? Fine by me”
Misumi and Tenma entered before an argument could take place “Table’s set. Someone should call Masumi, Sakyo-san and the winter troupe. They were in the practice room with director, right?” 
As if by pure summoning, the last spring member arrived, taking off his headphones “…I’m here”
“We are here too!” Tsumugi waved as the rest of the winter troupe entered talking to each other. Their play schedule had been decided and they had had a run through while Izumi and Sakyo discussed the final details for the performance.
“Okay then everyone, time to dig in!”
Everyone sat on their chairs and started moving plates around and refilling glasses with drinks. It wasn’t often, due to the difference in schedules, but some nights the whole dorm got together and opted to eat at the same time. It was a bit of a mess but in the end, everyone had fun.
Citron was still watching silently the TV when he paused it, concerned. Getting up, he headed to the dinner table as everyone ate and talked “Director?”
Izumi looked up, stopping  herself from grabbing the delicious tonkatsu in front of her “You called, Citron? Ah, leave the TV and sit, come on. Omi’s food will get cold!” she motioned the chair that was empty.
He did as told, but kept his eyes locked on her “Director I must ask you an important question”
“Uh… ok?”
He nodded as his chopsticks grabbed some rice “Are you maybe a twist?”
Everyone turned to him, confused, but not surprised. The young woman found herself blinking in confusion too “…Twist?”
Masumi nodded in agreement “You can twist my heart anytime you want”
No one even tried to contradict the young boy, still trying to decipher Citron’s meaning.
“I don’t think Citron means twist”
“Yeah Hyodo sure, Citron meant Twix. I swear your brain is a fucking sugar cube”
“You are sweet like a twix to me, director”
“Ugh, someone tell the Psycho Stalker off”
“Citron, I don’t think your phrasing is right” Tsumugi laughed as he saw everyone starting to debate. 
The foreigner crossed his arms, deep his thought “Mmm… this word is meant to be a clone… of another person! Is it close enough, Tsumugi?”
“C-clone?!” Taichi looked up from his seat, eyes wide open “Director has a clone?!”
“Guys, come on...”
“Mhm… I might be wrong, but maybe Citron meant if our dear director has a twin?”
Citron gasped “Twin, yes! Azuma’s wisdom is as always precise!”
The winter member received the compliment from the blond with a soft laugh as the rest frowned. Sakuya raised his hand from the other side of the table “U-Um! Why do you say that, Citron-san?”
“You have sisters?” Tasuku raised his eyebrows at Izumi.
“Of course not! I’m an only child”
“But that cannot be. I saw you with my two very eyes!”
He nodded seriously, getting up from the chair and turning on the TV again “I will demonstrate now, the director’s clone!”
Izumi sighed. Why couldn’t they have a normal night? Just for once. It was weekday for christ’s sake. The sudden gasps and exclamations brought her back to reality.
“It really looks like Izumi-san!”
“She looks younger though, is it really her?”
“Waaah, director you are moving so beautifully!”
“Wait, seriously?”
Izumi got up and approached the TV screen, concerned for the amount of attention it was getting “Come on, how can I-“
“That is you, isn’t it?” Sakyo pointed the TV with his head.
As everyone came to the realization that it was indeed Izumi. the woman in question stood there, watching her younger self.
“Oh, you meant that!” she sat on the arm of the couch, forgetting dinner and the fact that everybody was still trying to make sense of it. Their director? In TV? “It’s not been that long but... ” she laughed “Might be the one and only time I made it for a play in a performance, come to think of it!”
Kazunari, who was at that point recording the whole situation, turned his phone towards her in awe “I am beyond SHOCK, director! What play? How come we didn’t know you danced so well? Any declarations?”
She pushed the phone away from her, laughing “I did my studies and entered in the dancing club from my university for a change of peace”
“But this amazing choreography? The moves? Not to mention you are totes on TV!”
She looked  back at the TV and a smiled appeared. Competing in friendly dancing competitions had been nice at the time “That program shows musicals, right? My university dancing club just happened to want to enter the competition and we decided to do a mute dancing play trying to tell a story without speaking. Forgot it had been recorded then”
Everyone stopped talking and looked at each other.
“That’s right”
“Director had another life before Mankai…”
“Feels weird to think about it”
Izumi blinked confused. Of course, she had tried to make a life outside of acting! It had been rough, but she had had to come to terms with herself that she had to move on, at the time.
“Ey, ey, director let’s dance too!” Misumi grabbed her by the arm and pulled her to the courtyard. She found herself stumbling to keep up.
“W-whoah, Misumi-kun, we haven’t finished eating!”
He laughed releasing her as he tried to copy what they all had watched “That looked fun! What other dances did you do?”
Izumi laughed at his excitment.
“Well, there was nothing specific…?” she listed a few songs on the top of her head. The rest of the dorm gathered around the frames of the courtyard, watching curiously. 
“I also want to see director’s dancing!”
“Anyone has a phone?”
“On it~”
“Enough! Why are you…” Sakyo came out too, ready to start scolding when one of the songs mentioned before started playing and saw Izumi’s bright face.
It was as if some kind of adrenaline had been injected into her, enough to make her body start moving along the music, not a single movement being wasted.
It had been a while.
“Oh my, such a stunning view… the turning of grand jetes! If this moment was to be engraved…”
Hisoka frowned next to him “Arisu… you’re too loud. Can’t enjoy it” 
“Director… is really good!” Sakuya was practically beaming as he watched Izumi moving around “She looks like a fairy!”
No one there disagreed. Her movements flowed, taking away the breath of every person in that familiar audience. Izumi had never been able to act well, but somehow her dancing expressed more than she could in a play.
Omi smiled at the view and crossed his arms “A pity I left the camera in my room” he looked at his left and saw how Sakyo looked at her.
The blond’s eyes followed her figure entranced, not moving an inch.
A few minutes later, Izumi stopped, breathing heavily after song. She looked up, greeted by a big amount of applause. Were those claps for her? Her cheeks grew hot. She didn’t remember last time she got an applause and smiled bashfully.
“Fufu that was wonderful, Izumi-san”
“Epic. I think I just fell in love all over again, director! Gonna need to post the clip on my instablam!”
“Not bad. I guess currian has another thing she’s good at, uh”
“Well, if we ever have a dancing play, now we know who to ask for notes, isn’t that right, Tsuzuru?” 
Taichi gasped in excitement looking at the scriptwriter “Oh man, I definitely want to do a dancing play now, girls would love it!”
Of course, as theatre fanatics as they were, the conversation headed into their future performances.
“Maybe like a musical?”
“But dancing as you act is…”
“I want to do a triangle dance in our play!”
Izumi laughed, gaining everyone’s attention “Okay, okay, this is enough. Let’s go back and finish dinner. Can’t believe you all tricked me to dance in front of you, geez” she still felt her breath uneven from the workout.
“But you did look beautiful out there, director” Tsumugi smiled as he pushed a complaining Taichi and entranced Masumi inside.
Tasuku sighed as he watched everyone returning to their normal behaviors “Well, I guess we must thank you are more an acting addict than a dancer” he sent a small smile to Izumi, placing a hand on her shoulder and going inside to help the adults tame the youngest.
Izumi was about to follow when she heard Sakyo’s voice from behind “You danced well”
“Ah, Sakyo-san, thanks”
He dropped his eyes momentarily before looking at everyone going back to finish dinner inside “…Think you will miss it? Dancing like that”
Izumi lifted her head up and closed her eyes, enjoying the night’s breeze. She had set it aside for so long she hadn’t really been able to think about it.
Dancing to her was like turning back the clock, returning to a previous life that might have been good. However, she had always felt something was missing. 
She smiled tenderly. Just thinking about everyone at the dorm made her heart go warm. 
“It’s become a good memory to keep”
She tore her gaze away from the night sky to smile at him, assuring him that she was being honest to those words just said.
True. She had loved dancing, but theatre? Ah.
That was her life.
I enjoyed it a lot, hopefully, you guys did too. Have a wonderful day!  💕
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glitchh3d · 4 years
Halloween Party (Terushima x Reader) [HTF]
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So, I didn’t proof read this. My apologies. 
Also, it’s not the best because I’m not the best at writing and i’m very tired and sad because my halloween went to crap but y’know. whatever. 
Ily guys!! Here you go! 🥰
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: Cheating but not really. Language. Talk about sex. Talk about drugs. Alcohol and other college party stuff. 
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(Y/n), Terushima, Futakuchi, Atsumu and Taichi walked into Kuroo and Bokuto’s house later than expected, but there was a round of cheers for them as soon as they were noticed. Kuroo bounced over excitedly, his drink spilling over the edge of his red solo-cup as he pulled (Y/n) away to lead her toward Matsukawa and Hanamaki who were waiting for her in the backyard with Oikawa and Iwaizumi. 
She giggled upon seeing them in their costumes. Hanamaki had darkened his hair somehow so it was red but Matsukawa had left his, instead styling it slightly. 
“Oh my god, you two-” She fell into a fit of laughter as they strutted around and showed off their legs that were covered in thin white tights. She pulled them into a tight hug, thanking them for doing the group costume with her. “I love you guys, thank you so much!” 
Hanamaki and Matsukawa both laughed and shrugged it off. 
“Anything for you, (Y/n). You’re our girl.” Matsukawa said, slinging his arm around her shoulder. Makki wrapped his around her waist and Oikawa flailed his arms around excitedly. 
“Let me get pictures!” He shouted, his halo nearly falling off as he jumped excitedly and rushed towards them. Iwaizumi rolled his eyes but smiled at his friends. 
(Y/n) giggled at his annoyed look, curious on how Oikawa managed to convince him to do a couple costumes with him. They were an angel and a devil. Iwaizumi looked like he didn’t really care though, only wearing a red tight fitting t-shirt and black skinny jeans with a little devil tail clipped to his belt loop and a devil horn headband on his head. 
Oikawa on the other hand, was wearing a pure white robe that had gold accents. His cheeks were dusted with gold and he had a halo headband on. Gold bracelets went up his arms and he had big angel wings on. 
“He looks ridiculous, huh?” Iwaizumi asked as he caught (Y/n) eyeing his boyfriend's costume. She smiled and shrugged. 
“It’s cute. Yours though, mister. Holy shit. Who gave you the right to be that hot.” She asked, making him blush. Oikawa snapped a couple of pictures of the trio in their costume and then turned to admire Iwaizumi with (Y/n). 
“Iwa-chan is hot, isn’t he? But stop ogling my boyfriend! Go ogle your own!” Oikawa said, shoving his cell phone into Iwaizumi’s pocket. 
“Oh shush. You’re my pockets for the night, deal with it.” Oikawa demanded. (Y/n) smiled at them and then saw Terushima, Taichi, and Atsumu walk into the backyard. Terushima smiled at her lovingly before approaching. 
His costume, Boomer from the Rowdyruff boys, looked good. They went for more of an e-boy route so he was wearing a black and white striped long sleeve shirt under a blue t-shirt that had the iconic black stripe across the chest. He was also wearing black fishnets under his ripped skinny jeans. He stuck his tongue out and winked at her as he approached. 
“Hey baby girl,” He said, pulling her away from Hanamaki and Matsukawa who raised their eyebrows at him. 
“Look at this tool,” Matsukawa said as Terushima wrapped his arms around (Y/n)’s waist and rested his chin on her shoulder. He cocked his head to the side and winked at them. 
Taichi and Atsumu approached on either side of them. Taichi looked bored, but Atsumu was grinning. 
“Wow, lookin’ hot Matsukawa.” He teased. He’d gone with Butch from the Rowdyruff boys but instead of wearing a long sleeve striped shirt, he was wearing a black hoodie under his green t-shirt. And he had dyed his hair back to black just for the night.
(Y/n) had tried suggesting to just use some wash out spray to do his hair but she was a few minutes too late. 
Flashback to the night before
(Y/n) walked into her apartment after a busy day at work, Taichi trailing after her tiredly. They had been on the closing shift for the night. 
“Teru! Atsumu! Ken? You guys here?” She called into the apartment. She heard a loud crash in the bathroom and hurried towards it, dropping her bag on the floor in her rush. “Holy shit, what happened? Are you oka….y?” 
In the bathroom, Atsumu was sitting on the toilet with a towel wrapped around his neck and shoulders. Terushima was holding a bottle of hair dye and Futakuchi was laying in the bathtub, watching. 
“Why the hell didn’t you just use the halloween hair dye spray that washes out?” She asked as Taichi peeked in over her shoulder. He groaned and turned and walked away. 
“...I didn’t think of that.” 
END of flashback
“Fuck, I know.” Matsukawa said back, a grin rising to his face. They fist bumped. 
Hanamaki grinned at Taichi who shook his head. 
“Don’t.” Taichi said. He was Brick and he absolutely hated it, even though he didn’t wear anything out of ordinary. He was in a red jumper with singular black stripes on the upper arms. He had a lock and chain necklace on and a single dangly cross earring on.  He also was wearing a black beanie and he looked cute in (Y/n)’s opinion. 
“But Taichi, bro! You look good. We’d make a picture perfect couple, don’t you think?” Hanamaki asked, batting his eyelashes at him. 
“I’m going to find Semi.” Taichi disappeared after that. Hanamaki pouted but turned and grinned at (Y/n) again a second later. 
“I’m gonna go harass him,” Hanamaki said, making everyone laugh as he sprinted off. Atsumu and Matsukawa followed after him, leaving Iwaizumi, Oikawa, (Y/n) and Terushima alone. Oikawa smiled at Terushima but it was a bit forced. 
“You two look good. Don’t they, Iwa-chan?” Iwaizumi stared at the couple then he shrugged. 
“(Y/n) looks good. I dunno about Terushima though,” Terushima gasped and pulled away from (Y/n), glaring at the two older men. 
“You two are fucking rude.” He said making (Y/n) snort. “I’m going to grab a drink, alright babe? I’ll be back in a few, yeah?” (Y/n) nodded. He kissed her cheek goodbye and then walked towards the glass sliding door that was wide open. (Y/n) smiled after him and then turned back to her friends who were watching her with fond looks. 
“What?” She asked defensively. They shrugged. 
“You just look really happy is all,” Iwaizumi said, crossing his arms. Oikawa nodded in agreement. 
“You do seem happy. I’m glad. You deserve it, (Y/n)-chan!” She smiled at them and pulled them into a hug. 
“Aw, you guys…” She said as they both hugged her back. Iwaizumi was the first to squirm away, claiming he also needed a drink. Oikawa and (Y/n) let him go with little pouts but when they curled up on chairs next to the fire pit and chatted to themselves.
“So (Y/n)-chan. You and Teru have been together for a few weeks now, yeah?” 
“And he treats you right?” Oikawa asked, eyes narrowing. She nodded. 
“Of course he does. He gets a simp of the year award.” She said with a smile. Oikawa nodded and fist bumped her. 
“Iwa-chan does too. He’s very sweet behind closed door,” Oikawa winked and she snorted. “Speaking of behind closed doors. Have you two-” 
“No.” She replied quickly making Oikawa freeze with wide eyes. Then he smirked. 
“My my, (Y/n)-chan. That was a hard no, wasn’t it?” He asked and she rolled her eyes, pulling her legs to her chest as she stared at the flickering flames of the fire. “Why’s that? You’ve had sex before haven’t you?” She shrugged. 
“I- I guess I’m scared?” (Y/n) said, not looking up. 
“Why?” Oikawa frowned. 
“Because Yuuji has this image, right? He’s popular. Nice. Funny… I’m scared that once he gets all of me then he’ll leave because he’s had better and-”
“Sorry, I’m gonna stop you there.” Oikawa grabbed (Y/n)’s hand and squeezed it gently. “I don’t know Terushima too well, but from what you tell me, he seems like a great guy. One who respects you and cares about you a lot. I don’t think you need to rush to have sex or anything but I don’t think you should be scared to have sex either.” 
She nodded and smiled back at him. 
“Yeah… You’re right. I just-” (Y/n) was cut off by the back glass door getting slammed open. Iwaizumi was fuming and his hair was dripping with water as he walked towards them. “Oh shit, what happened Iwa?” 
“I swear to god I’m going to kill your boyfriend (Y/n).” 
“What? Why?” Her heart was racing.
“He fucking- that bastard just almost drowned me in that stupid apple bobbing bullshit!” (Y/n) and Oikawa laughed as Iwaizumi ran his hands through his hair. He flicked droplets of water at them and then sat in the small gap of the chair next to Oikawa before pulling his boyfriend onto his lap. 
Oikawa whispered something into Iwaizumi’s ear and the ex ace began to turn red. (Y/n) smiled and looked away from them as they started having their own little private conversation. She didn’t want to intrude so she stood up, saying she was going to grab a drink. 
“Hey hey hey! What’s up, (Y/n)!” Bokuto asked as (Y/n) entered the house. She smiled at him and patted his arm as he pulled her into a side hug. 
“Hey Bokuto! I like your costume!” He looked down at her confused. “I LIKE YOUR COSTUME!” She shouted over the music. He laughed and nodded. He was a sexy firefighter, wearing only the pants of the costume with suspenders and the helmet. 
“I like yours too!” (Y/n) smiled at him and then eyed Akaashi who was standing next to him, wearing a lifeguard costume (aka just a shite t-shirt with a red cross on it and red swim shorts). He had sunscreen smeared on his nose and a cheap flimsy whistle around his neck. He smiled at her as she got done looking him up and down and then also pulled her into a small hug. 
“Hello, (Y/n)-san.” 
“Hi Akaa-chii! He smiled at the nickname and patted her head before he was dragged away towards a beer pong table by Bokuto who was screaming at Kuroo and Daichi for a re-match. 
She chuckled fondly and kept maneuvering her way through the crowd of unfamiliar faces and costumes. She dodged angel and devil wings and even a long dragon tail. She also had to avoid the ass end of a donkey costume that was dancing wildly on the dance floor. 
She sighed as she got to the kitchen, reaching into a random cooler to grab a drink. She popped the cap off the bottle and took a long swig, her face contorting in disgust at the taste of whatever she grabbed. 
“Hey, (Y/n).” Futakuchi said as he entered the kitchen. She smiled at him. 
“Hi Ken,” She smiled at him. “Where are the others?” 
“Ah, Terushima is dancing in the living room I think and Taichi and Atsumu are doing keg stands in the game room.” She nodded and thanked him, heading towards the livingroom to try and track down her boyfriend. 
Upon entering the living room, she immediately spotted him. There in all his glory he was dancing with their newfound friends. Suga and a bunch of people she’d never seen before were hyping him up, dancing and jumping around with him. He was in his element. 
“Do it! Do it! Do it!” A chant started and Terushima laughed along, rolling his eyes. There was a girl with blonde hair standing next to him that grabbed him by the back of the neck, yanking him down and into a kiss. 
At first (Y/n) didn’t realize what was going on. And then it clicked. 
Terushima had just kissed someone. 
Her boyfriend just kissed someone that wasn’t her. 
Her boyfriend willingly just kissed someone that wasn’t her, in front of her. 
“What the fuck.” (Y/n) said, her hand that was holding her beverage falling limp against her side. Everything felt like it was in slow motion. 
Everything aside from Terushima was blurred as he laughed and joked with the girl he’d just kissed. Like he didn’t do anything wrong. 
(Y/n) realized that the only reason everything was blurry was because of the tears gathering in her eyes. But if Terushima was going to act like nothing was wrong, then so was she. So she left. She set her bottle down on the counter as she walked towards the door. Kuroo and Semi both tried calling out to her but she ignored them, exiting the house quietly. She wrapped her arms around her bare arms as she walked down the sidewalk and towards the unfamiliar city of Tokyo. 
She didn’t know where she was going, but she knew Kait was somewhere within the giant city. She just hoped that Kait had her phone on her.
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(Y/n) walked a little further to a little empty park, sitting down on the empty swings. By now all the trick or treaters were gone and the streets were empty aside from a few small groups of teens who were laughing and teasing each other. 
“What the fuck,” (Y/n) repeated to herself as the image of her boyfriend kissing another girl replayed in her head. She didn’t want to believe that it was true, but she’d seen it with her own eyes as Terushima pressed his lips to some blonde girls. 
She didn’t realize that the tears were falling until they dripped down onto her lap and through her thin dress. She was shaking from the cold but she didn’t care. She only had to wait 15 minutes and then she’d be with Kait and they could figure things out together from there. 
Would she break up with Terushima? 
Did he not love her? 
Was he just using her? Did he get bored that fast? Maybe if she’d done more he wouldn’t feel the need to go off and kiss someone else. 
She tried to be enough, she really did. 
School and work filled a lot of her schedule but she always tried to make as much time for him as she possibly could. 
Why was this happening? 
“(Y/n)?” A voice called out. Was that Kait? Had it been 15 minutes already?
 (Y/n) looked up as she heard Kait’s voice call out to her.
“Oh (Y/n),” Kait rushed forward, followed by three other figures. (Y/n)’s lip quivered as she stood up from the swing. As she met Kait halfway the tears she’d been holding back broke free and she let out a choked sob as Kait enveloped her in a hug. “Oh, honey, no…” 
Terushima laughed as he tossed back another shot of something clear. He knew it definitely wasn’t water as it made the back of his throat burn but he was okay with that. 
It was halloween night and he was at a party, the point of this entire night was to get drunk and have fun and that’s exactly what he was doing. 
“Yo, Suga! You were holding out of us with this guy! You knew he existed and didn’t tell us?” Tanaka laughed as he danced next to Terushima. Noya was jumping around excitedly next to them, screaming the lyrics to whatever song was playing on the speaker. 
Tanaka was wearing a blonde wig, an entirely pink outfit, imitating Regina George from Mean Girls. His girlfriend, Kiyoko was Aaron Samuels, wearing a simple blue mens polo shirt and some baggy jeans with her hair pulled back into a low ponytail. Noya was Gretchen Weiners but his brunette wig had ended up falling off when he did a keg stand earlier and he was just too lazy to put it back on. They had convinced their friend Kinnoshita to be Karen Smith but he was currently puking his guts out in the bathroom upstairs accompanied by Ennoshita and Narita who were Cady Heron and Janis Ian. 
“Yo I could kiss this man right now,” Terushima said as Tanaka poured him another shot. Noya smirked. 
“Do it!” Suga rolled his eyes but nodded in agreement. 
“Do it! Do it!” 
And soon enough the entire room was cheering for the two to kiss. Tanaka rolled his eyes but reached and grabbed Terushima by the back of his neck, pulling him down into a quick kiss. When they separated, they laughed and fist bumped, taking another shot. 
After a few more minutes of dancing, Terushima made his way towards the kitchen where Semi and Kuroo looked concerned. 
“What’s going on guys?” He asked as he pulled a beer can from a cooler. He popped the tab and took a sip as they exchanged looks of concern. “Hey, either of you two seen (Y/n)? I left her in the back with Oikawa and Iwaizumi but I haven’t been back there and-”
“Terushima, (Y/n) left.” Semi said, making Terushima freeze. 
“We both just saw (Y/n) take off out the door a few minutes ago. She looked like she was about to cry,” Kuroo said, making Terushima enter panic mode. 
“And neither of you tried to stop her?” 
“I- we called out to her. We thought she was just getting some fresh air or something, calm down. I’m sure she’s fine.” Semi said, making Terushima shake his head. 
“No, I gotta go find her. She doesn’t know her way around Tokyo. None of us do, what if she gets kidnapped?” 
“What’s going on in here?” Matsukawa asked as Terushima slammed his beer can on the counter. He pulled out his phone and started texting (Y/n). 
“Did you see (Y/n) leave?” 
“(Y/n) left?” Oikawa asked as he and Iwaizumi entered the kitchen. Terushima shook his head as he got no response. 
“She’s not answering me. Oikawa, text her.” 
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“What? What the fuck is going on?” Iwaizumi asked as Oikawa pulled out his phone and began texting their friend. 
“(Y/n) took off a few minutes ago and now she’s not answering her phone.” 
“Okay so check all the rooms and stuff. And check outside. Try and find her around the house before we go out looking, yeah?” Kuroo said, making everyone in the kitchen nod and split up. Terushima and Semi went out the front door, calling (Y/n), hoping to either get her to answer or to hear her ringtone but there was nothing. 
“Fuck!” Terushima shouted. “I lost my fucking girlfriend and she’s probably scared and upset and-” 
“Do you think someone drugged her?” Terushima’s head turned at lightning speed and he glared at Semi. 
“Why would you even say that?” 
“I- what! It happens!” 
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Well. That happened. 
Another post tomorrow <3 
Love you guys! I hope you had a Happy Halloween! Goodnight! 
Taglist: @kaitycole, @cosmicmermaid25, @sempiternal-amour, @99astrid, @hidden-otaku-stuff, @vicassa, @elianetsantana, @ankl3s, @newfriendjen, @oikawa-simp, @dakotacecily, @axolotleyeliner, @heyyourecute, @tchalameme, @toobsessedsstuff, @marinovakovich, @disaster-rose, @tacosforexo, @sleep3deprived, @prettyinblack231 (Open)
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mozukumi · 3 years
NOOO HELP BANRI GETS DEFEATED BY CHILDREN TWO TIMES i also love his thought process in act 5 "this is kinda cringe"
also omi being the traitor _×:$,$;,×;%,×:÷; THAT SCENE WITH OMI AND TAICHI... and i can also imagine taichi talking him through the entire "fall from grace" thingy because he was also involved in tenma's scandal. i also imagine that the everyone (mostly) in this au would probably realize that he was Gang Leader, sooner or later
TENMA ;A; thinking of his arc in this au makes me so emo... i wonder what his arc is
AND SAKYOHOMA BEING THE SAME AGE 👁👁 rich private school kid homare hanging out with local delinquent (no one knows how they even get along, but they do, somehow)
AUGUST THE THEATER PARENT... i like to imagine a small scenario where they aren't secret agents and august is your very supportive but also very annoying parent who always shows up with flowers after every show! another scenario in my head is izumi/azuma forgetting something so chikage/hisoka dress up in their spare uniforms and break into school to give their stuff to them ("hey tachibana, someone's asking for you" "???... hiso—" "izumi, you forgot your lunch! director wanted to give it to you ;)" "...thanks.")
i can also imagine izumi/azuma following after itaru/tsumugi/tasuku in their universities and just hanging out in college ahvfbenbfnenc
AND AND WHAT IF THEY KINDA LET GUY ATTEND SCHOOL FOR A BIT... kind of like to let him experience a normal life, and because banri cannot have more than 2 kids running around free during school days since people are suspicious already
MASUMI ACTIVELY TRYING TO BREAK AWAY FROM WHAT HE GREW UP IN... i assume he's still technically rich as fuck, so he spoils the kids with affection and whatever material thing they need, all while learning how to be a better person GWVDBSBXVXJXB
i also find it mildly funny that omi, tsuzuru, misumi, and kazunari are roughly around the same age. also, consider a slightly brattier citron because he actually gets to be a kid in this, right before he completely squashes down the childish part in him...
- 🌸
as always, anon, your thoughts are so smart and correct that i require a readmore to fully elaborate on them!
for context, this is in regard to the mAnkAi swAp au, which you can find more info about here!
i love banri settsu, i do. but i also think he needs to be humbled. he may be playing on super ultra easy mode, but 16 year olds have a fun cheat code called Rage so they can beat it <3
YEAH EXACTLY.... EXACTLY... ITS THE BROTHERISMS... Taichi sees himself in Omi, and knows deep down that he can't condemn him because that'd make him a hypocrite, and just tries to comfort him and tell him that he's not irredeemable.
TENMAS ARC IN THIS AU IS ALSO SMTH THAT STIRS WITHIN ME. it's not quite finalized yet but i am sure it will be very much to think about.
the summer troupe in general - while swaps in the spring and autumn troupe mainly focus on the changes in interpersonal dynamics, both the summer troupe and the winter troupe have the whole troupe dynamic changed. so its really fun!
SAKYO AND HOMARE BEING FRIENDS SO TRUE... i agree i think that like. banri might worry that they actually kind of hate each other and he does the whole sit in a chair backwards lets talk deal and theyre like ? no we're besties idk what your problem is.
BOTH OF THESE AUS ARE SO IMPORTANT. also wait to scaffold off of your first idea, to make it work in a still-spy au and to mirror canon - instead of hisoka getting ominous flowers from chikage, he gets secret flowers from august after every show. and everybody is like omg hisoka do you have a secret admirer : O and hisoka knows its just his damn dad.
AND THE IDEA OF THEM SNEAKING INTO SCHOOL TO BRING STUFF IS BOTH FUNNY AND IMPORTANT IT MAKES ME JNKHGNHG. it's sweet but also hilarious which is exactly the content i want from this au so thank you so much for blessing me.
YES i want them all to have fun at university together : ) trying to figure out where they canonically went to university (fuyou for tasutsumu and we dont know for the others) made me learn that masumi goes to the same university as them!! so maybe masumi helped them all study for the exams... sneefle...
YEAH SO TRUE VIS A VIS GUY. i actually am thinking that after he gets settled in he ought to enroll in st flora, because i think that the vibe of that school would be good for him, plus he'd be classmates with homare, plus he'd be in his little catholic boy uniform and i think that'd be cute.
and YEAH. masumis arc is so... he is still rich, altho probably not as much in canon since he's cut off his father. but he's a well-known music producer, so he's not doing too bad for himself.
I ALSO FIND THE PPL WHO STAY AROUND THE SAME AGE TO BE A LIL FUNNY, but i suppose that's their own fault for being mid-age huh. major changes to them are:
- kazunaris mullet is longer im sorry
- tsuzuru has frosted tips now im sorry
- misumi was an actor in the original summer troupe ! not like, in the original original cast, but when one member had to retire he joined in at around 17.
- omi erm. perhaps godza traitor era
and its exactly like you said with citron!! and speaking of him he NO longer has a mullet which is a big win
as always, tysm anon!!
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
Alright and now for episode 23! Which was a lot more interesting. Still lacking in pertinent ways but at least it got some stuff moving, and there were a few small but very nice character moments.
I took a LOT of Taichi spam this week you guys. The animation was slightly better than normal and my boy was just so good.
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At parkour. He’s good at parkour.
More below!
We pick up where we left off last week, with Devimon arriving in his true form and picking a fight over Poyomon. He’s so threatened by a wad of jelly.
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He does seem a bit weird though. More on that later.
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The quintessential Taichi picture.
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And just a cute one.
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So okay, Devimon makes mincemeat of MetalGreymon and WereGarurumon. Like he wipes the floor with them. Even though they should be a level above him. I was like what’s going on. Clearly dark powers are giving him extra strength, but this still seemed like too much...
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Yamato yells for Takeru to go hide. Taichi then yells for Yamato to go hide xD However Devimon has no trouble destroying all their possible hiding spots and attacking them.
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Takeru worries about his brother :’<
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Taichi quickly tries to think of a strategy but yup “Hide” is all he can come up with.
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They communicate via digivice and Yamato has something of a better strategy but... it still just amounts to hiding.
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Meanwhile their partners continue to get their butts kicked.
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MetalGreymon: Hey watch it I just got this painted!
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WereGaurumon: My nails! I just had them done!
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Taichi: Would you two stop fussing, you’re so vain!
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Taichi: We’ve got more important things to worry about! Like my hair!
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Meanwhile in the real world... the four are together and Koushirou updates Jou and Mimi on the situation, which boils down to Not Good. The tank ships are still on a collision course. On top of that, Koushirou notices that the data being absorbed by Calmaramon’s... idk what to call it, data collection tower? thing, is being sent directly to the digital world. He guesses it’s going to be used to power the creature whose name I forgot they fought before.
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This guy.
Koushirou also guesses this probably means Taichi and Yamato are in some deep shit rn.
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Taichi is pretty smart too... he’s able to tell that Devimon is able to manipulate the dark mists and that’s how he’s able to find their hiding spots and attack them so easily.
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Here’s the evil crystal that I would have thought was from Sailor Moon. Ahhh evil is so beautiful. And purple. Hmmm, the Crest of Knowledge is also purple, and absorption of data is converted to power.... GUYS KOUSHIROU’S GOING TO GO DARK.
Kidding, kidding. I would totally watch it though.
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So the others go to fight Calmaramon and destroy the tower to help Taichi and Yamato. But, uh, they didn’t count on Calamaramon’s tentaclesx ;D
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Kabuterimon makes the classic amateur mistake of DRAMATICALLY ANNOUNCING HIMSELF when he swerves in to rescue the girls...
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... and he gets his just desserts. :P
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Meanwhile Taichi and Yamato... are still losing. So who steps up to the plate but...
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Takeru and Poyomon! Lol!
No seriously, this scene SCREAMED of the one in 99 where Hikari sacrifices herself to protect Yamato and Sora. I was really expecting Takeru to do the same thing here. “Leave my brother alone! Take me instead!”
But, I guess, since he’s a boy, he’s less self-sacrificial and more just... irrationally strong...
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His conviction results in evolution!
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Poyomon becomes Tokomon! THANK GOODNESS. I could not handle another “poyo, poyo!”
Devimon takes one look at this pink-cheeked thing and FREEEEEEAKS OUUUUUT.
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“You remind me... of someone I once knew... you have... the same eyes... GRRRRRRRRR!!!!”
he didn’t say that but he totally should have lol. Now someone please make an edit of Angemon where he takes off his helmet and he has Tokomon eyes underneath x’D
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Data readings on Koushirou’s computer start going haywire! The data is being sent somewhere fast!
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I was expecting some kind of power up but I wasn’t expecting full on evolution. Because yup. That’s what goes down. Devimon evolves.
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And here’s where he gets weird. His evolution seems painful. Unnatural. He doesn’t seem exactly pleased with it, to be frank. He’s really agitated by Tokomon but he doesn’t do much in the way of monologuing and it’s not even clear that the evolution is by his own design. It just kind of seems to happen. Then, once he does evolve, he’s much less talkative. This is generally not the sign of sanity or even sentience. It’s like Devimon is imprisoned by his evolution, which goes on a rampage.
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Neodevimon. Actually, original Devimon is scarier but :P
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Lol and then Tokomon gets blown out of Takeru’s arms and goes for a tumble while Takeru runs frantically after him xD Great moment.
Rollin rollin rollin, though the streams are swollen...
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NeoDevimon is very powerful but y’know... WereGarurumon just STOOD there. This... this is totally his fault that he gets hurt here x’D
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Taichi is displeased with this development, and yet, still cute in his displeasure.
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Finally Koushirou manages to get through! Taichi is too preoccupied to jump for joy or anything but you can see that he’s excited. “Koushirouuuuu please save us!!!” basically that’s what’s going on
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However he’s right away blown over and his digivice scatters and the signal drops...
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Yamato is very Stressed.
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However, contact with Koushirou has rejuvenated Taichi.
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His renewed conviction becomes power. Yeah, that’s a thing, we know.
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Meanwhile, in the human world, the others have worked out that Taichi and Yamato are fighting and need help, and they combine the powers of their own passionate hearts in a classic shonen anime trope.
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Koushirou gets a special moment all to himself! It’s really fast but still, the episode makes a point of focusing on Koushirou’s desire to connect with his friends and help them. I choose to believe this a nod to Koushirou’s significant role in the show and a way of saying “Sorry they’re not all together right now but they will be soon and characters other than Taichi and Yamato will get to do cool things in the not so distant future!”
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Their partners are then able to defeat Calmaramon and destroy the data collection tower.
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BOOM, baby.
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Meanwhile our heroes who never sleep manage to defeat Devimon. Which, I figured, meant he’d retreat for now, but...
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He freaking dies! Yup, that’s right! Disintegrates!! I was like what the heck?? This was a Boss Battle???? It had none of the signs of being a boss battle other than the boss being present and it wasn’t even that hard...
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However, it’s not over till it’s over...
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... Tokomon looks on NeoDevimon’s death kind of creepily. Like, the episode makes a point of showing us Tokomon’s reaction, not just the group’s. So... I feel like this is gonna be relevant. I COULD BE WRONG. But I just personally wouldn’t stick this bit in without it meaning something. But that something could be pretty much anything so we still don’t know much.
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The sailors aboard the tankers whose control systems are restored at the last second are pretty darn relieved anyway.
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This was my favorite moment in epiosde, Mimi flinging herself over Koushirou and knocking Jou out of the way to hug Sora in her enthusiasm over their victory xD awww Mimi
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Yamato wants to know what’s with Taichi. Taichi’s like, “The others helped us from afar, I just know it...” AND THAT’S WHY HE’S BEST BOY.
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Yamato gives Takeru an adorable pat on the head and tells him good job. Only thing that could have made this moment cuter would have been if he also patted Tokomon’s head. BECAUSE HELLO. KID JUST EVOLVED. SAY HI AND TELL HIM YOUR NAMES AT LEAST.
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But then! Darknightmon uses the dark crystal thingy and...!
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Le gasp! NeoDevimon’s corpse emerges from the ground...
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Taichi has a flashback to another time they thought they won only for their defeated opponent to be infused with dark energy and resurrect...
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... uh I forgot this guy’s name too >_>
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Taichi: “Wow I never saw this coming!”
Well, I did. :P Due to being over ten years old...
We end with NeoDevimon’s mask cracking off!
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Final thoughts... it now kind of looks like Darknightmon is the one pulling Devimon’s strings rather than the other way around. But my guess is that’s not the case. It could also be that Devimon told Darknightmon to do this - after all, Devimon used the stone’s power to evolve Darknightmon before, and this is just the reverse of that. Or it could be they are equals and in cahoots with each other. I definitely think there’s an even greater, bigger Bad out there that they either work for or are afraid of etc something like that, I think we probably all feel sure of that at least. But Devimon in this episode really surprised me in the ways he seems to lack agency. He seemed like a pawn of evil rather than the chessmaster himself.
So next week! Looks lit!
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Devimon’s new evolution? or power up? whatever is creepier than NeoDevimon so that’s a relief.
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BUT THIS IS EVEN CREEPIER HOLY CRAP TAICHI! Get some sleep, your eyes are all red! (And he’s injured. His hand is where he got hurt two weeks ago fighting Splashmon right? He got hit with miasma. I wonder if this is the same wound and if it’s somehow controlling him due to the dark energy getting into his system... But everyone’s more or less been hit with the dark energy at this point so maybe not. Anyway, CREEPY EYES, CREEPY CREEPY EYES.)
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Also Yamato DIES. He DIES y’all. *funeral march plays* Hmm, Tokomon looks hungry...
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Then we got this bit which in case you can’t tell is Takeru being awesome. So I figured, ahh, THIS is the boss battle, and we’re gonna see Angemon again already... weird as that sounds :P
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We also get this???? Taichi silhouetted against a brilliant light????? What does it mean? I mean we know Takeru has healing powers so I’m fully expecting that to happen but uhh are we also going to canonize Taichi next week? lol. Saint Taichi. I love him the best but I will be a bit miffed if next week IS the big boss battle and Takeru’s role is “power up Taichi so he can kill it” and that’s it... But I guess we’ll have to see.
It does rather look like they saved the animation budget for next week, the preview was nuts x’D Can’t wait.
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meigh-day · 4 years
Trapped [Bakugo x F!Reader] - Part 5
Title: Trapped
Pairing: Bakugo x F!Reader
Includes: Swearing
Status: In Progress
Word Count: 1.7k
Previous Next
Getting to Know You
You had survived your first day at U.A., in fact you had survived several days at U.A. Each day you became more familiar with the school, your teachers and your classmates. Since the first day you and Mina had become fast friends and one by one you had started to form friendships with several others including Kirishima, Kaminari and Jiro to name a few. Almost everyone was super friendly, even Bakugo was kind of alright, despite being a huge asshole the first day... and pretty well everyday since then. You had to admit he had an incredible quirk and it wasn't hard to tell just how hard he had worked to gain such an amazing control over it already. You had also worked really hard and maybe if you were more egotistical,  you too could be a giant, cocky, jerk.
"Hey Y/N!" You glance up and offer Mina a smile as she moves across the classroom, coming to a stop at your desk.
"Morning Mina!" She leans against the desk to your right as she starts to tell you about what she had done after school yesterday. You had been invited to come along and hang out, she had invited most of the class to come too, but you'd had to decline. Mr. Okuda had you scheduled for work almost every night after school and somewhere in between your shifts at the store, training and keeping up with school, you were going to be hard pressed to find time to hang out with friends.
"Wow sounds like you guys had fun! I'm bummed I missed it." You offer her a playful pout as you lean back in your seat. Honestly, if becoming a pro meant having to give up on after school hangouts with friends, it would be worth it. There would be time for that someday but for now you needed to make sure you focused on supporting yourself and training hard.
The day passed by quickly and before you knew it you were hurrying off to catch the train home. If you ran from the station to your apartment you might have time to eat dinner before you had to go to work tonight. As you took the familiar path from school to the station, your headphones blasting music into your ears, you catch sight of a familiar head of ash blonde hair up ahead. As luck would have it, you and Bakugo took the same train to and from school every day. You had noticed it on your way home from school the first day and each day after that you couldn't help but notice him as you stood waiting for the train. The two of you never spoke during this time, there was just something about him that screamed 'Fuck Off'.
The two of you weren't really close, definitely not friends, but Bakugo didn't seem to be super close with anyone in class except for maybe Kirishima. Your mind wandered as you continued to make your way along the street, eyes casually peering at the back of his figure. What was he like outside of school? Was he always so pissed off? Did he have an indoor voice? Was he actually really nice and only pretended to be irritated all the time? Did he know how to smile? What would he look like IF he smiled? Hm...
With those questions pinging around in your head, a spontaneous decision was made.
"Hey Bakugo!" You jogged up beside him, offering a friendly smile as you matched his stride, your head phones resting around your neck.
"Huh? What do you want?!" He glanced over at you, a look of annoyance on his face.
"Want? Uh, nothing. I just noticed we were walking the same way sooo figured we could walk together."
"No." And with that short refusal he stepped away from you and increased his pace until he had put a fair distance between the two of you.
You'd made it all the easier for him as your own pace had slowed with the abrupt and immediate refusal he'd snapped at you. Wow. He was an even bigger jerk than you had thought. With that your mind was made up. There was no way he could possibly be nice and absolutely no way he knew how to smile. In fact you were certain he'd probably look terrifying if he tried. Well that was a waste of a whole minute. With a shake of your head, you pull your headphones back over your ears and continue the walk in silence, avoiding looking too far ahead lest you catch sight of him.
"L/N." Mr. Okuda's voice sounded through the phone you had pressed between your cheek and shoulder. You stood behind the counter at work, the end of your shift nearing, a pit forming in your stomach as you listened to him speak. He never called just to check in, it was always with a demand and never a request.
"Taichi is going to be late. You have to stay until he shows up."
"Oh, uhm, do you know how long he will be?" This wasn't going to be good. Last time Taichi was late he hadn't bothered to show up until there was only an hour of his shift left.
"No." -Click-
"Mr. Okuda? .... Mr. Okuda?!" You let out a low growl as you slam the phone back onto the receiver in frustration. This was so fucking irritating! Yes, you needed the money but you were getting tired of him just dumping these extra hours on you without even asking. There was nothing you could do about it and you were suddenly thankful you had brought your homework with you. At least you would be prepared for school tomorrow. As you start to pull out one of your books you hear the tell tale jingle of the door, a customer has entered the store. You lift your eyes to the doors, your customer service smile forced onto your lips, ready to greet the customer, only to find the greeting stuck in your throat as the customer comes into view.
Bakugo. BAKUGO?! Whyyyyyyyyyyy???? What are the odds? Did he even live around here? Probably just came in here to be rude some more. Whatever. As long as he didn't destroy the store it honestly didn't matter, your mood wasn't going to lift anytime soon. So, with some force, you manage to keep the smile on your lips and offer him a tiny bow.
"Good evening. Is there anything I can help you with?" Now, normally when you greet customers you are very sweet and warm but right now it was taking everything you had just to get the greeting out. So instead it came out monotoned and a tiny bit irritated.
He turned to you, surprise taking over his expression. He wasn't expecting to hear or see anyone familiar when he stopped into some random convenience store, so when he saw you he was a little taken aback, though the cold tone in your voice didn't help.
"What are you doing here?!" He sputters out.
You blink at him a few times, his question rolling around your mind. What am I doing here.... You quirk a brow and glance down at your apron then back up at him.
"What did you say you damn loser?!" He hollers at you, tiny explosions already coming from his hands.
"I work here! Geez...don't burn the place down." You let out a sigh, not willing to keep up the attitude any longer. Partly for fear of him blowing the whole place up and partly because you just didn't have the energy to waste on being annoyed at him. Instead you pick up your textbook and flip open your notebook so you can start to take jot down some notes as you scan over the pages.
"Tch...whatever." Bakugo grumbles as he moves further into the store in search of a drink.
Several minutes later he appears at the counter and, with more force than necessary, deposits the drink on the counter before you. You pause your note taking and look up at him then to the drink.
"That'll be--"
"Here!" He tosses some change onto the counter then, before you can count it, swipes the bottle off the counter and leaves.
"Hey!" What's his problem?! You feel yourself grow all the more irked as you stare at the door he had disappeared through. That boy was just asking to get punched in the face. Lucky for him, he had left enough money for his stupid drink so you didn't have to call the cops on him. Not that you were likely to do that even if he had underpaid.
One by one the hours passed until you were blearily staring ahead at the empty store certain that Taichi was never coming in. You glanced up at the clock to find it read 3:27AM. Your shift had ended almost 6 hours ago and IF Taichi came in right now you might get to go home and catch a quick nap before you had to get ready for school. Homework was done, in fact you had taken some extra time to read ahead. The store was probably cleaner that it had been when Mr. Okuda first opened it, hell you had gone through the aisles and turned every item so it was front facing. It was a retail dream to look at but you were bored out of your mind without any more energy or brain power to do more than just stand behind the counter.
Suddenly, the sound of the door jangling had your eyes opening with anticipation, was it merely a customer or had Taichi finally managed to get his stupid lazy ass to work. Thankfully, the universe had taken a small amount of pity on you and granted you the second option. You couldn't help the cold, annoyed, look you gave him as he strolled into the store.
"Sorry I'm late..." He said but didn't look or sound the least bit sorry, not caring one bit about the look you were casting his way, too busy looking at his phone to give you any of his precious attention.
"Mhm...here." You shove the register keys into his hand, haul your apron off and hurry out of the store.
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wrestlingisfake · 4 years
Summer Struggle in Jingu preview
EVIL vs. Tetsuya Naito - Both the IWGP heavyweight championship and the IWGP intercontinental championship are at stake.  Evil won both titles from Naito on July 12, so this is the rematch.  It’s Evil’s second defense of the “double championship,” and the fifth time both titles have been on the line in the same match.
It’s fair to say the experiment of pushing Evil as top heel champion has had a mixed reception at best.  Rightly or wrongly, there’s a perception that the headliners in New Japan need to be great workers working great matches.  Evil’s heel run is all about vicious brawling, nutshots, and Bullet Club run-ins.  So the question now is whether this is meant to be the long-term direction.  Did Evil win the title just so Naito could win it back here in a big stadium show?  Or are they doubling down on Evil to be champion through the end of the year?  I think this match will give us the answer.
I’m not as negative on Evil as a lot of people have been.  I don’t think he’d be my first choice for this role, but the shock of them suddenly giving it to him was a breath of fresh air.  It sure beats watching the big mean upper midcarders and feeling like none of them are ever going to step up.  That said, I was already getting tired of the super cheap heel shit when Jay White and Gedo were doing it.  I guess my preference would be for Evil to squash Naito in minutes (like Brodie Lee going over Cody) to reinvent him as a monster instead of a dickhead.
Still, my prediction for this match is based on New Japan preferring to stick with what works.  Naito works.  And while they might hold off and have Naito get his big win at Wrestle Kingdom, something tells me they’d rather get it done now.
Taichi & Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi & Kota Ibushi - Dangerous Tekkers (Taichi/Sabre) won the IWGP heavyweight tag team title from Golden Ace (Tana/Ibushi) on July 12, and their first defense is a rematch.  The champs originally refused to dignify the idea that Golden Ace deserved a rematch, and seemed to be trying to convince Ibushi that Tanahashi was the weak link in the team.  But Tanahashi pinned Taichi on August 7 to force this issue.
My big beef about the first match was that I’d seen several “let’s push Taichi” programs where Taichi destroyed a superior opponent with shenanigans and still lost, so I didn’t take him seriously.  To New Japan’s credit, they actually followed through this time and let Taichi actualy win.  (Zack scored the winning fall, but I’ll take what I can get.)  So as much as I loathe Taichi, I have to admit he finally has some credibility, and the last thing I want is for them to immediately snatch it away and put him back on the treadmill.  Which puts me in the unenviable position of rooting for Taichi to retain.  Ugh.
The story of this feud has been about the Tekkers suggesting Tanahashi is washed up, and accelerating his decline with devastating attacks on his knees.  Sooner or later the story for Tanahashi and Ibushi will be about Tana imploring Ibushi to leave him behind to pursue bigger and better things.  That doesn’t have to start on this show, but I’d rather hurry up and get it over with.  I could do with Tanahashi feuding with somebody who doesn’t twist his knees over and over.  Maybe a one-legged man or something.
Hiromu Takahashi vs. Taiji Ishimori - This is Takahashi’s second defense of the IWGP junior heavyweight title.  Shortly after Hiromu lost to Evil on July 25, Ishimori ran in to beat him up.  Ishimori then wrestled Takahashi to a submission on July 27, setting up Hiromu being pulled from the tour for a legit shoulder injury.  Hiromu returned on August 9 to save Tetsuya Naito from a Bullet Club beatdown and give Ishimori a receipt.
I could see this going either way.  The junior heavyweight division is in a mess right now, what with so many guys out of the country and/or moving up to the heavyweights.  Indeed, the reason it’s taken so long for Hiromu to defend this title is because he’s spent the last couple of months in a heavyweight tournament and chasing the heavyweight champion.  On top of that, it looks like the junior tag team title is about to be vacated, so it’d make sense to bring back the Hiromu Takahashi/BUSHI team, which means it might be a good idea for Hiromu to drop the singles belt.
None of that means Hiromu has to lose this match.  But the kicker is that he really doesn’t have many top contenders in front of him, so if Ishimori can’t get it done, I don’t know who else will.
Shingo Takagi vs. Minoru Suzuki - Takagi is making his fourth defense of the NEVER openweight championship, after Suzuki issued a challenge on August 6.
This should be stiff as fuck and kinda scary.  I don’t know why I never thought of this matchup before.  Actually Suzuki was gloating about picking a new target a few weeks back, and I was trying to guess who it was and I only thought of Takagi because he has a championship.  But then when the idea hit me, I was like
So anyway, I think we’re all gonna die.
Kazuchika Okada vs. SANADA vs. Toru Yano vs. El Desperado - This is a four-way match to determine the first KOPW champion.  I haven’t seen anything about elimination rules, so I presume it’s one fall to a finish--whoever scores the first pinfall or submission on any of the other opponents wins the match and the title.  There will be no time limit and I doubt disqualifications or count-outs will be in effect, so there must be a winner.
Okada came up with the idea for the KOPW title, apparently both in storyline and real life.   Unfortunately it’s kinda complicated and I think a lot has been lost in translation.  It seems to be similar to the gimmick on the old “Beat the Champ” TV show from Los Angeles in the 1950s.  Wrestlers would compete for the “Beat the Champ” championship every week; at certain times the titleholder would be awarded a cash prize, and the title would be vacated to start over.  In this case, whoever holds the KOPW title at the end of 2020 will be awarded a KOPW 2020 trophy.
This match should be rather unique.  Just doing a four-way at all is rare in New Japan, to say nothing of putting Desperado in there with high-level guys like Okada and Sanada.  Yano’s shenanigans add a whole other dimension of unpredictability.  On paper Okada would be the heavy favorite against any of the other three in a one-on-one match.  But if things get nuts he could easily get rolled up, or find himself out of position to prevent Despy from pinning Yano.  There are a lot of ways this could go.
In theory, it’s Okada’s idea and you want to start strong by making him the first champion.  But if you wanted to push Despy you could have him steal a win and force Okada to chase him for a while.  Or Sanada and Okada could have a serious feud over the title to get it over as a coveted prize.  Or Yano could win to make it a running gag like R-Truth with the WWE 24/7 belt.  Again, a lot of ways you can go with this, but I’m tentatively picking Okada to win.
Master Wato vs. Yoshinobu Kanemaru - Wato had just made his big return from excursion when DOUKI kicked his ass.  That set up Wato vs. Douki, and Wato had just won when Kanemaru kicked his ass.  Settling the score with Kanemaru is taking longer.
I had high hopes for Wato becoming a big deal, but I’ve already seen him get pinned several times over the last couple of months, and it’s clear that they’ve pegged him as an undercard guy to do jobs in tag matches.  If he’s ever going to mean anything, he really needs to win conclusively here, and start chasing a title.  These days it feels like there are more junior titles than juniors to go after them, so it’s a total waste if Wato just keeps playing little buddy for Hiroyoshi Tenzan.
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analyzingadventure · 4 years
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SO I GOT THIS ASK AND TUMBLR BROKE IT, I meant to have a Read More in this post but for some reason the Read More got attached to the ASK ITSELF nothing would fix it
I’m just reposting my reply again. Here we go
Sorry for taking like. Almost 2 months to reply to this, I just kind of very intentionally wanted to wait until we’d know when Psi is coming back before I’d watch the clipshow so I could use it has a refresher, instead of rewatching the first three episodes again
Well, we now know when Psi is coming back (next Sunday for people with CR Premium and two weeks from now for the rest of us), so I’m finally watching it! And what the hell, there’s a bunch of other new previews for Episode 4 so I’ll watch those too
Naturally, discussing spoilery content under the cut
Starting with the Clipshow of Episodes 1-3…
DEATHMON! :D I can’t remember if Deathmon has really appeared outside of V-Tamer and while I’m not expecting to get like a great character or anything, seeing this fairly unused mon makes me happy
Koushirou be hanging out in weird space… Wonder if we’re gonna see an interpretation of Vadermon’s subdimension in Psi…
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA okay look. This is like fanservice for me specifically because seeing the Angel Digimon Who Are Meant To Have Important Roles in Null Lore is such a joy, like it’s something I’d write about if I was making a Digimon story so knowing we’re gonna see all these guys, even just briefly, having a major role makes me so excited.
Also a few of these we have never seen as any kind of characters, like Frontier had the Three Arch Angels and Xros Wars had *a* SlashAngemon, but Clavis Angemon has never appeared at all so I’m HYPED (IDK I think Clavis just has the coolest design?). Also Rasielmon is there, which is so cool too since we never saw her in tri., only Raguelmon!
I am wondering why Valdurmon is there since Valdurmon isn’t really an angel-Digimon at all, tho it is a Holy Bird so. I guess it can count? I am disappointed by Valdurmon’s size, in Null Lore it’s meant to have a wingspan of 30 meters so unless the Angels are all MASSIVE or Valdurmon is just further back in the distance, yeah, tha’s a tiny birb Digimon. Kinda sad about that
The scene of a mountain with a temple inside a crater transforming into a beautiful city is facinating… As is the guiding light to said mountain? It’s making me wonder if Psi is going to be a bit like Frontier in the begining, where the goal of the kids is to find a place where there’s Angel Digimon (or like, their remains)
Okay, moving onto some other preview videos…
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YEEEEEES THEY’RE BRINGING SOME KIND OF EVOLUTION SEQUENCES IN I’M SO HAPPY!! Like, just to re-iterate, stock footage should be able to save Toei some money in the long term meaning we should in-return get to see better animation as a whole and/or better battle scenes, so I will GLADLY accept the stock footage evolution sequences! The preview looks dope too omg
My only hope is that they won’t be like, forced to use them everytime, in the best case scenario in important scenes/parts I’d love it if they could do fresh evolution animations, but for the unimporant scenes? Gimme the stock footage, I want it, transformation sequences are always a delight
(Also crossing my fingers for Brave Heart, even just an instrumental version of it) (Or hell, a new Miyazaki song even, you know there’s one in the new Chinese Digimon game that got announced like a few days ago, gimme more Toei)
Seeing the silhouettes of the Ultimates for everyone ‘cept Patamon and Tailmon is so weird because like… Like Adventure never stuck to any specific proportions for the Digimon, they did just go with “whatever works best here”, but man, after tri. it’s so weird seeing Rosemon TALLER than HeraclesKabuterimon
Ooooh Valdurmon gives us some exposition?! Well, she tells Taichi and co to travel beyond the ocean to a continent, much like Gennai did (guess that means there’ll be no Gennai/Agents for Psi then, press F), and to find “The Light and Hope that will fight alongside your Warriors, the Holy Digimon”. This is not at all subtle for us but man I wonder how kids who know nothing about this franchise think about that
Also I am really curious what Digimon they’re gonna use for Patamon and Tailmon as they evolve… Like obviously they’ll still be Holy Digimon but considdering the Angel Digimon already have like important roles it makes me wonder if having two different but important Seraphimon is a good idea… Like at least Double Ofanimon can be avoided with Holydramon but what about Patamon? Unless Patamon and Tailmon are like reborn/devolved forms of the Important Angel Digimon, like the same people. In which case HELL YEAH OFANIMON FOR HIKARI!!
Man, this is so interesting though
There’s been a lot of footage so I’m sure the previews have shown footage from episodes 5 and beyond too, and I don’t have stuff to say about all of it but I think this has been enough reacting for now lol
Man, seeing where this show is going is so facinating
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buttdawg · 4 years
G1 Climax 30 Day 9 thru 12 Preview
Right around here is my favorite stretch of the G1.  With the early tournament, the scoring doesn’t matter as much, because there’s plenty of time for someone to mount a comeback.    And in the last few days, you have a lot of matches that won’t affect the final outcome of the blocks.    But here in the middle is the sweet spot, because this is where the leaders will start to pull away, and guys will start getting mathematically eliminated.   So this is a good spot to take stock of where we’re at.
Day 9, A-Block, October 5, 2020
Shingo Takagi(2) vs. Yujiro Takahashi(0)
Jeff Cobb(2) vs. Jay White(6)
Kazuchika Okada(4) vs. Minoru Suzuki(6)
Tomohiro Ishii(2) vs. Taichi(6)
Kota Ibushi(6) vs. Will Ospreay(6)
I wasn’t super-interested in this card before, but now that I see the scores, this looks like a big deal.   I expected someone to hit eight points last week, but instead we have five guys tied at six.  
You’d think Ibushi or Ospreay will come out with eight, but you know what?   Maybe they’ll go to a draw.   I’ve bee low-key rooting for a draw since last year’s G1, because I just sort of want to see it happen.   I think once it does, I’ll probably never care about it again, but you just never know.    A lot of these matches go really long, and it gets super-close to thirty minutes, so we’re clearly meant to anticipate a draw.   I think there was a draw in 2018′s G1, so it happens, just not often.  
That’s my prediction for this match, mostly because this tournament seems really reluctant to give anyone an early lead, and also because Ibushi and Ospreay seem like heavy favorites to win the block.   
Also, I’m kind of over both of these guys.   I got fed up with Ospreay over the bullshit that came to light during the #SpeakingOut movement, and I find his whole act this year pretty irritating.   I don’t know if that’s because I’m mad at him or not, but I feel like I’d be sick of him even if I didn’t know he tried to cover up for his buddies’ sex crimes.  
As far as I know, Ibushi’s a cool dude, but I’m really having trouble understanding anything he does in the ring.   Like, he’s fighting a guy and then he gets beat up, and it doesn’t hurt him, and sometimes he’s invincible and sometimes he’s not, and there’s really no sense of why he wins or loses a match.    I don’t have these issues with his tag matches, but that’s probably because all of the focus is on Tanahashi being the weak link of their team, so it doesn’t matter as much as long as Tanahashi tells a story in the ring. 
As far as the others go, I’m gonna guess that Jay and Taichi win, and Suzuki loses.    That way the score is completely fucked up, with two guys at 8 points, two guys at 7, and two guys at 6.   
Also, we have Takagi vs. Yujiro, and if Yujiro loses this next match, he’ll be eliminated.   I’m pretty sure that’ll happen, because there seems to be no momentum with Yujiro, and also because I watched him cut a promo backstage about how getting his ass kicked in G1 matches is pleasing to him sexually.   Like he pointed at his crotch and everything, so the angle here is that Yujiro’s kink is to go 0-9 in a G1 block.  
Day 10, B-Block, October 6, 2020
Juice Robinson(6) vs. EVIL(4)  
Hirooki Goto(2) vs. Toru Yano(6)
Tetsuya Naito(6)  vs. YOSHI-HASHI(2)
Hiroshi Tanahashi(4)  vs. KENTA(4)
SANADA(2) vs.  Zack Sabre, Jr.(4)
Another interesting card, for entirely different reasons.   Naito and Yano have a chance to advance to 8 points, but Naito’s path looks a lot clearer, since he just has to beat B-Block’s resident jobber, Yoshi-Hashi.    Yoshi’s not as bad off as Yujiro Takahashi, but I doubt he’s gonna steal one from the double champion.  
The only real question is whether Yano will hit 8 points as well, but I’m pretty sure Yano’s not winning the block, so it kind of doesn’t matter.   The only reason for him to keep winning matches here is so he can fuck up in some later match and pave the way for the real block leaders to settle it in the main event of Day 18.   
More importantly, this night features my two favorite guys in the block going at it.    I dug SANADA vs. ZSJ at last year’s G1, so this ought to be fucking awesome too.   
But karma demands a heavy price for this cool dudes match, and so we also have Juice vs. EVIL.    Hooooo boy this is gonna suck some ass.   I’m actually looking forward to it, even though I can’t stand these two jagoffs.   Here’s how I think this will go down
-Juice hops around like an idiot, and tries to get the “We Will Rock You” clap going.
-Juice shouts EEEEYAAAAA! like an idiot.   Several times.
-More “dancing” and clapping like a complete asshole.    
-EVIL goes for a ballshot.
-EVIL goes for a ballshot.
-Dick Togo distracts the ref so EVIL can line up another ballshot
-Dick Togo goes for a ballshot.
-Juice shouts AAGAHYAAAAAAAA!  Like an idiot.   
-Dick Togo garrots Juice so that EVIL can do the thing where he just forces the referee into the corner so he can’t see anything.   This allows Dick to go for another ballshot.
-Juice goes for a ballshot.   
-EVIL goes for a ballshot.
-Dick goes for a ballshot.  
-Red Shoes watches all of this and does nothing.
-They all just stand in the ring and trade ballshot attempts on each other for like five minutes, like Ric Flair chest chops, but stupider.   Juice screams like a monkey each time, whether he gets hit or not.   
-EVIL wins with the Skull Crushing Finale, because for some reason the Miz’s stupid finisher hurts worse than getting hit in the balls fifty-eight times.   Juice cuts a promo backstage about how EVIL kicked his ass and he’s a worthless piece of shit, but he’s gonna go out and have Ruptured Testicle Beers tonight.  
-Fuck both of these guys so hard.
Day 11, A-Block, October 7, 2020
Shingo Takagi vs. Kota Ibushi
Taichi vs. Jay White
Kazuchika Okada vs. Jeff Cobb
Tomohiro Ishii vs. Yujiro Takahashi
Minoru Suzuki vs. Will Ospreay
It’s kind of hard to picture the scoring situation this far out, but the Suzuki/Ospreay match ought to have some serious implications, since Suzuki should be at 6-8 points here, and Ospreay should be art 6-8 points, so this match is a chance for one of them to  take the lead, tie the leader, or just pull further ahead. 
There’s a very real chance that Shingo Takagi and/or Jeff Cobb to get eliminated here.   If they don’t win a match on Day 9, then they absolutely have to win on Day 11, or they’re SOL.   I was going to add Tomohiro Ishii to this list, but he gets to fact Yujiro on this show, so he’s probably safe.  
More and more, I get the feeling that this year’s A-Block is all about creating a weird logjam where like four or five guys are tied, or practically tied right up to the end.    I’m curious to see how well that shakes out.
Day 12, B-Block, October 8, 2020
Zack Sabre, Jr. vs. Toru Yano
Hirooki Goto vs. YOSHI-HASHI
Tetsuya Naito vs. Juice Robinson
EVIL vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi
I picked SANADA to win the whole tournament, but if he can’t beat ZSJ on Day 10, then this might be the night where he gets mathematically eliminated.   Personally, I think he’s just losing a lot of early matches to build suspense.    Then again, his only victory so far has been against Naito, which automatically puts him in line for a shot at the double-championship, right?   So maybe SANADA won’t win the G1, since he already has a title shot lined up.
I don’t see much else that interests me, except maybe this Goto vs. YOSHI-HASHI match, since they’re both co-holders of the NEVER trios title.    That could be something.
ZSJ vs. Yano could be good, but I find Yano matches very hit-or-miss.   He tends to do the same shit every match, and it just sort of works or doesn’t work, so the whole thing feels like I might as well skip to the finish.   It’s fun when he beats a guy I don’t like, and honestly, it’s fun if he beats a guy I do like, but when I’m less invested in the finish, it just feels dumb.   In this case, I don’t expect Zack to get very far in this tournament, so it kind of doesn’t matter who wins.   
Then again, Dangerous Tekkers vs. Yano/Colt Cabana was pretty fun at World Tag League last year, so this might work out.    I dunno.   The only Yano match I could get into this G1 was the one with SANADA, and that was the very first one.    Even when he beat EVIL, it was still kind of hollow, because the match exposed EVIL as just being an unironic version of Yano’s schtick.    Like “Look at me, I’m exposing the turnbuckle to cheat, but I’m frowning when I do it, because I’m the kInG oF dArKnEsS.”   Fuck EVIL, he’s goth Yano.    There, I said it.  
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