#and later going for a run and playing this song sprinting like it was possible to take off and fly :)
freebooter4ever · 11 months
listen to TATE nonstop - - - - > whoops i bought a ticket I shouldn't be wasting money on to their LA concert in august
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❤️ Midnight Follow Event!! ❤️
Tokyo Revengers
If it Fits, it Ships (there’s way too many to choose from and i love this concept anyway!)
One Shot Friends to Lovers (total sucker for this type of fic 🥹)
"Stop looking at me with those eyes."
You can certainly do a mix of SFW and NSFW
Love your writing muah muah xoxo
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Oh, hello! Your sweet words are gonna make me bluuuush. Stahhhp.
Thank you for being so patient while I got to this. I didn't expect it to stay as soft as it did, but it begged me to. It felt right for who I felt speaking through them.
But if you want a NSFW version, lemme know. I got'chu.
Inspiration: Sweet boys Kazutora and Chifuyu.
As always, though, if it fits for you and your favorite, then it ships.
Word count: 930
Gender Neutral x Tokyo Rev fav.
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For years you had this feeling of being so content around him. 
The silence was never too much or too little. There was never any pressure to be any more or any less. A simple existence that made sense. 
It was something you had so rarely experienced before he came along that, even now, the feeling was alien and sat heavy upon you, enveloping you in a warmth that your body yearned to lean into on more than one occasion, refusing the call no matter how much your heart pulled the strings attached to it. 
Years of growing together and learning. School-age teasing and fun turned into teasing from others as you both denied your feelings, the thought “abhorrent.” Confusion swirled as you wondered how you two had managed to find each other at such a young age more than once over the years as you had grown. 
He was your friend. Your confidant. Your steady constant. In tune with your needs before you could acknowledge that they were there.
How could you possibly have feelings for him?
But how could you not?
Every movement you made, he was a mirror, perfectly in sync.
Each laugh and smile he pulled from you was music, the perfect song he could play on repeat until the end of time. 
Late-night phone calls after nightmares with no questions asked. 
2 A.M. sneak outs to sit on the roof until your parents had finally caught you. 
“At least it’s just him,” or, “You’re not in trouble because it’s them. But stop going out so late!”
College had been harder, being further apart from each other. Nevertheless, each hug was precious to you both, clinging a little harder before being forced apart once more. 
The rest of your friends would roll their eyes when you both still, years later, denied with your whole soul that nothing was going on. 
That you were friends.
But friends don’t have thoughts of the other, holding them close and brushing hair from their face, looking upon their true flame with admiration, begging for their lips to be pressed against the others. 
Friends don’t lay awake in bed, wishing they would have finally just grabbed your hand, lacing your fingers together as you walked down the street, absorbing the world's life together. 
But what if…?
The night was cold as you stood together on a bridge overlooking the expanse of the city. You shivered as a blast of wind swirled around you. The thin jacket you had worn did nothing to protect you from the elements. When he peeled off his own and draped it over your shoulders, he silenced you with a gentle shake of his head. You knew he would say he always runs warm. You also knew he would sprint to the shower when he got home, setting the water to scolding in an attempt to unfreeze his bones.
A couple below you caught your eye, and a pining shot through you at the sight of their lips touching. You felt wrong encroaching on their private moment. Did they start as friends? Growing to trust and care for each other on a deeper level than most. Did they stand together on a bridge like you and him, longing for the other before either could admit it out loud?
You looked away, further down the street, finally giving them the privacy they deserved. You felt a hand brush gently against your own and looked up to find him standing closer than expected. The shuttered intake of your breath was caught in your chest. His eyes bounced between yours, lost in their beauty, enthralled in the universe that captivated him whenever he caught you like this. Vulnerable only for him. Walls you kept around your heart falling for just a moment so he can see beyond them. 
“Stop looking at me with those eyes.” The words were whispered into the shrinking space between you. 
“What eyes?” The smirk you so adored pulling at the corner of his mouth. 
“Like you want to kiss me.” The words were said so quietly, so gently, but from years of listening to your lyrical speech, it was all he could hear. The noise from the world drowned out. All laughter and honking of horns silenced as he committed every word from your plush lips to memory to replay over and over in moments when he would be alone. 
“And what if I do?” 
His words made your heart skip. A physical feeling of it stopping and kick-starting once more, settling deep into your marrow, mixing with your being. The gentle crimson glow that was your feelings for him stroked to life as a brilliant cobalt, dancing within you as his oxygen fed the flames.
“Then do it.”
The words had barely escaped you before his chilled hand was on your cheek, tilting you back just enough to press his lips against yours. His lips were a hot contrast to his flesh, molding to yours as if they were meant to be there, forever waiting for the moment they would find where they belonged.
Time was nothing—frozen around you as he held you close. The earth stilled for this moment; all moments you had experienced together and apart led you here, to the precise time when you could fall into each other. 
“Be mine.” It was a command whispered against you—words he held in for longer than he could remember. 
Your forehead rested against his, fingers traveling up the back of his neck, desperate for more of his touch. 
“I always was.”
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My requests for the event are still open for a few more days. The post is linked on my page!
Tag list: @awkwardchick87 @fubukinorris
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zodiyack · 3 years
Rude! (3,000+ Follower Fic Special 1/3)
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Female!Hopper!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Billy stuff, lyrics, fluff
Song: Rude by Magic!
Words: 1,798
Summary: Billy's love for Hopper's daughter is too strong to be stopped by the tough Chief Jim Hopper. Despite being told "not in a thousand years", he plans to love her regardless.
Note: Thank you so so much! I love you all, and writing your ideas, as well as sharing mine with you, has been so fucking fun and amazing! I'm sorry for my lack of words, I wish being an author came in handy with writing this, however, all I can say is that I love you all from the bottom of my heart. I've seen people do shout-outs, and ask-related stuff with their follower things, and I may do that, I'm not sure. For now, I hope you enjoy this... Thank you all, again!
Also 1/3 means that there will be two other fics released for the 3,000+ follower present!
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Taglist: @urie-bowie-mercury, @matth1w, @redspaceace-writes, @fandom-puff, @darling-i-read-it, @simonsbluee, @sebastianstanslefteyebrow, @dpaccione
Masterlist | Stranger Things Masterlist
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"Saturday morning, jumped out of bed and put on my best suit. Got in my car and raced like a jet all the way to you. Knocked on your door with my heart in my hands, to ask you a question, 'cause I know that you're an old-fashioned man. Yeah."
Billy was freshly graduated, working as a lifeguard whilst his girlfriend worked her own job, both saving up for their chance to ditch Hawkins and move to California. Sweet Cali. Billy was excited to show the love of his life around the place he called home. Though, physically, he left the salty ocean and windy beach behind, the place never truly left him.
You could see it in his eyes. The waves crashing in his blue orbs. He swore the scent had just barely clung to his belongings; the smell of the tangy air that followed a majority of the state. Working at a pool was the closest he got to the memory of California. Chlorine was most certainly not the salted ocean waters, but with the circumstances, he decided it'd do.
The way his face lit up whenever he talked about his home...it made Y/n more and more excited to see it. His girlfriend had grown up in Hawkins, stayed there her whole life. Never once did the Hoppers leave Hawkins.
But the second that was introduced to Billy, he knew it had to change.
Although they were saving for a big move, Billy had...other things in mind with what to do with his first large pay-check (or series, rather. Working as a lifeguard didn't pay well with just one check). He began to work more shifts to make up for the money he'd spent, and one day after calling in for a day off, he decided to put his plan into action.
"Billy, stop messing with the tie."
"It's annoying." Hands slapped away his attempts of adjusting the black silk tie.
"Well it won't stop being annoying if you keep fucking it up."
For the first time in a long time, Neil Hargrove was calm. Not happy, not amused, not pissed off for some unjust reason- just calm. He wasn't wreaking havoc and he wasn't being an asshole to his son. Billy hadn't seen this side of his dad in quite some time, in fact, he thought something important was going on and he was about to fuck it all up. And then, Susan retreated to the living room with a camera and a freshly ironed suit.
"You're not putting me in that."
"And who asked for your opinion?" Neil deflected with a raised brow. One heavy sigh later and Billy was leaving the bathroom, dawning the whole black and white getup.
Susan clasped her hands over her mouth, a tear leaving her eye, "You look so handsome! Just like your dad!"
Billy rolled his eyes, "Great."
However, his careless attitude was swept under the rug when the blue Camaro pulled up to the police station, interrupting a clearly distressed Chief Hopper bickering with his daughter. Billy had to get himself together before stepping out of the car, jaw slack after seeing the beauty he got to call his date.
"Hello Mr-"
"Don't even try play nice with me, Hargrove. She's not going anywhere with you. End of story." Hopper kept his eyes trained on the blond, body tense like a snake preparing to strike it's prey.
Y/n grabbed Billy's arm, slowly directing him to the car, "And in the sequel, we find out I am going with Billy. End of that story."
"There is no 'sequel.' The writer got drunk and lazy." She paused, turning to face her father who stood tall, arms crossed and face unamused.
"So his daughter picked up where her father left off, and then the sequel was published and the two lived happily ever after, the end."
While her dad attempted to search for a line that would better hers and force her to stay, she pushed Billy toward the driver's side and slid into the car as fast as she could, rolling down the window as Billy started it up. "Bye! I'll be back before midnight!"
The two drove off toward the school, leaving behind a trail of dust and very, very, pissed off Hopper.
Prom was better than Billy thought it would be. He didn't want to go at first, but after Max found out and spoke to her mom about it (the little redhead a cupid-in-the-making), Neil pushed him to go (as he was "doing something else besides being a lazy-no-good rebel"). It was then that he called Y/n and asked if she'd be going.
The suit came in handy. Clashing with his rocker aesthetic, he put it back on once more. The once-annoying tie proved to be somewhat okay in the end.
Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life? Say yes, say yes, 'cause I need to know. You say I'll never get your blessing "till the day I die, tough luck my friend, but the answer is no!"
Why you gotta be so rude? Don't you know I'm human too? Why you gotta be so rude? I'm gonna marry her anyway. Marry that girl, marry her anyway! Marry that girl, yeah, no matter what you say! Marry that girl, and we'll be a family! Why you gotta be so rude?
With a deep breath, he ran-over the conversation in his head once more. Like a script for an actor, he had thought of every possible outcome and every possible line for him to face it with. He almost chickened out as his fist rose to the door, but it was too late, for his knuckles rapped against it before he realized he was even knocking.
El opened the door, eyes wide when she saw the familiar mullet and button-down. "Papa..." She muttered as she backed away and out of view.
Hopper traded places with her, his lazy expression sobering up instantaneously, replaced with a grumpy scowl. "Hargrove."
"Mr. Hopper, sir."
"What are you doing on my front porch?"
He swallowed roughly, palms sweaty against his sides. "I was wondering if I could talk to you."
"You seem to be doing just that right now, Hargrove." Hop crossed his arms and clenched his jaw.
Well, this was certainly not something Billy had thought of. He was on panic mode internally, attempting to find any response that could save his hide and accomplish what he set out to do. Unfortunately, the word-vomit button seemed to be misplaced under the button labeled "help".
"I'd like to marry your daughter, sir."
Hop's eyes grew just as big in size as El's had when she opened the door. He choked on his own surprise, coughing it off, then glaring at the boy in front of him. "Over my dead body, Hargrove. If that's all, I'd strongly advise you to get off of my fucking porch while you're still alive."
I hate to do this, you leave no choice; can't live without her. Love me or hate me, we will be boys- standing at that alter. And we will fly away, to another galaxy, you know. You know she's in love with me, she will go anywhere I go-
"Billy, he's just stubborn."
"No, no, I don't think he likes me."
Y/n sighed, rubbing her boyfriend's back. He hadn't told her of his proposal plans, only that Hop seemed to have it out for him. "It'll take time, but he'll warm up to you!"
"It's been how many years since he's met me?"
"To be fair, your reputation wasn't doing you any good until now..."
"It's not like that was fucking obvious." He slouched further down in the front seat of his Camaro. To Billy, all hope was lost. If he couldn't get Hopper to give him his blessing, he was sure he'd lose his goddamned mind.
Y/n frowned. Her frown flipped around as an idea popped into her head, her lips finding Billy's knuckles and quirking his attention. "Even if he never likes you, I'm not going anywhere."
Billy laughed softly, "he'll fucking kill me if you go against him."
"Eh, that's only if he can catch us."
"You're out of your fucking mind, Y/n Hopper."
"I know."
The rest of the night was spent in the Camaro, of course, doing one of Billy's favorite pastimes. By the time the sun rose, Billy was sneaking a kiss to a giggling Y/n before dropping from her window in the cabin and running to his car, parked far enough that Hop or El wouldn't notice. He blew her one more kiss, which she pretended to catch, then he broke into a sprint.
Maybe, he thought, just maybe; there was still a chance.
His knuckles hit the door again, shifting on his feet nervously. It swung open to reveal Hopper, an unimpressed look bringing no surprise Billy's way. It was quite expected, honestly.
"What." His tone made it clear he wasn't up for fucking around.
"Mr. Hopper, if you just give me one chance to prove to you that-"
"No, no, no, no, no. Let me make it very clear to you that I want you to have nothing to do with my daughter whatsoever. No marriage, no friendship, I don't even approve of you guys fucking or whatever-"
"We're in a serious relationship, sir. It's nothing like you think it is."
This made Hop laugh. He continued to do so, holding his stomach, until he realized Billy was unamused. "Oh, you're serious?... My answer is still no, Hargrove. My answer will always be no. Go find someone else's daughter's heart to break. You're not hurting mine."
"It's not like-"
Before he could even get the words out, he was met with a door in his face. Turned down, again.
Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life? Say yes, say yes, 'cause I need to know. You say I'll never get your blessing "till the day I die, tough luck my friend, 'cause the answer's still no!"
Why you gotta be so rude? Don't you know I'm human too? Why you gotta be so rude? I'm gonna marry her anyway. Marry that girl, marry her anyway! Marry that girl, yeah, no matter what you say! Marry that girl, and we'll be a family! Why you gotta be so rude, rude?
Again, again, and again, Billy incessantly pleaded with Hopper. Different tactics were all met with the same answer; rejection.
He held up a sign outside the cabin, only for Hopper to close the curtain and chuckle as he sipped his coffee.
He asked at the door again, only for Hop to threaten to give him a black eye (which was met with "aren't you the sheriff? Isn't that illegal?").
He raced past the police station, Max leaning out the window with another sign, only for Hop to threaten them with holding cells.
He even went as far as to ask Max and El to help, but Hopper had none of that, and sent Max home with a rant full of nos.
However, if Jim Hopper thought any of it would get it into Billy's head that getting his blessing was just not happening- he was as wrong as Nancy when she claimed not to have feelings for Jonathan.
Billy had another plan in mind, and this one was impossible to say no to.
Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life? Say yes, say yes, 'cause I need to know. You say I'll never get your blessing "till the day I die, tough luck my friend- but no still means no!"
"Hopper." Billy stood before his desk, interrupting his nice date with a delicious doughnut, and earning a very annoyed glare. "I got Miss Byer's blessing. Aren't you two a thing?"
"You son of a-"
"I got Eleven's too."
"Hargrove, I'm gonna-"
"Before you cuss me out, I think you should know that I've got a stable job, an interview with a mechanic so I have a job when the pool closes for the winter, and I've got a house on the market I'm looking at. I'm devoted to your daughter and she's devoted to me. You may not like me, but I think you're a great dad, better than the one I was unfortunately stuck with. You raised a strong and amazing woman. She's incredible and I admit, she deserves better than me-"
"You don't have to say that twice." Hopper huffed, crossing his arms.
"I know she deserves so much better than me, I'm surprised she's even with me too. But she loves me, and I think you can see that. I love her too. I would never, in a million years, break her heart."
Jim stayed silent for a few minutes. The silence brought uneasiness to Billy, but that was intentional on Hopper's behalf. He finally piped up with a cough, clearing his throat, before his piercing eyes met Billy's blue orbs.
"I'll hold you to that, Hargrove."
Why you gotta be so rude? Don't you know I'm human too? Why you gotta be so rude? I'm gonna marry her anyway. Marry that girl, marry her anyway! Marry that girl, yeah, no matter what you say! Marry that girl, and we'll be a family! Why you gotta be so rude? Why you gotta be so rude?
(after the wedding)
"What was that about a no?" Billy quipped with his infamous smirk.
"You're lucky I'm sheriff, Hargrove."
Why you gotta be so rude?
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Something Good (Tom Hiddleston x Female Reader) Part 50
Summary: A chat with Benedict gives Tom lots to think about.
Read the previous parts here
Mischief Makers:    @ruiningthe1975​ @nms224​ @youlightmeupfinn​ @salempoe​ @lokiprompts​ @oasiswithmyg​ @saltandapepper​ @chwlogy​ @locht3ssmonster​ @mad4marvelloki​ @sititran​ @dryyoursaltyoceantears​ @ca-loki​  @nurisiliel​ @thankyouforanonymity​  @tgaylorxoxo​ @ordinarylokix​  @1marvelnerd3000​   @queenofallhobos​  @marvelgirl0515​   @augusta-imperatrix​  @deanaddicted2​   @geekwritersworld​  @donttouchmylaevateinn​   @rogerrhqpsody​   @artof-aristocracy​   @vampire7595​   @naturalavenger​   @dangertoozmanykids101​   @nicole-lightfoot​  @mm2305​    @lokistoriesblog​      @rosec0lored​       @lokiswildheartcantbebroken​  @morganmofresh​   @lienoec​    @christineblood​   @asgardianprincess1050​   @nopenopenope77  @i-beg-your-pardon-laufeyson​ 
Today’s song inspiration is “Leave Her Wild” by Tyler Rich. 100 PERCENT OUR GEORGIA GIRL!!!! 
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“You ready to go for a run, Bobbers?”
Opening the door to the bedroom, you tried to stay quiet in hopes that Tom was still asleep. You almost tripped over the dog when he immediately stopped just outside the doorway. Stumbling over him, you turned back around to see what caught his attention.
In the dim light from the night light at the end of the hall, you could just make out a form on the ground against the wall just outside of your room. As your eyes focused, you heard his light snores. Curled up under a blanket with his head on a pillow, Tom was on his side facing the wall less than a foot from your bedroom door. It would have been a sweet gesture had you not still been hurt and angry. Now it just felt… sad.
Obviously greatly confused and concerned for his owner, Bobby sniffed the top of his head that stuck out from the blanket. You quickly whispered to him as you headed down the stairs. The last thing you wanted right now was for the man to wake up and discover you had left the room he was guarding.
“ Bobby, come.”
As Tom stirred awake a little while later, he shifted uncomfortably and processed where he was. Remembering the night before, he let out a long sigh as the memories flooded back. Looking above him at your bedroom door, he did a double take when he realized it was now open. Quickly throwing the blanket off him, he climbed to him feet and stumbled into the room and called out for you.
Realizing you weren’t in your room or bathroom, he sprinted down the stairs and raced through the house as he frantically looked for you. His heart sank as he realized you weren’t here. Just as he began to look around for his phone, his eyes caught the absence of Bobby’s leash on the hook by the front door.
Your morning run.
He hadn’t noticed that Bobby had been missing as well. Checking the time, he figured you had just left a few minutes before. Heading upstairs to grab a quick shower before waiting for you to get back, he left the bedroom open so he could try to catch you when you got back.
Even though he had tried to be as swift as possible, he stepped out of the bathroom to find Bobby already curled up on his bed asleep from his workout. Heading straight for your room, he heard the shower come on just as he went to knock. Letting out a frustrated sigh, he rested his head on the door.
“Darling, please don’t do this…”
Tom stood there with his eye closed as he tried to calm the panic that was beginning to rise again. The sound of his phone ringing in his room behind him pulled him away. When he saw Ben’s name on the screen, he threw it down on the bed beside him as he fell back onto the soft mattress. It felt like heaven after sleeping on the floor. Just after the ringing stopped, a text came through. With a groan, he lifted the device above his head to read it.
Café at noon. No excuses. I’ll hunt you down if I have to Hiddleston.
 When you still hadn’t left your bedroom at a quarter after 11, he decided to try knocking on the door again. At least you hadn’t been playing music today. It didn’t surprise him that you didn’t answer.
“Love?... Ben wants to meet for lunch before I head to the theatre. I’ll be home as soon as I can after the show tonight. Just please be here, darling…”
Met with only silence from the other side of the door, he found the strength to pull himself away. As he pulled out onto the road from the drive, the pit in his stomach continued to grow. He just hoped he wouldn’t find you gone by the time he got back tonight.
Tom walked into the small café a few minutes before 12 to find Ben in their usual booth in the corner. He didn’t miss the way that his arms crossed over his chest as he approached. As he slid into the booth, the glare never left his face.
“Hello to you too, Benedict.”
When he just stared at him for another minute, Tom sighed and held his face in his hands.
“Who called you?”
“The more appropriate question is who didn’t call me, Thomas.”
The two of them gave the waitress a polite smile as she took their order before returning to the previous atmosphere at the table.
“How bad is it?”
Tom glanced up at him as he continued to fidget with the paper straw wrapper.
“I slept in the hall outside her room after she blasted Taylor’s music at full volume until 3 o’clock this morning.”
He watched as Ben closed his eyes and shook his head.
“After the way you’ve treated that woman, I’m surprised she didn’t murder you and toss your body in the middle of the Atlantic…”
He ran his fingers through his hair as he leaned his head back against the seat cushion.
“I think I’ve really lost her this time, Ben.”
Benedict sat back and watched him while swirling the straw around the water glass in front of him.
“Let me ask you something, Thomas. If you had never gotten your big break and you weren’t Britain’s Sweetheart, what would your life be like right now?”
Tom rolled his eyes at him and started to ask him what that had to do with anything. Already sensing his protests, his friend tried again.
“Humor me, Hiddleston. Just try it. Picture what your life would be like and tell me about it.”
He took a deep breath and let himself think about it for a minute.
“I suppose I would have gone into teaching, possibly settled down by now.”
“Alright, so you would have a normal life with a wife and kids, correct?”
His eyebrow shot up as he tried to figure out where he was going with this.
“In a perfect world, yes I suppose I would.”
Ben then sat silently and just waited as he watched the scene play out in Tom’s head. The second his face lit up and a smile graced his lips, he made his move.
“Ah! Right there! The face that you just pictured in your mind. Was it your girlfriend’s? Or was it her’s?”
Tom didn’t have to give him an answer because he already knew. He had pictured Saturday morning breakfast with a table full of kids. School plays. Soccer games. Birthday parties. Getting woken up bright and early on Christmas morning like his nieces had done. The person by his side for all those things was the first thing he thought about every morning and the last thing on his mind before he drifted off each night.
“You wonder why your life isn’t everything you want it to be, Tom, but you continue to focus on things that don’t matter. Since the day you met her, she is all you have ever wanted, yet you have expected her to give herself over to you without you doing the same. Instead of giving her the best part of yourself, you have given your time and energy to your career and only gave her what was left over at the end of the day.
For the last four months, you didn’t even give her that. You handed it to Jamie instead. Georgia moved her entire life here for you. She runs your business affairs. She manages your household. She takes care of your dog. She has been to every single one of your opening nights, movie premieres, and award presentations for eight years. Her only reward for all of that is being alone in your home and a regular paycheck.
I understand that she hurt you, but can you blame her for it? You told her you loved her, then let her see you kissing another woman. You gave her false hope that she was finally a priority to you. I would have expected nothing different from her in that moment. This is Georgia we’re talking about here. Did you honestly expect her to cry and beg for you? Instead of showing her that she mattered to you and fighting for her, you tossed her aside for the woman you claimed was a mistake. Jamie became your priority over her. What kind of message do you think that sent to her?
Hell, Thomas! Just to make sure she really knew where she stood in your life, you showed her that even on her birthday, she wasn’t something you cared about. That’s not even touching the drinking and cruel things you’ve said to her while pissed out of your mind. Now tell me, can you ever expect her to want a life with you if that’s the life that you offer her? Either fight for that girl with every ounce of strength in your body, or quit putting her through hell and let her walk away.”
The tears were already forming in his eyes at the realization. Ben was completely right. For so many years, he had focused on trying to get the words out, but his actions had never relayed the same message. It was only after giving you his undivided attention that you had finally began to open yourself up to him. During the entire time he was shooting the film, the only time he hadn’t been focused on you was when he was on set. Even then, you were right there in front of him. You were front and center in his life and he had never been happier… until he changed things again.
He had been focused on his own pain for so long that he never stopped to think about the message he had been sending to you. After throwing everything he had into the play, the rest of his time had been spent drinking or fooling around with Jamie. He had essentially starved you of any and all attention and affection you had previously received from him. No wonder you were leaving…
Finally seeing Tom’s expression shift to one of awareness, he used one final move to knock some sense into him.
“Hiddleston, you have a decision to make. When her wedding day comes around, are you going to be a guest or the groom?”
Ben’s words continued to play over again in his mind as he sat at the vanity in the dressing room and removed his makeup from tonight’s performance. Luckily he could recite his lines in his sleep considering he was completely checked out while on stage. The only thing he could think about was you and all the mistakes he had made. The feeling of arms wrapping around his neck made him jump.
“Hey baby. You never called last night. I thought you were coming over after you got back.”
Looking into her eyes in the mirror in front of him, Tom knew exactly what he needed to do.
“Yeah, sorry. I just turned in early. I’m glad you’re here though. Can you sit down? There’s something I need to talk to you about.”
Jamie gave him a strange look but took a seat at the vanity next to his.
“What’s with the face, Tommy? You’re not dumping me again are you?”
When he didn’t say anything, she quit laughing and stared at him for a minute before shrugging her shoulders.
“Oh well. At least you did it in person this time.”
The casualness of her reaction caught him by surprise.
“Wait, so you’re just okay with it? I figured you would be upset.”
He watched as she turned in the chair and began to fix her makeup.
“Why would I be upset? It was fun, but it was never going to be serious. Plus, I got the role in New York that I auditioned for last month. The show starts right after ours ends.”
Looking at his now ex-girlfriend, he couldn’t believe that he had ever put her above you in any way. He had been an absolute fool. As she stood to walk out, she turned back when she got to the doorway.
“Can I store some things at your place? I have to give up my apartment before I leave.”
He rolled his eyes as he resumed wiping off his face.
“Thanks, Tommy. You’re the best.”
As he finished up and gathered his things, he checked the time on his cell. 10:17pm. A pit was quickly forming in his stomach as he made his way out of the building towards the parking lot. Now knowing what he should have done months ago, Tom prayed that it wasn’t too late.
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tinyyoungblood · 3 years
a good week at football camp | p.p
➭ headcanon
summary: the avengers spend a week at football camp to work on team bonding
pairing: peter parker x avenger!reader
words: 1.3k
warning: language, pure chaos, a lot of…football?
a/n: while i’m working on a fic that is waaay overdue, here’s a little headcanon that is also my not-so-subtle excuse to gush about football while sprinkling on some crack <3 enjoy!
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tony comes up with this brilliant idea of sending the avengers to a makeshift football camp for some much-needed team bonding
because the only time the team ever operates together is when tony kicks them out of their beds at the crack of dawn and bribes them with pancakes
steve rogers, co-dad to this dysfunctional family, is wary but very, very thrilled
he gets a whole pack of disposable cameras and immediately starts snapping pictures of everyone before the trip even begins. he does it for no apparent reason, he just likes to toe the line between life and death
there are at least five pictures of nat threatening to choke him with fuzzy socks and clint hisses at him until steve is too uncomfortable and leaves
there are also a few photos of peter and y/n wrestling over hoodies and it’s so stupidly adorable that tony sends y/n away to finish packing because he’s “too young for grandchildren”
“what makes you think you’ll be their grandpa?” “i put a roof on your head and this is the thanks i get?” “you would spoil them to the bone” “and there’s something wrong with that?”
peter lets the bickering go on for a while because he secretly loves it but tony gets pettier with every second
“fine, i don’t want it anymore. let one of the other psychos play grandpa.” “mr. stark, we didn’t even want children in the first place” “exCUSE ME—” “we’re 16?? we’re literally toddlers???”
the night before they leave, clint dreams that he forgets his arrows and that’s how bruce finds him in the kitchen at three o’clock in the morning, sharpening his arrows in dead silence
thor and loki are already waiting at the camp, and everyone has the complete and utter joy of watching thor bear hug tony while y/n fist-bumps loki
loki acts like it’s above him, but y/n swears there is a faint smile on his face before he turns away
they’ve barely set foot on the pitch before they realise, “okay. so…we’re decent at saving the world, but it does not mean we’re good at football, huh”
like, they’re technically capable of kicking around a ball, but their inability to work as a team really shines through when they’re supposed to score an actual goal…or come anywhere near it
nobody really knows how bucky ends up being main striker, but it quickly turns out to be the worst idea possible
“i swear to god, if you kick that ball into the woods ONE MORE TIME” *three seconds later the ball flies in a high arc into the woods*
sam, throwing his kit at him: “every day you wake up and choose VIOLENCE—” *peter rolls off the bench, wheezing*
they do improve though. it’s slow and painful to watch and they still get their asses kicked more than they would like, but they’re getting…somewhere
the avengers also learn that peter LOVES to run. as it turns out, he actually does it for Fun™️
when steve announces they’re doing sprint/footwork drills in mixed team groups, the avengers groan but peter is literally bouncing on the balls of his feet
the drill starts and peter is nimbly leaving them all in the dust
(this is the boy who does agility ladder exercises in his sleep)
(his calves are made of Steel™️)
it doesn’t help either that the penalty for losing a scrimmage is running laps around the absolutely MASSIVE forest
they don’t know which is worse: running while thor sings unintelligible asgardian folk songs, or having to deal with loki’s wrath over running
steve and peter are done before anyone else and they like to sit on one of the tree trunks right by the path to irritate encourage everyone
“your footwork is really improving clint!! yesterday you fell and almost knocked your teeth out!!!” “i’m going to knock YOUR teeth out if you don’t—” “oh WOW nat!!! i think you’re actually faster than clint—”
*cue clint zooming past them*
but it’s not only that! tony, who is a billionaire and sweats money, has another brilliant idea and forces the team to camp outside in the cold to bond over s’mores and bonfires. and it works!
by day three, it becomes an unspoken rule that everyone huddles around the bonfire in the evening to sulk, eat s’mores, and scheme tony’s death. he would be offended but they’re actually doing something together, so tony supports it
and they grow fond of football too! even if no one likes to admit it
sam and steve in particular are going crazy because they’re trying to out-striker each other while also trying to be more collaborative strikers to improve their offense line
bucky is in the goal now and puts in a decent amount of effort the whole time, but he decides to keep things ~interesting~ by randomly becoming an absolute nightmare in goal with no warning nor reason
this makes it extra fun for the rest of the team, to say the least
tony is in the other goal and it is genuinely the funniest thing you’ve ever seen. nat keeps kicking the ball into the upper right corner of the goal since tony can’t reach it and it’s pure evil
“someone give the poor man a ladder, it’s like watching a puppy being tortured” “f*ck you, banner” “that’s not very team-bonding of you”
peter ends up playing midfield and y/n is supposed to defend him, but they just end up poking each other. their poking war quickly turns into a “friendly” body checking competition and it is…so scary
at one point, y/n creeps up on peter like a raccoon and tackles him to the ground, and they both end up rolling around in the dirt, screaming: “SWORDS AT DAWN“
the others just stand by with no intention of breaking them apart
loki and nat get along surprisingly well?? no one really expected that friendship to happen but they’re not suicidal enough to interfere so they just watch them talk about different dagger sizes
one day, they all decide to take a day off to go to the lake
everybody is unbelievably sore but they manage to bob around in the water and bucky may or may not have fallen asleep in a donut floatie
halfway through the camp, bruce surprises them with freshly picked apples and they split them to share with each other even though they could each have a whole one :)
on the last day, steve decides to do something fun, so they have little scrimmages against each other
loki and nat insist on staying together because they’re now a Package Deal™️ and they wreak havoc on every offensive line they encounter
nat, flashing a genuine smile: “it was fun playing with you, loki! we should do this again some time“
loki, voice cracking: “fine”
bucky and tony are goalkeepers in one match and at one point, bucky tries to slam a ball all the way over to tony and he catches it perfectly and tony has honestly never felt more accomplished
sam drops back to try playing defence with thor and they’re being very vocal with each other, very communicative and efficient, but eventually it just turns into half-screaming and half-laughing
bruce tries playing winger, and he never wants to do that again
at the end, tony surprises them with a barbecue which is exciting because food
tony is a mediocre cook at best, but he’s really good when it comes to grilling, so he teaches peter the basics
on the bus ride home, loki writes all about it in his journal (something he learned from y/n) and nat sneaks a glance to see the last bullet point is simply “good week”
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let me know if you like these kind of headcanons!:) stay hydrated x
⚽️ masterlist || hc masterlist
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doyouknowbtsswag · 3 years
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(Takes place as actual Minecraft)
Tommy adored listening to Music since he was younger because of his older brother, Wilbur. Tommy's childhood was something special to him. He had a loving family which consisted of a father and two older twins. His father better known as Philza Minecraft was the perfect father, he was protective of his children and made sure they weren't hurt. His older twins were almost like different people. Technoblade always had his guard up and never really shown his emotional side except when he needed to, which never really happened. Techno also loved Greek Mythology and could quote almost every story by heart. Wilbur was more into making songs and singing he never really enjoyed violence, so he would play on his guitar while Techno trained.
Aside from his family life he had two best friends which were just as important. Tubbo was his right-hand man and was the first person to talk to him. His other best friend, Y/n was the person who he could always lean on and wasn't afraid to show his raw emotions. Sure he wanted to show his tuff side but the day you saw him cry was the time Tommy realized he could rely on you the most. Don't get me wrong he could rely on Tubbo as well but he made sure to put on a tough act for the boy because of his family life.
Tubbo's family was not the best, his father would always yell and neglect him, let's not leave out the fact that he's a drunk. His father always likes that but after his mom died his dad was heartbroken and it affected him he didn't pay attention to how his son felt. Being 6 years old and his mother passing away Tubbo didn't have the best childhood. So Tommy made sure Tubbo could lean on him.
Tommy was certainly the ring leader of the gang. He always suggested pranks and decided on games to play. Tommy wasn't happy he was younger than Tubbo but was happy he was older than Y/n. He always felt the need to protect you with every strength he could muster. His favorite game showed that. They played a game many kids played, the Knight, Princess, and the villain. Of course, Tommy was the knight and you were the princess tubbo would be the villain but sometimes Wilbur would play with them. Wilbur being 11 towered over them and was much stronger than the little kids which would make it 10 times more fun.
On his 7th birthday, he had a small party nothing too big, just his family, you and Tubbo. Tubbo couldn't get him much so he made Tommy a bandana. Even though Tubbo felt bad he couldn't give Tommy anything grand Tommy appreciated the bandana and put it around his neck showing Tubbo he liked it. Wilbur, Techno, and Phil gave him a copy of the family photo. It was rare to be able to take a photo so getting a copy of one made it just as great of a gift. Then the final gift was from you. You knew he loved music so you tried to get at least one rare Disc, but you managed to get two.
He stared at the Discs in amazement quickly running to the old jukebox his father owned. He put in the disc Cat. He smiled at the sound of the music, let's just say it was his favorite birthday gift he ever got. He hugged you which made you blush but you hugged back smiling. The others were awed at the sight. Wilbur managed to take a quick picture and made a mental note to get it printed out. It cost a lot but the now 12-year-old would do anything for his little brother.
A few months later Tommy woke up to arguing between his brothers and father. He silently stepped down the stairs making sure to go as slow as possible.
"What is up with you lately dad! All you do is stay in your room! You left us to take care of Tommy ever since you got that stupid letter a few months ago! Tommy hasn't noticed because of us!" Techno whisper yelled trying not to wake up Tommy which was a little too late.
"Not only that but you try to redeem yourself by giving us small gifts! Sure I appreciate it but I know why you're doing it! You don't want anyone noticing you've been acting suspicious lately" Wilbur crossed his arms.
"Keep it down you're gonna wake your brother" Phil whispered trying to stall the sudden outburst by the twins.
Tommy ran upstairs quietly putting clothes on to run to your house. He climbed out his window carefully. He would occasionally climb out his window if he was grounded to walk to Tubbo's house or your house. Right now he was on the way to yours.
It took him 10 minutes to get to your house. He grabbed a small pebble and threw it at your window. He threw 2 more before you opened the window looking down at the boy.
"Tommy what are doing here," I said watching the boy climb up to my window. He looked upset. Sitting in my bed.
"They're fighting again..."
"Whos fighting?" I asked sitting next to him.
Tommy was looking down tears streaming his face.
"My brothers and dad" He whispered. "It happened last week too but it wasn't that bad but they've been fighting more recently and I don't like it" The 7-year-old sniffled.
"Do you know what they were arguing about?" I asked placing my hands gently on his.
"My dad has been acting differently apparently" He sighed wiping his tears " I didn't notice but apparently it's so obvious to Techno and Wilbur"
"Maybe your dad is working on something really important," I said not knowing how to fully answer.
"Probably" He muttered
"Hey, I know how to cheer you up!" I said running over to one of my chests.
I looked through a few chests trying to find a music disc to play for Tommy. When I finally found it I ran to the Jukebox and put it in the slot. The disc played Chirp throughout the room. I look over and saw Tommy smiling just a bit.
"How do you have so many Discs," Tommy asked standing up walking to the Jukebox.
"My grandpa had a bunch before he died, he gave them all to me because when I was younger all we did was listen to the discs" I smiled at the memory.
"So why did you give Cat and Mellohi to me?" He asked
"Because your my favorite person in the world" I looked at him smiling I could see his face turn red which made me giggle.
"You're my favorite person in the world too," Tommy said pulling me into a hug to which I hugged him back.
"Thank you..."
"Your welcome Toms"
He pulled away from the hug and looked out the window seeing the sun slowly rise.
"Oh crap, I have to go before I get caught" He panicked running to the window.
"wait!" I ran and grabbed Chirp from the Jukebox running to the window hanging me the disc. "Take it"
"But I thought-"
"Let that disc remind you of me if you ever need to let out your feelings"
"Thank you" He smiled kissing my cheek then climbing down the house.
"Thomas!" I shouted but still smiling.
"Bye" He grinned waving
"Be safe" I whispered watching him run off to his house.
Tommy ran as fast as he could to his house before the sun could rise any longer. He climbed up to his window jumping into his room. He was holding the disc carefully when he was climbing so he didn't scratch it. He laid in bed out of breath from running but thank god he made it back before anyone noticed.
A few weeks later you suddenly stopped coming over to play with him and Tubbo. Tommy just thought you had something to do with your family as you did every so often. Days turned into weeks. He sat every night looking at the picture Wilbur took on his birthday of you guys hugging. It didn't sit right that you hadn't shown up or even sent a message that you were away. It confused him.
The next day he begged his family to take him to your house. Yes, he knew how to get to your house but he still wanted one of his brothers to go with I'm knowing his father was still busy. Tommy asked Wilbur in the morning but Wilbur said he was busy today and maybe tomorrow. Tommy had to go today no matter what so he ran to Technoblade's room knocking on the door. Only for Techno to say he was busy and not to bother him.
He sighed knowing he would have to go himself. He put his jacket on and shoes. He walked out of the house and made his way over to your house. Tommy ran to your house concerned, he had a bad feeling and wanted to make sure you were okay.
He saw your house and sprinted faster when he arrived he walked to the door seeing it partially opened. He opened the door all the way seeing the inside of the house destroyed. He walked inside looking around.
"Y/n?" He said seeing shattered glasses on the ground.
"Y/n?!" He saw blood on the ground which made his breath hitch.
"Y/N!" He ran up to your room panicked only to be faced with a pool of blood on the floor.
"No no no no no no," He said his body giving out on him making him fall to the ground blood getting on his clothes and shoes.
He didn't bother to get up and leave. He physically couldn't get up his body was in a paralyzed state so he was forced to lay where you possibly died. his breath was heavy and it was like he had no oxygen in his lungs. he wanted to cry for help but the way he was breathing, it was useless to try. He eventually passed out due to a lack of oxygen.
When he woke up it was night. He still laid in your bedroom but this time he could actually breathe. He then realized he had been gone all day and didn't know what time of night it was. Tommy slowly got up looking at his bloodied clothes. His tears silently fell as he made himself walk back to his house. He wasn't bothered by the noises of the creatures around the area. He couldn't care less if he got hurt because he had a bigger wound that no one would ever be able to fix.
The house lights were on and he saw people sitting outside. He walked closer and saw his family with worried looks on their faces. When they heard footsteps they looked to see Tommy slowly making his way to the door. Wilbur immediately ran up to the little boy pulling him into a hug.
"You had us all fucking worried!" He pulled away from the hug only then noticing the blood. "Holy shit your hurt"
Tommy just stood there no words came out of his mouth as his brother brought him inside to check his "wounds". He was sat on the kitchen counter as Phil raced to grab the first aid kit. when Wilbur went to take Tommy's shirt off to clean the "wound" He says nothing but dried blood.
"She's gone....."
"Y/N IS GONE!" His sudden outburst made the 14-year-old jump.
"She's dead Wilby" He sobbed Wilbur pulled the boy into a hug and tried calming down the younger boy. Tommy eventually fell asleep and Wilbur changed him into his pajamas taking the bloody clothes to the washer.
10 years later he sat in exile he lost his precious Discs and was now sent out of the land that he built with Wilbur and Tubbo when Phil went missing and Technoblade left. Wil eventually died by his own father. It was the first time he had seen Phil in 10 years only to see him kill one of the only people who stuck by him.
He then lost Tubbo who exiled him for a stupid prank he did on George's house with Ranboo. Tommy wasn't the type to snitch on someone so he took the blow for Ranboo. He had officially lost everything he ever cared about, the only thing he had left was a picture of you and him hugging when he was 7 years old.
------------------------------------------------------- Just thought of this randomly. ✨YOU ARE AMAZING AND PERFECT THE WAY YOU ARE! YOU ARE WORTH IT ON SO MANY LEVELS✨
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redorich · 3 years
Eventually the Hermits get their hands on the one shulker box. They give it back a day later, filled with goodies as an apology for stealing, because they just needed it briefly so Doc could set up a shulker box duplicator.
(2/2) To expand on the shulker box ask I sent: It's cheating. They know it's cheating. They debate for a while over wether or not they should build it. But desperate times call for desperate measures, and dammit they need shulkers. Mules and Llamas can only get them so far.
(this takes place before the fic where puffy finds zedaph.)
The Hermits put up with mule highways and caravans of spitting llamas because they think they have no choice. At least one person complains about the lack of sophisticated storage transportation daily. Mumbo tries to create a system which will ferry items between bases, but it turns out to be more of a Rube Goldberg machine than anything, considering the items only travel at the speed of the water which carries them. Zedaph creates an actual Rube Goldberg machine for item transportation, but the only people who use it are himself and his neighbors, Impulse, False, and Tango. It’s more for prank transportation and snail mail anyway.
Things change when Stress, on a covert surface run, comes a bit too close to other humans on accident and catches sight of a blond man in a hoodie furtively checking his surroundings. Stress immediately does as she’s been trained, hiding herself behind tree cover and checking how long her invisibility potion will be in effect for. It says four minutes. As long as he leaves soon, she won’t have an issue.
The man surveys the muddy clearing with a keen eye, keeping watch for any evildoing interlopers. He places down an Ender chest, reaches his hands into it, then looks around once again to make sure no one’s there. Stress’s heart beats like a drum-- not the style of drums she usually plays, but rather the percussion of one of Xisuma’s favorite black metal bands. As the man’s gaze passes right over her, she feels the machine gun fire of her heart against her chest peak, breath catching in her throat.
He doesn’t see her. Quickly, he pulls something out of the Ender chest. A shulker box!
Stress’s breath stops for an entirely different reason. The things the Hermits could do with even one shulker box..! Item dupers are a thing, right? If anyone knows how to make an item duplication machine, it would be Doc. And a shulker box might be useful for an item duping machine! 
She’s getting ahead of herself. Should she steal from this person? Can she steal from this person? Even disregarding the moral dilemma, the members of the Dream SMP are fighters through and through. She’s got the advantage of surprise because she’s invisible and this man doesn’t know she’s here, but how long will that last? Even if she manages to take it, what if the blond man (Punz, she thinks is his name) kills her and takes the shulker box back from her?
As Stress weighs the risks and the rewards, she knows she’s running out of time. Punz breaks the shulker box. Right as he’s about to put it back in his Ender chest, Stress, who can see the window of opportunity closing, springs into panicked action.
She sprints right past Punz, hoping with every fiber of her being that her invisibility potion will be enough to save her. Snatching the box right out of Punz’s hands, Stress takes off running. Punz shouts, swinging his sword wildly at the air. He’s so close that a few strands of hair, just barely the tips, get sheared off of Stress’s fluffy mane and become visible as they flutter to the ground.
Punz’s eyes narrow, tracking the potion particles that he can just barely see. Unfortunately for him, the invisible thief takes off into the mob-infested forest. He gives chase, but the thief gains on him every time he has to stop to fight a mob.
Stress knows she can’t outrun Punz. She’s not bad, but he’s really good. Stress absolutely cannot lead this man back to the canyon. Allowing the hostile mobs of the forest to buy her time by slowing Punz down, Stress looks around rapidly, searching for something, anything she can do to lose the hunter on her trail.
A lone cow catches her eye. Thinking fast, she bites her lip as she dumps her only water bucket out into a nearby pond where it won’t be noticed, then milks the cow. In the distance, a zombie groans as Punz takes it out. Stress hyperventilates, frantically digging at the ground beneath her feet with a silk touch shovel. Once she’s created a hole just barely big enough for her to hide in, she hops in and puts the grassy dirt she dug up just seconds ago above her head and immediately downs the milk, so that there won’t be any potion particles to track her by.
Slowly, carefully, and as quiet as she possibly can, she digs up the dirt beneath her feet in absolute darkness. Logically, Stress knows that Punz won’t be able to see the light from her torch, but she’s too terrified to think logically. What has she done?!
Her shovel stills as angry feet stomp above her. Dirt crumbles into her hair when Punz walks directly above her. Caustic mutters faintly reach her ears through the loamy earth, fading farther and farther away as Punz searches in vain for the invisible thief. Stress waits with bated breath for minutes on end, hands shaking like leaves in a hurricane. 
Tentatively, she digs up the diorite block below her with a pickaxe. A mob shifts aboveground and Stress, paralyzed with the paranoia that it might be Punz, spends another five minutes in immobile silence. Burying her face in her hands, she sucks in a breath and continues digging. Once she hits a decently low y-level, she digs forward, taking care to place all her blocks behind her exactly as they were before she mined them.
After a solid three hundred blocks, she begins to staircase back up. On one unfortunate swing of her pick, water floods into her staircase. She must be under a lake or a sea. She can make out some kelp, though, so hopefully that’ll be enough cover for her to go up and check her surroundings.
Stress takes a deep breath and plunges into the cold water. Swimming up, she catches sight of wood-- no way. There is no way she’s made it to the docks just outside of the canyon. Eagerly, she swims back down into her staircase for a breath of air and the chance to down an invisibility potion, then back up to the surface.
On the entire journey from the bottom of the sea to the elevator on the other side of the canyon, she expects someone to catch her, to notice the water she’s dripping on the ground, to somehow sense the guilt emanating off her in waves. It doesn’t happen. Stress makes it to the elevator and pushes the down button eagerly. Every foot the elevator descends down is another thousand pounds of weight off her shoulders. She’s exhausted, and so close to home base. If she can just make it into the Atrium, she’ll have succeeded.
The elevator dings, rousing Stress from her daydreaming. “I really am dead on my feet, ain’t I?” she murmurs to herself.
She makes her way into one of the village houses, avoiding the pressure plates and tripwires which she knows like the back of her hand by now. In the house, she presses a button, which opens a door which leads to a tunnel. Sagging in relief, Stress practically melts across the floor as she traverses the short tunnel and finally makes it into Atrium 1-- a large circular room with a rounded ceiling and plenty of light.
“Woah, Stress!” Ren exclaims, running to support her. The dark circles under his eyes make him look as exhausted as she feels. He’s been working round the clock at the tree farm to churn out enough wood to meet the demands of twenty-four Hermits.
“Stress?” Ren asks with concern in his eyes, gently shaking Stress’s shoulders.
She laughs, high-pitched and wild. She’s done it. She’s really gone and done it!
“I got a shulker box,” she breathes.
Ren gasps. “What?! No way, they’re not even a thing on this server!”
“Yes they are,” Stress sing-songs, “because I have one.”
She tosses him the cyan shulker box with a look of pride on her face. Ren looks at the box in his hands, then back up at Stress with wide eyes.
“We gotta go show Xisuma, my dude.”
The Hermits convene in the small meeting room in the residential district, then realize that the room is in fact small and twenty-four Hermits aren’t going to fit in it. Xisuma’s having a good day, so he decides to hold the meeting in Atrium 1.
There are many different opinions on the acquisition of the shulker box, which sits innocently in the center of the room. Some people like Wels believe that even if it’s a great boon, it was stolen and therefore the Hermits don’t have the right to use it. Things were different when they first arrived in the canyon; they stole small things in order to survive. A shulker is nice to have, but the Hermits won’t die without it. On the other hand, there are people who side with Grian, who believes that since the Hermits already have the shulker box, they might as well use it.
Doc rumbles a deep hm, indicating that he’s debating with himself whether he should say something or not. Finally, it seems that the side of him which wants to tell his fellow Hermits wins out.
“Have you guys considered shulker box duping?” he says. Immediately, there is a clamor of outcries, both for and against, as well as just plain disbelieving.
Tango speaks up: absolutely not. It’s cheating. False tentatively rebuts, though, that sometimes cheating is acceptable when it's for a good cause. After all, part of her season 7 base was dug out using TNT dupers. Mumbo awkwardly raises his hand and waits for someone to acknowledge him, which Grian does.
“Er… what if we give it back after we’re done with it?” Mumbo says. Tango still looks unhappy, but the idea seems to appease Wels.
“Friends,” Xisuma says softly. Everyone quiets down immediately. “Should we have a civil vote, or shall I decide?”
Immediately, everyone gets shamed into behaving. “We can vote,” Bdubs says. “Everyone in favor of not cheating?”
“Wait, what are our options?” Grian asks.
“Er,” Scar speaks up. “Keeping the box but not duping it, giving the box back, duping it then giving it back, or duping it and not giving the original back. Is that right?”
Bdubs nods. “Yeah! So, all in favor of keeping the one original box?” A few hands go up, maybe five or six.
“Giving the box back?” More hands go up.
“Duplicating the box, then giving it back?” Nearly a dozen hands go up.
“Well then,” Bdubs says, “I guess I don’t have to finish the options; dupe-and-return wins.”
Doc strides into the center of the room and mines up the shulker box before anyone can change their mind; Tango grumbles good-naturedly at having lost the vote. Meanwhile, while everyone discusses the vote, Joe ferries Xisuma off to his quarters.
“So who’s going to give the shulker box back when we’re done with it, my dudes?” Ren asks the room at large.
“I will,” Stress says immediately. “I stole it; it’s only right that I give it back.”
Two days later, Punz wakes up to a noise in his house. He reaches for a knife under his pillow; just because there is no one to be seen doesn’t mean that no one’s there, as Punz is well aware given the theft of his shulker box, which he is still smarting over.
He gets out of bed, treading softly. Right there, in the doorway, is the same shulker box he lost! He looks around. This has to be a trap. No one is around… Punz might as well spring this trap.
He opens the box. Nothing is missing. In fact, there are more items inside than there were when it was stolen from him! A totem of undying, four diamond blocks, two ingots of netherite, and a note which reads, Sorry I stole your box! I only needed to borrow it, but I felt bad so I left some extra goodies in. xoxo
“...Huh?” Punz says to himself. This is the weirdest prank ever.
He puts the box back into his Ender chest and resolves to think about it in the morning.
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oilivia · 3 years
dating the Haikyuu boys as.. zodiac sign stereotypes
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a/n: it seems this year i’m all for trying new things and making weird banners. i’m honestly not sure if anyone else did it before, i tried looking it up but i haven’t seen any posts.
this is pure fluff and a bit of crack, headcanons of some of the Haikyuu boys as their respective zodiac sign based solely on my experience with said signs and their personalities. 
don’t take this too seriously please! but if you want to come for my head, my asks are open.
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Characters: Yuuji Terushima, Satori Tendou, Koushi Sugawara, Tooru Oikawa,  Wakatoshi Ushijima, Koutarou Bokuto, Atsumu Miya, Tetsurou Kuroo, Keiji Akaashi, Tobio Kageyama, Rintarou Suna, Kiyoomi Sakusa
CW: fluff, some crack, mentions of kissing and sex (but nothing explicit), PDA, sun sign stereotypes, my own interpretation
Wording: 1.3k
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♡ Aries - Yuuji Terushima
spontaneous dates. 3 am “u up?” calls. play fighting. running naked on the beach at midnight. 
“Be ready in 10, we’re going on a picnic.” You take a look at the clock, Saturday, 2:14am. He’s there in 7 minutes, not 10, grinning as he watches you sneak out of the house. “I brought pancakes” he announces as he takes your hand and pulls you into a kiss. An hour and a short climb later, you’re lying in the grass at the top of a hill, watching the way the stars dance above your heads.
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♡ Taurus - Satori Tendou
leaving you the last bite. netflix & chill. massages. sleeping in on the weekend. fine chocolate and good wine.
The delicious smell of your favorite food fills your nostrils. The room is dark aside from the candlelight, an open bottle of wine resting on the table. “I thought I’d do something special for you, I know you had a long week.” You giggle - any excuse for Tendou to treat you like a princess. Was that a chocolate cake on the counter? You hummed with appreciation when you felt his lips place a sweet kiss on your cheek.
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♡ Gemini - Koushi Sugawara
driving around town. making out for hours. late night chats. singing at the top of your lungs. sexting 
“Can I open the window?” you ask with an innocent smile. He chuckles “Can I stop you?” You roll it down, your head poking out. The cold air of the night hits your face as you sing at the top of your lungs. Your eyes are fixed on Suga’s, ear to ear grin on your faces. You mess up the lyrics, throwing you both into a fit of laughter. “You’re so pretty” he says as he ruffles your hair when you get back in your seat. 
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♡ Cancer - Tooru Oikawa
stargazing. breakfast in bed. saying “i love you” too soon. taking care of you when you’re sick. cupping your cheeks as he kisses your nose.
“What’s so amusing?” you question, raising an eyebrow. “You just look so cute when you’re angry.” You scoff, turning your head to hide your smile. It was just like him to say something stupid and then tease you when you got angry. He knew you couldn’t stay mad at him, not when he made that pouty face “Buy me another ice-cream if you want me to forgive you for dropping this one, Tooru.” “Anything for you, sweetness!” 
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♡ Leo - Wakatoshi Ushijima
fancy restaurant dates. surprise gifts. compliments. weekend trips. taking pictures to remember your smile.
“What are you hiding?” you smirk, your hands reaching for the small box Ushijima holds behind his back. Your eyes widen when you open it “How did you know?” “I noticed you looking at it when we went out. Let me see how it looks on you.” He takes the necklace, fingers gently brushing against your soft skin as he clasps the necklace around your neck. “You look perfect,” he states as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
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♡ Virgo - Koutarou Bokuto
laughing until you cry. good morning kisses. cooking together. picking you up and throwing you on his shoulder. 
You let out a startled cry when you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist and lift you up “Gotcha!” he laughs in your ear as he holds you tight, even as you struggle to escape “Kou, put me down” you demand, your tone amused - you were used to his antics. “Only if you give me a kiss first, I haven’t seen you in forever” he pleads as he turns you around “If by forever you mean this morning.” He bends down, eyes to your level, as he waits for you to close the gap and kiss him.
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♡ Libra - Atsumu Miya 
flirting and teasing. making out in the club. playful pranks. dancing in the living room.
Not even the nights when you wouldn’t go out were boring, not with Atsumu. You sit on the couch as he watches a volleyball game, your eyes glued to a book. He changes the channel and hears your favorite song play. He grabs your hand “Dance with me,” he’s smiling, a wicked glint in his eyes. Could you refuse? You get up, your feet carrying you across the living room floor as you dance. Soft kisses find your lips whenever you giggle.
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♡ Scorpio - Tetsurou Kuroo
passionate kisses. falling in love with your eyes. finishing each other’s sentences. fight and makeup. watching the sunset.
“Move faster, old man, we only have 15 minutes left till the sun sets” you tease with a grin. He sighs audibly, feigning an exasperated look “Carry this old man to the top if you’re so enthusiastic!” “I’ll leave you here then, Tetsu-” you squint your eyes before you start trekking again. He’ll catch up eventually, he couldn’t be that tired. “Hmm, if that’s how you want to play” you hear him snicker “Last one to the top carries the backpacks!” he exclaims as he starts running, almost passing you before you join in.
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♡ Sagittarius - Keiji Akaashi
playing devil’s advocate. forehead kisses. talking about the universe. dancing in the rain. exploring each other’s hobbies.
Your fingers brush as you reach for the same book. “Please, go ahead” Akaashi says, soft smile dancing on his lips. “Oh, I couldn’t possibly” you reply in an excessively polite tone. You gasp, feigning outrage when you see him take the book from the shelf. “It’s for you, miss” he hands you the volume as he plants a kiss on your forehead, only to pull it away from your grasp with a chuckle. “But I think you can wait a bit more, let me buy it for you, love” he takes your hand, heading for the front of the bookstore. Leave it to Akaashi to make you fall for him all over again.
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♡ Capricorn - Tobio Kageyama
power couple. expensive gifts. dark humor. overseas trips. playing with your hair. inner wrist kisses
“You look breathtaking!” Kageyama compliments you when he sees you dressed for the party. “I will need to keep an eye on you, don’t want anyone to steal you away.” “As if anyone could,” you smile when you see him drink in your image, his eyes scanning you head to toe. “But we should get going, unless you want us to be late” “Let them wait, I want to admire my princess”. You feel your skin getting hotter at his words. Maybe you could be late this one time.
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♡ Aquarius - Rintarou Suna
blasting music. buying snacks in the middle of the night. foreign movies. aesthetic pictures. witty comebacks. 
You stopped running, hand on your stomach as you laughed, struggling to catch your breath. “Rin, wait” you shout, prompting Suna to turn back and look at you. “What? Can you still run? The store will close in like 4 minutes. Want me to go ahead?” You start laughing harder at his confused expression, watching his brows furrow deeper. “I forgot the store’s open 24/7 now, they changed it last week.” “Are you trying to tell me we sprinted for no reason?” “Bonding experience?” He starts chuckling as well, pulling you into a kiss “Bonding experience.”
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♡ Pisces - Kiyoomi Sakusa
roasting each other. falling in love at first sight. neck kisses. midnight strolls. showering together. doing your skincare together.
You feel your body shift and you open your eyes, only to realize Sakusa is carrying you. “You fell asleep on the couch, I’m taking you to bed,” he whispers as if afraid he’d shake the sleepiness from your eyes. “But I haven’t taken off my make-up, Omi” you mutter as you wrap your arms around his neck lovingly. “I’ll take it off for you after I tuck you in, I know how you do it,” he presses a kiss on your forehead as you nuzzle your head against his neck. “I love you so much, Omi” “I love you too”
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© 2021 all content belongs to @cherrysdollhouse​, please do not modify or repost without permission
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reginaphillange08 · 3 years
(Bokuto Kotarou)
a/n : honestly just a cute msby bokuto one-shot cause I love him 😩 my longing to be loved really showed in this one 😐
summary: being the girlfriend of a professional volleyball player wasn't always easy. Bokuto would have to leave for months at a time. It's your first time seeing him in two months and you planned the perfect evening for him.
warnings: NSFW!! Minors don’t interact this contains smut. Pretty fluffy, almost too much fluff, then some smut at the end because who doesn’t like MSBY bokuto.
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It was the first night you were gonna be able to spend with your boyfriend in about two months. With him being a professional volleyball player, you knew this was a part of the deal. You two had obviously kept in contact over the break with daily texts and video calls whenever time permitted. The distance and time apart had taught you both patience and to value the time you two had together. You missed him so much, his bright presence, his golden eyes that bore into yours, his contagious smile. Bokuto meant the world to you and you were so excited to finally see your lover after so much time.
You looked at yourself in the mirror. You were wearing a brand new lingerie set you had gotten just for this occasion. You made sure to never wear it whenever you two had a night of sexy pictures or naughty video calls. This one was a dark hunter green and it complimented your (s/c) skin well. It hugged your curves in a delicious way, as it left little to the imagination. You put some makeup on and luckily today was a good hair day. You couldn't lie, you looked so alluring, it was almost sinful. After gawking at yourself in the mirror you put on your dress getting ready for dinner.
You had known he was coming home tonight for a while so you planned the perfect evening. To be completely truthful, you were so needy for him that you just want him to take you on the kitchen table. However this was Bokuto's first night back in a while, and you love him and wanted to make tonight special. The past two months without him have been pretty tough. No matter how many times he had to go away for volleyball, you never quite got used to the lack of his presence. Whether it was in the morning and you weren't greeted with his bright smile to start the day, or in the middle of the day when you walked into the kitchen and he was dancing to your favorite songs while he cooked, or the random kisses on the cheek throughout the day. Things were just a little less colorful without bokuto around in your little shared apartment. That's why you were elated to welcome him back home.
You had prepared his favorite meal for when he came home, and put on his favorite record. You decided to wear a dress he got you a while back on one of your dates. He absolutely adored that dress on you, and it's one of your favorites too. It was your favorite color and it hugged your figure beautifully. It fit like it was tailored specially for you.
You heard a knock and you practically sprinted full speed to the front door. You already knew who it was so you excitedly swung it open and you were met with your beautiful boyfriend and his warm smile. Your smile was from ear to ear as you threw yourself into his arms. You wrapped yours arms tightly around his neck as he buried his face into yours. His arms snaked around your waist as he held you like he hadn't seen you in 10 years. Truthfully that's how it felt. You finally whispered to him while still engulfed in his broad frame, "you're finally home baby, I missed you so much, you have no idea". He holds you a little tighter and says "I know baby, I missed you so so so much. You look so beautiful tonight, I'm really happy to see you (y/n)". You break away from the hug to finally give him a kiss. You stand on your tippy toes to reach him and he bent down a little to meet you. He holds your face in his hands and you rake your hands through his hair. Your lips meet in a passionate kiss, a seemingly desperate attempt to make up for missed time. The kiss is one you get lost in, falling into it headfirst. You two quickly closed the distance between you, bodies pressed up against each other destroying any personal space either of you had before. His hands moved from your face down your body and he wrapped his arms around your waist to hold you closer to his body. You kept playing with his hair while you two kissed because you knew it was one of his favorite things. What started as one passionate kiss quickly spiraled into a heated makeout session. Lips still connected and bodies still intertwined, he guided you through the door and closed it behind him.
He quickly threw his bags down in a haste and returned to your lips. Taking off his jacket while you two kissed. He was tugging at the hem of your dress and you were so close to just ripping it off but you hesitated. He sensed your pause and he pulled away and had a concerned look on his face. "Is everything okay (y/n)?" he said. You nodded your head and assured him, "yeah baby of course, I just needed a minute. I wanted to show you what I did for you". You giggled shyly and gestured to the food on the table. It was decorated with some candles and flowers. His eyes widened as he gave you a big smile, he looked at you and said "You did this all for me?". You shake your head and say "no it's actually for my other boyfriend, he's actually gonna be here in a few. Do you mind getting a move on?" You laugh and push him lightly. "Of course it's for you Kou"
He gives you a sweet smile and enveloped you into another warm hug. He plants a kiss on your forehead and says "Thank you baby, you make me the luckiest guy in the world". You two sit down and share the meal together. You absolutely loved having meals with Kotaro. Always getting lost in conversation, it was the best time to talk about everything the other had missed. You two exchanged stories of the past two months you spent apart, mostly laughing at his silly encounters with the rest of his team. You told him how work was going and the new books you were reading.
You finished eating and Bokuto helped you clean off the table. You had flipped the record so it wasn't silent as you did the dishes. You then resumed cleaning up and Bokuto took the rag out of your hand and held your smaller hands in his own. He brought them up to his lips and left soft kisses along your knuckles. He said "Thank you for tonight (y/n), I really appreciate all the kind things you do for me. I love you so much". You held his face with one hand and squeezed his hand with the other. You looked into his eyes kindly and said "Of course Kou, I missed you and wanted to make it special for when you came back home. I love you too". He kissed your forehead and you two continued to clean up.
You were at the sink rinsing off the dishes when Bokuto walked up to you and wrapped his arms around you from behind. You put your hair up messily with a clip just to get it out of your face for now, so your neck was exposed. He kissed your neck and took a deep breath and then whispered to you "baby you smell sooo good". You giggle and say thank you and continue rinsing the last few dishes in the sink. He eyed you like you were his next meal. He saw the way your skin looked so soft, and the way your hair still seemed to shine when in the dim kitchen. The soft glow in your eyes when you'd look back to him every so often. The way your dress dipped in the back exposing some of your back. He decided to take advantage of the vast canvas and began placing kisses along your neck and back. Delicate kisses became playful nips at your skin. He then started painting the area with little red bruises that would later turn purple. You put down the dish you were rinsing and cleaned your hands.
While he was attacking your back with hickeys and love bites you held onto the back of his neck as if you would fall if you let go. He sucked the sweet spot on your neck eliciting a quiet moan from your lips. He immediately held you tighter and whispered "you're gonna drive me crazy with that voice of yours baby, don't hold back. I like hearing you".
You turned around and caught yourself in another heated kiss with him. You lifted yourself onto the counter with his hands guiding your hips. You opened your legs to make room for his broad body. You had your arms resting on his neck with fingers twirling around his dual toned locks. His tongue had grazed your bottom lip as if asking for permission. You granted it eagerly and your tongues began to dance in a fit of passion and urgency. Both exploring each other's mouths with care but also immense drive. You two hadn't been able to hold, touch, or kiss one another in what felt like years. The excitement and satisfaction of finally having him here and all over you was setting you on fire. You begin to take off his shirt while still sloppily making out. You pulled back just to admire the art that is Bokuto Kotaro shirtless. Running your fingers along his defined pecs, tracing his abs with your fingertips lightly. You give him a kiss then you hop off the counter.
You take his hand and lead him to the bedroom. The room was all cleaned up and you had twinkling fairy lights turned on. It was pretty dim and the bed had rose petals on it. You might've been a little too excited and went overboard but you look over to Bokuto and it instantly made it all worth it. He had a huge smile on his face and said "(y/n) you're really gonna be the death of me". You laugh and kiss his cheek
Your two lips crashed into each other in a needy kiss. The kiss quickly turns urgent again. You begin stumbling backward while you two kiss, hell bent on getting to the bed as quick as possible. Truthfully, because you two were apart for so long, this heated makeout session already had you wet.
You finally reach the bed and he pushes you onto it. He then follows you and hovers over you. His large frame seems to consume your smaller build. He begins to plant kisses on your jaw and down your neck as he runs his large hands up and down the smooth curves of your body. His touch drove you mad, no matter how delicate or light. His fingertips grazing your soft skin lit a fire in you. You begin to take off his pants with a little help from him. You reach down to pull off his boxers only for him to grab you by your wrists and pinning them to the bed above your head.
He leans down and whispers "have patience baby, I'm gonna take my time with you tonight". He leans back to look at you, he adored the way you looked underneath him. He let go of your wrists and began to slip your dress off you. He gawked at your brand new lingerie set and let out the biggest grin. "You wore this just for me angel?" You grin sheepishly with a light blush dusting the apples of your cheeks. "Mhm" you replied softly. He strokes your hair and looks into your eyes lovingly and says "you're so beautiful (y/n)"
You kiss him passionately and say thank you. He takes off your bra and looks at the soft mounds that were hidden away. He absolutely loved them. He begins to massage them gently and knead them with his hands as he kisses your collarbone. He looked into your eyes as he took one of your hardened nubs into his mouth and rolled the other nipple between his fingers. He starts kissing the swell of your chest and painting it with little bruises. The occasional love bite would make you moan softly. Your moans were the most beautiful symphony to him, spurring him on. Further encouraging him to please you.
He left a trail of kisses from your chest down your stomach to your underwear. He put his fingers in the waistband and looked up at you for permission. You run your finger through his hair and nod lightly with a smile. He pulled off the lacy dark green garment and threw it to the side. He pushed your legs apart and eyed your glistening core.
He started with just a kitten lick. He always liked to start slowly with care. Delicate licks, slow and calculated motions so he can gage your reaction. He flattened his tongue and applied pressure to your clit. He started lapping up your juices with a little more urgency now. You moaned his name breathily and he started picking up the pace. He's always loved eating you out. He held your thighs down with his big arms. He attached his lips to your puffy clit and began to suck while he slipped two fingers into your aching hole. You felt that familiar knot in your stomach begin to build and you couldn't help but buck your hips up onto his face and fingers. He took this time to add a third finger which made you delirious with pleasure.The third finger entered you stretching your fluttering hole, mixing pain and pleasure till they were indistinguishable from each other. He felt you clamping down on his fingers and he stopped sucking and began to vigorously rub circles into your clit, the way he knew you loved. You felt yourself getting close and as you're a whimpering mess you began to mutter "Kou don't stop, please"
He had a dark look in his eye when he spoke "cum for me baby, you can do it. And just like that you allowed yourself to come undone all over his magical hands and face. "Good girl" was what he said as you came. He helped you ride out your orgasm as he whispered sweet praises to you.
You were catching your breath as you came down from your high. By the time you were back, you looked at bokuto and he had already completely undressed and he had his back against the headboard. He was stroking himself as he watched you with half lidded eyes and a devilish grin on his face.
"You didn't think we were done, did you baby?"
"Of course not" You said as you put your nail between your teeth with a grin.
"Come here angel" he said as he gestured for you to join him.
You crawl over and you place yourself on top of him. You knew he loved when you rode him. You lowered yourself onto him slowly. You adored how full you felt with him inside you. You gave yourself some time to adjust to the stretch and then slowly started to move up and down. You began to pick up pace and ride him with more rigor. He watched you in awe with his hands on your hips guiding you up and down on him. He thought you were so beautiful riding him.You desperately chasing your high and using his body for pleasure was a sight he was incredibly fond of. He got off on knowing nobody would see you that way but him. He admired how beautiful you looked doing something so lewd. Tits bouncing around, your face contorted in pleasure, your lips parted as the moans escaped your mouth.
He then took you and flipped you over so you were on your back. It was his turn to take charge and set the pace. He kissed your temple as he slipped into you. Kou wasted no time in picking up his pace. His vicious thrusts leaving you a babbling mess. You felt yourself begin to close your eyes as you whimpered out his name and he grabbed your face and held your cheeks in his hand. He said "open your eyes baby, look at me".
You did as he said and looked into his eyes as he rutted against you. You were moaning his name when he put his hand over your mouth and said "shh shh baby listen"
You were initially confused at what he was talking about but then when you listened you heard the lewd sounds of your pussy squelching and gushing around his length as he fucked into you. Your cheeks redden as you got a little embarrassed. Boktuo looks down at you with a shiteating grin and says "listen to that angel, you're fucking dripping wet for me". You were a muttering mess, all you could say was "yes kou yes, just for you. Only you could fuck me like this". That's one thing about Bokuto, he adored being praised by you. You took advantage of this and you began to whisper into his ear. "You're so good to me baby, you're doing so good. Please don't stop kou please"
He maintained his pace and looked up to you. "You're close baby?". You nod quickly and dug your nails into his back, leaving crescent moons in their wake as you begged for more. He let out a groan and said "me too" as he fucked into you. He started to rub circles into your clit and he picked up his pace. He fucked you into the mattress and he felt your hole spasming around him, it felt like your pussy was sucking him in even more than he thought possible. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes as you begged him to let you cum. He felt you clench onto him and said "cum with me baby, be a good girl and cum with me angel". You immediately came undone leaving you shaking and panting under him. The view of you destroyed and fucked out was enough to push him over the edge. With the last few sloppy thrusts bokuto moaned your name as he came. Leaving you kisses along your neck as he painted your insides white.
You both were catching your breath as he peppered your face with kisses. He went to the bathroom to get a wet rag to clean you off with. He wiped you down with delicate and sweet touches. You both went under the covers and he held you in his arms. He began to play with your hair as you began to fall asleep.You kissed his hand and said "goodnight kou, i love you". Then he gave you one last kiss to your temple and a tight hug. He whispered into your ear saying "goodnight baby, thank you for the lovely evening. I love you so much."
The both of you falling asleep in eachothers warm embrace. Kou couldn't have asked for a better homecoming.
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migilini · 3 years
Could you please write one of those Tiktok "I tried to kiss my bestfriend / crush" challenge for either Charlie or Owen. Thanks!
Crushtok - Owen Patrick Joyner
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A/N: Yes ofc I can! I never wrote for Owen so let me know what you think! I hope you like it :)
Words: 1.9k
Warnings: tiktok and noise (so none really)
Requests are open!
The sun poked through curtains and you swore that you had heard birds the day before but it was loud, uncomfortably so. All you heard was the clacking of metal and the rattling of the machinery that the construction in front of Owens Appartement made. All the unpleasant noises woke you up in the early morning. Grumbling, you tried to block out the noise with a pillow pressed against your face.
"That's not gonna work sleepy beauty" a lower voice croaked, catching you completely off guard so you let out a quiet shriek. "Oweenn why do you have to scare me badly in the morning?" You whined and took the pillow away from your face.
He sat on the other side of the couch, just underneath your feet and looked absolutely tired. His blonde hair was standing up in every possible direction, his normally piercing blue eyes trying their best to stay open. By the way, he was looking at you with a little smirk on his lips, you figured that you didn't look any better.
"Because it's 6 am on a Saturday morning and I didn't want to suffer alone. So lucky you for visiting me this week!" Owen exclaimed and hit your leg in a joking manner.
"I've got thrown out by my landlord. I'm not here on my own terms..." this earned you a shocked gasp from the boy sitting in front of you. "And there I was, thinking this friendship meant something to you." You just rolled your eyes with a smirk.
"Do you want to come back to my bedroom? With some music playing it's much quieter than out here." Nodding tiredly, he held out a hand to help you stand up; you only noticed when you nuzzled into his bed that he didn't let go of your hand.
You woke up a couple of hours later, quiet pop music filled the darkroom and it was hot, your bare legs sticking to the duvet covers. You turned around and faced a back with broad shoulders that were just moments ago pressed against your back. Groaning, you stuck your legs out of the bed, the cold air cooling you down immediately. Owen stirred next to you and sat up slowly.
"Morning part 2." you chuckled and automatically pushed some of his hair out of his face.
"Mornin" he mumbled back.
"You were right it's much quieter in your room."
You stood up, stretching your limbs, before heading back into the living room where all your stuff was stored, quite impractically but it was stored.
You heard a shower running, that gave you the perfect time to change from your big shirt and little pants sleep attire to a more comfortable day outfit. After rummaging through your boxes, that you packed in a freezy, you choose some brown cotton pants with a white body and to top it off your favourite purple cardigan that Owen gifted you one Christmas. With some extra time, you put on your glasses and started to search for a new place to stay.
"So what do you wanna do today? I have nothing going on so..." you stopped listening as Owen walked into the living room shirtless. He wore some blue sweatpants that hung quite low on his hips, his chest still sparkling from the water.
You would have probably started to drool if he wouldn't have worn his hair in a towel bun.
You let out a laugh that made him stop in his tracks.
"What?" he stared at you intensely.
"Oh, nothing princess... nothing. We uh... could look at some apartments for me and just go for a drive?"
"Am I that bad of a roommate?" he said and plopped down next to you on the couch his arm resting on the top comfortably.
"No but I would really appreciate a place to store my stuff properly." you continued to scroll through places to stay.
"This one looks good." he pointed out and put his finger on the screen, you hadn't realised that he rested his arm just above your shoulders so it took you off guard when you suddenly felt his arm on your neck.
"Mhmm, but you cant look at it today... This one though has a viewing in the late afternoon."
"Then that's our plan for today."
"Y/N! Y/N!" Owen screamed loudly from the kitchen "Come here real quick."
With your phone still in one hand, you waddled over to your best friend. "What's the emergency?" you looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.
"Do this TikTok with me." he pleaded and looked at you with a slight pout, shoving his phone in your face. Your eyes scanned the screen and then you scoffed, "First of all since when are you on lesbian TikTok? And secondly, that's a bit... explicit... don't you think?"
"W- Our lips don't have to touch! I don't have anybody else to do it with! Y/N Come On!" he yelled after your figure who left the kitchen with a shaking head and hot cheeks.
Your thought didn't stop racing for the rest of the day. Did Owen want to kiss you? Or was he just so comfortable with your friendship that he really didn't care? You hated that you were a cliche, falling in love with your childhood best friend. Growing up you were always the one rolling your eyes at your parents who thought that you and Owen would make just such a cute couple but here you were, sitting on his couch, your heart beating in your chest and extremely conscious of his presence.
Little did you know that Owen felt the exact same. Over the years and especially puberty, he started to develop feelings for you. At first, he tried to deny them, telling himself that it's just that he's used to you being around but then he left to pursue his acting career and he missed you more than everything in the world. Not a single day went by when he didn't think of you or tried to call you. Ever since then, he tried to be close to you in one way or the other, he didn't care if it was just his leg touching yours or your body heat warming him up.
Due to the fact that you were both anxious people, neither of you ever made a move. He missed your longing stares and you missed the way he was checking you out every time he looked at you.
His friends finally talked some confidence into him and so he took little steps into what should eventually lead to him confessing his love for you. He started to flirt more with you, give you loads of compliments and asked you if you wanted to do some TikTok or lives with him.
Tapping on your shoulder made you look up from your phone, the TikTok you've been watching looping on your screen. Owen stood next to you, his phone pointed to you, a mischievous smirk prominent on his face and whipped cream can in his other hand.
"No." you tried to be serious but a chuckle escaped your lips. Owen turned the camera to him and sprayed some cream into his mouth then stared at you with squinted eyes, the whipped cream flowing out of his mouth.
You stared at him for a couple of seconds, your brain in overdrive, hands sweaty and heart beating rapidly. An idea washed over you and you tilted your head before leaning in close. Owen's eyes went wide and he nearly choked on the cream. But you weren't gonna kiss him seconds before your lips would have met, you halted. Then you slowly took the can of whipped cream out of his hand and sprayed it all over his head.
"You didn't!" he gasped with a full mouth while you laid on the floor, holding your stomach in laughter. Something wet hit your face that stopped you from laughing further. Owen had a massive grin on his face, one hand dripping slightly and his hair, less creamy.
"Be cautious Joyner" you warned standing up on your tiptoes to be as close to him as possible, your pointer finger pressing into his chest "I know where your bed sleeps."
You tried to back out of the situation, knowing damn well that it can easily get out of hand with you two and a whipped cream match would make a lot of mess. But Owen being the child he is, didn't back out, instead, he ripped the can out of your hand and sprayed it down your back.
The war ended peacefully. The cans of whipped cream, yes you found more cans, laying somewhere in the living room both of you covered from head to toe, breathing heavily. Owen held his hands up in surrender and looked up to your position on the coffee table.
"Ha! I win! Told you I didn't want to do the TikTok." you smiled triumphantly. "I say loser cleans this up." before Owen could protest you sprinted to the shower. Lucky for you he actually started to clean up when you walked out of the bathroom, dressed in comfortable sweats and one of Owens hoodie, your damp hair falling over your shoulders.
"Hey Y/N?" Owen asked somehow nervously. "Yes darling?" you answered with a bad British accent.
"Can you come here for a second?"
"Owen I'm not doing that TikTok with you, you just saw how that ended," you argued but made your way over to him. He stood in the middle of the room, his phone propped up on a shelf.
"You have something on your face." you chuckled and whipped away some dried leftovers from your previous war.
"Can you react to this song? I don't remember where I know it from" he asked, his voice shaking slightly. You furrowed your eyebrows at his odd behaviour just moments ago he was normal and now he acted very strangely.
"Sure." he pulled you in front of him, his hands resting on your shoulders.
'Baby, you're like lightning in a bottle
I can't let you go now that I got it'
“Sounds like BORNS…” you whispered more to yourself than to him and continued to listen to the song “Are you sure you just haven't…” you turned around to face him.
Owen took this as his opportunity to cup your face with both of his hands, softly pressing his lips to yours.
Your breath hitched and it took you a second to realise what was happening. The confidence Owen had just moments ago vanished when you didn't kiss him back immediately. Why should you? You never gave a hint that you liked him like that as well.
Just as he was about to pull away and apologize profusely, you overcame your state of shock. Your arms grabbed his hips to pull him closer, deepening the kiss. You felt him smile against your lips. Your stomach erupted with butterflies, your whole body tingled and your cheeks felt hot.
He was the first one to pull away, resting his forehead on yours. Both breathing heavily, the filming camera was completely forgotten, you looked in each other's eyes.
“I wanted to do that for so long,” you admitted and unconsciously bit your lip. Owen gulped heavily, “Me too but, what the hell! I mean how crazy is that?!”
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catchmewiddershins · 3 years
if it’s not too much trouble can i request a pt. 2 to the ‘overhearing their crush talking about them’ w/ atsumu, tendou, and bokuto ?
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Haikyuu Characters Overhearing their crush talking about them - pt 2:
Includes Atsumu, Tendou and Bokuto! - These ones have a smidge more angst than the first ones but I love it! Thank you for the request, it was loads of fun! 💗 - Feel free to request more parts!
Miya Atsumu:
The stadium was filled with shouts, screams and music. Atsumu stood on the court, his hands feeling the familiar shape of the ball, with its blue and yellow stripes and perfect bounce. He lifted his hand and clenched his fist, the echoes of cheers immediately ceased. He could still hear the shouts of those cheering the other teams, those on the courts near him, but his court was silent. Then, from behind the barrier closest to the court, he heard a condescending whisper.
“Ugh, he’s so pretentious. Who does he think he is, silencing the crowd like that? People aren’t going to pander to him forever, you know, he’s got to grow up someday.”
Atsumu felt his cheeks heat in anger, and a little bit of embarrassment. He knew how his actions came across; arrogant, pathetic, rude, he’s heard them all, but it still hurt a little each time.
“Hey!” Another whisper sliced through the air, “I’d like to see you make a better serve! He’s great at what he does and you shouldn’t be rude about it!” He caught a glimpse of you, the speaker, from the corner of his eye, but then the whistle blew and he had to make his serve.
A few rotations later, he was back in serving position, the previous instance almost gone from his mind. 
“I still think it’s ridiculous!” The first voice said. His shoulders drooped a little, but then he heard your voice again, sharp as a knife.
“Look, if it bothers you, then leave. Maybe it isn’t a habit he can carry into professional volleyball, so what? He’s not an olympic volleyball player, he’s a teenager, like us, and you can leave it! He’s probably working on the habit and then, in a few years, he’ll be making the best serves you’ve ever seen! You wouldn’t be able to do anything a 10th as good with all of the focus in the world! Try focusing on a test with a crowd of people screaming and see how you do!” You were angry, passionate, and on his behalf! He recognised your voice, you who he’d liked for a few months; you’d given some presentation with him for a class once, and he thought that you were nice... and not bad to look at, not at all. He bounced the ball a few times and then-
“You’re only saying that because you like him! You’d defend him if he was trialled for murder!” He stopped dead, you? Liked him? No way was that possible, you barely knew who he was! Or at least... he thought so.
“So what if I like him? Doesn’t make me weird for having a shred of respect!”
With an ear-splitting grin, he hit a service ace, and, after the match, he winked and waved at you, before walking over to ask for your number.
Satori Tendou:
Tendou was on his way to get his copy of Shonen Jump back from Ushiwaka! His friend had borrowed it again, and Tendou had had to let him have an extra week with it so that he could read and re-read all of the adverts. He loved his friend, he really did, but was it really necessary to read every single ad? Regardless, he was skipping through the corridors, humming a little tune to himself about his lunch, and bears, and silly, emotionally stunted friends who like reading adverts for feminine hair-care. However, he screeched to a sudden halt before turning the corner, having heard his name.
“Have you seen that middle blocker though? Yeah, the one with the red hair, Tendou, wasn’t it? He’s a little creepy, don’t you think? He’s got this look... like he knows all of your secrets and is plotting to do something to you.” Tendou felt his heart sink slightly, he knew that people thought he was scary, he’d dealt with it since he was little - the title of ‘Guess Monster’ wasn’t just due to his blocking prowess. But then, then then then! He heard your voice! He’d always loved your voice, he felt that he could listen to it forever, the way your tone rose and fell, the way you pronounced words. He’d fallen for you since the day you’d been dragged with the rest of the school to one of their matches, and he’d seen your face break out in delight when he pulled off a spectacular block. It was the best feeling in the world! He often got paired with you in one of your lessons, and made every excuse to let you do all the talking, just to sit there and listen.
“I don’t think he’s creepy... I think he’s wonderful.”
“What you like him? Don’t tell me you have a thing for him! That’s so weird!” It never hurt any less, hearing that.
“I do like him! He’s adorable and a great blocker and really smart! He always knows how I’m feeling in class and is always able to cheer me up with little jokes or songs!”
And with that, Tendou’s face turned as red as his hair. You liked him! You liked him, you liked him! You liked him! Back! He waited for you to leave, stalking off in a different direction to the others, before letting out a crow of joy. As he skipped, with even more vigour, down to where Ushiwaka was, he thought about how to confess, and about how he had to tell his best friend everything.
Bokuto Koutarou:
Here he was again, Nationals! Akaashi’s presence was steady at his side and the air smelt of sweat, effort and air salonpas. He would have had energy for days! But... he’d found out that his team weren’t playing on the main courts and he couldn’t help but feel a little upset. He’d wanted to be where more people could watch, where the action was! Not only for fun, although that was a large part of it, but because him being noticed meant that his team would get noticed! And Bokuto’s team was amazing! They deserved all of the attention and recognition that they could get, and everyone needed to watch them! He was aware that people thought that he was childish, immature... annoying... underwhelming, overrated. He got hurt by that a lot, actually... but he always bounced back! It was just that today, he wasn’t feeling his best, they’d only narrowly won the match before and he had the slight sense that he was letting his team down.
He wondered if you’d even bother to watch him? You, who he’d had a crush on for ages, you who looked glorious and was wonderful and smart and everything that Bokuto didn’t think he was... You saw each other every morning, and you’d unfailingly ask him about practice. He thought, maybe you were just being nice, didn’t care about him at all. His thoughts were spiralling, and he could feel the worried glances from his teammates, pitying him, probably, he was so useless, always dragging them down and now they don’t get to be seen because he wasn’t noticeable enough and-
“Come on! We’re going to miss it!” You?
“Why are we even here? You’re not even into sport.” You. You were sprinting frantically down the corridor, dragging a friend behind you.
“No no, you don’t understand! We have to watch our school play, remember? Fukurodani! I’ve been telling you about this all month! We were here yesterday!”
“Yeah but... why? Run it past me again, I’ve forgotten.”
“UGH!” He almost laughed, you were so wonderful when you were passionate, “Because I need to watch their ace play! Bokuto! The one I’ve been ranting about! With his amazing spikes and funny personality and amazing muscles and!-”
“Woah, okay! I get it! You’ve got a ginormous crush on the volleyball ace and want to see him play as much as possible to try and get him to notice you, sheesh!”
“Don’t laugh at my pain! I need him to notice meeeeee...” Your voice trailed off as you ran, and Bokuto’s heart swelled like a balloon. You thought he was great! You thought he was funny and attractive and great at volleyball! You really were the best! He resolved to confess to you immediately after the match, but first? They had to win. He spun around to face his team, beaming from ear to ear.
“HEY HEY HEY EVERYONE! Let’s smash this thing!”
And he strode onto the court with a resounding cheer from his team, knowing that he’d win, for you.
Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
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thefloorisbalaclava · 3 years
Hello lovely! So a friend and I have been talking about Frankie lately and how damn adorable it would be if he were his kids little league baseball coach. Like, he passes down his old mitt to them from high school days (even though it’s comically too big for them) because it gave him good luck, and of course all the guys would come to support them (possibly Benny or Santi even trying to hit on the single moms because of course they would LOL) could possibly be in the neighbor!frankie universe with Gabi in their future some time? We just thought you’d be perfect to write these random ideas into something beautiful. If you have time or even like the idea of course!! ❤️❤️❤️
I hope you don’t mind me putting this in the mechanic!frankie AU! I think it’s a great way for reader and Frankie to bond a little more!
A/N: You run into your favorite mechanic while out running errands.
[mechanic!frankie masterlist]
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You wandered aimlessly down the aisle of the store, randomly grabbing a box of cereal to throw into your cart as you whistled along to the song playing in your ear. As you rounded the corner, you ran into someone else’s cart. You quickly removed your earbuds to apologize.
“Oh! I am so- Frankie?!” It came out a little louder than you expected, making a few heads turn.
“I thought I was Frankie,” he joked and you rolled your eyes. “What are you doing here?”
“Just picking up a few things.” You looked at his cart. “You look like you’re picking up enough to feed a small army.”
“I kinda am.” He held his jacket open to show you his baseball jersey. “Got a game tonight and we’re gonna have a party after--win or lose. You’d be surprised how much those kids can eat.”
“Wait, are you telling me you coach little league?”
“I do, yeah.” He smiled proudly. “I used my own money to get the league started. I buy the uniforms and everything.”
“You didn’t tell me this last night.”
“Well, I was focused on other things,” he said and you giggled like a schoolgirl. “I had fun.”
“Me too and the food was delicious. Remember, next time I’m cooking for you,” you told him.
“Are you doing anything later?” he asked.
“Oh, wow, trying to get me to cook for you already, huh?” you teased.
“No,” he chuckled, “I was wondering if you’d like to come out and watch the game. Cheer us on a little.”
“I’ll be there. Where is it?” you asked and he told you. “Coach Frankie...it fits you.”
“Thanks.” He stood there silently for a moment. “Why is it always so hard to say goodbye to you?”
“I was just wondering the same thing. How about this? We won’t say goodbye just...see you later.”
“Okay then. See you later.”
“See ya, Coach Frankie.” You winked and pushed your cart past him and he watched until you were out of sight.
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It was a nice day out so you decided to walk. The game was already underway by the time you got there, and you didn’t know it but Frankie had been scanning the bleachers for you. This time when he looked up and spotted you, he beamed and waved then turned back to all the kids that surrounded him. Once he was done, he walked over to the fence and waved you down.
“You made it,” he said.
“Yeah, sorry I’m late. I walked,” you told him.
“No umbrella?” he asked then looked up at the sky. “It’s gonna rain, you know. Can’t you smell it?”
“The weatherman said nothing about rain today.”
“He could be wrong...” Someone called his name and he turned. “I’ll see you after the game, okay? Don’t sit alone. My friends are up there.” He nodded to the group of guys sitting at the very top of the bleachers.
“Okay. Good luck, Coach.” You smiled and made your way up the bleachers.
“So you’re Frankie’s girl, huh?” one of the men asked. “I’m Benny, by the way.”
“Hi Benny. And I’ve met you, Santiago...right?” Santiago nodded and shook your hand.
“This is my brother William,” Benny said. You shook his hand too then sat down to watch the game. It made you smile to see Frankie enjoying himself, surrounded by children who obviously hung on every word he said. You didn’t hear him shout once aside from cheering for his team. At one point you got so into it that you stood up and cheered louder than anyone else. The guys snickered as you cleared your throat and sat back down.
They ended up winning the game and you all went down to congratulate them.
“What a win, Coach Frankie,” you said, giving him a high five.
“I think I might have had a good luck charm out there in the crowd,” he said and you looked down shyly. The guys came over and you stood back while they talked to him. Afterwards, Frankie reminded everyone of the little party he had put together in the park for them so you all walked over and enjoyed pizza and snacks with the team and their parents.
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Frankie told you that you didn’t have to help clean but you wanted to. You weren’t exactly ready to say goodnight just yet. His friends said their goodbyes and his players all gave him a high five and a hug before leaving with their families.
When the last of the mess was thrown away, Frankie turned to you, lifting his cap to scratch at his head. “You mind if I walk you home?” he asked.
“I don’t mind at all.”
“Oops...almost forgot my umbrella.” He sprinted over to where he left it then made his way back to your side.
“You really brought an umbrella? It’s not going to rain,” you repeated.
“Yeah, it is. Here...let me show you. This is what my dad taught me.” He led you over to a tree. “You see when the wind blows and the backs of the leaves show? That means rain.”
“I see but...” You felt a raindrop on your head and Frankie shrugged.
“Told ya. Come on.” 
You two walked slowly through the park, taking the longer way around. “Maybe it won’t rain too bad.” No sooner had you said that than the skies opened up. You squealed and Frankie opened his umbrella as quickly as he could, pulling you under there with him.
“Think we can make it to the bridge?” he asked over the rain.
“I don’t know...” Suddenly he took your hand and pulled you along as he ran under the bridge then leaned against the stones to catch his breath.
“I...told...you,” he teased.
“Don’t rub it in,” you breathed. You smiled at him and he smiled back. He took his hat off and slicked his hair back before replacing it.
“At least it waited until after the game,” he said. He saw you hugging yourself and shrugged his jacket off before draping it over your shoulders. “There.”
“Thanks.” You pulled it around you tighter and were hit with a delightful smell. You closed your eyes and let yourself be surrounded by it. “Sandalwood,” you said out loud.
“Your jacket...it smells like sandalwood,” you said.
“Oh yeah. One of my favorite scents,” he told you.
“Fits you. Very earthy and...” Your breath hitched as you noticed how close he was to you. “...you.”
“Very earthy and me?”
“Y-Yeah.” You two just stared at each other for awhile and you felt yourself being drawn to him, your body leaning towards his.
“Looks like it’s letting up,” he said suddenly, breaking the spell you were under.
“Oh...yeah, it does.” You tried to hide your slight disappointment.
“Shall we, my lady?” He offered his arm while he used the other to hold the umbrella. “Not my lady,” he amended, “I meant like...”
“I know what you meant. Let’s go.” You took his arm and moved as close as you could to get under the umbrella with him.
“I’m not used to this, you know,” he said after a few moments of silence. “I haven’t walked through the park like this since my wife died...” His words trailed off.
“Thank you for sharing something so special with me, Frankie.”
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By the time he got you home, the rain had stopped and the sun had started to go down.
“Thank you for letting me walk you home.”
“Thank you for walking me home,” you countered and he chuckled.
“Can I call you tonight?” he asked.
“Of course. You can call whenever you like.”
“Great...awesome.” He walked backwards down the path. “Talk to you soon,” he said before turning away. As he walked along, he noticed he had started whistling I’m Singing in the Rain. He twirled his umbrella playfully and purposely jumped in a puddle.
“What a glorious feeling, and I’m happy again...” he sang to himself.
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frankie taglist: @fakenoods @oldstuffnewstuff @the-bird-suit @lestrange2703 @findhimfives @windfallss @rach7 @surfsup666 @theghostwiththemost-babe @marshmallow–3 @mrschiltoncat @aplaceofpeace @josepedropascal @mitchi-c @jeeperky @allthingsnarcos @laymegentlytorest @stanfordscrush @fangirlingss @nathan-bateman @darthdumbasss @helga1031 @master-obi-wan-kenboneme @heythere80sbaby @deserttastesbitter @dindjstarin @mandodjarinn @frankie-stein18 @funkylittlebisexuall @16boyfriends-and-me @marvelousmermaid @slugbuggie @ladyblogger-margie @queenbbarnes @dodgerandevans @terrormonster55 @queridopascal @hells-bells-x @allmahfeels @elizabeth-von-winken-universe @blackberries45 @darnitdraco @nemo-my-name-forevermore @dindjarinneedsahug
permanent taglist: @magicsuperheroes @feelmyroarrrr @the-dazzling-urbanite @phoenixhalliwell @liveloudwriteloud @tumblogbykarapaloma @jaime1110 @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @pascal-isaac @dazedrhapsody @pascalisthepunkest @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa @tiffdawg @freak-of-nature2002 @kingpascals @saltywintersoldat @theocatkov @mandilflorian @cyaredindjarin @themarcusmoreno @the-feckless-wonder @loki-098 @arabellathorne @dindisneydjarin @punkpascal @opheliaelysia @takens-world @huliabitch @stardelic @kandomeresbitch @havenforafrazzledmind @thisis-theway @stardust-galaxies @mrsparknuts @jedi-mando @frankiemorales @edencherries @lilkermit14 @virtualxjournality @thirstworldproblemss @emesispo @heresathreebee @tangledlove27 @marvgrrl @hayley-the-comet @insoucianttt @witchyavenger @coaaster @starless-eyes-remain @wanderlustmags @wonderfulfluffer @lv7867 @pedropasscals @pedroepascal @wigwitch @seasonschange-butpeopledont @theoria850 @roxypeanut @autumnleaves1991-blog @kenedyybrooklin @artsymaddie @dindjareen @silverfish-kingdom @heyitmelexie @gredandfeorgesgirl @mandaloriandindjarin @moonlight-prose @rosiefridayrogersunday @ssppoorrkk @amalie-buch @lucifer- @mstgsmy @randomness501 @darthadeline @youarenewformetoo @thehippiequilter @whovian-gurl @neverlandlibrarian @chibi-liz05 @dragons-of-the-usa @over300books @borderlinedindjarin @mudhornchronicles @cosmoschick @linkpk88 @lovingramsey @djvrins @escapedthesarlacc @coni-martina @pedrospunk @burrshottfirstt @jitterbugs927 @xserenax-13 @anatanotegami @doin-stuff @djarinsruni @aerolanya @icanbeyourjedi @bison-writes @strangelittlenobody @dinsbeskar @sarahjkl82-blog @neontiiger @houseofthirst @intu-witch-tion @ennuiandthebourgeoisie @littlebopper96 @boxdyeblonde @empressamidala @myheart-pedro @mtjoi @purplepascal042 @goalkeepernerd @rebelliouscat @leaiorganas @eternallyvenus @mandocrest @kellyozz @the-wishmonger @maythxthirstbxwithyou @andiebell2023 @moonlightburned @videogamesandpoorlifechoices @leonieb @freeshavocadoooo @auroraariza @kalimont83 @notabotiswear @martellthemandalor @beesting77 @medeasmiles @diaryofkali @mando-amando @venusdjarin @mystical-934 @blackmarketmummy @hauntedmama @mamacitapascal @insomniamamma @pedro4ever @greeneyedblondie44
i hope everyone is where they want to be! let me know if you want to be changed around! join a taglist here!
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ginkgomoon · 3 years
Gavin and MC’s High School History- Detailed Timeline
Dedicated to my amazing and kind friend @cheri-cheri- one of the Queens of the MLQC fandom on Tumblr! I literally didn’t know how to use it before but I had learnt how in order to keep up with her posts. Without her work, I literally wouldn’t be on here making my own blog either. Thank you, Cheri!!
This is a timeline following the years of high school that MC and Gavin had together. Compiled of dates, rumours and secrets, calls, texts, and other from multiple servers. The source will be shown allocated to its corresponding sentence. I created this because I was really moved when I rewatched Gavin’s Old Days Date and suddenly thought of the many things other players could have missed out on regarding their high school years. If there is anything you need clarification on, or if you would like to add anything in, feel free to send a post/ask or just comment and I’ll try to incorporate and adjust accordingly! 
Based off of true correspondence of the Chinese education system in Shanghai, where the schools there are very strict, with specific responsibilities and events students must have and attend to. In addition, this is different from Western school systems where years 7-9 are in a seperate schools from years 10-12 before university. Dates and seasons mentioned will also be noted as accurately as possible to suit the Loveland storyline in which different events occurred. I felt like a detective trying to piece a fractured storyline together to solve a mystery, honestly...
Prepare your tissues, your milk tea and your soul because even I almost didn’t make it to publish this...
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Gavin enters high school.
MC and Minor enter high school. MC does her hair in a nice ponytail, one of the only hairstyles she ever had in school.
Gavin is a grade above her. He is in his last year of high school. [Spring Festival Date]
Late Autumn of October 2010
“I noticed who you were before you ever noticed me.” 
On a rainy first day of school, Gavin helps Mr Keller move the tables and chairs in the classroom. 
Without taking an umbrella, Gavin leaves. 
At the same time, MC saves a cat in the rain with her handkerchief, attempting to shield it from the incoming rain under a roof. She gives it snacks from her bag while sheltering it from the rain. 
Gavin thinks she was nerdy-looking, but couldn't take his eyes off her and watches her from a distance for a long time. He feels out of place standing.
She looks back at him in astonishment, not knowing how long he stood for. 
She smiles at Gavin.
Gavin notes that MC’s smile just like her eyes, were pure and comforting as they start filling his vision. 
The rain starts to get heavier and MC shivers. 
Something stirred in Gavin’s heart as he notices this, and kicks a can in frustration then shelters her with his jacket. 
He runs away as MC shouts, “thank you!” 
She didn’t know it was Gavin who gave her his jacket at the time.
MC goes back and is then told by her fellow classmates that the boy she encountered was the “tyrant school bully”,  and “the Underworld Senior Gavin”, and that she should stay away from him. [Tilted Time- Rumours and Secrets]
MC finds piano dull to play the same songs over and over again.
MC in her spare time practices and sings to Liszt’s Liebestraum No. 3 (Love Dream) for a talent show.
At the rooftop, Gavin is wounded by a gangster’s knife. A gradually intensifying melody is heard. 
Gavin kicks the gangster boss but then is pursued again. Outnumbered, wounded and losing consciousness due to major blood loss, the gangster boss kicks Gavin off the roof. 
Gavin reaches out, to something- anything. 
A heavy, surging melody sounded, transcending through time and allows Gavin to reflect on his past- to his father, to his late mother, and invokes deep reflection and epiphanies. 
Heavy notes seep into Gavin’s ears as he almost hits rock bottom. He feels his limbs emerging with the wind and awakens his wind evol. 
Gavin is now reborn.
The music continued to play. Gavin ends up humming with a bird. 
He then hears MC’s singing.
MC stops, mesmerised by the ginkgo leaves flying through the wind. The ginkgo leaves falling was her favourite time of the year in high school. This vivid sight is still engraved in her memory after many years.
Gavin vows to protect her for the rest of his life. [Campus Date]
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Gavin saved Minor from bullies. 
Minor also happens to be MC’s outgoing, talkative desk mate who sometimes helped old ladies cross the street. How he managed to hang around Gavin and not get beaten up, nobody knew (except us). He would often copy MC’s homework but never dragged her down with him if he got caught. This was MC’s biggest impression of him. 
During science class, MC cooked noodles for Minor on the Bunsen burner when he was hungry. The recipe was Shrimp flavoured instant noodles, mix two eggs in well, then add a dab of sea salt and black pepper. [S1 Chapter 7-1]
Gavin is always at the school gates at 7:30am. Carrying his flat school bag, he orders fish balls at the snack kiosk on the north side of the school. It was the third day in a row that Minor notices this. [Minor’s Memory Book]
Gavin would occasionally travel around on his bicycle. (Pre-debut Sparky??) He says he was good at riding it. [Lost Love Date]
It was hard to find Gavin as he’s rarely at school, so she didn’t see him until 3 days later when MC went to the library at sunset. 
She tries to retrieve “Byron’s Poetry Collection” from the top of a 2-metre shelf, and since Gavin was a head taller, he was able to help her get it. 
He musters up the introduction that he recited many times- but MC quickly thanks him and leaves before he could speak.
Minor notices Gavin watching after MC and that he was SMIL-ING. 
He helps him locate MC and reports that every day after school she would go to the library for afternoon revision, always sitting in the same seat. 
Gavin sat at a corner not far, quietly flipping through textbooks he hated. People who were reading in the library would be driven away because they were scared of him LOL
MC would then leave at 5pm sharp to go back home. 
Gavin commits to walking back 10 metres behind her with Minor every day on forward. [CN Tilted Time Rumours and Secrets] 
Gavin saves Minor from bullies again. Minor dedicates himself to be his “bro”. 
He finds out that MC is an honours student, but doesn’t know that she’s the school orchestra leader. [Mystery Wings Event] and [Mark Date] However, he does know that she’s renowned as the “campus belle/ school flower”.
Minor idly mentions that more people were giving MC love letters.
Gavin tells Minor to collect all the people who were planning to confess their love to MC. Minor doesn’t want to be wingman anymore HAHA
Gavin stared those boys down as they trembled with fear. He tells them to take them back and if they scare her, he’ll make them regret it. 
Minor realises Gavin’s feelings for MC. [Minor’s Memory Book] 
MC eats from a small stall outside the school gate selling red bean puffs. ($3 for one, $5 for two. What a deal!) 
She also encounters the stall that sells sugar figurines [Gift of Life- Sugar Figurine Call]
MC ate chocolate sticks often at school. It's also a memory of student life for Gavin, as well. [CN 2021 March Sign-In Taste of Happiness]
Students would scramble for the small swing set in the school garden. MC never went at lunch breaks, but she watches the sunset on it after school. Gavin is sometimes nearby. MC never noticed him, but she does however notice the ginkgo leaves dancing in the wind. [Mini House Small Happening- Leisure Time]
Gavin isn’t his usual self anymore. He sees MC out in the library everyday and starts reading “5 Years of College Examinations and 3 Years of Sample Questions” (book for colleague entrance examinations).
MC watches a basketball match at school. She calls someone from an away team “dashing” because they won with a dunk. This has been engraved in Gavin’s memory ever since. [Dreamers Date]
Gavin found out that he was very fond of basketball success stories, rushing into the court to try hundreds of shots after. He writes “I will beat you” beside Sakuragi Hanamichi from a Slam Dunk poster alongside “not a step back”.
(Slam Dunk starts out with a boy wanting to play basketball to impress his crush.)
Gavin then injures his head badly :(
He realises that basketball couldn’t help him to protect anything he wanted. He determines that he will do whatever it takes (to “beat” himself”). [Mystery Wings Event]
Gavin leans against a tree as he watches MC hurry down the corridor as she clutches a textbook. [Boundary Rumours and Secrets]
MC would eat pocky. Gavin would eat them too. [2021 March Sign-In Moments]
MC faints during a sports meet because she didn’t eat breakfast.
Gavin hurries to carry her to the infirmary. [CN Delightful Search Date]
He leaves bread and milk before she wakes up.
MC is on duty during PE class, which happens to be on basketball. 
Minor was careless about his aim and the ball almost hit her in the head. Gavin slams the ball away. [Minor’s Memory Book]
Gavin glares at Minor as MC thanks him.
Minor also “accidentally” pushes MC towards him.
Gavin glares again.
Gavin later is continuously shooting hoops. 
MC returns late at night to clean up the gym but all had been returned neatly in the basket. MC wanted to thank him but couldn’t. [CN Basketball Court Date]
There was a school sports competition that they attended. Gavin participated in the 10 lap race and came first by an impressive large measure. [Minor’s Memory Book]
MC participates in the sprint race, too. Gavin is worried about her performance, and if she would faint again. 
Gavin requests Minor to take a photo of her on his phone (which probably ended up as the photo that he carried with him in his early days at special training where the other men teased him about hiding a photo of a girl.) 
Approaching the End of October 
Gavin, Minor and MC are walking home. 
The weather is cold, and Gavin notices MC shivering in the distance. Gavin, conflicted by this, tells Minor to buy MC a hot drink without telling her that it was from him. [CN Tilted Time Rumours and Secrets] 
MC would occasionally spot a hot drink or a carton of strawberry milk in the piano room. [Chapter 31-12]
Gavin one day is conflicted by their early exchange, recalling how MC looks startled at the entrance of the library after seeing each other. His spirit depletes, kicking himself (metaphorically) in the corner of the classroom at how he might have scared her. 
Minor rushes in with a pink bandaid from MC for the wound at his mouth. 
He carefully took that bandaid, treating it as if it was his world’s most precious treasure.
This pink bandaid was always taped on his heart and whenever he stepped into the swamp-like darkness of the night, it gave off a faint warmth. [Mystery Wings Event]
MC starts to notice Gavin everywhere. At the corners of windows, she would see his figure. At the library, he would help her retrieve books from higher places. She would also see books laid out on his table, but most of the time he would be sleeping. Beneath his overlapping arms, he sees “Byron’s Poetry Collection”. Gavin doesn’t understand the poems, though. 
Lord Byron's "Don Juan" - Canto the Ninth, XVI 
"To be, or not to be?" — Ere I decide I should be glad to know that which is being? 'Tis true — we speculate both far and wide, And deem, because we see, we are all-seeing; For my part, I'll enlist on neither side Until I see both sides for once agreeing; For me, I sometimes think that Life is Death,
At the music rehearsal room on the fifth floor, she would see a corner of his shirt in the wind. 
MC thinks Gavin is friendly and slowly lets down her guard. 
At the canteen, he would offer her the last bottle of water. 
She begins smiling at him when they see each other, with the small arcs forming on her lips, soon becoming smiles that made her eyes squint.
MC would walk along the Senior hallways and subconsciously stop at a certain classroom- catching the sight of Gavin sleeping. On one particular day, she sees him standing by the window, staring at the sky. 
Minor asks Gavin if he could form a band with him. Gavin rejects him. He then asks Gavin if he wanted to join the school’s singing competition. Gavin rejects him again, saying that he didn’t perform for unimportant people or have others tell him how well he could play.
MC plays “Falling Slowly” on the piano. Gavin hearing this, learns to play the guitar. He doesn’t know the name of the song but familiarises himself with the melody. [CN Music and the Past Call]
Whenever school let students out early, she would go to Lynn’s Kitchen. MC gets her noodles with clear broth, chopped scallions and a half-boiled egg. Gavin usually gets his spicy noodles with garlic, cilantro, thinly sliced beef.
Gavin remembers her favourite order. 
MC leaves a post-it note at Lynn’s Kitchen, “I might never see you again and I didn’t even get to say goodbye. I miss you”, about a friend who transferred schools. 
Gavin knows she hates people who leave without saying goodbye the most.
Gavin, also in the vicinity near Lynn’s Kitchen, writes a post note.  “Until I met you.” [Mystery Box Game]
He saves Mr Noah’s son from an accident, immediately takes him to the hospital and pays for the medical fees. [Anime]
Gavin dismisses rumours of high school romance. 
“If you confessed on the 7th step of the stairway in the corner of the 3rd floor then it’ll succeed, or if you carved your name and another person’s name on the 6th tree in the courtyard at the back then your misunderstandings will be resolved, or if a guy gave the girl he liked the second button of his uniform on graduation day then the two of them will end up happy together.”
At lunch, he hears MC talking about the second button, and upon seeing her yearning face, he raises his head in thought, suddenly couldn’t wait for graduation. He tears off his second button. [Mystery Wings Event]
Gavin is just in love at this point.
Gavin sees one of the top students stealing money from a shop outside of school. The shopkeeper doesn’t believe him. 
He stops the student on his way home to hand him back the money. 
MC sees him at the alley then leaves.
Gavin spent all the money on a walkman he wanted for a very long time.
Mr Keller was the only one who believed in him. He said to him, “Since you can’t change what others think of you, you might as well just listen to your heart.” This had a great impact on Gavin. [Campus Date] 
In the snowfall, the school allowed additional ten minutes of break time. The class next to MC’s stuffed Minor’s shirt with snowballs.
Gavin thought of helping him with a counterattack but MC had already returned a snowball to the male student who pulled the prank. 
Gavin looks at MC the whole time. [CN Recovery ASMR]
MC overheads girls in her class say that Gavin had bullied students for lunch money that morning. 
MC rides her bike back home after studying at the library for her finals. 
MC sees Gavin being handed an envelope full of money at Lynn’s Kitchen in an alleyway. 
She mistook it for him taking protection money. 
Summer of June 2011
On a humid afternoon, MC looks outside the window of the classroom in boredom. A boy in a loose-fitting school uniform ran by. She couldn’t make out his face. [S1 Chapter 7-23]
MC begins to distance herself from Gavin. She rushes out of class and goes straight home instead.
Gavin is sad. He broods by the piano room, goes to the library to brood, then stares at the place MC sits to brood some more. 
Minor wonders how he’s able to stare all afternoon at an empty space in the library but sleeps all day during class hours. [Minor’s Memory Book]
Before graduation, Gavin’s father expresses his thoughts for Gavin to join the organisation for special training. Gavin refuses, but his father uses MC to influence him to agree. 
Gavin remembers the panic and timidity in MC’s eyes when she first met him. He recalls that moment was probably the hardest to bear in his life.
Gavin in his short period of freedom writes a letter to MC. He ponders about what to say, thinking about their first encounter, and how she started to distance herself from him. But all he writes is-  
“Saturday 9am, I will be at the school library waiting for you.
MC attends the flag-raising ceremony and rehearses her speech. She then leaves to study for her exams. 
Meanwhile, Gavin finishes a fight with other boys from school in an alley after they talk inappropriately about MC. [Old Days Date]
Gavin, bloodied and bruised, asks Minor to make another copy of his letter. 
This is the only thing that Gavin had asked Minor to do so of course, he agreed. [Chapter 7-11]
Minor thinks the letter is a symbol of passion and fierce love due to the bloodstains and decides to keep the original. 
He writes “GAVIN” and places it on MC’s desk for her to see the next day. 
(In the Campus Date, the older MC is the one who finds him instead of Minor and treats him to his injuries. She ends up seeing the contents of the letter to find him later on.)
MC mistakes the letter as a threat and throws it away. 
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That Weekend
Gavin sits for 14 hours in the library waiting for MC, scanning the library every now and then.
With a fingertip, he rubs “Byron’s Poetry Collection” and carefully sandwiches a dried and yellowed ginkgo leaf into the book. He suddenly felt a measure of self-deprecation.
He stands up, and leaves, his heart filled with regret that he didn’t give it to her personally. [CN Tilted Time Rumours and Secrets]
After Summer Break- July 
Minor never saw Gavin, and neither did MC. 
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“We met often, but never passed by each other. I remember every moment I saw you in school. Time, location, weather, your expression, your clothes...
-I remember them all.”
194 notes · View notes
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It all kind of happens in slow motion.
One second, Emma hears the crack of the bat and the requisite roar of the crowd, and the next her eyes have widened to a size most scientists would likely advise against. Because, standing at home plate, that same home plate multiple baseball players are sprinting toward, is her kid. More or less waiting to be run over. That is, of course, until Killian Jones.
Word Count: 4.1K Rating: Flufffy fluff fluff of the fluffiest variety AN: Writing has been something of a legitimate challenge for me in the last few weeks, but earlier this week @ohmightydevviepuu sent a link to this tweet, tagged me, and said what I basically took as an unspoken prompt. Like, you’re going to send me video of a bat boy getting scooped up at home by a player in the middle of the game and then think I won’t write about it? Not possible. Even with the aforementioned writing challenges. Nothing stands a chance against my love of baseball. Here’s hoping the Yankees turn it around in the second half. Neither Aaron Judge or I deserve the season we’ve had so far.
Biologically speaking, Emma Swan is perfectly aware that the current positioning of her heart is more or less impossible. 
Stuck somewhere between the back of her throat and the pit of her stomach, it makes her all too aware of the now-empty chasm in her chest, stretching out toward her arms and threatening the structural integrity of her lungs, neither of which appear all that intent on working properly. Oxygen is a luxury not currently afforded to her capillaries. Instead, nerves mix with anxiety and the telltale flush of adrenaline that probably also makes her look relatively crazy because her pupils are definitely dilated and she does not know nearly enough about science to be making any of these claims. 
Whatever, really. 
It feels like that ooze from that movie. FernGully, Emma thinks. With the fairies. She thinks they were fairies. She’s not entirely certain they were fairies. 
And the ooze was definitely oil, obviously. There was a message involved in that movie. Not one that she appreciated when she was seven and Tim Curry’s animated-oil voice sort of freaked her out. But, like, she gets it now. The environment, and everything. With or without fairies. With Robin Williams, though. 
She’s positive about that, at least. 
Robin Williams was definitely in that movie. 
Less positive about the ability of her heart to actually split itself in half, as it seems wont to do at the moment. So, as to make it easier when it inevitably soars out of her mouth and falls onto the scuffed-up clubhouse floor beneath her feet. Naturally, this will happen simultaneously. For maximum effect. 
Much like the fireworks currently exploding over the left-field bleachers. 
She’s not sure if fireworks do explode, actually. That seems dangerous. Likely to lead to injuries and sounds that don’t resemble the  oohs and ahhs a ballpark generally inspires. Explode probably isn’t the right word. Maybe something more like…detonate. 
No, that’s worse. Way worse. She’s got to learn more words. Find a thesaurus or a dictionary or—a fireworks expert would be ideal, honestly.
Someone who could give her a detailed description of the inner-workings of a Yankee Stadium pyrotechnics display on a Tuesday in July, enough words that Emma’s mind would still for a few moments, allowing her to catch her breath and reestablish a consistent heart rate, and both of those problems could also likely be solved by sitting down, but the chair to her left looks a little wobbly, and her legs appear to have minds of their own because science is rather quickly becoming a lie and—
“Is he alright?” She spins. Nearly falls over. Her knees are also awfully wobbly, that’s why. 
Despite all of that, and the overall circumference of her pupils, the voice doesn’t retreat. Doesn’t even flinch. Shows absolutely no signs of imminent stumbling. And that’s probably because the voice is a man, one who is in possession of world-class instinctual reactions, and his hair is still damp from his post-game shower and it absolutely makes her something of an atrocious mother to acknowledge that last thing as quickly as she does. 
His shirt sleeves are noticeably sticking to his biceps, so that helps too. 
Opening her mouth, Emma is going to say words that are both vaguely intelligent and passably accurate, absolving this Major League Baseball player of any of the guilt he so obviously feels. Which is just patently stupid, really. None of this was his fault. None of it was anyone’s fault, really. 
Except maybe the idiot who left his bat at that particular angle across home plate, but Emma’s an adrenaline expert these days and walk-offs are understandably exciting. First walk-offs more so. 
She’s happy for Scarlet, really. 
They won the game. 
Everything is fine. Great, even. She nearly jumps twenty-six feet in the air at the next boom of fireworks. 
The pinch between the Major League Baseball player’s eyebrows gets—
The little roll of skin draws Emma’s attention, effectively robbing her of the ability to respond like an almost-sane person, but she’s also still trying to rationalize why she can remember the words to several FernGully songs while also being unable to recall what flavor PopTart she had for breakfast earlier this week and she figures watching her kid nearly get run over by professional athletes approximately forty-two minutes before gives her a fairly reasonable excuse. 
For opening and closing her mouth no less than eight consecutive times. 
Like a goddamn fish. There were no fish in FernGully. Least not so far as she remembers. 
It’s entirely possible she squeaks on attempt number five. 
The Major League Baseball player’s eyebrows do not move. It’s equal parts frustrating and incredible to behold. 
“I should probably thank you, right?” Emma asks, not quite regretting the words immediately, but it’s awfully close. That gets her some movement. Of the eyebrow variety. One eyebrow, specifically. Arching up, it somehow still manages to pull her attention directly toward eyes that should be the star of their own marketing campaign. Not quite Yankee blue, but distractingly blue, and it takes everything in her not to huff as dramatically as she wants to. Once the athletic trainer is done with Henry, Emma is going to make him examine her lungs. Rationality rules the day. 
Major League Baseball player shakes his head. It’s dumb to call him that. She knows his name. Knows at least some of his history. Is still staring obnoxiously at his freakishly attractive face. 
Freakishly is kind of mean, too. As far as descriptions go. 
“Unnecessary,” he says, an undercurrent of worry still clear in the letters. Ducking his head, he takes a cautious step forward, almost as if he’s wary of what Emma will do, and she supposes that’s fair. What with the impressive vertical she’s in possession of these days. “Anyone would do that.” “I’m not sure they could, actually.”
At some point in this otherwise shitty experience of a night, Emma is vaguely confident something will go the way she wants it to. Aside from winning. She’s glad they won. Seriously. 
“No?” “No,” she echoes, and it’s not like she can feel him. A few feet of space separates them, so whatever heat appears to be wafting off the Major League Baseball player in front of her, with his damp hair, and stupid, stupid, stupid eyes is as impossible as any of the various impossibilities currently taking place within her person. 
And yet. 
He sticks his hand out. 
It’s disarmingly earnest. 
“Killian Jones,” he says, confidence replacing the nerves, and Emma begins to see why there are so many stories. And Twitter threads. Regarding his face and the potential for that face to date a variety of other attractive faces across at least four of the five boroughs. Somehow Emma doesn’t think Killian Jones, New York Yankees third baseman, is schlepping out to Staten Island for a date. 
Nor does she believe that Killian Jones, New York Yankees third baseman, has ever once let the word schlep pass through his conscious mind. 
She takes his hand. 
It is—
Surprisingly warm. And...not quite soft, that’d be impossible with the job he performs almost nightly. But the calluses on the pads of his fingers aren’t as rough as Emma expects, which also suggests she’s managed to ponder the overall texture of Killian Jones’s fingers in the last twelve point six seconds, and that’s not entirely true. What is true is that Ruby thinks Killian Jones is real good-looking and has determined that the phrase quite a catch is the pinnacle of humor, so, sure, Emma has possibly considered the possibility of paths crossing and intersecting, and her hand looks minuscule wrapped up in his. So, that’s something to think about later. 
Their arms move. Bob up and down as society dictates they should, and he’s smiling at her, and she’s trying not to look like a serial killer, straining to hear the voices behind the door, and it does not work. 
“Why do you think people are so consistently fascinated by fireworks?” If he’s surprised by her absolutely inane question, he doesn’t show it. That’s points. For what, Emma hasn’t totally decided yet, but it’s something, and it’s probably good, and they’re going to play that clip on loop for weeks. Longer, probably. 
Every goddamn day if the Yankees make the postseason. 
When the Yankees make the postseason. 
Her dad wouldn’t appreciate the buffer. Leaves room for loss, and that is not the Nolan way. Not when there are championships to win, and this was supposed to be the best possible time. Smack dab in the middle of the season, with the All-Star break looming, Henry would get to suit up as batboy for one game that didn’t mean much and wouldn’t draw too strong of a spotlight, no murmurs about nepotism by internet trolls who couldn’t possibly define the word with any sort of accuracy, but also like to shout about canceling and culture with an almost alarming sense of self-righteousness, so, of course, the whole thing was now blowing up in their face. 
Much like the goddamn fireworks. 
It wasn’t Will Scarlet’s fault. 
Wasn’t Henry’s fault, either. 
His job was to get the bats out of the field of play. Doing it while the field of play was still active was a mistake any kid could have made. Just so happens that it’s Emma’s kid, and the grandkid of the Yankees’ hitting coach, and that means something to the New York media and the New York fans, and if Killian Jones, New York Yankees third baseman with an arm that can make cross-field throws with ease, wasn’t also so quick-thinking and sure-footed, scooping Henry up as he crossed home plate and avoiding the ensuing swarm of players at home plate, all intent on celebrating Will Scarlet’s first-ever career walk-off, Emma can only imagine what would have happened. 
Trampled. Stepped on. Broken bones. Concussions. 
They’re checking Henry for a concussion now. He absolutely does not have a concussion. He was laughing while he was carried off the field. Like he hit the walk-off. 
Front office is absolutely petrified she’s going to sue them. 
The thought hadn’t even once crossed Emma’s mind. Plus, she’s sort of busy. Holding Killian Jones’s hand. His stupid, warm hand. 
“Bright colors,” he says, responding to a question Emma’s nearly forgotten about. Jumping is more challenging when his fingers tighten ever so slightly. “Flash, boom. Taps into baser instincts, I think.” “You think people’s base instinct is to enjoy explosions.” “Phrasing that as a statement makes me think you don’t agree with me.” “You didn’t want me to thank you,” Emma points out.
“Well, no,” he says, and the precise way his eyes drop does something specific to all of her instincts. Leaves her flush with a heat that reminds her of Fourth of July sparklers rather than any sort of massive explosion, and that’s not bad, per se, although it’s admittedly a little surprising. As is the slight uptick of precisely one side of his mouth. It takes her a moment to realize he’s smirking at her. And another for her subconscious to admit that it’s working as intended. Her shoulders drop half an inch. While Emma pulls her hand back to her side. “Thanking me suggests I did anything to warrant the thanks.” “Big words.” “For a dumb athlete, you mean.” “That wasn’t a question, either.” “No,” Killian repeats, “it wasn’t.” “I’d really like to thank you. I—Dad told him when to come out of the dugout, so he definitely knew the rules, but I think he was super worried about you tripping over the bat.”
The smirk becomes a full-blown smile. Which is no less than forty-seven thousand times more powerful. Equivalent to staring directly into a solar eclipse or gazing upon the dark side of the moon, and Emma should at least do some research before coming up with these internal examples. Basic Google searches would provide her with the necessary information. 
“That’s more or less what he told me, yeah.” Emma’s nose creases. “Talked your ear off after your daring rescue, huh?” “Keep complimenting me like this, and my ego won’t know what to do with it.”
She hopes she’s not blushing as much as it feels like she is. The state of Killian’s eyebrows and the precise curl of his lips make that seem unlikely. “Your reflexes are unparalleled.” “Something about big bucks and why I get paid them.” “Oh,” Emma laughs, unable to stop herself, and she doesn’t remember deciding to stop pacing, only that her knees appreciate it once she has, “you think you’re real funny, don’t you?” “I think I’m moderately funny, not the hero you’re suggesting I am—” “Oh, I never used the word hero.” “—And you never actually told me your name.”
“Because you don’t know who I am.” It’s not a question, either. Neither one of them mention that. 
“I do,” Killian concedes, “Henry was also fairly quick to mention exactly who he was and where his mother was sitting.” Emma’s nose is going to freeze in this position. “But I gave you my name, which makes it only fair that we’re all square and whatnot.” “Whatnot, huh?” “Yup.” He pops his lips on the letter. Which is also unfair. In, like, the grand scheme of the world. The black ooze that is not actually oil when used in this particular metaphor recedes. Leaves Emma with a chest cavity that is partially full of butterfly wings and the growing sense of anticipation that isn’t quite as nerve-wracking as it should be. Like she’s about to step into the batter’s box with two outs and runners in scoring position. She’s totally going to hit against the shift. Fluttering her fingers at her side, Emma doesn’t lift her hand. It doesn’t matter. 
Killian’s eyes drop. To the movement. And her. And part of her shies away from that because part of her has spent a lifetime tucked into a shadow that didn’t belong to her and doesn’t belong to Henry, but now there’s some joke about Peter Pan to be made because they live in an internet-age and Killian Jones has a very good face. So. Viral video, enter stage right. Starring Henry Swan, Killian Jones, and the inevitably uneven pitter-patter of Emma’s traitorous heart. 
“Emma Swan.” “I think you should sit down.”
“Why is that, exactly?” “I’m worried about your legs.”
Whatever noise she makes can’t quite be classified as a scoff. It hurts her throat too much. And it’s not a laugh, either. Even as the butterflies threaten to rise up in mutiny of Emma’s more rational feelings, and she gets the distinct impression that Killian is reading her mind. Trying very hard, at least. 
“Sounds like a line.” “Might be a line,” he admits, which draws another wholly inhuman sound out of Emma’s barely-functioning lungs. 
“Did he kick you on the lift?” Killian hums. “You’d kick too if you were just hauled off your feet, so I understand the reaction. What I’m more worried about is the inevitable bruise on my foot from the bat landing there.” “Ah shit, really?” “I’ve had worse.” “But not in 4K video that people will play on loop for the rest of the news cycle. If not longer.” Narrowing his eyes, Killian doesn’t immediately respond. Mind reading requires a modicum of focus, Emma assumes. Instead, he rests a hand on her shoulder, directing her toward the chair and ignoring the soft crack her left knee as it bends. “That’s what you’re worried about.” “Stop sounding so confident.” “I can only sound how I am, Swan.” “Oh, I’m not sure we’ve reached nickname status yet,” she mumbles, pushing down the soft rush of metaphorical insects doing their beset to soar out of her barely-parted lips. “But, yeah, I—I mean, don’t get me wrong, I was totally terrified in the moment.”
“Understandable. Grown men barrelling down the third-base line at your kid are a lot to take in.” She snorts. It’s not cute. Not dignified. Killian smirks. “Should you be concerned that the Scarlet was making such solid headway behind you? Are you exceedingly slow?” “I am league average.” “How fast can you get out of the box to first?” “I’ve never timed it.” “Liar, liar.” “Please don’t make a crack about my pants,” Killian says, “I won’t be able to cope.”
“Oh God, you think you’re charming, too.” “I’ve had no complaints.” “To your face, at least.”
Throwing his head back, the laugh that erupts out of him is not of volcano proportions. Of which there was also one in FernGully if Emma’s memory is to be trusted.  An arm circles his middle, stretching muscle and ensuring that Emma notices just how corded that same muscle is, the slight bend of his wrist leaving her off-kilter. When he meets her gaze, she swears his eyes are brighter. “Yeah, yeah, that’s true,” Killian concedes, “no one has flat out told me I was lacking charm to my face.” “This thanking you thing is going great.” “And I continue to not need thanks. Why are you worried about the video getting out there? Filmed in 4K like you suggest, at least we’ll all look great. Sharp pixels and whatnot.” “What do you know about pixels?” “You basically heard the extent just now.”
She’s getting better at laughing. The ooze has almost all but disappeared, Emma twirling a strand of hair around fingers that are intent on moving, and it’s an old habit. One Killian’s gaze catches on. Immediately. Quickly. Seriously, Emma needs a thesaurus. “Baseball’s always been my dad,” she says. “And that’s—well, we’ve lived this game, me and my mom, weekend series and West Coast swings, waiting up for him to get home because the flight got delayed, but Henry’s just a kid, getting thrown into this world because of his last name and who his family is? That sucks. Nothing was supposed to happen tonight.” “Nothing did happen.” “Because of you.” “I’d like to believe Scarlet, ridiculously fast as he might be, would not run over a small child,” Killian says. “And, uh, for the record and all that, I got a bad jump off first because I didn’t know if they were going to catch it in left. No one wants to get caught on the base paths.” “Yeah, that’d be embarrassing.”
He must hear the hitch in her voice because the next thing Emma realizes, her fingers are twisted back up in Killian’s, and she’s warm and falling and flying, and it’s good and weird, and the door swings open. 
They both jump.
So, that’s something. 
Rushing out quickly enough that he nearly trips over his own feet, Henry’s head leads the way and finds Emma’s stomach, a tangle of limbs, and overly-excited words, all of which rival the now-finished fireworks display in volume. 
It takes Henry about five and a half run-on sentences to notice Killian standing there. 
His eyes widen. His mouth drops. Killian grins. Emma tries very hard not to die. It only sort of works. 
She blames the faulty body parts she’s in possession of. 
“Killian,” Henry exclaims, clamoring back to his feet and nearly falling again in the process. Hands that belong to both Emma and Killian dart out, steadying Henry while their eyes meet over the top of his head. Killian winks. He tries. It’s more like a blink than anything. “Hi, hi! You did so good tonight! And we won, and I got to go on the field and—and, it was so,” Henry heaves a deep breath, “we were so good.”
Collective pronouns do something to Emma’s entire state of being. 
Flips it on an axis she hadn’t been aware previously existed until it almost feels as if this was the path they’d been directing themselves toward from the start. Her eyes flit toward Killian. Who is already watching her. 
“We did,” he nods, “maybe next time, though, you wait one extra second to grab Scarlet’s bat, ok?” Seeing her own nose scrunch reflected back on her kid is not the worst thing that’s ever happened to Emma. The vibrating phone in her back pocket, might be. 
It’s one-hundred percent, Ruby. 
“That’s what grandpa said too,” Henry grumbles, digging a toe of the cleats Emma’s mother bought him last week into the ground, “but I wanted to make sure you didn’t fall.”
Definitely dying, then. A systematic shut down of all necessary internal organs. It’s not as bad as Emma would have expected. 
Neither one of Killian’s knees crack when he bends. That seems heavy-handed. 
“And I don’t want you to fall either,” he says, “so we agree, right here, right now, not to let the other one fall, huh?” Emma holds her breath. Ignores the pinch in her lungs and the clearly unstable nature of both her mind and her heart, digging her nails into her palms. To ensure she isn’t tempted to haul Henry back toward her. Or push that one strand of hair away from Killian’s forehead. 
Henry nods. “Deal.”
They hook their pinkies together. 
It’s adorable and as endearingly charming as everything else Killian Jones, New York Yankees third baseman, has done since he walked into that hallway. Less so when her dad emerges from the office, the athletic trainer on his heels to not-so-quietly inform Killian that he can’t just blow off post-game like that, and the second wink is as bad as the first. 
She does her very best to memorize the movement. 
And the joy on Henry’s face the next morning when a box arrives on their doorstep, a genuine, game-worn Killian Jones jersey inside. She doesn’t notice the note at first, tucked between the cardboard and the tissue paper someone must have bought for him. He can’t have bought that tissue paper himself. He just—it’s unfathomable. 
Emma knows he bought the tissue paper himself. 
As clearly as she knows that those numbers in that particular order will lead to Killian Jones answering his phone and that her voice likely won’t shake when she replies to the question written in surprisingly loopy script. Which is why, Emma will argue, she does reply. In the affirmative. To several questions over the course of the remaining season, and they don’t star in any more viral videos, but there are a few pictures once they clinch the division. 
Drops of champagne cling to the tips of Emma’s eyelashes and the ends of Killian’s hair, hands on her waist that blaze a quick path up her back and around her middle, and she has to tilt her head up to get the right angles. Of lips. While they kiss in the middle of the clubhouse, the hat someone forced onto Emma’s head falling and it’s impossible to hear over the sound of celebratory fireworks, but she can somehow still hear Henry’s laugh ringing out from the general area near Scarlet’s locker, and his jersey collection is growing at an impressive rate. 
No one can withstand the overall cuteness of him. 
Emma included. Emma, especially. 
Sometimes she worries she’s so happy she’ll burst, unable to contain the sort of emotion her body is still acclimating itself to. But then she realizes just how dumb that is and happiness cannot possibly be quantified, and her head is buzzing enough from champagne that she nearly misses Killian when he says, “people love the bright spots, Swan.” It’s not the most romantic thing he’s told her. Doesn’t crack the top five, quite frankly. She swoons all the same. With her kid laughing and her team winning and that’s about all the sentiment she’s willing to acknowledge before her tongue is in Killian’s mouth. He groans. She grins. 
And he’d been right about the video. It wasn’t the embarrassment Emma worried it could be. Was mostly relegated to the corners of the internet set aside for formerly popular content as soon as the season ended, spoken about only in fond recollection as the other seasons went on and the wins kept coming and all three of them stand on a parade float with the World Series trophy a few dozen feet away, several Novembers after that first game. 
It’s a Thursday afternoon, then. 
And yet Emma never entirely forgets. What the video meant and what it did and she’s not remotely surprised when it finds its way back to the forefront of the sports zeitgeist on a Wednesday in July. Most mentions come with similar taglines and messages. Something about feeling our age and wanna feel old because that bot boy, David Nolan’s grandson, Killian Jones’s stepson, he’s getting drafted now. 
Got drafted, technically. 
Third round, video of the soon-to-be third baseman for the San Diego Padres makes the internet circuits and garners plenty of interest. It’s not the most exciting video, though. Henry just hugs his family. Who hug tightly back. 
What is more exciting is the box that arrives on Emma and Killian’s doorstep. With a note that eventually earns a frame next to the last one and a wholly official, game-worn jersey that has a noticeable streak of dirt across the left sleeve. From sliding head-first into home plate.  
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aitarose · 3 years
tsukishima kei, bokuto koutarou, akaashi keiji, iwaizumi hajime, kuroo tetsurou
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notes: literally going to end up doing these for every character bc i’m obsessed with them omg, they’re not even from tiktok at this point i’m just going off on a simp tangent
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TSUKISHIMA KEI would begrudgingly allow you to bring him to an amusement park, going on and on about how you could’ve been off doing something more productive—only to end up winning you multiple stuffed animals, and drive home with matching dinosaur plushies buckled in the back seat.
“they aren’t going to fit.” tsukki called out, crossing his arms as you tried your best to stuff all of the plushies into the backseat of his car. the various jungle animals and inflated balloons cascaded out the back door, falling to the ground as you sighed in frustration.
wordlessly, your boyfriend stepped forwards, taking them into his own hands and strategically placing them in which they would all be able to comfortably be contained within the vehicle—the only two left outside being the twin dinosaurs he’d won you at the skeeball machine.
“wait!” you stopped him, grabbing the plushies yourself and buckling them into their respective seats. giggling, you admired your work, now holding tsukki’s hand as a warm smile arose on his features.
“you’re ridiculous.” he said under his breath while you looked up at him, reaching a hand up to pull his face down to yours. as you leaned in, a soft smile gracing your lips, you whispered a simple saying. “yet, you still love me.”
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BOKUTO KOUTAROU would give you full permission to style his hair into any updo you could possibly want, having countless hours in front of the mirror—in which you’re both laughing louder than words can describe, faces blood red, and true personalities shining in each other’s presence. 
“stop squirming!” you shouted, one hand smacking the top of bokuto’s shoulder whilst your other held the tube of hair gel. your eyes narrowed in false annoyance as your boyfriend gave you a large pout.
rolling your eyes, you continued with the mohawk that was being born on his head, the strands of black and white hair sticking up straight, nearing a center line—something in a true rockstar fashion.
taking a glance in the mirror, bokuto began laughing hysterically, eyes wide and jaw dropped as heavy gasps of air coughed from his chest—the sound of his humor mixing with your own giggles.
he held up his phone, snapping a quick picture of the sight, before taking the hair styler from your hands, a mischievous grin bearing his face—and with a knowing look, you spun around, awaiting the feeling of his fingers poking your scalp. “just please, don’t pull my hair out.”
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AKAASHI KEIJI will play soft songs on the radio, older and rhythmic tunes that would have the two of you slow dancing for hours—holding each other in the middle of your living room, swaying to the smooth sounds of piano, content in the feelings of love that you express through the gentle movements.  
it was serene—the moments between you and the love of your life. especially the ones in which your holding each other close, bodies touching, and him humming along to old records and musicians.
akaashi’s hands were warm, large compared to your own—and grasping you tightly as being near you was his favorite past time. with his cheek resting against your hair, he pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, whispering sweet nothings to the rhythm of the strings. 
“i love you.” he mumbled, eyes closed shut, heart beating steady, and soul full of love. you were his home, his rock, his serenity amongst the surprises and downfalls of his life. “i love you more than i’ve loved anyone in my entire life.”
hugging him further, you buried your face in his chest, hands gripping each other around his waist, and felt completely and totally content. “you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, keiji. i’m never letting you go.”
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IWAIZUMI HAJIME will occasionally get annoyed with your sporadic nature, much like he does with oikawa—but instead of throwing you into space, he’ll simply toss a blanket over your head, causing you to freeze in shock at the humor in his audacity and starting an immediate pillow fight between the two of you. 
darkness encased your vision as your lips ran dry, mouth dropped open at the notion that iwa had had the audacity to silence you with none other than your favorite throw blanket—the throw blanket that you’d bought him. “hajime.”
“hajime.” you repeated, voice calm and conspicuous, eerie as if it were the steady before a tsunami. pulling the fabric off of your head, you made dead eye contact with your boyfriend. “hajime you have two seconds to run.”
and as the time sprinted away from him, iwa quickly snatched a pillow from off of the couch, sending it flying in your direction as you repeatedly smacked him with one of your own—hard laughs vibrating from the both of your chests.
he ran around the furniture, maneuvering and misguiding you in every way he possibly could, loving the bright red flush on your cheeks and knowing full well that he would be peppering you with kisses later—if he were to survive this pillow fight, that is.
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KUROO TETSUROU will pick you up in the early hours of the morning, right before sunrise, and drive you along the highways of inter-city toyko—just so the two of you can scream out punk lyrics at the top of your lungs with the windows rolled down and tears streaming down your faces.
it was four am in the morning and you were awake—you were awake and the city was awake. the lights of the stoplights, waning moonlight, neon streams enlightening your face—the pure beauty you displayed almost distracting your boyfriend from the road in front of him.
screams alluded from your lungs, you and kuroo singing along to your hype playlist at full volume, occasionally turning to each other and shouting in each other’s faces—tear ducts working on overtime.
these were some of your favorite moments with him, the ones where your energy matched perfectly, chaos reigning over your usual maturity. you and him were alike in more ways than one, making you extremely compatible—extremely in love.
"you look beautiful!” kuroo shouted over the loud speaker, puckering his lips as if to say he would’ve been giving you a kiss if he wasn’t on the highway. with his tousled hair, high-strung eyes, and flawless features—you’d never felt more alive.
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© aitarose.tumblr 2021. if anyone copies, i’ll be sad :(
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lilblog-asatreat · 3 years
ooh maybe "Um excuse me? This is a library. Can you and your noisey friends stop coming in everyday just to be a disturbance?" with taakitz ?
Edit: Oh shit, I forgot to add a link to the song I found that I based Kravitz's performance on! I just searched violin music and this was one of the first things that popped up, and it's really good!!!
The doors to the library burst open with a loud bang, and Kravitz hits his face in the book he has laid out on the table and sighs in irritation. He hears four pairs of footsteps run past him as their owners whoop and holler, and the students sitting at other tables around this section of the library cheer.
"Are you all ready to see the best show you will ever see in your fuckin lives?" The beautiful male elf yells, as usual.
The audience cheers again and Kravitz groans. Every fucking day. He supposes he can just get up and find a quieter part of the library or just go back to his dorm to study, but he shouldn't have to be the one to leave because a group of people decided to be as obnoxious as possible in a place meant for studying.
"Lup! Set these clubs on fire!" The human man says.
Kravitz looks up with horror as the female elf points a wand at the clubs the human man is already juggling, and she manages to set them ablaze without injuring him or setting anything else on fire. It doesn't throw off his juggling in the slightest. The audience goes wild which attracts the attention of a few other students who make their way over to see the spectacle.
This is beyond the point that Kravitz would normally leave, but fear paralyzes him when the human starts getting wilder and wilder with his throws, barely catching the flaming clubs before throwing them higher and higher into the air.
"Careful Maggie, you might set this whole building on fire," the male dwarf chuckles.
"You're absolutely right, Merle, but oh no! They got away from me!" Maggie exclaims as he throws all of them up into the air and steps to the side.
The audience gasps, and Kravitz stands and scoops up his books and violin case, getting ready to sprint out of there. But then Merle points his holy symbol at the falling clubs, and a huge vine comes up out of the ground and grabs them before throwing them back up toward the elves. The male elf points his wand at the clubs, and they explode in a spectacular display of fireworks.
The audience gives a standing ovation as they all take a bow. Kravitz sets his books back down on the table, breathing deeply to try and calm his heart rate. He looks back up at the male elf who is smiling brightly with one arm around his sister. There are still some smoldering embers in the air popping off smaller fireworks, and Kravitz watches as each one lights up his face, making his freckled skin glow briefly with flashes of rainbow light.
Kravitz stands so transfixed by how pretty he looks and his joyous laughter that he almost misses Lup saying, "Who wants to watch my brother fly through an obstacle course of different projectiles?"
Kravitz shakes his head and looks around at the books and bookshelves that start levitating and moving around to different positions in the air. He looks back at the male elf's devious smile before he shrinks into a small dove and takes to the air.
Kravitz has to stop this chicanery before someone gets hurt.
He pushes past some of the students that gathered from other parts of the library until he's standing up front and center. "Um, excuse me? Can you all, like, not do this? Someone is going to end up getting hurt."
They all snort, and the books and bookshelves slowly make their way back to where they belong. Lup steps forward with her hands on her hips and a devious smile on her face. "Don't worry, dude. No one's going to get hurt. We're professionals; we've practiced this routine many times before doing it here."
Maggie and Merle snicker behind their hands.
"Somehow I highly doubt that," Kravitz says, eyes narrowed. "You're students here just like the rest of us, and you're just here to show off, and I don't appreciate you doing that here, in a library, of all places where you're just being a disturbance for people who are trying to study."
The three of them laugh as the crowd around them starts booing at him, and Kravitz feels his cheeks heat up in annoyance and embarrassment. The dove flies down and morphs back into his elf form as he steps closer to Kravitz.
"It's ok everyone, calm down. It just sounds like someone's jealous that he doesn't have as high of a performance skill as yours truly." The male elf says with a smile and a wink.
The audience laughs, and Kravitz's cheeks burn.
"I'm not jealous!" Kravitz splutters. "I can out perform you any day! I just think that it's really inconsiderate of you four to be doing this here instead of out on the quad or something especially if you're going to be playing with fire!"
Lup laughs. "Here that, Magnus? Merle? He thinks he can out perform us!"
Kravitz crosses his arms and opens his mouth to say something, but the male elf cuts him off. "Prove it, hot stuff. Right now, and if you're good enough, we'll consider moving our act somewhere else."
Kravitz's heart pounds in his chest. Sure, he's studying to be a bard and a conductor, but that doesn't mean he likes being put on the spot. Plus, does that damned beautiful elf actually think he's hot?
"Fine." The crowd parts as Kravitz walks back to his table and pulls out his violin case before opening it and pulling out the instrument. He pauses for a moment considering an idea that pops into his head. He feels like if he follows through with it, it would be cheating, but he really wants to win this and to impress the elf.
He makes up his mind, closes his eyes, and starts to play. It's a fast paced and intense song that's full of rivalry and challenge. He knows he's good at what he does, and this song is going to prove it. This song is going to make them dance.
The audience starts clapping in time with the rhythm, and Kravitz opens his eyes and smirks at the look of surprised awe on the elf's face. He can already see him and the other three struggling to not tap their feet in time with the rhythm, and he hasn't even worked in his magic yet. Perfect.
He takes a breath before murmuring an incantation. Instantly, Magnus, Merle, Lup, and the unnamed elf start dancing in place with a yelp of surprise. The audience laughs and starts dancing too, though no magic spell had been cast on them. Kravitz's music catches the attention of more students who are just walking into the library, and they join the crowd to listen too.
Kravitz closes his eyes again and starts moving to the music. He plays through short staccato eighth notes and runs through sixteenth notes and dramatically pulls through the longer notes and gets totally immersed in the song.
At the last few bars, he opens his eyes again and stares directly into the elf's sparkling brown eyes before finishing the song with a dramatic push of the bow. He ends the spell on the four performers, and they collapse in a heap on the ground as the rest of the students clap, cheer, and laugh. Kravitz takes an over dramatic bow and laughs.
Magnus, Merle, and Lup get up from the floor, grumbling slightly and fighting back amused smiles while the unnamed elf gets up, brushes himself off, and walks until he's just a foot away from Kravitz. Up close, Kravitz can count the freckles splashed across his nose and cheek bones. He wonders if his hair is as soft as it looks, glinting in the overhead lights.
"Well, that was quite the performance, handsome, but I have to say, that's cheating." The elf pokes him in the chest, and Kravitz laughs, a blush creeping up his face. "But you did get everyone else dancing and attracted a bigger crowd, so fair's fair. I only have one condition though before we take our performance somewhere else."
"Oh? And what's that?" Kravitz asks with a smirk.
The elf sticks out his hand for a handshake. "The name's Taako, and I need your stone of farspeach frequency."
Kravitz laughs before taking his hand and shaking it. "I'm Kravitz, and here." He pulls out his stone from within his pocket. "We can get it tuned in right now."
Kravitz and Taako tune each other's stones as the crowd of students disperses. They say goodbye and promise to call each other later that evening, and as Kravitz walks back to his table to put away his books, he smiles giddily and feels lighter than air.
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